#some moments from the book :3c
boinday · 5 months
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How to say "I love you" when you're allergic to saying "I love you"
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beansprean · 1 year
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Miniscene hurt no comfort Wednesday.
*waves hand* something about Nandor's alexithemia, the inability to see yourself clearly, being alone in a feeling or a moment, etc etc... y'know... mirrors!!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up on Nandor looking conflicted and sad on a mottled green background as he notices something ahead of him. 1b. Reverse shot of Guillermo from behind, sleeves rolled up as he cleans a mirror with a cloth. A small side table below the mirror holds a spray bottle of cleaner and a few books with a bookend shaped like a rearing horse. Guillermo is reflected in the mirror but Nandor is not. 1c. Shot of Guillermo from the side; Nandor's arm enters the frame to grip his shoulder from behind with a soft "Guillermo..." Guillermo turns his head back slightly, arm pausing its polishing. His reflection is still visible in the mirror, alone. 1d. Repeat. Guillermo lowers his arm and half-turns to face Nandor as he steps into frame, hand still on Guillermo's shoulder, facing away from the viewer. Guillermo looks up at him expectantly and replies, "Yes?" His reflection turns away with him.
2a. Shot in profile, background blown out in red-violet as Nandor surges forward, both hands cupping the back of Guillermo's shoulders to pull him in, and presses his mouth desperately to Guillermo's. Guillermo's eyes fly wide in surprise, cheeks reddening as his hands, one still clutching the cleaning cloth, are crushed against Nandor's chest. 2b. Repeat. Their heads tilt left, changing places as Guillermo begins to kiss back. His hands run up Nandor's chest to grip at his cape. Nandor grips Guillermo's shoulder firmly with one hand and slides the other up to cup the back of his neck.
3a. Repeat. The background returns to green as they part, still holding each other close with mouths scant inches apart. Nandor looks dazed, half-lidded eyes staring without seeing. Guillermo smiles softly, gaze hooded but focused as he asks playfully, "Hah...what was that for?" 3b. Repeat. Nandor looks away, tension returning to his expression as he takes a small step back, loosening his grip on Guillermo's shoulder. He stutters, "I, um..." Guillermo, hands still on Nandor's chest and gripping his cape, waits patiently for him to complete the thought. He maintains his soft smile, but some confusion begins to creep on his expression. 3c. Close up on Guillermo from Nandor's POV, Nandor's hand stretched out and sliding from Guillermo's shoulder to rest on his collarbone. From offscreen, Nandor continues, "I don't know." Guillermo jerks in shock, his expression immediately hardening as his eyes widen in pain, staring up at Nandor. He is hurt, but he can't quite manage disbelief. 3d. Repeat. Guillermo closes his eyes and ducks his head, scowling but somehow resigned as he grabs Nandor's hand to remove it from his shoulder. He says, "Well. Don't do it again..." 3e. Wide shot, the mirror and table visible again on the far wall. Nandor stands in front of it, back to the viewer, rejected hand still hovering in the air, unable to decide whether to reach out, as Guillermo turns his back and walks away. Guillermo continues, "...until you do know." His face is turned away from the viewer as he leaves, but the mirror catches his expression as it crumples, hurt and angry and humiliated. He is alone in the mirror, and whatever expression Nandor wears remains unseen - perhaps even to himself. /end ID
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cheesus-doodles · 9 months
It's funny lowkey for me whenever you write about the reader being unable to resist the tears and puppy eyes because since I'm the third oldest out of ten (oldest daughter, just number 3 in the line up) I've become immune to puppy eyes and if my own siblings can't work that on me I doubt that the Founders could. So I was wondering how you think said Founders would be like if Darling was immune to the puppy eyes, especially if said Darling is like me and has a bunch of younger siblings >:3c
Immune to puppy eyes+multiple younger siblings anon here, feel free to ignore that though if it isn't a prompt you want to do! No pressure at all!
aksjdnaskjdnas finally getting round to answering some of the older asks ;-; sorry it takes so long y'all - just disappointed in myself today cause I hesitated to buy Izzy's standee and in that moment he sold out ;-;
Upon reflection, the Toman founders really are like younger siblings huh. Maybe not so much Draken, Mitsuya or Pah, but definitely your needy trio of Mikey, Baji and Kazutora who would be as good as clingy younger brothers with separation anxiety. Or maybe more so like puppies, but same difference in the end.
I think it would only take just the first visit to your house and a glance at all your younger siblings clamouring for you to help them with something for the realisation to set in with the Toman boys that no amount of tears or puppy eyes would work on you. No doubt Mikey and Kazutora would still try, but the boys would be quick to turn to other means to wring out what they want from you.
Draken and Mitsuya find out quickly that annoying you into giving in and doing what they want works pretty well - after all, Misty himself has two younger sisters and he knows what buttons they usually push to get him to do things for them. Though they personally don't want to whine and plead (they are still delinquents with some measure of pride after all), they know who will, and young kids are easily bribed for their help. Sets your younger siblings on you with a small bribe of sweets and with their help, would ultimately manage to force you into doing whatever the two Toman boys wanted just to get the hassling and pestering to stop. Sometimes even pretend to step in to help you stop the non-stop disturbance so that you can get your homework done, no doubt putting them in your good books. High fives all around, no doubt Draken and Mitsuya are the more popular pair around your place.
Mikey and Kazutora, on the other hand, have no such dignity left when it comes to you. The two of them would definitely still try their tears and puppy eye combo a few more times just to be sure it doesn't work before they switch tactics. Would do literally anything to get your attention and affection on them, even if it means blackmailing you - stealing your homework and holding it hostage, refusing to leave the bathroom whenever you need it unless you pinky swear to spend time with them afterwards, dragging you out of class and straight up sitting on you and not moving. Tears and puppy eyes were the easier option if they were honest, but whatever works ain't stupid. Your siblings couldn't get to you when you are in school, but they can, and these baby boys absolutely will, threatening to kick up a fuss and disrupt every class if you don't let them lay on your lap and cuddle. Tried to give you some of their favourite snacks as bribery but obviously didn't work cause they were all half-eaten, so back to disruption they went.
And then there's Baji and Pah - the two who have individually consulted outside persons and have come to the same conclusion. Baji would have asked his mum on advice on how to steal your attention (she thinks he's trying to get a girlfriend), while Pah will ask Peh, and the two airheads will end up bribing and buying your time and attention. Baji would take advantage of the community cats that he cares for and invite you along to feed and play with them whenever he could - none of the other Toman boys can get as close to them as he could, and he knows all the good spots too. The community cats let you pet and rub them since you were with Baji, and this baby boy would use the opportunity to get your attention and affection. Pah is the best out of the six at arcade games, so buying your time with games and prizes was no brainer (or at least that was what Peh told him) - you did enjoy winning a ton while with him, and he got to hang out with you with no complains, so its a win-win.
End of the day, it just makes life more difficult for you if you were immune to their crying and whining, so my recommendation would be to play along when its convenient and encourage the behaviour rather than let the boys come up with their own idea of how to get your attention: the more things doesn't work out, the more desperate the boys become. Wouldn't be long before one of the more desperate ones get the idea that if they hurt themselves, you would be sure to pay attention and fuss. Or worse, if they took out the number of people who wanted your attention, then you'll have to give time of day to them - so maybe just give them the pats and forehead kisses they want and they'll be happy to be nothing more than your clingy baby siblings.
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obbystars · 1 year
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what I think the brothers would get if they went to a Dunkin Donuts (from a person who works at a Dunkin) + some other shenanigans if you worked there
Lucifer just gets a singular black coffee. Sometimes with an espresso shot if he really needs it.
Mammon strikes me as the type to get something fancy, like one of the signature lattes. Maybe a macchiato or a cappuccino.
Leviathan just gets one of the sodas we have available like pepsi, coke, or sprite.
Satan feels like he’d get a coffee with a side of milk (for the cats). The coffee is usually either black or with a splash of milk.
Asmodeus gets a Dunkin refresher and a donut with sprinkles. Majority of the time, it’s strawberry. If he’s not feeling the refresher, then hibiscus tea.
Beelzebub buys the entire menu (if he could). He’d definitely buy a few (all) of the sandwiches.
Belphegor usually goes with Beelzebub and just heads to the nearest open table to nap on. He almost never really orders as he just has whatever Beel gets him, but when he does, it’s a hot chocolate, apple juice, or orange juice.
and now for the shenanigans
Asmo comes by to visit the most. He gives a hello kiss and a goodbye kiss every time, and he will not leave until he gives a goodbye kiss.
“Sir, we’re closing in a few minutes, we need you to leave.”
“I want my goodbye kiss from them first >:(”
Asmo also sometimes tries to invite the others. Usually this is the only time where Lucifer will actually come by to order something.
Even if Lucifer did come by without Asmo’s invitation, it’s usually to just check on you, buy his coffee, and go back to work. my lucifer simp side of me says he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before he leaves, but that’s just me craving for the man
Mammon purposely takes long on ordering because he enjoys the fact your attention is on him. Of course, this causes the other customers in line to get annoyed. He’ll only cave when you tell him that he needs to order so you can get the other orders in.
“Can you believe them? They need to learn how to be patient.”
“To be fair, we’ve been here for a good few minutes… And I do kinda need you to order.”
“Alright, fine.”
Levi and Satan usually swing by when you’re just about to go on break. It’s like they know. Satan brings a spare book for you to read while Levi seems to have gotten a cafe simulator game and he wants to know if what happens in the game is similar to what you do.
Belphie definitely got a few complaints from other customers about the fact he just went to a table and napped. Beel would eventually have to defend him and say he’s with him. Sometimes the two end up staying until closing time. One of your coworkers likely asked Beel if Belphie was okay as he was probably asleep the entire time.
On the rare occasion that all of them do stop by because they all agreed they should, Lucifer would have to handle the big order and pay for it.
He’d eventually tell the others to go find a table for them to sit at if they all start talking over each other as they give you their order.
Before Mammon goes, he would ask if you’ll be on break soon so that you may sit with them. (then get ushered away by Lucifer)
The moment goes on Asmo’s Devilgram. He’s likely take a whole bunch of pictures, like his order, the receipt, the table with everyone’s orders, and a selfie. A bunch of selfies.
One of your coworkers most definitely asked if one of the brothers was your boyfriend. Your answer is up to you :3c
Diavolo found out about the brothers going to visit you at your job and gets curious, so one day, you see Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer (Dia begged for him to show him) walk through the door. He’s so excited and curious that he has no idea what he wants to get, but eventually settles with a muffin and the new Turtle signature latte specifically because of the fact it’s called “Turtle.”
Diavolo also makes Lucifer buy more than just his black coffee. By more, he just makes him buy the same muffin he got.
“That’s all you’re getting?!”
“This is what I always get when I come here.”
“Nonono, MC, get him the same muffin I’m getting.”
Barbatos is also getting a muffin.
Diavolo also pays.
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caffeinetheif · 1 year
Ultimate simp moments OR the type or simps the bros/dateables are? Like, who's blatant, who's pathetic, who's proud, etc
thank u :3c
We love the type of simps the bros/datables are in this household. This will have just the brothers, but I do plan on making a seperate post that will include diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, and Barbatos!
The Demon Brothers and the Type of Simp They are GN! MC/Reader pt. 2 Warnings: A bit of possessive descriptors in Asmo's and Belphie's but not to the point of being a red flag
He's more of an aloof type of simp if that makes sense. He knows that you know he's a simp for you, but he doesn't want others (i.e. lower level demons) to know.
HOWEVER... if there's an event such as a ball hosted by Diavolo, he will insist that you be his plus one so he can brag about you
Would definitly make your chores less intense than his brothers'. If his brothers confront him about it he just brushes it off and says, "MC is a human. We're demons, so you can handle it." but we all know its because he favors you
He is the definition of worshiping the ground you walk on
Our first 'pathetic/whipped' demon on the list. Ask him to grab you something? He's already running to get it. Mention a draft? He's practically shoving his jacket onto your shoulders.
We all know he's easily flustered, but he wears it with a sense of pride.
Another one for the 'pathetic simp' list. Much like Mammon, he is super easy to fluster.
Will pause his game for you/drop the controler in the middle of multiplayer. Just say the words and he's there. "Sorry my lover is calling. BRB"
I like to think he'd have a photo of you and him as the lock screen of his DDD so every time he opens it he gets to see you.
He would also be very proud of having you as his lover.
