#solution professional
There's this website I like using with my students sometimes that has a bunch of simple lil virtual models on it to teach various aspects of ecology, like this one that shows how two species of bacteria compete in a petri dish to illustrate niches, and this one that shows both how to estimate field vole populations using mark-recapture but also how their trap preferences affect the results, and this much fancier one showing how barnacles are affected by sea level rise. They are simple and fun and pedagogically useful. I like them.
I also want to make one of my own to teach climate proxies; sediment cores using foraminifera and their temperature-induced spiralling shells, for example, or pollen or beetle casings or what have you. Tree rings. Ice cores. Shit like that. So, the student would have an image of a layered sediment core, the model would generate random-but-within-parameters numbers of clockwise or anti-clockwise spiral foraminifera, in each layer, boom. Past climate record generated.
THE PROBLEM: I am a fucking moron when it comes to coding. I have tried so many times. It just absolutely resists my ability to understand. It's my Achilles heel. I'm an imbecile. A cretin. A joke.
THE POSSIBLE SOLUTION: my friend Dan who knows how to code.
THE NEW PROBLEM: there has been an XKCD-style assumption about baseline knowledge
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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You know I love these different Waffle Cookies that the creators made that one time, and how they each interpreted the waffle differently
The first one makes the waffle more like a shield or something? This one isn’t entirely clear, but it led to summoner/cleric
The second one seems to interpret the waffle as like a straw hat, and thus a bug catcher
The third one I’m told they made the connection between the waffle and chainmail, which led to them being some sort of monster tamer? I don’t know
And then this fourth one, the waffle got interpreted like a knit pattern, and so the Cookie’s a knitter
I love how each of these make a connection between the ingredient and something else, and then from there they can make a whole character from it
God I wish that were me. And also that I didn’t overthink things so much
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liones-s · 14 days
Speak your intentions. we have this fascination with working in silence because grind culture preaches solitude, but it’s a trap. silence destroys the ability to create community and takes away the joy of sharing. If you want to apply to university, tell people. If you want to start a business, tell people. your instructors and your friends have so many relevant experiences that they can talk about and we have no idea about them until we speak. Verbalize your goals and intentions and allow yourself to understand that they’re real.
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jabeur · 3 months
okay like the thing is that suicide jokes and such are probably not that bad or that big of a deal if you're not really suicidal but if you're For Real suicidal or have been before and are not doing well mentally and you keep making them and start finding comfort in the thought you could kill yourself if you wanted to. be careful
#like i'm being serious rn 😭😭#it genuinely became my only source of comfort and i ended up feeling like that was the only solution#and it wasn't even necessarily bc i wanted to be dead. at least not most of the time#but it felt like the only way for things to change?#i was so stuck and in the extreme act of killing myself i could see change i could see moving forward#which like. yeah but it's obviously DANGEROUS i mean i could've died for real#sometimes i wish i had blabla but mostly i'm glad i didn't but it was still all so awful to go thru?#and idk sometimes i think if i'd not normalized the idea of suicide in my head for so long i wouldn't have gotten to that point#ik that genuinely most ppl who make suicide jokes are gonna be fine it's not gonna affect them much#but some of us are severely mentally ill 😭😭 i've been suicidal on and off since i was 13 or something#and it's just not good for me and i just want to be like. if you're also mentally ill please analyze if it's bad for you too#bc ah brains are fucked up !!!!!!! like i have a personality disorder and my brain has probably never been Not fucked up so i have to accep#that i have to be gentler towards it bc it'll start having fucked up beliefs easily lmao like the amount of things i rationally understand#but emotionally i believe and feel the opposite and it does NOT help to just rationally know !!!!! which sucks#but i'm working on it with a professional bc yeah i can't just get rid of the bad thoughts and negative shit on my own which i guess is ok?#okayyyyy.. back to football
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klaasje · 1 year
how to replace audio files — disco elysium: the final cut
i wrote this guide primarily for myself back in 2021 so it's a leetle rough around the edges but it should get the job done
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entamewitchlulu · 3 months
i did see a post semi recently where someone was complaining about therapy, and while there is absolutely a conversation to be had about how therapy is not a cure all, not all therapists are good at their jobs, and society pushes it on everyone as a substitute for fixing material problems with our society, their particular grievance was:
"can you imagine going to a car mechanic and they tell you 'yeah it's gonna be $100 a week and we MIGHT find the problem at some point'"
which is so wildly reductive. a human being is not a car. the brain is not a car. a car has specific discrete pieces that we understand to work a specific way, and when the car breaks, we can find out which piece is the problem. the brain is not built that way. we still don't know what the hell is happening up there.
And even if we did, the human body is not a car - you can't go to the fucking doctor just once when you're sick and then never again after they 'fix it'! Taking care of the human body is a constant, continuous job that requires REGULAR maintenance. You can't just slap a fix on it and then come back two years later for an oil change, that's not how any of this works. It's a bad fucking analogy!
