#soap McTavish x reader
ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
omg, imagine how the 141+ könig would react if reader fell asleep on them? not in a relationship i mean, maybe they are just sitting on the couch in the common room and reader is tired and falls asleep on one of them?
This is precious and also a mood lmao
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Doesn’t move a single. fucking. inch.
The man goes rigid in his attempt not to wake you, he knows how hard you work so it’s no wonder you’re nodding off in the common area, so to him, there’s nothing wrong with getting some rest
So he’s sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest, legs spread (as usual), and he’s fighting the urge to rest his head on yours, not his fault you seemed so comfortable
He’s glaring at every poor bastard and dares them to even try and make a comment
Needless to say, your sleep is undisturbed
Eventually you wake up and start apologizing profusely
“Don’t worry about it, sergeant. Just get to bed yeah?”
As you walked away, he rolled his shoulders and rubbed his neck
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s got his arms on the back of the sofa and behind your head and he starts to feel a weight against his chest
Then he looks down and sees you nestled up against him, your head on his chest and he’s biting the inside of his cheek to keep from making noise
You. are. precious.
100% takes a selfie with you (and Gaz in the background throwing a peace sign)
After the initial thrill settles down, his arm that was draped along the back of the sofa has now come to rest against your own
You’re so warm and the weight of you on his chest is so grounding and soothing, the steady rise and fall of your chest, it’s all so relaxing
Soon enough, he’s nodding off too and he winds up with his head almost draped over the back of the sofa, snores coming out of his mouth
(Gaz definitely filmed it)
Eventually his snoring wakes you up and you can’t help the embarrassment at falling asleep against your teammate like that, still you felt bed that you essentially trapped him there so you gently shook him awake
He massaged the back of his neck with a groan and a wince, your hands replaced his as you gently ushered him upright,
“Come on, Soap, I owe you.”
John Price:
He’s low key melting as soon as he feels your head on his shoulder, he takes a quick glance at you and chuckles
He lets you have a few minutes, knowing full well how tired you are, before he gently jostles his shoulder to softly rouse you before you dozed off deeper,
“Think it’s time to hit the sack, don’t you?” His voice is low as he leans in close,
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Don’t be. Get some rest, see you in the morning.”
He’s kind of touched and honored that you feel safe enough to fall asleep against him like that, honestly, he would’ve let you sleep there as long as you wanted
But he knows the comfort of one’s own bed is second to none, and he’d hate for you to wake up with a kink in your neck
And maybe his bones were getting a little stiff and uncomfortable from having to stay still for so long
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’s smiling softly to himself and resting his head on yours
He does that thing where you shift in your seat a bit to get comfortable and he shuffles a little lower so he can rest his head against yours
And he falls asleep too!
And honestly it’s the best sleep either of you has ever had because no one has been successful in waking you up, short of shouting or dumping water on you
You wind up waking up first and it’s already morning, you stretch and gently shake him awake,
“Gaz, we slept through the night.”
“Fuck.” He groaned, you laughed quietly and took his arm to stand him up,
“I think we’ve got just enough time to sleep a little longer.”
“What’s the point? We’re already awake.” He reasoned with a yawn and a stretch, “Come on, I’ll make coffee and then we can hit the showers yeah?”
Doesn’t move a single muscle. Like Ghost, he gets quite stiff at first as soon as he feels your head against his arm (even sitting you down you barely reach his shoulder)
So he shuffles a little in his seat until your head is at a more comfortable angle and is resting against his shoulder
But now this means that his spine is curving in uncomfortable shapes, and a good portion of his butt isn’t even on the couch anymore
He wouldn’t dare wake you but holy shit his back hurts
So he slowly and carefully maneuvers you into his arms so now he’s sitting normally and he’s got you on his lap with your head tucked against his chest
He’s got his arms around you to support you and then he realizes that it’s not that much more comfortable
Eventually he gives up and winds up carrying you to your room
You wake up the next morning with a cup of coffee on your nightstand and a sticky note with your name on it (and a little heart)
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onestopfanficshop · 10 months
parenthood hcs (141 + los vaqueros + könig x f!reader)
tbh i feel like this sucks but like... i've been working on it too long to scrap it lol 💀 i might come back and add more as my brain starts to solidify again so if you read it and come back to more stuff just pretend you don't see it. so uh... enjoy the hot mess under the cut i guess
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ghost/simon riley
during the pregnancy/delivery
—the reality of you being pregnant didn’t really sink in until after you started showing. that’s when he was like oh shit this is actually real this is actually happening
—if he was a light sleeper before (which i’m absolutely sure he was), he’s practically awake with his eyes closed at night now. very sensitive to every single movement you make, whether it’s you slightly shifting in your sleep or you getting up to use the bathroom. can’t really “fall asleep” until he’s absolutely sure that you are.
—has the most horrific nightmares of all the things that could go wrong with you and the baby, and he always feels so guilty afterwards, as if he was somehow willing those things to happen. he never told you about them until years later either
—likes to whisper to the baby when he thinks you’re asleep and can’t hear (except you can, and it nearly brings you to tears)
—was anxious to let you leave the house, insisting on getting all the groceries and whatever else you needed so you wouldn't have to go outside
—is paying attention to and remembers all of the important medical info that the doctor tells you two at your maternity appointments, especially when pregnancy brain is getting the best of you
—simon can't remember the last time he's cried in his adult life, but when he gets to hold your baby for the first time and they latch their tiny little fingers onto his larger one, he certainly does.
random parenting moments
—mans can hear the baby crying before the baby is even crying. being a light sleeper + having incredible hearing is a goated combo. he'll race into the nursery and try to take care of whatever the issue is to avoid waking you up at all costs
—absolute hell to fucking no to the hot diggity dog no when it comes to corporal punishment. no ands, ifs, or buts. (for the record, i don't think any of these men would do this, but simon especially, given his past). and it'll be a freezing cold day in hell before simon raises his voice at your kids; he simply doesn't see the need to
—gives his kids washable markers and lets them color in his tattoos
—shooting my girl dad blaster at this man because i can. (*pew pew*) he's the best tea party attendant in the history of tea party attendants. doesn't matter that he can barely even fit one thigh on the tiny chairs at his daughters' kiddie princess table–he'll make it work!
—i can definitely see him having sons too, which i know would be really bittersweet for him. he's determined to be a better father than the one that life afforded him. seeing that brotherly bond between his sons would be really therapeutic for him :(
—very surprised that his kids find funny, mostly because he's got that dry sarcastic deadpan humor, as opposed to the slapstick-type humor that most kids at that age gravitate towards. he's certainly not complaining, though; he loves making them laugh. he swears his kids' laughter is one of the best sounds in the world.
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soap/johnny mctavish
during the pregnancy/delivery
—honestly is surprised at himself for deciding to settle down (finally). he knew he wanted a family eventually but he wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. he certainly isn't complaining though, because he thinks you'd be an amazing mother
—is constantly talking to your belly, even before the obgyn said that your baby had formed their ears. very determined for your kid to have his accent so he’s talking to them 24/7 lmfao
—and he definitely believes that the baby can communicate back 😭
—"okay, if you're a boy, what'd you think of this name? kick twice for yes."
—gives the absolute best foot rubs. would literally put a trained masseuse to shame
—so ecstatic when he finally gets his kid in his arms. he finally gets to see the little human that he's been talking to for the past several months; literally a dream come true
random parenting moments
—does the thing where he falls asleep on his back with the baby lying on his stomach
—his kids' first words will probably be curse words, no thanks to johnny 💀
—i'm picturing three kids: two boys (possibly twins; idk he just seems like a twin dad. it makes sense in my head, okay?)
—very relaxed parenting style, with an emphasis on letting his kids "fail" on their own and learning from their mistakes. relaxed shouldn't be confused with permissive, though, because he will definitely put his foot down and be more assertive if need be
—always down to play video games with his kids
—finds it absolutely hilarious to kiss you in front of the kids because they all make the most exaggerated sounds of disgust
—teaches your kids how to swim, which eventually leads to them convincing him to put a pool in the house (it took a lot of convincing but johnny just can't say no to them)
—has his own designated "dad" chair in the living room and gets disgruntled if he sees someone else sitting there. but one time he came back to one of the kids curled up in his chair late at night, fast asleep. he couldn't bring himself to wake them up so he just covered them in a blanket
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gaz/kyle garrick
during the pregnancy/delivery
—lowkey has a stronger nesting instinct than you lol 💀 constantly is cleaning the house not only for you, but because it makes him feel calm
—always willing to hold your belly for a few minutes (or however long you need) to relieve you of the weight of carrying a whole human inside of you for a while
—also adores talking to the baby through your stomach, and loves putting headphones on your belly to play them music
—down to try your craving combos with you. sometimes he like “this is incredible" and other times he's like "what is this monstrosity" lol
—when you guys were putting together the nursery you discovered that ky has an impeccable eye for interior design. most of the unique pieces of furniture and paintings in the nursery were picked out by him
—has the biggest smile on his face once he gets to hold his kid for the first time. like his face hurts thats how hard he's smiling
random parenting moments
—literally doesn't want to put that baby down. like at all 💀 you practically have to beg him to give you your daughter so you can at least feed her
"just let me hold her for 5 more minutes!"
"kyle, your daughter is going to starve if you don't give her to me!"
—i'm thinking two kids for kyle is the perfect number to him; gender doesn't matter to him :)
—tries to keep up with pop culture so he won't be called old by his kids (and fails)
—always down to game with his kids
—has a really hard time saying no to them 😭 if you weren't there to keep him in check, your kids would be so spoiled
—LOVESSS halloween. taking his kids costume shopping and taking them trick-or-treating is one of the highlights of his year. and he's always down to customize a costume, too. anything from buying a bunch of different pieces to make one look or sanding down some plastic armor and painting it to look weathered—he's so unbelievably creative
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john price
during the pregnancy/delivery
—collects sooo many books for the baby. especially loves the soft cloth books that have all of the different crinkly textures
—absolutely cherishes that first trimester where you’re not really showing and he gets to keep the two of you to himself and away from the rest of the world
—"sternly" tells the baby to stop kicking their mum (aka you lol)
—always has a protective arm around you while you two are out and about. was absolutely shocked by how many strangers would try and reach out and touch your stomach unprovoked once you started to pop. most of them were women, so the most he’d do was give them a hard look. still hated it though 🙄
—helps you make a checklist for your hospital bag + packs everything for you with military-like efficiency
—so so gentle when he holds his baby for the first time. he was never sure if he would get the chance to even be a father so it's quite emotional for him
random parenting moments
—your babies will have the largest vocabularies ever thanks to john, who refuses to use baby speak with his kids. instead, he speaks normally, as if the baby can understand him perfectly, and the results are pretty amusing
"love, did you move the almond butter?" john calls to you from downstairs.
"i swear i didn't!" you call back from upstairs, busy with your morning routine.
"hmph." he plants his hands on his hips, turning around, only to be met by the blinking stare of your infant daughter.
"darling, did you see your mother move the jar of almond butter?" he asks her, arms crossing over his chest.
