#sorry apparently this is a sore subject for me
lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 18 - Floo
@wolfstarmicrofic September 18, word count 571
Previous part First Wolfstar part
“What if I go ask father? He might be able to set something up,” Sirius chimed in the argument Remus and Regulus were having about how to lure Voldemort out into the open so they could plan their attack. 
“It can’t hurt,” Remus allowed. “He’s been an asset so far.”
“No,” Regulus glowered. “He can’t be trusted, especially not with something as important as this.”
“You’re just sore because he never made you the heir,” Sirius scoffed. “Right, who votes I go see Orion?” He looked around their gathered group, all of them put their hands in the air apart from Regulus. 
“Traitor,” Regulus glowered at James.
“Rorbey!” Sirius called, and a little pop alerted them to the elf’s arrival. 
“Yes, Master Sirius,” The elf said, bowing. 
“Is my father alone in the house?” He asked. Rorbey shook his head, his ears flapping slightly. 
“No, Sir. Mistress is there,” Rorbey replied.
“Could you come back and get me when he’s alone?” Sirius asked. Rorbey nodded yes. “Great, thank you, Rorbey,” And the little elf vanished. “Well, that’s that then,” He grinned, clapping his hands together. 
“Well, let’s hope, Father is more concerned about you than the Dark Lord,” Regulus scowled at Sirius and left the meeting, dragging his traitorous boyfriend behind him. 
It wasn’t long before Rorbey was back and apparating Sirius into the main drawing room, where Orion sat reading the Prophet. 
“Sirius!” He gasped, jumping to his feet and hugging his son tightly. “When you didn’t come after Rorbey had told you it was safe, I thought you wouldn’t come back,” Sirius could see the sadness in his father's eyes, and he tried to ignore it. 
“I’m sorry, I would have if I could, but there wasn’t the opportunity to get away,” His explanation softened the blow some but withheld the vital information that he couldn’t share. 
“Barty Crouch has changed his tune,” Orion changed the subject. “He seems less inclined to go out on the muggle hunts the others like to organise. He seems almost as though he doesn’t want to be a death eater any more,” Orion looked pointedly at his son. 
“Wow, who’d have thought it,” He said, taking a leaf out of Regulus’s book and forcing his face into an unpenetrable mask. Orion sighed. 
“Don’t shutter your face like that. You used to do that when you were trying to hide things from your Mother. I won’t ask anything, don’t worry, just don’t look at me with that blank face,” Orion's face fell as he pleaded with Sirius. Sirius let it crack a bit, and Orion’s smile returned. “There’s my handsome son. Now, why are you here?” 
“We need to know how to get Voldemort away from his followers and out in the open,” He told his father. Orion blinked at him in shock. 
“I’m not sure about that, son. Let me look into it, and I’ll send Rorbey to you with anything I come up with.”
“Rorbey, come here. Orion, where are you?” Walburga’s shrill voice broke the silence. Orion and Sirius jumped in their seats, Orion reacting first. 
“Quick, use the floo,” Orion urged him, pushing him towards the fireplace and summoning the pouch of green floo powder. It took him a precious second to figure out where to go, but once he decided, he stepped into the fire, tossing the powder as he went and calling out the address of Peter’s flat. 
Next part
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hom3landr · 1 month
So, I have an honest question. Homelander is used to his bday being a huge deal, but what if the person he is interested in doesn't care about their own bday?
Like he has known them for a year, and they never celebrated their own bday nor ever hinted at it. How do you think he'd react?
Birthday Blues
Homelander x Gender Neutral Reader
Homelander hates when you keep secrets from him. But what’s merely a harmless fact to you pokes a sore spot that you never expected.
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You hear him before you see him, eyebrow raising at the angry stomp of his footsteps. You’re finishing up the chapter of the book you���re reading and you hope he doesn’t have beef with you because then who knows when you’ll get back to it. You read as fast as you can, words almost blurring as you hastily scan the page. But alas, before you reach the last sentence, your book is cruelly ripped from you.
Homelander stands over your place on the couch, one hand perched on his hip while the other points your book at you as a replacement for his “oh so imposing” finger that he loves to wave at you. His brow is knitted and there’s no doubt that whatever has his feathers ruffled has something to do with you. You lean back and sigh, contemplating how long you should let him ramble before attempting to calm him down. He’s cute when he’s angry. You can live with a lecture when he looks so good doing it. Although you’re hardly feeling charitable at the moment due to him snatching your book like some kind of barbarian.
“Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday?!” He hisses at you, dropping your book with a thump as he places both hands jauntily on his hips. His jaw clenches as he waits for your answer.
You freeze.
You don’t know what you expected but it certainly isn’t that. You had expected him to be fussy about you grabbing a drink with Starlight the other night or helping Ashley with some insane task he gave so he could watch her squirm. You missed a call from him earlier, that tends to set him off. You’d even believe he was feeling sensitive about you waking up before him and grabbing a coffee instead of a good morning kiss. Any of those would be easy to assume. But no, he’s apparently worked up that you didn’t tell him your birthday.
You figured Homelander isn’t a fan of birthdays. He certainly seems cynical about his own. He hasn’t told you the whole story but when he grits his teeth at his birthday obligations instead of basking in the cheers of the crowd, you can easily make the assumption that it’s a sore subject. You don’t have any hang ups about your own birthday but it just never seemed like a big deal to you. It’s just a day. Perhaps too many sneak attacks from the singing staff at restaurants traumatized you. Maybe it’s because birthday cake is always too sickly sweet. Or possibly you just don’t feel like celebrating the passage of time. You never tell people and people rarely ask.
Yet, you can tell by the petulant twist of his mouth that he’s not just angry but hurt that you didn’t share it with him.
“I’m…sorry. I just don’t really think about it that much.” You reply with a confused shrug. His mouth twitches and you know he’s not satisfied with that answer. He’s taking this awfully personally and you can’t for the life of you figure out why. It’s just a day.
“Are you trying to fuck with me? So next time we argue you can bring up what a horrible boyfriend I am for ignoring your birthday! You gonna gossip about it over cocktails with fucking Starlight?” He spits out her name like a curse. You want to roll your eyes but you don’t fancy Homelander flying you to the top of a skyscraper and leaving you there like the last time you tried that. You sigh and reach out to take his hand. He jerks it away petulantly for a moment but when you reach for it again he allows your touch.
“That would make me a pretty shitty partner. I’m not trying to play games with you. I’ve just never really had strong feelings about my birthday. That’s all. I promise.” You squeeze his hand and some of the tension leaves his shoulders. You rub the back of his hand with your thumb, enjoying the feel of the buttery soft leather of his glove. He pouts.
“I’m not a bad boyfriend.” He huffs. You gently tug his hand and guide him until he’s laying on the couch with his head in your lap. It only takes a few strokes of his hair before he deflates like a balloon. He turns to snuggle his face into your chest.
“I’m not.” He sighs into your shirt. You shush him gently.
“You’re my good boy. I know you wouldn’t forget on purpose. You take such good care of me. But why do you care so much about my birthday?” You switch from stroking his hair to rubbing soothing circles on his back. He’s easily mollified today and it further confirms your suspicions that his feelings were deeply wounded. He desperately needs reassurance when that happens. It’s sweet.
“Did you know that my birthday is fake? Corporate decided on it. I don’t even have one since I was…” He trails off and your heart squeezes painfully. He’s cagey about his past but every so often new details will slip out and it horrifies you every time. You continue to sooth him even as your stomach twists unpleasantly. “But you do have one and you don’t even care! Do you know how fucking spoiled you are?”
You ignore the jab although your hackles rise. Poking his ego now would prove disastrous. So you swallow your pride and continue to let him vent.
“I don’t want you keeping things like that from me. You’re mine and I deserve to know things about you. How can I trust you when you won’t even tell me your fucking birthday.” He huffs and you can feel him stiffen up as he works himself back up into an angry spiral. He nips at your stomach hard enough to bruise and you tug on his hair harshly as a reprimand.
“This isn’t me intentionally keeping some secret from you. I don’t tell anybody.” You pause briefly as an idea hits you. “But…maybe it’s your birthday today too.” You answer and he pulls himself away to fix you with a bemused glare. His brow twitches as he processes what you said
“I mean, if you don’t know the actual day. Then technically every day can be your birthday. It’s like Schrodinger's Cat. Screw corporate, pick your own birthday.” You give his shoulder a little shake and your heart lifts when the corner of his mouth tilts into a little smile.
“It’s my birthday today too then. Now you have to celebrate.” He gives you a smug grin and you ruffle his hair fondly. The hurt still lingers. This is a mere bandage over the leaking wound you know still remains. But if you can ease his burden even a little, you’re happy to do so. Even if it means making a big deal out of your birthday.
“The mighty Homelander sharing the spotlight with a humble human like me? It’s pretty scandalous.” You tease and he turns his head to kiss the sore spot where he bit you. He nuzzles into you one last time before sitting up. He leans in to rub his nose against yours, desperately seeking intimacy in such a vulnerable moment.
“No spotlight,” He whispers. “Just you and me.”
You smile and pull him into a chaste kiss. He whines at the brevity of it and you place another cheeky kiss on the tip of his nose.
“Just you and me.”
He grins and his eyes fill with mischief as he meets your gaze.
“That means it’s time for your birthday spankings” He reaches out to swat you when you bolt with a wild laugh, careening and slipping around his apartment in your socks as he gives chase. You realize as you shriek at his games that maybe birthdays aren’t so bad after all…at least as long as no one sings to you.
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thesunisatangerine · 1 year
against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part one
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
status: completed
(a/n in the tags) [parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve]
word count: 1.1k
The thing was, you didn’t plan on getting laid tonight. 
After a couple of days trying to settle in at Barcelona and looking for your lost luggage, all you wanted to do was to finally start your vacation. You just wanted to relax and experiencing the night life in Barcelona was definitely a good way to officially kick it off. 
So there you were at the bar of an (apparently) exclusive night club in the city–the location was emailed to you by Derek with a VIP pass and a note that said, ‘have fun ;)’–nursing your second, half-empty glass of mojito, the speakers blasting rhythmic reggaeton music, when a woman slid into the space next to you, cool and confident with the way she leaned on her elbows against the counter as she gave the bartender her order in smooth spanish, “A gin rickey, please.”
The woman looked to be several years older than you–and taller, too, even with your heels on–and maybe it was the alcohol or the proximity but there was no stopping yourself from openly admiring her. Her black, cropped top and her tight, high-rise pants revealed perfectly broad shoulders and toned arms, as well as the taught lines of her stomach. When your eyes travelled back to her face, you found her looking at you with a raised brow and immediately, your cheeks warmed. The fact that you were gawking shamelessly and got caught doing so… just wow.
Words of apology were already on your tongue but the curves of her lips were mesmerising, the elegant slope of her brows distracting, and those eyes… the depth in them threatened to drown you that all coherent thought deserted you. 
“Wow,” you breathed out.
“Excuse me?” Came the bemused question, an instant slap to the face that sobered you up immediately. 
“I’m so–I’m sorry, that’s what I meant to say. I’m–” You palmed a hand over your face as you began but a small chuckle stopped you halfway. You risked a peek through your fingers and saw the woman with her lips to the glass, something akin to a teasing smirk on her face while she remained leaning on the counter by her hip. 
“You’re not from around here, are you?” The woman asked as she took a sip from her drink.
Not really the question you were expecting but you’d rather take a reprieve over a disaster. And at that, you smiled sheepishly at her. “Is it that obvious?”
“Hmm, no, not really. Your slight accent gave you away but your Spanish is impressive.”
“I’m still working on losing it but I’ll take that as a win. I’m assuming you’re from around here?”
“My home town is about an hour away outside of the city but I stay here most of the time for work.”
“That must be nice, being close to home.” Feeling more at ease now, you sipped at your drink. The woman did the same. Then you continued. “So, what do you do?”
For a moment there was nothing but music and chatter as the woman regarded you with an unreadable expression. Her eyes glinted–with what exactly? curiosity?–her head cocked slightly to the side. Then she sipped at her drink again. Did you say something offensive? you wondered.
“I work between the sport stadiums. And you? Where is home and what brings you to Barcelona?” 
It was clear from the vagueness of her answer that the stranger didn’t want to talk about her job and it didn’t help your growing interest for her. You wanted to ask her about further details but the dismissive tone with which she answered made you hold your tongue and her question, anyway, made you pause as you pondered to answer.
As an orphan who lived a few years in the system, the subject of where home was had always been a sore spot for you even if the stranger didn’t mean anything deeper by it. In some sense, your adoptive mom was home but there was always a part of you that longed for… something.  But, of course, you couldn’t bring that up right now especially to someone you just met. So you just told her where you were from, that you were on vacation, and that you work as a photojournalist for a press agency you helped establish. Something in your answer must had piqued the woman’s interest because her brows shot up.
“Which branch do you work in?”
“Spot news. But I’ve been meaning to expand my portfolio and get into another branch. Maybe try sports or portrait?”
The woman hummed in appreciation. “Any sports in particular? Wait, do you even like sports?”
“I honestly know close to nothing so I haven’t made a decision yet, but it will definitely be women’s sports,” you replied. She nodded and sipped at her drink again, never breaking her gaze from yours and you felt your cheeks warm again. Those eyes… they were dangerous; they lit up every nerve in your body and it felt good. You continued. “What about you? Are you much of a sports person?”
And to your total bafflement, the woman beamed at you, radiant and glowing, dimples in her cheeks as mirth shone in her eyes.
“What?” you asked, a bit nervous and at somewhat of a loss. 
The stranger let out a small chuckle, shook her head slightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, an attempt to hide her smile. “Nothing, nothing. And yeah, I’m a big sports fan. Then a beat passed before she continued, “you ever thought of covering women’s football? There are plenty of matches happening in the domestic leagues right now.”
“Maybe I will,” you hummed, mulling it over. It sounded good actually. And then you asked, “what else do you suggest for someone to do in Barcelona?”
The woman downed her remaining drink and placed the empty glass on the counter. Before you knew it, you could feel the warmth of her breath against your ear and you shivered when she purred. “Dance, of course.”And then she was holding your hand, pulling you off of the stool you were on, and began dragging you to the direction of the dance floor. 
All at once, warmth encompassed you: the crowd immediately swallowed you both, bodies pressed on you but the heat that emanated from the woman before you was the sole beacon for your attention. She had a loose arm around your waist and as the both of you danced to the music, you took that opportunity to wrap your arms around her neck and pulled her closer. She slowed down and she still had enough height on you that she had to lower her head.
