#so spend a little time of the fucking boring cancer please?
rhysintherain · 4 months
For a show about diagnostic medicine, House does shockingly little actual diagnosis.
"Start him on antibiotics." Have you seen a bacteria? No? That's because apparently nobody on your team knows how to grow a culture or run a gram stain.
"It's probably cancer, start him on radiation." Without finding the cancer?? Without knowing what it is so you can decide on a treatment plan??
Very funny that actual diagnosis is too boring for House, so he just throws treatments at people until it almost kills them and demonstrates what the problem isn't.
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Ateez Reaction to their s/o having pmdd (Maknae Line)
PMDD - (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder) Is a menstrual disorder that many women have that causes extremely painful period cramps, nauseousness, sever mood swings and is overall quite frustrating to deal with. I am writing this imagine from my experience of pmdd, however remember everyone’s body is different, and in no way do I want to generalise any illness. Okay thank you, happy reading! :)
Word Count: 2.5k
Mature Language*
Smut content
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It was a normal day at the dorm, and you and San hadn’t seen each other in a while. Deciding to pay him a visit, you made your way to their dorm to surprise him. You packed some dinner and made your way to the dorm. Upon reaching, you were greeted by Seonghwa and Hongjoong, who were also at the dorm at the time, the rest had gone out, either to practice, or just to do something else. You entered San’s room and sat on his bed waiting for him. He was in the washroom taking a bath, and so you just simply waited for a bit. 
About 10 minutes later, San emerged from the washroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Once he saw you asleep on the bed, he chuckled and got changed as quietly as possible, trying not to wake you up. After he was done, he decided to sit next to you wake you up gently.
“Babe, it’s me, wake up now please, I wanna see youu” He whined. You readjusted in the bed and got up feeling a little dazed.
You got up and just observed him. The way he was smiling so lovingly at you, the way he had both arms under you, holding the small of your back, lifting you up, his sweet yet husky scent, the way his wet hair was pushed back, the way the thin black fabric of his full sleeved button up allowed you to see all his defined muscles, and you couldn’t help but think about how perfect he was. Still in a daze, you just whispered a hello, and being the affectionate person San was, he immediately took you in his lap and sat you down facing him. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear and you hugged him tighter. You hid your face in his chest as you tried to work out and process these weird emotions. You felt bubbly and weird, with a lump forming in your throat. 
“Hey, look at me hun!” He teased, laughing and giggling, while lifting your chin up. He pressed a kiss to your nose and that sent you off the edge. Soon, warm tears started pouring out your eyes and you couldn’t form any words. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Babe, are you alright, did I hurt you?” He panicked taking your face in both of his hands. You couldn’t get any words out and simply sobbed. You didn’t know what you were feeling and why you were feeling these feelings and tried to stop, but to no avail.
“I-, I-,” You tried getting out, but unable to take in enough air, you weren’t able to speak. 
“Hey, hey, hey, Y/N, take it easy, breath in and breath out, I’m sorry if I did something to upset you.” He pouted and looked at you.
“No!” You suddenly interrupted taking him by surprise 
“I just love you so much, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’m an emotional mess, why are you so perfecttt” You rambled, whining your words at the end, and crying again. By this point you had gotten the attention of Hongjoong and Seonghwa too, and they were watching the both of you secretly through the doorway.
“Wait, what?” San asked a little confused.
“I said you’re so perfect, you’re just so fucking amazing and you make me feel these emotions that I’ve never felt before, I just feel so lucky and happy that you’re mine, it’s overwhelming.” You said finally, getting that off your chest. 
“Well, I love you too Y/N, and I bet I love you more” he said with his eyes full of tears too. It was overwhelming to him too, how much you loved and valued him.
“Yah, San-ah I’m on my period I’m allowed to act all sappy and moody, you’re nott” You both chuckled and laughed at each other.
“Well, what can I do, I just love you so much” he replied and you wiped his tears. You heard whistles from the doorway and knew it was Hongjoong and Seonghwa. 
You stayed as close to each other as possible for the rest of the evening, not even leaving one another to go anywhere.
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You were on your period and Mingi was well aware of it. A few days before your period you always felt a little needy, and by now Mingi was used to your mood swings and weird behaviour. What he didn’t anticipate however, was you having pmdd. Neither did you. He’s had girlfriends before, and although he didn’t mean to compare, he noticed your symptoms were a little more extreme compared to everyone else. In fact, he was the one that suggested you go to the doctor, and thus here you were.
You had come to the OB/GYN with your boyfriend Mingi, since he was concerned for you. You always went through this, and been doing so for the past 10 years, so you didn’t think much of it. However when Mingi once came across you throwing up and crying in pain, he knew something was wrong. He found that you had been hiding your symptoms to not bother him. As you had expected, the second he found out, he freaked out and booked an appointment with the doctor. At the moment, you were answering a few questions about your symptoms and were surprised to find that every single symptom matched yours. You just assumed that everyone went through this every month, apparently not. You were starting to get worried. What if you weren’t normal, what if there was actually something really wrong with you. You interlaced your fingers with Mingi, and filled out the rest of the forms, describing your symptoms to the nurse. The nurse noted down your symptoms, sighed and left the room. You started biting your nails and bouncing your knee, your were getting nervous.
“Hey, Y/N” Mingi called to you lovingly “What’s wrong, you seem nervous”
“Mingi, what if it’s something serious, like what if I have cancer or something?” You suddenly blurted out. Mingi frowned and took both your hands in his.
“Hey, don’t say that, for all we know, it could be normal and you would just need a few meds, I promise It won’t be as bad as you think” He assured you, but inside he was just as nervous and scared, if not, maybe even a little more than you.
A few minutes later, the nurse arrived inside the room with your results printed on a piece of paper. She handed it to you, and you read through it while also trying to pay attention to what she was saying.
“Miss, Y/N, you most likely have, what’s known as Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Its similar to PMS but is a little more severe. It won’t cause too much trouble to your life however we’d suggest taking birth control to help reduce the symptoms slightly” She suggested looking at the both of you. She proceeded to leave to room to give you both some space. You looked up at Mingi, and he smiled back down at you.
“See, it’s nothing too serious, besides, birth control gives us an excuse to have more sex” He laughed at you while you playfully shoved him.
You were thankful to have such a caring boyfriend like Mingi, who always looked out for you. For the months and years to come, he always made sure you took your medicines and eased the pain and helped in whatever way he could. 
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You and Wooyoung were such a power couple. Both of you being complete crackheads, there was not one day that was boring in your relationship. You always knew how to match each others energy and took risks together. That’s what you loved about him, his ability to keep up with your crazy personality. In fact, it’s quite cheesy, but you truly completed each other, he knew you inside and out and you knew him completely too. 
You had come out to a restaurant to just spend some time with one another and were enjoying each other’s company. It was rare to have moments like these, where it was just the both of you, and you loved spending time with each other.
You were halfway through dinner, eating your appetisers, when all of a sudden, you felt a wet feeling down your leg. You cursed realising you could have potentially leaked out of your tampon, and excused yourself to go use the washroom. Once you left, you quickly wobbled to a stall and pulled your underwear down to check. As you predicted, you had in fact leaked, but it was worse than you thought. The bottom of your dress was completely stained red, and your underwear was completely soaked in blood. You tampon was lost somewhere in the red ocean of blood and you had no clue what to do. You realised you left your phone on the table, so you couldn’t do anything. You sat on the toilet, with nothing to do just contemplating what you should do next. 
Meanwhile, Wooyoung was just waiting for you on the table itself. After around 20 minutes passed, he started to get worried and checked his phone to see check if he got any messages from you. He then glanced to your side and noticed your phone still there on the table. Looking back at his phone he checked the time... and the date. Cursing to himself quietly, he realised that it was that time of the month, and knowing you had pmdd, he knew something must have probably happened. Without another thought, he ran to the washroom slamming the door open.
“Y/N? Babe? are you there?” You heard Wooyoungs voice call out. 
“Wooyoung? Thank god, I’m like stuck here and I don’t know what to do.” You said relieved that he finally noticed you were gone. 
“Okay, no one’s here in the washroom, I’m locking the washroom door, could you open your stall door?” You obliged and opened your stall door, greeting him with a bunch of blood on the floor and completely destroyed underwear. He snickered at your situation began removing him pants.
“Woo, what the fuck are you doing?” You asked him thinking he was going crazy.
“Calm down, just take my boxers and like wrap them in some tissue paper, it should work as a makeshift pad. Also I’ll give you my denim jacket, just tie it around your waist or something” He said removing his underwear. You quickly agreed and wore his underwear after stuffing it with tissue paper. He then gave you his jacket and you wrapped it around your waist. He pulled back up his pants, threw your underwear in the dustbin and cleaned up after you. You were in that point of your relationship where both of you were completely comfortable with eachother, so this was nothing major. Once he was done and walked in front of you, you took the opportunity to smack his ass. 
“Wow, maybe you should just not wear underwear” You laughed at him
“Very funny” He sarcastically responded back. 
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You were at Jongho’s place and were just laying on his bed. You both had been dating for not too long, around 1 month at max, and you still always felt a little uncomfortable, or rather self conscious and insecure around him. Besides, he was everyones dream guy, with a voice sweeter than honey and not to mentioned those muscles, while you were just, you. You tried your best to always act as nice and proper as you could, and still hadn’t completely opened up to him yet. Jongho on the other hand, was falling for you, hard. He was absolutely smitten and no other person had ever made him feel this way. He loved when you visited as you got to spend time with each other.
You were just on your phone, while he was downstairs getting something to eat. You popped a breath mint in your mouth, and readjusted your position to get more comfortable. After laying there for a few minutes, Jongho came back with some strawberries and chocolate, the perfect, lowkey yet romantic food ever. You made sure to eat them slowly and properly, too scared you’d scare him away by scarfing them down. Jongho on the other had, had no problem eating them quickly. You just laughed at him and looked at him lovingly. He noticed you staring at him and a bright smile spread across his face. Wanting to get a little closer, he took the first step and decided to pull you closer to him by your waist. You jumped a little at the movement, but soon scooted towards him, and laid your head on his shoulder. Trying to ease the tension and make the situation a little less awkward, Jongho put his hand on the bed, around you. What he didn’t anticipate however was for there to be a wet spot, of blood. He quickly peeked behind you and saw a giant spot of blood, where you were sitting before. Not wanting to embarrass you, he calmly said...
“Hey, Y/N, you seem to have had a little accident, don’t worry, I’ll clean it up, I have a hoodie you can wear, and you can borrow my boxers too, if you’d like. I’ll just get some pads from the nearby pharmacy too, just a sec” He said smiling at you and getting up. However for you, this was your worst nightmare. 
“Wait what?” You looked to your side to see a giant red patch of blood on his light blue sheets. You gasped and to your horror, he had already gotten up pulling the bedsheets off. 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, I’ll deal with it, please come back in a few minutes or something, I don’t want you to see me like this, please” You begged him tears leaving your eyes from panic and embarrassment. He didn’t move however, continuing on with what he was doing.
“No, no, no, Jongho, please, this is so embarrassing, please, I’ll clean it up” You said, your voice cracking multiple times. Jongho immediately left what he was doing and walked to you holding your chin with his fingers.
“Hey, hey, hey Y/N, you have no reason to be embarrassed, this is natural and I love you, it’s alright.” He said, not realising the impact of his words
“You love me?” You asked clarifying, maybe your ears had deceived you.
“Um, well, yeah-” He said stuttering a blush growing on his cheeks. You took the opportunity and for the first time in your relationship, you kissed him softly and responded...
“I love you too”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Shadow side of the signs
Aries: They care so much deeper than they let on. When they realise they are starting to open up, they tend to run and pull themselves away. They are actually scared to let you in their dark mind because you might be appaled but it's not even that dark, they're just insecure and they hate to show it.
Taurus: They can work hard and pretend that they have everything together but little things can make them break down very easily. They act as if everything is easy but in reality, it's so stressful and they just wanna take a nap with someone.
Gemini: They love giving youthful and cheerful energy but that drains them to the point they start to overthink if they are annoying to other people with that sort of attitude. They keep thinking of their insecurities every time they are alone and they have hard time accepting themselves for who they are.
Cancer: They try with the tough exterior and they hate being called emotional of all the signs. They show emotions because they want to show emotions but if a cancer doesn't want you to know or see something, you will not know or see it. There is so much more going on with them then they let on; so many secrets they can hold. Secretly extra, EXTRA giving to people they love. Like... EXTRA!
Leo: They actually enjoy being alone with a bottle of wine. It's when they don't have to put up a mask and can be themselves. Only close, loved people can see their soft side- who they really are underneath but as soon as someone they don't know join, it's like a personality switch. They don't wanna let others know they can be vulnerable.
Virgo: They are so chaotic. They can appear organised, boring and get together but they just wanna go sleep for a month. Maybe hibernate like a bear, sleep through the winter. They are also so freaky and fun when you get to know them. Wild little Virgos, who actually love to love people.
Libra: Sometimes you just wanna scream and punch somebody, don't you? Libras love to pretend that they are not even slightly touched by certain things but God, they can get so furious and all they want to do is just scream it tf out of them. They just think it's a waste of time tho... Sometimes a Libra just wants to lose it.
Scorpio: Oh, Scorpio. Sometimes a Scorpio just wants to lay down and let everything solve by itself. Just... not be conflicted and let everything have it easy. They just want to have it easy for once. No intense feelings, no anger, no "Oh, you're a Scorpio? You must be a badass." - Like no. I mean yes but no. Let a Scorpio be a Scorpio and let Scorpio chill once in a while. Why do you always have to bother a Scorpio and piss it off?
Sagittarius: Sometimes they don't even know what they want anymore. There they are being their best-self and their worst-self and being the life of the party and the dramatic emotional support, who loves to spoil people but what do they even want? Money probably but still... Sagittarius people just want to be pampered all the fucking time. Like they deserve it. They would literally kill for people. The least that you can do is pamper them like they are a little baby because they will love it.
Capricorn: Capricorn love to disappear but in reality, Capricorn spends all the time anxious about the future. When they meet a person, they are trying to fit it where that person belongs in their future. They need to be prepared all the time that it's exhausting. They don't have the time for beating around the bush. You're in or you're out. They just want everything clear because they are so tired of always trying to figure it out. Say it directly to their face so they don't waste their time with you.
Aquarius: STOP FUCKING WITH THEIR EMOTIONS! THEY MAY LOOK LIKE THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK BUT THEY GIVE LOTS OF FUCKS AND THEY HATE IT! They avoid their own feelings like a plague. Do you know how long it take an Aquarius to move on? Like they don't. They are going to love you forever but can you stop fucking with them? They just want good love and lots of money. They probably would change everything on themselves to make you happy so please... don't play with them.
Pisces: They may look innocent but they will fuck you up if they have to. A lot of people believe that Pisces are these fragile little daydreamers with doe eyes but they will fuck you up. They will give you a hardcore fish slap. Emotionally, physically and mentally. Don't fuck with a Pisces- especially not with their family. They don't care if you're John Cena- they will destroy you and they won't regret it not even a little bit.
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cruecifymesixx · 3 years
Love and Leather /part eighty seven/
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: enjoy!
Warnings: light smut, death?, language
Taglist: @miserablecunt​ , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol ,  @a-simple-salmon ,  @hi-my-name-is-riley​ , @extremesadnerding​ , @thatbandchick39​ , @awkwrdcait​ , @countrygirlswonderland​, @awesomealmostdopestudent​, , @tashy-bear​, @krazykatkay456​, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill​ @beachystars​, @rodriguez025​, @kickstart-myheart-sixx​, @s-outhie​, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls​, @vintagebox​ @shamelessobsessions​, @jerseytaint​@criminalyetminimal​, @trapt-in-a-dream​,  @broke-n-bitchy,  @lovesick-heart0​, @keepcalm-and-beyou​, @miriampraez​, @teenwolflover28​, @lilyhw1​, @herbertweeest​, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001​,  @waywardprincess666​, @iluvmesomemarvelndc​, @zoenicoles​, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london​, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist , @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier  @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991, @xpoisonousrosesx,  @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @youretheonlyonewhomakesme,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 @rocknroll--baby @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, @idkmanhereisshitilike, @makaelahdelvalle
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"Maybe...maybe I can send them flowers? Everyone likes flowers right? Or send a muffin basket. People like to eat when someone dies." I rambled on and on as Nikki followed me through the house.
"I should just call right? It shows I care more than sending flowers or sweet treats. That's what I would like. Should I do that? What do you think I should do?" I took a deep breath in, trying to keep the tears from coming as I picked up scattered toys from both Arianna and Anarchy.
"Vanity.." Nikki spoke softly as he put his hand on my shoulder. I exhaled deeply before covering my face.
"How do I say I'm sorry for the lost of your child?"  I croak, sobbing into my hands as he pulled me flush against his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his chin on my shoulder
Mick had called just a little while ago explaining to us that Sharise called to let him know Skylar had passed away due to complications from her cancer diagnosis. Mick mentioned Vince was a mess and couldn't pick up the phone.
Nikki kisses the back of my head. I hear him sniffling too, "Y-you should call him.." I turn in his embrace to face him, "He's your brother. You should reach out, he's probably in so much pain right now."
Nikki disagreed as he shook his head which caused me to cry harder, "I-I can't do that. He barely answered my calls months ago. He wouldn't answer them now. Especially not right now. He has his friends and family, Vanity."
I take a few deep breaths in through my nose as I try to relax, "Do you still have his number? I'll call him. It's-it's out of respect Nikki. Imagine if it was-if it was Ari.." I get worked up again, tears pouring out as I wipe at them to the point that it hurt.
"I don't want to think of that." He looks at me, rubbing his hand over his face before it rests over his mouth as he's thinking, "Just say whatever you need to say to feel better." He tells me as he reaches for the phone, punching in numbers before he's holding it out for me.
