#so give a read even if youve read them before lmao
bruggle · 6 months
Gonna make a new master post, but this is all the act one drabbles.
  “I’m looking for your chief of police,” replied X. The two officers gave each other confused looks before turning back to him. “You talkin’ ‘bout Sheriff Tern?” one of them asked. Now X was confused. “Sheriff?” he asked. “Aren’t those just in old westerns?” With that, the two officers let out raucous laughter. “Hoo, boy,” said the other. “You sure ain’t from around here, are ya? Counties this small don’t have police; you just get the sheriff department. Sheriff Tern is the one you’re lookin’ for.”
  How had he lost her? Granted, this was a forest; the trees obscured his vision pretty well. But surely he wasn’t so out of practice that one single Maverick would be able to escape him? Suddenly, the sound of a branch snapping alerted him to look up. He only got a glance at the falling figure, but it was enough to tell him that he needed to move. Why hadn’t he thought to look up? It made sense that Minnow would use the height to her advantage.
  The sound of her body hitting the floor made him wince, especially once he realized she had definitely not been planning for it. Minnow was laying on her back, a soft groan escaping her lips as X steadied his weapon at her. “Don’t move,” he hissed, before taking a better look at her.
  And what he saw made his systems freeze.
  Minnow’s helmet had fallen off in the fall; revealing her young face, ruddy, brown hair braided up into a crown,
  And two very human ears on the side of her head.
  Oh shit.
  X immediately withdrew his buster, crouching down to her level. His hands hovered over her, but he wasn’t entirely sure what to do at the moment. “Can you move?” he asked. Minnow glared up at him. “I thought you told me not to,” she snarked weakly. X rolled his eyes. “C’mon kid,” he huffed. “I need to know if you can stand of not.”
  “Yeah, that’s not happening,” Minnow whispered, squeezing her eyes shut in pain. “Pretty sure things are broken.” X sighed, of course it wouldn’t be easy. “Okay, where does it hurt?” he asked. “Arm,” she replied, taking a short gasping breath. “Chest.” X winced. This was not going to be fun for either of them. “Alright, I’m going to pick you up,” he told her. “I’ll be as gentle as I can, but it will probably hurt a lot.” Minnow grimaced, but gave him a slight nod.
  X gently set Minnow’s injured arm across her middle, causing her to wince. He then placed one arm underneath her legs. But now came the hard part; as gently as he could, X slid the other arm beneath her back. Minnow immediately gave out a hiss of pain, causing him to pause. “Just… get it over with,” she wheezed. X grimaced, but figured she had a point. The phrase ‘like a band-aid’ came to mind; not that he had much of a reference point for it. “Alright, on three,” he said. “One… two… three!” With that, he picked up the Minnow as quickly, but carefully as he could. She gave out a cry, but shoved her good hand against her mouth. Short, wheezing breaths came from her as X quickly turned towards the small town he had chased her from.
  Of all the ways this day could have gone, X definitely had not anticipated this.
  “How is she?” X asked.
  The doctor regarded him for a second before sighing. “Technically speaking, I shouldn’t be telling you anything; doctor-patient confidentiality and all that,” he said. “However, given that she’s a minor, we have zero idea who she is, where she’s from, or if she even has any parents, I’m going to tell you anyways. Don’t let it bite me in the ass later, okay?
  “Asides from the broken arm and three broken ribs from the fall, she’s in surprisingly good shape. Worst thing she’s facing is some acute anemia, minor dehydration, and she’s underweight. Wherever the hell she’s been, and however long she’s been out there, she’s clearly had an idea of what she’s doing. But, being back in society should fix that all up pretty quick.” X nodded. “And we really have no idea what her name is?” he asked. “At all?” The doctor shook his head. “’Fraid not,” he replied “She has no form of I.D., anything in her phone that could lead to her identity is under ‘Minnow’, no social security number, nothing. She’s a near perfect Jane Doe.” The doctor then let out a snort. “Unless, of course, her name is actually Minnow, but I highly doubt that,” he added.
  X let out a groan. “How on Earth did she manage to go this long without getting caught?” he grumbled out loud. “There are so many checks she was supposed to go through.” The doctor let out a chuckle. “Welcome to the boonies, city boy,” he said, clapping X on the shoulder. “We don’t do things quite as ‘by the book’ out here. Kinda impossible. I’ve seen kids build bombs on their parent’s land, and the worst thing that happened was the sheriff telling them not to do it again.” X gave him an incredulous look.
  X turned as he heard the door close. “Anything?” he asked. Deputy Jameson gave a wry chuckle. “Nope, not a peep,” he said. “Only thing she’s saying is ‘I know my rights’. And that’s if she says anything at all.” X sighed as he slid her hand down his face. “Let me try again,” he muttered, taking a step towards Minnow’s room. “Don’t think that’s a good idea,” the deputy stopped him. “She’s stubborn as a mule; ya ain’t gonna get anything out of her.”
  “What do you suggest then? X asked. “Well, Sheriff things she’s probably got a camp somewhere nearby,” Deputy Jameson told him. “What makes you think that?” X questioned. “She ain’t in any hotel,” the deputy stated matter-of-factly. “But we’ve seen her reploid guise ‘round here for a couple of days. So, she’s gotta be hangin’ out somewhere. Seemed pretty comfy in the trees ‘til you knocked her outta one, so stands to reason she’s been campin’ in the woods.” X nodded, that seemed reasonable. “Now, normally we don’t let outsiders in on investigations, Jameson continued. “Buuuuuut… Sheriff Tern is willing to make an exception for you. You’re free to come along and help us look if you want.”
  “Yep,” said Deputy Moore. “This is a bucket.” Deputy Jameson let out a laugh at that. “If you two don’t stop screwin’ around, I’m gonna make you do patrols for the next six months straight!” barked Sheriff Tern. “Yes, sir,” the two deputies answered in unison.
  “Gotta name, Sheriff,” called Deputy Moore. “Looks like you were right.” He handed the bag over to Tern. “’Brook Longsdale’” the sheriff read from the card within. “Thought she looked familiar.”
  “Wait, you had an idea of who she was?” asked X. Sheriff Tern sighed. “I had an inkling,” he explained. “Five months ago, a kid was reported missing by her foster parents. Last anyone had seen of Ms. Longsdale was her getting off a public bus two weeks after the fact. Been keeping an eye out, but… well… after two days nobody’s ever real hopeful. Glad to see she’s still kickin’.” X nodded, looking over the campground. “How do you think she got all the way out here?” he asked. The sheriff gave a chuckle. “Probably by hitchhiking as a reploid,” he guessed. “That or sure force of walking. Girl seemed pretty determined. Either way, pretty impressive if you ask me.”
  X gave the uniformed reploid a hard stare.
“’If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so,” she quoted. “Do not quote your American founding fathers to me!” X growled. “That was over five hundred years ago, and I highly doubt they would have approved of a sixteen year old girl risking her life hunting Mavericks! Especially over petty revenge!” Brook glared at him. “This had nothing to do with revenge!” she spat. “The Maverick that killed my parents has been dead for years! Don’t you dare act like you know why I did this!”
  “Then why did you break all manners of laws specifically to hunt Mavericks?” he argued. “Because it seems quite clear that this is all about revenge!” In lieu of answering, she glared at the wall. X sighed and rubbed his face; he was far too old for this.
“And what were you planning on doing when winter came around?” X challenged, frustrated by her short-sightedness. “There were caves,” Brook argued. “I could have lived in one of them. People have done it before.”
  “Yes, when they were born in those conditions!” he exasperated. “You don’t seem to understand how far removed you are from nature! Determined as you may be, it wouldn’t make up for the fact that you had done zero preparation!” She huffed and turned away from him, wincing as the movement aggravated her ribs.
  “With all due respect, mister…?” the woman looked expectantly at him. “Just X is fine,” he said curtly. She nodded. “Right. With all due respect, X, your services are no longer required,” the woman said. “We appreciate the help, but this has long since moved past any sort of Maverick business.”
  X regarded her for a second. “It is my understanding that minors should have some sort of guardianship present during any sort of legalities,” he said. “Last I checked, her case worker and foster parents are in an entirely different state.” The woman made a sigh of frustration. “We are well aware,” she huffed. “But we have alerted them to her whereabouts. So again, your services are no longer necessary.”
  “Until they are physically present, I am not leaving,” X maintained. The woman rolled her eyes. “Surely you have something better to do,” she insisted. “Perhaps saving another city from a Maverick outbreak?” Ah. So that’s what it was. He ha been wondering why this woman had such a chip on her shoulder. “If I were needed, I would be called,” X told her. “As such, until Ms. Longsdale’s guardians arrive, I will remain right here.” The woman simply chose to glare at him.
  “Excuse me, sorry for bothering you uh…” X turned to see a young woman carrying a folder full of documents. “Just X is fine,” he assured her. “Right, right. Sorry, uh…” the woman straightened her back. “My name is Emily Reed. I’m Ms. Longsdale’s case worker.” She held out her hand, which X took, shaking it. “Nice to meet you,” he said. “Likewise,” she answered. “It is my understanding that you have taken an… unofficial guardianship of Ms. Longsdale?”
  X sighed. “It appears that I have,” he wryly stated. Ms. Reed sighed as well, shaking her head. “I’ll admit, it’s definitely not something I’ve encountered before,” she said. “But I am grateful for it. Her previous foster parents have… well… let’s just say they’re not coming any time soon.” X winced at that. “They’re good people!” she assured him. “Promise; they’ve had a several kids in their care, all happy and healthy. But… I mean… this is sort of a last second thing that they were completely unprepared for.”
  “No, I suppose they wouldn’t,” X chuckled. “Not every day a kid runs off to fight Mavericks.” Ms. Reed rolled her eyes, putting a hand to her forehead. “Oh, do not remind me,” she grumbled. “This girl has had me at my wits ends.”
  “That bad?” X asked with a raised brow. She shook her head. “That’s not- well, that’s kind of what I mean,” she sighed. “She’s a good kid; very quiet and tends to keep to herself.” X did not believe that for a second. At least, not from what he’d seen of her temper. “She’s just… it’s been hard on her. The teenage years are already a pain to go though, but losing your parents when it starts isn’t something I’d wish on anybody.”
  “How old was she?” he asked. “Fourteen,” Ms. Reed replied. X nodded, looking over at the room Brook was in. Two years really wasn’t that long ago.
  “Well, you’ve certainly caused quite a stir,” X told her, his tone sounding amused. “What do you mean?” Brook grumbled. “Have you not been watching the news?” he asked, gesturing to the TV in the hospital room. “God no,” she snorted, lifting her lip in disgust. “Nothing but bullshit anyways” X rolled his eyes at her choice of words. “Well, you probably should,” he sighed, grabbing the remote. “Oh please don’t make me watch that shit,” Brook groaned. “I really don’t want to hear it.”
  “Well, you need to hear this,” he argued. “Then why can’t you just tell me?” she snapped back. “Because it’s a lot bigger than what I can put into words,” he replied. With that, X turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until he found a news station. Luckily, they were still talking about it; the screen showing a woman standing in front of a large crowd of people. She was talking briefly about the protest before singling out a man for an interview.
  “And why are you out here today?” the newscaster asked, holding out her microphone to the man. “We’re out here because we’re tired of being ignored,” he told her, gesturing to the crowd of people behind him. “Hunters never get sent out here, mercenaries never pick up the bounties out here, we’re basically told to figure it out ourselves. That girl was proving a point and it needs to be fixed.” The woman nodded, taking the microphone back. “And how would you propose it be fixed?” she questioned, handing it back.
  The man took off his hat and rubbed his head. “Can’t say I know for sure, but government needs to do it’s job before we stop doing ours,” he answered. “Get more people out here. Or offer higher bounties on Mavericks out here instead of forcing the communities to offer their own. Either way, they shouldn’t punish that girl for trying to help. The world runs on farmer’s handiwork, we deserve the same amount of protection as cities get.” X glanced over at Brook; she looked pale as a ghost, a horrified expression on her face. “They… They’re threatening strikes?” she bleated. “Looks like it,” he told her. “All over the U.S.” She slowly shook her head. “I didn’t want this,” she whispered, slowly curling into as much of a ball as her ribs would allow. “How the fuck do they even know about this?”
  “Brook, you broke every manner of law possible to hunt Mavericks,” X reminded her. “Of course that’s going to make national headlines.” Brook didn’t respond, seemingly hyperventilating instead.
  X knocked on the door to Brook’s room, although he wasn’t really expecting a response. When one wasn’t given, he sighed before opening it. She really was a difficult one. Brook glanced over at him as he entered the room before letting out a groan. “Look, don’t take this the wrong way,” she grumbled. “But why are you still here?” X let out a chuckle. “How exactly am I supposed to take that?” he asked “Am I really that bad?” Brook turned away with a huff. “I don’t know she muttered. But don’t you have like… Maverick Hunter stuff to do?”
  X shook his head. “I’m afraid not, kid,” he said. “You’re stuck with me for a while.” She gave him a look. “But why?” Brook asked. X shrugged his shoulders. “Not every day we hear about a kid running off to hunt Mavericks,” he replied. “Besides, Ms. Reed can’t keep an eye on you all the time. I heard you tried to make a break for it.” To her credit, Brook at least had the sense to look embarrassed about her failed escape attempt. “I wasn’t-“
  “You weren’t trying to run off? X cut her off, raising a brow. “You really expect me to believe that?” Brook glared at him, causing a mini staring contest to break out between them. Finally, she looked away. “I just wanted my coat,” she grumbled. “They won’t give it back.” X gave out a sigh. “Yes, because it’s technically evidence,” he explained. “Evidence for what?” Brook exasperated. “What the hell do they need to figure out with it? Can’t get more concrete on my guilt than you knocking my helmet off.” X winced at that. He really didn’t like that memory. “Brook, they need a timeline for how long you’ve been out there,” he said, trying to placate her. “Then I can tell them how long I’ve been out there!” she spat. “I just want my coat!”