“I never caught your name,” you spoke into her ear. 
“I’m Ale,” she replied. She pulled back to smile down at you. And then, she kissed you. 
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honeykyeom · 1 year
white noise / track 2: smoke
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pairing: lee seokmin x afab!reader
series summary: seokmin had always been there for you. after a rough heartbreak, you find out he’s there for you in more ways than just one.
series notes: uni!au, best friends to lovers, friends with benefits, 97 line antics, 18+
chapter warnings: alcohol & food mention, mcu mention (lmao), the gang actually goes to class?? (not really but), seokmin kinda being dumb, mingyu being pouty (what's new), the full gang!! FINALLY!!!!!, mostly slight angst (not sorry)
wc: ~5k
a/n: after much anticipation, the second track (even though i'm nowhere near done with the third LMAO)! thank you so much for all the renewed interest and love on the first track, i really really REALLY appreciate it. seriously it means the world!
read track 1 here!
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Walking out of your shared English Literature class with Jinsoul, you grab your phone from your back pocket, the light from the homescreen illuminating your face even in the cloudy daylight. The weather matches your mind: murky and foggy, obscuring your clarity. As you focus on the LED screen, zoning out Jinsoul’s voice and looking through the endless notifications you received while in class, there was one that was still noticeably absent. 
No messages from Seokmin.
It’s been about a week since the party, since that fateful night, with no word from Seokmin. You were left alone the next morning, waking up next to an empty space and cold sheets. You sat up in your bed, your mind running a thousand miles a minute with the finish line nowhere in sight. You felt lost on the track, stuck on where you two go from here and no chance to speak with him about it. 
Did he regret that night? Was it a mistake to cross that line?
You felt a sudden pain on your arm, breaking your attention from your thoughts. You look over at Jinsoul, rubbing the sore spot that she playfully hit. “What?” 
“Are you even listening to me?”
“...Yeah, of course.”
Jinsoul rolls her eyes, your dazed expression making it apparent that you weren’t listening to her rant about your class. “Okay, you’ve been out of it all week. What’s up with you?” She asks you, an earnest shine in her eyes, treading lightly on the topic.
You falter in your steps, unsure of how to answer her question. You wanted to tell her, air out your frustrations, explain the current predicament you were in and finally get the heavy burden that was weighing you down off your shoulders. Something in your brain stops you from doing that, however, leaving you to twiddle your fingers and your thoughts taking refuge in the back of your mind. 
You settle with, “Nothing. Everything’s fine,” in a meek voice, avoiding Jinsoul’s worrying stare.
She can tell that you’re lying, your entire frame sinking into itself; it’s not hard to see your demeanor changing, but she keeps her mouth shut, not wanting to overstep her boundaries. Even if she wanted to say anything, her own thoughts are interrupted with your smile and wave to Haseul and Yves, who are both meeting you halfway in the courtyard.
Haseul is the first to greet you back, running up to hug you immediately. Yves saunters, a smirk on her face as she sits at the table that’s situated in the middle of your group. You move your attention to her, continuing to hold Haseul in a tight hug with an eager smile. “So… how was your date with ViVi?”
Jinsoul is even quick to change the subject, her excitement for her friend showing in her bubbly appearance. “Oh my god, yes! Tell us, please!”
“It was good… We just walked along the river and went to a coffee shop that wasn’t too far. Wasn’t like an extravagant date or anything.”
“ViVi asked to see her again,” Haseul adds, ever the overbearing mother, embarrassing Yves with her admission. Squeals contribute to her embarrassment as you and Jinsoul berate her with questions and requests for more details and Yves is unable to hide her excitement, her own screams joining the group. You’re sure to be annoying the sleep-deprived students around you in the courtyard, but nothing can dull the joy in your circle.
“What are we screaming about?”
Your chatter is interrupted by the entrance of Minghao and Mingyu, sliding in beside Yves. You notice quickly that there’s a missing body from the usual trio, only adding to your anxieties of the day. Why is Seokmin avoiding me, you think as the two men join the group.
“We’re screaming about Yves’ date with ViVi,” Jinsoul responds, a laugh coming out of her lips as she excitedly recounts the conversation. Mingyu wraps his arms around Yves when he hears the news, joining in on the celebration and Minghao has a smile of endearment gracing his face, a clear sign of love that’s bursting through the seams.
“It was just one date,” Yves mumbles through Mingyu’s tight grasp, still grinning from ear to ear. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
Minghao interjects in the conversation, “So! You’ve been talking forever. It’s about time you two did something about it.” He brings his water bottle, which was encased in a decent amount of glistening water droplets, up to his lips and clears his throat once he swallows the liquid before he continues his sentiment. “We’ve seen how you’ve been around her. She makes you happy and that’s all that matters and we’re excited for you.”
A rare demure expression is seen on Yves’ face. A tight-lipped, shy and curved smile flashes as she responds quietly, “Yeah… It’s exciting.” Her body relaxes as waves of approval from the group assures her. She never needed your approval, nor does she ever ask for it, but you’ve seen her heart go through men and women, her confidence gliding through the acute pain she never spoke about. 
“Get more excited! It’s about time one of us got cuffed,” Mingyu comments, loosening his grip on Yves, but still keeping an arm around her shoulders and keeping her warm against his body. 
“Yeah, why isn’t it you, Gyu? Being a hopeless romantic and all that,” you retort, falling back into your playful banter with him to hopefully ease your own anxieties. 
“Why are you asking? Trying to cuff me?”
You scoff at his cocky expression, “You wish.” He returns your statement with a cheeky wink, playing up the faux attraction. The back and forth with Mingyu doesn’t make the thought in the forefront of your mind go away as much as you hoped. “Where’s Seokmin? Isn’t he in the same class with you guys?”
Minghao is the one to respond, “He said he had to leave for something. Not sure for what.. He’ll be at movie night, though.”
Okay, he’s definitely avoiding me, you think. He’s never been this MIA before, usually taking any opportunity to casually talk to the group but more importantly, you. 
The hole you were feeling in your life is greater than any heartbreak you’ve ever felt. No breakup, no fallout, nothing hurt like the slow disintegration of the friendship between you and your best friend, all because of a stupid decision. 
You look up to see everyone around the table looking at you expectantly. 
“I’m sorry. What was the question?”
“Do you need help with setting up for movie night tonight?” Haseul asks. “Minghao and I get out of class early so we can head over after?”
You bring your mouth up in a lipless smile, trying to muster all the happiness you can fake as you respond, “Yeah. Sounds great.”
At least you’ll see Seokmin tonight and maybe then you’ll get some answers.
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“Have you guys noticed anything weird with Seokmin lately?”
Minghao stops setting up the blankets on your couch to catch your gaze, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. His expression matches Haseul’s, a slight frown forming when they meet eyes, trying to think about your mutual friend. Their heads come up empty, Minghao returning to look at you as he responds to your inquiry, “Nope. Everything seems normal to me?”
“Yeah, I haven’t noticed anything with him,” Haseul agrees. Her melodic work at making room in the fridge for incoming abundance of drinks fills the otherwise quiet room, the only other noise being the soft r&b coming from the television. She stands up from her kneeled position, slowly joining you at the kitchen island. “Why do you ask?”
Your body tenses, biting your bottom lip as your hands play with the plastic of the popcorn bags you’re prepping. The crinkling sounds fill your mind, playing with the static of your thoughts. You’re certain the pause is suspicious. Minghao and Haseul were naturally attuned to people’s emotions and you were no exception, no matter how hard you tried to hide them. You bring your focus away from the comfort of the plastic wrappers back to Haseul, attempting to steady your mind. “I just feel like he’s been avoiding me since the party. Like, outside of the groupchat.”
“That’s weird. Why?”
“I don’t know.” Lie.
“Did something happen during or after the party?”
“Not that I know of.” Another lie. 
Haseul’s hands rest on her hips, eyes downcast as she thinks over your responses. “Huh.” Her tongue comes out of her mouth, pointed out in thought and she looks over at Minghao, who has now joined the two of you at the kitchen island. “Minghao, did he say anything when he got back home?’
“Not at all. He made it back to our apartment before us and when we got back, he was already asleep.”
You were brought back to that night, after everything was said and done. 
You and Seokmin were quiet, his arm around you like a protective blanket, holding you against his chest. You couldn’t lie–his touch was comforting and while unfamiliar, not unwelcome. You two weren’t strangers to cuddling or being close, the behavior at the party making that evident, but this felt different. Maybe it was the obvious fact that you two crossed a line, a line that had been drawn in the sand for the both of you for the past two years–now, the small granules lifted in the air and swept away with the wind, blurring that already thin line.
Despite his own heart's pleas, Seokmin was the first to speak, his own voice small and faint. “I think I should go…  before the guys’ get suspicious.” His actions fail his words, not loosening his grasp. He wasn’t ready to go, not ready to leave your presence, but he’d rather rip the bandaid off now than later before he has to go back to reality–the reality that you two were just best friends and nothing more.
“Do you think they’d be suspicious? I mean you’ve stayed over before?”
He winces at your question, the hopeful lilt in your tone making his decision that much more difficult. He has to do this, he thinks. It’s for his own good. 
“I think it would be better if I go.”
Suddenly, there’s a knock at your door, breaking your memories and bringing you back to Haseul and Minghao, both of them still discussing the behavior of Seokmin. Their conversation stops when they hear the chatter of your friends behind the door. 
You leave the kitchen to open your front door, revealing the rest of your friend group, ready to join in on the festivities. Jinsoul is the first to enter, a bright smile gracing her face as she exclaims that she brought more snacks for the night, leaving the group with plenty of food to satisfy themselves. Yves and Mingyu are quick to follow behind her, carrying cases and paper bags. The clinking of glass and aluminum make it apparent that they did not disappoint with their task of grabbing drinks for the night. They greet you with loud howling, the excitement of the night and finally being able to unwind after a week of exams and assignments getting to them. 
You lock eyes with the lone straggler, the last person in the line of people joining you in your apartment. He keeps his cardigan close to him as he looks at you, a tight-lipped smile emphasizing the small dimple underneath his lips. You drink him in as you realize this is the first time you two have seen each other since that night. 
You almost forgot how attractive he was, the week apart making his features more prominent in your mind. 
“Hey,” you’re the first to crack the ice barrier between you two, hoping for it to thaw enough to make the night less awkward.
You could cut the tension with a knife with how well this conversation was going. The air suddenly felt thick, so thick and dry that it sucked the moisture right out of you, causing you to swallow any saliva you could muster. 
Alright, you think. Here goes nothing.
“So, um… about that night-”
“Are you guys going to watch the movie from over there? Hurry up!”
Damn it, Yves.
Seokmin clears his throat and quickly moves past you in the door frame, joining everyone else in the kitchen to situate himself for the movie night. You watch him leave, turning around as your front door slams behind you. He grabs a plastic cup, opting for water for the night, much to Mingyu’s chagrin.
This is going to be much harder than you thought.
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You didn’t think it was possible to care any less about the fight scene in front of you, but here you are. You thought that picking one of your comfort films, or one where you turn your brain off and ignore all the plotholes, would help with your uneasiness but the absence of a familiar warmth next to you makes your brain aware of how apparent the flaws of the MCU have always been. 
Mingyu’s big body acts like a heated blanket and the plush cushions of your sectional are comfortable enough for you to fall asleep if you wanted to. He happily took the opportunity to get close to you, saddling up to your side and enjoying Captain America trying to save his dear friend, Bucky Barnes and you wish you could do the same. It’s not that Mingyu’s cuddling wasn’t welcomed.
It just wasn’t Seokmin. 
You and him had always sat together during movie night, acting like two peas in a pod, attached at the hip. But now here he sits, on the opposite side of your couch fumbling his fingers with your fuzzy, lilac blanket. It’s hard to keep your attention away, trying to focus on your steady breathing as opposed to his movements. 
Soon as the movie dies down, Steve and Natasha breathing heavily on the doorstep of Sam Wilson, Seokmin stands up and wipes his hands on his jeans. Clearing his throat, he addresses the group, “I’m going to go to the bathroom.”
Although everyone moves their focus from the television, Jinsoul, who lifts her head from your shoulder, is the one to speak. “Do you need us to pause the movie?”
“Nah, you guys are good. It’ll be quick.”
Seokmin disappears into your bedroom, the door to your adjacent bathroom clicking shut. Everyone’s attention returns to the movie and you wish yours could do the same, but it was never there in the first place. You bounce your leg as the time passes, the scenes in front of you blending into one another. It’s not long before your mind settles on a decision, hoping for an end to this madness and before you can change it, you’re breaking away from Mingyu’s grasp and following Seokmin’s footsteps.
“Don’t wait up, I need to use the bathroom too.” You don’t even look back to see the group’s reaction or wait to hear their response before you’re entering your bedroom. 
Looking at the bathroom door, the harsh yellow glow of light seeping through the floor haunts you. The toilet flushes, the sound filling your own brain with water and your head gets fuzzy, almost like you’re underwater. The waves begin to climb, threatening to suffocate you.
It’s now or never.
“What the fuck?”
You slam the bathroom door behind you and you’re met on the other side with a shocked Seokmin. His hands were dripping with water, soap bubbles following the path of his veins that run down his skin. He looks at you incredulously, completely taken aback by your presence in the space that he’s taken refuge in from the increasing anxiety of your current situation. 
He knew it was only a temporary relief, but it was a moment to breathe–a moment away from you. He expected to have just a few minutes to collect his thoughts, regulate his breathing and try not to think about you being in his vicinity. What he didn’t expect was for you to break into that solace, infecting every piece of his mind.
“What are you doing in here?”
“Why are you avoiding me?” you ignore his question, rendering him speechless and babbling, trying to collect his thoughts. 
He walks over to your hand towel, the blues of the fabric bleeding dark from the water. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh ok! So, leaving me on read all week, walking away anytime I enter a room with you and saying 3 words to me face to face isn’t avoiding me?” Seokmin takes a deep breath, leaning against the faux marble counter. His eyes stay downcast, evading your accusing stare and he keeps silent. “You’ve been weird ever since last weekend… You promised nothing would change after everything.”
Walking Seokmin to your door, you keep his hand intertwined with yours. You can’t help but notice the change in atmosphere–the glow of your kitchen lights shine a more golden hue, the air around you has a different stillness and even the feeling of his skin on yours clashes with the usual relationship. It’s all subtle, but it’s enough to notice.
