#so here you go!! mwah ah to all of u
exlimix1a · 1 year
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fishie!! boogie woogie woogie!!
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uzurakis · 8 days
can u do how jjk boys (include megumi PLEASE) would react to you getting all pretty and dolled up to go out (and u just look soooooooooo good)
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. gojo satoru. geto suguru. nanami kento. itadori yuuji.
n. your wish is my command nonnie, and ya don’t need to say megs cause i’ll ALWAYS include him in every shit that i write (he comes in one package okay) and.. I WENT OVERBOARD WRITING THIS HELPLEP i usually limit to 4 charas every post but yours made my creative space going and I HAD TO DO 5.. so thank you for that. i looooveee the idea mwah mwah i hope the writing makes justice for your cute hc <3
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. you were running late; a girl's usual problem before a date. your hands fumbled with the clasp of your earrings, and shit, you cursed softly under your breath. outside, you knew your boyfriend was waiting patiently, or so you hoped. the idea of keeping him waiting made you anxious, but you wanted everything to be perfect.
just as you finished adjusting your hair, you heard the front door creak open. fushiguro’s soft footsteps echoed through the hallway, and you felt a twinge of panic. he never liked to intrude, but his curiosity had gotten the best of him. "hey, what’s taking so long?" you heard him mutter.
you turned around just as he reached the doorway to your room. his eyes widened, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. fushiguro's usual stoic expression melted into one of pure surprise. his cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink, and his mouth opened slightly, but no words came out.
"is everything okay?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the sudden flutter in your chest.
megumi blinked, finally finding his voice. "a-ah, yeah, everything’s fine," his eyes remained locked on the ground while he stammered. how in the hell did this place get so hot? he thought to himself as he fiddled with his shirt collar.
"you look… um, really pretty."
"no, i mean, don't get me wrong though! you're al-"
you blushed at his earnestness, but you also smiled. "you too, gumi."
the guy scratched the back of his neck awkwardly but managed a small smile in return. "sorry i kinda barged in,” gently, he reached his hand to you and said, “next time, take all the time you need. i’ll wait.”
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GOJO SATORU. "well, well, look at you," someone called out, sauntering over with an exaggerated attitude. "you really went all out for our little date, huh?"
you couldn't help but smile as you rolled your eyes. "aand you didn't even bother to dress up," you teased back, gesturing to his usual attire. “so lame for the gojo satoru, boo-hoo.”
"why would i need to dress up when i have the most gorgeous person in the world right here?" the guy stepped closer, taking your hand and spinning you around playfully. "you look soo good, i kind of want to take you home right now. can’t have everyone else stealing glances at my date."
a giggle managed to escape your lips, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "you're ridiculous, toru," shaking your head at him.
then he leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, one that could captivate a soul. "but seriously, you look amazing. i'm the luckiest guy here."
you swatted at his arm playfully, but your heart swelled from his words. "alright, mr. smooth talker, where are we going?"
gojo straightened up, still holding your hand. "anywhere you want, as long as i get to show you off. but maybe we’ll head home a bit early, just in case," and of course, he didn’t forget to wink.
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ITADORI YUUJI. a knock on your door sent a jolt of excitement through you. you had taken extra time to get ready for your date with itadori tonight in the hopes of surprising him. he was standing there with an enormous smile on his face as you opened the door.
“bless me!” his pink eyes widened with admiration. “you look beautiful as always, baby.”
your cheeks heated beneath his surprising compliment. "nah, baby, that’s too much."
his enthusiasm contagious, he practically bounced on his toes. “i’m serious! you’re soo pretty that i might die from your prettiness—is that an actual word—but look at me, i'm serious!”
as you stepped outside, itadori kept showering you with compliments. "that outfit is perfect on you. and your hair! you’re always cute, but.. you really shine tonight."
“you’re too sweet, yuu,”
"i mean it! you deserve to hear it every day baby!”
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NANAMI KENTO. you were putting the finishing touches on your makeup when you heard a firm knock at the door. taking a deep breath, you walked over and opened it to find nanami standing there, his usual composed demeanor softened by a warm smile.
his eyes swept over you, taking in every detail. "you look beautiful, sweetheart." he said simply, sincere and direct. the compliment made your heart skip a beat.
"thank you, kento," goddamn, a gentleman is always a gentleman.
he stepped closer, his gaze never leaving yours. "i appreciate the effort you put into this. it means a lot to me." his smile widened just a fraction, but the warmth in his eyes spoke more than his words could.
you smiled back, touched by his straightforwardness. "it’s because i’m excited to spend time with you."
nanami nodded, offering his hand. "shall we go?"
you sensed serenity and joy as soon as you held his hand. "i’m glad you liked it," you said softly as you both made your way down the street.
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GETO SUGURU. “fucking hell, you look so pretty,” he swore under his breath, emerald orbs wide as he took in your appearance. “too pretty to be true.”
“hmm, you think so, suguru?” a little teasing might not hurt, right? his usually calm and composed expression shifting to one of pure astonishment the moment he saw you. and there it is again, his usual up-to-no-good grin.
he stepped closer, his gaze intense and cocky with that smile of his. “oh, you’re mine,” he declared, voice firm yet filled with a protective tenderness. “definitely mine.”
your heart skipped a beat at his sudden possessiveness, yet you couldn't help but feel a rush of delight at his words. “i’m yours,” you confirmed softly, tippy toeing to peck his cheeks.
he pulled your waist gently into his hook, grip both protective and warm. “i just… i don’t want anyone else looking at you like this,” the words were murmured, his lips brushing against your hair. “you’re too beautiful.”
you leaned into him, feeling safe and cherished in his embrace. “i only want you to look at me like this, suguru.”
he smiled, a rare and genuine expression that lit up his face. “good. because i’m not letting you go.” he pulled back slightly to look into your eyes. “let’s go, princess."
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harrysweasleys · 2 years
until the waves call me home // namor
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summary: namor visits you on land and bliss follows
warnings: spoilers for wakanda forever! also not totally proofread sorry baes
a/n: oh. OHhhh besties u knew this was coming i adore him wholeheartedly mwah mwah
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You knew the day was coming. Namor told you he’d be back the morning after the full moon, when the sun peaked above the horizon and chased the stars away, he’d be there.
So you sat on the sand, toes digging in and the ocean breeze blowing softly against your skin at the early hours of dawn, waiting with a shawl wrapped around your shoulders and heart beating rapidly in your chest.
He always made his appearance at the perfect timing — breaking apart the waves, drops collecting down his bare chest. You were pretty sure he knew damn well what he was doing, but you would usually just sit and enjoyed the view.
And that was exactly what he was doing now.
You felt all the oxygen vanish from your body as the water started to pull back to show him slowly walking out of the depths; hair slicked down to his gorgeous skin, golden accessories glinting in the pale orange sunlight, drops cascading down the expanse of his chest. You stood abruptly, dropping the shawl as if it were nothing.
A grin broke its way across his lips as he sped towards you, not even giving you a second to react before both of his hand were on either side of your face, pulling you close to him and pressing his lips against yours.
His skin was so warm, so soft, under your touch, the taste of the salt on his lips giving you all the reality that you needed to confirm he was here. In front of you and under your fingers.
“Hey,” you mumbled against his lips, hands wrapped around his neck and holding him flush to your own body. You couldn’t give less of a shit about the water now soaking through your own clothes. All that mattered was that he was here. With you.
“Hi,” he uttered back softly, large hands splayed across your lower back. It was jarring to you, how he could spend his days so deep under water, in the cold and the dark, yet still be so warm.
He had shown you his world once; the magic of it, the serenity of his underwater kingdom. You would never survive there, but you tried to go as often as you could. To be with him. In his world.
“I have missed you,” he pulled away from the kiss, letting out a breathy half-laugh, and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Not as much as I missed you,” you brought a finger up and poked him in the nose, pulling away and giving him a bright smile, “Nearly signed up for breath-holding classes to see if I could maybe, maybe come surprise-visit you.”
A chuckle reverberated through his chest and he shook his head lightly, “That may take a while, my love.”
“Ah, well,” you shrugged, linking your fingers with him and beginning to pull him away from the shoreline, “Would be worth it, wouldn’t it?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Not yet. We’re working on something.”
It was true — once his semi-alliance with Wakanda was established, the first favour he had asked for was for Shuri and her brilliant, brilliant brain to concoct some kind of water-to-oxygen filter, that way you could maybe stay for longer periods of time while visiting.
“I know, I’m just impatient to see you, my love,” you grinned, still linking your hand with his as you walked back to your beachside bungalow. Your second home away from Namor, away from Talokan. You had ended up moving to this small beach town after your relationship with Namor, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. Being close to the water was ideal for both of you.
He followed you in the front door, grabbing one of the towels you kept for him by the entrance, and stepped inside with you. You always kept the towels there, along with a pile of clothing and some slippers — which he never wore because he said the wings got in the way — just in case he appeared randomly overnight. Which he’s done before. Just.. appears out of the blue and startles the hell out of you.
“I made some muffins if you want,” you stepped behind the counter in the kitchen, leaning forwards on your elbows and resting your chin on your palms.
He stepped behind you, arms wrapped around your waist and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. After nearly two weeks apart, not seeing or touching each other, he couldn’t bear to not be wrapped around you for a single second. Whether that be his hands on you, his lips on you, hands holding yours, he would always shower you with affection when you were together.
There was no way you could doubt that his love language was touch.
“Maybe later,” his lips moved against the skin of your shoulder as he lowered your shirt, sliding it down just a bit so that the fabric wouldn’t be in the way. You could feel the tickle of his facial hair, scratching lightly but still somehow comforting. Because it was him. And he was here.
A light laugh left your lips as he spun you around, dark eyes meeting yours. He was utterly intoxicating. Unique, himself, elegant and gorgeous in every way possible.
They said his name meant no love. That he was a soulless monster. But that was the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, you had never met a person with more love. With love to give; to share with his people, with you, with the world he built. So much love he was willing to burn anything and everything to the ground to make sure those he loved were safe.
You felt like the most privileged person in the world to get to see that side of him. To see him as he is. Himself.
“Alright,” you pressed a kiss to his forehead, “For now, let’s just be together.”
He hummed, leaning into your touch like it was the only thing keeping him alive, “Be together. Until the waves call me home.”
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elryuse · 8 months
Tags : Co-worker, Teasing, Seduction, Creampie
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It was late at night, you and your co-workers were busy finishing all of the left over papers that have been given by your boss. Everybody was hella tired, including yourself. Your whole body was so stiff, and your eyebags were so black and lifeless. All you can think about is having a nice cold glass of beer to make all of the stress go away.
So After you're done with your work. You asked all of your co-workers to have a nice drink at a nearby Gukbap restaurant. And without any hesitation, all of your co-workers agreed. And so the night went on. You're currently having a big cold pint of beer, followed by a nice warm bowl of Gukbap, a bowl of steaming hot rice, and a platter of banchan at the table.
The moment the soup and rice touches your tounge, it immediately warms your soul like never before. The feeling was so cozy not to mention, when you followed it by drinking some cold glass of beer. The feeling was just majestic and refreshing. Your co-workers are also enjoying the atmosphere of the restaurant as well.
Not to mention this particular co-worker of yours. You kinda forget about her name. But if you're not wrong her name is something starting with Miyeon or something. But not gonna lie. She's looking beautiful af tonight. I mean she's not wearing her usual office look. She instead changes her clothes to something a bit more revealing and a bit sensual.
"Hi there"?
"O-oh Hi".
"Do you remember my name"?
"U-uhmm... I kinda forgot sorry".
"Ahh crap... That's alright... I'm Miyeon... And you are"?
"Oh.. Y/n.. Park Y/n".
"Oooh... You're that new kid"?
"Ah yes.. Ahahah".
"Well... I hope you're doing your best alright".
"You gott itt".
As she sways her way to your other co-workers. You can actually see something that you shouldn't see. Because her dress was so short and tight. Every time she leans on someone. You kinda see her panties and a little bit of her ass as well. You were kinda shy and wanted to tell her, but she was just enjoying her time. So you didn't really bother to tell her.
This party continued, until it was basically midnight. And everybody was pretty much Deadass drunk and tired. So after helping your co-workers to get home safely. You were left out there with none other than Miyeon. You kinda forget that she didn't go home yet, so the whole situation was pretty awkward actually.
"So... It's just us left huh"?
"Y-yeah... ".
"Hmm... Well I think it's time to go home... It's getting late".
"Y-yeah you're right Noona".
"Hey.. Uhm... Can you possibly... Accompany me back home? I swear it's pretty close to here.. I'm scared to go home at this hour by myself".
"O-oh O-okay.. I-if it's alright with you.. ".
" *chukle* I'll be more than welcome to be accompanied by a cute guy like you Y/n... *grab your hand* Alright... Let's grab a taxi".
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"What are you waiting for? *chukle* Get inside dummyy".
Inside the Taxi. Miyeon was basically holding on to your hand tightly. It was awkward yet comforting for you. Especially knowing that you'll never do something like this in your life. She was very playful and even teased you pretty much the whole trip. She started playing around with her hands by touching and rubbing your hands. Slowly going down and closer to your crotch.
Before she finally stops. And giggles at your cute reaction.
"Are you horny baby"?
"N-noona not here and not nowww"!!
"What's wrong.. The driver won't hear us don't worry".
"Stopp... This is wrong... I don't even know you yet".
"So what"??
Miyeon suddenly grabbed a hold of your erected cock. Before admiring how big it has gotten. She giggles and licks her lips as if a predator was locked on to its prey. She suddenly gets closer to you.. And she suddenly kisses your neck.
" *mwah* "
" *shocked* Whaaa... ".
"Hehe your reaction is so goddamn cutee".
"P-please stop Noona".
"Nuh uhh".
/sorry to bother you two.. But... We're here/
"O-oh Thanks sir".
"Thank you Sir.. Have a good night".
/Hahaha yeah yeah... Have fun.. You two/
After stepping a single foot inside her apartment room. Miyeon immediately pushes you towards her room. Kissing your lips passionately. The way her tounge intertwined with your own was hot not gonna lie. She was very good at this... And Y-you are just starstruck.
"Hmm..... Let's do it".
"... *pant*.... D-do what.. "?
" *smirk* I'll just remove this dress... And then..... Tadaa".
Miyeon suddenly undresses right in front of your eyes. Her skin was white and smooth. Her body was petite and so perfect. She Smirked while eyeing your body from head to toe. She smiles, before walking closer and closer to you..
"Let's go to my bedroom".
" *gulp* ".
"It's okayy... Babe... I'll be gentle on you".
As you walked towards her bedroom. You Were suprised by the amount of furniture that was scattered all around her room. It wasn't a cheap piece of decor either, I mean I can clearly see an art piece that would sell for thousands, heck maybe even million of dollars just sitting there on her walnut colored wall.
"Don't let that decoration bother us babe... We're here to fuck not to see some boring art piece... Come here... ".
Suddenly Miyeon grabs your body and slams it down to the mattress, before plantimg her soft and silky lips down to your own. The kiss was long and delicious, the way her tounge twisted inside your mouth was divine. After the kiss ended, she immediately started to ride your cock slowly and Erotically. She didn't insert it just yet and just playfully teasing you.
"F-fuck.. N-noona".
" *chukle* Do you want me? Do you want to fuck me baby"?
At this point rejecting her offer is just plain dumb and outrageous to do. So without any hesitation you immediately said.
