#so it’s weird to me that some people hate him because he’s done horrible things
AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend because he’s hypersexual?
nsft/nsfw warning - mentions of sex, manipulation, etc.
(to find later)
I (19m) just broke up with my boyfriend (18m) of over one and a half years last night.
For context, I’m demisexual and he’s known this from the very beginning. Plus, I’m a transgender guy and when we first got together I was at the very start of my transition and still extremely uncomfortable with my body. So, sex was just kind of out of the question, and I made that very clear.
Nonetheless, whenever we cuddled he still got all touchy, kissed my neck and begged me to take my clothes off, etc. Whenever I protested, he got all whiny and did that weird puppy eyes thing. He usually gave up after a while and apologized, but it always left me feeling guilty and like I was depriving him of something.
After a while, he told me he’s hypersexual and he’s sorry if he gets a little "too much" sometimes. But he reassured me that he loves me and even if we never get intimate, he wants to be with me. I believed him.
Still, his behavior continued and after a while I just gave in and took my clothes off for him, let him kiss me… you get it. When I put my shirt back on I asked if he was happy now and he got all upset. He was pouting and told me that he never forced me to do anything and he wants me to enjoy these things too. It’s true, he never forced me to do anything but he always got all touchy feely and it made me feel like I had to give him something.
As the relationship progressed, I just resorted to giving him oral to satisfy him but he always insisted on returning the favor. The thing is, I was his first relationship and he didn’t have much experience. So, whenever he tried anything, I barely felt anything. Even with tons of communication and showing him how to do things. It just left me feeling gross and unsatisfied.
At some point, I decided I had to let him do the full thing. (stupid, I know, but I’m an insecure 19 year old) So, we did it and I hated it. It felt uncomfortable and he didn’t even try to give me any sort of pleasure, he just ran off to take a shower after he finished. I cried in his bed that night but never told him about it. I just pretended to be okay and to like this stuff.
When I told him I wanted to get top surgery, he begged me not to get it or to get the keyhole procedure so I don’t lose feeling in my nipples. Because it’s the only way he’s ever been able to give me pleasure. I don’t really wanna spell it out, but yeah.
When I told him that being shirtless during the nasty made me wanna cry, he told me that he never asked me to take my shirt or binder off. I just did it. But the thing is, I did it because he liked it. Never once did he apologize or comfort me. It just made me feel disgusting and extremely dysphoric.
He always blamed all his behavior on being hypersexual and not being able to control himself when I’m so cute. Or whatever…
So, I made up my mind to break up with him. The thing is, I know all of this makes him sound horrible. But he was genuinely a good boyfriend and I love him a lot. So, I feel like shit for breaking up with him just because he’s hypersexual. I tried to talk to him about it and find a solution, but he never changed despite promising to do so. I don’t really see what else I could’ve done.
Am I the asshole for this? I’d appreciate it if other hypersexual people could give me their opinions on this! Because I don’t want to believe that this is how hypersexual people usually act.
What are these acronyms?
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unformula1 · 7 months
everything's falling apart (CL16 x reader)
everything’s falling apart (CL16 x reader)
part 2 (everything fell apart) | part 3 (everything's gone) series masterlist- everything (you're losing me)
synopsis: you can't find a pulse, your heart won’t start anymore. you and Charles’ relationship go downhill!
“I don’t understand!” Charles waves his hands in the air, infuriated.
“I know you don’t.” You say, holding back the tears threatening to spill out all at once.
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
word count: 1135
a/n: i sure do love some angst. was meant to be a ‘you’re losing me’ based fic but gave up on that lol!
“I love you.” Charles says.
“I love you too.” You reply, with a wide smile on your face.
Who knew how quickly that would fade, like a lost moment in time, gone with the wind. Within weeks of your newly found love (or so you thought), reality came crashing down, swinging at you in full force.
Love wasn’t easy.
It never was.
“You really cannot be expecting me to do all this.” Charles says, leaning on the couch.
“All I’m asking is you try to be nicer when talking to me.” You rephrase your thoughts for the millionth time.
“Because some of the things you say hurt like hell.”
“I thought you were a phoenix rising from the ashes.” He quotes you, almost mockingly.
“Well, I try.”
“Try harder.” He deadpans.
“I try hard too. I try hard to get where I want in life. You’re expecting it to be served on a silver platter.” Charles says nonchalantly.
“I try really hard too.”
“To do what?”
“Get a career? Be the perfect love?”
“It isn’t working then.”
“You’re jobless and a hopeless romantic.”
You hesitate responding, nothing comes out. You try saying something else, but it doesn’t want to be said. The cat’s got your tongue. 
“I’m right, aren’t I?” He scorns.
No. The words refuse to come out. A wave of sadness washes over you and you feel extremely horrible, your throat is getting clogged.
You would give everything for Charles.
“Are you ready?” Charles says coldly, adjusting the tie in the mirror.
“Yea.” You reply, putting on your rings and adjusting everything.
He turns to look at your outfit, giving it a really cold glare.
“What? Is it not nice?” You worriedly ask.
“Change.” He doesn’t answer your question.
“What? But I like this-”
“Change… now.” He says, pointing to the closet.
You didn’t know why Charles was being so rude about it; it wasn’t like him, but he’s changed, so what even is ‘him’ anymore? 
You and Charles stare into each other's eyes, his eyes cold and unreadable, as if he never wanted to be here. You look at him, not breaking any eye contact whatsoever.
“You have to change.” He says, sounding a bit more agitated this time.
“Why?” You repeat, increasing in frustration as well.
“Just please, go-” He says, looking away, his fingers rubbing his forehead.
“I won’t. I like this.” You stand your ground unlike most other times. You’re done with this. You’re not going to be pushed around.
“It’s… because… this outfit has too much… skin showing.” He says unconvincingly, “People will do weird things.”
You look at the time, you two are already on track to being late to the most important event of both of your lives. After a long pause, a sigh, you change out and quickly put on another outfit. 
You hate this. You were supposed to stand your ground, but here you were, giving in again.
You would give everything for Charles.
But would he give you everything?
“I don’t understand!” Charles waves his hands in the air, infuriated.
“I know you don’t.” You say, holding back the tears threatening to spill out all at once.
Both of you stand in the living room with a fair distance in between you two, it’s ironic, how much you loved this room. The warm orange-yellow light latched onto the wall was turned on behind him and it made him glow as if he was in the evening sun . You used to love it, seeing him smile while the light made him glow. He was perfect. Everything was perfect.
Now, there’s nothing perfect or beautiful about this. The light made him flash an angry glow, painfully dark red. His eyes glowed in fury, the lights made it ever so obvious. 
“Mon Dieu!” He says, throwing himself onto the couch, “I think you’re being dramatic.”
You might’ve bothered listening to what he had to say, if he didn’t proceed with a loud, disgruntled sigh and burying his face in his hands, letting out more grunts.
You’re done with this.
You turn around and storm into your room. It’s dark. You don’t bother turning the lights on and just sit on the edge of your bed. The tears start streaming down. 
It’s dark. It’s cold.
His hands wrap around your body, filling it with warmth. The tears don’t slow down, still streaming. He hugs you tightly, holding you in.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers into your ear, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
“I’m really sorry.” He says again, much softer this time. You feel his warm breath on your skin.
He continues hugging you tightly, keeping you within his embrace as you sob quietly.
“I didn’t mean it.” He says again for the 100th time.
Does he mean it?
You don’t know and it’s eating at you. He says this all the time after every single one of his outbursts. The pain doesn’t go away, it never does. He could hug you and shower you with gifts but the ‘you’re useless’ and ‘you’re being dramatic’ never leaves you. 
He’s sorry.
But is he?
“Again?” You ask, trying to give off a little bit of disappointment.
“Yes. Again.” Charles says, adjusting his suit.
“You’re going out again? For the fifth time this week?” You ask, attempting to bring across a point.
“Your point?” He shoots it down almost instantly.
“Stay at home? Maybe spend time with me?” 
“I see you all the time. I see these people too little, I’m seeing them more.” Charles says.
“Yea but-”
“It’s a special time for me.”
“I know… it’s just I was hoping we could spend some time together.”
“Next time.”
“I promise.”
“Fine…” You reluctantly say.
“Call me if you need.” 
He says and gives you a quick smile before kissing you on the cheek.
You love Charles. You really do, but lately it’s disappearing. It’s fading. 
You can’t lie to yourself anymore, this definitely isn’t going to work out and there’s only a matter of time before your relationship implodes, but you love him so much, you can’t let him go… not yet.
You love Charles.
You’re on borrowed time.
He doesn’t love you back.
It hurts. Your heart and mind conflict, you would never think in a million years you’d have to be thinking about this. Charles was supposed to be your prince charming, your Mr Perfect, your everything but here you were, on the brink of tears because of him.
You needed someone right now, maybe to come over and hang out with you. Someone to share your sorrows with or someone to cry on; seeing as Charles had no intent of giving you the necessary attention, you turned to your next best source.
“Hi.” He finally picked up.
“Hi Arthur.”
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
Is Eridan’s fake attempt for land dweller genocide just a manifestation of his guilt of orphaning all those trolls? He says he wants to kill them all so they will no longer have to deal the loss of losing their parent to some finned hipster asshole?
So Eridan's life pre-SGRUB is primarily concerned with one thing: it is his Duty as a violet-blood who is close to the Heiress to feed her lusus so that it doesn't throw a tantrum and Kill Everybody. It's a manifestation not of guilt, but of anxiety.
He describes the murder he commits in pursuit of this as "all i evver done practically," and we never see him participate in a hobby he enjoys - we learn he's a hipster because Karkat calls him one, he FLARPs to fill Gl'bgolyb's belly, and people have fought with me before, but I maintain that his "interest" in military history is also just a part of his posturing/something he reads like somebody would doomscroll, as it validates his anxiety, because he only ever talks about history twice, in the vaguest possible terms, and the first time, it's just part of him posturing at Kanaya, and the second time, he's literally just. Wrong? He's just incorrect?
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once CA: you should read up on your history instead of poring through that godawwfull sunny rubbish
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! CA: so CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance
Like I just. Don't believe him when he says he's obsessed with military history when he doesn't seem to be able to name five specific battles, and thinks the main attribute a military leader needs to succeed is "persevverance". We know that Karkat's interest in romance is real because he brings it up more than twice and also starts infodumping about it to Vriska at one point, but Eridan only seems to mention it because he thinks he's supposed to care about it.
Which is pretty much, like, one of the biggest tensions in his character: how he feels he's supposed to act vs. how he actually feels about acting that way. He faces multiple pressures to be a certain person, which run counter to his actual feelings.