You stop in your tracks, Seokmin moving forward until you pull him back, not letting go of his hands. Biting your lip, you look up at him as he gets closer, eyebrows furrowing with confusion as to why you stopped.
“What’s up?”
After a beat of silence, you respond but your apprehensiveness remains, “Nothing’s going to change between us because of this… right?”
Seokmin’s eyes shine with sincerity and his mouth is slightly left agape as he ponders on his response. He’s never been one to be certain of the future, choosing to live in the moment and take each moment day by day–all with a positive attitude. Once he collects his thoughts, there’s  a finality to his tone, as if he’s never been more sure of anything.
He releases your hand, only to present his pinky finger. You chuckle at the silly ritual you two have, but at least you know he’s serious. 
“Nothing is going to change between us. Pinky promise.”
Seokmin can only stare at his reflection in the mirror, dirty water stains peering back at him. “I wanted everything to be normal,” he states, simply. 
“Well, why wasn’t it?”
“Because I liked it, maybe.” He breaks his gaze from the mirror and finally looks at you. The fine lines in his face are more apparent this close, like the stress from the past week had caught up to him. “I liked it. And I didn’t know how to tell you that or maybe, I didn’t want to admit it since it was just a drunk hookup.” Seokmin lets out a shaky breath, unsure how to continue, if he even should. The heaviness that has been weighing him down all week was lifted, his chest heaving from the truth that’s been released. 
You approach Seokmin apprehensively, closing the distance between you two. It isn’t until your hands are touching on the counter do you respond to him, ending the silence. “I liked it too,” you confess.
“Would it be bad to admit that I wouldn’t mind doing it again,” Seokmin’s voice is soft, afraid to break the glass of the situation. He keeps his eyes focused on your hands, not willing to meet your face again. The air around you two has shifted, a fluid current flowing between your hands. 
“Who says that we can’t do it again?”
He chuckles, shaking his head before he says, “The thing is I don’t want to stop.”
“Maybe I don’t want to stop either.”
Seokmin thinks he’s dreaming. When he looks at your face, there’s a playful spark in your eyes and the tone of your voice tempts him, as it always has. He could be imagining the smirk that tugs at the corner of your lips or the slight squeeze you give his hand and the small actions may cloud his judgment on how he should handle this situation, but he doesn’t care. He’s acting on pure adrenaline when he brings his hands to your face, connecting your lips together.
Everything about the kiss is different from the last time you kissed Seokmin. The shivers run down your body all the same but the soft nature of him has vanished, replaced with a fiery exterior. As his fingers leave your cheeks, falling to your waist and bringing your body closer to his, the touch kindles at your insides, your skin on fire. 
Your bodies meld together from the heat, pulling yourselves closer until it was physically impossible. Seokmin’s lips work feverishly, eliciting a moan out of you and your nails leave crescent moons on his skin from the grip you had on him. It all makes his head spin, somehow more than you already did. He was insatiable–confirming that last week, he was not only drunk on alcohol, but drunk on you. 
You feel like you’re floating, on the surface of a cloud, only to realize you aren’t 10 feet in the air when Seokmin pushes you against the bathroom door. His hands hold onto your waist tightly, making sure the impact isn’t too loud or painful. The only thing that fills the air is the heavy breathing shared between the two of you.
Between frantic hands and heated kisses, the two of you weren’t willing to break apart from each other. In the back of his mind, he begins to think of the others that sit in the room next door. 
He could stay like this forever, but he didn’t want anyone to get any ideas. Seokmin separates your lips, albeit reluctantly, and you’re quick to chase him, not wanting the moment to end. Labored breaths fill the humid air and your lips are red from the constant contact. Softening his touch, he brings his forehead to yours in a moment of solace, trying to clear the static in his mind and regulate his breathing. 
“We should get back to the others before they get suspicious,” he manages to get out through his dry throat. Seokmin’s voice is low, raspy and especially cautious, careful to keep his words contained to these four walls. “We should keep this between us.”
You only have enough sense in you to nod, agreeing to his statement. Head still foggy from the heat and dampness of the air, you finally open your eyes and respond, “I think so too…” You take a deep breath before you continue, “Don’t want to change too much.”
“It’s probably for the best.”
Seokmin internally winces at those words, the same ones that left his mouth when he had to leave your place last week. His statement cuts through his heart, exposing his flesh and reality–the reality that he’s helplessly in love with you, his best friend. 
Or best friend with benefits?, he thinks. There’s no way this won’t end in disaster.
But he can’t deny the lightness he feels or the way his stomach churns at the thought of holding you, kissing you, or having you moan his name amidst a dizzy spell from pleasure. The situation he’s bringing upon himself is selfish and foolish and everything he shouldn’t be doing when it comes to his adoration towards you, but your charm has him under a trance; one that he doesn’t know if he wants to leave. 
“I’m going to head back now,” Seokmin giggles with a shy smile, not taking a step away from you to do what he says.
“Okay,” you respond. Leaning off of the door and giving Seokmin room to leave, you return his smile with a coy smirk of your own. 
But before you can get too far, Seokmin pulls you back into him and brings your lips to his in another hasty kiss. It’s quick, it’s rushed and it still leaves you breathless all the same. It’s new territory for you two, deviation from a path you never thought you’d stray. It lights a fire within you to be exploring it with him.
He separates from you to say, “Okay. I’m actually going to go now.” His smile reaches his eyes, his signature wrinkles prominent on his face when removes his hands from your waist. “I just had to do that first.”
“Bye, Seokmin,” and with a giddy smile, he leaves you in the bathroom, the sound of a soft click of the door filling the air. The buzz of electricity from your lights adds to your daze. As you lean back against the door, feeling weightless from the pressure of Seokmin’s fingers through the cotton of your t-shirt, you think of how reckless this is and how destructive this could be–not only hiding it from your friends but how fragile it can make your friendship. 
It would be easy to go to a party and cling on to a random person for the night. It would be easy to bat your eyelashes and play with the hem of their shirt, adding a playful lilt to your voice and an air of mystery around you. It would be easy to lose yourself in the moans, chasing your highs and then easily forget each other, as you tried to do with Jaehyun. It would be so easy, so simple and so careful.
If everything could be so easy with someone else, why does it also feel even more effortless with Seokmin? As it always has been with him. 
Even through the carelessness or the secrecy, no random hookup made you forget like Seokmin had. His gentle worship and care of your body had you on cloud nine and seeing the galaxy. Your comfort was the most important thing to him, even after a few too many drinks. There was something about that night, something in the back of your mind, that guides you blindly through this winding road of uncertainty. You just hope that the road you were walking together doesn’t crumble beneath you.
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“Sorry, you were gone for so long! I needed a new cuddle buddy.”
Of course, Mingyu couldn’t be alone for even just five minutes. When you return to the living room from the bathroom, Mingyu has his head on Jinsoul’s lap, her hands playing with the strands of his hair. He looks content, more relaxed than when he was on your shoulder, his huge body somehow compressed in the small space that you left. 
Jinsoul’s fingers stop their movements as she states, “I can move,” teasing the boy. 
“When did I say I wanted you to move?” 
Jinsoul chuckles at his retort, bringing her hand back to his scalp and a pleased smile returning to his face. You probably weren’t going to get your seat back if Mingyu’s comfort was anything to go by. 
“There’s room over here if you’re looking for a replacement cuddle buddy.”
Seokmin’s voice carries your attention, his smile hiding a sly intention that is imperceptible to the untrained eye. He does have tons of room. With Yves and Haseul huddled on the floor, a plush gray blanket covering their bodies, Seokmin is able to spread his legs on the sectional, taking up much of the left side. 
Nonchalantly, you shrug and give a casual grin, “I guess you’ll do.”
“Shut up.”
As you saddle up to Seokmin’s side, resting your head on his shoulder, slotting to him like a puzzle piece, you can’t help but notice the small side glances that Minghao and Haseul give you. The flash of confusion on their faces goes quickly, trying to wrap their heads around how the tense situation between you and Seokmin dissipated so abruptly. 
You’ll explain it to them later, you think. At least as best you can without giving you two away before there’s anything to begin with. 
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With the movie drawing to a close, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson on a search for their friend and the Maximoff twins revealed, the atmosphere has a much lighter and relaxed feel–the weird awkwardness and walking on eggshells between you and Seokmin gone. There’s retelling of old stories, laughs that could be considered embarrassing to most, and the playful banter that is signature to your friendship group dynamic. From the outside looking in, you would've never known there was a bump in the road.
And to your friends, they were none the wiser as to why Seokmin stopped talking to you or how you suddenly made up. They don’t know the hidden tension that his hand being on your thigh holds, looking casual enough to be considered normal affection.
“What time is it?” Minghao’s voice cuts through the loud noise, everyone turning to him. His shoulder slacks as he relaxes, leaning back and blending into the soft gray of the sectional with his oversized sweats. 
Yves reaches for her phone, the device laying face up not too far from her figure. “It’s like 11.”
“Ugh… I need to head home. I love your sofa, but my bed is calling me.” Jinsoul gently pushes Mingyu off her lap, making a pout form on his lips from the loss of contact. “Can we please go home?” Jinsoul addresses Haseul, hoping that her roommate is ready to return to their own apartment. 
“Yes, we can go.” 
“Minghao?” Mingyu looks over at his own roommate, a pleading smile on his face.
“Yeah, fine, let’s go,” Minghao stands from the couch and turns his body to Seokmin, the remainder of their trio. “You coming?”
Seokmin’s eyes flash between you and Minghao before responding, “I was actually going to stay and help clean up.” He addresses you when he asks, “If that’s okay?”
At first you think, why would you need help with cleaning? The group has never made much of a mess, especially with Mingyu around. The most that needed to be done was putting away the extra drinks and snacks, finding enough room in your pantry. But taking another look at Seokmin, you read between the lines, his eyes glowing and mischief pulling at the corner of his lips. No cleaning is going to get done, not immediately anyway. 
“Yeah, that’s fine with me.”
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mauzymorn · 1 month
Hey, I don't know if this is a sore subject so sorry in advance if it is, but I was wondering if you had deleted your ao3? I left the kingsman fandom for a while but your fics were definitely some of my comfort fics and I discovered the main one I reread was deleted so I figured I'd check your new works since I loved your old but I can't find you anywhere? Again I am so sorry if this is a sore topic so feel free to ignore me if needed. But I just had to at least ask if you are writing anywhere anymore and if so where. Or if I'm dumb and just cant find your ao3 that has been there the whole time lol. Either way best wishes and thanks no matter what! Hope you have a great day!
Hi there! Not a sore subject at all, and thank you for asking about it so politely! I will give a thorough answer below, as you're not the first to ask.
I removed all of my works from ao3 due to the rise of people taking fics and illegally binding and selling them on places like Etsy.
This practice is not only extremely illegal, but has often been done entirely without the authors' knowledge or consent. As most of us know, the fact that fanfic is not profited on is the only protection that we as fic authors have against getting sued by IP holders.
I am not willing to open myself up to a lawsuit because unscrupulous people steal my work for illegal sale against my will, so I decided to remove all of my works from the site.
This is unfortunate, but certain people apparently don't care about ruining it for everyone.
I have kept Epub copies of all my stories downloaded from ao3 before I deleted them (because I was not going to go through and reformat all of my Word documents, let's be real), and I am perfectly fine sending them to people who want copies for their own personal reading use. (I have actually already sent them out a couple times to those who dm'd me)
Before I will send out the files, I require to have it put in writing that the recipient acknowledges that I do not consent to ANY sale or physical binding of my work. Yes, this includes binding a copy for yourself, as it is too easy for that physical copy to end up being sold down the road by uninformed family members, etc.
I really hate that it came to this, as I loved writing fic and loved interacting with my readers, but as I said, unfortunately some assholes have now ruined it for everyone.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
"What do you think about this dress, Scaramouche?"
"No. Absolutely not. Go get changed. Now."
Scaramouche holds out an awaiting hand for the dress to be returned to that you regard with disdain. He’s being entirely unreasonable, and while you should be used to it by now, there’s something about this particular instance that strikes you the wrong way. Maybe it’s the dehumanizing factor of not even being allowed to wear something you like, or maybe it’s because his posture is so arrogant, so assuming that you’ll just give up and comply. 
Whatever the reason is, you decide this is a hill you’ll die on. Metaphorically, you hope. 
“Can I ask why?” You’re smart enough to use politeness rather than flinging a flurry of insults his way, as is your impulse. “I think it looks good on me.” 
He inhales sharply and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It has nothing to do with that.” 
“Then what does it have to do with?” 
He murmurs something incoherent under his breath. You lean forward, but it’s for naught, you can’t even catch the tail end of his rushed speech. What you do notice is how red the tips of his ears are. And now he’s glaring daggers at you. Great. You didn’t think fashion would be such a sore subject for a callous Harbinger.     
“You’re being ridiculous,” you deadpan, unable to pretend otherwise any longer. 
Scaramouche bristles. “I know it’s difficult for one as daft as you, but try just once to use your brain and figure it out yourself.” 
“Sorry, I’m apparently too out of practice, you’ll need to give me a hint.” 
“It just— it shows too much.” 
“Kunikuzushi,” you draw out his name slowly, disbelief coloring your tone. “It drops below my knees.” 
“Whatever, it’s too tight,” he snaps back at you. You think your jaw might be on the floor. “I can see your collarbones.” 
“My... collarbones?” 
“What, do you want a lesson in anatomy next?” He deflates a little, perhaps finally catching onto how absurd he’s being. He runs a hand through his bangs and lowers his voice. “Go get changed already. We’ll be late for our reservations.” 
Yeah, as if a restaurant is going to have the guts to kick a Harbinger out, you think. Whatever. Perhaps it’s time to scale down from this particular hill. Scaramouche is the most stubborn man you’ve ever met. You two could spend hours bickering over this “issue”. In the end, your desire for food wins out, and you concede. 
“It does look good on you though, I suppose.” 
Whatever Scaramouche just said come out in such a hushed voice that all you can tell is that he mentioned you. 
“Sorry, what was that?” 
“I-I said you’re stupid and I can’t stand you.”  
“Oh. Well, touché.” 
Scaramouche digs his face into his hands to stop himself from groaning. 
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bamdelune · 1 year
sickly dan heng x reader fluff drabble
notes: not proofread, just fluff in general, might be a little ooc dan heng because this is my first hsr work
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A series of knocks echoed through the archive room where a sickly Dan Heng laid as a virus threw punches at his body.
