#so I'm a bit hesitant to pass that feeling along to other letters of the alphabet soup
hey nerd, you're a historical clothing person: whats the best fit for like genderqueer time traveler back on their bullshit?
I am, but you have to tell me more about what this genderqueer person likes to wear. I can't make any assumptions just from their gender identity.
Someone who knows nonbinary folks who enjoy dressing like Marie Antoinette and nonbinary folks who enjoy dressing like stereotypical long-haul truckers, and everything in between.
PS- probably get a puffy white blouse though.
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markantonys · 1 year
Did fandom ever decide if Mat, while in Tar Valon, knew that Rand was "dead"? I went back to listen to Liandrin read the letter to Mat and while there is the implication there with the whole "miss Rand and Laila this close to Bel Tine". Then the implication of us 4 being Nynaeve, Egwene, Loyal and Perrin. She didn't edit that part of the letter, only skipped the last lines about Mat. However, during the reunion scene Mat asks where the others are and why Rand is not with Perrin. Making me think that Mat thought Rand was alive and following the horn of valere all along.
I have an angsty Mat fanfic stuck in my head but I'm only 1/3rd into The Shadow Rising and therefore a bit unsure about Mat's thought process, which is also probably different in show. For writing purposes..... I have a need to know if Mat has been beating himself up for abandoning Rand like that only for him to die. Alternatively if Mat is feeling alone, guilty and forgotten..... Like that scene with Liandrin implies she has read him a dozen letters, did she just add Rand into them, did Mat just think Rand was off doing his own shit.....
this is an interesting question because it's not really clear in the show! the parts of the letter you mentioned strongly imply rand is dead, but is mat picking up on that implication? does he have enough context to pick up on it? given that liandrin seems to have read him multiple letters from perrin over the past 6 months, it's possible there would have been some explicit reference at SOME point to rand being dead, but it's also possible that perrin only ever talked about missing him and didn't ever feel the need to outright mention what happened in fal dara since egwene & nynaeve were there too. but given moiraine's doom-and-gloom pre-waygate speech, it's also possible mat assumes that references to missing rand are because he died at the eye. since liandrin's goal is to make mat feel like a failure who abandoned his friends, if it's even SLIGHTLY on her radar that the other kids think rand is dead, then surely she would not hesitate to rub that in mat's face to make his guilt worse. but, on the other hand, maybe she would rather make mat think that rand is alive and just doesn't give a shit about him, same as the others.
we hear liandrin read out "i miss you both, and rand, and laila" so at the very least, mat knows that rand is not with perrin. and yet, in cairhien he asks rand "where's everyone else? are they here? where's perrin? egwene?" so, what are his motives for asking this question?
1) mat's simply so shocked to find One Surprise Friend in cairhien that he instinctively asks whether there could be More Surprise Friends!
2) now that rand is alive and not dead as mat may have believed, mat is wondering whether liandrin pulled some kind of aes-sedai-creative-truth-telling on him with perrin's letters (he doesn't know anything about the black ajah at this point, so he has no reason to think she'd be able to straight-up lie) or whether she led him to assume incorrect things about his friends, so he figures he'd better ask after the others just in case his assumption that they believe rand is dead is incorrect.
3) enough time has passed since the date of perrin's most recent letter that mat figures that letter doesn't have the most up-to-date info, and rand might have met up with perrin and/or the girls since then
or 4) a theory proposed by @butterflydm - mat thought rand was dead; knows that perrin, egwene, and nynaeve think he's dead; is fully aware that they aren't with rand in cairhien right now; is wondering why rand would be hanging out in cairhien while the rest of their friends think he's dead; suspects rand might have faked his death, or at least that SOMETHIG is going on with rand. and so him asking rand where the others are isn't because he actually thinks they might be with rand, it's because he's trying to gently prod rand into explaining to him why he's in cairhien alone and thought dead by everyone he loves.
so yeah, it's interesting to ponder! practically speaking, i do kinda think the show would've thrown in an "i thought you were dead!" during the initial mat/rand reunion if they truly meant us to think that mat thought rand was dead (and probably also would've had a line in an earlier episode where liandrin twists the knife about how rand died because mat left him), but there are also plenty of grounds to imagine that mat DID think he was dead. and at this point i doubt we'll get a definitive answer either way (although tonight's episode might prove me wrong!), so i think you could safely choose either option for your fic and it would feel canon-compliant! speaking of, i would LOVE to read that fic, so please send me the link if you end up writing & posting it!!
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crazyrav3n · 3 months
The devil's Mark - Chapter 3 (Peter Steele x reader)
!! THIS IS an erotic chapter with sex. here's your warning. Yes, this is required for the plot- sorry for the diss on one of the members of type o negative. hope you enjoy it! I would also appreciate it if you commented or liked my posts I'm also on ao3 (w0mpy) and Wattpad (Toastlickr) it keeps me motivated to continue writing when you comment on literally anything. !!
After heading back home,
Letting your emotions out now, you collapse to the couch, staring up at the roof with your phone in hand.
The passion he had kissing that girl- it made you want to rip her skull off.
Your phone buzzed in your hand, hesitating to check it to see if it was Peter or not- it better not fucking be. Knowing you, you would blow up at him right now.
An unknown number, a voicemail?
“Hey. This is Kenny- I'm one of Peter's friends and I play in his band.”
You knew him, one of the co-vocalists of the band.
“Peter told me about what happened. You okay? I saw you at the party, let me get you a drink to apologize on his behalf.”
His voice was a little more raspy than Peters, a little higher but still attractive and smooth nonetheless.
Suddenly- you had a plan in mind. Revenge on that fucking asshole- make him jealous back.
Your hands slid to your phone, picking it up and punching in the letters to ask “Could you come over and bring the drinks instead?” you typed- before hearing the little ding of it deliver, Kenny reading it after a few minutes.
“Address?” he typed in response.
!! Erotica ahead. Oopsie poopsie?!!
Alcohol was always a way you coped with sadness, not enough to become an alcoholic but it was still nevertheless a bad habit.
Kenny had arrived at your house- he had a little bit of a goatee. His hair was messy- his eyes were softer. They looked softer.
A hookup.
That was your plan.
Show it off to Peter- he was interested in the beginning. He thought he could just run off and mess around with other girls after beginning to talk with you?
Kenny and you sat in the living room of your apartment- the lights quite dim. The sound of cars and small sounds outside was heard, maybe an owl or two.
“I love the feeling- but hate the taste.” Kenny laughed as he threw back a shot in sync with you.
“So.. What happened?” Kenny asked quietly, putting an arm around your shoulder. He wasn't Peter- but he was close… and he was still... Attractive. He had the same type of men you still desired. Long hair- goth boys. He had an eyebrow piercing- it was nice.
“I'm not..” you shook your head in answer and he stroked your shoulder with his thumb and nodded.
“You don't have to talk about it baby.” he softly smiled- comforting. He was nice- very sweet to go along with it.
You smelled something a little- skunky on him. Most likely weed- however, it smelt fresh. He smiled as he pulled two rolled joints out of the side of his pocket, smiling at you and raising his eyebrow in question.
“Let me light your joint, pretty thing.”
You held the familiar paper in your mouth- it had been a while since you had smoked pot. You just hadn't been able to get your hands on it.
You saw the cherry light up quickly inhaling and breathing out of a cloud of smoke- coughing violently with a few laughs in between as you passed it back and forth with him.
“Jesus girl- let me help you out.” Kenny took the joint from you- closing his lips and sucking out that warm smoke into his mouth, holding it in to lean over and use his hands to grab your face.
“Open.” His voice softly mumbled- a little raspy as he held the smoke in.
As you did so- interlocking mouths with him he blew the smoke into your mouth. Closing your eyes, it was a sweet passionate moment.
You inhaled- finally not coughing so hard.
“There we go, good girl.” He smiled at you- stroking your cheek with your thumb as he stared at you.
Silence struck out between you two for a few seconds as you both began to lean closer slowly.
Tongues quickly clashed together- holding onto each other. He pulled at your hair as he shoved his hands up your shirt- unclipping your bra from behind as it fell to the ground. It was the weed and alcohol that made you both so needy- most likely the fact that you hadn't had dick in so long.
Clothes slung to the floor- first shirts- then pants and underwear. Thank god for your birth control, as he held you down to the couch from above you- kissing desperately.
“Are you on protection? Can I do this?” he muttered- whispering right by your ear. His voice was breathy- needy and desperate like you.
You nodded back, but he grumbled taking his hand and grabbing your jaw.
“No nodding- I need a yes. Give me words.” He growled right near your ear- it practically made you crazy how he was so strict about consent.
“Yes- go ahead- please-” you mumbled back in response, leaning your head back as he left kisses down your body- a few bites and hickeys as he wandered down to your stomach.
Your voice streamed out in response- it felt amazing. He quickly stuck two fingers into his mouth- wetting them before sliding them inside of your wetness. The spit felt cool on your walls- as he curled his fingers and began to stroke and feel around you.
He spent a few minutes finding your sweet spot- before using his fingers to softly stroke it in a come hither motion- before leaning his head down with his fingers still inside of you and running the tip of his tongue to softly leave streaks of spit around your labia- fingers still pumping inside of you.
You cried out he was good with his hands and mouth. That was for sure.
Your eyes blinked and rolled back, as you felt his tongue come to around your clit- pulsing as he began to suck and taste it- savoring the taste of it.
It practically made your legs clench up tightening as he chuckled softly. His breath was warm and humid on your vulva.
“So eager are we? That's what I like to see.” He smiled at you from between your legs, before pulling his fingers out of you. Moving back up, he groaned softly looking down at you before shoving the slick-covered fingers inside of your mouth- forcing you to taste yourself.
You couldn't muster up more than a few whines and moans- before you softly felt him line himself up at your slick.
He flicked his cock against your skin- creating a few sounds before fully diving inside of you.
It wasn't the best sex you had- but sex is still sex.
Lips met once again, as he began to slowly thrust into you. He seemed to be enjoying it more than you- that's for sure. He softly groaned- right next to your ear as he began to pound into you.
The fingering- felt better. More stimulation- at least. You mustered out a few fake moans to arouse him- before he gripped onto you kissing you one last time.
Filling you- before slowly pulling away from the wet slapping noises that filled the room he groaned and sat up next to you- both butt ass nude.
“Did you cum?”
That goddamn question- every single time after mediocre sex.
“Yeah.” You lied between your teeth. Ugh. I would just go finish the job myself later.
“Well... Um... I have- Uhh.”
It felt awkward- you could see that he was trying to make an excuse to leave.
He slowly put his clothes back on- throwing you yours as well.
“As great as that was- um... I have to get home for a concert tomorrow.”
Ugh. Men.
You watched as he took his stuff- quickly stumbling out your front door as you heard him drive off leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Would Peter be any better at sex than him? I sure hope so. The hickies left all over should make him jealous though. It was nothing much anyway- nothing more than mediocre. It would get him jealous at least. If there was a concert- you should come to their concert to bug Peter.
As you groaned- before picking up your phone after it buzzed a little next to your leg.
“You okay?”
From peter.
“I'm sorry if I did anything.”
And although you were so annoyed at him at the moment- you knew he was better than that shitty Kenny friend. You still wanted him.
“I have a concert tomorrow. I can give you front-row tickets to make it up to you?”
Should you go to the concert?
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teawithdiary · 1 year
I still remember the day we met.
September 6th, 2017.
In the present timeline, a few days have passed since that date—it's currently September 12.
When I think back to that day, many things happened. I feel like I should continue to write down my experiences when I have time. It serves as a way to heal from the trauma of the past. But, I'm hesitant.
Why am I so hesitant to write my experiences? I feel like it's partially due to the fact that I don't really think I'm a good writer. It's partially because I feel like I don't remember everything. Sometimes it's painful to remember.
However, maybe one day I'll send these letters to you. Maybe it's better that I write it down to remember.
A few days before September 6th, my homeroom teacher asked me if there are any after school activities that I'm interested in. I already had my mind set on a few options: either orchestra club since I've wanted to continue playing the violin, wind ensemble since I also played the flute at my old high school, and lastly, kyudo club.
Why kyudo club? I knew nothing about it. However, I knew it was traditional archery, and as someone with back pain due muscle weakness, I felt like it would be a good opportunity to learn something fun while strengthening and fixing my posture.
When I said kyudo, my homeroom teacher, Kana-sensei, expressed a slight glimpse of surprise and said, "Oh I know just who to ask." She then called a girl over. "Yui, can you come here?"
A tall girl with medium length black hair came towards my desk and stood next to sensei. "Yui, she's interested in kyudo. Could you take her to tour the club after school today?"
Yui's eyes lit up and she nodded with a smile. She turned to me and asked, "So you're interested in kyudo? What do you like about it?" Yui was a few years younger than me, since I was technically a third year but was in a class with first year students. I could feel a bit of a distance in the way she spoke to me, since I was technically an upperclassmen.
"I actually don't know much about it, but I heard it was an option so I'm interested in seeing it." I said with a smile. "If possible, I'd like to join two clubs, maybe one that's more traditional culture, and the other instrument related since I would like to continue practicing."
"I see, two clubs. Most students don't do two clubs since it's difficult with school," said Kana-sensei with a slight worried expression. "However, since you have time and don't necessarily need to participate in lessons, I think you will be able to manage."
Kana-sensei became quiet and began to ponder.
"Also, kyudo is really different from western archery," continued Kana-sensei. "It seems a little hard to learn, but I think if it's something you have interest in after seeing the club, you may have fun."
Yui smiled and said, "Our bows are more than 2 meters tall, and we get to wear cool hakama!" I smiled back and said, "I've never worn a hakama before."
"Yui has been doing kyudo since she was in middle school, and I've heard she's really good," said Kana-sensei. "If you have any questions, please ask her."
I nodded my head and said thanks, and the bell signalling the next class period rang throughout the halls. Before I knew it, the day had passed by quickly and the after school activities were starting. Yui came to my desk after our classroom cleaning time and led me to the kyudojo. It was tucked away behind the school, next to the baseball field. Hydrangeas and other summer flowers were blooming in the bushes beside it, where tall trees from the trail that wrapped along the school grounds provided subtle shade to the shooting range.
As Yui and I approached the kyudojo, a female upperclassman came to greet me. Yui said to me quickly, "She will help you out from here on. I have to go, but good luck!" and she shuffled her feet quickly into the kyudojo to prepare for evening practice.
Gazing towards the kyudojo, I met eyes with another. A white kyudogi with characters embroidered on the sleeve, and a black hakama with characters embroidered in purple—it was different from the other students who wore plain white pieces with red characters embroidered in their black hakama.
Our eyes met momentarily before you diverted them towards your friend walking next to you, smiling.
That day is when I met you.
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lifesfeelings · 1 year
First "Breakup"...
My favorite thing that I just noticed is that I really only come back to Tumblr when things aren't going well 😂 I always want to keep posting here, for my own records, but when I have somebody in my life to vent to, I forget that I have this space! but anyway... So, I posted about him a handful of times I think. Sebastian? We met on Tinder back in April and we've been steadily getting more and more relationship-y. I thought that I was stringing him along. I really liked him, and if I was gonna make a relationship work, it would have been him. We don't live in the same town, but we made the trip to each other a handful of times, we texted everyday, we always were talking about the future: our halloween costumes we'd do together, Christmas plans, shows we were gonna watch together, plans for me to meet his parents, etc. We never made anything official, but I thought he was down bad... I kinda was "losing interest." Not in the sense that I wanted any other guy, but I sometimes think I'm aromantic and I just felt like it was getting too real. I wanted to run away. But... since Saturday, I have in fact learned that I am probably not aromantic and that I instead just have issues... He ended it out of nowhere. I've been obliterated. I can't go more than a few hours without crying, and they've been titanic like meltdown sobs... I can't get homework done. I can't focus on anything. I just came to my office (knowing I have fucking office hours and my students can come in at any time), and just finished sobbing for about two hours straight. He said that he had "felt nothingness come over him" a few months ago and that he had hoped it would go away with time. He said he just had lost the spark. And it's been fucking UGLY... I spent the weekend doing everything I thought I could. I did everything I thought I could do to claw back at his heart. I told him how much he meant, I apologized profusely for being a bit more cold and reserved the last like two weeks. I wrote him a fucking letter basically telling him how torn the fuck up I am and that I respect his choice but I'll be there if he changes his mind. I keep trying to think of the fucking perfect string of words that will move him, the "romantic acts" I could try, the posts that will get his attention... And it's just an endless cycle having to remind myself that it's over. This wasn't some skirmish or something I was doing that I can correct. He, in his heart of hearts, just truly doesn't feel it for me anymore. And he tried to let me down easily, but I kept pushing and the more I reread his texts the more clear it is to me that he has nothing for me... He said he wanted to be friends and all that. He said that maybe in time things will change. But in the letter, I basically told him that I wasn't going to hold my breath but that it would be a good while until I was done. That he could come back and I'd be there. and he basically was like "I hope that this hasn't ruined future endeavors or made you more hesitant with guys in the future" and was just politely basically telling me that it's not fucking happening... I just don't think I've been this wholly destroyed... My grandma passed away a year ago (in two days actually...). She was my best friend and the love of my life. And, this feels cringey to even be saying and thinking, but I've been taking this harder than I took that... I could bottle with her death. I could put it away and pretend that I'd be okay. I was able to keep going. This stuff with Sebastian has stopped my life. It feels like I lost the one thing that was keeping me here in line. I think between moving away from my past life, and starting a new school and new jobs in a new city.... I think Sebastian became my only rock and the only thing I could count on in my life that kept me grounded. and now he's just gone without warning. without anything I can do. I don't know what to do... I'm eviscerated. I just want this life to stop for a little bit.
