#so many asks lately thank yall <3
tomatoscribbles · 1 year
Hello i have not sent an ask in a long time but I'mma break that streak just to say that i've been sobbing at that Tekken Actor AU and i just *cue more sobbing*
I've always wondered why an old ass franchise like Tekken doesn't have AUs (at least- AUs that are a well thought out world like yours, but even gimmicky stuff aren't common)
And ur making a fic for that Kazuya raising Jin? 🥺🥺 I'm soooo on-board!
(uhhh where will u upload it actually- AO3? Fanfiction.net?)
!!!! thank you!! by the time i was drawing some of the later additions i was quietly screaming over it too, cause i can make anything dramatic and i always will cause im a clown sdhfjkd. for the record i DID think more on other cast members as well, paralleling the canon versions of character's relationships as i went, but i didnt want to sketch it all out. maybe later!
the most common au ive seen in a few places is the typical, "nothing is wrong, kazjun are married and raise jin" aus, and while i love those, this one came to me for no reason. but ive not seen many other aus at all, which yeah is odd! *rolling up my sleeves* guess ill fix that-
and YEAH, i am 😭 pray i can see it to its completion, because i have adhd and therefore chronic project abandonment issues. as for posting, i know AO3, but likely crossposting to FF.net as well. if yall know of some better options as well let me know!
when i start publishing, ill post a link here, with some pseudo cover art as well probably! might even make a separate blog for it, if it gets big enough, since this is an ART blog and not a writing one lol
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ambivartence · 2 years
maybe a little late but song recs for u!
twice by south club
her and mental breaker by block b
gravity by dpr cream + dpr live
mr insanity by dpr ian
bloom by enoi
the light by imfact
on the sky ft. meenoi by jaeha
manitto by villain
burn by iz
from20 by from20
unspoken by lee seung yoon
work work by lee jin hyuk
sorry it's so many! i hope you find something you like in this list though!
hi!!! sorry u sent this like 2 weeks ago but i'm finally getting to finishing all the song recs sent to me i hope you dont mind 😅
twice - ok i really like this
oh this is such a lovely song it's so laidback and easy going
her - downloading immediately
block b is so good omg i think i've listened to this at a certain point before but i've forgotten so thanks for bringing it back into my life <3
mental breaker - ok i really like this
gah another great block b song i love how nostalgic this dance pop style is with the very simplistic chorus
gravity - already in my library
yo i LOVE this song i was obsessed with it 3 years ago when i literally only listened to krnb ugh DPR live makes music for my soul i swear
mr insanity - downloading immediately
omg i am soooo overdue for listening to this entire album so thanks for the rec!!! this one is really good and i need to go listen to the rest as well <3
bloom - downloading immediately
anon ur music taste is fire??? i'm only halfway thru this list but would trust u with the aux any day. this song is so good who r these guys ..... just looked them up and im sad they disbanded :( the poor omega x boys :(((((( </3
the light - kinda catchy
oh this one is also so catchy i love the beat and all the singers have such distinct voices
on the sky - downloading immediately
this song sounds so pretty???? their voices work nicely together (meenoi's accent is so cute?? reminds me of bol4 jinyoung) and it's just got such a uplifting mood it kinda reminds me of encore songs that kpop groups do
manitto - ok i really like this
this is so cool there's so much going on and the instrumental is really spooky in such a fun way <3
burn - not my thing
oh this is a good song but i think just not my style right now :') really excited to see u included k-rock for me tho that's so sexy of u anon <3
from20 - kinda catchy
asdfdkfajdjflj i just saw the album title for this release? "20; still greedy for juice, i'm kissing this 20" LOL what 😂 but the song is really good! another great k-rock rec thank u <3
unspoken - downloading immediately
okay YES u found the sweet spot!! indie style k-rock my beloved <3 amazing ugh omg
work work - downloading immediately
omg the pentagon-ness of this song is so chef's kiss !!!! i just searched him up and he's in up10tion? that's so cool i rly need to check them out more :')
ps anon pls reveal urself so we can be best friends im begging u
🚫 song recs are closed 🚫
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voltronisanobsession · 9 months
A small teen wolf thought I had
I’m really missing season 1 Stiles, so let’s imagine him having a crush on reader😍
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We all know how Stiles had an enormous crush on Lydia, it was absolutely devastating tbh. Like this dude was lowkey devoted to her💀💀
So what if a new student (reader) moved into town and it’s love at first sight for him. He’d bump into you after rambling to Scott about whatever was on his mind and knocks your binder and books to the ground.
Helping you pick up your stuff, right when he’s giving you your notebook, he’d look up and just. Stare. Cuz ZOOWEEMAMA YOURE ABSOLUTELY STUNNING IN HIS EYES
You’re busy thanking him and apologizing for the collision, waiting for him to let go of the notebook, voice slowly fading out when you notice him just staring at you with his mouth slightly open.
“Thanks for helping me. Can I have my book?”
“Uh huh.”
“Stiles, you know you have to let go of the notebook.” Scott is trying his best not to slam his head in a locker when his friend still doesn’t let go LMAO
Your chuckle snaps him out of whatever daze he was in, causing him to blush and apologize awkwardly. You’d smile at him and in good nature, joke about it and walk away, leaving him in awe.
Most people would normally give him the stink eye, but seeing how you joked about it made his heart flutter a bit.
Everything is HISTORY after that. If you have any classes with Stiles, you already KNOW he’s gonna try and sit as close to you as possible. Teacher assigns partner or group projects? He’s springing out of his seat and going to you first. You both have the same lunch period? He’s inviting you to sit with him and his friends. You’re having trouble with a certain class? Man, he’s already offering to help you after school, you’ll nail that test with flying colors!
You just get him! You like his sarcasm and MIRACULOUSLY understand his random references from movies and video games! With all the time you guys spend together, his crush on you grows more and more.
You appreciate how Stiles is so interested in the things you like and dislike. You love how he asks why you enjoy a certain movie despite the terrible reviews it got. Why you dislike an artist he just began listening to. You both love the same things, but have different opinions on everything, every conversation flows so naturally with him that you can’t help but develop a crush on him too.
You’ve never met anyone as eccentric and energetic as him, he never fails to bring a smile to your face teehee
Stiles is the type to remember every little, seemingly insignificant, thing about his crush. When your birthday rolls around, this dude has so many gifts ready😭 a warm feeling fills you when you open one gift to see it’s an item you’ve mentioned in a passing convo yall had MONTHS ago
He’s so sweet and kind with you too like don’t get me started. Stiles just enjoys being around you and seeing you happy makes him happy. SEASON 1 STILES IS THE DEFINITION OF PUPPY LOVE LIKE UGGHH
Takes you out on late night drives, barges into your room through the window with any takeout food you’ve been craving. Hed even take you out on a mini ‘date’ to the local arcade!!! his dad sees how much you mean to his son and is super happy that Stiles is happy. Loves when you come over to study with him, he’s always telling you stories about when stiles was younger (he would definitely cover your ears with his hands and speak loudly over his dad LMAO)
I’m telling y’all, stiles having a crush on you is the cutest thing ever, especially if you reciprocate his feelings!!!When you guys get together, cuz it’s not a matter of if with his friends, you’re the ultimate duo.
He’d confess his feelings for you in the most cheesiest way ever, probably during or after a school dance cuz why not.
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junkissed · 3 months
amateur hour
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member — camboy!jun x f reader genre — smut, f2l, idiots to lovers, fluffy ending word count — 8.6k synopsis — the most awkward encounter of your life might just end up being the best thing you and your best friend have ever done together. warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, masturbation (jun), voyeurism & exhibitionism (watching porn together), jun is a big time simp but in a soft way, please lmk if i missed any! notes — huge thanks to @onlymingyus and @highvern for reading this for me to make sure i wasn't insane, and thanks to @cheolism and @duhnova for help with the title <3 this is my longest fic in a while and it took so much energy to finish but i hope yall enjoy! please reblog or send an ask and lmk if you enjoyed this! :)
"hello? anybody home?"
jun squeezes his eyes shut, throwing his head back with a stifled moan as he cums all over his hand. his grip on his cock tightens, milking every last drop out across his abs as he fights to keep himself quiet.
fuck, he forgot. forgot he'd told you to come over tonight. forgot he'd promised a movie night to cheer you up after your latest dating disaster. he feels like the worst friend on the planet right now, for so many reasons.
the main reason? the fact that he's just finished cumming at the thought of you… and also the fact that he's been streaming the whole thing to thousands of people.
out of breath, he presses a couple keys before slamming his laptop shut. no goodbye to his viewers, no thanking the people who donated. but they're used to his unconventional streams, often barely acknowledging their existence or even not talking at all. not because he cares deeply about staying anonymous, but because he's just so… average.
maybe that's why he's so popular: he's just a regular guy jerking off. people like that amateur stuff. no elaborate productions, no fancy camera work, just a guy with a laptop and a really pretty cock (or so he's been told). he could be anyone: your classmate, your neighbor, the cute guy from the library. he might even be your best friend.
"in here— changing!" he calls through his closed door, rushing as fast as he can to clean himself up and put clothes on. he's mentally praising himself for remembering to make his bed this morning, and after wiping a suspicious looking stain off his desk and fixing his chair, his room looks halfway decent.
he tosses open his bedroom door to greet you, throwing a smile onto his face. he doesn't want you to feel like you're intruding—he loves it when you come over, he wouldn't have given you his house key if he didn't want you to—even though at this exact moment, you very much are intruding. even though he invited you over in the first place. fuck, he's such an idiot.
when jun hadn't answered any of your texts before you let yourself in his apartment, you'd figured he'd forgotten about tonight. you'd hoped tonight would be an exception, but it's not out of the ordinary for him to be forgetful. any other day you wouldn't have minded, even teased him about it, but not tonight. especially since he invited you over in the first place.
but all of your worries are suddenly pushed to the backseat when he comes out of his room looking… well, hot.
like, literally hot. he's sweating, his hair disheveled and his pupils huge as he pushes his shirt sleeves up his arms.
it takes a second for you to take it all in— obviously he'd forgotten about his promise and had started a workout instead. you can't say you haven't noticed lately how often he's started working out, his biceps bulking up and his chest peeking out through his shirts. you'd wondered when he's been finding the time to go to the gym, his excuse for years being that he's too busy or too lazy to leave the house, but it seems like he's been working out at home too now.
you stand awkwardly in the space between his living room and the door, watching the beads of sweat forming at his hairline. “if now's a bad time, i can— leave…”
"no!" he rushes to say, and you pause at his sudden outburst. "no. just... let me take a shower real quick. i'm so sorry, i lost track of time." he runs his hand through his hair, trying to calm himself down while you try not to stare.
"sure," you say after a long moment. his eyes pause to travel over your face with an expression you can't read, but maybe you just imagined that because seconds later he's back to his cheery, usual self telling you to make yourself cozy on his bed and start looking for a movie while he's in the shower.
standing under the cold water, he promises to himself that he's going to get everything right tonight, despite the rocky start. he's gonna bring out the snacks and put on the movie and make you happy again. because that's what he always does, and he may not be the most perfect person in the world but he tries to be for you.
he's been there for every new boyfriend you tell him about that he already knows won't end well, and he's been there when it inevitably doesn't end well. he's been there without a single complaint for every drunk saturday night and every hungover sunday morning. and he's not going to complain this time either, no matter his feelings for you and how badly he wishes you would just date him instead. maybe he's a little biased, but he thinks he'd make a great boyfriend.
you sit at the edge of his bed wringing your hands until you hear the shower start to run, finally letting out a deep exhale and starting to relax with a moment to yourself. 
he’ll take his shower, and it’ll be like a reset button for the evening; he’ll come out nice and clean like nothing ever happened, and you’ll snuggle up and watch a funny movie and maybe get a little drunk and forget all your troubles for the weekend. a clean slate, as if you hadn’t had to use every ounce of self control you’ve got in order to avoid ogling him and the way his sweat drenched shirt clung to his torso. 
you’ll have such a fantastic time with the movie, you won’t even have time to stop and think about the fact that he probably works out shirtless. no, you definitely aren’t thinking about how you’ve never seen any gym equipment around his house so he must be doing like a crazy amount of pushups or something to get that ripped without any kind of exercise machine. the fact that these are not the kind of thoughts you should be thinking about your best friend is entirely irrelevant.
content with your plan to avoid thinking for the rest of the evening, you stand up from his bed and move to stand at his desk, opening his laptop to find something to watch.
and oh, you find something to watch, alright.
staring back at you on his screen is a porn site, paused on a video of a man laid naked across a worn out looking chair, legs spread wide with his cock tightly in his fist.
oddly enough, your first thought is that the scene looks… hot. the top of the video cuts off at the neck, hiding his face from the camera but leaving his prominent adam's apple exposed. it’s very obviously amateur, but even from just the single frame shown, you get the sense that there’s a certain charm to it. and quite honestly, it’s working for you.
apparently, it works for a lot of other people, too. the video has hundreds of thousands of views, and below it are suggested videos from the same man that boast similar numbers.
jun never struck you as the type of guy to watch solo male videos, but you aren't here to judge his preferences. hell, you've seen way worse yourself. there must be something he likes about it, though, and you’re half tempted to press play on the video to find out if the rest of it is as good as the preview seems to be.
you're about to close the tab and never speak of it again, but something else catches your eye and you pause, finger hovering over the mousepad. something about the guy in the video feels… familiar, somehow.
looking closer you see there's a little mole on his tummy, right by his hip, that reminds you of the one jun has. you've seen him without his shirt on enough times to recognize it—not like you've been staring or anything. just something you've noticed. 
but then your stomach flips, and you realize what's actually familiar about the guy in the video. tied around his wrist is a thin red string, a friendship bracelet you made when you first met him and accidentally tied it too tight so he couldn't take it off that he's worn ever since.
there's no way that's a coincidence.
and then everything else starts to fall into place: the posters in the background of the video. the old desk chair you’ve sat in so many times that you’ll never be able to see the same way again. too many pieces fitting easily together like a puzzle.
but by the time you've had long enough to process all this information, the shower has stopped and out walks jun wearing nothing but a loose pair of sweatpants. your eyes drag away from the sight of his wet, naked chest and instantly fix on the bracelet tied around his wrist, unable to stop staring at it.
you distantly hear him call your name, and your gaze snaps back up at him with wide, guilty eyes, caught like a deer in headlights.
he opens a drawer and starts tugging a t-shirt on over his head, turning around to look at you. “did you find something to watc— oh.”
you follow his gaze towards his open laptop, the video sitting proudly on display in the tab you forgot to close.
you both stare at the paused video for a very long moment, the silence stretching on before all the words that were stuck in your throat suddenly come tumbling out all at once.
