#sex siren
onchillvybz · 3 months
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Hell, I suppose if you stick around long enough they have to say something nice about you.
- Ava Gardner, Ava: My Story
Ava Gardner was a hard-drinking, wisecracking, libidinous vamp, a liberated woman before it was even invented.
It's an extraordinary life of an extraordinary woman. She swore like a drunken sailor, slept with anything that moved, drove Frank Sinatra to such heights of passion and torment that he attempted suicide, and entirely failed to care what anybody thought of her.
Ava Gardner was an actress who starred in some good films and some not very good films; but more than that she was the great iconic beauty of her day. She wafted around the screen and was featured on the front covers of magazines looking untouchable in pearls and mink. And yet she behaved like a man or, at least, like a certain kind of man - one with pots of cash, a taste for hard liquor and a higher-than-average libido.
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She was, in essence, a liberated woman, a good two decades before women's liberation was invented. Her success and status made it possible for her to make the kind of choices - and mistakes - that other women couldn't. And, even now, there's really nobody who can match her combination of carnality, glamour and a potty-mouth.
Sixty years on, people claim that Sex and the City's Samantha Jones is the figment of a gay, male scriptwriter's imagination, but compare it to this story from Murray Garrett, a press photographer, recounting a backstage photo-call: 'This one idiot guy ... says to her, "Hey Ava, Sinatra's career is over, he can't sing any more ... what do you see in this guy? He's just a 119-pound has-been." And Ava says, very demurely, no venom, just very cool, in the most perfect ladylike diction, "Well I'll tell you - 19 pounds is cock."'
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She married three times - to Mickey Rooney (a serial cheater), the musician Artie Shaw (who belittled her) and finally and most tumultuously to Frank Sinatra. She lured him away from his wife, sinking his career in the process, married him, divorced him, but never got over him. Nor he her. It was a life-long relationship between two people who loved each other but couldn't be together. Their rows, she said, 'started on the way to the bidet'.
Instead, Gardner had affairs. They litter her life. She slept with David Niven, Robert Mitchum, John F Kennedy. She had flings with Spanish bullfighters and Mexican beach boys and rejected Howard Hughes, the multi-millionaire aviator and womaniser.
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What made Gardner who she was? It's the great, unanswered question of her life and career. There is nothing in the early years to suggest her character to come. Not the tomboyish childhood spent with her family among the ordinary rural poor of north Carolina; nor the moment when an MGM studio exec spotted her portrait in the window of a photographer's shop; nor even when she married Mickey Rooney, the studio's biggest star.
It is as if her character wasn't so much revealed over time, as forged in the furnaces of Hollywood's industrial complex.There are countless testimonies from other Hollywood stars to Gardner's beauty, but almost no sense of her as a person. She gradually turns from object to subject, her beauty her defining characteristic and the key to her power and freedom but also, as her favourite director, John Huston, says, a curse from the gods. 'Ava,' he said, 'has well and truly paid for her beauty.'
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Her high spirits descend into alcoholic abuse; her wanton behaviour into episodes such as the one when she is banned from the Ritz in Madrid for urinating in the lobby; when she moves to live out her days in the relative anonymity of a London flat it is with a sinking heart that you realise that the woman who charmed Ernest Hemingway and Robert Graves should become so isolated.
She made some truly terrible choices, including turning down the role of Mrs Robinson in The Graduate and ending her days making schlock TV. She was careless of her art, under-confident about her talent and tended to be taken at her own measure. But ultimately, it's besides the point. Gardner's genius was not her work, but, as her own autobiographical book proves, her life.
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divaricca · 1 year
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"𝕬𝖑𝖘 𝖎𝖐 𝖌𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖋𝖉𝖊 𝖐𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓, 𝖟𝖆𝖑 𝖎𝖐 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙 𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖗𝖟𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖓!" - Mary Shelley.
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nubiannewyorkers · 1 year
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1300dshawty · 1 year
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oooga booga
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succulentsiren · 4 months
The Dark Feminine Archetype Booklets
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Say goodbye to feeling irrelevant and gain knowledge on how to disarm shame and stand in your power with entitlement.
The Dark Feminine Archetypes will assist you in learning to embrace the suppressed sides of you.
The Siren Archetype is about embracing your sensuality.
The Lilith Archetype is about owning your independence.
The Witch Archetype is about trusting your intuition.
The Gold-Digger Archetype is about maintaining your high values.
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These booklets are designed to help you activate your dark side and embody your Dark Femme Archetype. Once you activate the part of you that is presumed forbidden, your energy will radiate seduction, confidence and intensity, for the truth of the matter is, anything forbidden is intensely more desirable.
The booklet includes:
20+ Dark Feminine Affirmations
Seduction Techniques
Journaling Exercises:
Ways to Activate your Dark Feminine
How to Embody your Dark Feminine Archetype and more
Are you ready to awaken your dark side?
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If you haven't already take the Quiz here ---> https://uquiz.com/mcwjjH
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spookygibberish · 1 month
what *is* huxley?
Huxley is Half Siren!
Sirens being a kind of fae 'freshwater serpent' with a great deal of physiology in common with salamanders, the ability to take a human form and a supernaturally alluring voice.
They're considered a kind of dragon, although that's a taxonomically meaningless category, about as good as calling something a worm (or a wyrm ahahahaha). Adult females are apex predators of both fae and mundane ecosystems where they occur, which in the US is exclusively the South due to environmental preferences for humidity and temperature.
Here's some old art of a male, the smaller of the sexes. The females get... much larger.
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They are the State Fairy of Florida.
