#sometimes you start writing something and it just starts making ALOT of sense
recycledraccoon · 4 months
I have evolved into Scuttlespring anon, just say anything about them. I love them so much
Ok so. Gorgug likes Mary Ann because she absolutely infuriates him but also, and perhaps more importantly, because she has a type of confidence I think a younger Gorgug would have deeply envied. She's so weird, but entirely sure of herself. She likes what she likes and anyone who would have a problem with that is absolutely beneath her notice. She has friends not despite her oddities, but because she refuses to bend about them and that confidence is incredibly attractive in a person. Mary Ann Skuttle see's something she wants and she just...goes and gets it, easy peasy. Tiny little kobald strides, but when she puts her foot down with force, Gorgug thinks she could crush a mountain under with nothing so much as a blink or falter of her stride. She's certainly physically strong enough for it, and while Gorgug is undisputedly the better fighter, Mary Ann has a physical strength hidden under soft pastel pink hoodies and can, has, and will knock Gorgug on his ass. Gorgug got THRASHED at those Bloodrush field tryouts, and I'm certain he probably got his ass handed to him more than once during the year while at practice but before he quit the team. She made him so damn mad, everything that year was, and endlessly kind Gorgug got real mean to her over it. She was better than him, more casually confident, and didn't blink ONCE at his outburst. And later? When she was resurrected and freed from possession? He talks to her, acknowledges that it was just a game but he had been actually mad to be so easily knocked aside. He never really had to work at Bloodrush to be good at it, he just was, until suddenly she proved herself better.
And yet, without flinching, Mary Ann, famous for not giving a shit but listening to Gorgug say how much he had, just....asks if he has a girlfriend. Unparalleled confidence, shooting a shot he was unprepared for. Planets aligned even as his own orbit was knocked off course. And then, when he admits he doesn't even know where to get a quokki pet, something its been explicitly known to be something she really cares about? She writes down her number, letting him see that folded paper. She initiated this, and he got swept up in it, but instead of just handing over the number and allowing him to be swept up- Mary Ann Skuttle puts the number away and tells him shes gonna put it where you get quokki pets, and if he wants her number he's going to have to go get it. He's not allowed to just be swept up in the force of her, she wants him to put in effort, prove to her and himself that this isn't just a moment but a starting point. He cant be swept up by the tide, he's gotta swim. Gorgug liked Zelda, but their relationship started because they thought she was in danger and Gorgug had the best in. He stumbled into that relationship unsure and off balance, he never would have had the confidence to pursue Zelda without his friends hands on his back and their advice in his ears. Later on he gets more serious, he did love her and he put in the work to maintain that relationship, but it didn't work out and that's ok. Ever confident Mary Ann tho? She doesn't want unsure stumbling steps into this relationship. If Gorgug doesn't make the active decision to chase her, to WANT to be with her and putting deliberate effort to get there, then she doesn't want him at all. Gorgug, confused, asking where you even GET a quokki pet? And she smirks, calls him a loser, and walks away leaving him reeling and dumbfounded. Mary Ann Skuttle wants Gorgug to work for this. And who is Gorgug Thistlespring, but someone who puts in the work for things he wants? He did the seemingly impossible by creating his own subclass of Barbaficer, even if he had to take four years of schooling all at once. He puts in the work and makes the impossible possible, the greatest wizard of this age. So yeah. Yeah. Gorgug Thistlespring likes Mary Ann Skuttle because she makes him work for it.
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rimunagenius · 6 months
And They Were Roomates
☙ pairing: Kate Martin x Roommate!reader
☙ word count: 2.5k words
☙ warnings: RPF!! use of y/n, not proof read.
☙ ri speaks: I need more kate martin content and i haven’t been fed the specific ones that i need so i must write them to the best of my horrendous abilities. Idek how good this will be…im sorry in advance LMFAO. also this is two thousand five hundred words but it looks a lot shorter….crying
this is also a general announcement that i will indeed be refreshing my blog, so that means new and updated master lists and posts are coming out soon so sorry if you get a spam of rimunagenius on your feed!!
Part 1
| Series Masterlist |
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When you first started in Iowa, you never expected the immediate love you recieved from the people there. They were friendly, generous, and so much different from people in California. Especially your roommate, Kate Martin. You had met her shortly after your first day of Junior year. A while after, you two became roomates because you needed more space, and she needed someone to split rent with in her apartment. Sounded like a great deal to both of you.
"You don't mind?" You asked unsure. Not wanting to impose on her, possibly ruining plans with making a deal with her actual teammates.
"No! Not at all! I really like you and you're alot of fun! I'd love for you to move in with me." She beamed at you, giving you a side hug when she saw your expression change. You both were ecstatic.
Since then, you had been living with Kate for almost two years. You two had become inseparable. Always on campus together, meeting up between classes to get coffee or lunch together, sometimes with Caitlin and your other friends. It was great. You were happy with your home away from home.
You had transfered from UC Irvine and decided to pursue your degree and career in sports medicine here in Iowa City. You were one of the new athletic trainees and ocassionly a photographer; your previous major was in photography and Lisa and the administration had really loved your resume and work, so they hired you as a part time (barely) photographer, for whenever they wanted more shots than what they usually wanted or a fill in.
Currently, you were needed in the Carver stadium to help record a mic’d up practice session for the team. It was for the Iowa Hawkeye Youtube channel. You had experience because you too had a youtube channel that you started when you first transferred to Iowa. So you had told Lisa and the coaches that you’d be able to film it.
“Hey, Gabbie!” You smiled at her as you walked into the locker room, approaching Kate’s cubby to set your stuff down. Kate telling you this morning before she left that you could put your stuff with hers.
“Hey, girlie! So guess what?” You and Gabbie loved to gossip. It was so much fun and it started when you were redoing the tape on her ankles, and she looked down so you asked her about it, and since then, you both have told eachother whatever gossip you had.
“Oh my god, what?” You took your sweater out of your bag, the locker room being chilly, so you could imagine the court.
“So that boy Nick in my econ class, totally asked about you today. I didn’t want to crush his hopes and dreams but I did say you weren’t his type.” She took a seat next to where you were standing to put her shoes on.
“Wait, the boy I said would so be my type if he was a girl? That Nick?” You laughed because he was really nice and such a sweet guy but he just wasn’t a girl. Men are pretty but only to look at.
“How’d he take it?” This guy has asked you out once before but you just said you weren’t looking to date. Probably should’ve elaborated on that one.
“But he asked me “Oh, who is? Does he go here?” And I was like,” she paused to reenact the face she made. “I said it too fast so I didn’t have time to say “Oh, It’s long distance or something” sooo I don’t know.” She rambled and just pulled her hair into a small ponytail.
“What do you mean? That made no sense, Gab.” You were confused. She looked guilty of something but you didn’t want to pressure her but you also really wanted to know what she had said about you to Nick.
“I kinda sorta said you had a girlfriend already, and he took that as ‘Oh, she’s dating her roommate Kate Martin’ because he said he supposedly sees you guys together everywhere.” She meant well. It really wasn’t her fault that Nick totally misread the situation.
“Oh shit.” Your jaw dropped. You thought it was awkward but now it went full fledged horrendous. You were already out, and anyone who followed your insta would’ve saw it in your stories, so you weren’t worried about that but you were worried for Kate.
“So what do we do about the fact that a random kid on campus thinks your dating Kate?”
“Ok wait, i’m actually scared. Like how do you think Kate will take it?” You were talking to Gabbie and immediately knew you fucked up by seeing the expression on her face.
“How will I take what?” Kate walked in, hair down, dressed in her practice uniform, and sat on the chair next to you. You hadn’t realized that you sat down with Gabbie. Lost in the conversation and frenzy of the new mess that could possibly affect yours and Kate’s social life dramatically.
“I’m just gonna…” Gabbie got up, and walked out, meeting the others outside on the court.
“Oh, okay. I’ll see you in a minute.” You said to the girl before turning to Kate. You had caught her up on the lore behind you and Nick, if you could even call this one sided infatuation lore. Now you just had to tell her the problem. “So Gabbie tried to tell him that I was already seeing some girl. But Nick jumped to this whole conclusion that me and you were together.”
You watched her face. Looking for any sort of negative reaction. Waiting for her to blow up on you. “Oh.”
“And when Gabbie tried to say it wasn’t you and that were just friends, and that my supposed girlfriend lives in California, he got up and left. So it may be possible that the whole Iowa college campus will assume we’re together.” You played with your fingers as you watched her some more. Still waiting for her explosion.
