#sometimes i like them a little irredeemable
emperorcartagia · 8 months
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mariemariemaria · 1 month
i feel kinda crazy bc whenever i was a teenager i created this sorta imaginary older big sister who had moved out of the house so in my head i could live w her whenever i wanted bc she had survived it all and was independent and she would also just comfort me in a big sisterly way whenever something bad or upsetting happened and recently ive been going back to that at my big age 😭 and its kinda sad and also just wish fulfillment and also kinda scary bc i really used to think that by my age i'd have everything sorted but i really don't and i know that's normal and nobodies twenties are perfect but some people also have good relationships w their fathers which is crazy just to think about sooo
#is this readable? i hope not ❤️#i typed up some of my feelings about this in a word doc and just realised like damn i basically have an imaginary friend as an adult#i really am crazy lol#i just feel lonely within my family atm. bc my brother is younger than me so he could never really do anything to help#and i feel like i cant really trust my mam the same anymore..even tho i still love her a lot#and i'm trying to improve my relationship w my dad bc im realising what a hard life he had and that he's not like an irredeemable Bad Perso#and sometimes he'll look at me a certain way or apologise for something small that he would never have apologised for a couple of years ago#and i feel like im going crazy like is he becoming a better person or..? and i feel bad bc im not really doing the same#or maybe i am. sometimes i think im unfair to him considering how he is now but i also cant really reconcile what he is now w/ how he#was then. and then he'll suddenly say something to me in a certain tone of voice or with a certain sharpness and i'll go back to how a felt#as a teenager :/ i rlly dont know what to do about it but i think its because i dont really have anyone to talk to about it#i mean i sort of do. but i also dont actually know how much of it actually happened and how much of it i just made up#but having worked w teenagers yeah they can be little shits but i also cant imagine treating any of them the way my dad treated me#just bc theyre annoying or have an attitude or are a little mean or whatever#like theres actually a lot of ppl i could talk to but also how do you even bring something like this up#how do i say 'oh and i invented an older sister as a coping mechanism and sometimes i still talk to her in my head' without sounding crazy#its 2am here i need to go to bed i have work in the morning 😭 day and night and next day ruined bc my dad spoke to me slightly funny
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mari-monsta · 2 years
If you don't like marinette then you don't support women's wrongs and you also can't handle a gorlboss slaying sorry I dont make the rules
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trollbreak · 2 years
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Did y’all know that jester sucks (affectionate)
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thegoldencontracts · 3 months
(Not) A Stand-Up Guy
Summary: Your boyfriend is being insulted. Naturally, you defend him. Problem is... That's kind of hard.
Characters: Azul, Jade
Azul Ashengrotto
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It was a peaceful day as you passed through the hallways to run a quick errand; delivering papers to Professor Crewel. The halls were almost completely deserted, every little sound echoing through the walls.
And one of those sounds was the sound of people insulting your boyfriend.
"Ugh," said some guy. "The damn crook. Can't believe people like him can be housewarden."
"We should beat him up." Silence. "I-I'm joking," said the other guy hastily. "Obviously, I know that wouldn't work with those goons of his. He's still annoying, though."
"His voice pisses me off."
"His voice?" Said another guy incredulously. "What about the fact that he's a terrible person?"
A terrible person was definitely an overstatement. Though he definitely had his flaws, Azul wasn't Satan incarnate or anything Iike that.
And- now that you thought about it, didn't these guys cheat off you during Alchemy? What were they doing insulting you boyfriend when they knew you could hear them? Didn't they have an ounce of respect?
...Or did they just think you were a pushover?
You were beginning to feel offended on your own behalf, too.
"Hey!" You said, turning to face them, closing the gap between you and the group of miscreants. "Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!"
"We're right," said one of the guys nonchalantly. You paused for a second.
He was a crook, and he did intentionally get on people's nerves. Curses.
"Uh, well-" You raised a finger to try and prove your point, except there was no point to prove. "He has a very lovely voice!"
"That he sweetens up to get on people's nerves," said a guy. He was right.
You paused for a second. They were right, weren't they?
No, no. You weren't going to let this slide.
"Still," you said, steeling yourself. Your voice instantly turned stony.
"Let's face it: Night Raven's a school of schemers. You're all probably up to no good yourself. Azul isn't particularly worse than any of you, nor is he the morally irredeemable prat you seem to think he is. He's insanely hardworking, and probably more talented than you could ever be, considering how often you all try to pull a fast one and look at my answers during tests."
You paused for a long breath, taking in their shock at your words—and the fact you knew about them cheating off of you.
"So," you continued. "If you're going to use me to cheat or whatever, at least don't talk shit about my boyfriend when I can clearly hear you."
That promptly shut them up.
"Sorry, sorry," one of them said. "So... You won't tell Professor Crewel about... Uh...?"
You beamed.
"We're all good!" You said, switching up your tone immediately. You had gotten what you wanted.
The guy sighed.
"T-Thanks," he said, not really caring about Azul so long as he could keept cheating off of you during Alchemy.
"No problem!"
You beamed, off on your merry way. And, afterwards, you bumped into none other than your darling himself, Azul.
"I saw your little skirmish earlier today," he said with a grin. You laughed.
"I'd stick up for you again," you said. He smiled. "Even if it is super hard to do."
The smile fell right off his face.
"You'd do well to cease this line of conversation."
"Nah," you said. "I think I'll keep talking about it some more. I'll talk about you being a crook, and how you talk like Squidward from SpongeBob sometimes, and-"
"Insolent cretin."
"I love you too, Azul."
Jade Leech
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Getting to pick Jade's mushrooms was quite the pleasant experience. They were all so pretty, and the garden itself was so well taken care of, not to mention how much glee you felt at the thought of Jade trusting you enough to ask you to pick some of his precious mushrooms for him!
