#legs exercises calisthenics
fitnessmentor · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of Leg Exercises: A Guide
Legs exercises that are better than the back squat? Is it possible?
If you have small legs and think the only way to grow them is by squatting heavy, then you need to rethink your approach.
Troy Adashun explains how he switched up his leg training and managed to achieve impressive strength and muscle gains without using the barbell back squat.
He argues that there are many other lower body exercises that are better when it comes to hypertrophy of the lower body.
“I wanted to make this video because, contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to squat heavy weights to grow your legs. Today’s leg workout for growth will contain no barbell squats whatsoever.”
“When I started lifting, I thought squatting as heavy as I could was the best way to get bigger legs, but it turns out I was training more for strength than hypertrophy. Try this leg workout for bigger legs and feel the difference in the rep ranges, pacing of each rep, and overall exercise selection.”
“These leg exercises will blow up your legs in a short and intense workout. I call this type of training the balloon method, and it’s how I train to grow any muscle.”
Exercises that are Better than the Squat for Lower Body Muscle Gain
Legs Exercises that are Better: Dumbbell Bulgarian Split SquatProbably one of the most painful and effective leg exercises that exists.
Go nice and deep, and don’t cheat the movement.
You will feel this all the way from your glutes to your quads.
Stick to a 10- to 12-rep range for maximum muscle growth gains.
Keep the knees over the toes and overload each leg, one leg at a time. To make the exercise even harder, try paused reps. Hold the bottom position for at least 3 seconds to maximize time under tension.
Legs Exercises that are Better: Dumbbell Walking Lunges Super Set with Hands Over the Head Walking Lunges
This will further fatigue the legs in a functional and challenging way.
Again, the superset will extend the time under tension, which will result in more muscle growth.
Growth Tip: Add bodyweight versions of each exercise as a super set.
Legs Exercises that are Better: Dumbbell Sumo Squats
This is an excellent alternative if you are experiencing any lower back issues or are recovering from an injury.
It is impossible to load as heavy as you would for a back squat, and it forces you to keep your core and spine upright and tight.
You can choose to perform this with an elevated heel if you find ankle mobility an issue. Simply place your heels on a weight or bumper plate.
Make sure to squeeze at the top and concentrate on the mind muscle connection.
Legs Exercises that are Better: Leg Extensions Super Set with Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Go for 3 sets of 12 reps of both exercises. The RDLs must be performed immediately after completing the leg extensions.
Form Tip: Point your toes out slightly and squeeze your quads as tightly as possible at the top of the movement.
Troy Adashun believes that the following equation, performed within the right rep ranges, is a great principle for leg growth: “Intensity + Consistency = growth.”
00:00 Why Squats are killing your gains
00:15 The truth about chicken legs
00:50 The perfect leg workout for fast growth
01:50 One of the most painful leg exercises you can do (but it works!)
03:00 DB walking lunges superset for growth
04:45 Great barbell squat alternative
05:20 Great superset for quads and hamstrings
As a final disclaimer, Troy states that consistent back squatting in the 10 – 12 rep range is a phenomenal way to grow your legs. However, he bebelieves that or beginner athletes this runs in parallel with a higher risk of injury than many of the other exercises that he included in his video.
Muscles of the legs
Your legs are full of lots of muscles that control movement in different ways. Some help you walk, while others help you run or jump. The quadriceps are located at the front of your thigh, while the hamstrings are located on the back side. Both groups of muscles work together to provide power and stability when you’re moving around.
Quadriceps (Quads)
The quads are the muscles that make up your thighs. They extend or bend your knees and straighten your hips. The quadriceps consists of four individual muscles: vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius.
Vastus Lateralis
The Vastus Lateralis is one of your quadriceps muscles. It’s located on the outer side of your thigh, and it helps you extend your leg. The Rvastus lateralis is a large muscle that can be strengthened with exercises such as lunges and squats.
The vastus lateralis is located on the outer side of your thigh.
The vastus lateralis is located on the outer side of your thigh. The muscle extends from the middle of your knee to the top of your patella (knee cap), and it lies underneath a layer of fat.
The vastus lateralis is one of four large muscles making up the quadriceps group in your leg: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius are its three counterparts. A small portion of each has an anterior attachment point at your pelvis called an iliotibial band or ITB (pronounced I-T-B). This band helps stabilize and support these muscles as they bend your knee forward or back during exercise or daily activities like walking up stairs or climbing into bed after a long day at work.
Rectus Femoris
The rectus femoris is a quadriceps muscle. It makes up one-quarter of your thigh muscle and originates at your pelvis and inserts at the tibia and patella. This segmented muscle is responsible for flexing your knee joint, which helps you move forward when running or walking uphill.
ectus femoris also helps to stabilize your hip as you perform other movements that involve twisting or bending in different directions (for example, kicking a ball).
The rectus femoris runs down the center of your thigh.
The rectus femoris is one of the quadriceps muscles, located on the front of your thigh. This muscle runs down the center of your thigh from your hip to your knee, attaching to the patella (knee cap) in its final few inches.
This muscle is responsible for extending (straightening) and flexing (bending) the knee joint, which allows you to move forward and back in walking motions, as well as turn and twist when running.
Vastus Medialis
The vastus medialis is a muscle located on the inner side of your thigh. It attaches to your knee cap and helps you extend and flex your legs. It also helps you flex your knees by turning inwards. The vastus medialis can help prevent injuries like ACL tears because it is used to stabilize the knee joint during movement.
The vastus medialis is located on the inner side of your thigh. It attaches to your knee cap.
The vastus medialis is located on the inner side of your thigh. It attaches to your knee cap, and helps straighten your leg.
Vastus Intermedius
Vastus intermedius is located underneath the rectus femoris and extends from your hip to your knee. It attaches to your knee cap, which helps it extend and flex legs, as well as flex knees.
The vastus intermedius is located underneath the rectus femoris and extends from your hip to your knee.
The vastus intermedius is located underneath the rectus femoris and extends from your hip to your knee. It is a quadriceps muscle, which means that it helps flex your knee.
The hamstrings are located on the back of your thighs. These muscles help you extend and flex your legs. They also work with your quadriceps to flex or bend your knees, as well as help prevent injuries such as ACL tears.
If you’re an athlete who needs to increase speed, stability or power, having strong hamstrings is beneficial. For example: if you’re playing football (American or otherwise), having strong hamstrings will allow you to make sharper turns when running downfield because they help keep your body upright while sprinting instead of letting it fall forward when turning left or right at high speeds like it might otherwise do so easily without strong hamstrings supporting them!
Your legs are full of lots of muscles that control movement in different ways
Your legs are full of lots of muscles that control movement in different ways. The quadriceps and hamstrings are the main muscles on the front and back of your thigh, respectively. The vastus medialis is on the inside of your leg. Abductor muscles (the gluteus medius and minimus) support hip motion while adductor muscles (adductor longus, brevis and magnus) squeeze in from each side to hold things together!
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projectbatman193 · 5 months
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thefty-o · 3 months
Arab uncle drains his nephew
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Samir yawned and stretched as he got out of bed, his dusky olive skin contrasting against the crisp white of his cotton thobe. At 45, the Lebanese father of three was starting to feel his age. He caught a glimpse of himself in the ornate gilt-framed mirror and sighed. While he'd never been a large man, his formerly lean physique was starting to soften, his stomach rounding out above his sirwal and his arms losing their wiry tone.
"Yallah, I need to start exercising again," he muttered to himself, stroking his neatly trimmed beard.
As he headed to the bathroom, he nearly collided with a wall of tawny muscle. His nephew Tariq, who was staying with them for the summer, loomed in the doorway, his skin gleaming with a sheen of sweat from his morning prayers and calisthenics. The 20-year-old was an absolute Adonis, his tall, powerful frame packed with perfectly sculpted brawn, straining the seams of his sleeveless white thobe. His traditional red and white shemagh was slightly askew, untamed black curls peeking out, framing his striking aquiline features and smoldering dark eyes.
"Sabah al-khair, 'Ammu Samir," Tariq rumbled in his deep, resonant baritone, his voice rich with the musical cadence of Levantine Arabic. "You look like you could use some cardamom coffee to put some pep in your step, old man. I know your constitution isn't what it used to be."
Samir flushed, biting back a retort. "Shukran, but I think I can manage," he said stiffly. It was just good-natured ribbing, he told himself, even as he felt a pang of envy at Tariq's effortless virility. What he wouldn't give for a taste of that youthful power and vigor.
As he brushed past Tariq into the bathroom, their bare arms touched. Instantly, Samir felt a jolt of electricity crackle through him. He gasped, bracing himself against the marble sink as a wave of dizziness washed over him. In the mirror, he swore his reflection was... changing?
Before his eyes, the soft flab melted off his frame. His midsection tightened, hints of abs peeking through the gap in his thobe. His arms and legs regained the lean, wiry musculature of his youth, his biceps filling out the sleeves of his undershirt. His slouched shoulders straightened and broadened, his posture improving to project a newfound confidence. He looked robust, vital, like a man ten years younger.
Tariq suddenly shuddered in the mirror behind him and Samir startled. Was his nephew slouching? Samir could have sworn that he used to be eye level with the boy's plump pecs, but now he was staring right into their center.
"Mashallah, 'Ammu, looking good," Tariq said, clapping a massive paw on Samir's newly sturdy shoulder. "A few months training with me and inshallah, you'll be almost as big and strong as your nephew, eh?"
