#she doesn't yell about THOSE times probably because she realized she didn't say anything to me
Mom getting lazy? Telling me to lock the door behind her? When she often just leaves it unlocked without saying anything? And sometimes hanging open??
No. You get ONE lock. The one I can easily lock. The gate can fuck off.
Though it's all locked up now because Skye came home and locked it up.
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
Speechless | Carmy x Reader | Chapter Six
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Chapter Summary: Now that you've lost your best friend, what else is there to lose? Turns out there's more you could lose— a lot more. All because you liked Carmy. Is there any coming back from this? | Carmy Berzatto x fem/afab reader (using they/them pronouns)
Content Tags: We all remember s01e07, very mean angry Carmy, mentions of Richie's butt stabbing (lol), mean reader, reader is sad as fuck
Important Info: (texting) pink = reader, purple = Marcus
Chapter Six: All Because I Liked A Boy
Word Count: 2.1k
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"Get the fuck off my expo, chef, now! Get the fuck off!"
The words rang out as you entered The Beef, it took you a second to realize... Carmy was yelling at Sydney. He had to be yelling at Sydney.
You rushed over to the kitchen and all you saw was chaos. You'd come to apologize, to maybe make up with Syd before The Beef opened for the day. You brought the bracelet, you had thought long and hard about what you'd say to her. Everything fell out of your brain the moment you heard her response to Carmy's tantrum.
"I quit."
When she rushed past you out, you almost chased her— but you decided you needed to confront Carmy first.
"What the fuck is going on back here?!" You yelled, trying to get anybody's attention.
"Sydney fuckin' stabbed me, son of a bitch—" You heard Richie grumble through all the chaos.
"What— she what?!" You were in disbelief. Sydney would never do anything like that... on purpose.
"Why are you fucking with me— why are you fucking with me?! Get the fuck back to work! Move!" More angry yelling came from Carmy.
You stopped him in his tracks, staring him down into his bright blue eyes. "Carmy, what in the fuck is going on?!"
Carmy took a frustrated breath, trying to move past you but you blocked him. "She fucking left on the option for pre-ordering! Everything is fucking ballistic, okay?! Get the fuck out of the way!"
You tried not to take offense, he was obviously very stressed. "It was probably an accident, Carmy, please, she would never—"
"I'm not giving her special fucking treatment for making a stupid fucking mistake just because you're her best friend and a good fuck—"
At those words, you struck Carmy with a slap. That, you definitely took offense to. You took a sharp breath, looking angrily at him. "Fuck you! I never asked you to give her special treatment, but a stupid mistake and being stressed doesn't give you the right to act like such a fucking dick!"
He touched the cheek you'd slapped, rubbing it gently where a harsh red mark appeared. Then, he snapped back. "Yeah? Well, maybe us having this little fuckin' fling doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do!"
You let out a spiteful laugh. "Wow. That's all I am now, huh? A little fling. Got it!"
Little fling... little fling?! After all of those little moments, stolen kisses, nights spent together, "I miss you" and "I'm thinking of you" texts, the genuine affection you were starting to feel every time you looked at him before now... there was more than just the sex, at least to you. But apparently, not to him.
"You know what I meant—"
"I never should've started this shit with you. You are a fucking asshole manchild, you only give a fuck about yourself! I need to go get my best friend back." Your tone showed the anger you felt, you were absolutely seething. You were letting it get the better of you, you knew you shouldn't, but you couldn't stop the next words that came. "Fuck you, Carmen Berzatto, from the very fucking bottom of my heart."
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you left the restaurant. In a matter of days you'd lost your best friend, and now you just lost the guy you really liked and wanted something more with. You also lost The Beef— how could you go back there ever again after this?
All because of a spun out lie— all because you fell for Carmen Berzatto.
The music you had in your headphones didn't help, as the lyric rang out— "God, I wish that you'd thought this through, before I went and fell in love with you."
All you wanted to do was hole up in your apartment and cry— but there was no time for that. You needed to get your best friend back.
You showed up at the Adamus front door, the bracelet, yours and Sydney's favourite childhood ice cream, and a stuffed animal all on your person. You knocked on the door, silently begging that she wouldn't just slam the door in your face.
When Sydney opened the door, your eyes welled with tears once more. So did Sydney's when she saw you, realizing the fact that you'd already been crying by the mascara running down your cheeks— it almost reminded you of the first ever fight you'd had as kids.
"I'm so sorry, Syd. I'm so, so sorry." You whispered as you shared a hug.
"Me too... I shouldn't have freaked out like that—" She started, but you quickly cut her off.
"No. No, you had every right to. I kept something from you for no good reason... I was scared you'd be mad, I was scared things I was doing would affect how Carmy treated you at work..." You sighed, then grabbed Sydney's hands. "It snowballed too far out of my control, everything else overcomplicated the very simple fact that I should've just told you. I should've told you my feelings right from the get go, and I should've told you the first time it happened."
"I guess I turned a blind eye, too. I mean, I should've known something was up when you were drunk and asked for his number." Sydney muttered with a little laugh.
"Yeah, okay, I guess that one is on you." You laughed, then rolled your eyes. "But... I mean it. I really am sorry."
"I forgive you, I promise." She replied, then pulled you in for a tight hug. "Just... no more secrets, okay?"
"No more secrets." You nodded. "I guess that means I should tell you... I ended things with Carmy. He was acting like a fucking bitch."
"What? You didn't have to do that— I hope you didn't do that just for me." Sydney frowned.
"No... after you left, we got into an argument. And, frankly, no guy will ever be more important to me than our friendship." You sighed, rubbing your face before you shook out of it. "Hoes before bros, right?"
Sydney smiled a little bit, and nodded. "Hoes before bros."
You went inside and to the living room together, where you cracked open the ice cream and held two spoons to dig in. One of your shared favourite movies played on a streaming service on the TV, and you settled in for a girls day.
"Oh! I almost forgot—" You started, then took out the bracelet, holding it to Sydney. You were wearing your own, hoping she'd wanna put it on.
She smiled in response, holding out her wrist for you to put it on her. "I'm sorry I gave it back to you... I did it out of anger and... I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Syd, I understand. I'm just glad I get to give it to you again."
You two stayed snuggled comfortably on the couch for a while, playing different movies and finishing your ice cream. You felt pretty upset still, Carmy calling you a little fling had cut like a fucking knife.
"You okay?" Sydney asked softly, nudging you gently.
"Well... no. Not really." You sighed, looking at her.
"Wanna talk about it?" She asked, gently putting her arm around you for comfort.
"Carmy... called us just a little fling. Maybe it sounds stupid, but... I thought it was more. I felt something. It was more than just the sex... to me, at least." You sighed. "But I guess it wasn't to him."
"Fucking prick." Sydney grumbled, then hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry."
After another moment of silence, you remembered something else amidst the chaos at The Beef, and you had to ask—
"Did you actually stab Richie?"
Sydney groaned, which turned into a laugh as she grabbed the bridge of her nose. "Yeah. It was an accident... but he thinks it was on purpose cus I kinda threatened to stab him earlier in the day... I think he's also mad cus I stabbed him in the ass."
You laughed loudly, covering your face. "The ass?! Fuck, man. That's brutal."
Sydney laughed along with you. At least she could laugh about it now that she wasn't thrown into the intensity of the moment when it happened.
You watched more movies through to the evening, then Sydney made you both dinner. You'd kept your phone on silent, but even when you checked it, nothing from Carmy. You did, however, decide to text Marcus.
hey, i made up with syd. i hope you're doing okay by the way
thanks. i'm holding up... also glad to hear you made up with syd
Unsurprisingly, you spent the night with Sydney. Partially because you wanted to make up for lost time for blowing her off while with Carmy, and the few days you spent not talking... and partially because you didn't want to be alone.
Of course, Carmy haunted your dreams all fucking night. You couldn't escape it— his blue eyes, the way he spoke to you, the way he sounded during sex, being called a little fling. It looped in your mind, like a never-ending roller-coaster around your brain— like some kid purposely built it up in RollerCoaster Tycoon to torment you. It was torture. You hardly got any sleep.
In the morning, you awoke to the smell of Sydney making breakfast. You padded to the kitchen, yawning and stretching.
"Morning." She muttered, flipping your omelet onto a plate.
"Morning..." You muttered back, rubbing your face. "Did you make coffee?"
"Way ahead of you." She said, sliding a mug over to you, made just the way you liked it.
"You're a saint." You sighed dramatically, then smiled. "Have I mentioned I love you?"
After you indulged in breakfast, you two sat back on the couch. Something tugged at your thoughts, something you needed to ask.
"So, we officially need a new restaurant to make memories in." You stated, then continued when Syd gave you a confused look. "We lost The Beef. There's no way we can go back there now."
"Right." Syd muttered with a little laugh. "Well, uh, I dunno... let's worry about that after I find a new job, okay?"
"Right. That." You sighed. "Want me to help you update your resume?"
"Let's just... have a girls day today—" Sydney was interrupted by a knock at the door.
You both answered, each half heartedly wondering if it was Carmy, maybe coming to apologize, but you doubted it. Instead, it was Marcus.
"Shouldn't you be at work?" You asked, tone slightly teasing.
"Very funny." Marcus laughed. "Can I hang out?"