As you finished storing the last of the mushrooms—Lactarius Indigo, a really pretty one; edible too—you practically skipped back to Octavinelle. Oh, how you loved mycology. The world of fungi was really quite fascinating.
So why did everyone think they were creepy? At least, they did in this school. Seriously, mushrooms weren't just not creepy, they were awesome! Mushrooms were one of the key players in the ecosystem, a great source of food, so varied in utility it was insane, gorgeous, not to mention-
"Oh, look," some guy said." It's the creepier Leech's servant, here to collect his fucking poison mushrooms."
"Don't say that! They're supposed to be together!" Said another guy with a snicker. "They're totally equals, you guys."
Your eye twitched. You could hear them. They knew that, right?
No, no. You had to be calm about this. Move on, ignore them.
"I wonder what kinda blackmail he's got on his little servant-"
"Oh, shut up!" You said before you could stop yourself. You'd lost your temper.
One of the guys scoffed.
"Your precious little boyfriend's a creep, and you know it," he said. Another guy nodded along.
"Wasn't that there thing about him finding people's private online accounts or some shit?"
You grit your teeth. That was... True, actually. He did that, and he also messed with others for his own amusement.
"It's just the truth," said one of the guys. You noticed the yellow band on his uniform. Savannaclaw.
You smirked.
"Were you or were you not in on it when your dorm orchestrated the mass accidents? What about the stampede on Diasomnia?"
His eyes widened.
"I- uh-"
"That's what I thought," you said. "Might want to shut it, then. You're not exactly a saint yourself."
With that, you walked off, making one last comment about how they'd never been in a healthy relationship before. Still, you couldn't help but sigh.
You hadn't actually won the argument. You just- deflected their point.
Then again, did those guys really have a point? This was Night Raven. What made the things Jade did any worse than the misdeeds of other students?
You were pulled from your lamentations by the sight of Jade Leech.
"Thank you for so bravely taking a stand on my behalf, dearest," he said with a teasing look that contained a vague trace of sincerity. How did he even get that information? Hell if you knew.
"No problem, my dear princess," you said with an entirely straight face. "On that note, your knight has brought the requested items."
You pulled out the bag of mushrooms, presenting them to him with a smirk.
"Please, accept this humble offering," you said. It was all too satisfying to catch the split second of frustration on Jade's face at you playing along. Turnabout was fair play, wasn't it?
But, of course, he had to keep playing along. It was actually pretty funny, to be honest.
"I accept, my darling knight," he said with a smirk. "Of course, I must reward you."
"And how exactly do you intend to go about doing that?"
Your question was promptly answered when he pulled you in for a kiss.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 2 months
Clint/Bucky aka Winterhawk aka Clucky aka Barneston (?) Fic Recs
Yes I am an (unhinged understatement) Stucky writer but I have a soft spot for Bucky and Clint romantically. Particularly Comics Clint. Something about his crippling self esteem issues stemming from his abusive childhood combined with how deeply, deeply nice he is. In my favorite Clint characterizations, he isn't nice out of naivety, he always knows he's quite likely going to get screwed over for being so compassionate and forgiving, and he just does it anyway. It's really a lovely fatal flaw.
Anyway, shout out to everyone with fucked up abusive childhoods who got all the trauma and none of the circus skills! All of the baggage and none of the archery talent, you know?
So here are some things I love about them together:
So Clint is so chill around Bucky's grief but also deeply compassionate and also a slutty disaster and also funny. I think it's a really good mix for recovering Bucky to let his guard down and be soft.
Sometimes, in some universes, Bucky needs someone who is just as earnest but not as serious as Steve, you know? Clint is whimsical and the Winter Soldier needs a lil whimsy.
Typically, though not always, in fics when Bucky is paired with Clint the other otps are Clint+Natasha as deeply committed best friends/platonic soulmates and Bucky+Steve as deeply committed best friends/platonic soulmates, so it's just a whole deeply committed, devoted, platonic and romantic love situation that really works for me.
Winterhawk manifesto aside, here are some fics I liked presented somewhat at random.
Starving for the Light by thepartyresponsible
@thepartyresponsible hopefully this is the author and not a random person with the same name. Hi! I love your work! My notes: Beautiful modern magical world, beautiful details, beautiful healing. Exquisite levels Clint who is so competent and just not aware of how gifted he is but not in a cheesy way, just kinda heartbreaking till it isn't.
Here is another beautiful piece by the very same brilliant mind:
Got a Heart in Me, I Swear by thepartyresponsible
My notes: Sports AU! Baseball this time but you don't have to know baseball and beautiful characterization + competence remains the shining thing that made me want to eat it.
Redundancies by Noxnthea @noxnthea
My notes: What the fuck. I wanted to read this entire fic at the same time, but it wouldn't fit in my eyes all at once which is my only complaint, but it's a very severe complaint because it is so clever and good. Universe hopping. Must love Clint. All the good things about Clint being so fucking good. It's so sad in the way that makes you feel a deep love of the world and that maybe broken things can be beautiful and happy again, over and over?
Lost and Found by Mariana O'Connor @mariana-oconnor
My notes: Do you like werewolves? Trick question. Everyone likes werewolves. This is a lovely small town full of mysteries that Clint stumbles into. Obviously he starts rehabbing a hotel and taking care of orphans because he is just nice like that. Bucky can't keep away because, ugh, Clint stop being fascinating and competent and sexy. Bucky is only one man and also traumatized have you no respect?
Silhouette also by Mariana O'Connor @mariana-oconnor
My notes: YOU GUYS. Very slow build spy adventure time if you like spy adventure and heists mixed with pining because your mortal enemy is 1. Sexy and 2. Competent. Also Natasha is the best friend and Steve is the best friend. We travel the world. Action scenes. Everyone is so sexy. And competent. I can't make this clear enough. Sexy little mysterious post cards appear in the mail.