If you mention something that you enjoy, he would pull out stacks of books to read about it so he can talk more about the topic with you.
He would also learn/teach himself something if you even slightly mention wanting to learn it. Want to learn how to make origami? Give him one night and he's mastered like fifty different shapes so he can teach you
Asmo is by far the most likely to flaunt around the fact that he's in a relationship with you
"Look at my lover! Aren't they amazing?" Definitely would pull some strings to have you model for a photoshoot with him.
Needs 100% of your attention on dates. I think he'd also be somewhat possessive if anyone else tries to talk to you when you two are spending time together
Beel is not one to brag or flaunt his relationship with you. How he shows his love is by sharing waht he loves with you.
Despite his sin, he will absolutely offer to share his food with you or set aside some of his snacks to share with you later. It takes all of his willpower to not eat it, but will push through it to see you happy.
Will absolutely go out of his (very large) comfort zone to make you happy.
He would be the least noticable simp. He would act like his normal self and not much would change.
The only thing that may change is his level of clingyness when he is around you. His desire to seek you out for comfort would increase.
He would also become a bit more possessive like Asmo when it comes to your interactions with other demons. A common scene would be him hugging you from behind with his head on your shoulder as he glares daggers at the demon talking with you.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
Monsterfucker Fushimi with monster Yata!!!
Finally some good fucking monsters food :3c Imagine monstrous Yata stirring feelings in Fushimi that he never knew (but then again he does hate humans, and Yata isn’t human). Like AU where Yata is some kind of beast that can take on humanoid form but his ‘real’ form is like this red beast with claws and teeth and all that. Fushimi is the son of like a long line of monster hunters but initially he’s actually afraid of them because Niki enjoyed using his son as ‘bait.’ One day though Niki gets killed by a monster and Fushimi wandering alone in the forest is found by another kid his age, Yata, who just so happens to have golden eyes and suspiciously long nails. Imagine Fushimi like collapsing right by Yata, who can’t leave an innocent person like this alone so Yata takes Fushimi back to his place to be taken care of. This leads to Fushimi basically staying with Yata, Yata doesn’t know who this skinny kid is but Saruhiko has amazing knowledge of so many things and Yata loves listening to him talk. Yata’s worried that if Fushimi finds out what his true form is though Fushimi might be scared or run away and so he delays telling him, all while Fushimi knows that Yata is hiding something from him and starts to get paranoid that Yata will leave him.
This eventually turns into a whole messy thing with the rest of Yata’s fellow monsters of Homra finding out that Fushimi’s the son of a hunter and Fushimi leaving to join monster hunting group S4 because he thinks Yata will choose Homra over him and then they’re enemies for a while before finally reconciling. The two of them eventually admit their feelings for each other and imagine Yata’s still hesitant about showing Fushimi his ‘real’ self, Fushimi calls him an idiot and says Yata must look even stupider as a monster if he’s so worried. When Yata finally transforms Fushimi just stares at him for a moment before clicking his tongue and being like I expected something scary but you’re still too much of a shortie. Yata’s all shut up but really he’s relieved that Fushimi’s accepted him and imagine them hanging out more when Yata’s in monster form, like they’ll be sitting together in front of the fire and Fushimi’s reading a book while absently petting Yata’s fur.
Of course then this leads to the whole physical aspect of their relationship, because Yata can’t hold onto his humanoid form well when he’s dealing with a lot of different sensations and basically sex is something where he’ll be so sensitive that he has to do it while in his true form. I imagine this starting with them making out and Yata’s initially in his human form but as he gets more into it he starts to get monster-y, like his teeth get sharper and he’s biting Fushimi’s lips, or his nails grow to claws that start scratching Fushimi’s back (and Yata’s all worried that first time it happens but then Fushimi just licks the blood from his lips and grins, because he wants Yata to mark him, to show the world that Fushimi is his). Sex would be a whole thing because Yata’s trying to control his strength but also he’s just feeling it so much and Fushimi keeps egging him on, moaning when Yata’s claws scratch him, and Yata didn’t know that Fushimi would be so turned on by his beast self.
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duchi-nesten · 1 year
What’s This! The Consequences of My Actions!
It was about damn time Danny did something irreversibly stupid and started dealing with the consequences.
Word Count: 2779 || AO3 Link
[First Part]
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this fic ate my son. Anyway, this is a filler meant to connect Treats and Threats to a longer fic that I’ll hopefully start on soon, because of course this AU is now getting fanfic’ed >:3c
[Shared Cujostody AU Masterpost]
Danny carefully looked out around the corner. The school hallway was as always full of other students making their way to the next period, but he was looking for one person in particular.
Sighing in relief when he confirmed Valerie was nowhere to be seen, he relaxed a bit and started walking towards his locker. Making sure to keep an eye out for her pretty dark curls just in case.
It was honestly a miracle he managed to avoid her for so long. He was sure she would hunt him down like an animal (or more like his ghost half) before the first period even started, but he hadn’t even seen her all day.
Was she even at school? A sudden guilt filled him. What if him knowing she’s the Red Huntress had stressed her out so much she was now laying in bed terrified that he told everyone at school?
Of course he would never. He knew exactly what it’s like to have a secret identity, but she didn’t know that.
(He also tried to ignore how the idea of her not trusting him kinda hurt. He had no right to feel that way, he was literally lying to her every time they spoke lately.)
He was focused on pulling out the right books for his third period when someone approached him from behind and put a hand on his shoulder. Yelping, he immediately spun around to be greeted with a sight of a laughing Tucker.
‘’I hate you.’’ Danny spat annoyed, turning back to his books.
‘’Is he still afraid of Valerie finding him?’’ he heard Sam ask as she approached the two of them.
‘’I’m not afraid.’’ he said at the same time as Tucker confirmed with a ‘’Yep.’’
‘’Honestly Danny, you did this to yourself.’’ Sam continued. He gave up with the books so he could look at her, but the moment he did, he saw a disapproving expression on her face. ‘’How many times did we tell you to be careful? You slipped up so many times already, it was about damn time you did something irreversibly stupid.’’
‘’Might as well fess up everything, you know.’’ Tucker butted in.
‘’What? No.’’ Danny glanced at him in disdain. ‘’Are you kidding? She would kill me.’’
‘’Isn’t she gonna do that the next time she sees you anyway? Either of you?’’
‘’No. I’ll charm my way out of it.’’
Sam made an unimpressed noise, while looking behind his back. ‘’Better start working that charm then, ‘cuz here she comes.’’ she pointed out.
Danny turned around in horror and yep. There she was. She just walked out of Lancer’s class and spotted him. He didn’t manage to even think of disappearing into thin air. Valerie’s eyes widened for a second before turning into an angry glare. She started making her way over to him.
He was in trouble alright.
‘’Good luck man. It was nice knowing you!’’ he heard Tucker say as he and Sam ditched him. Some friends they were.
Well he just had to act casual. Like nothing was wrong! Yeah! That sounded like a great plan!
When she was close enough he gave her an awkward wave. ‘’Uh…Hi Val! What’s up? Did you do that trig homework Lancer assigned us? It was horrible-’’
‘’We need to talk.’’ she interrupted and without stopping started dragging him somewhere by the collar of his shirt.
She didn’t even bother to make sure that no one sees them when she promptly shoved him into the janitor closet and locked the door behind them. The gossip girls were gonna have a field day today.
Thanks to his in-human sight he could clearly see her struggle to find the light switch. He kinda hoped she wouldn’t, just to prolong the inevitable butt kicking he was about to get, but she eventually turned on the weak light bulb hanging over their heads. Now he could see her green gaze peering into his more clearly.
His heart was beating out of his chest for more than one reason.
‘’Did he tell you?!’’ she whispered angrily.
That was not what he expected to hear.
‘’Did who tell me what?’’
‘’Did Phantom tell you?’’ she asked again, slower, more uncertain. She backed away a bit, her back leaning against the closed door. ‘’…Who I am…?’’
Of course she’d blame his alter ego first. He shouldn’t even be surprised at this point, but the question still caught him off guard.
‘’Who you are…? You’re Valerie Gray? We’re friends…? I don’t need a ghost to tell me that.’’ Yes. Play dumb, Fenton. Maybe she’ll buy it. Could he actually gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss his way out of this?
‘’Don’t try to gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss your way out of this, Danny.’’
Damn she knew him well. Kinda embarrassing for her to not have figured out his identity yet.
‘’He didn’t tell me. I…uh… figured it out on my own.’’ he tried again.
See, this was also why he wanted to prolong the inevitable. He still needed to come up with a good enough excuse for why he knew her secret identity in the first place. It was originally Sam who made the connection, but he couldn’t tell Valerie that. It was better to not involve Sam and Tucker into this mess he got himself into.
On the other hand putting the blame on his alter ego was also not the way to go. Valerie could barely stand Phantom, not to mention he already had a rain check on the ass kicking from yesterday. One wrong move and she might ignore the truce and blast him. Probably.
Sometimes it felt like the only reason she stopped trying to actively kill him was because of Cujo.
Who was he kidding? That was exactly the reason.
He focused back on her. She didn’t look as angry anymore. Mostly stressed about her secret identity being on the line.
‘’I saw you put the suit on!’’ he blurted out.
That took her by surprise. She paused for a second, eyes wide before clutching his shoulders and shaking him desperately.‘’What?! When? Where?’’
‘’A while back.’’ he turned his gaze to the right. If he had to lie he could at least lie to a broom and not to Valerie’s face. ‘’Uh… It was behind the Nasty Burger…I didn’t mean to! I was just by the dumpsters and you didn’t see me!’’
She loosened her grip on his shoulders, but still kept her arms there. ‘’Why were you even there?’’
‘’...Looking for my dignity which I lost after becoming a tiktoker.’’
She just stared at him and he could feel the sweat rolling down his back. Which by the way was pressed hard against all the shelves with cleaning supplies. If he wasn’t cornered by a stressed out badass girl who could kick his ass at any wrong move, he would’ve complained.
Finally after what felt like hours, she let go of him with a sigh. ‘’Of course you of all people would be recording a tiktok by a dumpster.’’
He could swear her lips twitched into a small smile for just a millisecond.
‘’Yeah… you know me. I do stuff like that all the time!’’ he laughed nervously rubbing the back of his head.
She smiled a bit more at that, but her expression quickly changed back into a worried one as she looked to the side. ‘’You…didn’t tell anyone, right?’’ She turned her gaze back to him.
‘’Of course not, I can only imagine how stressful it is…to have a secret identity.’’ he could absolutely imagine it. Which now made him realize exactly just how stressful this entire situation must be for her.
Hell, if any of his classmates revealed that they knew he’s been Phantom all this time he would probably have a heart attack and die again on the spot.
She nodded her head solemnly. ‘’Yeah…and I’m scared you’ll be in danger now that you know.’’ she said.
Oh great she was worried for him now too.
‘’Val, it’s fine. I can take care of myself.’’ he gently took hold of her hands in hopes of calming her down a bit.
She sent him a doubtful look.
Okay. Rude. He absolutely could take care of himself.
‘’I’m literally the ghost hunters’ son???’’ he defended weakly.
She just shook her head a bit. ‘’With all due respect, Danny. Your parents aren’t very …uh… aware.’’
That was true. He couldn’t really deny it, so he just let her continue instead.
‘’You literally babysit Cujo and let Phantom hang out in your room, which, by the way. What the fuck Danny?’’
He shouldn’t have let her continue.
‘’Well I mean… I wouldn’t call it hanging out uh… I might or might not…sneak some Fenton tech to him. Sometimes.’’ he answered nervously. ‘’I can sneak some for you too if you want!’’
Yeah, try to buy her with guns. Girls love guns.
‘’Why would you do that?” she asked, totally ignoring the last part. “Is he threatening you? I swear if he dares to hurt you I will end his entire existence.’’
That made him feel real safe. ‘’Uh… Don’t you have a truce…or something?’’
‘’Doesn’t mean I trust him. He’s a ghost.’’
‘’So is Cujo.’’
‘’Cujo’s different.’’
‘’Sure.” he stated flatly. It was not the time to have this conversation. “I’m fine though, really. Please don’t worry about me.’’
‘’You’re important to me, I don't want you to get hurt.’’ she said, squeezing his hands softly. Right, they were still holding hands. He blushed looking down at them as she continued talking. ‘’The sole reason I broke up with you was because I wanted to protect you.’’
This made Danny instantly raise his head back up to meet her eyes. ‘’I thought you broke up with me to have more time to hunt ghosts?’’