He threw Samir a wink and sauntered out, his sandaled feet nearly cracking the marble tile with each heavy step. Samir shook his head wryly. Tariq had always been a big boy - clearly took after his father's side. Perhaps with this newfound energy, he would take the young man up on his offer to get back in shape.
A few days later, Samir found himself in the makeshift gym in the garage, spotting Tariq as he benched a truly prodigious amount of weight, grunting Arabic encouragements. Tariq's performance was flagging slightly, his reps slower and more labored than last week. He was still monstrously strong, but perhaps not the utterly untouchable mountain of power he'd been before.
As they racked the weights and sat up, Tariq's sweaty arm brushed Samir's... and again, that electric jolt, that head rush. Samir watched in awe as his own arms seemed to swell before his eyes, his biceps and triceps growing, pulsing with vascular striations. His shoulders broadened, stretching his sweat-soaked sleeveless tee. Pectoral muscles barreled out above his tight six-pack, two brawny slabs of beef heaving with new mass.
It was as if he'd gained 20 lbs of muscle on the spot. He looked like he lifted seriously now, his frame dense with carved, powerful sinew and brawn. Tariq, on the other hand, while still unquestionably huge and imposing, seemed slightly... diminished. A little shorter, a tad less impossibly broad and thick. He looked more like the biggest, buffest guy at the mosque now rather than an avatar of masculine perfection.
"Wallahi, 'Ammu!" Tariq exclaimed, a note of surprise and something almost like unease creeping into his usually unflappably cocky tone. "What's your secret? I swear you get bigger by the day!"
Samir just smirked and flexed a bulging bicep, feeling a thrill as he watched his nephew's gaze widen with shock and awe at the size and definition. "Maybe you've been slacking on the halal meat, son," he teased. "Need to get more protein to maintain those gains."
Tariq just laughed, but there was a strained quality to it, his dark eyes flickering with an unsettled light. "We'll see, old man. Race you to the shisha lounge?"
He took off, and if his stride was a bit less than its usual loping, ground-devouring, leg-powered swagger, Samir didn't comment. He followed at an easier pace, enjoying the unfamiliar heft and solidity of his new, enhanced muscles. Something had shifted between them, and they could both feel it.
A week later, Samir woke up feeling like a new man. No, like a king, a titan, a conqueror of old. He practically bounded out of bed, 250 lbs of densely packed, heavily striated Arab muscle quivering and flexing with coiled power. He felt invincible, brimming with vitality, virility, and masculine energy straining to be unleashed.
He caught sight of himself in the mirror and had to stifle a shout of triumphant joy. He was magnificent, his tall, heroically proportioned body an anatomy chart of musculature, all broad planes and deep cuts and hulking, vein-streaked brawn. His thobe had ridden up as he slept, exposing a mastodon cock throbbing half-mast against his deeply corrugated abs, a thick, wrist-thick pillar of pride and potency. His heavy balls churned visibly in their overstuffed sack, swollen with seed and the sacred essence of a true alpha.
"Allahu akbar," Samir breathed reverently. He was a living incarnation of the male ideal now, a pinnacle of strength and virility that surpassed any man he had ever known - including, he realized with a dark thrill, his nephew Tariq. He could feel it in his gigantic, steel-cable muscles, his raging monsoon of testosterone-fueled might - he was the dominant one now, the apex predator. Tariq had nothing on him anymore.
As if on cue, there was a tentative knock on the door. "'Ammu Samir?" came Tariq's voice, reedy and thin in contrast to the booming bass Samir remembered. "I, uh, I think there may have been a mixup with our clothes at the laundry. I seem to have shrunk out of a lot of mine somehow..."
"Faddal," Samir called, his voice a low, authoritative rumble that vibrated through his cavernous chest. Enter.
The boy who slunk through the door was barely recognizable as the swaggering erotic demigod of a few weeks ago. Oh, he was still handsome enough in a coltish, pretty boy way, with an athletic swimmer's build, but next to Samir's towering, mega-muscled hypermasculinity he looked downright scrawny. His eyes widened to saucers and his full lips parted in an audible gasp as he took in his uncle's massive, naked body, his gaze immediately drawn to the throbbing log of manflesh sitting heavily atop Samir's deeply ribbed washboard midsection.
"M-Maa shaa' Allah, 'Ammu," Tariq stammered, face flushed, a visible tenting rising in his loose sirwal. "You... what... I mean... Subhan Allah, you're enormous..."
"Alhamdulillah," Samir purred, flexing his planetoid biceps with a low growl of power, his pecs and lats flaring out even wider, his cock jumping and pulsing against his abs. "What's wrong, little one? Never seen a real man before? Intimidated to be in the presence of your true alpha uncle?"
Tariq made a small, choked noise, his eyes glazing over with lust and worship, his lithe body trembling. The boy was clearly in thrall to Samir's extreme muscularity, the raw sexual power and masculinity rolling off him in waves. He looked ready to fall to his knees and service his supreme elder on the spot.
"Don't worry, nephew. You'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with your new place," Samir rumbled, voice thick with sadistic amusement, reaching out to roughly palm Tariq's pretty face with one huge, calloused mitt. "Wallahi, I'm going to enjoy breaking you in. By the time I'm done with this little zakar of yours, you'll be my perfect little eromenos. The only thing that overactive aql of yours will be able to think about is worshipping your 'Ammu's ripped, massive body."
Slowly, almost tenderly, he pushed his thumb into Tariq's slack mouth, making the boy gag and sputter as he forced it in up to the knuckle.
"Shh, shh, just submitted," Samir crooned darkly as Tariq's eyes bulged and watered, weakly trying to pull away. "Salim and accept your place, little one. You're going to become very familiar with parts of 'Ammu much bigger than this."
And with his other hand, he reached down and grabbed the root of his titanically engorged manhood, slowly, almost lovingly smacking his nephew's spit-slick cheek with the girthy, vein-ravaged shaft.
"Mmm, such a pretty little face," he groaned, his voice a low Arabic growl. "Going to look even better stretched around my horse cock. Open up, 'azizi. Your new life as 'Ammu's sharmuta starts now."
And with that, he pulled his thumb out only to replace it with the blunt, leaking head of his inhumanly huge erection, groaning in pure alpha male bliss as he watched his nephew's throat visibly distend and bulge obscenely around his girth.
Oh yes, this was going to be very good indeed, Samir thought as he prepared to orally break in his new fuck toy. And it was only the beginning of Tariq's training to be the perfect submissive receptacle for his dominant alpha seed...
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Some Clannibal headcanons.
-Hannibal loves his coffee with milk and two tea spoons of sugar.
-Clarice likes black coffee, no milk, no sugar.
-When they went to South Korea on holidays, Clarice wanted to eat the ultra spicy fire noodles, she could take it and love it, Hannibal on the other side, cannot handle spicy food.
-They both play Just Dance, but Hannibal gets perfect score because he moves just right to get the perfect combination of moves, not really dancing, thing that Clarice hates because she does in fact tries to dance the coreographies. But you see Hannibal calculating how he has to barely move the arms and legs to trick the console.
-They fuck in museums at the blind spots where cameras don´t reach, is a mystical and erotic experience that they love to have.
-Clarice is into calisthenics and Hannibal loves watching her while she exercises.
-Hannibal plays the piano or the violin every single night for Clarice.
-Clarice has jumped into the bandwagon of smut literature and fantasy, thing that fascinates Hannibal who never has read such thing. So he often buys whole packs of sagas for Clarice.
He studies this behaviour and often tries to replicate or try different things in bed with Clarice to feed her fantasies.
**I´m seriously thinking about writting fanfic of this two hahahaha
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mister-ious · 1 year
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley at the Gym headcanons:
Nsfw mdni thx
Fuuuuuckkkkk Ghost at the gym getting pumped and his muscles bulging out of his fitted black tee, flexing and stretching while he lifts and pushes. He would grunt and groan at the very last few reps of his sets and he’d try to keep his face from contorting, just letting his eyes squint and keeping a little frown or pursing his lips.
Ghost’s tee would be damp with sweat and would cling to every groove and crevice of his muscles like a fucking glove. And fuuuck his scent.. He’d smell sooo good. Just the thought of his musk just emanating from his dirty post-gym clothing makes me feral… putting me back in a primitive state its not even funny bro.
He’d probably spend just over an hour working out. He also probably prefers calisthenics over weights for the convenience, so he’d know all these tricks, AND it would one of the reasons why he’s able to soundlessly slither around and through environments: excellent balance.
And when he does use weights, he’s more likely to use equipment like a benchpress/leg-presssince it would train both limbs at the same time so that it’s more efficient—minmaxing gym routine.
When he’s not able to go to the gym he’d workout at home/at the barracks using whatever furniture is available. If he’s at the barracks, Soap would probably join him if Soap randomly witnesses it.
Also if he’s using the gym at the military he’d put on a black surgical mask, but, if he’s not and is using a normal gym he’d go mask-off.
Ghost wouldn’t be super lean since he doesn’t give that much of a fuck about his diet. Like, he’d care about getting all of his nutrients but he wouldn’t be much of a protein fiend. He’s a big muscular man, not an instagram gym influencer.
Like that popular hc, he wouldn’t listen to music at the gym BUUUT i feel like he would keep a pair of headphones on to muffle the outside noise. He wants total silence while working out, like a weirdo. Ghost would also carry those gallon sized water bottles with him to the gym.
After his workout, he’d take an agonising cold shower—he’d poker-face through it though as if it was a normal temperature-d shower. He’d take around 25 minutes since he’s a big man with big limbs and a big body to clean. Usually, Ghost would exercise in the early hours of the morning so after his workout, he’d eat.
