#she has like 8 names in various orders
artgoes-here · 2 years
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Catsuka and Reibbit
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twistedmionn · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland iceberg
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Explanations ahead (slight spoiler warning)
Tier 1:
everything is self-explanatory, I think
Tier 2:
Haruhi = the protagonist of Ouran High School Host Club. She's a girl who dresses up as a boy (correct me if I'm wrong) and many players who have a female MC consider theirs to be like Haruhi. [EDIT: Thanks for the anon pointing out that I misspelled the name!]
Tier 3:
Tier 4:
A fair amount of people headcanon Vil as a trans woman because he presents androgynously/feminine and doesn't care about gender roles. This has also caused discussion in the fandom because breaking gender roles ≠ trans.
Tier 5:
People sometimes wish TWST was more like a dating sim and had character/dorm routes.
Some people headcanon that Silver is based on Prince Philip (from Sleeping Beauty) and/or is a prince himself. I haven't played all of book 7 yet (only the parts out in the ENG server) so idk if the theory has been proven right.
Lilia is old and hints at dying soon.
Hot NPCs, such as Deuce's mom and Sebek's grandpa.
Ace and Deuce have expressed interest in Yuu at various points in the game.
Genshin VAs: Leona/Alhaitham, Silver/Kazuha, Idia/Razor are the ones I can think of
Tier 6:
A beastman (I think it was Jack) has stated that he has problems talking to animals, and Ruggie's talent at it is considered something special.
The tweels are considered intersex by some due to eel anatomy (I'm no eel expert).
Kalim is considered the real villain by some due to never really bothering to help Jamil.
Epel's backstory/attitude has many elements that a fair amount of trans men relate to.
There are theories that Lilia and Sebek are twisted from Peter Pan characters. I'm unsure about Silver, but I think I've read something about him being from another movie, too!
Tier 7:
Some people headcanon that Ace has experienced domestic abuse.
There's a theory that Ace will betray Yuu.
Cater has two sisters who boss him around, which is a resemblance to Cinderella.
Malleus might have two pps because well... dragon.
Epel and Deuce had a whole ass beach date. Deuce constantly cares for him and broke the school rules in order to make Epel feel better. Their scenes together (the settings) looked straight out of a shoujo manga. If Epel were a girl, this ship would be considered canon by most.
I'm not sure EXACTLY which languages Jade's VA speaks, but I do remember that he knows German.
In one of his Halloween vignettes, Ruggie — as opposed to Lilia — has indirectly expressed that he has no interest in romance/relationships.
Tier 8:
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star-ar512 · 24 days
on signalis characters' voices (signalis spoilers!)
after playing signalis more than once and putting aside the overwhelming amount of feelings this game and its story can and will make one feel, it is easier to notice the more subtle details; e.g. enemies behavior, meaning behind documents and objects, and in this case, the characters' voices.
paying attention to the various living npcs you can talk to, one detail that stands out is that every character has a different tone of voice (similar to undertale).
i like to believe those sounds which accompany the text could represent what each character could sound like; one would expect, since replikas are basically copies, for them to have all the same voice.
well, that's not exactly the case.
here is a video with text and dialogues from all the npcs, without music to hear the "dialogue" clearly. (not all the dialogue is included, only one dialogue per character is present; except for elster as she does not like to speak much).
the dialogues are in chronological order:
-wounded star unit (STAR-S23?? is her name in the game files) in the aula before classroom 4C in floor B1, S-23 Sierpinski (elster included even if she has two lines);
-Isa Itou in the library, floor B1, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Storch Sieben (STCR-S2307) in the rationing office, floor B2, S-23 Sierpinski;
-EULR-S2312 (probably named Dezember given her number designation; eules in game like to use months as names, using the last two numbers of their designation as a reference) in the nurse station, floor B3, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Adler (ADLR-S2301), presumably in the elevator lobby in floor B4, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Arar (ARAR-S2318) in the vent below the Storch dorm in floor B8, S-23 Sierpinski;
-KLBR-S2302 in the library, floor B8, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Beo (MNHR-S2301) in the third room in the mines where monofilament stockpiles can be found, in the rightmost corridor.
-Ariane Yeong (and LSTR-512, still has an unbelievable amount of max two sentences at once) in the personnel room. floor B2, Penrose-512 (memory);
-Falke (FKLR-S2301) in her own room, found in Home.
you may ask, what purpose does comparing the "voices" serve? probably none, still i wished to know if they were the same sounds for every character or not.
here's what i could find out:
the majority of replikas have a different voice, with some exceptions:
-STCR and LSTR units have the same voice;
-as do STAR and FKLR units;
-a bit more expected, the gestalts npcs we see in the game (Isa Itou and Ariane Yeong) have the same voice.
now, for the fun stuff: by analyzing the frequencies which stood out the most in each "beep" from every character's voice, i could rank them from high pitched to low pitched ones.
again, has no purpose, but the result is actually delightful (to me).
here is the ranking:
1. kolibri
2. mynah
3. eule
4. isa-ariane
5. storch-elster
6. star-falke
7. adler
8. arar
pretty surprising, huh? i'd have wagered for isa/ariane to be in second place, followed by eules; also was expecting for arars to be just after the eules, and have behind them stars, then storches, then adler.
no one is surprised kolibri have the highest voices lmao, but mynah having an almost equally high voice was slightly unexpected but not unwelcome.
what's truly surprising to me is falke having the same voice as stars. i'd have expected something different tbh (stars being the lowest rank of protektors, etc etc, they're silly and stupid and crass; all things falke is not supposed to be).
elster having a deeper voice compared to ariane is the cutest thing ever! (as that post about them says)
that's probably the instance where you can notice the most that there is in fact a difference in most voices.
the funniest thing ever to me is that storches apparently have a higher pitched voice compared to stars, also arars having the deepest voice out of all replika is truly awesome to me (definitely fits).
here are to what musical notes the frequencies corresponded to, in the same ranking as before (visual rendering on a piano keyboard for fun i guess):
kolibri (G6 B6 E7 A7)
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mynah (F#6 A#6 D#7 G#7)
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eule (F6 A6 D7 G#7)
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isa-ariane (F6 G#6 C#7 G7)
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storch-elster (E6 G#6 C7 F#7)
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star-falke (D#6 G6 B6 F7)
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adler (D6 F#6/G6 B6 E7)
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(adler has five notes as two close frequencies were distinct from each other, compared to only one in the "feminine sounding" voices. i guess that's how they made him sound different, by overlaying two notes)
arar (C#6 F6 A#6 D#7)
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that's it! thanks for coming to my ted talk about signalis voices and listening to me ramble about them :)
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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Title: Waiting for a ceasefire by Raghad Qanou follow her on tumblr: @rhq274 gfm campaign vetted by nabulsi
to my moots and lovely lurkers alike- i would like to highlight the latest art campaign submission as it comes from a very special person.
for those who haven't had the chance to meet her yet, this is raghad. please take some time to read her introduction in her own words:
"Hello, I am Raghad Qanou, a medical student from Gaza City. My people and I have been subjected to genocide for more than 230 days. My family and I have lived through various types of torture and inhumane conditions. This link is my only chance for me and my family to escape death and try to start over. This is not easy. But we are trying, and we would be happy to have you help save our lives and our future" (share full original tumblr post here) | (read her full story on her gfm page)
raghad used to live a life just like us. i can't speak for all of you- but i think it's safe to bet that a lot of us here are/were college students. people who worked tirelessly to earn degrees in order to get our dream jobs. my own college years, while hard, make up some of the most joyous memories of my life thus far.
raghad has been stripped of those moments- as was the rest of her family (8 in total, 6 of them children). they have been displaced 7 times, desperately trying to stay alive so they can get the chance to truly live once more.
i strongly encourage you all to learn raghad's story on your own. she spent a lot of time and effort to write it herself while suffering through inhumane living conditions. it is the least you can do to show your support for her and her family.
the next thing: share her story with your friends and family.
and finally, for those able to contribute financially: donate! her family's campaign has been vetted by trusted sources and still need our support to reach their goal. their campaign has received very little traction and it has been active since march
the stats so far: £2,207 raised of £55,000 target (~4%)
in an effort to get this post to trend further: here's a poll (do not vote until AFTER you reblog this post)
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fatkish · 6 months
Idk if you have request rules, but i was wondering id you could write a father Aizawa (platonic obviously) in which hr got called by his daughter's school becase she got involved in a fight with a group of bullies.
Like she got tired of seeing the bullies do whatever they wanted so she confront them and it ended up in a bad fight.
So how he arrives school and she has a bad bruise in her face but then she explains him everything.
Thanks :)
Aizawa x Daughter Reader: Fight
Reader is Eri’s age so let’s say 7-8 ish.
Reader goes to school with Eri and is in the same class as her. Reader sees Eri as her adoptive little sister and is very protective of her.
Reader is Aizawa’s biological daughter. She was made by Giraki in a test tube using Aizawa’s DNA as well as others. Reader was found with the league and after getting separated from them in Kamino, the heroes caught her and her past was revealed. Aizawa decided that since he would take her in due to (being ordered by the police and HPSC) her being his daughter.
Reader absolutely loves him and has a slightly off sense of justice. She’s always saying that her daddy is super strong as she refers to his biceps. She wants to be just like her dad.
When Eri started to go to school with (y/n), Eri was super shy and had a hard enough time communicating and getting over her shyness, it didn’t help when the bullies turned their attention towards her
The reader isn’t someone who lets other’s hurt the people they care about. They’ll fight for others but not themselves.
One day, the reader noticed the bullies picking on Eri and the reader used her quirk (it’s erasure just like Aizawa) to intimidate the bullies and uses her scary aura to make them leave.
This had gone on for quite some time, Eri and reader didn’t want to tell Aizawa because they both know how tired he is and they didn’t want to add more to his plate.
The bullies would make fun of Eri’s horn, call her names, insult her and their dads, (Aizawa and Present Mic, since Mic has dropped the girls off and picked them up some assume that Mic and Aizawa are the girl’s dads) they’ll harass Eri and pull her hair, use their quirks on her when adults aren’t looking and recently they started messing with Eri’s stuff, ruining her books and stealing her lunch or dumping it
Reader had had enough after a few months and decided that these bullies were villains.
The reader got in a fist fight with the bullies leading to the bullies (one with a black eye, one lost a few baby teeth, and the third sprained their wrist) to be relatively unscathed with only a couple scraps and bruises. The reader was less lucky and had lost a few teeth, broke two fingers, had a few nasty cuts and one really deep one, a black eye and various bruises and scratches and a very minor concussion from falling and hitting her head
When Aizawa got the call he wasn’t expecting to see his daughter in the condition she was in. He asked Eri what happened since reader was unconscious
When Eri told Aizawa what happened he immediately asked why they didn’t tell him anything. When Aizawa learned that the girls didn’t want to add any stress to his life by telling him, he told Eri that she should have told him and that finding out this way is much more stressful than them telling him.
Needless to say, Dadzawa gave the teachers, principal, and the bullies parents a stern talking to.
When reader woke up after Recovery Girl healed her injuries, Aizawa had a talk with her. He told he that he was proud of her standing up for Eri, but that she’s still going to be punished since she threw the first punch. He told her that violence doesn’t solve anything but that she should have told him earlier to avoid this
After that, Aizawa gave the reader a hug and that night, Eri and reader got to have their favorite foods for dessert and dinner
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gevivys (beauty) │ Chapter 7: Confrontation
terms of endearment ‘verse: see my Masterlist for the correct series order!
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Chapter 1 │Chapter 2 │Chapter 3 │Chapter 4 │Chapter 5 │Chapter 6 │Chapter 7 │Chapter 8 │Chapter 9 │Chapter 10 (COMPLETE!)
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Synopsis: Daemon returns to King's Landing after ten years in exile, intent on rekindling his affair with Rhaenyra. He wasn't expecting you - the revelation changes everything.
Hello, everyone! AGAIN! Because this was originally a single chapter, I didn’t want to leave it on the cliffhanger I did with Chapter 6. Therefore, ya get a two-for-one deal today! YAY! Just got some edits to do of the remaining three chaps and then this instalment SHOULD be done and dusted. Thank you to my slap daddy @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ and my boo @randomdragonfires​ for graciously allowing me to yeet this at them in group chat!
TRIGGERS: incest, purity culture, violence, age gap.
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Whenever something in his life goes wrong, the solution can be found in a brothel.
It is a precept that has ruled Daemon from the moment he had first seen a whore’s tits at the impressionable age of thirteen, Viserys having finally capitulated to setting him on the path to manhood. He’d found it between the thighs of a buxom redhead, or so he had thought. Now, he’s not so sure. Nonetheless, he finds himself retreating to familiarity of fragrant burning oils and musk, of moans and sighs and the allure of gleaming flesh at times of struggle. It is where he had buried his vexation and frustration over his brother’s repeated refusals to take him seriously, where he had mourned the loss of his nephew, where he had spent the past ten years fucking away the anger and the guilt and the weight of everything he was.
It is where he has gone now, in the wake of that awful, senseless altercation with the lord of the Reach after he had dared to—Hm. Don’t think of it. He’s not looking forward to the scolding his brother will give him when he returns.
Or, it occurs to him, what will come to light as a result of my actions.
That might be the very worst part of the whole affair. When the king goes hunting for a reason that his wayward brother would strike down a member of the nobility, he knows the event alone will not satisfy as a full account of what took place. For why would Daemon Targaryen come to blows over mere implication? And, for that matter, why would Daemon Targaryen be present at Lord Tyrell’s meeting with the princess at all? From there, the web comes unbound, and he is discovered.
Fuck’s sake. This is not how he intended to broach the subject with Viserys.
The familiar sounds of breathy moans and slapping flesh fill the room as he sits upon the chaise, surveying the wares and nursing his fifth goblet of wine. He is pleasantly relaxed from the drink and the heady scent of fucking, the thrum of arousal warming his veins and pooling in his belly. It is not enough to coax a rise from him, but the ever-present stimulation is its own form of satisfaction. While his current associate—one of those on the fringes of his usual circle, an eager lad named Desmond or Desward or some such appellation—blathers on, Daemon idly casts his eyes around the room, taking in the abundance of unclothed forms, the roaming of hands and bouncing of breasts, the open-mouthed groaning of the whores as they earn their keep on their knees, against the wall, over the chair.
