#so i was able to see just fine. best part was seeing the performers faces the subtle face acting was DELICIOUS
heyitslapis · 4 months
i just saw Wicked tonight in person & it was so fucking wonderful words cant even express how incredible it was & how happy it made me
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darknights04 · 1 year
Sensing You
Pairings: Ominis Gaunt x reader
Summary: You and Ominis have been friends for as long as you've been at Hogwarts. He's felt more for you for almost just as long. He's never thought about telling you, but that was until the new fifth year put you in great danger.
Warnings: Spoils for Hogwarts Legacy (obviously), pain, cruciatus curse, unedited, not proof read. Reader is not mc
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When it came to you, Ominis was no stranger to the idea of the long game. You, Ominis, Sebastian, and Anne had been friends for as long as you could all remember. Ominis has had a crush on you for almost just as long. It was worst this year. With Anne staying home all your attention was turned to the two boys. Usually you would turn to Anne some days and have girl time between the two of you. Now, Ominis had nothing but time to grow more and more infatuated with you. 
Ever since the new fifth year beat him in a duel, Sebastian had been mostly with them, giving you and Ominis even more time alone together. It was driving him crazy. Every time you laughed in the way that he loved, rested your chin on his shoulder to look at what we was doing, leaned your arm against his to whisper something during class. He had to hold himself back so he didn’t just grab you and slam his lips onto yours. One of the only parts of you he has yet to be able to identify. As children you would play games, Ominis feeling all of his friends’ faces and guess who was who, so he knew the general idea of what your face looked like. But your lips was a mystery to him. A mystery he badly wanted solved. 
Today, you were sitting with Ominis in a corridor near the slytherin common room. You had spent most of the day trying to cheer him up after Sebastian repeatedly would bother him about Salazar Slytherin’s Sciptorium. You knew that he wanted nothing to do with dark magic after the hold it has had no his family for generations. Sure, Ominis had been exaggerating his hurt feelings just a bit, but if all it took was a little pouting to get you this close to him, then you best believe he was about to win an oscar for this performance. 
“He just doesn’t understand how dangerous it is!” he complained with a dramitic sigh, smiling internally due to the hand you had running soothing circles across his back.
“He’s just trying to do anything he can to help Anne,” you replied, wanting to defend him. 
“I know. I don’t like seeing Anne suffer either, same as you. But I know where this path leads, and it’s never a good place.”
Ominis’s internal smile fell as he heard you greet the new student Sebastian had befriended. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked them with a small scoff.
That scoff, of course, resulting in a small smack on the shoulder from you, muttering a small “Manners,” in his ear. Ominis rolled his eyes, but the smile he had inside, reserve just for you, came back once more. 
“Do you have a moment?” the new student spoke up. 
Ominis didn’t want to, but he heard them out. After lying about Sebastian showing them the undercroft, Ominis has been wary about this student. Even so, he was feeling at ease due to your presence, and in turn agreed to show them where Salazar’s Scriptorum was located. 
“I hope we don’t regret this,” he said with a sigh as he revealed how to access the door. 
“We’ve just been sitting outside of it?” you asked with a chuckle, noticing you didn’t have to even move to be at the door. 
Ominis shrugged, his internal smile showing through just a bit on the outside. “It was the first place I thought of.” 
“First place you thought of to go and complain about the scriptorium?” 
Before any of you knew it, Sebastian and his new friend had opened the door, ushering each other inside. 
“I just hope we’re ready for this,” Ominis continued to sigh. 
“We’ll be fine,” you tried to reassure. 
“We?” Ominis had repeated. “You’re not coming.” 
“What? Ominis you can’t possibly expect me to stay behind.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“If you’re going, I’m going,” was all you said, standing your ground. 
“Y/n…” he had tried to coax. You didn’t say anything, hands finding their way to your hips. Ominis sighed. He knew you were stubborn, so he also knew there was no talking you out of this. “Fine.” 
Your stubborn glare quickly faded into a cheek to cheek grin as you almost skipped next to Ominis, linking your arms together before making your way into the door, following behind Sebastian and the fifth-year who had already found their way inside. 
Not that you would ever admit it, but hearing Ominis speak Parsetounge did something to you. Yes, the language often ties a witch or wizard to dark magic, and for Ominis it serves only as a reminder to his family, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate how attractive it was when he spoke it. 
“It worked!” the fifth year spoke as the door opened. “Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed.” 
“It’s nothing,” he brushed off, retreating back towards you and linking your arms once more. 
“Truly,” you agreed. “It’s fascinating.”
If you weren’t near positive that Ominis would never think about you in a romantic way whatsoever, you would have sword you saw a small tinge of red grace his cheeks at your comment. But it was probably just the lighting. 
Once the door was open, the other two were fast to start figuring out the puzzles and the maze in order to get through the scriptorium. You and Ominis had stayed behind. Ominis wanted nothing to do with this, his job was just to open the door. You were curious about the area, yes, but Ominis was more important. You wanted to make sure he was okay. Usually throughout the days he would have plenty of distraction from his family and their legacy. But now? In the heart of Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium? All that surrounded him were reminders. 
As the doors opened one by one, you all moved further and further until you reached a black door. 
“Looks troubling,” was all Sebastian had said. 
Ominis scoffed. “This whole place is troubling.” 
As the other two went into the strange room, you didn’t budge. As Ominis was stopped from the firm grasp you still had on him, he turned towards you confused. 
“I don’t like the looks of this room,” you whispered. “I have a bad feeling about it.” 
“So do I,” he responded,his hand finding the top of yours to comfort you. “But for my aunt’s sake, we cannot stop now.” 
“You’re right,” you nodded, taking a deep breath. “We’ll be okay.” 
As soon as you stepped into the new room, the door closed behind you. 
“The gate!” Sebastian called out, “We’re locked in… again.” 
“Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us,” Ominis sneered. At this point, you began to panic. There was no clear way out. You began to lose even more hope when you looked in the corner and noticed-
“A skeleton,” the new student pointed out. “And Noctora’s last journal entry. She mentions being trapped here. Trapped by… and unforgivable curse.” 
Your eyes widened. The incantation “crucio” etched into the floor suddenly making sense. 
“No,” you said in a slight panic. “No there has to be some other way out of here. Another puzzle? Another brazier to light?”
“What?” Ominis asked, confused. “What are you talking about? What is it?”
“They know what we need to do,” Sebastian said plainly. “One of us needs to cast crucio.” 
Sebastian turned to his friend by the door, discussing the curse with them while Ominis began to pace. 
“Ominis,” you called to him. “Ominis relax, we will figure something out.” 
“No,” he said simply. “No this all could have been avoided. I could have refused, we could have just gone to dinner. I could have protested more to you joining.” 
“Ominis none of this is your fault.”
“Yes it is! Don’t you see? I put you in danger.”
“I chose to be here.” 
“But you had doubts, and I assured you that it would be alright.” 
“And we are alright. We’ll find a way around this.”
Before anything else could be said, they heard the new fifth year shout out “Crucio!” in Sebastian’s direction. The two of you looked towards the pair with wide eyes, about to call out towards Sebastion until… nothing happened. 
“Did you do the movement wrong?” Sebastian asked. 
“No,” they responded, shaking their head. “No, I think that I just couldn’t mean it. I care for you, Sebastian.” 
“You have to try,” he urged.
“I can’t.” 
“Cast it on me,” you spoke up suddenly, taking a step towards the pair. 
“No!” Ominis had interjected quickly. 
“They can’t cast it on Sebastian,” you began to explain. 
“You can’t-”
“We don’t have the same connection so they could-”
“Not you!” 
“Ominis,” you sighed, quieting your voice as you pulled him aside. “I will be fine.”
“I’ve felt the cruciatus curse before so I-”
“Shouldn’t have to go through it again. Let me do this, please.” 
Ominis didn’t say anything more. You took his silence as a sign of agreement, so you approached the door. 
“You ready?” Sebastian had asked you. 
You nodded. “Ready.” 
Ominis braced for the moment that the spell left their wand. He knew what to expect, but he’d never heard the sound of excruciating pain from you. That was something he was not curious to find out. 
Ominis listened as the screams left your throat, as you fell to your knees on the ground. He expected this. He expected the screams to last for several seconds. But this was too long. If they had just cast the curse and left it at that, the pain would have subsided by now. This was prolonged for too long. 
“Stop!” he yelled over the screams. “That’s enough!” 
He waited for what felt like eternity for the screams to stop. For any sign that you were no longer in pain. But when your screams had cut off abruptly, it did not give him the relief he was waiting for. 
“Y/n?” he asked into the silence. “Y/n are you okay?” Never had there ever been a moment in his life that Ominis had wished more that he could see what was happening around him. When you didn’t respond, he began to walk towards the door, calling Sebastian’s name instead. “What’s happened? Are they okay?”
When Sebastian didn’t respond either, Ominous really began to panic. “Answer me, Sebastian!”
“They fainted,” the student told him flatly. 
“What?” he hissed, rushing to where he last heard your voice, hands failing about to try and find any sign of you. When his hand landed on your shoulder, he let out a small breath of relief, almost as if he expected you to have disappeared entirely. “I’m taking them to the hospital wing,” he then announced, following down your arm to find the bend of your knees, intending to pick you up.
“No!” Sebastian protested. “You can’t.” 
“And why not?” 
“They’ll know we were using unforgivables,” the fifth-year stated. 
“What if we need you to open another door?” Sebastian commented at the same time. 
“Glad to see you both care so deeply about their safety,” Ominis scoffed.
“You can’t carry them and use your wand to lead you both,” Sebastian continued, looking for another excuse to keep the boy there. “Let’s find the end of this tunnel and then we’ll take them there together, deal?” 
Ominis sighed, head faced towards the floor. He didn’t want to delay getting you the help you needed, but Sebastian was right. He could crash you both into a wall and injure you further. As much as he hated to admit it, your health was in their hands now. 
“Just hurry up, will you?” he muttered quietly. 
When you finally awoke from your unconscious state, Ominis was asleep next to you. Looking around you noticed you were no longer in the dungeons, but instead in the hospital wing under watchful eyes. Well, not that Ominis could very well be included in that. 
As you turned to look at the boy next to you, you moved as quietly as possible. Lacking his sight, Ominis seemed to have much higher hearing abilities than anyone else you knew, so you knew that any sudden noise would be enough to wake him. Your theory was proved correct as he stirred awake at the small ruffle of the sheet. 
You watched as he opened his mouth, but no sound came out as if he changed his mind on speaking up. Instead, you saw his hand slowly reach out towards you, as if to confirm you were there. 
“I’m awake,” you told him with a smile. 
Ominis let out a small breath of relief. “Are you alright?”
“I’m alright,” you nodded. “I didn’t expect it to last that long.” 
“It shouldn’t have,” he said, almost with a sneer. “That new student had to curse on you for longer than it needed to be. All we needed was for it to hit you, they made it linger. They’re lucky I don’t go straight to professor Black and have them expelled.”
Ominis’s thoughts stopped in their tracks when he felt you lay your hand on top of his. 
“I’m alright,” you assured him again. “Lay with me.”
“I- What?”
“Please? I don’t want to think about any of this anymore.”
Ominis sat still in thought for a moment, stammering slightly to himself before standing from his chair, feeling around the bed to make sure you were out of the way before laying down beside you. You layed your head onto his chest and exhaled deeply with a contented sigh. Ominis smiled gently to himself, his nose falling into your hair as he inhaled your scent. He decided then and there that it didn’t matter that he could never see you. Every other sense he had t otake you in was just fine for him. Your voice was enough to bring a small smile to your face, your laugh even more so. Your smell felt like home to him. He could tell you were in a room just by the smell of your shampoo. He could pinpoint which brand it was in a shop just with a small whiff alone. The touch of you skin never failed to comfort him in times of distress. The soft, delicate touch of your hand on his would always bring a smile to his lips. Your taste.. He was yet to be abpe to experiance. The only one of his available senses that has yet to experience you. The rest thought you were perfect, he could only imagine that would be the same.
That is, assuming he ever decides to do anything about his feelings for you. 
For now, however, this was enough for him.
Part Two
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kachowder · 1 year
Android Boss x human! Worker
Prompt: Technology has taken over. Humans are now nearly obsolete. Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, the world has become a much safer, healthier place. Most of the worlds main issues have been solved with robots now in control.
Androids are the highest tier of robots, they manage the big jobs. Corporate managers, bosses, governors and lawyers etc. humans are not required to work but are given jobs if they so desire.
Overall most people are happy. Except you of course, because no one said a clingy android was part of your job description.
“Worker B75C3 please report to the main office. I respeat, Worker B75C3 please report to the main office thank you.”
“What is it now Supervisor Bot?”
“B75! I told you to call me by my issued name!”
With a resigned sigh you cleared your throat.
“Right. What is it now Jessie?”
The Android, your boss, Jessie, beamed with his artificial teeth. It was almost obnoxious how happy he seemed just hearing you say his name.
To be fair you didn’t dislike the droid necessarily. Even though you did. He just made your job 10x harder than it should’ve been.
Calling you up nearly everyday for “a performance evaluation”, despite you being one of the best workers the company had to offer. That was human at least.
Purposefully bumping into you in the conference room, spilling coffee on your clothes so you had to get a new pair, never to see the old ones again.
Not to mention he was just so…realistic. And clingy. It unnerved you.
To be honest you were pretty sure it was his eyes that unnerved you the most though. Green, almost hazel eyes, that blinked regularly, naturally, darted around nervously under your gaze, and even dilated in the sun. They were too real.
It was gross.
Now, you wouldnt say you were a Android hater. (Except you were). You just found that making the bots look almost identical to humans was insane. The only way you can even tell that they weren’t human was their finger tips and tongues. Both of which had thin circular glowing plates, that served to simulate taste and sensations.
The tongue one was a newer upgrade. You weren’t sure why your boss had it.
An almost-human cough disrupted your staring, (glaring), and your eyes snapped to focus on Jessie, who’s own fake eyes lidded slightly at you, a wobbly, embarrassed grin strapped on his face. You couldnt help but notice he didn’t have his usual tie on.
He looked weirdly disheveled. His skin was just a bit too shiny, almost like sweat.
“The fucks wrong with you?”
“Language B75…”
You rolled your eyes and plopped down into, your seat, opposite of the androids desk.
“Cut the crap dude whyd you call me up here?”
Normally you wouldn’t be able to talk to a superior like this, but your “relationship” with Jessie was a special case.
He let you get away with pretty much anything at this point. Not that you used that power for more than a couple naps.
The bot looked like he was overheating with the way he was fidgeting about though. Avoiding eye contact half the time and staring right at you the rest.
“I was hoping you could humor me…on something..”
Not again.
“As you can see I recently got the new upgrade,” he wiggled his fingers for emphasis, showing off the currently dull finger sensors he now had. “And I was hoping you would let me…Test them out. On you..”
Realistically you should’ve been more put off by his request. But you’d unfortunately gotten used to the bots curiosities. He was a bit of a human fanatic. Always wanting to try these expiraments with you. Only you.
And realistically you should’ve declined too. Had he not also offered you a bonus.
“Fine whatever, get up. I wanna get this over with asap.”
“Really? I mean, of course! Right away!”
Jessie was terrible at hiding how eager he sounded. Not that he probably tried to hide it really.
With a peppy smile he shot out from his chair, and speedily skipped over to you. He stood infornt of you, hoisting you up from your seat, much to your own chagrin, and hovered anxiously for a moment or two.
His eyes darted all over your face. Maybe checking for any possible doubt or hesitance. Not that you cared though.
Getting very fed up with his stalling you thrusted your hands out and grabbed onto his own, forcing his hands to clasp firmly on.
“Hurry the fuck up.”
He didn’t bother scolding you this time.
You could see why. In your own mild disgust you watched as his receptors flowered a pretty blue, as his fingers tips rubbed over your knuckles and palm, crawling slowly up your wrist. He traced the lines of your palms, mapping them out like a fortune teller would in a shady carnival booth.
His hands circled and slid up your arms slowly, as if mapping out each new texture or scar. He paused at the underside of your wrist, pressing down slightly on the joint and eliciting a brief exhale as he felt your pulse drum lightly beneath his sensors.
Jessie shuddered for a moment at the sensation before moving on.
He took his time. Too much time in your opinion as you felt your back begin to hurt from standing for so long.
“Are you done yet? My backs killing me.”