  “Is it really that cold to you?” X asked, alarmed. He knew she had been dealing with anemia, but surely it wasn’t so bad she was freezing inside? Sure, it was now early October, but the building’s heater has been in perfect working order. “You need to tell the nurses about that, “ he continued. “Let me go get one now.” He stood up, making his way to the door, “No, no! Wait, X!” Brook called out. “That’s not- I don’t need a nurse!” X paused turning back to her. “Are you certain?” he asked. Brook rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’m certain,” she sighed.
  “Sheriff Tern is allowing you out provided that either he or I accompany you,” X told her. Brook rolled her eyes. “Gee, how generous,” she muttered. X sighed a wry smile pulling at his lip. “Maybe you should have thought of that before-“
  “Before I ran off,” Brook cut him off. “Yada, yada, yada; I’ve heard your spiel a thousand times already, X.” He merely shook his head. “In any case, I figured you might want a chance to stretch your legs,” X explained. “Plus, I’ve heard that you haven’t been eating well. You need to eat, Brook.” Brook gave a long groan as she looked to the ceiling, before fixing him with a fed up look. “That’s because hospital food sucks,” she grumbled. “And I’m not hungry, either.”
  “So where do you want to eat?” asked X. Brook gave a shrug as she continued to look down. “I dunno, what do you want?” she replied. X let out a chuckle. “I’m not the one who needs to eat,” he reminded her. “Oh… yeah… right,” Brook said, her face slightly blushing. “Uh… sorry.”
  X raised a brow as he watched Brook grab a cup of coffee from the hospital cafeteria. “That will stunt your growth, you know,” he told her as she sat down. Brook snorted as she gave him a look. “First of all, that’s a myth,” she replied. “Second of all, I’m pretty sure I’ve already done that.” She used her hand to refer to her height, all four foot, nine inches of it. “And third of all,” she continued. “I’m tired of running off pure spite. I want caffeine, dammit.” X chuckled as he watched her pour a packet of hot chocolate mix into her cup. “Pretty sure hot chocolate has caffeine,” he argued. “So I don’t think the coffee was necessary.”
  “It does, but nowhere near as much,”
  “Then why grab it?”
  Brook gave him yet another look. “Look, I may hate everything,” she explained as she mixed the contents of her drink single handedly. “But I don’t hate myself that much. Black coffee is gross”
  This was definitely going to be an interesting two years.
  As they made their way down the hallway towards the exit of the hospital, X noticed Brook was getting more and more nervous. He almost said something; but given her previous temperament, decided it wouldn’t be worth it. Continuing the pace, he nearly missed the moment when Brook had stopped. He looked back at her, and saw a panicked look on her face. Concerned, he walked back to her. “What is it” X asked. Brook shook her head, but kept her eyes focused on what was ahead of her. X followed her gaze; and saw that outside the building, through the glass doors and windows at its front, a massive crowd had gathered.
  It didn’t surprise him, of course. The fact that the girl who had been illegally hunting Mavericks was made a ward of his would, of course, attract attention. Brook was aware of this as well, but seeing it in person was probably still a shock to her. She had already reacted poorly to the news of her exploits being known nationwide. “Come on,” X gently coaxed. “We have to get going.” Brook shook her head vehemently. “No, I’m not going out there,” she whispered. “I… I can’t. I won’t! Why the fuck are there so many people?!” X wanted to chastise her on her choices of words, but now wasn’t the best time. “I know” he said. “But we need to get out of here. We need to check in for our flight.”
  “Can’t we go out a different exit?” she pleaded. “Or… or something? I don’t want to go out there!” X’s gaze softened. He remembered when Dr. Cain had first unearthed him; he hadn’t been particularly fond of the limelight either.
  Brook watched as X seemed to deliberate between the two brands. Eventually, however she let out a groan and rolled her eyes. This was too painful to watch. “Just get this one,” she grumbled, grabbing the off-brand version. “There’s no difference between them except price. You’re literally just paying for the name.” X blinked as he took the proffered item. “I’m not really worried about the price,” he chuckled. “Well I am,” Brook muttered. “Why?” X asked, a bemused expression on his face. “It’s called ‘being pragmatic’,” she snipped. “Don’t waste any more money on me than you have to.” X sighed as his shoulders sagged. He fixed Brook with a hard stare. “What,” she deadpanned.
  A knock at the door seemingly caught X by surprise. Guess he wasn’t expecting any visitors. “Brook, would you please get the door while I take care of this?” Brook sighed, placing her bag of groceries on the counter. “Yeah, yeah,” she grumbled, making her way to the entrance. Upon opening the door, she was greeted by another reploid; this one in navy armor with red accents, and bright, blue gems on both his chest plate and helmet. An ‘x’ shaped scar went across the bridge of his nose, and his hair was spiked up behind his helmet. He looked absolutely bewildered upon seeing Brook, quickly checking the number on the door. “Am… Am I in the wrong building?” he wondered out loud. “Oh, Axl,” X called from the kitchen. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.”
  ‘Axl’, as he was now introduced, looked over towards where X was; having still not entered the apartment. “X, what the hell?!” he yelled. Brook snorted, opening the door wider and allowing him to enter. “No seriously,” Axl said, as he walked inside. “What the hell is with the kid?” X sighed as he walked into the living room. “Axl, this is Brook,” he introduced her. “I’m keeping an eye on her until further notice.”
  “He kidnapped me,” Brook interjected. Axl let out a snort of amusement as X sent her a look. “Very funny,” he deadpanned. “No seriously,” she insisted. “I am very much here against my will. He kidnapped me out of America.” Axl laughed at that. “Oooh, this is going to be a good story,” he grinned.
  “So exactly how many laws did you wind up breaking?” Axl grinned. “Uh…” Brook looked over at X with a pleading look. “I didn’t quite pay attention to the charges being read off.” X sighed before rattling them off. “Impersonation of a reploid, fifteen counts of purgery and identity fraud, one count of illegal firearm possession, three counts of illegal firearm modification, hunting without a license, and fishing without a license.”
  Axl was silent for a minute, before slowly looking at Brook with awe written on his face. “Yeah,” drawled Brook. “You know, just a couple.” At this, he let out a howl of laughter, and not even X could keep the wry smile off his face.
  It was too damn loud.
  Brook was no stranger to noises and bumps in the night; staying aware of the possibility of bears was one of the many things that kept her alive, after all. But this? The constant car revving, honking, bass boosted assholes who felt the need to share their music tastes, and was that a freaking helicopter? Absolutely ridiculous. How the hell anyone was able to sleep was beyond her. Brook never thought that she’d miss the noisy chirps of cicadas, but here she was. At least they knew when to shut up.
  Letting out a soft groan as she sat up on her bed, Brook turned on the lamp. Sleep was one hundred percent out of the question. She wished she ha the foresight to grab some sort of reading material. Heck, even a manual for any of the appliances would have been preferable. But alas, Brook had been so sure she’d be tired from all the travel that she would fall asleep instantly. Jokes on her.
  She definitely was not going outside her room to grab something. She had a feeling X was a light sleeper. Or, whatever it was reploids did. …Did they sleep? Or… go into a recharge mode? Whatever. Brook didn’t care. Either way, she was not risking him asking what she was still doing up. He was way too nosy. So that left her to try and figure out something in her room to pass the time. She wished she had her phone, but alas. X had told her to leave it in the kitchen to charge. All in all, probably better for her sleeping habits; but maybe she should have fought harder for her first night.
  Hind sight is twenty-twenty.
  Looking around, Brook saw… nothing. There really wasn’t anything she could do to pass the time until dawn. She supposed she could work on unboxing; but knowing her, she’d probably get frustrated with something and wind up waking the entire building. Hard pass. A glance at the window reminded her of the existence of the fire escape. X had insisted that she take the room with access for her own safety. What with him being a reploid, he’d fair better in a fire anyways. The windows looked a bit rusty, but Brook figured she could probably find a way to quietly open them. She remembered sneaking out of her pervious foster parents’ house enough.
  Quietly making her way off the bed and to the pane of glass, she looked for the latch. Upon finding it, she ducked down so that the pitiful light from her lamp would reach it better. It was a simple latch, requiring her to just flip the lever to the unlocked state. Problem was, again, the rust. It would probably take some finagling, but Brook was sure she could unlock it with minimum noise. Gripping the lever, she carefully, slowly, tried wiggling it from the lock position. Man, it was a good thing there wasn’t a fire right now. Granted, had there actually been a fire, she would be less considerate of the noise; but that was besides the point. The building owner really shouldn’t let their windows get like this in the first place. Biting her lip, she finally got to the midway point on the latch. Almost there.
  And then she put a little too much oomph into the last little bit, causing the latch to unlock with a (relatively) loud squeak.
  Freezing, she waited for the sound of footsteps to start towards her door. And yet… after a minute or so, they never started. Maybe the squeak had just been louder to Brook because she was already on edge. Letting out the breath she hadn’t noticed she’d been holding, Brook turned her attention back to the window. It was unlocked, but now came the fun part of trying to open it without making any noise. If the latch had been a pain, the frame probably wasn’t much better. Grabbing the ledge of the bottom rail, she gave it an experimental push. The pane moved, but yeah. It was going to be loud if she moved it too much. So, she waited a minute then gave another small push. And another. Until finally, Brook had opened it enough to squeeze herself out.
  Puffing a bit with the exertion of trying to keep it all quiet, Brook quickly located a pair of shoes. She wasn’t going to be walking around a whole bunch, so she didn’t bother putting on socks. And thus, she made her way out onto the fire escape. The apartment X had was pretty high up; three floors from the top. Unfortunately though, the fire escape was facing the neighboring building. So Brook really couldn’t see anything from here. Looking up, she figured that maybe she could get to the roof from here. Surely it had to; maintenance workers would have to be able to quickly leave in the event of an emergency, after all. Grabbing onto the ladder, she quietly made her way up the platforms. Just because she couldn’t sleep didn’t mean she had to wake the entire building, after all. Plus, she really didn’t feel like getting caught so soon. A nosy neighbor would probably report her to the landlord within seconds if they noticed her climbing up or down the fire escape.
  Upon reaching the top platform, Brook found one last ladder. But yeesh, this one was in far worse condition than anything else she had seen. Rust covered all the rungs, and she was pretty sure the very top one wouldn’t even hold her weight. Someone really ought to report that. But not her. She’d probably get in trouble if she so much as mentioned the window to X. Oh well. Brook had climbed worse things than rusty ladders. At least she was up to date on her tetanus shots.
  Gripping the rung above her, she hoisted herself up onto the ladder and climbed. She made extra sure to avoid the last rung, however. Now was not the time to see if her assumption was correct or not. Upon dragging herself onto the roof, Brook brushed off her hands. She’d still probably have to wash them before seeing X next morning. Bleh. Taking in the scene around her, Brook had to admit it was… pretty cool. She could definitely see a lot more than just an alleyway. The buildings across the street were shorter than the apartment complex, so Brook could actually see a small chunk of Abel City.
  Nearly every building was lit up reminded Brook of Christmas lights. She could also see the smaller, moving lights of cars in the distance as they made their way down the streets. (Dang, night shifts are brutal here, huh?) All the noises of the city were louder now, but at this point Brook had long since given up on getting any rest. But hey, that’s why she had come up here. Watching all the things making noise was a lot more entertaining than just listening to it. Eventually, the sound of another airborne vehicle passing caught her attention, causing her to look up.
  And see no stars.
  Brooks heart dropped at that. She knew there wouldn’t be any stars, but… well… seeing it in person hit a lot harder. And it… it hurt. Brook recalled when she and her mother used to sit outside on a blanket during the nights, occasionally. Even during winter.  It was cold, but her mom used to bring out a thermos of hot chocolate during those evenings. And under the pale glow of the moon, she would point out all the constellations to Brook, telling the stories related to them that people had made up so long ago. Brook used to retell all of them to herself on the nights she couldn’t sleep those past five months. There had been plenty, after all.
  But now, now there weren’t any stars. No stories for her to tell herself. Brook could feel the familiar pin-prick of tears at the corners of her eyes. Why did she have to be here? This isn’t where she belonged. Yet again, she couldn’t stop a sense of resentment towards X. What had she done to make him think this would be a good idea?
  Holding her hand out to the bird, she let the pigeon eat some of the crumbs. Not too many, of course. Bread wasn’t very good for them. But she wasn’t going to eat the stale pieces, so it may as well go to something that would. Closing her hand once the small bird had eaten enough, she used her index finger to gently scratch at it’s head. Brook was surprised it allowed her to, but she figured feeding it was enough for it to decide she wasn’t a threat.
  “So this is where you’ve been disappearing off to,” came a disappointed voice behind her. Brook’s shoulders drooped as she sighed. Of course he’d find her here. Turning around, she faced X. His arms were crossed, and he was giving her a disapproving glare. “Yep,” she deadpanned. “How did you even get up here?” he asked. Brook shrugged, looking down at the ground where another pigeon was pecking at her shoes. She threw down some more crumbs for it to eat. “Fire escape,” she muttered, when X made it clear he was not going to take her non-verbal answer. X let out a groan. “Brook, that is for emergencies,” he chastised. “Not for you to climb on whenever you want.” Brook rolled her eyes. “I’m aware of that, thanks,” she said “Besides, what’s it hurting?” 
  “It’s dangerous,” X argued. “What would happen if something broke or you fell off?”
  “Then I guess it wasn’t up to code,” Brook snarked, tossing more crumbs onto the ground as more pigeons showed up. “If an eighty-five pound girl can’t go up or down it, better to find out now than during an actual emergency.” X fixed her with a look. She knew that look. It was the same one her foster parents used to give her whenever she made an… unsavory joke. Oh well. Better he figure it out now. Sighing, he looked at the crowd of birds flocking at her feel. “Is this what you do up here?” he asked. Shrugging again, she knelt down and let the pigeon that had been resting on her hand down onto the ground. “Sometimes,” she answered quietly. “Other times I just people watch.” X nodded. “Then you can do that in the park,” he said. “You’re not allowed to come up here again.” Brook gave him an incredulous look. “What?! Why the f- hell not?!” she exclaimed. “What am I hurting up here?”