“… Which one do you like best, my prince?”
He snaps back to attention at the direct inquiry from his companion. Desmond jerks his chin toward the figures in various stages of undress, cheap jewels glittering under the light of the chandelier.
A much nicer establishment this time around, Daemon muses. He doesn’t voice this aloud, however. “Hm. That one, perhaps.”
He lets his eyes linger on the taller whore, appreciating the dusky glow of her hair as it spirals ink-dark from her crown. She twists her body winningly upon realising he is watching her, biting her lip and tossing her head back to display the elegant line of her neck. She’s not to his tastes, but that is precisely her appeal.
“Thought you would’ve gone with that pale-haired girl there,” Desward says, pointing out the smaller, white-haired waif prancing about with her gown peeled down to her waist, modest tits springing with each lively step.
Daemon swallows. She reminds him of you. No. He doesn’t want to think of you, not after the way you had looked at him. “Explain,” he says coldly.
This man hadn’t been present for those occasions in which his little entanglement with Rhaenyra had come up. So how has he come to that conclusion on his own?
Desmond’s expression twists apprehensively. “I just… everyone knows of your taste for silver-haired maidens, milord.”
Everyone does, do they? He’s not surprised to hear the rumours circling of his predilection for maidens, but the distinction here is new. There’d never been enough common stock with Valyrian features in Westeros for such preference to be made public beyond the closer of his old associates, and talk of the misconduct that had gotten him banished was never all that widespread, or so he has since learned. He can only think of one who might have reignited speculation. Fucking Dargood.
Later, he thinks, striding toward the object of his interest. I’ll deal with him later.
His irritation boils his blood just enough to incite a twitch of intrigue from his cock as he casts his eye over her critically. She’s a pleasing enough shape, though the hair is too fine and the mouth too small. Good enough.
“I hope I am to your liking, my prince,” she murmurs, pushing her shoulders back so that her form is bared a little more easily to his regard.
He grunts, eyeing the finely groomed mound that conceals his eve’s prize, and he cannot help but extend his hand to cup the plumpness of her, to trace a digit through silken petals to toy with the bud at the apex.
Either she’s had a customer already or she’s had her fun before venturing down, he mulls, rubbing the sticky wetness from her soft, swollen entrance between thumb and finger. The give is not the same as it would have been from grease alone. Ah—a whore worthy of the name.
Daemon allows her to grab him by the wrist and lead him through the room, through a darkened corridor and into an empty chamber. ‘Tis one of several, he observes, and quite finely furnished for an establishment of ill-repute. Of course, they are visiting the Street of Silk this time. The standards are far higher than that dilapidated hovel in Flea Bottom.
He pushes the girl away when she makes for the buttons of his jacket.
“I’m not intending to linger, pet,” he says, leading her hand down to the laces of his breeches. She nods, smirking impishly as she works at the fastenings. When they come loose, he presses her back onto the bed, reaching into his pants to withdraw his cock.
“My prince!” She is already spreading her legs like a little slut, fingers plucking hedonistically at her nipples. He leers, fondling the soft warmth of her exposed cunt. She is primed and ready for him, a consummate professional in her art.
He wishes the sight stirred him more.
“Call me ‘Uncle’.” He damns his weakness even as he crawls on top of her and shoves her legs further apart, notching his cock at her entrance.
He’d not had this fucking obsession before you—back when he’d thought himself enamoured with your sister, it had been enough to simply eke out his lusts on the nearest hole available, quick and rough and barely memorable. How you have unmanned him! How pathetic he has become. How woeful it is that he cannot endure something so instinctive, so primordial as mating without the thought of you to help him along.
The girl blinks; smiles. “Uncle! Oh, Uncle,” she breathes, the inflection all wrong, sounding nothing like you.
He plunges harshly into her, the glide hot and wet and too easy. It is nothing like taking your maidenhead would feel like, nothing like the tight resistance of a nervous virgin. He closes his eyes and pounds into the whore below him. This time, it is different. He is in control, he knows he is picturing you and he lets himself, permits the mirage of you to fill his mind’s eye and imagines the way your eyes might widen with mingling trust and hesitation as he breaches you.
“Uncle, my prince, fuck—”
He slaps a hand over her mouth, irritated by the disruption of his fantasy. You would never say such a thing in the midst of your deflowering, he is sure of it. When the whore’s voice is stifled, pitchy whimpers emanating from under his palm, he can almost convince himself it is you, can almost lose himself in the slip of cunt and glide of skin.
Daemon moans your name again—the game is up and it’s not long before he’s either exiled or given you, so what is the point in pretence—and suckles dark bruises down her throat, imagining it is the pale skin of your beguiling flesh. When he opens his eyes to stare into yours, he is confronted with the dull green of the whore’s.
What am I doing? What am I doing? Usually, the shame and aggravation sinks in once the firestorm of ecstasy has burnt itself out. It is just his luck that it strikes mid-coupling now.
“Fuck.” He begins to soften despite his hips driving a determined rhythm, desperate to keep the illusion alive just a little longer. It is not to be. “Fuck.”
He pulls out of the whore, sitting back on his haunches. He cannot go through with it. He cannot slink away, bury himself in a whore and pretend as though it’s you, not when he could be trying to win the real thing. He cannot disgrace you by fucking another and wishing it was your face he sees. It would have been preferable had the revelation come sooner—or later. He does not enjoy exposing his weakness before peasant stock.
He sighs; wipes his hand over his eyes; tucks himself back into his breeches, knotting the laces once more.
“My prince?” she asks, legs splayed and cunt raw and red from his vigorous pace.
He smiles wryly down at her, thumbing three silvers into her hand.
“My apologies, pet,” he says, pulling himself off the bed and heading to the door. “I’ve got somewhere to be.”
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When Viserys had summoned him after his night in the brothel so long ago, he’d known immediately what it was about.
Foolish of him, really, to have said what he did. “The heir for a day.” To be fair, he’d not meant it as a mockery of Viserys’s pain or Aemma’s suffering, of Rhaenyra’s grief or your confusion. For all the commons had jibed of his anger and resentment, the Rogue Prince forced down the line of succession by a mere newborn, he had never truly felt umbrage toward his own nephew. How could he? He remembers cradling that boy in his arms, still numb with the shock of his cousin’s death, his brother nowhere to be seen. He remembers those gasping wheezes of his, tiny lips tinged purple with the effort of drawing air into lungs that did not wish to rise. Baelon had passed on in only a few hours, taking with him the realm’s hope for another heir. Someone other than him.
The king’s vitriol was understandable, if unjustified; in a rare display of restraint, Daemon had allowed the man to rail at him over the perceived slight, all too aware of who had been whispering in his ear. It was clear that Otto Hightower had gleaned the details from one of those nearby on the night of his unfortunate blunder, and had used the information to strip him of his standing.
He should have known better than to trust those he used to surround himself with. He should have learned by now.
Daemon returns to the keep as the hour of the ghosts sets in, the dim illumination of the torches bracketing the walls casting an eerie reminiscence upon his path. He’s faced Viserys’s wrath one too many times, those occasions blurring together so that he is several iterations of himself simultaneously.
Daemon the soldier. Daemon the drunkard. Daemon the outcast. He walks in the shadow of his former selves.
It is not long before he is confronted by the silent, scowling form of the Lord Commander. He holds his arms up, palms out, a clear signal of surrender.
“I assume my brother wishes to see me?” he asks, only to be provided a brief nod in return.
A man of few words, he notes to himself. ‘Tis welcome to see that some things don’t change.
He is honestly surprised that he isn’t dragged into the Great Hall again—it is already a significant departure from the previous two events that had gotten him exiled. There is less substantiation and more happenstance in these circumstances, he supposes. Well, with the exception of his assault on Tyrell. There is no denying that occurred. But not even Viserys would take a flowery fuck like him at his word, and he is sure to have untruths aplenty to impart.
Instead, he is escorted into the small council chamber, where Viserys sits alone at the head of the table, staring pensively at the wood grain. He barely acknowledges Ser Harrold’s pronouncement. Abruptly, he sits up, takes in the view of his brother and his Lord Commander, and clenches his teeth.
“You may leave us, Ser Harrold,” he says, eyes fixed upon Daemon.
He steels himself. This time, he has nothing to be ashamed of—except for his conduct with Tyrell, and maybe the whore, perhaps both… At least this time he isn’t being accused of lechery.
“I had thought you tempered by the years away.” The king’s grip is white-knuckled upon the arm of his seat. “And yet I learn today a most curious thing: the assault of a noble lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and accusations leveraged by that very same lord against my beloved daughter’s reputation. He claims her to be entangled in an affair with another. Who could have done such a thing, I asked? Who other than Lord Flea Bottom himself—my very own brother?”
Never mind, then. By the end of his oration, his words sound more like the sibilant hiss of a snake than the utterances of a man.
“You will be silent, wretch!” Viserys snaps, smacking his palm down on the table. His pockmarked face has flushed ugly red, apoplectic with thinly veiled fury. “How could you do this? Ruining Rhaenyra wasn’t enough for you, is that it? You had to go and spoil my second child, my beloved girl, for your own selfish amusement?”
“I have done nothing, Viserys!”
“I am your king!” He pushes himself from his chair by his hand and stalks over to stand before Daemon. He is limping again as he is wont to do these days. “You will address me as ‘Your Grace’!”
“Your Grace.” Daemon bows his head slightly in deference. He cannot afford to anger the man further. “While I’ll confess to the abuse levied upon Lord Tyrell, I cannot admit to something I didn’t do. I haven’t touched her—”
“Oh, you haven’t?” Viserys laughs, but it is a repugnant, mocking sound. His features are firmly arranged into an expression of revulsion. “So Ser Criston’s reports of your—indecent behaviour are falsities, is that correct?”
“Cole?” Daemon asks incredulously. “The man hates me, Viserys. Why the fuck are you listening to him?”
His brother makes a noise of outrage.
“Very well.” A cruel gleam lingers in his eyes. “And what is this I hear of you—you—cavorting about with whores, encouraging them to playact as my daughter so that you may seek your pleasure?”
Daemon’s stomach sinks. Oh, fuck.
Viserys continues. “Your man from the City Watch—Dargood—had little issue telling the tale. What say you to that?” A great many things, brother, and none of them for your ears. The king sneers. “I have half a mind to cut your cock from you and remedy your wickedness once and for all!”
“What would you have me do? Lie? I’ll admit to fucking whores and pretending they were her. Tell me you’ve never let your desires rule your bedsport!” Daemon lets out a derisive scoff. “But I’ll not stand here and be accused of undue conduct when I’ve been nothing short of chivalrous in your daughter’s company.”
“You have an answer for everything, don’t you? Lech!” Viserys leans back against the table. When next he speaks, his voice is heavy with distaste. “Begone from this city, Daemon. You have outstayed your welcome once again.”
He shakes his head. “No.”
Incredulity. Daemon supposes it is fair. He’d never resisted exile before.
“No,” he repeats firmly. “Save for the business with Tyrell, I’ve done nothing wrong. You have no grounds to banish me.”
“No grounds? No grounds?” The king’s pitch is rising. “Attention! Flattery! Gifts! It is a game I know well! A game you’ve played with my first child, and now my second!”
“I am not after ruining her reputation, Your Grace,” Daemon insists. His brother huffs and spins away, pacing before him. “I would have her as my wife.”
Viserys pauses. “Are you in jest?” He looks almost as though he is torn between laughter and tears. “How do you think you’ll go about getting my throne from her? Do you plan on slaying Rhaenyra and her sons to get your crown?”
It is an abhorrent thought. Daemon cannot believe his brother would think so lowly of him. Briefly, he mourns the bond he once had with him, a bond that has frayed and corrupted under the weight of the Seven Kingdoms.
“It’s not about the Iron Throne, Viserys!” He alters his approach, beseeching his brother and urgently pressing his case. “I am the best match for her, and you know it. A Targaryen prince, a warrior, a dragonrider. There is none other who would compare, none other who could give her a just union such as I, least of all that idiot Tyrell—”
“What of Lord Jason Lannister? I would have her wed into Casterly Rock, far away from your grasping ambition!” Viserys’s gaze is considering, now. No longer is he beholden to the blind rage that had gripped him only moments before. “As for your lofty claim… it is Alicent’s wish that I announce the girl’s betrothal to Aegon, who is also a Targaryen prince and a dragonrider. Why should I not heed her instead?”
He's tempted to laugh, but doing so would only incite further ire. No matter the cost, Daemon will not concede to a green boy who seems more satisfied in acting like a child than behaving like a man. 
“The boy is awful to her, Your Grace. She dislikes him. And the Lannister cunt? A simpleton. She’d be wasted on a fool like him, and you know it.”
His brother tips his head in acknowledgement and exhales frustratedly, leaning against the small council table. Much of the fight has left him.
“You are right… But how can I allow this?” Viserys whispers. He is bowed over the table, slumped and defeated. “How could you do this to her? To me?”
“What have I done?” Daemon draws closer. “I’ve spoken with her, taken walks with her, given her gifts. It is nothing more than that. I doubt she ever saw it as more than an uncle taking interest in his niece, until today. I swear this to you upon anything you wish to name.”
The king chuckles, though it carries no joy. “Such sincerity, Daemon. It is most unlike you.”
“I want her as my wife,” he says again, pleading. “Not for the sake of the throne, or to harm you, or any other reason save this—I want her.”
“I cannot…” is the response, muted and distressed. Viserys glances up at him. “You would destroy her.”
He is upset, resigned, but no longer alight with infuriation. Daemon leans against the table next to his brother.
“I would make her happy. Happier than any other. She could stay in the capital with her family. She could ride that great beast of hers whenever she likes. She could study to her heart’s content, at home where she belongs. Only I can give her all those things, and you know it. I am what she needs.”
Viserys does not reply—only stares at him with something foreign and inscrutable.