"Yes. I want to fuck you so bad".
" *chukle* beg harder baby.. And maybe I'll let you do it inside of me".
"P-please Miyeon Noona.. Please let me fuck you... I've always loved you.. And I always wanted to fuck you".
"Mhm... *chukle* alright then".
And just like that, Your cock makes an entrance to her now wet and slippery walls. When you went in, Her pussy walls immediately gripped onto your cock. The feeling was heavenly and there was just nothing like it.
"Mhmmm so big... Hehe".
"N-noona You're so tight".
"Mhm.. Do you like it"?
"Y-yes.. Yes I do.. It's heavenly".
"I'm glad... But this is not enough.. Fuck me harder baby".
And you rightfully did. You started to increase your pace and started to give her pussy a nice fucking. Miyeon immediately started moaning like crazy and started to grip your chest harder than before.... The sound of flesh slapping was so loud it started to become music to your ears.
Before long, You're already on your limit. Your cock just couldn't handle the tightness of her pussy. Your cum is basically leaking right now.. And all you want to do now is to release all of your seed deep inside of her.
"Are you close baby"?
"Y-yes.. ".
" *chukle* mhmm... Then cum in me... Cum inside me... Cum inside my fucking womb".
"Fuck.. Fuck fuck... I'm cumminh Noona".
"Yes.. Ahhhh fuckkk... Cumm inside meee".
And just like that. You've released all of your seed deep inside her womb. Both of you got tired and just basically cuddled in her big ass bed. She slowly makes her hand on your face before caressing it and kissing your lips.
"Starting from today.. You're mine got it"?
"O-okay Noona".
" *chukle* Just call me Miyeon babe.. ".
"O-okay Miyeon".
~ The End ~
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ladyfocalors · 5 months
Ah how I know the pain of a writers block! hope the request will give you inspiration and not just completely burn you out instead! After all we wouldn't want a sweet little writer to get burned out, would we now? ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
So don't overwork yourself, and don't forget to drink enough water. Be careful it's cold days and sickness time, MWAH(∩˃ω˂∩)
As I checked your requests I didn't notice anything with angst so I'll just put this here and you decide
Lyney x reader angst to fluff
Or (if you're not comfy with that, that's tots fine, I'll just give you the option so U can choose which you feel like writting)
Lyney X reader confession/accidental confession... Like lyney confessing to reader (bc I have a fear of rejection) LIKE AAA
Anyways what I wanted to say is stay safe, don't overwork yourself and don't forget to eat and drink, KISS
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pairing: Lyney x gn!reader
warnings: friends to lovers, jealous reader, lyney is a tease but we all know that, reader is kinda a tsundere, traveller is not specified, wrote this entire thing sleep deprived, a bit messy, not proofread!
note: Thank you for the sweet words, anon! I hope this is up to your standards. Take care :3
word count: 1.2k
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It was always you and Lyney.
So why was it that the moment the traveller appeared, Lyney has forgotten about you. You can’t seem to get Lyney all by himself now, he has to have the traveller and that loud flying companion of theirs around.
The traveller.
The traveller was pretty and likable, you have to give them that. You could never hate them. If you were someone else, you would’ve definitely loved to be around them. But you weren’t someone else, you were you. Your heart didn’t belong to anyone other than the magician himself. It was pathetic really, being jealous when you didn’t even have the right to.
Is it selfish to want all your attention?
You bitterly smiled at the scene in front of you. There he was again, with them. All smiles and everything. With a deep breath you tear your eyes away from them towards Lynette who seems to be doning a bored expression on her face.
I shouldn’t be jealous, you mentally scold yourself.
“I’ll come back another time, Lynette.” You turned around, hiding your bitter expression. “Tell Freminet, I said hi.”
Lynette hummed in acknowledgement, noting how the distant look in your eyes didn’t match with the smile on your lips.
“I’ll tell him,” she responded.
With that you left the place, not able to capture the moment Lyney turned to see your figure walking away or that the way he frowned.
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It was always Lyney and you.
So why was it that the moment the traveller appeared, you had disappeared from his life? You didn’t seem to stick around for long anymore, looking for excuses to leave quickly and it almost felt like you were avoiding him now. He missed your presence next to him.
It was funny how he never thought of that. He was so used to having you around that he forgot what it was like to not be around you. Now that he is alone, everything seemed so dull. It was weird to not have the melody of your voice cutting through the silence or the bright smile you carried or the way he felt comfort in your touch or the way…
Well, you get the point.
So after pacing around a bit in his room, and getting scolded by Lynette for sulking around, he decided to go meet you while you were at work.
With a determined expression, he pushed open the door and entered. The familiar chime of the bell greeted him as he stepped inside. The atmosphere of the place was calming, but it lacked the warmth he associated with your presence: you weren’t at the front desk.
Wandering around a bit, he found you in a corner, engrossed in your work, a sight he found oddly comforting yet distant.
“Hey,” he greeted, trying to sound casual.
You glanced up, surprise evident in your eyes before morphing back into a blank stare. Despite that, you did manage to put on a smile. “Lyney, do you need something?”
“Yeah. You,” he responded nonchalantly, relishing in the way your expression got caught between disgust and a sigh.
“Gross!” you huffed, setting aside your work. “Fix your choice of words.”
Lyney grinned, happy to get a reaction out of you. “What I meant is, I missed you.”
Your face falls at his words and he doesn’t understand why. “You, missing me? Did fish start flying?” your voice carries a faint bitterness.
He chuckled at your words, if he had to get something out of you, he had to change his words to get what he wanted. "Maybe they did. Or maybe I just realized how dull everything is without you around."
“What brought you to this sudden realisation?” you asked.
He leaned against the nearby table, crossing his arms. "Well, Lynette pointed out that I've been sulking around like a lost puppy. Got me thinking about why I felt that way and, well, here I am."
You raised an eyebrow. “So it was Lynette. Well, always the voice of reason.”
You turned back to your work but Lyney grabbed your hand making your head turn to him.
“What?” you ask, annoyed now. “Let me do my work. I am busy.”
“Tell me,” he asked, placing your hand on his face and leaning into the warmth it brought. He closed his eyes. “What am I doing wrong? Why do you avoid me?”
You avoid his eyes which are looking at you with a soft expression that you would definitely get lost in and it could easily break your nonchalant facade.
“What am I supposed to say?” he mumbles to himself but you can hear it. “Look you’re my best friend and I love you-”
“What?” your voice comes out louder than intended. Lyney jumps at your voice and in an instant he realises what he just said when he sees the surprised horrified look on your face.
“I did not mean for it to come out like that.” This time Lyney is the one avoiding your gaze. It’s surreal to see him embarrassed and blushing, his face matching his Pyro vision. The air of confidence he had around him had disappeared and all the theatrics were out the window.
Anxiety bubbles in your chest at his choice of words, “You didn’t mean that?”
He laughed weakly, trying to come back to his usual self and realise what he just said. “I did mean what I said. I just, I just didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. You understand?”
You pulled your hand away from his face, flustered. "Lyney, you can't just drop a confession like that and expect me to understand. Besides, how can you say you missed me when you had traveller?"
“So you were jealous of the traveller!” Lyney chuckled heartily and your eyes widened at your slip up. You hid your face behind the palms of your hand, utterly embarrassed. “Don’t worry, my heart is all yours. No traveller can take it from you.”
"You're incorrigible," you muttered, trying to regain your composure.
His grin widened, and he moved closer to your face. "Guilty as charged. But seriously, what's the harm in admitting my feelings?"
You crossed your arms, trying to feign indifference. "You're just saying that to get a reaction out of me."
Lyney chuckled, the sound low and inviting. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just tired of dancing around the truth. You make everything a little more lively, and I kind of like that."
Your attempt to appear unfazed was crumbling, and you sighed in defeat. "You're impossible, Lyney."
He closed the remaining distance between you, his confidence never wavering as he wrapped his arm around your flustered form. "Only for you," he replied, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "Now, are you going to keep pretending you didn't hear what I said, or are we going to talk about it?"
Your mind raced, your face heating up. "I... I wasn't expecting this," you admitted, your eyes flickering between his lips and the floor.
A shiver ran down your spine when he slowly traced down your jawline to your chin and tilted your face up to meet his eyes. “My eyes are up here,” he said and with a smirk, he pulled back, his expression still brimming with confidence.
“So, what do you say? We meet at our favourite cafe in the evening?” he asked, his tone changing to something more sincere and less flirty.
“Fine.” You sighed, shaking your head. "You're lucky you're charming."
Lyney grinned, "Luck has nothing to do with it, darling. It's all a skill and you love it."
“Don’t flatter yourself too much,” you grumbled.
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©️ ladyfocalors
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nqify · 1 year
can you do thigh riding hcs?!?!?! it's been on my mind all day literally I need it so bad!!! I love your miles stories/fics! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
YEYSYEYS!!! I LOVE!!! a lot of people also asked for this!! so I’ll be combining everyone’s requests here!!
thigh riding. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairing. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warning. daddy kink. lil choking. edging. lots of dirty talk. overstimulation.
note. kitty has BIG thighs for sure!!! like daddy I’m begging u PLS just be real
Okay so this could go two ways!! this MF loves you ofc, cherishes you and everything but!! I feel like thigh riding can either be for he’s too busy and can’t get pleasure u rn or he’s punishing your ass. There is no in between
let’s just say your sitting on miles’ lap while he’s doing his work in his office. Your thighs spread around his and your arms wrapped around his neck, giving him little pecks. you grind your clothed pussy on his bulge, causing some friction.
“mama, cmon behave for me” he’d tap ur butt. you’d just whine. like daddy pls!!! you’d start to kiss along his jaw to his cheeks, “baby, you know we can’t do this now, I’ve got work to do” still kissing him you say, “pls mwah ive mwah been so mwah good!!!” he thinks ur so cute omg
he chuckles at you and pulls you away, finally making eye contact with you. he grabs you by your chin, “this work is very important to me right now, so can you sit on my lap and look pretty while I finish this?? then we can play for as long as you want baby” but that wasn’t enough. You need him now. you need release now!!
you grind on him again, “daddy!!! but I’ve been such a good girl today!! I’ve done everything you’ve asked!! pretty pls” you pout ur lips and flutter ur eyelashes. AWW HE LOVES U!!!! he shakes his head, “tsk, baby, you know I can’t say no to you”
“but I still need this work done, so ride my thigh mama” girl HUH??? u froze, you’ve never done this before at all!! “what ma?? too scared” he teased. he pulls your body onto his left thigh, flexing it a bit. “here mama, you know how to love to grind on my dick, it’s like that but on my thigh. you can do that right baby??” you nod your head. “but what about u??”
omg he’s so INLOVE with you!!! the fact that you care about him getting off too!!! “aww baby aren’t u the sweetest thing, don’t worry about me mama, I’ll be just fine watching you get off” GIRLLLL!!!
you slowly start to grind on his thigh, rubbing ur poor pussy against it. miles doesn’t acknowledge you at all and u hated that. like daddy come help me out pls?? he’d just be doing his work while you would try to get off on his thigh.
more pleasure rose from your heat, your pussy getting wetter by the minute. He could feel his thigh become damp. LORD he’s trying so hard to focus rn. he’d take a little peek now and then to see your beautiful body and my god he loves it.
“mmm!! d-daddy, feels so good” this fucker is not focusing on his work anymore. He’s now leaning back on his chair, one arm hooked around ur waist while the other is slowly rubbing your clit. “yeah baby, u like that?? u like daddy’s thigh huh?? yeah u do. look at ur pretty pussy getting off to it”.
he is loving the sight. You getting lost in ur own pleasure, ur hands grabbing his thighs for support and ur head rolled back. “a-ah!! m-milesmmm!!! so close” he’s into now omg. “already mama??? fuck ur so hot, letting daddy take u like this. s-shit gimme a kiss” you lean into him and kiss him. tongue dancings together.
“u gonna cum baby?? my good girl gonna cum for daddy?? all over his thigh right? yeah that’s my pretty slut” GIRLFIRL you’d grind faster, chasing your release. “p-please!! talk to me more daddy”
ohmygod now he is going feral, “yeah baby?? you like my voice huh? Gets you off now doesn’t it?? such a fucking slut mmm” and if u thought that wasn’t going to make u cum, “cmon mama, wanna see ur pretty pussy cum on me, need it bad, s-shit can feel u clenching baby, u like that huh???” and BOOM u came!!!
now this fucker will take thigh fucking to the next level!!!! see if ur a brat…girl u better run. he will edge u over and over again on his thigh. Like not even on his dick or tongue.
you’d be facing him, his hand on ur neck while his other was on ur hip. you’d be a sobbing mess, tears coming from ur eyes down to ur cheeks!!! lips all pouty and pink omg!!!HE LOVES THIS SIGHT
but bc u were being such a brat he’d can’t show that he likes it, he just looks mad. “awww baby r u close?? you know u can’t cum until daddy says so, and u want to make daddy happy again right??” Ur nodding ur head, grinding on his thigh.
“d-daddy please!!” u cry out. “nah uh mama, your not getting away with what u did that easy. just keep grinding on daddy’s thigh, be a good girl for me” HIS WORDS HIS VOICE SO DEEP!!! the way he speaks to you makes u WETT like girl.
he can clearly see when ur about to cum or not, when u r he’d pull ur whole body up and you’d cry!!! he’s denied you so many times now omg.
“you wanna cum so bad don’t you mama? you wanna cum for daddy right? yeah I know u do, cuz ur such a slut huh? just needa cum all the time dont you?” okay girl u crying rn. But you couldn’t hold it in this time, your release ur juices on his thighs. u r in big trouble now.
”can’t even listen to a single thing i say. I asked for one thing mama, fucking slut”. oh MYGOD “you wanna cum mama?? yeah go ahead cum again” u look at him confused. “w-what?” “You heard me slut” you go back to grinding on him and feel urself getting close
“cmon baby, cum for me” and u did. Why is this fucker LAUGHING??? “aww u thought it was that easy didnt you?? u think u can just cum all you want, uh uh baby, since u wanna disobey daddy ur gonna cum over and over again until ur fucking brain dead” OHSJIT!!
this MF is overstimulating you now. you’d cum so many times that all u would see were stars. He is loving it.
you’d be a babbling mess, trying to form words, “m-miles aaahhhshn f-fuck p-pleaseahh too muchmmmm!!” omg he thinks this is the hottest you’ve ever looked, so fucked out and just for him. “just one more baby, you can cum one more time right?? yeah I know u can, daddy wants to see u cum cmon mama” GIRL!!!
you’d release all over him one last time, he’d kiss your forehead, “you gonna listen to me now right baby?” You nod ur head, “that’s my good girl” he’d pull you to the bedroom, giving u lots of kissing and rubbing your thighs with his thumbs.
lord this man loves you. even though ur the biggest brat he knows he still loves u!! “love u so much mama, u did so well for me, good girl” you’d smile at him, “only for you daddy” HE SMILING, “atta girl”
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chorizoa · 7 months
entrail of faith — könig x reader
i have not properly written a fic or a snippet in so long, and I am physically aching to do so :3 plus, been obsessed with this man for like 3 months straight and it is NOT letting up— so, let me be indulgent, and nasty, and vile, and awesome while I cook up literary genius. (pls do not read my stuff if ur a minor ily mwah)
i hope u like :3 (cuz if u do I'm writing more)
cw: mentions of sex, force, and kidnapping, reader is mostly oblivious, Konig is just nasty and I'm shameless about it
synopsis(sorta): König has been a little crazy stalker, and you finally get close enough for him to make a move
Konig was a good man, a routine man. His mother and grandmother had beaten manners into him, and daddy had his face shoved into a bible every Sunday morning. Everything was intentional, down to the way he stored his razors, all the way deep down to the way he shamefully ruts into his calloused palm each night. It all mattered— obsessively mattered.