The Nameless had begun an expedition on a new planet where a Stellaron had been found. This time the planet’s climate was not-so-pleasant (read: never-ending thunderstorms) and Dan Heng had initially warned you to bring an umbrella.
Did you listen?
Of course not!
“We’ll manage, love. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
You thought you would be able to manage because the towns were filled with roofs anyway but little did you know that little could be done to avoid the harsh rain and thus, finding out that the thunderstorms continued inside the numerous establishments of the city.
That day, you were the subject of a handful of unamused stares of “I-told-you-so” from your boyfriend.
Here you stood in front of his room with a tray in your hands, standing in a certain guilt. Lucky for you, your immune system had the balls to fight the cold that was creeping up on you whereas Dan Heng’s… not so much.
You slide the door open with your foot to create a space for your head to poke through.
“Hey, bud. You alright in there?” You ask sheepishly with an awkward chuckle.
With all the energy Dan Heng could muster, he shoots you a weak glare. If looks could kill, you might as well been buried way underground already by the time he makes eye contact with you. You sigh with a nod. “Right, right.” You then push the door open to give way for your body to come in.
You set the tray down on a free space on top of one of the shelves, praying to any entity above that it won’t drop as you tended to your boyfriend as it was halfway off the shelf.
“Sit up for me, please?” you say, kneeling down to his level on the floor, your hand finding a way to press on his back to support him. He grunts tiredly, shifting some of his weight onto your palm and sits upright. Dan Heng then leans against a shelf with a huff.
You shuffle over to where the tray was whilst on your knees and come back to Dan Heng’s side, placing the tray down on the free space on the floor.
“What’s that?” Dan Heng asks softly, prompting a soft sneeze from him right after. His face was mostly pale with pink blooming particularly on his nose. His voice was a subtly scratchy. You assume that he has a mild case of a sore throat as well from his cold.
You pick up a bowl, its evaporating steam following in a trail of movement. You gently spoon through the liquid to cool it down a little. “Porridge. Not the usual one you like though since Pom Pom said it apparently ran out so I had to manage.”
You catch an uncertain look on Dan Heng’s face and pout slightly, “Do you not trust my cooking?” You jest, feigning hurt.
“I trust that you wouldn’t want my reply on that, darling.” He coughs, turning his head to the side to avoid coughing in your direction. "In fact, I'm not sure I trust your judgement."
“You wound me."
He sends you another look,
"I'm sorry, I'll listen to you next time." You exhale in defeat.
You scoop some of the porridge onto the spoon as you bring it to close to your lips, blowing on it gently before you move it near Dan Heng’s.
“Open,” you nudge the spoon slightly to prod his mouth open.
Dan Heng follows with no reluctance when he feels the metal of the spoon on his lips, gulping down the warm porridge down his throat.
You take the spoon out of his mouth and settle it in the bowl, before looking back at him with hopeful eyes. “Is it good?”
Dan Heng nods, sniffling his nose afterwards.
You feed him the porridge until it’s almost finished, setting the bowl on the tray again after it has cooled down.
“Himeko told you to drink this after eating.” You hand him a tablet of medicine packaged securely in a tin packaging. He examines the label before picking the area around the medicine with his nails to take it out. Your hands reach for the glass of water and wait for him to pop the tablet in his mouth before giving it to him.
Once he finishes drinking, he returns the glass to the tray and sighs with relief and slumps down back into the duvet covers. You bend over to tuck him in properly and place a gentle peck on his lips.
“Don’t do that, you’ll get sick.” He mutters with a pout before clearing his throat.
You chuckle quietly at your boyfriend’s words before placing another one on his cheeks.
“Trust me, I won’t. Now get some rest.” You say as you pick up the tray and dim the lights of the archive room when you leave.
Suffice to say you spoke too soon when you wake up two days later with the same cold, earning you another “I told you so” from Dan Heng. But despite his words, the man is eager to take care of you just as you did.
© bamdelune may 2023. do not repost or plagiarize any of my works, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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How did the centre Mirabel react once she realised how much of pigment she had lost?
Mirabel swore she was dreaming when she passed by the mirror. They had only been in the new house for a handful of hours and she was still getting use to the modern layout. If she hadn’t walked into the bathroom, needing to clean her hands from some of Isabela’s pollen, she would have assumed it was some creepy portrait hanging on the wall. A painting of a ghost or something if she were to guess, from the pale and almost lifeless-looking figure staring back at her.
But, said portrait moved with her. Eyes widening and blinking as it shifted back from the sink, watery coloured liquid cascading between white fingers. As she breathed heavily, her reflection did too.
What the actual hell?
She knew that she lost pigment in her hands. She remembers them slowly losing their colour and warmth, disappearing in odd splotches. The room in the centre was quite dark so she was never fully aware of the extent - it would have helped if she had a mirror and her vision (at a distance) wasn’t so blurry - but she knew it was more than just her hands. She never realised it was quite this bad though. She can barely recognise herself. Her hair looks like it has been completely bleached. God, even her eyebrows and lashes… there’s a few spots of her actual skin colour still visible across her body, if that is any mercy.
The eyes are what threw her the most - they weren’t even the same. She had never heard of eyes being two different colours before. One eye, her left (the mirror’s right), was the same amber eyes of a doe that have been in her head since she was born. The other eye wasn’t remotely brown at all. No colour at all. There was more colour in the pollen coming off her hands than her whole body.
This couldn’t be real… this had to be a dream. Of course it was. Any second now she would wake up back in the centre from whatever torture she was being subjected to that day. Why would she ever think any of this could be real? Why would she ever get a gift? Why would they make it out of the centre in one piece? Why would things ever be good for them?!
That’s when Isabela sauntered in, completely covered in pollen and not being careful with what she was staining as she pushed the door open.
“Yeah, so, apparently Dolores was right and the adults are in fact not happy to have me redecorate the sitting room,” Isabela was saying, chuckling to herself. “Which is their loss. I think I improved the living room; plants give us oxygen to live, so it makes sense… you okay, sis? I don’t think you’ve blinked since I walked in?”
“This isn’t real,” Mirabel mumbled.
“What isn’t?”
“This… you… I’m not here…”
“You definitely are.” To prove the point, Isabela leaned over and lightly pinched her arm. Mirabel felt her knees give it out as she winced in pain. It wasn’t that sore; it was just what it meant. “Um… you okay?”
Mirabel didn’t answer. She couldn’t bring herself to get a word out. She just sobbed, staring at herself in horror. Her hands, her arms, her legs, the ends of her hair. She could almost make out the little holes of where the injections had been forced into her.
Isabela quickly washed the majority of the pollen off her arms and face, before crouching down on the floor beside Mirabel. Mirabel didn’t say anything and barely looked her way. She gently picked up her sister’s hands and dried them off with a towel, which finally made Mirabel look up at her.
“I’m sorry,” she says first. She doesn’t actually know what to say, but she knows she should say something. She knows she would want someone to talk to her if she was in Mirabel’s tiny shoes. “I know you might not feel like yourself, right now… or maybe ever. And you can change your hair or dress or name or whatever you want to make yourself feel better, and we’ll all support you with it because we’re your family. We’re not gonna leave you or throw you out or anything. Point is, you are still my little sister and I love you.”
Mirabel didn’t do anything for a moment, eventually she settled on throwing her arms around her sister and just crying into Isabela’s shoulder.
Isabela returned the hug, petting her hair gently. She wouldn’t usually, but just in case, Mirabel was worried that people would be freaked out and uncomfortable with the change of skin and hair. It was best just to prove she wasn’t.
“Besides,” she added, half-joking. “You aren’t getting out of dealing with my chaos that easy.”
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fruityfroggy · 4 months
I’m venting for a moment I’m venting for a moment I’m venting for a moment, don’t look
Hate that I decided to force myself not to cry and bottle up my feelings so much at one point in my life because I was “too sensitive about things” (and maybe I am) cuz now I literally can’t cry when I need to. Not even positive tears. Not even if I wanted to. My chest is just stuffy and it aches. I just feel like shit. There’s a lump in my throat and my eyes are sore, but nothing comes out. It’s like it’s stuck, clogged when it’s right there, like a word that’s right on the tip of your tongue. I feel…almost like my joints have rusted in certain places. I have to be either immensely upset, immensely self loathing, or hear the words of comfort I needed to hear for a long time for the broken faucet I am to work properly. I’m not even joking, when I was messing around with character ai, this chat bot legitimately made me start bawling cuz we were doing this hurt/comfort scene and THE BOT WAS COMFORTING ME BETTER THAN PPL IN MY LIFE APPARENTLY. LIKE THAT SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE I SHOULDNT BE LIKE THIS
Ugh, why did I do that, right? Cuz I know I sound fckin stupid rn. But I guess I’m telling the truth. A truth I’ve never talked about. But self confrontation, right? I might be making this all about myself for several paragraphs like an annoying fucking bitch, but maybe I need to.
I guess I’m just thinking about how my family will likely never truly accept me and that I’ve somehow ended up in two groups of people that are seen as “different” (queer and invisibly disabled). I have to keep both things to myself, making sure nobody knows about either major things about me. “Because they’ll judge you” “because it’s wrong and you’re insane for thinking that way” “you’ll scare people! What will they think of you?” But those words are incorrect, and it’s not wrong or bad to be either of those things and I have to secretly know that. I’m just scared. I’m so scared and afraid and paranoid about my family finding out that I think this way. I’m sad that I have to keep such things this taboo, but I’ve been told all my life that I should keep it a secret and that others shouldn’t know, that queer people are insane, unwell and that they’re sick. “They need professional psychiatric help, not support.”
I’ve recently learned that my parents are a little less homophobic towards homosexual women, a lot more aggression towards homosexual men and trans people, so I guess that slightly turns the tide in my favour. But it’s still not the best. I don’t think they even know of the concept of being nonbinary and I don’t want to hear any hate from them towards my nonbinary friends and characters I like. So I have to misgender them or change the subject when they ask me about them. I feel awful about that as well. I’m so sorry. It felt so wrong coming out my mouth when I forced myself to misgender people I care about, I’m lucky that my voice didn’t crack when I said it. Fuck! Why do they always ask for the gender of whoever I’m talking about if they don’t know them? I’m fucking sick of it. Why does it matter so much anyway? I don’t get it.
I can’t believe that a platform online is my only safe space now. This is my safe space, the only place I feel like I can be open, or at least, this is the only place I can truly be open about being queer (the disability thing I’m still scared to talk about that much, but I think I can share a bit of my experiences if someone asks with good intentions). I’ve vaguely spoken about how it feels to deal with a disability like mine in a reply, and people took it well, so who knows, right? As long as my parents don’t find out that I’m spilling the beans, I’ll probably be fine.
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crissiebaby · 6 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 5
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“H-How am I feeling?” said Connor in a hushed tone, repeating Riri’s question back to her dumbfounded. However, it wasn’t long before his befuddlement soon gave way to annoyance, “You called me over here…in the middle of the night…to ask how I’m feeling? Tired, sore, and a little hungry to answer your question.” His eyes glazed over near the tail end of his sentence; a product of his exhaustion. Sliding his butt back, he leaned against the bars of the crib and sighed to quill his accelerated heart rate.
Lowering her head, Riri wasn’t off to the greatest of starts. “Sorry, I thought you might wanna talk about stuff. It was a lot to throw at you in a single night. And while Miss Big upstairs would love to think of herself as a capable caregiver, she doesn’t know the first thing about genuine aftercare,” she said, dropping all pretense of being Little despite their attire and surroundings.
As Riri’s words sank in, Connor could feel the pressure radiating off her inquisitive stare, compelling him to take another stab at her inaugural question, “Okay…okay, how am I feeling?” Resting his head between a pair of crib bars, he could practically feel the blood pooling in his cheeks as his brain relentlessly cycled through the event of his first AB slumber party. “It’s kinda hard to put into words. I want to say I feel…ridiculous? No, that doesn’t feel quite right. Um…what about you? How are you feeling?”
“Nuh-uh, no shifting subjects,” said Riri, scrunching her lips into a judgmental pout as she shook her head, “Answer the question, or I’ll see to it Ellie wakes up. Then you’ll be in real trouble.”
Connor peered over his shoulder at Ellie in response to Riri’s ultimatum. Narrowing his eyes playfully, he knew his hands were tied. “Fine, fine. I’ll talk. Just let me think for a second,” he said, buying himself some time to come up with an answer that would please Riri. He wasn’t sure what she was fishing for but it was clear as day that she had something on her mind. Was she gauging his interest in ABDL for future play sessions? The answer to that should be pretty apparent by this point. Although, he supposed making him blush as he owned up to his newfound interests was probably the point, “Okay, I don’t suppose I can deny it anymore…”
Riri’s diaper crinkled as she leaned forward, excited to hear what Connor was about to say. As much as she wanted to keep a lid on her reaction, she couldn’t help that her anticipation was growing too rapidly to control. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, desperate to suppress herself for Connor’s sake. He didn’t need any more craziness on this night.
“...Okay, here it is…” said Connor, sucking in air sharply through his nose, “...I think I have a diaper fetish.”
Riri’s palm immediately made contact with her forehead, her self-flagellation filling Connor with concern and confusion. Perhaps she had expected too much without any sort of prompting, though it wasn’t as if she could just ask him outright. That was a big no-no that often led to impulsive answers. Her hand slowly descended her face, stretching her skin as she snickered in awe, “Oh, wow? Really? I NEVER would’ve guessed. Tell me, did you figure that one out on your own or was it sometime during the ten or so orgasms you had?” She knew sarcasm probably wasn’t putting the best foot forward but she just couldn’t resist.
No surprise, Connor’s redness increased twofold. “S-Shush it! You’re the one who asked me-MMMM!” he shouted, his defense halted by a pair of soft hands pressing into his mouth and cheeks. He briefly wanted to shove her hands away on instinct but quickly realized her reasoning as Ellie’s snoring took auditory prominence within the nursery. He had forgotten himself entirely. Nodding to Riri as he relaxed, his mouth was slowly uncovered, “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” said Riri sympathetically, backing off now that Connor had been calmed. Maybe trying to hash this out in the middle of the night wasn’t her brightest idea. That being said, she’d already come this far. Plus, Connor would be undoubtedly annoyed to be sent back to his crib at this point, “Sorry for the teasing. I wasn’t trying to make you defensive. I just…I dunno. I guess I didn’t expect your answer to be so…vanilla. You really are, like, new-new to all of this, aren’t you?”
