#so now im making a big collection to sell
koishua · 1 year
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stress painted the rest of my remaining canvases to make this a set
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ganondoodle · 4 months
( totk rant?)
i have talked alot about my problems with totk in detail, as most of you probably know by now- but there really is a vibe of big ambitions but then not committing to it throughout the game
they want to have that building mechanic in it no matter what in a world that isnt in any way build around it, mister "freedom = good, linear = bad" guy wanting to give you ultimate freedom in the game (which imo leads to it being nothing again) but not committing to it and it creates a really toxic loop of things being more punishing than rewarding
you can build a fuckton of weird vehicles, but big parts, ESPECIALLY the glider, is on limited time so you cant actually go anywhere you want; they know giving you absolut freedom will remove any possible challenge- so they limit it by making the glider part timed, but then they cant do that for every single part bc it would be almost impossible to create anything that works well when every part is on a timer and you dont know how much of its lifespan is left bc you accidentally hit a fan once so now its uneven with the other one AND the more parts you have the more it uses battery, it makes sense, so you cant build soemthign super overpowered right at the start and its just kinda logical, but it leads to you being incentivised to build something with the fewest parts that dont have a timer-
then theres the battery power, which they try to limit by putting its upgrades behind multiple different currency exchanges, which is frustrating and leads to alot of grinding and gets overpowered really fast (it works against itself too that said currencies are all placed in the most undeveleoped and repetetive area of the game and are all never involved in anything interesting, its reused old enemy camps and the same mines everywhere, theres not a single reward in the underground that actually feels rewarding imo)
then you get the autobuild thing, so you can skip the building part of the building mechanic that is the main selling point of tha darn game, bc they know it can get frustrating to rebuild your things over and over so they give you a skip button for that if you are one of those players that doesnt like it BUT THEN they cant jsut let you do it for free so they give it a price, either spend the same currency you need for the exchange for the one you need for battery upgrades or spend parts you collected- both of which are things players generally save up and refuse to use (like the -never use any health potions bc what if i need it more at some point- thing is a problem for a reason)
then theres the added thing of the building stuff despawning incredibly quickly, im gonna guess its otherwise a performance problem (that the game is already struggling hard with) but it makes the entire already bad loop of trying to fix a problem with bandaids over and over even worse, you dont want to go too far away from your vehicles bc it will despawn and waste all that you used to build it, its like a leash to you stopping you from actually using it for more freedom- and potentially adds another annyoance bc you might try to bring it with you as far as you can, a monster truck in the depths you spend all your parts on gets stuck on the first bits of terrain you run into and you desperately try to get it out without destroying it, and if you cant you need to spend a ton of resources to build it again, even with autobuild
which is how you get the hoverbike, stupidly overpowered and boring but doing anything else is just less efficient in every way, it uses the least amount of battery, never breaks, is only 3 parts to rebuild
(i know me in particular doesnt enjoy the building in totk at all, for all those reasons and more ...... shiekah ........ and i know you CAN still choose to doing it more creatively, but you never need to, its entirely based around YOU making it fun for yourself, and i dont think its that controverisal to say a game should be fun and challenging without you having to create all the fun yourself and set yourself limit it all yourself)
similar goes for the dungeons, they heard you want the dungeons of old times back, but their strict adherance to freedom (which they themsleves contradict) leads to them being more breakable and less dungeony than even the titans in botw, they cant make it linear, thats BAD, so you can do any puzzle in any order, it cant build on any of the others bc you need to be able to do it when you want (the only one going slightly against that is the lightning one? maybe?), totks dungeons dont even limit that you cant climb them (even the titans in botw recognized that makign it easy to break so they are made of the same unclimbable material like the shrines and other shiekah tech) and the new abilities make them laughably easy to break ( .. im not even gonna mention the water temple one bc ... you dont even need to do anything there to break it to make it easier)
they wanted to cater to people wanting old dungeons, but didnt commit to it, making them WORSE dungeons than the titans with the only bonus being they got different designs and a longer build up to it (that often feels more like artificial filler than actually part of it ... like the missing lore tablet at the zoras and the missing part is a few steps away from it at best)
(ALL THE WHILE they DO limit you in SHRINES, you cant climb the walls again, for some reason, you can climb any other sonau structure though, why not that? idk, but dont limit it enough either bc you can break it all in really cheap and unsatisfying ways with ultrahand and time reversal alone- and they CANT limit those bc those abilities are the main ways to solve the 'puzzles'- botws abilities were .. well, limited in what they could do making them much more balanced, but moving sth with ultrahand and then stepping on it and time reversing it can be the boring solution to any 'puzzle', the best and only really good shrines are the ones that take all you shit bc it wactually forces you to be creative BC ITS LIMITING YOU)
(funnily enough a big possible reason why they removed the bombs from botw is bc of the glitches with it ...... like the new stuff isnt even worse and you dont even have to try lol)
people speculated on there being underground exploration due to the first trailer? people are worried about reusing the surface? ok they put the entirety of the surface map into the game again, but dont commit to it being a full thing, its horribly underdeveloped and filled with either nothing or reused filler material, while also neglecting changing anything substantial about the surface, and then the sky isalnds they even reduced and really there isnt anything of substance on there either besides the tutorial (hey, seriously, if one of botws most defining feature is its wide and empty sky why the hell would you decide to use that same map to put in your sky islands idea in), not commiting to one idea but doing all of them badly
ganondorf? well, they sure put him in there, but really what does he do? fuck all, the entire actual game hes jsut marinating in his own miasma juice for no reason, he doesnt have any presecne in the game, all he gets its a few scenes in the "story" that are told through memory cutscenes in a stupidly mega distant past i dont give a fuck about and all he does is go through the most stereotypical villain checklist of both actions and speech, they want ganondorf in there but dont commit to him ACTUALLY being there (listen i love ganondorf but really calamtiy ganon was more interesting than totk ganondorf ok im SORRY they did him so dirty)
they want dragon zelda and link 'losing' his arm be a big epic sacrifice but then .. again, dont commit to it, they tell you its oooh so irreversible and whatever and then at the end just fukcing reverse it, with no build up at all, and NONE of your own input, it just happens, and its not JUST zelda but also links arm, reversing it BOTH even and you dont even need to have all shrines (that are supposedly to cleanse your arm of miasma, i guess thats a non problem if you just stab the source of it to death instead)
they want it to be a sequel but also its own game, not committing to either and leaving us with this weird .... more alternative universe thing, vague references to botw but also acting like it never happened, slight changes, like zeldas hair, to make her seem different when shes exactly the same (you cant imply waifu zelda would ever age and not look like a little doll) and ignoring anything about her character from botw (no im serious, ooh shes nerdy for 3 minutes at the start and one time in a written thing from some servant of da royals in the past and thats it, interest in the shiekah? whos shiekah?- if anything her character is reversed, really having even less agency than in botw, that one decision to dragon is like, it really doesnt matter and not really her decision bc she didnt have a choice and it gets reversed anyway without her even remembering)
even retreading all of botws points (but doing it worse imo), but then attempting to differentiate itself from it by removing a big thing that made it what it is (shiekah) without giving it any or any sensible explanation among more, not committing to either sequel or AU and so doing both incredibly badly
(not quite the point but what i have been questioning for a while ... they way raurus abilities work ... so do all sonau have those? was it just a normal thing to have? could all sonau just glue shit together and jump through ceilings? he never uses anything of that when we see him? why is it just in the shrines at the start and its like .. he just gives it to you ...?? huh??is it part of his arm .. jewelry??)
