#seriously where is my wife in stem
website that matches sapphics in STEM with sapphics in humanities so between us one of us can earn a decent income
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sebscore · 1 year
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pairings: charles leclerc x driver!reader // lando norris x driver!reader // george russell x driver!reader // alex albon x driver!reader
warnings: theft. swearing. talks about sexuality and a sexual reference. cops.
author’s note: the idea comes from this ask that someone send my lovely wife! 🥹 I changed it from a car to a camera, because I don’t want my poor baby to have her car stolen :((
“Now that you’ve won Monaco two times in a row, you’re too good to play with us?” Alex teased the younger one as she stood on the side of the public padel court.
Y/N stuck out her tongue at him. “Not the guy in a Williams trying to come for me.”
“Auwch.” Lando said to Alex, impressed by his friend’s comeback.
“We can only play with 4 people, and I’m sure Miss Monaco would love to be umpire.” George argued, giving the young woman an expectant look.
She quickly nodded at the tall Brit, holding her hand up to her head as if she were a soldier. “Yes, sir!”
“No! She can’t be umpire! She’s gonna call all my shots out.” Lando complained, pointing at her.
“She’s not, Lando.” Charles defended her, although there was a doubtful tone to his voice.
Y/N smirked at the McLaren driver. “Well, now I will.”
“See, Charles? We’re gonna lose now.” He told his doubles partner.
“I mean- you were gonna lose anyway.” George started the healthy competitive trash talk.
“OH!” Charles and Lando loudly chorused, pretending to be hurt by his words.
“Warm-up first, or do we just get straight into it?” Alex asked the three guys after everyone calmed down.
Charles, George and Lando glanced at one another. “Just get straight into it? It’s not like we’re gonna take this too seriously anyway.” George suggested, already knowing it would turn into a shit show soon.
Everyone agreed with a small chuckle, and started taking their own respective places on the court.
“Alright, who’s gonna serve?” Charles loudly asked.
“Wait! We should do it like they do in tennis! Deciding with a coin toss!” Y/N suggested.
“You have a coin?”
“I think I have one in my bag! Oh, I also have my camera with me, should we do like a before and after picture?” She snickered.
“That sounds good.” Alex stemmed in, the others nodding as well. “Yeah, I like it when I’m all sweaty and people take pictures of me.” Lando sarcastically joked.
“Basically our job.” Charles grinned.
“They should calm down on all the can-“
“HEY! THAT’S MY CAMERA!” Y/N’s shouting interrupted their small talk, their heads swiftly turning to where she was standing.
They were just about to ask for a clarification when they saw the young woman run after, what seemed, an unrecognizable man that was holding her camera.
“Y/N don’t do that!” George yelled to no avail, not wanting her to get hurt by the thief.
The quartet didn’t hesitate in grabbing their own stuff before running after their unhinged colleague- Lando also quickly took Y/N’s bag in his hands, figuring none of her other stuff should be stolen too.
The five of them watched in frustration as the mysterious man climbed into a car that drove away at high speed.
“We have to go after him!” Y/N yelled, agony on her face at the potential loss of the device. “Did someone come by car?”
Alex, Charles and George shook their heads, while Lando nervously glanced at his friend. “Uh, I did.”
“Norris, please?” She begged, growing more impatient by the second.
“Can’t you just by a new one? It’s really dang-“
“It’s the camera that you bought for me!” Y/N admitted, hoping it would convince the Brit to chase them down.
Fortunately, it worked. “Alright, let’s go.”
“Do all of us go or…?” Alex hesitated following the two youngest ones.
“Yes, Albono! The more, the better! We can ambush them!” Y/N loudly answered, resulting in the whole group following Lando to his car.
There was a collective disappointment as they made it to his car, not expecting his blue Jolly Fiat to be parked there.
Lando spoke up before anyone else could. “Look, if I had known we would be doing a Fast & The Furious, I would have come with another car. Get the fuck in.”
Lando got in the driver’s seat with Y/N taking taking the seat next to him as she knew where they had sped off to.
The three others were about to step in, but quickly found out that there were only 2 seats in the back. “Uh, someone is gonna have to stay behind.” George noted.
“Oh, no, someone can just sit on someone else, it’s fine, I’ve done it before.” Lando assured them.
Alex, Charles and George gave each other a nervous glance. “Uh, so who-“
“Come on, ladies! Get it before those assholes see all the ugly pictures I’ve taken of you guys.” Y/N’s words shut them up and they cramped into the backseats, Alex somehow ending on George’s lap.
“Let’s catch some thieves!” Lando shouted out, although the speed of his Jolly made the moment anti-climactic.
Meanwhile Y/N instructed Lando on where to go, Alex suggested someone call the police- which Charles decided to do since he had the best knowledge of the French language amongst the three of them.
“Why does this thing go so slow?” George criticized the car, a judging look on his face.
“They took inspiration from the Mercedes.” Lando bit back, not appreciating the slander of his car.
Alex, and Y/N snickered at the comment. “More like from Williams.” The youngest corrected.
“Hey, that’s enough!” Alex defended his team.
The attention went from Alex to Charles as he hung up the phone. “They’re gonna dispatch a team, and advised us to respect the rules of the road.”
“Fuck the rules, I want my camera back.” Y/N said, yelling at Lando as he almost went the wrong way.
“You’re not being a good navigator right now!” He screamed back.
She groaned at him. “I’m literally pointing at where you’re supposed to go!”
“You’re not pointing good enough!” The two 23 year-olds start bickering back-and-forth with one another, much to the dismay of the other three men in the small car.
“Why are they always like this?” Alex whispered to George and Charles.
The both of them shrugged their shoulders. “Unresolved sexual frustrations is my guess,” he mumbled, “at least on Lando’s part, I’m still not sure what Y/N is.”
The Williams and Ferrari driver snickered at George’s answer, somehow understanding what he was referring to.
“Are you gossiping about me, Russell?” Y/N suddenly turned around in her seat, catching the Brit off-guard.
He merely shook his head, his eyes widened.
“Good, you wouldn’t want the others to know what you’ve been up to.” Despite the sweet smile on her face, the threatening tone to her words made the Mercedes driver feel uneasy.
“THERE!” Y/N’s loud voice made the entire car flinch, Lando momentarily letting go of his steering wheel.
“Y/N ARE YOU CRAZY? WE COULD HAVE CRASHED!” Alex scolded the young woman, almost falling out of the car as he was still seated on George’s lap.
“I’m sorry, Albono,” she smiled sheepishly, “but look, the police stopped them.”
The four men in the car let out a collective sigh of relief, glad their adventure was over.
Lando parked the car on the side of the road, behind the thieves’ getaway car. They could see a cop walking over to them.
“You called?” He asked in French, glancing at the five of them.
The drivers shamelessly looked at Charles, the man internally rolled his eyes at them, but he answered his questions.
After some questions back-and-forth, Charles pointed at the woman in the passenger’s seat.
“Y-your camera?” The cop asked in a heavy French accent.
Y/N nodded her head, a polite smile present. “Yes.”
“Would you, uh, mind filling out a little paperwork in the combi? You’ll get your camera back as well and can check if there’s any damage.”
“Sure, no problem.” She gave her colleagues a smile, and made her way towards the large cop car.
The four drivers remained quiet as the cop didn’t follow Y/N, instead lingering around Lando’s car. “It’s a Jolly?” He asked.
“Yes!” Lando answered, cringing at his over-polite voice.
“Aren’t those for just four people…” The man gave the four of them a stern glance, raising an eyebrow.
They awkwardly chuckled, not knowing what to properly answer. “Uh, well, you know, our friend, she, uh-“
“I’ll let it slide, this one time only!” The cop raised his index finger, indicating this would be the one and only time he’ll let them get away with it. “And don’t speed around. I know you guys are Formula One drivers, but you also have to respect the rules.”
“Yeah, we will. Thank you so much.” George thanked him in name of everyone.
Y/N came walking back to the car, a happy look on her face as she had her camera back. “It’s not damaged!” She excitedly told them.
“That’s great, Y/N.” Lando was relieved his present for her hadn’t been broken.
“You guys are free to leave, but next time I’ll have to give you a fine, alright?” The cop reminded them one more time.
“It won’t happen again, thank you so much.” The group of five chorused several sayings of gratitude, before driving back to the sports center.
“Well, that’s going to be a fun story.” Charles snickered, dimples on display.
The others laughed, only then realizing how bizarre this whole situation was. “I don’t think people are even going to believe this.” George noted.
“Oh my god…” Y/N mumbled.
The heads of her four friends turned towards her. “What is it? Is something wrong with the camera?” Lando asked, concerned about the device.
“Those fuckers took a selfie with it!” She exclaimed, disbelief written all over her face.
“Look at this,” she handed it to the three guys in the back, the small screen showing the two men in their getaway car, “who fucking does that?”
“Well, at least we have proof now…”
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
I’m sorry but just IMAGINE Eloise and Cressida as parents?!
Cressida would 100% be a full blown PTA mum, planning all the best events for her children’s school.
Eloise would inevitably be dragged along to help decorate and somehow end up agreeing the directing the school play - because she’s read the book a MILLION times! And “Couldn’t possibly let them butcher it.”
They’d have two daughters and a son. Aged, 5, 3 and 6 months. Lunet, Maeve and Benedict Jr.