He has to be a murderer, because if he isn't one, then Gl'bgolyb will do a genocide on his entire species.
He has to be an unrepentant murderer, because they live in a horrible fascist murder-society where highbloods are supposed to kill lowbloods all the time for literally any reason.
He has to be the one getting his hands bloody because his ancestor, Dualscar, was also the Orphaner, and (especially highblood) trolls need to take up their ancestors' mantles.
He has to be rude and condescending to everybody else because that's how highbloods, and especially sea dwellers, have to act.
He cannot express compassion, sympathy, or pity, because sea dwellers and highbloods aren't supposed to act that way.
Magic has to be fake, because it's for shitty wigglers, and Eridan's not a wiggler anymore!
He has to be in a torrid pitch relationship because that was the most defining one Dualscar had, and he needs to complete Dualscar's unfinished business.
He has to be in a flushed relationship because Dualscar had an unrequited flushcrush on the empress, and he needs to complete Dualscar's unfinished business.
He has to hate the lowbloods because he's a highblood.
He has to hate the land dwellers because he's a sea dweller.
But wait! That's weird. He has to hate the land dwellers and lowbloods, but he's the one responsible for making sure they don't all die by keeping Gl'bgolyb full?
In truth, it would be all too easy to solve the land dweller problem once and for all. You'd just need to lighten up on the feeding schedule for a while. Maybe you'd be a little too busy to bother with that hassle for once? Or maybe you could happen to be off your game for a spell? It happens, even to the best sometimes. But nah. It would make her upset. More emotions. More problems. That's all you need.
And he has to be an unrepentant murderer even though he clearly feels more guilt for it than Feferi?
That should keep her happy for a while. And make a freshly orphaned troll somewhere pretty sad.
And you claim magic is fake idiot stuff for babies but you like it SOOOO much?
You also like MAGIC, even though you know it to be FAKE. Like a made up friend, the way wizards are. Made up make believe FAKEY FAKEY FAKES. It's still fun though.
So we can see that Eridan is basically being pulled two ways at all times.
On one hand, there's everything society says he needs to be: an unrepentant murderer, a military dictator, ruthless bloodthirsty sea-dwelling aristocracy, hater of all low bloods and land dwellers, Orphaner Dualscar's heir.
And on the other hand, there's the guy Eridan actually is: doesn't give a shit about the hemocaste, just wants friends and/or relationship partners, likes magic, like hipster stuff, kind of a tool, guilty and traumatized.
It doesn't help that the people he's surrounded by are the least likely to recognize his distress as distress - Feferi loooooves being a princess, Kanaya has never really voiced any strong opinions on the hemocaste because it largely doesn't concern her since she's a rare jade blood, and Vriska is doing a lot better than Eridan is at fitting the mold they were born into (not that she doesn't have problems, she's just doing better than Eridan, which is a low fucking bar). Even Karkat, because of his own hangups about being a mutant pariah, venerates the society he was born into, because he (wrongly) sees it as a means to gain validation so he can hate himself less. As a result, Eridan winds up with basically 0 support system, because pretty much every aspect of his life reinforces that the thing society says he should be is correct, and that there's something wrong with Eridan for being unable to meet that expectation.
Especially because, for at least all the "murderer" he's supposed to be, if he fails to meet that expectation, everybody dies. So it's not just that he's got a pushy lusus and a shitty society, like Vriska does, but that there's also the added weight that adhering to those expectations is literally, objectively, the correct thing to do, so long as he doesn't want literally everybody to die.
As a result, he's constantly trying to overcorrect his behavior and cognition to line up with what he thinks he's supposed to be. That's why he's constantly saying slurs even though he doesn't actually treat anybody differently for their caste. That's why he's constantly talking about murder and military history, even though he clearly doesn't enjoy doing either of those things. That's why he's always pushing this image of a big bad fascist wannabe, even though he actually wants to be a magic-slinging wizard.
The thing about genocide, for Eridan, is that he's already obsessed with genocide - the prevention of genocide. Keeping his species from being genocided is, without exaggeration, the most time-consuming pursuit in his life. BUT WAIT! He can't say, think, or believe that his actions are for the benefit of the land dwellers, because first of all, he feels kind of guilty about killing them, and second of all, because he's not allowed to express compassion to the people he's keeping safe. So between the stress, the cognitive dissonance, the anxiety, and the fact that Eridan doesn't really do a lot of introspection because he's so overwhelmed by emotion, his existing preoccupation with genocide is transmuted into something that's socially acceptable: "wanting all the land dwellers dead."
"[I]t would be all too easy." Indeed: if he ever slacks in his duties, they will all die. In fact, it's easier for him to let them die than to not. He clearly doesn't like doing all that killing, and it clearly makes him feel bad, and takes up a shitton of his time if nothing else, so it's probably occurred to him over, and over, and over, that maybe he should just... not! What if he just stopped.
Well, then everyone would die. Gl'bgolyb would raise her voice a little and it'd kill all the rust bloods, then the bronzes, the golds, the limes, the olives...
Wait! Is he feeling bad for them? He's not supposed to be feeling bad for the low bloods! Shit, shit, shit. Say a slur and then say something about how you WANT all the low bloods dead. PHEW. OKAY. SAFE. But that means you need to kill all the lowbloods. Because you said it, so it has to be true, and also, this is the way you're supposed to be. So, fuck, well, go commission a doomsday device. Okay, done. PHEW. It probably doesn't work, but nobody can say you didn't try! Hooray, you did it! You have performed a Sea Dweller Action! Oh it's time to go kill some people again. Damnit. Killing people sucks. It makes you feel bad, and it takes up so much of your time. What if you just didn't...
And we can see this with the way his lust for genocide is described. There's no mention of why he hates the land dwellers, no mention of how he believes society will improve with them gone, or even what they're doing that's so bad in the first place. He rambles at Feferi about "keeping the bloodlines pure" at one point, but this is clearly contradicted by him stating he wouldn't kill Kanaya, because what sort of friend would he be? (And the fact that he cares about Kanaya, Vriska, and the anon-blooded Karkat, who could be literally any blood color, at all!)
So yeah, like, the thing is, he doesn't want to kill them all. He even calls himself out for knowing his latest doomsday plot was a bust from the start:
You are almost starting not to care about this stupid doomsday device which probably won't even work. She probably KNOWS you know it won't work. She has probably put all the pieces together and knows it was an elaborate ruse to be in cahoots with her again.
And so does Feferi:
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! CA: so CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance CC: I t)(ink deep down you stack t)(ese plots against you so you fail because you know it's wrong.
And here he is outright contradicting his stated goal of killing the land dwellers because, jegus, he'd never kill his friends:
CA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i be after GA: Can You Just For A Moment Entertain The Thoughts Of One Untouched By Megalomaniacal Derangement And Tell Me Why Id Want To Assist You With That CA: wwell CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
And a reminder that one of his closest friends at this point in time is Karkat, whose blood color is currently anonymous to his friend group, meaning he could be literally any blood color and Eridan wouldn't want him dead:
CC: You know, I'm not sure w)(y we never talk about our romantic aspirations. CC: We s)(ould more often. It is kind of -EXCITING! CA: shrug CC: Probably because you fill your gossip quota wit)( your nubby )(orned bro.
But Karkat also explicitly lumps himself in with the low bloods, so Eridan can't even use the excuse that Karkat might be nobility (but sea dwellers are still suppose to hate land dwelling nobility so that still wouldn't be a defense EVEN IF it was true):
Because Eridan does not want to genocide the land dwellers. He's just anxious.
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Fandom's Takes On Trauma Are Terrible And Here's Why: brought to you by terrible Coriolanus Snow and Anakin Skywalker discourse
I've been on the verge of making this post for a while now, but I kept not doing it because this might be a bit of a hot take and I don't like offending people. However, I've been growing increasingly annoyed with the perception of one specific character type so lets see how much my dumb opinions stir the pot this time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This will be focused mainly on my current main fandom: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes, as well as Star Wars. You'll see why. Now, I need to make it clear that I'm not judging anyone for their opinions on characters for any reason. In no way am I insinuating you're a bad person for having opinions different to mine or that you’re not allowed to have them. What I am saying is that fandoms have some frustrating and frankly insulting beliefs around trauma and those who survived it, and I'm gonna talk about it because I want to get this off my chest. With that said:
Y'all don't understand how trauma works and it annoys me
As stated in the title, I'm writing this because of the Coriolanus Snow discourse, specifically regarding whether he's a good or bad person. Lets rip off the bandaid straight away: He's a bad person. There's no question about it, Snow is a vile human being. And he's one of my favorite characters because of it. He's fantastically written and hands down one of the most realistic, viscerally terrifying yet utterly pathetic villains ever. And what I hate about the TBOSAS fandom more than anything (aside from how some of them treat the actors) is the way they take away all his agency in the story. But I'll put a pin in that because I have a lot to say about him and instead start at the beginning of my growing frustration with how fandom perceives trauma (feel free to skip through this post, I'll label my sections in case you don't wanna read this whole thing). There's two sides, and both are equally stigmatized and wrong. So lets start with the more obvious one through the lens of Anakin Skywalker.
The Star Wars Fandom's Weird Relationship With Traumatized Children Behaving Like Traumatized Children
So Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader is pretty explicitly a Bad Dude who's done some Bad Things. Bro committed genocide, ain't no getting around that, except... It's a little more complicated. Sure, he did all those terrible things, but a lot of people take that to mean he was always a horrible monstrous big bad in the making who was destined to become the galaxy's worst nightmare. That's missing the whole point of the prequel trilogy, because those movies essentially serve to explain all the reasons for Anakin's descent into villainy, and he had surprisingly little hand in it. Growing up into slavery means he not only has a warped view of the galaxy thanks to all the horrors he's witnessed, it also means he lacks the teachings Jedi younglings get when they grow up in the temple. He was pawned off onto Obi-Wan who had only recently been knighted and was in no way ready to raise a child, and became "friends" with Palpatine who fed him all sorts of lies to manipulate him into becoming little more than an attack dog. Not exactly ideal circumstances for a child in their formative years. Did Anakin shirk the Jedi's rules? Yes. Did he do dumb stuff? Yes. But he was a traumatized teenager, of course he's acting out. When he massacres the Tusken Raiders, it's Padme Amidala who reassures him it was the right thing to do. He felt guilty about it, so this idea that he's some apathetic monster from the second he's born is dumb. It's not that Anakin was born wrong, it's that the people around him either failed to help him go down the right path or were actively trying to push him down the wrong one. Anakin never fully grasped the Jedi's ideals, because the person meant to teach him just wasn't equipped to do so. If he'd had someone to teach him how to get a hold of his emotions, distancing himself enough from them to make the best possible decision and helping him understand the importance of letting someone go when you have to, he wouldn't have fallen to the dark side the way he did.
