#she probably saw it in a party shop whilst she was out buying other party things and was like 👀 yes this is vital
kosmosian-quills ¡ 7 months
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I commissioned this a year ago from @arrhythmiacomic and I decided that it was more appropriate to post today - her 18th birthday - because it is when this kind of party would be happening between Anjelika and her friends!
can't believe it's been a whole year my god what is the passage of time
Thank you once again for doing this art for me! It was great to see it then and it's still amazing now!
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arcales ¡ 4 years
Mmmmmmm maybe about the a headcanon of how they celebrate MC's birthday? If it isn't too much to ask ofc
Of course not! Sorry it took me a while, I’ve been really busy! Hope you enjoy :)
Home-made cake! Faust is helping of course. Wrong ingredient!, She warns Asra, but he doesn’t care. Asra doesn’t believe in recipes
Whilst the cake is baking, he’s decorating the house. That means party hats for both him and Faust. If MC is asleep, he will try to put a party hat on sleeping MC. Other decorations include those “Happy birthday!” napkins and balloons
He got a gift for MC months in advance, because he saw it and just thought it was perfect. It was a drag trying to hide it from MC
Planned a very intimate party with only the closest people
After the party is over, Asra and MC have a cup of tea and talk about everything that’s happened thus far, and about wishes for the future. They end the day by cuddling in bed.
She desperately wants to have a small party, but since everyone expects a grand event for the countess’ partner, she organises a ball
She’s stressed. Like with the masquerade, she’s constantly being pestered about whichever exotic animal left the palace garden this time, or whether the decorations should be cherry or berry red. Preparing for this causes her to have less time with MC in the days leading up to their birthday. However, she makes sure to have a nice present for MC
The party ends up looking amazing, however. MC is impressed and is constantly complimenting Nadia, while she tries her best not to blush
Julian shows up out of nowhere and rushes them to the garden. Asra, Portia, and Muriel (and maybe Lucio?) are all there, a small picnic with food stolen from the main room set up. Nadia and MC sit with them, share stories, and have the best time of their lives.
In the evening, they return to their bedroom, play music and slow dance. Without the stares of hundreds of guests, it allows both of them to relax, and simply enjoy each other’s presence.
Have you met Julian? He doesn’t plan ANYTHING. So MC has no idea if there’s anything planned, they only know Julian is coming over. The first surprise is Julian knocking on the front door, instead of using the window to break in as usual.
He takes MC out for a walk in the town. During the walk, he gets MC a lot of snacks (and, of course, the pumpkin bread) from the stands, as he and MC discuss going on a journey together! Julian suggests some of the places he’s been to, and they make up a whole route to travel around the world
They see Portia out and about, and she’s visibly annoyed with Julian for not planning a fancy day for MC. She ends up dragging them to Mazelinka’s house. Mazelinka threatens Julian with her spoon, this isn’t how I raised you!, but fixes her soup for all of them to enjoy. They spend hours laughing at childhood stories, and MC enjoys the atmosphere
To MC’s surprise, Julian actually did plan something for today. He takes MC to the theatre and tells MC they’re participating in a play together. MC knows the lines by heart because they thought they were helping Julian prepare for this. They’re taken aback a little, but end up agreeing. The show ends up being very fun, and the audience loves it
Some of the cast/audience invite Julian and MC to Rowdy Raven afterwards, where they end the night in a very high note.
Muriel expresses his love through actions. Especially for MC’s birthday, he makes them breakfast in bed, and decorates the tray with freshly picked flowers as well. The night before, he made a flower crown for MC, which he puts on them without a word. He also made matching bracelets.
“Are you okay, do you want anything?” He wants the day to be perfect, and MC has to remind him they already have everything with Muriel and Inanna here. Muriel finally relaxes a little, then smiles. They go to the hot spring, and spend some time splashing water at each other, talking, and kissing
Asra comes over over to the hut to take them to MC’s shop, where friends have gathered. Since he’s grown a little more comfortable with everyone, he’s happy to do this. At the small party, Muriel opens up and expresses his adoration for MC. MC won’t have that be it, so they compliment Muriel as well. Everyone joins in, and talks about how both MC and Muriel have changed, and how happy they are for them
The discussion takes a turn where everyone asks them when they’ll get married. Before MC can give a flirty reply, Muriel blushes, gets up and says “We’re leaving.” Amused with Muriel’s shy nature, MC just laughs, thanks everyone for coming and excuses them both. On the way to the hut, Muriel stops, and tells MC again that he loves them. He also reassures that, if that’s what MC also wants, he’d love to marry them.
MC is blushing now too. They have a discussion about the topic, and decide what feels best for them. Either way, they’re happy they communicated their feelings, and back at the hut, they sit by the fire, and cuddle with Inanna. They fall asleep tangled together.
Portia has been so excited for this day, she kept telling everyone about it. Yes, Pasha, I know it’s MC’s birthday, groaned Julian. She ignores this and reminds him about three more times
She took a day off as well, and when Nadia found out why, she had a new outfit for Portia made so she can impress her partner even more. At home, she baked a cake, and some muffins. And also prepared a three course meal. Is it enough?
Pepi is also excited, as she sees Portia running around trying to set everything up. She organised a small gathering for lunch, but wants to have one on one time with MC later
When MC arrives, Portia gives them a big hug, and immediately gives them their gifts, as she can’t wait anymore. During the meal, Portia can’t stop gushing about MC, and re-telling stories about their adventures
Once they’re alone, Portia and MC go to the docks, rent a boat and spend hours at the sea. They don’t go too far, but just enough to feel like they’re on a big adventure. Exchanging deepest wishes and feelings, they grow closer than ever, and Pasha doesn’t stop grinning for days
Even though he loves MC immensely, he probably forgot their birthday was so soon. In the state of panic, he buys anything and everything he thinks MC would like
But he forgot the cake. Oh god he forgot the cake. He’s up early in the morning, cursing at the poor attempt at the cake he’s made. It wakes MC up, who sees Lucio begging the oven to make the cake better. They laugh, and offer to teach Lucio how to make a cake
Lucio is pouting, this isn’t how I wanted today to go, but gives in. It ends up being a very fun experience for both of them, and when it gets out of the oven, Lucio stares at the cake as if it’s a new-born baby
MC and Lucio eat, barely able to resist giving cake to Mercedes and Melchior. The floofy good boy and girl can’t eat cake, it’s bad for them. Afterwards, Lucio reveals the huge amount of presents he has for MC, and watches excitedly as MC opens each and every one of them
In the evening, they go for a walk to the field to watch the stars. They look back on the many things they’ve experienced together, and express how excited they are for the future
I hope you enjoyed this! It was fun writing this
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No more secrets
(This is set in 6th year, no voldemort being back business)
Sunlight filtered through the dormitory windows onto your sleeping form. You had asked your older brother to teach you a charm to bewitch your windows to reflect the weather outside, growing tired for the green murk courtesy of the black lake. You fluttered your eyes, blinking the sleep from them and rolled over to check the small clock at your bedside. Despite it being the weekend your body still woke you up at 7 am like clockwork, causing you to groan in frustration and smack your bedsheets
“Some of us are trying to fall back to sleep, you know” Daphne grumbled from her bed, beside you.
“Seize the day miss Greengrass” you replied, deciding you might as well get out of bed and follow your own advice.
You kicked your sheets off and made your bed before gathering your things and heading to the prefects bathroom for a shower. You returned to the dormitory with clean hair that smelt of your apple shampoo dressed in some comfy muggle clothes you purchased. Despite their shortcomings, muggles really knew how to dress comfortably. You had stumbled across Piccadilly Circus while trying to get to Diagon Alley during the Christmas break in your fourth year while on your own. In one of the shops you had seen joggers folded on a display and just had to purchase them, they were warm and soft, perfect for cold days.
“My, my what would your pure blood ancestors say if they saw you dressed like a muggle” Daphne teased from her bed.
“Someone has to be the family disappointment don’t they” You replied, putting your clothes in the laundry basket.
“I highly doubt you’re the family disappointment, Y/N, you’re top of the class in basically everything, you’re the first prefect in your family too!” Lily said. She was easily the most positive witch in Slytherin house and hated to see you bring yourself down like that
“Well, Granger is all those things and she’s a mudblood, our parents don’t care about academics as much as you’d think they do” Pansy interjected
“Pansy, no one asked you. As I recall this was a conversation between Daphne, Lily and myself” you snapped, knowing she was attempting to remind Lily of her half-blood status.
Pansy scoffed and rolled her eyes, over the last few weeks she had really been struggling to hide her dislike for you. It didn’t bother you, Pansy was a bitch to put it quite plainly. You wondered how someone could be so venomous and be content with their life.
You began to gather your things to head to the library after breakfast. 6th year meant you and your classmates were inundated with homework from all your classes. You hoped you could get ahead of your work so you could keep Sunday free.
“It’s literally Saturday, why are you voluntarily doing work?” Daphne asked, her head barely visible from under her duvet cocoon.
“If I didn’t, who would you run to at 11pm on Sunday evening because you forgot to write your charms essay?”
“You are a true friend Y/N Y/L/N”
“Hey, Y/N,” Pansy hollered
You looked at Pansy and waited for her to speak
“If you see Draco at breakfast, you mind telling him I’ll be a bit late?”
“I don’t think he’ll care Pans” Daphne replied for you
“Oh but he will, we’re going to the library to do out potions work together”
You were about to frown but stopped yourself, Draco had promised you that the two of you would write your 3 feet of parchment together. Lily caught your eye knowing how you felt about the platinum blond.
“Sure thing Parkinson” You said, with a sickly sweet smile.
You turned on your heel and went down the stairs into the Slytherin common room, despite it being only 8.30 on a Saturday morning, the common room was densely populated with slytherin students of all ages. A small group of second years were sitting on the floor playing gobstones in your path. They looked up and paled, scrambling to move out of your way.
“Scaring second years now are we Y/L/N” The voice of your friend Blaise Zabini asked.
“Me? Of course not, Zabini, I’ll leave that to you and your friends” you replied waking out of the portrait hole
“It hurts me that you think so lowly of us” He feigned hurt as he began to walk alongside you
“I apologise for hurting your feelings”
“What would your father have to say, hearing you apologise to a half blood”
“Here’s me thinking you knew me better, you already know I don’t care for the purity of blood”
“Where are you headed to after breakfast”
“The library, I’ve got a ton of homework to do”
“Have you heard about the party the 7th years are planning?”
“Nope, not that I’m interested anyway”
“This is coming from the girl who managed to get half the quidditch team drunk off fire whiskey the last time we had a party”
“What can I say, academia looks better on me”
“I can’t say I disagree with that. You should still come, bring your friends along too, it’s been a while since we all got together.”
“I’ll see if Daphne and Lily want to come along.”
The two of you had reached the door of the Great Hall
“There you are Zabini, we’ve been waiting for ages” Draco yelled from across the room
You and Blaise walked to your normal spot on the Slytherin table. He took a seat and you stood behind the bench.
“By the way, Malfoy, Parkinson said she’ll be late. Have to do the potions essay you promised you’d do with me a bit later”
“Y/N I-”
You rolled your eyes and opted to grab some sliced of toast wrapped in some tissue and go straight to the library rather than listen to whatever excuse Draco had planned to spew out.
You settled yourself near the fireplace pulling your textbooks out and laying them around you. You managed to write your charms essay, aswell as your Defence Against the Dark Arts essay and some reading for Transfiguration. You looked up at the big clock in the library and noticed it was past two, your stomach rumbled, clearly upset at the measly breakfast of 2 slices of buttered toast and some water. You gathered all your books again and stuffed them back into your bag and headed to the kitchens. The house elves were well aware of what you preferred to eat for lunch and handed it to you wrapped in a gingham handkerchief, you settled yourself by the window eating your lunch enjoying the view over the grounds.
You looked up to see the face of your academic rival.
“Do you mind if I take a seat?”
You shook your head and she sat down next to you.
“I was wondering if you could help me”
“Wow the great Hermione Granger needs help? From me?”
“I- nevermind it was silly of me” She got up feeling flustered and began to walk away
“Lighten up, Granger, it was a joke”
“What would you do if you liked someone, but they had a girlfriend and probably don’t like you back?”
“You’ve finally admitted you like Weasley huh” You patted the window sill next to you, prompting her to sit down
“What? No! Ron-“
“You do know Lavender has been slipping him love potions right?”
“But that’s against the rules! She could get expelled for that”
“She doesn’t care Hermione, if I were you I’d slip a bezoar down Weasley’s throat and see what happens after that”
“How do you know? That she’s been making him drink love potions?”
“I saw her buying some in hogsmeade”
“Well thank you for your help” 
“Can I ask why you thought I’d be the best person to come to for this advice?”
“Well to be quite frank, I don’t know myself. All my other friends are Ron’s friends too, I didn’t want them telling him anything. And we’ll you’ve been the kindest to me, and I would like to think despite everything you respect me. So thank you for your help” With that she got up and began to walk away
“Hey by the way, Granger, he’d be an idiot to turn you down”
Hermione flashed you a true genuine smile before returning to the Gryffindor common room.
You finished the remnants of your lunch and headed back to the dormitory. Daphne and Lily hadn’t left their spots on their beds.
“Who’s up for a party tonight?” You asked the both of them, a wide grin across your face.
After some further information from some 7th year girls, you, Daphne and Lily found yourselves standing outside the room of requirement at 9pm. Despite being a small, debaucherous get-together, in true Slytherin fashion the three of you were still impeccably dressed. You wore a thin silver satin blouse with a plunging neckline, a blouse he bought for you over the summer, along with some fitted black paper bag trousers and a pair of Chanel flats.
The door opened to reveal a room that looked exactly like the Slytherin common room only the table in front of the fire was covered in alcohol and snacks. Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were sat in a small group off to the side. Draco’s head snapped up when he heard the door open and he looked as though his breath catched in his throat. You knew he was trying not to stare but it was like he couldn’t move his eyes off you. You’d be lying if you said this wasn’t the effect you wanted to have. Daphne ran off to a 6th year boy that she had been flirting with and you and Lily headed over to your friends.
“You made it!” Blaise exaclaimed getting up to hug you.
You saw dracos knuckles whiten even more as he gripped his butterbeer. You hugged Blaise back, after all, it was Draco who wanted to keep the two of you a secret. Blaise hugged Lily too and the two of you sat down. You made a point to sit directly opposite Draco, forcing Blaise to sit on the arm of the sofa with his arm resting on its back. A butterbeer had been forced into your hand which you sipped every once in a while whilst making conversation with your friends. You had noticed Pansy almost sticking to Draco’s side. She’d laugh overly loud at any small thing he said, even if it wasn’t funny, and failed to get Draco to dance with her numerous times.
After a while the 7th years announced the commencement of a drinking game. They placed an empty bottle on the floor and spun it, if it landed on you, you had to choose a truth or a dare, if you didnt want to do the option you selected, youd have to take a double shot of firewhiskey. You chose to sit it out, standing on the outside of the circle only a few steps away from Draco, who coincidentally also decided to sit out.
“I like the blouse” He commented, taking a swig of his butterbeer
“Thank you, it was a gift” You replied, folding your arms together to accentuate your cleavage. 
“Would have preferred you wearing it with just the two of us. Goyle won’t stop staring at you.”
“Well if you offered to take me to a nicer place than a broom cupboard or the empty classroom on the fourth floor, then maybe I’d wear it”
“I was told you were talking to Granger today”
“And? Am I not allowed to speak to people?”
“Not that filthy mudblood”
“Does it really hurt your feelings that bad that she’s smarter than you despite being muggle born that the ONLY thing you can comment on is her blood status?”
“I don’t want you to be seen talking to her again”
“Newsflash, you can’t tell me what to do. I’m not Parkinson, I won’t obey you like some lost dog.” And with that you moved further away from him leaning on a column in the corner of the room. 
So far people had only chosen to spill truths, some choosing to take shots instead of their truths. Daphne and her little boyfriend had been dared to enjoy 7 minutes in heaven, made possible by a random broom cupboard supplied by the room of requirement, it had been more than seven minutes and you were sure you’d get a detailed play by play back in the dorms. The empty bottle of fire whiskey landed on Charlie, he joined hogwarts in 5th year after being in America for the last few years.
“Truth or dare Charles?” Blaise asked, rubbing his hands together
“Who do you think is the most beautiful girl in this room?”
“Oh that’s easy, Y/N”
The whole group turned to look at you. You could see from the corner of your eye that Draco had tensed up. He himself slowly turned his head to look at you
“I have to admit, Charlie, you have great taste. You’ll go far in this world” You said, smiling.
“I’ll go as far as you want me to”
This caused the whole group to laugh and return to their game. You checked the clock and saw that it was getting close to 1am. You tapped Lily’s shoulder and she got up.
“Leaving already girls?” Blaise asked from his spot infront of the fire
“It’s getting late, parties aren’t Y/N’s scene anymore anyway” Lily replied smoothing out her skirt
“I’ll walk you back to the dormitory, I’m rather bored here myself” Draco offered, finally getting free of Pansy
“No need, Lily and I are big girls, we can get ourselves back without Filch finding us.” You replied cooly
“I insist”
“No no, Draco. Stay, enjoy the festivities”
You and Lily snuck out of the room of requirement and returned to the dorms undetected.
“What was going on with you and Draco?” She asked while the two of you were getting ready for bed
“It sounded like the two of you were having a tense conversation”
“You know how Draco can be, always trying to one up everyone”
“Did you hear about Pansy and Draco?” She asked once she was comfy in her bed.
“No” you put your hair brush back in the drawer and got under your own covers
“I heard from Marietta in the year above that Parkinson was bragging about how her and Draco went on a date today. Apparently he took her to the black lake for a picnic”
“Well good for them, I hope they’re happy”
“I know you like him but maybe now she’ll stop being such a raging bitch”
“Maybe, goodnight Lily”
“Goodnight Y/N”
You weren’t crazy, you knew Draco wasn’t stupid enough to even attempt to cheat on you. Your family was just as affluent and your father was just as influential as Lucius for him to know that a cheating scandal between two of the oldest pure blood lines would not turn out well for him. Yet it did nothing to stop the anger bubbling up inside you.
You and Draco began to get closer during your 5th year. You two studied together often and you both were prefects, made to patrol the corridors at night. It was inevitable for the two of you to strike up a bond. You didnt expect your bond to become so strong that an owl would end up dropping a letter on your bed one rainy summer afternoon, with a letter from Draco enclosed about how bored he was over the holiday. The two of you sent letters back and forth, he even floo’d into your bedroom when your parents were out. On the first hogsmeade trip of the year, he asked you to join him and he asked you to be his girlfriend. However, he wanted to keep your relationship a secret. He knew that people would talk and both of your parents would find out, it would lead to talks for the future, something he was not ready for. You saw where he was coming from and agreed, you just didn’t think it would end up like this. In the beginning he tried, he really did, he’d leave cute notes in your bag, he’d hold your hand under the table, save you a seat at dinner, even sneak you into his dormitory, but a few weeks ago, it all suddenly seemed to stop. But you were sick of it. You deserved to be treated better than you were being treated right now.
You awoke on Sunday feeling slightly less angry than you did when you went to sleep. Sunday’s were the day you and Draco would lock yourselves in an old empty classroom on the fourth floor and finally get to be yourselves. You went down to breakfast and sat in your usual seat, waiting for him to make his way down. You were half way through a bowl of cereal when you noticed him walk in with his boys, and Pansy. You dropped your spoon into your bowl causing milk to splash everywhere
“Merlin’s beard Y/N!” Daphne yelled, scooching to the side
You and Lily grabbed some napkins to clean up the small spillage.
“I’ve suddenly lost my appetite” You deadpanned
You got up and walked past draco, purposely bumping his shoulder on your way out. It hurt you more than it hurt him but you still had a point to make.
“Jeez Y/L/N, watch where youre-” Pansy Scoffed
“Oh fuck off pansy” 
You ignored him and carried on walking out of the hall. You heard his footsteps behind you and he managed to catch up to you, grabbing you by the wrist.
“What is the matter with you?” He demanded
“Me? What’s the matter with you?”
“Nothings wrong with me you’re the one acting crazy”
“Firstly, I don’t like your tone. If you’re going to shout at me I refuse to listen to another word.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t understand what the issue is”
“My issue is YOU”
You ended up raising your voice to a volume too loud for Draco’s liking and he pulled you into a nearby storage cupboard.
“This is my problem draco, being forced to hide everything. Arguing in a fucking broom cupboard for fucks sake.” You sighed
“Y/N, you know how-“
“No, I am tired, Draco, sick and tired of hiding, of keeping secrets, of not being able to come and collapse next to you when I’m upset”
“You can still do that,”
“No I can’t, you always surrounded by one of your posse members. If it’s not Crabbe or Goyle then it’s fucking Parkinson. Did you know she’s going round telling everyone you took her to the black lake for a picnic?”
“She said what? I didn’t even see her yesterday, Blaise and I went to the quidditch pitch after breakfast.” He had a face of visible disgust on his face at the thought of people thinking him and Pansy were a thing.
“Well yeah now the whole school thinks you’re going out with Parkinson and you’re not going to say anything to stop those rumours”
“You know why, princess”
“Yeah you don’t want to think about the future. But if thinking about a future with me really scares you so much Draco, why are you still with me? Surely if you just kept yourself single, you’d have no future to worry about and no girlfriend breathing down your neck”
“You know that’s not what I mean”
“Then what do you mean? Because -” you cut him off, you were starting to get annoyed and he could sense it
“If you stopped interrupting me, I’d be able to explain my thoughts” He said calmly, placing both his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him in the eye.
“Speak then”
“Yes I don’t want to think about my future. I don’t want to think about what ministry career I’ll be forced into to keep up my family’s reputation, who I’ll be forced to call my friend for the sake of appearances, what I need to name my first born child. I don’t want to think about all the skeletons in the Malfoy family wardrobe that I’ve yet to discover. This, me and you, it’s so innocent, so pure. You get me, you see me for more than my family name. And I want to protect this. I don’t want our parents getting involved and tainting what we have.”
“It’s the only way we-”
“Interrupt me once more and I’ll hex you.” 
You closed your mouth and decided to listen for just a short while more.
“However, if the key to your happiness, and the future of our relationship, is for everyone, including our parents, to find out about us. Then I will walk straight into that hall and stand on the table and announce it to the whole school.”
“You really mean that?”
He nodded
“So if your father sent you an owl tomorrow that says we have to get married in the summer...” you linked your wrists together behind his neck, swaying slightly as you looked up at him
“I’ll marry you. I would sacrifice my own life if it meant I could see you smile.”
“Bit dramatic there, Malfoy” you laughed
“You taught me well, Y/L/N”
“I’d rather you didn’t embarrass the both of us by getting up on the table. You can hold my hand though.”
“Anything for the Slytherin princess.”
You smiled and gave him a quick kiss before getting out of the broom closet. Draco took your hand and held it firmly in his as you both walked into the great hall.
He started to think out loud about his breakfast but you watched for the reactions of your peers as you made your way to your table, no one was really shocked, most of them looked up and smiled excitedly before chattering to their friends, you walked past the gryffindor table and heard the words ‘bet’ and ‘owe’ get thrown about. Once you got to your friends Draco waited for you to sit down, right next to Pansy, before sitting on your other side with his arm around your waist.
“Y/L/N and Malfoy? I never saw that one coming” Blaise laughed, the sarcasm evident in his voice.
“Well get used to it, Zabini, cause you’ll be seeing it a whole lot more” You responded, moving closer into Draco’s lap.
Long gone were the days of hiding, as well as the days of Pansy Parkinson thinking she could steal your man. 
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iwritethat ¡ 4 years
Nightwing: Alter Egos
A/N: I would like to apologise for my absence and lack of content, but new year so I’ll try harder. But there’s still CHRISTMAS and Halloween stories I want to post... Better late than never? If you want them that is.
(In this Nightwing and (Y/n) don’t know about one another’s vigilante life. Yet.)
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Usually, none of the team got a large amount of personal time with villains constantly threatening to end the world on a daily basis, but during rare periods of relaxation you spent the majority of your time with Dick Grayson - who happened to be one of your closest friends.
Obviously you couldn't tell him about being (s/h/n) because of the unspoken 'secret identity' rule despite how much you wanted to, however this arrangement did have it's advantages such as being able to keep your personal and hero lives separate.
"Hey (y/n)?" Rang through your mind and you noticed a hand waving in front of your face bringing you back to reality.
You were out shopping with Dick for your friends' Christmas presents, specifically for Wally who remained a mutual friend.
"You just completely zoned out on me." Dick laughed, seeing your confused expression.
"Did I? Sorry, I was thinking." You apologised, pushing his hand away with a smile.
"I guessed - are you gonna tell me what about, a big time crush maybe or some deep dark secret?" Grayson continued, tone filled with fake wonderment.
"Maybe, you tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." Was your upbeat response, implying that you were playing around.
"Deal - I'm Nightwing." Dick happily grinned, though his careless nature lead you to doubt him.
"Oh really?"
"No of course not (y/n), there's no way I'd have the time and I like my beauty sleep." Your friend assured you, maybe part of you was hoping he wasn't joking.
"That's a shame." You responded, tone still carrying some happiness as you continued looking through the stores' merchandise.
"How so?" Curiousity had got the better of Dick and he wanted to know what you had to say about him - uh Nightwing.
"Okay, well Nightwing is pretty cool, he has that cocky attitude that's quite attractive sometimes, being a vigilante is always a bonus and he must be good looking - from what I can tell. And his body! It's so amazing, he is just - umm I think I'm going too far?" You dragged yourself out of your lecture on Nightwing's alluring attributes once glancing over to Dick who seemed bemused with a raised brow.
"Oh no, please continue." Dick commented, undeniably enthralled and flattered but he couldn't understand the sinking feeling in stomach, you were saying these things about him yet to you, Nightwing was a completely different person.
"He's my favourite hero - that's all, possibly a tiny crush but it's unrealistic and I haven't even met the guy so I'm not going to fall head over heels in love with him. So don't look at me like that." You justified, true you weren't in love with the hero and you assumed your need to prove that to Dick Grayson was probably because you secretly liked him. Ah so many secrets.
"I get it (y/n), I personally think (s/h/n) is quite hot and a beautiful fighter." Dick responded wistfully, you couldn't help but blush even it was your alter ego he was talking about. It was times such as these you wished to tell him.
"Like you say, I haven't met her so she could be crazy for all I know. How about this for Wally?"  Dick questioned, holding up a Flash Sweatshirt.
"No, he already has one." You reminisced, though you didn't forget his previous comment whilst he gazed at you skeptically leading you to defend your answer.
"Trust me he does, I bet we can find something else - if not you can just buy him food. And you're right, Nightwing could be a fuckboy." You stated nonchalantly, Dick however had to do a double take before following you out of the store desperately reminding you of your previous compliments of the hero much to your amusement.
~Time Skip~
The small Christmas gathering held at the Cave was quite exciting, though it was last minute so most were still dressed in their uniforms. Wally and Artemis even made an appearance which was unexpected but you were thankful, it had been a while since they'd left the team and admittedly it was quiet without them - even with the new recruits.