“I mean, I don’t mind. He sounded weird so if it keeps the guy away from you, i’m okay with being the ‘pretend’ girlfriend.” She shrugged her shoulders. Grabbing her shoes from behind you, your chair sitting right infront of the cubby that belonged to her:
“Kate. Are you sure? This is so random and so strange and I would totally get it if your uncomfortable.” You wanted it to be clear that this situation could go away if she was uncomfortable. If she was uncomfortable you’d go on a date with him and just tell him it won’t work after. It’d be bad for you if he goes around saying rude things but you couldn’t care less about people you don’t know. You just wanted to make sure Kate wasn’t the one feeling weird.
“Yeah, I mean—I don’t have to kiss you in public, right? I feel like that’s overstepping a boundary we have not thought about setting.”
“No, Kate. You do not have to kiss me in public. Wait so you’d kiss me in private?” You looked at the girl, now fully joking around as you wiggled your eyebrows and laughed.
“Oh yeah for sure.” Kate made a funny face while nodding her head before grabbing her water and standing up. You following behind to get this practice and video recording started.
“Oh, and your getting mic’d up today. I don’t know if Coach Lisa told you.” You say as you both walk onto the court.
You and Kate had showered, separately unfortunately, and sat on the couch. You had been trying to convince her the whole way home from practice to watch New Girl. She agreed after ten excruciating minutes of your nagging.
You were deciding to pick the snack you wanted, grabbing M&Ms you bought at the store yesterday, snickers, chips, and popcorn. You wanted to watch as many episodes as possible because you both started school late tomorrow and it was an off day for practice.
“What are these practices anyways? Are they like preseason workouts to get back in shape or?” You watched Kate as she picked her snacks.
“Yeah. Basically. We’re technically only allowed to goof off a little during those ones.” Kate laughed, referring to the mic’d up practice today. Coach Lisa usually wants a more focused and intimate space during the actual season. “Oh my. What if we just kill this whole tub of Neapolitan ice cream?” Kate took it out of the freezer and suddenly all your snack choices went back to the cabinets.
“Ou deal, Martin.” You grabbed two spoons before making your way to the couch. Grabbing the blanket off the backrest, and throwing it over you both. You both settled and got comfy ready to start the marathon of New Girl.
You were both sitting in silence after you decided to just do a highlight reel of episodes since you weren’t going to force Kate to watch multiple seasons. "Are you excited for this upcoming season? Your last season?" You asked as you looked to your right. Kate was seated next to you while you both decided to disregard bowls and just eat the ice cream straight from the tub. She held the tub as you both dug what you wanted out of it. She shoved more ice cream into her mouth and she smiled and nodded her head.
"I am. Just scared and sad." She said somewhat incoherently due to not having swallowed the mouthful of ice cream. You nodded your head. You had already adapted to the Kate language. When she talked while yawning, mouth full, her body language, and her facial expressions. Not many people were fluent like you, and you were actually proud to be one of the people. So you understood exactly what she meant. You saw everything else she was feeling just by the look in her eye and the shape of her lips.
But you also felt sad for her too. You’d both be a sixth-year, grad students, in a couple months. This year bigger for her more than you. This year being her last and final run in her collegiate career. This was huge. You both knew this but wanted to focus on the nicer aspects. You and the girls would support her and be her friend even if she decided to never touched a basketball again. You guys were for life.You didn’t play, so you felt there was nothing you thought you could say other than just being her friend.
"You'll be okay, sweetheart." You wrapped your arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. A small comforting hug, atleast a hug at which this position provided, and kissed the top of her head. You only used terms of endearment like this in small, comforting, intimate moments. You felt this was the right time. "I'll be here for you, and you have the girls. We’ll back you in whatever you do, outside of basketball and school. You can’t ever get rid of us if you tried. But I will give you all the support and all the ice cream you can eat right now." You smiled at the blonde. You both stared at eachother, a little too long, “We are not beating the supposed ‘girlfriend’ allegations right now, Martin.” She bursted out laughing. You not far behind.
"But seriously, thanks shortie." She said as she patted your knee, right before she lost it again and laughed out loud. You immediatey cringed at the name, and pushed her away from you.
"OH! my god! Immediately no, Kate." You laughed again, half embarassment and half amusement. "That is not funny. You sound like a frat boy." That earned another snort laugh from Kate.
"You're right. I'm sorry." You side-eyed her. Pulling the blanket a little closer to you. Scooting over the tiniest bit over to feign anger and hurt. Still managing to catch her movement through your peripheral.
"Bro, I'm not even that much shorter than you. Just short three inches." You rolled your eyes at your best friend, turning back to the episode where Jess and Nick kiss eachother for the first time. Your favorite episode.
"Yes, I know. I know how you feel about my short jokes. I almost cried when you ignored me for three and a half days." Kate chuckled as she looked to you her smile dropping, a frown forming when you still didn't acknowledge her. "Oh, come on, y/n. Don't ignore me again, please! I was kidding." She asked you while chuckling nervously, she asked you two more times, when that didn’t work she insisted on poking you for a two minutes straight.
"Okay, Kate. I forgive you. Now shush, my favorite part is coming up." You kept your eyes on the screen and tried to reach for your spoon in the tub. Your fingers reaching everywhere but your spoon. "Kate can you help me please?"
"Yes, but haven't you already seen this show like eight-billion times?" She grabbed a spoon, whichever one was closest, forgetting which one was which, and scooping a good spoonful, before bringing the spoon to your mouth. "Open." You opened your mouth and took the ice cream happily.
"Thank you, you big teddy bear. God's gift, I'm telling you." You said as you watched the best scene on sitcom TV about to unfold.
"Im just going to pretend you're talking about me and not your show." Kate whispered. "You're welcome, pretty." She said louder so you could hear.
That got your attention. It wasn’t something that you hadn’t heard come out of her mouth and directed to you before; she's called you pretty multiple times when you had asked if the outfit you were wearing out looked good or if the makeup you put on was good for this dinner a girl you were seeing on and off wanted to take you out to. But she's never once used it in this context. You got a nervous feeling in your stomach, something you recognized as butterflies for sure. Fighting the urge to smile at the compliment, a small blush creeping up on your cheeks. Fighting the thoughts you had about her.
It was something new but this one thing…this you weren't going to get used to. You guys were best friends and just roomates. You can't feel anyway about this.You decided to ignore it and take it as a compliment in the moment to make up for the short joke. It definitely wasn’t something serious as you were making.
"I was talking about both of you. The TV and you, Kit-Kate." You put your arm around her shoulder and continued to watch the show. Watching the scene you had been waiting for all night to play. “This was the best cinematic experience I have ever had.” You whispered, now reaching for the spoon again for some ice cream.
Kate beating you to it, already having got another spoonful for you, feeding it to you like she did a couple of seconds ago. You smiled and thanked her before you both decided to cut the show, and search for a movie of both your choosing this time.
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Thank you for taking my request earlier <3
I again have a request if you don't mind ^^
Tsugikuni brothers (yes, I simp for them-) hcs (separately) with the s/o who is awkward with people at first but after getting comfy likes to talk alot and is an absolute chatterbox that barely shuts up? Like the reader also likes to make the people close to them laugh by purposely saying stupid things? But their friends sometimes exclude them or don't pay attention to them when they are trying to say smth?
TvT I mean that's literally who I am and that what's happens to me mostly so yea-
Let me know if you are not comfy with writing it or so ^^
Oooh! No, don’t worry. This very cute! I definitely will do this one too, and hey, I’m like this in real life tbh!