(anyway, tin foil hat moment but it just feels like either there was a huge internal fight about everything or they neglected it in favor for something else, like say, a movie that earns them billions and is faster and cheaper to make than a game... or just dont care anymore i guess, idk which is worse tbh)
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sir-fluffbutts · 11 months
Many artists hate AI
Why? I did not get it from your latest ask
Because its meant that it will get artists "Job" or why?
Sorry if you dont wann talk about it
i thought i should talk about it someday so here we are
its not just about "AI will steal artists jobs", the advance of technology means it'll happen with everything someday.
im against AI because of how they do it
the way AI image generation works is
gather as much data (in this case, images) from a original sorce (aka "training")
when the prompt is written, the AI use the data it collected to create whatever prompt its given
but the thing is, the original data sorce (aka artists who draw the art AI used to "train") usually don't know or agreed with their art being used to train AI
and most AI "artists" don't openly tell people that their "art" is created with AI. which is the reason why "AI that creates fake timelapes and layers for AI art" is a thing now
so while the programers of the said AI and the ones who uses it to sell their "art" gains profit, the ones who've been extorted (aka the artists whos art was used to train the AI without their permission) don't get SHIT
think it like this.
you own a pasta shop where a dish is 5$ . its not much but making pasta and watching people enjoy it is your passion, and it pays the bills that helps you keep going
one day, someone walks in, grabs every dish you made and walks out without paying or even asking
then, they dump everything into a big pot that can magicaly copy everything in it, stur it a few times and start to serve it to other people claiming they "made" it cause they used their pot to "cook" it
not just that, they start to sell it for 2$ per dish and wrote a whole book about "how to make delicious pasta FAST". and when the "big pot is bad" movement started, they quickly say "but i DIDN'T used the pot, its all made from my OWN SKILL"
so while the company that produces the "muliply big pot" and people who serves from it gains profit , you, the original cook don't get anything from all out of this
i agree that AI is just a tool, however, unless theres a forced rule that
• protects / pays the original artists properly
• have AI "art" to be clearly labled as one
then i, alongside with many artists will continue to be heavily against the use of the tool.
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xanderisbraindead · 11 months
I see people that are tryna get into emo and scene fashion make posts ab like needing help finding clothes or like styling their hair n the liek so I’m here to help. Who am I? Nobody but im like scenemo and very happy to help. Im gonna make a resource masterlist, starting with this post
It’s important to note that if you have the hair, anything you wear will look emo. Emo teens would really just wear just some normal clothing and it fucked! Keep that in mind
How do I find emo/scene clothes?
🇺🇸🇬🇧Check resale sites like depop, ebay, mercari, poshmark (mercari is not available in the uk). You CANNOT build a wardrobe overnight. You just cant. Be patient and just keep checking, I promise you will find something. Heres some things I’ve personally bought or found on these sites and the price usd just for reference (without shipping)// Beetlejuice striped ht skinnies $16.49// We the kings shirt $5.50// All time low shirt $5.50//Red plaid ht skinnies $10.50// Famous star and stripe shirt $5-10// Secondhand serenade shirt $10// A lot of fellow scene and emo ppl resell on these sites!! (Trashmob has a depop for example, so does oliver sykes???)
2-Thrifting. Ik you’re probably tired of hearing it bc duh but… =) Try some local thrifts, big companies either suck, are expensive or both. I’d buy my skinnies from here. Reminder that they don’t have to be black!! You can style black, white, blue, any color of jean. Even styles like flair or bootcut jeans.
🇺🇸HT REPLAY. NOBODY TALKS AB THIS. Hot topic has a thredup, they sell preloved clothing and its constantly updated. Its very discounted. For example a shirt that was initially $25 usd would be sold for $11-9 usd. This is as far as ik only in the us??
Diy, obv. Look at those. Aren’t they cool looking? Not being able to afford band merch doesn’t make you any less of a fan than ppl with huge collections, remember that.
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🇺🇸🇬🇧Dont be afraid to check normal stores like target, tk maxx, and walmart, you’ll be surprised. Target has cute character jackets if you can fit kids sizes and walmart made that skeleton sweater vest they gotta have more up their sleeves.
🇺🇸Merchnow.com. They have HEAVENLY old band merch and posters. Like ptv, chiodos, sws, tdwp, coheed and cambria, before today, texas in july, even like icp. this might be a us only thing? If someone could check for me ilys
(Added on Nov 8 23)
🇬🇧Grindstore.com they’re like merchnow kinda, heavenly band merch
(Added April 29 24)
🇺🇸🇬🇧 Childrens clothes if you can fit into them a lot of childrens clothing are very good for a scene look
This is all I have for now, but if i come up with anything else I’ll definitely update this!!
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katz-chow · 1 year
my first time requesting im sorry if it sounds really bad or cringe ehehsbbejrr
how do you think Simon would react to someone who has a seashell collection they are v e r y overprotective of and they give him one of the seashells because they trust him???
selling seashells by the seashore? nope!
synopsis: what the ask said! + a bit more because i started to really get into it
warnings: fluff, sfw, gn! reader, established relationship, marriage, a glimpse into simon's private life, soap being soap
a/n: i’m literally on an island rn and i’m pretty sure this seagull is screaming at me so i thought this would be very fitting 😝
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Simon definitely has his pockets filled, only with Moroccan sand and shells and rocks and…possibly a starfish? It’s not much, but truly it’s honest work when it comes to him picking up and inspecting every shell or sea cookie there is out here on this damn beach. Soap hollers at him from a few yards away, hand beckoning for him to come over.
“Ain’t this one a big ol' Lad?” Johnny says with his hand on his hip and the other pointing down at a huge mollusk, it’s opal and rainbowed color shone in the blazing sun.
The taller one smiled behind his mask and grunted as his knees popped, reaching down to pick it up. With a knife, he poked and prodded into whatever was in it, which was now just a dead, sandy mess at his feet. “Pretty, then again, anything prettier than your face, Johnny.”
Soap glared at him, “Yeah, at least I have a face.”
Simon missed you terribly. Miles and miles away, he just thinks about how his lovely spouse is on their daily walk down the beach, trading and finding pretty shells to show him once he gets back. You two do this every time he comes home. After a few days of resting (with mostly Simon either shutting off in his own room or hiding his face in the crook of your neck in your shared room), you sit him down on the kitchen table and pull out your beach bag to debrief about the new shells. Each one with a different story attached to it and each one you wanted to share and love.
“I got this one from a fisherman that caught it in his net when he went fishing in the Bahamas!” You showed him a huge, pink and white conch shell that was larger than both your hands combined.
Simon smiled at you and took your prized possession from your hands and inspected the shiny finishing of it. “You weren’t at the Bahamas, Lovie, what did you do to get it?”
“Oh I traded a hermit crab shell for his nephew’s crab.” You said fondly, petting the shell that looked normal sized in his own hands.
Simon pockets the large nautilus shell into his bag somewhere and feels his breast pocket for the small, spiral shell that you’ve gifted him. It was his birthday, the day you saw his toothy grin for the first time.