  “It’s not a matter of what you’re doing,” he told her. “Roof access is forbidden from tenants. Nobody is allowed up here except maintenance workers.” Brook glared at him. “You’re not in the country anymore," X continued, fixing her with yet another hard look. “There are rules, and you are expected to follow them. There will be consequences for breaking them. Now come on.” He held the door to the building open. Brook held her ground for a minute, before letting out a frustrated sound, scaring off half the pigeons. “I hate it here,” she snarled as she angrily flung the rest of the bread crumbs at the birds, causing the remaining ones to fly off. “I don’t want to be here.” X closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. “I know,” he quietly said. As Brook stomped her way to the door, she gave X another glare. “And I hate you,” she muttered, before pushing past him and running down the stairs.
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thatdeadaquarius · 5 months
Topic: Genshin impact.
au: Sagau.
idea: So what if you had the powers of every character you played as in every game you played and then get isekaid into genshin impact with imposter au. I imagine it goes smth like
Zhongli: “I will have order!”
reader, Who played Roblox as someone who lagged the game (explanation: I’m pretty sure ping is also how time works in games. If you can control the flow of ping you can control the flow of time in games.): “ZA WARUDO!”
Heyyy!! Thanks for waiting for the reply/response from my slow ass :0
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So they did clarify what they meant/expand so imma just copy paste that here!
“k now I remember. So basically imma write it here since it’s easier: Basically you don’t have to (but you can) transform into the character that has those set of powers but if you do those powers are enhanced.”
Sun: Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Light Imposter AU (as in, NOT Yandere/Dark), mild crossover elements bc Shapeshifter Shenanigans™️
Stars: bro idek
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, genshin typical mild violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so fair warning,, ive never seen jojo bizarre, but i appreciate i come off well-read/watched? LMAO
so im just gonna kinda,, guess? like just cycle thru diff. random media, and im hoping both me and you reading this will have a fun time (as this is a little challenge, but i like it so ill give it a shot, dont kno if its a good one but- 😅)
so to set the scene, of how u got to this point, ykno of running like ur life (maybe?) depends on u running around different teyvat countries,
u thought it was weird everyone knew a little too much about you?? (ofc theyve heard u during gaming, they know u the same way we all know Markiplier, get it?)
then a bunch of NPCs/Vision users/Archons?? were REALLY invested in talking to you, which freaked u out even more
and by the time you saw Zhongli, yknow, just the oldest god in game, making a fast-walk towards you, ykno the retired god who didnt move an inch when an old water god attacked Liyue for a test, is now hurrying to you???
ur logically get so fucking scared sm shits abt to go down, u just start running
it isnt until ur reaching for a ledge and some webbing shoots out of ur arm (from a glitchy little spot on ur arm, where it could be coming out of ur skin, but sometimes its a blue and red bracelet)
it latched onto the nearest building, and thats how u find out u can grapple ur way, literally Spiderman style, out of the harbor
and bro, idk if it would be fun, or confusing and stressful, or maybe both?? to just find out u can use any video game power from any game youve played before as you go running from countries bc for some freaky reason they know too much abt you/are pursuing you-
dUDE- they had small statues of you in like every little section of their cities
u head to Mondstadt and as Venti comes screaming and flying at you (in excitement, but ur freaked), u go to hold a hand up and suddenly ur holding a heavy stone tablet that unleashes some holographic yellow chains that freeze him in place-?? why is this familiar-
oh my god u have the sheikah slate from Breath of the Wild,
and as ur booking it out of there, u manage to get ahold of a sword, and u know exactly how to use it to knock back favonius knights trying to stop you (they are concerned for their god who is just unleashing random powers on ppl, pls let Grandmaster Jean just talk to you Your Majesty-!!)
by the time you teleport ur way to Inazuma, (bc u still have this worlds access to ur player/traveler’s powers), ur trying to find a nice place to stay for a little bit
at least in that sweet spot of the Raiden not noticing/finding you, while things cool down on the main continent, before moving on,
and u get some tools to help fashion just a little shelter, bc u dont have any money/mora rn, and ur able to literally build a house???
a mailbox pops up and thanks you for renting with Tom Nook???? As in Animal Crossing-
and rlly if the BOTW/slate thing didnt clue u into video game powers, then this definitely would tbh lmao
right as u see Yae Miko circling ur house, with an armful of books? ..is she planning to thru them at you??, u get the hell out of dodge before her favorite god can follow along
(she knows ur prefrences in books and got authors/trends to start so youd have plenty to read, and she was making sure it was ur house before politely dropping them off! how was she to know thatd spook their favorite God, Ei?!)
u get to Sumeru and think ur safe, hiding in an abandoned forest watcher outpost (1 person treehouse rlly) when Nahida shows up in ur dreams,
and u just,
walk out of the dream, into reality, and possess a nearby ruin guard so u can sleep in peace, bc she cant access a robot,
that one baffled u as you re-possessed ur own body before realizing-
Five Nights at Freddy’s. 💀
U cant do that forever, so u try Fontaine, hoping Neuvillette/Furina wont rlly give af abt you, plus theyre the latest region, so maybe they have the least exposure to whatever the other archons didnt like abt you??
u get there and are immediately summoned to court, and right as the mekas show up to escort you, jfc they have a mecha army
(meanwhile, theyre thinking, yknow. high profile guest/our god of gods. ofc we need state of the art mekas to escort them, its only polite-)
meanwhile ur cape has now become wings, and a mask covers ur face as you glide and fly ur way over the city in an attempt to get to where u assume Snezhnaya is
it doesnt occur to you the game until ur running out of stamnia and catch ur reflection in the waters of fontaine, Sky: Children of the Light
u hope the Tsaritsa’s dislike for other gods/Celestia doesnt extend to ur otherworldly presence so ur just hoping for the best atp tbh
tbh youd forget what all powers you have, and the absolute chaos ur causing urself as u try to desperately rememeber what games youve played thru ur entire life is NOT helping to reduce confusion when u randomly wake up with elf ears (legend of zelda/botw) or get dragged into another ruin machine when u fall asleep/faint/do smth u guess mimics death lmao- (fnaf) 💀
(meanwhile the Tsaritsa does get wind ur coming this way, and just, makes the people have a parade/festival to celebrate you coming,
she did also have to get Pierro/Captaino to physically restrain some of them from going ahead to meet/escort you to the palace, she’d heard how the others scared u off, and was, ironically, hoping the warm welcome would clear things up)
well that was, something. 😃🫠
sorry lil car, that was such a fun idea idk if i did it justice!! i thought itd be too op to include every media youve consumed ever, so i kept it to video games, (which, could u cheat the system if youve played smash bros??)
i hope it was at least a decent read, and sorry im half asleep so i was not v funny this time around, but, again, hope u got smth out of it 😭
on another note, im having my wisdom teeth surgery this friday, send whatever u got my way, prayers, blessings, good vibes, ill take anything im nervous 🙃
have a good week guys!
Safe Travels Lil Car,
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
we'll meet again.
summary. ""I'm sure we'll meet again, but for now… goodbye, [Name]."" trigger & content warnings. major character death (the reader), mild blood. tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. angst, hurt/no comfort. muichiro tokito & hashira mentor!reader. 1.1k words. they/them pronouns for reader. author's thoughts. this is an expansion of these headcanons. while this oneshot could be read as a standalone, it makes slightly more sense with the background context. also i think this oneshot only really makes sense if youve read the demon slayer manga; you wont understand the fight scene if you havent. anyway i have NO excuse for this. im so sorry (no im not LMAO)
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       "Tokito, move!"
       Perhaps it was the urgency in their tone, or perhaps it was the evident desire to protect a young life that they deemed unsettlingly evanescent, yet Muichiro obeyed with no hesitation. Perhaps it was simply the trust and respect he held for his mentor.
       Regardless, he moved.
       The second he released the hilt of his blade, they clasped it, pushing the boy further away with all their might. Though they may have missed it, Muichiro grimaced from the utter force they exerted against his core and stumbled slightly when attempting to regain his balance.
       He hadn't sparred with them in quite a long time. He'd forgotten the kind of power that they could demonstrate.
       Though the blade had been red before when clutched in the Mist Hashira's hand, it was blazing now, making the Upper Moon suck in a sharp, painful breath. Their glare was steely enough to make even the bravest man falter.
       If Kokushibo was not a demon, perhaps even he would have wavered.
       "You will not harm my Tsuguko."
       Lightning struck their core, tearing and searing the seams of their flesh to reach its sharp nails into their delicate innards. They hardly processed the gaping gash across their torso until the pain came in seconds later, making the floor sway beneath their feet and their vision spin. A glare that was once as sharp as their nichirin blade was now unfocused and hazy.
       Their legs gave out from underneath them.
       Through the pounding of their heart in their ears, they heard a distant, faint cry of their name.
       A moment passed, then another.
       Tender fingers brushed hair that'd stuck to their sweaty, pale face away, caressing their cheek with a trembling hand. "...[Name]-nee?"
       "Ah..." they laughed, choking up a bit of blood in the process, before wincing at the sharp pain that struck their abdomen after. "That's the first time you've called me anything other than [Name]-sama, Mui-kun. It's cute. You should've done it a long time ago."
       "H— wait, hold on, just stay awake a little longer," he urged, hands scrambling to peel away at some of the fabric sticking to their flesh. The boy's pupils were blown wide with panic; that much they could tell, despite their blood-loss induced dilirium. "We'll close your wounds, just... I need..."
       "Hey..." they called weakly, gently pushing his hands away from their wound with what little strength they had left. "Tokito."
       "I just, I- I need to start a fire. We'll cauterize them—"
       "—It'll be okay."
       "Mui-kun, please, just stop already! Listen to me!"
       Glossy tears spilled over at the sheer breathless desperation in their voice. Never once had their voice raised in his direction, and perhaps it was a mix of the utter overwhelm of the situation and the shock of hearing them yell (at him, specifically) that pushed him over the edge.
       In the end, Muichiro was still only a child.
       Their chest rose up and down in heavy puffs as they tried to catch their breath, squeezing their eyes shut as the room spun.
       "[Name]-nee... don't go yet. Please, please... not you too..."
       "Shh. I'm still here. Just, ah... just give me your hands. I'll throw up if I open my eyes."
       He was quick in clasping their chilled hands between his own, sharing his body heat and offering what little comfort he possibly could to both himself and his rapidly declining mentor. A deep weight settled in his gut at the realization that he wasn't just in some horrible nightmare—that, once again, someone he adored and loved wholeheartedly was leaving him alone.
       To them, the warmth he radiated was indeed a comforting reassurance. He was warm. Alive.
       "Listen to me. You've gotta kill Muzan for me. This isn't fixable. This couldve been you, laying here in your own blood, you know? You're too young to die here. Too many kids have given their lives already. You had better not die, you hear me? I'll give you hell if you do."
       When he laid down beside them, shedding blistering tears on their shoulder, they caressed his head lovingly with the last of their strength.
       "You had better not die, Muichiro."
              — flower of the universe !! 🌸
       "Hello! It's nice to meet you. I am [Surname] [Name], the Demon Slayer Corps' Cloud Hashira, and I'll be your mentor from here on out."
       The warmth with which they regarded him was... foreign. Despite the nervous smile tugging at their lips, their welcoming warmth was oh-so evident. How could one who had seen so much bloodshed still have eyes that shone comparably to stars?
       Muichiro blinked—once, twice.
       Awkward silence descended for a brief moment as the boy fidgeted slightly with the bandages wrapped around his body.
       "Oh, uh, right," they stammered, plucking amaranth from their hair. Their hand raised with purposeful delicacy so that, had he so desired, he could withdraw from their gentle touch. He did not. His lack of movement prompted them to tuck the plant behind his ear. "Here."
       "What's this for?"
       "Well, I've never had a Tsuguko before, so I want us to have a good relationship. Some of the other Hashira say gift-giving is a good way to build rapport. Also, I've been thinking about your name."
       "My... name?"
       "Yes. The 'mu' in your given name—it's the same as the 'mu' in 'mugen,' isn't it? The 'mu' in Muichiro is the 'mu' in 'mugen.' I like to think so, at least. Amaranth is a symbol of immortality in some countries. It's... it's the closest I could get to infinity," they laughed. "I thought about bringing a lotus instead. Maybe I should have? A lotus would've looked a little nicer. Hmm..."
       The 'mu' in Muichiro is the 'mu' in 'mugen.'
       Where had he heard that before?
       "You wanted to bring me a lotus that day, [Name]-nee. It was because they symbolise eternity, right?" Muichiro mused in a quiet whisper that would inevitably be lost to the breeze. No-one else was meant to hear, anyway. His words were for no-one but his late mentor; that much was blatantly obvious. "I didn't think you'd ever join this graveyard."
       The rows of graves behind Oyakata-sama's seemed endless, really. Day after day they used to get bigger and bigger as Demon Slayers fell. It was somehow comforting to Muichiro that no-one would ever have to join said rows ever again.
       "You know, lotuses also symbolise rebirth. That's why I brought you one."
       With delicacy so obviously mimicing that which they had once displayed towards him, he laid the flower on their grave, careful not to disturb the dirt too much.
       "I'm sure we'll meet again, but for now... goodbye, [Name]."
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot! for clarity's sake, the line "The 'mu' in Muichiro is the 'mu' in 'mugen'" is a reference to what muichiro's brother said before he died.
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solivagantingrebel · 2 months
Fanfic writer questions!
How many works do you have on ao3?
8! But if we count my other account that I abandoned, 10.
What's your total ao3 word count?
So far, roughly 142k words.
What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly just COD fandom (exclusively Ghostsoap!)
Top five fics by kudos:
Leaving Your Heart On Fire - omegaverse smut amirite? (first attempt at smut fic too, which is, something!)
carry me in your teeth (with tender jaws of sympathy) - seal!soap x orca!ghost with hurt/comfort, biting and other shenanigans. honestly, i never thought people would like it that much since i hallucinated the plot & the first chapter within a day lmaoo.