‘’No! I mean, kinda! I mean- UGH.’’ she sputtered. Pausing for just a second she closed her eyes and took a small breath. ‘’I was very close to giving up ghost hunting for you, but then I realized I’m way too deep in. Someone needs to protect this town and if I don’t do it then who will? I just didn’t want you to get caught in the crossfire.’’
A silence. She sounded so sad saying that.
He knew she considered giving up ghost hunting for him, he heard her say it. But then the thing with her new suit happened and he assumed she just decided kicking his ass was the real priority. Yet it looked like she apparently didn’t want to drag him into a mess he was already a part of anyway.
‘’Val…‘’ he started softly.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ she interrupted, finally letting go of his hands. ‘’It’s just been a lot to deal with and…a lot of hard decisions…I’ve never really talked about it with anyone before.’’
He furrowed his brows. ‘’That must feel pretty lonely?’’
Valerie looked at him sadly.
The guilt that overcame him in that moment was unbearable. This entire situation was his fault. He was too busy being self centered, only ever caring about keeping his secret in tact. Never in his wildest dreams did he even consider how lonely Valerie must have felt all this time.
They weren’t so different after all, both of them wasting their teenage years doing some vigilante bullshit, but he always had Sam and Tucker (and then also Jazz) to support and help him out with ghost hunting. Meanwhile the only people who knew about Valerie were her dad, who disapproved of the entire thing and someone she considered her sworn enemy.
He should’ve come clean the moment she agreed to a truce. Maybe then she’d actually believe he wanted to support her. Instead he ended up weaving this web of lies, so intricate he barely could keep track of it anymore.
Heck, they were having this conversation only because he messed up yesterday. He put so much unneeded stress on her shoulders. This wasn’t fair to her in the slightest.
The only thing he could do now was be there for her as someone she doesn’t entirely hate yet.
‘’Well. Now you have me.’’ he said, forcing a soft smile on his face. ‘’I’ll always be here for you if you want to talk about…this.’’
And meanwhile I’ll just keep lying to you. He thought cringing inwardly.
Unaware of the crisis he was going through in his head, Valerie returned his smile with one of her own.
‘’Maybe it’s a bit egoistic, but…I guess I’m kind of happy someone knows. And of all the people who could’ve found out, I’m happy it’s you.’’ she made a point to look him in the eyes as she added ‘’I trust you. Just please make sure to not get into trouble.’’
He stared at her for a moment.
How could he do this to her? She trusted him! She just said so herself! He felt like the biggest jerk alive (or half-alive).
It’s not like he could just come clean though. Especially not at this moment. Revealing his identity would be an entirely different kind of betrayal. She would be absolutely furious. The kind of furious that even Cujo wouldn’t be able to save him from. That wouldn’t help her.
Sam was right though. He did this to himself. He should’ve listened to his friends from the start and stayed away from her as Phantom. Let her live her own life. Instead it was almost as if he craved any kind of interaction with her, even in the form of being shot.
And then Cujo came around. He somehow managed to make her listen to him as he explained what really happened with the dog. Slowly she started warming up to the puppy and that made Danny believe that maybe she’d warm up to him too, so he started pushing himself into her life more.
For fuck’s sake he got a second phone only to text with her. (She only answered messages involving Cujo and started conversations only when she suspected he did something wrong, but still.)
And okay, he did like annoying her with the family jokes a bit too much, sue him. He loved getting a reaction out of her and she always got so exasperated. (And maybe it was also a self indulgence. Taking care of Cujo has been their little thing. Only for them!)
He did feel a slight guilt when he messed up the first time and Danny Fenton got accidentally roped into ‘’babysitting’’ Cujo, but he ignored it for the most part. She actually bought into that flimsy excuse and he got to relax more when recording his tiktoks, not having to worry about whether Cujo came into view or not.
This though? This made him feel awful. Like he was finally truly breaking her trust. He was an awful person and a coward.
Suddenly his silly little game of house wasn’t so fun anymore.
‘’Trust me you’re the farthest thing from egoistic right now.’’ he said, forcing another pained smile on his face.
She sent him the cutest smile back. ‘’Thanks Danny. You’re really sweet.’’
Fucking hell. If only she knew the truth, she wouldn’t think that.
Before he managed to say anything else (which would probably be a lie anyway) the bell rang.
Valerie looked at the still closed door and moved to open it. ‘’I better get to my next class. Don’t wanna get detention. I’ll see you around?’’
‘’Yeah.’’ he mumbled just loud enough for her to hear before she turned around and left. Leaving the door slightly ajar.
Danny stood there for a second more. Trying to process what exactly just happened. He slid down to a sitting position and hit his head repeatedly against the cleaning supplies shelves.
Later during lunch, he joined his best friends at their usual spot and put his head in his hands on the table.
“Guys I fucked up so bad.”
“I told you so.” Sam answered unimpressed. Tucker just straight up laughed.
Some friends he had.
‘’It’s not funny, Tucker.’’ Danny groaned, raising his head to glare at the other boy.
‘’Yes it is.’’ Tucker answered, wiping away a non-existent tear.
Sam rolled her eyes at the both of them. ‘’The question is; what are you gonna do now?’’
Danny stared at the table in thought. There was only one thing he should do at this point, though it wasn’t going to be easy.
‘’I don’t know how yet…’’ he started looking up to meet his friends’ curious stares. ‘’…I’m gonna tell her the truth.’’
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threadsun · 11 months
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Listen I think it'll take a while for our dear director to be willing to fuck them let alone confess their feelings. They are not here for that level of vulnerability. HOWEVER, they have other ways of using the boys to relieve stress >:3c
Content: distasteful suicide jokes, suicidal ideation, deeply depressed reader, mentions of smoking and drinking, unhealthy coping mechanisms, christianity
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"I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna kill all of them."
Your fingers pinch and rub at your forehead, eyes shut tightly as you listen to the incessant chattering of the cast. Your PA quietly slips the mug from your hand before your grip shatters it. Your teeth are clenched so hard you think you might shatter those too. A trip to the ER would be a blessed relief compared to this shitshow.
"Will everyone just SHUT THE FUCK UP?"
Silence. Everyone turns to look at you. You take a moment to compose yourself, making a show of fixing your posture and taking your mug back from your wincing assistant. You clear your throat. Everyone waits with baited breath for you to continue. You let it draw out for a moment, enjoying the power trip.
"Dan, Sue. Here. Now."
The two actors make their way over to you, Dan muttering something about his name under his breath. You don't care enough to find out what it is. You scowl at them both for a good long moment, waiting for one of them to be stupid enough to try to talk first. Neither of them are.
You cross your arms with a sight. "Alright, explain. What's the stupid argument about this time?"
"This." Dan thrusts a book towards you. Some kids book you really don't care to read. It was clearly taken from the library set. He seems frustrated by your lack of concern. "This ungodly book can't stay. What if one of the children tries to read it?"
"Oh no," Sue mutters, eyes rolling. "Kids reading, what ever shall we do?"
You shrug, trying to keep your lips from twitching. Of everyone on set, Sue's the least awful. You can actually stand her company somewhat, at least. And that's saying something. You sigh and shake your head at Dan.
"Seriously? Look, unless it's straight up tits and ass porn, I don't give a shit what books she's got in there."
There it is. That familiar twitch of Dan's eye. The vein throbbing in his forehead. The one that tells you you're in for a category five bitching fit from him. Great, just fucking perfect. Is it too late to throw yourself in front of a train?
"Don't you care about what we're teaching the children? We need to be teaching them values, morals, good things! Not this... this... satanic story. It's ungodly, it's unchristian, and I won't allow it."
"Ungodly?" Sue scoffs. "It's a rabbit."
A rabbit? For fuck's sake, all this fuss over a book about a rabbit? You can feel that migraine kicking in full force as you down your mug of coffee and wave to your assistant for a new one. You pull out a cigarette and slip it between your lips, glaring daggers at Dan as you light it, as though daring him to call you on it.
"A rabbit? That thing isn't a rabbit. It's a satanic symbol. Children shouldn't be reading about that kinda thing!" Dan shoves the book in your direction once more, and once more you refuse to take it from him. "Don't you care about them?"
"Not really." You shrug, taking a deep drag and holding it for a moment. When you open your mouth to speak again, the smoke rolls out like fog. "If it weren't for my contract, I'd never look at a kid again. The fuck's it my problem to teach them your christian bullshit."
Dan snaps. He throws the book down on the floor, pulling his cross from where he stashes it down the front of his costume. He begins some grand lecture on the teachings of Jesus or whatever. You tune him out, sharing an exasperated glance with Sue. You'll have to wait it out, you know that much.
"Christ on a fucking bike..." It's barely muttered under your breath, but Dan jumps on it.
"And here you go, saying oaths! I'm starting to think you don't give a hoot about these kids!"
"I don't."
"And don't get me started on her," he jerks his head in Sue's direction and she stares up at him in bemusement. "Filling the children's heads with sorcery and evil!"
"It's a rabbit."
"It's a fucking rabbit." You take another drag. "I'm not calling in the set directors for a book about a fucking rabbit."
"You clearly don't care about the children."
"I don't."
"If you cared even an ounce about them—"
"I don't."
"Then you would care that she is filling their heads with evil!"
"I don't! I don't care about the goddamn children, I don't care about your goddamn crusade against rabbits, and I don't care about your goddamn god-fearing christian bullshit! I care about getting this fucking shoot done so I can go home to my sad little studio apartment, drink the cheapest, shittiest booze I can find, and contemplate the best way to kill myself before I have to come in and do this same bullshit all over again tomorrow! So the fucking rabbit book goes back in the fucking library, or so help me god I will go to your house and slit my throat on your front doorstep in front of your wife and children. Understood?"
Dan is stunned into silence. His hand fiddles with his cross, and you can almost hear him praying for your mortal soul in his head. You stalk off set, calling over your shoulder to whoever will listen that the set better be ready again in five to shoot the reading corner segment.
"Well, if it isn't our dear director~"
Of course they're here. Jean and Joseph, waiting at the stage doors. Probably listening in. The nosy little pricks. For once you're not unhappy to see them. Oh no, far from it. You're thrilled that they're here, just waiting for you. Looking oh so eager and amused. Might as well put them to good use.
Before Jean can say another word, you reach up and tangle your fist in the back of his hair. You do the same to Joseph, dragging the two men behind you down the hallway. You stop at the nearest dressing room and kick it open, shoving them inside.
You slam the door closed behind you and take another drag of your cigarette, eyeing them both. Joseph's cheeks are tinged pink, panting slightly as he watches you. Jean's subtler, but his pupils are blown wide and you can see his hands twitching towards his belt. They're both pathetically hard, and you can't help but scoff.
"God. Can you two get your dicks under control for a single goddamn minute? Fucking horndogs."
"You're the one who dragged us into my dressing room, sweetheart," Jean smirks, eyebrows raised.
"One day I'll slap the smirk off that pretty face of yours, and when I do you'd better bleed."
"Awww you think I'm pretty?"
"I'm gonna throw myself off the fucking roof."
"You look tense." Joseph's voice is soft, concerned. You squint at him in disbelief.
"No fucking shit, I'm stressed as all hell! You only just noticed?"
"No," Joseph looks like a kicked puppy, and you hate the slight twinge of guilt you feel. "No, I just... I think you need to relax."
"You think I have time to relax? The network just pulled the plug on that stupid puppet show, so starting next season they want Sunny Time going out twice a week. You know who has to help write those extra fucking episodes? Who has to sort out casting those little brats? Who has to greenlight costumes for all the new guest stars? Who has to direct this entire train wreck?"
"...you?" Joseph ventures a nervous guess.
"Yes, Haberdae." You sigh and put out your cigarette in the ashtray on Jean's vanity. "Me."
"Fine." Jean crosses his arms and shrugs. "So, what do you want us to do about it? I assume you dragged us in here for a reason?"
Your lip curls into something between a sneer and a grin. "I'm so glad you asked."
"Is it a weird sex thing?" Jean leans over and nudges Joseph. "Hundred bucks says it's a weird sex thing."
Joseph sighs and brushes Jean off. "How can we help?"
He's so earnest and concerned, you almost feel bad about corrupting him. You don't, though. No, guilt is one of the many feelings you crushed years ago when you first learned the cold hard truth about the entertainment industry. There's no room for softness. Kindness. Joseph will have to learn one way or another, so you might as well be the one to teach him.