"Guess it's a girls plus Marcus day." Syd muttered with a little laugh.
"You can still call it a girls day. I'll be one of the girls for the day." Marcus joked.
Spending the day with Marcus and Sydney was pretty nice. It didn't completely take your mind off things— but it helped, at least a little bit. All three of you had been hurt, even if it was in different ways, it was nice to take the time to be together and heal, at least somewhat.
Sydney had been continuously testing her recipe for cola-braised short ribs— you and Marcus were equally eager to try them. She'd been talking about them for a while, and you knew she was disappointed when Carmy told her they weren't ready.
"Okay, try!" She hummed, pushing the plate across the counter to you and Marcus with two forks.
You and Marcus each took a fork, then dug in. As usual, you thought your best friend's creation was absolutely delicious.
"Killed it, as usual." You commented, then went in for another bite.
"Seriously, Syd, it's delicious." Marcus agreed. "Carmy's full of shit for saying this wasn't ready."
"Well, Carmy's a Michelin star chef." Sydney replied with a sigh, leaning against the counter. "But I'm glad you guys like it."
"You could be a Michelin star chef and you know it." You scoffed with an eye roll.
Sydney just smiled at you, but returned your eye roll too.
You cooked together, baked together, danced to music in the kitchen, watched more movies while indulging in the baked goods you'd made. It was nice to unwind, all three of you. At least, out of everything, you gained Marcus as a close friend, that had to be worth something, at least.
"Dad wants to take everybody out to dinner. He wants us to meet him. How about it?" Sydney asked as the three of you tidied up the kitchen.
"I'd love that." You nodded. You owed it to him, at least, since last time you'd got that invitation was when you and Sydney fought. "Marcus?"
"I'm down." Marcus chimed in as he dried the last dish.
You could only hope that Sydney would either let you spend the night again tonight, or she'd come sleep at your place, because the thought of being alone tonight tormented you. You just couldn't do it yet.
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
tags ; @maggiesarchives @carmenberzattosgf @buendiabebeta @turtle-cant-communicate
wanna be tagged in any future speechless trilogy updates? leave 🫢 + an @ to tag in my askbox !
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trelinha9 · 11 days
I loved today's episode. I loved it, loved it, loved it!!!!!
Spoilers below the line, as always, and let's go to all the incredible points of this incredible episode in this incredible anime with incredible characters!
Spoilers below the cut!
1 - The episode begins where we left off, with Liko and Ametio trapped together in the cave. This opening scene is short but important. Terapagos is yelling at Amethio, and Liko tries to calm him down without success. Ametio takes a deep breath, steps forward and tells Terapagos that he wouldn't do anything, to trust him. I like how Amethio kind of prepares himself to say this sentence, as if he doesn't know how to handle the situation
2 - Terapagos apparently realizes that Amethio IS NOT Gibeon, despite probably looking a lot like a younger Gibeon. The small sparkling legendary turtle is clearly confused, but he simply turns his back and heads back to Liko. At that moment, Amethio sighs, he is relieved to have solved that problem
3 - The cutest scene of the entire episode: Ceruledge watching Floragato collect grass to help Liko stay warm, and he decides to use his blades to warm Amethio too! It's like, the cutest thing in the world. I love these two so much. I need more fics with these two. Ceruledge cares so much about Amethio, it's so beautiful
4 - Liko asks Ceruledge to burn the grass to make a fire, and Amethio agrees. The two sit together and do something that no one thought Pokémon writers would be able to do: THEY TALK!!!! Like, they ask each other questions, and they answer those questions, and they both end up understanding each other better in the end. Here are the notes, because it was my favorite moment of the episode by far:
5 - One thing I really liked is that Amethio is the one who starts the conversation. He asks why Liko was ready to give up when he terastalized Ceruledge, and Liko explains that she failed the terastal application test. Liko says she thought she would be more useful if she had passed. Amethio then asks if she's going to give up (HE ASKS IF SHE'S GOING TO GIVE UP OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS EPISODE SO MUCH). His words (in the Brazilian dub) are "Are you going to give up just because you tripped once and you think you won't be able to help?" Amethio clearly identified with what Liko said here: he lost to Friede, he lost to Rayquaza twice, he lost to Hamber, and in the last episode he lost to Spinel's Umbreom. He had to recover from all these losses if he wanted to continue to be useful to the Explorers. Faced with Amethio's words, Liko reflects and says that she doesn't want to give up.
6-It's Liko's turn to ask a question, and it's interesting when she says that she always wanted to ask him that: because he saved her in the battle against Rayquaza. Amethio says that he didn't save her, and Liko says "But I was saved. You saved me" (which, coupled with the fact that she thanked him, shows that she is grateful to Amethio for saving her, since she thought on the subject).
7 - Liko says that the Explorers are "bad" people who are after Terapagos and Rayquaza, but she feels that Amethio is different in some way. This is in the episode. I'm not making it up. It's 100% canon. I'm normal. I'm fine.
8 - Liko asks why Amethio needs Terapagos and Rayquaza, and Amethio explains that, to fulfill his grandfather's, Gibeon, dream of finding Rakua, he needs them both. (Note, Amethio explicitly says that he wants to make his grandfather's dream come true. This is the first time we hear him say that he wants something, in this case, to make someone else's dream come true).
9 - Mini note: the moment Ceruledge kneels next to Amethio when he says "I want to make my grandfather's dream come true" is so... Sweet. Interesting. As if Ceruledge is saying "I'm with you on this, you're not alone"
10 - Liko and Amethio continue to bond over the fact that they are both following their grandparents' legacy, and how their path is similar.
11-One of my favorite moments of the episode: Liko says that she was happy to have had that conversation, because before she only thought of him as an enemy. Amethio responds that he only thought of her as "the girl who has Terapagos". This tiny moment is actually huge. It is explicit in the text that Liko and Amethio's view of each other has changed. The two talked, opened up, and ended up understanding each other. Now THAT'S what I call a wholesome bonding scene
12 - My greatest wishes were fulfilled in this episode: Amethio gets up and says "Let's get out of here, Liko". LIKO. LIKO!!! HE CALLS HER BY HER NAME!!!!! I'M SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS.
13 - Amethio and Liko come up with a plan to enlarge a hole in the ceiling of the cave so they can get through safely. Ceruledge and Floragato climb onto Corviknight and use their attacks to open the hole wider. The two work very well together, and Amethio and Liko successfully exit the cave (also, considering the fact that the exit was on the roof of the cave, we can assume that Liko and Amethio rode Corviknight together, which is cute to imagine )
14 - I loved how Amethio reaches out to Liko and helps her get out of the crack they created. He is a gentleman indeed
15 - Amethio warns Liko to be careful with Spinel, because he would definitely try something like that again, which is nice of him. He hates the guy, that's a fact.
16 - Another super interesting conversation was when Liko asks Amethio why the Rising Volt Tacklers and the Explorers don't come together, since they both want the same thing, and Amethio says it's impossible. Amethio says that, even though the goals are the same, the paths are different, and that he will continue in his own way.
17 - The scene where all the admins, especially Spinel, stab Amethio in the back is heavy. Spinel and Agate did a great job of pretending they didn't know anything, and Coral and Sidian, too. To clarify, no, Amethio was not kicked out of the Explorers, at least it is not said in the episode. Gibeon says that he was disappointed in Amethio, that even Amethio was turning against him, and tells Amethio to leave, that he doesn't want to see his face. This one is HEAVY. First, we get some hints about what happened to Amethio's father (he probably betrayed the Explorers), and second, the fact that Gibeon doesn't even give Amethio the benefit of the doubt to explain what happened is horrifying. He's his grandson, you should believe what he says!
18 - The episode ends with Amethio literally shaking. He was betrayed by his colleagues, and neither his mentor nor his grandfather wanted to let him explain himself. Additionally, he has been compared to his father. This boy needs therapy.
Episode 10/10 for sure! I didn't mention the scenes with Roy, Dot, and Friede throughout the episode, because the Ameliko content was the highlight of the episode for me and is more relevant than anything else. I can't wait to see how Liko and Amethio's relationship will develop in the next arc, and what the writers will do with Amethio's character.
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hepaidattention · 7 months
I'm v curious to see how the pjo show will portray Percabeth and Percy's feelings for her throughout the show.
cause imo, in the books Percy straight up doesn't even realize he has feelings for her until much muuuuuch later (whether it be oblivion or denial), but in like book 3 he's so worried for her he's starting fights with god's. she's literally all he thinks about in the Titans Curse, but never in a romantic way. Percy never thinks about her in a romantic way till probably book 4, when she kisses him, and even then it's a rare occurrence until book 5.
we just knew he had feelings cause he'd think stuff like "wow she's beautiful," or prints out a picture of her and keeps it with him, or constantly thinks about her when Rachel was around, or think Aphrodite looked like her. ACTIONS wise I know exactly why Annabeth was yelling at him by book 5. he never showed romantic feelings for her outwardly except for rare occasions that could be interupted as friends, even when she kissed him. not until, again, book 5 when he asks for a good luck kiss and literally screams at everyone not to touch her when she's injured.
anyway, so I'm interested to see how they're going to display it for the viewers on the screen when we won't have Percy's narration telling us obvious things that show us he loves her. I'm wondering if they're going to be more straight forward with it. in the books you knew Percy liked her but again only because of his thoughts, and not until book 3 tbh. but in the show s1 already had so much implied Percabeth. like Percy looked at her so many times like he wanted to marry her right then and there that is was shocking to me (not complaining) cause Percy really only acted like he saw her as a friend by that point in the books.
