#so much as it gave me something else to throw onto the pile
littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
huh maybe i just didn't tag it, it was probably before i started collecting my batman headcanons under the #random headcanon tag, but I have always had a very specific noncanon vision for Ra's Al Ghul., one that i do understand a lot of people don't really like, but obviously that I consider pretty defensible, if not an improvement over the existing canon's mishandling of Ra's and the League in general.
See my beef is that the League of Assassins is just a cluster fuck of problems to begin with, both stylistically and internal continuity wise... For one, Ra's as written is just kind of an idiot and it's ridiculous to have to reconcile the idea that he is in fact this unquestioned ruler of this ancient order of assassins that's been operating for over a thousand years. On the one hand we can sort of blame the pit madness for some of it, but it's also clear that for all his scheming and seemingly improbable resources, he has literally never actually accomplished any of his organization's goals.
Secondary to this is that the league itself is just this massive stupid fucking hodgepodge of bad racist cliches. Why the fuck are they ninjas? Why do they use katanas and wear the stupid americanized ninja pajamas? Why do they keep showing up in like Buddhst temples deep in the mountains of Tibet? Also, in a bunch of his earliest appearances, why is he just a guy in a three piece suit and a cape? Also why would the leader of an ancient organization like the league of assassins have such a stupid, blatantly fake, and "i looked at an english to arabic dictionary once" name like Ra's Al-Ghul. (obvious answer is that it should be a title not a name, but then his stupid kids all take it as a surname)
My answer to all this(other than just ignoring a few of the dumber details) is that Ra's is not an ancient leader of the League of Assassins at all, he's a "modern" era usurper. A dark inversion of the white savior narrative and all it's inherent problems, a kind of supervillain Lawrence of Arabia(yeah yeah i know Tom King already did this with Adam Strange, but I've had this kicking around in my head for longer, shush) where he was sent to the Middle East as a British soldier in WWI to fight the Ottomans and much in the style of Lawrence parallel to him, rallied the locals to help in his efforts. While there he'd gain a certain appreciation and indeed a love of the local culture, but never fully forget his role as a foreign power come to exploit those people to his country's own ends. In that way his personal turning point becomes that he is unwittingly allied with the actual League of Assassins, and as the war begins to wind down, and he is forced to reckon with the idea of going home to England a nobody, or staying a war hero in the middle east, he goes full Heart of Darkness, and instead uses his military position and resources to seize control of the League for himself.
In this version of events, Talia would make the most sense as a daughter of the last of the actual blood line of rulers of the original League of Assassins, her mother being the daughter of the man Ra's overthrew. This impels her to her eventual take over, and her loyalty to the League over her father specifically. It also motivates her interest in raising Damian as an heir, as he has a more legitimate claim to the League via her than Ra's ever did or than Bruce would as Ra's' handpicked heir.
It would also give room for the original League to have been a force of relative good, developing their assassination and government destabilization tactics like their real world counterparts, the Order of Assassins, as the defensive measures of a smaller kingdom against the overwhelming forces of the neighboring rivals but more pressingly The Crusades. This creates a kind of golden age of righteous fury, where the League were noble just defenders of the middle east, and their destabilization tactics a safeguard against corruption rather than the comic's preferred route of 1970s era orientalist boogeymen where "OoOoooOo uncivilized brown people want to destroy americka!" Because the megalomaniacal world conquest horseshit is Ra's' doing, and a direct off shoot of Western imperialism, not something inherent to the League's actual founding history or culture.(and more importantly not just a recycled and displaced Fu Man Chu)
It does also conveniently make a slightly more sensible motive to the league's particular brand of generic super villainy: Where as their historical purpose would be to balance out power in their local region, that same balance left them open to destabilization at the hands of men like "Ra's" and Lawrence. So Ra's' plan is just to destabilize countries in places other than the middle east in the same way, to prime them for conquest. This makes his global network of assassins make more sense as they're all the in-progress cells of his would-be warlords gone "native" trying to blend in.
This all just making Ra's basically a giant Islamophilic orientalist weeaboo cosplaying this ridiculous caricature of an illustrious ancient warlord, aligning him and his delusions more with the writers who made him in the 70s, rather than the misguided fantasy they were tapping into. All the while his daughter sitting there in the background plotting revenge for a family she never even got to know, Lady Snowblood style.
Oh it also sort of helps rectify the goofy idea that Ra's otherwise would have had what like EIGHT HUNDRED years from the 70s, or over 900 from the current day as supreme ruler of the League of Assassins and only ever had like 3 kids? Where as if he's only been at it since WWI, then it makes WAY more sense that he's only got a handful of kids. (I have the same issue with the idea that Vandal Savage has been loitering around since the dawn of human history but his only notable kid is Scandal and she's like what in her 20s?)
Also unrelated to the rest of this but goddamnitall give them a bitter centuries long rivalry with the Order of St.Dumas. They're an islamic kingdom of assassins and a secret society of crusader knights ffs
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twst-drabbles · 11 months
Heartslabyul 6
Summary: While you didn’t go out trick-or-treating like Crowley wanted to, you did get a bucket full of candy. A little too much candy. You decided to throw some of the excess to the plant nymphs.
(Hehehehe, I made a neocities website right here. I’ll be loading all my writings up there eventually for safe keeping. But yeah, check it out!)
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“Alright, ready for the next round?” You asked from your lawn chair, fingers drumming against the big and overly fancy black pumpkin bucket you got from Crowley for Halloween, “I think the next layer is white chocolate.”
Ace jumped up high, shaking his arms and legs, almost screaming in impatience that you won’t just start already. Deuce was stomping around in excitement, ready and revving to catch some candies and added them to their combined pile.
“Don’t scream, you’ll blast my ears out,” you deliberately slowed yourself down as you rubbed at your ear, dropping your scoop of candy right back into the basket just to annoy Ace further, “though, I am getting sleepy. Maybe we should do this another day.”
Then, you heard something else fall into the candy treasure trove you have. Looking over, you saw a pair of leafy legs wiggling about. Righting himself up, Trey presented the wrapped sweets high above his head before throwing it towards Ace and Deuce. Trey turned towards you with the sweetest look on his face, giving a little determined chirp before patting a little fist against his chest.
Leave it to me, he’s probably trying to convey. Adorable. He thinks you’re actually falling asleep in your chair and is trying to take up your duty for you.
“That’s alright Trey, I was just kidding,” you gently grabbed him before setting him down, “Go on. Grab some candy of your own before Ace and Deuce make themselves sick with it.”
As Trey walked to the candy zone with a nod, you shot your arms out and captured the basket that was in the process of being carried away by Cater and his clones.
“Stop that Cater,” you flicked one of the clones legs. It tripped and puffed into smoke, “I know you hate sweets but you can’t destroy them yet. Wait until the game’s over.”
The true Cater planted his butt on the table, kicking his legs out in annoyance. You patted his head.
“I’ll get you something nice later, alright? So stop with the tantrum just because I only have candy right now.”
Cater turned his head away from you, as though that wasn’t enough.
You tucked a finger under his chin, guiding him to look at you. “How does that new spicy ramen I found sound?”
Only then did Cater perk up and clap his hands with a trill of chirps escaping him. He hopped right up, dusted the dirt off his knees and ran off towards Ace and Deuce, probably to mess with them.
“You want to join in, Riddle?” You looked to your shoulder as soon as you felt a weight press upon it. You had a scoopful of small candies in your palm. “Those roots of yours will throw better then my hands ever could.”
Riddle’s little face creased with curiosity. He bent down and grabbed a candy, turning it this way and that before commanding a root to wrap around it and throw it over the heads of Ace and Deuce. Deuce decided to be a little menace and tripped Ace before speeding off towards the candy.
You snorted and Riddle gave a soft laughing trill of his own. A rope of roots grabbed each individual candy from your hands and threw them in high and wide arcs. Trey spotted something he liked bounce on the ground and slide under a tree’s roots. He slid right there with it, getting his butt stuck.
Cater had his clones at the ready to grab as many candies as possible, but one heavy lollipop bounced on his head, then onto the heads of the rest of his clones in succession.
“Whoops,” you said with a sigh, “threw it a little too well, Riddle.”
Just to ease the worried look on your Roseling’s face, you unwrapped a strawberry cream candy and held it to his face. He only took one sniff before practically wretched it from your hold.
Adorable. They’re all adorable.
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softboo · 6 months
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love me, ever so gently - part II
pairing: austin x reader
summary: you recently moved to a new apartment, making some new eccentric friends along the way. but what you didn't expect was falling in love with a stranger. a stranger you somehow couldn't stop thinking about
words: 2.8k
warnings: more hints of domestic abuse, dark themes in relationships
author's note: soo i made a part II and i made it so quickly that it kinda blended into part III. i also want to say thank you to everyone who read part I because my heart melted. like i was already excited when it hit more than zero lol. but wow thank you so much!! it truly means the world :3 i hope you like this next part heh c:
previous part // next part
part II
you piled the books onto the cart, the last group needed for organizing before the store closed. today was pretty slow as customers came and went, but your thoughts were somewhere else. on someone else rather.
it's been almost a week since the fair and this stranger was eating away in your head. maybe some part of you wished you would see him again. but what were the odds of that happening? the days started to blend into each other and you were so afraid that if you stopped thinking about him, just even for a little bit, the memory would disappear.
the more time that passed, the less you thought he would show up again.
but you missed seeing him. you wished for anything just to talk to him just a little bit longer than the last. you felt crazy for feeling so attached to him, but there was something so pulling about him. the way he would listen to you talk about the stories you loved and hated. the way his eyes would just gaze right through you, like you were someone he had missed seeing.
oceans filled your head, the calm waters flowing through your heart. but knowing it was going to disappear just as quickly as it came.
because he was only temporary. the waters weren't yours to stay in.
the backdoor swung open and you heard george hobbling over at you, almost tipping you both off balance as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"look who it is! my favorite girl!" he smiled, completely disrupting your last task before you had to close the store. he flashed a toothy grin as cassandra appeared right behind him.
"george please, you're going to fall on the poor girl." her tone annoyed, but with a hint of concern. "do me a favor and go to the storage room to get the books for the events before i throw something at you."
she shot him a glare before he waved goodbye to the both of you. cassandra came towards you, picking up a few of the novels on the cart to help you finish.
"you're still thinking about him, dear?"
you quickly turned your head to look at her, eyes widening at the sudden accusation.
"how did—?"
"sweetie, it's written all over your face. and you've had that same expression since the fair. i'm not clueless."
you gave her a weak smile, confirming exactly what she thought. you couldn't look at her now though, feeling as if she could see right through you if you did.
"am i crazy cassie?"
she let out a small chuckle, settling the last book down on its appropriate shelf. she shook her head.
"no, you're just being young. and there's nothing wrong with that." she reassured you, not realizing that she completely finished organizing the rest of your books.
"if he ever decides to show up again, then you'll have another chance with him. if not, then you learn to move on."
that last sentence was something a part of you didn't really want to accept. your heart was still holding on to that possibility. but the more days that passed since the fair, the more you wavered on your certainty.
~ ~
"there's only two new neighbors cassie... why did we make three welcome gifts?" evelyn stated, all four of you were now squeezed into your apartment, staring at the gifts on the kitchen counter.
"because the other one is for our favorite girl!" george exclaimed, jumping up to give you the last gift. cassandra swatted at his arm, glaring at him.
"you ruined the surprise." cassandra remarked, as you gave them a weak smile.
it's been almost a month now and the thought of you ever seeing him again was fading even more. you reassured them that you appreciated the surprise anyway and george pulled you into a hug.
"if i only knew it was for her, i would've baked more cookies." evelyn stated, but you truly did appreciate the gesture regardless. they all knew something was wrong for awhile, but cassandra was the only one that knew why.
"it's okay, thank you. really. i love the gift."
cassandra caressed your cheek again as evelyn added, "if anything, i can bake more tonight and stop by to drop them off."
you smiled and nodded. "i would love that."
evelyn gave you a warm smile with her rosy little cheeks. she loved cooking for all of you, even remembering the first time she gave you your personal welcome gift when you moved in. and you remember it vividly because george ate half of those cookies.
"alright let's go drop off these gifts," cassandra stated, "george and i will go downstairs. you two will go to the one across the hall."
you all held your respective gifts and walked to where you needed to go. you and evelyn approached the apartment, evelyn knocking on the door as you held onto the gift.
you could even smell the cookies inside as it fogged a bit of the plastic, knowing how much hard work evelyn put in them. george made the little welcome sign, cassandra wrote the card with all the events planned for the year, and you placed two books. each from the ones that the store no longer needed.
it took a while for someone to answer, evelyn had to knock a few times but soon enough, the door swung open and suddenly something caught in your throat.
there she was. the same dark haired woman from a month ago. you couldn't believe it, the fact that she was your new neighbor. the fact that you saw her a month later instead of him.
and the fact that she stood there, her eyes in flames as you both somehow were at fault for knocking on her door.