“i wasn’t— it was just open… i didn’t—”
he stands there in silence, and you stand there in silence, and the evidence sits on the desk between you like a wall that makes you feel intensely exposed, even though he’s the one who’s sitting naked on the open screen.
your first instinct (after panic, of course) is to slink home and hide yourself in your room and try to erase the image of your best friend’s dick from your memory. you’ve never thought they looked very attractive before, but his is weirdly beautiful to look at, and you’re not willing to explore that train of thought. also, way bigger than you were expecting, but it’s not like you thought about it often enough to guess how big he is or anything. 
“maybe i should go home and we should just forget about tonight,” you rush to add when he still doesn’t say anything after a lengthy pause. 
jun’s face falls, and you immediately feel a pang of guilt for trying to run. “you don't have to go,” he says quickly. “it’s not— um, nothing weird about it, right? i’m sorry, i should have closed it, or…” he pauses, stumbling over his words almost as badly as you are. “i don’t wanna make you uncomfortable. i promise my sheets—and everything in my room—is clean.” he tries an awkward smile, and it makes you feel really bad about making him feel bad.
“it's not weird at all. it's totally normal. i was just… surprised,” you try to smile back, but it doesn't work as well on you as it does on him. “just a shock, i guess. trying to process it. but it's fine. i promise.”
“i won't make it weird,” he says. “you don't have to watch it or anything.” he kind of wants you to.
“i wasn't thinking about it.” you definitely were.
there's another uncomfortably long silence. “so anyway, did you pick out a movie?” he asks at the same time you ask him a question, both trying to keep the conversation going, but you realize you should've kept your mouth shut and let him take the lead because he is way more capable of being normal about this than you are.
“what do you think about when you do it?” you blurt out, and you regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth because you've realized just how invasive of a question that is and you're kind of hoping he didn't hear you, but he definitely did because he's sitting at the edge of his bed with a shocked look on his face, because out of all the things he was expecting you to say it definitely wasn't that.
“don't answer that. i don't know why i said that,” you follow up immediately, trying to mitigate the damage but it's too late.
his eyebrows are scrunched up in thought. “no, i don't care. i—um… i just don't know how to answer that without making it weird.”
“you don't have to,” you say quickly.
he turns to you, but you pointedly look away. “do you actually want to know?” 
you look down at your hands, doing everything to avoid his eyes. “kinda.” yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
he laughs a little, and miraculously somehow it manages to lighten the tension, hearing that familiar sound. “you seem, like, really uncomfortable. we can just… pretend it never happened.”
“it's gonna be hard to do that. it's not every day you find out your best friend is a porn star,” you say finally. you force yourself to lift your head, at least in his general direction since you can't meet his eyes. you settle on looking at his mouth instead, but that was definitely a mistake because now you're staring at his lips and noticing for the first time how pretty they are and how soft they look and now you're wondering what it would feel like to kiss those lips and to—
“it's not really like being a porn star… well, kind of, it is. but like, not really, because—” he cuts himself off when he notices you staring. “sorry, i'll drop it. we don’t have to get into it.”
“no, i'm curious now,” you say. somehow you find the will to lift your head, finally meeting his eyes. “tell me how you do it.”
he stares blankly. “like how i jerk off, or… oh, you meant how the videos work,” he laughs as it clicks into place in his mind. obviously you wouldn't mean it like that—as much as he wishes you did.
you didn’t realize it until now but the uncomfortable, awkward tension at the initial shock of finding out that your best friend has a mildly successful porn career, has slowly been melting away into a different kind of tension. maybe it’s the adrenaline, the fight or flight instinct, or something else entirely, but it’s succeeded in making you bolder than you should be. everything in you should be telling you no, drop it, don’t invade his privacy, but all you can think is yes, please, tell me everything.
“is that what you were doing earlier? when i got here?”
he tilts his head imperceptibly at your question, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he tries to gauge your reactions. there’s something in the air and it’s beginning to affect him too. “i feel like you’ve already guessed the answer to that.”
you can’t help the smirk that tugs at the corner of your lips at his words, gaining confidence with each passing second. “i told you, i’m curious.”
“fine.” he cocks an eyebrow at you. “yeah, i was. what else do you wanna know?”
“you never answered my question earlier.”
“what do i think about?” he repeats, tactfully ignoring the blush creeping up his neck into his cheeks. “trade secret. i can’t tell you.”
clearly you aren’t satisfied with his answer, so he sighs and looks over at you. strands of wet hair from his shower rest across his forehead, and you can’t help but be reminded of how he looked when you’d first walked in, sweaty bangs sticking to his face in a similar fashion. 
“it’s not any different than when i do it off camera. same thoughts.” his eyes trail down your body briefly before snapping back up to your face. “most of the time i don’t even remember i’m being filmed. just feels like a normal afternoon to me.”
when he meets your eyes again they almost seem to sparkle with a mischievousness he hasn’t seen from you in a long, long time. “so this is a normal afternoon for you, then? letting people watch you jerk off?” the words are more vulgar than he’s ever heard from you, but they taste good and satisfying on your tongue.
if even a quarter of jun’s brain was functioning normally right now, he might have the good sense to refuse to answer your questions. his side job was never supposed to be found out by friends or family, not because he’s embarrassed about what he does, but because he likes having that space to experiment with himself. it’s true he can try out fetishes and kinks he would’ve never known about before, yes, but more important to him is the fact that he can do whatever he wants, be whoever he wants to be, act however he wants to act.
yet he instantly buckles the second you smile and bat your pretty eyelashes at him without so much as a second thought. for as long as he’s known you he’s always had the urge to tell you everything, to talk for hours and hours about anything on his mind. he’s never felt like he needs to hide anything from you; even with this, his darkest secret, he’s an open book. willing and far too eager to answer anything you ask him.
a small, distant part of him has sort of always wanted you to find out about his alter ego, to question him exactly as you’re doing now. the thought of his secret becoming your secret, too. 
“i guess so, yeah.” he grins and glances over at his laptop still sitting open, the image of himself paused on the screen.
you follow his eyes, looking back and forth between him and the video and trying not to find the similarities between the two. “you ever do anything… together? or just solo?”
only after you’ve said it do you realize how that question sounded coming out, and yet again you wish you could take back your words. it wasn’t meant to be an offer—though deep down you really wouldn’t mind that at all—but despite the numerous boundaries you’ve already overstepped tonight, you don’t think that’s a line you’re willing to cross just yet. 
being aware of your best friend’s homemade porn and even watching it is one thing, but actually fucking him is completely different. and no matter how bad your feelings are for him, it still feels off limits. unless he suddenly decides to grab you by the neck and tell you he wants you to ride him until your legs give out (which you’d gladly do, for the record), you’re just going to have to keep those desires to yourself. 
the implications of your question hang unanswered in the air, and you stumble to explain yourself before he has the chance to outright reject you. “that's not what i mean—not like that. i wasn’t… nevermind.” you cut yourself off, hoping you haven’t managed to dig yourself a deeper hole.
the corner of his mouth upturns in a smile that you find infuriatingly hot. “you weren’t what? and no, i haven’t. never had anybody i liked enough to try it with.” he gets shy again, glancing away from you and staring at his desk chair absently. “i haven’t told anyone about it, so it’s not like i have many options even if i wanted to.”
your cheeks flush in embarrassment, and that guilty feeling in the pit of your stomach from seeing something you shouldn’t have returns. you’re the only person who knows? and you only saw it on accident, so clearly he didn’t mean for anyone to ever find out. fuck, all of this was a mistake and maybe you really should pretend like nothing ever happened.
“i’m sure the people who watch you would be lining up at your door to fuck you if you asked.”
“not interested.” he doesn’t meet your eyes, his gaze lingering on your body again for a moment too long, and for some reason that sparks something within you.
you clear your throat and it grabs his attention, looking up at you in curiosity. “well, anyway. i’ve thought of something for us to watch.”
he perks up a little, and you almost feel bad for what you’re about to do because he seems so excited at the prospect of watching an actual movie. but you’ve endured more than enough of your fair share of his teasing over the years, and part of you is still curious to finally see him in action, so you grab his laptop and sit yourself down on his bed.
he walks closer to you to see what you’ve picked out for the evening, only to find you’ve put his own video on fullscreen, nonchalantly propping his computer up on your lap to watch as if his dick isn’t sitting in front of your very eyes in 4k high definition.
his cheeks turn even redder than they already were as he freezes in place, his eyes fixed on the image of his own cock in hand and toned body on display, waiting for you to press play.
“you coming?” you pat the bed next to you expectantly, smiling such an innocent little smile as if you’re unaware of what you’re doing, though both of you already know exactly what’s going to happen. and it’s driving him up the fucking wall. 
he’s so flustered that he doesn’t even laugh at your pun, still standing at the foot of his bed and trying to summon every last shred of his dignity to stop himself from getting hard for the second time tonight. just the thought of you wanting to watch him, showing interest in the videos of him pleasuring himself has all the blood in his body rushing towards his cock, and he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be able to keep pretending he’s fine with this.
“i’ve never watched them after filming them. i was there the first time… never felt like i needed to revisit it.” he doesn’t mention the real reason he doesn’t watch them is because he’s afraid to see what he looks like when he’s thinking about you— afraid to see how his body reacts in ways that it definitely shouldn’t be without your knowledge.
you bite your lip absentmindedly, looking up at him with an inviting expression. “first time for everything, right?” despite the confidence you’ve gained your voice still ends up coming out soft and shy, as if you’re afraid to admit how badly you want to see how this plays out.
jun’s face flushes as he tries to ignore the way his pants continue to grow tighter. “you wanna watch me? i mean— the video? together?” he’s honored… no, he’s more than honored. thousands of people watch his videos daily, yet the only one he cares about is sitting on his bed and smiling that pretty smile of yours at him.
he rests his palms on the edge of his bed frame, and you can’t help the way your eyes rake over his body in reaction. he’s tall and always has been, towering over you as long as you’ve known him, but he never seems to be aware of just how big he is. or maybe he is and just knows how to use it to his advantage. either way, you can’t hide the shiver running down your spine as he leans over the bed towards you.
he can feel his body tingling with anticipation as he takes a seat down anxiously beside you, your fingers hovering over the mousepad before you finally unpause the video. no going back now.
at first you think the sound isn’t working as you watch him adjust his position on the chair in silence, but when you hear the seat squeak you realize he’s just quiet. your palms are clammy as you keep your hands planted at your sides, waiting for the action to start. just the image of him naked is enough to send you into a spiral, but you force yourself to be patient, knowing there’s better things to come.
you try not to stare at him next to you, but it’s impossible with the way he keeps nonchalantly adjusting his sweats every few seconds. you can tell he’s trying not to let on how hard he is, but unfortunately for him you're way too hyper aware of yourself in this moment and nothing goes unnoticed.
your gaze stays glued to the screen as you watch the recording of jun leaning back in his chair, tentatively taking his cock into his hand with a soft sigh. you don’t notice that you’ve been holding your breath until he starts moving his hand up and down along his length, letting out a shaky sigh that matches the ones from his recording. your cheeks are burning but you can’t bring yourself to stop staring as he brushes his thumb across his leaking tip, smearing his precum around with his fingers.
the muscles in his thighs tense and he lets out a little whine, and it sends a shiver throughout your whole body. you can’t see his face on the video, but you’ve seen his expressions enough to get the picture, and it drives you wild. you need to see it close up, need to see those faces he makes and confirm the way you’ve imagined it.
but even with his beautiful, painfully hard cock right in front of you, you still can’t take your eyes off of the friendship bracelet tied around his wrist, watching as it brushes against his cock with every stroke of his fist. you wonder how long he’s been doing this, how long and you’d never realized. he’d never seemed like the type, but then again, you were learning a lot of things about your friend tonight.
you manage to pry your eyes away from the video but your gaze just ends up back on instead, sitting beside you with the same thin bracelet adorning his slender wrist. you squeeze your thighs together as you stare at it, willing yourself not to think about it, but when another broken and muffled moan comes out of the laptop speaker you can’t take it anymore.
you suddenly stop the video, pushing his computer off your lap and closing the screen. he jumps and looks at you, eyes wide with concern. you'd hated it, didn't you? you thought he was a loser and this was all such a bad idea and he should've pretended it never happened in the first place because now your friendship is ruined and—
"show me."
jun swears he stops breathing for a second. he must not have heard you clearly, but when he pulls his gaze up to meet yours he finds you staring back expectantly, a hint of a smile on your face and a look in your eyes that makes him want to pounce on you and never look back.
"what?" his voice comes out cracked. god, if you're saying what he thinks you are… he's never been this hard in his entire life, including all the times he's edged himself to the thought of you. there's no way in hell he isn't hallucinating right now, because the expression on your face is straight out of his dreams.
your wandering eyes flit down to his bulge. "i thought you said you did live shows."
your heart is pounding, fearing you've finally crossed that last forbidden line for good. who knows when you got so bold, but you couldn't handle watching another second of that video without doing something about it. despite his shyness you know he's enjoying this, with the way he keeps tugging at the hem of his shirt and struggling to hide his painfully obvious boner. it's not like you're doing any better yourself, and you wonder if he can feel the heat radiating off your body right now or if he's noticed the way you can't stop squirming.
you hadn't expected that hearing his breathy whimpers through the laptop's tinny speakers and watching his abs flex on the screen as he squeezes his hand around his cock would have such an effect on you, but it's hard not to when the star of the movie is sitting right beside you. you're afraid to even move, at risk of revealing the wet spot beneath you seeping into his sheets that he was so adamant earlier about being clean. well, you know one thing for sure— they won't be clean after tonight.
so, you clear your throat and choose your next words carefully this time, knowing exactly what you're asking for and hoping, praying it'll be reciprocated. "why would i wanna watch a video when i can see it in person?"
"fuck—" his voice is strained, and your stomach flips at the sudden low tone coming from his throat that you aren't used to hearing. "you want—”
"i wanna see you," you cut him off, jumping on the chance that he didn't immediately shut you down. you look pointedly at the bulge in his pants, making sure he sees you looking. "do you ever do private shows?" you feel the heat in your cheeks burning with shyness, but you press on, your voice soft. "you know… one on one?”
“no— yeah,” he says hurriedly. “i mean, i can now. for you. if you want.” he adds the last part like an afterthought, because even though you just straight out asked to watch him jerk off, he still can’t comprehend that you’re into this. that you, his best friend of all people, is this eager to see him.
your reply comes out choked with desperation, but he’s so lost in your reactions that you doubt he even notices the change in your tone. “please?”
with dazed eyes he nods, moving his hands down to the waistband of his pants, and it feels like time moves in slow motion as you strain your eyes for a glimpse.
your breath catches in your throat as you watch him push his sweatpants down just below his hips, freeing his cock. the thick veins on his hands that you're used to ogling in your free time are nothing compared to the veins that cover his length, and they’re nothing compared to the grainy video from his computer, either.  you're so tempted to touch him, you have to physically restrain yourself from reaching over and wrapping your hand around him, to feel its weight in your palm and feel how hard he is.
he soaks up your reaction, his pride soaring at the way your mouth is practically watering for him. he makes sure you're watching, then pushes his sweatpants all the way off and leans back against the headboard of the bed, spreading his legs to get a more comfortable position before he starts.
