#so this is the ONLY combat they'll be doing for the session
henchmaxxing · 11 months
DM quick tip: 1 hour of combat equals 1 post-it note
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What you need on the post-it note:
an objective for the hour (save villagers by stopping the sacrifice)
Number of enemies and of which kind
what happens if the players succeed (cultists will try to complete the ritual using themselves as sacrifices)
what happens if the players fail (fiend summoned)
General timing of the fight (whether the sacrifice is attempted on the first or second round of combat)
whether there is anything special about the enemies (cultists have Produce Flame cantrip)
what loot is awarded, if any (ceremonial dagger). loot can also be information
This works for if you have fights longer than an hour as well, you just have to split the larger fight into phases with separate but related objectives
The example above is actually about double what I usually write, because the monday game has a fluctuating number of players (usually 3-9) that I have to account for
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maidragoste · 4 months
Chapter Three: He ruined it
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The Hunger Games AU
Katniss!Jacaerys x Peeta!Reader
Chapter One Chapter Two
A/N: I'm happy to bring you a new chapter of this series, sorry for the delay in publishing and I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments or reblogs. Thank you for reading 🥰🥰💖💖
My inbox is open so I’m always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions 🤭💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes
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The elevator ride takes less than a minute since the training rooms are below the floor of your floor, but Jacaerys could still feel the tension in the air. He doesn't know if it's because you're nervous like him about seeing who they'll have to face in a few days or if, like him, you're upset because Larys told you two to spend all your time in public close to each other. Jace doesn't understand the reason behind his uncle's instructions, first, he made you two hold hands at the parade and now it seemed as if he wanted you to become friends while training. Jace doesn't like this, he doesn't want to get attached to you. That would only make things more difficult in the arena, but when he complained his uncle reminded him that he had already promised that he would do whatever he told him. He had to do it if he wanted to return home to Lucerys and Joffrey.
When they both get out of the elevator they find a giant gym full of weapons and obstacle courses. It's not even ten o'clock, yet you two are the last to arrive. The rest of the tributes are gathered in a tense circle, each one has a piece of cloth attached to their shirt with the number of their respective district. While they give his number, Jacaerys in a quick assessment realizes that you two are the only ones who are dressed alike. Was it another way to appear like a united front to others?
Once you and Jacaerys join the circle the head trainer steps forward and introduces herself as Atala and then begins to explain the training schedule, how each position has an expert in the skill in question, that some positions teach tactics survival and other fighting techniques. She also warns that it is prohibited to perform combat exercises with another tribute and that if someone wants to practice with a partner, there are assistants.
“We don't have to be together all the time if you don't want to,” you whispered to him, once Atala finished reading the list of skills and gave them the freedom to start training.
“But Larys said”
“Larys isn't here,” you interrupted, making him frown. “He's not going to know if we don't follow what he tells us one hundred percent.”
“If you don't want to train with me just say it” he snapped, feeling annoyed although it made no sense because he should be happy that you don't want to train with him either after all Jacaerys wanted to avoid spending as much time with you as possible.
“I'm not the one who complained at breakfast,” you reminded him, making him blush and feel ashamed of himself for his attitude. If he weren't so impulsive he would have at least waited for you to go to your room before complaining to his uncle.
“I'm sorry about that,” he apologized, scratching the back of his neck.
“Okay,” you shrugged, downplaying it, but even so, your district partner still felt like a fool because of his attitude. “Where do you want to start?”
“Let's tie some knots,” Jacaerys responded, thinking that his uncle had said not to attract attention so he was forbidden to take a bow at least until the private session with the gamemakers. Besides, Jace had no desire to be around the professional tributes, who had gone straight to the weapons that looked more deadly and handled them without difficulty, nor the trembling tributes who received their first class of knives or axes.
The stall is empty so the coach seems excited when the two approach. When he realizes that Jacaerys knows something about traps, he teaches them how to make a simple trap that would leave another tribute hanging from a tree by their leg. They practice for an hour until they both master the technique well and then move on to the camouflage station. Jacaerys notices that you seem more excited in this position as you mix mud, clay, and berry juice on your skin. It also seems easy for you to braid costumes out of vines and leaves. The coach for this position is excited about your work.
"I make the cakes" you blurt out of nowhere.
"The cakes?" He had been concentrating on watching Royce Baratheon swing a mace directly into the chest of a mannequin.
"Those from the bakery. I make the decorations"
Jacaerys remembers those cakes, which are on display in the shop window, with flowers and other pretty designs on the icing. Before he went to live with Uncle Larys he was never able to eat one of those but since they lived with him there was always cake for special occasions like birthdays and New Year's. Every time they went to buy the cake Joffrey and Lucerys always argued about which one looked the best before choosing which one to take. If he came home he didn't think he would be able to accompany them back to the bakery. He couldn't see your father and brothers in the face again. Nor could he see the disappointment in his brothers' eyes when they saw that the cakes were no longer as pretty as before.
"They're cute, but you won't be able to glaze someone to death," he hadn't meant to sound so scathing but thinking about your death, your family, and his siblings put him in a bad mood.
"You never know what might be in the arena what if…?"
"Let's continue with another position" he interrupts you, he wasn't in the mood for some joke.
"Okay, go ahead with whatever you want, I'll stay here a little longer. I'll catch up with you later" you responded.
The smile on your face had disappeared and Jacaerys felt a tightness in his stomach but he decided to ignore it, he just nodded and went to the fire-making station. He is so focused on the coach's instructions and getting the technique right that he doesn't even realize that he has spent so much time there until they announce that it is time for lunch. Jacaerys looks at you with the idea of telling you to have lunch together. He frowns when he sees that you are no longer alone but are talking to Jason Mallister, the thirteen-year-old boy from District 4. What were you doing? Larys said not to attract attention and you found yourself talking to one of the professional tributes, of course, that would attract attention.
Annoyed, Jacaerys went to the carts that had been brought with food and began to serve himself and then sat alone at one of the tables. Professional tributes gathered around a table. They were loud, unlike the rest they seemed carefree, as if they were not afraid.
A few minutes later you sit next to him. Jacaerys can't hold his curiosity for long so he asks you.
“Why were you talking to him?”
“Stop frowning, we're supposed to be friends,” you scold him in a whisper and he struggles to put on a friendlier face. “He reminds me of Joffrey,” you admit.
“My brother is nothing like him,” the brunette denies instantly. He wouldn't tell you but when you two saw the District 4 reaping he also thought about his brother when Jason appeared on screen. But he couldn't allow himself to see his brother in one of his opponents, that would only hurt him in the arena, so he instantly forced himself to push that thought away from him. The only thing in common between the two of them was that they are both thirteen years old, he just repeated to himself.
"I just showed Jason how I made my camouflage and I remembered when I tried to teach Joffrey how to frost a cookie." Jace must have made some funny face in his surprise because you were smiling again. "He made a mess, I don't know how he ended up with frosting on his hair and face, the only reason my mother didn't get mad is because Joffrey bought the cookies he ruined. If you ask me, he didn't ruin them, he just took artistic liberties" You said the last thing as if you were telling him a big secret, leaning towards him and putting your hand a few centimeters from your face, hiding it from the other tributes, as if you didn't want to they will try to read your lips. At your antics and the image of his younger brother covered in icing, Jacaerys can't help but laugh.
"I didn't know Joffrey spent so much time at the bakery."
"And with you", he added in his head. He couldn't help but wonder why his brother never told him. Although he shouldn't be surprised because at home there is always some bread or cookie from the bakery, but he always thought that the one who was going to buy it was Uncle Larys. He might have missed some things by spending so much time in the forest and the Hob with Baela.
"Your brother is addicted to sugar so he usually comes often after school to buy something. He says he deserves a treat after spending hours locked up in hell."
Jacaerys notices the affection with which you speak of his brother and he can't help but feel warm. He has the feeling that you have even more stories to tell about his brothers and he wants to hear them all.
"Yeah, that sounds like Joffrey," he agrees with a smile.
During the rest of the days of training, Jacaerys feels a whole mix of emotions fighting within him. You two continue training together in some positions such as setting up shelters, recognizing edible plants, and throwing knives and spears, but at some point, you always end up separated by your decision because you want to train with a partner so you look for one of the assistants. In those moments Jace can't help but distrust you because for a while he sees you fighting with the assistant but then the next time he sees you you are in the same section as the professionals, he never sees you talking to one of them but he still can't avoid feeling restless. On the other hand, he can't continue denying that something is forming between the two of you; it's impossible not to form a kind of friendship after sharing so many anecdotes during lunch. At first, you were the one who did most of the talking, telling him more about Joffrey's visits to the bakery, but then Jace wants to know about you and starts asking you more about you and your brothers. And before he least realizes it, he is also sharing his own stories. He tells you how Uncle Larys once made them believe his house was haunted only to make them stop wandering around at night because they wouldn't let him sleep. You laugh when he tells you how he once challenged a bear to fight in the woods to keep a beehive and how his father had never scolded him so much.
On the second day of training before you go to train with an assistant you whisper to Jacaerys that he has a shadow. When he turns to see Rue, the little girl from District 11 spying on them, you encourage him to talk to her but Jace refuses because he has no idea what to say to her and also because he is afraid of meeting her and she will remind him of his brothers or Baela's little sisters.
When the private sessions arrive with the gamemakers it is evident that both you and Jacaerys are nervous because neither of you tries to have a conversation while waiting your turn or even when the two of you are alone after Rue enters.
"Good luck," Jacaerys wishes you as he stands up when he is called. He couldn't tell you later because once a tribute finishes the session he has to go to his apartment "Try throwing the weights, impress them."
"Thank you" It is evident that you were not expecting his words because you keep looking at him impressed "Lucky for you too. Remember to shoot well" you smile at him.
He nods and starts walking towards the door.
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He ruined it. What the hell was he thinking? No, he didn't think about it. He just let his anger get the best of him, he was outraged that the guards had stopped paying attention to him after he missed his first shot, he was furious that he could die within a few days and they wouldn't deign to watch his entire performance, so he took the arrow and shot at the gamemakers' table. Of course, he didn't shoot any of them, his arrow hit right where he wanted it, in the apple that the pig had in its mouth. When all eyes were on him he sarcastically thanked them for their time while bowing. He didn't wait to be fired, he stormed out of the training room still feeling his blood boil. Only when he was alone in the elevator did he feel the weight of what he did, he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest and his throat was burning. He ruined it. He hadn't tried to kill any of the gamemakers but maybe someone would think that. He was sure he must be the first tribute to do something like that. He lost any chance he had of winning the games. But what scares him the most is that because of his attitude, they will now punish his brothers. He would never forgive himself if something happened to them because of him.
When the elevator doors opened, tears had already begun to roll down Jacaerys's cheeks. He ignored the questions from Effie, who was waiting for him in the hallway, and locked himself straight into his room. It didn't take long for knocks to sound on his door and the woman's voice asking him to come out but he didn't move from the bed. When silence came he thought that he had finally given up and they would leave him alone. But minutes later he heard the cold voice of his uncle:
"Jacaerys, open the door. Stop acting like a child."