Anakin did terrible things, but blaming it on him just having an evil heart shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how people's environments change who they are. A life in slavery, where he was not allowed to have anything and risked losing what he held dear at any second with no control over it likely caused him to be very possessive of what he held close to his heart once he did have some control over what he kept and lost. Shmi died because he wasn't there to protect her (in his head), so he clung to the people he loved so he could save them the way he couldn't save his mother. Palpatine actively groomed him, if you think that didn't have any effect on him I don't know what to tell you. Throughout the war, he constantly lost people he was close to. That control he had slowly starts to fade as Ahsoka leaves and he starts having dreams about Padme dying. He does everything to save her, only to find out she betrayed him (in his mind, a thought quite likely influenced by PTSD as well). I can tell you that believing one of the few people you trust has betrayed you can make you act very impulsively. Anakin made an impulsive decision and regretted it for the rest of his life. He wasn't born a monster, the world turned him into one.
However, that does not excuse his actions. It explains them and spreads the blame to more people, but his actions are still his actions. Anakin separated himself from his past because of all the pain it brings him, and in doing so he did a lot of bad things. And he still needed to face consequences for those actions, even if the events that led up to them aren't necessarily on him entirely. If he'd gotten therapy, he wouldn't have choked Padme to death. Possibly he wouldn't have attacked the temple. But he didn't, and he did all those things trauma or not. I have major issues with the way some Anti-Anakin parts of the Star Wars fandom insist on ignoring or writing off his trauma, but that doesn't mean I'm absolving him of all guilt.
An explanation is not an excuse, and that sentiment brings us to the reason for this little rant:
Coriolanus Snow's defenders have a habit of infantalizing trauma survivors and I wish they would stop
Oh Snow, how your amazing character completely flew over the heads of most of your loyalest fans. I'm joking, obviously, but also... It's not exactly wrong. Now, I need to make this clear: I'm not insulting Snow fans here. I'm kind of one of them (I hate his guts but I love how he was written, it's a love hate relationship). However, the way people talk about his trauma... I'll be honest, it's kind of sickening for reasons I'll talk about later after getting through the technical(?) stuff. Where the way people view Anakin disgusts me, the way people treat Snow disturbs me. Because people view The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes as if it's some typical tragic villain backstory that humanizes and in some ways justifies who he became, to show what changed him from a normal person into a monster. It's not. It actually shows that Snow has always possessed the traits that made him the monster we know from the OG series. What it does is explain why specific things were so important to him and how he grew to lose all redeeming qualities, letting the worst aspects of his personality grow and take over until it's all there's left of him.
What made Snow do stuff like poison political adversaries and constantly beat down the districts so they don't rebel? A thirst for power. A thirst he's always had, born from the feelings of entitlement he held thanks to his family's previous status. He deserves that power in his mind, so he'll do anything to get it. Power, control, and influence are his driving motivators. It's at the back of his mind throughout TBOSAS, and by the time he becomes a gamemaker it's the only motivation he has left. Those traits, the things that pushed him to do what he did, they were always there. There was just more stuff to cover it up. Stuff that fell away with time. Snow is a terrible person, but people pretend he's some poor misunderstood baby who just needed a hug because... why? Because he has trauma. And that's the root of the problem. Does he have trauma? Absolutely. He survived a war, he lost his parents, struggled through poverty while being raised by propaganda from the Capitol and was arguably groomed by Gaul. Sound familiar? It's kind of like Anakin. Horrible childhood filled with loss, less than amazing figures raising him and grooming. Except people use the opposite argument for him which is equally wrong: he's traumatized, so we cannot blame him.
Yes we can.
Trauma does not justify your actions. It might explain them, but you are still accountable for your own actions. Snow murdered people, starting with Bobbin, and every single time it was his choice to do so. It doesn't matter why he made that choice, because he still did it. He ruined countless lives and ended nearly as many, both directly and indirectly. No amount of trauma justifies that. I've seen people claim he's just an anxious young boy who's a poor victim of circumstance, and anyone who doesn't believe so is simply unable to separate the actions of an 80-something-year-old from the 18-year-old, but... No. That's one of the most braindead takes I've ever heard, I'm sorry. Snow hadn't committed the crimes of his older self yet, but the behaviors he shows in TBOSAS are the ones that led him to doing so later on and ignoring that is just stupid. I don't need to judge Snow based on his later actions to call out how fucked up he was in TBOSAS. Again, he chose to murder several people and deluded himself into believing he was justified. That's what makes him a great character. Bad people always believe, on some level, that they're doing the right thing. It's fascinating. But people take his words at face value when he says he's doing the right thing, and the whole point is that he's wrong. He's lying to himself. Because that's what people do sometimes. Snow's family was knocked off its throne, and Snow clung to the idea that the districts are beneath him and at fault to cope with that. He deluded himself into believing Gaul's dumbass theory to justify continuing the games.
It's the exact opposite of Anakin Skywalker: Trauma is relevant, it does inform your perspective on the world and your actions, but it does not mean you can do no wrong. Snow had every chance to be a good person: Knocking Bobbin out or running away instead of murdering him, joining the rebellion with Sejanus, staying in district 12 with Lucy Gray and being honest with her. But he killed Bobbin. He fucked over the rebels and got Sejanus killed. He lied to Lucy Gray and destroyed any chance he had with her. Every chance he got, he threw into the fire without hesitation. Anakin leaned into being a bad person to forget the past, Snow chose to be one because it benefitted him the most. Neither of them are excused because of their trauma, their descent into villainy is simply explained. You know why? Because both of them created new victims. Snow was complicit in the murder of hundreds of children before becoming responsible for thousands more, he killed people with his own hands and ruined several lives over the course of TBOSAS. All that pain he caused isn't erased because we can explain why it happened. Even at 18, Snow has many things he should be held accountable for. War, being an empoverished orphan, being groomed, none of that nullifies the shit he's done. People who say Snow's just an anxious, young, traumatized boy are one side of the horseshoe theory of the myth of "the perfect victim". The "Anakin's Trauma Should Be Ignored Entirely" crowd are the other side. Which brings us to...
It's all horseshoe theory
To conclude the analytical part of my post, I'll bring it back to what I briefly mentioned in the intro to all of this. Agency. That's the running thread here. Both in cases like Anakin and cases like Snow, the fandom takes away all agency a character has in the story for the sake of justifying one's feelings about them. Anakin was born a monster and he was always destined to be evil. It wasn't the trauma, it wasn't the events of the story, he's just bad. On the other hand, Snow is a good person who was made to do terrible things by his trauma. It's all the trauma and nothing else. His bad childhood caused him to be this way and it has nothing to do with his own worst personality traits. See the connection? In both these instances, the characters had no influence over who they became. With Anakin, nothing could've had any influence because he's just born wrong. With Snow, it's everything around him that shaped him into who he was. Both scenarios completely ignore the character and focus on external factors to explain everything. One demonizes trauma victims by saying those that went off the rails are just bad people and there's nothing to be done about it, the other infantilizes trauma survivors by saying they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions just because they have trauma and it's only when they're older and should know better that we can bring consequences down on them.
Victims of trauma should be held accountable, though. The only thing the presence of trauma should change is what kind of accountability. Merely locking them up won't change anything, they should receive help to work through their problems while residing in a place where they cannot hurt anyone else. Including themselves. That is what acknowledging trauma is useful for. But this? This is doing nothing but stigmatizing trauma survivors even more than they already are, and I hate it. And you wanna know why I hate it? Because I've been both sides of this horseshoe, and it nearly got me killed.
The part where I talk about my Tragic Backstory(TM) to explain why this bothers me so much
This'll be a little heavy, so while I'm not gonna go into detail I advise you to please be careful. If you're not in the headspace to handle talk about actual real life mental health issues, feel free to stop reading here. I'm putting this at the end for a reason. If you really wanna know why people's perspective on Snow disturbs me but don't wanna risk getting triggered, skip to the last bold line in this post.
Without going into detail, I've dealt with some pretty big mental health issues throughout my life. One of them is PTSD, so believe me when I say I understand that trauma can heavily influence one's actions in ways even they don't understand. But I had to learn the hard way that there's a difference between explaining and excusing. I used to believe that, because of my previous experiences, I was entirely justified in doing what I was doing. Kind of. At that point, I didn't know that what I was experiencing was PTSD, but I did feel justified in my actions the same way Snow does. I explained every bad thing I did away and wrote it off as nothing or sometimes even as a good thing. Granted, I never did anything as big as committing murder, but I don't live in a country as dark and horrible as Panem so we'll chalk it up to that. As I grew older, I started to recognize the ways in which I accidentally hurt the people around me, and eventually had the realization that my past does not in fact justify the pain I was causing people entirely uninvolved in what happened to me. They had nothing to do with that, and shoving all my pain onto them the way I did was wrong. My view of myself pivoted to the other side of the horseshoe. If I'm not justified, am I... am I bad? Am I evil? Am I just born wrong?
I don't know how to explain this to anyone who hasn't gone through this themself, but that is a horrible feeling to have. To feel like you're just bad and there's nothing you can do about it... It kills something inside of you. A hope, a will to keep going and keep trying. Why bother when you cannot be fixed? I've lost the will to live at two points in my life, and that was one of them. And now I get to see both of these mentalities be repeated by dumbasses who don't understand the first thing about trauma. It's... not fun. It's grating and aggravating in a way I can't accurately bring across with just my words. It makes me wanna scream and laugh hysterically until I cry.
Here's the thing: I relate to Snow, and the way people perceive him disturbs me on a visceral level.
As I said, I justified my own bad behavior the same way he does. I convinced myself I was a blameless poor victim who had no hand in their actions. But just like Snow, I did. Not nearly as much as I would have liked, but I did. I learned to control the defensive mechanisms my trauma gave me, and I grew from it. Seeing people defending Snow with the same arguments that kept me from ever getting over what happened to me, crying out that he's just traumatized so none of it's his fault... it disturbs me. Because they're outsiders who should be able to see the pain he caused others and realize that nothing changes the fact that he did that. But they don't. They're me, without any of the personal stakes that kept me trapped in my own delusions. It's all just fiction, and I know that, but it hits just a little too close to home for my comfort. It's a little too raw and a little too real for me to just let it go and move on again like I always do.