“you gonna answer my question now?” you ask, your voice soft yet still teasing as he begins to drag his hand up and down his shaft slowly, pumping himself to full hardness as if he hadn't already been fully hard for the last hour.
the look in his eyes when he glances back up at you makes your heart jump, and suddenly the answer seems as clear as day. but you’re afraid to believe in it in case you’re still wrong about everything; even now as you kneel beside him on his bed, his eyes boring into yours as you watch him fist his cock, you can’t let yourself have hope that he feels the same about you. there’s been nothing to suggest that he does, besides the fact that he didn’t immediately throw you out of his house the second you found out about his alternative career.
he doesn’t answer for a long moment, and you feel your entire body growing hot under his gaze. for the second time tonight you feel stripped bare, despite the fact that you’re fully clothed and he’s the one half naked in front of you.
“are you sure you wanna hear the answer?” he says finally, and despite the way his voice comes out choked you can tell he’s just as nervous about this as you are. years of friendship changed by just one sentence, but whether it’ll be for better or for worse, you haven’t figured out yet.
you’re not sure if you really do, but you nod anyway, searching his eyes for any signs of hesitation. he groans softly, bucking his hips up a little into his fist as he opens his mouth to speak. you scoot closer to hear him, drawn to him like a magnet and your heart pounding as you wait for the words you so badly want to hear.
“right now?” he pauses. “i’m thinking about how bad i wanna kiss you.”
and after that it’s like a dam breaking apart, losing every bit of self control you’d worked so hard to maintain for so long as you press forward and meet his lips. his hands jump to your hips, instantly forgetting what he was doing as he gently tugs you onto his lap to get a better angle. 
you slide your legs beneath you, straddling his lap with your knees on either side of his waist as your mouth slides against his. kissing him comes as naturally to you as breathing, almost immediately finding a rhythm with his nose pressed against your cheek.
he starts out slow, tentative, but as soon as you kiss him back he’s throwing his own self control to the wind and pulling you deeper into him. you can feel his aching cock pressing into your stomach, and it takes everything in you not to grind down on him and ease the throbbing between your legs.
you finally force yourself to pull away, taking in the sight of him. his cheeks are flushed and he’s panting, eyes darting back and forth between yours in questioning at your sudden pause. “is— is that all you think about?” you ask, but it comes out more like a whimper. if it were anyone else you’d be mortified at how worked up you’ve gotten in such a short time, but if anything jun looks worse than you do right now.
“i think about you every fucking time,” he admits breathlessly. as always, giving up his so-called trade secrets the second you ask, because he can’t hide anything. doesn’t want to hide anything from you. “can’t stop thinking about you, even when i try not to—”
“during your streams?”
“—especially during my streams.”
you push your hips down gently, feeling your soaked panties sticking uncomfortably to your folds at the movement, but it’s all worth it for the angelic moans that fall from his lips in return. “and earlier…?” you pry. you don’t know why you’re so full of questions tonight, but a part of you relishes in his praise and the way he so readily admits his thoughts to you.
he stifles another groan, his hands trailing haphazardly over your body like a kid in a candy store, as if he isn’t sure what to touch first but he does know that he wants to touch all of you. “earlier— got so hard thinking about you coming over, i couldn’t help it…” he squeezes his eyes shut as you reach up to rest your arms around his shoulders. “so fucking lucky that you’re my friend, i don’t deserve you.”
you brush your thumb against his cheek and his eyes shoot open, his hips stuttering beneath you in surprise. “why?” you ask softly. if anyone is undeserving of your friendship, it should be you, not him; the way he treats you like a queen, practically worshipping the ground you walk on and being the best friend you’ve ever had.
“‘cause—” he swallows hard and looks up at you, his fingers shaking a little as they wander across your hips. “fuck, the way i think about you… you’d never say yes to that.”
you smile softly, leaning closer to him until your mouths are just inches apart and you can feel his hot breath on your lips. “you never asked me.” you glance up at him expectantly, nodding your head to give him a chance to say what’s on his mind.
“can i—” he curses under his breath, his mind going haywire at even just the thought of you letting him have more of you. “can i kiss you again?”
and it’s such a genuine request that you have no choice but to indulge him, your lips parting to let him in. it’s a kiss that you feel in your entire body, from the hands that have moved to your back gently guiding you towards him, to the butterflies in your chest and much lower places. you want—no, you need all of him, all at once, need his hands and his cock and his sweet, sweet kisses.
you lean back and press your mouth against his neck instead, feeling his soft skin beneath your lips as you start to suck. he groans in response when you nip at the underside of his chin, beginning to suck harder until you bite down gently and lift your eyes to see his reaction.
suddenly he wraps his hand behind your neck and pulls your head up to meet him face to face, crashing his lips back against yours in a frantic battle of tongue and teeth, filled with a newfound desperation. his eyes are closed and brows furrowed as he kisses you, one hand on the back of your head guiding you into him.
you frantically paw at his shirt, struggling to keep yourself contained. "jun, please— let me see you."
he leans forward away from you and tears his shirt off over his head without so much as a word in reply, quickly settling back and meeting your lips once again. his mind is racing a mile a minute, so eager to give you whatever you want, whatever you ask for, whatever you need.
he's so caught up in pleasing you that the thought of asking you to take off your shirt in return doesn't even cross his mind; you could sit fully clothed on his lap for the rest of the night and he'd still be over the moon. but you do it anyway, just as eager to please him as he is for you. you pull your shirt off as fast as you can, whining in frustration when you tug too roughly and it gets caught in your hair for a half second. but you feel his hand slide up your back and help you, untangling it and balling the fabric in his fist, tossing it across the room before pulling you back to him.
you fall forward and catch yourself on the wall behind his head, forcing you to readjust your seat on his lap and cupping his cheeks with your hands to stabilize yourself. jun shifts his position as well, threading one arm around your waist and pulling you tighter against him. his palm on your skin makes you feel like you're on fire, his hand pressing gently but firmly against the bare skin of your hip.
you can feel his length resting between your bodies, still hard as ever and throbbing from so much stimulation yet so little of it being directed at where he wants it most. you start to rock your hips, slowly grinding against him and feeling your cunt pulse through the thin fabric of your panties, and you wonder if he can feel it, too.
if he does then he doesn’t mention it, too caught up in roaming his hands over your chest now that your shirt is out of the way. you feel shy, not used to so much attention from one person and especially not used to it coming from him. a part of you wishes you’d at least worn a prettier bra, but he doesn’t even seem to notice that it’s the old ratty one you wear around the house. in his eyes it might as well be made of solid gold, with the way he touches it so delicately and looks up at you in a frenzy, begging you to let him take it off.
his palms cup your breasts the second the fabric is on the floor, moaning unabashedly as he pushes his face into your chest. his tongue laves over your skin with his eyes closed in bliss, and he groans into your breast before he finally tears his mouth away from you, giving you both a second to breathe.
"please let me fuck you," he rasps, his arm still wrapped around your waist as he holds your body close to his. "fuck, please— god, i need you so bad. i'll take such good care of you, baby, please, just let me. i'll do whatever you want me to, please—"
you shiver at the desperation in his voice, and if he wasn't still cradling the back of your head in his palm you probably would've fallen backwards with a moan. even from the few minutes of his video that you'd managed to watch he didn't seem like much of a talker, so the way he rambles on and on begging for you feels like a breath of fresh air.
you waste no time in telling him yes, practically falling off his bed in your rush to stand up and strip the rest of your clothes off. he wraps his hand around his cock once more and begins to thrust shallowly into his fist as he watches you shimmy out of your pants, and you whimper at the sight that’s become so familiar over the past hour.
both finally naked, you start to reposition yourself on his lap, but in a split second he flips you over onto your back instead. you let out a yelp as he cages you in with his long limbs, his cock resting against your body as he hovers over you. 
“please,” he pants, his expression pleading with you just as much as his words are. you don’t even know what he’s pleading for at this point but you nod quickly anyway, moaning out his name until he silences you with another hot kiss.
he sits back on his heels, kneeling between your legs as you spread them open wider for him. he forces himself to look away from your dripping pussy long enough to position himself at your entrance. there’s so much more he wants to do, so much he wants to try with you, but after dreaming about you for so long and now you’re finally here, he’s not sure he’ll last long enough to find out. another day, he tells himself as he lines up his cock. another time, if you’ll let him.
he looks up at you, waiting for you to give him a signal or to back out if you’ve changed your mind, but you meet his eyes and bite at your lip and give him the tiniest nod.
his hands are shaking as he guides himself into you, pushing just the tip inside and looking back up at you for confirmation before continuing.
by the time he’s halfway inside of you he has to squeeze his eyes shut as hard as he can, every muscle in his body concentrating on trying not to explode at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. a million thoughts are running through his head and he can barely see straight at this point, his tunnel vision focused on you and only you. if he remembers only one thing from tonight, he wants it to be this sight right here: the image of your face scrunched up in pleasure, your mouth hanging open in a breathless moan as you clench wildly around his cock. 
your hand grips his bicep impossibly tight as you adjust to his size, your fingers gradually relaxing as he continues to push into you until he bottoms out with a high pitched whine.
it takes a second for you to adjust, but as soon as you start begging him to move his body starts running on autopilot, his hips pistoning into you with more force than he knew he had in him. he’s stopped talking by now, almost completely silent except for the occasional groan and muttered curse.
you lift your legs to wrap them around his waist, pressing into his back with your heels to get him to thrust deeper until you fall apart in his arms with a cry, burying your face in his chest as your vision goes blank and the wind gets knocked out of your lungs.
he leans down over you, putting his hand between your head and the wall to stop you from being slammed into it from his thrusts as you crest into your orgasm. all you can do is hold on tightly to him, biting at his collarbone to stifle your noises as his eyes dart across your face, desperate to see how beautiful you look when you cum for him. for him, for only him, for your best friend who’s so in love with you it physically hurts.
what finally breaks him is the gentle way you reach up and hold his head with one hand, guiding him down to your lips to kiss you once more. your fingers tremble with aftershocks as you thread them into his hair, using his body to ground yourself as he fucks you into the mattress. 
his hips stutter and he barely pulls out in time to cum all over your pussy, his cock twitching as he releases onto your skin with a broken moan. there’s nothing he wants more in this world than to cum inside you, but in his desperation he didn’t think to ask ahead of time, and even his last functioning brain cell isn’t going to let that happen without your permission.
your fingers untangle themselves from his hair, sliding to his neck and down to his chest as he heaves shallow breaths. he blinks rapidly, trying to reorient himself and calm his racing heart.
he barely hears you calling his name, but his head tilts down to look at you before he can process it. you’re just as much of a mess as he is, sweaty hair sticking to your forehead and his cum coating your lower half, your chest rising and falling as you struggle to catch your breath.
and just like that, the fog in his mind is cleared and he’s jumping into action. he’s gonna do what he always does, what he has to do: be there for you and do everything right, even when he has no idea what’s “right” anymore because he just fucked his best friend and the love of his life and that’s not usually what best friends do, so what does that make him now? he doesn’t know and he doesn’t care, but what he does care about is making sure you’re as comfortable as possible in this, probably the weirdest and most uncomfortable situation ever.
your fingers latch onto his wrist before he can get away, and he whips around with such a dumbfounded expression that you can’t help but laugh a little. “jun,” you repeat his name again, and this time it gets through to him and he pauses, eyes wide as he looks down at you.
“where are you going?”
“to…” he trails off, because he doesn’t actually know where he’s going, but his brain knows he has to do something. “uh, clean?”
you laugh. “god, i love you so much. just— c’mere.”
you tug on his wrist and he topples down onto you with a yelp, but you wrap your arms around him until he stops wiggling and just sits still against you.
your bodies are covered in sweat, sticking to each other as you hold him, but it’s the most comfortable you’ve felt in what must be years. “what are you so nervous for?” you ask him with a soft chuckle, pushing his hair out of his forehead.
“because…” he pauses again and looks up at you, worry clouding his gaze. “because you’re so perfect. and i don’t wanna mess this up.”
“you’re not going to, jun. promise.” you exhale and stroke his hair again. “if anything, i’m the one that messed things up. i shouldn’t have found out about your… you know.”
“can i say that i’m glad you did, or is that weird?” he asks with a breathy giggle.
your cheeks flush with heat, but you can’t disagree. “i’m glad too,” you admit, and the dopey grin on his face makes up for all the awkwardness ten times over.
you exhale slowly, finally feeling your body return to normal. you dread standing up—you’re not even sure if you’d be able to, after that—but for now it feels good to just lay here with jun’s head on your chest.
“so what about your channel?”
“i’ll delete it,” he rushes to say. “whatever you want me to do. i don’t care— i don’t want it anymore. all i want is you.”
you tuck a lock of hair behind his ear with a smile, feeling your cheeks glow from his praise. “well, i don’t want you to do that. all your loyal viewers will miss out on seeing you doing more than just jerking off alone.”
he raises an eyebrow at you, trying to understand if you mean what he thinks you mean. “like…?”
“like letting them watch you fuck your girlfriend?” you finish for him tentatively. even after everything tonight you still have doubts that you’ve misread his intentions, that maybe this is just a one-time thing to him and you don’t mean as much to him as he means to you.
he studies your face carefully. “is that what you are?” he asks hesitantly.
you nod slightly, the shyness from earlier suddenly rushing back in at the possibility of being rejected. “unless you didn’t want me to be.”
he shakes his head so fast it nearly gives you whiplash. “no— please. i do. so bad.”
you break out into a smile, cupping his face in your cheeks and leaning in to kiss his forehead. he hums, and the vibrations are warm against your chest . “you could’ve just asked me. like, years ago. would have avoided all the awkwardness of…”
“of you finding out i’m a porn star?”
you giggle, and he thinks it’s the most adorable sight he’s ever seen. lying naked in your arms together, making you laugh. “i thought you said you weren’t.”
he grins. “not really. but it makes me sound cooler when you say it.”
“i think you’re cool anyway, jun.”
he shifts and leans forward to capture your lips in his again, his mouth slow and tender as he kisses you this time. “i never wanna stop kissing you.”
you rub your thumbs across his cheeks, watching his fond expression that you know must be mirrored with your own. “then don’t.”
i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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alexlwrites · 3 months
As REQUESTED! Here's part 3 of "Yoongi who never had a crush... Until you" from my notes app!