His green eyes snapped to you so fast you almost got vertigo.
“Why does your back hurt?” His voice was breathy and low, and his eyes lacked their usual warmth for a second. Though you chose to believe you were imaging that.
“Gee it’s not like I sit at a desk all day with no proper back support.” Irritation dripped from your tongue like poison into Jessie’s ears, his fingers locking slightly before he relaxed with a sweet, nervous smile.
“…I’m a trained masseuse you know…if you want I could..try and relieve some of the pain? Free of charge obviously..haha.” His awkward, antsy tone left the joke to fall flat though you didn’t mind much, too excited about the prospect of getting some pain relief, even if it was from a creep like Jessie.
“Say less.” You meant that literally. Yanking your arms from his stunned metal ones you plopped down back into your chair, sat reverse and leaned your front into the cushiony back.
You missed the blue that soaked his eyes for a moment, a warning that went ignored by your mechanical boss.
With a excited exhale, Jessie rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward. His hands hovered hesitantly above your shoulders for a very brief moment, before finally descending with a firm pressure deliciously against your spine.
You groaned pleasantly, eyes screwing up slightly at the relief on your poor back, ignorant to the borderline short circuiting bot who twitched and panted at the indirect-direct contact.
His skilled fingers worked slowly at first. Sticking to a specific part of your back before venturing else where. He relished in your groans, and the fact that it was him making you feel good. Him. Not your stupid coworker. Or the assistant bot. Or that delivery boy who he sees you sometimes talking to and wishes he could just-
“Ah! Dude not so hard?!” Your barking paused his frenzied “massage”, if it could even be called that.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry B75, I just…”
The wobbly grin that appeared on his soft features was definitely cause for concern.
“I can’t really hit the right pressure points, through your clothes…is it okay if you..lower your shirt..slightly?”
“What? Yeah fine whatever just don’t pull that shit again.”
Holyshit you actually agreed
Jessies “breathing” quickly became erratic at the sight of your bare shoulders and back, face burning in a blue hue, and his pupils dilating violently before he twitched and fell to the floor.
You jumped at the loud crashing sound, bolting up with a readjustment of your shirt before staring down at the spasming bot in disbelief
You nudged his leg with your foot before sighing exasperatedly and walking over to the intercom.
“Maintenance in the Main office , building code 772E. Code 772E, Maintenance in the Main office. Thank you.”
The speaker buzzed, confirming they were sending someone up, and you took an extra moment to gaze at the android slapped over the floor.
You scoffed.
“Damn bag of bolts.”
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scarvain · 2 months
hiii, can I request something for Dominic like? just whatever idrc, ill be happy with everything
✶ number one fan — dominic fike x reader
SUMMARY: you're supporting your boyfriend while he performs on stage
WARNINGS: simp dom idk i love him
A/N: SOMEONE FINALLY REQUESTING FOR DOM!!!! he is my pinoy king BAHAHA hope u enjoy this one <3
the tour was coming to an end. almost three months of traveling with your boyfriend and his crew.
tonight was his last night to perform and the first night you won’t be watching his performance behind the corner and with the crowd.
“are you sure you wanna watch there? i don’t want you getting hurt,” he said, curls covering his eyes as he double-checked his laces.
you smile softly before putting on your lipstick. “i’ll be fine, i promise.” he stands up from the couch and wraps his arms around your waist, placing kisses on your neck.
you hum as he kisses you before he captures your newly painted lips for a kiss. you pull away quickly, a hand on his cheek, frowning when you see your lipstick smudged on and over his lips.
“dom, why’d you do that!” you act like you were upset but a smile was tugging at your lips as you wiped the stain off his face.
he proceeds to reach for your lips but you avoid it, making him laugh as you try your best to keep him away from your lips.
“baby, just—just let me have at least a part of you for everyone to see when i’m on stage.” he said, in between laughs. suddenly, he wraps an arm around your waist and holds you close to him.
he was peppering kisses all over your neck and jaw while he tickled you. “okay, okay! fine, i will please stop!” you managed to say in between giggles then he placed one last peck on your lips.
his hands were still on your waist and yours were now wrapped around his neck. you give in and kiss him longer than he did earlier.
when you felt his tongue in your mouth you pulled away, making him groan. you pulled him closer than you two already were and kissed his jaw down to his neck, purposely leaving a kiss mark on his neck that would be visible while he performed. you bite the skin gently before pulling away from him.
“there you go.” your arms are now on his shoulders and face him in front of the mirror before reapplying your lipstick.
dominic wiped off the stained lipstick on his face but kept the one you had left on his neck, treating it like an accessory.
during the concert, you had the best time of your life. some fans recognized you and took photos with you, you were able to see how your boyfriend’s music helped people and were able to connect with them through it.
it warmed your heart.
especially at this moment with the crowd singing along with him.
when the song ended, he was looking around the venue, his curls getting into his view.
despite the number of people there, his eyes still found its way to you. his energy immediately changed when he saw you, even smiling when you blew him a kiss from where you were standing.
he runs a hand through his hair, getting the curls away then walks back to the microphone.
“alright so for this next one, i made this song with my friend kevin which my girlfriend, y/n loves so much. i dedicate this to her. i love you, thank you for making everything feel so secure and for everything you've done in the past years." dominic says, smiling widely at you before he starts playing the chords on his guitar.
the fans screamed after he spoke and started playing the song.
you felt like the only person in the venue, locking eyes with dominic despite him being far from where you were sat yet he continued singing the song to you.
once the song ended, he mentioned you once again. "that was peach, thank you everyone—i love my girlfriend."
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silaswritesthings · 9 months
A private show
Summary: Lyney is used to seeing you among his audience for all of his shows so he’s in a state of unrest when you miss a show. Are you hurt? Do you not find his magic entertaining anymore? He decides to search for you and finds you alone, watching the street beneath you with a sullen expression… now how did you get like this?
Starring: Lyney
Genre: romance, magic (is this a genre lmao)
Warnings: not proof read (i tried a little)
Author’s note: I know what the title says BUT IT'S NOT SMUT. Idk where this came from but I just had to write about Lyney. Likes, comments, reblogs and new followers will always be appreciated!
Word count: 1266 words
A magician’s pride comes from his audience, the more people he’s able to amaze with his talents the better the magician. This is what Lyney told you at some point and these very words are what gave you the courage to miss one of his shows.
Ever since your friend introduced you to Lyney and Lynette’s magic shows, nothing has been able to entertain you as much anymore. This was not necessarily a bad thing because this new found wonder of yours had resulted in you never missing a single one of their shows. Out of the twins, Lyney was the one who would scan the audience throughout the show to figure out if his audience was truly amazed by his hard work and talent and each time he did so, he never failed to see your face in the crowd.
You became so familiar to him that he began to anticipate your attendance and reactions when regarding his show. Now that he thinks about it, where has he seem you before?
Ah, that’s right.
You were with Charlotte the last time she came to nag him for an interview, “Everyone’s looking to get a piece of the best magician in Fontaine!” She praised but he couldn’t give her that interview. Instead he gave her an unimpressed gaze before dismissing you both. You remained quiet throughout the entire exchange but just as he left, he didn’t miss the chuckle that escaped you in response to this failed interaction.
He never saw you again after that, in fact he didn’t spare a single thought about you until he started noticing your constant attendance to his shows. Initially, after discovering your identity, he believed you would nag him for an interview and showing up for his shows was some form of bribery on your part. This was debunked when he realised as soon as the show would end, you’d disappear.
Sometimes he would actively seek you out but by the time he’s joined the crowd of his audience, you would’ve left. This was understandable because of your profession as a journalist, you were bound to be very busy but… he couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
Whatever. It’s fine.
At least he could see you during his performances, right? Well… that was true until today where he adorned the stage and you were nowhere in sight. It’s not like you were never late for any of his shows before but as he got into the third part of his act, you couldn't help but feel discouraged. Did you get bored of his shows? Did you find a better magician? Or worse… Were you hurt?
No. This wouldn’t do.
Right after his show, Lyney did not linger and left to search for you. The first thing was to find Charlotte but his thoughts were derailed when he saw you leaning against the railing of a flyover, a ticket- to what Lyney recognised was the magic show he just concluded- was clutched in your hands as you mindlessly stared at the people walking by below you.
Lyney worried about whether you were comfortable with your arms revealed in the cold night and without a second thought, approached you with his coat in his hands. “It’s rather cold today so I thought you might need this.”
You turned to him before your eyes widened slightly. “There’s no need for that, I was just about to head home.”
Lyney’s heart sank. Did you really intentionally miss his show? Does this mean that… to you, his magic was no longer entertaining? “I see.” Despite his affirmation, he placed his coat beside your arms that were draped over the railing before he too leaned against the rail and watched the people go about their evening below you both. You both heard a group of friends excitedly speak about the show Lyney had just conducted, they s[oke lively about his acts and how they truly doubted they were just ‘acts’.
You sighed heavily. “It’s a pity I missed the show. I was quite looking forward to it.”
Lyney turned to you, schooling his initial shock behind a cough. “I noticed you were holding a ticket to the show I hosted this evening.”
You nodded, your shoulders deflating. “I got caught up with an investigation and before I knew it, the sun had already set.”
Lyney pushed himself away from the railing, garnering your attention. You turned as a deck of cards suddenly appeared in his right hand. “Pick a card?”
You pursed your lips, holding back a smile but failed miserably. Amusement flickered in the magician’s gaze and it took everything in you to not look away, instead you diverted your eyes to the cards in his hold and reached out to pick one. This card, however, was nothing like the cards you were used to. It had the drawing of a flower on it and you instantly recognised that it was a blue rose. It was absolutely breathtaking but beyond your knowledge, Lyney had hoped you’d pick this very card because the first time you attended one of his shows you wore a headpiece which had blue rose petals on it. (You wore it occasionally, so he concluded that you must’ve been fond of it.)
“Make sure I don’t see your card.” He spoke, breaking you out of the spell cast upon you by that drawing and you clutched the card to your chest as you watched him expectantly. With the flick of his wrist, the cards in his hand disappeared. “Now now, do you still have the card I gave you?”
You didn’t doubt that you did until you saw that your hands were empty and the card was nowhere to be seen. Confused, you checked around you just incase you dropped it but you search turned out fruitless. You looked at Lyney in amazement. How did he manage to do that?
Lyney chuckled when he saw your expression. “It seems you lost the card, but there’s no need to worry. Just clutch your hands together,” and so you did as told. Lyney’s own gloved hands then covered your own, his touch gentle and warm. “Hm? It seems there something between your hands.” He commented before helping you separate your hands and inside was a single blue rose. You didn’t even notice it’s stem poking out from between your hands. How did he manage to do this?
“This is… incredible.” You mumbled as you watched the rose like it was made out of moonlight. The fabric of a coat brushed against your bare arms and you turned, seeing Lyney drape his coat over your shoulders before he went to stand in front of you once again.
He cast a shy gaze to the rose cradled in your palms before clearing his throat. “Uh, yes. Thank you.”
An awkward silence settled between the both of you. You could not help but feel bashful and did not understand why. “I should get going now.” You said, unconsciously pulling Lyney’s coat closer to you.
“Of course, don’t let me keep you waiting.” Lyney spoke, his words a bit rushed and you chuckled at his obvious embarrassment.
You turned to walk away but stopped, remembering you had one last thing to say. You turned to Lyney with a warm smile and spoke, “Thank you for the private magic show.”
His smile matched yours, his eyes sparkled underneath the light’s of the city and a gentle breeze picked up and his hair fluttered with his. He tipped his hat with a slight bow.
“It has been my pleasure.”
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abowlofsourcream · 3 months
⏳💫Congrats Stardust! You got Memory of Dreaming!💫⏳
I’ll make sure you won’t forget this!
Teehee! Sweet dreams, Siffrin!
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If you got One Hat at the ending of the game, DO NOT READ THIS AFTERMATH! Get the secret in Act 6 and then you can enjoy this aftermath! If You got Two Hats, read on head! ;)
v Aftermath v
*He should be here any minute…
*You can imagine them right now.
*The poor little thing probably is so confused…
*Their most likely aimlessly searching for the party, thinking the worst is happening!
*You can’t help but pity him…
*Finally, You see them come to the foot of the Favor Tree.
“H-Hello, guys? The villagers said I should go here… Is… Is anyone here?”
*They forgot their eyepatch and still wearing their undershirt and pants…
*He looks so small…
*Were you this small? Back when it was you?
*Stars, has it been so long?
*That you don’t even remember what you look like?
“Mira? Isa? Madame? This isn’t funny!”
*You can’t help but stare.
*Okay, you’re wasting the time you have…
*You did your part! Now, it’s their turn.
*It would be silly to ruin all your hardwork!
*You hop of the branch and put on your best performance!
“Oh! You finally found your way, Stardust?”
*They jumped at your voice.
“What the-?! Who… What?!”
*You put your hand to your face…
“Oh my, Stardust! That’s no way to greet someone! Especially someone who has been helping your friends!”
*That gets their attention, of course it does…
“You’ve seen them? Where are they? How can I get to them?”
*… Stars, you forgot how clingy you were…
“Stardust, you know where they are…”
*After all, They should remember now! Remember what they did to the others…
*They can no longer hide behind their ignorance anymore!
*They know it’s all their fault…
“B-But! W-will they be okay? Without me?!”
*What a stupid question.
*You imitate picking your nails…
“They were doing just fine without you before… Besides, are you really in any condition to do anything useful? Hm?”
*Ha! Even now… You can see how much the loops destroyed your body…
*No, it’s not your body anymore…
*They look down on the ground, ashamed…
“But… I’m the reason why we’re suck here… Shouldn’t I be the one fixing it?”
*That’s exactly what you were thinking…
“And how exactly do you plan to do that?”
*They rub their left elbow, looking defeated…
“I don’t know… I didn’t think that far…”
*It’s amazing, how clueless they are…
*But it’s fine…
*That’s why you’re here!
“Well, I have an idea… You might want to try it!”
*They look at you, confused.
“Why? I barely know you, yet you somehow have me already figured out?”
*Ha, of course!
*How could you forget how paranoid you were!
*You roll your eyes.
“Believe me, I’m probably the only one who could understand how that silly little brain of yours… Unless, you want the others see how awful you really are?”
*Yea, that shuts them up.
*So eager to please, in hopes of getting people to stay…
*It’s funny how easy you are able to shift him into place…
*How pathetic…
*How disgusting…
“Hm… They should be nearing the third floor by now…”
“You want to hear my plan, now?”
*They chew on the inner part of their cheek.
“Hmm, okay… If it can help the other’s, okay…”
*You take a deep breath.
*Mira asked you not to do anything stupid.
*She made you promise to watch over them…
*She would be heartbroken if she knew what you were planning on doing…
*The others too…
*You would be betraying the little trust they had with you…
*But that promise was for this Siffrin, wasn’t it?
*She’s not your Mirabelle…
*She could never be your Mirabelle.
*Your Mirabelle is long gone, you think about that every blinding loop...
*Just like your Isabeau, your Odile, your Bonnie, they are all gone!
*Why should you care about that mere copy of your precious family that you destroyed?!
*For the fact that you’re letting them escape…
*For fixing this mess…
*Once and for all…
“You could… Make a new wish…”
*His eye grows wide…
*You take the coin from their pocket.
*You roll it across your hand.
*They stare at you…
“You can use this…”
“How did you-”
“You know how. Stars, you can be so annoying…”
*You can’t hide the venom in your voice.
*Sorry, Odile…
“Come on, Stardust…”
*You hand them the coin…
“Let’s take this from the top, and get it right this time!”
*They look at the coin, conflicted…
“After all it’s the least they deserve,”
*You make sure that they can hear you.
“After what you put them through…”
*You see their face crumpled as you say that.
*Yep, that got them…
*They take the coin and looks at them…
*Looking at you for any guidance.
*They only have you.
*How tragic…
”Make your new wish, Stardust, and free your family…”
*He looks at the coin, cautiously…
*They close their eyes…
*Breathe into the coin.
*Repeat the wish three times.
*Holds it to his chest, to keep it safe…
*Then… They flip it to you.
“So… Now what?”
*You see them yawn… The affect of your wish beginning to show on their face…
*Part of you feels guilty, on how easy this plan went…
*How all your little actors played directly into your hands.
*But you in to deep now, are you?