I take the phone stepping over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, he breathes in deeply before giving my hip a squeeze and goes out to the backyard with the dog.
I sit down on the couch, hearing the phone ring before a grumbled voice answers, "H-hey Vinny...it's Vanity. Vanity Blackwood.." I hear Vince's sigh of annoyance, "Mick just called...I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't even begin to imagine what you're going through.."
Vince laughs a bit, "Yeah. Right. Look, I don't need to hear a pity party especially from you."
I frown a bit at his harsh tone seeping through the phone, "It's not like that at all Vince. We're still friends even if you and Nikki aren't...at least I think we are?"
"You and Nikki and your happy little family can just fuck the hell off! Don't call me again, Vanity."
My eyes water as I try to blink back tears, seeing Nikki standing at the glass door smoking a cigarette and looking at me, "Vince, it's not like that at all, I swear to you. I am sorry for your guys's fallout but I am just coming to you as a parent, that's all. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am and if you or Sharise need anything at all just let me know."
"I don't need shit from you."
"Vince-" I put the phone down when I hear the dial tone on the other line. I run my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends as I sink into the couch. I should have just chose the nice flower bouquet and an apology note.
I close my eyes, hearing the sliding door open and shut before Nikki sits on the couch next to me. I raise his arm and curl up into his side, "He just said for me and my happy family to fuck off."
"He's upset and mourning doll...he doesn't mean it." I nod as I breathe in the scent of cigarette smoke and old spice deodorant.
"I know. Maybe I'll try Sharise."
Nikki sighed before reaching with his other hand to grasp my chin, pointing my head upwards to look at him, "Not right now Van, let her be with her parents. I'm sure she'll be with Vince too and they have each other. I know you have nothing but good intentions but just let it be for now, okay?"
I look at Nikki, nodding slowly as my eyes burn and sting with tears, "Okay..."
*Tommy's POV*
I yawned following Nikki around the antique store as he checked out some tables and lamps. I fumbled with some clock before Nikki scolded me like a child to put it down before I broke it, "Dude this store is boring.." I groan as we go further into the shop.
"God, you're worse than Arianna. I can't find anything anyways. I probably have to go to the shop out in Santa Barbra." Nikki tells me as we start heading back to front of the store, we wave bye to the shop clerk before walking through the mall.
I tune Nikki out as he starts going on about how he wants to redo the decor for his office. My eyes wander to the bright fluorescent lights of the jewelry store as my feet take me into its direction, "Hold on man, I want to look at something real quick."
I've been thinking about proposing to Clementine as we've been together for a little over a year now. Clem and I have never really talked about marriage other than my last two failed ones, "How'd you know you wanted to propose to Van? And how did you know it was the right time?" I turn to Nikki as I open up the door and walk in.
He chuckles a bit, "Uh...I don't know man? I just knew. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I know some people think we rushed into getting engaged and despite how everything is at the moment, I love her and I don't think I could ever imagine her being away from me. Why?"
"I don't know...with Clem being pregnant and everything I've just been thinking about asking her to marry me. I rushed with the other two and I just don't want to make the same mistake."
"Tommy, if you think you have to be married just because she's pregnant and society tells you it's the right thing to do then you're dumb. It's okay to not be tied up just in case it doesn't work out."
I shook my head looking at some rings in the glass case, "No, I don't want to marry her just because she's pregnant. I want to marry her because I love her. I just don't want her to feel pressured, I know you don't like her that much but I don't want her to freak out on me."
"Are you to gentleman looking for something in particular? I'd be happy to help." A busty redhead comes up to me and Nikki "Were having a sale today, our rings start at five thousand and it's 15% off for customizing."
I shake my head, "No thank you, I'm just looking for now.."
"Well, do you have anything that screams I'm sorry for being an asshole and I love you?" Nikki questioned as the woman laughed.
"Our diamond tennis bracelets are right over here. They're always a winner and they start at twenty five hundred."
"Thanks, I'll take a look around." Nikki tells her as I laugh a bit.
"In the dog house again?" I question as I bend down, finding a diamond on a simple gold band.
"When am I not in the fucking dog house?" I hear the eye roll in his voice, "I-I went on another date with Donna, but I didn't come home until the morning so Van thinks I'm sleeping with her now but I'm not. She'll barely say anything to me, but I'm not allowed to get mad when she's up late at night talking to whoever that guy is she's been seeing. All laughing and giggling and talking sweet. It makes me want to vomit."
"Well maybe you two shouldn't be seeing other people. That just sounds bad already, but sounds explosive for you two in particular. You really haven't slept with Donna? She's super hot."
We both smirks at each other like naughty school boys, "Yeah, she is isn't she? But no, I swear on Nonas grave I haven't slept with her. Just heavy make out sessions but nope, I've kept my dick in my pants. Would like it to go inside Van but she's being, well, she's being Van."
I laughed a bit as I glanced at some other rings, "Hate to break it to you man, but that's never gonna change. You think Clem would like that one?" I point to a silver band with an oval shaped diamond and a few smaller diamond wrapping around it.
I watched as Nikki shrugged, "I don't know man. It's simple but gets the point across. Clementine doesn't strike me as someone who would want a big fancy diamond that could be used as a paper weight."
I waved over that same redhead from earlier, "Uh...Maxine? Can I see that ring right there please?"
I wait and watch as Maxine unlocks the glass case, seeing Nikki wander off to go look at earrings. I smile when the ring is laid on a black velvet platform for me. I gently pick it up, seeing the jewels sparkle under the light. The inclusions of the diamonds created a rainbow affect as I tilted it back and forth between my finger tips.
"I think I'll take it. She needs a size 7."
"Oh that's wonderful! This is a very beautiful ring and any woman would be lucky to have it. Let me get it sized and wrapped up for you and I'll meet you at the cash register." Maxine tells me as she takes the ring and heads to the back.
I go over to Nikki seeing him holding up a gold tennis bracelet but every other stone was a ruby, or a garnet. I could never tell the difference.
"These dangler earrings would go absolutely perfect with the bracelet." The other woman tried selling it as Nikki shook his head.
"No, she doesn't like the dangler earrings. They get caught in her hair. But she has a pair of ruby studs that would go with them. It's her birthstone. But I for sure want the bracelet. Can you wrap it up nice for me? With the gold paper."
"Yes sir, of course."
We go up to the cash register as Maxine helps me first, she opens the box and shows me the ring before putting it in a red bag, "You made a very good selection. Are we going to be doing payments on the ring?"
I clear my throat hearing Nikki chuckle behind me, "No ma'am, I want to pay it in full." I grab my wallet from my back pocket and pull out my gold American Express credit card.
"Very well then, it will be a total of 23,700$." God, Clem's gonna kill me. I pay for the ring and thank her for helping. I step to the side for Nikki to come up.
"It's okay buddy, Vans ring was 85,000$ and we didn't even get married." He tells me as I rolled my eyes, "It's just collecting dust in my underwear drawer now."
"That will be 2,800$" I hear Nikki mumble something about a princess before he digs his wallet out and groans.
"She took my card the other day and didn't put it back." I watch as he then starts pulling out hundreds and fifties.
"Jesus Christ Nikki.." I shake my head "You really keep that much money in your wallet?"
We both walk out of the store after, "I really hope Clemmy likes it...you think she will?"
Nikki glances at me, "Yeah man. She should at least. It's a nice ring and if she doesn't then it's not the end of the world you can always take it back for it to be customized or she can pick out her own ring. It will be fine T."
"I'm sure it will be too, but you know I get nervous sometimes." I confide in him as he nods, "Have you heard from Vince?"
Nikki takes a deep breath before exhaling, "No, Vanity tried calling him but he was not very welcoming about it. But we sent Sharise flowers the other day. Have you?"
I shook my head, "I sent him an email and expressed my condolences. I did get ahold of Sharise though...she was nice. Even said we can go to Skylar's service if we wanted too, but I don't know...I feel like Vince wouldn't be too happy about that. It fucking sucks man. I couldn't ever imagine what it's like to lose a kid."
"Yeah man, I know-" I wait until Nikki unlocks his car and we both get in, "Vanity cried for hours over it then we had to explain to Arianna why she was crying. That was hard to do, but I think she sorta grasped the concept of death. I just hope we don't have to tell her again for a long time. I can't stand seeing her little bottom lip quiver or her eyebrows pulling together in confusion like that."
"Do you think I'll be a good dad? I had a good dad and I turned out fine, no offense to you. But what if I'm not good enough or there for them enough?" I slump back into the seat as I roll down the window.
"Yeah thanks for that." He laughs a bit, "I think being a dad is easier than being a rockstar. Some days are harder than others. But you have a good head on your shoulders, plus you have Clementine and wasn't she a big help in New York?"
"I mean yeah she was, but it's different when it's your own kid I think. I should read some of those parenting books. You think that would help?"
"I don't know, Tommy? I've never read them, plus kinda missed out on the whole newborn baby thing, remember?"
"Well yeah, but aren't you two gonna have more? You'd read them then right?" I ask him as he just stays quiet and focused on the road, "You two have to have more kids. Arianna needs siblings."
"Tommy, you're asking a lot of hard questions. Van and I can barely get along at the moment. We haven't had sex since Valentine's Day, and when we did she made me wear a condom. I would like to have more kids with her, but right now is just not a good time for me and her." Nikki explains to me, but I can hear the pain in his voice. I always knew how much he loved her, how he would give his last dying breath to have her.
"I don't know why you two put yourselves through this. You two aren't in your twenties anymore, I mean shit Nikki, you're almost forty."
"Shut the fuck up." Nikki reaches over and punches my arm, "I know how old I am and I'm reminded every time Vanity points out a grey hair."
"Do you tell her she's the reason why you have grey hair? Because it's probably true."
*Nikki's POV*
I stand in front of Vanity, blocking the tv with the gift bag behind my back. Her eyes dart up to mine and she gives out a sigh of annoyance, "What Nikki?"
"What Nikki?" I mock her tone, laughing as she glares at me. I sit down on the chaise part of the sectional and hold out the gold bag by my index finger, "I got something, you want it?" I raise my eyebrows and a smirk plastered on my lips as she rolls her eyes and sits forward and reaches for it, "Ah, Ah, Ah...say please."
"You're annoying." Van says as she leans her head back against the couch, "May I please have it?"
"Why of course princess." I place the bag on her lap, chuckling a bit when she throws the tissue paper at me before pulling out a long velvet box. I see her look at me a moment before she opens it. She tries to downplay her smile as she clips the gold and ruby bracelet around her wrist, "Do you like it?"
Van nods as she looks at me, her cheeks warm and pink "Thank you, Nikki. It's really pretty."
"You're welcome doll. I figured it would help with an apology...I'm sorry I didn't tell you I would be staying the night with her. I'm sure I worried you when I didn't call. And I know Arianna was upset, believe me, she let me know. But I am sorry Van." I express softly as I move closer to her on the couch, taking her wrist in my hand as I look at the bracelet.
"I'm just mad that you spent the night with her and I'm stuck here overthinking about what you may or may not be doing. I don't like thinking of that stuff but I can't help it." She explains as I take her hand and press my lips to the top of her knuckles.
"I know princess. And I'm sorry for that. I know you overthink and get anxious sometimes, I shouldn't feed into it. But I promise you Van, I didn't do anything with her and I haven't done anything and I'm not gonna do anything. Okay?" I feel her intertwine our hands together as I look at her and repeat myself, "Okay?"
She stares at me a moment "Okay...but you better mean that Nikki or I swear to god, I'll move out if you even put the fucking tip in."
I grin as I lean over and kiss her cheek "What about a hand job? Will you still move out?" I laugh when she smacks my chest, "Have you slept with that guy you're seeing? What's his name?"
Van laughs turning her head to the side before looking at me, "His name is Jon, and no I haven't slept with him. I haven't even kissed him unlike you that comes home with a hickey." She points out before poking the fading bruise on the side of my neck.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What does he look like?"
"Um...well, he's taller than me. Has short, shaggy brown hair with some highlights. His ears are pierced and he has a few tattoos." She shrugs, "He travels back and forth between Jersey and here.." I see her glance at me as I nod.
"Oh cool. Some business dude? And you aren't bored of him? I'm surprised."
"Well...not really business like you're thinking..."
"Are you gonna see him again?" I question, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before her neck, smirking against her skin when she tilts her head.
"Yeah..next weekend. He has something planned for us.." I hear the shaky breath as my teeth gently nip her.
"He calls a lot doesn't he? That's nice of him, to check up on you...does he know about me? About us?" I question, letting my hand slide up and down her bare thigh under the blanket she's wrapped up in, finger tips dipping under the bottom hem of her pajama shorts.
Van nodded, relaxing against the couch, "He was very surprised to know that I knew you and that we have a relationship."
A deep chuckle escapes my lips as I grip her jaw in my palm and turn her head to look at me, "I'm surprised that didn't scare him off. How could an average joe live up to a rockstar?" I question, seeing her glance at my lips before looking back at me, "He couldn't please you like I could. Someone that already knows all your wants and needs...someone that knows how to get you going so easily." My hand falls from her jaw to wrap around her throat, squeezing just slightly as a I hear her quiet whimper. My eyes close when Van presses her lips against mine, her hands entangling themselves in my hair.
I reach for her arms and pull her onto my lap, her thighs straddling mine as I deepen the kiss. I grab a hold of hair in my fist, tilting her head back as I lick a stripe from the bottom of her throat to the top. I feel her nails digging into my chest before her fingers grip my shirt. Van presses her body against mine as she wraps her arms around me, she breaks the kiss her eyes staying closed as she rests her forehead against mine.
We stay like that for a moment before she tells me she loves me. I smile and peck her lips softly, "I love you too." My hands slide down her shoulders, taking the flimsy strap of the tank top with me as she does the rest of the work and pulls her arms out. I kiss across her chest as she holds my head in place. My tongue swirls around her nipples before I tug on them. My eyes glancing up at her as she moans and her head tilts back.
Her ass grinds against the tent in my sweatpants as I bite back my own moans and grunts. I feel her hand go between us as she dips inside my pants and boxers and starts jerking me off.
"Fuck me.." I groan, closing my eyes as my head rolls  from side to side. She leans closer, her tongue darting out against my neck as she kisses and sucks a bruise onto me. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth as I feel my cock leaking pre cum only for Vanity to gather it and use it while she strokes me. I start breathing heavier, feeling her speed up her ministrations as her thumb swipes over the tip repeatedly, "Fuck, Van...you're doing so good baby." I run my thumb over her bottom lip as she smiles, playfully biting it before taking it between her lips.
We both jump and she gives me a particularly hard squeeze when the house phone starts ringing. Annoyed, I reach for it on the the couch and say hello, tilting my head when Van kisses my neck.
"Is Vanity available?" I hear another mans voice as I roll my eyes.
"Yeah. Hold on." I take the phone away and hand it to her, "It's for you. I think it's your boyfriend." I smirk at her as she takes the phone from me.
I lean forward pressing my lips to her her neck and collar bone as she grips my hair and tries to pull me away, "No, no Jon I'm not busy. No, it's okay. I'm just watching TV." I look up at her as i move my head down, letting my tongue swirl around her nipple again before pinching the other one.
"Ye-yeah I'm okay!-" she gasps rather loudly when I bite down, "No, it's just the show I'm watching, um..just a soap opera. I'm a sucker for drama." She mouths 'stop' to me but I just shake my head.
"I'm doing okay, just been working and being a mom. Nothing to interesting going on over here. How about you? I miss you too Jon." I quirk an eyebrow towards her before shoving my hand into her shorts, feeling her panties and herself absolutely soaked. I slot a finger through her folds before rubbing soft circles against her clit. I laugh when she reaches for my hand to stop me.
"Is that Nikki? Um....yeah that's Nikki...soap operas are his guilty pleasure." Van grabs my shoulder when I slide two fingers in her, curling up against her immediately.
"Fuck...Jon I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon?" I look up at Van with adoring eyes as I reach to press a kiss to her chin, twisting and pumping my fingers inside her faster as a small cry leaves her pretty lips.
I place soft and delicate kisses on her neck as I hear his muffled voice on the other line. Van stares at me with bright eyes, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth as I push another finger inside of her.
"Mhmm...yes that's-that's fine Jon! Just-I gotta go....oh fuck.." I watch as her body tenses, her eyes closing shut but her lips parting as I feel her nails claw at the back of my neck when she rides out her high.
I smirk at her when I take my hand out of her pants and bring my fingers to my lips, "N-no...I'm good..I just stubbed my toe really hard. I'll talk to you tomorrow Jon, okay? Goodnight." Vanity hangs up and throws the phone down, shoving on my chest as I laugh "It's not funny, Nikki! That's embarrassing!"
"Oh come on-" I roll my eyes, "You seemed to like it very much, maybe a little too much." I grin as she shoves me again.
"I can't fucking stand you." Vanity tells me as she pretends to put up a fight, but I see the playful smirk on her face before she's pressing her chest to mine and kissing me again.
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causticsunshine · 3 years
i was tagged by both the lovely @dyingstars-x and @harrymegirlfriend to answer twenty questions about myself! this was a lot more candid than i anticipated but here we go~
💗what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
💗when is your birthday?
july 21st! cancer season baybee
💗where do you live?
in the US! i've been in the pacific northwest for about eight years but i'm definitely still a californian at heart
💗three things you’re doing right now?
1. jobhunting 2. trying to open my online shop 3. attempting™️ to finish deadline stuff and this HSLOT drawing i've been working on since saturday 🤞🤞
💗four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
i go through little phases where i have my one big primary interest—one dee since returning to it last summer—that sticks around for awhile and then some smaller, less involved ones that tend to come and go, so i'd say right now the only other 'fandom' i'm kinda in is for MDZ/the untamed/cql, even though i'm a very late member to the party!