He makes his final bid. “Long have I been your staunchest supporter. Did I not wage a war in the Stepstones in defence of your kingdom? I have never asked for anything in return, except this: long ago, you promised that you’d annul my marriage so that I might find a bride of my own choosing. Years, I asked. Years, you denied me. And now… I am free.”
Daemon’s voice rings out in the stillness, the echo lending gravity to his words. He stares unflinchingly at his brother. “Give the girl to me to wife. You owe me this.”
The king is silent, unmoving. It is clear he has nothing left to say. And thus, Daemon has no reason to remain.
He bows and knocks on the door to be let out of the room. Passing through the walkway of the small council chambers as it opens, he leaves the king to his deliberations and hopes that his efforts will pay off.
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“For all your degeneracy,” Daemon sneers, “you’re not one to be so loose with secrets.”
The air is chilled with the deep dark of night, the blackness so thick it is almost choking. He doesn’t enjoy the necessity of returning to the scene of his transgressions, but his wayward friend is easy to discover in the depths of the city.
Below him, Dargood pants and splutters, winded after being struck in the gut and dragged from his stool in a cheap, nameless drinking house. Daemon had lugged him rather briskly by the neck to the narrow alleyway beside the tavern, the amber luminosity pooling from the rickety window providing just enough light for him to make out the man’s face.
Dargood coughs. “Times change. A man’s got to do what he must to make coin in this city.”
“City Watch not paying you enough?” Daemon observes him as his eyes begin to droop shut, no doubt a combination of the drink and the knock to the skull as he’d been pulled out the door. He kicks him in the side for good measure, relishing in the yelp emitted when the leather makes contact with vulnerable flesh. “What a shame. Whoever could blame you for selling slanders to the king, then?”
His former ally scrambles to his knees, swaying unsteadily against the stone. “It’s not like that. And ‘slander’ only counts when it’s not true.”
He has a point, Daemon’s mind cannot help but acknowledge.
Dargood babbles on, heedless of the aggravation rising in the figure above him. “I didn’t mention anything outside what I heard and saw—”
“Oh, fuck off!” Daemon clouts him across the temple once more. He collides with the wall with a subdued thump, punctuated by further groaning. “Your father’s a lord. You don’t need the money.”
“Because it’d be so easy for me to beg that man for compassion.” Dargood spits the words out as though they taste foul on his tongue.
Ah, yes—he’d quite forgotten. A lesser son from a lesser house would hardly have recourse to cast himself upon the fires of mercy after amassing a reputation as dissolute as the man’s before him. Whoring, gambling, brawling, and there’d even been some more unsavoury rumours about his involvement in some scheme exploiting the poorest orphans of the city. He’d not cared to ask then, but perhaps he should have. He does not recognise the being before him.
Scum, he realises. He’s scum.
Daemon steps back, assessing the beaten creature that he had once called friend. He sighs. “Go home, Dargood,” he says finally. “Leave this city, or you’ll be made to.”
Before he can turn and walk away, the man lurches to his feet, grappling along the rock behind him. His bloodshot eyes zero in on his target. “So that’s it, then?” he asks, irate cadence marred by the slur in his speech. “You’ll just throw me aside when you feel like it? After all these years, prince.”
A brief flicker of displeasure stirs Daemon’s temper. “Yes—your prince. You sold out your prince for some fucking coin.”
Come to think of it… Wasn’t he making his little remarks before word reached my brother?
The memory has his hands locked tight around the man’s throat before his mind can become fully cognisant of his actions. “In fact”—his fingers squeeze harder—“you sold out your prince for status. Didn’t even need the money to spread your tales, did you?”
“Let—let go!” Dargood chokes, making no attempt to release himself from Daemon’s hold. He ought to be capable of such a feat. His training was thorough enough.
Pathetic. He’s not worth the bother.
Daemon loosens his grasp, surveying the vermin that had been his proudest investiture, a shining example of what the City Watch could achieve with discipline and decisiveness as its fundamental tenets. Now, he is no more than rabble, one among thousands of crooks, delinquents and filth polluting his ancestor’s crowning glory.
“Hm. You disappoint me.” With a final glower of disdain, he adds, “Expect a visit from your Lord Commander when day breaks. I think you’ll find your tenure with the Watch is at an end.”
With that, Daemon revolves on his heel and stalks away, far from Flea Bottom, from these havens of vice lining the streets, and from the poison that had fuelled his life in past years. He has no need for such a meaningless existence now. There is something better and brighter to look forward to.
“My prince! Daemon!”
He ignores Dargood’s supplications even as they grow louder, leaving him behind—where he belongs.
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drchucktingle · 1 year
hello buckaroos and WELCOME BACK for another edition of DECONSTRUCTING DAMASCUS. as before please remember there are huge spoilers ahead and you should absolutely not read this way if you have not already read camp damascus. however if you are all finished with the dang book then trot right ahead.
this is the third in a series of posts so if you are just now finding this way you should probably trot on back and start from the first post here are links
alright buckaroo now that this is out of the dang way lets dive right in. WARNING: CAMP DAMASCUS SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT
i have talked a lot about way of layers that make up camp damascus. previously we tackled FAIRYTALE LAYER and this time we will focus on way of BIBLICAL LAYER.
FAIRYTALE layer makes for pretty complete allegory that stretches from beginning to end of story. it moves in specific order to create a full narrative. however BIBLICAL layer is much more abstract in its trot, taking in bits and pieces from various religious stories and texts and ideas and letting them weave over the top of each other. because of this, i will not be as explicit with TRUE MEANING as i have with other posts, but i will give the buckaroos some starter information on their journey to pick this one apart.
FIRST lets see what the bible has to say about some of these characters
ISAIAH is one of the first characters we meet in chapter one of camp damascus, and although he is not around for the rest of the story, his early appearance has a lot to say metaphorically. ISAIAH in the bible says this in ISAIAH 17:1 - 'a prophecy against damascus: 'see, damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins.''
there is a contemporary language bible name of MSG that translates isaiahs prophecy to this 'a message concerning damascus: “watch this: damascus undone as a city, a pile of dust and rubble! her towns emptied of people. the sheep and goats will move in and take over the towns as if they owned them—which they will!'
in other words if you read into name of this character in first few pages you can unlock everything about the trot of the demons and what happens the last few pages of the book.
another interesting name is SAUL GREEN. in bible saul is known for his CONVERSION ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS.
i will write out book of ACTS 9 where this story appears in the bible (gonna cut out a few things to make shorter for you but i will keep line numbers)
ACTS 9 (talkin about saul)
3 as he journeyed he came near damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.
6 so he, trembling and astonished, said, “lord, what do you want me to do?”
then the lord said to him, “arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
7 and the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one.
8 then saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. but they led him by the hand and brought him into damascus.
9 and he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.
AND THAT IS THAT BUCKAROOS. thing to consider here is that saul green went to camp damascus. he was asked to go not taken like the others (he is counselor) and on his journey he could not see (this is metaphor for memory loss) yet he walked away full of faith.
final name i would like to talk about is WILLOW. she is seen as heathen and seductress by community, especially by LISA DARLING who is roses mother. lisa is righteous and ANGRY, painting herself as the CORRECT and HOLY voice, while believing willow is a sinner and bad influence.
near end of book we learn willows legal name is MAGDALENE which is reference to mary magdalene. in bible mary magdalene is a bud of jesus, they are always hanging out and trotting around together. it is believed by most that mary magdalene was a prostitute (or former prostitute) although this is not specifically in the dang text so who the heck knows.
marys story is about the townspeople treating her badly because of her reputation, believing THEY are the morally superior folks and she is the sinner. HOWEVER jesus will not condemn mary. stepping in jesus says 'actually you townsfolk are wrong, this is my bud, who the heck are YOU to judge? you are all much worse'
so in case of camp damascus this is reflected as a way of saying, 'actually lisa, according to the bible story YOU are the ignorant one for judging willow (mary magdalene) YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.' once you connect these dots you begin to see that lisas main character trait is JUDGEMENT (like in walking game)
a few more quick notes:
all demons mentioned in camp damascus, as well as additional occult texts mentioned like THE BOOK OF THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE, are actual demon titles and real books.
there is a chapter in camp damascus titled STRAIGHT STREET. the main road down middle of the actual city of damascus is 'straight street'
the innermost layer of hell being cold is actually what is written in dantes DEVINE COMEDY. this is the ninth circle of hell and it is described as a freezing, icy landscape where buckaroos are buried up to their necks in ice and tortured.
finally i will leave you buckaroos reading this with an image of a REAL PAINTING name of THE HOLY FAMILY WITH THE MAYFLY. this is an actual painting from 1495. as you can see there is tiny mayfly in the bottom right corner. nobody knows why it is there
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ghostie-gengar · 6 months
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three four eight three!!
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relationship chart and their swim forms :3
hcs under the cut (ages are as of splat3)
real name Sango, aka DJ Sango, nicknamed Agent Ick (squid sisters)
she/her, played with he/him during OE
robust clubhook squid
splattershot main but can work with anything
pretty chill and stoic but tells really good stories if she's in the mood
loves her girlfriend agent 8 so much and thinks she's the most amazing girl in the world <3
pretty blunt with the rest of the splatoon but with eight she's so warm it's like she's a totally different person (can you tell im obsessed with agent 24)
she sees a lot of herself in Neo but doesn't really know how to talk to them so she just. stares at them
acts fed up with Neo's antics but secretly finds them endearing. likes to pick them up and throw them
huge scar on her eye from being sanitized (the eye glows tho so thats cool) and has various others all over
Agent 4
real name Shoyu, nicknamed Sho (marie) and Four-Brains (captain)
firefly squid
dualies main
his freckles and spots glow! his tentacles are sparkly and so is his ink thanks to a condition he has. it's about as common as freckles
super busy college student trying to balance his hobbies with agent duties and schoolwork
hobbies include video games, music, parkour, clam blitz, and hanging out with his friends
knees are usually scraped
wears mismatched socks
he's a super cool guy, but he tries a little too hard sometimes so he can be kinda cringefail but we love him!!
super nosy and pays a lot of attention to details, mild perfectionism
shortest of the agents other than Neo, but give them like a year and they'll be taller than him
Agent 8
real name Umiko, nicknamed Eighty (captain)
bimac octopus
mains heavy splatling and e-liter
she's shy when you first meet her but she's super sweet and friendly once you get to know her
hides in small spaces when she's scared, easily startled
besties with Four, they play just dance together
she thinks Captain is soooo cool and has a huge crush on her (yes they're dating)
prefers to be called Eight over her real name. only Captain gets to call her Umiko <3
lives with Captain, but stayed at Four's place during splat3
has some burn scars on her back (from failed OE missions) and post side order one of her tentacles is bleached (same side as captain's sanitization scar <3)
Neo Agent 3
real name Trip, aka Inkborn Harbinger Of Destiny, nicknamed Newbie (squid sisters and captain)
bigfin reef squid
splatana main (they modded their splatana wiper to have the firepower of a stamper)
they lie about their age to play turf wars- this led to them being recruited into the NSS
autism swag
they love love love shiny things and also spiderman
looks up to Captain but is also terrified of her
loves it when Captain picks them up and throws them
when they get scared/overwhelmed during missions they go and sit near Captain. they don't even say anything, it's just comforting to be near someone they know has been through worse
had an enormous crush on Shiver until they met her, when she genuinely tried to kill them
has a strong sense of wonder and is fascinated by all that alterna has to offer
the back of their head is fuzzy, and they have various scratches all over
homeless for most of their life, briefly lived with the Salmonids, then was able to snag an apartment with special arrangements for their rent to be cheaper since they're a kid
they scrape by selling the treasure they find in the desert
they see Miso as their equal and treat him like a younger sibling. they get extremely offended when people assume he's their pet, as does he
hates Mr. Grizz with a passion.
Neo Agent 3 Jr.
real name Miso, aka Miso Soup With Tofu And Green Onions With A Side Of Dumplings And Fried Rice, nicknamed Little Buddy (Neo)
smallfry salmonid
was rescued by Neo from Grizzco before he hatched, where Mr. Grizz had full intentions to kill him
he hatched from a special golden egg that glowed brighter than all the rest, it was prophesied that he would leave the salmonids and rise up against a great evil
always hungry, will munch on anything (including Captain's shoes)
extremely loyal to Neo and loves them very much. the two of them look out for each other and live together
he and Neo lived with the salmonids when Neo couldn't nail down a permanent place to live, then they had to leave due to an unfortunate incident with Grizzco.
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psychic-refugee · 3 months
My original theory for S2 and the Stalker has completely been obliterated, and honestly from all the new big names attached to it, and the smaller names, it’s a lot to fit in only 8 episodes.
The cast is very crowded for an 8-episode season. With limited time and “space” in the story, I feel like with Wednesday the only common thread and obviously will be in every episode, and Ortega herself saying each episode will feel like its own movie, I feel like most of the actors will actually only get one episode.
There’s also some indication that some of the students have already wrapped up their filming (specifically Joy Sunday via IG posts who is a top billed star), which is very short to me if true and insinuates to me that only one or two episode will be at the school. Which also supports the other rumours that the Addams estate will be heavily featured.
I would like it if some of the students got a significant B plot to explore their characters more throughout the season, but I don’t have confidence in the writers to explore anyone but Wednesday. So far, every other character is just a prop for her.
My new theory is that the season will start at the Addams estate. Maybe a funeral to intro many new Addamses. Then each subsequent episode will have her deal with different Addamses and the family lore.
She’s also supposed to be on a break, so starting at the Addams estate makes sense to me.
In no particular order, but what I think will be included in episodes:
1: We see Wednesday’s home life and more interaction and possible backstory to her friction with Morticia. This will include Morticia, Gomez, Pugsly, and Grandmama. I don’t think Pubert exists in this universe.
2: Uncle Fester centered episode which will also serve as a backdoor pilot to his spinoff.
3-6: She visits with various Addamses, really expanding the Wednesday universe, each with their own issues she has to figure out. So, each episode is more or less a procedural, horror mystery/ “Outcast of the week” This will include Noah Taylor, Billie Piper, Christopher Lloyd, Francis O’Connor, Haley Joel Osmet, Heather Matarazzo, Joonas Suotamo.
