#so basically the newest animation both gives a lot for me to work with and also killed my grandma so its a messy situation
arolesbianism · 5 months
Heartbreaking! My suspicions abt Wagstaff having some fucked up timeline shit going on were correct and now I have to scramble to come up with an excuse to not have to completely overhaul my entire swap au (it won't be hard my excuse is that it's an au so I can do what I want)
#rat rambles#starve posting#tbf the only two it super matters for is wx and wilson since theyre the maxwell and charlie of this au#but theyre also yknow. extremely important. so even trying to adapt for this would be a fools erand at this point#on the bright side this gives me a lot more to work with in terms of webber's whole deal#basically it gives me more leeway to actually make an explanation even tho its going to be a different one#I might still use the camera tho poor lil farmer boy got stuck in the camera 😔#well not that exactly but it could be a useful catalyst to explain how he ended up trapped between realities#and it being a camera makes it a Lot easier to justify how he got close enough to it for stuff to go that wrong#one thing that could be fun is if I let wagstaff keep some semblance of an actual role in this au instead of being a corpse the whole time#basically use him to make some bullshit justification for the camera still existing in some form even if its a different one#actually.... I wonder if the camera is similar to the codex in some ways#maybe it's possible for any object that directly records the existence of Them and the fuel to act as a gateway?#it would probably have more specific requirements and be pretty rare but that could be a fun idea#I could definitely work with a concept like that to give wagstaff more to do and flesh out webber's backstory a bit#so basically the newest animation both gives a lot for me to work with and also killed my grandma so its a messy situation
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awordbroken · 1 month
tumblr won't let me edit my old oc profile post anymore, so this is a remaster i guess
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dedicated character tag
Crow Melusine Kos (that’s two first names, always used together) (...their children call them 'Sine) former Pursued Con-Artist, Star-Struck Scholar, current Politic Laboratory Director or Doting Naturalist light fingers/main they/them
frequently wearing a mask that covers the upper half of their face; often plain colored with some painted details, such as vines, eyes or abstract lines. they paint their own designs - they doodle a lot while taking breaks.
faint lattice of scarring on top of head in memory of being buried alive. otherwise no scars of note.
underneath the mask, looks perpetually tired, with dark circles that never go away. typically very low affect in both expression and voice, speaks with a sort of soft, unwavering drone. not charming in personality, but used to sell ponzi schemes on the surface on the strength of their dead-pan manner making them sound completely and unshakably confident in whatever they’re saying.
casual interest in false-stars, especially a certain one of unusual brightness that was first sighted a few years ago. primarily studies Neathy animals and monsters. a bit scatter-minded and out of it as a professor, but students who thrive on hands-on, low-oversight learning rate them a solid “alright”. no longer spends much time teaching since taking a job as Director of one of Mr Fires' newest laboratories.
considers themself a parent to the moon-miser hybrid, and misses it greatly. may or may not be making preparations to grow a new monster baby in their lab. <3 now parent to a fluffy orange and cosmogone baby bat the size of a toddler of "mysterious" origins.
allergic to smoke and very much almost died when Mr Fires took them into an underground library and set it on fire with them still in it. incidentally has a “rivalry” with Mr Fires that consists of them metaphorically hitting each other with brooms. nowadays, is deeper entwined with Mr Fires than ever before, but don’t worry about it.
ESes that are canon for them: The Deadly Dapperlings, There is the Richest Juice in Poison-Flowers
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Carver The Hushed Crowner bag a legend/alt they/them
once student worker in Crow Melusine’s lab. asked by Crow Melusine to bring them the Vake, and no one was merciful enough to tell them the Professor expresses wanting a new monster to study literally every week and they could just ignore it.
child of a Khaganian mother and a Londoner father; grew up in London. used to work in one of Mr Fires’ factories as a crowner’s assistant, which mostly involved patching up injuries and “investigating” worker deaths/accidents and determining that the factory was not at fault and would not be compensating the family in any way. bit soul crushed about it.
“poached” by Crow Melusine, who helped them get into Benthic on the strength of their knowledge of anatomy and basic medical care mostly to tweak Mr Fires’ wires. Carver feels indebted anyway, because literally anything is better than the factory.
sought the Vake to gather samples for Crow Melusine’s research, but found themself captivated by it after coming briefly face to face with it. eventually got their sample, but gained permanent mobility issues from their wounds and was forced to give up the hunt.
now runs a small clinic in Spite, with an attached morgue for the temporarily dead--for safe storage until their recovery, or, for an extra fee, a guarantee that the deceased will stay dead an extra day or two. also does tattoos on the side. the clinic is guarded by three puppy-sized spiders, which they vehemently deny doting on like pets.
has never forgotten the Vake.
conscientious. arms like tree trunks. periodically non-verbal. nerve damage down left side of body from taking a claw to the shoulder. cane user. missing something. has something strange and bittersweet going on with Ada.
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Ada Durand tbd bag a legend/alt she/her, occasionally it/its in private
has to be the most fuckable person at the Singing Mandrake at all times.
child of a well-to-do industrialist father. never fit in with her peers. left home to become a monster hunter on a whim, but found that the hunt suited her. hedonistic and a bit thoughtless, loves jewelry and cares about her appearance. smug and smirking and sharp of tooth, but never really lets anyone see her innermost self.
the last Vake-hunter. killed the Vake and made it a part of herself.
still, an emptiness is left behind.
met Carver while looking to have an injury treated, and recognized something in their ever-unfulfilled longing for the Vake. can be found coming and going around their clinic at all hours ever since. hates that Carver lets the giant spiders sleep on the bed.
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Broken Tree of Ephemera, Mr Silk heart’s desire/alt they/it/she, depending on the identity they’re using
a Sorrow-Spider council that failed to reach consensus and split apart. many of their members died or scatted, but a core cohort remains, refusing to accept the pain of being apart, even when other sorrow-spiders dismissed the idea of wasting time and resources on trying to fix a failed union.
they co-inhabit a human-like silk puppet, with which they’ve infiltrated the human population of London in pursuit of a way to re-meld. thus, they came into contact with the marvellous.
have they been touched by the lives they came into contact with in the game and in their interactions with humanity? difficult to tell. though lifelike, their blank-faced doll body expresses little.
nevertheless, they won their hearts’ desire. the Masters, however, were none too keen to upset the Neath‘s already strained balance of power by handing the sorrow-spiders a brand new, red science-improved spider-council, and the Tree of Ephemera was obliged to agree to a transformation that might be more... easily controlled, and the duties and title of Mr ____ ...well, it’s a work in progress. the Tree is well aware that the Masters have no intention of ceding any real power to them, so they see little point in arbitrarily choosing an area of trade, despite their new colleagues’ repeated attempts to explain the necessity to their new nature. the only thing that matters is that the change will make them whole again: one body, a joined mind.
so far, to their so-called colleagues’ chagrin, their changes have not been wholly curatorial in nature. their puppet is growing as many flecks of shiny carapace as patches of fur, and has recently grown a glittering array of additional eyes.
less pleasing, they have begun to develop a distracting interest in weaving, silk, and other fabrics. Mr Veils watches them with increasing anticipation of an excuse to swat a gnat.
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Penelope Howard, “Penny”/”Ash” nemesis/alt she/he
when her brother Ashley’s lover was tragically murdered, he left his home and family and ventured to the Neath alone in search of her killer. there, he was killed (permanently), leaving his revenge unfulfilled.
as Ashley’s twin, Penelope has spent her life in his shadow. kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and naturally talented with every paintbrush, instrument or weapon placed in his hands, Ashley was loved by everyone. the ideal son. in contrast, Penny was just... Penny. after her twin’s death, it seemed only natural that she should take on his burden, following him to the Neath and taking on his identity to continue his pursuit. after all, he was the best thing about her.
is "Ash” avenging his brother, or the lover that he hardly knew? does it really matter?
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Woebegone the Captain Sunless Skies captain they/them
former London urchin. older than they appear. carries traces of Storm. sold their reflection to a fingerking. treasured. a doting parent and spouse.
FL ES canon for them: Homecoming
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davidthephoneguy · 18 days
Welcome to CD's list of Canceled and Unfinished projects! :D
First we got the canceled ones Part 2
These go from oldest to newest
Gameboy Who Cried Wolf
This was an oc story in which I was attempting to making a non fandom oc comic. The storyline involved two main characters named Daniel who had a GameBoy for a head and Julias who was a werewolf but had to try and hide it from Daniel and everyone else due to werewolves in this world were hunted to extinction. There was a bunch of other monster types existed n stuff like that. Only made a few artworks of it. Canceled due to lack of motivation and I felt like I was forcing myself to do something I didn't really want to. Storyline was also non-existent and yet confusing.
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Moon Base Freddy's au
Can't say a lot on this one's reason for existing other then it was heavily inspired by the song The Fine Print by Stupendium. I drew a few artworks for it in some privated live streams. Basically the whole au was a space capitalist dystopia in which all the employees were owned by the company, oh yeah also the restaurant was a moon base that they lived in. Canceled due to not really having anything to do with Freddys, it just sorta had a Freddys mask on. Also lack of motivation which tends to kill a lot of my ideas.
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Floral Flurry
Not much to say on this one either, didn't have much to it either. Was another attempt at making a non fandom project that died very quickly. Had help from @/systemfailuretpd for the designs. The storyline was pretty basic being about a parasite plant that learns empathy from its new host and has to go back and fix what it did with its past host. Canceled due to just not really wanting to work on it, was kinda boring and felt too cutesy and simple despite one of the characters previously being basically a genocidal dictator.
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Dr Surus' Experiments
Another oc story, this one was about a Dr Frankienstien type who would bring people (several of my oc's) back to life as basically zombies for fame. The story was mainly about David, Jannette, Stevm and another oc that I can't remember rn. Their whole deal was going to be talking about the ethics of bringing someone back to life and how they can't give consent. It was planned to be my next big thing that I was gonna reveal in the animation I'm still working on. Honestly given my track record I would not have been able to convey the messaging very well. Canceled due to lack of interest and generally loosing motivation to work on it.
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Pet Shoppe Cats
Another oc story comic that was meant to be a non fandom project. It stared two main characters named Felix and Chip, Chip was an immortal parental figure to Felix. Both were half self inserts and sorta didn't do much. They worked at a pet shop together as they were both animal hybrids which was mostly a trans allegory but despite that I didn't really focus on that with the story being a slice of life thing about them just working at the pet store with not much else happening. I made a few panels and character sheets but not much. Canceled for pretty obvious reasons, was boring and lacked focus. Art style was also just not fitting to my style and i was just sorta forcing myself to not draw something cutesy which my style cannot break from without lookin really odd. Basically I was trying to make myself do something I can't do.
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Aaaaaand that is the end of Part 2 my fellows!
A lil shorter then the first one due to me removing a few as upon looking at them again they would be rift content.
The final part will be the unfinished ones on the verge of being canceled so their fate is very up in the air.
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 2 months
Back on ur Tumblr after awhile.
Just wanted to ask if u saw the newest (I think) Tales of the TMNT series trailer.
I thought it looked great.
Very curious to see the boys separated.
Also nice to see more April.
And more April and Leo stuff; I love her, and they are so fun and funny and together.
It is so funny to me that Leo basically looks so worried and/or like he is is going through it in some way in ever trailer and/or teaser basically.
Nice to see some more of him being more confident, silly, dramatic, and cocky though in the new teaser. Because those can be so him too.
It was also very cool to see more Donnie in the new teaser, he wasn't in the last one much, and he got some cool/nice stuff in the newest one. My dude is really worried about his brothers.
Also, we got Bishop too! I love her voice.
Anyways, done rambling about the new trailer. I was sad it TOTTMNT didn't come out in April, but if it coming out in August means the people behind the series can take it easier and try to give a better series, I can wait. August isn't too far off anyways.
Last of all, just like a picture of urs with TMNT 2012 Rise and Leo redesigns, and thought they looked great! Esp. TMNT 2012's ones, but Rise Leo's looked great too
(and I still love Leo having red eyes. I hope people start giving TMNT MM Leo red eyes, because 1. I think they are cool and I now really like Leo w/ red eyes, 2. I just think they would suit TMNT Leo's dinosaur-looking person, and 3. I thought I saw a screenshot of the movie, like a close-up, of some ending scenes when Leo wasn't wearing his mask and was going to school and wearing normal clothes, that looked his eyes were (kind of) red)
Also, loving u drawing TMNT 2012 Leo in his cocky/confident-looking, iconic pose of leaning on his sword(s). LIke, people would think that would be something Rise Leo would do (and he would), but TMNT 2012 Leo defin. would and has too.
Ok, done with this very long Ask. I just hadnt been on ur Tumblr for a bit, so I had even more to say than usual. Lmao.
God this has been sitting in my inbox for a long time now. First and foremost, welcome back! I was genuinely wondering if you are still alive or nah lol-
Okay now onto everything else-
The Tales of the TMNT trailer
Honestly, I have a lot of hope the show will be pretty cool!
I loved the scenes where it implies that the turtles will have their own solo missions. This could possibly be all in one episode where they are all alone but I don't know. I'm also excited to see how much their personalities are expanded on.
From what I've seen we also got the purple dragons revealed! I like Hun and Angel so far. Especially Angel, I think she is the leader of the Purple Dragons now within this iteration. I really hope they bring back old classic characters. Personally I have always thought that Mutant mayhem would take more inspo from tmnt 1987 which I really hope that is the case and they bring back fan favorite characters.
I was honestly shocked to see Bishop as a woman. But honestly, she looks badass. I'm kind of laughing my ass of at her being a grumpy old ass grandma who has beef with literal teenagers. I do wanna see what her deal is though. Maybe she is working for Cynthia?
Speaking of- I wonder where she is? I really hope she isn't just thrown to the side or something. It seemed like they were building towards something with her character. Also, just from her last name Utrom, it's clear they might introduce the Kraang or even just the Utroms. Maybe both as well-
I genuinely hope Shredder comes in. I wanna see him really bad. Like I said I hope they bring the classic characters back.
April looks really stunning and I already love her. I really wanna see her relationship with not just Leo but also the other turtles as well.
I will be honest I genuinely thought the show was gonna be 3D animated. I was a little upset but, I immediately fell in love with the art style simply because it reminds me of a comic sort of art style.
Overall, high hopes for this show!
Now about the drawings
Thank you so much! <3
I feel like they are slightly outdated now, but I genuinely loved drawing them! And yes I adore Leo with red eyes. He just looks so cool with it.
Also 2012 Leo's pose was based off of the official renders I found.
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Same with rise Leo as well!
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Again- so happy you like my designs! <3
I haven't that active with TMNT as of late, but I promise I'm still here, I didn't leave. I'm just obsessed currently with toy monsters that come to life that try to kill you and that from a game I literally tried to boycott back in 2021 lmao
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animeniacss · 4 months
Seoksoo - imperfect Part 1 - Chapter 5 - The Audition
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Synopsis: Lee Seokmin likes a lot of things: karaoke, stuffed animals, his friends, his family (when they're not at each other's throats), and when things go according to plan. It's perfect that way. That is...until Joshua Hong, the Education Department TA, stumbles into his view one day and suddenly Seokmin has to start facing the fact that maybe not everything in life will be perfect...but with Joshua, that might just be ok.
Tags: College!AU, ActingMajor!Seokmin, Teacher!Joshua, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Side GyuCheol, Side JunHao, Side Verkwan, Other Idol appearances, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Domestic Violence (not between the main couple), Joshua is a dork 90% of the time, (More Tags will be Added as needed)
Length: approx. 6.1k words
Chapter 5 - The Audition
The auditions were in five days, and Seokmin was feeling the tension. It was the newest thing added to his anxiety-smoothie, along with fall midterms and the everlasting feeling of familial drama. Mixed together, it tasted terrible, but Seokmin had long ago grown accustomed to the bitter taste it left in his throat. But coffee never hurt as a chaser, and Seungkwan was paying, so how could he say no?
Seokmin was sitting on an open bench outside, enjoying the cool air on his face. He could see Seungkwan inside through the glass windows, waiting patiently for their drinks with his hands in his pockets. He was chatting to another patron, both of them seeming to smile and laugh as they waited for their drinks. Seokmin was curious as to what they were talking about, a part of him tempted to go inside and wait with Seungkwan despite being adamant about sitting and enjoying the sunshine while he could. Cool air was starting to trickle into daytime, as it was nearing the end of October, and Seokmin had to finally pull out his sweaters. However, when Seungkwan and the friend turned their backs on him, moving up in the waiting line, Seokmin decided against it and instead pulled out his phone. A message was waiting for him.
[Joshua] (2m ago): Do you think this professor hates me? :’)
Seokmin saw an attached photo of a stack of papers beside an open laptop, and what looked to be a little cup of coffee just out of frame. Another photo followed one of Joshua’s faces, offering a thumbs up and what looked to be an overexaggerated smile, overplaying the idea of excitement for the work he was now tasked with.
[Seokminnie] (now): Right before midterms? That’s cruel.
[Joshua] (now): Tell me about it! I have five long midterms and a practical to study for.
Seokmin smiled as he scrolled through his collection of stickers, sending one of a giant cat, giving a thumbs up with the word ‘FIGHTING’ overhead. When Joshua responded to it with a little red heart, Seokmin had to cover his mouth with his hand to hide his excitement. He chewed on his lower lip, looking at the little red heart under his sticker over and over again. Such a small response but it made Seokmin feel like he was floating.
[Seokminnie] (now): Good luck with your studying. Don’t work too hard.
Seungkwan made his way out, two coffees in his hands. When the friends locked eyes, Seungkwan grinned.
“Special delivery,” Seungkwan called, extending a coffee cup towards him. Seokmin took it with a thank you, the warmth radiating off the cup and onto his fingertips. Seungkwan sighed, taking a sip of the coffee. “I’ll be home late; planning to study in the library for some midterms. I have to film myself giving a lesson, can you believe it?”
Seokmin snorted. “Yes.”
“If I need someone to act as the student, will you?” Seungkwan pouted, and Seokmin only laughed again, harder this time at the thought.
“I mean, I guess.” he shrugged, but that was basically an agreement for Seokmin, and Seungkwan looked relieved. “I was probably going to see if Junhui-Hyung wanted to study anyway, so we’ll take the apartment.” Seungkwan nodded in agreement, smiling. “Is Hansol going to be there?” Seokmin grinned when he saw his friend’s cheeks go red. “Aaaah, no need to answer with that face, I know.”
“Hyuuung.” Seungkwan whined, covering his cheeks and pouting in a way that made him look adorable to Seokmin. “Stop it.” He immediately sat down, leaning in close to Seokmin, before whispering a very eager: “Yes.” Seokmin leaned closer as if he were getting special details for a very important secret. A very top-secret mission. A mission of Seungkwan’s love. It made him giddy. “He and a few others from class are supposed to be there.”
