#sometimes our minds surprise us by being into things that contradict other ways that we think and act
ruelpsen · 6 months
ok TW: me/ntal il/lness and trau/ma mentions (to avoid stuff showing up in tags): but is anyone else in a weird spot like me... i have a re/str/ict/ive E/D but also a feedism kink.. ????? how. why. also. normal/vanilla sex & horny noises kind of gross me out usually unless im in a horny mood and not in a bad trau/ma moment lol. is anyone else like this?
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My experiences might not be exactly the same as yours (at least in regard to the first part), but I've been around here long enough to have seen that you are far from alone. I get so uncomfortable so quickly whenever people so much as bring up burping in casual conversation, as normal and/or gross of a thing it is to >99% of the population. It's hard trying to act natural and find a good way to change the subject without feeling awkward...
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archivalofsins · 1 year
It's that unbothered feeling of no concern for others that Mikoto and Yuno can only give. One blatantly dismissing it while the other behaves in a way that denotes care and consideration only because that's what's most appropriate to the environment they wish to advance in.
Today's timeline interaction really brought back to mind a conversation Yuno and Mikoto had earlier on. Because Yuno's birthday conversation really highlights and follows up on this previous conversation well.
Yuno: Hey, Mikoto-san. Don’t you get tired being so conscious of others all the time? I mean, you’re free to do what you want though.
Mikoto: Eh…… Aha, what are you talking about I’m not being conscious or anything. It’s normal to make sure to get along with everyone, right? I mean, when you put it like that, aren’t you the same, Yun-chan? You’re always smiling and getting on with everyone too.
Yuno: I don’t smile unless I actually want to. But with you, when you’re talking with other people it’s more like you only smile deliberately. So I kept thinking, don’t your cheeks get tired? Ah, is this just what happens when you become a working adult? ……you see people like that sometimes.
Mikoto: Haha, you don’t mince your words do you. …….that was never my intention, but now that you mention it, yeah, I guess I do. This might’ve been since I started my job too…… But like, if I was rude to everyone I met, all my efforts would come to nothing, right?
"I don't smile unless I actually want to."
"I can't smile well anymore; it's because of you."
Tear Drop
"Let's just do it, please smile?"
"If I was rude to everyone I met, all my efforts would come to nothing, right?"
"If I could end, if I could stop- How long would this dream go on?"
"If I could break it, if I could change- Can I do it; I wonder from when I started to give up?"
Voice line from the second trial teaser movie
Mikoto: [scream] You’re all fucking annoying! I’ll beat you all to death, pieces of shit!!!
*what follows may not be completely accurate since it's just my interpretation of this translation.*
23/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Kazui: You've been helping Shidou-kun, right? That's a bit surprising. You didn't seem to be the type to concern yourself with others.
Yuno: Hmm, what's this all of a sudden? It's not like you're wrong, I'm not really that interested in people. Under other circumstances I wouldn't even bother- But if someone is about to die in front of me, I'll help out. That's just normal, isn't it? Don't you view it that way too, Kazui-san? Despite helping too, you don't really seem invested on a fundamental level either.
Kazui: …Maybe. I'm not as sharp as Kashiki-chan. I was brought up in a world that was all about physical strength. So, I've never even thought about things like that.
Yuno: Haha, we're both liars, aren't we? The only difference between us is our reasons for lying. You lie to protect yourself, because you're important in your own eyes. For me, no one is particularly important- Even myself.
Both of their focus on how the way they behave is normal despite how emotionally uninvested in the action they are or if it directly contradicts their genuine feelings- Is just so interesting, and I think it should be highlighted more.
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ultramagicalternate · 17 days
ULTRAMagic Chaos Chapter 6
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“You ever get that feeling that someone you think you know is having trouble and you get a knot in your stomach?” Tusk asked as he took a seat.
“If we’re thinking about the same person, don’t worry. He has more answers than he realizes” Cyneberht assured.
Waltheof turned away from the window to face his guests. “I have never envied those of the third dimension within the Cosmos Proper. That is a fate I wouldn’t even subject Wulfric to… maybe Karnage though.”
Mizuki was a little confused. “It can’t be that bad, can it? Is this mystery person dealing with his own demon lord?”
Cyneberht gave a remorseful chuckle. “I take it you're unfamiliar with the digital age?”
“Lady Arlotti told me to avoid those ‘computer’ things. She said they’re nothing but trouble.”
“A good call on her part” Waltheof commented.
“Well, I mean, video games seem pretty fun,” Razor pointed out.
“Absolutely,” Cyneberht agreed. “The issue arises when you pair the messiness of computing with a close minded society obsessed with gain and wealth.”
Razor exhaled. “Oh, so we’re talking about those nutcases. Dad warned me not to leave The Unlight over that.”
Waltheof nodded. “Agreed. You don’t need to enter the Cosmos Proper to protect it. Some of the civilizations there are quite backwards. Most 20th to 21st century Earths make the Void Orcs look like Kleitos’ scholars. And that’s not an insult to either of them.”
Mizuki nodded with a look of amusement. “Normally I would rebuke that, but I’ve seen my fair share of bakageta hito in my time…”
Tusk laughed. “I don’t even want to begin to imagine how General Thrasher would react to the Earth Milosh came from…” He then exhaled, letting out a bunch of air. This was noticed by Razor and Mizuki.
“What the… Tusk, did you just… oh what’s the word?” Razor said with a few finger snaps.
“Photosynthesize?” Cyneberht suggested.
He nodded. “Yeah, that.”
Tusk stretched his arms out. “Yup. Sometimes I go a little overboard when I’m worried. It eases my nerves regardless.”
“So you’re actually a plant then?” Mizuki questioned.
“What do you think?”
She was amazed, giving a respectful bow. “Thank you, honorable tree.”
That made him smile. “Well on behalf of my people and forests everywhere, you’re welcome. Honestly you should spend some time in The Unending Forest regardless. I think my family will like you.”
Mizuki giggled. “Thank you, I graciously accept.”
“You’ll definitely like Sigmund, Mizuki,” Waltheof replied. “He’s a good man with a strong soul and a heart of gold.”
“No surprise there given that he idolized Ealdhelm growing up” Cyneberht pointed out.
Razor and Mizuki looked at Tusk, who was smiling. “How do you think I found Ealdhelm in the first place? He was my dad’s teacher.” Feeling bored, Tusk got up and retrieved a toy from Waltheof’s shelves. It reacted to ULTRAMagic, taking various shapes as it was influenced. “Enough about me though. I want to know what Ealdhelm’s been up to.”
“Yearning for love,” Waltheof answered. “Ealdhelm’s dam finally broke in the best way possible.”
“We’ve been concerned about his mental state for some time now” Cyneberht continued. “Ealdhelm has been a bit stiff, prior to Wulfric and Delhpine’s wedding. One of our tenants used to be no romance to keep our minds clear, but that went right out the window when Ealdhelm began seeing Adelheid.”
Tusk thought about it. “Yeah, I can easily see that. Ealdhelm was a real off the cuff mentor, so I could see him together with someone disciplined like her.”
“The irony being that Adelheid thinks this is breaking her free of her nature. Her domains are Blood, Man, Vigor, and Medicine. All of these require her to be more orderly than the other gods, obviously being a contradiction given where we are. Adelheid desires to be more like Delphine. She thinks she can cut loose with Ealdhelm when in reality he’s satisfying her deepest desires for order. It’s a brutal cycle that we think Eadlhelm can tame.”
“That’s very touching, but does Adelheid truly need a man in her life?” Mizuki wondered. “I’ve been fine without one…”
“A fair question, Mizuki,” Waltheof answered. “It’s a ‘let’s wait and see’ kind of situation. I feel it’s best if we don't interfere.”
Mizuki noticed Tusk, who was giving her a weird look. “What?”
“You’re single, aren’t you?”
“Yes, and?”
“You’ve never had a lover?” Razor questioned.
Razor was flabbergasted. “You can’t go without a lover!” he cried. “Tell you what; I’ll be your boyfriend!” The others were starting to laugh.
“Sumimasen?” Mizuki was starting to blush.
“Yeah! I mean you're nice, polite, helpful, incredibly pretty…”
Waltheof noticed Mizuki had turned bright red and laughed. “Lad, lad, I think she’s out of your league at the moment.”
As Mizuki stormed off, ranting in Japanese, Tusk took Razor and gave him a noogie. “You little dog, you…” Razor laughed as he tried to get out of his grip. “You’re putting the puppy in puppy love!”
“A word of advice, Razor,” Cynberht said once he was listening. “While some ladies appreciate boldness, some prefer a more refined approach. Get into their head, then into their good graces.”
He chuckled. “Okay, Cyneberht. I just felt bad for her after seeing how well Tusk and Donia are doing.”
His mentor laughed with a hint of pity. “Can’t fault you there. Isn’t there a lady wolf for you back in the forest?”
“I… I don’t know. I was so caught up in achieving ULTRAMagic that I wasn’t paying attention.”
Mizuki eventually calmed down and rejoined the conversation. Things went smoothly after that, as the conversation had been steadily shifting away from love and romance. Mizuki was not mad at Razor, just confused. She had always been a rather independent tomboy, so a proposal like that threw her for a loop. All of it was making her question just what she had stumbled into.
Dinner that night was fantastic as Osbeorn and his wife got to cook. They were fantastic chefs who took pride in their work. Afterwards, Tusk went for a small walk around the monastery when he encountered Maxima. She had actually been looking for him.
“Tusk, do you have a moment?” Her voice was very welcoming, like that of a friendly teacher.
“Sure. What’s up Maxima?”
The two started walking. “I heard Ealdhelm wanted to address Kleitos first. Is it alright if I accompany your group tomorrow?”
“Of course. Looking to sneak in some learning while you’re at it?”
“Absolutely. It’s the primary reason why I’m here at the moment. Tusk, I have a proposal for you. Would you like to be one of my acolytes? Learning is something that is paramount to me and I’ve heard a great deal about you. Personally I think I can help you with your alchemy and magic.”
Tusk pondered that. “Dad always said that you never stop learning. What do you have to teach me?”
“Atlantis made great strides before the schism that caused Vita and Antonia to move it to Atlangea. Personally I think a fresh perspective would be a boon to anyone’s alchemy.”
It sounded very appealing. “Alright, but what if I already know all you have to teach me? What then?”
“While I doubt that’ll happen, I would study under you Tusk. This relationship goes both ways: You learn from me and I learn from you. And if things go well, I could still end up teaching you something new regardless.”
“A very good point, Maxima,” Tusk conceded as he stroked his jaw. “Tell you what; if you want another good student, follow me.”
Tusk led Maxima to the room where Randalph was staying. The goatman was busy divining. He meditated while a sphere of energy hovered around him. It was an entrancing sight to behold as he hummed rhythmically with his eyes closed. Sensing his guests arrive, he slowly stopped, causing the energy orb to slowly fade away.
“Hello Tusk, Maxima. What can I do for you?”
“Maxima’s looking for students,” Tusk answered as he sat down.
“Goodness, how forthright” she quietly remarked. “Yes, Randalph. Tusk indicated that you also seek knowledge?”
“I’d say so” he replied with a hint of pride in his voice. “It’s the main reason I took up necromancy and divination.”
“I see. Could you tell me about yourself, if that’s okay with you? Also I’d like to hear a little bit about Limbo, if you don’t mind.”
Randalph was happy to oblige her. He was an average goatman from the wandering city of Thundee. His people were primarily alchemists with some necromancers. Randalph then explained how he met Tusk. The two had become acquainted with each other at The Thundee Academy of Mages and would not stop getting into trouble. This made Maxima laugh. It certainly endeared Randalph to her.
As for Limbo, Randalph definitely had some things to say about it. Limbo was a sub-realm of the insanely chaotic Purgatory, a place arguably more hectic than the Realm of Chaos itself. The irony was that Purgatory was supposed to be the realm of order. Randalph recounted entire land masses breaking away and falling into the abyss, only to reappear minutes later. He had always speculated that Purgatory, in trying to force itself to be orderly, turned into a realm of unholy chaos. Truthfully he preferred the Realm of Chaos as it understood its role in the Cosmos.
“Despite your lack of enthusiasm for it, Randalph, I would like to visit Limbo someday” Maxima admitted.
He chuckled. “If you have the fortitude for it. Why haven’t you done so already, if I may ask?”
“Oh, I’m just busy keeping watch over Earth, Atlangea, and my sisters. I’ve been worried ever since the relocation of Atlantis. It’s safe to say that things have been incredibly shaky since then.”
“I imagine the nonsense with the Discordant Gods isn’t helping either.”
“Not in the slightest.”
Tusk sighed. “I know how you feel, Maxima. It sucks having the weight of the Cosmos bearing down on you. Take it from me, don’t ever plant your feet in the ground and do nothing. You won’t go anywhere… literally.”
She smiled and chuckled. “Thank you, Tusk. I wish we had upstanding men like you two in our pantheon back in the day.”
“You can’t have a union of opposites with just one part of the union” Randalph replied. “It just won’t work because you have nothing to work with.”
“I know, right? I’ve talked about this countless times with Drusa and Octavia. In fact, it’s a contributing factor as to why Drusa went looking for Ermenrich, aside from wanting to see her husband again.”
“Ermenrich?” Tusk inquired.
“Her husband’s original name,” Maxima answered. “It’s rumored he’s going under another identity known as ‘Vexation.”
Tusk banged the desk. “Girl, if that’s the same Vexation I know, he is literally in The Iron City as we speak!”
Maxima gasped. “Oh my goodness…”
“We’ll have to visit Drusa once she makes her way to The Iron City” Randalph declared. “I presume he’s staying with Blood-Wraith, Tusk?”
“Yup. He’s also going to be teaching Blood his signature magic.”
“Tusk, could I meet Mr. Raynot sometime soon?” Maxima wondered.
“Why not? Given that he’s doing the guild thing and all.” Tusk looked around and nodded. “You know what? I got a good feeling about tomorrow. Want me to bring you back some books, Randalph?”
“If all goes well and Kleitos allows it, sure. We can have a jolly old book club and see what we can learn.”
Maxima gave a slight laugh in joy. “You two are just the nicest alchemists I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to start working with both of you.”
“Don’t be afraid to stop by the forest when you get the chance” Tusk said as he shook her hand. “We’d love to have you.”
“Thank you, Tusk. I’ll definitely visit when I have the chance.”
Next: Chapter 7
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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pooma-bible · 6 months
Praise the Lord servant of God.
We all want to hear from God. The very idea that the maker of the universe would want to have a relationship with us and speak to us is incredible! Of course we want to hear His voice. But it’s sometimes confusing. Am I hearing God’s voice, or is it my own inclinations (which are often sinful), the voice of the world, or worse yet—the voice of Satan?
Here is a brief list of what God's voice is.
1- AUTHORITATIVE. God is the Supreme Creator, the Almighty who commands creation with but a Word. He speaks and it is done. Over and over again in the gospels we are told that the crowds were amazed at Jesus because he spoke as one with authority (e.g., Luke 4:32). He stilled a mighty storm with a single word—Peace (Mark 4:39). There is a settled finality to the voice of God. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.—Isaiah 46:10. God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can't even imagine the greatness of His power.—Job 37:5. The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble. God’s voice thunders, and the earth melts!—Psalm 46:6
2- SCRIPURAL. The undeniable, authoritative voice of God is found in the pages of Scripture. It is the full revelation of His ways and His will. Therefore, when we hear the voice of God speaking into a particular situation in our lives, it will never contradict Scripture. Rather, it will confirm, complement, and apply the timeless truths of the Bible. And the Holy Spirit also testifies that this is so. For He says, “This is the new covenant I will make with My people on that day, says the LORD: I will put my laws in their hearts and I will write them on their minds.”—Hebrews 10:15-16. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.—2 Timothy 3:16-17
3- HOLY. The absolute and total perfection of God is the basis for all His other attributes. This is the one that the angels around the throne proclaim over and over again, declaring that God is not just holy, he is holy, holy, holy. Therefore, all of His words are pure. He will never tell you to sin, and will always speak in holy perfection. Attending Him were mighty seraphim, each having six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. They were calling out to each other, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with His glory!”—Isaiah 6:2-3. And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone else. —James 1:13
4- INSPIRING. God does not leave us where we are; He challenges us to grow in faith and love. To borrow C. S. Lewis’s words, He calls us further up and further in. If an idea seems surprising, like something you would not have thought of on your own, it may be God calling you. His ways are higher than yours, and when he invites you to join in His work He is calling you to something greater than yourself. We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.—Ephesians 2:10. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
• But it was to us that God revealed these things by His Spirit. For His Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.—1 Corinthians 2:9-12
5- CALM. God spoke to Elijah not in the windstorm, earthquake, or fire—but in a gentle whisper. He speaks in the stillness and calm. There is a peace that settles on our hearts when we are hearing the voice of God. There is no hurry or panic. We may be frightened by what He’s asking of us, but the voice itself is one of calm reassurance, peace, and love. After the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.—1 Kings 19:12-13
Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.—Psalm 46:10
6- SELF-GLORIFYING. Because God is the supreme being, the one who is deserving of all glory and honor and power, He is rightly about the business of glorifying Himself. Our very existence is designed to bring God glory (Jeremiah 13:11), and that is why Jesus came (John 12:27-28). God’s ultimate goal is to glorify Himself—to make His name great—so everything He speaks and does is for that purpose. For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the LORD.—Habakkuk 2:14. For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever! Amen.—Romans 11:36
7- RELATIONAL. The second purpose of God, beyond glorifying Himself, is to have a relationship with us. Everything He speaks is oriented toward connection with us, not separation. He invites us to come to Him and to repent so that we can draw near to Him and live in intimate relationship. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.—James 4:8. Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.—Revelation 3:20
8- God’s words are designed to draw us to repentance, and as such they convict us of our sin. But they are not condemning or shame-inducing: that is the voice of Satan, the accuser. God speaks words of life that lead us to repentance, not words of death. Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?—Romans 2:4. Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last—salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth—the one who accuses them before our God day and night.”—Revelation 12:10
9- WISE. God’s words are wise beyond mere human wisdom, for He is the source of all wisdom. But that doesn’t mean His words always make sense according to human wisdom or will be popular in the world’s eyes. Spiritual truth is understood Spiritually, through the work of the Holy Spirit, and sometimes God’s words sound like foolishness to those who don’t know Him. People who aren’t Spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are Spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are Spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach Him?”—1 Corinthians 2:14-16. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.—Isaiah 55:9.
10- DISCERNABLE. I think one of the main fears Christians have is that they will miss the call of God. But we needn’t be afraid of that—God Himself has promised that those who seek Him will find Him, and that those who belong to Him will hear His voice. The Holy Spirit helps us in this task. As long as we are striving to know God, intending to obey Him, and listening for His call, we will hear God’s voice when He speaks. The sheep recognize His voice and come to Him.
He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. After He has gathered His own flock, He walks ahead of them, and they follow Him because they know His voice. They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice.—John 10:3-5.