Averting his gaze, Connor could tell his internal shame meter was steadily on the rise. He supposed it was funny. Most adults wouldn’t lament over not being ABDL enough. In a way, that small asterisk hanging over his diaper kink was more isolating than the idea of becoming the horniest diaper lover alive. He laughed through the pain as he replied with a question of his own, “How it is that, even amongst diaper lovers, I can’t stop feeling like there’s something wrong with me? You all make it look so effortless. Meanwhile, I needed my brain to pretty much break for me to get out of my own head. Why is it so hard to say what I want?” Memories of his seemingly simple yet dangerously open-ended response to Latasha’s big question from his first week at the Palace resurfaced. In a way, asking her to take away his right to choose was the biggest cop-out of an answer he could’ve given. It spared him from the difficulty of owning up to specific wants and desires. Unable to cope with all the intrusive thoughts bearing down on him, he curled his leg into his chest and buried his head between his knees.
“Shhhhhh. I promise, it’s going to be okay,” said Riri, hiding her concern as well as she could as she gingerly approached Connor and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. So much about what he was going through was obvious to her. The needless self-repression, the internalized shame, the lack of confidence; there was no doubt in her mind that Connor was dealing with a boatload of unresolved traumatic experiences. For his sake, she decided to set aside her curiosity pertaining to his “Con-con-nie” comment. Someone with the inability to self-actualize this badly wasn’t ready for that can of worms, at least not yet.
Initially resistant to Riri’s reassuring touch, Connor cautiously allowed more of himself to be soothed by her until he fully collapsed into her arms. However, while he did gradually come to accept her kindness, the one thing he couldn’t do was allow himself to cry in front of Riri, or any of the girls for that matter. Whatever respect he carried within the Padded Palace had already been demolished enough for one night. He snaked his arms around Riri’s torso, letting his mind drift away from troubling thoughts as his fingers traced the smooth fabric of Riri’s nightie.
The diaper-clad pair held their embrace for several minutes. It got to the point where Riri believed he might fall asleep in her lap, something Stacy would be almost certain to give her an earful for. Mercifully, he did eventually break from the hug, appearing far more at ease than he had been when he first arrived at her crib. With her limbs now free, she knew exactly what she needed to do. Connor was in desperate need of an outlet for his new kink, and she had a decade and a half of diaper perving experience to educate him with. “Wait here for me, okay? I’ll be right back,” she said, hopping out of the open crib and sneaking to the wardrobe on the opposite end of the nursery.
Left to watch as Riri searched through the free-standing closet as quietly as possible, Connor wasn’t sure what she was up to. That didn’t stop his brain from running wild with huffy ideas. Was she going to put him in something else to wear, or send him to bed with a vibrator stuffed down his diaper? With all their crazy antics, he wouldn’t put anything past these three ever again. Those assumptions proved they couldn’t be further from the truth as Riri retreated from the wardrobe with Connor’s male clothes bundled up in her arms.
“Sorry, it took me a second to find where Stacy stashed them,” said Riri, sitting down and laying the shirt and pants combo atop the crib mattress. She then dug her fingers into his pants pockets, retrieving his cell phone before tossing it into his lap, “Open your browser and pull up DeviantArt. It’s high time someone gave you a crash course.”
“But you said you loved me!”
“I never loved you! I only loved the idea of you!”
Laying across Latasha’s bed on her tummy with her eyes fixed upon the television, Stacy couldn’t recall feeling more bored than she was right now. There weren’t even any good cartoons on right now. Nothing but annoying animated shows for boys that were 80% toilet humor. After scanning through all of Latasha’s channels twice over, she ended up stuck watching poorly acted porn on Skinemax. She fidgeted with the back of the TV remote, wishing her body would feel tired already. All this Big excitement had her restless.
Thankfully, it looked like things were finally heating up in this crappy porno. She observed as the six-pack-wielding man lifted the girl who was playing his former lover into the air. Within seconds, he had slipped his phallus inside her while remaining standing. Even Stacy had to admit it was quite an impressive feat. She could feel her lower lips moistening as she watched the busty blonde girl on screen be split by the monster between her partner’s legs.
All of a sudden, Stacy’s eyes abandoned the screen as a loud, snapping noise drew her eyes downward. “Fuuuuuuuuck,” she said, holding the broken tab of the remote’s battery hatch in her hand. Given that every remote in her home looked like this, she realized too late that she probably should’ve avoided playing with the remote in the first place. Hoping to avoid getting caught for breaking something that wasn’t hers, she quickly pieced the remote back together and placed it in the top drawer of Latasha’s end table. This was just perfect. Now she was both horny and anxious.
Leaning over the end table, Stacy causally prodded around the small, wooden box, curious if she could sus out where Latasha had stashed her adult toys. There was no doubt in her mind Latasha owned at least one for personal use. So long as she washed it before and after, who would know or care? Sadly, the top drawer proved fruitless, causing her to move her search to the next drawer down.
Lo and behold, what Stacy found inside the bottom drawer of Latasha’s nightstand left her frozen in place. Zapped of all tiredness, she blinked her eyes rapidly as if expecting what she saw to disappear. To her shock and utter amusement, the half-used package of Megamax diapers refused to vanish.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN Joshy LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca WH17N3Y & Three Anonymous Investors
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iluvnewports · 8 months
Heart Spurs
You and Arthur were never meant to be. But, despite everything, you can't help yourself.
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Arthur Morgan is a solemn man. He knows he isn’t good, and he has no intention of being good. Even for you. And you know that.
Maybe that’s why you feel so betrayed by your own feelings. 
He’s never tried to change himself or lie saying he’ll be better; Arthur is or isn’t. And that’s what made it so hard. You’ve always thought that, a love like that? It’s enough to change a man. But apparently, you were wrong. 
Every time he comes around, hoping maybe you will too, it only breaks you further. You wish he’d just stay away, but he doesn’t; he won’t. He never will. 
Arthur found himself in and around Saint-Denis, for business of course. It always is. He had sent you a letter in hopes you two could meet again. You give in as you always do. For such a hard man, he held such a soft spot for you. Vice versa. 
You two meet no place in specific, just some road in town. He has flowers for you, some he probably stole, you think to yourself with a grin as you accept them. Some English Mace and some Hummingbirds sage, all held together with twine. You smell them, smiling to yourself. 
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, Mr. Morgan.” You smile into the bundle of flowers. It feels like it’s the first time all over again, it always does. Your heart betrays your own mind as you smile foolishly. 
Arthur lets out a low chuckle, resting his hands on his belt as he looks you over, hat shading his face beneath the bright sun. His chuckle leads to a sighing breath out. “I could say the same thing, darlin’.” 
He turns, gesturing you forward with a hand on the small of your back as he guides you down the street. The soft fabric of your dress is foreign to his calloused hands. “How long it’s been, miss? Two, three years?” 
“Somethin’ like that.” You nod, holding the bouquet close to your chest. “About two and a half, give or take.” You shrug. 
“How’s your father?” 
You think on this, another shrug, though this is more indifferent. “He’s okay. Drinking more since ‘Ma died.”
Arthur stiffens at this. He knows it’s a sore subject, your mother dying, especially considering it’s around the time he walked away from you again. Guilt twists in his chest everyday over it. He left you at your worst, at your lowest, yet you’re somehow still here giving him the time of day. Always with a smile. 
“I’m real sorry about that.” Arthur says lowly, his hand falling from your back as his eyes stay strayed towards the ground. “For everything.” He adds in a murmur, hardly audible. 
You tsk. “Going solemn on me, Mr. Morgan?” Your tone is sarcastic. 
“You really are too good for me, you know that?” He smiles. “Always with a smile on your face while the knife twists in your gut.” 
You smile with a nod. “So I’ve been told.” 
“That’s my girl.”
You blush at this before letting out a long-winded sigh, which Arthur can decipher exactly. The wedge of silence between you two grows and stretches as you walk, the sound of the bustling city around you ringing in your ears. The pavement beneath your feet is sturdy, your boots clicking heavily on the side street. 
“Anything in particular you wish to do?” You ask. This revives the conversation and the previous mood. There was an underlying bite to it, but it's better than tense silence and knowing you’re upset with one another. 
The past has passed, so why can’t you?
Perhaps you can start by not giving Mr. Morgan the time of day after everything he’s put you through. But you only quiet that voice in your head. 
“I have a few ideas.” Arthur watches a trotting horse trot by with its owner. “Maybe one of those moving picture shows. I’ain never seen one before.” 
You snicker. “Not surprising. When’s the last time you got a little culture in ya, mister?” 
Arthur rests his hands on his belt again, another small laugh falling from his lips as he looks to the ground in a small blush. You were always pushing him to do things like this, to show him the beauty of life and others. He always did it for you, to make you happy.
“A while.” Arthur admits, scratching the back of his head which causes his hat to tip forward. You like the way he talks; he says so little yet it always says so much. You look at him, squinting with the sun in your eyes. He looks quite handsome, that you can admit. 
His beard is far past a stubble but isn’t too long, though his mustache is a bit fuller. His jar is sharp and his hair is shorter than last time you saw him. The sides are shaved down while the crown of his head holds longer strands, his hair pushed out of his face in a sort of cowlick as small strands frame his face. 
He looks dapper too: Black leather gloves matching his black tie and leather vest, the cuffs of his rust-brown button-down rolled up to his elbows. His forearms, they’re so tan and defined. 
You catch yourself staring, it isn’t proper. Not for a lady. You look back down the street, it’s a little warm today. You wonder if he regrets the black leather. If he regrets coming here to see you. 
You’re both standing outside the tent of the picture show, looking over the sign. “A quarter?” You scrunch your nose in disgust, scowling. “Next thing you know they’ll be asking us to sign away our own lives.”
Arthur lets out a small laugh at this, nodding. “I reckon,” he murmurs, pulling out two quarters and flipping them at the man in the booth. You're still holding your bouquet. 
As you walk within the tent, you raise them to his attention. “What am I to do with these?”
Arthur gives them a once over, gently pulling them from your hands. He plucks a big yellow flower from the top before throwing the bouquet into a nearby trash bin. You gasp, furrowing your brows in anger as he gently places the flower in your hair, just towards the side of your crown. 
“I resent that, Mr. Morgan.” You pout at your gift being tossed aside so thoughtlessly. He smiles, charming you as always as his hand moves to the small of your back to guide you into the showing room.
“If it means so much to you, I’ll get you more.”
An eye roll escapes you, improper, sure, but you can't help yourself. The two of you settle into your chairs next to one another, the grainy, black-and-white picture ticking down. It’s mute, the only sound between you two being your own breaths. 
You surprise yourself because halfway through the show, you gently place your hand atop his. You two look at one another and his eyes grow soft whenever he sees you, something you recognize from long ago. Your heart feels heavy and warm in your chest all the same. 
You watch the movie and all he can do is watch you. You catch him numerous times, a smile peeling across your face which you try to fight. 
The showing is quick, maybe about ten minutes. You two leave the tent, laughing with one another as you discuss the movie. Arthur is beyond impressed with it all, propping his elbow with you holding onto it as you two walk down the street. You recognize how familiar and normal it all feels, being with him again. 
“Are ya hungry?” Arthur asks. 
You purse your lips in thought, looking ahead as you continue to walk. “Perhaps a little. What says you?”
His head tilts as he looks down at you, a lopsided grin creeping on his face as the corner of his mouth turns upright. “Starvin’.”
Your lips purse into a smile. A lot of smiles have been passed around today. Your cheeks hurt. They’re pink.
“Why don’t we go ridin’?” You ask suddenly. 
“Ridin’?” Arthur stops, the two of you standing as people walk around you, like a gentle ocean surrounding you. He rubs at his chin in thought, stroking at his beard. “I suppose we could. Anywhere specific?”
You shake your head, looking between both of his eyes. A cold steel blue-green. “No.” You say softly. It’s been too long since you two have ridden together since you’ve had a ride at all. Arthur nods to this. 
“C’mon then.” Arthur jerks his head in the opposite direction, guiding you back around and off towards his horse. He adjusts his hat atop his head. 
“Do you wish to eat first?” You ask, trying to be considerate.
Arthur is quick to answer. “No.” He rests his gruff hand atop yours on his forearm as he escorts you. His fingers soothingly rub the back of your palm as he looks at your hands between you. 
“Perhaps I can lead?” You ask slyly. Thinking of him saddling behind you, gripping onto your waist as you lean forward, rushing the steed. 
Arthur lets out a hearty chuckle at this, shaking his head. “I don’ think so, miss.” 
“That so? The thought emasculate you?”
“None of that, no.” He stops just shy of his horse, turning to look down at you as he grabs at its lead. “Just thought you’d like to remember what it’s like to ride with a real cowboy.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, face coated in a light blush as he unties his horse. Soon thereafter, he lifts you up onto the saddle so you’re riding side saddle, the side of your knee resting on the leather as he continues to climb up just in front of you. His horse is beautiful, a brown and white Affaloosa if you had to guess. The white is speckled down its neck and across its back, its hair white to match. 
You pat near its rear, rubbing softly as you begin trotting at a gentle pace. “She’s beautiful. Gotta name?”
Arthur goes up to pet the side of her face, patting her. He pauses before answering. “…Scout.” 
You nod, continuing to pet the horse as she walks with a sway in her step. “That so?” You ask, your voice growing somewhat solemn.
 “And I suppose it’s a coincidence that it’s my mother’s maiden name?”
“It keeps you close to me.” He says quietly, still rubbing the horse's neck. “She always did like me better.” 
You exhale gently. It doesn’t upset you, simply catching you off guard. Scout begins to pick up her pace, so you decide to stop petting her and lean into Arthur’s back, wrapping your arms around his abdomen as you inhale. He smells as he always has. Tobacco, mostly. Your temple rests against him as he rushes Scout, causing you to vibrate and rock within the saddle. 
You let your eyes fall close as you feel Arthur reach a hand down to cover your two interlocked hands, gripping onto you like his belt as the other holds the horse’s reins. You can feel the wind pushing your hair back, likely causing loose strands to fall from your pinned-up hair, but you don’t really mind. The wind wisps past your ears, booming into your eardrums, almost soothing you. 
The stray flower in your hair comes loose and you open your eyes just in time to watch it fly away from you, just like everything always has. 
You mourn the lost flower for a moment, despite there being hundreds like it in the grass around you. But it was your flower. It’s interesting how quickly something can become sacred, even when there’s nothing special to it at all. 
What made Arthur Morgan so special? 