"how can i help you?"
her tone was dark, it almost felt like she spat at you. evelyn noticed the slight negative connotation in her voice and opened her mouth to speak, but you came in first.
"we just wanted to drop off a gift to welcome you to the building." you gritted through a fake smile and evelyn saw you tense up. she just couldn't figure out if it was from annoyance or something else.
"oh how thoughtful," her voice was so empty. there was nothing behind it other than wanting to push you both out of her apartment.
"we also added a list of events that happen in the building like a cooking class, taught by—"
"my boyfriend and i are not interested thank you."
she cut you off again and you felt that spark of a flame growing right inside your heart.
"i'll take the gift though," and the woman snatched the beautiful piece from your hands. "austin loves this kind of thing."
she gave you a big toothy grin, something that vaguely made you uneasy but also reminded you of a poorly painted clown. she didn't even say thank you before shutting the door on your faces.
you couldn't even fathom any words, just blankly stared at the closed door. you glanced over at evelyn who was as shocked as you, opening her mouth to speak.
"what a bitch."
~ ~
your mind was racing as you ate your dinner, your favorite tv show playing in the background. the thought of austin's girlfriend being your new neighbor placed a sour taste in your mouth. like you couldn't catch a breathe as the whole situation wrapped around your throat. you had no idea if austin was living with her, but if he was, you weren't sure if you could face him with her breathing down your neck.
or if she'd even allow him to be in the same vicinity as anyone else but her.
the things you saw during the fair flashed in your head, the bruise on his hand. the tight grip of her arm around his. you shook your head, doubting that that possibility could be even true.
but if it was...? you weren't sure how you would react.
a sudden knock on your door broke you from your thoughts as you slowly got up from your chair to check who it was. as you looked through the peephole, you didn't see anyone.
you hesitated for a moment before opening the door, to find something that shattered your heart into a million pieces.
your welcome gift was staring back at you from the floor. the plastic wrap was ruined and the sign was ripped. the card splattered with wine stains and the cookies looked like they were stepped on. the only thing that was missing were the books and the event page.
you had no idea what to do, all of your hard work. everyone's hard work was ruined. a kind gesture completely taken advantage of and it was fueling your hatred even more.
you tossed it to the side, gently placing as much of the gift together as you could before closing the door. you wondered if austin took those missing things. if he knew how badly his girlfriend was treating other people and if he was even aware of the hold she had on him.
maybe that part of you was right.
~ ~
you sat in your assigned seat, the second table from the center. evelyn was busy up in the front, preparing her demonstration table full of ingredients. the kitchen right behind her with all the other food items needed for their meal. you could see how nervous she was with the way she kept fidgeting the same utensils and pans, making sure it was facing a certain way.
george appeared from the kitchen entrance, carrying supply bags out so it was easier for the class to get what they needed. he was beyond ecstatic for this as he was not only going to see a huge turnout of people again, but he was excited for the secret batch of food evelyn promised she would make for them when this was over.
you noticed cassandra passing through, a sign up sheet in her hand and you noticed a compile of names, each having their own seat and assigned table.
"so why can't i look at the list of names?" you asked her when she passed your table. all she did was smile as she handed you your name tag.
"cassie, he's not going to come." you remarked and she shook her head at your negativity.
you weren't able to tell anyone about your suspicious, thinking it probably wasn't your place to begin with. it wasn't until evelyn talked about "the dark red haired bitch from 4B" that cassandra started to connect the dots.
you just weren't sure if they were connecting all the dots.
weeks passed since the incident and each passing event with him not being present made it harder to stop thinking about him. even so when he would put his name and not show up.
this was yet, another one of those times, which was why you were doubting cassandra's optimism.
"we'll see. you never know dear," she let out a soft smile, "but if he does, give him his name tag for me?"
she handed you the tag with austin written on it, just like she did for all the other events. and yet each time, your heart skyrocketed in hopes that he was actually going to show up.
soon enough, the class started and evelyn began her introduction. the turnout was quite a lot; families, some friend groups, a few couples, an empty table in the back, and you.
with one empty seat next to yours.
~ ~
you were halfway through rolling the dough when you heard the main entrance door open. you didn't really have time to look because your stupid dough wasn't flat enough.
but it wasn't until you heard the footsteps and the water that followed suit from the rain that your now empty seat was occupied.
and your heart stopped.
"hi i'm so sorry i'm late. i'm usually not like this," his voice wavered, he sounded so flustered and embarrassed. so different from when you first met him.
you finally had the courage to look at him and you saw those same calm waters in his eyes, except they weren't as blue anymore. it was muted, like a greyness overshadowing its true color.
he had a hat on that covered his wavy blonde hair and some kind of shadow near his eyes, but he no longer had a mask and you could've sworn you heard your heart beating against your ears.
you were so overwhelmed by who he actually was that no words came out so you could respond to him. a part of you was so grateful he didn't see you as he was so preoccupied with his mistake of being late.
and when he finally settled into his seat and placed his things down, he looked at the nametag you placed on his side of the table. he quickly pinned it on his sweater to hopefully catch up on what he missed.
"i'm austin," he introduced himself, hoping you would say something to him. anything.
your voice was so meek compared to his, even when he was the one all flustered.
"how much did i miss?" his was soft, and somehow sounded like he was comforting you.
"oh um... just the mixing part. i have the dough ready, but i can't seem to..."
you stopped as you noticed yourself ramble, completely avoiding his gaze as you looked right at the roller and your very stubborn piece of dough.
you heard him chuckle and it made your heart flutter slightly.
"can i?"
you just nodded as he placed the dough in front of him, taking the roller to knead the whole piece out. it wasn't long until he flattened it to the perfect shape that he gave you a small smile. he even followed the next few instructions from evelyn, placing the dough into a pie crust pan.
"have you cooked before?" you asked him, as he noticed the way you looked extremely impressed. and something about your expression made him flustered all over again.
"not really, but i do love cooking. i even thought about becoming a chef."
"yeah," he let out the softest little laugh, pressing against the dough to form the crust, "that's why i moved here. i wanted to take a break for awhile and learn about the things i love to do... like cooking."
"you live here?"
a part of you wished he wasn't going to say it, but you already knew his answer.
"yeah on the 4th floor, apartment 4B."
and your heart sank to the ground.
"do you live around the area too?" he asked curiously and you nodded absentmindedly.
"yeah, i think we're neighbors. i'm 4A."
and you could've sworn you saw the blueness come back in those storm covered oceans.
"yeah..." you hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not you should say the next part, "my friend and i actually dropped off a welcome gift for you."
and the blueness left as fast as it came.
you bit your lip, scared he might react a certain way. you started to doubt yourself. what if he was the one that ruined the gift, not the girlfriend.
he paused for a moment, going quiet as he finished mending the dough in place.
and you panicked.
"i totally understand if you didn't like the gift."
"no i liked it... i liked it a lot actually."
there was something hanging in the air now and you felt this immense guilt that you ruined the whole thing. you've thought about meeting him again for months and now that the chance arose itself, it felt like you were sabatoging everything you ever wanted.
"whenever you're both done filling your pie and adding the top crust, you can go to the kitchen and place it in the oven," evelyn instructed, smiling at the both of you as she passed your table. she cut the tension between you two for just a moment before it all came crashing back again.
you filled the pie pan and topped everything with another dough crust. the silence wrapped around you two as you finished the pie completely.
"i'll put it in the oven," austin offered, but as he got up, he winced in pain, clutching at his torso.
and that was all the confirmation you needed.
"let me, it's okay."
you took the pie from him, his body settling down on the seat again. he seemed so exhausted all of a sudden, like he no longer had the energy to put up a front anymore.
and it killed you on the inside that you had to sit there and watch.
when you came back from the kitchen, you noticed he took off his hat to fix his hair.
and that's when you saw his eyes. just above his eyebrow was a bruise and few cuts, a small bandaid on his upper temple, right where the brim of the hat would be.
but what broke your heart was the way he no longer had those lights in his eyes anymore. he rubbed his face for just a moment and you saw something else stain his hands.
it was makeup.
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imtrashraccoon · 8 months
He's still being a manipulative piece of crap in this one, what else can I say? At least there's glimpses of a good person somewhere in his soul?
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Bad Sansuary: Killer - Stitched
Word Count: 1,349
It was nice not having to worry about going to work lately. You'd always worked so hard, so having a little impromptu vacation was probably something you deserved, even if you couldn't do everything you wanted to do because of your bum ankle.
You were currently camped out on the couch watching whatever happened to be interesting on tv. It wasn't a bad way to spend your day, although you'd been doing this for a couple days now and it was starting to get slightly boring.
Well, until Killer suddenly popped into existence in the middle of your living room anyways. He had his hands in his pockets and causally glanced around the room before his gaze fell on you.
"oh hey, did you miss me, angel?" he asked in teasing tone.
You crossed your arms and gave him a stern look. "Hardly...you have some nerve showing up here again," you grumbled.
"aw, you're not still mad at me for that, right?"
"Yes, I am actually. It's not fun being in pain and having to hobble everywhere you know."
He chuckled and proudly planted his hands on his hips. "well, lucky it's your lucky day, because i'm here to cheer you up!" he exclaimed in an enthusiastic tone.
You were unamused and just looked up at him blankly. "You're so lucky I didn't tell either Axe or Dust what you did. They were pretty concerned you know when they saw me..."
He waved you off and seemed completely unaffected by your mild threat. "they can't exactly hurt me, cutie. not without someone else noticing and asking questions anyways..."
You realized he was talking about their boss, whoever they were, and shut yourself up before you could retort. You didn't know much of anything about them but from what little you had inferred, mostly from Dust, they weren't one to be messed around with.
"aw...don't cry again. i didn't mean anything awful by that, okay?"
You huffed and crossed your arms. "I wasn't going to cry!" you insisted.
Killer hummed quietly and gave you a skeptical look.
With a sigh, you looked down at your feet and how your ankle was still tightly wrapped up. What was his problem anyways? Why were you constantly agitated whenever he said anything?
"You're literally the worst," you muttered under your breath.
He chuckled and moved slightly closer so he could leer over you. "why thank you! i try my best~" he purred.
You smacked his shoulder.
While you hadn't hit him hard, you instantly regretted doing so when the corners of his permanent grin quirked up slightly. A chill ran down your spine at the dangerous look he gave you.
"oh, i see how it is now..." he murmured. He stared down at you before slowly poking your forehead with a boney finger as if he was pressing an imaginary button.
You tried to swat his hand away but he only used his other hand instead, continuing to poke and prod at your face and arms. It wasn't like he was trying to tickle you either, just bug you incessantly until you got frustrated.
You tried to swipe at him again, but he was ready this time and effortlessly sidestepped your attack.
"is that all you got, angel cheeks?"
Oh he did not.
You took a deep breath and counted to ten.
He reached out and poked your cheek.
That was the last straw. With a fury that could rival an enraged mountain lion, you launched yourself at him and just barely managed to latch onto his ribcage.
He seemed momentarily surprised by your assault, before his hands came up and hooked around your waist. You couldn't tell if he was trying to fight back or keep you from falling and you frankly didn't care right now.
You didn't care though. Throwing your whole weight against him, you forced him off balance and both of you landed in a pile of limbs on the carpet. Ignoring the stinging from the impact, you wasted no time trying to pin him down.
Killer seemed to recover faster than you'd expected and he quickly began to fight back. Although, he was far stronger than a skeleton should be and it was actually challenging to keep him from shoving you off. He was mostly just trying to hold you up with his arms and wasn't attempting to use his legs at all, possibly because of your bad ankle?
"Ha! I got you..." You were out of breath and probably going to have several bruises, but you'd finally managed to restrain his wrists against the floor by his head.
He was completely unbothered and if anything, looked kind of amused by this situation. He tentatively flexed his bones and you responded by applying more pressure.
"good job," he responded softly. "you got me..."
You narrowed your eyes at the obvious sarcasm in his voice. While you'd been trying your hardest while wrestling, his attempts to fight back had seemed lackluster at best. Almost like he had wanted this to happen...
You shifted your left leg to readjust the way you were sitting, but when you felt the carpet brush against your bare skin, you gasped. Glancing down proved your worst fears to be true, and there was a large tear on the left knee of your favorite pair of leggings. You quickly released him and rolled onto the floor to examine the tear much more closely.
"aw...it was just getting good too," Killer grumbled quietly. He sat up and scooted over to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "what happened, cute thing?"
"I...tore my leggings..." you muttered.
"get another pair then? it's what i do whenever that happens."