• In summary, we are required to discern God's voice everytime in life to be able to follow Him. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.—John 10:27. May the Almighty God help us follow Him at all times in Jesus Mighty name.
Pr Nebayosi Bizige - Christ For All Nations Ministries Nansana- Uganda.
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rollypolymath · 9 months
Last time on "Airplane to Nowhere"
Sandra (canvasser, on airplane): Excuse me sir, do you have time for abortion today?
Briar (airplane passenger): Wait, what? Aren't we on an airplane that has no destination? An indeterminate flight-time?
Sandra: yes…and women on this vessel need abortions, sir.
Briar: …
Sandra: If you'll allow them, sire! Excuse them!
Briar: …huh?
Sandra: Oh, give me a break. Clearly, you don't have time.
Briar: I was ju…
Sandra: …and if you did, you clearly don't value it all that much, as you're pissing it all away on this argument…
Briar: …rather than…
Sandra: something productive, you prick! I'm a human being, also!
Briar: I can see that…
Sandra: Get lost! I hope your part of the plane crashes and burns violently, tight eyes!
Briar: Tight eyes? What the…
Sandra: Fuck off, slimeball.
Cedrik (passenger, Briar's friend): What was that all about?
Briar: Did you hear that question?
Cedrik: Huh? No, she asked you a que…
Briar: "do you have time for abortion today?" …
Cedrik: A classic conman's hook
Briar: What are you gonna say to that? "No?"
Cedrik: I mean…
Briar: it was a con_woman_'s hook, you sleeze.
Cedrik: Woah! Don't take your embarassment out on me…
Briar: Shit. Sorry. It's just, I answered in such an honest way…
Cedrik: What'd you even say?
Briar: I was surprised. Abortions aren't the first thing you think of on an airplane.
Cedrik: And you think a random stranger on the plane would ask you that question…for…what? For fun?
Briar: I dunnoo…
Cedrik: Get a little snicker at another's tragic circumstances?!
Briar: Dude! We're not talking about anyone in particu…
Cedrik: A little guffaw at another's unfortunate predicament? Is that it?
Briar: Come on, don't be so loud!
Cedrik: You think the idea is something to joke about? You…you sicko!!?
Briar: What the hell, dude.
Cedrik: Sorry, but you tried to reflect that shit onto me and, again, sorry--but I'm invincible.
Briar: Well good for you.
Cedrik: You need to shake that shit out of you, bro.
Briar: Shake it? The fuck?
Cedrik: Yeah, like, think of all your experience as a kind of life-matter that is metabolised by the nervous system. Except, the digestive-nervous system tends to have a wide range of metabolising-rates dependent on the contents of the sensory meal.
Briar: Okay…and that all sounds like crockshit!
Cedrik: A crock-of-shit, and, to put it in a TLDR format: sometimes you don't shit after an experience for years or decades even. And you, you still have shit that's backing your system up.
Briar: My "system"?
Cedrik: Yeah, your ability to experience the moment, or, rather, your conception of the moment. Your interpretive apparatus.
Briar: …sure…
Cedrik: and so the backup is creating a pressure imbalance through your whole entire system. Throwing everything off. If the clogs aren't worked out before new experiences impose themselves on the nervous-system, then we start getting clogs-of-clogs.
Briar: Soooo….
Cedrik: So, you let your own perceived discomfort of the social situation become the focus of communication. The focus of conversation. So, you, unwittingly, have people circling around whatever bullshit you have going on that day relative to all the ongoing shit you've had going for god knows how long.
Briar: …
Cedrik: And the sad thing is, since most of us are all suffering our own imbalances--our own clogs--, we don't have the time or nervous capacity to realize that we're actually helping someone else metabolise their own imbalances--and, actually, it's not uncommon for people to actually self-immolate by the sheer hatred they seemingly sow themselves in incredibly intricate and creative ways.
Briar: …so? Like, clogging other peoples toilets?
Cedrik: So, you were probably confused by the sitaution, is all. Maybe you were attracted to the woman, but you also consider yourself a compassionate person and somewhere in your mind a contradiction is formed which kicks on that UNKNOWN alarm and the body gets to work predicting a future that it has not yet experienced before. However, in your case, the whole process short-circuited and you simply reduced yourself to a state of inncocent vulnerability. In realizing this, you became embarassed, and then freaked out, and so rendered yourself as someone shocked to think of abortion on an airplane, as you said it. Rather than just hearing the words and answering the question.
Briar: That's what I was…
Cedrik: Ah! Not quite. The unclogged system can answer however it wants. The point is that it knows what it wants. You, however, didn't. You were both horny and compassionate which don't absolutely coincide. Your communication was caught between being an attractive man as well as a philanthropic one, all in an ambiguous social context. You skewed toward the attraction, and so you insulted the interests of the woman asking you a question.
Briar: What, how?!
Cedrik: You spoke as if her question were rhetorical and interpreted it in precisely the opposite way it was intended to be brought up!
Briar: How was that?
Cedrik: Seriously! She was asking the question seriously!
Briar: But is it really so obvious that she should be taken seriously?
Cedrik: Look at this airplane! Look at the freeze-burning world below us!
Briar: And?
Cedrik: The worst case scenario is that you act seriously and she's joking. Is that really such a big deal?
Briar: I guess not…
Cedrik: Not unless you think that it's YOU being laughed at, you oaf! No, people laugh at the unexpected. Maybe you are funny, but one laugh from someone isn't gonna prove that. Want to know what would?
Briar: What?
Cedrik: A series of serious interactions where you remain vulnerable rather than masking it whenever it crops up.
Briar: I still don't…
Cedrik: It's not about you! It's about everyone that you depend on to any degree, which is large, and so the best way to handle things is honestly. When you're honest, you can find and see yourself in the world. You can communicate. That's how people become invincible.
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emily-smx · 3 years
Lies of Omission
I know that this scene has been discussed hundreds of times already, and there are probably posts out there that are very similar to this one. However, I saw this being brought up again on Instagram, and I feel the need to say my bit about it.
The question brought up over and over again is “Why did Scott believe Theo over Stiles?”.
He didn’t.
In the entire scene, there’s never once the question of whose story he should believe – as far as the boys are concerned, there is only one story. That’s what causes the miscommunication.
I also noticed something else while watching the scene: nothing that Stiles said actually contradicted Theo’s story.
To go into more depth, I’m going to go through each bit of the dialogue and explain what’s basically being said from each character’s point of view.
[Scott holds out the bloody wrench]
Stiles: Where did you get that?
Scott: This is yours? Why didn't you tell me?
Stiles: I was going to...
Scott: No, but why didn't you tell me when it happened?
Stiles: I couldn't.
So far, it’s pretty straightforward.
Scott shows Stiles the wrench, who immediately reacts in a guilty manner. It’s important to note that Scott’s “This is yours?” holds quite a bit of surprise in it, so he clearly hadn’t already made up his mind about what happened.
Stiles takes the wrench and looks at it, while Scott asks him “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I know that, to some people, his question implies that he’s already leapt to a conclusion about what happened, but this isn’t necessarily the case. He hasn’t specified what it is he believes Stiles has done; all this shows is that he knows something big has happened.
Stiles’ response sounds incredibly guilty, and he struggles to look Scott in the eye. It’s clear at this point that he’s done something bad.
Scott: You killed him? You killed Donovan?
Stiles: Well, he was going to kill my dad. Huh? Was I supposed to just let him?
Scott: You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are.
This is where it starts to get more confusing.
Scott asks whether Stiles killed Donovan, and again the surprise and disbelief in his voice shows that he hadn’t already made up his mind prior to this conversation.
Stiles responds by telling him “he was going to kill my dad [...] was I supposed to just let him?” (i.e. “I killed Donovan because he was going to kill my dad”).
The worst thing about this is that it essentially confirms what Theo was saying. Theo said “maybe it was because he threatened to kill his dad”.
It also implies to Scott that this was not self-defense, because Stiles’ dad wasn’t there. Instead, it tells Scott that Stiles chose to kill Donovan because he couldn’t risk Donovan hurting his father.
Also, Stiles is asking Scott “Was I supposed to just let him [kill my father]?” (i.e. “was I supposed to let him go free and risk him killing my father?”)
If Stiles had explained how much he regretted it, Scott (despite still not knowing the whole story) would likely have reacted differently. Instead, it sounds to Scott as though Stiles has done something terrible and is now defending it.
Hence, he replies by essentially saying that no, his response was not justified. “You weren't supposed to do this.”
Stiles: You think I had a choice?
Scott: There's always a choice.
This is where it’s important to look at the different viewpoints. Scott is still under the impression that Stiles killed Donovan to protect his father. So, from his point of view, Stiles did have a choice.
Stiles: Yeah, well, I can't do what you can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would have just figured something out, right?
Scott: I'd try.
Stiles: Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the True Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be True Alphas! Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!
Once again, it’s clear that they’re talking about completely different things.
Stiles is talking about what he can do physically. He’s saying that he couldn’t easily fight off Donovan the way that Scott could have. He’s saying that Scott could have found a solution that didn’t end in one of them dying.
But Scott still doesn’t know that. He still thinks that Stiles killed Donovan by using disproportionate force, because he was scared that if Donovan survived then he’d harm his father. From his point of view, Stiles is saying that murder was the only option, and he couldn’t figure something else out.
So he responds by essentially saying that yes, he would try and figure out another solution to protect his father and also not kill Donovan.
It’s an entirely reasonable response, but obviously from Stiles’ point of view, Scott is being very unfair here. This, along with the fact that he’s being crushed under guilt and stress and anger, causes him to lash out.
Scott: So you had to kill him?
Stiles: Scott, he was going to kill my dad!
Scott: But the way that it happened... There's a point when it's... It's not self-defense anymore!
Stiles: What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott!
Scott, to his credit, doesn’t get angry, and instead gets back to the main point. He’s clearly very desperate at this point, desperate for there to be something he’s missed.
So he asks whether Stiles had to kill him – note that this isn’t simply if Stiles killed Donovan, it’s more about whether it was the only choice. Keep in mind, that Scott cares a lot about Stiles. He doesn’t want to fall out with him.
Unfortunately, Stiles’ response only emphasised what he’d previously claimed, making it sound like that was his only reason.
This is where both characters should have paid more attention to each other’s words. Scott’s comment about “the way that it happened” should have driven Stiles to questioning what he thought had happened; and Stiles’ confusion should have again made Scott question whether he had the story right.
However, they’re both upset and stressed, and so it’s understandable that at this point they aren’t thinking clearly and rationally.
Stiles: You don't even believe me, do you?
Scott: I want to.
Stiles: Okay. All right, so... So, believe me, then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me.
[Stiles steps forward brandishing the wrench and Scott flinches]
Scott: Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save.
Stiles: Say you believe me!
Scott: We can't kill people. Do you believe that?
This is where everybody hates Scott, but again it’s taking everything out of context.
When Stiles says “believe me”, he means “believe me that there was no choice, I was about die and it was an accident”, but Scott hears “believe me that my only choice was to kill Donovan to protect my dad”.
Scott wants to believe that Stiles’ actions were necessary, but he knows that killing somebody to prevent the possibility of something else from happening in the future is not justified (especially when there are other ways they could have protected his dad).
Also, Theo was cunning and he told Scott “maybe Stiles thought he had to keep going to defend himself” – which feeds into Scott’s belief that Stiles might have thought it was his only choice, despite this not being the case.
I also want to point out that Scott flinching is likely due to the trauma of Void Stiles. In Letharia Vulpina (3x19), by the animal clinic in the pouring rain, Void Stiles tortured Scott. The similarities of the situation likely caused him to flinch (and then there’s obviously the fact that flinching when somebody steps forward with a weapon is a completely natural response, even without all the trauma).
Stiles: Well, what do I do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be... Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me-- what do you want me to do?
Scott: Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe... Maybe you should talk to your dad.
This is when Stiles essentially gives up. From his point of view, he’s tried defending himself, but Scott is still condemning him; he’s being blamed for something that was in no way his fault.
Instead of lashing out again, he accepts that he was at fault (although he wasn’t – it was his guilt that was persuading him that he was in the wrong), and begs Scott to tell him how he can fix his mistake.
Scott, who is also very overwhelmed, suggests he talk to his dad, who will be able to fix it and sort everything out.
I know some people equate this to Scott kicking Stiles out of the pack, but I really don’t think it is.
Scott saying “Don't worry about Malia or Lydia” is not him forbidding Stiles from speaking to them. It’s simply a callback to the beginning of the conversation, when Stiles informed Scott that he’d been unable to get in touch with Malia or Lydia.
And yes, he dismisses Stiles, but that’s because so many other things are going on. Hayden is directly behind them, dying in the animal clinic. Scott needs to go and help her, and Stiles being there will probably just increase the tension and make things more difficult.
In Conclusion:
It was a miscommunication. Scott and Stiles both thought they were talking about the same thing, which led to them not understanding what the other was trying to say.
Scott did not come into the argument already believing Stiles was guilty. His reaction to Theo’s story was, literally, “that’s not possible”. It was Stiles’ accidental confirmation of Theo’s story that led Scott to believe it was true.
“believe me” does not mean “believe my story”, because to their knowledge there was only one story.
Scott did not kick Stiles out of the pack.
I firmly believe that the only mistake either character made (beyond hiding the whole secret in the first place) is not pushing further to make sure they were both talking about the same thing. Scott should have asked for Stiles’ full story of the events, and Stiles should have explained what happened when he had the chance. It can, however, be put down to their mindsets at the time: Theo chose a good time to tell Scott, when both of them were already overwhelmed with all the events going on.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Enigmatic Feelings II
Characters: Beidou, Childe, Eula, gn!reader
Word Count: 5,402
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: In which the reader’s s/o is jealous
Author’s Note: Decided to tack on two characters to the request. This is my first time writing for Eula, and I think this prompt really fit her. She really reminds me of Kaguya Shinomiya in mindset, which is kinda hilarious. I hope I wrote her well!
In case you’re wondering, I kept all the NPCs gender neutral so that the reader might interpret them as they wish.
Beidou and her crew tended to get drunk. Like, a lot. Rowdy parties soaked in alcohol, audible from Guyun Stone Forest to Qingce Village were simply part of ship culture. Though they might’ve been loud and somewhat disorganized, there was never any sense of overstepping boundaries, and things never ended up going too far.
Or at least that’s what Beidou would’ve liked to think. Watching you and another shipmate moseying up to one another was a surprisingly unpleasant experience, and Beidou took another swig of her flask to wash out the acidic taste in the back of her mouth.
What did it even matter if someone was flirting with you? It was the end of a long haul, emotions were running high, and everyone knew that you were the captain’s partner. Everyone knew that nothing serious would come of a little flirting, and the occasional compliment or teasing remark towards you here and there had never really bothered Beidou before. She wasn’t about to be jealous of a few flirty shipmates; after all, the ability to sweet talk should probably be a requirement for signing up for piracy anyways.
Maybe it was just how blatant the flirting was, so different than the usual passing, good-natured banter. Beidou knew how well each of her shipmates could hold their liquor. She also knew how quickly norms and rules tended to be thrown out the window the moment one got plastered. Even if the shipmate meant nothing truly malicious or devious in their words, Beidou couldn’t rule out the fact that they were probably genuinely flirting.
Neither could she ignore the fact that you were distinctly flirting back. Beidou wasn’t really surprised by this turn of events, after all you’d always responded with a good natured tease at the remarks flown you way and even engaged in some meaningless flirting yourself towards the other members of the ship. It was part of ship culture after all, to be so open and careless. The sea was never calm or placid, why should her voyagers be so? Still, Beidou couldn’t deny the fact that she was uncomfortable by the current situation, protocol be damned.
A part of her wanted to go up and tell you right out; you were her partner, and she was sure that you’d be able to understand what she was feeling. Yet pride kept her at her seat, downing more liquor to distract herself from her conundrum. After all, it’d be kind of hypocritical of her to cultivate a familiar ship culture and then turn around and revoke it at the drop of a hat, wouldn’t it? Nor would it feel right to enforce rules upon others that she herself didn’t follow. It’s not like Beidou hadn’t ever flirted with or teased someone else without thinking too much about it. How could she blame her crew for following her example?
Still the sight of you and your shipmate danced in front of her eyes, urging her to do something she’d surely regret. Beidou let out a loud sigh, something that wasn’t ignored by the people around her.
“You alright captain?” Juza eyed Beidou worriedly. One of the other hard drinkers on the ship, Beidou knew that she couldn’t rely on alcohol to allay her Chief Mate’s worries.
“I’m fine!” She spoke loudly, plastering a large grin upon her face. “I was just thinking about how proud I am of all of you! How much of a tight-knit crew we are!”
Beidou could tell that she was garnering the attention of the rest of the shipmates and stood up. She had neglected to make a speech so far, so wrapped up was she in the scene playing out before her eyes. Clearing her throat Beidou held up her flask, the eager anticipation of her crewmates combining with the liquid fire in her system, causing a wave of rash confidence to run through her. At least she was an entertaining speechmaker.
“I look out upon the faces of warriors now! We may be somewhat irregular, an anomaly of the seas. However, that doesn’t change our bond, our fierce loyalty, our capabilities. I look out upon a group of people closer than family! Perhaps you’ve had brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles, but tell me this! Could any of those members of your previous lives fight back to back with you? No! They could not! We are a special breed, and there will never be anyone who can understand us as we can understand each other! And we ought to never forget this! Do not forget the brotherhood forged by fire. I know that I never will!”
Cheers erupted from every corner as sailors drank gleefully. A few of the more out of commission crewmates were sobbing uglily, hugging whoever was in their vicinity and making slightly incomprehensible statements of affection and loyalty. Beidou sat down, smiling at the chaos in front of her. Yes, she really was part of a band of brothers, and there was no reason to forget or doubt that. Why was it then that she felt as if she’d been somewhat deceitful? And why was it then that her eyes once more drifted towards you and the sailor who was now enthusiastically slapping you on the back?
The rest of the night passed in a haze of alcohol, as Beidou downed drink after drink. She didn’t walk up to you, didn’t try to acknowledge the source of her unease. Why should she? It was a party after all, and there were other things to do. Passing out just as the sun was beginning its ascent once more into the sky Beidou wondered if she was always going to feel this way when anyone got slightly flirty with you. If so, well, she was in for a rough time.
The next day was greeted by a pounding headache. The sun was much too bright, and Beidou let out an annoyed yelp as she stumbled towards her window, trying to not fall flat on her face as she grasped for the curtains. Yanking on them awkwardly she had just managed to get them somewhat closed before there was a knock on her door. Cursing the captain drew herself up as much as she possibly could in her current state, hoping that her clothes didn’t look too much like she’d simply slept in them.
“Come in.”
“I thought you might want a pitcher of water.”
Your voice was soft and slightly apologetic. Letting out a sigh of relief Beidou nodded, allowing herself to stumble back towards her hammock and flop onto the blanket. Wow she had drank a lot last night. You walked over to her desk, steps too steady to be that of a hungover person. Pouring a glass of water you stared at Beidou as she drank, a question in your eyes.
“What is it? You seem to want to ask me a question.”