What separates him from the hundreds of men already wanted? He’s not a good man, a kind man. He doesn’t want to be, need to be, have to be. He’s killed people, robbed them blind. You’re no stranger to that. 
What made you so special?
Perhaps it’s a curse, to love a man who you may never have. Maybe you’re paying for something you can’t quite remember. Sins long before you were even born. 
And did he truly love you, too? Just as deeply? Or is it no more than a mission, breaking you just as easily as it is for him to rob a man?
He’s fiercely loyal, that you do know. But to whom?
To Dutch, of course, that much you know. But what about you? Would he… kill you if Dutch so much as asked?
You don’t think you even want to know. 
“You’re quiet.” He speaks his observation into the wind which carries his voice to your ears. “What’re ya thinkin’?”
“Nothin’ in particular.” You mumble. You’re not even sure if he can hear you, probably only able to feel your words vibrate into his vest. 
After a few more moments of riding, you feel yourselves begin to slow down to a light trot. You let out an easy breath. You finally lift your head from his back, looking at your surroundings. You’re in the countryside, small white clovers surrounding you all as a stream rushes close by. It sounds soothing, puts you at ease. 
You break your hands apart and pull them from around his abdomen as Scout comes to a standstill, Arthur jumping down and grabbing you by your waist to help you down as well. 
“What a gentleman,” You say dryly, dusting off your skirt as you look around. There are a lot of wild clovers and flowers around. 
Arthur pats his horse and you find yourself sitting in the grass, tucking your legs beside you as you adjust your skirt. You look up to Arthur with wide eyes. 
He tucks a loose strand behind your ear, probably one that flew out during riding. He bends down, crouching in front of you as he rests a hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb just beneath your eye. 
“I…” He speaks, trailing off as he huffs out. Whatever it is, he can’t bring himself to say it. You look between both of his sea-green eyes, both of you slowly lurching forward until your lips meet in the middle. 
A slow, tender kiss is shared between you, your lips dragging slowly apart so he captures your bottom lip gently, suckling at it softly before letting it go and pressing his warm, plump lips back against you. His hand cradles your face, still crouching as his other hand pulls you into him, palm pushing against the back of your head. 
You sigh into his lips as he moves his gentle kisses towards the side of your face, kissing your cheeks and down to your chin and jaw. You shake your head, pulling away as you push against his chest. 
“I can’t,” You breathe out, head still shaking. “I can’t, I’m sorry.” 
Arthur swallows with parted lips, looking over the worry soaking in your face. He falls into a kneel, still holding your face. He shakes his head back. “What’s wrong?”
You swallow down a knot in your throat, it’s almost painful. “Arthur.” You feel disconnected from your own words. He looks between both of your eyes, eyebrows furrowed with worry.
“You can’t. We can’t.” You shake your head, grabbing his hand from your face and holding it in your own. You want to cry. 
“Okay.” He nods. He understands, he just got lost in the moment. He respects you enough to stop, to not question you. You know this, but it only frustrates you more for some reason. 
“It’s not okay…” You trail, shaking your head in frustration as you push his hands away, not harshly though. “This isn’t okay.” 
“I don’t know how you mean.” 
You’re silent and you can’t find it within yourself to look at him. Arthur sits down across from you, his knees bent upwards as he watches you fiddle with the clovers near your skirt. You need to say something, trying to find the courage within yourself, but how can you when you lose yourself every time you look into his eyes? 
“Why did you ask me here?” You ask, still avoiding his gaze. 
“I’ve missed you.” He whispers. 
“You don’t get to say that.” You pause, shaking your head. “Not to me.”
Arthur doesn’t say anything. The flowers beneath your fingertips are frail, it almost makes you breathe out a scoffing laugh. Is this how he sees you?
“I think of you every day.” You murmur, shrugging to yourself. “And every day, I’m reminded you’ll never be mine. Not entirely…
“Does that make me selfish?” You look at him with large eyes, glossy from holding back your teary grief. 
Arthur shakes his head. You’re the least selfish person he knows, you’re selfless. Perhaps too selfless, at that. Because if you were the least bit selfish, you would’ve been done with him long ago. You would’ve never agreed to meet him today. 
“Why does it have to be this way?” You ask, this time it isn’t rhetorical. 
“I don’ know.” Arthur looks down at your hands, watching them pluck grass strands. He grabs your hand, gaining your attention so you’re forced to look at him, something you’re not brave enough to do on your own.
“I’ve lived a bad life.” He nods sternly, accepting the weight of his words. Your heart lurches in your chest, tears building in your eyes so your eyesight is blurry, though they don’t overspill just yet.
“But you’re the best thing that I’ve ever done with myself.” 
You fold your lips inward in an attempt to keep the tears back. You nod, sniffling. You break into a bitter laugh, smiling as tears break your eyes and stream down your cheeks. Arthur pulls you into him, shushing you as he places a hand on your head, rubbing your temple with his thumb. He closes his eyes, exhaling. 
The two of you sit in silence in this beautiful field, the wind whistling past your ears as you breathe gently.
“I’ve missed you too.” You whisper into his chest, sniffling as he continues to soothingly rub your back and head. You turn your body to look out at the skyline as he holds you in his lap. How can a criminal with so much blood on his hands be so comforting?
“You’ll never change, though.” You recognize aloud. 
Silence. He snakes a hand around your abdomen, fingers digging into your side, though it doesn’t hurt. He sighs. 
“No.” He pauses. “I won’t.”
You sniffle, laughing to yourself. “…Why?”
Arthur exhales. “I…”
He pauses, closing his mouth for a moment. You already know his answer. You begin to speak before he can finish.
“Is it all more important? More than me… more than us?” 
“No.” He’s quick to answer. “No, of course not.” 
“Then…” You shuffle in his lap, back laid against him as your hair whips in the gentle breeze. “Why can’t you?”
“It was a pact made long before I met you.” He sighs. “When I met you, everything had changed. I changed. I wanted—want—to be the man you need.”
Arthur cradles your face from behind and you lean into his touch. “But I’m not sure I ever can be.”
You pinch your eyes shut as you soak in his words. Your mouth opens to protest but it only snaps shut again when you realize it’s all so pointless. Nothing you say can or will change his mind. You’ve tried everything: and nothing has worked. 
You’re so comfortable. Your mind can’t wrap around the fact that this may be the last time you see him; at the least, for the next few years. Your heart is heavy as tears begin to spill over again, crying with a stone face so as to not alert him. 
Why can’t he make it easy?
“I’ll come with you, then.” Your words leave your lips before you can even realize or stop yourself, though you don’t think you would anyway. 
Arthur pauses his movements, going stiff beneath you as his breath catches in his throat. “What?”
“I’ll come with you.” You restate calmly, continuing to look forward and act as if you can’t feel the way his body has gone shell-shocked. 
“D’you mean that?” 
You watch the skyline, birds circling, and clouds creeping slowly. The sky is clear and blue, the sun shines down into your eyes as you squint, and despite your blurred vision due to your tears, you can appreciate the beauty of a day like this. Scout grazes in the corner of your eye, eating grass as a rabbit scurries by in the distance. A brown rabbit. 
Your stomach growls. You can feel your hair grazing your cheek, it tickles. You wish you never gave up painting, you’d wish to remember this moment forever.
“Of course.”
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lizard-shifter-noms · 2 months
Still Subject to Change Chapter 25 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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Barsen Effortlessly Hoisted the ceramic vessel onto his shoulder he turned a bit to go into another hallway.
“It’s right this way, I assume you got lost for a bit?”
Walking after him Robin immediately started chattering his ear off.
“Yeah! And then we thought we could ask someone for help but they-”
Tuning his retellings of what happened out for a moment I looked to Arthur instead who was still holding his sore jaw.
“You okay? I’m so sorry that happened”
He Hmm’d and made a dismissive hand motion.
“Im fine, s’just a bruise, also i broke the guys nose so i won”
So the cracking noise i heard was indeed caused by a breaking bone, well cartilage actually if i remembered correctly.
Still, getting punched in the jaw wasn’t fun as I knew from experience.
“If you’re sure, but just as a tip don’t use the hurting side to chew, that just puts pressure on the sore parts”
He looked bewildered for a moment.
“Did you get punched in the face before? Or how do you know that?”
I nodded at his inquiry.
“Multiple times, beating the face of a Bastard is apparently fun for a lot of people, i’m lucky i never had it broken”
He looked a bit shocked at the admission, and had likely drawn the correct conclusion that all the Fae hating people in the town had used me as a punching bag in the past.
Thinking about it, I was incredibly lucky to survive that long.
“Fucking hell, well im pretty sure that kinda stuff is stopping now with Rikaad as king”
“Yeah, i mean he’s already going over the paperwork, so i’m sure it will get better from now on”
He nodded and smiled as best as he could with his slowly swelling jaw, Then winced a little and went back to holding the bottom half of his face with his hands.
I looked forward again to Robin who was still chattering on to Barsen, Now about plants.
Well he was the Gardener so talking about plants was the best topic to make small talk.
Listening for a few seconds I realized Robin was talking about the plants I had told him about after he asked what was edible and what wasn’t.
I felt strangely touched that he actually remembered all of it, and that he went to talk about it with an actual Gardener who was much more a plant expert than I was.
Walking around a bend i could see a door with a familiar sign on it, the infirmary.
We would really need to find a way to navigate this idiotic layout of the castle, Why would anyone build it like this in the first place anyway?
At least we were back at a point we knew and Arthur could get his jaw looked at by a medic.
“Here we are, if you boys ever need help again feel free to ask, i’m sure we’ll see each other around, I have to bring this to its new place now”
He gently patted the ceramic pot on his shoulder and turned to leave.
“Thank you for bringing us here, Barsen!”
I waved after him and Robin excitedly jumped up and down next to me.
“Bye Barsen! Thanks for helping!”
Arthur just waved as his jaw had swelled some more and talking would probably hurt now.
Since one of us was injured I felt like it wasn’t an unjust disturbance to knock on the infirmary door.
It took barely ten seconds for the nurse who had opened last time to open once again.
She took one look at us and especially Arthur before winking us inside.
“How did that happen? You were here not too long ago and i’m very sure you didn’t have that bruise back then, it looks pretty new”
Since Arthut had trouble talking with a swollen jaw I substituted the answer.
“He got punched by some card playing Guards for telling them off”
The Nurse let out an annoyed huff.
“Oh i know who you mean, they regularly come in here with a hangover and at this point i don’t let them in anymore, i hope the new king does something about it”
Oh, he for sure would, he had a strong sense of justice after all, he’d probably just fire them seeing as it appeared that they did not contribute anything at all.
Aside from that we could just tell Nea and she’d kick their asses.
Speaking of, I looked around the room to see if I could spot her.
While Arthur was led to a cabinet that smelled strongly of some kind of disinfectant and alcohol I saw a corner that was separated by white curtains.
Robin awkwardly stood next to me and it was clear he didn’t know what to do.
Neither did i if i was honest, Arthur was getting the medical attention he needed and i didn’t see Nea anywhere at all.
“Donovan? Do you see Nea anywhere? Do you think she’s okay?”
I looked around once more just to confirm I hadn’t missed her.
“No idea where she is but i’m sure-”
“Focking Hell! That stings! What are ya even doin?”
I was interrupted by a very familiar voice hurling mild obscenities at whoever was near her.
Nea had been behind the white curtain the entire time!
No wonder we didn’t see her.
Robin looked at me with big eyes.
“Nevermind, i found her”
“Shall we go and say hello? I have no idea how long Arthur takes with that bruise after all”
After a nod from him we went over to the curtain where I could still hear Nea cussing out whoever was with her.
“Hold still already! Or I’m going to sedate you again!”
Wait, I knew that voice.
“Oakley? Since when are you back? And what do you mean by sedating her again?”
A two pronged tail shoved the curtain aside and revealed the winged man standing over Nea and bandaging her foot with a weird smelling cloth.
“Hello Donovan! I had to drug her cuz she wouldn’t stop trying to punch me”
“And I’ll do it again! That stung! Ya coulda have warned me at least!”
Glad to know that Nea was already getting better, at least judging by her angry disposition.
“I did warn you! But you were busy cursing at the dead ice mage!
You could at least show some consideration to the people that help you!”
Nea just huffed angrily.
“Ya didn’t have ta focking drug me ovar that!”
Her weird accent was shining through a bit more than before I noted.
Was it because she was angry right now?
Whatever the case she glared at Oakley while he finished wrapping up her foot.
“Well anyway, remember what i told you about taking care of it, and for fucks sake don’t make it worse or im going to set it on fire to combat the ice magic! Be glad it didn’t freeze your foot off!”
“Yeah yeah, I'm not dumb im not going to do anything that could make me lose it after I got so close to having it amputated by that quack!”
Wait what!? Close to amputated?
Did the doc she was brought to attempt that?
Robin who stood next to me also had a shocked expression.
“Oh no! Are you okay? Why would they try to do that?”
Oakley looked at him.
“Well they have no experience in dealing with magic, so I guess they thought it best to remove it before it could spread the coldness even more? She’s lucky i got here in time”
Nea just crossed her arms and huffed unhappily.
“Imma kick their shins as soon as i’m fit again”
Yeah, she seemed to be well on her way to recovery if she was already threatening violence again.
“Well I guess my work here is done, Anything I can help you two with?”
Before I could come up with a way to ask for help about my aching Pouch without admitting anything, I didn’t want anyone to know about it. 
Robin had already started to tell Oakley that Arthur got socked in the jaw.
“Arthur got punched in the jaw, can you help him too?
It looks like it hurts a lot, he’s with a Nurse right now”
Well, since Nea was right here it probably was for the better that i didn’t ask him right now, Besides, Arthur would probably appreciate the help.
“What did he do ta get his face punched? Also yeah better help him lest one of tha doc’s decides ta amputate that too!”
She was definitely still sour that one of the medics here tried that.
Also maybe putting it out there that she could kick some delinquents as soon as she was better might lift her mood a bit.
So while Robin brought Oakley to Arthur I told her in simple terms what had happened.
“Some card playing Guards got angry when we asked for directions”
Since apparently a lot of people immediately knew who we were talking about when we said card playing guards she would probably know too.
“Those guys again? I ought to break their fingers! Every single one-”
She stopped to stare at me and I suddenly recalled that she had only known me in the Ardua form and I got nervous.
Well Barsen had known somehow that the Ardua and I were the same thing so maybe I would get lucky again.