“Ooooh la la.” Seokmin smiled. “Have you had any more time to talk to him?”
“Only a little. I sat next to him in class last week since Mingyu was out, and we talked before class started.”
Seokmin’s eyes sparkled. “And?”
With a shrug, he replied: “He’s really nice.” Seungkwan melted into his words like a lovesick puppy and Seokmin’s grin only widened. “We were talking about everything. School, midterms, you-.” The rest of the words Seungkwan uttered almost became white noise, but he shook his head quickly. He felt his smile falter a bit but he forced it to remain on his face. He’d stick pins in his cheeks if he had to.
“Oh? What did you say?”
“About me.”
“Oh.” Seungkwan giggled. “Nothing really. We were talking about the play auditions and I mentioned that you were auditioning. His friend, Jihoon, is apparently the director.”
“Lee Jihoon?” Seokmin asked. When Seungkwan nodded, Seokmin hung his head. “I forgot he’s directing again…”
“Is he bad?”
“No, he’s so good. Like, really good. He writes the music and directs all of the plays every year. But he’s really tough.” Seokmin’s lips pulled into a pout. “I gotta tell Junhui-Hyung.”
“Alright, well I’m going to head out, then.” Seungkwan watched Seokmin pull out his phone once more. “I’m going to go find a good spot in the library.” Seokmin waved as his friend headed off, leaving him alone on the bench. As he scrolled for Junhui’s contact, another message dropped in from the top of his screen. He tugged it down to get a full view of the message.
[Joshua] (now): I’ll be doing this work until I’m 40. What time is your audition, on Friday? I need something to motivate me to get this done!
Seokmin smiled to himself, this time not needing the pins to hold it in place.
Seokmin had mainly seen Joshua in quick glances through campus that week leading up to his audition. He was buying coffee early one morning, looking through books in the library, chatting with the professor he worked under right in front of his office, smiling sweetly at others who approached him with questions in a way that made Seokmin’s heart flutter when he got to see it.
By the time Friday rolled around, Seokmin was standing outside the large auditorium on campus with the script held tightly in his hands. He could hear the pages shaking in his grip, but it wasn’t windy outside and Seokmin realized his hands were shaking just slightly. He saw a few posters for the play audition plastered on the windows of the theater, handfuls of students piling inside ready to try their hand at the role. He checked his watch. Auditions started in about 25 minutes, Seungkwan already saying he would be arriving shortly after they began while he finished up his midterm preparation. So, Seokmin made his way in alone.
Chatter filled his ears as he stepped into the hallway, watching as students gathered in groups, flipping through their scripts and squirming in their spots as nerves coursed through their veins. There were two seats right by the entrance, Seokmin immediately sitting down and setting his bag at his side. He followed the crowd, pulling out his own script and skimming it over.
Seokmin had done tons of auditions for plays since he was in fifth grade, but he always got nervous. He could feel it in his chest as he skimmed the monologue he was going to focus on for his audition, a shorter one that had more characterization that he could work throughout each line.
If you don’t get the lead, I’ll be shocked!
Honey-like vocals wormed into his ears and Seokmin felt his cheeks heat up, a little smile blooming on his lips. He flipped ahead in the script to the part Joshua dramatically read on his couch a little less than a week prior. Looking down, Seokmin watched his phone buzz with a few text messages. Kwannie sent him a text that he was on his way followed by a string of heart emojis. Underneath, his sister and mother both sent separate messages of good luck. He had spoken to them both the night before, right before bed.
“You’re going to crush it, Oppa!” Eunkyung shouted from the other end of the line, only to be shushed by their mother. “What?”
“Don’t yell in my ear.”
“Well, I’m excited. One of us should be.”
“Of course, I’m excited, Eunkyung.” When his little sister only hummed, he heard footsteps fade away. “Your sister’s tired. Ignore her.”
“Am not!”
Seokmin said something about wanting to get enough sleep, and hung up before anymore of their new found bickering could worm its way into his ears and form a new hole in his brain. He knew it would kick up right before the auditions because Seokmin wasn’t very lucky. He just hoped it would simmer long enough to survive these auditions and midterms, rather than boil and overflow immediately.
“Seokmin.” His eyes shot up at a voice calling his name, watching as Junhui sat down beside him. His welcoming smile fell at the corners. “I feel like you were expecting someone else when you looked up.”
“What? No.” Seokmin assured as Junhui snickered, patting his friend on the shoulder. “They should be starting soon, right? Are you nervous?”
Junhui shook his head. “Not really.”
“You’ll do fine. You always do.” Junhui hoped if he smiled wider it would mirror in his friend, and it did a little bit. “Want to run your lines on me?”
Seokmin took a quick glance around the room. Others were practicing as if they were already given the lead, overlap of loud lines and vocal warm-ups swarming them. “Okay.” He said. With a quick flip of the pages, Seokmin took a deep breath. Just then, a voice was heard coming down one of the hallways:
“Are we going to be late?”
“Late? No, I’m not late. Everyone else is just early.”
“Ah, fuck.” Seokmin glanced at Junhui as he muttered a curse under his breath. “Seokjin-Hyung is here again.” Seokmin watched as a tall, slender, very handsome face came strolling into the theatre, hands in the pockets of his black slacks. His eyes scanned the people before him, lips kept together in an unamused stare. When he looked in their direction, Junhui and Seokmin nodded their heads at the senior before them.
“Heyyy, Junhui. Seokminnie.” He cooed cheerfully. Seokmin nodded his head politely as the older male walked over. “Ready for another year of musical theatre?”
“Yep.” Junhui smiled, but Seokmin could tell he wanted the other to leave them be. “Your last play before graduation, Hyung. Is it bittersweet?”
“Ah, it would be if I was worried about not getting the lead.” Seokjin’s arms crossed over his chest, a confident smile on his lips. Junhui snorted, shaking his head. Seokjin’s eyes fell on Seokmin. They were just as dismissive as they were beautiful. Seokmin would be lying if he said he didn’t find himself staring at the man during rehearsals the year prior. His broad shoulders and commanding voice captivated every single person on the stage.
It would be impressive, and admirable even if his ego wasn’t the size of the entire theatre every time he stepped onto the stage. “Are you guys going for the lead?” He was eyeing Seokmin specifically, silently reminding him of how he lost the lead the year before by just a few stumbled-over lines and a voice crack. Yes, he stays up some nights and thinks about how Jihoon must have been so disappointed in him.
“Yes,” Seokmin said. Seokjin’s lips tugged up into a smirk so small that Seokmin needed to determine if that was part of his imagination or not.
“Ah. Good luck, then.” He nodded his head and turned on his heel, heading a few feet away. He propped himself up against the wall, immediately being surrounded by girls who began chatting him up.
“I don’t even think those girls are here to audition.” Junhui scoffed. He glanced at Seokmin and noticed him looking back down at his script. “Don’t worry, you’ll totally do fine today.”
Seokmin smiled when Junhui patted the younger ones' heads. “Thanks. So will you, Hyung.”
“I hope so. Minghao will kill me if I skipped out on another dinner night and didn’t get the part.” He giggled.
The auditions would be starting in about 15 more minutes, and Seokmin peered out the window he was sitting beside. People were shuffling in, but none of them had light brown locks and gentle doe-shaped eyes. People seemed to get more nervous the closer to the time the clock showed, and their nerves seemed to cling to Seokmin like a magnet. Every nearby whisper of ‘I’m so nervous’ or ‘I can barely breathe!’ made Seokmin’s heart beat just a second faster. It was then that a cough cut through the nerves, and left silence in its wake.
“If this many people are nervous, maybe they shouldn’t be auditioning. Those ones are always the most painful to sit through.” Junhui and Seokmin glanced over at the cocky voice and saw Seokjin, eyes glued to his paper as he spoke, flipping through it. He acted oblivious as if he didn’t just spew the most passive-aggressive comment he could. Was he trying to get in people's heads?
“He must be insecure that his head is the biggest one here that he wants to try and fill ours with lies.” Seokmin chuckled at Junhui’s comment but bit his lip when he thought he felt eyes gunning him down in the back of his head. He turned to look, but Seokjin was still staring at his script, mouthing lines to himself and the girls that were around him. “Ignore him. He’s always been a diva.”
Seokmin tried to follow Junhui’s advice, focusing on himself and his nerves rather than the nerves of everyone within fifteen feet of him. However, each time he looked down at the phone with no message, or out the window with no familiar face, the nerves only grew and grew until they were wrapped around him. Vines made of thorns dug into his arms and wrists, around his throat in a way that threatened his ability to perform. 7 minutes left. He had finally been able to memorize his chosen monologue without having to look at the paper once. 5 minutes left.
“Hey!” Seokmin froze in his tracks with the exclamation. Four minutes until the auditions began, he and Junhui immediately turned around once again; it seemed others nearby had the same idea, eyes falling to the source of the scream. Another man had stormed into the theater, face beet red and eyes narrowed. Despite how small his eyes were right now, even those behind him could see the daggers they were glaring into Seokjin’s chest. He, however, looked unphased, with a cocked eyebrow and a tilted head. “Kim Seokjin!”
“Yes?” He asked. “Can I help you? I’m in the middle of-.”
“I really don’t fucking give a shit!” Seokmin winced as the man’s voice raised, cowering back into himself slightly, but just enough to get Junhui to notice. He scooted closer to the other, and Seokmin felt a hand on his shoulder. It did nothing to soothe him because his eyes were focused on the situation before him. “You just think you can make my girlfriend break up with me and act like nothing happened?”
Seokjin paused. “I’m sorry…what?” Seokjin’s cocky tone would be the death of him If he wasn’t careful. Seokmin could feel himself wanting to give a warning, but the words were jammed in his throat, most likely from those thorny vines still sinking into his neck.
“Don’t play stupid! My girlfriend dumped me and I saw her with you earlier today!”
“I don’t know what that has to do with me.” Seokjin blinked. “I hang out with lots of girls around campus, but I don’t encourage them to dump their boyfriends.” He shrugged. “Must be your fault, not mine.”
The man’s rage was immeasurable to the rest of the audience, who sat perched in their seats like curious birds watching from high atop a pole. Seokmin inhaled to take a breath, but it was ragged and forced, and Junhui looked at him from the corner of his eye. Should he say something? If he didn’t…. surely this would-.
Seokmin’s scream was covered by the sound of a chair and a table knocking over, reverberating through the entire room as it bounced off each wall in hopes of finding a place to settle. He covered his ears almost immediately, head lowering and eyes clamping shut. He wished he brought his tangled headphones today…
Nobody, he hoped, was directed to him by the scream, as this unnamed man stormed closer to Seokjin, knocking the table and chairs over in the process before taking hold of the taller man’s button-up. “You think just because you’re some hot shit you can do whatever you want? Take whoever’s girlfriend you want?”
“I think you’re mistaken,” Seokjin said. His hand raised to take the man’s hand off his shirt, but it only set off his fight or flight, and the man gripped him tighter. “Hey! Don’t wrinkle this! It’s new!” Seokjin’s eyes narrowed, finally done playing nice with this guy. “Are you seriously looking for trouble?!”
“Oh shit, a fight is going to break out!” Seokmin heard someone beside him shout.
“Get security! Get security!” A girl begged, and footsteps were heard squeaking into the distance. Oh no, security? This really must be ugly, but he was too terrified to open his eyes.
“Seokmin….?” He heard Junhui beside him, but it sounded as if he was speaking through the other side of a glass that completely boxed Seokmin in, muffling the outside world. The sound of the furniture toppling over and crashing onto the floor still reverberated in his ears despite fading into the walls minutes ago. The muffled shouting and chatter among other students as the duo continued to fight only escalated and escalated…until.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!” Seokmin recognized the voice but was unable to lift his head up to see. However, the entire theatre hall went quiet, set only for the sound of shuffling shoes on the floor and a few slight whispers from the back of the room.
“Jihoon’s here,” Junhui whispered. That seemed to encourage Seokmin to lift his head up, eyes snapping open. They were fuzzy for a few seconds, still recovering from how tightly he had covered them. Like a camera lens trying to return to focus, his eyes took a second before settling on the frame of a short male. He was tugging off his baseball cap, allowing a waterfall of black hair to fall behind him. Some of it was tucked up in a little ponytail under the hat. His eyes narrowed at the sight before him. “Seokjin, what the fuck?”
“Hey, he started it!” Seokjin pointed. “He’s not even here for the play! He’s just spewing nonsense!”
“Nonsense?” the man hissed. “Why you smug bastard!”
“Hey!” While Jihoon didn’t scream, his firm and commanding voice made Seokmin flinch once again. “Get the fuck out before I get security, dude!”
“And what the fuck are you going to do about it?”
When the man stepped towards Jihoon, Junhui grabbed Seokmin and picked him up from the spot. “Let’s wait outside.” He said, leading Seokmin through the bustling crowd before he could even open his mouth to speak. When his mouth did open, he inhaled a big breath of fresh air, only to violently cough it back up. “You okay?” Junhui asked, watching as Seokmin leaned against the wall and covered his face. He sank all the way to the bottom until he was sitting, knees pulled to his chest.
“I’m okay.” His voice was hoarse. “That noise just…gave me a headache.” He heard Junhui chuckle but he didn’t look beyond his fingers. He kept them pressed into his eyes until the stars they left behind formed into an image of Seokjin and the unnamed man throwing fists at one another, mouths open and screaming despite no sound coming out. His eyes flew open at that moment and he took another deep breath.
“Just relax. It looks like security came and is getting the guy out of here. We’ll sit out here until it’s our turn, alright?”
“Mmm…” Was all Seokmin could manage to utter before hanging his head to rest on his knees.
This position didn’t last long, however, when a concerned voice shouted out: “Min? What happened!?” and he looked up to see Mingyu and Seungkwan hurrying in their direction. Someone was approaching behind them, but he couldn’t tell who it was right away. For a split second, he tilted his head to see them better, but when a head of short, dark brown hair and a very defined jawline met his gaze, his heart sank in disappointment. He recognized him from somewhere. His lips pursed together for a second as he tried to think back.
“Some fight,” Junhui said quickly. “It’s settled now, but we came out here since it was getting loud.” Seokmin lifted his head up, immediately standing to his feet, and offered a smile as Seungkwan approached him.
“Are you okay? You look pale.”
“Fine.” He said quickly. “Just nerves, I guess.” Seokmin coughed into his hand before glancing up at the male who had seemed to settle into their little group. “Who’s that?”
Seungkwan’s rosy cheeks made Seokmin momentarily forget that his heart was about to fall out of his chest. He turned to the other man. “This is Hansol. The one in my lesson strategies class.”
“Hey.” He nodded his head, smiling a bit. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise!” Seokmin beamed. It was as if his previous demeanor had disappeared, but he simply stuffed it back into its very small and cramped brain hole as he approached. “Hansol. Kwannie always talks about you. Nice to meet you, nice to meet you!”
Hansol’s smile widened a bit as his eyes fell on a flustered Seungkwan, who was being patted on the back by Junhui as he sported a devilish grin. “Hehe….no I don’t,” Seungkwan said, before shooting Seokmin a quick glare. “I don’t only talk about you. I don’t!”
“Uh, right.” Hansol nodded. “I’m going to head inside and find Jihoon-Hyung. I’ll see you in there.”
“Yeah, bye.” Seungkwan waved him off, Hansol nodding his head politely before heading into the building. Seokmin only caught a quick glance inside, seeing things had calmed down and Jihoon was already beginning to call people inside for their auditions. Seokmin sighed, turning back to his flustered roommate and taking his hands into his own.
“He’s cute.” He said. Seungkwan groaned.
“I know.” He murmured. “Why can’t I be my adorable, funny self when it matters?”
“You’re adorable and funny?” Junhui teased, patting his friend on the back. “Let’s go back inside.” As they made their way in, Seokmin turned to Seungkwan and Mingyu.
“Did either of you see Joshua when you left class?” They shared a glance, ultimately shaking their heads.
“I saw him talking with the professor right as I was about to leave. He looked like he was in a rush, but when I left he was still there.”
Seokmin chewed on his lips. “Oh.”
“Don’t worry, he’ll come! Your audition isn’t for another little bit!” As Seokmin made his way back inside, he saw Seokjin make his way into the auditorium with his hoard of beautiful girls following. He wondered if that man’s scorned lover was still here, ready to support Seokjin in ways she didn’t want to support her ex.
His heart was still pounding as he settled back down in his seat, gripping his script once again. He needed to remember his lines.
“Lee Seokmin!”
Seokmin didn’t register his name until Junhui nudged him, and he looked up to see Jihoon standing from his seat, scanning the area. The duo locked eyes, and Seokmin immediately rose from his seat. Jihoon’s stone-cold expression didn’t waver, simply motioning to the stage. “Let’s go.”
Fuck, he’s already annoyed. “Right.” Seokmin heard a quick ‘Good luck!’ From Junhui, and caught a glance of Mingyu and Seungkwan still by the door, a frenzy of thumbs up and mouthed cheers of support hoping to travel through the auditorium and to their friend. Hansol sat in front of them, offering a thumbs-up in solidarity as well. He glanced at the door as he stepped up onto the stage, eyeing it for a second. It didn’t open yet. Joshua wasn’t coming.
Seokmin was used to this feeling, but he still had to choke back his disappointment as Jihoon began to speak.
“Happy to see you, Seokmin,” Jihoon said, his eyes flashing up at him from under his baseball cap. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” Seokmin nodded. His eyes did a quick scan of the audience, seats taken in scattered clusters of friends which left most spots empty. Joshua could come in and sit anywhere, he didn’t have to worry about seating…. He looked down at his script.
“Who are you reading for?”
“Arthur.” Seokmin heard his voice crack and his eyes immediately cast down to his feet.
Jihoon didn’t seem to notice if he even had the time to do so. “Take it away, then.” He encouraged. So Seokmin did. He swallowed down his disappointment, instead pulling from his role as ‘Frog Brother 1’ back in fifth grade, hoping that the animal's boundless confidence and carefree nature would rub off on him, if only until he finished the monologue. He had his script in his hand, crumbled up in his fist as he ran his lines because he didn’t have to look at them. However, his only other option was the door, and that made his heart feel like it would stop beating, so his eyes darted every which way as he spoke. When they landed on Jihoon, whose face remained neutral the entire time, he wanted to just stop and give up.
Jihoon didn’t ask him to sing anything like he usually would, which didn’t help ease his worries. He only offered a curt, “Nice job.” before scribbling stuff down on his notepad and turning to call the next person. Seokmin scurried to his seat, sliding down into it and covering his face with his script.
“What’s wrong? You did great.” Junhui asked.
“I couldn’t focus my eyes. You could tell I was nervous!” Despite Seokmin’s dramatics, his voice could barely break above a whisper.
“I didn’t,” Junhui said. “Arthur is supposed to be frantic in that moment, it didn’t feel off or anything.” Seokmin glanced at Junhui, who only offered one of his gentle and reassuring smiles.