Wally knew about both yours and Nightwing's secret identities - being friends with both of you outside of heroing, but only found out who you were by accident. Honestly, he couldn't understand why Dick and yourself hadn't told each other but he'd promised to keep your secrets anyway because it wasn't his place to reveal such things - there were alternate ways to do so.
"You can see why someone would call you a fuckboy though right? The charm, the flirting, dating quite a few girls..." You half heartedly continued, responding to Nightwing's rambling of how his 'friend' outright insulted him.
"Yeah but (s/h/n) I really like this one. A lot, to the point where I don't even understand it. They're just everything I could ever want, I love everything that they do. I don't particularly want them to see me like that." Realisation hit the young hero, you on the other hand were watching on in disbelief but also with a look of sympathy.
You and Nightwing were close, so you got to know him well and you'd often talk to each other but this was new. Nightwing seemed lost in this person unlike any others you'd seen him with, even more so than with Zatana.
You smirked, ignoring the sudden breeze beside you and enlightened Nightwing with your wonderful advice.
"Wow aren't you love struck? It's horrible, I never thought I'd see the day, you should tell 'em what you just told me -"
"Sorry to interrupt guys but..." Wally intervened, pointing upwards towards the mistletoe dangling above your heads. Darn it.
"No no no. See, I've been avoiding that all evening, there wasn't any there earlier so how -" You argued before your eyes fell onto a smug Wally, too bad Kid Flash didn't forget how to use his super speed.
"One kiss?" Ex-boy wonder urged, since he knew neither of you would escape Wally's 'plan'.
Evidently, it was going to happen and kissing your superhero crush was a dream come true you supposed, so you went along with it. You placed one hand on his cheek/jaw and guided him to your lips and his held your waist loosely. Neither of you increased the intimacy, it only lasted 3 seconds maximum once you pulled away.
Wally held an expression of disappointment as that was not his desired outcome, the kiss you had just shared with his best friend was supposed to mean something. It was meant to be intimate and loving, you were supposed to tell/realise your feelings for each other - but nooo you're both just continuing your conversation like it never happened once you'd removed yourselves from the mistletoe. Wally threw his head back and sighed in frustration, he returned to Artemis who smirked at her boyfriend's antics.
"Nice try babe."
"Why did you pull away so fast?" Nightwing asked once you'd escaped the evil foliage.
"Same reason as you - I like someone else." You answered honestly, if Nightwing is willing to come to you with his relationship problems then you can get advice from him.
"I made the stupid - and clićhe - mistake of falling in love with my best friend." You proclaimed simply, rolling your eyes at your own idiocy.
"Hm, lucky guy." Nightwing's voice rang with cheerfulness once again.
"You would think, but I'm pretty sure my alter ego is friend zoned." Your tone upbeat and sarcastic causing you both to laugh.
~Time Skip~
You knocked on the door to the Manor, Bruce was invited to a gala for the New Year's celebration but the others decided to stay at the Manor which is where you were heading after Dick had asked if you were free.
It was late and New Years was approaching, wonderful at least at a party you may have the opportunity to kiss someone for good luck but you didn't mind missing out for your friends. Luck be damned.
"Miss (Y/n) I believe you left your scarf here from your previous visit, it is in Master Dick's room if you wish to collect it." Alfred greeted as you walked into the warmth the Manor provided.
"Sure, thanks Alfred." You nodded, going through to find Dick to ask for permission to enter his bedroom.
"Hey, can I grab my scarf from your room?" You called, politeness evident though you had given up your search since the Manor was huge.
"Sure (y/n)!" Dick responded from wherever he was, he understood and wouldn’t have minded if you didn’t ask but still.
Upon hearing his approval you made your way up the stairs and followed the route you knew by heart, calmly you opened his door and went to find your scarf. That's when you saw it, a Nightwing uniform strew across the bedroom floor, a string of curse words left your mouth after you got over your initial shock. Either Dick was Nightwing or an avid cosplayer, and if it was the latter why hadn’t he invited you?!
Cautiously, you began to piece together various situations in your head - as far as you knew no one else had insulted Nightwing via calling him a 'fuckboy' and did you really tell your best friend that you thought he had an amazing body that one time? Yes. Yes you did.
Taking a deep breath, you raced down stairs of the Manor focused on finding your friend despite the recent discoveries that were nagging at the back of your mind. Now most things made sense, if Dick was Nightwing then you were hoping that the 'friend' he was talking about was you - since you were the one who dared rip into his alter ego, though only in a friendly way.
Still you continued your search and luckily ran into him - literally. Arms were around your waist in an instant whilst you were mentally cursing yourself, you'd hoped it'd be smoother than this but you were willing to work with what you had considering the mini countdown ticking down to zero in your head - it was midnight!
"(Y/n) what are y-"
Instantaneously, you cut 'Nightwing' - Dick Grayson off by crashing your lips into his, unlike last time Dick was much more willing to reciprocate for you. Being lip locked with you meant so much to him and personally he wanted to make it last even if it was just for his own pleasure but was determined to make sure it was for yours as well.
Dick had eliminated all distance between you, his body was pressed against yours with his hands roaming your body and his lips moving against yours causing you to release a bearly audible moan. Though Dick heard it, of course he did, that's what he has been trying to earn from you the entire time - it meant he was making you feel good which was all he really wanted.
So when you felt him smile into the kiss after your small lapse of control you weren't surprised, painfully slowly you pulled away to leave a slight space between your lips'.
"Am I doing something wrong?" Dick inquired, his tone almost a soft whisper but carried a hint of disappointment that he'd tried to disguise.
"No, it’s amazing. You're amazing." You assured before he closed the gap again being more slow and gentle this time, deriving further pleasure for the both of you.
"That was nice... And Happy New Year fuckboy."
"Mmm, (y/n) - say what?!" Dick started, almost dreamily until your words had registered.
"I found this little thing - a uniform to be precise - on your floor." You replied, smirking slightly.
"(Y/n) I can explain just- just come with me." Dick pleaded, frustrated with himself for not putting it away in his rush to get ready. Quickly he guided you to the lounge, silently asking you to take a seat before he paced for a short time seemingly distressed. You faced your best friend expectantly, he had an explanation but where to start was a mystery.
"I wanted to tell you - I would have but with  Batman and the team and I couldn't. It kept you safer too, (y/n) please I know you must be angry -" Dick began, rubbing the back of neck sheepishly.
"No I'm not angry, I completely understand." You cheerfully replied, your expression showing contentment.
"I'm so sorry (y/n) - what?" Dick looked at you completely puzzled, speechless, dumbfounded - he wasn't expecting this at all.
"That... was uh... easier than I thought?" The male concluded, still spectacle of your behaviour so much so he began to question reality.
"Yup, but just so we're even... Promise you won't freak out?" You requested politely, hoping he would react the way you did.
"I think I can do that." He nodded.
"I'm (s/h/n)." You blurted out, but you didn't get the desired response, instead you received a questioning look that implied he did not believe you.
"Trust me, you kissed me under the mistletoe at Mount Justice, the mission with the Ice villains, oh - when Bart crashed into our timeline. I also remember you talking about how love struck you were because of your friend." The final aspect of your explanation elicited a response from the one opposite you, he was blushing.
"You remembered that." Dick asked though it was more of a statement.
"I did."
"Well uh that friend - it was you (y/n), I don't understand or really know how to explain my feelings. You are everything I could ever want and I love everything you do. Shit (y/n) - I just really want to be good enough for you." Dick repeated the words he'd said to (s/h/n), or you as he'd just recently discovered, with sincerity.
"That's a relief because you're that best friend I told you about - I fell for you too." You replied sheepishly, getting to your feet.
You had no idea how happy that made him, he was in front of you in an instant placing yet another kiss on your lips.
"You give good advice (s/h/n) - and I recall you saying something about Nightwing having an amazing body." Grayson was smirking, cockiness practically radiating off of him knowing he had you cornered.
"You remembered that."
"I did." Grayson sang rather smugly, this beginning a new year with a new adventure.
"Oh I need to get my scarf, do you want to come with me?" You suggested, successfully changing the subject.
"Where is it (y/n)?" Dick inquired, more than willing to help you find it despite losing his moment.
"In your bedroom..."
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kirishwima ¡ 4 years
Can I have all with then helping you take care of curly hair ?
yes!!! im a fellow curly-haired person and my dude......it’s a StruggleTM
I didn’t add Saeran, but if you’d like me to write for him too let me know! :)
* Honestly, as a kid he loved to try and braid his sister’s hair, even if he always ended up tugging at her locks until she got mad at him lol
* So when he heard MC’s groan of furstration from the half-open bedroom door, he gingerly peeked his head into the room, smiling at the sight; his beloved, sitting on the bed cross legged in their bath robe, a hairbrush stuck in their slowly-drying wet curls. 
* MC looked at him, exasperated as they pointed to the brush still stuck in their hair, defying gravity at all costs. 
* “Do you see what I have to deal with? I swear, I should just shave my head and get this whole mess over with” they groaned, and Yoosung laughed as he walked to sit besides them, leaning to kiss them on the corner of their lips.
* “Can I try brushing it for you? I don’t know if I’ll be any good but-I want to help!”
* Hesitantly, MC nodded; they knew that it was probably a bad idea, that even if Yoosung meant well he might end up tangling their thick curls more than they already were, but his hopeful look, the small shy smile he gave them-how could anyone say no to that face?!
* So Yoosung sat on his knees on the bed behind MC, gently pulling curls away from the hairbrush to try and tug it off of MC’s head. Surprisingly...it didnt’ hurt all that much. Sure, when he finally tried to pull the brush off of the remaining strands of hair MC could feel the pull, but Yoosung’s movements were so slow and light, MC sighed a sigh of relief. 
* As he seperated their hair into small sections, brushing through their hair so slow the ministrations felt almost like a massage, MC felt their eyes flutter shut. Was there such a thing as being a pro in hair brushing? If so, Yoosung should win all awards for that-MC would see to that, no matter what.
* Once Yoosung was done with the back and moved to the final strands framing MC’s face, he noticed how slump their body became, how as he shifter they lolled onto him, their head on his chest as they slowly fell asleep. He smiled, setting down the brush to tug MC closer to him, letting them rest on his chest. He’d be sure to ask them to brush their hair every day from now on.
* You’d think he’s a pro at hair brushing considering his long rat tail-ehm, ponytail. 
* (I have a personal vendetta against that ridiculous ‘pony tail’ im sORRY-)
* Whilst he always has hair ties and hair beauty products laying around, he’s actually the WORST person MC could ask to help them style their thick curly hair-his was so silky soft and straight, he literally barely had a used for hairbrushes. Instead, MC was left to suffer, lathering product after product on their hair to keep their curls prim and proper, preforming a whole ritual when it came to brushing their hair after a shower.
* Zen, bless his sweet loving soul, he tried to be helpful-he’d bring MC shampoos specific for curly hair, would look online for hairstyles they could do, but when it came to actually helping MC tame their curly head-that’s where he became a clumsy mess.
* He was so afraid of accidentantly tugging on MC’s hair, that he nearly refused to touch their head at all. If he saw MC struggling to tie their hair in a pony tail, loose strands falling out of their grip, he’d simply point it out to them, refusing to actually touch their girls-what if he pulled on it and MC squealed in pain? He’d never forgive himself for that.
* However, late at night, when MC would be asleep-he’d gingerly run his fingers along their soft curls, smile to himself as they shuffled closer to his hand at the sensation; it’s something he didnt’ allow himself in the morning light, but here, with MC asleep, and with his hands moving ever so gently, he knew it’d be impossible to hurt them-not if the way they nuzzled into his hand was any indication.
* Seriously though, Zen, PLEASE just help poor MC next time you see them struggling to braid their hair. It’s just hair for God’s sake just-help them out! They won’t bite!!
* As a girl with very short hair, she actually has a hair-care routine that rivals any lazy man’s; she uses an all-in-one shampoo-conditioner, much to MC’s horror, and just simply dries her hair with a towel then lets them be. No hair care oils, no special shampoos, nothing. She just....lets them be.
* Well, not under MC’s watch she won’t-MC is actually the reason why Jaehee eventually let her hair grow out into the gorgeous wavy locks she now has-she saw the special care MC took with their curls, how they even used specific satin pillow cases so their hair wouldn’t frizz up, and Jaehee looked to her own hair, tugging at a strand with a soft frown.
* Eventually, she shyly asked MC for advice-her cheeks went bright red as MC smiled and took a hold of Jaehee’s hand, taking her to their favorite beauty store to look at products that could match Jaehee’s hair.
* Once Jaehee’s hair started growing longer, they actually set up a small daily ritual together-they’d help each other brush their hair after a shower (”Never brush dry hair!” MC would chastise Jaehee, and she’d simply nod, never really asking why-not until one day, she saw MC purposly combing through their dry curls for a 70s’ themed party, lol), they had their favorite hair oils and dry conditioners on the bathroom coutner, ready at all times-Jaehee considered these times an intimate quiet moment between the two, happy to have someone she loves to build a routine with.
* At some point the two decided to dye their hair together-they worked at their own coffee shop, they were their own boss, so there was no one around to tell them not to go crazy with their hair, right?
* So Jaehee chose a gorgeous ombre for her hair, starting as her natural colour on the roots, ending into a deep purple on the ends; and MC chose a vibrant blue, ‘to match their bright personality’ as Jaehee put it. 
* Seeing kids stop and look at their hair in awe always brought a smile to Jaehee’s lips; and seeing MC smile as bright as they did, their blue curls framing their face, she felt her heart swell with love.
* Honestly...he has every good intention, but MC should never, EVER let him near their hair.
* He’d love to run his hands through MC’s curls, yet everytime he tries to, his fingers end up stuck inbetween locks, eliciting a soft hiss of pain from MC-he always apologizes, and MC never chastisies him for it, but damn did it hurt! 
* Sometimes he’d see the strenuous process MC went through to comb their hair after a shower, how they’d yell curses at the brush when it got stuck in their hair-he frowned at that, wondering what he could do to help MC with their struggle.
* “Darling”, he decided, “I’ll hire a personal hair stylist for you. You’ll never have to yell insults at a brush ever again.” 
* Jumin...no. MC explained there was no need for that, their hair was just naturally the way it was and there’s little to be done about it. 
* “Then I can find the best hair stylist to make your hair permanently straight. Would that help?”
* “No!” MC looked to him; they explained how they appreciated the sentiment, but even if it was a pain in the butt sometime, they loved their natural hair-there’s so many people paying to have curls like they do, and they have the privilege of having them naturally-it’s something they got from their parents, something that links them to their family, and they’d never want to alter it permanently in such a way. 
* Jumin hummed, but nodded, and instead decided to be the best um, hair...hair-supporter he could be. He’d buy the best products for curly hair he could find, not-so-discreetly putting them in MC’s stuff, buying anti-frizz hair brushes, and even changing all their pillows into specific, satin ones so that MC would never have to wake up with a frizzy head ever again.
* Honestly, 10/10, this man just wants his beloved to be happy and he’ll do his best to do that, give him some credit
* He’s the type of person that CONSTANTLY gets bored with his look, and the easiest thing to change is your hair, so...
* ...So he’ll have a different hair colour every other month. From neon pink to darker than the night sky, this boy has tried every hair style and colour under the sun.
* He has never, ever dealt with curls as pretty as MC’s before. He’ll compliment their hair constantly, and will often try and tug at their curls to see them recoil like a bouncy spring-MC would simply look at him with distaste, but soon smile as they see the fascination in his big bright eyes. 
* He wants to match MC’s pretty hair too!!
* Of course he’ll let his hair grow out a little longer so he can curl them, burnign his hand on the curl iron more than once-eventually he’d ask for MC’s help with a defeated tone as yet another faield curl frizzes and goes limp on his head, unable to stay as thick and curly as he’d like it to be.
* So rather than him helping MC take care of their hair....MC would be the one to style his hair and curl it, dousing it with hairspray to keep the curls in place-and boy, the excited look on Saeyoung’s face is so, so worth it.
* “Baby look! We match now!” he screams, hugging MC as he hides his face in their curls and yeah-he’s a big idiot alright, but he’s their idiot.
* He’ll constantly compliment MC’s curls, smilign whenever he sees how they bounce as they turn their head this way and that-it’d frequently become a muse for his drawings, which let’s face it, would feature MC 90% of the time.
* He’d never personally suggest he help MC brush or style their hair-he doesn’t know anythign about curls, and would hate to do anything to hurt or ruin MC’s hair.
* If MC asks though, he’ll be there in an instant-he’s so gentle and if MC asks him to help brush their hair, he’ll hold them form high up near the roor and brush them with his wrist behind the locks for support, instinctually knowing how to brush them without hurting MC.
* Don’t ever ask him to braid hair though-while he’d love nothing more than to do beautiful intricate braids on MC’s head, he finds it impossible to seperate their curls enough to form sections to braid-MC would instead probably end up with a sad excuse of a pigtail...but well, A for effort, right?
* This poor bean is trying his best though, so cut him some slack. He’ll even go online and look at tutorials so he’ll be prepared for the next time MC asks for help! 
* Might jokingly ask if MC would like to dye their hair to match his-if they do, he’ll be so shocked but also happy because hey-they match!!!
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for characters reactions!-
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msjr0119 ¡ 4 years
One Temptation
Part 8
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*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Riley Brooks moves back to New York after leaving five years prior- struggling to get by in life she wanted to go home. After getting mugged, a woman and man come to her rescue and offer her a job at their strip club. A rich business man Liam Rhys is forced to visit the club as part of his bachelor party. What will happen that night?
Tags-if you want to be removed let me know 😊: @pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @drxkewalker @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @kozabaji @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @dcbbw @qammh-blog @jared2612 @princess-geek @desiree---1986 @indiacater
Finally started this series back up- sorry for the hiatus! To refresh your memories click the link for Part 7. This part is set a few days after the last part ended- showing POV’s from the main characters; Drake, Riley, Liam and Leo. Part 9 will lead on straight from the ending of part 7.
Warnings: Swearing, mention of rape, affair?
Drake walked through the ranch, hoping that Riley had just gone for a stroll- waking up without her this morning made him think back to all that happened in New York as well as their few days in Texas. The thought that had constantly kept crossing her mind was if she was having second thoughts about their relationship. On the road trip down to Texas, she showed a genuine smile- excitement to have a break from New York City and all the drama that had occurred. As the days went by she suddenly became distant with him, every time he asked her what the matter was- she would just respond with the one word answer ‘nothing’.
Returning to the ranch, the coffee aroma flooded the kitchen- he saw his mom and aunt look at him with the same expression- disappointment.
“What?” He questioned the two of them, feeling unwelcome for the first time since he had returned.
“You can do better than her Drake. She left this morning.” Not really comprehending what his mother had just said, he wondered what had happened whilst he hadn’t been around. On occasions he would check the animals, do chores around the ranch, get food in from the shop- leaving Riley to bond with his family. Possibly her future family, in his mind.
“Left? What do you mean?”
“She’s gone back to New York. You obviously don’t mean a lot to her. Or she would have said goodbye.” Leona just shook her head, excusing herself from the situation- knowing that her nephew was about to blow his top.
“Why didn’t you fucking stop her? I’m going.”
“Drake! Stay here. You don’t need her. There’s other women, or should I say another woman.”
“I do need her, and she needs me. I love her. Goodbye mom.”
Riley returned to New York, not knowing what her plan was- all she knew was that she needed a new job, that she needed to avoid her friends for a while. The Walkers unknowingly to Drake made her feel unwelcome at every given opportunity.
Are you using my son for his money? Sluts like you will never be loyal partners.
My nephew can do so much better than a stripper. You was probably just lust for him, nothing more.
Thinking about the word slut as Bianca labelled her, made her think about the day after the rape. Did she deserve all that had happened to her?
The day after waking up in Liam’s penthouse, Riley kept watching the video- grimacing every time. The tears wouldn’t stop forming. Assuming Liam didn’t use protection, she knew she had to pay a visit to the hospital or the local clinic but also to the police station. At first she didn’t want to go and report the crime, it was still trying to sink in what had happened- hence why she put herself through the torture of rewatching it.
Walking to the clinic, she wished she had the guts to tell her friends and Drake what had happened. Feeling ashamed, she believed that they would judge her. Not listen to her. Possibly blame her. Would they ask personal questions? Would they ask why she couldn’t stop him, prevent it from happening? Drake. What would he think? Their ‘relationship’ was complicated to say the least. Deep down, Riley was utterly in love with him but wouldn’t admit that anyone- only her drunk drugged mind spoke the truth to her abuser.
Giving her name to the reception, she turned around to sit down- her jaw was agape seeing the ghost from her past gulp at her as they locked eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m going for a swim, what the fuck do you think I’m doing in a clinic you bimbo?”
“You’ve not changed one bit have you Riley? Still the sarcastic, stubborn little bitch. Did you enjoy your night the other night BELLE?”
“Go away Madeleine, I assume you’re here because you can’t keep your legs closed for more than a second.”
“I’m not a slut, who has a ‘sleepover’ at my house then mentions the word rape infront of my daughter.”
“He raped me Madeleine. I didn’t realise that Alice was there when that word slipped out....I just want to thank you, for everything that you did to me. See you around.” Leaving the clinic, she headed to the police station- hoping that they would believe her.
“I’d like to report an incident. My ex boyfriend raped me and he and my boss drugged me.” The police officer led her into the room, after the interview in the back of her mind she believed that it would be a waste of time. Due to the fact that she wasn’t a reliable witness because of the affect due to the drugs and alcohol- she held on to the hope of the video. Hoping that it would be enough evidence.
“We will arrest Mr Rhys and bring him in for questioning. You was very brave reporting this type of incident, many people are too afraid to do this.”
“Could you wait? His company has a charity event- could you wait until after that? Or do it during that?” The police officer looked at her confused not knowing the reasoning behind the unusual request.
“This could delay court proceedings, you do understand that Miss Brooks?”
“If you arrest him now, he may suspect it. If you do it unexpectedly- he won’t have time to come up with excuses.”
“Very well, but if this backfires it will be your fault. If you change your mind let us know. We will arrest your boss now though.”
If it wasn’t Liam trying to split them up, or Madeline- there was now Drakes family. Whenever Drake walked back into the room, the two women would act differently- as if they were happy that Riley was there.
Walking the streets of New York, she entered every bar asking if there were any vacancies. With no luck, she felt like giving in and just moving out of New York completely.
Over the last few days Leo had become like a sloth, not having the motivation to do anything. Feeling guilty that he had allowed his brother to hurt his friend yet again.
“Why did you do it?” Leo held Liam against the wall, out of the way of prying eyes. At this moment in time, he wanted to kill his brother or at least inflict a slight bit on pain on to him. No pain would be as much as the pain he had put Riley through the years.
“I love her Leo. I fucked up losing her.” Attempting to remove his brother’s hand from his neck, Liam failed as Leo’s grip became tighter every second that went by.
“You don’t fucking rape someone you love!”
“You don’t shag someone who’s your friend. Don’t lie to me, you have feelings towards her too.” Leo released his tight grip knowing what he was referring to. His fling with Riley in Florida.
“It was just sex! If I did have feelings for her, don’t you think that I’d have brought her back. Made us an official couple. Hell, if I was lucky enough to call her my girlfriend I wouldn’t have let her go.”
“So you do like her more than a friend. Why am I surrounded by betrayers? Who’s next? Maxwell? Riley is mine. No one else’s.”
“Yes I do love her. Possibly more than a friend. Happy now? But she doesn’t love me back that way. She loves Drake. Let her be happy- she isn’t yours!”
“And this is why you’re defending her. Acting like the knight in shining armour- hoping that she would fall for you. What would you do? Dump Olivia? I’m glad I raped her, money buys you everything. I’ll get her back.”
“You bastard!”
Beating his brother to a pulp that day of the charity event, Leo felt guilty not informing Riley about the truth. Knowing she would berate him for stooping so low.
“Leo... who’s blood is that on your hands?” Fuck. Leo looked at Riley as Drake held her protectively on the bed. Gulping, he knew he probably shouldn’t have reacted the way he did. Realising that they all need to just ignore Liam’s existence instead.
“It’s my blood. I was so annoyed with Liam- that I punched the wall. Please don’t ever talk to him again. You have all of us. He will pay for what he’s done. I hope you two are very happy together- you deserve it Ri.” Riley looked at him, jumping out of bed- she hugged Leo. Cupping his cheeks, her eyes searched his hoping for some truth and answers.
“You’d tell me if you’d hurt him? Right?” Leo gulped as he nodded, knowing that she possibly had some inkling as to how he had received his injuries.
“He won’t hurt you again. Stay with Drake, he’s a good guy.
Liam had decided to work from home ever since the disastrous charity ball. Losing trust from his clients, this time at home made him think long and hard about his actions. I didn’t want to rape her. I love her.
“You love who daddy?” Not realising that he said those words out loud, he couldn’t lie to his daughter. Even at such a young age, the girls mind was as bright as a button.
“Daddy loves Belle.”
“Is she going to be my new mommy? She was angry with you the other day. I don’t think she loves you.” Kneeling down, he held his daughters hand as he spoke the next words.
“Belle used to love daddy. Before you was born, daddy and Belle lived together.” Thinking back to the times that they shared, they was happy- like love struck teenagers. If it wasn’t for Alice’s existence, he would go back in time if he could. Save his relationship.
“You need to say sorry daddy. That’s what Miss Parkins says at school. She said if you upset someone, you say sorry. See you later.” Taking in Alice’s words, he knew she was right. But he would never admit to anyone that he was in the wrong. That he had gone too far. There was a knock at the door, Liam ran his fingers through his hair as he stood up to answer.
“Come in Gordon, thank you for coming.” The lawyer sat down, sighing at Liam.
“So you’re on bail. I need you to be truthful. Did you rape Riley? And did you harm Leo before you was arrested?”
“And this is why you’re defending her. Acting like the knight in shining armour- hoping that she would fall for you. What would you do? Dump Olivia? I’m glad I raped her, money buys you everything. I’ll get her back.”
“You bastard!” Liam didn't know how Leo threw the first punch, all he remembered was feeling that pain suddenly slamming into his jaw. It happened so quick. Blood pooled in and around his mouth as Leo backed off. They was only apart for a brief moment - possibly to catch their breaths before lurching back towards each other, both sets of baby blues narrowed - both determined to not surrender. Leo has dodged a few fists that Liam threw towards him- until he aimed for his ribs. Falling to the floor, Liam hovered over his brother- pining him to the floor with no escape route.
"Is that all you’ve got big bro? Or can we call it a draw? End it now?” Leo was about to raise his knees to knock Liam off him, as he was feeling like he was being suffocated.
“Liam Rhys I am arresting you on suspicion of rape. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence".
Everyone at the event, gasped. The echo filled the room, as did a crowd around the puddles of the brothers blood on the floor. Bastien shook his head, not knowing what to do. Not knowing if the press had managed to catch wind of what was happening.
“Leo! Why would you call them? I’m innocent!” Liam shouted as the police dragged him away.
“I didn’t! Maybe the woman you hurt did that! Rot in hell Liam!” Leo held his ribs, the relief that Liam was about to get some comeuppance was over riding the pain that was lingering.
“Would it sound bad if I admitted to both? You know I love Riley, you have been our families lawyer all my life. I went the wrong way about it all. When she returned, I called off my engagement to Madeleine- all of my feelings for Riley resurfaced. I lost her Gordon.”