Michikatsu Tsugikuni and Yoriichi Tsugikuni
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Yoriichi is a awkward and antisocial man himself so he isn’t that bothered nor pushy over your own shyness as he understands it fully. To him, you seem very nice and he won’t force you to talk to him, take your time
Michikatsu, on the other hand, is as quiet and antisocial as Yoriichi, but he is able to hold conversation so you’re own social issues is a bit annoying, not enough to make him despise you tho, just enough to make him scowl
Yoriichi and Michikatsu are equally quiet so when you start to open up more and begin to be much more talkative and shape into the chatterbox you are under that cute exterior. Both brothers are considerate and will never be rude towards you but act different
Yoriichi loves listening to you ramble on and on as long as you want, and he will always be your listener. He also really adores that you feel comfortable with him enough to talk your heart out
Michikatsu needs silence however but he just doesn’t have the gut to even ask you to tone it down. It’s half a annoyance and half a joy, he does likes hearing how excited you are and how you rely on him
The Tsugikuni Brothers are just raised polite and considerate so no matter what, you want to talk to them? They’ll let you talk and rant and even dump, the closer you are to them, makes them even more willingly to hear you out. It’s how they are by nature
Yoriichi is so flattered and flustered when you say stupid things and try your best to make him laugh. He may force out a laugh at times but that’s because he just adores you and your happiness is his to his core. Most of the time, your attempts make him genuinely laugh
Michikatsu is not much of a jokester, he is very serious but with the way you always say such stupid things and suspect him to laugh with waiting eyes, he always laughs. No matter what, to him, you’re adorable and he wants to make you happy
Both Tsugikuni Brothers are extremely protective over you and your health, so when you tell them about your friends excluding you, out of the blue, from conversations or ignoring you, they are equally outraged
Yoriichi calmly and politely discusses a plan with you, to talk to your so-called friends about their treatment over you since he just can’t stand you being upset or hurt. They don’t realise what they do to you so he must make them realise himself
Michikatsu won’t let that shit slide, god no, he is immediately going to your so-called friends and talking them down for mistreating you. You’re a pure being and he will protect your purity forever. He doesn’t tell you about what he does but it’s all for you
“Dokusha… are you okay? You look a bit upset? Would you like to sit down and have lunch with me, so you can also tell me about everything of today. I’d love to hear it and I’ll try cheer you up”
“Dokusha. I can sense you’re uneven and irritated over something? Aren’t I always the one you tell your issues to? Spill to me about every detail right now, don’t hesitate”
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pinievsev · 2 years
Request: Hey I was wondering if you could do an Ajax x reader fic where Y/N can speak to animals and when she walks past Ajax she can hear the snakes talking about and admiring her so she starts to talk to them and Ajax is like wtf ofc they end up together but still it would be a funny one shot, like for example when they're taking a test next to each-other the snakes just tell her it answers. You don't have to make one but it would be greatly appreciated if you do could <3.
I absolutely love this! I've wanted to write something including his snakes- but I didn't know what! So! Let's go! (P.s. I have a lot of requests and alot of things to focus on and it's pretty hard so I'm sorry if these take along time)
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Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader. (Because the request specifically uses she/her <3)
Synopsis: in which, a certain Gorgon's snakes take a liking to Enid's best friend ;)
The reader is a Zoolinguist.
Zoolinguism: ability of communicating with animals. (Had to do some deep research on this)
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You had been Enid's best friend for the past semester, it's only been a month since you started this one, and everything is going great except for one thing. Sometimes when walking around the campus, mainly the quad, you hear mumbling in really high pitched hushed voices, if that makes sense. You've told Enid but she has absolutely no idea what it could be, you knew animals weren't usually aloud in school.
You were sitting at the quad with Enid breaking your heads trying to figure out what it could be. Suddenly, you heard mumbling again, this time, detriment to find out what it was, you go focused on it. "Ohhh look! Look there she is!" "She's pretty!" "Come on!! Go closer!!",were some of the things you heard along with what sounded like hissing. Wait! Hissing?!.
"Enid!" You said shaking your head "what animal makes some type of hissing sound?" she narrowed her eyes "cats?" You shook your head "can't be.." just then the bell rang, oh god you had a test in astronomy (I'm too lazy to find out a name myself, sorry not sorry j.k.r <3) "sorry Enid, gotta run! We'll talk later" she nodded as you sped walked off.
You knew, nothing. "Damnit" you mumbled Staring at the paperwork Infront of you. It was like the latters didn't form words, it was a disaster. You looked to your side, seeing your crush and friend Ajax, the way his nose scrunched when he didn't know something was adorable to you. Turning back you blinked rapidly trying to make sense of the question, then you heard it again, mumbling and decided to focus once more "4! The answers 4!" You heard the voices. You filled in number 4. This went on untill you finished your test. You didn't know who or what they were but you sure were thankful. Walking out of class you mumbled a "thanks" hoping they heard and walked off, leaving Ajax confused, and distressed trying to get his snakes to stay in his beanie. They've been acting weirdly lately. And he didn't know why.
You walked into your dorm, full speed "Enid! Guess what!" She jumped, turning off her music "yeah? Do tell!" She jumped on her bed Patting the spot Infront of her for you to sit, and you did "I had a test in astronomy, and I knew nothing right?" She nodded "and then I heard them again, the voices" her eyes widened "and?! Come on!!" "They were telling me the answers!" You smiled wide eyed and you both started laughing "seriously?!" You nodded frantically trying to catch your breath "yes! Seriously!" She thought for a second "so you said, they are alot of voices together right?" You nodded "and they are high pitched?" "Yup!" "Hm, maybe the animals are small" "most likely yeah." "And they make hissing sounds?" "Yes what are you trying to say?" She shrugged.
You were, once again, in the quad. When Ajax walked up to you "Hey! Y/n!" You looked up "hi!" He sat down next to you "are you alright? You've been acting kind of weird lately... And so have my snakes" he whispered the last part but you heard and your eyes went wide "your snakes?!" He nodded "oh my god- that's it!" You laughed rubbing your face "what's it?!" And then they started mumbling again, it sounded like Laughing so you laughed along "you scared me" you said to them breathing out "how did i-? What?" Ajax said "no you your snakes!" Just them two of them popped out of his beanie"hi!" They said and you waved "wait what-?" Ajax looked up and his eyes went wide "have they been..." "Talking about and to me? Yeah, they even told me the answers yesterday" Ajax put on a fake betrayed face "you traitors" you shook your head "what can I say, they love me" "they're not the only ones" he mumbled "what?" "What?" "What did you just say?.." he gulped "nothing, I said nothing" "no you did" you looked up at the snakes still poking out of the beanie "he said he loves you" your eyes went wide "you... What?" He sighed "traitors.." I said- I love you" you nodded breathing heavily "I... Me too, I love you too" he smiled "good! That good" you giggled at his awkwardness "now kiss!" You heard the snakes again "fine fine" "what-" you cut him off, kissing him, smiling into his lips as they cheered.
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Thank you so much to @iamonewiththebitches for the request <3!
Taglist: @snickerdodles , @111cherry , @luv4petersteele , @kxxvvxxi , @sidneysprit , @poppet05 , @marvelsimps , @i-wish-this-was-me , @wonderlandco , @day-dream1231 , @ke1ramar1e , @georgi-salva , @arson-the-royal , @falleni0-hq , @mindflay3r , @rottenstyx , @alice0blog , @nova-lov3su , @elduster , @countsmoon , @biggestsimponhere , @andreeasancheez , @justmanu , @whitewingsh , @hwrtsiren
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realisticjupiter · 5 months
Hiii I hope you're doing well this fine evening:) I was wondering if you can write chishiya that notice this one beach resident (reader) that keeps staring at him and at first he thinks that she's planning some evil schemes or something but no he just finds out with his super detective skills she's drawing him. Alot. And ends up confronting her about it. Thank you sooo much xoxo.
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ꔫ ⸝⸝ summary: chishiya always seemed to catch you in the act. what was the act? he needed to know.
ꔫ ⸝⸝ pairing: chishiya x gn!reader
ꔫ ⸝⸝ genre: fluff
ꔫ ⸝⸝ warnings: none
ꔫ ⸝⸝ word count: 931
A/N: this was a little rushed but i hope you still like it!
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It started off as what Chishiya hoped to be a coincidence. When he'd catch your gaze and you'd walk away; like a guilty dog.
He could tell you've gained more confidence when you'd stare right back at him and continue the soft movements of your wrist on the notebook you had laid on your lap.
Then it became more frequent, like you'd been following him and knew everywhere he'd be.
At some point he thought he was the one following you.
He couldn't pull away when he saw you again. Up on a balcony with the ability to look at every other beach resident, but every time you looked up--your eyes were on him.
He had given you the nickname 'Stalker' when talking to Kuina about it. And Kuina happened to be the one who put the paranoid thought that you were plotting an evil scheme against him.
Honestly, it could make sense. The constant writing, the more frequent encounters. What else would it be?
Chishiya, the curious cat. Far too curious for his own good the way he made his way back inside the Beach. Fast and large footsteps going towards where he saw you. Hoping he'd catch you before you'd disappear again.
But just with his luck, the chair you once sat in was empty. He took smaller steps to walk deeper inside the balcony, looking down to see your perspective.
Chishiya turned around, eyeing the chair that he wanted to stuff in an evidence bag and get it tested for anything and everything to figure out who you were.
He kneeled down, bringing his hand out to grab onto the black piece that felt like chalk on his fingers.
It was charcoal. Why did you have charcoal?
And as smart as Chishiya was. He now realized every theory he had, was now wrong just by this small piece in his hand.
He stood back up, studying the charcoal under his intimidating gaze as if it would talk to him with words.
You were an artist. At least, that's what it seemed like. Someone plotting on his demise wouldn't be writing a plan in charcoal. But rather draw a picture, like a face they could see daily.
That was his face.
Now he really wanted to find you; more than before. He wanted to ask you if he was right, and then maybe you'd show him your art with a smile.
He thought about that charcoal piece since he had woken up. And he realized maybe he could see the way other people viewed him, outside of his life and onto a piece of paper.