“Okay…” he said, though he didn’t believe him at all. He could kiss the lead, or anything with that terrible of a performance, goodbye. You tried… That comment replayed in his brain like a rewound VHS tape, and despite its efforts to assure Seokmin that it was okay, he felt not only upset but embarrassed.
Junhui seemed to sense this, standing up and offering his hand to Seokmin. “Let’s go get lunch. Maybe if we bat our eyes, Mingyu will pay.” Seokmin chuckled behind the threat of tears, taking Junhui’s hand as the duo made their way out of the room. Mingyu was first to follow, Seungkwan leaning forward to tell Hansol of their departure. Seokmin caught a quick glance of them saying their goodbyes, Hansol offering a wider smile this time that showed a lot of his teeth, waving as Seungkwan headed out of the auditorium.
“You guys did great!” Seungkwan said, cheeks tinting pink.
“So did you.” Junhui teased, making Seungkwan nudge him with a huff of denial. “He’s totally into you.”
“Stop,” Seungkwan said that, but his expression seemed to want the opposite. “We’re not talking about me; we’re talking about you two!”
“Hyung, you were awesome,” Mingyu said, and Junhui nodded in appreciation. Seokmin fixed the strap on his bag, following behind silently as the trio before him chatted, white noise seeping into his ears and canceling them out. He simply smiled along, aware enough of their conversation to keep them from asking any questions he wasn’t in the mood to answer. Seokmin knew that deep down, his real acting talent was that of a chameleon that blended in with the things happening around him.
The doors of the theatre opening didn’t make Seokmin glance up from the floor, but the back in front of him did, causing him to bump into Mingyu’s broad back. “Ow!” He pouted, rubbing his nose as he looked up at his friend. “Gyu, what-.” His outrage was interrupted by wavy light brown hairs flowing in his direction, and Joshua doubling over in front of him to catch his breath.
“Seokmin….” He gasped. “Fuck.” He stood up straight, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”
Seokmin blinked, watching as Joshua took the silence to fix himself. “I had every intention of being here when they started but man, that paperwork. I completely lost track of the time and-.”
“It’s fine,” Seokmin said, déjà vu hovering over them like some sick, twisted umbrella. Joshua glanced at him, his chest still heaving as he continued to catch his breath. “Don’t worry. You’re busy, I know.”
“Yeah, but I promised.” Joshua sighed, seemingly annoyed with himself. “I’m so mad. My alarm was going off but I was so focused, and when I realized the time, I rushed-.”
“You don’t have to explain it to me,” Seokmin assured. He shifted on his feet. “I didn’t do well, anyway. I don’t think I’ll get any callbacks. Ensemble, if I’m lucky. So, you didn’t miss much.”
“What?” Joshua seemed to turn to his friends for confirmation, but all of them immediately avoided his gaze. Seungkwan pointed towards the lunch hall, encouraging the trio to think of what they wanted to eat for lunch and telling Mingyu to call Seungcheol to meet them. Joshua turned back to Seokmin, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip as he tried to find the right words to say next.
“I’m sorry.”
“I told you it’s no big deal.” Seokmin smiled a bit. “I might have been more embarrassed if you were there….” Joshua chuckled.
“Well, I’ll still make it up to you.” He said. “I don’t want to make any plans until midterms are over next week, but….” Joshua paused for a second. “After they’re over, lunch on me. Wherever you want.” Seokmin cocked an eyebrow.
“What if I want something expensive?” Joshua only shrugged.
“Wherever you want.” He repeated. “If it’ll make up for even a fraction of me being late.”
“Twice,” Seokmin muttered under his breath. His hand immediately covered his mouth, eyes darting to Joshua. He nodded, pain in his expression that he desperately tried to hide. Seokmin was only able to tell it was there because he’s probably made the same face himself, lips tugged together in a mix of a smile and a frown, and eyes darting around the nearby area to focus on anything other than the situation in front of them.
“Twice,” Joshua said simply. “Then, definitely make it an expensive place. The most expensive you can think of.” Seokmin only nodded. With one final glance, Joshua put his hands in his pockets. “I’ll…let you go eat with your friends, then.” He motioned to the three ‘totally-not-eavesdropping’ individuals standing nearby, backs facing them but attention pigeon-holed in their direction. Seokmin wanted to invite him. Despite the hurt that he felt being stood up once again, he wanted to see Joshua for at least a few minutes longer. “I’ll see you, okay?”
“Sure.” Seokmin cursed himself internally. He watched Joshua say a quick goodbye to Seungkwan, finally turning back around and nodding his head a bit, as did the others. As Joshua made his way down the path, he stopped, turning back to Seokmin, the duo locking eyes for a second. Seokmin’s heart rate picked up a bit quicker at the gentle dark eyes staring back at him.
“I know we all study hard for midterms, but…” Joshua shrugged. “I try not to go on my phone. So, if you don’t hear from me a lot until after midterms, my phone’s probably on silent or Do Not Disturb.”
Seokmin seemed to take an extra second to process that, repeating it in his mind one or two extra times to make sure it would fit in the Joshua hole in his brain. “Okay. Good luck.”
“You too.” Joshua smiled. With a wave, he headed down the path and out of sight. Almost immediately, Seungkwan put his arm around Seokmin, gripping him tightly.
“Don’t look so down, Hyung,” Seungkwan assured. “He really might have been busy.”
“I know,” Seokmin said. “I understand. It happens…”
Mingyu was standing nearby on his phone, eyeing Seokmin to check his attitude as he finished up on the phone. “Yeah, text me when you’re here. Okay, bye.” He hung up, approaching Seokmin and the others with his hands in his pockets. “Cheol is on his way, he’ll meet us.”
With lunch now at the forefront of everyone’s mind, they made their way to the cafeteria. Seokmin felt Mingyu drape his arm over his friend’s shoulder, the feeling warm and welcoming in a way that made him smile at himself. As his eyes fell towards the spot where Joshua had departed, he looked down at his fingers, pressing them together.
“You wear your heart on your sleeve, you know that?” Mingyu’s voice was soft beside him, making Seokmin look up at him. He glanced down, grinning at his best friend. “I can tell you’re upset.”
Seokmin pursed his lips, an annoyed grimace on his face. Mingyu was too in tune with his emotions and Seokmin hated it sometimes. “Even if I was, what am I going to do? Get mad at him?”
“For breaking his promise and running late twice? I don’t think anyone would blame you, Seokmin…” When Seokmin fell quiet, Mingyu sighed. “You’re allowed to be mad at people, especially when they hurt your feelings.”
“I know…” He finally said to Mingyu, but he wasn’t sure if he was convincing enough. He tried to say it again, raising his eyes to look up at his friend and the concern flickering in his gaze. “I know.”
Late that night, Seokmin was getting out of the shower when he was met with a string of vibrations from his phone. He scooped it up, the light from his screen hitting his eyes in the dark room. When they settled on the name, he felt his heart in his chest.
[Joshua] (2m ago): Sorry again about today. I’m sure you did great!
[Joshua] (2m ago): I wanted to make sure I sent one more text before I got to studying.
[Joshua] (1m ago): Good luck on your midterms.
[Joshua] (now): Goodnight! :)))
Seokmin set his phone screen side down on the end table, sitting on the edge of his bed. He exhaled, tossing his body back onto the bed and covering his eyes with his arms. His damp hair clumped around his on the sheets, and he could feel the cool air from the AC tickling his skin to the point where he shivered. What should he say? Should he say anything at all? Just seeing Joshua’s name on the phone flooded his mind with events from earlier in the day he thought he had stored away during lunch. He crawled under his covers, nestling his head under the covers. He closed his eyes, ready for this day to be over in hopes that tomorrow would be better. He didn’t want to reply. If Joshua could leave him on read for hours, then surely Seokmin could do the same, right?
He rolled over almost immediately, grabbing his phone and quickly pulling up the messages. He sent a quick good night back, before putting his phone back on the end table. He knew how much pain it caused him to wait and wait for a response, and he didn’t want Joshua to feel that same type of pain. He nestled his head back into the pillow and closed his eyes, hoping something tolerable would be waiting behind his eyelids to lull him to sleep. It was visuals of both his and Junhui’s performances, side by side like comparisons. Junhui’s beautiful line delivery compared to his frantic eyes and cracking voice. He groaned into his pillow. Guess he wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.
It's okay to be upset with people. It kept replaying in his head, and Seokmin only groaned harder, to the point where his throat was sore. It was much easier said than done, but Seokmin knew he’d probably have an entire sleepless night to try.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
Hello hello!
Im not sure if I'm doing this right but I would like a romantic match up from Twisted Wonderland please!
My personality is a little hard to describe, as I change it up depending on who im talking to. If I'm with strangers I'm typically shy and anti-social. No I won't go up and talk to you, if I try it will be so awkward and ill think you're judging me the whole time 🥲
Now if I'm with irl friends, I'm much more open and talk a lot more. However because of my small stature, I have been dubbed a 'smol innocent bean child' I've also been told I am very huggable 😅
With online friends,I'm a literal gremlin, I will make up new words just because I can, I will talk in all caps when simping over my newest anime crush. I will say the stupidest things, like ask questions that I should know because it's basic knowledge. Sometimes I'll throw common sense out the window. I'm also the kind of person to see a Mac and cheese milkshake and be like "yeah but it kinda yummy lookin tho"
With family I am also still a gremlin, just without the constant cursing. I WILL make random noises for no reason, do random poses and/or gestures for no reason, make jokes that I think are funny but actually aren't, laugh like a hyena, or a donkey. Or just stop breathing 🤷‍♀️
I tend to talk loudly when I'm very passionate about something, and I have a small attention span 😅 I also really love cats, sweets, music, dancing. And singing.
And that's all ^^
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! Reading over the info that you gave to me, I was able to choose who would be best rather quickly! I hope that you enjoy your match-up! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Floyd Leech
At first, he seemed to be a little uninterested, but that was when he saw your more shy, quiet, and reserved side. Between that and he was already having a rather bad day, he just wasn't feeling his best. And then he saw the side of you that was basically full on gremlin mode and now he was hyperfixated on you like a cat to a laser pointer.
Now, that's not to say that is the only reason that he was interested in you, your ever changing personality depending on who you are with, that is just how you first managed to get onto his radar, and now, you have an literal leech hanging onto you (pun intended).
If he ever sees you at any point in the day making those random poses of yours, he will absolutely walk right over to you, and copy these poses.... maybe show off his flexibility just a bit. He likes it when you watch him, what can he say?
Floyd absolutely loves your smaller stature. He is already rather tall as it is, well, in his human form. The sheer size of her mer form does not count. But he will always tower over you regardless. There are times he has propped his arm on your head or shoulder, or made any small jokes. This also means he squeezes you a whole lot more, maybe even just slightly more careful seeing as how much smaller you are than him. He just doesn't want to break you!
Please come and see him while he is at Basketball club or even during a game. He will even give you one of his jerseys to wear! Just the thought that you are there watching him and cheering him on makes him play just that much better. It's honestly the longest time anyone has seen him in such a good mood without it changing on a whim.
As it stands, being with Floyd means you're going to see a lot of Jade. Jade may have been rather skeptical at the start, not that he ever let anyone else see it, but seeing his brother actually happy and he isn't even bored with your presence speaks volumes, and he supports the both of you 100%. Also, you;re the only person who can actually get him to work.
Overall, a relationship with Floyd is a wild roller coaster ride a whole lot of the time, but that's the fun part of it all. You get to just be yourself when you are with him and he absolutely encourages this gremlin side of yours. This eel loves you no matter what.
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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Well, since Death Battle’s newest season isn’t here yet...
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Death Battle is a great series. Even ignoring my obvious bias, it is the Gold Standard other Vs Series should strive to be. Of course, to be the Gold Standard there should be other Vs Shows on Youtube. And since it’s still a month away, let me make 5 suggestions. Key Point: to be considered a Vs Series in my eyes, it has to be Researched Based. Animation is not a Requirement.
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1 - Crypto Xing
The things that scare people the most are the things that go bump in the night. Who knows what kind of spooky story, scary legend, or even creepy creepypasta is out there and what they could do to you. But have you ever wondered what they could do to each other? That’s where Xenunnaki comes in. They do the research behind these creatures and determine who wins by their capabilities and what they could likely do to each other. There’s currently 11 episodes with Season 2 on the way: Slender Man Vs an Opponent chosen by their audience. Will he face the 8-Foot Tall Woman called the Hachishakusama, the more recent Creepypasta in Siren Head, the Movie Star the Blair Witch, or a fourth option that you can write in?
Recommended Episode: Wish-Granting Tricksters | Djinni vs Leprechaun
Basically this is putting the movie villains from the Leprechaun Vs the Wishmaster only the actual legends based around them. There is no fight animation, but there is a lot of interesting information to learn from it. And it may answer the movie version.
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2 - Goji Center
Do you like giant monsters? This Vs Channel is up your alley. I’m saying Channel because their series doesn’t really have a name. As you can guess, their specialty is with Godzilla but they have done Pacific Rim, Attack on Titan and even Jurassic Park and scientifically accurate dinosaurs. While there are few Animated Fights, the editing and host is the real treat. Very informative and the editing really is a treat as you see measurements, size comparisons, area of attack and so on. They really explain their thought process and let you know exactly why they think said creature wins. And if they’re not doing Vs, they have scenarios, explanations of creatures and events, lots of fun content if you like giant monsters.
Recommended Episode: Toothless vs Godzilla Battle to the DEATH...Who wins? | 3D Combat Analysis Breakdown
Off the bat, they know Toothless would lose. But the Analysis is more about how well Toothless would do if he decides to not kneel to Godzilla. And it is pretty impressive showing how tactical both Toothless and Monsterverse Godzilla are. It’s like a very realistic example of what an encounter between them would really be like. 
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3 - Battle Royale and Limit Break
I’m putting these two together since they haven’t updated in a long time. While Battle Royal promises to return, Limit Break hasn’t made a new episode in 4 years. But still, I believe these two series are worth a watch as they are both, in my opinion, the closest to reach Death Battle’s overall quality.
With Battle Royale, my personal favorite part is of the four hosts, there is one who analyzes a character and has a clear favoritism for them. I really enjoy the stabs they give each other during a character rundown. It really makes it stand out among the crowd and I hope it continues when it returns.
With Limit Break, as I said, it’s extremely close to the quality of Death Battle. The Hosts are entertaining, the editing is on point and even the fight animations are pretty cool. They have a lot more on their channel if you prefer that, but still overall a great Vs Series.
Recommended Episode: Vampire Batman VS Zombie Spider-Man (DC × Marvel) | Battle Royale Bonus and Bubsy VS Gex (Accolade VS Square Enix) | Limit Break 
In my opinion, these two are their best episodes to showcase the overall quality of their work. If you’re not entertained by these fights, I don’t know what will...
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4 - FCC (Fictional Characters Collide)
Like the above I do think these are really great hosts. They have distinct personalities and are entertaining to hear on their own. And the fight animations, while some can be a little rough, still are pretty entertaining. They’re even going to have a finale where we’ll see Alucard from Hellsing Vs Vampire Hunter D. That’s a match I was looking forward to seeing behind Alucard Vs Dio. And I’m definitely sure they’re going to deliver it.
Recommended Episode: Deoxys Vs Boros 
This was the first episode I remember seeing of theirs and it is a very interesting matchup pitting two Aliens against each other. And the fight was pretty fun thanks to the inclusion of dialogue. It’s like an actual One Punch Man dialogue with Deoxys incapable of talking back. And the fight itself is pretty fun too.
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5 - Galaxy Video
Another Channel Suggestion because, besides their other stuff, they have two Vs Related Series. Multiverse Match which is your traditional Vs Series Show and Galaxy Grudge Match. That series is different in a lot of ways. The biggest being it’s not about who would win in a fight but who would do better in a scenario. So like with Piccolo Vs Garnet, it’s not about who would win in a fight but who would lead a little league team to their first victory. Pretty much, both series provide a lot of fun matchups and Scenarios. You’ll be in for a treat and probably find a new series to enjoy.
Recommended Episode: The Fonz Vs Steve Urkel (Happy Days Vs Family Matters)
A big example of their creativity and unique ideas. They go over everything the two bring into the picture and the fight is just fun. Really enjoyable and showcases everyone’s personalities. The Hosts, the characters fighting, even the robot that shows up. Really fun episode.
And these are my recommendations. Do you have a favorite Vs Series not Death Battle? Like Not Death Battle? Or Smash Bracket?
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maguro13-2 · 9 months
Darknes Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Final Chapter Pt.3 ~
"Tokyo, 2011"
[Haneda Internation Airport]
Homura Akemi : Taxi! Taxi! [taxi passes by] Oh darn! Why now!? oh look! Bus driver! Bus Driver overe! [bus stops and opens the door] Sweet!
Bus Driver : Got any change?
Homura Akemi : Do you accept these with U.S or Euro currency?
Bus Driver : Not my problem. [door closes and Bus runs off]
Homura Akemi : Stupid jerk! I hate stupid jerks! These stubborn losers are always a problem and I can't even get a single ride over here to get myself into transportation. I mean the studio in Suginami! I'll never able to get there on time! Where am I gonna catch a ride at to get Studio Shaft right now? [another taxi arrives and this time; BD Joe is driving it] A Sega Representative? This should interesting.
BD Joe : Hello there, young lady? Where you heading to?
Homura Akemi : Studio Shaft located in Suginami. Take me there.
BD Joe : Alright! Next stop : Studio Shaft! Fasten your seatbelts cause it's gonna be a crazy ride.
[All I Want by the Offsprings plays]
[scene flips]
BD Joe : Well, here we are. Studio Shaft.
Homura Akemi : [hops out of the Taxi] This is it. Wow! That was a crazy ride! Pretty fantastic for a sega representative with all those taxi skills.
BD Joe : Anytime, my friend.
Homura Akemi : Here are some of my allowance for that crazy ride of yours. [gives allowance to BD Joe]
BD Joe : Thanks! Have fun at the studio! [drives off and the song plays from the radio loudly]
[Satellite - Wall5 Project]
Homura Akemi : Well, this is it. Studio Shaft. My home sweet home work, this has got to be the right place.
Shinobu : Oh goodie! A newcomer! Welcome to Studio Shaft! [neck tilts] uhh, can anyone fix that for me? [a cane appears fixing her neck] Oh, thanks! Anyways welcome to our studio, the home of the monogatari series! I am the vampire Shinobu and you must be...
Homura Akemi : Homura Akemi, I'm from an existing place called "Plymouth", a name for the towns that existed in both England and Massachusetts. You know pilgrims, thanksgiving, you were really interested in Plymouth for thanksgiving. And it's basically where I originally came from with a japanese name, I think.
Shinobu : Right. Now you have my words of a japanese-named girl from Plymouth, hope you had to carve the turkey for dinner cause that will be supper time for these fangs.