SO I wonder if they're going to continue this trend of just having Percy look at Annabeth longingly a lot and hope those who haven't read the books catch on, or will they go a step further and having him talk to people about his feelings? will Percy talk to Grover about her? in the books they would never, Percy didn't even know Grover had a girlfriend at one point. they weren't the type of bromance to talk about their feelings. however TV show Grover and Percy would easily talk about their feelings. they're more open and vulnerable around each other in the show.
and if they do that, then are they going to make it canon (canon to me is if Percy knew he had feelings for Annabeth before book 4 of 5 and said it himself. he never says he has feelings, and even talks about his feelings for other characters like Calypso and Rachel, so to me its not canon that he did know unless he said those words himself) that Percy is aware of his feelings before book 5?? or are they just gonna have scenes like in s1 with Luke where he calls them an old married couple and Percy and Annabeth ignore it. I could also see Grover just teasing him about her and Percy just acts like he never even thought about it
idk I'm really interested on how they're going to show us in TV form. half of me wants it to stay canon, but the other part of me wants to see a Percy verbally attest that he likes her but she'd never like him like that - or say something like Annabeth was too good for him (which I always got the feelings was half the reason why Percy didn't pursue anything till much later). even after Annabeth kisses him he's like "as friends???? hmmm???" and I truly do no think until she yells at him for being a coward that it occurs to Percy that "Oh, that WASN'T a good luck kiss then." like he WANTED to kiss her but he didn't think she liked him like that EVEN AFTER SHE KISSED HIM. sigh. sweet, dumn Percy. how I love thee.
but show Percy really isn't as a dumb as book Percy was in the first book, so there's a huge possibility they'll make it more obvious. I feel like for the sake of wanting fans invested in the ship, they'll make him more aware of his feelings imo. they already did so in s1, and book 1 truly was just Annabeth and Percy learning to be friends.
no matter what, I cannot wait for s3, because I would do anything to see Walker act out Percy worried about Annabeth. PERCY TRYING TO FIGHT MR. D CAUSE HES NOT WORRIED ENOUGH FOR ANNABETH???? I literally cannot wait.
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Prison Barres
The Estate of the Duke of Barre, Druzar
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Sebastian, Duke of Barre: I sent you to Pierreland to compete in Polo. And yet, I wake up yesterday to get reports out of Lunaria that you were seen arguing with Princess Maria Aisha of Pierreland! Do you realize how much sway she has with her parents? If you were more charming, then we could've leveraged her connections to break into Pierreland's economy! Theodore: Wait....she was the Princess?
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Sebastian: Dear Watcher Theodore. Did you read the portfolio before you left- Theodore: I- Sebastian: I can answer for you. You did not. You never do. You never listen. I am trying to help you see opportunities to help the family. Like your brother, Vance! He at least is doing some good for the family name
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Theodore[mumbling]: yeah...you do realize that I'm my own person right. Sebastian: But you are my son. You are in my home. You will follow the path I set out for you. Theodore: And if I don't want to? If I don't want to be some mindless drone-
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Sebastian: Zip it. You do not know anything. You continuously prove that. You should be more like Vance. He listens. He does what he is told. And He doesn't pop up on foreign tabloids! Not to mention, one of your friends mention that you brought her back to your room and slept with her! For fuck's sake Theodore- Theodore: I didn't know she was the princess okay! She gave me a fake name and she wanted to have a good time, and so did I! Watcher father, I get it. I'm a fuck up! Let's call a spade a spade here.
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Sebastian: Oh you want to be a man now? Alright. You're a disappointment. You are the worst son I could ask for. Your playboy behavior needs to end before-
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Avrora, Duchess of Barre: Oh before he turns into you Seb? Theo, darling, Your father and I need to talk. Sebastian[scowling]: We are not done here. Avrora: Oh you are.
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Theodore: I'm sorry Mom...I messed up... Avrora: Whatever you did, I'm sure you can make up for it. Theodore: I don't think so-
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Sebastian: Avrora. You said you wanted to talk. Theodore, get the fuck out. Avrora: Honestly Sebastian, let me parent our son. You know...something you should try sometime instead of just yelling at the boy-
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[Muffled arguing] Theodore: Don't say it. Vance: I'm not going to say anything. But....Jabari's older brother said you managed to pull the Pierrelander Princess....nice Theodore: Doesn't feel that way...I didn't know who she was when I met her...
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[Avrora: Maybe if you need to change your definition of well behaved! Sebastian: Maybe, you don't need to coddle him! He needs to be a man Avrora!]
Vance: Fighting again? Theodore: Yeah...
[Avrora: Ah Yes! Because you're a stellar example of how to be a man. You really think I wouldn't find out your latest fling is the same age as your oldest son! Sebastian: Oh you want to go there? Your latest one looks like a Ken doll.]
Vance: You didn't know she was the princess though? Theodore: No...I didn't find out till I was getting yelled at...she...she seemed normal and then I had to go bragging about how I got her to those two idiots Dad makes me hang out with and she got pissed.
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Vance: Well....did she tell you why she was upset? Theodore [sighing]: Cause I was behaving like I do with those guys...like an asshole whereas with her...I was.. Vance: Yourself? Yeah Theo, I can see why she'd be upset. But you can fix this! Theodore: Um...how? I'm probably blacklisted from Pierreland. Vance: I mean...have mom help you out! Maybe you can show her that the you she met is the real you. Not the version Dad wants you to be. Theodore: You gotta teach me how you get him to like you cause he just likes to yell at me. Vance: You just gotta play the game little bro...and maybe listen a bit more
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silverynight · 11 months
Light touches and warm hugs
The first time it happens, Izuku doesn't think too much of it.
After the training session, everyone is pretty much exhausted so Izuku sits on the ground, waiting for his breath to calm. Katsuki moves with difficulty towards him and drops right at his side even though he was at the other corner of the gym.
"Kacchan! You were..." Izuku stops when he notices that his friend's face is completely red now. Yes, it must be because of all the exercise and sparring they did, but Izuku can't help but worry. "Are you okay?"
Before Katsuki can respond, Izuku's hand is already touching his forehead; he relaxes immediately when he realizes the color on his cheeks it's probably due to the training and he's not actually sick.
Izuku is already thinking about moving his hand away, when something weird happens, Katsuki doesn't get mad, instead he closes his eyes and leans further into the touch.
"Midoriya! Aizawa sensei says we better hurry up to the locker room!" Todoroki rushes towards him, making Izuku move his hand away from Katsuki, who growls irritated when it happens.
"Yeah, we better get going," Izuku says, taking Todoroki's hand. "Are you coming, Kacchan?"
"Tch!" Katsuki scowls at Todoroki, before slapping his hand away from Izuku's. "Of course I'm coming, I won't leave you alone with half and half."
"We won't be alone, Kacchan. Our other friends are probably there already."
Izuku doesn't understand, Katsuki is great at math and pretty much anything... and yet he asks Izuku to help him with homework. Of course he's more than happy to help him, but it's a little bit weird nonetheless.
They sit on the couch in the common room and everything is pretty much going as usual until Izuku realizes that Katsuki is getting closer. There's still plenty of space in the couch so there's no need for that; Iida and Uraraka are there too, but they're sitting on the floor, discussing something about their English essay.
Izuku opens his mouth to make a comment about it, but decides that it's better not to.
"Okay, now let's move to the next..." Izuku stops when he feels Katsuki's leg making contact with his. He turns to look at him and notices that Uraraka is also staring in his direction with one of her eyebrows quirked up.
"To the next what, nerd?" Katsuki asks, looking back at him, they're really close and it seems Izuku is not the only one who notices because the blond turns his head away as he blushes, but he doesn't move an inch.
"The next problem," the green haired boy mumbles, feeling a little bit flustered.
"I also need help with math, Midoriya!"
"Of course, Todoroki, come sit next to us..."
"Fuck off, half and half!"
"Kacchan, be nice!"
They're outside enjoying their day off; school can be really stress inducing sometimes and they need to hang out together in order to relax.
As he's talking to Iida about the updates on his hero suit, Katsuki approaches Izuku, looking really funny with all those leaves over his hair. His friends are watching not far away from them and they're giggling and whispering to each other.
Katsuki looks like he wants to disappear, but he still takes another step towards Izuku.
"I need help with–"
"I can help you, Bakugo!" Hagakure offers, startling Izuku as he watches a glove touch the blond's head.
Katsuki hisses at her.
"I wasn't talking to you!" When she runs away from him, Katsuki turns back at Izuku again.
It's weird to see his friend asking for help.
"It's okay, Kacchan! I'll help you!" Softly and carefully, Izuku removes the leaves and makes sure there's nothing left on Katsuki's hair by running his fingers through it. He immediately melts into the touch.
"You put those leaves on your own head, didn't you, Bakugo?" Uraraka says, looking at the explosive boy with a curious expression.
"SHUT UP, ROUND CHEEKS!" Katsuki yells, cheeks turning pink as Kaminari and Kirishima burst into laughter. "THAT'D BE RIDICULOUS!"