Eloise would try sneaking treats that Cressida had baked for a fundraiser. Getting caught with frosting on her mouth, she swears blind to her wife she a no idea where it came from.
Cressida baking special cookies just for Eloise to eat! 😭
Eloise would read to the children every night, Cressida insisting she’s just there to tuck them in but ultimately sat across the bottom of the bed to listen too.
Cressida will often insist Eloise continues reading despite the fact the kids are already asleep, and they will have to reread that chapter again the next evening!
Uncle Benedict would love taking care of the children so their mothers may enjoy a walk or weekend alone 🥹 “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Though I suppose that doesn’t leave a lot.”
Uncle Colin and Aunt Pen would already arrive with an array of wonderful gifts. Eloise has a shelf of trinkets, many from Cressida and her family. Stemming from rocks, sea shells and pressed flowers to tiny figurines and bottles of sand from Colin’s travels.
Eloise secretly adores that Cressida insists on hanging Benedict’s painting’s in their home.
Eloise will often return home to Cressida and Violet sharing tea in the garden - Violet cannot go more than a few days without visiting her grandchildren.
Aunt Daphne and Cressida would take great pride in buying the children the cutest shoes and outfits - much to Eloise’s dismay when she finds her youngest in a ‘hideous’ bonnet. “Well what has she got this monstrosity on her head for? Oh my sweet girl don’t worry mummy will protect you from the taffeta.”
Eloise often getting emotional when spending time alone with her wife and children, free of any distractions. Forgoing her book to simple watch Cressida and their toddler play in the grass with wooden blocks.
Cressida tired at the breakfast table a child on either knee, as Elouise and their eldest read the newspaper out loud. Gently kissing their temples and stirring her tea.
Eloise and Cressida often indulging in a sneaky cigarette together at the end of a long week. Hidden out on the balcony to their room - their children fast asleep in the next room. Often shushing one another when their giggling threatens to wake them.
Eloise nearly having a ‘heart attack’ seeing her child on a horse for the first time, insisting her wife is insane and she’d prefer both ‘her girls’ back on the ground.
Cressida being the good cop, Eloise bad cop in many matters. I truly believe Cressida would be the biggest softy towards their children.
Eloise helping the children with their school work, whilst Cressida knits across the room (Cressida is utterly no help academically.)
Violet often insisting on taking the children for the evening because her home is simply ‘too big’ and Cressida and Eloise are ‘still young’.
Cressida and Eloise often opting to enjoy their meals in the form of picnic. Packing up the children to spend the evening down by the river.
Cressida rolling up her sleeves and teaching the children to skim stones.
Eloise sat waiting to aid them all in drying off when they’re done. The baby resting upon her chest.
Eloise often scolding Cressida more than the children, her wife simply brushing her off with terms of endearment or a kiss.
Cressida taking birthdays very seriously, waking up early to decorate the house. They keep Violets birthday hat tradition well alive. Eloise made her one their first birthday spent together and she still has it. Violet cried when they did the same for her.
The entire family often visit for long weekends and dinners - Eloise and Cressida opted to live in the country where there is more privacy and space for them.
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anniflamma · 5 months
so…I spent like hours thinking hard on this and I can’t believe I came up with this..mind you this is my own Crackhead theory so don’t take anything I say seriously but it goes.
me and my aunt were eating dinner and talking about mythology and I told her about a really Christian man coming up to me and saying “because you don’t believe in god and Jesus you will go to hell” and my Pegan but said “cool ima go pet a three headed dog” and then my aunt told me “well Christianity doesn’t really makes sense to me because where the hell did it come from because the first prominent religions were ones such as Greece and Roman beliefs”
and that got me thinking, so I decided to do some thinking.
and I got some connections so Chaos is like the lord right? The very first and most powerful, and he created the primordials, that created the titans and so on, and then Zeus came along and screwed everything up right? Then a few hundred years later Persephone or what mortals at the time called her Core, and after our lovely goddess of spring starting taking care of all of the mistakes, such as taking care of the rejected children of Zeus and others, so I was like who the hell is her dad because she has the power of nature from Demeter but where did she get her chaotic power from? Her father can’t be Zeus because she doesn’t have any power of the sky, and it can’t be Posiden because she has no power of any body of water..
then I remembered Demeter prayed and begged for a daughter..and the fates are directly tied to Chaos so Chaos gave Persephone to Demeter..CHAOS IS PERSEPHONE DAD!! It makes sense to me when I think about it really hard..
and I also realized because the oldest version of Persephone was so feared..but because of *cough* Christian writers a lot of those stories changed because of that. Sadly I don’t think a lot of people know that.
okay enough of my rant I hope that shines Al title light in my head.
That is an interesting take and connection! To be honest, syncretism and the evolution of religions and cultures are my biggest hyperfixations. Well, I grew up Christian and now hyperfixate on the Bible with a more historical and cultural perspective. So I'm not really as confused when it comes to the Christian religion. If you have any questions, just ask, and I will try my best to answer them!
The thing with European religion is that almost all of them stem from Proto-Indo-European mythology. And that includes the Abrahamic faith (which makes many people feel very uneasy). This is why the planet Venus is almost always female and the sun is male, and so on and so forth! Many people don't know that the Hebrew Bible starts off as henotheistic (believing that many gods exist but worshipping only one of them, while it is acceptable if other people worship other gods). Then it rapidly becomes monolatristic (acknowledging that many gods may exist but only worshipping one of them, and it is not acceptable if other people worship other gods) and then ends with being purely monotheistic. Of course, the Bible has been edited and changed to make it fit more with the monotheistic view, such as removing acknowledgments of the existence of other Canaanite gods. And removing the goddess Asherah, God/Yahweh's wife, and replacing her name with "the grove" or just the Holy Spirit. And the Christian faith did get syncretized with Roman/Greek pagan faith. There is no hell in the Bible, but there is an underworld! It's called Sheol, the "land of gloom and deep darkness." But there is no deep dive on what Sheol really is or how it was in the bible. It was just the underworld where all the dead people went. However, Sheol pretty much got paired up with Hades in the New Testament because both of them were the name of the underworld, so it just made sense, right? But the Greeks also had Tartarus, which is the place in Hades where you get tortured for eternity. And that is where the Christian hell pretty much stems from, it's just Tartarus but with Satan....
This is just a rough generalization, and the whole thing is more complex than what I have brought up here!
I don't think, though, that it was the Christians who changed Persephone. Kore (Persephone) was already really old before Christianity became even a thing. It's a really young religion compared to the Greek gods. 😅
But the concept of Christian saints was created in a way so it would be easier to convert pagans. Instead of removing the traditions, ceremonies, and celebrations, the god they worshipped was switched with a saint that could fit the description of that said deity. So Saint Sebastian is pretty much just the Christian version of Apollo. A twink God of archery, sports, healing, plagues, and gayness was replaced with the twink saint of archery, sports, healing, plagues, and accidental gay awakening. A COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!! This is my crackhead theory!!!
And about witchcraft. Even the Bible thinks that not all witchcraft is bad. What I understand is there is good magic and bad magic. Necromancy is one of the bad ones. King Saul performed necromancy and brought Samuel's soul back, and that pissed Samuel off so much that he cursed Saul's whole family. But then we have good magic, like I dunno Jacob makes some weird unclear stuff with his sheep, and they become really healthy. I think the only thing Jesus said about witchcraft was like: "yeah, you can use your magic for good, and that is a good thing, but you don't need it if you already believe in my Father"!
There is a whole weird rabbit hole on Christian syncretization with the Greek gods....
Then we have the ancient history of where exactly God/Yahweh comes from. There is this popular theory that scholars think Yahweh most likely comes from the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon. And around the economic collapse during the Bronze Age, the worship of then Yahweh became isolated, which created the ancient Hebrews. Essentially, it started with an ancient warrior-storm god that became a god of the whole world. And I'm not even going to start with Gnosticism! What is like Christian Polytheism but with steroids!
I'm gonna stop here! Sorry I kinda derailed!