Plus, a mechanic doesn't need to spend an hour a week learning the details of your car's background in order to understand why a piece is broken. A mechanic doesn't need to know that ten years ago a car got into a fender bender and so now part of its muffler is dented. it just need to know that the fender is dented and should be replaced right now.
For a human being, a therapist is not capable of reading your fucking user manual to know what pieces make you. They need time, too, to learn about your unique experience of life and how it might have translated into an unhealthy pattern. For a human it's often not enough to know that the pattern exists until you address the root cause of it, which a therapist can only learn if they spend regular time with you to unearth the roots of the problem.
Therapy is one piece of a holistic system of caring for yourself. It's not a piece that works for everyone, but it can be ONE piece of your continuous journey of mental health care, and treating it like it's a scam just because it takes time isn't helpful to anyone.
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karinyosa · 6 months
one action that i haven't seen a ton of people discuss online is writing a letter to the editor (not one specific editor, that's just what they're called). i'm thinking of palestine, but a lot of this can apply to other things. jvp has a letter to the editor guide here if u think you'd find that helpful. it's specific to jvp members from what i remember, so take what applies. individual papers will sometimes have their own sets of guidelines as well so be mindful of those. letters are generally more likely to make it to print when it comes to local papers, but you can also write letters to like. the nyt or wapo. you're just more likely to not get a response. as tools for social change, letters' purpose is to sway public opinion and pressure via institutions of media. i focus on local papers because, like with bds campaigns targeting college campuses, this stuff is going to start on a smaller scale first, but can and does build over time. think of one berkeley branch voting to divest very soon after another did first. this is like that to me.
i recommend seeing what other articles individual papers have about palestine just to get a feel for what might be most impactful for you to write about, or what still needs to be said. for local papers, you might want to tie it to your community in some way (and that might even be a requirement to get in the paper), so you can talk about, for example, how much money comes out of your specific area for israel, using uscpr's funding map. you can talk about protests in your area. if there are arab, palestinian, and/or muslim communities in your area, you talk about them. if there are medical facilities or lots of families in your area, you can talk about them. if there's a big tech presence in your area, you can relate it to that. education, youth, food, policing, etc. there's something. there are probably multiple lines of connection between your local community and palestine. you can also just respond to a published article or lte.
if you are writing a letter to the editor, it will be considered an opinion piece, so you can include opinions or things that may be seen as more subjective. check out other letters to the editor to get a sense for the type of tone/content/etc they are looking for. don't be afraid to break or bend those rules, but it's helpful to be aware of the general vibe of the paper, what's likely to get published, and what needs to be said.
what do you want your community to be talking about? what needs to be brought to their attention? what misconceptions need to be corrected? what issues do you want to put on the table? what do you want to add to the conversation? what's missing? what should be done about it?
if you can't make it to in-person actions, this can all be done online. and if you consider yourself good with words, this may be an area in which you're uniquely effective.
ps: citing other articles or sources is always helpful and is a way to platform other articles/books/texts that u think should be shared, although i don't think that's usually a requirement for ltes. if u can't think of one, ask around.
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nando161mando · 7 days
Entire HR Team Fired After Manager Uses His Own Resume To Prove Their System Is Auto-Rejecting All Candidates
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russenoire · 6 months
art youtube is overwhelming AF.
sifting through all the art advice available on youtube (and other sources!) can be overwhelming AF. an ocean of voices screaming DO THIS! DON'T DO THAT! YOU MUST DO THIS!
i feel like no one ever really talks about that.
also: some ways i cut through some of this noise to find signal, below the cut.
i mean, some of these videos are legitimately helpful! and many are drama about the latest outrageous, racist thing some artist *cough cough* kooleen *ahem* did or said in a 'how to draw X' tutorial just noise. still more of them contain outright bad advice, or advice that can't easily be personalized. (i can tell you right now that 'you must draw everyday!!!' is terrible fucking advice. not everyone can set aside time to do that, and guilt is the world's worst motivator for enjoyment. ever. just stop)
and almost all of it hides behind titles designed to raise your anxiety levels and get you to click. sadly, this is the nature of the platform. emotional engagement drives traffic, and every YT creator is trying to maximize that as best as they can. i don't fault anyone for that; people's livelihoods depend on these streams.
i have advised novice artists to try to narrow things down as much as possible, to 'get granular' about what they want to learn: painting skin. drawing hands, or noses, or faces, or feet, or poses. drawing more expressive lines. workflow, for traditional art or the raster graphics editor of their choice. it doesn't always help: for every subject i've listed, there exists a veritable firehose of videos about it.
so might i suggest a ruthless pruning here?
just go with whatever thumbnail looks interesting and is the least shouty/dogmatic about what it promises to teach you. you will probably miss out on some good advice, but the effect of all the preaching is cumulative. and your sanity is worth it. i promise.
if you don't have the time or patience for hour-long videos, either watch at 1.5-2x speed or skip ahead for the content you want.