Besides just having something to do over break, perhaps Wednesday visits family to test the stalker’s reach, who is still sending her proof of being stalked. When back at Nevermore, she finally figures out who the stalker is because she has eliminated who it couldn’t be based on how they’re able to stalk her from family member to family member and then back to Nevermore.
7-8: Break is over and they’re back at Nevermore. Enid will heavily be featured to talk about her status as a transformed wolf within her pack. Maybe talk about some issues with Ajax because he’s not a werewolf and now she has more options within the Werewolf community. We’ll also see what happened to Tyler and Sheriff Galpin. And it’ll introduce the new faculty at Nevermore.
Maybe Tyler confronts his dad about what he knew about his wife being a Hyde, if anything, and what it means to have a half-outcast child. Galpin will talk his son into accepting his responsibility in what happened, and Tyler voluntarily turns himself in and Thandiwe Newton is his new therapist, perhaps at the same insane asylum his mother.
Wednesday visits him before he’s on a long absence to get his powers and mental health in order. They make peace.
New students Evie Templeton and Owen Painter will feature. I wonder if Owen will be Enid’s triangle love interest, as he has dark, pale features like Ajax. Perhaps she has a type. lol
Xavier, Divina, Kent, and Yoko’s absence will be explained that their families feel that Nevermore has gone downhill and they are pulled from the school to attend an alternative Outcast school.
Steve Buscemi as the new Headmaster will do something to spring into the 3rd season and we’re left with a question about something. lol
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filmbyjy · 2 years
my brother’s best friend
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PAIRING: enhypen x fem!reader
SUMMARY: various brother's best friend scenarios!
WARNINGS: a little mention of bullying here and there. some of these i am tempted to make them into a full fic but i unfortunately do not have enough time to do so :( maybe i might make it see first though! oh and ni-ki's part isn't heavily influenced with the brother's best friend troupe. i kinda went off the radar for his part. a little angst on jake's part but don't worry it isn't bad.
NOTE: ehem the reason why jay and jungwon’s fonts are different is bc I have a font called ‘CatLove’ and so I thought it was appropriate to use it. also no your brother isn’t any of the enhypen members….just some dude. unless you actually have an older brother than sure. imagine him(?)
WORD COUNT(total): 6K words
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school. you never liked it but you were forced to learn. not a single motivation could run through your veins to even get you to look forward to another school day but you still had to go.
there were these hotties of the school who so happens to be in your brother's football (or soccer) team. not even they could catch your eyes.
"i'm home!!" you called out the moment you entered home.
you walked to the living room, only to be greeted by 8 boys including your brother. you stood there shocked, a little flustered.
"welcome home, little sis. sorry, forgot to mention my friends are coming over. uhh, you can just ignore them. they'll just be in here in the living room with me." your brother explains.
you nod.
"mom said to buy dinner since her and dad are out for a trip. i ordered pizza. you can come out once the food is here."
"sure." you say.
your eyes met with one of the boys. his sharp nose, adorable doe eyes and pinkish lips. he was cute but this was your brother's best friend. you were sure there was no way you would have a chance with him.
you met the mysterious boy quite a few times and found out his name was lee heeseung. he was the same age as your brother. he played midfielder in the team, whatever that meant. you also found out he was extremely flirty. anytime, you were alone with heeseung, he'd start flirting with you for no reason.
"you know (name), i don't understand how someone as pretty as you could be single." heeseung says.
this was one of the many times he flirted with you. well, it most definitely wouldn't be the last.
"come to my game." heeseung says as he leans against the lockers next to yours. you closed the your locker.
"look, heeseung. i'm flattered but i can't go to your game when my brother is in the same team as you."
"your brother would think you'd supporting him."
"impossible. he knows i don't care about football."
heeseung sighs, "then. go for me."
"i have something to tell you after the game." he hands you his jersey. "so, root for us? root for me?"
he certainly wanted you to come and as much as you were worried about your brother. you knew what your heart truly wanted.
"i'll go."
heeseung smiles, "great. see you!" you felt him pecking your cheek before running off to practice. you touched your cheek, feeling it warm up.
fast foward to game time, you had awkwardly walked over to the stands in heeseung's jersey. the problem was...his fangirls were gasping and gossiping at how you were wearing his jersey.
'is that heeseung's girlfriend?'
'i heard that's (brother name)'s sister.'
'omg that's soooo unfair. she's got the upperhand by being the captain's sister.'
yeah that's what they basically said. you settled down and the game starts. at one point during their break, heeseung spots you and smiles. your heart races. you waved at him and he waves back. your brother trails his eyes to where heeseung was looking at and he was shocked to see you.
"dude, are you and my sister-"
"not yet, captain. just hoping you'd allow me."
"ooo heeseung hyung has a crush on captain's sister." jake teases. your brother sighs.
"fine but don't hurt her and focus on the game first. we need to win this. we're loosing by 1."
"yes, captain."
game starts again after half-time and blah blah, they won. yay!
once it was done, heeseung does not care. he quite literally runs like a mad man and goes up to you. before you could even utter a word, the boy pulls you into a kiss. he hears gasps and cheers surrounding the both of you. heeseung pulls away with a little hesitation, he didn't want it to end but he knew your brother was watching so he umm stopped himself.
"i like you." he breathes out. you smiled and wrapped your arms around him.
"i like you too, lee heeseung." was what you said before you kissed him again.
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park jongseong, the epitome of an extremely hot boy. every girl in your grade loved him. however...
"park jongseong got into a fight again."
yeah...he gets into trouble a lot.
"not surprised. was he with his group once again?"
that same group happens to also include your twin brother. you never understood how and when he decided to mix with that type of crowd. unfortunately, he did and now he was just like jongseong.
you could smell the smoke from his cigarettes coming from his bedroom. you hated it and it made you nauseous.
"(brother name), could you please stop smoking? it's making me dizzy." you knocked heavily on his bedroom door. when the door flies open, your brother had his cigarette in between his fingers. he rolls his eyes.
"suck it up. it's just smoke." your eyes trailed into his bedroom. there sat park jongseong, sim jaeyun, lee heeseung and park sunghoon on the ground with cards in their hands. it seems like they were in middle of poker.
you sighed, "just. please open the window or balcony door wider. you got the bedroom with a balcony. can't you make use of that?"
"the cards would fly. we were in the middle of a good game."
"you are the pain of my existence."
"if i don't exist, you don't too (name)."
"if you don't exist, i could exist. i was born 2 fucking minutes earlier than you. i could've been an only child if mom's egg didn't fucking split."
you could hear his friends gasping. he rolls his eyes like a spoiled child.
"get out of my face."
"gladly. maybe you should learn how to make a come back before trying to use anything on me." you say. your brother groans and slams his bedroom door shut.
it's say to least, you've officially captured park jongseong's attention. he was attracted by you. he loved the way you put your brother in place. he also loved how you looked when you were getting all snappy with your brother. you must've forgotten that you were in your very skimpy pyjama shorts. in other words, jay was just an extremely horny teen.
the moment you shut your locker door, you noticed jay was leaning on the lockers beside yours. you ignored him and he starts chasing after you. he stands directly in front of you to prevent you from moving.
"you, me. date." jay says. you rolled your eyes.
"sorry, you may be the quote on quote 'hottest guy' in school but i'm not falling for your little game."
"what? game?" jay asks confused.
"do you guys not fuck with girls?"
"no? look we may be causing trouble but i don't go around sleeping with girls."
"well, too bad park jongseong. i simply do not have feelings for you." you tried to walk away but jay holds out his arm to not let you free.
"then, how about i court you? like umm, i try to make you fall for me."
you snickered, "you can try."
"really? okay, then. i'll do it."
"yeah, good luck with that. my brother might just allow you to do so." you sarcastically say.
surprisingly, jay does try to court you. he attempts to give you gifts, do something sweet for you. however, he does still get into a lot of trouble. you caught him once in a fight. his eyes softened just as noticed you. he was still gripping on the guy's shirt.
"dude, punch him?" your brother says. jay lets go of the guy's shirt once he spots you leaving. he chases after you. your brother yelling out for him to finish the job.
"what the fuck? he just left like that? for what? my sister?" your brother groans.
heeseung pats your brother's shoulder, "he is love with her. you know that, you'd do anything for someone you love."
"well he might turn soft because of her. i brought him up and made him who he is now. all because of my sister, he turns into some sick lover boy?"
"dude, let it go. let him be in love with your sister. it's not like he wouldn't continue being our friend. even if he changes for her, he is still jay. our friend." jake says. your brother rolls his eyes.
"if you hate it and want to unfriend jay. unfriend us too. we come as a package. we might actually leave to be friends with your sister instead." sunghoon says.
"fine. fine." your brother waves them off.
back to you. jay grabs your wrist and spins you around.
"you were fighting again. i thought i told you, i hate whenever you or my brother fights."
"i'm sorry."
you noticed the cuts and bruises on his knuckles. you tugged him and led him to the classroom. you grabbed the emergency med kit and started treating him.
"(name)." jay says. you sighed.
"it's been 2 months since you started courting me. you really haven't given up."
"my feelings for you are still very much there. i can't stop myself."
you looked up at him once you were done, "then don't stop."
he tilts his head, "what do you mean."
"i've caught feelings for you." you say.
and yes, jay very much does pull you into a kiss.
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you swore your heart dropped the moment you heard your brother was friends with sim jaeyun.
like...your crush, sim jaeyun. the cute boy next door and your classmate? yeah, your older brother was friends with him. not only was he friends with sim jaeyun, he was also friends with the other 6 well-known boys.
your brother had actually been friends with lee heeseung since the start of the year because they were classmates but to think he met heeseung's friend group that included your crush? it was just nerve-wrecking.
the second time your heart dropped was when you overheard your brother on discord chatting with his friends.
"hey, jaeyun. how's that progress with the girl you like?" your brother asks. you heard the boys teasing jake.
"i just asked her out today." you heard jake say. you were clearly not the girl he was talking about because he never asked you out. which meant...he had someone else he liked. you felt...heartbroken.
you simply left after listening in and ran to your room and shut the door. now, remember when i said he was your neighbour? well, your room and his room were adjacent which meant you could see his window and he could see yours.
jake heard your bedroom room shut both from the discord call and in real life. he lifts his head up to see you crying. his eyes widened.
"hey, i don't want to pry into your family affairs but i know how protective you are of (name) but umm, she's crying." jake says.
"oh. i'll check up on her. give me like 5 minutes and i'll be back. you guys can continue playing. thanks for telling, jaeyun." your brother goes to check up on you. jake could see how you opened to door and noticed how your brother talked a little before pulling you into a hug.
jake frowns. maybe he should've gone over to comfort you instead of telling your brother.
the next day, you went to school and jake comes up to you.
"hey, umm. are you okay? i saw your brother comforting you." you hummed barely answering him.
jake was confused. usually you'd answer him. he just ignores it and simply reasoned that maybe you just didn't feel too okay still. after school, the boys were invited to your house since your brother wanted to hang out with them.
"hey, (name)!" sunghoon says when notices you coming out from your room. you gave him a small sad smile and left for the kitchen. sunghoon pouts. "what happened to her?"
"you guys know she had a crush right?"
"yeah. she used to always happily describe him and talk about him a lot. it was cute, it makes me wish i was her crush!" sunoo says.
"well, she found out her crush liked someone else so she's just heartbroken."
"what? that guy sucks. he doesn't understand how lucky he is to have (name) crushing on him!" sunghoon says.
"well, we shouldn't bring this up anymore. let her heal. i'll try my best to make her happy." your brother says. they nodded.
"(brother name), i'm gonna run to the convenience store. we ran out of snacks." you peaked your head to living room. your brother nods. you went to buy your snacks.
it was a lie though. there were still snacks in the pantry, you wanted to get out of the house since jake was there. it was suffocating for you to be in the same room as him. you did go to the park near your home for some fresh air. there was a playground there with a swing set. you sat there.
"i should've known that he wouldn't like me back. i was an idiot."
"i need to find a way to avoid him. right, how do i avoid jake." you huffed kicking the ground beneath you.
you heard someone settling on the swing next to you.
"so you were trying to avoid me." you realised who it was. you lift your head up to notice it was jake.
"what? i wasn't avoiding you."
"cut the crap. why were you avoiding me?"
"i wasn't."
"alright then. why were you planning to avoid me?"
you looked away from jake, already feeling tears stinging at your eyes. you heard the swing rustle and you felt him kneeling in front of you. you sniffled once a tear falls. jake grabs your hand.
"are you sad because your crush doesn't like you back?" you nod at his words.
"do you want me to beat him up?"
"how could you?"
"how could you punch yourself?" you looked up at him.
"you like me?" jake mutters.
"for so fucking long but now i have to give that up because you love someone else. someone who isn't me. which means i have to sacrifice my feelings for you to be happy."
"how did you know i like someone?"
"you want to know how? i overheard that discord call. my brother asked how your progress with your crush went and you said you asked her out. i only assumed she accepted you."
"i only said that because i have to lie to your brother about me having feelings for you."
"you have f-feelings for me?"
"for so long, my love."
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your older brother was an ice skater. which meant you've been supporting him on his competitions ever since you were young. it was rare for there to be male ice skaters but that didn't mean your brother was the only one.
at a young age, you were acquainted with someone of your age. simply because well your brother knew him as well.
"(name). this is sunghoon, my best friend here in the academy. we also go to the same school! oh and he is the same age as you." your brother says.
when your eyes met with the boy, you swore you've fell in love at first sight. okay maybe at the age of 10, you were just in awe by him and how cute he looked. after all, you were still young and didn't really understand the concept of falling in love.
however, you knew by the age of 15. you were definitely crushing on park sunghoon.
you were now 20. sunghoon has gone to college so it was rare of you to really see him since he was focusing on his education more than his ice skating career. this meant, he wasn't around at all. you missed his little shy and cute smile.
"(name), i'm back!" your brother calls out. you gasp and gave him a big hug. it was finally winter break and your brother had came back from college. you too had just came back about a day earlier than your brother.
