#so I really want other people to hear about it too
metranart · 2 days
Jealous! Gojo Satoru
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jealous! Gojo who ignores Geto's advice, to give you time to adapt and be friends first before starting to woo you.
jealous! Gojo who practically melts every time you bite the tip of your pencil while trying to understand something particularly difficult in class. 
jealous! Gojo who growls under his breath when he finds you in Nanami's arms after receiving some distressing news. Unable to think straight, gets dangerously close to lash out at the goodhearted blonde just to become an utterly inoffensive kitten, the moment he sees the tears in your eyes.
jealous! Gojo who not so discreetly asks for your number and pretends that it is for another reason other than his torrid crush on you but ends up sending you good morning and goodnight messages and all kinds of cat memes where he replaces the head with Suguru's photo.
jealous! Gojo who goes through your socials as soon as he has the chance and can’t help but grin like a maniac when he sees a picture of you. You have him at your mercy. You’re gorgeous, no! you are perfect to him! he just wants you all to himself.
jealous! Gojo who always tries to be one step ahead so that your missions are always with him, not with Suguru, not with Nanami, not with Yu...only with him, since if he is honest, he does not trust them around you.
jealous! Gojo who believes that he is slowly making his way into your heart, but he only ends up more madly in love with you, until one day he can't resist it anymore and holds your hand... and to his surprise, you don't ask him to let you go but just say adorably blushing: Your hands are so big and warm, Satoru.
jealous! Gojo who now walks hand in hand with you almost all the time, when you go to class, when he takes you to your dorm at night and even when Geto claims he's delusional, he insists, you guys are already dating.
jealous! Gojo who finally confesses his feelings for you and refuses to let you answer by kissing you, igniting a steamy hot make out session which leaves you breathless, whatever negative reply you had, its lost and even your reluctance goes to the back of your head, in order, to give him a chance.
jealous! Gojo who is over the moon, elated you ‘agreed’ and now you let him hold you whenever he wants. “Satoru, don’t be so clingy” Geto had said but he only stuck his tongue at him, every time the raven-haired tried to latch his hands away from you another came to replace it. Making Satoru smirk, wickedly. “God. Suguru, are you jealous?”
jealous! Gojo who slowly begins to let out his true possessive self, making comments about the most random things, like your skirt: "Isn't it too short, beautiful? I love it but I would hate for you to attract the attention of unwanted people" about your classmates: "I know that Nanami and Yu are your besties but with me by your side, do you really need to be so close to them?" slowly monopolizing your time for himself, after all he is not only your boyfriend but also your upper classmate, surely he only wants the best for you.
jealous! Gojo who literally breaks Naoya's nose when he blatantly hits on you at a meeting. "Back off, Zenin!" His eyes glowed ferally, to which Naoya just indifferently wiped the traces of blood with the back of his hand, tsking his tongue, nonchalantly. "She's not even THAT pretty, Gojo." All the available sorcerers had to separate them to prevent them from killing each other. You remember there being so much blood.
jealous! Gojo Who becomes even more jealous after that incident, scaring off any male that gets too close to you but claiming it's for your own safety, only those closest to him are allowed around but not for a long time.
jealous! Gojo who changes your mind with sex feats that blow your fucking mind away. "Nanami is my best friend, I’m going to the movies with him, period!" Gojo is bending you on his knee to spank that attitude out of you and when hears the first attempt of a sob, he pulls your panties down and massages the sore skin gently as he eats your pretty tight cunt until you are a shivering, moaning mess. "Suguru told me he saw you flirting with the girl tending the mochi shop" Gojo's pummeling his hips against your thighs, deep and steady, to make you forget his attempt to get free stuff, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh so loud and lewd that you even forget what you were complaining about, he’s fucking pounding your sensitive pussy till it’s puffy and leaking with his cum. He’s a little toxic like that.
jealous! Gojo who likes having you all to himself, he doesn't want to share you with anyone, not even Shoko or Mei, he loves you so damn much he could explode. He loves having you with him, having you on top of him, under him, against him. He's not your favorite sitting place but sure as hell, he always makes himself the only seat available. You actually don't remember how it feels to sit on something other than his muscular thighs… Shoko once said that he loves you more than is probably healthy to him.
jealous! Gojo who becomes more possessive with each passing day, growing more toxic and more aggressive when he believes that someone wants to take you away from him but loves you so, SO much that you can't help but forgive him every time, since he always promises that his blue eyes only see you, and so it will be FOREVER. You're not sure how you feel about the eternal part of that promise, but it certainly makes you feel like the most protected person in the entire planet.
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wikiangela · 1 day
"I'm going to ask Tommy to marry me." Buck says out of the blue one random evening, sitting in Eddie's living room, spread out in the armchair, sipping a beer, eyes on the TV, where Eddie and Christopher are playing a video game. His tone is even and firm, not even a hint of hesitation, it's not a huge revelation, or even a decision he's made just now. He's been thinking about it for weeks, maybe months. He doesn't know why he says it now, it just slips out - maybe he just needed to talk to his best friend about it.
"Really?" he hears a hint of surprise in Eddie's voice, but when he looks at his best friend, he's still focused on trying to beat his son at the game. He's smiling, sparing a glance at Buck. "That's great, Buck."
"Yeah?" he breathes out, feeling even more settled now. He wasn't nervous, exactly, but still felt kind of like he did when he came out to Eddie. Like he just wanted his best friend to approve, to support him - and he had no doubt he would.
"Of course," Eddie answers easily. "You guys are perfect together, and you love each other, and if you're sure you want to spend the rest of your life with Tommy, yeah, go for it. I'm happy for you," he adds, finally looking at Buck, a soft, genuine smile on his face. Christopher uses this moment to win the game, and Eddie groans at his triumphant yell. "Aw, not fair, Buck distracted me." Both Buck and Chis laugh, while Eddie pouts for a moment, before a smile breaks through anyway.
"Well, I won." Chris shrugs with a grin. "And I think it'd be so cool if you and Tommy get married," he adds, moving his attention to Buck.
"Yeah?" Buck repeats, his smile even wider now. Having two of his favorite people not only really love his partner - Buck's pretty sure Tommy's the first one to spend so much time with all of them together, and it feeling so right - but also approve of Buck wanting to tie him into their family forever.
"Duh, Tommy's the coolest." Chris rolls his eyes. "Better lock him down while you can," he jokes, and Buck gasps in surprise. He's such a teenager.
"Wow, rude. He's not going anywhere." he shakes his head with a laugh. That much he's sure of, for the first time in his life he's not scared of getting left, of his partner getting bored or fed up. He knows Tommy's gonna be right at his side no matter what.
"Not if you put a ring on it." Eddie joins his son's teasing. Laughing, Buck reaches over to the table to pick up a chip from a bowl and throw it at Eddie, who dodges it as it lands somewhere on the couch. "Hey!"
"But seriously, you don't think it's too soon?" Buck asks after a moment, a little bit of nerves seeping into his tone. He's more than sure about wanting to marry Tommy. He's just a little scared that he's gonna freak him out. They have talked about this, about their future, what they want out of this relationship, out of life, but they never really discussed any timelines, and Buck might be a little in his head about this. Hence why he needed to talk to someone about it, probably.
"Buck, you've been together for over a year. Some people get married after less." Eddie raises an eyebrow. "When you know, you know." He shrugs, and Buck releases a breath. Because he does know. He has known for a long time now.
"So you think he'll say yes?" Buck asks, but he knows the answer before Eddie has a chance to roll his eyes with fond exasperation. Tommy loves him. He loves Tommy so much his heart wants to burst out of his chest and live in Tommy's. Tommy is his forever, he's sure of it, and he knows that when he asks, and it's going to be very soon, he'll get a positive answer.
"He'll say yes." Eddie says with a small shake of his head and a wide smile. "Now, two important questions from me: who's gonna be your best man, and do you need help planning and picking out a ring?"
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What animal do you most resemble and why?
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So just so yall know before you go to your piles. The animals in the pictures might not be the creature that you most resemble. I am using the Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle in this reading. Please take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives about yourself.
Astrology: Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries
Song: all i ever wanted by Mazie
Vibes: 🖤💙🔭✈️🕷🦋🕶🎓🐾🌏🌊🫐🍙🧊🎧♟🦽💎⛏🛋📘✒️💤♿️🔊♠️🏁
Cards: Lion, 5 of Cups, 7 of Wands, The Void, Karmic Relationships
Hi, pile 1! Welcome. These cards tell me you look most like a lion. I can see some of you have prominent noses that make your face very lion-like. All of you have the most piercing fierce eyes. I also see you have soft hands and nice nails that you probably get done regularly. You are legit gorgeous and you have this extensive hair routine you do almost every day. You might wear a bonnet to sleep or you have a silk pillow case to protect it. I can also see you are surprised by these compliments. You have some self-esteem issues that frustrate you a lot. These beliefs you have about your physical appearance are built around the opinions of others. First off, they only shit on you cus they are jealous. These cards have a weird undertone of relationships so I think maybe you had a partner at one point who was SUUUUPER jealous of how beautiful you are. Wow, they are pressed about it. They probably said some extremely mean things to you about your appearance that stick with you even though it doesn't look like they are around you anymore. I hear them saying you have RBF or something. You have literally nothing to feel insecure about my dear.. Like you complimented yourself in the mirror around this person and they like immediately tried to knock you down a peg. Dude, that person is SO ENVIOUUS. Don't listen to their words. You need to see through their words to the true emotions behind them. Don't let these jealous people dim you light, girl!!! Their words are not based on reality. It is distorted by their emotions. Just know when they look in the mirror all they hear is their momma tellin them they're ugly as fuck. They were just projecting their insecurities, baby.
Astrology: Taurus, Leo, Aquarius
Song: Body Talks by The Struts, Kesha
Vibes: 💛🧡❤️💙🎁🧿💰🌅🏖🚦🚚🚎🎯🎭🏅🍹🫐🍂🌊🌈🌏🍁🐠🫂🤖🥶😰
Cards: Badger, 7 of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, The Seven Star Sisters, Jump In
Hey there, pile 2!! You have such an interesting energy. The animal you most resemble is the Badger. So from what I'm reading from the other cards this is less of a physical resemblance and more of an attitude resemblance. The way you hold yourself is like you do not give a fuck what anyone thinks about you. You had many people around you growing up who were considered "conventionally attractive" and for a long time, this bothered you. I think sometimes it does still bother you but you have grown your self-esteem a lot since you were little. You got tired of fighting for attention real quick. You realized how dumb the competition of appearance is and began to explore your expression more for fun rather than to fit in. You have a unique way of expressing yourself, especially with your make-up. Dark eye shadow is your signature look. It makes your already really unique eye color pop like nothing else. You dress very alternatively compared to your siblings and/or friends. The style does have a touch of whimsicalness to it too. I see some of the people who picked this pile have a curvy body type. You keep your hair short for the most part because it's easier to manage while short. You truly have such a fantastic head-turning style. I really do love your energy, my dear. Like, wow you are fucking awesome. I would have looked at you as a kid and wanted to look like you so bad.
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Gemini
Song: The Middle by Jimmy Eats World
Vibes: 🤍🖤🔎🖋🧷📓🩺🔬🔌📷📼🎥🎹🎼🎤🎧🎬🌪🐚🪨🐇🕊🦢🐈‍⬛🕸🐰👟
Cards: Toad, Fox, 8 of Swords, 2 of Wands, Double Mission, Deep Cellular Healing
Oh, pile 3. This is gonna be a kind of shadow work-y kind of reading so just be prepared to be called out okay? Trigger warning for SA. You make yourself ugly on purpose. You hid your beauty from yourself. I dunno exactly what you do to hide it from others but I see you wearing clothes that keep your shape a secret. You do your make-up in a way that accentuates the dark cycles under your eyes. You make yourself look sick and dying. You force yourself to believe you resemble a Toad. I don't blame you, my friend. You went through something truly terrible that made you feel ugly so you express it outwardly constantly. You believe you are ugly because of what happened. What they did to you didn't taint your beauty, homie. You aren't dirty. You aren't hideous or unattractive naturally. You are so scared of what happened, happening again. It makes you put up these defenses in-order to feel safe. My friend you are already safe without these defenses. You might be doing way more harm than good, my friend. If you stopped hiding your true beauty from yourself, you would more resemble a Fox. These cards are encouraging you to heal from what happened to you mentally. Your reaction to what happened isn't wrong but you shouldn't destroy yourself because of how others treated you. You are stunning and so naturally gorgeous. I hear you saying that your feelings about what happened don't matter. That is a lie you tell yourself. That is a lie someone else told you. What happened to you was truly awful. What they did to you was disgusting but it doesn't make you disgusting. It makes THEM disgusting. What THEY did is disgusting. You are beautiful. You are so drop-dead, star-struck glamorous! You aren't a toad. You are a fox. Please embrace your authenticity because you deserve to feel good. You deserve to see your body for what it truly is.
Astrology: Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Honey And The Bee by Owl City
Vibes: 🤍💖💛🦦😜👄☀️👟🐁👙👑🎂🐱🐻‍❄️🌙🦭🌸🌼🍣🍰⚾️🎗🎟🎲📿
Cards: Otter, Queen of Cups, The Well, A New Earth, Called
Pile 4. You are so fucking cute. Like so cute. Like I feel your energy and all I feel and think is "Awwww~ What a cuuutie!". You most resemble an Otter. Which in my opinion, ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!! I see you like to color your hair in pastel colors and it's SUUUPER long. Like you have been growing out your hair for a while now. You have this cute little button nose and these super pretty dark eyes. Ohmygods you have no idea how much I think brown eyes are the prettiest eyes. You put a lot of creativity in your outfits so you always look so snatched and dolled up. You like the long flowy dresses and shirts that billow in the wind. They make you look like a fairy. You always smell like incense and sea salt. You probably love swimming or surfing or some kind of sport you play in the water so you are very lean. I see you might be pursuing some kind of profession in the beauty industry. Either that or you just look like a model and people think you are one. You wear these pretty flowers in your hair that give you this gorgeous halo of lavender. You have been absolutely blessed by Lady Aphrodite. She loves you like her child. She blesses you with fashion sense and soft features.
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chaotic-mystery · 2 days
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Pairing: Ex boyfriend!Frankie Morales x f!reader
Summary: Frankie doesn't know how to be an ex boyfriend and he doesn't know how to not take things too far.
Content Warnings: Smut, 18+ only MDNI. This is pre triple frontier and tom doesn't exist LOL, mentions of alcohol, a little drinking, reader can swim, toxic ex bf! Frankie, he knows zero boundaries, swearing, mentions of blood, (1) injury to your forehead thanks to catfish himself, patching up your injury, Frankie can lift reader onto the countertop, hate sex, fingering, dirty talk, p in v sex, Frankie smooshes your face against the mirror but gently, a little manhandling, nipple play, you become a toaster strudel at the end, (1) ass smack.
Authors Note: I guess this is my intro to Frankie, nailed it. I could not stop talking about this fucking idea to the hens and I'm so glad I breathed life into it. This was inspired by the song No More Friends by Olivia O'Brien. Granted.....the smut was a last minute idea but who doesn't love smut? Thank you @pedgito for the beta read, I love you <3 || wc: 3.4k || divider by me @cyberangel-graphics ||
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Even though you weren’t with Frankie anymore and hadn’t been for a few months, Benny still invited you to his pool party to celebrate his big win in the ring from the other night. The breakup was messy but the guys were amicable about it and didn’t choose sides like Frankie wanted them to. He seemed to forget you were friends with all of them before you dated him.
You weren’t nervous to see Frankie anymore at these types of things, you were so over him and the bullshit he pulled. Or, at least that’s how you wanted to come across. Not a soul would ever know you were still hurt by him so you had no choice but to fake it till you make it. Through lots of self reflection and lots of nights out with your friends, you realized you didn’t need him, at all. Not even as a friend like he suggested. You had enough friends. You just wanted him and who he used to be when you first got together. 
“Do you think he’ll be there?” Your friend in the driver's seat looks in your direction for a second and you respond with a small chuckle before diving into your purse to fish out your phone. 
“Oh, absolutely. I got a text earlier before we left-” you start to read aloud the contents. 
“Are you going to Benny’s thing tonight? I can come swing by and pick you up if you need a ride.” 
The entire car responds with either a scoff or sound of disgust. 
“Yeah, no thank you.” 
The tires crunch over the gravel leading to the house and you don’t see Frankie’s car yet. Maybe he changed his mind and decided it would be better not to come. He always flaked on people, especially you. Date nights were good in theory but they would never become real. One two many times he left you sitting alone at the restaurant because he “lost track of time” with the guys.
Once everyone makes it to the backyard, the music thumps louder and louder in your chest and you don’t even see Benny through the crowd of people at first. Playing beer pong over by the shed to the left of the in ground pool, William and Benny shout like cavemen when the white ball sinks into the cup of flat beer for the other team. 
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about, ladies and gentlemen!” You hear from behind you and instantly your body tenses up. 
“Oh shit, sorry. Didn’t see you there. How are you? Do you need a drink?” 
“No, thanks.” Short and cold was the best way to go about this and maybe he’d get the hint to leave you alone. 
“Well damn, lady. Why so cold?” His tone sets your body ablaze and if looks could kill.
“Frankie, what part of leave me the fuck alone did you not understand? You don’t need to pretend like you really give a fuck about me. We can exist without speaking to one another.” 
His face drops and before he can answer, you turn on your heels and disappear into the crowd to go finish saying hi to the rest of the guys. 
Not too many people were in the pool but that didn’t stop you from getting in once you greeted all of your friends and left your belongings in Benny’s room where you knew they’d be safe. 
“Cmon, don’t be a baby! Get in!” You shouted at Santi who was sitting in a pool chair with a beer bottle in his hand. 
“Maybe later, I’m relaxing right now.” A soft smile grows on his face and you roll your eyes before dipping underwater, the cool temperature relaxing your body. 
Everytime you’d turn to the wall to get your cup and take a drink, Frankie was lingering in peripheral vision ogling how good you looked in your bathing suit and waiting to interject to say something, anything to get you to be kind. That ship had sailed no matter how much it hurt.
The night went on and the overcrowded lawn slowly died down to a respectable size group and Benny convinced the guys to play marco polo with you. You could see Frankie sulking in the plastic pool chair by the deep end, cuddling with his plastic red cup filled with whatever he was drinking. 
“Who still plays marco polo? Are you guys in fuckin’ junior high?”
“Who wears a button down to a fuckin’ pool party?” you shout from the middle of the pool in a mocking tone with your eyes squeezed shut, trying to find William who was plastered against the wall.
Stifled laughter echoes around you and immediately you pick out Santi’s voice, swimming over to one spot until it gets louder and louder and splashing crashes around you. Not a word out of the crybaby sitting outside of the pool until you open your eyes and notice him kneeling down by Benny, whispering something in his ear before darting away into the house. A few more rounds of the game go by before Frankie comes out in a pair of swimming trunks he clearly borrowed. 
There’s no fucking way. There’s no way he really asked to borrow some trunks because of what you said to him. Was he really that bothered by it? Good, he should be. Water begins to flood around Frankie’s ankles as he walks down the concrete steps until he’s able to swim around, floating on his back to get his hair wet. Everything will be fine as long as he doesn’t touch you, or keep staring at you. 
Everyone was taking turns and even when Frankie was in the middle with his eyes closed, you’d occasionally yell out for him to find you. It was feeling somewhat normal again and it wasn’t easy pretending like you didn’t miss it, like you didn’t miss him. You were cracking and it was getting harder and harder to pretend you were fine. 
“Get your ass in the middle, c’mon!” William shouts at you and splashes the cool water on your face. 
“Don’t cheat this time, will you?” Benny laughs.