💗how is the pandemic treating you?
okay i guess? i'd really like to be moved out already as being in therapy and gaining confidence since my big mental breakdown last fall—accompanied with quitting my job of nearly four years that didn't get me anywhere in life—i've realized how many unhealthy behaviors and mindsets are perpetuated in my household and how they're....really not good for me at all. but i also know i can't get to the place i'd like to be mentally and emotionally without moving out, i also can't move out until i find a 9-5 with bennies with all my health problems + me losing my insurance in the new year so it's been....a time.
buuuut besides the soul crushing terror of being an adult living at home with people who don't understand you, i'm confident now and a lot of my mindsets have changed to healthier ones and i've regained my love of art and being creative?
💗song you can’t stop listening to right now?
it's a combination of 'i wish i never met you' by loote, 'crowd' by sophie cates, and...... 'stay' by the kid laroi + justin bieber (although i think that one's just an earworm i need to work out lmao)
💗recommend a movie
i just got to rewatch 'cowboy bebop: the movie' and it's sooo fun....(spoilers) i know the ending of the anime is supposed to be purposefully open as it just covers a section of time in the characters' lives where they're all together but i kinda wish i'd watched the movie after as opposed to when it takes place because it's a little bit...of a nicer (and much clearer) wrap up!
💗how old are you?
twenty five 🧓
💗school, university, occupation, other?
currently jobhunting for a Boring grown up job just for some regularity and insurance (and $$ to get my ass OUT) but i want to take on freelance commission work again too! i dropped out of uni in like 2018 because the school i was going to kept fucking me over with credits just to get my associate's but maybe i'll go back one day.....maybe.....
💗do you prefer hot or cold?
HOT only because it's so gd cold and wet where i live now and even when the summers are warm they're super short and don't compensate for the months i spend not moving out of arthritis pain and freezing my ass off
💗name one fact others may not know about you.
i always come up with fun ones when i don't have any reason to share them lmao but i guess.....staying on-brand with 1d stuff, and i might've said this before, but louis gave me my first bout of gender envy that i recognized as actual gender envy when i was like, fifteen? and as i was coming out of my obvious emo phase into one more subdued, i totally dressed like twink louis for almost a year....haircut and everything....
if i can find the one photo i'm thinking of i'll post it but until then use your imagination sjkgdf
💗are you shy?
i can be? i think once i vibe with someone enough it becomes easy to talk to and open up to them but before that i can be pretty closed off and a bit impersonal.
💗do you have any preferred pronouns?
💗any pet peeves?
i'm one of those 'people talking or random noise being made near me while i'm trying to concentrate on something fuels my murder response out of nowhere' people but otherwise...outside of common courtesy/manners stuff being ignore, i don't think so? although i genuinely hate when people walk right behind me or right in front of me...shit makes me anxious and ticks me off dfjkngdf i got shit to do!!
💗what’s your favourite “dere” type?
am i boring if i say tsundere just because it's relatable? although dorodere is kinda fun in the right setting....i love a good character twist!
💗rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
i'd say a 5? there's a lot more i want to do and achieve and things i know i could have right now if my ADHD and anxiety didn't still have such a death grip on me but i'm also in the best headspace i've been in in years so i'll take that as a win!
💗what’s your main blog?
this one!
💗list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
swmpwxtch is my art-only blog because i'm slow at finishing things and know there's no point trying to make this an 'art blog' when i reblog so much, and then prickelndauge is my insp blog (so if you're wondering why there's a startling lack of fashion and art on this blog, it's mostly over there!), then i have one for creepy/spooky stuff (bonepickng) because i know not a lot of people want to see that on main, aaaaand am-ref a ref blog for art tips, life things, donation pools, etc.! (and some old urls i have saved)
💗is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
at the risk of sounding like a YA protagonist: my heart is full of love and i try to be as understanding and open as i can be but i also have a very short bullshit fuse, so while i'm still happily understanding of certain behaviors and mindsets, if you cross the line that i put very bluntly in the sand, you're not crossing back over.
(ie i love my friends but don't be a dick and if you are you get one warning and that's all <3)
uhhh i know a lot of people got tagged already and have done this so! i'll be tagging @grimmpitch @hershelsue @niallnailme @dragmedown @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @justmehernthemoon @non-binharry @genius0flove @mamaharry @theymetinthetoihlet @saintqueer and uhhh anyone else that would like to!! and if you've done this already please ignore me~
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The sweet, kind, and handsome @dangerghost20 and @hermionegrindr tagged me to answer 20 questions and tag 20 mutuals, which is a challenge im always happy to take on lol
Name: Nathaniel
Pronouns: he, him, they, them
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 5' 6"
Time: it is currently 6:45 P.M. and 77° here in LA
Birthday: July 12
Nationality: Mexican American
Fave bands/groups: Explosions In The Sky, Smashing Pumpkins, Cafe Tacvba, Zoé, Girl in A Coma, Gorillaz, TWICE, Queen, those are the ones off the top of my head
Fave solo artists: Amy Winehouse, Donna Sunmer, Childish Gambino, Erykah Badu, Jack Johnson ive been relistening to and hes good
When you made your blog: the first i made was in like 2009 a little after High School but this ones been here for 3 years now 😊
Why you chose your URL: its a play on the The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy but i switched it up because i was really into self depricating Sadboi memes and was working on a couple issues on a Zine about the Sadculture.
Last show you binged: i honestly cant remember because ive been trying to watch movies i either havent seen in a while or just havent seen at all BUT the last show i watched more than 4 or 5 episodes was Will And Grace because i hadnt rewatched it in a while and i loved it growin up
Following count: 🤷‍♂️
Follower count: 🤷‍♂️ i honestly dont really like to check because theyre probably mostly porn bots haha
Average sleep hours: anywhere from 3 to 7 lol
Other/side blogs: haha i MIGHT be working on one with some semi NSFW stuff so i reblog everybodys secczie selfies
Last thing you googled: guitar case for a Gretsch Gin Ricky haha
Lucky number: 2
Currently wearing: overalls and white t shirt 😁 ive been wanting a pair for a while now so i said fuck it and picked me up a pair.
Instrument: Bass, Guitar, Ukulele, but im trying to really learn some music theory so i can just use that knowledge and be able to pick up any other instrument that peaks my interest
Dream Trip: Currently, the idea of booking a cabin and spending rhe weekend reading, relaxing, etc, sounds like heaven.
Fave food: please dont make me decide haha its so hard!!! Of course i love Italian, but Mexican has my heart, and Asian as a whole I will never stop learning from. I dont think a lot of people know how "top" cuisines like the kind they teach in culinary school (French, Italian) are suuuuper white washed and they fit Asian into less time than each and it does it 0 justice.....from what ive been told lol
Fave song: haha this ones still a hard one. Mediodia by Café Tacvba probably. But currently ive had Velur by Zoé and Empire Ants by Gorillaz on a loop
Top three fictional universe: Middle Earth, The Last Airbender, DC Universe. Haha
Thank you guys again for the tag!!! You guys are the best!!!
Ok, so as always, no pressure if i tag you 😊 its more if youre bored or are into it. I legit might just tag everyone
@campcrow @anti-socialhero @vanilla-beam @lawfulneurotic @yddaw @chubb-e-cheese @zelmoe @deciduousgay @daringdog-cal @lovekato-chan @xpheliax @ricky-rawrasaurus-rex @jockoppressor @flaming-ramen @midians-world @cheeselesstaco @kitsune-kaos @thelittlestdeer @dropitlowbandit @thatonebenguy @spidereyed-mossboy @vidibit @concretehhearts @grandprise @bat-manly @linguisticparadox @princess420 @ragsweas @we-dont-matteratall @catgifsinthesenate @probioticstan @death-stranded @onlyyams @theawkwardgayfanboy @jiakki @sailor-freddie-mercury @505913568 @sunnyboy94 @gallifreanpotterhead @poisoned-vitamin-water @uptown-rat @icanbarelyswim @smileandcutthings
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
This is totally up to you if you want to answer this ask: What were Nesta's parents like? Their names, personalities, jobs, where they came from etc. Also curious about Nesta's aunt and uncle too :)
Okay, I SWEAR, I was gonna try and keep this brief. I literally whisper-screamed said to myself, “Keep it brief, Cara.”
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Nesta, Elain, and Feyre’s Parents: Tim and Ines (neé Afonso) Archeron. Tim was a third-generation native Californian, Ines was, as we know, from Portugal 🇵🇹
Archeron Grandparents:
Tim’s dad Rick was an attorney (and an antisemtic prick, see Nesta’s mention of him in Fucking Lawyers for an example).
His mom Marie was a housewife.
Rick was a functional alcoholic “big drinker” and died when Nesta was 14, Marie died while she was in college.
Afonso Grandparents:
Ines’s father Sebastião was a professor of Antiquities at The Univeristy of Coimbra
Her mother Heloísa worked in her father’s butcher shop until she had Ines (she a dope cook, y’all).
Sebastião died two years before In Vino Veritas starts. Heloísa is the only of the four grandparents still alive.
(SIDENOTE: can we fucking TALK about what she’s gonna say when she meets tall dark and gorgeous Portuguese-speaking wine expert Cassian??)
Heloísa: *in Portuguese* Amorzinho, why have you not married this man yet?
Nesta: Avó, stop!
Heloísa: *still in Portuguese and well within earshot of Cash* If I was forty years younger I would marry him myself!
Tim & Ines (background):
They were both lawyers, they met in law school at Stanford (high achieving runs in the family).
Tim was worked as an M&A (mergers and acquisitions) attorney (can be boring shit but a lotta moneyyy). Ines was a special prosecutor trying drug companies for malpractice and fraud (social justice warrior FTW)
They both worked a LOT, especially when the girls were really little, so the girls were raised by a nanny named Benigna (Beni). Ines had insisted on a nanny who spoke Portuguese, and Beni was from Brazil.
Beni got unexpectedly sick when Nesta was 10, and she died after a too-brief battle with breast cancer.
It was Nesta’s first real experience with loss and she was inconsolably heartbroken, making Tim and Ines realize that they’d allowed their children to be almost completely raised by someone else, and that the girls had basically just suffered the loss of a parent.
At that point Ines decided to cut back to working half time to spend time with the girls, who were 10, 6, and 4.
Between losing Beni and her parents having been gone so much when she was little, Nesta was incredibly anxious to please her parents and make them proud. She was involved in a lot of activities and was very hard on herself, especially for a child. She was serious and dedicated, and though Ines tried to calm the best of Nesta’s outward fretting, she didn’t know how to cope with the more deeply-routed issues of Nesta’s compulsion to be the best. Instead she wrote it off as Nesta being incredibly bright and kept signing Nesta up for activities and paying for any private lessons, competitions, workshops etc. that Nesta expressed interest in. (Look, Nesta had to have something to tell her therapist about)
Starting the year Beni died, they began to take trips to Portugal every summer to see Nesta’s avô and avozinha.
before that, they’d only gone a handful of times, and Sebastiâo and Heloísa were thrilled.
Tim wasn’t close to his parents because of his dad was verbally abusive and his mother was permissive and enabling, so Nesta and the girls were much closer to her avô and avozinha.
Her grandfather spoke English but her grandmother didn’t really, so they spoke almost exclusively Portuguese when they were there (Tim was just sorta...j chilling with his incredibly mediocre Portuguese—he only usually stayed a week anyways, and he worked the whole time).
At home they spoke a mixture, Ines often spoke to the girls in Portuguese and they replied in English unless she insisted otherwise.
Family Ties...
Tim’s closest friend from law school (and the best man at his f*cking wedding) was Beron Vanserra.
Ines was not really a fan but she just sort of tolerated Beron for Tim’s sake, and Beron was clever enough to mostly behave when she was around, though he was definitely the friend who was always trying to coax Tim on a coke-filled bender to Vegas every time her back was turned
Whereas Tim and Ines had children later in life (Ines had Nesta at 35, Elain at 39, and Feyre at 41), Beron married his college sweetheart right out of law school, popped out two boys—August and Adrian—and fucked off for a younger wife. They got divorced without kids after like...a year
His third wife, Flavia, became good friends with Ines. She had her first boy, Eris, three years before Ines had Nesta. They were both pregnant around the same time with their seconds, Lucien and Elain.
The two couples were close and they took vacations together etc. AKA...the kids played together a lot as kids.
Tween/teen Nesta had an ENORMOUS crush on Eris. A senior in HS when she was a freshman, he...did not give a shit. When they ran into each other three years later (Nesta: 18 and two years into raising her two tween sisters and Eris: 21 and a swaggering senior prick at USC) and he hit on her that she was decided she hated him, lol
When Nesta was 14 (Eris: 17, Elain/Lucien: 10, Feyre: 8), it came out that Flavia had been having a longgggg term on-again, off-again affair with her college sweetheart. Screaming matches and paternity tests ensued...and it came out that Lucien was not Beron’s
Ines supported Flavia when Beron filed for divorce and came after Flavia with a VENGEANCE. Ines got Flavia a sick-ass divorce attorney, and sis cleaned up in the divorce 🧹 🧼 🧽 💵 . She and Beron had a very strained custody agreement, where Lucien mostly lived with his mom and saw his “dad” (Beron) only occasionally. Eris, who was about to go to college and was mad at his mom for this embarrassing secret, lived with Beron.
Tim, put off by how Beron handled Lucien’s paternity, distanced himself from Beron, and they were never close after that.
When Tim and Ines died, Flavia was one of the people who stepped up the most to help. Nesta was fiercely independent about the whole thing, but Flavia did babysit for Nesta when she had her own activities, and sometimes she would fill the Archeron fridge with groceries or do the mountain of laundry or take the younger girls back-to-school clothes shopping. Still, she was quiet about it knowing that Nesta considered herself a failure for any little thing she couldn’t do for her sisters.
Tim and Ines (personalities):
Tim was easy-going and fairly mild.
Of the three girls, Elain is most like him in temperament.
Like his dad, Tim was a total workaholic. He loved his daughters a lot, always bragging about them to colleagues and friends, but he wasn’t really around enough to really show them.
As a result, his main role as a parent was spoiling them with things.
Tim’s dad had been the diciplinarian, so Tim hated “being the bad guy” and was thus incredibly permissive. On the rare occasions that he was in charge of the girls alone for a weekend, there were...literally no rules.
Had he been alive, Tim would have strongly encouraged Nesta’s decision to pursue law school. He likely would have been more skeptical of Feyre’s choice to pursue fine art.
Ines was more type-A in her personality
Of the three, Nesta is most like her
As the daughter of a classics professor, she had a great love of classical art and music. She would have been pleased that Elain planned to be an academic like her Avô. She also highly encouraged Nesta’s pursuit of opera even though HS Nesta secretly would have rather done musical theatr (like literally any other teenager?)
Ines had been very close to her parents growing up and had planned to return to Portugal when she graduated law school; even though she loved Tim, she was sad when that didn’t happen
She was very nurturing with her girls, but less tolerant of them acting out. Appearances were important to her, and she expected her girls to be well-behaved.
Nesta, always desperate to please, was praised by every adult who ever met her for being perfectly well-behaved
Elain, easy-going and somewhat shy, was quiet and complaint by nature. She never caused problems and rarely even cried
Feyre, a fiercely independent spirit from day one, did not give a FUCK about making a scene if the need arose. Oh, it’s Christmas and Mamã bought Feyre a pretty dress to wear in the Christmas photos? Who cares; not Feyre! She wants to wear her Jasmine costume from Halloween, and if Mamã says she can’t, Feyre is PERFECTLY happy to make a good huge scene in the middle of the bougee photography studio...
Ines was an only child, Tim just had the one younger brother named Mike. Mike was the “disappointment” according to Rick, because he chose to major in communications and had no interest in law school.
Mike is incredibly unassuming and lived in Tim’s popular, affable shadow. Not lame but definitely unremarkable
The Archerons grew up in the affluent Beach town of Santa Barbara, but Mike was so vexed by his parents he move 385 miles away to Sacramento (if you know California, WEIRD flex on Sacramento of all places, but you do you Mikey)
He married a very sweet middle class girl named Linda and got a job in Insurance
They never had kids of their own, and though he and Tim were friendly, they didn’t really get together much because they just had vastly different lives/lifestyles
Mike and Linda were shocked and sort of bewildered when Tim and Ines died and they were awarded custody of the girls (literally do you not really know what it is to agree to be someone’s legal guardian, Michael ???) and they sort of started haphazardly making plans to move the girls up to Sacramento, even though every time Nesta called they weren’t much farther on arrangements.
Elain and Feyre FREAKED out when they were told they’d be leaving home and their friends and moving to Sacramento with Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda (10 yo Feyre: I HATE Sacramento, it’s a shithole!) and when Mike and Linda still didn’t really have any helpful insights on schools, etc (the Archeron girls all attended private school) Nesta decided the move made no sense.
She basically announced that they weren’t gonna move and that she was just going to handle the girls. Mike and LInda sort of (vaguely) protested before being like “yeah you right, we suck at this”. They still controlled Tim and Ines’s estate and helped Nesta deal with all that, but she took it over the MINUTE she turned 18 and they didn’t really have any part after that besides sheepishly calling like “so...hows everything going? Are you liking school okay?” 🤦‍♀️
Nesta tried to make an effort to be closer with them when they were all younger but like...as adults the Archeron girls have sort of tacitly agreed that Mike and Linda are sweet and they’re family but like...they aren’t that much fun to be around. They’d much rather go to sushi and get drunk on Christmas Eve rather than go to Sacramento and force polite conversation with their aunt and uncle
Okay so yeah! There is a far too detailed thing about her parents, hope you enjoy!
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Stone cold- B. Hargrove
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Contemplating a pt.2. Let me know if y’all want a second one!! Hope you like it!
For the lovely @winter-captain-01!!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
Y/N was rough.
She was the type of girl to punch a guy in the face if he dared touch her ass without her permission.