Perfect Tense by shatteredhourglass @shatteredhourglass
My notes: Ronin Clint thinks he's irredeemable, but he can't stop having sex with Bucky Barnes. Who hasn't been in this situation? Bucky is very angrily bandaging up Ronin Clint's stupid wounds again, ugh, gah, seriously, surely all this hurt/comfort plus admiration for Clint's combat skills won't lead to falling in love? Feelings, action, intrigue.
Funny story I wanted to include a fic where Bucky kidnaps Clint but y'all there are SO MANY fics where Bucky kidnaps Clint and I can't remember which one. I bet they are all good so maybe I'll do a follow up with like, top ten fics where Bucky kidnaps Clint and they fall in love.
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liridus · 4 days
Now that I've had time to feel all my love and nostalgia for bnha, and I'm actually thinking about the ending a little bit more, it strikes me how sad it is. Like it's a good ending for our heroes, but that's just it, it's just a good ending for our heroes. I know we gets little bits and bobs of quirk counseling and heteromorph visibility and working towards their acceptance, but some of it feels a little last minute?
I know there are points to be made about punishment for crimes, but is death all there is to that? We see the league's backstories and we're sympathetic towards them, but I do think that seeing them working towards redemption would be a little more satisfying. Not all of them, I do understand the satisfaction of a good and tragic death in media, but part of it just rubs me the wrong way. I do think it takes away some of the nuance of the grey of heros and villains when all the people on the villain side end up dead or dying, and heroes who have made big mistakes are redeemed so easily.
I think bnha tries to be grey, and it does at times do a good job of it, but sometimes it feels like it chickens out and goes back to black and white. Because who even are heroes without villains to fight? And when the villains aren't completely immortal and irredeemable, what does that make the heroes?
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Irma Lair; your gifts
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: John my beloved by Sufjan Stevens
you probably already know this, and have heard it time after time, but you're very sensitive. not in a bad way, except when it overwhelms you and drains all your energy, but you are insanely intuitive. you may struggle a lot with your faith in humanity. one day you're snuggled up in bed sobbing over compilations of human kindness, then the next you log on twitter and declare humanity irredeemable. and worst of all you feel so alone. it's frustrating feeling like those around you go through the motions of life seemingly unaffected by the constant eldrich horrors around every corner. you know that it's not that they don't care, but sometimes you might secretly wish you could have a sip of whatever it is that's numbing them down. finding supportive and understanding friends to surround yourself with is important to your well-being because harsh words and criticism can bruise you harder than most. this sensitivity may sometimes feel more like a burden than a gift, but i assure you that there's a lot of positives to it.
you are naturally inclined to do well with energy healing and may develop clairvoyance on top of your already prominent clairsentience, and quickly learn how to wield these abilities. your compassionate nature makes you a very good source of comfort and support for others and you're able to gently guide others in a way that isn't intrusive, so many would flock to you for advice if you opened up shop as an emotional support human of some kind. be sure to safeguard your own energy and do as much or as little as you want and can when you hone your skills should you decide to practice any kind of divination or spiritual practice. even outside of more spiritual things you'd make good use of your gifts in teaching, psychology, or medicine. you put people at ease and it's easy for others to get attached to your energy, and you just as easily get a little too invested from time to time, so be sure to keep your boundaries clear and take plenty of time for yourself to recharge and ground yourself.
Shufflemancy: Brittle bones Nicky by Rare Americans
some call it chaos, you call it fun. you have a knack for entertaining a crowd. even if you're shy around people you don't know well enough, those closest to you know you best for your creative genius. you're an engaging communicator and storyteller, and have a lot of ideas swirling around your brain. you really should get some of it out before you get dizzy. you'd make a terrific writer, artist, a performer, or public speaker. yes, even if that last one made your stomach churn a little. you're very likeable and fun, and you'd draw a lot of attention if you just put yourself out there. lots of people could use your zest for life and learn a lot from the stories you could tell, whether real or fictional.
music, cinema, theatre, story driven games, and literature may be things you find a lot of joy in. you're inclined to develop clairaudience, and you may already notice auditory cues and coincidences more than most, and find a lot of guidance and motivation from the music you listen to or from your own inner monologues that lead to aha moments. are you afraid of the spotlight? not sure where to start? if what's stopping you from pursuing your wildest dreams is a jumbled mess of what ifs and lists of things you need to perfect and reconfigure and practice until your face turns blue, stop. you're already good at cartwheeling your way through life, talking yourself in and out of things and thinking on your feet, so you absolutely got what it takes to just go, and figure out the minute details along the way.
Shufflemancy: Pavlov's daughter by Regina Spektor
people usually hire staff to do all that you're able to do all on your own. you're very well-rounded. a jack of all trades, perhaps? you're intelligent, practical, and very creative. you'd make a great entrepreneur because you're such a hardworker once you set your sight on something you want to achieve. you seem to have a deep trust in your own strength and abilities. you're emotionally strong and very independent. freedom is likely a big motivator for you, and being your own boss sounds very appealing to you. you're claircognizant and just seem to know what needs to be done and also get things done. you're an incredible taskmaster and do well with organising your thoughts and ideas and solving problems that pop up.
manifestations must come easily to you, unless your ties to the 3d and a distinct flair of realism and tendency to 'believe it when you see it' holds you back from having faith. but there is nothing you couldn't do, and those limitations should be easy enough for you to clear. i mean, look at everything you've already done and what you're capable of when you decide that what you want is what you get! make sure to rest plenty, though. you're often at risk of burnout because you strive when you have things to do and may have a hard time kicking back to relax when you could be spending that time doing something. even your hobbies align with your goals or fit right into your resume, so do try to find something to do that isn't so much about chasing accolades as it is simply enjoying yourself for the sake of pure enjoyment.