“Are you sure you’re up to answering?”
“Well now I won’t be able to rest until you tell me it.”
“Fair enough,” you smiled. “Was something wrong last night?”
“Whaddya mean?”
“I mean you didn’t even walk over to me once. I was kind of surprised, to be honest.”
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, I just want to know why you were avoiding me.”
“I wasn’t avoiding you.” Beidou wrinkled her nose. Her head throbbed in protest and she quickly dropped the expression, sighing before taking another drink of water. “Well, perhaps I was slightly avoiding; but it’s wasn’t your fault.”
“Whose fault was it then?”
Beidou paused, trying to gather her thoughts as she searched for an answer. “You know that I don’t mind some familiarity on this ship.”
“Yes, as you so eloquently put last night,” you giggled slightly. Ignoring the subtle tease Beidou continued on.
“Well, I mean it; but it seems like I’m not very good at following my own rules. That shipmate you were flirting with last night? I just, I don’t know. Normally I don’t mind, y’know? But this time, well, it couldn’t stop bothering me. Even though you didn’t seem to mind it at all.”
“I didn’t mind it because he was drunk off his ass.” You pointed out, voice still soft and understanding. Taking one of Beidou’s hands in yours you leaned over to press a quick kiss on your partner’s forehead. “I’m sorry to hear it was bothering you though.”
“It’s not just that,” Beidou admitted. It seemed the floodgates of her thoughts had opened, and now she felt the need to tell you everything. “It’s that I couldn’t even follow my own rules, that I couldn’t stop myself from feeling… almost resentful. A captain, a good leader, they follow their own rules. It’s the only way to whip all the idiots into shape. But I couldn’t do that, I failed last night; I failed as a leader, I failed as a partner. I couldn’t follow my own example. Some leader.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself,” you murmured. Squeezing Beidou’s hand you shook your head slightly. “I know that the people on this ship sort of see you as a goddess, which you are, to me at least. Still, even goddesses can sometimes have flaws. Besides, if a shipmate ever came to you with these fears you’d absolutely laugh it off, give them a pat on the back, and send them on their way. So maybe you should follow your own example in that way. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”
Beidou’s gut reaction was to contradict you, to point out once more how she had failed. However she was too tired, and your point was making a suspicious amount of sense. “Very well,” she smiled slightly, “you have a way with words darling. You sure you haven’t missed a career as a siren?”
“I already have a lovely sailor, thank you very much,” you giggled. Pressing soft kisses across Beidou’s cheeks you stood up. “Now drink a lot of water and get some rest. We can’t have our captain out of commission.”
“I trust I’m not the only one sleeping in today?”
“Oh definitely not! It’ll probably take a week before we’re in any shape to treasure hunt again.”
“So greedy!” You gasped in fake surprise.
“As if you didn’t know that when you signed up.”
“I don’t know I never pegged you as the jealous type,” you said in a sing-song voice. Beidou felt her cheeks redden.
Your laughter filled the cabin, bright and rejuvenating. Beidou couldn’t help but crack a small smile herself. How had she ever gotten so lucky in regards to her partner? Regardless of how, she wasn’t about to take you for granted.
Childe liked to think of himself as one of the “good ones” when it came to Harbingers to work under. Was he somewhat demanding and only expected the best when it came to combat? Well, yes. Did he regularly debase his coworkers and underlings? No, he wasn’t Scaramouche after all. As long as you were passionate in your drive to serve the Tsaritsa and as long as you never missed out on your training, well Childe was sure that he could never have a problem with you.
That was, in fact, not true.
One of the Fatui messengers had been talking to you for almost twenty minutes now, though about what Childe hadn’t the slightest idea. After all, he’d already gotten the message that he needed, and the messenger surely had no business with you – you didn’t even work for the Fatui. Still there the messenger stood and there you stood next to him, a small smile on your face as you let out a soft laugh in regards to whatever they were saying.
Childe knew that he had no reason to feel as he did, but that didn’t stop irritation from rising inside him, and a sudden urge to flaunt his superiority that he usually reserved for the field of battle rose up inside of him. He didn’t quite understand why he was suddenly struggling against the urge to run up to you and throw his arms around you, but the urge was certainly there. What in Teyvat were you talking to that messenger about? What could possibly take up so much of your time? Considering the small fragments of conversation that made it to his ears Childe ruled that it was nothing truly of importance.
Letting himself lounge even more across his office chair Childe let out a slight sound of annoyance. Weren’t the two of you doing something before the nuisance came along? Sure, it wasn’t necessarily the most important thing, but discovering the best place in Liyue to study the stars was hardly worthless. After all, being somewhere high up and with a good view meant a better survey of the land around you. Who knew when some pesky Millelith or intrepid adventurer might try to attack the Fatui members scattered across the plains and mountains in Liyue? It was imperative to have eyes on everything, certainly more important than whatever this was!
Finally giving into his rising irritation Childe walked over to the two of you. Slinging an arm around your shoulder, Childe tried to give the messenger a smile that didn’t convey ‘scram or I’m kicking you out’. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but my partner and I have business to do and I’m sure that your other messages won’t deliver themselves. To the Tsaritsa information is everything and all that, so you should probably make sure people actually get said information.”
“Oh, uh, yes my lord. I’m sorry.”
The messenger pulled himself up straighter, giving an awkward bow. Turning to go the messenger didn’t fail to turn back around to give you one last smile. Accentuating his smile once more Childe finally detached himself from you as the messenger walked out of the office, shutting the door softly behind him.
After that the messenger seemed to be showing up everywhere. Childe could’ve sworn he was getting more mail in a week than he had in all his previous months in Liyue. Not to mention how awkward the timing of the deliveries seemed to seemed to be. What was the point of getting “important” mail right before the Bank ostensibly closed? What was Childe supposed to do with the information now? Never mind the fact that the letters and notes he was getting seemed to be getting more and more mundane, even nonsensical. A shipment of weaponry to be picked up, that might be important. But specifications on the renovations Dottore was making on his lair? Why would Childe ever need to know something like that?
Nor did it escape Childe’s notice that these messages always seemed to come with at least twenty minutes of conversation with you. How was the Harbinger supposed to concentrate when someone was yakking away in his office? Besides, what did it matter to you what this person’s favorite flowers were? Childe knew that the Tsaritsa was often quite ingenious in her schemes, but he truly couldn’t see what relaying someone’s favorite flowers could do? Had he mentioned before that you weren’t even a member of the Fatui?
Every day the messenger would endlessly chat with you about the stupidest things, and every day Childe would end up interrupting the two of you. What started with slinging an arm around your shoulder was slowly escalating. First it was an arm, then two, then an arm around your waist, then a head on your shoulder. One time he’d even pulled you right against him, smiling slightly as you let out a squeak of surprise.
Of course Childe knew what he was experiencing, was not necessarily unfamiliar with the concept of jealousy. Still, he wasn’t about to tell you about it. After all jealousy was a shallow, grasping sort of emotion; something that caused generals to fight against one another to approach him or the Harbingers instead of tending to their own troops. Jealousy was a useless sort of emotion, and not one that a warrior such as himself ought to feel. Besides, did he really need to feel jealous about an annoyingly persistent messenger? They were hardly above a weed in the hierarchy of things.
Still, Childe couldn’t exactly deny that he was feeling jealous. Avoidance was one thing, deceit was another. Even if he didn’t want to tell you about what he was feeling, he would never lie to you about it. Which is why at the end of another tedious twenty minute conversation when the messenger had finally left and you turned around to ask him if something was wrong Childe found himself frozen, stuck between quite the rock and a hard place.
“Why would you ask such a question darling? Does something seem wrong to you?”
“Childe, please. You’ve been clingier than barnacle recently. Are you even supposed to be at the office today; weren’t you supposed to inspect an outpost in Dragonspine today?”
“I just wanted to spend some time with my wonderful, amazing partner! Is there something wrong with that?”
“For you? Yes, there absolutely is. Childe, are, are you upset about something?”
Childe stared at you for a moment, crumbling under your persistent gaze. He could tell that you were worried, could tell in the slant of your mouth and the furrow of your brow. He couldn’t very well say no. That would be lying after all. He was upset about something, even if it was something utterly beneath him. He was still upset.
“That messenger has been annoying me.”
“The one that just left?” You turned to look at the closed door behind you, a puzzled expression on your face. “But why?”
“Isn’t it obvious? They’re flirting with you.”
“They’re not!” Your expression was incredulous, but you paused for a moment, obviously thinking about something very seriously. “At least, I don’t think they are. Are they?”
“Yes,” Childe let out a snort. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice. Why else would they be delivering the most worthless information before chatting with you when they should be somewhere else?”
“I guess you’re right,” you admitted. “But Childe, it’s not like I’d ever be interested in them. I mean, I can see how it’d be kind of annoying to have someone invade your personal space, but why the clinginess?”
Childe stared at you for a moment. “You’re kinda dense you know.”
“I’m not!”
“Oh you absolutely are. How else would you not realize that I’m jealous?”
“Well, well because I don’t know. You just don’t seem the jealous type. Besides, it’s not like I’d ever have interest in anyone other than you. I don’t know, I just don’t see the point.”
“You really are dense.” Childe smiled a small, frustrated smile. Letting his head drop into the crook of your neck he let out sigh. “I know that there’s no reason that I should’ve be jealous. I just, am. I don’t know why, but seeing that messenger flirting with you for days on end, I couldn’t help it.”
“Hey, it’s alright.” Your tone shifted slightly as you reached up to card gentle fingers through Childe’s orange locks. “Sometimes we’re just weird like that. Just as long as you know that you never have reason to be jealous, then you can be jealous sometimes. Alright?”
“Alright.” Childe whispered, finally letting himself relax a bit.
Raising his head he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You let out a small purr of happiness, gladly reciprocating. The weight on the Harbinger’s chest lightened, and he was finally met with the feeling of lazy contentment.
“Now, don’t you have an inspection to attend?” You smiled indulgently. “Go on, I’ve got errands to do anyways. As much as I appreciate the attention, you have to lessen the clinginess, okay?”
“Can’t make any promises darling.”
The sound of your indignant squawk, combined with Childe’s laughter, chased him out of the room and down the staircase.
As a member of the esteemed Lawrence family Eula was confident in the fact that such base emotions as jealousy were utterly beneath her. What did people take her for? A commoner? What a presumptuous line of thought!
No, it was certainly not jealousy that Eula was feeling right now. What a preposterous notion. She was simply irritated that a Guild member had forgotten all respect due to the Knights of Favonius. After all, you were a part of Mondstadt’s frontline protectors, a far cry from those poor fools who relied only upon commission to prove their worth. Yes, it was simply how presumptuous that lowly Guild member was being, taking up your time on your patrol across the parapet of the wall surrounding Monstadt, to engage in such a frivolous act as flirting.
Surely there was nothing more to it? No, it was not even worth it to pose such a stupid question. After all, what was a lowly adventurer to Eula? A nuisance, perhaps, but nothing more. Certainly nothing to be worried about. There was no reason to pause at the tower door, no reason not to simply walk over to you, her partner and coworker. Your time on patrol was done, it was time to come in. Why then was she hesitating?
“You must love the view up here,” the adventurer smiled widely.
“Yes, it’s very nice!” You were all smiles.
“I’m sure it’s made all the more beautiful by your presence,” the adventurer pressed on.
“Ah, t-thanks,” you replied, smiling again and reaching to grasp the back of your neck. “Really, you’re too kind.”
“Not at all!”
The adventurer appeared to want to say something else, but Eula had long ago decided that things had gone too far. Who did this mere Guild member think they were?
“Your time is up soldier, you are needed in the afternoon meeting.”
Eula tried to keep her posture as correct as possible, looking straight past the interloper to you. You seemed to brighten, rushing over to Eula and nodding enthusiastically.
“Eula! Of course! I’ll be down, right this instant.”
“Good,” Eula replied, giving a curt not. Glancing over towards the adventurer she crossed her arms. “As for you, layawaying a knight of Favonius is a blemish upon the Adventurer’s Guild. Such a discretion surely must be paid with vengeance. Mark my words, I will not let this deed go unpunished.”
The adventurer stiffed. Taking a step towards Eula their face contorted into a snarl. “Listen here you Lawrence –”
“We’ll be going now!” You jumped in, glancing at you Eula nodded. Turning around she kept her features neutral. However she noticed the way you gestured apologetically at the fool before going to follow Eula, expression one of undeniable embarrassment.
Perhaps it was too much to hope that the adventurer might’ve learned their lesson. There they were the next day, standing right in front of you, acting as if yesterday’s squabble had never happened. Talking your ear off just as before Eula couldn’t help but frown at how they were to you, how they always seemed just about to brush their fingers against yours. How crude to do such a thing to a perfect stranger.
“Dear, is everything alright?”
Your voice snapped Eula out of her reverie. The two of you were walking towards Headquarters to grab your extra equipment before heading home. Normally Eula cherished such quiet moments, feeling like they were the few times when she could be utterly confident, utterly herself. This time however she found the events of the week pressing on her. Only managing to nod Eula quickened her pace slightly, as if to outrun the feelings that were growing inside her.
 “Hey, is something wrong?”
Eula lifted her gaze away from the papers she’d been halfheartedly scanning, her eyes meeting Amber’s. Eula would be the first person to admit that she wasn’t exactly sure how she had become friends with the eccentric Outrider. Indeed most of the things about Amber on paper grated Eula quite a bit. Still Amber was probably Eula’s closest coworker – other than you – and closest thing to a best friend that Eula had. It was perhaps unsurprising that Amber should notice something was wrong, and Eula was almost pleased by the fact that Amber was concerned about her.
“Nothing of great importance,” the knight replied. “There is only a nuisance which has been taking up a great deal of time and seems to still be interfering, despite all my efforts.”
“What kind of nuisance?” Amber tilted her head. Eula looked away, staring at the shelves that lined her office. She didn’t really want to look her coworker in the eyes.
“A, human nuisance. There has been an adventurer from the Guild who has been taking up a great deal too much of my partner’s time. They are utterly too presumptive in familiarity, and I feel that they are jeopardizing the Knights of Favonius with their irresponsible actions. Yet, despite all my efforts, they refuse to rethink their devious ways. It is no small problem.”
“That does sound very unpleasant.”
“Indeed, and yet I know not what to do. My reprimands have fallen on deaf ears.”
“Have you thought of maybe telling your partner.”
“Why would I ever reveal such feelings to my partner?!” Eula whipped her head around to look at Amber. The smile on her face was somewhat self-congratulatory.
“Eula, can I ask if you’ve considered something?”
“What is that?” Whatever Amber was about to say, it wasn’t going to be good.
“Have you considered the possibility that you might be jealous?”
“What, what nonsense! As if I should ever fall prey to such, to such base sensibilities!” Eula felt her face redden. Finding a particularly dirty spot upon the ground Eula stared intently past her friend. No, surely Amber was wrong.
“If you say so,” Amber shrugged. “But you might want to think about it. I mean, if I were feeling jealous I’d want to tell my partner. Besides, isn’t it the duty of a knight of Favonius to be honest and true?”
“You’re taking this awfully seriously,” Eula mumbled.
“Maybe,” Amber smiled, “but I do care about you. Remember that.”
With that the Outrider grabbed the paper she’d presumably been looking for and walked out the door before Eula could think of any sort of comeback. Turning her gaze back to her work Eula let out an exasperated sigh. Vengeance would be required against her coworker for such a ridiculous suggestion.
It was beginning to get on evening as Eula raced towards your regular guard spot. She’d worked later than usual today, probably spurned on by irritation at Amber’s ridiculous suggestions, and now Eula hoped that you hadn’t given up waiting for her and decided to go home. Climbing up the stairs her mind drifted once more to what Amber had said. Jealous? A member of the Lawrence clan was jealous? No, it was surely ridiculous. I mean, sure, she found the majority of her family members repulsive and vain and lazy to a fault, but surely she had to take something out of all the time she had spent within their midst. Besides, appearances had to be kept up, if only for the song and dance that the other people of Liyue insisted on continuing, long after it had stopped being of any use.
And yet, if she really was jealous, which of course she wasn’t, wouldn’t it be right to tell you? It was these thoughts that chased Eula. As she reached the top of the stairs to the opening of the parapet she decided that, if Amber’s theory were somehow proved right, she would tell you. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, the familiar silhouette of an adventurer meant it was the perfect time to figure this question out.
“It’s pretty late, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I suppose it is,” you smiled. “Still, Monstadt must be guarded day and night, mustn’t it?”
“Ah yes, the Knights must do all they can to protect our glorious city. Still, would there not be another reason for you staying up here so late?”
“Not particularly,” you shook your head.
“Are you sure about that?” The adventurer leaned towards you. Eula once more felt her heart seize up with that now all too common emotion. Was this jealousy?
“Uhm, I’m pretty sure.” The more that Eula had watched this song and danse the more she had realized how awkward you seemed around this person.
“Oh come on, a lonely figure looking out from on a wall, it’s sounds pretty story-like doesn’t it? Then again, you are straight out of a fairytale.”
“Thanks,” you replied, laughing somewhat awkwardly.
At this point Eula had come to a decision. Regardless of what this emotion was, and she was becoming increasingly worried it was, in fact, jealousy, you still seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable. Walking out onto the parapet she took your hand, glaring at the adventurer which stood across from you.
“I see you are once more distracting one of the Knights.”
“They didn’t mind, did you?” The adventurer’s mouth screwed up into something resembling a sneer. When you said nothing they shook their head. “You just had to come and make everything awkward; typical of a Lawrence member to be such a pain in the ass.”
“And now you insult one of the Knights! Indeed, the punishment will surely be great; and, until I decide what punishment is to be meted out, I suggest you take your leave.”
“You can’t tell me what to do!” The adventurer sputtered, but Eula merely smiled.
“Indeed I can. If I find you harassing one of our Knights one more time, know that I will not be so lenient as to merely give you a warning.”
“I wasn’t harassing anyone!”
“Distracting them then, making them unable to perform their duties, being a public nuisance. Do any of these serve you better?” Eula waved her hand. “Not that the terminology matters at this point. What matters is that you stop your current behavior.”
“Please just listen to what Eula says,” you piped up. Smiling a small smile you walked over to the adventurer. “I know that you were just trying to flirt, but I think that you should shoot your shot elsewhere now. Okay?”
The adventurer looked slightly red in the face, though whether it was embarrassment or anger was anyone’s guess. Slinking away, grumbling something under their breath, the Guild member was soon down the stairs and out of sight.
Sighing loudly you turned to Eula.
“Thanks for that. I mean, really! I don’t think they were trying to be actively malicious, but really sometimes you just have to read a room! I’m just glad I didn’t have to break it to them by myself.”
Staring at the stones under her feet Eula found herself mumbling something.
“It, it wasn’t for your sake.”
“Ah yes, I know, it was for the honor and glory of the Knights of Favonius! Still, thank you.”
“No, I didn’t mean that. It was that, well, Amber’s been talking to me.”
“Amber?” You tilted your head, evidently confused by the sudden turn of the conversation. “What was she talking to you about?”