Only Yours - another omegaverse smut! second one in the series, but whatever. wall sex galore tho <33
Sweetest Gift - lingerie & shibari & bdsm. need i say more
With The Softness Of Your Breath - what if hallmark movies were good, and ghoap? ALSO childhood friends and retired au + all the christmas goodness. this one is very deserved and i will literally kiss everyone who read this on the mouth for giving it a chance even tho i know first person pov isn't favoured in fandom spaces. i poured my heart into it, ty <3
Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to! Miss some sometimes because i'm too busy giggling and kicking my feet over the sheer amount of elation i feel whenever i get the notification.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Happy ending kind of guy, so none. Unless you count the letter. MCD 😔
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
CHRISTMAS FIC,, but all of them are going to be happy ending so we'll see!! my current longfics will take the rest of the year, or more, to end though, so who knows.
Do you get hate on fics?
No? But I did get a comment about how first person pov was something that a reader hated and they were looking forward to reading the fic with the tags & summary. Oh well, their loss.
Do you write smut?
ABSOLUTELY,,, i adore writing smut. right after fluff and angst, i have to say.
Craziest crossover:
None yet :(
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I wouldn't mind it though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but Alex. i am looking at you with the softest, darkest brown eyes ever.
All time favourite ship?
GHOSTSOAP. but also capitaru and cami. if you know you know. i don't mind ghoap x reader too, but i swear they NEED to be fucking each other as well, no ghoap 'thinking' of each other as friends and nothing more. all of us are in love and fucking and that is final, or there is nothing.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Beyond Life and Death,,, im so sorry my first attempt at a longfic but i really overestimated everything before i started writing it. Still hold it in my heart, since it was how I taught myself to write fanfics in general but it's a mess, honestly.
What are your writing strengths?
I. have no idea. I've been told I'm good at setting scene (emotional, erotic, angsty) so maybe that? Words also fly out of my mind at the speed of light whenever I am deeply dissecting a character's inner monologue, feelings and thought process AND ALSO TRAUMA, so that too.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I would say action if it were me from the past,, but I've gotten better at it. So, for now, plot, but I'm working on it!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
First fandom you wrote in?
......JJK. You will not find that fic though.
Favourite fic you've written?
All of them are my babies don't make me choose 😭
I have no idea who has done this tag game and who hasn't. it was trending like months ago, so open tag for now! do feel free to yap about your fics and tag me if you, i'd love to know <3 (get some recs meself) ill tag a few but feel free to ignore me if youve already done it lmao @eiraeths @myriadblvck
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transgymbro · 5 months
im sure youve probably answered this before, but do you have a specific gym routine you follow? or one you could recommend?
my issue with the gym isnt even an issue of social anxiety or body insecurity, it's the fact that i genuinely have zero clue what im doing lmao 😅 any advice at all is appreciated, thanks man
I actually haven't answered this one before! This is under a "read more" because it got stupid long. Also sorry this has taken so long I've been grinding on my finals
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, I'm literally just some guy on the internet who likes going to the gym. Please consult an expert such as a doctor or fitness coach if possible before trying anything I say. If you happen to be an expert/experienced in this, please correct me if I got anything wrong. Also, YMMV.
So generally, when you go to the gym your routine is going to depend on your goals and how many days you're going to be able to go.
If your main goal is to cut (lose body fat): You want to concentrate on cardio, and if you do strength training at all you should focus on lighter weight with a higher number of reps each set
If your main goal is to bulk (gain muscle mass and strength): You'll want to aim for less cardio, heavier weights, and less repetitions.
WARNING: Be careful when you are going up in weight, you can seriously injure yourself if you try to lift something that's too heavy. What I mean by be careful is:
Make sure you can move your current weight easily before trying the next one up. That is, don't go up until you're able to do 15 reps on that weight.
When you move up in weight, don't go up by more than 5-10 lbs. This will make sure that if it turns out you can't lift as much as you thought, you won't hurt yourself.
Have a spotter with you, if possible. If you have someone who can/wants to go to the gym with, you, take them, especially if they have more experience. Having someone there to catch the weight can make the difference on whether or not you get injured.
Listen to your body. If you are hurting/experiencing sharp/unusual pain, STOP and either go down in weight or stop altogether for the day.
Make sure your form is correct. Lifting with bad form is already likely to injure you, and the risk goes up the heavier you're lifting. You can have someone else check you or check online for tutorials.
As for your exercises across the week, it depends on how much time you have to spend in the gym. Some people have time every single day to go, and others can only go maybe two days a week. Regardless of how much time you have though, it is important to give your muscles a chance to rest. Now, this doesn't mean you CAN'T go every single day, you absolutely can if you know what you're doing. But generally for people who are new to the gym I wouldn't recommend it. For one, if you're not used to the strain you're going to take longer to recover and get over the soreness, and if you're super sore it'll be difficult to really push yourself. Also, beginners aren't typically in tune with their body yet, that is, they don't know when to stop pushing to avoid injury. So, it's best to split the muscles you work out across your gym days.
A very common one routine is called the push-pull split. This divides the muscles you will work out into two groups, depending on their motion. The muscles that go in each category are
Push: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Quads, Calves
Pull: Back, Biceps, Glutes, Hamstrings.
Typically, one would go to the gym 4 days per week and do: push, pull, push, pull, or vice versa. However, this split is also good for people who can only work out twice a week. My brother actually goes to the gym three times per week (last I checked with him) and modifies this split into push, pull, and legs, so this is another option if you want to really make sure you're getting a pump on your legs.
My personal split is a three day split of muscle groups. Shoulders/biceps/triceps, chest/back, and abs/legs. This is how my aunt (former amateur bodybuilder) trained me when she was getting me into weightlifting and I've generally kept the same routine, but you're free to switch any of those days or muscle groups around, so you could do something like biceps/trips/back, abs/chest, shoulders/legs. Generally I would try to keep biceps and triceps together since both are your arm muscles, but that's really only a personal preference.
For the most part, what you choose to do here is up to you as long as you make sure you're giving your muscles a chance to rest.
Now we're getting into specifics: How many reps? How many sets? Generally, 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps on a weight that is manageable but challenging (i.e. you can lift it, but you're getting tired at about the last 2-3 reps). However, there are some (not exhaustive) special cases that I'm listing below
Cutting - Do you remember what I said about low weight high reps earlier? This is where it comes in. If you're on a cut you may want to go for a lighter weight than your normally would (for example, if you usually lift about 20 lbs use the 10 lb weights) and go for 15-20 reps, or if you're advanced, until failure.
Strength gain - High weight, low reps. You'll want something a bit on the heavier side, but you'll only be doing this for about 5-8 reps per set. I do recommend, however, grabbing a lighter weight as well and doing what we call a drop set (we'll get into what this is in a second). Once again: be careful when lifting very heavy weights. You don't want to injure yourself.
The Big Three (Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press) - These ones are the ones people tend to try and go as heavy as they can go on. They are the most rewarding, but also the most dangerous lifts you can do. If you are a beginner, do not attempt going heavy on these without a spotter. Generally for these, you'll want to do less reps the heavier you go. If you have a spotter you can go for a one rep max, where you lift the most weight you know you can lift for exactly one rep. Alternatively, these can go hand in hand with strength gaining, and because of how heavy these can get, you may end up only getting 3 reps in (I can only bench 145 lbs for 2 reps right now).
Drop Set - A drop set is a set where you start with a weight slightly heavier than what you can complete a full set with, do a low amount of reps, and then drop down to a lower weight and repeat, up to the lowest weight available to you. These are very good for building your strength, because they allow you to keep going and working your muscles without injuring yourself. Example: I want to drop set my bicep curls. I can bicep curl about 25 lbs for 10-12 reps. I would start with 30 lbs, do 5 reps, then drop to 25 lbs and do 5 reps there. I could stop there, especially if I'm using dumbbells because I don't want to have that many dumbbells with me, but I could go to 20 lbs, do 5 reps, then to 15 lbs, and then repeat until I'm using 5 lbs. These usually work best with machines rather than free weights because again: there is definitely such a thing as too many dumbbells.
Also: Make sure your first set is a warmup set. That is, do slightly lighter weight and slightly more reps to get your muscles warmed up and ready to lift the heavier stuff. Warming up your muscles will give you a chance to practice your form and prepare your body to handle the heavy shit.
I will also say that your diet will have a massive impact on how fast/whether you reach your goals, but since you asked about the gym specifically, I'm sticking to that scope.
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likes: Animals (cats and dogs especially seem to like me a lot more than the average person), gaming, anime, cooking, food, rock music, goth/punk/edgy/alternative/emo subculture, makeup and skincare (I like to feel pretty lmao), school, taking pictures
dislikes: bitter food, spicy food,school
hobbies: Acting (#1 hobby!), writing, ig I’ll put studying here since i was a honour student.
physical preferences: none
personality preferences: someone willing to protect me (I’ve been stared by creepy old men for 2 days in a row) and someone not too energetic and bubbly, anyone who is not Ace or Floyd, someone who can comfort me as I’m a generally anxious and insecure person
love languages: physical touch and quality time
extras: I’m an infj, would be in Diasomnia dorm, my personality would be I tend to come off as reserved, intimidating and cold due to my trust issues from being stabbed in the back by someone I trusted at first impressions but as I warm up to someone/they gain my trust I can be warm, caring, loyal, affectionate, and protective
Soooo i couldnt pick just one :( Too many ideas! I guess youre getting four charecters 😔 im not that indecisive though they are in order from who i feel would be less compatible to the most! For a big reveal vibe
4. Azul Ashengrotto
Youre giving him the cold shoulder? He doesnt gaf..
An honors student an actor and a beauty, hes so intrigued!
His intentions are likely less than pure but anyone with one working eye can see that
“Let’s make a deal!” Hes probably offering you fame for your acting but we both know youre not falling for that.
The more you ignore him the more hell bother you it becomes some form of personal challenge for him
Hes upping the charm and throwing in all the bells and whistles this isnt about his contract anymore its about his ability as a business man!
Eventually youll tell him to knock it off and that you know you cant trust him
Hell feign hurt but beep down you just charmed him.
So strong and so smart he already knew he wanted you in his corner but now he finds himself wanting you more.
As a buisness man azul is good at reading people, it comes with the territory so he knows how you see him and hes determined to change it
Hed follow you around trying to market himself as an outgoing and upstanding person did you drop something? Hes got it, dont stress! Need notes? Come to him! Free of charge!
It doesnt work.. that is until he finds you in an insecure state or anxious state.
Maybe its before your first role in twisted wonderland where you dont know anyone.
Its so prestigious here! Anyone would be nervous.
He takes this opportunity to comfort you. Once you tell him about your insecurity and anxiety he immediately knows what to say
In that moment you dont see him as some capitalist. For the first time you see him vulnerable, you see him on a level where you can relate to him
You can feel in his voice and the way he speaks to comfort you that hes felt it too, he knows what its like
Even you know being vulnerable isnt something azul does willy nilly so it gets you thinking, maybe you can trust him.
While talking to him you might name drop or tell him about your experience with creeps
Hell protect you but hell definetly hide it from you he doesnt want you seeing his ugly side
Hell be keeping an eye on you and if anyone oversteps in anyway hell be after them
Hes a powerful man, he could send the twins after them or if theyre really hurting you he’ll bring them in for a “word”
As for comforting you, he always knows what to say but hell also have episodes
Sometimes hell wonder how he landed you, so beautiful, smart and talented what if you wake up one day and realize youre too good for him?
Youre going to have to do some comforting too, hold him and tell him you love him, its all hell need.
Azul would be scared to touch you first, hes a gentleman! He cant just grab you! No matter how badly he wants to, he doesnt know how to go about reaching for your hand
Youve gotta make the first move, walking side by side notice how his fingers twitch towards your hand, go for it! Hold his hand!
Hell be shocked, bamboozled, pushing his glasses up and trying to hide his blush but you can still see a light pink on his ears.
From now on whenever he holds your hands hell take his gloves off before intertwining your fingers
His probably still to shy to go forward but if you grab him for a hug hell be sooo happy
He doesnt have much time to spen with you but hell always welcome you to sit beside hin while hes working, hell let you on his lap too if you want but youll have to ask and go through a but of his awkward aftershock
When he does time off hell spend it with you. Hell spare no expense! Spoiling you with fancy dinners and gifts
He works so hard though hell need a break, lie together and hold him or just watching anime together will help him let off steam.
3. Malleus Draconia
Malleus is a really toned down guy who’s willing to go with the flow he wont be too much for you to handle
Upon meeting you and being faced with your colder aura, cant say he’s really phased. With silver coming off in a similar way you wont deter him.
His generally frightening and strong air might not leave you wanting to open up but he probs wont notice and come back to you anyways
Coming back to you over and over again he’ll get more and more friendly. The imposing air around him starts to clear and you start seeing him as sort of an oddball
Hes so intimidating yet so tame maybe you can trust him?
Hes lonely. He doesnt realize it but he is so hes always coming to you he wants to spend all his free time with you just to have you there so he wont be lonely. This feeling is so foreign to him but its like a weight has been lifted from his chest
Itll make him even happier if youre the one initiating quality time. It makes him feel like hes wanted
Physical touch too!
He could be lost in thought worried about you one day finding yourself afraid of him only to be met with you holding him having all his worries vanish
Showing you being vulnerable around him is the highest amount of trust he feels he could have gained
Sleeping with him hell probably hold you while hes still awake thinking about the difference between when you first met and now
You were so closed off, you’d hardly ever respond to him but now look, he always has you by his side, your so warm and kind to him, you trust him enough to be completely helpless around him leaving him to protect you in your vulnerable state.
Speaking of protecting, walking with malleus no one will dare look at you funny let alone disrespect you
God forbid anyone harass you, youll need to phone lilia to calm him down
After that though hell turn his attention back to you and make sure youre alright. Hell insist on carrying you even if you swear you’re fine “Humans are fragile we cant be too careful”
Honestly 1) he just wants to hold you and 2) he knows about your anxiety and needs to make sure you’re okay you could say hes doing it more for his peace of mind than his for yours
Having anxiety or just feeling really insecure? Hell cancel everything hell make someone else do it if he has to
Hes overly cautious of you because your human
Hell hold you on his lap and let you talk if thats what you need otherwise hell just hold you close to your chest and let you breathe, drawing circles in your back, humming and playing with your hair he wants you to focus on him, you and him are all that matter right now and your all that matter to him.
He really appreciates that you can cook, he wants you to cook for him so you can yk, save him!