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whoistrash · 1 year
Why change matters and how Amphibia did it better than The Owl House.
"Watching and Dreaming" made me cry a lot during its premiere. I was amazed and, I'd say, dazed by it. Then I forgot about it for a while. Now I finished re-watching Amphibia for the first time since TOH ended. My hype died down, and I have some thoughts. A lot, actually.
Amphibia's ending was incredibly painful and made me sob like a baby for two whole weeks the first time I watched it. That's because it was not only beautiful and heartbreaking, but truly GOOD. Brilliant, actually. I absolutely agree with a statement that any other ending would literally be a contradiction to the whole main plot, especially Anne's arc. The girls had to learn to let go in order to grow as individuals - the thing they had the biggest problem with. Saying goodbye was the only logical option, plot-wise. It still hurt like hell, though. Separating the multidimensional, against-all-odds relationships (especially my beloved spranne. Ouch, ouch, ouch). The Owl House does no such thing - everybody stays together. They live happily ever after.
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Paradoxically, I think that it's the main reason why I'd choose "The Hardest Thing" over "Watching and Dreaming" every single time. I know we shouldn't really compare them in EVERY aspect, since TOH had way more things to deal with in the final episode, but the fact that Luz got to not only stay, but to freely travel between worlds as she pleases really took the whole "growing up and finding your true self no matter what the other people do/say about you" thing out the door. Luz from season one, episode one, and Luz from the finale are not really that different. Well, she certainly became more traumatised and depressed than before, but in terms of personal growth? Nope. Luz - from the very beginning - was cheerful, open, caring and very selfless, willing to literally help every stranger she met no matter how it would affect her. She had little to no boundaries, but, well, you can't argue that she was A GOOD, SELFLESS PERSON. Now, we could say that her arc here would be learning that sometimes you should put yourself before others, that you can't save everyone, that you can't trust every person you meet. And she learns it! She fucking does! She helps Philip not knowing who he will become, and then suffers from the consequences, because she helped the wrong person. And then it's all erased, when she saves Collector's life and meets Papa Titan (or whatever we call them).
I have so much to say about this. All of TOH's "villains" (Amity, Lilith, Hunter, The Collector) that were given a redemption arc literally get turned into lifeless, edgy trauma dumpsters, that suddenly loose all of their previous character, quirks and sass (well, maybe except for Lilith, she just started to express them differently, I think, but still, it was WAY too big of a change). I won't dwell on it (since many, many fans called it out already - as they should), and will focus on something different. The only one marked as irredeemable is Belos. Good. Okay. He's irredeemable, because he's a white, christian puritan who won't listen to anyone but himself. Also a genocidal maniac. That's the lesson for Luz here. "You can't save everyone. Some people are just straight up evil". And it's very, very true. But.
From all of the "villains" I mentioned before, Belos is the one that had the most reasons to, let's say, take a dark turn. Those reasons are what makes him irredeemable - he's just too convinced he's right, because, in his mind, he has evidence to prove it. But how do we learn about this? Maybe by seeing his part of the story? Maybe by learning about his brother and Evelyn, about their relationship? It couldn't be straight up awful, since Philip literally brought his brother back to life over and over again, he wanted his brother, or at least the picture of Caleb that satisfied him the most. There was more to it than only "you betrayed me and now I will hate you forever". Do we get to see any of that? No. Instead we get an all-knowing, all-doing being that literally choose Luz as "the one" for being kind and trusting, that convinces her that Belos is, indeed, a lost cause. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Luz, the person that on the literal episode two was told that there is no such thing as a "chosen one" and that she can't always hop into action to save everybody, because, it's, well, not always possible, DOES EXACTLY THAT in the finale by taking a bullet for The Collector, the, you know, very freshly redeemed and suddenly cute and funky villain, whom Luz trusts immediately. AND SHE IS REWARDED FOR IT BY BEING MADE THE CHOSEN ONE. BY A GOD-LIKE BEING THAT CLAIMS TO BE ALL-KNOWING AND CAN DECIDE WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG, BECAUSE OF PERSONAL (King) REASONS. Just like, you know... Belos? The irredeemable villain? And then Luz lets go of the moral dilemmas that's been keeping her up at night for the past months, makes up her mind, defeats the bad guy, learns nothing, and gets to stay in the Boiling Isles and on Earth. With her beautifully redeemed girlfriend and friends whom she kept secrets from and lied to out of fear of being ostracised (you see the pattern here, right?) for, again, months.
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I love Amphibia. I love The Owl House. But Amphibia handles it's "villains", generally wronged characters and the whole change/no change thing way better. Well, maybe besides the Core - they got a bit wasted in my opinion. But still. Sasha. Grime. Marcy. Andrias. Anne herself. They learn and change. And more importantly, they face consequences and come to understand and accept them. There's no "chosen one" here. Anne gets the proposition because she's the first one to use the music box for good in literal millenia. A fact, plain and simple (not an opinion based on personal motivations), that makes sense plot-wise, and adds so, so much to Anne's arc. Because Anne from season one, episode one wouldn't care. The one from the finale cares very damn much. And that's the biggest difference.
Saying goodbye makes the message way stronger. The more I think about it, however, the more I'm starting to be afraid that there's no The Message in The Owl House to begin with. Luz learns very little, yet ends up with everything she ever wanted. There's no power behind it. The "find the right people and choose to trust them, not everyone will be your friend" and "some things are out of your control, some people are just bad" aspect is even weaker, as proven by basically the whole season 3. I will end it by my favorite quote from Amphibia, that I think about on daily basis. Have a good day, y'all.
"Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes, you have to let it go; but, of the things you let go, you'd be surprised what makes its way back to you."
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strangestofthings12 · 5 months
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
"We are nearly there," said Finarfin. He pulled Findaráto - Finrod, he reminded himself, I must remember, Finrod - into a one-armed hug. He could not stop sneaking glances at his son. His son, his grown son! His returned son!
Finrod was quieter within himself than of old, and his smile was a little lopsided; but he was bright and tall, and gentle, and he raised one eyebrow whenever he had a question in the quizzical manner that was Eärwen’s, and sometimes as they walked he tapped one finger upon his cheekbone absent-mindedly in just the way he had done as a child, and Finarfin’s heart ached with loss and joy both.
He opened the little gate and led the way down the familiar winding path. He and Eärwen had decided, long ago, that it was necessary to have a little space from the palace on occasion - both palaces - and so they kept a small house a little outside Tirion. It was to the door of this house that he led Finrod. He and Eärwen had not wanted to have the duties of rule interfering with this first reunion with their son; nor had they thought that the bustle of palace life would be good for one so newly returned. So it was just them, and Hueleni, who were there awaiting Finrod.
They had found, for the Returned, that too many crowds too early could be painful, even alarming. Finarfin had thought with a pang of his gregarious, kind firstborn, and hoped he would not be lonely. Now, feeling his son lean on him, hesitating before the door, he was glad of the decision.
He fumbled for the keys. Behind the door, Hueleni barked.
"Ah!" Finarfin said, smiling. He remembered Finrod’s tiny sticky hands entangled in the ears of their little dog Aranel, an Age and a half past; then Findaráto, tall and princely, abandoning dignity to chase Aranel down the beach of Alqualondë. "Our new dog, Hueleni. You will like her, I am sure -"
He paused. The warm weight of Finrod upon his shoulder had frozen; and when he turned about his son’s face was bone-white.
"Are you alright?" asked Finarfin in alarm. "Is it too hot? We can go inside -"
"No," said Finrod breathlessly. He was backing away, shaking his head. "No, not - inside -"
"What is wrong -" Finarfin began to ask. Then he knew. He remembered the whispers that had spread throughout the refugee camps, the ragged recruits who had come to join the armies of the Valar: the Lord Felagund’s father; what kind of Elda must he be, to have raised such a king; and no wonder he has gone to war, for his son died so terribly - the wolves -
He had been so stupid. So terribly, irredeemably - foolish -
He reached out. Uselessly, stupidly; his son had not taken his hand on that terrible dark day so many years ago, and he would not take it now -
In the next breath his hand was left hanging uselessly; Finrod’s arms were flung about his neck, his son’s head buried in his shoulder, and Finarfin returned the embrace as fiercely as if by doing so he could tear Finrod from chains that had been broken long ago.
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I think a fundamental misunderstanding of morality is so prevalent in Star Wars discourse and I wish more people would think in complex nuance rather than 'this side is right and if you listen to a single thing the OTHER side says, then you're falling to evilness'.
I don't think Osha listening to Qimir's side of the story and understanding it is 'her seeing she's like this evil person, and so deciding she might as well be evil too!'.
I don't see Qimir as evil. I don't see the jedi as good. So where are we when we analyze character choices?
Fighting for freedom and choice is not inherently evil (see: The Rebel Alliance). You have to dig deeper than 'I don't like the Jedi code' when determining if that person rejecting a super high-control cult is doing so to harm others or simply seek freedom for themselves or the galaxy.
Is it possible to fight against the Jedi for evil reasons? Yeah (see: Palpatine). But that's not the ONLY option.
It feeds into this idea that once you 'identify' the 'good guys' in a situation, you need to back them uncritically and to listen at all to those you're 'identified' as the 'bad guys' means you're falling to corruption and evilness. That's just...a terrible way to 1) engage with media, and 2) engage with the world.
You could have been wrong when you identified the 'good guys'. But if you never listen to the things the 'other' side says, if you dehumanize them to the point where even when they're making valid points, you shut them down simply because 'well, you're the bad guy, so it's physically impossible for you to have any 'right' things to say at all', you stagnate as a person/group and corruption thrives in your ranks and the conflict between you and 'the bad guys' will never end. Not to mention, you miss out on a lot of good philosophy when we're talking about media analysis.
It's about actually looking at what people are saying and doing critically, with as little bias as possible, that will help you make your way to 'the truth' of the matter. If you've decided you're going to put on rose-colored glasses when you look at all the decisions made by 'the good guys' and piss-colored glasses for all actions taken by 'the bad guys', then you're going to miss the actual path forward.
Sometimes, NO ONE is 'the good guy' and sometimes, NO ONE is 'the evil guy'. What we CAN do is look at everything, the effects of their actions, their philosophies, and analyze it dispassionately to try to glean some lessons from it. After all, this is a fake world filled with fake people - acknowledging Qimir might have some valid criticisms of the Jedi order isn't putting a dictator in charge of your real-life country. This isn't a life or death situation here, so maybe take a breath and realize it's ok to sympathize and understand characters in fiction who might have done things we consider to be bad.
But it's also correct to say that the way we conceptualize morality in media CAN impact how we interact with our real world. That's why I think it's so important to expose people to the idea that there isn't a clear 'good side' and clear 'bad side' you can neatly separate all people into in a safe environment such as storytelling. You cannot separate real people into 'orcs' or 'hobbits' in the real world and I think a lot of people with their purity politics are forgetting that. Is it easier to dehumanize those who do things that harm others? Yeah. Is that good storytelling to make a clear and irredeemable enemy? It can be! But it's not the ONLY way to tell a story.