"It's okay, Bakubro! It's not ridiculous, it's manly!"
Izuku is really confused.
Izuku throws himself at the couch after a long day at the school's gym. Iida tells him that the common room is not made for him to take a nap, but Uraraka persuades him to let it go.
"However, I think it'd be better for you to go to your own room instead, Deku-kun, that doesn't look comfor–"
She gets cut off by a loud noise that is followed by Katsuki stomping his way into the common room.
That's when Izuku feels an extra weight on his chest and belly and realizes that Katsuki is lying on top of him now.
"The other couches are empty, Bakugo," Yaoyorozu points out as Jiro rolls her eyes at the blond.
"This is my spot, Izuku, so you just have to deal with it," he smirks.
"I can leave if that's what you want, Kacchan. Uraraka is right, I should go to my room–"
"No!" Katsuki cuts his off, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his cheek against Izuku's chest.
"What? But I thought–"
"Who said I wanted you to move?" He protests, frowning at the other boy.
When Izuku's eyes finally meet red ones suddenly all those "weird" moments make sense.
"Kacchan, are you touch starved?" Izuku asks in a whisper, cradling the explosive boy's face with both hands.
As usual, Katsuki melts into the touch, but blushes to the tip of his ears.
"No," he grumbles stubbornly, but he doesn't move his arms away from Izuku.
"Alright, fine!" He huffs. "I like when you touch me."
"You should've said that," Izuku whispers before he starts running his fingers through Katsuki's hair, the blond purrs in response. "It's okay, Kacchan, I got you."
From that moment on, Katsuki is constantly in Izuku's personal space; he wants Izuku to hold his hand all the time and likes to wrap himself around the other boy.
Izuku is more than happy to give him all the physical affection he wants, however, their new dynamic has made their classmates believe they're dating now.
Which is absolutely not the case.
"Are you sure, Deku-kun? Because it seems like even Bakugo himself thinks he's dating you."
"What? Of course not!"
"Good morning, baby," Katsuki says, before glaring at Izuku's friends, especially Todoroki, and sitting next to him at the table. He leans to press a kiss on his cheek. "I made breakfast for you."
"Thank y-you, Kacchan," Izuku stammers, knowing exactly what Uraraka is thinking at the moment.
Maybe she's right.
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amazing-spiderling · 5 months
For the character ask game, Scott Summers and/or Kurt Wagner, #7 & #12
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Scott: People making jokes about Scott yelling "JEAAAAN :00000" all the time will never not be funny to me. IDK there's just something about people who end up marrying their high school sweethearts that's a little wacky. And as much as I enjoy ragging on the guy, I am glad that the fandom has come around and is appreciating his character development, especially from the last 20 years of comics.
Kurt: I've literally never met an X-Men/comics fan that doesn't like Kurt. Like he may not be their FAVORITE, but he's kinda the unproblematic fave of the fandom, so if you bring him up, the odds of people having something positive to say are pretty high. If anything, I think people are better about criticizing a bad writer or bad production decisions for any wonky characterization, rather than jumping to, "this is why this character sucks" like I've seen them do for other characters in comics.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Scott: Wow, my feelings about Scott are kind of a jumble. I haven't read that many comics that focused on him specifically, so I feel like I'm drawing from all of the various media interpretations... I hesitate to make a claim about comics Scott because I'll say something like, "he writes a blog about baking" and someone is going to come in and be like, "X-Factor explicitly stated that he writes about gardening".
Okay, upon a little thought, I do have one. After he was resurrected following whatever the hell was going on between the Inhumans and Mutants in "Death of X", Scott felt REALLY BAD about what happened to my boy Alchemy, and we didn't see it, but offscreen he made sure that Tom was at the front of the line for Mutants to bring back to life on Krakoa. He yelled at Emma about it, too. (That last part probably was elaborated on, but I want to imagine that he was mad about that death in particular, since she used his voice/commanding personality so heavily and ended up getting Alchemy killed without a second thought.)
Kurt: I guess I'm not really sure if this is a headcanon or just like, a gut feeling- but... I don't see Kurt ever settling down, getting married, having kids. Which is kind of a wild thing to say because the man is HUSBAND MATERIAL THROUGH AND THROUGH and Marvel writers who get to take a swing at future versions of the X-Men love giving him a family... but he's always married to some rando who showed up in one (1) forgettable comic from 30 years ago that nobody remembers. It's sort of the problem of having chemistry with everyone, but then maybe not having a "spark" with one person in particular.
My use of the word "spark" here is intentional- as those familiar with his arc during the recent Krakoa era of X-Men comics might have picked up. Kurt creates the idea of a "spark" as a universal concept for Mutants of any/all faiths to embrace, a means to protect the sanctity and respect for the miracle of life. He was one of the few to recognize the need for Mutants to have something outside of themselves to pursue, and it came at no small cost to himself. In fact, he became something of an outsider, observing the community he loved, so that he could better serve them- and that I think is the crux of the issue. His "true love" is not another person, it's the preservation of a dream, and providing hope to all mutants. Even in the alternate world where he married Wanda and they had TJ, the couple lives apart from one another, each a part of their own respective teams because while they loved each other, they realized they could not focus on their duty when they were together. The mission still came first. I don't know that I mean he should join the conventional priesthood (if only because time has shown not enough comics writers are well versed enough in organized religion to write convincing and compelling comic stories about it) but his devotion to the Legionaries was close enough for me.
It's a bit of a double edged sword- I think it's something that makes his character unique, and I could turn this idea over and over in my head endlessly, but it comes at a bit of a cost from a meta perspective. I think part of the reason there's not as much fiction for the poor boy is because he doesn't have really solid canon ship fodder (NightWolves shippers have all my respect, mind you, but somehow it seems to draw a niche crowd?), so he tends to sit in the background like charming blue set dressing. It's okay though, we all still love him.
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unladyboss · 1 year
I was reading @mod-doodles post about Syd reciprocating feelings for Carmy and I agree with all she said
It's been a push-pull all season 2 with Carmy.
He'll do something really cool or sweet or nice, then something horrid like blowing Syd off. They have that big table scene and then he goes to check on Claire mid service. I know if I was Syd, I'd feel that he likes that I can work for him and make a good restaurant. Not anything else.
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If I was Syd, I'd feel like he wants me to be around for work and get ideas, but he'll put his feelings and everything else into Claire. I'd also think that all the times he did nice things, was to keep me around for the sake of the restaurant.
Mid service
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Goes to see Claire
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Even when Syd questions the timing
Remember Syd doesn't see how he is with Claire, just that he brought her around, seems excited about her, and under the table he said she's so great that it scares the sh-t out of him.
Now if some guy I liked told me that about some girl HE liked, I'd be turned off and kinda over my crush on him.
That part probably affected Syd as well and made her come back to earth. Back to some realizations
So when Carmy goes to check on Claire and then comes back only to berate her for cold disgusting 7 fishes,
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Sydney let him know EXACTLY what she was upset about.
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Sydney's hurt jumped out.
Who remembers whenever your mom got mad at you for being out playing with your 'lil friends' or WHOEVER!
Acting like she doesn't know the names of who you were out with. BUT SHE KNOWS
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That's when she's super ticked off!
So Sydney was upset and most likely hurt as hell. Therefore, when Carmy gets locked in the walk in fridge and is calling for Syd, telling them to get Syd, I don't know that Sydney has any motivation to go get Carmy or comfort him, except for in the first minute when she asks if he is ok and he says no.
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Besides the fact that they still have to get through service, I'd have been thinking " get your girlfriend to come get you out, since y'all worked on the menu together"
Syd though, is still kind in her thinking towards him, because when Nat says I told him to call Tim/Tony, Syd tells her ' not now' probably meaning let's not bash Carmy any more for this.
It's not lost on me that Carmy probably went into the fridge to hide knowing full well he might get stuck in there. Syd had just agreed to refire the fish, he was upset over thinking he saw his old horrible boss, and upset over yelling at Syd after she reminded him he was out talking to Claire during service.
He didn't need anything in the fridge. They have people to go get it if they need. He should have been doing a dish.
So here's what. We're seeing what Carmy is going through and what Syd is going through. Neither of them let slip that they feel more for each other than the restaurant. But Syd, who seems to be even more guarded, as she should be given Carmy's behavior, has to keep the walls up. Carmy disappointed her again.
Guess who we see Syd rely on a lot while Carmy is locked in the fridge?
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I heard her call his name three times and saw him in several shots after that looking at or listening to Syd
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Season 3 might see Syd with walls all the way up even with Claire gone. Connor might provide romantic fun for her, even with those walls still up.
But Carmy has a lot of work to do.
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saneijeijei · 11 months
Boy and Dragon
William looked out of the carriage window with displeasure, watching as the city streets were replaced by fields and trees. He didn't want to go to another hunting competition, even though it was the opening of the season. All his friends stayed in the capital with their mothers and he was forced to travel with his family to a remote part of the empire.