You had found a beautiful, black, spiral shell the size of a blade. Taking it home, you filed the tip into it was sharp enough to cut through…something, you thought. You don’t know what he exactly would cut, but it’ll come in handy right?
He cried that day when you sheepishly offered him this small gift box, a silver bow resting on the top of it. After you calmed him down and held onto his arm, he opened it and a goofy smile replaced his tears.
“I sharpened it, it’s like a…like uhm a shank?” You said, rather confused actually.
Your husband snorts at your reasoning and picks up the lustrous black shell into his hands. He examines it closely, spinning and turning it in his fingers to make it shine in different angles. With the hard padding of his index finger he grazed the tip of the shell, and sure enough, it was sharp. Simon huffs a laugh to himself thinking about how he could potentially use this as his next melee weapon.
“Do you…like it?” You ask him hesitantly, sitting across from him on the couch. Your own hand fidgeted with each other as you pull and push on your knuckles, making them pop gently.
The large man in front of you looks up at you, eyes a bit wide in confusion. A small gasp is heard from the parting of his lips and he softens his gaze, looking at you fully. He didn’t laugh at you, he laughed at himself. “It’s silly…to be killed with a seashell, hmm?”
Large hands found yours as he abandoned the shell temporarily on the safe coffee table. He kisses your forehead. “Of course I love it, my sea star…best gift ever.”
Simon knew that it wasn’t just a gift from his spouse that day. No that’d be too simple, and his life is anything but. That was a piece of you, your love for him manifesting in such a small, delicate object. To break it, was to break a piece of you…and you would raise hell if he did.
His face settled on a slightly less disgruntled face under his mask as he looked off into the coast. With a pat on the breast pocket of his vest, he pondered to himself, ‘This time, it’ll be different.’ This time he has his own collection to present to you. This time he knows you’ll be even more excited than that time you found a perfectly round sand dollar when he shows you these little treasures. Maybe this time you’ll even scream when he shows you this dried starfish.
But one thing’s for sure, he’ll come home to you after all this. And one day, there’ll be no more war, no more bloodshed, just two old spouses sitting on the beach, the sun rising steadily, and a wall of shells from coasts all around the world.
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mikufigureoftheday · 1 month
i got a new shelf recently so perhaps it is time i show you my meeks (featuring some other blorbos)
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both of the figmas ARE BROKENnnnn (one more visibly so) im never buying them again😭😭😭look at these thinfs wrong and they explode /silly (they were overproced too and now i couldnt sell them for 10 dollars live and learn i guess)
latest is dark angel who ive wanted for a long time but i only bother buying on ebay and there were fakes floating around for a while. WxS miku is hell on earth bc her parts cannot stay on properly, she looses half her hair when too much wind blows (exaderation but it did fall of several times while i was arranging the figures, her tail too)
thats why i love dark angel shes surprisingly sturdy, more then any other figure i gave. you could throw her off a building and that hair would stay in. bless
my old shelf was much wider so all my AMP figures could comfortably fit next to eachother but now they look kinda awkward, i really underestimated their size
my favourite mikus are dark angel and the alice in wonderland
ichigo_mik on ebay is my saviour they often have the best prices on ebay and the first time one orders from them you get a snack. also im aware i could find cheaper on other sites but i already have ebay figured out huehue,, biggest problem is probably customs in my country they dont give me as much trouble with anything else as much as figures
i also once bought a set of fakes because they were cheap and i found them funny but i dont have my own picture of them on hand rn but heres from the listing
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i gave fake sakura to a friend bc i already had one real sakura lol. the one on the top right has very unstable hair so ive stashed her hair away, the snow miku is oddly big and heavy, the easter ones head is made from a weirdly soft plastic so her head is squishy 😭 and infinity is nothing special. i love my fakeus
im so sorry how this is written im tired ushvfzhsgt 😭😭😭😭😭
I've always loved that dark angel one, but the fact that she could also apparently be used as a weapon makes me love her even more LMAO
You've got a good grouping here, both currently and what you've given away!! I'm always glad to see the birthday cat one and that giant beach one on the bottom shelf is so cool.........
I love figmas, but I'm always afraid I'm going to break mine so I give them the like most generic poses to achieve stability (╥_╥) they look so lame next to the scales/nendos sometimes LMAO
Thanks for sharing all your goodies and the story behind your collection!!! 11/10 very good keep it up
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Friend. F r I e N d. Your smol brother Razor hcs made my insides flippyflop. I beg, I plead...
My daughter QiQi? Holding onto my sleeve while we go picking herbs so she knows she can get home? Getting her a little bag with a notebook and pen so she always has memory?
Scolding Baizhu for letting her go herb picking when he knows she probably won't remember the way home?!?! Because Archons man like NO.
Hello!! Flippyflop??!! Over my writing ??!! 🥺🥺 <3
Also srry im rlly slow getting to yalls asks i promise it will come and i love u all for giving me asks <33
(*´▽)ノ✨️ NOW LETS GO ! ! ✨️
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(Now before yall come at me, I am aware Baizhu does care about her, but BUT, he still is studying her/canonically has ulterior motives, and lets her pick herbs when she may not be able to find her way back, also he doesnt strike me as the type to be super affectionate/parental, as cute as it is to write him that way)
What a b l e s s e d ask, this is so cute i love all the kids in genshin their adorable
So... im kinda a consistent Sagau writer, and i love requests like this! But also, im not sure if u guys want me to still apply Sagau/Isekai setting to these requests on top of what was initially asked??
So i will pretty much always make all requests will be SAGAU/ISEKAI Reader based, UNLESS YOU STATE OTHERWISE IN THE ASK!!
Oh Qiqi, another child product of ✨️traumatic events✨️
(Future me after finishing this: oh god what monster have I unleashed upon the world, upon the sagau tag, upon my innocent followers...)
Damn ur lucky u didnt land in Jueyun Karst or nothin
Or on one of the many mountains/cliffs all over Liyue
Its honestly more a shock u arent on a mountain bc theres so many,,
Ur pretty close to Liyue Harbor luckily, not in town, but sort of at the base of Mt Tianheng by the looks of it, almost behind it
Its about sunset too, WOW
Liyue Harbor is hella bigger than in game, holy fuck its actually a huge port city
Should u go into the city??
Ur not sure, do they speak English??
...Wait u dont got a single mora
U cant even get an inn rn RIP
?? Should u just? Find a cave?? To sleep in??
But what about monsters??!
(Call Xiao? Nah he'd freak tf out on u, Shenhe maybe? She is the only option u can think of that seems like she would possibly take in a random homeless traveler from another world, mostly bc she could beat ur ass no matter what)
So,, Shenhe? Maybe? Ur still not sold on the idea but maybe u could gather something out here to sell on a street corner?? Or to Wanmin maybe for fresh ingredients?
Yeah sure why not,
With that, u just wander around the area, checking out all the plants and animals
The fennec foxes are so adorable
Oh shit some mint and sweet flower, finally
Oh hell yeah a sunsettia, u got food now 💪
U hold onto some of it to sell (including a low violet grass hell yeah)
Crunchin and munchin ur way thru Liyue now, it isnt until u find a particularly wooded area that u hear ur first sign of human life
Stand corrected,
A soft hum, almost a lullaby, comes from Qiqi as she picks up other flowers youve never seen before (ooo new liyue plants)
Should u just leave? She seems busy and u dont wanna distract her bc she might forget to go back to her task..