"how have you been holding with your lectures? are the modules hard?" your brother asks endearingly. you laughed.
"hey, i'm the 15 year old girl anymore. i'm already 20."
"well, of course but college is hard. as your brother, i must know so that i can cheer you up or possibly give you words of encouragement."
"you're the best (brother name)." you hugged him.
and then, you hear the door knock. your brother goes to open it. that's when you realise, it was sunghoon and well a few other boys you didn't know.
"hey! it's been so long!" your brother hugs sunghoon before hugging the other boys.
the other boys stared at you like you were some foreign object.
"oh right, boys. this is (name). my little sister. (name), that is heeseung, jake, sunoo, ni-ki, jay and jungwon."
you shyly waved at them.
"dude, i didn't know your sister was hot-" jake gets smacked by jay. sunghoon glares at the boy. your brother laughs.
"sorry about jake, he is a bit...on the party animal side. he also umm hasn't well how do i say..."
"gotten pussy." ni-ki blatantly says. sunoo smacks the younger male.
"yah! nishimura, don't just blurt things like that!"
what the boys didn't expect was for you to just laugh. it seems like you quite fit them and they loved that about you. you were as chill as your older brother.
coincidentally later on, the rest of the boys went out to buy something. which left you and sunghoon alone in the house.
"it's been a while." sunghoon says. you were kinda shocked to hear him start the conversation since he usually didn't start it.
"look at you, i see you've grown quite a bit. i guess college has taught you well huh." you teased.
"well kinda. jay and jake are usually the ones who push my introvert limits." sunghoon says. you nod.
"that's great that you're stepping out of your comfort zone. i'm gonna assume...you went to college parties?"
"one or two."
"wow, must be fun. i usually just get buried under piles of books to study." you pout. "but i'd rather get my diploma first than party."
"so you've never been to a party?" sunghoon asks.
"not at all. though my college friends do kinda force me to go but i just shrug them off and tell them i have some studying to do."
sunghoon hums, "honestly, partying was never my thing. i simply just follow jay and jake. it's quite boring really. especially with all those college girls trying to initiate something."
your heart clenches. right. there was a possibility sunghoon might have a college girlfriend while you're out here nerding your life away behind textbooks and papers.
"i see. well, i guess you're really popular with the ladies if they keep coming up to you." you nudged him. he chuckles.
"yeah but i don't really like any of them. besides..." he faces you and whispers, "they aren't you."
you swore your heart drops when you heard those words.
"i said...they aren't you. i like you (name)."
"sunghoon." he reaches his hand out to cup your cheek.
"i really really like you."
you were melting at his words, "i like you too."
his eyes flicker down to your lips and it's like you could tell, he was asking for consent in kissing you. with one simple nod, he leans in and your lips touched his.
just then the door swings opens and reveals the boys. to which, sunoo squeals and your brother gasping. you have never pulled away so fast in your life. sunghoon blushes as he gets caught.
"I KNEW IT, YOU TWO HAVE SOME CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER!" your brother yells. guess, you'd have to explain everything to him.
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you and your twin brother have always had a close relationship. he had always made sure you'd never spilt any tears. until he was sick one day and couldn't come to primary school (or middle school).
you were left alone and so you spent your day quietly eating. however, you were suddenly pushed to the ground by some boy. he had never earned the courage to bully you because your brother was around.
"you! your brother is so annoying! he tries too hard to please the teacher!" the boy yells. you whimper and cower in fear. already shaking at the thought of being hit once again.
but before the boy could even lay a finger on you, you heard someone yell.
"yah! you! stop bullying girls! you jealous freak show! i already reported this to the teacher who makes her rounds here!"
you heard footsteps running as fast as possible and light footsteps coming up to you.
"hey, are you okay? do you want to visit the nurse's office?" you looked up. the boy holds out his hand, "my name is sunwoo but uhh usually people write my name a little funny so you can use sunoo instead if it's easier!"
from then on, you became friends with the boy. even your brother became friends with him. all because he was thankful for sunoo.
fast forward to years later, on your coming of age celebration...
"yah yah! you need to calm down on the alcohol young lady!" your brother pats your back. you smiled at him.
"(brother name), you should reallyyyy try this. it gets you all goofy and feeling warm!"
"that's because you drank 2 bottles! oh my god, this wasn't supposed to happen." your brother huffs. "sunoo, could you please bring my sister back into her room? i need to clean this place up. our parents are coming home tomorrow!"
"of course." sunoo helps to pull you up. he carefully brings you over to your bed. you giggled.
"sunooooo, you're sooooo pretty." you say. sunoo snickers.
"thank you but you're way prettier, angel."
"naurrr, you're so pretty and it's unfair. i wish i had a boyfriend as pretty as you."
"you've been hanging out with jake hyung too much." he pats your head, "and you can have a boyfriend as pretty as me, angel."
"but they won't be you!"
he hums, "you're right. they aren't me." he tries to tuck you into bed.
"babyyyyy. i don't want to sleep~" you whined. sunoo blushes.
"(name). we aren't dating, you shouldn't call me that." sunoo pats your head.
"we aren't dating?" you start to tear up and sunoo panics.
"hey, wait wait. don't cry. i just...don't want to confess to you when you're drunk. besides, this isn't a very romantic way for you to even find out i like you."
"i am not drunk!"
"sure you aren't"
"i am not!"
"alright then. if you aren't drunk, will you remember this tomorrow morning?"
"yes-" you felt sunoo's lips against yours.
did you remember it the next morning? yes. you did. was sunoo your boyfriend now? yup.
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you had recently joined the photography club. why did you do so? well, you see you loved photography and the art of it. you were always so intrigued by the process and how they really truly captured the moment.
your older brother was in the rugby club (or american football) he was quite the star player. of course, he wasn't the only one. the whole team was. however, one particular boy had caught your eye. he was different. he didn't exactly look like he would be terrifying or even really play rugby but he proved everyone wrong when he became the captain of the team.
yang jungwon, that was his name.
one day, you were assigned to permanently become the team's photographer.
"oh look, it's you." your brother says as soon as you walked onto the grass field. you rolled your eyes.
"ah really, just when i didn't want to see your cocky face."
"funny when we both have the same parents." your brother comments.
the team simply looks between the both of you, confused. the coach of the team introduces you.
"last thing, you can probably guess. our star player here and our photographer are siblings."
"i am the big brother and she's the little sister." your brother proudly admits.
"yeah, as if that isn't obvious. your teammates aren't stupid, (brother name)."
your brother rolls his eyes. the coach laughs.
"alright alright. seems like there will be something exciting to listen to every session." your brother huffs. his teammates laughing and patting his back. "how about i show you around the place first before you start your first work for our team, (name)?"
"oh thank you."
what you fail to notice was how jungwon was staring at you.
"yo, skipper. you good there? our photographer caught your eye?" jake slings his arm around jungwon. jungwon shakes his head.
the skipper: it means captain of rugby or American football (I searched on the internet okay. google better not make a fool out of me😀)
"she's just our photographer, she's here for work so there should be nothing between any of us and her. you can be her friend but our main priority is to win the championship. no distractions."
"damn, didn't take you for being an anti-romantic. you should've just said you don't like her and end it there." jake says.
fast forward to possibly a few weeks later, you've taken a ton of photos of the boys during their trainings and competitions. it was also used in your school's website and newsletter. your name was credited just below the picture and you were happy with what you've achieved.
trainings had just ended and it started raining heavily. unfortunate for you but your brother had plans with his cheerleader girlfriend so you didn't have any way home and well you didn't have any umbrella with you. you quietly wait for the rain to become lighter. you watched the skies, it was really weirdly pretty. you took out your camera and snapped a few photos.
"isn't it just rain, why are you taking photos of it." a voice says. you get get startled before quickly realising it was jungwon. his hair was still a little wet from showering.
"oh, i guess but i think it's a little pretty. the clouds, the pouring rain. take it like a sad photo since rain is usually associated with sadness." you say. "ah, sorry. i was blabbering some nonsense wasn't i?”
jungwon shakes his head, "it's just something you're passionate about. it's alright to talk about it."
"well, i overheard you say that it's kinda stupid and lame-" you gasp and cover your mouth. "sorry." you looked away. jungwon nervously bites his lips.
"i don't think it's stupid."
"oh." you couldn't face the boy.
"look i'm sorry if you overheard that. i just never really understood why you like photography when it's just taking pictures. it's kinda boring really."
"it's okay. not everyone can like photography. this is something i've done dearly since this is only thing that shows i am my own person. rather than me being known as (brother name)'s little sister."
it was silent between the both of you.
"want me to walk you home?" jungwon asks. you looked up at him.
"no it's okay. i'll just wait until it stops raining." jungwon pulls out his umbrella and grabs your camera bag.
"come on." he says.
your heart races. that was just one encounter with jungwon, there was many more that happened after. it seems like you had been spending more time with him. sometimes he even poses for the pictures that you were taking. you jokingly scold him since it was supposed to be a natural photo of them doing their own things during training.
"let me see the photo, miss photographer." jungwon steps forward. you giggled and try to hide the camera from him.
"nooo, it's not for you to see!"
"you were taking photos of me secretly, how am i supposed to not want to see them!"
"they were taken in secret for a reason, captain!" jungwon smirks.
"in that case." he tickles you. you laughed and tried to get away from him.
"yo, cap! training is starting soon. sorry to cut your cute moment with our photographer or should i say girlfriend~~" sunoo yells. jungwon glares at sunoo.
"can you guys stop calling (name), jungwon's girlfriend? it makes me have goosebumps and not in a good way. it's disgusting to think my friend and my sister are dating."
jungwon smirks, "really, hyung? that's an interesting fact to learn about because well...you see...although she's not my girlfriend yet." jungwon lifts you from the ground and kisses you.
the whole team was cheering and yelling.
"oh my god, you go captain!!!"
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dancing has always yours and your brother's dream. the both of you had always hold classes and became choreographers. it just so happens that after so long, your brother was finally able to chase his dreams. he became a trainee and was now a temporary backup dancer for HYBE.
though you didn't continue to follow your dreams, you had still were managing dance classes here and there. eventually, you yourself became a quite known choreographer. your brother made his debut shortly after in 2022. he was a backup for enhypen a few times so he became friends with the boys. he was closest with the jungwon since they were the same age.
"look at you. you've gone from being a backup dancer of ENHYPEN to an actual idol."
"hard work pays off." your brother smirks. you smiled and pat his back. you heard a knock at the dressing room door. a few heads popped in and that's when you realise, it was the ENHYPEN members.
"congrats on your debut!!" jungwon hugs your brother.
"thank you! it's been so long!"
"who is this? is she your-"
"sister. she's my little sister." you bowed.
"hello, i am (name)." you heard sunoo gasp.
"isn't she that choreographer that became really famous because she's only 17??"
you shyly smiled, "that's me."
"OOO i really loved the choreo you did to 'kill bill' by SZA! it was really a work of art!!" sunoo excitedly says. you thanked him.
"wait how did you say she was?" heeseung asks.
"17. she's 17."
you noticed a few smirks, "ni-ki san~" jake says.
ni-ki deadpans, "hyung, can you not."
you couldn't lie. you did admire ni-ki as an artist. he was a talented boy and he did kinda follow the same dreams as you. to see him this up close, you didn't expect for him to be so good looking and tall. it made your heart jump a little.
"umm, i do admire your dance style and dance a lot. you're a really great dancer." you say.
"ooo ni-ki got a compliment~~"
ni-ki blushes. he shoves jake. your brother laughs.
"okay, that's enough. thank you for coming today. i'm sure you guys are extremely busy. i have a debut stage to record soon."
"are you kicking us out (brother name)?"
"i am not. it's just...the staff are kinda rushing me and my members are quite literally staring at you guys because they need to change."
"oh my god, why didn't you tell me. this isn't professional of you, you're holding up your members from changing!"
"well we had a longer time but the staff cut it short so they need to cha-"
"save it. i'll get going. enjoy your time and don't forget to eat."
"yes, (name). i will do so. you're acting like a big sister."
"well, you were never one to take care of yourself and you overwork a lot sooo, i have to take care of you."
"such a sweet little sister." your brother ruffles your hair. he goes to look at the ENHYPEN members.
"thank you guys for coming once again."
"any time. you were always a hardworking guy and you encouraged us a lot so it's only right we come to visit you." jay says.
your phone rings, "oh, alright i'll be over soon." you end the call.
"i have to go now. classes are starting a little early today. don't forget to call me, (brother name)."
"yes (name). enjoy your time teaching the class. my little choreographer." you smiled.
after that, you never really see enhypen again. that is until, they came to your classes. you heard a knock.
"yes-" you gasp. "surprise seeing you guys today. are you the students?"
"yup, you will be our teacher for today."
"well i did get a notified from HYBE that i will be choreographing your side song so...it's great to see you guys again."
"so what have you planned for us?"
"it's still being polished but i can show you guys what i have so far."
"that would be great."
you played their song and showed what you had choreographed for it. the boys were in awe. they were so surprised that you choreographed this all by yourself.
"that's about it."
"i really don't get why companies don't come up to you and ask if you want to be a choreographer for their company." sunghoon says.
"they would have to pay top money for me." you smirked.
"that's right. taught you soooo well." jake says.
"you met her once jake. how would raise her?" jay says.
"the same way i raised ni-ki!"
so for the past few weeks of polishing and teaching the boys the choreography, it was finally able to be shown to the public. you clapped once they all finished it and fell to the ground.
"good job, boys." the staff clapped along with you. "here enjoy some drinks i bought for you while you guys were practicing."
the boys happily took the drinks. ni-ki was the last one to grab his drink, his hands linger on yours for a little longer. he winks at you before going over to sit with the boys.
now it was no surprise there was this weird tension between you and ni-ki but it was also partly because well...the both of you were secretly dating. he confessed last week and now you've been dating the boy for about 10 days now. you chose to keep it a secret because well for one, the boys would tease ni-ki and two, your brother was quick to know because jungwon and him were close.
"so did we do well?" jake asks. you giggled and nod.
"yes, you did extremely well. you executed my choreography way better than i did."
"i don't think we can do that, (name). you were the blueprint and we just added our own style." heeseung says.