“About a very foolish emotion, one that I would never dream of feeling myself. And yet, I, I do believe that maybe, just maybe mind you, it had a factor in, in my actions.” Unwilling to come right out with it Eula found herself frowning. “The audacity of her really, to imply that a member of the Lawrence family might experience something as base as jealousy!”
Looking up towards you Eula saw recognition pass over your features. For a moment you did nothing, then suddenly a small, soft smile broke out on your face. Walking over to Eula, you gently enclosed your partner’s hands in yours.
“Thank you for telling me Eula, I’m sure it must’ve been difficult.”
“I-I’m not sure about it yet!” Eula stammered. “Only Amber wouldn’t stop talking about it.”
“That does sound like Amber,” you let out a soft laugh. “Still, thank you for telling me. It means a lot to me, okay?”
“I’m glad.”
You leaned over to give Eula a quick peck, before turning to walk down the stairs. Eula followed, one of her hands still intertwined firmly with yours. Suddenly her heart felt lighter than it had all week.
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zafirosreverie · 4 years
The little bastard in the sink (Agatha x reader)
A/N: this is my first time writing for Agatha, and the first thing i write in months for the blog, so any mistakes you see, let me know. Hope you like it!
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You tried to stay calm, you really, really tried to. You didn’t want to scream, it wasn’t that bad. Really, it was not. 
“Come on, Y/N, you can make it. You’re brave, you don’t need help, you got this” you whispered for yourself, trying desperately to believe your own words. Taking another deep breath, you nodded and stood, entering your kitchen. 
You got this, you got this, you got this. 
You approached the sink, ready for the fight, magazine in hand.... Then the fucking spider dared to move and you ran away as fast as you could, actually leaving the house this time. Some of the neighbours looked at you, but didn’t pay much attention to you, as if caring for you running out of your house wasn’t part of their roles. 
Okay, maybe you did need help.
But you were alone here. Unlike everyone else, you were new to Westview. You couldn’t even remember how you ended here, but you moved maybe a day or two after Wanda and Vision did. At least that was what you thought. For some reason, you couldn’t remember a lot from your life...well, nothing, really, the only memories you had started from the day you arrived here. The one thing you could actually remember, the only thing you were sure of, was that you hated spiders. Those little shits scared the hell out of you. 
And there was one chilling on your sink. You could imagine it smirking at you, feeling your fears. “Little bastard” you whispered and tried to calm yourself again. While standing in front of your house, you kept talking to yourself.
 “Ok, Y/N, we need a plan. Problem one, a fucking spider on our kitchen, problem two, we don’t have reinforcement”. Just as you were thinking about that, you looked at the house in front of yours. Maybe your neighbour could help. 
You actually had never spoken to her, but you had seen the brunette from the distance. She was beautiful, and seemed friendly and she smiled at you the first (and only) time you went to Dottie’s. You remembered being amazed by her because she was brave enough to contradict Dottie.
“Problem three, maybe she doesn’t even know us” You reminded yourself. Again, you were the new neighbour, even if you felt like that was a lie, as if you had been in that role for a little too much for actually being “the new”. But who cares? 
You had two options: go to that house and ask for help, with the possibility that the hot brunette thought you were a loser, or, accepting the spider, live with it and develop a beautiful friendship with it (and then be murdered by it in your sleep).
“Yeah...nope, that one’s not happening. When in doubt, the hot neighbour is always the answer” you said to yourself and walked over the house. 
You took a deep breath before you carefully knocked on the door. You almost left, but the image of the little bastard in your kitchen was enough to keep you there. You were surprised when the door opened just a few seconds later. And holy shit, the woman in front of you was beautiful. You were frozen. 
“Hello, dear, can i help you?” She asked and you blinked, blushing a little when you noticed that you were staring at her lips.
“Hi” you smiled “I’m Y/N, the new neighbour” you said, reciting your line a little awkwardly, but she didn’t seem to notice it. 
“Agnes, nice to meet you” she said, shaking your hand “excuse me for not giving you a proper welcome before, i’ve been busy, hon” she said and you blushed again at the pet name. 
“It’s ok” you assured her, almost losing in her baby blue eyes. Focus Y/N! You thought “uhmm, i know this might be awkward, and that we don’t even know each other but..uhm..c-can you help me?” you asked, shyly. 
The smile she gave you was enough to make your knees weak. “Of course, sweetheart, what do you need?” she said, stepping closer to you and making your cheeks a darker shade of red.
You mumbled something, suddenly feeling like living with the spider wasn’t that bad of an idea after all. 
Agatha smirked in her mind, she always found cute how you were so nervous around her. No, this wasn’t the first time you had come to her for help, you just couldn’t remember because every once in a while, Wanda’s power erased your memories, keeping you in the role of the new neighbour.
“what was that, dear?” she asked and you sighed.
“I said...can you please help me and kill the giant spider in my kitchen? I will give you food, I promise” you said, a little desperate. 
Agnes smiled and chuckled “Of course, hon!” she said and closed her door behind herself, walking with you to your house.
The spider wasn’t that big, but you were obviously afraid of it and she smiled at the image of you handing her the magazine you tried to use against the spider before. She let you lead her to the kitchen, pointing at the spider on the sink. She then smiled when you quickly hid behind her. You were so cute.
“Be careful” you said, following her, looking over her shoulder at the little bastard. 
“Don’t worry, hon, I’ll protect you from the monster” She answered and giggled. If you weren’t so tense for being in the same room as the spider, you would have blushed.
She felt you hid your face on her back when she approached the spider. Taking it as her opportunity, she used her magic to make it disappear. “It’s ok now, love, it’s gone” she said and you peered over her shoulder. There was no signal of the little bastard.
You sighed in relief “thank you so much” you said and finally let her go. 
“You’re welcome, dear” she said and smiled at you, enjoying the way your cheeks were still red and how you evaded her gaze. She gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and walked to your fridge “now, i was promised food“ she joked and smirked when you quickly moved to make her something as a pay for the help, still a little shocked for the kiss.
Yes, Agatha still had her agenda with Wanda, but she had to admit she loved this little routine. You would find a spider in your kitchen and sooner or later would come to her for help, thinking you didn’t know each other. She’d help, you’d cook for her and by the night, you would fall asleep on her shoulder while watching an old movie. Then, for the next few days, you’d spend the time trying to deny your crush on her, and by the end of the week, she’d get to kiss those beautiful lips of yours. 
Sometimes, she wished you were free from Wanda’s powers, that you remembered her for more than a week. But she couldn’t risk her plan, besides, you’ll probably hate her when you wake up. The thought broke her heart, but she’ll enjoy this little lie for as long as it lasts. No matter how many times she’d have made a spider appear on that sink.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Leave Her Alone
This is Part 4 of 10
#10: Leave him/her/them alone @zambie-trashart Prompt List
Part 1 *** Part 2 *** Part 3
SuperSons x Miracilous
Two summers have come and past and she could genuinely say she considered Damian a friend. The last time they were together he called her a minor inconvenience, so she'll take that as a win.
She however wasn't expecting to he back in Gotham so soon. She along with seven others were chosen to represent D’Argencourt School of Fencing in an international competition. With challengers from eight total countries. Seeing as it was during the fall recess her parents allowed it, so long as she stayed with the rest of the fencing team and chaperones. They also knew that her Uncle wasn’t far and she had friends in Gotham, that and Ma and Pa invited her for thanksgiving. Having gained a sort of sixth sense when she would be in the states.
So here she is on a flight she makes usually once sometimes twice a year but now she knows her uncle and cousin weren’t waiting for her. She wasn’t going to metropolis she was going to Gotham. Maybe she should have text Wayne, if he refuses to call her Marinette, she refuses to call him Damian, call her petty. But she didn’t even know if he was free or even competing, so she hadn’t bothered.
What was a surprise was that Adrien, their best male fencer, was allowed to come, apparently his father was super strict, only letting him do specific activities. They had chatted a bit on the bus and then on the plane.
“Who would have thought that seeing eight kids walk into an airport with fencing foils would have caused so much commotion.”
“That would be the no weapons laws in place,” she answered not looking up from her reading. “No cutting or thrusting weapons are allowed on the plane and have to be properly secured.”
“That’s why they were put in that case M. D’Argencourt had?”
“Yes.” She stopped the flight attendant who was passing, and luckily it was one that she recognized. “Hello Miss Catalina.”
“Oh, if it isn’t little Mariposa. Wake you up for breakfast?”
“Yes please.” She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Mariposa?” Adrien asked after she walked away.
“Butterfly. Float like a butterfly sting like a bee. Right.”
“That defines your fighting style.”
“Now unless you’re a fan of jet lag, good night.” She fell asleep and ended up waking him up after Catalina woke her. They ate and had a bit of small talk until they landed and made their way to their hotel.
Okay Gotham isn’t the nicest place to ever go but they were in the nicer part of the city. They got settled then went to train for the upcoming three-day tournament. During the first day everyone only had one match but with four matches going on, two for each gender and one for each bracket, it was busy and quite a show. Mari was lucky enough to be one of the first to compete, so she spent the rest of the day watching the other competitors. The third match she noticed something eerily familiar from one of the male competitors.
“Figures you’d be here Wayne.” She snuck up behind him, making him turn.
“Surprised you would come at all.” He lighted his helmet. “Does Kent know you are here?”
“Probably by now he would have.” She shrugged. “Go change,” she shooed, “that way we can over critique everyone else.” He rolled his eyes while his teammates stared at her. “What’s your deal.” She rose a brow.
“Nothing!” Several of them shouted and scattered. If Damian Wayne listened to this girl, and they didn’t know who she was, she must be scary, because Damian is, and he doesn’t listen to just anyone.
“Should I be grateful that you managed to get rid of those leeches?”
“Seriously, manners Wayne, those were your teammates.”
“Never mind I am not going to get anything through that thick skull of yours.”
“My skull is thicker than most but that nearly means it is more efficient for head butts.”
“Definitely not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean Dupain?”
“It’s not important just that I can’t change your mind.” He was about to shoot back but she literally put a finger up to silence him. “Did you see that.” He looked towards where she was looking.
A female fighter, in all red, part of block D mercilessly attacked her opponent. In under fifteen seconds she scored each time, quickly accumulating her points.
“They are from the Tsurugi school in Japan, based off the uniform.”
“Figure that on your own Batman.” She rolled her eyes. “But I meant her form it was…”
“Exceptional for a competitor at this level.”
“Must you always be so condescending Wayne.”
“Mariiii,” they both heard a familiar voice drawing their attention away from the red fencer. If they hadn’t, they would have noticed that the same fencer was focused on them.
“Jon/Kent.” A body slammed into them, bu quickly pulled her in a hug spinning her in a circle.
“You should have told us you were competing here. I knew Damian was but you that’s surprising.”
“Come on it’s not that surprising.” They moved away from the crowd, making their way to the entrance hall.
“So, I heard there is going to be a demonstration match after all the preliminary matches are done.”
“How do you know this?” Wayne asked. At the question her cousin claimed up and would not meet their eyes. If both she and Wayne muttered ‘of course’ they figured the answer.
“So, what’s it supposed to be about?” She decided to ask.
“I don’t know I saw you and tuned that other conversation out.” She quite frankly face palmed while Wayne tsked at him. “What you only come once or twice a year and Damian was hogging you.” He whined.
“I was not hogging her, in fact…”
“We didn’t even know the other was competing. It was just a chance that I saw him and then we started judging the others.”
“You are ruining her!” Jon began to pout.
“Oh, quiet you, I want to scope out more of my competition.” She pulled her cousin while Damian walked slightly behind them. That was how they spent the rest of their time watching all matches. When all bouts were over, they split and went to their respective team.
“Now, I would like to begin with a round of applause for all competitors and especially for those moving on.” A judge took the stage. “Now as a demonstration match, every school has given two names which were placed into this lottery. The two called will hold a match, no matter the gender or their block. It will not affect their placement in this competition. Now let’s see.” He reached in and pulled two slips of paper. “Mr. Damian Wayne of Gotham and Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Paris will be our competitors. If you are not yet dressed, please suit up.”
Soon after they faced each other.
Usually her fencing was quick, her foot work light, but against Wayne she knew she had to change tactics. She foot work still light but was grounded, she used more power than she normally would to be in the defensive letting him fall confident. But she alternated between her styles leaving him guess. The score was 7-7 the next touch wins, unknowingly this was one of two inter sex pairs to fight it out. Both of them were panting, neither ready to give up and neither willing to accept defeat. Mari knew that if she was to win against Wayne, she had to be sneaky. Halfway through her lunge she switched forms quickly thinking on her feet, becoming light, quick movements to heavier steps with quick jabs and even stronger swings with light steps. Being creative and spontaneous in her movements.
“Winner, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” A voice announced. Both of them stepped to the center of the mat and shook hands, then lifted their masks.
“You won.” He seemed slightly miffed.
“Oh, don’t look that surprised Wayne.” They walked off and she lightly bumped him. They both left for the day afterwards. She didn’t even pay attention to the whispers around her, ate and went to her room to sleep.
The next day was uneventful, they both had two bouts winning theirs, respectively. Unfortunately, they both had matches when they other was off. Jon would scramble between the blocks to cheer for each of them.
The last day they were given a reprieve before the finals. So, she was meditating along with Wayne, while Jon talked about something or another.
“Marinette!” She heard a cry coming towards her. She opened her eyes and there was was Adrien. “Iv3 been trying to find you all morning. I’m up against that guy you fought on the…” he went quiet probably finally noticing one of the two next to her. “You aren’t going to give me any hints, are you?”
“Just like I’m not giving him any on you.” Adrien looked like he was going to beg, and Wayne quirked a brow. “Thank goodness my match is before yours. Look I think of both of you as friends and I will not sell one out to the other.” She stood up. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” She went off to get ready for her match.
She was up against the same red fencer that she watched with Wayne. Kagami Tsurugi, competitor from Japan, they saluted one another and got in formation. They fought hard and she fought quick striking opportunely, but this girl fought like Wayne. Marinette knew that everyone was talking about the exhibition match, so she knows this girl saw it too. So, she decided to match her strength list of the time. The match was long, but Mari managed to hold a lead before again fighting on instinct, earning the win.
“That was a great match!” She extended her hand.
“I demand to see my opponents face.” Kagami ordered.
“Only if you show me yours.” Mari took off her helmet, but most had figured already. Kagami also removed her helmet.
“It was not good enough.” They shook Kagami turned on her heel and walked away.
“That was…” she saw Adrien come up next to her. “Amazing!!!”
“Okay, okay.” She giggled from under him. “Now go get ready.”
“Yes madam.” He rushed off. But as he did, she saw her opponent and a woman, and she was being scolded. Sure it wasn’t the nicest thing to snoop, but this one time shouldn’t hurt, right?
“Now what made you lose?” The woman asked.
“My opponent was unpredictable and her steps and swings contradicted one another.”
“That much was notable, but that does not answer the question, what made you lose?”
“I lost because I was unworthy of the blade in my hands.”
The woman was going to say something but she could not hold her tongue any longer. “First off leave her alone, second the reason she lost was not due to any technical or observable trait.”
“What are you doing, child?”
“I’m sticking up for the best female fencer here. The only reason I got the touch first was because I wasn’t thinking I was reading my opponent, until she couldn’t read me. I changed my forms so often during the match that if their was no impartial judge I would have lost.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that Tsurugi is the best technical fighter I have ever fought. That I would have certainly lost if I wasn’t spontaneous. That if I wasn’t so good at reading others, Tsurugi would have won.”
“What is your school, if I may ask?”
“The D’Argencourt School of Fencing in Paris, France, Madame.”
“Interesting, well we hope to see such a formidable opponent again.” The two turned and Kagami sent her a small wave before turning around.
“Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something… the match!”
“The Winner Mr. Damian Wayne.” The two shook hands and walked off.
She would have followed had she not spotted one of her favorite people in the states. “Dicky!” She jumped and he caught her on his back.
“Hey Mari, we saw your match earlier good job.”
“Thanks.” She then noticed Barbara, Alfred, and Bruce. She gave them all a nod and a smile.
“We would have talked to you sooner if we had known and if you and Damian didn’t disappear.”
“We would not have disappeared had you not have been so grating.” Wayne returned.
She shimmied off of Dick and stood next to him. “They aren’t too bad.” She stuck out her tongue.
“Yes, just as you are not a dolt for having missed the match.”
“How did?”
“Like I said a dolt.” He poked the center of her forehead.
“Oh har dry hard har Mr. ‘what did you say to my opponent about me’.” She bumped him slightly. “So where I’d Jon go?”
“Your Uncle Kent called him, he had to leave.” Bruce answered. “If you are worried on who is taking you we offered.”
“Okay. Let me just tell my coach about the change.” She rushed off to talk with M. D’Argencourt, because she was not about to miss thanksgiving with her Ma and Pa Kent.
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Taglist: @iloveitwhen @greatcatblaze @our-preciousss @user00000003 @abrx2002
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
this is gonna sound so harsh but im legit tired of chinese diaspora people who think that bc they are of chinese descent and they have pleco they can act like voices of authority in the fandom. if modao is the 1st chinese book you have read pieces of with a dictionary, if you have never interacted with the actual chinese fandom, you are not part of the intended audience and your biased opinion is not the One And Only Valid Truth 🍵
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree | this is really hard for me to express in terms of an agree/disagree axis lol
genuinely cannot tell if you’re trying to shade me here anon lmao 😂
this got long and rambly (of course) asldkjfslj. i would love to make the excuse that it’s bc i’ve got a migraine and had No Sleep but. let’s be real i’m always like this.
ok i’ll start with where i agree: i don’t think anyone has the right to act like an ultimate voice of authority in fandom. i think different people with different backgrounds have varying realms of expertise and they should be respected when they share that knowledge, but that the instant someone starts to use that kind of power as a weapon against people they personally don’t like, i think they forfeit that privilege. no one has the one and only valid truth about a piece of media because that’s fundamentally impossible. i have definitely interacted with diaspo who behave like their heritage gives them some kind of incontrovertible authority over everyone else, and they’re fucking insufferable and often rather cruel, even/especially towards other diaspo. meet me in the denny’s parking lot and fight me for real. i’ll kick ur ass. >:c
however, I also think it’s true that there’s a lot of dismissal of heritage fans in this fandom, if that makes sense, from both sides of the equation: non-Chinese fans ignore our cultural hangups because they’re inconvenient, and non-diaspora disdain us for being not Chinese enough. that puts a lot of us in a position of feeling disrespected just for being who we are, or having our very real knowledge and unique experience as individuals devalued because of it.
regardless of my identity, I have formally studied a lot of things: literary translation, media analysis, the politics of oppression, film critique, religious studies, philosophy, four foreign languages etc. and that is all knowledge that I had to work for, and work hard for. I do have a certain measure of authority on all of these subjects over a layperson (to varying degrees), and there are going to be times when i will be more correct than someone who disagrees with me -- but I’ve also absolutely experienced people talking over that specialized knowledge because of who I am, which is, to be clear. extremely infuriating and hurtful. like, i have cried so much about it in the last 18 months. people see my racial and cultural identity before they see anything else, which is understandable to a degree, but upsetting when it becomes the basis for how my work is judged, whether positive or negative. i don’t want you to trust me blindly because i’m abc. I want to you to trust me because you have examined my work critically and judged it to be trustworthy!
so i guess this is getting into the strongly disagree part of the answer: i’ve been speaking a lot with other diaspora fans lately, and it’s been simultaneously hugely relieving and also really saddening. relieving because oh thank god someone else Gets It, and saddening because pretty much all of us, no matter what kind of diaspo we are (north american, european, SEA, taiwanese etc), we’ve all experienced a lot of pressure in this fandom, from non-Chinese, Chinese, and other diaspora fans alike. we’re all acutely aware that we are not modao’s intended audience because being diaspora vs being “from the mainland” or whatever, are actually quite different things, but modao still feels close to home. even if it was not written FOR us it is still familiar to us.
and, because so many of us are multilingual and multicultural, we end up being the bridge between the “actual” chinese fandom and the english-speaking fandom, which is largely made up of non-chinese. (sidenote: I hate it when people say things about being “actually” any identity because it’s almost always for the exact reason you brought up: to use heritage as street cred. it’s like damn, being “actually” chinese doesn’t make ur opinions any less rank. sure you might be “actually” chinese, but do you have basic reading comprehension and literary criticism skills? no? ok then sit your ass back down) many of us are most comfortable in english! so we produce our content in english! but we also DO often have a somewhat privileged access to the culture that underlies mdzs and can explain it in a language that other non-Chinese fans can understand. so it’s not surprising that people flock to us for answers to their cultural questions. and like. if we think we know the answer, it’s natural for us to try and help. this is fandom! we’re here to have fun and find community! and it is definitely a little bit nice to have my culture treated as something desirable for once instead of just like. a weird exotic curiosity that no one really cares too deeply about. and, since a lot of us are able to do things that non-Chinese fans can’t (research in chinese, for example. ask family members for help and more information etc.) we end up just having more information to share.