“Im sorry lilia but Haru has already prepared a meal for me”
Hes scared of change. Taking pictures will eaze him. Take pictures with him and let him have a few and youll find that hes placed them on a board near his bed.
Hell but his favorite in a locket that hell keep with him all the time. He doesnt want to think about a time where hes without you but he knows it will have to come.
Taking all these pictures is so important to him. He needs these traces of you for when youre gone
Acting!! Hell come to all your shows and be so proud! “That’s my Haru, a star aren’t they lilia?”
Hed be so dazed by you hell probably miss the entire play except for the parts youre in.
2. Vil Schönheit (ig were sharing😒)
Vil gives off the same vibes as you at first
Hes cold and hardened on the outside but he cares deep down and that becomes more evident as you get to know him
Vil might not pay much attention at first, hes too busy and the could and distant air around you detrers him a bit, he doesnt see anything he can improve your already beautiful so he leaves you alone
That is until he sees you onstage one day.
As part of film club and an actor himself seeing you on stage, your acting and presence are amazing
Film acting is what vil does most and as a professional knows how different it is from the stage.
He cant help but be impressed in your performance and from then on you just seemed to sort of stand out to him
Hell start noticing things, how smart you are how caring and soft to your close friends you are. How beautiful you manage to be with so little effort
Wait- youre so kind to your friends what is it that they have that he doesn’t? Shouldnt you be charmed by him?
Well either way he comes to talk to you about your performance and how he thinks youd make an amazing addition to film club!
Vil would love to act with you! He does film acting most of the time so hell teach you about that and you can show him a thing or two about stage acting!
Hell love your writing, hell encourage you to publish or even to be a play write!
Maybe you should even start a production company together
He believes in you and wants to star with you and is willing to support you all the way
As a celebrity, vil values his privacy, dating is hard with your insecurities he understands if yoh dont want him to announce your relationship and will do his best to keep it private
On the other hand he has no issue going punlic with your relationship. He knows that people online can be cruel and hell do whatever he can to keep that from you
If youre feeling insecure, he cant have that, WAKE UP!
Youre dating THE Vil Schönheit not only is he beautiful but hes also selective! Hello??? Youre absolutely gorgeous and he wont have you feeling otherwise
Hell hold you, tell you your beautiful and if it helps you, hell give you a self care day together
Face masks painting your nails and doing hair!
Also if you wanna do more makeup all you have to do is ask! Vil will most definitely help you out
Hes well versed! Whatever style you like! (My personal fav is douyin!)
With an eye for style, if youre not too sure on what you want im sure hes already cooked up the perfect look for you
SKINCARE VIL IS SO HAPPY hell sing your praises and go off about how happy he is that someone values their skin as they should!
Hell give you personalized products too!
A photographer x model trope too? SO CUTE(me projecting my want for a photographer partner) BUT LIKE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE THOUGH⁉️⁉️
Vil sewing makes so much sense and after hes finished with a project hell wanna model it for magicam!
Taking photos on his own is fine but we know vil, he wants spectacular!
He trusts your artistic vision and would love having you take his photo hell come out looking beautiful and he sees it as the outcome of your combined efforts
Vil is so protective he would not let anyone harass you!
In that moment he doesnt care about his name all he carrs for is your safety and well being.
Online or in person he wont hesitate to go all in on them protectively putting himself in between you and your harasser
Quality time would definitely come in your selfcare routines together and picking outfits!
Hes pulling all the stops picking your outfits finding your color-palette
So obviously his gonna spoil you with all this makeup skin care and clothing hell have you feeling absolutely gorgeous like you’re the only person he sees!
Youre so beautiful he cant help but want to accentuate that
1. Deuce Spade
Upon first meeting you his a little intimidated by how closed off you are, but he cant help but admire you!
An honors student whos so straight and narrow! Hes gonna try to befriend you right away! Youre the exact type of person he needs to surround himself more with
Deuce is a good boy so im sure youll find yourself opening yourself up to him more and more
Once you let him in on your trust issues he feels a twinge of guilt, youve been nothing but upfront and honest to him and hes been hiding a secret since youve first met! Would you still think of him the same if you knew???
He wouldnt be able to hide it very well and upon asking him whats wrong he blurts out his past and starts apologizing for not telling you sooner
He says he understands if you would like your distance and that he shouldnt have hid something so big from you
After letting him know that youre fine with it and it wasnt that big of a deal hell be so overcome with joy!
Youre so loyal! So kind! Hes so relieved he grabs your hand to enthusiastically thank you without thinking
Before he realizes what hes done he gets a look at how cute your shocked face looks and he immediately apologizes backing away and going back to sitting awkwardly
From that day he’d be noticeably more awkward around you but who could blame him? Your so sweet!
Deuce games a bit himself, he loves you so much introduce him to the games you play the most and hell pick them up just to spend time with you
His mom raised him right so hell plan dates for you and take a lot of initiative to make sure he’s treating you with all the love you deserve
He wont touch you without permission. He knows better! Hell either have to work up the courage to hold your hand or your just gonna have to go in
He gets really worked up at times and forgets though
After his win in a track meet hell celebrate and right to you and lift you up in his arms without thinking.
Hell apologize after but as time goes on hell get more comfortable, he just wants to make sure he’s doing things right
Hell do the same after a play! You did such a great job and you look so beautiful in your costume he rushes over to tell you how amazing you were and give you flowers
Hell bring his mom to see you act too shell love you, how could she not!
Deuce is very capable in protecting you and most definitely will, i dont think i need to explain that one
The first time he does though its just like he snaps, hes so mad, more mad than youve ever seen him
After whats done is done hell apologize for acting without your permission and say things like “Im sorry, you shouldnt have seen that!”
On his hands and knees bro dont leave him!
The next time something happens hell tell you to leave because he doesnt want you seeing but he cant just let them get away with creeping on you!
Deuce might not have a way with words but he tries, so when youre feeling down about yourself or anxious hell take you for a ride
It makes sense that hed only have one helmet so assuming that you dont have one hell insist you wear his along with his hacket so you do t get hurt and make you promise to hold on tight to him
Hell take you to his secret spot and sot you down and let you let it all out “Im sorry, I didnt know what to say so i just thought id help you run away for a bit” hell listen to you for sure
Hes a bit of a romantic so i see him smiling as he watches you get ready in the morning, watching you put on mascara as he makes the eyes at you
If you turn to face him hell look away though that wont change
He loves how gentle you are sometimes it makes him feel that youre delicate, like if hes too rough hell break you and you might run away
Hes so sweet if you give him pictures you take of him hell buy a book to keep them in and label each one
Hell ask for advice studying too! Youre so smart, honors isnt easy to get in any way, dont forget that
With you in his life he really feels like hes becoming better, like someone his mom can be proud of and someone worthier of you each day that passes
I just wrote a bunch in the notes app and ordered them in what i thought was the cutest order, lemme know which one you liked the best too! Hope you like it❤️
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william-s-churros · 1 year
olan headcanons lol
VERY RAMBLING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE LOL. if youve read my fics some of this stuff will be obvious but if not, here. you can avoid my fics entirely. i change tenses a lot i think in this and im so sorry
i think that being married was genuinely like a traumatic experience for him. i think he very much did experience intense romantic attraction to his wife at first, but that it probably petered out very, very quickly and for no discernable reason (possibly just that they were incompatible in the long term, which would be obvious if not for the fact that they were still in the honeymoon phase) but he was probably a very conflict-averse person who values his ability to go with the flow, even if that flow is incredibly damaging for him to go with. its just easier to, rather than fight, escape into alcoholism and mouldering resentment. i mean, i dont say this to exuse his neligence as a husband and father, but just to explain why lol. im sure he was a terrible, terrible father in the process of all this. just also maybe that he didnt have a good time either lol. like im sure part of that feeling of being unnecessary to them was him making himself unavailable to even be neccesary.
definitely married young because he got his then-girlfriend pregnant. definitely then married her because that's the good catholic boy thing to do. (also yeah hes catholic in my mind lmao. what else is new with me. i feel like theres probably a sizeable catholic community in olathe for no reason besides i said so, because i love giving characters very catholic-y feelings lol)
i think probably, in the aftermath of this, he enjoys the freedom from his family quite a bit. like, im sure he didnt want them to die, but he probably never wanted to see them again. like the responsibility of having a family was too much for him, and he constantly failed at it, so not having that failure and pressure hanging over his head is a welcome relief, even if the method by which it happened was extremely unfortunate. i kind of imagine that loss was something more of a hollowness than a more typical sense of grief. im sure he feels very weird and bad about all of it, but thats what drinking is for! eyyyyy. probably a lot of that feeling weird and bad is worrying about the judgment of others, too.
as a result, i feel like his relationship style is probably like. none. like i imagine since his marriage was so terrible, he probably just assumes that every relationship he's in will also be terrible because he assumes he is just terrible at relationships, and does his best to actively avoid being actually romantically involved with people, to actively avoid developing feelings for people, or even like sleeping with people more than once. that said, i feel like he would fuck anyone with a pulse who gave him the go ahead lmao. he's looking for good memories (and a stiff drink ofc) more than anything! and that means trying to do as much fun stuff as he can before he dies. i do sort of feel like that its extremely possible to fall into those intense romantic feelings-- the kind he had early on with his wife-- but they, again, would probably not last a very long time, and his system of being a one-and-done lay works to insulate him from those feelings (typically)
all this stuff if meant to insulate him from pain and conflict of course. i feel like he probably lies (or "bends the truth" lol) frequently for similar reasons.
definitely someone who only really does stuff he's either already good at or is good at immediately lol. zero discipline
no gag reflex at all (extremely important headcanon)
uhh i think he's probably pretty gay? but he doesn't think of himself that way. in his mind, he's straight, but also willing to play the cards he's been dealt because he enjoys having sex and, you know, why not? its probably more accurate to say that he's bisexual, but he probably never considered the possibility of sleeping with a man until after the flash when that was all that was available. i feel like he made it like 3 months before being like oh... whatever... fine. ill try sucking cock. he's also vers lol, mostly because a lot of other "straight" men after the flash don't want to bottom.
he's good at other long range accuracy sports (like darts and uhhh bowling??) but he has zero coordination when it comes to hand to hand combat.
tall? maybe not super tall, but still on the taller side, like 6ft. also one of those people whos never had to work out to maintain his physique. a lot of things like this have been very easy for him in life, which cultivated his very poor discipline habits. probably of average intelligence, but very good at bullshitting and thus got good grades in school.
he has an associates degree in communications.
he did not enjoy his job, but he did enjoy being away from his family. decent-ish salesman? it helps that he's very friendly and basically handsome. definitely drank on the clock.
has a DUI, but has driven under the influence hundreds if not thousands of times lol. he's probably smoked weed only a few times when he was younger but he didn't know what he was doing and didn't actually get high (he probably had a bit of a placebo effect where he felt what he thought people felt while high on marijuana, which was not accurate at all) he grew up in a household where drinking was very normal and began drinking as a very young teen (13 or 14?) also a casual smoker, especially likes to smoke after sex or a good meal.
he's a bit of a square, and especially was one before the flash. he definitely did things that were expected of him (i.e. getting married) because that was the normal thing to do more than because he wanted to. he had a pretty deep investment in appearing to be normal before the flash. after the flash, he's not nearly as worried, but he still has some residual mindsets that are hard to get over, which lead him to do things like, for example, consider himself to be straight lol
he obviously has a very high tolerance for alcohol and could drink any other party member under the table.
he "likes" birdie, but birdie also makes him feel extremely insecure about how terrible he was as a father and how little he cares that his family is dead. sometimes, this causes him to lash out at birdie in really stupid ways, like over-exaggerating just how little he cared about his family to upset birdie. he does regret doing this because it makes birdie cry. birdie does not really like olan because of this type of behavior, but often forgets that when he's particularly plastered, and olan is usually the only person who is willing to drink as much as he is, so they do hang out together despite both of them kind of not enjoying the experience at all.
he likes brad a lot because brad is very weird lmao. he's just curious about him and asks him a lot of questions (most of which brad does not answer of course) and wants brad to like and trust him. he also wants to make brad have fun and relax (good luck with that one bud... lmao)
I don't think he has much interest in buddy at all? he fully supports brad abandoning his quest to save her, of course, mostly because he doesnt see the point of it.
he probably gets along with nern pretty well but definitely only enjoys his rambly ass stories when he's good and drunk. they complain about their dead wives with each other. yeah he probably kind of sucks about women, not in like a malicious way per se but more in the sense that he's just an idiot man. basically. lmao. but nern really brings out the worst in him on the subject of women.
he likes terry a lot because terry is a ridiculous person and a lot of fun. ignoring the fact that i ship them, i think he just really enjoys what a silly, weird dude he is. he is probably a longtime hint enjoyer and was pleased to meet the guy who wrote them all. NOT ignoring that i ship them, i feel like olan sort of views terry as one would a manic pixie dream girl, like, terry makes his life so exciting! he's going to pull olan out of this existential mire! he's making olan feel things again! he's damaged and desperate for love! and he's such a freak in bed! idk. its not the most accurate of reads is all im saying. idk how it would work out in the longrun with them, though. i think olan would kind of maybe slide into his avoidant-resentful mode if enough time passed, but it might take longer than it did with his wife because theyre just really good at having sex with each other lol.
he's probably been to the beehive like plenty of times so queen roger knows of him and he knows of queen roger, but i doubt theyve encountered each other much outside of maybe roger kicking him out on his ass because he was too drunk or trying to sleep there like its a hotel
and uhhh i havent thought a lot about what he thinks of the other companions as much. i feel like he probably likes most of them? he probably likes most people he meets tbh.