Homura Akemi : So, this is the studio shaft. It's located in where it's the home of japanese animation museum, but this is TMS's home ward, ain't it? I mean there's lots of japanese animation studios around the city that much, but there's tons of it. I mean a lot studios in Japan existed since the days of World War II. but, ummm, I got ask you a really important question for you. What happened to that last studio that made Legend of the Blue Wolves?
Shinobu : Something happened horrible in 1996, it was about a mecha pilot that was caught in an incident after he was saved by his gay lover, who turned out to be voiced by the one of the amazing stars, Takehtio Koyasu and Toshiyuki Morikawa. Eventually, I found out that his gay lover is responsible for castrating a fat bastard who this guy's rapist.
Homura Akemi : Oh...That's a pretty dark turn for that.
Shinobu : So, I guarantee you that you're welcome here for the new guys at the studio, people are always excited for Studio Shaft's newest Magical Girl TV Series, and it's a gonna be a huge hit. We need new stars of Studio Shaft like you and you are one of them, one of the guys in the studio would like to greet you. Come! The cast of your new show is waiting!
Homura Akemi : Okay, then. I'll go meet them. [the two enters the studio]
[cuts to the two at the studio]
Homura Akemi : Wow! This is the studio? It looks totally packed, I wonder how this many people started working on the new show for us? Not wondering about their necks being tilted like that. Keep that in mind that I don't like neck tilts.
Shinobu : This is where they make the finest shows in Japan like ourselves and we have the finest stars in our company for ages, we also had collaborated other animations like Gainax. Gainax the legendary creator of that Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise has known Shaft from the being since the 1980s before it was foreshadow that the studio would be the predecessor of the new studio Trigger in the future.
Homura Akemi : What happened to the last co-production to Gainax? That last co-productive show that this and Gainax made?
Shinobu : Well, umm, apparently, after the final co-proudction with Gainax that was the "He is my Master" based on a Square Enix Manga, they decided that we started to both parted ways and studio Shaft decided to make it's productions alone. Not that anyone cares if we ever made a co-production with Production I.G in the 06. Maybe A Production I.G X Shaft co-production would be the series Deathless in an alternate reality. So it's a good thing that we have Monogatari, Pani Poni, Zetsubou, and Sunshine Sketch is which their creator, Ume Aoki, has decided to bring you to life.
Homura Akemi : Bring me to life? On what occasion for me to bring me to life? In fact that this world's colors brought back by Drawcia after the demon queen of inky darkness swallowed everything whole, losing all of it's colors from the ages and periods of time. Thanks to the technicolor toons, the world has finally brought it colors back by the help of Drawcia, the legendary founder and owner of Drawcia Family, Japan's largest science corporation to bring art and science to life.
Shinobu : Drawcia? That witch who owns a science corporation in the country? That Drawcia? But she was defeated by some pink puffy fella in 2005, but how did she manage to survive as a human being. Guess she was mysteriously reincarnated as a human being. It's what they say, it's a crossover theory!
Homura Akemi : Oh, okay. Crossover theory I wouldn't recall that if I were reincarnated in a crossover theory!
Shinobu : NO! NO! NO! NO! Absolutely no idea! I've gotten myself into that ridiculous theory! If I don't know any crossover theory or Time Travel theory, I would be cool if there were other theories to known from! I never was a jerk, nor I was a simpleton or something! D'ohhh! I've come up with a theory that will destroy all life on earth. And that theory...is a conspiracy.
Homura Akemi : *sweatdrop* Ehhh, I don't think those theories would never come up. But I do know that I was part of a crossover theory! I was already in a mysterious crossover theory, because I don't know that who or what were my parents are. But I have zero response, that I have no family. I got nothing over to my life to think I was in foster homes, but eventually I ran away and escaped to a better life to live alone. So anyway, this is it. The door for...what's it call it? What's the name of the show?
Shinobu : It's called Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, otherwise known as "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", in english. But in abbreviation is short for PMMM and MSMM in both of those terms. This is where you will meet with the other main four cast including their mascot, Kyukbey. Note to self: I'm not an offender, but that Kyubey person is suspicious and he's mischievous for that weirdly some kind of change of heart that he calls it "despair". He always get that from Sephiroth and I'm no fan of that one winged d*ckhead.
Homura Akemi : That's was the plan for Sephiroth, he sued both Monokuma and Kyubey to thinking that despair was their idea. But sure, but I do have fairly theories that the despair was used by the evil entity that possessed a woman named Haumea, which created by Sephiroth himself or it was a creation of Demon Vibe in order to expand the shadow before the Time Eater destroyed half of the Ohkuboverse 1000years ago. Okay, then I will give them a head start, and greet them with a fellow "hello".
[door opens]
Madoka Kaname : Homura!
Homura Akemi : Madoka! [hugs each other] It's good to see you! I haven't seen you in years since...
Madoka Kaname : Grade school.
Homura Akemi : Grade School, right! Right! I've see that you've grown up.
Madoka Kaname : Hey, guys. This is my childhood friend, Homura Akemi. She's new to the studio.
Girls : Hello, Homura.
Homura Akemi : Hello, you fourth and, uh...[to Shinobu] Are you sure these are the cast that we've been looking for in Japan, and these were our finest?
Shinobu : [to Homura] Of course, Ume Aoki, has selected a group of cast we Kaname's family, students, teachers, and even a boyfriend.
Homura Akemi : That's the group of the main cast? They're young. They haven't seen us in grade school.
Shinobu : Of course, this one's a blue hair girl who just came from a city in the pacific northwest called Seattle, the red haired ponytail girl is also the one who lives with her in Seattle.
Homura Akemi : What about her, the blonde hair girl with the drill hair as twintails.
Shinobu : That's only Mami Tomoe, she lives alone in that place. I know she doesn't have parents and is qualified to have a place to stay.
Homura Akemi : With an adult?
Shinobu : Sort of. [to Homura] But don't tell anyone that she's sleeping with an adult, naked in bed together. And if you will do and tell anyone about that, you're going to deny the fact age differences. Okay, meet and greet them! Knock em' dead! [closes door]
Homura Akemi : [clears throat] So, I am Homura Akemi, I comes from a place called Plymouth. This Madoka Kaname, my childhood friend from grade school, this is friendly reunion between me and her.
Sayaka Miki : So, you're the new guys in Shaft. I like that in a very typical way, and they say from a town called Plymouth. Where's that in?
Homura Akemi : In England, but I was in both Plymouths, Plymouth from England and Plymouth town from Massachusetts. You are...
Sayaka Miki : Sayaka Miki's the name, born in Tokyo, raised in Seattle to become a professional musician, violinist, northwest coast art interest and famous photographer of whale watching. That's Kyouko Sakura, she's an apple lover from Yakima and she currently lives with me, just for the occasion, she used to be a nun at a local church. and decides to be called the lone wolf.
Kyouko Sakura : Hey, I used to be a nun, but I got tired and decided that I moved to Seattle with you. I live in your apartment and that's why I was the most of all, of course I'm a famous Apple lover but I'm also a talented person. I watch a lot of movies back in the old days. And last but not least, we have Mami Tomoe, she has those roundy things on her body.
Mami Tomoe : They were reproduction and I magically got them from surgery or at least, magic perhaps. I had these to make me a young teenage girl since my parents were gone, and I've been sleeping with an adult! I always feel that I let myself down and became nervous in some kind of way for the hero.
Homura Akemi : I'm a little nervous about the kinds of human food or animal food and the california business card for Aniplex USA, it's a no good on the Beverly Hills cup. So I'm a girl with glasses or you can call me a Megane girl, cause that's what japan calls us. This is what they call it friendship.
Sayaka Miki : Nobody had been friends since our past had to deal with anyone dealt with darkness and despairs in their hearts, I found out that my boyfriend Kyouske was with another girl named Hitomi, that green-hair slut ruined my life after I came back to this country from Seattle. I curse that green haired slut Hitomi and to get my revenge on her, I decided to pull a prank on her.
Kyouko Sakura : If not for Kyouske that was cheating on you, I decided to give him a warm weclome [holds out a bat wit nails on it]
Homura Akemi : *sweatdrop* Yeah...let's just keep that in motion that I have no intention of bringing weapons to a fair fight. So, our show is going to be a magical girl show it's gonna be a huge success if we wanted to earn some money, to get some merchandises, if we want to keep living so it's best that we all agree. Can we all agree in favor?
All : Agree.
Shinobu [from outside] : Hey, guys. Get ready for the first episode! The show's about to begin!
Homura Akemi : Hold on a moment, Shinobu! We'll be ready on set! So let's agree that we can be friends to, you know. We can have our delicate efforts on becoming the most popular Magical Girl in Japan there is! We decided to become a group of five girls, we are called Holy Quintet. So everybody in?
[Awakening - Teruhiko Nakagawa]
[the girls shook their heads in agreement and used their peace signs to form a star]
Madoka : Yeah...we're in! I hereby announce that the Holy Quintet is opened for business!
"Today's a new beginning for good old Homura."
"Who else to see that if the world's ready to face a shining star?"
"I gotta admit it, that I'm reasonable for a girl that existed in the first place."
~ Seventy-Ninth Scene : The Next Generation of Heroes ~
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roscgcld · 4 years
HEADCANON + GOJO SATORU || the gojo twins
request: HELLO^^ so I’ve been wondering this so long but do you think it would even be possible if Gojo had a twin sister that also has the sixth eye ? Probably not but, I’d kinda want to know what the clans higher ups and curses react to 2 sixth eye user.
note: I am glad I am not the only one thinking about this lol. like what if they were two gojos? absolute chaos the world has ever seen. i love it, this entire prompt lives in my head rent free lol
pronouns: she/her
gojotwins!au masterlist
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imagine the other clan’s reactions when they learn that not one, but two of the gojo clan’s newest heirs were born with the highly coveted Six Eyes?
gojo satoru and y/n - the newest members of the gojo clan, twins that are born with the Six Eyes. a first case that has ever happened in the family’s history. it was this monumental moment when the higher ups realise that things are going to be interesting
by the way - you’re the older twin lol. just so you can poke jabs at gojo for the rest of your life by using the line. “i’m the older sibling here!”
“only by like, two minutes!”
that being said though, over-protective twin brother who will scare all your boyfriends/girlfriends the first time they meet because of his height and overly nice personality that scares people even more
you’re just as bad though - if any girl or guy walks out of his room after a night of fun you will probably be a little bitch and make them feel awkward until gojo wakes up
“can’t you be a little nicer to them?” gojo groans after the person he slept with last night quickly left after an awkward cup of morning coffee with you. “I actually liked them a lot.”
but it’s all done with love, and if the other realise their significant other makes them happy, they will back off
the moment you two entered jujutsu tech, then yaga-sensei was about to hand in his retirement slip early with the sheer chaos that his year of students were bringing him 
ieiri was delighted that she wasn’t going to be the only girl at school; geto was amused how you two were basically copy and paste of each other, just in different genders
surprisingly enough, think you’d be the one who’d be the more studious and definitely more interesting in learning how to hone your skills better - gojo probably still has this ‘i am the strongest’ mentality that the elders planted in him because ✨misogyny✨
but he loves to compete with you - and you’re the only one who’d he ever admit defeat to, and will defend your honour whenever the elders talk down on you because you’re a girl. and to them, girls are just meant to be ‘a pretty face with strong genes to bring a strong generation into the world’
he’s probably the one who talked your elders out of arranging a marriage between you and an heir to another important family like the kamo clan - because there is no way in hell is he going to let some random ass man take you away from him
probably joking told you that if all else fails, to marry geto on the spot - and let’s be honest here, who wouldn’t? Geto looks so damn fine both the anime and especially in the Gojo Past Arch. rail me daddy-
*cough cough*
anyway - ever since that comment, geto and you might pretend to flirt with each other to get gojo riled up. playfully brushing your hand along his arm, playing with his hair between your fingers whenever you two talk, geto leaning close to you to whisper something in your ear with a smirk, or him resting his hand around your waist whenever he leads you about
it always gets gojo riled up, and he’d get in between the both of you; whining for you to give him attention instead
you probably sneak into his room, even as you got older, to hide in his arms whenever you have a nightmare - and he’d wordlessly just hold you close and cuddle you to sleep again no matter how old you two are
both of you share the same braincell - same reactions, expressions, and sometimes even finishing each other’s sentences. sometimes you two even say the same thing at the same time, to which you two just high five each other with a laugh 
freaks everyone out a little, since it’s just so random and natural for the both of you to do it 
nanami hates it whenever he has to accompany you two - as his senpais, he can’t complain much. he does learn a lot, yet at the same time, he can’t stand it when the both of you are sent on a mission together 
with you he’s fine; but he barely tolerates gojo 
ijichi loves you, since you compliment him on the smallest of things, or smile at him warmly whenever he does something right; may have a crush on you that he refuses to reveal to anyone
both of you probably have shopping trips every weekend; don’t tell me you two don’t splurge on clothing when you two can charge whatever it is you want to the gojo clan account 
you two probably got a lot of those roadside modelling offers - and sometimes you’d probably even joke about leaving the whole jujutsu world behind to become a model instead
“i mean - it pays. and all i need to do is sit and look pretty.”
a lot of ‘did not!’ and ‘did too!’ arguments all day long 
you two love to taunt the Curses together before you kill them - it makes them only more scared, but the ‘chase more fun’
“say, toru - it looks so weak for a semi-first, no?”
“must be a new born - how pathetic.”
bags of candies all over the place - somehow he got you addicted to candy as well, so whenever you two travel, you always buy different candies and different treats 
when geto betrayed you all in your third year, gojo turned to you as his pillar of familiarity; even more so when he was force to kill his best friend a few years later. the both of you leaned on each other as you start to pick the pieces of yourselves once more
both you and your brother share the same idea of changing the jujutsu world from the inside out, so you two decided to take up teaching together under the command of now principal yaga
poor man is deciding if he now regrets accepting both of your applications 
you took in megumi as your own by the way - so megumi respects you a lot since you’re like the mother he never had. but at the same time, he wouldn’t be surprise if he heard that you do something stupid with your twin brother
feel like gojo and you will spend your free time probably trying to unlock more secrets of the Limitless and how to use your Six Eyes better - and Gojo will teach you how to probably use Hallow Purple and how to use Reverse Cursed Techniques with the held of ieiri as well
you took in maki, inumaki and even panda as your own kids as well - teaching them whenever gojo is forced to go and solve some issue the higher ups throw at him; making the kids super protective of you
even when yuta came, you didn’t care about the special grade curse that was stuck inside of him; treating him like an actual person and training him up and build his confidence once more
when you heard what happened to the special-grade cursed object that megumi was tasked on taking the following year, you laughed your ass off for 10 minutes while megumi tried not to show his annoyance
“y/n-sensei, i almost died. it is not funny.”
but you still took yuji in as your own child, and when you were giving him a tour around campus, you raised an eyebrow when a pair of lips appeared on the side of his cheek
“even though i want to kill that white haired bastard, i might spare your pretty little face.” 
“hello to you too, sukuna.” you greeted with a smile while yuji slapped a hand over the mouth, apologising to you with a wild blush on his face. you just laughed and reassured the poor boy it was alright
when nobara came, you adopted her as well; and she loves you, and loves how in tune with the trends you are. you two even have a girl’s night where you talk about everything that happens and have a few rants about boys
all in all - highkey chaotic, but with more common sense then your younger twin brother gojo and knows how to act professional whenever you need to. you also tend to adopt all the students that walks through your doors, and they view you as a parental figure as well. you and your brother are a menace together, but you two get things done and no one can really complain
gojo is protective, but when it comes to you it’s worse lol. but you’re just as bad when it comes to making sure ‘your baby brother’ is safe. you two tend to be super sassy and throw shade at each other, but when it comes down to the basics, you two love each other a lot and will go the extra mile to make sure that each other are safe
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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invaderzia1 · 3 years
Love Game
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Chapter 11: Time for Dinner
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Knocking on the door, Y/n could hear Emma on the other side already yelling at one of her brothers, the Sano residence bustling with energy as usual. As the door opened, she was greeted by Emma, who hugged her tightly before welcoming her further in. It was all a blur as Shinichiro approached and hugged her tightly, followed by Izana waving hello as he went back to helping cook. From the couch sat Grandpa Sano, who called the girl over and gave her a hug.
Emma guided her through the familiar halls of the house towards her room, giggling loudly as they began making small talk. Though once they made it past her bedroom doors, she grew quiet for a second before shutting the door. Suddenly, she grew serious, catching the other girl off guard.
“Hey, can I be say something real quick?”
Y/n turned to look at her friend, nodding her head as she waited for her friend to continue.
“I haven’t been a really good friend this past couple weeks, and I’m sorry. I think I owe you an explanation.”
Emma took a seat on her beanbag, facing towards her friend as she got comfortable. She grabbed one of stuffed animals Draken had gotten her and began to mess with it as she started talking again.
“I’ve been trying for months to set you and Mikey up, and I thought it was going well. Then you started using tinder and then you showed me Kazutora. At first, I hoped it wouldn’t work out, but then you kept seeing him and it kept going well, I just kind of shut down.”
Eyes wide, Y/n just stared at her friend, soaking in all the new information. It’s not like she hadn’t noticed Emma being uncharacteristically quiet in most conversations, but holy fuck. Slowly things started to make sense as her thoughts slowed down.
“Wait, you were trying to get me and Mikey together??”
“Yeah, you told me you had a crush on him once, so I thought I would help get you both together.” Emma shrugged, squeezing her stuffed animal closer.
“Oh my god is that why you left me with him at that amusement park?”
“Of course, why else would we have just left you there.”
Both the girls paused their eccentric conversation when they realized how ridiculous it sounded. They burst into laughter as Y/n threw her head back.
“I thought you were just being weird, thought you wanted alone time with Draken.”
“Why would I, me and him are already dating, I was trying to help you, dude.”
“That makes so much more sense now.”
“I wasn’t the one who was struggling with relationships.”
Y/n tossed a pillow at Emma, who laughed even louder as it hit her in the shoulder. The girls continued laughing, Emma feeling relief at her friends reaction. They girls relaxed and picked back up their conversation, Y/n showing off her newest photos of her and Kazutora.
A knock pulled the girls from the conversation as Shinichiro’s voice pulled them.
“Dinners ready.”
As they made their way to the table, they saw Izana already filling his plate as he fought Mikey back, who was trying to steal the serving spoon from him. Shinichiro was helping Grandpa Sano fill his plate while the girls took their seat. When Mikey saw her, his grip on the spoon loosened giving Izana a chance to rip it from him and continue to serve himself.
The girls served themselves to the food, thanking Shin for cooking as they began to eat. Shinichiro started making small talk with them, asking the basic questions you would to someone you haven’t seen in a while. As Shinichiro started talking about his latest failed date, Grandpa Sano leaned over, getting the girls attention.