Ghost would probably make something Huge. Maybe a pot of slop: anything he could get his hands on in his pantry and fridge and just plopped them in a pot on some heat. Or something like a girthy breakfast burrito.
Fuuuck it’d also be nice if Ghost happened to have taken an interest in rock-climbing. I think he’d like it since there are probably similar drills to rock-climbing in his military training. So fucking hot to imagine him just scanning this wall and immediately finding the most optimal way to climb to the top. You’ll see his biceps flex and his triceps form dimples fuck
Reader-insert/nsfw part:
There would be some times where he’d get extremely horny after gym and would immediately rush back home. His cock erect, creating a tent in his sweats as he drives. He couldn’t wait so he’d pullover to some indoor parking lot and palm his swollen dick, slowly taking off his pants and briefs. He pumps his hand slowly up and down his thick length, imagining you in between his legs, kneeling down and looking up at him with those big eyes of yours.
He’d shudder at the thought of it. His dick twitching in his hand as he fucks it faster. Shaky sighs turn into grunts, grunts turn into groans, and groans turn into growls. Fuck, he’s so close.
“Fuck, love,” he hisses, thrusting into his hand as he tightens his grip.
“Ah..!” He spurts opaque ribbons onto his steering wheel and pants, gasping and writhing in his seat as his cock spasms out the last few drops, gushing down to his balls.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year
Hypnotized Help: Chris
"I've got the gym all ready for you, master," Hemsworth states with his famous smile, "What would you like to work on today?"
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I hypnotized the actor awhile ago to quit the high-paying job he was used to. As far as he understands it, Hollywood is not a place he belongs. Chris Hemsworth now understands that he's meant to be my personal trainer.
Of course, it took some deep reconditioning to convince him of that.
"Let's keep up the same workout," I tell him.
"Yes, master. Then you'll be working on the back and arms today," he explains, "I'll make your pre-training shake for you."
I watch with amusement as the stud scrambles to prepare my exercises. He's my gym coach, which means it's his sole responsibility to get me into bodybuilding shape. The guy has already gotten me to gain plenty of lean muscle, so he must have some idea of what he's doing.
"This is for you, Master," Chris hands me the shake, "Alright, let's get you pumped up!"
With a flick of the remote, my personal trainer blasts energetic music before eagerly watching me down the protein mix. He's bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. I programmed a deep desire for him to want the best for me. Motivation has always been a struggle for me in the gym, so having a trainer around who doubles as my biggest cheerleader is a good influence.
"That's nasty!" I toss the empty cup to Chris after swallowing the entirety of the liquid.
"It'll maximize the work you're about to do!" the superhero grins, "Let's get started with some simple calisthenics."
The actor begins walking me through increasingly brutal exercises, making sure to do a few reps himself to give me the best impression of how to do them.
"Don't forget to tuck your glutes in," he reminds me, gently guiding my hips with his hands.
He puts me through a few hours of intense exercises, but I beat my personal records in almost every set I lift. It's easy to push myself with Hemsworth cheering me on.
"Alright, that's enough for today," I pant, "Don't forget to wipe everything down."
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"Already on it, Master," he replies, marching around with a spray bottle and rag, "Don't forget to stretch tonight before you turn in."
"I'm going to forget unless you come and remind me," I sigh, "Just wait in my room until I'm done with the day. Then you can walk me through the stretches."
"Yes, master," he replies.
I need to hit the showers so I can move on with my day, but I can't help lingering to watch the former superhero cleaning my sweat off the bench. Part of his responsibilities include wiping down all the equipment before and after I use it. I think I also put him in charge of laundering all the sweaty towels, but I can't remember.
"Yes master?" he pauses and smiles up at me.
"How's my progress?" I ask, knowing full well my body has never looked better, "Am I on track to be an even hotter hero than you?"
"Oh definitely, master," he instantly assured me, "You are already in phenomenal shape, and in a few months, you'll be bigger than I ever was. Then all the ladies will rightfully be after you, master!"
"Sounds good," I enjoy the praise, "Why don't you finish cleaning all this up in a little bit."
"Is there something you need me to do, master?" Chris asks.
"Yeah, you need to wash me down in the shower," I command, "It's a new responsibility you have. You got me this sweaty, so you're going to clean it up."
"Of course, master," he says, putting the rag and spray bottle down, "That only seems right. I hope you aren't too uncomfortable, standing in your sweat right now."
I can't help but harden as we step into my locker room. Thinking about Chris Hemsworth cleaning me off in the shower is too much. The image of him beneath the water in his little uniform and on his knees scrubbing my tired legs, is too much.
The former celebrity will just have to work around my throbbing erection.
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animezinglife · 8 months
ACOTAR Headcanons - Gym AU Edition
Some just-for-fun and weirdly specific headcanons based on my own very regular observations.
Feyre: Feyre is actually pretty typical in terms of gymgoing, who tends to fall into her own zone once she has her playlist up and running. She usually starts on the treadmill and people watches before fully getting into her own zone and opting for intuitive workouts that feel right for her at the time rather than going for strict programs or plans. She doesn't sweat. She glistens. She keeps her attire pretty practical with classic, neutral leggings and a tank top. Often shows up with Rhys even though they separate to do their own thing. Honestly, everyone kind of just likes Feyre even if they don't really know her.
Elain: The Soft Gym Girl™ aesthetic incarnate and the social butterfly who makes friends with everyone in her group fitness classes. Is adored by all the older ladies who work out there and knows them all on a first-name basis, and they bond over gardening. Always has her yoga mat and shows up in paler colors and can fearlessly rock a white 'fit, often with a light wrap sweater or cardigan over her workout clothes. She somehow still always looks put-together and perfect after a workout, a low ponytail with curls/waves still intact and hint of color on her cheeks that makes it look more like she's blushing and less like she's just worked out for an hour. Don't underestimate her, though: she can hold her own in any group fitness class and loves the way they leave her feeling.
Nesta: Don't Talk to Me™. Grandmaster of the RBF, who pulls her hair back tightly in a neat, low bun or severe braid so that no strands stray from their place. She will glare at anyone who tries to speak to her/distract her and will usually completely ignore anyone who makes that attempt without even taking off her headphones. Also looks crazy hot despite it all and opts for sleek, plainer, dark outfits (usually matching sets) in cuts that show off her lean, strong form. Only shows up when she feels like it but somehow doesn't lose strength or stamina.
Amren: The Small But Mighty™, who like Nesta falls a little more into the RBF category but also gains a lot of attention by the absolutely stupid amount of weight she moves for her small stature. She's also the one you never quite know what you'll see doing: she might be deadlifting the weight of two Cassians, or she might be pulling some calisthenics in the corner. Nobody knows much about her. Nobody asks. Has been witnessed talking to Nesta; so far the only time the regulars have seen the former smile.
Mor: Bold Gear Girl. She has no fear when it comes to her wardrobe and will wear anything from unforgiving red leggings, to a bodysuit, to a one-strap sports bra. She knows she looks good and isn't afraid to flaunt what she's got, but she also gets in her zone and can keep up with the best of them in just about any type of exercise. She likes taking classes with others and absolutely kills it in Zumba, but she'll just as easily kill it in kickboxing. Also much stronger than her feminine, curvy frame gives away. When that belt goes on (and it's definitely pink), it's game time.
Rhys: Despite being called "out of shape" by Cassian and Azriel, Rhys is anything but. Like Feyre, he tends to not stand out too much aside from his looks and presence, but definitely still gets noticed for his beauty and sensuality by all the women (and a few men). Definitely dressed head-to-toe in name brand gear that fits his body beautifully to the point of being sinful. The Pretty One™ that's caused at least one gym girlie to walk into a wall or trip over something while trying to watch him. Often shows up with Feyre even though they separate to do their own thing. Has big Married Man and Loyal energy. Wears his wedding ring through every single workout. Silently judges really bad gym 'fits with Feyre. The old ladies who work out there are convinced he's the guy from their sexy billionaire romance novels and they absolutely talk fantasies about him over lunch afterwards.
Cassian: The Fit Pro™. The Trainer, unofficial or otherwise who has the training and education to know exactly how to train his body and others' to maximize both efficiency and benefits. This man is Strong™. He's also built a social media following and has accidentally become something like an influencer because of his funny, easygoing personality and wicked smile. May or may not be hypped up on pre-workout. He will program the perfect workout to meet his friends' goals but is also excellent at improvising. Always willing to train his friends. Unironically and completely intentionally wearing The Sweatpants™. The only man brave enough to ask Nesta how many reps she has left or crazy enough to do so while grinning. Will not do yoga or Zumba. Is convinced both would cause him irreparable injury. Surprisingly agile and quick with rock climbing despite his size. Cannot be left unsupervised for too long. Is universally loved by all of the old ladies and hugs them. The old men really like him too and like to share "back in my day" stories when they used to lift a lot more weight, too. Got kicked out of Planet Fitness.
Azriel: The Strong and Silent Walking Sin™, who always has his headphones on, is always wearing all black, and considers muscle-up ring dips a normal part of his warm-up. This man shows up in layers of black gym gear and is peak V-shape aesthetic, with the kind of shoulder-waist ratio that makes other guys simultaneously jealous and question their sexuality. Nobody knows much of anything about him, but he never misses a workout and he's too many people's gym crush. When that hoodie/pump cover comes off, it's all over. Hits the mat with MMA guys or Cassian on occasion and forces a submission with the former fast. He always knows more about you than you know about him and has probably somehow overheard every conversation you never wanted him to.