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
i don't like you
james potter x reader
—author's note: This was a story from my main that I adored so I thought why not rewrite it? The plot is the same, my ability to tell a story however, has changed. James and you do not like each other. Not even a bit. I hope you enjoy ;) Please do leave a comment, it makes my day.
—warning(s): couple of harmless pranks, slytherin! gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren't used).
—word count: 3,431
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Groaning, you got up and squinted to make out the details of your dorm. Shouts and rushing made your head thump. You slowly realized a god-awful smell was filling up your room, quicker than you could think. Squeezing your nose shut, you rushed out. Other Slytherins were alongside you, you could hear coughing all around. Your eyes pricked with tears, your throat felt raw. Seeing a very familiar messy dark-haired boy run away jeering; you sensed rage gripping your form like a vice.
Third time. It was the third time the same week that Potter and the elder Black brother had pranked you all. Except it wasn’t funny anymore. That was what pranks were supposed to be right? Something that made everyone laugh along? Looking towards Elodie who was clenching her eyes shut at the sensation, you made a plan in your mind. You knew it was crazy. But when did that ever stop you? James had never conversed with you. Nor you, him. Yet it was clear that he did not like Slytherins. Not one bit.
James yawned, stretching his limbs for a new day. Scrunching his nose, he felt a flowery scent attack him. Maybe it was just Sirius with one of his experiments. Shrugging, he got up and into the shower. That day he had transfiguration, charms, and astronomy. Thankfully nothing with the snakes, they might still be sour about the prank they pulled yesterday. Getting out of the washroom, he hummed to himself as he passed Peter who was still fast asleep. Remus was asleep and Sirius was furiously scribbling on his homework. Always finishing at the last moment.
He didn’t realize the uniform he was putting on until he looked at himself in the mirror. And boy oh boy did he panic. Eyes widening almost comically, he rummaged through his wardrobe, everything a dark green color with silver accents. A note fell at his feet.
“Dearest Marauders,
Take this beautiful gift of green robes from me. I know not all of you deserved this, but then again, I didn't feel like any of you should be left behind. I know how much you love us, Slytherins. Why not showcase it?
With love,
(Y/n) (Y/l/n)”
“Sirius! Remus!” he called out. “Wormtail!”
Sirius didn’t even look up from his parchment, Remus let out a grunt in response. The only answer he got was a faint ‘what’ from the shared bathroom.
“Mates listen to this,” James said firmly, reading the letter out loud. That got their attention. “Our robes are all green. Vivid Slytherin green!”
Remus got up suddenly, with wide eyes rushing to check his almirah. He groaned loudly on finding them in the same predicament James foretold grass-like and smelling heavily of flowers. Sirius however, started crackling.
“What?” James bellowed, his nostrils flaring.
“Well, the sarcasm in that letter is…” He snorted, stopping himself seeing James’s frown. James shook his head as Remus glared at them both.
“This has a strong one-week dye,” he said, punctuating each word, infuriated. “There’s no way it can be removed before the expected time. Why should I suffer for all the things you two do?”
“And I am not suffering?” James quipped back as Remus just shook his head, huffing, and went back to his bed. James looked at Sirius who didn’t look worried at all.
“What? Aren’t you bothered at all?” James asked.
“I look great in everything,” he replied shrugging, making James want to punch him.
He dressed up quickly after, dashing out of the dorm towards the great hall. Ignoring the looks of the students from around and the snickers he looked for you amidst the Slytherin table. It was infuriating, how casually you ate your breakfast, almost oblivious. Stalking towards your place, he cleared his throat grabbing your attention. Your eyes sparkled amusedly, taking in his appearance.
“Why the hell did you do this?” he demanded.
“Now, that’s not a way to talk about the gift I gave you,” you said, batting your eyelashes as he scowled at you. You muttered a spell under your breath, waving your wand slightly before continuing. “I worked hard, you know?”
“You Slytherins are the best thing to walk on this planet!” he shouted before he could stop himself. His eyes grew large. Everyone’s attention now seemed to be on your table.
“Thank you, I know,” you smirked, challenging him. He narrowed his eyes on you.
“You put a speaking charm on me didn’t you?” he hissed as you put on an innocently sweet expression.
“Well, I thought you needed some help with words,” you prompted, getting better reactions than you hoped for. James growled, jumping up and down in annoyance. You tried not to laugh. Did. But the corners of your mouth turned up anyways. He looked like an idiot. The giggle you let out grabbed his attention, his cheeks turning a rosy red.
“I don’t like you,” he said in a rather squeaky voice.
“I don’t like you,” you retaliated. James hated himself for thinking the laugh you let out looking adorable. Anger, which was more of a frustration gawned on his skin. He knew exactly what he was going to do next. Giving you a sickly sweet smile, he enjoyed the slight shiver that went through your arm. Let the prank war begin.
You rushed out of the bathroom, vexed. It had been a long exhausting day and this was the last thing you needed. Your skin was tinted green. Bright neon green. Elodie stared at you in stupor.
“What happened?” she asked and you couldn’t help the raucous whine that escaped your lips.
“I don’t know, okay? I was in the shower and after using soap, my skin turned freaking green,” you hissed as Elodie tried to calm you. You handed her a small piece of paper. “Oh and look what I found beside the shampoo bottle.”
Dear (Y/n),
A gift from me, to showcase your pride in your house. You could thank me later.
P.S. This gift in no way means I’ve started liking you. I don’t.
“James. James did this; that bastard!” you said, nostrils flaring as Elodie rubbed your back.
“Well, it’s just hands and legs…”
“I'm gonna get back at him. Just watch me.”
Your jaw clenched. You knew just what you were gonna do. James started a fight with the wrong person. And you didn’t like him. At all.
You were reading your book when you saw James pacing towards you, from the corner of your eye. Trying to keep a straight face, you fixed your gaze on the book in your hand. Yet you couldn’t help the twitch your mouth gave as he stood right in front of you, folding his arms.
“Wow,” he breathed through clenched teeth. You looked up.
“Real mature of you,” he said in a baby’s voice. It sounded like he pronounced everything through his nose. You made an effort not to start crackling right then.
“Well, one of us had to be, right?”
“Yeah. And giving me the baby voice makes you the adult.”
“I’d think so, yes.” You said brushing his hair. They were surprisingly soft. James glared at you.
“I don’t like you.” He squeaked as you raised an eyebrow.
“I thought we already established that. I don’t like you either boy,” You said, letting out a laugh.
Adjusting your cap, you pulled your books closer to you. It was like everyone was staring at you. Specifically how stupid you looked. A whistle caught your attention. James, it had to be. When you turned towards the sound, you were sadly proved right.
“I like your cap,” he commented, clicking his tongue.
“Geez. Thank you. Just bought it,” you said, threateningly. Take one step James, I dare you; you thought. He didn’t get the message.
“I wonder how it would look on me,” he said, taking a step towards you. You hissed.
“Sorry, not gonna let you borrow it,” you tried to say in a normal tone, but it came out quite high pitched. James dared to grin.
“What if I just…” he said, coming closer as you took a step back, glowering at him in a warning. Not that he took it. He snatched the cap from your head as the long white hair fell. They reached your feet.
“James, give it back,” you warned and he put it on his head.
“Nope,” he said, his eyes full of mischief. You hesitated at his expression, he looked as candid as a child. Maybe you never noticed it, his hair fell round in pretty curls, framing his face. James winked, making you break out of your reverie.
“I think,” he said thoughtfully. “I think I’m going to keep this cap with me, I quite like it. If you want it back, you’re gonna have to take it from me.”
James took a step back as your eyes dilated. He turned around and started sprinting in that direction.
“James!” you shouted, chasing him.
People around you bolted aside, gasping at the scene. A ghostly white-haired student chasing after James as he chortled. It had been going for quite some time and everyone wondered who would win. Few in the favour of James, who had been pranking ever since he set foot in Hogwarts; a few for you since you were a Slytherin and Slytherins never lose. Others just shook their heads, wishing they would get it over with already the cat and mouse game was becoming rather tiring. No one however had the courage to raise their opinions out loud, lest they got involved in the prank war.
“James," you said calmly, though the atmosphere made you anything but. Thick hot fumes rose from all around you making beads of sweat form on your forehead. "James, this doesn’t go in. We have to stir it first.”
“Why don’t you do it then? Little miss know-it-all” he snided. You looked at him fiercely. Slughorn had paired the two of you together for the next project and it couldn’t be more of a disaster. Only if he could just listen.
“I would if you let me,” you pointed out, finally taking over the shared pot. James watched you take a few breaths before starting to work on the potion. Muttering for ingredients from him now and then, you stirred the concoction. Soon, it started to show the exact signs given in their books.
James couldn't help but stare at you as you worked, humming to yourself all the while. You seemed cute like that, bending over the book, occasionally muttering to yourself. His face heated up when you caught his gaze. Luckily he could blame it on the heat.
“Could you cut some beetroots for me?” you asked, ignoring the way he flushed. James nodded, chopping them to the required amount. The two of you finished up fairly swiftly after that.
"So," you started after Slughorn left. He had commented on your work and applauded you both. Happiness was evident from the smiles on your faces. "Library at 4?"
James grinned, giving you a thumbs up. He packed up his stuff before turning to leave. You couldn't help but stare at his retreating figure, thinking, maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Shrugging, you shook away the thought and went your own way. There were things you had to get done that day.
As time passed, the thought started becoming more predominant. He wasn't so bad, your mind reminded you time and time again. The more you started to know James, the more you believed in it. Constant teasing and bickering wasn’t something that became unheard of between the two of you. But it was more lighthearted now… almost as if you were friends crackling over a shared joke. James had somehow caught your eye again, in a completely different way.
It seemed you were noticing new things about him, like how he didn’t look at you with hatred. Come to think of it, was it even ever ‘hate’? Yet there was something soft about the way he gazed at you now, gentle even— you couldn’t put your finger on it. You had come to enjoy his goofy personality, the smile he gave when his eyes were light with mischief. Knowing where these musings led, you had tried your best to beat them down. What was it that you did not try? Remembering every single detail that made you despise him once, all those times your blood boiled at the prank he pulled but nothing— nothing ever worked and your heart still fluttered every time he complimented you.
Was it that bad an idea though? Liking James?
You shivered, pulling your sweater closer to you. Walking had failed to heat your body the way it always did and you reckoned that your deliberation also had something to do with that. It wasn’t about you liking him, your mind prompted, it was about whether he could feel the same way. And if you knew something, you knew that you couldn’t take the answer to be no. The skip in your step halted, and you couldn’t help the sigh that escaped your lips.
Path to the library couldn’t have been more daunting. That was until you saw James and Lily around the corner. Talking, laughing, and standing too close to be called friends. Evans, the one girl James was head over heels for, the one girl you never paid attention to much.
It was like the final shoe dropping. James and you didn’t like each other. People knew that you did as well. It was time you believed it too. Your stomach twisted up at the sight, your mood souring. You turned, walking away.
“Oi!” James called out to you, apologizing to the students he bumped into. You brisked forward, hoping to make it to your dorm. It didn’t work, James ran to catch up with you. Damn his long legs.
“Stop fucking running,” he huffed on reaching you. “Where are you going? We have a study session. You haven’t changed your mind, have you?”
You gritted your teeth.
“I was heading to the library but you and Evans seemed quite busy, so I thought against it,” you said, albeit aggressively. Jealousy was never a good color.
“We were just talking for a moment,” James explained. “I want us to complete the project first though.”
He looked at you, confused. It was hard controlling your anger right then. You couldn’t help the dry laugh that escaped your lips.
“Of course,” you said in a temper. “The faster we finish up the project, the faster you can get rid of me, right? Because you don’t like me.”
James’ smile dropped. Sadness gave way to rage. Of course, you still thought that even after all the time he spent with you.
“Yeah. I don’t like you,” he hissed, gritting his teeth. “So let’s complete the project, shall we? To get rid of each other?”
You looked away. It was the last thing you wanted to hear. You yearned for him to tell you otherwise, to apologize for his words, and to reassure you that it wasn’t so. That you two were something. Friends, companions, anything but this. Yet the bigger part of you told you that he was right. And you were nothing to him.
“Yeah, sure.”
The following study session was tense. You two never worked quietly. Jokes, laughs, and incessant chatter filled the air when you were together. James had regretted his words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He watched your expression fall and a wall build up around you. Your eyes hadn’t met his since. It ate him up. Somehow he didn’t know how to break the bubble he created.
He hated seeing you close off to him.
You heaved a sigh checking the last lines you’d written and then looked at the clock. It had been two hours.
“I think we should stop. There are just two pages left, we can do them tomorrow and you’ll be free,” you said, packing up your things. James opened and closed his mouth as you picked up your bag.
“Hey, wait!” he said as you turned towards him.
“I didn’t mean to, “ James started, but you cut him off.
“James, it’s alright,” you said, taking a deep breath blinking away the tears that emerged. “I understand. You don’t like me, I don’t like you and we’re stuck together for some time. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
James sucked in a breath. That wasn’t right. At all.
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you,” a voice came and you shifted to see Elodie. You looked over at James, whose eyes pleaded you to stop. But you couldn’t.
You left the library, walking towards your friend leaving behind the boy who stood transfixed at his spot. Why did he feel like he was losing everything? He grudgingly moved his feet towards the common room, your thoughts plaguing his mind. James heard a shout behind him, twisting to see Lily jog up to him.
“James, I was wondering,” she began biting her lip. “Maybe we could sneak out for some butterbeers today? It’s freezing and the snow looks heavenly.”
James found himself shaking his head. His mood was far too spoiled for anything.
“Not today, Lily,” he answered. “I’m tired.”
“Oh, I meant it as a date, you know?” Lily added hopefully. James considered her for a moment. It was everything he had wished for years. Yet he couldn’t feel the happiness that should have come with it. He wanted, no— he needed someone else, someone who made him far giddier. He needed you.
It was like a bolt striking him. He had never been so sure of anything else. Unable to keep the grin off his face, he spoke his next words in a rush.
“Lily, I’m sorry but I can’t,” he shouted, sprinting towards the dungeons. Running through the rather empty corridors he saw the snow which coated the grounds. His breath came out in puffs as he urged himself to move faster. He stopped when something caught his eye. You. Standing out in the snow, looking at the sky with a smile.
Moving towards you, he conjured up a snowball and threw it on your back. Your eyes widened in shock as you jumped, looking towards him.
“What now James?” you snapped.
He conjured up yet another ball and threw it at you. Your eyes grew larger and you glared at him.
“I wanted to say something,” he said as you conjured up a ball and threw it at him in response. He hissed at the icy sensation.
“Then say it.”
“I don’t want to get rid of you,” he said, throwing a snowball at you as your teeth clattered at the sensation. You threw a snowball in return, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Then stop acting as you do.”
He threw yet another ball at you.
“You make me act like that,” he stated. You threw a huge one in response.
“I make you act like an idiot?”
“Yes, you drive me crazy,” he said, throwing some snow at you as you grunted.
“Then why don’t you leave me alone?” you huffed as he threw yet another ball at you, making you cough and splutter.
“Because I can’t.”
“Why?” you asked, throwing a ball at him.
“Because I can’t leave the best thing that happened to me,” he said, making you stop. You stalked towards him and poked his chest with every word you spoke.
“I'm the best thing that happened to you? What is this? Some kind of sick prank? You don’t even like me,” you sobbed, frustrated and angry. That was how he made you feel. Everything all at once. James didn’t know how to answer you so he just took your hand away and cupped your cheek with his other one, leaning in to kiss you. Your eyes fell shut as feeling his lips against yours. You grabbed his shirt pulling him closer feeling his arms tighten around your hips, sucking his bottom lip. When you pulled away you both caught your breath.
“I promise those are the truest words I’ve ever said,” he whispered, his hair messier than usual. He cradled your face, pressing his lips against your forehead. You crossed your arms.
“I still don’t like you,” you said in faux anger. James let out a teary chuckle.
“I don’t like you either,” he replied, smiling.
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you.
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echo-three-one · 4 years
Whatever It Takes
A sequel to "A Forgotten Memory"
Alex is once again tasked to continue his mission in pursuing the threat that had caused hundreds of missing persons turn up dazed the next day. But now he isn't alone, join him along with the elite Task Force 141 as they hunt down Nero, discover the secrets behind his plans and put an end to this memory erasing nightmare.
Chapter 1 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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CIA Warcom
Boracay Island, Philippines
Alex basked himself on the warm sandy beaches of the Philippines. He wasn't able to enjoy his vacation after the Nero mission, because he was sent immediately to Urzikstan and Verdansk immediately followed. And now that all of those were over, he now laid down on a beach chair and let the ocean breeze blow on his relaxed state.
Philippines was a nice country, the people were hospitable, the food was delicious and unique and the scenery was beyond amazing. Despite his metal leg, people still looked up at him the way they look at tourists and he was all of the hospitality and attention from his fellow Americans who are also on vacation to locals who were just amazed on how the leg works.