*This is what the Universe wanted from you…
*They should be near the king now…
*You can’t help but laugh!
“Now we wait!”
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cheolaholic · 7 months
ring of love; csc (04)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
a/n; so… i missed out my upload timing for the past few weeks… i got so busy with going to dance lessons, going to cupsleeve and kpop dance events and job hunting 😵👊🏻 but now that i've calmed myself down, we're back to uploading !!
smol edit: realised i forgot to add the taglist at the end hsjcndksn
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when you started middle school, coincidentally you attended the same one where seungcheol is a high school senior. it eased your anxiety, but it lingered and seungcheol took notice as he walked beside you. “first day of school anxiety kicking in?” he asked, throwing an arm over your shoulder, “don’t overthink it, alright?
“i’m here, pup. but, remember that you need to stand up for yourself too, alright?”
nodding your head, seungcheol smiles as he gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “and if anyone decides to pick on you while i’m not around, just remember what i taught you, okay?”
over the past few months, before the school year started, seungcheol had offered to teach you a few self defence moves, alongside some sparring moves. your parents were worried when they saw you spar with seungcheol, seeing how the older boy had flipped you onto the cushioned mat of the studio. but, the boy assured them he was teaching you all this so that you’re able to defend yourself in the event he isn’t there with you.
“but, won’t she be all bruised up from all this?” your mother asked.
“mom, i’ll be fine,” you reassured her as seungcheol pulled you up onto your feet, “i need to be a big girl!”
as you both reached the gates of the school, seungcheol arm left your shoulder as he shoved both his hands into the pockets of his pants.
“ready for your first day, pup?”
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you didn’t like it here.
everyone was staring at you as you sat in your seat, causing your anxiety to spike. or maybe it’s all in your head and it’s just the imaginary audience kicking in. either way, it doesn’t ease the summersaults that were performing in your stomach.
when the school day started and the teacher had you introduce yourself to the class, you can only hope that lunch break arrives sooner so you can go find seungcheol - to which you did as soon as the lunch bell rang.
you ran up the stairs of the other school building, trying your best to ignore the possible stares from the upperclassmen - you just need needed seungcheol right now
when you reached the floor, a few upperclassmen that were standing in the hallway turned to look at you - and you froze.
as the staring continued, you took a few steps back, your fingers fidgeting with the hem of your skirt while tears began to well up in your eyes and your breathing quickened.
maybe it was a bad idea to come to this building. maybe it was a bad idea to look for suengcheol. maybe-
your head shot up, coming face to face with a concerned seungcheol. “pup, what happened?” seungcheol asked, placing a hand on your head, lightly petting it in an attempt to calm you down. you wanted to answer him, tell him what was wrong, tell him that the unfamiliar environment was spiking your anxiety.
but, you couldn’t.
“yo, seungcheol,” another student appeared next to the boy, slinging a hand over his shoulder. “who’s this cutie?”
when the student looked at you, seungcheol heard your breath hitch and at that moment, he  only had one objective in mind.
getting you to a quieter and less crowded area.
“sorry, baekho,” seungcheol spoke as he gave the boy an apologetic smile, “i’ll be eating lunch with ___ today.”
he then leads you out of the building, his hand holding yours as he brings you to the track field of the school. sitting you down on one of the bleachers, he tells you he’ll get some food for the both of you and that he’ll be back soon. as you sat on the bleacher, you continued to fidget with the hem of your skirt.
minutes went by and you felt your breathing steady, seungcheol had returned with a bottle of water and two lunchboxes. you both ate in silence, the older boy occasionally gazing over to check up on you. when you set the now empty lunchbox aside, seungcheol lightly rubs your back.
"feeling better, pup?" he asked in a soft voice, "is it still bad? do you want to go home?"
you shook your head. “come on, pup,” he spoke again, “i need you to talk to me. i may be able to know how you feel, but i’m not a mindreader. i can’t figure out what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
“i-it’s… i-i don’t know…” you couldn’t form words. you can’t help but feel pathetic - being so dependent on seungcheol that you can’t go a mere half day in a new environment without his presence beside you.
seungcheol lets out a small hum as he leans on his hands, looking up at the sky, thinking.
a few minutes later, he sat back up straight, his expression telling that he’s got an idea.
the older boy took off his nametag and took your hand, placing it in your palm.
“here, take this. you have a pattern of needing emotional support items.”
you stared at the nametag and looked at him, cocking your head to the side in confusion.
he chuckled at your response, his hand moving to pat your head.
“you depended on your strawberry pillow throughout kindergarten, your unicorn water bottle throughout elementary.”
your face flushed in embarrassment as seungcheol mentioned your unicorn water bottle.
it was a gift your grandparents had gifted you at the start of your elementary school year and you refused to part ways with it until you reached the age where bright, flashy unicorn water bottles don’t really appeal to you anymore. but, it still held a special place in your heart.
“but, won’t you get in trouble for not having a nametag?” you asked him, worried about the disciplinary actions he’d have to face since it was part of the dress code.
seungcheol shrugged, “i keep an extra in my bag, so it’s no problem.”
he then checked the time on his wristwatch.
“come on, pup. i’ll walk you back to the building and meet you at the gates after class, okay?”
as you both walked, you felt butterflies in your stomach from seungcheol’s kind gestures.
“hey, cheollie..?”
“thank you.”
“anything for you, pup.”
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it wasn’t unusual for you to be a target of bullying in the school, considering how close you were to seungcheol - it was something a lot of the girls, both lowerclassmen and upperclassmen, did not take a liking to.
it also wasn’t unusual for seungcheol to do his best to protect you.
do his best as in, try to always be there but most of the time he can’t as he might have basketball practice or his friends dragged him away before he was able to head over to where you were.
and unfortunately, today was one of those ‘most of the time’ days.
“just because seungcheol lets you cling onto him, means he’ll want to date you,” the upperclassmen girl spoke as she slams you against the locker, her hand holding a tight grip on your shoulder while your back stings from the harsh impact against the metal object. “who do you even think you are to always show up at our building?”
the other students crowd around you and the upperclassmen, curious and of course, nosy as to what the ‘confrontation’ is all about.
“hey,” she gritted out, pulling and slamming you against the locker once again, a soft whimper escaping your lips, “are you deaf or something? i’m talking to you!”
seungcheol… please… please help me…
an audible slap noise was heard - a burning sensation was felt on your right cheek while the other students gasped.
“i said, i’m talking to you! do you not know how to answer!?”
you don’t remember what exactly happened, but you do remember reaching your limit and fighting back. when you pushed the upperclassman away, glaring at her while telling her to stop picking on you just because she was jealous you were close to seungcheol, she decided to go rougher.
shoving you against the locker once again, she pulled at your hair and her grip was so tight, you could feel a few strands of hair being pulled out.
“say that again,” she hissed, eyes full of anger, “fucking say that one more time…”
"i said stop it!" you cried out, pushing at her to try and get her off you. "it's not my fault i'm close friends with seungcheol! and what makes you think he'll like you when this is how you act!?"
"why you little-"
"get your fucking hands off her!"
you felt the upperclassman get pulled away, a pair of hands coming to cup your face and lift up your head.
your tear filled eyes met seungcheol's that were filled with anger and worry. "___, are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, one hand brushing the strands of hair away from your face.
turning around to face the girl, anyone close enough to the front or center, could see the fury on seungcheol’s face. “what the fuck do you think you’re doing, heemin?”
“i-it’s not what it looks like!”
“not what it looks like? are you fucking kidding me!?”
“i don’t like how she’s always with you! is that wrong!?”
“yes! ___ did nothing wrong and yet you’re assaulting her, all because you’ve decided to have this weird claim on me!”
seungcheol felt you grab his blazer, tugging on it a few times - a silent beg for him to stop and get you away from the area.
taking a deep breath to calm himself down, seungcheol spoke up in a deep, calm yet intimidating tone, “if anyone lays a finger, even on one single hair on ___, you all answer to me.” he then grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the crowd. as he lead you away from the area, you quietly called out his name.
“i’m sorry you have to always save me…”
seungcheol stopped in his tracks, frowning as he turns to look at you. “what’s there to be sorry about, ___?”
“aren’t you tired of having to come and defend me from messes like these?”
“___, i care about you. i would rather die than know you’re being bullied, but decided to just sit on it.”
it felt odd to have someone other than your parents care for you. and it doesn’t really help your growing feelings towards the older male in front of you.
seungcheol took a step forward, cupping your face and tilts your head up to meet his eyes.
“look at me, pup. do you trust me?”
sniffling as you nod your head and seungcheol felt his heart sank as he sees your tears escape your eyes. wiping away your tears with his thumb, he gives you a gentle smile.
“then trust me when i say, as long as i’m here, no-one can hurt you.”
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you remembered how you met your first and probably only friend in middle school. it was right after summer break when your homeroom teacher announced a new transfer student. however, you weren’t paying attention; just staring out the window, wondering when the school day would be over.
it was during lunch break, as you were about to go find seungcheol that the new transfer student approached you.
“hi!” she greeted cheerfully, glancing at your nametag, “___, right?”
you looked up at her with a blank look, her looking back at you with a bright smile. when you nod your head, she reaches out a hand and introduces herself. “i’m aki, kim aki! i’m your new classmate!”
“nice to meet you, aki.” you responded in a soft voice.
“do you want to have lunch together?”
her question caught you off guard. someone wanted to eat with you?
aki looks at you with a smile on her face, waiting for your answer. too scared to reject her, you nodded your head and her smile widened.
cheollie: pup, i got dragged away by baekho
cheollie: something about needing me to be his wingman
puppy: oh...
puppy: well, the new girl asked me to join her for lunch
puppy: so i guess it’s fine?
cheollie: oh?
cheollie: is my puppy finally going to have a new friend?
cheollie: i’m so proud
puppy: wow, you’re dramatic
cheollie: don’t scare her off, okay?
puppy: what is that supposed to mean?
cheollie: pup, have you seen your resting face?
puppy: …
puppy: i hate you
cheollie: take care, alright?
cheollie: i’ll see you at the gates when school is over
puppy: alright
“i heard you’re very close to one of the upperclassmen,” aki said casually as she takes a bite out of her rice ball, not noticing how you tensed up. “what was his name again? choi seungjoo? seungchae?”
“...seungcheol…” you corrected her, your voice quiet, “his name is seungcheol…”
aki notices your tense demeanour and immediately assures you that it’s not what you were thinking. “i’m just curious. i was told by a few people to stay away or that if i were to ‘chase after seungcheol’, you’d be an obstacle i’d have to overcome.” she laughs it off and leans forward a little, lowering her voice a little. “you don’t have to worry, though~ between you and me, i think you and him look cute together.” when aki notices the faint blush that paints your cheeks afterwards, a grin spreads across her lips. “i knew it! don’t worry, i won’t tell~”
instead of feeling uneasy, you felt… comforted by aki’s presence.
maybe having another friend might not be such a bad thing after all.
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one thing you’ve come to realise about aki as the friendship blossomed is that she is the complete opposite of you - both of you would be the typical extrovert-introvert duo dynamic. in contrast to you spending your weekends staying at home either reading your books or just surfing the web, aki would be spending her weekends going to the city parts in daegu shopping, cafe-hopping; even busking as revealed during one of her visits to your home, she enjoys singing and occasionally busks with the buskers she befriended.
she also dresses differently where her clothes just showed her personality - colourful, patterns, accessories and different shoes for each outfit. whereas you preferred to dress simple - until one weekend, aki had dragged you out to myeongdong (with seungcheol tagging along since your parents had tasked him to watch over you girls and he had a driving licence to drive the three of you to and from).
seungcheol watched quietly as aki dressed you up during the shopping spree, occasionally complimenting you whenever aki finished and needed a third opinion. by the end of the weekend, you had a whole new wardrobe and an entire collection of makeup which aki would both teach and help you out with.
“um, are you sure that stuff will wash off?” your voice filled with uncertainty as you watch the small tube of glittering liquid she calls an ‘eye glitter’. “babes, i’ve put this on my eyes thousands of time so, trust me when i say this is safe and washes off.” aki assures you as she starts applying it onto your eyelid.
instructing you to keep your eyes closed, she began to use a hand fan to fan at your face to dry the substance. “how are you so good at makeup at thirteen?” you can’t help but ask. in your eyes, aki’s makeup talents was up to par with those makeup artists for models and idols. when you feel the fanning stop, you open your eyes and aki had the biggest grin on her face.
“my mom is a model and my dad is her makeup artist! so everything i know, i learnt from them and a couple of youtube videos!”
“whoa… is that how they met?”
“yeap! mom had a gig in japan, dad was the makeup artist the company hired and it was love at first sight.”
swiping the lipstick applicator across your lips, aki’s grin widens as she grabs a mirror to how you the finished look. you looked at your reflection in awe, amazed by aki’s talents.
“oh! i also got something for you!”
digging through her bag, she pulled out a bracelet with a little black ghost charm, taking your hand and fastening it around your wrist. as you stared at the bracelet, she lifts one of her hands, revealing a similar bracelet but instead of black ghost charm, it was a white ghost charm.
“i was in the city the other day with my parents and saw these matching bracelets! the little ghosts are so cute, and look!” placing her hand next to yours, the ghost charms clink together, as if they’re holding their little ghost hands.
“they stick together! just like the both of us, best friends!”
her statement caught you off-guard.
you had given a thought to your friendship with aki. it was similar to the friendship you had with seungcheol, minus the crush, obviously. you had considered aki to be a close friend of yours, but you hadn’t expected her to call you her best friend. noticing your reaction, aki’s smile faltered a little and that was the first time you’ve seen a hint of sadness in her.
“do you… do you not like it..?” aki asks, her hand slowly pulling away from yours. “i-i’m sorry, i just… i just thought that…”
you immediately shook your head, hands flying to grab hers. “n-no! i do like it!” you rushed out, “i just… i just wasn’t expecting you to get me this… or even call me your best friend…”
aki blinks once.
then twice.
and proceeds to burst out laughing.
“why wouldn’t i?” aki questions, wrapping her arms around you, engulfing you in a tight hug. “sure, i have a few other friends to hang out with. but, neither of them share the same bond you and i share! i could maybe even top your friendship with seungcheol!”
“hey now, don’t go stealing my puppy.”
turning both your attention to the door of your room, you and aki come face to face with seungcheol, his figure leaning against your doorframe.
“your puppy?” aki gives you a teasing smile, noticing the blush on your face when the older male refers to you as his puppy. “i’d like to see you try and take ___ away from me!”
“you’re on, brat.”
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taglist (unable to tag a few ㅠㅠ)
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwoo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock @kwonhoeshi @minhui8966 @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ru-lin @deobiforever @belladaises @cheoliekkuma @duskunt1ldawn @hyneyedfiz @marshmallowshouse @ak6ko @chwevernonlover @jejuboo-s @tsukinluv @atinytinaa @gyros-cum-sock @soupbinlily @jungwoos-luvr @ener-energy @watermelon-sugars-things @cyberpunkhwx @ddaengpotate @nightwingsrobbinhoods @chaerrylov3r @joshuaahong @wonussmile @uliceeeeeeee @wonwoo24 @shinetogether17 @simplejihoon @luvkpopp
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tenebris-lux · 7 months
You know, while we’re waiting for something to happen in Varna, I wanna gush (and I do mean gush) about an earlier entry and its performance in Re: Dracula: Seward’s diary, October 1, 4am.
First, a note on a detail in Re: Dracula. The part where all the guys said one after another that they all wanted to meet Renfield….
“May I come also?” asked Lord Godalming.
“Me too?” said Quincey Morris. “May I come?” said Harker.
The way Seward said “said Harker”, he sounds so annoyed! Like, “Ugh, FINE, everybody come. All of a sudden my patient is the most popular guy around.” The delivery for just that little line in Re: Dracula made me grin.
But onto to the meat of the entry.
Renfield pulled out ALL the stops in trying to convince Seward to take him out of the asylum. He did everything he could to impress on Seward that he was on the same page as any other guy, even ahead a little—intelligence, reasonability, culture, diplomacy, you name it. He took full advantage of the entourage that followed Seward. The pointed way Trench said the line, “By the way, you have not introduced me,” had the emphasis meant to put Seward on the spot—‘who appears less civilized here? In company?’ He then shows respect for everyone in the room named, displaying knowledge, grace, courtesy, charm, what have you. He was probably not expecting everybody to show up, so he had to improvise. But right off the top of his head, he was able to impress on each of them that he’s not “lesser”.