Catching you in the act seemed easy in his mind. He went to the same place every morning, and he'd see you there too. But instead of being on his side of the room, he'd sneak up behind you. Startle you, then help you up before taking that charcoal piece out of his pocket and into your view.
Sometimes he scared himself how easy it was to predict other people's moves, it felt like he had some sort of superpower.
Because that's exactly what happened.
You jumped to the sound of his voice, "Stalking again?" His voice husky, but soft as he spoke with a grin.
"Maybe?" You spoke as if it was question towards him, afraid you had made him uncomfortable.
"Maybe?" His grin grew larger when he quoted your words back to you, bringing out that charcoal piece you left behind.
You put on a shy smile when you saw it, reaching your hand out to grab it before he pulled away.
"It took me a while to find out what you were doing." Chishiya spoke, looking around your body to try and spot that notebook you carried around.
"It's only fair you show me what you were really doing." He cleared his throat after the words left his mouth, his eyes going back to yours to study your expression.
"That's true..." You chuckled, "I guess that is fair." You sighed, taking the notebook out of the satchel that rested on your body.
You handed it to him. You didn't need to show him a certain page, the entire notebook was just filled with him and maybe someone who was standing beside him if you got bored.
He noticed a few of him and Kuina, noticing the perfect strokes of led or charcoal that stained the white pages.
"These are better than I thought they would be." He hummed honestly, slowly flicking through the pages and taking in everything they offered.
"Thanks." You nodded, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable... Or anything. I'm not good at talking to people. And you're quite satisfying to draw." You explained through a nervous lump in your throat. Your fingers fidgeting with each other as they rested above your thigh.
"I'm not uncomfortable." He shook his head, finally peeling his eyes away to look at yours. "I thought you were trying to kill me at first." He shrugged, looking back down.
"Oh," You nervously laughed, trying to wait patiently for him to hand it back.
"Where'd you learn how to draw?" He asked curiously, finally closing the notebook and handing it back to your shaking hands.
You shrugged, "Just something I taught myself over the years." You explained, stuffing the notebook into your bag.
"If you ever draw me again, you should show me." He wasn't suggesting it, he was hoping it.
You nodded before watching him walk away, only realizing he hadn't given the charcoal piece to you until he was out of sight.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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kitchenlittle · 1 year
I want to make a little PSA and warning about future content being posted to my page very soon. I will not stand for the slander of writers who choose to write about Miles Morales due to popularity of the movies. Let me make something clear since it seems there are many fake Marvel Fans out there who know nothing about the universes. THERE ARE UNIVERSES WHERE MILES IS ALREADY AN ADULT.
Earth-8 comes to mind where Miles is LITTERALY a full grown MAN MARRIED TO GWEN STACY and they have 2 CHILDREN TOGETHER. Their names are Charlotte and Max Morales. LOOK IT UP IF YOU DONT BELIEVE.
Every universe has a differing age/look from the Miles Morales we see in the movies and know why? BECAUSE THERE IS DARN NEAR THOUSAND IF NOT INFINITE universes of Miles. SO YES. There is a universe with events just like the movie with slight differences and Miles over the age of 18. So litteraly any story about about Miles would litteraly be cannon in someway!
Just like how we can have a Adult Peter Parkers like in the movie exist at the same time as underage Peter Parkers like Tom Holland's. Or should I say," -Dr. Strange and the little nerd on Earth 199999 (AKA Tom Holland)"~Miguel O'hara. And if you were paying attention to the movies you'd know that Miles cannonly exist in live-action human form. Uncle Aaron played by musician and actor childish gamebino mentions he has a nephew who wants to protect to Spiderman. You see that same prowler Childish Gambino Uncle Aaron captured in the new movie. He was captured by Hobie Brown and locked uo as anamoly needing to be sent back to his universe. Meaning that Adult Miles can exist at the same time as kid Miles!
NOT ONLY THAT. But here is some hyprocracy I have found. THE ANIME FANDOM. The most popular characters in the anime are 15- 16. FROM Deku and Bakugou FROM MY HERO, to Luffy FROM ONEPEICE, to Sukuna/Yuji from JUJITSU KAISEN and many many more. Most main characters are highschool age. HOW IS IT? That they can age up charecter that alot of times we will never see 18 or older and write a fanfic sometimes while the charecter in the story is still 15-16 and get a away with it. But Miles Morales authors go out their way to age him up before they even write it and litteraly aren't wrong since their are universe where he is older, are weirdos and pe***. I don't see some anime writers doing that? Make it make sense?
A message for my unsure authors out there.
~So for all my writers not their scared to post their fics. Label it Earth-8 Miles who is a father and husband to Gwen and say it's a headcannon of what ps happend he's 18-25 before he got married if you feel that weird about it.
Some of ya'll are fake fans who completely missed the point of the movie and it's implications. Don't come in my DMs telling me to take anything down because I'm not. You will be blocked and locked out of interacting with my page. And if you feel uncomfortable block me. Just know if you block you will be missing out of 50+ fics I've been working on 18+ characters for about a year now and will be posting starting in July. It's littersly an event I've been working on called the 'Lemon Fest', since it's my birthday month.
Once again every charcter I write about had a cannon adult version of them made by the creators or is already an adult. I was going to keep this a secret by I've gotta protect my fellow authors especially if they are being wrongly targeted. Wanna get mad? Wanna get angry at some authors? Get mad at the ones the ones that write about you favorite anime charecters that are likely 15-16 then ask them to delete it...oh wait...you won't.. because if done that would litteraly be deleting 3/4 of the fanfiction written on this site.
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Hiii!! I saw ur across the spiderverse update and I was wondering if you could do Hobie Brown headcanons for maybe a reader in his Earth who’s more techy, and works in like DJ or Techno themed music. It’d be pretty kool
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Hobie Brown x Techy!DJ!Reader Headcanons
Summary: Headcanons for a Techno DJ reader on Hobie’s Earth. How y’all go from strangers, to friends, to something else entirely ❤️💙
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: N/A (could possible have SPOILERS for ATSV but Im pretty sure there isnt)
A/N: I KINDA WENT OVERBOARD??? I had alot of fun writing this and hope it meets expectations!! ☺️
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— When you live on an Earth thats as messed up (politically) as Earth 138 you have to find an out. Something to keep you from going crazy.
— For you that was music.
— More specifically techno.
— It was just, easy for you to sit down and plug yourself into your already well loved computer and not come out until you had produced at least one or two songs.
— Soon after you realized you could do so much more with this music.
— It start out small. You would show a few friends, who would show other friends. And soon after that it started to snowball.
— You were starting to hold “shows” if thats what you could call it. After Dark DJ sessions and Midnight rave rallys.
— It was just the beginning of the role you would take though.
— After a while you had started to spread this message through your music. Your flyers for your shows started to also be flyers for change.
— And soon enough you caught the eye of a certain spider. Who’s message wasn’t so different from yours.
— Especially when you were holding an exclusively inclusive rally in an old abandoned Fisk tower.
— He was curious how the hell you were gonna get in the building, it was guarded per say but it had locks even he couldn’t break.
— But as he watched you, he was impressed with how you worked your way around the keypad.
— You had this small little mechanism, which he could tell was homemade, that you plugged into the devices. All you had to do was press a few buttons and reprogram it.
— With two zaps you were in, and the keycards with your calling-card that were on the flyers handed out on it made much more sense now.
— The show itself was probably the hardest you had put on. The music and the lightshow alone were impressive. He especially had a good view from above in the rafters.
— You were in your element. You were moving to the beat, your stage presence alone told him that you truly loved what you were doing.
— After everything was said and done, you stayed on that stage till the very last person left
— Or so you thought
— As you were breaking down your equipment (also all handbuilt, he’d have to figure out how you made all this bulky equipment compactable) he decided to make himself known
— Slowly, he lowered (upside down) till he was technically in front of you. You had your back turned to him though as you were clipping a particularly difficult suitcase closed
— “Need help?”
— Needless to say you were caught off guard, because you whipped around holding what looked like a keyboard ready to smack him
— Luckily he had caught your wrist, and watched as the electronic face on your own mask turned from an angry emoticon to surprised.
— Were you surprised that THE Spiderman was at your show? Yes and No.
— While you’re sure your music wasn’t his style, based off his spike hawk and battle vest, you were sure that your views matched up.
— “Ive got it, thanks though.”
— With one more press of a button, everything else collapsed down. You were left with only two suitcases to carry.
— “‘ow you do all that? Its quiet impressive.”
— “Its quite simple, I could show you sometime.”