Konig was a good man, a strong man. He tried so hard to keep his thoughts pure, be gentle with himself and others— lumbering about as if he were an animal latched to a ball and chain, a monster in the eyes of rookies and civilians alike— but he tried.
He can kill a man in less than ten seconds without a weapon, five with. He can dismember a corpse, and make someone seem as if they had never existed to begin with— he isn't a man of softness, he isn't a man who deserves a gentle hand, only his own thick mits that've been stained with decades of blood.
He wasn't  a man of softness—until he saw you. Effortless you. With your smile, the flowery trail of scent that tickled his nose in your wake, those fucking eyes— Konig tried to be a good man, but he wanted to so badly see them glossed over, heavy with arousal and desperation. How they'd roll when he—
Konig tried to be a good man.
— Sir? Are you ready to order?
Scheiße. Those eyes again, the way they fluttered— it was almost enough to distract him from the way that dingy little waitress get-up clung to your all-encompassing frame— and hearing the word sir  so obediently drip from your swelled lips made his cock twitch in his pants. Thank God he'd opted for the cargos today, and thank him again because you were such a good girl, you'd never peek.
Not that you'd have a chance, he loomed over you even at seated height— forcing your eyes up to meet his, seeming just much too big for the booth he shoved himself in— but, he was still shameless in the way his eyes roamed over you. At least you had the assurance he'd tip well.
— Ah- Ja, sorry Kätzen..
He cleared his throat, nervously tugging at the lip of his black surgical mask, his eyes darting about behind thick sunglasses. You're so pretty— what was he doing again? Ah, right, food. He wasn't hungry, not for anything they had here, except for you— but that wouldn't be a suitable answer, no, not for a precious little thing like you.
He could practically taste the aura that rolled off of you, you were no whore.
— Coffee- black, please. If it's not too much trouble.
Of course it wasn't too much trouble, it was your job. He was cursing himself internally, saying such stupid things to such a lovely girl. It would be easier if you were stuffed with his girth already, crying and spluttering as you struggled to fit him properly— he wouldn't say stupid shit then, but then you giggle- oh, fuck, you giggle and all the sudden he needs a freezing cold shower.
— Of course not, sir, will that be all?
Sweet girl, you should know not to smile at a man like that. Not a man like him, especially when his mind is full of bending you over this table and ruining that pretty head of yours.
— Yes, thank you, schätzchen.
He hoped you didn't know German, he hoped you were oblivious enough to let the way he was ripping your clothes to shred with his eyes go unnoticed— and of course, because you're such a good girl, it did.
— My pleasure- I'll be back in just a moment.
You are so polite, so sweet and efficient. He'd been watching you for a time now, the way you'd bustle about the café, being so kind even when majority of the creatures in here didn't deserve your time of day, not like he did— no, not anything like he did.
If he had it his way, you'd never work again. He'd throw money at you like it was a religion, give you all the codes and numbers to every bank account in his name— let you go on a spending spree, spoil you with fine lace and even better food. KorTac paid him enough, and he didn't spend a dime unless he needed something— unless he was indulging in you.
If he had it his way, you'd be dumb and obedient, you'd placate yourself to being his sweet little toy— and, oh, how he'd reward you for it. He'd keep you full of his seed, and happy with whatever object caught your affections, he'd build a goddamn castle for you. He'd never deny you a thing, as long as you kept looking at him like the most important person to exist— even if you were just doing your job.
— Your coffee, sir— oh, and careful, I just had them brew it.
Oh, you're such a darling. Fresh coffee? Just for him? You might as well give him your ring size now, he hopes you want kids.
— Lovely, Schatz, thank you.
— Of course, enjoy.
He almost felt crestfallen as you placed the bill next to him, and sauntered away, but your swaying hips could heal even the most shattered bones. Angels above, you were such a perfect thing— so innocent and lovely, you'd need to be protected, you'd need to be saved.
The heat of the coffee was nothing compared to the widely gaped blood vessels under his skin— breath threatening to catch everything he got a glimpse of you traipsing about. He had to make sure you were well distracted every time he dove in for a sip, you couldn't see his face, not yet.
If he were a better man, a more confident man, he'd leave you his number. He'd clean himself up, start a good conversation with you— take you to a fine dinner, even though he so hated the idea of something so insanely public. If he were half the man he held himself as, he wouldn't be salivating over you in an empty corner of the café.
Konig tried to be a good man, but he was slimy. He was a pervert, a danger— he'd never harm anyone— save for the men whose blood stained his hands, but he'd found himself craving indulgence in dark fantasies more than once. He was nasty, he was a monster, but he wanted to be soft for you. Simply, he wanted you, but his therapist would strongly advise against it— counseling that maybe, just maybe it's not best for his obsessive psyche.
Whatever, you'd learn to love it.
He had his reluctant fill of ogling, the tightening of his pants becoming too much to ignore, and the clatter of dishes becoming grating on his sensitive ears— he had to leave at some point. His coffee cup had long run dry, and he hadn't had the courage to waive you over for another.
If he were a better man, he'd leave you his number, but a crisp hundred to cover the bill— and leave you a tip to keep you fed— would definitely suffice. He tucked it under his coffee mug shamefully, wishing he just had the sack to speak to you— but that irritating fear of rejection always held him just at arms length.
How badly he wished he could just take you.
Everything else that wasn't you was boring, the streets were dull and gray, and rain drizzled like piss— just another way for God to mock him, punishment for his lustful behavior. Father would have a field day with him, if only he knew.
He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his soft-shell coat, rain pattering against it in an almost melodic sound. Nothing like your voice, though, oh nothing like that sound.
— Sir!
See, nothing like it, and he can't stop imagining it.
— Sir, you forgot your phone!
Oh, oh, he's not imagining that.
He whips around almost too fast, seeing you skirt on your heels as you stop your quick advance in front of him— his phone outstretched in a waiting hand. You really were such a lovely thing.
— Oh! Gott.. thank you, liebling— would have lost my head.
He wished he sounded.. cooler, smoother. But, he sounded like an inexperienced teen, stuck in a giants body. Always cringing at the sound of his own voice, but you smile and his world just fucking shifts— he couldn't give a shit how he sounded.
— it's- it's no worry, sir, I understand that.
Oh, your laugh, it's so sweet. He wants to touch you, grab you and squeeze you.
— I wanted to thank you actually- for the tip, I mean.. that was very generous of you—..?
You pause, trailing off as you look up at him. You want something, oh what is it maus? Anything. Say it, tell him— Oh, you want his name. His name. He has to fight the grin on his face.
— König— and do not worry yourself, Maus, it is no trouble. You work hard.
Now he's nonchalant, now he's found his groove. Keep being so humble, keep pretending like you don't want him to shower you in his endless wealth; keep looking up at him with those eyes that would be so much prettier coated in tears as you gagged on his thickness.
— Well, regardless, thank you, König.
Fuck, the way those pretty lips move with the pronunciation of his name— and you didn't miss a single vowel, what a good girl, what a smart girl. Oh, how he wanted to praise you like the good puppy you are, a collar with his name attached would be so pretty on you.
— Truly, Schatz, don't mention it— but, uhm-
Ah, he trailed, his fingers fidgeting with the lint of his pocket. Did he say it? Did he go for it? Either she'd be creeped, and run, or she'd be flattered— maybe even accepting. He had to keep it black and white, or he'd explode.
— Do you mind if I give you my number, liebling? I'd uh- I'd very much like to see you.. more.
Oh, he sounded like a fucking fool, and you looked so cute and patient; he was so used to drunken one-night stands, or shooting blanks into his hand when one just wasn't enough— this was so much harder when you looked like a literal angel to him, and not some cheap bimbo.
So patient, he wondered if you'd be like that while he railed you— even when you couldn't take it anymore. You were blushing, and he wanted to add tears to it, you were nervously fidgeting with your fingers, and he imagined them around his cock.
— Not at all, sir..
Today's a beautiful day. A lovely day even, the clouds had split just for him to bask in the loveliness of heaven's light— you sweet angel, you had no idea what you'd signed yourself up for.
— Perfekt. Hand me your phone, little one.
And you did, almost eagerly, such a good girl already. Following his orders so nicely, of course you did, even unlocking it before you passed it over.
His fingers never felt so nimble over a touchscreen, typing in his contact as if it were as easy as breathing— you seemed so shy, so nervous, it only made him confident. You made him confident, and he couldn't get enough.
— There you are, send me a text later, hm?
He hands the phone back grinning, he'd reward her for being so compliant— maybe work her open on his fingers just for now, a window of opportunity was wide open for him, and you were blushing all innocent and star-struck in front of him. He could not wait to ruin you.
— Yes, sir- König.. I'll do that. See you later!
— See you, maus.
Oh, you're so cute. You're so shy and it letting him read you like a filthy book. He knew you hadn't been taken care of, he knew you desperately needed satisfaction— and he'd give it to you tenfold, a sweet little thing like you deserved it. Especially since you did such a good job of hiding it behind that precious little smile.
Those eyes, they told him everything.
pt.2 :3
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urtheloml · 9 months
wonder how we got this far (i don't really need to wonder at all)
pairing: bakugou x reader w/c: 9k synopsis: you're excited about the prom, bakugou is not— disagreement ensues a/n: i'm back... first post of 2023 n the year is almost over... embarrassing 🧍🏼‍♂️this is the third n final installation to my little white lie mini-series!! read part 1 here n part 2 here!! this can be read as a standalone too :3 uhm... i started this fic in like... april (??) n completely forgot abt it until last week so i have no idea what the original plot was going 2 be but i think it turned out okay (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) also i know this fic is SOOOO overdramatic but i have watched every single movie that had a major prom scene (hsm3, the duff, mean girls, etc) n growing up, i looked forward it to SO bad that i literally used it as motivation to do well in exams. but then COVID happened so no prom experience for me so this is me basically projecting onto my writing!! okay mwah hope u like it xx o((>ω< ))o!!
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Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. The opening scene of the Bee Movie plays like a mantra in your head as you're searching for something in your closet. Your ears pick up the occasional grunt or cheer from your boyfriend, who's currently laying in your bed with his DS in hand, and your eyes roll affectionately.
You can't find what you're looking for so you abandon the mess you've made in your drawer and turn to Bakugou instead. "'Katsu, have you seen my can of body glitter? It's in a little purple spray bottle."
Bakugo barely glances your way, "No, why would I have seen that. Why d'ya need it anyway?"
Your body slumps against his comfortably as you cosy up next to him on your bed and even if it's been a while, your heart still skips when he immediately tangles his legs with yours. "I need it to make myself glittery for the prom, duh. You can use it too if you want before we leave."
"The prom. The dance thing we're going to, in like three days?"
Bakugou's eyebrows scrunch up confusedly as he puts his DS down and immediately a bad premonition settles in your gut. "What are you talking about? I never said I was going to that shit."
Ah. There it is. You're glad he put his game down 'cause if he wasn't looking at you while you're about to have this conversation then his console might have landed outside your window right about now. You're looking at him incredulously when you say, "What do you mean you're not going? You're my boyfriend so you have to go. It's like an unspoken rule... you can't not go to prom. Who's gonna take me then? You want me to go alone, like some loser?"
The barrage of questions makes him smile amusedly at you, but for once the sight of it induces anything but affection in you. There's no way he's taking you seriously right now. Bakugou scoffs and turns back to his game, "Huff all you want, princess, but I'm not going to the prom."
Before he can start a new game, your body lands on top of him unceremoniously so you have his undivided attention. "'Tsuki! This is our one and only prom as high schoolers. Doesn't that mean anything to you? I want to go and dance with my girls and I want to dance with you. Please?"
His jaw ticks, and he looks away from you because he knows if he stares too long then he'll cave. He refuses to go and you're not about to sway him. He has his own reasons for not wanting to go and he'll stand by them if it's the last thing he'll do.
"I told you I ain't fuckin' going, alright? You can go with your friends and you can have fun and dance with them but I'm not going. Stop pushing me on this."
His voice comes out hard and unwavering, leaving no room for argument. Also, you can't believe he just called you pushy. Bakugou, who forced a confession out of you just because he wanted you to say it first. He underestimates your persistence though, because next thing he knows, you're leaning down like you're about to kiss him and his eyes are already half-lidded but instead you bite down harshly on his nose.
Bakugou yelps but that doesn't deter you. "Can you at least tell me why you don't want to go? Because you don't want to go to a lot of things with me but you always end up going anyway. Like the nail salon, or Bath and Body Works. Why's it different this time?"
His eyes narrow and he shifts beneath you, probably trying to escape your shit fuck ton of questions but you're caging him in. He stays quiet for a whole three minutes when he finally says, "I just don't want to go, fuck, can't you just let it go and compromise for fucking once?"
What. "What?"
“I’m just saying,” Bakugou sneers, propping his elbow up below his head, “you shouldn’t be forcing me to go. You said it yourself, ya know, it feels like I’m always doing what you want.”
You falter. "That's bullshit, Katsuki. You're being really mean right now."
It seems that you used the wrong choice of words because his face turns gloomy, and you can tell he’s biting the inside of cheek as hard as he can. He places his forearm over his eyes so he can physically block out your reaction when he practically spits, “Why don’t you go date golden boy Kirishima if you think I’m so mean, huh?”
Woah. That was a low fucking blow and he knows it. He regrets bringing up his best friend’s name the moment the words leave his mouth because the way you inhale sharply and get off of him fearing for his life. The hairs on his arms rise when you start speaking to him scoldingly, and he won't even deny that he deserves it.
“I cannot believe you’re still using that against me, ‘Suki, that was more than a year ago! And don’t give me shit about not knowing how to compromise because I always eat the food you make. Even when you make it spicy on purpose even though you know I can’t handle it. And you know what? I don’t particularly like going to the gym with you on the weekends, but I still always go! And maybe sometimes I wish we could have more than just study dates but I stay and read with you anyway. And I always, always, forgive you when you do stupid shit like forgetting our anniversary or- or when you make me cry."
Almost as if your body takes cue from your words, you can feel a familiar stinging sensation creep up behind your eyelids. It starts a chain reaction because somehow Bakugou barrels on. Even though his face blanches when he sees the water on your lash line, he can’t seem to stop his mouth from moving.
"Well, fuck, sorry I'm such a shitshow to handle, princess. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to date me. But if you’re so tired of me already, then why don't you just break up with me, huh?"
No longer was there a trace of affection or playfulness in the way he calls you ‘princess’. The word drips with condescension and malice and your heart cracks a bit at the way he speaks about himself. Bakugou's sitting on the bed now, looking up at you as you stand before him.
Yet, your gaze holds nothing but warmth and frustrated tears when you look at him. Because, much to your dismay, you also always know when there’s something up with Bakugou . He leans away for a moment when your hands come up to touch his head, but decides to let himself fall into your touch in the end.