*cue unintelligible-to-others-but-perfectly-understandable-to-john infant noises from the baby*
"bloody knew it. love, our daughter is saying you moved it. and she doesn't know how to lie yet, so i have no reason not to believe her."
—this man is so girl dad coded it's insane. but i'd like to think he'd have one son; he'd possibly be the middle or youngest kid
—you and the kids love to play "hide the bucket hat" from dad. price puts on his grumpy old man act but he secretly loves it because it always ends up with him chasing you guys until you all collapse in a laughing heap on the carpet
—constantly dropping bad dad jokes like he's paid to do it 😭 kids are always looking at him with a mixture of pity, disappointment, and mild annoyance
"dad, i'm hungry."
"why hello, hungry. my name's dad."
"no, your name is john.
"...how do you know that 😐"
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alejandro vargas
during the pregnancy/delivery
—always showing you off to LITERALLY everyone, especially his family
—always finds a way to bring up the fact that your pregnant in every single conversation with a stranger lololol
—if you're the first one in ale's family to be pregnant (which you very well may be because i headcanon him as the oldest child in his family heehee) prepare to be spoiled by his siblings and the rest of his family. you have enough gifted clothes for your kid to wear an entirely different outfit every day for a year i'm not even kidding
—very protective, but not in a controlling concerning way. it’s more so seeing you visibly pregnant with a ring that he put on your finger that gets him all riled up
—was driving like an actual mad man to get you to the hospital when you woke him up in the middle of the night and told him your water broke (and by "driving like a mad man", i mean he forgot to use his blinkers and ran one singualr stop sign lmfao)
—first time he got to hold his baby it was absolutely love at first sight. gives you the most tender kiss on the forehead to say "thank you"
random parenting moments
—if you have all girls he is SUCH a girl dad. i think out of all the boys, he's the one that i can say would 100% have all daughters. he's playing princesses, doing hair for school, letting the girls experiment with makeup on him, all the works.
—and he absolutely doesn't let those "oh you're trapped in a house with all of those girls poor you!" comments slide. like at all.
—"not trapped, just lucky." he always says (before glaring at the person once they turn around)
—tries so hard not to curse in front of his girls but fails 💀 swear jar is always full
—the idea that your girls can do and be anything they want is drilled in from day one. naturally, this means that ale is the biggest sports dad EVER. he's at every recital, every game, every showcase, every scrimmage– you name it, he's there if he can make it. whenever he can't be there, he's always doing two mandatory facetimes; a pep talk before the game, and a debrief after
—one non-negotiable? self-defense. signed up each of his girls for self defense classes when they each started middle school
—not overprotective by any means. i mean, he can definitely be protective at times, but he knows his girls can handle themselves (you two raised them, after all).
—takes saving for their quinces as seriously as saving for their college funds (as he should)
—secretly a huge disney fan. he's watching all the disney princess movies, pretending like he's doing it for his daughters, but he's really doing it for himself hehe. still whisper-yells everytime he watches snow white eat the poison apple 💀
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roldofo “rudy” parra
during the pregnancy/delivery
—is literally the most gentle person with you ever and it’s so sweet :(( always willing to massage out any knots you have in your shoulders or neck
—does all your pregnancy exercises with you (even though he’s not the one delivering the baby lol) just so you won’t feel alone :)
—always down to cook whatever cravings you desire (or run out to the nearest grocery store or gas station to get them)
—he's already a pretty touchy person but it's amplified times 10 during your pregnancy. he can't keeps his hands off of you, especially your stomach
—his abuela is always on back, asking you if he's taking good care of you and scolding him if she's sees you so much as lifting a plate by yourself 💀
—when your baby was born, he was quite sensitive to the noises of the hospital, getting fussy and crying a bit whenever he heard doors closing and loud beeps and such. you noticed however, that when rudy was holding him whenever this happened, he never shushed him to keep him quiet. he would simply rock your son back and forth, whispering quietly to him about whatever was on his mind until the newborn would calm down. just witnessing this alone solidified the fact that you'd basically picked the perfect man to be the father of your children.
random parenting moments
—carries his kids everywhere when they're young, even when they can walk. he just loves holding them :(
—incredibly rational, even in the face of conflict. when your kids get to be teenagers and get into typical teenage trouble and whatnot, he sits down with you first to break down what happened and what an appropriate response would be. not a fan of reacting on emotion (which teenagers can make very tempting to do) , which is always appreciated by both you and the kids
—i think he'd have the biggest family out of all the boys; i'm thinking 4 at the very least, with more girls than boys
—takes birthday party planning seriously, even when they're little and won't remember it all
—lovesss cooking with his babies. he gets ‘em those little kiddie knives that are safe to use and teaches them the proper technique and everything
—very frantic whenever one of them gets sick. even if it’s the mildest headache or a slight upset stomach, he just hates seeing any of them in pain
—drop-off duty warrior. has a whole system in place to get all the kids into the car on time and he’s literally never been late. it’s honestly very impressive
—vicks vapor rub is the solution to everything. sore throat? vapor rub. headache? vapor rub. bad day? vapor rub. broken leg? vapor rub (jk) (not really)
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during the pregnancy/delivery
—if you have mood swings, könig has to try his absolute hardest not to panic right along with you. he knows that your hormones are giving you a hard time right now, so he really wants to be your rock through all of it (however, if you start crying out of nowhere, he'll probably definitely start panicking)
—once you start showing, he likes talking to the baby in german to "give them a head start" (his words not mine)
—also good luck with that delivery babes because that's gonna be a 10 pounder at LEAST 😭 high probability you're getting a c-section
—if there's any complications, especially with a c-section, best believe any shred of social anxiety is disappearing and he's running on pure adrenaline when he yells at tells the medical staff in the room that he refuses to watch you and his child die here
—was so thankful you two were both okay that his hands were shaking a little when he cut the umbilical cord
—holds his kid like they're made of glass because he's so big that he fears hurting them :(
random parenting moments
—when the kids finally get to the toddler stage, he's pumped. they can run now, and he absolutely loves chasing them. also the kids love to treat their dad like a tree, climbing him and dangling off his arms like he's a human swing, which has given you a mild heart attack more than once 😭
—loves reading to them every night before bed
—i’m thinking two kids for him; either a boy and a girl or two girls
—big fan of doing doing arts and crafts with them (your house is constantly covered in scraps of construction paper)
—also loves taking the kids to a local fairground where they can go on a bunch of rides, pet some animals at the petting zoo, and play games. könig is usually too tall to ride the rides comfortably (rip), but he doesn't mind. as long as the kids are having fun, that's all that matters to him!
—yearly trips to visit his mom and grandma in austria are an absolute must
—kids are always clinging to him during the colder months because he just radiates heat
—his homemade remedy: soup! the kids absolutely love the different soups that he makes and it always seems to make them feel better whenever they're under the weather :)
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
Taking panties off infront of our 141 boys and Alejandro and Rudy to tease them🤪 how would they react to that
I hope this is ok!! Tried to keep it gender neutral, let me know if it needs changing! ❤️ I’d love to tease all these men. I wrote this whilst watching Mr Roukin whimpering in Turn. I can’t breathe … I’m feral.
Price 🥃
Price would roll his eyes playfully at you. ‘Really love? Now?’ Throwing down his pen on his work, a smirk half hidden by his beard.
He’d sit in his chair, legs and hips spread signalling you to continue your master plan. Throwing your panties at him he’d catch them and stuff them into his pocket.
He’d beckon you to come closer, within his grasp and growl to himself. ‘God I love your arse.’
Pulling you onto him he’d pepper kisses long your neck, you’d go to grab your panties from his pocket. But he’d stop you, ‘you can come and get these from my room later love.’
Soap 🧼
Soap would be like a dog with a bone. ‘Jesus Christ’ he’d whisper to himself in disbelief. ‘You’re fuckin incredible.’
You’d tease him constantly, moving your panties out of his grasp as he tries to reach for them.
‘Such a tease’ he’d chuckle. Palming at his hardening crotch he wanted to ravage you, claim you with fierce passion.
You’d giggle as you show your centre to him, dangling your panties in front of you. Like a red flag to a bull. Oh he was gonna make you pay when he could get his hands on you.
Ghost 💀
Ghost was in the gym and just started his last set of reps when you walked past and dropped your panties on his chest.
The weight above his head threatened to fall upon him, you stood over him with a twinkle in your eye. ‘Fuck’ he grunted as he put the weighted bar back on the rack.
As he sits up he’d play with the fabric between his fingers, with a lustful gaze he’d look up at you. ‘Minx’ he’d smile under the mask.
He’d pull you in close ‘I suggest you get to my room and take off the rest of your clothes.’
Gaz 🇬🇧
Waiting for the meeting to commence you send over a video to Gaz. His phone vibrates as you stare at him a smirk tugging at your lips.
He opens the video as sees you slowly pulling down your panties, swiping them across your tongue. You then get dressed blowing a kiss at the phone.
Dressed in the exact same clothes you’re in now. He looks up at you, speechless. Quickly putting his phone back into his pocket. You wink at him as you slowly spread your legs under the table.
Offering him a clothed glimpse of what’s waiting for him. He struggles to keep his mouth closed at your boldness. Oh he’d have to teach you lesson later.
Alejandro 🌹
Oh Alejandro. To be honest if you took off your panties in-front of him he’s ravaging you. Endless amounts of passion and Spanish expletives whispered into your ear.
That’s it. He’s having you there and then. End of.
Rudy ❤️
Baby boy. Rudy would be bashful like Gaz but would be overcome with passion. He’d initially be speechless. ‘What are you doing?’ He’d giggle, like a school boy.
You tease him more, ‘come and get me handsome’ as you run out of his office. He’d chase you down and pull you close to him ‘so naughty mi amor.’
Because you teased him he’s gonna tease you. He’d slowly trail his hands over your centre, small kisses and bites along your neck.
The tables have turned, you wanted to tease him but Rudys gonna be having fun with you tonight.
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arcaneauthor · 1 year
Soap and Ghost with a s/o on their period
Warnings: period blood, fluff
A/n: I feel like I’m bleeding out rn and need to vent
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Is absolutely not grossed out by your period, I mean this man sees blood everyday, he’s used to it, plus it’s natural right? As long as it’s coming from a menstrual cycle and not some major wound, he’s good
Is absolutely clueless when it comes to female issues. Like he knows all the medical stuff of what’s happening to you and why it’s happening but as far as how to comfort you and make you feel better? Completely clueless. He’s never really had a close enough relationship with another woman to have to deal with this.
Not saying he won’t help you out though, just need’s a little guidance. Will 100% do anything you tell him to. He’d be your good little soldier. You want take out? He’s calling it in. You want a warm bath? He’s carrying you to the bathroom.
Would probably sit on the side of your bed rubbing a large hand over your back or through your hair.
Though if you don’t feel like being touched and want distance? He’s a big boy, he can take no for an answer and not pout about it. “That’s fine doll, whatever you need.” Though he’ll still be coming in the room ever thirty minutes to check in on you with an “You alright, love?”
Will give you one of his gigantic shirts to wear since you don’t want tight fabric rubbing against you right now.