This is a little longer than the others due to my commute to work taking a little longer today, so yall can thank the Sao Paulo train system for that!
As I mentioned previously, I am now open to commissions through my ko-fi! So you can buy me a coffee and request a short scenario, whether it be based on this fic, one of my others, or something entirely new! The link to my ko-fi is in my bio!
Anywho! Enjoy!
Yoongi had an on going theory - now proven over many many times - that any and all problems he encountered could somehow be traced back to Jimin.
Beer missing from the fridge? Jiminie. His files mysteriously disappearing from his computer, replaced by a bootleg version of The Sims 3? Jimin. The Plague? Park Jimin, that fucking rat.
And once more, in a house party he had no interested being at, poor Yoongi found himself victim of the consequences of his ill-fated association with that god-forsaken gremlin, now smiling smugly from across the circle where his friends and a few acquaintances sat.
"Everyone knows the rules, right?" Jimin said, innocently like he wasn't the cause of Yoongi's on going demise "You spin the bottle and whoever it points to, you have to kiss!"
Yoongi snorted from his place in a chair outside the circle. At 30 years old, he was clearly above such childish games and would never submit himself to such humiliating and depraved behavior...
"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" he heard and he swore time stopped as you, of all people, sat within the circle next to a Jungkook, smoothing down your tennis skirt as you smiled "What are we playing?"
"Spin the bottle!" Jimin smiled grew, a mischievous gleam appearing as he peared at his frozen friend.
Your eyes looked around the circle, falling on Yoongi's a couple feet behind and he swore even the singular hair in his left toe stood up in alert "Yoongi's not playing?" You asked.
Jimin shrugged in despondency "Well, no-"
"Of course I am!" Yoongi threw himself onto the ground, sending a poor unsuspecting Taehyung flying out of the way with a whelp "I love this game!"
Yoongi did not in fact love this game. He loathed it.
They had played several rounds and his bottle was nowhere close to pointing at you. Instead, he kissed Namjoon twice and slapped Taehyung once for putting his slimy tongue out as their faces got closer.
Was he cursed, he wondered, the face of dispirited desperation, watching as Hoseok and Jin made out in a way that could only be described as disproportionately violent. What could he have done in his past lives that would lead to this punishment, the sheer torture of sitting across from you and not getting to kiss you? Had he not earned your affections? Did he not claim your love through the cosmical power of dibs?
Whatever. WhaTEVER! So it would be, he would die alone. A monk amongst 6 manwhores, a fortitude of loneliness, cursed to roam the earth in his loveless state...
Oh, it was his turn. He spinned the bottle thoughtlessly, mind still wondering about the implications of his slowly returning virginity due to solitude.
You looked up at him as the bottle pointed straight at your form all the way across the circle and Yoongi swore someone had to call 911 at the way his heart stopped. His condition - simptitis - was worsening by the second.
Someone wheel him into the emergency room - you were crawling across the circle, prowling really, your blouse dipping in a way that left nothing to the imagination, and trust him, he had imagined!
You stopped, kneeling in front of him "Hi, Mr. Min."
Here are some symptoms to look for if you believe you could suffer from simptitis:
-accelerated heart beat
-exaggerated hand sweating
-inability to form coherent thoughts, not to be confused with just being stupid, which Yoongi was starting to think it was his case
-ill timed boners
And, the most common one:
-praise kink
Yoongi seemed to be displaying all of the above at the same time and when you softly asked "Are you okay with this?" All he could do was brace himself and nod.
If Hoseok and Jin's kiss was violent, this one was peaceful, slow, soft and way too passionate for a spin the bottle session. You tasted like sicilian lemon and gin and Yoongi was only but an alcoholic man at your feet, cradling your face to keep you close, refusing to let go of the addictive feeling of your lips on his.
Someone coughed awkwardly and you stepped back, face flushed and chest heaving. You looked deliciously disheveled and Yoongi thought of other circumstances where he could make you look like that again.
Okay, so maybe Jimin wasn't that bad.  Maybe he wasn't the physical manifestation of Yoongi's karma. Maybe that phat assed hobbit was up to something with his seventh grade games...
Oh, it was your turn. Maybe Yoongi would get to kiss you again!
Nope. It landed on Jimin, who wasted absolutely no time in bringing your face down to his.
The betrayal? The bro-trayal?
Back stabbing little tinker bell bitch.
Bugger it all to hell.
223 notes · View notes
biibini · 5 months
hello! :DD
i love reading all of your fics, they make me giggle and smile so much <3 (we’re brain rotting together ✨🤞)
it’s my bday today, so i’m wondering if i may request modern mizu and reader spending time together during the reader’s birthday?
nsfw modern!mizu x reader’s bday (request)
tags: loving mizu, soft, morning kisses, affectionate mizu, touchy, cuddling, bathtub scene???, massages, cunnilingus, dom!mizu, praise, dirty talk, dirty praise talk ?, strap on, hickies, riding, receiving head, fingering, aftercare
a/n: omg first off HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! i hope this isnt too late & thank u for reading the brain rots :) im glad yall enjoy it as much as i do
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18+ suggestive content below
modern!mizu would start the bday business in the morning before u wake up
normally, she would wake up in the early morning to go to the gym
but one day without it wouldn’t be the end of the world
besides, she would get the workout later tonight in between ur legs
(yeah i said it, the D is fire🔥, happy wife happy life)
she’d go out and get fresh flowers
prob from the local flower store in downtown
she’d try to be quiet with her motorcycle but if ur a light sleeper, u would know whats up
but she would come back to the apartment quietly and place the flowers neatly in a new vase
before changing back into her pjs, she would place the vase on the desk w a little note saying “good morning & happy birthday baby ♡”
climbing back into bed, u would feel her arms surround u from behind
Mizu sneaks back into bed after successfully finishing her mission: getting a pretty bouquet for her pretty birthday girl. Now under the covers, she turns to look at you. Still fast asleep, her arms wrap your body from behind. She feels you stir awake and hum from her touch.
Mizu hunches over to get a better view of your face. Your eyes flutter open. You look to your left to find Mizu, hair down and looking at you endearingly.
"Happy birthday, baby.", Mizu greets you, giving you a good morning kiss. You smile and kiss her back. "Thank you.", you respond back.
You hook your arms around her neck, attempting to pull her in for more morning kisses. Instead, she stopped you in your tracks.
"Someone left a special present for a pretty birthday girl on the desk."
You looked past Mizu and spotted the vase on the desk, holding your favorite flowers. Your eyes widen in shock. You crawl out of bed and walk over to get a closer look at the bouquet. Laid next to the vase was a note written in Mizu's handwriting.
Good morning and happy birthday baby, it wrote.
You stared at the note in awe, looking back at proud MIzu with a smile. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You turned around to give Mizu a big hug and many many thank-you kisses.
modern!mizu would attempt to cook a breakfast in bed
she would probably end up asking u for help
but setting up the table? all her
serving u food? all her
setting u down in the chair? all her
she would want to treat her pretty girl well
in an attempt to make something cute, she would try to make heart-shaped pancakes or any shape u desired
it almost worked with the heart but it ended up looking like a squiggly heart
it was still delicious anyways
modern!mizu would def host a birthday lunch or dinner with u and ur friends
she can spend her time with u later tonight
but she wants u to celebrate with others during ur special day
i dont think she would surprise u but she would shock u with how meticulously planned everything is
from the reserved table to the special free birthday cake to the singing of happy birthday at the dinner table
at first, u thought it would just be the waiter and ur friends all sitting around and quietly singing
but akemi brought a karaoke microphone
and then taigen pulled out his speaker
and ringo brought out a tambourine
and mizu with another karaoke microphone
tbh it was ringo and akemi that wanted it to be loud but mizu just went along
its ur birthday it should be celebrated
they all proceeded to sing happy birthday, loud and proud
while ur waiter laughed and played along, happily singing and clapping to the beat
modern!mizu would probably find some way to sneak in "birthday kisses"
aka just more affectionate mizu
i feel like she wouldn't be the biggest fan of PDA but if she's feeling extra loving on ur special day, that goes out the window
if she's not holding ur hand, her arm is by ur shoulder
if her arm isn't wrapped around ur shoulder, it's wrapped around ur waist
and just random kisses
"just because" kisses
"oh it's ur bday" kisses
she's just in love and celebrating ur day
modern!mizu would definitely give u a relaxing bath after a long day of birthday celebrations
if big parties aren't ur thing, she would make sure to make u feel relaxed
she would set up the bath and let u pick whatever scent or bath bomb u wished to use
if it was ur thing, she would always recommend the lavender or jasmine scent for destress
while in the bath, she would set any tea u would like
light a candle
bring a book
if it was up to u, she could join the relaxation
but if u didn't wish for any disturbances, mizu wouldn't mind
but lets face it: ofc u want her in ur bday bath
after ur all settled, she would join right behind u & wrap her arms around ur body
its such a soft and intimate moment
after a day of celebration, u could relax and take a deep breath
You were sitting in the bathtub, filled with warm water, and a jasmine bath bomb quietly sizzling next to you. To your right, you watch Mizu light a lavender-scented candle. As you begin to settle into the bathtub and relax, you hear soft piano music in the background. You take a deep breath and enter your entire body into the bathtub, enveloping yourself in the warm water that Mizu prepared for you.
"Everything alright?", Mizu asks as she sits next to you outside the bathtub.
You nod in response. "Everything's perfect..."
You pause.
"Except one thing."
Mizu tilts her head in confusion. You look up to her, reaching your arm out to her with an open hand: an invitation to join you.
"You're missing.", you smile.
Mizu smiles back. Not a wide grin but a soft smile.
She strips down and enters the bath behind you. The water splashes against the side. Not overfilling quite yet, but almost filled to the brim with jasmine-scented bath water. You turn behind to see Mizu's face highlighted by one of the candles nearby. Her eyes softly gazed back at you, almost shining in the flickering light.
"Come here.", she says softly, wrapping her arms around your body. You lay back as you feel her hands find your sides, gently hugging your body. You feel her lips softly touch your shoulders, inching closer to your neck. Her breath tickles your neck, making you gasp in response.
"Mizu...", you turn your head to get a better view of Mizu.
"Shhh. Just relax.", she quietly mumbled.
"Let me treat my pretty girl on her birthday."
modern!mizu would give u little massages
she's gotten experience from eiji asking begging her to massage his back after a long day
by request, u can ask her to focus on specific pain points
but tbh the feeling of her hands caressing ur back (or anywhere) can send u a one-way trip to heaven
if ur still in the bath, she would wash ur hair too in the meantime
she can do her hair afterwards
the feeling of her fingers digging into ur scalp and back feels oh so good
NSFW content ahead
(oh thank god let's get to the good stuff)
modern!mizu would def give u birthday head
mizu would not hesitate at all
she would slowly start from giving u gentle kisses to worshipping ur entire body
and the finale erupting in between ur legs
strap or no strap, it was up to u
but she was determined to pleasure u either way
modern!mizu would keep on praising u the entire night
the amount of praises u would hear is sinful
a lot of "my love" or "my pretty girl"s but make it 100x
or "my pretty girl is doing so good"
"you like that, don't you?"
"taking my fingers so well... that's my beautiful girl"
(im blushing just thinking ab it)
modern!mizu would leave a dangerous number of marks
typically, she only likes to leave one or two hidden
but since she's already on a roll
she can get a little careless
and totally not leave a few in between your thighs
and around your boobs
and neck
all in all, she'd end the night giving u ultimate treatment aftercare aka just very affectionate and loving mizu
modern!mizu ends ur birthday night with cuddles and sweet kisses and more softer sfw praises until u fall asleep
You and Mizu lay yourselves on the bed, still recovering from the pleasurable highs and moans a couple minutes ago. Wrapped in Mizu's arms, you squeeze her arms tightly.
"Thank you for a wonderful birthday day, my love.", you compliment her as you kiss her cheek.
She turned to kiss you fully, one of her arms moving to allow her hand to cup your face.
"Anything for my pretty girl.", she answers back, smiling at you once more before coming closer to give you more loving kisses.
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probablysimpledreams · 11 months
Brat, You Belong to Me
(Crocodile x reader: NSFW)
a/n: Hello hello One Piece nation!! I am here with some nsfw Crocodile for yall<3 This is set when he's still a Warlord and in Alabasta just for some context!
cw: Very possessive Croco here. A little usage of his hook, uses the term "pet" (the relationship the reader and him have is more of a toy/item than relationship bro is not nice just hot and possessive), hints of overstimulation, begging, masturbation being watched, umm that should be all. The reader is written gender neutral but with female parts. OH and a Doflamingo appearance!
word count: a tad over 1.4k
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The ride to the World Government headquarters felt longer than ever this time. You often accompanied Crocodile to his Warlord meetings, finding joy knowing it was another place he could show you off. You loved being his accessory, having such a powerful man's attention turned you on like crazy.
However, lately too many things have been stealing that attention away from you. He never disclosed his work to you, and honestly that's not what you cared about. What was bothering was that he was too focused on his work. This past month he has been in meeting after meeting, phone after phone call locked away in his office. The only time he has spent with you was so he could get off, needing to release stress in between meetings, calls, reports, you name it. You knew he wasn't a kind man, but this was the first time he did not take your pleasure into consideration. It was pissing you off to no end. What was so much more appealing than you these days?
You sigh loudly as you lay your head on the large man. You flutter your eyelashes as you look up at him, a frown forming as he does not even bat an eye. He continues reading the newspaper as you move closer to him, ignoring any personal space in the car. You abruptly pull away, laying down on the seats on the limousine as you throw your legs across his. You always made sure to wear something revealing to these meetings, per Crocodile's request. You extend your right leg in the air, skin brushing against the newspaper Crocodile is buried into you.
"Control yourself _______," he mumbled while turning the page of the paper. He still not even glance up to look at you. His response invoked even more rage within you. As you sit up and turn away from him, a plan to get his attention forms in your head.
You smile as you enter the meeting room, looking around at the familiar faces. It had been a while since the last Warlord meeting, but you knew exactly who to target to get under Crocodile's skin.
"So nice of you to join us, Gator boy," a tall man smirks as he approaches the two of you. "And your little Birdy joined us as well." He winked as he took your hand into his. "How are you beautiful?"
"Oh you know," you smile up at the man. "Can't complain." You glance at Crocodile as Doflamingo presses a kiss on your hand. Despite Crocodile showing no reaction, you knew how he felt about Doflamingo, especially when it came to him flirting with you. You always obey his rule of not interacting with Doflamingo's moves, but it was time to play dirty.