"Grab as many breakable props as you can carry. We're going to the roof."
Jean doesn't ask a single question. The two of you raid the props department, shoving every little fragile knickknack you can find into your pockets. Joseph watches on, shifting nervously from foot to foot. You'd think the star of the networks highest grossing tv show wouldn't be so damned worried about upsetting people all the time.
"Come on, grab those." You nod to the table of vases behind him. "They're glass, they'll break nicely."
"No." Oh, so now he grows a backbone? "We can't break these, they're props."
You scoff, grabbing one of the vases from behind him. "Not for long they're not. Don't worry, they budget for this shit. Besides, no one's using anything breakable with the little ankle biters running around set all the time."
He can't argue with that. Everything on set is soft and bouncy, things that can be dropped without worry. He lets himself be corralled up to the roof, a few vases shoved into his arms to hold. He considers asking whether it's a good idea to let you go up there, given how many times you've threatened to throw yourself off it. He thinks better of it, and merely props open the roof door with one of his shoes.
"What now?" He dumps the vases in the little pile of props you've made.
"This." You grab a little ceramic bowl and toss it off the edge of the roof, watching it hit square in the centre of the lambworks logo in front of the studio doors and shatter.
Jean grins, grabbing a cup and following suit. His aim is just a little off centre, but it's still satisfying. The crashing sound, watching the fractured pieces fly off in every direction. Not to mention the emotional release of smashing things against that stupid fucking logo.
"Come on, Haberdae." You toss him a vase which he catches and cradles like it's a baby. "Don't let Laurent and I have all the fun."
Joseph moves to stand on the edge of the roof with you, watching as the two of you smash a couple more things. He... wants to join in. He can see how satisfying it must be. But... he's broken too many things in his life. He doesn't want to be that guy anymore. He wants to fix things, not break them.
"For fucks sake, Haberdae." You sigh. "What d'ya think's gonna happen if you throw it? They won't fire you. No one's gonna call your mommy and daddy. You're not gonna go to jail."
He shouldn't find your sarcasm and mocking reassuring, but he does. You're right. What's the worst that'll happen? He pulls his arm back and throws the vase. For a moment, watching it fall towards the asphalt, he regrets it. And then it shatters.
"Fuck yeah!" He whoops, grinning and grabbing another prop to smash.
"Fuck yeah!" You echo, tossing the stupid little clown statuette in your hands.
For a few minutes, all three of you simply enjoy the emotional release of breaking things. It's satisfying, watching the logo get covered with shards of glass and ceramic and porcelain. You can feel some of your rage subsiding, settling into a low simmer. Something you can handle.
Soon enough, the three of you are sitting on the edge of the roof, feet swinging as you absentmindedly toss the last remaining props in your little pile. It's the longest you've spent with the two willingly, and you're disconcerted to realise you don't hate it. Even when Jean and Joseph make a competition of impressing you with how hard they can throw things.
"What's his fucking problem, anyway?" You scowl, tossing a glass bell from hand to hand.
Joseph shrugs. "I mean... he's christian. What do you expect?"
You snort and nod. "Yeah, yeah I guess so."
"Ah, don't let him rub you the wrong way." Jean winks at you. "We're the only ones who should be rubbing you any way~"
"I'll push you off this fucking roof, Laurent." You nudge his shoulder with yours, but make no move to act on your threat.
"You like us too much to do that, doll." Joseph grins, getting in on the teasing.
"Like you?" You scoff and throw the bell, watching it smash and grabbing another prop. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Haberdae. Just cause I don't feel like going down for murder doesn't mean I like you."
"Right," Jean ruffles your hair, grinning when you swat at his hand. "So you invite people up here to smash things with you all the time, then?"
You clench your jaw, tossing the prop in your hand and grabbing a new one. He's not wrong. But you don't want to think about it. You'd much rather stew in quiet resentment over Dan's bullshit than acknowledge that you'd brought them up here to keep you company. Just because they're not the most annoying people in the world doesn't mean you like them.
"What's his deal, anyway? Did he think we'd let him spout his Jesus shit to the kids or something?"
You figure it's safer to bring the conversation back to less... intimate topics. No more talk of friendship or even casual acquaintanceship. Just bitching about one of your annoying actors. No. Not your annoying actors. Your annoying actors are sitting beside you, tossing fragile objects off the roof. One of the annoying actors you're stuck with. Fuck.
You shake your head hard, trying to rid yourself of these stupid thoughts. "God I hate that guy."
"Why?" Joseph pulls a knee up to rest his chin on, peeking curiously at you out of the corner of his eye.
You shrug. "Can't stand Jesus bullshit. All the shit about sinning and forgiveness and repentance. It's all so... preachy."
"Yeah," Jean laughs. "Yeah, I can't see that being your sorta thing."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You raise an eyebrow at him, challenging him to say something worth getting mad at.
He shrugs. "Just saying. Binge drinking, chain-smoking, and generally being bitter and miserable doesn't go down so great with that lot."
You bark out a laugh. "Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't. I dunno, I wouldn't care if he kept it to himself. It's the preachy shit I can't deal with. Trying to force everyone else to believe. He can keep his god crap, just don't try to drag me into it. I've got enough problems without adding fucked up christian guilt on top of it."
"Hey," Joseph reaches out a hand, resting it on your shoulder. It's warm, heavy, comforting... "If you ever need to talk, we're here."
You shrug off his hand and stand up, kicking the last few props from the pile off the roof before heading for the door. There they go again, making those annoying feelings bubble up in your stomach. Making you want to open your stupid mouth and say dumb shit you know you'll regret. Assholes.
"Alright, break over. We've got work to do, bastards."
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Caderousse and Albert for the character bingo? :3c
hello comc and drawfee mutual!
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ok im ab to say smth that may not make sense if you didnt follow one of my quests [the comc 19th cen. fanfic quest (i read a couple of comc fan sequels from the 19th cen. {they werent very good})] and in these fan sequels he is criminally underutilized!!!! bc he ends the real book when he is BEGINNING a character arc! he is on a quest to restore his family honor and make a new life! and i think the book ended at a good spot im not saying it should have followed him further but! if! you are writing a fan sequel, hes the only one who has an actual trajectory[spelling?] to follow and they! do! nothing! with him!
i love how we are introduced to him as like. a frat boy/spoiled rich kid and slowly it is revealed he has like actually many good qualities. this frat boy has a moral backbone! that doesnt always line up w what is socially expected of him like in the duel! or even what i expect of him like when he first finds out ab his dad's war crimes and he decides to cover it up but is also absolutely devasted i cant articulate it but that was a really interesting moment for me
i had an answer to this one but now i cant explain it. he really is just a silly guy! hes not interesting bc of any hidden issues to brood over or his dynamic w the count, hes interestong bc hes a rich frat boy who apparently has moral integrity!
and by fans i mean the aforementioned 19th cen fic writers and also some adaptations. i never think ab how much i love albert until i am deprived of him then i start screaming for him to get more screentime.
i think he would enjoy being a purse dog
when my mom was reading comc and she was fairly early into it she said "i hope they dont have albert and haydee have a ~thing~ going on just to cause drama" which i must say is a thought that absolutely never would have occured. to me.
hes just a silly lil guy!
and now caderousse:
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i just like it when charcters have a signature accessory. the red kerchief is a look!
i like how different he is from the rest of the haterz clubtm. bc he straight up didnt want to do that! he just wanted to complain and drink! but danglars and fernand went wild w it. he even wanted to come forward afterward but danglars threatened him! i just think its neat that everyone else in the haterz clubtm seal their fate here except caderousse, who gets locked into the vengeance much later when he kills that jeweler*. edmond was straight up going to forgive him/give him a second chance and massive diamond for providing exposition. gaspard you fumbled the bag!
i get why he tends to be cut, hes not as integral or dramatic a part of the vengeange as the rest of the haterz clubtm but if you dont have ONE then whats even the point
idk im just kinda curious ab him. especially his past w benedetto!
*or maybe didnt kill that jeweler i love how ambiguous it is on who killed who in that scene very interesting [and also i love how the intro sets up what each of the haterz clubtm's fatal flaw will be, and caderousse is greedy yes, but also he is completely spineless!! if danglars says keep your mouth shut, you do it! if your wife says lets kill this guy, you do it! if benedetto says it'd be super easy to rob this place, do it! my guy, stand up please!!!! my mom said "he should be on america's dumbest criminals but for france" i cant disagree.
well yeah
the red kerchief is a look! is it a good look? who's to say...
he's a lil cringfail baby kitty cat who cant do anything right<3
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wrxsslin-hours · 6 months
In your post about Shawn’s messy love life, you mentioned how undertaker was a gentle giant to shawn. Could you write about some of undertaker’s gentle giant activities? Love your writing!
Taker Has a Soft Spot for Shawn, headcanons
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The Undertaker x Shawn Michaels
a/n: anon, writing this added 3 years to my life. Thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoy ;3c
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| Despite Shawn being the most annoying man in the locker room, Taker managed to tolerate him enough to spend more than 5 minutes with him. Shawn thinks it’s because he’s too pretty to ignore, but it’s actually because Taker only knows two places backstage: the locker room and the parking lot. If he did manage to wander off to other rooms, Taker would get an earful from Bearer. Between his manager’s squeak toy voice and Shawn’s constant ramblings about how pretty he looks, Taker would choose the latter. Shawn only started actively gravitating towards Taker after his fallout with Diesel. Taker is not a brick wall, as much as Shawn wants to believe. For the first time, Shawn was left speechless by Taker’s voice, prompting a double take.
"What’s up with you and Diesel?" Taker asked, towering over Shawn as the blonde ranted about how good it is to finally have a hotel room all to himself. "We’re not on speaking terms. From now on, this doll is sold separately," Shawn blinked, then added, "Wait. You can talk?!"
| Taker began to enjoy Shawn’s company, much to his own surprise. It reached a point where Taker would wait for Shawn to freshen up after shows so they could go to the hotel together. This meant Taker had to spend a solid hour sitting in the now-empty locker room, listening to Shawn’s distant singing of his "Sexy Boy" theme in the showers. Most of that hour was just Shawn trying to find where he kept his shampoo and whatever else he used to clean himself. As a favor (more for his own sake than for Shawn's), Taker would prepare Shawn’s things on the bench beside him. Shawn greatly appreciated it and mentioned that Taker didn’t have to do that. However, for the sake of Taker’s boredom, he would happily do it if it meant they could leave earlier.
| Taker would let Shawn wear his entrance gear. Shawn gets a kick wearing Taker’s overly large necktie and purple gloves. It would usually go as Shawn getting his hands on Taker’s gear after their matches and wearing it for the rest of the show backstage. There was a time when it was raining and Shawn’s rented car was in the middle of the parking lot, and that meant they would get wet just running towards it. Not wanting Shawn’s hair getting ruined, Taker plopped his wide-brimmed hat on Shawn’s head and used his coat to cover the smaller man as they booked it to the car. That was the moment when Shawn started to fall hard.
| Shawn liked to party a lot; Taker knew that well. Whenever Taker had to book Shawn’s hotel room for him (since the blonde was too busy dancing on tables and tormenting Lawler by the bar immediately after shows), he would scribble down the hotel room number on a piece of paper and bury it in Shawn’s front pocket for the blonde to find later. But when Taker knew Shawn would be too drunk to differentiate his lefts and rights, Taker would find out where Shawn is drinking and wait for him outside the bar. Taker would have to carry Shawn all back to the hotel and make sure he’s all clean and tucked up for bed. Shawn would often find ibuprofen and a glass of water on the bedside table, and his clothes from the night before would be folded neatly on a chair.
| Shawn would often have to stand on the tips of his toes to whisper something to Taker, and the dead man would unconsciously lean down to make it easier for Shawn. That led to Shawn accidentally kissing Taker on the cheek. Shawn easily waved it off, but that was a moment that haunted Taker’s mind for weeks.
| Taker would subtly stand in front of Shawn whenever Diesel passes by.
| Taker would notice if something was bothering Shawn. He would know if it’s something that really bothers the blonde when his ear isn’t being talked off. Whenever that happens, Taker would just scoot closer to Shawn while they’re sitting on the bench, not saying a word, and offer his arm for Shawn to lean his head on.
| Shawn found out that Taker gives the best hugs. Sometimes, Taker would think Shawn doesn’t like it too much since he doesn’t really give off any warmth—since, you know, he isn’t alive. So, Taker wears his coat before hugging Shawn to give some sort of heat. But he decides to forgo the coat when Shawn says he likes feeling his skin.
| Taker carries Shawn around when he’s too sore to move. Shawn worries about it, protests that it doesn’t hurt that bad. But Taker wants to hear none of that and continues to carry Shawn around on his back.