It's been a lot of months ever since Samantha forgot him, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they'll meet again, that's why no matter many women try to show interest in him, he shrugs them off politely by pretending he has a girlfriend. A simple lie that he built for himself in hopes of a miracle of meeting her again.
He always brought her letter with him, some edges of it got burnt from the time he manually detonated a C4 explosive to destroy a gas factory, It was almost torn and faded, but he couldn't leave it somewhere safe. He wanted it to be with him wherever he goes. 
'Don't you dare forget about me'
His phone rang. He quickly fished it from a small pouch he bought that the locals made and immediately answered.
"This is Alex speaking." he chimed.
"I'm sorry to bother you at this time of day Alex, but I have a feeling you'd want to jump in on this." a British accent so familiar informed him over the other side of the line, It was none other than Captain John Price or Bravo Six, a comrade he once fought with back in Urzikstan.
"I'm all ears." he said, sitting up straight and letting his metal leg sink in the sand.
"Looks like your boy Nero is back on the grid. That Sneaky bastard kidnapped the Daughter of the Head of Defense, again." Price relayed.
Alex's heart thumped faster, his breathing became quick. He wished to meet her again but not like this. Not her being in harm's way all over again.
"Shit. Count me in. But.." he hesitated. He wanted to help but remembered he disobeyed CIA orders back in Urzikstan, making him unable to provide support.
"I've talked to Laswell. She's creating a special assignment for you."
"What does that mean?"
"It means welcome to the 141, Alex." Price said as he cut off the call, followed by a message regarding his departure to their base.
Alex can't help but worry about Samantha's condition. They've played with her memories multiple times and he thought that it would all be over after she decided to alter everything about them. Guess the enemy didn't know and they're still after her.
The soldier leaned on to the small circular glass pane as he looked at the clouds pass by. His hands were fidgeting each other while his non-metal foot bounced up and down at a fast rate. His seatmate, who happens to be a teenager, noticed his distracting leg movement but ignored it as rock music blasted from his ears. He was a completely different Alex right now and he believed that he'll be back to normal as soon as he sees Samantha safe and within his grasp.
When you have a heavy metal stick as a leg, customs is going to be the most annoying place in the world. Everyone looked at Alex as soon as he passes the metal detector and everyone else's eyes were on him. Of course with a few more safety checks and a whole lot of explaining, Alex was good to go. 
"So, you're the one they call Alex" the heavily British accented driver mused, breaking the silence of their ride to the 141 base. He was looking at him via the rearview mirror, chewing on what Alex hoped to be gum.
"Yep. That's me." he replied, turning to the view of the British streets which confused him a lot as it was the opposite of American or even Global streets.
"Heard they thought you were dead back there. In Georgia." he added. He was quite the chatterbox but CIA Agents are all about the information.
"Yeah. Tried to manually detonate the C4. After that… I just ran for my life." Alex answered, his head was realizing why he did it. What pushed him to think that he could make it out alive. Was it because it's for the greater good? The idea of freeing Farah's country from the harm of the gas? The idea of a chance to meet Samantha all over again? Or something he couldn't explain.
"Well, we're glad to have you back, Alex. But it's a shame it's no longer in the CIA." the driver waved as Alex opened the door and unloaded his stuff.
"As long as it's still about saving the world." he replied, making the driver smile. 
"That's what we do, right?" he agreed as he entered in his car leaving Alex in front a quiet gray building, the Task Force 141 Base, his new home.
Alex pushed the heavy doors open revealing a large hall, multiple round sofas were embedded to the ground and a huge staircase that split left and right greeted him. Multiple heads turned as he opened the said door and slowly walked his way to the nearest person who happened to be panting from exhaustion by the sofa. His metal leg clanked on his every step as the soldiers begin to recognize him. They smiled as soon as Alex's eyes met theirs and some even waved, Alex met them from several missions from the past, some were from the Demon Dogs and his previous designations, Delta Force.
"Where's the briefing room in this huge building?" he asked the soldier in a black t shirt drenched in sweat as he spun his towel trying to keep up with his breathing. He didn't speak but he nodded in acknowledgement and pointed to the hallway on the left. Alex left him a thanks and he walked his way to the direction where he pointed.
Just a few steps after the beginning of the hallway, the people from the main hall cheered and laughed, this made Alex turn around and he saw a young blonde man with spiky hair dash across him, he looked like he's on his way to your destination as well.
"Excuse me! Sir!" he yelled and Alex immediately halted. The young man panted in front of him and took a few seconds to breathe before he countinued his words.
"I'm Gary Sanderson, and I was supposed to guide you to the briefing room. You must be Alex." he reached out a hand and Alex shook it, quietly making your way to the room.
The huge door slid open and they found themselves in a dimly lit room, a huge screen loomed just by the wall and chairs were placed around a long circular table. Alex could spot a few familiar faces, faces he once saw and fought alongside with in Verdansk. There was the balaclava boy, Ghost, the Mohawk Man, Soap, their Captain, John Price and a few big heads from the United States. There were also new faces like Gary, who was now discussing something with another new soldier, a female soldier who sat by Price and a few new more who were already sitting on the chairs. There's also someone missing, Kyle Garrick, he pondered where he was.
The former CIA quickly saw Gary rush to Price's seat and whispered something causing him to lean on his chair, stand up and walk to his side. 
"Glad to see you back in the fight, Alex." he muttered, patting Alex's shoulder.
"I won't skip out on this mission, this one's close to home." he replied, patting his back in return.
"Yeah, heard this was your last mission before the Russian Gas." 
"Yeah. It's a loose end on my side." Alex nodded, crossing his arms.
"Good thing Shepherd had some sense in him. Not unlike your CIA heads, huh?" 
Alex nodded. He remembered he did an illegal thing against the CIA, and that was siding with Farah's forces, who were reclassified as global terror groups at that time. He silently thanked he could still step back in the fight along with the good guys even after that event.
"Yeah. I might have to thank him soon enough." Alex murmured and Price guided him to the briefing which was about to start in a few minutes.
"Before we start our mission briefing, I'd like to welcome each and everyone of you to the 141. A group of the most elite warriors from around the world tasked to eliminate terrorist threats lurking in the shadows. One of which, goes by the name Nero…" General Shepherd's voice was deep and serious, while the screen showed a photo of the guy they're after. His face looked punchable, as manifested by the way Alex clenched his fists while he stared at his soulless eyes.
"… whose goal is still unknown. He poses a threat as he has been out in American soil, which we believe is the one behind the multiple missing and reappearing person cases across the country." he continued, eyeing Alex. He knew a little bit about the case, maybe because he read his report.
"Since he poses no evidence of terrorist activity as of now, we are assigned to rescue and locate the daughter of Richard Coleman, America's Head of National Defense. We don't know why she was kidnapped but we believed it is or ransom or threatening purposes." The general explained, pacing back and forth, his shadow covered the screen.
Alex wanted to say something. Something about the details surrounding the case. It was written on his report. But then again, maybe the general already knew about the alteration, and since Samantha doesn't remember any IP Address, it was no longer worth noting.
Samantha's face was projected on the screen. Alex's heart began to beat faster, she looked different now, a little chubbier, longer hair and her smile felt happier. It was heartbreaking that she got caught in the crossfire again. After all those efforts of making her life normal.
'If our paths would cross again, I hope you'll remember me the way I remembered you before I take this operation, A good memory that's supposed to last forever. '
'Don't you dare forget about me.'
Her words echoed in his mind, using the same voice she had when they were together. 
"I will save you again if I had to.." he promised to her mentally, as he tightened the clench he was already doing.
"Our intel reports that twelve hours ago, local informants spotted an unknown flying vehicle just by the Georgian Border, local authorities confirmed that this wasn't one of their aircraft and we believe it could be the getaway vehicle of Samantha Coleman and her captors… We are still looking on to this so for the meantime I want each and one of you to be fully alert and ready for deployment."
Everyone else fell silent. It meant they agreed at what the high ranking official said. A few more words were exchanged such as new additions to the team, aside from Alex. He didn't seem to focus much on the second part of the brief as his mind worried a lot about Samantha. If his instincts were right, she's probably sedated once again, taking a trip down her own memory lane.
Chapter 2 : F.N.G.
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raiiningforever2ice · 4 years
Yandere!Light x Reader [Death Note]
Requested on Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/12466031/Oneshot-book
(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name
You walk out of school and start making your way home. You usually didn't take the bus since the distance was quite small. Whistling along to the time of a song you recently heard, you felt something cold on the top of your head. You stopped and looked up. The sky was now gray and it was drizzling.
Letting out a sigh, you search your bag for your umbrella only to realize you forgot to take it with you. That's when it started pouring, your hair and clothes immediately getting soaked.
"Ugh! Of all the things I could forget..." Seeing as you had no choice, you started running.
Now fully soaked, you approach the bus stop as you squeeze the water out of your hair. Standing under the cover something catches your attention from the corner of your eye. Looking towards the alleyway right next to you, you see something lying on the floor. Being the curious person that you are, you dismiss the bus closing up and go to find out what that was. 
"A notebook?" You squat down and take it. 
You flip through the pages in case you could find the name of the owner, but it was completely empty. You close it and notice big white letters on the cover.
"Death Note... What? Is this some kind of merch?"
"No. It is what it says it is." A gruff voice spoke out behind you.
Surprise painted on your face you turn around to face the person. The moment your eyes land on them, you let out a loud gasp, the mysterious notebook falling from your hands as they flew up to cover your mouth.
A large being, thin as a skeleton holding what looked like a scythe, a huge grin on its face which was almost fully covered by a grayish white mask. Black hair standing up from the top of its head defying the rules of gravity and bandages wrapping around its body.
"Now now deary, I suggest you don't get anyone's attention. Hehe after all, you're the only one who can see me. You wouldn't want people to think you're crazy huh?" It chuckled.
"W-who are you?!" 
"Oh me? Heh I'm Deridovely! A Shinigami, at your service.... or not! Heheh"
"Shinigami? They actually exist?" 
"As you can see! And you're the only one who can see!" The Shinigami burst out in full on laughter.
"W-why am I the only one? And what is this notebook?" You questioned.
"Well you touched my Death Note! The moment you did, I became visible to you alone! As for the book... I did tell you, it is what it says." The grin on its face widened more if possible.
Confused and a bit annoyed that you still didn't get the full truth, you open the book again. This time you notice on the inside of the cover what seemed to be a list. Scanning your eyes over it, you quickly come to realize that in front of you are a set of rules on how to properly use the Death Note.
"I can...kill with this?" You whispered as the Shinigami smirked.
Afraid of the power this notebook holds, after taking one last look at Deridovely you place it in your bag, determination now evident in your eyes. You once again started making your way home, the Shinigami trailing close behind you and chuckling. 
About a month has passed, and you managed to use the Death Note without making anyone suspicious. You used it to kill only the worst of criminals. Deridovely had taken a liking to calling you the 'Timid assassin' as you always refused his suggestions of going a bit more wild with the power he had given you. You refused to toy with people's lives unless they truly deserved it.
"Did you know that another Death Note was dropped in this world?"
Not taking your eyes off your homework you motioned for Deridovely to continue.
"Hehe apparently a boy your age has found it. Said something about being 'Justice' and 'God of the new world'. Seems like a reach heh?" The creature who you had come to be somewhat of a friend to you cackled.
"God of the new world? Yeah, it does sound a bit weird... Doesn't he sound dangerous?"
"Hmm how so?"
"I mean, a new world? That’s a big promise. What is he planing to do?"
"Hehe from what Ryuk tells me, this boy is you but in a nutshell, as you humans like to say."
"So, killing criminals?" You asked throwing an apple his way.
The God of death who had become kind of addicted to them, quickly caught it and devoured the fruit in one bite letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
"Well, yes. But he said that he won't hesitate killing anyone who dares to cross him."
"Hm... I don't really like this… Who is he anyway? Though I have a few suspicions..."
"You do?"
"Well yes... This one boy from my class. He's been acting really weird lately. I don't think he noticed but a few days ago I caught him mumbling to himself something about checking out the news for any new criminals and that all of them deserve death... Do you think it's him?"
"That, I can't tell you deary!"
"I'll buy you as many apples as you want!"
"Tempting, but no!"
"Oh come-" you were interrupted by your mother's voice coming from the living room.
Confused, you exit your room and make your way over to her. She was standing in front of the TV, hand up to her mouth as her widened eyes stared at the screen.
"Mom?" You looked at the television and gasped.
Criminals being reported dead, one after the other across the whole country. 
"That must be him. Heh he's going crazy with that book isn't he?" Deridovely chimed from next to you.
Your mom, unaware of the third presence in the room, clicked her tongue in semi-annoyance.
"I can't believe this!" she exclaimed "How is that even possible? Every criminal just...just drops dead!" 
"Yeah... Weird." you mumbled and went back to your room. 
As you walk in you notice your phone lighting up with a notification. Seeing that it was a text from an unknown number you decide to find out who that person is. 
'Hello...who is this?' 
'I'm Yagami Light. I found your number from one of our classmates. There's something important I have to tell you.' 
'Oh! Hello. What would you like to tell me?' 
'I need you to come over to my house. It's important.'
'Is everything okay? When would you like to meet?' You bite on your nail in anticipation as Deridovely peers above your shoulder and chuckles. 
"What are you laughing at?" You turn around and glare at the Shinigami. 
"At your face hehe. Your feelings for this boy are very obvious with how red your cheeks are hehe!"
"No more apples for you." You hold back a laugh as Deridovely dramatically falls down to the floor. 
"You're cruel!" 
"Not really!" You giggle but get interrupted as another message pops up on your phone screen. 
'It's very urgent so, when the rain clears up a little. Is that okay with you?' You gulp staring at the text for a moment before you respond.
'Okay sure. Could you send me your address?'
"So, you're going?" 
"Well yes, he said it's important so..." 
"And if it is a trap?"
"Aw Deri! That's why you're coming with me!" 
"As much as I don't hate you and love the apples you give me, you know I can't kill someone who's not supposed to die yet. Right?" He said tilting his head to the side.
His sudden seriousness surprising you, you stop gathering your things, you hide your Death Note well, making sure your mother won't see it and look at him.
"Of course I do. And I don't want you to. But, if needed you can get us out of there somehow right? Make a distraction or something?" 
"What a prankster you've become! Of course I can hehe!" 
"Great then!" You smile and toss another apple at your bizarre friend. 
As time passed and the weather got better, you got less and less determined about your visit. 
After all it isn't very encouraging knowing that you may be walking right into a serial killer's hiding spot...
You thank Light's mother as she takes your jacket and umbrella from you. Giving you a sweet smile, she guided you to her son's room. You thanked her once again and walked up the stairs with the Shinigami following behind you. 
You clear your throat as you knock on his door. He immediately opened and greeted you with a huge grin. 
"(Y/N)! Thank you for coming! Step inside!" He moved to the side to let you in. 
"Thank you, Light." You said sitting on his desk chair as he motioned you to. 
As he goes to sit on his bed, you hear Deri speak. 
"Well Ryuk I wasnt expecting you to be here!" 
Discreetly looking towards him you quickly realize that Ryuk must be the other Shinigami Deri mentioned earlier.
So that means-
"(Y/N). I wanted to tell you that I know what you are." Light walks up to his desk and grabs a notebook which was hidden among his homework. 
"And I...am Kira." 
"W-what... What are you talking about, Light?" Your grip on your bag gets tighter as he got closer to you. 
"You know exactly what I'm saying. One day, as you were walking home I noticed you talking to yourself... At least that's what it looked like to others. But I, being in the same boat as you, knew better." He towers over you, his breath fanning on your face.
"I've had the book for a while now. And I was as discreet as you were while using it. But I couldn't just tell you I knew the truth. No, I had to make you suspicious before just confirming it. So you see, me returning all those lingering glances to you during class isn't just because I like you as much as you like me..." His face gets even closer to yours. 
"T-then what else?" You ask completely disregarding the mutual confession of feelings. 
"Well... I want us to be rulers of the new world. God and Goddess of a clean, rid of crime place... And all it takes is me being yours and well, you being mine." He whispered and placed his lips upon your in a slow kiss. 
Pulling back, he brought the Death Note up to eye level. 
"This right here, will be both our weapon and shield as we fight crime on our way to true salvation. We are this world's hope!" He said, opening his arms as in to lure you and hold you in them. 
"I've killed so many people to stand here in front you. To be worthy of you! And I will kill many more to protect us. To protect you. So please consider this!" He grabs both of your hands and stares in to your eyes. 
Dizzied by his kiss and very passionate speech, you gulp down the lump stuck in your throat. He sounded... Crazy. Obsessed. Obsessed with power and obsessed with you. 
But how can I say yes to this? This is completely nuts! 
Knowing you have to say something, you took a deep breath thinking over your words.
"Light I-" You were interrupted by a loud knock in the door.
You both stepped away from each other as his mom looked apologetically at you two.
"I'm very sorry but something important has come up. We need to go visit your father at the hospital." 
"Mother! What happened?" Light asked and walked towards her.
"Well he collapsed during work. It's not bad, he probably overly exerted himself again but they took him in just in case. We should go see him..." 
"Yes-yes right away." He grabs his jacket and hands you your bag which had fallen to the ground. 
You quickly thank him as you all go downstairs. Grabbing the rest of your things, you say goodbye to Light's mother and head to the door. 
"(Y/N)." Light stops you. 
He comes up to you and leans down just a bit to whisper to your ear. 
"I'd do everything for us to be together. Everything... Now be safe on the way back!" He grins at you. 