Bakugou buries his face against your stomach, gripping onto the back of your shirt with crumpled fists. Gently, your hand cards through his messy hair, “Baby, I never said that. I never said you were hard to deal with. You’re a very easy person to deal with, and an even easier person to love. And I have never, ever, thought about leaving you. Okay? I’m sorry for making you think that."
He nods into you, the movement tickles your abdomen and he does it again and again until you start giggling and pushing his head away. Bakugou rests his chin against your navel, looking up at you with slightly glassy eyes. He knows he doesn’t deserve the kindness you’re laying onto him, doesn't deserve you in general, but he still reaches up to swipe a thumb under your eye.
“No, I was out of line. I shouldn't have said all that. I’m sorry, I was bein’ rude as shit.”
The truth is, Bakugou isn't really that easy to deal with. You can handle him just fine because you've had years of practice. To an untrained eye, maybe it'll look bad for him when he scoffs a fuck off everytime you ask to hold his hand. But you know he never means it because he always takes your hand anyway, intertwining his fingers with yours. And then he'll squeeze your hand three times; i love you, i love you, i love you.
So no, he isn't easy to deal with. His body language and words don't always correspond to what he's trying to convey but it's still plainly obvious that he quite stupidly adores you anyway. He'll yell at you for forgetting your wallet, he'll call you an idiot the whole day and then he'll pay for your lunch and walk you home the same day. If you get cold for forgetting a cardigan, he'll tease and taunt you for a whole five minutes maximum before giving you his own that he just somehow keeps forgetting to take out of his bag, as he says. He'll make a face like he just ate a lemon when he tries and fails to not make fun of you if you don’t score so well on a test, and then he’ll tutor you for hours on end until you can get it right.
It gets quite predictable.
He pulls you down then, letting your bodyweight sink onto his lap and presses a kiss against your lips in apology and you hate that it works. Hate that he can erase every mistake with a press of his lips to yours, because he never kisses you without meaning it. And you know he means to say sorry with the way his tongue slips into your mouth.
Unfortunately, the argument does not end.
He pulls away, breathing heavier than before. The bubble of calmness and comfort around you bursts explosively however when he mutters, “‘M still not going to the prom, though.”
It's not like you didn't see this coming. You knew that he didn't really care about prom, no matter how badly you wanted him to. You just thought that maybe he'd take you anyway. The thought of going without him makes your chest clench because you could have the time of your life with your girls but it won't feel the same without him next to you.
Maybe he's right. Maybe you do make him do things he doesn't really want to. But then again, you do the same for him. You're left confused and defeated when it's time for him to leave and he's still adamant on not going. On one hand, you don't want to force him to go. But on another, you really do wish he'd change his mind.
You're silent as you show him out, and he notices but he stays quiet too and in his head, he beats himself for being a coward. He hates himself for not being able to talk to you properly. He knows very well that if he just told you what's up with him then you'd understand, and you could still probably convince to go to the dance. But he doesn't speak up.
Right before he leaves, he leans down to kiss you goodnight but you turn away at the last moment so his lips meet your cheek instead. Slowly, you press a palm against his heart, pushing him away and pretending you can’t hear how it stutters at your denial.
"Hey, before you go, I'm sorry if I'm being pushy again but you-,” your voice trails off, and you sigh defeatedly, “you can't keep making me cry and just expect to kiss it better all the time, okay? And I know you don't mean to do it, but it still hurts, Bakugou. I'm tired of getting hurt all the time and I'm not forcing you to go, but I hope you know that it really fucking sucks that my own boyfriend won't go to the dance with me, and it sucks even more that he won't even tell me why."
Bakugou? What happened to Katsu or ‘Suki, he mourns internally. He keeps a blank face but it feels like the blood within his veins just got replaced with pure fucking ice as he lets your words sink in. He refuses to let his facade break but it feels like someone is grabbing him by the throat and he can’t seem to breathe right.
"If you keep making me feel like this, one day I'm not just gonna let you kiss it all better. 'Cause sooner or later, you're gonna run out of chances."
Bakugou stays unanswering, and you look at him pleadingly for him to just talk to you but he doesn't. It's not until you go to close your door that he finally speaks, voice soft but accusing, "You just said you've never thought of leaving me, and now just 'cause I'm not taking you to some stupid dance, you're taking it all back?"
If Bakugou had superpowers, pissing you off would definitely be one of them. You resist the urge to stomp your foot childishly, because you know that won't help to get your point across. Your teeth bite down on nothing as harshly as possible because you don't want to start arguing again, it won't solve anything. He knows that too, and even though your hands stay right by your side, he feels like he was just punched in the jaw when you meet his eyes and he finds that somehow, he managed to make you cry twice in one night.
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe this isn't just some stupid dance to me? I get it, okay, that it's not your scene or whatever, and it doesn't matter to you but it really matters to me," you tell him as placatingly as possible, and his eyes are as clouded as his judgement, "I've waited a long time for this, and I never thought I'd even be lucky enough to have someone who means so much to me to go with. And if you can't even see how important it is to me that I want you with me at this stupid dance, then you're the worst. The worst."
With that, you finally shut the door in his face. His muffled protests behind the slab of wood go ignored in favour of stomping back to your room. Bakugou's insufferable! He's stupid and stubborn and temperamental. He's a hothead that jumps headfirst into anything he does with everything he's got.
He's the worst. (he's the furthest thing from it)
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
Neither you nor Bakugou give in to the temptation of calling one another. When you see him in class, you don't look at him and you go straight home. The both of you being too stubborn to admit defeat by reaching out first. It hurts to admit though, that for once you wish he'd just call you. A mere three days of radio silence on both your ends doesn't do wonders for your relationship, it chips away at both of you until the hurt simmmers to a seemingly numb feeling in your hearts.
As you think of ways to spite him, your mind comes up with the idea of going with someone else. But you don't entertain that thought for longer than a second, because that would be cheating and you'd never stoop that low. He probably wouldn't even know if you did anyway.
The night before the prom, you sit on your bed forlornly, twirling the little charm bracelet that slings around your wrist. It's a cute thing that Bakugou gifted you a few months ago. It was a simple purple band with two star charms on its ends and a little saturn charm in the middle. He has a matching one in blue.
"It's beautiful, 'suki. Why saturn?" You had asked.
"Uh... I don't- I read somewhere that it kinda symbolises growth and commitments. And you know, that fits us." Katsuki answered, withholding the fact that he spent three hours reading multiple astrology sites about it even though he quite frankly thinks it's bullshit but didn't want to get the meaning wrong anyway.
“Yeah. ‘Cause I wanna fucking commit to you and I'm gonna be everything you’ll ever need.”
The bracelet jingles lightly as you fidget with it. Your phone lays on your bed with no signs of him calling and a deep crushing sigh escapes you as you prepare yourself for another night of tossing and turning. The memory of what the bracelet meant lulls you to sleep and you're left wondering if he's still wearing it too, which makes you wonder even more if he's missing you as much as you're missing him or if he's missing you at all. It's hardly noticeable but you think your cheeks feel damp as your eyes fall close.
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
In his own room, Bakugou lets the dumbbell he's curling fall to the floor. He barely hears the resounding thud it makes or his mom yelling at him for dropping the weight like that. He flops onto his bed, arms spread and neck spotted with sweat. His mind swims with thoughts of you and he wishes it wasn't so hard for him to just fucking open up to you. His insides twist just thinking about the way he left things with you, it makes him feel stupid and he hates it.
It's not like he doesn't want to take you to the prom. If anything, he'd love to do that. He wants to show you off so bad. Have you all pretty, draped over his arm and looking gorgeous in whatever dress you wanted to wear. God does he want to, he wants everyone to see you with him and he'd bask in his smugness that no one else gets to have you like this but him. He'd relish in the absolute envy on anyone else's face as that saw you with him. Because everyone knows, including himself, that you're too good for him. And now he's gone and fucked it all up.
For all the confidence he exudes, Bakugou Katsuki is actually not someone who's void of insecurities. If anything, his confidence is just a front to his crackling interior. But not always, because sometimes he is quite the hot shit. Anyway.
Contrary to your belief, he doesn't want to go to the prom for your sake. He's heard the things people have said about you- or rather, he's heard what has been said about you in regards to your relationship with him. Just thinking about it makes him feel nauseous all over again. He wasn't supposed to hear it, he thinks.
He'd been walking past the girl's toilet whilst looking for you. It wasn't on him that girls talk so fuckin' loudly. Like c'mon, in his defence, if you're going to talk shit about someone, at least do it quietly so that the person aforementioned won't hear his own name like a siren beckoning him to eavesdrop. So really, it's not his fault for pressing his back against the wall to hear the rest. He can't put a name to the two voices (why would he be able to) but from what they're saying, they know him apparently.
..."... I bet he's forcing her. To date him, I mean."
"I don't know... they seem pretty lovey-dovey and all gross to me. If you ask me, she should leave now and find someone better."
"That's called conditioning. Or like, stockholm syndrome. I mean, let's be serious, who wants to willingly date Bakugou of all people. He's like if the word aggression was personified. He's mental, I swear."
They laugh, gaudy.
"I bet he's gonna show up to the dance with the poor girl, 'cause he's way too fucking clingy. Have you noticed that he's practically by her side almost 24/7. Hope they don't turn up together, like give that girl a break."
So. He wasn't supposed to hear that. He wasn't supposed to fucking hear that, and for a good fucking reason. At that moment, it felt like his heart was stuck in his throat while simultaneously, his stomach dropped to his ass. He doesn't cry. He's not that bothered by it. But it makes his head spin that people actually think of him like that.
By then, he wasn't thinking straight, because if he was, then he'd know not to make assumptions about how everyone felt about him based on two girls' conversation. Alas, he's not thinking straight, so, fuck it.
He doesn't know if you remember but he barely said anything when he walked you home.
It hurt him, but everything they said about him wasn't anything he hadn't heard before. It was the way they talked about you that got to him. How you were unhappy or being forced, they said. It's the way he's tried his hardest to pour his heart and soul into you and him and it's still seemingly not enough for people around him to think that you're both undeniably gone for each other.
It makes him upset, because he thinks he's been doing a pretty good job at showing you just how much you mean to him, but apparently fuckin' not. He's obviously not doing something right. Which makes him feel frustrated because he can't figure it out. He tells you he loves you plenty. Okay, maybe not plenty but he does say it. He says it and he knows you know that he’s trying to show it in his own words. He always keeps a jacket for you, he’s never let you fail a test since you got together and he always always makes you extra food that he makes for himself. Maybe he’s done something wrong along the way.
It's not like he unintentionally made the food spicy for you. Sometimes it just slips his mind that your portion can't be the same level of spicy as his is. And he knows how sad you get when you fail an exam, which is why he forgoes normal dates to sit and study with you. Of course he'd much rather do something like hiking or fucking, he doesn't know, laser tag with you, but he'd always put your education first. He knows how much it means to you after all.
An ugly feeling nags at him. It makes him want to pull away from you, show some distance so people would stop talking for a bit. But another part of him wants to run to your house right now and tell you I'm sorry. please don't leave. I can do better. Neither of those feelings actually make him do anything, though, because he's stubborn and refuses to cave.
Ugh. He thinks, before promptly passing out on his bed.
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
The evening of the prom arrives. You're standing in front of your mirror, all dressed up and pretty. Your dress accentuates your curves amazingly and you've adorned your cheeks with small star-shaped rhinestones and sprayed a generous amount of body glitter all over yourself. The shimmer makes itself known in every crevice of your room but it doesn't bother you right now.
An imaginary Bakugou makes himself comfortable on your bed. He's eyeing you up and down and groaning appreciatively at the sight he's been blessed with. Fuckin' gorgeous, he says, just like you know he would if he were actually here. You're wearing his colours after all.
Your hands smooth down your dress incessantly for the nth time that night, as if getting rid of the imperceptible wrinkles on your dress would get rid of the thoughts in your head as well. It doesn't, but it makes you feel calmer. Maybe some would call it dramatic, or stupid, but you don't even really feel like going without him.
You don't want to miss out on your prom, and you still want to dance with your friends and eat cheap shitty food though. So maybe your hair droops a little, akin to your mood, but you leave your house shining and smiling anyway.
And when you get there, things start looking up. Whoever's in charge of the music has been doing an amazing job of not playing Closer by the Chainsmokers on repeat yet so that's win in your book. In fact, they're not playing any songs that would give the average retail worker war flashbacks, which means they're doing a phenomenal job.
The hall is mostly full by the time you and your friends find a table near the back. There's a line at the punch table and you can already tell that it's probably spiked with something judging by the students practically dry-humping one another on the dancefloor, much to one of the school's chaperone's dismay.
The first hour passes by without a hitch. The buffet table is lined with cheap pizzas, stale fries and other questionable foods like jello cups that you're not sure is even made with real jelly. But your friends eat it anyway and you do too because food poisoning's all part of the party package.
At the back of the hall, there's a photo booth with props and signs for everyone to take. Your friends and yourself take ungodly amounts of pictures at the booth, laughing loudly without a care in the fucking world. You don't let yourself think about how Bakugou would scoff at the choice of props, you refuse to let yourself think about how he'd pose after choosing something equally stupid and you absolutely do not let yourself think about how much brighter you'd be smiling if he were here with you. You don't.
The sound system blares songs from bands you're somewhat familiar with, the bass of the songs echo and reverberate throughout the dancehall. It amplifies the adrenaline running through your veins as you jump around with the rest of the people in the hall. It feels silly and unnatural but you're giggling and swaying and it isn't so bad when you've got your girls right next to you doing the same thing.
It's easy to forget about all the aches when you let yourself get lost in the crowd. You're pushed into the middle of the dancefloor that's definitely filled with people who don't go to your school.
A song that you vaguely recognise by The Weeknd plays over the speakers and it's so fast paced that your heart thumps to the bass of the song. The tremors echo through the hall, shaking the floor and it becomes so easy to forget why you were upset in the first place.
The song ends and cheers from half-drunk high schoolers fills the temporary silence that follows. The DJ announces that he's about to slow things down a little for a kick of romance. He stretches out the word romance so it sounds more like roooowmaynceee and when the music fades into something mellower, it becomes even easier to remember.
It becomes increasingly harder to ignore the pitiful glances your friends send your way as they're whisked away by their own dates. Humiliation and longing pools in your belly as you watch your friends get their waists held and their bodies swayed and it fucking sucks. Even though you wave dismissively at them, it does look quite pathetic when you slowly move to stand against the wall by yourself.
Your eyes sweep over the couples dancing, and you pray that no one asks you to dance while you're being a wallflower. You don't think you'd want to dance with anyone but him anyway. Distantly, your mind wanders to Bakugou, and you're left thinking about what he must be doing at this hour. Maybe he's studying, or watching a movie, or cooking something inedible like always. Maybe he's already asleep. Maybe he's missing you and he's on his way over here right now.
Nobody is crueler to you than yourself, you think, as you let your mind wander dangerously into that false pretence of hope that he might change his mind about showing up.
There's a phantom feeling that glides over your skin as you watch your friends dance, and you wrap your hands around your elbows to soothe it. The sweat from your earlier dancing cools off as the air in the hall gets cooler and you're not sure if it's the crisp, cold air, or the fact that you're painfully aware of Katsuki's absence that makes your throat sting each time you inhale.
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
In the end, Katsuki's mother is the one who quite literally knocks some sense into him. Mitsuki Bakugou is not a force to be reckoned with, ever, and as tough and cool Katsuki makes himself seem, he'll always be a little bit intimidated by his mom. It's why he tries to seem as nonchalant as possible as he sits on his couch while staring unblinkingly at the TV.