"Darling, I saved you a seat," Doflamingo escorts you over to the table where the rest of the Warlords sat. You thanked him as you sat in the chair between him and Crocodile. A small smirk formed on your face as you noticed Crocodile's attention was finally on you, even if it was just from the corner of his eye. Keeping up with your plan, you turn to ask Doflamingo a question. As the two of you talked you could feel a strong, piercing set of eyes watching you.
"Fufufufu, finally giving up on the old man huh Birdy?" Doflamingo leans closer into you. "You know my offer never expires," his hand starts trailing down to your exposed thighs.
"I might have to take you up on that Doffy," you giggle. "Ya know, Crocodile has been so busy lately, it's made me-" you were cut off by a hook creating a barrier between you and Doflamingo.
"That's enough," Crocodile huffs. "Both of you." Though he keeps a calm composure, you can sense the anger from his tone. The energy of the entire room shifts. His gold hook graces your skin as he pulls it back to himself, giving you a final glare before turning around.
"Oh? Protective, are we now?" Doflamingo chuckles amusingly. Before he's able to push Crocodile's buttons any further, the individuals who called for the meeting enter the room and begin speaking.
Similar to the ride there, the ride back was silent. However, a winning smirk graced your face as he kept a hand latched on your thigh. His composure was slowly breaking as the ride continued. You impatiently rub your thighs together, causing Crocodile to tighten his grip on you. The car finally pulled into the Rain Dinners casino, and Crocodile dragged you all the way inside into his office. Using his hook, he quickly pushes everything off his desk and throws you onto the desk.
"Is this what you wanted so badly?" he asks, sliding the back of his hook against your clothed sex. You whine, yet he's not amused. "Answer me damn it."
"I-I want you!" you whine, unable to hide any desire. You've been so horny all month and can not take any teasing. His free hand slides your underwear off, then he presses the back of his hook against you again. You cry as the cold gold meets your skin. He gives a disgusted look as he pulls away, wiping the sticky wetness off the hook.
"Show me," he takes a seat down at the desk. "You put on a great show for Domflamingo earlier. Where's mine?"
You whine, but decide not to resist his demands. You quickly move your hand down your body, fingers swirling circles on your clit. Crocodile watches intensely as you get to work on yourself, moans leaving your lips. You could tell he was not going to give you what you needed yet though.
"C-Crocodile," you cry as you slide two fingers inside yourself. A smirk appears on his face as he continues to watch you intensely. You pick up the pace, pumping your fingers in and out of yourself at a quick pace. You continue to squirm on the table, moans crying for Crocodile to touch you and how you need him. Just as you're about to reach your climax, a hand reaches out and forces you to stop. You whine and fight to get out of his grip, but are unsuccessful as your hand is now pinned above your head.
"Such a good pet," he praises as he hovers over you. You swallow as he releases your hand, wrist throbbing from the tight grip. "Well, are you going to get what you've been begging for?" he motions to his harden cock trying to burst from his slacks. "Or should I make you wait even longer?" You eyes widen as you shake your head, causing him to chuckle as you quickly undo his belt and slide his pants off. "That's what I thought." Your legs wrap around his waist as he positions himself, tip barely inside you.
"Please Crocodile!" your impatience past its limit. "Fuck me already!"
"You don't make the demands here," he slams his cock roughly into you. "You got that?"
"Y-yes sir," you choke, tears forming in your eyes from the pleasurable pain.
"That's more like it," he smirks. He moves his hips to fuck you at a steady pace, starting slowly to make sure you feel every second of it. You cry as he pulls himself all the way out, seconds later sliding himself all the way back into you. Crocodile was clearly no small man, and neither was his dick. You still remember the first time he had fucked you, leaving you breathless and bleeding. You were sure you were bleeding again as it felt like he was ripping your inside apart with every thrust. This is exactly what you wanted. After a full month of being deprived your mind and body were ecstatic from finally receiving pleasure. It was all so overwhelmingly pleasuring, pushing you to your climax quicker than usual. Crocodile began thrusting faster and faster as you claw at his back. You know he will be mad if you ruin the silk button down he's still wearing, but you don't care. In this moment all you can focus on is your own pleasure.
"C-Crocodile," you moan as you tighten around him, causing him to let out a low growl. "I-I....Crocodile!!" you scream his name as the pleasure takes over you, vision going fuzzy as you reach your climax. You continues fucking you through it which causes you to squirm and cry out more.
You pant as you come down from the high of it all, sweat sliding down your face. You wince as Crocodile does not stop nor slow down. You reach out to put a hand on his chest, sweaty hands gripping his shirt.
"You're a fool if you think that's all," an evil smirk spreads across his face, eyes deeply looking into yours. "I'm going to make sure you never question who you belong to again."
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
please could we get cuddling headcanons for gojo geto and nanami. seriously though i love your blog your one of my new favourite writers!
Oh reader, that is so sweet of you to say! Thank you so much Dear. and flattery will get you everywhere around here <3 that being said,
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna (I had to cast him, I'm sorry!)
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Satoru Gojo
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His love language is physical touch, so you know this man is a massive cuddle bug! If you have the opportunity, you guys are cuddling.
This may be controversial but I stand by this next take: He is the little spoon. Like, He’ll be the big spoon, but he 100% prefers to be the little spoon
He’s a soft boy that just needs a hug ok? Protect him!
His favorite date nights are stay at home movie nights. Not because he likes movies, he does, but it’s not why. He’s excited to hold you close while you drift to sleep, the soft sounds of you snoring reminding him that there is beauty in the small moments of life.
I feel so bad for you guys in the summer, because it doesn’t matter to him how hot it is, he’s going to cuddle with you. You’re going to pass out tangled in his arms and wake up tangled in them. Who needs his giant California king, if he has it his way, y'all take up only enough space for a twin
He just wants to hold you while the two of you whisper about your future together. The colors of your wedding, how many kids the two of you wanted, where you’d move your family once it was all said and done.
It’s all fantasy, of course. The equivalent of making up the most dramatic scenarios to soothe yourself to sleep. But still, it gives him a fleeting sense of comfort. Late at night, when it’s just him and the sound of your steady heart-beat, it gives him hope that maybe, just maybe, one day he won’t just be playing domestic with you. He can actually be domestic with you.
Maybe that's why Gojo values cuddling so much. He’s intimacy starved and needs to create it in anyway, ya know?
Anyways, moral of the story is: Satoru loves cuddling, and I hope you do too!
 Sidenote: I just know this man gives the best hugs/cuddles. His arms are that long for a reason god damn it.
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Suguru Geto
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He’s not a big cuddler! It’s hot, he doesn’t know where to put his limbs, and his arm always falls asleep. 
Which is why when you insist on cuddling with him and he's actually comfortable it’s kind of a big deal for him. (See? Put down your torches.)
He still doesn’t want to admit that he likes cuddling though. At this point it’s like, almost a pride thing. So he’s a sneaky cuddler. 
You’re watching Hulu on the couch when suddenly there's an arm around you. You go to sleep on separate sides of the bed but wake up tangled in his arms. You’re quietly reading on your front porch and suddenly his arms are wrapped around you, asking you about the book.
My point being, He never directly asks for cuddles, he just kinda cuddles you then reads your body language to see if he’s welcome or not, ya feel?
I will say, and yall should see this coming, the only time he’s openly receptive to cuddles is when he’s showing you new music. 
He’ll hold you close, playing with your fingers while the two of you discuss lyrical meanings and parts of the music you like. 
He’ll tap out the beat of the song on your thigh while he holds you what feels impossibly close, kissing the top of your head. You could feel the vibration in his chest as he hummed along to the melody. Music will always be how Suguru feels intimacy.
I really do always bring it back to music with him, don’t I?
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Kento Nanami
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Nanami honestly feels neutral about cuddling. If you want it, cool! If not, also cool. He doesn’t crave it the way Gojo does, but he also isn’t against it the way Geto is.
The exception being after a mission. Especially the missions that take him away from home. When he gets home from those, he’s dropping his bags on the floor then holding out his arms and making grabby hands.
Missions always suck for Nanami since he started dating you, because now he’s scared of death. Don’t get me wrong, beforehand he wasn’t suicidal or anything- he for sure wasn’t going to make stupid moves or put his life at risk. But death also didn’t scare him, it just came with the job.
But now you’re here. And he knows that if he dies, It’s going to destroy you. He can’t have that, so his already stressful job just got 10000 times more stressful, because literally every mission is a brush with death for a first grade sorcerer.
So when he gets home, The only thing he wants is to collapse on your shared bed, and hold the person he does all of this for. It’s the reward he gets for making it this far.
It’s quiet too. Nanami is not one to talk about his work, but you can tell how stressful it was by how long he insists on cuddling with you. Only an hour or two? Eh, probably not that big of a deal. But one time he literally held you until you both fell asleep and well into the next morning. Satoru let you know that Nanami actually almost died that night, and only survived thanks to Shoko being a healer. 
Nanami almost killed him for telling you. He never wants you to worry.
Also he’s definitely the big spoon. Look at him. Tell me I’m wrong.
He just takes comfort in your presence, knowing you’re there and you love him helps.
Someone give Nanami a hug for me, thank youuu
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Oh Ryomen, my boy. What are we going to do with you? You’re not a part of the request and you don’t fit it, but I have to force you into all things, don’t I?
As a heads up, Sukuna comes with a slight nsfw warning. It is suggestive.
Sukuna is not into cuddling. Really, he’s ambivalent at best, against at worst, any touch that doesn’t lead to sex.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t cuddle though. If you’re watching tv or going to bed and it's convenient, whatever. He won’t push you away. 
He’s not going to hide anything that pops up either if you get what I’m saying. He’s less of a ‘oh my bad’ type of guy and more of a ‘and what are you gonna do about it?’ kinda guy.
Now, all of that being said, I’ve said before that Sukuna lives in a domestic delusion with you in his head. So if you go too long without asking him to cuddle up with you, he gets angry about it. Like, what, is he not good enough to cuddle you now?! Get over here and accept his affection!
If that sounds confusing to you that's because yes. It is!
Really, the tragedy of Ryomen is that he craves intimacy and affection, but he can never bring himself to admit that because that would mean weakness and vulnerability. He wants you to recognize that he needs these things without him telling you. Like, of course he likes cuddling! He doesn’t kill you when you cuddle him, does that not make it obvious! It shouldn’t matter he’s told you he doesn’t like it!
God I feel so bad for all the Sukuna girlies out there.
Me, it’s me. I may be Gojos-Thot-Patrol, but I am 1000% Ryomens thot 🫀
Oh, as a final bit, his favorite part about cuddling with you is your warmth. You heard me. He’s always cold as a curse, and can’t really generate his own body heat. So yours is intoxicating. If he could spend eternity basking in your warmth, he would <3
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hearts-4-vicky · 6 months
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ugh this girl shes so cute like… im actually so down BAD its not even funny
Hi my loves🫶🏼 this was supposed to be longer n come quicker but i forgot to save my draft n i was so fucking done UGHHHH.. I just wanted to put something out for you guys as a thank you for all the support my last post got❤️❤️❤️ I never thought id be postin on here but 😛
anyway, tall! bodyguard! fem reader x wonyoung has been taking over my mind lately yall dont even understand 😭🙏 (this isnt proofread cuz im so done, so sorry my loves if theres something wrong😔)
lets say ur a bit older than Yujin (like by a couple months) n ur first official job as a bodyguard is to make sure Ive makes it to a pop up event safely😝 Starship hired so many of u guys because sasaengs have been appearing more frequently than before. So here comes you and like nearly 3 dozen more guards though you stand out due to how tall u r😍😍😍(like taller than 6’4 cuz babygirl wony is already tall asf😔🙏) n your build (muscular women r so fine UGHHHH)
You and the rest of the squad were walking to the girls big ass dressing room, though you felt many eyes on you. Its something you’re used to, always being the tallest in the room (cant relate😭) Arriving at the dressing room door gets you a bit nervous since you know how big ive is as a group and how stunning they are😍😍😍 Once you guys were given the green light to enter, you need to lean down to fit through the door. seeing this, one of your colleagues snickers, making you roll your eyes.
Ive’s manager introduces you and the rest of your crew to the members, short n sweet. As their manager was just giving a brief run down abt whats gonna happen once you guys arrive, Wonyoung notices you. You were much taller than her and stronger too from what she can see😍 baby girl would be so shocked since most girls shes met have never been taller than her🥺 She was so focused on you that she didnt notice how one of her members eyes were also glued to you😛
ur bitch ass was zoning the fuck out but still kinda listening to the manager but you noticed how drop dead gorgeous the members were (same) though you were always drawn to the tallest member. Her beauty had you practically fawning over her that you didnt even notice the rest of the squad (ayeee pull up wit da gang😝😝😝😝 im so sorry) left to go to the vans you all arrived in😭 Flustered at this, you jog to the door to catch up, hitting your head on the doorframe in the process 🥺🥺🥺 You hear giggles after, but failing to notice how Wonyoung’s eyes were full with concern. Whimpering at the slight sting, you hold your head while still trying to catch up with the rest.🥺🥺🥺
Wonyoung watches as you disappear into the distance, pouting as she hears her members talk about how cute you were🙏 she starts paying attention after hearing yujin ask if they was a chance you were single😭 “Maybe, but not after im done talking with her..” Gaeul says proudly, though its short lived as Wonyoung hears Rei respond “Unnie, she’d have to go her her knees to kiss yo-“YAH!” The room fills with laughter as the eldest sulks in her spot, mumbling how unfair life is. Wonyoung’s mind goes back to you, not wanting to hear her members talk about how they want to get to know you more😜
timeskip to the event cuz im SICK AND TIRED OF THIS APP.
You and the other bodyguards line up behind each side of the rope safety barriers (is that what its called…) You were near entrance of the building and could already seen waves of people try to get a glimpse of the idols that were soon to arrive
As the van pulls up you can hear the crowd getting louder by the second. They only get louder as the girls start to come out, first with Yujin, then Gaeul, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz, and lastly Leeseo. Camera flashes and screams fill the air as the girls walk to the entrance of the building. They do their best to get there in a short amount of time while also interacting with fans
It was going smoothly, with the three eldest already at the door, waiting for the other members. Wonyoung was just a couple steps away from them before a man grips her wrist and pulls her closer to him. She tries to fight back but he is much stronger, tightening his already harsh grip. You act quickly, making the man let go and shoving him as hard as you can. He has a pissed off look on his face but it soon turns to fear as he sees you towering over him. The man nearly shits his pants after you bend your knees to be at eye level with him, hearing you call him the harshest words that come to mind.