Jacaerys was about to ignore him but then he realized that the only one who could help him protect his brothers was his uncle. So he took courage and got out of his pile of blankets. He unlatched the door and nervously opened the door. For a moment he thought he saw something different in his uncle's eyes. He couldn't figure out exactly what but that only made him more nervous. Without saying anything he went to sit on the edge of the bed while he watched Larys enter and close the door again. Surprising him, did his uncle think that he would try to escape in the middle of the conversation?
Larys took the chair that was at the desk placed it in front of the bed and then sat down.
"I ruined it," said Jacaerys, his voice breaking when he saw that his uncle did not seem willing to start the conversation. "They are going to punish Luke and Joff because of me." The teenager's desperation was clear by how he tugged at his curls as he spoke."You have to do something, uncle, please. It's my fault, let them punish me."
"What did you do?" the victor demanded to know.
Then Jace told him everything, how the gamemakers were drunk and how after he missed his first shot they stopped paying attention to him, missing the circuit he made and how he hit the center in the rest of his shots, that he didn't think about his actions, that he got carried away with anger and shot at the apple that was in the mouth of the pig that the gamemakers were about to eat, gaining their attention again and how he left the training room without waiting to be fired but not before thanking them sarcastically for their attention. As Jacaerys continued speaking Larys's hand turned white from the strength with which he gripped his staff.
"I told you that you won't attract attention" his uncle's biting tone only made Jacaerys' discomfort increase and he couldn't help but take one of the blankets again and wrap himself in it. It's not like he expected Larys to comfort him but he also shouldn't have been surprised that the first thing he did was scold him. "But you can rest assured, they're not going to punish your brothers." There was that strange look in his eyes again.
"Are you sure?" The uncertainty in his voice was clear, he wanted to trust his uncle but at the same time, he couldn't help but think that Larys would tell him any lie as long as he kept concentrating on the games.
"If they are going to punish Lucerys and Joffrey, they would have to tell what you did in the entertainment center so that it has some effect on the districts, but they won't because it's secret," Larys explained with a little more patience. "The only one you hurt with your actions it's you"
Upon hearing that nothing would happen to his brothers, Jacaerys felt that part of his discomfort disappeared. He still had to worry because surely the gamemakers would now make his life miserable in the arena but at least he knew that his brothers would be safe.
"I know, the gamemakers will make my life miserable in the arena" he stated "And today they will give me the worst score so I won't have any sponsors" he sighed thinking that now it would be even more difficult for him to survive in the arena without sponsors, the food wouldn't be a big problem because he knew how to hunt but if he got hurt then he would need medicine.
"Don't worry about the sponsors, I'll take care of that," Larys promises and this time Jacaerys doesn't doubt his uncle because he looks too confident. "Well, it's done, it's not something we can change. Stop getting depressed and let's go have dinner before they give the scores."
During dinner, Jace barely joins the conversation and feels your worried gaze the entire time. It seems that Effy told you about the state he arrived in after his private session.
In the middle of dinner, Effy can't stand his curiosity anymore so he asks them both how it went. Jacaerys wasn't going to say anything until he heard you speak.
"I don't think I impressed them, some paid attention to me but others were more focused on whatever was on the table," you said resignedly.
"It's my fault. I'm sorry" he apologized, feeling guilty because apparently he had also harmed your private session.
"How is it your fault?" Cinna asked curiously.
"I shot them an arrow," Jace replied.
At first, he ignored Effy's indignation and the rest of the team's questions, focusing more on your reaction. You still looked at him with concern. He was relieved to not see you angry. The truth is, he couldn't blame you if you got angry with him after all his act had attracted the attention of the gamemakers when it was essential for you to have a better score.
"I actually shot an arrow at the pig's apple they were about to eat. They were drunk and I got angry because they weren't paying attention to me."
"And what did they tell you?" You asked anxiously and looked at the doors as if you were expecting that at any moment the peace officers would come in to look for him.
"I don't know. I left"
"Did you leave without permission?" Effie asked to see if she understood correctly.
"I gave it to myself" Jace replied and a laugh escaped your mouth, you quickly stifled it with your hand before Effie's gaze. Jacaerys was pleased to see the worry disappear from your face.
"Larys, aren't you going to say anything about it?" Effie questioned evidently expecting the victor to side with her and scold them.
"It's done, Effie. There's nothing we can do," he responded boredly as he buttered a piece of bread.
"What was their face?" you asked, looking at him curiously.
"They seemed terrified. A man stumbled backward and fell into a punch bowl." At the time Jacaerys had been so angry that he couldn't enjoy the watchman making a fool of himself but now he remembered it with fun.
Everyone laughed, except for Effie but she seemed to hold back a smile so Jace didn't take it the wrong way.
“Oh, I would have loved to see that,” you said with a smile. If Jacaerys hadn't been so focused on you then he would have noticed that his uncle seemed to be studying the two of you.
Once everyone finishes dinner they go to sit in the living room to watch the scores announced on television. How every year a photo of the tribute appears while Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith announce the score. What is striking with the group of professionals is that this year not everyone has a score between eight and ten like previous years, but the boy from District 4 gets a seven. The same score that Rue gets, Jace can't help but wonder how she managed to get that score. But any thoughts of the little girl from District 11 disappear and are replaced by euphoria when he hears Caesar announce his score. An eleven.
Applause and congratulations filled the room. Jacaerys smiles until he realizes that his uncle is quiet and doesn't look as excited as the rest about his eleven. He starts to feel the anxiety in his body and he wants to ask his uncle what the problem is but he doesn't want to have this conversation in front of everyone.
“Good” is the only thing Larys says after they also announce your eight. And Jace feels stupid for worrying so much, surely his uncle didn't say anything before because he was still hanging on to your score after all he wasn't the only tribute Larys had in charge. “You should go to sleep, you have a long day tomorrow” he ordered them while motioning to the avox to bring him more wine.
You and Jacaerys say goodbye to the entire team and head toward the hallway where your rooms are.
“Tell me, what does it feel like to break the bad streak of twelve and go down in history?” you said while leaning on your door.
“You're exaggerating,” Jace said, trying to sound exasperated by rolling his eyes, but there was no annoyance in his tone.
“I'm not,” you shook your head, smiling. You just beat the score of the professionals, I think it's impressive” you said while crossing your arms. “Surely the entire Capitol is talking about you and you are going to monopolize all my sponsors.”
Your last words brought Jace back to his senses. You two were in a competition and his live were at stake. He couldn't keep joking with you. He should be focused on making a good impression on Caesar and the people at the Capitol tomorrow.
“We should go to sleep,” he said abruptly, resting his hand on the handle of his door, trying not to feel guilty as he saw how the spark in your eyes seemed to go out at his tone. “Have a good night,” he didn’t even wait for you to respond before walking into his room and closing the door. His father would be disappointed in his treatment of you.
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a/n: I'm grieving because I had to delete the scene I had with Larys and Sea Dragon bc if I left it, then there were going to be things in Cathing Fire that didn't make sense 😫
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, as I always say the comments and reblogs are very appreciated 🥰
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jemjams02 · 5 months
Specifically asking for Mammon and Asmo cause they're my faves, but could you write some headcanons as to what they're like as a duo, both interacting with each other (in a platoic way of course) and MC?
They're my favorite dynamic in the game tbh hehe
Mammon and Asmo are definitely MC's number 1 party duo, if MC wants to go out, you're calling them. Not only does MC trust them to keep you safe out there in the demon clubs (there's some sketchy mfs at those places), but they LOVE taking MC out dancing!!
I personally think Mammon and Asmo also spend lots of time together, they both have similar interests in fashion, modeling and social media (although social media is mostly Asmo). Once MC came along, they wanted to doll them up! Although they have very different aesthetics, and often would fight over whether they'd look best in the Legally Blonde-pink outfit, or the leather jacket, ripped jeans and combat boots (Mammon usually caves first, mostly cause he thinks the pink outfit is cute too)
Mammon's the only one really allowed to be in the room when Asmo is having a pampering session with MC, since he's a model he understands Asmo's views on skincare and relaxation, and sometimes the three of them have massage circles while they talk shit.
I feel like aside from Mammon's habit of taking things from Asmo, they don't butt heads very often. Sure, Asmo makes the same comments his brothers do, but to him his brother is mostly just a dumbass. Usually they'll agree on things, unless Mammon says something profoundly stupid, then Asmo has some words to say
Mammon's one of the brothers who actually appreciates the manicures, whereas everyone else kinda just lets him do it. Mammon likes his nails painted, but sucks at doing it himself, so Asmo does it for him!
Asmo 100% goes to Mammon's shoots to make sure they're not doing his big brother wrong! He's NOT letting those people put Mammon in anything he deems ugly
Shopping. They love shopping. It's a hassle to get them out of the shops once they've gotten into it!
Mammon is willing to thrift, and Asmo is only going so he doesn't get anything ugly lol
Mammon has definitely just not said anything to anyone when Asmo comes home late with a demon that managed to strike his fancy; they usually make knowing eye contact with each other and then never speak of it
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I haven't seen it yet but full hc for the m6 with an MC on the ADHD spectrum
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who has ADHD
~ @themushroomgoesyeet hope you like these! I'm writing half from personal experience, half from what I've read and heard. Please let me know if there's anything that need correcting! ~
ADHD is a less familiar subject for him, if only because his areas of specialty so far have been contagious diseases and battle wounds
He's also not really one to judge you for difficulty keeping a sleep schedule, self-medicating with caffeine, or spending days on end obsessively learning everything you can about a specific subject
What's abundantly clear to him, though, is that you do not deserve to live with the guilt that comes from your own brain hijacking every commitment and interest that it doesn't prioritize
He knows what it's like to feel guilty for something that wasn't your fault, and he doesn't like seeing you live with it
The way he sees it, he's even more to blame for his shortcomings than you are, because you're actively working against your own brain and he's just ... sad (you'll have to tell him that this is not true)
This is going to become one of those shared challenges you tackle together as a couple
He'll write down all the bad effects of too much caffeine to motivate him to reduce your combined intake
You remind him to go to bed with you at a decent hour and call it "poetry time" instead of "bedtime" to trick both of your brains into not thinking of it as the end of the day
They love you. They love you so much. They never, ever want to get in the way of your preferences and vision
He enables you maaaybe a little more than he should
Staying up late is a great idea! Spending the entire day on your current fixation with no break to go outside or talk to people? Hey, don't let them ruin your fun ~
Thankfully, he cares about you far too much to leave you to engage in anything genuinely self destructive
Once the amount of caffeine you've consumed goes from "inadvisable" to "concerning," once your sleep schedule goes from "not ideal" to "dysfunctional", they'll step in in the gentlest way
Another cup of coffee? Let him get you some soothing tea. Another all-nighter? Snuggle him first, let him help you meditate a bit and see if you don't get drowsy
Nobody can combat executive dysfunction like this magician
All it takes is them feeling the slowly building dread through your bond, and they're lovingly poofing you off of the couch/floor/counter and into a very ticklish hug
His lifestyle is heavily ADHD coded as it is. He remains completely unfazed by the roller coaster that your brain can be
To her, you are the best possible version of her opposite
She has a hard time changing between trains of thought. You reboot yours every time you walk through a door!