Would do everything around the house for you without being asked. It’s how he’d show he cared since he wasn’t one for lovey dovey words. Feeling guilty, you’d keep trying to get up to help him, despite his many refusals. About the fifth time he’d eventually just pick you up over his shoulder and carry you back to bed himself.
.“Nope, you’re gonna sit your little arse in bed and let me do the bloody dishes.” “But it’s not fair for you to do all the dirty work.” “I’m not the one bleeding out my a**.”
Your snarky reply of “That’s not exactly where it’s coming from” has him slamming the bedroom door in your face. Would definitely just pop back in your room a few minutes later with a tub of ice cream though.
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Like ghost, he’s not grossed out at all by your period.
Unlike Ghost, I feel like he would know exactly what to do for you. Chocolate, flowers, basically makes you a whole nest on your bed of pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, etc. Basically, he would just be absolutely perfect.
This man is a major cuddler and you can’t convince me other wise. Would spoon you from behind while holding a heating pad to your aching stomach. Running his other hand up and down your side and back.
But, he too, would of course understand if you didn’t want to be touched. Would maybe joke around and pout at you a little,”If ye’ don’ love me no more, jus’ say that.” But would end up kissing you on the head, “I’m jus’ kiddin, that’s fine sweetheart.” And would leave you alone as long as you needed
If you live separately and your period starts while at his place, you’d be surprised to find that he already has supplies. He’d here your muffled curse from the bathroom, “Honey? You alright?” You’d be a little embarrassed at first, telling him what’s happened and that you, in fact, did not have anything with you. “Oh, that’s alrigh’. Check the bottom drawer on the lef’ for me, should be somethin’ in there.” You’d instantly feel calmed by how nonchalant he was being about it. Though that quickly turned to shock as you open the drawer. There’s an array of pads and tampons of different sizes. Even has an extra pair of underwear which, when you check the tag, is your size. When questioned, he just smiled and told you “A soldier’s always prepared.” Which you then gave him possibly the deepest kiss of your life just for his thoughtfulness.
If you started at night and bleed over on his sheets he’d make absolutely no fuss about it, instantly waving away your embarrassment with a smile. If you try to apologize for it he would be having absolutely none of it. Cups your face, “Hey, no. None of tha’. This is completely natural, nothin’ to be ashamed of. Nothin’ a good soak won’ fix.”
Would 100% be making all kinds of puns about it. “Gotta say swee’heart, your’ looking bloody sexy right now.” And you’d so not be in the mood. If looks could kill
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
What is a general hc for yandere Soap?
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Warnings: Yandere behavior, military + talks about trauma and PTSD, kidnapping, and dubcon (not in detail)
A/N: Sure!! Sorry this took extremely long. I've been struggling with my health. Hope this was okay <3.
Gif and icons are NOT mine; the gif belongs to @/bunnygifs. As for the icons, I'm not sure. If you do find the artist/or are the artist, please contact me so I can credit you!
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Soap is a very complicated person. Underneath his nice Jester Act, he’s an extremely manipulative, obsessive, and possessive man in every aspect possible. He owns you; you own him, vice versa.
He’s two faced with you, only if you’re capable of staying one way. Much like Jekyll and Hyde.
Johnny wasn’t sure what was so addicting about you, but he knew you were the one for him. The very first time he saw you, he was immediately smitten and approaching you with a wide smile. Flirting and wooing his ways with you as his cheeks flushed with pink, legs like jello and hands sweating as his mind was overloaded with question after question. While Soap’s not easy to fall for someone, he couldn’t help but see that you were incredibly attractive; as well as interesting and a genuine person.
It definitely makes more sense if you were on the team. Price bringing you in as a new recruit; a needed medic or another soldier that finds him just as perky, or annoying.
Or, in any other story, you could be a civilian who he had met while living next door. The apartment complex getting lonely, and somehow, the cheeky bastard showed up with a welcoming smile and a few of his buddies helping him move in. Wouldn’t it be nice to know him, no?
Despite these two — Soap would quickly realize he needed you. The calls weren’t enough. The hourly talks weren’t enough. Nothing was never enough because you weren’t his. And you certainly made him lose his mind.
Either way, you’ve caught the eye of a man who’s incredibly hard to get rid of. His name speaks loudly in certain situations when he’s with you.
That being said, Johnny is always around you — in and out of the battlefield. He’s always trying to engage with whatever you’re doing.
Gonna head out and get a drink from a bar a couple of minutes down the road? Why not let him come along? Catch up on some things, plus the two of you could play truth-to-drink.
Need to go grocery shopping? Let him drive with you! He would feel safer going with you, plus, he needs to restock his fridge. Wherever you are, he’s there; even with and without your knowledge.
Soap is a huge softie with you. Even Ghost and Price see it. It’s clear that he likes you, which leaves him doing it the ‘original’ way. He will go all out and woo your heart; going as far as to buy your favorite flowers or go get that movie you haven’t seen in ages. He pays attention closely to the conversations you two have, so expect gifts to come.
This also means that he dislikes people around you, his blue eyes turning into daggered icicles that talk to you. And those who don’t get his signals, he gets aggressive, which isn’t a pretty sight.
He makes it clear that you’re off limits and stares at anyone who looks at you too long or simply the wrong way. While he acts incredibly sweet and kind in front of you, the minute you turn around, his smile is gone and staring into the person’s poor soul until they run away with their tail between their legs.
Johnny is the type to overcompensate things, which can be annoying. He’s overbearing — almost suffocating to the point you may or may not snap at him to knock it off or leave you alone. He will act like an overprotective boyfriend, even if the two of you are not dating.
Because of this, you’ll likely lose a bunch, if mostly of your friends or close family members. At the end of the day, he’s sitting right beside you as he comforts you from the losses. I mean, he’s better than them, right?
Soap is more on the jealous side. While he knows he’s attractive and strong - likely your type - he just can’t help but pop his knuckles in pure annoyance whenever he sees you talking to someone he feels is a threat. Soap will try his best to be always around you, keeping an arm or hand on you at all times, showing people he has an interest in you or that you’re dating.
And because of his severe jealousy, he’s a master at manipulation. He’s very persuasive with his words, especially with his sweet and dirty talk.
He’s always guiding, keeping you away from people he deems bad, and whenever you question it, Johnny always smiles before telling you not to worry about it. By the end of the day, you’re in his house with him locking the door.
With how insane he is, and just how devoted he’s with you, you’re gonna be kidnapped. Even if you’re already in love, he can not stand people talking or keeping you away from him. He wants you by himself.
Your safety is his top priority. The minute it’s threatened, even by a friend invading your space or seeing you uncomfortable in public, all his nice and flirtatious mask is thrown out the window and goes berserk. He’s not afraid to swing, kick, or even draw high amounts of blood if it means that you’re safe.
Now, the minute he can call you "his" is the second he really shows his colors; being a cheeky bastard and a manipulative prick. Of course, he’s a natural flirt and will tease or woo you every damn chance he gets.
Soap is very open with affection. In all types of shapes, but he mainly shows it through gifts and physical affection. He’ll randomly give you rocks with specific names and expects you to remember.
Or cuddling you closer to his body, hand instinctively curling around your hips and lips sucking in deep bruises. His favorite part with you is rolling in bed with you, tracing your body marks as he rubs his face into your belly.
Soap is incredibly clingy. It gets worse when he gets home after being out for a long time of not seeing you.
Once he’s home, whether that’s from a mission or simply spending the day shopping for necessary items, he will not leave you alone. His arms are always on you, grasping and pulling you in for cuddles and his Scottish slangs whispering in your tinted ears for more attention.
Punishments come in waves– and if you’ve broken them, even ignoring his final warnings with tsks, it isn’t pretty.
Usually, he figures a good fuck with sorta ye out, no? With the amount of orgasms and pretty begs you let out, he’s certain you won’t break them again, correct?
But, if that doesn’t work, he’ll put a chain around your ankle, keeping you in bed and treating you the same as if you didn’t do anything. Slowly but surely, driving you insane until you say sorry.
Soap is excellent at spying and has no shame if he’s caught, even by you. You won’t be allowed to shut any doors, even if you are using the bathroom or showering. But, you wouldn’t mind him coming in, would you?
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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forensic420 · 11 months
MW2 Task Force 141+König Hyperrealistic HC’s ✰
-Not as reserved as you think he’d be, he’s actually very talkative. Him and Soap’s comm dialogue is more then enough evidence to show that he enjoys a good conversation and even jokes.
-Does that soldier sleep position often x . He’s a light sleeper, always ready to defend. When comfortable you can find him mumbling in his sleep, usually soft “yes”’s and “no”’s.
-Doesn’t fully understand American culture, he’s very confused by common American delicacies. “Y/N, what the fuck is a bucee’s?” He’d ask with a stressed look.
-Avid user of the word “cunt”. Top three favorite words. Also loves saying, “cheers ya slag”, he thinks and waits for scenarios so he can use it.
-Very passionate about the military and his career. Gaz as a child would attend parades only to see the soldiers and wait at the end of the parade to meet them, his room was also filled with military toys and articles.
-His main song he listens to is Red Nation by The Game and Lil Wayne, it’s one of the few songs he downloaded on a portable music player.
-Is always around Price no matter where. You can always find him in Price’s office just chatting away and discussing documents. The two are bonded and Gaz is grateful to have an “older” and experienced father figure.
-Enjoys quiet days at the base. He likes just being able to hang out and be around his friends and team, he’d go to great lengths for his fellow soldiers.
-Soap’s accent can be super thick at times, causing the team to not understand him at times. He doesn’t attempt to correct himself most times, just continuing to ramble and goes on with the conversation.
-Is terrified of Ronald Mcdonald. “He be too happy, y’know?” He’d claim and frown. BIG fan of Grimace and the Hamburgler though, often always commenting on his love for them when the team mentions fast food.
-Secret artist. Soap’s mystery talent is he’s very gifted in drawing, he keeps his sketch pads under his mattress. He’d never show anyone but he is engrossed in sketching the team. There’s pages full of Ghost, Price, and Gaz just doing common things like sitting in a meeting or having a conversation with another team member.
-Absolutely hates doing dishes. Whenever he’s on dish duty he always complains. “A'd ower die.” He’d say and convince Gaz to do it, with the agreement of him doing Gaz’s chores for a week.
-Is always rambling to Gaz or Soap about old movies he loves and makes them watch it with him. It became a weekly occurrence to find Price with the team watching some old western or military film.
-Enjoys watching documentaries about ancient civilizations, his favorite is Mesopotamia and the Shang dynasty.
-Price is always making sure his team is feeling good, often spending an equal amount of alone time with each member to talk and company them. “How’re you feeling, son?” He’d ask with a gentle but firm hand on their shoulder.
-When Soap is rambling and his accent is completely drowning a coherent sentence Price just nods and hums to him. He never comments on it, even if he doesn’t fully understand what was said.
-Huge fan of Rammstein. His teenage room was covered in posters of them and other bands like Helloween. Even as a full grown man he is not afraid to admit his love for Till Lindemann.