I'm sorry for the rant, I didn't mean to make this post this long but I guess I hope you find something of interest in here that made it worth reading? Have a nice day 💜
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bibibbon · 9 months
What fails in MHA: gags/jokes
As well all know gags and jokes are everywhere in shonen but they are rarely done well in my opinion especially in MHA. There isn't a problem with having a bit of comedy in your manga but when the gag or joke either harms the characters development or just is offensive it tends to just fall flat at best and ruin the story at worst.
There are many common and multiple gags hori uses which I HATE:
Izuku/the midoriya family are crybabies. This is one that was VERY PRESENT during the earlier seasons which in my opinion ruined the show and many peoples view of izuku as a character. It makes sense why izuku would cry more then a regular shonen type of MC considering that he is supposed to be a "normal" teenager and he shows some very clear signs of anxiety. I understand when people get annoyed at how much he cries especially because it's very over exaggerated a lot of the time and just depicts him crying a waterfall when you could of just shown him tearing up. It's a bit more excusable for inko but it really doesn't shine a good look on her especially knowing that she is quite emotionally dependent on her son .
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Katsuki being mean towards literally anyone and anything. We know that bakugo is a character who is going through a redemption arc to change and become a better person so we shouldn't see him be so aggressive and angry if he is trying to change especially if it's a joke. A gag like that really ruins his development and to me its the reason why I don't think he really changed his attitude or way of thinking towards izuku as much as people like to believe he has ( CANON BAKUGO AND FANON BAKUGO AREN'T THE SAME )
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Perverted characters like mineta or sir nighteye .Yes, this is definitely targeted towards mineta and night eye because Iam still very disgusted by the scene of bubble girl and night eye and mineta just gives me the absolute CREEPS. honestly, idk what it is with hori and giving us these type of stuff it's honestly disturbing and disgusting I don't think I would mind if it were done to criticise or lambast something about hero societies pedophilic undertones and the way it loves to sexualise female characters but it's just there as a horrible gag.
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Dumbing down denki and making him seem stupid. This is more of making UA look bad because Denki could of been seriously hurt in the usj because of the whole dumbing him down gag and while it isn't the worst gag in the show it kinda falls flat in my opinion and just makes ua look bad. It's also double standards in my opinion because he would be useless in battle if he were to overuse his quirk just like izuku.
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The interview scene with mount lady. I don't understand why izuku was ridiculed for his lack of control when it came to blackwhip and it doesn't help that some of the characters where DEFINITELY ACTING OUT OF CHARACTER when they all had the same reaction.
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There are some 50/50 gags that still failed due to horikoshi not letting them go or not handling them well.
Izuku's everlasting fanboyism of heroes especially all might. Look this one isn't that bad but like I just don't like the fact that he never grew out of it. I personally like to think that izuku was a big all might fanboy is because he saw all might as the only person who actually believed in him and gave him words of encouragement even if it was through a screen and even if those words where directed towards anyone not only him. As the story progresses izuku should grow to realise that all might is a flawed individual who has cared for him but harmed him at the same time.
Horikoshis perception of izuku being "too intense". This could of easily been incorporated into Izuku's character as an actual character trait that could be used as a gag from time to time. For example we see izuku over think everything or hyper analyse so many small things like fuyumi's cooking. There are moments where izuku seems to come off as weird to other characters and I feel like that shouldn't happen or it should be handled in a better way. I mean how is it that someone doing something so simple as looking at a video intensely will freak/weird you out compared to someone who has a weird quirk or a passerby doing something weird
However, hori does have some good gags/ jokes in my opinion, yes they are rare but they do indeed exist like:
Kirishima's manliness. A lot of the time this actually promotes positive masculinity which is something that is definitely needed and it also helps develop kiris character a whole lot more
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This one interaction between jiro and tokoyami. I really liked it, it didn't come out as sexual which is something I really enjoyed and you can clearly tell it's just two classmates vibing and trying not to die
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Tokoyami and his whole darkness persona. Idk I guess this is me but I like it, it adds a lot to tokoyami while also not being overused .
This one Iam 50/50 with and it's yuuga and his whole I like cheese and I can't stop twinkling persona. I think it adds more depth to his character and foreshadows his role as the traitor to a certain extent but I also find it a bit stereotypical considering the fact that he is french and yuuga will just end up speaking in basic french words and then Japanese
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Hawks favourite food ironically being chicken wings. It's simple but it also makes us closer to hawks and can make him a bit more relatable to people
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Izuku, iida and shotos hand crusher joke. That has to be my favourite joke in the series it literally didn't end up mocking anyone and cemented one of the best MHA trios
Overall, hori sucks at making truly enjoyable gags and has a lot that harm characters developments especially surrounding his MC Izuku but he can sometimes actually provide enjoyable ones.
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todorokistheories · 1 month
Rei's Abuse Saved Shouto
This sounds batshit fucking crazy but hear me out.
tw: abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, everything that comes with talking about the todorokis
I've been thinking about this a lot.
Touya exists as a cautionary tale for "the abused becomes the abuser" (something I don't really believe in all that much but horikoshi has done some weird shit with the todorokis so we're going with it) in the sense that he never truly learned empathy and/or denounced it for the sake of his revenge. Everything was for him, always about him, and that was his life until he suddenly faced the trauma of realizing he wasn't a masterpiece in his father's eyes. That's a horrible life for a child, it obviously broke him. He was praised an applauded until he wasn't, believed to be cast aside and thrown away.
This obviously had a HUGE impact on him (literally his reason for everything). The fact that he attacked Shouto, a tiny little baby, only further proves my point that Touya never actually learned how to think outside of himself. He never needed to, and he wasn't shown how to. He was stuck perpetually searching for value that was given to someone else. He still cared for people, but as a child he wasn't given the chance to learn how to empathize.
Empathy is taught, it's not an innate skill. It can be cultivated over time or initial empathy can be smothered, but it is something you work on whether consciously or subconsciously.
Fast forward to Shouto who, yes was also heavily abused, but additionally witnessed the abuse of the only person at the time who was allowed to show him kindness. Touya grew up with his dad loving him, Shouto did not. Touya was told that he, as a person, was special. Shouto was not.
We see throughout the series that watching his mother be abused fundamentally changed the way Shouto saw everything. When his mother disfigures him he immediately blames his father and wants her back. He knows what it's like to be Endeavor's punching bag in a world where you have no support and no way to escape.
He wanted to protect his mom before he even understood what was happening. She was all he had, and all he needed was for her to be able to be there for him. Endeavor never let that happen.
In juxtaposition to this, Touya redirected his anger towards Fuyumi and Natsuo. This is interesting because in the series, Natsuo does a similar thing with Shouto but that could be an entire analysis in and of itself. Touya blamed Rei wholeheartedly because Endeavor was still perfect in his eyes.
Everyone was enough and he just somehow didn't cut it.
Flash forward into his time in the League and it's obvious that he wasn't given the opportunity to change his thinking. It's uncertain throughout the series and that is the biggest unfinished thread in my opinion when it comes to Touya's character.
His willingness to kill, regardless of former or current relation and his obvious joy in enacting pain and suffering is just a hallmark of low empathy. It's why Shouto's character is so intriguing as a foil, because he SHOULD hate Endeavor he SHOULD want him dead. But what Shouto wants more than anything is to be the hero that could've saved his mom. She has been a central part of his development, present or not.
This is in no way saying that Rei's abuse was the only thing that could've saved Shouto from following in Touya's footsteps, but it's the only thing from the series itself that explains it.
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r0-boat · 26 days
One off headcannon concept:
Deity/God of love x ace/aro spectrum!reader
Cw: angst, unrequited love, one-sided love. Enemies to one-sided love, never returned one-sided affection.
(reader is on the Aro/Ace spectrum, And they are still finding themselves)
This God has no name so it can be interpreted in a lot of ways!
Hi I am on the aroace spectrum. This is from my point of view please don't kill me aroace community.
Coming back into the mortal world blends into society All his brothers sisters aunts and uncles have done this already.
So, the rumors are true? Humans do not need us? Some of his kin have blended wonderfully into human society and become highly successful. I mean, it's pretty hard not to. They are gods, after all. But He isn't so willing to submit his godlike title.
He was quite an arrogant fellow. So when he found out his powers didn't exactly work on you, he was not happy... He had heard of mortals with the power to be resistant to his weapons no matter how dangerous, no matter how potent. You are the first he had seen and possibly the first of many... So he studied you... It was not hard, especially when He overheard you trying to find a roommate, and he applied.
You hated him... Anyone would. At least he pays his bills on time, but you cannot stand how he would set you up with dates!
A lot of the dates were bland but not bad. And as time went on the two of you started to get relatively close... Underneath his confident, cocky arrogance that made you scratch up walls, he was pretty chill.
The last straw was when you went out with one of the people he picked, and they treated you horribly. He had a big smile coming to pick you up, only to see you crying on the sidewalk. His heart felt heavy when he saw you, knowing he had helped you prepare for that date. Hell, the two of you even had fun...
The car ride was silent on the way home. Usually, you yelled at or told him how the date was, but this time, you were silently staring at your phone, your eyes red from crying.
That's when he decided to give up on finding you dates. He finally learned that love isn't something you force. And even then, he comes to terms with the truth that some mortals are not capable of experiencing sexual and romantic love. But he decided to stay in the human world only because he liked your company.
All is well from a lot of talking and a lot of apologizing and a lot of silence, Your relationship is slowly repaired. And after that, all was okay. The two of you honestly were attached to the hip partners in crime your group of friends would call you.
But then things started to get weird. He would feel this ache in his heart when guys or girls would come up and talk to you. It felt wrong. He felt protective, possessive, and jealous.
What was not to love about you? Every little thing you did made him smile. But what took his heart You were awkward at first (even more endearing in his opinion) but once you broke out of that shell to him you were like gold. you are funny. And you were a natural people magnet. Everyone liked you. You are sweet and caring, You had strong morals yet, You were not opposed to learning more and changing your opinions. He could go on and on... Even the little things you did that was normal for mortals He was captivated by because the small ways you did it was so interesting. You are not perfect, no human is. But it somehow just made you more attractive.
Once he realized that he was the one who fell in love. It wasn't something out of happiness or confusion but fear and sadness and immediate acceptance. To him he knew 100%, that he fall in love with someone who could never love In the same way in return. He is desperate for the hide feelings because if you find out, he's afraid you might never talk to him again. But at the same time, he wants to support you and do everything for you because he loves you and wants to see you at your best. And he wants to be there for your worst. He generally cares for you, And he won't let his selfish feelings get in the way of that.
So he will continue to stand beside you. It hurts. But that's okay. He's content with this.