I think this sometimes results in a tendency for fandom at large to put heritage/diaspo fans on pedestals and tout them as authorities (or use our conflicting viewpoints as ammunition in fandom drama) when the diaspo in question have repeatedly stated that they should not be taken as authorities on something -- and then, once you reach critical mass, your reputation starts to precede you, and I think there’s a lot of misconceptions of how a lot of diaspo act in this fandom simply because of that phenomenon. most of us know that we’re not ultimate arbiters of some kind of cultural gateway, and it can be very tiring both to be treated as such when we insist we are not, and then punished by other people who assume that we acted like we were.
i don’t think there’s a benefit in trying to keep en fandom and cn fandom totally separate, and I also think it’s unfair to consider the cn fandom the “real” fandom. i think that way lies deeper misunderstandings, gatekeeping, etc. i think we can definitely acknowledge the differences between them, but i think trying to make meaningful connections between fandom circles is really valuable! i don’t think i’ve ever made it a secret that modao is my first cmedia fandom? so it’s also the first time i’ve had reason to interact with chinese fandom, which has been super enlightening and interesting! i’ve made some super cool friends and learned a lot about how fandom works in china, how it’s similar and how it differs from the fandom i’m familiar with.
and then, kind of circling back around, there’s also a bit of a sense like, okay, so if diaspo don’t belong in the CN fandom, but we can’t talk about our own culture with some degree of confidence in EN fandom, then like..... where do we go...? if we see EN fandom doing something that contradicts our cultural knowledge, do we just. not say anything? do we not count unless we’ve already ingratiated ourselves to CN fandom? that’s probably where the core of my strong disagreement comes from, because criticism of diaspora fans as like, acting above their station so to speak, feels just like a tired continuation of the same shit we’ve had to deal with for our whole lives, being told we’re not good enough for anywhere and that we should just be quiet and keep our heads down and get over it. that our opinions, despite coming from a unique perspective with a unique relationship to the subject in question, are less valid or real than “actual” chinese people, you know? and sometimes i see that and im like lmfao just sneer at me for being jook-sing and leave then if you’re so eager to think of me as lesser.
so yeah, basically im of a few minds: true! diaspora fans don’t get to throw their weight around just because they’re diaspo. they don’t get carte blanche to act like bullies or try to shape the fandom to their own personal liking and crusade against people who disagree with them. they don’t get to pretend their heritage makes them superior to everyone else, and i think western diaspora especially need to be careful when asserting any kind of moral lens over the text to acknowledge that we have our own biases to interrogate. i am not immune.meme etc. on the other hand, this vein of criticism tends to put all diaspo in a bit of a double-bind, and also, however unintentionally, plays into the general, continuous trend of dismissing diaspora for being diaspora, and i’m really not about that. i don’t think that’s the motivation behind opinions like this, but i do think that when the basis for the argument hinges on the idea that diaspora are not “real” chinese, no matter how much I too have beef with certain diaspora fans, the argument needs to be revisited. 
🍵 ((un)popular) opinions meme
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Part 2 - Basic Concepts of Miraculous Ladybug: Kwami
Kwamis are a fun concept and one of the main draws of the series. They make sense story-wise because, firstly, our characters need some support system. And since a lot of conflicts are centred around secret identities, characters should be able to discuss their double life with someone. As magical beings they could also be used to expand the lore, introduce new concepts and drive forward both the plot and character development. It doesn't always happen but Kwamis are a good idea. Some people who write AU's think that Kwamis are redundant, but I have to disagree.
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Origins and nature
Where do Kwamis come from? What are they? It's never explained. Oh wait, it was explained in a comic people can accidentally find. You decide to explain the origins and nature of magical beings who are one of the key elements in your magic system and worldbuilding IN A SIDE COMIC, which has zero effect on your main story. Sounds legit.
Here it is.
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So, Kwamis are abstract creatures. They can become tangible and interact with the world because of the miraculous jewels. Essentially, each Miraculous acts as an anchor to the material world for Kwami. They existed since the beginning of time and were invisible observers of the universe. Until they settled on Earth and observed how humanity came to be. This is where things get interesting.
Kwamis are the embodiment of abstract concepts. But, some abstract concepts were created by people (like everything mentioned in the comic: beauty, math, love, etc).
Kwamis wanted to help humans. And then, a human, who couldn't see, hear or touch a Kwami creates miraculous jewels. And now these beings can interact with the world, use their powers and grant them to humans. Yet, they are completely under control of their holder. I'll discuss it later, but why did Kwamis accept this deal? They are practically enslaved. At the same time they care about people and generally love humanity.
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According to the wiki Kwamis grant powers because of "the privilege of having the ability to be perceived by mortals". What? Did I read that right? Kwamis agreed to be enslaved and used as a power source, because they wanted to interact with material world. That's it, guys, end of the story.
We also know these things about nature and abilities of Kwamis from the show:
1) need food, but only to provide the power for the holder;
2) can't phase through precious metals (Chloe's bracelet in "Rogercop"), their own miraculous and humans;
3) they can control if they phase through things or not – meaning that if they want to, they can (this way Tikki can stay in Marinette’s purse without much trouble and Plagg sleeps on Adrien’s pillow);
4) they can perform magic without a holder but they don’t control it very well, there are certain types of things that they can’t do without a holder;
5) they are immortal but can get sick for some reason, a non-magical reason mind you;
6) technology can't detect them in any way, you can't film, photograph or record their voices (writers establish this many times, but promptly forget all about their own rules in "Optigami", where Marinette talks with Kwamis over the phone without any problems).
If I missed something important, then let me know.
Look, the questions related to origins and motivations of Kwamis might not be very prominent in your story right now, but you must answer them in case you might need to involve these facts in the plot down the line. It's important to avoid contradictions in the serialised story with liquid plot, that can't be set in stone. It's a made up world for the sake of everything sacred! You can make up explanations and rules, of course as long as they don't contradict common sense.
Plausible ideas for origins and nature of Kwamis:
1) Kwamis are immortal spirits, whom humans accidentally summoned and bound with spells to Miraculous stones. They remember their existence before this. This version doesn't really explain their desire to serve people and love for humanity, however. It would be more logical for Kwamis to resent people for enslaving them. It doesn't explain how humans could create those spells and Miraculous stones either.
2) Kwamis are physical manifestations of abstract concepts who existed simply as fragments of matter for a very long time without sentience, until they were accidentally summoned through the Miraculous stones and bound by humans to serve them. Kwamis do not remember their existence before Miraculous. In this version Kwamis serve humans and love them because they have never known a different kind of existence. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide any explanation on the creation of Miraculous and spells.
3) Kwamis are gods, who created the universe with all its elements and concepts including humanity (similar to Valar and Maiar in Tolkien's Legendarium). They wanted to help their creations but discovered that their power was too wild and unpredictable for that. So, Kwamis decided to give up their free will and magical independence to help humanity. Together they created Miraculous stones for humans to use and sealed themselves inside. Kwamis as gods were abstract concepts, who didn't have a body. The act of sealing their power in the Miraculous gave them an opportunity to interact with outside world (an anchor) and each Kwami chose an small animal form (because humans easily formed bonds with animals, had animal companions (pets), small animals look non-threatening and familiar). Kwamis intentionally choose certain animal forms to suit the human symbolism. Humans later used magic that Kwamis discovered for them to place spells upon small gods (spells related to identity protection and so on). This version answers most questions, but if Kwamis are gods then powers they grant to people seem to be rather small.
Feel free to add more. I would be interested to hear your ideas.
Identity Protection
In "Origins" we learn that Wayzz can sense the aura of Butterfly Miraculous, a negative aura of activated Butterfly Miraculous, to be more precise. And yet, Tikki and Plagg are genuinely surprised to discover the identities of their holders in "Dark Owl". There are several things wrong with that.
Can Kwamis sense each other's presence? They shouldn't be able to do this to protect the identities of their holders. On the other hand, they are ancient spirits. So, their inability to sense each other seems weird. Unless it's the same situation as with the spell that does not allow them to speak the name of their holder aloud.
But if they can sense each other like Wayzz did, then it means that Plagg and Nooroo were living in the same house for over a year and nothing happened. I mean, Plagg could have just come upstairs, take off the brooch from Gabriel, while he is asleep and return it back to Fu.
This question lies right here, on the surface. And that's only one massive and very obvious plothole. How to fix it? Establish that Kwami can't sense each other for identity protection. In "Origins" Fu meditates on his balcony and Wayzz sees a charged Akuma flying by. That's how they discover that Butterfly is in Paris and the Miraculous is in the wrong hands. Perhaps, Gabriel akumatizes someone for the first time to survey the surroundings and general public is not aware of this. This works better in the narrative, giving Fu time to select holders for Ladybug and Black Cat. It also establishes whether Hawkmoth can remove the Akuma from someone without Ladybug and discharge it. Maybe it depends on the circumstances (sometimes he can, but if this person was akumatized many times or their emotions are too strong and their mind doesn't want to let Akuma go then Hawkmoth can't pull the butterfly out with his magic). This scenario allows for Volpina to happen on "Heroes' Day". Silly recurring Akumas like Gigantitan and Mr. Pigeon could still happen. In this case Gabriel didn't want to akumatize the guy more than 70 times on purpose. It just keeps happening against his better judgement because evil butterflies are automatically attracted to Mr. Ramier. This way repeated attacks of Mr. Pigeon annoy Hawkmoth just as much as they do the heroic duo of Paris (I did not sign up for this Nathalie!).
Let's come back to the spell mentioned earlier for a moment. Kwamis can't say the name of their current holder out loud, but apparently, they can exploit a loophole in the spell by confirming the identity of their holder in another way. The spell doesn't work with other holders. Kwami can say the names of other holders if they know their identity. That being said, can the holder order the Kwami to tell them the identities of other heroes if they know them?
Kwamis know how each Miraculous looks with or without camouflage. Can the holder order the Kwami to tell them how each Miraculous looks in disguise (I liked that Grimoire doesn't have pictures of camouflage for identity protection)? Guardians can recognise Miraculous in any mode (Su Han). Did Fu teach Marinette this? Does she know how each Miraculous looks like unactivated?
Oh! Since we are discussing camouflage, let's take a moment to appreciate the Mother Of All Plotholes. Plagg didn't recognise Peacock because of the plot.
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Relationship with Holder
I absolutely loved the idea that Kwamis must obey their holder introduced in "Sandboy". This concept opens tons of plot opportunities. It's such a great idea that makes sense, has potential, can create conflict. Why, oh, why didn't writers develop it more?
Like, it was so good. It can be a great push for character development. This concept resolves so many existing inconsistencies within the plot. It's mind-blowing.
Why can't Nooroo simply leave Gabriel, so that he wouldn't be able to transform? Because Gabriel bound him with Miraculous to always stay near.
In "Sandboy" Tikki asks Marinette's permission before going to the meeting. Plagg lies to Adrien instead. This implies that usually Plagg's holders weren't kind to him or feared his power (Su Han's remark in "Furious Fu"). Perhaps, his holders were taught to keep the Kwami of destruction under constant control. So, Plagg in turn has learned not to ask, because if he doesn't ask permission then his holder can't deny him freedom with magic.
Can Kwami lie to their holder? Maybe they can't lie to their holder about their nature, origins and powers and other Miraculous (but Kwamis can't reveal the location of Miracle Box, Guardian's identity and can't confirm identities of other holders known to them in any way). Kwami would be forced to speak even if they don't want to. That's why Nooroo told Gabriel everything about the abilities of the Butterfly Miraculous and the wish secret of Ladybug and Black Cat.
But Kwamis can lie to their holder according to Plagg in "Sandboy". If Kwamis can lie about everything (including powers) then Nooroo didn't have any reason to be honest with Gabriel way back in "Origins".
Speaking of Gabriel and Nooroo. Can Kwamis harm their holder? Maybe doing so would harm the Kwami as well. Can they do it only when the holder is not wearing the Miraculous? Can Kwami take their Miraculous from their holder? Will they disappear if they try to do so? It seems like Kwami disappears only when the holder takes off the Miraculous with the intention of renouncing power, the words "I renounce you" are not necessary.
Other Kwamis can take the Miraculous from people if it's not their own (Wayzz in "Feast"). But what if it wasn't possible. Imagine what could happen if it's not possible to take the Miraculous by force from the transformed or untransformed hero. Just like Lady WiFi couldn't remove Ladybug's mask. A person has to willingly give up the Miraculous. Only in this case, it's possible to take it. For example, somewhere around the middle of season 3 Hawkmoth could have trapped Ladybug and Chat Noir and cut off any escape routes. His Akuma tries to take both Miraculous, but they don't budge. Then afterwards, every Akuma tries to manipulate the heroes using hostages, illusions or mind control. It's hard to say whether this version will be better than canon, but it's a fascinating theory.
You can use the idea of obedience to create more situations contrasting the relationship of Plagg and Adrien, Gabriel and Nooroo. I liked how canon created a storyline about Plagg learning to control his powers without a holder and Adrien helping him. However, why would you stop here? Give us some flashbacks about Plagg's previous holders, tell us what kind of people they were. Expand the lore and add some character development for Plagg and Adrien. The same thing goes for Marinette. What kind of battles did they have in the past? What kind of people past holders were? Did Ladybug and Black Cat heroes always get along well? Were they allies or enemies? Were they always lovers?
Give us more information about Butterfly and Peacock holders. Perhaps Nooroo has dreams about his past holders who were good people. Show us what kind of things a Butterfly holder with good intentions can do. Tell us more about Duusu and her past holders, sprinkle in a few bits of info about Emilie and Duusu's relationship, just a few vague hints to preserve the mystery. You have a lot of screentime each season and instead of doing filler episodes dedicated to love drama, you can use them for developing minor characters, relationships between them and lore.
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damn-stark · 4 years
Heartbreaking betrayal
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Jean Kirstein x reader x Reiner Braun
Requested by anon “Where you where reiners girl but Jean steals her away because she finds out about Reiner cheating.”
Warning- Angst, fluff, swearing and ANGST :(
“You know I love you, right?”
A soft chuckle escapes your lips and you tilt your head slightly as you narrow your gaze on Reiners eyes to try and figure out what the meaning behind this reminder was.
It’s not like you didn’t appreciate it, the way he expressed it was just odd, it felt almost like a goodbye.
“I know,” you smile softly, “I love you too.”
Reiner stays silent while his eyes study your face and his hand slowly reaches to cup your cheek to caress it gently.
“Is everything okay, Reiner?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to say it.” He assures you with a small smile.
“Okay,” you nod, “well it’s time I go get ready for bed, I’ll see you tomorrow before they take you, right?”
Reiner pulls his hand away and shakes his head, “no we’re leaving early tomorrow morning, we won’t see each other.”
You hum and walk back, feeling your smile slowly fall, but the content you felt at seeing him remained. This goodbye still felt strange though.
“Well goodbye then, I’ll see you when you return, okay?”
He nods and offers you a last smile before he disappears in the night. Albeit it wasn’t the last you’d see him.
“I don’t want to go with you to say goodbye to your boyfriend,” Jean complains, “it’s gross.”
You scoff, “what do you think we're going to do, Jean?”
“I don’t even want to say, the thought of it disgusts me.”
You roll your eyes and sigh. “I forgot that you don’t like anything besides your own reflection.”
“Not true,” Jean remarks.
“Oh, right,” you interject with a smirk, “Mikasa.”
“Actually I don’t like her anymore,” Jean reveals making you turn your head to look at him already looking at you.
He’s liked her ever since the first day of cadet training, he never told her of his feelings but you had figured them out like a week into training. He made it pretty obvious; constant lingering stolen glances and constant conversations about her, it got annoying sometimes, but you admired the way he admired her from afar and never forced her to like him, he was like a…shadow.
So it was pretty surprising that he didn’t like her anymore.
“Oh,” you mouth, “so what do you like now? Or who?”
“Yeah, I’m not gonna tell you.”
“Ugh, you’re annoying,” you groan as you turn your head to look back to your path ahead of the both of you, noticing the morning sun rise higher.
“And you’re still my friend.” Jean points out.
“I’m your only friend,” you grin, “with that attitude of yours it’s going to be hard to make friends.”
“I have plenty of friends. For example Connie, Sasha and Armin and Bertholdt and….” Jean suddenly cuts himself off and stops just before you could reach the new recruits and some older scouts leaving. You on the other stopped just a few inches ahead and turned around to question his silence and ask what he was going to say.
“Jean?” At the sound of his name he doesn’t answer or look at you, instead he has head turned and his eyes focused on something inside the stables, you let out an amused huff of air and follow his line of sight to see the unbelievable. “Reiner?”
You feel your whole body stiffen, and your eyes widen with bewilderment at the sight of some new recruit with their tongue down Reiners throat. You feel your heart shatter and your mind cloud with a numb darkness that is solely focused on the scene before you. You wanted an explanation, yet you also couldn’t stand one.
Reiner had said just the night before that he loved you, now his actions contradict his words, his gentle kisses and that lingering look he had looked at you with was filled with nothing but cold stinging venom. His words were nothing but glass shattered on the ground where you now stood.