She sometimes forgets to slow down and appreciate the small things in favor of the bigger picture. You, on the other hand, are constantly pausing to notice them
And don't get her started on how much she admires your capacity to learn so much specialized knowledge in such a short period of time. It's truly astonishing and she adores it
However, she can tell that leaving it unchecked and untreated will make it difficult for you to function in the Palace's normal setup, much less follow regular routines
Quick to find a specialist in your condition and set up a few sessions with them, coming up with ways to work with your diagnoses and exploring medication options that you like
Insanely good at helping you keep your mind on track and regulate your attention and focus levels, even when it means pulling you away from a task that's about to eat up half your day
Likes to idly study the chaotic way you manage your personal spaces and try to figure out what the method to the madness is
What, you think he's not used to living with a chaotic being that'll start three projects in a row before randomly walking out and not reappearing for several hours? Please.
Truthfully, there are some small things that annoy him. He likes predictability, and your base state of functioning is taking the next random tangent. That's not easy to not worry about
However, he knows that living with him takes plenty of patience as well. As long as you two can be patient with each other's quirks, and respectful when you lovingly intervene, that's what matters
He still loves hearing you ramble
He likes watching your eyes light up, listening to the excited lilt of your voice as you infodump all the new specialized knowledge you've gobbled up
That aside, he does love learning. Each of your new fixations is a new field of education for him by proxy
He's also someone who thrives on habit and routine and isn't afraid to put his foot down when your wellbeing is involved
He will scoop you up in his arms and lovingly carry you to bed when the bags under your eyes get too prominent and you start to nod off mid-sentence
Portia looks at you like you hung the moon. Portia thinks that every magical thing you do is mind-blowingly amazing. Portia assumes that all of your little quirks and non-habits are just you being you
Hey, if finding one specific food and eating it and only it for days on end is something you want to do, cool! Maybe it's secretly satisfying some magician's craving!
You're going to think about one thing and one thing only and learn everything there is to know about that thing? That's some badass scholarly behavior right there.
Well - except for the part where you forget something exists as soon as it's not in your hand anymore, or where time really does seem like a social construct, or where you somehow get physically and mentally stuck in one spot without being able to move
That looks ... miserable
Nobody can manage chaos like she can. She'll help you snap out of it, she'll remind you to eat and sleep and take your meds, she'll regularly ask when last you went outside or took a bath
And when you mess up - when you miss an event, or fall behind schedule, or leave things to pile up until they're too much - she'll be right next to you with an encouraging smile and plenty of grace
This works either really well or really poorly, depending on the day, how he's doing, how you're doing, what you're both supposed to be doing, what the weather's like ...
It's unpredictable, but that's the fun of it!
Much of the time, your strong points support each other. There are few feelings Lucio hates more than boredom, but with a brain like yours around, there's always something new to try or think about
Few things cause the kind of bone-deep discouragement and guilt that constantly missing things does, but nobody values the importance of trying again like he does
On the other hand, sometimes you accidentally enable each other
Lucio's still learning the self-regulation involved with choosing to do something unpleasant and important over doing something enjoyable and completely useless
And if your brain decides that said pleasant thing is the only thing it's going to function for, well, not getting sidetracked is almost impossible. Good luck to you both
Thankfully, you both have a lifestyle that allows for unusual schedules and working styles. As long as you have each other to keep trying growing, you'll never get stuck for long
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Steve x Wednesday!reader and the gang really didn’t expect Steve to end up w someone so different from all his exs but also low-key think she’s way out of his league??? Found your fics and your writing is sick 😋😋😋😋
Thanks for your request sweetheart! I haven't written wednesday!reader before so idk if this was too much? Or too little? Anyway, I hope you like it, mwah <3
Steve Harrington x Wednesday!reader ♡ 698 words
You hadn't been at all nervous to meet Steve's friends. Really, they probably should have been more nervous about meeting you.
You could be a bit off-putting at first, with your impassive stare and clipped, to-the-point manner of speaking. The few other girlfriends Steve had introduced to his friends had greeted them with smiles and nervous laughter, and Steve had caught Dustin and Mike whispering about just that when you'd gone to the bathroom.
Overall, though, Steve thinks this is going pretty well. Nancy had liked your giant combat boots, Eddie loved that you had the same taste in music, and when the kids found out how much you knew about mages and battle strategy, they'd grilled you for a solid twenty minutes before Steve had called them off, complaining that he was going to dream about their nerd jargon that night if they didn't shut up.
Now, Eddie and the boys are discussing the edition of their nerd game they'll be playing next week (how it even changes from week to week, Steve can never figure out), and you seem to be listening with mild interest when you turn towards him suddenly.
"I have to go home," you say, in your matter-of-fact way. "I left a potion on the stove, and its six hours are almost up."
Steve blinks at you. He should be used to this by now, but sometimes your hobbies still take him by surprise. "Alright," he says after a moment. "What's the potion for?"
Impossibly, your expression darkens. "Something ate my venus fly traps, and I intend to find out what."
Steve declines to ask what you plan to do when you do find them, or how whatever you're brewing will accomplish that. "Okay," he stands, looking for where he left his keys. "I'll drive."
"No, you can stay," you say, as if it makes no difference to you. "I want to cut through the woods to find some belladonna on my way."
He's not going to ask what you want with the poisonous berries, either. "You sure, honey?" You nod, and Steve sits back down. He knows better than to bother arguing with you once you've made up your mind. "Okay, be safe, alright? Text me when you're home."
He tilts his chin up, and you lean down to peck him on the lips, a brief, chaste thing compared to what you prefer behind closed doors.
"Bye, Y/N!" Eddie calls, and a chorus of goodbyes follow you out. As soon as the door closes behind you, every eye in the room turns on Steve.
"Steve, what the hell? She's so cool." Dustin says, sounding almost shocked.
"Yeah," Eddie chimes in. "Where the hell have you been hiding her, Harrington?"
Steve grins proudly. He known they liked you, but it doesn't hurt to hear it out loud. "Yeah?"
"Um, yeah," Max says. "She's hilarious."
Robin nods enthusiastically. "She is! She's so funny, and smart, too. Honestly, Steve, it's a good thing you're nice, because she's, like, way out of your league."
Steve blinks. Okay, ouch. This compliment session seems to be taking an unexpected turn. Up until today, no one was out of Steve Harrington's league. "You really think so?"
"Duh." Robin looks around for support, but only Dustin is nodding, everyone else having fallen unusually silent. "Oh, you guys are cowards. She's gorgeous."
"I know that," Steve says defensively.
"She does have better hair than you," Nancy says, somewhat apologetically, "and that's kind of your thing, so."
Steve blows out an exasperated breath, slouching back in his seat. He thinks you have better hair than him, but he didn't know everyone else would think that. And of course you're far too good for him, but aren't these supposed to be his friends? Any modicum of loyalty they'd had between them seems to have vanished.
"Whatever," Steve says. "You guys are just jealous."
Eddie sighs, his eyes sparkling with exaggerated infatuation. "I know I am. Don't let her get away from you, Harrington, or I might take her for myself."
Steve rolls his eyes. As if he'd be dumb enough to let that happen. He's happy to be your charity case forever.
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missingexaltation · 2 years
(Just some post-Vecna D&D shenanigans because Hellfire looked so, so serious, and D&D (IMO) is rarely like that.)
Eddie's a brutal DM. He loves putting his players through the ringer, because their victories against him are then so much sweeter. He knows they get frustrated, but they also get a sick satisfaction from the campaigns, so it works out.
Even after Vecna, when Will comes back to Indiana and joins their excommunicated Hellfire sessions, Eddie doesn't change too much. Vexing them is one of his favourite things to do, he's spent hours creating this storyline after all, and he loves watching the party flounder and pull together to succeed.
It all goes to pot when Steve first tries to play. At first, he can't remember any of the races or NPC names (OR the party's names, actually), so instead he gives them all his own nicknames, which Eddie fucking hates, but puts up with because Steve just gives him the 🥺 eyes. 'I'm new at this, Eds, I'm sorry.' And to the surprise of everyone else, it actually works.
(Eddie does not tell them why it works, and why he's immune to everyone else trying that same tactic. He and Steve have been together for a couple of months and are very much enjoying exploring that by themselves for now. Steve's not above taking advantage of Eddie during D&D though, if anything, dating the DM makes him more bold.)
The thing that winds Eddie up the most though? When Steve starts to get it together, figures out what he's doing, and starts joining in with character role play. He's competitive, gets frustrated when he rolls low during combat, but absolutely lords about when he does roll high, echoing his kingly jock past when he gets a rare kill.
It becomes a running joke, Steve only rolls high on dumb shit, never when it's important, so although he can vague his way through some encounters, he has to rely on the rest of the party (Will in particular) to heal him up again. Unlike the others, Steve doesn't have any particular attachment to his character, so he's happy to 'fuck around and find out', and risk getting killed. (He knows Eddie's already got him a new one drawn up...just in case.)
The dumb shit he gets away with cracks the kids up. Steve gets away with so much through poor ignorance and sheer ballsy plays. Everyone finds it hysterical when Steve gets a nat 20 on completely irrelevant rolls, (the worst was when he gained an NPC to adventure alongside them, causing Eddie a complete fucking headache when said NPC was fighting alone against a dozen enemies and Eddie was stuck.narrating and rolling dice against himself for fifteen minutes), but alongside all of this...there's a more horrifying realisation.
Eddie loves it too.
Sure, this particular campaign is easier than any they've done before (purposefully designed so Eddie can catalogue how his newbies play), but it's so much fun. The kids, Steve, Gareth and Jeff all find it entertaining when Eddie bangs his head against the desk in annoyance, pauses the game for a much needed smoke, when he's forced to bring yet another NPC alongside with them, or when Steve crit rolls for dumb shit like how many beers he can down at the local tavern during a short rest.
Eddie's not sure if the kids know that he's grinning like a maniac behind his DM board, or that he's hiding his face because he's laughing and not despairing, but he's sure they'll find out eventually. He keeps up the facade as long as he can though. His boyfriend, kids and his boys are having fun, so he does too.
Eddie starts only putting his foot down for really ridiculous things, enjoying the weird fucking tangents the party starts to take, and rewriting the story on the fly, not even trying to get them back on track. It's a new challenge for him, and it becomes less a game of tactics and more of a combined storytelling. And Eddie loves weaving a good story.
'So...only one person can go through the portal?' Steve asks.
'Yeah, if you want someone else to try, you're gonna have to come back out first.' Eddie replies, braced for whatever fucking shenanigans he's about to try. Steve's got that face on, which means he's gonna push his luck.
'What about that bag thing, can I put someone in that and go through the portal?' He asks. 'It can hold a person, yeah? I put David Toadie the fifth in there last week.'
That immediately starts the table gossiping, and Eddie sighs, leaning back and waiting for them to all talk themselves out. The fucking bullywugs, he thinks. Steve had called them all David Toadie, because 'bullywug' was apparently too difficult.
'You could put everyone in the bag of holding.' Eddie agrees, once they've calmed down. 'But only one person can go through the portal, regardless of whether they're in the bag or not. Plus there's a time limit before they suffocate to death.'
'What if I turn the rest of us into gas?' Will chips in excitedly. Steve snaps his fingers and points at him, grinning with agreement.
'We're not people if we're gas! And we don't need to breathe!' Dustin yells, 'We can all go through!'