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
some highlights from this 2004 adam norris money marketing profile:
"There are few managing directors younger than Adam Norris of Pensions Direct, the pension arm of Hargreaves Lansdown. At 33, he has achieved a higher level in the industry than most do in their entire career." "Norris quips that early retirement would be readily available to him yet it is a very unattractive option. 'I do not believe in going to the office for the sake of it. I enjoy every day of my working life. I am lucky enough that my work is also my hobby. The day I stop enjoying it is the day I will retire.'" "He also takes his hobbies very seriously and, before entering financial services, spent a year in Europe pursuing a career as a tour cyclist. He trained in Belgium with the hope of becoming a serious competitor in the Tour de France. While not making it as a professional, he did come back to the UK with a new outlook and a wife." "Yet Norris maintains he still only works regular hours and prefers not to work later than 5.30pm if he can help it. He refuses to take work home. 'It is a matter of working smarter rather than harder, which is something we need a lot more of in the financial services world.'" "Comments like these demonstrate Norris's forthright pragmatism, that seems to stem from his structured, mathematical training as an engineer and his hard-work ethic, which he says is a result of growing up with dyslexia and needing to work things through. 'I have become very good at learning and observing the world through truly different eyes to everyone else. If you cannot spell, who cares? Working out solutions to difficult problems and understanding the world we live in is vastly more important.' This is a tenet he aims to pass on to his children through real-life experience. He has bought a small farm in the West Country where he has sheep and other animals. 'Real-life experience is most important for a good grounding in anything. I am always conscious that financial services is a world unto its own and, the more of the outside world you see, the saner and more balanced you are.'" "Education: BEng, University of Leicester Career: 1993-95 financial adviser, Acuma; 1995-98 IFA for small brokerages in Bath and Bristol; 1998-present managing director, Pensions Direct, the pension arm of Hargreaves Lansdown Career ambition: To be the biggest shareholder in Europe's biggest IFA Life ambition: To enjoy every day Hero: Doesn't have one Likes: Jam sandwiches Dislikes: Marmite Drives: Porsche 911 convertible"
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cringefaecompilation · 11 months
okay it is now morning and i am here to talk about people in this fandom being weird about ashley johnson's characters but mostly fearne because i am way too in love with fearne for my own well-being.
because it doesn't stem from nothing. a lot of ashley's characters got truncated by her irl jobs where she was forced to miss sessions and a lot of people would rather just roll with her not being there rather than take the time and effort to give her more detail. oh, that's pike. she's grog's little buddy and likes scanlan. oh, that's yasha. she's mollymauk's best friend and beau's girlfriend. unless you're a massive fan of them or of ashley then nobody really talks about them outside of set dressing for fanfic.
and now that ashley is a full time cast character with fearne, i don't think people know what to do with her. they can't just file her away because she has strong ties to not just the other pcs, but to the overarching story of the entire campaign. and she's not this subtle, quiet, stoic or a devout gentle cleric that they can mill down into being "mom friends" 🙄, she is big and bold and in your face and full of energy! she takes the spotlight and runs with it! she's so far detached from what people assume An Ashley PC is that people aren't sure how to approach her. so, unfortunately, she and her backstory is oft ignored for the sake of other characters she's related to.
and it's not just any particular ship that does this more than the others, it's pretty much every single campaign ship that has ever been made. fearne is simply either a wingman to ensure the author's favorite OTP gets that little nudge in the right direction or she's the goddamn trophy wife for whichever character she's shipped with (not you imogearne fans, you are a delight to have around). and all of her interactions or decisions EVER are played off as jokes or flirting.
i want people to talk about the coin flip without making her out to be selfish! i want people to talk about her own fears about rudius and being ruidusborn and how she's worried it'll affect her and the fact that if ludinus wins, it'll destroy the feywild (i feel like literally everyone forgot that?), i want her to be open about all the times she's almost died and how much she loves unconditionally and how it intersects with her own honest-to-god fears about actually being in a serious relationship. AND THE SHARD THAT'S SHE'S SCARED OF TAKING MAC I BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT THE SHARD-
my point here is that fearne is an actual character outside of ships and shipping drama and "The Bit" that has fears and anxieties just like the rest of them. if you can complain that people don't take chetney seriously or if people are too harsh on orym or that people think all of sam's characters are jokes then why can't she get any respect on her name?
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cosmicmordecai · 1 year
In the Defense of Saw Gerrera......
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Ever since I've rejoined the fandom few years ago, my blog gets notice for a lot of pro-Jedi arguments and sentiments but I don't always get the time to talk about another character in the franchise who gets grossly mishandled by fans: Saw Gerrera.
A lot of fans like to prop up his character as a showcase of "extremism" that makes the Rebels not the quissitessinal good guys and vindicate the Empire, giving them a legitamate reason why they do what they do.
Today, I'm going to call out some things I believe are important to remember about the character.
"Saw's methods hurts the Rebellion more than it helps"
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I've seen this sentiment come up a lot, especially after his appearance in The Bad Batch. In canon, there are certainly people who think that, chiefly Mon Mothma (The Rebel Files, Rebels) but the consensus within the Alliance until it's official formation is that they cannot be picky and that he and his PARTISANS are KNOWN for getting jobs done.
And say what you want about his methods, but the Alliance themselves have more than one time asked for his help and even when they didn't like him whatsoever. And when they didn't, it hurt THEM badly.
In Leia: Princess of Alderaan, Bail is big mad because he killed Moff Panaka, believing he was more sympathetic and didn't like how it almost costed his wife/daughter's life (despite the fact the Partisans had no clue they were meeting). Despite all the hubup and Bail getting bigmad, it actually saved Leia, as he was about to reveal to the Emperor that based on the resemblance, she had to be Padme Amidala's daughter.
In Rebel Rising novel, Saw explicitly talks about how he doesn't like how they prioritize things but remain critical about his methods. One of his former Partisans, Idryssa, went to form her own group in the Rebel Intelligence but found when she wanted to help liberate Tamsye Prime of slavery, the Alliance High Command didn't believe it was worth their time to fight, prioritizing other unnamed dilemmas. She ended up going to Saw in hopes he could do a recon mission that'll give her valuable intellgience. He lambasts her for it, telling her it's ironic she had all the ideas to help the galaxy but could only hope people like him do the dirty work. For context, that part of the story is where Saw gets invited to the Alliance (despite doing the worse thing he's done in canon), which he accepts the mssion for FREE, and it is that mission that created the reason why Jyn was abandoned (ill get to that later).
In the episode "In the Name of the Rebellion" for Star Wars Rebels, the Jaliandi Station the Empire established essentially made it possible for the Empire to quickly respond to any distubances, including a mission Hera was on that was botched unexpetedly. The episode, while grooming over Gerrera's methods, also mentioned that he already warned them about it and they ignored it, paying the price for it. This stems from the fact all their tactics are going to, ultimately, come to a "peaceful resoultion". They also try salvaging this by wanting to plant a tracker so they can also listen into communications and adjust their strategy. Both Ezra and even Hera herself believe it's a damn useless tactic and destroying it was the best option. Plot tiwst: it was. Empire took a L.
Rogue One had a big point that the Rebel leaders were unwilling to act decisively and Rebels had shown that for YEARS, Saw warned them that the Empire were building a superweapon. The reason he wasn't listen to? According to The Rebel Files, Mon Mothma dismissed him entirely on grounds that it was too extreme even for Palpatine and that she doesn't like his line cynicism. It took confirming the Death Star to convince her and High Command to talk to Gerrera and/or take him seriously, who has since cut contact with them altogether.
The Bad Batch is the most recent of these examples as his attempt to kill Tarkin and higher up leaders of the Empire led to a series of events that cumilated to Tech's death and TBB's eventual capture. A lot fans wanna blame Saw despite the fact that they interrupted HIS operation and he was planning to assassinate both Krennic and Tarkin included. Tech has a "counterpoint" but as the audience, we know thsoe two are instrumental to the Death Star and given Rogue One's context, the Empire wouldn't have been able to have a Death Star BECAUSE the research on kyber crystals came from Galen, who was a FRIEND of Krennic (to an extent; Galen wasn't favoring him that had especially later), and after Order 66, a lot of experts on that field were killed or they hid because they knew anybody involved with Jedi was gonna get hunted too. Saw would of killed two importantfigures in the Empire in one fell swoop and lets not forget it was TBB that alerted the Empire in the first place and he was doing it in YEAR 2, when the Empire was still up and coming and had a leadership deficit.
Both the Rebels and TBB show gave counter points with comparing his tactics to instead using it to gather intel. I wanted to address the fact that despite what Tech and one of the guys in High Alliance state that ultimately, they were WRONG: the Jailandi relay being destroyed was a all out positive and Tarkin and Krennic's respecitve connections is what brought to fruition two big parts of the Empire and you couldn't replace the leadership capability Tarkin had. It is literally no surprise in canon, the Empire fell apart in 4 years even if they were close to winning but even in that timeframe, both Sidious and Vader had to be more direct in their approach and the galaxy was quickly against them.
One of the real reasons the Alliance had problems was because of their leadership; it was a known fact that in general and especially after Bail's death, High Command would only act dependent on Mothma or otherwise be indecisive and stall. Her core belief was on searching for a peaceful resolution and she stood on that hill to the point she ERASED Saw contributions while being okay with it if it were her friends that did it, as according to Bloodlines, there have been at LEAST 2 instances prior to the destruction of the Death Star the Rebellion under her leadership engaged in "terrorist tactics", one that involved slaughter.
In fairness, Mothma had a problem with her camp (Rebel Intelligence) using those tactics but at the end of the day, guess what? She endorced Draven, even when he got on his mysoginistic bullshit with Jyn. The Alliance's own propaganda department had to start lying/exageratting because they found out ignorant people will not listen to the truth (shocker). [Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy] And guess what? She signed off the destruction of the Death Star, which totalled to about 1.5 million deaths, the majority being civilians and low-ranking officers dedicated to maintaining it. (Bloodlines) Mothma spent YEARS ignoring, underplaying, and erasing Saw's influence, contributions, and her problem with him was personal, as essentially, she didn't like how Saw both underline the very methods she will have to endorce/support/perform one way or another and that his actions didn't benefit HER, as he was on that "IDGAF about her methods" team. All that and she ended up having to support doing the more morally repugnant things he said she would have to do.
In short? It's complex but Saw doesn't inheretly actually hurt the Rebellion in any special way, despite what the Empire propaganda in universe claims and some opinions of characters (typically Mothma).