At the sound of his name he stopped and pulled away from the recruit and couldn’t even look at you in the eye, the recruit looked at you while their arms remained tangled around Reiner. They pulled away but only after one furious outburst that originated from Jean beside you.
“Fucking cheating asshole!”
After his words Jean charged at Reiner and swung his fist over his face, instantly knocking him down on his back with no resistance whatsoever.
You should have reacted, you should have stopped Jean from punching Reiner over and over, but nothing motivated you to stop him. After all Reiner had just broken your heart; no tears rolled down your cheeks, but the anguish you felt inside you was like no other. It wasn’t until the recruit yelled at Jean, until you saw Bertholdt rush to throw Jean off Reiner did your brain spark back to reality and take in what was happening.
“Y/N,” Reiner mumbled once he was back on his feet, looking at you with his bruised face, unable to physically express what he felt.
“No,” you seethe whilst you help Jean back on his feet, “fuck you, Reiner.”
“Let me just—”
Jean puts his hand on your shoulder and begins to turn you around to take you away from the man now behind you, but before he could completely take you away from the stables, you look over your shoulder and cut Reiner off. “You have to go, no? So leave.”
Not being able to even look at him, you just turn your head away and walk off with nothing else to add, remaining in silence until Jean and you were inside the dining hall.
“Hey, look, that asshole didn’t even deserve you,” Jean tries to comfort you, using an unfamiliar soft voice. “You were always too good for him, okay, Y/N?”
You sigh deeply and blink to look up at Jean, offering him a wobbly smile, “yeah?”
Tears roll down your cheeks and drop your gaze to the floor beneath you as you stop so he wouldn’t see you.
Yet you should’ve known better, Jean was always caring even if he had odd ways of showing them. Said man stopped and turned back to face you, not hesitating to walk to you and pull you in for a well needed embrace. He didn’t say anything, he just let you hug him back and stay quiet until you wanted to talk.
“Is something wrong with me?”
“Huh?” Jean pulls away, but keeps his hands on your shoulders and tries to meet your downcasted gaze. “What are you talking about?”
“Why did Reiner do that? You mutter, “did I do something wrong? Or is there something wrong with me? Why did he do that?”
“Their is nothing wrong with you, and you didn’t do a thing wrong, he did, he was a stupid blind asshole that didn’t appreciate what he had in front of him.” Jean quickly assures you. “You’re a good person, you’re kind and you’re very….” Jean takes a long pause mid sentence that makes you finally look up to meet his gaze that was distant for a while until something clicked and he drifted his eyes back to meet yours. “You’re very smart. It’s his loss not yours, he doesn’t deserve your tears, or your love, you’re so much better than him.”
A sad, yet grateful smile grows on your lips and you wrap your hands around Jean's biceps as he keeps his hands on your shoulders. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you still felt like your heart was in pain, but you felt a nice warmth that mended those inner wounds after hearing Jeans kind words. “Thank you so much, Jean, you’re always so kind and you’re the bestest friend anyone could’ve asked for, I truly don’t know what I’d do without you.” You offer him a happier smile and slide one hand to cup his cheek for a few seconds before you completely pull away from his grasp.
Jean looks at you with a warm smile and a soft gaze, a faint blush paints on his cheeks but he’s quick to hide it by looking down and scratching the back of his head. Continuing to mumble out something you barely caught. “Want to come with me and get our horses ready for our leave? It should be a good distraction.”
“Of course!”
You follow him and still think about what Reiner had done, it plagues your mind and the heartbreak doesn’t end there since it seemed that betrayal was in his blood, since he later revealed to be the monster that destroyed the wall five years ago.
However, what you failed to think was if his betrayal towards you was really intentional, or just an act of the love he had expressed to you many times before?
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corysmiles · 3 years
It has now been 2 weeks since Techno's secret has been discovered, and needless to say, it was a huge weight off his shoulders.
He would still drink the potion from time to time, earning a small glare from his friends.
"Come on, it's not because I'm a giant that I have to stop seeing the world from your point of view. Plus I don't have to worry about crushing you or stepping on you everytime."
"Sure… but this better not have anything to do with your fears of rejection because we're humans. Because we told you-"
"-told you it's fine and we don't care and will continue to view you as the same person despite everything. I know." Techno finished with a smile.
And maybe he was still a bit insecure about the whole ordeal. Maybe. But he did his best to push his anxieties aside, and when the potion wore off, he would still hang out with his friends for a couple hours more. So it was progress!
Plus, while hanging with people at his real size, he found much more fun ways to torment his pals.
"Hey, that's not fair!! Give it back!!" Tommy yelled, jumping as high as he could
"Heh, if you want your Juke-box back, just come and grab it~" the giant taunted, dangling the precious object (carefully) a good 30 ft above the human. Wilbur and Phil simply laughed at the scene as Tommy tried to climb on techno's shirt, since he was lying down, only for him to fall back on the ground. ("It always seems so easy in the movies, what the fuck?! That's not fair.") Techno's movements always stopped as soon as he felt the boy trying to climb, and suppressed a laugh as he failed.
After a couple more attempts and laughter, Techno gave back the precious box to Tommy, who held it close to his chest.
"Oohh, my precious, how have I missed you"
"Come on, I only took it for 20 minutes" Techno snorted
"And that's 20 minutes of me being separated from my true love!! How could you" he said, overdramatically.
"What a vile creature I am, truly" he replied, deadpan.
Eventually, the conversation shifted back to random topics. It was nice.
After a moment though, Techno noticed Tommy staring blankly at him, silent. After a couple more seconds, the blond prompted.
"What is it like, to see things from up there?"
Everyone turned to look at Tommy. Techno raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"What's it like, you know? Because you can and have seen things from our perspective, but I don't know what it's like to have your eyes so up high."
Techno was taken aback. Usually they did not really mention their size difference, aside from jokes and nicknames. He felt his throat tightening a bit.
Before he could answer, though, Tommy asked. "Can you show me?"
Immediately, Techno's mind was filled with a thousand possibilities this might go wrong. He tried to mute them down hard.
"Well, sorry to disappoint you buddy, but I don't have any 'growth potion' so I can't really-"
"No, I meant like, you grab me up there." Tommy corrected, very casually.
Techno stepped back "WHAT? Tommy, I can't- … I …"
"What, is it illegal or something?"
Techno could only see thoughts of his friend getting hurt by his carelessness. He never held a human before! Not like that!!
"No, but- … I … what if I grab you too hard, or lift you too fast? Or if you fall?? I-"
"Well I'll tell you if there's something wrong, big man." Tommy reassured. "And don't worry. I'm not made of porcelain."
"I.. yeah, I guess so.." That didn't mean he couldn't get hurt by a giant. But oh well. Tommy seemed dead set on the idea, and no one can make Tommy deviate from his plans.
He swallowed back the lump in his throat and slowly lowered his hand until it was on the ground, next to his friend not bigger than it.
Tommy casually hopped on it as if it was the hundredth time he's done so, and looked at techno with kind eyes.
Carefully, he moved on to a sitting position, and, as he internally screamed for his morbid thoughts to stop, lifted his hand. Tommy lost a bit of balance at first, surprised by the feeling, but was fine the whole way through.
When the hand reached Techno's chest, however, he stopped. Dead still. Tommy's brow furrowed and he lifted his head to see the other's expression.
Techno's mind was frozen. It was one thing to imagine a human in your hand, but it was miles away from actually holding one.
He literally held a whole life in his hand,
and could do so as he pleases… He could do so many horrible things to the boy, who would be powerless to stop him.
And he could protect it. He was like a sanctuary for them to come to. He could wrap himself easily around his humans and keep them safe for as long as he desired…
So much power, simply sitting in his hand…
It was too much
So many thoughts screamed in his ears at once, and he could not focus on anything but the blond boy. He saw his lips moving, but couldn't hear anything.The overwhelming realisation hitting him too hard. So many images, contradicting each other. He could hurt them- protect them- squish them- keep them safe- kill them- make sure no harm came to them- imprison them- bring them to new heights-
"-no. Techno?? Big man what's up?? Come on, talk to us."
With a gasp, he finally regained his senses.
"I-I'msorry, I… I can't- I just can't." He hurriedly put the human back down, with rapid breathing. Before they could ask another question he reached for his potion and drank a good half of it and shut his eyes closed, desperately trying to shut the thoughts with it.
After a few agonizingly long minutes, he opened his eyes and, sighing with relief, registered he shrunk back to a human size. (One he could not hurt his friends with.)
Phil and Wilbur were already at his sides, with Tommy a few steps away.
"What happened, Techno? Are you okay??" Wilbur asked
Techno took a deep breath, and was immensely glad his thoughts quieted down to almost nothing. It was safe now. They were okay.
"Yeah- yeah… I'm fine." He took another deep breath and met Phil's sad expression. Guilt crushed him for a second.
"It's just… it was uhm… a bit too much. I, I didn't realize just how much… how much things it changes…"
Phil and Wilbur looked at each other, confused. Techno wanted to explain further, but the images threatened to flow back. He was stuck.
A mumble from behind broke the three of them out of their trances, and they looked at Tommy, shifting a bit at the sudden attention.
"I'm sorry Techno…" he mumbled again. "I should have known."
Steadily, techno stood up, taking a couple steps towards Tommy, who did not flinch. He let him close the distance, which he did with a strong hug.
"I'm sorry." Tommy whispered to his ear. Techno hugged back, holding the human like a lifeline. "That was probably too much."
"I saw so many things… I could do so many things… I don't want to hurt you" the giant's breath was shaking.
"I know, big man. And I know you won't." Tommy reassured.
"But it's so easy…" techno replied, loud enough that the other two could hear him.
"But you won't. The fact that you stopped the second you realised means that you won't."
Techno held onto the words, thought them back in his head, muttered them like a mantra.
"I won't. I won't. I won't hurt you."
"You won't. You're alright, big man. You're alright."
Slowly, techno let go of Tommy, who did the same.
He turned around and saw his two other friends. Immediately, Wilbur hugged him. He laughed in surprise before hugging back.
He then looked at Phil, and the guilt from before returned again.
"Sorry I took the potion." He mumbled "I wasn't thinking very clearly."
He felt a hand on his shoulder, and suddenly, Philza was smiling at him. A sympathetic, unapologetic, precious smile that only he could manage. "It's alright mate. It's probably scary to be so different sometimes. If you feel like it's better, then I trust you. We'll wait until you're ready."
He swore his eyes were teary, but he couldn't bring himself to care. "Thank you."
"Anytime, mate." Phil replied.
First times often aren't perfect, that's for sure. But one day, he would be confident enough that he could make them see the world from his eyes.
NOT MY FIC, written by the lovely @melissa-s23 pls give them love
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sweetchup · 4 years
💌Acting Naive (?)💌
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Type: Shalnark x reader
Prompt: 14—Love potion + 7—Innocent/Corruption Kink
Author Note: Ah! @pastelbear12 I hope you like your request! I made sure it was really good for you! Especially as a fellow writer and Shalnark stan! Enjoy💕💕💕!!
(Valentine’s Day Masterlist)
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Blue, Pink, Purple, Green, Blue…
…Round, cylinder, was that a square?
You just couldn’t fathom all the potions this clan of witches had hidden in their basement. Hell, You bet your boss, Chrollo, didn’t even realize there was this much when he sent you guys out to steal them.
“Hey (y/n). How many do you exactly think there are?” Phinks questions, gobsmacked at the amount just as much as you are.  
“I don’t know…” You mumble out, looking around the room, “Honestly, Phinks… I’m not even sure how we are going to transport them out of here…”
“Wel—“ “Oh wow! That’s a lot more than expected.”
You flinch as a familiar happy go lucky voice is heard by the doorway. You thought the boss put him on another mission.
“Oh hey Shal!” Phinks shouts out, just as surprised as you were, “What are you doing here?”
“The boss wanted me to come join you guys since I finished gathering information for him early.” Shalnark explains, walking up to you two. However, even as Shalnark begins to chat with Phinks, you could still feel his eyes flicker to your figure ever so often.
It wasn’t that you hated Shalnark, you just… particularly didn’t like him. Mostly due to the fact, he didn’t give you the best impression when you showed up as a replacement number 4.
According to him, he didn’t understand why you should be the replacement member. You were “cute” and “naive”, not the best fit to replace the former number 4. He also thought your ability wouldn’t work well with the members you were designated to work with.
Honestly, You could have understood where he was coming from, all Shalnark wanted was to make sure the Troupe succeeded. But, you also believed he didn’t have to say all this in front of the whole group with you in the room. It embarrassed you so much, you nearly stormed out of there.
Naturally, of course, this event created a rift between you two. A general dislikeness to the other person.
“(Y/n),” Phinks suddenly calls out, catching your attention, “What did you think of the plan?”
“What plan?” You questioned. Slightly scowling as you see Shalnark’s lip slightly twitch up a little as Phink responds with a sigh. Cheeky Bastard…
“The plan is that I’m going to go grab Fei’s group to come help us. But, In the meantime, You and Shalnark can start taking count of the potions.” Phinks explains, already putting on his pharaoh helmet to get ready to leave.
“Wait. Wouldn’t it make more sense to grab Machi’s group? Feitan’s group is a traveling distance of 3 days away while Machi’s is only 1 day away.” You question out, thinking it was a logical conclusion. However, you were only met with Shalnark letting out a small chuckle. Almost as if what you said was a hilarious joke to him, “What’s so funny?”
“Well, I find it so funny that you are practically rushing to try to get the mission over with. What’s with that? Do you have some sort of date you have to get to for Valentine’s Day?” You slightly flinch as Shalnark happy expression turns much darker; mockingly in a way, “That’s pretty irresponsible of you. You do realize troupe activities come first? Oh wait… You likely don’t care because—“
“Shal,” Phinks barks out, stopping his friend from finishing his sentence. As Phinks comes closer to stand in front of you, you now notice Shalnark has gotten much closer to you than before, “Fighting or attacking troupe members isn’t allowed. You should know this.”
“What are you talking about? I wasn’t going to,” Shalnark responds with a lighthearted pout. However, you see a ever so slight twitch in his fingers that contradicts his previous statement. It seemed that he was practically just itching at the chance to stab you with his antenna.
Woah, that’s new….
Shalnark has never before given a hint that he hated you that much. Sure, he messed with your missions or denied helping you sometimes but even that was never enough that could possibly hurt or kill you.
However, that seemed to be the least of your worries right now. With Phinks being here, you could at least avoid Shalnark insults or possible attempts to attack you, especially since Phinks can step in to interfere as an older member as well. But if Phinks is still set with trying to leave to go grab Feitan’s group then… you are in big trouble.
“Hey Phinks. How about I just go grab Feitan’s group?” You ask cautiously as you interrupt their conversation (Well, more like bickering). About to explain your reasoning when Phinks cuts you off.
“No, neither of you two are going anywhere. This little feud between you two has escalated way too much. We are going to solve this problem right here and now.” Phinks grumbles out, sending a slight glare Shalnark's way to tell him not to even try to rebut. “Also Meaning, you two are going to allow each other to talk in order to solve this.”
After Phinks stops speaking, a thick silence settles over the room. Neither of you attempted to start to talk to the either and it seemed, from your perspective, that Shalnark wasn’t happy about being forced to participate in this bonding event at all. Well technically you shouldn’t judge as you weren’t happy about this either but, at the very least, you were willing to participate if it solved this petty problem of you two.
“Well…,” You started, breaking the thick silence, “I first wanna know what I did to get you to dislike me so much.”
You watch as Shalnark rolls his eyes in slight annoyance. He wasn’t planning on answering you but a hard swift slap to the back by Phinks makes him think twice about that decision.
“It’s that fake act you do.” Shalnark grumbles out, winching slightly as Phinks puts his hand up again, “I-I mean I don’t like how you act towards us.”
“Pardon?” You let out, accidently. Quite confused at what he was referring to. You’ve never acted a certain way specifically towards Shalnark or any of the members in that matter.
“Don’t act stupid—“ “Shal…” Phinks warns out, cutting Shalnark off. However instead of backing off like before, Shalnark continues.
“You know it. The one where you act all ‘I’m miss innocent and cute, I don’t know things~’. That stupid ass one.”
However instead of understanding what he was saying, you get even more confused. You will admit you can be a little naive at times but you’ve never acted or played into it.
“I still don’t get it. I don’t specifically act—“
“There it is! That.” Shalnark shouts out suddenly as he points his finger accusingly at you, taking a step forward also. “You just titled your head to the side slightly as if you were some confused puppy!”
You can’t help but feel heat suddenly bloom up to your face. You hadn’t even realized you did that sort of thing. God, you must have looked like a fool, an idiot—
“And there’s another one! You just tried to hide your face behind your hands.” Shalnark exclaims again, pulling your hands down and away from your face.
“H-hey. I-I don’t get why all this matt— Oof.”
Suddenly, as you take a step back to keep some space between you and Shalnark, You don’t realize how close you are to the shelves and hit your back hard against one. It creaks for a second and you think nothing of the sound. Well, nothing of it until something hard shatters on top of your head, dosing you in some sort of strange sticky liquid.
“Shit.” Phinks curse out, both his and Shalnark’s eyes blown out wide as they look at you. “(Y/n) are you okay?”
“Y-yeah. Just my head hurts a little…” You mumble out, pulling your hand away from your head to see it was covered in a little bit of blood. Uh oh…, that wasn’t good. That could only mean the potion got absorb into your bloodstream…
“Welp…, it seems like she’s going to die.” Shalnark says matter of factly, making you snap your head up to look at him. However, instead of yelling at him, your words suddenly felt stuck and clogged up in your throat. Ever so slowly as if a fog came over you, your mind starts to grow fuzzy, unable to make you think clearly. What was going on? Was the potion only now taking effect?
However, unaware of your current predicament, Phinks had started bickering with Shalnark. Angry at not only his bitterness towards you but also his unwillingness to help you out just as a fellow teammate.
“Shal, Dude. Her thing isn’t an act. The boss has been over this. She acts this way even towards Kortopi, who, I’m sure you can understand, wouldn’t benefit her in any way.”
“Well, she might be still trying to get on his good side so she—“
Phinks cuts Shalnark off by grabbing him by the collar. Pulling his friend so they were face to face, Phinks speaks again. This time in an extremely serious tone that tells Shalnark there isn’t going to be any more of these ‘if’s’ or ‘buts’ from out of him.
“Shal. Just stop. If she had the choice to attack or use one of us, she would have done it by now. Chrollo has allowed her to guard him alone more times than I can count, just to see if your suspicions were correct. And, in all those times, she didn’t show the slightest bit of desire to get information out of him or attempt to try to fight him. So, Cut. It. Out. This is not only hindering our mission no— Shit.“
Phinks suddenly let go of Shalnark to grab you, who from the corner of his vision was wobbling slightly.
“(Y/n). Sit down.” Phinks mumbles out as he helps you to the ground. As he crouches down to look at you, he can’t help but grow even more worried. You didn’t look good, at all.