The pure charisma he displayed made a slight impression on Seward, kind of a knee-jerk reaction to go, “Yeah, sure, you seem perfectly fine, I’ll draw up the paperwork…” But then Seward catches himself. Unfortunately. Still, if Seward had been at all professional about Renfield in his treatment of him so far, him saying he’d talk to him more about it in the morning might not have been unreasonable. And if Renfield didn’t have an ulterior motive to leave the asylum right then, he could’ve possibly taken the opportunity to try to impress him more; not play Seward’s twisted mind games. Unfortunately, he could not afford to wait. At all. So he insists that time is of the essence and he has to go now.
“He looked at me keenly, and seeing the negative in my face, turned to the others, and scrutinized them closely. Not meeting any sufficient response, he went on:—
‘Is it possible that I have erred in my supposition?’
‘You have,’ I said frankly, but at the same time, as I felt, brutally. There was a considerable pause, and then he said slowly:—
‘Then I suppose I must only shift my ground of request….’”
“Brutally” is right. Jack’s voice was very blunt and short in Re: Dracula, and it was audible in Renfield’s voice that the wheels were turning; like, ‘how can I get through to this guy? I thought I was onto something there, but … Plan B then.’ His Plan B is a little more direct, less certain, and involves more crossing one’s fingers: appeal to Seward’s compassion, and try to tell him why he wants out so soon, which … ugh, isn’t much. That’s why he threw his all into plan A; plan B was extremely uncertain at best.
Still reasonably, he says he has reasons for wanting out, that it’s for the sake of others. But he can’t tell him why. Just … please trust him on this?
Unexpectedly, he just loses ground with Seward, but he’s got Van Helsing’s interest, and Van Helsing’s the type who tries to make a practice of giving the benefit of the doubt.
“He said to Renfield in a tone which did not surprise me at the time, but only when I thought of it afterwards—for it was as of one addressing an equal:—“
Which Jack found weird when reflecting on it later. Because why would Jack even consider Renfield being equal? But anyway, Van Helsing takes the initiative and overrides Jack’s authority by saying, ‘If you can state clearly why you want to go and convince me, he’ll let you and take responsibility.’ Which is kind of a weird gamble, if you ask me. Like, yeah, Seward would probably do it, because it’s Van Helsing, but it still seems odd to me. Van Helsing says later that he knows a lot less of “madmen” than Seward does (should we tell him?), so it’s a risk. But he was much closer to believing Renfield than Seward was. Whatever the case, Renfield couldn’t tell them anything. Van Helsing tried to persuade him to change his mind, because then he’d make so much more progress, rather than if he just kept secrets, right? But he wasn’t picking up that it wasn’t that Renfield didn’t want to say something, or was afraid to.
He literally couldn’t tell them.
“Dr. Van Helsing, I have nothing to say. Your argument is complete, and if I were free to speak I should not hesitate a moment; but I am not my own master in the matter. I can only ask you to trust me. If I am refused, the responsibility does not rest with me.”
The helpless way he says ‘I have nothing to tell you.’ And he’s DROPPING HINTS. He hears and understands Van Helsing’s arguments and if he WERE FREE TO SPEAK … but he is not his own MASTER…. Come onnn, Jack, you’ve heard that word before, right? I think somehow Renfield knows the guys are heading next door, so come on, Jack, put two and two together. Where else has Renfield used that word? And again, I love the added emphasis Felix Trench put on the word “master”. Like, come on, man, take a hint. Yes, Renfield’s addressing Van Helsing, but Seward’s hearing this. Seward’s the one here who knows his habits, his patterns.
No go.
“Come, my friends, we have work to do. Good-night.”
Renfield’s only chance is heading out the door. Reason and trust have both failed. Last ditch effort: pure desperation. Pleading, begging, on his knees, crying. Saying he’ll go under ANY circumstance Seward picks out, even if it comes to torture. Anything. Anything.
And Trench’s performance … oh god, the tears coming, the breathlessness, the way words warp when you talk while crying….
“Can’t you hear me, man? Can’t you understand? Will you never learn? Don’t you know that I am sane and earnest now; that I am no lunatic in a mad fit, but a sane man fighting for his soul? Oh, hear me! hear me! Let me go! let me go! let me go!”
GOD. He’s just so desperate to get ANYTHING from Seward. Is there anything in that man he can reach?
Still no. The way Jonathan Sims said Seward’s next lines—“Come, no more of this; we have quite enough already. Get to your bed and try to behave more discreetly.”—were PERFECT. Sternly chiding a lesser person who’s misbehaving, in tone, but with cold unfeeling words. Absolutely no warmth. No connection.
“He suddenly stopped and looked at me intently for several moments.”
The last check. Is there anything there? Anything in there at all he can reach or connect with?
“Then, without a word, he rose and moving over, sat down on the side of the bed.”
Just … the way he gives up. He’s out of options. Absolutely nothing will get through to the guy he needs to understand him. Or his friends, even the “open-minded” one. They all think he’s crazy and apart from them. He just needed one of them—preferably Seward, but any of them would do—to stand in his corner, and just relocate him somewhere. They can pick any conditions they want, just so long as he leaves now.
But Seward has never understood him. He made it a hobby to “try to understand him” and “know how he works”. And now when he actually needs to, he’s completely off-base. I won’t go so far as to say that if it weren’t for Seward, the attacks on Mina wouldn’t have happened, because it ultimately comes down to Dracula being the attacker. Still, it’s frustrating.
The final thing Renfield says to Seward as the doctor heads out the door—“You will, I trust, Dr. Seward, do me the justice to bear in mind, later on, that I did what I could to convince you to-night.”—was described as said “in a quiet, well-bred voice,” and it certainly was that in Re: Dracula, but it also came across as drained and defeated and … done. Just … ‘I tried.’
And he really did try.
He knows he has a weakness and is susceptible. There’s no telling when his mental fortitude might weaken next. But if/when it does, it wouldn’t be just him that suffers consequences.
….. anyways, that’s my gush.
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lvgrrqs · 9 months
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summary. ellie williams with an s/o who’s getting a tattoo for the first time!
no warnings besides some slight cursing and maybe incorrect performance on giving a tattoo.
note. i’ve gotten to see two concerts back to back and i’m so happy about that :) just in a good mood because of it so i’m trying to write better things besides that mini series i pulled from my ass.
word count. 815
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ellie williams. who holds your hand as you enter the quaint tattoo shop together. she’s sure to be by your side even when you were first planning on getting your own tattoo.
“how did it feel when you got yours?” you asked as she held the door open for you with her free hand, allowing you inside first. “eh, just a light sting.” she hummed in response. but she knew that everyone’s pain tolerance was different, and knowing you, you wouldn’t just feel a ‘light sting’ as she had. “i’ll be there to watch you and possibly hold your hand if you need it. worst case, you’ll get a stress ball or pass o-“ she stopped her words at your face, nervously laughing off how fast your head had spun to look at her. “pass what now!?”
ellie williams. who borderline had to bribe you back into your own idea of getting a tattoo with your favorite lollipop and a frown on her face.
yeah, it probably wasn’t the best thing that she let that part slip, but she was able to successfully get you from walking outside of that tattoo shop. “i’m sorry sweet thing, that’s on me. but you got this, i know you do.” she attempted to cheer your spirit, which she did with no effort as a smile lifted upon your lips. “thanks els, but do you think i could actually get that stress ball?”
ellie williams. who sat nearby as the tattoo artist kindly complimented the stress ball you currently had in your hands, thankful that they were so kind and understanding about your first experience with something like this.
“now, you ready?” the artist sat down next to you, materials on a table next to her as your stencil had already been placed down onto your arm. “yeah, i really like the placement.” ellie’s eyes followed your gaze down to where your forearm was, a small collection of butterfly’s in a morphed, twisted design sat inches above your wrist. the design was a mock of her tattoos, which you admired heavily. “it’s a nice design, matches your girlfriends.”
ellie williams. who’s asked to sit out because of how watchful she’s being over you.
oh where did it go wrong.
“i understand you’re looking out for them, but you can’t stand there and tell me how to do my job.” you looked back and forth between ellie and the tattoo artist, both facing off as you sat back in the chair, stressball still in hand. “well you’re obviously hurting them! you don’t see how they’re jumping?” “els, im fine. it’s a tattoo, i’ll be okay.” “i’ve been around tattoos for a long time, okay? i know how people act and why.”
“if you knew as much as you claimed, you would be giving the tattoo.” the artist sighed, looking at you. “i’m going to have to ask her to leave, but i doubt she’s going to listen to me.” with an understanding look, you got up as ellie started rambling on about ‘how can you talk to them like i’m not standing right here??’
briefly, you led ellie back to the front of the building and sat her down. mumbling, she looked up at you and then at the unfinished tattoo. “you sure you’re okay? it’s your first tattoo, i know i freaked you out earlier-“ “i’m fine, it’s like you said. feels like a light sting, i’ll probably feel it later though.” with a relieved sigh, she finally sat back without a problem and let you go back to the back to finish the task at hand.
ellie williams. who finally sees your finished tattoo a while later.
she’s absolutely grinning like an idiot when she sees your smile and the pep in your step and you approach her. your arm is extended out to show the tattoo off to her, and anyone else who happens to pass out. “look! oh my god, it’s perfect.” you swoon out, meeting ellie’s gaze. “it is perfect, i really like seeing you excited like this.” “we should go get more sometime soon.” you practically demanded
“let’s let that one heal first, and then we’ll see.” she promised.
ellie williams. who totally takes pictures just to post them and show it off to her friends.
your phone went off as soon as you got back home and said goodbye to els so she could head home herself. it was a new post she had tagged you in, which you found weird because you just closed the door.
captioned, “u wish u were this kind of cool.”
followed by her story including a picture of her flipping off the tattoo artist working on your arm from around the corner, both you and the artist unaware. she even had the audacity to tag the tattoo shop - you probably wouldn’t be welcomed back anytime soon.
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© lvgrrps 2023 — all rights reserved.
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poetryandfluffycats · 2 months
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A/N: this was meant to be for a request but I went off the rails a bit, hope you all still enjoy! I also tried something new with the photo on the top, not sure if I like it
Pairing: Tsukasa Suou x fem!reader
Warnings: none, just wholesome bliss, arashi has screentime
Content: The press has been obsessed with your friendship with Tsukasa lately, which is crazy. Your crush was completely one-sided!... right?
Words: 1.6k
Oneshot under cut!
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"So, how's your boyfriend?"
Arashis words nearly gave you a heart attack. You whipped your head around, staring dumbfounded at the blond woman as she raised her eyebrows at you. The two of you were in the Knights dressing room putting some last minute additions onto a new outfit for their next performance. They had asked you to help Arashi sew the puffs onto the sleeves since most of the members were busy, which you had happily obliged to. Who wouldn't want to hang out with Arashi? You were starting to regret your decision.
"B-boyfriend!?" You stuttered out, your face turning as red as a tomato. "Who are you talking about?"
The model rolled her eyes. "Don't be coy with me, I see the way you look at him! You can trust me, I won't tell~" She leaned over to you, resting her chin on your shoulder. "I can just see it now, Knights king and queen of the stage! Tsukasa Suou and (name) (last name)!"
You shoved her way, a very obvious pout on your face-although you tried to hide it. Of course she was talking about Tsukasa. Anyone with a brain would be able to figure out your little crush. It wasn't your fault, he was just so cute! And strong, and so talented! He was the most amazing person in the world-
Dear lord, you had it bad.
"We're not dating! He's a friend, nothing more" You lied through your teeth knowing damn well Arashi could see right through you. Turning your head back to your handiwork, you continued to stitch the sleeve, trying your hardest to ignore the eyes burning into you.
She let out an over-dramatised sigh, standing up from her place on the floor and skipping over to her bag, rummaging through the contents. "Fine, don't tell me! I already have my evidence"
Evidence? What on earth was she on about? From out of the corner of your eye you could see her pulling out a magazine, probably some sort of student-issued gossip rag. The kind that published complete bullshit about the ES idols just to get a quick buck. There was no possible way there was any reliable 'evidence' that you were dating Tsukasa anywhere, especially not in there.
"Here! You two made the front page!" Arashi slammed the magazine down in front of you, a cocky grin on her face.
Your blood ran cold at the grainy image on the front cover. It was from the day you and the redhead had gone out for cake together, and it was angled in a way that made it look as if the two of you were kissing. But that wasn't what had happened at all, it was a simply platonic meet up! Or at least, you thought so? Maybe you should have kissed him? Would he be a good kisser?-
Shit, stay focused (name)!
"I-its just pointless gossip! This isn't even real proof, anyone who thinks so is delusional" You huffed, pushing the magazine away and trying your best to hide the bright red blush that covered your face.
Arashi let out a "Humph!" and pushed the paper back over to you, flipping the page over to another article. "You're missing the best part, they got more"
"More!?" You shrieked, snatching the paper out of the blonds hand, nearly crumpling it in the progress.
The second page was littered with more photos of the two of you. Some taken from Knights live shows, some from public appearances at events, even some taken from within the Knights training room. How this person got their hands on those, you had no idea. The main one that stood out to you however, was a picture from a party that had taken place a few weeks ago. It was zoomed in on you and Tsukasa dancing together, both of you smiling like dorks with crazy blushes on your cheeks.
The headline that accompanied the image just made it all worse.
"Knights star seen getting frisky on the dancefloor!"
Frisky? Frisky!? Were they trying to imply that the two of you had been sleeping together? Sure, you liked the guy, but come on! You'd probably pass out if you so much as held his hand, to even think about doing anything more intimate made you want to jump off a building.
"This is absurd, who would believe this? Its not even true!" You tried to sound calm and collected but it came out more as a flustered whine.
"Oh I know, the media is just horrible aren't they?" The model said in mock sympathy, a shit-eating grin still stuck to her face. "Horrible for you, that is. I'm loving every minute of it"
You scoffed, throwing the magazine back at the girl, only narrowly missing her face. "Go back to work, Narukami, we're not talking about this!"
"Okay, okay! But, you have to tell me. Are those rumours true? Is it true he has a really nice-"
That conversation with Arashi still hadn't left your mind by the next day when you were sat in the training room, watching the members of Knights practice their new choreography. You were there to help out and give tips on how to improve, but you couldn't help but feel a little distracted by a certain someone.
Screw that, you were very distracted.
The way he moved so gracefully with each step, how his small but defined muscles tensed up and glistened with sweat, the way he panted softly and how his hair fell out of place-he was perfect. You were a woman possessed, using every ounce of willpower you had to not run up and kiss him right then and there.
You wondered, would he be a good kisser? Would he taste sweet, like the cakes he chose to eat? Or would he taste salty from the sweat that accumulated on his face? How would he kiss? Slow and passionate? Rough and sloppy? Would he take the lead, or would he be more submissive? You wouldn't mind him either way, just as long as you got to hold him and feel his soft, warm skin against yours-
"(name)? Are you okay? Everyone else left already"
Your fantasises were interpreted by a concerned Tsukasa, who was now standing in front of you with a towel wrapped around his neck. The training room behind him was completely empty, leaving only you and the man you had been ogling over for the past half hour. You shook the blush from your cheeks as you stood up to gather your things. Was there a way to say "sorry I spaced out, I was thinking about kissing you" that didn't sound creepy and stalker-like? Probably not.
"Y-yeah! Fine, I'm fine!" You chirped, although it most likely sounded more like a high-pitched stutter. "You must have lots of things to do, right? I won't keep you, good job today!"
Nice. Not suspicious at all.
You turned on your heel, making a beeline for the door. If you didn't get out of that room you just knew you would end up saying something stupid and ruin everything.
Just before you could reach your sweet exit, however, a firm hand grasped onto your wrist, pulling you away from your escape route. You spun around, now finding yourself mere inches away from the redhead, close enough that you could feel his breath hitting your face. A cute blush dusted his cheeks, those big purple eyes staring deep into yours. He was so cute, too cute. He could ask to pull your teeth and you'd still think he was cute.
"Wait, (name), before you go" He paused, releasing his hold on you and clasping his hand together in front of him "I have a confession to make"
A confession? Was this it? Had the moment finally arrived? Was he going to confess his undying love to you and sweep you off your feet? Maybe he was asking you out on a date?-
"Augh! This is so embarrassing! But I-I must get this off my chest!" He cried out, cupping his face in his hands to hide his ever-growing blush. "I've read those articles about us and..."