You huffed and looked back at him. "I can't, at least not one that's the same. I bought them years ago at a thrift store and the company doesn't make them anymore."
His bonebrows furrowed slightly but he couldn't seem to formulate a response.
"They were my favorite pair too. I don't think I could properly mend them but even if I could, they'd never be the same..."
You struggled to your feet and grabbed your crutches. Weirdly enough, Killer didn't make any more snarky comments as you hobbled to your room to change into something else.
He hung around for maybe two hours afterwards but you noticed he had grown oddly quiet. He had always seemed like the type that couldn't shut up even if he tried, so it was a bit worrying. Whenever you attempted to ask if he was okay and reassure him that you weren't mad about this, he'd brush you off and talk about something unrelated instead.
It was only after he left, that you decided to take a another look at the leggings again. Maybe you could look up a tutorial online to figure out the best way to mend it or something. Except, they weren't on your dresser where you'd left them and even though you looked all over your room, they were nowhere to be found.
That is, until the next morning, when you found them folded up on your kitchen table with another note.
"hey angel cakes, they're not the same but i hope you don't mind. if you ask me, they're even better this way. i hope you like them! killer <3"
When you unfolded the leggings, you discovered that not only had they been mended, but whoever had done so had added some intricate embroidery to both knees. The stitching was rather elaborate and it looked like a light green vine with several small red hearts. You had to admit it was kind of pretty looking but you weren't sure if it was better per say. You'd have to wear them to find out.
It begged the question though, why had Killer done this for you? And why had he taken it upon himself to try and fix things when you'd gotten hurt from his prank? He was still being as mean as ever and you didn't understand at all what he was going for at this point.
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wooahaes · 2 years
hi! for the prompt requests, 22 (“i don’t hate you”) & 27 (“i’m right here”) with s.coups please :)
right here beside you
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pairing: non-idol!housemate!s coups x gn!reader
prompt: 22 + 27 from this list
word count: 0.9k~
warnings: v bad day that results in reader crying. some vaguely implied feelings between cheol + reader. no proofreading, intentional lowercase.
daisy’s notes: need me a cheol rn...
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today was maybe one of the worst days of your life so far, and the only saving grace you had was that everyone else was out.
you’d shuffled out of your shoes when you finally made it in, seeing that your three housemates slippers were in their respective places near the entryway. as much as you liked them, you needed the alone time. most days you worked from home, shut away in your room... but the days you were called in? those always seemed to be the worst out of your work week. breathing out a long sigh, you slipped into your slippers a moment later and made your way to your room (tiny, but yours) to abandon your things and then maybe make dinner.
after, like, ten minutes of laying on your bed and just dealing with your frustration. sometimes burying your face in a pillow and screaming for a minute helped. you were alone, you didn’t have to worry about joshua or jeonghan knocking a minute later and asking if you were dying.
(it happened once. the embarrassing part of having to explain it was a rough day to a slightly-worried jeonghan had melted away after the initial mortification, but you still swore you wouldn’t worry anyone you lived with ever again.)
you searched through the fridge for ingredients you could use to make something for dinner. when your list came up short, you let out another sigh and changed your attention to making yourself a cup of tea and then order takeout. everything was going to be okay.
then you turned away with your mug of tea, only to slip and drop your mug in an attempt to catch yourself on the counter. all in a moment, one of your favorite mugs was in pieces on the floor. you gasped, immediately kneeling to see if you could potentially fix it until everything finally hit you all at once. you sniffled, tried to hold back your tears, and then the dam broke.
the sounds of your crying drowned out the sound of a door opening, and before you could process what was going on, seungcheol was already next to you on his knees. his hands found yours as he gently pulled you back, throwing a dish towel onto the floor to start soaking up the tea. despite your best effort to stop your crying, seungcheol had turned to you and spoken softly.
“i’m right here,” he said, “it’s okay. what happened?”
something about how gentle seungcheol was speaking to you threw you off. despite the way you’d grown closer to jeonghan and joshua over the past few months, you never felt like seungcheol liked you. the two of you were cordial, but he wasn’t the kind of person who really sat down with you--unless jeonghan or joshua had called him over while he was passing through. he was polite, sure, but he never really bothered you--despite your few attempts to try and speak to him alone. if you were shut up in your room, it was typically one of the others who checked on you. yet seungcheol had started picking up pieces of the broken mug to dispose of properly, nudging you away again. he paused once he was done, turning to you and taking your hands again. you watched the way he turned your palms up, looking them over for any injury.
with your crying quieting down, seungcheol pulled you up to your feet. “do you want hot chocolate?”
hot chocolate sounded like heaven. you nodded, and he merely instructed you to go sit down. soon enough, seungcheol had sat down next to you at the dinner table with two mugs--yours piled high with whipped cream and marshmallows. you gave him your thanks, and stared down at the small dusting of cocoa powder atop the whipped cream. he did... far more than you expected.
“do you want to talk about it?” he said after you took a sip.
you let out another sigh, feeling as though part of your stress was evaporating from the hot chocolate alone. “work sucked,” you simply said. “i had to go in today.” then you paused for a moment, looking back up to seungcheol’s face. “why do you care? i know you hate me.”
seungcheol frowned. “i don’t hate you,” he said. “i’ve never hated to you. i didn’t want to bother you. i know jeonghan and joshua try to include you, but you seem like you enjoy your space.”
you did. you couldn’t really deny that.
“i’m sorry if i did anything to make you think i hate you,” he said. “i like you a lot, actually.”
something about the way he said it warmed your heart. you traced your thumb alongside the side of your mug. maybe you didn’t want to be alone tonight. seungcheol’s presence was comforting you...
“do you want to get dinner?” you finally asked, looking up. “i mean--i was going to order something. we could watch a movie...”
“i’d like that,” he said. “you can pick the movie,” he stood up. “i’ll get the couch ready. let me know what you want to eat, okay?”
maybe things would be different with seungcheol from now on. he didn’t seem to mind when you ended up snuggling closer to him during your movie, merely draping an arm around you to let you seek whatever comfort you needed.
(and when you dozed off not long after finishing dinner, seungcheol merely let your head drop onto his shoulder... even through it’d mean enduring the light teasing from jeognhan and joshua later, asking if he’d finally decided to stop pretending he didn’t want your attention.)
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @synthetickitsune @wonuziex
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rowyn-writes · 1 year
Cinnamon and Sugar
Chapter Four
Warnings: None
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Dean, Jo, Reader, Benny Laffite (mentioned only)
Word count: 1.5k
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You looked around your nearly empty apartment. Pretty much everything was packed up, and what wasn't was going to be thrown away. You still had a few days until you had to move, but today was moving day. The truck was going to be there in four hours, and there was still things to be done.
You had searched for days on end for another apartment, not wanting to impose on Dean. When nothing came up, you finally decided to take Dean up on his offer. Dean was very sweet about the entire thing. He already had a spare bedroom set up, and even a cat bed for Storm. Hell, he even offered to help you move, to which you declined politely. He had already done so much for you and he barely knew you.
Normally, you would find the entire situation strange, but there was something about Dean, like he would never hurt you.
"Alright, Storm." You said, looking around. "Are you ready to go to your new home?" Your cat gave a sad meow. "No, silly, I meant a new home with me. I'm not leaving you behind." Storm began purring as he weaved between your legs. "God, you're a weird cat."
Not only were you stressed about having to move out, but you also had midterms in three days. But then you had Christmas break; four weeks off of school where you could just sit around in your pajamas and watch Christmas movies.
"Knock knock." A voice said, opening the door. "It's your favorite person!"
You rolled your eyes as you looked at the blonde girl. "Since when are you my favorite person, Jo?"
"Since we were ten, duh. Besides, I have to be your favorite, I'm here to help you finish packing and move your stuff into Dean's house." Jo said, grabbing a stack of books and neatly placing them in a box. "Even though I offered to let you stay at my place."
"Jo," You sighed. "I told you, if your landlord caught me living at your apartment, then you would be kicked out and neither of us would have a place to live."
"I know, It's just. . . You barely know Dean. He could be a serial killer."
"And that would be an upgrade from the last guy I lived with, so. . ."
"Y/N," Jo shook her head.
"Are you okay?" She asked gently. "You haven't really talked about Michael all that much and-"
"It's because I don't want to talk about it." You stopped her. "When I'm ready to tell you what happened, I will. But right now, I'm nowhere near ready to discuss it. No matter how much you and Jack badger me about it."
"We badger you because we care, Y/N/N." Jo objected.
"I know you do, but sometimes it's best to just give me some time. I promise I'll talk to you guys about it soon. Just give me a little more time."
Jo gave you a worried look but said nothing else. "So, what are you doing for Christmas?"
You made a face at your best friend. She was jumping from one touchy subject to the next. "I don't know. . . If Jack doesn't come home from Duke, I might go visit him. You could come too. Make a road trip out of it."
"That's a sixteen hour drive, Y/N. If we were to visit Jack, we would be taking a plane." Jo said as she packed up a few band t-shirts.
"Do you have money for a ticket?" You arched an eyebrow. "Cuz I sure as hell don't."
You decided to play some music while the two of you continued to pack up your apartment. Listening to music was the only way to make you unwind. You loved to her the loud beat of the drums and the hum of the guitar. The two of you danced around as you tossed things into boxes.
"Aren't your neighbors doing to report this?" Jo asked loudly over the music.
"What are they gonna do? Kick me out?" You responded, jumping around.
"This is why I love you!" Jo giggled.
Two hours later, you had everything packed up, and the stuff that wasn't was sorted into two piles: Throw away, and donate.
You and Jo fell back onto the couch, both of you out of breath. "I am exhausted." You wheezed.
"You're telling me." Jo agreed. "Hey, you wanna get some pizza?"
"If you're buying."
"So," You said, after taking a bite out of your pizza. "Why didn't you want to pursue anything with Dean again?"
"I mean, it's not that I didn't. He's a nice guy, super hot, pretty smart, but it just didn't seem right." Jo explained. "It's almost like I was stealing him from someone. I could tell that he didn't belong with me."
"Huh," You furrowed your eyebrows. "I've literally never heard someone say that about having sex before." You laughed.
"Oh shut up!" Jo growled. "You make it out to sound like I'm crazy."
"I mean. . ."
Jo glared at you from across the table. "I will hit you with something."
"I'd like to see you try. Your aim sucks." You challenged. Jo hurriedly got up and picked up a pillow from on the couch and chucked it at your head. "Hey!"
"Well, would you look at that, I guess my aim doesn't suck after all." Jo smirked.
"You little -" You picked up the pillow she threw at you and aimed for her stomach.
There was a knock at the door, which interrupted the fight that you were having with Jo.
You opened the door to see Dean on the other side. "Dean, hey! What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to help you move." He said simply.
"Dean I-"
"Nope, you can't stop me." He chuckled as he lifted a box into his arms. "Whatever doesn't fit in the moving van I can put in my car."
You and Jo watched as he carried three boxes out the door. "God he is so sexy." Jo mumbled.
"I thought you said chasing after Dean would be like stealing something from someone?" You inquired, a light grin on your face.
"Doesn't mean I can't admire his great ass." You rolled your eyes and flicked Jo's ear.
"Perv." You mumbled as you grabbed a box and followed Dean out the door. Within twenty minutes, everything had been loaded onto the van.
"Well, that's everything." You huffed, resting your hands on your hips. "Okay, so, Jo and I are going to follow you in our cars, and we'll see you at your house."
You picked up Storm's carrier and put him in the back seat. He was sound asleep, as you slipped a Benadryl in his food earlier because it put him to sleep easily. Storm hated car rides with a burning passion.
It was about a twenty minute drive from your apartment to Dean's place, which was a good thing; you weren't too far away from the coffee shop. His house seemed to be in a good neighborhood. 
Jo parked the moving van beside Dean's car. Dean hopped out of his car and began grabbing boxes, taking them inside the house. After several trips back to the car, you finally had all of your boxes in the house. You crouch down and let Storm out of his carrier, and he darts into a corner, glaring at you. "Aaand now he's pissed." You chuckle softly.
"Ah, he'll get over it, sweetheart. Especially when he becomes hungry." Dean comments as he starts helping you unpack.
"Well, it looks like y'all have this handled. I'm gonna go, it's way too crowded in here anyways." Jo says, giving you a hug before leaving.
You and Dean worked in silence for a while as you unpacked. It wasn't an excessive amount of stuff, mostly things for your room. "I'll unpack the clothes, you don't have to worry about that." You tell Dean as he brings in a box labeled 'clothes'. "Thanks for letting me live with you, Dean. I didn't know what I was gonna do. . ." You say quietly.
"Nah, don't worry about it sweetheart, I look at it as a win-win situation. You have a place to stay and I have good company." He gives you a boyish grin.