After that, you let another bodyguard deal with the man as you turn your body to face the shaking girl. (babygirl was a bit scared cuz u seemed so pissed🥺🥺🥺) Your eyes soften at her state, shes frozen in her spot with widen eyes. Wonyoung focuses on you as you lean down to quietly talk to her. Her eyes are pretty is the first thing that comes to Wonyoung’s mind. She gazes upon your features for what feels like years, her admiration soon turning into attraction for you as she holds her now red wrist. You notice this, cursing the man in your head as you take a closer look at her wrist. holy fuck that shit is red, you meet her eyes once more, taking note on how hers seem to shine in the sunlight. “Are you feeling alright, Miss Jang?” you say in a sweet, soft tone. Wonyoung feels her heart start to race at how soft you are with her, a big contrast to how you acted to the man (duh)
“Oh-Yes! I’m okay, just a bit shaken up..” Wonyoung didnt respond right away since your warm aura made her start to relax. You nod, “Do you want me to escort you to the door?” She starts to nod, but is interrupted by her members rushing to her side asking her if shes okay. You step back, giving them their time but also waiting for her answer. After Wonyoung reassures them that shes fine she turn to you, nodding to your question from before. You failed to notice how her cheeks flushed a light pink as you walked behind her to the door🥺🥺🥺
time skip cuz its literally 1:30 am rn….
You didnt just walk her to the door but instead everywhere. You would only leave her side if she needed to take photos or use the restroom (though you were right outside the door just in case) You were following her around like a velcro puppy (clingy dog) 🥺🥺 Wonyoung thought you were so cuteee😭 she thought you were like a newfoundland puppy cuz ur so big UGH🥺 She watched as your eyes practically sparkled whenever you say something you liked or if someone brought up a topic you were interested in❤️❤️❤️ Babygirl was falling for you so hard rn
As the event was coming to an end, she wanted to go to the restroom before they left (it was an excuse to get you alone with her🫶🏼) She stopped right in front of the ladies door, making you confused. Wonyoung turns to you, leans toward you while slipping a piece of paper in your hand. She ran away shortly after to go to the rest of her members. It all happened so fast you were slow to comprehend what just happened. Reliving the moment for a few seconds you realizing she had kissed you on the cheek.
You place your empty hand over the cheek, now adored with a lipstick mark, as you smile like a dumbass😭 you hear your name being called to leave as well but before going over there, you read the note.
“Yn, I just wanted to thank you for making me feel safe and for getting to know me. I hope we meet again, as friends or maybe more?
-Wonyoung <3”
You nearly fainted reading that last part.
guys if u ever write on this app MAKE SURE YOU SAVE PLEASE…. (my asks r open if u want this to be continued or if u wanna request something❤️)
kk love you guys🫶🏼 be safe, and have a good day❤️
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ilovechuuy4 · 8 months
Horror movies w bsd boys PT. 1/2
Characters;(part one) Chuuya, Dazai, Nikolai,(part two) Bram, Fyodor, Poe
SFW!/Fluff or just silly things:3
A/N; I just wanted to post something for October/Halloween since Halloween is coming up and stuff:) I also added small scenarios at the very end bc I think it's just better for me! Please bare with me thanks! :3 ALSO!! THIS WILL BE A TWO PART THING!
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• Chuuya would sit through the entire movie and say he isn't scared but when you glanced over you could obviously see him jumping at the scares
• Chuuya would squeeze your hand everytime a gore scene happens because even if he works for PM it still makes him uncomfortable
• When there is a betrayal in the movie chuuya gets like, obviously angry since he hates betrayal
• Chuuya is definitely cussing out the movie if he gets like jump scared badly
• You or Chuuya would probably and up falling asleep after a couple movies and either one would have to carry the other to bed
• If y'all don't fall asleep durning the movie(s), Chuuya definitely cuddles you after the movie(s)
Dazai❀ 🐌
• Dazai is for sure a more of a kid movies/romance movies rather than horror but he watches them with you anyways (my opinion)
• Dazai says he's not scared but he literally screamed in the first 30 minutes into the movie
• Dazai definitely stress eats durning the like stupid scenes where the female/male is getting chased and they trip
• Dazai is the one to fall asleep first if the movie gets boring he won't even hide it, he will lay his head on your lap, shoulder, arm etc.
Nikolai♠︎ 🂻
• Nikolai would want to watch clown horror movies to make fun of how stupid they look
• Nikolai would make little jokes like putting his hand through his cape abd tapping you on the shoulder when you seemed bored to him
• Nikolai would eat every sweet there so yall would have to pause the movie and go get more
• Nikolai would ask SO many questions such as "Why'd they even trip nothing was there" "that person is stupid, what are they even doing?" Etc.
• Nikolai would get annoyed at how stupid the actors are in the movie(s) even if he knew that's how the script was
Scenarios♡ ;
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chuuya★ 🍷
It was a late night and Chuuya just got home from work, y'all decided since it was the start of Halloween, y'all would watch a horror movie. So y'all went out quickly to get snacks, drinks, popcorn etc. Y'all then came back and settled down in the living room, cuddled together, a blanket draped over the two of y'all.
Y'all decided on a simple classic, The Grudge. You could already tell Chuuya was doubting the movie, his leg tapping, running his hand through his hair, biting his nails etc. Chuuya was afraid of looking like some wuss in front of you, Chuuya wasn't one to do horror movies, he didn't like them he preferred action more than anything.
About half way through the movie, Chuuya was squeezing your hand tightly. Maybe he was uncomfortable with the movie? Who knows though, because you didn't. All you did was interlock your fingers with Chuuya's gently rubbing the top of his hand with your thumb to sooth him.
After the movie was finished, which was about 1 hours long, you looked over at chuuya. He was asleep, his head lay back on the back of the couch. You slowly got up, picking up the smaller ginger, carrying him to the room y'all share. You lay chuuya on the bed and cover him, getting in the bed with him. A soft "I love you" escaping your mouth..
Dazai❀ 🐌
Dazai and yourself were at yall's shared apartment. You and the brunette were bored out of yall's mind, pacing in the house, playing eye spy, etc. It was a complicated time for a simple conclusion, go out buy food and watch movies all night. So that's exactly what y'all did
Y'all drove to a store, buying salty, sweets, popcorn, Carmel popcorn, etc. Whatever y'all wanted then, and once the both of y'all arrived home, you and the brunette got comfortable on the couch and started up a good horror movie.
It was about 30 minutes into the movie when things got suspensful. Dazai was eating most the sweets (stress eating) but you were fine with it, it's not like the sweets were expensive. There was a lot of gore and killing, the actors being well, the stupid actors they are, tripping over nothing calling out etc.
Once the movie was over y'all both sighed.. Y'all were tired and well, full. So the brunette decided to go to bed and you followed quickly behind. The both fell asleep in the bed. Cuddles to one another.
Nikolai♣︎ 🂫
Halloween was coming up, Nikolai and yourself decided to work on Halloween costumes. It took about an hour or so to remotely figure out one thing y'all wanted to do for a costume, matching? No. Extremely scary? Maybe not. It was so hard to figure anything out. So y'all both decided to take a break and watch a horror movie.
Y’all quickly decided on a movie, Terrifier, it’s a simple gorey clown movie. The both of y’all had went to the nearby gas station, grabbing a couple of snacks. It took only about 30 minutes for y'all to go there and back and get comfortable in the couch turning on Netflix and turning on the movie. Y’all were gently cuddled together in a warm blanket.
The movie was about 30 minutes into the movie, there was a lot of blood guts etc. and then Nikolai decided to mess with you. Using his ability to tap you on the shoulders, rubbing your leg etc. just trying to scare you a bit. But it didn’t work because you could see the bright glow of the portal but every time you smiled at it.
Until y’all knew it, the movie over and y’all were getting up to stretch your limbs, soft hums and soft noises of bones cracking. After y’all had cleaned up the two of y’all decided to get back to figuring out costumes. Hours passed and it was around two in the morning, y’all were both tired and exhausted but y’all ended up figuring something out, ghostface and a killer clown (of course Nikolai was the killer clown.) Once y’all had finished ordering things online y’all went to the room the two of you shared, getting comfortable under the sheets and blankets, falling asleep slowly
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izzyshandz · 8 months
I swear if i see one more mf say izzy has been 'redeemed' or needed a 'redemption arc' im literally going to scream into my pillow until i lose my voice.
redeem is such a black and white way of looking at his entire character and dismisses everything hes gone through and yall (izzy haters and others) are just so fucking snob nosed and ignorant to sit there and think hes a villain because of how he acted. theyre fucking pirates. theyre not perfect, none of them are. eds a villain, stedes a villain, if youre doing it like that. ed has killed so many people, stede literally left his wife and kids and also had a hand in killing people; it may be easier for them to change because of the perspective the show gives them and they had love but izzy did not. everyone hated him, ed, his own crew, stedes crew.
normalizing peoples reactions to things as something other than villainy and heroism is so god damn important in a show that's trying to accurately involve our perspectives in this day and age. its a tale as old as time, making someone 'completely in the wrong' because their perspective isnt the one you aligned with as much.
like the rest of the crew izzy had his own bad things hes done, he didnt need this 'redemption' everyones blabbering on about. he needed to be fucking heard, to be seen, and acknowledged-- not thrown aside and abandoned because of a whim. you all can ride up blackbeards ass because oh hes so hot, hes so pretty omg wow; but that wont ever change the fact his character is a fucked up person... youre allowed to love him anyways, why not izzy? we didnt see blackbeard before screen but how hes mentioned it shows he was a shit awful person, the only reason no one cares is because on hes fuckin gay for stede or whatever so the main characters get a free ride. ( i agree they all get a free ride, im just tired of this izzy isolation man )
why does he need to be redeemed in your eyes? just because youve seen what hes done? he was literally a product of his environment in season one he was a product of blackbeard's leadership. only with the loyalty and solidarity of the crew did he really begin to find himself, thats fucking hard to do that late in life. instead of calling it some bullshit black and white redemption arc, lets just celebrate izzy being himself and being fucking loved for once in his god damn life.
hes also way more fucking mature and put together than people give him credit for. love you izzy.
edit: thank you all for the reblogs and insights in every single one, i read them i promise i do. im just so mf heartbroken we have to tag things as discourse when its really just about people not being compassionate. (as a couple people have pointed out) i will said id reblog and comment on every single tag but this is my side </3 EVERYONE PLEASE READ THE REBLOGGED TAGS TOO / / theyre so real ! ive also opened up that ask box thingy i havent been on tumblr in yrs and have 0 clue how any of that works if anyone wants my perspective on anything izzy related. *or otherwise ofmd related
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The gang + Tim & Curly dealing with a dark feminine lady who is oblivious to the fact she’s so seductive
Ofccccc pookie
Ponyboy Curtis
-he gets so flustered by you
-with your low, sultry voice
-seriously you could ask him what time it is and he’d be like 🥵🥵🥵🥵
-and your dark but not quite gothic, feminine outfits
-he doesn’t know many other people like you
-he feels so immature next to you
-but you have a crazy ability to make him feel things he’s never felt before
-memorized different things about you
-he asked you out with your favorite kind of chocolate and you said yes
-super cute together
Johnny Cade
-you’re like… his dream
-he’s really attracted to you
-he thinks about you a lot, especially late at night in the lot
-he never has enough courage to go up to you and do anything about it tho
-if you ever talk to him in school he’d be so quiet while internally screaming
-one day you see him with a black eye
-you put a delicate hand on his cheek, making sure he’s ok
-he never really got fully over that
-definitely touched his own cheek after you let go like wow
-until one day dally mentions you and Johnnycake
-he gets a bit defensive
-which is when dallys like you like her don’t you
-and Johnny doesn’t answer, only the tips of his ears turning red
-so dally literally pushes him towards you
-and he finally asks you out, and you say yes
-you guys are so in love with eachother
Sodapop Curtis
-he sees you walk into the DX one day
-he’s immediately interested
-I mean,it’s not every day he sees a girl like you
-you have this certain confidence
-a suggestive smirk and perfect eyeliner
-it’s attractive to say the least
-before long he asks you out
-yall are cute though
-red rose x sunflower vibes from you both
Darry Curtis
-he sees you walking by the house
-fully pops his head out the window to get a better look
-hot damn
-you’re on his level
-I mean, he’s very attracted to you
-he started asking around about you and no one seemed quite to know much
-so he went up to you and found out for himself
-and even talking to you made his knees weak, you so effortlessly came off as seductive
-after a while you two become close friends and before long
-he asks you out and you ofc say yes
-very cute couple 10/10 you’re both very mature and supportive of eachother
-ponyboy would have a crush on you tho lowkey 💀
Dallas Winston
-holy shit
-it’s not often he sees someone like you around
-you two definitely met whenever he harassed you on the street
-you simply cross your arms, and turn to him with a coolly neutral stare
-“Talk like that again to me and I’ll cut off your most valuable asset.” You’d snarl, walking away
-and leaving him with a smirk on his face, but he stops making the remarks
-over time he asks you out and you eventually say yes after several rejections
-but you two are a good couple
-pretty scary to run into though
Two Bit Mathews
-he sees you and
-you honestly seem so… grounded it’s hard to make jokes about you
-but he somehow manages
-but whenever you let out that low chuckle in response to his stupid jokes
-oh girl you don’t even know what you’re doing to him 💀😭💅
-that’s when he realizes like oh my lord he has some feelings for you
-when you two end up dating
-you make an amazing couple
-you keep him grounded, and calm and he keeps you laughing and having fun
Steve Randle
-he didn’t even think you realized
-what you were doing
-leaning against that car in that low cut, short dress
- you raised your eyebrows
-and he realized he’d been staring for a solid five minutes
-he’s dumbstruck by you
-your car had broken down and he was helping you fix it
-when it was done you simply said “Thanks, handsome.”
-and tipped him quite well
-after a while of friendly banter you two get pretty flirty
-end up making out in your car
-then dating
-super cute together 🫶
Tim Shepard
-it’s giving mobster/gangster wife tbh
-he was in love with you as soon as he saw you
-seducing eyes, a charming nature, cunning… never hot headed but always aware
-you were absolutely gorgeous
-and you make his knees weak in a way that most people aren’t able to
-with the most everyday things
-you’d also make an amazing trophy wife
-but you were so much more
-clever, you knew how to get anyone down on their knees in less than a minute
-he knew you’d be a valuable ass…. Asset to him
-you guys are a power couple fr
-he catcalled you when he met you like Dally 💀💀
Curly Shepard
-you both clash
-you were seductive, dark, mature, with deep eyes and a sharp look that could kill
-him…. Well he was a reckless punk
-you two ran in the same circles though
-and became quite good friends
-you kept him out of a lot of situations
-and looked good doing it too
-he doesn’t think you realize how crazy you drive him
-even just looking at him, biting your lip whenever you patch him up in concentration
-he checks you out when he thinks you aren’t looking
-you’ve known this entire time
-and whenever you confronted him about it you two end up making out
-the rest is history
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I was hoping to request some soft moments with the Sinclair Brothers, Brahms, and Billy Lenz?