Seriously, look into some more 'lit fic' stories and you'll see that the common 'good vs evil' storytelling of fantasy/fantasy adjacent genres isn't the only way to write a compelling and meaningful story. Everyone can have good traits, everyone can have bad traits, and some traits can flip flop depending on the situation. Most importantly, identifying with the antagonist and certain traits they posses DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON!!!!
I guess the tl;dr of this is that it's ok to not be able to identify the 'good guys' or the 'bad guys' - it's ok to look at the characters and say 'boy, this is messy' and leave your moral judgement at that. There's no law that says you have to correctly identify the perfect people in fiction and if you get it wrong, you're punished somehow. Release yourself of that expectation and I think you'll find engaging with media a much more rewarding and eye-opening experience that can help you learn things about yourself and others that you can take into the real world in a non-combative manner.
Black vs White morality is not the only dynamic available in media and it's time we reminded ourselves of that, especially when looking at Star Wars.
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Let's talk about dnptwt
Ok, I created this little shit-posting blog to connect with other phannies and get back into this comfy little fandom. Along with this, I started connecting with dnptwt on my main account. I don't like getting involved in drama, especially when it revolves around blatant racisim, homophobia, transphobia, genocide sympathizers, etc, but I feel like it needs to be said here. I am only going to speak on this once, but if you have questions on my experience or just want to call me out, feel free to message or anonymously inbox me, that is your right as I am posting this openly and publicly.
Dnptwt is NOT a safe place. I genuinely believe that the internet is not a safe place. I wish that it was because access to the internet has become so common and widespread. People can connect on so many levels and share their experiences, but EVERYONE can do it. Republican, democrat, gay, straight, conversative, liberal. EVERYONE. But, over the last few months, dnptwt has become so negative and toxic. Every day someone is being called out for their behavior and, many times, the calling out is warranted. They have said or done something that they need to be called out on. It's the aftermath and the snowballing afterwards that has gotten out of hand.
I am a very positive person. I believe that everyone, at anytime in their lives, can learn and grow and change. We are constantly learning new things and having new experiences. When people say something hateful or negative or they participate in something bad or that you don't agree with, you have every right to call them out on it. Point out the hateful and negative behavior, but just because someone does or says something doesn't mean that they are irredeemable. Spitting hateful rhetoric and being hateful towards people is the exact kind of thing that we want to stop and correct. So when you call someone out for something, call them out and see if they take the initiative to learn or change before you start an unyielding bullying campaign against them. You can choose how you react to that person, if you believe them, and if you want to continue to interact with them. That is your right as a social media user. But to start a campaign where you tell everyone that someone is disgusting and irredeemable before giving them a chance to reflect, relearn, and respond is absolutely crazy.
At the end of the day, what I am trying to say is that in order for people to grow, they need to learn. In order for someone to genuinely apologize, they need to learn what they have done wrong and find it in themselves to change, but this isn't something that someone can do overnight. And it isn't something someone can do while they are being attacked from all sides. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to say how they feel and why it makes them feel that way for someone to realize that they have made a mistake.
I'll call myself out for y'all to get what I mean. I grew up in a very conservative household. I grew up in a household that sprayed hateful rhetoric and had terribly homophobic and racist beliefs. It wasn't until someone in middle school called me out for it. It wasn't nice or sugar coated, just a direct interaction. I dealt with some fallout for sure, but over the rest of that year, I took the opportunity to learn and change how I acted, how I talked, and how I spoke to my classmates and I was able to repair alot of burned bridges and become a more well rounded person.
I fear everyday that the hate I used to spread and the negativity I once had will come back to bite me. I would have to answer for those actions, and I would, and I would have to prove to people that I have changed (and I have). But with the kind of environment that dnptwt has become, I would be shunned, shamed, categorized and irredeemable, and tossed to the side without being able to reflect, relearn, and respond.
This environment is unacceptable. And it is something that I will no longer be taking part in. Give people the space to be wrong, to fail, and to make right.
Just getting this out has helped me feel a little bit better, am I am sure that this will end up on dnptwt and I'll get doused in their hate and vitriol, but to stand silent and watch more and more people who just need some time to get educated and learn would have made me feel so bad. I'm taking some time to reflect on my own actions and time spent on twitter, learn about ways that I can better use my time and energy, and will respond again if I feel it necessary, but I think I've said my piece.
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cursedzucchini · 2 years
DC x DP prompt
So i have seen the Damian and Danny are twins and Danny's fave bat is Red Hood and threw them in blender and this is what I got lmao.
It's basically the same, Damian and Danny are twins, but this time? This time they are tied when it comes to power/standing in the League.
Danny might be a little faster on his feet, but Damian doesn't hesitate in life or death situations, Danny might be a little better at first aid, but Damian obeys their Grandfather's every word. Like overall Danny is tiny bit better than Damian, but it doesn't matter bc he doesn't kill.
Anyway long story short, they both are send on different missions to kill some guys. Damian kills the guy, Danny doesn't. And Danny really tries but he just can't. Danny knows this would be death sentence if he returned, so he runs away. (He can meet jezz and she just goes, ok this guys my new bro, and the fentons just accepting it)
Idk how but somehow the league thinks he's dead, and it somehow works out the same as before, but now Damian has ✨brother Complex✨.
Anyway time skip few years and Damian is in Gotham, Danny is half dead and all that stuff. But something happens (could be the fentons finding out about Phantom, or just some ghost king stuff) and Danny needs to go to Gotham. He already knows Abt the bats and especially Abt red hood.
Now allow me to explain more Abt Danny's weird relationship w red hood. Bc Danny grew up in the environment he did, he really blamed himself for being too weak to kill some random guy. And one day he learns about red hood, who kills (or killed) the people he deems as irredeemable (or just bad, but it could be specifically misinformation like this). And Danny, the literal king of ghosts (like he can appreciate it from the revenge side of thing), a child who was taught murder was okay and sometimes needed, but also not able to kill someone himself, Danny really loves this guy, but also really hates himself for not being able to be like him.