Lucien: Simultaneously the Endurance Guy™ and the Social Butterfly™ with a well-rounded, smart training plan. Sure, he's not as big as Cassian or as intense as Azriel, but he's also no slouch when it comes to strength training and is regularly underestimated in it despite his strong, fit body. King of bodyweight exercises with crazy stamina. He's the guy who will overlap you ten times over on the track without breaking a sweat while you're dying. He isn't as quickly noticed when he walks in, but the ones who notice him do so thoroughly. Aesthetics are his middle name. Will kick your ass in a Spartan--only Azriel and Cassian can really compete with him there. Lucien's top of the line in terms of speed and overall agility. Knows everybody's business, but keeps it to himself. Will tease you a little, but will also help you out if you have a question. Likes to wrap things up by lounging by the pool during the warm seasons. Seems like he's spent a lot of time outdoors. Can also handle the rock wall and bouldering like a pro. The old ladies absolutely adore him and keep trying to set him up with their granddaughters.
Tamlin: Pretty, But Distant. Tamlin keeps to himself and focuses mostly on strength training through weightlifting. He's strong as hell but isn't necessarily pushing himself too hard for a new PR. Never asks for a spotter and takes a few seconds too many switching through songs on his playlist. He does genuinely look good, but currently isn't putting off the vibe of someone you could get close to. Not quite getting those revenge reps from his messy breakup in yet, but he's getting there. Raises an eyebrow and stares at grunters with a look of mild annoyance, then ends up moving far more weight with ease and in silence. Unclear if this is out of pettiness or not (but it's low-key funny af).
Ianthe: The Influencer™ with a full face of makeup, a one-strapped sports bra, and the up-the-ass bike shorts trying to get the perfect selfie. Is sitting on the equipment far too long and is starting to annoy people. Spends more time finding the perfect lighting, walking around the gym trying to pick up men, and somehow always being at the front of the weight room doing hip thrusts or bent-over rows with 2 lb. dumbbells. Makes eye contact on the hip abductor.
Jurian: Slightly loud and a little competitive, but also can usually back up his talk and what he's able to accomplish. This guy occasionally disappears at random, but is overall consistent and somehow knows everybody's business (and will bring it up). Probably the one grunting at the same amount of weight Amren's deadlifting.
Tarquin: The Fish™. This man is in the pool at 5:00 a.m. every day and swims a number of laps so smoothly and quickly that Ryan Lochte is nearly able to construct a coherent sentence. When he's not in the pool, he's quietly drifting around the weight room and resistance machines. King of the lat pull-downs. He's pretty sensible overall and doesn't stand out too much outside of the pool even though he looks amazing. Also a popular choice among the old lady crowd. Had to kick Cassian out of Planet Fitness.
Varian: Amren's shadow and designated spotter even though she doesn't need one. Nobody's entirely sure what he does. He kind of just hangs out.
Helion: Gym Daddy™. Helion brings as much knowledge to the floor as he brings swagger. It's hard not to notice him and he's strong af, but somehow makes everything he does look easy and like he's not even trying. Has definitely messed with Cassian at one point or another by "easily" moving a close-to-max weight while carrying on a conversation. Somehow makes everything look slightly sexual even if unintentionally. Keeps thorough records of his training sessions and almost always has a small notebook or notepad with him to do so.
Thesan: The Machines Guy. Thesan likes a workout where he can focus and get into his own zone, and he likes to do so a bit more quietly and on his own time. He's not competitive. He's just here for his health, but is polite if approached. He's fit but isn't the heavy lifter or endurance guy that some of the others are. Pretty generally well-liked; isn't sure how to answer the sweet old ladies' comments about them "having a granddaughter!" for him but is polite about it anyway.
Sorry, I don't know Eris, Emerie, Vassa, etc. enough yet to include them, so feel free to add on!
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 month
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Headcanons of Colonel König dating a female Italian Olympic Gymnast and Fencer reader would be like
Pairing: Konig x female Italian Olympic Gymnast and Fencer turned operative
Content Warning: Implication of smut, mention of injuries needing physical therapy.
Credit for Dividers: @cafekitsune + @strangergraphics
Note: Descriptors used: Nationality, height and implication you that you have dimples.
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(One) König meets you during a mission in Rome. You were exercising in the gym to maintain a physique that was always ready for combat.
Your Hip and ankle mobility drills included: Cossack squats with knee drops, deep squat with calf raises, narrow squat pistol to Cossack slide, ankle circles, Shrimps curtsy lunge, Quadruped hip drops, side lunge to curtsy lunge, and plyometric box jumps. You had been pushing your body to the limit, focusing on the task at hand, oblivious to the outside world.
Your other drills were: Sledge pulls, bear crawls, farmer's walk, HIIT training, body weight strength training, Push Press or Strict Press, and you had just finished a set of 100 pushups when you felt the presence of someone watching. You wiped the sweat from your brow and turned around to find Colonel König, impressed by your dedication. He had a stern look on his face, but his eyes held a hint of curiosity.
Sometimes you deadlifted and calisthenics, sometimes you sparred with the gym's punching bag until your knuckles were bruised and your breathing ragged.
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(Two) König likes the height difference between the two of you. You're not exactly petite, standing at 5'11, but his towering 6'10 frame made you feel delicate in a way that was surprisingly comforting. His physique was imposing, a testament to the years of rigorous military training, yet there was a softness in his gaze that made you feel seen beyond the sweat and the grime of the gym.
A past incident left you injured, which sent König into a right frenzy at the time. You were in Milan when it happened. He was in Austria. Thousands of miles away from you. It was supposed to be a simple, routine mission, one that quickly went sour before you could scream the word 'extraction'. The intel was bad, shoddy at best, the enemy had anticipated your move, and suddenly you were caught in a crossfire, a bullet grazed your side and your left leg took the brunt of an explosion. The pain was sharp, the world spinning around you, and all you could think of was how you'd never get to see the Eiffel Tower again.
When you said, "Why do I have to get injured man. I was looking forward to seeing the Eiffel Tower. Chi vive sperando -- muore cantando. He who lives with hope dies singing. Thought you might need to hear that. My mother wouldn't stop bugging me until I did."
König's stern expression softened into a smile, a rare sight that seemed to warm the very air around you. He leaned in closer, his deep voice rumbling as he said, "And here I was, worried you'd forget your Italian after all that time in the field."
"I use it as much as I can." You remarked with a wide grin. "Ti sei fatta male cadendo dal Paradiso?" Meaning, Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
König's eyes narrowed, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "I'm not an angel, bella," he said, his Italian a gruff contrast to the melodic rhythm of your words. "But I've had my share of bruises from the fall."
"Angel's are the lord's soliders, Konig. They are strong as well as beautiful. You are an angel of the lord to me." You said with a wink at him. "Angels aren't delicate. My mother believes they are the fiercest of creatures."
Konig chuckled, a sound that was surprisingly gentle for someone so intimidating. "Your mother is a wise woman," he said, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment longer than necessary.
"So, there, you are an angel, rough edges not withstanding. I must say, you are MY angel, though. I still don't have any intention of sharing you, by the way." You smirked, looking him up and down subtly liking what you saw.
Colonel König's cheeks flushed slightly, a rare occurrence, but one that you had learned to recognise. "I'm not here to be your knight in shining armour, you know," he said gruffly, trying to maintain his usual composure.
"I don't want that, though. I never asked you to be." you said, your face now inches from his. As you leaned over your bed to get closer to him without hurting yourself more. "I want something a little more…intimate than that. And I want that over and over again."
König's throat bobbed, and he took a step back, trying to regain his composure. "Now isn't the time for this," he murmured, his gaze lingering on your bruised and bandaged form.
“I’m asking you out on a date, silly.” You whined as he touched your cheek, instinctively leaning into his warm hand.
König’s eyes searched yours, looking for the usual playfulness, but all he found was sincerity. His hand hovered for a moment before he pulled it away, his expression unreadable. “When you’re well enough to walk without wincing, then we’ll talk about it,” he said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Really?” Your eyes lit up in excitement.
König nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. “If you can keep that mouth of yours shut and that flirty tongue in check until then, yes, really.”
“All the more reason to send you erotic poetry, then.” You said with a cheeky smile. “I’ll have you know, my tongue is quite… versatile.”
König’s smirk grew wider. “I’ll hold you to that promise,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. His cheeks flushed from the thought of the erotic poems you might send him.
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(Three) König indeed received your poems through envelopes made from beige paper. Tinted with brown, as if it was drenched over with a tea bag. The poem itself is usually written on lavender scented paper. Written with a fountain pen, in metallic crimson ink and Italian cursive. Which curled and curved as if she waved a wand of seduction. Putting a spell of love and lust over him through a dance of words.
The page had a purple metallic border, painstakingly drawn onto the page to give it a feel of elegance, royalty, and timelessness. Imbued, bathed inside of eroticism, words flowed out of your heart and mind like a river of molten lava. One could burn through the page, breaking through the fabric of reality. A declaration of desire, testament to the passion you felt, and hoped to share with König.
The letters stuffed into a larger envelope disguised as normal military missives to prevent unwanted eyes on them. Each individual letter sealed with wax, pressed on with a griffon signet ring you picked up from a Flea Market when you visited your hometown in Florence. Hoping it would add another touch of romance to your lethal charm.
You described him as your angel, as yours, as someone you were not willing to share with anyone. The way you described him as a gemstone, rough around the edges and always holding value.