anyway im tired of writing this long ass shit lol bye
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soleillunne · 1 year
asking for your selfship headcanons bc we can never have enough of alyzuha and xiaolyssa content in the world <3
also this is a mix of alyzuha and xiaolyssa :> also theyre all over the place
i have trouble sleeping so kazuha lays down w me and whispers to me and does the thing where you like draw shapes on smos back until i fall asleep to help me
also he wakes up before me but i always wake up before breakfast is ready bc idk i cant sleep for that long for some reason
as for xiao: he doesnt sleep that often bc of nightmares but he always lays w me (us?? id die if it was kazuha x alyssa x xiao)
i would rather die than be near bugs of any shape of form so both kazuha and xiao take care of them before i even notice (slight flashback to that one time i told vi changsheng would eat bugs for her lmao)
also in both cases i fall first and they fall harder bc heart eyes have you seen them
expanding on the fireworks hc which is here , kazuha would take me to a secluded area and would just watch the stars w me and maybe we would whisper to eachother and just talk all night
also as mentioned in vi's selfships series like twice i think (i keep going back to those theyre so cute) i make bracelets for us three!! theyre all custom made and like different from eachother but also when you look at them you can understand theyre a set if that makes sense
xiao gives us (i decided to go with xiao x alyssa x kazuha shh) like um blessed stone thibsg I FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE CALLED that like alert him when we're in danger so he can come fight w us before we can even call for him bc he worries :(
kazuha tries to teach me japanese at some point (since i think each nation has a language of its own and teyvats language is like a worldwide language as an extra) AND HE FAILS BC I CANT UNDERTSAND IT but i get upset bc i think hes disappointed in me and i try so hard to learn it on my own so i can impress and suprise him one day
xiao: "what language you speak doesn't matter as long as you're mine" USDBFHGIUJOH DIES
kazuha confesses first to me but i confess first to xiao
OKAY SO I WROTE THIS IN A POST OF MINE AND IT WAS EXTREMELY BASED OFF OF ME BUT!! me and zhongli def have tea on afternoons at least once a week where we talk about xiao
similarly i will talk about kazuha to beidou (and she'll try to embarrass him)
special occasions (like birthdays, anniversaries etc.) are spent w just us three and nothing else. like we dont run errands or any of that we just spend time together (kazuha wrote me a haiku on my bday - as his voiceline goes- once and i started crying lmao)
all of us prefer handmade gifts over bought ones so gifts are very pretty but also they all mean sth to us!!
kazuha lets me play with his hair and xiao plays with mine its like those pics where multiple people braid their hair at the same time if youve seen it before HIS HAIR IS SO SOFT ASBDJFKGLH
kazuhas handwriting is pretty if you can read cursive but xiaos is unintelligable so mine is the only handwriting that you can actually read lmao
we have two cats. because i love cats and i have two of them (OH MAYBE WE'LL HAVE 3 BC TOMOS CAT OMG)
kazuha cooks, i bake and xiao sits on the counter looking pretty as he taste tests the food
when im in pain™ they both hold me and kiss me all day to make me feel better :")
alyzuha is friends to lovers and xiaolyssa is reincarnation au (detailed verison here) but also xiaolyssa has insane friends to lovers with angst potential (it has angst potential in general but i dont like thinking abt it bc it makes me sad lmao)
thats all i got at the top of my head rn
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
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ok i did a huge ship meme for fun. if you read it u have to like this post. also i have more thoughts under the cut
some of these are copy pasted from twt so if u saw it there u can read them again i guess. theres some new ones also. perish by my hand
at a glance
yuujin calls leona "leona-san" until theyre both old n gray. they probably try "leona" a few times but it feels weird to them. leona's fine w/this
love languages are what they prefer to receive rather than what they naturally give wwww if it were that way around id switch it LOL. high natural compatability
"problematic a bit" in the sense of. well. if youve played twst. youve met leona. u see how he acts around mc at first. u kno.
dynamic stuff
i dont think leona would've had a Relationship relationship before. fwb? fucking around w/ppl? sure. but a Relationship? sounds like too much work
yuujin meanwhile had World's Shittiest Not Boyfriend before isekai'ing. mostly fwb but yuujin did have feelings and also he was the only person yuujin was ever like. emotionally close to beyond their sister. so
? on caretaker for leona bc its definitely not Traditional Caretaking but he does put in the work to help yuuin in ways they do really need. still.
? for yuujin mostly bc if they had to do more caretaking like they did for their sibs theyd die but also they do help leona how they cna. u kno how it is
re:attachment, theyre both independent but yuujin is more likely to pull Away if shit happens while leona is more likely to get territorial (lol) this is probably the only thing that ever causes any real fights
idk if i'd call it "wants to Corrupt yuujin" but leona definitely does sometimes wish they were less of a good person. not always. but sometimes.
nsfw stuff
being used is situational for yuujin bc when theyre into it theyre Really Into It but theres also a chance itll trigger them really badly. u kno how it is
my pillow princess leona agenda strikes again
i htink leona is in theory fairly ambivalent abt topping/bottoming but in practice if he tops he's expected to do more work. so.
theyre both shameless during sex but occasionally yuujin will remember they have Feelings for this guy and this guy has Feelings for them and they'll get flustered. they can nad will talk abt sticking their tongue up this man's ass w/o batting an eye but the moment anything abt Liking each other comes up? they get a little shy LMAO
the sex is pretty good for both of htem but again. leona is lazy. yuujin is hte one doing all the work.
re:things to change, if leona were a more classically Good Boyfriend (ie more demonstrative, trying harder, more obvious w/his feelings etc) yuujin would absolutely run. so. leona's personality is a good (?) thing
(looks at the checklist) (points at leona) Go King Give Us Nothing!
the one abt killing the other is v like. dependent on timeline i think. leona might be more willing at first but over time i dont think hed be able to.
yuujin is technically the pursuer in their rship at first but leona definitely catches the Big feelings before yuujin does. lmao. eat shit loser
tbh their communication style from the outside probably looks pretty callous. a lot of talking Around things and giving each other shit to hide the fact they both Hate talking straightforwardly in some respects. the kind of couple that never ever once say 'i love you' to the other even tho they're both aware they do (eventually)
they touch a lot, in terms of pda they're not obnoxious but usually leona will have a hand on yuujin's back or yuujin will be on his arm or w/e. leona generally initiates if theyre out in public but yuujin doesnt mind they just dont start it usually wwwwww
re:expectations, i actually dont think leona expects too much from Yuujin Specifically, just in general. but also. in some ways i dont think he believes he'll get it. if that makes sense
OK THAT WAS REALLY REALLY LONG if u read this whole thing thank u tell me if u like them. i am rotating them constantly
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thueenz · 11 months
Have you "come out" with your identity to your parents/friends? How did you do it? Completely ok if you don't wanna answer or give too many details. Hope ur safe and happy
hi! i don't mind answering at all ! ! im gonna put this under read more for the sake of not throwing a wall of text on peoples dashes
i have come out to my parents, and as for friends, ive only ever had to come out to one because the rest are lgbt in some way LMAO 😭 i dont know anyone close to where i live so thats a bit of a cheatcode. in an evil way because the con is i dont know anyone near me wouldnt recommend to be fair BUT !
it was like, years ago now, so the details are a bit foggy, but i literally just sat them down while shaking in my boots and told them , said i had something i wanted to tell them all and came out, it wasnt too complicated for me since my family is like...well, theyre not hateful, i'm not going to call them allies considering the first thing they told me was that they found my identity too hard to grasp 💀
i eventually confronted them on that and it didnt do much either, they use the proper pronoun more often in front of my friends but never really when im alone and they have a bunch of other issues with that stuff, theyre like, the type that think theyre progressive but arent lol. I.e i used he/him for a friend for months and they did too but they heard the friend is trans and immediately stumbled using she/her constantly and were like oh well im not used to it 🥺🥺 girl wtf youve been using he/him for months!! so stuff like that yk?
as for the One Cishet Friend I Met On A Game, i also just sort of did the same thing? he was a lot more accepting though, very sweet, he was googling what pronoun to use in his native language for me so that was a lot more touching after my last experience 😭
it's a bit annoying but i dont really put much mind to it! i dont really care what my family thinks anymore on that even if its bothersome, ive got a lot bigger fish to fry with my family LMAO and boy are they frying... theyre positively cooking
i hope that answers sorry i don't have many details i have poor memory also it just wasn't very eventful aside from me being very anxious each time
HOWEVER this gives me the chance to share my favourite story to share with people because its so stupid. OK SO! about a year before i came out? idk, my mom literally asked if i was gay 😭😭 and i was closeted so i was like shaking in my boots and i was like no why.. and she said because i never had a crush on a fictional male character, like my sister liked shrek as a kid so she "knew.." she was straight it LINGERS IN MY MIND ITS SO FUNNY LMAO like please diagnosed as gay by your mother because you didnt get a crush on shrek. DIAGNOSED AS STRAIGHT BECAUSE YOU DID GET A CRUSH ON SHREK ?? I literally like men too though so she was right but also not but also what the hell LMAO
i hope youre safe and happy too! ♥️♥️tyvm for being sweet feel free to send any more asks if i didnt cover something! i havent eaten breakfast yet so im a bit scattered im gonna do that 🫡
anyone whos read this far gets a gold star 🌟
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
I still have plenty more commenting to do but just gonna put it out here cause I just need to say it lmao. I adore Taylor so so much. She feels like a very well rounded character with her flaws, strong points, insecurities etc. And its evident as well how both her and Kylian are so similar which is also why they butt heads sooo much. Both have an ego that’s backed up by their skills and both, altho aware of each other’s skills, just cannot full on 100% admit that (and they might not anytime soon even tho Kylian is slowly warming up to her).
But like ugh the circumstances that surround them is the real tragedy of their dynamic. The media, Taylor’s position at psg and being his literal boss, the whole JW blog thing, her own insecurities/fears with football and lord knows how much harsher the media is with women than men esp since Kylian is the Football Prince. There’s just so much at stake for her than him and that just means taylor might not ever be a hundred percent real with him. they can have all the moments they want behind closed doors but unfortunately a very real world is waiting outside for them that will be absolutely unforgiving (mostly for her).
Taylor already had to give up football due to something out of her control once before and sucks to see that this ‘relationship’ with kyks could cause her the same pain and I just don’t know how she will ever recover from that. It could cause a loooot of blaming Kylian (even tho he’s not really at fault) which in turn leads to him being a symbol of everything she lost (and everything she could achieve). Someone with a temperament like Taylor’s, that would be a very hard pill to swallow fam.
AND regarding that recent poll, (I know u didn’t ask for opinions!!) but fr I just do not see them having a happy ending. AT LEAST NOT RIGHT NOW. Maybe some years down the road where they don’t have such a huge impact on each other’s career and don’t have such heavy ties with each other. then they can also discover if they like each other because of who they are OR was it just a very intoxicating dynamic that rived up each other’s motors (lmao sorry I didn’t know how else to word it).
ANYWAYS SORRY FOR THE LONG RANT I HOPE SOME OF IT MADE SENSE. Reading New Romantics makes me feel like im back in literature class, analyzing every single word and I love it <3. Cannot wait for the next update and uhh yeah ily. Tag me pls <3
Me everytime someone takes the time to write a long review and theory:
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I'm in awe of the way you understand the characters and pick on the details. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right and like i have to up my game at the same time. The things you noted are true, it's not about confirming or denying that the situation is very fragile, especially for Taylor.
Please keep ranting away because honestly this sort of messages melt my heart and get my brain going and also make me wanna do better for every single one of you that has wasted even a minute on my work.
Now about the ending obviously I'm not saying anything but anyone is allowed to send opinions and i love seeing them. If anything they are incredibly helpful.
Ones again, i appreciate you with all my heart. Your work is one of the first i read on this fandom so this means a thousand times more to me. Thank you for everything!!
Love you xx
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
*casually slides into asks*
The Creator having to be taught the language of Teyvat, except they don't realise that each country has their own seperate language and so they are just mixing and matching phrases from each of the languages and no one has any idea what they are saying
*slides back out of asks*
Hello hello my regular customer 💃
Before u slide out, have a cookie for the road! 🤲🍪
Ok but this would actually happen to me
Im partial to the headcanon that theres a trade language in Teyvat, but each country has their own native language, w/sub-dialects too (i think thats the word?)
Just like what u said basically, bc like what if they dont have the trade one 💀 it rlly is just diff languages and im just over here like 😃🗨👋
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(Gif is u in the center trying to talk to other people on the sides lol)
Srry if uncreative or kinda a flop i am not a fountain of ideas as much as i wish to be😔🙏
This may be only funny to me...
But i did my bestest for you beloved regular <3
Also u didnt ask for this but u got it anyway LMAO <3
(sorry if i accidentally start callin u xiao pfp i couldnt find a name to call u by)
Ok but like?? Was anybody gonna tell you???
Or like r u so incomprehensible now bc youve mashed all their lingos together that they dont even recognize any of their languages anymore 😭😭???
Yall ever heard that meme sound that has like music playing in the background and its just a loop of a guy saying "..HuH?..HuH?...HuH?"
^^^Everyone else trying to understand you
Ok but so many people r trying so hard to teach u their language more fully so u can commit to one at least
(Off the top of head, Thoma, Tighnari but if u keep mixing them more and more even on accident he gets too frustrated and accepts it lmao, Amber, Ningguang she wants ur first teyvat lang. to be Liyuean so bad, Kazuha just wants to genuinely understand u and you understand them aw what a sweetheart, Ei once again a person who wants u to learn Inazuman first lol, Zhongli, Jean, Ganyu, Alhaitham but he'd be a terrible teacher i can see it now, Ayato, Ayaka, Gorou, Yae Miko just so u can actually read her novels abt you + have bragging right lol)
...Its not really working
Which makes sense tbh, at least to me, bc i sure as fuck couldnt initially hear a big difference between Portugese v. Spanish, Korean v. Japanese etc.
Until i like, kept hearing it over and over and finally got it
(it was easier to differentiate between them on paper than auditorily?? auditorally?!? aUDITORIALLY??!! GODAMMIT IS THAT EVEN A WORD)
But I could totally see their languages just all sounding really similar to you, or like, theres some bits and pieces from each lang. that mimic others (pantalones Spanish = pants English for example, and its like all u catch are the "pant" sound so ur like?? Ok so same language right? Hence the mix and match)
So this happens on the daily these days,
U r still going and seeing people,
But nobody has managed to communicate to you that its all different languages lol 🤭
Like this below, happens all the time ⬇️
Ur having dinner w/ Kamisato clan bc ofc they wanna welcome u!! :D
And Thoma's there, and yall r at the Teahouse, Thoma just got out the hotpot (oh god🤢 ...wait is that you now, r u just like Venti saying oh Barbatos...?)