Tbh i think this is more of a background or a story than a prompt itself but i hope it can count. My thought process also went to Bruce and overall his reaction to another kid who also desperately wishes to be like his (most fucked up? Murderous? Idk how to describe this) other kid, even though he (Danny) is more like Bruce (w the whole no killing thing).
Like it just seems like such a beautiful fuckery, like I'd love to read it lol
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theloganator101 · 2 months
The Great BNHA Review: Potential
So I'm actually gonna be splitting this into four parts and then one more wrapping up how I feel about the ending and the overall series. The topics I'm going to talk about are the following.
The potential the characters had and how Hori squandered them.
The world they live in and how things are done in society, only for nothing to really change in the end and for things to not make sense.
The morals and messages it tries to convey.
And then (REDACTED).
Anyways, let's get going with Potential.
With a cast of characters as interesting looking as they were and the glimpses of personality we saw, like Jiro thinking she has to choose between being a hero or a musician, or Shoji and mutant discrimination. You would think that with how interesting the class looks, that they would get some role in the story or their own respective arcs to expand on their characters.
Except that's not what happened.
The main focus most of the time either falls on Izuku, Bakugou, Shoto, and sometimes Ochako. So that's four out of twenty students that gets the spotlight while everyone else is regulated to minor characters who are only brought in to fights.
Which is honestly kind of disappointing because many of them look to have stories waiting to be told and can be good characters! Because I wanna learn more about Sero, I wanna learn more about Hagakure, I wanna learn more about Shoji. But now that the manga's over, that's not gonna be possible.
This is especially terrible since in the final war arc half of the fight is just fucking flashbacks to expand on some of the characters fighting when it should've been something covered earlier in the manga instead of hyping Bakugou up. It all just feels too little too late and makes things cluttered and unorganized.
And then we have the villains.
They were kind of cool when they got introduced and had a lot of potential to challenge the heroes. To really make them open their eyes to how flawed their society is and why it needs to change. They could each have an upbringing that brought them to where they are now and why they wanna join to make a difference. They could be some compelling and intriguing antagonists for the heroes to face.
... Except we don't get any of that.
What really hurts the villains in this series is how Hori tends to flip flop between making them sympathetic and their heroic counterparts wanting to save them, and making them so cartoonishly evil that the villains from the POWERPUFF GIRLS comes off as more compelling compared to them!
And it's like... pick one or the other Hori! Either they're victims of society or they're just irredeemable! And what sucks the most about this is that they HAD something going on! They could've rise from losing AFO and promise to make a change for the better! The My Villain Academia part shows how this was possible!
But instead they ended not in a bang... but a whimper. they all pretty much died in the end or confirmed to the very society that hurt them so what was the point of trying to redeeming them?
Then finally... we have the main character himself. Izuku Midoriya.
Oh how Hori utterly failed you...
You started off so promising in the first two episodes, You could've been a quirkless hero to make the message of anyone can be a hero really have an impact. You could've rose from your pain and suffering and show everyone what you can really do.
But sadly that's not what happened. You were given a quirk that hurts you, nobody really helps you with it, you're forced to work with your bully and never grow out of the mindset that he's awesome, every adult you associate with has failed you in some way, you're forced to distance yourself from your friends so Hori can have his Cash Cow Triplets, you're never really challenged in any unique way other than "just punch your problems away", and ultimate... you just became a watered down version of what you started off as with no introspection whatsoever.
I have never seen a character so stagnate in their arc and development in such a series before, only beaten recently by Vaggie in terms of just never growing or learning anything else.
Izuku really deserves to be in a story with an author that can utilize his potential to the fullest and give him the love and attention he deserves, because this series and Hori just wasn't it.
As for the Pro Heroes, they really were nothing in the end. All they can summed up as them just saying.
"Our society is bad, it's up to the next generation to make things better in the future. We need these teenagers to fight in wars because only they stand a chance compared to us bumbling adults!"
That's all that I get from them.
Stay tuned for next post where we'll look into society and how it's flawed, and what the characters do to change (not really) any of it.
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pinkestmenace · 19 days
Sometimes when I'm pondering the orbs/trying to scrape up what little characterisation there is of Galacta Knight so I can figure out how to write his character, the little quippy shotgun rider in the back of my mind chips in:
He's a 10, but he laughs like a demented seagull. "AAHAhahaha!"
He has the appetite and hubris of a seagull trying to swallow an entire hotdog.
He and Meta Knight are studying each other in a petri dish.
No fear -> Meets Bandee's Nana -> One fear
The elegance of a swan, the indomitable spirit of a territorial mother goose, the tenacity of a pigeon with a clubfoot. And the aggression of a swan.
Teeth teeth teeth goose tomia teeth 😬
Me, thinking: "Even after he chooses to better himself he's still not exactly a sweet person." Me-not-me: "That's-a spicy meatball!"
Have you ever looked a chicken in the eye? They remember when they were dinosaurs.
You can lead a Galacta Knight to healthy conflict resolution, but you can't make him drink.
He's a homing pigeon. Homing in on your location.
Instead of hitting him with the scary hands beam like Starflungwaddledee, you hit him with the scary teeth beam. And then the scary hands beam.
When all you have is a lance, everything starts looking like a target.
He's the Hero Circling the Origin. Circling it like a drain.
Uses 'fowl' language.
"Bah!" GK is Scrooge being tormented by the ghosts of his victims past, present and yet to come (and the grim reaper) to change his ways before it's too late.
GK is not really a man, because while he's bipedal he's not featherless.
Stabbing children isn't his favourite pastime. Teaching children how to stab, on the other hand...