-A firm believer of Krampus and is very passionate about the subject. “Mein Gott! Don’t you know Knecht Ruprecht will get you if you’re naughty?” He’d tease to his soldiers, always backing it up by saying he knew a kid who got whipped by him.
-Has catatonic tendencies, will frequently withdrawal and get irritable. He’ll stay in his room going rigid and stays stupor. At times no Kortac member will see him, always wandering around base to try to find him. Once he snaps out of it he’ll often not remember it. “Was meinst du?” He’d ask and furrow his eyebrows, talking about a past day mission as if it were yesterday.
-As a child he was always absorbed and immersed in his mother’s snow globe collection. Gripping onto the mantle he’d watch the faux snow twirl around in the liquid. Was always afraid that somehow the globes would miraculously all fall off the mantle and shatter onto the ground.
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keresnotceres · 1 year
TF 141: “I Love You”
aka saying “ily” to your military bf before him lol. [sfw] cw(s): none :)
this is pretty low effort, but i wanted to feed u guys lol
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If you were trying to give Ghost a heart attack, you’ve absolutely succeeded. Especially if you say it out of nowhere, on a whim, just for funsies. Genuinely does not know how to respond, kinda just looks at you stunned. Kind of like a deer in headlights but much more emotionally charged.
Probably fighting the urge to cry because no one but his mother has said that to him before, and it feels very weird to be told he’s loved. You’d only get to know that maybe 2 years later when he’s simply pushed his capabilities of bottling up emotions and he ends up sobbing to you that: yes, he loves you so fucking much and he’s sorry he’s never been able to tell you like he is now, but it hurt to much then (and it just hurt a little bit less now).
Ends up not responding to your words and sitting in silence, coming to terms with what you just said. There’s probably a million thoughts running in his mind and one of them is the painful thought of leaving behind another person who loves him for their own safety.
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Gaz is the type of person to say it after a few months of dating, so when you came guns blazing and said it before him, he was caught a bit off guard by the sudden declaration of love. He’s not complaining, though, but he is a bit quiet after the fact.
I’m gonna be honest, you probably spat it out while he was deployed and he just kind of stood there, quiet and just blinking into space while you were continuing to ramble on about something. As an internal monologue about if responding with “I love you” would be the best thing to do in the scenario. Ends up being silent on his end while fighting his conscience deciding whether or not he should do it, it’s kind of like a brawl in his mind.
He takes a leap of faith and says it back to you right before he hangs up. He can say he did it and he doesn’t have to face you right after doing it either so he can mull it over until you eventually call him again. He tries his best and sometimes it works out in his favor!
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Soap is likely the stark contrast of Ghost, absolutely embracing your words head on and relishing in them. Soap start relationships fast and likely rushes through all the beginning steps, including the first “I love you.” He’s grinning ear to fucking ear and simply ecstatic because holy fuck you love him and you’re not saying it to get a reaction out of him. You actually mean it.
Might be caught a bit off guard at first, he’s likely always the first person to say it, so when you say it first, he’s both shocked and overjoyed. Just straight up so happy that you love him and he doesn’t have to trudge through a fickle relationship with someone who doesn’t like him as much as he likes you. After you say it to him, he’ll probably say it to you more often; waking up, going to bed, leaving for deployment, etc. He just likes to tell you in case you forgot! (You didn’t).
After you said it, he said it right back at you, like a parrot. He was just waiting for the perfect time to tell you and you swooped in and stole his moment. He more or less forgets the latter part and continues to pepper you in “I love you”s.
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With his experience, Price is someone who doesn’t like to say “I love you” too quickly, but he understands that waiting too long can create a distance between two people. It just so happens that when you said it, he was not expecting it in the slightest.
Torn on whether or not he should say it back to you, because on one hand, he is absolutely head over heels for you. But on the other, “I love you” is a strong confession for him to make. He’s got a bit of relationship hardships on his back and he’s not very willing to put his heart on the line to risk getting hurt again. But when it comes to you, that inner turmoil slowly ebbs away and he finds himself falling a bit more in love with you.
Says it back to you a few days later, when you’ve had enough time to worry that saying it fucked up your relationship (it didn’t, he’s just bad at articulating how he feels). Probably is a bit awkward with it, but there’s a look in his eyes that tells you he absolutely means it.
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suckitsideways · 8 months
Imagine a world where a small (very small 0.002%) of the human population just randomly gains powers, and because of the fact the military drafts most of them (the one they physically are able to) immediately. Meaning 141 gets a superhuman individual, but instead of controlling fire or flying they end up with some hippie powered individual whose power is connected to the planet.
For example at first they think the reader is only able to control plants until they're caught in a sticky situation, and they cause a fucking earthquake (or they're just throwing huge piece of rocks at the enemy on some Tophe shit) . Or the time when Soap and Ghost causally walked into camp and found them genuinely having a deep conversation with a grizzly bear.
Oh and the fucking TEEEEAAAA. THE DRAMMAMMMAAA, cause when they first joined everyone is side eyeing the new Super Recruit. No one trusts them much less likes them. And does the reader care. No. They've got better shit to do then to try and cozy up to a bunch of jackass's who respect the government that forced them away from their families and lives into a fucking literal war. Treating the ones that weren't considered 'lethal' as lab rats and marketing products.
But then 141 slowly realizes the shit that the reader has to go through (not only that but they constantly saves their lives) , and 141 slowly regrets being so distant towards them. But also since her powers are related to the earth and life itself, killing people affects them. Just imagiiinnnne all the feels.
Oof let's stop there. But I'm going to go ham on this later. Anyone interested in being tagged.
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alkaline-wtr · 9 months
(Y/n): *eating lunch* “So, what do battle hardened soldiers such as yourselves do on your days off?”
Ghost: *shrugging* “You know we catch up on laundry… Try not to get soap in our eyes when we shower.”
Soap/(Y/n): *looking at each other*
(Y/n): *stifling a laugh*
Ghost: *looking between them confused* “What?”
Soap: *Smirks at Ghost*
Ghost: …
Also Ghost: *realizes*
Ghost again: “Oh, fuckin’ hell!”
Soap/(Y/n): *bursts out laughing*
Ghost: “Stop it. You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
Soap/(Y/n): *laughing harder*
Ghost: *grumbles and leaves the table angry and embarrassed*
Soap: *falls out of chair*
(Y/n): *laughs even harder at him*
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Pairing: John “Soap” Mactavish x f!reader
Warnings: suggestive mdni (18+), jealous!soap, possessive!soap, marking
You’re not entirely sure how it happened, it could be because you’ve had a few drinks but it’s because it happened so fast.
You’re pressed against the brick wall of the pub you were yanked out of moments ago, hidden within the shadow of the alleyway as you struggle to breathe because Soap was kissing you too quick for you to catch your breath.
He was on you, kissing you like he was a ravenous animal, taking your lips into his as he licked you against him to make sure you couldn’t get away. His teeth dug into your bottom lip while a hand tightly gripped your jaw and the other was in your hair, his fingers tangled in your hair as he tugged your head in any direction he wanted.
He stole the air from your lungs and it didn’t help when he pressed his pelvis into yours, rubbing his half hard cock against your covered heat as of his life depended on it.
Grunts and groans escaped his mouth as you tugged his hair in an attempt to let you breathe. He was relentless, he was practically eating you alive as he shoved his tongue in your mouth.
You couldn’t even think, there was no time to and you were so lightheaded from the constant kissing that you were sure you were going to pass out.
“Soap…” You somehow managed to breathe out between his kisses.
A grunt and he roughly pushed his hard cock against you, causing your knees to almost buckle as he bit your lip.
“Gonna show him.” He bit your neck and you whined. “You’re all mine.”
He continued his assault against your neck, sucking and biting your flesh, making sure to mark you up as you let out soft whines. He licked the spots to soothe the slight sting as he stared at you with dark eyes that were brimming with desire.
“Maybe I’ll do it right here…so everyone can hear who you belong to.”
A/N: Yeah I don’t really know what this is
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
how would the 141 and König react if they accidentally walked in on reader changing?
Ooh meOW I love this! 😉
tw: slight NSFW/suggestive themes
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
If you’re in a relationship, he’ll get comfortable and lean against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest, legs crossed one over the other. You’ve got your back to him as you’re getting ready for the day,
He’s watching you silently, watching your every movement, eyes tracking the gorgeous curves of your body, hypnotized by the curve of your ass as you lean down to pull your shorts up your legs. You start pulling your shirt over your head but you’re quickly stopped by the warm strong hands you love so much
“Not ready for the show to end.” He’s pulling you flush against him, your back against his chest as his hands glide up the smooth skin of your torso, stopping to rest gently on your throat tilting your head to the side, kissing along the column of your neck
“Si, we’ve got a lot to do today.” You whined, eyeing the pile of laundry in the corner,
“Name one thing that’s worth me stopping what I’m doing, and I’ll stop.”
You couldn’t come up with a single thing
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
This little shit (with your consent obvs) is intentionally avoiding announcing himself. You’re getting ready for your date and this mf tiptoes into your room and leans against the wall, watching you carefully.
God he could never get used to how fucking beautiful you are, the curves of your waist, your long beautiful legs, your pretty hands, dear lord you take his breath away, he can’t sit still just watching you
You’ve got your back turned to him and before you know it you feel his warm hands running down your waist, over your hips, his kissing the nape of your neck.
“Johnny, we’ll be late for our reservation.” You giggle,
“I’ve got more pressing matters to attend to.” He’s nipping the skin of your throat, turning you around to kiss the life out of you
(Spoiler alert: you missed your res and wound up ordering in)
John Price:
A true gentleman, it doesn’t matter if you’ve just gotten together or been in a relationship for years, he’ll apologize and look away, cheeks and tips of his ears a bright shade of red
Correction. He’ll make a show of looking away, but he’s peeking out of the corner of his eye if you’re changing and still facing him
But if you’ve got your back to him, sweetheart he is drinking that view up. He’s breathing evenly through his nose to keep from crossing the room in two long strides and devouring you
It’s like I said, he’s a gentleman and a patient man. He knows damn well he’ll have more time to savor you after your dinner date. He doesn’t have much a sweet tooth, so he doesn’t care for deserts.
But the best and sweetest part of his evening will be peeling that gorgeous outfit off of you, and swallowing all the pretty noises you’ll make for him.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He loves poking fun at you, he knows you’re changing, but when he wakes in he acts startled, shocked that he’s caught you in such a vulnerable position! Why didn’t you warn him?
He always makes you laugh, you throw the shirt you were about to put on at his head and he dodges with ease
“Actually I need that, can you toss it back to me?”
“Hm. I’ll think about it.” He teased, walking over to you and bringing you in close by the loops of your jeans, “Quite like you like this though.”
“Oh yeah? So when we’re at dinner you’d be fine with me out there like this?” You giggled, lower lip pulled between your teeth as you smile at him widely,
“Who says we need to go anywhere, babe? Could eat at home.” You playfully smacked his arm,
“Nothing could possibly compare to the meal I’ve got in front of me.”
As you looked at him through hooded eyes, you realized you felt the same.
He always gets flustered, doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, he’s beet red and covering his eyes or pointedly looking up at the ceiling.