"Y-yes right... Goodnight Light." 
Walking away from Light's house, you feel the presence of your Shinigami companion next to you. 
"Where did you ran off to Deri?" 
"Well hehe I had to make a distraction for you, right?" 
"Wh-what! Deri!" 
"Well deary don't you worry. I just made that brat's father feel a bit under the weather. He will better after some good sleep!" 
Sighing in relief you smile in his direction. 
"Well, thank you! You really helped me back there..."
"So what are you gonna do now? Will you accept?"
"I don't think so... It's too intense for me..."
"Sound choice deary!"
"I hope so... Hey that grocery store is still open! Let's get you some apples!" You laugh and run towards the market, the Shinigami rushing excitedly after you.
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hkshirayuki · 4 years
My Freckled face Dork
Modern Portgas D.Ace x Reader
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Y/n and Ace know each other for years.
As they both grown up together along with Luffy and Sabo. Y/n and Ace always argue and disagree to each other. So it's a huge question to Sabo on how you two end up. From Frenemies to Lovers.
"You two surely need to spill the beans" Sabo said as he was cringing from how lovey dovey you two are.
"spill the what?" Y/n said.
"I'm not spilling any beans, that will be waste of food" Ace said as he still cuddling with you.
Y/n just chuckle at how dork Ace is. Sabo just roll his eyes at the public display of affection.
"Just how did you and Ace end up together? When did it happen" those were the thoughts of Sabo that is thinking of any possible way on How?
Ace and y/n just want it to keep it a secret on how they end up together.
Ace admit that he always argue and tease you, He didn't believe in what Thatch said to him "The more you hate the more you love" it was stupid to love what you hate, he thought to himself but as years pass by, He start to develop a crush on you, The only way for him not to act weird around you is arguing and teasing you till non stop.
He was jealous, when someone start to court you, He remembered that he threatened the guy in secret. And glare at every guy you both encountered without you noticing it.
"Hey Ace, what's up with you glaring every person we encounter" Luffy said as he notice it.
"Huh? It's nothing" Ace replied. "That was weird" Sabo thought but he just shrugged off. Y/n was part of the gang. The Gang called A.S.L.Y the combination of there first letter names.
Ace, Sabo, Luffy and y/n. At first he really do think you as his sister even though you both always disagree on each other. but then you always argue that, you wouldn't like him to be your older brother.
"You as my big bro?" Y/n just cringe at the thought of it. As she thought she will never see a mature Ace or ace like her older brother, he was different and annoying, to her opinion.
"What did you say!?" Ace said as the two argue and argue and it become a bit of a brawl, as you two exchange blows.
"idiot, like hell Someone will like a tomboy like you" Ace said as he stick out of his tongue. Y/n just did the same.
"it's none of your business!" she said. No matter what he insult to y/n, she will always sass him back.
That's one he liked about her, she is different he thought, as he remembered girls he insult just cried.
There one time Someone confess to Ace it was a pretty girl, but it wasn't you. The moment she confess her love to him. Good timing your passing by and he just want to catch up with you. So he just rejected the girl kindly but if it goes out of hand, like still clinging to him, he won't hesitate to slap her with harsh blunt words and they end up running and crying.
"y/n!" Ace shout out as he run to your side. He can clearly see the displeased face you had as soon his beside you.
"what do you want now, Freckled face" Ace could only chuckle at your nickname as you suck at giving names.
"Nothing, so we're your going?" Ace asked as y/n raise an eyebrow at him. But just replied to the library.
"mind if I tag along?" Ace said and y/n just give him a disbelief look.
As she put her hand in her ears "did I just misheard him" she said and put a hand on her forehead "I don't have a fever" as she put a hand on his forehead " Neither do you"
Ace just found it irritating for you to act in this. Fine he doesn't like library since it's boring but he wanted to spend time with you, just the two of you.
"Huh?" Ace replied as y/n is still in a deep thought and thought of calling Sabo for the sudden change of Ace, even Luffy.
"I need to call Sabo about this, Your not acting the usual you, Tag along!? Last time I remember Library is the last place you wanted to go at" y/n said as she dial Sabo's number on the phone.
Ace just groan at your words, Yes, he doesn't like library but if your with him, he can bare with it. Besides it's peaceful there, just plain boring he thought. Ace just grab her wrist where she holding her phone waiting for sabo to answer.
"Damn it, I'm not sick!" Ace said.
"You sure? Or luffy and Sabo will cry"
He just groan at your overreacting reaction. " Yes, I'm sure" As Ace currently kabedon you at the wall.
"Ace... What are you doing?" Y/n said as she find herself cornered by Ace.
"what do you think?" Ace asked. He just wanted to see you flustered around him.
"I see... So cornering people is now your new way of teasing" y/n bluntly said and Ace felt like he was stab by your words. Is that really how you should react? When someone kabedon you.
Y/n just push him.
"Move your huge butt" y/n said as she doesn't look affected that she was just kabedon by Ace. He could only sigh at himself.
He regret that he wasn't nice to you back then, now your misunderstanding his gesture of Flirting to teasing.
Y/n just walk ahead as she was flustered, of what just happened it took time for her to process what did Ace did there. She hate to admit to herself that she had a crush at the Freckled face, since then but only to find his really indeed a peculiar one.
He met Ace with the help of Luffy dragging his brothers to introduce them to you. You always play with Luffy and Luffy want you to join him with his brothers. It was always pleasant to play with him, so you just agree to it.
If Ace spit on Luffy's face, Ace just pull your hair and you whine at first for him to let go. He was being a bully but then you snap and punch him in the gut.
He was only surprised and in pain while sabo said not bad, Luffy just laugh at Ace. Clearly they doesn't like you at first, and thought your a weakling but there got it all wrong as your pretty lively and too active for a girl.
Graduation day of Ace, Sabo and y/n. They only party at night as they celebrate graduating from college.
Both y/n and ace never confronted each other. There might sometime that Ace is being a flirt with you. And y/n giving hints. But the two never seen it as a affection nor flirting, They both thought that it was mocking each other. Until finally Ace encourage himself to confess to you.
It was supposed to be him confessing his feelings when he congratulate you. You only laugh as you congratulate him back, you look enchanting at that time as you were gazing at the starry night and smile, the wind just blow your hair making Ace couldn't stop himself staring at you. It was really a good mood. As you turn and talk to Ace, when he lean and kiss you in the lips.
"Eh?" Y/n said as she was surprised, it was only a peck when Ace finally realized what he did and panic.
"Ah! Sorry! I was just drunk!" He blurted out. Y/n just pout and cross her arms.
"As much as I remember I forbid alcohol to our join party and replace it with Orange juice, so how are you drunk, by the orange juice? " Y/n said as he just nervously chuckle but still didn't met your eyes. Y/n just sigh as she tip toe and peck his lips. It was Ace turn to be surprised.
"You kiss me!" He said.
"I did, I guess I'm drunk too" y/n replied with a hint of mischievous. Ace just returned the grin as he pulled you by the waist.
"I'm not good at words but I take that kiss as I love you too" Ace whisper said and y/n just put her arms around his neck.
"I don't remember you saying I love you too me though" y/n whisper back and Ace shivers as he just give y/n a loving look. " Guess, I have to do something about that" he said and start to lean in and kiss her in the lips as they both feel a thousand butterflies in there stomach. As Ace whisper in between your lips.
"I Love you y/n"
"I love you too, Freckled face dork" she replied and Ace just snort as he just cuddle with you to the rest of the night.
"Yeah, But I am your Freckled face dork" he said as he kiss the top of your head and it's your turn to snort.
And that's how they start to date each other. It was there secret, they doesn't want anyone to know about it.
"Hey y/n! Ace!" Sabo said as the two didn't notice they were remembering one of there moments together.
"huh!?" They both said.
"Geez, just how did you two get together?" Sabo asked as he was curious.
Ace and Y/n just smile at each other as they look at Sabo and both said. "Secret"
"Oh come on!" And they both just laugh at Sabo. Knowing he can't tease his brother with his love life.
Ace just stole a kiss from y/n when Sabo finally walk out giving the two of you sometime alone.
"Ace!" Y/n said as she forbid him kissing infront of his brothers.
"what?" Ace said.
"I remember I forbid you to kiss me infront of your brothers"
"but I don't have any brothers around means I can kiss you all I want" Ace said as he give her a goofy smile and she just roll her eyes at him but snort.
"I still can't believe your such an affectionate dork"
"Only for you, now then, I guess I'm drunk with the orange juice that I might kiss you more" Ace said as he pointed out that he will keep kissing her to no end, Y/n just blush and ready to scold him but Ace only shut her up with his lips on hers. As she only kiss back and hope Luffy won't walk in, to see them kissing, Sabo will surely kill them for tainting there little brother.
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
DMC WEEK DAY 4: Food | Style | Music ( Nero and V )
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~ This one's super late because work happens. But, I hope you enjoy my fourth entry to the DMC WEEK, starring Nero and V.
~ Mentions of early loss, denial, and grief. Otherwise, this oneshot is SFW.
It all started when his father passed away.
Of course, being a child of only six, Nero didn't know what it meant when his mother gently told him that his father has gone to a bigger, much better place. After all, to the child, it only looked like his father was sleeping, and that he'll wake up in a few minutes. He didn't know why all the people were wearing black that day, and he never asked his mother why she was crying.
What he did ask was why they were taking his father away, locking him in a box, and putting him deep, deep, down into a hole he can't reach.
Where are you taking him? Stop it! Open the box! He can't breathe!
He could still remember those words he screamed at the people who took his pa away. He could still remember how he kicked the man who closed the lid of the casket, and he could still clearly remember how his mother took him and held him as tightly as she could as she cried.
A few days has passed and he began to notice how his classmates regarded and looked at him. They also treated him as if he was a malnourished and abandoned puppy who needed care and attention. He also noticed how his mother became more and more distant. She rarely smiled, rarely talked. Nero noticed she no longer sings, and he knew perfectly well that it was her most favorite thing to do. She was an opera singer, after all. And his father, a violinist in the orchestra who played for her concerts.
Nonetheless, Nero waited for the day when his father would return. He couldn't wait to see him play the violin once more.
But, that was twenty years ago. And the child within Nero's heart has vanished into nothingness, along with all those happy memories he spent with his beloved father.
That night when he was just coming home from one of his gigs in that old, Fortuna club where indie bands perform for exposure rather than money, Nero heard a,... rather strange tune. Small, almost drowning in all the other noises of the city, but a familiar sound, nevertheless. And it actually piqued Nero's interest. He followed the source of the sound, its familiar feeling getting stronger and stronger as it got louder by the second. And the moment he reached the origin of that sound, he saw a lone, dark haired man playing the violin in the middle of the plaza.
A skinny dark - haired man with black, smoke – like swirling tattoos all over his upper body whose only company was his pet bird perched next to an open suitcase, containing a few coins and two dollars.
Nero snickered. The way that man played his old violin,... he would never attract a large crowd looking like that! His worn - out leather goth outfit would never turn heads, at least with the younger generation, and his music was just out of style! Paganini? That's so old school! No wonder only old people cared enough to drop money into his suitcase while the majority of the people just passed him by without even a simple glance.
But, that sound,...
For a moment there, Nero thought something tugged at his heartstrings, something fleeting and evasive like a small butterfly, which was almost impossible because nothing in the world could ever make Nero soft. Not with everything he's been through since he was a child. Nothing could make Nero cry, not now and never.
But, there, just now,...
The man's accurate and yet fluid bowing technique, his melancholic expression, his stance,...
His,... music,...
All of a sudden, a face materialized in Nero's mind. A face that never haunted him, not even once. It was only for a few seconds but, it made the youth's knees wobbly. He suddenly felt weak, like his energy was sapped by an unknown creature, and he felt his sweat run cold.
No, it couldn't be. Impossible,...
Pushing his inconvenient thoughts to the back of his mind, Nero turned away and went straight back home.
The next night, the man was still there, still playing his old violin but, with a different tune. Elgar, this time.
And the moment he heard the soft melody of Elgar's music, Nero saw that face again. The face he didn't know he would see again.
Who,... is this man?
"Hey," Nero said as he walked closer towards the mysterious violinist. " ... your talent is wasted here. Go to Europe. You'd earn more there performing in concerts than here." He nodded towards the open suitcase, now only containing a few cents, which was not enough to even buy himself a proper dinner. "Or, if you want, you can join the band. You know how to use an effects rack, right?"
The man, despite stopping mid performance just to listen to Nero, didn't say any word. His green eyes glistening, his lips slightly parted, the man only smiled a bit, as if in understanding, simply nodded, and continued where he left off with his music.
Nero shook his head. "You're weird." He spoke, turned away, and chuckled as he walked away. "Suit yourself."
For the next few nights, Nero made sure to visit that same spot in the plaza to see the same mysterious man with his violin. He started to observe the man for longer periods of time, and during those moments, he found out that the man actually never left that place.
Just behind him next to the fountain were pieces of filthy cardboard boxes joined together and flattened as a makeshift bed. There was a metal cane lying in it, and a worn out black stuffed cat that was probably not black before. The man was, indeed, utterly broke and homeless, and yet, there was something in the way he moved, the way he smiled when he played the violin, and the way he finished those rather difficult pieces with such flourish, and, well, a style of his own. It's as if the man was content with his very humble way of living, even more content than Nero ever was with his own, who actually lived a wealthy life with his mother and step dad.
He realized this the next evening when he went back to that same spot and saw the man playing his instrument once more.
He,... actually looked like he wanted nothing else but to share his music with everyone. And he sure was dedicated to his talent despite those people ignoring him day by day.
It reminded Nero of him,...
You can't enjoy music if you only play for yourself, that man used to say. And the moment Nero allowed this tiny, fleeting emotional weakness, those memories of him went back to his head, one after the other, flooding his entire mind until he could see nothing but him.
Of him teaching Nero how to read basic musical notes. Of him teaching him the basics of the violin. Of him telling him amazing stories of his European travels.
Of him performing his most favorite piece in front of him and his mother,...
Of him collapsing one day and telling Nero it was nothing. Of him having difficulty getting up from his bed the next day. Of him calling him to his room that one night and telling him that he would always be his Brilliant Fantasy, and that he would live on in everyone's music,...
Of him leaving Nero alone in the world, with false hopes that he would still return...
Just then, Nero snapped from his reverie back to reality and saw the mysterious man sitting dejectedly on his makeshift bed of old cardboard boxes. He could literally feel his tears threatening to come out of his eyes at the pitiable sight and those memories combined but, he refused to let them fall. Not yet.
Instead, he went to the nearest bakery, bought a cake and a loaf of French bread, and went back to the mysterious man's spot. He knelt down, took the food from his bag, and handed it to the violinist, who looked at him with such awe, confusion, and wonder.
Nero smiled sheepishly. "Ahh, thought you might be hungry. First time I've seen you stop in the middle of a performance and slump like that."
At first, the man hesitated but, Nero's kindness and insistence on feeding him, combined with the sweet and delicious aroma of fresh bread straight out of the oven of a bake shop, has proven to be too irresistible. The man took, almost snatched, the bread from Nero's hands and started devouring it like he hasn't eaten for three days. And as he ate, Nero noticed the tears in the man's gentle green eyes.
Nero chuckled and took a water bottle from his duffel bag. He offered it to the man, who was actually on the verge of choking. He carefully placed the box of cake next to the metal cane and the filthy stuffed cat, and asked, "What's your name?"
The man voraciously gulped down the water, wiped his lips with his tattooed arm, and gestured towards his suitcase. It actually has a huge letter, "V", embossed on it, he just didn't notice it before because he only looked at its contents.
"So, you're V, huh?" Nero asked and offered his hand, which the man took a bit awkwardly. "I'm Nero. I live just two blocks away from here." The man nodded and took his hand back a bit hastily. "You, uhh, how should I say this,... "
Nero wanted to say the words but, he suddenly felt weird and awkward. He must've looked like a complete weirdo in the eyes of the passersby to suddenly start a conversation with a complete stranger but, he just couldn't contain himself.
Yes, he felt really uncomfortable, but Nero also felt the urge to just say whatever's in his mind. Like he has to unload something that’s been pushing him down for a very, very long time.
"Don't get this the wrong way but," Nero began. " ... you, ahh, reminded me of my,... father,... a lot."
There! He said the words.
And V? He only seemed interested in what Nero has to say.
"I don't know and I can't express the feeling but, the way you played the violin, it was unlike anything I've seen." Nero added, ignoring V's pet bird who started pecking away at the box of cake. "It, you, made me remember him. He left. I mean, he passed away a long time ago. And I never even got the chance to properly say goodbye." Nero whispered as he scratched the back of his head, feeling the unshed tears threatening to spill. "But, I was a kid back then, and I never even realized he's gone for good until the next few years. So, I gave up the violin, flunked my classes, assembled my own band, made my mom furious, you know the stuff. And the rest is history, I guess." Nero sighed and smiled at V as the violinist took another bite off his bread. "And I guess I was such a bitch to not admit my feelings but, I do miss him. A lot, actually. But, you made me see him. Again."
For a moment, V stared at Nero with such confusion, until the youth lightly bumped his fist against his bony arm. "So, uhh, thanks. I guess."
And with those words, Nero stood, gave a nasty glance at the bird who was happily pecking at the strawberry cake he bought for its master, and turned away. Chuckling, he confessed, "Old man even called me his Brilliant Fantasy. Don't know what the hell that means but I sure wanna hear him play the violin again." Nero turned back to V and waved. "So, I guess I'll be seeing you, then, V!"