“We will work this out Liam. But you need to admit to Riley what you did and apologise. She may drop the charges if you’re truthful with her. Possibly try and rebuild the relationship with your brother. I’ll see you in court. Remember, the truth.”
Drake arrived back in New York, hoping that Riley was going to be in his apartment that he shared with Max - hoping that she was going to jump out from somewhere and shout ‘surprise’. Possibly jump into his arms. Walking through the door, Maxwell just shook his head, sorrow in his eyes. Pulling Drake in for a hug, they both decided to look for her.
It was late at night, Riley was exhausted walking the streets. She believed that her luck was in when she stumbled across a dive bar which was advertising for bar staff. Walking in the stern looking man at the bar, asked her if she wanted a drink.
“I’m here about the job. I’ve worked in a str- bar.” The man looked up and down her body, then focused his eyes on the blonde stood behind her. The top she was wearing flaunted her assets, and the man immediately offered her the job over Riley. Ordering a drink, she gulped it in one. Leaving the bar, she felt defeated- the heavens had opened up and she was now drenched. Continuing to walk down the street, her phone rang constantly. Maxwell. Her heart wanted to answer to answer it immediately, but her stubborn mind refused to acknowledge the importance of the call. Ignoring it, as she pressed reject the phone slipped out of her hand and smashed on the concrete. For fuck sake. Sitting in a puddle, the tears from her eyes were uncontrollably flowing matching the weather- not giving a damn that her clothes were now soaked to the rafters, she believed that karma was hitting her right in the face - not expecting any good luck to appear anytime soon.
“Hey, don’t cry. What’s up?” Looking up at the woman, Riley softly smiled as the woman helped her stand. Wiping her tears and her clothes, she felt like an idiot.
“Thank you.”
“Are you okay?”
“I just need a bed, a job. Is that too much to ask? I’ll do anything. I’m desperate.”
“Well I have vacancies. I own this club.” Looking towards the club entrance, Riley sighed. Great another strip club.
“Can you dance?” I can, it doesn’t mean that I want to though.
“I used to work at Wildcats. I didn’t dance though.”
“The offer is there if you want it. I also have a spare room in my apartment. Look after yourself honey.” Riley stared at the building, not knowing how long for until a decision was made. “Wait!” The woman turned around, smiling at her.
“I’m a fast learner. I’m labelled a slut anyway. I only have $200 to my name.” Laughing at Riley, Gill hated it when people described dancers as sluts- it was a common nickname. But not in her club, the local punters knew that if they took advantage that Gill would possibly place their bodies in a body bag.
“My names Gill. What’s your name?”
“Come on Riley, come inside before you catch pneumonia.”
Drake pressed the button in the elevator, taking him up to the highest floor. Walking towards the desk, the receptionist looked Drake up and down- wondering who he was and what his intentions were.
“I’m here to see Mr Rhys. Before you ask, no- I haven’t got an appointment.”
“Just tell him his worse nightmare is paying him a visit..” panic was written across the woman’s face, leaning closer towards her desk- her hand hovered over the security button. “Just tell him, it’s Drake.”
Hello Mr Rhys, you have a visitor. His name is Drake.
Hanging up, she explained that Liam would be with them momentarily. Sitting down on the leather chair, Drake was unsure how Liam would react to seeing him- would he throw him out? Would he play mind games?
“Drake. It’s nice to see you.” Not. “Follow me into my office.” Drake followed his instructions, as the two men walked into the room. Liam poured them both a drink, however Drake politely rejected. Not knowing if Liam could have potentially added poison to it as revenge.
“What can I do for you? I never thought I’d see the day that you’d pay me a visit voluntarily.”
“Trust me, I don’t want to be here. I despise you. Have you seen or heard from Riley?”
“No. Why would I hear from her? She wanted to send me to prison for raping her.” Hearing that word, Drake grit his teeth- knowing that Liam was still in denial with his past actions.
“Well you did do that. Listen, you probably know her better than any of us. We need your help. She ran away, she left me in Texas.” Liam laughed in Drakes face, just picturing Riley riding off into the sunset wearing a cowboy hat.
“What did you do?” He asked Drake, assuming he was the reasoning behind her disappearance- from past experience he should know how her mind ticked. She did the same when he hurt her.
“I did nothing, my mom and aunt Leona spoke to her. Then she went cold towards me, and was gone. Do you know anywhere that she could have gone?” Liam now knew the reasoning behind her departure- he was the reason why. Instead of acting like a dick, he felt empathy towards everyone who was looking for her- guilt for his past actions.
“Bianca, this is Liam Rhys- a friend of Drakes.” Bianca recognised the name immediately- clearing her throat, she provided a fake posh accent.
“Hello, Sir. How may I help?”
“Has Drake arrived in Texas yet? His flatmate was just wondering but he’s broken his phone.”
“No not yet. I assume he should be here shortly. I’ll get him to ring you once he arrives.”
“Okay, thank you Mrs Walker. I hope the prostitute he is in a relationship with doesn’t ruin your families reputation. Have a good day.”
“I don’t know where she is Drake. I’m sorry I can’t help you. I’m sorry for everything.” Fuck what have I done? What if she’s gone for good? What if she’s in danger? I’ll have blood on my hands. I knew I shouldn’t have interfered, twisting the truth to Bianca.
“Cut with the shit Liam. You are not sorry for anything that you’ve done. Don’t worry, we will find her, and when we do I hope she has some answers. Liam, stay away from us all.”
“Drake... I’ll get a private detective to search for her. I’ll come to your apartment tomorrow with any updates.” Drake just wanted to punch him for his past actions, however if this was the only way they could find her he would be civil for now.
“Can I trust you?”
“Yes. I swear on Alice’s life. We all love Riley. If she’s in trouble, she will need you. I now understand that I’ve lost her and that she loves you. I’m sorry Drake.” Placing his hand out towards Drake, he wasn’t sure if Liam was being sincere. Not being able to trust him just yet, he just turned around and left the building.
The day after, Drake and Maxwell began pacing the room- both frustrated that they hadn’t found Riley. Both frustrated that her phone kept going immediately to voicemail every time they attempted to ring her.
“Will you both just sit down. You’re both going to injure yourselves somehow.” Leo said, watching the two of them. There was a knock at the door- the three of them all ran towards the door, hoping that it was Riley. Drake knew if it wasn’t Riley it would be Liam, as he promised. Opening the door, he pushed Leo away- not knowing how he would react, not wanting another fight to break out. He understood Leo’s anger, but at this moment in time they all needed to hold the anger back.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Leo questioned Drake and Maxwell as Liam walked through the door.
“I come in peace.” Liam said sarcastically, holding his hands up in the air.
“Get the fuck out of here before I kill you!”
“Leo, leave him. Have you got any news Liam?” Leo looked at Drake confused, wondering if he had forgotten what Liam had done to the woman that Drake loved.
“She’s working at another strip club. Downtown. The Phoenix.” Liam sighed at he waited for the men to respond. Drake grabbed his coat, whilst searching the clubs details on google.
“I swear to god if you’re lying Liam, you won’t need to worry about Leo killing you....”
“I’m not Drake. The limo is outside. Bastien will take us all.”
There was silence in the limo on route to the club, Maxwell tried to break the silence with stupid jokes until he realised that no one was interested. Walking into the club, they was greeted by Gill who assisted them to a booth- followed by a tray of shots.
“If you need anything else gentlemen, the girls will be walking around - just ask them for anything that you may require. You’re just in time for the main event. Enjoy.” The lights dimmed, and music began to play. Men, who they assumed were regular punters gathered around the stage- all retrieving their wallets out of their pockets. As the woman strut down the stage, she gripped onto the cold steel pole, climbing up on the pole- she immediately spun around gracefully. Sliding down and eventually coming off the pole, she walked closer to the older men- removing her dress, she stood in front of them wearing just her lacy underwear- her breasts in full view, as well as her high heels. Teasing them, she provided sexual movements as they threw money towards her.
“Erm, Drake?” Leo narrowed his eyes realising who it was. They all looked towards the stage- Seeing their friend degrade herself. Noticing one man try to unclip her bra, Drake stood up abruptly. Pushing through the crowd, he stood on stage and carried her over his shoulder. Liam noticed Gill run over, distracting the woman with money as bribery- he explained why Drake did what he did, causing a riot between the punters. Gill refused to take his money and suggested to take Riley out into the back room.
Drake put her down, surrounded by men ‘booing’- potentially about to cause a fist fight with him for ruining the entertainment. Before that could happen Liam grabbed Riley’s hand and dragged her into the back room, with the others following. Folding her arms, they all surrounded her scowling at her- covering her body up, she was unsure as to why she was doing this. All of them have seen me like this before, three of them have slept with me. Fuck I am a slut. Why do they look so pissed? Two of them have broken my heart, the other two are just my friends.
“What?” She snapped at them all, after coming out of her thoughts- leaving the lingering questions roam through her mind.
“Care to explain what’s going off?” Leo asked in a stern tone of voice, knowing that Drake was in a state of shock once his adrenaline rush had deteriorated.
“Well I’m a slut. So may as well act like one.” Shaking his head, Drake wondered why she was talking about herself in such a manner- looking at the other men he could read that they was probably wondering the same.
“Why did you leave me in Texas?”
“It was too hard to say goodbye, your family hate me. They said I was using you for your money; they called me a slut, they said I was a stripper- which at the time I wasn’t, I’m not good enough for you. So I made their words become a reality.” Empathising the word slut, until the morning that she left Texas she was sure that they had a future together.
“Riley, you have three men stood in front of you who love you. Quit, and make at least one of us happy.” They all faced Liam as he said this, only Leo and Liam knew who the third man was. Leo. Hoping that she assumed the third man was Maxwell, Leo needed to change the subject- change his sheepish expression that was brewing into something that wouldn’t expose his secret.
“I think, Riley and Drake need to talk alone. Don’t you think Liam and Max?” Riley’s eyes pleaded with Leo for them not to leave- she would rather have four men berate her than be alone with the man who she abandoned without saying a word to prior to leaving.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” She whimpered, as she made a move towards the door Drake put his hand on to her bare skin.
“Oh no. You are not running away from me again. I need answers. I love you, why is that so hard for you to understand?”
“I was just going to get dressed Drake. I love you too.”
“Then come back with me. Please.”
“I can’t Drake. Your mom and aunt.. they... they told me to leave you and to never see you again. Somebody rung them and told them that you was dating a prostitute. They offered me $10k to leave that morning I left but I didn’t accept it.” Ten grand? They haven’t even got that type of money. Drake knew exactly who had that type of money, someone who wanted Riley all to himself. Was all of his ‘sincere’ words that he mentioned fake? Did Liam actually pay his family off as he threatened to do all those months ago. “They said that I wasn’t good enough for you, and that you would eventually forget me, forget about New York and return to Texas. Before I left they introduced me to someone. I’m a slut, I’m Madeleine. You’re Liam. Go back to Texas Drake, go back to your fiancée.”
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kisnet ¡ 4 years
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Memories of a lifetime I have many memories throughout my life, some happy and some sad. During the 1970's growing up I remember we used to look after a beautiful female foxterrier whom belonged to our next door neighbour, her name was Suzi. This was my first best friend and it felt like she was my dog as we used to take her in quite often when our neighbours went on holiday. One sunny day it was late in the afternoon and the neighbours facing our front door had a red brick wall next to their house and I was over by the neighbour playing with their kids outside in the garden. I decided I was gonna climb this wall cos being a young small boy I was always very curious and up for a challenge as to find out what certain things would be like after exploring them. So I climbed the wall and found out in no time that this wall was not sturdy (cement plastered) and gave way as soon as I climbed it. It collapsed in an instant and I had got such a fright but after sustaining some minor bruises on my leg. My ego was the biggest injury I sustained though, 😂 😂. At the age of 4 I had an accident after falling into hot tub and sustained a fair amount of burns to my body as described in 'my life story'. I also had a great fear of heights and at the age of 11 or 12, I went to a school friend's house and his dad was also in the military. They had a huge trampoline in the backyard and always enjoyed playing and jumping on it as a kid the few times I did visit them. They also had a big old tree in their backyard and they had a wooden platform fitted across some of the tree branches (tree house) high up in the tree. So I climbed up the tree and attempted to move across to another tree branch and my hand slipped of the tree branch and I fell to the ground flat onto my back approximately 3 to 4 metres down. I had some pain but it was more so the shock of that moment as I could not believed what had just happened. I swiftly got up and walked home crying. Whilst living in the southern suburbs and after getting my first BMX bicycle for Christmas in 1983 or 1984, I had my personal transport and couldn't wait exploring other areas outside of our home suburb. So I would choose a day during the school holidays and during the week and go out for the day on a trip with my BMX which was very adventurous to me. So I would plan the day in advance and get everything ready for my day trip out to areas like Kirstenbosch, Constantia, Newlands public swimming pool, Wynberg military base where we had lived previously and my mom would make me a bunch of sandwiches that I'd take with on my travels. I would also have a 2 litre Coca-Cola or Fanta orange and some sweets with a small amount of money to buy something in addition to my cold drink and picnic foods I already had. Some times I would take a friend with me to enjoy my travels in and around Cape Town's southern suburbs. Many times my mom and my brother and myself would take a trip to town taking the train into Cape Town which I was always very exciting to me because I loved the train rides as a kid. We would spend the day in Cape Town walking the streets up and down and end up doing shopping 🛒 in The Golden Acre and having lunch upstairs in the restaurant in the OK (now Shoprite). As a family we would sometimes travel to family either in the Eastern Cape and / or the Transvaal. I used to love the long trips although they were few and far between. Nevertheless it was a blast and we would stop along the way and my mom had made chicken and cooked potatoes along with some rice and other veggies. We would also have pudding which consisted of instant pudding and jellies all pre-packed into a picnic packed set of containers my dad purchased especially for the long trips during the holidays. As a small boy I was very close to my mom but later years things changed as I then got closer to my dad as I was rebellious as I grew older and had many clashes with my mom but would later years get better over the years as got used to it but never stopped loving my mom. There would be certain words exchanged which I would later regret as I still very naive and still had alot to learn still about life in general. My dad was a very strict straight forward person and did not stand for any nonsense whatsoever. If you didn't listen, he would merely lift his big hands and take a good hard swing at us and you know what you have done wrong and believe me, it did not tickle. It hurt like hell. Those were the good ole days and I never regret my upbringing ever. It taught me respect and improved my character as a person. One day my dad sent me down to the garage to collect some potatoes as it was kept in the garage. I would always get in my dad's car and play with the car switches until one day snapped the cable that unlocked the bonnet. My dad was very enraged and he gave me good beating as a result. He had to spend money to have it repaired. As a ruling because of similar events that resulted in things breaking, I stopped fiddling with other people's property as I was always curious what a button on a radio or some or other piece of equipment would do had I pressed it. It would always end up breaking something or something falling and breaking, so I eventually learned my lesson as a kid and stopped messing with stuff that either didn't belong to me or did not apply to me. Memories with my Dad (Adolf) As a kid I didn't spend much time with my dad as he wasn't always the emotional type but loved him to bits always. The times we did get to spend together, was always very special to me. When I was still very small, my mom used to buy a magazine on a weekly basis which had a kids magazine inside and one afternoon on the weekend my dad had me lying next to him on his bed and he read some of the stories out of the kids magazine to me. In 1989 I had written my exams after studying part time at Cape College 3x a week. Me and my dad came from town for some or other reason. I was over something but my dad comforted me as we approached the military base to return to work as I was busy with my military service at the age of 18. Well he turned around right there and then as I had mentioned to him that I didn't find out what my results were after writing exams and wasn't sure whether I had failed or passed. We arrived back in town at the college and I went upstairs to get my results. I came back downstairs and got in back into the car and told my dad I passed. My dad was in tears instantly as he heard that I passed. We drove back to work and that was one of the very special times together with my dad. It's these memories that makes thoughts and happy moments like this make remember my dad as my hero. He was hard on the exterior but very much a softy on the inside. In 1988 it was my last year at school and I had finished school although I failed, I was with school as I wanted to get on with my life. I think my dad was off that day and we went somewhere as it was a weekday and school was done. We went for a drive down to Fish Hoek and Simonstown and my dad showed me and told me alot of his past during when he was stationed in Simonstown. He went to show me where the house stood where he lived many years ago with his first wife and where he also had lived prior to Simonstown in Fish Hoek in a flat. That building still stands today. I went back to that building when I was still mourning my dad's death during the nineties just like I remembered the day he showed me the building, where he lived many years prior to that day, as I was reliving that time in my mind and was trying to picture myself back in the time frame my was living there. This was one of the ways I dealt with father's passing. The drive we took in December 1988 I will always remember as one of the highlights in my life. My dad and I spent alot of time together at home when he would repair something like the stove, washing machine door locks and general maintenance around the house and I had learnt alot from those times. I would often fix the vaccuum cleaner when needed some minor repairs with knowledge I was taught by my dad. In 1993 after my dad had fallen ill, I went away on holiday for about two weeks and when I arrived back home my dad was in tears to see me and so I hugged him and told him "don't worry I'm home now" I miss my dad like mad and wish he was still here on earth with me. Memories with my Mom (Christine) I was a mommy's boy when I was a small kid as I was the youngest and probably got away with alot. But those were my favourite years as well cos I used to get alot of attention from my mom. I spent most of my time with my mom as my dad was at work all day. So my mom would walk me to school and then I would get so lonely because I saw my mom walk away going home after dropping me off at school and felt very vulnerable and would burst into tears 😭 but over time it got better and I got used to school. My mom left to attend her brother's kmy uncle) funeral in Pretoria and I would be alone with my dad but missed my mom so much. Then when she got home after about a week I was overwhelmed with excitement and could not wait to see her after I got home from school that day. I always felt my protected me when I was still very small. My mom was my everything at that point in my life. My mom and I used to play alot of games and jokes over the years even until shortly before she passed away we had our little games and jokes we used to play ▶. My mom told me quite alot about her mother (my grandmother) and I wished I had known her. Memories with friends During my lifetime I met and have had some great friends. I would like to name two of them. Their names are Damian and Chris. I met Damian and Chris in 1991 and we formed a bond as friends and used to spend alot of good times together like having parties, braai and go drive around or go watch stock cars at the old Goodwood show grounds. As a small boy I didn't have many friends as I was very shy and didn't like strangers. It was almost like I used protect myself in that regard. It was only after I was working my first job and had my first car that I started wondering farther then just work and home. I got introduced to alcohol and over the years drinking got worse when I would visit friends or attend a party etc. After a very bad experience with alcohol in February 2009, I decided that this was the last time I would ever touch alcohol and stopped smoking, drinking as well as drinking sodas. That was a wake up call for me and a turning point in my life. Everything changed for me that time. The two friends that always stood by me through thick and thin has been Chris and Damian. Chris was there for me for emotional support when my dad passed away in April 1995. Damian has been there for me as well many times since my mom passed away and helped me with lots of different things in life over the years even before my mom's passing. These are two friends I regard very highly as my own family.
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shirorozutriea ¡ 5 years
A Dance in a Gay Way
Hope you guys like this. Day 3: Breathless. I hope I did this right.. *nervous laugh*
“May I take you to the dance?”
 Those seven words. That sentence. She had heard it a thousand times, if not a thousand, a million times and she's not exaggerating. Men and women alike had asked her the same question and none of them had made her heart skip a beat. No, Neptune was different, it was a false infatuation and she was glad a certain knight in shining armor appeared and saved her. And this time, that knight in shining armor asked her the same question. And she knew her heart skipped a beat. How? Because that person is Ruby Rose, her girlfriend.
 “I can't believe she had asked me to go to the dance with her?” Said Weiss, sighing blissfully.
 “Weiss. We've been hearing the exact same sentence for an hour already.” Sighed Blake in exasperation.
 “Schnee, I get that you're so smitten with my sister. I am too with Blake. But you don't hear me saying the exact same thing for an hour.” Yang looked at her with an exasperated look and a scowl. “Gee, you're actually worse than Ruby.”
 “But.. I can't help it okay?! This is the first time I felt like this and it feels amazing.” Smiled Weiss. Yang cringed at the sight of the alabaster haired girl smiling.
 “Weiss, your gay is showing.” Said Blake.
 “So as yours.” Snapped Weiss. Blake looked at Weiss in confusion. Blake suddenly felt warm and something soft was pressing against her cheeks.
 “Oh hell. How did I get in here?”
 Her head was being smothered by two big… mounds of her girlfriend. Her eyes widen and her cheeks flared red. Yang just continue to hug her from behind, pressing her front further.
 Blake hyperventilate.
 “Yang, I think Blake’s dead.”
 Yang looked at Ruby as she held a tray full of food, then her eyes gaze down and saw Blake passed out.
 “Blake?!” Gasped Yang in attempt to wake Blake.
 “Well, I did say your gay is showing.” Grumbled Weiss. Ruby giggled at her girlfriend's antics and sat down beside her.
 “How's the exam?” Asked Ruby, her hands reaching for the strawberry in her tray, then giving it to Weiss.
 Weiss bit on the strawberry. “Thank you. It easy to say the least.”
 Ruby laughed. And Weiss can't help but to stare.
 “Everything is easy for you, princess.” Smiled Ruby as she pat the latter's head earning a low grumble from them.
 “How come she's able do that but I can't?” Pouted Yang as she held on Blake's collar who's still knocked out.
 “Because she can and you can't.” Said Weiss as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
 Yang gave her a deadpanned look and proceed to wake Blake up.
 “Is Blake okay?” Asked Ruby in concern.
 “She'll be fine. Enough gay can fix her up.” Said Weiss leaning on her hand.
 “A true love's kiss can break the spell!!”
 “I don't think that will help… nevermind.” Said Ruby.
 Yang kissed Blake and Blake woke up.
 “Wha? What happened?” Asked Blake.
 “My love!!” Exclaimed Yang, hugging Blake. Blake looked surprise at the sudden enthusiasm of her girlfriend.
 Weiss shook her head in dismay. “I don't know anymore.”
 “I don't know what to react. Should I laugh or cry in dismay?” Chuckled Ruby.
 Weiss glanced at Ruby then back at the couple.
 “They're just gay.” Stated Weiss.
 Ruby giggled. “So are we.”
“Yang, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Mumbled Ruby as she stare at her suit.
 “Trust me on this, Ruby. You'll had Weiss jaw dropped at the moment she sees you.” Agreed Yang, nodding to herself.
 Ruby looked at her skeptically. “How can you be so sure?”
 “Just cause’.” Smiled Yang, remembering a certain conversation with her girlfriend.
  “You and Ruby are going to buy a dress, right?”
 “Yes we are. Why the sudden interest?”
 “Make sure Ruby wears a suit.”
 Yang’s forehead scrunch in confusion.
 “Weiss liked it when Ruby wears a suit.”
 “Oookay. But, Ruby hasn't worn a suit—she's imagining it, right?”
 Yang failed to hide an amused smile.
 “She does. Now, be a good girl and do it please. And could you wear a dress for me. I want to see you in a dress.”
 Yang smiled at the request.
 “Alrighty, then.”
  “Y’know what? Just take it, Rubes. I promise you, she'll love it.” Stressed Yang.
 “Fine.” Conceded Ruby with a sigh.
 “Great! Now help me find a dress.” Grinned Yang, dragging Ruby with the suit.
“Blake, stuff it, you look amazing.” Said Weiss, looking at Blake now dressed in a suit.
 “You think so?” Fretted Blake.
 “I think so. Yang will love it.” Smiled Weiss.
 “Thanks. Now let's look for your dress.”
The shopping spree is done. And the time has come for the ball. The whole school was decorated in flashing designs and the interior are well-made. People are buzzing around, talking and checking out people who enters the room.
 Weiss and Blake entered the room. As if on cue, the whole students stopped and looked at the two. Weiss, dressed in a ocean blue dress, glittering in the crowd, was needless to say, by far the most beautiful in the room. Blake on the other hand, was handsome compared to the others, wearing a blue suit paired with black pants and shoes, she's golden as her hair is tied up in a ponytail.
 “Do I look weird, Weiss?” Asked Blake, her eyes roaming the staring students. “They're staring.”
 “It means, you're handsome, okay? I mean, just look at you.” Pointed Weiss. “Believe me you are quite handsome on your own.”
 “I wonder when will Yang and Ruby be here?” Pondered Blake.
 As if on cue, the sisters made their way into the carpet. And again, all eyes on them, especially their respective partners.
 Yang was wearing a long golden dress, complimenting her hair and eyes. And Blake, couldn't take her eyes off of her girlfriend.
 Meanwhile, Weiss was shocked to see her girlfriend wearing a suit. And that suit, suits her well.
 Ruby then looked at her, she inhaled sharply as she stared at Weiss, taking in her beauty. Needless to say, she was breathtakingly beautiful.
“If looks could melt, she's probably a puddle right now, sis.” Chuckled Yang, whilst Ruby blushed at the statement.
 “Shut up. Let me just take you to Blake.” Grumbled Ruby and lead the latter to her girlfriend.
 She gave Yang to Blake as she took Weiss’ from her arms. She looked at Weiss, lacing their fingers together.
 “Take care of my sister, Belladonna.” Smiled Ruby, with a hint of threat. Blake gulped and nodded, taking Yang away from the two.
 “I'm sure she will take care of Yang.” Said Weiss, kissing Ruby in the cheeks.
 “I know.” Chuckled Ruby.
The party is about to end. A final dance was announced and an awarding was about to happen before everyone leaves and sleep for the rest of the day. Yang and Blake are enjoying their quality time together and had been dancing almost all of the hours they have at the dance, ignoring every students who asks them to dance with them.
 “Now, let's give a round of applause for our Princess of the Night. Ms. Yang Xiao Long!”
 Everyone clapped and whistled at the announcement. Blake can't help but to smile at her girl. Weiss had a big grin on her face, she had been expecting for Yang to win at some point, the Princess or the Queen. She's absolutely elegant and stunning in her own way. Ruby on the other hand was grinning and clapping louder than the rest of the students clap.
 “And here, an unexpected turn of events! Our Prince of the Night is… Ms. Blake Belladonna.”
 Everyone was surprised, but nonetheless clapped and cheered.
 “She deserves it!”
 “They're so cute together!”
 “It's bound to happen anyways. Congrats!”
 The couple chuckled at the comment and thanked everyone.
 “You may now take the floor, and dance your hearts out.”
 The whiterose couple looked at the pair and smiled fondly.
 “Those two are so cute together.” Giggled Ruby.
 “They sure are.” Smiled Weiss, looking at the pair.
 “I remember when Yang was so nervous to ask Blake out.” Laughed Ruby, as she remembers that moment.
 “Yes, it was hilarious. She even stuttered in front of Blake.” Chuckled Weiss. “But now, look at them. So happy with each other.”
 “And I can't believe Blake had the audacity to play hard to get.” Smirked Ruby, slyly. Weiss chuckled at the statement and agreed.
 “We thank you for that heartfelt dance. Now, are you ready for our… Prom King and Queen?!!”
 Ruby then looked at Weiss and suddenly the world turns to slow motion.