Thank you! Have a good day/night :3
Yall wtf I come back home and i got 4new requests??? I am famous or something THANK YOU ALL FOR REQUEST!!! Some of them are sus but ily all still💖💖 But this request is very cute!!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Fluffy times with slasher
Billy Lenz
He might be a weird creep but he also is a huge cuddlebug
Like everytime they wanna relax and watch movie or do something fun this guy will litteraly lay on them
My guy turns into tomato everytime s/o cups his cheeks, or holds his hands gently😳😳
Also if s/o is a gamer he will watch them play and be theirs number one fan (tbh whatever competitive hobby they got hes nr1 fan). Shit talking people with Billy>>
He moves a lot in his sleep, kicks too, and probably talks aswell. He is very active sleeper.
Also he is a night owl but he goes to bed with s/o so they can lie toghether. And he will stare qt them (litteraly just like in the movie btw)
Get him some headbands those hair are getting into his eyes
Bo Sinclair
Okay but he loves when they grab his arm when they are walking together. Or when s/o kisses him, he doenst care tbh everykiss from them is wonderful
His arm always lands on them during sleep, and he snores too
He loves borrowing his hoodies and shirts to them but he smokes so everything he wears smells like nikotine, and he too smells like it. So hopefully they dont mind it
If they are upset he gonna get so protective, like ?who hurt you? Why are you crying?? And a lot of touches too
Vincent Sinclair
Quality time with vincent inculdes: teaching them how to make wax figures, go on walk with a dog, braid eachother hair, and gossip. Yeah gossip i know this guy doenst look like it but he lives for drama. Talking shit about rude and disrespectful vitims is great
Hes increadeably patient! When he was teaching them how to use make stuff out of wax no matter how many tries s/o failed and how many tiems tjey said that their work looks ugly and well- bad he was like "nononono try again but like this *shows some epic wax strategy*"
His brothers are very happy that vincent is socialasing! He usually just hangs out with bo or lester, god he doesnt even interacts with his victims???
His hands are shaky
He sleeps like lil babi, he 100% does 'ah mimimimi ah mimimi' when asleep, also he is very nervous to hug them while in bed and when he wakes up to them hugging him, he will turn tomato
Brahms Heelshire
Guy has skin walker vibes. Like s/o gonna just vibe in bed trying to zzz and this guy will just stand in dark corridor, staring, with absolute darkness behind him. And it doesnt help that he is very skinny and has long long arms
He loves cooking together!! Helping in kitchen is such fun job! But he won't clean the dishes! he is disgusted by wet food
No pets in house!! He would be 100% jealous!! And he already has 50rats in walls I think that's enough animals for now
When he talks about stuff he enjoys he moves his hands alot!
He loves playing hide and seek! And scaring s/o when they don't see him😈😈
Asa Emory
Rich bitch
You calling him at 3am because you hungry and there's no food in fridge? Uhh yes honey lemmie just finish this victim of and-what? You want Chinese food this time? Hmm yeah that sounds tasty
He gonna spoil them!
Hes very animalistic tbh, but he is also a gentleman. He gonna ask for consent everytime he even gets near them "can I kiss you?/is it okay if I do that" ect ect
Sleeping with him is scary. Fr. He gonna just randomly disapear in middle of night and come back 9hours later. Or he gonna be missing for almost whole day and just comeback while s/o is eeping and just go to sleep like nothing happened
Also he purrs
Yall I got alot of requests now so I might do them slowly! If you requested anything lately dont worry I will write that I just need time!!
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crushedsweets · 5 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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tinykonig · 2 years
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x Reader headcannons
i physically can not stop thinking about this man
so good at communicating. he gets angry/sad but he always tells you whats wrong and why it makes him feel that way and he will always hear out your side and come to a compromise
you guys start as friends and the relationship grows naturally into something romantic. he takes you out and confesses he likes you and there isnt even a hint of nervousness, this man exudes confidence
has a note in his phone with all your coffee/food preferences and loves to bring you little surprises
whenever you smile, his expression mirrors yours
you and him have so many inside jokes. when yall hang out with others its like you two are speaking your own language
gives piggy back rides and never has to be asked twice. carrying you makes him feels so happy and protective
he’s protective but not jealous. literally being jealous never crosses his mind
but if he senses any danger around you- he would spring into action
arm around your waist kinda guy
playful banter
loves when you get along with his friends and family, he loves to surround himself with a large support system
quality time is his love language 100%, he wants to be around you as much as possible.
grocery shopping, running to the post office, road trips, even just existing silently in the same room, he lives and breaths that shit
he is obsessed with lotions/hand soaps that smell good. he has the softest most florally scented hands in the world
loves skin care nights with you
holding your hand grounds him, if he’s upset about anything he will search for your hand to seek the warmth and contact
sleeps literally clinging to you in every way
and hes a space heater
has an extensive collection of fuzzy blankets
buys extra comfy clothes to share with you, he absolutely loves when you steal his hoodies and shirts
likes to decorate for the holidays, and helps you bake holiday goods as well!!
he’s big on hiking/camping/outdoorsy things. absolutely goes fishing with price and shows you pictures of him holding the fish he catches (he releases them back after)
always notices if you change your hair or anything. HYPES YOU UP
will never let you be self deprecating and it’s actually one of the only things that you do that can upset him
he tries to be understanding of your insecurities but it just makes him angry when you talk bad about yourself
makes sure to compliment you anytime he can and makes sure you know you are loved wholly
king of spoiling his partner, you are his number one priority
when hes away from you, texts you and calls you frequently so he knows your safe and you know he is
reunions with gaz are so heartfelt. he probably cries a little
his phone wallpaper is a picture of you two, its his favorite picture and he will not change it
is a big animal person, wants a pet with you but doesn’t care what animal it is. secretly wants a rat
he can tell immediately by your tone of voice if something is wrong
plays acoustic guitar!!!!! writes you songs and poems and will play them for you does not care if you are embarrassed. he is serenading you its too late
he loves when you cook and ask him to come taste the food
its so domestic and he just MELTS for it
even if you arent particularly skilled at cooking he compliments you so much. texts you while hes away that he misses your food, and then when hes with you he tells you your cooking tastes like home <3
sends you tiktoks. also sometimes you guys will just lie in bed watching tiktok before bed for hours
tell you everyones secrets he loves to gossip but only with you
you guys spend every christmas with price and his family
would love if you join him at the gym and will come by and sneakily smack your ass when he thinks no one is watching
one time a guy saw him and started cussing him out like "leave them alone they are trying to work out in peace what the fuck is wrong with you"
and you are like "NO he's my boyfriend its okay" and Gaz shook this mans hand and thanked him for looking out for you
was kind of embarrassed after so he never did it again
you tease him about it and he still kind of blushes
he feels bad that someone thought he was objectifying you like that and he would never
if you wanna wear something skimpy and sexy out, he is ALL FOR IT
again, he never gets jealous. honestly he's just proud of you and how beautiful you are and kind of turned on
probably will try to make you guys leave early or take you into a private room if you know what i mean
which leads me to....
he has a very high sex drive
he's a fucking every morning and night kinda dude
shower, kitchen, couch, bed, desk, he doesn't care
very passionate and a helluva dirty talker
roses on the bed and candles all around on your birthday type of man
asks you to sit on his face all the time, he fucking loves it
loves when you ride him, but in the shower he is fucking you from behind
if you send him nudes... you are getting FUCKED as soon as he gets his hands on you
particularly wet, soaped up nudes
and he sends you the most delectable nudes back as well. knows his angles
has no shame in sending you voice audios while he gets himself off if he is away
facetime sex!!!
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writing-havoc · 2 years
♡ Summary: Kaz has thoughts about soulmates, and tests his suspicions.
♡ Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Reader
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warnings: None
♡ WC: 5k
I am in love with soulmate aus and I don't know why I don't write them more often. They itch my brain in a way nothing else can. This is kind of a tattoo mark au where everyone has a personal mark that forms when they start on a path that will lead them to their soulmate(s), whether that path starts physically or mentally. They glow and move upon linking.
Please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes. Hope yall enjoy <3
The irony is not lost on Kaz. It punches him right in the gut when he least expects it, leaving him a little winded and a bit more weary than before. So he learns to expect it. And that's when it eats at him. Gnawing at every hill and valley of his brain and taking what it can of his dispersed heart.
He doesn't allow himself to think how this could have been different if it weren't for Jordie.
It's not worth it, and overall does no good to wonder. Because the past is past and he can't change it.
So he covers, and covers, and covers. For both the sake of his mental well being and not feeling an ugly kind of anger wrap around himself when he has to stare at the mark that stretches up his arms.
He blames Jordie, he holds so much resentment towards him that at times it completely consumes him. But he moves past it, and fools himself for a little while that he's forgiven him. He himself holds part of the blame too for not working on himself and allowing it to fester and worsen as time stretches on. Covering is the only way he knows to give himself some relief.
But it's still always there. Sometimes the mark feels hot in his clothes. Every once in a while he'll roll up his sleeves, letting them breathe the not so fresh Ketterdam air, and go about his afternoon.
And when it's late in the night, after he's had one too many glasses of liquor and the feather pen he's holding shakes and makes his handwriting a little messy, he looks at them in the candlelight and they're burning against his increasingly warming and perspirating skin.
The only part of his hand that's free of a mark is his palms and the bottom of his fingers, but they feel just as clammy and hot as the rest of him, so it doesn't help much.
He knows it doesn't actually burn, but it definitely feels like it.
He's been around very few people long enough for them to make comments about it other than when he's on a job.
And that's where he currently sits now.
It's a bit of a private thing; Up in a penthouse with barely more than a hundred people attending, a gathering is taking place with multitudes of businessmen and traders from across the lands. For Kaz, and you, it's all reconnaissance work.
"My my, that's a beautiful mark you got there." The woman in front of him asked.. She was on the taller side, face covered in make up with her lips painted a bright red. "Who's the lucky winner?" A hint of desire sparks in her eyes.
He exerts a chuckle. "That would be my partner." He looks over to the right, nodding his head towards you.
You were dressed in crisp cream dress clothes, a stark contrast from the ocean of blacks and reds that differ from the colorful streets of Ketterdam. Barely any makeup was applied to you before you left, just some to cover old scars and open pores. Your lips were painted black, leaving a stain on the glass of champagne in your left with another stainless one in your right.
He watched as you chuckled with a man, his hand caressing your shoulder. You let it happen, and then moved along, saying your goodbyes.
The woman in front of him turns to look where he's staring, and shifts a little when you make your way back to sit beside him. He smiles at you, telling himself he's playing a part.
"Champagne for you, my love." You purr, handing him the one you were sipping out of.
"Thank you, dove." He picks it up, placing his lips directly on the stain you made and stares at the woman. She doesn't seem the slightest bit uncomfortable.
"You two are absolutely gorgeous together, you know that?"
You chuckle from beside him. "We have gotten that compliment before, yes. But it's never tiring to hear." She chuckles as you lean toward him in your chair, folding your arms in front of yourself with the glass still held comfortably in your fingers. "Surely you should know the same. Your wife is an incredibly lucky woman."
"Isn't she?" She agrees. "She's gone to get us some treats, but I fear she gets lost easily." She glances around, shifting again as worry creeps onto her features.
"I would suggest finding her, if only to ease your spirits. I understand the worry all too well." He smirks, averting his eyes towards you. "Ghezen knows how often I manage to lose this one."
You open your mouth, a shocked expression he notes is genuine spreads across your features. "I do not!" Your hit his arm with barely enough force to hurt, then retract it immediately.
The woman smiles and stands up, offering her goodbyes and pleasantries, and then leaves.
He waits a few moments before turning to chat with you.
"What's the status so far?"
"Can't I enjoy my champagne for a few moments?" You jest. "This place actually has the good stuff unlike your club."
He shakes his head, but keeps a smile up for the crowd. "My sincerest apologies for not ordering the highest quality of alcohol the whole of Ketterdam and Ravka has to offer to suite your tastes." He picks his own glass back up and drinks some, really analyzing the taste this time.
Its not bad, if a bit fruity for his tastes. Yet he stores the information in the files of his brain. He also notes that he's drinking from the lipstick stain. He takes another sip.
"Thank you. I appreciate it." You smile a shit eating smile, and then give him the update before he has time to respond. "Several of the traders you had your eye on are here tonight, disregarding the ones you've already talked to, however two of them couldn't make it due to abhorrent weather conditions and another fell ill with a case of the common cold and decided to stay home.
Of the few that did make it, again, disregarding the ones you have met, one wants nothing to do with other people and is making a point of staying towards the corners and eating his fill of the 'snacks' as our lovely guest called them earlier, and the others are too busy chatting up the woman to really have given a care what anybody else was saying."
He set the glass down, moving the fabric of the thin cloth glove he was wearing to take a look at his watch. Almost eleven bells.
Quickly he began to calculate the pros and cons of attempting to talk to these sexually insatiable men tonight. If they're as insistent as you say they are, walking with them could be a waste of time and resources. But if their profiles had anything to say about them, then he might be able to wiggle his way in and, upon choosing his words carefully, make at least a memorable impact before their next trip back to Ketterdam.
He was about to make a decision when your fingers ghosted over the skin of his arm. His body tensed, but gave you his attention.
"Incoming, four o' clock."
Incoming from his right, he was able to make out two figures walking towards him, their connected arms glowing.
He recognizes them as Mr. and Mrs. Belldock. They were well known for their displays of physical affection that could otherwise be seen as inappropriate. He's heard stories about them, but he's never seen them in person.
The lightshow between their bodies bounced off the glasses, creating a bit of a rainbow on the table. You hold your glass up in a feeble attempt to block it, but only end up giving your wash a colorful wash of color. It makes his heart clench.
"I'm so sorry if we're intruding, but we couldn't help but notice your mark."
Kaz sighed internally, giving a shy smile externally. "Ah, it is rather out there, isn't it?" He begins to roll his sleeves down just a bit, but Mrs. Belldock places her fingers on his shoulder and his entire body tenses.
"No no! It's beautiful. I was just wondering if you've found your Soulmate yet." She quickly retracts her hand, feeling the stiffness.
"I have." He tries a smile, feeling his lungs fill with water. "That would be my partner here."
She looks over at you, her smile only growing. She offers a hand to you. "It's nice to meet you."
You nod, offering her a thanks and shaking her hand.
"So, what's your story?"
You quirk a brow. "Story?"
"Yes!" She begins to take her seat, her husband following along. "I just love hearing people's stories about how they came to find eachother. They're never the same, always a new adventure."