However, before Nero could walk away, he saw this man called V standing up, holding the violin, and looking at him with such an unreadable facial expression.
And with utter determination, he moved his bow against the strings of the violin and started playing,...
... his father's most favorite piece.
That piece,...
Of course!
"You, Nero, are my Brilliant Fantasy. Remember that always, and I shall live on in people's music."
I shall live on in people's music
Nero laughed and swore under his breath, wiping away at the fresh bout of tears that finally broke through him the moment V played Hubay's masterpiece. And in that moment of musical majesty, he saw himself back again at their old living room.
And right before him stood his father instead of V, his facial features ever so gentle, his music ever so enlightening to hear.
This piece, both romantic, and passionate, and soft, and fiery at the same time, described his father so well. He was a very passionate musician, his love for the violin giving him enough strength to make his music transcend to everyone's hearts. And yet, in that strength of sheer talent, he was soft and gentle. He guided Nero with love and patience, and taught him everything he knew.
And his father called him his Brilliant Fantasy.
I shall live on in people's music.
Were the words Nero heard until the last notes of the piece.
Until he saw his father waving at him from a distance.
V,... made the impossible happen.
He saw his father again. And now,...
... he was able to properly say goodbye.
He couldn't find V the next day, and the day after that, and the next. In fact, it's as if the man, his violin, his suitcase with the V in it, his greedy pet bird, his metal cane, his black stuffed cat, and his cardboard boxes all vanished without a trace. Maybe he started travelling on his own. Maybe he's in Europe now and doing his own concerts like what Nero suggested. Or in an emo or goth band who rocks the effects rack, or even better, the electric violin. Who knows?
All he knew was that he owed V a lot, and that he hoped to see him play the violin once more.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
[ ✨ ] hello! may i ask for an ikesen matchup ^^? i'm usually very awkward and silent around new people and new environments in general and i get really panicky over small things (tiny mistakes, etc.). i'm not often one to start conversation, and even if i do, i just,, stare at them silently and go back to my own thing ^^;; but! once someone gets to hook me in through something i'm interested in and get me out of my shell, i get very hyper and cheery and excited easily around them ><
[ ✨ ] and at that point, congrats, you're my friends that i'll spill most secrets with :D! my interests are usually anime, games, manga, etc. but i also have a big liking to stories and books! and often times if i'm presented with a paper and pen, i *will* doodle, so drawing's also a big hobby of mine (i get really absorbed in doing it ///). back on the friend part, i won't hesitate to yell across the street to get your attention then run and hug you, and just start talking to you in high speed
[ ✨ ] and i am guaranteed to will die for you and your happiness. someone says shit? prepare to get these hands ùwú. i may be short but i am full of love for you. i'm willing and capable of doing Things - just a bit of grumbling but i will do it - but i have a tendency to be kinda slow. but some have said that i'm thorough in the task. half my hearing's basically gone so i might ask to repeat something from you for a bit, so please be patient with me o(._.'' )o and just in general lol
[ ✨ ] last thing!! the matchup is done but another request to everyone reading: please take care of yourself, take breaks and keep hydrated, and be safe out there!! i love all your works hun, and i hope you all have a wonderful day!!
Hi hi, love!🦋❤ Awwww you are so sweet, thank you for the kind words! ☺😳I hope you also have a wonderful day! ❤🦋🌻Thank you so much for the request, and I am sorry I took sooooo damn long with it! I hope you enjoy this, dear! Sending you lots of hugs! 🌻🦋❤
So I match you with.............. Kenshin
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You arrived in the past with a bang and somehow despite your tiny frame managed to carry a man four times your size out of a burning building. The whole experience honestly had you on edge. Just as you started to calm down another man dressed in green came riding up to you and the man you had just saved. Hideyoshi, the raven hair beside you called the man as he climbed off his horse and knelt down in front of both of you. He looked up from you and gave you the biggest death stare you had ever seen. He demanded you give him your name and background story. You were so shocked at the whole experience you simply stayed silent. The second he drew his sword you bolted. The simple scare tactic worked too well as you ran away from the men. 
Of course, Hideyoshi followed you on horseback through the forest. You ran as fast as your tiny legs could carry you running straight into yet another man. He caught you in his arms and held you steady as you reoriented yourself. Heterochromatic eyes peered down at you. You were honestly super panicked and now apologizing profusely for running into the man. His features softened slightly as he looked down at the frightened creature in his arms, he could hear the sound of horses heading towards him in the distance. He gently wrapped his large hand around your smaller one and pulled you along as he started to run. Finally, he reached his horse hidden among the bushes.
The two of you remained crouched down in the bushes alongside the horses when a calm voice broke the silence, “Lord Kenshin, I have successfully secured us an escape route, if you would please follow me.” Kenshin then swiftly lifted you up and place you on top of his horse, before climbing on behind you. The three of you rode through the night for what felt like ages until you reached a small cabin in the woods. In the back of your mind, you couldn’t help but think this was how you were going to die. Kenshin helped you down the horse and lead you inside. Once inside, you got a better look at the man with a calm voice, and that’s when you realized that you knew him. Sasuke looked at you and instantly knew who you were. While Kenshin was outside brushing down the horses, Sasuke explained the situation to you. It was honestly all too much for your nerves to handle and you passed out.
You woke up in an extravagant room in Kasugayama Castle, you looked around the unknown room and sighed when you realized that it was not all one big dream. From the corner of your eye, you spotted a bunny scurrying out of your room, running in an unknown direction. A few moments later Kenshin appeared with the rabbit trailing closely behind him. He placed a tray filled with food next to you and crouched down beside you, “Sasuke told me that the two of you are from the same village, you are welcome to stay here until you return home.” After that, he swiftly got up and left.
In the days to follow you started helping out the castle staff, it was slow going, but your work was thorough. Something which the maids really enjoyed about you. You had been at the castle for a full week, and you still hadn’t spotted Kenshin again since the day he brought you breakfast. 
Tasks done for the day, you made your way to the castle garden to read. After Sasuke had shown you the castle’s library, you had made it your personal mission to read every book within.
You sat in the garden in the shade of a big sakura tree when, suddenly you were surrounded by hundreds of rabbits. You smiled as the fluffballs nuzzled and cuddled you. Suddenly Kenshin appeared, “It’s strange to see the bunnies following around someone other than me.” He took a seat beside you and as if on cue half the rabbits jumped onto his lap and started cuddling him. There was a peaceful silence that stretched between the two of you as you went back to reading. 
Kenshin eyes you curiously but then closed his eyes and laid his head down on the soft grass to take an afternoon nap. He never liked women and would usually avoid them like the plague, but you were different. He liked that you didn’t feel the need to impress him or try and wed him like those irritating woman from the different clans. 
The next day the same thing happened, as you sat beneath the tree reading, Kenshin appeared. This time he started a conversation with you, you looked up at him from the book you were reading and smiled. Luckily for Kenshin, he had asked about a topic that piqued your interest, and you started chatting with the bunny warlord. 
In the days to follow the two of you would always meet under the same tree at the same time. The more days that passed, the more comfortable you were around Kenshin, gradually dropping your guard and opening up. Soon he had made it past your barriers and in your eye, you now saw him as a dear friend
Ooooh how Kenshin loved his upgraded title and this new cheerful side of you. He started giving you the nickname little rabbit cause that is precisely what you were in his eyes. Shy and reserved at first but once out of your shell, energetic and excitable. He loved how you would burst into his room, excited to show him your newest drawing. He would legit steal them and put them on display for all to see. 
The two of you would spend hours together, just talking and telling each other cool stories. Sometimes the two of you would just quietly sit in the same room and do your own tasks. Kenshin would do boring admin, and you would get completely absorbed in your drawing.
To be honest the more and more time the two of you cuties spent together the more Kenshin fell entirely in love with you. You were unlike any woman he has ever met. When he opened up about his past to you, you accepted him completely and still loved him without judging. Through your friendship with the bunny warlord, you helped him slowly work through the trama and all the negative feelings he would have. Some nights when he would have nightmares, you would hear him get up and sit out in the garden. You would grab a blankie and go and join him, placing the blanket over both your shoulders as you ask him to tell you about his dream. You may be short, but you were definitely full of love for Kenshin.
During one of his conversations with Sasuke, the ninja, let it slip that you liked mangas and animes. After a lengthy explanation as to what exactly that was, Kenshin got to work. In his spare time, he worked on drawing you your own little anime manga. When it was finally complete, he handed it over to you during one of your tea dates. You excitedly started reading in, and when you got to the end, you found a letter. You carefully broke the seal and opened it. Written inside was a confession of love from the bunny warlord himself. You leapt from the place you were sitting and tackled Kenshin down in a big hug showering his face with little kisses.
Kenshin loves that you show your affection so openly towards him. His eyes will light up in delight, especially if he hears you excitedly yell out his name from across the market street. He knows to brace himself as you usually run and jump into his arms, giving him the biggest hug. For a man that never smiles, whenever you are near or in his arms, he is beaming with pure happiness. 
He loves how protective you can get over him as well. Especially when someone is trash-talking him, you are ready to fight. During these times, Kenshin will gently wrap his arms around your waist and bring you closer to him, and nuzzle his nose against your neck and whisper how much he absolutely adores you.
And fear not, no one dare say one bad thing about his little bunny unless they want to lose their head. He knows that half your hearing is basically gone so he will be sure to patiently repeat whatever he is saying to you if you didn’t catch it the first time. Again and if someone dares say anything about getting annoyed with having to repeat stuff to you, he, will, not, hesitate, too, teach, them, some, manners.  
Kenshin would go to the ends of the earth and back to keep that beautiful smile on your face. You have saved him from the demons of his mind, and for that, he will be eternally grateful. Just as he has successfully brought you out of your shell, you have successfully brought him out of the darkness of his past and into the light of the future
Often the two of you can be found cuddled together with your rabbit army under your favourite sakura tree. Simply exchanging sweet kisses and interesting stories.
Otherwise, the two of you are spending a peaceful afternoon together in Kesnhins room, each busy with their own task. When Kenshin is done with his work for the day, he will place himself behind you, gently wrapping his arms around your waist, and propping his head up to rest on your shoulder. He will sit like this with you tight in his arms as you continue to get absorbed in your art. 
He could spend hours just sitting with you in his arms while watching you gracefully sketch out the scene in your imagination. He will definitely drop a few sweet sneaking kisses on your neck and cheek as you work.
Other potential matches………………. Mitsuhide
I hope you enjoyed this, dear! 🌻🦋❤🥰
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Hello, Nurse
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Yancy x mute!gender neutral!reader
@glitchbitch69 ty for the prompt!
A/N: I heard that mute was an offensive word... but I didn't know what else to use... reader is a person who cannot talk. That's the best way I can put it. @glitchbitch69 I am 99% sure this is not what you asked for but here??? I did my best. Rated T for a couple "fuck"s and like... 2 "shit"s.
Word Count: 2.5k
Yancy enjoyed prison life. He loved his family, the food was good, the cells were comfortable, Shithole Hank's hooch wine was fucking wonderful, it was almost perfect.
Apart from the fact that he wanted a companion
A spouse.
A life partner.
Whatever you want to call it.
One day, he notices someone new. Someone he hadn't seen before. Which was very weird because he knew everybody. They all practiced their musical number every Thursday.
He decides to introduce himself, so he follows you to wherever you're headed. You end up in the infirmary.
"Hello, there." He greets. You turn to him, slightly surprised. He's smiling at you, and not in a malicious way like you'd probably expect from a man who killed both of his parents. It's a sweet smile. A "I want you to feel as comfortable as possible" smile. You return it and wave.
"I haven't seen youse around here before. Youse new?" He asks. You nod. He raises an eyebrow
"Alright… what's youse's name?" You gently tap the name card on your chest.
"Hm. What's youse's favorite color?"
You point to your shoes.
"What's youse's favorite animal?"
You point to the animal poster on your wall.
"What's youse's favorite season?"
You point to the background of your computer. He huffs.
"What, can't youse talk?" He jokes. You shake your head.
"Oh…" he clears his throat, suddenly feeling very awkward. You make a gesture with your hands. He furrows his eyebrows. You huff and grab a Post-It note, writing something down and handing it to him. He looks at it and sees that you wrote "it's okay". He chuckles.
"Must be hard being a nurse and not being able to communicate with your patients," he comments. You roll your eyes, and wave it off. You write something else on a Post-It and hand it to him. "I can handle it" He smiles.
"Yeah, I bet." He glances back up at you. "So, uh… do--" he was cut off by two guards bursting into the infirmary with a man of a gurney. You rush past Yancy to see what's happening. Yancy follows you to see who it is. You make another gesture at the guards.
"He collapsed while in his cell. He won't wake up," one explains. You grab Yancy by the arm and lead him out, closing the door. He stands there for a moment before deciding it'd be best to head to his cell. He runs into Sparkles McGee on the way there.
"Hey, Yance!" He greets. Yancy smiles at him.
"Hey," He responds and they start to walk together
"Where ya headed?" Sparkles asks.
"Y'know… to my cell…"
"Already? It's only 7:00…"
"Well, I'm tired…"
"Hm… alright…"
"Hey…" Yancy stops walking. Sparkles, who was in front, turns to him, tilting his head. "Do you… know about any nurse?"
"You mean Y/N? Oh, yeah, they've been here for a couple of days," Sparkles responds.
"Really? How come I didn't know?"
"Well, you didn't really have a reason to. You don't get into a lot of fights and you don't get hurt so…"
"So… if I wanted to see the nurse… I'd have to get hurt…"
"Well, I wouldn't say you have to. You could just… talk to them?" Sparkles looks at Yancy weirdly. Yancy apparently did not hear that last sentence because the dumbass immediately went off to find a way to get hurt. He could get Jimmy the Pickle to punch him… that seemed like a solid plan. Yeah. He'll do that. He sits on his bed and thinks about what he's gonna say when he sees you again.
"Hey there!" No, too excited… "Howdy!" No, too awkward… "Sup" Nah, too "I want to be cool so you don't leave me". Just a simple "Hey" that's it. He sighs and lies down. He closes his eyes, letting sleep overtake him.
The next day, during breakfast, he sees you. He waves to you, but you don't see him. He figures that's a good time to start his plan.
"Hey, uh… I gotta do somethin'... See you guys later," he slides the rest of his breakfast over to Tiny, who promptly devours it. He meets Jimmy in a hallway.
"You got the stuff?" Jimmy asks. Yancy nods. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small lavender candle. Jimmy takes it, putting it into his pocket.
"Now it's your turn. Don't do it too-" Jimmy just straight decks him. He does miss his nose, but he nearly dislocates the smaller man's jaw.
Yancy wakes up and opens his eyes, but quickly closes them again due to the bright light in front of his face. He slowly opens them again, allowing himself to adjust to the light. He turned his head slightly, eyes widening when he sees you scribbling on a clipboard. He begins to smile, but stops because it hurts. He reaches up to feel his cheek. Jimmy really did a number on him…
You glance at him, noticing he's awake. You set down your clipboard and pencil and walk over to him, smiling gently. He gives you a half-grin in return.
"Hey there, hot stuff," he says, voice slightly cracking. Damn, I fucked it up, he thinks. You snort and pick up a sheet of paper, along with the clipboard. You write something down and hand it to him. It seems to be a little quiz.
"On a scale from 1-10, how much does it hurt?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
He gently touches his cheek, wincing at the coldness of his fingers. He circles the number "4" and hands the paper back to you. You look at his answer and nod. You go get some supplies to give him a checkup and make sure everything else is ok.
As you perform the tests, you can clearly see his cheeks turning a light shade of pink whenever you touch him. A couple minutes pass, and you finish your check-up. Apart from a few slow reactions, he seems fine. They're probably because he was punched unconscious. You walk over to put your items away. He exhales deeply.
"So… uh…" he starts. You turn to him. "...do anything fun recently?" You roll your eyes and turn away. He pouts and crosses his arms. "Oh, come on! I'm doin' my best here!" You smack your lips and turn to him fully, making sure to obviously shake your head. He scoffs and mumbles something under his breath. You continue putting away supplies. When you turn back to him, he looks a bit upset. You frown, suddenly feeling guilty. You grab the same sheet of paper as before and jot down a couple of questions. You fold the paper, slipping it into his hand as you escort him out of the infirmary.
Yancy heads back to his cell and sits down, feeling gloomy. He takes the paper you gave him and opens it. It's seems like a little quiz. And the bottom, you wrote "I'd like to know you better, so here" and a small heart next to it. Yancy smiles widely and starts filling in answers.
You two write letters to each other back and forth, since you were usually busy in the infirmary. You learned a lot about him. He killed his parents and that's why he was in jail. That should have thrown you off waaaaay more than it did. You learned that him and all the other prisoners wrote a song and performed for new inmates. The practice was on Thursdays. You occasionally go and watch if you're not busy. The first time you went, he saw you out of the corner of his eye and smiled to himself while trying to get the newest inmate to stop fucking up the dance routine.
You two start to fall for each other.
For you, it was almost instant. You saw him singing and dancing and your heart just sped up.