'They all start chanting 'IN THE BAG, IN THE BAG, IN THE BAG', while hitting the table, as they turn to Eddie, wide eyed with glee.
He groans theatrically and rubs his hands over his eyes, pressing the heels of his palms into his sockets. Jesus H Christ, these fucking kids. They weren't this disobedient before Harrington, that's for sure.
'Eighteen.' He says, begrudgingly, 'Natural eighteen or above on your D20 and you can shove all your kids in the fucking bag, Harrington. And roll where I can see it.'
Steve makes a big show of getting all the party to touch the die for luck, and rolls.
It's another fucking nineteen. His fifth of the session.
They all look from the die, up at Eddie, sitting at the head of the table. He sighs.
'I'll allow it.' He says, glumly.
The room EXPLODES with cheers. Dustin and Mike are squealing, grabbing onto Steve, and the others are hammering on the table with huge smiles on their faces. Gareth and Lucas are on their feet, twirling around like lunatics, and Eddie just sits there, utterly defeated and trying not to laugh. Steve catches his eye and winks, and Eddie just knows he's getting lucky tonight.
There's nothing but an empty room with a note, on the other side of the portal. It just needed one person to read it and memorize the runes before they came back through. It was supposed to take a minute, if that, but it's been nearly an hour because they're all terrified of what trap Eddie 'might' have set up there.
It's not defeating a dragon, or Vecna, or any other mythical, legendary monster, but already this session is easily in his top 3.
This. This is why he plays.
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Let me just say I love your writing. And I have a request! Skellies of your choice, with a s/o who's the heir to the throne of monsters. Their the only child of Asgore and Toriel who lived to adulthood. And because both of their siblings are “dead” this makes them the future Queen/king of monsters. They are trying to help their future kingdom and monsterkind best they can, but they're really reserved and do it from the background. I hope you have a good day or night <3
Undertale Sans - He's the nanny lol. The King and Queen have a lot of things to do for their duty, unlike Sans, who doesn't have much to do all day long. He loves the kid, he's always a bit excited when he gets to spend some time with them. Since Papyrus is working, it helps him to not feel too lonely, and he can teach the kid a lot of things. Well, not all of these things are good things, he's still a prankmaster, but he's still teaching them. He missed being a big brother.
Undertale Papyrus - He's the official sports coach for the royal heir with Undyne and he's so excited about it. Turns out they are awful teachers and every session turns horribly wrong, like that time Undyne decided to test the prince's survival instincts by throwing them from a cliff, and Papyrus, horrified, jumped right behind the child. And then Undyne, excited... Jumped as well. They all crashed in the trees but more importantly with no way to return and had to camp there for three days...
Underswap Sans - He's not too close to the royal family anymore since he's on the Surface, it's more his brother's thing. However, he's the kid personal security guard when Alphys is not available, so they bonded through the little time they got to spend together. Blue likes the kid and thinks they will be a great King/Queen later. He saw their soul, they're a good kid.
Underswap Papyrus - He's the kid's nanny as well, but he was quite the obvious choice to the royal family as Honey loves kids and most of the kids in the Underground always ran to him when they had problems. Honey is their second father. He's part of their education, and he's taking care of them whenever the King and Queen are busy. Even once all grow up, Honey is still very protective of that baby he saw grow up. He's going to cry so much the day they'll take the throne.
Underfell Sans - So, Toriel has trust problems and decided that when she's out in town, he would take care of the child, without really asking him if he wanted that or not. Red is so scared of what will happen to him if something happens to the child that he doesn't bond that much with them. He keeps a safe distance at all times. Even if Toriel is way better than what Asgore used to be, she still has some of his manners and he's not too fond of them.
Underfell Papyrus - He's the child combat instructor and he's always excited to train them and teach them what he learned younger. He actually loves it so much that there's a chance he might try to find a job similar to this on the surface. He will make sure the kid is the best fighter ever, and he won't stop training them until they are able to go harass Undyne in her own house and beat her ass up for no reason. He will cheer so much the day it will happen.
Horrortale Sans - If it's Toriel's kid, it's family, so there's a high chance Oak considers them as some sort of nephew. Well, of course, being king or queen doesn't mean that much in their situation, so... At least it's a fresh beginning. He's just happy to have a kid running in the farm and getting excited on the small things. Someone who is not even judging added to that because well, they grew up seeing them all the time, so.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's the kid's second mom. Toriel can be pretty tired sometimes, and when it happens, he's there to take care of the child. He lectures them when he needs to, and tries to educate them on many subjects, particularly on how to help on the farm, or be nice to others, or cooking sessions! He's very proud of them as they grow up to be very kind and reasonable, and he knows it's a little thanks to him.
Swapfell Sans - He's kinda relieved because it means Toriel doesn't consider him anymore as her heir and that's the best news ever. However, she ordered him to be the heir's private teacher... He was not too enthusiastic about that at first, but the kid is nothing like Toriel, and eventually, Nox grew too attached. He's hoping a little as well that he can make them a better ruler than their mother. A lot of things need to change in the monarchy, he wants to help them to realize it.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's forbidden to go near the child lol. Toriel hates him and considers him a traitor so... That doesn't prevent him from being the annoying uncle when the kid is training with Nox at home, pranking the kid and his brother just to get a reaction. And yes, maybe he's jealous of all the attention the kid gets from his brother.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's declared public enemy because the royal family is too scared he might kill the heir to take the throne or manipulate them to gain access to it. He has no contact with the heir whatsoever because the King and Queen know he's a little shit, that he is NOT trustworthy, and that it's best he stays very far away. That doesn't prevent Wine from pulling stings in the background so the heir meets people he wants to meet :) But the royal family doesn't need to know that.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Because of his brother, he's not authorized to get near. Unfortunately for the royal family, the heir somehow got attached to Coffee and escaped the castle a few times a week to visit him. Coffee is freaking out every time it happens both because he's scared Wine will do something to them, and because he's terrified the King and the Queen will have his head if they caught him with the kid. Why can't he be a normal introverted guy locked in his room doing nothing? He doesn't want to get involved with politics, but politics somehow always finds him!
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dandelion-wings · 26 days
In the classic 'warmups that ate my whole writing session,' have some not-so-baby Kaeya (he's like fourteen here, but still fairly newly-come to the Dawn Winery) from yet another AU @theabysscomeshome and I were kicking around on Discord yesterday. >> I like the Dawn Winery family vibes, okay.
They have a lot of trust to rebuild after the incident. Master Crepus says that they need to start with more focused language lessons, so that they can actually explain to Kaeya what's going on. Adelinde does understand where he's coming from, but she thinks it needs to be a little more basic than that.
Fortunately, Kaeya seems to have latched onto her as the safest person around: domestic, slight of build, without a Vision and apparently not combat-trained. He doesn't have to know what the head housemaid has taught her to do with kitchen knives (or what she has done with them for Master Diluc, the once, and what she would gladly do for him). She takes care to be always gentle with him, to keep her voice soft, to reinforce that perception of safety. To make her someone he doesn't feel he has to flee.
Master Crepus looks sorrowful every time Kaeya ducks behind her when he enters the room. He understands why, though, and he doesn't press. There's time enough for Kaeya to re-learn how kind he, too, can be. For now, Master Crepus reassigns Adelinde from all her other duties. Taking care of Kaeya is one of only two she has to concern herself with. Keeping watch on him is the other.
He *was* the other half of the incident, after all. What he did cannot happen ever again.
Despite that reassignment, Adelinde carries on with some of a housemaid's work, picking and choosing whatever seems to suit Kaeya's needs that day. It means she spends a lot of time in the kitchen. He may not trust them, but putting temptation in front of him long enough does induce him to eat. And everyone from the Cathedral's healers to the fieldworkers agree that he absolutely needs to be fed.
"Two cups of flour," Adelinde tells him, showing him the bag, then each scoop, as she measures it into the bowl. Formal language lessons are all well and good, but she knows that the expensive Akademiya tutor isn't teaching him this vocabulary. That he can see in the process that she's not putting anything harmful into the food is just as important.
(That first potion was, she thinks, a terrible idea. It was absolutely necessary; the Mages' taint *had* to be cleared, or it might have killed him or worse. And there was no way to tell him in words why it was given, or what the effects would be. But they never should have slipped it into his food.)
"Salt," she goes on, showing him the block. "We'll scrape some off. That's enough. Then we'll cut in the butter, and the lard. You want to taste that? It won't taste good, but all right. Now we sprinkle milk over it as we knead it together. I'll do that. Do you want to start chopping the meat?"
No one else would approve of giving him a knife, which is why Adelinde has cleared out a small side-kitchen instead of working in the main one. The thing is, he knows full well he's under watch. She sees how he flinches whenever someone looks so much as alarmed at his behavior. He's afraid of being hurt, again, if anyone even thinks he's trying more magery. How can he think otherwise, with his burns still healing and Sir Jean checking in almost daily on Diluc's behalf? It's not as if his fears are groundless. If he attempts another Abyssal ritual, they'll have to do *something* to stop him.
If they want him to trust them, they need to demonstrate that they're willing to trust him in exchange. So, the knife. Adelinde isn't ready to turn her back on him yet while he's holding it, but she'll do that eventually, too. For now it's no surprise that she isn't when she's working at the same counter and all that they'll need is already arrayed in front of them.
She rolls out the pastry and divides it out into the pie pans while he chops the meat fine and dumps it into the bowl. Then, after making him wash his hands, she presents the spice rack before him. "What do you want to put into this?"
For this, she gives him is the appropriately-sized spoon and free rein. The pies may come out oddly-tasting this way--they have before--but he knows by now what she does use, and she wants to let him experiment. He tastes a bit of each spice, thoughtfully, mixes them in his hand and tries various combinations, and finally pours scoops of each one he's chosen into the bowl. Adelinde watches him out of the corner of her eye as she whips the eggs, but he doesn't do anything she'd have to scold him for--dumping a whole spice jar in, or licking his finger and sticking it into a jar to taste, or touching the meat and then a jar. He's so much more careful with food than Master Diluc ever was.
Pouring the eggs in, she offers him the spoon. "Do you want to stir?"
He does. Adelinde watches as he mixes it all together, then pours it into the pastry herself before showing him how to fold the tops up. Then into the oven--he stays well back from the heat--and she makes them both hot cocoa while they wait for them to bake. He huddles over his mug like he expects it to be taken from him. Or tampered with.
(*How* she wishes they hadn't put that potion into his food.)
She takes the pies out herself and puts them on the cooling rack, pretending not to notice Kaeya scraping the last, dregs of cocoa from the pot while her back is turned. He never tries to ask for more
than he's offered, and that's from more than just the language barrier; he's expressive enough in his gestures when he wants to be. Someday she'll be able to tell him that he can have as much as he likes. For now, she'll let him get away with all his pilferage.
And make more hot chocolate while the pies are cooling, of course.
By the time they've finished the second pot, they're cool enough to eat without burning his mouth. Adelinde gets out a plate, then pauses, a thought occurring to her. Instead of loading it up herself, she hands it to Kaeya, then steps back, gesturing towards the rack. "How many do you want?"