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clangenrising · 3 months
i think the hate comes from the fact she still does try to justify/excuse Razor, despite hearing from many cats how horrible he was to them. like we know he is an abuser and a rapist. she thinks it's bizarre/odd/whatever that his rape victim (Scorch) calls the idea of him being sweet and caring 'nightmarish'. brother or not, he is emotional, physical and sexual abuser, and she still seems to find it weird that cats dont… tolerate him in the slightest. that does rubs as rape/abuse apologism bc 'he was nice to ME and he is MY FAMILY, he would NEVER do something like that..' soo many irl families have sadly ('no way my son could had possibly violated someone. this bitch is clearly lying and trying to ruin our family' type of shit you know)
like yeah having to live for months with people (cats) who killed your family member celebrated it is harsh, i do give her that ofc. on top of her kitten crash and being more or less forced to tend them or else, and she is in no good shape to properly accept and internalize the Shadow Truth. but many people irl dealt with people like her, trying to bend over and backwards to justify their family members and friends, even after coming in contact with those who were deeply hurt by them.
That is a good point, I see where you're coming from. Clearly you've been very hurt by this kind of thing in the past and I hope nothing I've done made you feel more hurt.
I was just surprised because Mystique isn't like, for example, a parent who makes excuses for a son who has been accused of sexual assault and insists that he's totally innocent despite evidence to the contrary. She's a victim too, even if she was never physically or sexually assaulted by Razor. All of her denials aren't meant to hurt the victims or protect Razor, they're to protect herself from the terrifying reality of her situation. Does that make what she did right? No, and I don't think I've ever said that, but I do think it makes it less deplorable.
As well, its not like Scorch has told her "he assaulted me." Scorch is VERY private and so that stuff isn't public knowledge. I feel like there might be some projection on to her because of information the audience has that she doesn't. As far as killing Smokyrose, that was framed to the city cats as a casualty of war, not the murder of a peace negotiator, and to her is similar to if say, Razor were a cop who shot somebody. We obviously would find that terrible but from her conservative point of view that's just his job, to protect the city from dangerous cats with lethal force if necessary. When she got to the Clans that became more complicated for her and she's hasn't ever once claimed Razor was in the right to kill her.
What she did ask for was that the fight be solved peacefully. As far as she knows, the Clans are blowing Razor's actions out of proportion and jumping to killing him when there could have been a different solution. Like, imagine if you went to a village and everyone there was like "your brother is an evil murderer" and then failed to present you with any substantial evidence. Who would you want to believe, the strangers ready to kill him or your brother who has only ever been good to you and everyone you know (or at least, you've rationalized his behavior to believe that's the truth, lied to your self enough that you believe it)?
This isn't to trivialize what you went through or excuse real life cases of people who deny heinous acts. This is simply to say, I feel like anyone who hates Mystique isn't engaging with the entirety of the story I'm telling. I understand, though, that this could be because of a defensive reaction and I don't mean to put any blame on someone who might be feeling that way. This is a complicated topic and its possible for neither party to be the bad guy in this situation.
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toasterhasabucket · 11 months
he's not an ABSOLUTELY horrible person but of course he's not a sweet angle sent from heaven either, duh he's done some things but of course it's not entirely his fault. In my opinion almost NONE of it is his fault, I will not fight about this.
Also by infantilizing , what I mean is people making him as if he can do no wrong and is completely innocent and SAY it's Canon. I GUESS it's not as bad if you know it's not canon, i joke about him doing no wrong because hes my favorite character of all time, but I know it's not canon and I would never think it was.
Like the whole sweet boy waffle boy toby thing. I remember that. Oh god, I remember. I was a fan in elementary school, (in 10th grade now) I used to think him being annoying, loud, "hey masky" and so so so so bubbly was canon and nobody told me otherwise. But as I got older, in 7th grade I realized "oh that's not canon. Huh. Okay cool 👍" and I went about my day, I wasn't like OH MY GOD my sweet innocent baby boy is- is evil???? No. I just moved on.
and more recently, less people have been 'babying' (I'm really not sure if this is the righhttt word) and more peopoe have been demonizing him. If you have tiktok or have been paying attention to creepypasta drama you'll know there was someone telling their "realistic headcanons" and it all was just demonizing toby and his mental illnesses. They talked about how he would be abusive and drink and hurt you yada yada you guys get it. But I think everyone who was a toby fan in like 2016 just IGNORED (Natalie) clockwork and tobys relationship or just hates it so much they forgot it was HEALTHY. Toby Rogers had a HEALTHY, CANON RELATIONSHIP.
I cannot express how much I love love love toby and how much his character has meant to me over the years. Don't judge me please please please please please please please please.
Okay so In elementary I was obsessed with (fanon- but what I thought was canon) toby. I loved him so much I took his personality, yk the loud, annoying, "I'm the favorite hehe" mindset, weird obsessed with waffles (now I hate saying the word waffles, I cringe just thinking about it.) And I had a BEST friend who I assigned as my 'masky friend' so I annoyed the ever living hell out of her. "Hey (insert girl name here)! Hey (insert girl name here)! Hey-" so much I'm surprised she didn't kid curb stomp my brains out.
I loveddd fanon tobys personality so much I thought everyone else did too but, rightfully so I guess, everyone thought I was annoying and weird (that was the plan but in like- a loveable way I guess if you know what I mean???)
I just want to say I loved toby then, I love him now and it will continue as long as I LIVE.
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nutal · 4 months
got a question >:)
how healthy (or unhealthy) is Adam and Lute’s relationship 1 to 10 >:)
alright so, here’s my take: as toxic of people Adam and Lute are INDIVIDUALLY, I’d like to think they’re actually really sweet with each other.
Lute does not give a shit how much Adam tries to down talk her because in the end he ALWAYS listens to her. A prime example of this is during that scene in the where Adam almost starts a fight, and Lute literally MANHANDLES this guy explaining to him why he shouldn’t. And Adam just stands there, with Lute’s hand on his fucking collar, and listens. Of course, he has to brush it off with a quick “don’t fuckin shush me bitch” to look tough, but you can tell he respects her and what she has to say regardless. And Lute seems to be pretty okay with that.
On the topic of him name-calling her, I think she lowkey enjoys it like in her mind it’s almost empowering since she doesn’t necessarily see being a ‘bitch’ as a bad thing. And Adam has caught onto this and purposefully does it more just to screw with her it’s the same scenario with ‘Dangertits’ like weird ass petnames 💀
Btw, when these two do argue? It’s typically over really dumb shit. Like splitting the bill or who gets to drive (Adam is a horrible driver he got his license suspended like twice now because he keeps going past the speed limit and Lute is just so done with him she keeps urging him to just let her drive because she knows for a fact that he’s going to hit a curb because of how he’s done it too many times in the past)
Or, yk what, picture Adam arguing with her over metallica albums or something like: “SERIOUSLY LUTE?? YOU PREFER THE BLACK ALBUM OVER RIDE THE LIGHTNING?? FUCKING POSER!” and then he proceeds to go out of his way to learn and play her nothing else matters (from the black album) on his guitar while she’s falling asleep on him or something ☹️💔
My god, I could go on about these two assholes forever, but here’s just my two cents. While they may be a very unconventional couple objectively speaking, they really do love each other. They balance each other out perfectly. So, healthy? Yeah! Like a 9.5/10 on healthiness in my book, retracting like 0.5 points just because they’re literal psychopaths who could go from play-fighting and chasing each other around with swords mid-sparring because Adam made some dumb sexual joke. To which Lute gets intimidating and gives him death-stare eyes going all “I’m going to kill you.”
And when Lute tries dragging him aside to a secluded area to scold him, they somehow end up having a ‘hate’ make out sesh instead and that’s basically how they solve all and any of their disputes LMAO these idiots
When it comes to how good of a couple they make tho? 100/10
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lemonhemlock · 1 month
I do think some hate Criston because they're racists, others because he insulted Rhaenyra, even though his crimes aren't worse than what others have done (DAEMON for example, who is loved so much by tb) and some are a mix, but one part of me thinks it's because he is the character who Rhaenyra did wrong to
He's the one persone that the show let her do something horrible to just because she wanted (young Rhaenyrayou had so much potential), even though the narrative then tries it's hardest to demonize him over and over again, so then what Rhaenyra did isn't so atrocius to the public eyes
Most who point the finger saying it's not that deep, he shouldn't have gotten his feelings hurt, he's an "incel", simply don't understand the world created by Martin, it's theme and culture, because they are pushing their own narrative and agenda, with a modern view, that the show itself pushes
Rhaenyra is never wrong and the one time she did something bad because she's CAN (she can take and do what she wants because she's the heir, she's a Targaryen) the writers then bends themselves in trying to make Criston a "villain", one more hateful than the others put together
The new Joffrey & Ramsey of hotd (I saw more than one person saying this and let me just laugh because what? Lol)
Not to say that is the only act that Rhaenyra does for herself (her relationship with Harwin and having her three sons with him for once, but the narrative never truly show it as a BAD thing she did - and I say bad because it's egotistical and she put in danger her own children etc)
So, Criston hate could come from so many different places, but one place it'll never come? Here, from me, because how can I say no to a man with beautiful brown eyes?
The writers can do what they want, they won't change my opinion of the characters themselves (And they are trying so much to destroy the greens and even the black which lol) and I will still write my Brat compilation of oneshots for the green, because it's their color and theme so cheers ahaha
(I still can't understand how in driftmark, when Rhaenyra said to Alicent "now they see you for what you are" or something like that now I can't exactly remember lol, was that gotcha moment... like... how?)
I hope you're having a great time, aside from the witcher anon jump scares lol
yeah!! the way the writers insist on framing criston like a villain while simultaneously not even giving him particularly villainous things to do is so weird to me. are they stupid?*
i do think his disproportionate amount of haters is a mix. if you think it's reaching, think about what a bane targ stanning is in the asoiaf fandom and how dany worship has turned so many spaces toxic. their mental gymnastics in justifying their delusions is equal to none. and now, unfortunately, for lack of other content, all that dany rage has been employed in the service of rhaenyra (so silly considering they're all fake people but you know)
also, thanks, anon! i am genuinely curious to know how witcher ship antis found their way onto my page. like, what is the thought process there. 😂
i keep repeating this dumb meme, SORRY ✊
EDIT: also. brat compilation of the greens?? yes sir!!!!!!
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ivyroseposin · 1 year
A Helping Hand (A Cardinal Copia One Shot)
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Cardinal Copia and Reader
Summary: There's nothing between Cardinal and his white suit or how much the white suit shows.