For him, it took a bit. He was hesitant to trust you since you worked at the prison. He thought maybe you were only being nice so he wouldn't kill you. Which he would never, but you didn't know that. It bummed him out, until you covered for him when he got into a fight. You let Mr. Murder-Slaughter know that he had fallen , not gotten into a fight. For some reason, he took your word for it. Said you "looked trustworthy". That was about the time Yancy actually fell for you. Not a crush, no. This soft prison boy loves you with all his heart. That was a couple nights ago. You two had sent more letters since then.
He's reading the newest one in bed while he's supposed to be sleeping, giggling like a schoolgirl. He clutches the paper to his chest and sighs contently. He wipes his forehead, feeling a bit warm, but he ignores it. He would write you a new letter in the morning.
He wakes up in the morning, feeling like absolute shit. He tries to sit up, but his brain spins and screams at him to lie the hell back down. He obliges, only to suddenly go into a coughing fit. His body racks with the force, and he feels like his lungs are filled with something other than air. A guard enters his cell.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks. Yancy tries to answer, but goes into another fit and falls off of the bed. The guard rushes over to him.
"Whoa, ok… we gotta get you to the infirmary… c'mon," the guard tries to help Yancy to his feet, but his legs won't let him put any weight onto them. He groans as his head pounds, begging to lay back down. The guard manages to drag him to the infirmary, where he's plopped onto a bed. You turn, wondering what the commotion is. You gasp at the sight of Yancy. You make hand gestures at the guard. Yancy had been studying up on sign language, so he understood that you were saying "what's wrong?". The guard begins explaining what happened as Yancy begins to close his eyes. He lets himself slip out of consciousness.
He wakes back up to the smell of food. Chicken noodle soup? He hadn't eaten that since he was 11. He slowly turns to the side and sees a steaming bowl next to him, along with a small bottle of Gatorade. He looks around the room, searching for you. He sees you behind you computer. He tries to say "hi", but his body decides to say "fuck you" and make him hack his lungs out. You perk up at the sound, quickly walking over to him holding a whiteboard. You take a marker and write down "how do you feel?"
"Like… shit…" he croaks out. You smile sympathetically and write something else, showing to him.
It says "I convinced Mr. Murder-Slaughter to let me make you chicken noodle soup. I hope you like it. You might want to wait until it's cooled. I also bribed a guard into sneaking me Gatorade." He nods as you grab some objects and sit next to him.
You open your mouth, hoping he gets the memo. It takes him a moment, but he understands. You push his tongue with a stick and search his throat. What for, he has no clue. You eventually take it out and pick up a thermometer. He takes it in his mouth. You both sit quietly for a moment, waiting for it to go off. Yancy takes this opportunity to try and memorize every detail of your face. Were your eyes always so sparkly? He began to think he was hallucinating. The thermometer beeps, and you remove it from his mouth. You frown.
"What? Bad?" He asks. You turn the thermometer towards him so he can see the temperature. 108. "Oh… bad…" you shake your head and get an ice pack from a freezer, laying it on his head as you perform more tests. Once your done, he starts eating the soup, joyfully. It's all gone in the span of 30 seconds, along with the Gatorade. You blink at him before he crosses his arms and turns away.
"'s not my fault youse made it so good…" he grumbles. You smile, sitting next to him.
He turns back to you, a small grin appearing on his face. You two stare at each other for a moment before he reaches out, putting his hand on your neck. You glance at his hand, wondering what he's doing. He leans in. You lean in as well out of instinct. He closes his eyes because you're right there! You begin to close your eyes before you scramble to your feet, stepping away from him. He holds his hand in the air, a bit startled with your sudden disappearance. You stand and look at him, breathing harshly. Yancy groans and covers his face with his hands.
"Oh, I'm so stupid. Of course you don't like me," he says. "Why would you? I'm a scumbag…" you shake your head, immediately feeling regret for how you acted. You frantically look for your whiteboard. When you find it, you write something down and tap Yancy on the shoulder. He looks at you, tears brimming in the corners of his eyes. You hold the whiteboard in front of him. It says "108". He looks at the board, then at you, wondering what it means. You stare at him, expecting him to catch on at some point. He doesn't. You roll your eyes. You point at the board, then at him. He knits his eyebrows together in thought, before raising them and gasping.
"OOOOH, IT'S BECAUSE I'M SICK!" He yells. You nod forcefully. "Wait… so, you do like me?" He asks. You smile and nod. His face darkens. "O-Oh… well, uh… I like you too?" You erase the whiteboard and write "I know". He chuckles as you continue to smile.
A little while later, you deem Yancy ready to go back in his cell. He gets slightly upset because he liked spending so much time with you, but he was so glad he wasn't sick anymore. It's a bit late when you lead him back, so he decides to go to bed. He crawls in, covering himself in the blanket and you start to leave.
"Goodnight!" He calls. You smile and wave at him. He snuggles in and closes his eyes. He suddenly feels his shoulder being shaken as he tries to sleep. He turns to whoever's bothering him and almost decks you in the face. "Wha-" he starts. He's cut off by you leaning forward and gently kissing him on the forehead. He plops back down and gazes at you loving. You softly pat his chest as you start to leave again. You pause and turn back towards him, making a gesture with your hands. He doesn't know much sign language, but he does know what this means.
"I love you".
He smiles and makes the gesture back to you, making you smile. You turn and head back to the infirmary. Yancy sighs happily as he falls asleep.
The next morning, he meets you near the infirmary. He's about to say hi, but you frown, holding your arm up to your face. He stops, not knowing what's going on.
You sneeze.
You slowly turn to him, glaring. He nervously chuckles.
"Uh… sorry?"
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Hey hope you're good! Can I get a HP and LOTR ship please? Any prompt! I’m a 5'7 girl, a Taurus, ENTP, Slytherin, and doing an English degree! I have curly, blonde, shoulder length hair with hazel eyes. I usually wear natural makeup and my style is sort of bohemian. I'm extremely outgoing and can talk to pretty much anyone, love reading and am (obnoxiously) loud and hedonistic at times. You can usually find me outside annoying my friends, and would love to be a writer :)) ❤️
Ships are now CLOSED
I hope you like the prompts I chose! :) and I hope you wanted male ships as you did not mention otherwise. 
Harry Potter: 
I ship you with Ron. You had become friends during your third year, and it wasn’t until your fifth year that you finally started dating. One of the main things that made him aware of your presence, was how outgoing you were. There were tons of people from every house who knew you and got along with you. He was almost astounded by this, and it even made him a bit jealous. You ended up running into him, Harry and Hermione, and they were all surprised at how nice you were (because Slytherin stereotypes). You befriended all of them, and you and Ron got on so well that he took you to meet his parents. They knew you’d start dating at some point, they just wondered when. Anyway. Ron also LOVES your style and finds you super cute, and is basically a simp for you honestly. 
Prompt #16: Out in the Snow
You walked hand in hand in silence down a nearby field, the snow was falling gracefully as you stared up at the cloudy sky. Things were beginning to get harder to deal with, the whole Wizarding World was beginning to fall apart, at least that’s what it felt like to many of you.
The second you got chance, Ron suggested you go for a walk, you didn’t hesitate, even though it was snowing.
All you could hear was the sound of your footsteps crunching through the snow as you found an old brick wall to sit on. You took a deep breath as you and Ron sat in silence a little longer. 
“Thank’s for suggesting this. It’s good to get out every once and a while”
He nodded “Yeah, I know” he paused for a moment “Um, I also wanted to talk to you about something”
You looked over at him, your heartbeat picking up as you saw the serious look on his face “What is it Ron?”
“I uh..because of how everything is becoming, I was wondering...if you wanted to come stay with me. I mean us. Uh, over Christmas break. My mum already said she’s set up a room for you” he glanced over at you shyly, trying to read your expression. “Obviously, you don’t have to stay, maybe you could just come for a few days or something”
You smiled as you squeezed his hand “I’d love to stay with you Ron”
He looked over at you “Really?”
“Yeah! My family is planning a trip, but I didn’t really fancy on going this year. I think I would prefer to stay with your family actually” 
“Great!” he cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed by how excited he sounded “I’ll send my mum a letter telling her, I’m sure she’ll be excited”
You leaned your head on his shoulder, a small chill shivering up your spine, signalling his to wrap his arms around you “I also...just want to make sure you’re safe, during, well, everything that’s been happening, I’d feel better knowing you were with me and my family”
You smiled lightly as you stared out at the snowy school grounds “I’d feel safer with you anyways”
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I ship you with Legolas. Legolas is kind of quiet, so your loud-ness caught him off guard, but he also admires it and kind of wishes he could be the same, as he often comes off as distant. He also admires and is a bit jealous of your ability to get along with anyone. You and Legolas often spend a lot of time outside together, adventuring in the woods. He taught you to fire a bow/arrow, and you have him advice on how to befriend more people. Legolas is very encouraging and often compliments your writing skills and encourages you to put it out into the world. 
Prompt 22: Road Trip (sort of??)
(Also I completely made these places up - if it wasn’t obvious lol)
“Soo, where are we going?” you asked curiously as Legolas strapped another bag onto the horse’s saddle.
“I told you it’s a surprise” he said simply, sparing you a small smile.
Legolas knew that you had been extremely busy, mostly due to his father. And he knew you needed a break. So a few mornings ago he abruptly told you he got permission from his father - after quite some convincing - to give you some time off. And in this time, he was going to take you somewhere. 
“Oh come on Legolas, at least give me a hint”
“We will camp for three nights and arrive on the fourth day”
“Hmm” you hummed, trying to think of locations nearby
He smiled “You won’t be able to figure it out. This place has no name, and is on no maps”
You rose a brow at his statement “Sounds exciting” you beamed as he smiled fondly at you, glad you were excited.
The three day horse ride seemed to pass by rather quickly. Even will all of the pit stops you made along the way. 
You spent each night in a different type of location. First, you slept in a clearing by a field of golden wheat. When the sun set and shone on the wheat, it looked like a lake of molten gold.
The second night you stopped in a thin forest, sleeping nearby a small stream. In the night, a herd of deer came through to get some water. A small foal approached you and Legolas, curious as to what you were. 
On the third night, you slept on a cliff, the view below being a large field of wildflowers. You took a walk through them during sunset, picking unique ones to later press in a notebook. 
To pass the time during each of these evenings, you lied together, you writing or reading, and Legolas starring at the sky, playing with your hair. And every night, he would sing you elvish songs to lull you to sleep. 
During the fourth and final day of travel, as you made your way up a hill Legolas turned his head slightly to talk to you “We will be there once we make this hill”
You watched fervently as the top grew closer and closer. Once the view on the other side came into view, your mouth almost dropped open.
Down the hill you see a small thin forest, in the middle a large beautiful lake. Around it, littered small cottages and houses. You could see horses and cows roaming some fields, a few farmers cutting wheat. 
“Where are we?” you asked, staring down at the small hamlet
“A small town called Mallorn it used to house only elves, but over the years the elves left, and humans moved in. The last time I was here was about twelve years ago. The people that live here are very kind and hospitable. I have rented one of the empty cottages for a week for us.”
You smiled widely, excited to finally have a break from recent events that had been keeping you busy, as well as to spend time with Legolas. You leaned forward pressing a soft kiss to his cheek in thanks.
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** Mallorn is Noldorin for ‘Gold Tree’ (elfdict.com)
****EDITED: I am so sorry! I forgot to add stuff to your actual ship I am so sorry!!! I’ve added it now!!
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kunoichi-ume · 5 years
11. “Wow, you look… amazing.” - I'm seeing either Noara IN armour, or Torian OUT OF armour!
Drabble Request Help
Thank you for asking! This took a bit but there was so many fun options for what I could do here. I do have a fic out there of Torian seeing Noara in armor for the first time, even better it’s armor he gifted her, so this time Torian is the one getting a wardrobe change.
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Characters: Noara Starspark and Torian Cadera
Story: Courting Disaster
Word Count: 1150
Lively music spilled out of the Drunken Gundark’s open door, loud enough to drown out most of the ambient sounds of Nar Shaddaa’s red light sector. Noara could almost feel the bass in the air, the vibration adding to butterflies nesting in her stomach that made her hesitate before walking into the bar. Part of her couldn’t believe she was actually doing this, but when Torian asked her to meet him she had agreed readily. Didn’t even have to think about it. It had been months since they had met on Taris and, despite keeping in touch through letters and calls, Noara needed to see him again. It felt like forever and no time at all had passed since then, like she could still feel his lips against hers, his arms around her. 
To say Noara was more than a little confused by the strong pull she felt toward the Mandalorian, and a lot scared of it, would be an understatement of titanic proportions. It went against everything she was ever taught about the dangers of attachment and unrestrained emotions and for the first time in her life, Noara didn’t care. At least not enough to stop her from stepping inside the bar. 
Inside was louder than she expected, voices overlapping the music - competing to be heard. Bodies gyrated together in the center of the space, moving along with the beat. Most of the tables were taken, either with large groups full of loud laughter and bright smiling faces or couples pressed close together to whisper to one another. 
Scanning the room, Noara looked for a sign of her date. Like it had every time since they’d set up this meeting, the word made her breath hitch. She’d never been on a dare, never done something to blatantly against the Order’s teachings. Kira had teased her mercilessly about that, telling her what a bad example she was setting for her ‘impressionable’ young padawan, regardless of the fact she was the one helping choose an outfit. It had taken most of the day to decide on a purple sleeveless top and black leggings that were tighter than she was usually comfortable with. 
Apparently the fit did amazing things to her assets and Kira assured her Torian would like it. Despite being younger, even if only by about a year, the other woman had far more experience outside of the Jedi Order’s influence. She didn like to talk about it, so Noara didn’t ask questions but always paid attention when Kira chimed in with advice that drew on those experiences. 
Now that it was too late to back out, Noara couldn’t decide if it was nerves or excitement making her heart race. Was the outfit too much? Or leaving her hair down, letting Kira give it some loose curls? Was she reading too much into his invitation to get a drink? Torian hadn’t used the word ‘date’ after all. If he showed up in his armor, which she knew he wore in almost every situation, like this was nothing special and she was obviously expecting a romantic rendezvous she might just die of embarrassment.
After failing to spot Torian in the crowd, she made her way over to the bartender to wait. If a drink helped settle her nerves before she had to face him all the better. The bartender had just set her drink, a bright pink fruity cocktail, down in front of her when a hand landed on her shoulder. Noara spun around quickly and took a startled step backward, not noticing the way the edge of the bar dug into her back, when she saw Torian smiling at her. 
“Sorry,” he said, not sounding sincere at all, “didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You just surprised me is all,” Noara said, letting her eyes drink in the sight of a man she had missed more than she knew she could miss anyone. Somehow in the course of their short partnership on Taris and the resulting long distance communications he had become one of the most important people in her life. She was staring at him for almost a whole minute before what he was wearing really sunk in. 
Gone was the well worn, scuffed armor she had feared he would be in. Instead he was in a much more relaxed, casual outfit. Black leather jacket, open just enough to let her see the way his dark shirt stretched across his chest and make her mouth go dry. Swallowing, Noara forced her gaze up to his amused eyes and grasped for something to say. “Wow you like am… different,” she managed, barely catching herself before gushing over how amazing he looked. She fought back the urge to cringe in embarrassment, less than five minutes together and she had already made a fool of herself.
Was it too much to hope he didn’t notice? Everything she knew about Torian said he was sharp, always observant of his surroundings. 
“Thanks,” Torian said with a laugh, reaching past her to grab a drink she didn’t notice him order and hand her the cocktail she had forgotten about. “You look am-different too.”
Noara dropped her eyes to stare at the cocktail in her hands, feeling her cheeks burning even before taking a drink. Why was it she could face down Sith lords, defend her beliefs against some of the darkest beings in the galaxy, but couldn’t manage to look a handsome man in the eyes without getting tongue tied. It was so much easier to talk to him through letters, when she had all the time she needed to find the words to sound like the mature, intelligent young woman she wanted him to see. 
Torian stepped closer but she kept her face turned down until his hand settled on her lower back. Looking up, she was surprised by the expression on his face. His amusement was gone, instead he was looking down at her with a soft smile and something she suspected was admiration in his eyes. Ducking his head down, Torian kissed. It was just a quick brush of his lips against her but it made her heart race again, and this time she knew for sure it wasn’t nerves. 
Shifting, Torian whispered in her ear. “You look amazing Noara.”
Swallowing around the sudden lump in her throat, Noara managed to gasp out a single word. “Really?”
“Really,” he answered, wrapping his arm more securely around her waist and starting to lead her toward the back of the cantina. “Let’s find somewhere to sit.”
Nodding, Noara followed him through the crowd with a sappy smile on her face. She was still nervous, and not sure what the night would bring, but she was fairly confident she had an answer to at least one of her questions. Even better, it was the answer she wanted. This was a date.
Hopefully, the first of many.
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saizoswifey · 6 years
Helloooo. I'm not even sure if you're taking requests at the moment but if you are can I ask for some smutty headcanons for our loveable and slightly scary Nobuyuki? Or Ieyasu? Or maybe both? hehehe 🙈♥
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 The thirst for this soft Yandere is real! And I love it so much! Alright, my friends! Here we go, thank you for the requests and sorry it has taken me a while to get to this one~  
Just warning this is…the longest one yet lol.
{Nobuyuki} {N//SFW HCs}
The first time you have sex, the entire scenario had been manipulated and crafted and designed by Nobuyuki himself, with you none the wiser. 