The look he gives her is eloquently disbelieving. She can almost hear the question: surely she's not telling him to take the whole batch. There's no way to explain to him yet that she *would* let him have it all if he wanted, and hope he had the sense to save some for later rather than give himself the stomachache, but that's not the point. Right now she just wants to give him a choice.
She's expecting him to simply take a pie or two, readying herself to smile and nod in approval so he knows he's not taking too much. Instead, he looks at the rack, clearly counting off, then looks at her and says, with tremendous care, "I want... two?" He holds up two fingers as he says it.
It's the first time he's actually tried to answer her in Mond. Adelinde beams at him.
"Yes, you can have two," she says. "Or more. Three, or four, or five," she adds, holding up her fingers in turn, because she doesn't know whether 'more' is a word he's learned yet, nor any of the numbers. "As many as you want."
Kaeya studies her for a moment as if looking for a trap, then says, "I want four."
"You can have four." Adelinde gestures again towards the rack, encouragingly. "Choose whichever ones you like."
He takes the pies, quickly, before she can take the offer back, and then returns to the little table in the corner and hunches over them. Adelinde takes three pies for herself. She only really wants one, but she hopes that this way he won't think he's over-indulging; she can manage two, and wrap the third in her napkin as demonstration, so that if he does end up finding he's taken too much he'll know it's all right to keep for later.
She compliments his spice choices as they eat, though privately she thinks the rosemary was too much. Kaeya unhunches, slowly, once he's wolfed the first two down and finds himself working his way more slowly through the third. He's looking uncertainly at the fourth when Adelinde finishes her own second pie. She deliberately wraps hers in her napkin and tucks it into her pocket, making sure he's watching. He wraps his own, watching her as she does it and relaxing further when she nods.
"I want... one more?" He holds up a finger, again, and the wrapped pie in the other hand, and Adelinde smiles and nods at him before rising to get him another napkin. Kaeya pockets them and looks satisfied. Then he looks up at her and, again in Mond, says something that from the intonation he must have learned in his formal lessons. "Thank you."
Something warm swells in Adelinde's chest. "You're welcome," she tells him, and on impulse holds her arms out wide. He steps forward into the hug, tentative at first, then clinging tight when she pulls him in against her. She pretends not to notice how he's shaking and simply holds him until he chooses to let go.
It feels like a first step forward, after all their steps back. She's so, so proud to be part of it.
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wordstro · 6 months
[2] sector one: post-apocalypse au + mingi + "it's for my friend."
a/n: 3.2k words, gender neutral reader, mingi x y/n, post apocalypse/dystopia typical violence, baker!yn
part 1 | series masterlist | part 3
you liked baking focaccia. dimpling the bread calmed you.
you also liked learning combat. just in case you needed to run. just in case. combat was not as calming as the hours you spent baking, but it was important. complacency would be dangerous, and that thought remained a nagging voice at the back of your head.
for weeks now you attended ms. hyori's combat training sessions on your days off from the bakery, but ms. hyori had an accident where she'd slipped from one of the watchtower ladders and broke her ankle so she's been stuck on sewing duty - she hated it, if her constant, very loud groaning that could be heard throughout the compound was anything to go by.
unfortunately for sector one, the medic was a temporary replacement after the previous one had died on a medical supply run, and sector one still had not found a medic with actual working medical knowledge. this had been a problem since before you'd even entered sector one. unfortunately, training people who spent years spent within the walls of sector one with a measly tattered medical textbook only created a group of medics that could treat nothing worse than cuts, scrapes, and sprains.
injuries such as hyori's were treated mostly with bandages and strict rest orders to ensure that they healed properly; at least this was what yeri had told you the other day as you both worked on a round of focaccia bread from possibly expired yeast scavenger crew three found near a rundown gas station. broken bones often did not heal right before the Invasion; you could not imagine dealing with one now.
when you arrive at the training grounds, everyone else is already discussing who would replace ms. hyori, their hushed voices mixing with the early morning chirping from the birds. despite everything, nature kept on, and you always figured that was how the end of the world would go. hearing it and seeing it firsthand, though, was still jarring.
"morning, everyone," joy's soft, airy voice fills the training grounds. though she isn't loud, her voice echoes, and it seems to capture the attention of everyone instantly. even the early morning birds get quieter. joy strides to the front, people stepping aside to make room for her. there were two people trailing behind her.
joy has a bright smile on her face, her eyes sparkling, as she turns to face the group. the two unfamiliar people at her shoulders - one tall and the other shorter, but both angular, made rugged by their days beyond the wall, no doubt, with matching knitted brows, watchful eyes, and an air to them that you knew meant they were New - merely loomed behind her, like a brewing storm.
joy gestures to the two men beside her. the tall one towers over her, a looming figure with a quiet, intense aura. somehow the shorter one is scarier, his features sharp. he looks like the type of man that would have been casted in a television show about gangs.
the tall one, though terrifying in his height and stoic demeanor, appears almost docile in nature, gentler, in comparison. he keeps his distance from joy, you notice, but his eyes flit over the class attendees, lingering on each of you as if he is making mental notes in his head. he is rightfully wary, but he did not seem explosive or impulsive, which was hard to come by in this new world where many attacked first and asked questions last.
"as you may have already heard, hyori is out indefinitely until she's fully recovered. luckily for us, a couple newcomers have enthusiastically agreed to help with combat training during this time slot."
joy waves at the two men. neither of them look remotely enthusiastic.
"hyori has given them her approval, so i'm sure they'll do great. everyone, meet san," joy gestures to the shorter, sharp-featured man. his name suited him, his demeanor jagged like a mountain. joy turns, craning her neck to look up at the tall man, smiling brightly as she points at him, "and mingi. i know you all have things to do, so i won't keep you any longer. i hope you all treat each other kindly. san, mingi, if you need anything you know where to find me."
joy waves as she leaves, her personal guard following behind her. you stare at the two men.
mingi. back Before you would have thought this was merely a coincidence, but the world was truly small nowadays so coincidences no longer existed, at least not with names. this had to be that mingi. chocolate chip mingi. yeosang's friend.
yeosang comes by at least three times a week to request pastries. it was not the norm, really, and the kitchen head often looked down upon such a thing, but you allowed it. you liked the company, and he seemed more relaxed with each visit. it fascinated you, watching him open up to you so slowly. unfortunately, you didn't have chocolate chip cookies, as that last bit of chocolate chips was devoured quite quickly by dinner time the very same day you met yeosang, but you you still referred to yeosang's friend as the chocolate chip man. yeosang's friend who was named mingi. who is here in front of you. you you could finally put a face to.
yeosang never really bothered to bring mingi around.
"i swear you only come around here so you can get first dibs on any fresh batches," you muttered after you swatted yeosang's hand away when he tried to pick at a scone you'd just pulled from the oven.
"it's for my friend," yeosang said, "he's sad."
"yeah, yeah, yeah," you'd rolled your eyes, "i'm starting to think this sad chocolate chip man isn't real."
yeosang had laughed, but he did not say anything to refute your half-assed joke. you still gave him an extra scone before shooing him away from your kitchen.
you'd started to think you might have liked yeosang's company.
most importantly, you started to think his friend did not exist. perhaps yeosang needed company himself, and had no idea how to ask for it. you understood that need; you've had plenty of newcomers linger in your kitchen in search of someone to listen as they rambled on and on. yeosang mostly lurked in your kitchen in silence though. so clearly, this mingi was not real.
except now you know he is very much real.
mingi's eyes meets yours over a few heads, and you find yourself quickly looking away first, shuffling from foot to foot as you focus your attention on san. you feel as if you know him, when he likely has no idea who you are.
"...start with a few simple stretches and then i want you to show me your defensive st..." san's voice drones.
the rest of the session is quick, and on par with hyori's level of skill, though san and mingi clearly lack her positivity. san does not smile once, and mingi did not speak. somehow, san's intimidating, piercing stares and one-worded corrections as he walked around the training field is motivating though, because the class seemed much more serious this morning than you've ever thought it'd be.
when you first arrived at sector one, the disregard in everyone's demeanor had put you off. it was disconcerting, to think that you'd spent so long living in constant vigilance, while everyone here treated important things such as combat training like it was a boxing class at a local gym.
even after so much time in sector one, the nonchalance still bothered you. you could not shake the fear and anxiety, despite everything. san's stoic demeanor brings with it a sense of urgency in the other members of sector one that you often did not see. perhaps it was more present in those who did supply runs or worked outside the wall, but not in classes like this. it's as if his wariness is contagious.
where san is stoic, his directions short and his patience shorter, mingi does not say a word. he merely taps on shoulders, taps at incorrect points in someone's form, and demonstrates the correct form over and over until the person understands. he certainly has patience, and his presence draws command, despite his inability to speak. you find your eyes drifting to him, even as you try to keep your focus on san.
after class, you sit sprawled in the grass, fanning yourself. the sun has gotten hotter over the last few days, and sweat drips down your back at the simplest of tasks.
san and mingi are talking quietly as the other sector one training session attendees disperse. you didn't think mingi could speak, but it seemed he could, but he chose not to.
"hey, mingi, san!" a familiar voice calls. yeosang appears, waving at mingi and san. so, this is chocolate chip mingi. "do either of you want to -"
yeosang cuts himself off when san walks away mid-sentence, disappearing into the shower rooms at the edge of the training field. he did not look back or acknowledge yeosang. yeosang stares after him, a long look that has you scrambling to your feet, suddenly feeling as if you are intruding on something that was none of your business.
being nosy, though tempting, only spelled trouble, Before and After. besides, the secondhand embarrassment curling at the pit of your stomach as you watched yeosang's shoulders droop and his smile slip from his face was enough to have you scurry to the showers as quickly as you could.
"it seems this mingi character is in fact very real," you say to yeosang moments after he appears like clockwork at the door of your kitchen the next day.
"so it turned out my new combat instructor's name is mingi."
"oh," yeosang nods. "yeah, joy's forced us all to take up hobbies."
there's scorn in his tone as he spits out the last word. you laugh and he scowls at you as you say, "so what does she have you doing?"
"take care of the livestock," yeosang mutters.
"that sounds nice." it did. sector one only had a handful of cattle and chicken, but they were sweet. joy mentioned during your tour that the cattle would not be used for meat unless absolutely necessary, as their manure and milk were more beneficial to the compound. the chicken were used solely for their eggs. it was as if joy was giving you reassurance, as if you were allowed to get attached to these animals if you wanted to, because they would remain. she listed it off as if she'd repeated the same sentiment time and time again.
"well, it's not nice." yeosang rolls his eyes, "it smells like shit."
"sounds like cuddling a cow or two would do you some good, yeosang."
yeosang glares at you, "that is exactly what joy said."
"and now you have a second opinion."
yeosang's glare deepens, but he keeps his mouth shut.
you cut the sourdough loaf in front of you into thin slices. the crunch as you slice into the bread with your dull knife fills the room for a long moment.