"And?" You urged him on.
"(name), I think you're the prettiest girl in the world! And I think you're so kind, so wonderful and so talented! Please, I'd be honored if you were to accompany me on a romantic outing-I mean a date! I would like to take you out on a date"
Tsukasa bowed down before you, his face so red it rivaled his hair and legs shaking so hard that he nearly toppled over. After hearing his little speech, you felt as if you had died and gone to heaven. He liked you back, the king of the stage liked you back! Your mind spun at million miles per hour as you tried to think of a decent response. There were so many things you wanted to say all at once that you couldn't find a way to string them all into a coherent sentence.
So, instead of using words, you decided to show him how you felt.
Before the trembling boy could register your actions, you swiftly dropped down to his level and crashed your lips against his. Tsukasas body stiffened at the feeling, but slowly eased into kissing you back tenderly. It wasn't particularly elegant or long, but it got the message across. Pulling away from the kiss, you took in the sight of the now very flustered Tsukasa, his face beet-red and mouth hanging open like a fish out of water.
"I'd love to go on a date with you"
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beebotea · 5 months
Hewllo!! Id like to drop a msg, i read ur heartsteel kayn's college boy and i adore the little details of his actions u put in ♡!! Id definitely like to see more stories on college boi kayn from you!! ♡
☁️ ˖⁺ academic misfortunes — kayn (heartsteel)
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pairing: heartsteel!kayn x f/gn!reader genre: fluff, crack, college!au cw: idk probably ooc, not proofread :0 i.e.: adventures of collegeboy!kayn and his classmate/tutor!reader
aahhh! im so glad you enjoyed it <333 i might do a mini series/collection of drabbles for collegeboy!kayn. please send in any requests or ideas you may have or just thoughts to chat about :DD
spinoff of this post
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Kayn isn’t what you’d thought he’d be, to be completely honest. Going off of fancams, fanfics, and the general perception of his character to the public eye, you expected Heartsteel’s lead rapper to be a bit more… cool? Well, at least he certainly tries to come off that way.
However, you quickly learn that Kayn is really just a really, really closeted softie loser boy at best trying to compensate with a big attitude because he thinks edgy is cool or whatever. Of course, he would definitely attempt to murder you if you were to speak of these musings out loud but you couldn’t help but find his off-putting demeanour a bit endearing after a while… something akin to a hyperaggressive chihuahua or a rabid raccoon. But of course, there are other times where you’d wish he’d just fuck off and leave you alone.
“Hey loser.” He calls you from the steps, walking up to where you sit in the lecture hall. “Did you do the homework? Let me copy off of you.” He slides into his usual spot next to yours, throwing his backpack haphazardly on the ground beside him.
“You’re not copying my shit. Fuck off, Kayn.” You roll your eyes at him and continue to read through the slides for today’s class.
“C’mon, have some empathy, yeah? The boys and I had practice all day yesterday.” He was a decent enough liar, but he could have been better if he hadn’t texted you to postpone your tutoring session with a picture of him and Aphelios playing with a random pit bull yesterday instead of attending band practice or completing his homework.
“Kayn, this worksheet was assigned like two weeks ago.”
“So? I had stuff to do two weeks ago!” That part was a bit true; Alune always gave you a copy of the band’s promotion and practice schedule for the month to keep you updated.
It was difficult to refer to him as your friend. You saw him often enough—every day in almost every class. And you’ve worked with him on countless partnered projects by now—he’s only ever able to do work with you (in other words, he scares off anyone who tries to ask you to be in their group or be their partner). But he was always a complete pain in the ass.
When you first became acquainted with Heartsteel’s resident delinquent, you were assigned to be his tutor by one of the department heads at the request of Yone. Begrudgingly accepting the role in exchange for “VIP tickets to all concerts, all inclusive backstage passes at events and shoots, and first dibs to new merch releases,” you began your new job as Kayn’s personal tutor for the various courses he was performing horrendously in. It was by no means smooth sailing when you started. Trying to make plans around his schedule, finding places he wasn’t already banned from to study, getting kicked out of establishments because of his hissy fits at minor inconveniences, and then ultimately agreeing to work at his dorm every weekend instead so you don’t have to hide your face in public. What surprised you the most was how hardworking he actually was when he put his mind to it, even paying attention to your explanations for hours until he could grasp the concept at an intermediate level—or got hungry. What was more was that he even showed rapid improvement, bringing back marks higher than a C- and occasionally reaching the mid to high 70s after a month and a half of beginning his tutoring sessions.
“Okay fine. Just this once, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I promise.” He flashed you a snarky grin as you pushed your papers towards him, pointing out which ones were a bit more difficult to understand and summarising what should’ve been an explanation done during one of your tutoring sessions.
“You really should start focusing up on your work though, you know. Finals is coming up soon and these exercises are really good for preparation.”
When the professor finally dismissed the class, you found yourself waiting behind for the bright haired rapper.
“Aw you waited! That’s cute.” He sent a quick wink your way as he caught up to you.
“Well you said you were gonna give me a ride to your place so.”
“Just had to ruin the moment didn’t you.” He chuckled, ushering you to follow him. “I hope you’re not scared of motorcycles or anything because I finally got Yone to let me ride it.”
“Now where did I park it… hm let’s see… Oh! Here!” He grabbed you by the wrist to pull you towards a red and black motorcycle decorated on its sides with white flames. “Sooo whatd’ya think?” He nudged your sides as he grinned at you.
“You are not driving me in that.”
“Oh come on, of course I am! I have a license for it and everything!”
“Kayn you’re literally gonna get us killed.”
“Will not! C’mon, don’t you trust me? After everything we’ve been through? When have I ever let you down?”
“Like literally this morning when you cheated off of my worksheets instead of completing them before hand like you said you would.” You rolled your eyes at him, missing the way he pouted at your words.
“I promised it was a one time mistake!” He took two helmets from a storage compartment in the vehicle and shook them in front of your face, hoping that his attempt to show you his knowledge of roadside safety would sway you in the right direction. “So? How about it?”
With a defeated sigh, you agree with a mumbled “fine” as he threw you your helmet and instructed you to get on behind him. He even took the time to emphasize the importance of ‘holding on [to him] really really really tight.’
“See? ‘wasnt so bad was it?” He said as he helped you off the motorbike, lifting you off the seat by the waist. He helped you steady yourself when your feet finally touched the ground. His hand never seeming to leave its place on your hip.
“It was… fine. I guess.” You couldn’t help but give him a small grin, having enjoyed the ride and being so close to him. Kayn seemed to want to say something else until he was interrupted by a voice calling from the window above you.
“Hey! Kayn’s back!” Ezreal’s green head could be seen poking out from one of Heartsteel HQ’s many windows, waving to the two of you below him. “Hurry up inside! Yone made ramen!”
Before he knew it, you bolted past him and through the front door at the promise of Yone’s homemade cooking.
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a/n: def down to write more abt this lovesick loser bad boy (please give me more excuses to)
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Day 12
I apologize for the rather abrupt ending of the last record, as circumstances became rather frantic after the recorded incidents. I will apply my best efforts to summarize the following events shortly. After the human volunteered to perform the repair of the damaged outer hover engine, a rather heated discussion broke loose, concerning the risks and other possible solutions to the current situation. The Vitrichl decided that the human should perform the repair, as long as it was proved that her chance of survival was high enough. Several tests were performed, and all of them concluded that the human had a surprisingly good chance at surviving the excursion, although it was unclear whether she would return unharmed, as there was simply not enough information known about Terrans.
The Vitrichl ordered for a group of personally selected mechanics and scientists of the crew to supervise the excursion over the video recording of the space suit the human would be wearing. I was assigned as a part of this group. The human itself, inexplicably, remained incredibly calm, seemingly not grasping the gravity of the situation at hand. Despite my best efforts to make her aware of the responsibility she was assigned, she remained unresponsive. "I am applying my best efforts to make you aware of the risk you are taking.", I stated, trailing after her. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I read the safety thingy, like, three times. And basically the entire board team will be there to guide me through the entire process and tell me exactly what to do. I'll basically not even have to think myself." "I would appreciate it if you did not neglect your thought process during such an important task." "Of course I won't actually stop thinking, it's just a way of speaking. Anyway, you'll have the entire video footage from my suit and as long as the suit remains intact, I should be fine.", Quinn continued. "Still, the probability that the system fails and you do not return…" "Is low enough.", Quinn cut me off.
"Listen, you oughta stop worrying. I might know nothing about alien technology, but this crew knows about it. And, to our luck, I'll have direct contact to them the entire time." She stepped into her assorted suit, machines around her closing and tying everything into place. Eventually, a helmet was lowered onto her head, the reflective surface hiding her face. She extended her right arm, lowering all her fingers except for the first and biggest one, which she pointed upwards. I could not decipher the purpose of this gesture, and as I could not see her facial expression, I was not able put any of my previous knowledge of humans to use.
The human underwent several further safety checks, before the medicals decided it would be appropriate to start the mission at that time. The task of the human was first to simply observe the entire damage, in order to confirm that our monitors grasped the entire extent of the damage. Furthermore, she should, under our supervision and precise instructions, reverse the worst damage she could and, at best, reverse the engine into a working state. The human was transferred into the duct from where all outerboard missions that did not require any larger equipment where started. As soon as the door opened and the human stepped into the void, medicals and scientists scrambled to examine her vitals. "Vitals are steady", a medical informed. Wrin pressed several keys on the control board, establishing the communication line between Quinn's suit and the SIIR Noxos. "Okay, Quinn, how do you feel?", Wrin, who was, for their standards, surprisingly sober, spoke into the communication tool. "Well, I feel like I've just drank a shit ton of water and then gone onto a roller coaster one too many times. Besides that, wow", Quinn's voice sounded from the other end. "Alright, I'm just going to pretend I understood any of that. So, give us a bit to get the suit camera sorted and then you can go on.", Wrin drawled, pressing a few more keys on one of the monitors. As the technicians confirmed a stable signal, Wrin began to guide Quinn into the direction of the damaged engine.
The human's vitals remained stable as she approached the engine in question. As instructed, the human began a scan of the area through her suit, linking the results directly into the main control quarters. Through the analyzation of the information, the technicians were able to confirm that there was no worse damage than our previous scans had recorded.
The human began to work on the engine. She removed the outer layer of metal within a few moments, which was almost fully demolished. As she worked towards middle of the structure, I observed her every step. She moved coordinated and careful, as if frightened that the engine might implode if she didn't (which was, admittedly, a rather real threath). Eventually, she removed a piece of charred metal, exposing an accumulation of cables. Wrin straightened as I took the communication tool from them and spoke into it: "Quinn, these cables are of high importance. Would you be able to reach the brown cable and remove it from its place? As careful as possible.", I added. Despite my, in my eyes, rather clear instructions, the human continued to reach towards a completely wrong cable. "Human", I interjected. "I do not mean to be insensitive, but that is not the cable I was referring to." "Huh? But that one's brown?", the human responded, tone signaling possible confusion, although I could not be sure, as her face was still hidden. "Human-", I started once again, thinking of the most polite way to phrase the following statement, but I could not finish, as Wrin pushed me away rather aggressively before taking the communication tool themselves. "Quinn, the mechanic‘s referring to the second cable from the far right.", Wrin eludicated. "…but that one's Magenta!", Quinn protested further. "Not to the mechanic. Different eyes, different colour perception.", Wrin quipped. Quinn said something indiscernably quiet, before continuing, carefully following Wrin's instructions. As these records' purpose is to observe human behaviour, I will not go into much detail describing the repair. If you wish to obtain more precise information about the details of this particular repair, I suggest you visit the archives, in which we keep all records of repairs, routine check-ups and everything else regarding the state of the ship, to gain a further insight.
The human proceeded the repair, although another thing of note happened rather towards the end: After the human had reconnected several wires and added a new protective layer on the engine's surface, the technicians tested whether or not the engine would start, obviously after the human had moved to a safe distance. The technicians started the engine at its highest setting, but with no success. No sound emitted from the engine. "Wait, let me try something.", the human sounded over the communication line. In spite of any common sense, the human moved closer towards the engine. The human inspected the engine, before suddenly, for some to me inexplicable reason, hitting the engine repeatedly with the flatter side of her hand. "Alright, try again." "Human Quinn, it is imperative that you move out of the immediate proximity of the engine.", I stated, but the human refused. "No, I wanna try something." "Human, it is-" "On one, come on, guys.", Quinn cut me off. "Start the engine on one." Against better judgement, the technicians began to prepare another start of the engine. "Okay, ready? Three, two, one, go!", besides my best efforts to stop them, the technicians started the engine at the exact time as Quinn hit its outer layer again. Fortunately, the engine did start. Unfortunately, the stuttering start of the engine produced a pressure wave that catapulted the Terran away from it. Eventually, her body was stopped by the cable attached to form a connection between the space suit that the human was wearing, and the SIIR Noxos. The body of the human did not move. Wrin, seemingly concerned, spoke into the communication line. "Quinn?" It took a few moments before we received any kind of answer, the silence filled with a slight buzzing sound. Then we registered the human's voice over the line. At first, the human only produced several sounds, possibly signaling pain. Then: "Well, I'm never doing that again." A pause. "Did it work? Is the engine stable?" "The engine is running. I wouldn't call it stable, but it will get us far enough.", one of the technicians informed.
"Alright, Quinn, we‘re going to pull you back into the ship. Try not to move too much and uh…don‘t die.", Wrin spoke up.
"I can do that."
As the retraction program was started, I, accompanied by Wrin proceeded towards the intertravel duct. The human arrived shortly afterwards.
The suit seemed to be unharmed, a good sign, but its owner did not.
As a robotic arm removed the helmet and started to disassemble the suit, the human stumbled out. Stumbling, that was not a good sign. The human’s complexion was even paler than its naturally bright shade. And the skin of her face seemed to have a slight green undertone. Had it always been there? I could not recall. Perhaps their skin changed colours, similar to Wrin‘s species?
I was brought away from these suspicions, as the human opened her mouth and released a brown-green, odd-smelling fluid out of her mouth and onto the floor. This couldn‘t be normal, could it?
The human was immediately referred into the, for a ship and crew this size admittedly rather small, hospital wing. The medicals are currently observing and recording any interesting observations regarding the human‘s body. Unfortunately, while the medicals are treating Quinn to the best of their ability, it is difficult, as there is so little known about humans.
Although, perhaps this way I will receive more information regarding the anatomy of humans.
I will continue to record the recovery and the state of the human.
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minustwofingers · 5 months
love is a laserquest p.2
series masterlist (read p1 here!)
pairing: rockstar!ellie williams x reader
request: @thatgiraffefromtlou so kindly included me on a post about writing something inspired by these beautiful edits :) thank you !
summary: after a serious of unfortunate events, columbia grad y/n y/l/n finds herself using her hard-earned journalism degree interviewing vapid stars and writing articles that she's convinced are rotting her mind. ellie williams has just dropped the album of the year and it's all anyone is talking about, but all she wants is to be off the press train. a certain interview with a certain interviewer might change this.
cws: explicit language, kind of suggestive phrasing? (i get a little feral with guitar playing descriptions), shitty bosses, mentions of nausea and throwing up (no one actually does tho dw), y/n is anxious asf, my writing is a little....yikes...in this one, loser!ellie
a/n: i lied i lied hehe. here's the next part. im still working on building this stupid app so i havent been able to write as much recently + holiday family stuff but oh am i back!
here's a playlist inspired by this fic
wc: 2.4k
tags: tags :) @intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie@galacticstxrdust @elliesbabygirl @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower @muthafuckingstargirl @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @eviestevie-14 @quicksilversg1rl @guacala @crtcrp @overtrred28 @diddiqueen @krisyslostsoul
enjoy mwah
It starts slow, like the drip of a broken faucet. It’s not like you’re actively seeking out anything Ellie William’s related, but somehow it seems like everything Ellie Williams related is seeing you out. 
In the grocery store, one of her hit songs from her newest album blaring over the speakers.
On the street, where you see crumpled pages of magazines with her face plastered all over them. 
And—perhaps the most offensively—on NPR and the New York Times, quite literally days after you’d met her. Suddenly Steve Inskeep and Leila Fadel begin the Up First podcast with a familiar song and devote an entire third of the morning podcast to Ellie and her band’s rise to fame. 