Wait a minute.
On the other hand,
Now you can finally achieve one of your many goals in Genshin that you couldn't as a player.
Help Qiqi collect herbs and guide her back,
And scold Baizhu. >:)
(whats he gonna do?? call the milieth on you??? for some rude person who doesnt like the way he makes a child wander off, who has memory issues and cant find her way back??? thats what you thought)
Approaching the tiny zombie girl, you purposely step on a branch to let her know ur there
...she doesn't even flinch, instead she vvveerrryy slooowwwlllyyy lifts her head up from her bent position
Her big doe eyes 🥺
They dont look empty, or dead just kinda dreamy
She tilts her head, the adepti paper covering an eye
Qiqi: "...do I know you? ..you feel... familiar..."
Oh this is crazy, she sounds exactly like in game, but instead of in a screen, her voice is in front of you
You respond "Oh I don't think so?" You introduce yourself,
"Are you alone out here? The sun is setting..."
It didnt strike you until now, but the zombie girl is so... so... tiny
I mean, you knew the kids were small, but not 5-6 year old small!!!
Qiqi stands, and you see her holding a basket in the crook of her other arm, full of greenery
(some u recognize like violet grass, horsetails, but others are completely new, wow u gotta wander around Liyue after u find somewhere to sleep tonight to check out how much more fleshed out it is irl...)
The little cryo user is the picture perfect image of sweetness 💝✨️
The paper falls to the side, and both of her gentle pink eyes look up at you (💔)
Qiqi answers slowly, "...I messed up my routine, I forgot to get herbs this morning...so I couldn't make the medicine for today... I'm getting them now instead.."
She turns to the right, then left, and blinks a few times (💔💔💔)
She kinda looks like she forgot the way back,, you figure you might as well ask
"Do you want help getting back to town? The pharmacy right?"
Qiqi looks back at you, and nods, "Okay...thank you..."
She takes YOUR HANNNDDDD 😫😫😫💔💔💔
Her small fingers are cold, and they wrap around only two of your fingers
Trying to hold the squeal inside urself, you turn and begin to walk off together, following the path around Mt. Tianheng into town
After hearing about your homeless situation, Qiqi and Baizhu offer the guest room for the night, also partially as a thank you for helping Qiqi (thank fuck theyre that nice)
After talking on the way over,
Turns out that Baizhu lives just out of town of Liyue, (not found in the game, was is it with not showing characters houses...) that way he has some greenery around his house, and has a garden out back :D 🌱
Baizhu just gets this strange familiar feeling from you (it almost reminds him of,, seeing a regular customer that has been to see him hundreds of times...) that convinces him to offer you a job at the pharmacy, in exchange for living in the guest room for awhile ! ! WOO
Literally on the first day out ur like,, Baizhu.
My boss, my friend, my buddy, my homie, my guyyyyy
U gotta let me go with Qiqi from now on, she will literally get lost hoe. 😐
Tapping ur foot at him and everything,
He's a little intimidated tbh bc ur so upfront about it, and agrees
U lowkey shame his parenting (and he actually feels quilty wow)
"Since we first met, I have had a warm feeling inside. Not the kind of warmth that makes me feel rotten. The other kind of warm. The one that happens inside my heart. Thank you. I am happy. Sadly I only recognize the current you. If I forget you... No. I will order myself to remember you."
(Once again, if u read my Razor post, another person who can't quite articulate what you are as the Creator, but just has a feeling about you that ur cozy and safe :')
(U help her press flowers in it to both leave inside as a pleasent surprise when she forgets about them, and attach some to the front 💖)
In the morning, she goes herb picking, then makes medicine, and then does stretches at the end of the day before bed
(At least im pretty sure thats it, it was like 3 things so she could remember easily)
And she even says "...I started memory training exercises recently. So don't worry, I won't forget who you are." 🥲💘
Qiqi seemed excited to tell u all the plants u dont recognize and what they do in medicine,
U mostly think that bc she walked and talked a little faster,
her emotions arent super obvious bc apparently her facial muscles arent super flexible... :/
(she later on after she trusts you more, will sometimes let u rub her little cheeks and massage her face to let her have more range, she looks like a content kitten those times 😭😭)
But when ur not out and about Liyue's nature with Qiqi,
U do little odd jobs around Liyue, like dog walking, delivering peoples' medicine, and u even registered w/the Adventurer's Guild so u could take on small commissions :D
U used ur money to buy ingredients to cook food for urself and the household (bc Baizhu cant make anything besides soup and tea apparantly srsly how is this man alive)
And thru a series of trial and error (and consulting Xiangling..)
U made coconut milk!!! ✨️🥥🥛
Qiqi loved. It. Every. Time.
She's not tall enough to reach the kitchen counters w/o a stool, but she can peek her little head over it and put her fingers on the edge, which she does everytime u make it 😫😫🥺🥺
She has a 6th sense for everytime u make it, no matter where she is in the house/nearby lol
It was also one of the things she wrote down in her notebook that she didnt wanna forget LMAO
Next to a reminder that she knows you + other facts abt u, is "can make coconut milk"
You can bribe her with it too lol
Shes already Baizhu's assistant, so she is great at cutting, chopping, and prepping ingredients
She insists on helping u everytime, she'll even delay her morning routine for u to make breakfast <3
(U also make sure to remind her to eat and hydrate consistently, bc thatd be hard af to keep track of w/ memory issues, i would know 💀)
U also used ur money to buy clothes for urself and her!! <3
Also apparently u still have access to the character menu? And ur inventory?? And quests???
(Her outfits show up in her outfit screen!! theres just kinda a hologram button hovering over her chest at all times..)
She seems rlly fond of upgrading her, her weapon, and artifacts bc she likes to be a stronk 💪girl to protect ppl she loves aw <3
She also likes to help u out with commissions too, it brings her some variety in her day that shes become fond of!!
(Shes also become fond of you and all the exciting things ur doing)
Ur quests menu is rlly helpful for you but also her!! U just gently reroute her or remind her everytime she needs it :)
(she has slowly gone from asking you what she forgot/what she was supposed to be doing, to just... LOOKING UP AT YOUUUUU FOR THE ANSWERRRR W/O SAYING ANYTHINGGGGG 💔💔💔💔💔💔)
Bc u got jackshit all else to do in ur freetime, other than exploring, u started picking up some hobbies thatll benefit the both of you!
U bought some fabric and whatnot to make Qiqi a backpack!! So she doesnt have to carry around the herb basket anymore
(the ones being sold were too expensive, and werent quite right for her anyway, but u did stab urself enough times that Baizhu gave u bandages..)
You give it to her on her birthday!! (she also remembered yours!! She gave u herbal medicine and a necklace of gemstones she handmade like noctilous jade and cor lapis cries)
It has lots of pockets, bc Qiqi also likes to get interesting rocks or non-medicinal flowers to give you while yall are outside <3
She loves the backpack, u saw her make the
Smile ever, which made it even cuter to see
(She also just, held it to her chest the whole day 😭)
ALSO BC SHE STRIKES ME AS A SLOW BURN TYPE OF PERSON TO LOVE SOMEONE (idk if u get that feeling but thats what it seems like to me esp with her memory needing time to remember a new person, she apparently canonically cant always remember Baizhu's face??)