"it's so fucking stupid."
you look up at yeosang, "what is?"
yeosang gestures around you both, "all of this. everything is so...nice, and it's fucking insane. how do any of you...why is everyone so..."
yeosang's frown only deepens as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"normal?" you finish for him.
he nods, "it's fucking insane."
you'd thought the same thing, when you were alone in your little cot in your tiny room - it was a little brick room that fit a small cot, a tiny rickety chair, and a scratched up table that you were sure they'd swiped from a school. your clothes were stacked neatly in a woven basket you'd made yourself the first few weeks after you'd arrived. it wasn't much, and you figured the single rooms were so tiny so no one would spend all their time in their rooms - you spent countless nights staring up at the stone ceilings, counting scratches on the brick or missing pieces in the grout, and wondered the same thing. how was this sane? what if the compound was attacked? would anyone be prepared? what if none of this was real, and you'd succumbed to some kind of madness? how was everyone okay with pretending things were normal?
you still wonder the same thing. but the thing is, more often than not you find yourself looking forward to your shifts in the bakery. you watch exhausted smiles stretch across the faces of people - fellow survivors - as they bite into fresh bread or a sweet treat you'd made, and you understand it. it feels like living again. you hadn't had the chance before the invasion, really. everyday, rumors spread of new couples dating. two pregnancies were announced during your time here. it's insane, and you think everyone around you knew it as well. yet you congratulated them anyway. you kept an escape bag under your bed just in case. yet you returned to your kitchen shift like clockwork. you understood it so well. was that naive of you? of all of you?
you wipe your hands on your apron and you say, "why do you come here everyday asking for sweets for mingi?"
yeosang frowns, tone harsh, "why the fuck does that matter?"
you glare at him, matching his harsh tone, "do you think you're the only person in this entire compound that comes here asking for fresh bread or something sweet for a friend? everybody is just trying to cope. is it a little insane? probably, but who the hell are you to judge when you're the same?"
yeosang maintains his scowl, his lips pressed into a thin line. he says, "i don't trust places like this. you're an idiot if you do."
"do you think i do?" you snap back.
yeosang scoffs, "whatever."
you watch as he rolls his eyes, turns on his heels and storms off, a whirlwind of anger, and you wonder if yeosang had a bad experience with settlements like this before. you'd ran from a previous group when they started plans to settle. yeosang did not seem like the type to run from things before they got difficult, at least not the way you did.
"partner up!" san calls out, clapping his hands as he looks around expectantly. "we're going to practice one-on-one now."
there's been an influx of participants in this particular class ever since last week - likely due to whispers of the new instructors. yeri had mentioned to you how dreamy the newbies were, especially the tall kind medic who she assisted the other day. you did not blame them, really. san is handsome, in an angst-ridden sort of way - a rugged mysterious man whose serious demeanor leaves everyone wanting to know more. mingi was a chiseled handsome, more sad than anything else to you, and, frankly, you found it fascinating how quiet he was. but most of all, you liked that he seemed gentle, like he would not even hurt a fly. his presence made you more comfortable than san's for that reason.
"you're the baker right?" you turn at the voice.
a man with longer black hair, tanned skin, a stocky build, and twinkling eyes crosses his arms over his chest as he peers at you.
you frown, "yeah, i am. why are you asking?"
"let's partner up," he says, ignoring your question. he does not smile as he holds a hand out, though he does keep talking, "i'm wooyoung. i'm new."
you introduce yourself, and his expression twitches. you watch as he settles into a fighting stance, fists in front of his face, legs solid and wide. you settle into your own fighting stance.
san calls for you all to start, his voice ringing through the training fields.
wooyoung says, "so you're the one who's upset yeosang."
he says it more as a statement rather than a question. you blink in surprise. you hadn't seen yeosang since he walked out. you wondered where he was - maybe you even worried a bit - but at the end of the day you and yeosang were not friends, so did it really matter if you checked on him or asked around about him?
"i..." you frown at wooyoung, "he upset himself."
wooyoung's eyes narrow. suddenly he lunges at you. you're unprepared for when he easily side swipes your limp hands and pulls your hands back, shoving you into the ground. you certainly eat dirt. wooyoung lets go of you pretty quickly. you glare at him, "what the fuck was that for?"
wooyoung shrugs, says, "you should have been ready."
you get to your feet, swinging at him as soon as you do, but wooyoung is ready. he's too good at hand-to-hand combat. it pisses you off. he grabs your wrist and twists it until you're turned with your back to him. then he jabs you in the knees and you collapse. he lets go of you, stepping into your view.
you rub your twisted arm, bewildered, "are you serious? is this because yeosang is upset?"
wooyoung hums, "nah that last one was because you used up my entire chocolate chip stash."
before you can say anything, someone clears their throat behind you. wooyoung's flick up behind you and you turn from where you are still sitting on the floor clutching your arm.
mingi looms over you, nearly blocking out the sun. he is a shadowed outline, his chiseled features softened by the shadows he casts. his hands are stuffed into his pockets, and he does not say a word. he just holds out a hand towards you. you take his hand, and he easily hauls you up to your feet.
wooyoung rolls his eyes, "i'm just having a bit of fun."
"you're being mean." mingi says. you startle at his voice. it's a deep rumble, a little raspy. you look between mingi and wooyoung, as they both seem to have a conversation with only their eyes, leaving you to stand awkwardly in silence between them.
wooyoung throws his hands in the air, "whatever, i'll spar with san."
you watch wooyoung stalk away, and all you can think about is that those chocolate chips must have come from the newbies. from yeosang and his friends. why didn't joy tell you when she gave you the bag? all you can think about is wooyoung clearly being pissed at you because yeosang was upset. protectiveness like that was normal these days, though you found such codependency dangerous. you were with a group once who would kill people just for looking at them the wrong way. it was dangerous and strange, and you were never one for codependency, even back before the invasion.
"thanks for that," you say, after a beat of silence.
mingi just shrugs.
the silence lasts another moment before you add, "i'm y/n."
mingi smiles then, even as he says, "the baker."
you nod, unable to help your own smile. his smile is infectious, all gummy and sweet, adding an unexpected charm to his expression. you laugh a little as you say, "yeah, the baker."
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saika077 · 2 years
Random HC:
The first years (+Ortho) playing DnD in Ramshackle Dorm
Yuu/MC is DMing of course
Player characters (I won't go too deep into their character details tho)
I feel like Ace'd be a Human Rogue, it kinda fits his personality imo. I personally don't see him as someone who uses brute force or blast magic, so Rogue it is. Specifically, I feel like he'd be an arcane trickster.
Deuce's character would be a Monk 100%. As for the race I can sorta see him being a Tiefling. Now you might be asking, "why a Monk and not a Barbarian?", While I do acknowledge his tendency to go apeshit at times, he actively tries to grow and change from his past habits. Perhaps his character could be an ex-barbarian who is training hard to be a Monk (multiclass)?
Jack's character'd be a Goliath Fighter, the only justification I have for this is that I feel like the competitive nature of a Goliath and their desire to push beyond new limits fits him like a glove, also the fighter class suits him just fine imo.
Given his background, I feel like Epel would be a Druid (they're basically magic farmers/gardeners). However, he'd give his character cantrips like Poison Spray, various spells but no healing spells (yea this party is pretty much fucked). You can fight me on this but post-character arc Epel would be a Halfling, he'd use his size as an advantage in combat.
As for Sebek, I can't see him being anything other than a Paladin. He'd most likely be an Aasimar... or maybe a half-elf? No? Too on the nose? Anyways, he'd give his character enchantment spells, and maybe some healing spells like Cure Wounds.
Ortho is the party's main support, with him being a tiny fairy bard (now you see why I had to bring Ortho in this otherwise the party won't even survive the winter). He's just a little lad who loves berries and cream :). He also provides bgm and sfx for the campaign.
I'm sorry but I have very little to no faith for this party. But I'm sure they'll somehow survive.
Together, the fate of the world somehow lies in the hands of these murder hobos.
Random shenanigans
Ace attempting to steal a treasure/sacred item from a monster's lair, only to miserably fail a stealth roll. Everyone had to haul ass out of there.
Deuce getting emotionally attached to an Npc with tragic backstories and/or noble goal, and then stubbornly tried to save that npc and getting upset at the DM for killing them.
something tragic happens and someone just says "this is so sad, Ortho play the acoustic rendition of Piece of My World"
Ace, to every barmaid bc he's broke: "hey (with rizz)" *rolls a Nat 1 Charisma*
With how hotheaded the NRC kids are it's only a matter of time until an npc taunted or look at them the wrong way and they'd be like "oh that's it, now you're gonna get it! I ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!" completely unprompted (like in the second half of the Halloween event bc I still find it insane how everyone immediately resorts to violence, even some of the more levelheaded students).
The one time Ortho and/or Sebek can't make it to a session, Jack gets knocked out by an enemy and the gang tried to heal him. Ace: "ok but can we try slapping him awake?" Deuce:"oh that's a good idea! Can we, Yuu/MC?" Yuu/MC:"...roll me a strength check" (they forgot that they have a healing potion)
The DM sitting there horrified while watching the party using the "power of friendship" on an NPC
I feel like half of them would brute force puzzles in a dungeon and it works like one out of three times or something.
"why do I hear boss music?"
Yuu, the DM, puts their hands together in front of them, a strange smile plastered on their face as they calmly said; "everyone, I want you to roll for initiative 🙂"
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novankenn · 1 year
Ah, come on!?!
Wolf Bete sat very uncomfortably, his/her nude form draped and wrapped in a lab coat. Before him/her, a young man was going through a presentation using a wall mounted smart monitor. Wolf's brain swam with facts and images.
Jaune: So that's how the process for Quality Assurance testing. Any questions Wolfie?
Wolf Bete: Ah... um... what?
Jaune: (Rubs the back of his neck with his left hand) I know it's a lot to have dumped on you at one time, and I wish we had more time, but I'm on a time crunch here.
Wolf Bete: Huh? I thought I was finished under budget and on time?
Jaune: This deadline has nothing to do with your production. The BoD has assigned me another task, and I only have a few weeks to get ready for it. So I'm under the gun to get you up to speed before I have to shut the department down.
Wolf Bete: Shut down? (Looks about, seeing several other bio-pods in the process of building bodies) What about... them?
Jaune: I'm not scrapping any of my projects... they'll all be put into a hibernation cycle. Anyway, do you have any questions about the Quality Assurance Test?
Wolf Bete: So what am I doing again? It's a fight, right?
Jaune: Part of it is.
Wolf Bete: Part?
Jaune: The other part, that happens before the combat test, is a Q&A session.
Wolf Bete: Q&A?
Jaune: Questions and Answers.
Wolf Bete: Why?
Jaune: Ah... no idea. The BoD just likes to talk to my creations before watching them fight.
Wolf Bete: What type of things will they ask?
Jaune: Your favourite movie. Which foot you step into the shower with first. Favourite colour, favourite food. Nicknames, what are your current career goals. Stuff like that.
Wolf Bete: Career goals? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was created to fight huntsmen and huntresses, right?
Jaune: Don't forget feral Grimm and the creations of other organizations when need arises.
Wolf Bete: Feral Grimm?
Jaune: Yes.
Wolf Bete: What is that?
Jaune: Feral Grimm are the most aggressive forms of the grimm. They are wild. They form naturally from grimm pits and seek just to destroy, as opposed to Domesticated grimm, and designer grimm.
Wolf Bete: (Tilts his/her head to the side in confusion) Domesticated?