— That small little interaction would later spiral into an interesting friendship between the two of you
— While he never called you his person in the chair, he did find himself often coming to or contacting you whenever there was a code he couldnt crack or a person he needed identifying
— And whenever you needed a little extra help spreading the word about another one of your rave rallys there was no doubt he would have a handful of flyers accidentally falling out of his arm as he was swinging
— The night you both showed each-other your faces definitely solidified your friendship
— You were working on a new track, headphones plugged in when your phone started buzzing.
— SPIDEY P: open the window
— When you opened said window, (mask on btw) he had rushed in and then slammed it shut
— He had drew your curtains shut and grabbed your dresser, sliding it infront of your window
— You were very confused
— But when he had explained to you that Osborn had gotten wind of him and your friendship he apparently raced right over to your place
— While you were now a little scared for your life, you were more flattered
— It seemed like he had raced right over, cause he was huffing and puffing as he leaned on the edge of the bed
— “What if I…showed you my face? That way you could know like…who to look out for?”
— You could tell your question had caught him off guard, but he didn’t hesitate to reach for the edge of is his mask. And your were just as quick to reach to the clip on the back of yours
— Maybe this is also when your relationship…changed
— Not only because you both were seemingly breathtaken by both of eachother but…the fact the fact that you both had without question went to rip your masks off
— It was a raw…personal type of respect that had been shown that night
— Afterwards Hobie (whos named you had learned literal seconds after the mask off) started coming over more
— It was usually in the after hours, he would come and relax. You both would start getting to know each-other more personally.
— He started giving you samples to include in your sets, and you EVENTUALLY got him to download some of your songs
— The first time he takes you web swinging you swear you almost lost your life
— Despite the fact that he was holding onto you with dear life
— Because at this point he wouldn’t know how to react if he accidentally got you hurt
— Thats why he rushed over as fast as he could when he saw a screencap of you at one of your shows
— Whenever he went to your place, and your curtains were open he’d take a moment just to watch you in your natural element.
— He loved it when he was listening to one of your songs, and he heard his sample mixed in perfectly
— Your medleys and his always seemed to blend into each other perfectly, despite being from almost two completely different genres
— You started to notice how your heart would flutter whenever you saw him in the rafters of yourshow
— Especially if he shows up as Hobie?? OH BOy does your heart pick up
— You noticed he started being…closer? He would put his hand on the small of your back or between your shoulderblades whenever he would lean over to look at your computer
— He would “accidentally” leave one of his spiked cuffs behind, and lemme tell you he knew you would wear it so you wouldnt forget to give it to him
— So when he sees you wearing it at one of your shows (since it had become almost a tradition for him to help you pack up after a show) his heart always feels like its gonna jump outta his chest
— You guys dance around each other for a while. You both know theres gotta be SOMETHING there. You’ve both noticed the how soft you’ve come around each other
— Both your smiles become sweeter. You hug him for longer, you grip onto him just a bit tighter when he takes you out swinging to his favorite spots.
— Those are your favorite hang out nights. When you just go to sit ontop of whatever building or tower Hobie decided to take you too. Sometimes he even takes you to a tower thats right across from an art piece he had dabbled with.
— It all comes to a boiling point though, one night when you were on a call with Hobie as he was slinging around.
— You’re talking his ear off about some new sound board you were thinking about getting. He was eating it up.
— But then he starts breaking up, and you hear alot of scuffling. When he completely cuts out you lose it.
— You cant go out there, you dont have any weapon of any sort. You also know Hobie would lose it if you put yourself in danger because of him
— So all you can do is keep restarting his tracker and hope he’s okay
— You’re on your apartment fire escape in an instant just waiting for him to come back after a while, to keep yourself from going crazy
— You knew he would, especially since you cut out
— So when he slowly comes into your view, with his mask half down he smiles at you.
— You don’t know what to say as you stare at him with tears in your eyes, but he does apparently
— He was always a man of action, actions do speak louder than words
— He had pulled the bottom of his mask down just enough to show the bottom half of his face
— And then he’s kissing you, his gloved hand coming to hold the side of your face. It takes you a second before you react, but then you go to hold the edge of his mask and really just sink into the moment
— After that your dynamic changes. You two become MUCH closer physically, share more private kisses and nights actually spent together.
— Those late night swings turn into dates on top of buildings, where he will sometimes (usually every time) play a song for you
— You are permanently always wearing one of his cuffs
— And suddenly the infamous Spiderman has a new patch on his battle vest, that has your stage name on it
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sleeplesssmoll · 3 months
Other effects of Pain Tolerance?
This is mostly a bunch of ideas that my brain didn't want to let go of so now I subject everyone to them.
Let's say Vertin is someone who's pain tolerance is very high. This could warp her perceptions of pain. Things we normally find painful are less painful to her, therefore it's tolerable/normal. This is something we see done all the time in other media.
But what about the other effects this could have? Pain is a super important sense that also makes people relate to one another. We know the pain of stepping on a Lego or stubbing your toe. It's a very human (although Vertin is an arcanist) experience and while it's annoying, it connects us to one another. Here are some other things that popped up in my head. Note the brain is just storming so it'll be everywhere (like everything else I do, honestly)
Lack of sensation leading to appreciation
Pain and pleasure are very much intertwined so if she can't feel pain, it's probable other sensations are lessened too. For example, let's use hugs. The first sense we think of is touch but there's more than that.
There are differnet stimuli involved with that contact from heat, their weight against you, their scent, their breathing. If they start talking you can feel that little rumble in their chest. While she can't feel many sensations we take for granted to their fullest, there is alot more engagement in these interactions and it makes her appreciate them more. Or let's use her favorite thing: holding hands!Lines on palms, the size of each individual finger, cold/hot, the pulse, they way their hands fit together, etc. She notices things we don't think about since the interaction registers differently in her head. Her lack of feeling actually makes her more touchy because it's still one of the easiest ways to feel a connection to people, even if it's not in the conventional sense.
Arcanum Shenanigans
Vertin's actually holding hands with people to feel out their emotions through their arcane fluctuations. Maybe she can't feel her own pain, but she can feel your's. She can also sus out things that aren't pain like sincerity or hidden motive but she needs to touch you first. Except when arcane fluctuations/emotions are so intense she can feel them without contact. Things like bloodlust and desperation. We know she can sense arcane skills so this is one step further.
Vertin recognizes that maybe her pain tolerance messes with her perception and therefore is sometimes afraid she might hurt someone else. She has a very compassionate personality and the idea of accidentally hurting someone makes her hesitant and she restrains herself from otherwise normal interactions. This could also feed into that gentleness we see in her. There a dash of fear in that empathy. Note, I'm not saying that's why she's so nice but it could also be contributing factor.
She'll also overreact to her people's pain because of her skewed perception while being unaware the severity of her own wounds. I write this one a lot 🫠
This side of her could also make an appearance in a intimate/vulnerable settings where the chances of accidentally hurting the other person are higher. Super touchy at first but then hesitates because at the back of her mind she needs to show restraint and be mindful. I bet in impulsive arcanists it'd be doubley awkward cause they're so connected to their emotions. While Vertin has a clear disconnect with her own.
In other words, she overthink a LOT when it comes to anything that puts someone else in a vulnerable position.
Another example: she gets nervous about holding babies. While she can hold fragile little foggies and juvenile birds with no problem, holding a tiny person make her uneasy. Meanwhile her teammates are the type to rough house the baby. Kids? She loves them. Actual babies? Just frozen in place, waiting for someone to save her while she holds the child like it'll break if she blinks to hard. She won't even try to put the baby down in case she "screws up". Someone needs to come get the baby from her.
Of course, she can learn to get over this with time. Needs to unlearn her doubts and over-corrections. She will become the one who throws the baby in the air because they laugh when she catches them once she does. She'll carry them like a dad. If you know, you know.
Open to any other weird ideas about how a high pain tolerance could effect other parts of her life. Could also be a cool exercise that can apply to similar characters!
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personasintro · 4 months
Hi mimiii how you've been? I sometimes remember you and miss the times you used to talk to us alot, really felt like we were friends and all. But i get why you been away, just hopping you're as happy and as healthy as you can and that your days are not as stressful as it used to be 💜 kisses and luv from your brazillian friend 🫰🏼
Hey, thank you so much for asking! I’d say I’m pretty much the same, I’m constantly doing or dealing with something 🙈
The reason for it is more comprehensive. I’d say I just don’t get many messages where I can have a proper conversation, but I also had to take a little distance because it started to get more toxic and negative here than I’d like it to be. I always took some time responding to messages; no matter how busy I was. I just feel more happy when I don’t have to deal with negative stuff 🩷
Anything I say or do is constantly held over my head. I just decided to mainly write and focus on that, rather than on things I did around it. Hope this makes sense x
Thank you and I’m sending you lots of hugs 🩷
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proshiprodent · 2 years
Yandere! SCP 049 Headcanons
woah im actually getting to this anyways sorry for the long wait but im here! the reader is apart of the scientific department ^^ also reader is afab but uses they/them
God does he love you.