“I do not fucking cheat!” 
Before closing your eyes, you turn and look at Frankie, that disgusting feeling of butterflies in your stomach coming back to life. No, no this can’t happen. This isn’t happening. Stop, you fucking idiot. The voice in your head was loud and screaming at you to close your fucking eyes, unfortunately the last thing you seen was Frankie.
Everyone starts to swim around all over to throw you off before you call out to see where they were hiding. Just like a snap of your fingers everyone in the pool went silent and you waited to hear a movement or voice, laughter being swallowed. 
“Polo!” Frankie hollers and you stick out your hand to find him, water spilling from between your fingers as you raise it from below the surface. You yell out once more and he answers again in a softer tone this time. Everything around you muffled out, it felt like it was just you two. For a second you blink your eyes open before you touch his arm, getting a flash of this look on his face you hadn’t seen in a long time, even before the breakup. 
Santi comes up behind you and picks you up, dunking you into the water. It was a good way to clear your mind about Frankie, that’s for fucking sure. Swimming to the top and gasping a few times for air before opening your eyes, you look over at Santi who was laughing away with his arms treading water. 
“We told you not to cheat and you cheated!” 
Water droplets cascade down your forehead and Benny swims over to your left side, hooking his arm over your shoulders. Benny had always been a touchy person but you never thought anything of it, he was a really good friend to you. Nothing more. Clearly Frankie didn’t think that way considering how fast he scooped you up from behind and launched you forward. He didn’t have a really good grip on you though and fumbled you underwater, causing you to scrape your forehead on the floor. The chlorine stings the broken skin and you flinch instantly, swimming back up until fresh air fills your lungs. 
“Frankie what the fuck!” You shout and brush your hair out of the way, blood getting watered down and running down your forehead swiftly. The guys rush over hastily, all of them asking if you were okay but it all mushes together and your anxiety kicks in telling you to go to the bathroom and take care of it, don’t cause a scene. Swimming over to the stairs you could feel tears pricking the corners of your eyes and welling up, your forehead feeling like there was a small heartbeat where the scrape was. Your friends notice you walking fast into the house and want to follow but you tell them you’re fine, you just need a moment alone. 
Once you make it upstairs to your purse, you pull out your compact mirror and look at the injury, the blood not stopping anytime soon.
Fucking Frankie. 
Ben’s bathroom was full of everything you need to fix yourself up. Dabbing an alcohol wipe over it to clean it as best as possible, you wince annoyingly at the pain. This shouldn’t be happening. Why did he do that? Why did he think throwing you around like everyone else was, would be a good idea? You weren’t friends. Taking the plastic wrapper off the back of the butterfly bandage, you press it firmly against your skin, looking at how stupid you feel with a white line plastered to the perimeter of your face. 
Thudding footsteps come running up the stairs and bust into Benny’s room and into the bathroom where you were sitting on the sink. 
“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to um– I'm sorry.” 
“Can you leave me alone? Jesus Christ! You don’t listen, do you! You just don’t quit!” Finally, you were at your breaking point. There was no more being nice, no more dancing on the line of being kind for the sake of his feelings.
“Why are you being like this, huh? What did I do to you?”
“Hello, do you remember you just cut my forehead open not even five damn minutes ago or?” 
“Even before that, you were being mean as soon as you got here! Why?” 
Throwing the box of bandages in the drawer and slamming it shut, you hop off the counter and stand chest to chest with Frankie. 
“Why did you break my fucking heart, Frankie?” Tears spilled out from your eyes and you didn’t care anymore. You cracked. It was hard keeping up this front like it didn’t bother you. 
“I don’t have an answer for you, I’m…I’m sorry.” His tone was hushed and his thumb grazed over your bandage, the soft and tenderness you’d been searching for months to get just a piece. Of course he would finally give it to you after you had already broken up. Classic Frankie. 
Snapping out of the emotional tornado you were spinning in, you shove him off you and suck your tears back, wiping your face dry. “I can’t move on when you’ve got me in this headspace, Frankie. I hate you, I fucking hate you. I hate you.” Your fists rattle against his chest as if you were trying to break through but you weren’t getting anywhere. Maybe it was the anger or the hurt, but something was tearing you down brick by brick and exposing you to him. Frankie’s warm hands wrap around your wrists and calm you until you’re no longer moving and wrapped in his arms, tucked away against his chest. He looks down at you after a few silent moments with him,  like old times your lips connected to his. As if no time had slipped away from you two Frankie engulfs you, his arms wrapping tighter around you like you’d fade away at any given moment. 
“Frankie–” you interject but his lips work faster against yours until you’re pushed up against the counter. 
“Say it again, tell me you hate me, baby.” A squeeze to your hip makes you squirm and subconsciously hike your leg up on him until his hand catches onto the back of your thigh, pressing himself deeper between your legs.
“I hate you so goddamn much. You are the worst thing to ever happen to me.”
It was true, he was the worst thing to ever happen to you. Heartbreak never accompanied you in such a way like this until Frankie. His hands push you right back on top of the sink and ever so gently he rests the back of your head against the mirror while his fingers dance along the side of your thigh. 
“If you hate me so much, why haven’t you left yet?” 
He got you there. You were sitting comfortably with Frankie’s hips between your knees, your bathing suit exposing more of your breasts from the way you were positioned in front of him but you didn’t care enough to move. 
“Do you want me to stop?” He kisses your cheek and trails down your neck softly as he awaits your answer. Your brain was a scrambled egg at this point, one half telling you this was going to be a bad idea and you’d regret it, the other telling you to give in, that you need him. 
“N-no, don’t stop. Don’t stop.” You whisper before kissing him once more, fingers tangling in his wet curls. Your tongue glides against his bottom lip to gain access into his mouth and he approves, parting his mouth a bit more for you to slip in and find his own tongue. Frankie groans slightly and pushes against you more, his hardening bulge pressing against the apex of your thighs. 
“Where do you need me, huh? Show me.” 
Frankie pulls away from your lips to look directly into your eyes as he places his palm on your abdomen, waiting to be guided like he didn’t know where you ached for him. Clutching onto his wrist, you push him further down your body until his fingers meet the wet material covering your needy pussy, throbbing to feel his fingers one more time. 
“Right here, baby? Still needy as ever, you’ll probably come in minutes if I do that thing you like.” The evil grin plastered on his face sent your heart skipping beats. Damn him. His pushed back hair had begun to dry, the ends starting to curl up the more you scrunched them with every kiss. 
Frankie’s fingertips graze over the top of your clothed clit and he grins happily at the sight of you losing every thought in your mind. The pleasure rang far too loud over your negative thoughts for you to be upset with what you were doing in the moment. It felt too good to stop, to get off the counter and tell him to go to hell, to get in your friend's car and drive away back home where you knew you’d stay up all night and think about him. 
“Cmon, hurry up before they notice how long we’re gone. Can you imagine what they’d say if they knew what we were doing up here?” You whine and maneuver out of your bathing suit bottoms, flinging them onto the tan tiled floor. The plop of wet clothing makes Frankie’s head tilt up to look at you and he’s completely captivated by your pushiness. 
“I can’t tell if you missed me or just missed getting fucked the way I fuck you.” His cockyness would eventually lead him to get humbled, but today wasn’t that day, especially not now.
“Frankie just shut up and fuck me, please. Stop talking.” Your finger pushes against his lips before you kiss him roughly, legs spread to either side of him as he holds your waist to guide himself inside you. The both of you gasp at how he struggles to get inside fully before he pumps in and out slowly. 
“Jesus christ you’re so fuckin’ tight baby. Don’t even think I’m all the way in yet and I can feel you squeezing around me.”
You moan out and claw at his back, digging your nails into his skin to keep him steady as he begins to thrust his hips, pushing his cock further into you until it felt like he’d break you in two. Scratching all down his back, you look at him through your eyelashes and grin. 
“I hate you. I hate the way you feel so good inside me, I hate the way you make it so easy to fall back into this shit with you.”
“Keep goin’ I love this shit.”
Frankie moans your name and stands straight, putting his hand on the side of your head and pressing your cheek into the mirror behind you, keeping you absolutely still and right where he wants you. 
“You-ughhh fuckk-you are the worst, Frankie-e!”
The desperate moans of insults mean nothing to him, it makes him laugh and keep thrusting harder and harder. 
“Yeah? If I’m the worst than why are you letting me fuck you right now, eh? Doesn’t that make you just as bad for using me?” 
“N-no I–” 
His fingers rush into your mouth causing you to suck messily on them, whimpering and trying to buck your hips against him but it wasn’t working. Frankie leans down with a hand still pinning you to the mirror and with his freehand, he tears your bathing suit top to the side to free those hardened nipples that had been taunting him all night. His warm mouth encloses over the nub and sucks slowly, flicking his tongue over them before nibbling softly. With every flick of his tongue, you could feel it in your clit. He had you absolutely fucked. 
“Yes yes yes, just like that. Why didn’t you tell me you’d shut up if I just put a titty in your mouth?” He was too busy to notice the playful remark but you knew it would make him laugh had he heard. 
The burning embers in your belly start to ramp up and your pussy continues to clench around Frankie as he slips in and out of you, your skin smacking against one another and his hand squeezing you tighter against the mirror. 
“Frankie-oh fuck-I’m gonna come, don’t stop” you mule out. His hand releases your head and you look directly at his cock disappearing inside you and making your vision blurrier by the second. Your eyes begin to roll back as your muscles tighten and let loose like a rubber band breaking in two. Your moans were echoing off the walls of the bathroom and right out the windows. Frankie didn’t mind but he covers your mouth forcefully as you come, knowing it adds to the sensation for you like it always did. 
“Such a good girl for me, stay right there, baby.” 
You lean back and catch your breath as your legs continue to tremble against Frankie, who was close as you could feel his cock twitch inside you. More echoes of your whimpers and Frankie’s moans coat the walls as he pulls out roughly, shooting his hot load over your stomach, the pearls of cum dripping down your sides as his head snaps back, body jolting with every pump of cum he lets out. 
The post nut clarity starts to set in for you and you realize quickly just what you were doing and who you were doing it with.
“Frankie this can’t happen again, I mean it.” You push against his stomach lightly and hop off the counter, stepping towards the small linen closet to grab a washcloth. Running it under warm water while Frankie collects himself and pulls his trunks back up, you clean your torso off gently until there's no trace of him left. Once he’s done adjusting himself, he grabs your bottoms off the floor and kneels down, helping you step in them and bringing them up your legs until they’re right where they should be. With a little snap of the waistband, he lets go and adjusts your top. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Come by later when you get dropped off at home, okay?” He smacks your ass and kisses the back of your head as he walks away to go back downstairs. 
“Fuck you, Frankie!” You shout before he closes the bedroom door, leaving you with nothing but regret and guilt. 
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Maybe I Just Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: oral (f receiving), handjob, sub Loki, edging & overstimulation, forced submission kinda, hair pulling, a lil choking, I hope that's everything lol
Genre: smut and I guess fluff
Summary: You make Loki realize something about himself that he was not expecting to learn.
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You plop down on the couch with your bowl of chips, getting comfortable to watch TV.
"Are you out here by yourself?" Loki's voice surprises you. You hadn't heard him come down the hall.
"Yeah." You glance at him over your shoulder with a shrug.
"Why?" His eyes narrow.
"I'm watching TV. You are familiar with that particular activity aren't you?"
"Yes I am, but why out here alone?" Loki rolls his eyes before sticking his head into the fridge.
"I wanted to leave my room. You're welcome to join me." You shrug.
"Why would I do that?" He scoffs.
"Believe it or not, some people enjoy doing things with other people in different spaces, you awkward little hermit." You roll your eyes. You walk over to the kitchen for a drink, realizing you forgot one.
"I am not a hermit." Loki crosses his arms. You grab a soda and walk over to Loki, leaning in close enough that he leans back suspiciously.
"This is the first time you've been out your room in like a week." You tell him.
"That is not true!" He steps away from you indignantly.
"It is, and that's fine. If that's how you like to live, I'm not judging you for it. But for me anyway, a change of scenery is good for the mind." You shrug walking back over to the couch.
"That doesn't make an ounce of sense."
"To each their own." You hum.
"You are a strange woman."
"Because I'm watching TV?" You tilt your head curiously.
"You spend your time so differently from everyone else here." He says.
"Yeah believe it or not I am an individual."
"That's not what I meant."
"I just meant that most of the tower is left unoccupied from day to day, except you, you seem to- be everywhere." He frowns.
"If you're content never leaving your room that's fine, like I said I prefer a change of scenery. Helps mark the passage of time when we're not off saving the world." You shrug.
"There is next to nothing worth doing on this miserable planet."
"You are ridiculously negative." You chuckle, pressing play on your movie of choice for tonight. Clearly, this conversation with Loki is over, you have no interest in going back and forth about his cynicism. You hear him take a sharp breath, if you had to guess it's like one of those breaths you take before speaking but he doesn't say anything and eventually you hear his shoes along the floor and you smirk as you check that he is indeed gone.
It's not necessarily that you enjoy getting under Loki's skin the way you so obviously do, but it is rather easy and no one else speaks to him, which is kind of sad. To be clear you don't pity him, in fact this back and forth he reluctantly engages in is you refusing to treat him any different than you would anyone else on the team. It just so happens that he's easy to rile up and you find it funny but really this is just you being inclusive.
"You know y/n I don't get how you do it." Tony drunkenly says. It's supposed to be game night but after an hour Tony's of course too drunk to play so now you're all just talking.
"How I do what, Stark?" You ask.
"Deal with reindeer games the way you do."
"Reindeer ga- do you mean Loki?" You blink at him. You're not even sure how the group ended up on the subject, he's not here. How long were you checked out of the conversation?
"Yes obviously." He scoffs.
"It would be obvious if you used his name. Why are we talking about him, anyway?"
"Tony decided the next topic of conversation would be the team and somehow we got to how Loki is pretty much a recluse." Natasha explains to you.
"Exceeeept he talks to you. How does that work?" Tony asks.
"I dunno man I just poke fun at him like I do the rest of you and wait til he gets red in the face." You shrug.
"You mess with him on purpose?" Thor frowns.
"No, no! Not- really? He just, okay I don't try to get under his skin exactly, it's just when he engages with me, it seems like he expects hostility. I just give him back what I get from him and I don't think he knows how to handle that. But he keeps talking to me so I guess something about it gets through to him."
"That's very weird." Tony says.
"You're really in no place to judge Tony, we all know your list of idiosyncrasies is practically never ending." You roll your eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Is idiosyncrasies too big a word for our resident mad scientist?" You ask.
"I know what the word idiotsinkities means." He scoffs.
"Right." You hum. The others burst into laughter at Tony's slurred attempt at defending himself. It seems to be enough to change the subject and the rest of the night proceeds without another weird interrogation- especially once Tony passes out.
You lean against the wall as you listen to this guy, Jack, talk. He's close enough for you to smell his cologne, mostly to be heard over the music and the crowd of partygoers. You laugh at some silly joke of his, because he's cute and you'll probably end up making out with him in a quiet corner of the tower later if he doesn't say something stupid before you make that decision. The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls your attention from your conversation. Loki is standing there with his arms crossed and faced squeezed.
"Oh? Look who's come out to play." You muse.
"Do you know this guy?" Jack frowns.
"Jack, this is Loki, he's on the team. Loki this is my new friend Jack. Don't be rude, say hello." You nod your head towards Jack. Loki narrows his eyes as if sizing Jack up.
"Hey man. Nice to meet you." Jack puts his hand out to Loki.
"I don't shake hands." Loki says.
"Right- did you need something? We were, kind of talking."  Jack says.
"I don't care what you were doing." Loki rolls his eyes.
"Play nice Loki." You say, practically singing the warning.
"I'm not a dog." Loki glares at you.
"Well don't go around snarling like one." You snap.
"Is something- going on between you two?" Jack frowns.
"No." You say firmly.
"Alright well I'm going to get another drink, do you want anything?" He asks.
"Just you back here soon." You wink at him.
"I'll be as quick as I can." Jack kisses your cheek and walks off while Loki breathes incredibly noticeably agitated as he rolls his eyes ago.
"Alright Loki, what is your problem?" You scoff.
"He looks like a jungle cat."
"Really? I don't see jungle cat honestly, he kind of looks like a deer to me." You hum.
"Not in his appearance I mean the way he was closing in on you, like a lion waiting to attack a gazelle." He frowns.
"What? You don't think I can handle the big scary man Loki? Don't insult me, I've killed things that would eat him for an afternoon snack." You scoff.
"It's not that I think you can't handle him. Something about him was just- off. Didn't like his energy."
"Something was off? You didn't like his energy? Really that's what we're going with?" With a hand on his chest you press Loki against the wall.
"What else could I possibly be going with?" Loki tries to keep his voice steady, but with your hand now trailing down his abdomen you can feel muscles tensing under your touch.
"Truthfully I think somebody didn't quite enjoy seeing me pay so much attention to Jack. Don't worry Loki, he couldn't possibly replace you." You hum.
"Don't be ridiculous." He scoffs. You smirk as your hand dances lower and you watch him go stock still when your fingers trace along the waistband of his pants.
"You won't get anywhere by lying to me you know." You say. His mouth drops open slightly as you curl your fingers for your nails to gently caress his skin. "Do you want me to stop Loki?" You whisper in his ear teasingly. As if a bucket of ice water was dumped on him you watch Loki jump back out of your reach and clear his throat before walking off with a glare. You frown as you watch him go, perhaps you pushed too far this time. You think you need to apologize. You start to make your way through the crowd and somehow get caught by Jack.
"Hey, where are you off to?" He asks.
"Looking for you actually, I need a bathroom but I didn't want you to think I was leaving you hanging. If you go back to our little corner I will find you again shortly, alright?" You tap his chest and bat your eyelashes before spinning away from him to continue your task of tracking Loki down. You pop into the nearest empty room.
"Friday, where the hell did Loki go?" You ask her. The tower is huge and since you lost sight of him while talking to Jack it could take you forever to find him on your own.
"He's on the Balcony lounge at the end of the hall upstairs." Friday tells you.
"Thank you!" You tell her, heading for the stairs. Sure enough, there's Loki brooding on the balcony by himself. You slide open the door and Loki's head whips around. When his eyes settle on you, they narrow.
"I've had it with your games tonight." He says.
"No games. I actually wanted to apologize." You say.
"For what?" He regards you suspiciously.
"If I went too far just now. I'm never trying to make you uncomfortable with the teasing. If I crossed a line I want you to know I wasn't trying to and I respect your boundaries." You say gently.
"You think that made me uncomfortable?" He scoffs.
"Well you did quite literally run away."
"You do realize I'm a god, don't you?"
"So what?" You shrug.
"People worship me y/n."
"People worship me too Loki. Shall I start calling myself a goddess?" You cross your arms.
"Of course not." Loki looks at you incredulously.
"Well I'm just saying darling if you're quantifying your power here by being worshiped there are people who would tell you I am the path to heaven. Or, I suppose for you it would be Valhalla, right?" You tilt your head.
"That's rather presumptuous."
"Don't misunderstand here. I never asked them to deify me but who am I to deny those who believe I know the entrance heaven's gate?"
"And where is that?"
"Heaven's gate?" You chuckle, quirking an eyebrow up at him. "I don't think you can handle the answer to that question Loki, truthfully."
"You have no idea what I can handle." He frowns.
"I'm sure you're very capable honey but you've made it clear that you and I have... very different types." You say.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The frown deepens.
"Why did you run off? If you weren't uncomfortable, what made you run and hide?" You ask.
"How does this pertain to my question?" Loki shakes his head.
"My question is the answer to yours."
"I don't follow."