She was the type of girl to give as good as she gets, against both men and women.
She was dangerous, she was intimidating, and she did it all with her staple black heels on her small feet.
Yet still, Billy couldn’t get enough of the girl who challenged him every step of the way.
Their first meeting sent his heart rate skyrocketing along with his anger levels.
She had parked her Canary Yellow ‘57 Chevy Bel Air a tad too close to his Camaro and without looking he flicked his half done cigarette right on to the hood of her car.
She saw red when she saw him do so.
Naturally, she picked the cigarette up, ensuring it was no longer burning before proceeding to crumble it into his perfectly combed mullet.
He felt the crumbles hit his scalp, still slightly warm from being lit and he turned to thump whoever had the audacity to try something smart with him. Until his eyes fell on the girl.
The first thing he noticed was the height difference. He concluded that the only reason she was able to stretch her arms high enough to reach above his head was on account of the high stilettos her feet were resting in.
“Who the fuck do you think you-“
“Listen here, asswipe,” she snarled at him, stepping a fraction of an inch closer to appear more threatening. Despite the further incline the action placed on her neck. “That ‘Bitch’ crown on your head isn’t too heavy for me to knock off, so flick a dart at my car again, and it’ll go flying.”
Billy smirked at her, rolling his tongue along his teeth in a way he knew captured many girls in the past.
Not this one.
Y/N turned on her heels, sauntering back to her car.
Billy shamelessly watched her behind and her legs as she walked, mind racing with all of the ways he was going to get her to fall to her knees for him.
She turned her head as she opened the door, noticing his gaze. She whistled loudly, snapping his attention from her ass to her face, where he was met with the sight of her middle finger.
Billy practically groaned at the sound of her Chevy starting up, and speeding out of the school parking lot.
What he didn’t notice was the same car stop at the middle school where his sister went to retrieve a certain curly haired boy.
And his friends.
She leaned her head out of the window, eyeing the group.
“Turd burgers!” They all peaked their head up at the sound of her voice, knowing it well. “Asses in seats, feet better be clean.”
She leaned inside, pulling a stick of gum from
The center console and popping it into her mouth as she watched the four boys wave goodbye to a girl.
They climbed in and she remained, skateboard in hand and a frustrated expression on her face.
“Whose that, Dust?”
“That’s our friend, Max,” he announced.
“She’s awesome! Total badass,” Mike continued, stating her name at the same time as his friend.
She looked at her little brother before turning back to the girl whose hair was as fiery as as a sunset.
Y/N eyed her with concern before whistling to her the same way she whistled at the asshole who threw the cancer stick on her car.
She gestured her head to walk closer and the girl obliged, a weary look plastered on her freckled face.
Y/N definitely didn’t miss the way her little brothers face brightened when Max walked near.
Nor did she miss the same expression on Lucas’ face.
“You alright, kiddo? You need a ride?” Max turned to see that most of the kids had piled into their own parents’ cars, or the bus.
The girl huffed, standing on her toes to peak over the car towards the high school.
“Thank you, but I’m okay. My asshole brother should be here soon. He’s meant to pick me up.”
Y/N fixed her with a look, frowning.
She was tough with people her own age and older, but she had a soft spot for kids.
“Okay, but if you need a ride home any day, let me know.” Max nodded softly, a small smile on her face. “Lord knows I need another female around with these dorks.”
She earned a smack to her shoulder from her little brother as payment, and a chorus of offended exclamations from the boys in the back.
“Catcha, kiddo,” Y/N winked at the girl, not leaving until she waved back and stepped away from the curb.
When she did, the Chevy was pulled away from the curb and sped away.
The next day she left the school with intentions of dropping her (basically adopted) kids at the arcade while she makes a beeline first the record shop.
Her and Dustin were in need of some new albums, and she wanted to find something for her mum.
What she didn’t expect was to run into a certain curly haired asshole in the rock section.
“Well,” she heard from behind her, far too close to her ear. “If I had have known you’d be here, I would have dressed nicer.” Y/N turned to meet Billy Hargrove, standing way too close to her with a smirk plastered on his face. “Or I would have dressed down. Whatever you please, princess.”
She rolled her eyes at the wink he sent her, turning around.
“Call me that again, Hargrove, and I’ll shove your mullet down your throat.”
“Then what should I call you? You haven’t told me your name,” his smirk was still in full force, as well as the pinch in his brow. He didn’t like when people were rude to him, but he felt the challenge in the girl, and it was drawing him in.
“Y/N.” She huffed, “I would love to stay and chat but, I actually wouldn’t.”
She want to walk away, only to be stopped by a hand on her wrist.
“Well, Y/N,” he loved the way her name sounded on his tongue. “How about you and I catch up soon? Spend a little time together?”
She scoffed, laughing obnoxiously and pulling her wrist from his grip. Thankfully, she had already paid for her vinyls and was free to leave.
“Call me when you get an attitude adjustment, asswipe.”
She quickly hustled back to the arcade, as fast as her heels would allow and found comfort with the fiery headed girl.
“They’re still trying to beat your high score, huh?” Y/N chirped, tossing a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
Max made a sound of acknowledgement, watching them with tired eyes.
“Gets a bit boring when you’ve got the high score on the decent games,” her smirk was proud, and awfully familiar in manner to Y/N, but she chose to ignore it.
“Here,” Y/N nudged the shoulder of the girl, “come have a look at the records I bought.”
Max’ eyes lit up. She loved the arcade, but she simply wanted to be at home.
The desire in its own was unnatural to her, as she despised being around Neil, but she was worried about her mum. And her step-brother.
The night before was rough. Billy had gotten into it with Neil because their ‘father’ had put his hands on Max’ mum.
Billy didn’t like that one bit and stood up for the woman, only to earn a visit from Neil’s belt.
Y/N let the boys know they would be outside, before leading the girl to her car.
They sat for who knows how long talking, and Max quickly grew to admire the older girl.
Y/N was halfway through a story detailing the time her and Dustin had a three-hour-long marathon of some dancing arcade game she couldn’t remember the name of, when a blue Camaro pulled up.
Both girls ignored the sound of the engine, as Y/N continued her wholesome story.
By the end of it, she was so tired that her little brother (who was half the dancer she was) ended up whooping her ass.
The only thing that caught their attention was the sound of a husky voice that had Y/N groaning in frustration.
“Well, well, well,” Billy said. “If it isn’t the stone cold broad herself.”
“I feel like every time you open your mouth, something else boring comes out,” Y/N whispered, throwing her head back to the sky.
“Keep telling yourself that, honey.” Billy maneuvered around Y/N, heading to stand next to Max. “You ready, shithead? Neil gets home soon, so we need to be back.”
“Yeah, sure,” Max answered after a minute. Her eyes were downcast in fear, and Y/N found herself wondering if she was afraid of the man standing next to her.
The realization clicked in her head. “Oh! He’s your brother?” Her tone started off high, lowering as she got to the end of her sentence while her face shifted into a frown.
“Step-brother,” Max and Billy said at the same time.
Y/N nodded, looking up from her position seated on the hood of her car, as she saw the door to the arcade open.
She shouted loudly towards the opening, catching the attention of the four boys to signal their leave.
“Alright, Maxie, gotta give you something before you go,” Y/N stood before reaching into her car, bent over the window. She could feel the way Billy gazed at her backside. She handed the girl a piece of paper with a number scribbled on the side. “That’s my number. You need anything, or a lift to school just give me a ring.”
Max fixed her with a small smile. A grateful one that shone through her eyes.
“Where’s my number?” Billy winked at her.
“Stare at my ass again and you won’t have fingers left to dial anybody,” Y/N halted her words to look the man up and down. She couldn’t deny that she liked what she saw, but she refused to allow her mind to wander. “Or to flog your log, asswipe.”
“Ooh, feisty. You get more attractive as the days pass,” Billy winked, turning around and nudging his sister again. “In the car, shithead.”
The boys piled into her car, and she sped off as soon as they were all clear of the road.
She was flustered from Billy’s words, and annoyed at the mullet headed man.
Days passed, random calls from Max, and requests for a lift to school when Billy was unavailable.
Y/N didn’t know what was meant by the term, but whenever he was unavailable, he was also absent from school.
She hated herself for caring what happened to the boy, but she found herself developing an attraction to him.
According to Max, her obnoxious step-brother had developed quite the infatuation with the older Henderson.
Despite this, Y/N was still shocked to great extents when her home phone blared to life at 3AM one Saturday morning, and Y/N answered in a bleary state to her soft sobbing on the other end.
“Y/N?” She heard a masculine voice that she instantly recognized to be Billy. Her heart race picked up. “You busy?”
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dilfhanni · 4 years
The baby comes
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Everyone in the hospital was staring at you as you came in, your bump stretching your shirt just a little and your hair lazily thrown up into a ponytail. You made your way up to House’s floor, now in desperate need of a distraction from your maternity leave. Cuddy had decided to let you start maternity leave a week early – technically it was right on time with your due date, but you were now overdue – and it felt like you were dying of boredom at home. House was taking on a case or two before he was allowed to join you on his paternity leave, and it was hell being confined to the house with no entertainment.
You were just happy that you two had moved two months ago rather than moving after the baby came, you don’t know if you’d be able to do that. Your house was perfect; it had three bedrooms and so much room for all of your antiques and House’s collection of books and vinyl’s and instruments. As soon as you two moved in, you decided to paint the nursery and set everything up. Most of it was your project as you had started working less hours and had more free time than House did. You both picked a light purple for the walls and you snuck in white paint to paint clouds on the ceiling. House had come up with the idea to paint flowers along the baseboards and every time he came home from the hospital, you two would spend a few hours trying to paint the perfect flowers. It had taken all of the willpower you had to not have sex on the floor of the nursery; you didn’t think that was a room to break in like that.
You knocked gently on the door of his outer office, finding the whole team in there and having a differential. House came to the door and opened it for you, his eyebrow raised at you in question.
“Do I need to lock the door from the outside to get you to stay at home?” You rolled your eyes at him and stood up on your tip toes, kissing his cheek before sitting down in the chair near the door.
“No. No locking me inside. I’m dying from how bored I am, just let me spend the day with you. Maybe it’ll be what she needs to exit my womb.” You relaxed back into the chair and gestured to the whiteboard and the rest of the room. “Continue your process.” He watched you for a moment before stepping back over to the whiteboard, looking over his team. You zoned out as they began talking about their patient, your eyes wandering over the room before looking out into the hallway. You saw Cuddy coming in the direction of his office and cursed under your breath, sitting up a bit straighter and pretending like you didn’t see her. She stepped into his outer office and looked at you with her eyebrows raised.
“I thought you started maternity leave.” She placed her hands on her hips and made it feel like you were being scolded by your mother.
“You did. I was bored so I came here to entertain myself. Besides, if I go into labor, I’m in a hospital already.” You smiled obnoxiously at her and pushed yourself out of the chair to stand, heading to the minifridge to grab a water. After taking a few sips, you looked over at her again, her eyes focused on House now.
“Can’t you keep her contained until the baby gets here?” He placed his hand on his chest and feigned hurt, his other hand pointing his cane to gesture at you.
“Are you doubting my abilities now? She does have free will, you know. Maternity leave isn’t bed rest, so technically she’s not breaking any rules.” You rested your hand on your lower back and smirked at her, smugness written all over your face. Cuddy sighed and rolled her eyes before giving you a pointed look.
“Fine, just be careful please. I don’t need to worry about you while trying to run the hospital.” She left his outer office and you started to feel a slight ache in your lower back, your hand massaging the muscles gently as you sat down at the table with the rest of House’s team. You passed it off as just your back hurting from the weight you were carrying around – not unusual at this point. You looked at Foreman and rested the hand that wasn’t holding your water on your stomach.
“So, what’s the deal with this patient? Need any ideas?” He laughed softly and shook his head, the rest of the team caught up in a debate about whether or not it was cancer.
“If I let you help out, how do I know House won’t kill me?” You poked your bottom lip out in a pout and rubbed your stomach slowly, feeling a kick right under your ribs. She was already positioned correctly, everything seemingly ready for you to go into labor. Except for the fact that she wouldn’t come out on her own.
“He’s not gonna kill you, just show me the file.” You reached over and grabbed the file sitting in front of him, looking over the patient’s information. Before you could even finish the first page, House took it from you and tossed it back to Foreman. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrow, placing your water on the table. “Am I not allowed to help?”
“No, I’ve already decided it’s cancer.” He pointed at Foreman and Thirteen, already handing out jobs for everyone. “Go get me an MRI and find where it is.” He then pointed at Chase. “Talk to Wilson and see which type he thinks it is.” He paused when he got to Taub, sighing a bit and faltering. “Do something useful.” He sat down beside you when everyone got up from the table, resting his cane against the table and looking at you with some sort of fondness in his eyes. You felt another kick and reached out for his hand, placing it on your bump where the kick was coming from. She kicked again and he felt it, a smile forming on his lips and your own.
“She says hi, I think.” You both sat there for a moment, enjoying the comfort in each other’s presence and the feeling of your baby moving. Before too long, you started to feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen and lower back, the pain making you scrunch your face up a bit. He looked at you with concern, his hand moving up to your shoulder to steady you.
“What’s wrong?” You shook your head and grabbed his hand with your own, lacing your fingers together and giving his hand a gentle squeeze to calm him and yourself. You took a bit of a deep breath and adjusted in your seat, the pain subsiding and the baby calming down now, her feet no longer pressing against your ribs.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine. She’s just getting acquainted with my ribs.” You sighed and tilted your head slightly, a little grumble sounding throughout the room and breaking the seriousness. You raised your eyebrows and smiled a bit at him. “Will you escort me to the cafeteria and get me something to eat? I know you would much rather get some food than work.” He rolled his eyes and stood, grabbing his cane before helping you to stand, and you let yourself smile brightly in victory.
“Okay, will you just admit that you’re in pain?” You stopped walking – well, attempting to walk through the pain – and looked at House, your hand on your lower stomach and your eyes narrowed. He had his eyebrows raised and Wilson was looking between you two as though he didn’t know if he should be there. You huffed and shook your head, running your other hand through your hair.
“I’m fine, leave it alone.” You continued walking through the hall to his office and sat yourself down in his desk chair, wincing as another pang shot through your abdomen. You avoided eye contact and reached out, grabbing the grey and red ball from the top of his desk and squeezing it, hearing the tap of a cane in front of you. You decided to look in front of you and make eye contact, finding House already staring you down and Wilson standing behind him. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“Maybe it’s time.” You looked back at Wilson and he was looking at you with that stupid puppy dog face, his eyes hopeful. You turned your attention over to House and threw the ball at him, annoyed that he caught it so easily. You threw your hands up in mock surrender, wincing again as what felt like a tiny aftershock flowed through your body.
“I surrender. Take me to the maternity ward if you must.” You pushed yourself up to stand and walked past the two men, their heads turning towards each other before they both followed you. You stopped just outside of the door, turning quickly to look back at both of them and raising your eyebrows and attempting to look as threatening as possible. “If anyone besides you two or the nurses needed bother me, I will make sure to have someone’s head.” You made sure they nodded before continuing to the elevator, nerves finally spreading throughout your body and making you a little uneasy.
“Do you have to eat right beside me?” You were on your side facing House as he ate a Reuben, his eyes drifting to you from the tv. He set the sandwich down and brushed some crumbs from his shirt.
“Would you rather I starve?” You rolled your eyes and looked up at the monitor, noticing a contraction. You could feel it, but not a lot of the pain that came with it. It was strange. Especially since it was one of the larger ones. You tapped his leg and pointed at the monitor and he looked over as well, his eyebrows raised before he looked back at you. “You don’t feel that?”
“I feel it, just not… I don’t feel the pain. Well, okay, I feel the pain, but it’s not as bad.” You were close to meeting your baby for the first time and it felt weird. They had checked how far you were dilated not too long ago and told you that you were 8 centimeters dilated. Which meant that you would have to start the not too fun part soon. Not like any of this was fun. You placed your hand on your stomach and sighed, in desperate need of a nap. It had been 13 hours since you had been admitted and you hadn’t been able to fall asleep. The excitement had been too much for you and prevented you from sleeping. “I’m not going to be pregnant anymore. That’s so fucking weird.” You looked over at House and saw him looking at your stomach, his eyes holding some expression you were too tired to analyze.
It was then that you felt something… weird. You reached over and pressed the button for the nurse and tried to keep a neutral expression, your legs firmly pressed together. He sat up straight, his legs no longer propped up on the edge of the bed.
“What? What’s wrong?” He tried looking you up and down to figure out what was wrong, and the nurse came in with a bright smile, putting her gloves on and coming over to the bed.
“Do you think it’s time?” You could only nod and you looked over at House and his own expression was one filled with fear and excitement and shock. The nurse lifted the blanket and gently pried your legs apart and pressed the button on the side of the bed, calling for a few other nurses and the doctor. You were really fucking having a baby.
You cradled her close to you, your finger stroking her cheek softly. You were so exhausted, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go to sleep; not yet, at least. House had convinced you to let the team come in after a few hours and you didn’t think it was the worse idea in the world. You were more surprised that he was willing to let them in on this moment. You figured he was going all caveman and wanted to show off what he made. Thirteen was the first to speak up, her eyes trailing from the baby to you and then to House sitting close to your bedside.
“What’s her name? Or does she just get a nickname?” You forced yourself to look away from her, looking up at Thirteen and the rest of the team instead and smiling softly. You felt a little flutter in your chest and pushed down the anxiety immediately. This would be the first time you had told anyone besides the nurse and suddenly you were very aware of that.
“Jade.” You looked over at House and saw his eyes trained on the sleeping bundle in your arms. She had his bright blue eyes and you couldn’t be happier; although you had become used to the moodiness and – what others would call – mystery behind his eyes. It was different to see them with nothing but innocence and wonder. You sat up, wincing just a bit, and passed her over to him. He took her from you and stared down at her as he held her in one arm, his brows furrowing slightly. You forced yourself to look back at his fellows and cleared your throat slightly. “The middle name is still unknown so…” You bit down on your bottom lip and looked over their faces; each of them had varying looks of awe and teary-eyed happiness.
