#slim body exercise
fitkitty · 5 months
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gabevibes · 4 months
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Entering my second skinny era 😌
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fitfusionhub18 · 3 months
Satisfy Your Cravings, Stay Fit! #CrunchyCreations 🥗 Dive into Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle
For more details visit HERE
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mmatigers2023 · 3 months
Professional wrestling and mixed martial arts (also known as MMA) both combine grappling and strikes. In MMA, fights are competitions, in contrast to professional wrestling where the outcomes and moves performed are often scripted or predetermined. मैं एमएमए प्रशिक्षण कैसे शुरू कर सकता हूं? स्कूल या जिम खोजें और प्रशिक्षण लें
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aefensteorrra · 1 year
I simply refuse to click on any workout video where the thumbnail is a 'before/after' (aka unposed vs posed) photo
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iamsanjeewa · 2 years
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There are several things you can do to help reduce fat around your belly:
Exercise regularly: Engaging in physical activity can help burn calories and fat, including fat in the abdominal area. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.
Eat a healthy diet: Choose foods that are rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, and limit your intake of added sugars and unhealthy fats. A diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in processed foods can help reduce belly fat.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, including fat gain around the belly. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Reduce stress: Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol levels, which can contribute to weight gain, including fat gain around the belly. Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help reduce stress and decrease cortisol levels.
Limit alcohol consumption: Alcohol can contribute to weight gain, including fat gain around the belly. Limiting your alcohol intake can help reduce belly fat.
It's also important to remember that losing fat in a specific area, such as the belly, is not possible. To lose fat, you need to create an overall calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise.
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maryhad55 · 6 days
How to Achieve the Perfect Slimming Body in Just 30 Days
Achieving a slim and toned body in just 30 days is a goal many aspire to, and with the right strategies, it is attainable. This guide will walk you through effective methods and tips for achieving the perfect slimming body. By focusing on key exercises, dietary plans, and lifestyle changes, you can make noticeable progress towards your weight reduction goals. Whether you’re looking for a slimming body workout plan, effective slimming body recipes, or ways to slim down without dieting, this comprehensive guide has got you covered read more...
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robertasgym · 1 month
Slim Arms and Toned Upper Body Workout
This workout is designed to help you achieve slim arms and a toned upper body, focusing on creating a balanced and strong look. By consistently following this routine, you'll begin to notice your arms becoming more defined and your shoulders and chest feeling stronger. It's all about building lean muscle that gives you that fit and sculpted appearance.
As you continue, you'll not only see changes in how your upper body looks but also feel more confident in your strength and endurance. The goal is to help you feel good about your progress and keep you motivated to stay on track. With time and effort, this workout will help you achieve a toned upper body that makes you feel proud of your hard work.
The "Slim Arms and Toned Upper Body Workout" is here to help you feel stronger and more confident with each session. Stick with it, and you’ll love the results. Good luck, and have fun!❤️💪
**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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sewergirls · 2 months
I am so sick of being fat. I cut out processed sugars and carbs for a week and surprise surprise I'm having a difficult time reaching 2k calories with how much utter bullshit I have to consume (I eat a lot of snacks like carrots, celery, cucumbers, and chia seeds), but I'm also exhausted a lot because of the sudden calorie restriction. I think I need more iron intake, but I'll start eating things like beans and rice on Saturday. Right now I'm mostly eating raw foods and potatoes (sweet + russet) and chicken thighs.
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fitfusionhub18 · 3 months
Indulge Without Guilt! #FitFoodie 🍎 Delicious and Crunchy Recipes for Your Fitness Journey!
For more details visit HERE
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walkworkouts · 5 months
43-Minute Fat-Burning Walking Workout
Welcome to another video! Today we are going to do a 43-minute walk that is perfect for anyone who wants to lose fat in a healthy way. We'll start with a quick warm-up to prepare the body, followed by an intense walk to really burn calories. Let's vary the intensity to keep the training interesting and effective. This workout is great for improving your cardiovascular health and increasing your metabolism, and you can do it all without leaving home. Put on your sneakers and get ready to sweat and have fun! 💪 Don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any new videos and give a like if you like the workout!