"Answer the question, and I'll offer an explanation." You say. Loki lets out a harsh breath through his nose.
"Your behavior, is disarming."
"And you don't like being disarmed?" You tilt your head.
"It's not something I'm used to."
"Right." You hum.
"You said if I answered you'd explain the connection." Loki says.
"I like disarming people. It's something I do quite well, and often. You don't seem too fond of that. Which- obviously wouldn't work."
"It's something you do well with mortals. I'll remind you I'm a god."
"So you've said but I did it pretty well to you like five minutes ago." You shrug.
"You caught me off guard." He frowns.
"It's not like I couldn't do it again."
"That's a rather bold assumption. One that I'm inclined to disagree with." His brow furrows.
"That's cute." You chuckle.
"I'm not so easily frazzled as your pathetic midgardian males." Loki insists.
"What just happened does not support that claim, but your insistence is exactly what I'm talking about when I say you're not my type. Putting you in your place would be so much trouble." You shrug.
"Putting me in my place?! On the contrary darling I would have you begging me. You'd call me king."
"What do I care for a king when there people who call me their god?" You scoff tugging at Loki's shirt to bring his face closer to yours. "Do you get it yet Loki? You want control and I'm unwilling to give it. You think too small to ever command me."
"You don't know that." His eyes narrow.
"Your breathing stuttered when I grabbed your shirt. Plus there's not a creature in all the nine realms thinking big enough to command me darling. Don't worry it's not just you." You wink at him pulling back and turning away from him to leave.
"Your attitude is insufferable." Loki growls grabbing your wrist and pinning you against the building with a hand around your throat.
"Is it?" You smile trailing your fingers from his wrist up his arm. You watch his jaw tense as his eyes snap between your face and your hand a couple of times before his gaze settles on you. His grip on your neck tightens as your fingers reach his shoulder. There, you shoot your hand quickly into his hair, fisting a handful of it and yanking, hard. Loki's head snaps back and his knees almost buckle as a strangled moan escapes from him. Your other hand grabs his wrist attached to the hand on your neck, his grip has loosened to practically nothing from your sudden hair pull but this is about power and control and if he's determined to convince you he's got some here you're determined to ensure he knows that's not true. "Let go Loki." You say in that sultry commanding tone you usually reserve for submissives. Slowly, his fingers unfurl until they no longer hold you and you finally release his hair, only to knock his ankle in such a way that he drops to his knees. He snaps his head up towards you with a glare in his eyes but all you do is smirk at him. "Shame you're such a brat, you look so good on your knees for me." You hum tilting his chin slightly. You lean forward, close enough to feel his heavy breaths against your face. "Goodnight Loki." You whisper. You drag your finger from his chin up his cheek and then turn away, leaving him on his knees on the balcony with more questions than he can answer as you return to the party.
The loud knock on your bedroom door pulls your attention from the show you're watching. You almost don't want to get up but whoever is looking for you seems rather incesent so you roll out of bed and swing open the door to find Loki in the hall.
"Loki? What are you doing here?" You cross your arms and lean against your doorframe.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Look whatever Tony said to upset you, you can always get him back by calling out that he's a spoiled brat with daddy issues and a lack of self control so embarrassingly pathetic it's a miracle Pepper wants to be within 10 feet of him let alone spend the rest of her life with him." You sigh.
"That was- scathing and rather immediate, do you just spend your free time thinking of nasty things to say?" Loki blinks at you.
"No but I do have an arsenal of harsh comments if ever I need to hurt someone's feelings." You shrug.
"I'll- keep that in mind but this isn't about Anthony Stark." He shakes his head.
"Well, what is it then?"
"Could I- do you mind if come in?" He asks. You poke your head into your room checking for anything you don't want him to see.
"Fine." You say after confirming your room is clean. You open the door fully and let him through the doorway. "What's this about Loki?"
"The party the other night. Do you, remember what we talked about?" Loki asks.
"Well yes but you'll need to be more specific on where this is going."
"I just, I've been thinking about it and I think you're wrong and I'd like to prove it to you."
"Oh this should be good. Wrong about what exactly? Because I think I made myself quite clear. You'll never get the control from me that you seem to think you want." You shrug.
"No that much is obvious. But you said I wasn't your type and I think that's- not true." Loki's brow furrows as he speaks.
"What a shocking turn of events." You hum.
"Do not mock me." He sighs.
"I'm not. You were so insistent you couldn't possibly fit the bill I'm surprised by the turn around."
"Believe me so am I but, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night. Something about you forcing me to my knees I just- something happened."
"Something happened?" You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"You disarmed me again but- I liked it. I think. And I'd like to try and understand that."
"Say it Loki."
"You said your partners worship you, show me how to do the same." Loki says.
"And you're sure you want this? If you misbehave I can be very mean."
"I'm sure." He nods.
"Then we'll have to discuss some things first. I won't touch you until I've asked some questions." You shake your head.
"Ask me anything."
"How do you feel about restraints?"
"No handcuffs. Ropes are fine."
"How are you with pain?"
"I don't know my limits but I'm not- opposed." He says.
"I'm not going to paddle you or anything darling it's much too soon for any of that but we'll use a stoplight system anyway. I'll check in frequently but at any point you can say yellow if you realize you're reaching a limit or red if you need something to stop. You'll also need a safeword."
"I don't need a safewor-"
"I don't know your limits, you don't even know your limits. It's a nonnegotiable Loki, you need a safeword. Pick one." You say.
"If I must, I'll use another color. Gold."
"It's easy to say, I wear it a lot, do you think it'll get confusing?"
"Nope. As long as it's something you can remember." You shrug.
"I can remember gold." He says.
"Then gold it is. And Loki?"
"You must promise me you will use it if you need to." You say.
"I won't need to."
"Don't start with that nonsense." You roll your eyes. "I need to know you'll use it if it comes to that."
"Fine. If it comes to that, I'll use it." He nods.
"Good. Couple more components. Overstimulation and or edging. Where do you fall?"
"I think you underestimate my resilience." He frowns.
"These are things I ask all of my submissives Loki you are not exempt. Not everyone likes the same things. You're lucky I'm not making you fill out my entire questionaire right now. You'll have to do that later." You scoff.
"I have homework already?"
"If you want this to continue after today you will. For now, overstimulation and edging."
"That's fine with me."
"Can we- hold off on those until we have a longer conversation about it?"
"Absolutely. How do you feel about names? Do you like being called mean things? Are there certain pet names you don't like?"
"When you say mean things-" Loki trails.
"Mean names like slut or whore, I might scold you for 'making a mess', or tease you for being responsive."
"If- you say something that strikes a nerve I'll say so. Otherwise proceed whatever way feels natural." He says.
"Do you have any questions?" You ask.
"No." He shakes his head.
"Well that's the end of the preliminaries."
"So we can start now?"
"You think you're ready?"
Loki drops to his knees hesitently, looking at you with wide eyes.
"From here on you'll address me as mistress, is that understood?"
"Yes... mistress." Loki says. You can see the wheels turning in his head, trying to decide how he feels about it.
"I know I said this the other night but you really do look so perfect on your knees for me." You hum grabbing his chin. You wrap your fingers around his throat and bend over to kiss him. Loki reacts eagerly to your kiss, leaning up into you as much as you'll allow given your hand still holding his neck. When you pull away his mouth tries to follow yours but you hold him in place. Part of you just wants to look at Loki on his knees for a couple of hours, one day you'll tie him up real pretty and take pictures of him kneeling for you. "You want to learn how to worship me do you?"
"Please mistress." Loki breathes out. God that was hot. You're already thinking of ways to make him beg. You pull your shorts off and Loki's gaze falls to the apex of your thighs, still covered by your underwear, but his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"Take my underwear off, with your teeth. Just your teeth." You tell him. Loki leans forward and latches onto a corner of your panties with his teeth. It takes him a moment to get the hang of it but you watch as Loki works them over your hips slowly. Once they're off, you thread your fingers through his hair, using the leverage to angle his gaze back up to yours. "Let's see if that silver tongue of yours is good for anything other than those silly retorts of yours hm?" You hum shoving Loki's face towards your pussy. He reacts quickly, tongue lapping at your center with fervor. You tug at his hair, arching towards his mouth, as he works you.
"That's it Loki, keep going." You moan. Loki looks up at you while he seemingly tries out a few patterns, trying to work out what you like best. You pull his hair when he does something you like, enjoying the way he groans when you do. "Wrap your lips around my clit and suck." You tell him. Loki is quick to follow your instructions and it doesn't take long for you to coat his mouth in evidence of your orgasm. You pull his head away from you, petting his head affectionately. "That was a good start. Up. Lay on the bed and take off your shirt." You instruct stepping back. Unsteadily, Loki stands up and walks over to your bed, stripping his shirt before he lays down. His body is stiff, probably since your instruction was vauge.
"Relax Loki. You look so- rigid." You chuckle sitting next to him on the bed. You allow yourself to simply admire his exposed chest, using your fingers to trace the plains and valleys of lean muscle that tense up at your touch. Eventually, you drag your hand down, dancing along the edge of his pants allowing the anticipation to build before you slip your hand beneath his jeans. Over his boxers, you stroke his dick, tracing veins and feeling it's size through his underwear.
"Uh... M-mistress?" He says breathily.
"What is it Loki?" You hum, with your free hand you work his jeans down his legs enough to see what you're doing to him. His grey boxers are already a bit darkened from pre-cum.
"If, if you keep doing that I'm- I'm afraid I'll make a mess of myself rather early." Loki frowns.
"So what?"
"W-well it's it's embarrassing mistress." He says, though little grunts interrupt his words.
"Embarrassing? So you don't want me to touch you?" You ask slowing your movements.
"N-no mistress that's not what, I do, want you to touch me. If that's what you want to do." He scrambles.
"See that's what I thought." You say speeding up again. Loki jerks against your hand low moans filling the room as you watch him react to your touch. You continue to stroke him over his boxers, watching the darkened spot of pre-cum grow ever so slightly bigger. You notice immediately when Loki's hands grip your sheets tightly. He must be getting close. It prompts you to increase your ministrations.
"M-mistress wa-wait stop I, I'm too close- I'll ruin my-" Loki doesn't finish his sentence. A shuddering moan accompanies the visual of his orgasm darkening most of the front of his boxers, wet streaks ruining much of the light grey fabric. There's something you quite enjoy about the sight even as Loki's cheeks tinge pink with shame. "I'm sorry." He mutters.
"Don't apologize. I wanted that to happen. As for the rest of your orgasms you'll have to earn them. You must ask for my permission to cum for the rest of the session. If you cum without my permission there will be consequences. Am I understood?" You grab his chin to make him look at you.
"Yes mistress." Loki says, eyes wide, searching your face, for what you're not sure.
"Good." You say pulling his dick out of his soiled boxers. You lick along the length once, reveling in the hiss Loki lets out no doubt from sensitivity. His previous orgasm makes for plenty of lubricant as you begin stroking him again, slowly. Loki's breaths come out in shudders and you lean over to place kisses and hickeys along his throat. Each bloom of red along his neck and chest pulls sweet moans from him until the sensitivity wears off. Soon, surprisingly soon, you see him grab the sheets again.
"Mistress I, I'm close-"
"So soon? Wow." You taunt.
"Can I cum mistress?"
"But before you didn't want to. Remember? You even asked me to stop." You slow down, almost stopping.
"No nonono that was- that was different I didn't mean it that way-" he seems to give up on his defense in favor of a groan at the sudden decrease in stimulation.
"Well, I was so kind in giving you the first one and you didn't even thank me. So you'll have to really convince me you want another." You shrug when his harsh breathing slows a bit you pick up the pace of your strokes again. When Loki grips the sheets you slow down again and when the tension dissipates you pick up. You do this three or four more times before Loki's moans start to transform in to pathetic sounding whines, his chest is red, his knuckles are white, and his dick is throbbing in your hand.
"Please- mistress." Loki pants.
"Please what baby boy?"
"I can't- I can't do it. I need to cum, I need to, please. Please mistress."
"You need to?"
"Please! Please mistress. Please let me cum. Oh god I need you to. Please." Loki's begging is boarderline hysteric, he's trembling and half of his words come out as moans.
"I do love to hear you beg."
"Please!" He whines out.
"Oo that was a good one. Very well, go ahead and let go for me sweetheart." You say sweetly, stroking faster to help him along. A few pumps later and he's spilling onto himself and your hand with a cry that makes your walls clench around nothing. You continue stroking him through it and even after he's coming down. You wonder if you can't pull one more from him. Loki jolts against your touch, scrambling as if to escape it but unable to go anywhere really.
"G-g-gold! Gold. I can't. Please." Loki pants out.
"Hands up." You say as you do exactly that. "Sorry Lo I- guess I got carried away. I'll get a towel for you." You get off the bed and grab a towel, wetting one side to clean him off and using the other to dry him after. You hand him an extra blanket after. "Give yourself some time to recoup okay?"
"You're cruel."
"I wasn't trying to be. You just- fell into your role so well. I told you I'm not easy. But I'll remember you're still new to this and be sure to treat you gently in the future. Mr. you underestimate my resillience."
"I can handle it."
"With time I'm sure. No rush now." You shrug.
"Wait- don't go anywhere please." Loki grabs your wrist.
"You need water honey."
"Later." Loki tugs hard enough to pull you into the bed next to him. You sigh and wrap your arms around him, playing with his hair gently. Loki will make for one interesting submissive if he decides this is something he wants long term. You'll have your work cut out for you, but maybe he's better suited for this than you think. Only time will tell I suppose.
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pennyluna · 2 days
Secretly Mine - One Shot -Jeon Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Female) 🔞
Genre: Secret dating - slight smut - friends
Plot: little secret being revealed
Word count: 1.243
A/N: This one shot is part of a collection of one shots I am working in right now. Sorry it took me a long time to post again, I was busy moving to a new country and settling in so I haven't had much time to post but I am back now.
I open my eyes, my sight blurry and I feel my head pounding... ugh. I went out to a club with a couple of friends last night and ended up bumping into Jungkook and his friends, it was a fun night that ended on me having to help him bring two very drunk Jimin and Mingyu back to Jungkook's apartment, where I ended up also staying the night.
After putting Jimin and Mingyu in the guestrooms, I tried to leave but Jungkook's very good passionate kisses convinced me otherwise. Now I look at the handsome man laying next to me, his breathing calm and even, he seems so peaceful so I try my best not to wake him, I try to move his heavy arm from around my naked body, which results on him steering in bed but staying asleep.
I need a shower so I get off the bed noticing how our clothes are all over the floor, my tight leather dress that was almost ripped from my body seems so small laying there next to his t-shirt. I grabbed the clothes and pulled them all into his corner chair  -My head hurts-
I love the water pressure in Jungkook's shower, I love the frosted shower screen and how spacious it is.
I let the warm water run from my head and  wash over my body in hopes that it will take the hangover away, while relaxing I hear the bathroom door open and close but I don't move, I know it's him.
"Good morning, beautiful" Jungkook says while lowering himself to kiss my shoulder. I tilt my head back onto his chest now firmly pressed against my back.
"Did I wake you?"
"Did you not get enough last night?" I say, a moan escaping my lips. "The boys are still here, they might hear us."
"Nah. I just missed you out there" he says while starting to trace kisses on my neck. His hands moving one to my breast and one to my core, where his fingers start rubbing my clit.
I let myself melt into him.
"Never." He says between neck kisses " They are still asleep and the walls are pretty thick so don't worry."
We had done it in here before but no one else was ever in the house at the same time so I worry, I'm not ready for people to find out about our little secret.
He turns me around "(Y/L) trust me..." he looks at me, scanning my face that seem to not be showing the emotion he is looking for so he drops to his knees, pulls one of my legs over his shoulder and looking into my eyes he adds "let me help you relax"
I'm so close to my release that I start shaking and he is smiling at me mischievously, he is dragging it out, torturing me a little and enjoying it.
After one of the best orgasms I've ever had through Oral sex, he gets up pulling my legs to his waist and holding me against the wall. I can feel his cock rubbing my entrance and taking a break from a very intense kiss, he pushes in causing us both to groan in pleasure.
Once he knows I have adjusted to his size, he starts pushing in and out of me, making my eyes roll back ad shut.
He picks up the pace, our kisses more passionate each time and my orgasm is building. I know his is too. I know all the signs of his body like he knows mine and this is meant to be a morning quicky, I can feel the muscles in his back tensing under my fingertips.
"Oh My Gㅡ YES. YES! I'mㅡ" my moans get placated by his big hand placed on my mouth. I want to complain because he stopped thrusting into me while I was trying to ride my orgasm but when I look at him I notice the panicked look in his eyes and then I hear the reason.
"Hey Kook, sorry for barging in. I really need to pee and I think Mingyu is throwing up on the other one" It's Jimin. Jimin is in the freaking bathroom while I'm fully naked. Not to mention the fact that his precious golden maknae's cock is buried deep inside of me. OH MY GOD.
"Jimin. What the fuck? Get out" Jungkook orders him.
"I just need to pee. Give me one second" I hear a belt buckle followed by a zipper and my eyes widen.
"JIMIN. GET THE FUCK OUT." His voice is now seriously scary and some how it turns me on, causing my pussy to clench around Jungkook's cock who closes his eyes trying to level his breathing and then gives me a warning look.
"Kook, I'll be out in a second" I hear the sound of what I assume is his pee hitting the water in the toilet and resign, throwing my head into Jungkook's chest. -I don't think this could be any worse- " Hey so, I think I'll ask (Y/N) out." My head snaps back up and I lock eyes with Jungkook who looks very annoyed. "She looked so fucking hot last night with that dress. I couldn't stop thinking about how it would feel to take it off her..." my brain shuts off, I could not continue listening to what seemed like a mini rant about all the ways he would do me.
"Jimin shut up and get the fuck out" Jungkook's words came out slowly but they were a warning that sounded dangerous and it snapped me out of my disassociating state.
"Bro what the heck is your problem? I'm telling you about a girl I want to hook up with" Jimin's tone seems annoyed but pleading.
"I can't help you get (Y/N)..." 
I've always known Jungkook gets jealous easily, specially when people talk about me but this is not Jimin's fault, he doesn't know his friend and I are in a relationship. Jungkook and I have been dating for a while now but held off on telling the others because we want to enjoy our privacy bubble a bit longer. Well that and the fact I was scared of telling people.
I touch Jungkook's hand to get his attention and when he looks at me, I mouth 'it's time', he needs to tell his friend before this gets any more awkward. He has been wanting to tell him for a while but didn't because of me, so I let him know it's okay.
"Why not? You guys are close, you could just talk to her for me."
" Yeah, right. We are close. Very close. So I can't help you out with her"
"What do you mean? Why-" there is a few seconds of silence "Wait Jungkook... are you and (Y/N)... are you guys fucking?" his voice sound surprised and amused.
Jungkook turns to look at my blushing face and grins "Thanks to you, not anymore" 
"Huh?" there is a few seconds of silence and then a gasp "Wait.. are you- is she-?"
I can hear the realization hit him so I do the only thing I can think about "Hiii Chim"
"OH.. mmm... Hii (Y/N)!!"
"Oookay" Jungkook says slowly "Now can you get the fuck out please?"
Jimin leaves the bathroom and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Jungkook's hands go to the back of my neck to hold me upright and he bends down to kiss me deeply.
"Mine. I can finally tell everyone that you are mine. My girl."
A/N 2: Hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if there is anyone you would like me to make a story one and I will try my best to add it to my list of one shots 😘
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ipso-faculty · 3 days
I, an intersex autistic, want to complain about an autistic flag
This time I'm not complaining about using the white infinity symbol of the Métis. I wanna complain about this flag, made in 2021 by Autistic Empire:
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This one upsets me as an intersex person. I get that the designers wanted to make a flag that's different from the neurodiversity flag, and that gold is a common choice for autism (Au = Gold).