You decide to switch to the BBC World News for a while, but even they seem to be under her spell.
It’s not that you don’t like Ellie. She seems fine. Normal. Really cute, actually, and clearly very talented. But whenever you think about her, you think about the ill-fated, awkward, charmless interview.
“What happened?” Alyssa had asked you when she’d come back from surgery. “That wasn’t you out there.”
Which was actually very hurtful to hear, because you’d been holding onto the hope that you’d been all in your head about your interview being a failure. It all culminates in Eric, your 300 year old manager, sending you a strongly worded email that told you that your performance in the interview was so underwhelming that you were being pulled from the interviewer pool and exiled to article writing land. Which could be worse, you admit. You could be unemployed on the streets of LA. At least you’re still writing. 
And write you do. You spend all your waking hours either at your keyboard, on your yoga mat, or sat in a chair somewhere at a local cafe for a coffee chat. You’ve mostly deleted social media, since all you see nowadays are pictures of Ellie and Becca’s posts about her experience working and loving her life in New York (the algorithm apparently knows exactly what you want to see the most). 
It’s bizarre that, even as you try your best to place your focus on honing your craft and consuming only content that you think will make you a better writer, you still somehow learn everything and more about Ellie Wlliams and her band. It’s in the emails at work whose chains you’re CC’ed on. It’s in the advertisements and the billboards everywhere. It’s even in the conversations you have with your two roommates, Greta and Maureena. 
“She’s so fucking cool,” says Maureena dreamily as you sit around the TV in the living room. “I still can’t believe you got to talk to her.”
“It’s not like I actually got to, like, get to know her or whatever,” you say. “It was honestly kind of dry. Just awkward small talk.”
“That’s more than anyone else I know can say.” She reaches forward and grabs a fistful of popcorn. “How come she gets interviewed by the person who probably cares about her the least in all of LA? Like, what are the chances?”
“I care,” you say, and it sounds unusually defensive coming out of your mouth.
Maureena gives you a long, suspicious look, but before she can respond, Greta comes bursting into the apartment, purse swinging from her shoulder.
A greeting is halfway out of your mouth when she cuts you off. 
“You guys will not believe what I just did.” She’s nearly bursting with excitement, her eyes bright and wide. 
“Like, in a good way?” you ask. 
“Yes. Obviously!” Greta fishes around in her pocket until she pulls her phone out, waving it around. “Check your email.”
The last time Greta had come in with an entrance this energetic, she’d been coming to inform you both that she was getting engaged to her loser boyfriend Brian (which—thank God—didn’t actually last), so you and Maureena trade nervous looks. 
Maureena gets to it first. 
“Tickets to see Ellie Williams? Tonight?” Now she’s about to explode with giddiness, leaping from the couch and throwing her arms around Greta. “I love you, I love you, I love you. How did you get these? I thought they were, like, totally sold out. Or ten thousand dollars.” 
She grins wickedly, holding her hands out in a “who knows” sort of way. “You can all thank me later. We have to leave in about 20 if we want to get there in time. Y/N, you good?”
You’d been staring on in horror, jaw dropped and body completely frozen. You had registered that Ellie was playing in LA tonight—it’s all anyone you knew talked about at work today—but you never once considered actually going to try to see her. “Uh, yeah. Give me just a few.”
By the time you get to the venue, you’re convinced that you might actually puke from the nerves. It’s ridiculous. It’s not like three broke 20 some year olds were going to get last minute seats to an Ellie Williams concert that were genuinely good seats. It’s not like she would see you and realize that the girl who flopped while interviewing her was a big enough fan to attend. You’re going to be fine. 
“Shit, Grets, how are we so close?” asked Maureena as she leads you both closer and closer to the front. 
Horror steadily rises within you as you approach the front row. 
“I got these from my boss,” she says, turning around with a devilish glint in her dark brown eyes. “Her daughter got food poisoning, bless her. She had to stay back to take care of her, and I was the only one who stayed late to work, so…”
Greta’s boss was some filthy rich nepo baby who was a partner of a big talent agency. All of a sudden you feel stupid for not realizing this sooner.
“Shit,” you say, mostly to yourself. “Oh no. Oh my god.”
“Isn’t this so cool!” Greta jumps up and down, hands on your shoulders as she tries to rile you up. “Dude, what if she recognizes you?” 
“I think I’m going to puke,” you say miserably. Somehow the thought of her seeing you made you want to crawl inside your skin in shame and hide for the next calendar year. “Did you guys not see how ass it was? I was so fucking awkward.”
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Maureena pats your shoulder. 
“I literally was forbidden from ever interviewing again because it was so bad.”
“Because Eric hates women,” says Greta. “It’s not your fault he’s a horrible human being. Give it, like, a year or so until he croaks. Then they’ll let you back in the game.”
“Uh huh,” you say, feeling very harrowed. 
You remain in this state of abject terror for the entire opener performance. The nausea doesn’t subside. It only gets worse when you realize that if you actually puke, Ellie’s definitely going to see it. Just like she’s going to see you, with the stupid stars Greta had insisted you paint on your cheekbones with glittery eyeliner and eyeshadow. 
“She really likes space,” Greta had told you while you’d been getting ready, pretending like you didn’t already know all about this. “So all of her fans wear star stuff to see her.”
Before you can think to wipe off the glitter, everything goes black. Then the crowd goes wild. 
When the silvery blue light spills onto the stage, it illuminates Ellie, standing just a number of feet away from you. You barely have enough time to take in the black leather coat and loose white shirt she’s wearing before music explodes out of the speakers, her fingers flying up and down the fretboard. 
You’re spellbound as you watch her. Her voice rings loud and clear and slightly gravelly when it snags on her words. She’s nothing at all like the girl you’d met a month ago—there’s no discomfort, no awkwardness. She looks like she’s born to be on stage. 
When the first song ends, she steps back, grabbing the standing mic next to her. 
“Uh. Hi,” she says, and it’s so endearingly nervous compared to how she’d just sounded that something in your chest twists. She rubs the back of her neck. “I’m Ellie.”
Greta and Maureena join the crowd, screaming and cheering. 
“I LOVE YOU!” someone shrieks, louder than everyone else.
“You know,” she says, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people reacting like this to me just, like, saying my name. It’s really fucking weird. Oh. Shit. Sorry. Are you guys okay with me swearing?” 
The roar that comes from the crowd is entirely undecipherable. 
“Right,” says Ellie. “Um. I’ll take that as a yes. Sorry to anyone who brought their kids or something. Anyway, this one’s about the ex who cheated on me and gave me mono.” 
Before you can react to that, she starts playing. 
As she proceeds through the setlist, you’re struck by just how close you are to her, how many things you can notice that hardly anyone else in the crowd can see. You see the outline of her phone in her pocket, the pieces of hair that have fallen out of her little half bun and are sticking to her face, the way that the glitter on her collarbones trails down her shirt in little rivulets. 
And, above everything else, you can see the horrible way her fingers straddle the fretboard, curling and pressing with ease so practiced it looks tender. 
Apart from this bad, bad development (you can feel your mind going a million miles an hour about things you should not be thinking about), things are going great. Ellie hasn’t noticed you. Or even looked in your direction. You’re not even sure she can see you, given how little light is shed onto the crowd. The false sense of security makes you feel comfortable singing along with Greta and Maureena, your lips forming the lyrics you’d been pretending to not listen to whenever her songs came on. 
It happens during a slower song, a sort of ballad that makes your heart thud harder in your chest to hear from her mouth. The lights on stage dim a little. Light spills just the slightest onto the front of the crowd, and Ellie’s eyes fall and snap onto yours so decisively that it almost feels audible. 
For a moment, you can’t breathe. Ellie’s voice suddenly catches mid-word, faltering and missing a beat. She thrusts her hand with the mic into the crowd, which eagerly picks up where she left off and finishes the verse. 
It’s impossible to see on the screen projecting her image behind her, but you can see the flicker of recognition in her eyes, the stiffness that comes with realizing that you actually know someone from somewhere. 
You’re the one who breaks eye contact, focused with a sudden intensity on the way the thin fabric of your sleeves are situated on your arms. 
Greta pokes you so hard in your ribs that you gasp. 
“What the fuck!” you snap, but the words are swept away by the noise around you. 
“Why didn’t you wave?!” she hisses in your ear. “She totally recognized you.”
The realization falls over you with the subtlety of an anvil. Oh my god. You totally should’ve waved. That was the normal, well-adjusted thing to do. Now she was going to think you were weird. And it was too late now. But she didn’t wave to you. Wasn’t she supposed to wave first? Because you of course remembered her, but she might not remember you. Yeah. You could go with that.
Maybe she didn’t remember you. 
You can’t relax for the rest of the concert. You try your best to just act normal and dance along with your friends and casually mouth the words, but it’s hard when it feels like she’s staring at you. Which is completely impossible. The light doesn’t fall back onto the crowd until the concert is over and Ellie and her band are long gone backstage. 
Two months later, all you can think about is the way that Ellie stuttered over her words when she saw you in the crowd. Of course, this is definitely something you’ve made up in your mind, because there’s a number of reasons why she might’ve slipped up. Maybe she just thought she knew you from somewhere and couldn’t place it. That’s why she (allegedly) kept looking in your direction afterwards. Or maybe you’re completely batshit insane, and she didn’t look at you at all. Because if she had, wouldn’t she have waved? Right?
It’s almost bad enough to distract you from work. You find yourself prowling on Twitter, watching the #elliewilliams tag blow up following every concert date. It doesn’t give you any clarity, because in every picture, she looks just as perfect and cool and confident as she was at the LA show. You don’t know why you assumed she’d look different if it was true that she’d recognized you. More human, maybe. But she’s just as bathed in starlight as she was that night many weeks before, just as far away and untouchable. 
You spend so much time thinking about her that you’re convinced you might’ve slipped into a dream when Eric appears at your cubicle with the news.
Instead of saying hello, he plops a stack of papers on the desk in front of you, all labeled “PopNow! Interview Etiquette”. 
“Excuse me?” you say. 
“Start reading up, kid,” says Eric. “You’re back in the game.”
“You have an interview scheduled later this week.” He scowls down at you, gum smacking in his mouth. He smells faintly of tobacco. 
“But I thought I was removed from—”
“You still are,” he says. “But someone requested you. Their manager told us they wouldn’t talk to us if they didn’t get you.”
He huffs out a short laugh. “Believe me, I was surprised too. Don’t know what they’re on about after the last time you talked to their client. Fuck this one up and you’re out, okay? Got it? The info’s in your inbox already.” 
Somehow the words don’t quite sink in until you open the email and see the words on paper. 
SENDER: Maria Miller
CC: [email protected], y/ny/l/n@popnow!.com
Great to hear back from you. Glad that 3 next Wednesday works. 
final a/n: lmk how u guys feel about this...feeling a little unsure about where this is going but enjoying writing it anyway there are two wolves inside of me etc. etc. also ive missed u all! i hope everyone is doing well! dont b shy!
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morganski-19 · 3 months
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 12: Temporary
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 11
New Years Eve, December 1986
Steve looks around the room, seeing everyone watch the performances in Times Square and playing games. The adults talking amongst themselves in the dining room while all the older kids are talking on the couches. Even if they weren’t quite kids anymore.
It’s a few minutes until midnight, and Steve has never been happier. Seeing his house full of life, full of love. It always made his mood a little brighter. Even now, seeing Julie laughing with the kids that he thinks of as family, it makes him proud. Proud that he gets to call these people family.
Eddie saunters up to him, beer in hand. Getting close in the way that they can when no one else knows. “Wanna smoke?” he asks.
“Sure,” Steve smiles, knowing that’s not really what it means.
They head outside, the cold air instantly making Steve shiver. As soon as they get out of eyesight, Eddie pulls Steve close, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist. Steve draping his arms around Eddie’s shoulders.
“Hi,” Eddie smiles. “Midnight’s pretty soon.”
“Yeah, that why you pulled me out here?”
Eddie scoffs. “Like I need an excuse just to do this,” he leans forward and kisses Steve. Steve melting into it every time. “That and Birdie beat me to calling the pantry. Her and Nancy are about to be ‘stuck’ in there for a few minutes.”
Steve laughs, pulling Eddie closer. “Think we’ll be able to hear the countdown out here?”
“With this group, probably. I know this is cheesy, and this year was shit for various reasons, but what was you’re favorite thing that happened this year?”
It doesn’t take much thought to have answers pop into Steve’s mind. “I actually have two. The first was Julie showing up on my doorstep and building my relationship with her. But the second,” Steve looks into Eddie’s eyes with a look that he’s feared for years. “The second is you.”
Steve has only ever been in love once before this. And that ended in a less than ideal way. Even if they weren’t meant for each other, or are now friends, it was still enough to make him scared. Make him fear for the day that he would open his heart up again for someone else. Hoping that they won’t reject him. Dates were fine, confessions of attraction were nothing. Love. Love was terrifying.
Terrifying enough that even when he’s standing in the most caring person’s arms, feeling more than he has in years, the words still get caught in his throat. Can’t be spoken, in the small case they’re rejected.
He’s always been fast to fall in love. Jumping in headfirst and figuring it all out later. Even in the darkest depths, he would always be the first to wade in.
Falling in love was easy. It was everything that came with it that made it so hard. And for Steve, there was a lot of baggage. With his parents, and his past, love was different. Love was complicated. Despite his best efforts, they always ended up intertwined. The feelings of loneliness and neglect mixing in where he doesn’t want them.
But as the kids yell out the countdown as the new year turns, Eddie’s lips find Steve’s again, everything sets into place. Every bad thing dissipating away for just a second. Because Eddie was different, at least Steve hoped. But that was for later, this was now.
“Mine is you too,” Eddie says when they break apart, his hands cupping Steve’s face. “You make me happier than you know.”
Maybe this was the one time where the waters weren’t as murky as they normally were. Where the water is crystal clear instead of green and grey. A place that is meant to be dived into, where the sun glimmers through to lead the way back to the top. And instead of pulling everything down to the bottom to drown, it all floats to the top and is able to breathe.
“Happy new year, Eddie,” Steve says quietly, letting this moment stay perfectly still.
. . .
Present Day, January 1987, Two Weeks Later
Steve is talking to someone on the phone. Which isn’t, like, a bad thing. Or a strange thing at all. Julie’s seen him talk on the phone a bunch of times, but not like this. Not with what can only be described as a dopey smile on his face and the way she’s never seen him like this before. And the laughter, giddy laughter. It’s unreal. Unusual.
Happy. Steve looks happy. Not to say that he wasn’t happy before, but not like this. But this time when he smiles, it actually reaches his eyes. Brightens them actually. Something that’s straight out of a shitty romcom. But real.
He has to be seeing somebody, Julie concludes. Has thought for a while now. She’s heard someone come into the house late at night, and Steve always seem to be a little bit happier on his days off. Like there’s been someone here when she isn’t. Or isn’t awake. That she’s being kept away from them.
Maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe Steve just wants to keep his relationship to himself for now. Do all of the introduction later. But she can’t help but want to know. Know why he’s keeping a secret, and if it’s because of her.
It’s stupid, she knows, but the voice keeps finding it’s way into her mind. Telling her repeatedly that Steve isn’t telling her because she won’t be here forever. That this is all still temporary, and he hasn’t done anything to change that. Then, neither has she. It’s hard to admit to someone that you want to stay. Especially when the other person has a whole life that Julie doesn’t know about.
She knows that Steve likes her, wants her to be here. But for how long, that is the question.
As Steve waves goodbye as he drops her off at school, she can’t help but feel like she’s asking too much. If she were to ask to stay permanently. He’s already given her so much, she can’t ask to take his life. She might not always feel like it, but she’s still a kid. A tie that holds people back, held her mom back.
She never showed it, but Julie knew. Deep down, she knew. Her mom would cancel dates when Julie got sick, or lost a job because she called out too many times. Stopped herself from going back to school and getting the degree she wanted. Doomed herself to waitress and secretary jobs, even if it made her miserable.
All for Julie. Always for Julie. Never for herself.
Julie didn’t want to tie Steve to the same fate. He was still young, only a few years older than her. He had the chance to be who he wanted to be, even if it meant leaving her. She didn’t want that. But if it made him happy. Well, why would she stop him. After everything he’s been through in life, he deserved to be happy.