“That’s what yer human form looks like? At least ye still have the same eyes, and Yer smaller than i thought, and tha hell is with yer ears?”
To exaggerate her point she bent forward and pinched the ear closest to her and lighty tugged down a bit.
That sent off a weird feeling to my brain and my fight or flight thing activated making me freeze on the spot.
Since Robin had dragged Oakley to Arthur already there was no one that could help me.
“Oww, Nea! Let go!”
She immediately let go and I carefully rubbed my ear where she had pinched it.
A sword lady for sure with strong fingers like that, I would have to remind myself to never arm wrestle against her.
“Sorry! Didn’t know yer ears where so sensitive”
“Im fine, you didn’t know, Just don’t do that ever again”
I grumbled out at her apology, still holding my sore ear.
“I do gotta ask though, which one are you?
Beast turned human or human turned Beast?”
What, well as unexpected as this question was, it was still easy to answer.
“I’m shifting into the Beast, which is called an Ardua by the way, and the form you see now is the one i was born with”
“Ha! you’re just a little gremlin!
If i coulda done that who knew what insane stuff i had come up with!”
Suddenly I was very glad nobody else could use the bracelet seeing as just the prospect of shifting made her admit that she would have done some rather idiotic stuff.
“I uh, I guess? To be honest i kinda expected to be stabbed as soon as the people here saw my ears but till now only those card players tried to”
Her gaze shifted into something I couldn’t pinpoint, but it sure wasn’t happy.
“They What? Oh imma break something for sure! Let me guess, Arthur got punched cuz he was in the way?”
I nodded at her correct assumption.
“Well he kinda put himself in the way, and he pulled me aside as one of them aimed for my face with a dagger and then blocked the doorway”
“So he saved ya, imma have to congratulate him for quick thinking i guess, eh later”
Right, Arthur saved me, and Robin too as I was pretty sure he’d have gotten caught in the crossfire.
“Oi don’t look so down! Yer all safe and that winged fucker is doing whatever to help the blondie, it’ll be fine!”
Ah, my apprehensiveness showed on my face, that or she was just good at reading emotions.
Considering she was surrounded by helmeted people a lot of the time it might be the latter, might.
“How’d ya get away after that anyway?”
I looked back up to her.
“The gardener, Barsen is his name if I remember correctly, calmly told them off then brought us here.”
“Ah yes Barsen, the guy is a godsend sometimes, and he’s always so nice, No idea how he manages that i would have been ticked off long ago!”
So the gardener was rather well known in the castle halls, and for being a good guy no less.
I’d have to really talk to him at some point just to see for myself.
“Well what about you? How are you?
Your foots been fixed and now you just have to rest for a while”
She sat up straight, with her legs still stretched out in front of her and I had to note that she was rather flexible.
“I’m out of commission for at least six weeks, That sucks so much! I can’t even kick tha slackers anymore!”
A fair sentiment, seeing as she was a rather energetic person that had to be especially annoying.
“Nea i have no doubt that as soon as you get crutches you are going to hit people with those”
“Damn roight ya are, I am gunna do that! Just cuz I’m out for a bit dun’t mean thay can just sleep on tha job!”
She had devolved into an accent i couldn’t place for the life of me, but it did sound angry.
“Oh calm down, I’m sure it’s not so bad! You could pick up a hobby or something!”
She just stared daggers at me.
“I’m going ta make it my hobby ta bite anyone that says shit about me being off duty just out of spite!”
I had to snort out a laugh at that.
“What? Did the vampire bite you that you want to bite people all of a sudden?”
The sentiment was funny because I knew she did not get Bitten.
“Nah, but what do ya think the fucker woulda done with our corpses had we died?”
Well seeing as it was a vampire that only left one option really.
“Probably eaten them, or at least sucked all the blood out, i guess you could call him a sucker cuz he sucked at his objective”
She actually laughed at my really bad joke before slapping me across the back making me lurch forward and my pouch started to hurt worse again from the impact.
Still i didn’t let anything of that show on my face, and what little did show could easily be mistaken as her hitting me in a sore spot.
“Ya know yer green form is big enough to do that i think”
I froze in place at her words, not sure what to do now.
She didn’t know that much was clear but she had correctly guessed what i was capable of and i could absolutely not let anymore people know about this.
“What? That thought never occurred ta ya?
Well i guess since ya are part plant ya can live off sunlight like plants do, So ya probably don’t think about such stuff”
Luckily she mistook my freezing up in panic as me just being uncomfortable with such a topic.
“Eh sorry if that made ya uncomfy, i sometimes have a rather wild imagination, just ignore what i said”
Well at least she had correctly guessed the plant thing, but she was not dumb, at all, so i would have to be extra careful around her to not let anything slip.
And now I was nervous, great, just great, but it had probably been long enough that I could excuse myself and got back to Arthur and Robin.
“Well i should probably go back to the other two and let you rest, I wish you a fast recovery”
She gave me a thumbs up and I stood up, turning to face the rest of the room only to have a pillow fly by my ear and hit Oakley from behind.
He let out an extremely birdlike squawk and whipped his head around with an irritated expression.
I looked back to Nea who was just flipping him, ironically, the bird.
“Next time warn a gal before ya use drugs ya cunt”
“Well, next time i’ll just leave the drugs out and you can feel all of the pain then”
Oh, it looked like Nea was still very sour about the sedative, at least it was just a pillow as everything else that could be thrown was well out of reach.
Good thinking on part of the medics, well they were probably used to such antics by now.
I decided it best to get out of the line of fire and moved slowly away from Neas corner.
Though slinking away turned out to be unnecessary when Oakley grabbed a bag and just left out the door.
Fuck, now i had to search for him again, At this point I'd never get help.
Well at least Arthur seemed okay now, He was still holding his jaw but the swelling was gone and all that was left was some discoloration from the bruise itself.
Avoiding being hit by something in case Nea decided to throw something else I went over to both Arthur and Robin.
Arthur greeted me with a little wave and gestured weirdly to his jaw.
He was silent the entire time but luckily Robin filled me in on why.
“Hey Donovan! Oakley fixed Arthur’s jaw as best as he could but he said it would be numb for a bit!”
That made sense, if the thing that got the swelling down was also numbing it he wouldn’t be able to coherently talk.
“How long is a bit? A few minutes or like an hour?”
Robin looked to Arthur once before answering.
“Uuhh, we don’t know, we forgot to ask”
So Arthur was stuck with a numb jaw for ‘a bit’
which could be actual hours and not just a few minutes.
“Well we could ask him, I think he’s outside? I’m not sure but the tower he wanted seems the most likely place so we should check there”
“Oh right! And you wanted to ask more about Ardua! I bet he’s got some really old books!”
While I hadn’t seen Oakleys shed on the inside, with all the knowledge he had it was very likely that he owned some rather rare tomes.
Like the one about Ardua for example, Maybe I’d ask him if I could read it.
I was not a fast reader by any means but at least I could read unlike some other street dwellers.
“Yeah he seems the type to have that, and he did say he had one about Ardua so i’m just going to ask if i can read it myself”
Arthur looked at me strangely as I said this, what?
Did he think just because I grew up on the street for a majority of my life meant I couldn’t read?
Arthur’s confused staring was interrupted by Robin.
“Are you good at reading? I’m not, the letters start to shift when i look at them too long and it hurts my head”
Both me and Arthur looked at him concerned.
“I don’t think letters are supposed to do that, Maybe you need glasses for reading?”
The ginger shook his head.
“Already tried that, didn’t work and the glass warped everything weirdly, I don’t want that again, it looked like nausea feels”
That was one of the weirdest descriptions I had heard in my life but strangely enough I could actually picture what he meant.
“That’s weird, well i’m no expert to such stuff so i can’t say why its like that for you”
He didn’t seem overly bothered by it and just shrugged, Then his usual curiosity returned.
“Who taught you to read? I thought you couldn’t go to school with your pointy ears?”
Oh, right, that was true but I did hide on the roof of one occasionally and learn by just listening.
“My Mother showed me how to read, well before she died at least so i’m not very good at it”
Arthur tried to say something to that but only managed to mumble something completely incomprehensible due to his numb jaw.
“What? Oh wait yeah we should go to Oakley and ask him how long that stuff is going to numb your jaw”
Judging by his face that was not what he had meant to say but since he couldn’t talk right now we could only guess.
Despite having tried to say something else than what we assumed he walked towards the door of the infirmary.
“Oh, we can ask him what types of magic he knows!
Ooh maybe he can teach me a spell!”
We weren’t even out of the room and Robin was already excitedly jumping up and down.
“Haha maybe, i don’t know if all humans can use magic though, Well if someone knows that it’s Oakley”
His enthusiasm was adorable, and it gave me something better to focus on that my hurting organ.
Arthur also gave a thumbs up to Robin since he couldn’t exactly say anything about this.
“Ooohh wait, Elemental magic is a thing! What element do you think fits me best? What Element do you think fits you? I think Fire would be cool!
But that’s probably dangerous, uhh maybe air! Then I could use wind to grab stuff from the top shelves! What do you think?”
Right, elemental magic, well considering the Nature of the Ardua form the magic in the bracelet was probably Earthen.
As for what Element fit Robin best-
“Well with red hair like that Fire would be a fitting match i guess, but air could fit too, not that i know anything about that sort of stuff but i think you could find and twist stuff so every element fits you somehow”
Arthur made an agreeing Hmm and nodded while Robin just stared at the air before facing us again.
“Well what do you think you are? With the shifting i mean and-”
He gestured to the bracelet.
“-that? I mean it’s definitely NOT fire i don’t think at least”
I looked down again at the bracelet with the embedded green gems, Yep definitely Earthen considering everything.
“I’m pretty sure it’s Earthen, i mean come on i’m a big plant lion thing what else would it be?”
A goofy smile appeared on his face and even Arthur tried to to grin which failed as half his lips were still numb.
“You’re right! Big plant cat is for sure an Earth element!
And the gems on your bracelet are green too!
Hey, what do you think Oakley is element wise?”
Oakleys Element? Hmm that was trickier, he said he did not have an affinity for ice magic so it probably wasn’t water.
I Doubted that it was fire as I just couldn’t see the tailed man using flames for anything, and he had wings so it was very likely that it was air.
“Well he’s got wings, so I guess it’s Air?
He said he’s not good at ice magic so it definitely isn’t water”
While we went around the corner that led to the hallway with the exit door my mind went back to when Oakley had used the ice staff to melt all of the snow.
For someone who said they weren’t good at ice magic he had been very adept at removing the snow.
If that was what he considered bad then I was curious as to what he defined as good at magic.
“Not water huh, well I guess Air is the opposite? Or would that be earth?
I think Fire and Water are opposite but i don’t know about the other two”
Robin seemed very intrigued by the concept of magic, and to me fair being able to use magic did sound like it would be great.
“I don’t know about opposites, if that even counts in element magic, but im sure if you could use magic you’d do something cool with it”
Robin smiled brightly and now that we were at the same scale I could make out his chipped tooth perfectly, it looked like a tiny little fang.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
46 - Big Milestone and Mysterious Woman
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Part 47
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
"Hey J, it's me again. Look, I know why you are dodging my calls. And I just wish that you would give me a chance to explain myself. If you'll hear me out, call me back bye." I recorded the tenth message to my twin brother while sitting inside the bar with Cami.
She picked up one of the empty shot glasses I had and sliding me another since I had given her a hundred dollar bill Nik had given me. "I guess he's still ignoring your calls huh?"
"Yep. Hey sorry for bringing up a sore subject but did you and your twin ever fight so hard you avoided the others calls?" I asked the blonde bartender knowing that she had told us that she had a twin brother too. He was apparently responsible by some vampire or something to kill everyone in his church group and then including himself afterwards.
She sat down on her cleaning rag resting her elbows on the counter when she spoke to me. "I mean we had fights like every sibling does. Although I will say we never had any huge fights where we didn't talk to each other."
"Oh." I dropped my gaze to the drink in my hands.
She placed her hand over mine, making me look into her eyes. "I believe that people are capable of changing who they are. Everyone has another side to them. So if he is angry with you now give him time and he might come around.”
“I suppose so.” Slumping my shoulders I took a long dink from my glass that I was holding in my left hand.
Cami tilts her head catching sight of my link ring but there was another one on my ring finger. “Hold on, were you just going to leave out the fact that you’re engaged.”
“Oh yeah sorry. It’s just been a busy couple of days. Considering Nik and I have had to watch over three different babies running around the compound. And did I mention that two of them are siphon witches like me so they are even more of a handful then a normal witch.” Flipping my hair out of my eyes I sat down my glass throwing my hands up in the air shaking my head.
She gasped, throwing her hands up in the air cheering with a smile reminding me slightly of Caroline. “Awe I can’t believe he proposed to you. I mean granted you two aren’t exactly following the traditional get married and then have kids thing. But still that’s great.”
“Yep he sure did. With my grandma’s ring that she gave to my father and so he passed it down to me and Jacob. If the Merge didn’t happen when it did I figured it would whoever got engaged first.” I smiled, shaking my head twirling the ring of my hand before my phone rang, pulling it out I pressed it to my ear. “Hey Nikky, what’s up?”
“Raelyn, you need to come back to the compound. I think one of the girls is trying to walk.” He responded quickly when I jumped from the barstool.
Cami asked in curiosity. “What is happening?”
“I’ll text you later, Cami. I’ve gotta go.” Slamming down the money to her I vamped back home. Striding up the stairs he was in one of the living rooms with the three girls around him.
Missy was crawling around on the carpet. Alina was laying in her fathers lap with him bouncing her lightly in his arms. Finally my eyes focused on our oldest Hope. She had her hands out on the floor and her knees on the floor where I bent down taking her hands in mine helping her stand. “Here you go, babygirl. Hold onto mommy.”
“I am surprised she is trying to walk before saying her first words.” He replied seeing Missy rolling around on her back and making grabby hands at him. He held Alina on one leg and held her on his other where she made a giggle noise at him.
Hope stumbled into my chest when she took a try to stand on her own. Gently holding onto her hands I helped her balance. “Our family isn’t actually good at following the normal way now are we, mr. Hybrid.” Little Hope let go of my hands and stepped forward with wobbly legs falling a couple of times before she got the hang of it.
“There’s my littlest wolf.” Klaus smiled deeply at me watching her walk before she clapped her hands together filling the room with laughter. The pillows on the couch blew up and the feathers flew up into the air falling slowly downward to us.