The problem it's an icon on a solid golden yellow background, and that is Intersex Flag Territory.
For my perisex readers, these are intersex flags. The one on the left was made in 2013 by Morgan Carpenter so you'll hear people refer to it as the Carpenter flag sometimes:
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A common technique in deriving flags for "intersex plus X" is to replace the purple ring with another icon in the same colour. Like these! (Note the intersex autism flag.)
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So using the flag logic I'm used to for intersex flags, a rainbow infinity on a solid gold background means.... neurodivergent intersex!
I've talked to a few other intersex people who had the same reaction. It's kind of upsetting - intersex is so frequently invisible and sidelined at the queer table. My *emotional* reaction to the Autistic Empire flag has been "really, we intersex people can't have one thing?". (This is an emotional response not necessarily a rational response.)
Also annoying me is how Autistic Empire presents their 2021 flag on their Autistic Pride Day page beside the history that Autistic Pride Day started in 2005, which apparently gives people the idea that the Autistic Empire flag was created in 2005.
Best I can tell, this was the 2005 flag that Aspies for Freedom created. I know it was a rainbow infinity on a white background but I'm not 100% this was their design. (If you know please let me know!)
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These oldest ND/autistic flags I can find with clear provenance are from 2013 and 2016:
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The Autistic Empire design was created in 2021 by taking a 2016 neurodiversity infinity symbol design and sticking it on the gold background.
The prospect of solid gold backgrounds taking off as an autistic flag theme is scary to me. I've seen how queer Métis now have to explain that the Métis queer pride flag is not an autistic flag.
In my eyes, it fits into the greater trend of autistic flags being insensitive of other minorities' flags (see: the Metis flag). I think we as a community need to do better about this.
My fellow autistics I beg of you when doing flag designs: - google image search - has your idea already been used? Search the keywords you want before making a mock up - also text search on google and tumblr: <keywords> and <flag> - consult recommendations on how make an infinity symbol that does not look Metis - Wikipedia's list of flags by colour combination - once you have a mockup, return to google image search and this time search using the mockup - if you get feedback that your flag design is too similar to another group's flag, use this feedback. The person who is giving you the feedback might be upset, and if so, try to look past their tone and work past any defensiveness you may feel Edit to add: I'm keeping a list of autistic & ND flags that don't use the Metis infinity nor use a solid gold background here. If you know of more please let me know! <3
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hoshifighting · 3 days
virgin!woozi x reader
warnings: smut, virginity loss, clit stimulation, deep throat, body fluids (cum), oral...
you discovered jihoon was a virgin when he casually mentioned it during one of your late-night conversations. you were best friends, so it wasn’t a secret he felt the need to hide. jihoon wasn't shy or embarrassed about it; he was quite matter-of-fact.
“i don’t know how you can go so long without sex,” you teased him one evening.
jihoon paused his guitar tuning and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “is sex really that good that you can’t live without it?”
the question caught you off guard, and you nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression on your face. “it feels amazing, especially if it’s with someone special. at least, for me.”
jihoon's gaze drifted to the floor, and he started tuning his guitar again, humming softly. you watched him, wondering what was going through his mind. you both had shared kisses after parties, taken a bath together at mingyu's countryside house, and you wore his shirts when you stayed over at his place.
there was a level of intimacy between you that went beyond friendship.
after a few moments of silence, jihoon spoke, his voice low but clear. “i have few people who are special to me. so, it can only be with you.”
your heart skipped a beat. jihoon was usually so reserved, but every now and then, he made bold statements that left you speechless.
that day, you left the studio, not because you didn’t want to be with him, but because you thought jihoon might not be thinking straight in that moment. he was rational, but this felt too sudden.
jihoon, on the other hand, thought he had ruined everything. but the next night, you found yourself at the door of his studio. you rang the bell, and when he let you in, he seemed both surprised and relieved.
he sat on the couch, and you took his swiveling chair by his music setup. you tossed your leather bag aside and turned the chair to face him, finding a fidgeting jihoon sitting upright with his head down.
“is this really what you want?” you asked softly.
jihoon lifted his head, his eyes confused. “hm?”
you leaned in closer, your face just centimeters from his. “do you want me to take your virginity?”
his eyes widened, and he gulped, visibly nervous. he nodded, but you wanted to hear it from him.
“i need words, jihoon,” you insisted gently.
“yes, i want it,” he said, his voice firm despite the nervousness. you nodded, leaning back in the chair. “fine.”
you repositioned yourself, spreading your legs and slowly lifting your dress with the tips of your nails, revealing your bare pussy to him.
jihoon’s eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. his reaction was a mix of awe and nervous excitement.
you gave him a reassuring smile, beckoning him closer with a finger. “come here, jihoon.”
he moved towards you, hesitating only for a second before kneeling between your legs. you could see his hands trembling slightly as he reached out to touch you. you guided his hands, placing them on your thighs and giving him a gentle squeeze.
“take your time,” you whispered, your voice soothing. “we’ll go slow.”
jihoon nodded, his eyes never leaving yours as he leaned in closer.
you could feel his breath on your skin, warm and shaky. he kissed you softly at first, then more confidently as you encouraged him with soft moans.
he pulled back slightly, looking up at you with a mixture of determination and uncertainty. “i want to make you feel good,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
you smiled, running your fingers through his hair. “you will, jihoon. just relax.”
with newfound confidence, jihoon trailed kisses down your body until his lips reached your inner thighs. you squirmed in anticipation, your breath hitching as he pressed his mouth to your pussy lips. his tongue flicked out, exploring your folds, and you moaned, gripping the arms of the chair and his hair for support.
“oh, jihoon,” you gasped as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking it gently at first. he looked up at you, his eyes dark with lust.
seeing the pleasure on your face, he sucked harder, his mouth working tirelessly to bring you closer to the edge. your legs began to tremble around his head as you felt your orgasm building.
“stop, jihoon,” you panted, pulling his head away from you. he looked up at you with wide, innocent eyes, his lips swollen from his efforts. “i’m going to cum,” you explained breathlessly.
instead of stopping, he kissed your swollen clit once, twice, three times. “cum for me,” he murmured against your sensitive flesh.
having a virgin between your legs, commanding you to cum, was something you couldn’t resist. your orgasm washed over you, your head thrown back, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as you moaned his name, dragging it out. “jihoon…oh my god, jihoon.”
he watched in awe as you came, the sight of you in ecstasy proving that everything you had said about sex was true—especially with someone special. you grabbed his hair, groaning through gritted teeth as he continued to stimulate you, making your body squirm uncontrollably. finally, you had to push him away for real, your body melting into the chair as you caught your breath.
looking at jihoon, you noticed a thin line of cum connecting your pussy to his lips. the sight made you moan again, and you leaned down to kiss him, pulling him up to his feet so he could lay on the couch. you palmed his cock through his shorts, feeling the hardness and heat radiating from him. lowering the waistband, his underwear came down with it, revealing his hard, reddened cock, veins prominent from how aroused he was.
you rolled your eyes at the sight, not in teasing but in sheer desire. you didn’t waste any time, taking his length into your mouth. jihoon’s eyes rolled back, and from his lips came the most sinful moan you’d ever heard. it sent a shiver down your spine and made you drip onto the couch beneath you.
you made it sloppy, relaxing your jaw and throat to take him all in, wanting to show him just how good sex could be. jihoon’s hands gripped the couch, his knuckles white as he tried to process the overwhelming pleasure.
“oh, fuck,” he gasped, his voice breaking. “that feels…oh my god…”
you hummed around him, sending vibrations through his cock as you moved your head up and down. the sounds he made only encouraged you to go harder, faster, wanting to make his first experience unforgettable.
“y/n,” he moaned, his hips bucking up slightly. “i’m gonna… i’m gonna cum…”
you looked up at him, your eyes meeting his as you took him even deeper. with a final, desperate thrust, he came, his hot cum filling your mouth and spilling onto your tongue. you swallowed what you could, the rest dribbling down your chin and onto his cock.
as you pulled back, you saw the blissful, almost dazed expression on jihoon’s face. he was panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly. you smiled, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before crawling up to lay beside him.
you a few minutes so he could get hard again, to fuck him just right.
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erwinsvow · 3 hours
hii shea idk if someone has already made this type of request if that's the case please ignore me but i can't stop thinking about shy!reader absolutely cock drunk asking for the first time rafe to fuck her raw and the question caught him so off guard that he felt feral and dizzy, his composure slipping away just wanting to please his sweet girl<3
hi baby omg no i don't have any reqs like this here it is hope i did it justice <33
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rafe was teasing you today.
after more than an hour of back and forth at whatever party you two had gone to for the evening—and only because rafe wanted to sell and your friends had already promised they'd be there—you were more than ready to go home.
except rafe hadn't taken you home yet. instead you'd been all around the house—on rafe's lap in the living room to start. leaning in to your boyfriend's ear, you know he can tell how desperate you're getting.
you don't do well with denial anymore—rafe had spoiled you too much for that.
"can't we go now?" the words are whispered to rafe, and you rest your head on his shoulder, blinking up at him while you wait for a response. one of his hands leaves the armstand of the sofa and grips your exposed thigh, skirt riding up a little too much.
"it's early. hold out a little longer. can you do that for me?"
you think your eyes are going to roll all the way back. the answer is yes, of course, you can do that for him. you would do anything for him. you just don't want.
following that, you accompanied rafe to the other side of the house where a whole swarm of people were chasing their next high. though you should really stand next to him, you just can't find it in you today, instead staying his back, peering out every now and then like shy children do.
it's all worth it, because moments later rafe takes you upstairs, murmuring something about how you're being a good girl for holding out. there's an empty bedroom that you think is the perfect place to spend the next hour.
rafe's talking to you—though you're so deliriously horny you can't really hear him. you nod and stare up, agreeing to whatever your boyfriend wants to do, just wishing he would hurry up and do something already, when the door opens.
you're not naked, though if they had barged in a few minutes later, you might have been. and normally you think your face would be burning, that you might die of embarrassment at someone catching you like this.
instead you're just mad.
it's the owner of the house—which makes sense, since your boyfriend has brought you up to the master. he's got a girl of his own on his arm, and you grind your teeth getting up with rafe, furious and impatient now.
"at least knock next time!" you yell when you shuffle through, ignoring splutters of it's my house!
you think rafe is going to ask you what you want to do next—but he doesn't. your boyfriend, like always, knows what you need before you can even know it sometimes. you follow rafe back to his truck, ready for, at the very least, some peace and quiet.
when you finally get up to rafe's room, the buzz of the party is wearing off a bit. your feet hurt from your heels and you can't believe you yelled at someone. lost in your own thoughts, you don't even process rafe sitting down next to you, until he takes your feet into his lap, undoing the strap of your shoes for you.
it's instant—one touch from him is enough to set your skin on fire.
"oh," you say, at the sudden realization you might finally be getting what you want. you stare at where rafe is holding your ankle in place, shoes on the ground now. "thank you."
"s'nothing, kid. get on the bed." eagerly, you comply.
in the vain hope that rafe was as impatient as you are—you thought he would just fuck you already. but it seems not, with the slow way he kisses up and down your neck, down to your tits and your stomach.
you find it a lot easier to ask him for things now—a new dress, dessert, money for your nails—but it seems impossible to ask him for this, so you opt for enjoying it and staying silent.
but even then—rafe always knows when something is wrong. you're practically vibrating from anticipation—you had wanted your boyfriend to fuck you hours ago on that stupid couch from that stupid house. it seems your body was only now realize how long you'd been clenching your thighs, biting your cheek and ignoring the tense knot in your stomach.
a few touches from rafe was enough to have you practically melting—staring up and still not saying anything.
"y'okay, kid?" he asks, and you really don't know how to answer. "s'okay. you're getting what you want."
you can do this. you're patient—you've always been patient.
"can you-please, just-" alright, maybe not. "can you please just fuck me raw, please, please, just fuck me-"
of course, rafe's not stupid. he could tell you've been on edge all night, he just hadn't known why. he stares down at you, all flushed, hot skin and heavy breaths, looking up at him. he knows whatever reaction he gives you will stay on your mind, and though he can try as hard as he wants, you are impossible to say no to.
"jesus. s'that really what you want?" you nod eagerly. "can't regret this later, baby. once we do that, it's-it's serious. what if i knock you up, huh?"
rafe watches you take in the words, facing twisting in understand.
"please knock me up."
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matan4il · 1 day
have you ever been able to have any Palestinian friends? I'm not asking this as a gotcha question at all, but sincerely (I know anons on here can be scary), I was wondering about it because an Israeli I follow on Instagram was asked about this a few days ago in his stories, and he said he was never able to have friends in Gaza, but he did have friends in the West Bank, and they've almost all cut him off completely following 10/7, and some really hurt him by showing support for the massacre. he said he's still got his Arab Israeli and Palestinian friends who are Israeli citizens, that they may disagree sometimes but haven't to a breaking point because they live in the nation together and want peace and are supportive of each other through differences, but those friendships in the West Bank are sadly over. he also said that he's had friends he's known for years from places all over the world who dropped him after the terror attack just because he's Israeli and Jewish, which I think is all too familiar for ALL of us because I don't know a single Jew who hasn't lost multiple friends, online and off, through all this and through no fault of their own, just existing as Jews. it makes me so sad. but knowing he was cut off because of support of the massacre from Palestinians was depressing to hear, you think people are your friends and then find out they approve your people's rape and slaughter? and until they stop deeply hating Jews to that point, how can there be peace? he seems like such a good person and centers humanity and does want peace, as I know most Israelis do, but one side can't achieve that alone.
sorry this is long. *hugs*
Hi Nonnie,
thank you for the ask, and I hope you're doing good! *hugs*
I have had Palestinian friends. True, not from Gaza. Israel left it in 2005, and there has been an internationally recognized border between us since. Ironically, I think the only Israelis who could have given you a different answer up until Oct 7 were the southern communities that Hamas attacked and massacred. They lived right on the border, most were left wing Israelis, many volunteered to help Palestinians in one capacity or another (such as driving them to get medical care inside Israel), or chose to employ Palestinians (despite how some might have warned them that it's a security risk), and that illusion of friendship was shattered when it became clear that it was exactly those Gazans who provided the intel on southern Israeli communities, that was needed to plan and carry out the massacre. Not every single Gazan, of course. But enough that this is a true betrayal in the worst sense of the word.
In my case, some of the Palestinians I've befriended over the years have been uni friends or colleagues, but the closest and longest lasting friendships have been with gay Palestinians who I share a community with. They can't be safely openly gay anywhere under Palestinian rule, so they would come to Israeli gay community centers, and were received warmly there. I also was in one fandom, where someone heard I'm from Jerusalem, and said they know another Israeli from Jerusalem. Turned out, it was a Palestinian girl from East Jerusalem, and while I'm no longer that active in said fandom, I'm still in touch with that girl.
I feel very lucky to say that I haven't lost these friendships since Oct 7. Ironic, because I've "lost" friendships (if that's what they ever were) with so many hypocritical foreigners who don't live this conflict, and aren't affected by it, beyond their need to show everyone they're "on the right side," but I haven't lost the people who are actually a part of it. It's almost like foreigners have no idea about the actual complicated reality of this conflict, nor a desire to learn about it, just a need to reduce it to "good" and "bad," taking whichever side social media tells them is the former. My Palestinian friends know me, they know how I treat other human beings (spoiler alert: as human beings!) and they also know my opinions, and that I see myself as being both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. I guess they agree with me that my opinions are in favor of both groups, or I'm sure that they would have cut ties with me already.
There is one exception, though it predates Hamas' massacre. I've mentioned in my pride post that I've volunteered for the gay community in my city, at the Jerusalem Open House. In fact, there was a certain year where I won an award for being the organization's stand out volunteer. I mention this, because I have always seen myself as being there for everyone, and I feel like that award was an acknowledgement of that.
The very first Palestinian queer organization ever actually started out as "the Palestinian project" of the JOH, an attempt to create a safe space for, support and help queer Palestinians. One member of the group became very dominant and after a few years, she decided they should be an independent organization. The JOH gave its blessing, and agree to rent out one of its offices to her, and provide the physical space for the organization's activities (since obviously, they couldn't be openly held in Ramallah or Bethlehem, under the rule of the Palestinian Authority). I met her there, and we became friends. Not the closest, but def more than just acquaintances. I was very proud of her work for her community, and often told others about it.
One day, I was sitting in the JOH main space, talking to people about the problem of honor killings. It's widespread within Arab society (one researcher believes about 20,000 women are murdered for this around the world every year), and that includes Palestinians. I was specifically asked about it, and was answering the question out of a deep concern for Palestinian lives, mainly women and queers (including my own friends), threatened or murdered for the perception that they "violated" their family's honor. For the record, such a violation can be simply a guy kissing another one, a woman being raped, a biological male coming out and living as a trans woman, a mother getting a divorce and dating a new man, or a daughter defying her father's wishes and pursuing higher education. I have seen Palestinians (and Israeli Arabs) murdered for all of these reasons, and I HATE it and think more needs to be done to prevent such crimes. I also have queer Palestinian friends, who have tried to seek refuge in western countries because of a threat to their lives within their own society, sometimes from their own families. They were denied, and had to go deep into the closet. It's a miserable existence, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
She walked by while I was talking. IDK what exactly she heard, but she then went to the CEO of the JOH and complained that I was being racist. For caring about the lives of Palestinians. For comparison, I linked above to an Amnesty International piece about honor killings. Are they being racist for bringing up this problem, and speaking up for Arab women everywhere, too? The CEO called me in for a talk, was convinced that I wasn't being racist, and that was that. But it left me shook up. That was the first time I realized that this woman prioritized Palestinian society's appearance, over the actual well being of fellow Palestinian women and queers. I never talked to her again after that, nor did she ever speak to me.
I also started seeing her and her organization becoming openly anti-Israel, even when it harmed the community she was supposed to serve. In Sep 2021, there was even an article published about it, calling out the hypocrisy of attacking Israel, while this country's existence is what even enables that organization to operate, since they can't do so under Palestinian rule. And my friends who were seeking sanctuary from the threats to their lives from within their own society? They never got legal help in that pursuit from her organization, only from Israeli ones. I think that's a tragedy.
The last time her organization filed the needed reports to be officially recognized as an NGO in Israel was 2020. They obviously continued to be active after that, and still are (at least on social media, where they echo the anti-Israel narrative since the war started), but IDK if they're even doing anything real for queer Palestinians anymore, or whether she still heads it. Whenever I think about it, I'm just sad for all the people she should have helped, but who turned out to be less important to her than a nationalistic, antisemitic (that's what it is when she demands self determination for her people, but denies that right to Jews, as she does by supporting the BDS movement) and self-destructive (to her own community) struggle.
And yes, on a personal level, I felt betrayed by her, though I've also felt like her betrayal of her own people was way worse.
I think at the end of the day, for many Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, the question is what are they more attached to, that nationalistic, antisemitic struggle, or they (and their people's) well being. If you look at Mosab Hassan Youssef, I think what says it all, is that the son of a Hamas co-founder could end up on the side of Israel, initially not because of anything Israel did, but because he saw Palestinians in prison being tortured and killed by Hamas, and he gave a damn about his own people.
BTW, out of curiosity, who is the Israeli you're following, who got you wondering about this? And I really hope my reply was in some way helpful. Take good care! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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the longest damn late night phone call from heaven EVER
aka, Emily has a slightly gruesome favor to ask, Charlie's determined to be good and helpful friend, and Vaggie was only half-right about people not recognizing her without her exorcist mask
Charlie: “…not exactly what I expected, when dad said heaven wanted another chat.”