"Still, I really owe you one. . . I'll have rent to you the first of the month and we can go half on the utilities." You say as you unpack your clothes, putting them in your dresser.
"Don't stress too much on that, sweetheart. I know times are tough, just pitch in when you can, okay?" He gives you a reassuring smile, gently squeezing your shoulder. "I'll leave you to get settled in. I'll order us some Chinese food."
"Oooh, that sounds really good right now." You sigh happily. "Marry me?"
Dean snorts as he looks at his phone. "You're starting to sound like Benny, there, sugar." 
"What can I say, it runs in the family." You joke. Dean left to go pick up the food and you were left alone in you thoughts. It was strange to be living somewhere other than your apartment, especially with this man that you met not even three weeks ago. But you trusted Dean, there was just something about his personality that just made you feel safe and secure. Storm jumped on the bed, looking up at you.
"Hey there buddy. . . I know, tell me about it, this whole thing is strange. . ." You sigh as you gently pet him. "Everything's gonna be okay. . ." You weren't sure if you were trying to convince your cat or yourself.
Cinnamon and Sugar Tags:
@vicmc624 @supernatural-jackles @laycblack @casdeancrowleys-blog @my-proof-is-you
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circusgoth-dotcom · 4 months
Helmets & Hosers
Ship: Tim LaFlour x Corey Wheedon
Word Count: 553
Summary: Something short and sweet with my beloved hockey boy. :0]
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife @rexscanonwife
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Corey awoke to the sound of his dormitory landline ringing incessantly. Whining softly, he stretched himself out of bed and shuffled into the living room, his blanket wrapped around him like a cloak.
“Wheedon speaking,” he yawned.
“Corey, baby, I am so sorry to wake you up, but I totally forgot my helmet in my dorm and I can’t get ahold of Darryl.” His boyfriend, Tim, spoke in a rush on the other end.
Corey rubbed their eyes, gaze fuzzy from not wearing their glasses. He checked the time. “Shit, I forgot you even had a game tonight… I’ll grab it and be over before the doors open to the public, I promise.”
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
“Love you.” Corey hung up and stumbled back to his room, throwing his blanket back onto his bed and shoving his glasses on his face. The second he had come back from his last class, he had collapsed into bed, sleeping for nearly three hours. He hoped the excitement of Tim’s game would exhaust him enough to let him sleep easily afterwards. He took off the clothes he had worn for the day and began digging through his closet and the piles on his floor for something clean. Tim had left him with a baggy sweatshirt emblazoned with the logo of the band Ramones. It didn’t smell too bad, so they threw it over a tank top and a pair of ripped jeans before haphazardly tying their combat boots and sprinting downstairs to Tim and Darryl’s dorm room.
Having not been able to convince Stratford University itself nor their father to lend them a copy of Tim’s key, Corey had gotten very good at picking the lock on his door with nothing more than a stray bobby pin. Once inside, they grabbed Tim’s helmet and finally bolted for the school’s ice rink. A small crowd was already beginning to form at the entrance by the time they got there- Two minutes til the doors open. He bolted up to the ticket booth, holding up the helmet.
“Tim LaFlour forgot this, and you know the game can’t start without the proper protection.”
The woman behind the glass gave him a sceptical look. Please believe me, lady, I don’t want my boyfriend getting brain damage... as much as we can avoid it, anyway. Finally, she sighed and got up to unlock the doors.
“Don’t fool around.”
“Thank you, miss.” Without time to spare, Corey used the last of his energy to sprint to the locker room. “Tim!”
The familiar blond fluff bounced through the pack of curiously turned heads. Disregarding the audience, Tim pecked Corey’s cheek. “You’re the best.”
“And you need to keep better track of your things, mister,” He teased, placing the helmet on his head and patting it in a rough but affectionate way. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Tim cheesed. “I know, I know...” The sound of a buzzer made Corey jump. Tim squeezed his shoulders. “You should go wait outside the concessions stand before everybody else gets there. You’re gonna have premium seats!”
“Good idea. Break a leg, Tim!” Corey clapped his arm before smoothly exiting the locker room. A stitch was beginning to form in his side from all the running around, but it was worth it to see his boy so happy.
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vytels · 1 year
Reposting this with grammar and spelling fixed because it was bothering me. For context, this was posted based on an incorrect quote post. The original post is linked here.
Just needed to write a little something based on this that made my brain go wirrr
TW: self-depreciation, thoughts about death/suicide, overall general horrible feelings…. Basically, Fox NOT having a good time… Also, typos, cause I’m writing this at the ass crack of night and I’m supposed to be SLEEPING
Sloshes of cocktails and condensation fell to the floor, beers clinked together in toasts and cheers, but yet, it wasn’t as busy at 79’s as it usually was. Parties of clones crowded together in respected booths, a few stragglers slipping onto the dance floor to get a feel for a pretty lady or man. The music buzzed between them and the lights clung brightly to the walls, unimpeded by bodies or howling voices.
Fox didn’t care for 79’s much anyway. Besides the rapid amount of headaches and groans that it brought him, he found himself seeing it as only a small connection to his brothers on the frontlines. It provided him a face-to-face that holocalls couldn’t achieve, although only once every few months.
“Are your boys treating you well, Rex?” Ponds’ elbow shoved into Fox’s side as the man craned his head forward.
The blond trooper turned to them and a smile appeared at the edge of his lips, his shoulders slumping toward the table as he leaned in. “They weren’t too bad this time around, I think they might be settling down.”
“Don’t jinx it, vod’ika,” Cody warned, “Your men don’t know the meaning of settling. You told me they tried to make a water slide in the docking hangar of the Resolute a month ago.”
“Eh, they’re just bored,” Wolffe said, “the 501st moves around more than anyone else does, they have more time between missions to get stuck in their heads.”
“They do deal with it interestingly then,” Rex grumbled.
Fox couldn’t help but agree, though his eyes lingered across his vod’ika’s form. There was a mirth in the man’s eyes, a fondness in his smile, and a softening in his brows. The Captain cared deeply for his men, for his own vod’ika, despite the trouble they put him through. There was always a story on his mind about Fives and Echo, or a joke that heard from Jesse, or an incident from Hardcase.
There was something there that struck Fox, something that clung deep at his chest, in a way that almost made him gasp. Somehow, it was overwhelming.
“Well,” Fox said, “Have the Terrible Torrents come up with anything more recently to deal with this boredom?”
A smile widened across Rex’s face. “They came up with a game, based on a natborn game.”
“Oh, this ought to be good.” Bly leaned in. “What is it?”
“It’s based on kiss, marry, kill,” Rex explained, “which is a game where you name three people and then choose who you’d kiss, marry, or kill from the three.”
Cody nodded, raising an eyebrow. “How’d they change that then?”
Rex snickered. “They ran out of people they knew until it was only vod that they knew… so you know, they just changed the wording. Turned it into keldabe, vod pile partner, and kill.”
“Not as easy to say,” Ponds muttered with a look of disdain, “But I can’t imagine marrying or kissing a vod.”
Bly gave him a look. “Isn’t a keldabe a kiss?”
“It can be familial and you know it,” Ponds retorted, “You literally shove your forehead against any of ours the moment you get the chance!”
“Guilty,” Bly conceded.
Wolffe hummed. “Well, are we going to play it?”
“I’m interested,” Cody added, “It sounds like fun.”
Rex smirked as his ori’vode turned to him and let them throw him through the rounds of the game, pulling on all vod they knew from across the Galaxy. Putting Neyo against Gree, pushing Thorn against Keeli and Kix, throwing Crys with Waxer and Boil, laughing as he offered up Hardcase, Wrecker, and Fives, and smirking when he mentioned Alpha-17, Colt, and Fordo.
“You know that’s not fair,” Cody said immediately. “All of us would snatch up 17 for a pile partner before the others.”
“Then who are you killing?” Rex challenged. “Colt or Fordo?”
“Colt, at least I’d have a chance at winning.” Bly took a swig of his drink.
Wolffe shook his head. “I bet I could take out Fordo, besides he hates me.”
“That’s because you bit him.”
“So did Fox!”
Fox smirked. “He deserved it. I’m going with Fordo too.”
“You two are horrible.” Cody frowned. “I’ll kill Colt.”
“Agreed,” Ponds said.
“Alright, alright… last one?” Rex asked.
“Hit us with your best shot,” Wolffe growled at him.
Rex looked over them for a moment, thoughts whirling behind his eyes before a smirk covered his face. He leaned closer as he spoke, his voice punctuating the names.
“Me, Wolffe, Fox. The vod’ike.”
“Oh, well, I’m killing Fox.” Bly leaned back immediately.
Fox’s head snapped to his ori’vod, a glare pulling at his eyes but he kept his face level as Ponds snorted next to him.
“I think I have to agree with that,” Ponds said, “But I’m vod piling with Rex.”
“Not me?” Wolffe growled immediately.
But Fox didn’t hear the rest of the argument, not as his eyes slid to the orange-colored commander next to him. Cody stroked his chin, a horrible habit he had gained from his general, and stared toward the ceiling. Gears seemed to come to life in his head as he thought before his hand dropped away and slapped against the table.
Everyone’s heads snapped to him, the argument between Wolffe and Ponds fading to the side as the oldest of their batch smirked.
“I figured it out.” Cody nodded. “Kill Fox, keldabe Wolffe, and vod pile with Rex.”
Despite the sting in his chest, the tightening at the back of his throat, Fox slipped under his mask. A smirk played across his lips and he leaned back against the booth, eyes flickering across all his brothers.
“Yeah, I’d kill me too.” Fox waved a hand, ignoring the churning in his stomach. “I’ll vod pile with you, Wolffe.”
Wolffe smirked, before immediately turning to Ponds. “See? Even Fox wants to vod pile with me!”
The argument between them grew again, but it felt like a buzzing at Fox’s ears as he reached back to grab his drink. He knocked back, trying to get rid of the pain pounding in his ribs and gut, trying to loosen the tightening of his throat.
His batchmates had pointed to kill him off, not even bothering to argue against it in any form. It flipped his stomach, even if it was just a game. A meaningless game, but yet it drove a stake through his heart.
But he understood it too, he really did.
Fox wasn’t like his batchmates. He didn’t fight on the front lines, he didn’t put his life on the line for his brothers staring down a battlefield filled with droids, and he certainly didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve like they did.
But more than that, he didn’t really deserve to be the one receiving a keldabe, or being trusted as a pile partner. He wasn’t as good of a commander as he should be, he didn’t save the lives of his men as much as his batchmates did, and he most certainly couldn’t explain the blood that he’d find on his hands when he woke up in the morning.
His batchmates were good men, and he knew he wasn’t.
It seemed like they knew it too.
The night ended shortly after that. His batchmates huddled together as they wobbled back to the GAR barracks, doing their best to make themselves look like a cohesive group of competent men. And they pulled it off well too, despite the tiredness that dragged at them and the drunken tilts of their vision.
But Fox walked another way, back to the headquarters of the Coruscant Guard, back to his tiny office with a desk overflowing with datapads and flimsiwork.
He sat at his desk, thought of the way his vode had pointed at him, and wondered if the pills stashed in the back of his drawer were worth it.
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
“You're as safe as a mountain / But know that I'm dynamite” (Dynamite by Sigrid)
There is no order in which I'm writing these prompts, just what inspires me in the moment. I sat down this afternoon thinking that I wanted to write something happy and fluffy for Marina, but then this prompt caught my eye and I ended up writing something sad and angsty instead. 😂 I love this song and it gave me all the Marina feels.
A link to the song
The apartment is quiet and still when Maya gets home. She had left the station in the middle of the Halloween festivities, slipping out the front door as everyone enjoyed the party in the barn. She had found a pile of fresh clothes in her locker, a gift from her wife she presumes, and she had never been so grateful to slip into a clean t-shirt and pants, her Parka keeping her warm in the cool evening air.  
Closing the front door behind her, Maya shrugs off her jacket and slips out of her sneakers, grimacing as she bears weight on her sprained ankle and limping across the hard floor towards the kitchen in just her socks. She doesn’t bother with the overhead light, knowing her way around in the dark. She grabs a glass and fills it with water from the tap, then digs around in the top drawer until she finds a packet of Advil. She doesn’t bother to count them – extracting three, maybe four into her hand and throwing them into her mouth, swallowing them down with a swig of water.
Her stomach grumbles and she knows she should eat, but she is too exhausted to think about cooking. Even putting a slice of bread into the toaster feels like too much effort for her weary body. Instead, she takes a power bar out of the cupboard and eats it hungrily in just a couple of bites, then heads to the bedroom.