 “The Prom Queen is…”
 She stared at Weiss, relishing the ever so beautiful being in front of her, whom she proudly calls her best friend… and most importantly, her… girlfriend.
 She pondered for a moment, how did she get so lucky to able to be called the girlfriend of the ever so stunning girl, namely Weiss Schnee? She couldn't ever know. But she couldn't care less, she was so happy to have her precious someone to be labeled as hers, as well she is to her.
 Her eyes then darted to her face, her soft expression with a small smile on her face. Her piercing blue eyes that she could swear that she wouldn't mind drowning to those deep pools. Her skin as white as snow, with cheeks tinted with pink hues. And those lips, soft to touch and soft to kiss. She loves everything about her, her perfection, her flaws and everything she is, she loves it.
 “Weiss Schnee!!”
 Her gaze fell to those lips partially open in surprise. The Prom Queen… yes, what a befitting title for someone as beautiful as her.
 She looked at her princess—Queen, who walked at the stage to be crowned. Words can't easily describe her beauty. But, if you ask Ruby if she can give her any words to rightfully describe her. You bet your popsicle sticks she can.
 She looked at her in a crown.
 She looked at those flowing dress.
 She looked at her frame.
 She looked at her smile.
 She looked at those eyes.
 She looked at her as she walk down the stage, waving and smiling.
 “She's so breathtakingly beautiful.” Said Ruby, breathlessly.
 “And now, here, ready to join our Queen. Our Prom King… Ms. Ruby Rose!!”
 She smiled at the announcement and went to the stage. And soon joining her love, down the stage.
 “Hello, my Queen.” Smiled Ruby, holding Weiss’s hands.
 “And hello to you too, my King.” Giggled Weiss.
 “Y’know Weiss, you took my breath away. You're so beautiful.” Cooed Ruby, hugging her, gently swaying.
 “Dork.” Scoffed Weiss, before laughing.
 Ruby and Weiss stared at each other as they dance on the dance floor. Lights all around them, people cheering for them, their friends howling and whistling. But they didn’t heard it, they paid no attention to those surrounding them. All they see is…
 They said breathlessly as they kissed in the middle of the dance.
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codenamed-queenie ¡ 5 years
Titans: A Summary
If I had to write a description for Titans based on what I’ve seen so far...this is basically what happened, right?
Small, lovable Goth Child befriends Tired Motor City Cop with a heart of gold and an obligatory Tragic Backstory after she, too, experiences her own Tragic Backstory. (And throws a rock at a cop car.) Whilst travelling across the country, Goth Child samples gas station and diner cuisine and gets kidnapped every other day by varying parties with their Own Motives. 
Tired Motor City cop balks at the prospects of being a parent to a (sweetheart) demon-child and does his Best to get out of it. He does this by trying to dump her with his friends, Khaleesi and Gloss (the guy from Catching Fire who’s played by the same actor) who take Goth Girl shopping, encourage her to watch Game of Thrones, and both have Mixed Feelings about Tired Motor City Cop. Khaleesi and Gloss are dating each other. They, like Tired Motor City Cop, are also bird-enthusiasts. For the exact same reason, it turns out.
(Goth child befriends anyone who will feed her, and that’s perfectly understandable.)
Goth Child is kidnapped by a Creepy White Family, who beat up Tired Motor City Cop and Gloss, and threw Khalessi off a roof. They also squished Khaleesi’s birds. Which is Not Cool. They forced Goth Child to go with them on a Road Trip, which is understandably terrifying. But not as terrifying as being locked in a Public Restroom. Luckily, she is saved by a lady with fire powers and amazing curly magenta hair. The White Family finds themselves in need of a new father figure, since the old one fell victim to the average American Dad’s favorite pastime: Barbequing. To get one, they must go to Professor Omelet. 
Professor Omelet tells them he is Very Disappointed, but makes them breakfast anyway. Which is a relief, because Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day.
Magenta Girl (I like Kori’s look, don’t @ me) kidnaps Goth Child but ends up feeding her, so they become friends and go on a quest to find Magenta Girl’s memories. Because if I woke up in Vienna with the power to barbeque people, I, too, would have many questions. Their journey involves chicken waffles, beating the crap out of jerks, and visiting the local convent. Meanwhile, Tired Motor City Cop is losing his mind looking for Goth Child because he realized that Maybe he can Actually Do the Parent Thing After All. 
Goth Child blows up the convent. This may have religious repercussions. 
She is rescued and kidnapped by a Tiger Boy (who was previously seen using his powers to steal video games, which is probably what any teenage boy would do under the exact same circumstances). The duo scares the living crap out of a pair of drunk hunters, resurrects a deer, then runs to an ‘Abandoned’ Mansion in the Woods. For some reason, it does not occur to Goth Child that following a strange boy--who just turned into a friggin’ tiger--to a dark basement might be a Dumb Idea. Tiger Boy does his best to hide her, but she is discovered by Race Car Robot, and introduced to the rest of Tiger Boy’s roommates. There’s the Mummy, who is an excellent chef, and Human Blob (I love Rita, don’t get me wrong!) who, likely due to copyright issues from Disney, will not be called Elastigirl. They eat ridiculous amounts of food, making them Goth Child’s new best friends, and cross their fingers hoping that their RA will not come home early. But of course he does. 
RA tries to experiment on Goth Child. Tiger Boy tries to fight back but gets shot with a dart. Luckily, Goth Child’s Inner Demons come to her rescue, along with Tired Motor City Cop and Magenta Girl, who both bonded over the mutual fear of losing their small demon cinnamon roll. After that, they steal Tiger Boy.
The new family buys a minivan. Tired Motor City Cop pretends that this is Okay, even though this is a major step down from the Porsche he stole from his Problematic Father Figure. They drive to a motel, where the lady behind the counter flirts with the Tired Motor City Cop, much to his dismay. He doesn’t have time for Romance, only Parenthood now. 
Their First Family Outing is a talent show in a barn. Magenta Girl turns orange and shoots fire. She was supposed to hit a tractor, but instead blows a hole in the side of the barn. This is lucky, because a tractor would explode and a wall would not. Tiger Boy strips and turns into a tiger. Tired Motor City Cop is Terrified; he’s not sure what he signed up for, but it wasn’t this. (He will admit that it’s pretty awesome, though) He adds ‘keep teenage son from eating people’ to his ever-expanding to-do list. Goth Child shows off her Inner Demons. It is decided that she needs more practice. The new family wants their dad to show them his tricks, but Tired Motor City Cop merely sighs, ‘my special power is keeping you all alive’.
What they don’t know is that Tired Motor City Cop is actually Acrobat Kid, who was adopted by Shifty Capitalist after the deaths of his parents. Goth Child saw Acrobat Kid in a dream, but doesn’t realize that he’s actually Bird Boy. Tired Motor City Cop tries to hide his shameful past, but can’t resist cosplaying as Bird Boy whenever the mood strikes him. 
Tiger Boy and Goth Child bond. Tired Motor City Cop and Magenta Girl bond by watching their children bond. Magenta Girl is frustrated by Tired Motor City Cop and his Secrets, but decides to sleep with him instead of looking to deeply into it. Because Why Not? Instead of pillow talk, the couple enjoys fending off an attack from the Creepy White Family, featuring a new Father Figure who is even creepier than the first one. Which is actually saying something. 
They are cornered, and Tired Motor City Cop is forced to show off his birdsona. Now, his family understands why he was keeping it a secret. 
They interrogate the Creepy White Family. Tired Motor City Cop decides to go and confront Professor Omelet by himself. Professor Omelet blows up the Creepy White Family. Tired Motor City Cop threatens to shove Professor Omelet’s face in a crepe, which doesn’t sound very Pleasant. Ninjas attack them, but a Mysterious Figure comes to the rescue. Tired Motor City Cop realizes with horror that the Mysterious Figure is wearing his birdsona. The Mysterious Figure is actually Bird Boy The Sequel. 
Bird Boy The Sequel takes them both to a Safe House owned by the Shifty Capitalist, otherwise known as their Problematic Father Figure. Problematic Father Figure not only changed the locks, but put a tracker in both of his sons to Keep an Eye On Them At All Times. Tired Motor City Cop doesn’t like this, but he likes the idea of Bird Boy The Sequel even less. When he hears that Bird Boy The Sequel tried to steal hubcaps off the Problematic-o-bile, he begins to wonder if every angsty child vandalizes cars for fun. Does this mean he needs to watch over Bird Boy The Sequel, too, now?
The answer is Absolutely, because Bird Boy The Sequel is just as Problematic as their Problematic Father Figure. If not more. Because Bird Boy the Sequel snaps peoples spines now (unlike their Problematic Father Figure, who just gets his spine snapped). He also hates cops. Tired Motor City Cop is obviously conflicted about this. 
Goth Girl tries Her Best to control Tiger Boy, who is busy fangirling and wants to be the next Bird Boy. But he can’t, since he can only turn into tigers. Tired Motor City Cop performs surgery on his arm in the bathroom, and pulls out the tracker, which looks Suspiciously like a watch battery.
Tired Motor City Cop and Bird Boy The Sequel stop a murderer who is the son of the murderer who murdered Acrobat Boy’s parents, who was then murdered by mobsters. Bird Boy The Sequel turns out to be Very Violent. He and Tired Motor City Cop have a fight, and Bird Boy The Sequel says he can do whatever he wants because dad isn’t watching, and storms off. 
Tired Motor City Cop is Tired. 
 And that’s as far as I got. I’ll probably do more as I keep watching. I’m loving it so far, and if you can, you should all definitely check it out!
Part 2
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fencheto ¡ 5 years
Forbidden - Part 3 (Dimon Romantic)
The story can also be found on Wattpad You can find the previous chapters here Feedback is greatly appreciated. I went to the bathroom and finally took the much needed shower from the night before. The whole dorm was still densely filled with the smoky-alcoholic scent so I also made sure to open all the windows and doors to get some fresh air in there. “Got any suggestions where to go?” – I yelled through the bathroom door before starting the shower. “How does Starbucks sound?” – Chelle replied from her room. “Works for me.” – I said back and proceeded to wash my body Starbucks was both Chelle and I’s favorite spot for a morning coffee, the café was located in a very nice area, quite close to the centre and was easy to get there on foot from the dorm. The smell there was also blissful, nothing better than a banana cake to match the strong coffee aroma. It was the best time to go out and sit there, especially on such sunny days when the tables outside were available. On the not so bright side though, we could only go there like 2 times per week without going bankrupt. I love those guys but man, are they an expensive place. At the end of the day, I am a student and that meant being on a strict budget and having zero freedom. I put my hair in a high ponytail, and quickly put on a pair of jeans and my favorite oversized t-shirt saying “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry”, a present from my sister Dallas, the second biggest weirdo on this planet after me. I noticed I also had dark circles under my eyes, so now the choice was either for some make up or for the big sunglasses. “Demi, are you ready?” – I hear Chelle asking, meaning she was done with her preparations. Well, it will be the sunglasses, then. “Yup, a second” – I replied, putting the last few pins on my hair and spraying a bit of perfume around my neck. “Okay, let’s go” – I told her, letting go of my door handle and going to the front door. The way to the café was a short 10-minute long walk, but we could still notice some leftovers from the few parties that were hosted yesterday. The most common type of garbage was the occasional McDonalds’ huge paper bag or Subway’s sandwich wraps and napkins. It looked as if the rubbish bags were out of stock in this country, a horrible mess. We reached the coffee shop and picked a nice cozy table in the corner on the right. Thankfully not too many people had come yet so the tables outside were still not all taken. Our seats weren’t in the middle of the hustle and bustle if I may call it like that, yet they were also close to the inner part of the café so we wouldn’t need to walk too much with the purchases in our hands. Chelle and I sat on the table and we both started flipping the pages of the menus, as if we didn’t know it all by heart by now. I was certainly gonna be having a frappe today, it was hot AF and the alcohol was still running in my system, so I was sweating like a mine worker. Not the biggest fan of ice coffee, but the situation was of a pressing matter. I turned a few pages further, the breakfast items didn’t look too bad either, the question was if I was actually hungry or just wanted to have a snack though. I thought about having a coffee cake, but that usually bloated me up a lot, so I would rather have the white chocolate chip cookie. It was not too heavy and it usually did cover me well when the sweet tooth hit me with cravings, so I was good with it. “Alright, I can go in there and get the stuff, can you stay here and keep the table?” – Chelle asked a few minutes later. “Yeah that’s cool. Can you get me a frappe and a chocolate chip cookie, with white chocolate chunks though?” “Sure, be right back. Watch my stuff there.” “Here, take 10, should be just enough” – I handed her the bill. Chelle went inside and I plopped myself back on my chair. The day was beautiful; lots of the students from our uni or the few others in town were out as well. Sunday was the day of procrastination and it did hold a very truthful rule for students: If you put it off for Sunday, it won’t happen, dude. At some point a pretty loud noise for my still hangover head came from the road. I turned around to see a black car pull over on the other side of the street. It was a type of car that was pretty rare to notice in Boston or in the states in general, quite low over the road and with a foreign registration plate. It did resemble a very familiar car that I had definitely paid attention to before. If you’d ever watched “Gone in 60 seconds”, then you would know it too – a British Jaguar. How did I know? That was Marissa’s favorite movie and therefore my least favorite one, because we’d watched it like a billion times. The only difference here was that this car was a lot newer – a model I couldn’t name for sure. I kept my gaze on and saw the person on the driving seat fidgeting with something and then opening the door. The driver stepped out, but kept his head towards the car. It seemed as if he was looking for something, until he finally found it and grabbed it from inside. I wondered what it was like to have that much money and to be able to afford such comfort. Surely I was now in a position where finances were not the greatest developing aspect of my life, but that would change later on hopefully. I would love to buy stuff without having to look at the price tag and not worry about it. Just to be impulsive, like: a Jaguar? Yes, please. That car was worth about a million dollars last time I checked. I re-focused my look over to the driver and realized I had seen this man before. Not only that, I had actually known him and already spoken to him. That was Mr. Cowell, my Music Production lecturer. And also the man whose car - probably one of his many, I kicked. And if that wasn’t awkward enough, the man I had the audacity to call ‘a fool’. He was very casually dressed this time – in just a white t-shirt and some jeans, no trace of the formal black blazer he was wearing at the university. He was also wearing a pair of dark ray-bans and was puffing on a cigarette, whilst slowly making his way to internal part of the café. At this point I actually wondered what the best thing to do was: hide from him behind my bag, bury my face in my phone and pretend I never saw him, greet him with a simple nod or step into the dangerous zone of another possible embarrassment and talk to him. In case you wondered why would I talk to him – because I wanted to apologize!? If my math was right, he would be my lecturer for quite some time, and feeling this awkward for so long was something I’d rather pass. Anyway, the problem here was that instead of actually following one of the scenarios I thought of, I was doing probably the worst I could have right now – I was looking, actually I was staring at him as if I was bewitched, with my mouth slightly opened and my chin propped onto the fingers of my hand. Good thing was I was still wearing my sunglasses and so was he, so there was still a chance he didn’t just catch me watching him like some weirdo. He reached the entrance of the café, took the cigarette off his mouth and dogged it in an ashtray on a nearby table on the porch. Once he pinched it off, he carefully lifted his gaze and for a moment looked into my direction. My immediate reaction was to look down for good 3-4 seconds, only to make my sunglasses fall down and hear the cracking sound of them hitting the ground. So much for your strategies, Demetria. I clumsily moved the table to pick them up and saw he was getting inside once I did. My face went deep red; could this have gone any more wrong? I silently hoped there was someone else his eyes were on, but when I looked around, there was no one neither behind me nor closer than 2 tables away. So chances were somewhere between very small and absolute zero. “Sorry I took so long, but there is such a long line, and oh they wrote my name wrong on the cup, so they had to change it…” – Chelle said coming to me, almost out of breath, putting the purchases on our table and taking her seat. “There you go with your drink and the cookie” – She said again, handing me my items. “Thanks Chelle.” - I said kind of distracted. “Since when are you a fan of frappes?” – She asked me. “Yeah I’m not but now it is a bit hot so I will try it out.” – I said, taking my sunglasses off and waving my hand to bring some wind to my still heated face. “Are you alright? You look nervous.” – Chelle asked. “No, nothing” – I replied, mixing my drink with the straw. A few minutes later I saw Mr. Cowell coming out on the porch from the inside part of the café, carrying two cups of coffee, only this time it was not just him, now he was accompanied by a tall blond female. She was wearing a short grey skirt and a top that was outlining her boobs quite clearly. She looked as if she was taken straight out of a magazine cover. I wondered if this was the type of women he was into. They made their way outside and quickly chose their seats, a single table distance across from us. I was facing her back and his seat was positioned in a way that we both could see each other directly. I now started to regret taking my shades off. “Dems, come on, what is it? You seem kind of lightheaded.” – Chelle asked me once again. “How come?” “You seem to not even be listening to me?” “I am, sorry, it is just…” – I said uncomfortably, looking at Simon’s table and then back at her. “What?” “I will tell you, but promise me you won’t look” – I warned in a very quiet voice. “Not look at what?” “Shhh! Okay, Mr. Cowell is sitting right across our table” “What? Where? ” – Chelle asked a lot louder than I would’ve preferred. A few people from the other tables turned their heads towards us. “Don’t shout, he’s going to hear you! There, right behind you.” - I yell-whispered at her. Chelle slowly turned her head, pretending to be fixing her hair and noticed him along with the woman that was sat on the same table. “Woah, talking about appropriate skirts” – She commented, lifting her eyebrows in amusement. “I know.” – I replied, doing the same grimace. “Are you alright?” – She asked me. “Sure, just surprised, though” – I shrugged my shoulders. “Anyway, so tell me about the guy from yesterday, he texted you in the morning didn’t he?” – I asked her, pointing at her phone. Although I had no interest in the guy she hooked up with yesterday, I knew I had to change the topic. I couldn’t possibly talk about Simon the whole afternoon; I mean who talked about their lecturers all the time? Not even geeks did. I asked Chelle more about him, letting her show me photos of them together from last night and share some unnecessary details for me to know. She was quite caught up onto the subject, and despite the fact I should have probably listened to her, I didn’t. I was barely paying attention to her and was occasionally nodding just to confirm I was a part of the conversation. My mind was busy with the man sitting on the table behind my friend. There were two factors creeping into my head constantly though: One was the common sense, telling “He is your lecturer” and two was the guilt, following with “Why is your lecturer such interest to you?” I mean how should I even define this? In general I have always been quite an impulsive person, so yelling at him on that first day we met was no surprise. Okay, the following actions were a bit too aggressive, I take that. But now what? He was offended, didn’t like me, like any other person also wouldn’t. I, on the other hand, was apparently feeling homesick; having the guy I’m in love with thousands of miles away from me, I was looking for comfort. Man’s comfort. That was the only reason behind my strange thoughts. In the meantime I noticed both Simon and the woman stood up. He pointed at the engine to her and motioned that he was going to join after going inside first. She quickly nodded and walked towards the car, whilst he went for the café bar. I followed him with my eyes before turning to Chelle. “Excuse me for a bit.” – I told her and adjusted my shirt. “Where are you going?” – She questioned surprised. “To the bathroom, be right back”- I said, leaving my seat. I got inside the café bar and saw Simon standing at the counter, placing an order for a take out. I pretended to be looking at the cakes behind the glass, standing a few feet away from him. In my ideal world, he would have turned around; I would have greeted him politely, maybe make some small talk and bring him under a somewhat good impression of me. Actually any impression that was better than the one of being a rude, aggressive bitch I had given. That was my goal right now. In reality though, after receiving his order, he was way too busy fixing the 5 items on his hands to pay any attention to me. He kept his head down the whole time, careful not to drop anything on the floor. He passed by me and did not acknowledge me even one bit, his eyes focused on the drinks. He had two drinks in each hand and a cake, which he supported against his chest. He was also mumbling something to himself while looking down, something I couldn’t fully figure out, but it was along the lines “yeah I can carry the office drinks, don’t help me”. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed of not getting the chance to talk to him. I did try to I don’t know, establish some kind of a contact, but it didn’t go as planned. To be honest, it was probably not only the lack of luck, but also the fact that he most likely didn’t want to talk to me. I couldn’t blame him, though. Perhaps it was for the better. Asking for his attention wasn’t a good idea, regardless. As I was about to make my way out to the table and Chelle, I accidentally noticed something, which looked like a small folder, standing by the edge of the counter. I looked over to the staff members, but neither of the them had noticed it yet. I guessed it was because it was left on the front side of the bar. I slowly approached the counter to see it was an open leather wallet. My first thought was to hand it over to the bartender and say I found a lost belonging. Probably what every normal human being would have done. Probably what I should have done. Instead, I decided to check it out on my own first, without giving it much of a thought. I squinted my eyes to see the beholder's name over the documents, only to confirm the doubts I'd had. On the front side of the wallet there was a driver's license, along with a photo and personal details of the beholder - Simon Philip Cowell. This time the question in my head was judged way less by morality and more by motivation. “What are you going to do about it?”
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sheepsandcattle ¡ 5 years
Chapter 10
Beverly’s is an Irish gastropub about twenty minutes from his apartment and is decorated with flags, posters and paraphernalia from his homeland. One of the two owners is an English bloke called Dave and after he catches Curly’s accent, he and Jordan get a free drink each whilst they wait for their food in a booth.
Jordan’s watching him across the table, slouched back as he inspects him. He’s shrugged his jacket off and Curly’s not used to seeing him without it, but he looks good in his black hoody; a little oversized but entirely intentional, Curly guesses.
“I should probably know your name.”
He’s always been more unnerved by the question than the answer. In England, he’d have friends that still called him by his real name; the people he’d hang out with at lunchtime; the ones he’d walk home with or see outside school at birthday parties, at shit venues where booze wasn’t allowed and the DJ played Will Young and Blue. They called him by his real name because they heard him respond in registration, saw him with a hand-written name tag during the first week of year seven, heard teachers shout him in the corridor before he ever properly introduced himself. Those friends are secondary.
Sometimes, when these friends became closer, they’d slip the nickname into a conversation, say it with parentheses like they were feeling it out until it became natural. This usually didn’t happen until they spent time with him out of school, where he and Brandon would meet up with other friends. These friends took to ‘Curly’ instantly because he was able to introduce himself and they never knew any better.
Of course, Brandon fit into every category, the two having met at the ripe age of four years old before the nickname even came to be. In fact, Brandon thought of the nickname himself, said, “your hair is like a Curly Wurly," and decided it there and then.
Here though, almost nobody knows his real name (unless he told them, in which case they’d forget before it caught on anyway) and Curly likes to cling to that, rarely even humours people when they ask these days because, frankly, they don’t need to know. He likes to leave Elliot from Essex behind because he feels both sacred and unworthy at the same time. It feels like speaking his name exposes every inch of who he used to be and how much better and worse he was back then.
When people ask for his real name, he has to decide if Elliot is safe with them. More often than not, he isn’t.
After a pause, he says, “my name?” Because that’s all he can come up with, apparently.
The man hums.
Jordan laughs, just once, but the smile lingers as he leans forward in his seat, invested now. “Your mom called you Curly? I don’t buy it.”
“No, my mates call me Curly. My mum mostly calls me daft.”
“So your birth name is ‘daft’.”
“Sounds shit in your accent,” he notes. “Curly’ll do.”
Jordan seems to stand down, leaning back again, but there’s still a saturated smirk on his lips. They’d been talking about where they came from (Curly, Essex and Jordan, New York - and of course it’s New York. He hears the accent loud and clear now. Wants to make a F.R.I.E.N.D.S joke but doesn’t want to be a cliche because he’s surely heard it before) and how they ended up where they are now.
Jordan was eerily passive when he’d said, “well, my mom’s a junkie,” while on the subject of why “New York’s not all it’s cracked up to be;
“The city wasn’t doin’ her any favours. She thought things would change here, but—” He’d shrugged. “—that was six years ago.”
The ‘but’ in the statement was potent. ‘But I knew better’, ‘but she was wrong’, ‘but I’m still waiting.’
Then he asked his own questions and it was clear that he was done talking about his past for the time being.
Curly thinks it’s only fair to share some of himself, too. Even if it’s just a stupidly tiny part of him that shouldn’t mean as much as it does these days.
“Elliot.” He clears his throat, his own name feeling alien. “Elliot Michael Clarke... I know it’s… Poncey.”
“Elliot Michael Clarke,” Jordan echoes almost instantly, a smile returning as he folds his arms over his chest, looking chuffed with himself. “No, I like it. It’s a good name.”
Curly never really had to think about whether or not he liked his name, because all the people that mattered never used it anyway.
Now though, he takes a long sip of ice water as he attempts to stay cool, nervous heat rising over his cheeks. Jordan clears his throat like he realises he’s embarrassed him and is searching for something else to say.
Before Jordan can muster up a transition, Curly asks, “how did I not know about this place?” He’s speaking around a chip now, his glass back on the table as he tries to act casual.
“You do now.” Jordan looks smug as ever, arms still crossed over his chest as if to say ‘it’s no big deal.’ “You like it? You just didn’t strike me as the ‘spaghetti and wine’ kinda guy, y’know?”
“Hey, I’m an all-alcohol kinda guy,” Curly defies as the two of them both reach for their respective drinks. “But yeah. You smashed it.”
“I smashed it,” Jordan nods, amused as he smiles against the rim of his glass. “Nice.”
Curls adds, “it actually feels like England, it’s mental,” as he looks around the room and tries to forget that the people around them are American, but there’s something about them that gives it away and he’s not quite sure what. He looks back to Jordan because it’s easier to pretend when it’s just the two of them. “It’s just a bit quiet, but I suppose my mates were the loudest part of any English pub anyway.”
“Yeah? You don’t seem like the type to be…”
“Rowdy? It’s in here somewhere,” he says. Curls supposes he’s teetered more towards reckless than rowdy now, but it doesn’t help that the drugs and the alcohol are suddenly a requirement for his sociability these days. His don’t alright now though, isn’t he?
Jordan chuckles. “You gotta tell me more about that.”
So he tells him about some of the daft shit he’d done back at home, including that one time Curly and Brandon had to get an eleven o’clock coach from Reading to Essex because they got kicked out of a festival for nicking two girls’ deck chairs to get comfy in the middle of The Pixies’ mosh pit. In turn, Jordan admits that “I always used to steal condiments from places like this. I’m not talking ketchup sachets, everyone does that, I’m talking salt and pepper shakers - ashtrays, too,” which Curly finds hilarious.
When Jordan goes to the bathroom, Curly’s sure to sneak a gift from the table into man’s jacket pocket.
“Tell me more dumb shit,” Jordan says when he returns, sliding back into the booth and leaning his arms on the table.
“Neh.” Curls chuckles, shakes his head. “Your turn. I want to know about the dumb shit you’ve done. You seem… Untouchable. It’s very obnoxious.”
They both laugh and Curly’s endlessly grateful for the fact that Jordan can read his wit. He’s not sure what it is about the people around here that makes them entirely oblivious to any jest he has in him. Saying that though, he’s not sure Jordan knows how to take things seriously even when they are, so, it makes sense.