BUT! If you catch him in a particularly touchy mood, he gets a little brave and sits down on the bed to watch you.
“Getting in bed already? I thought we were watching that new show tonight.” You teased looking over your shoulder, you pulled your pajama pants up your long beautiful legs, and turned to grab the tshirt you set aside when you came out of your shower
He grabbed the shirt before you were able to successfully reach it and set it down beside him,
“I might prefer a different show this evening, schatz.” His voice dipped into the range that told you his intentions,
“W-what kind of show?” It always caught you off guard seeing him like this, always stirred the heat in your gut and between your legs,
He laid down on your shared bed, his legs out stretched in front of him, and he tapped one of his muscular thighs,
“Why don’t you come here and find out, maus?”
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
We were young
John "Soap" MacTavish x f!reader
Summary: A fun evening at your home with task force 141 turnes slightly sour when the topic switches to your previous partners. Soap takes it particularly hard.
Minors, don´t interact!! This is heavy! No smut. Hurt/Comfort
Part 2
Word count: 4.088
Warnings: comfort/fluff in the end BUT: mentions of sexual abuse, talks of virginity taken, abusive ex, stalking, mentions of porn, blood, crying, protective Soap, cursing, heavy topics in general
Authors note: I would like all of you to proceed with caution when reading this fic. Everything you read here actually happened to me and this is MY outlet because I wish I had a Soap at the time I actually realised what had happened to me. I chose him for this fic because I think he´d be just the right person to help. As I said, please be careful but I still hope you enjoy the story and my version of our favourite Scottish golden boy :)
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“Okey! Most embarrassing thing your ex ever did!”
You rolled your eyes at a tipsy Gaz trying not to smile. This actually was an interesting question and would surely make this little get together more fun. You were currently sitting on your plush couch in your small living room/kitchen. Around you an assortment of the task force 141.
Gaz was sitting on the floor on one of your throw pillows, leaning heavily onto your wooden coffee table. Next to you on the couch sat Price, contently nursing a beer and smiling mildly. You even got Simon to come. Although it was probably his Captain who forced him to come and unwind from a particular rough mission. Three weeks they had been gone. Another three weeks of worry over your friends.
You had met them when your new neighbor moved in. When you´d heard the ruckus outside your door, you had peeked out carefully only to see three men shouting at each other, trying to maneuver a massive couch through the door. “I swear to god, Soap! You tell me to pivot one more time, I´m goin´ to fuckin´ kill you!” That had been Gaz shouting at a snickering man who had been holding the back of the couch. Meeting his gaze, you´d immediately noticed his piercing blue eyes, full lips and 5 o´clock shadow.
After your initial meeting, things just took off naturally. You would notice when he came back from a mission, quickly moving to the door to say welcome back. He´d always smile at you, no matter how banged up he was, holding a small conversation and then vanishing into his apartment to sleep for days it seemed. After a few months you made it a habit to bring over food every time he came back. He seemed to genuinely worship you for that and at one point didn’t even bother walking into his own living space. He had just knocked on your door, waited until you´d opened it and gave you a tired smile. “Hiya, lass. ´M back and starvin´.
 Meeting the other members of his task force had happened gradually. Johnny had invited you out to a bar one evening and the whole group just seemed to kick it off with you. After that evening you´d brought home a very drunk John MacTavish and helped him into bed. He´d grabbed your arm and tried to cuddle it as he was laying on his bed fully clothed. Snorting you´d knelt down and waited until he was asleep. By the time you´d seen his face relax and his breathing had evened out, you couldn´t help yourself and had touched his face very lightly. Mapping out his features, you had wondered what this usual sunshine of a man had to endure anytime he went away.
You only knew that they were in the military and went on missions. They wouldn’t tell you more and you always thought it was a good thing. You worried none the less about them. If you would actually really know what they were doing, you´d probably lose your goddamn mind.
Johnny had been your neighbor for three years now and you enjoyed those little get togethers at your place immensely. You knew of course that Simon for example only came around because he wanted you to see for yourself that he was okey. Johnny and Gaz were the ones who genuinely wanted to unwind and just have a nice evening and you guessed so did Price. Even though he never really drank much , he always gave the warmest hello and goodbye hugs.
“Good one, Gaz!” bellowed Johnny and plopped down on your recliner giving you a little wink. “You go first, then” he toasted towards Gaz who blinked slowly and pinched his brows. He looked as if he tried really hard to remember something. “He got piss drunk because he thought I was out cheatin��…found him butt naked on my balcony creaming slurs from the top of his lungs. My elderly neighbor almost called the coppers.” He shook his head. “It was just a fling but I called it off the next mornin´. I can´t deal with jealous and crazy.”
Prize sucked in a breath through his teeth and tried to look put off by the story. You could see his beard twitch though and the little laugh lines around his eyes appeared. Johnny was wheezing into his glass of whisky and even Simon had scooted to the edge of his seat on your armchair.
“`Aight, Captain. Let´s hear it then” Gaz said with a grin and leaned back onto his hand. Price huffed and took a swig from his bottle. “´S no way I´m tellin´ that. ´M very happy with the missus” he waved his hand in front, showing off his wedding ring. “We´re talkin´ about our exes, Cap. Not our spouses.” Johnny rolled his eyes good naturedly. It was hard to be annoyed with Price when he was talking about his wife. The man was obsessed. He smirked. “My ex- fiancé is my wife, ya muppet.”
“I don’t think you´ll get an answer out of him, Gaz” you giggled and bumped Price softly with your shoulder. He just shook his head in denial and sipped the rest of his beer. “Fiiiiiiine,” Gaz groaned. “Ghost, your turn.”
You whipped your head around to the bulging figure sitting in your chair, his elbows on his knees. Simon never really talked much and you were sure he wouldn’t get into these kind of shenanigans. To your surprise though (and to everyone else´s as well) he leaned back a little, pulled down his mask to take another big gulp of his scotch and slowly spoke. “She… got a little too excited and uhh…bit me.”
“WHAT?!” Johnny almost jumped out of his seat, his full attention on Simon. “What do you mean, she bit you? You realise that can be pretty hot though, right?” Your tipsy brain really tried not to imagine biting into Johnny´s delicious neck. Simon hung his head. “Believe me, she bit a part of me where teeth really aren´t supposed to be used.” 
“Yer arse and parsley, Ghost (You´re talking shit)!!! She bit yer doaber (dick)?!?!” Gaz was already crying with laughter on your carpet as Johnny looked at Simon as if he´d suddenly grew a second head. Until he as well dissolved into cackling wheezes, holding his stomach. You couldn’t help but join in on the laughter whereas Price actually looked mortified this time. “We were fourteen!!” Simon groaned. “We knew fuck-all about what we were doin´.”
Still trying to catch your breath you looked at Simon who gave you an almost pained look, understandably. “But you did have….relationships since then, right? Your last girlfriend wasn´t at the age of 14, was it?” You looked at him with raised eyebrows.
His eyes suddenly narrowed and you knew he was smiling underneath his mask. His eyes glinted a little. “Relationships? None. I joined the military at 16. Not much time for that. Relations?...Plenty.”
Hollering and whooping Gaz and Johnny started clapping while Simon sat back into the chair again. You could feel your face burn pleasantly. Simon coming out of his shell this much and even cracking innuendos made you really happy. “Johnny,” you looked at him. “Your turn.” You were almost bouncing out of your seat out of sheer excitement over what kind of story he would tell.
He still had tears in his eyes but they looked a bit sheepishly at you. “Well,” he drawled. “Not so much an embarrassing story or a story about an ex but…more of a crazy one.” He winked at you and continued. “There was this young lass. She worked at the front desk of the military accommodation office. When I fist joined, she took a likin´ to me. Didn´t think much off it. I was there maybe three or four times. I´ve never seen her outside of the office.” Somehow you didn’t think this story would end that well. You stomach sank a bit. “By the time I was 18 and just about to join the SAS I came home one night with me mates and well…there she was. Naked as a wee baby, standin´ right in the middle of our room.” He shook his head when Gaz started to grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “Would have been funny…if she hadn´t brought a fuckin´ knife and held it to her own throat.”
Ice made its way into your veins and you stared at Johnny disbelievingly, almost in horror. He had a tight lipped smile on his face. No real joy adorning his features.
“We were quick enough so nothing happened but when they dragged her screaming arse out the barracks, she looked more like a banshee than a human.” He sighed heavily. “She seemed like a nice girl. Quiet, but nice.”
“Why in the shit did she do that, though? What did she want?” Gaz looked seriously taken aback.
Johnny took a deep breath through his nose and gave you a nervous side glance. “Me, apparently.”
The ice in your veins was replaced with rage and you balled your fists. What would have happened to Johnny if some crazy stalker hurt herself because of him or worse yet, for him?
Johnny continued. “When they searched her flat they found…stuff. Missing shirts from my room, pictures, something like a shine…I don´t funkin´ know. I never saw any of that. They just told me she lost her shit when she heard I was leaving and joining the SAS.” He shrugged his shoulders and the little glint in his eyes was back. “I´m glad I didn´t see what she had been up to. Freaks me out just knowing about it.”
Gaz pushed out a long breath through his lips. “Maaaaaaaate, what the fuck?! We know you´re a pretty boy but, damn. That´s fucked up.” Johnny chuckled and nodded his head. “Tell me about it. Makes you a little cautious about who you want to date. Not that there is much…dating.” You could clearly see his eyes flicking over to you. You gave him a sweet smile that he immediately returned. His shoulders relaxing more and more. “You can say that again,” Gaz said and grossed his arms behind his head. “We can´t all be as lucky as our dear Captain.”
Price snorted but his chest swelled with a content sigh. It was adorable, really.
“Right then,” Johnny clapped his hands and sat up straight, his torso turned to you. “Onto the most interesting story” he winked. You scoffed. “Don´t be a creep, Johnny” Simon said lowly from his place across from him. He just waved his hand at him dismissively without looking away from your face.
You also sat up straight again and giggled. “It´s not about my recent ex...I don’t have many of them anyway but…” your shoulders shook in an effort not to laugh out loud. “My first ever boyfriend? He tried to take my virginity…in his moms bed!!” You started cackling. Gaz and Johnny joining in. “Jesus” you heard Price mutter from next to you, chuckling.
Gaz was rolling on the floor “You´ve got to be shitting me” he wheezed. “He did not!” Clutching your stomach you wiped away at your eyes and nodded. “´M not kidding.”
“H-how old…How old was that idiot?” Johnny asked you through hearty laughs. “He was eighteeeeen” you wheezed. Another roll of laughter went through the room. “I was only sixteen and had no idea how relationships were supposed to work but I did get that that was NOT it.”
Johnny seemed to sober up a little bit, though still grinning he looked intently at you. “Please tell me you dumped his arse, lass.” You nodded. “Eventually yes. I mean…like I said, I didn’t have any experience with having a boyfriend. But by the time he tried to actively isolate me from my friends and my family, I´ve had enough. He tried to take me away from a family event even though I told him I couldn’t spend time with him that weekend.” Slowly their laughter ebbed away to little chuckles. You felt like something shifted in the air. Johnny´s grin looked forced all of a sudden.