"He is a short-sighted fool who just blows stuff up"
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Another big claim I see fans put out here is that Saw lacks forsight and doesn't think things through. It's a hilarious thing because the "short sighted fool" was the only one who saw the the Death Star coming YEARS before anybody suspected otherwise. Characters spent so much time writing him off, trying their hardest to contend with it, and wanted so badly for him to just do things their way even when he told them they were fighting an enemy who plays dirty and didn't care about people.
Funny enough, Leia in canon (by the time she led the Resistance) doesn't actually hold too must amnimosity for Saw because at that point, the New Republic paid the price for playing with Mothma's mindset, the First Order took advantage of her compassionm, the Rebellion/New Republic's still possessed indecisiveness without a clear leader telling them what to do, and the Rebellion/New Republic did not learn their lessons when it comes with dealing with the Empire when they were the leading government. Leia had to create her own militia to fight the First Order and they didn't have no allies for a while. She actually thinks they owe him a lot (The Rebel Files)
Saw said it in Rebel Rising: it'll take a tragedy, the galaxy can't ignore it to get people actually united. And guess what? It happened...3 times over: the 2 Death Stars got people working together after the destruction of Alderaan (Jedha too except in universe, a lot people still bought Jedha being destroyed in a "mining accident") and Palpatine publically announcing himself alive was the only thing that got people to come together against the Empire/First Order/Final Order. The latter happened 35 YEARS AFTER HIS OWN DEATH.
I don't personally agree with his actual methods typically but lack of foresight my ass. Dude had foresight on a level comparable to a Jedi and he has no Force sensitivity. He called out the Death Star and knew what it'll take for the Alliance to get their shit together.
"He's a hot-head, self centered, paranoid leader who hurts his own allies"
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I've seen a combination of things, especially regarding his character youthful appearances in Clone Wars/TBB, that suggest he is a hot-head, that he is paranoid (usually spoken in retrospect to his later appearances), and that he doesn't care for his allies. I've seen people in fanfiction try to say he burns people when they outlive their usefulness or claim he on'y is worried about his own skin.
That's especially not true. There's a reason why he parallels as a non-Force senstiive version of Anakin Skywalker; they are both hot headed, they are both competent leaders, they hate slavery and indentured servitude with a passion, their best trait is the care and compassion they have for others in which they subvert with logic and reasoning and it isn't always easy for them, and they are respectively feared in similar ways. With that said, there are some difference
Saw does possess compassion even with his darkness; he is willing to protect his Partisans and not risk their lives. Even though he loves them, he also KNOWS some of them are on that "Fuck them kids" team (which he is not all okay with) and typically tries doing good things for them, he "abandonded" Jyn (she knows why but she refused the explaination) because his own group were wanting to use her as a extortion tool for Galen, which didn't sit right with Saw. He genuinely likes Ezra and Sabine too. He likes Megyn. He was willing to help refugees displaced by the Empire way back since TBB. There's a reason for his own databank saying "Saw loses much in his decades of combat, but occasional flashes of the charismatic and caring man he once was shine through his calloused exterior". Even in his more morally bankrupt decisions like adopting Jyn as a child soldier, he explains he does it because he recognize that child innocence will not protect her from Stormtroopers and evil who don't care and rather teach her how to survive and fight for herself. And he genuinely teaches her everything he knows. She is a good foil for Leia for a myraidof reasons.
That man had inhailed Genosisian insecticide from a mission and chemical burns from saving Jyn's life and that man still fought. He apprently lost his leg the same year he died in and he was almost willing to keep fighting even when he was going off his rockers towards the end.
In all, it's again complicated when you get all things but he is not this cold man who abandons his allies at the first sign of trouble. He is one of the first original rebels, the Empire's most wanted person that isn't a Jedi or in the Alliance (tbf, he was dead then), and one of the most deadliest rebels the Alliance had without factoring in Jedi.
The real reason fans don't like him
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Let be for real; a lot of people don't like Saw is because he parallels a lot with Mon Mothma, who is a white privilege woman who emobdies the traits associated with heroes (restraint with enemy, peaceful resolutions, "rising above to be better") though unlike Jedi, she is going to be judged differently because she won't have to worry about the responsibility of the Force and it's relation to a character's mindset. She is on the side of the protagonist whe emobody these similar traits so Saw is always going to be seen as "wrong", even when the good guys run headfirst into his methods like gundarks seeing headlights. That's not to say she doesn't have her own points, reasons, stife, and whatnot but fans in this fandom wanna side with "Mommy Mothma" for a reason.
Another reason is that he is a black character and unlike Mace Windu, he HAS crossed lines and does things morally repugnant and distasteful. That I will never argue. However, people love having black characters like that to vindicate and excuse their racist behavior; there were people on tumblr making actual comments about having a mob and lynching him after bein blamed for Tech's death and tried to pass it off as a joke. I have never seen peole wanna lynch mob Anakin Skywalker for killing younglings but they'll go talk about it for their residental, white-washed favorite boi (he's my favorite too btw) onto Saw and thought they were slick all the while pretend Tarkin isn't there or "Well he's a villain so it's expected". Got people out here making headcanons about how all the Clones hate Saw for what happened to Tech or xyz knows when most likely, they don't know or don't care like the way they think their faves would.
What personally frustrates me about this and why I'm invested in even calling this out is because, in all, this fandom will have people ask for nuance and looking at things beyond the surface but the moment the concept is rooted in ideas outside Western ideals or the character in question is a person of color or at least is "coded" as such, they lose their mind and spread the most surface level of misinformation and Saw is no exception.
Saw doesn't represent the favored protagonist; he does not follow their logic and mindset, isn't conventinally attractive to people in ANY iteration, and he is a BLACK MAN in a story about fighting oppression and tyranny using some of the Empire's curelty against them. It aint no surprise and yall not slick.
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blacktoothcomics · 7 months
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because i am SH*T at remembering things, here is a masterpost chat and contacts list (only mutuals can respond and reblog, safety first chickadees!) :
@blacktoothcomics -- ezra, he/they. unemployed and officially disabled. i share a town incredibly accidentally with jason mewes, like sold the man groceries during covid and had a fun little chat; certain now that kimmie's ghost has been watching over me.
@clearlyafandomblog -- rae, ezra's very strong wife. internet curation and social justice. extrovert. icon. genius. i lose all my grammar when i am around her. turned the proudest man you know into a simp. settled this bachelor. adopted this hobo. holder of ezra's lifedebt, but firstly and foremostly a loyal comrade.
@cuppa-decaf -- jeff, may or may not be pretending to be 15 again with ezra, they were well past age 21 whenever they drank together in public but it was still good anarcho fun to play chicken with the cop under the fireworks that night.
@silentlia -- silent, she/her. super groovy author, illustrator and social theorist that ezra met on roleplay repository dot com. excellent taste in wrestling theater, cultural migrant awareness, and games both video and tabletop alike.
@gracelithorizon -- the comic collaboration between ezra and silent, for free to everyone to enjoy or ignore at your leisure! (please share any similar projects of your own, if you wanna contribute blog curation or make requests and changes to this masterlist also, or do none of that cos im not ur parents)
@bettie-jettatura -- bettie, she/her. childhood cousin (?) to jeff and teenhood chum to ezra. no beatnik movement would be complete without a bettie, and that's all i'm gonna say about [redacted] with the body in that factory down [redacted] street, lmao, you know the one.
@anurognathusvilheimium -- vilheimie!! kermit noodle arms flappy yayyy dot gif!! a beleaguered STEM professional living in chemical-train-crash-noxious-fumes country. doing his best at all times and deserving of as much vacation as you could possibly give.
to get list:
vilheim, he could use some goofiness poor mans working with factory town republicans
marissa, for obvious reasons
reggie if he's down for only strictly clowning (no bad vibes allowed, no music supremacy)
oh, melee!!
and peanut.
codeine + crew, possibly
and anyone YOU people think would enjoy dumb radical performance art in a supportive and science-positive everything-ology interest group. to be taken as seriously or as stupidly as you wanna, baybee, ezra had to smoke a lot of weed to be comfortable typing in the third person (but that's just, like, creative journalistic formatting shh it's fiiine)
yell @ ppl here! message me (blacktoothcomics, ezra) to get your user or blog name added to my follow / mutuals and thus tagged access to reply in this post. i have to know you irl to list you here, sorry!
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anemicjellyfish · 2 months
Nobody asked, but here's my guess on Stella's backstory:
Someone on the writing team (probably Viv, but I can't remember) mentioned Beatrice Horseman as some sort of inspiration/influence on Stella's character. I've seen Bojack Horseman, and I'm familiar with her character.
Thing is, we haven't had much more of the Goetia family other than Stolas, Octavia, Stella, and Andrealphus; the rest of the Goetia have only existed in the background and haven't had any dialogue.
Therefore, guessing their dynamic is a little tricky. We can't necessarily assume all Geotia are related by blood, despite fictional royalty often falling into incestuous relationships to continue their bloodline, because we just do not know that yet.
So my guess is that Stella and Andrealphus have no claim to the "Royalty" part of the Goetia family. Stella's family was overjoyed to have her, because it meant they could arrange a marriage with the newly-hatched Prince Stolas. She was therefore raised with only the purpose to be a wife and mother in order to secure her family a place alongside royalty.
In a word, it's "grooming," but I think the modern usage of this term leans more toward sexual exploration and coercion, and doesn't accurately translate to the way I knew the word a decade ago or so.