Except then he says, “my dumb shit isn’t like your dumb shit. Your dumb shit is hallucinating and bad dancing; my dumb shit is gangs and knife fights. S’not really got the same charm.” And Curly laughs because he thinks Jordan’s just being dry, but he learned early on that when he’s got that subtle kind of smile on his face, it’s not an ‘I’m kidding’ thing, it’s an ‘I’m dead serious but I’m not that bothered’ thing.
“I can’t see you in a knife fight.” At least he doesn’t think he can.
“Good. Y’never will. That was before - a long time ago.”
Curls hums. “How long?”
“New York or the gang shit?” Jordan must see the second of confusion on Curly’s face because before he can answer, he goes on; “‘cause New York was… Forever ago. We left when I was… Sixteen, Maybe seventeen. The gang stuff is complicated. Not as serious as it sounds.” He shrugs. “I guess I figured Jeff and Dean ran their mouths already.”
“Nope.” He mirrors Jordan’s shrug. “Is complicated another word for indefinite?” It probably sounded accusing, but Jordan doesn’t falter.
He hums in thought - less about what to tell him and more about how to say it, Curls would bet by the way he pouts as he considers it with no effort to hide the fact. "It ain’t like it used to be. I mean— I’m not in a gang I just… I knew a guy who knew a guy -you know how it is- and they helped us out a lot when we moved out here. I felt like I owed a few favours, so I broke even and left, but—” a third shrug in the past thirty seconds— “shit gets personal. Brockton’s a small town.”
“Don’t I know it.”
“Seems to me like you're in a similar situation,” Jordan says, and it should feel pressing but It doesn’t. Just casual and curious. “What’s his name again?”
Curly chuckles, fingertips wiping the condensation off the outside of his glass. “I don’t think so.” For some reason, he feels the urge to keep his eyes down on the glass. “We broke even a while ago.”
Jordan hums; doesn’t seem to feel the need to keep the conversation going as he sits on his response again. Curls braves a glance, but the guy’s stony expression is back and he can’t quite hold it.
Finally, Jordan says, “so why was it that you chose the centre of a mosh pit to make yourself at home?”
At some point along the line, Curly thinks he’d programmed himself to find parts of old friends in new encounters. He supposes that’s what got him through the transition in the end; seeing Brandon’s recklessness in Oscar and his brutality in Jules, or his rawness in the likes of Jeff where Dean showed his compassion. It wasn’t just Brandon; he saw his aunt in Emily when he worked at the shop, and saw the Mill girls in Lola’s friends (but not Lola; in her, he saw his sister’s curiosity and Sarah-from-Costa’s mousy features and humour) to list just a few more.
He’s not put his finger on Jordan just yet - hasn’t quite dug anyone out of him.
The way they talk is like no connection Curly’s ever had, and it’s not particularly romantic and he wouldn’t say it’s like they’ve always known each other or any of that shite (it’s not even stronger than some he had at home) but there’s something specific that he can’t place.
They finish up their meal and are back in Jordan’s car (which isn’t actually his car, but a friend’s) by half-past-nine, and have parked somewhere between the pub and Curly’s apartment. It’s an empty carpark of an old abandoned shop. Jordan stopped without even explaining it, but they’ve been talking for almost an hour and Curly’s not ready to finish, so he supposes the other man feels the same.
“It’s just like… Some people just grow up on a certain type of music and that’s it — in fact, I was like that for ages — but how shit is that?” Curly huffs before he answers his own question; “dead shit. So I started making these CDs in high school right? Sold them for a fiver each and got through about… fifty disks by the end of my last year and now I can’t stop.”
“So you’re hoarding mixtapes?” Jordan laughs.
He nods, can’t quite find it in him to feel embarrassed. “Got a playlist for every occasion, I have. People n’all”
“You’re funny,” he leans his temple against the headrest, sat sideways in the driver's seat where he’s been for the past sixty minutes - the last ten of which he’s spent mostly listening to Curly ramble on.
“Yeah? You can tell me to pipe down.”
“No, I like it. I’ve never met anybody that listened to both The Cure and Coldplay,” the man tells him. “But I guess I’ve never met a guy that wears black trench coats and orange nail polish, either.”
“You should try it. Might suit you.”
Jordan chuckles again. “I’m not sure I could pull it off quite like you. Jeff forced me into a pink shirt once and Dean barely recognised me; said I’d been black-and-white since high school; ‘forgot I came in colour,’ and didn’t let it slide for weeks. Never again.”
The thought warms him. To know Jordan so intricately must be fascinating, he thinks - reckons he’d be a bit jealous if not for the fact that it’d be the daftest thing to be jealous of; his mates getting to see Jordan wearing salmon and him not. Does seem a shame, though.
“… Besides, I wouldn’t want to look approachable now, would I?”
He sort of laughs in the back on his throat (he does not giggle) because Jordan really does come across as so angsty but his self-awareness is commendable. “God forbid.”
They share a laugh, and then Jordan does that thing again where he doesn’t try to muster up a reply just yet, but he keeps eye contact like he wants Curly to know that his next response is brewing. Jordan is very shameless in the way that he reflects on what’s been said and sometimes, like now, thinks about what he wants to say next.
Curly wants to know (is about to ask) ‘what are you thinking,’ but then Jordan finally shakes his head, says, “it’s weird; I thought I’d gotten to this unspoken point in life where everybody I meet reminds me of somebody else.”
He says it so confidently, like he just knows that Curly get’s it, and Curls finds himself saying, “yeah. Yeah, me too.” He nods so fast he has to tuck disgruntled ringlets back behind his ears. It was like he was plucking thoughts and feelings from Curly’s daft head and putting them into actual, tangible words.
“You’re unlike anyone I’ve met,” Jordan then adds like it’s nothing extraordinary. “I feel like there’s more to you than I’ll ever know.”
The Jordan he met at that party was all cool, dark features, stone expressions and sharp angles; thick, worn denim and heavy boots. Completely intimidating. The kind of intimidating that you desperately want to overcome just to overstep the obstruction. To get closer.
Tonight he is warm details, light touches and lingering smiles; his white hair against pale skin seems soft and unattainable. Turned to his side in the driver's seat, he has one knee pulled up to his chest as he talks. He’s been playing with one of his trainers for ages without really realising until they fall into silence and both of their eyes wander to watch his fingers pull at the laces absently.
Curly wonders which side of him is the one that comes naturally.
“Have you ever just met someone and decided you want to know them more than anyone else does?”
Jordan doesn’t respond. He lets something between a hum and a laugh escape him as he ties his lace again and lets his eyes return to Curly’s. He looks like he’s thinking, only for a second, before he leans across the console between them and cups Curly’s jaw in his hand. Jordan pauses, searching for something before he leans forward. Everything is telling Curly to just close his eyes and go for it, but his body betrays him and instead he ducks when he’s so close to kissing him, and Jordan stills.
They’re silent for a while. Curly tries to think of a way to explain himself without saying ‘I’m nervous,’ or, ‘it doesn’t feel like the right time,’ or, ‘I’ve been thinking about kissing you for days but I’m only just realising it and now we’re here it’s all just a bit confusing.’
They both say, “I’m sorry,” at the same time.
“It’s just… I have this thing,” Curly says, then winces at his choice of words. “I really like you.”
“Right, but…”
“No, I do! They’re something wrong with me. I’m just… Weird like this.” He buries his face in his hands as he swears under his breath. “You said you didn’t think I did this often. You weren’t bloody wrong.”
He curses himself even as he justifies his action; for not allowing himself something that could be a massive deal or absolutely nothing at all, and kicking himself for not being able to find the words to explain it.
“I just need a bit of time, a’right?”
Jordan doesn’t falter. He says, “yeah, cool. No pressure, Curls,” and his heart is in his throat again, but then the man adds, “so, your tattoo’s weird. I wanna know what it means,” as he points to his own forearm in the same place that Curly has a lamp depicted on his, and the air fills out again.
Curly begins with, “well my sister’s name is Genie…”
And they fall right back into a conversation that brings them past midnight.
He drags himself up the steps and opens his apartment door to a room full of people he doesn’t know. He’s in too much of a good mood to go to bed anyway, so he stays up a few extra hours and drinks a few beers and, before he realises what’s happening, he’s done two lines with Oscar and is telling a girl that he doesn’t know how much she reminds him of somebody from England. She says it’s sweet and he says, “is it?”
Jordan would get it.
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harleyquilt ¡ 6 years
The Sin Of Greed (11)
Summary: Touka is given a new client, a client she knows she can’t trust...
Words: 7907
Notes: Hope you enjoy.
A month passed by with a newfound tranquility. The autumn quickly faded in, the summer leaves turning into different kinds of oranges, purples and reds as the branches of the trees are left bare. Touka breathed into her hands, rubbing them together to warm them up from the biting frost of the late morning. She was sitting on a park bench, flipping through a magazine as her eyes glanced past the top of the page. There were a few people in the park today, despite the cold; a stray dog walker, someone taking a quick jog on the path, a mother taking their children to town and a couple enjoying their coffees together, their hands laced through each others. She sighed, leaning back.
There were so many vibrant stories to be had here, the lives of others always close to one another, but none involved or crossing with each other. They weren't her focus for today. With things gradually settling back into the old routine, she now had to spend her time overlooking the children. The older ones - Shio, Yusa and Rikai - had to be trained the same way Yomo used to train her and Ayato. They were interesting kids; Shio was so energetic, whilst Yusa remained quiet yet curious and Rikai being the perceptive introvert. Oddly enough, they seem skilled in their own ways. She knew Shio was an orphan, but Yusa ran away from home and found Rikai along the way, so perhaps they, like herself, trained themselves during the times when they were alone. Even so, they were incredibly sweet.
Shio, at this moment, was asking a middle-aged man if he could pet his dog. He denied it at first, but it wasn't long before he agreed after Shio looked up with teary eyes. Meanwhile, Rikai was chasing Yusa and after a carefully placed push, Yusa crashed into the man, apologising immediately. With him now pissed off, the kids head off, turning around the curve in the path so that they wouldn't be seen. The man didn't even notice his satchel being snatched away. Touka stood from her seat, discreetly walking to the same direction as the children. As she drew near, she saw them gathered around the bag they stole, a few of its items tossed onto the ground besides them. Yusa snatched  something from Shio’s hand.
“Shio, work on your acting. He would easily suspect you to be part of the thievery if you leave straight away.” Touka leaned down and took a phone from Yusa’s hand. “Help him out even. He may even reward you. A reward is way better than a report.”
“But then it’s no fun. Right, guys?” Yusa nodded with his friend whilst Rikai shook his head quickly. Touka sighed and Shio beamed, regardless of her disapproval. “C’mon. You take risks too!”
“I’ve been doing this for longer than all of you combined, greenhorn. Anyway, let’s go. Seems like there won’t be many people out right now. Summer would’ve been more preferable.”
They take a longer route around the park to avoid any confrontation and she took them to a nearby coffee shop, buying them all a muffin and hot chocolates. She sat away from the rest, watching them squabble over who placed the most effort into the theft whilst Touka sipped her coffee silently. Her eyes wandered around the room, taking in the shelves of differently coloured coffee bean bags, the soft lighting and the displays of delicious treats and snacks. It reminded her of how her old friend from school, Yoriko, baked and cooked all kinds of foods to feed her. She was probably the longest friend she was able to have before the death of her parents. After that, Touka only saw her once walking down the street and she couldn’t find the courage to approach her. She even had a big muscled boyfriend holding her small hand. All she could do now was wish the best for her and her future and if she was able to find a more stable future for herself, she may even try to contact her again.
Coffee shops in general sent her warm memories of happier times, or at least the most peaceful. It was the refuge her and Ayato needed when their parents had an argument, a place that reminded her of her best friend’s food and, though she now sees it with spite, a place where she saw the most tender part of Kaneki. Whether he was even sincere during those moments didn’t matter now, though she liked to have hoped that he was. It was silly, yet to see him so open was truly a gift. Over time, it became apparent that it was hard to hate someone fully after having at least one fond memory of them. At least through this, Touka hoped she was moving on positively. Perhaps bumping into him during that event wasn’t a punishment after all.
“Okay, would you rather be a super, mega, ninja thief or a super, mega, silent assassin?” Shio asked, the tip of his fingers pressed together with his elbows rested against the table, staring at the two boys in question. Yusa pouted, tapping his chin in thought and Rikai stared blankly, shaking his head slowly in disapproval. “I, myself, would be the king that must survive against your onslaughts.”
“I would be an assassin then if you had to be king.” Yusa contemplates, wiping off the mustache he got from drinking the hot chocolate. “But killing is so frightening...I’d wuss out.”
“I can’t really imagine any of us being killers.” Rikai added. “But neither of you are good enough to be thieves anyway. Guess I’ll just have to do most of the work again.” They immediately broke out into an argument, declaring they’d kill Rikai first before he could betray them. Touka chuckled at the scene, looking down to see a new message from Ayato. It looked like there was a new client.
For them, they didn’t take on clients too often unless they had something to offer. It’d usually involve stealing something from a rivalling business or a valuable that was safely locked away from their unskilled hands. The rewards for their efforts usually involve money, though there have been times they offered rare valuables and for Yomo, useful information. Even if the reward wasn’t great, Yomo insisted it’d be useful for them to build up a better reputation for more clients, as well as it offering some insurance in the scenario where they are caught. There are those risks of pissing off a powerful enemy, but Touka trusted Koma and Irimi to make sure to steer them away of those cases.
The kids finished their drinks and after paying, they all left to return home, Ayato giving her the details about this particular case. This client apparently wanted an item that was stolen from him - no detail about the item in question except for the fact that it was in a black briefcase with a golden rim. Apparently, this briefcase was in the hands of a drug lord and will be attending a very private party. Fortunately for them, he was able to supply them with a sufficient means of entrance; Touka, and specifically her alone, will play the part of a waitress for the event and seek her out amongst the crowd, which according to him, should be easy enough with the right knowledge. It sounded complex to say the least and she wasn’t sure how she felt about stealing from a drug lord. Crazy leaders weren’t so much her speciality. She’ll hear what Yomo had to say first, considering he was still her boss and still concerned for her wellbeing.
When she arrived home, Ayato was waiting for her and took her to Yomo’s new office that was just to the left of the main hallway past the entrance. They decided to make the upstairs the living quarters, separating their business to their rooms. His new office was just as well kept as his previous one, though she managed to convince him to sleep in a different room for once. Glancing at the exercise equipment in the corner of the room, it seemed he was back at training himself again. He didn’t see the necessity of it before the mafia’s involvement and as far as she was concerned, he hadn’t focused on his own capabilities in strength and such since she first arrived at his place. She always wondered what he was preparing himself for, though they do live in a life of crime, so perhaps there was no deeper meaning to it.
The desk was at the right side of the room this time, away from his other resources in a much cleaner space. Yomo was flicking through some files, frowning and a broad-shouldered man with grey hair sat with his back to the siblings. He turned to look over his shoulder at the sound of the door shutting and Touka had to blink twice before comprehending the sight before her. It was Kanou, the doctor both Rize and Kaneki were hunting for. She looked back at Ayato, but he didn’t seem to notice anything, simply watching Yomo flip through the different files he held in his hand. No, she was the only one who knew who this man was and yet, saying that, she only knew that he was a wanted man. And now he was their client?
He stood then and walked forward, Touka standing her ground, and he held his hand out, introducing himself to her. Standing there right before her in the light, she had a much better look of him. His face was aged, but not entirely withered or unpleasant, his eyes empty and his smile superficial. She knew he was a doctor and he made that especially clear with his white coat. There was even a dark stain on the collar…
“I hear you’re my new client.” Touka shook his hand, his hand as cold as his voice. He nodded and Touka walked to Yomo’s side, acting as if she was reading the files along with him. How complicated. She didn’t want to get involved with this suspicious man, not even knowing why people like Kaneki were targeting him, but she didn’t exactly have a reason to deny his request. She’d have to have a logical reason and she didn’t want this Kanou assuming she was involved with his enemies - that’d be too big a risk to the others. She was sure if she said no to Yomo, he wouldn’t deny her, yet she didn’t want him worrying about her safety again. He had enough to deal with.
“What do you think?” She asked Yomo, praying he’d have a reason to say no. Kanou took his seat and Ayato stood behind him, watching Touka fidget with their parent’s necklace again, something she was doing when she first came into the office. Leaning back and pushing the file back to Kanou, he nodded and she paled considerably. He looked up and asked if she would be okay with the mission. “S-Sure, what’s the reward?”
Kanou laughed, taking a cheque book out of his bag. Asking for the price, Yomo thought to himself for a moment before asking for a large sum. Kanou wrote half of the price and handed it Yomo.
“I’ll pay half now and the rest, along with any additional payments, afterwards. I appreciate you doing this favour for me. I like to keep my business as discreet as possible.”
“Sure, that can work.” Yomo stood then, along with Kanou, placing the cheque into a locked drawer. “Nice doing business with you, sir. Just send us your contact when you’re ready and Touka will get the job done.” He guided him out the room, taking him back to the entrance and as soon as he stepped out, Ayato shut the door, leaning against it.
“What’s wrong, Touka?” He asked, more straightforward than expected. She should’ve known he’d notice her change of attitude. She sat in Yomo’s chair, swivelling in it. “That man,” she began, “I saw him at that charity event and Kaneki was following him. I don’t think he’s good news.” Ayato sat on the desk next to her, crossing his arms.
“You think this could lead to trouble for us? I don’t think Kaneki will use this against you if you did the mission anyway.” She paused at that thought, hugging her knees. He really wouldn’t. “Unless you think he-”
“No, it’s not really that I’m worried about. It’s more that I don’t know who Kanou is. If Kaneki thought he was trouble then, I don’t know, I want to make sure I’m not aiding someone stupidly dangerous. It’s not as if he’s some CEO with a grudge.” Ayato kept quiet for a moment, deep in thought.
“So you want to see him again and check what this Kanou is about?” She tried to reject the question, but it was exactly what she had in mind. Would it be worth it? She could just go on as normal and not get involved, though she knew this would just infest her mind until she either caved in or continue on with these tormenting uncertainties. “I don’t know.” She confessed finally, sighing with some frustration. “Yes, but no. It would be nice if I didn’t have to depend on him for answers.”
More silence followed with her words until Ayato stood up with a sudden idea. “I, uh, have Hinami’s number in my phone.” Touka raised a brow, but he continued, ignoring her questioning look. “You can meet up with her instead, see what she can find. She’s an information broker after all.” Touka  pressed her lips together at the suggestion. It would be a lot easier to meet her than Kaneki, even if not ideal. “Sure, I suppose that can work.” Touka stood, checking the time. “Tell her to meet me at the fountain in town at three.”
. . .
It was starting to rain. She hoped Hinami wouldn’t be late. Touka thought of what exactly to say all throughout her train journey. In all honesty, a part of her hoped she’d ignore the message, but she responded almost immediately to their surprise, and was very willing to meet up. The girl didn’t seem stupid enough to tell Kaneki, no matter how crazy she was. Touka hadn’t really thought much of it before, but it did surprise her to have seen Hinami join in on her rescue mission. At least she wasn’t drenched in blood that time.
With that said, it also perplexed her to feel this way towards Hinami. She was so sweet and kind when they first met, eager to introduce Touka into a more comfortable life in the manor. To see that brightness fade so quickly into a hyperactive frenzy of violence was what probably overwhelmed her the most. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what motivated such a change to begin with, yet she wished she could’ve been friends with the Hinami she first met. Either way, her main focus was information right now, so she’ll just have to place her emotions aside.
Hinami eventually did arrive, holding a bright blue umbrella and dressed in the usual cute outfit of a long green cardigan, white blouse and a black skirt with tights. Her outfit was topped off with a radiant smile on her face, not that it made Touka any less uncomfortable at the sight. She stood, shoving her hands into her pockets and she stood awkwardly as Hinami neared, ready to make her proposal.
“I’ve actually wanted to talk to you, Touka.” Hinami began, surprising Touka. Her lips pursed, not sure if she was meant to reply. “About back in the mansion. I’m sorry.” Touka scoffed at first, stunned at her audacity, but Hinami continued. “I’m not here to exchange your forgiveness for information, I just wanted you to know I regret what I did. As you can tell, you have to be a little messed up to be in the mafia to begin with. Not that it’s an excuse, which is why I decided to leave-”
“Wait, you left Goat?” Touka’s brows now furrowed, not sure what to make of this. “What do you mean you left?”
“I moved out a few weeks ago. I’m going back to school too. I...I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore, Touka. I really don’t and whatever excuse I used before to do so isn’t enough for me now. I just want to be my own person.” Touka remained silent, watching Hinami stare at the ground, her voice desperate. So young and already riddled with such painful thoughts and actions. There was no forgiveness, but Touka did look at her with pity and some agitation. “But I still want to help you, Touka. To repent for what I’ve done.” She looked up then with a newfound courage.
Touka sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Hinami, you don’t have to worry so much about it. I’m just trying to move on now and I can see you’re trying to do the same. If we can just accept that, I think everything will work out fine.” Hinami smiled then, clearly grateful for such words whilst still keeping a respectful distance. She was at least mature, unlike some people. “To be honest, I’m not sure if you can help since you left. I was just hoping you knew something about a Akihiro Kanou.”
“The doctor?” Hinami asked with some surprise. “Are you looking for him too? Kaneki was looking for him before I left.” Touka explained briefly her situation, as well as the fact that she was aware of Kaneki’s involvement and Hinami listened patiently. “I see. Well, there’s not much to say, if I’m honest. I was gathering information on him, but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. His contacts are either dead, inaccessible or unknown. Those that are known are limited and know only small details. The man is good at keeping himself hidden, but there are a few things I found, along with what Kaneki told me. He trained in medicine for many years, yet despite his amazing intellect and skills, he went freelance and started doing his own...experiments.” Her eyes narrowed as she spoke, her words growing quieter. “He started taking part in many organisations for supplies and research and it’s said he’s making biochemical weapons. What kind of weapons are not known, but his expertise and the threat he carries makes him incredibly desired.”
Touka shuddered, the thought of that briefcase slipping into her mind. “Kaneki wants him to work for him?” Hinami shook her head quickly.
“No no! On the contrary, he hates Kanou. I don’t know if it’s anything personal or something. Besides that, Touka, I really don’t know what else I can tell you. I’m not even sure if my information is reliable, but I know Kaneki knows a lot more of what’s going on. Ah...Of course you don’t want to speak to him, right? If you want to leave it like this, I won’t tell him, so...”
Well, now things are even more complicated. Kanou is definitely not someone she wanted to aid. She aided corrupt people before, but not to this extent. What’s more, if Kaneki is trying to stop him for whatever reason he had against him, it’d make sense to try and gather more help. It wasn’t as if she wanted to help Kaneki, yet he was the only person she knew that could offer this kind of support. Was the universe testing her, taunting her to pick the wrong decision that could destroy her life again? He said sincerely enough he’d help her whenever the need arises and it seemed he was trying to keep his affairs more professional. Which path was the right one to take?
She shifted her weight to each foot, rubbing her head as she tossed her thoughts around. Help Kanou and not involve herself in whatever mess occurs from it. Work something out independently, not that she can actually think of an excuse or a way to hide whatever was in that case that’ll likely be locked anyway. She could call off the deal, even though there was still no reason for it that wouldn’t lead them to being suspected. Or she can confront Kaneki and ask for his aid, benefitting them both.
A sigh escaped her lips and she faced Hinami again, her brows raised with an eager interest. She knew what she wanted to do.
. . .
It had been a while since he visited :re. The cafe was as comforting as it was before, the heavy reminder of past memories still present, the lovely fragrance of the coffee and the setting still pleasant to the eye. Kaneki wondered why Hinami wanted to meet here, though he wanted to see her again of course. Since she moved out, he had been worried for her well being, even though he knew she was fully capable of handling herself. Still, her lack of presence back in his home was something he found difficult to adapt to. It’ll be nice seeing how she was dealing with her new life, thankful he was able to find her a scholarship for her school.
Kaneki slipped off his jacket, shaking the rain droplets off just before he took a seat at his favourite table. He stared silently at the seat opposite to him, remembering how Touka looked at him with those curious eyes that examined every part of him and his words. Now there was only a seat and he was alone. It seemed the rain was getting heavy.
The sound of the rain pattering against the window was relaxing, watching the long trails being left behind as each drop raced their way to the bottom. The puddles erupted with ripples, the light shimmering against the small waves as the soft clouds parted slightly, rays of sun slipping through. It was easier to focus on what was happening around you than what was in front of you, though that was just another way to ignore the present. He was trying his best to keep his focus, he really was. Lately, he worked closely with his partners, his work now his life again, even if there was no real purpose for any of it. As he sat there, he realised there was something mesmerising about the raindrops on the window; they always raced onwards, even if there was nothing at the end. They couldn’t stop moving, even if they wanted, though sometimes, if they’re lucky, they’ll join another on their way down.
But he wasn’t a raindrop. He was just a man sitting alone in his favourite cafe.
The door opened and he hoped it’d be Hinami, looking up with a smile to greet her. His smile dropped quickly, however, as his eyes landed on Touka’s figure. She ruffled her short, damp hair, looking around the shop until she saw Kaneki, her movements still. This must be another terrible coincidence - meeting her again in this place - he has to leave before-
He stood with some urgency, his head bowed and his words caught on his tongue as he choked out an apology. She was probably glaring disgusted daggers at him right now, despising the fact that his mere presence was interfering with her life once more. He couldn’t stand the thought of seeing her pained eyes again, like in the casino as she cut his words off, rejecting him again and again. It was just better if he just left in fact - she didn’t need to hear his pathetic excuses of self-defense. It wasn’t needed at all.
Already heading out, he silently continued to scold himself with lectures of self-hatred. That was until Touka grabbed his arm before he escaped the cafe, his whole body tensing at her touch.
“Wait. I want- I need to ask you for something.” Right. Of course. He shouldn’t ignore her. He straightened and turned, Touka trying not to stare. He seemed completely composed for someone who looked so frightened a minute ago. Kaneki watched her expression as everything seemed to stop around them and all he could focus on was her eyes. Those eyes…
“W-We should sit.” Touka spoke finally, struggling to ignore her racing heart. Why was he looking at her like that?  She walked away first, sitting where Kaneki was a moment ago. He followed a few seconds after, a lot more hesitant than she expected. This was going to be difficult. “Well, uh…” Touka coughed, glancing between the table and Kaneki. He looked so natural, with his sweater shirt, somewhat messy hair and regular eyepatch. He’d fit right in if not for his white hair. It was hard seeing him dressed like this knowing all the scars and tattoos that lay beneath. “I’m going out for a job soon, but it’s for Kanou.”
Kaneki’s eyes widened at first, lips pursed. “I see. I hope he doesn’t know your past connection with me.” Touka shook her head and he seemed to relax, even if slightly. “I assume Hinami sent you to me then. I would’ve appreciated the warning, you know.” Despite his words, his voice was teasing. Yet sorrowful.
“Well, I didn’t really expect you to agree without having a meltdown beforehand.” She shrugged, now feeling a tinge of guilt. Perhaps he was better than that now. Perhaps. “I was actually hoping for your...help.”