"that's true which means you made it even better."
ni-ki smiles, he watches you intently. he wanted to sit next to you but sunghoon and jay were already sitting next to you.
"ni-ki, what do you have to say? we did great right?"
"yeah, we did." you smiled at his words.
"woah, what's with this staring at each other. ni-ki, (name). is there something going on between you two? something we should know of?" jungwon says. you shook your head.
"it's nothing. just an inside joke me and ni-ki have. you wouldn't understand."
"damn. this is a dancer thing isn't it! that's unfair, i wanna know about it too!" jake huffs.
the day ends quickly, enhypen went back to their dorms and you went home. you texted ni-ki making sure that it was okay to facetime him. once he says it was fine, you called him. the boy appears on the screen. he was laying in his bed.
"hi." he says. you chuckled.
"hey, boyfriend."
"never going to get used to hearing you say that."
"what do you mean, you were the one who confessed. why are you shy about me calling you boyfriend? we are dating." you say.
"ALREADY CALLING HIM AS WE SPEAK!" jungwon yells. ni-ki facepalms.
"i didn't know they were listening in i swear."
"it's okay. it's surprise we even managed to hide this for 10 days."
"you're right." ni-ki shyly smiles. "i umm love you by the way."
"love you too."
yup, this was going to be fun.
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ivystoryweaver · 5 months
The Only One
Episode 8
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prev | Fic Masterlist | My Masterlist
Summary: Your deepest, darkest secret is out. How will you handle this new attention? Who can get through to you? (I bet you can guess)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x female original character. Fic is written in second person, but the female "you" has a name (It reads basically the same as any other xreader)
Word Count: 2.1k
Content: nothing too intense - self-doubt, mild angst, slight injuries
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PREVIOUSLY on "The Only One"...
Poe backed away, stunned, brushing bits of gravel from his face and hair. He thought to approach you, but stopped short at a miraculous sight.
Your hair had tumbled down, beautiful and wild, your eyes closed in concentration. Hands clenched by your sides, you held yourself still as bits of rock and earth circled you slowly.
And behind you, dark, slick wings unfurled.
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As the Millennium Falcon raced to its safe destination, Poe gripped your hand tightly, through the slightest opening in the storage bay where you had hid yourself.
His thumb gently stroked yours, back and forth, steadily, reminding you to breathe in time with his ministrations.
In...out...in...and out.
"That's my girl," he would encouragingly whisper at various intervals, calmly caressing and encouraging you to breathe through each hiccup and gasp.
It was a miracle he'd got you this far. He thought he'd never get you onto this ship and off that forsaken salty rock called Crait.
The ragtag remnant of the Resistance momentarily stopped, stunned by the vision of your dark wingspan and bits of rock circling your body.
Poe winced at the tiny scrapes littering his arms, where you had inadvertently flung gravel outward using the Force - his bare forearms the only shield for his face.
Everything that could be going wrong for a person like you was now careening off a cliff into utter disaster.
Your secret made itself known to everyone. Both secrets: the fact that you could wield the Force and the fact that you possessed demon wings.
Worse, everyone was staring at you, disbelievingly.
Worse still, there was no time for this. Kylo Ren and the First Order were surely mere minutes behind you all, following you through the hidden Rebel base in the mine.
Poe could hardly think of which fire to put out first, but he had to do something, before you panicked. You could not afford to have a panic attack right now - not with uncontrolled power such as yours. It would surely draw the wrong kind of attention - acting as a beacon for the First Order, impeding escape.
The Resistance would be finished once and for all, if you were found.
He started with your name, softly.
Your lip trembled at the sound of his voice.
Since the moment you sent rocks flying outward, you had yet to open your eyes.
"Ells," he repeated, with more urgency. "It's me. Can-can I touch your hand? Is that okay?"
Your chest heaved as reality began to take hold.
Poe ordered everyone onto the ship, hoping to disperse the crowd. Finn took notice and repeated Poe's command - the two of them realizing that Rey and Leia were sharing some sort of moment.
Something was wrong. Something greater than your display of power. You felt it too because your eyes snapped open.
"Oh no," you whispered, unable to understand that it was Master Skywalker's death rippling through the Force.
Thankfully, most everyone had boarded the Millennium Falcon by now, leaving Poe to reason with you. He nodded for Finn to join his comrades, and after concerned glances toward both you and Rey, he complied.
"Ells?" Poe repeated, reaching out for your hand. "It's just me. You okay? We have to get out of here. We have to board the ship."
Your eyes searched for Leia's. She met your gaze over Rey's shoulder during their embrace. You felt something in the Force - something painful, but you weren't strong enough to discern anything further - oblivious to the fact that Leia had just lost her twin brother.
It was then that you realized that Leia and Poe could now both see you for the demon you truly were, which made you automatically withdraw from Poe's reach.
"Come on, sweetheart," Poe coaxed, his dark eyebrows arched pleadingly. "Let's get you out of here - somewhere safe. Come on, I've got you. Just take my hand."
"No," you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. The metaphorical weight of hiding your true self combined with the literal weight of your newly unfurled wings felt like a millstone pulling you to the bottom of the deepest ocean.
Poe lowered his hand. "Come on, Ells. I won't touch you. I won't let anyone bother you. Let's go - we have to go."
You backed away, shaking your head vehemently. "No. Leave me. I'm...like them. I'm...wrong."
Poe did grip your hand then, commandingly, taking a gamble that you wouldn't freak out. That the foundation you'd built together as friends - as...hopefully more, would anchor you here - just long enough to get you on the ship.
"There's nothing wrong with you. And I'm not leaving you here," he fiercely proclaimed, trapping your hand in both of his and pulling it to his chest, urging you forward a stumbling step or two.
"No, Poe, I-I'll hurt you," you protested, breathlessly, although your body complied. "I did hurt you, like they did - like they tortured you - "
Poe squeezed your hand, touching his forehead to yours. "You're going to have to tear my arm off to keep me here. I'm not letting go, do you understand?"
Your breath trembled as you started to cry, but Poe forged ahead, appealing to your dutiful side. You seemed to take pride in following orders, performing your duties admirably. You weren't one for public accolades but a little one on one encouragement typically caused you to beam with pride.
"Get on the ship with me," he softly commanded, his breath ghosting your cheek. "That's an order."
You were nodding before you could think to protest. Something in you longed to please him - to be of use in the Resistance, even now.
Poe all but dragged you up the ramp of the Millennium Falcon - his heart shattering as you struggled to move naturally with your new wingspan - going so far as to bump one of them, causing you to hiss in pain...
...before your breath caught in your chest as you realized all over again that everyone could see the real you.
And they did stare.
"As you were," Poe ordered, waving them off. "Get to work." And he never let go of you until you were as far away from prying eyes as this crowded ship could afford.
...which is where you found yourself now, stowed in a small cargo bay with Poe's hold on your hand tender yet possessive.
His mind raced with fear -with terror, even, at how close or far behind the First Order loomed...if the remaining Resistance had even escaped unseen.
Despite many capable pilots, he yearned to be in the cockpit, in charge, or at least assisting the Jedi Rey. Which reminded him that something seemed dreadfully wrong between Rey and Leia. Poe shuddered to think of what had become of Master Skywalker.
But his duty right now was here, with you.
If he could keep you calm and breathing - if you could only make it to a safe destination - then he could help you. He could help everyone, after failing so utterly before.
But if you lashed out again, with your power - the consequences for everyone on board could be grave.
So he told you the same things over and over - to breathe, that you were safe, that everyone was safe, and the plan. Routine and reality were key for you. So he gave you everything safe and normal he could.
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The Millennium Falcon touched down at a port off the beaten path, discreet, and free from First Order control. The plan was simply to refuel and gather any available supplies, including food, extra transports, fighters, ships or weapons.
Nearly every Resistance fighter dispersed as quickly and inconspicuously as possible to make this happen. Naturally, a small crew remained with the Falcon, making necessary repairs, refueling and guarding their only remaining transport.
This included the young Jedi Rey, who had grown rather attached to the ship, and, naturally, Chewbacca.
Poe found the two of you left mercifully alone for the moment. Your grip on his hand tightened to the point of pain and your eyes remained squeezed shut, as if you could keep the real world from invading your safe bubble.
"Elia...we're here. It's just you and me, okay?" Poe covered your joined hands with his free hand for good measure. "You're safe here. Say it."
Exhaling shakily, you nodded once. "I-I'm safe."
"That's right, sweetheart," he soothed, pulling your joined hands to the warmth of his chest. "We're safe, but we have to get some supplies. That's our mission. You're with me, okay? You report directly to me. Can you do that?"
"I...I can't hurt anyone," you gasped. "Need to stay right here." Fresh tears spilled out of your eyes at the pain surging through your cramped wings. You felt as safe as possible here, enclosed, with Poe to quietly reassure you, but the space was too small, in reality, for your...new body.
Poe blew out a tense breath, hoping like hell he was treating you in the way you needed - how you deserved. "I can let you stay here if you want, but first I need to know if you're hurt. I want you to tell me the truth."
You rocked back and forth a bit, trying to focus on the sound of his voice and the steady warmth of his hand - your touchstone.
Shit...Poe felt like he was losing you. Okay, new approach.
"Elia, tell me the supply list. We need to get it, but...I want make sure I don't forget anything. Tell me what's on the list," he gently directed, knowing you had that thing memorized top-to-bottom, inside-out. You could recite a great many lists and procedures verbatim, much to the slight annoyance of some of your colleagues.
But it was damn handy in a situation like this.
You answered immediately, opening your eyes and swiping at your tears with your free hand.
"Uhh...it-it's medkit, blasters, knives, rations, nav kit, thermal blanket, hooks, glowrods, stimpills..." You rattled off survival items, as well as supplies needed to restock, refuel and get to the next safe destination. By the time you finished, Poe was smiling tenderly at you, nodding encouragingly.
And by then, you were looking at him too. But, since eye contact was nearly impossible for you, your gaze wandered down to the scrapes and cuts on his forearms - the wounds caused by you.
"I'm so sorry," you whispered disbelievingly. "I'm the last person who should hurt you, Poe. You're my best friend."
"You're mine too," he soothed, reaching to trace the shape of your jaw, guiding your obsessive stare away from his cuts and back to his face. "You're hurt too. We need each other."
Your eyes darted away from his but you didn't flinch from his touch.
"I need you out there with me, Ells. Will you help me?"
Chancing a peek at his earth colored eyes, you felt, for a moment, as if he saw you - just you. Not your wings. Not your secrets, exposed, nor the danger you posed.
"I can get the supplies," you answered simply, allowing him to help you climb out of your hiding spot. Your wings provided a bit of a struggle, but Poe caught you by both arms as you stumbled into his.
As soon as you were steady, however, he backed away. "Sorry - you okay?"
You nodded, physically deflating as his eyes raked over the expanse of your wings. "Don't look at me," you uttered, all your fears exposed - a raw nerve.
Poe lowered his gaze, scrubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, you're just...you're beautiful."
"I'm not. I'm...not. I'm dangerous. I'm a demon. But I'm not that."
Smiling wistfully to himself, Poe remembered back to your first date. "You are to me, Ells."
He noticed how you automatically reached for your backpack straps - your soothing motion, but...your backpack was destroyed, leaving your hands empty and your lip trembling.
Poe surged forward, sliding his fingers through yours, inviting you, with a tender caress to weave your worries into his skin - to push and pull and tug until you felt grounded and safe. He showed you what to do, twisting his fingers around yours, dragging his fingertips up, and back down - the motion he'd memorized as you fiddled with your straps a thousand times before.
A thousand times he wished it was him you would touch - him you would trust and depend on.
"I've got you." His breath brushed your forehead as he drew your intertwined fingers, pulling you as close as he'd ever dared.
Your eyes drifted closed once more, but this time, in relief, instead of an attempt to anchor yourself. Pushing your fingers in and out of his strong hands, around, in the same pattern memorized by your fidgeting digits - Poe's touch familiar - his smooth skin like the frayed straps, contrasting the calloused hands of a warrior, stalwart in their support of the Resistance...and of you.
And for the first time, wings and all, you laid your head on his shoulder and pressed your body against his.
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Poe Dameron Masterlist
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f0xgl0v3 · 8 months
Octavian headcanons :3
Another round of general Octavian headcanons, family edition! Would first like to state I’m not touching the legacy strands currently because stuff like Augustus Caesar and his demigod status in Pjo and all of that messes stuff up and I need more time to think about that and actually reading ToA and stuff.
Anyways, motivation for the Octavian post is to settle pre-audition jitters. Drama club beauty and the beast production, and auditions are tomorrow :,] gonna have to weasel my way through the singing part and hope my acting carries me the rest of the way through (in the words of Perseus Jackson; if I tried to sing I’m pretty sure it’d cause an avalanche.)
*Update because I’ve been writing this post for a day; we had dance auditions first! Pretty much just seeing where we are in dancing skills for this, it was really chill and fun and vibes were immaculate! Sorry this post is kind of ajifnsdb and I couldn’t get names down for these people, but I’d want to do that after figuring out.. naming work?
But ajdienajdjfneb whatever onto the headcannons!!
Big family, BIIIG family. In my head he has 8 other siblings (he is indeed the eighth child just for my amusement and it works for the little time before I work on how I think New Rome does naming, and I’m not touching that with a 39 and a half foot pole)
Old money family too. They’re descended from Emperors and they’ve managed to continue that legacy and have a family business, aware of Triumvirate holdings, may even have positive work relations.
Octavian is the 2nd youngest, in order his siblings go; 1st eldest, 2 kid, 3 child, 4&5 were twins, then 6,7,8,9. His poor mom has so many kids- but got solid breaks between them, though I don’t want to calculate ages at the moment.
Staring with his youngest sister. It’s Julia, that Julia. The one that’s Terminus’s little ‘assistant’. Octavian likes getting the opportunity to see her more often than most of his other siblings. She’s a little menace but gets away with it, nothing bad though, just mischievous.