Emily: “I know, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to bother you at home-”
Charlie: “It’s fine. Kinda late for a video call but, hold on.” (slips into hallway) (quietly shuts bedroom door) “It’s important right?”
Emily: “It’s… it’s important to me.”
Charlie: “Well that counts! What’s up? Uh, aside from literally you, anyway.”
Emily: “Before that, is your girlfriend- is Vaggie okay?”
Charlie: “She’s.”
Charlie: “……”
Charlie: “…fine.”
Emily: “There were a lot of bandages.”
Charlie: “Oh. Those.”
Emily: “I wasn’t trying to look, but when you were going past of bed, I just. I’ve never seen one of us like-”
Charlie: “Um I don’t think she’d really like the ‘one of us’ part. Just a heads up.”
Emily: “I’ll remember. Will they heal? Lute’s arm already has, and she said angelic steel is what- what killed that first Exorcist-”
Charlie: “Some of them- Some of them will heal, Vaggie says.”
Emily: “And the others?”
Charlie: “They’ll… probably be like her eye, I guess. The bleeding will stop.”
Emily: “Her eye-?”
Charlie: “Did you know Lute gouged it out with a sword? Right before leaving her in hell?”
Emily: “She- No! Why would she-”
Charlie: “So you didn’t know what Vaggie was when you saw her. You didn’t know what Lute and Adam did to her-”
Emily: “Charlie I SWEAR I had no idea. The Exorcists- other than Lute they keep those masks on almost all time, even up here! I could have walked past Vaggie a hundred times without knowing it!”
Charlie: “….that’s what she said too.”
Emily: “Vaggie?”
Charlie: “Mm.”
Emily: “Why ask me then? She told you and you trust her… right?”
Charlie: “It’s, complicated. And not the point.”
Emily: “Are you two okay-”
Charlie: “Not the point. What can I help heaven with tonight? I’d, kinda like to get back to bed before she wakes up.”
Emily: “Sorry, of course, I just don’t want you two to have more trouble…” (sighs) “…but I guess I’m not the right person to help am I. Not with, all this.”
Charlie: “I don’t blame you for what Lute and Adam did. Or for Sera letting them do it.”
Emily: “It still makes being friends hard, doesn’t it?”
Charlie: “…a little.”
Emily: “I’m-”
Charlie: “But! I’m not gonna let them stop us from doing it.” (determined) “Screw heaven- I wouldn’t have answered the phone if it’d been anyone other than you calling from up there anyway! Well, you or Sir Pentious.”
Emily: “I’m so, SO glad he made it here. ”
Charlie: “Me too.” (smiles) “You need help with something? Tell me. If I can do anything about it, I will.”  
Emily: “Oh it’s nothing like that, it’s just… a question.”
Charlie: “Okay?”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “…I’m a little scared to ask.”
Charlie: “That’s okay! I know the feeling! If it helps, I promise I won’t get angry or annoyed just over you asking something!”
Emily: “Thanks. That’s. Not really what I’m scared of.”
Charlie: “Well what parts the scary part?”
Emily: “The answer.”
Charlie: “...huh.”
Emily: “I’m not sure I want to hear it, honestly.”
Charlie: “But you called in the middle of the night so you could ask?”
Emily: “Yes.”
Charlie: “So you DO want to know.”
Emily: “It feels more like I have to know.”
Charlie: “Okay…. uhh. What… kind of question is it?”
Emily: “The battle. The, dead Exorcists.”
Charlie: “Oh fuck. Shoot- Is it about the bodies? Because I’m REALLY sorry again about letting the cannibals uh, eat them. I’d kinda. I’d promised them- the cannibals I mean- and, um. They lost a lot of friends too so-”
Emily: “No that’s fine. It’s, it doesn’t matter much once they’re dead does it. S-someone should get to be happy about the fresh. Um. Meat.”
Charlie: “Ssssstillll, I wish I could’ve sent them back-”
Emily: “Did you see-?”
Charlie: “-whoops sorry, go ahead.”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “Ah-hem. Go ahead?”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: “Aaaaany time now…”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: “….Look, Emily-”
Emily: “I know I’m sorry I-”
Charlie: “No no! I really wish I had all night for this. Really! I wanna be the friend who sits up until four in morning talking- and any other time I would be!”
Emily: “I know.”
Charlie: “Only I also really, really don’t want Vaggie waking up alone tonight. Not after we, after I- I can’t do that to her right now, okay?”
Emily: “…yes. Okay.”
Charlie: “How about this- you call back in the morning, we settle in and-”
Emily: “Did you see an Exorcist that didn’t fit in?”
Charlie: “-uhhh, what?”
Emily: “An Exorcist.”
Charlie: “I mean, yes? There were dozens! Pretty hard to keep count when you’re fighting for you-”
Emily: “But was there one that didn’t fit in?”
Charlie: “Fit in what where- oh ugh Angel Dust get OUT of my head-”
Emily: “With the others. The other Exorcists. Was there one in the fight that, didn’t quite look right? Caught your eye for some reason?”
Charlie: “Don’t they all kinda look the same?”
Emily: “Yes. Mostly.”
Charlie: “Bloodstained uniform, horned mask, weird crossed out eye and stitched mouth aesthetic thing, scary black and white wings-”
Emily: “Did the cannibals eat the wings?”
Charlie: “The w-”
Emily: “The wings of the dead Exorcists. Did they eat-”
Charlie: “Emily- those are feathers. The cannibals ate the meaty parts sure, but-”
Emily: “So you could still check. If. If any of the Exorcists who died. If they had strange wings.”
Charlie: “I guess, I-”
Emily: “Charlie. I need you to check.”
Charlie: “What-”
Emily: “I just need to know-”
Charlie: “But-”
Emily: “-please-”
Charlie: “Hey it’s okay, I’ll check! I’ll check first thing tomorrow!”
Emily: “Promise?”
Charlie: “Of course! It’ll be easy, don’t worry! Vaggie saved the wings from all of them. I’m not sure what for- some kind of funeral I think- or target practice- funerary target practice? Is that an angel thing…?”
Emily: “We don’t….really have those in Heaven. Funerals.”
Charlie: “Oh. Right.”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Must be nice.”
Emily: “I’m sorry.”
Charlie: “No- that came out wrong. Forget it! So the wing thing is just a Vaggie thing or something. Anyway. Checking the wings. Nooooo problem. CAN do.”
Emily: “Thank you. And. And you’ll just tell me about it? Not anyone else in heaven?”
Charlie: “Sure! Is it a secret?”
Emily: “No.”
Charlie: “Buuuut you don’t want Sera finding out.”
Emily: “I’ll tell her later. When I’m… Once I’ve…”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: “Oh Emily hey- it’s okay! Shh, it’s okay!!”
Emily: “I don’t know if it is.” (voice breaking) “Sera won’t let me near the Exorcists and Lute won’t answer any questions about them- I don’t know who else to ask or if I really want to know, but I can’t sleep, and if she didn’t die down there then I NEED to find her somehow and ask her HOW she could’ve been doing this! Murdering people, killing souls-”
Charlie: “Whoa wait, ask who? What am I even checking the Exorcist wings for?”
Charlie: “… Who…who are you looking for?”
Emily: “I don’t know her name. We never met.”
Charlie: “You seem to really care about her, for someone you’ve never met.”
Emily: “Because she was DIFFERENT! She-”
Emily: (looks away)
Emily: “…she’s part of why I never questioned the Exorcists. She. I thought she was proof that underneath masks, they meant well. That they were strict and distant but also protectors, and they cared, and…”
Charlie: “…and now you know what she was doing the whole time.”
Emily: “She CAN’T have been. You shouldn’t be able to be so kind and gentle and still-”
Charlie: “People can be a lot of different things, to different people.”
Emily: “How?”
Charlie: “That’s just… what makes people, people, I think. We can all do things we never thought we’d do.”
Emily: “Exorcists kill children don’t they. Child sinners- they don’t spare them, do they?”
Charlie: “They don’t really DO the whole ‘sparing’ thing. Not in the Pride Ring. Only my dad’s family is safe from exterminations- or was safe. Kids… if they don’t have anyone, or if their families can’t keep them safe, then…” (shudders) “…yeah. I’ve. I found the bodies a few times.”
Emily: “How… how can they-”
Charlie: “I don’t know.” (tired) (slumping back against the door) “They just do.”
Emily: “She can’t have done that! That’s the ONE thing I know about her- she LOVED children. Falling in line and being a good Exorcist didn’t matter as soon as a child needed her!”
Charlie: “Well- well maybe she wasn’t one of the ones who… hurt kids. Maybe she didn’t do that.”
Emily: “But she must have seen it happening. Known it happened. And she didn’t stop it.”
Charlie: (wince) “T- tell me about her? The parts you saw up in heaven, her being nice to those kids- that happened too! What was she like?”
Emily: “…watchful.”
Charlie: “A guardian angel huh?” (smiles weakly) “I think I know the type.”
Emily: “She should’ve been that. She shouldn’t have-” (sighs) “…Exorcists keep to themselves, up in heaven.”
Charlie: (grits teeth) “If they’re mostly all like Lute then that’s probably the only way to keep heaven a nice place.”
Emily: “Lute isn’t… well I guess I don’t really know her either. I always thought she was just paranoid, busy being overprepared, scared for heaven and channeling it into anger…. maybe she is that? Maybe she just-”
Charlie: “She tried stabbing out Vaggie’s other eye.”
Emily: “….”
Emily: “A lot of things make sense now, knowing what she and Adam were doing.”
Charlie: “Like keeping the Exorcists separate?”
Emily: “That, and the identical uniforms, the masks… the constant, BRUTAL training and practice.”
Charlie: “Building trust in a warzone….”
Emily: “What?”
Charlie: “Nothing- How did any of them get near a kid, if that’s what it’s like?”
Emily: “They didn’t. It was an accident.”
Charlie: “Now THAT’S depressing.”
Emily: “I guess so..”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “So. What happened?”
Emily: “Oh… some children were testing their wings. Just out having fun, you know. A few flew out of sight- their friends tried looking for them, but there are parts of heaven not everyone can always reach.”
Charlie: “There is? Why-”
Emily: “Heaven’s supposed to be a peaceful, happy place. An eternity of rest and recovery- It’s supposed to be safe. To be safe, Sera always said the Exorcists needed to be ready to defend it, and they needed space to not always be happy or peaceful.”
Charlie: “They always seemed pretty happy about not being peaceful, not gonna lie.”
Emily: “They get really into training with each other- but do you mean, even during the exterminations-?”
Charlie: “ESPECIALLY then.”
Emily: (frustrated) “I wish things would stop making so much sense!”
Charlie: “Same.”
Emily: “It was right there all along, and I didn’t see it!”
Charlie: “I mean, they really didn’t want you to.”
Emily: “And how many people are dead because of that?”
Charlie: “It’s not your fault… And it’s not all bad.” (weak chuckle) “Vaggie likes it better down here. The one upside to finding out old secrets is how it can make things better- she makes much more sense now too.”
Emily: “In good ways?”
Charlie: “In… in kinda silly, kinda sad ways.”  
Emily: “Silly is good.”
Charlie: “Yeah…”
Emily: “Sorry. I won’t pry. I’m just listening- passively- if you want.”
Charlie: "It’s nothing super personal or secret, just that, I get why she likes high places and open spaces when she needs thinking time. Not like the view’s amazingly great down here, so I always wondered… All those times finding her on roof tops or the hotel’s crow’s nest."
Charlie: "I asked if staring at heaven's light was a moth demon thing once and she just shrugged, but the angel thing makes so much more sense and she's terrible at lying if I'd just ASKED-”
Emily: "Now you're sounding like me."
Charlie: "URGH right- good things, good things are- when she's up there, I know now she's either cursing heaven or hating herself."
Emily: "... is there a better good thing? Because that's..."
Charlie: "Now I can HELP her. With that."
Emily: "That's a good thing, yes."
Charlie: "She doesn't have to walk around all the time being scared of me finding out and getting angry or hurt, I DID find out and I WAS angry and and hurt, and it was fine."
Emily: "Well..."
Charlie: "Okay fine, not fine but BETTR. It IS better."
Emily: "..."
Emily: “...your hotel has a crow’s nest? That must be perfect for her.”
Charlie: “What? Oh, yes. She loves it...”
Charlie: "Shit even her HAIR makes so much sense now."
Emily: “She’s grown hers out- I’ve never thought about an Exorcist with long hair- it’s very pretty.”
Charlie: “Pretty, fun to play with, but she leaves it loose even when all the swooshing annoys her. It gets in the way of her trying to stab people."
Emily: "I bet we could find a metaphor in that."
Charlie: "I guess it’s kinda like wings though? The weight and having something cover her back like that.”
Emily: “Wings are… not just that. Wings are pretty different.”
Charlie: “Long hair was probably still better than nothing though. I wonder if she’ll cut it now? Or just keep it in the ponytail?”
Emily: “What do you mean?”
Charlie: "Well, short hair is easier to take care of, right? Plus she seemed to really like having it out of her face during the battle, even after getting her wings back-”
Emily: “No, wait- Getting them back? She’s an angel, doesn’t she have- hasn’t she always had….”
Charlie: “No she… They didn’t mention that either, did they.”
Emily: “What did they do.”
Charlie: “One guess. And one guess who ‘they’ were.”
Emily: “Lute. Adam leaves- he left almost everything that actually needed doing to her.”
Charlie: “Well this time the thing that needed doing-”
Emily: “They took her wings.”
Charlie: "It was more of a ripping action? Tearing?? Wrenching- No, ripping sounds right- Ripped them off and left them on the ground next to her. Vaggie had to stuff them in a dumpster before any sinners saw them and mobbed her.”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “M-maybe I shouldn’t have said that part.”
Emily: “It’s fine. Important to know.”
Charlie: “But Vaggie only just told ME about it, and now I’m blubbering it out to you- fuck. Forget I said it? Please?”
Emily: “You should talk about it with someone who isn’t her, Charlie.”
Charlie: “Not like this though! Not with-”
Emily: “An angel. Someone from heaven.”
Charlie: “-not with someone she isn’t even friends with yet.”
Emily: “Thanks for the ‘yet’ part. I hope you’re right about it.”
Charlie: “I will be. But um. Until then…?”
Emily: “All I know is she didn’t have wings and now she does again. No specifics.”
Charlie: “Thank you.”
Charlie: (clears throat) “You, uh. You were telling me about YOUR Exorcist.”
Emily: “Right. Her and children. The ones who wandered off-”
Charlie: “-onto the one place in heaven that isn’t sunshine and rainbows and fluffy clouds of happiness, right right.”
Emily: “It was a bit of shoreline Exorcists use for live battle training.”
Charlie: “Yay fun?”
Emily: “Where they, they practice tearing each other apart with their bare hands-”
Charlie: “Oh!”
Emily: “-weapons aren’t used for it, don’t worry! None of the children were in any real danger!”
Charlie: “But they SAW it!?”
Emily: “From a distance… not, not close enough to get splattered by blood….”
Charlie: “Oh wow that’s SO reassuring!”
Emily: “Except for one of them.”
Charlie: “How the HECK didn’t anyone notice there were kids around before starting that stuff!? Didn’t they CHECK-”
Emily: “The Exorcists are very used to being left alone.”
Charlie: “STILL!”
Emily: “I know. I was so angry at first- I didn’t show it, the other children were already hiding under my wings after I’d gathered them up. They didn’t need me getting mad too.”
Charlie: “Didn’t wanna to scare them?”
Emily: “Watching the Exorcists was scary enough.”
Charlie: “I’m trying SO real hard to imagine a happy ending for this.”
Emily: “It’s there, don’t worry. See, one of the children had wandered further than the rest, and was just standing there, frozen. Staring up at.. all that.”
Charlie: “That doesn’t sound happy.”
Emily: “It was so frustrating! I couldn’t get to them without bringing the others even closer too! Some of them could barely move they were so frightened- I tried calling up at the Exorcists, asking them to stop, but they either didn’t hear me or ignored me-”
Charlie: “FUCK that’s just-”
Emily: “But then-”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “One of them left formation.”
Charlie: (smiling) “Yeah?”
Emily: “She came swooping down, all soaked in blood- not hers, I don’t think. She didn’t look hurt. She landed right in front of the child."
Charlie: “Oh covered in BLOOD that must’ve been, er, something.”
Emily: “It wasn’t great. Poor thing was so scared under her shadow I thought they’d cry.”
Charlie: “Wouldn’t blame them.”
Emily: “Me neither. Those masks… but’s it’s funny, you know, how much a small thing can change everything else.”
Charlie: “She wasn’t as scary as her mask, was she?”
Emily: “No. She was, awkward. I saw her do a little wave and kneel down- later they said she’d talked with them, asked if they were hurt and where their home was.”
Charlie: “Normal stuff.”
Emily: “Strange for an Exorcist. Then she- she offered to take them home. She was still all spattered with-”
Charlie: “Blood. Ew.”
Emily: “I didn’t know what was going on when it happened, I just saw the Exorcist stand up and march right into the sea, right into the waves! She come out clean enough but also. Well. Also sopping wet and a bit um, a bit less scary looking."
Charlie: "Heheh."
Emily: "A lot less scary looking. A little pitiful looking?”
Charlie: “Like Husk after the champagne bottle incident!”
Emily: “Like who?”
Charlie: “Oh our bartender. Long story- but I’ve seen sad and bedraggled wings before. I’d LOVE to see them on an Exorcist!”
Emily: “It was pretty funny. And she didn’t seem to mind the child laughing at her either. If anything I think she made more of a show of shaking herself dry and fluffing up afterwards, once she heard them giggling over it.”
Charlie: “Aww~! She didn’t wanna scare them either!”
Emily: “She was silly. I’d never seen an Exorcist being silly before. The other ones watching didn’t seem to like it. They’d finally stopped fighting and looked like they were muttering to each other… Lute, Adam, even Sera, they're really strict about not having Heaven's army mixing with the rest of Heaven...”
Charlie: “But she- the silly exorcist- she didn’t care.”
Emily: “If she did, it didn’t stop her.”
Charlie: “Did she take the kid home herself then? Once she wasn’t covered in. Uhh. Blood.”
Emily: “She did. The other children were so jealous!”
Charlie: “Jealous??”
Emily: “After she helped wipe off the, the blood spatters on them, she scooped them up and just rocketed into the sky.”
Charlie: “Ohmygosh that's so FUN! Angel piggyback rides are the best!”
Emily: “It looked like it. Exorcists train and practice, and their wings are strong- I knew that but I still don’t think I’ve ever seen someone move like that in the air. Like she was dancing.”
Charlie: “Vaggie says fighting and dancing have a lot in common.”
Emily: “She does?”
Charlie: “Mm-hmm. And if SHE’S any example, then I bet plenty of the Exorcists would be GREAT dancers too! If they bothered not killing people long enough to find out, that is.”
Emily: “If. Right."
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “….Vaggie stopped. She was, she used to- and it took time but, she stopped.”
Emily: “And Lute cut out her eye for it.”
Charlie: “I don’t think she regrets losing it. Or- it was worth it to her? She.. sometimes it’s almost like she feels like she deserved it.” 
Emily: “I hope not. It shouldn’t have happened, it didn’t help anyone.”
Charlie: “No. It really didn’t.”
Emily: “They probably used her as an example of why no one else should do that.”
Charlie: “…well… maybe your Exorcist will still think it’s worth it?”
Emily: “Maybe. If she’s not dead.”
Charlie: “R-right.” 
Emily: “And she’s really not mine. I don’t even know her.”
Charlie: “You know enough to care.”
Emily: “To care about someone who might not even deserve it? How does that help anyone-”
Charlie: “EVERYONE deserves to be cared about.”