She explained her situation once again and how he would fit into this as he ordered two coffees for themselves. He listened quietly, simply looking at her with no change in expression and such. It was uncanny how calm he was; she was so certain he’d constantly question every other thing with irrational fury or act petty with aloofness. Knowing him, he could easily switch his moods like that, even if he was seemingly more reserved now. Unless she didn’t know him like she did before. It was too difficult for her to believe he could really change. When she finished talking, he leaned back, drinking his coffee as he thought to himself for a moment.
“Kanou is indeed a dangerous man. I believe he’s currently working for the CCG and it’s the first time I’ve seen him after a few years when Eto was looking for him. I don’t think a man like that should be given anything that could help him with whatever he’s doing right now. I suspect this ‘drug lord’ is actually a woman called Kurona Yasuhisa. She’s one of his experiments seeking revenge, not that I’m any ally of hers.” Biting his lip, he glanced out the window. “You’ll be going to a private event as a waitress, right? If I get myself an invitation, I can meet you there with a replica of the suitcase, just send me the details of it given to you, and before you leave the building, we can swap cases so you don’t leave empty-handed.”
“Is there any need for you to come to the event?” Kaneki smiled then, a devious one she hadn’t seen in a long while. It sent chills down her spine. “I have my own business with the event that I was meaning to attend to after finding Kanou. This task of yours has just made it more convenient for me to fulfill my own goals. What’s the price for my cooperation?”
“Protection would be ideal.” Touka huffed, warming her hands with the coffee cup. His expression softened then, nodding. “I’d still rather not have to ask any favours from you. Not that you’d say no…” A silence followed her words, though she suddenly felt the urge to ask all the questions she had buried since their last meeting. He was right there, quietly waiting for her to continue with that stupid face. What a bastard. “Stop looking at me like that.” His eyes widened and he looked down, apologising. Was he always this soft? Before, he’d make some dumb remark and call her his ‘little bunny.’
“I also want an answer.” She was disgusted at her own words, but she leaned forward and Kaneki met her gaze again. “Why didn’t you kill me in your mansion? I want an honest answer now, no more romantic bullshit. You recognised me, didn’t you? You remembered me from when you killed my parents.”
Any softness from him was then replaced with a chilled seriousness, his lips pressed into a thin line and eye narrowed. Honesty was something she knew he wasn’t used to, but now he wasn’t able to hide in the shadows of his hidden past. She knew him well enough at this point, or rather, that was what she hoped. There was no reason to lie to her now after all - she doubted he had any intention of trying to seduce her again. Surely he couldn’t be that stupid, especially when he tried to run away at the sight of her.
“Yeah, I did recognise you.” His answer, simple as it was, left Touka tutting at his words. A smirk soon appeared on her lips and she shook her head, taking another sip of her drink. What else was she expecting? What did she want from a question she already knew the answer for? When will he stop fucking looking at her? “It was just a job, Touka.”
“That’s one way to sum up how you ruined my life. My family were my entire world!” She was almost yelling at this point. All he did was nod, expression empty. “You won’t forgive me and I don’t really want you to.” Kaneki added, not daring to look away. “What’s the question you really want to ask then?” She snorted at his attitude, at his audacity. He acted as if he actually knew her. Asshole. “I know you won’t say it. You want to know why I kept you around, right? I don’t really have an answer, I just didn’t want to let you go again without doing anything about my past mistakes. I guess I wanted redemption for what I did to you, though I don’t think those intentions lasted very long. There was just something I really admired from you and your strength and I wanted to know you better because of that, to make me understand the consequences of my actions-.”
“Don’t try to flatter me.”
“Do you want an answer or not?”
She stood, paying for her own drink as she pulled on her jacket. Kaneki stood, watching Touka become consumed by her hatred for him. “No, I don’t.” She snapped. He grabbed her shoulder, turning her to him and she stilled, his touch like a blistering fire. ���Don’t touch me-”
“If I wanted your forgiveness or love, don’t you think I would’ve tried something by now? I’m not trying to hurt you again, Touka, I want to help. We don’t have to part hating one another.”
“Help with what? You’ve already done enough.” She stared up, both with yearning and pain. “When you say all that shit, it just makes me want to forget that I hate you. But I can’t. What’s done is done and...I can’t forgive that. A part of me wishes I could, but-” She stepped back, his hand slipping from her shoulder. When will he stop looking at her like that? “I...I’ll get Ayato to give Hinami the files and I’ll meet you at the party.”
She left without another word, her heart conflicted in ways she couldn’t understand.
. . .
It was almost a week before Kanou contacted them, which she was somewhat thankful for. It allowed her time to cool down after meeting Kaneki, regretting how she allowed herself to escalate the situation into something dramatic. The main focus right now was the task at hand and with Kaneki’s help, everyone should be left satisfied with how things should turn out. Or at least for Kanou, temporary satisfaction.
A car stopped in front of the house and she left after a quick debriefing from Yomo. The black case with the golden rim, the drug lord that’s a woman with a scar, her role as the waitress a way to encounter her. Kaneki will be easy enough to find and she wasn’t going to freak out like she did in the cafe. That was if he turned up in the first place.
She didn’t see the driver when she slid into the backseat of the black car Kanou sent, though that didn’t bother her too much. Rather, she was remembering how she was first invited into Kaneki’s limo with Miza, the way she introduced herself in her mundane clothes and white suited bodyguard. Back then, she was unnerved, being told to be a mafia lord’s date for a night of mischief. She almost envied how simple it was then, even if it wasn’t the most pleasant moment in her life at the time. The car eventually slowed and stopped in front of an unlit building. It looked like any other shop on the street, wedged between two others. She almost wouldn’t have been able to tell which door to go through if it wasn’t for the white masked figure standing in front of one. She had her hood up, probably to keep herself hidden, and she wore a eerie smile as she beckoned Touka forward.
Opening the door, she led Touka down what looked like a barber shop and through the back, they walked down several flights of stairs. She lost her footing every now and again in the near pitch blackness. It was a miracle when they finally reached the bottom, the woman holding back a red velvet curtain to a rounded room, a large archway leading to what looked like a crowded area and another door for employees on the right. The woman took her into that room, moving past a kitchen and several doors that led to other storage rooms until they finally reached a dressing room. There were women set up in...particular outfits with different, yet a distinctively recurring, themes. Corsets, fishnets and a whole lot of masks. Ah, shit, this was a Eyes Wide Shut-esque event, wasn’t it?
“Uta. I’ve got Dr. K’s special guest here.” She nudged Touka forward and she was greeted with an interesting looking man. Tattoos covered his arms and hands, a latin phrase on his neck, his hair half shaved with his bangs only partially covering his red eyes. She yelped a little at his sudden appearance, though he gave a friendly smile as he chewed on some gum.
“What a cute girl.” He offered what looked like candy in the shape of an eyeball. “Want one?” She shook her head slowly, asking what it was she was supposed to do. “Hm, well why don’t you tell me your favourite animal is first.”
“Uh...rabbits.” He gave a nod and turned to look through the wardrobe behind him, explaining he was the dresser for the event, designing the costumes for these people. “I had the feeling you would pick that judging by what I’ve heard about you.” Touka stared with a nauseous confusion. They knew who she was? “I’m a good friend of Yomo, so I’ve heard about you a lot.”
“I didn’t know he had a friend like you.” How could she not have known this. She knew he went out often on his own for private business, but to think this kind of guy would be his associate was...unexpected. Uta nodded cheerfully, handing her an outfit that made her shudder. “Do I really have to wear this?”
“Trust me, it’ll look great on you. It’s a masquerade party after all.” He then handed her a mask, promising her it’ll be worth the efforts.
This was it. The worst moment of her life. Yes, definitely this. She looked with horror at her bunny suit, a bowtie collar around her neck and shirt cuffs on her wrists and a damn fluffy tail right above her ass. Her mask covered her eyes with bunny ears on the top and to keep her completely hidden, Uta gave her a pink wig to top it off. She was definitely going to make Kaneki and Yomo cough up their money to her.
Uta of course praised her, turning her this way and that to see if everything fitted and he handed her a silver tray of snacks, shoving her through the door to the main room. It took her a moment to take in her surroundings. It seemed she was on a higher floor, the whole room rounded and a balcony looking down at the other floors, along with a big arena-styled floor a good few feet below. Everyone was dressed for the event, the men in their pristine suits and the women in their alluring dresses, all of them wearing a wide array of masks that all somehow hid their identities. By what she could hear, no one ever called each other by their given names, but rather through simplistically coded names. It was such a strange sight, a place you never would think of existing before.
Carefully, she made her way past different groups, observing the different floors for both Kurona and Kaneki. It seemed the lowest floor had a more exclusive set up. A privileged view of whatever it was they were expecting to see below. She started to walk down to the second floor, a few more people gathered in this particular section. As she wandered around, blending in by playing her role, she bumped into a man with a strange clown mask. She apologised, but he continued staring at her, watching her as she moved away. There was something...odd about him. Then again, she was in a odd setting to begin with. It was probably better just to ignore it.That was when she felt a hand on her arm and she turned to see a white haired man in a black mask. Kaneki.
“Miss, I could use your assistance. Could you follow me?” She nodded and followed behind Kaneki to a more secluded area, placing her tray onto a nearby table. “That’s a nice costume…”
“Keep your eyes up and mouth shut. Anyway, what are you supposed to be?” His mask was odd, a lipless mouth with bared teeth covering his lower part of his face, and with a matching eyepatch. Only his right eye was exposed.
“A ghoul, I think. Not sure if I really understand it myself.” He pulled down the mask and she noticed a blush was apparent on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, but is there a jacket you can use. That costume is really distracting me.”
“Give me the case before I stab that other eye.” He handed her an identical looking case, the weight not too light. Handing it back, she hoped it’d be enough to fool Kanou. “That’ll work. Now I just need to get that case from Kurona. Any advice?”
“She won’t let go of that case without a fight. You should take advantage of the main event when it starts.” As he finished speaking, the whole building dimmed and the guests started to grow excited, a buzz of anticipation building up. They gathered by the banisters and pushing through them, Touka stared down to the ground where three people stood, confused and terrified.
A large gate was lifted and the crowd cheered, clapping their hands in excitement whilst a huge, monstrous looking man stumbled out. His face was covered with a blood red scarf, his bloated torso exposed as he dragged a bonesaw behind him. The frightened people began to panic, one calling out for help, another standing paralysed and the third starting to scramble away, slamming their fists against the wall. Touka paled, quickly heading away as the cheering drowned out the tortured screams. Kaneki stood, watching Touka shake her head with disgust, wanting to comfort her.
“Where’s Kurona? I want to leave as soon as possible.” Adjusting her mask, she straightened and composed herself, Kaneki taking her down to the lowest floor. The screams from the arena were so much louder. They kept close to the shadows and pillars, edging their way around with a slight distance to one another until they caught their eyes onto one particular table. A woman sat alone, a case on the table in front of her and her fingers drumming on the table beside it. She wore a low cut robe that dipped down to just beneath her abdomen, her hood lifted over her pale head. A large, ragged scar moved from her eye to jaw, her long light hair barely covering it and there were more scars covering her stomach and exposed arms. She was a disturbing sight to say the least, though her face held some beauty with those sharp, cold eyes.
Kaneki stared, a smirk appearing on his lips as he lifted his mask again. Looking back, Touka examined Kurona’s surroundings. With everyone busy watching the ‘show’, she was alone, barely paying attention to the people around her.
“Why is she alone? She doesn’t seem to be enjoying the event.” Touka commented. “A business deal, I suppose. Probably why she’s carrying that case with her to begin with.” Kaneki shrugged, lightly tugging Touka back as Kurona’s gaze wandered to their direction. “Doesn’t seem her contact is here though. It’s likely Kanou has already dealt with that issue so that you could take the briefcase.”
“What does she gain from selling it? It’d make sense to simply destroy whatever Kanou could use if she had a grudge against him.”
“Information or perhaps trying to use Kanou’s own weapons against him. She’s still bloodthirsty for Kanou and is trying to find him as much as the rest of us. I would like to team up with her if it weren’t for our previous encounters.”
Touka noticed a tray of drinks on a buffet table near them and she picked it up, ready to make her move. “I’m going in. Watch my back.” She whispered as she walked past Kaneki. Nearing Kurona, she forced on her best smile and offered her a drink. Before she could answer, however, she tipped her tray and the drinks spilt all over her and her case, making her stumble onto her feet in fury. She cursed Touka, demanding for her to clean it up and thankfully for her, no one was paying attention to her agitated yelling. Grabbing some napkins, she offered some to Kurona and as she was busy wiping off all the alcohol, Touka tried to discreetly grab the case, insisting to wipe it off as her hands wrapped around the handle.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She grabbed Touka’s wrist, her grip tight and firm, nails biting into her skin. Her cold glare quickly filled with a heated anger, her jaw clenched. Tugging her wrist back, Touka instinctively flung the case towards her head, but she ducked down, punching Touka’s stomach as she did. Touka stumbled back, but kept a tight hold of the case, Kurona straightening and grabbing a sword she kept behind her chair. “You must be working for Kanou. Shit, no wonder my contact didn’t come.” Touka held up the case as Kurona lifted her sword back, her teeth gritted. “He’ll know not to fuck with me once I’m done with you.”
Kaneki leaped forward, pushing Touka back and he lifted a chair as Kurona brought her sword down. The blade cut into the seat and pulling it back, she tripped into the table, the hilt slipping from her hand. Tutting, she grabbed the table and threw it against Kaneki, knocking him back and grabbing the blade wedged into the chair’s legs. She pressed her foot against the chair and pulled her sword free with ease. With a cold sweat forming on her brow, Touka stepped back nervously, Kurona advancing on her.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing for that old fucker? Do you have any idea what’s in that case? Just take a good look at these scars and maybe your dumbass can understand what exactly you’re doing.” Touka looked down at the case, glancing at Kaneki shoving off the table on top of him. Gripping the case, Kurona raised a brow, holding up her sword once again. “Well, when you put it like that…” Touka sighed and suddenly threw the case towards the surprised woman. She dropped her weapon and Touka dashed forward, grabbing the hilt as it fell.
Except, the sword turned out to be incredibly heavy. Kurona stared, watching Touka barely lift it an inch above the ground with her arms shaking at its weight. Looking down at the case, Kurona stepped forward and threw her fist right for Touka’s jaw. She flinched but the punch never came. Opening her squeezed shut eyes, she found Kaneki keeping hold on Kurona’s arm, his glare deadly.
“Kaneki…? What the hell. Is that-” He slammed his head against hers and a final punch knocked her out. He took her case as she fell and Touka decided to let go of the sword, clearly trying to act off her embarrassment. He took her arm gently and they moved away from the destruction of the scene whilst everyone was still distracted by their murderous show. Finding the replica case, they swapped the two and they both headed for the exit, Touka pulling off her mask and wig.
“You could’ve used your gun, idiot.” Touka muttered.
“It would’ve been too loud. Besides, I thought we managed it pretty well together.”
They were by the entrance by the time they finished talking and Touka shoved her regular clothes into her bag, Kaneki watching her prepare herself to leave whilst tugging his own mask off. To her surprise, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her, his gaze soft as he examined her.
“You’ll be cold dressed like that. Oh and don’t worry. I won’t be using what’s in this case for anything sinister.” He insisted, though she was somewhat baffled by his gesture and more so by her confidence in his promise. “Now, I have to finish my work here, but if there’s any complications, remember to let me know.”
She rolled her eyes at his casual offer, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by her annoyance. He was just looking at her, eyes moving down to her lips as he pressed his together. A hand moved up and she urged herself to leave, though her body stubbornly remained as his hand rested on her cheek. No, this was wrong. What was she doing, allowing him to be this close? Yet his hand was so warm against her. He leaned down, lips inches away from hers and he hesitated, his eyes half-lidded and Touka quivering.
“Sorry. You should leave.” He pulled back quickly and started walking down the hallway. He paused at the archway, Tsukiyama appearing at his side with his own mask and he barely offered a look at Touka as the doors shut and locked. She wavered, not exactly sure what she expected, but it wasn’t long before there was a loud sound of a gunshot being fired, followed by screams of terror. Business as usual, it seemed.
She got what she needed. No use waiting around.
77 notes ¡ View notes
rainyrowan ¡ 5 years
Sunkissed - Chapter 1
description: Wedding of the century rolls around as the previous college clique, along with the rest of their family members, stay in preparation for it. During this time, Riley meets Lucas, a gorgeous, green-eyed wallflower who happens to be immediately taken by her. Little did she know, he has a deep secret. One that will either change her views on him forever or make her feel closer to his world.
word count: 2,626
pairings: riley x lucas
Song: Annabelle’s Homework by Alec Benjamin
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chapter one; riley
Sparkley Farkley: Did you know that the slowest marathon time ever is 54 years, eight months, six days, eight hours, 32 minutes, and 20.3 seconds? Yeah, in 1912, an Olympic marathoner from Japan supposedly disappeared during the middle of a race. Some say that he stopped to get a drink from an outdoor party, but ended up staying longer than he should have. Risque, if you ask me. Anyways, he was too embarrassed to finish the race, so he flew back to Japan instead. Years later, he decided to finish what he started by running the whole marathon himself. What I'm trying to say is WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? Riley, you're seriously taking much longer to get to the boardwalk than this Japanese marathon guy. Hurry!!
I looked at the horrifically long paragraph Farkle had sent me and sighed. Being best friends with him also meant being best friends with your very own encyclopedia, which can be extremely useful at times. Although, it really isn't when your phone is constantly being bombarded with numerous texts about everything and nothing.
Gentle reminder that I live farther from the beach than you do. I'll be there soon! Don't miss me too much :)
I quickly text back. I gripped onto my camera strap, which is draped over my shoulder, as I start quickening my pace.
When we became closer over the years, Farkle and I both created a tradition of spending almost every Saturday down at the boardwalk. In regards to this, the main rule that we've agreed upon would be that if one of us couldn't make it, we would have to have an extremely valid excuse. Me being the more "laid back" friend, I've been pretty lenient on Farkle if he couldn't make it. Wish I could say the same about him, though.
Last night, I had to stay up till two in the morning helping my mother out at the flower shop. Arranging flowers isn't as easy as one may think. In result, I woke up later than usual, causing me to be about 30 minutes late. So far, I've received a fact text from him for every minute I ran late. It truly amazes me how he could just drop these facts off the top of his head.
I'm practically already running when I see Farkle by the entrance, arms crossed.
"I'm sorry!" I pant. I take a second to breathe before I continue speaking. "I.. I woke.. Wow, I'm not cut out to be.. an athlete, huh?" I joke.
He rolls his eyes as a grin forms on his face. "Where were you?"
"I was up all night helping my mom with the flowers. I woke up super late. I'm so sorry."
He nods in approval of my excuse. "That's okay. However, I don't think we could go to the diner now. Brooklyn and her minions are there. Seated in our spots too!"
The thought of Brooklyn made me sick to my stomach. Brooklyn was the Regina George of Harbor High School, and basically all of Santa Cruz. Like your typical teen cliche, she was the popular girl who also the prettiest. Brooklyn also had her own entourage, as she always had two minions following her. With her bitchy personality, you may say that it's surprising that she gets all the guys. With her body, though, it really isn't. It's probably how she had my crush of four years and counting, Charlie Gardner, falling for her.
"Well, I guess we would have to postpone our meal then," I say, linking my arms with his. We enter the boardwalk and head straight for the arcade. We're surrounded by all the games you could never ever get tired of. From Dance Dance Revolution to laser tag to racing games, the Santa Cruz Boardwalk Casino Arcade has you covered. Farkle and I have our common favorite, air hockey.
He let go of my arm, dashing straight to the air hockey table. "You ready to get your ass beat?"
He asks, slipping in a token. We love each other very much, but when it comes to air hockey, it's like we're two different people.
"You should be asking yourself that, Minkus." As air starts to shoot through the tiny holes from the table, we both grabbed our paddles. Suddenly, the puck falls through my pocket instead of Farkle's. "Well, that's a first! I guess I'm starting."
I hit the puck as hard as I can towards his goal. Hoping that this time my first hit would make it, he blocks the puck in a swift move and smiles. "Not today." This goes on for quite a bit. I concentrate on the puck as it glides across the table back and forth. That is, until a distraction came my way. Charlie.
I offer him a double take before actually realizing that it was him. He probably didn't even notice me, which was a good thing on my part. I didn't want him to know that I was here. Out of impulsive thinking, I ducked down to hide behind my side of the table. This wasn't really the best decision, though. Farkle managed to make a goal and yell on behalf of his victory. I don't even have to see what's happening to know that attention was surely brought towards us.
"Farkle!" I call out in a whisper. He walks around the table and takes a seat next to me.
"So, explain to me why we're hiding behind- "
"Riley!" Charlie exclaims. Mortified, I lift my head up to find him standing right in front of us.
"Hi, Charlie." I saw awkwardly. Thankfully, Farkle gets up off the ground and pulls me up, as I was too scared to even move.
Farkle clenches is jaw subtly enough that no one could notice, except for me. It's safe to say that he never liked Charlie. I don't blame him. Most of the time, he can be a total jackass.
I'm not too sure how or why I've liked him for so long, and still currently do. I like to think it's because of the fact that I'm always seeking the best in people. I don't necessarily like making assumptions out of people based on looks or first encounters. For Charlie, I realized how much of a good person he is, deep down, whilst working on a school project with him in the public library. My father, who so happened to be my teacher, assigned both of us as partners for a project that we had to turn in a matter of three days. Within those three days, we'd head to the library at night to work, but we were never productive. All we did was talk. Well, all Charlie did was talk. About himself, of course. I would just sit and listen. It was kind of odd not taking part in the conversation, but I mostly did not mind. As a matter of fact, I remember feeling like it was for the best since I would most likely say something stupid. Plus, I got to learn more about him and who he truly was. The downside of it was that I had to take our project home and finish it myself, but I thought that it was worth it. From that moment on, I couldn't help but keep thinking about him, about us.
Charlie extends his hand out to Farkle, expecting a shake, but he steps back. "I'll wait for you outside." He tells me. No, no. Please don't leave me alone with him.
"Well, that was awkward." He laughs. "But anyways, I am so glad I caught you. I was wondering if you're free like right now? I was hoping that you could help me out with something."
Crap. As much as I would love to help him, I promised Farke that I would spend the day with him. However, as I was looking up at Charlie's mesmerizing brown eyes, I seem to have ignored that fact. "Um, sure." I squeaked. I clear my throat and try again. "What would I be helping you with exactly?"
"You see, we're doing headshots in drama, and you're kind of known to be a really talented photographer," I blush as he says so.  Along with the fact that his words make me swoon, another thing about Charlie that I liked was the fact that he is a performing arts fanatic. I'm presuming that it's something that he would like to achieve in the future. He's actually really talented if I'm being honest.
"So, would it be alright if you got a couple of portrait shots of me by the beach?" Charlie asks.
"Maybe in return, I can buy you a milkshake afterward."
Farkle is so going to kill me after this.  "Er, okay."
"Great! C'mon, let's go." He starts heading towards the exit as I trail behind him. Hoping that he was the gentleman I thought he'd be, I expected him to open the door for me. Instead, he ends up leaving it to close behind him. I sigh, disappointed for getting ahead with my thoughts. Once I've exited the arcade, I immediately scan my surroundings in search for Farkle.
"I'm here." He calls out from behind me. I turn to find him leaning against a wall.
"You're going to hate me," I confess.
A smirk creeps up on his face. "Not gonna lie, I was already kind of assuming."
"You're not mad?"
"No," Farkle says softly. "I still hate that bastard, though. But I mean if you like him that much-"
I pull him into a hug. "Thank you," I whisper.
"Yeah, okay." He wraps his arms around my back and chuckles lightly.
"Riley?" Charlie yells.
I pull away from Farkle and adjust my outfit. This would technically be the first time I get to hang out with Charlie alone, so I obviously want to look presentable. However, that's clearly not the case since I'm currently in my maroon Harvard sweater that Farkle had actually bought me from when he visited last year, along with a pair of faded ripped jeans.
"Do I look okay?" I ask.
He holds two thumbs up. "Can't say no to a girl in Ivy League gear."
"I love you, and thanks a bunch!" I plant a quick kiss on his cheek before running towards Charlie.
Once I've caught up to him, we both head to the beach together.
I truly do love the beach. I love the ambiance of waves crashing against the shore, along with the wailing of seagulls as they soar across the sky. Not to mention, the smell of the ocean beach as well. Everything about the beach is so captivating and peaceful, especially since it's a little early and not a lot of people are here. The afternoon is the absolute worst time to visit the beach. The fact that there are so many people who usually come on a day to day basis, makes me a little anxious to go.
Charlie leads me to where the dock is located. Farkle and I would usually come to take pictures underneath the dock. This area is quite aesthetically pleasing.
"I think this is a great spot." He says, placing his bag down as I begin to adjust the settings of my camera. I let him know that I'm ready once everything's all set. Charlie then runs towards the shoreline and starts posing of a shot. Since I'll be capturing portrait shots, I made sure that my camera is set so all my photos can have a shallow depth of field. This way, Charlie will be in focus as the background will be a bit blurry. After taking a few photos here and there, I stop to look at them. Charlie was perfectly centered, the lighting was on point, and all shots have great composition. Perfect. I think to myself. However, Charlie apparently doesn't exactly think so when he sees them.
"Yeah, this situation just isn't working for me. Let's try something different." He looks around for a moment. "Here, why don't you get some bird-eye shots of me laying on the sand."
I was a little offended that he didn't like the photos I originally took. I spoke out, irritated. "I thought we were taking portraits?"
"I'm just trying to think outside of the box here, Riles. Maybe the photos will turn out better." I scoff at what he had just said. What difference does it make? You're just going to be lying down. And I thought all headshots were portraits. There he goes acting like a douche, but here I am, still taking interest in him.
Charlie lies down on the sand and places his hand behind his head. From the looks of it, he could pass for a Hollister or Abercombie & Fitch model.  I stand directly on top of him to get good shots. If I'm being honest, this isn't the ideal position I'd want to be in. It's a little uncomfortable and weird, really.
Suddenly, water hits the shore and Charlie attempts to save his khaki pants by jerking straight up. Instead, jerking straight up somehow caused me to tumble forward, allowing both of us to fall back down. I also end up dropping my camera on the sand. Water continues to run beneath Charlie, which caused his whole outfit to be soaked. "Shit!"
The water still kept going around us. I panic as I watch it slowly ooze towards my camera. Miraculously, the water stopped before it could reach it. I graciously let out a sigh of relief. "Will you get the fuck off of me now?!" He yells in annoyance. I flinched when he does so and realize that what was happening: I was on top of Charlie Gardener. Because I was on top of him, I didn't get hit by the water at all. I quickly scurried to my feet and grabbed my camera.  I turned to Charlie, who was still really angry that he was drenched. He got up from the ground and gathered his stuff. "Thanks to you," He snaps. "I am soaking wet, and I have rehearsals for the musical after this!"
I feel a familiar tightness gripping my throat. As Charlie continues to curse at me, a burning heat rushes through my body and I can hardly breathe. The DJ over by the boardwalk starts blasting music that seems to be ten times louder than usual. My surroundings then become too horrifically bright. My hands become clammy as I start to lose control of my body. My vision starts to get blurry and my heartbeat begins to speed up to the point where I could hear it.