She lights the room with a bedside lamp and goes into the bathroom to clean her teeth. She can’t bare to see her reflection in the mirror, knowing how gaunt she looks these days, and keeps her gaze low, looking at the array of toiletries that are scattered across the vanity unit. She spits into the sink and dumps her toothbrush back into its cup, then picks up Carina’s moisturiser, uncapping it and holding it to her nose to inhale the soft scent of rose. It is a smell she knows well, all those times she has buried her face into Carina’s neck – an act of intimacy she hasn’t enjoyed for so long.
Maya’s heart hurts with sadness and loneliness, and she pushes it down, lets the walls build back up, tossing the bottle back onto the counter. She strips her clothes and pulls on a clean pair of pyjamas, then crawls into bed.
She hasn’t slept in her own bed for almost a week and, oh, it feels so good to sink into the familiar mattress. She pulls the comforter over her body and snuggles into the pillow, letting the warmth ease her aching limbs. If only it would do the same to her mind, which screams with voices she so desperately wants to dim – McAllister, Beckett, Ross, Carina, Andy: all telling her how she keeps screwing up, reminding her of her faults, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction in her path.
Maya squeezes her eyes closed. ‘Shut up!’ she begs. ‘Let me rest.’
She forces herself to think about something else and imagines herself running around the park, her feet pounding the gravel path, the cold wind harsh against her cheeks, her lungs working hard to push her faster and faster. She isn’t sure if the pulsing ache in her ankle is real or not, but she ignores it, letting the steady rhythm of her imaginary run soothe her into sleep.
She doesn’t know what time it is when Carina gets home, but the gentle dipping of the mattress as she slides into bed rouses Maya from her sleep. She opens her eyes to see Carina’s hair cascading over the pillow, the contours of her back flexing as she pulls her half of the comforter over her body. Oh, to be able to curl up against her body and feel Carina’s arm wrap around her, pulling her tight and whispering reassurances into her ear – that she’s not broken, that she’s not chaos, that she will make a good mom when they finally get the baby they have been dreaming about for so many months.
But that’s not who they are right now and so Maya stays silent; she doesn’t want Carina to know she is awake, doesn’t want her wife to roll over and look at her with the same disappointment that greets her every time they see each other.
Carina is kind and warm and beautiful, and yet it is written all over her face how sad and angry and frustrated she feels. She doesn’t deserve this. Maya could pretend that it is all about the baby, and how unfair it is that they have to jump through so many hoops to even try to get pregnant and how unfair it is that every attempt so far has failed, but she knows it is not true. Maya knows that she is slowly breaking the best thing that has ever happened to her and she wants to stop, she really does, but she can’t.
Maybe everyone is right. Maybe she is chaos and destruction – like a truck that ploughs through a group of motorcyclists on an afternoon ride.
Carina doesn’t deserve this, but maybe she does.  
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layzeepop · 1 year
Mechanicatopia- The Trash Zone
Impmon was sucked into clear pipe after clear pipe as he went through the vacuum-like system of the trash chute. Impmon fell into a heap of trash with a thud, the trash collapsing and spreading out onto the floor, dragging Impmon with it. He spat out some trash as he regained his bearings. He soon started screaming in fear because cockroaches.
Impmon: "AAA! AAAH! OH GOD! GET THEM AWAY FROM ME!!" Impmon runs to a place in the Trash Zone where there aren't any cockroaches. At least, from his perspective. Impmon: "Where.... Where am I...? Is this were I can find the Disruption thingy...?" Impmon dusted themselves off as they looked around. It's a huge area, with piles of trash going up to 15 feet in the air. Impmon wished he could turn into Beelzemon, it would make this so much easier with the wings. Of course, Impmon hasn't tried, but he's smart enough to know that he can't digivolve as a robot.
Impmon sighs and starts walking among the trash, looking for- wait. They don't even know what the Disruption Loader looks like! God damn it! Impmon kicks a can in anger. Impmon: "Hmm... Maybe I can..." Impmon uses their robotic abilities to find it. They try thinking 'search for an object' and a holographic keypad appears in front of them. They type 'Disruption Loader' and wait for something, anything, to show up. He finds an image of the Loader and puts it in the corner of his visor vision thingy as he continues walking, now knowing what he's looking for. Annnndd, Impmon trips on a rock. How did a rock even get here?
Impmon throws the rock at a trash heap, and to his surprise, he hears a *BEEP!* when the rock hits it. He climbs up to where the rock hit, and sees a small device that looks like if a walkie talkie and a flip phone had a baby. He stares at the image on his visor. A perfect match. He found it. **-IMPMON has obtained the DISRUPTION LOADER.-** Impmon hears something else fall from the chute. The person who gave him his body. They were about 14. Their outfit looked comfy, but was an eyesore in terms of colors. Colorful Person: "WOO! I made it!" Impmon jumps in shock, accidentally tumbling down the hill of trash, in front of the person. They held a hand out to Impmon and helped him up. Colorful Person: "My name's Gabo. You're Impmon, right?" Impmon: "...Yeah. Whaddya want?" Gabo: "Well, I wanna help you!" Impmon: "...Huh?"
0 notes
halotopicecream · 2 years
𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!𝐀𝐭𝐳 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐅𝐭: Poly!Ateez x fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, crack
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluffy, polyamorous relationship, mention of insomnia
𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐨’𝐬 𝐅𝐀𝐐: and hereessssss… my first post on tumblr that I really put thought into! Hurray! I hope whoever reads this has a lovely day/night♡︎
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In you morning you don’t even use an alarm… because Jongho will always do you the pleasure of belting whatever song comes to mind to wake you up
When you ask Mingi to grab something off of a high shelf for you, he looks down at you with those big puppy dog eyes and says “you need me?”🥺
Seonghwa took the title of blanket boyfriend because he was always the one to throw himself over you like one
He gets pouty when anyone else does it and takes his well earned position
He gets pouty when anyone else does it and takes his well earned position
Hongjoong had made it a habit to have his hand resting on your knee whenever he sits next to you
You, San and Wooyoung are the official protect Yeosang squad who protect his cuteness and faint when he does something hot
When Yunho catches you staring at his hands he shoves them in your face and pushes you face back and starts singing ‘how you like that’
San went through a vampire phase and to this day he still bites you for no reason
You don’t know what to wear out? Easy, just ask Hongjoong he’s literally already sitting in your room
When you guys play hide and seek Yeosang always hides in your closet. You don’t know why but he always says it’s because it’s so messy no one will look there
But it’s really bc he likes the way you smell
Doesn’t matter what hair type you have, Seonghwa can AND WILL braid your hair
He’ll watch hour long tutorials if he has too
You spend so much time with Yunho when your allergies are acting up he things you gave him your allergies
You two even sneeze in sync… it’s weird
San’s that bf that will sit in a pool with you for hours just so he has an excuse to grab your bikinied ass in public saying he’s ‘holding onto you so you don’t drown’
Wooyoung has molded you into being his partner in crime and you cannot get out without him pouting
When Yeosang and Jongho find a book they think you’d like to read with them you all sit in your bed and read it together when you have time🥺
Yeosang blows out your birthday candles if you start taking to long
You and Mingi bought a pair of those magnetic rings so instead of holding hands in public you hold each other’s pinkie finger and let the rings stick to each
Yunho always asks for your opinion of his dance to a new choreo so he has always had an honest opinion
Someone once asked if Jongho was your body guard instead did your bf and now he takes great pride in that
You always walk arm in arm with him instead of hand in hand
When any of them are stressed you all get into a big cuddle pile and watch stupid comedy movies to lift their spirits
You and Seonghwa are the breakfast squad
Aka you’re the only ones allowed in the kitchen alone
Wooyoung bumps his hips into yours whenever you bend over so make you stumble, and if you actually fall he starts feeling bad and babies you the rest of the day
When you’re upset with him San will make his eyes go big and bring his voice up a few octaves to make you soft for him again and push his body against yours so you’ll give in and cuddle him
When you got out with Yungi, expect no one to approach you— not with these two mountains next to you
Instead of regular karaoke, you all have a competition to see who can sing the worst
And somehow Jongho always ends up winning
When Hongjoong first saw you he literally almost fell on his face from how pretty you were
And you choked on your yogurt when you first saw him because he was so freaking handsome
When you’re Insomnia decides it wants to rear it’s ugly head, Seonghwa is always there to lull you into a deep sleep and stays with you until you wake up
Wooyoung will do aegyo to make you pay attention to him, don’t think he won’t
You and Yeosang talk shit about anyone and everyone when you go out
Literally all you do is gossip with each other, people started thinking you were planning something when you’d suddenly stop when someone looked over at the two of you
Never go out alone with WooSan… you’ll always end up doing something stupid
And I say that bc the one time you did, you came back home with hair that was three different colors and a heart full of regret
SeongSang is your go two duo for when you wanna have a quiet night in and just watch dramas
Yunho is your literal therapist
He made a certificate and everything with the words ‘Y/n’s therapist’ written across it
Mingi is your ice cream buddy who will always be down to go out and buy ice cream with you whenever you want some
Jongho is your gummy bear, and he gets pouty whenever you give anyone else a nickname that has the word ‘gummy’ or ‘bear’ in them
When people first see you all out in public they think you’re a cult
When the talk of marriage pops up, they all start giving really bad arguments as to why you should take their last name
Seonghwa said because they last name Park just goes good with any name and when people think of play parks they’ll technically bde thinking of you (which was really disturbing)
Hongjoong said because Kim is really classy and it goes with your eyes (which almost made sense if he didn’t say the last part)
Yunho said because having his last name might make you taller (and out of spite you’re not taking his)
Yeosang said because K=Y and Y=you so you should take his (you never thought you’d hear something like that come out of his mouth)
San said because Choi rhymes with Boy and he was your favorite boy (which they all disagreed with and said it was them)
Mingi said because he asked very nicely (and it almost worked)
Wooyoung said because being a Jung made him the Ateez sexy guy and if you took his you could he sexy to (you were offended he didn’t think you were already sexy)
Jongho said because being a Choi made him and San good singers, so if you took his last name you could he a good singer too (you were very offended he didn’t think you were already going at singing)
After that, you just decided to keep your last name
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axailslink · 2 years
The Dungeon Master's Shirt
Eddie Munson fanfic for g/n reader
Summary: Eddie hadn't had many things he considered precious from his guitar, you, and his hellfire shirt after a long Friday night he tosses you one of his precious items.
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You and Eddie loved it when Wayne would leave for work meaning you had the trailer to yourself for the night and a bit of the morning. Like clockwork especially on Friday afternoons you were practically dragging each other from his van and into the trailer not caring who saw as you were having a heated make out session as he struggled with the keys. Today you already had that repetitive action you were too tired to move sprawled in his bed only in your underwear other clothes tossed somewhere else in the room while the sound of Metallica drowned out the sounds of the shower. Eddie was good at many things but one thing he particularly excelled in was exhausting you it was a full on workout with him he'd say he's done then would tease you for an hour giving you false hopes every five minutes asking how much you wanted to come. You were thankful for someone who put that much time into your pleasure as you did the same though you didn't have much heart when it came to teasing him all he had to do was beg and in an instant you let him do whatever he pleased. You couldn't help it if his big brown eyes were staring into yours pleading for the release he believed he so rightfully deserved when he looked at you like that you gave in too easily every time. One of these days you wouldn't one of these days you would tease him all day.
The door swung open and your eyes are met with a mouthwatering sight of Eddie. You thought seeing him all fucked out in bed next you made your breath falter but seeing him straight out the shower water still clinging down his body and his tattoos on full display was a godly sight to you but the towel was interrupting. "Keep staring and you'll fall all over again" you roll your eyes and sit up in his bed you've grown to ignore his cocky comments but you love them "I'm pretty sure it was the other way around "freak" he looks at you and smiles that beautiful big smile of his before leaning down and kissing you into which you kiss back before pulling him down on top of you wanting more then a simple peck. He pulls away laughing surprised of your eagerness while holding himself up hands beside your head "call me a "freak" again sounds so much better coming out of your mouth than anyone else's" he says inbetween soft pecks. You smile and play with his hair before looking at him again "Eddie "the freak" Munson. Eddie My "freak Munson." He sits up and smiles "oh yours?" You nod and sit up chasing the touch of his lips again "yes MINE"
That was one of the things Eddie loved about you most not the way you knew of all his pleasures but the way you claimed him as yours. How you'd fight tooth and nail if anyone were to get in the way of you two because simply he was too good lose to sweet to lose to loving and caring to lose. Eddie pecks your lips one last time before getting up and walking to a pile of clothes and choosing the first thing he saw to put on while you sink back into the bed drawing the cover over your head. "Y/n" you peek from underneath the cover to be met with a a cloth of some sort thrown right onto your face. "What the hell Munson?" You sit up and look at the cloth to find it's his hellfire shirt "why are you throwing clothes at me?" You throw it back but with some force hitting him in the head he laughs and tosses it back this time landing by your feet. "It's yours now" you look at him wide eyed "Eddie this is your favorite shirt" Eddie smiles as he pulls another over his head "and why not give it to my favorite person?" You smile at that comment Eddie could be sweet it wasn't rare but it always caught you off guard reminded you that his weird and sometimes intimidating demeanor was just for show.