Was that your soul leaving your body? Maybe 🤷‍♂️
But when yall r in a crowd of Liyueans and tourists, she straight up latches onto ur hand like a vice grip
She WILL NOT lose you, and ur holding back just as hard, you WILL NOT lose ur amnesiac child!!!
She likes to come into town with u when u go bc while shes not a fan of crowds, she can deal with them a lot better when ur there 🥺
Plus she wants to be able to look out for you!!
When u asked why she didnt like crowds the first time yall went SHE SAID
"Some people want to take advantage of me. Others are terrified of me. But you... You are not like any of those people."
Ok so she was already pretty strong before you, but now esp since u started upgrading her-
Qiqi is hella strong and has great stamina
U saw this in action in real time when Hu Tao was strolling down the path near where yall were herb picking off to the side
Hu Tao and Qiqi like... locked eyes-
U were looking down at plants but noticed Qiqi not moving, and looked up to see the most intense staring contest ever LMAO
it was kinda shocking to finally have ran into him (bc u figured there was no way he would come down to see some rando human, even if u had almond tofu)
Top ten most disturbing images: Xiao face first on the ground, out of it
And while ur like panicking "omfg how tf am i gonna carry this mf all the way back to the pharmacy, omg what happened, oh jesus this is insane its literally XIAO and he's PASSED OUT-"
Qiqi in the background like, "hup"
And just arranges him in a piggyback carry, his legs and arms sticking straight out in front of her, his ass almost touching the GROUNNNDDD😭😭😭
You: *shocked pikachu face meme LMAOOO
Bonus: Zhongli has been going in-fucking-sane trying to locate where u are lol, Hu Tao literally made him take a few days off bc he was pacing around the harbor so much 😭
He always seems to get to where you are, just as you leave the area (apparently Qiqi's deathlike presence throws off ur very full of life one)
Literally as soon as you landed (woke up?) On Liyue soil, he was hyper aware of you
The other adepti are searching the rest of Liyue just in case ur someone where else
Lol wonder how long it took him to realize u were just workin at Bubu Pharmacy LMAO
Tell me what to write! :) ♡
Reminder: A 100+ Followers celebration POLL!!
I hope u enjoyed this fucking monster anon sob-
oh my god im actually shocked you guys, i just scrolled up and down this thing-
I can't even like, flick it once and let it scroll really fast and reach the top u know what i mean?? 😟😰🙂🙃🥲
I just,, i had so many ideas, and as i typed and tried to get them all down i-
uh,, aNyWaY,,, enjoy yalls week guys...😟😃 distantsobbing
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
yo i love pony going to haiti headcanons
•part of the family still in haiti lives in like cap-haitien and the other part lives in the countryside of haiti
•pony already wants to be in the countryside canonically, ik he would love the countryside of haiti
•he likes the scenery, he helps take care of their donkey, he likes helping to farm, and bro even helped at the market when they had to sell their product, he made a good impression on em ik they loved him
•they r pretty chill, simple ppl, pony likes the quiet
•only thing he rlly had to get uses to was showering there bc he had to use the stream near by to shower or somethin
•NOW w the family in cap-haitien, theyre way more to handle, got about 3 bald sons, ik they bad as hell😭😭
•the way pony dresses already, i actually think he wouldnt have a big problem w the tempter in haiti hes def not overheating hes aight, he will however get a sun burn and then a cool tan lol, he was called “lènmi solèy la” for a while tho when he did have that sun burn
•something within curly changed when he saw pony w a tan, i can feel it
•im ngl they were def laughing at pony a lil for being a bit scared w some things and they made fun of him</33
•but the shepards assured pony that he was welcomed bc their family did actually cut some fruit for him
•pony was absolutely bombarded w questions about america, i can feel it
•and when it comes to curlys cousins whos around their age, bc they only speak kreyòl or french they had a bit of a hard time communicating, like theyd be trying to talk about tv shows but they only knew of the show in its french name, but they were trying so hard to b friends so its ok
•i think it would be sweet if pony, curly, and the older cousins went out to hang out together, just getting snacks at the store and making jokes, also im calling it now that pony would love salty plantain chips
•when it comes to the younger cousins, they r definitely pulling pony everywhere, making him play w them, fly kites w them, they run around with sparklers, pony doesnt rlly like kids that much, but he found it pretty endearing
•curlys grandma LOVES pony, he thinks hes very thoughtful and loves that he can appreciate the small things in life, shes in her rocking chair talking to pony w his very broken kreyòl about sunsets <33
•pony cant cook haitian food for SHIT but he can cut some veggies and fruit, hes in the kitchen w the aunties quietly cutting as many things they want him to cut as they gossip
•honestly pony was WAY more scared of the uncles, they r SO loud and competitive and its even worse bc theyre playing dominos, and dominos is NOT a friendly game in a caribbean household at ALL
•BUT he did have fun playing card games w em, he even won a few times and got some respect 🙏🏽
•theres this mask maker called charlotte charles and she makes papier-mâché mask for carnival and i will DIE on this hill that curlys family bought a mask for pony to wear for kanaval AND let him keep it bc she also makes mask of ponys, and his name is ponyboy so boom, heres examples of mask she made, im a big fan of em🙏🏽🙏🏽
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•im TELLING u, pony and angela would be the ones quietly collecting seashells at the beach while everyone else is just in the water or laying in the sun
•tim is actually way more chill and doesnt have a scowl on his face most of the time, however the family does wonder wtf is happening in america for tim to act so closed off
•pony sees the rest of the family in america vs the family in haiti and hes surprised at the differences, the family in haiti doesnt have a lot but they r happy being together while in america they have more, but r so fucked up😭😭
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shirefantasies · 5 months
hiiii, just wanted to say i adore your blog, and i hope you're having a wonderful day! i don’t know if im late to requesting a matchup, but if you’re still doing them, im 5’9”, bi, ace and female. I’ve played the viola for almost a decade now, even though i hate performing due to stage fright, i LOVE to read, mostly fantasy and mystery, and am a massive art history and architecture nerd. i collect house plants and knit and crochet for fun. i’m pretty shy but once i get out of my shell i am extremely sarcastic yet cuddly lol.
Nope, they’ve been opened up! Hope you like The Hobbit because I match you with…
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Performing your viola in a tavern, you can’t help noticing the eyes of one particular patron stuck to you like glue. Puffing on his pipe thoughtfully, he maintains an intense, beckoning gaze your entire performance. When the keep tells you you’ve a drink from a guest, there’s not a single doubt in your mind it’s from the bloke in the hat. A spike of nerves runs through you- that had been one of your first performances with an audience, and having any sort of reception only heightens the self-awareness you're trying to avoid.
Accepting your drink, you nod a thanks at the hatted patron, who naturally heads your way. "Never seen you here before," he remarks. "And you may not much still," you shoot back, "I needed a spare bit of coin, but I did not visit this town to perform." "What did you visit it for?" "To study some of the neighboring towns and help repair them. What I have always really wanted to be is an architect." Whistling, the dwarf gives a big smile, one that tells you exactly how blown away he is. "By my beard, I didn't know I was in the presence of a genius. Well, here's hoping I'll see your designs one day!" "Oh, I have some with me, did you want to-" "Bust 'em out, lassie!"