And they just started dinner but its already a problem w/ur ass LMAO
Thoma: "What do you want to drink Our God?"
You: "Ahfs kal aldsplease give me ahdhai?"
Thomas face just like "...😶🙁 oh no" HAHA
Ayaka trying to help him,
"Please repeat that Your Grace?" 😅
You, again lol: "I would dhkaied that aifjwe please :)"
U sound like a SIMMM TO THEMM 😭😭
Utter fail poor Ayaka is at a loss for once,
they're trying so hard to be polite and you havent even gotten a drink yet let alone the meal lmao,
Poor Thoma is struggling, hes just like,
"Um, uh, this one??" All worried bc now hes gotta point to the pitchers one by one until u either point or nod
U give up and just start nodding or pointing for food or napkins or drinks all like, "Oh wow my accent must be heavy today 😀🤷‍♂️"
Absolutely clueless, and they cant even figure out how to tell u lol
Oh god i dont wanna think about the chaos if ur also only understanding the basics of every language so not only do they not get all ur words, u dont get theirs 💀
Reminder :D = I have a ✨️poll for 100 follower celebration!✨️Yall get to choose what u wanna see me write about,✨️ Check it out!! :) ♡✨️
♡the beloveds:
(Feel free to tell me if u ever dont wanna be tagged anymore i wont be mad/offended :] !! )
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sinkableruby · 1 year
What are your thoughts on each Monogatari season?
ok this will end up long... (like really fucking long holy shit lol) im gonna go from first - monster season (which is the light novels), so only read up to where youve seen. mostly only vague discussion of spoilers but still. ill put the individual parts of each season too for reference, in the order i watched and try to go over them briefly since i feel like you cant talk about the whole of the seasons without touching on the parts
first (kizu, bake, nise, neko black) - the kizu movies are so good!!!!!! i like them more and more as time goes on theyre like a fine wine. captures the vibe of a sort of proto-monogatari monogatari very well. it might just b because i watched it in this order but this is honestly my recommended order to watch the series. idk maybe you lose something from not seeing how mysterious shinobu is in bake and then getting the big reveal. bake - nice and airtight. very cool and classic vibes here, very nostalgic. cool introductions to all these cool fun characters while also giving them arcs that are resolved except nadekos but yeah. and of course this one has the very unique art direction thats super cool nise - just had a post about this so go look at that if you want my thoughts. drops a big theme that keeps getting developed which is the kinda important thing u gotta be doing during a season called the "first season" lol neko black - ehhh i think this is one of the worst ones of the anime entries. its not bad. i like the op a lot overall extremely nostalgic and very high quality, especially with kizu and nise in my mind. a bit of a bump with neko black but a very strong start in general. the first season offers much room for the themes and characters to grow but also stands well on its own. so it does its job well. (also note im not gonna be talkin about like the ost too much here just bc. i love all of it so much. its exclusively good.)
second season (neko white, kabuki, otori, oni, koi, hana) - season full of bangers lets go! neko white is the wonderful resolution to the buildup of hanekawa's character we'd been getting since the first season. very good kabuki is interesting... but definitely not the strongest entry here otorimonogatari is what originally hooked me once and for all on the series, for reasons ive explained before so i wont get into that too much here. but god do i love it to death. whew its good oni could hit much harder than it does but it doesnt. rip. still not what id call bad but eh koi is fuckin awesome. kaiki and nadeko... i'd talk more at length about certain parts i like but im writing this backwards from the later seasons to the earlier ones and i talked way too much about the later ones so im trying to conserve space here. i might talk about it more later or if someone asks me abt it hana i have talked about a bit before too but i love hana hanas great. so then all in all it's like 4 bangers. a great development of the characters we know and love and one that is so well written and just done in the best ways... i loved where this season took everyone. i think the non chronological stuff can be a hit or miss for ppl but i honestly really like it, especially on rewatches. when you think about it the order never feels pointless. even tho hana is chronologically after all the other anime arcs its still not at all something i would say you should watch after zoku lmao. the season does well as a continuation and development but not a conclusion to the series, and thus spendidly fits the role of "second" season.
final season (tsuki, owari part 1, koyomi, owari ge, zoku) - there are ups and downs to this season, but the ups far, FAR outweigh the downs. owari part one... its really good. i think shinobu mail (thats what its called right?) is like kind of slow at first, and i definitely wasnt SUPER invested in it on my first watch, but i think on a rewatch after you get past the first like episode or two it really starts to pick up and shine. that is not why i like it though ougi formula to sodachi lost is incredibly fucking good all the way through, some of the strongest entries in the series by far. i might do like a ranking of each part sometimes and those are definitely going in s tier when i do (even nisioisin said his favorite anime part was ougi formula in an interview although that might just be because he loves mysteries lol). hooooghhh those three arcs,, sodachis story is revealed and developed very wonderfully and impactfully and you kinda love her right from her return to the school where she screams at araragi. and of course, of COURSE ougi is the absolute goat in these arcs, revealing the mystery in the engaging and entertaining way she tends to while also being an incredible point of intrigue herself in her whole enigmatic shtick. and of course, if you know you know, but that doesnt make it any less enjoyable on rewatches ougi is just that entertaining of a character. not to mention her showdown with hanekawa... its so entertaining to see these two battle so passive aggressively or just plain aggressively. and the way it ends up is not surprising but it IS hilarious. and then the convo with sodachi in her apartment... heartwrenching, incredible. all of its very very good. probably some of the most fun ive had watching anime, these three arcs grab you and youre just along for the ride the whole time. i'd love to talk about it more in depth some other time probably FUCK that was just owari part one too koyomi we can go through quickly though. its just like a sorta reminder of where each character started and ended up, as well as giving a few details to set up owari ge. nothing special or bad. i love the ED tho oh fuck are you gonna make me scream about owari ge... this post is already way too long fuck... uhh basically mayoi hell + hitagi rendevous are great in and of themselves and are also wonderful buildups to ougi dark and the conclusion of the series. its so fun how it sneaks up on you that yes, ougi is the main antagonist (at least from second season - final). ougi dark................. ougi dark..... ougi dark. yeah ill save this for a different post. um, one billion out of ten? i literally think about it every day thats not a joke so i dont think i can talk about it here without running out of space (do posts have word limits?? whatever its too long already anyway) overall a very tight and absolutely wonderful conclusion to the series. in my mind this is like the "actual ending" and the light novels and other stuff that comes after is like bonus epilogue stuff (not that its not canon its just that ougi dark is too solid of an ending. its TOO good do you understand)
and now time for the light novels
off season - i think in general this season is pretty strong. i was pretty invested in how it was really taking the time to give characters other than araragi the focus, at least until musubi. but even in musubi its sort of like a "where are they now?" so we get lots of details about all the characters. although i think in musubi its a little hard to read bc we also get all these new characters that we dont necessarily care about (esp since its very much like a one-off thing), but i dont mind it that much because thats not what i like it for... the cool part is seeing the characters we love and where theyve ended up and where theyre going. like the part in (i think) mitome wolf? where hanekawa and araragi have drifted super far apart... wonderfully bittersweet. and i have a separate post about this but seeing ougi free and unable to be bothered in their new life? chefs kiss wonderful love it. so i think even though musubi breaks the format of taking a break from araragi, its still good enough to not bring down off season really. and on that note i honestly wish monster season would be more like off season. i dont really want to see stinky araragi's pov anymore! i think he should take way more of a backseat and instead make more guest appearances in other people's stories, like he did at the end of hanamonogatari. not that i dont like him (its a hate love relationship) but i think honestly hes really interesting in hana where we see kanbaru's view of him instead of his view of everyone else as usual. i love so much how the monogatari series Feels Different in different people's perspectives so i want to switch it up more!! of course he is the main character so i dont think this will happen but like. i'd much rather get kanbaru's misadventures with ougi than araragi's college misadventures. and of course i cant talk about off season without talking about nademonogatari. nademonogatari is SO FUCKING GOOD holy shit... i think i speak for a lot of people when i say nadeko is by far the strongest narrator in the series due to her arc's progression and her character development-- and even before it too, cuz otorimonogatari's narration was also really unique and engaging. it helps that she's my second fav but i think nademonogatari is generally well liked? and for very good reason. which is also why...
monster season - haven't finished these season still have to read ougi fright/flight and the next installment but yeah i feel a lil disappointed in this season because again... too much araragi. get this dirty stinky man outta my face. again i love and hate the guy but cmon let's be real... his peak was in owari ge and zoku and at the end of hana. i really dont feel the need to see more of him. of course the stories themselves are interesting and i like nisioisin's writing but i just find the stuff thats not narrated by him such a breath of fresh air... i really want to see more nadeko and kanbaru narration. i hope nisioisin, if he keeps on trucking through the series, will start putting more real focus on these two. or even like. just anyone else. give us ononoki again give us sodachi again. i want to see the other characters journeys!!!! we keep getting small little nadeko chapters like with mayoi snake and yotsugi shadow and like... those were awesome i loved those! more of that but longer please nisioisin!!! i feel like raising up kanbaru or nadeko more to the status of "mains" would be honestly really refreshing and a much better, less like.... stagnating? direction to take the series in ummmmm also nisioisin isnt writing about ougi enough ://// like... hellooo? ougi pov chapter when?? itd be the most fun thing ever nisioisin???? hello??????? hes so insistent on not writing them i swear he wants to relegate them to a side character spooky appearance every once in a while and thats cool but like im starving here dude cmon... even in the book named after them they dont get a pov chapter and only appear as a side character.... wtf........................... like thats so fucked up.................................................. especially since the parts where they acc were there were rly good :( but basically araragi stinky i want to cleanse my nose palette please PLEASE nisioisin throw him in the trash for a long while longer im begging you it'd be so much more interesting if you just let him become a side character his days in the sun should be OVER
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hiii, this might seem weird but do u have any head cannons for when the reader is pregnant and how the Darkling would react?
a/n love this concept,, it's not weird at all!! i feel like there's so much here!! also i leave for college this month and im lowkey starting to freak out so ive been watching star wars movies for comfort 😭and now i have half a mind to write for them, especially the prequels (cough, cough,, anakin) 😭 😭 that should tell you where i am mentally
anyways lets get into the headcanons:))
- okay so like most of my headcanons, this is probably going to be all over the place bc i feel like so many different things could change how he would react. Like if the darkling x reader have been trying to get pregnant, or an unplanned pregnancy with someone he really likes, i also think whether or not the reader is a grisha affects his reaction too
- in general though, i think he'd lowkey have a breeding kink he'd def find something about the thought of you having his child really attractive bc for one thing, he wouldn't have to worry about being left alone and now he has an excuse to be a real 'protector'.
- also if youve read my other headcanons i am 100000% convinced that he has this thing where if he really likes someone he needs them to need him (let's all remember the whole 'i will strip you of everything you know and love speech until I'm your only shelter' speech he gave to Alina)
- also i kinda want to write a fic or blurb series or something that's just the darkling being super toxic in super thoughtful ways LMAO if that makes sense, like he's being super sweet but it's to make sure the reader is dependent on him
- and he def wants to be the protector to give himself some sense of assurance bc he's so desperate to not be alone anymore and bc the reader is the only person he has/loves, he wants to feel in control and like he's the less attached one
- okay,, let's get back to the pregnancy thing, anyways, your pregnancy is most definitely activating all of those senses and this was meant to be a sub plot but it kind of became it's own thing lol
- so lets get to the actual pregnancy reaction
if you two have been trying to get pregnant:
- when you tell him, he kind of like, pauses bc it's not every day that he gets surprised so it takes him a moment to register that he's experiencing shock lol, so he tenses and goes islent
- and then after he realizes that he's surprised and that it's bc of a good thing, he manages to relax
- meanwhile you're kind of freaking out bc he got so quiet?? you start to wonder if he's regretting ever wanting a child with you? and you're like two seconds away from a downspiral and then he...
- he touches your cheek and looks at you in a way you've never seen him look at anyone,, not even you
- the look is so warm and strong and full of fierce admiration that you feel foolish for ever thinking he didn't want this. And then he says something about how you're carrying his child and how he didn't realize he could adore you more and then he kisses you and it's all :)) warm:)
- he doesn't want anyone to know that he's expecting a child as long as possible bc of how many enemies he has and how he has to worry about you enough when people just know that you're his 'lover' (a title you never really liked, but one he tells you is necessary to make sure no one realizes the extent of his attachment)
- if you really want to tell your mother or someone of that relation, he won't be mad about it, but he just needs to know
- Genya is the only exception bc the darkling basically instructs her to look out for you,, but when you tell her she's like oh?? you guys just found out?