Just before the show Cardinal and his love get a little distracted and he needs a bit of hand to get rid of a problem before the show starts in ten.
Words: 1,747
“Cardinals on in twenty” A guy ran thru the hallway balancing a load of stuff in his hands. I stared back at him watching as he zoomed past people almost dropping his stuff a comedy act if you really thought about it. 
As the time got closer to stage time the more busier and loud the hallways became. With people rushing around to get stuff done or ghouls jumping around trying to tie their boots because for some reason they can't sit and tie they instead multitask horribly. “Have you seen Copia” I passed Cirrus who was doing some voice training. “Last time I saw him he was in the dressing room fixing his hair” She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. I laughed shaking my head imagining him in the mirror just trying his best to get his hair the way he wants. “Well I will see you on stage well on the side of it anyways and do remember to tie your shoes” I pointed to both boots that were untied and dragging on the floor. “Crap” She mumbled to herself. 
I loved these days well the days when they performed and I didn't have to do any stressing work for the clergy. It was a bonus that I could listen to music and have a good time plus I liked the music so it was another bonus. 
“Remind Cardinal it's white suit today,” A sister said passing by.”Of course the fan favorite” I replied. The one where everything was on display. Don't get me wrong I was not complaining but I did know how much he sometimes hated to wear it. As he worded it. “Everything is in the wrong place” over and over again. 
“DARLING” I heard a yell while I passed a room. “Huh,” I said looking up to see the dressing room worded on the door. “Copia” I cheered walking into the room. There he stood sitting in the seat staring up at me. “White suit huh,” I asked closing the door behind me. “It's a good day to wear the suit” he winked. “Cocky” I whispered watching as he spun his chair around to face the mirror. “How's the hair,” I asked walking behind his seat. “A mess” He grumbled smoothing it down with his hand. I leaned down my lips near his ear. “It looks fine it always looks fine” We made eye contact in the mirror his ears becoming a light pink. 
“Why must you look at me like that” He whispered our eye contact not breaking. “No idea what you are talking about” I stood up turning away from him hiding the obviously stupid blush forming on my face. Copia and I relationship was weird we did things that couples did but we were not a couple.  Some would call it friends with benefits. 
“Are you ready for my show love?” He asked standing up from his seat. “Of course and I get to have free drinks and watch you dry hump the air it's going to be a wonderful evening” I explained leaning back on the couch. “I do it pretty good eh” He winked walking next to me. “You do I, I mean I hear the roars of the fans every time” and I mean every time I swear I would see some fans drooling their eyes peeled to copia. “Hello,” Swiss knocked on the door and before he waited for an answer he pushed the door open nearly falling to the ground. 
“We are on in ten minutes,” He said shooting finger guns as he backed. “What they said you have twenty minutes” I stared up at the clock to see time only went by a few minutes.
“The suit looks good?” Copia asked standing in front of me. The suit almost melted into his body and god was it hot. “Uh huh,” I breathed staring down at the ground. “Am I flustering you” He stepped closer. He raised his hand to under my chin raising my head. “Huh,” I asked looking up at him. “One day you should look into some better pants you know pants where you can wear underwear” I added in causing him to chuckle. “Why could I if I get this reaction, especially from you” He inched closer. I could smell the strong mint lingering. “No, you have ten minutes to show you need to get ready” I slightly pushed on his chest to push him away but he didn't budge. “We have time to fix your fluster” He kissed my neck gently his free hand on the hem of my shorts. His body was close and I could feel his hard growing on my thigh. “I will be fine you have a show to do” I slightly nudged him again. He didn't budge his lips falling to my collar bone sucking on my skin. “Oh god,” a moan escaped my lips. I could feel the smile forming on his face as he left a mark on my skin. 
“You just fall for me” He sang leaving slopping kisses up my neck. “Some days” I answered another moan escaping my lips. He was right all he was doing was kissing me and I was a moaning wet mess. 
“After the show” I whispered my hands running down his suit. He pulled back staring at my eyes and then at my lips his eyes darkening. “How can I go on stage with this huh” He stared down at his hard. His pants do nothing to hide it. A laugh escape my lips staring up at him as he licked his lips inching closer once again. “Showtime SOON BABYY” Rain yelled through the halls. I took a deep breath staring at the opened door that swissed opened. “Hm,” I said escaping his grasp and heading to the door. “The rest will be after’ I explained as I closed the door locking it. 
“We can do a lot now” He grabbed ahold of my hand pulling me in. Our lips collided. Our kiss deepened as he pushed me back against the couch pulling up my oversized shirt his hand caressing my chest as he licked my lips wanting more. “What fun will it be to do all now” I pushed him away. “Torture” he growled. “Shh,” I kissed the side of his lips. My hand slid down to the zipper of his pants slowly unzipping his pants his hard throbbing at the touch. 
“So unfair” He barely got out. He inched closer to my neck leaving kisses as his hard cock sprung out of his pants. “Flustered are we” I repeated his words. There was one thing Copia loved to do with me and that was to tease especially when I so badly wanted him but today it was the other way around. “Do you think of me on stage?” I asked taking full grasp of his cock and stroking it slowly a quiet gasp leaving his lips. “Do you think about me when you pleasure yourself” I stroked again rubbing my thumb over his tip. “Oh god love” He moaned his hips buckling into mine. “Not an answer” I stroked his tip my thumb rubbing over and over again. 
“Yes, all the time” He answered the small whimpers following his answer. “On stage...I think of you” He groaned leaving slobbery kisses on my neck. His cock throbbed as I fastened the strokes rubbing over his tip. Every time his hips would buckle into mine. I could feel the wet pudding from me. 
“Fuck” He moaned throwing his head back. “They all see everything but I am the one who gets to pleasure you” I whispered “To kiss you” I kissed his neck. “To make you cum” I stroked his tip his cock only throbbing more in my hands. “Oh hell oh god” He groaned soon there were no words but loud groans that escape his lips. I regretted not doing more now and knowing that I would have to wait for an entire show to have him in me. For us to become moaning messes. 
My strokes slowed down and my hand remained on his tip some cum spilling out and landing on my thumb. He watched as I brought my thumb to my lips licking the cum off. “I want you” He growled. His lips were once again back to mine the kiss more aggressive than before. 
“After the show” I answered breaking the kiss. I licked my fingers wet grasping his hard making him flinch with a whimper. I stroked his cock slowly his head flying back as groans followed. By now he was thrusting into my hand wanting more. “God” He moaned his head falling to the crock of my neck. “You are only mine” I whispered into his ear. “Only yours” He growled thrusting his hips again. 
 “Oh I’m gonna cum” He moaned pulling back from my neck and smashing his lips into mine. We kissed moans escaping both of our lips as the kiss got rougher wanting to devour each other. “I can't last no longer love” He whimpered. 
I kissed his lips once more before I got down on my knees still stroking his cock. “Cum” I said licking the tip of his cock earning another buckle of his hips. He grabbed ahold of his cock sliding it into my mouth his free hand grabbing ahold of my hair. “You will destroy me” He groaned slamming his cock to the back of my throat and thrusting as his cock throbbed. My eyes watered still never used to the size.I bobbled my head up and down his large length as loud groans escape his lips. “Oh god” He groaned loudly his cock twitching in the back of my throat without letting go he pushed my head to his hips his hand tightly on my hair. The twitching of his cock as hot cummed flowed down my throat.
I swallowed his cum his cock sliding out of my mouth. I stared up at him our eyes meeting. I licked his tip once more taking the rest of the cum. “CARDINAL SHOW TIME”  a loud knock came from the door. “Show time” I whispered standing up. I kissed his lips once more then pulled away. “After the show” he pointed as he did up his pants. “Good luck” I winked as he unlocked the door walking out. 
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spider-jaysart · 8 months
Hi!! Can I ask Damian (and maybe Dick 🙏?) for the character ask game?
Thank you, take care <3
Favorite thing about them: I just love his whole personality loll. He's a crazy, funny little guy that I think is really cool
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing. Only when he gets really mischaracterized by official writers who don't understand him, which happens A LOT
Favorite line: "Father, I imagined you taller."
Brotp: Damian and Jon
Otp: Damijon
Notp: Batcest, any of them that have adults paired up with him, including the canon ones Mar'i x Damian, Cassie x Damian, and Cassandra x Damian
Random headcanon: He can do ballet and it's because it's something Talia taught him while he was growing up in the league and being trained to learn many other things. He's a skilled professional at it now because of this and also bonds with his sister Cass over it and will sometimes even join her in her dancing. He also tries teaching Jon too, which can become fun for them both, and his other friends sometimes as well whenever they get curious or don't actually understand it that much like they think they do. Damian also owns a pair of green ballet slippers, but usually keeps them put away in his closet to keep them safe and clean and only takes them out when he really does want to use them.
Unpopular opinion: Okay sooo, a lot of people believe that Talia's character just gets only more ruined because of Damian's existence or whatever, but I don't believe that at all. Damian may be her son and is big part of her life because of it, but his character itself has nothing to do with hers like that at all when it comes to hateful writers choosing to write her horribly and just as another evil, lunatic villain and whatever else. Some people even say that he stole her story, but he did grow up with her during those 10 years of his, so of course he's gonna have the same life she dealt with and is also gonna have to get through certain issues from it now too because of it. But the point is that if anyone's gonna get blamed for Talia's usual trash characterisation, it should be the writers who hate her, NOT Damian who has many writers of his own who don't even treat him that well or like him that much at all either just like with Talia. Trying to pick on him is never going to fix anything about her. If Talia's ever gonna get anything better that she deserves in comics and other things, it needs to be done by writers who actually have care about her character and don't have anything weird against her that just only causes bad intentions of messing her up and then THAT'S what will finally start doing justice for her. And this not meant as an argument towards anyone or whatever btw, this is just me stating my opinion and beliefs about the whole thing
Song I associate with them: Self love by Metro Boomin & Coi Leray (Mostly because even though Damian may always put on a very confident act and always seems so prideful of himself a lot of the times, he actually has a lot of insecurities underneath all of that and doesn't actually always think so great of himself as a person)
Favorite picture of them: Definitely this very beautiful panel of him ofc💖
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I just LOVE the way Gleb Melinkov draws him and gives him his Arab features without holding any of it back as well! He even gives him long lashes (longer than Flatline's even, which I noticed while looking at another panel from this series!), which I really love too!!