This is less of a 'We can fix him if we hug him enough!'-fic and more of a 'We're showing him the tools to improve, but he has to pick them up himself. Which he won't do until he thinks he's worth it.'-fic.
His breakdown is like the emotional equivalent of draining pus from a festering wound.
The inherent homoeroticism of stabbing a man with a stubby pink lance...and then having to pull it out by the shaft.
He's not entirely unhinged, but his hinges are rusty and failing.
Galacta Knight *gets hit with several deadly weapons*. "'Tis but a scratch."
Kirby stopping him: "I defeated him with the power of friendship! And this sharp stick I inhaled."
He has the petty meanness of a parrot.
He explodes recreationally.
Worse: he flies into the air, displays the colours of the pansexual flag and THEN explodes. Extremely straight behaviour.
Instead of the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone he contains the holy trinity of thwarted theater kid, world-weary butch and the Faggiest Grandfather in the Galaxy.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
He could absolutely kill you and might even laugh while doing so, but it's not so much him being gleefully murderous as:
Fighting is one of the few reprieves from his unfathomable boredom and frustration.
He thinks he's irredeemable so he might as well play the villain. He's not completely heartless, but why try being kind anymore when his role is fixed anyway? Phah! Nobody spares him, so why should he show mercy?
If people summon him they're asking for it + if he just stood there and let them kill him that would be unsatisfying for both parties.
He never learned how to deal with big complicated feelings except by lashing out.
By now the pattern of 'being summoned -> fight -> win or lose' is so deeply engraved into him he'd have to climb out of the groove, so he responds to any slight by competing.
He's so used to bloodshed he doesn't know how to have a normal conversation anymore.
I'm getting a better feel for him, but guess what: if characters live rent-free in your head you can put them in a terrarium of your choosing, but they will decide how to interact with it afterwards.
For example:
At this point I can't put Galacta Knight and King Dedede in a room together unsupervised because their massive egos make them bicker and posture at each other. (They're establishing pecking order/jealously trying to impress Meta Knight, who pretends not to notice. Bird rivalry go!) It would soon have them at each other's throats. They're surprisingly similar, but that also makes them absolutely allergic to each other. If you thought Dedede and Kirby had a rivalry, well, theirs is much worse. Kirby's perfectly happy to have a competition, but he's not (usually) interested in mocking his opponent, so that defuses the situation. But Galacta Knight's a sore loser and a smug winner. If DDD and GK ever do become friends it will grow out of a begrudging respect for each other's strength and the discovery they both like: a) Shitty puns, b) Sick Burns™ and c) Teasing Meta Knight.
On the other hand, after a rough start Galacta Knight and Kirby get along like a house on fire. Kirby's just not intimidated by him, so no matter what threats GK tries, he eventually has to accept he's being befriended. He has no choice. They beat each other up, make up, bake pancakes and have a sleepover. Yay! This does not stop him from being a bit of an untitled goose bastard. It just means Kirby's exempt from the worst.
He and Meta Knight are orbiting each other like binary stars trying to figure out why the other is definitely so much weirder and more unhinged.
MK: He tried to kill me on sight. I'm going to spare him to figure out why. Huh? He's so strong and beautiful! *Notices the serrated teeth and the unhinged seagull laugh.* Never mind.
GK: I am loath to gaze upon thy dim countenance, thou stupid anomalous manlet! Thou art short and ugly! I hate thee! ...I need to know more. Kiss me I mean I'll kill thee if thou touchest me!
He and Bandee are, uh, yeah. Strained is what I would call it. GK feels disdain for people weaker than him, but admiration for the dedicated. Bandee is both of those things. So he settles for giving him a lesson in stabbing more effectively. Bandee is just ??? the entire time.
They all help him fix different aspects of himself. Kirby offered him a non-judgmental outlet for his emotions. Meta Knight made sure he was physically healthy. Dedede, reluctant as they both were about it, helped ground him in reality and showed him change is possible. Bandee helped him re-evaluate his priorities and values.
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It's less that he's suddenly developed a conscience and more that he's finally getting the chance to see them as people. Normally he gets summoned and has to fight immediately. There's no time to chat, or sit down, or think about anything but battle. With every clash with a familiar face his opponents feel more like advanced training dummies than people. It's just another iteration, they don't matter. But this time he crashed in the jungle, then had to survive on his own for six days. Once the adrenaline wore off he started feeling things like pain, hunger and loneliness. He had to find food, he had to find shelter, he had to deal with (well, avoid) noncombatants. He started using his voice again, he had time to think and see things beyond the battlefield. He didn't know what to do with himself.
So by the time this Kirby and Meta Knight show up he's in a completely different mindset. Especially when they try to reason with him. When they heal him and feed him and even invite him over. You can't really sit down with someone over a nice cup of tea without starting to see them as a person. Someone with opinions, needs and desires and insecurities. Not so different from you. And the more you see them as a person, the more you care about them and the more difficult it becomes to want to kill them.
Too bad that doesn't mean his unresolved grief and anger issues are completely gone. It just means that if he lashes out and kills them now he will regret it. Forever.
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Post Hatoful Dreams GK cooking like Gordon Ramsey.
GK: *Slaps bread on MK/DMK's face* "What art thou?"
MK/DMK: "An idiot sandwich."
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There's a war going on in his head between the touch-starved wet beast screaming "TOUCH ME! LOVE ME! HOLD ME! PLEEEASE!" and the vengeful side ready to kill and maim screaming "TRY ME. I DESPISE EVERYTHING ABOUT THEE, THOU FILTHY ITERATION OF MY NEMESIS!"
Now he finds himself in the middle, fickle and wishy-washy, craving affection, desperate to be accepted, but lashing out at any slight.
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