"Why couldn't I stay at home?" William whined. "Count Grey promised Jacob to go to their summer residence so that they could ride horses together in the valley of eternal flowers. Rick's father promised to buy a continuation of the famous recordings of the knight of the white swords! What about me? I can't even participate in the hunt, because I'm still too young! What should I do there?" "Will, we've talked about this many times," Marianne sighed. "Your father is the emperor's assistant. He must follow him. And we, as members of the Porter family, follow our head. Anyway, when was the last time you attended an event?" "Well, uh… A year ago? All the recent holidays have been for adults only.." "That's exactly why the whole family attends the opening of the hunt." "Hey, father will let you hunt rabbits this year," William's older brother said, nudging him in the side with his elbow. "You can't spend your whole life reading boring books among the same bookworms. You also necessary to see something alive in your life". "Daniel!" "I'm sorry, Mother. I just wanted to cheer him up." "What, are you afraid that you won't catch a deer this time?" Vililam snorted. "What did you say?!" Daniel yelled. "Both of you! If you don't stop immediately, both of you will stay with me at tea parties all the time and won't even stick your nose out into the grounds!"
William Porter was the youngest child of Marianne and Cedric Porter. His mother was the only child of Count Terosi. And his father was the only boy in the family of Count Porter. They met at the birthday celebration of the Crown Prince - the current emperor. As the Countess once told, everything happened because his father was in such a hurry that he accidentally bumped into her and almost knocked her down. Because of the awkward situation, a dialogue began between them and soon they danced together at the ball.
And year later, they got married, despite all those terrible events that shook the tranquility of the capital.
His father married much earlier than his master, which, of course, was bad form and the cause of unflattering rumors about him. But the emperor only jokingly reminded him of this in the presence of Porter's family. William remembered that attentive look of tired red eyes that carefully examined him and his brothers and sisters. The emperor himself never married, rejecting any offers of his vassals to find a bride.
"Why doesn't the Emperor want to get married?" Will one day asked and his father. "Everyone gets married. Is there anything wrong with that?" "Willie, His Majesty has his own reasons for refusing all of them. Once upon a time, he was in love with Duke Eckhart's daughter." "The one that Leila pretended to be in order to take over the empire?" "Yeah. But the duke had another daughter. Not own." "Oh?" boy listened to his father with interest, as if he had learned someone's very terrible and dark secret. "Emperor was madly in love with her and the lady also loved him. But Leila brainwashed His Majesty… And she was gone. When he broke free of the spell and defeated Layla, he searched for the lady day and night, hoping that she was hiding somewhere and waiting for him to come for her. But days, months, years passed. But the lady didn't come back." "Is that why we attended the duke's daughter's wake?" "To my great regret, I am afraid that she is no longer among the living."
"It's probably sad. Hope that the person you love is alive, but realize that he will no longer be around?" William sighed. "If something happened to Mom, you have us. And the emperor has no one. He's very lonely." "Yes." Cedric ruffled his son's hair. "But let's not think about the bad, okay? Your mom will always be there. I'm doing my best to keep you all safe and sound."
The boy nodded, and then thought about it.
"But His Majesty's character is heavy. I wouldn't be able to make friends with him either."
Porter Sr. laughed.
"Why is that?" "He has stupid jokes." "Be lenient with him, okay?" "Like you? You always put up with his unfunny jokes, which he thinks are funny and laughs at them himself." "Hey, I laugh when you tell me jokes that I heard when I was your age? Show a sense of tact to His Majesty."
Since then, Porter's family has become a frequent guest of many state events. A year later, his father got him into an elite academy sponsored by the emperor. The entire elite of the aristocracy studied there.
Mom hoped that William would become a clerical worker or a minister. But Willie dreamed of becoming a knight and serving in the palace, although his parents and older brothers did not share his dream, saying that this was an extremely dangerous and harsh job. But he hoped that he would succeed and…
"We're almost there!" the sister shouted, seeing the residence in the distance.
The Porter family arrived in a small town a week before the hunt. As well as many other close houses to the crown, including the Duchy of Eckhart, the Marquis of Verdandi and many others. Thanks to the efforts of the imperial servants and aristocratic houses, the hunting grounds were to be ready by next Monday.
Brothers, having barely received permission, dragged William with them to train. They put leather armor on him so as not to accidentally harm him and gave out a small simple wooden bow. Daniel and Oliver, taking swords, began to fight among themselves, practicing blows. William, under the careful supervision of a teacher, trained to hold a bow and direct an arrow, which was very difficult and quite unusual.
The training lasted until lunch, until they were interrupted by a sister who called everyone for lunch.
"My mom and I took a walk around the city. And do you know what I heard in the boutique?" "My God, what could our chatty gossip girl have found out besides rumors?" asked the older brother. "Hmm! How rude! By the way, this is not just some kind of rumor, but a real urban legend!" the girl was indignant. "So what's the legend? A ghost? A tragic love story?" William interrupted the exchange. "I heard that a real dragon lives in the mountains. The last living dragon. And sometimes, he cries from loneliness that his howl can be heard from here!" inspired by an interested listener, young Porter enthusiastically told what she heard. "Can you imagine? A real dragon!" "Another urban fairytale to attract tourists, and you fell for it. Dragons haven't existed for a hundred years. Stop talking nonsense." Daniel snorted. "It's true! Ask mom, she'll tell you the same thing as me!"
William thought about it. A real dragon? He read a lot of books telling about the old days, when the whole earth was inhabited by mythical creatures. Including dragons. One of them was the founder of the house Regulus - the golden dragon. But the history of the extinction of this species has sunk into oblivion. Historians have each adhered to their own theory of why dragons did not survive to the present day. And the chance to see a real dragon gave rise to a burning curiosity in Willie.
"Dani, if catch a real dragon at a hunting competition, will it cost like a brown bear or more?" "What? What nonsense is this? Do you think there really is a dragon living in the mountains? Will, it's just city gossip. There are no dragons there, forget it. Besides, father told you that you can try to hunt rabbits. You're not allowed to leave the small beast zone, remember?"
William looked away in frustration. "What if I catch a whole dragon? Still?"
Daniel rolled his eyes.
All week, William has been training hard. He wanted to prove to everyone that he could catch something bigger than a rabbit and maybe it would be a dragon. And so. The long-awaited opening of hunting competitions. All the guests, ambassadors and diplomats gathered together to listen to the speech. The Emperor, as always, says parting words and wishes everyone a successful hunt. William grabs his bow and arrows and goes to the lands of small animals, overtaking his brothers. The teacher swears and asks not to hurry, because without him, he can't go there, but William jumps on the spot, asking to get ready as soon as possible.
Teacher just grumbles and slowly gathers. Seeing the younger brother's excitement, Daniel and Oliver offer that they will look after him while the teacher is getting ready. To which the man agrees and William, along with his brothers, goes into the forest.
But because of the banter and unsuccessful hits, William takes offense and deliberately shoots an arrow far, far into the forest. The brothers say to go and pick her up, which the boy took advantage of.
After finding the arrow, he did not return, but decided to go deeper into the forest to look for a bigger target. For example, a fox. After walking a few tens of meters, and hearing the screams of the brothers, William went deeper and, not noticing the root, stumbled.
Suddenly, a strange sound followed, low and very loud.
"Richard, I hope you didn't hit the Baron!" "Not he's on our right." “What? Then what was that sound?" "Maybe it's a white tiger that was brought by the ambassador from that small kingdom in the south?"
William fell silent in the bushes until he heard footsteps receding.
Trying to get up, his foot caught on something. “what? Scales?" Willie picked up strange pieces of golden scales from the floor and it was clearly smeared with something. "Where did the scales come from?"
After looking around, William decided to go a little further forward, when suddenly a noise was heard behind him. He barely had time to turn around when something heavy pushed him back to the ground and covered him with hot breath.
It was a dragon.
The idea came to my mind after re-reading several Kuro fanfics(@kuroneko1815). I decided to reread all the finished fanfiction and it just so happened that it was Kuro's fanfiction that went in order. And when I wanted to go to bed, the idea came to me: "What if?". Well, here you see the result of this "if".
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daenakills · 2 years
Just an Accident.
Tommy shelby x Original Female Character, Alfie Solomons x Original Female character. (it also works like reader cuz she doesn't have any descriptions or name)
Warning: mentions of smut, cheating, unhappy marriage, thomas being kinda neglectful.
This is planned to be a series.
The only thing she felt was regret.  She regretted marrying him, but she regretted even more that she had fallen madly in love with him.
She thought that while she was in bed, not expecting him since he used to go off with one of his whores.
The truth was that she did not suffer anymore, it no longer hurt that he was with those women. She thought that she still remembers the first time she found out about it.
She was talking with her friends while they were having tea, sometimes they talked about other women and her husbands but she didn't really like talking about that. Her group of friends was short and reduced by her husband, after all it was normal that not everyone wanted to be her friend.
"Have you heard about poor Amy? They say her husband left her for another woman. She still lives in her house and they are married but it's obviously not the same anymore." one of her friends said.
"Poor her. Although, you know, we're not too far from women like that."
"What are you talking about?" she said, stunned, since she didn't know of anyone else to whom something similar happened.
"Not to be cruel or anything but, honey, lately your husband has been seen with whores."
She didn't know what to answer, she felt dizzy and nauseated, but she still had questions to ask.
"Since when? Since when have you seen him?"
"Ever since you had your son, they've been seeing him on those wanderings ever since."
She began to cry, and cry.
I was dying but since they didn't see blood they didn't care.
Her friends comforted her with little whispers that told her not to cry, that he didn't deserve her and that all marriages go through crises.