Though you guys were both unaware at first
He thought it was just a feeling of friendliness and care
Until he couldn't keep you out of his head. Through all of his research, the thought of you lingered in his head
He then started to feel something different in him.
He felt an urge to protect you from everyone and to never let you go. He only wanted you to look at him, talk to him and for you to only be by him.
For you though, as an ScD, you saw him react differently everytime he saw you.
He would stare at you, like he was in a trance. He would treat you differently from the rest of the scientists.
The way you two began to grow closer was when you interviewed him.
You guys sat there for hours under close watch by the foundation. Talking on and on about eachothers lives and personal things.
You know it was odd to be closer than friends with an SCP, especially as foundation personnel but you felt something for him. Love.
He could tell you felt this by how he analyzed you everytime you guys would talk. He felt ecstatic, absolute joy in your reciprocation.
Sometimes when the foundation had put you in for tests, you two would talk to eachother in his cell. Enjoying eachothers company as you guys talked. He would even show off some of his progress or belongings that he somehow had.
You looked at him as he explained his studies, deep in thought and showing interest to it. "See, the pestilence does not reside in other mammals similar to humans, They've given me orangutans to test on but it's just not the same.." You nodded in agreement as he continued, "Though someday I hope to test on a human with the pestilence. Or any human."
"Would I be on your list of potential tests?" you questioned
"God no! Your beauty must be protected, I must not ruin a person like you..."
He tries to be gentle at first. Keyword: tries.
He has a knife kink no fucking doubt and loves to carve hearts into you
What does his penis look like? oh honey you asked the wrong person
So I think its kinda lanky. Definitely sensative. His skin has a greyish tint to it so I think his penis definitely is grey with a bit of red at the top. The red is probably something like #DDCDC9 with the rest of his penis being #DDDDDD and his balls being a little darker at #C4C4C4. I'd say the length is 7.12 inches soft maybe, 8.01in hard (wow im generous). His penis may not be that thick but it makes up in length. Girth is probs 3.10in wide. His semen production is kinda alot. He definitely has a curve about like 4-5 degrees towards him.
He'd tie you up and call you a 'gift from the heavens'
049 writes down your reactions and actions and i will die on this hill.
He loves when you suck him off but refuses to say.
SIZE KINK SIZE KINK if your small he will love you forever
Theres no way he doesnt have a dacryphilia kink
Fucks you for hours and says its for research LMAOO
sorry i dont have much im so tired rn 💀
He looked at you as you layed under him, naked and flustered. "Beg for it, love." you looked at him and wimpered "P-Please fuck me 049, please cum inside of me..~" He chuckled at your words and thrusted into you,
"Finally I have you all to me.."
Yes i fucking wrote that paragraph. why? because i can. I apologize (not
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
Weasley Siblings React To Their Partner Who Age Regresses
Now I myself do not age regress, but I may be trying it out! To help cope with trauma. There is something so comforting about it, so some cute and pure fluff!
((Also, people in the agere community, hi! You are valid, real, and loved. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’ll be ok, sug!
Writing Commissions open
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William ‘Bill’
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He doesn’t really fine it odd. He’s been through multiple tips of therapies, as he is a curse breaker. Curse breakers need to make sure their minds remain sharp, and clear, so they have to keep mental health a priority. There is also the fact he was attacked by a werewolf, so he’s been through even more. And lastly, he is the eldest sibling to six. That means when you go into his little space you are in safe hands. He will make sure you are very safe, and taken care of. It comes naturally to him. He doesn’t really need to know a thing, because his body just knows. He knows what to do. Given his werewolf quirks as well you get to have a boyfriend that can sense your needs far easier. So when you need your care giver, he’s already holding you close. Also, well, big puppy stuffy.
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He’s also an older brother, and works with infant dragons all the time. So dealing with someone who goes into a little space isn’t as difficult as you would think. He is rather curious by it all, however. Not weirded out, but curious. He’s a man that’s traveled the world, somehow more so than the likes of Bill. It’s dumb to not live life with an open mind. He’s willing to learn, and wants to take care of you. You develope a rather maternal nature, when you work with new borns all the time. It’ll be nice to have a more human little to work with. Given his strength, and warmth, he makes for a wonderful cuddle bug. He makes you feel so small, with how easy he can pick you up. It helps you drift into your little space alot easier, and doesn’t feel as weird. Just into his arms you go, and you know you couldn’t be safer
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He’s found it very strange. He’s always been very prissy and uptight, after all. What do you mean you just act like a child? Fred and George do that already! He’s honestly a big ass about it, until Bill pulls him aside. Trying to explain it more properly to him, before he goes and says something he will regret. It takes a while, but he’s soon reading up on it. Might as well learn about it. That’s kinda how it started, really. You would come to him, when you needed your moment, and he would read you stories. He won’t lie, it was comforting. Reminded him of when he helped teach his younger siblings how read. Maybe there is something to this age regression thing. There’s a weird comfort. How he can just take care of you, and you trust him enough to know he will. It takes a while, but he is willing to learn. For you
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He runs a joke shop. If anyone is going to know how to handle a kid, it’s him. Also, older brother quirks. Doesn’t really phase him either. You act younger sometimes? Don’t we all? He’s going to be the best care giver. Especially since he did mature a bit, from running a shop. So don’t think you weaseled your way into endless candy. Can’t have his precious kiddo sick! As being a bit more mature, he also has things a bit more calculated. A designated toy box’s to keep your kid stuff secure, and private. Willing to drop everything if you need him. Even happily have you play with your toys, in his office, as he works. Very much taking on a very solid dad role. Wouldn’t be to surprising if he knew about age regression before he met you. He likes to keep up to date with the kids, so he can better care for them. Such as what products they would like. He’s calculated, but not like a robot. Like an actual dad, wanting the best for his kids after all. You included. Oh and don’t you dare forget, they are two for one. Uncle George is going to steal you, when Fred needs to work. Never fear!
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Much like his twin, you are in safe hands. However, he has a bit more of an emotional approach. He likes to be a bit more hands on with it all. The type to make you chocolate chip pancakes in the morning, and always have a bottle of apple juice ready. He took on the food love from his mother. So you are given plenty of sweet snacks for every occasion. Always finding a way to make sure you meet your nutrient needs, even when small. That way you stay healthy, but not sacrifice the things you love. He knows how that can mess with you. Especially after losing Fred. So, to take care of someone is helping him take care of himself. The ability to just take time out of his day, and be with you, it’s healing. It really is. Your bravery in admiting to this is helping him live such a better life. Just able to hold you, and know that he can protect you. He couldn’t save Fred, but he was able to save you
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Hope you don’t mind, but his ass went running to Hermione for advice. She’s the smartest person he knows. If anyone knows anything about anything, it’s her. He finds it a bit confusing, but Hermione does a beautiful job in explaining it to him. Such as how his brothers do certain things to cope, or do things different because of trauma and stress. You were the same. That helps him figure it out better. Still, it’s a bit complicated for him. He’s worried about messing up, because you are in a rather vulnerable position. Luckily, similar to how the twins are two for one, he’s a three for one. Hermione is more than happy to help you, and Harry is in the same boat as you. He had to cook his uncle, aunt, and cousin, breakfast every morning by the time he learned how to walk. If anyone’s going to understand, it’s going to be him. a pair of parents, and an uncle sometimes sibling. you would be in safe hands.
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She, more so, went running to her older siblings for advice. Especially Bill. He knows stuff like this after all. It’s confusing, until he explains it. Much like how Hermione would with Ron. After some time, she figured out how to make it work. She didn’t really know if she could pull it off, but she is a Weasley. She is too stubborn to back down from a challenge. Her care taker role would follow more of an older sibling dynamic. She’s found it pretty nice, really. She was always jealous that her brothers got to have younger siblings. She had to be the last one, and that takes a toll after a while. Especially in a family so big. It’s a nice way to live out something like that. You can’t complain about it. Especially since, similar to Charlie, she’s yanking you into the air. All that Quidditch sure pays off. A older sibling is rather comforting. Familia love is soothing to the soul. You both get that gentle moment. She gets to be a big sister, and you get one. So warm, and safe.
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daddy-deathslinger · 1 year
Hello! Would you be willing to write a little something for The Huntress, The Hillbilly, The Oni and The Deathslinger with a killer reader who follows them around after trials because she feels safest with them? Most killers scare her, so she sticks with the ones she deems most trust worthy. If they are too many characters, please feel more than free to choose whichever you want! Thank you!
Hello there! Hope ya like what I conjured up! 🤠
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Fem!Reader killer hanging out with The Huntress
Hanging out with Anna in between trials has quickly become one of your favourite activities. 