As someone who was raised in a deeply religious place in the US, when I say my theory is that Stella was "groomed," I mean that she was taught from a young age how to be the perfect housewife. That she was told that marriage should be her top priority, and birthing a child to her future husband would be a close second priority.
In being raised to be essentially "married out," it doesn't leave a lot of room for Stella to develop into a compassionate, caring individual. In fact, it doesn't leave room for her to become an individual at all.
While this theory doesn't line up exactly with what we've seen of her, I do think it explains a lot of Stella's resentment of Stolas:
Her willingness to degrade a man over his sexual performance could stem from an upbringing where she knew she would be forced to consummate a relationship that she didn't choose.
Her tendency to verbally lash out could be her outlet at having been raised to have the perfect manners and etiquette of a princess, and not having her expectations met with her partner.
The implication of her physical abuse could be a product of the sexist environment, only this part could be in her... "favor"? Any claim Stolas makes of violence against himself likely wouldn't be taken seriously by the other Goetia, and definitely wouldn't be as serious as if he were to strike back.
I also think this would explain her childish & selfish behavior. Given no room to explore her own individuality, Stella seems mentally trapped as a petty and spoiled child.
Again, as someone who was raised in a place where girls were often taught to be wives and mothers from a very young age, this has happened to real-life people I used to know. (Through no fault of their own, it was entirely due to their upbringing & societal expectations.)
To clarify, none of this is a justification of Stella's abusive actions. It's just my theory on how they'll expand Stella's character and backstory.
I'm actually hoping her backstory will be not only better-crafted than this, but also way cooler. I look forward to seeing more of the show & the characters.
Anyway, it's just my guess. I'll probably be proven wrong, but it's fun to theorize.
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dwreader · 1 year
How do you go about figuring out what references the show is making (besides the ones they just say directly)??
Ohh ykw on this show I think they hit you over the head with so many both allusions and direct callouts that its almost more like trying to figure out which ones are true thematic references and which are just fun little namedrops. For example Daniel mentioning Kevin Durant imo is just a pop culture/worldbuilding namedrop to show that he's a ~cool guy~ from brooklyn and goes to basketball games (and to further establish these characters live in OUR world with the same celebrities). We're not meant to read Kevin Durant's bio on wikipedia and think of all the deep parallels. On the other hand, my pal blueiight has brought up that Basquiat paintings hanging around the penthouse could be read more deeply about the two men's biographies but maybe you don't necessarily HAVE to get the reference to understand the show. It's like an easter egg.
Also some references are simply bc modern tropes all stem from some origin and not the show deliberately making the connection, like yk the gothic romance tropes are abounding in this story and its not necessarily the show directly being like hey guys this is just like Jane Eyre! imma right? rather the conventions are so ingrained in our culture now that they bleed into everything. Or like my My Fair Lady posts it's like is this really a My Fair Lady specific thing or is it cause all professor/student or mentor/mentee romantic fiction all kind of stems from Pygmalion?? Anyways I'm gonna put the rest under a read more cause it's gonna be long af. sorry.
The ones I tend to take really seriously are books, plays, etc where the show goes out of its way to give you a bit of plot summary like Iolanta (blind princess who doesn't know she's a princess) where Louis crying at the opera kinda like Julia Roberts crying at La Traviata in Pretty Woman signals a thematic parallel between the characters (shoutout to slaygentford for that post that changed the world). Whereas they don't for Don Pasquale so while that's like a little funny joke cause its heheh its also about an old ass man looking for a wife that's like less serious to me than Iolanta. Louis casually reading Madame Bovary as his voiceover says he was "neglecting the duties of the role Claudia mocked me for the unhappy housewife" is a clear HELLO LOOK HERE moment, as well as Louis reading Edward Carpenter's book about marriage trying to regain his sight after his beating. Whereas I think him reading the Origin of Species is just like aww he's so cute and intellectual trying to find a scientific reason for his eating disorder.
A Doll's House is the biggest one imo cause it's both a direct callout in ep2 (Lestat mentions not wanting to miss the opening scene of Nora and the Christmas tree) and an allusion in ep7 (Louis shown decorating a Christmas tree), AND the "doll" theme runs throughout most of the show so even if you know nothing about that play, there's like hints being thrown at you with Louis bringing paper dolls to the twins bday party, decorating Claudia's room full of dolls and Lestat designing his Mardi Gras outfit like he's a doll. Maybe you've never read or heard Nora's monologue where she says all her life she's been treated like a doll and now she treats her children like dolls too cause she doesn't know anything else but you can literally SEE the dolls on the shelf in Claudia's room.
Streetcar is also the other one that the show is so so soooo obviously Leonardo Dicaprio pointing meme at itself. Even if you've never read the play or seen the movie, the image every fucking person on earth recognizes is Marlon Brando in a wifebeater cause that quite literally changed the course of pop culture history and male sex symbols AND you probably know STELLLAAAAA!!!!! These are both referenced quite directly by the show with Lestat wearing wifebeaters in ep5,6 and 7 and in Lestat's attempts to get Louis back after the DV as that's literally the context of STELLAAA he's screaming her name after he got kicked out for beating her btw if you even care. Plus they are riding an actual streetcar in ep7 even though they have a car??? and they're way too rich to be taking public transportation like what's that about.. unless!
Then you have things that Rolin has brought up himself in interviews like Bogie & Bacall (famously massive age gap hehe), John Cassavettes films (I would say Faces and A Woman Under the Influence as the primary sources of that comp), Francis Bacon art that you can definitely pick out from the show as well! So this show is chock full of cool references and inspirations and its very cool that people are being introduced to some of these older pieces of media through the show!!
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
Whats wrong with predator 2018?
it’s been like 10 days i’m tired but i CANNOT stay silent anymore The world deserves to know. you will not believe how awful this movie is
1. the moment the movie starts you just understand that it…is not going to be good. it was made in 2018 so of course it has that edgy self aware marvel humor of Uhmm he’s right behind me isn’t he ? (and then you check shane black’s other works and he directed iron man 3 and everything suddenly make sense) LIKE IM SERIOUS there’s just a scene in the first 10 minutes where this Woman In Stem character goes Lol why did we name this thing The Predator? it’s more like a Hunter or a Huntsman it’s more like a Bass Fisherman LIKE WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WHAT AM I HEARING RN? it’s so fucking stupid and i hate this type of humor so much like CAN U BELIEVE WE’RE IN A MOVIE? ABOUT THE PREDATOR (DUMBASS NAME (LOL))????
2. i mention the Woman In Stem character specifically because she is. also not good. i’m not going to act like the predator movies have always been the best with female characters (even 1987 has its issues) but at least they were actually BEARABLE. The girl character in this movie is just like. this annoying 2010s smartass quirky girl archetype that we put in our movie because you wanted Women(tm) right? there she is we even made her quirky!!! we’re not going to give her a single likable quality though. we’re going to write her Bad . is this what u wanted ?
3. which is not trying to imply that the other characters are written Good . they’re all written Bad they all fucking suck. none of them have any charm or likable qualities and there’s nothing to get invested in. AND THEY DON’T HAVE ANY FUCKING DYNAMICS BETWEEN EACHOTHER!!!! it’s like they just exist in the same space and that’s It . they don’t get any interesting relationships or interactions . they’re all just so nothing
4. like halfway through the movie it just turns into unapologetic US army propaganda—which is fucking ironic if you know what the original predator was made for (commentary about american terrorism in central america in the 80s under reagan)—the main character’s wife just starts suddenly going off about how he’s so cool and doing so much for his country and he’s in the army waowww wowww We need to shoot everyone who’s worked on this movie and im serious.