She now remembered that moment and she felt sad, only that it was no longer because of that constant infidelity but because of her own misery and instability. She was not just sad, but pathetic.
She remembered that she thought that she would never be happy again, and that she would never be the same. Although she was correct in that, she would never be the same again.
She remembered the days after the news, the resentment that she had towards that man who at some point came to defend in all arguments with cloak and sword. He was reading. It was ironic that he was so peaceful while she was going through the most difficult time of her life.
"It's good that you arrived. How are the children?" he said in his bid for a decent conversation.
She decided to ignore him, after all it wasn't worth yelling at him and claiming him, although she would love to do it.
"Well, they are taking their classes among other things, although they would like to see you sometime."
"They must understand that I'm not always going to be there for them, I have work to do and they're supposed to understand that they have you"
I had five hundred things to say to him, but I said nothing.
She didn't said anything. Absolutely nothing, that was the moment when she realized that it was not worth trying to talk to that man.
Morning already. She did not realize the moment in which she was lost in dreams. She followed her routine neatly, she did exactly the same thing she did every day when she woke up.
Obviously she realized that Thomas hadn't slept with her, he probably would have slept somewhere else, in another part of the house or in some woman's bed. There were too many options.
This time she decided to do something different.
She was going to a party without Tommy. Still she knew he probably wouldn't really care, he would scold her and complain but she knew he didn't care.
I already accepted it but it still makes me sad.
Although she would do that at night, when she no longer had any obligation as such.
It was already night and she already had her dress on, she had already asked for a ride so transportation would not be a problem this time. As she sat in the car she thought about how the night would be.
Upon her arrival, her friends greeted her, obviously surprised that she wasn't there with him.
Although they really did know that she wasn't with him, they just didn't expect her to come.
"What do you tell me? Is there new news?"
"Well let me tell you, if there's actually any new news, you're one of it. What surprised us before you got here is that Tommy is with another woman right now." Said one of them.
"What?" She started looking around for Thomas and found him, he was there with a woman next to her while she was talking to a man. She had recognized the man she was talking to, she just didn't recognize the girl he was with at all.
It was obvious to her that he had not seen her, she understood it, surely he thought that she had stayed at home following her miserable routine.
"It doesn't matter." She said "I'll have fun without him tonight"
"But I don't think you'll be approached by anyone, you know? No one wants to get in trouble with your husband." She was right, she should find a way to have fun without problems.
"Well, how about we go drink something? I do not know. I'd like to have fun like I did when I was a teenager." Her friends accepted and went to drink a little.
That was one of the last things she remembered.
By the time they got to the bar and their drinks were brought, everything was a blur. It was obvious that she had gotten drunk, she knew that much.
What she didn't know was when she got to her house. She didn't know when she had slept with a man either, she knew it wasn't Thomas.
When she woke up, she could only see his back because of the position he was in, she felt her curiosity consuming her quickly. She needed to see who that man was.
When she got out of bed she knew exactly who he was.
It was Alfie Solomons.
Her husband hadn't known him for a long time and they weren't friends, Thomas never told her anything about business so she really had no idea what kind of relationship the two had.
She tried to wake him up, failing 3 times. She started changing her clothes while she was thinking about how she could have slept with him.
She started to check herself and she realized that he had left her covered with bruises on her legs. She was grateful that she hadn't left anything around her neck, at least so she could hide it. She decided to go to the dining room to have breakfast, finding no one.
Thomas wasn't there.
Nobody was there.
She went to call her children to come eat, something she commonly did, she liked that the first thing her children saw was her. As they ate she kept wondering why life had put Alfie in her way, and how it would turn out.
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luvghostie · 2 years
Hello! So I was hoping you could do this as a platonic thing, but;
What would Kyle, Stan, Kenny and Cartman be like with a father figure reader? Reader constantly cares for them, supports them praises them like no tomorrow and is in general kinda like a dad to them. I'm curious as to how they would treat them and act around them.
Aww, yes I love this request<3 sorry it took so long, I had things to take care of but enjoy!!
{𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵}
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Cartman: um, do you want my autograph or something?
Cartman doesn't know how to react to someone being there for him. Yes, his mom provides for him the best she can but she rarely gives him reassurance or affection.
He'll be very cruel to you at first wondering what you actually want from him.
When you stay longer he'll realize you're not using him for anything weird but instead you are like something he's always wanted... An actual parent.
“Hey... Can you please tell me I'm not stupid? Not that I need your praise or anything, I'm just ego feeding... Yeah.”
compliments and hugs are something he'd love. Just not in public.
Often times he'll probably cry knowing that he's rude to you. He wants to change himself but he doesn't want to get hurt by the other kids.
Memories of bullying, neglect and nasty remarks about his weight are something he hopes you confined him about. Making him forget all those bad times which tore him apart.
In general, Cartman will try to give back what you give to him. It might not be in the same way, but know he appreciates you more than anyone else.
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Kyle: I wish my dad or even my mom was like you-
Kyle has two parents but both of them seem annoyed with him all the time. Ike is little but they give most of their time to his projects or things he likes, leaving the older out.
He'll ask you questions that he can't ask his mom or dad. They vary from animal questions, life questions, or even questions he worries about late at night.
“Could an asteroid hit so hard that none of us feel the impact? So, we die peacefully?”
The answers you give him he takes to heart and tries his best to understand. Remember, he's only in fourth grade.
If cartman says anything rude to you Kyle is always in your corner. (no doubt he and Cartman have had fights about how he talks to you)
You'll have to break the two apart before things escalate
Kyle tells his parents about you but not everything. He's worried that the knowledge and affection you give him will make his parents see you as something that might send him to hell. Realistically, it's because you're more of a parent than either of them could ever be.
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Kenny: *muffled* please don't randomly leave... Not only will you hurt me, but you'll also hurt Karen.
Kenny is the most emotionally and physically hurt so you might have to give him extra compliments. Everyone else in the group has at least one parent that attempts to feed, help, or nurture their kid. However, his could give two fucks.
He'll make you thank you cards for caring for him and keeping him alive. Karen will also give you her favorite barbie, assisting that you deserved it more.
Kenny might ask you often if he could stay with you or at the least hangout. His parents wouldn't look for him anyways.
*muffled* You wanna go throw rocks at the elderly?
He gets upset at times when others bug you or talk over him. He won't yell, but he'll wait for them to shut up.
If he dies in front of you, he hopes you know he'll just come back in three days. The first time he died while you were there terrified the shit out of you. Not to mention how Cartman, Kyle, and Stan didn't seem to care much.
Kenny is a sweetheart and is very glad to have you around. It's a plus to him that Karen likes you as well. He'll try not to make sexual jokes around you or make you uncomfortable, it's a force of habit though.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Stan: Hey, hows your day?
Stan is the most normal one in the group. He loves his family but having you around is nice.
His mom sometimes isn't home and his father can be kind of overbearing at times so you're like his gateway to being relaxed.
If he has homework he needs to do or struggles with a subject he'll ask you for help on the topic. Especially because his dad's not very smart and would probably punch something if he was wrong.
He'll talk a lot about random things he finds interesting or Wendy. Speaking of wendy, you'd probably help him with his relationship and give him a nudge in the right direction.
“You think she'll like the flowers?”
If he throws up before giving her the flowers you'll do him justice and do it for him.
Stan might cry openly in front of you and the group if he has problems. Everyone tries to help the best they can but you might have to yell at Cartman for being a dick.
Stan is a nice boy and is grateful for all you do for him and his friends. He'll give you compliments and buy you food for payback. Even his mom likes you.
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julietasgf · 7 months
Ma's family not liking Strabo from the start is so valid, they must have had foresight or something! But it's sad that her family wouldn't take her back if she chose to leave Strabo :( Like yeah maybe she realized too late he was too bad of a person to stay with, but hey better late than never? I see that you have plans to write something from Strabo's pov and I am so so excited for that! But oof with Ma not having a good relationship with her parents, when I first read her character study, I did notice the line about her father not taking her dreams seriously, but ouch her dad just seems plain rude and mean. Like who makes fun of their kid unprompted in front of a stranger? But an even bigger ouch to her mom and sisters being too afraid of the father to say anything against him, it seems like Ma has just been surrounded by bad/iffy men all her life :( Do you hc Ma to have any brothers? Would having a brother have mellowed out Ma's father? also how many sisters do you hc Ma to have? But if Ma had a strained relationship with her father, why did she name her son after him? Unless by naming Sejanus after his grandfather, you meant he was named after his paternal grandfather? The hcs about Strabo and his half-siblings are a super big ouch, especially for his poor siblings. Him resenting his half-siblings while they loved him and looked up to him...my heart.... I get Strabo being angered by his stepmother wanting to inherit the factory especially since he was the one to do all the hard work of maintaining it, but taking it out on his younger siblings....that is not it especially since I'm assuming Strabo is way older than them? If his dad remarried when he was 5 or 6, there's probably like a 7+ year age gap between Strabo and his half-siblings? I totally get saying hurtful, cruel things in the heat of moment (i'm sure we've all been there before...) but then Strabo was in his late teens when the fallout happened, so that means his younger half-siblings were like 12 or younger when that explosive rift happened? If there's like a decade age gap between Strabo and his younger siblings, I'm just imagining an 18/19 year old Strabo yelling at and saying cruel things to like an 8/9 year old....yeah that's not a good look for him but has he ever been a good person?? So after taking over the factory, that's it with his family? Did he ever bother to keep up with them from afar? Like maybe he didn't keep in touch with them, but did he hear about them in passing, like them getting married or having kids? Does he even know what his niece(s) or nephew(s) on his side of the family look like? I saw in another one of your answers that maybe D2 would vote in one of Sejanus's paternal cousins for the First Quarter Quell and I'm just... *insert so many crying emojis* Like WHY, it's not their fault their uncle was a total scumbag and betrayed their district. They may have his blood and surname, but they're basically estranged from Strabo and his family! Strabo doesn't even like them and they probably don't like him either! But also wouldn't Strabo's nieces and nephews be too old for the Reaping by the time of the 25th hunger games? But also omg Sejanus never knowing his paternal cousins, something to think about because he never once met them even in passing? Or were those cousins born after he moved to the Capitol since there likely would be a pretty large age gap between Strabo and his half-siblings? If I were Strabo's half-siblings, I would change my surname so fast after the news of Strabo betraying D2 spread. Plinth who? Never met that man in my life!