She loves to show you how she polishes her hatchets, and she lets you help her out too.
While the two of you fine tune the hatchets, she likes to hum her strange, foreign songs. It brings fear into the survivors’ hearts, but to you it’s calming and soothing. 
Sometimes you even dare to try and hum the songs along with her, and she seems to like this alot. Her deep voice mixes well with yours.
Fem!Reader killer hanging out with The Hillbilly
Hanging out with Max in between trials is always fun.
He doesn’t talk, but he still has the best sense of humour of any of the killers you’ve met. 
The two of you like to tinker on his chainsaw when given the time, and he always finds ways to make you smile and laugh, even when you have a bad day.
You usually hang out by his house or in the cornfields, getting to relax in the countryside just the two of you.
Fem!Reader killer hanging out with The Oni
Kazan isn’t much for hanging out, but when you started following him around in between trials, he eventually found his peace with it. 
He likes to be alone, but he makes an exception for you.
Usually he’ll sit and meditate at the statue in his realm, and lately you’ve started to join him, and he doesn’t seem to mind.
The two of you will sit there in complete silence, not thinking about anything at all and just taking in the vastness of everything.
Fem!Reader killer hanging out with The Deathslinger
When you hang out with Caleb in between trials, you’re always relaxed. Lots of killers make you feel on edge, but not Caleb. 
Caleb loves to tinker with his Redeemer in between trials, and even though he never lets you touch it, he gives you other things you can tinker on.
A pistol, a shotgun, maybe some invention of his that he just can’t get to work.
The two of you sit in silence either in his workshop or out in the setting sun, just working. This is the best part of your day.
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lunels · 1 year
Hi, hope you’re doing well 💘 would I be able to request headcanons about what ellie’s ideal girl would be?
hii thank u! & thank u sm 4 requesting you're my first one!!! i hope you like :) also sorry i wrote a little too much..
ellie's ideal girl headcannons
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automatically. she would luvvvvvv someone who is a badass. LIKE. confident, has some confidence. someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind or voice their opinion. i think of dina for example, who’s a little bit of a flirt. made it known that she liked ellie, who went and kissed ellie first. orrr riley, who was impulsive and willingly brought ellie along w her sometimes to show that she wasn’t afraid to join the fireflies. who showed she was determined to do what she thought was right. ellie is def into those types of women.... and more! hold on.
she'd love someone who could match her level of wittiness and have an even smarter mouth. sharp minded individuals!!! she would find that veryyyy attractive. someone who can have her a little speechless or gets her gears turning. like damn... okay, shit.
someone who doesn't take a lot of things seriously. WHO KNOWS HOW TO CRACK A DAMN JOKE. like come onnn we already know ellie is a big jokester !!!! she's a sarcastic girl. she would grow bored of someone who doesn't know how to have a little fun.. yk??? a little frisky.. a little..... yk???? just have SOME sense of humor and you're good. you make her laugh. you're married.
SOMEONE WHO ISN'T GONNA GET BORED OF HER TALKING AND RAMBLING AB THE STUFF SHE LIKES...... sorry to keep yelling at you. so sorry. 😇 just someone who listens to her!!!!! who is genuinely interested in learning more ab her interests!!! basically hearts in her eyes. she will love U 4ever.
someone who accepts her flaws regardless of what they are. she's an insecure girl. she would grow fond of someone who can accept her all, bad or good. who will stay after seeing her bad moments.
she'll neeeeddd someone who is the type to be reassuring when she feels like she's drowning and who makes her feel wanted. ellie is def the type to doubt herself and be heavily insecure in a lot of her abilities. feeling as if she's not good enough. she will feel drawn to people who see something in her and aren’t shallow. willing to show her that she is enough. that she is everything and more!!!
someone who is also, if not equally artistic as her. im not hating on the no hobby girls or the sleeps all day and stays in their room girls because thats also me! but i feel like a relationship w ellie or just a friendship in general would mesh very well if you had a handful of interests that you indulged in. bonus if youre into the same things!!! (she's already scribbling ab you in her journal) she’s THE clingy type but would like a bit of independence. don’t get me wrong for the sleeps all day girls, she’d love you too. promise. being in that gogogo mode and all that overworking she does to herself will backfire on her. just keep doing yo thanggg & she'll come thru
hate to say it but. someone who is motherly. idk how to explain it!! i hope that's not weird. like a nurturing person. she's been pretty much absent of a mother/mother figure her whole life and being friends/dating someone who nurtures and cares for her in a motherly way would have her HOOKED. she would be surpised at how good it feels to be taken care of for a little bit. she's not used to the being taken care of acts. or the just because kisses. or the long hugs when you notice she's off. or the frequent how are you feeling? how was your day? what's got you so worked up? dykwim?? does someone know what i mean???? just yeah. that.
alsoooo also idkkk but somebody who is the type to initate things. i know alot of ppl write/see ellie as the one to start everything and be on top and blahblahbalah and i do too sometimes! butttt she also second guesses she's nervyyyy she's veryyy much in her head. she will stand there and look at you with nothing behind her eyes screaming in her head wondering if you think of her the way she thinks of you UNTIL you just say i like you!!! wanna go out sometime?!?!? and you're set. done. she might as well just kiss you right there. if you go out of your way to show that you're interested, she'll do the rest. maybe. probably.
and that’s all i can think of thank you 4 requesting <3 xoxo, butterfly 🦋
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deathbxnny · 1 year
☆《Mha boys dating a civilian!Reader》☆
A/N: So uhh... this is self-indulgent and a small cry for help, because I would love to write requests for other fandoms than just hsr and yeah... I just want to write for something else for once and am brain rotting hard, so forgive me- (If you're curious about what other fandoms I'm willing to write for, check my request info!)
Featured characters: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo
Content: Slight angst if you squint, fluff, established relationships, reader being a civilian, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Izuku Midoriya
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He genuinely appreciates your existence in his life so much. He's always so busy with hero and quirk training, that it can sometimes consume his very existence. Something that starts to become very draining to him over time, despite loving what he does. So being with you is like a much needed break from everything going on in his life.
He can escape the stress and pressure with you, as your life is so much more calm and mundane than his. It doesn't stop you worrying over him though, since you know very well how dangerous his life sometimes can be. But he always reassures you that he'll be fine, that he'll always come back to you after a fight. He tries making time for you and makes sure you know how much he appreciates you during your dates.
You're his second best thing to talk about after Allmight and he genuinely cannot shut up about you either. He loves telling everyone about your normal life. It's comforting and motivates him to do even better at training, so that you can keep your peaceful life and live without any worries. It also makes him glad that you aren't a hero, as he already worries about your safety daily. But there is nothing for you to worry about, as your hero boyfriend will keep you safe no matter what!
》Katsuki Bakugo
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He's surprised at how fast he fell for you, when it should've been the other way around. Despite the fact that you were a hero or anything, he still felt oddly connected to you, something he thought about often even after months of dating. He didn't get what about you made him so attached, but he doesn't necessarily complain either, surprisingly. Instead, he feels pride in the fact that you appreciate him for all the training and work he does. His ego just inflates even more through you, but you're at least somewhat spared from his arrogance.
He likes that you are just a civilian, mainly due to him being able to show off that way. He likes impressing you and cares about your opinion alot, despite denying it. He's grumpy whenever you ask him to go out, but will show up fully prepared with flowers in hand, as he complains about you interrupting an important training session for this. You ofcourse know that he was willing to drop anything for you anyways, so you never take his words seriously.
He dismisses all of your worries and gets slightly offended. He's strong and powerful, so what are you even worried about? He's unbeatable! Besides, if anything, he should be worried about you. You may be a weakling in his eyes, but you are his weakling and therefore protected better than anyone else in this world.
》Shoto Todoroki
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Todoroki was unsure of how to be around you at first, especially after he began dating you. He always only knew the life of having to be the perfect hero and therefore didn't really know how to deal with your calm and mundane life. You were such opposites, that it deeply comforted him. You taught him about normal everyday life stuff, something he greatly enjoyed learning about at your side.
Your dates were something he always looked forward to everyday and he made it very clear at that. You gave him a sense of normalcy he missed and for that he was grateful. But that also made him more protective over you, as he didn't want you to ever get hurt. It's the last thing he ever wanted. He is surprised at your constant worry however. Sure, he was the one putting himself in immideate danger all the time. But you were the one he cared about the most.
He takes pride in you, even if you don't have anything special going for you. The fact that you're so kind and normal drew him to you and so he's more than willing to repay his kindness by training hard every day for you. He wants to prove that he is a good boyfriend and hero to you, as you practically motivate him to do something good with his life for once. You're the peaceful light in his dark world and for you, he'd do anything.