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(Four) You also wrote him long form letters that you used the same method of writing your poems. Only difference between them was the scent on the paper. Instead of lavender it was Cherry Blossom and Jasmine. Written in matte crimson red ink instead of metallic.
‘I don’t want to live a fairy tale if it’s not with you.’
‘I want to make a home with you, next to you and hopefully, someday, on top of you.’
‘Your eyes are like the ocean, I always find myself drowning in them. Drifting off to sea without a care in the world. Without paddles unafraid of the circumstances of where I find myself heading towards. Flooded with a yearning to reach a destination where I might find you.’
‘I want to take your hands in mine and never let go. Your past isn’t your future, stop looking back, you’ll never be hurt again, not as long as I live on this planet.’
‘You will never be hurt again. I promise to shield you from harm. Even as you tower over me as easily as a redwood tree. I will protect your heart as someone should have long ago.’
‘You are not your mental health struggles. You are more than what you deem yourself worthy of. Like a gemstone, you are rough around the edges, always holding value, not matter the form you take.’
‘Lets build a cottage somewhere, a farm for you and me. A way to live with hurt or harm, a way to ease the hurt. A way to ease the soul. Let’s build a cottage somewhere, so I can build something for you come home to.’
‘I want to build you up with gold and make your cracks shine so bright. I want to hold each flaw with an embrace everlasting.’
‘I want to take the pain you feel from you. Leaving your soul unmarked and untainted from the horrors this world is capable of. Though I know it is not possible. We are not powerful gods as the ones the Greeks and Romans had prayed to. Even so, I will try anyway because you are worth it.’
‘I want to kiss you, softly, gently, passionately, with a fire burning brighter than the sun. A kiss to make you feel seen, a kiss making you feel alive. A kiss whispering endless promises of forever and ever after.’
Each letter signed off with, ‘We, Us, Together.’  
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(Five) König loves bringing you with either Chamomile tea, Butterfly Pea Tea, Hibiscus Tea or Mulled wine. All of which you treasured deeply. Considering they were the ones you most likely went for if you could walk. During your physical therapy, he was a blessing covered in military gear. Even if he didn’t seem to think he was helping you.
“You’re here that matters more than you think it does.” You would remind him. A smile forming on your lips, your dimples on either side of your mouth giving you’re a gentle, youthful glow. It made his knees weak and wobbly at the sight of your smile.
Here you were hurt, and you fussed over his feelings, you were still making sure he knew he was appreciated. It was a strange role reversal he found oddly endearing. You were the one who had taken a bullet to your side and your leg had taken the explosive. Yet you were the one who was comforting him. He cleared his throat and nodded, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Dankeschön," he murmured, the German word for 'thank you' rolling off his tongue.
You replied, "Prego." meaning You're welcome in Italian.
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Harringrove for Turkey drabble for @ihni , the prompt that hit my inspiration nerve was "workout-ish, or a silly injury + care and cuddles after".
“You don’t have to be embarrassed.”
It was the first thing Steve had said since Billy had curled up on top of their duvet cover and refused to move. He’d been sitting on the edge of the bed after Billy fled the living room of their apartment. 
Billy knew it had been stupid of him to try, he hadn’t had the same strength in his shoulders since Starcourt. Despite all physical therapy, his left side was permanently weaker than the right. That and a bit of numbness had put him off most heavy lifting. But he still wanted to try. He missed the endorphin rush of a heavy workout, and while he’d been cleared for lighter impact things like swimming and yoga, it still wasn’t the same.
He ran across the idea of calisthenics in one of the books he’d been gifted post-therapy. While some of the concepts weren’t in the cards for him, there were a few that seemed just a few steps past the strength building yoga he had already been doing. 
The look on Steve’s face when he’d shown him the book was telling. Thinly veiled worry, a slight purse to his lips that screamed disapproval. He knew Steve wasn’t going to tell him not to try, but the look made him bristle. He’d snapped the book shut and set it aside for the night. 
It was naive to still hope he could one day get back to where he had been before his injuries. In his heart of hearts, Billy knew that. But it did nothing to dispel the feeling that he was weak for not being able to overcome it. That he couldn't fight his own body for a sense of freedom. He couldn’t move without pain. He couldn’t run. He couldn’t lift. And he didn’t want to accept that this might be as far into recovery as he would ever get.
So Billy had gone behind Steve’s back. It’s not like he needed permission, but every step of his treatment and recovery had been run through Steve. He probably knew Billy’s limits better than his own at this point, and it felt wrong not to tell him. 
Steve was puttering around in the kitchen while Billy went through his regular night exercise routine. He stretched out, did what he could with the hand weights Steve kept under the TV, and only then did he try one of the more advanced exercises. It wasn’t even technically calisthenics. Just a more advanced version of a yoga pose he’d practiced plenty of times. 
He laid out on his yoga mat and pushed up onto his elbows, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder as he got his feet under him. It was kind of like doing a plank, but walking his feet forward until he was up in almost a vertical position, then slowly raising his legs. If he could do it, it would help strengthen his core and get him used to having more weight on his shoulders. Maybe one day he’d be able to do a real handstand again. 
Of course, he got stuck trying to muster the core strength to get off the ground. His back already ached from getting into the position, and he could feel his left shoulder dipping towards the ground. It was frustrating. And in a moment of stupidity, he’d kicked off the ground and tried to force it. 
Predictably, he lost his balance. He managed to flip all the way over, twisting to avoid going straight into the coffee table, but he caught the edge of it on his hip. 
Steve heard the crash. Of course he had, and came running. 
Which led them up to now. 
Billy was embarrassed. He didn’t know how not to be. He hadn’t looked at how bad it was, but he could feel a bruise blooming on his hip. His shoulder was throbbing, and the pain was radiating down his arm through shot nerves and making the whole thing feel like it was on fire. 
He just couldn’t get over how stupid it was of him to try in the first place. He should’ve known by now there was no point in trying to push himself further than he could take. This was a huge step back. He wouldn’t even be able to do his usual routine until this healed. Which could take a week, or it could never be the same again.
Steve was hovering at a distance. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, but waiting for permission from Billy to move closer.
“I should’ve known I wasn’t strong enough to do it. It was stupid to try.”
Steve paused for a beat, and Billy waited for a reprimand. For Steve to tell him, yeah, he shouldn’t have tried because now he’s undone a significant amount of progress.
“Billy, do you know how many times I’ve hit my head in the stairwell since we moved in?” Steve reached out to put a hand on his knee as Billy processed the question. There was a poorly placed overhang in the stairs to their apartment, and while Billy remembered to duck, Steve often didn’t. The first time he’d hit his head was when they were moving. He’d dropped a box of books down the stairs.
“I haven’t even bothered to count, but it’s a lot. No matter how many times I go down those stairs, I forget it’s there. Everyone does shit and hurts themselves accidentally. And there are so many things that are hard for you to do, or that you can’t do, that messing up is part of the process. I love that you try things even when you’re unsure. But baby, you know that means sometimes you find out the hard way it’s not something you can do. It doesn’t make you stupid.”
Billy swallowed down the lump in his throat. No matter how many times he heard the “progress isn’t linear” lecture, it didn’t seem to stick. He focused on Steve’s hand, now stroking up and down his calf, and took a few deep breaths.
It didn’t matter that he couldn’t do it. He wasn’t stupid for trying. Sometimes the only way to find out is the hard way, and it doesn’t make him stupid.
Billy huffed, uncurling from the position he’d taken on top the covers. 
The smile Steve gave him was fond, and it made him feel silly for believing Steve would think he was stupid in the first place.
“Ok. Can I check you over now?”
Billy nodded. He appreciated that Steve didn’t make a face as he studied the bruising on his side, but moving his shoulder was another story. Billy gasped as he tried to straighten his arm, and Steve winced in sympathy before grabbing his wrist to stop him from moving it further. He gently palpated the joint of Billy’s shoulder, seeming satisfied with whatever he’d found.
“Alright, nothing’s broken but your shoulder seems strained pretty badly. I’m gonna grab an ice pack and some ibuprofen, do you want anything else?”
Billy shook his head, but regardless, Steve came back with a warm cup of his favorite tea and a sling for his arm for later. It took some situating, but once Billy took the ibuprofen in addition to his regular meds, they managed to get positioned with an ice pack balanced on Billy’s hip and another on his shoulder. His head was resting on Steve’s chest, and gentle fingers worked through his hair as listened to Steve’s heartbeat. 
At the end of the day, no matter how many times he screwed up his recovery, they were alive. They had their own apartment. Nothing was going to take Steve away from him any time soon, and that was enough. 
The ache in his body had settled to a dull throb, and the medication he’d been given to help his anxiety made him sleepy. Billy grunted and shifted a bit in Steve’s arms. Steve shushed him, pushing loose curls out of his face. 
“Go to sleep, bud. I’ll have meds ready in the morning.” 
Billy smiled a little at that. He’d probably feel like he’d been hit by a bus when he woke up. But Steve would be there with whatever he asked for, even if it was something ridiculous.
Overall, he had it pretty good.
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shartstan97 · 10 months
Me randomly thinking about headcanons for gym exercises which Karlach, Lae'zel and Shadowheart would do as i'm in the gym working out lmao. Leg days are fking pain
Karlach: Powerlifting. She got that powerlifting / strongman build. Compound exercises like Bench Press, Squats and Deadlifts. Going for that powerlifting championship in Baldur's Gate and winning it for sure.
Lae'zel: Martial arts. Taekwondo, MMA. Her workouts will involve alot of HIIT, mobility and movement. Her lean musculature is a force to be reckoned with.