hello anon!! again, I'm going to answer both asks in one post, I hope that's okay by you :))
I just know that strabo went to meet her parents and they sensed something very, very off with him, they just couldn't put their finger on it. I feel so bad for her, that her family completely rejected her :( ma made mistakes, but I do think she's more of a victim to everything, and she got caught up in strabo's schemings and horrible decisions.
I'M SO EXCITED TO POST IT ACTUALLY, I already started writing and hopefully, it'll get ready by the weekend; the name is carcará, which I searched up and translates to crested caracara in english, and the one shot is very much inspired by an old song in br pt with the same name. specifically, there's a part in the chorus that goes like "carcará, it hunts, it kills, it eats, carcará won't starve" and I think it sums up most of what I intend to share hehe
ma's dad is... very much not the best. maybe this is something to write about later (specifically because I'm a sucker for generational bad stuff that just keeps happening again and again). she left her parents' home thinking strabo is better because he is gentle to her, but it's mostly a golden cage. I think ma didn't have any brother, just sisters!!! 3 of them (I promise when I thought of this was not bc of little women help). it's a bit hard to say, it could go either way: a big brother protecting the sisters from the rude comments and overall rude behavior or either he would team up with their dad, and I really think there's no inbetween ☠️ she named sejanus after his paternal grandfather, I'm so sorry, I left it too vague and just noticed now lmao 😭
when thinking about strabo's family, what only played in my head is that part of the plagues from the prince of the egypt that goes like "you who I called brother", and I JUST COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABT IT. I imagine the half-siblings to be twins and the age gap to be around 11 years; so when the fall out happens, both of them are 8. now, I understand perfectly him being pissed of about the factory. but he says fucked up shit to these kids, he's genuinely just pouring out pure hate and fury and pented up anger to two children who pretty much adored him. and then he left home, too bitter and too angry and leaving behind two children who not only were heartbroken, but were feeling betrayed, because they were supposed to be a team, they were supposed to stick together.
strabo is too proud, after saying the stuff he did I hardly think he would even try to come back, but from time to time I think he would pass around his old house to look from afar, would see them living their lives far away from him, but talking directly? nah. I doubt it. it would be a blow on his ego. he'd rather get shot.
UGHHHHH I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABT THIS QUARTER QUELL 😭😭😭😭😭 IT'S LIVING IN MY LIFE RENT FREE. I would feel SO bad for these kids, having to pay for the sins of a man they never met, they don't even know. about the age, I made some math to be sure; I imagine sejanus to be born when his parents were around 33, 34. let's say 34 to have a more precise number. that would make strabo's half-siblings 23. let's say, then, that they had more than one kid, and the last one when they were around idk 38. by the first quarter quell, that kid (that poor, poor kid) would be 18.
(it was their last year, it was almost enough to escape, they were so lucky until now.)
((you know what, I'm going insane with this possibilty, I would do anything for a suzanne collins' book about this specific quarter quell just to know about each district's tribute and why they got voted on))
some of his cousins were born before, I think, and he really never met them (maybe he saw them on the streets, but his ma grabbed his hand and started walking faster, and he didn't even know that these were his cousins, his blood). LMAOOOO I would do the same tbh 😭 not only change my last name, I would change my name and dye my hair and buy contacts just to make sure no one would recognize we're related
I can totally see it and it's pretty much what I would've done tbf 😭 here we usually have two surnames, our mom's last name and our dad's, and it's pretty much to you whose last name are you going to use (I literally only use my mom's last name at least). I think they would keep the surname after the whole fight, bc at that point, plinth was not only strabo's surname, it was their father's surname too. but then the rebellion comes, and they are being associated with HIM, and it's just... terrible. people see the name plinth and automatically think about the guns killing brothers, sisters, daughters, sons. it's ruining their lives and they children's. but even if they change their surname, and try to move on.... it's almost impossible to not see the resemblance between them and the guy on the capitol propaganda regarding district loyalty. and plus, this is more of a hc of mine, but D2 is proud. they remember things and they keep them with them. it's not really fault of strabo's siblings or their children, but I could easily see the D2 population taking out their pain and grief on them, specially after the plinths move out and are deemed complete traitors. but you're right, it's all extremely sad and tragic. in the end, blood is thicker than water... specially in the worst situations like this :(
(also, I almost forgot to say, I think he had two little brothers!!)
AND OMG I LOVE YOUR HC 😭 AAAAAA I'M HEARTBROKEN RIGHT NOW. imagine if his sibling who's a doctor started doing it bc he thinks what strabo is doing, selling guns (before the rebellion, he solt it to the capitol, but only for the peacekeepers), made him feel guilty with his surname on these bullets, and then he starts to help ppl to make up for it. and you know what? it works! plinth is not a surname associated totally with pain and blood anymore. but then the rebellion comes, and this sibling wants to help to take care of the wounded, but they won't even let him enter the hospital bc he's a plinth nonethless. and after the war, he tries, tries his best to help people and make up for this horrible guilt on his chest, but it's not enough bc it's not like before anymore. now, excuse me for a while, I'm going to cry in a corner. hopefully, at least one of the half-siblings is happy and fine with their kids, that's what they deserve.
aaaaaaa tysm!!! 🥹 if suzanne collins ever wrote a book like fire & blood (grrm, the game of thrones' author, wrote it about the whole history of the country westeros) but about the districts and their culture and their habits, I would buy it without thinking twice, and I'm so serious about it. but for now I'll have to be happy with writing hcs abt D2 and the plinth family, I love my beloved dysfunctional guys, they're very much seventeen/family jewels by marina coded <33 LMAOO I also came to the fandom bc of snowjanus, but then got too invested on the worldbuilding and the plinths bc they're too interesting 😭 it really is a pipeline
thank you again anon for the asks and for letting me talk non-stop about these stuff!!! <3
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hepaidattention · 1 year
not me imaging Jiaras first fight as a couple, but JJ doesn't know how to have a fight without running away or blowing up because of his dad. he's been conditioned to think that an argument will turn into an explosion, so the moment Kiara mentions talking about something he's planning his escape because he doesn't know how to deal with confrontation healthily.
so Kie says they need to talk about what he did, probably put his life at risk or did something illegal or self sabotaged their relationship somehow and Kie just wants to talk. normally she would blow up but she knows him, and she knows how jumpy he is about confrontation. so she comes into it calmly, peacefully, gently.
and when she asks if they can tall about it he says yes but he's watching the door. he's scared, and he doesn't know why. just talking about serious stuff, arguing about anything, makes him want to leap out of the room and never look back.
so she says her peace, explains her side. "Jayj, you can't keep doing dumb shit like that. I can't keep watching you hurt yourself because you don't think you're good enough."
and he nods, and he says, "Yeah, alright. I get it."
and Kie notices tears in his eyes but he holds them back with a blink. Then he plasters on a broken smile and says, "I get it. Didn't think this would last anyway, I mean, how could it right? We can just tell everyone we decided-"
and Kiara realizes a little too slowly that he misinterpreted the entire conversation. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, slow down." She had her hand on his knee, and she slowly blinks and says, "What are you talking about?"
And he's more confused than she is. "We're breaking up, aren't we?"
And Kie just let out a breath of a laugh and shakes her head. "Do you want to break up?"
and he feels insulted by even the idea. His mouth hangs open, just ajar, before he answers, "No, Kie, never."
And her face melts into a smile and her hand cups his cheek. "Then no, we're not breaking up."
"But you-"
"Was expressing my feelings. See, when couples have issues, they talk about them, and then together they find solutions. So, my problem is your self destructive behavior, so you'd agree to try and put yourself first and think about my feelings when you do stupid shit."
He nods, his brow furrowed. "Right."
"And then you could express your feelings, maybe about why you do the shit you do. Or tell me something I do that makes you mad. And then we work on fixing those things, together. as a team."
JJ grabs her hand from his cheek and studies it. Then slowly, watching his thumb draw circles on her palm, he says, "A team, huh?"
She shrugs, "Couple, team, relationship. Whatever floats your boat." She sees the anxiety drain from his shoulders, his neck, his legs. He eases into the couch and let's out a deep breath, one that he was holding the moment she said they needed to talk. "So, let's try again, shall we?"