Jaune: Domesticated grimm are grimm, usually of the Beowulf species though there are a few Ursa, that have been trained to follow commands. Much like a dog. They show greater amounts of intelligence than feral grimm, but aside from very specific uses, they can not be expected to follow complicated plans or make judgment calls.
Wolf Bete: Okay, and Designer Grimm?
Jaune: That's you and similar constructs I have made. You were designed, created from the ground up to be autonomous, intelligent and... loyal.
Wolf Bete: Loyal?
Jaune: I started with your brain. You are incapable of turning against us.
Wolf Bete: I'm not feeling real comfortable about that fact.
Jaune: Don't worry about it.
Wolf Bete: Don't WORRY about it?
Jaune: It's not that big of a deal. I mean, so you won't attack us or try to escape. That doesn't stop you from defending yourself if attacked, or making a choice in regard to your own survival.
Wolf Bete: So... this combat test.
Jaune: You'll be tasked with defeating a feral grimm.
Wolf Bete: And if I win, I can then go shred some huntsmen apart?
Jaune: Maybe, though out right killing huntsmen and huntresses is against policy. They do serve a purpose in helping to keep feral grimm numbers down.
Wolf Bete: What? I was created to fight huntsmen and huntresses, and I'm NOT allowed to rip them apart? What's the point of me, then?
Jaune: To defeat them. To stop them from interfering with our plans, and activities.
Wolf Bete: Which means I rip them apart, right?
Jaune: No.
Wolf Bete: No?
Jaune: No, you render them incapable of interfering by depletion of their aura, knocking them unconscious, or disabling them in some fashion.
Wolf Bete: That is so not cool.
Jaune: That's the company policy. We want to dominate the world, not destroy it.
Wolf Bete: But...
Jaune: If you have real concerns about that policy, or require more information, I can arrange for you to speak to Executive Azalea Arc. She's in charge of Policy and Procedures.
Wolf Bete: Okay... okay, none of this makes much sense, and I'm STILL waiting for some clothes!
Jaune: They're on their way, Wolfie. I don't have anything that will fit you... plus... SHE wanted to see you.
Wolf Bete: She?
Jaune: Saphron... CEO of the Inner Circle.
Wolf Bete: Why?
Jaune: (Rubs the back of his neck) Well... I used some of her genetic material in combination with grimm essence to create you, so... you could be considered... in a convoluted way... her son... er, I mean... her daughter.
Wolf Bete: You had it right the first time!
Jaune: Anyway, she should be here in a couple of hours, and the testing won't happen until tomorrow or the day after. So, I know it's pretty soon, but how is the body feeling? No weird issues? Peeing problems? Strange aches or pains?
Wolf Bete: This body feels WRONG! I was supposed to be a guy! How the hell should I know if I'm peeing properly?
Jaune: Well, I can run a patch or two in a couple of weeks to help ease the body issues.
Wolf Bete: Patches? What am I a video game now? Wait, how do I know about video games?
Jaune: When I formed your brain, I gave you some memories and points of reference to make integration easier.
Wolf Bete: Really? And where did those come from?
Jaune: Well... um... I... um...
Wolf Bete: Did they come from you?
Jaune: Maybe?
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me?
Jaune: Nothing bad! Just some points of reference so you could understand things, and relate to the outside world!
Wolf Bete: Really? Then explain why I'm having thoughts about the Red Huntress... and the desire to grab a tube sock.
Jaune: I... um... I... shit!
Wolf Bete: Seriously? You put your obsession in my head?
Jaune: It's a crush!
Wolf Bete: Dude... what you put in my head... is NOT a crush.
Jaune: I...
Wolf Bete: ...
Jaune: Any other questions?
Wolf Bete: ...
Jaune: Guess not... so... um... I'll just go sit at my desk and silently wait for Saphron to arrive.
Wolf Bete: ...
Jaune: You... just do whatever.
Wolf Bete: ...
(== Table of Contents ==)
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pip-n-chips · 1 year
There's a couple different ways, actually!
The easiest and most surefire way to fuck them is in the asylum, at the end of your visit. You need to either get your trauma level down really low, or your awareness really low. (You'll know when your awareness is low enough because you'll get a special trait + message when you sleep again.) Anyway, achieve either of those things, and at the end of the day Harper will call you in for one last meeting/"session" before letting you go, and an encounter with them starts!
There's another asylum encounter but I've never managed to get this one yet (didn't have the proper stats raaa). To begin, you need high arousal and a promiscuity level of 3, I think? (but I recommend having it as high up as you could go), and all that's left is chance, because the treatments happen at random. It happens during the kissing session/treatment. You need to choose to kiss them on the lips, then take it further, and so on! It'll escalate and escalate. (Note: if I remember correctly, promiscuity is the only skill that's important for this scene! so go wild! but if you don't have high enough stats for it, there's multiple options on how it could go, even if you don't get to have an combat-style encounter with them).
The next one takes place at the underground farm. You'll need high skullduggery for this one! Remy will take you to Harper for examinations during noon on some days (you go to Niki on the other days, I'm not sure if theres any pattern to it). One of the examinations includes Harper making you drink from a vial of pink liquid, choose the "deceive" option and it'll play out from there! Of course, you only achieve your goal if you're successful (+ you get a feat for it, if you care about those hehe).
The last one I'm aware of is one I'm unsure if it even counts, but it's still an encounter so I'll include it. Happens during the Friday therapy sessions. Happens during a hypnosis session after you've been attending therapy for a couple of times (doesn't have to be consecutive). Eventually Harper will invite people in to take pictures of you while hypnotized, and there's a chance they'll advance on you. Two things, though. It's only happened to me when my PC has their chasity belt/cage on, so I'm unsure if it still happens without it on. (The main goal is for the group to take it off, and if it breaks they move on to the usual combat encounter behaviors). The encounter always ends when you orgasm for the first time.
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clatoera · 2 years
How do you think Peeta could join the Careers at 74th Hunger Games?
What did he do? Duel with another career? Killing another tributes on the Cornucopia?
Do you think before The Rule Change (2 victors from the same district), Peeta already determined to help Katniss becoming the winner? Thoughts?
Thank you :)
If I am down to talk about anything it is the careers okaaaay
How do I think Peeta could join the careers?
So, he DID prove himself in Training in the Movie (this scene does not happen in the book that I remember, and I just reread the training chapter to be sure). In the book he "excels in hand to hand combat.' That being said in the film we see him physically throw a very large presumably heavy item. We see Cato, Marvel, and Glimmer first laugh at him, which turns to shock when he throws it, to a small agreement of okay because you HEAR Cato say "not bad." (fun fact, if you pay attention you can tell how they cut the scene together, because Cato goes from arms crossed over his chest for multiple clips, to arms at his sides, then back to crossed again). At least in the movie we see him have a little moment where he proves his strength, and the careers are like eh ok cool. Peeta is looking at them as he does it, they know it's an attempt to address them wordlessly. Peeta in the book "excels in hand to hand combat." He does prove himself somewhat capable in the training session.
He also scores a 8 in training, which is respectable, and only ONE point under the actual careers Marvel and Glimmer. I think he has an argument based on scores and what he displays, that he is deserving of making this alliance.
That being said.
They accepted him so that they could be lead to Katniss.
Thats why Peeta was allowed to join them. Sure, maybe they figured he was strong and a good backup fighter. And in the books he DOES go back and Kill the girl from district 8. In the books she was PEETA's kill, not Glimmer's (? Cato gives her his sword in the movie and assume that means Glimmer gets the honor). Peeta participates.
But more importantly... they are very much using him to get to Katniss. "He's our best chance of finding her." Is said both in the film and in the book. They talk about killing him but decide eh what harm is he "besides, he's our best chance of finding her." He allies himself to them which is protecting him, but lets be honest, the careers weren't looking for the protection of Peeta.
He's "Pretty handy with a knife," In the book. Okay, so Is Clove. So is Glimmer. So is Cato. So is Marvel. They don't need his skills, they need him to track her down. Thats why he's accepted into the careers, sure, he's strong and all that, but ultimately the careers are TRAINED.
They're taught strategy. I know I personally HC that Enobaria and Brutus and Gloss and Cashmere are the mentors for them. I don't think Cato and Clove aren't told by Enobaria or Brutus to use him to find the girl, or that Glimmer and Marvel aren't told the same. I believe that they are all told that she got an eleven, and they don't know how, and so she needs to be enemy number one and to take her out. And if that involves using Lover boy to do so, of course they'll do it. Once they find her and successfully kill her, whats stopping them from just ending Peeta right there, his work is done. Key phrase is successfully kill her, which they don't do.
What did he do? Duel with another career? Killing another tributes on the Cornucopia?
No way in Hell was he dueling a career to join. Yes, later we see that he is physically capable of facing off with Cato, but I don't think they were play fighting in the arena. They careers are smart and they are trained. I genuinely think they saw him as a way to get to Katniss, and so thats why they take him in.
"hey loverboy you sure she went this way?"
and "you better be." I think make it really very clear why they are using him. I think they saw a chance to use him and so they did.
I will die on my "the careers have to be smart" hill (as well as my I hate the Glimmer Cato stuff in the movie hill).
Do you think before The Rule Change (2 victors from the same district), Peeta already determined to help Katniss becoming the winner? Thoughts?
Without a single doubt, yes. I believe (though I can't be sure) that Peeta actively is doing EVERYTHING he is doing to help her survive. He makes her desirable. He draws in the want to protect her by giving this grand love story. He knows her story, he knows she has a family to feed and protect. Peeta JOINED the careers with the intention of keeping her alive, and leading them away from her. Everything Peeta does, I believe Is to get her home and keep her safe. He is willing to stand there and be shot by her in the final moments so she can get home.
I do not think for a second he planned to survive over her. I think he just wanted to give her the best chance he could, however that looked. And I would say he was pretty successful.
thank you! @curiousnonny
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so i was a little scared to make this at first, still kind of am, but im trying!! just bear with me and hear me out ,, So, Nevada has a lot of strange occurrences and a lot of strange creatures, yeah? What if someone decided to genetically engineer a method to counteract the violence, thus allowing a new type of creature to roam the deserts? Well, I have a proposition...
These little creatures are known as... Tickle-Zeds!