Skipping Octavian we go to child 7. Who doesn’t have a name but just got out of the legion a few years ago, and moved out of the legion/New Rome. Bit of a rebel, but just wants to settle down with a family of their own and distance themselves from the family. They had a neutral-to negative relationship with Octavian. Octavian doesn’t like his siblings distance from Rome, and sibling likes Octavian but can’t help worry over him.
Kid 6 would be probably Gaius or something (again. Not about to go think too hard about what is gonna end up being Octavian’s Oc siblings. I can think about them later) he got out honorably after Mt.Tam, I like to think he’s still looking for a job and drifting in that University stage.
Kids 5&4 are twins, fraternal (maybe identical but I want more fraternal twins) and absolutely wild?? Jobs set up probably as something like loan sharks, they help upkeep the family fortune. Think like Ebenezer Scrooge or how Bob Marley are described in Christmas Carol. Taught Octavian everything they knew about blackmail, manipulation, etc. but they’re generally silly. Both usually try to charge people for various scams, think of the cartoonish dealer with the giant trench coat.
Child 3 has their own family and works for Bombillio’s (?) pretty comfortable with life. Fascinated with the mortal realm, slips on trips their parents take for business.
Child 2 and 1 have significantly branched off and live sort of anywhere, I feel like 1 is supervising that outpost in Canada (that’s another Hc I have that I talked about a LOOONG time ago) and then 2 probably lives out with their partner in San Fran and cats.
Okay a sorry I’m a little jittery because it is SNOWING!!!!! Where I am at least but still, SNOWING!! Sorry I couldn’t name anyone but still, wanted to get general family stuff down and writing posts like these calm me down when I’m feeling a bit aaaaaurgh.
Octavian has mostly good relationships with his siblings. Though he feels like he’s the only one really invested in being a citizen of New Rome and upholding the family name.
I’ll probably change around the siblings and their order whenever I decide how their ages work. But I feel they’re all relatively close in age and then Julia is just the odd one out.
His mother is a legacy from a newer family in New Rome, she’s pretty silly and generally just wants the best for her family.
His dad inherited the unnamed, unspecified family business/company and currently runs it, preserved his old crown awards and has them framed in his office, takes his family very seriously.
Okay, I’m working on the rankings research. It’s… a thing, but for now I might just make more of these random little hc posts, in between larger posts and passion stuff y’know?
Also maybe other fandoms? I’m still very much a Pjo person but I still wanna talk about other stuff lol,
Anyway here’s a quick Octavian thing I did, I’m still messing with his design, I feel like this might stick but I’ll still mess around with his hair, but I just wanted to add a little more to this post because it felt… pretty empty lol.
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Also possible post on how some of the weapons characters have look? Would love to draw actual referenced things like IVILIS(? Don’t wanna go check but the Juno sword I think- Jason’s sword-) Reyna’s spear sword & dagger. Octavian’s Pilum & dagger, some hc stuff, maybe actual Camp Half-Blood stuff (because I wanna draw Backbiter)
Okay, I think I’m done now :3
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 11 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 3 Round 2 Match 8
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Franziska -
"Prodigy in her field, forced to be an adult whilst she was very much still a child. Franziska canonically became a prosecutor at the age 13 so that she was able to start prosecuting the same year as her "little" brother (Just what she calls him - he's seven years older than her), and consequently has to act like she is a mature adult desire being a young teenager. She has really bad emotional regulation (her in-game running gag is whipping people, because her whip is a comfort item to her, and she's been using that motion whenever she gets annoyed since she was really young.), but acts quite haughty, cool and unapproachable so that it doesn't show.
She gets to break down and start crying in the post-credits scene to her debut game because her brother's chased her down to return her whip and show her genuine affection (in his own weird way) and it is SO satisfying.
She calls everyone by their full name nearly exclusively, even her brother. She gets flustered when people do this back to her.
She is obsessed with running investigations in her own "perfect" way in accordance with her family creed, and likes to take charge to make sure this occurs. (Gets visibly distressed when she gets credited for a surprise search on a building that she did not order) At one point, she is SHOT by an ASSASSIN outside the courthouse and STILL tries to go in to prosecute anyway because this is her case and she has it all planned out, and is very upset when her brother forces her to go to hospital instead.
She also repeats a lot of motions that she's picked up from people around her, notably clutching the fabric of her sleeve on her right shoulder like her father does, and smugly wiggling her finger at people like her father and brother do.
I think she's often overlooked for being autistic because her brother is quite clearly too, and he is a more important character, and at various points, a POV character, but I think she absolutely deserves a spot here!"
Tsubame -
"Tsubame is a bit of a complex case when compared to her friends. She is deeply moved by the art of animation, has a compelling attention to detail in movement, and is able to replicate it through her calling, no matter how long it might take her to accomplish specifically tricky feats. It’s how she chooses to express herself to the world, rather than what her parents imposed on her from a very young age, when she was literally taught how to act, and was pushed to pursue a developing career as a successful actress and model.
She could be a poster child of masking, as she grew up learning how to imitate others, and building a persona through whom she was able to present to the cameras, her parents and admirers. This doesn’t deter her, and she comfortably admits to the other girls in the Motion Picture Club about the seemingly complete neglect she feels from her parents, but nevertheless is happy to finally indulge in her actual passion, fighting tooth and nail to make the high quality animation she aspires to see on a screen: realistic and intrinsically complicated at times, and not compromising a single frame to cutting costs if she can help it (of course, Kanamori does reason with her whenever their projects start struggling to meet a deadline and everyone starts pulling all-nighters).
Definitely doesn’t show it at first, but as soon as she finds a safe space in the company of Midori and Sayaka, she drops the act entirely and progressively lets her true self come out. She is energetic, loves playing around, gets too easily distracted, loves climbing up high places, has an unlimited source of curiosity, and when she’s not strongly focused on her art, she’s always moving around. As someone who crafted a perfect mask from very early on, and who, thankfully, had at least the liberty at home to experiment and have fun unrestrained, she naturally is an example of a girl that likely wouldn’t get diagnosed due to a multitude of factors."
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lemissingmask · 11 months
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[ID: Sketch of Eliot Spencer with long hair and in a sleeveless top, tied to an upright chair with his hands bound behind it and his neck held to the back of the chair with a thick leather band. He has blood and bruises visible on his face. In the background, beyond him, is Alexandra Bligh walking towards him and talking, and in the foreground is a close up of someone drawing a bright red liquid from a vial into a syringe. Black bars above and below the sketch is the text 'COMPOUND 002 -- 15 % w/v' and 'DOSE # 1 12/26/22 -- 17.04', respectively. End ID]
Day 15: Experimentation
Bligh makes a deal with some high ups in the FBI or CIA, gets released in order to oversee and run experiments into more effective methods for torture and interrogation using untraceable chemicals. Each experiment is recorded visually as well as notes taken.
Ficlet below the cut - part 2 of the three-parter started on Day 8
Parker hated the velvet softness of the night. Almost as much as she hated the glimmering stars that broke the darkness like thousands of unattainable diamonds.
How dare the evening be so peaceful and calm and beautiful when Eliot was in so much pain?
Or probably in pain.
He wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be dead. He had promised not to leave her and he wouldn't break a promise.
But they knew by now who had him and why, and it was impossible that Eliot was enjoying anything less than torment.
Because that was the point.
That was why they took him.
Using Hardison’s hacking access, they had managed to find out who took Eliot after almost two weeks of searching, and what they found was horrifying.
Alexandra Bligh, released before ever really getting to jail, had been extremely active.  Expenses that took some digging to find revealed rental payments for a building on a private island off the east coast, the hiring of a complete security team and of several scientists from within various government institutes, and purchase orders of chemical ingredients for some of the most brutal enhanced interrogation drugs currently in existence.
The funding had come from within government, through several layers of secrecy, but ultimately under the ordinance of a former member of the CIA. Someone who Vance - after being made to understand that Eliot was in severe danger - revealed had worked with Eliot on some classified operations under his command.
The funds had been transferred under the name of an operation that had very little digital trace, beyond the purpose, whose lengthy wording boiled down to: design new chemical means for breaking people, and the person in charge: Alexandra Bligh.
Hardison had researched the components while his and Breanna’s programs worked to search for Eliot, and privately told Parker what he thought they would do.
Like red haze mixed with toxins designed variously to trigger pain receptors, alter the threshold for pain and other unpleasant stimuli, and cause something called central sensitization, which Parker didn’t understand but it sounded bad.
Hardison’s simplified summary sounded worse. All the memory and sensation heightening effects of red haze, but now with added very real and very strong pain.
They were using Eliot Spencer as the test subject to develop more brutal, untraceable, methods of enhanced interrogation.
And all that on an island almost inaccessible by any stealthy means.
Now Parker was standing with Breanna on a dock in the darkness, waiting for Dr Not-Dead-Paul to bring around the boat they’d need to get to the island. They'd called him in to help in the recovery mission, in part because they needed someone trustworthy who could fight, and in part because they didn't know what state they'd find Eliot in. Having a medic who Eliot knew on hand could prove very useful.
It was Paul who suggested Harry and Sophie remain behind. Having been told what they believed Eliot had been kidnapped for, he cautioned against having too many people around at the point of rescue. Only the three of them needed for the rescue itself - Breanna to stay in the boat or just beside the building, using the proximity to get into their servers and then guide Parker and Paul to where Eliot was, and the thief and temporary hitter would then break him out and escape.
“What if you need more muscle to get out and Eliot can’t fight?” Breanna asked nervously, watching the headlights of the boat as it approached, “Shouldn’t we call in another hitter? Bligh looks like she hired a hell of a lotta security...”
“No time,” Parker watched beyond the boat into the darkness that hid Eliot somewhere inside it, “And Eliot will be able to fight.”
“He’s been tortured for weeks…”
“He’s been shot, stabbed, beaten, drugged, poisoned, and hit by cars, trucks and carnival rides, and still been able to fight. He’ll be fine.”
"Parker's right," Paul said, and Parker thought he sounded sad, "Eliot can handle being tortured. And, usually before, he’s had to fight his way out alone. No team to back him up."
"But he does this time," Parker smiled at Breanna and hoped it looked reassuring, "Eliot's going to be fine."
He had to be fine.
Like Paul said, Eliot had been through torture before, and probably for much longer than this. He’d been injured physically and tormented mentally more than enough times for this to be almost meaningless.
In theory.
But theory didn’t stop her being on edge and upset and angry at the beautiful night.
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Hey I absolutely love your writing! I had an idea for the big sister! universe if you’re interested. Maybe sometime after Natasha and Yelena escape but before the red room falls reader is on a mission and has a close call with Natasha and Yelena who are on their own mission. Reader has to find a way to keep them safe without them finding out she’s there while still trying to complete her own mission. Just a thought - feel free to use it if you want to! Hope you’re having a good day!
I am so sorry this took me forever to write! But I hope you like it. I do love this little AU
A Helping Hand
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Black Widow Sister Masterlist
Warning: mention of human, implied physical torture
Word Count: 2.8k
2013 Edinburgh 
It was rare that Dreykov sent you on a mission. He liked to keep you close so he could keep an eye on you. If he needed to do work for him another Widow was dispatched to retrieve them and your part of the job was done in the Red Room. So it was a nice change of pace as you sat in the safe house; looking down at the street and sipping on coffee. You felt like you were on vacation. The mission was simple. You were tasked with observing a politician by the name of Benjamin Taylor. Everything you learned was to be reported directly to Dreykov. The miss was below your kill level but you learned quickly to never question an order. Your safe house was near Benjamin’s home. You already put mics and cameras in his home and office. You were listening to him get ready for the day. It was disgustingly cute as you listened to him joke around with his wife. 
You’ve been following him for 2 days so you’ve had his routine memorized. You placed your cup down and grabbed your messenger back. It was 8:25, he would be leaving for his office at 8:30. You put your headphones in, a beanie on, and headed out. You were able to copy his phone when you bumped into him at a cafe. You had to admit if the Red Room didn’t send you on a mission you couldn’t have guessed Benjamin was dirty. Today, you hoped it was going to be different. He was meeting with Elijah Brown, from your research you could find nothing on him. Not even a passport. 
Benjamin left his home and headed to his office. It was a 30-minute walk which gave you time to think. Mostly your thoughts were about the mission but sometimes your mind would wander. You pretended you were a normal person on your way to work or a student who was going to a nearby cafe to study. Those thoughts made you lonely. Benjamin entered his office building and you walked to the cafe not far. You had time before he got to his office. You listened to him greet everyone that worked for him. He did it every morning. You ordered a small breakfast and found a quiet table in the corner. You pulled out your tablet, plugging your headphones in there instead of your phone. You pulled up the security footage. Benjamin was sitting on the corner of his secretary's desk. You fully believed he was having an affair with her. You took a few books and notebooks out of your bag. Your cover was a student. A waitress placed a glass of water and a coffee down and you thanked her with a smile. You readjusted the tablet so no one would see it. He finally went into his office. 
You were mindlessly listening to him talk phone calls and answer emails. As he went about his day, you were skimming through your textbooks and ate the food you ordered. The books were about the various languages in Asia. You found the topic fascinating. “Your 9:30 is here, sir.” You closed the book and focused on the security camera. 
“Thank you, Holly.” She nodded with a smile and held the door open as a man walked in. His hair was dirty blonde, cut in a military style. He was wearing an all-black suit and you could tell he was carrying a gun at his side. Holly closed the door. It was like a switch flipped in Benjamin’s personality. His smile fell and a dark look was in his eyes. “It’s dangerous for you to be showing your face around here.” 
“We have a problem,” you took a screenshot of the man’s face and put it through facial recognition software. In no time you found the man’s real name; Hans Meyer. It was a name you recognized. He was a big player in a human trafficking ring. 
“Oh Mr. Taylor, what have we got yourself into?” You mumbled. You saw the waitress walking over to you and you took your headphones off. 
“Can I get you anything else?” She asked, collecting your empty dishes. 
“I’m all set,” you added an English accent. It was such a flawless switch. “But can I stay here until I’m done with my assignment?” You added with a smile. 
“Of course,” her smile was flirtatious. “I’ll bring you some coffee.” She left and you were able to focus back on Benjamin and his guest. 