Favorite thing about them: I really always liked his leadership style, especially in the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon, which I grew up with
Least favorite thing about them: Only when he's potrayed as a dumb, clumsy guy in some canon stories just to lift up other characters and put them in a bigger spotlight instead. It makes no sense because he's a professional acrobat and always has been that way since he was a little kid, so how could he ever be so trippy all over the place as if there are invisible banana peels getting in the way everytime?! And he is very smart, especially with all of the important experience he has from his many years of hero work, so he's not dumb either and if he was, he wouldn't have made it so far with this kind of life because of it or ever get much done like he did because he has to overly depend on others knowledge
Favorite line: "Titans Go!"
Brotp: Dick and Starfire, Beast boy, Raven, Cyborg (I know he's friends with many others too, but this is the group I grew up with and am more attached to, so they're my fave to see together)
Otp: Dickkory because they bring the best out in eachother and have so much love for one another too
Notp: DickBabs because I just don't think they really fit that well together at all and most times Barbara just makes Dick feel bad in a lot of ways with how she usually treats him in a romantic relationship, and that's not a healthy thing to deal with at all. And then there's also Batcest and Slade x Dick (which I don't even get at all because Slade is just such a horrible, gross and very toxic guy)
Random headcanon: Years ago, back when he would used to have long hair still, he one time had it tied up in a ponytail and then a villain chopped it off in half while fighting him. Dick was pissed and really kicked their butt for doing that
Unpopular opinion: People always think of Dick as the positive, sunshine guy and then there are the ones who get very mad about it and say that he's actually the angry, tough guy because him being super friendly and happy is just too "ooc". I don't listen to any of that stuff, because I believe that he's actually both. He IS a friendly guy with a warm, charming, humorous attitude that easily attracts others, and is very much an inspiration to many because of his positive, sunshine vibes as a great, hardworking hero, but none of it makes him dumb, weak or gullible, because he IS also the type who can become very serious and gets mad when he needs to be, also doesn't actually take bull from anyone, can be chaotic and crazy, works a LOT, is independent, does have a lot of intelligence and especially experience that should never be forgotten about just because he's nice, and also definitely has the determined mind to take care of things and get them done even though others will sometimes try to tell him what to do, but he doesn't actually listen because he's not the type to easily be controlled that way like a puppy would be and if he believes it's something that needs the attention and it's what should be done and no one else is doing it, then he will do it
Song I associate with them: Annihilate by Metro Bommin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & Offset (because it's about being fearless, embracing self strength and individuality, and becoming a much more independent person, and I think that totally fits Dick because he's not the type to fear much and hates being stuck under Batman's shadow and having independence is something that always had an important role in how Dick's life goes)
Favorite picture of them: Well, I just found this pic of him, which was done by Travis Moore
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It's very nice and really shows the struggle he goes through as a hero a lot of the times. Also, I really always liked the way he draws Dick, because he doesn't just look like everyone else and isn't sharing same face syndrome with his brothers and Bruce either, it's just a look that's unique to only him and it fits him very well. It's the exact way I always imagine him looking like whenever I envision him in my mind, even the hairstyle that's given to him by this artist too!!!
Thank you for sending this ask, I enjoyed answering it! And you take very good care too!! :)
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dyns33 · 1 year
Rook College
I did a silly College Vaas x female reader, because why not ?
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Y/N could not explain how this happened.
You couldn't explain love after all. The heart had its reasons, all that.
While studying alone in the Rook University library, Vaas had come to sit next to her without warning. He had asked her what she was reading, before clearly explaining what he wanted.
If he didn't get a good mark on his next exam, he risked expulsion. And even though he didn't care one bit about studying, he really wanted his diploma, so he needed someone smart to help him.
Y/N looked smart. Smart enough to teach him, to not say no, and to know that she shouldn't tell anyone she had helped him.
This had happened six months ago.
They had been secretly dating for five months.
Really, Y/N couldn't explain how this happened.
She and Vaas were very different.
It was unclear what Vaas Montenegro, the tiger, was supposed to study. He took several courses, languages, sports, geography, cinema, philosophy, while attending almost none of them, preferring to spend his time in the dark corners of the campus.
Rumors were that he smoked, drank, did drugs, and sold whatever you needed to get others to do it too. People said he was violent, dangerous, crazy. He would have already had a lot of problems with the administration, he would have threatened a professor, and he would have fought with a lot of students. The girls were afraid of him, because some said he had done things.
Most of the rumors were true.
     "I'm not going to lie to you, nena." Vaas said very honestly when he had just kissed her for the first time and she hadn't pushed him away. "I'm not a nice person. Well, not with everyone. With you, I'll be a true fucking gentleman. I'll never hurt you, mi corazon. You deserve the best, so I'll give you the best version of myself, no matter how imperfect it is."
The rumors about the girls were the only ones that were untrue, really. The only girl who must have been afraid of Vaas was his half-sister, Citra, whom he hated more than anything, and she was absolutely not afraid of him.
After the death of their parents, they had had a lot of problems, which he didn't like to talk about. He talked about it all the same to Y/N, while she hugged him, hidden in the darkness of his small student room.
Normally Vaas should have had a roommate, Carlos, but he had fired him. Carlos had fired another student, to move in with his friend Benny. It was convenient.
No one knew that Vaas and Y/N were together. No one. Outside his room, they saw each other secretly in the library, in empty hallways, or off campus.
They had never really discussed why they were hiding. Of course, Y/N was a bit afraid of what people were going to say. She was a bit afraid that their criticisms and judgments would spoil everything between them. It was also exciting to have a secret.
At the same time, she really wanted to tell everyone, because she really loved Vaas, she wanted people to know that he was hers, and that he wasn't as horrible as most people thought. She didn't care if the others didn't accept the situation.
He wasn't perfect, he said so himself, but he could be adorable. In any case, he was adorable with her, as he had promised.
     "You're smiling like an idiot again, nena."
     "I'm not allowed to smile ?"
     "Of fucking course, I love your smile. My ray of sunshine. But when you look at me like that, I just feel weird, like I'm the happiest man alive, and I don't like feeling weird."
     "I am very happy to be with you."
     "There you go, you're also saying silly things, mi amor. You can't be happy with me, I'm a moron."
Vaas had very little self-confidence. That was why he compensated a lot with insults and violence, to hide his deep hurt, instead of just being honest with others.
He had a hard time letting people in. Y/N was an exception.
That was probably why he didn't want people to know about them. At least, that was what she thought, until she overheard a conversation he was having with some of his "friends", or colleagues as he preferred to call them.
Buck, Hoyt, Pagan, and John. It was true that he didn't often talk about them using compliments, but they spent a lot of time together. There was also his little gang, with Carlos, Ben and Miguel, even though they all called him "Jefe".
     "The spring ball is coming."
     "Fuck, the what ?" Vaas asked, finishing his cigarette. "What is this new bullshit again ?"
     "The spring ball, Jefe. An idea from the director, to celebrate the end of the May exams, and please everyone."
     "He thinks we're still in high school ? Stupid old bastard. No time for that bullshit."
     "But good plan to sell gear." noted Hoyt.
     "And fuck." Buck added.
     "If too many jerks are high at the party, we might get in trouble. The director is already suspicious. Bad plan."
     "What about fucking, Jefe ?"
     "You want to fuck, Carlos ? Don't you already have little Ben for that ? Since you share a bed. You do what you want with your cock, hermano, not my fucking problem."
     "It would do you good to have someone. Yuma could say yes, for one night. I saw two nice girls, Lisa and Daisy. There are several nice girls on campus."
     "Shut up, Min."
     "I saw you once with a little mouse. Y/N, I think ? Not my type, but if you like..."
     "Shut up, Min." repeated Vaas, lighting a new cigarette, without adding anything and quickly changing the subject.
Y/N might have been happy that he didn't agree with what Pagan had said. About how she clearly wasn't interesting or beautiful enough to be with Vaas. But he hadn't said otherwise either.
And then she wondered if he wasn't hiding her just because he was ashamed. Because his reputation would be bad with dating a girl like Y/N.
She thought about it for hours, days, feeling terribly hurt. He had promised never to hurt her.
     "Nena, are you listening to me ?" Vaas asked, waving his hand in front of her face, visibly worried. "You haven't touched your ice cream and you haven't said anything for ten minutes. I started talking about flying dolphins, hermosa. Talking flying dolphins, and you didn't say anything at all."
     "Oh, sorry."
     "Are you… are you okay ?"
     "Vaas. I think it's better if we stop seeing each other."
This conclusion had become clear to her the day before, when she was crying in her bed. Even though she loved him, and she was pretty sure he loved her too, their story was going nowhere, and it was ridiculous to continue.
Vaas stared at her for a long time. For a moment she wondered if he was going to scream, or cry, or bang his glass against the table in the little bar where they were, but he didn't move, completely frozen, as if the world had just come crashing down around him.
     "... I did something ?" he finally asked in a low voice.
     "No, it's not you. You've been wonderful to me, really, but... I don't think it's working. I'm not saying you're ashamed of me, but I know you don't want people to know about us, and I get it. It's better that way."
     "Please." she said standing up. "It's really better that way. You'll find better, like Lisa or Daisy. Goodbye, Vaas."
She left very quickly, boarding the first bus to escape him, as he ran after her, shouting her name. Y/N fled to Amita's house, where she ignored Vaas' calls and messages, telling herself again and again that it was the right decision.
She repeated it to herself when she returned to her dorm room and her roommate jumped on her asking who had filled all the space with flowers.
She repeated it to herself again when she passed in front of her name written in huge letters on the main wall of the campus, surrounded by small hearts.
     "I heard you had a secret admirer." Jason sneered without malice, as he and the rest of his band came to sit at her table during lunch break.
     "I don't want to talk about it."
     "Do you know who it is ? I bet for Ajay."
     "Ajay ? Ajay Ghale ?"
     "Yes. You two are friendly, aren't you ?"
Yes, Ajay and her were friends. Nothing more. They often studied together, and more than once she had to reassure Vaas about him, without revealing that Ajay couldn't love her like that, since he preferred the other team.
     "I heard rumors that he was going to invite you to the ball."
     "Don't listen to rumours."
     "Maybe but..."
Keith couldn't finish his sentence. A huge, repetitive metallic noise was heard throughout the canteen, and when she turned to see what it was, Y/N discovered Vaas, standing on a table in the middle of the room, banging on a saucepan with a pan.
He only stopped when everyone looked at him.
     "SHUT UP, MOTHERFUCKERS, SHUT UP, I'M TALKING !" he shouted, before pointing his pan in a specific direction. "Y/N ! DO YOU WANT TO GO TO THE SPRING BALL WITH ME ?!"
Too surprised by the situation, Y/N didn't have time to be embarrassed by feeling all eyes turn towards her. Vaas was staring at her too, with an intense gaze, full of hope and passion, and since she wasn't sure she could speak, she nodded.