“Dude, you need to let it go,” Lucas says to Dustin at the lunch table. The rest of the group has been eating with them more often. It’s been interesting, to say the least. Definitely louder.
Dustin rolls his eyes, saying a small hello when Julie sits down. “No, I don’t. He’s hiding something from me, and I know it.”
“Maybe you could respect another person’s boundary for once,” Max snaps, taking a bite of her food.
“I respect people’s boundaries,” Dustin gasps. Met with immediate disagreements from the rest of the table.
“What are we talking about?” Julie asks, taking a bite of her sandwich.
Mike rolls his eyes. “Steve, for no reason.”
“Dude that’s her brother.”
“My point still stands.”
“What about Steve?” Julie asks, not really wanting to.
Dustin turns toward her, already ready for a rant. “He’s hiding something. Like a someone,” he says with a face like Julie knows what he’s talking about.
Which she does, but it’s still annoying. “I thought we agreed you’d drop it until I knew something. He still hasn’t told me about it.”
Max interrupts, “you know about this?”
“Unfortunately,” Julie says the same time Dustin confidently says “Yes, she does.”
“And we agreed to let it go until Steve decides to share it with us. And by we, I mean him.” Julie points at Dustin.
Dustin huffs. “Well, that was before. This is now. Things have escalated.”
“Nothing has escalated,” Will says when Mike rolls his eyes again. “You’re just being dramatic.”
“Too dramatic,” Mike adds.
“And pushy,” Lucas says.
“It is his life,” El says. “It is up to him to share it with us. No matter how close we all are. We should not push it.” She shares a glance with her brother, silently communicating.
Max nods in agreement. “El’s right, nerd. Leave it alone. You know what happens when you push.”
“Things blow up.”
“Go to shit.”
“End pretty terribly.”
“Fine,” Dustin exclaims, crossing his arms.
. . .
Eddie lets himself into the house, immediately finding Steve in the kitchen. Days off are the only time they’re able to be together. Alone together. Not have to hide, to pretend. Just be themselves with each other, with no one else around.
It’s like a relief when they get to be together like this. Unashamed in his house, free. Like a weight lifts off his shoulders and he can just be. And not have to worry about the wrong person finding out, or someone finding out before it’s too soon. Just them, where Steve is happy and nothing else matters.
Steve presses into Eddie’s touch, pulling him in closer and melting into the touch of their lips. Tracing his hands at the hem of Eddie’s shirt, desperate to feel the skin of skin contact again. As if every time is the first time. Always having the same effect over and over again.
Because this still doesn’t feel real to Steve. It still doesn’t feel real that this can even happen for him. That he can be this happy in a house that caused him so much pain. This happy at all.
He still has times where he thinks that he doesn’t deserve this. That this is all just a phase, and it will pass. It has before, time after time. People tend to leave Steve, and he doesn’t want Eddie to leave. Never wants Eddie to leave. But after the person he’s been in the past, and the mess that he’s been in the present, he’s not so sure that it’s all set in stone. That the promises were written in sand near the shore, and as soon as the tide comes in, it will all go away.
The house will return to the lifeless whole it once was. Swallowing all that was good of Steve and leaving him empty. The life will be stripped away, the light will disappear. Everything that was good will become rotten and fall away. And Steve will sit on the stairs and wait for the door to open again.
He has to remind himself that these people are different. People who stay around Steve because they actually like him, and not just his money or his name. They won’t just leave him when he makes the wrong step. Won’t just abandon him. They aren’t his parents.
And when Eddie holds him like he won’t have the chance to do the same tomorrow, it only proves to him that this is real. That this isn’t going away, and Eddie won’t leave him without saying another word. How can a person hold someone like this if they want to leave? Steve doesn’t think that they can.
“Hey,” Eddie says when he pulls back. “I, uh, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Ok,” Steve says, for the first time not freaking out on the inside. “What about?”
Eddie steps back a little, letting there be a small gap between them. “About us, actually.”
His face is full of nervousness, one that Steve can’t quite read. Like a reflex, the anxiety starts to grow again. Like he’s back in that bathroom at the Halloween party and his heart’s about to break again. But it’s Eddie, Eddie wouldn’t hurt Steve. Not without a reason to. Has Steve given him a reason to?
“Oh,” Steve says shocked, trying his best not to freak out. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” Eddie assures. “No, no. It’s nothing bad, I promise. I just, it’s just something that I thought we should start thinking about.”
A small breath of relief escapes Steve’s lungs, but the anxieties don’t leave fully quite yet.
“I thought that we should start talking about when to tell the others, about us. When you’re ready to, of course. But we can’t keep this hidden forever, and Dustin’s been giving me some really weird looks lately. And just got me thinking, that’s all.”
“You know I’m not ready to tell them, about me at least, yet. I can’t risk it right now.”
Eddie’s face twists. “What do you mean, can’t risk it? They wouldn’t just go around town telling people about us.”
Steve knows it’s true, knows that they wouldn’t intentionally say anything. But that’s what gets him every time his thinks about it. Intentionally. These kids are just kids, and sometimes they can’t stop themselves from talking. Not until the harm is done. He can’t risk harm being done. Not with how much he now has to lose.
It was different when he didn’t have Julie, didn’t have this impending lawsuit hanging over his head. Steve could risk a lot when it was just him that he had to worry about. When risking himself meant just that, risking himself. Now, if this got out, there’s no question that he would lose custody of Julie. She’d be taken from him and placed in another home that wouldn’t care for her. And there’s the possibility that she could never look him in the eye again. He couldn’t risk that.
With the lawsuit, he needs to be on his best behavior. He needs to show the courts that there was everything wrong with his parents and nothing wrong with him. He can’t give them any ammo to make the judge see him differently. Being in a relationship with a man, even if it’s a loving one, that would make or break his case. It might justify his parents’ actions, make him lose. Make him a fool. Ostracize him. Run him out of town.
“But if by some accident that they did, just by accident. I have so much I can lose now, Eds.”
It never bothered him before, not like this. The worry surrounding his brain and shutting out the logic. Making his thoughts race to every way things can go wrong. Seeing the face Julie would make when he betrayed her like this. Promised her everything just to rip it away again. Sees the headlines in the paper the day after court, how it would affect him in a way that is unimaginable. And yet he can picture it all so clearly.
“They’ve known about me for months Steve, they haven’t said anything. It’ll be ok.”
But him is different. With Eddie, his reputation already isn’t that great. Steve is known, for the most part, as the golden child of the rich family in town. Even if he is a dead beat that didn’t go to college and works as a manager at the local video store. The fact of the matter is that people would talk, rich snobby people with power that could do so much harm. This small-town gossip could follow him outside, keep trapping him back in this house.
“I have a reputation, Eddie. One that I don’t really care about, sure, but I can’t afford to ruin it-.”
“So, this is about reputation?” Eddie steps away from him, fully breaking their contact. Steve can sense Eddie pulling away, rebuilding his walls. The hurt finding it’s way to his eyes. “It’s always reputation with you people.”
Steve feels his heart start to crack. But he can fix this, he just has to explain himself.
“You know it’s not like that. When it was just me, I’d ruin everything if it meant being with you. But I can’t risk this getting out, not when Julie depends on me.”
“And I get that. But that is so far from what I’m asking.” His voice is thick with hurt. Hurt that Steve caused. “I just want to tell people that I’m with you. Is that so bad?”
“It is if it means that I lose her. This is more complicated than just you and me.” Steve can feel himself getting heated. Feel the anger start to bubble underneath his skin. The anxieties of his mind only addling kindling to the flame.
Eddie crosses his arms, his jaw clenching. “So, you’d rather hide forever instead of tell the people we love and trust that we’re in a relationship.”
“Don’t say it like that and make me feel bad about this. You know that I want to tell people eventually.”
“That just it,” Eddie raises his voice. “That stupid word eventually. Everyone loves to use that as if it’s a promise when really, it’s just a lie. When is eventually, Steve? Is it when you feel comfortable to come out? Or is it when you get full custody of Julie? Is it after you go to court with you’re parents? Is it when Julie turns eighteen and you can’t lose her anymore? Is it twenty years down the line when your precious reputation might not be tarnished anymore?”
Each word Eddie spits adds another brick to Steve’s defenses, protecting himself for what he knows is about to happen. “That is so far from what I am saying.”
“Are you ashamed of me? Be honest. I’d rather be hurt now then before this gets serious.”
“Is,” a lump starts to form in Steve’s throat. Awaiting the one word that could make him break. “Is this not serious for you?”
Eddie’s face falls. “Shit, no. Yes. I mean. Yes, this is serious. Serious that I want to tell people. But if. I’ve been hidden before, Steve, I don’t want to be hidden again.”
“So, you’d rather break up with me than wait for me to be ready?”
“No, that’s not. I just want to be able to stay the night without having to sneak in. I want to hold your hand when we’re hanging out with our friends. I want to be with you on days other than when no one else is in the house.”
Tears start to well in Steve’s eyes. His mind races to find an answer, to find something to say. All the words he can even think of get stuck in his throat. And those aren’t the right thing to say. He doesn’t have the right thing to say.
Steve can’t give Eddie what he’s asking for. Not now. Not in the immediate future.
Eddie is hurt, and for reasons that are valid. Steve is hiding him. Partially because he isn’t ready to tell the kids, and partially because this relationship can’t get out. Even when it can, he is still going to be hiding Eddie from everyone other than their friends. They will never be able to be a real couple, at least the kinds Steve has had in the past.
He knew that. Knew that their dates could never be too romantic so they wouldn’t get caught. Knew that any form of public affection couldn’t happen. Not in this town. They weren’t safe if people knew the truth. Steve already had enough things to worry about, maybe he didn’t need this to worry about too.
“Forget it,” Eddie interrupts Steve’s train of thoughts. “I shouldn’t have said anything. We’ll just, we’ll talk later. I’m gonna go.” He picks up his keys from the counter and walks down the hallway.
Just as he turns to leave, Steve knows that this is something worth fighting for. Them, their relationship. It was something that was real, and worth it. Maybe he can’t risk it now, but that doesn’t mean he can’t in the future. And he wants to tell the kids, he’s just not ready yet.
Eddie should understand that. Wouldn’t he?
“No, Eddie, wait. Let’s just talk about this, I-.” Steve tries to catch Eddie’s arm, but it gets pulled away.
“Steve, let me go. I just need to think, ok.” Eddie shuts the door behind him before Steve can say another word.
Steve leans his head on the door, a tear streaking down his cheek. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. It’s not supposed to end like this. Steve can’t go through this right now. Not before he’s able to tell Eddie how he feels. Tell the group about them. It’s supposed to work out this time.
But he left Steve. Alone in the house, again. Just like everyone did. And how everyone might do again. He’s never good enough for anyone to stay. Why would this time be different?
It’s an hour before he moves. An hour until he makes it to the hall phone and calls Robin, explains what happens. Twenty more minutes until she lets herself through the door and finds him crumpled on the floor. Five minutes until she’s ready to dig Eddie’s grave. Fifteen minutes until she’s helping Steve put himself back together again. With a constant reminder that she’s not leaving. Not ever. Telling him that the others won’t either. That this was just a fight. It wasn’t the end.
He can’t stop feeling like it is though.
. . .
Steve is silent as he drives Julie and Dustin home. Robin in the front seat, making conversation enough so that they don’t notice. But constantly looking over at Steve to check in on him. Make sure that he’s ok.
Julie notices. Hard not to when she’s had that same look on her face before. He’s putting on a good show, nodding along as Dusitn rants, looking engaged. But his eyes are blank, as if his mind is somewhere else completely.
She wonders if something happened with his parents again. If they called and reprimanded them through the phone. Or if something else happened. Maybe with the mystery person he’s been seeing. Even if she’s half-convinced that mystery person isn’t so mystery. But that isn’t her conclusion to make.
And it isn’t Dustin’s to make either, even if he keeps insisting that it’s right. Even if he is making eyes at Julie and nodding his head toward Steve. Trying to get her to ask the burning question. She’s not going to ask it. Not now. Now when she can see the blank look on his face. But Dustin can’t.
“So, meet anyone new recently Steve?” Dustin asks, not being subtle at all. Julie rolls her eyes, tempted to grab a notebook out of her bag and smack him over the head with it.
Robin groans and Steve leans his head further against the headboard. Julie glares at Dustin, trying to get him to drop it.
“What, it’s an innocent question,” he defends. Julie’s head falls into her hands.
“For the love of God, Dustin. Learn how to read the room, or car or, fuck this. I’m a lesbian, Dustin, we’re not dating. For the millionth fucking time,” Robin exclaims from the front seat.
Steve eyes widen as he turns to her, the first expression Julie’s seen him make the whole ride. Robin’s face slowly matches his, realizing what she just did. The car is excruciatingly silent, probably just for a few seconds, but it doesn’t feel like it.
“I-. That’s not,” Dusting starts, trying to figure out what he’s going to say. “Thank you for sharing that, I’m happy you told me. Even if it wasn’t what I was asking, like at all. But that actually makes a lot of sense, in hindsight.”
Robin clears her throat. “So, you don’t have a problem with it?”
“No, why would I have a problem with it? I don’t care who you date. Well, I do because you're my friend. But like, not who that person is, not really. “
“I don’t either,” Julie finds herself saying. “Care for you who date. As long as they treat you right and you’re happy. Not really much else to care about.”
Steve smiles softly, looking over at Robin who shares the same expression. He gives her a small thumbs up, staying silent otherwise.
“Well, thank you,” she says.
The rest of the car ride is silent, the mood shifted away from the tense moment. Dustin gets out of the car when they pull in front of his house. Giving up his investigation for today.
“I’m sorry about him,” Julie says when they pull away. “I tried to tell him to drop it.”
Robin snorts. “Yeah well, that never works as well as you think it will.”
“I can tell.”
When they get back home, Steve parks the car and unlocks the door. Heading upstairs to his room without another word.
“Is he ok?” Julie asks Robin.
Robin gives her a comforting smile. “He will be. Just a bad day.”
Julie nods as Robin heads upstairs to Steve’s room. Shutting the door gently behind her. Julie goes to the kitchen to do her homework. Her mind not really focusing on anything.
It keeps coming back to the car ride. Steve. Robin’s confession. How it really wasn’t that much of a surprise, not to her at least. She had a feeing that Robin was different than others. The same feeling she’s sort of been having about herself. But was always too afraid to say anything about it. Scared of what it meant. What would happen if people found out.
Maybe that’s why she was so defensive when Dustin brought it up at the Christmas Eve party. How his answer made her feel relief, not just for Steve, but for herself. That there might be a small hope that someone out there would accept her, if what she was feeling is true.
Then when Robin confessed in the car, it only made her more relieved. Steve accepted her, he knew. It’s not surprising that he did, they were pretty inseparable. But it was still nice to know that he would accept Julie too.
Because even though she’s still trying to figure it all out, it’s looking to be more and more like a fact. And it’s terrifying.
. . .
Steve walks into his house to find Eddie sitting in his living room. Normally he wouldn’t care. Normally it wouldn’t matter. But they haven’t talked in days, and it’s killing him. He’s mad. Angry. Sad. Guilty. He doesn’t know. He’s something, and he’s not sure if he’s ready to talk to Eddie just yet.
It’s not even that they just had a fight. Or maybe it is. Maybe it’s because of what their fight was. It was stupid, Steve was being stupid. At communicating at least. He still isn’t ready to tell the kids, even if he knows that two of them would accept it. But what he said is still true. This getting out would make everything worse right now. He can’t risk it.
Maybe that means they have to break up. Maybe that means they have to slow everything down and take a break from them. Eddie doesn’t deserve to feel hidden. It’s Steve’s fault that he is. This just wasn’t the right time for him. Steve has to accept that.
That’s why he isn’t ready for this. The farther he pushed away this conversation, the longer he can say that he and Eddie are together. The longer he’ll still be in the best relationship of his life. The one that he actually saw going for a long time. Forever, even. It’s stupid really, how hopeful he was. He knows he dives in to fast without checking for monsters in the water. But this time he thought it was safe waters. But he guesses it wasn’t.
“Hey,” Eddie says when Steve walks through the door. Standing from the couch. “You’re dressed fancy.”
Fancy was a nice button down with slacks. “Yeah, I had that meeting with the lawyer today. Remember,” he crossly says.