Shadowheart: Boxing / Calisthenics. Pullups, muscleups, explosive pushups / archer pushups. She may be lean but don't let that fool you as she works her muscular back and arms out.
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ask-borax · 2 months
What is your daily work out routine
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pure-ablution · 13 days
Can you talk about the exercises/sports you do?
I’d be glad to!
I don’t do every single one of these classes every day, so although it looks like quite a lot, it really isn’t as much as it seems. I’m a very active sort of person, I always have been, and I like to have at least one exercise class booked for each day of the week, but almost all of them are low-impact and focus on precision and awareness in movement, grace and flexibility, and bodily control. These are the exercises and sports that work best for me and give me the physical and mental results I like best, but you can take whatever is helpful to you from this list. I’m happy to talk about any of the exercises I do in more detail if you’re interested, just send another ask or message me privately.
0–5–45. This is my adaptation of the very popular treadmill workout, and I do it every single day as soon as I arrive at the gym. I’ve adapted it to have 0% incline because I find that inclines build up my legs too much, I’ve sped it up to 5 mph (8 kmph) because I like a brisk powerwalk, and I do it for 45 minutes instead of 30 because 30 just isn’t a challenge for me anymore. I love this little workout because it doesn’t require any thought so early in the morning, it’s low impact but it still warms me up and gets me going, and it helps maintain my preferred body fat percentage without building unwanted muscle and requiring a lot of undue effort.
Resistance workouts. I like to switch these up so that I don’t get bored, but every day after the treadmill, I like to do some combination of a workout with calisthenic and resistance-based exercises. I avoid purposeful ab workouts because I don’t want to build up my waist accidentally—the only exercise I really do for my abs are stomach vacuums and nauli kriya—but aside from that, pretty much anything goes. Using a resistance band helps me improve my flexibility as well as my strength, and bodyweight exercises build up my strength without overloading or bulking up any of my muscles. My workout usually lasts about 20–30 minutes and I tried to find a single video demonstrating what I do, but I couldn’t find one—it’s basically just a random mixture each day of calisthenics and resistance bands.
Stretching. Stretching my muscles properly isn’t exactly an exercise or a sport per se, but it’s definitely the most important aspect of my workout routine so I’m going to include it here. Improving and maintaining my flexibility, especially as I grow older, is very important to me, and stretching not only keeps my joints and muscles supple, but it also helps to keep my muscles long and lean instead of short and bulky. I’m hypermobile and so I have my own stretching routine which gives me the proper deep stretch that my body needs whilst maintaining good joint support—it’s based on the stretches and exercises I was taught to do when I trained in rhythmic gymnastics as a child. Again, I mix it up, but you can find basically every stretch and exercise I do amongst the videos on this playlist.
Weightlifting. I only started weightlifting relatively recently, and I have to admit that I’m still a bit hesitant about it, but it’s definitely given me much more of a rounded figure and boosted my natural shape—my butt looks a million and one times better now! I really don’t like the typical ‘strong curves’ kind of look and it just doesn’t suit me, so I stick to using very low weights and high repetitions to build strength without overly increasing my muscle volume. Weightlifting has helped improve my shoulder strength in particular, which was always a huge issue for me, and it’s helped to better sculpt my arms and lift my butt better than any other exercises I do. I try to do an hour of weightlifting every evening after I’ve finished with my things to do that day, and I focus mostly on my form and ensuring that I execute each exercise correctly for the best impact. I do things slowly and carefully, and I think that it’s this super-slow pace and precision that’s given me the results I like best, because it still really tests my muscles and pushes me further each time without overloading anything.
Ballet. Ballet is the one dance that I’m totally devoted to. I’ve been in ballet classes since I was 2 years old—so almost 20 years now—and I just love it, it does wonders for my body and for my sense of physical grace. Since starting at uni, I’ve gone down to one class a week with one extra conditioning class on a Saturday, and although it’s nowhere near enough for me to be considered a ‘serious’ ballerina, it fits into my schedule and allows me to keep up my skills to a reasonable degree. I’ve always studied ballet with the Vaganova Method, and again, this has really emphasised the importance of precision and lightness in the way I dance and move in my everyday life. Ballet has given me the most overall control over my body and the way I move, I think, out of everything I do, and it’s taught me the importance of discipline and routine when it comes to looking after your health.
Ballroom/Latin dancing. I switch this one up much, much more because it’s not so serious for me. I love social and partnered dancing, and I’m lucky in that the ballroom and Latin dance classes near me allow me to switch up each week and not remain loyal to one single dance or style. Partnered dancing, for me, is about knowing the right dances in the right circumstances, and connecting with your body and your partner’s body, and that’s what my classes give me, nothing more and nothing less. Alajos is much better than me in this respect because he’s always danced much more seriously than I have, but I love going out for our weekly dance class together and perfecting the steps of a foxtrot or samba. Both ballroom and Latin social dance styles help most with tapping into sensuality and understanding how your body can relate to another in the context of music, and they’ve given me a lot to work with in terms of body language and physical social skills.
Traditional folk dancing. This is much more informal and I don’t take classes in it anymore, although I used to, when I lived back home. Nowadays, me and a few other girls set up an informal folk dancing troupe and we teach one another our native dances, it’s just something fun and silly and we only meet up every couple of weeks or so, but it helps us keep in touch with our roots and traditions, I think. I like folk dancing in particular because not only is it fun and lively, but it also really exaggerates the difference between the sexes and the nature of femininity, so in that way, you can learn a bit more about how your ancestors might have thought women ought to behave and move, and water this down for your everyday life. It’s interesting and strangely anthropological in that sense, and some folk dances in particular place a huge emphasis on facial expressions in dance, which I like—it’s a fun and helpful change from focusing mostly on the body, and enables you to gain control over your facial muscles, too.
Rhythmic gymnastics. This used to be the bane of my life when I was a child, but I’m grateful for it now. RG probably evokes some traumatic response for most, if not all, post-Soviet girls out there, and I’m no exception. I’ve done rhythmic gymnastics for as long as I’ve done ballet, but I don’t do it nearly as frequently now because I’m much older and I was never especially amazing at it in the first place. I mostly help out with teaching younger girls these days, work on my flexibility in my free time, and go back to training briefly but intensively if I’m going in for a student competition or something—I take conditioning classes more often than I actually train in gymnastics now. At this point, it’s more about my flexibility and strength than anything else, and I can’t name a sport which has better improved my flexibility to almost freakish levels than gymnastics.
Reformer pilates. I take reformer classes twice a week at the studio near me, and I like it a lot, although I think that mat pilates gives much more potential for a harder and more advanced workout. The nice thing about the reformer is that it adds some resistance to my workout, and my studio offers both traditional reformer classes and ‘power’ classes which seem to be more of a mix between pilates and strength training, with a heavy focus on form and posture. The power classes have helped me hugely with my understanding of form in weightlifting especially, and the traditional classes allow me to stretch my muscles deeply and in ways that are more difficult to do without the help of equipment. I also really like reformer pilates as a rehabilitation exercise if I’m recovering from an injury, because the reformer offers a lot of support, better enables isolated exercises, and you can take it as gently and as slowly as you need.
Mat pilates. My studio offers a classical mat pilates class and I take it twice a week. Pilates these days seems to be associated more with aerobic exercise, but traditional pilates focuses much more on posture and functional movement, and our classes follow the original method of Joseph Pilates and a few of his students, though my instructor isn’t super rigid about this and likes to teach us the history and development of pilates when we’re exercising. Classical mat pilates uses only a few exercises in a very specific sequence, and I could probably skip my classes and just do it at home if I wanted, but I like my instructor’s commentary and the way that she pushes us to stretch and strengthen much further each time we go. I’ve tried contemporary mat classes, too, and they definitely ‘feel’ harder because they get my heart rate elevated much more, but I prefer the classical method because of its focus on detailed, precise movement and correct posture, and how it seems to work each muscle of my whole body.
Qigong/tai chi. I take one qigong class and one tai chi class each week, and I really love them for their meditative focus and how they allow me to feel so much more in-touch and in-control of my body. Qigong is a set of exercises purely for health purposes, and focuses a lot on very slow, intentional movement along with breathing and internal awareness. I like it better than tai chi; it gives me a strange but very beneficial, almost spiritual sort of awareness of my body that I haven’t experienced with any other exercise. Tai chi falls under the bracket of qigong but it’s actually a martial art, although my instructor leans away from the grappling aspect of the art and prefers its interpretation as a low-impact and mindful exercise. In my experience, tai chi is a little more mentally draining, and helps a lot with understanding intention and resolve in thought and movement, as well as improving my posture and reflexes.
Barre. Barre is simply a workout style derived from ballet conditioning classes, and it’s intended for fitness rather than any kind of grace or bodily awareness. I like it, because the small, precise movements help to tone my body in the way I like, and it’s more of an aerobic exercise and cardio workout than most of the other exercises I do, but I would recommend that you find an instructor with a ballet background and avoid any of the chain/branded barre classes—in my opinion and experience, they only really teach bad habits and poor form whilst bulking up the leg muscles, and aren’t much in themselves beyond a bit of weighted pilates. My instructor combines traditional barre exercises with floor-barre workouts, and the classes are designed in a way that’s thoughtful and fitness-intentioned without inadvertently hurting or hindering actual dancers. Proper, well-informed barre classes will help you a lot with improving aerobic fitness, stamina, and awareness of individual muscles, without bulking you up unnecessarily or accidentally damaging your joints and muscles.