look for specific solutions for your specific frustrations. and emphasize the process. how does this artist accomplish what you want to do? how do they lay out lineart, begin the rendering process, and why? can they explain that in a way that makes sense for you (if this is something you need)? if not, don't waste your time watching. i remember breathing the world's biggest sigh of relief on hearing a professional animator confess that shadows don't always have to make sense for a piece of work to look right.
look for ideas on how to break what you see into scaffolding. by this i mean 3D approximations on a 2D surface, on which you can draw guidelines for proportions. ultimately, this is the key to 'drawing from imagination' and even to successfully working with reference photos. videos on how an artist draws eyes from one specific angle will not necessarily help you draw eyes from other angles. not unless they also touch on eyeball shape and position on the head. and how perspective changes the shapes you see. and...
lastly, how do you feel about the video you're watching? if the creator's voice or sense of humor annoys you, or you don't love the stereotypical way they draw female bodies, or they're actually kinda racist/ableist, or whatever–you're allowed to nope out and look for another source of info. there is a lot to be said for the skill of picking diamonds out of manure... but you can find diamonds of similar quality that aren't coated in shit, too.
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sevarix-blogs · 10 months
whoops random tumblr post unlocked horrible past memories about my college experience! 1000 points of damage!
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It's okay to...
Ask for help
Ask questions to gain clarity
To tell someone when they've inconvenienced you
Apologize when you've messed up
Appreciate grand gestures
Call to cancel plans you have once agreed to
Travel alone
Shop for yourself without making purchases for others
Decline offers you feel are beneath your standards
End a conversation when you're bored of it
Invite a small group of people you trust over to your sacred spaces
Observe in conversation instead of leading it every time
Respond with, "I don't know," or, "I'm not sure," when you aren't confident in an answer
Take great care of yourself before you take care of your friends and relatives
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
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gyrovagi · 22 days
i do think caden has relatively speaking a really straightforward quasi-'normal' friendship with vivienne but at the same time it's . like they do like each other genuinely! they're similar in a way that means they get along and they for real hang out and tastefully gossip. but both of them are so used to maintaining a certain distance from other people that i don't think either of them are even aware of the fact that it's there. neither of them can bear to be vulnerable. even when viv loses bastien which is something she just has no control over, even then she keeps her cards so close to her chest. and caden doesn't have any qualms about getting her the wyvern heart and he is deeply sympathetic for her loss but it's like. they both like each other for the people they are but this precludes 'true' closeness and vulnerability, because that's something neither of them allow themself, and neither of them are interested in changing that in themself or in each other. hm.
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whentherewerebicycles · 6 months
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I woke up at 6am still feeling so bad about this work sitch ugh I journaled about it at length but still cannot quite expel the feelings. my dynamic with this person has been so weirdly, inexplicably fraught for months now with so much personal criticism and weird, out-of-left-field lashing out, and I’m like has this been pregnancy related the whole time? all of this energy I’ve expended trying to read this person’s mind slash anticipate what she’ll get suddenly and inexplicably angry with me about slash be two steps ahead of her in my work at all times slash cover every single base three times over in hopes that maybe she won’t pick my work to pieces this time… like was all that for nothing? because I’m pregnant and the only way I could appease her/win her over is by not being pregnant? or am I just a bad employee and every little thing she criticizes me for is legitimate feedback I should take seriously!!! I feel like I am just doing these endless exhausting loops in my mind aghhhh and it’s making me feel crazy.
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boltdxbblog · 4 months
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Unveiling Dubai's Best-Kept Secret: The Ultimate Technical and Cleaning Service Provider
In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where every corner gleam with modernity and innovation, finding a reliable technical and cleaning service in Dubai can be a challenge. From towering skyscrapers to luxurious residential complexes, the demand for top-notch maintenance providers is ever-present. But fear not, for today, we unravel the best-kept secret in Dubai's service industry – the ultimate technical and cleaning service provider that caters to all your maintenance needs with unparalleled expertise and dedication.
The Importance of Reliable Maintenance Services
Before diving into the details of our hidden gem, let's understand why reliable maintenance services are crucial in a dynamic city like Dubai. Whether you own a commercial space, manage a residential complex, or oversee a hospitality establishment, maintaining impeccable standards is non-negotiable. From HVAC systems to electrical fittings, plumbing, and general cleanliness, every aspect contributes to the overall appeal and functionality of your property.
Meet Your Maintenance Partner: The Go-To Technical and Cleaning Service in Dubai
With years of experience and a team of skilled professionals in all things technical and cleaning-related in Dubai, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier services that exceed expectations. From everyday maintenance tasks to sudden issues, we're here to provide the assistance you need.
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We stand as the epitome of excellence in technical and cleaning services in Dubai. With a commitment to reliability, punctuality, and personalized solutions, we have redefined the standards of maintenance in the bustling cityscape of Dubai.
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appleleef · 2 years
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my hawkinsona Lee has definitely seen a demodog or a portal to the upside down and just went home. That's none of my business.
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