He watches your face crinkle, head tilting to the side before it lights up in realization. "Ooh, how we found out we were soulmates." Mrs. Belldock nods. "It's rather funny actually, the way we came to be."
You launch into a fabricated story about his and your coming together, and Kaz can't help but watch as your hands move about, working numbers to exaggerate certain parts. There's a smile on your face, genuine as it tilts to one side. He tries not to focus on the painful aching in his heart as your story goes deeper in detail.
He can feel his mark begin to burn as it usually does while the residual water in his lungs freezes him from the inside out. It both makes the situation worse and better when he rolls his sleeves back to where they were, exposing the waves that drag along his pale skin.
It's sickening, yet he yearns to see it in motion. To watch as the arms that clutched his dead brother swim in the ocean of his Soulmates hold, of your hold.
Of all the people that have ever asked about it, you weren't among them. Aren't among them. And it's strange the way that fact hurts him a little.
Jesper has asked, Wylan has asked, Nina has asked, Matthias has asked, Inej has asked, that Ravkan king, Nikolai, has asked. All who have seen his mark has asked and have received an answer that will never satisfy them.
But you haven't. You stare and stare, memorizing it with your eyes and tracing it with your fingers in the air, even drawing it out in your sketchpad when you get really bored, but never asking.
He doesn't know whether it's out of respect or disinterest in the answer, but it makes him feel like a lovesick puppy and it gets under his skin. Because feeling like that is dangerous. It's a hook that anybody could grab onto and uproot everything he's worked towards.
And yet here he is, wanting. Wanting for more than he should no matter how much he already has, overwhelmingly aware that he's not going to get it.
As he listens to you, he wants this. Not the story you're conjuring up (which has evolved into meeting on the streets in Ravka during a circus-esque performance), not in a million years. But he wants a story. A story you can tell to others with a smile just as bright as the one you're exhibiting now, if not brighter.
He's not even a hundred percent sure you're his soulmate. But he wants you to be.
Your mark in question was a bit odd in terms of what's considered normal, and it's the main reason for his skepticism.
It's currently covered utilizing Nina's quickly improving tailoring skills. It won't last much longer, he can see your skin starting to turn oil black where the mark is if he looks closely enough.
From what he's seen, the part that's on your face resembles a cardinal compass, it's north and south faces tilted. The south face points towards the second part of your mark, which he's yet to see or even know the contents of.
The only reason he knows it's not two separate marks, meaning two separate soulmates (which isn't as rare as most would think), is because there's a line, almost like a crack, extending from the point and disappearing beyond where his eyes can follow.
His own mark isn't even separate. It cascades along his back, over his shoulder blades and encompassing a major portion of the back of his ribcage before going along each arm.
You pinched Kazs glove between your fingers, the whispers of a laugh on your lips as you look at the time on his watch.
"We should be heading out now, the nanny will be starting to get anxious."
He quirked a brow, but went along with it. "It was truly nice getting to talk with you both." He held out his hand, allowing one, two hands to squeeze his before grabbing his jacket and going to follow you out.
"I hope you and your kids have a wonderful evening!"
Kaz tripped over his own shoe at the same moment you responded with a thank you and a good evening.
Kids? Multiple? Where did kids come in? There's no way he zoned out for that long... or at all.
The walk back was silent, a stark contrast to the bustling penthouse. Claws from stray dogs scratched the ground as they chased after their meal, the meal in question yowling as it clawed its way up a pipe, turning and arching its back before hissing and scurrying out of sight. His cane provided little stealth for the hungry mutts.
"I'm sorry for touching you back there." Your voice broke the air. "I just could not remember if we were supposed to be using code names or not."
That made him smile. He tried his hardest to suppress it. "Code names were not necessary tonight." He let the silence heal itself, and then broke it again. "Though I do wonder about the names of our kids though."
You chuckled beside him. "I'm sorry, I panicked! She wanted to know our story so I just thought of the first thing I could think of."
"And whose might that be?"
"My parents." A melancholy smile rested on your cheeks. "That was their story. I can remember it like its my own. They've told it to me at least a thousand times. Granted, half of those were me asking to hear it again."
'Ask.' Kaz's mind shouted at him. 'Ask them why. Ask them /why/.' His mind refused to specify the why, a gross thick kind of anxiety slowly filling his aching limbs.
You ask. You ask others, but not him.
"I agree with her in some sense." You continued. "Other people's stories are rather interesting, even if theyre of the most mundane variety. But going around and asking strangers their story just... isn't the way to go about it."
His heart raced. "I suppose you're going to tell me the correct way?"
You shrugged. "Well, that's just it. There is no correct way."
He stayed silent, allowing you to get your thoughts together. Your shoulders were bunched, not yet coming down from their earlier movement. And when they did, it was followed by an exhausted sigh.
"I used to be just like them, asking couples left and right what the story was behind their marks, what event led up to them meeting and finding out that they were a match." You kicked a rock up the street, weaving in and away from him while you followed it's path.
"And eventually, I met a man. A really sweet elderly man, and asked about his. His partner wasn't around, but the mark was just as blatant as mine is. A large cloud smack in the middle of his forehead with a pair of lips at the center. It looked interesting, I just had to know the story. And when I asked, the change was immediate. He became angry and erratic, yelling at me to leave and about how rude I was."
You wrapped your coat tighter around yourself, all traces of a smile completely gone from your face. "Later I had found out that he and his soulmate were on two different sides of a very intense family war that ended in his partner and his brother being killed. The only time the two got to connect their marks was the night before the two boys died. They met to see each other in private for the first and last time, shared a kiss, and then parted ways." You kicked the rock, watching as it plunked into the canal. "I've never asked about anyone's mark since, no matter how much I wanted to."
He allows himself to turn to look at you, not startled but completely and utterly dazed when your eyes look at him, open and blown and pleading.
'Ask.' His thoughts run again. 'Be the one to ask.'
Better yet. Allow them to ask.
"Never be afraid to ask the questions you truly wish to know." He begins. "Just prepare yourself for the consequences." He adds, feebly trying to frame it as advice over a direct invitation. He knows it doesn't work, not in the slightest.
The feeling he gets when you smile upon hearing those words... it's not like anything he's ever felt.
It's small, but your entire face holds and releases the energy you have built. All in one breathy sigh.
The whispers of loud talking and chairs moving roughly against wooden floors tickled his ears. He looked to the crooked building that is the Slat, then motioned you along to follow.
He was met with little cheers and questions when he opened the door. Some stared between him and yourself with raised brows. A few drunkenly told him they hoped the night went well and others gave him a simple welcome back. None of it mattered.
The door to his office closed as you entered in front of him, and he tried his hardest to go about his nightly routine. Just taking off his coat and hat, setting his cane on the sink and, undressing himself to give himself a wash.
But the entire time he was distinctly aware of your presence in his office. Everytime the water trickled back into the sink, piercing the air, he thought of you. Everytime the rough surface of the cloth scratched his skin, leaving a red swatch in its wake, he thought of you. Everytime he rolled his shoulders, feeling his muscles move against his bones and water bead down to his hips, he thought of you.
He could swear he lost his heart a few times.
He patted himself dry, then grabbed his cane and dirty shirt and limped to his office.
There he saw you standing, out of your dress clothes and into some of his own.
Now he really thinks he may have lost his heart. And his breathing.
He gripped his cane, leather gloves squeaking against the metal crow head. He gives himself one, two, three seconds, and then tosses his dirty clothes into the doorway of his bedroom and limps over to you.
You're seated in a chair in front of his make shift desk, playing with a ball of thin twine he used for keeping papers together. He relished in the way your eyes widened and your face no doubt heated when you realized he was bare from the waist up.
Yet you didn't stop, eyes glued to his skin.
He turned around, allowing you to look at the back.
"I never realized it was so large." He heard the chair creak.
"That would be because you've never seen the full thing."
You chuckled, his skin prickling when he felt your breath on his back. "No shit. I just thought that maybe you had two rather than one."
"I have told others in your company that it's connected."
"No, you haven't."
"I have." He thought back briefly. "Nina asked about it for third time whilst she was drunk. You were right next to her, as alert as ever, as I told her that it's one mark."
Your silence was telling.
He caught sight of you from the corner of his eye as you slowly walked around him, eyes trailing up and over his shoulders, over his collar bone, and down his arms, taking note of everything.
Marks don't necessarily have to connect, which is why theres an absense in his mark of where youre supposed to touch. They don't have to be of a certain theme or even be where your soulmate first touches you. The only constant it seems is that your mark is personal to you, yet linking somehow, in some way, with your partner- or partners. They form in response to a change that led you to meeting them.
His was rather obvious, the freezing waves of the Reapers Barge haunting his life, making him the leader and schemer he is today.
Yours had something to do with you leaving your parents, he'd reckon, and setting your course here.
But he didn't know for sure.
Something was on your mind though, he knew, as you worried your lip between your teeth.
"As much as I loved to ask others about theirs, I don't think I've ever willingly shown anyone what my mark is- my whole mark, anyway." You said, voice small and distant. "And it's not because I didn't want to, but I think the hand print on my face scared people off from asking about it for fear it would unlock some horrible backstory."
Your hands came to the bottom of the shirt, bunching it up in your hands.
"But it's not really anything like that. I hope it's not anything like that."
The shirt continued to rise until it was exposing your ribs, the rest of the mark on full display.
They were waves. Waves not necessarily identical to his but definitely similar. In the middle was a handprint. A handprint, he realized, that was very similar in shape to his own.
"I don't reckon it's anything like that either." He couldn't tear his eyes away from it. It had to be connected to him. It had to.
But he had questions. Questions that you seemed more than prepared to ask and answer yourself.
"I didn't say anything before because I didnt think youd want anything to do with it." You rolled the shirt down, but played with the hem between your fingers. "You have goals, goals that require your attention, goals I don't want to get in the way of." You hesitated, hesitated a long while, before adding, "and it's not like we could prove it with your phobia. I didn't want to get my hopes up only to have them crushed and trigger you all at once."
Your logic was sound, but still his questions felt unanswered.
"I do believe I should have a word in this since it largely involves myself."
You picked at the hem again. "Well, yeah. I guess so but..." He felt his cane move, your hand touching the beak of the crow head just inches from his own hand. "I just thought it'd be easier to not bring it up at all rather than go through the hassle of suggesting it in the first place. You're not an easy man to suggest things to. Or ask things from."
His heart beat harder at that, a twinge of guilt infecting his blood. Only for you. For anyone else he'd scoff and say "that's the point", but it hurts when it's you. He wants your suggestions. Your questions. Anything you could give him he'd take with no qualms.
"Still, I believe my point holds some merit."
You sighed. "Yeah... you're right."
"I would not mind if..." He lifted a pointer finger, just barely making contact with your own. He could hardly feel it through the leather. "If one of these days, now even... if you wanted to test it."
The moment the words were out of his mouth, his mind that was screaming for him to reach out split in two. One side continued it's begging, cheering him on. The other begged for him to retreat and sink into himself.
But you looked at him, shocked and hopeful, and the second half became just a little smaller, a little bit more manageable.
"Kaz." You breathed. "Kaz."
He pressed his finger a little harder. "I know what I want, and I know my limits. If you are willing, then I am too."
"So just to be clear you are agreeing to this of your own volition, right?" You used your hands as you talked, holding an invisible object in front of you. "You're not saying this because you feel an obligation?"
The corner of his mouth quirked up. He lifted his cane, hooking the beak in a belt loop of your pants- his pants on your body, and pulled you forward, slowly, gently.
"Yes. Completely of my own volition. No obligation."
You smiled, a delighted giggle bubbling in the air. "Then by all means, go for it."
His heart pounded against his chest so loud, so obscenely loud, he wondered if Nina could detect it from down the stairs. If she could, he was pushing any and all of his hope towards her ignoring it and moving on with her night. He clipped his cane to his own belt, leaving his hands free.
He may not be able to handle skin on skin, but he could handle this for a moment. He peeled off the leather gloves to reveal the cotton ones underneath, much thinner but still a barrier.
There were slits in them just like the leather ones, so when he finally got his hands, arms, and brain working, and touched your face, he could feel the texture of your skin running along a sliver of his finger.
It makes him want to hurl. But he keeps pushing, your mark and his glowing the faintest light. The other hand slides into position, fingers trailing up and under your shirt, and the room gets washed in a deep blue.
The color emanates from his own mark and the waves of your own. An orange color radiates from the compass on your cheek where it spins and rocks, and the waves-
The waves. They flow around his arm like a hurricane, no other course of action. If he thinks about it hard enough he can feel them ripple and move along his flesh, his back tingling like a limb just realizing it's fallen asleep.
Your face is glowing, literally. But the light that shines and bounces at you gives him a completely new appreciation for the little things.
The show lasts no more than a few moments before he pulls back, drowning and gasping for air. He feels like he's being pulled under, but there's an anchor. A stability that wasn't there before.
So he grips it, and is pulled out like a worm on a pole. Youre shoving the leather gloves back on his hands, careful to roll them a bit so your fingers don't graze his. He corrects them when two of his appendages try and fit into one slot, and then unclips his cane for security.
When he finally has his bearings, he realizes that he's just opened a floodgate.
If the marks looked like that muddled by cotton, what brilliance would they hold if he were to take the gloves off?
It's a goal. A solid goal that he could achieve one day. A goal that you could witness /with/ him.
But for now he really, really needs a shirt and some tea.
"You've still got a stain."
What? "A stain?"
"On your lips. From the champagne."
The champagne. The glass that he drank out of, purposefully placing his lips on the stain to peeve some random lady off. Stained his lips.
He looked at his desk, and grabbed a glass of whats probably days old tea and looked at his reflection. Sure enough, there was a faint yet noticeable black smudge on his bottom lip. That's why some people were staring earlier.
"That accounts for the weird stares we received." He put the glass down, wiping at his lip with his glove.
"Probably made it worse that we immediately disappeared up here." You retrieved a shirt from his closet, handing it to him.
The silence that followed was comfortable, his mind reeling at the fact that he touched someone and that someone was you.
As a child, he and Jordie used to wonder what their soulmate was like. At the time Kaz hadn't received his mark, only about eight or nine, but Jordie had his.
One day he woke up and it appeared. It wasn't until hours later that Kaz noticed it had formed on him, the sweat drenching the shirt his brother was wearing, making the oily black tattoo stand out. It was a flock of cardinals all escaping from a central point on his lower back, the point itself being the pads of four fingers.
He thinks, it was a thought Jordie had before he went to bed that made it appear. Opportunity. Freedom.
Soulmate Marks form as a stepping stone. A reassurance you're going in the right direction.
Right now, Kaz can forgive Jordie, if only for a moment, as his mark feels lighter.
@b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @a-candle-maker
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