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fitnessmantram · 6 months
Body Shape Exercise for Women #exercise #shorts #fitnessmantram #motivation
10 Basic Tips to get Body in Shape
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icy-hot-slut · 1 year
I would love to see more healthy-looking “casually fit” type guys who like, have a day job and hobbies and sometimes works out in their spare time like 2-3 times a week
Not those hyper-cut, passing out from dehydration type dudes (not a jab at them, they look good, but for the love of fuck p l e a s e drink 2L of water yesterday)
I feel like that’d be good for a lot of peoples’ mental health’s, including mine
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fitnessmentor · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of Leg Exercises: A Guide
Legs exercises that are better than the back squat? Is it possible?
If you have small legs and think the only way to grow them is by squatting heavy, then you need to rethink your approach.
Troy Adashun explains how he switched up his leg training and managed to achieve impressive strength and muscle gains without using the barbell back squat.
He argues that there are many other lower body exercises that are better when it comes to hypertrophy of the lower body.
“I wanted to make this video because, contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to squat heavy weights to grow your legs. Today’s leg workout for growth will contain no barbell squats whatsoever.”
“When I started lifting, I thought squatting as heavy as I could was the best way to get bigger legs, but it turns out I was training more for strength than hypertrophy. Try this leg workout for bigger legs and feel the difference in the rep ranges, pacing of each rep, and overall exercise selection.”
“These leg exercises will blow up your legs in a short and intense workout. I call this type of training the balloon method, and it’s how I train to grow any muscle.”
Exercises that are Better than the Squat for Lower Body Muscle Gain
Legs Exercises that are Better: Dumbbell Bulgarian Split SquatProbably one of the most painful and effective leg exercises that exists.
Go nice and deep, and don’t cheat the movement.
You will feel this all the way from your glutes to your quads.
Stick to a 10- to 12-rep range for maximum muscle growth gains.
Keep the knees over the toes and overload each leg, one leg at a time. To make the exercise even harder, try paused reps. Hold the bottom position for at least 3 seconds to maximize time under tension.
Legs Exercises that are Better: Dumbbell Walking Lunges Super Set with Hands Over the Head Walking Lunges
This will further fatigue the legs in a functional and challenging way.
Again, the superset will extend the time under tension, which will result in more muscle growth.
Growth Tip: Add bodyweight versions of each exercise as a super set.
Legs Exercises that are Better: Dumbbell Sumo Squats
This is an excellent alternative if you are experiencing any lower back issues or are recovering from an injury.
It is impossible to load as heavy as you would for a back squat, and it forces you to keep your core and spine upright and tight.
You can choose to perform this with an elevated heel if you find ankle mobility an issue. Simply place your heels on a weight or bumper plate.
Make sure to squeeze at the top and concentrate on the mind muscle connection.
Legs Exercises that are Better: Leg Extensions Super Set with Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Go for 3 sets of 12 reps of both exercises. The RDLs must be performed immediately after completing the leg extensions.
Form Tip: Point your toes out slightly and squeeze your quads as tightly as possible at the top of the movement.
Troy Adashun believes that the following equation, performed within the right rep ranges, is a great principle for leg growth: “Intensity + Consistency = growth.”
00:00 Why Squats are killing your gains
00:15 The truth about chicken legs
00:50 The perfect leg workout for fast growth
01:50 One of the most painful leg exercises you can do (but it works!)
03:00 DB walking lunges superset for growth
04:45 Great barbell squat alternative
05:20 Great superset for quads and hamstrings
As a final disclaimer, Troy states that consistent back squatting in the 10 – 12 rep range is a phenomenal way to grow your legs. However, he bebelieves that or beginner athletes this runs in parallel with a higher risk of injury than many of the other exercises that he included in his video.