"Eddie you don't really want me to have this it means something to you it means a lot to you" Eddie listens to you talk nonsense before looking at you "it's a shirt it means a lot because I made it but you mean a lot too we've been dating for what? Five months take the damn shirt think of it as an badge of honor from the one and only dungeon master" you look at it of course you wanted it this was the official key to being a couple stealing your partners clothing. You pull it over your head and it falls to your mid thigh a bit big on you but you loved it that way it looked better. You couldn't help your thoughts that came rushing like a fever before you had dated Eddie and had only fawned from a distance you'd imagine wearing his clothes and being fucked in them just being made a complete mess of and now you were getting way too close to those thoughts. You couldn't help the smile that crept on your face as you thought of just how easily you could make those sweet reveries come true. "Eddie remember when you told me if I ever wanted to do anything....new sexually to ask you?" Eddie glances at you before pulling on some pants and nodding. "I do want something... Something I've been wanting for a while before I met you" you push the comforter to the side to show your bare legs. "I want you to fuck me in your hellfire T shirt" you were used to telling Eddie what you wanted and how bad you wanted it but right now was a moment of truth you didn't dance around with your words or acted nervous even though you were so nervous your hands ran cold and your face hot. You ran those cold hands down your belly and into your underwear. "Big boy" you were sure Eddie experienced whiplash at how fast his head turned to look at you.
I felt like Eddie's line "big boy" needed to make it's debut and this this was the perfect moment in my mind.
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sukunasweetheart · 3 years
A better way to enjoy chocolate.
Pretty much just reader trying to give Sukuna some chocolates on Valentines. Highschool AU, gender-neutral reader, SFW content
Sukuna looks at the pile of boxed chocolates, seemingly unphased. Everyone peers to look. “Uwah! You got so much this year!” Yuuji exclaims. “Ridiculous.” He sighs, shoving all of them into a disposable plastic bag. “It’s actually pretty amazing how you went out of your way to bring your own plastic bag for this. You were expecting this, weren’t you? Pretentious bastard,” Nobara adds. “Well, it does happen every year,” Megumi says as he casually scrolls through his phone.
Megumi's the first one to leave for class and Nobara and Yuuji follow after him. You look at the daunting bag of chocolates Sukuna holds in his hand and gulps. “Do you like chocolate, Sukuna?” You ask him carefully. “...Not particularly. I don’t like sweet things. But if I throw these out, that idiot’ll never stop yapping about it. Something about going to hell if you waste food. So annoying,” he clicks his tongue. You offer a laugh at his brutal honesty, quietly regretting your own chocolates that you had made to give him today.
The two of you were dating anyway, so it wasn’t exactly necessary, right? Sukuna discreetly gives you a side glance, but you don’t notice it.
Morning classes passed by without much happening, and it soon became lunch. You watch as a classmate approaches Sukuna at his desk and holds her own homemade chocolate out towards him. “Hey. I just wanted to give you this. No feelings involved though, so don’t worry about it,” she tells him. This was obviously said for you to hear, since there was almost nobody in this school who didn’t know of his relationship with you (Sukuna is notorious for just as many reasons as Yuuji is...maybe a little more towards the sinister side of things). This apparently didn’t stop people from trying though, unfortunately. It would be a lie if you said you didn’t feel the least bothered by this. Sukuna looks at her lazily, and just gestures towards the bulging plastic bag that lay beside his desk. The class atmosphere freezes up a little as everyone looks over. S-So cold…! They all thought in unison.
However, the girl just gives a small chuckle as if she had been expecting such a reaction and just added hers onto the pile before going back to her own group of friends. “What a cruel guy,” Nobara gives Sukuna a look of distaste. He shrugs in response and proceeds to yawn. “Now, now…” You naturally take the role of the peacemaker, simultaneously thinking about what you should do with your chocolates. You had actually made four small bags, one for each of your friends. They were wrapped in clear plastic sleeves, tied up with a ribbon on top. Except, Sukuna’s one is...
Yuuji and Megumi both stroll in through the classroom door. “Yo~! We came to visit. Let’s eat lunch here today!” He says cheerfully. The two of them take the empty seats of the students who went to the cafeteria to eat. You couldn’t give the chocolates to Sukuna in front of them. Then you’d have to give him his as well - or else it'd feel like you were excluding him. Guess I'll just give it to them later on, privately.
“And? Where’s our choco, Y/N?” Nobara cheekily grins at you. You freeze up, mind giving you a throwback to the memories of last night when you had told her of your plans in advance. Silent panic echoes in your mind. “I-It’s,” You feel Sukuna’s gaze shift onto you, “...In my bag!” You hurriedly rummage your bag and pull out the three bags, making sure to avoid eye contact. “I made one for all three of you…” You say, avoiding eye contact with him. “Eh? You made one for us too?” Yuuji asks, wide-eyed. “Yeah. I thought I’d give it a try this year.” You hand them all over. “Thanks, Y/N!” Yuuji immediately opens it and plops one into his mouth. “It’s good!” Megumi also gives you a thanks but puts it to the side for now, wanting to finish his lunch first. Nobara gives you a questioning look. “What about Sukuna?” “Eh? Ah, I... kind of figured he didn’t like sweets so,” you turn to face him. “Sorry, Sukuna. Should I have made you some as well? I wasn’t sure if couples who were already dating gave chocolates on Valentines.” It’s a painful lie, but you manage to say it. “...No. I don't really care.” He looks entirely unaffected. It kind of hurt in its own way, but you ignore it and sigh out of relief for now. It was way too embarrassing to give it to him in front of the group. But now that you've said such a lie, you don't think you’ll be able to give it to him at all anymore. There was a bit of an awkward silence momentarily, but Yuuji being Yuuji - naturally carried the group's conversation elsewhere.
A few minutes later, Sukuna stands up to go to the toilet. Whilst Yuuji and Megumi are talking about something that you admittedly zoned out on, Nobara snatches up your bag and takes a peek inside. “H-Hey!” You shout-whispered. “...I knew it. You did make them! Why are you-” She stops and notices their shape. “That’s so...cute?” She gives out an amused laugh and quietly puts it back down. You fan at your face, cheeks aching with embarrassment. “Make sure you give them to him. Trust me. I’ll beat him up if he doesn’t appreciate it,” she tells you. “I’ll try…” you say meekly. Unbeknownst to you, Yuuji grins at Megumi upon hearing this and Megumi responds with his own subtle smile. 
- The bell rings for the end of school. Sukuna stands and leaves first, telling you that he had something he needed to do after school and that you should go home first. Before you can stop him, he's already left the classroom. “Go after him,” Nobara pushes you, so you hurriedly pack your things up before running out.
More than ten minutes have passed, and you can’t find him. You want to call or text him, but you’re worried that he was in the midst of doing something important. It’s rare of him to stay back at school, after all. You sigh, and tell yourself that you’ll just give up with this year’s one.
Walking out of the school’s entrance, you see Sukuna standing nearby with his usual bored expression, hands in his pockets. He catches sight of you and immediately approaches. “I thought you had something to do at school?” You start to say. “Obviously a lie. What took you so damn long?” He scratches the back of his head in annoyance. “I was looking for you inside! Also why did you lie?” You question him. “Nevermind that. You could have just called...No, that’s not the issue right now. Give.” He suddenly stretches his palm out in front of you. “Eh? Give what?” The thought of the chocolates go right over your head.
“You...the thing that you gave to everyone else except me. I know you have mine. Don’t keep me waiting,” He says, frowning. The realisation hits you like a truck and you give him a helpless smile. “How’d you know…?” You ask, quick to reach into your bag. “How long do you think I’ve known you for? The others probably knew too,” he says nonchalantly. “But I thought you wouldn’t want them...you've gotten so much. And you don’t even like sweets.” You place the bag gently on his palm. “Idiot. We’re dating. There’s no reason to not accept them if you've made some for me.” He gives them a look and grins.  “Oh…? Now I understand why you couldn’t give it to me in front of the others.”
Only Sukuna’s chocolates were heart-shaped, when the others' had been circular ones. He’d rather die than admit it, but he thrives on getting this kind of special attention from you. You get flustered and look at your feet. “It’s true that I don’t really like sweets.” He tells you suddenly. “You don’t have to force yourself to eat them-” “But there’s a way of eating them that would make it taste a bit better,” he cuts you off. You were confused as to what he was talking about, and you watched as he opened the bag and popped one of them into his mouth before pulling you in for a kiss.
Your eyes were widened in shock as you barely had the time to register all of this - he was already slipping his tongue into your mouth. One hand on your hip, and the other on the back of your neck, you're so close to his body, getting pulled into his warmth that threatens to melt you, the taste of the chocolate starting to spreading across your taste buds as he's making out with you passionately. Before you know it, you're reciprocating the gesture and kissing him back, your hands rising up, gripping tightly onto his uniform. Chocolate has never tasted any sweeter. You can feel your own body beginning to heat up and you're gradually running out of breath. As your tongue is intertwining with his, the chocolate is getting pushed back and forth, and your desire to get even closer to him is growing, growing, growing.
The last of the chocolate had melted away from the exhilarating temperature the two of you had built up and he finally breaks the kiss, leaving you breathless and gasping for air. You can't tell if this remaining aftertaste that lingered on your tongue was the taste of the chocolate, or the taste of him. Nonetheless, you adore it.
“Much better.” He licks his lips and smirks at you. Still in shock, you lack a response except for your flustered face and your eyes that are now reflecting a glint of lust within. Sukuna hums in satisfaction at this expression of yours and he gently drags his thumb across your lower lip.
“We should do this more often.”
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moemoemammon · 3 years
What about the boys with claws, fangs, traits from their animal avatars that they have and use? Instincts that they have? We know Mammon loves gold but does he hoard anything shiny? Are Levi and Asmo poisonous? I love any monster ideas!
Demon Instincts! (lowkey toxic)
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
pspspsps monsterf*ckers come get y'all juice
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Lucifer doesn't flaunt his abilities openly, but in a subtle way that draws attention to his perfection. But the only person he wants to attract is you.
He won't stoop so low as to use underhanded tactics, but his pride simply won't allow you to go around without properly acknowledging his brilliance.
He constantly calls you into his space to make sure you soak it all up, and it feeds his ego like no tomorrow. And if you say something about it? Bliss.
Something about his aura demands your attention. When he enters the room, the hairs on the back of your neck prickle and stand up, and it feels like the air becomes colder.
And that tone of his that whips any demon back in line? It's a literal power he uses over lesser demons. Sparingly, of course. But he's so intimidating that it's hard to even tell when he's using it- (He also finds out pretty quickly that it doesn't work on you >:( )
You'd think Mammon was the inventor of the concept of hoarding, with all of his habits. He calls himself a collector, but acquiring more and more stuff for literal eons isn't exactly 'collecting' at that point.
Has an entire closet dedicated to stashing his stuff. I like to think Mammon's got some kinda spacial magic that lets him use that closet as a lil pocket dimension specifically for throwing things into
Anything that seems even remotely valuable is Mammon's go to. And 'valuable' means anything that's prized by ANYONE. If you've got a lucky rock, he'll be tempted to snag it. He sells most things for money, but stuff that's really precious are the things he keeps. Just wait till you find out how many of your things he's got-
Picture an endless sea of riches and junk, and only he can tell the difference between the two. Probably forgets it exists sometimes tho-
Also growls when angry (this is canon). Angry Mammon sitting on his sofa, surrounded by the spoils of his Akuzon splurging, growling at anyone who dares step close to his treasure trove... Oh yeah, MC's in that pile somewhere, too.
His self depreciation knows no bounds and he can't live up to the pedestal he's put his brothers on, but there IS one thing he knows he can do without much trouble:
Keep you in his room.
Now it's not like he's trapping you or anything, but Levi is a master manipulator with the way he puts himself down and coerces you into pitying him. Don't you wanna stay with him...? No, of course you wouldn't want to stay with a yucky otaku...
His brothers swear he's got a jealous glint in his eye every time he sees you anywhere else but his room. But all you see are his pleading reptilian eyes that almost suck you in... like they're begging you to pity him.
Quite literally toxic. Boy's got a slime fish man coat on his skin, and long exposure isn't too good for your fragile human body.
As the Avatar of Wrath, revenge is his favorite thing. It's the reason he harasses Lucifer so much, and whoever else has caught his negative attention. Also nobody can convince me that this man isn't a cat.