It was then that Wilson came in with a teddy bear, a balloon, and a burger. You reached your hands out and he immediately offered the burger up to you. You mouthed a thank you to him and he nodded to you, his hands now awkwardly holding the teddy bear and balloon. House mumbled something from beside you and you didn’t have to hear exactly what he said to know he was talking to your daughter.
“Thank you for the gifts, Wilson.” You gave him a warm closed mouth smile after speaking with a mouth full of burger, your free hand reaching out for the teddy bear. He handed it off to you and looked over at Jade, his smile growing soft and his eyes getting that little fond shimmer.
“She looks like a mini House.” You heard Foreman let out a laugh and you narrowed your eyes at him, his hands raising and him taking that as his que to leave. Taub followed when he saw Cameron, Chase and Cuddy enter the room.
“She is my mini House.” You looked over at them both and saw that House was still staring at her. He seemed to snap out of it after a moment, looking up at the three that entered the room, Cameron’s smile stretching from ear to ear and her hands on her hips. Cuddy’s smile was softer, and her hands were clasped together as she stood beside Wilson and his balloon. You held the teddy bear close to your chest, feeling like you might cry and trying to hold it in.
“She’s beautiful.” House raised his eyebrows and glanced at you.
“What else would you expect from my outstanding genes?” You rolled your eyes, yet you couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face. Everything was perfect.
“What’s her name?” You looked over at Cuddy and felt everyone’s eyes on you once more, the anxiety not returning for once.
“Jade. The middle name still isn’t figured out.” You looked back over at House and then back down at Jade, the swelling in your chest making you feel warm all over.
“Just leave it blank.” You turned your head slowly to look at Chase and raised your eyebrow, his shoulders shrugging and his eyes widening. “I’m just saying, it’s not like it’d be the first time someone didn’t give their kid a middle name.”
“No. You can do that to your kid.” You sighed and tilted your head back to look at the ceiling before groaning. You should have planned ahead.
“You like Thirteen. Steal her name.” You were laying on your side in the hospital bed, facing House. He was also laying in the hospital bed, laying on his side beside you. Jade was in the little bassinet next to your bed and sleeping; you had just fed her and she seemed to be content for now. You and House had been debating her middle name for the past two hours and had gotten nowhere.
“Remy? Jade Remy? Does that even sound normal?” You groaned and shoved at his shoulder slightly. Your eyes drifted shut and you shoved your face into the pillow, his hand resting on your waist.
“I don’t even care anymore. Just call her Mini House.” He let out a little huff of a laugh and pulled you closer to him, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“I like Remy. JR. Junior. Like Mini House. Just don’t tell the others. Thirteen can know, but it’ll get to her head and it’ll be a whole thing. We’ll have to make her babysit so she loses her mind.” You look up at him and smile brightly, raising your eyebrows.
“Really?” He nods and you can’t help but to kiss him, your arm wrapping around his shoulders. Jade Remy House. Okay, so you figured it out.
gif from @vanessacarlysle​ !!
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rosy-wooyoung · 3 years
Let’s get emotional…
I know no one will read this but i’m still putting it out there!
today is my account anniversary!! 🥳🥳
I created this blog on the 14.12.2019, and a year later, nothing really changed. It’s just me, still sitting at my desk, my whole back hurting with cold hands and my pathetically low self-esteem. It was one boring evening, I remember, I had just eaten dinner and I rushed to my computer to come back on Tumblr to read more ATEEZ content because I was fascinated by them, their talent and stage presence. (I still am, don’t worry) And then, I thought damn, I wanna write for them as well. You know what?
Fuck it. Imma do it.
I put the task of finding a username aside and start feeling inspiration flooding in my mind. I spend the entire evening writing as the words come, not caring about the coherence, the grammar nor the consistency of my writing, I just type and type until my fingers are cramping and my brain lagging. It’s just an amazing feeling when you don’t have to rack your brains to find ideas or words, I just had to think of an ATEEZ member, and the imagination would immediately submerge my mind. 
I truly aspire to find back the motivation I had a year ago.
The next morning, I even skip breakfast because I wanted to create, brainstorm, rewrite and correct the works I had produced the night before. I completely ditch my uni homework - don’t do that kids - until the end of the afternoon, where I post a note, introducing myself to the atiny Tumblr community. I was very anxious and shy before posting my first imagine, but I was immediately welcomed with likes, 20 on the first day to be exact. It was HUGE for me. 
I’m someone extremely self-conscious and very hard on myself, so it was kind of a struggle to post content out on the Internet for strangers to read. I’ve always feared judgement, I’ve bathed in it since the day I was born and I can’t seem to get rid of it. 20+ fics are still rotting in my drafts, I’m just too insecure to release them, so I ignore them and always search for new content to write about. I’m also scared to disappoint, but that’s another story. Aside from that, I’m really grateful because I’ve never received this much love and support in my life since I started this account. Whether is keyboard smashing in the reblog section or just someone saying “uwu that was so cute 🥺”, my day is automatically better. I have never received support or compliments from my parents, siblings or friends that I thought were the closest. Never. And it’s a weird yet great feeling!!
The first two months were amazing. By the beginning of February, I had hit the 200-followers milestone. It was something unbelievable for me. You may think that I’m exaggerating, but I was really thinking that I would only get like maximum 50 followers, and I would have still been happy about it. My account was doing great, but at this point, it was my health that started going downhill.
The pandemic and the stress from it aggravated everything, weakening my heart to the point of needing urgent surgeries (2, almost 3 in October, where there was a risk for me to d*e. Great when you’re a young woman who only spent her twenty first years of existence studying and worrying about her future :/). I get stressed out extremely easily and my doctor diagnosed me with severe anxiety and depression a few years ago. And guess what? They were acting up of course, so nothing was by my side. I was lost about my future and my career – I still am haha (pain) – and it was a hard time for me, for us. I’m still not at my best, but at least I’m trying, that’s what matters the most, right? This blog and the people I met there were my source of comfort and light, my safe place, it helps me a lot to just read or laugh at what I see in my dash to make me forget about everything that is bothering me. I met wonderful, supportive people on there and I can’t find the right words to truly express how I am feeling. And here I am right now, a year later, Tumblr being my solace because I can read really really good fics and wips, as well as exchanging with other atinys and people from other fandoms.
I still have those moments of doubt when I’m about to post something like, will this be appreciated? Isn’t it too cliche, too bad, too fluffy, grammatically correct, cool enough, aesthetic enough, cute enough, did someone already write something along those lines without me knowing it? Will I get accused of stealing or plagiarising? 
I can’t stop overthinking, but I’m trying to work on it, I really am, even if it’s hard. It’s really not something easy and I get defeated quite quickly, but at least I’m trying.
Even if I lost loved ones during this year (friends that ghosted me for other people, my grandpa passing away from cancer, watching and knowing acquaintances dying bc of covid…) I’ve got to know beautiful angels on here, my mutuals and my followers!! Even if we don’t talk 24/7, I really love and appreciate every single one of you. I know we’re just internet friends, but you really count for me. Please excuse me if you’re tired of seeing me being constantly apologising or being weird and absolutely not funny, I’m trying to become a better person. I absolutely adore when you mention me in tag games or send me love and support via asks or private messages, it makes my heart go really warm. If it were possible, I’d give each single one of you a hug and a big kiss on the cheek because you all deserve it and I love you.
Thank you @atbzkingdom, @closer-stars, @barsformars, @trashlord-007, @ateez-little-star, @tinkerbellwoo, @chrryhwa, @ateezlips, and everyone that I missed that follow me and support me, I luv you all sm :-]
Sorry if this post doesn’t make sense, I just wanted to try and express my gratitude as well as my love for everything you gave me. I hope 2021 will be better, kinder for all of us, and I wish everyone reading this to be(come) happy and healthy.
with all my love, rosy ♥
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clevernewdimension · 4 years
Stress Relief (M)
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Your best friend Minseok surprises you after a 'ruff' day at work with just a couple of friends.
Word Count: 5.7K
AN: So... anyone ordered an EXO/Reader train? Yes? Good.
Somehow I never expected my day to end like this. But let’s rewind a bit first. It was a semi typical day for me. My job as a veterinarian is never boring, after all. However, it seemed like the bad news just piled on and on and on. First my car wouldn’t start, so I ended up calling a cab which cost me more money than I wanted it to. Thankfully, a friend who is a mechanic worked on it after I had it towed to his shop. The bill was going to be a lot more than I wished, even after the ‘friends and family’ discount. That was just the beginning of my day, too. Before my shift started, I went to get a coffee from the coffee shop my best friend owns down the street only for some stranger to run into and spill his extremely hot coffee on me. Then got chewed out by the asshole who was watching his phone instead of where he was going. Thankfully my best friend was there to save me. Minseok looked annoyed as the man kept ranting as he left. He looked me over, shaking his head as he motioned me to follow him to his office where he had a spare tee for me to borrow. Faded and fairly old with a logo of a drive in theater that is, sadly, going out of business. The place he and I would spend our Friday nights after school.
We’ve been best friends since middle school. Dated in high school because we thought that’s what everyone wanted for us, so why not try. It just… felt a bit odd. There was the love of friendship but nothing deeper than that, but we dated for years just to see if it would ever click. It didn’t. Broke up but remained friends after graduating. Then, during university, became friends with benefits. That part of our relationship is still going. He’s even introduced me to some of his friends whom I’ve also taken into my bed on the regular.
No jealousy. No strings. Just fun. Though we both did say that if we’re single at the age of thirty-five we’ll get married for the benefits. We both could use those insurance discounts.
After the coffee, I had to take a call to a farm to check on a pregnant cow. Sad to say that the baby had died and we had to well… take it out before it started to rot in her. Very awful and gruesome, I’ll spare you the details because it makes me want to puke when I’m not actually having to help the poor animal. After I got back, took a shower at the office (Which they have for us to use, since this job can be very messy) and returned to see some bad news. A regular dog, Skip, had to be put down. He was old, and had a cancer that we tried to fight. His owner didn’t want him to suffer anymore after he would no longer eat any food. Skip left peacefully and surrounded by people who love him. I cried all thought lunch as I ate a pint of ice cream in sadness that I bought at the gas station down the road. Skip was the first animal I saw after getting the job. He meant a lot to me.
I unfortunately had to give some kittens some shots after that, and the crying broke my heart but it was for their own good. The loss of Skip weighing on my mind as I look at a text from Minseok.
‘Any plans tonight?’
I shake my head to myself, answering immediately.
‘No. Need something to take my mind off work. You offering?’
‘Yeah. Got something really special for you. You gotta work tomorrow? 🍎’
I smile, seeing the little apple emoji. That was our code for sex in text. Use to be the word apple in high school.
‘Nope. I’m free. Do your worst, and I mean it.’
All he sent me after that was a devil emoji. After that, I helped with the surgery to help a dog that was hit by a car. That took up the rest of my afternoon, but in the end the dog, Lilly Bean, will be fine. Weird name, but she was really cute and I was happy at least something went well today.
I left, went and ate a quick dinner at a small restaurant down the street. Pigged out because I fucking deserve it after this day. I smiled at the owner, thanking them for the meal before going to Minseok’s cafe. He drove me to his place, seeming nervous the whole time.
When he opened his door, what I saw made my eyes wide. Before he could even ask I said yes.
Which is how I’m here. My ankles tied to my thighs with them tied down to the table beneath me. My arms tied over my head and to the table so I can’t move them too. A ball gag in my mouth, clamps on my nipples and a vibrator tied to my clit so that no matter how much I try, I can’t escape the little vibrations from it as it was on the lowest setting.
I’m already completely wet, soaking as I was moaning, biting the ball gag in my mouth gently. Now, this would be pretty normal, which wouldn’t come close to what Minseok meant by ‘special’.
What was special was the fact that he and all our mutual friends I casually fuck are there, watching me. Their eyes hungry, some naked as they try to figure out who gets the pleasure of going first. Nine men playing rock paper scissors to see who fucks me first made me a little proud, not going to lie.
I wasn’t paying attention as they figured out the order. But smiled around the ball in my mouth seeing Chanyeol stepping up first. Chanyeol, the one who was the mechanic who worked on my car this morning. My first time with Chnayeol had been at an engagement part of one of our mutual friends. Everyone outside while we hid away in the laundry room. He bent me over the dryer and made me cum with a hand clamped down over my mouth. I see him smirk, the tattoos on his arm flexing as he takes off his shirt. Soon he was naked, two fingers dipping into my wet pussy as his hand moves up and down on his cock a bit.
He smirks, “God you’re so pretty like this. Legs open wide for the taking. You want my cock, hm?”
I try to yell yes, moaning as his fingers curled up. Those long fingers that I saw playing guitar at the party just minutes after having been in me. They felt good in the best possible way. It didn’t last as he smiles hearing me say yes, before he places the head of his cock right at my opening.
“You know what we’re doing, right,” He asks, fingers softly caressing the very peaks of my nipples, feeling so good. I whined at the sensation, the pain from the clamps makes me shiver. “We’re going to make you into a mess. We’re all gonna cum in you, fill you up completely.”
I nod enthusiastically. I’ve dreamed about doing this. Just the though of a line of men fucking me one after the other, fucking me though another mans cum made me so hot. I’ve mentioned it to Minseok, but never acted on it since it just seemed too out of reach.
He pressed into me, not slow but not quick either. My head falls back, feeling so full as he bottoms out. He leans forward, hand curling around my neck as he just groans. “God, Baby,” He says, “You feel so good without a condom.”
“Please,” I try to say, before I feel him pull his hips back and buck forward. The motion sent my eyes rolling back. I see him reach with one of his arms behind me. I feel him undo the gag, tossing it aside.
“I want to hear you,” He says, thrusting in hard and slow.
“Chanyeol,” I moan, looking him in the eyes as he tightens a hand around my neck, applying the right kind of pleasure. We’re lucky Minseok lives a bit out the city. Large house, no one around for a few miles to hear us. Perks of his trust fund baby life.
“Is it ok if I slap your face,” He asks, another hard thrust that sends me gasping.
“Yes,” I nod, looking at him with wide eyes.
The smack was loud, but not all that hard as I look at him. “Call me Daddy,” He commands me, his pace getting a bit faster.
“Daddy,” I whine, “Please fuck me harder, Daddy!”
“Is that what my baby wants,” He asks, another smack to the face, this time harder.
“Yes Daddy,” I yell, “I want you to fuck me hard! I want Daddy’s cum so badly!”
“Fuck,” Chanyeol says, groaning as I see him finally lose himself. He was thrusting wildly, not even giving a damn about my pleasure as he knows even if he doesn’t make me cum, one of the eight waiting will. The sound of skin slapping skin made me writhe as I just chanted Daddy. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to mine, tongue immediately in my mouth as he groaned, hips faltering.
I could feel the warmth of his release in me as he takes ragged breaths. He smiles at me, kissing me before looking behind him, “Get ready, I don’t want her losing any of it!”
He left, and immediately thrusting his dick into me was Jongdae.
Jongdae and I met at an event where his singing students were performing. My niece loved to sing and Minseok suggested his friend who teaches. She went from an above average singer to one going in competitions in just under a year. After her first performance under his tutelage, I went up to him and thanked him, offering to get him a drink since he did such a wonderful job with my niece. Somehow that lead to the two of us going to the closest motel and getting so loud people banged on the walls. I went home very satisfied with a few bruises from his teeth.
He leaned forward, lips kissing and biting at my chest as he starts thrusting hard. No time for soft and slow. His tongue brushing over my extremely sensitive nipples that were still in the clamps. “Jongdae,” I moaned, just as he bites harshly into the side of my breast.
One of his hands pushes the vibrator down on my clit, making my head go back with a yell. “Cum for me,” He says in my ear, “Let me feel you cum all around me.”
It was ripped from me, my body shaking and ever nerve feeling completely awake. He takes off one of the nipple clamps, making me cry of pain and pleasure as he licks and sucks it harshly. “Fuck,” I yell, my eyes watering as he bites again.
His hips speed up and soon, he was groaning and whining in my neck before one last long moan. He takes a moment to gather himself, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. He looks back, “You ready?”
I whine feeling him leave, but smile seeing Minseok there, a small smile on his face.
I still remember our first time. This was his family’s home and they let us stay here while they went off to their vacation home. It was just him and I and his family’s staff, who would leave right after dinner. Freshman year of high school, were we’re not children but not adults yet. We’d kiss and do other stuff, but we didn’t go all the way until that night. On the roof we had put a mattress since we both loved to look at the stars. The scene was romantic but what we did wasn’t. We were dating, just starting a week or so ago. It was nice and romantic from the outside, but with really no romantic interest, we just finally let the lust get to us. We both were not really that experienced, but it didn’t stop us. We learned about it together.
Now he’s a lot better. Absolutely incredible, really. As he pushes his cock in me I moan, smirking up at him, “Oh I bet I know why you did this, hm?”
“Well if I didn’t set this up you would have never tried it,” He says with a smirk. “Fuck you’re so filthy in there. So much cum in you already.”
“I fucking love it,” I say, moaning as he starts a steady and hard pace.
“Such a dirty little slut,” He groans, shaking his head as he reaches forward, hand reaching around and gripping my hair tightly. His other hand presses the button on the vibrator, making it stronger. I yell out, my back arching as I hear him say, “Tell me how much of a dirty slut you are.”
My heart was racing, as I see Minseok’s face watching me, mouth open and small groans coming out from time to time. “I’m a dirty slut, Minnie,” I moan, biting my lip.