So bad, he knew they needed to race to go find Shizuku right at that very moment. And it didn’t reassure him any better that he was the fastest one out of you three at the moment.
“Shal.” Phinks calls out, making Shalnark snap his head to him, “We need to go grab Shizuku from Machi’s group now and since I’m the fastest I need to go. Don’t give (y/n) a hard time and you better try to help.”
Without attempting to hear Shalnark’s response or possible rebuttal, Phinks has already raced out the door. Leaving Shalnark alone to try and take care of you. Something he honestly has never imagined doing.
“S-Shal…” You suddenly stutter out, breaking the man’s attention from staring at the door. Shit, you seriously didn’t look good.
“Yeah?” He questions, still apprehensive to try and help you as he crouched down. Shalnark can’t help but feel a shiver go up his spine as you looked up at him. A hand hiding the front of your mouth told him you were embarrassed. A thing he’s seen you do many times before when you weren’t sick.
Perhaps,... Phinks was correct and the cute things you do aren’t actually an act. You would have definitely dropped it by now with the horrible condition you were in.
“C-can…Can you kiss me?” You suddenly beg out, nearly making Shalnark have to do a double take.
“What…?” Shalnark lets out, unable to stop his surprise at what you were saying—suggesting—for him to do. Have you gone fucking insane?
“P-please.” You mumble out, your words slightly slurred and incoherent as you move yourself, “I’ll do anything.”
Shalnark goes to speak again to quickly deny your request but suddenly feels himself choke on his own words. Slowly, He had to put a hand up to his mouth to check his jaw hadn’t dropped and he hadn’t started drooling. Especially with the position you had moved to because, Holy shit…
With your arms stretched out forward, hands slightly opening and closing to urge him to come near, it looked like you were innocently begging him for a hug. Well, it would have been considered innocent if your legs weren’t opened up as well. With you wearing just a skirt, it gave him a clear view of your underwear that was already dripping in your arousal.
Oh, all the things he was imagining to do to you right now…
“S-see. I’ll do anything you want. I just need you close to me-e.” You beg out, seeing how Shalnark’s gaze was trained on your lower half. Your pleas clearly worked on Shalnark as he can feel himself starting to harden more in his pants. “I-I love you. I need you. Please—“
You can’t help but let out a little gasp as you are suddenly tugged forward by your ankles. The cold feeling of the cement basement ground leaks through your sweaty skin and clothes as you fall backwards, making you also unconsciously arch your back closer to Shalnark.
However, your attention towards the uncomfortable cold stinging the ground produced is short-lived as you feel one of Shalnark’s hands push your underwear away. You let out a small whine as Shalnark rubs your clit, the intense pleasure shooting like fireworks throughout your whole body. It was so much for you, almost painful in a way, making you quickly wiggle away from his touch.
“What’s wrong?” Shalnark mumbles out, his words hardly heard as he presses small wet kisses to the sensitive skin of your neck. Trying to hold himself back from completely and utterly wrecking you once he sees how you were helplessly trying to escape from him. Why did he hate your cuteness again?
“I-I’ve never been touched there,” You answer back, making Shalnark’s hand freeze in his ministrations, “Too much-h.”
“Have you ever been touched…?” Shalnark finally asks out after a long pause.
“N-no. Never.” You whine out, gasping as Shalnark snaps your soaked panties back into place. Using the back of his knuckles to rub the fabric against your sensitive folds, only to drag them down and off your ankles seconds later. You are confused as to why he doesn’t choose to throw them to the side until you hear a zipper being undone, “Shal…”
You can’t help but cross and rub your thighs together as you look down to the thing that was between his legs. It sounded childish but you couldn’t help but wonder how that was even supposed to fit inside you.
“(Y/n)... Come here...” Your attention snaps away from your thighs to Shalnark at his sudden call. Oh, so that's what he was using them for…
You gulp as you slowly crawl over to Shalnark, your eyes trained on his hand that was smothering the wetness of your panties onto his dick. As you sat in front of him, you can’t help but shakily reach one of your hands out. As your hand touches the warm flesh, you feel it twitch under your touch. You hesitate for a second before enveloping your hand around it. Unconsciously gulping as you realized you were unable to wrap your hand fully around the shaft due to how thick it was.
“G-good.” Shalnark moans out, his body slightly shaking as he attempts to keep his cool as you add your second hand. Fuck, Your hands were unimaginably soft, driving him insane as they worked their way around his length. And the pure fact you clearly had no idea what you were doing and was clumsy trying to give him pleasure, for some odd reason, turned him on even more.
Damn, you were so cute and innocent. Naive to the point you didn’t understand what he could possibly do to you at a moment's notice. How much he could easily just slip inside of you and turn you into his whiny little thing. Slobbering and drugged up on the pleasure he would continuously induce upon you. Making you beg for his every touch and word until your throat hurts. Begging for him to pump his load in you, to be his pretty little obedient toy.
“Fuck.” Shalnark murmurs out, catching you off guard as he pulls your hand off his length by your wrist. You let out a small whine in rebuttal, wanting to touch him more, until you see that ever so slight lustful haze over his eyes.
Happily you allowed the blonde man to move you around so you were positioned on your hands and knees; your back arched and butt stuck up in the air just for him to see. Honestly if he wasn’t craving to be inside you right now, he would have definitely taken a picture. The sight would have made a perfect new background for his home screen.
As he lines himself up at your entrance, he hears your breath suddenly hitch. Testing to see how you do, he slowly slips only the head of his length in. Woah. Instantly a shiver goes up his spine as he feels your walls squeeze and unsqueeze around his tip, your body struggling to accommodate the sudden intrusion.
He really wanted to go slow. After all, he truly felt bad for how he had been treating you before all this. But once you tilted your head to the side to look up at him with those doe-like eyes of yours, it was as if all his patience had suddenly snapped.
“Shal!” You yell out, your hands balled into fist as you had nothing to hold onto, to possibly ground yourself.
“It will feel g-good. I promise.” Shalnark mumbles out incoherently. Lost in pleasure as he continues to piston in and out of you. His top half eventually draping over yours as he attempts to get even deeper inside you; pressing small encouraging kisses to the back of your shoulder blades as you continued to take every inch of him.
Eventually, Shalnark was right. It was as if things suddenly clicked and everything felt just oh so good. You thought you were in heaven with the amount of pleasure you felt rushing through your body. Even though the man inducing these feelings upon you could hardly be considered a heavenly being. Then again, with what you have done, you weren't much better than him.
“Ah! R-Right there. Please, Please, please!” You cry out, feeling an even intenser flash of pleasure come upon you as he hits a specific spot. “S-Shal!”
It only took a couple more hits to that pleasurable spot to push you over the edge. Turning you into a dazed and drooling mess as you couldn’t stop yourself from whining out how good Shalnark made you feel and how you loved him ever so much.
“S-shit.” Shalnark groans out, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as he suddenly feels a hot flash of pleasure come over him as well. His hips methodically grinding against your hole as he works his way through his high. Slightly overstimulating you in a way as his ever so warm white ropes of his cum start to fill you up. You never thought you would enjoy such a primal feeling of being filled up by someone’s cum. Honestly, you could have cummed again from just that alone.
As you feel Shalnark lean his forehead against your back to catch his breath, you slowly feel your mind becoming clearer. As if a strange fog has been lifted off of your senses. However, you honestly wished it stayed as everything that has happened while under that strange potion has suddenly come crashing down on you.
You didn’t know what to do, what to think. Actually, would anyone know what to do if they suddenly realized they had sex on Valentine’s Day with a teammate that hated their guts and couldn’t even stand being in the same room before now?
Then again you should have known that, even in a situation like this, Shalnark doesn’t exactly fall into the category of the average person.
“H-hey!” You choke out in surprise as you feel Shalnark suddenly lift one of your legs over his shoulder, forcing you to lay on your side as he starts to move his hips again. His dick already hardening back up to where it was before.
You wanted to rebut. Wanted to tell him to calm down and to talk this whole strange situation out. But, then again, why would you?
With him already plowing into you deeper than before, mixing and pushing his cum deeper inside you and creating this dangerous cocktail of pleasure. How could you possibly tell him to stop when you wanted to continue?
Especially when he had just referred to you as his good little girl.
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stopeatingwhales · 4 years
about a girl (pt.2) x kurt cobain
hi guys :) so sorry for my inactivity, but i’m here finally lmaoo, this is a part two to my kurt fic that i wrote about a month ago, due to school its been much harder for me to keep up writing as usual, but i will absolutely try my best to finish your guys’ requests soon! anyways, hope you enjoy this <3 Pairing: pre-bleach era kurt x reader
Warnings: nothing :)
Word count: 2.167
Requested by anon (the second part was my idea, but i felt like i should still credit the anon for giving me the idea for this x) 
The wind exhales short, breezy waves as you lay there, engulfed in your dreams. From the night succeeding to your outstanding performance, you were requited to a favourable hibernation which by admiring you, was needed for not only the sum of a few hours. Your solemn features are painted still, the only movement stimulating from your body is heavy breaths accompanied by a light snore from time to time. I question whether it's righteous of me to allow my eyes to adorn themselves in your serene features, yet I simply cannot stop myself. I find it surreal to witness you in such fragility; for all the pain and sorrow you’ve had to experience in your life, it’s almost like you shouldn’t be sleeping in such a tranquillic state. I wonder if you prefer sleeping than being awake, I wonder if you think it’s a chore to get out of bed. Does the world haunt you? Every click, flash, snap of a camera, does it devastate you? The image you portray to the world is magnificent, yet flawed. It’s almost as if you’re hiding something, yet you don’t care what others think of you, so you do whatever you please. My heart skips a beat every time you shift slightly, cradling your body in the duvet. I advert my stare to your arms, sculpted perfectly in God’s chamber, the lankiness of your bones withering an appearance of discrepancy. You’re not like the rest of them. Your steady breaths softly ease in and out of your flawless torso, your hair so impeccable it looks untouched even when you’re shifting around in your slumber - the hair you willingly dyed and strained with a flavoured drink mix. As I admire you, sleeping beauty, it reminds me of how lucky I am to have you in my life - regardless of where we stand. When you’re awake, you’re the only thing keeping me sane during the day; spending even just a day without you would feel as if I had lost my legs, lost what’s kept me steady for all these draining years. In all my time of knowing and understanding you, have you never not known what to say, for you have such a way with words, it's unfathomable. You carry a sort of intelligence that no one can seem to obtain; you speak words out of a bible and it’s ironic I say that, Mr ‘God is gay’, but it’s true. You’re the reason I wake up in the morning. You’re like a hard candy, sweet and delicate, although the texture is very hard making it a burden to get through to you. I want to taste you on my tongue every morning, if you would like me to be honest. I crave for things as little as your scent even before I’ve risen from the cushion. Your grace must be envied by the heavens; there is and will never be anyone as alluring as you, not that I’m surprised. 
As my eyes continue to wander on him, a sudden stretch of his arms and a small groan echoing out of his vocal chords results in my body almost instantaneously sitting up. I watch him as he blinks his eyes a few times, his vision still not clear enough. “Good morning,” he whispers, his arms thrown to the skies; he’s like a baby, reaching out for their mother in the early hours of daylight, moaning and whining for affection, warming my heart with soreful ease. Quickly taking note of the small clock situated beside him that I was aware of for the many hours I had been trapped in thought, it read a bright and early 11am. My stare continues to linger onto him as I watch him shifting around, the heart situated in my upper chest now beating as fast as drum solos in heavy metal songs. A short silence stood in between both presences; I assume that he hadn’t taken note of my pondering state adjacent to him, though was that idea contradicted by his light greeting. “Did you sleep well?” he chirps, now using both palms to rub his what-seemed-like itchy eyes.
Now what is humorous from this scenario is that he asks this as if it means nothing; a simple conversation starter it may be, though, to me it means so much more hearing those light words roll off his tongue, compared to if someone else had said it, even if it was in the exact same moment living right now. A whiff of bad breath hits my face as I laugh lightly, shaking my head in a sort of admiration towards the man lying down ahead of me. He again blinks a few times, now in attempt to adjust the bright scenery to his view. For a couple seconds the room is frozen, Kurt’s alteration in position to sitting up becoming the only sound ringing through both our ears. As I find my gaze glued onto him once again, I subconsciously repeat the question he asked me, this time directed for him. However, from what I’ve seen, I’m certain he slept wonderfully.
A tired chuckle escaped his mouth. “I asked you first,” he mutters, the morning rasp still prominent in his vocal chords. This makes me smile. The raw, genuinity forwards the idea of realism that this moment was actually happening, coming like a pinch snapping someone out of their daydream, though my thoughts will never be known to understand how I was able to spend time with such a man. “I slept well, though.” he adds, a warm smile playing on his lips. 
“I couldn’t sleep,” I answered, my face now being cradled by my palms. 
I now feel the stare of Kurt burn onto my face. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” he asks, a hint of annoyance laced in his words. “We could’ve stayed up together,” 
A small chuckle breezes out of my nose. How considerate, how caring must you be to, even when you have performed such an exasperating gig, stay awake with me because of one night of my mind’s continuous ambles? For all I know, Kurt wouldn’t sleep for days if it meant I would be in absolute glee. It’s those sorts of traits in those who are lost which draw you towards them becoming the significant other to stay with for life. It’s that sense of attachment, connection you hold with someone, so strong that you would give up the roof over your head if it meant a smile to be drawn on their face. ”You looked so peaceful in your sleep,” I replied, staring directly into his loveable eyes, the shade of blue brightening as the sunlight melted onto his face. His hair was now a little more messier compared to how it was less than ten minutes ago, and the urge of me running my fingers through his golden locks only seemed to grow even more as time passed on. For a moment I decided to hold back my words, inhaling sharply to gain composure to my fatigued state. “I didn’t want to disturb you,” 
Kurt sighed - knowing that he needed sleep more than anything, though a hint of sadness dwindled in his stomach, his mind conflicted from the idea of me drowning in worry as I tended to do when I couldn’t sleep. Reaching his arm towards the table sat beside him, his fingers got lost in between the opened packet of cigarettes that slept reverently on the white wood, grabbing a random one at choice before placing it in a loose grip between his lips. With the known information that you need a torch to light a cigarette, I threw the one I had on his lap, a small laugh escaping my lips for no apparent reason. Actually no, there was a reason. “Who the fuck smokes first thing in the morning?”
Before he torched the lighter, he stopped, his piercing blue eyes locking in contact with mine. “Me, I do,” 
Another laugh tempted to flee itself from my throat, yet I held it back. If you would’ve said that to me the first night I met you, in that small, cramped room, littered with amps that Krist had dragged me into going in to listen to your material, I would’ve scoffed at your blown attitude towards such a random question. Watching you now as you’re admiring the cancer stick with pure attachment, my mind begins to wander over such a topic. I look at you and see a troubled, young kid who just wants love and affection because he seemingly never got enough from the people who designed his childhood; for you haven’t grown up since then. Perhaps in size and features, yes (and definitely the fact that children do not smoke), but hidden inside you is the same boy that was hidden away all those years ago - following onto your parents’ divorce. You say you’ve never been happy since then, you’ve never been able to think optimistically, and maybe you haven’t. Maybe the smile you give to me isn’t genuine; with continuous assurance I’ll consider it to be. Maybe I’ll never heal those bruises that were once your only source of living, and that’s okay, if you’re able to cope with the imprints. If you’re the Kurt Cobain that prefers smoking than having a normal breakfast, so be it; I’d give up my heart for you, and if anything, you’ve already stolen it. Words merely brush the surface of my adoration for you, and sometimes I believe that I’m just lying to myself, that nothing I’m saying in my head is true. Yet, as every minute, every second passes throughout the day, even in silent, contented situations with ceilings bright as yellow from the smoke like these, everything I say to myself simply strengthens in morality. My sweet, you deserve more than one could wish for. You deserve things that this world cannot give you, yet all you believe is that you are worthless. If only you saw yourself in my eyes, maybe then you’d realise, realise the impact you’ve sincerely doused onto me and my mind, you’ve got the moves to empower a generation and perhaps hundreds more - even if you don’t see that yet. 
“Give me one,” He hands me one, the strong gusts of cloud escaping his mouth creating a want for the rough substance to coat my throat in brutal ways; even if it’s slowly murdering me. It was a murderous addiction, nicotine, yet it kills us all, our addictions; and we are too blinded by the goodness it seemingly overshadows what we force to neglect in our minds - the bad in it all. We become so unbelievably enthralled by the pain we choose to accept it; we believe it is favourable, not disastrous and catastrophic. Drugs are frowned upon dearly, as they should be, but once you’re stuck, it takes more than simple courage to escape out of the deadly grip it chokes you in. Placing the cigarette in between my lips, identical to how he had just done, I reached my arm out to obtain the lighter that was in my clutch merely seconds ago, swiftly lighting it with one hand. As I breathed out the first tar-filled cloud from my cigar, I fixed my gaze onto him once again, sucking in my top lip as I allowed the droplets of ash fall onto my shirt. “I know I always say this,” I began as I studied his features, trying to identify any solemn, unpleasant emotions, noticing that there was none at all for the time being. “You’re going to make it big one day, I’m now for certain you’re going to take over the world,”
His eyes now locked into mine, a short chuckle leaving his throat as he blew out an even bigger gust of smoke. “I don’t want that,” 
Smiling, I took hold of my cigarette and inhaled deeply, holding it in my mouth until my body was unable to carry on without oxygen for longer - not that the air in the room was even oxygen; it was more corrosive chemicals than anything else, yet we’ve become so dependant on a small roll of tobacco to guide us to a path of slow death, its unnoticable. I watched as Kurt’s eyes drifted on to admire the elusive sunlight gleaming through the window, the whiffs of grey contrasting the happiness that was attempting to journey itself into the silent room. No matter how many times I may tell, his belief that he will never be as big as acts like the Sex Pistols will empower over anything I endevour on to phrase. It was inevitable though, whether he dreamt of it or not, that they will be big, bigger than anything they’ve ever seen. The path bridging onto it may cause destruction, heartbreak, and even more addiction, but the future is never in our hands - only until it is close enough for the present to capture it. Time is simply a mantelpiece, the light eventually burns out when there’s not enough coal to keep it going. You continue to refill it as the days go by until you simply cannot any longer, which is what all youths fear and avoid. Surprisingly enough, Kurt wasn’t one of the many crowds in devastating apprehension; he wanted to burn out more than anything else, for there were only small things keeping him going, or perhaps he was waiting for a longer, more agonizing death, hence the many packets of cigarettes vanished in a day.