“Hey, Y/n.”
She looked at him, smiling and she leaned down, so she could better hear him. With the tubes in his nose helping him breath it was slightly harder to hear him now. He spoke slower than usual and it seemed to take a lot more energy, but he still seemed to be as energetic as he did 10 years ago.
“You still single? Why not suck it up and date Mikey, he ain’t so bad once you get over his attitude.”
From across the table, Mikey choked on his food, having heard his grandfathers proposition over his siblings loud conversation. His and Y/n eyes met as they both blushed red, both clearly shocked by grandpa sanos direct approach. Their embarrassment was cut short by his laughing, followed by some deep coughing. Y/n helped him drink some water before eating her food.
Shinichiro began to ask her about her life, her eyes drifted toward Mikey as she hesitated mentioning her new addition. Emma looked over at her and nodded, giving her the okay to continue.
“Uhhh, I’ve been seeing a new guy. We just started going out recently.”
“Oh, is it still Kazutora?” Shinichiro asked, stuffing his face full of food between his words.
She nodded, noticing the way Izana giggled to himself toward Mikey, who promptly stomped his foot from under the table. Emma rolled her eyes, shooting them both a glare as Shinichiro continued.
“I haven’t seen him in a while, is he still good?”
“He’s doing good, he’s working at Baji’s pet store right now.”
“Good for him. Tell him to stop by some time, I’d love to see him.”
Mikey quickly shot Shinichiro a death glare, wanting nothing more than his brother to kindly shut the fuck up. Though, Shinichiro didn’t seem to either care or notice his brothers frustration. Y/n and Shinichiro continued to talk as Mikey wished the floor to swallow him, trying his best to up keep his side of his promise to Emma.
Luckily, the rest of dinner went well, everyone happily chatting along as they ate the meal. Everyone moved to the living room to talk some more, with Mikey slipping out of the group to move to his room.
Taglist: @crybabylisa @reallynoteviegelical @mitsuyaswifeey @wakasagurl @charlie-xo @kokotakeomi @sp00der-m00n @wakasasucker @sano-obsessed @akimochi10 @oikawascutie @vanderaliwaal @kamikoii @roses-flyingin-sky @cosmo-infatuation @greenzumitea
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
The Fifth Lord: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu and (Fem!Dragon)Reader [non-romantic], Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!Dragon)Reader
Summary: Your name is Y/n Dracul; The only ‘mutant’ that doesn’t have the Cadou Parasite. You already have some sort of power that impressed Mother Miranda; you were the first known Human-Dragon Hybrid. Although you have your own house, “House Dracul”. Your ‘house’ itself is basically another unused wing of Castle Dimitrescu.
Warnings: None?
A/N: So like- Y/n’s dragon form is different from Alcina’s. Y/n Dracul is based on the Dragon Slayers from an anime titled: Fairy Tail. Y/n’s relationship with Alcina is that similar to like close work colleagues. Aside form Donna and Mother Miranda, Alcina respects Y/n a lot. Fun Fact: “Dracul” is Romanian for Dragon or Devil!
This is before Ethan Winters enters the Five Lords’ domains
You were unwanted as a very young child; Born with blooming dragon scales along your arms, sprouting dragon horns small fang-like canines, wings and a sprouting tail. You were nicknamed: The Devil’s Dragon.
Once your Dragon form finally took full form by your teenage years, you were ‘sacrificed’ to Mother Miranda however, seeing these Dragon-like features, believed you deserved a chance in her domain, so she raises you. She gives you the surname; Dracul. You always questioned how you got the dragon-like characteristics and power. 
“You were always like that y/n,” Alcina seats herself next to you
“Yeah but- I came from the village right? So I must’ve been human at one point,” You sigh, leaning onto her arm
Even though no one else knew how either, you only leave it as; ‘I got lucky.’
“I hereby give you the Fifth House; House Dracul,” Mother Miranda ‘knights’ you, “Today, we mark history as Y/n Dracul, becomes the first Lord without the Cadou Parasite. She already holds a remarkable form of power.”
You’re kneeled down in front of her. Once you look up; your gold dragon eyes spark like fire.
“Dimitrescu,” Mother Miranda calls for her daughter
“Mother Miranda?” Dimitrescu answers 
“You shall give Dracul and unused wing of your castle,” She says, “You are also responsible for Y/n Dracul.”
“Mother Miranda-” Alcina tries to object
“Is that a problem Dimitrescu?” She asks, beginning to unfold her wings
“No, Mother Miranda,” Alcina sighs
After the Lords’ meeting you follow Alcina to the castle and sure enough you would be able to make do with whichever wing she gives you. 
“Y/n Dracul there are three girls I would like to introduce to you,” Alcina says
You follow her into the main hall. There; you meet eyes with three women. A Blonde, A Brunette and a Redhead.
“Daughters, I would like to introduce our newest addition to House Dimitrescu,” Alcina starts, “Your Fifth Lord, Y/n Dracul.”
You bow shallow and as soon as you look up, all three daughters were staring in awe at you.
“Is that a dragon?” The Redhead asks
“Partly Dragon,” You correct
“Daniela, where are your manners?” The blonde one asked, “We are in the prescence of a Lord! I’m Bela my lady.”
“Cassandra,” The Brunette introduces herself
“You know my name,” Daniela sighs, “Thank you Bela.”
“My Ladies, please,” You sigh, slightly overwhelmed, “No need for formalities.”
The ease themselves and you make eye contact with Bela. You didn’t know what happened but you felt something when she looked back at you.
“Y/n,” Alcina smacks the back of your head
You snap out of your gaze at Bela and turn to Alcina. You rub the back of your head to ease the slight pain from Alcina’s hand.
“Cassandra, show y/n her wing of the castle,” Alcina requests gently
“Which part mother?” She asks
“Whichever wing we barely use,” Alcina sighs, “The-The clocktower.”
You have a clocktower?...
Cassandra taps your shoulder as she motions for you to follow her up the staircase. You look down and make eye contact with Bela once more. She slightly smiles as you and gives you a small wave.
“Thank you, Lady Cassandra,” You say as you gaze up at the interior of the clock tower
“You’re very much welcome my lord,” She bows
“Lady Cassandra, you may call me Y/n,” You smile weakly, “I told you, no need for formalities.”
Cassandra nods as she makes her leave. As you gaze up once more at the clocktower, you squat down as your wings begin rising into the air. You make a powerful jump and begin flying up to the top of the clocktower.
I’m so happy I have wings for this one...
You fly around the castle, gazing happily at the exterior. You didn’t know how long you were flying for until you notice the sun beginning to set. You land on the ledge of the clocktower however when you look over you notice a figure setting up something across from you.
“Lady... Bela?” You call out
She turns her head over to you and smiles, ”Lord Dracul.”
She bows and hands you a blanket. You smile and take the blanket she had given you.
“You set all of this up? For me?” You ask, “Lady Bela you didn’t need to.”
“It was one way mother would allow me to see our Fifth Lord,” She slightly smiles, “Didn’t think she’d be part human and part Dragon. Kind of hot if you tell me.”
You awkwardly smile while feeling your cheeks heat up. Bela smiles as she pinches your cheeks.
“You’re a cute dragon,” She smiles
She turns her back to you. So you take the opportunity to strip off your shirt to change into a sleep shirt. 
Bela’s POV When Bela turns back towards you, your back was turned to her. However, She takes notice of the red dragon scales that are running along the sides of your body up to your neck.
Oh god she’s hot... And her scales glisten rainbow under the moonlight... God it’s so pretty...
Y/N’s POV When you turn back around, flinging your wings out from the vertical cuts in your shirt, you notice Bela staring.
“Something caught your eye?” You ask, smiling slightly
“I like how your scales glisten rainbow,” She says
“Oh, it does that?” You ask, holding out your arm to the moonlight
Sure enough, it had.
“You’re pretty observant Lady Bela,” You smile
She’s cute... But... She’s Lady Dimitrescu’s daughter... And I’m a lord... The two titles aren’t mutually exclusive...
Somehow, the both of you made it work around living in Castle Dimitrescu and being in a secret relationship. Even Bela hadn’t told her sisters of her relationship with you yet because she didn’t want them judging the both of you and you didn’t want Alcina going at your throat for being with her daughter and being a lord. 
“Y/n, may I have a word with you?” Alcina asks as she walks into the clocktower, finding you flying about
“Of course my lady,” You say, landing in front of her, “What is it?”
“I see ow my daughter Bela sneaks around the castle, do you have any idea why?” She asks you, taking a swig of her cigarette
You stand there, slightly frozen. Had Alcina began suspecting of your relationship with her? Had you somehow slipped up? Had Bela accidentally ran her mouth while she was in the castle?
“Y/n?” Alcina calls 
“Sorry, um- no, I don’t know why My Lady,” You lie
“Don’t lie to me young one,” She says
“I’m not My Lady,” you try to hide
She leans over you, observing you closely. You were never great at hiding lies from Alcina. However, she stops looming over you and recomposes herself. 
“Alright then, if you won’t tell me then I’m sure Bela will,” Alcina storms off 
Once you see her disappear, you sigh in relief. 
“You can come out now Bela,” You say
You turn to your sleeping quarters and notice Bela wrapped in a blanket. You walk over to her and give her a hug.
“We have to tell mother sooner better than later,” Bela says, worriedly, “Who knows what she might do to you....”
“I am a dragon love,” You smile, kissing her nose gently, “She will have a hard time killing me.”
When you and Bela broke the news to the entirety of House Dimitrescu, Alcina wasn’t surprised, nor were Daniela and Cassandra.
“You and Bela would always be in close proximity to each other, it was pretty obvious,” Cassandra says
“No matter,” Alcina sighs “Y/n Dracul, you are a lord and a lord dating my daughter-”
“I think it’s an interesting concept mother,” Daniela interrupts her
When Alcina shoots her head up to Daniela, Daniela drops her head down. Cassandra looks into another direction, hoping to not upset her mother any further.
“However, Bela and the girls do seem to love, having you around,” Alcina states, “You swear to me you ill be there by Bela’s side no matter what?”
“I promise my lady,” You say, holding onto Bela’s hand
“You may continue your relationship with my daughter y/n,” Alcina says. Before you and Bela could celebrate, Alcina stands over the both of you, “But don’t let being my daughters’ lover distract you from being a lord. I am responsible for you.”
You nod as she begins walking towards the staircase. As soon as Alcina disappears into the Castle, you look down at Bela. She grins from ear to ear and hugs you tightly. 
“A lord dating a Dimitrescu?” Daniela teases, “It’s unheard of.”
“It’s heard of now,” You smile
“Will you have dragon babies?” Cassandra also teases
“Lady Cassandra, I am a female,” You sigh
“You never know what you can do to have some kiddos, even as a woman.” Cassandra explains
“You know the outside world has improved since ancient times...” You mumble to yourself
“See,” Cassandra says, “Have your dragon babies with our sister.”
“Cassandra!” Bela yells, standing up, “I’m going to bed... Y/n?” 
You smile slight;y as you stand up and follow after her, holding onto her hand.
“Don’t do anything I would do now ladies,” Daniela teases
“Shut up already!” Bela yells
You follow Bela through the tunnels and up to the clocktower. As you begin stripping off your ‘Lord attire’ for bed, Bela turns to you while you are shirtless.
“My lord-” Bela gasps
“What?” You ask, putting on a baggy shirt, “You okay?”
“Yes My Lord,” She tries to cover her mouth
“My my, is Lady Bela blushing?” You ask, slightly smirking
“N-no,” She turns away from you
“You are,” You tease, moving her hand from her face, noticing a slight blush across her face
You let out a hearty but calm laugh. You weren’t sure what had gotten into Bela but she had shoved you back so that you’re now sitting at the edge of your bed. Bela wasn’t sure what was going on in her head but the next thing she knew she is in your lap.
“Lady Bela?” You ask, looking up at her, “You sure are feisty tonight.”
“You’re really trying to tempt me right now?” She asks, slightly letting out a growl
“Whatever are you trying to prove?” You ask, tracing Bela’s figure with the tips of your sharp fingernails
Bela lets out a strangled gasp as she puts her hands onto your shoulders. Your hand grips the back of her neck, but doing your best to not accidentally draw blood on her. 
“My Lord?” She asks, looking down at you
“My Lady,” You reply, smiling
When you awake in the following morning, you were about to stretch your wings until you felt a slight weight hold down your right wing.
“Lady Bela?” You yawn, turning to face her
“Good morning my lord,” She smiles, supposedly awake with her eyes closed
“You sleep okay?” You ask, brushing hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear 
She nods, “How about you? My blood runs cold...”
“You know, it was nice,” You state, “MY body temperature is always warm... So you cool me down when I slept.”
“Vice versa from me,” She smiles, snuggling into your body more
“Bela, are you in here?” Alcina asks, looking under the cloth ‘door’ you had made
You and Alcina look at each other awkwardly before Bela’s head popped up from behind your shoulder.
“Just- Bela be ready soon,” Alcina turns her heel and walks off
Once the clocktower door shuts, you and Bela look at each other before letting out a snicker to a laugh.
“I better get ready,” You say, “Being lord sure is tiring.”
“Me too,” Bela agrees, “My sisters will question us for sure.”
“I mean, they know already,” You state, slipping on some jeans and a hoodie
“I don’t want it to be the talk amongst the Lords and this castle,” Bela growls slightly
“You’re cute when you’re a little angry,” You smile, kissing her nose
You slip on a leather jacket as Bela pulls on the belt. Pulling you towards her.
“You’re the one who’s cute,” Bela giggles, kissing you
You return the kiss. The kiss was beginning to become heated when you snaked your arms around Bela before Bela pulls away.
“If I see the both of you fucking I’m going to puke,” Daniela giggles
“Morning Lady Daniela, Lady Cassandra,” You greet them
“Mother is asking for the both of you now,” Cassandra says
Daniela and Cassandra materialize into their fly swarm and begin going into the tunnel system, back into the castle. You look down and notice Bela hadn’t followed close behind her sisters.
“Hey, go on ahead,” You say, looking at her, “Go catch up to your sisters. I’ll catch up.”
Bela gives you one last kiss on the cheek before materializing into her swarm of flies and disappearing into the tunnel system. Before you began to fly through the tunnel as well you felt something move in the pocket of your hoodie. You look down and open the pocket: revealing a single fly.
“Awwww Bela,” You coo at the fly, ever-so gently petting the fly
Chapter 2
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Cherry Serpent - ft. Levi / reader
In this au you are a member of a semi famous j pop group, named Cherry Serpent. 
You are a human exchange student and asked Lucifer and Diavolo to keep your fame a secret, since you desire to live a normal life, at least in the devildom. Lucifer doesn't get it but is fine with this. You also get your own little portal so you can travel freely between the worlds. Soon you find out that Levi is your biggest fan.
  Small side notes - Cherry Serpent is an enby group, their whole aesthetic is based around snakes and cherries with an overall cute look. The group has 5 members.
Your character is Sakura, who is the cute one of the group. You wear a wig and contacts on stage. With some pretty heavy makeup. 
Here is how I picture Mc's stage outfit.
  Pairing: Levi x reader
2.5k words
At the start of your exchange program you didn't hear any mention of cherry serpent. It's not a huge surprise and honestly it's a relief. You don't have to worry about anything and just be yourself. 
On stage you must play the role of the cutie with a love for cherries. In reality you are a huge anime and game nerd with a love for hoodies. Most people would be very disappointed if they knew. At least you believe that. 
Not long after coming to the devildom you become friends with Levi. You find it very easy to be around Levi. He never judges you for anything and it's very relaxing to be with him.
  Everything is going very well. You feel much more relaxed and your idol carrier is also going well.
  Well, at least until the day you walk into Levi's room and find a huge poster of your own face staring right back at you. 
You stare at it in awe. You can remember the photoshoot very vividly.
  “Hey perfect timing. I was just about to tell you about my newest treasure. Look at this beauty. It's so rare for Sakura to have a photoshoot, they are very shy. I relate so much. I'm so happy. I mean it's super rare merch.” Levi is very happy, so happy that he doesn't realize that you have gotten a bit pale. Now he will surely notice that you are Sakura. I mean it's literally your face but like 3 times bigger than you are. 
“Oh, wow that's pretty cool.” You try to not show your distress. 
“Sakura is just so cute, look at their signature hand sign. I mean I have pre-ordered the new CD of course. Actually about 500 of them. I know it sounds like a lot but they have limited photos of them all and a chance to win a vip ticket for the next concert.” Levi is in full fan mode. 
It's pretty sweet of him to be this excited about it. Even when 500 copies seems a bit too much to you. 
“You really are a huge cherry serpent fan.” You never thought that a demon would ever be your fan, especially since you have not heard a single thing about it since your arrival. 
“Ohhh, you know about them? Don't tell me you are a fellow cs stan?” Levi's eyes light up. 
You bite your lips, darn you forgot that your group is just semi famous even by human standards, it's rare to meet a person that recognizes you just from a poster. 
“I have heard about them.” You try to be vague. 
“That's so cool! Who is your favorite? I mean I'm a full Sakura stan. Maybe I'm biased but when I first heard their first solo single 'cherry beast.' I was so excited and they sang about the love between a sea beast and a human. It was so touching. Ever since that day, I've been their biggest fan.” Levi has stars in his eyes.
  This is pretty embarrassing. You can't help but blush a little, of course you had people tell you things like this before during handshake events but they all were strangers. 
This here is different, it's your friend telling you how much they love your work. Even when Levi doesn't know that you are Sakura.
  “I think they are all great but why Sakura?” You wonder a bit about this. 
“Well, other than their cute outfit, they have the best voice, the best signature move. They always encourage everyone. Like one day I felt very down and sent a request to their radio show and Sakura was so sweet and really encouraged me. I know Sakura isn't the best dancer but they always train so hard and improve so much everyday. I honestly want to be more like that. We also share a love for water creatures. I mean their favorite pet is a fish, despite them only being able to have a toy fish due to their busy life. Such a tragedy.” Levi seems unable to stop himself.
  This makes you smile. You have never heard anyone say such sweet things about you. 
“I know it must sound funny to you.” Levi seems a bit embarrassed. 
“Oh no, you were just so cute that I couldn't help smiling.” You are telling at least half of the truth. 
Levi blushes.“ You shouldn't tease me like this.” He is pouting. 
You giggle a little. “Sorry Levi.”
“Now that I think about it, you are similar to Sakura.” Levi looks closely at you.
Did he notice who you really are? 
“What do you mean?” You shift nervously around.
“You always encourage me too.” Levi gives you a smile. 
Now you feel a bit embarrassed.“That's very sweet of you to say Levi.” 
“I also think that you look similar.” Levi says this very quietly. 
“I'm not sure if I do.” You can't say that you don't look like this at all. 
“Well, how about we listen to their old CD and play some games?” Levi is utterly embarrassed again and just tries to move on.