“How is that my fault?” Benjamin asked. Hans poured himself coffee and faced the politician.
“It is your job to cover our tracks. Do I have to remind you what will happen if you fail?” Hans asked. Benjamin’s jaw clenched. A new cup was set on your table. You smiled but didn’t take your eyes off the screen. 
“Leave her out of this.” You wondered if he was referring to his wife. “I’ll figure it out. The Avengers won’t find them.” You felt your stomach flip. The Avengers were here. It was impossible for you to not hear that name without thinking about your sisters. You shook your head and focused on the conversation. You didn’t have time to think about your sisters. 
You were hunched over your desk with your tablet and papers. You were trying to find a paper trail to Benjamin and Hans. He was good. To the untrained eye, all his paperwork was in order but you were better. Benjamin was hiding requests from Hans and his organization deep within legislation he was signing off on. He was doing this all in the name of not protecting his wife but his daughter from a previous relationship. You understood the feeling of looking into the eyes of the devil and signing your life away. Your stomach growled. It was dinner time and the last meal you ate was at the cafe. Benjamin was home, eating his dinner. You put your phone and wallet in the pocket of your jeans and one headphone in your ear so you could still listen in. You weren’t going far, just down to the corner store to get a quick dinner. As you walked on the sidewalk and the brisk night air caused goosebumps to form on your arm, your mind traveled to the Avengers. Were they interested in Hans’ trafficking ring? If so, who were they going to send in to deal with it? The shop owner greeted you when the bell on the door announced your entrance. You said hello back and wandered through the isles. You were lost in your world, eyeing the different instant noodles and listening to the Taylors talk about the weather, you barely register the bell ringing and two sets of footsteps entering the small shop. On instinct, you put your hood up to cover your face. “No ice cream,” the voice made all the air leave your lungs. It’s been years since you’ve heard her voice. Natasha. 
“Maria would let me get ice cream,” it’s been even longer since you’ve heard her voice. Yelena. Panic filled your body, an emotion you’ve not felt in a long time. You glanced to the right and saw them walk past the aisle you were in. They made no indication they saw you. You needed to get out of here. You grabbed a random instant noodle and headed for the counter. “Excuse me?” Yelena’s voice directed at you made you freeze. “You dropped this.” You turned around and stared at the blonde. She was holding your wallet. 
“Merci,” you said and took your wallet. You swore you saw a flash of recognition in her eyes but it was gone quickly. “Passe une bonne journee (have a great day).” You went to pay for your noodles, grabbing a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. You thanked the older woman and left the store, quickly walking back to the safe house. You were in a lot of trouble. 
So the mission changed for you. You gave your reports to Dreykov but you left out small details, mainly that the Avengers were now involved. You fed on everything Benjamin said to find out his plan. He knew that the Avengers were in the city but he didn’t know who, that was good. You choose a different spot to listen to as he talked with Hans. “I have a plan,” Benjamin said. “But I need some of your men.” 
“I’m listening.” He didn’t reveal his plan right away as if he was thinking it through. 
“They are interested in our warehouse near the docks. I think we should move the merchandise and set a trap for them,” your stomach filled at the word ‘merchandise’ knowing very well he meant girls. The German stared at the politician. 
“When do you want this little trap to take place?” He asked. 
“Tonight,” he said. “If all goes to plan the world will have two fewer Avengers.” 
You changed into your tactical suit and loaded up for the mission. You made sure to listen to the conversation about where they were moving the girls. You wrote a note and put all the information you found on Hans’ organization on a flash drive to leave for your sisters. You put it in your pocket and headed for the factory. You had to time this perfectly. Too soon then they could be alerted and the girls were going to be put in danger. On the other hand, if you were too late Natasha and Yelena were going to talk into a trap. You sighed, placing a mask over your face, and waited.   
It was 10:15 when you decided to strike. You snuck near the factory and looked through the window. You counted 10 men, you thought there would have been more. This was the hardest part for you. In your mind, you knew these men were bad but it was still hard to justify it. You were still taking a life. You let out a steady breath and snuck into the factory. The goal was to eliminate them quickly and quietly. The first man you came upon you eliminated quickly. He barely struggled and you gently set his body to the ground. You made it through two more guards when a body was found and all hell broke loose. You switched to your guns. They knew you were here so you might as well go loud. 
It was quick work. They barely put up a fight. You grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of the main room. You placed the note and flash drive on it and left. Now you just needed your sisters to show up.  
“Calm down,” Natasha said, as she drove up to the factory. Yelena was buzzing with permission jitters as she readied her pistols and Widow Bites. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “Just nerves.” Natasha chuckled, shaking her head. 
“Don’t be. You are going to do great.” Yelena smiled at her sister as she stopped the car. Yelena took a steady breath and followed Natasha out of the car. She mirrored her sister and took her gun out. They were expecting a small fight but nothing two Black Widows couldn’t handle. Yelena positioned herself on the wall next to the door. Natasha nodded her head, silently asking her if she was ready, and Yelena nodded back. The redhead opened the door. They pointed their guns into the room but Yelena lowered her gun at the sight. 
“Looks like we missed the fight,” she said. Natasha didn’t lower her gun as they walked further in. Yelena stepped over the bodies. 
“We should check out the rest of the building,” Yelena heard her sister and silently agreed but she was distracted by a chair. She moved towards it. “Yelena!”
“Yeah, I hear you. Come check this out.” She picked up a note and a flash drive. ‘The girls aren’t here. They were moved. Everything you’ll need is on this flash drive.’ She handed the note to Natasha. “Do we trust it?” The older Black Widow read it over. 
“I’m not sure,” she pocketed it. “But let’s clear the building and we’ll check it.” Yelena nodded. She had a weird feeling as if they were being watched. 
2013 Red Room 
“Can you tell us what happened?” Dreykov asked. You stood at attention as he placed pictures of the bloodshed that took place at the factory. “Who killed these men?” You could lie and tell him you didn’t know or blame it on the Avengers. He was waiting for an answer. Something clicked in your brain. “They worked for me. So I am going to ask you again. Who killed my men?”
“Why did you send me on this mission?” You asked. He didn't say anything. The mission was below your skill level. “Did you know they would be there?” His jaw clenched. 
“You are here to answer questions, not ask them.” He motioned to someone behind you and you were hit in the back of your knees. You fell, biting down the groan in pain. You looked up at him.
“I killed them,” you said. “And for Red Room men they were worthless.”
“Take her away,” he ordered without hesitation. Hands grabbed you by the arm and pulled you to your feet. You were in trouble but couldn’t help but smile. 
2017 Upstate New York; Avengers Compound 
You were sitting on the couch as the nature documentary played on the screen. Yelena sat down next to you with a bowl of popcorn. You took a handful. “I didn’t say you could have any.” You rolled your eyes. 
“You’ll be okay.” You joked and you were about to take more but Yelena grabbed your hand, tracing a few scars she could see. She focused on one scar on your wrist. 
“Where did you get this one?” She asked. You looked at the scar she was asking about. You didn’t remember how you got every scar, you had too many. But you did remember this one. 
“Punishment,” you said with a smile. “I killed some lower-level Red Room guards on a mission.” You looked at your sister. “In Edinburgh 2013.” She must have given herself whiplash on how fast she looked at you. 
“Natasha and I were in Edinburgh in 2013.”
“I know,” you said softly. “Taylor and Meyer knew you there. That factory was a trap. They were going to kill you.” Yelena stared at you, her mouth slightly open. 
“That was you,” she whispered. “And-and at that little market. I thought I recognized you.” You nodded. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You became interested in the ring that they gave you for your birthday. You spun it around your finger. You weren’t sure how to tell her the truth. “Tell me.” 
“I couldn't, Yelena,” you looked at the blonde. “We were both in the middle of our own mission. I didn’t think it was the best time for a family reunion especially when you and Natasha didn’t come back and look for me.” She frowned and looked back at the TV. There was a thick tension between the two of you. “I’m sorry.” You weren’t sure why you were apologizing. 
“I asked about you,” she said finally. “It was hard to remember you but I dreamt about you all the time. Natasha said you were better off without us.” You nodded. That sounded a lot like your sister. She looked at you. “I’m sorry.” 
“I’m not mad at you or Natasha, malen'koye solnyshko (little sun),” you put her arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to you. “Natasha did what she thought was best for you and her. I’m not upset. I’m happy.” She pulled away from the small embrace and looked at you. 
“I will never understand you,” she said. The statement made your eyes widen. “I don’t understand how you can be so forgiving after everything you’ve gone through.” You shrugged and focused back on the TV. The soothing voice of David Attenborough was talking about the migrating cycle of a mother blue whale and her baby. 
“I can’t change the pass. So why focus on it and have it ruin my future.” Yelena laughed, shaking her head, and settled back next to you. 
“Was that the only mission where you helped us?” You smiled. 
“I think so. Now quiet, I am listening to David Attenborough give me facts about whales.” Yelena shook her head with a smile. You kept glancing at Yelena throughout the documentary and you were grateful that Dreykov sent you on that mission. 
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
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Bfsjfjajri, this took forever because I get so, so distracted so easily. But here's that sweet, sweet lore @corporalicent
Daenys Targaryen is Rhaenyra's sister who's younger than her by a year. She is soft & feminine & girly & she very much revels in the trappings of being a girl as a sort of rebellion against their dad being disappointed in her not being that sweet, sweet son by Aemma he keeps pining for. It allows her a sense of freedom because it let's people just kind of beigningly ignore her due to "oh she does what she's supposed to." It's equal parts "I like this," & "I can manipulate people this way." Weaponized I'm Soft And Girly And Prone To Hysterical Irrational Emotions.
Her companion & bestie is Lyonel Strong’s youngest daughter, Cassana, & she also winds up starting a secret relationship with Tyland Lannister that culminates in a secret wedding. There's also the Targaryen Weirdness that comes from "I only have same gender siblings" she has to deal with for a bunch of her life & never really goes away even after the Targtower boys are born because, well, Daenys is 14 when Aegon is born. The pressure is off at that point, but her & Rhaenyra both still have to contend with "if one of us was a boy we'd be married, but we aren't so what are we?" Their arc together is going to be very heartfelt & I'm hyped for the feels of "what do I do without an older brother to marry like I'm supposed to?"/"I'm glad Rhaenyra is my sister so I can dream about hunky boys & kiss Tyland without feeling guilty"
Also, I don't get to talk about it a lot, but she is a dragon rider & I made her baby special for her. Her dragon is purple/blue/pink & named "Windscream." Very femme, very girly, this is what Daenys deserves: a dragon that compliments her eyes.
She & Tyland have boocoo kids. Like, 6 or 7? I keep debating one of them, but they have 5 girls & at least 1 boy at the end (Aemma, Jonquil, Genna, Alysanne, Vaella, & Tybolt for sure. MAYBE Gerion).
Also, also I am letting @murmel-malt borrow my girl Daenys as one of her OC Hedaera's kids. Because friendship is trading your OCs around like Barbie dolls
Aldreda Farwynd is my chaotic, bisexual, selkie coded, pirate queen, seal mommy & I adore her so. She's the last living child of Lord Alfric Farwynd of Lonely Light & she is stuck in a succession crisis of her own because of this. She had 20-something brothers that all died at various points in her life, with the one she's fully related to (Alfric has 5 wives) dying before she was even born. Her brothers in order (and with their death details) are as follows:
Euron: died at 35 on a raid
Ronas: died in the cradle before Aldreda was born
Barrian: died at 32 on a raid [same raid as Euron]
Theon: died at 28 from an oral infection that spread
Faren: sailed further west at age 22 & was never seen again, presumed dead
Edgard: sailed west with Faren at age 18, presumed dead
Coren: died at 22 while sailing home due to being caught in a bad storm
Orwen: died at 20 while sailing home, caught in the same storm as Coren
Randar: died at 17 while sailing home, caught in the same storm as Coren & Orwen
Winfirth: died of the shivers at age 3
Trystifer: died at 14 after drunkenly falling from the top of one of Lonely Light's towers
Sigeric: murdered at 15 during a physical altercation about bedding the prettiest girl at Lonely Light
Vernyn: sailed east to try & explore Valyria's ruins at 16
Ulfric: died of a burst belly/ruptured appendix at age 9
Alwin: died at 13 due to an infection from poorly treated wounds
Waeland: mortally wounded at age 12 during a spar with real weapons
Uther: drowned at age 8
Marlyn: slipped & cracked his head open at age 7
Hubert: died in the cradle
Rhys: murdered by poison at his 6th name day
Her dad & his 2 brothers are a whole Thing, but the tl;dr is that Alfric & his full brother are the sons of a Salt Wife, & their brother (the son of their dad's Rock Wife) thinks he is entitled to Lonely Light more than "his dumb, older half-brother with a mainland mom." This gets imparted onto his oldest son, Westley, who is the grossest & most insidious man in the Iron Islands. He manipulates & grooms Aldreda for close to 2 decades before revealing how awful he is by trying to take her claim. Their altercation drives her away from home, putting her in position to become Aegon II's Master Of Ships during The Dance: something Aldreda does in exchange for a royal decree that inheriting Lonely Light is hers by right (following the Andal succession laws Aegon’s claim banks on).
She's 5-ish years younger than Alicent, & their relationship is...it is something. Initially for Aldreda it's "why shouldn't I fuck this hot, obvious lesbian? Don't I deserve comfort?" & for Alicent it's her finally getting egged on to do something with her own desires. They proceed to become each other's character development girlfriends who have actual feelings for each other beyond "this is for me & my pleasure." I'm still debating endings & major events beyond emotional growth arcs, but I know that Aldreda 100% kills at least one person for Alicent’s safety, & that they trade jewelry as part of Aldreda’s weird, fucky Ironborn "we belong to each other" thing. The mutual ownership thing is very important to Aldreda (& the mutual part is part-and-parcel with her growth. It would have just be a "it's about me having you" thing without the growth).
Their relationship is very "we didn't 'fix' each other, we just made each other the better version of who our lived experiences turned us into." Because "fixing" each other would honestly be inauthentic & it would amount to covering Aldreda in way less blood, & that's not very Sexy Pirate of her to not be covered in blood
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