5. i…..do not know who this movie was made for. like who is it supposed to cater to? one of its main things is autism and mental illness and yet it has the shittiest portrayal of both. But especially autism. like what if we made a movie about how autism is the next step in human evolution (?!) and autistic people are like superheroes basically (?!?!!!?) and the entire plot hinges on the fact that The Predator wants to become autistic by stealing the autistic character’s autism dna (?!?!?!?!?!?!?? WHAT? WHY ARE THERE EUGENICS IN MY PREDATOR MOVIE? IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?) (and then the autistic character in question like. actually has unironic superpowers. look he gets overwhelmed by sounds but he can instantly understand and translate predator’s alien language!!!!!!!!) And then the next minute one of the characters says Lol isn’t it crazy how we can’t say the r slur anymore? Fucked up world. LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO IS THIS MOVIE FOR? I FEEL LIKE THIS MOVIE WOULD PISS OFF BOTH THE “WOKE” AND THE “EDGY ALT RIGHT” AUDIENCES EQUALLY . shane black probably thinks autism speaks is a charity i dont even know
6. too much predator in this movie. When i say that they should make a predator movie where every scene has the predator in it YOU SHOULDNT FUCKING LISTEN TO ME IM JUST AUTISTIC. a predator movie is a THRILLER The Fucking Predator himself should appear like. a few times at least until the climax. but nooo this 2018 ass movie just has the predator running around in every scene (btw this predator moves really fucking weird in a human way. Like they usually at least make him move semi alien-like and uncannily, but this movie didnt even bother with that) (also their design is uglier than the original) (also it suffers from the same problem as the 2010 movie by adding a Bigger Cooler Buffer Awesomer Deadlier New Predator LIKE WHO ASKED FOR THIS. WAS MY OG WIFE NOT ENOUGH FOR U) Anyway yeah if you didnt get it yet: this movie doesnt understand what impact or subtlety is. at all
7. the worst thing is with the finale. you see every predator sequel loves to reference the original 1987 movie because well, it’s iconic! it has a lot of meaningful moments and lines! Specifically in the ending of the original movie, where the main character asks the predator “what the hell are you?” and the predator echoes it back at him. Supposed to symbolize us army = monsters who kill without meaning yadda yadda u get it. anyway so in the 2018 movie finale they start to reference this moment too. the main character asks And what the fuck are you (ooo f bomb we’re SOOOO edgy and 2018core) and when the predator starts asking it back the main character just goes SHUT THE FUCK UP😂 and shoots him. it’s like. my hatred for this movie was indescribable at that moment. I’ve never actually genuinely watched a marvel movie so i just took people at their word when they said it was a genre of movie that fucking hated movies. but after watching the predator (2018) which is basically a marvel version of predator? yeah i get it. What if they made a movie that hated its source material and had 0 respect for it. and also hated its audience. and hated being a movie
8. they made the dogs ugly
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lindszeppelin · 7 months
I am the anon who sent you the long message, I am also a dude , Im of a rare breed in the fanbase , dont seem like there is alot of us here and thats ok lol I have sent you something before actually about how when men know we know. And I will say that over and over again. Seems like alot of the anons you get seem to be from people who are losing faith in that and think whatever Miss Gerber has with Austin is real. A man knows when he found his wife, not to get all preachy and sound like a religious crazy person but there is legit a whole bible verse in the book of Proverbs about it. I am 31, still young but old enough to know , especially as a married man myself when a guy has found his wife, he isnt hiding that shit. When i proposed to my wife we were on vacation and I legit facetimed my friends when she was in the shower and told them the news, up there squealing like a woman excited as hell LMAO. Austin is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, if he saw that life with Kaia we would know it will show. So all that privacy BS is exactly that.....BS....like he dodges questions about her all the time and Kaia does the same, i personally have never seen celebs go that far to do that, even the ones who wanna be private. They still talk about each other. I think these shippers as I stated see themselves in Kaia,so when things are said about their relationship and lacking chemistry they take it as you saying about them and Austin...anyways I will stop ranting here but i wanted this to known and to give your blog a guy perspective
aaah welcome back in! nice to have you here. the fandom truly needs bit more guys in the fandom to balance out lol. and i think there are, but us women are a lot more vocal about it i'd say lol. and to each their own, it's so cool to have you here.
but i thank you once again for brining in the much needed male perspective on this situation. and coming from a man that is married and is Austin's age, that seriously should be everything that we need to heed your words.
i think a lot this discourse stems from the fact that the super young girls in this fandom closer to kaia's age clearly are showing that they haven't been in a serious relationship, or they don't have a lot of life experience. because a man should love his woman entirely and not be afraid to show it or talk about it. if a man hides his girl in any way then he's not happy with her. austin moves with kaia like a man that is not taking her serious. plus he knows she is too young for anything serious anyway. and when a guy TRULY thinks he has found his future wife, he won't waste time. i know this from personal family and friend experiences. i come from a parental background where my mom and dad got engaged after only 6 months of dating and they are still together 30+ years later. i know someone else where after only a week their man proposed and they are still together. like...it is what it is. a man can be just as emotional, clingy, and lovey-dovey to his woman than the woman is to him. ladies reading...if your guy doesn't act like the sun doesn't rise and set with you then he is not the one and he won't ever be. and that's okay. go find yourself a person that leaves no question as to their feelings for you. if you have to guess or question then, as the famous movie goes, he's just not that into you.
and you mentioned a verse in proverbs. i'm not necessarily a religious fanatic, however i am spiritual and i won't turn my nose up at acknowledging that stuff. . so if you would like to share the verse then go for it.
but once again, thank you so much for your insightful input!!
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
Thoughts on Jonny Lee Miller please?
(we need to send asks more!!!!!! in this interwebs tumblr cultúre)
okay so I cannot remember when I started watching Elementary, but that was my first conscious JLM (I had watched Trainspotting, but I was but a babby at the time -- I have seen it... some times since then), and listen. we through around the word ND on this here site, but I think Mr. JLM as Sherlock Holmes is one of the original tumblr ND regents, and still absolutely Peak! this man knew what he was doing!
and then I went on a little JLM tour, and I am here to give you the top movies I saw with him at the time (after which I will do the list of movies I want to watch now): Hackers, Trainspotting + T2, Plunkett and Mcleane (seriously, this movie is underrated!), The Flying Scotsman, Mansfield Park, Regeneration -- also most underrated Mr Knightley in Emma + in a fun, odd little show called Eli Stone (I also watched Mindhunters, Byzantium -- which is some great Gemma Arterton -- The Escapist, Aeon Flux, and Dark Shadows, and I'm not necessarily saying don't watch these... well, maybe don't watch Dark Shadows... but they weren't my favourite. although Byzantium is fascinating. misogynist vampires)
Movies I have yet to see that I want to watch: Dead Man's Walk, Complicity, Love Honour and Obey, and Dracula 2000
I'm not going to talk about Hackers (famously dreaming about wearing a latex bodysuit and getting railed by his future irl wife Angeline Jolie) or Trainspotting, but T2 -- is it good? yeah, it's not bad actually. did it need to exist? no, no it didn't. did it enjoy textually pointing out that Renton and Sick Boy have some kinda Sexual Tension? yeah, yeah, yeah! actually kind of feels like the main reason it exists is to go "hmmm do you think Renton and Sick Boy are a bit... youknow?"
also shoutout to Robert Carlyle who's in the Trainspotting films and also co-starred with JLM in their very own homoerotic duo film, which includes Liv Tyler "Plunkett and Macleane" loosely based on the history of two real highway men, and it's. just such a great movie. it's one of my "please it's so fun and so silly and such a product of the 90s! Craig Armstrong did the music!" it's kind of got some polyamory going on?
The Flying Scotsman is about a real amateur cyclist, and it's a pretty by-the-numbers inspirational tale, but I quite like those when they're about real underdogs and Graeme Obree certainly was that. From memory (it's been a few years now) I believe I watched this film and went "ah so that's where some of the early development of Sherlock Holmes mannerisms stems from," so it's also just fun as a study of JLM the actor
Regeneration -- gotta mention this one, because of it being about Siegfried Sassoon. he doesn't play Sassoon, but he's very good in it and generally it's a fascinating piece based on a book that I for some reason have only read the sequels of, and I'd recommend anything about Sassoon, I'm easy like that
I also didn't mention Frankenstein up above, but I watched both versions of it back whenever it was being shown with National Theatre Live and he was fucking stunning in both roles. as Frankenstein he's a little different to how I often picture him (read: JLM is not giving pathetic twink, although he is giving twitchy weirdo), but JLM is so physical throughout, so pitch-perfect in how he's interpreting the role. and as Adam/the creature it's like every bit of tension he's ever been able to control is just unleashed, it's sooooo (argh gotta see if I can find a torrent of that so I can rewatch him)
Now the thing about JLM is that he's often cast as kinda the straight man in a lot of his stuff, but he's... so not.... that man is silly! and you can tell! his physicality is a bouncy little weirdo, and for a good long while his body was that of a bouncy little weirdo -- and then he got fuckn Big 🥵😂 (you can take the man out of the bouncy little weirdo, but you can't take the bouncy little weirdo out of the man...... smthin like that. the more i look at this sentence the more I feel like this is an innuendo, oh well. now it's intentional)
the thing I really like about him is that he seems totally un-self-conscious while playing characters who are often under great scrutiny, either for being considered criminal and/or for being visibly non-neurotypical and/or otherwise non-normative. he's a hacker, he's an addict, he's a creature that was created from the bodies of other men, he's a bipolar cyclist, he's giving us Thee Sherlock Holmes of modern times, stimming, kinky, caring, blunt, overstimulated, relapsing, deeply unconventionally in a relationship with Watson that doesn't attempt to fit them into any mainstream language at any point!
also he has the best grimace of ever. he's so good at looking simply. perturbed. uncomfortable. get me out of this party. when he's 70 or 80 he's going to be the best old man face 🥺🥺🥺
also if I am very very lucky and very very nice to my mum, she'll take me to watch him in his current play in London, wish me luck!
TL;DR underrated character actor JLM, broader than you think he is, the hero of portrayals of weirdos and freaks and outcasts, I think it's wild that he's danced around playing queers this entire time, make him kiss a man stat!
(there's a whole other, very specific analysis of his gender in Hackers and how that relates to a wider feeling about his particular take on masculinity in a lot of my favourite portrayals of his, and also there was a youtube video that i just spent 15mins trying to find on Hackers from a transgender perspective that's mostly correctly-so about Cereal Killer/Matthew Lillard, but touches on the gender-fuckery of JLM and Angelina Jolie)
(okay I wasn't gonna talk about Hackers, but we cannot forget this scene, we simply cannot!)
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fanficsbysenneres · 7 months
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Picture provided by @tockamybeloved
A Walking Dream
The day an assassin compromised the security of Zhongshui.
“Don’t. Move.”
“Do not,” Lord Yunzhong growled, “Even think about putting that anywhere near me –”
“If you don’t stop moving it’ll poke you in the eye!”
Lord Yunzhong closed his eyes as he heard his father chuckling at her nickname for him.