Mitsuki pops her head into the living room. Fuck, he didn't think she'd be home so soon.
"Katsuki? What the hell are you still doing here?"
"You going crazy, hag? It's a Friday night, am I not allowed to take a fuckin' break or what?" He swallows.
"Language, asshat. And I just stopped by Inko's, brat, I know what day it is today," she sighs annoyedly before plopping down next to him, "She tried to show me Every. Single. Photo of Izuku in his tux. I had to tell her I left the stove on to get out of there. So quit the bullshit. Why are you still here?"
Katsuki has a pillow in his lap and he squeezes it until his knuckles turn pale so his voice won't waver.
"She didn't want me to take her," he lies, hoping his mom will take the bait.
Mitsuki shoves her son's head to the side good-naturedly, "I thought I told you to quit the bullshit, brat. That girl adores the hell out of you for some fucking reason, so don't try to lie to me."
It's that one goddamn line that has him snapping at her. It's her words and the stupid girls in the stupid fucking toilet and it's an amalgamation of everything that has him wanting to tear his fucking hair out that makes him lose it.
"Yeah, okay, fuck you too mom. You're right, I don't fucking know why someone like her wants to be with someone as fucked up and angry and- and mean and aggressive as I am too, alright? Everyone at school already fucking wonders why she even wants me so I didn't take her to this stupid fucking prom 'cus maybe they'll get off my back about fucking forcing her to be with me. I'm not in the goddamn mood to be hearing about this shit so fuck off. I wish I knew what the fuck she sees in me that's so good but I don't so just stop this fucked up interrogation, God."
He's not even looking at the TV anymore. He spits out his outburst while staring straight at his hands fisted in the poor pillow. It'll never uncrease now. His jaw is clenched so tightly he's scared his teeth might just shatter in his mouth. He doesn't want to look at his mom right now, too afraid to see her pitiful gaze directed at him. Doesn't want to hear her say you're right Katsuki, I don't know what she sees in you either.
Katsuki braces himself for an impact, knowing he's probably about to get smacked for talking to her like that. He doesn't expect the hand that gently lands atop his head, and he doesn't expect the hand that's curling behind his ears to turn his head towards her. Mitsuki looks at her son, making sure he really looks at her this time.
"Katsuki." She says, as gentle as the first time she held him in her arms. It doesn't matter how many years have passed, he looks just as small to her right now, and just like the day he was born, she will wrap him up and make sure he knows how loved he is.
"Katsuki, listen. I'm sorry for saying that," Mitsuki exhales, "It was a joke, but it was insensitive and I'm sorry. Every other time I said something like that about you wasn't true either. You're a good son and a good student and a good person. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, or says about you because the people who truly care about you know that you're a good fucking person, Katsuki."
Katsuki can barely hold eye contact with her. As embarrassing as it is, his vision blurs over and he will never acknowledge the way his voice breaks. "Mom," he shudders, "I'm always trying so fucking hard. I want to be good, please."
A noise that sounds like a choked back sob escapes him unwillingly. Mitsuki pulls his face into her shoulder and smiles when he barely resists. He fits just like he did before he thought hugging her wasn't cool anymore.
"You are good. You are so good, Katsuki." she whispers, "You always help to cook, and you keep the house clean and your grades up. You don't speak politely but you are honest and you are just like me. You use your hands, actions, to communicate rather than words. But you know, Katsuki, sometimes the people we love need to hear it from us too, okay? We'll both work on that."
A miniscule nod. "I'll start right now, Katsuki. You may be a brat sometimes, but you are my son. My sun. You are good, and kind and for everything you do not love about yourself, I love it tenfold."
He absolutely does not break at that. Katsuki bites back a whine, and exhales shakily again, soaking in her words like a sponge because he knows these moments for them come few and far in between. He doesn't mind. He thinks it's special that way, cherishing it whenever it does happen even more.
Mitsuki cards her hands through his hair, "You're a winner, Katsuki, that's why you have your name. Don't let whatever happened get to you like this. If you don't go to that stupid prom, you'll be making the biggest mistake of your life. Because I love you very much, and it might even be possible that that girl of yours loves you just as much, or maybe even a smidge more. Get your ass changed, and talk to her, alright? I know it's scary, letting someone in, but you care about her and you need to do this."
Katsuki pulls away from her, wiping his face roughly with his arms. He sniffles harshly, trying to erase all traces of the vulnerability he just showed. He bites his lip hard enough to almost draw blood. He wants to say he loves her back but the words fail him. Not yet, he thinks.
"I don't know what colour her dress is." He says instead.
"Wear your red suit. Don't ask questions, go get ready. You're already late, I'll call a cab for you."
Katsuki nods, getting up to walk to his room. He's halfway up the stairs when he pauses for a second. "Thanks mom. Love you."
Mitsuki waves her hand dismissively in his direction.
Katsuki stands in front of his mirror, inspecting everything he sees as if that'll change the way he feels about himself. His mom talking to him helped a lot, but he's still finding it hard to breathe and it's not just because his collar is choking him a bit. He fiddles with his bracelet. He tries to ground himself as he thinks about whether he should put on a different suit.
He really wishes he listened to what you were saying when you were talking about your dress. What if he shows up and his suit clashes with your dress? That would just make your night worse.
It's ridiculous. He knows he's just procrastinating. Because thinking about suit colours is easier than thinking about the crippling insecurity that still sits heavily on his shoulders, shackling him with the sheer weight of it all. He'd rather think about the colour of your dress than the fact that he feels like he can't give you what you deserve in a boyfriend.
His reflection frowns back at him.
The words you said play in his head like a broken record. You are the worst, you told him. He thinks of all the things he never really says to you because for some reason his emotionally constipated self just can't bring himself to say them. (Because he says I love you, but he means he hopes you never trip on your shoelaces if they're untied, that your hair never tangles in the wind, that if your drink spills not a drop of it would touch you, that your hands are always warm, that you'd never forget to bring your headphones before you leave the house and that you're always safe whenever he's not with you. Because he says I love you, but he means he hopes that if the sky were to drizzle, the raindrops themselves would feel privileged just to be able to fall upon your skin. Because he says I love you but he means he hopes you know he wants to say it right to your face, and into your mouth and kiss the words and every version of it's meaning into the space where your shoulder meets your neck every morning when he wakes up and every night before he lets himself succumb to slumber. He says I love you, but he means more than what those words convey. He says I love you, but he means stay warm, stay safe. He says I love you but he means my heart belongs more to you than me. He says I love you but he means he'll never want anything else for as long as he lives if it meant you'd always stay with him. He says I love you but he means come home to me and keep coming home to me, please.)
If he could kick himself for being so stupid, he would. But he can't so he'll let you do it for him instead. I am not a coward, he tells himself as his unsteady hands try to make his hair look less of a mess. It doesn't work so he leaves it be and dashes out the door with an undone tie around his neck and he hastily side-hugs his mom- dodging her attempts to groom him- before throwing himself into the cab.
He doesn't make it a habit to show up late, but hopefully this time you'll forgive him. This time showing up late is better than not at all.
He's never made it a habit to show up late but maybe this time showing up late is better than not showing up at all. He drums his fingers nervously on his thigh throughout the entire ride. He hopes to God you're having fun. He hopes you know he's on the way. He hopes, and hopes and prays that he hasn't lost his chance.
When he arrives, he doesn't even spare a glance for his own friends, too preoccupied with finding you. The hall isn't very big but the space is large enough that he has to walk around a few times just to spot you.
The minute he sees you leaning against the wall, he wishes desperately he could go back in time. He'd do fucking anything to erase that faraway look in your eyes. He can see the way you're yearning to be one of the couples on the dancefloor and he wants to unwrap your hands around yourself and replace it with his own.
Katsuki breathes in deep and makes his way towards you cus damn it, if you wanted a dance, he'll give you a fucking dance alright.
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
The last slow song finally slowly tunes out, transitioning into a more upbeat one. The couples finally disentangle themselves from one another and you're just about to step back onto the dancefloor when a very familiar pair of arms snake around your waist.
You didn't even see him come in. It doesn't matter how he apparated here, because the only thing that matters right now is the fact that he showed up and the way his arms fit snugly around your hips. A breathless sound of disbelief escapes your lips as he pulls you into him when you turn around to face him.
If he's surprised by the lack of anger or disappointment on your face, he doesn't show it. All he knows is the feeling of your arms coming up to rest up on his shoulders. With the way you're beaming up at him, anyone would think that the only thing he did was show up almost two hours late. He knows better though, he knows he fucked up when all you wanted was for him to bring you to this stupid dance. And on God, would he try his hardest to make it up to you.
Katsuki leans into you, burying his nose into your hair that's all pinned up and pretty. He's getting glitter all over his face and suit and he doesn't care at all.
"I'm sorry," he exhales, letting the apology spill out of him, "'M so fuckin' sorry, princess."
It's so quiet, you almost think he never said it at all. In the background, you can just barely register the lyrics of Paramore's Still Into You that's currently playing. A litany of 'thank yous' is mentally conveyed to the DJ.
"And what are you sorry for?"
Katsuki clenches his jaw, his eyes darting away from yours like he's struggling not to look away. He groans before telling you, "There’s been rumours going on, people talking shit like they know us. Saying fuck all, running their fuckin’ mouths about how you could do better than me. And it’s stupid that I believed them for even a millisecond, I know. Then I realised that if I let you show up here alone then i’d just be proving those fuckers right. So, you win, princess. I took you to this stupid prom. I showed up, ‘m here right now."
Even though it's been said before, the lack of confidence Katsuki has in himself is absolutely baffling. It's like he can admit he has flaws and weaknesses and he'll know exactly what the problem is but he won't fucking talk to you for some reason you can't figure out.
Nvermind, you figured it out.
He's scared. Bakugou Katsuki is fearless. He's not afraid of anything, because he knows everything he's afraid of can be defeated one way or another. His fear of failure is conquered with his efforts in order to secure success. His fear of inferiority to anyone that's a threat towards him can be overtaken by brandishing his own achievements like a sword, or like armour. But when you come along, suddenly it becomes: Bakugou Katsuki was fearless.
The only thing he's scared of is losing you. That’s something that he alone can’t control, because you could very well decide to leave him if you ever felt like it. He realises that if he didn't show up tonight, the chances of that happening would be much much higher, and then if he lost you, he'd be a loser. Bakugou Katsuki is not a loser.
Your chest tightens at the thought that he actually believed that you’d leave him for someone better, as if someone like that even existed. One of your hands reaches up to curl around his neck, forcing him to look at you. You shake your head firmly when he tries leaning away.
You’re glad your voice remains steady when you say, "You should've talked to me. ‘Suki, I can’t believe you almost blew me off because of some shit some people we don’t even know thought about us. They don’t know anything about us, alright? They don’t fucking know how good I have it with you and you shouldn't keep all that to yourself next time, okay?”
His grip tightens, “You should’ve heard them though. Girls are fuckin’ ruthless. Talking about how easily you could just fuck off and get with someone better. Saying I... I'm forcing you to be with me. Fuck, it made me feel like shit ‘cause I knew there was some truth in what they said. I know I can stand to be nicer to you.”
Your hands find their way to his undone tie and you tug, “Katsuki, I don’t care about what they said. You hear me?”
Once he nods, you go on, "I couldn't do any better than you, because you're already the best. You said it yourself. If you think I deserve better, then be better, 'cause I don't want anyone but you. So stop trying to push me away. Whoever started all this can fucking eat our asses 'cause clearly they don't need their mouths if all they're gonna do is talk shit."
"Holy fuck, you really need to stop spending so much time with me." Katsuki snorts.
With a laugh, he twirls you around two times all while complaining that you're starting to sound exactly like him. But you’re not so sure he really minds so much judging by the way he grins wickedly at you. When his arms go back to their rightful place, you rest your forehead against his chest, "Also, let me? 'Suki, I did show up here alone. Which means that technically, you didn't really take me here, you know? 'Cause I had to come here all by myself."
Katsuki huffs and puffs, and leans back far enough to flick your forehead softly. He sways you slowly to the music, despite how fast the music is, "What matters is that I'm here. I’m fuckin' sorry for making you show up here all alone. Look, I’m even dancing with ya, ain’t that enough?”
Am I enough?
Katsuki says all that like he's exasperated with you but really he's posing it as a question. He's asking, and looking for a chance to redeem himself. Like always, you rest even more of your weight against him, knowing you can let yourself go boneless against him and he'll hold you all the same. He's all strong and soft and sturdy and you can hear his heartbeat thundering beneath his clothes and you make sure he can hear you when you say, "You've always been more than enough."
You can feel the way any lingering tension escapes him when you tell him that. He tells you softly, promises you that he'll start opening up more to you, and he kisses you on the cheek to really seal it in. The song echoes throughout the room, thrumming in your veins and making you feel weightless.
Some things just, some things just make sense and one of those is you and I.
His eyes don't waver as he really takes you in, savouring the image of how good you look. He sears the image of you into his brain and he hopes you know how serious he means when he rasps, "Fuck, ya look gorgeous by the way. Absolutely fucking stunnin' and I really fuckin' wish no one else but me could look at ya." His hands run down your sides slowly and squeeze at your hips, eliciting goosebumps all over your skin.
Heat quickly floods your cheeks and pools in your tummy, and his hands tighten his hold on you. You grin at him, "Well, ignoring your tie, I think you look very handsome as well. I'm surprised our colours didn't clash."
Katsuki barks a laugh at that. If only you knew.
It's quite the scene to see you and him swaying gently to such a hyped up tune. Everyone mostly crowds up around the front of the hall. But you and Katsuki hang back from the big mass of sweaty bodies, choosing to stand nearer to the opposite end of the room. If your friends look at you weird, you don't take notice. It's as if you're in your own little world; just you and him.
The second chorus sounds and Katsuki dips you as low as he can get before you yell at him. When you come back up, he's looking at you all starry eyed, staring directly at your lips. He can't stop himself, he cuts you off while you're singing along to kiss you right then. He swallows the little 'mmphrh!' that comes out of your throat greedily, sliding one of his hands up your back all the way to the cuff of your neck to press you even closer into him.
"Fuckin' missed you and your pretty fucking mouth, baby." he sighs breathlessly into you.
It's barely a chaste kiss, looking quite messy for a high school prom. Thankfully no staff member comes in between you and him, so he pulls away slowly before leaning back in. He kisses you once, twice and then some more and even a fifth and sixth time, like he's making up for all the days he didn't.
After he's satisfied with all the kisses he's peppered on your face, he leans away, smiling sillily. "She's right, you know?"
Your eyebrows furrow but your lips quirk up anyway, "What are you talking about?"
Katsuki spins you slowly, "The singer. She's right," and leads you back into him before singing monotonously, "After all this time, I'm still into you."
"You are such a loser, that was so cringe. Oh my god, what the fuck," you laugh, but your heart squeezes in affection.
Katsuki doesn't know if it's the haphazardly hung disco ball and the flashing lights that makes your eyes shine and sparkle or if it's just you, but he can't tear his eyes away from you. You're looking at him like he split the oceans for you, and he thanks every star in the sky that you're letting him hold you this close again.
If he knew how unreal you’d look when you’re dancing in his arms, he never would’ve ditched this thing. What a shame, he thinks, that he missed out on two whole hours that could have been spent with you looking like this. Maybe it’s the air in the hall but he feels practically giddy at the sight of you enjoying yourself, and it makes his heart fucking leap because it’s him that’s making you smile like that.