A/N: Ah I feel much better... honestly, mha request are very much open and so is anything else on my request info list... please spare me and forgive me for going off my usual hsr theme for a little moment. But God... I'm so burnt out, I just wanted to write for something else. So I hope that's fine with you guys. Please let me know, if you don't like it. :((
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schizoidcel · 11 months
Could you possibly write a ragatha fluff alphabet?
I'll use the same alphabet I used for Jax huhu
Activities (What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?)
She loves knitting with you.
She might be a doll but she still loves it.
You defintiely knit scarfs and other shit for eachother!! Even if it's nor really needed
Boo! (How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?)
She LOVES suprises so much.
Not so much if its just you scaring her, but she'd still be ok with it, since it's you.
But, if you surprise her with for example a gift or anything similar she gets so happy like it lifts her mood up so much
Cuddling (How do they like to cuddle?)
UGHHH she's so SOFT
you fall asleep in her arms instantly.
She could hold you for a not even a nanosecond and you would immediately go mimimir
Date (What does their ideal date with you look like?)
She LOVES taking walks with you outside the tent.
It feels refreshing for both of you, and sometimes you can see goofy ass shit happen.
Emotions (How do they express emotion around you?)
Ragatha is very vulnerable around you, since she trusts you alot.
She dosen't tell you all of her worries ofcourse, but she does it from time to time because she likes sharing her thoughts with you.
Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
She just FEELS like a character who'd love to marry someone.
Poor girl is in her 30's aswell ...
She sometimes rambles about the life you both would/could have in the real world and she comes up with the cutest scenarios
Gifts (What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?)
I think you both give lots of gifts to eachother!
You both got these things that remind you of eachother and decide to just give them to one another.
Like, you could see a red flower and be like "Omigosh. Ragatha." and you give it to her and she is SMITTEN
Holding Hands (When/how do they like to hold hands?)
SHE LOVES IT!! And you do too.
Her hands are way too soft and warm. So if you have cold hands it's the best way to warm them up ...
As much as ahe loves them though, it's like a 50/50 chance everyday whether you two actually hold hands or not
Injury (How would they act if you got hurt?)
She'd get worried about anything, though the scale varies.
If it's a tiny scratch she won't be that worried but she'd still be upset you got hurt
But if it's like, a HUGE ass scar on you from someone or someTHING she would start bombarding you with questions immediately and try to soothe your pain to the best of her abilities
Jokes (Do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
She dosen't joke around that much.
Teases you only sometimes, but it's all lighthearted and you can sense it by her tone
Kisses (How do they like to kiss you?)
She loves them so much. They feel like a reward to her. She seems like somebody who'd love cheek kisses most
Love Language (What are their love langauges?)
I feel like Ragatha has all the 5 Love Languages.
The ones she's most fond of is definitely words of affirmation, quality time and acts of service though
Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
God shes so comfy you don't even want to get up.
Hoe not even that you CAN'T get up.
Ragatha is definitely a morning person and she will try and force you out of bed. Like literally DRAG you if necessary
And as cute as she finds it you can't keep being glued on to her even when you're both out of bed
Nightmares (What are their fears?)
Shes scared of you leaving her in any way.
Abstracting, death, breaking up, getting pulled out the digital world without her SHES JS AFRAID
Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
It's not that obvious for both of you, maybe Ragatha or you would be abit more awkward when you're both left alone but all in all it isn't THAT obvious.
Atleast I wouldn't think so
Pet Names (What do they like to call you?)
As a certified pet name lover, I diagnose Ragatha with pet name user.
She loves calling you sugar or a cute pet name based off of ur avatar
Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
God she remembers EVERYTHING you tell her.
Like everything about you that you tell her she remembers.
"Ugh, I can't find my keys!" "Oh, like how your uncle lost them once!" what.
Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Ragatha's favourite moment of you two was the day of your first date.
Whether it was the digital worlds most perfect date ever or if it was the complete opposite with everything going wrong, she'd still love that day most
Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She'd defend you for life.
There will be NOBODY disrespecting her S/O.
Though if it's about protection it's probably up to you
She can't protect herself that well since she's a literal doll ..
Time (How long did it take you to get together?)
It didn't take that long for you two to get together
Since it's Ragatha, you thought it wouldn't be that bad to confess to her, since even if she says no she probably wont make things awkward between you two
Well, ofcourse you'd still be abit nervous thou lol
But Ragatha was NERVOUS as SHIT and she could not build up the courage to tell you how she feels about you at all .
You two eventually got there though
Unique (What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?)
She sometimes squishes you out of nowhere.
Whether cheeks, arms, hands, she just likes doing it.
She'll stop immediately if you don't like it, though
Value (How important is the relationship to them?)
You're her everything.
She'd go thru so much for you.
She dosen't really expect the same back either, which should literally show you how much she appreciates you
Wild Card (Random headcanon)
She always wanted to go on a concert date.
Whether it be rock or pop or whatever genre, she always wanted to know what it'd feel like to go to one
X-Ray (How well are they able to read you?)
She can read you to a certain level.
She tries not to mention it much though
For example, if you feel sad and Ragatha sees it, even if she wants to talk with you about what's been bothering you, she trusts you enough to come to her when something is worrying or upsetting you
Ragath dosen't want to bring up something you might not want to talk about
Yearn (How do they act when they miss you? Do they show it?)
Ragatha dosen't want to show that she misses you because she dosen't want to worry or rush you if you have anything important to do
You can obviously see how dissapointed she gets though when you two have to be apart for awhile (She can handle it if it's not too long) 😭
She'll make her happiness very visible subconciously once you two finally are together again (God I love her
Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She sleeps like STONE.
Yes she's very soft but you cannot move her at all once shes asleep.
It's also very hard to wake her up.
You probably have to throw a whole shelf
Even that might not work actually . Plus u might hurt ur girl
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
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Discovered a big part of why I like sleep token comes down to ‘echos,’ repetition, and layering.
Hear me out guys !
Ok so I’m probably going to be bad at articulating this, but I feel like a big part of sleep token’s sound comes down to them playing with the concept of echos and the use of repetition in music.
Some of it is pretty bog standard, like as a general rule you’re going to have things that repeat in songs (chord progressions, choruses, melody etc) because that is their nature. But there are other things where I feel the repetition is a deliberate choice or deliberately emphasised (I’m going to dot point, because my brain is so full and idk how else to structure this)
- when you listen to a lot of the piano vessel composes, it typically contains a lot of repeating phrases, usually 2-4 notes that he either repeats exactly or progressively shifts up or down in pitch
- similarly (and probably even more so) the digital sounds, included to help build the layering within songs, are very repetitive in nature. They even sometimes have an echo-y distortion to them
- on that note, the layering is such an important part of sleep token’s sound. They build up phrases steadily, and while theses aren’t technically canons, to me they have a similar feeling when you hear everything together
- also because of the repetition of shorter melody phrases, and the complementary repeating sounds cushioning them, I feel like you really get that atmospheric vibration/hover that you sense when you hear real echos irl which is neat (this is also aided by that atmospheric droning sound they tend to make use of)
- what’s also cool is ii has literally said when writing the drum components, he listens to what else is going on in the song (digital parts, guitar, piano, vocals) and mimics certain rhythms present so everything fits together cohesively
- vessel has like a set of themes and words he uses throughout his songs (post I did on that here tho I do want to do an updated one at some point) so when you’re listening to ST you do get a lot of déjà vu (not in a bad way) from lyrics
- this echoing in lyrics was taken even further in the last album with Euclid
- another neat thing is that while ST obviously uses a lot of repetition they cut things up into segment, either by stripping back the layered sound, changing the pacing, implementing a new melody segment, seemingly switching up genres etc. but it’s all interspersed in such a way that key element resurface again later
- they’re also really good at knowing when to do this too, like just when the repetition of a segment might start to lose listener’s interest they change it to something different but still at least a little adjacent
-edit: also the layering of vessel’s vocals and the incorporation of the espera for live performances. And vessel repeating certain key phrases in songs
idk I’m kinda rambling at this point but yea, the way the music sounds to me feels a lot like rocking back and forth ya know, or like listening to an echo or waves, it’s soothing in alot of ways - even the heavier/more intense songs (also I noticed you can sometimes see vessel rocking while he preforms when he doesnt have the zoomies)
And before anyone goes “ren that’s just song structure,” “ren most songs have a beat you can move too” I know ! and i know I’m articulating this badly. But I’ve been listening to ST’s whole discography on repeat minimum 8 hours a day for at least two week (this is not an exaggeration) and I don’t know how to make you understand, other then to make you listen to them for 8 hours min a day for two week while I gesture wildly and shout “rocking back and forth ! echoes ! Push and pull of waves !”….
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