“Son,” he instructed mock-seriously, “You must let a wife have her way, unless you like an empty bed.”
“We are not married yet,” Yunzhong lifted his eyes as if in silent plea to Xuanwu, “There is still time –”
“Oh, so you don’t want to marry me anymore?” Mei was stern. “Well I’m sure I can find another fiancé –”
“Never.” Yunzhong became serious. “I would never allow it.”
“If you would not, then best let her have her way with you, son.”
“See,” Mei twirled the flower between her fingers, “Your father knows what’s good for you!”
Yunzhong surrendered.
“Do it,” he sighed.
She stretched up on her toes to reach his golden crown, carefully trying to slide the pink bloom within its meshed design, eyebrows drawn together in concentration.
The crown hummed and whined softly, shifting and reshaping its design to thwart the intruding stem.
Yunzhong shifted restlessly as the small tyrant pouted.
“Be still!” She scolded them both.
“It won’t let you touch it.” Yunzhong grumbled.
“It will let me touch it, if it knows what’s good for it.”
Finally, the crown seemed to give up, and allowed the offending bloom to be placed coquettishly to one side, above Yunzhong’s left ear.
“There,” Mei pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Now everyone knows you belong to me.”
Yunzhong felt his spirit leave his body.
Her fingers threaded through his, and she smiled up at him.
For one moment, he felt as if he were in a dream. When she smiled at him in just that way, it felt exactly like he was dreaming. The mischievous sparkle in her golden-brown eyes made him want to take her sweet face in both hands and reassure himself it was not a dream and kiss her again and again until it was her spirit leaving her body –
“Mei!” The moment was interrupted by a certain little brother. “Mei, leave my brother alone and come play with me!”
Changheng pulled unceremoniously at Mei's arm, tugging her away to where he’d dumped a bag of marbles on the tiles.
“Help, help, I’m been kidnapped against my will!”
“And that is what you deserve,” Yunzhong pretended to growl, “For disrespecting my crown!”
She shot him a cheeky grin, before allowing herself to be pulled away completely, and knelt down next to Changheng.
“Come now, son,” Yunzhong’s mother was suddenly murmuring at his side, “If you keep looking at her like that you’ll burn her alive.”
Yunzhong barely heard her, enjoying the sight of his fiancée leaning forward to skid a marble in a race against Changheng. Even her bare forearm could make him lose all intelligence.
“Time for us to receive the ambassador,” she called to Yunzhong’s father.
“Dongfang has not been responding to my communications,” he overheard his father murmur as she smoothed a hand over his robes. “I’m beginning to worry someone has been intercepting them.”
“It’s probably nothing,” she soothed. “He lost his wife, he has a newborn son, we must allow him time.”
“Perhaps his ambassador will be able to reassure us.”
They both turned as the ambassador from the Cangyan Sea was announced; his father anticipating the arrival with calm, his mother smiling as she stood beside him.
What happened next was carved into Yunzhong’s memory.
A man pushed into the reception room, wild-eyed and staggering.
“Your majesty –” he gasped.
But he did not finish.
A sword erupted through his chest, spattering blood in a violent streak across the tiles.
He fell forward with a grunt as the air left his body.
Behind him, the ambassador for Cangyan Sea stood, his black robes and gold emblem a stark contrast in the white reception hall.
His crazed stare snapped from the Emperor, to Yunzhong, to Changheng.
His mouth was red, as if he'd swallowed something that had burned him, and his face was pale as if he were deathly ill.
“What's – what's wrong with him...” His mother said faintly.
Blood dripped down the blade of his sword as he lifted his other hand, bright flames materialising in his palm, and he shot a spell out towards Changheng, an ever-growing ball of white fire that singed the air and sucked all the breath out of Yunzhong.
Mei was on her feet and sliding in front of Changheng, arms outstretched, face pale and determined – but the shield she threw was too late, too weak, and it did nothing to stop the fire.
For one terrible moment, Yunzhong was powerless to do anything except watch.
The fire greedily swallowed her as Changheng’s small body slid backwards across the tiles and away from the fire’s all-consuming mouth.
And then, too late, he knew what Mei had done.
She had not tried to save herself. She had known there would not be enough time. She had instead thrown Changheng backwards. She had chosen to save his little brother instead of herself.
The fire burned her, a black figure within the greedy flames, the flakes of her robes burning upwards like hundreds of tiny orange butterflies, and then within the next moment, she was gone.
His Mei was gone.
A grunt and a gasp to his left made him turn, slow – too slow – and his mother was now lying on the tiles, a gash in her throat, sword clattering to the tiles, hands clawing at her wound.
His father was unconscious underneath her, covered in blood – though whose blood it was he did not have time to tell because the ambassador was now turning wildly towards Yunzhong.
“Death to all Shuiyuntian!” He twisted the sword he held, the sound of the blood-soaked handle in his grasp suddenly loud in the silent hall. “You intended to crush us – but I will not let one of you leave this room alive today! Or else it will bring my people disaster!”
But even as inexperienced as he was, as afraid as he was, Yunzhong recognised the uncertainty in the man’s face. The creeping doubt in what he said. 
He looked at the dark blood creeping across the gold-veined marble floor. 
He tried not to look at the mark on the tiles where his fiancée had last stood, arms out to protect Changheng.
“This will be your last day.” He told the deranged man, the words curiously distant, as if someone else had spoken them, and not himself.
He could hear the guards arriving outside – hear them thumping on the doors, trying to get through whatever evil magic held them shut – again, too little, too late, and no guard would be in time to prevent whatever happened next.
The ambassador fixed his eyes on Yunzhong, as if he could not hear the urgent crashing against the doors, as if nothing and no one else existed except them. He saw the ambassador had been wounded, perhaps on his way into the pavilion, perhaps by his father before he'd collapsed. There was blood pouring down the side of his face, and seeping through a wound on his thigh. His teeth were bared, whether in hatred or madness it was impossible to tell, but to Yunzhong he appeared to be grinning, teeth like fangs against his bloodied lips.
"I won't burn you like I did her," he hissed. "I'm going to feel your blood on my hands before you die."
Yunzhong had no training in cultivated attacks. They'd never thought he'd need it. He carried no physical weapon. Why would he?
He was defenseless.
Save for the sword of his mother, still lying on the floor where it had fallen from her limp fingers.
He leapt for it as the ambassador lunged to kill. Yunzhong's landing slipped, he slid to one knee, his fingers splayed in a dark liquid, her rose hurtled out of his crown and rolled across the tiles, its soft pink petals now sticky and red, but he could not allow himself to react. 
Seeing him fall, Changheng cried out from where Mei had pushed him to safety, his chubby little hands fisting in terror, and the ambassador’s grin turned feral as he turned without warning and ran at the helpless child.
Three steps, two steps, one step, the ambassador's sword arced downwards, to plunge into his little brother’s skull – 
The head hit the wall.
The body slumped sideways from the force of Yunzhong’s blow.
Changheng’s crying stopped, his eyes growing round, as if some part of him understood the danger that had just been despatched.
Yunzhong did not hesitate, but lifted his little brother up into his arms, and, with a hastily wiped hand, shielded Changheng's eyes.
He walked past his gasping father, past his lifeless mother, past – no he did not look anywhere else – went to the doors, and let the guards in.
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viktheviking1 · 1 year
Helluva Boss Fanfiction- The Pompous and the Prick
Sneak Peek at my StolasxBlitzø Fanfiction! Full Version on Archive of Our Own (AO3) or WattPad
Their last conversation didn’t end well. This was a rather common thing for Blitzø and Stolas, but it had been particularly awkward and Blitzø was feeling a little nervous approaching the mansion’s front steps. All day as he worked in the living world, the full moon had loomed overhead; an unwavering reminder of the promise that had been made and the deal that had been struck. Time waits for no demon, and a deal was a deal, so he was determined to make Stolas forget all about his f**k ups and woo the pants off of that big bird . . . For the book, of course.
One hand held the book, while the other sported a rose. It had come from Stolas’s own bushes of course, but even if he figured that out, it’d probably still have the desired effect. Blitzø stood in front of the door, checking his coat for blood. There was a lot, but it was all dry, so he wouldn’t be staining the carpets with it. He practiced leaning on a pillar, and putting the rose in his mouth. Blood began to fill his mouth as the thorns pricked his gums. Well, not a great start. Gritting his teeth, he began taking the thorns off the stem one by one.
“Come on you little-” he stopped as the door suddenly opened in front of him, revealing a very sad Owl in a tattered old robe.
“Oh, uh . . . Hi.” Blitzø said, quickly standing up straight, and shoving the rose into Stolas’s face.
Sh*t, I wasn't ready.
The prince plucked the rose from Blitzø's hand, but no smile appeared on his face. Without a word he turned around and went back inside, leaving the door wide open with Blitzø standing on the other side. He gave a nervous gulp, and followed him in.
Stolas led him to the fancy-*ss dining hall where there was already a bottle of wine and glasses. Okay, Blitzø thought to himself, not too late to turn this around then.
"So, Stolas. . . What's cooking, good looking?"
Stolas took a seat at the head of the table, and began pouring himself a drink. It was then that Blitzø noticed the one already empty wine bottle on the floor. Ah. So maybe not salvageable after all.
"You know, if this is a bad time-"
Stolas gestured to the chair next to him, "Please, sit."