Step aerobics. This is super ’80s but I love the step aerobics class at my gym, I’m the youngest there by about 30 years but I don’t really care because it’s fun and it gives me results. My instructor keeps it low-impact, there are no jumps or jogging required, and it’s just a really fun way for me to get in some cardio without it feeling like a chore. I don’t think that step gives me serious physical results in any way, but I do it mostly for my heart health and overall fitness and stamina, and it definitely helps in that respect without building up my muscles in the slightest. You could definitely do step aerobics at home if you wanted—I do it sometimes if I haven’t been able to book onto my usual class, using one of Jane Fonda’s old video workouts—but I like the social aspect of it and the silliness. It’s important to keep sport fun, I think, and I look forward to my step classes every week.
Callanetics. This is another super ’80s workout but it’s one that actually does give physical results, in my opinion. Callanetics tightens up my body in a way that I think is quite unique, and it works really fast. It works with repetitions of small movements and isometric exercises, and was developed from classical ballet conditioning classes. It’s super boring because you don’t really do anything major, and you don’t feel as though you’re working out, but whatever it is, it definitely works in some capacity and I really notice if I haven’t been keeping up with my schedule! Callanetics just seem to draw you inwards somehow, as though someone’s taken the strings and pulled them tightly—my waist seems much, much tighter, my legs are sculpted and shapely, and my butt and breasts are lifted upwards. This is one of those workouts which needs precision in form and movement, so if you can find a class near you, then I recommend going for at least a few sessions to make sure that you’re doing each exercise correctly. Otherwise, use a mirror and the original books and videos.
Gyrotonics. This is a bit esoteric, but my ballet instructor recommended that I start taking gyrotonic classes for my posture and range of movement, and they actually work wonders. It’s not easy to find a gyrotonic class because it requires specialist training and equipment, but if you do find one, then I really recommend that you go. It’s sort of like classical reformer pilates in 3D, if that makes any kind of sense, and focuses on enhancing your spinal movement in every direction whilst simultaneously building up functional strength and muscle tone. I take a gyrotonic class every few weeks or so just to realign myself and remind my body of its proper skeletal positioning, and I think it’s worked wonders for my posture, flexibility, and joint support. I don’t dislocate my joints anywhere near as frequently anymore, and I can move much more supply and smoothly.
Somatics. Somatic techniques sound like total quackery and I think that some of them are, but others actually do work and help a lot with posture and bodily awareness. Things like the Alexander Technique aren’t complete snake oil, but they are relatively obscure and only really popular amongst dancers, actors, and musicians. I saw a posture therapist for almost a year and she drew upon the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, and other biomechanical theories to help me understand how posture isn’t only about spinal positioning but actually awareness and positioning of every joint, muscle, and nerve in your body. The exercises are very slow and meditative, and more internal than external, with a lot of focus on the training of the nervous and respiratory systems; they basically just teach your body, very slowly and methodically, the healthiest way of aligning itself within physical space, and teach you how to be aware of your body’s positioning so that you can notice and realign yourself when necessary. I’d recommend finding a serious teacher who isn’t some kind of witch doctor—one who works a lot with performing artists would probably be best. I don’t attend actual somatics classes anymore, but I still use a lot of the exercises and theory in my everyday life, and it really enhances my experience and results from the other exercises I do, like pilates.
Iyengar yoga. I’ve tried lots of different varieties of yoga but iyengar is my favourite by far. It has a lot less ‘flow’ than other types of yoga, and so can seem a bit disjointed or overly regimented at first, but I love its focus on detail and precision, and how it’s truly a taught class with exercises to take away and practise, instead of something looser and more intuitive. Iyengar is very intense, it’s more mentally than physically taxing because of its demands with precision, and focuses almost completely on perfecting alignment and technique, and it’s a favourite amongst the ballet dancers I know because of this—although actually, it’s accessible for almost anyone, and my class is mostly full of retirees. Iyengar was designed to rehabilitate and teach yoga to people with physical limitations, and it’s a regimented sort of system which makes you reliably strong over an extended and planned period of time.
Swimming. I love swimming so much, I’m a total waterbaby and I feel so happy in the water. Swimming is an excellent sport for pretty much anyone, I think, because you become almost weightless in the water and all of your joints are completely supported. It works out the whole body and you can take it as far or as little as you feel you need, and even the most poorly-coordinated body moves gracefully in water. I try to go swimming for a couple of hours each week, and I prefer swimming in the lake or river near me, but if it’s too cold or polluted then I use the pool at my gym centre. I’ve been swimming for as long as I can remember; I grew up next to the Caspian Sea and every child in my town could swim before they started at school. I don’t take any classes or anything like that anymore, I just turn up and swim lengths until my time is up, and I think that swimming is a skill that everyone should learn because you never know when you’ll need it. It’s a perfect entry sport for people who are unfit or embarrassed about how they look or move, and I’d recommend signing up for a few adult classes if you feel in any way unsure or worried about your safety in the water.
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trainingforfandom · 3 months
Asta (Black Clover)
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Asta is the kind of character everyone would love to be friends with, even if he is loud and a little much at times his heart shines through. He works hard with what little he has and makes the best of it. He is super ripped before the time skip, he mainly does high rep calisthenics (these build muscle, trust me I know a guy) and hard labor around the church (hence why even Yuno is considered physically strong). I don’t have much to say on Asta as he is a simpler character that manages to be engaging. He does get bigger after the time skip as a result of better nutrition swinging around a heavy sword and being really short. Although we don’t see him train I feel kind of bad about how short this is so I’m making 2 workouts: 
Calisthenics classic workouts
The hidden time skip mass builder (with swordwork considerations) 
I’ll try to stick to some bronze age bodybuilding, labor simulating, and minimal equipment techniques. Asta is a character whose training grows with him and evolves,based on his needs. 
Diet: POTATOES. The ones that grow in Hage village resemble red skinned sweet potatoes, or simply red potatoes. They might even have varieties! Potatoes are actually very good for you! However, potatoes are short on protein, and other vitamins and minerals. So please eat a balanced diet of which potatoes are a part of. 
Recovery/Programming: Asta works out until he literally can’t anymore. A lot of this stuff will be to failure especially the calisthenics and he works out MULTIPLE times a day. Since he lives in a church, we’ll call Sunday his day of rest. Knowing him, he’s not resting. I’ll be doing a 3 day cycle repeated 2x a week kind of thing, you could do only 1 cycle and be just fine. Measuring up to the character he’d do labor, his workout, cardio, and abs all in one day everyday, but we ain’t trying to die here so I figured something out. We don’t have access to recovery magic or potions or whatever he probably uses. So stretch up, eat well and rest plenty. 
Part 1 Calisthenics and Labor: When bodyweight becomes boring/easy add weight to simulate Asta getting his sword. 
Day 1: Legs  + Labor 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 10 Sandbag/Barbell Deadlifts (moving heavy-ish items) 
4 x 100 m Farmers Carry 
3 x 5 Sandbag/Atlas Stone (Pick Up and place onto waist height box, please research technique)  
4 x 100 m Sled Push/Pull 
Day 2: Push + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Push Ups 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure Handstand Progression/Pike Push Ups 
5 x 8 Overhead Press
3 x 20 Sec Isometric Plate Hold (Arms straight out, holding the plate parallel to hands, pushing together should be what’s holding the plate up) 
4 x 25 per side  Cable lateral raise 
4 x 10 Tricep Overhead Extensions
Day 3: Pull  + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Pull Ups 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
1 x Failure Rope Climb/ Pull sled with rope 
6 x 10 (or 3 x 100m ) Supinated Carry/Bicep Curls  (Bicep Curl with moderate/heavy weight, squeeze at the top and keep it there) 
4 x 10 Straight Arm Pushdown
Day 4: Legs + Abs + Cardio 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups (mind the lower back) 
2 x Failure Hanging Leg Raises 
2 x Failure Plank with alternating knee to elbow 
2000 m run (or any distance that forces endurance) 
Day 5: Push + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Push Ups Variety (each set should be different: diamond, archer, decline, staggered, pseudo planche etc..) 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Bicycle Crunches (Slow) 
2 x Failure In and Outs 
Stair Climbing/Hiking 
Day 6: Pull  + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Pull Ups (each set should be different: narrow, wide, archer, 21’s etc..) 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Windshield Wipers
2 x Failure Rotating Plank 
Interval Running (100 m Sprint, 200 m Jog x 5) 
Day 7: REST/ Cardio
-------------------------------TIME SKIP----------------------------------
So here we start his weighted training to get him big and beefy in the Heart Kingdom.
1. Asta will be eating more and have access to more state of the art equipment. To get bigger is to eat in a surplus mainly of protein.
2. He will still train 6 days a week, 4 with weights, 2 for his swordwork/fighting/anti-magic, 1 day off for Sister Lily. We'll do an Upper/Lower split as this is common with some of the strongest biggest folk I've seen.
3. He finally learned to prioritize efficiency and recovery over sheer volume. Burnouts are there for that 'going to failure feel'. Be warned that the form on these exercises might be a little 'advanced' for someone just stepping foot in the gym for the first time.