When he felt you were ready, cleverly, he began to pull away from you. He began to work later into the evenings, he would be curt in the halls as you passed each other, and he no longer touched you or held you when you lay together in bed. All while knowing this would drive you to concern over his affections for you, and lead you to miss the comfort of his touch.
He wanted to drive  you to be the one to reveal your desire to have sex and beg him to take the next step
When you finally brought it up, and the fact that you were worried he might have had a change of heart about you and didn’t desire you in the same way you desired him, he feigned shock and heartache. 
“It would seem I’ve been rather neglectful of you and your feelings. And in turn, given you the impression I did not desire more intimate relations with you when that is quite the opposite…I’m ashamed, can you ever forgive me?” 
And of course, after making up he’ll be ever the gentleman, feigning hesitancy and asking if you are quite sure you are ready to know him in that way. And after your miscommunication, you will be eager to assure him of your ready-ness. 
Sex with Nobuyuki started off as nothing super fancy or intense. He didn’t want to scare you off, and thought it better to ease you into it.
Lots of slow, deep kisses, his hands caressing you gently between your legs. Exploring all the ways to make you wet. He’s careful and calculated, applying varying pressure and watching how you respond. Finally dipping a finger inside of you and reminding you with a calm soft voice that you have nothing to worry about, just relax your body and let him take care of you. 
Despite the desire to come inside of you, he holds off for a while for your sake. He wants to get you pregnant but not enough to do it before you’re settled in your lives together. 
Until then, he does find it pleasant to pull out and finish himself on your thighs or ass or down your throat.
He’ll “accidentally” come on your face or tits other times
“Oops. How dreadful of me…hold still, dear one,” with his thumb he wipes at the thick white come splattered across your nose and cheek and lashes, but there’s a dangerous glint in his eyes as he looks down at you. And in the middle of cleaning you up, his hands stop to grip your face in place so he can kiss you deeply, forcing his tongue deep into your mouth with a fierce hunger. “Mmn, however, I must confess seeing your usually sweet and innocent face such a mess is…extremely erotic.” 
Favorite sex position: 
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Gives him the best view of your breasts and pussy, easy access to caress your skin and stimulate your clit and he can see himself penetrating you
Sex gets kinkier and kinkier the longer you are together and the more he feels comfortable that you won’t be scared off 
He’ll play between your legs for a moment and then push your thighs apart, sitting back from the bedding and asking if he can see you touch yourself. 
“Please, I only wish to see what makes you feel good. If it makes you more comfortable, I’ll touch myself as well. Haha, don’t be shy.”
The first time he ate you out he had been simply kissing you while finger fucking you. His face trailed down your torso and he asked, while rubbing your clit, if he might be granted permission to taste you down there as well. His wet luscious lips and the way he sucked and lapped at your clit and folds had your consciousness bright white and floating out of your body. He was relentless and clearly enjoying himself, and the way you buried your fingers in his thick fluffy head of hair and pushed up into his face made him hum in delight. 
“Do you like this? You’re so wet, and you’re making some incredible faces when I…suck…here…Mmn, your moan is rather sexy…as much as I’m enjoying teasing you like this, I don’t think I can hold back much longer”
Nobuyuki has a very high sex drive hidden behind a genial smile. He is CONSTANTLY watching you lustfully, he’s just extremely good at hiding it. 
He can’t help but stare at your hips as you serve tea in the main hall and the way your hands wrap around the cups. The nape of your neck makes his mouth practically water. And he hasn’t been paying any mind to the words you’re speaking as you find him in the corridor, because he’s too busy watching your lips move and imagining them trailing down his torso in quiet moonlight before the tip of his cock presses through them to be enveloped by the warm wet of your tongue 
Several times he has dropped something on purpose, just to be able to watch you bend over and pick it up. 
“Accidentally” spills his tea on you while you’re serving him in his room. 
“Dear oh dear, sometimes I don’t know how I manage to dress myself in the morning with these clumsy hands of mine. You’re not hurt, are you? Here, allow me to help.”
He’ll towel off your breasts with care, lift the layers of your kimono to expose your thighs. 
“Pardon me, we must make sure you haven’t been burned, after all.”
He runs the cloth up your thighs higher and higher, kneading the plushness with his fingers and before you know it he’s removing your obi to get you out of those wet clothes so you don’t catch a cold. Trailing kisses over the injured flesh, murmuring of how you taste of tea now, until his luscious lips brush up against your pussy and his tongue draws up slowly to part your folds 
Very instructive in bed. He enjoys telling you what to do, and how to do it. He is amazing at giving praise and encouraging you to endure whatever it is he’s doing to you. 
He loves you on your knees in front of him. Where he can put his hands in your hair or cup your face and run a thumb along your cheek which is stretched by the tip of his cock as he thrusts into your mouth. 
“Ahh…that’s good, darling. You’ve learned to take me so well in this mouth of yours But can you take me deeper?” he presses his cock farther into your throat, hips snapping more furiously. “Mmmn–yeahh, yeah use your tongue like that, I’m c-close. Keep sucking just like that. Drink it all up like a good girl.”
Extremely possessive and jealous. If he feels as though someone (Saizo, Yukimura etc) is stealing your affections and attention from him you best believe he’s fabricating some sort of task for you to do that will keep you busy in his room until he can sort it out. (By any means necessary). Meanwhile, he’ll be extra clingy and turbulent in the bedroom. 
He regularly marks you during sex
On your breasts and hips and thighs, he’ll latch his lips and suck and lap at the bruises he creates with delight 
 But he does so in visible places when he is feeling insecure. He’ll leave a scattering of red petals across your neck and chest and then send you out the next day on errands in town or to do your daily chores in the castle. He doesn’t care who sees 
“Are you alright? Your neck…” Yukimura asks you at breakfast
“Haha,” Nobuyuki chuckles, pretending to be a bit shy, “It’s alright, Yukimura. I must have gotten carried away last night, that’s all”
LOVES to whisper the naughtiest raunchiest shit in your ear in public and smile, walking away as if he did nothing at all. He’ll pull you aside in the middle of your dusting or delivering letters and speak in a soft low voice meant only for your ears
“Don’t work too hard, today. You look especially beautiful with your hair done up with the pin I bought for you, and I’ve been thinking of pulling it back in my hands and running my tongue down that intoxicating chin and neck of yours since breakfast. Would you like that, dear one? Are you getting wet at the thought of me pressing you into the floor, ripping this beautiful fabric from your body and stuffing it in your mouth as I have my way with you? Hmm, you are, aren’t you… I can see in your eyes you’re begging for it. How did I end up with such a naughty woman for a wife? Oh, don’t fret…as soon as dinner is over I’m going to fill every inch of you and fuck you until you pass out in my arms.” 
Nobuyuki definitely been gifted, much to his dismay, goods such as erotic books and lubes and oils and libido driving teas and potions and ROPES that won’t leave marks from Saizo. Yukimura is always curious to see what Saizo has given Nobuyuki for his birthdays and as your wedding/anniversary presents WHY WON’T ANYONE SHOW HIM WHAT WAS IN THE BOXES (Yukkins bls you DONT wanna know)
Not that he doesn’t use some of it….of course 
You never have to worry about someone walking in on you both fucking, Jinpachi is ever vigilant and no one has caught wind of what goes on behind closed doors aside from Saizo occasionally walking by the bedroom and offering to “help by looking over sick MC and administering medicine” though he knows she isn’t sick she’s just fucked out of her mind
When you’re both ready to try for kids, be prepared for Nobuyuki to fuck you several times a day/night. 
It’s rare for him to go a single round. It’s his duty as a man and future leader of Sanada to produce an heir, after all 
The fact that it turns him on is just a bonus 
Nothing makes him shiver quite as much as the feeling of spilling himself inside of your clenching walls. He likes to hold your hand sometimes when he comes in you, kiss you deeply and grunt into your mouth as he fills you with come. 
He’ll flip you over and raise your ass into the air in an effort to keep his come inside of you until he’s ready to fuck you again, kiss down your back and pull out so he can see for himself the milky white semen. 
“Stay just like that, my lovely, strong, and beautiful wife. Feel what I’ve left inside of you. Ah…what’s this? Hm. That’s not good…You’ve spilled some, can you feel it dripping down your thigh? Haha,” Nobuyuki swipes at your thigh with his hand, bringing the wetness up to stroke your sensitive pussy, making you shake. His voice is soft and full of love, despite his scolding, and before you know it the tip of his cock is once again pressed to enter you. “Don’t worry, darling. You’re doing wonderfully. I’m already on the verge of filling you up again…I have no doubt you’ll be with child soon,” he pushes inside you with a sharp thrust.
Doesn’t mind playing with you in inappropriate places or pulling you aside to fuck you in the middle of your chores. 
Dusting the corridor right before dinner prep? A hand will pop out from a dark unused room to cover your mouth and muffle your screams while lips kiss a frenzy on your neck and cheeks. Dragging you inside. His familiar scent followed by that low honeyed voice telling you to remain calm will give Nobuyuki’s identity away, and keep you from panicking when you feel his large hand slip inside your collar to grope your breast and tweak your nipples. His hard length pressing against you from behind. 
“Shh, don’t be frightened, dear one. It’s just me. However, I’m afraid you won’t be making it in time to start dinner preparations…” 
He’s got EXTREMELY nimble fingers from years and years of sewing, and he can have you unravel as easily as a bolt of fine cloth at his touch without breaking the slightest sweat. It’s his go-to when he needs to recoup between rounds. He can get you off or bring you to the brink of orgasm and down again in moments with his fingers alone. He enjoys toying with you. Pressing in different spots fast and slow while sucking your breasts and relishing the way you writhe and moan for him   
If it’s late in the evening and he’s been buried in paperwork only to finally realize its past dark and you are hard at work organizing letters but exhausted and lonely looking he’ll pull you into his lap and cradle you in his arms, running fingers through your hair. Before long his lips are at your neck and his hands have become to roam, stroking your sides and thighs and breasts.
“Nn-Nobuyuki…we shouldn’t…here,”
“Shh, quiet.”
He’ll slip one of his expensive writing brushes between your teeth. Bunching the fabric to urgently pull your hem up above your hips and expose you to his fingers and his hard cock pressing from underneath you
His favorite body parts on you would be your neck and thighs 
If he had to choose between breasts and ass he would choose ass. He also prefers girls that are a bit thicker. He lives for the slapping sound as he pounds into you and it just feels good and healthy to have some soft plush cushion to grip in his hands 
He loves hearing you moan for him but he likes to keep his sex acts entirely discreet. He would hate for people to hear you because not only does he want to keep everything about you for himself, he doesn’t want people to know his business. Ever. So expect to be gagged often with wads of soft cloth or his hand over your mouth to muffle your voice.  
Nobuyuki’s biggest turn-ons are:
 The back of his neck. He loves when you stroke there softly with your fingertips in between playing with his hair. Quickest way to get him to shiver and melt. If he’s working and you come up from behind to hug him and plant kisses there, be prepared to get yanked underneath him in a millisecond.  
The little things you do that show you genuinely care for him. Darning his clothes, working hard at his side, showing a genuine interest in the Sanada and his work. He loooves to see you fitting in at the castle and smiling and having fun joking with Yukimura and the others. 
You, pregnant 
Whispering in his ear when he is inside you. Tell him you love him. Tell him you want him to savor your body, that he can do anything he wishes to you. Say you belong to him, body and soul, and his jaw will clench with the effort to not come right then and there 
Playing games with him in the bedroom. You are the esteemed Lord and Lady Sanada everywhere else, so its a huge turn on when he can come back to his chambers and really let loose with you. Be flirty and interesting. Tie yourself up and wait for him to come to bed and oh no, you’re a scared captive of the powerful Lord Sanada unable to escape from your restraints and helpless against whatever he might wish to do with you. Beg him to make you come but he’s not allowed to use his hands. 
Have secrets. He’s someone who thrives on the secret and shady. He would adore having little secret sayings or signals you guys can share even if its in front of others that lets you both know you’re thinking of one another, such as a special way you wear your hair or a specific pin you use, to a phrase like “I heard the most magnificent birds this afternoon” which meant you were longing for the other yet you could say it even in the main hall as casual as can be and no one else would understand. Wake up one morning and tell him your mouth is his for the day, he owns it, and can call you for a kiss or anything he liked with your mouth at any moment that day.
He loves doting on you. Let him do it. Let him take care of you. He’s used to taking care of those he loves, and seeing as he feels sometimes it’s all he can do, it gives him great satisfaction. He loves you dearly and would move the earth for you were it possible. Let him drape you in fine colorful fabrics, let him wake up from a late night of sex and dress you himself. Wait for him wearing nothing but the fine jewels he’s recently purchased for you. Demand some exotic dessert or fruit and share it with him in bed, naked. 
On that note, because of his tendency to take control of everything (and the pure enjoyment he gets out of power) he is a dom in the bedroom
Well-groomed down below. And everywhere else, he always smells pleasant and takes pride in caring for his looks. 
A rather sizeable cock with a very slight upwards curve. He’s also got a really plump ass and his hip bones are hypnotic. You can basically convince him to say yes to anything while your lips are worshipping at the skin of his bare hips
He would never hurt you, but sometimes he gets so possessive and intense that it can be a bit scary. He ALWAYS has eyes (Jinpachi) on you If you go somewhere without telling him first (like to meet a new male grocer in town etc) and the guy has been hitting on you or Nobuyuki thinks you’ve been spending a suspicious amount of time with him, expect a hurricane of emotions to hit you like a ton of bricks
Usually, he can control himself, hide his anxiety under the mask of a smile or frown and ask you to please let him know where you are because he was quite worried
But other times. He’ll interrogate you, serious face but calm-voiced, what you were doing and why and where without informing him. If you knew how dangerous it was to be around some strange man who clearly has less than honorable intentions with his beloved. You’re confined to the room for the next few days, the other maids can handle your share of work for a short while. He’ll get up close to you, hold your face and look in your eyes
“You know I only do these things because I love you…don’t you? You’re the most precious thing in my life,” he pulls you close by your waist, ripping your obi from you with frightening speed and burying his face in your neck. “You’re mine…” he kisses a frenzy from your neck to your chest, where his hands are yanking at your collar to expose your breasts. “I’ll stop at nothing to keep you safe and here with me.”
And nothing can help whoever has caught the brunt of his anger when he’s in an unforgiving mood, or if they touched you or came on to you in any sort of forward way. He can, will, and has razed homes and businesses to send a message. And a single command to Jinpachi and they will disappear, and it would be no different to Nobuyuki than asking if breakfast was ready. Anyone who dare hurt or steal his dear one will be stepping into their own grave.
Jerks off a normal amount but less so since you two became intimate. He does have a few of your personal items he’s stolen (you thought you lost them) that he keeps hidden for himself. They smell like you or remind him of you and every now and then he’ll stroke himself with the item in his other hand. Or simply to the thought of you 
Likes PDA and doesn’t have a problem with it, in the correct setting. He’ll gladly hold your hand walking through town, and he likes to pull you close and drape an arm around you for feasts where everyone is drinking and dancing and having fun. Plus, in Nobuyuki’s eyes its great fun to kiss you on the cheek or a quick one on the lips and watch his brother short circuit or fawn over what a lovely couple you both make 
Has some mommy issues, and he’d never admit it, but it turns him on greatly when you take care of him when he is sick. Usually, when he is under the weather he just pushed through and pretended he was fine. He doesn’t like to show himself vulnerable or weak. Jinpachi would help him out if he was very very ill. But you’re so soft and kind and sweet, bringing him broth and porridge and spoon feeding him. Changing out his washcloths and sitting by his side. This feeling of comfort and warmth was something he thought he had lost long ago, and his heart was so full he was desperate to recover and spend what energy he had into ravishing you and giving back that love. 
You’re not allowed to treat anyone else when they’re sick. Conveniently you always have some mountain of work to do and a team of maids is already taking care of the invalid. 
On that motherly note, it really gets him going when he sees you with children or teaching chibi sasuke something new. It reminds him that he picked the right woman to be at his side, and it makes him all the more eager to get a family going with you 
Has CRAZY floof sex hair. Like. Every single time even if its a quickie. Somehow the floof just poofs more and parts are going every which way, which embarrasses him greatly. But if it’s you there smiling and giggling and fixing it for him, well, that’s alright with him. 
Really enjoys soft, happy, romantic sex. Waking up earlier than normal with you and the sun is shining brightly and its peaceful. The scent of spring flowers thick in the air and a few quick good morning kisses turn into deep slow makeout sessions. You both have bed head and a bit of sleep still heavy in your eyes but he thinks you’re beautiful, whispering such as he rolls on top of you, the tip of his cock entering you and the thrusting of his hips so sultry and drawn out that you can’t help but moan and cling to him 
He’s talkative during sex, and usually only moans when he is close to coming. Its a deep and breathy drawn out moan, right from his chest 
He is fantastic with aftercare. He likes to stay joined for some time after coming, and will advise you to stay still and relax so he can clean you up himself after he finally pulls out. With a soft cloth, he takes pleasure in looking you over as if you were a little doll and wiping you down carefully. 
If you’ve been trying for a baby he’ll kiss your stomach then your lips and say an encouraging prayer that this time is the time. He’ll hold you from behind, clasping your hand in his, and talk about baby names and how Yukimura will be so annoyingly overjoyed to train if it’s a boy, and how beautiful they will be looking like their mother if it’s a girl, and how spoiled
Going to sleep still naked is very common because he likes to feel your warmth as much as he can and Jinpachi is always guarding the door. 