  You welcome this chance. 
After a few games you both take a break. 
The CD is still running in the background, it's pretty surreal. What are you going to do when Levi notices that this is your voice?
  All kinds of thoughts keep running through your head for the rest of the day. 
Why does Levi have to be your fan boy? 
It's not like you want to hide this from him but how will he react once you tell him the truth?
He will be disappointed in you for sure. You basically lied to your best friend. 
You ponder about this for the rest of the night. Causing you to be very tired the next day.
  Asmo sees you and can't help himself to mention it.“Don't tell me that you have been gaming all night again? You have an awful complexion. Well, nothing that I can't fix of course.” He shakes his head. 
“Not this time Asmo. I just have been thinking about some stuff.” You sigh lightly. 
“What kind of stuff? I'm glad to hear you out you know.” Asmo tries to be supportive. 
You honestly appreciate this, especially today. “I can't really talk about it here.” You are afraid that Levi will overhear you. 
“In that case you should come to my room later.” Asmo gives you a suggestive smile. 
“If you mean to talk then I'm willing to come.” You know that he means no harm. 
“Alright, we will just have some snacks and tea and talk about all of your troubles.” Asmo shrugs and casually changes his tone. 
In the end he is a good friend. 
“I will bring your favorite cupcakes to make it up to you.” You give him a soft smile. 
“Now that is a plan. I'm looking forward to it.” Asmo is genuine about this and you are grateful.
  Later in the day you go to Asmos room with the promised cupcakes. 
Asmo is delighted. It seems like he is really looking forward to this. 
You both sit down and have some tea before starting your conversation.
  “I will get straight to the issue. I have a secret from my best friend and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.” You aren't sure how much you should tell Asmo. 
“Is this about you being a member of cherry serpent?” Asmo says this very casually, while you almost spit your tea out. 
“How do you know that?” You are too surprised to deny anything. 
“Please, I've known ever since we went to karaoke. Levi might be too blind to see it but I have heard enough of your music to recognize your voice. I mean your stage makeup is great but it's clearly you.” Asmo just shakes his head. 
“You knew all this time but never once mentioned it?” You are pretty baffled. 
“I know how it is to be in the spotlight and figured that you had reasons to hide it. I knew you would come forward when you are ready.” Asmo keeps sipping his tea. It's honestly amazing to you. 
“That was very nice of you Asmo.” You feel honestly touched. 
“Does that mean that you have finally fallen for me?” Asmo gives you a flirty smile. 
“Nope, I'm just glad that you support me.” You shoot him down with a smile. 
“Too bad. Well, anyway, I think you should tell Levi. I know he is your fanboy. I mean technically of Sakura, but I'm sure he will be happy to know that you are his favorite idol.”Asmo casually moves on and then gives you his suggestion. 
“I'm afraid that he will see me differently than now and I also don't want him to hate me. I hid this from him all this time after all.” Both things weigh equally on your mind. 
“He will figure it out sooner or later. If he finds this out from anyone else he will be much more hurt.” Asmo says this gently while still being firm. 
You can only agree and nod. “You are right.” You feel sad about this.
The last thing you want is for Levi to treat you differently. 
“Of course I'm right, and you know it's not the worst thing in the world to have your own personal cheerleader.” Asmo doesn't really understand your issue. 
“I just want to stay close to him. I can't do that if he is only my fan boy.” You shake your head. 
“You should tell him that. I don't think Levi will stop being your friend first and fanboy second. Maybe your relationship will change but that's not always a bad thing.” Asmo gives you some much needed encouragement. 
“You are right. Thank you for your help Asmo.” You give him a heartfelt smile. 
Asmo seems slightly troubled for a moment but then smiles as usual once again. “Everything for you.”
You spend some time with Asmo, catching up on the latest devildom gossip. 
After talking about anything you feel much better.
  You go back to your room and see a load of messages from Levi. 
It seems like he got tickets for an upcoming concert. All is well and good but it's a cherry serpent concert. 
Now you really need to come clean to Levi.
  After thinking for hours about the right way to gently break the news, you invite Levi over to your room.
  Not long after Levi arrives. He is still very giddy over the tickets. He almost seems to sparkle. “Hey, there. I guess you also wanted to celebrate the great news right? I have brought some snacks and some other stuff.” As usual he has brought some seemingly random things with him.
“Come in Levi. We really need to talk.” You give him a nervous smile. 
“Is the moment where you break up with me? Wait, we aren't dating…” Levi seems pretty confused. 
“Stop fooling around. There is something that I really need to tell you.” You feel slightly annoyed at his joke. 
“Alright, sorry…” Levi gets serious in an instant. One hundred reasons why you want to talk to him in such a serious manner race threw his head. No reason is a good one.
  Levi sits down, trying to prepare himself for whatever you will drop on him. 
“I know what I'm about to tell you will probably be upsetting. You should know that you are my best friend and if possible I want you to see me the same way as you see me now. You see, I have a big secret that I kept from everyone.” You take a small breath,“I'm a member of cherry serpent. To be more precise I'm Sakura.” 
You prepare yourself for whatever Levi will throw at you. His possible anger or hurt.
What hits you is stunned silence. Levi looks at you like he can't comprehend your words at all.
  It takes him a moment to get over the sheer shock of this information. “W-wait.. Hold it right there! You are SAKURA? Since when? Wait that's a stupid question. Are you serious right now?” Levi has huge issues understanding what you are saying. 
“It's true Levi. I'm sorry I have been hiding this for so long.” You feel pretty guilty. 
“Never mind that part but you are telling me that I'm friends with Sakura? THE SAKURA FROM CHERRY SERPENT?? I can't believe it!” Levi seems to struggle with his emotions but he seems pretty happy. 
“Well you are friends with me. I just happened to be Sakura as an idol.” You feel like you really need to point this out. 
“Oh yeah. That is an important distinction. So, you are telling me that my best friend is not only an idol but also my favorite idol on top of that?” Levi's confusion seems completely gone. He is very excited. 
“Yes, that's right. I mean, I didn't know that Sakura is your favorite idol.” This point is a bit embarrassing to you. 
“Now they definitely are. I mean my best friend is Sakura. So of course Sakura is my favorite idol.” Levi says this without any hesitation. 
This makes you smile. “That is very sweet of you Levi.”
Somehow this causes Levi to blush.“Stop being so unfair.” He mumbles. 
“Does that mean that you aren't mad? I mean, I've been lying to you for a pretty long time.” You are still bothered by it. 
“I'm not mad. I actually can't believe that I never noticed. In hindsight, I was pretty blind.” Levi seems to beat himself up more than anything. 
“I look very different on stage. I bet most people would be very disappointed by my normal appearance.” You give him a small smile. 
“Everyone that says that is a huge idiot. You are even better than Sakura in my opinion.” Levi seems a bit offended by your statement. 
This makes you giggle. “You truly are my biggest fan, aren't you Levi?” 
“Damn right I am! I will continue to support you and I will take your secret to my grave.” Levi says this with unusual confidence. It's something you can only see when he beats the final boss of a game. 
“You are the best!” You give him a big hug.
  This makes Levi freeze on the spot. “Hey, no surprise attacks!” 
You burst out laughing, there is your usual Levi. “Sorry Levi.”
“It's not like I hate it, but you should warn me.” Levi pouts a little.
You are just glad that your friendship is safe.
  On the day of your concert Levi joins the rest of your fans, as usual. 
Thanks to his great efforts he is far upfront. Waving his glowsticks. 
This is a very familiar sight to you. When you notice him your eyes meet just for a moment and you give him an extra smile while doing your signature move, just for him.
  Then you notice that Levi wears a shirt with your name on it. Not with his usual Sakura gear but your real name.
  What a sweet surprise. 
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 1)
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Pairing: Avengers X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 3870
Summary: Your life is torn apart after undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to civilian life. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild your life.
“Charlie, the car’s packed. Are you ready?” You called. Your first vacation in two years ahead. A rock climbing trip to Arizona. 
“Almost. Come here.” Charlie called from the apartment kitchen. 
“What’s up?” You smile as you walk into the kitchen and see Charlie holding out a small medicine cup. “What am I taking today?” You smile at your husband who is currently on a vitamin kick. 
“Magnesium, fish oil, vitamin d, and a multi.” He smiles as he picks up his own cup and clinks it together with yours. 
You both take the vitamins and then you lean in for a quick kiss. “Okay, good lookin’, vacation time.” 
You turn to head for the door but Charlie’s voice brings you back around, “What’s happening?” he says in a panicked voice, “(Y/N)!” You turn to see his body being covered by rocks. 
“Charlie!” You reach out for him. 
“Don’t touch me!” He yells, but then you feel something strange yourself. Looking down you see the rocks beginning to cover you, too. 
“Charlie!” You yell again. 
“I love you!” He says just before the rocks cover him completely. 
“I love you!” You cry and then are overtaken. 
Fourteen months later.
“So, you’re just gonna spring me on them?” You look at Nicky Fury as he drives to the Avenger’s compound. 
“Not like we had a lot of time. Coulson's team had to move. This will be the safest place for you and you can be trained as an Avenger here.” Fury states.
You roll your eyes. Not like you hadn’t been training for the last six months with Coulson’s  team, but apparently you can’t even tell anyone about them. Now, you’re supposed to join this team and everything will be all better. You put your earbuds in.
You’re brought into the conference room and face the Avengers team. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, and Bucky Barnes. 
“Avengers, meet your newest trainee.” Fury states. 
You keep your gaze down not wanting to see the anger on everyone’s faces. 
“What is this, Fury?” Captain Rogers is the first to speak. 
“Look, we need a place for her to train and become mission ready. Right now, here is the safest place for that. I’ll let you get acquainted.” With that, Fury leaves. 
You stare after him as he leaves you to the team’s mercy. You turn to look at Captain Rogers, apprehension clear on your face. He seems to take some pity on you. 
“You’re an agent?” He asks. 
“Fury didn’t give you my file?” You ask quietly. 
“What he just said is what he gave me on you.” Captain says, not unkindly. 
“Great.” Your quiet, sarcastic reply. 
“Why don’t you sit down and we can figure this all out?” Captain Rogers motions to the chair at the head of the table. You felt like you were sitting in front of a jury. 
You looked around the table slowly at each solemn face. Miss Maximoff offers you a small smile and it bolsters a bit of courage in you. 
“Okay. What’s your deal, then?” Mr. Stark questions. 
“I guess it’d just be best to lay it all out for you from the beginning, huh?” You look to Captain Rogers. 
“That would make things easier.” Agent Romanoff says. 
You look at her and nod. “Fourteen months ago, I underwent terrigenesis.”
“Where did you get a terrigen crystal?” Dr. Banner asks. 
“My husband, Charlie, handed me our morning vitamins. One was a new fish oil we were trying.” You say. 
“Oh my god. You were one of the accidentally exposed?” Miss Maximoff says sadly. 
“Yes.” You nod. 
“Your husband?” She asks.
“He was not an Inhuman.” You look away for a minute to compose yourself. The loss of Charlie was still painful. You swallow and continue, “I, however, am. I emerged from the chrysalis with the ability to understand any vocal communication.”
“You mean verbal communication?” Dr. Banner says. 
“No, I mean vocal. A dog barks and I know what it’s communicating, not exact words but the meaning. Eventually after hearing any human language for a time I can speak it also. I was fluent in English and Spanish before, but since I’ve become fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese, and I have working knowledge of a few others. I’m basically a universal translator.”
Agent Romanoff speaks then in Russian “You can understand anything said to you even if you don’t know the language?”
“That’s correct. I actually don’t know any Russian. If you could speak it to me when we talk I’ll pick it up eventually. If any of you know other languages, it would be helpful for me to learn to speak them.”
“I would be happy to help you with Sokovian.” Miss Maximoff says in her language. 
“Thank you. I’m grateful for whatever I can learn.” You smile at her. 
“And that’s it? You can’t go back to your life because you can understand what everyone says?” Mr. Stark snarks. 
“No. With being Inhuman comes additional strength and stamina, my gifts also include increased hearing and I can, um, warg for lack of a better term.” You give a half shrug. 
“Warg? Like embody animals?” Agent Barton says. 
“Yes. I can see, hear, feel through them. I have a Red-tailed Hawk who I’ve built a relationship with. I use her often to train.”
“Where is she?” Agent Barton asks. 
You warg into her for a moment turning your eyes yellow as the hawks. “She’s in a dogwood tree on the north side of the compound.”
“Did you just…?” Agent Barton raises his eyebrows.
“Yes.” Turning back to Mr. Stark you say, “To answer your questions, Mr. Stark, the combination of my Inhuman abilities with the fact that I am a black belt in Krav Maga and Karate, an expert level climber, and a computer programmer put me in the threat category.”
“Programmer?” Mr. Stark smirks, “You mean hacker?”
“No. I mean programmer. I was not a part of anything clandestine… Until SHIELD.” you roll your eyes and a few of the team chuckled. “I could already kill someone with my bare hands, add in extra strength.” You shrug again. “Anyway, I’ve spent the last six months training with another Inhuman to hone my skills. They needed the full team to be field ready and Fury decided to move me here.”
“What are you lacking for field readiness?” Captain Rogers asks. 
“Firearms training mostly.” You reply. “I have control of my abilities. My hand to hand is more than sufficient.”
“Do you have any experience with firearms?” Sergeant Barnes asks. 
“Kinda why I got a black belt in Krav Maga and Karate was hoping to never need one. And if I do, I’ll take one.”
“Family?” Captain Rogers asks.
You shake your head, “My mom died when I was three. My dad raised me. He was a Coast Guard pilot. Died five years ago in a helicopter crash.”
“I’m sorry.” He says sincerely. 
“Thanks. Any other questions? Anybody?” You look around the table. 
“I think you’ve given us enough for now. Do you have bags or boxes we can help you move into a room?” Captain Rogers asks. 
“Just those two. I’ve got them.” You pick up the large duffle and backpack. 
“Why don’t you take an hour to settle in and then we’ll meet to start training.” 
You nod, a little surprised he wants to start training so soon. 
“I’ll show you to your room.” Miss Maximoff says. “Where’s she going?” she asks the Captain. 
You see a cloud come over Captain Roger’s face for a moment before he says, “There’s a free room on my end.”
You realize he was trying to figure out where to put you and decided to keep the newbie nearby. You didn’t mind. 
“Thank you.” You say to Captain Rogers and you nod to the rest of the team before you follow Miss Maximoff. “Thank you for showing me to the room, Miss Maximoff.”
Wanda giggles, “You can call me Wanda.”
“Thanks. Please call me (Y/N). And I thought you were gonna speak Sokovian to me?” You give her a small smile as you walk to the elevator. 
“Oh, of course.” She says in Sokovian while hitting the elevator button. 
“I wonder how good her hearing is.” You hear the whisper in the conference room. 
“Good enough I can hear you from out here, Agent Barton.” You call back and grin at Wanda. 
“Thanks!” He calls back. 
“Not so loud! Geez” You and Wanda giggle together as you get on the elevator. 
“What did he say? I couldn’t hear anything from where we were.” Wanda asks. 
“Oh, he just wondered how good my hearing is.” 
“Is it really sensitive?” 
“Yeah. I have to sleep with earplugs and I wear headphones a lot to block some of it out. It’s taken a while to get used to it. At first, it was super overwhelming.”
“I understand. It was very brave the way you told everyone what happened to you.” 
“Seemed fair. I got the chance to read all of your files, so I know about everyone else.”
“Here we are. Do you want help unpacking? I can stick around for a little bit.”
“It’s okay. You don’t need to do that. I’ll see you at training?”
“Yes, I’ll be there. If you need anything ask FRIDAY she can direct you where you need to go and answer your questions.” Wanda waves as she leaves you alone in the room. 
The room is nicer than what you expected. A queen bed, desk, bookshelves, tv, walk in closet, and your own bathroom. You would definitely need to go to a store soon to pick up a few things. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be a problem with Captain Rogers. You empty your duffle bag, put your clothes away, and place your toiletries in the bathroom. You unwrap the two framed pictures and place them on your desk. One is you and Charlie smiling in a waterfall grotto after a long hike. The other is your wedding day, you in a short lace dress, him in a white button down and khaki pants, with the sun setting behind you on the beach just after you said your vows. You gently touch the photo, “Love you, Charlie.” you whisper. 
You decide to change and head to wherever training would be. You stop at the panel by your door, "Uh, FRI...FRIDAY?"
"How may I be of assistance, Ms. (L/N)?"
"Where would I go to meet the others for training?"
"The training room is located on the first floor." She says as she flashes a map up. 
"Thank you." You feel kind of sheepish talking to the AI. 
Once in the training room you look around at the well equipped room. Every type of weights, machines, a boxing ring, mats, weapon lockers, and even a rock climbing wall you saw with excitement. Looking up at the ceiling you see it's criss crossed with beams and you get a wicked idea. You grab a climbing rope hanging down at one end of the room and shimmy up it quickly. You're able to swing yourself to the beam fairly easily from there and then walk the beams towards the entrance to the room. You take a seat with your back to a joist and stretch your legs out in front of you. It's not long before Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes come in together.
"Wonder if she’s as skilled as it sounds.” Sergeant Barnes says. 
“Black belts in karate and krav maga? I’m sure she has some skills but getting her to Avenger status may be a challenge.” Captain Rogers says. 
“Guess the question is, is she up for it?” Sergeant Barnes scoffs. 
“I certainly plan to try, Sergeant.” You say from your perch. 
“What the hell?” Sergeant Barnes looks up at you and you give a little wave.
“What are you doing up there, (Y/N)?” Captain Rogers says. 
“Waiting.” You say simply. 
“You felt the need to do that twenty feet in the air?” Captain Rogers scoffs.
You shrug, “Felt like climbing.” Getting up, you walk along the beams. 
“Can you come down, please?” Sergeant Barnes says. 
“Sure.” You walk back towards the climbing rope, once close enough you jump to it, and slide down. 
Sergeant Barnes is right next to you when you turn around, “What would have happened if you’d fallen?” 
“It’d hurt,” you say and look up to the beams, “A lot.”
“Might want to reconsider using the beams as a waiting room.” He snarks. 
“Nah, I like being up high. I’m pretty sure-footed.” You look back to his face and he is scowling down at you. “What?”
“Nothing.”  He says, “I’ll take that to mean you're warmed up. Let’s do some sparring and see how you do.”
You follow him to the mat. Captain Rogers is standing to the side watching. You take stance and Sergeant Barnes begins. You can tell he is holding back and you go harder at him. After sparring with Melinda May for months you weren’t about to let him patronize you. You were holding your own and noticed the rest of the team filtering in and watching. He grabbed your arm and you used the leverage to jump up, throw your legs around his neck, and  throw him to the ground. He rolled to his feet immediately and came right back at you. After a few more minutes, Captain Rogers called out, “Alright. Let’s switch it up.” You stopped but kept your eyes on Sergeant Barnes until he retreated. 