Upper 1
Warmup + (Program = 95% 1rm 5 x 2 -> 80% 1 x AMRAP -> 65% 1 x AMRAP) Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Barbell Bent Over Row
3 x 10 SkullCrushers
6 x 10 Curls 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row
Lower 1 
Warmup + (Program = Refer to bottom of the post) Squat
Warmup + (Program = Refer to the bottom of the post) Deadlift  
4 x 10 BB Alternating Lunges
3 x 10 each Quad + Ham 
4 x 10 + Burnout DB Lateral Raise
Upper 2 
Warmup + Program Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
4 x 8 Dips
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Smith BOR 
6 x 10 Curls  
4 x 10 + Burnout Machine Lateral Raise
Lower 2 
3 x 8 RDL’s (Light) 
Warmup + Program Squat 
4 x 10 light leg press (quad emphasis)
3 x 8 Heavy Calf Raise
4 x 10 Quad Ext 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row 
Calisthenics and Fight Training 1
Mace workout (for obvious reasons!) As a real person, I would suggest not doing this in public... it's a little awkward, maybe go to a class or hit a tire with a hammer... Where would you even get a mace anyway?
Here's one you can try to base yours off of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdatDbqb8TY
Calisthenics Portion Upper:
3 x Pushups to failure
3 x Inverted rows to failure
Train Pull-Ups AND Chin Ups, train to pull more weight or just rep out till you can't feel your lats with a band.
2 x to NEAR failure Dips, keep 1-2 reps in the tank
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Calisthenics and Fight Training 2
Mace workout/ Some kind of combat class
Calisthenics Portion Lower:
3 x 30 Jumping Squat
3 x 30 Jumping Lunges
3 x 10 Sissy Squats (assisted usually, these are hard)
Train shrimp/pistol squat to your skill level
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Squat Programming: I made this up myself and went from nearly dying under 135lb to repping 185lb. Be safe out there y'all!
Step 1: Pick a working weight, it should be REALLY HARD, but not your 1rm, it can look messy! but you will build strength and eventually the perfect form will follow.
It goes like this: the only thing that is included is the TOPSET with the working weight you picked, you must warm up and do back off sets too!
Week X: Session 1/ Session 2
2x2 / 3x2
4x2/ 3x3
1x4/ 2x4
1x6/ 1x8 (at this point pick a new weight and repeat the program with it. If you fail or feel like one of the sessions is too hard, repeat it until comfortable and then move onto the next rep/set scheme)
Deadlift Programming: This works! It got me from 225lb - 265lb on DL, thats 40lb! I do want to hit 315lb this year so I'm running the program again:
Oh my... how the hell did I used to spit these post out so often. This is my first post back, and it's SOOO LONG ... Anyway here it is. Enjoy!
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nitewrighter · 1 year
i’m working on some gency art and i’m wondering what you think mercy would wear on a casual workout day? imo genji would be just in his normal armor but i’d also be willing to hear your opinion on that too :)
workout day? Well that depends. If it's pre-fall and at Zurich headquarters, I do think Overwatch has official training jumpsuits for testing certain technology, like we saw in the Uprising comic, so Mercy might wear something similar to what Tracer is wearing here if she was working on the maneuverability of the Valkyrie wings.
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But if we're talking very casual, just working out on your own, I imagine she'd wear your typical overpriced leggings + athletic tank top...maybe with a cute cropped hoodie to maintain body heat. The colors would really be your choice but I can see her in shades of pink and gray. I feel like she'd have to work out a lot with bodyweight calisthenics and pilates for better coordination with the Valkyrie wings. It's been mentioned that the Valkyrie suit enhances her physical strength, so I imagine she'd be targeting large muscle groups/compound exercises to cover her bases and avoid injury. Also weighted bar workouts, because of the staff, obviously.
As for Genji, his armor thermoregulates, so there isn't really a need for athletic wear, per se. But also I can see him having a sense of humor for his old playboy days and wearing obnoxious gymrat clothes like printed t-shirts with the sleeves cut off/open sides and tiny shorts. Ninja training I imagine is probably full body and high intensity and incorporates both strength training and cardio.
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mytale0 · 1 year
Hetalia gym headcanons
Egypt :
Sport(s) : calisthenics ( training with your body weight with a little or no equipment) & gym, football (soccer) sometimes
Upper body : calisthenic workout a lot your upper body so his back, arms and chest are quite toned. However, he doesn't have a so large back but his waist is thin enough to give the illusion
Lower body : He have already good legs with football but do a bit of weightlifting on the side so they gain more definition/volume. His legs are quite athletic with a bit of definition ( I also think that he have long legs so it makes him look taller ). Also, he won't tell anyone about it but he pays good attention to his glutes too when he works out so ( how do you say it.. ) it's thick 😵‍💫
Abs : He trains his abs a lot, it's not as defined as Héraclès' but you can definitely see it
Cardio : Football practice a lot his cardio so he got a really good one, running fast for a long distance isn't a problem to him
Favourite exercise : elbow lever & all this kind of hard asf calisthenic exercices
Diet : He eats healthy food most of the time ( to have that wasp waist yk ), he doesn't like junk food but likes eating street food sometimes
Regularity : He does a lot of different sports so he trains at list 4times a week to practice them all
Playlist : Songs with no lyrics but with a good beat so he can focus better
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freezing-kaiju · 1 year
Will you send your sea angels?
Biotober prompt 11: Abyssal
warnings: body horror, brief mention of self-mutilation, religion, thallassal horror, transhumanism or perhaps dehumanization.
It’s as clear as the day is long; I don’t belong down here.
 I found out that the second sub was gone today, it’s long since been gone, and I can’t launch it alone anyway. The stuff I found...Jenkins’s watch, Rhys’s horrible little brand of hairgel, Schumacher’s chair, right where everyone leaves everything. Their spare stashes of underwear, too; not much fits, but I’ve made do.
There will be energy still; generators bolted to the vents, gaining and maintaining power for so long as they keep running. Desalination plants, that give me water enough to bathe in and drink, all without my maintenance. I can adjust them, I can make demands, but...
I sit on my heels and I pray for rescue.
I sit on my heels as I pray for rescue. I’m getting paler every day; when they haul me up I’ll probably burst into flames from the sun. Swear I can see my veins sometimes. It feels like there’s people out there sometimes. Wish I could just slap on a wetsuit and head out there, but the pressure wouldn’t do me any favors. I’m staying active instead, running sprints, trying to remember what stretches help. Calisthenics, right? Is that what it’s called? Keeping my everything in… in shape. The protein powder’ll help too! Maybe Chase’ll think it’s sick when I show up just completely roided up. Mr. Mechanic, I need to get jacked. Hulk Hogan type body.
Good lord, I’ll never get American Made out of my head now…
Maybe I should try writing my own.
What was that Sherlock Holmes thing, learning new things that aren’t essential shoves old things out of the mind? I forgot my phone number today. Finally remembered which doors lead to the chemical storage straight from my room, though, so that has to be connected. 
I sit as I heal and I pray for rescue. No fat to make soap; I've cut off all I care to of my own. The water will do. It’s done enough, it’ll do more, but somehow it got a little sweet. It’s enough. My food’s getting low enough to carry all together, the sixth month has to be up sooner than later. That’s good though! As long as I ration it properly, I can make it two more months.  Exercise’s paying off; I found a spare propeller in one of the crawlspaces earlier and, wouldn’t you know, it’s light enough to use as a baton! I...do need to be careful, though. Scarred the ceiling a couple times. If enough damage happens, the air’ll all get out, and the facility’ll become one big water damage souffle. All the salt’ll kill my plants too.
Humans go insane without plants, so really, I’m lucky I’m alone here. Rhys’d kill the whole crop and put his head through the window by the end of week 1. 
I sit and this heals and I pray for rescue. I tried drinking the hair gel and, honestly, it helped. I feel crisper. Sleeker! Like a cat. I can get a cat someday, can’t I? It kind of feels like there’s some of them outside. I swear I can hear coyotes out there sometimes, yowling in groups of three that prance around the station. Sometimes, I can see them. But I can cover the portholes and keep them away. It’s not like any light’s getting through anyway. 
I sit, and I heel, and I prey for rescue.
And I pray, and prey, and pray, and prey, because God will feed me soon. My family will come and feed me soon. I can almost see them out there, in a tin can just like my own, reaching out for me. I wish I knew what it’ll look like. I should greet them. I should swim out and greet them. 
Fuck, I wish I could swim out. When they pull me out of this, I’ll have to go through decompression, and...hell, I’ll be grateful. The pressure down here gets so bad I can barely walk anymore. That’s why nobody’s found me, it has to be, I’m just so close to the earth’s core that gravity’s pulling me down. It’s useful for praying, though. My legs don’t get numb anymore. 
Is god feeding me?
I... I looked in the mirror today. I...
My eyes are gone.
I’m still human, aren’t I? I....
Something happened to me. Something...happened...to me, but.
But I tried it out. It’s been forever since I spoke to someone else but I can still sing my prayers. So I tried it. Went...went back to a mirror and looked at.
I can still speak.
Hey, how are you, my name is Janet, I’m a human being, just like you. I was left here. Something happened to me. I’m doing alright but I’d like to try...a cupcake. Some apples. Anything edible that wasn’t meat. I... these teeth, the teeth I have left are-- no, looking closely, my molars are still there, it’s just that the front ones got...longer... I. Those....weren’t my hands, though. 
I... I don’t think I want to look in the mirror anymore.
But if I can speak! I can shout, even, I can still manage a great big HIIII HELLOOOO NICE TO SEE YOUUU that echoes through the whole station! So they won’t shoot me! I’ll just...stay a bit away from the front door, and greet them, and ask that they don’t shoot me, and say my name and maybe some identifying characteristics. Like...like cheating at the mile run in the third grade and crying to my parents about it. 
If they do bring guns... I don’t think I can run anymore.
So...so, I kneel, and pray, that they’ll bring me home.
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