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cryptidcorners · 3 months
on my knees begging for more of prince! Danforth, ;0; gnawing on the iron bars of my enclosure for part 2
Horse Riding — Prince!Derek Danforth x GN!Reader [ Part 2/? ]
Pt. I .
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Description: It's been about a week since you last seen Prince Danforth, your childhood sweetheart, spill dark secrets about his House. As if you weren't worried enough, Derek reveals some life changing information — the possibility of a conspiracy between Kingdoms.
# Request: "on my knees begging for more of prince! Danforth, ;0; gnawing on the iron bars of my enclosure for part 2"
# A.N: more prince Danforth!!!!!! I'm absolutely amazed by the amount of love my writing got! thank you! also I may be posting this on AO3 ! So stay tuned :3c
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Media: The Beekeeper [ AU ]
Character: Derek Danforth [ AU ]
Tags: DND/Fantasy Inspired AU, Royalty, PLOT, Lore Dumping, Friends to ? ? ?, Romantic Implications, Horse Riding, Nature Walk, Fluff, Slowburn, Childhood Friends, Character Reveals, Flirting, Catching Up, Sweet Talk + Reader is !GN.
Warnings: Mentions of War/Isolation, Conspiracy, Childhood Trauma/Abuse, Assassination, Mentions of Substance Abuse
TOS. Derek Dandorth Master List {TBW}.
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It had been a fortnight since you had seen Prince Danforth. You had enjoyed your time with him more than anything, that kiss was still lingering in your mind and lightly kissed your skin with warmth. Yet, the haunting discovery that he had revealed beneath the isle of paintings detailing his ancestors had left your bones rushing cold. 
You couldn't daydream about his lips against your skin, or fingers intertwining together underneath a veil of moonlight, there was a possibility of him being mistreated — how he confessed he felt like a humming bird tethered in a gold cage with disloyal eyes around every corner — and your mind couldn't abandon the thought. It was almost feverish; it hurt to even scavenge a nightmare that raw, but you couldn't betray him that way. 
"I promise, I'll tell you everything." He said, his forehead gently brushing against your own, he was so close you could remember his breath soothing your jaw, your lips. There was something so tragically intimate a lot that moment. How Derek had so many secrets and this was one of those rare, naked occasions where he was being faithful to himself. Where he had trusted you. Alas, he bit back everything. Derek was not only afraid for himself, but for you, and you only. 
He swore under his breath with that twinkling smile that could soothe even the deadliest of vipers. Then, he had pulled away and part of you still craved that closeness, "I love you too much to let you get hurt because of my ignorance. Time will tell, just be patient." Derek's obvious attempts to shy you away from your worries didn't work.
You were still driving yourself mad thinking about him. Thinking about those secrets. Thinking about your kingdom. So many people you cared so deeply for could possibly be in danger. 
"Pardon me, Noble Talis?" your secretary tip toed across the overflow of documents and books scattered across your floors. He stiffened, clearing his throat and dove his gaze into his papers. "The Danforth House has arrived for your date? By the Weeping Woods." 
"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." You answered as your eyes searched through what used to be your bedroom. Your treasury, statues and silk coated mattress were blooming with rogue papers. You had forgotten you had been busy these last few days researching as much as you could. With no leads, it went as frustrating as you could expect. "I'll be down in a moment," you stumbled through the floors. It was hard not to slip. "I just need to find my trousers," 
Maybe your date with Derek could give you some answers to cool whatever firey whim was dancing in your head. The Weeping Woods was apart of your land and you knew it better than anyone. It was secure, private and lush. Derek could tell you everything he needed to and if there were spies looming in Tallis, well, you had no present conclusion on what to do next, but you were sure if you got your answers everything would be easy to map. 
You prayed he wasn't hurt in any way. It'd just kill you to see him in pain, even if you hadn't seen him in a long time, you still loved him — Derek was your best friend. Hopefully you would be proven wrong. Of course he wouldn't be injured. Why would Queen Danforth sent her ill son to Tallis — one of their greatest patrons? Yes, yes. He's probably safe and sound, fresh as a daisy. 
You had rushed down the steps, formally greeting your loyal workers until you had reached the grand, pearly doors and tugged your best smile together. Once opened, the gentle morning light had calmed your nerves well enough to face the royal carriages mounted below. Your eyes had searched and searched, but no Derek. 
You began walking down, only remembering a few faces. Micky Barnett, or Sir. Barnett was Prince Danforth's second, his loyal secretary. So, you inhaled sharply. "Greetings," you bowed your head lightly, "um, where is Prince Danforth? I figured he'd be here . . . waiting for me." Disappointment clinged to your tone. Did he not want to see you personally? Or was something wrong? 
Oh Heavens, you were overthinking again. 
Micky adjusted his collar and then took out his pocket watch. Probably to distract his eyes, he felt slightly intimidated by your presence. He sucked his teeth, "Went to the stables a few minutes ago. Said he was waiting for you," 
"Ah, thank you, Sir. Barnett." Relief washed over your body language and your shoulders fell and you couldn't help but smile softly. As excitement began to rile, you bowed your head a second time and fixed your wear. Derek had flashed in your mind and it was already naming you so flimsy. How did he do that? 
"No problem, Noble Tallis." He smiled lightly. 
You didn't know Micky very well. But you knew that he and Derek were closer than anything and that they were inseparable, even when they were children. You had a few vague memories of running across the palace but they were thin in your mind. Silence began to trail and he was swallowing his breath, as if secretly begging you to leave. 
You didn't want to talk to him further anyway and you just wanted to see the Prince once again. You were eager, desperate even. 
How was he? Was his skin and hair as fair as you last saw it? Was his smile still great enough to make you fuzzy? Was he alright? 
You couldn't keep boiling yourself with these questions because you were nearing the stables and you had to keep your sight pierced. Though, Derek wouldn't be much of a challenge to find since he was always making himself stand out like a sore thumb with blinding jewelery and rich gowns. 
Your boots seeped into the mud and you strolled through the flattened yard. There was no sign of him. Though, you had noticed a horse was missing from her post. Before you could even think, the stomping of hooves began to present itself closer and closer within range. You spun around to see a tall, white coated mare flicking her tail with a sparkly silhouette perched on her sattle. 
"Beautiful weather, were having?" Derek smiled. His grip was tight on the reigns, and his cheeks reddened apologetically. "Sorry I wasn't there to greet you. I was far too educated, I mean, horses! With you!" 
"Well, hello to you too." You replied, "And it's no problem, I was taking a bit long to get downstairs anyway." 
"Oh, how come? Royal duties?" Derek tilted his head. 
Or a mountain of rubbish research flooding your room. "Yes, but it was nothing important. Nothing at all," 
He chuckled and slowly trailed behind you. You could hear his horse growing tempered at the lack that of speed, which wasn't anything out of the ordinary. The mare he has selected was Blizzard, an impatient, thrill chasing creature who was always overwhelming to handle. Though, Derek was enduring her quite fine — how curious. 
"Well, what are you waiting for? You wanna ride or what?" He challenged, his face beaming with excitement.
You had decided to your own horse, Quail, a thundering mare with a golden flease and dune-like eyes. Derek may have gotten the quickest horse, but you had the wittiest. You knew this forest and you were sure to throw him of course — and lead him far away from the palace,  where you could finally talk. 
You both had arrowed through the marshland, crushing bushes, twigs, leaping across boulders and streams. The adrenaline was running hit and sweat was pearling on your skin, which was already halting your breaths. Derek was nearing the front, "You'll need to be a lot faster if you want get the best of me." he cackled. 
"It's on, pretty boy." You teased. 
"Oh, resorting to pet names, are we?" The Prince was shining with competitiveness, his thirst for victory was nothing but blazing. He howled loudly before urging Blizzard to increase her speed. You could taste flakes of dirt hitting your face as he descended into the woodland, so you steered and rode downward. You were above Derek now, galloping quick enough to jump down and stumble back into the lead. 
"What? Where did you—" he rasped. "Oh, cheater!" 
"Not a cheater. Just smart!" you cooed. 
Laughter shot through the forest like gunfire. You felt like a kid again and for once, you weren't thinking of all the bad in the world. Just Derek Danforth. Your faces met for a few seconds and you swore he was feeling the same thing. 
There was a brook by the edge of the woodland and you were both determined to hoof it to your now titled finish line. It was neck and neck, but Quail bucked herself toward as quick as the breeze itself and came to a sharp halt at the rim of the tiny shore. Derek scrambled a few seconds after, huffing. 
"It feels nice to beat you again." You turned to see a messy Prince catching breath above a seemingly indifferent steed, "Oh, you look rough."  
"It's been a while." Derek insisted, running his hands through his blond locks. He smoothened his face, "Plus, I was just going easy . . ."
"Someone's a little sour." You snickered, basking in the crown of glory. 
"Prince Danforth is never sour." Derek protested. His tone was still soft however and he narrowed his gaze lightly across the greenery. "It's fantastic here. We don't have wild life in our House, it's mostly just stone." 
You slipped off your saddle and tied Quail to an oal tree, which acted as your post. "Well, would you like to explore? We can walk around, maybe catch up?" 
Derek glared into the apex. Then licked his bottom lip and nodded, face softening. "I'd love to." You could get lost in him for days, weeks even. 
The trees soared into the deep, blue skies and families of wildflower webbed across the thrush landscape. Sunlight was flickering through the waving tree branches and the scent of the sweet streams coarsing through the grass land and cattails was blooming in the air. 
You both began walking down the trail, Derek's hands were binded behind his back. He drank up the scenery, tone no longer holding a seductive ring, but rather something comforting and domestic. "It's been so long since I've been in Tallis. I missed it so much. Well, I missed you more." 
Your face warmed, but you couldn't fall for his charm right now. You had to ask, "Derek, about the royal ball—" 
"Before you continue." He interrupted, "I have something to show you." 
You shut your mouth and watched him dig his gloves into his pocket, taking out a thin slip of paper carefully. It was an envelope with a yellow print of a bee, but it looked like it had already been opened. 
"Derek, what is that?" 
"Read for yourself." He extended his hand and you took the page, gripping it tightly. The edges were spoiled with age but the handwriting was careful and nearly perfect. Your eyes ran across the text, you read outloud: 
 *May it please Your Majesty, it has come to my attention in the body of Talis that the public is stirring suspicion. Your patrons have been growing jaded — whispering about abandoning your allyship in return for relations with Queen Talis, along with her court — and our scouts have been following as best we can to gather as much as possible.*
 *The previous shipments mentioned in your previous encounter with Adam Clay will be returning shortly. Due to the seas opening for the other Houses our services may be sluggish.*
 *I pray our meeting under the blue moon is still in session. We've decided to take heavier precautions this time around, and our smiths have created some keys as a way to monitor members. A lot of spies have been discovered this fortnight.*
*— Best regards, General*
"General?" You echoed, "What kind of name is that?" 
Derek explained, "That's what I said! Look, it mentions an Adam Clay, my mother has been meeting him. It looks like she's involved with something. Just don't know what," he continued. "I did some research in my study. The symbol belongs to a Clan of bounty hunters, Beekeepers, they've been around for centuries now." 
This was so much to take in. "What would your mother need assassains for? She has her royal guard. You don't think she's . . . planning to use them on anyone, are you?" 
Derek was stunned and there was doubt shading in his dark eyes. His response was atypical, "I don't know, Tallis. I never expected this from her and it's making me worried. I think my subjects are spying on me, now." 
He took your hands and you traced your thumb against his fingers softly. Derek exhaled, "I trust you with this information. Your library is more bigger than mine and by now, I think my mother is ordering to destroy any books relating to it." 
You drew him close. "Derek, this is madness. We need to tell the other Houses about this and—" 
"No! No, you can't. If you do, my mother will probably send those hunters. She won't hesitate to kill people!" Derek snapped and his nails dug into your arms. "Promise me Tallis, swear to me that you won't tell anyone. I'm begging you." He shook your wrists, "Please?" his voice lowered. 