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The one in this photo in particular is known as Tumbles, and acts as a sort of "pet" towards Sanford and Deimos. Not every Tickle-Zed looks like him, but he's the only reference at the moment, just for a general idea. Info under the cut! This post was really long heheh
Tickle-Zeds, also known as T-Zeds, are essentially the tickle monsters of Nevada. In a way, they're sort of a "false" type of Zed, as they're not actually reanimated corpses, but rather given this name due to their sluggish behavior, inability to speak (unless trained to do so, albeit with broken grammar), and lack of proper sentience. They can be tamed, but cannot engage in combat, and taming them doesn't necessarily prevent them from backfiring and going for their owners as a target. They're not dangerous; all they can really do is tickle, and it's frowned upon to kill them, so you don't see them dying hardly at all. They were created in a lab, although it's unknown who brought them up in the first place. So far, they have no ties to the A.A.H.W. (this theory doesn't make much sense in the long run anyway, but some Nevadeans still insist on it!), and they seem to have been released into Nevada as an experiment and their population has grown since then. Other than being a way to combat hostility in Nevada, they're pretty much a nuisance, and can be found randomly loitering around or digging through a trash source. They're fairly easy to take care of, save for the inevitable bath time. They'll eat just about anything that's edible. Despite all of this, they seem to have a decent amount of basic intelligence, as they can craft their own clothing articles, and seem to have a high tolerance to boundaries. In the case that they find a target to tickle, and the target doesn't like the feeling of being tickled or gets overwhelmed, they'll stop, and move on to either show general affection or mindlessly wander off to find the next target. Although not obligatory, it wouldn't hurt to give them a snack for their efforts; they're just doing what comes natural. In any other case, they'll just keep tickling. They'll primarily do it in little spurts, so it's not just one big unbearable session. It's not their desire to cause discomfort. They love being tickled back as well. Their fur is extremely soft, and has the texture of chinchilla fur. Depending on the person, this may add to the tickling, but in general, it's very nice to touch and petting T-Zeds can even lead to stress relief, kind of how petting a dog does. Their fur is not actively farmed, but in the case that it is, they will be shorn like sheep. They come in either pastel colors or the usual gray colors, like regular Nevadeans. Colored T-Zeds aren't necessarily rare (and aren't entirely colored), but they're still quite the special sight to see. They can make a variety of noises, such as purrs, chirps, coos, peeps, squeaks, trills, and full vocalizations, like yelling or giggling. Since they don't naturally speak, I won't be including language here. They also love to headbutt like cats, and will often air-knead or wiggle their fingers at you if they like you, or if they're about to tickle you. There's a difference, but a thin one at that. Tail-wagging is a clear sign of a happy Tickle-Zed. That's pretty much the base idea!! I love these little creatures so much. The concept is a little silly, I'll admit, but that's the point. This is not an open species or anything of that sort; I would prefer people to not make their own Tickle-Zeds. I still have a lot to work on, including a basic reference sheet that isn't my own OC. If you actually read this far, I appreciate it! +) razzle if you see this thank you for the encouragement +'3
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
THEME: Magical Girls
Today's recommendations are all games that allow you to play as magical girls, and explore the themes around balancing responsibility, magic, and fighting for the good of the community without seeking fame or fortune.
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Macarons, Milkshakes and Magic, by Starshine Scribbles.
The Lace Bloom Cafe has been sitting in the same spot for years. While it is in a quieter part of town, it is impossible to miss due to its big pink sign and overly cute exterior. 
The inside is even cuter, with bright artwork on the walls and frills on every surface. Scattered around the cafe are various wands and pictures, letting you know that Lace Bloom isn't just a cute cafe. It is a Magical Girl-themed cafe. 
Macarons, Milkshakes, And Magic is a fusion of a solo-journaling game and a group storytelling game. 
In the solo-journaling segments, players will use a deck of tarot cards to play out their girl's day-to-day life as she juggles school, romance, and fighting evil. 
Then, all the players come together for group sessions. During these group sessions, all of the Magical Girls meet up at the cafe and talk about their week. They'll also use these meetings to work out how to take down a villain that is terrorizing their city. 
If you want to play a game that allows you to spend time with friends who have shuffling schedules or who live across time zones, this might be a good fit, especially if you are anxious about performing in front of your friends!
Tea & Crumpets, by c.a. mckinney.
Deep in the heart of Central City, a strange phenomenon has occurred: Normal citizens are suddenly changing into strange, flowery monsters with flower-based powers! But to what end? Why are they here? And why are they working for Earl Grey, the illusive thief? Gather your friends, get your transformation sequence out of the way, and get ready to monologue every time you use a power because it's time for Tea & Crumpets: A game of magical girls and tea leaves!
In Tea & Crumpets you play colour-coded magical girls with tea-based powers. Character creation is simple enough: each step you choose from a list of options in order to create a picture of your magical girl.
The game also comes with a built-in antagonist and advice for the GM in order to make facilitating the game easy. It's also got a pretty solid central theme that's not too heavy. If you want a game that is light on the wallet with enough lore to get you started but not too much lore that you get overwhelmed, this could be the game for you!
Hardcaptor Sakuga: Full Metal Petticoat, by Ironykins.
Magic is real. It is dangerous and terrible and beautiful. It is a flame that burns at the hem of reality, threatening to set it all ablaze. It is an integral part of you, and it is your only weapon against The Darkness.
HARDCAPTOR SAKUGA: FULL METAL PETTICOAT is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game about Magical Girls. You will take on the role of a young girl who has awoken her latent magical powers and finds herself bearing the weight of a heavy responsibility. You will delve into liminal nightmare-scapes to defeat magical manifestations of the darkest parts of humanity. You will eradicate or redeem evil and protect the innocent. And you’ll do all this while trying to make friends and stay on top of your schoolwork.
The goal of this system is to tell a story about hope triumphing over insurmountable despair. Along the way, your characters will form wholesome bonds and struggle through adolescence. You’ll also get to narrate cool action-packed magical girl fight scenes.
For a free playtest, this download has a lot. 74 pages of character creation, setting information, combat mechanics and GM advice. This game cites games like Apocalypse World, Forged in the Dark, and Fate Core as inspiration, so if you're interested in narrative-focused games, this might be the game for you.
Last Hope, by Wendigo Workshop.
“There’s a world, much like our own, where darkness lives. Its influence seeps into our world, corrupting those with a weak soul. That is why The Gift exists. Those with The Gift must travel to The Beyond and free the world from Shadows. But The Gift always comes with a price…
We never know, it is never said, we understand too late. Do not accept The Gift. It is tempting, it seems beautiful, but when something appears too good to be true, it is usually the case…” Last Hope is a tabletop roleplaying game within which you play as a teenage character trying to fight evil corruption in an alternate version of the world, while also living your daily life as a student. Through a strange contract, you were given The Gift, transforming you into a Magical girl and giving you special powers.
This game is a game with many darker themes, similar to Hardcaptor Sagura, so enter with caution. It's run on Caltrop Core, which means it relies primarily on d4's, although there is a Corruption mechanic which can also rely on a d10 if you like. For $10 you get a significant amount of lore, the structure of a day, character abilities broken down into Magical Girl Types, and some really lovely art. If you would like a solid indie game with some structure to help you build a session, this is a game for you!
Ribbons: A Setting for MASKS, by Eva Forevermore.
Monsters from the moon are wrecking havoc downtown. Your rival's face is on the billboards selling toys. You're running out of estrogen. Your parents think you should quit and inherit the store. Your friend wants you to do vandalism. You didn't even have breakfast yet and you have fifteen minutes till class.
Ribbons is a setting guide for Masks: A New Generation that imagines a whole new city that stars magical girls instead of super heroes: Serendipity. The city has a long history filled with both grim and hopeful times for magical girls. It has developed a culture around magical girls over the decades and now it has entire fandoms, marketing, and schools dedicated to them. Play as magical kids and explore the dangerous, crazy, and fun lives they lead. It's important to note that this is not a standalone game - it's a setting guide for Masks, a Powered by the Apocalypse game about teenage superheroes. This document provides setting information for a city called Serendipity, as well as advice on converting the MASKS playbooks for teenage girls with magic. For $5, you're basically getting an alternative setting that you don't have to build on your own - so if you like MASKS, or want to play a PbtA Magical Girls game, this is a product for you.
Disaster / Peace, by A Couple of Drakes.
Deal with drama, pass the test, doubt yourself, trust your friends, face down monsters, and SHINE. You're a DISASTER/PEACE.
DISASTER/PEACE is a tabletop roleplaying game designed to emulate your favourite stories in the "Magical Girl" genre. The Characters of DISASTER/PEACE are teenagers in a world very much like our own. They go to school, get embroiled in teen drama, and try to find their place in the face of onrushing adult responsibility and societal expectation. They are also, through no fault of their own, the chosen guardians of a world which is under constant threat of destruction by twisted monsters, evil magic, and vengeful immortals from beyond our realm. They exist between these worlds, juggling their teenage feelings and responsibilities with the duty that has been thrust upon them.
These characters are trying their best. But their best may not be good enough.
If you like the mechanics and setting design of Forged in the Dark games, if you prefer rolling d6's and only d6's, if you like jumping into action without having to worry about the plan, this is a game for you.
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Defense Witches Spinoffs
Hello everyone happy 12 anniversary :D Let's talk about something a little bit obscure within this game's history Spinoff games :D In total, there are 3 Defense Witches Spinoff Games, an alternate version of Defense Witches and one of the Spin Off's, and Miscellaneous games that both companies developed.
Now for starters lets start with the one and only spin-off game Newgate created for this series
Magical Puzzle 2048 (Newgate Version) (December 18, 2014)
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Damn this version is going to be 10 years old in a couple of months If you couldn't tell from the title, Newgate's Defense Witches spinoff is based on 2048, a sliding puzzle game. This is one of two versions of the game that have been published and, in my opinion, the better one. Only released on iOS devices, this version allows you to play offline, as demonstrated from the video above, which is around a year old as of this writing. You can also tap either Daisy or Cornet (whomever is uptop) and they'll say one of their lines. :D Now as for the Stargarage version...
Magical Puzzle 2048 (Stargarage Version) (July 7, 2016)
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Much like the first one, this spinoff game is Stargarbage Stargarage's spinoff of the game 2048; however was made for Android and replaced the Newgate version on the iOS stores. This version... has so many issues. Here's some of the changes they made to the original.
added a lives system which slowly recovered a heart overtime limiting your tries or attempts in one session (combated if you paid for lives)
Power ups such as a time stopper and a bomb to remove tiles (for purchase)
The game needed servers to play and can't be played offline so another game lost due to Stargarage's greed the servers being shut down
Breaking away from the 2048 theme of the other spinoff game made by Stargarage...
Puzzle Witches (January 27, 2016)
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Puzzle Witches was Stargarage's take on the Match 3 puzzle genre, released on both iOS and Android devices. This game was never translated into English; however, it was available globally for download. This game featured a standard mode where you race to lower a bot's health and progress through stages and a live combat mode where you can challenge other players to a battle racing to see who can lower who's health to 0 first with events surrounding this game mode with leaderboards. This is also where the gacha system seen in Defense Witches 2 was first introduced. This gacha system is the main method of obtaining characters needing crystals to pull them, with the rarest versions of characters being the girl's alternate costumes (which I'll post later, but be warned, the game graphics for the character were really low-quality)
Another Version
Okay, this is the strangest thing minus an APK, a wiki page, and these saved screenshots of the app page showing it existed. Apparently, there were Korean versions of both Defense Witches (March 17, 2017) and Puzzle Witches (March 2, 2017)? Other than that, there isn't much information about them online. (Though idk guys I think these were made in 2017 just a funny feeling)
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Unrelated to Defense Witches But Made By the Companies
Now, these games aren't related to Defense Witches at all, except they were made by the same companies involved with DW. Starting with Newgate Mendako Adventure (April 04, 2014) was their take on a flappy bird-like game. Oh boy this one is 10 years old x-x
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Stargarage on the other hand had Dark Blade EX (May 25, 2016) which was their take on a stickman action platformer (They claim RPG but it was more of a platformer)
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So yeah, these are some of the strange and bizarre spinoff games or alternate versions of the games that existed before Stargarage made them disappear which is kinda ashamed they aren't talked about more. (but understandable so)
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