- miss girl most definitely noticed like a day and a half ago after you cried bc she couldn't find you ice cream the other night 😭and she just assumed you knew but weren't ready to tell anyone
- okay so this what i think is his most problematic expecting father trait would be. So i just ranted about how important secrecy would be to him but he's also the most overprotective person in the entire world,, like he was bad before but once he knows your with child?? yeah, if a man asks you about the weather, he's done for
- he's next to you in a second, ordering either you or the man to do some asinine task
- if you get mad about this (rightfully so) or even just point out how nothing is wrong and you having a casual conversation with a man who isn't even looking at you sexually won't hurt you or the baby, he'll lose rationality
- it depends on how much you push, but it'd be super easy to make him super possessive bc like i said, being bonded by a child has made him so much more intense (and he was pretty intense before)
- and if you push too much he'll lowkey forget about how cautious he's trying to be with you and pin you against the nearest wall and say something along the lines of 'are you already forgetting you're mine? that i own you, body and soul--is my child growing in you not enough of a reminder? because i'll give you another one if you need it.' (AH--i want to write a whole fic based on this line)
- also if the reader is grisha, especially if she's a sun summoner/special grisha like him, he def talks about the power that they've created and how proud he already is and how he can't wait to train together and be the most powerful family in the world
- not everything is perfectly happy though, bc now he feels more pressure to complete his plan and establish the world he wants his child to be born into
- so sometimes when he's working extra hard or is extra aggressive for no reason, you have to work at calming him down and reminding him that the best thing he can do for his child is be there for them (and the child's mother,, lol)
- sometimes he'll respond by actually listening to you and trying to make up for his absence or his aggression by being extra soft until you finally forgive him
- you never last that long, it's hard to be mad at him when he's coddling you and whispering such sweet things about he's so happy to have you and your future child
- overall, his first reaction is to swell with emotion, which he isn't used to, and so he becomes super protective but also extra lovey and you know that his overreactions are just him trying to show that he cares about you and your future child more than anything
If the pregnancy was unplanned:
- the initial reaction is pretty similar, only his state of shock lasts longer
- like i said at the beginning, he's not used to being surprised and an accidental pregnancy is so much more surprising than a planned pregnancy
- this really sucks for you bc he's not exactly known for his patience so you just kinda sit there and genuinely wonder if you're going to be a single mom or if you're going to want to deletus the fetus or something
- but then he takes a step towards you and you see how he's looking at you and you just know that that fierceness has to mean something good
- and at this point you're scared and nervous and feel so alone so tears are pricking at your eyes,, so he wipes his thumb across your cheek to wipe away tears you won't let spill
- he then whispers something really sweet about how you two are now together forever, as you should be
- it's really relieving bc you felt so alone and uncertain and he's such a smooth speaker that by the end of the night, you feel like this is a good thing
- if youre still hesitant/weighing your options, he's not above trying to (gently) manipulate you into thinking that what he wants may be the only way
- by that,, i don't mean outright tricking you bc he means everything he says, but he def is pushing the keeping the baby agenda,, especially if you're a grisha,, and even more so if you're a grisha with similar power levels to him
- he won't get angry at first bc he's not so out of touch that he's unaware of how shocking a pregnancy is to a woman who wasn't planning one,, but his patience is limited and if you fight it too much he will get mad and yell
- but unless you really don't want to have a child, it won't get to that bc he makes the idea of having a baby with him sound so perfect?? like you genuinely don't understand how he did that
- he chases away all of your worries and assures you that youre not alone and that even though it isn't planned he wouldn't rather anyone else carry his child
- the initial conversation would probably end in you two sleeping together again bc he finds the fact that you're carrying his child so attractive and bc being aware of the pregnancy makes him more possessive
- it's also a good way to fight any of your doubts
- speaking of being possessive though,, i feel like he could be a little more possessive/protective of a reader who didn't plan on getting pregnant bc your relationship has been less established
- no one sees you as anything to him and he doesn't want to start rumors now bc it's important to him that his enemies don't find out about you or his future child so he doesn't want that to change
- but he almost forgets about all of those reasons each time he sees a man get a little too close,, especially if that guy is flirty
- it takes all of his will power to not just go 'she's mine and if i wasn't worried about the stress that witnessing something violent would cause our unborn child, you'd be dead already, but if you're not gone by the time i turn around, i'll forget about caution'
- lots of close calls ngl!! at one point youre like 'if it bothers you so much, maybe you should tell someone??' and he's like 'no,, maybe,, shut up' and then you raise one eyebrow and he just closes his mouth and is like 'i mean,, i'll kiss you to shut you up, haha--dont be mad'
- youre the one that's pregnant but sometimes you think he might be the one experiencing the mood swings i swear 😭
- so your little theory gets tested,, he's not the type to gossip with his besties and be like 'guess who's officially my girlfriend, i knocked her up but it's not like it sounds--'
- so he's like ig you can tell genya
- once again genya is like ?? yall thought you were keeping that secret? couldn't be me
- but having it a little out in the open helps ease him just enough that youre actually capable of consoling him when he becomes jealous
- still though,, he's quick to go into possessive/pregnancy kink sex
- youre most def not mad about it,, unless pregnancy has you particularly sore
- he's normally pretty understanding about that and def doesn't mind pulling his weight in the bedroom when he needs
- honestly he'd be really good at being a source of calmness at the beginning, but as time goes on he becomes more and more worried about finishing his plans bc he didn't expect to have a child right now
- so he'd be more adamant about working/becoming more tense and would be more difficult to console if it was an accidental pregnancy
- when you call him out on it--or on anything while your pregnant--it's frustrating for you both bc the number one thing everyone knows is stress is bad for baby, so he's trying to keep you calm without backing down
- these argument always end with one of you clinging to the other,, and then the more angrier of the two just like shuts up, rolls their eyes, and lets go of the argument...at least for now
- the main difference between an accidental and intentional pregnancy would probably be how you perceive him,, bc an intentional pregnancy means youve talked about things but since you havent talked about anything your shocked about how soft he becomes ??
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sakasakiii · 3 years
I like your melkor and mairon! Is there a headcanon?
HELLOOOO thank you so much for the lovely words!! 💓 and the question too! to be honest, I sat down and thought long and hard for this one, bc I tend to always always fluctuate between how I see the Melkor-Mairon dynamic tbh…… 🤔🤔
On one hand, the one I tend to draw and lean towards is a more lighthearted version of them, in which Melkor is basically a nutjob boss who runs his kingdom like a manchild and Mairon is the exasperated manager cleaning after his messes lmao!!! So here, I see them as having a relationship of mutual benefit and (mostly) mutual respect:
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Melkor gives Mairon the power to do as he pleases (experiment, harass elves, kill Finrods, etc etc) so Mairon in turn serves him loyally and take care of things relating to Mind that Melkor, who specialises in Might, may miss or overlook. While I don't hc Melkor as someone capable of ""loving"" in the sense we may be familiar with, I think they do care for each other in the weird, detached way you might become fond of a stray dog you see everyday on ur commute to work 🤭
On another hand, I have considered a darker version of their dynamic before that I’ll put under the cut 🤔 content warning for gaslighting(?), implied workplace abuse so if those possible things make you uncomfy please feel free to click off!
if you’ve read my writing, you’d know i believe Melkor is a nasty bugger who treats everyone horribly (even his own ppl!!! what a surprise 🤷🏻‍♀️) so in this version, I see Mairon from a POV in which his servitude to Melkor is less out of genuine loyalty and more out of…. survival? Fear? Not that I’m excusing his actions lmao but we'll get to that in a sec
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Here I tend to see Mairon as someone who’s trapped in an inescapable situation: allured to Melkor’s side for the promise of power and order that Aulë may not necessary have given him, but who quickly learnt that Melkor may not have been as benevolent a master as he may have made them all believe. Melkor here is someone who takes out his temper on even those who serve him, with Mairon (+ Gothmog Thuri n co) being the forefront; he rules through fear, and his servants know that most of all.
(But it's not to say Mairon can find comfort in his fellow Maiar during this, bc Angband is a toxic hazbin that banks on the survival of the fittest/dog-eat-dog mentality, so any perceived weakness will get you shunned-- and besides, Lord Melkor only loses his temper if you fail his expectations... right?)
Here, I don’t think Melkor is behind manipulating Mairon to stay by his side; and Mairon himself is torn between wanting to believe that his lord's increasing frequency of violent tempers are just the Silmaril-paranoia taking hold of his mind. But Mairon is proud as well, and instead of allowing this treatment to force him into a shell of subservience and fear, he maintains his image of perfection and takes out his resentment onto the other closest outlets (the children of iluvatar rip), which I think is a good segway into his oppresive role as Sauron in the 2nd and 3rd ages even after Melkor is gone...
eh!!!! this got a little long-winded, and it ended up less 'headcanony' than it did 'rambly'... my apologies!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ if this isn't the answer you wanted, feel freeeee to let me know and i can probably whip up some more lighthearted content hehehe... but til then, if youve made it this far into my ramblings then thank you for reading!!! 💓💓
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daydream-believin · 3 years
warnings: swearing
a/n: if rott gave me anything it gave me this idea
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no sorry i haven’t seen bbc merlin don’t come for me i’m ignorant
we know douxie kept an eye on the human trollhunter and co
but douxie’s really having a hard time convincing himself he’s just doing his job
he’s actually enjoying this a little too much despite how boring staying in the shadows is
and he’s kinda worried?
so he’s got this bright idea: you know what would better help him keeps tabs? if he befriends this person
and so he does
fuck merlin’s shadows
sod the rules
ofc he’s very up front about knowing they’re the trollhunter and that he’s merlin’s apprentice
we wouldn’t want that to become a huge festering secret that eats douxie from the inside out until the inevitable reveal when merlin calls them both to help with the arcane order and they realize they’ve both been lying to each other’s faces for months/years and neither of them know if they could ever trust the other again, right? — phew *catches breath*
but before you know it, mr. casperan and mx. trollhunter are best friends
he’s basically the toby to your jim
and you’re very happy to have a best friend like douxie
he understands that monster hunting hustle
he’s the only person you can vent to and actually talk about what’s going on without sounding like a loon
and douxie likes being able to tell someone all his frustrations with merlin, since you’re also in that boat with him
you spar sometimes. it’s fun, but you’re very careful not to accidentally hurt your friend (he’s extremely careful not to hurt you or wound your ego by effortlessly wiping you out)
ofc, there’s the occasional, brushing of hands, faces a little too close together, accidentally winding up on top of one another, purposefully winding up on top of one another 👀 you know how sparring be
you and douxie are a duo. a duo who have become trollmarket’s resident troublemakers, to vendel’s exasperation
you guys tease each other a lot
you do a lot of stupid shit, cause hey, now you have magic armor and a magic sword and a magic best friend, did you think you wouldn’t get up to some shenanigans?
douxie is your impulse control and he’s not a very good one, as he’s just as bad
truthfully archie has the brain cell
and pranks? gods the pranks. you two are always either pranking each other or you’re teaming up to prank some other troll who said smth mean to you in the pub. vendel had to personally put a stop to it (read: chew you out)
doux thinks the world of you tho, you’re such a noble knight, and likes to tell people about how you’re a cinnamon roll, so innocent, so pure
and then they meet you and you directly contradict those statements
trollhunter: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life, ever
douxie: i know this and i love you
(spoiler: you’ve done lots and lots of wrong)
doux spends an awful lot of time slinking around trollmarket now, and he’s in the know for everything that’s happening
(no more being kept in the dark for this wizard apprentice)
and doux knows merlin won’t completely approve of this, but hey, it’s not like he’s helping and thus directly disobeying
really, he’s not helping you at all, it’s really fucking annoying
okay so mayyybe the occasional healing spell. you’ve got those puppy dog eyes he can’t say no to
but you understand his sense of duty, or whatever it is that drives a follower, technically being a follower of merlin yourself
you respect the old geezer (as you have not been turned into a half-troll yet) as a wise mythical figure, and as your best friend’s father
and what a perfect match you are for each other, champion and apprentice, mutually being screwed over by a guy you both think has all the answers
you and douxie help each other grow in your self-worths, that you two are more than the chances merlin has given to you
unfortunately, mortifyingly, you have caught feelings.
douxie has also caught feelings, and is saying nothing yep you have enough on your plate without him putting this on you so he’ll just quietly pine and suffer don’t mind him choking to death in the corner when you take off your helmet and throw back your hair
y’all’s problem really starts manifesting itself as protectiveness. you are really protective of your wizard and he is really protective of his knight
lots of things said that are Not What Friends Say but neither of you really want to be the one to point that out
lots and lots of i love yous that slowly get more and more serious until it’s not exactly platonic anymore
and it’s just really nice to have someone to get coffee (or your favored hot drink) with at four in the morning after a tussle with a troll
and that’s basically how you and douxie spend the bulk of trollhunters, just vibing
as much as you can vibe, with all the changelings and shit trying to murder you all the time
then merlin wakes up and shakes up your world
you are aware of your impending doom
you’re aware of it
merlin keeps looking you up and down like he’s mentally making up the measurements of your coffin
and tbh the idea of fighting gunmar freaks you tf out
and you’re supposed to win that fight?
you’re preparing for your nightmares coming true soon
truthfully you knew your fucking job had a 100% mortality rate
you don’t want to die with regrets
you spill
you spill all the things you’d wanted to tell him and how much he means to you and that you couldn’t bear it if you were a goner before he knew
miraculously, douxie feels the same and tells you all the things he’d been holding back and and what you mean to him and how much he wants to protect you, that you’re gonna make it, if he had anything to say about it
and everything is perfect for one night
now you have a real reason to win
not that saving humanity isn’t a big responsibility on your shoulders and definitely A Reason
but knowing douxie’s waiting for you, for the life you’ll build together after this, the peace you’ll both have, it’s absolutely a big motivation to give your all and come out victorious and survive
hahaha loser you don’t know about the arcane order
and then merlin uses your microwave to cook a weird potion
you and merlin are alone in the house, but there’s no real mind games necessary. you may have grown past thinking he was a god, but in the end, you’re still a follower of merlin, and if merlin thinks this could give you an edge, well, who are you to question his methods
doesn’t mean you aren’t nervous as your master hands you the bottle
yet you don’t even hesitate to drown yourself in the black abyss of the tub
whatever it takes amirite?
and now you’re a half-troll
a sexy half-troll, if you do say so yourself
yeah, no ‘i’m a monster’ angst here, you’re loving the power-up
you’ve got to treat it like a cool new power-up or you will cry actually tbh i lied about the no-angst thing a new body is disorienting
your only real concern is douxie
not concerned for long tho, he sees you and the first thing out of his mouth is “nuclear!”
and he senses your concern, so he does go out of his way to assure you that boy, girl, enby, or half-troll, he loves you for your soul, darling
also again half-troll! you is hot as hell so he’s not really losing anything here 👀
he makes sure you know that too, not to let any insecurities fester
him raking his eyes up and down you gives the opposite effect of the dread merlin sent down your spine doing it
doux helps out a lot more in the eternal night
like helps merlin re-defeat and re-seal morgana
he’ll do it again in few weeks but with a bigger role you know, this is practice
but now you’ve got to go to new jersey
douxie’s been instructed to stay in arcadia tho 🥺
it’s okay, you’ll see each other again soon
sooner than you realize
and until then you talk each other to sleep every night over the phone <3
merlins glad, actually. he’s glad hisirdoux found some solace. even if it is with the lamb he was raising for the slaughter. maybe things will go okay for them. the time map suggests it might be so
hisirdoux may have done things in a way he didn’t quite approve of, but that’s because he’s becoming his own wizard, and merlin is proud
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