Likes to hum while he holds you in his arms and puts you to sleep, it’s usually melodies his mother used to hum to him and its surprisingly relaxing to have your body exhausted from sex and then feel the vibration from his chest on your back and his warmth radiating through you and the sweet sound of his voice
Also gets incredibly open after sex. These are usually the times he reveals his true self and feelings, the things he keeps hidden almost always. He’ll talk to you about his mother sometimes, and his struggles to fit in his role. He also enjoys listening to you talk and unburden yourself on him
Loves to watch you sleep. It’s one of his greatest joys knowing that he alone is the one privileged enough to see you in such a vulnerable state. Leave everything to him, depending on how rough or how many rounds the night before, your schedule of work for the following day will be fixed accordingly.
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otome0heart · 5 years
Hi! ^^ I'm glad to find another Mitsuhide fan! Since you're open to requests, I'd like to ask for some fluff/romance with the prompt "poetry". I don't mind it being in the Sengoku Period or an AU, whatever you prefer. Thank you! ♡ And Happy Birthday!
Hello Anon! (灬ºωº灬) Thanks to you for requesting something! And for your good wishes!
As you asked, here’s some Mitsuhide and poetry. It’s set in a Modern AU (I told you I was dangerous regarding that XDDD). I sincerely hope that you like it *^^*
Title: The Poetry of Love
Characters: Mitsuhide/MC
Words: 3720 (no, I don’t know how to write short stories ^^U)
Notes: There’s actual poetry scattered in the story, three poems, to be precise.
1. Kobayashi Issa, 1763 - 1827
2. Ono no Komachi, 825 - 900
3. Kitahara Hakushu, 1885 - 1942
Also, there’s a modified quote from the film “Sense and Sensibility” (1996) marked with an *
Tagging @han-pan and @otonymous, great Mitsuhide fans, like me ✿
As part of his every day routine, Akechi Mitsuhide walked along the tall bookcases that filled the little library he worked in, his fingers sometimes brushing the spine of one of his favourite books, his eyes warming when they fell on a title which brought back memories of childhood laughter or sleepless nights under the covers, devouring pages until the hero triumphed at the end, and his heartbeat calmed down as excitement gave way to a satisfactory feeling.
He stepped out of the prose fiction narrative side, crossed the room, passing by his desk, near the main entrance, and entered the poetry section. Despite being a fan of action and historical stories, filled with samurai devoted to their code of honour, what had truly enchanted his heart, and what had made him who he was in the present, was poetry. He had loved learning by heart the little poems his teachers had taught during his lessons in kindergarten and the first years of primary school, and he remembered himself reciting them once and again as he bounced up and down the stairs of his family house, or running around in her grandmother’s traditional garden. Those were about animals and plants, and a smile found its way across his lips as they recited one in a murmur.
Splish, splash (Neko arau)
The cat washes (Zabu zabu kawa ya)      
Spring rain (Haru no ame)
That had been one of the reasons why he had studied Japanese Literature at university and why he had decided to be a librarian. He hoped that somebody else could discover how fun literature could be.
However, when he had arrived at that library, located in a little town in the center of Japan, he had discovered that his work would not probably be as enjoyable as his young self had thought it would be. It was in an old building in need of many repairs, it was disorganised and only old people and young students in need visited it. With great effort, and applying for funds to the different governments, he had renewed the furniture, sorted out the books in sections and started having small events that little by little, had attracted more people, especially children.
He sat down on the floor in an almost hidden corner at the end of the corridor where the oldest books were. It was the place he loved the most in that old building. There, he had found his solace when sometimes his efforts had not been rewarded, especially at the beginning. In those times, after closing, he prepared himself some tea in the back room and brought a cup there, picking up a random book on his way, spending hours in silence until his body started to give in to the tiredness of the day, his soul at peace and ready to face the following day with new strength.
His fingertips brushed the back of the bookcase on his left and he extracted a volume from it. It was bound in the traditional way and, opposite to the rest, it belonged to him. Opening it, he leafed through it, glancing over the numerous notes he had written across the pages until he found an envelope between them. It was a bit discoloured and rumpled after all the times he had taken the letter out and read it, but it was the most treasured thing he possessed in this world. He opened it and his eyes fell on the words that he already knew by heart.
Thinking about you, (Omoi tsutsu)
I slept and saw you (Nu re baya hito no)
In the dream. (Mie zu ram)
If I had known it’d have been dream, (Yume to shiri seba)
I wouldn’t have woken up. (Same zara mashi wo)
He read it a second time and then, put the paper back in the envelope, and this, inside the book, not wanting to risk anybody knowing that he had given his heart a long time ago to someone he was not allowed to love. He had met her a few weeks after he had arrived in the town. She was an almost seventeen-year-old high school student who had arrived there in search of a book for a project and, he could not help a smile as he closed his eyes and leant back his head on the wall, he had never seen someone so lost before. It had been so obvious that it was the first time she had stepped in that place and he had helped her as much as he had been able to in her research. She was the oldest child of the owner of a traditional restaurant he had passed a few times on his way to and back from the library but with so much work ahead of him, he had not had time to go up to that moment. Days later, she had returned with a bento for him, filled with delicacies that he had discovered she had cooked herself, as a token of gratitude, and he had taken a break to enjoy a delicious meal for the first time since he had arrived.
However, contrary to this first impression, during their conversation at lunch she proved to be intelligent, curious and with a deep thirst for knowledge. From then on, they had enjoyed little conversations about literature, animals and many other topics over tea whenever she had free time and there were no people there and sometimes, she had helped him set some of the events.
He had been really surprised when months later, on Valentine’s Day, she had given him some chocolates and a love letter. Her cheeks had been red as roses in full bloom and her shy smile beautiful and enchanting. And it had been at that precise moment that he had realised how deep in love he was with her. However, not even opening the message, and as gently as he could, he had rejected her. She was still a child and there was a whole world of wonders and experiences waiting for her. He would not be the one to steal that from her and taint her innocence. She had just nodded, trying to contain her tears and had told him with a trembling voice to keep the chocolates, since she had made them only for him.
With a heavy heart but being convinced that he had done the correct thing, he had resigned himself to having lost a true friend and a kindred soul. However, he had been extremely surprised when, a few days later, she had visited the library again. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy, and her smile a bit hesitant, but as she had told him, he was very important to her and she wanted to have him in her life even if they could not become something more.
Mitsuhide smiled. She was a truly admirable woman and he was glad that they could continue enjoying each other’s company up to the present.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Her voice reached his ears and he smiled softly as he opened his eyes and looked at her. Five years had already passed since that fateful Valentine’s Day, and he had seen her graduate, study to be a cook and start working in her parents’ traditional restaurant, which she would run next to her brother when they retired. He still loved her, dearly, deeply. Her smile brought sunshine to the deepest and darkest corners of his soul and every time her pupils shone with excitement or concern, or sadness, he felt those emotions echoing inside him too.
“You always know” he watched her walk to him. “How’s your stay in Tokyo been?”
“Really good. I learnt a lot these three weeks during the cooking course and also, I met very important chefs.”
“I’m glad.”
She sat down opposite him, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous spark.
“How about you? Already feeling depressed for being a year older?”
His smile broadened at her playful teasing and he lifted a brow.
“And who’s the one who prefers the company of this old sulking man?”
She giggled softly.
“Well, it’s not so bad to have birthdays… You get presents, secret pa-”
She interrupted herself, her hand flying to her mouth and Mitsuhide’s eyes opened with slight terror.
“Please, tell me that you didn’t…”
She shook her head, her hand still covering half of her face.
“I know how much you dislike big gatherings. It was Nobunaga’s idea and, even though we tried to persuade him, once he sets his mind on something, it’s impossible to make him change his mind.”
He sighed, nodding absently. He had met the entrepreneur when he had established himself there the year before. It was really strange for an important person to settle down in such a place, so he had been the talk of the town for quite a few weeks. But, as the man had told him later, he needed a change of scene and since he mostly worked from home, it did not matter where he was. They had become acquaintances and then, friends quickly. Since Nobunaga liked to meddle in other people’s affairs, as soon as he had known about the financial troubles the librarian was having, he had invested money, first to make some expensive repairs the old building needed and later, when the funds from the prefecture government he was expecting were denied. Every time, he had said that it was a good investment to pay less taxes, but Mitsuhide knew that, behind that cheeky arrogant character of his laid a generous heart and a true friend.
“But please, look surprised when you arrive at the restaurant tonight. He’ll have my head if he suspects I told you…”
“Don’t worry” he assured her with a small smile. “I’ll be speechless for sure. Who knows what he’s planning…”
She laughed and he marvelled, once again, at the sound, clear like bells ringing.
“And, what are you doing here? It’s really early…”
A barely imperceptible change in her features, something that for others would have passed unnoticed but not for someone who knew her so well as him, sparked his curiosity, but also his concern .
“Nothing, really. I just-” she put her hand in the pocket of the denim jacket she wore. “I just wanted to wish you a happy day and give you your present before anyone else.”
Mitsuhide rolled his eyes with a wry smile.
“Oh, gods, how many more plans do you know about?”
“I lost count” she looked at him with a smug smile but a moment later, she became serious. “You’re a very appreciated man here, Mitsuhide.”
“I just love my job and these old books” his fingers trailed down the side of the bookcase next to him, looking around fondly. “And I’d like everybody to enjoy them and feel the joy they can bring, even just a little.”
“And they love you for it” a soft smile had drawn across her mouth as a lovely blush coloured her face, and his heart skipped a beat.
However, she seemed to caught herself and she turned her head away from him, as if she were afraid of having revealed something, fidgeting for a moment with the things she had taken out of her pocket before putting them on the floor, in front of him.
“Happy birthday” she said putting her hands on her lap and bowing slightly.
A small box and an envelope. Mitsuhide felt his throat dry, remembering a similar day, five years before. She had given him other presents, big wooden boxes which contained tea cups, or rectangular parcels wrapped in colourful papers that hid books that he kept in a special shelf at home, but never again a letter and a small box.
She stood up.
“I’ll have a look at a couple of shelves down the corridor before going home” she hesitated for a moment. “Open them whenever you want and… I’d be grateful if you read it this time, please.”
She disappeared from his sight as she turned around one of the bookcases and his gaze fell on the gifts with a feeling of apprehension. It was as if fate was mocking him and he was condemned to repeat that moment again. He did not want to hurt her.
However, a voice whispered at the back of his mind, she was not a child anymore. She was now a fully grown woman who did not need anyone else to protect her anymore. He did not have to think of what was best for her because she was the one who made the decisions about her own life now.
He realised with a slight startle that his hand was reaching out for the box and he stopped himself. What would he do if it was what he thought? He had spent so much time loving her and at the same time, repressing his feelings that he was afraid of the chance of them being returned with no obstacles between them, of setting free the fire inside him and consume her because deep inside the kind, level-headed librarian, there was a shadow of possessiveness and passion that sometimes, he could barely control.
But also, it could be something else. Maybe it was just an innocent card wishing him Happy Birthday, or some Tokyo-related postcard that she had thought he might like.
Whatever it was, she had asked him to read it and, as her friend and a man true to his word, he would do it. Breathing deeply, he took the box and opened it.
Inside, there was a beautiful leather double-wrap bracelet with a silver bellflower, his favourite, on top. He admired the work for a moment and then, put it on his right wrist. It was perfect, simple, elegant and yet, modern.
Leaving the box aside, he picked up the envelope. It was made of thick blue paper and his name was on the front with small characters, slightly round and carefully written. Inhaling once more, he opened it and took a folded paper of the same colour from inside. Her calligraphy was delicate and clean, and immediately told him how much time she had spent on it.
‘Dear Mitsuhide,
I think I can imagine what you’re experiencing as you start reading this. It seems like we went back five years ago, on a rainy Valentines Day that has never faded from my memories. To tell you the truth, I feel really stupid doing this but I won’t be at peace with myself unless I try one more time. As you said, I was a child then and, such as one, I got impatient and I let my feelings for you overflow. I know I hurt you and that I risked our beautiful bond. After my confession and our conversation, I considered myself really fortunate because you overlooked that mistake and kept on behaving the same, without feeling uncomfortable or trying to put some distance between us. If you felt otherwise, you fooled me completely.
This time, I’m talking as the woman I’ve become. Looking back with the maturity these years gave me, I can say that I truly feel thankful because you rejected me that day. You gave me the best present I’ve ever received: the wings to fly, the space to grow and enjoy that world of wonders and experiences, as you called it, and the precious treasure of your company and friendship.
However, I need to say that my love not only did not fade away but grew stronger and that my heart was, is and always will be yours.* I don’t have any expectations but sometimes, there’s been something in your eyes, in the way you look and smile at me, that never let the tiny hope still left inside of me die.
So now you know, but I’m not going to pressure you for an answer. I can wait. I only ask of you to see me for who I am now and think about it carefully. And in the case that you reject me a second time, I won’t bring up the topic ever again. I don’t want to hurt you or our friendship anymore. I cherish your presence in my life more than anything in the world.
Your faithful friend.’
Mitsuhide swallowed hard, re-reading the last lines again, before scrambling to his feet and starting to look for her among the bookcases. He did not need to think of anything. He already knew the answer. That their feelings had not vanished in five years had to mean that, as foolish as it sounded, the red thread of destiny existed and his tied him to her inevitably. He loved her and for once, he was going to follow his heart and not his logic, to be selfish and grab the bliss that awaited him, to devote himself to her until his last breath and make her happy every single day of their lives.
The library had never seemed so big as that time, desperate as he was when he could not find her. Thinking that she might have already headed home, he turned on his heels to exit the back door to catch her before she reached her house and suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a glimpse of purple, the same colour of the skirt she was wearing.
He stopped in his tracks to drink in the sight of her. She had an open book in her hands, but her absent expression and that her eyes were a bit misty told him that her mind was far away from there, probably the reason why she had not noticed him standing there, a few meters from her.
He took the first step, his fingers gripping tightly the letter still in his hand and suddenly, she lifted her head, clearly shaken, his widened eyes falling on him. All colour drew from her face and her lips parted slightly. silently, he reached and took her into the circle of his arms, burying his face in her hair. She stiffened for a moment just before returning his embrace with as much strength as him, a strangled sob leaving her throat upon hearing his words in her ear, only for her.
A Hyacinth, (Hiyashinsu)
The pale purple colored (Usumurasaki ni)
Flower bloomed. (Saki ni keri)
It was the first day (Hajimete kokoro)
She shook my heart. (Furuisome shi hi)
“Shhh, don’t cry, my darling…” he cooed softly, cradling her head into the curve of his neck. “I’m so sorry for having made you wait for so long… I thought I was the mature one but it’s obvious that it was me who wasn’t ready…”
She shook her head.
“You’re always so warm-hearted to everybody… I believed I was mistaking your kindness for something else when I tried to read your feelings…” she took a ragged breath. “I was so afraid, I thought you’d be so disappointed with me after leaving the matter behind five years ago…”
“I was happy just seeing you smile… I was ready to give you up and support you when you chose a good man, since I refused to have any hopes after that day… You were so young, I thought that you’d forget about your affection as time passed by…” he made a pause, tightening his hold on her, enjoying her warmth. “And now, finally…”
She nodded and laughed, and he felt like he was soaring the sky.
“Don’t tell me I’ll have to cancel the party tonight.”
Both were startled by the brisk comment which came from the hall where the front desk was. There, a man wearing jeans, a grey shirt and a red jacket was looking at them with a slightly annoyed expression, though his pupils sparked with clear amusement. The couple let go of each other blushing profusely in clear embarrassment at having been caught.
“Now, don’t be such prudes” he said putting his hand in his waist. “I thought you were an item when I arrived here and met you both. It was so obvious to everybody except you two” he glanced at Mitsuhide. “I was tempted to give you a push, a big one, but I decided not to do your own damn job. Took you long enough.”
The librarian looked at him a bit confused for a moment, but them smiled.
“Thank you.”
Nobunaga seemed a bit uncomfortable for a moment.
“Well, since you’re busy and I have a meeting in an hour, let’s drop the matter of the new computers for another day. I’ll see you two tonight. Don’t be late or I’ll give you a truly unpleasant surprise you’ll never forget.”
They nodded, knowing very well that he would surely do it if they dared to disobey him. Nobunaga turned around and took a step, but then, he stopped, looked over his shoulder and smiled softly, something that they had rarely seen.
“Happy birthday, Mitsuhide. You deserve it.”
And then, he walked to the door with quick steps.
They smiled at each other, amused expressions on their faces.
“He’s like a whirlwind…”
“Yes” he agreed with a fond expression on his face.
Looking into her eyes, and forgetting about their interruption at once, he lifted his hand and caressed her face tenderly, brushing away any traces left of her tears. She bit her lip and half closed her eyes.
“Sorry I stained your shirt…”
“Don’t worry about that” his fingers stilled, cupping her cheek, and he searched her eyes for the slightest spark of doubt.
At that moment, a dull sound reached their ears and, though it was probably a book which had fallen from its upright position, he did not want to risk being caught again. He took her hand and brought her behind the bookcases. Taking her again in his arms, he leaned forward slowly, brushing his lips across her forehead, her temple and her cheek. Her lids fluttered closed immediately and, after making sure they were away from possible inopportune visits and prying eyes, he closed the distance between them. He did not want any witnesses of their first kiss.
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