“You’re damn right,” He mutters, lips close to my ear as he pulls on my hair. “You’d have to be after fucking all of my friends,” He growls, “You just can’t help yourself, huh? That addicted to cock that mine isn’t enough? You needed eight more?”
I smirk, “Don’t act like you haven’t fucked some of them too. You’re about as straight as a corkscrew.”
That made him laugh before he closes his eyes, pressing kisses into my neck. Minseok groans, “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
“Have some of them t-told you that too,” I ask, clutching my hands into fists, moving my hips as much as I could to aid in his orgasm.
He laughs, “I bet you’d love to know those details.” I hear him broan in my ear, hands gripping my hair and waist harder as I could feel him lose himself in the actions. A loud groan in my ear, his body going tense as he bit my neck, though not hard.
He takes a deep breath as I whined, wanting more. He presses a kiss to my forehead before pulling away.
Baekhyun’s smiling self grinned, pressing into my soaked heat instantly. He moans, practically whining in delight.
I remember the first time I met Baekhyun. Minseok invited me out to a bar to see his friend at a stand up show. Said that he was dared to go up there and perform. When I said that sounded like a disaster, Minsoek just laughed and said I would be surprised.
And I was. He was amazingly and shockingly funny. When Minseok introduced us, Baekhyun then had pink hair. I learned that he likes to change it often, and being a vocal coach at a very unconservative art school, it’s allowed. When he wasn’t doing that he was teaching improv classes. I went to one and he told me not to quit my day job. Ego hurt a little but I appreciate the honesty. After we went out for drinks and I learned that Baekhyun was very handsy when he was drunk, but only with people who are comfortable with him. After we were both a drunken mess having slow giggle filled sex on my living room floor. The next morning, we didn’t remember much so we ended up fucking again. Every now and then I’ll call him for drinks and sex.
His lips pressed to my lips, tongue sliding against mine. Baekhyun’s thrusts were not fast, but sensual. He lovingly pressed kisses to every inch of skin, hips making me tear up from the drastic difference between him and Minseok’s fucking. His hand reaches up, pressing his fingers to my lips. I open up, sucking on his and hear him groan.
“I’m not gonna last long,” He whines, “Fucking someone who’s completely full of cum is such a fucking turn on.”
I smile, “We’ll have to do this again.”
Baekhyun presses the vibrator to me, making he let out a yell of pleasure, his hips going faster, before I hear an even higher whine from him. His eyes squeezed shut as he bites his lip, pressing his hips completely flush to me.
Baekhyun was begin soft tonight, which was a nice break, honestly, as he pulled out.
Though, I could tell that was ending when I see Kyungsoo step up. We met after he opened a restaurant next to Minseok’s cafe. It was like fine dining quality but without having to spend an arm and a leg. One day he cocked something for me in his kitchen for dinner, inviting me in, so long as I wore a hair net and didn’t touch anything. There was something about watching him in the chaos, making something while barking orders and yelling at people slacking off. The food was divine, and watching him in his element was a bit of a turn on. I stayed and waited until he was closing, flirting a bit all the while. Apparently it had an effect as after everyone left, he pulled me into his office and fucked me against the wall. The whole time I flirted he would either not get it or look away like he was shy.
Now, though, that’s not the case. I couldn’t hide my smile as he reached up, gripping a fistful of my hair and pulled as he pushed in. Unlike everyone else in the room, he wasn’t really loud and moaning during sex. If you wanted to know if he was enjoying it, you have to see it in how he’s moving. Kyungsoo is a man of honesty. Either he’s into it or not. And right this very moment he was VERY into me, in more ways than one. His other hand came up and smacked my face. A lot harder than Chanyeol, but he knew that I was ok with it or else I’d say something. His hand that slapped me went to my chest as his lips and tongue went to my neck. I was shivering, on the edge again as his lips went to my ear.
“Don’t you dare,” He growls. “Not until I do.”
I whined, which resulted in another pull to my hair. I needed to cum so badly that I could barely hear the words he was whispering in my ear. Just for me to hear. All the names he calls me. Slut, bitch, cunt, whore, and so on as I feel his thrusts getting faster and stronger. My fingers were moving to try to grab on to anything but there was nothing as I hear his start to breathe harder. One last pull to my hair as he mutters “Cum, slut.” My eyes went back, my body shaking as we both finished together.
I didn’t get to mourn the loss of his body and his warmth for long as I see Sehun. I grin, as his fingers slide up my parted thighs. I met Sehun in college. We had a history class together Freshman year and were assigned to be partners for the three major projects all semester. We were very friendly, and both not great at the subject but made it work. The first time it crossed the line into sexual was at a party. A bit of a buzz later and Sehun and I were on the couch, half naked at four in the morning while all our closest friends were watching and cheering us on. Some people left and soon there was just three people. Two of Sehun’s friends and Minseok before we finally removed the last of the barriers and had sex. After college we’d meet occasionally. He has a night time radio show on Fridays and is a part of the morning shows the whole week minus weekends. Sometimes he’d put on a really long songs one after the other and leave the booth and meet me in my car so we could hook up while his co-workers are none the wiser.
Sex with Sehun was pretty vanilla other than he sometimes like people to watch. Other than that, it was just him liking to be praised. It’s a nice change from the many kinky people I’ve been with. I grin, looking at Sehun, “Please Sehun! I need it!”
I see him smile, a little bit of a blush. He leans forward, pressing in as he goes before his lips find mine. I moaned, feeling him go deeper and deeper before I pull away from the kiss, moaning. “Fuck, Sehun, you’re so perfect!”
“I haven’t even started,” He mutters, kissing my neck and leaving soft little bites. He smiles against my skin, before starting to move at a slower pace than before. His hands were sliding up my body slowly as I was moaning in his ear. “Sehun,” I moaned, biting his neck a little, “You fuck me so good Sehun. Your cock is so big and thick that anytime I see it I’m instantly wet.”
“Fuck,” He moans lightly.
“Your body is amazing, I wish I could wrap my arms around you and feel all of you,” I say, letting out a loud groan as his thumbs rub my nipples softly.
He started to speed up, “Tell me how much you want me.”
“Anytime I see you I want to lean back and spread my legs for you,” I whisper in his ear, “Let you go at me and fuck me until I can’t think about anything else.”
I hear him moan lightly in my ear. He was getting close.
“God sometimes I want to hide under your desk at your work and suck your cock while you’re live on air,” I say, feeling his hands move to my hips, gripping them.
“Y-yeah,” He asks, almost there.
“I imagine sucking your long cock while you’re live. Licking it like a lollipop and letting you cum on my face just before you have to come back on the air so you’re breathless as you introduce the next song or talk to a caller,” I say with a smirk.
I feel his body stiffen, as he lets out a muffled gasp. He pressed himself as close to me as possible, lips pressing against mine. I smile, giving his bottom lip a quick little bite with a wink.
I take a moment to try to catch my breath, the toy at my center fallen off a while ago from various men thrusting into me. I look forward, seeing Jongin there looking at me, a small look of worry.
“I’m ok,” I say, “Just needed a breather.”
Jongin, sweet Jongin was an absolute animal in bed in the best way possible. He works at a dance studio and helps out a lot at his family’s flower shop. One hot day during the summer I came in to place an order and he was the only one working, bare chest out to my view. I made a small little flirtatious comment about it. Perhaps it was my really short shorts or the fact that was was wearing a bathing suit top under a very thin shirt that seemed to get his interest. We had some small talk about how it was boiling hot and I made the comment that the AC was broken in my car. Jongin offered me a few minutes in the walk in refrigerator, though with a hint of something more. Soon, I was covered in almost freezing air as he set me naked in the small chair in there. Spread my legs and went to town before I put my hands against the wall, bending over as he fucked me in there. The sensation of the cool air and the burning hot of his skin was pretty intoxicating. After we got dressed, the refrigerator was being opened as I hid. It felt so naughty as his sister was talking to him, asking him about different flowers and my order. After she left, he helped me sneak out through the back door with one last slap to my ass.
He smirks, pressing into me quickly. The sound of him pushing in with the amount of cum in me was almost enough to make me drool it was so hot. His palm slapped my inner thigh, making me yelp out as he smirks, other hand tightly grabbing at my breast.
“I can feel all of their cum,” He moans, getting turned on by it. After a few hook ups Jongin told me he was Bi and really loved cum play. I was a bit shocked at first, but then nodded. It is who he is, after all. I figured if anything he would have wanted to be the last one. Jongin just looks at me and I nod. The pace was brutal. He looked on the verge of cumming already, but one hand gripped my breast as the other slapped my thigh, making me shout out in ecstasy. Jongin loved slapping. Not so much the face, but my ass, my thighs, my breasts.
“You’re so tights still,” He gasps, “After all of us, fucking you one after the other.”
“Jongin,” I say, feeling a slap to my chest.
“I’m not going to last long,” He says, “but I’ll make it up to you.”
“Cum in me Jongin,” I say, nodding after his statement, “Cum in me like all the others!”
He groaned before it turned almost into a whine as he thrusted through his orgasm. The rolling of his hips was fucking wonderful as he slows, pressing a kiss to my lips before pulling out.
Before I could say anything else, I hear a command. “Close your eyes.” The voice made me smile, as I let my eyes close, following his instructions.
Junmyeon was another trust fund baby who’s parents died very tragically when he was fifteen. He enjoys his money, gives a lot away and still works as a therapist. Enjoying talking to people, listening to their stories and gracefully will offer advice and insights into their life. He has only a few patients and is off more days than he works, but he enjoys it nonetheless. We met at a fancy party that Minseok dragged me to in order to have a plus one. They talked, knowing one another for a few years as they’re in the same social circles. Before Minseok and I left, Junmyeon slipped me his number. I texted him after, and he asked if Minseok and I were an item. When I said no, he replied with wonderful. I told him I wasn’t looking for anything serious and he said the same. After a few days to talking via text, we met up for dinner in order to talk. It went very well. Extremely well that after we went to his nice house and proceeded to not even make it to the bedroom, stopping on the steps instead. After a few more times Junmyeon let me in on a few of his kinks, which only made our sex that much more amazing.
I feel a hand grip my throat, squeezing the sides. I took a deep breath, feeling the thumping of my heartbeat before he let go.
“Baby girl you’re so full already, hm?”
“Yes Daddy,” I say.
I feel him slowly press into me. “You like it don’t you? Being so full of cum like such a little slut.”
“Yes Daddy, I love it so much,” I whine, wanting him to go faster.
I could hear him chuckle, “Do you want Daddy’s too?”
“Yes! Please let me have it Daddy,” I beg, feeling him finally bottoming out.
“You know Daddy loves to cum in your sweet little pussy,” He mutters, hand holding my throat again. Breath by my neck as he spoke again. “Feeling you so full of cum is so wonderful Baby, but god I wish it was all mine.”
He lets go, and I shiver as he starts to slowly, but with perfect power and precision thrusting. “Do you want that, hm? To be so full of my cum it would spill out of you?”
“Give it to me, please,” I say, moaning.
I feel him move, a quickly shark slap to my face.
“You have to behave, Baby,” He says, “This is your only warning. Do it again and I don’t care how much you beg to cum I’ll make sure no one else lets you.”
“Yes Daddy,” I say, nodding. “I was a bad girl talking back to you. I think I deserve another slap.”
“You do, hm,” He asks, hips pressing forward quickening, making me whine.
Another quick pain and loud sound before I could nod, “Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re very welcome, Baby,” He says, pressing his lips into my neck, “now, Daddy has to hurry. I wish I could spend all night here, but you still have one more to go.”
“Please fill me up Daddy,” I mutter, “Give me more please! I want it so badly.”
“Your wish is my command,” He says, before his pace goes from slow and sensual to fast and brutal. My mouth was making sounds I didn’t know as his finger circled my clit. The other hand wrapping around my throat, not yet choking me before I could feel my peak growing and growing.
“Open your eyes,” He commanded, hand tightening around my neck.
I look, seeing him looking directly at me before his eyes close, the gasps and moans from his mouth filling the air as I feel even more cum soaked into me.
He let go of my throat and stopped rubbing my clit just as I was at the peak, making me whine.
“Sorry, Baby girl. But I think Yixing will give you what you want.”
Yixing. The owner of the dance studio and pretty well known choreographer for the stars. Music videos, tours, live television performances, he’s done it all. We met randomly in college. I was mourning my grandmother’s passing. The second anniversary was so hard as I missed her so much. I was crying, secluded to the roof of the Science building when he sat down next to me, and offered me someone to listen.
I just spilled. Everything my heart was feeling and he listened, and offered his condolences. After was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And soon after, my second friends with benefits relationship in college. The thing I learned about Yixing is that he totally and completely puts your needs and desires above his own. He likes getting a blowjob, ut he’d rather be the one giving. Our first night was after midterms week ended. I was trying to relax. When I told him he offered to help. We spent the day at the beach close by before heading back to his apartment. The entire night he fucked me like he loved me and it was such a wonderful and magical thing. When I asked what brought that on he said he was friends with Minseok and knows how we are, saying he wouldn’t mind that too.
His fingers traced my body, as he sinks into me, the motion of his hips like a steady wave, hitting me where I needed it the most. I groaned, feeling his lips press kisses into every inch of skin he could. It was delightful, as he let his fingers massage my breasts, thumbs just barely going over the nipples.
“Watching them all with you was such a beautiful sight,” He mutters, kissing my shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, wrapped up like a little present for us all.”
“Yixing please,” I mutter, feeling his lips move to mine. Yixing’s kisses were always slower, taking the time to really feel it. He pulls away, “I got you, Baby.” One of his fingers presses into my clit, circling, “Let go.”
My body finally reached the peak and tumbled over, my shouts in the air, my body shuttering as I pulled on the ropes holding me. Yixing just muttered works to me, holding me and fucking me though it. My pure bliss lasted longer because of him, knowing exactly how to make me feel the most about of pleasure as possible.
Once my climax ended, Yixing allowed himself to start to move faster, letting himself fall into his desires and his needs. The rather high pitched wines of his was a tell tale sign he was falling, before I feel him still.
I sigh, looking around at the men before me. Most already dressed again. I see Jongin smirk, looking down between my legs and I finally start to let the cum within me out. He leans forward, tongue licking up my slit and moaned. I writhed, very sensitive as I watch him lick to his heart's content. He pulled away after a bit, a little bit of cum dripping from his lips. As Minseok walked forward, he pulled Jongin down, kissing him deeply and giving him a wink, making the younger blush. It was one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen.
Minseok and Chanyeol helps with the ropes, as I’m told Jongdae ran a bath for me. Minseok stayed behind, the other guys leaving the room talking about ordering food. Minseok massages my muscles, making sure the rope didn’t do any harm.
“Next time to text me about something special, I’ll know to say yes immediately,” I mutter, causing him to laugh.
“So, you liked it?”
I nod, “Not not all the time. I don’t want to have another dick in me for at least a week.”
“That can be arranged,” He says, smiling. “Next weekend. You, me and the stars?”
“Wanna pretend were virgins again,” I ask with a laugh. “Yes, sounds very nice, actually.”
He presses a kiss to my head before smiling, “I’m going to bring you a glass of wine.”
“That would be lovely,” I say, nodding as I watched him leave. I sink into the bubbles, letting the warm water ease my aches and stress.
What a wonderful end to the day.
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
best years
pairing: semi eita x fem!reader
request: no, but darcy deserved semi content after doing god’s work
word count: 1.4k+ words
warnings: mmm semi is somewhat ooc but he has a delinquent backstory so it can be considered an au, cursing, tint bit of angst, tooth-rotting fluff, barely any plot, UNEDITED
summary: you and semi share your first dance as husband and wife. heavily inspired by 5sos’ best years off their newest album calm.
tag-list: @ktdkp​ @miyaxs​ @eitalovebot​ @anvese​ @snooshiegrape​ @hq-luv​ @rayt0rade​ @noyasbithc
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“can we please have mr. and mrs. semi come onto the dance floor for their first dance and husband and wife?” the designated dj spoke into the microphone, voice attempting to be somewhat sensual for the occasion.
hearing this, eita stood up from his chair and offered you, his bride, his hand, “shall we, mrs. semi?”
“it’d be my honor, mr. semi,” you giggled softly as you took his hand and stood from your seat, making sure to not step on your gown.
with huge loving grins on both of your faces, you strolled onto the black tiles that made up the dance floor for the night.
gracefully, you walked onto the center, your husband right behind you before you turned to look at him, your loving gaze matching his perfectly.
you slowly wrapped both arms around his neck as he wrapped his own around your waist, waiting for the music to begin to play.
just as the song’s singer began to flow softly through the venue’s audio system, semi began to sway you both softly across the floor.
“so we’re finally married huh?” he spoke through his grin.
“yeah, finally. after all the shit we’ve been through, you’re finally tied to me forever,” you laughed softly, your fingers finding a home in the short hair placed on the nape of his neck.
“i think i should be the one saying that to you though,” he said in a much softer tone, as if his mood were deflating from your small joke.
“what do you mean?” you furrowed your eyebrows, continuing the short strides in your dance.
“are you seriously going to act like nothing happened in high school? i know i had to have given you a million reasons to hesitate on my proposal, hell even my initial confession.”
“eita, don’t talk about the past. not on a day like today. today’s meant for us to celebrate our love that, hopefully, will last for the rest of our lives,” you frowned slightly.
“it’s just,” he sighed quietly, closing his eyes momentarily before meeting your eyes. “i gave you a million reasons to walk away and you did but you came back to me, when you shouldn’t have. yet i was selfish enough to allow you back into my fucked up life because i couldn’t find anyone to fill the void when you left. even after i wasted my time on people that slightly reminded me of you, you came back to me.”
“baby, that’s in the past and i want it to stay there, the future is better than yesterday. you’ve done so much to make it up to me. you’ve changed for me and i’m still so incredibly proud of you for doing so. not many juvenile delinquents can say that,” you smiled, tenderness written all over your features.