Bofur, as it turns out his name is, ended up being quite the fun company. Perhaps, you consider, you will return to that tavern after all. As it is, your work carries you deeper into town, or rather you should say its ruins. Burnt as the buildings are, though, your scans and sketches give you a good sense for the overall style and structure of the place once called Dale. A team of dwarves awaits your sketches of one of the larger complexes, accepts them, and you move on. One structure stands out to you immediately, the cutest, coziest little place tucked away at the side of a dilapidated marketplace. "Whose is this?" You ask the dwarf builders. One sets aside one final stone on the cart he is loading to reply, "That would be one of ours, actually, lass. Three fellas from the Lonely Mountain bought that one. Plan on putting in a toy shop, they said." Your heart is beyond moved. "I want to design it." "What?" "I want to design it. Can I speak to them?" Nodding, the dwarf shrugs. "Why not? Not sure what they have in mind. I'll send for them."
What are the odds that they bring forth Bofur? Grinning and still in that hat, the dwarf introduces you to his cousin Bifur and his brother Bombur. No strong family resemblance, but the three of them are clearly thick as thieves. Bofur himself begins talking up your skills immediately, calling you a master architect and a viola virtuoso to boot and making you giggle. He shows you some of their little pull-alongs and wind-ups, bringing further smiles to your face and compliments to your lips. “See?” He says to the others, shooting you a wink. “She’s even got good taste.”
They all unanimously love your vision for the shop and even help out with rebuilding, so you get quite close to the entire plucky little trio. You almost refuse all the payment they offer, giving you money for your design efforts as well as a cut from the crocheted dolls you’d let them sell. Your shelves were getting full from your hobby, after all. Each dwarf gets a handmade gift as well: thick, warm gloves for Bombur’s mining trips, a bag for Bifur to carry his supplies in, and a new scarf for Bofur, who throws his arms around you and swears he’ll never take it off. You take it as a joke, but he always seems to have it slung around his neck from then on…
They often let you work quietly, take your time to recharge and just pull you into the occasional question or joke. Thus, you’re certainly not expecting Bofur to sit at your side one day while you work, hemming and hawing and wringing his gloved hands before he finally asks if you’ve ever put much thought into settling down. “Not that a toy shop is all that much excitement, but-” Grinning, you cut him off. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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intheholler · 2 months
Hi, so I'm a toy collector and when I saw their new Mothman plush from Build-a-bear Workshop in my inbox my stomach kind of sank.
It's not so much that they MADE a Mothman plush, as that the one they made is the twee inaccurate "cuter" version that's been popular on the internet for a while (I've hated it for years and have a whole rant on my blog about it). None of the eyewitness accounts or depictions ever gave Mothman actual moth features, especially those stupid feelers. It's not even supposed to have a separate head, just glowing eyes in the top of its torso! And it burns that now there's a big company making money off this version, because it's been changed to be more consumable and marketable. I know that ultimately thus might seem pretty, but Mothman is the one GOOD thing people associate with WV (besides Country Roads), and it just feels like we're not even given control over that, and other people outside Appalachia get to change it and make money off it willy-nilly.
I know you had an ask that mentioned stuff like "cryptid cafés" coming in to Appalachia and driving up rent prices. And it also reminds me of when I visited the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant when I was visiting relatives up there, and the owner told me that whoever makes Fallout didn't even ask permission to include a recreation of the museum in one of their games, much less pay them.
I don't know, am I overreacting? What do you think?
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hey! first off, hell no i don't think you are overreacting. like at all. nor do i think it's petty.
because you're right, this is just yet another way that people are skimming the good fats off of the top of appalachia and turning it into somethin delicious that they can sell, while leaving behind what really makes us us.
another instance of people cherry picking what they like from our collective culture (especially the urban legends, as you have mentioned and as i have bitched about) and then conveniently forgetting about where it even came from the next time they're lookin to shit on appalachia.
it's so true--one of the only times people seem o be able to say somethin with a smile about beautiful west virginia is when they're talkin about mothman, so *of course* someone would bastardize one of appalachia's most famous, if not its MOST famous, legends and make it cute and consumable and profit from it.
this little plush is a part of, and is actually representative of, a much larger scale problem.
i did not expect to be angry about mothman on this day but here we are lol
people really suck. also i'd love to read/reblog your angry rant about what's been done to mothman if you have that accessible lol im kinda serious <3 thanks for bringing this up!
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xatsperesso · 1 year
Hi, I read your "iruma is manipulative as a survival mechanism" posts and really liked them!! It really really makes sense to me. If a child is left in a neglectful place where they have no protectors, the child can very well choose their method of protection as being perceived as extremely nice, likeable and good. Pretending to be "good" and "happy" might be a trauma response or a survival strategy for him. I hadn't thought of it through this angle before, so I really loved your posts on it!!!
Thank you!! I've had this idea for so long but i cant commit to it right now and im afraid that when im ready to commit to a long fic I'd have lost my love to m!ik
And the idea of iruma choosing manipulation as a survival mechanism (i really like how you worded it im stealing that) just makes so much sense to me! Like what can a child really do? With their short legs and weak arms that makes them so so weak? With adults always undermining them and humouring them and just controlling their lives whether it is for the best or for the worst?
The best thing iruma could've done is to play nice and play cute. Never let anyone know how his home life is because he doesn't know anything other than the neglect. Grows up a bit and goes from collecting fruits to hunting fish, from living in the wild to learning that the city has a lot more food that is a whole ass lot tastier! From acting very cute in front of street vendors for some food to stealing from shops and selling what he stole "to raise money to charity!". From being his parents slave helper to being a big source of money to them
He grows up some more and realises that other kids dont do what he does, that they don't give their every second to pay back to their parents, but he also realises that there are kids who have a lot worse than him. That most of them go unnoticed, and that those who are noticed and rescued usually dont get what they are promised. Not when they're so old, so bitter, so untrusting
And so he keeps on hiding, acknowledging that he's owed a lot more than he was given, but doesn't utter a word in fear of the unknown, because at least he knows what to expect in this household.
He gets mad and angry at his parents, at the world and at every adult who does not notice the pain that he's in, but doesn't hold ontothe resentment for long as it is very hard to hide a hatred that runs deep into your bones.
So he smiles and laughs with his peers, he respects and does what his teahers ask of him, he steals and sells and works and works and works for his parents in fear that one day he'll become of no use to them. That one day they'll abandon him before he's old enough to survive truly on his own
And that's exactly what they did, didn't they? They pushed him off the nest before he could soar on his own. Threw him at a pack of wolves for money that could barely get them through one year, and these are people who have not worked for over ten years.
And to be fair to them (Which is a very hard thing to do) iruma did agree. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of hope, maybe out of curiosity, or maybe because he lost hope in the world that he lives in, but he did agree to be sold.
And now it'd take time for him to truly believe that he is safe. That he is wanted. That they aren't just pretending to get something out of him. That he is truly, utterly and wholly loved by everyone around him
Btw iruma in this au will keep on pretending and convincing himslef that sullivan doesn't love him until the heartbreaker arc when sullivan hugs him out of pure relief and fear. Iruma would so hesitantly, so tentatively raise his hand to hug him back, but the second he does his hands latch onto his suit, his whole body starts shaking and he tries to hide his face into Sullivan’s shoulder to hide the fact that he's crying, because no one has ever cared this much about him.