The sides of his mouth hurt from how much they've been stretched tonight, but he can't keep the smile off his face when you say, "You're right though. She is right."
He hums along to the tune, because denies it as he may, he absolutely loves this song just as much as you do.
Your eyes drink up the sight of Katsuki dressed up so… in character. His hair is as messy as ever, his tie hangs loose and undone around his neck and you’re sure his suit jacket has seen better days but he looks fucking ethereal to you. He’s all lethal grins and loud laughter and his cologne smells as spicy and warm as it always does and you realise again just how in love you are with him.
Katsuki’s eyes are gleaming, and maybe it’s just a trick in the light but you’re reminded of just how lucky you are to have him like this. Because maybe he is brash and harsh when he talks to you, but he’s never treated you like you’re anything but the most important thing in his life. To him, you’re his favourite person in the whole world, and he doesn’t need to say it out loud because he knows you know it too.
So maybe Katsuki isn't easy to read, or deal with. That doesn't mean he's not easy to love. Because loving him was like breathing— instinctual and  inevitable. You loved him the way the moon loved the ocean, and the way the sun loved the stars. Loving him was the easiest thing you've ever done in your life, and you knew that wasn’t ever going to change.
And baby even on our worst nights, I'm into you. Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'cause I don't really need to wonder at all. Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
Later, when the two of you have sufficiently made out against the wall enough for the chaperones to flick water at Katsuki so he'll finally pull away, you'll find his hand and pull him along to the rest of your friends.
Kirishima will see you two and laugh, telling Katsuki he's glad he pulled his head out of his ass. Katsuki will hiss, "Kay why ess..." and drag you to the photo booth. You won't tell him, but you're secretly glad that you were right. He does scoff at the assortment of props but he picks up a stupid styrofoam emoji of a bomb.
He pushes you into the booth and sets the timer for the picture. Right as it's about to go off, he looks at you very seriously as he says, "You put the boom-boom into my heart," before absolutely smashing the emoji against your cheek.
The photos come out blurry and you're wide-mouthed and laughing in all of them. He's looking at you like you're the only thing that exists. There’s barely any inches between you and him like you’re the sun and he’s every planet that orbits your celestial body.
Katsuki walks you home afterwards, laughing and stealing your body heat as he delivers you to your doorstep. When you kiss him goodnight, he thinks he must have known you in every life before this one for him to have the capacity to love you as much as he does. He keeps his copy of the photo in his wallet, signing the back with 'still into you xx'.
Not that he needs the reminder.
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fakesimp · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 1K 🙉🙉 im here to haunt you again, ur works never fail to amaze me and i always find myself going back to read them (≡^∇^≡)
luca knshr pls 🙏 angst to fluff? whtver is fine w u, i will wait ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
-"I promised I won't let you go, but I did, will you give me one more chance to hold you again?", Falling for you would be the last time I fall in Love-
again, congrats on 1k, may u gain more followers, may the shurnip bless you, amen, mwah
ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚
Chances, With Luca Kaneshiro
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Warning !
Hurt/Comfort ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Sankyuuu ! I hope you enjoy this !
1k Followers Event Prompts !
"I promise I won't let you go, but I did. will you give me one more chance to hold you again?"
Falling for you would be the last time I fall in Love
"I promise I'll never let you go"
"I Love you babe, so much"
He said, but what happened to that now? Didn't he promise he won't let you go, he promised.
You watched him turning his back towards you, walking away as you stood on the spot, shedding tears. Your hand turned into fist, you turned away and walked away from where you stood, accepting reality.
He is a Mafia after all, he is busy, and his work involves killing, blood bath. Something that is very dangerous for someone like you to be around him, but you loved him for the way he is.
You loved the way he smiled so widely at you, the way his eyes sparkled when he sees you. The way he picked you up with his strong arms as he swings around while holding you in his arms, laughing together with you.
It hurts so bad when you remember the memories you made together with him, only for it to shatter when he said he wanted to break up, you couldn't bring yourself to ask why, you couldn't bring yourself to ask him the reason why he wanted to break up with you when everything was okay.
You could only walk away as you try to relieve the pain.
. . .
that was months ago, and today here you are, doing your daily activities in your apartment, you looked over at the clock, it is 12 am. You sighed, how fast the time moves as you started to live on your own. You were just about to turn off your laptop until you heard a knock on your door, you started to get suspicious about it. Who the hell would come over at your apartment at 12 am?
You hesitantly approached the door, you didn't open it. You just peeked through the peek hole on your door, only for you to see a familiar blonde haired male behind the door.
Your eyes widen, you wanted to open the door but you're growing hesitant the longer you stayed behind the door, your hand slowly reaching out to the door handle but you immediately froze when you heard his voice.
"I know you're there," He said, but he sounded so, tired? You decided to stay quiet, staring down at the door handle. "It's okay if you don't want to open the door, i'll just, talk behind the door." He took a deep breath, you heard a shoe click closer to the door.
You were guessing he's now literally closer than before, "..I'm sorry" the first thing he said, making your breath hitched slightly when you heard how hurt he sounded, "I, ..promised I won't let you go.." he continued, you slowly rest your head on the door, "But I did.." you can hear him stutter out a sigh. "If I may be foolish," there was a long pause, making your heart beats faster each seconds pass
You waited for him to continue, "..If I may.. Will you, give me one more chance.. to, hold you again?" He said. You waited, again, but he didn't say anything else. You then heard a shoe click again, "..Ah, I, shouldn't have been that hopeful huh.." He whispered, "I'm sorry.." he apologized then, the next second you heard his shoes clicking away from your door, fading away, slowly disappearing.
You wanted to run, your guts telling you to run to him. When he' still close, and you did, you abruptly opened your apartment door, you ran out barefoot. Chasing your Beloved Mafia. Beloved Golden retriever.
You ran as fast as you could, you didn't care about your foot hurting by this point. You just have to catch up to him before it's too late, and you almost lost him again. You saw him entering the car,
The way he immediately whips his head around to you, You couldn't miss how hurt he looked a second ago, his eyes sparkled ever so slightly when he sees you. You stopped running, catching your breath.
But before you could register anything, you heard footsteps coming towards you so fast, and the next second you are engulfed into someone's arms, and who else would it be none other than Luca himself.
Familiar warmth, you reciprocated his hug, tight. You can feel his body slightly trembled as he hugged you, "I'm sorry.." He whispered as he nuzzle his face at the crook of your neck. "Will you forgive me?" You immediately nod your head as you put your hand on his head, running your hand through his blonde hair locks.
"Yes, Luca. I forgive you, I'm sorry too" You apologized, he slowly leaned away from you, putting his hand on your cheek, he stared into your eyes lovingly, him trying so hard not to cry on the spot, he leaned his face close to you, before he kissed you, he whispered,
"Falling for you, would be the last time I fall in Love, My heart belongs to you, and to you only.
I Love you, so much.."
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go ! Another one down ! Hope you enjoy this !
( 4/10 )
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velvetwyrme · 2 months
i eat up ur recs with a spoon and have almost gotten to the end of the list!!! do u have any other self insert recs? thank u! u have great taste
MWAH MWAH ILY !! THANK YOU and yes ofc I have more recs (not as many as last time, but it should still be a decent list to sink your teeth into <3)
Take care when reading, and always be sure to check the tags!
Same notation as last time, with STATUS of each fic labelled as such: Finished, Ongoing/Unfinished, Discontinued. (Unless the author specified that the fic is Discontinued or on Indefinite Hiatus, I will mark it as Ongoing/Unfinished. Oneshots are also marked as such.)
Spicy (Explicit) and/or Dark fics have also been labelled if relevant. (I won’t mark ones with just suggestive themes/moments, since I cant guarantee I’ll catch all of them. Similarly, unless there is consistent graphic death or gore I [probably] won’t mark it as dark.)
As always, tread carefully while reading and take care of yourselves <3
Edit: Fixed a missing link or two!
These Masks We Wear - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
TIME LOOPS BABEY!!!! This reader is a delight from the get go because they have been stuck in a time loop and are... rather impulsive because of it, which lands them in a bit of a mess, because these strange, dangerous monsters have just emerged from the mountain. (I'm screaming and yelling at this fic very intensely)
Resisting the Current - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
If you haven't read this yet please do yourself a favour and read it. The premise was enough to get me irrevocably hooked (anti-harem but the gf is ALSO into you. ALSO SHE'S YOUR EX) and the writing is just FANTASTIC. I'm obsessed with the dialogue and description at every turn. Also, I would very much like to kiss Quinn please and thank you. The plot is beginning to set in now, and it's so good??? I have to cut this short or else I'll talk forever <3
ALSO the same author recently posted the first chapter of Wishbone which has me in a vice grip!!! AHH
Comic Classifieds - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
*kicks in the door* DID I HEAR... FAKE DATING? Very sweet VERY funny, with an extremely extraordinarily awkward reader. (Who is also "cute in an awkward, baby giraffe kind of way.") It's sooo good please please check it out.
Stolen with Friendship, Captured by Love - Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
2016... I still love this fic deeply <3 It's so SWEET and it reminds me of the good days of fic... Papyrus is. a Lot to deal with, but the reader takes it all in stride. He is SO full of energy and I want to sqUISH HIM.
Tough Choices, Tougher Consequences - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I loooooove stories where soldiers get thrust into awful political matters. After you are forcefully removed from the battlefield, the Emperor gifts you his finest gladiator- Papyrus. He intends for the monster to be a toy to you as much as you are a toy to him, but you can't accept that and quickly broker a deal with Papyrus for his freedom.
Already There - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Finished
BURSTS INTO TEARS. Like for real though I adore this fic, it will break you into a hundred million pieces. My beloved son!!!!!!! I can't believe I didn't add this one to my last list it's such an influential piece of my existence like genuinely
There is also a sequel! Which hasn't updated since 2018 BUT STILL IS REALLY GOOD. If you want a slightly less heartbreaking story, the author also has another Sans/Reader; A Tale of Dog and Monster which makes me want to cry but in a happy emotional way instead.
Here's to You, Doll - Mafia!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ah... this one is very fun. You're a scientist who gets accidentally isekai'd into a Mafiatale universe and becomes stranded there. Unfortunately for you, Don Gaster and his brothers think you are a spy, so you're kinda stuck with them. Also Sans is kinda a little freak in this one at times (/appreciative)
Soul Collector - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
The reader (the Soul Collector) gets transported into another universe and has to stay with their alternate, who is the skeleton's terrible neighbour. You look just like her, of course, resulting in a lot of VERY confusing interactions. I wasn't expecting to, but I actually really like Meyer.
Consequences - Papyrus(?)/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Anti harem, but the reader gets mcfreaking MURDERED (and so does classic Papyrus?!) so now they are both Ghosts. Focus is currently more on platonic relationships and REVENGE but I'm enjoying the twist on the typical anti-harem structure!!
My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Edge is very cute in this and I also feel really bad for him, he's trying so hard but the MC will not give him the time of day ;w;!! I looove me a good tumultuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans’ soulmate in the bg, so if you’re not a fan, that’s something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn’t quite my thing, but tbh I’m really interested in seeing how things turn out here!)
ERROR: Not Found - Error!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Error, gets obsessed with the reader and kidnaps them! It's slice of life, so don't expect TOO much hard hitting angst here, it's more about being woo'd by the strange stalkerish entity who knows everything about you <3
When Death isn't an Option - Horror!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
I'm a sucker for immortal readers, especially ones that get stuck in HORRORTALE of all places. This fic is very fun and plays in the Horrortale sandbox in a fun way- I'm enjoying it a ton so far :]!!!
Additionally... if you liked that or if you're like me and love immortal readers forced to make decisions of extremely dubious morality and sense because of their immortal nature, you should also check out Cadarverous and 𝚎𝚊t. which are both very dark and very compelling.
Babysitting with Extra Morbid Steps - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
So the first thing you need to know is: Papyrus is dead.
... WAIT WAIT WAIT HEAR ME OUT- this is a really brilliantly written fic about like. SO much fucked up shit happening. The reader is Sans' friend, who he has hired/tasked with guarding the various alternates he has. just straight up imprisoned(?!?!). I avoided this for a while because of the aforementioned Papyrus Being Dead thing, but HOT DAMN I'm glad I read it in the end. Delightfully horrifying, but it gets sweet I swear!!! I would say read the tags but those are Spoilery ;)!
Additional note; the comments section often has Really Interesting dissections of characters and their motivations, which if you're into that (like me) then you should read those too!
All You Knead is Loaf - Sans/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
Super sweet, VERY punny fic that updated over the course of a month iirc. It's a cute food-centric Sans/Reader!
Like a moth to flame…or a lamp - Mothman Horror!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
BIG MOTHMAN HORROR!!! He's so sweet and sad this poor man. He has mistaken the reader for his mate and is trying to woo them again...
Those Times I Met His Brother - Sans/Reader - Finished
Essentially you befriend Papyrus and keep getting left with Sans, during which you grow closer. Love Papyrus' not-so-subtle attempts to get them together afjkdfjsf,,
Just Try and Help (Lil Old Hopeless Me) - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Skeleton reader! Very angy skeleton reader. They do not Want to be here (understandably, considering they were essentially kidnapped) but their former caretaker is gone, and they have nowhere to go.
Lovely House of Bones - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Six monsters get stranded in a snowstorm, and you help them not freeze to death by inviting them into the house you inherited. I'm really excited to see where this one goes :D!
Maybe In Time, You'll Want To Be Mine - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
More!! Soulmate stuff!!!! SOULMARKS BABEY!! Love it when there are misunderstandings! Love it when there are cuuuuute background character kiddos!! AUGH it's cute! And angsty! But cute!!
No Good Deed - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
You volunteer at a local homeless shelter where you meet a strange, less-than-friendly volunteer. Short and sweet!
Nothing but Skin and Bone - Horror!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
MORE Horrortale content! This one only finished last month or so- it goes from angsty to sweet/cute and it's real good!!
If you read that and want EVEN MORE sadness and gore, the author's other work Vivid Blood, Pale Scars (DARK) is very tragic and very fucked up because you get saddled the Horrorfell boys this time. MUCH Hurt and No Comfort!! All the endings hurt me in different ways and none of them are happy. LUCKILY(?) the spinoff/AU where the skelebros and reader from VBPS get pulled into a multiversal skeleton house; Blurred Lines, Opened Wounds has just started!! Surely nothing can go wrong. Surely.
The Princes' Bride - Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
What if you got kidnapped by the king to marry his sons. "Why" is a good question. And an even MORE pressing question is: how do you get OUTTA here. (Papyrus is a sweetie, Sans is distrusting, and King Gaster is a mysterious weirdo who is a good dad and bad everything else.)
MorTificaTion - Bad Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Reader from Outertale gets yanked into Horrortale! They then have to masquerade as Sans' wife and Aliza's mother, all the while trying to just stay alive. Not to mention the other Sanses running around... really fun premise and I'm excited to see where it all goes >:0!! Also extra kudos to the name of the fic because YAY Murder Time Trio (MTT) mention!
So here's the plan... - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader/Underswap!Papyrus- Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
VERY CUTE!! Love them. Fake dating except there's a third conspirator involved. Each of them was also trying to set the other two up in a couple uwu. Chapter 1 is cute, and chapter 2 is spicy ;)!