"I promise." You nodded gently. "I won't tell a soul." Derek dropped his head and his gaze was wrinkling with tears. He was rambling, "Thank you. I knew I could trust you," 
Then, he straightened himself and hummed softly. "I apologize if I got too intense, it's just been so much to hold in. It gets so overwhelming," 
You pulled him into a light embrace. If there was the possibility of war brewing, it could result in the tranquil society the Houses built to collapse into ruin. You could see blaze cutting the air, the rolls of remains and the charred bits of what used to be utopia.
 You melted into his arms to fend off the nasty wolves clawing in your mindscape, holding him tightly. You ran your fingertips across his shoulders, seeking great comfort in touching the wear he was clad in. Derek breathed into your neck and you shivered, "I hope this didn't muck up our date." 
"Not at all." You whispered, "It actually put my mind to rest." and you opened the gap between yourselves once again. You grew flustered, "And it was fun racing you and all." 
"You're acting as if it's all over." Derek said softly. "Our date is supposed to last all night isn't it, hm?" He took your hand. "Let's not let it go to waste." 
— — — 
14 days ago . . . 
His fingertips graced the edges of the envelope, eyes hawked on the golden print with a perplexed gaze. Derek was resting on the foot of his bed, palm running across the darkened monarch's pelt. He was locked within his chambers, isolated from outside theory. He didn't know why he was so fixed on the design of a silenced envelope. For some reason he couldn't open it. It felt wrong. Like some outside force was intertwined with his brain — compelling him, tempting him to shove it back into the enclosure of his cabinet — yet, he finally sucked in his nerves and tore up the flap. 
Now this was no time to think about manners. He acted as if he had lost the lion shares, feeding on scraps as his eyes ran across the page. The letters were in careful writing, yet the page was stained with age. 
*General*? Who leaves their name as *General*? An alias, perhaps? He then noticed the engraving was stamped onto the page. The same bee. 
His hands pryed into the envelope and dragged out a curious, long blue key. The same symbol on the blue stem. 
Why was his mother involved with all of this? 
Derek stuffed the key into his pocket, along with the envelope. This symbol felt familiar.
He quickly exited his bedroom, racing down the hallway and warmly greeting a few cleaners sweeping the quartz floors. Derek rarely went into the library. He already had a shelf full of heavy reads he never escaped to, the only people he figured would go inside would be Wallace or his Queenship herself. 
They were both busy tonight and if anyone was inside he'd pester them away; he was Prince after all, even if his power worked to an extent.
The trip through the labyrinth of contents was overwhelming at best. He had nothing but candlelight flickering in the darkness and even with the vague light he knew there wasn't anything about bees. 
Maybe he was working in the wrong sections. The note mentioned something about scouts, shipments and the blue moon — nearly a few twilights a way. 
Derek quickly raced through the isles with firefly light and hushed breaths, eyes flickering through large titles overhead until he found his designed genre. His hands traced through the engraved books, until he found it. The bee symbol. 
Not just one book. Nearly a dozen. How far did this history go? Whatever, he took all of them; scattering the books all across the table. He took the nearest he could see through his bubble of fire and flipped as fast as a hummingbird. Bounty hunters, assassins, advanced weaponry. They were cunning as foxes, dripped in light iron and skill. 
"Beekeepers," He whispered. "Why would you talk to my mother?" 
"You shouldn't be here." A voice commanded. Derek felt his hair stand up, but he tightened his fist and gazed behind his shoulder with nervous eyes.
Wallace Westwyld had seemingly manifested from the darkness, only now arriving into the bubble of flickering candlelight. "What are you doing, Master Danforth?" 
"Catching up on reading." He swallowed. "Just needed something to help me sleep." 
"I never took you for the historical type," Wallace's gaze didn't stir. "Regardless, you should be returning to your room. It's late," 
He wondered what Wallace was doing out so late himself. But, he couldn't harness anymore suspicion. He stood up, cleaning the sand from his eyes. "Yes, you're right. I should. Goodbye, sir." 
MWallace's gaze fell to the books scattered across the tabletop, and his face stretched out in shock. He muttered, "Oh, child. What have you gotten yourself into?"
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
it’s 3:30 AM and will i sleep? no. nightmare made the mistake of talking about feelings being weak and by the power of i need to have him pet my head and sit calmly with me i WILL finish this !!! yugion anon is BACK >:3c
only fluff and hair is referred to as a fluffy wavy but not curly type (self indulgent but you can’t blame me >n<)
Piano notes fly on the air and gently land into your ears as you lay on a gothic sofa. One arm props you up as the other curls next to your stomach. As to not take up too much room, you have your knees curled so your legs stretch out less. A teal to forest green gradient colors the plush blanket you pull to your face.
A puzzled ‘hm’ comes from an unmistakeable voice. It’s Nightmare. You nearly forgot he decided to sit out here and listen to the music with you. He’d said aomething about wanting to ‘enjoy the brief moment of peace’. He seemed disinterested in your sleepy state but pleased with the fact that you couldn’t bother him when he sat down next to you. An hour had passed since then and for some reason you still couldn’t fall asleep. To distract your eyes from weighing themselves down, you watch Nightmare read. Something must’ve disturbed him with the plot. Perhaps a character was written wrong or there was a hole in the worldbuilding?
Just as you’re getting lost in thought staring at him, he turns his gaze towards you. Nightmare gives you a curious glance, as if prompting you to tell him why you were staring, until his expression changes. A spark of fascination lights up in his eye for a bit as he observes something on you. To test, you shift just a bit. His eye follows your wavy hair when it falls under your fingers after leaning up to gently move it out from under your back. Maybe he thinks he’s being subtle?
“Nightmare, is there something wrong with my hair?” You ask, a bit concerned if it was just the movement of your hair that mesmerized him.
It must’ve been a long day, or perhaps relaxing, as he answers, “No, human. Wrong is not the word I would describe your hair with. I have found myself interested in how human hair functions recently. Endless styles can be chosen, even more so with longer hair.”
“Maybe you’d like to braid it or something? Nobody has done that for me since I was a kid. My hair is brushed out from earlier so tangles shouldn’t be a problem!” You offer with an eager smile. The positivity makes him frown, but sinking into his fancy sofa with his favorite music playing as he finally practices his work on human hair seems to be a fair enough trade for him. He nods and you scramble to set yourself down in front of him. Your back is to his legs when you finally get your blanket and sit in a spot that also allows him to work on the wavy locks.
Nightmare pauses for a moment as he adjusts to the physical contact and he finally, after moments of you swaying to the calm melody, lays a gloved hand in your hair. Starting to practice, he takes a long strand and the brush you left on the table from before as he runs in through the waves. He starts by brushing out your hair fully (even if you’d done it already) and taking strands to loop them around in a simple braid. You end up falling asleep against his legs as he leans over you to pull your hair through the loops to create a fluffier look. Once his work is done, he gently pats your head and picks up his book once more as the music fades out.
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mikkokomori · 5 months
aoasgukfhoijfdif i wanna hear your Omari thoughts period especially more abt how kel, hero and aubrey is doing
ua......... aheem...... I'd love to........... I don't ever have the courage to talk about it unless someone asks, which is really rare......so.... thank you.......
I'll probably only provide as much information as I can remember for those three, so if you have any questions, just send them in :3c...... I'll answer as best as I can ehe....
Kel Montoya: The Melancholic Replacement
Made to handle the burden of his brothers role as the golden child, Kel must now take on the responsibility of becoming a doctor. His cheerfulness has been dimming for quite some time now, and thanks to Aubrey one day finding him breaking down in the secret hangout before helping him back up, he's more mellowed out and honest with his feelings-- to a certain extent.
Despite constantly finding himself on the receiving end of both praise and degradation, Kel often finds himself lamenting over the old days. If you try to bring up anything related to his interests, hobbies, or his school subjects, expect him to give you the stink eye before stomping away. Being forced away from the things he once loved and into something that's expected of him is something he doesn't like to talk about. Especially when it ends up with his nose bleeding out in the dead of night under piles of books.
"Hey, are you alright? You've been looking a little pale as of late...." Kel felt his face flush at her worry, turning away from embarrassment. He was too ashamed, and as if she knew what his reaction meant, then that meant she wouldn't be taking too kindly to what the implications meant. "Have you seriously been staying up all night again? I thought you learned from the last time, Kel!" The pink haired girl shook her head in disbelief. "Rather than almost landing yourself back in the hospital again, why don't you take a break?!" "I- I did!!" His voice cracked in a high-pitched tone. "Just-- just give me a moment- I'm almost finished with this!" That was what he said, though they both knew that he would end up face-first bleeding onto messily scribbled on notes. Through a silence filled with disagreement, her gloved hand pulled him away from the desk and threw over his winter garments at him. "Get dressed. We're gonna go visit Mari today! She's back in town!" Kel felt himself slightly cringe at the mention of her name. Had it not been for the fact he did not want to disappoint Aubrey or come off as rude, he would've instantly refused. He had never been as close to Mari as he once believed to have been... so while it was a surprise to hear that she was here, it did not mean he wanted to see her-- especially with how distressed his brother seemed to appear after he had asked him about her after what happened. Leave it to his mind to begin overthinking things for him. With a grimace and a sigh, he meekly responded. "Fine..... only if you bring some snacks next time you visit...."
Aubrey Lee: The False Comfort
Once upon a time, a young blonde, hot-headed girl found a small boy crying alone in secret. Realization having struck her, she vowed to herself to take on the burden of being a beacon of joy and hope for those around her, to lessen the burden of the boy before her. Thus, no one will ever feel saddened around her again-- even if the anger boils underneath the mask.
Dolling herself up, she's made quite a reputation for herself- though you'll never know if it's good or bad. Packing her things up and carrying BunBun in a cage, she disappeared from her home and now resides in Basils abode, much to the aforementioned boys distaste. With the freedom to do as she pleases now, she runs around with her new group of friends around town when the others are busy, curating experiences for everyone to enjoy! She can be quite a handful for those who lack in the self-care department though, so be careful! You wouldn't want to end up like her, right?
"Oii... remember what your grandma said about the black hair-dye, Romeo...." She grinned at seeing the boy stiffen like a hair-raised cat, dropping the dye on the floor. "Why do you have the nerve to sneak into my room uninvited? Mind your business Aubrey!" Basil hissed out, face flushing red either from being flustered or perhaps angered-- maybe even both. "I'm just throwing this away! There's nothing left inside the thing..." "You must've used it to hell and back if that's the case," she threw herself onto his bed, an irritated grunt in response from the boy, "not surprised though! It was obvious you did it on your own with no guide." She grabbed on to a random book he had on his nightstand and flipped through pages, ignoring the way the other angrily muttered out curses as he swatted off Aubrey's shoes. Whatever books Basil read, they always had some sort of bitter ending for them... guess it matched up with how he's like currently. There are times when she wishes things could go back to normal. Watch Basil and Kel live off like how they used to, one always rambling about his favorite things and the other running around, excitedly looking for cool bugs. Though, she could not blame them. With how things ended up being, it was only fair that both of them closed themselves off, especially the boy in front of her. She wondered though. Would he have been happy to see her trying for the both of them? "Do you think it would've been better if things were different?" She muttered quietly. Basil watered the tulip on his desk quietly. "....maybe if we had never gotten the violin." Aubrey hummed after a few seconds of silence. "I wonder if he's proud of us right now."
Hero Montoya: The Mourning Charmer Traitor
Why did he do it? Why did he do it? Why did he do it? Why did he do it? Why did he do it? Why did he do it? Why did he do it? He was supposed to be the big brother of the group. Why did he do that to him? Why would he ever listen to her? Please, O' God, let him fall to his knees and drop dead to repent for his sins.
You're close to the truth, but not quite. It's alright, big brother will help you out. I'll tell you what happened, but there isn't enough evidence for you to use. I'm sorry for lying.
"Since when were you an obedient dog following her lead?" Hero meekly looked away, feeling the shame and guilt crawl up his back. It was only a matter of time he was closed in on, especially when Mari hasn't been here in so long. "I....I just.... you all were so young.... I didn't want you to know....." "A cover up is still a cover up. You realize things will only get worse from here, don't you?" He mournfully glared down at the ground. "Even so...... it's a fitting ending for the both us."
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vargaslovinghours · 1 year
∞, I mean 8, my mistake (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7)
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Starting off with a sad Edgar, aw :( So pensive, watching the fire by his lonesome
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Not for long of course! The kerning’s all funny but I really liked Scriabin’s “You’re so extra” haha. It’s symbolic! Throwing it out just wouldn’t do
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Both considering the implications, heads leaned in <3
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Scriabin can never just comfort him normally lol, trying to downplay his attachment so he’ll stop being sad faster won’t work! Just adding to it!