Muscles of the legs
Your legs are full of lots of muscles that control movement in different ways. Some help you walk, while others help you run or jump. The quadriceps are located at the front of your thigh, while the hamstrings are located on the back side. Both groups of muscles work together to provide power and stability when you’re moving around.
Quadriceps (Quads)
The quads are the muscles that make up your thighs. They extend or bend your knees and straighten your hips. The quadriceps consists of four individual muscles: vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius.
Vastus Lateralis
The Vastus Lateralis is one of your quadriceps muscles. It’s located on the outer side of your thigh, and it helps you extend your leg. The Rvastus lateralis is a large muscle that can be strengthened with exercises such as lunges and squats.
The vastus lateralis is located on the outer side of your thigh.
The vastus lateralis is located on the outer side of your thigh. The muscle extends from the middle of your knee to the top of your patella (knee cap), and it lies underneath a layer of fat.
The vastus lateralis is one of four large muscles making up the quadriceps group in your leg: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius are its three counterparts. A small portion of each has an anterior attachment point at your pelvis called an iliotibial band or ITB (pronounced I-T-B). This band helps stabilize and support these muscles as they bend your knee forward or back during exercise or daily activities like walking up stairs or climbing into bed after a long day at work.
Rectus Femoris
The rectus femoris is a quadriceps muscle. It makes up one-quarter of your thigh muscle and originates at your pelvis and inserts at the tibia and patella. This segmented muscle is responsible for flexing your knee joint, which helps you move forward when running or walking uphill.
ectus femoris also helps to stabilize your hip as you perform other movements that involve twisting or bending in different directions (for example, kicking a ball).
The rectus femoris runs down the center of your thigh.
The rectus femoris is one of the quadriceps muscles, located on the front of your thigh. This muscle runs down the center of your thigh from your hip to your knee, attaching to the patella (knee cap) in its final few inches.
This muscle is responsible for extending (straightening) and flexing (bending) the knee joint, which allows you to move forward and back in walking motions, as well as turn and twist when running.
Vastus Medialis
The vastus medialis is a muscle located on the inner side of your thigh. It attaches to your knee cap and helps you extend and flex your legs. It also helps you flex your knees by turning inwards. The vastus medialis can help prevent injuries like ACL tears because it is used to stabilize the knee joint during movement.
The vastus medialis is located on the inner side of your thigh. It attaches to your knee cap.
The vastus medialis is located on the inner side of your thigh. It attaches to your knee cap, and helps straighten your leg.
Vastus Intermedius
Vastus intermedius is located underneath the rectus femoris and extends from your hip to your knee. It attaches to your knee cap, which helps it extend and flex legs, as well as flex knees.
The vastus intermedius is located underneath the rectus femoris and extends from your hip to your knee.
The vastus intermedius is located underneath the rectus femoris and extends from your hip to your knee. It is a quadriceps muscle, which means that it helps flex your knee.
The hamstrings are located on the back of your thighs. These muscles help you extend and flex your legs. They also work with your quadriceps to flex or bend your knees, as well as help prevent injuries such as ACL tears.
If you’re an athlete who needs to increase speed, stability or power, having strong hamstrings is beneficial. For example: if you’re playing football (American or otherwise), having strong hamstrings will allow you to make sharper turns when running downfield because they help keep your body upright while sprinting instead of letting it fall forward when turning left or right at high speeds like it might otherwise do so easily without strong hamstrings supporting them!
Your legs are full of lots of muscles that control movement in different ways
Your legs are full of lots of muscles that control movement in different ways. The quadriceps and hamstrings are the main muscles on the front and back of your thigh, respectively. The vastus medialis is on the inside of your leg. Abductor muscles (the gluteus medius and minimus) support hip motion while adductor muscles (adductor longus, brevis and magnus) squeeze in from each side to hold things together!
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fattofitsure · 1 year
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amazonlatestproduct · 2 years
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Matcha is a high-grade green tea ground into powdered form. The green tea powder is whisked into hot water, instead of steeped, to form a frothy drink. The meditative act of preparing, presenting, and sipping matcha is the backbone of the Japanese tea ceremony. See more ......
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