Trying to light up the mood you quickly turned back to the previous topic, starting to laugh again. “Also…get this…this idiot was so hellbent on taking my virginity, he even undressed me in my sleep! Telling me I probably did it myself and I should listen to what my body wants.”
This time the change in the air was almost tangible. Johnny´s face fell completely and his eyes went stone cold. Gaz was staring at you from the floor with a disbelieving look on his face and Simons knuckles turned white. Your stomach clenched uncomfortably. You tried to think about these events in a comical way whenever you could, because if you didn´t, that would only mean these happenings were nothing else but…
Price´s face appeared in your peripheral and you turned your head. His eyes were warm but stern when he spoke. “___, love. You know what he actually did, right?” You took a long breath through your nose and nodded your head. “Yes, yes I know what he did. I sensed the danger and got out. Believe me, bullshit like that will never happen to me again.” You tried to give your friends an encouraging smile. “Nothing else happened. He was just a massive creep.”
Gaz finally caught himself. “Yeah, no kiddin´” he said with an angry huff. “What a dick! Who thinks that´s how you woo a young lady into giving you her virginity no less? Bleachch…” He made a retching sound with his throat. “Yeah, yeah” you said. Feeling Johnny still boring his eyes into you from the side you tried desperately to change the mood again. “So tell us then, Gaz. How did you do it?”
Thankfully your distraction worked and after another two hours of drinking and light-hearted conversation, Price and Gaz got up to go home. Price mumbled something about not wanting to leave his wife alone for too long while hugging you to his broad chest. You wound your arms around his shoulders and whispered in his ear. “Again…I´m so happy for you. Make sure you get some ice cream and pickles on your way back.” He grinned adorably when he let you go and walked outside, waiting for the others. Gaz too hugged you and gave you a small wink. “Thanks for having us,___. As always.” You nodded and he hesitated for a second. “If there´s anything you want to talk about, call me.” Your heart swelled for your friend as you smiled at him. “I will” you promised him.
Next was Simon. He raised one of his large hands as he always did, put it on your head, as he always did and gently rubbed your scalp, as he always did. Smiling up at him he gave you a meaningful look. “I know, Simon” you said before he had to speak. Huffing a little bit he patted your head once more and also left.
You had a feeling you knew why, when you turned away from the door, Johnny was still standing in your living room awkwardly. He made eye contact with you and tried to smile but his eyes were still full of concern and anger. You didn’t like that look on him. He turned quickly and began cleaning up the various bottles and glasses, bringing them to your kitchen.
Thinking it was probably best to give him some time you picked up the throw pillow and rearranged your furniture back to its original place. You could hear him take a deep breath behind you.
“Was that really all he did?” he asked in a seemingly calm voice. You knew better. He was boiling up inside. “Johnny…” you breathed in a small voice. This was truly not something you wanted to get into too deep tonight. “Did he. Do. Anything. Else?” He didn’t sound angry. In fact his voice was clear and soft. You knew he would not let this go. Johnny was way too stubborn for that. Giving into your fate you sat down on the sofa again and patted the space next to you. He moved quickly but didn’t sit down next to you.
He sat down on your sturdy, wooden coffee table right in front of you, leaning onto his knees. Your gaze shot to his jean clad thighs and folded hands. Thank god he was wearing a long sleeved Henley. You didn’t  think you could´ve handled a peek of his forearms right now. He was so close your heart began hammering. Not just because of the conversation you were about to have with him. He smelled so good. Like laundry detergent, peppermint aftershave and warm summer winds at the sea.
Looking back up into his face his eyes were soft and warm. Ever present though, was the piercing colour that always reminded you of blue shattered glass.
“You don’t have to tell me” he reassured you in a whisper. “But sometimes talking about these things can actually help.” You knew he was right, so you nodded your head softly and took another deep breath. Folding your hands in your lap, nervously rubbing them together you began to speak.
“As I said, he was hellbent on taking my virginity. It was like he was obsessed with it. Always wanted to talk about it. Everything we talked about kind of always ended there. To be honest…I was flattered at the beginning that he wanted to give me that experience so badly. He was my boyfriend, I liked him a lot.” Johnny nodded in understanding.
“But when he started to become obsessive I felt less and less comfortable. He´d pick me up from a friends birthday party way before it actually ended. He tried to pick me up from school so I could spend the rest of the day with him and bring me back to my parents’ house later. Basically just to sleep there. On the weekends I basically had to force him to meet any of my friends because he didn’t want me to leave him to go see them.”
Saying all of this out loud made your blood boil. “Yes, I know I was only sixteen but I should´ve realized sooner what he was doing. He undressed me in my sleep!!” Your voice rose while you spoke your last words and your hands suddenly became fists. Without hesitation Johnny grabbed them and soothingly rubbed his fingers over your knuckles. “___, listen to me. What he did is nothing short of…I´m so sorry…sexual abuse. He took advantage of the fact that you liked him. But seriously. All I can hear is that you stood your ground. You still went to see your friends, you ended it when it was too much. What he did…” his features became hard once more. “What he did happened without your consent. That´s inexcusable.”
“It´s not all” you choked out, realizing horrified that your eyes began to water, threatening to spill over if you actually told him. He stilled for a moment and then relaxed again. Still holding your hands protectively he said “Tell me. I´m here, just tell me.”
“When he saw that talking about having sex with me wasn’t going anywhere he…he tried to take my, as he put it ´fear´ away by showing me…these…I´d never seen porn like that before, Johnny.” You could hear the fear in your voice as your sixteen year old self tried to explain herself. The tears were there, falling onto your cheeks as you looked him in the eyes. His hands moved to your face and carefully wiped them away while speaking. “He showed you videos?” You nodded, sniffling. “Of women having their virginity taken. `See? It´s not that bad´ ´They´re not scared´…They were bleeding, Johnny.”
He was next to you on the couch in an instant, hugging you close to him. His gentle hands and reassuring presence warmed every cell of your body and without thinking about it you clambered onto his lap and buried your face in his neck. Immediately his arm wound around your waist and pulled you as close as possible to him. His other hand came up to your face and gently held it, softly dragging his fingertips over your damp cheeks and jaw. From this angle you couldn’t see his face of course but by the way his thighs were shaking and his pulse was thumping wildly against your forehead you knew he tried to hold himself back from exploding.
And still, right now he was so calming and comforting. His body heat encasing you, warming your clammy hands, his gentle fingers rubbing security and safety back into your body. You´d always felt like that with him. Secure and safe. He was playful and earnest. He flirted with you but only if you responded in kind. It was fun. He´d never given you the feeling of being pushed into a corner. That you had to respond, that you had to react. Suddenly a very clear revelation came to you.
If it came to him, to Johnny, you trusted him. Not just as a friend. You´d trust him with every aspect of your mind…and body. Not being able to remember when the last time was you trusted someone like this, you grabbed onto his Henley and nuzzled your nose into the base of his neck.
Johnny was in trouble. Big, big trouble. He could feel the rage boiling in his veins as he still held your sleeping form on the couch half an hour later. His chin propped up onto your head, he was still drawing patters onto your waist and neck. He felt twisted. Finally he was able to hold you the way he wanted to for a very long time. Securely tucked into him, without a worry in the world. But that was just it, wasn’t it? There was worry. Worry and fear were the reasons he held you right now. He´d take it, though. All of it if it meant he was able to sooth you, help you. He´d listen to every single bad experience you´ve had, just to slowly and gradually show you that not all men were these…absolutely fuckin´ spineless, narcissistic, balls less, creepy, psychopathic….calm down, Johnny. He took a deep breath. When it came down to it, he just wanted to show you, let you know that he wasn’t like that. That he cared for you, adored you, respected you.
Hearing what you´d been through with just the first romantic relation in your life, he realized that this venture would probably proof to be more complicated than he thought. Screw it! He was determined.
He looked down onto your sleeping face and his heart squeezed in his chest. You were the most caring, selfless person he´d ever met. He was genuinely impressed with how you managed to be such an angel of a person even though something like this happened to you at such a young age. And it wasn´t like you couldn’t handle yourself. He had seen you feisty. Nothing that would scare him but it sure did the baw bag that had tried to feel you up one night.
Shaking his head lightly he carefully got up and maneuverer you onto your couch. Your fuzzy blanket was draped securely over you when he quickly scribbled down a note for you and lay it on the coffee table in front of you. You mumbled something in your sleep. Johnny leaned down to you and carefully lay a hand on your cheek. A smile made its way onto your lips and he nearly sat down on the carpet to watch you sleep all night. Making sure you were well rested. But then the knot in his stomach twisted once more.
He felt it. The unbearable rage he´d felt for the last three hours almost making its way up his throat like bile. With the last ounce of gentleness he had in him he lightly kissed your forehead and turned towards the door.
As he was walking outside he pulled out his cell phone.
Johnny, she alright?
“Yea…well, kind of. You at the base´s gym, Lt?”
Yeah. Couldn’t sleep. Why?
“Meet ya there in 20 minutes”
Wha´ happened?
“I need to punch the shite out of someone without actually killin´ em!”
He could hear his Lt chuckle.
´Aright. See you in 20.
Thank you very much for reading. I hope I didn´t scar you for life. :) I would love a like, comment or reblog. They always make me happy. If you experienced anything of the likes of what is written above, I hope you´re doing okey and have someone to talk about this. If not, send me a message. I´d like to help.
A part 2 is not planned but if requested, I´ll find a way to do it :)
Love you all and please take care of yourselves! <3
@lolis-pikt @thychuvaluswife @rand0m--fangirl @biggiecheeselover @fullldash @radishdoodles @deceive-me @f0rg0tmynam3 @starthewolf-146 @polnareffsbouncybaraboobies @konig-breedme @rainhopesforbetterdaystomorrow @kdkj122920 @thychuvaluswife @deceive-me @radishdoodles @depressedacidtest
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
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Title picture by @loneghostwolf
Soap x AFAB!reader
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, p in v, m oral receiving, f oral receiving, unprotected sex, rough sex, breath play, praise kink, spit kink, hate sex, allusions to cock warming
I apologise for cheesey lines in this lmfao again not proofread because I’m so tired
John McTavish.
Fucking Soap.
An absolute thorn in your side since your first day with 141. Fast forward 8 months and the team had grown tired of your constant bickering and arguing. Every little situation, every single thing you did he had to make a comment. The bickering normally ended with you shouting ‘suck my dick Soap!’
Then came the constant comments. The constant jokes, it wore you down so fast. There were times when you did actually get on but they were few and far between. Gaz and Ghost often joked you needed to fuck to release the tension. They were met with middle fingers from each of you, both telling them to ‘fuck off’ in unison. Which naturally spurred them on further. They compared you to an old married couple.
It came to a head after a sparring session one day, you’d been paired with Soap to your utter dismay. ‘Knew you didn’t have it in you to hit me princess’ he chided, a stupid fucking smirk on his face. ‘Don’t call me princess’ you spat, eyes glaring straight through him. ‘Why? You fuckin act like one.’