And you can bet that at this moment sullivan would not let him go. That he would craddle him in his arms and hold him as closely as he can without hurting him, that even whe they're in the saftey of their home (home! Not house! Home) sullivan wouldn't let him go, until Opera comes and tells him that he needs to sleep. That he could take iruma to his room if he wishes to, but both of them need sleep
Anyways, thank you so much for telling me how you feel about this idea! And I may have rambled a bit but i didn't really know what to say but i really appreciate your ask!
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Thinking about the “Usopp loves Darkwing Duck and Sanji loves Card Captor Sakura” thing from ages ago and now I’m imagining them going trough the hardest challenge a weeabo and a western animation geek can go trough: moving in together.
All the merchandise, the prints, the commissions they gave years ago and the buttons from various cons, it’s an actual nightmare for both of them to somehow try and find space for everything. Sanji hates Funko Pops with a passion, Usopp loves them. Sanji has a giant body pillow of some random anime girl and Usopp feels inadequate. The biggest issue however arrives when they try and decide where Sanjis collection of ero figurines is supposed to go. Sorry not sorry but you KNOW he has some of them. It’s actually not as bad as Usopp expected at first but it’s still a challenge to find a place for them because Usopp does NOT want them in the bedroom like Sanji used to have in his bachelor pad
They don’t talk to each other for what feels like ages (Twi hours maximum) and they finally make up when the guilt gets too much. They both compromise on each selling a few of the things they aren’t as invested in, Sanji agrees to move a few of his more risqué figures to a space where he gets to see them but they can easily be hidden if visitors come over, some of the more decent ones like the pinup one of a lady in the bathtub actually are tame enough to be put in a more open spot even Usopp has to admit (plus her sitting on the bathroom shelf surrounded by both of their soaps and haircare products looks quite cute actually). Usopp keeps most of the Funkos on his work desk at Sanjis request. It’s the nerdiest home ever with some clashing aesthetics but they make it work trough the power of love and because both of them are creative people who can incorporate that into their home space.
… also Usopp has started a game where he will just randomly replace his boyfriends figurines and wait for his boyfriend to notice. Like elf on the shelf but more elaborate and with anime or cartoon figurines. Currently Sakura is being carried away by a bunch of Pikmins in the shoe closet. Sanji has noticed she’s gone but hasn’t said anything because that’s not how the game works. He’s supposed to find her and then yell “GODDAMNIT SAKURA!” Before carrying her back to her spot…. He’s already planning his move though and has decided he’s gonna try and put Grunkle Stan in a glass of water in the freezer with a single lone ice Pikmin guarding him.
This is the realest, most accurate thing in the whole world. They'd move in together but they'd be a mess. They have... Very different tastes when it comes to games/shows and they obviously can't decide what to do with the space they have.
But! They also have things in common. The thing is... They like the content in different ways.
Usopp has a huge Alphonse figure. Beautiful. Next to his Gurren Lagann figurines and so, so many robots. So many mechas. He has the three Gravity Falls diaries. All the Ducktales comics. Darkwing Duck was just the start because he's also a huge DC fan and has so much Batman merch. He's got this extremely awesome replica of Junpei's sword from P3. Everything is high quality and he's very, very careful with his merch. He has his own fanarts in a sketchbook and nobody is allowed to touch his games and his consoles. From Play Station to all types of Nintendos. He has so many damn Funko Pops of everything. Typical "For the last time, Sanji, I keep them inside the box because the box is also part of the merch what aren't you understanding-". Not to mention that he's a huge Lord of The Rings fan and he definitely plays D&D and he's also a botanist so you can only imagine how their house looks like-- So many plants-- Forest aesthetic. Except their front door that looks exactly like the Tardis because Usopp was dying to do that ever since he was a kid, and when he showed Sanji the show he fell in love with it and let him do it.
Sanji likes the same stuff but he has a very explicit Lust figure. Next to his adorable Nia and Yoko figurines and so so so so so many cute simple merch. Like keychains and stickers. I am 100% sure Sanji has Gravity Falls pajamas and Ducktales too that nobody but Usopp knows about. I think one of the only man figurines he has is a Starlord one and maybe Shazam merch, but he's more of a Superman type of guy. He saw Lois Lane and fell in love with her instantly. He has a Mitsuru figurine riding her bike and one of Chidori and Junpei he doesn't let anybody touch. That's precious to him. He asks Usopp to draw him stuff and that's why Usopp is always late to his commissions because his boyfriend suddenly wants to be drawn next to Senshi cooking. Sanji doesn't like Funkos but he does like Nendoroids and Usopp hates it because they're so fucking expensive and Sanji is always crying in the background ("But- But-" / "Sanji, we've talked about this-" / "But this little Miku is so cute!"). Sanji also plays videogames but he's more of an Animal Crossing/Cooking Mama/Stardew Valley type of guy. So many Dating Sims, too. Also the Sims, he loves that.
Their bookshelf is a mix between shoujos and so so many shonens but mostly cooking books and artbooks. So many DC comics too. I feel like both of them prefer DC tbh, Usopp is just Batman and Sanji likes Superman and instead of fighting about it they just admit they're really gay for each other. They do watch Marvel movies, though. Sanji really, really, really likes Spider-man and it's funny because he has arachnophobia and he cannot watch the damn movies without shaking when a spider shows up-- Usopp has Miles' jacket and Nikes I am so so sure. While Sanji probably has a Gwen poster in his room.
They argue a lot when it comes to how to use the space they have but!! Sometimes Sanji walks out of their room to make breakfast with Usopp's Batman t-shirt. And sometimes Usopp uses Sanji's Kero themed hair ties to tie his hair. And... They wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
They're also the type to watch/play anything together and go "Hey they're just like us fr" so now they have their house full of ship merch because those ships remind them of them,,, Those are the true romantic gestures.
Edit: Forgot to say Sanji has all of Taylor Swift's CDs and Vinyls and he's a very intense swiftie that makes Usopp wake up at ungodly hours to hear the new albums, while Usopp is like "I guess she's okay??? She's alright idk" because he literally only listens to movie/game soundtracks, indie shit and Cavetown. They both listen to Vocaloid though that is true. I was there. Project Sekai players that's what they are (Sanji does it for the cute girls but ends up staying because the characters are a bit too relatable and Usopp just really likes rhythm games)
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sweetmapple · 16 days
One single in-the-works Elden Ring comic is holding back an entire flood of Viktor Arcane posting and I’m afraid of the person I’ll become once I finish it. Just got done with the final line art so coloring is all that’s left
(Mind you my rendering process is an absolute bitch so it’s not even 50% done)
But like not to disrespect any of my other obsessions (Vergil DMC, Astarion BG3, Gabriel Ultrakill, Varre Elden Ring; hallowed be their names) no other fictional man has me shrieking like a fucking Nazgûl just by thinking of their character arc
Every molecule in my body goes nuclear when I think about the soon to be machine herald arc holy hell. I’ve rotating this man in a 3d space in my head since the first season 2 trailer came out
Like Viktors just a nice lil guy, frail no one pays attention to him, he’s sick but trying to fix it for himself and anyone else that was also afflicted
AND IM JUST SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE BECOMES *THAT*???? My brain is going supernova. If you follow my account and also take into account the aforementioned characters I love, I LOVE love antagonists, villains and mortally gray characters. To know my boy is gonna make himself a problem, if not a true and proper opp for the rest of the arcane cast, I could cry tears of joy. I will sell my soul to Fortiche if they actually go the villain route with him, nothing would be sweeter, the ambrosia of the gods couldn’t rival it. I want him to go WILD. I need the Jayce Viktor divorce arc in my veins NOW
Like if they make him out to be the twist villain of the entire plot and or the big bad I will never ever ever stop yapping about it
Also expect a full breakdown why Viktor means so much to me soon, I just need to collect my scattered thoughts
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iraprince · 2 years
Hey Ira how do you finish stuff? i've been working on a project for months and i just cant find a way to complete it
see, the thing is my first instinctive response to this question was "idk, because i feel like i never finish anything either!"