Once Charlie finishes grabbing his stuff, he walks over to me. He stops and takes a deep breath. "Just email me the photos whenever you can." And with that, he walks away. When I've lost sight of him, I walk towards the pebbles near the ocean. I stare out to sea, trying to take big breaths. I stay until I've finally coaxed my heartbeat back to normal.
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unimpressedperson ¡ 5 years
Jackpot | pt. 3 [FINAL]
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(Found this picture in @youthstuffs , thank you for posting it)
Genre: Fluff and Crack, I guess…
Warnings: None
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x @taesbetch , Kim Namjoon x Reader
Word Counting: 8.5k
Synopsis: Nya spent her whole life in Las Vegas, she would never imagine that local knowledge would ever be useful. However, her vision changed when Kim Seokjin appeared and introduced her to a few friends, film producers, whose needed guidance through Las Vegas underrated places for a movie. She agreed in working for them, and in that moment none of their lives would ever be the same. What happens in Vegas, not always has to be kept in Vegas.
A/N: Heeeeeeeey Nya!! Finally the last chapter! The oneshot has originally 20.958 words, so I decided to split it in three chapters. It’s the final one. The closure of this rhapsody (am I cocky, lol?), yeah. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing, ‘cuz it was fun talking about RPDR, movies, Vhope, Jeon Seagull, Namjoon, you, Dragon! Yoongi au spitting fiiire oooh, Star Trek references, etc :) Forgive any grammar mistakes.
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Yoongi knew it. He fucking knew it in the moment Namjoon began contending about some girl willing to guide them through Las Vegas. He saw back in then that something would rotten up during the process. Nothing could ever go soft and swift, every damn time, Kim Namjoon would come up with some drama, or Hoseok and Taehyung would fight, or the pipes from their filming location would BUST IN GEYSERS FROM EVERY WALL AND FLOOR.
He could gain money by showing off his auguring powers. At least from some dumb folk like Namjoon.
They worked together for 10 years. A decade living through ups and downs, but what kept their Cinematography Company moving and succeeding was the timing. Namjoon directs a successful movie, then gets involved with someone, breaks up and directs a shitty movie. It was a cycle in which Yoongi never complained and watched happening time after time. In 10 years, Kim Namjoon proved to be a genius and that he acknowledge the romantic vicious cycle, never defying it by getting involved with someone after almost breaking their business.
In situations of risk like these, Yoongi takes over his Spock role and always gives good advices to Captain Namjoon. It was his Vulcan power, after all. The Enterprise never bankrupted precisely because everytime one of the bosses made a bold move or a bad decision, someone would soothe it with a better idea or stopping before happening.
This time, though, Namjoon was being a stubborn bitch. Yoongi considered the idea of poisoning him and keeping the whole company under his name and charge.
Oh, he really pondered and even searched for undetectable poisons, but their 10 years story spoke louder than the homicidal side of Min Yoongi.
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi met whilst working. They were producing the songs from a  soundtrack, after so many nights of writing and playing instruments, sometimes all by themselves, their similarities brought them closer. A beautiful and honest friendship blossomed, nurtured with honest, curses, talent, humor, sarcasm and a lot of partnership.
Eventually, their dreams became way too big and only working for a company wasn't satisfying them. With their savings combined, Namjoon and Yoongi registered a firm called “Enterprise Inc.”. They had the name and ideas, but only when Taehyung and Hoseok appeared that their machine began working.
Independent movies were becoming a trend, so their company grew and more people got hired to different task. Jimin, Jungkook, Emerson, Jade, Taylor, Shmaillah, Zariah and Robin were now part of their big family. They treated each other like relatives.
However, since not everything happened smoothly, Namjoon also had his flaws. Unfortunately, his passion and volatility affected financially their business and finances. Kim Namjoon loved loving, but his kind of love changes fast and finishing a relationship always turned him into a grumpy man.
His longest relationship lasted 1 year and a half, with an author and professor of Creative Writing at London Institute of Art, Barbara. Unfortunately, their break up made Namjoon extra unbearable, to a point where the actors hired would quit and the filming had to be stopped. His mood swings almost led Enterprise to declare bankrupt.
Of course Yoongi dated, actually he's been officially living with Emerson for over five months, but his personal life never affected the professional. Home feuds stayed at home, even because his girlfriend worked as head from the Enterprise's Marketing and Advertising department.
After discussing, they slept for four hours. Yoongi always valued his sleep and would rest whenever (and wherever) possible, but their argue made the atmosphere inside the room unbearable. Namjoon couldn't sleep as well, he knew Min was right, but and if he allowed himself getting closer to Nya, then doubtlessly at some point would end up falling for her. Namjoon was an assumed romantic mushy, but with a volatile heart.
They went to the buffet, dragging a sleepy Jungkook and an awaken Hoseok jogging, dancing, humming and texting his boyfriend, also animated and sending copious audios thrilled with the last night events. Even though it was already noon, people having breakfast could be seen all around.
— I can see a whole bunch of people with last night’s makeup smudged. Walk of shame, guys. - Jungkook murmured after drinking a whole mug of coffee.
— You walked in the hotel with someone else’s skirt, smudged makeup and cummed pants in a brown paper bag. Walk of shame, bro. - Yoongi grinned and stared at Jungkook.
— Last night was nuts, wasn’t it? - The younger one asked, sipping from his second mug. - We started in a bar and end up in a Ball. What the fuck, I love my life.
— Yeah. Crazy night. - Namjoon disassembled himself from the conversation with a sweep of hand.
Jungkook could feel the tension around. Namjoon and Yoongi were clearly pissed at each other, and it was palpable around. The air was borderline toxic with so much electricity. However, Jeon could rightfully guess why. In his time working for Enterprise Inc., that same negative energy surrounded them plenty of times before. Currently, everyone knew their financial situation, since two actors decided to leave the project in order to get away from Namjoon and his bad temper, and one actress who broke contract after being casted to a bigger production.
Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon were great egos and minds. Working together represented war and success. They bickered, yet found ways to reconcile and respect each other’s differences, at least during toil days of finishing every detail, since both were also meticulous with lighting, angles, planning thoroughly even colours and shades. In fact, Jungkook graduated in cinema, but most of his practical knowledge was obtained by watching his bosses.
For a matter of fact, Jungkook could have chosen to remain in Korea and work with K-Dramas, movies or even MVs. Their cinematography industry was in constant growth, Jeon would never actually be unemployed, mainly with his fame as an idol. Even though his payment wasn’t the highest one, residing in London wasn’t impossible or uncomfortable, he could be classified as a wealthy lad, since the fame acquired during his boygroup years still paid him for image copyright licensing.
Jungkook was so famous in Korea, that every film produced by Enterprise Inc. sold like water on desert. Their film grossing came 6% from Seoul only. His stardom reached such a level that Jeon Seagull was mentioned beside great names like BIGBANG and Super Junior.  
When Jungkook became 25 years old, his biggest fan club in England during a whole month sent 25 roses to the Enterprise Inc. building daily.
Although, even with fame and constant proofs of how influential he still was, Jungkook felt good by being treated like a younger brother. No one gave him a special treatment or rolled out a red carpet whenever he walked around. Once, after having a small party at Yoongi’s place, he vented with his hyungs about fame and all, Min Yoongi stared at him blankly and said placid:
— I couldn’t care less about your idol life and shit. For me, you are Jeon Jungkook and works with film editing, you can even sing whilst doing your job, but it will never earn you a golden star.
It worried him watching his hyungs and main inspirations brawling, probably over Namjoon’s love interest in Nya and how it would affect his work. Also, Jungkook knew about money problems and thought about offering some cash to help and stabilize their finances, however everyone knew Yoongi would rather sell a kidney before accepting any loan.
— NOO!! - Hoseok yelled and punched the table, cell phone still on his other hand and eyes furiously staring at the screen. That unexpected behavior startled everyone.
— What happened? Did someone die? - Namjoon questioned, genuinely worried.
— No! But someone is about to! Taehyung finished watching The Umbrella Academy without me! I'm going to kill my boyfriend! - Hoseok declared and began typing furiously.
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Nya felt an apprehension in the air, like something was off. Namjoon and Yoongi barely looked at each other, definitely not a subtle change from their past behavior. It could be only a hangover, or not. Well, she wasn’t in such position to question them.
Whilst Namjoon and Yoongi were silent, Hoseok and Jungkook were jamming to whatever played on the radio, creating choreographies out of blue and pulling the grumpy men. Maybe in a common day things were like that, very balanced: two neutrons and two protons.
Their last demand was going to thrift shops, and places selling wigs. Their desire was an order, so Nya chose “Opportunity Village Thrift Store” and Honey’s favourite place to buy wigs.
The ride to Opportunity Village seemed to last forever. Namjoon wanted to talk and have fun along with Nya, Hoseok and Jungkook, but Yoongi could consider it flirting and throw a homeric tantrum. Oh, he would die out of embarrassment.
Arriving was a relief. Yoongi stretched his legs and stared at Jeon. Before leaving the hotel, they decided that having Yoongi always sitting on Hoseok’s lap wasn’t fair, so using their best tool of democracy (a.k.a rock, scissor, paper) the last ones would play to decide who would flump and who would be flumped. In conclusion, maintaining a Jungkook steady during a car ride isn’t comfortable.
Opportunity Village Thrift Store looked huge. Garment tracks, clothing rails, huge baskets and hampers with colourful fabrics and shoes. It felt like a paradise and a warzone. Namjoon seriously considered the idea of diving in one of them, only to test how it feels like, but kept a composed behavior.
Nya got in and pulled a huge pink coat from one of the baskets, throwing it in Yoongi’s direction, whose first reflex was to deviate, watching the fabric becoming a puddle on his feet. He picked it up and dressed. Understanding it as an ice-breaker, everyone else decided to have their fun exploring what the store had to offer.
— I’m gonna pop some tags. Only got 20 dollars in my pocket. - Hoseok began singing happily, getting out from the fitting room with a huge ass fur coat covering down his knees, pink glasses and platform shoes.
Jungkook was with his body halfway in one of the baskets, but after listening the fitting room’s door opening, he stood up using a baseball cap, a t-shirt made of black tulle with Xs covering the nipples. Hoseok never behaved discreetly, but seeing him all dressed up and singing Macklemore, it made Jeon cackle and sit on the ground.
— You look like an asian version of Elton John on a budget! - Jungkook managed to utter between guffaws.
Before Jungkook died out of laughter, Namjoon showed up with a brown ushanka covering his lilac hair, white jacket with voluptuous shoulder pads and a brown clutch. Jung was about to pronounce something, when Kim opened a huge and glittery fan that was hidden inside the jacket’s pocket.
— You look like a cheap version of Adam Lambert, Jeon. - Namjoon sounded serious, but a quirk dimpley smile took over his features.
Everyone laughed and looked around for Nya, since Yoongi was anything but undercover with his bright pink coat, sitting on one wooden bench close to the fitting rooms, he typed something on the cellphone, a deadly serious face, not even paying attention to all foolery.
The woman emerged from the third and last fitting room. She was using a dress made of golden sequins, her cleavage in evidence and left leg standing out of a opening. Namjoon, Jungkook and Hoseok shut up and stared at her in awe.
— Can someone please make a joke so I will feel less embarrassed? - She muttered, cheeks getting warmer and redder with their eyes laying on her stunning figure.
— Nya, Big Bird from Sesame Street called. - Yoongi pronounced without looking at her, still typing and unfazed. - He wants his drag queen dress back.
They got back to laugh until tears were streaming down their faces, even Yoongi giggled a little. Everyone went back inside a fitting room, dressing back their own clothes and going out, looking for more funny outfits.
Namjoon and Nya would never understand or feel able to explain how, but somewhere between laughing at a pair of ugly ass shoes and grabbing more stuff to try on, they found themselves making out inside one fitting room. Sitting on the ground, her legs straddling him and his hands cupping her ass, their mouths connected and only separated looking for air (or taking turns in kissing necks), lips moving in sync and desperately grinding against each other.
After a few minutes swirling tongues and trading saliva, they stopped gasping for air, foreheads touching and now fingers intertwined, laying on Namjoon’s lap. Nya smiled and gave him a quick peck, without saying a word. They agreed in making out without pronouncing syllables, got there and began smooching, not a single sound needed.
Namjoon moved his hands and posed them on her waist, smiling whilst staring and decorating every feature from Nya’s attractive face. The dimples, oh those dimples, she held his face and began kissing those goddamn cute details. Namjoon moved his face a bit, getting back to peck her lips passionately.
— I don’t want to leave this fitting room ever again. - Namjoon whispered watching Nya hop off his lap and sit beside him, laying her head on his shoulder, a long arm enveloping around hers.
— If we are going to do something else, then we gotta leave. - Nya murmured and caressed his clothed knee, making small heart shapes there.
— I like the way you think. - His free hand lifted her chin leaning a little to kiss there again.
Before they could even think about continuing the make out session, a loud knock on the door was heard, startling them. Namjoon froze on his spot when a deep voice was heard, most specifically Yoongi’s voice.
— Kim Namjoon, why is Nya inside a fucking stall with you? - He sounded pissed off and it scared even the woman.
— W-who told something about Nya being here? - Namjoon questioned, trying to keep his cool.
— Who told me? A blue bird appeared to tell me. - His sarcasm sharp and killer like a knife, as always. - I COULD HEAR SOMEONE WHIMPERING FROM THE FRONT DOOR! AND IT WAS YOUR WHIMPERINGS!
Looking around, Namjoon tried to find another exit other than the door, in vain of course. Nya noticed Yoongi’s frown when he saw they kissing the day before, but would never imagine how against making out with her. By the way, why did Min even cared about it? Well, she didn’t understand, but Kim’s reaction surprised her: Glancing around desperately, fidgeting and anxious.
Did Yoongi carry a gun with him after all?
— Namjoon, you know I wouldn’t care about your romantic life, if you were capable of dicking down someone without falling in love and ruining our business! - Yoongi scolded profusely, words spitted like fire. The small man had flames inside his belly, always keen to burn whoever dared to cross his path and stumble. When their partnership became real and moneymaking, Namjoon’s creativity and intellect lost ground to Yoongi’s audacity, geniality and incredible honesty. Everyone in a meeting could witness how Min grows talking about money, market and tactics on getting attention, the same way Kim shrinks. 148 IQ points, tall and intimidating, but the business head looked like a human Hamtaro.
Indeed, Namjoon felt rickety closer to Yoongi. Who wouldn’t? Although their partnership equally shared in 50% of profit between them, who always controlled their accounts and hired people was Yoongi. Kim Namjoon was creative and smart, but Min Yoongi was ferocious, visionary, not afraid of facing bigger companies and calling attention to their work. Success depends on many more aspects than a well produced movie, knowing how to speak with business man, sell their product and spread their name. The universe knows Enterprise Inc., Mr. Spock always the mind, Captain Kirk their face and voice.
Namjoon wholeheartedly respected Yoongi, which was a mutual feeling.
It’s not like Yoongi was perfect and never made mistakes during their ten years career, running a filming company and producing polemical content.
Seven years ago, Min Yoongi dived from head to toe in a project about korean idols selling girls around the world, promoting prostitution and drug dealing. The movie was a mixture of documentary and fiction. Purposely or not, apparently the villain portrayed resembled a lot a certain manager from some big entertainment company and they were sued. Back in then, drowning in debts, Namjoon sat down and studied similar cases, learning with someone else’s past equivocation, he based their marketing on that judicial situation.
In the same way his sharp tongue and bold behavior made them big, Yoongi also caused a lot of trouble by saying something offensive. Once, Min Yoongi argued with a group of australian entrepreneurs, owners from a huge farm with mines around, a collaboration organised with Seokjin’s help was being discussed. Maybe joking about their political bias wasn’t the best choice of icebreaker, ‘cuz when they found themselves, Mr.Smith was red in anger and punching the table stopping himself from whacking Yoongi’s face.
However, Yoongi was right, Namjoon falls in love way too easily. Perhaps it was loneliness, or his massive levels of empathy. Fearing the loss of his company, Min Yoongi felt the grip and patience held along their trip fly away in the moment Jungkook and Hoseok appeared, but Kim and Nya were nowhere to be seen. Whimperings inside one stall, it was the last straw.
Nya and Namjoon got out the fitting room, red as beets. Yoongi had a hand covering his face, pissed off and trying to control his voice volume, not wanting to cause a stir.
— Why do you care? What happened of so serious? - Nya raised one eyebrow, still confused about Yoongi’s reaction about them making out. He would be sane to complain about public display of affection, but not the whole idea of someone kissing another human being.
— Namjoon is a workaholic, but also has a huge problem with loneliness. -  Yoongi slid the hand down his face and stared at her, dead opaque eyes. - Every single time he gets attached to someone and breaks up, who deals with his tantrums and childish behavior, grumpy face and irascible humour, believe me, wouldn’t be you, it would be me, our hired actors, and of course our ring of friends. He gets unbearable.
— But we are not dating or in love, if anything ever happened, it wouldn’t leave Vegas. You are overreacting. - She was clearly embarrassed with the whole situation, when did she expressed any feeling of passion? Nya flirted with Namjoon and mentioned sex, but never said anything about dating, falling in love, or whatever.
— Yoongi, you are being irrational. I’m not in love, we are just young, horny and getting along. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. - Namjoon backed up Nya, pissing the hell off of Min, who took a long and deep breathe.
— Exactly! What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, but you know who else will be staying in Vegas? Us. We’re coming back in a month and if you dick her down now, you will probably want to get another dose after. I want you fully focused on working in ‘Fierce’, not splitting your thoughts between tortuous falling in love and doing your job properly. - The shorter man spat, again fire coming off his mouth.
— I’m focused! I’m having fun, but also analyzing every place we’ve been to!
— Oh, you are focused, right? Focused like a fucking cannon under a drunk man’s watch! - Min Yoongi snapped, if he ever worried about not causing a stir, then it disappeared like Namjoon’s rationality. - Do you know what I was doing whilst everyone tried on clothes? I was trying to resolve some of our location renting problems and checking how the filming for our other projects are going. - He got closer to Kim, poking one of his long fingers against the taller one chest. - By the way, did you make any contact with Enterprise every since we landed in Vegas? Did you check your phone? Did you worry about anything other than inserting your dick in somewhere or someone?
— No, but… - Namjoon suddenly felt small and shrinking more and more.
— That’s what I thought! Your whole focused ass is whipped and willing to lose everything we fought for, all for one night stand with some random one!
— Shut up! - Nya yelled, flustered and vexed, stepping closer to Yoongi. - Don’t you dare referring to me as if I’m not here. Don’t you ever treat me like someone random, trivial. I’m not a random someone, I’m the one guiding you around Las Vegas for free. It may not be something as big as filming a movie, but it’s also helpful. - She poked Yoongi’s chest, he gave one step back, their discussion drawing attention from people looking around, Hoseok and Jungkook showed up. - Your posh ass can be rich, or the owner from a company, but don’t you dare talking about me like a brainless person, someone incapable of fucking with someone without growing fond of that person! Your friend can be sappy and weak minded, but I am not. You don’t know me, Min Yoongi.
— We better leave before anything else is said, right Joon? - Jungkook asked, pulling Yoongi by one arm in the door’s direction.
— Yes, please, I don’t think I can keep on guiding you guys, I would say I’m sorry, but it is not true at all. - Nya seemed gloomy, but also frustrated. They were discussing sexism and pre-concepts in a movie, but Yoongi’s opinion about her seemed far from awaken. Maybe it was more about Namjoon and his past relationships, but why couldn’t Min consider her vision? A relationship necessarily has to have two sides, and both agreeing with their terms. Even if Kim fell in love, nothing would ever happen again if Nya did not fancy it.
Women do have voices and their standpoint should be taken seriously.
Maybe Yoongi wanted to protect both parts from heartbreak or unhealthy obsession, but what a problematic way of showing his worries. Why couldn’t he just ask for Nya’s opinion? It’s not fair or right.
Nya watched them leaving, Yoongi frowning and Namjoon in shock, both being dragged down by Hoseok and Jungkook. Everyone inside the thrift shop staring at them, dividing their glances between Nya and the group.
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Whilst packing their bags again, Yoongi checked his pocket list of goals for the travel. He concluded that everything needed was basically sorted, places chosen and their owners actually liked them, which would make it easier to bargain better renting prices. Their casting situation and debt with Nya could be solved within days and a few phone calls, since while Namjoon was flirting, Jungkook and Hoseok were doing some bullshitery, Min gave his cellphone number to a no number of people.
Staring at Namjoon and his gloomy eyes felt heartbreaking, but Yoongi knew that it was the right thing to be done. Kim needed to keep his head on the game. They only had one chance, and oh boy, Min Yoongi would hold it with claws and teeth.
Nya was a bewildering creature and, after filming everything, Yoongi would totally invite her to their premiere, however in order to actually having a Premiere, they first had to rent places, cast people, transport their shit, direct, film, edit, and first of all, not declare bankruptcy. Namjoon should’ve know better, acting like a horny teenager would be the death of them.
The lilac-haired man wished things could be different, but Yoongi was correct and sane: Kim Namjoon would never know how to balance a relationship with work, at least not without slipping at some point and getting hurt.
Namjoon was aware of his workaholic condition. All of his relationships got to dramatic endings after spending hours in a row inside his office, studio or even at home, but with a notebook almost morphing into his lap. Every single one of his past girlfriends were very understanding, and accepted that working represented over 80% of his life, routine and thoughts, but being pushed into the background felt tiring. Namjoon hurted himself so many times with that and promised to change, which never happened.
Let’s face it, his fate had nothing to do with a successful love life.
Truth be told, but never convinced. Namjoon thanked mentally Yoongi, he saved Nya from a very frustrating life beside him.
Hoseok and Jungkook didn’t dare to say a word from hotel to airport. No one felt the need. Silence seemed adequate and anything else would only trigger into bickerings. There was no energy or disposition to raise voices and argue.
Silence and rain, those words defined their travel back to England.
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— Zariah finished the filming of “Beast”. She sent the files to Jimin and Jungkook, but I think they will need my help, since Jeon is stuck with all those sequential cuts Yoongi made during “Je M’appelle Carinè”, and Park is simultaneously working on the sound effects for our first animated short-film “Poundcake”, and in… Oh Jimin is recording the soundtrack to “Fierce”? I’m proud of him. - Taylor, a short, chubby young lady, with short brown hair and sparkling eyes, was standing in front of Namjoon’s office table, staring at her iPad and checking every information, whilst he stared blankly outside the window. - Should I keep on working as your secretary? Or can I help Kook and Chim Chim on editing “Beast”?
— What? What did you just say? - Namjoon looked at her, blinking fast and slowly getting back to reality. - Sorry, Tay. I lost myself in my mind again. It’s been happening more often than I would like to assume.
— That’s alright. - She pulled a chair and sat in front of him, placing the iPad on her lap. - What’s bugging you, Joon?
Namjoon gazed again outside, eyes oscillating between shining and getting opaque again. Where should he even begin with? His mind was hopping from thought to thought, concern to concern, and somehow, even filled with preoccupations, Nya always danced between daydreams and awaken nightmares. Despite trying his best to forget and move on, the lady with a contagious smile, beautiful eyes and the smoothest skin ever seen found her way back to divagations.
Enterprise Inc. wasn’t placed in a huge building, actually, they placed had to place a billboard outside to indicate where the firm resided. An ancient building about to be demolished, that’s why Namjoon and Yoongi could bid a whole four floor building for such a bargain. With its structure, the duo fixed some details and reformed every flat, turning into different studios. Every deck had a specific department: first video editing and animation (recently inaugurated by Taehyung and Hoseok after finishing their online animating course), second reserved to audio (both recording and editing, Yoongi built his office there) and characterization accessories, third filming studios, last everything related to managing (marketing, advertisement, Human Resources, Management, and of course, Namjoon’s office). No one would ever imagine how proud Kim and Min were of their achievements, every award and nomination resulted in motivation. They were succeeding, from the bottom and going higher.
Imagining himself waking up and heading to somewhere else, other than the building made of red bricks and black doors, that thought scared the shit out of Namjoon. He would never cooperate or live happily after declaring bankrupt and having to shut down his business, at least not after conquering so many prizes, awards, incredible movies under his name. No, closing doors would never be an option.
— Taylor, I know everyone is aware of how ramshackle is our financial situation. Those projects, “Beast”, “Je M’Appelle Carinè”, “Poundcake” and “Fierce”, are our last string of hope. That’s why we are rushing to finish and release them. - Taylor nodded, in fact, everytime Namjoon and Yoongi argued behind closed doors, rumours around the office were spread. - Specially “Fierce”, we are investing every dime left in that. It’s probably our most expensive and laborious movie, but we count on it to keep us working for a few more months. Two weeks ago me, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook went to Las Vegas and rented places to film, but something happened there.”
“See, our guide, Nya, is the most dazzling creature alive. Not a single soul ever made me feel so impressed in my whole life, yet I can’t get attached to her. Not before finishing the filmings for “Fierce”, it would make me lose focus and possibly fuck everything up. It’s not my intention, but I can’t get her out of my head. Whenever I stop and think, she is there, dancing through my worries and thoughts.”
— Joon, why can’t you talk to her? - Taylor pushed her glasses down the nose bridge and raised one eyebrow. - It seems like by avoiding Nya, you are focusing in nothing else but her. Maybe this time your romantic curse was casted differently. You are not dating her, perhaps the vicious cycle is broken. Also, being unable to think about anything else won’t help you directing.
— I don’t know… - Namjoon pouted and laid his head against the wooden table, leaning the forehead there.
— When the filming to “Fierce” will begin?
— In two weeks. - Namjoon mumbled without raising his head, but now facing his brown walls. - We casted some american actors and actresses, our luggage is being packed, Yoongi made deals with every place to film, rented a house for the crew and us.
— You have two weeks to decide whether you want to invest in something with Nya, or not. It’s up to you. - Taylor made a flourishing movement with one of her hands, whilst standing up and staring again at the iPad. - Now about the “Beast” video editing...
— Go help Jimin and Jungkook. - Namjoon dismissed her and got back to his thoughts.
- x - x - x - x -
— Namjoon, you know I hate to accept when I’m wrong, huh? - Yoongi had an U shaped pillow around his neck, resting peacefully on a comfortable seat, whilst Kim typed on the notebook, adding some reminders on the script to himself. - But I think you should call Nya and ask her out.
— What? Why? - Namjoon turned his head and stared at Yoongi's unfazed face.
— You never had to take notes on scripts in order to work right. You are way a fucking genius, with 148 IQ points, had written masterpieces and composed glorious songs. - Min said without looking at his friend, but placing a hand on his knee. - In the past month you barely talked during reunions, you've been unfocused and divagating, also I spoke to Emerson, and she mentioned a certain talk you had with Taylor. Man, you need Nya and it's insane. You spent less than 24 hours by her side and now living without talking to her seems like a punishment. I don't understand how and why, but if contacting her during our permanence in Vegas will cheer you up, then I'm 100% supporting you. We need our leader, our main director.
Namjoon got back to typing without delivering a single sentence, Min’s hand still on his knee. Suddenly the space between their seats felt tinier, they were way too close and He needed to absorb Yoongi’s new position on Nya’s awe. Indeed, having his approval on looking for her was amazing, but how? During their trip to Las Vegas Min Yoongi said harsh things, leaving right after. Upon weeks of silence, even having Nya’s phone number saved, Namjoon never made effort to apologize, keep in touch or whatever. He respected Yoongi’s opinion, but his spitted phrases and dark tone made both parts highly uncomfortable.