He can be HELLA cruel, and watches his enemies squirm. He lures them in with that false smile of his, just to make them wish they'd never met him.
Satan can barely resist the strong desire he has to torment and harass those around him, especially the ones he deems weaker.
A big part of his life is centered around keeping himself calm and collected, so he rarely has a chance to go apeshit. But there always that nagging desire to give in and cause mischief. Good thing it's mostly tame, huh?
I fully believe he's constantly on the verge of going into an untamable frenzy and that's why his brothers are kinda wary of him- 
The snuggly, cute, and oh so affectionate Asmodeus tries to be more subtle about the way his instincts show. Specifically, his possessive side.
Naturally has a sweet scent, and it's quite literally addicting. It adds to his allure when paired with those demon eyes of his, but it's such a shame that it doesn't work on you! Boo..~
He's not shy when it comes to marking the object of his affection, and he LOVES leaving his scent behind. Any sort of sho of 'ownership' does it for him.
Why do you think he likes buying you clothes and sharing his perfumes with you? It's because seeing you walk around with something he gave you is a clear sign that he's been there.
He always wants you in his space, and vise versa. Asmo's desire to claim you completely rival the possessiveness Mammon has over you.
Beel doesn't always know his own strength, and this is especially the case when it comes to his bare instincts.
His strength matches his emotions, so when he's super happy? Crushing hugs. Angry as hell? You already know he destroys things in an fit of rage.
Satiating his hunger is one of the keys to his happiness, and he projects that onto you too. Have you eaten? You must be hungry. Come eat with him. He wants to make sure you're fed. Hungry hungry himbo
STRONG urge to protect the people he cares about. Like he'll go borderline feral if he even has an inkling that someone's in danger. And when he's in a mood, it's hard for you to pry yourself out of his big ol arms.
literally eats his enemies
His clinginess knows no bounds and only intensifies when he's feeding into his instincts. He won't let you go anywhere, and either slowly follows you around, or holds onto you
It's pretty endearing from the outside looking in, but everything in Belphie wants to drag you down to his level, so he can always keep you close.
Do you REALLY need to go out today? Just do it tomorrow. Or use your pact and order someone else to do it.
His words have a drowsy effect that seeps into your head, and it's definitely a power that he may or may not abuse to get what he wants. But you're probably immune to it, being the wonderful MC and all.
Also has the habit of literally cocooning you in blankets so you can't leave his bed. It's like he's turning you into a personal comfort object.
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starks-hero · 3 years
Right a Wrong
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You, Sam and Bucky get to work repairing Sam’s family boat. Turns out the boat isn’t the only thing in need of fixing. But with help from you and Sam, Bucky figures some stuff out.
Word Count: 3,745
Warnings: a bit of a make-out session but not enough to be classed as smut, tfatws spoilers! 1x05
a/n: This is a direct result of watching episode 5 too many times. Spoilers below!
|| Part Two ||
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Small waves lapped gently against the dock and the afternoon sun warmed your back as you worked on the old boat.
You were standing side by side with Bucky, crowbar in hand as you attempted to pry off the old metal cleats from the boats side, whilst he expertly pulled rusted pipes apart and threw them into a pile. As if on queue, one of the pipes on the opposite side of the ship burst, hissing and spurting out white clouds of steam. You marvelled at how quickly Bucky reacted, quickly crossing the deck and sealing the leak with an abrupt upward turn of the pipe with his metal arm.
"Where did you learn so much about fixing boats?" You teased, motioning to the now fixed pipe with your crowbar. Bucky dusted off his hands.
"I used to work on the docks in Brooklyn before the war." He shrugged, rolling up his sleeves to the elbow and taking a seat on a crate next to you. "I picked up a few things."
He furthered his point by leaning over and pulling at the cleat you'd been grappling with. It came away from where it was attached to the boat's side with ease in Buckys iron grip. He smirked as he tossed the scrap aside and you rolled your eyes.
"Show off."
Bucky chuckled, sitting back as Sam stepped onto the boat. He was carrying a crate in one hand and shook his head when he noticed Bucky's smirk and your dismissive smile.
"Alright, you two." He placed the crate down and pulled out two green bottles, throwing one to Bucky and handing you the other. "Beer break."
Sam took a seat across from you both and you sighed as you opened your beer, raising it up to Bucky.
His annoyance was discredited by the fond smile that broke through his expression as he begrudgingly clinked his bottle with yours. You reached over and did the same with Sam as the three of you relaxed under the heat of the Louisiana sun.
"It's starting to look good," you noted as you glanced around the boat and Sam smiled.
"Yeah, it's coming together." He took a swig of his beer. "You know, Sarah and I were talking." He started and both you and Bucky glanced up at him. "And we could use the help. Don't suppose you two would consider staying around a while? Just till we get a lead on Karli."
The offer caused a noticeable smile to pull at your lips whilst Bucky shifted beside you at Sam's words. His agitation grew and he stood.
"I've got my plane to catch tomorrow, a hotel room for the night," he said, raising his bottle to his lips to hide his doubt. He really didn't have that much of a plan beyond that.
"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?" Sam asked and Bucky shrugged.
"Well, I don't want to make it weird for your family."
"Just stay here," Sam said and you couldn't help but nod subconsciously. The truth was you really didn't really want to leave. There was something about staying with the Wilson's and spending the day fixing up an old run-down family boat that made everything seem so normal. It gave you a sense of home, a sense of normality that you hadn't had in a long time. For a while, it even made you forget about the flag smashers, Walker, all of it. It was a much-needed break.
"The people in this town are the most welcoming in the world. They don't care if you wear small t-shirts or if you've got six toes or if your mom is your aunt-"
You laughed and Bucky barely hid a chuckle behind a huff of breath and a bright smile.
"Okay, I get it. The people are nice."
You placed your bottle aside and turned to Sam.
"You're sure Sarah doesn't mind?" you asked and Sam's smile only widened.
"She's the one that offered."
Grinning, you sat back and nodded. "Then I don't see why not."
"See?" Sam pointed to you and then Bucky. "Just stay, man."
Bucky shuffled his feet for a moment before finally answering with a begrudging, "Okay. Alright." He didn't say anything else as he turned and walked down the boat.
"He'll come around. He probably just wants his space." You said, picking up your beer. Sam nodded, taking a swig of his own drink.
"I hope you're right."
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You woke up feeling more refreshed than you had in a while. Your hands and back hurt slightly from the tiring work on the boat, but it was a dull ache compared to the constant throbbing that came after a mission. Your cheeks were warm, surely as a result of the hours spent out in the sun the day before.
Both you and Bucky stayed the night. Sarah had offered you the spare room and after a solid fifteen minutes of bickering, you finally conceded to Bucky and agreed to sleep in the guest bed. He took the couch.
The sun was just beginning to rise up over the water when you and Bucky both headed back out to the boat. Sam joined you not long after. You worked until mid-afternoon, reluctantly taking short breaks. You fell into a quick rhythm as you worked around the boat. Surprisingly, the three of you seemed to make a pretty decent team off of the battlefield.
"Hey, can you pass me a 12-300?" Sam asked from under the boat's control panel. Bucky reached into the toolbox and placed the wrench in Sam's outstretched hand. A few seconds later Sam was rolling out from under the controls and glaring disapprovingly at Bucky.
"I asked for a 12-300," Sam stated plainly. "This is a 10-250."
"No, it's not." Bucky bit back.
"Yes, it is."
"No, it's not!"
"Hey, geniuses." You cut their bickering short as both men turned to look at you. You held up the grease-slick wrench that had been misplaced and tossed it to Sam. "You left it below deck when you were working on the engine."
Sam muttered a quiet 'thanks' as he got back to work. Silence settled over the three of you for a few minutes until Sam decided it was getting awkward.
"So, are you still planning on leaving tonight?" He asked from under the station and Bucky nodded, before realising Sam couldn't see him.
"Yeah," he said loud enough for Sam to hear. "I'll be out of your way soon."
You could hear Sam's sigh from beneath you as he clambered back to his feet and stood between you and the super-soldier leaning against the wall of the cabin.
"Well, there's no hurry."
Sam didn't say anything else as he cleaned the oil and grease from his hands with a cloth and stepped off the boat. Bucky sighed and let his head fall back behind him.
"Go," you ordered plainly and he looked up at you.
"Go," you said again, nodding your head towards where Sam was walking away. "You both need to talk. Bucky, whatever you're not saying, it's getting to you. So go talk to him."
Bucky hesitated, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He glared at nothing in particular but his gaze softened when it found you and he muttered a quiet, 'fine.' You stepped aside as he made his way past you and stepped up onto the dock, heading after Sam.
"And don't be a smart ass!" You called after him. He didn't reply, but you could only hope that Sam and Bucky's conversation would be somewhat constructive.
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"Nice shot!" You retrieved the football from the back of the goal as Cass, Sam's eldest nephew, celebrated his score.
Once Sam and Bucky had left the boat, you had headed back to the house, helping Sarah with any errands or chores, doing anything you could to help out. Sam and Bucky had been gone a little over an hour and you didn't know if that meant their talk was going very well or very not. You'd been sitting rather uselessly on the couch, waiting in anticipation, when Sam's nephews had invited you to play a game of football. And how could you refuse?
You tossed the ball back to the boys who eagerly pounced at it. You were stood in the small goal, allowing both boys to take as many shots as they wanted. AJ stepped forward and kicked the ball, groaning when it flew off to the left, a few meters away from where you were standing and missed the net entirely. He glanced down at the ground, disheartened.
“Hey, it's alright, AJ.” You smiled as you ran to grab the ball and passed it back to him. “Come on, try again.”
With encouragement from his brother, he took the shot and this time the ball planted itself in the top corner of the goal. Both boys cheered as they celebrated and you smiled. You dusted yourself off, your knees and hands covered in dust from the football game as you turned to head back inside the house. Both boys protested as you left but you promised them you'd be back. The more time you spent with AJ, Cass, Sam and Sarah, the more you didn't want to leave. There was something about staying with the Wilson's that made you feel content. It was homely and offered a sense of normality that the last few weeks had caused you to miss.
You entered the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water. Sarah had told you over and over again to help yourself to anything in the kitchen. You leaned against the counter, glass in hand and just basked in the feeling of not having to worry about donning a suit and risking your life at a moments notice. It was something you could get used to.
“That was adorable.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a voice and you found Bucky joining you in the kitchen. He was smirking fondly.
“You and the boys.”
You chuckled softly and shrugged. “They're sweet kids.”
Bucky nodded, pulling a glass of his own from the shelf and filling it with water from the tap. It furthered the sense of domesticity that you were really starting to love. He took a seat at the table across from you.
“So,” you started as you placed your own glass aside. “How did it go? You and Sam.”
Bucky chuckled and you couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or genuine, but something about the grin that lingered on his lips had you banking on the latter.
‘‘Not bad,” he admitted eventually with a shrug. He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “We talked. He said if I'm going to fix anything, if I'm going to get what's left of him out of my mind.” Bucky subconsciously ran his hand across his temple. “I'm going to have to put in the work. Help the people I wronged instead of just saying sorry.”
You nodded, silently making a note to thank Sam later on. He always had a way with words, he could always get through to people. That's why he was given the shield.
“He's got a point.”
Bucky scoffed and hung his head at your words. “I should have known you'd be on his side.” There was no hostility in his words. He just sounded amused, and maybe a little tired.
“I don't think this comes down to whose side I'm on, Bucky. We both want what's best for you.” You answered honestly and Bucky glimpsed up at you. He anxiously toyed with his hands as you spoke, looking vulnerable, and slightly lost despite how hard he tried to hide it. You knew Sam had already spoken to him, but it couldn't hurt for you to say something as well.
“Look Bucky, telling yourself that you're okay and that everything that happened doesn't matter anymore because you've made 'amends' isn't going to help.”
He sighed, shuffling his feet against the tiles of the kitchen floor. “I know,” he admitted quietly.
“And I know you're probably tired of hearing this but, you're not him anymore, Bucky. You're not the winter soldier. Everything you did whilst you were him wasn't your choice. Just because you remember it doesn't mean that it was your fault. It's not your responsibility to fix it.”
Bucky sighed but didn't interrupt. He was listening. This wasn't like the therapist that he was forced to sit in front of and lie to every other week. This was someone he trusted, someone whose words he valued. Someone he honestly believed could help. He sighed but nodded to show that he was still listening.
“I think Sam’s right,” you said. “It might not be your responsibility to fix everything that went wrong but trying could help. It could give you that closure that you keep chasing after. You need to let go, Bucky. You need to forgive yourself. Maybe you just need the people who are hurting to forgive you first. Then you can learn how to do the same.”