Emily: “Even-”
Charlie: “Everyone. At least to the point of caring if they’re dead or not.”
Emily: “… you’d make a great angel, Charlie.”
Charlie: “HA! I’m not sure that’s a compliment anymore but uh. Thanks?”
Emily: “I meant it more that, if Sera and Lute and Adam had been more like you, then none of this would have happened. Or if you’d been up here, you would’ve stopped them.”
Charlie: “Ehhh… I kinda think if you couldn’t manage it, I wouldn’t have either..? Definitely NOT alone and not without-”
Emily: “You started the hotel! You had to go against so many people to do that-”
Charlie: “-okay yes but we only JUST got that going. And I only could do THAT because I had…”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “It’s easier, with someone who believes in you.”
Emily: “Like a partner?”
Charlie: “Yeah.”
Emily: “A girlfriend.”
Charlie: “….yeah.”
Emily: “And it’s late. I’ll let you get back to her.”
Charlie: “It’s probably okay. She was tired and, she’s a pretty heavy sleeper once she actually falls asleep. You can usually tell when she really conks out because the snoring-���
Charlie: “-oh fuck oh no no no not again DON’T TELL HER I SAID THAT EITHER!”
Emily: “I won’t.” (giggling) “Although I might’ve heard it earlier.”
Charlie: “Fuck. Shit! FUCK!”
Emily: “But I swear on all six of my wings I won’t breathe a word. I also don’t know what happened to you guys- other than a huge traumatic revelation followed by an actual battle for your lives-”
Charlie: “That was a thing, yes.”
Emily: “-but I really hope you two are okay.”
Charlie: “Oh we will be! Weirdly enough, we’re better off now than we were before, even!”
Emily: “Lots of new things you can finally talk about?”
Charlie: “SO many.”
Emily: “Heh. Good. I’m glad something turned out okay from all this.”
Charlie: “And I really hope at least ONE more thing can turn out okay. For you, specifically.”
Emily: “We’ll… we’ll see I guess.”
Charlie: “First thing in the morning. I promise.”
Emily: (breath in) “Okay….” (breathe out) “Thank you.”
Charlie: “Any time. Or, no problem. Or- not that I WANT you to need help identifying bodies again anytime soon, I just meant…”
Emily: (laughs) “I know, Charlie. It’s okay. And it’s also really late. Good night.”
Charlie: “Good n- oh hey wait, Emily!!”
Emily: “-yes?”
Charlie: “What AM I looking for exactly? With the wings.”
Emily: “Oh- You know how Exorcist always those two stripes on theirs? The black bands on their feathers, the undersides.”
Charlie: “Yyyyep, yep. Now that you mention it…”
Emily: “She only had one.”
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: “…one… wing stripe?”
Emily: “It’s how I noticed her at first.”
Charlie: “That’s, that’s rare among Exorcists, huh?”
Emily: “She was the only one with wings like that, I think. Every few years I’d catch sight of her following behind Lute and Adam with a few others, trailing them through the actually populated places in Heaven for once, in full Exorcist gear.”
Charlie: “Well if she, if they were masked, maybe it wasn’t always the same person-”
Emily: “It was. She was easy enough to spot even without the wings, once I knew what to look for.”
Charlie: “Which was…?”
Emily: “She was the only one who’d wave back at the children who waved at her.”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “…oh.”
Emily: “Sorry. This is, a pretty depressing thing to go back to sleep after, isn’t it? Try to have some good dreams okay?”
Charlie: “I- I will. I’ll try. Um, you too?”
Emily: “I’ll give my best shot, if I can sleep. Thank you again, Charlie. Night.”
Charlie: “Good night..”
-call ends-
Charlie: “……..”
Muffled voice: “….charlie?”
Charlie: “SHIT!” (bangs head on door) (slips back into bedroom) “I’m here, I’m right here- no no no don’t sit up-!”
Vaggie: “What’s wrong?”
Charlie: “Nothing! Just a phone call. Please lay back down?”
Vaggie: “Something happened. Everyone okay?”
Charlie: “Everyone’s fine- Emily calling for a small favor that’s all- Vaggie c’mon, we just got it so your ribs weren’t getting pressed on…”
Vaggie: “Emily.” (alarmed) “Did Lute try something? Did Sera-?”
Charlie: “NO. Nothing happened to anyone! Now, SIT!”
Vaggie: (sits)
Vaggie: “Something’s wrong.”
Charlie: “Well my girlfriend happens to be one half broken bones and other half tenderized meat and won’t stay still, so THAT’S not exactly great!”
Vaggie: “…..”
Charlie: “…….”
Charlie: (sits too) “…Emily wants help checking the dead Exorcists. She might’ve known one of them.”
Vaggie: “Shit.”
Charlie: “Yeah..”
Vaggie: “But, knew one? How would she know any of us?”
Charlie: “Well…”
Vaggie: “She’s a seraph. The only Exorcist who goes near the higher ups is Lute.”  
Charlie: “Right but, just because you never met her doesn’t mean…”
Charlie: (sighs)
Charlie: “It was a LONG talk. Tell you tomorrow?”
Vaggie: "I guess... If you promise to be my pillow and lay down for a while instead of just pacing some more, then yeah, I can wait.”
Charlie: “Okay not fair- I was taking a call!”
Vaggie: “Your hoofbeats were tip tapping through my dreams long before then, babe.”
Charlie: “Motherfucker.”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Sleep, sweetie.” (drags them down)
Charlie: “Hey don’t act like that wasn’t MY line a moment ago!”
Vaggie: “A moment ago all I knew was something was wrong and you were sad. Now I know just the usual shit is wrong, and you’re dead tired.”
Charlie: “Guess you’re not wrong there…”
Charlie: “….Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “Hmm?”
Charlie: "Do you.. like Emily?"
Vaggie: "Like her? The one not asshole angel up in heaven? She got all fired up with you about the shit unfairness of hell and stuff. What's not to like."
Charlie: "That's not the same as you actually liking her though."
Vaggie: "Hun, we've barely met. It's not like I went on the heaven tour with her."
Charlie: "Buuut.. maybe you'd like to get to know her?"
Vaggie: "Do you want me to get to know her."
Charlie: ".... I just wish there was some part of heaven that... wasn't bad for you."
Vaggie: "Hey, it was heaven. Murder soldier cult thing aside, if we're just talking personal comfort or whatever, it wasn't the worst thing in creation."
Charlie: "Wow what a stunning review! Other than the psychological trauma, it was great!"
Vaggie: "It wasn't that bad. Just you know. Comparatively."
Charlie: "Comparatively?"
Vaggie: "To this. Being here like this, with you."
Charlie: "Hmph."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "... you asleep?"
Vaggie: "Almost. But it feels like you have another question before you're ready for sleep."
Charlie: "You don't have to answer this one."
Vaggie: "Me not answering is kinda what fucked us over before."
Charlie: "It's different now. We can wait until you're ready."
Vaggie: "I'm ready. Ask."
Charlie: "....okay."
Charlie: "Um..."
Charlie: “Was. The sinners you killed-”
Vaggie: “Murdered.”
Charlie: “Murdered, okay. Okay. Were they. Were any of them… kids?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “Once.”
Vaggie: “Almost.”
Charlie: “…almost… so, that was the time you stopped.”
Vaggie: “Yes.”
Charlie: “Okay. Because it was a kid?”
Vaggie: “I don’t know.”
Charlie: “What d-”
Vaggie: “I don’t know what I mean. It doesn’t. I don’t think it matters. Charlie- not killing one time isn’t the same as… never having killed.”
Charlie: “I know- I mean, I get that-”
Vaggie: “It doesn’t fix anything, or make anything better.”
Charlie: “It doesn't have to! We’re working on that part together. With the hotel.”
Vaggie: “It's not your thing to have to make up for.”
Charlie: “My home, my people, my friends and my girlfriend. Mine mine mine. And you feel better now you’ve stopped, don’t you?”
Vaggie: “Feeling like a less crappy person also isn’t the same as feeling better.”
Charlie: “It’s not?”
Vaggie: “Thinking you’re a good person, a hero even, is a pretty great feeling. Finding out you’re murderer sucks.”
Charlie: “You ARE a good-!”
Vaggie: “Charlie. Please?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “What about when I hug you?”
Vaggie: “… hard not to feel lucky as hell, then.”
Charlie: “Good” (hugs) "Me too."
Vaggie: “Kinda hard to hug back while I’m lying half on top of you… Would a wing snuggle be alright?”
Charlie: “It won’t hurt your ribs??”
Vaggie: “No. I could use a stretch, honestly.”
Charlie: “Then gimme the floofies!”
Vaggie: “Yeah?”
Charlie: “GIMME GIMME~”
Vaggie: "Floofies at your service." (wings go floof) (snuggles one over charlie) “I’m glad they came back.. different.”
Charlie: “With the gray?”
Vaggie: “Mm. Thoughts?”
Charlie: “GRAY-t! They go WAY better with your hair now!”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Nice. Girlfriend approved."
Charlie: "And it's lucky we ARE girlfriends, or else your pretty wings would have girls FLOCKING to you!"
Vaggie: "Right." (SNORTS) "Night, Charlie.”
Charlie: “If you’re wishing me goodnight to try stoping the wing puns, please know there’s more where that came from! I am in no way winging it here.”
Vaggie: “I figured.”
Charlie: "I really do love your wings, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Really helps they don't look like they used to."
Charlie: "Hmm. Is the anything other than the color different?"
Vaggie: "... Isn't that enough?"
Charlie: "I don't mean it like that! It's just, well, they only have one stripe on them, and the other exorcists-"
Vaggie: "They were like that before. Sorry."
Charlie: "Vaggie I don't NEED them to look different. I'm just, curious!"
Vaggie: "Uh-huh."
Charlie: "Really! Did any of the other exorcists have-?"
Vaggie: "No."
Charlie: "None of them? Ever?"
Vaggie: "Not since I took up vanguard duty. Or since. Looks like Lute got rid of the position after I- after getting rid of me. Now they just all stream down into hell all at once. No one scouts ahead." (mutters) "Messy."
Charlie: "Huh."
Vaggie: "So I guess my wings didn't change that much really."
Charlie: "If they'd stayed exactly the same I would have loved them."
Vaggie: "Not sure I'd want you to."
Charlie: "Too bad. They're part of you. They're part of the most amazing woman I've ever met.... If you like them better now though, that's good. Maybe you. Maybe you'll feel like having them out more?"
Vaggie: "We'll see."
Charlie: "BUT I want eternal dibs on the wing hugs."
Vaggie: "What? You staking a claim?"
Charlie: "Yes absolutely. My wing hugs, okay?" (hugs tighter) "Mine."
Vaggie: "Okay." (chuckling) (relaxing) "They're all yours, babe." (snuggling in) “Love you...”
Charlie: “Love you too, Vaggie.”
Charlie: (smooches gf's forehead) “Goodnight…”
Vaggie: (already asleep)
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: (traces the one stripe on Vaggie’s wing)
Charlie: "...you probably could have been happy up there... if they'd let you."
Charlie: (wipes face)
Charlie: “… fuck heaven.”  
Vaggie: (SNORES)
Charlie: (grins) (still teary-eyed) “Exactly.”
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owlwithanapple · 3 days
The First Sweetness 🔞❤️‍🔥
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Content : Adult Content/Kissing/Romance/In love…
Characters : Bruce Wayne x Y/N
"You and Mr. Wayne...? How things going?" Your assistant enthusiastically brings the work documents to you and asks.
"Have you finished your work? So free enough to gossip about my private matters?" You take a document flip through it, concentrating on work.
"A young and beautiful woman with a mature man in love, what a perfect match!" She describes her feelings in an exaggerated tone.
"Bad news, just friends. Your fantasy is shattered." You curl your lips smile, using reality to prove it.
"Are you two secretly….?" She takes your document away.
"I am enjoying current life and work." You snatch the document back from her hand.
"A woman like you successful in career, young and beautiful is really popular." She stood aside dejectedly, playing with her hair restlessly.
"There is no need to revolve around love in this world. I enjoy the pleasure of being sought after, at least I am shining." You expressed your views frankly.
"Aren't you afraid Mr. Wayne will be snatched away by some woman?" She said a sentence to attract your attention. This question is simply nonsense.
"He doesn't belong to me. If you want, please feel free." You smiled indifferently and threw the file aside, looking directly at the confused assistant.
Your few straightforward and humorous words awakened her. She hurriedly took the file, saluted you and left the office. You leaned back and pondered for a while. What she said was right and wrong, but still kept your original intention. Just enjoy it, don't love someone too deeply. The phone rang, picked it up and saw it was Bruce Wayne.
After thinking for a moment, you answered the phone. "Hello, dear Mr. Wayne, what's up?"
You heard his chuckle. "Hey, missed you. Working?"
The playboy's mouth is so sweet, you curled lips and smiled. "Mr. Wayne, we just ordinary friends. What do you mean by missing me?"
He couldn't help laughing and sighed. "My love, you really know how to tease me."
You played hard to get with him. "I am not your love, just a friend. I accept your kiss, not love."
He calmed down but heard a soft laugh. "I know. I am more selfish. I want all, body and mind, even everything about you."
His domineering confession is too hot, you are a little overwhelmed. However, can't take the initiative to get along with people like him. Flirting is freshness, but feelings is another realm. "I love to hear your lovely confession, but..."
He was confused. "But?"
You whispered in a flirtatious tone, "I enjoy how wonderful when you pursue me. Keep going, dear Mr Wayne."
This time, his voice turned into a confident answer, "Haha, enjoy, my love."
You hung up the phone first to let him experience the taste of the sweetness after eating it. It would be boring to accept his confession directly. Have fun, don't just want to possess others. If you have a strong possessiveness, he won't want you. Women should not revolve around love. Knowing make and spend money to buy happiness is the most important thing.
After left, you passed by a men's suit store, stood at the door for a while, then walked in. You found the tie specialty area. You liked a dark blue tie, Mr Wayne's figure appeared in mind. You held back your smile, bought the tie, found a time to give it to him in person.
A few days later in the afternoon—
You came to Bruce Wayne's company, thinking of giving him a surprise. After arriving, you asked the front desk if he was in the company, learned that he was in a meeting. The front desk staff took you to the lounge to wait. This was the first time you came to his company for personal reasons rather than business.
"Ms. Y/N, Mr. Wayne is back in the office."
You walked towards his office with joy and enthusiasm, knocked on the door walked in. You saw a girl standing in front of him wearing a shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, revealing her collarbone and cleavage. Fucking shit, you saw something really exciting. The girl adjusted clothes and stood straight in front of you, looking very arrogant and superior.
"Excuse me, do you have anything to do with Mr Wayne?" She looked surprised. You can tell she is a bitch at first glance. If hadn't ruined her, might have done it in the office. What a damn good timing.
"Are you Mr Wayne's representative?" You didn't look at her, but at him who was flirting with you. As soon as you saw him, you felt sweet in heart. Not only he didn’t help you out, but sprinkled sugar behind you.
"Mr Wayne and I are going to have lunch. Please come back later." She tried to get you out of the way reluctantly.
"It’s that true ?" You won't lose to this kind of person in terms of momentum, it's boring to snatch the desires of this kind of girl. You ask him with a longing face, hoping he wouldn't make you regret it.
"Ahem, you go out first. Y/N, stay." He said and continued to work without expression. The girl wanted to speak but couldn't. She took the documents unwillingly and glared at you, deliberately bumped your shoulder before leaving.
"Ouch..." You locked the door and glanced at your shoulder.
"Why are you here?" He put down his work and leaned back in his chair with a pouty smile, the table was full of piles of documents.
"Hmm... came to see you. Am I disturbing you and her...?" You walked to his side stroked him from hair to his ears.
"Jealous?" He took your hand and kissed it.
You are intoxicated in this sweet and loving atmosphere. His rough hands grab your waist and pull you onto lap. Such behavior in the office makes you excited. You sit on his lap, look at his handsome face, smile and touch it. His hands run from your back to hips, which makes you have a strong temptation.
You get close to his handsome face, put your hands on his shoulders, smell the faint mature smell on him. "Emm...jealous, that's not the case."
He smiled, hands still touching your body. "Hehe, just an intern."
You look at him in surprise and kiss his cheek. Your fingers run across his suit to disturb his mood. "Wow, my God, Mr. Wayne. You are so sinful~ What would happen to the two of you if I didn't come in?"
He licked his extremely sexy lips, held your hips with his rough hands and lifted you onto the desk. He stood up hugged your waist and pulled closer to him, your chest pressed against his strong body, there was not even a centimeter of distance between his thighs and yours.
"Definitely not us now." He said confidently.
"Wow~ I'm so happy." You smiled sweetly.
He leaned in close and kissed you passionately. He carefully savored the fragrance on your lips. He put the tongue into your mouth and blended it with saliva. The hot breath was disrupted by this passionate kiss. You hugged him and felt that the hungry body was burning, begging each other to release.
His extremely strong body made you impressed. Felt the temperature of the parts of body that he touched was getting hotter. His hands invaded your shirt and touched your skin until your underwear. He smiled wickedly. He reached behind you and stopped at the underwear buckle. You untied his black tie and threw it on the table.
"This tie doesn't look good." You kissed his white shirt and left a pink lipstick mark.
"Wow, what color tie do you think suits me?" He smiled dotingly at the mark you left.
"Tada~" You took out a gift box with a tie in it.
"Let me see." He opened it and smiled.
"I heard from others, when a girl gives a boy a tie, means she wants to tie him up and never separate. Do you think we are like that?" You put it on him, and pulled over by the tie.
"Why not?" He admitted without any concealment.
You pulled him over and kissed his lips. He unbuttoned your bra reached out to knead your breasts. His fingers pinched and rubbed the sensitive nipples, making you moan shyly. Enjoying this behavior with him in the office was worrying and hard to resist. This kind of physical pleasure really made you climax.
You touched the hard cock between his thighs with hand, rubbing it gently to tease and ignite his lust. He lifted your chin and kissed your neck, lifted your shirt to expose your breasts, his fingers kept teasing your nipples. You were about to come and wanted to moan loudly, but suppressed the sound in mouth.
No matter how excited you are, you should stop,"Hey, handsome, not now."
He leaned in and kissed your breasts "Don't like it?"
You moaned and breathed "I have a date."
He stared at you in confusion "Male? Female?"
You pushed him away, buttoned up your underwear, and tidied appearance "What? Jealous? It's a secret~. I came here to give you a tie today."
He shook head slightly and smiled, didn't look away from each other and exchanged glances. You got down from desk and adjusted skirt. He gently stroked your hair and kissed. You pulled him over peck him on the cheek. The sweet fruit was right in front of you, but didn't want to eat it so quickly.
"I'm leaving now~ Bye~ Dear Bruce~" You blow a kiss standing by the door.
"Bye, my love." He winks at you.
7pm -
You dress up and come to a high-end restaurant to meet ex-boyfriend who is entangled with you. You have broken up for a few months but he is still fucking annoying. You decide to meet him for last time to break up completely and not disturb each other's lives in the future. You see him waving at you, you are reluctant but still smile to greet him.
"Hey. Long time no see." Your ex-boyfriend said. He is one of those male chauvinists and self-superiority types, with a fucking false face.
"What do you want from me?" You laughed. It was really disgusting to face a man with such a bad character.
"We had a fight, but now we are no longer angry, let's make peace." He held your hand tightly and stroked your palm.
"I don't like you anymore, there is no need." You took hand back and wiped off the traces of his touch with a tissue under the table.
"Y/N, we just had a fight, not a breakup." His tone became heavier.
"You were the one who broke up first. I am willing to break up, so game is over." You took the drink he ordered and drank it.