There was nothing left to say in the room; there was no need for a response - it was only going to result in the same bicker as it resulted in many a time. The room, now physically undergoing a change in colour from the smoke, held a significant ambience, one so serene it left you more relaxed than the aftermath of a crazy high in drug use, though sometimes the relaxation is more pain than anything else. Even when my mind was so consumed in ideation earlier in the morning, my thoughts were louder than ever in this given moment. My mind was mulled over the concept of Kurt and stardom. He would never like it, nor does he even want it. It’s humorous to an extent; how much authenticity can one acclaim, to not even look up to the sugar-coated concept called ‘fame’? You’re not like the others. You don’t want fame, you want to create music. And in all honesty, I wish I lie through my teeth whenever I mumble those encouraging words of how you’re going to make it big; I can’t stand the idea of losing you, but like I said, it's inevitable, one day simple moments like these will just be memories to look back on when you’re old and laughing about your previous attachment to drugs. Maybe you won’t look back on times like these however, maybe you’ll remember the more vivid, buzzing moments like your first gig as Nirvana, and maybe I won’t remember this either, maybe these moments aren’t to be remembered, to be lived in instead. If only you knew how much I loved you, would you be surprised that I haven’t ruined my life because of it. You mean more to me than the stars mean to the night sky, more than a memory means to a person’s mind. It hurts my heart knowing I can’t heal you, though I dream that one day, you’ll wake up, just like you did today, turn to me and say, ‘I’m happy,’ because that’s all I ever dream of you to be.
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Ask: Reply - 2021.03.25
Time to go through some of your asks! I am glad you seemed to like the new format and I’ll keep it up for now. (If you have any suggestions for improvement feel free to comment.) I got a lot this time and with pretty varying topics, so it took a while for me to write this even if it still seems pretty sloppy. I also got two asks I just answer briefly but didn’t want to include due to the topics. Anyways, let’s get to it. :)
Ask 1 - Anon share about shipping Ji/hope and becoming a Vminie Ask 2 - Reasons to ship Vmin and no leaks of a relationship (+ rumors ask) Ask 3 - Stress over my analysis “making people delusional” Ask 4 - Tae/kook and Ji/kook being big ships (+t/k shippers ask) Ask 5 - Not enjoying a bond because of it’s shippers Ask 6 - Vmin videocall while getting make-up. Ask 7 - Vmin shaking hands Ask 8 - Wheesa from Mamamoo Ask 9 - Any wholesome fic recs?
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(I got a few more left, but the post was getting long, so I’ll save them for next time. I promise I’ll answer them in my next ask post.)
Ask 1 - Anon share about shipping Ji/hope and becoming a Vminie
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Hi and thank you for sharing your story, I always find it interesting to read how people found their way to Vmin and in particular if they shipped something else first. Don’t worry about it being long, it was a fun read. :)
I see what you mean with there being “something about Jimin” and I actually think he is so shippable with all BTS members. He truly works so well and is so sweet and cute with all of them. I also think Ji/hope (as many hyung x maknae line ships) is a very underrated ship. And they used to be very big on the fanservice on stage in the early years too so they definitely have some “questionable moments” in that sense as well. 
I think the way Jimin express his love for all his members is amazing and has probably lead to all of them expressing their love a lot more opnely. Think of how Jimin started their tradition of giving gifts for their birthdays for example. Honestly, all BTS ships are good ships but I really think Jimin’s way of being so openly affectionate just makes all his ships very soft and full of love. But yes, more love to Ji/hope please, because they have a lot of great moments. 
It’s interesting how you say you were affected by the platonic label Vmin has. I really think it’s very strong and works very well on a majority of the fandom and on most people that don’t dig a bit deeper and question what Vmin have actually done. That being said, a lot of the surface level things for all ships are great, and I do think you really have to deep dive into a ship to get the more actually questionable moments a lot of the time. And I think with Vmin this hasn’t been done so much, so people might be surprised when they actually do look closer.
I also like how the lipstick moment and the kissing the doll moments made you end up questioning Vmin. For me who has looked at Vmin for so long these were just more examples of things I had already seen, but I am sure many newer fans (just like you did) would react and look twice at these moments. I’ll tell you though, these moments are just barely scratching the surface of questionable things that Vmin have done.
I am glad you like my blog and think the things I say makes sense, though I do want to be clear and say it’s just me guessing and making theories. I am glad they make sense, but I could still be wrong. :P Thank you again for sharing your own story, and I hope you will keep on enjoying Vmin and my blog. <3
Ask 2 - Reasons to ship Vmin and no leaks of a relationship (rumors)
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I mean, I think I have shared my reasons to ship Vmin in pretty much every post I have ever done on this blog. There’s a lot of them after all... But if you haven’t already I would suggest checking out my posts 10 Reasons to ship Vmin and 10 more reasons to ship Vmin. 
I stress the point that Vmin could easily be platonic but simply extremely close all the time as well, so we could definitely be reading too much into things. Of course this goes for all shippers (or rather believers, there is a difference after all). I suspect your question might not be about shipping but rather if Vmin could be real and what reasons I might have to think that is possible. You can check my post Shipping vs Believing if you want to know how I view things very differently when it comes to simply shipping and anything that goes beyond shipping).
As for what makes Vmin stand out as more likely compared to other ships I guess the main things I take into account are: The songs, Vmin being careful (including friendzoning and other members’ reactions to them), their sometimes contradicting behavior (like them being soulmates but seemingly being awkward with some things or not being together as much as we might expect etc.), the way they do some very romantic looking things and have increased those behaviors over time and then just a lot of interesting moments and their close relationship in general. Also, soulmates is not a label to underestimate.
As for leaks I think you have to ask the same question for all idols, and all relationships. I mean, how many leaks of any BTS relationship have we gotten? I don’t think the guys have lived in celibate for their whole careers. Not to mention a lot of idols date secretly, and for LGBT+ idols I am sure they would be even more careful. But at the same time people also would likely be less suspicious unless they do something very obvious. I mean, think of all the things we have seen BTS do openly. I also think we have to remember that if it’s something that the fans doesn’t want to know or believe it also is less likely to get spread. For example that an idol they love would be LGBT+... because heteronormativity and homophobia is not to be taken lightly either. I also think you underestimate how many secrets insiders in all entertainment industries are keeping. I am sure many idols are pretty open with their dating to many, but it doesn’t get spread because there is a risk with being the whistle blower as well. Perhaps in particular with exposing someone’s sexuality which could ruin their whole career... And any person trying to ruin BTS’s reputation at this point might honestly get lynched by all of Korea.
I also know some rumors (not about sexuality) even gets pushed away as spread by antis etc. So sometimes even when rumors leak they get shut down. In the end there are a lot of rumors floating around, many that contradict each other as well, but I don’t think lack of rumors has to mean it is impossible for it to be happening. Again, many in the LGBT+ community aren’t even out to their own family and manages to hide that... We don’t know enough about how two members in a relationship would be or how open they would be to begin with. I suspect in the case of Vmin they would be very careful and only a select few would know. 
There could also be leaks, but they don’t reach the mainstream fandom. Like how I learned about the problems and disbandment talk back in the summer of 2018. Some things definitely do get leaked, but it is also very difficult to know if they are real or not until confirmed.
But I do think if a couple is real and they are pretty open with it, eventually they would either be in an obvious glass closet or there would be rumors or even confirmation. Because if a couple isn’t careful to begin with then they clearly risk exposure and likely wouldn’t mind too much to be outed.
It’s definitely a complicated topic, and a whole world we as fans don’t know enough about to even come to any real conclusions. So don’t worry about not knowing, it’s not like we as outsider can easily know how things work as they are likely even different for each company, group, couple, individual etc.
I also want to adress one ask I got but won’t include, about a particular sasaeng rumor ((part of ask: there was news going around by saesung (idk if I spelled it right sorry)...)). I only have two things to say, because I don’t want to spread any of these rumors or want any of you to look for these things.
1. Rumors are rumors, we have no idea what sources they come from and many times they also contradict each other. Often they can be spread by antis of some kind with an agenda to hurt or worry. It’s better to simply pay them no attention most of the time.
2. If the rumors are ridiculous in nature, as the one you asked about, it’s even better to not spread it further. In this case it would go against the personalities of the members and against their own words. It would mean BTS lied to us straight to our faces about something there is no reason to lie about, and thus doesn’t have any reason to happen to begin with. Be open of course, but also think critically. Don’t worry in vain, just try to ignore stuff like this.
Ask 3 - Stress over my analysis “making people delusional”
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Thank you a lot @phantomavenger​, your message really soothes me. This is a dilemma I’ve struggled with a lot over the years actually. If sharing stuff and theories about Vmin might not be good, no matter if I am right or wrong. Because if Vmin are together I am basically working to exposing them against their will and if I am wrong I might be a factor in people believing in something that isn’t real, which might end up hurting them. 
I usually end up thinking that maybe it’s better for things to come from me with a more nuanced take than that someone else finds it and it spreads in a more uncontrolled and delusional way right away. If that makes sense? I know this might sound very conceited, but since I know my words are being spread I at least hope to make people understand the importance of not jumping to conclusions and sounding too sure of anything we don’t really know. Again, a lot of ships have believers, and that says something. We should all be careful both for our own sake and for the privacy of the boys. Normalizing delusional behavior is what usually leads to worse and worse things being done “in the name of the ship” as well and I just don’t want that from Vminies. The trickle down effect of people misunderstanding or twisting my words is also a bit scary.  There are also so many shipper at this point that I think most things I point out will eventually likely be pointed out or noticed by someone else anyway, so...
But you are right, I can’t take responsibility for people taking my things out of context or getting convinced even though I try to tell them not to. In the end I write analysis on Vmin because I don’t think anything I find is enough to actually prove anything (this goes for all ships btw). I’ll share my analysis and with it I will also have many reasons on why shipping real people and “knowing a ship is real” is so much more difficult than many seem to think. 
Here’s a sneak peak in case anyone is interested. 
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Don’t worry, I’ll try to edit it and make it more concise. Thank you again for your kind words and reassurance. :)
Ask 4 - Tae/kook and Ji/kook being big ships
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Hi, and wecome to the fandom! I hope you will enjoy being an ARMY and keep liking Vmin. :3
I answered recently about big ships (Ask: Reply - 2021.03.18 Ask 3 - What makes a ship big?) and I’ve talked about popularity regarding these certain ships before as well in Why do you think Vmin get so brozoned by the fandom?
First I would like to say that “vibes” to me doesn’t really say much... All shippers clearly have their own perception of the members and their dynamics, otherwise everyone would ship the same thing. That being said I think projecting is part of many shippers’ reasons to ship and definitely think it’s part in why JK ships in general are very popular. Not just within BTS but for straight ships as well.
I don’t think there is ever one simple reason for why someone ships something, and same for why they might think a pair is actually together. Me might all have our own reasons for why we like a certain ship. For me all ships in BTS have good enough chemistry and dynamics to be shipped and I don’t think there is anything weird with those ships being popular. Especially since they’ve basically been popular since the start for their own reasons and then simply kept growing.
In short I think these things might play a big part in why some ships get bigger than others:
1. Projecting and falling for a ship similar to your own preference in a relationship 2. Amount of moments, and type of moments. 3. Type of relationship and the fandom view. Some dynamics will draw people in more even if it’s only percieved dynamics and stereotyping. Sexual tension and complicated drama is more “fun” than “friends to lovers” trope. 4. How popular they are. Big ships will grow bigger faster. More exposure and material by fans might make people find big ships easier. 5. Room for analysis. Honestly, if a ship seems “complicated” it might be more interesting to dig deeper into. So when people see analysis of ji/kook or tae/kook they get interested and might get more involved. Basically if analysis are being made it will make people more invested, and for Vmin it’s not that people can’t analyze them, but rather that not many have. So you won’t find as many fans deep diving and looking harder at Vmin compared to many other ships.
Again, ships might be popular for many different reasons, but I don’t think size of a ship really is that important. Just ship and let others ship what they like as well.
I also want to briefly adress an ask I got but that I won’t post, because I got yet another ask about Tae/kook. I’m sorry I won’t include the ask but I definitely agree with your comment to “Look at V as an individual person, not part of a ship”. This should be obvious and apply for all shippers. 
But I do want to say that I don’t think shipping a particular pair is the problem, it’s how you do it. I personally see no problem with shipping anything as long as it only is shipping, which is a fantasy. I ship Chen x Baekhyun from EXO and Chen is married... I simply enjoy their dynamic as a fantasy. Just like how I enjoy characters in a book or movie I am aware it isn’t real. I mostly see shipping as a problem when you let it affect how you behave towards people with different opinions or if you push it onto the people themselves which is never ok (even if it would be real). Of course there are many examples of shippers taking things too far, but I don’t think the ship in itself is the problem, but again what those shippers might do. So yeah, I condone any shipper who crosses the line and push things onto the members, but I don’t think shipping in itself is bad.
Ask 5 - Not enjoying a bond because of it’s shippers
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Hi, and first of all I am sorry you are feeling like this. I think sadly this is quite a common problem, and I am not sure I have any good answers for you. But I’ll try. I do recognize this feeling though I have mostly felt it in other fandoms where shippers of “rival” ships got me so annoyed it was difficult to not just see the shippers’ reactions every time they had a moment. Which made it less fun and sometimes hard to enjoy their moments even though I would have usually. What I did in that case was actually stop engaging in the fandom all together for a while, to take a step back as many of my own fellow shippers’ negativity about the other shippers and their theories affected me as well (btw this was a fictional ship so it’s quite different in many ways).
It’s sad when shipping affect us this much, but it can be hard when we invest so much time and get so much enjoyment out of it. I am not sure how bad you feel, but I think when you feel conflicted (possibly cognitive dissonance) when coming across ji/kook content it might have gone a bit too far (I talk about it a bit in this post) and be too attached to the idea of your own ship. If so you might want to consider taking a step back and engage with the fandom less and just focus on enjoying the actual content we get. If you simply react due to shippers and don’t actually care if ji/kook are happy together (or even would be real) I would simply suggest trying to stay away from those people. Sadly over analyzing the members happens a lot and will likely not stop anytime soon. I know it’s not that easy, but I don’t really have any better advice. Try to find places you can be while feeling happy, or take a break if you have to. Distance and time might help at times and I know many people who take breaks from their fandoms when they get too much for them and they get less enjoyment from being part of the community.
For me I did also have a period when looking at Ji/kook made me a bit annoyed or even sad. It was during a period when I was extra sensitive and wasn’t feeling very good so even small things affected me more than they should. But it had less to do with Ji/kook and more to do with consuming very toxic narratives from Ji/kook shippers that basically included Vmin being fake or played up. The idea of Vmin being fake hurts me much more than any other ship being real. Consuming a lot of quite toxic Ji/kook theories made me think Ji/kook being real would equal Vmin being fake and thus seeing Ji/kook hurt a bit.
What worked for me was realizing that this narrative makes no actual sense and there is no point in me worrying about Vmin being fake. And if they would be I know my reaction would simply be to walk away as I wouldn’t enjoy BTS if they lie about things there is no reason to lie about. This took away the feeling of being insecure, and I can be happy with just knowing Vmin are soulmates, no matter what kind. 
I also stopped looking up analysis of other ships and simply keep in mind that even if other ships are real it doesn’t change the bond between Vmin. I know enough about other ships to see their weird moments and to know I shouldn’t be certain about my own ship. I can also see what other shippers might see in a moment on my own at this point, so I do see how seeing moments might make you just think of what theories it might lead to. For me it was about changing my own mindset about other ships vs Vmin and to simply not consume content that was toxic or made me feel bad. Basically, even if Ji/kook or any other ship would be real it wouldn’t bother me as I know what Vmin has is still incredibly special and genuine.
To me this worked, but every person has their own limits. I would suggest backing off from consuming shipping content and simply look at how much the actual content shows the love between the boys. And also if possible try to get with the idea that even if another ship is real, that isn’t neccessarily bad. I would be happy for any ship if it was real at this point as long as they make each other happy, and I don’t feel threatened by other ships because of it.
As for shippers being bad or toxic, sadly with size and confidence it seems to happen a lot. I simply don’t bother with antis or over analyzing shippers of any kind that put very negative narratives on the boys. I know there will always be some bad ones in all bigger fandoms, so I try to not let it affect me too much. In fact I feel more hurt when my own ship communities engage in toxic behavior as that is harder to ignore and walk away from.
Thank you for sharing your struggles and I hope I could help maybe even a little. I know it’s not easy and as you say the guilt is also hard to deal with. I know I might have strayed away from your actual issue, but it’s a very difficult topic for me too. But at least your worry shows you truly do care for the members and don’t want to see them in a negative light. Just try to do what you need to do to feel better, even if it might be hard to do. Also thank you so much for liking my blog. <3
Ask 6 - Vmin videocall while getting make-up.
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I am going to be frank here, this is a moment where fans most likely saw incorrectly and then some still spread it as a Vmin moment. I know people debated about it when it happened and I am sure people still have different opinions on it. But for me since it seems pretty clear the screen corresponds with how Tae moves the phone and takes a picture of himself. I think it was on selfie mode, not that it was a video call. This image I found might be edited because it look very much like Jimin, but it could also be accidental that this screenshot really really looked like him. I know it really looks like Jimin and the paleness of the screen makes it difficult to know... But if you watch the video in it’s original size and quality you see it’s Tae pretty clearly.
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The video is  [BANGTAN BOMB] Jin's Sunglasses Collection in Hong Kong - BTS (방탄소년단). You can watch it around 2.10. Sorry for bursting the bubble. But hey, at least we know Vmin actually do facetime each other despite how much they see each other. :)
Ask 7 - Vmin and shaking hands
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Vmin really are extra with the shaking (and holding/touching) hands, aren’t they? To be fair I think they do this quite a lot with other members as well, but it’s still definitely a Vmin thing. ;)
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As for Brooklyn 99 I have watched clips, but not the full show, so I know who Holt and Kevin are... But I didn’t know they did that. That’s really sweet. Though obviously it sucks they can’t just be like any other couple and would have to make hand shaking their public display of affection (though I suppose it could just be their personalities as well? Like I said I don’t know the show too well.)
Funny but I actually wrote a little drabble Vmin part of something similar at one point... Though it wasn’t about shaking hands but instead fist bumps, as Vmin was doing that a lot at that time. I just find the idea of Vmin making anything normal into something cute and intimate, like an inside joke, very endearing. Thank you for sharing. :)
Ask 8 - Wheesa from Mamamoo
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Thank you for sharing this cute moment. :) I really do like Mamamoo and from the few moments I have seen with them they seem really sweet with each other. Also I love Twit, it’s such a bop! 
Wouldn’t it be amazing if Vmin followed suit and Jimin appears in Tae’s MV for KTH1? :3
Ask 9 - Any wholesome fic recs?
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Hi and thank you for your kind words. :3 English isn’t my native language and I struggle with being articulate sometimes, so your comment makes me really happy. :)
As for fics I am sorry, I have two big fic recs and I feel most of my favorites are included in those. (Huge Vmin fic rec and Vmin fic rec - Canon compliant) I know they don’t have any indications of rating etc. but for now looking through these lists to check if they fit what you like is what I have. If anyone has any particularly wholesome BTS fics to rec feel free to add them in the replies. :) Thank you and sorry for not coming with any actual recs in this reply. 
And that will conclude this post as it was starting to get a little long. :) I do have some asks left, and I’ll try to answer them as soon as I can with my next post. Thank you all for your interesting questions and shared stories. I hope you found this post enjoyable, or at least worth a read, as it included some pretty heavy topics.
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