‘I’m fuckin warning you John.’ He put his hands up in a fake surrender ‘oooh, usin my full name are we hen? Must be in trouble.’
You saw red.
Leaping across the mats your shoulder connected with his chest in an almighty thud. It knocked him to the floor, winding him. You scrambled to your feet and managed to get a lucky kick into his abdomen. He swiped at your legs and sent you flying backwards, you landed straight in your arse letting out a yelp as you landed.
That’s when Price and Ghost intervened. ‘I’ve had a fuckin tit full of you two’ Ghost shouted, he gripped Soap by the scruff of his collar as he pulled him up. Price was more gentle with you but still pissed. ‘In the meeting room. Now.’ Price ordered as he matched you both out of the gym.
They shoved you into the room and Price stared you both down. ‘Now. I don’t care how you resolve this, but fuckin sort it out! You’re both doin my Swede in and I’ve had a fuck full. I don’t wanna see you again till it’s done. Am I understood?’ His face was stern and unforgiving. He meant business.
You both looked at him, feeling like children who’d been scolded by their father. ‘Yes sir’ you replied together, egos bruised, frustrations near boiling point. ‘Good’ he replied simply before shutting the door.
You sat on one of the tables, eyes fixed on the floor refusing to look at him. He stood opposite, leant against the wall, arms crossed, brow furrowed as he glared at you. ‘What’s your fuckin problem?’ He scowled. You shot your head up to look at him ‘my problem?! My fucking problem?! All you do is wind me up and take the piss out of me. How do you think I’m gonna react? By kissing your boots and thanking you? Fuck off.’ Your face was tight, pure unfiltered rage seeping from your skin.
‘Just banter hen’ he shrugged. Dismissive prick. ‘Don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining John. You’re a dick.’
‘I’m a dick? Talkin some right ol shit there lass. We’re only in here cause o’you!’
‘Because you wouldn’t stop calling me princess, you know I hate it!’
He walked over to you, his feeble attempt to intimidate you. He stood in front of you, arms still crossed, biceps bulging as he lingered there. You glared up at him, mouth pressed into a firm line. ‘Your intimidation tactics don’t work here John. Grow up. You’re nothing but a jumped up nobody from the fuckin slums who got lucky.’ You voice was full of venom, poison seeped from every word.
Gripping your shirt he slammed you backwards onto the desk, panting beneath him you smiled up at him. ‘What’s the matter John? Hit a nerve have I? You know I’m right. You play the jester well, but we all know you’re a pathetic excuse of a man.’ You gripped his hand that was wound within your shirt, you knew you’d gone too far. You knew damn well he was a good solider and one who always had your back on the field. But you were so done with his shit you wanted to hurt him.
He lowered his face to within an inch of yours, his blue eyes a deep void of rage and contempt. His breath fanned over your lips as he desperately tried to regain all control. You offered up a smug grin, chest still heaving, waiting for him to make the next move. He was stood over you, his free hand in a tight fist as he chewed his jaw. Your thighs clenched together ever so gently.
‘What’s the matter Johnny? You look like you wanna hit me or fuck me. Which is it?’
You knew what you wanted.
‘You’re such a fuckin bitch.’
With that his lips came crashing to yours as you flung your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper. You nails raked the surface of his scalp as he groaned into your mouth. It was a frenzy of lips, tongue and teeth as you both battled for dominance. Finally letting go of your shirt he cupped your jaw, his calloused thumb pulled at your lips. Wrapping your legs around his waist you could feel his hard cock press against your cunt.
Adrenaline surged through you as your heart collided with your ribs. He dropped a hand and pawed at your breast through your shirt. His rough grip pulled a moan from deep within your chest, causing you to dig you nails into the sensitive part of his neck. He hissed slightly as he moved away from your mouth and nipped your ear, ‘knew you wanted t’fuck me’ he smirked as he bit into your neck.
You jolted your hips up at the sudden pain that radiated along your neck, as you bit your lip. He kissed along your collar bone digging his finger tips into your flesh. He’d wanted this for a long time but was too stubborn to admit it. You pissed him off to no end, your perfect voice and body, your natural intelligence, your beauty riled him up something rotten. But my god now he had you, he was going to make you feel just how much he fucking hated you.
You were going to feel his wrath.
‘Off’ he ordered pulling at your top, sitting up you pulled it over your head causing your breasts to bounce. He watched in awe as your body was revealed to him. You soft supple skin, plump breasts, you were positively glowing. ‘So bossy’ you muttered under your breath. Hoping he hadn’t heard. But he did.
He gripped your waist band and pulled you full force to your knees, you let out a hiss of pain as he freed his cock from his shorts. Your breath hitched in your throat as you finally saw what he was hiding in there. It was slightly bigger than average, a thick vein wrapped its self around the thick shaft. The tip already painfully swollen, pre-cum glistening in the dull light of the room.
Without any warning he forced his cock to the back of your throat, you gripped his thighs trying desperately to breathe through your nose. He placed a hand just underneath your jaw as he fucked your throat, ‘knew I’d find a way to shut you up’ he smirked. Eyes screwed shut as he whimpered against the texture of your mouth. Warm and inviting. You looked up at him from your knees, tears threatening to fall as your throat constricted around him.
Salvia gathered around your lips as you let him brutally bury his cock within you. Slight gagging noises bubbled from within you as you reached up and slid your nails down his abdomen. Leaving pretty pink claw marks against his skin. He finally pulled out allowed you to take in a huge inhale, saliva clung to your chin, warm and thick, mixed with his arousal. You swiped it onto your thumb before licking it back into your mouth. He watched open mouthed and panting.
And just like that? You spat it back onto his cock, working his shaft with your hand. Twisting his hand into your hair he pulled you back to your feet ‘too good sweetheart, haven’t finished with you yet.’ Smirking you pulled him back into a wet kiss, he guided you back to the table as he pulled your shorts down. A rough finger swiped along your clothed slit, your panties saturated with your juices. ‘This wet already? Didn’t know you were such a dirty little bitch.’
Pushing him backwards you slid your own fingers into your pants, the sound of your arousal was music to his ears. ‘You gonna talk all day? Or you gonna eat my pussy Johnny?’ You cocked an eyebrow as you bit your lower lip. Within seconds his face was buried in your cunt, his piercing blue eyes strained as he worked his tongue along your clit. Muffled moans of pleasure vibrated against you as he tried to taste every part of you. Rolling your hips against his face only made him hungrier.
He pushed two fingers into you, stretching your hole as he payed extra attention to your clit. Nibbling, sucking, nipping at the bundle of nerves. Sweet sweet moans filled his ears as you desperately tried to cum, the burn from the stretch adding another layer pure pleasure. He felt you start to clench against his fingers, your moans became more breathless and frequent. Not one to cut this time short he pulled out, eliciting a groan of annoyance from you.
‘Not till I say so’ he chided as he pushed his fingers into your mouth. You hummed as you tasted yourself, ‘I fucking hate you’ you hissed as he removed them. He lined himself up and pushed himself all the way in as he lowered his face to yours. ‘If hatin’ me feels this good then I’m your fucking villain.’
You would have rolled your eyes, but his cock felt so good as the tip dragged along your walls. He gripped your jaw forcing it open as he spat a perfect ball of saliva into your mouth.
You swallowed it eagerly dragging your nails along his back, digging them in, desperate to draw blood. His pace was brutal, there was no regard in his movements. He drove his cock as deep as he could into you, wanting to force every single ounce of pleasure from you. Your back arched off the table as he sucked your neck, desperate to mark you. To claim you. There was only one person who could fuck you like this, and that was him.
‘Fuck, Johnny, don’t stop, please’ you begged. He grunted into the crux of your neck, his breath burning into your skin. Your moans had been replaced by desperate gasps for air. Your bodies rubbed together, slick with sweat, pure unfiltered hate and desire.
With that he pulled out and forcefully slammed you face down onto the table, kicking your legs apart. He pushed back into your cunt, the stretch again taking your by surprise. A wide hand made contact with your ass, a satisfying smack rung out in the meeting room. This time he clawed at your back, you gasped as the sudden pain radiated along your spine. Pushing your hips back into him he let out a low chuckle, ‘woulda fucked you months ago if it knew you were this desperate for it.’
‘Fuck, Johnny’ you moaned as he let a ribbon of spit fall onto your tight hole. He watched as your cunt eagerly took his cock before he pushed his thumb into your ass. The extra hole being filled made you feel deliciously full, reaching between your legs your ran your fingers in small circles. He grunted and sighed behind you, his voice gravelly and low as he chased his orgasm. Peering over your shoulder you flashed him a grin that would make the devil blush.
Snaking his free hand around your neck he pulled you back into him, your head arched onto his broad shoulder. He watched you intently, mouth open, eyes fluttering as you tried your hardest to maintain eye contact. His firm hand wrapped easily around your delicate neck, pressing firmly on your pressure points heightening the already dizzying pleasure. His thrusts became slower, more methodical as he neared his climax.
‘You gonna cum for me?’ He whispered above your lips, grip tightening on your throat. ‘Yesyesyesyesyes’ you said, voice quiet and strained. ‘Atta girl … cum on this cock.’ Your pussy clenched around his cock as you came, a powerful wave of pleasure punched you in the stomach. Your moans muffled. Caught against the pressure in your throat. He placed a strangely tender kiss on your lips as you panted into his mouth.
It was then his face twisted, brows furrowed together as a slight whimper burst from his chest. You felt his cock paint your pussy with his cum, pulsating within you. You stood there for a minute, both too euphoric to come down. You smiled against his lips as he dropped his hand to your waist, pulling you in tighter. ‘Mmm could keep my cock in there all day’ he sighed. Nipping his bottom lip ‘we’ll keep makin me hate you and I might just let you.’
Taglist - @griffmors @luminousbeings-crudematter
My little soap gremlins - @brewed-pangolin @deadbranch @dustlandfairytail
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bunny-extract · 1 year
HIIIII can I put in a request for task 141 + Alejandro for a reader who smokes a lot (like weed and is kind of a chain smoker) and how they would act while high?
did someone post a copy of my diary ,,, i got obliterated while writing and hardly remember these sooo if they’re a lil self-indulgent you can’t blame me!
141 & Alejandro x Stoner!reader
est. relationships, mostly …sfw but they’re high and in love what can i say mdni
Captain John Price rolls the fattest, filthiest spliffs, there’s nothing you can say to change my mind.
When he splits the skin of one of his cigars and sprinkles globs of mossy green throughout you, for maybe the first time in your life, think you should say no to a blunt. It’s a behemoth of a thing, and he takes his time wetting the leaf on his tongue before deftly, delicately putting it back together. His fingers are sticky with crystals and you want - not for the first time, not by a long shot - to suck the aged taste of cigar off of each one.
Price catches you staring, an eyebrow raising in cheeky greeting when you bring your focus back to him. The tips of his fingers brush against your anticipating lips, and you’re half high before you even taste him off the leaf.
Whatever shit he’s getting, it is strong. You have to tap out before the thing even begins to burn properly, wordlessly trying to communicate that when you bury your face in his shoulder. His amusement is smokey, seen in the creases at the corner of his crescent eyes, contouring his cheeks. Smooths his arm over you to keep you tucked in while he cuffs away.