Bucky's expression was unreadable. So many emotions flashed across his eyes you found it difficult to pinpoint just one.
“How do I start?” he asked quietly. It just seemed impossible. There were so many people he'd hurt, so many people he'd wronged. He'd left children as orphans, wives as widows and parents childless. How could he possibly start trying to fix or make all those people feel in any way better?
You smiled softly at his question. “Small. One at a time,” you said simply. “Then just keep putting one in front of the other.”
Bucky considered your words, glancing down at his hands as he thought. Before long, a small smirk pulled at his lips.
“I can't decide who'd make a better therapist. You or Sam,” he joked and you laughed, shaking your head dismissively.
“Well, Sam did council veterans so I think he takes that title.”
“I'd say it's pretty tied,” Bucky said, walking across the kitchen and standing next to you as he washed his glass, drying it off and placing it back on the shelf. The room fell into a comfortable silence.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said after a moment, his tone sincere and his expression genuine as he looked at you. You nodded, gently placing your hand against his shoulder.
“Don't mention it. You know I'm always here if you need to talk.”
The sound of a football colliding with the wall dangerously close to the window followed by two voice's loudly shouting, 'sorry!' in unison drew a quaint laugh from you both.
“Duty calls.” You grinned, patting Bucky on the back as you passed him. “Team Wilson is missing its goalkeeper.”
Bucky chuckled, watching you go. You crossed the kitchen but his voice stopped you just as your hand reached the doors handle.
You turned back around to face him and couldn't help but notice that he seemed a little more apprehensive than he had before.
He exhaled slowly, willing himself to tell you what was on his mind.
“I was just thinking things over and you know, I’m leaving today,” he hesitated slightly before glancing up at you. “And I guess I was wondering if you’d come with me?”
Your hand slipped from where it was still holding the brass handle of the door. You tilted your head as your mind fully processed his question. The shock must have been evident in your expression as Bucky rushed to continue.
“I know you're planning on staying here and I get why.” He pulled a tattered red book from his pocket which you immediately recognized as Steve’s. He began absentmindedly turning the pages, running his fingers over the paper. “I want to try and start fixing things, making things right. But truth is I have no idea where to start. I thought that maybe you could help me with that?”
“I thought you wanted your space," you admitted after a moment.
“No.” He shook his head. “That's the last thing I want.”
You thought it over, resting your back against the door. Bucky trusted you, evidently a lot more than you thought he did. Not only was he comfortable enough telling you how he felt and admitting he didn't know what to do next. But he also wanted you with him. It was clear he was holding back, not wanting to overwhelm you by admitting just how badly he wanted you to go with him. But the way he eagerly watched you as he waited patiently for your answer was a dead give away.
You wanted to help Bucky, you wanted to be there for him. If that meant helping him right his wrongs and staying with him during that trying time, at least until Sam got a lead on Karli and the Flag Smashers, then you were more than happy to comply.
“You're sure about this?” you asked and Bucky pushed off the counter and crossed the room, stopping just in front of you.
“Absolutely.” His voice dropped down to a hushed whisper. “Come with me.” His hand gently caught your wrist, his fingers running up your arm. His face was inches from yours now, your breaths mingling. “Please?”
His lips pressed to yours before you could answer and you immediately kissed back. Your hand fell against his shoulder, the other laying gently against the nape of his neck. He groaned quietly against you, his arms finding your waist as he gently guided you backwards till your back met the wall. He pressed into you, his hands roaming up your body and you moaned as he deepened the kiss.
“Yes.” You answered when he pulled away slightly and he smiled against you, relieved. Neither of you said anything else as Bucky sighed and pulled you closer, his thigh slipping between your legs as he pinned you to the wall.
God, he'd wanted to do this for so long. Wanted to kiss you, to feel you against him. He wanted you. Your hand slipped into his hair and you pulled him closer, smirking against him. You'd wanted this just as bad. And you both only had your own stubbornness to blame for taking so damn long. It didn't matter now though. Not as he gently bit down on your lower lip and you slipped your hand under his shirt and felt up his chest. It all felt so natural, so right.
“Ten minutes.”
Both your eyes flew open at the all too familiar voice, Bucky pulling away from you so quickly he only barely avoided falling over a nearby chair.
“I left you two alone to talk for ten minutes,” Sam repeated from where he was standing on the other side of the room, his arms crossed. You tried to subtly smoothen out your clothes whilst Bucky ran his hand through his tangled hair.
“We were,” Bucky said, clearing his throat. “We were talking. We...talked.”
Sam nodded, entirely unconvinced, and smirked. He reclined against the counter, showing no sign of leaving anytime soon. A painfully awkward silence settled over the kitchen as Sam continued to shift his knowing stare from you to Bucky.
The humiliation of the entire situation seemed to get to Bucky first as he clasped his hands together after less than a minute.
“You know, what? I'm leaving in a few hours and I've got to pack so I better just go-” Bucky rambled as he shot you a subtle apologetic look before turning to Sam, who was nodding along in faux agreement to his pathetic attempt of an excuse.
Bucky quickly crossed the kitchen, Sam harshly patting him on the back as he passed him and left the room. Leaving just you and Sam alone. You turned to your friend and found that he was still grinning at you with that same mischievous look in his eyes. You felt like a deer in headlights. In an attempt to act as though Sam hadn't just walked in on you and Bucky making out, you tried making normal conversation.
“Sam, there was actually something I wanted to tell you. I know I said I was going to stay for a while but I guess there's been a change of plan. I-”
“I know.” He cut you off and his smile only widened when you looked at him in utter confusion. “You honestly think he would have asked you to go with him if I didn't tell him to get his shit together first?”
Your confusion slowly melted away and was replaced with a look of disbelief. You laughed despite yourself. You should have known Sam had something to do with it. ‘‘How long have you been playing cupid?” you asked jokingly and Sam chuckled.
“He needs you, Y/N. More than he wants to admit,” Sam said, tone now more serious than before. “Things will be fine here, I'll call you as soon as Torres finds us something to work with. But right now, he needs your help before that hole he's stuck in gets too deep for him to climb out of.”
You sighed as the weight of Sam's words set in. He was right, Bucky really did need you. That wasn't a responsibility you could afford to take lightly. Not that you planned to.
“Thanks, Sam,” you said genuinely and Sam smirked as he crossed the room and pulled you into a hug. He could tell you needed it.
“Anytime.” He pulled away and offered you a warning glare. “But I swear, if you two making out the minute I turn my back becomes a regular thing I'm going to kick both your asses.”
“Got it,” you nodded, barely stifling a laugh.
Sam's scowl melted into a smile and he motioned towards the stairs. “Go on, get your things together. You've got a plane to catch in a few hours.”
You smiled and headed upstairs after Bucky. Sam leaned against the counter with his arms crossed and a satisfied smile. Getting you two together had taken more work than he'd thought. But he knew it would be worth it, you both needed each other. Whether you were willing to admit it or not. And Sam was confident that if there was anyone that could help Bucky and offer him that sense of home and peace that he was so desperately craving, it was you.
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tag list: @bakerstreethound​ @miraclesoflove​ @doozywoozy​ @kealohilani-tepise
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moon3thereal · 3 years
Request for natasha x reader. So the avengers going on a road trip for some time off. 1 hour in Natasha is sleeping and you know she has a hard time falling asleep most times so you don’t want to wake her and nobody seems to bother that she is sleeping, after awhile she starts snoring softly that later turns into loud snores so the others starts to get really annoyed with her and really just wanna throw something at her. But you won’t allow them so when the others also try too sleep they can’t because she’s so loud. When you arrive where you were headed too you wake her and she’s feeling rested and good but everyone else is really grumpy and rude against her, even you feel a little grumpy Natasha is all like “I don’t snore” and then you just show her footage of her snoring incredibly loud and she is just really embarrassed. End in fluff:)
Title: Golden Holidays
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: suggestive comments, cursing
a/n: I wrote this in the middle of my writer's block so it may not be my best fic but I hope you guys enjoy! thank you for the request anon <33
P. S. My requests are open, however, don't forget to check out my request guidelines first before sending in an ask! Thank you <3
1k words
Being an Avenger wasn’t always glorious world saving and posing for magazine covers, it also entailed a not so appealing side of an enormous workload and an unbelievable amount of paperwork especially for you and Natasha since you were both S.H.I.E.L.D agents on top of being Avengers. In this rare occasion on which all of you had time off, all seven superheroes had agreed to take some time off work by going on a road trip. You��d laughed so hard, spilling coffee all over your shirt when Steve had first suggested a relaxing road trip. Keeping the seven superheroes in an enclosed space for 4 hours wasn’t a good idea unless you were asking for chaos and destruction then it’s the perfect solution.
Surprisingly, the avengers, including Natasha and Tony (after some persuasion) had agreed to going on a road trip to Chicago of all places. After you were done being astonished over the fact Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, your girlfriend had agreed to be in a car with people she mildly tolerated for four hours, you hesitantly agreed, convincing yourself it would be a fun experience and that it wouldn’t be all that bad considering you did need to bond more if you were to keep the world alive alongside these individuals.
Packing a few clothes, extra for Natasha since you knew that the woman would never wear her own clothes and your closet was basically Natasha’s. Your shoulders tensed instinctively when you heard a tiny creak of the door, your hand prepared to find the comforting grip of the dagger you knew you’d find at the waistband of your jeans. Recognizing the pattern of the soft steps, you relaxed and turned around, giving your girlfriend a chaste kiss on the lips. Seeing her pout, you laughed and shook your head at her “should I brush up on my ability to sneak up on people more? Why do you always notice me?” she frowned
You raised an eyebrow in amusement “you’re not the only spy here Romanoff, plus I can recognize the pattern of your footsteps” you said lightly and she plopped herself on your shared bed dramatically and huffed in defeat. The redhead opened her mouth to say something and you silenced her with another kiss, propping yourself above her and whispered against her lips “I’ve already packed your things” you replied to her unasked question. Flipping you over, she flashed you her signature smirk “well I guess that gives us plenty of time to do some other things then” pressing her lips against yours, it was safe to say Natasha properly tired you out that night.
The next morning, all of you were piled into a truck, your cases at the back and Natasha and you bullied everyone else into letting you have the back seats all to yourself while Thor, Bruce and Clint took up the middle seats and Tony was in passenger seat while Steve drove. It started out pretty peaceful, quiet chattering to each other while iconic 80s music played in the background, you letting out occasional chuckles while focusing on your crocheting while Nat read a book
About an hour in, the chatter had subsided into a comfortable silence with quiet humming along to ABBA. Small snores from the sleeping redhead brought you back from your trance. You smiled at her and stroked her red locks lightly, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of her neck. It started off as light, cute snoring which you found adorable. But it had gotten progressively louder to the point you could see the team starting to get antsy and letting out huffs of frustration when their own sleep was disrupted by the snores of your girlfriend
After 20 minutes of Natasha’s snores filling up the silence, tony had groaned and turned back to you “will someone please throw something at her” he said, annoyance lacing his voice. “Hey shut up, let her sleep, use your super nano tech whatever earbuds” you said placing a hand protectively on Natasha’s thigh. They all rolled their eyes, but they still knew better than to wake the sleeping assassin, none of them wanting to invoke your wrath when there was nowhere to run.
The next 2 hours was all six of you trying to no avail to fall asleep and curses threw Natasha’s way which you silenced with a glare. Finally reaching the hotel you were going to be staying at, you woke Natasha, shaking her shoulders with a yawn. Even you were exhausted and slightly grouchy. Natasha gave you a loopy smile which you answered with a half-hearted one where the other avengers just threw her dirty glares for denying them their much needed rest.
In the elevator, Natasha was fawning over the paintings while the others watched her energy unbelievingly “Nat, not everyone is as energetic as you are, so if you could tone it down a little” Clint said tiredly. She looked at him indignantly, turning to you for support, you shook your head and mouthed “you’re on your own”
Once you were in your respective rooms, you were obviously sharing one with Natasha. She huffed as she dragged in the last bag “why was everyone being dickheads today” she said, an annoyed crease in her brow. You wordlessly held your phone up to her face, a video of her snoring playing on your screen “you’ve been at it for like 3 hours” you said eyebrows raised
Natasha’s cheeks flushed red as she tried to act nonchalant “I don’t snore” you flopped onto the comfortable hotel bed, already half asleep and nodded “sure babe” she shook off her embarrassment and crawled in bed next to you “you want to break this bed in?” she asked in a teasing tone. You turned to face her, incredulity displayed on every feature of your face “you have the audacity to ask for sex now??”
“baby I was joking!”
“yeah you better fucking be-”
Taglist: @marvelwomenslut @phoenixofash @michelle-dsn @midgardianweasley @jokertgkk @yeeterthekeeper @unexpected-character @zolvaska
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