i mean, obviously i DO, i finish stuff for work etc and if i really never finished anything then there would be nothing on this blog. but from where i'm standing it feels like the amount of stuff i've actually finished is like, a tiny tiny drop in the massive ocean of stuff i've THOUGHT about or WANT to do or maybe have even STARTED but are all collecting dust on the back burner
i think ive had the idea for project catboy since, like, 2017 or something, and i still only have the first draft outline done; i keep thinking i'm not ready to do it justice yet. i think the villains win has existed for a similar amount of time as a concept and i DID finally start it but i've been too busy/occupied w other things to continue. i've been wanting to open an online shop and sell prints + merch for years now, and have done maybe one or two steps in that direction, but then it keeps stalling and getting lost amidst my other more pressing to-dos
basically: i am always working on projects for months (and years!) and never finding ways to complete them, and any personal project i do end up finishing feels like a huge outlier most of the time
so i don't really have solid advice bc i struggle w it so much myself, but i guess i do have a "hey, you're not alone." just keep banging away at things and eventually some of it will pop through, even if most of it doesn't. if i try really hard to skim over the stuff that DOES get done and find a common thread, it's either 1. i literally Had to (work stuff etc,) or 2. i was EXTREMELY passionate/excited about it, and i had a plan/the scope was visible + digestible (i knew how it was going to end or i was kind of aware of all the parts that needed to come together, rather than just kind of writing/drawing endlessly into the abyss without being able to visualize how much progress i was making). if there's no end in sight, maybe the next best step is getting more specific/granular about what the end would actually look like; a lot of times i find that i THINK i know what a project would need to be done, but in reality it's all just a pretty vague concept in my head, and i never actually sat down and hammered out the steps of what i need to do/make! if you have a fixed endpoint, you can ALWAYS be inching toward it, even if it takes forever.
(also, do it shittier. im being so serious. whenever u get really stuck, do a shitty job just to get onto the next step. if you hit the finish line you can always go back and improve/redo things, but a lot of times you might look back and be like "actually the low effort version is fine, in the big picture")
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Could you expand on what you said in a post about libraries about the big 5 publishers screwing over libraries in terms of digital lending rights?? I’ve not heard of that at *all* and im generally pretty caught up on publisher news, so I think theres a pretty big library-shaped hole in my sources lol
All righty, a couple disclaimers here. One, this is from a Canadian library perspective, so idk how well it applies to the US. Two, I don't work in the collections department at my library, so I'm basing this off what I remember from class years ago
(also clarifying that I'll be referring to ebooks and audiobooks collectively as digital books just to make it easier)
But in short, the Big Five publishers only very reluctantly put up with libraries having physical books, and one of the reasons they do that is because only one person can have a physical book at a time. Digital books, though? Why, if a library has a copy of one of those, hundreds of people could read it at a time! That's profits they're losing! How terrible!
But, well, selling to libraries is still a sale, so the companies sell to them but restrict it as much as possible. One, libraries pay much more for digital books than your average consumer. I don't have the exact number, but it's significantly higher. Two, unlike a physical book, which a library can have rebound if it's popular but hard to find, and which could conceivably last years if it's hardcover or paperback binding, digital books have severe limits on them. Maybe the library can only buy one "copy" of a digital book - i.e., only one patron can use it at a time. That digital copy artificially expires after 20 loans or 2 years, whichever comes first. Got a waitlist of 50 people waiting to read the latest Alexander McCall Smith book? Too bad! 30 of them are gonna have to go without! Do you have a moderately popular book by Danielle Steel, which gets borrowed every couple of months? Sorry! You've had it for two years, so it's gone now! Better buy a new copy!
Now, this is the case on digital platforms like Libby/Overdrive. Each digital book acts the same as a physical book, except that most of them go away after a certain amount of time. Certain public domain books might be a one-time buy for libraries, but for the most part, every loan, every week that goes by is chipping away at a digital book's life. Certain digital platforms - Hoopla, for example - have what's called "simultaneous use" policies - maybe you only have one ebook copy of a book by Agatha Christie, but every library patron can read it at once. The trade-off for this is that my library has to pay a certain amount for every person currently reading or listening to a book on Hoopla. We have a daily budget that can't be exceeded. Every week we field calls from people who, one afternoon, wanted to open up Hoopla, but were told they couldn't take out any books - because too many of my library's 40 000 active patrons had also decided to enjoy a book that day. And not every publisher even allows simultaneous use licenses, or they don't allow it on all of their titles
A final reminder to this very long post: please do not boycott Libby or Hoopla over this, I beg of you. Your libraries are pouring a lot of money into them because they're being used. Instead, put pressure on the big five publishers to make their digital books accessible, and vote in your municipal elections to get libraries more funding so we have more budget to put into those items. An easy way to increase your library's funding is just to spend a bit of time a week in there. Hang out with your friend for a few hours, just walk in and look at the shelves, or sit there and use their free wifi to play games on your phone. Digital books are here to stay, and libraries are important for getting those books into people's hands
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rnanqo · 6 months
Bree, Bree! As a fellow author, am I allowed to ask what you're writing? 👀💖
yes absolutely!!
the main project is Book Draft. it is a fantasy novel about two gentleman rogues seducing a lady so they can steal her big magical tornado. to pull this off, they will have to convince this lady they’re completely normal about her big magical tornado, completely normal about each other, and definitely not that pair of guys who’ve been in the news for trying to steal big magical tornadoes (they’ve been plotting and scheming and never succeeding). they will also have to ignore a variety of glaring red flags from the lady herself, who mostly seems interested in using them for hard labor and might also be creating an army of statue people. oh and her big magical tornado is in danger of breaking free and wreaking destruction over the land. can our heroes act like normal dudes long enough to fool this lady, seize her big magical tornado, and make sure it doesn't break loose? or will their obvious codependency and inability to admit their own mistakes be the death of them both???
(it will be a secret worse third thing, and I’m VERY excited to get there)
beat for beat this is an expanded version of a 15k thing I wrote last year. which i could not sell because when a story is that length you run out of places to send it VERY quickly. luckily I have always been a novel gal anyway so I was like lol time to write everything that comes after this lil 15k episode! and then when I had like 80k of followup I tried writing a query letter about it, realized I was trying to cram a trilogy into a novel, did some soul searching, and now we are here, on book 1. hopefully I can start querying it sometime this year!
i complain about it under ig tag. i collect relevant memes for my own dread purposes under whimsy tag. @mercyisms even made a meme about what is now book 3!!
other than Book, im renovating the ending on another possibly unsellable 15k novelette, working on a short story that revolves around a stupid pun, and writing on a narrative podcast about building pyramids in ancient egypt! all very exciting and fun. and the cause of wrist tendonitis
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