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Stop undermining Edgar, he’s trying to be a parent over here! Anything is worth seeing Todd smile hehe
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Moving doodles, I may have gotten momentarily distracted at the thought of some Lady!Edgar pinup-style poses that maybe showed off her muscles a little bit. Possibly
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Just momentarily, like I said. She’s just so pretty!
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Taking a breather, it’s no good to move heavy stuff if it makes you dizzy! Get a refresh on electrolytes
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Scriabin is being obnoxious, as usual haha ♪ These memories will last forever, thank goodness
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>:P ♥
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Just a nice quiet moment for Scriabin by himself for a change :) He’s hiding, don’t let him fool you lol
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I mean, it’s at least a little funny if someone’s laughing
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The original of the second to last panel! I still think I did a pretty seamless edit >:3c He’s cute here, just a little too alien eyes haha
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Some more Baby Todd AU at his canon age, young kids can take almost anything in stride
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Not being able to pick on him will not stand though! I also like to think that Todd’s vocabulary is slightly more advanced from Edgar raising him hehe ♥
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I mean, technically Edgar is way older that Scriabin and he’s so pretty, so
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Enjoying some treats together as a family :D Edgar’s such a polite nibbler haha
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I started a new fic after half-dreaming it into existence, surprisingly not about the Holos! Similar tho
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Or is it????? Lol
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It’s him! The bauble man! Him and his big chunky sleeves haha, he keeps popping up wherever there’s Hellfire hm ♪
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Yeah, don’t get it mixed >:0 It’s very obvious!
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Look just don’t worry about it, this whole concept is scuffed lol
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Dating Sim ideas! Of course even while inviting the player back to his place, he’s only thinking about how it would rile up Edgar lol, multitasker
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I wouldn’t know how to visualize this apart from just like - showing his thoughts directly onscreen which feels? inconsistent, Scriabin’s not usually the open book of the two to the audience but! Him posing the same question to Edgar and getting a way to ping him was too fun to pass up haha
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Plus he gets a “poof-poof” thought bubble collapse which I thought was funny haha ♪ He immediately takes the player’s interest as a way to mess with them of course!
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Stop stripping in public >:0
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Edgar’s also quite the multitasker, thinking of how Scriabin would react to an emotionally honest moment of getting closer with the player :) Not only would he hate that Edgar was getting closer to them, but ew, Edgar emotions, gross lol
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This is how emotionally honest conversations usually go, right? Crying and big feelings?
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They both get a poof hehe ♪ The Player likes Edgar too, but hmmmm, something about this feels different...
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There aren’t the usual highs and lows with the Player like they have with each other, is this how it’s supposed to feel? Both having their doubts! I also just really like this pose, whenever they’re leaned against each other I just ♥ ah
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I keep wanting to draw Scriabin with a cigarette in his mouth, I can’t explain it! Not even smoking, just, between his teeth :0
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Cool guy ✨ Don’t do drugs tho hehe
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Cute little lad <3 I’m still rather a fan of drawing his shines behind his hair like this, two-tone!
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Sick scribbles. You two are so susceptible to mono I swear
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Strongly considering an animation meme 👀 Probably an easy guess as to which meme this is, but there were a couple scratch panels that I thought were especially cute, mirroring each other on a not-so-tasty bite haha
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Thoughts orbiting around You Can’t Live Like This, the thought of them getting back into each other’s heads after what they’ve gone through, ah <3 It’s so sweet! Take up the usual snuggle position
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Gotta tease him tho ♥
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There would be a lot of Big Feelings to sift through, and now that they’ve had a little practice at emotional intimacy- It might get to be a little much tho haha
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At least he has the option to go cool down by himself now! He didn’t have that before
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If I can’t see you, you can’t see me :(
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I ended up doing the colour swatching lol, though I realized while grabbing colours that from some angles, Todd’s hair is actually darker than the Vargases! Huh :0 He’s using an old art shirt, probably a hand-me-down from Devi hehe <3 Also got a speed draw! :D
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Establishing some rules with Jake’s help, starting with a Hard No. Something else, maybe a soft yes... [Scriabin will remember that]
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Lady!Scriabin testing her limits, and simultaneously trying to open Lady!Edgar up to some boundary-stomping. Scriabin’s not being weird, you’re being weird if you don’t let her touch you! You want to be normal, don’t you? Like either of them have a good grasp on normal haha
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She lets her get away with a lot, but it does feel nice so hm ♪
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Edgar can be a good cook, add in some magic and it’d be so yummy! He looks so pleased haha ♥
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Sensitive to smell - did he eat something snakes don’t like? Walk through some strong perfume? Just hasn’t showered?? Who knows
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(It was Nny, it’s Nny’s smell lol)
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Speaking of Nny- But haven’t you heard it’s what’s on the inside that counts?? Like Scriabin, he’s inside, vivisection would be easy for him lol
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He got cut up anyway, poor lad haha. And a hastily scribbled Stitch Zombie!Edgar since I think he’s an interesting concept :)
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He’s got a whole bunch of halos, why not make one into a spiky collar? That’s gotta hurt his hand tho, if not the flame then the sharp edges
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I can’t find the post, but the etymology of incubus vs. succubus being about Position rather than Species or Gender - Scriabin does like to take a proactive role haha
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“Heal up!” A cute little two-frame for a trade with @brusk-ghost​, those magical mental bandages, nearly as good as an F1 haha
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Relaxing(?) makeout sesh, no rush no fuss ✨
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Shut up, stop talking, just kisses >:0
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Decided to go rewatch some oldish speedpaints and got inspired by the cute chibis ♪ Heart mouth! ♥
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I found a song that I thought really fit the early chapters and gave me a terrible itch to draw Edgar in bandaids again, as well as some of the setpieces from then - all to transition him to his Final Form haha
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“Edgar,” in case it wasn’t clear lol, basically a model sheet. He looks so cute! Stop scratching, you’ll never heal at this rate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Squish, shhhh, no talking pls, it’s Scriabin’s turn
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The eternal battle, simplified down to its base (lol), I like how Scriabin’s bangs turned out here as well :D
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Fighting over him! They’re both so intense, and then there’s Edgar in the middle like “Must we though” haha
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More Baby Todd stuff because it’s so cuuuuute ahhh ♥ Matching outfits with Shmee and cute baby photos in little waders and a froggie raincoat, ah <3
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Dual(?) income, one kid, bit shaky on the finances. That’s quitter’s talk, it’s not about how much you have, it’s how you use it! That’s bad encouragement actually lol
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He does not know, but he gets the gist of it
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I started a very self-indulgent comic as a kind of memoriam, and the cuteness of papa Edgar bringing little Todd to church and crossing over him since he’s too small, ah! Scriabin finds it ridiculous of course haha
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Church sanctuaries are really fun actually, and they look so cute, so cartoony in the foreground ♪
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Little Todd is still shy, not that Edgar’s much better with strangers haha. Being The Adult™ in the situation can be a confidence booster ✨
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More religious stuff, I was watching a review of a terrible B movie and was hit with the idea of Edgar as a priest of one of my DnD Homebrew Gods, which would be terrible for him haha ♪ Which makes it all the more fun!
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Spacefiller Edgar, with the same phrasing! I just like him asking haha
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Style thief! I’ve been wanting to draw him with Ariel’s bangs for a while haha, it’s silly
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A silly doodle of Snake Charmer!Diaryfic!Edgar. How would that work? I also don’t know lol, just roll with it
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Caught blushin’ u///u
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He’s always being obnoxious! He’s very practiced!
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Scriabin: *exists* Edgar: Oh gosh oh heck oh frick ❤️💕💖💞❤️💖💕
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Yet more Hunchback doodles, though maybe not obviously so at first glance haha - I was very inspired by the image of Scriabin making out with someone in silhouette at a party lol
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I’d never listened to the Hunchback’s Tavern Song until I was directed towards it - these lines really do suit Edgar, repressed as he is. He’s so envious, but also so reticent! Creep, watching ♪
But who was Scriabin making out with?
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It was Phoebus!Jake!
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Serious boy
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I don’t know why but nekomimi (and wolf!Scriabin - inumimi? Okamimimi??? lol) hit all of a sudden, it’s so silly! But also very cute haha
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Twitch twitch twitch stop it twitch. He just wants to play!
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I finally (accidentally) listened to Pretty When You Cry and, yeahh,,,
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It really is a song for them, dang. Adam gave up his rib to make the very snake that tempts him!
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Another Just Desserts Joel, off the back of a kitty study, it just doesn’t work for the chibi animal style! Don’t like! Lol
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The Dragons return, Edgar is bemused watching Scriabin show off his teeth because he’s just so formidable and scary haha
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He could probably just barely fit his mouth around Edgar’s snoot, but it is also funny to see him just chomp lol
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Quit it D:<
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Considering Edgar could probably fit Scriabin’s entire head in there, maybe back off just a little bit. I mean, unless that sounds fun lol
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A warmup to try and get back into the swing of drawing them, which is maybe a little ironic since the rate has slowed again haha ♪ Good practice nonetheless! And they’re cute <3
There’s September through February again! Still chock-a-block with ideas but it’s been nice to take it slow :) Not that the number is much indication haha, I think this might be the longest yet?? Dangin’
#💟#Doodles#Art#Scriabin#Edgar#Todd#Shmee#Nny#Jake#Sketchdump#Blood#This one is better suited to be viewed on the dash than on-blog unfortunately#I tried to keep it a decent mix at least but like - you can see by how many there were#This did not want to save as it was and I didn't feel like stress testing it at almost double - this is already 3x capacity!#Very against fire code safety lol#There's still a lot of underlying context for several of these - especially the unfinished ones lol but even some that'll only appear here!#I guess that is kind of the way things go sometimes hehe ♪ They're good for vent to the point where it can be hard to tell >:3c#But for example and probably not a surprise I have a Lot of thoughts about the Dating Sim still - that one feels like a bit of a gimme hehe#The new dynamics with outsiders leaves a lot of room for speculation ah ♪#Oh yeah and stuff like ''Moving doodles'' and ''Sick scribbles'' - I mean that as in that's what I was up to at the time lol#I was in the process of moving and then afterwards I got covid'd! But I still wanted to give away some of my experiences to them haha#I remember the entire time I was sick I was just like ''Kisses would taste bad.......but kisses tho...............'' lol#Comfort ♥#Oh yeah and while there's the one speed draw linked here - keep an eye out >:3c#Surprising amount of music this time around :0 Especially Pretty When You Cry lol super did not expect that one haha#How does one accidentally listen to a song?#Well you see I wasn't paying attention while perusing AMVs and got that little ''Oh familiar'' ping without realizing Why so - oops lol#It also immediately reminded me of WoodenToaster's Awoken so hey - if you like either of those songs already check out the other maybe lol#Also yes I got the lyrics wrong it's fine don't worry about it lol#All sorts all sorts all sorts of silliness
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spookyboywhump · 5 months
More Eve!!!!! This is her coming home + her first major injury :3c From here it’ll probably stop being chronological whatever I post with her and instead spaced out whenever just for funsies
Word Count: 2,240
CW: pet whump, dehumanization, burning of the whumpee
The girl looked around her new home curiously, her hands clasped together behind her back. From the moment they walked through the doorway she was overwhelmed by how neat and pristine everything looked, like the modeled rooms of a furniture store. She didn’t want to risk touching anything, like she would somehow break or dirty something just by putting her hands on it.
The woman, who had explained her name was Natalia Fairfax, but she could only refer to her as Miss, or Miss Fairfax, led her from room to room, a living room with a large television mounted on the wall, a well stocked kitchen and adjoining dining room, an office with bookshelves full of more books than she’d ever seen outside a store or library. Upstairs was Natalia’s bedroom, the guest bedrooms, and the guest bathroom. They were about to walk back downstairs when she finally spoke up, her voice soft and timid.
“Uh- um, Miss Fairfax…?” She asked hesitantly.
“Yes, what is it?” She paused with her hand on the staircase railing.
“Which room will be mine? I-I just want to make sure I ask before it gets too late-“
“Room? You think that pets get rooms?” There was that hint of a smile again, she was amused by what she thought was a simple question. “No, I’m sorry to say that I don’t spoil my pets. Bedrooms are for people, come with me downstairs and I’ll show you where you will sleep.” She told her.