Price likes getting to a state of couch-lock when he smokes, valuing tenfold the luxury of sitting still when it’s not on his belly looking down a scope. If not for the help he’d be wired, mind racing, surely aching, even if he won’t admit it. Price groans up and down like he’s got grandkids, swears it’s for laughs and not because he is old and weathering—not at all.
(“What about the knee popping, sir?” — “Come lay over them and tell me, sunshine.”)
Woof. Price needs more than just a bit of weed to turn off. Few orgasms ought to do.
Simon “Ghost” Riley doesn’t smoke weed, but is particularly fond of teasing you about the habit. He’s just a lover boy who likes bullying his schoolyard crush. Pretty typical.
It isn’t your fault while waiting for him to pick you up you took a few pulls from your pen, maybe hitting it a little more desperately when you heard his bike purr around the corner of your street.
Through his balaclava and helmet, Ghost can smell that burn cart you refuse to get rid of on your mouth, eyes paying close attention when you fit the offered helmet on, shyly smiling when you can’t get the clasp into the right spot.
“What am I gonna do with you?” he chided, words coming through the built-in headset where the bass of his voice was felt right against your ear. Sinful fucking investment you didn’t even have the chance to steer him away from. Simon knew what he was doing—yours is the nicer one, anyway.
Ghost was quick to swoop into your space, knocking your knees apart to insert himself as close as possible. “Already smoked yourself stupid, hm? Need me to do everything for you?”
Your eyes roll, maybe flutter. Head screaming yes, yes, yes.
The tugging on his gloves caught your attention, the reveal of his long, notched fingers churning anticipation behind your navel. Your skin was burning even before his hands made contact, firm but gentle while lifting your chin, teasing where they lingered against your pulse, the center of your throat.
“How can I be sure you’re not just gonna fall off? Having a hard time standing upright,” he mocks, pushing your legs further apart. Your hand reaches out, clutching his jacket to balance yourself
“Be nice to me,” you plead, tone sweet, a bit helpless. Ghost has always pretended it had no effect on him, but he’s been sloppy and you’re too sharp for your own damn good. “C’mon, I’m sensitive when I’m high.”
“I’ve noticed,” he muttered back, the blunt tips of his nails drawing a down the hollow of your neck. You can still feel how the shiver that knocked up your spine pushes you further into his hands. Orchestrated with an intimate knowledge of your strings.
It’s the half-there look that always gets him, every bit of dreamy and dumb. He knocks his helmet into yours, trying to pull himself away. You spot the pink along his cheekbones when he helps you onto the bike and smile. Beneath his layers of protective padding your fingers found the familiar wave of his happy trail, locking your hands there beneath his jacket. . “Forgot my gloves. You don’t mind, right?”
He was never that good at hiding it.
John “Soap” McTavish’s only experience with the stuff was the dry, seedy ditch-weed nabbed by the sewers outlets in his hometown. Curbed him from the habit, not that he didn’t find is indulgences elsewhere. Honestly, he thought the stuff didn’t work on him.
Shrugs when you offer him an edible and just stares at the little gummy in the center of his palm.
“This all I need?” he’d asked. “That’s all you need,” you answered.
Then again ten minutes later. “Should I feel it yet?” — “No, Johnny.”
Twenty. “I think I feel it…” — “Probably not.” — “Yeah, no. Sure they’re not duds?” — “Careful,” you chimed with sage warning. “Say that now and you’ll be on the moon.” — “Bleedin’ counting on it, bonnie.”
It’s a good hour later while you’re both splayed on the floor playing Smash Bros that all of a sudden Soap starts actually being funny. For half of his banter you aren’t entirely sure you can unravel the English from his Scottish, accent thickening tenfold, while the other has you incapacitated, writhing on the floor.
Soap is certain that shit they lit on fire in a water bottle was literally just a bunch of weeds.
Johnny’s got a good sense of humor, but it’s impossible how funny he is high. He doesn’t realize the comedic timing he has sometimes, making his already theatrical expressions even more fantastic. It coaxes you from the giggles to that kind of full-belly laughter leaving you watery eyed and gasping for air. Leaves him looking flushed pink, chest puffed with pride and eyes practically lit up with little hearts.
Johnny had grabbed your ankle, dragging you toward him with only half his strength behind it. “And what’re you laughing at, aye, bonnie? What’s ticklin’ ya?”
Game forgotten, Soap ducks to your ankle to kiss, then the back of your knee. Keeps you squirming when he grazes his chin over the curve of your ass, small of your back. Crawling up your body until he’s stretched over you and can whisper in your ear,
“Don’t stop yet, love. Sweetest fuckin’ noise I’ve ever heard.”
He’s slumped to the side of you, the edible starting to roll over him in dizzying waves. Happy little noises leave his half-parted lips while your nails follow the planes cut by corded muscle across his arms, barely tickling the dark hair there on every odd pass.
He might feel a bit bad for letting you dote over him while he just lays there, but greened is an understatement. Soap understands your sage bit of warning earlier. Feels it from the weightless, blinding surface of the fuckin’ moon.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick likes to take ‘walks’ when he smokes. This is a hike, Garrick — Keep up, love, or this is all mine.
A true gentleman, Kyle already has a perfect pearled joint tucked behind his ear when you meet up. He lights it between your lips and wipes the tears off your cheeks when you get overconfident and hold it wrong, making you cough. “Easy does it now,” he’d sooth, a touch smug. He always is when you agree to go along with his ideas. There’s just always a catch, you know it.
The trail you follow is simple, the wire of his headphones stretching between you, a playlist of songs you’d collected specifically to show each other in your ears. While your eyes are lost in the oversaturated scenery, Gaz is studying the way your lips move along to the music, the curve of your nose. You pass the sweetened paper back and forth until resin is staining the filter and your heads are as syrupy as the smoke.
Kyle keeps a hand tethered to you at all times, like a boy with a balloon. His smooth fingertips are a pillar of support against the fleshy back of your arm, barely there but exactly what you need to keep upright.
Depending on what he’s smoking it’s either endless chatter or deep, musing silence until he’s a bit more back in his body and less in his mind. When it’s the former you’re always treated to his quick wit, and expectant of the most beautiful bullshit prose about leaves blowing in the wind, or the meaning of life, and insists it isn’t just because he’s high. It is very much because he is high.
You keep a Notes page to write down all of his delirious predictions and proclamations, both brilliant and absurd. One definitely outweighs the other. You and Gaz cannot agree which that is.
Alejandro Vargas doesn’t smoke, and is pretty intolerant to the stuff. He’s got neither the time or desire for it. The Colonel, famously, doesn’t even drink, love.
This is all information you learned after you found yourself in his lap, a half-smoked joint tucked behind the ear his lips were barely moving against, whispering what you could only half translate. A lot of ‘I want’ and ‘you have’ going around, hot and promising when they moved over your thrumming pulse. It had you giggling, trusting his broad hands to keep you upright while you turned to jelly against them.
The talk catches you quick enough, and though you’re a little embarrassed the news struck with a wash of emboldened delight when Alejandro sought you out again and again.
There’s no pressure from him to cut your habit, but you stick to edibles and blasting through carts in the bathroom instead, always making sure to cover up the scent.
Alejandro is, unsurprisingly, aware every time you do it. His nose is too sharp not to be able to pick it out, and though he hates the smell of pot, Alejandro found himself drawn to the lingering, heady mix of it on your skin since that night, seeking it out on the collar of your jacket, against the corner of your mouth. It’s rare these days that he catches it, but when you join him in bed after a small walk around the backyard, he finds himself wishing you hadn’t blown the smoke downwind. Makes him think of that night, and he breathes against your ear again, heavy.
“What am I going to do with you, pajarito.”
From where you lay against him, your fingers traced the word over his flank. It was cute, little bird. You’ve been called that before.
Your voice was thick with sleep, eyes barely closed when you asked, “Do I look like a bird, Ale?”
The hand still tracing the word is pressed against his lips, humor rumbling and coy when he kisses your knuckle, the flat of his teeth felt between his split smile. Not an answer, but you took it for one, and drifted.
Against your ear, Alejandro half-whispered low in his throat, “It isn’t your features. It’s because you get high like you have wings.”
Through your sleep, you smiled. Checks out.
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siriusleee · 7 months
I always want more Soap! I like Bodyguard, roommate, neighbor, or coworker/office AUs!
Bodyguard/Witness Protection AU
send in an au and a character, and I'll write the first scene that comes to mind
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Johnny finds you with your feet dunked in the pool, the blazing summer sun trying to set on the horizon. You lean back on your hands, concrete digging into the tender flesh of your palms, but you don’t shift as you watch the sky streak through with purple.
“You're supposed to be inside.”
You think he means it as a warning, a soft grown in the undertone of his voice. You barely spare him a glance as he lowers himself down beside you, boots dangling just above the still water. The rest of the pool is devoid of life, the parking lot empty of all cars but the one Johnny drives you around in.
“I got tired of sitting inside. I don’t spend my entire life waiting for you to follow me around.”
“That’s what I’m paid for lass.”
You kick your feet gently, waves rippling from where you sit. Even with the sun setting it’s still hot enough to stick your shirt to your chest with sweat.
“I’m getting tired of being locked up Johnny - I wanted to get some fresh air.”
With a heaving sigh, Johnny pushes himself to stand, hand outstretched for your own. You look at it bored for a moment before letting him envelop your hand in his own, his skin nearly as warm as the concrete beneath you. He pulls you to your feet effortlessly; you pretend not to notice the way he holds your hand for just a second too long.
“C’mon birdie - dinner’s on the way.”
Johnny doesn’t move until you do, falling into step just beside you. He holds his hands neatly behind his back, hovering just over where you know his gun is situated. Behind you, the sun finally falls beneath the horizon, the smallest of rays illuminating Johnny’s face as he holds the door to the motel room open for you.
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Mutli character x reader
Just something small and heavily self indulgent because my life is dumpster fire of heartache from hell.
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“Why do you do this to yourself?” He whispers to you, watching as a steady stream of tears cascade down your cheeks, shining in the orange light of the setting sun. It breaks his heart to see you like this, over someone he knows isn't even thinking twice about the hurtful word they just said.  
“Because,” you sniff, your voice wavering as silent sobs wrack through your body. He waits patiently for your answer, eyes shining with sympathy as you turn to him. “He was everything I ever wanted, since I was a little girl.” 
“Even when he puts you through this?” he asks.  
“No,” you whisper with a shake of your head, “In my dreams, I was supposed to be happy.”  
He stretches an arm out, and you take his invitation, burying your head in his chest and letting him wrap his arms around you. Your tears soak through his shirt and your body only shakes harder as he pets your hair soothingly. He whispers words of assurance, promising you it’ll be alright.  
Only once you’ve quieted down does he speak again, “I’ll be here whenever you need me.”  
“Promise?” You have no need to doubt his statement though and you both know it. He’s waited for you all this time after all.  
“Always.” He confirms. 
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John "Soap" Mctavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Konig, Keagan Russ
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