This seemed to satisfy him, as he flashed a huge grin, before grimacing as he looked at the others.
He then jumped off the table and left the canteen as if nothing had happened. Of course, he was the only one to act as if everything was normal. Everyone asked Y/N hundreds of questions.
Why had Vaas done this ? Did he send the flowers and draw the hearts ? Was he serious or was he having fun ? Did he hurt her ? Why had she agreed to go to the ball with him ?
It was then obvious to Y/N that if Vaas had been afraid that people would judge, criticize, make comments, and that one of them would end up being ashamed, it was not by thinking of him and his "friends". If one of them should be ashamed of their couple according to him, it was her.
     "No, really, why ?" asked Daisy, who had followed her into the girls' bathroom, repeating that she was worried, like everyone else. "You can tell him no. We can go see a teacher."
     "I'm fine. He's not… Look, he's not as terrible as people think."
     "How can you know that ?"
All these questions were starting to give her a headache. Y/N wanted to take refuge in her bed, hide under her covers, far from everything. She was about to answer, when an arm landed around her shoulders, and a head stuck to hers.
     "She knows because we've been dating for five months, hermana. Now you're leaving her alone with your fucking questions, it's  really annoying."
Vaas didn't care about the "girls' toilet" sign. He didn't care about almost any rules, which he saw as challenges.
Seeing Daisy open her mouth to retaliate, he raised a finger and calmly told her to shut up, while continuing to hold Y/N with his protective arm. She couldn't help but look at him with a smile, which caught his attention.
     "Nena, you're smiling like an idiot again."
     "Sorry." she whispered, still smiling.
     "It's okay, mi amor." he said kissing her. "Tell me if that bitch pisses you off again."
This slightly romantic scene did not reassure Daisy at all, and the following Saturday, during a small party that had been planned for a long time, the others took over to check that Vaas had not threatened Y/N to go out with him.
     "I repeat, he is nice. Sometimes."
     "Only 'sometimes' ?" Oliver muttered.
     "No, I mean… With me all the time, but if I tell everyone how nice he can be, he's going to get mad."
     "He's going to get mad at you ?!" Riley shuddered.
     "No ! Against the others. He is going to go see them to break their teeth in order to prove that he is not gentle. Then he will ask me why I did this with his little pout, before going to sulk in a corner until he decides he wants hugs."
     "Hugs..." Grant repeated. "Y/N, simple hugs are fine. But maybe he just wants more and that's not serious."
     "If he just wanted more, he would have left me months ago."
     "Because you are not easy."
     "Because he already had more." she answered honestly.
     "What ?!" Liza asked indignantly. "No, don't tell me you two..."
Her phone saved her, 'La Vida Loca' already telling her who was calling her, and everyone really stopped talking when they saw the name on her screen.
     "Yes Vaas ?"
     "Mi corazon. I miss you. You want to come to my place ? I have a great movie, and mangoes."
     "Why mangoes ?"
     "Why not ? Are you coming ?"
     "I can't, I'm at a party with friends."
     "The idiots ? They're not bothering you with questions again, are they ? I can tell they're bothering you, I can tell you're not well. I can come and yell at them for you if you want."
    "I'm doing fine, thanks."
    "Okay. As you wish, nena. I'll eat my mangoes by myself. And tomorrow I'll take you to the restaurant. I'll dress nicely, like a penguin, and I'll speak like an English nobleman."
     "You're ridiculous." she laughed, imagining the scene.
     "Just for you."
This time, seeing her smile like a fool on the phone, everyone seemed to understand as though they were different, though he wasn't perfect, though it might seem strange, Y/N and Vaas really loved each other. They were happy together, and everything was going perfectly well.
It couldn't be explained, it was just like that.
So when she hung up, they didn't ask her any more questions, and although Vaas remained convinced for a long time that it was because they were afraid of him, it was mainly because Rook College saw for the first time that the tiger wasn't as wild as he wanted to make it out to be, purring like a kitten whenever he was with Y/N.
He still broke the teeth and fingers of those who dared to make the remark to prove the contrary.
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littlest-w01f · 7 months
Are you pro Rhysand ? Because he sexually abused Feyre utm drugging and making her do lap dances for him while she was intoxicated and threw up
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Hello, Anon(s) :)
I am pro-everyone and anti-no one when it comes to acotar. Mostly because if you think of it on a deep level, every character has done bad shit, and they have done good things too, they aren't just good or bad, everyone falls into a grey area. So instead of demeaning EVERYONE for not always being good, I choose to respect them for their good moments.
You will not see any anti-posts on my blog, unless a story I want to write demands it.
Now you two asked for Rhysand and Feysand. Yes I am pro Rhysand and I ship Feysand.
And since the "are you pro-Rhysand" ask felt rather aggressive (and a little weird) to me. Here you all go.
I am pro-Rhysand because:
He saved Feyre from the three lesser Fae who went after her during Calanmai.
He helped Feyre during the second trial, thereby saving both her AND Lucien.
He made sure that Feyre wouldn't get any more of those impossible tasks between the trials once he got to know she was getting them.
He is always 10 steps ahead and has everything planned (to an extent), and he kept Amarantha's full fury off of everyone else under the mountain by sacrificing his own body, not only did he keep his people in Velaris safe but he softened almost every blow Amarantha threw at the other High Lords.
He would've let Feyre live her life happily with Tamlin despite the mating bond if that was what made her happy.
He was Feyre's rock when Tamlin didn't know how to help her, when Tamlin messed up, Rhysand was there to soften Feyre's fall.
Even if all he grew up with was a horrible role model of a High Lord (just like every fucking High Lord of the "new" generation["New" cause they all are like 500+ except for my baby Tarquin]) and is TRYING to do better than his dad. Tamlin wasn't the only one who suddenly became High Lord after THEY killed EACH OTHER'S family.
Even if he isn't the best brother at times, he freely shows his love for Azriel and Cassian. He will die and has died, to protect his closest family/people.
Despite what some people may say about how he treated Nesta in her book (forcing her out of her apartment and having her trained), it worked in a way nothing she was doing (drinking and sleeping around) did, and it DID end up helping her, she found her own friends because of what HE did. (Gwyn because she worked for Rhysand and Emerie because Nesta was forced to go to Illyria)
I KNOW he will be the kind of father to Nyx that both he and Feyre themselves needed.
I know he has done horrible things, as has LITERALLY EVERYONE. Things that can't be forgiven but are in written text to be. And I have acknowledged them, I am not naive enough to ignore them cause I find the character hot (this is not just for Rhysand but for every character, Feyre, Nesta, Cassian, Azriel, Eris, ALL OF THEM). But you will not find Rhysand hate from me, or for any other character.
Did he do the wrong things from time to time? Yes. Will I promote the horrible things he had done as "good"? No.
But I have respect for him AS A CHARACTER that triumphs over any negative feelings I may have for what he might have done.
If you wish to find anti-Rhysand posts, there is a tag like that with his name on it.
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sutherkins · 1 year
for the peter sutherland girlies 💌
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people had always judged him. it came with having a father who was branded a traitor. he didn’t even care when people talked about him, but now the conspiracy nuts were targeting you. a completely innocent person, all because you had chosen to associate with him. he didn’t understand it, didn’t think he ever would. and to make it worse, you wouldn’t even let him defend you.
if you were being honest you didn’t really mind the rumors. at least, not the ones about you. the things people said about you bore no comparison to the horrible lies they spread about peter simply because of who his father was.
“why won’t you let me defend you?” peter asks one night when they’re in bed, some random show on the history channel playing in the background.
you sigh. “puppy, the things those people say about me are even close to as bad as the things people say about you.” shifting in bed slightly closer to him and taking his hand in yours. “besides, as stupid as it is, you have to keep your head down a little. if not for yourself then at least for me. you’ve worked so hard to get where you are and i don’t want some idiots on a the internet to ruin that.”
peter squeezes your hand and remains calm even though a fire was brewing inside when he thought of the things those people said about you. “you see the things they say about you, right?”
a moment passes. “yes.”
“the things they say about you aren’t just nothing. i can barely make it reading through a couple without wanting to punch someone. not that i go looking for them or anything, it’s just frustrating. at least the people talking about me have a story to run with about the son of a traitor. you haven’t done anything wrong. how do you deal with it? that kind of hate, specifically?”
you mute the tv now, being able to tell this was going to be a longer conversation than you anticipated. “you mean the misogyny?”
peter nods.
“i don’t know if what i do is dealing with it, really. none of the things they say are true. about you or me. i know who i am and i know who you are, too. of course it hurts that lies are being spread about me just because of who i love, and it hurts that there are people out there with so much hate in their heart that they feel the need to take it out on me. and on you. but they’re wrong. that’s enough for me.”
a couple seconds pass before you speak again, “i’ll still defend you from stupid trolls online though.”
“so you can do it but i can’t?” he smiles.
you love his smile and wished it was a permanent fixture on his face. “pretty much, bub. i know you don’t like talking about it too much but, you deserve it.”
“and you don’t?”
narrowing your eyes at him, you tell him, “that’s not what i’m saying, you dork. im saying you deserve to have someone looking out for you. i already have someone to look out for me no matter what. you’ve been doing it since we met.”
peters eyes haven’t moved from yours, and they’re full of love for you. “it’s weird.”
you tilt your head. “what is?”
“having someone look out for me. i haven’t had someone do that for me in a while. even when i was with zoe.” he meant it. you were always supportive of him and it never wavered, even when he told you who his father was. when he needed someone to lean on, he always knew you’d be there with open arms.
you smiled softly, your hand reaching up to touch his face. “i kinda figured. it’s not that i don’t want or appreciate your support, i promise. you give so much to me without even thinking about it and i wanted and still want to do the same for you. you’re a good man, peter. the best man i’ve ever known. it kills me knowing what you’ve been through and that no one even bothered to support you afterwards.”
a couple minutes pass, his eyes closed and your palm resting on his cheek. peter savors this moment of peace and unconditional love that he hasn’t known in a long time. soon his left hand was moving towards yours, gently grabbing it and giving it a short kiss. “i love you. you know that, right?”
“i do.” you lean forward to kiss his forehead, feeling the tension leave his body from just your touch. “you know i love you too, right? i know you sometimes have a hard time accepting it because it’s not what you’re used to, but i love you with everything i’ve got. nothing’ll ever change that and i mean it. you’re kinda stuck with me.”
peter lets out a small chuckle, bringing you close to press a chaste kiss onto your lips. “i know. i may not always understand it, but i know.”
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