Just a Cat - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
The reader is in fact, not just a cat. (He is a shapeshifter, and pretends to be a cat.) Shenanigans ensue.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Asshole Away - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Unhinged. When I say unhinged I mean it in the best possible way but it IS unhinged. They're all a bunch of little FREAKS. Please read it, if only to experience the absolute TERROR of Miss Bluebell and also Steve. What the hell (appreciative)
Honey Lemon Tea - ...?/Reader - Discontinued
RAGHHH I'm so sad this was discontinued :(( I loved the set up and the mystery so much... the author did leave an end note with how the plot would have played out though!
Shifting Morals - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
You go stargazing and have an encounter with a mysterious stranger :0c?! (It's Sans. He's a cool beasty guy, and he is very very sadly Entirely alone.)
Additionally, this fic was suddenly revived 5 years after posting the first chapter which I have immense respect for.
The Key To Freedom - Yandere Buttontale!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Yandere Papyrus! Not a common sight, but this fic does it particularly well. He mostly wants to eat your soul at first, but then he starts getting... attached. The bittersweet ending!!! AUGH.
Milky Tea and Souls - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
What if you could summon bitty versions of your soulmates!! And oh stars why are there so many- WHAT DO YOU MEAN MORE KEEP APPEARING??? The reader has a handful of skeletons and more to deal with!
The House on Lane 66 - Various/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I feel like legally I have to include this (/lh /j). I finally finished it recently and went "WOAH..."
I stopped reading for a while (because of the length...) BUT I returned to it because I really really enjoy the world building (like holy SHIT!!!) but oh my god that sure is. a Million words now. It is TECHNICALLY finished, but that's only because the next part is in the works(?!?!?!)
Love Grows - Farmtale!Sans/Anomaly!Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
🎵 Love grows where my rosemary goes~
The reader doesn't have a physical body or a way to interact with the world while they watch over Saejun and the rest of the Farmtale characters. They inhabit a scarecrow to have some semblance of personhood, but they remain unable to talk...
Falling - Underswap!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
You are dying. You are dying and all of a sudden your dad is asking you to pick out a fucking slave of all things. The monster does not trust you (fair) and he thinks you are faking your illness for attention (less fair. what the fuck). Really interesting dynamics in this one!
Se Brûler - Grillby/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I reaaaally love this fic! Sweet fluff! Angst! THE DRAMA!!!!! AUAUUUUGH I have too much to say about it just go read it.
Early Bird Special - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Old fic that's still updating!!!! Really interesting plot that just keeps getting More Dramatic as time goes on (in a good way). It's a Slavetale AU, in which the reader ends up joining the resistance after a few chance encounters. The author also has a spinoff fic with the same premise but featuring Underfell instead, which results in quiiiiite a lot changing.
nemesis & nike - Various Horrorbros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
The reader essentially starts off in a zombie apocalypse and then gets transported into an alternate universe where they initially think that the various skeletons they meet are zombies. Turns out they are not in fact, zombies, but like most of them still want to kill the reader so...
Rules to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes] [Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
More zombie apocalypse stuff! Except this time you're stuck there with a pair of weird skeletons! You give them nicknames so you don't get attached, but of course you end up getting attached anyway.
To My Horror - Horror!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Post-surfacing Horrortale fic where the skelebros get to go live their farming dreams. With you! Slice of life with a dash of intimidation and angst.
If you enjoyed the Horrortale/Farmtale fusion, you'll be glad to hear there's also...
The Skeleton Stalks - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Another Horror-farm-tale fusion which has just begun recently! You live on a farm and all of a sudden there is this Big Intelligent Dog hanging around. Eventually, your new neighbors are sent to check in on you and your Great(er) Dog, which leads to some sweet interactions.
The Ruse - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
This is a rework! I read the original fic while it was being originally posted and I ADORED it, and the rework is superb <3 Sans is the Captain of the Royal Guard, who must fight valiantly against the villanous Eclipse, who exists only to spread terror... and you're just some human chilling on the sidelines, posting treasonous Soriel posts on the Undernet.
I'm so so so excited for it to return auauusgfhfhdj THE ORIGINAL FIC IS GONE SO I CAN'T EVEN READ IT TO SATIATE ME...
Almost Alone - Swapfell!Papyrus/Male!Reader - Finished
I love the sleepy, slow atmosphere this fic has- it's so befitting of both SF!Pap and the MC in this. It's soft and sweet and melancholic auauuauauuughgh I LOVE IT... *bursts into tears again*!!!! Also, there is a side fic which follows different POVs throughout the story, which is similarly well written!
Date night Purring - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
SUPER CUTE (and slightly suggestive)! Also Edge has a feminine body in this which is always fun. Booba <3
Scares and a Sudden Friendship - Horror!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Reader's shitty boyfriend leaves them behind in the haunted house in which HT!Sans is working as a scare actor. Sweet little meet cute! (Meet spook?)
Fallen Star - Underfell!Gaster/Reader - Oneshot
An ooooold fic but one that never fails to break my heart. Written from the perspective of UF!Gaster recording experiment logs about the newest fallen human.
Birdy -Mafiafell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
LET THE BIRD FUCK SHIT UP!! I love the way the Avian... siren(?) reader is characterised... there's also another oneshot in the same series which I enjoyed- love me some weird Creature Body Horror!!
I also really enjoyed the author's other fic: Moss & Mycelium, wherein the reader is a skeleton :]!!
Skeleton's Curiosity - FellswapGold!Skelebros/Reader - Oneshot
SUBNAUTICA AUUUUUUUUUUU YEAAHH BABEY!! I love mermaid AUs and I love Subnautica! Real cute!
Chance Encounter - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
ANOTHER SUBNAUTICA AU :D!! Except it's just UF!Pap this time <33 !!!
Leaving A Mark - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The twist(?) made me laugh so hard I almost cried. It's VERY cute also.
Nice to Scare You - Various/Reader - Oneshot Series
A fun series of oneshots of the spookier variety! Or more Halloween-y at least. All very good <3
The Escort - Lust!Sans/Reader || &Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Discussions of Explicit Content.]
No romance! (But lots of kind-of-onscreen fucking.) This fic feels like looking at a bunch of polaroids, seeing a snapshot of existence. Life out of context. And it works SO well. It makes me feel sad and existential and I really love it.
Rubble & Ramparts - (An R&R-Inspired AU Fic) - Various/OC || Various&OC - Ongoing/Unfinished
Not a reader insert, but it's like. An AU of a reader insert so I'm including it here!!! Rubble and Ramparts is of course, inspired by R&R (Rabble & Rampallians), which was on my previous list but is getting linked here again for ease of navigation
ALEXIS my beloved!!!!!!! I am in loooove with the way things are going in this fic. It's so COOL and Alexis is such a freaking DELIGHT. Also I just really love reading all the notes from the Cutting Room floor, which the author has kindly included in a separate fic for your reading pleasure!!
ALSO in writing this I also remembered there is Another Spinoff AU fic which IS a reader insert (that I'm enjoying)...
Perception & Patronage (An R&R Spinoff) - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Thank the stars I remembered this, it's really fun!! Also judging by the tags there is also plans for. not only Various Sanses/Reader, but also READER/READER, which is such an underrated thing I love it, but I digress. It's a really fun spin on a really fun fic <3
Teen Livin' - Various Skelebros & Reader + Frisk/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Cute and sad! Platonic reader insert. The reader is a troubled teen who befriends Frisk, and gets to meet a bunch of skeletal guardians. The skeletons have a familial/friend's cool cousin vibe with the reader, which is really sweet! The fic is currently going through a Halloween Special which I'm enjoying quite a bit (Haunted dolls! Ghosts! Blood!! Still very sad :[...)
Something Good - Fellswap Gold!Papyrus/Reader(?) || /OC(s) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Technically not a reader insert since Coffee is the MC, but I can forgive it because I'm really really invested in this and I really adore the character dynamics so far <3 Coffee striking it out on his own is always a fun thing to explore, and I'm excited to see more!!
I love writing up these rec lists- it's such a fun way for me to rediscover fics I've enjoyed, thank you for giving me another opportunity to reread some of my favourite fics and more importantly to share them with you! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :D!!!
I'll probably leave it here for now or else I'll end up rereading fics forever lolol it's already like 3am I gotta sleep SOMETIME
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(Sh)Arc en Seal
Do you pronounce Ciel as Seel or Se-el? I say Se-el
Ruby: Ah! The Beach! Do you Jnpr's already here, yeah?
Yang: 'Course they are, we're a bit late, Which means there's No Time to waste! Let's Put up the Net, Get in the Wet, and watch the Sunset!
Weiss: Ugh, why didn't you let me put sunblock on Before coming here! Let's set up the Umbrellas and Towels first! We've got all day to play! It'll be annoying when we want a break and have nowhere to sit.
Blake: I'll help. besides, I'd rather wait a bit before facing you, Nora, and/or Pyrrha in Volleyball.
???: oh! Ruby! Sal -
Ruby: Huh?
???: -U-
WBY: *step off to the side*
Ruby: Aw crud.
Penny, Moving very fast: -TATIONS! *tackle Hugs Ruby*
Ruby: Hi! Penny! I should really be expecting that by now! Okay! Wow! *Breathes* Okay! What are doing here! How are you?
Penny: I am doing Quite well Ruby! I am here because my Partner Ciel was invited by a friend of hers, who turned out to be Jaune!
Yang: Jaune's friends with Miss "time is of the essence"?
Weiss: Forgive us me for finding that hard to believe. Jaune isn't the first to come to mind when it comes to scheduling.
Penny: There is much more to Ciel than her desires for Timeliness, and Jaune is more often than not Schedule oriented than the rest of you is he not?
Blake: THinking about it I guess he is. He always wakes up at six,
Ruby: He never turns assignments in late ...
Yang: He takes a power nap after class and his Training sessions with Pyrrha always happen at the same time.
Weiss: Yes, yes, we can all name his schedule off the top of our heads, but this stuff is getting heavy and I'd like to sit down. Where'd all the Energy about the beach go?
Ruby: You're right! Come on team (and Penny!) Move out!
Pyrrha: Hello again~ Glad you finally made it! We're set up over there, and we got our own net set up.
Weiss: Thank goodness. I'm worn out from the car ride. I'm gonna go rest a bit.
Ruby: Where's Jaune and Ciel?
Penny: They have gone Fishing!
Blake: really!?! Where!?!? Have they caught any fish yet!?!?
Penny: Out there! *She points to the sea*
Yang: ... Are they on a boat or something?
Nora: Nope! They're swimming! Ciel's REALLY fast! she's so cool! eh, mostly, She can be a real stick in the mud when it comes to timing, but she's still really cool!
Blake: I really want some fish! When ill they be done?
At that Moment Jaune stepped out of the water, Carrying a sizable net of fish.
Jaune: Guys! You finally made it! What happened?
Blake: FISH!
Ruby: Traffic. That and our alarms were ... Messed up.
Jaune: Hmm., Well you're here, and You know Penny and Ciel are here too.
Yang: Where is the time-keeper anyways
Seal!Faunus Ciel: Hello! Penny time!
Ciel swam on her back, sunning while staying in the water
Penny: Fishing has completed three minutes and 42 seconds before expected time! You managed to hold your breath thirty-two seconds longer than your previously recorded time, One minute and twelve point four seconds less than your personal record!
Ciel: Excellent!
She dove back under the water, before returning to the beach. She shook the water off her fur and wrapping arms around Jaune.
Ciel: That gives me three minutes to relax with you.
Jaune: Ciel! Not in front of our friends!
Ciel: They can waste their time worrying, Let's spend ours together! *Mwah*
RWBY: *Shock*
Jaune: Aw, Ci-ci! You're -ow- Claws! Your claws!
Ciel: Sorry! I got excited!
Jaune: I know. I love you~
Ciel: You're quite dear to me as well.
Blake: So? Uh, fish?
Penny: It is the scheduled time to begin Grilling!
Ciel: Then beginning to Grill we shall.
Ruby: How long has that been going on?
Jaune: Eh, couple weeks. We met at the Weekend Run of the "Return to the Past" Trilogy the theater was running.
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poursomesunaonme · 10 months
Last one (for now)!!! Atsumu, AND A SONG OF YOUR CHOICE
Just please I beg of you make it hella cutesy and sweet by the end of it I can’t handle crying bby I just can’t
Also luh you have a happy event mwah
WAHHHHHHH I LOVE HIM SM ASLF i hope u like the song i chose hehehe
cw: beach day w 'sumu !
"[wanna] fall asleep in the car after the waterpark / with the radio soft in your ears / august coppertone tan, crannies filled up with sand / and saltwater still clogging your ears"
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“ah!”  his muscles jerk taut under your hands.  “c-cold!”
“don’t be such a baby, ‘sumu,” you grin, smoothing the aloe over his burns.  “you’re the one who didn’t reapply when i did, so this is what happens.”
astumu lies on his stomach underneath you as you straddle his hips trying to hold him down to apply aloe vera to his sunkissed suncrisped skin.  his hands grip the sheets as your hands smear it over his reddened shoulder blades.
“i know i know,” he mumbles into the duvet.  “but you coulda at least warmed it or somethin- shit!”
“uh-uh,” you tut.  “it feels better cold.  just get used to it.”
you reminisce on the day as your hands work the gel over his back, along his shoulders, in the spot on the back of his arms that’s always so hard for him to apply sunscreen to.  he had the weekend off from the jackals, so he took you on a whim to the beach.  you try to burn every single moment into your mind—from him throwing you into the crashing waves to building sandcastles with some kids who recognized him as a pro player to napping under the minimal shade of the flimsy umbrella he bought.
his wide smile sears into every little nook and cranny in your memory.  he had made you bury him neck-deep in sand then ran screaming into the ocean when the gritty earth filled his swim shorts.  his skin glistened like diamonds when he returned to you, panting and laughing, saltwater dripping onto you when he stood above you to ask if he could make you a mermaid.
your skin was still warm when the sun went down and you stopped at a fast food restaurant for dinner and ice cream.  your hands were still sticky when he drove back to the hotel with the windows down, fatigue beginning to swirl into your bloodstream from being in the sun all day.  
“feel better?”  you ask when you finish, the aloe already getting soaked up by his thirsty skin.  
“mm, yeah actually.”  he squirms underneath you, wincing as his damaged skin pulls and a heat spreads over the tissue.  “c’mere.”
“you better not move till it’s dry,” you warn playfully, settling down on your stomach next to him.  he obeys you, trying not to move too much as he reaches to hook his pinky through yours.  butterflies flit around in your stomach as he gazes at you through half lidded eyes.  he’s exhausted.
“have fun today?” he murmurs, eyes searching your face like he’s trying to memorize every single pore.
“yeah,” you grin.  “felt like a kid again.”
“me too,” he sighs, closing his eyes briefly before opening them back up again.  “think we should do this all the time.”
“mmhm,” you breathe, moving to settle on your side to look at him.  “whenever you get your breaks, of course.”
“i’m sure the jackals wouldn’t miss me if i snuck off for a week.”
“i’m sure that’s not true.”
you both chuckle to yourselves and before you know it, he’s captured you in his arms.  the warmth brings you into a deep, deep sleep that, when you wake from, you find atsumu all but hauling you out of bed to the beach again.
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submissions for the promised event are now closed but you can still click here to go to the nav page
© all work belongs to poursomesunaonme. do not copy and repost.
