#social anarchist
worms-in-my-brain · 11 months
Hate mental health healthcare
My plan doesn’t cover psych stuff beyond like. Anxiety
I don’t know where to get help anymore… I feel like after diagnosis I was just left in the dust.
Capitalism sucks, everyone should have access to care they NEED
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icarusxxrising · 1 year
Horrible fact of the day: Chevron just released a new boat fuel that WILL give you cancer.
Not "might", not "could", WILL. It has a cancer ratio of 1.3:1, as in, in a group of 10 people, 10 would contract CANCER.
(Edit: apparently some articles are now saying 1.4:1, and some are saying a little under that. Either way, the consensus seems to be anywhere between a 95-100+% of contracting cancer, with some expectations of this fuel not even needing a full lifetime of exposure for you to get Cancer.)
The EPA's safety limit is 1:1,000,000 as in 1 in a million people get cancer.
The EPA approved it anyways. I am not joking. The EPA approved a boat fuel that has a near 100% chance of giving someone cancer. It has such a good chance of giving someone cancer that if you DIDN'T get cancer YOU WOULD BE AN OUTLIER.
Fuck the oil industries.
Edit: If you find this (rightfully) horrifying, have you considered industrial sabotage? /hj
This isn't something we can vote away. This isn't something the rich are gonna apologize and make a 10 minute apology video for this. They don't care if you starve or wither in hospitals or get blown up in their wars.
If you don't know where to get started:
If you already know what to do, then it's time to do it. Participate in mutual aid, raise awareness in real life as well as online, participate in or train in self defense and emergency medical training classes.
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trouts---posts · 1 year
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cookthepenguin · 5 months
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whereserpentswalk · 6 days
There are UBI advocates who say that UBI won't make people work less. And I think if it doesn't make people work less than it isn't enough.
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dioptasesystem · 2 months
Among other things, obviously.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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moonlovesskunks · 6 months
"Money can't buy happiness" is a privileged statement which ignores the fact that food, safety, healthcare, hygiene, housing, and other things directly tied to happiness require money under capitalism.
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ihhfhonao3 · 1 year
I’m a firm believer in the passive and small acts of activism.
You’re actively fighting capitalism by resting and taking a break. You’re actively fighting homophobia by wearing a rainbow pin to signify to others your allyship. You’re actively fighting climate change by air drying your hands after washing them. You’re actively fighting childism by letting a minor talk to you about how they’re doing. You’re actively fighting oppressive systems by simply existing.
There have always been others like you, and there always will be others like you. Your existence is rebellion. As long as you’re alive, conservatives and bigots have lost.
You’re a rebel. You’re a warrior. You’re a fighter. And you don’t even know it.
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icarusxxrising · 10 months
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Fuck working I'm tired
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depressed-hellspawn · 8 months
Sometimes I struggle to remain motivated as our world resists the changes necessary, but then I remember that they are fighting so hard and doing horrific acts because they are losing the battle of hearts and minds, each day more people slip away.
Kids grow up, kids who have never seen the promises, those becoming adults today have seen the economic crisis every decade, never earning enough to be even comfortable, watching their loved ones struggle to make ends meet and are searching for a better way.
Adults who have grown disillusioned with the false promises of prosperity as long as people work hard they can have a good life, who work hard for scraps that are never enough.
Every day those who managed to benefit from the age where capitalism needed to give workers something in order to survive, and being replaced by new generations who are seeing capitalism as it no longer hides its cruelty.
Capitalism is dying, it can no longer maintain an illusion of kindness, the only thing keeping it going is momentum, it is no longer a question of if we'll win but when we'll win, that is what gives me motivation to keep pushing towards a better world, knowing I am not acting in vain.
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Actually I think we should spend some time confronting the fact that CEOs know exactly how many cents to change individual prices and wages by, when to do it, what year is most profitable, how many hours employees need to work to meet quarterly goals, how many need to be fired, etc.
They run businesses down to the second and last penny you know?
They know what they're doing, how much it cost, how much they'll profit, and exactly how much time they need.
Doesnt it seem malicious in that context that our "free" time is just enough to do chores and sleep? For wages to be Just Enough to survive on?
They convinced us to live and breathe for them at a cost so low that we can barely afford to survive when we're not at work.
And they know that its a steal of a deal.
So why don't we?
Why don't we do something about it?
Start talking about a general strike.
“We have to pay for our sins of the past. Back in 1980 when Reagan at the time fired patco workers, everybody in this country should have stood up and walked the hell out,” Fain said. “We missed the opportunity then, but we’re not going to miss it in 2028. That’s the plan. We want a general strike. We want everybody walking out just like they do in other countries.” He reaffirmed ambitious plans to organize a general strike for 1 May 2028, coinciding with International Solidarity Day or May Day.
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long-sleeved-sandwich · 11 months
man, fuck joe biden
(not in a republican way but in an anarcho-communist, i’m barely surviving and waiting until tomorrow because it’s pay day to buy bread meanwhile biden wants to send money that could help the american people survive to fucking israel to bomb hospitals)
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