“Yes ma’am…” She followed her back downstairs, being mindful to hide her disappointment. She knew that not all owners were as kind of generous as others, but it still hurt a little, she’d been so hopeful about sleeping in a real bed after so long on a concrete floor or uncomfortable cot.
In the kitchen there was another door aside from the one that led to the pantry, she hadn’t questioned it the first time they went through there. Natalia opened it up and turned a light on, leading her down another flight of stairs into the basement. Each step down made her more and more nervous, she’d always hated going down into the basement as a child, there were always spiders in the house she grew up in, and before she’d been bought she’d heard so many horror stories about owners with whole torture rooms in their basements, not unlike the training rooms she hated so much.
As they actually entered the main part of the basement, she saw it wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d been expecting, nothing special but clean, no weapons of torture in sight, just a nice washer and dryer, some racks containing extra household items and cleaning supplies, what looked like a closet for extra space, and some storage containers stacked up against the wall. She let out a sigh of relief, she almost felt silly for being so afraid.
“I hope you know how to do laundry, you’ll be responsible for all of it now as part of your chores.” Natalia said, and she nodded quickly.
“Yes ma’am, I can do that.” She assured her.
“Good, and you’ll be sleeping in there.” She said, gesturing to the closet door. “I’ve already left some things you’ll need in there, but I’ll have to do something about getting you more clothes and properly fitting shoes.” She said, looking her over, it felt like she was scrutinizing every aspect of her appearance. “You can take a look and take some time to rest if you need to, come find me upstairs when you’re ready.” She told her, and she nodded again. She watched her go back upstairs, waiting until she heard the door at the top shut before she finally relaxed. Natalia put her on edge, she was very cold and her eyes were intense no matter how she looked at her, she felt like one wrong move would get her in big trouble.
Now that she was alone, she went to check out what was supposed to be where she slept. It looked like a closet that had been cleaned out just for her, it was big enough to walk into, probably big enough to comfortably lay down in, but rather narrow. The shelves were almost empty, aside from some folded up blankets, a pillow, and a digital alarm clock.
She looked around the basement a little bit longer, getting herself familiar with another part of the house she’d be working in. Finally, she went back upstairs where she found Natalia in her office. She looked up from her laptop when she entered the room, giving her a disapproving look.
“You’ll want to knock before entering a room unless I’ve called you inside from now on. Go ahead and come here though.” She said, pushing her chair back from her desk. Nervously, she walked over to her, and after Natalia gestured to the floor, she dropped to her knees. “I need to get you a new collar, which means you’ll get a name tag with it. I’ve been thinking about the name Eve for you.” She told her.
“Yes. It’s short, but I think it’ll fit you nicely. I expect you to respond immediately when I call your name, do you understand?” She’d been anxious about what Natalia may choose to name her, she’d heard of all kinds of demeaning and humiliating names pets had gotten stuck with, but Eve… she thought it was pretty, she felt lucky even.
“Yes ma’am.” Eve told her, accepting her new name without complaint. She wouldn’t say she had no attachment to her actual name, but she’d happily take this over anything insulting.
“Good girl.” Natalia smiled at her. “As long as you obey me and do your job here well, then you should be fine. I intend to keep you only as long as you’re useful, but you seem like you’ll last a while.” Eve chose to take that as a compliment, she wanted to last a while, forever even. After all, she didn’t want to find out what Natalia did with pets that were no longer useful.
Eve settled down n and tried to adapt to the rules here quickly. She learned the hard way the first morning he woke up in the house that Natalia would allow her to learn to cook, but that she should learn quickly as she wouldn’t be allowed to eat anything she hadn’t prepared. Natalia had put instructions for making breakfast on the counter and told her to start learning or go hungry, and sadly, she was not a natural in the kitchen. For the first few weeks her diet consisted primarily of burnt toast and overcooked eggs, most of the other food she messed up wasn’t even edible.
The rest of the chores were easy, but exhausting on a nearly empty stomach. She cleaned her mistakes in the kitchen multiple times a day and tended to the upkeep of every single other room in the house. She felt like she was cleaning before the mess could even be created, but she supposed this was just what was necessary to keep a home like this looking as picture perfect as it was.
She didn’t think it would be hard, only Natalia lived there after all, but with the amount of things that needed to be done every single day, she hardly had a moment to herself until she was allowed to go to bed. That alarm clock would go off at five thirty every morning, when she would have to get up and start everything over again.
After nearly two months there, her skills with breakfast had improved immensely, she could make a variety of things now and she felt more confident in her abilities there, but dinner was causing her to struggle. She was always overwhelmed, there were always so many things to do at once and it never came out right. She’d usually end up going to bed hungry after Natalia scolded her for messing up again.
She’d been punished for some of the most ruined meals, made to kneel on dry rice for two hours after she mistakenly burnt the rice for dinner, salt rubbed into preexisting cuts and scrapes when she seriously over salted one meal, she never resisted the punishments and as she cried, Natalia would tell her she would know better next time now, she wouldn’t have to repeat this, and she’d keep those punishments in the back of her mind whenever she went to start preparing another meal.
The worst of it came late one evening. She’d fallen behind on her chores so dinner was running late, and though Eve was doing her best, she was in a hurry and things were not going well. The chicken she’d been cooking in one pan had clearly burnt and there was no going back from that and the water she was trying to boil for pasta seemed like it would never reach a boiling point. She kept stirring the sauce in the pot on a back burner, anxiously biting her lip as she knew there was no way in which this could end well for her. She froze as she heard footsteps entering the room, Natalia approaching her.
“Again, Eve?” She asked, sounded exasperated.
“I-I’m sorry ma’am, I’m sorry, I was trying but there was just-“
“I don’t want to hear your excuses!” She snapped at her. She shoved her away from the stove, looking over the damage she’d done this time. “I feel I’ve been more than patient with you and yet you continue to fuck up completely simple tasks, I’m starting to wonder if you’re even worth keeping around!” The comment felt like a punch to the gut, Eve’s heart pounded in her chest, sweat pricked at the back of her neck and suddenly the spacious kitchen felt much smaller, much hotter, she thought she was going to be sick.
“N-no!” She blurted out. “No, please, I promise I’ll do better, please punish me, give- give me more time, I’ll do better!” She insisted, tears welling up in her eyes. She didn’t know what would happen to her if Natalia decided she wasn’t worth keeping around, she didn’t know if they’d take her back and let her work again or if they’d finally just put her down and get it over with. Natalia just looked even angrier with her, her hand wrapped around the handle of the pot of hot water.
“You do not tell me no.” She said through gritted teeth. Eve took a step back, she knew she was in danger, she hadn’t seen Natalia this angry before.
“I’m sorry…” She whimpered. Apologies meant nothing to Natalia though, and she knew that, it had never helped her before, but Natalia’s punishments were always strategic and thought out. She didn’t take even a second to think about this, she lifted the pot from the stove in one quick movement and splashed the hot water onto her, eliciting a shriek from Eve as she instinctively turned away to protect herself.
She didn’t throw the whole pot of near boiling water on her, but it was certainly enough, and she’d only managed to protect her chest and stomach from getting the worst of it. The right side of her body was still soaked, searing pain from her shoulder all the way down her leg, she could feel it in her ribs, her shorts wet and sticking to her thigh, she desperately shook water off her arm as she cried, stumbling towards the sink for cold water.
“H-hot, it’s really hot, please- please help me, I’m sorry ma’am, I’m sorry, please help!” She cried, trying to run cold water from the faucet over her arm but it just wasn’t enough, too much of her body felt like it was on fire for just the kitchen sink to help her, her legs were shaking and all she could think of was how badly she needed the pain to stop.
“Why should I? You brought this on yourself.” Natalia said, glaring at her.
“Please!” She sobbed, collapsing against the counter, barely managing to hold herself up by gripping onto the edge. After a moment Natalia sighed heavily, she stormed over and opened a drawer next to the sink to get a hand towel before shutting the water off. She used the towel to dry off the remaining water on her, she was so rough in doing so it caused Eve to start screaming again.
“Quiet! I’m trying to help you but I won’t if you’re going to keep shrieking in my ear!” She hissed, and Eve bit down on her lip, whimpering pitifully as she tried to keep quiet. Natalia took her arm in her hand, looking over the damage done with a scowl on her face. “I think you’re going to need to see someone for this.”
“Like… Like a doctor…?” She asked.
“Yes, a doctor.” She said it like Eve was stupid. “Not the kind you’re used to I’m sure.” Eve didn’t know what she meant by that, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out.
She assumed if she was going to see a doctor, she’d be given treatment, even time to recover. She was already praying that it wouldn’t take too long, Natalia was being gracious enough to get her seen at all, she just hoped she intended to keep her afterwards.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
fun facts about background cats in the isekei au?
Yippee, thank you for this ask!!! Love talking about these guys >:3c
Batears (She/He/They; Bisexual, leaning towards transfemme)
Doesn’t want kids. I’d initially planned for her to be infertile because, and I can’t remember the details of why, I wanted her to be a red herring in the book the story takes place of her being Frost’s kin (do not ask me to elaborate, I never wrote it down and I still don’t understand what I was thinking).
I’m wavering on the infertile thing for now. I’d rather treat it as just an aspect of her than some grand tragedy but I’d need to do more research.
Both her and Owl were pitted against each other throughout their lives to compete for the role of deputy. She ended up “falling behind” after the death of their father, she was much closer to him and the grief ended up forcing her to take some time to recover.
Big ass ears, her hearing is SHARP.
Her and Frostblaze have a solid mentor-apprentice bond. She’s straightforward and blunt.
The book they come from doesn’t give her much dialogue or appearances (hence her being inspired by the overshadowed sisters in Warriors), and she’s a bit of a wild card to Honey and the gang. She legit doesn’t know what to expect from her.
Loonsnarl (He/It - sexuality and gender undecided but SOMETHING is going on, maybe just apathy?)
Heavily inspired by Goosefeather, I feel that’s obvious lol
I wanted to take the “these events are doomed to happen” to the extreme with this guy. He is very much “this must happen and if it doesn’t, I will make it happen”.
He does everything with confidence, he says things with confidence, he acts as if everything will come to fruition. There is no room for wavering in the future, the path is decided and they must follow it through.
Splashpaw initially adopted this mentality after her first trip to the Mooncave…until something changed in her. Loonsnarl doesn’t always get along with his apprentice.
Hornettail (He/Him - Cishet
His main inspiration is Darkstripe and characters that will literally switch from being open minded to being wildly xenophobic from book to book.
The actual book they come from has it that it’s just bad writing. When Honey meets him, he’s just someone who will cling to whoever has the most power in the situation
The moment the pendulum swings out of his favor, he’s chasing after it no matter how pathetic he looks
Dawnstep (She/He - Lesbian)
Funny gal with a sick beard
Big bard energy, she loves singing and teaches the apprentice the best war songs (Honey finds the melodies catchy but the lyrics uh…gruesome)
In a butch4butch relationship with a SturgeonClan cat named Troutshine. (Side note, I think it would be funny if the territory was an ecological mess. Animals of all kinds just thrown in without care lol)
Fanon Lionheart is a big inspo for him
Sheeppaw and Elkpaw (she/her and he/him respectively, nothing decided yet but I like Elkpaw being transmasc)
Honeypaw’s lackies. She promised power and prestige when she ascended to leader and, as the more physically powerful sister, it was expected she’d be able to deliver on her word.
The two are insecure kids who were friends in the nursery, while it doesn’t excuse their bullying at all, they’re hardly evil masterminds.
In the book, they get a redemption arc and apologize to Frostblaze. In this story, I imagine it happens a lot faster when Honeypaw starts acting weird and avoiding them.
Childhood friends to lovers, I think it’s cute :)
Hollystream (she/her)
Duskflower’s sister, she was the one to step in and help raise Frostblaze when she died.
Her death still hurts her, the two were twins and very close.
While Beesnap definitely pushed for her daughter to see Frost as a rival and not a sister, Holly did the same. She also pushed Frost to go for the crown and in doing so, the two queens ending up destroying the potential friendship the sisters might’ve had.
Holly is quiet, subdued. However, she loves her goofy mate Mousesneeze and their antics, being with them has helped her recover in many ways.
I’ll probably make another edition in a bit but these are sort of the handful of cats I’ve got some concrete plans for. The latter half of the warriors in WolfClan need some fleshing out since admittedly some of them are just to pad out the Clan.
Thank you for the ask!!!!
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