“Not bad.” Sergeant Barnes says to Captain. 
“Natasha.” Captain Rogers looks at her and she nods. 
“Agent Romanoff.” You incline your head to her as she approaches. 
“Natasha’s fine.” She smiles. 
“(Y/N). Thanks.” You smile back and Natasha throws the first punch. You manage to hold your own for a while but in the end Natasha managed to pin you to the mat. 
“Well done.” Natasha says. 
“Not well enough.” You say with a mirthless chuckle. 
“Who or what is next, Captain?” You say looking at the super soldier. 
He looks over to Sergeant Barnes, “Bucky, can you take her to the range and gauge her abilities there?”
“Sure.” He eyes you and then makes a motion for you to follow. 
As you walk out of the training room and turn down a hallway towards the range, you say to him, “I don’t have a lot of experience with guns, Sergeant Barnes.”
“Call me Bucky.”
“Okay. I don’t have a lot of experience with guns, Bucky. I’ve shot a few times, but the last year has really been about my abilities and honing hand to hand.”
“Well, we’ll see what we have to work with and go from there.” Bucky says as he holds the door to the range open for you. You slip in past him and watch as he goes to the locker and pulls out a Glock, a clip, and a box of ammo. He then sets it all down in front of you with protective gear and stands back with arms crossed. 
You reign in a smirk at his demeanor. He really is testing you. You pick up the clip, add the ammo, load and cock the gun. Clicking the safety into place, you put the protective gear on, pick the gun back up, and move to aim at the target. You take the safety off, aim, and fire. When you’ve emptied the clip, you set the gun down and turn to Bucky while removing the headphones. “It’s still loud even through these things.” 
Bucky actually chuckles and hits the button to bring the target up for inspection. “You at least know how to load and shoot, but your aim needs work.”
While you had hit the target with each bullet, the rounds were dispersed throughout the torso. Yeah, your aim was lacking. 
"Yup. Want me to go again?" 
"No, just trying to get an idea." He gives you a tight smile that you return. 
When you return to the training room, Captain Rogers takes you through a workout and then brings you a bottle of water. "Good work today."
"Thanks, Captain. I know it was awkward having me sprung on you." 
"You can call me Steve. We all go by first names around here." He says.
"My, uh, my dad always required I called people by their title until invited otherwise. Old habits." You shrug.
"Yeah, I get it. Go get some rest and I'll show you around later."
"That would be great. Thanks." 
An hour later you had showered and changed. You went to the common room to see if Captain Rogers, erm, Steve was around for the tour he had offered. Sam Wilson looked up from the couch. 
“Hey, newbie.” He smiles. 
”I’m Sam. So, you have a hawk friend? What’s its name?”
“Doesn’t really have an English translation. It’s kind of a mix between a squawk and screech so I just call her Redtail.” You say. 
“I’m trying to figure out if you're kidding.” Sam eyes you. 
“The first part, yeah. But I really do call her Redtail.” You smirk.
“So, you can… what did you call it?”
“Warg. Warging.” You say. 
“You can warg into her anytime you want?”
“Generally. I try to be respectful of her. She’s not a pet. She’s a companion that has chosen to befriend me and allow me to use her. Would you like to meet her later?” 
“Yeah. That would be cool.” Sam smiles. 
“(Y/N).” Steve strides into the room. 
“Captain. Sorry. Steve.” You give him a small smile. 
“Ready to take a tour?” He asks. 
“Yes, thank you. Would you care to join us, Sam?”
“I’m good, but don’t forget about introducing me to Redtail.” Sam says from his spot on the couch. 
“You got it.” You say as you go to follow Steve. 
“Redtail?” Steve asks.
“The hawk I mentioned.” You say. 
Steve shows you around the compound, explains FRIDAY’s functions, and talks a little bit about the team. He’s very kind through the whole process but you can tell he has some concerns about you becoming part of the team. 
“Steve, can I ask you something?” You finally work up the courage to say.
“Yeah.”  He turns to look at you. 
“How does everyone feel about me being dropped on you? There’s bound to be some resentment.”
“I wouldn’t say resentment. Everyone’s just a bit guarded when it comes to new people. You must have done something right for Fury to put you here, though. Most of them know that.”
“Any helpful hints?”
“They’re all good people. Just give them time. They’ll warm up. And, seriously, don’t ever steal Natasha’s cookies.” He says. 
You laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind. Would you like to meet Redtail?”
“That’d be great.” 
“FRIDAY, will you let Sam know to meet us at the North entrance?” 
“Getting used to FRIDAY already, huh?” Steve smiles.
“I can see how useful she is.”
A few minutes later Sam appears with Bucky following behind. 
“Hey Buck.” Steve greets, “Wanted to meet Redtail, too?”
“Uh, yeah, if that’s okay, (Y/N)?” Bucky asks.
“Sure.” You give a small smile and head outside. “Gimme about 15 feet of space, guys. Don’t want to scare her.”
The guys move back as asked and you put your hands around your mouth and let out a loud “CAW CAW!” You look back at the bewildered expressions of the three and start laughing. “Just kidding. Sorry I couldn’t resist.” They all chuckle. 
You reach in your back pocket and pull out a falconry glove. Slipping it on, you warg into Redtail turning your eyes yellow and ask her to come to you. Redtail makes a graceful arc from the dogwood tree she had been resting in and landed on your upheld hand. “Hello there, sweet girl. How do you like your new spot?” Redtail looks at you tilting her head. 
“Does she understand you?” Sam asks.
“No, we can communicate when I warg, but it’s more like an exchange of images than it is talking.” You warg for a moment to ask Redtail if she can bring her closer to the three curious men and once you receive her consent you release the warg. “I’m going to bring her closer but please keep your hands down, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.” Steve says. 
“So, she’s your pet?” Bucky asks as you walk closer. 
“No, I don't take care of her. She’s not my pet. She’s my companion, my friend.” You say petting the bird's chest. “Would you like to pet her?”
Bucky nods and you take his right hand in yours and bring it up to Redtail’s chest allowing him to pet her. She makes a small chittering sound and you smile at Bucky, “She likes you.” He smiles sweetly. 
You move to Sam next and Redtail immediately starts chittering again. You take Sam’s hand and bring it up to her chest like you did with Bucky. Redtail leans into Sam’s hand and tilts her head back and forth studying him. She starts to reach a claw out to move to his hand but you warg to her and show her her talons tearing his skin. “Wow, she really likes you. I guess she sees a fellow bird.” You laugh.
“I do have a way with the ladies.” Sam grins. 
You move to Steve last and allow him to pet Redtail. When you look at him he’s grinning and you can’t help but smile at the reactions each of the guys had to her. You look at Redtail, “Thank you, my friend.” You lift your arm in the air and she takes flight. 
“She’s beautiful.” Steve says. 
“Yeah, she is. I’m so grateful for how she’s stuck with me. I try to always give her the respect she deserves.” You say. 
“So, you warg into her just whenever you want?” Bucky asks.
“I can. I usually warg into her and ask her permission. She’s rarely denied me. She was always curious about humans and she feels safe with me, but she’s still a wild animal and I don’t want her to lose that. I want her to always be free, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get it.” Bucky says with a smile. 
“Why don’t we head in and find some dinner?” Steve suggests. 
“Sounds good to me. I’m starving.” Sam says. 
As you walk in, you remember you have no food here and need to go to a store. “Hey Steve. Is there a vehicle I can use?”
“What for?” He asks. 
“My grand escape plan.” You deadpan, “I’d like to go to a store and pick up a few things. Or am I confined to the compound?”
“No, of course not. You can use the SUV in the garage. Keys are in the locker. Scan your thumb to access it.” Steve says. 
“Great. Thanks. You guys need anything?”
A round of no’s from them, you head to the store to pick up some essentials and food. The rest of the night is spent settling in.
Part 2
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lady-of-disdain · 4 years
Operation: Sunset
(Cheesey operation title aside, here’s my Take Action Masterpost)
OK! So @krysmcscience has a fabulous contact list located here, and @yashahimewasamistake​ has some great example messages located here. I wanted to help out and do my part by adding some more Copypaste messages, and other people to contact about this trainwreck of a show once I started sending out my own complaints.
Please note that this post will change as I edit it to add more, so keep checking back. Also please share this because with all the outside links I’m posting I doubt this is going to show up in the anti tag.
Hulu: Now this one is not as easy for everyone because Hulu is a paid service, and it also doesn’t have just a simple email address to send a letter out to, and I am avoiding any form of contact that would require me having to call and talk to someone on the phone.
I DO however have a hulu account, so I used my account to create a Community Help Center topic located here: https://community.hulu.com/s/question/0D53h000018m7FaCAI/can-the-age-rating-for-yashahime-please-be-changed If you have an account please feel free to log in and back me up, maybe it will actually draw the attention of moderators there.
Disney: I emailed both addresses provided on Krysm’s post with the following message, please feel free to use it if you would like to do the same:
Title: In regards to children's programming on Hulu portraying a child-grooming relationship
There is a children's show called Yashahime being aired on Hulu currently that portrays a romantic relationship between an adult man, and a young girl who he's known since she was 8 years old. In the most recent episode it was revealed that this young girl gave birth to the man's children at approximately 14 years of age. Considering that this is the age range for the target demographic many find this to be in very poor taste. We are asking that at the very least the age rating for this show be changed, or that the program be pulled from Hulu's lineup. Thank you very much for your consideration. ~A Concerned Citizen
Crunchyroll: This is an interesting route because on one hand anyone can actually make a free Crunchyroll account to contact them about this show, however on the other hand, I feel like Crunchyroll as a whole would be less concerned about the themes of pedophilia and grooming featured in the show because the app is not really intended for kids to use.
HOWEVER, they cannot afford to turn a blind eye to people who report triggering content. A request for a Content Warning to be put on the show is not asking much.
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Yashahime contains clear and distressing themes of pedophilia and grooming. The latest episode featured an approximately 14-year-old girl giving birth to babies fathered by the adult man she's known since she was 8. Now I'm not new to anime, I know that there are many genres with different age demographics and as such different levels of graphic content. However, most of the time the rating, target demographic, and any content warnings that are given in the description can help people navigate what content they are looking to be exposed to. There is absolutely no warning or indication that Yashahime should contain such triggering content. Please put a content warning on this show!
Note: Crunchyroll is also a great place to drag the show in terms of reviews as it’s one of the main review sources Google pulls from when you do a search for the show. Ya’ll have NOT disappointed, and the first almost 3 pages of recent reviews are ALL doing the lords work, it’s hilarious, and if you haven’t seen it yet I recommend it. I’ll get more into review-bombing later in this post.
Sunrise/Funimation/Viz: Krym didn’t link a contact form for Viz Media. I’m not gonna lie, at the end of the day I don’t really know if Viz and Funimation are basically the same entity, but I went ahead and contacted Viz too just to be thorough: https://www.viz.com/company-contact
I sent this same message to all three companies.
This show that has been heavily marketed for children, and has main characters that are 14-years-old, features a pedophilic relationship as romantic? Sesshomaru knew Rin since she was 8-years-old, and she gave birth to his children at approximately 14-years-old, THE SAME AGE AS THE MAIN PROTAGONISTS AND MARKET DEMOGRAPHIC! How is this appropriate content for children? How are we supposed to teach our children that inappropriate attention from adults is wrong if their favorite shows feature it as good? Yashahime needs a new age-rating and a content warning.
~Review Bombing~
When you Google Yashahime there are 3 main sources that Google lists when showing review scores, Crunchyroll, MyAnimeList, and IMBD. Making accounts for these platforms is free, and I encourage anyone who had a few extra minutes on their hands to roll up and help us tank this show’s ratings.
~Brand Advertisers~
This section is still going to be under heavy construction, but the idea is a similar one to what brought about the YouTube Adpocolypse. Now let me just be clear that while I disagree with how YouTube handled this situation (and is still handling it) it did shed light on a lot of terrible content on YouTube that was flying under the radar, so as a plan of action I think it’s entirely valid.
Basically the idea is to contact any brands we see being advertised during Yashahime on Hulu and Crunchyroll. This phase of Operation: Sunset is going to be much easier to pull off on Twitter, so I have not yet started it (getting a Twitter account and blocking the horde of shippers over there so they leave it alone and don't get all my tweets removed is the next phase in my plan).
Basic idea of a DM or tweet to a brand being:
Hey @[Insert Brand] do you really want your advertisements running on a children’s show that has heavy themes of child grooming?
@[Insert Brand] Did you know your ads are being run on Yashahime on @[Insert Platform], a children's show that features a grooming relationship?
Brands seen advertised so far:
OK! That’s all I’ve got for tonight, stay tuned friends.
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bokutoisbestowl · 4 years
Fem!S/O; Meetings, Feelings and Futures: Kenma, Aone and Kyoutani
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Thank you so much @kara-grayson04 for requesting!! 💞💞 I hope you enjoy it and that its good enough!!
Also thank you for requesting for Aone that man makes me S O F T 🥺🥺🥺
So I’m going to be introducing a master taglist, but it'll be limited to about 40-50 people, so please don’t hesitate to ask!! SMAU’s will have their own separate, unlimited taglist (unless Tumblr has some limitation I don’t know about) that you'd have to ask to be added to separately. 
The headcanons may be a bit shorter than usual just because of it being multiple characters but I hope you guess still enjoy it! Feedback is always welcome!
As always, requests are: O P E N
You two met during high school, through Kuroo of course. see, rooster boy thought that having another game obsessed friend would make Kenma come out of his shell a little bit
little did he know that it wouldn’t change a thing apart from the fact that he now had two nerds to look after
at first, Kenma didn't really think much of it, you were just another person who befriended Kuroo and would most likely see around quite a lot.
when he saw you, he would be polite and node or mumble his greetings but that was about it at first. You were similar in a way and honestly Kuroo almost regretted it. 
Kenma didn't know when it happened, all he knew was that one day he just saw you and blushed like a mad man after realising just how beautiful you were. He didn’t know why you, a simple acquaintance (at least) suddenly became the only thought in his mind
he loved how patient you were with him, even when he was being bluntly analytical of everything, you would simply smile whereas someone else would have complained or just left
he remembers speaking to you about his distaste for hot and cold weather, saying there was not in between. one was too hot, the other too cold and you just nodded along 
“That's why I prefer spring and autumn, they're the transitioning seasons so the weather can be more balanced.”
Kenma is just shook that you didn’t point out the obvious that well, one is summer and the other is winter.
you two just starting talking a lot more and Kenma starting falling deeper and deeper and so you did you
although you managed to keep it hidden a bit better but not by much
you two would always look over each others shoulders when playing games together, trying to help each other out and occasionally will discuss games seriously; their design, animation, mechanics basically a range of things
you two became friends quickly after actually talking to each other and his feelings only really became clear when you were absent from school one day
he started texting you straight away, hearing from Kuroo that you were ill and home because your parents still had to work. Surprisingly, he’d managed to convince Kuroo to let him check up on you after practice since your parents worked late
both were shocked seeing you covered in blankets with a red nose, teared up eyes (from all the sneezing) and an exhausted aura opening the door, Kuroo quickly getting Kenma to take you to your room whilst he looked for food to give you
Kenma made sure you were covered with a blanket, grabbing a cold towel to place on your forehead. But rather than sit in silence, he because quietly talking about the newest game, smiling when you became discussing it as well
honestly this boy was falling in deep
collabs are a must when you two create your youtube channels in University, whether it was gaming, challenges or vlogs, around half of yours and his videos always include the other person
your fans are starting to ship you to together, Kuroo being their leader
little did they know you two had been dating since your third year, Kenma having awkwardly gotten his sims character to ask your sims character out on a date and then asking
“So... should we go out for real or?”
you agreed instantly of course
Uni had gone passed easily and your relationship remained strong throughout the years, going on dates every Thursday (both in real life and on any game you could manage)
when you weren't going out on dates, you two were lounging in your shared room or sitting in the living room of the house playing games or watching movies
Life got better after he proposed
he did it after graduation in the celebratory dinner, with help from Kuroo and some of you University friends
you could tell he was slightly embarrassed but luckily it was a private dinner in your residence so he wasn't that bothered. Of course he wanted it to be private but he also lowkey wants to show your relationship off like
“Look at this beautiful woman I am asking to marry me. Like if she says yes i’ll be shook.”
and he was.
Your daughter came along soon after the wedding which was much more simple than anyone expected. You two got married in the back garden of your childhood friends in front of close family and friends.
Pregancy was difficult, but it did give you time to actually play some games rather than having to work all the time plus your YouTube Channel became a family channel
Kenma was forever supportive, reading up on what to expect and how he can help. He never really asserted himself as the type of partner to tell you not to do something, he knew you understood your limitations and so left you to it
but he was always by your side, no matter what
And when Kanna was born, you both fell in love all over again. She was the perfect mixture of you both, with Kenma’s shy, introvert personality and your socialable, patient personality 
honestly Kenma was glad of it, knowing that being a major introvert can sometimes be harmful, but he knew his daughter would be fine.
if not then BET he will do everything he can to make sure any problem gets solved quickly
his favourite thing though? 
Coming home from work to find his two girls asleep on the sofa
Kanna cuddled up ontop of her mother and you holding your daughter securely in your arms, the two of you breathing softly
calm and serene
it was that he though of when he came up to you one night, wrapping his arm around your waist gently and kissing your shoulder
“...Lets have another.”