“the fact that someone like you even acknowledged a delinquent like me, makes me a little uneasy. y/n, i’ll never stop to remind you that you really could’ve been with a much better person. you deserve the world, sweetheart.” semi began to rub circles into your waist, his expression still looking rather deflated than earlier in the day.
you wanted his mood to brighten up because it was your wedding after all, it’s meant to be the happiest day for the two of you. and what better way to do that than to inflate your groom’s ego just a little?
“well how could i not acknowledge you? you were hands down one of the hottest boys at school. you looked so hot in that leather jacket of yours, and don’t get me started on the black jeans you wore that were tight in all the right places,” you snorted.
a small grin began to spread across his face, “you really mean that?”
“of course i do. it was my high school dream to fall in love with a bad boy and you just happened to be my type, so how could i not fall in love with you?”
“cigarettes and all?” he raised an eyebrow inquisitively.
“the cigarettes were especially hot, in theory of course. lung cancer isn’t exactly hot and i’m glad you’re slowly quitting that habit,” you laughed softly.
“you’re too good to me, you know that right? you’re practically an angel, how’d i get so damn lucky?” he groaned as he dipped you, attempting to spice up what you assumed to be a somewhat boring first dance.
but you had more important matters to attend to than to put on a show for your guests.
“well you can always repay me,” you suggested as semi urged you to continue with one glance.
“promise to give me the best years of my life as your wife. build a home with all the ‘broken pieces’ you may have caused and make it a home for us. i know you feel terrible for causing me tears earlier in our relationship, especially during your delinquent phase. so, make it up to me by giving your all into the marriage, make me the happiest person.”
small tears began to sting in corners of semi’s eyes. something in him refused to believe that you were meant to be his for the rest of his life, but hearing you speak to him moved something in him.
you wanted him to promise you something. you had faith that he’d keep something between the two of you. you had faith in him to keep your marriage well and healthy. hell, you even had faith that he’d make a home for the two of you. together.
and who was he to deny a request from a girl on her wedding day?
“i promise. i promise to give you the best years,” his voice began to shake as his emotions began to overwhelm him.
“darling, i promise you won’t ever regret marrying me. i know i'm basically contradicting myself at this point, but your words erupted something in me. you’re tied to me now, and i’ll make it my mission to make you the happiest so you don’t ever regret taking my last name to be your own. and i promise to never make you worry over me. any traces of my delinquency are burned out like that cigarette you saw me smoke last night.”
the slight reference to his nervousness before today made you laugh a little before you allowed him to continue spilling his heart out to you. despite your vows from earlier already doing part of it.
“i’ll never shut up about how overjoyed i was to hear the wedding officiant declare us husband and wife. i can’t wait to spend every single day of our lives together and i can’t wait to make up for all my dumbass mistakes. you’ll never know how ecstatic i am to finish growing up with you. you did so much for me when i wasn’t even half of the man that you deserved but you stuck around so let me be the man you deserve for the rest of our lives.
“let me hold your hair when you drink too much or when we finally get the opportunity to start a family of our own. let me build a home for us and for our future family. i know i’m not perfect, my criminal record is proof of a few of my imperfections, but let me attempt to be a husband you can be proud of.” he finished his speech with a breathy laugh.
not able to find any words to respond to him, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his.
salty tears began to slowly stream down both of your cheeks, but it didn’t stop you guys from sharing a passionate kiss. it wasn’t even a sexual one with tongue, just a soft kiss between two lovers to symbolize the pure love you held for one another.
eita slowly pulled away from your lips and rested his forehead against yours, his breath slightly ragged from the long kiss.
you mimicked his own actions, forgetting about your surroundings until you heard clapping around the two of you.
slowly glancing to your side, you remembered where you were. the song had wrapped up and everyone was gushing over how perfect eita was for you and you were for him.
“let’s give up to the newlyweds!” the dj cheered, subtly wiping under his eyes.
“well that was an amazing first dance, don’t you agree, dear?” semi smiled down at you.
“it would be rude of me not to, let’s not let it be the last.”
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passable-talent · 4 years
Power Hungry [1]
“I’m writing a vampire short story but in the most homoerotic way possible “ -🦌 Roe 2k20
warnings: lots n lots of blood, a little bit of self destructive behavior in the beginning, death of an unnamed character, angst out the ass, please and thx
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | 
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The way in which the world had ended didn’t particularly matter. 
Lucas Clark had spent many nights following the one that changed the world trying to figure it out, how it had all gone to shit so fast, to no avail. And what did it matter, anyway? Regardless of how it had happened, his life had changed, and it wasn’t going back. 
If he could call it a life, anymore. 
Six months ago, he’d returned from a store trip to find two vampires on the necks of his mother and father. He’d chased them off- and then received the last words of his parents before they both died in front of him.
Six months ago, he’d run to his best friends, Ben and Anthony. Ben had already lost both of his parents to cancer in his teenage years, and the two of them had been living with Anthony’s father- who’d been bitten and turned, who was begging for death. 
Six months ago, three twenty-two year olds became orphans, all in the same day. 
Six months ago began Lucas’ hell.
He spent every day staring at ceilings, at walls. The power grid was still working, but he never wanted to turn on the television- everywhere he’d see sit-coms and news reports being paid to glorify the creatures who’d destroyed the Earth. Plus, neck coverings were in style, and Lucas couldn't stand looking at those, either. 
Any humans left lived the way Lucas did, huddling in a home with two or three other survivors, never leaving, except to get food. Lucas didn’t even do that- Anthony was the hunter. He’d learned the skill from his dad, so he’d drag home an animal every few weeks, and Ben would help Lucas clean and preserve it, and they’d spend the next three weeks letting their tongues go numb to the taste of the meat. There was still food sold in stores- but to enter a public building was like opening your neck up to anybody. No one came out, or, no one came out human. 
Anthony was really the only reason that the three of them had survived. Lucas could fight, sure, and Ben had the skills to hunt if he needed to, but Anthony had the reaction. He kept them alert, imposed rules to keep them safe, ventured out into the fang-infested world and returned safe. 
It was thanks to him that they’d acquired some of the last bleach available in stores. 
TV shows had been way off when they thought about the apocalypse- clans of ‘anemic assholes’, as Ben called them, had an interest in keeping the world working, so stores still sold things, the power grid was untouched, television shows were still being made. These clans weren’t around the area where the three of them lived, though, so mostly they had to worry about the Lones, the vampires without a clan or family and the steady food source that such a family or clan would come with. It did make it somewhat easy to find a human- they were the ones that didn’t have those bite marks on their necks. 
Between Tony’s rules, and the semi-ease with which a human could spot a Lone, things weren’t extremely dire. There was a little bit of a rush on canned goods, back in May, when it all started, but now things were mostly back to normal, other than the fact that it was best never to leave the house. 
Bleach, though. Bleach was gone. 
Humans bought it for the same reason that Anthony had grabbed it up- to douse clothing in, masking any human scent sticking to them so that they could leave the house without attracting a Lone. Vampires bought it up to clean the stench of slaughter from their homes, and to keep it from humans, so that they could easily find their prey. 
They had two bottles of bleach, kept under lock and key, a key that only Ben, Anthony, and Lucas knew the location of. It was the most precious thing they owned, the most valuable. More valuable than the silver daggers each of them carried at every moment of every day. 
The stories of old were wrong. Silver didn’t kill vampires any more than iron, but it was about the statement. The promise that any of the three of them would murder any bitten that dared cross cross their path.
That silver dagger was how Lucas spent most of his time. There was no point to sleeping, so he’d stand in the living room, and practice throwing it. It wasn’t supposed to be a throwing knife, but Lucas did it anyway, taking joy in putting holes in the pristine white wall that still felt so suburban, as though it mocked him, mocked the loss of his nuclear family. 
He gave the knife a particularly forceful throw, hearing it thunk into the drywall. He was about to take it out again when he heard the door open. 
“Tony’s back,” Lucas called up the stairs to Ben, who was in the middle of a long shower. Lucas closed the door behind Anthony, who had a buck balanced over his shoulders, an arrow extending from between its eyes, bouncing over Anthony’s shoulder. It wasn’t even bleeding- Anthony’s white shirt, still stinking of bleach, hadn’t been touched by the buck’s blood. 
“Nice shot,” Lucas said, as he often did when Anthony came home, toting an animal who had died on impact. It was cute, six months ago. Now, it felt dry. 
“Can’t believe I found a deer,” Tony said, letting it thump onto the kitchen counter. “It was out on eighth street, like it didn’t think the town was dangerous anymore.”
“For him, it isn’t,” Lucas said, running his fingers down the ridges of the antlers. “He’s no longer the prey.” 
“Don’t get all poetic on me,” Tony said absent-mindedly, slightly teasingly, opening the fridge to see how much room they had. “Where’s Ben?”
“Taking a shower,” Lucas said, leaning on the table. “I don’t think he could stand to look at me anymore.”
“You and I both know that he could stare at you forever,” Tony said, and somehow, Lucas smiled. Ben was certainly special to him- and he to Ben. All three of them could see it, and had seen it since middle school. Still, they were friends. Nothing more. 
“Yeah, well. Even my pretty face gets boring when it’s all you ever look at.” 
“Tell me about it,” Tony said with a smirk, “I could stand to see a little less of ya.” He lifted his hand and shoved Lucas’ face back, giving both of them a bit of a laugh. The three of them had been best friends for twenty-two years, as long as they’d been alive. Lucas was lucky he still had them- without them, he’d have lost it long ago.
“Either way,” Tony said, turning back to the deer, “When he gets out, you two get to deal with that.” Lucas turned his gaze toward the buck, and his smile fell, as fast as it had appeared. 
“Joy,” Lucas said, sucking his lower lip between his teeth. “So we can eat nothing but deer for the next two months.” Anthony shrugged, but there was a stiffness to the movement. 
“Hey,” he said, with all the warning of a parent about to start a lecture, “if you want something else to eat, you’re welcome to try your luck out there.” Shutting down against Anthony’s tone, Lucas looked to the floor.
“Or I could starve to death,” Lucas said, digging his teeth into the inside of his lower lip, “and not have to worry about it.” 
“That’s not the kind of shit you should be saying,” Anthony told him, jaw working to manage his annoyance.
“Like you can tell me what to say?” Lucas accused, pushing back against the controlling nature that Anthony took on, sometimes too often.
“Apparently I have to, to keep you safe!”
“God, who are you, your dad?” Lucas saw it when the words hit Anthony- his dad was a sore spot, and every mention of him took Tony right back to the moment he’d had to kill his own father. 
“Sorry,” Lucas breathed, and he left the room.
He hated whenever something like this happened- and it was happening too much, recently. He was getting sick of this ‘life’, Anthony was sick of him being snappy. The only one who seemed fine was Ben, but who knows what he’s thinking about in those hour-long showers. 
The house had three bedrooms. Anthony still had the one he’d had as a child, since it felt like home. Ben had what was once the guest bedroom, which he’d taken up at sixteen after Anthony’s dad took him in. That left just the master bedroom, to Lucas- which had never been a blessing, always a curse. At first, because it just felt like Anthony’s dad. And now, because the size of it made it feel so empty, its black king-sized sheets, and high ceiling that felt so far away. 
He laid on his back on top of the sheets, looking up, dagger rolling around his fingers. He knew it was a bad idea, he shouldn’t- but the frustration got too much, and he hurled the dagger upward, into the ceiling. It stuck for just a moment, before falling back down. 
Lucas’ immediate reaction was to roll over, out of the way, before he realized he also wanted to protect the sheets from the blade. He reached out, to try to catch the knife, and got his fingers around the blade just beneath its hilt, slipping just a bit, but enough to slice open his palm, and a line through each of his fingers.
“Fuck!” He roared, blood already rolling down his palm. He jumped to his feet, his uninjured left hand shoving the dagger into its sheath on his thigh, and ran into the bathroom, Ben’s shower be damned. He rustled through the cabinet, looking for their bandages. 
“What happened?” Tony called, appearing at the doorway just a moment later. 
“I did something dumb,” Lucas hissed through gritted teeth, even the touch of the bandage to his raw flesh stinging, “Don’t worry about it.” Once he’d pulled the bandage around his palm, Lucas shoved past Anthony to close the door, letting Ben have his privacy again. 
“What the hell did you do?” Anthony asked, grabbing Lucas’ hand and yanking it in front of him so he could get a good look. Lucas hadn’t dressed the slits along his fingers. 
“It’s nothing,” Lucas said, angry at himself, not wanting to bother Tony so soon after he’d hurt him. 
“That’s not nothing, Lucas, what if it gets infected?” 
“So what if it does?” Lucas snarled, ripping his hand from Anthony’s grasp. “It’s not like it fucking matters.” 
“Lucas, what are you talking about?” Anthony said, anger and concern swirling in his tone. “We want to keep you healthy!” Lucas turned his head to the side, scrunching up his nose, slightly, trying to keep his anger at bay. But every passing day was another blow to the dam, and there wasn’t much left keeping the floodwaters at bay. 
“Why?” he shouted, clenching his hands into fists, fingernails forcing his bandages into the wound. “So I can live in this fucking house for the rest of my life? Staring at white walls, pretending that everything’s fine, hoping that someday, something will change, but knowing that nothing ever fucking will?” Lucas heard the shower shut off, and if he hadn’t regretted the outburst before, he did now- he couldn’t face Ben, not knowing that Ben had heard every word. So he shoved Anthony out of the way, and charged down the stairs. At the front door, he ignored his shoes, ignored the white scarf that stunk of bleach, and charged outside.
“Lucas!” Anthony yelled after him, but Lucas didn’t turn back. 
He kept his fist tight, knowing that it was bleeding, and to expose it to the air would be to attract every Lone in the surrounding four blocks. Thanks to the Lones, there were so few humans with blood to give left, that even existing as one was dangerous. But he needed to take a walk. 
He loved Anthony. He loved Ben. They didn’t deserve to have to deal with him- to keep him alive when he was so stupid, rash, angry. They’d be better off if he was somewhere else, but he had nowhere else to go, so he could at least give them this break, let them get along for two hours while he walked the neighborhood. 
He’d long stopped trying to keep track of the humans in the homes. He’d once been able to tell you who had been turned, and who hadn’t, but there was no way to know, anymore. He just kept his chin down, eyes on the blacktop, ignoring the freezing, November cold. His dark grey hoodie didn’t even have a pocket he could shove his hands into. 
When he looked up, he stopped dead. Standing thirty feet in front of him was a woman, her eyes deadset on him. Her cheeks were sunken in against her face, her skin deathly pale, her bones poking out against her skin.
She wasn’t just a Lone, she was starving. Which meant Lucas was in grave danger. 
He pivoted hard, taking off across the street, and with a glance over his shoulder he was terrified to realize she’d taken chase. She was faster than him, they always were, but she’d tire out faster than he would. If he could make it past this house, and into the woods behind it, he could escape into the shrubs, and she’d be too exhausted to force through them. 
She was too close for his comfort by the time he broke into the woods, but exactly as he expected, she had much more trouble pivoting around thorn bushes and jumping over fallen logs. He planned to outrun her until he could throw her trail, but suddenly he’d reached a clearing, and he looked up to a massive mansion. 
His momentum lost, he tried to pivot his direction, but she’d caught up, and he wouldn’t even make it into the woods before she caught him. So he reached to his sheath and grabbed his dagger, ignoring the sting as the metal slipped over the wounds on his fingers, and turned around to plunge it into her chest with a battle cry. 
And that’d kill anybody. 
She fell forward, and took Lucas down with her, shoving the dagger further into her chest when they impacted the ground. She didn’t move. 
Lucas took a few deep breaths, trying to slow his heartbeat, and a moment later, threw the woman off of him. There was blood coating the hilt of his dagger, protruding from her chest, but he realized quickly that it was his own, from his fingers. She’d been so starved, she didn’t even bleed when she died. 
He’d hit the ground hard, and groaned against a bruised shoulder as he stood, yanking his weapon out of her. He felt just a little bit of sorrow for her, like he always did- a Lone vampire didn’t have a clan, which always meant that they were bitten, once human. It wasn’t her fault. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
-🦌 Roe
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 |
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babycapell · 4 years
new york’s very own baby capell was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to courtney eaton ! you may know them as @capellbabyy or hitting the front page of tmz as natasha fox, suspected con-artist infamously identified as baby, unanimously declared innocent on charges faced in california . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being heartless , but also ambitious . things that would paint a better picture of you would be a cluster of designer shopping bags, tan limbs tangled in silk sheets, a heart shaped sucker dangling between glossed lips. ( cisfemale + she/her  ) +  (  saxon , twenty-six , she/her , cst )
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Out Of Character
Guess who’s back again? Honestly I don't know how this is going to go because this is a very new character and quite different from anything I’ve played but I’m incredibly excited to bring her to life! As always, we stay very open to connection ideas and plotting so please do not hesitate to hit me up because me and my child are here for the chaos and drama! <3
Basic Information
Full Name: Natasha Wren Campbell-Fox. Baby Capell.
Nickname(s): Nat. Baby.
Birthday: January 6th.
Orientation: Pansexual.
Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish.
TW: cancer.
At just eighteen years old, Lucia Campbell left New Zealand and moved to England in hopes of pursuing a career in ballet only to unexpectedly end up pregnant just months later, putting a pause on both her dreams and her future. 
Unfortunately, unbeknownst to her at the time of conception, the child’s father was a married member of the British Royal family - albeit fifteenth in line for the throne, the fact that he had stepped out on his wife and had a bastard child was scandal that could not be afforded.
Although the man tried repeatedly to coerce Lucia into getting an abortion, assuring it was what was best for both of them, Natasha Wren Campbell arrived in the world Jaunary sixth, nineteen-ninety six. 