He wanted and decided that looking for Nya was part of his plans whilst filming in Las Vegas, but embarrassment spoke louder and clearer. Namjoon wanted, but had no balls to accomplish it. At least not after remaining mute whilst Yoongi spat mean words at her, he could’ve defended their situation, stand up and put Min on his place. Well, what happened was far from ideal.
All Namjoon could think about, even before hearing Yoongi’s concerned and caring words about his mental state, was Nya, and what were the chances of her accepting to go on a date with him. Namjoon despised the idea of Nya evicting him.
Unlike Yoongi thought, Namjoon wasn’t in love before. It took him an array of nights stalking Nya’s Facebook page, checking her Instagram and reading how passionate her friends seemed to feel. Now, he felt obsessed and slightly uncomfortable with the idea of being dumped.
Nonetheless, Namjoon decided to pull himself together, grow a pair of balls and try. ‘No’ is a possibility, risking won’t harm.
Trying to gather some courage, the lilac haired man opened a new Word file and named “Captain’s Log”, getting in full Star Trek mode, he was Captain Kirk afterall.
“Captain’s log. Stardate -303753.640. We are arriving in the dusty and hot atmosphere of Las Vegas, a city located in the middle of Nevada, a state from United States of America, North America, one of the seven continents from planet Earth. My Vulcan friend, Mr.Yoongi, possessor of a great logical intellect is encouraging me to look for a human partner in our new location, specifically someone already acknowledged by Enterprise as homo sapien sapien, formed by carbon and XX chromosomes, turning it into a fascinating woman named Nya by her genitors. After our last expedition through Las Vegas, the relationship development between Enterprise’s Captain, yours truly, and terrestrial local resident Nya were harmed by Mr.Yoongi’s behavior towards her. Nevertheless, I’m willing to change our perspectives and get another chance.”
- x - x - x - x -
Saturday. A boring afternoon ghosting over Nya’s body, sitting on her couch along with Alexa. They were watching something about wildlife in Taiwan forests on National Geographics, a bowl with caramel popcorn between them and cups of mint tea. The curly-haired woman stared around her living room, noticing how the yellowish painting was peeling and slowly showing stripes of the white paint under it. Basically, her walls looked like an albino zebra. The purple sofa comfortable and everything else seemed pretty fitting, not needing to be replaced or moved. Oh, she was proud about her good taste in decoration.
Boredom hit Alexa like a truck and a deep grunt left her throat, almost scratching its way out. She grabbed the remote control and began zapping through channels, looking for something more interesting than animals mating or bullying each other.
— We should go out. You look like a mushy potato in that set of sweats. Is it yellow because you’ve been copiously using that for the past four weekends, or is it the original colour? - Alexa snorted, trying to combat boredom with jokes. - Honestly Nya, what the fuck happened? You explained something about Korean entrepreneurs, but as far as I know you’re not eager in investing on stock market, so I don’t know why their business would affect you. Did you get involved with one of them?
— No shit, Sherlock. - Nya mumbled and took a sip from her tea, trying to gather some words without sounding grumpy. - I have nothing to do with their business, but see, they hired me to guide them through Las Vegas. I’ve done that once before for one of their friends, the Seokjin guy I told you. Remember?
— Seokjin? The cocky and rich film producer? I remember him, he was funny and immensely confident, literally, I’ve never seen someone so sure about his looks. - Alexa kept her glance on the television. - Big dick energy at its finest.
— Yeah, him. - Nya avoided talking about Namjoon and cia, but now, completely alone with her best friend, it seemed like a good moment to vent. - One of the film producers I accepted to guide, he was funny, interesting, smart and a very good kisser, although, apparently someone deeply confusing. Like, I felt interest on him, but never said shit about being in love, unlikely what Yoongi understood and took as the gospel truth, his friend could cherish me with a thousand roses, but I would never date him and then break up, even because it takes more than 24 hours wandering around sin city and a good fuck for me to enamor someone.
“I don’t know how are the girls they know and usually go out with, but I’m not innocent. We don’t live in a book from Jane Austen. They claim to be so woke and liberal, discussing pre-concepts, sexism and homophobia on their scripts, but behaving and thinking like Mr.Darcy. Did they ever consider a scenario where women have voices and opinions? A scenario where I can easily say no and continue my life? See, I’m not hurt because I’m fancying Namjoon, but because from the moment they introduced themselves and their ideas, they seemed like progressivists, looking for equality, open-minded guys, willing to fight our biased society with their movies. However, Yoongi insinuating that Namjoon and I would ever date or engage in a long-lasting romantic relationship, without even considering my perception on it all, the possibility of the woman only looking for a good fuck. He literally throw a tantrum in a thrift shop about it, calling me some random one. The delusion hurt me.”
— Uh girl, I’m sorry about it. That Yoongi guy really assumed some fucked up things about you. - Alexa turned to stare at her friend, who didn’t spare a look from the television, even though she wasn’t actually watching it, only avoiding eye contact. - But you went through several deceptions along life, why is that different? What happened lately that you remain thinking about them? Or him?
Nya got tired of staring at nothing and met Alexa’s brown eyes, thick and beautiful eyebrows. She took her cell phone and found the long text Namjoon sent a few hours before, throwing it to the friend, keen to understand everything surrounding her grumpy aspect.
“Kim Namjoon [03/31/2019, 8h34min]: Hey Nya.
Sorry taking so long to contact you. I couldn’t find words apologizing my behavior four weeks ago. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can say now. I could’ve defended you, Yoongi acted like a jerk and said some hurtful things, which I don’t agree 100% with. I wasn’t in love back in then, but I understand his side from this story. Yoongi is worried about our finances, which I was the responsible for fucking up. Let me explain it all, expose the situation we unintentionally inserted you in.
A few months ago I broke up with an incredible woman who taught me a lot, but also couldn’t bear my working schedule and how I always set her aside. The career I built along with Yoongi always goes first, it’s my main priority, and I never learned how to balance ‘working Namjoon’ with ‘dating Namjoon’. The result of that break up was a moody me, who brought hell to surface and made two of our casted actors quit, they couldn’t deal with my humour (beside one who quit after receiving a better role somewhere else). It really cost us way too much, since they received for working day and we couldn’t ask their payment back. Also, when the infamous movie was released, the numbers were low and barely covered our bills and paychecks, media and critics criticized it harshly.
However, what happened is a vicious cycle which I’m stuck in. It’s one of the certainties from life: death, the ones most adaptable to change will survive and that I’m fucking up a relationship and then ruining a movie. Yoongi always found a way to contort it and put us back, saving our finances, but this time the loss was gigantic. Our company is solely relying on the success of ‘Fierce’, and a few other projects we will be releasing.
I’m not trying to find excuses for everything Yoongi spat to your face, he was rude and unnecessarily loud, but I’m begging you to consider his side as well. We are not up to losing our company, it’s our deepest fear. Min Yoongi and his stone cold heart is trying his hardest to get our butt off bankruptcy. I guess inside his head, he is willing to drag me away from anything considered as a distraction.
Now, enough of Yoongi and our financial trouble. Let's talk about feelings.
Yeah, I'm a lonely man and tend to get attached pretty easily. However, I wasn't in love with you. Nya, you seemed like someone really interesting and attractive, I'd rather chew my feet off than leave Las Vegas without kissing you. You are smart, independent, proactive, empathetic and friendly. Within hours being guided by you through Vegas, we saw how passionate you are about people you grew surrounded by, how you care deeply about them all and are willing to give up on money in order to help them.
By the way, our deal is still up and we casted your friends (Carol even gained a solo scene where she dances and Sasha got lines). Hopefully they already told you, but if they didn't and you are suspicious of my word, get in touch with everyone you introduced to us.
I wasn't in love with your back in then, but after two weeks thinking about it all and checking your social media (sorry about it :S), I grew fond of you. Everyone seems to love you so much and your heart is so big, couldn't help and now I, Kim Namjoon, am fancying you as well.
I'm not hoping to gain your mercy, but am willing to try and get your sympathy back. Would you go out with me sometime? Not in a romantic way, if you don't feel comfortable.
Again, I'm sorry about how it all began and hope we can fix it.
I'll be staying in Vegas for a while.
Thank you. Bye :) “
— First of all. Did he deadass structured the text like an e-mail? - Alexa looked up from the cellphone in time to see Nya grinning. - You are considering the idea of accepting his invitation? Girl, I ain't gonna tell you what to do, but that Namjoon doesn't seen to be a jerk, he could've just gave up, but he insisted and apologized. Did he actually casted everyone you asked to?
— Yes. Two weeks ago I received a text from Carol and Sasha, they thanked me and all. Tio Diego is also renting his bar for their movie. They also chose Paris as the main filming place, casting Honey too. - Nya felt divided, hoping on Alexa's opinion to define what should be done. - I'm still a bit hurt for what happened, but they proved their integrity by casting and renting everything and everyone I suggested. Namjoon apologized, gave me Yoongi's point of view and invited me to a date, giving me the option of saying no or defining if it's romantic or not.
— Nya, I don't see a plausible reason why you would say no. - Alexa’s hand snaked between them and landed on the other woman thigh. - You are only trying to find excuses because you are stubborn. If you want to, then go, get dicked down and you don't necessarily have to head back to him ever again. Even though he assuredly grew fond of you, it doesn't mean you obligatory have to engage in an actual relationship.
Nya huffed and slapped Alexa’s hand off her thigh. She hated when the girl with wavy black hair was right, and unfortunately Alexa seemed to never be wrong.
- x - x - x - x -
The night sky was clear and the air cool, wind making leaves from trees huff against each other and a chill run through everyone's spine. However, Namjoon felt sweat bidding down his forehead, anxiously shifting from one foot to another and resisting the urge to bite his nails.
The lilac-haired man was standing alone in front of Devito’s, same dining Nya took them the first night. His white t-shirt covered by a thin plaid shirt, jeans and white Converse, outfit plained specifically to seen laidback, since Nya chose the place and said it wasn't a fancy date. She was a ten minutes late and Kim had this crazy thought culminating in his mind, where she probably gave up and would call at any moment to dump him.
With 15 minutes of delay, Nya showed up dressed casually with a black Iron Maiden t-shirt, brown corduroy coat, skinny jeans and Vans. Her curly hair free and adorning the whole picture, no makeup, except for a cherry coloured lipstick. Flawless, Namjoon felt like his legs were made out of jelly and would collapse. His guts contracted in the same moment butterflies attacked his stomach. His mind hazing and suddenly his vocabulary vanished, being resumed by the extensive plethora of words pronounced by someone 2 years old, basically “bluh”.
The first half hour from their date felt weird. No one knew what to say, so small talk almost defeated them, but Namjoon decided to insist. Between eating burgers for dinner and dying out of embarrassment from going out in such situation, Kim decided to thank Nya.
His grateful words somehow touched Nya's heart. He sounded so sincere and whipped by her presence, that keeping the attitude of someone offended seemed pointless. Alexa was right, Namjoon liked Nya.
Goddamnit, Alexa.
Like a chain of gratitude, Nya thanked Namjoon for remaining faithful to his promise of casting her friends. He blushed and sipped on his fizzy cherry drink, grinning slightly, dimples marking their presence and reminding the woman why she thought Kim Namjoon was such a heartthrob beforehand.
Those dimples. Goddamnit, dimples. How can you be mad at someone desperately fluff with such a cute face? Nya wanted to stay loyal to her belief and hard feelings, but Namjoon's polite behavior, lovely face and insistence made it specially complicate.
Goddamnit, Namjoon.
Their body language clearly showed how the unsolved business led to a huge amount of sexual tension, Nya could bear it masterly though. Talking about everything and nothing at all, that's how Namjoon decided to speak his mind. What's the point of sitting and awkwardly pretend there is not an elephant in the room? Well, let's excuse it and set the pachyderm free then.
— Nya, I don't know if you are ever going to forgive me for not standing up for you, or whatever… - Namjoon's hand slipped swiftly closer to Nya's, touching her pinky but not holding it, avoiding more of an intimate contact.
— It's not that you didn't stood up or defended me, see there is so much more. Did you guys ever consider the idea that, I don't know, I could easily not want something serious with you? - She allowed his pinky to snake from her side and lightly take a hold of it. - I'm not mainly mad at you, disappointed with both Yoongi and you, though. For guys claiming to be so open-minded, then why is it so hard to assume I don't want a relationship? That I'm glad having something unofficial and leaving? Fuck, you make it so hard to believe you are an hypocrite.
— I'm not an hypocrite. I do believe in women's sexual freedom and ability to choose partners without necessity of commitment. I'm shitty at not getting attached, it doesn't mean that everyone else is also suckers for love. - His gaze was no longer on her eyes, but staring down to his own lap. - Indeed, we discussed my side, claiming I’d fall for you and ruin our project, but never considered your opinion, the possibility of you wanting nothing related to me. We behaved in such a sexist way, I’m profoundly sorry.
Their order arrived, someone almost spinning on her calves. Burgers and fries, so much cheese melting down the seeded bread. What a vision. If the conversation wasn’t in such an uncomfortable place, Namjoon would probably declare his passion for the juicy and greasy food in front of them.
The chit-chatting kept its slow pace. If National Geographics decided to make a parallel between their behavior and animals socializing, then they were trying to mingle, like Taiwan birds, Nya and Namjoon were singing in order to attract each other, hoping to link and connect. They got along once, why was it so hard to do it again? What wasn’t being said? Who was holding the cat inside the bag?
— I think I’m fancying you. - Namjoon finally took the cat out of the bag, or it could be a mice, ‘cause within seconds the elephant sitting on their conversation got up and left. Gone late, pachyderm.
— What? - Nya lifted an eyebrow. - I don’t know why I’m surprised, you said it in the message. Sorry, keep talking.
— When I closed all deals and rented everything we needed for the filming here in Vegas, my friends and my crew was all like ‘Heck yes, Vegas! Strippers, gambling, money, casinos, yaay!’, and even trying my best, the hardest, to focus on working and directing a masterpiece this script deserves to originate, all I could think about was you. - Namjoon decided it would be appropriate to look at Nya, she seemed unfazed, which made him nervous. - Travelling hours in a flying sardine can to see Nya! No one, except for the boys and Jin knew who you are, and kept on questioning me why so much anxiety and excitement over seeing you. And not even I understood. Working and wondering about what you could be doing really messed with my head. Nya, you messed with my head!
— Ok, Namjoon, it’s a lot of information. - She didn’t spare a look, he felt intimidated, but Nya’s behavior never showed any insecurity. - I don’t fancy you, but it doesn’t mean I cannot grow fond of you at any moment. However, in order to see it happening, you’ve got to insist. If you really want to be with me, then you’ll need to stick along, we’ve got to go out more, in different places. We can totally link up and have great sex today, but it won’t guarantee another row. Got it?
Well, Namjoon felt relieved. Nya was far from being mad at him. Oh, he remained willing to go out, as long as she was there.
In the end, if Nya and Namjoon’s story was something elaborated by Jane Austen, then it would be Sense & Sensibility. Nya and her sense changed how Namjoon dealt with his sensibility, breaking a vicious cycle, where engaging in a romantic relationship without previous thinking ruined all logical thoughts and mature behavior.
The end.
5 notes ¡ View notes
dreamsofanenigma ¡ 5 years
C H. 1 - Strangerville Ties.
Week 2, Thursday. 4pm.
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Over the next week Holly went about her usual day, mostly filled with random chores, menial tasks, and occasionally helping Vlad with the upkeep it took for an old mansion such as this to remain intact. Her only down time is at night, whilst uploading content on Simstagram in the vein hope that followers will provide feedback, but she isn’t going to let that stop her. If she weren't being paid a tidy little sum she would certainly be after more 'exciting' work.
Phew, that's done. Now the laundry. For two people who rarely seemed to wear more than one outfit, they sure have a lot of clothes. Clothes that were probably relevant a decade ago, but who am I to judge?
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Holly trekked down into the basement, a faint glow emitting from the candle-lit lamp below brought an uneasy chill down her spine. Having only been there once it was so dark that she immediately ran back upstairs, nearly out of breath, and suggested at least fifty more candles be added to Vlad the next day. She remembered how he grinned at the slight fear in her voice when she confessed to having a ‘thing’ about the pitch darkness of the basement. His long silver hair fluttered about his face as he agreed to add a few candles for her precious Mortal eyes, on one condition...
"And what's that? I'm not getting paid for overtime, Mr. Straud." Holly teased, she wondered how they felt about humor. It was always so quiet and drafty around the house that you can hear a pin drop. When Vlad isn’t playing his sorrowful Pipe Organ, she liked cranking her music up when they turned in for the day.
"We're having our annual Masquerade Ball this Saturday, though not many Sims seem to arrive anymore, we still manage to keep appearances.” He added dryly. It was enough being dragged into these idiotic events, he isn’t sure if the proceeds even go to their selected charity. “I would like you to attend."
"And Victoria?"
"Despite her commanding presence, Victoria does not have complete run of the house," Vlad crossed his arms, a slight frown crept its way onto his face. "Do not tell her I said that."
"Your secret is safe,” Holly couldn’t tell if he was more annoyed by her questioning or Victoria’s demeanor. “I'm sorry but I hardly have anything formal, much less for a Ball."
"No matter, I am sure what you pick will be pleasing to the eye. I expect to see you at five." Vlad gave a playful wink and disappeared in a swirl of smoke without waiting for a confirmation.
Leaving Holly to wonder what she could possibly wear to a Ball...and if that wink has any significance at all, or if was it simply her imagination.
Either way the next two days are going to be worrisome, she thought as she made her way to the washing machine. It was newer than most of the items in the home, and Holly had a feeling it’s something they wanted to try rather than use - especially when considering the clothes line is located on the top floor balcony.
"What an odd place to stick a washing machine... I should buy them one of those wash tubs. That will be right up their alley." Holly thought aloud, she was deciding between light and heavy when a purple mist drifting from the other side of the room caught her eye.
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Curious, she made her way towards the strange smog and saw three coffins. Only one appeared more ancient and elaborately designed than the rest. Slowly she moved closer, nearly touching the edge of the top, but instead stopped at a blank epigraph plastered on the bottom.
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Hmm, this is probably Vlad's coffin. I remember someone saying he was a 'Grand Master' Vampire, which likely means he’s seriously powerful. Maybe I should put something here....
Here lies Mr. Mysterious. Calm and courageous but never nefarious.
She laughed to herself, thinking of his bewildered expression when he awoke to find it. As she waited for the laundry to finish her mind wandered back to the night before, to the way Vlad's eyes appeared to gleam when he invited her to the party. She was two weeks in and hadn't made a single friend in Forgotten Hollow, this could be her chance to make some connections and new friends. Perhaps Victoria will lend her a dress if she asked nicely? Or at the very least she can help Holly find the right one.
"Is someone slacking in their duties?" Came a mocking tone from nowhere and causing Holly to jump out of her skin. Is she ever going to not react to them popping in out of nowhere? It left her feeling so ridiculous.
"Victoria! No, I was just taking a break, and waiting for the laundry, of course. How are you? I’ve already dusted and taken care of the bathrooms. There was a slight leak on the second floor, but it’s repaired. You look great. Stunning as usual, actually." Holly tried to sound appreciative but ended up scrambling over her words, for some reason she felt an inexplicable need to explain herself whenever Victoria was around.
"Pray tell, why are you acting jovial when you are so clearly distressed?" Victoria said calmly, using the nicest tone possible. In truth, she was becoming a little annoyed by Vlad’s recent fraternizing with Holly. She is the help after all.
"Oh, I... Well, I heard the Ball is Saturday and -"
"Vladislaus told you?" Victoria chuckled. Was that all? Some idiotic Ball to appease the masses? The poor girl is afraid of her own shadow, much less ready to be surrounded by children of the night hidden underneath masks. She vaguely pondered what Vlad even sees in Holly. "I believe we can ruffle something up. I'll have you fitted tomorrow."
"That's nice of you, really, but I can buy -"
"Nonsense. You need to save every hard earned penny," Victoria cocked a brow, lips pursed, and shook her head in a perplexing manner. "Especially with that figure."
"Nothing, dear. I am sure all the young girls are jealous of someone in your profession. Now, I have a few things we need in preparation for the event. that can only be picked up in Strangerville. Normally I handle the shopping, but we have a council meeting to attend this evening. The Ball will be the most discussed party in town, and Vlad is counting on me to give it a special touch."
Victoria continued to prattle off her list of essential items, for the party and a little renovation that she made Holly swear not to tell anyone about considering it’s a surprise for Vlad. Holly promised to get every item on the list while simultaneously juggling the fresh clothes out the machine and calculating directions on her phone. By the time she thought to ask in which store is she supposed to find the supplies, Victoria was long gone.
Holly blew a strand of hair out of her vision, the empty house creaked and groaned as another storm rages over Forgotten Hollow, murky silhouettes danced outside the upstairs window as limbs fell brokenly overhead. She'd heard the rumors around town that very odd events were taking place in Strangerville. Something about a plane crash and exotic looking plants, though Holly had written this off as hearsay.
Guess it's time to find out.
1 note ¡ View note
babygirlgalitzine ¡ 6 years
robert plans a surprise for aaron coming home :)
come home to me (ao3)
Everything had to be perfect. It just had to be. Aaron had been away from home for so long with Liv intow, traveling around Scotland, and Robert missed them both so much.
The Mill, as much as it was home, felt like a pit of emptinesswithout Liv ‘shutting’ the doors loudly, or blasting her catchy music way tooloud for anyone to even hear themselves think. (Aaron still blamed Robert forbuying those top of the range speakers.) Robert would even go as far to say hemissed when she made vomiting noises and pulled a faux disgusted face when heand Aaron kissed in front of her.
But most of all, Robert missed Aaron’s presence. Yes, they’dbeen in tough every day, even video calling each other bi-daily, just to seeeach other in moving form.
(“It’s so he doesn’t forget what I look like, Liv!” Robertdefended, when Liv made a comment as to why they have to video call so often.
“Fat chance of that ever happening.” She grumbled, a smile onher face nonetheless. She knew how much they loved each other, and loved towatch see them fall more in love with each day that passes. “Soft lad here can’tstop talking about you to anyone and everyone, and your face is plastered allover his phone.”
Aaron just blushed.)
He had balloons put up in corners of their home, deciding todrive all the way into Hotten for some decent decorations, rather than puttingup with one of David’s jokes, a cake courtesy of his talented little sister,and his phone ready to order a pizza of Liv and Aaron’s choice, regardless ofhow much the two siblings would inevitably cost him.
It just had to be a perfect homecoming. Their time. Because theyhadn’t had enough of that recently, as a family.
Liv had dropped a message into the family group chat, lettingRobert know that they were driving through the country roads now, and that theywouldn’t be long home. He smiled, remembering how much time he would spend nearthose country roads as a child, and even if he wouldn’t admit it at the time,how much he missed seeing the grass changing colours with the seasons, and thesmell of fresh air all around him when he was away from Emmerdale.
Not even ten minutes later, Robert heard a two car doorsslam shut, and within seconds, Liv was running through the stained glass door, suitcasedragging behind her on one wheel, rather than its two. Robert would kill herbecause of it, but later. Because now, she launched herself into his arms for aquick hug, Robert’s arms enclosing around her for a few short seconds.
He’d take it though. She’d finally grown comfortable enoughto hug him, and for Robert, that was everything.
“-Oh you know what Liv, I swear, the next time you leave meto carry all your things I’m just leaving them on the drive. You’re worse thanRobert!” Aaron rambled, walking through the now wide open front door, backpackshanging off both shoulders, shopping bags in hand.
Robert chuckled as Liv rolled her eyes sarcastically, muttering‘Nag, nag, nag’ under her breath,grin spread on her face.
Aaron dropped the bags on the floor, being careful that theydidn’t tip over and spill out, before straightening himself back up and pullinghis hoodie back on from where it had fallen too far back on his shoulders. Robertwalked over to him, rested his hands on Aaron’s waist and pulled their bodiestogether, both of them sharing a moment before their lips touched and their headsspun in ecstasy.
“I missed you.” Aaron whispered, pulling apart and restinghis forehead on Roberts.
Robert innocently smiled. “I missed you too.”
Their moment was interrupted by Liv, asking why on earthRobert had bought balloons.
“I was thinking about having a little welcome home party, buteveryone else is apparently busy so it’s just us.” Robert confessed. “So tomake up for it I’m ordering pizza in for us, my treat.”
“Guess we better splash the cash, shouldn’t we?” Liv grinned,throwing herself into one of the gaming chairs and spinning around, arms raisedabove her head.
“Oi.” Robert whispered over to Liv, who was probably moreinvested in the film they were watching than any of them. “Liv.”
She slowly moved her head to face Robert, her eyes stillwatching the screen until the very last second. “What?” She asked, eyes flickingbetween Robert and the TV screen, listening carefully as she heard Aaronputting all their dirty laundry in the washing machine.
“Will you go upstairs when this films done? I want somealone time with Aaron.” He asked carefully, his fingers tracing his weddingring gently.
Liv’s face contorted, but nodded all the same, clearly notworking out what Robert meant straight away. He huffed out a laugh as he sayLiv’s face go from confusion, to shock, and eventually to excitement. “Are yougonna propose?”
“Well we are technically already engaged, or whatever, but Iwant to speak to him about it, see where his heads at about getting married.” Robertconfirmed, eyes trained on Aaron, who was only metres away.
Liv had been upstairs for almost half an hour, leaving theroom with a yawn as the film came to an end, shouting a ‘goodnight!’ to Aaronand Robert.
“You know I love you, yeah?” Robert asked softly, Aaron’shead pressed to his chest, fluffed up hair tickling his face.
Aaron smiled, even though Robert couldn’t see him, and he liftedhis head up to face Robert, kissing his lips gently. “I love you too. And I reallydid miss you these last couple of weeks.”
Robert blushed, leaning into Aaron’s touch, any thoughts andplans of how this conversation was going to go, had completely left his mind,and in that moment, he just whispered. “Lets get married. Properly, this time.Plan everything ourselves, together.”
“Are you proposing to me again?” Aaron asked, a grin spreadacross his face, wider than ever before.
“I believe I am, Mr Sugden.” Robert responded, voice drippingwith tease.
Aaron shrugged, “You still haven’t got on one knee.” Hejoked, knowing that Robert made a comment whilst watching a TV show together,that a couple can’t get married until one of them proposes ‘properly’, on oneknee.
Looking at Aaron incredulously, Robert climbed up from his positionon the sofa, to stand in front of Aaron, who was laughing uncontrollably atthis point. He bent down on one knee, hitching his pyjama pants up ever soslightly.
“Aaron Dingle.” He started, waiting for Aaron to look at him.“From the moment we met, I saw my whole life with you. Kids, pets, a home,marriage. You are the love of my life,and I don’t want to spend another second without you being my husband, legally.So, will you marry me?”
Aaron leaned forward, hands on either side of Robert’s face,slowly kissing Robert, both of them with unrelenting smiles on their faces.
“Course I will.”
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