Blitzø complied, but found himself getting more nervous as he got closer to Stolas, who was staring at him with such sad eyes. He sat a couple chairs down.
". . . Did you get into another fight with your wife? That b**ch. I barely know anything about her, but she's seriously got a few screws loose. Whatever she said or did, you shouldn't take it-"
"It's not about Stella." Stolas interrupted, now looking like he was about to cry.
"Sh*t. Well, teenagers are tough. She probably just needs time to cool off-"
"Via is fine." Stolas said, looking away.
"Well, shoot. I'm out of guesses. Uh-"
"Really?!" Stolas stood from his chair with a burst, "Really. Is there no one else you can think of, in all the circles of hell I might care about enough to cry over?"
Ah, so he had been crying. What was Blitzø meant to say? What name was so important for him to know? What words could he give to Stolas that might comfort him? He'd say whatever he needed to if it brought a smile back to his face. . . So they could f**k and then he could keep the book, of course.
Stolas let out a long, weighted sigh, "Of course, not. It's my fault I suppose. Oh Blitzy, if I could go back and do it all again, say the right things, do things in a better order . . . I would." He reached out and touched his hand, "But no matter how much I can manipulate space, time will forever escape me; slipping through my fingers." He let go of his hand, and Blitzø felt like he was missing something that was staring at him in the face.
"I- I don't understand." Blitzø said, his eyes looking concerned.
“The deal is off, Blitzø. No more favors, comfortable lies, no more promiscuous nights tangled together, only to end in loneliness once more. I think I- we need a fresh start. Because . .  I just can’t do this anymore. ”
That came as a surprise. Sh*t . . . Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t! No! D*mn that stupid owl and his royal privilege. Of course he could change his mind at any point, Blitzø knew that going into this, but he didn't expect it to be this sudden. He had assumed there'd be warning signs of him getting bored or becoming interested in another demon. He thought he'd have time to change his mind, to devise a plan. Maybe he'd woo him again, or play hard to get, or introduce him to a new s** toy or just something. He had to think quickly, else that book was as good as gone.
Blitzø began blabbering, "Look, I know we haven't talked since . . . Well, you know. But I'm sorry. Like, really sorry. I- uh- f**k. Maybe I could sub more often? Or Dom? Whatever you want. And I'll stay for breakfast like you're always asking me too. If you're really set on it, we could come to a new arrangement-"
"Oh for Satan's sake, Blitzy! You can keep the d*mn book!" Stolas slammed the table, knocking over the wine glasses, " . . . Sh*t."
Without thinking, Blitzø took out a bloody rag from one of his pockets and began wiping it up, a little too desperately, "I got it. I got it- wait . . . What do you mean I can keep it?"
Stolas took a deep breath, "I mean that you can keep the grimoire as usual, and I'll hire someone to fetch it from you once a month. I just can't have you coming around here anymore."
". . . F*ck, Stolas please tell me you're not getting back together with princess b**ch face."
Stolas couldn't help but giggle a little, ”No. Fool me once or however the saying goes. No, I want someone who truly loves me. And who will let me love them openly without shame or guilt or feeling of bitterness. I want . . . a real relationship, Blitzy." 
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aimwigs · 8 months
another dadwig snippet from earlier in the timeline except this one is slightly less wholesome and also about parents splitting up... being a parent is not aways easy i fear
Lucy is only three, but Ludwig is pretty sure that she hates him.
Honestly, in some ways he gets it. It has to be confusing, to have your dad living at home one day and then halfway across Los Angeles the next, but he had kind of figured that she would be too young to be super affected by it. If anything, he was worried about Ryan, who’s more than halfway through kindergarten and definitely old enough to kind of understand the talk that they gave the girls about how the two of them aren’t in love anymore, which is the best oversimplification they can muster of what really happened between them.
Ryan is seemingly fine, though. She’s always been a smart, quiet kid. She seems sort of sad, which makes him feel like a horrible fucking person, but she also seems to get it— apparently, one of her friends has parents who don’t live together.
But Lucy fucking freaks out. According to QT, her behavior gets worse after he leaves, including hitting her sister over something as stupid as her putting a different show on the TV and upending her plate onto the ground because QT had the gall to put broccoli on it. This type of stuff was something they anticipated could happen; this is a huge change and they knew it might be something that the girls don’t really know how to process. Even though they both firmly believe it’ll be better for the two of them in the long run, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s difficult now.
What he doesn’t anticipate, though, is Lucy not even talking to him the first time that he has the girls over at Slime’s, where he’s staying until he can find a suitable place. She barely even looks at him.
The weird thing is, she doesn’t even seem that upset. She’s happy to run around and play with Ryan or chat away with Slime all fucking day— seriously, he’s pretty sure that kid loved him more than she loved Ludwig even before all this— but she won’t even acknowledge him.
“It’s a big fucking change. You just need to give her time,” Slime tells him. “Like did having divorced parents fucking blow sometimes? Yeah. Did I love my parents completely until the very end? Also yes. She’s a little kid. She’ll bounce back.”
It should be reassuring— QT said something similar, after all, and both of them actually are children of divorce— but he worries that maybe this will be different. What if she resents him forever? Sure, she’s too young to understand what’s really going on now but it’s not like that erases the fact that she’s going to have to grow up split between two different homes.
He figures that maybe a zoo trip will win her over. Part of Lucy’s idolization of Slime stems from their mutual love of monkeys and even though he’s busy today, she’ll surely still have a good time seeing all the animals. Plus, it’s a fun little day trip and he knows Nick and Aiden would probably both be down to go.
And maybe Lucy doesn’t seem any more focused on him than before, opting to ride around on Aiden’s shoulders all day as they zip from exhibit to exhibit but at least she’s having fun.
Things still seem off, though, and he can’t really shake that.
Ludwig decides to ask Nick who, despite only having a kid for a little over a year now, is like a superdad which is extra impressive given his equally awesome wife. It shouldn’t be surprising seeing as Nick is just someone who is generally competent in a lot of things, but he’s definitely a great fucking dad with everything you could ever need packed away in the diaper bag shoved in the bottom of the stroller he pushes around the zoo. His son sleeps inside, having worn himself out by the time they saw the dolphins.
“I wouldn’t sweat it, man. If she’s actually mad at you, I’m sure she’ll just get over it. Kids don’t hold grudges.” he tells him when he brings it up, both of them watching Aiden reading off the sign that they have posted next to the lions about their pack structure and eating habits to the girls. God, Aiden seriously needs to shave that stupid fucking mustache he’s been sporting recently.
“It’s been two weeks,” he reminds him because he’s pretty sure that’s a long fucking time for a three-year-old to hold a grudge.
Nick shrugs. “Yeah, and you fucking love her, bro. That’s what’s going to shine through in the end. She’s not even going to remember this shit when she’s older.”
It temporarily instills some confidence in him, up until he asks her what she wants for dinner in the car on the way home and she leans over to whisper into Ryan’s ear instead of replying to him directly. He didn’t know kids that young could be this fucking petty.
And then she gets into a fight at preschool the next week and QT calls him to pick her up since she has a meeting this afternoon and his schedule is generally more flexible.
He finds out when he gets there that she bit another girl because she was playing with a toy she wanted, which is usually grounds for a week's suspension but since her teachers are generally aware of her circumstances, they’re only sending her home for today. That doesn’t stop them from giving Ludwig dirty looks when he picks her up, though.
“You can’t be biting people,” he tells her with a sigh as he drives back towards Slime’s place. “Imagine if someone bit you. That would make you sad, wouldn’t it?”
When he looks in the rearview mirror, she’s looking out the car window with a quivering lip.
He tries again. “Did you really bite her just because she wouldn’t share with you?”
Lucy erupts into tears, wailing and sniffling in an instant. The only thing he can make out is, “I want Mom!”
Ludwig makes a show of taking a deep breath, gesturing with his hand to encourage her to take one too. She doesn’t.
“Mom is working right now. You get Dad instead.” He pulls off into a parking lot and parks so that he can turn around and face her. When he reaches over to wipe her tears away with his sleeve, she lets him even though she doesn’t stop crying.
“I want Mom,” she says again in a trembling voice, quieter this time. “Wanna go home.”
“I’m sorry,” he tells her, digging around for a tissue and handing it to her. She poorly attempts to wipe away the boogers under her nose. “Sometimes it’s gonna be Dad that picks you up and takes you to his house instead. Soon I’ll get a new house and you’ll get to pick out a brand new room. Isn’t that cool?”
She doesn’t look impressed. “Wanna go home.”
Fuck, this isn’t going to work. He’s always believed kids are much smarter than people give them credit for, but this conversation is beyond the scope of a three-year-old.
“Do you want to get ice cream?” he asks, knowing that it’s probably the worst thing you can do after your kid gets kicked out of school. He figures that it’s special circumstances. “This isn’t a reward. Biting is still bad,” he adds for good measure.
She lights up a little. “Strawberry?”
He nods, very seriously. “Strawberry.”
Lucy smiles at him for the first time since he moved out. “Strawberry!” she starts to chant.
Ludwig lets out a laugh as he pulls back onto the road and drives toward the ice cream shop. Maybe things will all be okay, just like his friends said. Maybe some one-on-one time was really all that they needed after all.
“I love you so so much, Lucy,” he tells her.
“I love strawberry,” she replies, and he takes it as a win.
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