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vixeneptune · 1 year
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Every inch of my body oozes sex appeal and magnetism
I'm highly pursued and wanted
I'm extremely seductive and alluring like a siren
People yearn for me and crave me
I'm incredibly persuasive and can make anyone do anything I want
I'm dangerously seductive and sexy like a siren
People feel compelled to follow my commands and wishes
I have this hypnotic mesmerizing aura that lures people in
I completely embody and mastered the siren archetype
I have such a captivating presence that has everyone hooked
My voice is so alluring and seductive like a siren
I feel so sexy and empowered all the time
Every movement I make puts people into a trance with how alluring and hypnotic I am
People tell me that I remind them of a siren. that's because I am one
My seductive game is undeniable, no one can resist me
I can make anyone fall in love with just one glance
My gaze is so seductive, people get lost in my eyes and can't help but feel so magnetically pulled towards me
Im literally so captivating, when I walk in the room everyone holds their breath and stares at me like they've never seen a real siren
My beauty is that of a siren, I look naturally mesmerizing without even trying
When people look at me the first thing they think of is how they just fell in love 😍
I'm so powerfully magnetic, my desires come to me freely
My energy is addictive, I'm that girl everyone can't get enough of
My energy draws people in like a magnet
People describe me as alluring, captivating, seductive, enchanting, mesmerizing, magnetic and powerful.
I have this intimidating yet irresistible presence, my energy is naturally radiating power and seduction
I'm so charming everyone can't help but be enchanted by me
I have an undeniable charm and power
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Listen to this subliminal while reading the affirmations for maximum results 💋🚨
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onchillvybz · 3 months
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classycookiexo · 7 months
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ranticore · 6 months
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lazy drawing for the day, i wanted to make a so-called shortstrider character. it's fairly common to see people like this (shortwing and landstrider parentage) around the dry breaks in the north-eastern dry. This consists of a dense multi-story network of mesas and stone pillars with a terraced appearance, not quite as vertically-arranged as a spire but still very three-dimensional, unlike the dry bowl. it mostly consists of a huge network of interconnected fishing villages as the sea flows around this honeycomb of rock.
shortstriders can't fly, can't glide well due to bone density, and can't hop efficiently on the flat (though his vertical jump is excellent). this one, a dock marshal, uses his beacon and reflective headgear to guide ships into port at night. he wears shoes which act as assistive devices to support his feet and stilts to make him a little taller (and more important-looking). the reflective disk is made from iridescent leviathan scale. due to the micro-structures in the scale, light is thrown back similarly to a high-vis vest or a cat's eye on the road. he can warp the surface of the scale and its reflective propertiies by increasing the tension of its housing bracket (operated by a screw on the side), and in conjunction with his beacon providing the light, can make flashing signals at approaching ships.
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“Dean was soo gay/bi because his siren is a man!”
This argument is the absolute perfect example of why hellers don’t understand the show, and it highlights the process they use to consume SPN and try to prove bi Dean/Destiel.
In the show: Dean has a male siren.
Hellers think: “Dean has a male siren! Oh! Dean loves boys! Tee hee!”
Hellers ignore: they ignore the fact that the siren explicitly claims to be a stand in for Sam: a little brother who listens to, and looks up to, Dean. This also means that if Dean is attracted to that siren, it doesn’t mean he is attracted to boys. It means he is attracted to Sam (even SPN is not trying to explicitly make that point).
In the show: The siren says that what Dean needs is not “some bitch in a g-string.”
Hellers think: "Dean has a boy siren because he thinks girls are icky! He’s my little gay/bi meow meow!”
Hellers ignore: We have seen Dean hook up with women all the time. Being both attractive and charming, Dean can “score” a very attractive woman just be being himself. He doesn’t need the siren to be a hot girl because he sleeps with hot girls all the time.
The siren being a male and a stand in for Sam is somewhat unhinged for sure, and people can read more into it than what is explicitly shown in the episode. But, based on the text (with the siren), there is no supported interpretation that Dean is just attracted to guys in general. He is having problems with his brother, and what he needs is a brother he feels close to. That’s it. That’s the message. You could maybe argue that Dean is somewhat Aromatic from this episode.
The heller process: What hellers do is watch a scene, hyper-fixate on one moment/line/image that they think proves the point they are trying to prove (Destiel/bi Dean) and ignore everything else. They ignore the greater context of the show; in this case, Dean not needing a siren to be a pretty girl both because he can hook up with them himself (we see this for ourselves over the years: context) and because he values familial relationships, specifically with Sam, more than romantic ones (we know this both from context and from what is actually said). They ignore explicit show explanations (what the siren actually says). And they view everything through their lens, or shipping goggles, so it naturally skews everything they watch from the start.
In other words. The show they watch is a highly coloured snd edited version that looks very little like the actual show.
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littletroubledoll · 7 months
nyc law school moodboard
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
carlandoscar enthusiasts. come to the admin office please. i desperately need to speak with all of you
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chicken-wayng · 5 days
Alright, Supernatural fandom
Rise once again, a sister needs thy assistance
We all know the siren episode. I'm looking for fics that explore that episode. Anyone got any recs?
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succulentsiren · 23 days
Remember, you must pull from your natural qualities to make music and become magnetic. If you force it, you will make noise and become repellent. (An example of this in pop culture is Chloe Bailey. She’s a naturally seductive and sweet artist but her image is forced and imbalanced. Rihanna for instance, is also naturally seductive and sweet but instead of forcing her sexuality, she blends it well with her light playfulness, making her appeal exude naturally).
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