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tokusaatsus · 1 year
hihi, hope you’re doing well ♡ can i req mao confessing to reader? he would be so cute imgojng jnsane
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ft. isara mao
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none
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Mao’s not so foolish or idealistic to think that he could give you a picture-perfect confession, like something out of a shoujo manga–with you and him standing beneath the sakura trees. Petals cascade, a pink veil that shields you from the prying gaze of the rest of the world as he spills his feelings to you, an uncontained waterfall and his fingers twine with yours–but he hopes he can at least give you something similar to that.
So he decides to write you a letter.
It reads:
Dear Y/N,
I like you. A lot.
Ah, this is probably really strange to hear but, it’s true.
And, well, I don’t know if you like me back, but my meddling (well-meaning…I hope) friends told me to go for it anyways. Like, life’s too short, right? ‘Take some risks’, and all that. So, here I am. Shooting my shot.
I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable or anything…
But I like you. A lot. Oh, I already said that, didn’t I? Sorry, I’m a little nervous… You make me nervous. Wait, I don’t think I was supposed to say that… Ugh, I was supposed to be cool so I could impress you, and I’m messing this up. Sorry. Ignore that, okay?
Um, where was I…? Oh, right. I like you.
I like a lot of things about you, and if you asked me to list them all this letter would end up being 50 pages long. So I won’t list all of them. But I like your smile, and the way you laugh, and how excited you are when you see that guy you like on TV.
I think you’re wonderful. I’m glad we’re friends.
If you accept my confession, meet me behind the school after class is over. No pressure though, haha…
Mao ♡
He leaves the letter on your desk, in an envelope with your name on it.
The whole day after is spent in a haze of nervousness. He’s distracted, and though he tries not to show it, he can tell the others are picking up on it. Some are kind enough to turn a blind eye (Fushimi, Sengoku) whereas others are like a dog with a bone, immediately calling him out on this behaviour (Himemiya). He can’t help it! He just bared his heart out to you in a letter and he can’t even see your reaction… God, this is so nerve-wracking, even more so than SS.
(That’s a lie, but it sure feels that way.)
The hours pass by agonisingly slow. When the clock strikes 5, Mao leaps out of his seat, startling poor Sengoku. After murmuring hurried apologies to the rest of the council, he rushes out the door. The hallways seem to stretch, endless. Will you be there?
As he rounds the corner, his heart skips a beat to see you standing there, letter in hand. You’re hugging your arms close to your chest, looking around nervously. “Y/N!” Mao calls, panting slightly, and you look at him wide-eyed.
“Mao, you…you actually came.”
“So did you,” He retorts, without thinking. “I mean… Y-yeah, haha, I did.”
“I, um, I got your letter.” You smile hesitantly. “So…you like me?”
He nods, mutely. Do you accept his feelings? Or have you just called him here to be rejected? You seem to read the unspoken question in his eyes, because you take a quick breath.
“Your letter…it was really sweet. So, um, thank you for writing it. To me. I, um.” You huff. “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous. Anyways. I read it all, and… I guess what I’m trying to say is… I like you. A lot. Also?” You wince at the awkwardness of your words. But Mao? Mao is overjoyed.
It might not be a picture-perfect manga confession, but it’s a confession nonetheless. And you accepted it too, which makes it a hundred times better than anything he’s ever read.
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WC: 654 words
reze txt HI XAIXAI <3 i hope u enjoyed this!! idk how good my mao characterisation was but like. praying it wasn’t too ooc. ugh my mao banner is ugly asf so we Do Not See ok?? ok <3 ANYWAYS all the kisses to u <3 mwah <33
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illegal-spiegel · 2 years
if u ever have the time I’d love to read some of your HCs about what spike would be like with his newborn kid/the mom since I was kind of obsessed with your pregnant reader hcs🥹 love your work!
Read previous parts to this here or specifically this one!
well, you heard the man!
he wants to be there for his kid!
so bc he knows absolutely nothing about children other than they’re annoying, they cry for everything, and they’re a pain in the ass
he gets lots of baby and parenting books
after reading a few books, he learns something
he’s not going to be a good dad
he’s going to be the best dad, god dammit!
you’ve never seen him so fired up and focused before
this man is dedicated
definitely the type of s/o that is constantly worrying and fretting over you (he already lowkey did that before you were preggers, but now it’s like he’s on overdrive)
he legit thinks you’re made of glass, on god
he basically becomes super clingy and won’t leave you alone for two seconds 
sit him down and talk to him all you want about giving you personal space, it’ll just go in one ear and out the other 
“Okay, babe. I promise I’ll give you more space.” my ass
he goes on any and all missions with you, even if it’s just to get more food or to seal a deal with someone 
it doesn’t matter. He’s there, babyyyyy
okay but like he actually becomes like super sweet and it kinda scares you bc normally he’s...well, Spike
Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Anyone-Or-Anything is now Mr. BaBy-WhErE-ArE-yOu-GoInG-dO-YoU-NeEd-HeLp
okay but no fr he’s so sweet tho 
grabs anything and everything for you, rubs your feet, presses his ear to your belly, will literally travel across the universe for you if you told him there was smth there for your unborn child 
he’s really hoping for a boy 
don’t get it twisted though. In front of the others, he acts all aloof and as if he doesn’t care
they all know better though
they even pull pranks on him 
“Spike, (Y/n) needs you in th-”
he’s already gone
you always grow confused when he suddenly appears panting and looking frantic 
“What is it? What do you need? Are you okay? Is the baby coming?” 
ah, so it was Faye again 
“Babe...I’m not going into labor for another six weeks...”
just stops dead in his tracks and sighs, realizing he’s been bamboolozed once again
Faye - 7, Spike - 2
he takes you to all your appointments in the Swordfish
every. single. one. 
he never misses one 
he even goes so far to play music for your unborn baby and reads to you both 
stop im literally going to cry
yeah well, imagine his fear when you actually do go into labor 
it’s actually kinda a funny story (not to him tho)
he was out on a mission by himself (bc Jet promised to keep an eye on you) when it happens
when he gets a call and sees Faye, he instantly rolls his eyes
“What is it?” 
“(Y/n)’s going into labor!” she screeches
his heart rate instantly spikes (haha-) but he quickly calms down
“Haha, very funny, Faye. Now fuck of-”
“I’m not kidding!”
“Sure you aren-”
“Babe! Get your ass here or I’ll kill you myself!” 
his eyes go wide at the sound of your voice, his hands instantly jerking his controls to the right to turn himself around 
“I’ll be right there! Just hold on!” 
“Don’t tell me what to do!” He can’t help but smile at that. You’re always so feisty. He likes that in a woman. His woman
“There’s no time for you to meet us here. We’re taking her to the nearest hospital on the Hammer Head!” Jet calls somewhere off screen
“Yeah, right, okay! Uh, just send me your coordinates when you get there!” 
he makes it there practically as soon as you arrive
he definitely broke some laws just to get to you 
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here. Deep breaths,” he says softly to you, pushing your hair out of your sweaty face
he’s there for the entire thing, offering you whatever you need to make the experience easier for you 
imagine his surprise when you have a girl instead 
he cuts the umbilical cord and holds his baby girl in his arms 
he definitely doesn’t cry shut up Jet
“Uh, can I hold the child I just spent hours pushing out of me now?” 
“Yeah, yeah, in a sec...” he absent-mindedly replies, holding the baby to his chest and cooing at the sweet bundle in his arms
sigh, is definitely that parent that spoils his kid. You can’t tell me I’m wrong 
will buy any and everything for his baby girl don’t play 
he will let you pick the name for the baby (it only seems fair after what you had to go through to bring the little bundle of joy into the world) 
if you want his two cents though, he thinks the name Roxanne or Dani would be cool 
if you joke about naming her Faye, he will literally walk out on protest ✋
no matter what though, he’s going to be there for every step of the way with taking care of your baby <3
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Spike Spiegel 
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rel124c41 · 2 months
2, 4, 5, 11, and 33 please! Hope that isn’t too much, very curious about your answers though!! Happy early birthday btw :D
ah thank you very much for the birthday wishes (≧∀≦) getting a drum set tomorrow and i’m so hyped bout it
& the amount of questions was perfecto!! i left my answers below the cut!!
(ask game)
2: How do you come up with your plot ideas?
8/10 times, my plot ideas come from my fabulous, otherworldly, superior music taste ᕦ(ò_óˇ)!!
nah but to be serious, music and creating AMVs in my head works brilliantly for creating plots. i listen to music A LOT. i do not always construct a story based on a song but my ideas flow easier when there is a melody in the air. snippet of scenes come and go, and i scribble them down; music powers the whole process of my writing.
additionally, i think coming up with plot ideas/to strength that part of your brain to be creative and original, one should always read MORE. to lazily siphon off a Stephen King quote i can’t find: “a great writer knows to read” and then there is the 1/10, where an idea hits me, completely uninspired from anything. 
but really, when coming up with plots remember this saying: no one can reinvent the wheel!
4: How do you channel characters’ voices and personalities?
studying the source material is always my go-to for channeling a character. 
have not played twst in 2 yrs 💀 (bc i was on an expedition for different video games and discovered i hated rhythm games) but i always use @/yuurei20 like a study guide for the characters. and i read the translations for each event (birthdays or otherwise) to see how the characters act at different situations
and if a character has done something out-character in canon, i analyze the shit out of that. it’s really important to me when writing already canon characters to think of this one question: what’s their drive/goal (in everyday & in specific situations & in long-term)?
5: What techniques do you use to create believable dialogue?
one of my biggest insecurities in specifically the “fanfiction” writing realm is my dialogue so this question is crazzzy to me. believable dialogue?? hasn’t happened!
i still don’t think i’ve done it successfully even once, so techniques? god i really don’t have any. here’s me talking out my ass tho: 
certain characters have certain mannerisms in how they talk: those i can pick up upon bc some characters it’s black and white how they go about talking — floyd ain’t gonna sound all sophisticated u know. however, knowing how to structure what they are conveying, ah that is much harder for me. 
sorry for this dead-end answer 💀
11: Are there any tropes you particularly enjoy writing?
rubbing my hands together and grinning like the fucking grinch at this,, let’s fucking goooooo! 
1: unreliable narrator my pookie bear <3!!!! a mixture of being a fan of memento (2001) and a haunting of hill house (the BOOK, not the awful movie or show), unreliable narrators are my favorite trope!! whether this narrator is high off a substance, is as clueless as the audience about their situation, OR even so egotistical that their worldview is skewed, I EAT THAT SHIT UP EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL! 
2: karmic retribution,, listen i love seeing someone get their just deserts ( ̄个 ̄) there is something so gutturally satisfying about karma
ALSO, i love the indomitable human spirit trope!!! 
maybe one day i’ll chat about my more shojo/booktok tropes i enjoy like “just one bed” and “colleagues to lovers” bc hey i know what sells.
33: How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics?
Disney is such a huge realm to play around it. from the original Grimm fairytales (my beloveds mwah (*≧∀≦*) !!!!) to the movies Disney has made, world-building elements for twst is like a gold mine. it’s perhaps the biggest playing field i’ve ever seen from a fandom. 
how i go about incorporating it? well i always go look for faucets of the world everyone else is overlooking: when writing Schism, the ghost camera was untapped potential i had to jump on. i’m working on another oneshot that incorporates Disney’s 1963 The Sword in Stone; there is SO much real estate, you just got to dig around for it a bit.
ACTUALLY,, i have more to say
also about world-building in writing in general, let me siphon off Stephen King again: ok imagine a table covered by a table cloth.
really, imagine a table. secondly, imagine a table cloth.
ok, everyone who reads that imagines something completely different. someone might have imagined a circular table or a rectangular, the table cloth could have reached the ground or could have hovered a inch off the surface, the table cloth, there could’ve been lace on it or it could’ve been this striking red or dull blue.
when world-building, as the writer, you decide what elements you want to bring into the story; the rest? you give that creative liberty and trust to your audience.
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
the character i chose is tendou satori (reader insert) !! i really like sweater weather by the neighbourhood (and r u mine? by arctic monkeys) and i’d prefer it it were fluff <33 the trope i’d like this to be is.. hmm.. the one w two oblivious people pining for each other !
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R U Mine?
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Character: Tendou Satori
Warnings: College au, mentions of food, non canon-compliant college satori because i barely understand the timeskip
Notes: ah, dumbasses to lovers my beloved
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I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be And satisfaction feels like a distant memory And I can't help myself All I wanna ever say is, "Are you mine?"
Satori sat back against the arm of the couch, kicking his legs up into your lap. When you playfully shoved you off, he simply kicked your shoulder and sat right where he was before. “I’m comfortable, a-thank-you-very-much.”
“Well, you can be comfortable—” you shoved his legs again— ”without your feet in my lap, thank you. And don’t get too comfy because you have cupcakes to get soon!” 
He groaned. “Can’t you get them?”
“Hey, who wants to be the future fancy chocolatier?” 
He rolled his eyes but got up when the timer went off anyway. There was so much to love about your Friday-night movie nights. His apartment was the one with all the sugary snacks, so usually, he hosted and you used your Netflix. 
Since meeting Satori, life away from home had gotten easier. Sure, school was a pain and there was way too much homework to be considered normal, but you’d gotten used to it. He made it a lot easier, too—he made you smile when you were stressed, danced with you when you needed a pick-me-up, and somehow managed to make you laugh whenever you were with him. He was an idiot, but he was your idiot, and in the six short months you’d known each other you felt like you met your soulmate. Platonic, of course, or that was what you’d been trying to tell yourself. Both of you pretended like the lingering hugs and blushing when your hands brushed or making kissy faces at each other were completely friendly. No romantic context whatsoever. None.
You couldn’t deny the fact there was something special about Satori, but whenever anyone asked, you shot it down. He was incredible, but just a friend. 
Just a friend, you reminded yourself, when he smiled at you and it felt like the sun was staring at you. Just a friend when he made stupid faces and made you laugh harder than you had all day. Just a friend when you stayed up at night and thought about kissing him. 
He came back a few moments later with slices of cake for each of you, which you clinked forks before digging into. 
“This is amazing, Satori,” you said, grinning at him. “You’re so good at this.”
“Well, thank you,” he replied, laughing at your overly-excited expression. “Not too sweet?” 
“Not at all!” 
“I’m glad.”
The two of you ate your snack while your movie played, but you noticed Satori kept looking over at you. “What, there something on my face?” you asked after a minute or two of this. You set your plate down on the table in front of you both.
He smirked. “Yeah, actually. Icing” He mirrors where the frosting is on his own face, and your try to wipe it off, but based on his expression, you missed. 
“No, it’s just—”
“Did i get it—”
“Oh, you’re impossible, just let me.” 
The next thing you knew his hand was ever-so-gently on your face, wiping the icing off of the corner of your mouth. He didn’t pull away for a moment, though—the two of you simply stared at each other for a long while, neither wanting to pull away.
Something happened in the movie where there was a loud crash and you both jumped. He pulled his hand away from you immediately and got up, grabbing both your plates to take them to the kitchen. When he turned his back, you buried your face in a pillow, trying to muffle any screaming that might come out. 
Just what the hell was that?
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taglist (send an ask with what fandoms you wanna be tagged in)
@mysterystarz @duckymcdoorknob @animated-moon @sirimirihiro @emswordss @b3tterth4nm3 @momoewn @otaku-thingz @kodzukoi @iwaso
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