In order to keep the situation under wraps, her father stopped by once a month to ‘check in’. For Natasha and her mother, these events felt less like visits with family and more like important interviews where their every move was under harsh scrutiny, the check he gave them at the end of his visit enough to make sure they were able to get by, money that assured that his secrets were kept safe. 
Every memory Natasha held of the woman who raised her was a beautiful one, a woman she considered so good and ethereal that it almost made sense that she didn’t get to stay in their world for too long.
When Natasha was just fourteen, her mother began experiencing fatigue and pain too serious to brush off, diagnosed within a week with stage four pancreatic cancer, the illness seemed to arise out of nowhere and progressed rapidly, leaving her unable to work and therefore unable to provide for them. 
Natasha waited desperately for her father’s next visit, asking for help with growing bills and the hopes of finding a better doctor but he refused, deeming such beyond his concern and leaving them with the same check he had in every visit prior. 
With no way to make money to care for her herself or her mother, Natasha turned to the only thing she could think of, thievery. What started as sneaking into restaurants and fancy events in order to steal food soon became grabbing expensive items left sitting on tables, selling them for cash that would keep the lights or the heat on even a month longer. 
Still, within eight months, her mother was gone and Natasha was alone - without a job or a place to go. 
The teenager adapted the only way she knew how, using the same tricks that she had before but this time in order to get into hotels. She used her father’s name and position in order to get their attention and if asked, used the pet name her mother had used for her when asked in order to avoid being caught, Baby. 
Soon, she realized that showing fearlessness and confidence could get her almost anything - whatever hotel she could manage soon became the most lavish she could find and just having a bed to lay in at night became enjoying the high class service and catering offered to her.
One night, while enjoying dinner in the hotel restaurant, she was approached by an arrogant teenage boy who was clearly eager to flaunt the wealth his parents held. Rage flooded her but instead of lashing out, her mind pulled her on a different route. She played into his every word until he was obsessed with her and then she used it, doe eyes and sweet voice pleading for what his money had to offer her for three whole months. His interest - or rather his family’s interest in finance and technology was his ultimate downfall, giving her every bit of information she needed to drain his bank account and disappear.
Natasha quickly became aware of just what kind of power she held and she planned on using it, starting with the man whom she deemed, in some way, responsible for the loss of her mother. 
The teenager arrived on her father’s doorstep and played every bit of the confused and mortified girl finding out that her father had a whole life that she and her mother had been unaware of. It was while his wife asked her to wait upstairs as they fought in the living room that she found his study, making quick work of getting every ounce of information she could in order to ruin him financially later. 
Unexpectedly, however, she found an account that was depositing the same amount that he had been paying out to her and her mother monthly. She followed the lead in hopes to meet her possible half-sibling and found a true family instead. A half-sister, Tali Fox (who reminded her greatly of her own mother) and her mother who all too happily took her in and adopted her as if she had always belonged.
Still, the world of lavish living and conning men whom she felt deserved it had piqued her interest in a way she couldn’t explain and she wasn’t ready to give up. She became a chameleon of sorts; spending nights going out to special venues, catching the eye of a rich male and playing the role of their dream girl - she’d use them for months, allowed them to shower her in precious gifts until she grew bored, draining their accounts and disappearing from their lives.
Six months ago she was arrested in California on multiple charges of larceny, fraud and forgery and had been awaiting a trial that finally began at the end of August and concluded just last week with a unanimous verdict of innocence, due to both a lack of evidence and witnesses. (aka; this little b*tch is good at what she does, no evidence and most dudes won’t even come out to say anything against her because they’re either still in love and/or don’t want to admit they got played by this angel face)
Now that she is out, she has arrived in New York to spend some quality time with her sister and perhaps, lay low for a while. 
Look, there’s no way to sugarcoat it, this girl is the sugar baby supreme okay? She wants your attention and your love and your money and that’s it. She doesn't feel nothing for you anyway, but she feels even less if you don’t adore her, dammit. 
She’s not a bad person, she’s really not - she pry donates all her clothes to the women’s shelter once she’s worn them even once and donates more than half of the money she steals to charity but like...she’s just very very angry and hurt and thinks all rich men deserve to suffer for being the type of man her father was which like - are you going to tell her she’s wrong? And she’s in too deep now, she just can’t stop. 
A true personality unknown though, tbh? She basically has been playing chameleon for so long, she doesn’t know who she is or how to be? Just adjusts to make you happy. Literally the fakest. 
Also she’s totally pansexual but like...way too focused on scamming men because they’re dumb and shit so like, definitely pry fucks around with females/nonbinaries from time to time but always finds herself going back to the hustle.
Desired Connections
A childhood friend who knew Natasha before the loss of her mother who hasn’t seen her since before that happened?
A childhood friend who’s known Natasha the whole time and maybe worries about her and her mental health?
The child of someone she conned? Honestly give me someone who’s dad Natasha hustled and they either hate her for it or just seriously respect her because they didn’t like him anyway? Or maybe even a sibling or an ex that she conned? 
For males? Past scams? Current scams? Future scams? Let this bitch play you, please. We can decide details as to how long or how serious it got, they could hate her or be secretly still obsessed/in love with her or both at once? Literally anything, okay! If you want someone to fuck up your guy in the past or future - this is your girl!
For females or nonbinaries? Give me someone who was maybe genuinely interested in her? Someone who wanted/tried to have a relationship and she was just like nah and it fucked them up a little bit maybe? Honestly maybe even a female/nonbinary she conned because even though she usually doesn’t, she thought they were an ass and deserved it?  
Someone who perhaps she actually started falling for a little, realized she wasn’t actually scamming them, that she was just chilling and she was like excuse??? And left without even scamming them? Or did just to prove to herself that she didn’t actually care about them? Kslflaks;sa I don’t know, she’s messy as hell, y’all.
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Survey #275
i’m anxious and my head is hectic so i can’t think of a single song lyric to put here lmao
Have you ever dated anybody online? Yes, but we met up in person for a week+ at a time multiple times. Ever been stalked? No. Ever stalked someone? No. I never got to that point with him because shit’s creepy. Have you ever been called a slut, hoe, skank, whore? Only playfully by close friends because that’s how we show affection sometimes lmao. Have you ever snuck out before? No. Do you eat meat? I wish I didn’t, but I do. If so, do you like meat? Yes. If not, do you have anything against people who eat meat? N/A Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? I went with my old friend and sisters on rare occasions just to hang out. Have you ever been close to getting kidnapped? Jc no, thank fuck. HAVE you ever been kidnapped? No. I’d be so goddamn terrified. Do you listen to Lykke Li? Never heard of ‘em. Have you ever self-harmed? Yes. Do you have any eating disorders? No. Have you ever met a celebrity? No. Do you like Monster Energy or do you prefer other energy drinks? Astonishingly with how much I love soda, I am nooot an energy drink fan. They taste like straight-up poison. Describe the best day of your life? I don’t really know what that would be. About how many times a week do you skip class or just school in general? When I was in school, I’d fake sick as a kid rarely, then in high school I had quite a few mental health days. College, too. Have you ever been suspended from school? No. Have you ever been expelled? No. Do you role-play? Only on designated forums and in serious stories. I need substance behind it. Irl, sexual, and pretty much any other RP doesn’t interest me. Do you watch Degrassi? I never did, no. What is one of the saddest novels you’ve ever read in your lifetime? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Jesus fucking Christ. Orbit or 5 Gum? Honestly can’t even remember their tastes… but I THINK I preferred the latter. Have you ever been in a love triangle? No. How bad are your hangovers? I’ve never had one. Do you think Taco Bell is nasty? No. Do you have a jacuzzi? Definitely not. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what was the cause of it? No. Do you think vegans/vegetarians look down on people who choose to eat animal products? That’s a very generalizing statement… You can’t say that of them all. Some absolutely do, others don’t. Do your friendships tend to last a long time or are they short-lived? Definitely the former. Name the best and worst things about your current or most recent relationship. The best thing was absolutely that I felt accepted for entirely who I was, like I needed to hide not a single thing. The worst thing was easily distance. Fuck distance. How are you? Aggravated at a lot of things. What part of your body are you most insecure about? Absolutely my stomach. What’s one food you would be surprised to hear that someone doesn’t like? Chocolate. I mean I know at least one person who doesn’t, but boy does it catch you off-guard. Do you think your voice is higher or lower than average? It’s definitely lower than the average woman’s. Do you and your parents like any of the same bands/singers? Oh, loads! I couldn’t even begin to list them all. Is there any food in your bedroom? No. Do you know anyone who has road rage? MY YOUNGER SISTER. GOOD LORD. Riding with her is always a trip. How far away do your grandparents live from you? My only (barely) living one is in New York with family, probably until she dies. It’s like ten hours away. What kinds of cereal are in the cupboard? We have chocolate Special K, Honey Nut Cheerios, a Food Lion rip-off of Rice Krispies, and… maybe one more? Is your mom a big health freak or your dad? Or neither? Neither, really. Given her cancer, high blood sugar, and diabetes though, Mom is much more conscious of what she eats. Do you know anyone who wants to be the president one day? Not that I’m aware of. What kinds of chips are in the cupboards? We don’t have any. Mom and I try to keep snack foods out of the house because we know ourselves well enough to know we WILL eat them too fast. Do you have your mom’s or dad’s hair? Absolutely my mom’s. It’s thick as hell like hers was. What’s the first thing you see when you walk into your bedroom? Probably my massive Nightmare Before Christmas poster above my bed. Do you have any friends who have naturally red hair? Yes. Have you ever cried when a teacher retired? Yep. I’m never going to forget my first band teacher; he was a real comedian with a massive heart. We all adored him and got so excited when he would come back to substitute if our instructor had to miss and he was able to come. Oddly enough, I don’t remember his name… When’s the last time you wore heels? Oh Christ. Maybe Ashley’s wedding? Did I even wear heels? Do you have your mom’s or dad’s eyes? Neither. What’s the best date movie? I am such an average white bitch in how my answer to this will always and vehemently be The Notebook. How long has your current best friend been your best friend? Around three years. Have your parents ever been out of the country? No. Do you swear and yell while playing video games? No. I might curse under my breath. Is there any alcohol in the fridge? Oh I WISH. Do your pets chase after bugs? YUP. Roman loves hunting flies. When’s the last time you were so excited you couldn’t sleep? Why? Excited? Probably not since I was going to see Sara. I don’t know. What is your mom’s favorite movie? Oh shit, good question. How much older is your dad then you? Don’t make me math, please. 30-something years. Do you have any relatives who really spoil you? No. Do you know anyone who has security cameras in their house? Probably. What was the last movie to make you cry? No clue. Has anyone you know ever pulled the fire alarm in school, joking around? I think so? Who was the main character in the last book you read? Starflight. Is the last person you said goodbye to single? No, he’s married to my sister. Who are the last people you saw kiss? Like romantically/on the lips? Ummm probably a couple on Facebook or something. Have you ever posted a fan fiction on a website? No. Do you ever fantasize about your future wedding? Who’s the bride/groom? Not anymore. Do you have any relatives who are expecting a baby really soon? No. My high school friend did just announce she’s pregnant with her second child though. When you get married, who will be the maid of honor/best man? My mom. Does your best friend get along with their parents? Yes, they’re fantastic. Have you ever been in a wedding? What were you? Yes; I was the hideous bridesmaid that just cried all through my sister’s wedding. That was a fucking nightmare. Does it matter to you what kind of shampoo you use? I don’t really care, no. Do you have a sensitive gag reflex? Like STUPID fuckin sensitive. Where are you the most ticklish? Don’t touch my fuckin feet. What was the last situation to upset you? It was a petty envy thing that shouldn’t have upset me, let’s move along. Have you ever had an online argument? I’ve been socially on the Internet since I was 11 and am now 24, take a guess lmao. The general subject of your last text conversation? Asking Sara for permission for something RP-related. What is just down the hall from where you’re located? There’s not really a hall at all; my room opens up into the living room. Do any of your friends know you fill out surveys? Well besides the online friends I have here, no. Do you like the controversial/political surveys? ”It depends on if I have enough opinions (and energy) to give good answers or not.” <<<< Exactly this. Who/What did you last spend time worrying about? Myself and my future and my newfound fear of ending up homeless and hopeless after my parents pass away because I’m a very sorry Adult™. What was the last thing you prepared in the oven? Whoa, who knows. The oven scares me, so I don’t use it myself. When were you last offered something illegal? I don’t think I ever have been, actually. Did you accept or decline that offer? N/A When was the last time that you saw fire? On the way home like a week back or something. Someone was burning stuff in their backyard. Have you ever seen somebody get shot? No. What are you listening to? “Little One” by Highly Suspect. Gorgeous song. Do you chew on your hair? Um no???? Can you talk on the phone while having the tv/radio on? No. What size are all the televisions in your house? I don’t know the measurements, but it’s a large Vizio. One of the few really nice things we got when my parents were together. Do you have health insurance? Yes. How many times have you been pulled over by the cops while driving? Zero. What is one of your favorite movie lines? I don’t know, they’re not really something I memorize. What is one thing you look forward to every day? My morning Mountain Dew lmao it’s my coffee, essentially. What is one thing you dread every day? The inevitable part where I’m bored shitless by early evening. Ever lived through a natural disaster? Lots of hurricanes. What’s the longest you’ve lived without electricity? I wanna say around two days? Maybe even three? I don’t remember. Name all the drugs you have tried: None. Name all of the alcoholic beverages you have tried? Margaritas and sangrias with different types of alcohol that I don’t know. Oh, hard lemonade. Oh yeah, wine too, which was fucking repulsive. Name all the types/brands of cigarettes you have tried: None. What is one thing you stand strongly for? Fucking TRY ME on gay rights. What does your doormat say? We don’t have one. Who was the last person you were on hold with (on the phone)? I don’t remember. Who do you know that’s had a baby recently? Ummm I don’t think any *very* recently. Do you know anyone who got married recently? Again, not very. Do you know anyone who has died recently? No. Do you change songs in the car often? I use my iPod to play over it, where I select the songs to play, so I let them play through. However, if I was actually the driver, I definitely wouldn’t; it wouldn’t really matter because I’m so terrified of driving that I need almost no radio at all. What street sign do you find totally pointless? I’m not familiar enough with them all. What drinking games have you played? None. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? Sara got me into the series. Have you received any bad or troubling news lately? Welcome to 20fuckin20, y’all. When was the last time you were relieved about something? *shrug* What about your life concerns you the most? That I’ll waste it. Is there a common thing most people seem to do without trouble, but it scares you (talking on the phone, driving, interviews, etc)? When was the last time you had to do one of these kinds of things? When I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, I signed myself in. Yes, that sets my anxiety off because I don’t know how to Talk. When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? Uhhhhhhhh good question. I don’t go anywhere. What is a situation that makes you feel especially confident? Talking about meerkat behavior ha ha. If you’ve moved out from home, what was the scariest thing about it? What was/is your favorite thing about it? N/A Are there any fictional characters you like even though they’re “bad” or “evil?” What qualities draw you to a character? BITCH yes. I just like charisma. For villains, I really like when there’s a *reason* they’re bad, too, and not so just for the sake of it. And I am a SUCKER for sarcastic lil shit villains. What are your thoughts on “forgiving” murderers, rapists, attackers, etc? Do you think it’s even possible to forgive these people? This is a tough question, after I looked past my initial “hell no.” Like, people change. I suppose it varies case-to-case. What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? Actually finished, Ginga Densetsu Weed. I’m sure Sara and I will keep watching Avatar: The Last Airbender next time we see each other. What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same? I definitely hate myself more than I did. And that’s the problem: I haven’t developed at all in a year’s time. Is there anything you’ve promised yourself you’ll never do again? Multiple things. Do you prefer fake tanning or real tanning? I prefer not tanning at all. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? No. I’m not getting into that shit. If the person was recovered, yes, but I wouldn’t hesitate leaving if they relapsed and didn’t seek help. Sounds brutal, but I’m serious about the damage drugs do, and not just to the user. Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? No. It’s probably best we never do again. Can you make yourself cry? I’ve never really tried, but I don’t think so. Are you ready for kids? I’ll never be. Have you ever woken up crying from a bad dream? Plenty of times. Thanks, nightmares every fucking time I sleep. Do you eat breakfast? Yes. Cannot relate to people who don’t like wtf that’s the best part of the morning. Have you ever trusted someone too much? BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you get your last bruise? I don’t recall. Last time you got a text message and smiled? Idk. What was the last kid’s movie you saw? Ummmmm good question. Have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult? Noooo, not into it. Sounds dangerous but also just… weird to me. Like let me clean myself in peace??? Are you bitter about anything? Oh, am I. Do you use emojis? Occasionally. I’m too biased to emoticons, growing up using those every sentence, lol… but I’m starting to move towards them depending on the platform, and the ones I use are very limited. Do you have any hidden piercings? (this includes bellybuttons) No. I took my snake eyes out. Has anyone called you perfect before? *lips against mic* that was a motherfuckin lie Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? Yes. Have you ever gone through a period of mass weight-gain/weight-loss? What was that time like for you? Both, actually. First, mass weight-gain happened due to a medication I was on that murders metabolism + I was a bad emotional eater after the breakup, and those two don’t mix. Then, through recovery, I lost over 50 pounds in around a year from being off of that fucking medicine and my eating habits returning to normal. What’s one incident that has majorly affected your self-esteem? Was it for better, or for worse? THE BREAKUP. It made me feel like an absolute waste of space and time. Do you have a close bond with your sibling(s)? Was it always this way, or has it been better/worse? Not really, but I wish I did. Ashley and Nicole are very close, then I’m like… awkwardly on the sidelines trying to find times where I can insert myself and be a proper sister. Ash and I ARE closer than we were as kids, while it’s a harsh opposite with Nicole. We shared a room and were very close, but now I feel like she doesn’t even like me. Have you used Limewire before? Ha, yuuup… Who do you envy the most, if anyone at all? I’m uncertain about the most.
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