After several rounds of negotiations, you felt dizzy. You covered forehead and took a deep breath to try to wake up. You noticed his drink was not touched at all. This guy really drugged your cup. You pinched your thigh try not to fall down.
"What did you put in drink?" You face it calmly.
"If I don't do this, you won't go back with me obediently." It's this dead man's abnormal personality and excessive possessiveness that suffocate you.
"Hehe, fucking great, I'll excuse first, go wash my beautiful face."
You walked away with bag, staggering into the toilet, wash face several times on the washbasin, the dizziness is still there, you have no choice must find someone to help while still conscious. Bruce Wayne's name appears, don't know if he will answer, but you take a gamble with hope.
You press the dial button and wait for him to answer. While waiting, you tap your feet anxiously until the call is connected. "Hello? My love, what's wrong?"
You lean against the door and cover forehead, trying to ease your nervousness. You stay rational and talk to him. "Mr. Wayne, no, Bruce... I need help. Can you come and pick me up right away?"
His voice turns serious. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"
You take a deep breath to stay awake. "You may not believe me, I met my ex-boyfriend, he put something in the drink that made me feel dizzy."
You hear the sound of his deep breathing, the sound of the keyboard reaches your ears. He stays calm and says to you, "My love, listen carefully. Don't hang up this call, let me hear the conversation, I'll be there now."
You want to cry, but cover your mouth, "Bruce, please, you must come."
He tells you in a gentle voice, "My love, I promise will come. Just keep delaying, I will deal with it when get there."
You looked at the mirror and clenched fists. "I'll try."
You put phone back in bag without hanging up, and splashed some water on it to stay awake. Damn, still feel dizzy. You staggered after walking a few steps. At this time, your ex-boyfriend came over to support you. He kept saying wanted to take you home. You dragged yourself back to seat.
"Huh~ It's so fucking hot~" You smiled calmly and took off your coat then put it on legs, leaving only a dress, revealing your plump figure.
"Y/N, it's been a long time since I last saw you. Your taste in choosing clothes and body management are as good as always." He stared at you intently, which made you feel unhappy.
"Thanks for the compliment. You too." You smiled.
"What do you want to do next?" He stroked your hand.
"Do what you want to do?" You held his hand and responded to him.
After a while, your vision starts to blur, body becomes weak as paralyzed, breathing becomes uneven, cold sweat begins to appear on forehead. You shake your head to wake yourself up, but the situation still the same, almost at your limit, Bruce... he will definitely come, he promised you.
"But don't dress so revealingly next time, I don't like it." He is self-righteously thinking that he is right again. "
"I dressed up for my man today." You smile.
"I know. I am grateful." He curled his lips and smiled.
"You misunderstood. Not you, I'm talking about my man." You take your hand back.
"Your man is me." His face changed.
At this time, someone puts a coat and hand around your shoulder. You are really familiar with this smell and touch. At first glance, it is your protector Bruce Wayne. What makes you very happy, he kept his promise and still wearing the tie you gave him. This is a thrilling situation, let him handle it next.
"Sorry to kept you waiting." He said in a heavy tone.
"No. I missed you." You held his hand on your shoulder tightly, feeling so relieved and at ease.
"Are you her friend?" Bruce said with a serious face.
"I'm her boyfriend." He said confidently.
"Oh no, ex-boyfriend, he broke up with me few months ago..." You leaned on Bruce to clarify your ex-boyfriend's lies.
"Who the hell are you!" He pointed at Bruce angrily.
"I don't need to tell you about our relationship, but I have to intervene her matters." His tone very heavy and oppressive, and attitude was determined.
"I feel dizzy." You kept shaking your head.
"I know. Close your eyes first." He held your head and stroked your hair.
"Take your hands off her!" He yelled.
"I don't care who the hell you are, you have no right to ask me to do anything. And you shouldn't treat women like this, especially her." He responded in a tactful way.
"You don't have any evidence that I drugged her!" He was furious and cursed you.
"Drug? Did I say that?" He played a video from his phone and put it on the table, saw your ex-boyfriend put something in your drink before you arrived.
"How did you get it!" He stood up tried to snatch the phone.
"Don't wonder how I got this video. Take care of yourself first. I will send her to the hospital for a physical examination soon. The drug components remaining in her body enough to be evidence that you have harmed her personally." He retracted phone, this time he became serious, with a dignified and serious look on face.
"Y/N! Are you treating me like this now?!" Your ex-boyfriend complained to you.
"The past was before. The present is now. You have committed a crime now, Mr. ex-boyfriend. I am always welcome to file a lawsuit. My legal team will not lose to people like you." He expressed his position confidently.
"You fell in love with someone like this after we broke up! You are so fucking shameless! She is doing it for resources and money!" He cursed and raved.
"Luckily I have a lot of money to keep her by my side." You were so touched by what he said, his hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
"Fuck you!" Your ex-boyfriend took a drink tried to pour water on you.
Bruce quickly snatched his drink, pressed him on the table, leaned over and whispered, "Mr. Ex-boyfriend, I only say this once. If you ever touch my woman again, I can kill you any time. Just know what to do."
He let go of your ex-boyfriend, knelt on one knee in front of you, holding your cheeks and gently stroking them. You were confused but Bruce's warmth was transmitted to your face. You opened eyes slightly and smiled. He picked you up and took you away from the suffocating ex-boyfriend. He opened the passenger door and put you in.
After he got in the car, you heard him say to the communicator, "Oracle, I'm taking her back now. I need her test report."
A female voice came from the communicator, "I understand. I will handle it here."
You hold his arm and he turns to you. Even though the dizziness persists, you still want to look at his handsome face. Even though you are weak now, still want to flirt with him. "You are so awesome, you beat Mr. Ex-Boyfriend"
He curled his lips and kissed your lips. "Of course."
The next morning, woke up in a strange room. Bruce fell asleep sitting on the bed with a report in hand. You secretly took it and took a look. The report said the drug ingredients in the body were sleeping pills. Noted that it was not a dangerous drug ingredient, but will caused temporary dizziness. It was the physical examination report he made for you yesterday.
You give a morning kiss and shake him gently. "Wake up, my handsome Bruce."
He wakes up and sees you back to normal, a smile on his face. "Good morning, my love. How are you?"
You sit on his lap and hug him. "Much better, no disgust. Thank you, you really showed up last night."
He touches your waist. "I said would be there, I will definitely be there."
You lift his chin and smile slightly. "If you keep loving me like this, I will really fall for you."
"Why not? What are you waiting for?" He pecks your neck gently with sweet lips, his hand strokes your thigh. He is fanning your desire.
"I'm waiting for the moment when I really fall in love with you." You hug him tightly and moan in his ear.
He threw you on the bed, and you pulled him close to you for a passionate kiss. His tongue kept turning and licking your tongue in mouth, which was much more intimate than before. His hands moved from your waist till your buttocks. He was so hungry and eager to fall into each other's embrace.
This time you decided let him have you wantonly. During the passionate kiss, you deftly untied his tie. He lifted your skirt and took off your lace panties threw them. He kissed your neck fiercely until your breasts. He licked your erect nipples and couldn't stop licking them with his tongue.
"Fuck—Bruce—" It was so good till you squeezed the pillow and moaned.
"Your moans are even sweeter." He grinned.
"Ah—ha—Fuck—" Your body was shaking with pleasure because of him.
"Release yourself, my love." He fucked you with his fingers.
He unzips his pants and takes out his cock to play with your clit. His hard cock makes you salivate. You pinch your nipples to seduce him. He smiles and inserts his cock into you. If you weren't wet enough, wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Bruce—ah—fuck—" He keeps fucking you as soon as he enters your body. His cock reaches the deepest part of you. You reach a state of satisfaction. His cock keeps hitting you hard. You lift your hips enjoy the impact. The room echoes with panting and your moans.
Until the moment you reach orgasm and cum. His cock fills with your love juices. It feels so good. The temperature in body keeps burning. He speeds up the pace and fucks inside you. Feeling his cock push too deep makes you moan even louder. His skills in bed are really fucking as good as those young people. Bruce Wayne make you climax countless times in bed. It's so fucking good and juicy.
"Inside?" He took a breath and smiled.
"Fuck—come on—I want it!" You moaned even louder shyly.
He slapped your ass and smiled with satisfaction. You touched your skin with hands, enjoying another orgasm. You pinched your nipples and twisted them to feel more. He saw you playing with yourself, he reached out to pinch your breasts and push more harder. Your body trembled constantly. He leaned over and hugged you until his body trembled. A hot and thick liquid gushed into your body. You knew it was his fresh juice. Your body was filled with love from him. He lay on top of you take a breath, his cock had not left your body yet.
"Ah ha - fucking so good -" you fell on the bed tiredly.
"Hahaha, it's great inside you." He kissed your cheek and whispered.
"A little older but super good in bed - it's not bad to be fucked by you - hahahaha -" you held his face with satisfaction and smiled.
"It depends on whether your body can enjoy it. I still have many sexual positions you haven't tried yet." He smiled wickedly.
"Hmm... I'm tired. Next time." You smiled.
"Don't accept my love first?" He was a little confused.
"I don't want to settle down so early. I want to enjoy being pursued by you and physical pleasure. But if sex, we must be willing to each other. Can't force." You smirked.
"Selfish woman, wanting to have two pleasures at the same time. Aren't you afraid I will be taken away by someone?" He teased by playing with your nipples.
"Ah ha - Bruce - just finished -" you panted.
"You are so easy to feel, don't worry, I am full of energy. You haven't answered my question yet." He was confident, and hands twisted your nipples, feeling his cock swell and erect inside you.
"Ah - fuck -! If - you are taken away by someone - then you are not as special as thought - ah - fuck! -" You moaned while enjoying the touch and the pleasure inside your body.
"Indeed. I like you to suck my appetite. It makes me unable to stop and want to possess all of you." He pushed into you and climaxed again.
"Fuck—Bruce—I'm coming!" You climaxed again.
"Do you want to continue?" He teased you playfully.
"No! I'm fucking exhausted! I'm sticky with sweat and semen!" You covered face and smiled shyly.
"Then you come with me to take a shower, I'll help you." He pulled out his cock and picked you up with strong hands. You hugged him with a shy smile and pecked his handsome face.
At this time, there was a knock on the door "Master Wayne, do you and your friend want to eat something?"
"Alfred, in an hour. I have something to do." He said to the people outside then cast his eyes on you. His lecherous expression made you more shy. He definitely had a bad idea. It seemed not as simple as taking a bath.
"Bruce, I will accept everything from you, but not now." You bit your lip.
"I know. You enjoy the days being pursued by me, and I enjoy the sweetness you give me." He smiled to maintain the sweet happiness with you.
"Good boy." You held his face and kissed him.
"I love you so much, my love." He kissed your lips sweetly.
When he carried you into the bathroom, you reminded him again, "Hey, it's just a bath, right!"
He held you and turned around in the bathroom for a few circles, "I don't know~ If you incite me again~"
"Hahaha! I can't promise~ my dear Bruce." You hugged him tightly, it felt really good spoiled by him.
The voices both of you came from the bathroom. For the first time, enjoyed the love and physical happiness of each other, your were filled with sweetness and satisfaction by his love. The two of you have not yet reached the relationship of lovers, but you both promised to have each other, first enjoy the double pleasure of the body and the soul, then make a lifelong partner.
— The End —
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AO3 Heroes in Love by owlwithanapple
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0cta9on · 1 day
lewd thoughts on:
Sullyoon being surprisingly daring, wearing a very sexy black laced skirt (the same skirt during NMIXX performance in Dankook University), then does a lap dance to you before getting creampied in her pussy by you
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Hello anon! Decided to combine both of these asks since they're both about Sullyoon. This is an unedited BFH so sorry for missing words and bad grammar :>
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"Manager oppa!" Sullyoon calls out to you from the dance room. "Come here~"
The rest of the Nmixx girls already showered and headed home for the night, exhausted from their performance at the university, but it seems like one of them still has some energy left in her.
"What is it this time, Yoona?"
You walk into the dance room to find a single chair in the middle of the room and Sullyoon with a nervous smile on her face. She still had on her outfit from the performance. You would be lying if you said her body didn't do something to you, but as her manager, you try to keep these kinds of thoughts to a minimum.
"Yoona, you have another performance tomorrow, you should go home and-"
"Wait! There's a dance that I want to show you first." She gestures for you to sit in the chair, which you quickly oblige since arguing would only drag this out longer.
Sullyoon goes to the speaker and plays a slow, sensual R&B track before standing in front of you, her hands shaking with anxiety. Her moves are small and timid at first, unusual for how often she performs in front of thousands of people, but as she starts to feel the music, everything becomes clear.
"Yoona, what is this-"
"Shhh." She places her finger on your lips with a sultry smile. "Just watch."
The way she swings her hips to the rhythm hypnotizes you, the fabric of her skirt swaying with each movement. She rubs her hands over your shoulders and chest, getting lower and lower before feeling the bulge in your pants. At this point, you're too aroused to stop her.
"I saw you watching me earlier. Did my sweaty body turn you on, manager oppa?"
She tosses her top at you, her cleavage peeking through the top of her bra. It's taking every fiber of your being to stop yourself from pouncing on her like an animal.
"You want to touch me so badly, don't you oppa? I bet you jerk off to my body every single night, huh?"
Hearing those dirty words come out of that pretty little face is only turning you on more. You reach out to grab her waist, but Sullyoon swats your hand away.
"Nuh uh, I didn't give you permission yet~"
So that's the game she wants to play. This sweet, innocent girl wants to be in charge for once. Fine. You'll humor her for now, but if a single crack shows in her act, you're ready to show her who's really in charge.
Her skirt is the next to go, leaving her in just a bra and panties. She continues to move to the music, presenting her perfect little ass and running her hands over her curves. You can feel cock strain against your pants, yet your demeanor remains calm. Just because your playing along doesn't mean you'll make it easier for her.
Sullyoon notices this and decides to push further, tossing her bra at you. However, she timidly covers her chest, too embarrassed to give you a peek.
"Y-you want to look, don't you? Your mind is probably, um, filled with dirty thoughts, isn't it?" Even her voice is starting to break. You stifle a giggle. She clearly rehearsed the dance more than the actual script.
Sullyoon continues to dance with one arm still covering her modest chest while the other teases the waistband of her panties. Her movements are confident and erotic, yet the nervous gaze in her eyes betrays her feelings.
Figuring that she's not going to go farther than this, you stand up and slowly approach her, never breaking eye contact. Sullyoon places a hand on your chest. "H-hey, I didn't give you permission to get up-"
"And who said I needed permission?" You grab a hold of her hair, producing a cute moan from her lips. There's the Sullyoon you know. She can practice her little dance and wear her little cocky facade all she wants, but that doesn't make her any less of a submissive slut.
"Move your arm," you command her. With a growing blush, she drops her arm, revealing her perfect breasts, round and perky. They aren't the biggest, but they fit perfectly into the palm of your hand as you gently need her mounds, watching her eyes flutter with want.
You slide your fingers down her toned stomach before reaching the waistband of her panties. Her breath catches in her throat as you touch the damp spot on her crotch.
"Would you look at that. I barely did anything, yet you're already dripping wet."
She forcefully grabs your cock through your pants. "I'm not the only one turned on here," she teases. Ooh, feisty. So there's still a fire inside of her. You'll make sure to extinguish it soon enough.
With her hair in your hand, you push her face first into the mirrored wall of the dance room, sticking her ass out towards you. Her panties and your pants are gone in an instant, leaving nothing between your cock and her sweet hole.
"You want this so bad, don't you?" You egg her on, rubbing your tip against her moist folds.
"Y-you're the one who c-couldn't control yourself, oppa. All I did w-was dance for you, yet you couldn't k-keep your hands off of me."
You snicker. Touche. However, her prideful smirk is quickly wiped away as you thrust into her without warning. Thanks to her slick, she takes your entire length with ease, pulsating around your cock.
"O-oh god, yes!" Any ounce of fight she had left is dissolved as she devolves into a mindless sex toy, pushing her hips back into you to meet your thrusts. Even her face, normally attentive and composed, is turned into a mosaic of lust. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth agape, her hair in a messy frizz, she's your doll that you get to mess up and play with.
You'll give Sullyoon the benefit of being correct - you were, in fact, staring at her during the performance, ogling her sweaty thighs in that skirt. But even if she didn't offer herself up like this, you were going to get her one way or another.
A familiar feeling stirs within your groin, a feeling that Sullyoon senses. "F-fuck, oppa! C-cum inside me! Please!" With your hands firmly grasping her hips, you pull her back into you one last time, shooting rope after rope of your cum deep inside her sweet pussy. Sullyoon's body shakes with her own orgasm, and you hold her before her legs can give out. She goes limp against your chest as she catches her breath.
"Th-thas... nfair..." She mumbles.
"That's... unfair..." She looks up at you with a pout. "I wanted... to lead..."
You chuckle at her. Even after pounding into her mere seconds ago, she still manages to be so cute like nothing ever happened.
"Maybe next time," you assure her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Now go home before I ruin you again."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, oppa~"
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etherfabric · 2 days
Messages for Reassurance + Songs
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
Knight of Cups, High Priestess
The hope inside of you is not delusion. You are safe to go after the things that seem promising and enriching. The days where you couldn't hear your gut well enough to listen to it are gone. Serendipities of various sizes permeate your day to day life, and it feels almost to good to be true. Did you really make it? Yes, dear. You did. You embraced your shadows enough to bask in the sun again.
Of course this is no utopia, and the frights of the past have sharpened your foresight to real possibilities, but believe yourself when you can't feel any danger closeby. You are stronger, smarter, and in better company than ever before. Now all there is left to do is putting some weight in those timid steps towards your bliss. Don't worry about tripping - you'll land on your foundation and get up again, eyes forward, one foot in front of the other. You will get there as soon as you fully arrive internally, and you are so close to completion already. You will see it once you believe it.
Pile 2
6 of Wands, The Hanged Man
You are exactly where you are supposed to be, in the exact context and circumstances you see at this very moment, inside and out. The conditions are perfect for you thrive in. You might have to get a little unorthodox in your approaches, and the shape of other people's successes sometimes clouds your inspiration, but let good be good enough for now. Think of past you - they prayed to have what you have now.
Okay, yes, they were a little misguided in a few details of their wishes (thankfully rejection is divine protection), and in thinking once you would be here, everything would be perfect - life is still life, you are still human - but the lessons that led you here widened your understanding of how everything had to happen this way. Guess what, future you will look back at this very moment with the exact same wisdom and compassion.
You can work with what you have at your disposal and rightfully expect the glory of tangible progress. Just keep doing what you are doing already, keep it simple and managable, and there will be nothing significant standing in your way. Those bouts of stagnation? That's where the depth of your skills comes from in the first place. Just like muscles, the soul and mind need their periods of liminal passivity to come back with full force to charge you ahead. You are on the right track. You are doing great. You can be proud of yourself.
Pile 3
Page of Swords, 10 of Wands
Oh dear. It's okay to say you are tired. It's okay to break apart. It's okay to hurt and just want to quit it all. Why are you carrying all this by yourself, tasks and thoughts alike? Don't you know the relief once you put them both down? For the thoughts: Speak, write, scream. To somebody, or nobody. The most important part is admitting it. Then at least you are freed of the burden to act like everything is fine. I know you are scared, I know you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place if you knew for sure you could let go. But I trust in the magic of coincidences, and you reading this right now tells me you need to stop swimming against the current and let the flow carry you downstream.