Eddie looks down ashamed. “Yeah, I did. I showed up and you were already gone. I thought you wanted me to go with you.”
“That’s before you left.”
It’s the part that hurt the worst. Out of all of this. Eddie left. Just like his parents. Instead of staying to fix this, to work it out, he left Steve stranded at his front door. Unable to move. Unable to feel. Just frozen. Waiting for the door to open again and for the person who left return. For the person he loved to come back.
Eddie wasn’t his parents. But it didn’t matter. Not to his mind. In that moment, his returned to the kid that was left at every important moment in his life. And even the unimportant. Back to the kid that was a disappointment for just existing. Not meeting expectations. By not being perfect. He wasn’t the perfect partner for Eddie, so he left.
“I went with Robin instead, so I wasn’t alone,” he says with more venom in his voice than he intended. But it was justified.
Eddie looks hurt, Steve wanted him to. But it still hurt to see. “You’re mad. You have every right to be.”
“Yeah, I do. You left Eddie. You left me.” Steve feels tears start to gloss over his eyes. “After everything you knew, you still left.”
“I know. And I’m sorry. I should have just walked around your backyard or something. Sat in another room. Not left.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”
It’s silent between them. Neither of them really knowing what to say. Steve wants to accept his apology, but it still feels like every apology he’s ever gotten. Cheap and hollow, never enough substance to it to make it true.
Eddie runs a hand down his face. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I was. Triggered, I guess, by some of the things you said. Sounded like every other guy I’ve been with. But you’re not like them, I shouldn’t have treated you like you were.”
“There’s so much more at stake here than my reputation. I can’t let this get out, even if I was ready to tell people. And if you can’t deal with that, can you at least just tell me now.” Steve can hear his voice breaking. He wants to stop it but can’t. “Why did you even show up today? You clearly didn’t want to talk to me.”
“But that didn’t mean I wasn’t still going to be there for you. And I can deal with it. I just couldn’t in that moment, but it passed, and I realized how much of an idiot I was being. Just because we had a fight doesn’t mean that I was going to forget the promises I made you.”
Steve swallows the lump in his throat. “Why?”
“Because I love you,” Eddie confesses with one breath. “I love you and I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. It scares the hell out of me. I’ve never been in love before, not like this and I. I didn’t want to lose you, so I did what I do best and ran. Away from the argument and from you.”
Eddie walks up to Steve, and Steve lets him touch him. Let’s him cup his face with his hand and run his thumb across Steve’s cheek. It’s easy for Steve to fall into the touch, having missed it for days. “I promise to never run from you again.”
“Why you’d not talk to me for days?”
“Cause I thought you didn’t want to see me. Like you said, I left. I couldn’t face the fact that I hurt you like that.”
Steve closes his eyes. “Yeah, you did. But you also came back. And I didn’t blame you, not for what you said. It was true. I was, am hiding you.”
“And I’m ok with that. For now, until the dust settles, and until you’re ready. I’m sorry for making you feel like I wasn’t. This is too special to me to break this easily.”
The tears finally escape from Steve’s eyes, rolling down his cheeks. Eddie wipes them away, a few tears of his own finding their way down his cheeks. Eddie pulls Steve in for a hug, and it feels like home. Only making Steve break more.
“Thank you for coming back,” Steve whispers into Eddie’s hair when he calms down. “I’m sorry that I made you feel like you couldn’t.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, sweetheart. Nothing, you hear me. This was my mistake. I know that.”
Steve pulls away. “No, but it was also mine. I, I know that people have hurt you in the past and it was because they made you feel like nothing. I don’t want to make you feel like nothing.”
“And you don’t. I promise that you don’t. Sneaking in at night sucks, but then I get into bed with you, and it makes everything worth it. This, us, is so important to me.”
“Maybe you don’t have to sneak in every night. Maybe some nights you can just ‘stay over’ in the guest room and then sneak one door over. Instead of coming over at midnight.”
Eddie smiles. “That would work for me. But seriously, we don’t say a thing until you’re ready. That’s a promise I swear I won’t break.”
“I love you too,” Steve blurts out. “I didn’t say it before. But it’s true. I’ve been just as scared about it as you have.”
Eddie kisses him softly. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
. . .
When Julie parks her bike, Eddie’s leaving the driveway. Waving to her on the way out. She waves back, heading inside.
Steve is back to himself again. Wandering around the kitchen in sweats, singing softly to the classic rock station on the radio. He smiles at her when she enters, offers to make her a snack. She refuses, not that hungry.
It’s strange how this place felt so foreign to her a few weeks ago. How the walls felt claustrophobic and everything around her was just crushing. But it’s better now, she’s better now. Still sad, but better. And this place felt like home. Her home. She didn’t want it to go away like the last one.
“Could I talk to you about something?” Julie forces herself to ask before she loses the nerve. Before she just runs to her room and locks herself on a blanket of insecurities again.
“Sure,” Steve says. “What’s up?”
Julie picks at her thumb. “I just. Me living here is still temporary, right?”
Steve’s face drops a bit as he leans on the island. “From a paperwork standpoint, yeah. Why do you ask?”
It’s so stupid that this affects her. That her thinking that Steve not sharing his relationship with her means that he doesn’t want her here. But it’s a part of his life. She wanted to be here for the good and the bad. And it felt like the good was being kept from her. As if she had a right to know it. But it still hurt a little.
“I just. This is so dumb. But you’re terrible at hiding things and I’ve heard someone come in the house pretty much every night for the past month at midnight on the dot. And I can’t help but feel like you’re hiding it from me. Like them meeting me is too much. Like you don’t want me here.”
It sounds more stupid when she says it out loud. But it’s true.
“I do want you here,” Steve says softly. “I really do. You living with me isn’t temporary to me, it’s just a long process to make it that way. And we haven’t really talked about what the steps would be past just me getting guardianship. But if you want to, we can start talking about getting permanent custody.”
A weight lifts itself from Julie’s shoulders. “Yes, yeah. I’d like that. I’d like to stay here, with you.”
Steve smiles. “Good. Me too. As for the other thing. I am seeing someone, but it’s,” he takes a breath. “It’s a bit more complicated than just telling you. I’m not really ready to tell anyone about it yet, it’s not just you. But if them coming over without you knowing is making you uncomfortable, it can stop.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I really don’t care. I just. When you are ready, you can tell me who it is. I won’t judge you or anything.”
“I know you won’t. Is that what Dustin was on in the car the other day? He knows too?”
Julie groans. “Yes. I swear I told him to drop it, but he is convinced that something’s up. I can’t get him to stop talking about it.”
Steve snorts. “Yeah, well, that’s Dustin for you.”
“I’ve learned.”
Steve walks around the island, giving Julie a hug. “How about we talk to Sarah about making this permanent at the next inspection. We can start on the whole process.”
“That sounds good.”
“Hey,” Steve crouches down a bit to get on her level. “You’re my sister, and I love you. That’s not a temporary thing, ok.”
Julie smiles. “Ok.”
She pulls out her homework from her bag and gets started, already wanting to pull her hair out with her math homework. Steve gets started on dinner, distracting her with some work stories from the previous day. It all is making her feel at home. Real home.
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet, @steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy, @connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso, @crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @cheddartreets, @theupsidedownrealestateagent, @acidbubblegummie, @sirsnacksalot, @l0st-strawberry, @helpimstuckposting, @strawberry-starss, @freddykicksasses, @italianwhore1, @i-threw-my-name-out-the-window, @rageagainsttheapathy, @nuggies4life, @ape31, @whimsicalwitchm, @chrissycunninghamfanblog, @michellegilligan, @hippielittlemetalhead, @bridget-malfoy-stilinski-hale, @jaytriesstuff, @confused-stripes, @faeb1tch42069, @marklee-blackmore, @hel-spawn, @genderless-spoon, @mamafaithful, @estrellami-1, @starryeyedpoet17 @i-amthepizzaman, @lilpomelito @melonmochi
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jujumin-translates · 1 month
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 12 - What I Can Do Now
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*Phone rings*
Masumi: …
Misaki: “Hello?”
Masumi: What do you want?
Misaki: “Is now a good time?”
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Masumi: Yeah.
Misaki: “Since last week, we’ve had a local student intern at our overseas branch.”
Misaki: “They’re in high school now, but they’re very promising, so I believe they’ll be asked to join full-time once they’ve graduated from high school or college.”
Masumi: …And?
Misaki: “Even though you’re only in your second year of college, you’ll be in your third and then fourth year before you know it, Masumi.”
Misaki: “I was just wondering whether you’ll get a job in the future, or if you’re going to continue with acting.”
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Masumi: …It’s too early for me to say.
Misaki: “Now’s not the time to be so leisurely. Students who are seriously considering things have their eyes set on getting an internship from the moment they enroll.”
Masumi: …I’m focused on theater right now, so I’m not thinking about that. I’ll think about it when the time comes.
Misaki: “If you need anything at all, talk to me right away.”
Masumi: Got it. …Bye.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: …Haah.
Izumi: …Hmm… No, that’s not… Ah! This might work!
Masumi: ?
Izumi: Agh, of course, that didn’t work… Well then, if I just… Nope, not that either…
Masumi: She’s so cute when she makes all those faces…
Izumi: Hmm…
Masumi: What are you doing?
Izumi: Hm? I’m just revising our ticketing and promotion methods.
Izumi: I want to do whatever I can to prepare for the new Fleur Award, even if it’s through things not related to the contents of the performance.
Izumi: I’ve been able to do lots of things related to directing thanks to Banri-kun, so I have to do my best in return!
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Masumi: I could be an assistant director too, you know.
Izumi: If you’re really interested in directing, then of course, I’ll let you help when the time comes, Masumi-kun, but…
Izumi: That’s not the reason you’d be doing it, is it?
Masumi: …Then, I’ll help with promotions.
Izumi: I appreciate the sentiment, but that requires a certain amount of knowledge to do, and right now you need to focus on yourself and Spring Troupe’s performance rather than on me, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: …Fine. But don’t overwork yourself. Take a break after an hour.
Masumi: If I see you still working, I’m automatically defaulting to making you take a break myself.
Izumi: Automatically!?
Izumi: Ah, is this how you get Tsuzuru-kun to take breaks? Thank you. I’ll be careful.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (I’ve got an outline for a promotion plan together, but I still need to work on it some more…)
Misumi: All of ‘em look so interesting~!
Yuki: The saturation’s definitely been upped on all of them.
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Kazunari: I know, right~? I mean, people are putting up flyers everywhere lately, so they’re probs all designed like that so they stand out more.
Izumi: What are you guys doing?
Muku: We’ve been collecting flyers from other troupes to use as references.
Tenma: The faster troupes have already gotten going on their performances.
Izumi: Huh, already!?
Izumi: (No, we don’t need to rush, we don’t need to rush…)
Itaru: Ah, this one’s from that “Yua Troupe” that formed during the pre-voting. They’re really putting on a performance this soon, huh.
Muku: This one here also says it’s a debut performance.
Izumi: There sure are a lot of new theater companies. You can’t tell what their performances are like just from the flyer, so I’d like to go see one of them at least once.
Citron: I am very interested in this “Indulgence In Working Overtime Gang”!
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Sakuya: Their name’s pretty funny!
Izumi: Huh, they’re a pretty new theater company too. Why don’t we go watch their performance together?
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader : BOYS NIGHT
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“If he starts to get fuzzy, just give him his iPad and have Clay play him Toy Story.” You tell your husband as you watch him get ready for the night.
“Ok sounds good.” He tells you.
“Please make sure he doesn’t take off his jacket or beanie. It’s a cold one tonight.”
He smiles and looks at you “Baby, I know my kid, I know what to do”
“I’m sorry, it’s just that he gets that ear infection when it’s too cold and those nights where he’s up and crying are the worst for him.”
“I know that too.” He comes up to you “He’ll be fine mama. Little man wanted to come and I’m just happy he’s finally asking to join me on things, and this is probably the most chill event he’d be able to join me for a while.”
Your son was attached to you at the hip, the moment he was born he just never left your side. He doesn’t like going with anyone who isn’t you, you’re lucky if he even pays attention to Jack, and that’s been a bit hard on your husband, but he understands, since you are with the kids most of the time. Even when you’re working, you make sure the kids are with you.
“Unless they invite you to perform at the Kids Choice Awards again.” You tell him teasingly.
He shakes his head “You got jokes huh.”
“Who invites someone to a kid's event to perform a song that has the word semen in the lyrics.” You tell him.
“Agreed, but Mia loved that I got slimed.”
“Oh that was my favorite part too.” You get up from the bed and head towards the playroom where your two kids were.
“Have fun Ez cheesy, nino and uncle Clay gonna be there too.” You hear Mia tell your son
“Okay” Ez tells her
You smile “Ezequiel estás listo?”
He nods “I’m ready.”
You kneel down in front of him to retie his shoe laces. “You’re gonna have so much fun with daddy and your tíos. But if you want to come home, you tell daddy to call me and Mia and I will go get you quickly.”
“Quick like the Flash?” He asks, his little hands coming to play with the zipper of your hoodie.
You nod “No one is faster than The Flash, but we’ll try our best.”
He looks towards the door and sees Jack standing there, then looks at you “It boys night mommy, I’m ok.”
“Yeah mommy, it’s boys night. Little man will have fun.” Jack says coming to stand next to you.
You nod “Okay, well, you’re all set baby, have fun and stay close to daddy or uncles.”
You stand up and go towards the little table in the corner to get EZ’s backpack and make sure what he needs for the night is in there.
“Your carrots are in here if you want a little snack, also apple juice and water. Oh, if the noise is too much, put on your-“
“Momma, they have to go.” Mia interrupts you rolling her eyes with a little sass and giggle.
You smile and nod “Sorry, okay, have fun boys.”
You kiss your son on the cheek, hug him and give him la bendición, he kisses your cheek “Gracias mommy.”
You go to Jack now, with a sad smile on your face. Truth be told, this was harder on you than on your son.
It’s not that Jack is a bad father or that you’re afraid to leave your son with him, nothing like that at all. You were just having attachment issues, you’ve never been away from him either so this was hard on you.
Jack gives you a tight hug and pecks your lips a few times. “He’ll be fine, I promise.”
“He’ll be with you, so I know he’s good. Don’t mind me and my silly emotions.”
“Those feelings are valid baby, it’s ok, I know they’re not towards me. But we really do need to go.” He tells you.
You nod and do the same you did with your son and finally say goodbye and watch them walk out the house.
“So now for some Mia and mommy time.” Mia yells.
You laugh “Cookies and Princess and The Frog?”
She nods “Yes please.” And you do just that.
*Jack & EZ at Louisville Live*
“Hey cheesy, are you having fun?” Urban asks EZ as they sit down and watch Jack shoot some balls into the basket.
Ez nods “Can I go do that with daddy?”
“Hmm, I don’t know bud, we’ll ask him when he comes over here.” Urban tells him.
Five minutes later Jack looked over to where his son was and noticed he was getting impatient. He looked at Urban and he made a motion for him to head towards them.
“What’s up? You ok?” He asks EZ
“He wants to shoot some hoops.” Urb tells him.
Jack smiles, “Well come on.”
He jumps off his seat and runs towards the court with Jack close behind him.
EZ starts running around the court bouncing the ball and trying to make it in the basket.
He’s laughing when he accidentally hits Urban with the ball “Sorry tío.”
He runs back towards Jack and looks up at him with the biggest smile “I like boys night daddy, we do it again?” He asks hopeful.
“Of course, bud, I promise.” Jack says, happy that his son got out of his comfort zone tonight.
He admits that he definitely needed this. He wouldn’t tell his wife, but he felt like his son didn’t really love him or didn’t care to be around him. It’s such a weird thought to have but those were his feelings.
He applauds you for being all hands on with both kids, but sometimes he wishes you would ask him for more help.
“Dad, send mommy and Mia a picture of us. Tell momma I’m ok please.”
That has Jack laughing “Alright, let’s go to our seats though, the show is about to start.”
They head back to their seats, they take a couple of pictures which Jack sends you.
Hubby : Little man is having a blast, he told me to let his mama know he’s ok.
You: 😊❤️ My boys I love you both. Thank you for being patient and being the best daddy. See you boys later.
Hubby: We love you mama, see you soon.
And with that, Jack alongside his little boy enjoy the rest of their boys night, and looking forward to more.
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
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@fdl305 💕
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@automaticpeachsong 💕
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