And they talk, and he listens, and he doesn't run this time. He doesn't explode or yell or panic. He just listens, and responds in kind. And it's the first fight he's ever had where he didn't want to run. He just wanted to work things out.
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Please tag this as "Beck" so I can find it. I'm looking for... another perspective, mostly?
tw discussions of csa, cocsa, sa in general, sexual harassment
so, im 15, and I don't know what "counts" as sexual assault. I have this thing I think a lot when people refer to certain things (basically anything that's not rape or attempted rape) as sexual assault where my knee-jerk reaction is to think (but i would NEVER say this to anyone) "oh, but that's not assault, it's 'just' harassment". and I've never really understood why I felt that way--I thought it was some misogynistic society bullshit--until very recently, when I realized the reason is because if XYZ thing counts as SA, then I've been sexually assaulted.
somehow it's easier for me to comprehend that it was "just" harassment. but basically, there's three incidents that stick out: one when I was 12 and 13, where my friend would repeatedly make sexual comments about me (and even once took off her shirt) and say i probably "liked it" because I was a bisexual girl (note i am transmasc now but at the time was girlmode). those ones are "just" harassment I think but they still really bother me. another when i was 13 when my different friend would 1) talk about how hot/sexy/etc she thought I was, unsolicited, and how she wanted to fuck me. at the time I thought I was okay with it, but looking back it was really only because all my other peers called me ugly all the time so I craved that validation. im pretty sure it made me uncomfortable even if I didn't quite realize. more pressingly, though, once at a party she tried to kiss me without my permission, almost succeeded, and I had to push her off me. everyone laughed, so I did too, treating it like a joke, and then i did kiss her afterward, but I think it was only because she wanted me to and I felt like I'd be "ruining the joke" if i didn't let her. I don't know if that's assault or not, since at the time I kind of thought it was OK bc it was for the bit or whatever. third, when I was 14, my aunt and mom got drunk when I was around. as i went to leave the room, my aunt slapped my ass, and I felt EXTRAORDINARILY uncomfortable, but when I tried to yell at her, she and my mom told me "if your aunt wants to touch you, she can touch you!! respect her!!". that's not the only time she's done that but it's the one I most clearly remember. I really don't know what that is, cause even though it's a clear violation of my boundaries in a place you can be touched sexually, it's not like she was? doing it? for sexual reasons? but at the same time if one of my cis male peers came up to me and slapped my ass with the same joke behind it, same response to my anger, and same brush off affect, I'd almost certainly call it assault, even if THEY weren't actually attracted to me either.
i don't know. I guess i just want someone to tell me what any of that "counts" as, or even just what sexual assault and sexual harassment ARE in general. it's not like anyone raped me. I have a friend whose gone through absolutely God awful sexual trauma, too, at a much younger age and much higher severity and frequency, so I really feel like whatever happened to me isn't that bad a deal, even though it does like distress me and stuff to think about.
-Beck (he/him)
Hi Beck,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through.
Please know that it's considered sexual harassment for someone to repeatedly make sexual comments towards you and insist that you like it. This is similar to catcalling, which is another form of sexual harassment. Someone making moves on you without your consent, including forced kissing, is also considered sexual harassment, and can even be considered sexual assault.
Someone slapping your ass without your consent can also be considered sexual assault, and I'm appalled that your mom defended your aunt's actions. It's a very twisted line of logic because it doesn't take into account respecting your boundaries and your body. If you don't want to be touched, there is nothing wrong with that and it's not disrespectful to set boundaries like that. I think that even if your aunt didn't necessarily have sexual intentions behind her action, your ass is still a private area and it's still assault to be touched without your consent. I have additional terms and definitions here.
It's important not to compare your experiences to others. As someone who was also told "it's not like you were raped", being raped is not The Ultimate Trauma and should never be used to minimize other trauma. Just because you weren't raped, and thank god you weren't, doesn't mean that the experiences you do have don't matter. Your experiences and feelings about them are valid. Comparing yourself to others you feel have gone through worse doesn't help you process or heal from your own experiences.
Trauma is not measured by what happened, because we all deal with it differently. Some people can go through something you may consider traumatic and be fine, while others may develop complex trauma disorders from the same event. That's because we all have different factors that affect our resiliency, such as genetics, environment, preexisting conditions, a history of trauma, tenacity, and more. This is why trauma is too subjective to be quantified by objective events, and rather by the way we process them mentally.
I'm not sure if your mom would be receptive, but it may be worthwhile to seek out a mental health professional such as a therapist, if you can access or afford it. A therapist could help you process your experiences and feelings surrounding them, equipping you with coping mechanisms to aid you on your healing journey.
I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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kedreeva · 2 years
I'm in love with this, thanks sm for the reply! I said takes but I rewatched the scene just now and it's not a take it's canon, I feel a little dumb 😅 One more question (jeez sorry if I'm annoying):
Eddie wants to be loved despite what he might think of some of the things he's done in life
What do you think he did he considered bad? Like, maybe did he hotwire something before and then Wayne was disappointed and it got Eddie to stop? Or did he treat someone badly? I can't see the latter tbh, don't think Eddie would treat someone badly on purpose so that's why I'm wondering
Be nice to yourself!
I think he would! We see it right in canon- he's nasty to Jason, at least, in the cafeteria. I don't think Eddie's a nasty person but I do think he's someone that's chosen to be nice when he's nice, and those kind of people have the ability to put out claws when they need to. Those people are often the ones who have learned how to defend themselves by striking first when they need to. The ones who know they're going to be called a freak, so they hop up on tables and yell and parade themselves around, because they can't be hurt by something they own. The ones who snap sharp teeth to keep people at bay if he thinks they're the sort of people that will hurt him if he doesn't.
We see it with Chrissy too! The way he approaches her in the forest at first, his exasperation until he catches on that something's wrong. He doesn't have to snap at her, she's already hurt, and he cows and starts acting kinder almost immediately when he realizes she's not going to hurt him. He even tells her that he thought she was going to be mean and scary, and we see evidence that he did! He did think that, until he didn't, and his demeanor changes along with his perception.
So yeah, despite how much I love the soft stuff, I still think he's perfectly capable of being a dick. Most people are. It doesn't make them evil or even bad, it just makes them people. And honestly, I think it's a REALLY important part of characterization to remember that someone is capable of being nasty and chooses not to. That choice says more about them than if they're nice because they can't be mean. Or, I guess, it says different things about them at least.
As for what he's done or thinks he's done... could be anything! We know so little about him. But we know that he says his dad wasn't good, that he taught Eddie things like how to hotwire a car. I'm guessing that that isn't the only illegal thing his dad taught him to do, and I doubt that he taught him to hotwire with diagrams. He probably got taught on actual cars that didn't belong to his dad.
But like, it's not just illegal stuff. It probably doesn't feel great to have failed graduating a couple times now, no matter how cavalier he acts about it, and that probably comes with other issues of its own, not limited to what he's doing with his life, where he's living, etc.
I don't know what, exactly, he thinks. It's guessing. But he switches awful fast to "I'm a coward who runs away" and I just have to think it wasn't a far leap for him, or at least not as far as he'd like for it to have been.
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barrenclan · 2 years
You can post this and respond to it if you want to, I don't mind, but here is my longer explanation of how I can relate to Slugpelt, and I'm doing it on anon because if I didn't then my anxiety would spike
My mom is a very angry person almost all the time, and I know there are reasons for that but it doesn't make it any easier for me. She tends to gaslight people and is constantly yelling, and she is the whole reason why I tend to freeze up when conflict happens, or when someone gets mad at me, because I'm used to not having a voice, due to her talking over people and acting like she is correct no matter what she is saying.
I find myself displaying some behaviors she does towards other people sometimes, and every single time it hurts when I realize. Every time one of my family members says anything relating me to my mother, even in a joking way, I shut down and tend to end up crying because of it, because I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be like the person who gets mad at people when they say something harmless or who makes people feel like they are stupid, or that their issues aren't important. The part in the description of this newest issue about how sometimes Slugpelt's hurt and issues are taken out on her children really spoke to me, because I understand how much it can hurt to feel like you are becoming someone who caused you pain, even if what you do isn't nearly as bad as what they did to you. You feel afraid, and upset, you feel terrified.
I originally lost the confidence to send this because I was thinking about how I'm probably just projecting my own issues onto this character and that Slugpelt probably doesn't have the same feeling of not wanting to become her mother as I do, but I will send it now because you seem interested to hear me out on why I relate to her and I appreciate that a lot. And I really love how you are adding a storyline like this into this story, just generational trauma in general, because it's so hard to actually break the cycle of it, I know because I'm trying to... and I hope Slugpelt gets to heal and build a better relationship with her children later in this story, because she doesn't seem like she is past the point of healing and being better then her mother was
Sorry if there are any mistakes in this, I started crying while writing this so my brain feels a bit foggy
Don't worry at all about staying on anon, it's perfectly understandable.
I'm always open to hearing people's thoughts on my characters, and it means quite a lot to me if they are able to touch someone personally in any way.
I will say that actually, the idea of Slugpelt fearing about becoming like her mother is something I had written into the story. Specifically it features in issues 15 and 18. I hope you enjoy those issues when the time comes.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate your openness a lot.
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