Stop clinging to things that only stay if you wreck yourself. The tide will wash them out of your hands anyway, because soon you will reach your body's limits, and then the decision will be made for you. Let the dam break. Let nature take its course. You are so smart and truly believed the best, I can see that, and it's no lack of character that caused things to go this way. But this wasn't meant for you. I know it hurts. I hurt with you. But once you stop fighting gravity, you will be drawn to what is truly for you. Put the burden down. I know you had the best intentions, but it's over. You can rest now.
Pile 4
9 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
You already know this, but slow and steady does indeed win the race. Instead of doing a million things exhausting yourself, you are focusing on a handful of daily tasks, knowing they will lead you exactly where you want to be. Time and consistency are on your side. You know you don't have to be perfect and can always pick up where you left off. Appreciation from outside sources resonates with your own satisfaction about how things are playing out for you.
Your longterm goals seem closer than ever. You have your routine down pat, and trust in your ability of finding even better tweaks and spins for it in the future. This calm air of confidence looks so good on you! You have earned it. You can read the signs relative to your success, know which road to take, and which pitfalls to avoid. You feel incredibly rich and know how to pass the time until certain things come to fruition. It used to make you anxious when you were faced with slowpaced processes, and you fell back on less sustainable approaches to selfsoothe. Now you appreciate the journey itself, even welcome the delays, so you have ample time to smell the flowers on the side of the road.
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moongoopy · 2 days
The Fingernail Issue
c: gojo wasn't told of toji having a sibling leading him to wonder what kind of brother toji fushiguro was
c/w: Reader is adopted here, modern au, fluff, Toji's family are not a bunch of assholes, Reader is Toji's adoptive sibling, platonic and crack and humour ig
a/n: thought about this while making potato chips
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"You have a sibling!? Why haven't you told us?"
"There was no need."
Toji slurped his noodles, ignoring the groan that he got from Gojo Satoru. Being in the same club with Gojo Satoru and a few other extras proved to be quite fun. He thought joining the basketball club with egocentric people would be infuriating but in this little group he managed to make friends suprisingly. He let Sukuna take his shrimp while he shrugs, right now; Gojo was quite adamant on getting to know his kid sibling that was in the same school as him, just two grades lower than him.
Geto slips in a joke if he wanted to court them or something since the white haired male next to him who was currently miming a camera with his two hands. Just the thought of another Fushiguro gave him the heebie jeebies, he was already offputting with how crass his personality was, his sibling would probably be the same. He gagged to Geto's comment, his hand on his chin when he thought about it.
"Unless, your sibling isn't a carbon copy of you and is way more better than you.."
Sukuna waved his hand to deny that sentence with a smirk and it received a nudge from Toji, they had this whispering thing they had going on to keep secrets away from Gojo and they giggle like two middle schoolers finding out about a dirty secret.
"Oh so you've met them, Ryoumen?" Nanami sipped his coffee, he had his notebook infront of him, consistently taking notes since he'd miss a day of school and its already biting him in the ass. The pink haired male shrugged, copying the same move as his friend that made Gojo click his tongue to.
"If you don't like them, why are you even curious?"
Gojo defended himself, "Its not that I dont like them, I barely met them. Its just that.."
Without noticing he painted an image of you even before seeing you in the flesh so maybe you weren't that bad. Gojo just cant imagine Toji having a sibling, would he be a doting brother? A strict one? Geto had stated stuff about dating and he barely batted an eye so it looked like to Gojo that Toji didnt really care about you but the next words that Toji said irked him.
"You look like you have a lot on your mind, Gojo. Mind sharing?"
Toji finished his noodles but thought of leaving some of the soup at the bottom, thats where all the seasonings sink to. Knocking his chopsticks into the bowl, he leaned forward to hear what Gojo had say. Gojo was the type to walk past the obvious and it was funny. Seeing THE Gojo Satoru struggle was entertaining.
"Nah, I'm good, I'll just see them myself." He bit on his lollipop, crunching up the last bits down his throat.
"Good luck finding them then," The black haired man got up from his seat with his tray and Gojo gasped. He hasn't even finished asking questions but knowing him, he loved avoiding questions like some personal torture he lets people go through.
"I'm bringing my mom to the clinic so I gotta run," Toji gruffly said, grabbing his jacket and he was so fast to slip away.
"Hey! Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse again? Me and Suguru legit saw Mrs. Fushiguro doing laps the other day!"
"Even did some cardio too.." Geto chuckled, remembering how Toji's mom proudly confessed how she had done a lot of stuff in one day. It made him smile while Gojo was sulking like a poodle beside him. Sukuna cleared his throat from eating and cleaned his plates up. He glanced at Gojo mischeviously.
"Well.. if you want to know one thing.." Sukuna dragged the silence a little longer before chuckling. "They're a bit of the same."
Sukuna too walks away, waving slyly to meet up for practise soon and Gojo scoffed. That sleazy bastard thought that information on you was new.
"That was sooo lame."
Toji had his hands on the wheel, listening to his mother talk about what should they have for dinner. In between talking about your favourites and if his dad was gonna come home, she recalled the days where you first came home.
Mama Fushiguro liked recalling this a lot and when many people were bored by this tale by now, Toji showed interest. He didn't admit though when he finally had a kid sibling in his house, he was actually pretty elated. The house was quiet on its own with himself but with you, it was like he had a friend.
When you are adopted, his peace wasn't disrupted at all but it was like yours was. You were in a completely new environment but not unfamiliar. You had been fostered before but he didn't pry into your past, there was no need to he thinks. It was normal for you to be distant even if his parents try to pry you out your shell like a cat with its nails stuck on the walls. You claw back to your comfort and wasn't all that talkative.
He didn't force you to talk or advise you on anything because it was clear you could handle yourself, you just like to keep to yourself more than his parents. But knowing this doesn't make the bond between you and him all the more stumped. He did attempted to eventhough his mother would nag about how it was barely anything; calling you down for dinner wasn't talking and hell, task dividing either!
Going to the same college didn't made you two any closer. He thought asking you about school was corny and didn't bother, he didn't really think much of it. By the tired look in your face, it was more than enough to know what you've been through but he was sure you stayed out of trouble because he made sure of that.
He took his usual route back to the car but realise you were a bit late. You weren't usually tardy, he was and even so you would still wait for him out of courtesy. He spun back around and thought of fetching you in an instant. Maybe now was the time he would open his mouth and talk to you.
There was a bit of a ruckus in one of the classrooms. If he didn't had sharp ears then he would've walked right past but that was one of the subject classes you attend and peeped in.
It was horrid.
He saw a bunch of hooligans messing up your notebooks and scraping it against the ground with their shoes. He recognized some of them as they squat at your level and taunt you.
It was some people in his fan club or whatever and he heard bits of how someone this puny couldn't be his sibling. You were clutching onto a bag and it wasn't just your bag that you were concerned of, the laptop that his parents gave were in it and the bag slides clean off and you were only protecting the laptop with your life. You didn't mind your keychains being ripped off and tossed about but amongst the stomping, the laptop was clutched tightly in your arms.
His shout boomed across the room, shocking even you. You looked up to see your brother and he looked about ready to rip into the bullies with his bare hands. The group turned pale when they saw that their idol had caught them in the act of tormenting his little sibling and bit their tongue as their knees wobble.
The details of the lecture/threat of Toji wasn't heard as your ears buzz with fear. His touch made you snap back to reality, his rough hands helping you up gently and you wobble in your place.
"Holy shit.." You exclaimed in a huff to which he looked at you in an instant.
"You're really fucking loud when you're mad."
Silence settled to which the both of you laughed at in few seconds. This was the first time you didn't feel akward and commented so honestly. He patted your back and pick up your stuff, though soiled; atleast you were only shaken but unharmed.
The walk back to the car came naturally albeit a bit of limping in your step, you had twisted your ankle while running to catch the laptop before the others did and it sparked hellfire in Toji. His main priority now is atleast offering a crumb of comfort and heard out your reasoning for portecting a device rather than your skull.
"We could always buy you a new laptop,"
"I like the one now."
"Its not worth it breaking your skull in to protect it though."
To be honest, it wasn't about liking it. Just the big smiles on your adoptive parents' faces when they urged you to open the gift they bought you, it made your eyes all teary.
You weren't adopted before but you had to go through mean foster parents that had too much on their hands and that led to negliance to your needs. That led to several arguments and got you sent to the adoption center and it broke you, just the thought of connecting with another family made you numb.
But this family was so gentle with you. Even when you showed that there was no need for such kindness yet it wasn't that they coaxed you out of your shell but that they were so tender through their actions.
Toji notices the tears and scratches the back of his neck, he didn't read this in the big brother dummy book to know what to do if his little sibling cries. You had a distant look in your eyes before you realised you had reached the car with him.
Thankfully, both parents didn't notice the missing schoolbag or the agitated state that you're in. They were all smiles and Mamaguro was powdering on her face so it meant a family outing tonight.
You couldn't help but panic when you try to think of an explanation of your missing bag but Toji butted in on his parents conversations.
"Hey, Y/N wanted some ice cream before dinner, is that okay?"
Toji blurted out all of a sudden and you so badly wanted to deny it but he dug a deeper hole for you when the two agreed so quickly. They were excited that you finally requested something in a while and the car swerved to the nearest convenience store. Your brother adjusted himself in his seat, taking out his earphones and leaned a bit closer so the two infront won't hear.
"No worries, there's a store that sells bags beside the convenience store."
You huffed out a breath, your mouth feeling so dry and nodded to his words. He was a life saver.
Toji remembered how jittery you were when he suddenly made up some shit about you wanting ice cream that he couldn't help but chuckle outloud. The light from your eyes almost dimmed when you thought he would snitch on you. He parked close to the clinic, turning his back to grab an umbrella incase it rained. His mom pouted to his sudden chuckle and sighed.
"What are you laughing for? You're not ditching practise, yknow? You're going after you send me off at the clinic."
"Huh?" His mom showed a text conversation between her and Geto and scoffed. The lengths that man bun would go to have him show up at practise. That damn milf hunter-
"Hands up if your name is Y/N Fushiguro!!!" The class erupted in some noise upon seeing the popular duo stand near the doors of their class. When you heard your name being called, you reluctantly raised your hand; recognising who these two were.
The duo's faces fell for a moment, choking. Oh, you were adopted? Not in an offensive way obviously but Gojo might've heaved a sigh of relief. Atleast you weren't a splitting reflection of your brother, that would give him nightmares! Geto on the other hand realised why Toji would hide such a fact, an element of suprise if you will. He thought the two of them wouldn't find you out in an instant, did Toji thought so low of them? You raised a brow, wondering what they wanted.
They watched you walk out the classroom and Gojo adjusted his glasses. The graphic t-shirt and the style you had was a sublte influence from your brother.
"Well, well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"
You had the exact relaxed expression like your brother except you slowly turn weirded out, why were they ogling you like this?
You took time to observe them head to toe subtly while Gojo yapped about the tale of how Toji didn't reveal that he had a younger sibling, they were lean and muscular and they had this obvious good cop bad cop duo energy. The white haired man sounded visibly upset that you were kept as a secret from the rest, was this some kind of facade to get to know you better? You shifted to one foot to another, stopping the music playing in your earpods and cleared your throat.
"Do you want to get with my brother or something orrr...?" Gojo didn't get to the point so you went straight in but due to their reactions, you might've miscalculated. Tilting your head, you pointed at Geto's painted nails and the earrings he had.
"And you.. are you two like gay or something?" You put your hands in defense, talking quickly before they get the wrong idea, "Hey, I don't discriminate. I just barely had any fans of my brother be male sooo..."
For once in their lives, Gojo was speechless and Geto had his eyes wide open like crazy.
One thing was for sure, anyting that was the apart of the Fushiguro family was a complete nightmare.
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honeipie · 3 days
Can you do part 2 of The Toast where Izuku maybe later realises what he truly felt after some years of marriage but it was too late or going to be. I already read a similar story elsewhere I can't remember but it didn't have part 2
It's your choice but my heart is fragile against my best boy 😭
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izuku midoryia x reader
synopsis: even the bestest of friends fight sometimes
authors note: i just used this ask for the second part! it’s gonna go a littleeee differently..
here’s where you can read part one!
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“slow the hell down. people are gonna start thinking you’re an alcoholic if you keep going” katsuki took the beer bottle from your hand and placed it on the other side of the table.
“my bad” you mumbled looking over at the dance floor. people danced with their friends and partners happily. also trying not to get in the way of the main couple themselves. smiling and swaying back and forth with each other.
katsuki looked over at you with a slightly raised eyebrow before looking away.
“what? you gonna do all that drinking and not dance?”
you shrugged having your elbow on the table and resting your head in the palm of your hand.
“not really in the mood”
the music took over your chaste conversation. the bass from the speaker made the floor beneath you vibrate.
“you didn’t do completely shitty on your speech”
you turned to katsuki who was still focused on the people dancing.
“gee, thanks. i would offer to do a speech at your wedding but i don’t know who’d want to get with” you put your palm towards him moving it in a circle “this”
“hm, well good thing you wouldn’t be invited anyway. you’d probably scare the children”
the two of you were now giving each other slight glares, but you soon dissolved into giggles. he couldn’t help but crack a smile and shake his head “you’re fuckin’ crazy”
“i know right? i mean who agrees to be the best woman for the guy she’s in love with?” you started laughing harder. katsuki could only assume the alcohol was starting to take effect.
“i’m surprised you said yes. ‘specially after that fight they had”
your laughs slowly started to cease hearing that.
“a fight? what do you mean?”
katsuki looked over at the couple who were currently dancing very close together. eyes closed and lost in the moment.
“fuckin’ nerd didn’t tell his fiancée that you were his best woman until the night of the bachelor party. he was rambling on about what they were going to do. he was so excited guess he started talking about how you planned it and everything”
“yikes.. was she mad?”
“mad? she was pissed. told him off and everything. he tried apologizing and telling her that it didn’t even cross his mind, but she wasn’t having it. they barely talked that day after. i only know cause i accidentally came to his house too early”
you placed your hands over your face and groaned.
“i didn’t even know! this is so bad.. she probably thinks i did this to spite her or something” you sighed lifting your head up.
yes, you wanted her husband. but you weren’t no damn ‘steal your man’ type of girl. you had to make this right now matter how you felt about izuku. as if it was fate, ochako was seen heading into the bathroom alone.
you stood so abruptly that the table shook and almost knocked over your drink.
“easy..” katsuki mumbled making sure it didn’t tip over. with a determined face you made a beeline over to the bathroom.
maybe it was the adrenaline from the alcohol, but the need to just settle everything came over you in waves.
“ochako?” you could hear shuffling from inside the handicap stall making you walk closer “i saw you walk in and i’m sorry to follow you. it’s just-“
“listen” you heard her voice from the other side of the stall “if we’re going to do this can you at least come in here and help me?” you heard the lock open from the bathroom stall. shocked, but not opposed, you walked in seeing her dress taking up most of her torso as she struggled to lift it “i just need to pee”
“of course” you walked over to take the parts of her dress that she was currently holding.
where the hell were the bridesmaids when you need them?
you let her do her buisness, but there were still the words stuck in your throat that were begging to be let out.
“i’m sorry” you blurted right as she went to grab the toilet paper. she paused for a moment before continuing to rip some off “i’m sorry for being izuku’s best woman. i mean- he told me that you felt a bit iffy about it and i just assumed that by the rehearsal you had changed your mind. i should have had a conversation with you about it. i guess i was just distracted by something else” you adjusted yourself as she got off of the toilet and went to pull everything back up.
“y/n” she turned to you once everything was back where it should be “thank you for apologizing, but i should’ve known this would happen. you two are so close, and he wouldn’t trust anyone else with that responsibility” she walked out of the stall with you following after her. you both washed your hands in silence mulling over the situation “i’m not upset anymore” she looked over at you with something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite place.
sadness? anger? jealousy?
“i can’t control what izuku wants” she dried her hands with the paper towel then walked back into the party.
leaving you with the odd twisting of guilt in your stomach.
you walked out of the bathroom after taking a moment to reflect, but it didn’t last long. when you turned izuku stood directly in front of you with a stupid grin.
“hey! i meant to catch you earlier. you alright?” you could tell he was just slightly tipsy from the brush of pink on his cheeks.
“actually, can we talk somewhere private?”
“yeah, we can go out here. have you seen it yet? fucking incredible” he led you out two big doors which were open and bringing in a gentle summer breeze. there were willow trees strung with fairy lights giving it a soft ambiance. under the trees were a couple of benches which you decided to take a seat on.
izuku plopped down next to you arms laid against the back of the bench. his head was tilted back with his eyes closed. adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he breathed steadily.
you tried not to stare. you really, really tried. but when you noticed the top two buttons undone on his shirt it was like you couldn’t look away. freckles splattered across his chest like a work of art.
but you couldn’t get distracted anymore.
your tone of voice had him lifting his head up. he looked over at you with a slight squint of his eye “why are you saying my name like something bad happened?”
you sighed shifting some of the fabric of your dress “i didn’t really want to do this on your wedding night. cause i know you’re having fun. it’s just that.. i think we should probably not spend as much time together as we do now”
izuku’s mouth opened but nothing came out, so he shut it once again.
“let me explain. i just don’t want to be that woman who gets in between a guy and his wife just because we’re close”
“y/n” he sat up fully facing you “you’re not getting between me and my wife!-“
“oh yeah? then what about me being your best woman? how did she take that?”
“i told you. she understood-“
“was her understanding before or after you fought and didn’t talk for hours?”
his next argument stopped in his throat. you could see the conflict in his eyes.
“okay.. we did fight. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you about that. but it was important to me that you were my best woman. that’s it! nothing else we do would come between what me and ochako have”
there it was again. the adrenaline from those trashy beers that denki had snuck in opposed to the classy alcohol from the open bar.
“izuku! you don’t understand” you stood to your feet “it’s not just me being your best woman. it’s everything we do in the future. this might work for you, but it’s not fair for me or ochako”
“tell me why then!” he stood up looking directly into your eyes.
from inside, a group of the groomsmen had gathered to watch. but it was from a good enough distance not to draw too much attention. at least not yet.
“the couple is fighting- hey!” denki held his side glaring over at kirishima who elbowed him in his side. ochako turned at his voice eyes trailing down to the two of you outside.
“what if we went out like we would do on a random wednesday. you should be home with your wife”
“ochako understands that i have friends that i’d like to hang out with. it’s like when we were dating-“
“but it’s not izuku! this is marriage. a commitment that you are signing the rest of your life up for. plus, she might understand, but will the press? you’re the number one hero. you’re telling me they won’t snap a picture and make a story” you lift up your arms for dramatics “deku going out with secret mistress! i can see it on every gossip blog across japan. did you think about that? who is that benefiting? both you and ochako sliding down the ranks while my name gets dragged through the fucking mud too?”
his face was redder than before, but not from the alcohol. he sighed dragging one hand down his face “y/n, can we just figure this out?”
“izuku you are the best man i’ve ever met. i love you so so much. that’s why i’m doing this” you dropped your voice to a whisper hoping he could hear you over the music “i’m not going to let you ruin your relationship with the woman you love because of an old friend”
the woman he loved.
“i’m not saying don’t ever contact me again. trust me if you need anything i will drop everything to come and help you. we just- can’t talk everyday like we used to, okay?”
you turned seeing ochako coming down the tiny hill towards the two of you. that’s when you noticed the small group that had congregated closer to the doors watching the ordeal go down. ochako gave you a look which you understood quickly.
you weren’t welcome here anymore.
with a quick nod you left izuku under the willow tree with his wife. the woman he didn’t love as much as you.
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taglist + some people who commented! - @sagejin @yoihoshi-maki @shoma-nom @crybabyl0l
if you didn’t want to be tagged i’m sorry lolll just lmk by dm or something and i won’t on the third! also if you do just lmk somehow!
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