You were on the train when he first saw you properly. Of course he’d seen you around school but didn't really think much of it since his school mates never really spoke to him anyway
something about him being too intimidating to approach (rude)
BUT on the day when the two of you met, the train was way too crowded and you were honestly suffering. getting crushed between bodies or walls daily was getting exhausting and you couldn;t take much more
thankfully you spotted an empty seat and Aone. It wasn;t that you were hesitant because of him, no, you just didn’t want to disturb him if it happened to be that he liked to be alone. but it wouldn;t hurt to ask, right?
so carefully you walked across the train and smiled at him politely, nodding towards the seat next to him
“hello Aone, would you mind if I sat next to you?”
this baby nodded and stiffened as you sat down, he couldn’t believe you’d actually done it and that you seemed so calm and relaxed. did he not scare you??
the two of you sat in silence but that was fine with Aone because someone was sitting next to him
both of you were surprised when you got off at the same stop, you smiling shyly up at him as he let you off first. you were surprised once again to find him walking the same way as you
you walked next to him silently, enjoying his company until it was time to head your separately ways
“Well, thank you for letting me side beside you Aone, I really appreciate it... do you... think I could sit next to you again.. tomorrow?”
he quickly nodded, blush rising from his next to the tips of his ears
you two soon fell into a pattern, whenever you would see each other you would smile and wave, him returning the kind gesture - even at school time which made a lot of people curious and weary 
eventually you began waiting for him after practice, quietly waiting outside the gym and smiling when he would come out. he would always nod, giving you a look that you recognised as him saying “please wait a few more minutes” as he went up to get changed
will forever be surprised to see you still standing outside waiting for him
it would always be the same, quiet routine with Aone allowing you on the train first so you could sit first or get the last seat and he would simply stand in front of you, watching over you like a guardian of some sort
on occasions where the train was fully packed, he would gently guide you to a rail - oddly thankful for his intimidating nature since it would lead to people making room for you
once it starts to get darker, Aone refuses to let you walk home alone and goes out of his way just to make sure you get home safely. 
you were grateful for it though, simply because of the company
your parents met him once and they loved him. it was like they could also see his kind nature, smiling at him and always thanking him for getting their daughter home safely
he would always nod and bow politely
honestly he adores you because goddamn it finally someone isn't scared of him
goes out of his way to ensure your safety, happiness and comfort. listens to your every word. sometimes he’ll respond to you and sometimes he speaks with his eyes but either way he (and you) are content in each others presence 
your relationship moved quickly, dating after only a few months of properly knowing each other but neither of you would have it either way
you supported him in his volleyball career as much as you could, coming to his games or cheering him on when you couldn't make it. If playing is what he wanted to do alongside work then you were happy as long as he was
will bring you flowers and replaces those flowers once they die
all he asks is for kisses 
despite the quick beginning, it took four years for you to get married and another two for you to have your children. 
the wedding was beautiful, all your friends and family there, even his old high school friends (including the third years from back in his second year)
everyone was happy that this guy finally found love
the pregnancy was unplanned, and you were both shocked.
you’d missed your period and decided to take a test, Aone came home to you on the sofa, holding some baby shoes that you had gotten during the day to surprise him with
he was s h o o k
imagine both your surprise when you found out you were having twins
when you went into labour, Aone was terrified that his children would be scared of him, but his thoughts were quickly shoved aside when he heard his son cry out. and then his daughter
his heart was beating so fast, man was thankful they were in a hospital.
your son, Reo, calmed in your arms leaving your daughter, Aoi, to her father.
she cooed instantly and was labelled daddy’s girl
straight away
Reo was a lot like Aone in that he was oddly silent, even for a baby, you guessed he must have picked up on it and just went with it
Aoi was more like you, the talker of the pair and smiles all around
it was one day when he was watching the three of you play that he chuckled to himself, smiling happily.
Once upon a time his concern was that no one would sit next to him on the train
now it was that one day his daughter would get a boyfriend
god bless that boy
“Aoi, boys who are friends are okay. Boyfriends are banned.”
“Daddy... what’s a boyfriend?”
Okay so ya’ll met under bad circumstances. and by that I mean he shoved passed you and knocked you on your ass, not even sparing a glance to you as you walked passed.
a bunch of the male students were immediately shouting at him for being rude to a girl, female students coming to help you up whilst the culprit just sulked off somewhere
you were a first year, friends to Kindaichi and Kunimi and also lowkey manager of the team
you had heard that Iwaizumi was having to take up some of the role and felt bad, since you were there watching your boys anyway you thought might as well so you spoke to him and Oikawa about applying for the position
You were SHOCKED to find him there, like how did a guy that unsociable get into a club??
you soon found out about the teams troubles with him and realised that it’s just his personality
but he was good at the game, despite stealing a few of Kindaichi’s sets and just being plain rude. But you loved how he was with Oikawa, laughing quietly to yourself as the older boy pouted when he was being ignored
Kyoutani thought nothing of you at first, you were just some girl he’d bumped into but then he saw you in club and was annoyed
did you follow him here to scold him cause it wouldn’t work
but then he saw how kind and attentive you actually were and boy was soon blushing (but only slightly)
it pissed him off whenever you went to Iwaizumi or Oikawa because obviously he saw Iwaizumi as the big dog and Oikawa was.... Oikawa so gross 
was also surprised when you came over to give him a towel, because he thought he’d scared you off with his rudeness
blinks before nodding and wiping he face, feeling your presence move before swiftly catching your wrist
“Sorry... ‘bout before”
you just smiled and nodded at him, when he let you go (he was receiving looks off of Iwaizumi otherwise he could have stayed like that staring into your eyes for the rest of practice) you went back to your friends, laughing at Kindaichi as he demanded for information
Oddly enough he became a lot calmer when you were around because you were call him out for his mistakes
“That wasn’t your set Kyoutani, you need to wait otherwise your spikes won’t be as strong as they usually are and might get blocked easily.”
honestly you didn’t know if your words were actually helping but he seemed to take them in a wait for Oikawa to actually set to him
it didn’t work all the time however, in actual matches he got so into it that he just forgets and acts out
Oikawa and Iwaizumi sometimes look to you to calm him down, again sometimes it works and sometimes all you can do is shrug and say you tried
no one is sure of when you two started hanging out or dating but it just kinda happened
like one day you just kinda went “yeah he’s my boyfriend” and visa versa
he would walk you home on the grounds of Iwaizumi telling him to
you walked home alone because Kindaichi and Kunimi didn't live near you and Iwaizumi just turned to mad dog like “Walk her home. We need to make sure our manager gets home safely.”
everyone thought he’d put up a fight but he just turned, grabbed your hand and starting walking.
will continue to hold your hand and actually intertwine your fingers if he sees other boys walking past you two
kinda like a claim? but a sweet one like
“back off she’s mine”
you were sad when, a year later, he graduated but he always came back to walk you home at the end of day like routine
like I said before, no one was sure when you two started dating they just knew he was soft for you but still growly and glaring
you didn't mind though because he treated you gently
you got pregnant after you left high school and starting working. well, a few years into your job you got pregnant.
totally unplanned and definitely outside of marriage
your mothers were like “excuse me. what”
he proposed a few days later
I say proposed
you two were led in bed and he just turned around and said “you wanna get married or what?”
you legit just nodded all chill like and said “sure why not”
instant grin and kisses because he loves the playfulness
you ended up having a son who was exactly like his father and finally
after all these years
Kyoutani got a taste of his own medicine
“He’s such a fucking little shit.”
“He’s your son smh.”
Itsuki was born with a scowl on his face, Kyoutani was sure of it. he swears to whatever god he can that he saw it with his own eyes
but there are some moments where he remembers just how much he loves his son
but in all seriousness, seeing his son take after him so much fills him with joy and he’s so happy that they have that little mad dog
any future children (daughters) will be well protected
“Mommy... I want a baby brother.”
Kyoutani just sits there grinning
“You heard the rascal.”
Master Taglist: Ask to be added whilst you can!!
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bentforkent · 4 years
to the moon and to saturn - chapter one
spencer reid x fem!reader
navigation and summary 
word count: 2753
no content warnings 
next chapter
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“you’re boring.”
“no, i’m not, y/n!”
“you never want to play pirates with me!”
spencer’s hair is long and his glasses are sliding down his nose. the light seeping into y/n’s room from her large bay window is muted by the white sheet covering it. the sheet rests precariously over a chair, forming a blanket fort carefully engineered by spencer, and haphazardly constructed by y/n. there are throw pillows tossed throughout the fort, and spencer makes an attempt to straighten them whenever he gets the chance.  whenever he comes to y/n’s house, ringing her doorbell with a backpack full of books, they work together to add on to their secret hideaway. the white sheet is the newest addition, especially designed to let more natural light into the blanket burg. this follows a poor mishap where a lamp y/n had left on too long burnt a hole through her carpet.
previously, the pair had constructed a stuffed animal room, a reading corner, a designated snack area. y/n’s starting to run out of linens. the fort has been standing for weeks now, y/n’s parents very rarely involved enough to enter her room, giving her and spencer free reign to create their own imaginary worlds to play in undisturbed.
except spencer, with all his practicality, isn’t particularly adept at the “playing in imaginary worlds” part. y/n can’t comprehend that. it’s simple for her to slip into a different universe, enjoyable, even. she’s begged spencer to play mermaids, bank robbers, fbi agents, firefighters, princesses---you name it. spencer indulges her for the most part, but y/n can always tell that he’s not that into it. he’s much fonder of tucking into some obscure poetry book, reading aloud when y/n requests. she never comprehends much of what he’s saying, but he reads so confidently that it fills her with glee anyways.  
for seven year olds, it’s clear to outsiders that they both don’t quite act their age. y/n, with her big doe eyes, dreams too much, her escapism both her greatest asset and most fatal flaw. spencer’s a stickler to the realistic, his pragmatic nature an unconscious choice that gives him a beautiful worldview but will make him grow up too fast. for now, though, the children don’t worry about that. they worry solely about balancing each other out and the purity that comes with being in youth.
y/n is splayed on her back on the floor of the fort, where her scratchy carpet is covered with a fluffy pink blanket. her hair fans out around her head in a halo. spencer’s physics book is closed and set gently in the corner, and he’s attempting to braid a small chunk of y/n’s hair. “pirates is my least favorite game,” he says.
“what about knights?” y/n angles herself to look back at him. she’s far too young to execute a soul searching gaze, but the way her eyes strain to scan his face comes close. she takes note of his facial expression giving away his inner thoughts. the way his lip quirks up indicates that he definitely does not want to play knights with the girl in front of him, but the softness in his eyes tells y/n that she’s won.
without another word, they crawl out from their blanket fort and jump onto the bed. “my armor is blue,” y/n says, unsheathing an imaginary sword and holding it up in joust. “knight armor was typically made of iron or steel, and there was no way to make it blue in the late 15th century,” spencer piped up, mirroring her actions. he likes playing at y/n’s house. his parents would never let him jump on the bed. y/n’s parents let the two of them do a lot of things, spencer thinks, and he’s never heard them fight like his parents do either.
“cool, spencer!” y/n says enthusiastically. she’s always enthusiastic when he tells her a fact, even though she rarely really understands him. she knows people are terrible to spencer because of his intellect, and had made a pact with herself when they first became friends that she would never ever ever be mean to spencer for being smart. “we can pretend, though. yours can be blue too!”
“okay,” he replies, and y/n begins to coach him through the game, attempting to loosen him up a bit. they play, bouncing around on the bed and wielding fake medieval weapons until the sun begins to go down and spencer remarks that he needs to go home before dark or his mom will be upset.
y/n reluctantly lets him leave, knowing that he has a lot less fun at his house, but finding comfort in the fact that he’ll come back the next day.
spencer and y/n spend every day together, without fail. they’re young, and they don’t know much about life, but they know that they’re the only people for each other. they’ve been inseparable since y/n had toddled into spencer’s first grade class and heard him reciting a john lyngate poem. her favorite book at that time was a brightly colored picture book, so she was both fascinated and confused by the boy in glasses in front of her. that day, they’d sat together on the bus and chatted the whole way home. the pure elation that occurred when the children realized they shared the same bus stop was unmatched. y/n, who’d just moved to las vegas, was relieved she’d met a friend in her new hometown.
she didn’t really meet any other friends after associating herself with spencer. he’d warned her that being his best friend was basically social suicide, but y/n was already attached to him like superglue. once, a girl in their class had tried to invite y/n to sit with her at lunch. the girl not-so-subtly made it clear that spencer was not invited to the table, and y/n had shut that down quickly with a swift spoonful of red jell-o down her shirt. spencer decided then that red jell-o was his favorite.
to sum it all up, in super simple terms, y/n and spencer were close. and everyone in their town knew it, including their parents, although both sets of adults were generally nonplussed about what their children were involved in as long as they were alive and surviving.
y/n’s parents aren’t neglectful, per se. she’d just had to learn how to fend for herself very early on. y/n’s existence had been an accident, and although she didn’t know that in explicit terms, it wasn’t hard to figure out based on the lack of maternal instincts from her mother. y/n’s mother sat on the back porch of their house a lot, looking out at their tiny, barren backyard with a cigarette in hand. her father went away on many business trips, coming back to greet the family only with a pat on y/n’s head before he padded up to the bedroom to slip into bed. one day, y/n would realize the intensity of the mental health problems both of her parents were suffering from, but as a child, the adults in her life just felt far away.
spencer’s parents were similar in a sense that they weren’t the best. rather than the silence that settled over y/n’s house, his home filled with argument. it’s why he found solace with y/n, with their blanket fort. y/n’d offered to let him live with them constantly, but spencer couldn’t leave his mother. his father? he couldn’t care less. but his mother...as much as spencer longs to spend his days curled up in y/n’s bed, reading, he knows above anything else, he’s got to protect his mother.
after closing the door behind spencer, y/n skips to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. her and spencer had made fresh lemonade the day before, squeezing lemons y/n had stolen from her neighbor’s tree. spencer had been in charge of the sugar, and he’d added way too much. the pair tried it, though, and liked the super sweet taste.
y/n fills her glass with ice, having to stand on her tippy toes to reach it in the freezer. after the cup is filled with the sugary beverage, she takes a second to peer out of the window and check on her mom outside. y/n expected to find her in her usual plastic chair, cloud of smoke encircling her. but she wasn’t there. this was odd. she sets her sweating glass down on the table, and wanders upstairs to get a location on her mother.
loud moans float down from the top of the stairs, and y/n, ever naive, follows the sound to its source. the stairs creak under her feet, her house old and probably close to crumbling. y/n pushes the door to her parents’ room open with both hands, and is immediately sick at the sight. at seven years old, she doesn’t fully understand what’s happening, but she knows that whatever she is seeing is wrong.
william reid, spencer’s father, is laid naked next to her mother, also fully exposed. they’re startled by the door opening, shocked to see young y/n standing there, witnessing their adultery. the three of them are in a trance, suspended in surprise. y/n’s brain is moving a mile a minute, she knows, but she can’t seem to form any cohesive thoughts except “this is not right.”  it feels like forever that y/n is holding eye contact with william before her mother speaks. “y/n,” she starts, but y/n doesn’t stick around to hear the end of the sentence. she’s out of the bedroom and out of the house in 30 seconds flat.
as she runs down the suburban street, she’s barely aware of the tears rolling down her cheeks or the pain in her feet. she’d forgotten shoes. she runs, runs, runs, hair flowing behind her. she runs until her thoughts catch up to her. where can she go? she realizes that her body had been taking her straight to spencer’s house, but she couldn’t. how could she look him in the eye? how could she tell him that her own mother is responsible for his family falling apart? how could she ever even be near him again? stopping in the middle of the road, y/n lets out an anguished scream. a ferocious scream. a scream that claws its way out of her chest. and then, sufficiently exhausted by both her physical activity and her emotional despair, she turns back the way she came and begins to trek back towards her house.
- - - - - -
“penny, i have no clue how you do your job,” y/n says, handing the blonde woman before her a hot macchiato in a to-go cup.
her hair is longer now, her eyes more weary. the wonder she felt as a child is long gone, sucked out of her on that fateful night. y/n hardly thinks about it anymore, but that night after she had gone home, her mother made her pack her bags and took her as far away from vegas as possible. as far away from spencer as possible. she never saw him again. it’s been almost twenty years since she’d last seen the geeky boy. the loss of her childhood best friend was a dull wound now, one tucked safely in the back of her subconscious. sometimes she wonders how he turned out, but their time together feels more like a dream than a memory.
y/n moved away from her parents as soon as she turned 18, straight to washington d.c.. with no money, no degree, no friends or family, y/n turned to her work. she got a job in a tiny coffee shop, and the elderly lady who owned it took her under her wing. her name was janice, and she was an old, childless widow. y/n’s kind disposition filled a void janice had given up on trying to fill, and the two became a fierce pair. janice provided y/n with the apartment above the shop, higher-than-minimum wage, and when janice passed five years later, y/n inherited the coffee shop itself. she’d been owning and running it ever since.
it was at this shop that she met penelope garcia. penelope frequented the kitschy coffee place before work, and had gained quite the soft spot for the raven-haired owner. the two of them chatted every morning as y/n flitted around behind the counter, making whatever caffeine-filled concoction penelope had ordered. eventually, their friendship progressed past casual small talk at y/n’s work into wine-filled sleepover nights at their apartments.
“my job is hard, my friend,” penelope replies, shuddering. “some of the stuff i see gives me the heebie jeebies.”
“yeah, like dead bodies.” y/n turns and begins making her own personal coffee to start the day, penelope leaning on the counter in front of her. “heebie jeebies is an understatement!” y/n faces penelope again and grins, pouring copious amounts of sugar into a mug that janice had used while running the café.
“you know, y/n, i only know one other person in the world that takes that much sugar in their coffee,” penelope remarks while she watches the barista stir her obscenely sweet coffee with a wooden stirrer.
“hmm, they must be my soulmate, then,” y/n says. penelope’s ears perk up at that. she makes her way to the door, and y/n raises her mug in lieu of a wave. “have fun at work, pen! see you at your place tonight! i’ll bring wine!” penelope responds with a witty goodbye and heads to work, just the jingle of the bells on the door to signify she was ever there.
penelope saunters into the behavioral analysis unit office 30 minutes later, cup of coffee long empty. “good morning, babygirl,” derek says.
“i’ll show you a good morning, hot stuff,” penelope deadpans, walking through the bullpen to greet all of her coworkers. penelope’s so bright that she immediately lights up the dreary BAU.
“spencer!” she calls, prompting the shaggy haired doctor to look up from his desk.
“good morning, garcia,” he says with a small wave.
“this morning, i got coffee at my favorite place,” penelope begins to gush, “and the barista puts just as much sugar in her coffee as you do!”
spencer doesn't understand why garcia is telling him this until she continues.
“this particular barista happens to be super cute and also one of my closest friends.”
spencer shakes his head with a laugh. “no, garcia, i’m not letting you set me up again.”
“okay, the first one was not good, i’ll admit.” she perches on the edge of his desk.
“but i actually know this girl! and i love her!”
spencer shakes his head again, giving penelope a light, joking push off of her seat. “no,” he emphasizes, and garcia gives him a dramatic sigh.
“okay,” she says, dragging out the word. “i’m going to go to my lair now to give you time to
think about it.” she presses a kiss to the top of his head, and with a ruffle of his hair, she floats to her office.
i’ll convince him, she thinks. i mean, how could i not? coffee aside, the kids are perfect for each other. she doesn’t know how she missed the blatant similarities between them. penelope’s usually very perceptive, and that makes her really good at setting people up. i might as well be cupid, she thinks, except for that one date i’d sent spencer on. she chooses to ignore that one. a minor lapse in judgement.
penelope pulls out her phone to text y/n.
penelope (7:56): y/n, my love, my light, i have found the most perfect guy for you
y/n (7:57): no penny, not again
y/n (7:57): remember the last date you set me up on?
oh yeah, penelope remembers. she’d sent both of her friends on two completely separate, shitty dates. maybe cupid wasn’t the best nickname for her.
penelope (7:59): you’re right. ugh. ix-nay on that idea then
she attaches a lot of sad emojis, then tucks her phone away. there goes that. penelope tucks that idea away, into the depths of her brain, and forgets about it.
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