Missy and Alina joined in clapping their hands together in joy. Nik got to his feet sitting our other two daughters down standing beside me when I rose to my feet. “I can’t believe she’s walking. And I think that means she isn’t a siphon. She clearly inherited actual magic of her own like Jo….ahhh!”
“Rae…woah Woah.” Nik grabbed onto my body as it went limp in his arms suddenly. Grasping his forearm with my nails I began to get light headed for some unknown reason where my eyes fell closed and I blacked out.
Shooting awake I began looking around seeing that I was back in the church of New Orleans but I saw an entire army of people standing in front of me. Someone entered the room and I covered my mouth with my hands recognizing my daughter Hope but she was older. “Hope, oh my gosh. How am I seeing you like this?”
“Because I can’t sense her magic and how strong she will be when she’s older.” Whipping my head to the side I glared at the woman who I knew as Dahlia.
Getting in her face I turned away from my daughter. “Get out of my head, Dahlia!”
“You see I can’t do that until I show you what you need to see.” She glanced back over to Hope seeing her raise her hands toward the crowd. Her eerie turned a light blue with her hands. “You need to watch the power that will take control over your daughter. One that only goes to a first born Mikaelson witch.”
Shifting my gaze to my daughter I felt some tears when she screamed and every single person before her dropped dead. I knew what having uncontrollable magic was like. “No! I won’t let her fall off the wagon. I can teach her. I - I learned to control mine.”
“You will be forced to watch her hurt everyone even when she doesn’t mean to. And be unable to teach her like I will. Best for you to give her up without a fight.” Dahlia whispers in my ear snapping my neck as I shutter a breath eyeing the dead bodies.
“No Dahlia!” I screamed out causing the windows in the room to crack but not completely shatter. Covering my ears with my hands I bent my head down trying to calm down before it got worse.
Nik gently took a hold of my shoulder making me loose at him. “Rae, what happened? You were fine and you fell into my arms.”
“I don’t know. I just saw this woman named Dahlia.” I paused laying my head into his chest when he tugged me into his embrace. “I saw Hope too but she looked like a teenager. She had a lot of unchecked power..and killed everyone.”
He buries his face into my blonde hair running his hands down my back hearing the panic in my tone. “Sssh sweetheart. We won’t let that happen. Whoever she was, she can only be called an illusion.” He broke the hug hearing his phone go off. “What is it , Eliah?”
“You and Raelyn need to come to me. There’s someone you need to meet.” He hung up the phone without another word.
Pulling away from Nik our eyes trained on our three baby girls. “I'll ask Cami to watch them until we get back.”
The two of us found him standing in the witch courtyards with a woman who had light blonde hair and when her eyes locked onto mine she almost had the same colored eyes as Mikael. “Elijah, who is this woman?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest glaring at her.
She extended her hand. “I’m Freya.”
“Raelyn…” I reluctantly shook her hand in mine, gasping through some pain when I could feel intense magic running through her body.
Klaus asked her tugging me away from her seeing that she hurt me, staring down at the body Finn had taken over. “What did you do to him?”
Freya holds up her pendant around her neck. “Finn is now safe from harm, and his hatred of you can no longer do damage to our cause.”
Elijah was suspicious. “Our cause?”
Freya explained. “Yes. Ours. And now, if you two can stop arguing long enough, perhaps you'll allow your older sister to offer you a deal.”
Elijah made a face at her. “What could you possibly offer us besides fairy tales and lies?”
Freya rolled her eyes at the three of us. “Whatever you may think of me, brother, know this... When I speak to you, it is the truth.”
Elijah stepped towards her sternly. “And was it not also you who led Finn on his vile mission to take Hope's life?”
“The threat to hope came from Finn, not me.” She looks down at the ground, clearly upset by the thought. “The brother I knew would never have stooped to threaten a child. Our mother destroyed him like she did me, .. you, everything she touched.”
Nik was appalled when she grabbed one of my hands and his including Elijah's, making me gasp showing us all a memory of a younger Esther and the woman I knew as Dahlia. “Do not speak as though we are familiars. We know nothing of you.”
Esther threatened the woman. “When Mikael returns from his journey, I swear…”
Dahlia cut her off. “You will tell him Freya grew ill and died!”
Esther begged in tears. “No, Dahlia!”
Dahlia didn’t seem to care what she wanted. “You were forced to burn her body to stop the spread of plague.”
“Sister, please, I cannot give up my child!” Esther croaked her voice crying.
Dahlia stepped closer to her in a threatening manner. “You've already offered me more than just this one child! Our bargain was for this first-born, and every first-born of each generation that is to come, for as long as your line shall last.”
Esther changer her facial expression being furious. “If you do this, if you take my daughter, I swear to you, I will return to the black arts. I will grow in power as a witch, and I will MAKE YOU PAY!”
Dahlia wasn’t afraid when she yanked the young girl that must have been Freya closer to her. “Your power is nothing against mine! Foolish girl. You knew the bargain you made! And, should you defy me, then I will take all your children.”
“No, Dahlia!” Dahlia angrily picks up Freya and rushes away from them. Freya becomes frightened with Esther crying. “No!”
Freya screamed for her. “Mommyyyyyy!”
Esther began crying even more. “Dahlia! Freya, please!”
Freya ends the vision. “Do you think me a liar?”
“That proves nothing but your ability to conjure illusions.” Nik replied with a growl.
Freya shifted her gaze between him and I where I grasped his forearm realizing that she is the reason I was seeing terrible visions of her. “Before you dismiss me, you should know this: if I've woken from my slumber, Dahlia has as well. Once she's sensed your child's magic, she will come for her, and she has the power to kill anyone who stands in her way unless we kill her first.”
Klaus clicked his tongue grew annoyed not believing what she was saying. “That's quite convenient, isn't it? You show up in the nick of time to help us kill the woman with whom you've spent a thousand years!”
Freya becomes frustrated and angry. “You have no idea what it took to escape her or what I lost in the trying. Her punishment will be profound.”
Elijah asked sympathetically. “And you know how to stop her?”
She turned to face him with a smile. “Given the proper materials, yes. I've sent Father to procure them.”
“I’m sorry you did what exactly!” I raised my tone towards the mysterious witch. “You put the life of an innocent into the hands of someone who has been trying to kill his own children for over a thousand years!”
“You put the life of my child in the hands of Mikael?” He angrily storms off, but when Elijah calls his name, he stops walking.
Elijah steps towards him watching Freya standing beside him. “Niklaus. This woman has knowledge of the threat we now face and is willing to share that information.”
“Well, you'll excuse me, Elijah, if I'm not inclined to trust the mysterious sister we only just met, but by all means, if you wish to entertain this idiocy, have at it.” Nik raised a hand at her shouting at how stupid it sounded vamping off.
Raising my hand up I bared my teeth down sending pain to Freya’s head showing her my fangs at the same time. “The next time you decide to put my daughters fate in the hands of an original vampire hunter, remember this. Cause next time I won’t go easy on you, Freya!” I vamped away hearing their conversation briefly.
“Ow…I see that Raelyn has extraordinary powers in her veins and the blood of a vampire.” Freya gasped slowly, getting better.
Elijah offered his hand helping her stand. “Yes she does. But when she doesn’t have a temper she can be quite the kind girl. Forgive her on my behalf.” Freya nodded leaving the original vampire alone.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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medea10 · 2 years
Medea Plays Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Part II
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This game has a lot of options on where you should go and what you should do. I’ve been bouncing around thanks to the open world concept.
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As I mentioned in my prior post with that ewwie-looking fella in the school uniform, anybody can be at school at any age. Pokemon Scarlet/Violet is no exception here. Even this 60 year old can be a student. Let’s do some investigations on the titans.
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Surprisingly, only one of the titan pokemon has been destructive and yes it’s Bombirdier.
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Even the Pokedex advises you not to take photos of the falling boulders. Not gonna stop me from doing something reckless.
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At first, you fight them. But then in mid-battle, they stop, look for a glowing plant, eat it, and become an even bigger bastard. That’s when Arven steps in and fights alongside you against these formidable foes.
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Oh fuck.
That’s a cursed face right there. That’s a face that says, “I ate your puppy. He tasted like love”.
Arven has a legitimate reason for making you go up against these overgrown pokemon. And in a heartbeat, he became my favorite character.
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He’s doing it for his ailing pokemon. Apparently, those herb mysticas the giants eat have something in them that help with certain ailments. He’s helping this little fella see and walk again.
Arven, I’m sorry I judged you harshly before. You’re an all-star. Time to make some sandwiches.
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Koraidon will eat the sandwich and learn a hidden move like dash, jump higher, climb, swim, and glide. That solves the HM dilemma. Let’s pop in on campus to see what’s up.
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If Gible is going to teach us how to blow up a Piplup with Draco Meteor, I’m going to enjoy this class.
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Dawn’s Piplup being blasted with Draco Meteor will never not be funny.
You can take classes from a wide variety of teachers and subjects.
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Hey look, Professor Laventon made his way onto this game. That’s nice.
The teachers will always go to you for the correct answer because you apparently stick out like a sore thumb and you can’t sit behind a fat guy and remain unnoticed. I seriously hate being called on.
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Hey look, Mr. Salvatore made a nod to Professor Bellis from Pokemon Masters Ex. That’s nice.
When you’re not taking classes, you can sometimes talk to your instructors and get close to them in the process.
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Like helping Miss Dendra out with her cooking. Dude, the home-ec bruh told you to put some butter on them bread slices. But no, you had to be little Miss Al Roker and say...
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This is actually a fun school. I see no downside to thi...
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And I’m overcome with PTSD suddenly.
Yeah, there’s midterms and final exams. Even hearing those words, years after getting my degree still makes me break out in a cold sweat. Thanks Pokemon.
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It sure feels good to fill in all of those empty spaces with your blood on the answer sheet, doesn’t it? Get the fuck outta here with that cute class banter, Mr. Jacq-strap.
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“the oranges of Paldea”
Who wrote this test, Donald Trump?
AHH, couldn’t get through a shit-post trilogy without making fun of Donald Trump. I ain’t even sorry.
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I swear, if I went to a Pokemon University, I would have graduated Magna Cum Laude instead of...actually, I graduated with a 3.48. I’m satisfied with that accomplishment. Okay, let’s head on to the Team Star situation.
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Director Clavell (or “Clive”) and the unseen hacker want you to infiltrate all of the Team Star hideouts and challenge each of their leaders. But before you do that, you have to defeat 30 pokemon in under 10 minutes. Then comes the leader.
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*clears throat*
I have a theory. Hear me out. This is Grimsley’s son. I am convinced of this. And let me go further. Grimsley had a son with some woman from Naples. Soon after, Grimsley ditched the family. Unnamed mother and Giacomo move to Alola where Unnamed mother starts dating Guzma. Guzma has Giacomo hang out with his Team Skull members while he smashes Unnamed mother. Team Skull get Giacomo interested in deejaying. They break up a few years later. Unnamed mother and Giacomo move to Paldea. Here we are.
I stand by this theory.
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After you defeat the 30 pokemon in under 10 minutes and defeat the leaders and their pokemon AND their giant pokemon automobile, we get flashbacks to 18 months ago when Team Star got started.
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Like Atticus was the one who gave everyone their own personal design. He even made Mela’s boots. I guess Atticus is the reason why Mela walks around like a Monty Python character.
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While I’m on Atticus. He’s like if Kakkashi-sensei had a femme son that spoke like David Cross playing a warlock. I ain’t even sorry.
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After defeating a Team Star area, the hacker gives you some LP money. And then Penny comes and gives you items for crafting TM’s. Okay, let’s do gym battles.
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Just like with finding the Sunflora in Brassius’s gym, you have to do some crazy gym test. Like in Katy’s gym where you have to push a giant olive through an obstacle course.
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Or indulge Iono during her live stream by finding Director Clavell in a crowd of people. A shotty attempt at a Where’s Waldo if I ever saw one.
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Or bid on some food. At least the gym leader here gives you money and let’s you keep what’s left.
Despite what I said in the prior post, there will be some gym tests where you get asked to battle by someone. Like one of Iono’s fans or a gym assistant who thinks you’re getting to close to Kofu.
Now you can trounce these gym leaders.
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Iono, I don’t like that you keep saying “friendo”. I’m getting major Javier Bardem callbacks whenever I see it.
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And don’t forget Nemona wants to battle.
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She really loves battling. And she will follow you to the ends of the earth just to battle you again and again and again. You could be dead. And she would dig up your corpse, hire a necromancer to bring you back to life, and beg you to battle her.
I think that’s all I’ll do for this shit-post. Time for a sandwich break.
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To be continued.
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Ch. 33 // We’re Both Idiots! // Day 22
Contents (Warnings): soft teasing, character shenanigans, a little tiny sprinkle of angst, more character information, and further monster/magic explanations. (THIS IS GOING TO HAVE SIX PARTS, JEEZ).
Wordcount: 3425
(Oct. 7th Friday)
He’s less threatening at this height. I thought walking beside Alexander sheepishly. I could feel the waves of his agitation lashing about. He doesn’t even look that hurt. Maybe Lev didn’t hit him as hard as I thought. 
He inhaled then side-eyed me. “Do humans normally stare this much?”
I wish I was blind. “You stare at me all the time and I never make comments on it.” I muttered.
He huffed. “I don’t.”
“You do.”
He flicked his head to fully look at me, “if you’re giving me permission to do more than stare-”
I stopped him, shaking my head profusely to shake all the terrible thoughts from my ears. “I was looking at you because I thought you might be really hurt because from where we were it looked like Lev hit you really hard.”
Alexander scowled.
NOW HE’S MAD BECAUSE HE THINKS I WAS CALLING HIM WEAK?! I shouted in my head. Not that I should have been surprised, communication with him was almost impossible. 
Lev chimed in, looking back and away from his phone, “he’s a wendigo, they can take it.” 
“Yeah,” Alexander muttered, rubbing his jaw. “My jaws still a little sore, fucker.”
Are games like that common? I asked myself.
We walked by several others, some of them looked harmless, fishing, dancing, and a weird game that looked like twister, except a team of two was going up a tube with backs to one another and coordinating the colors trying to beat another team doing the same in another tube. That looks like rock climbing while having a back buddy. I bet Wicks and I could rock it. I said in my head with a smile.
My vision floated to some of the people wearing onyx colored chains, or those carrying small idols that looked like cute cubi characters.
They apparently came with mini comics that I wanted to grab, but I refrained. Charletta would love that too. I couldn't risk bringing them something magic though, plus I feared Wicks might try to look up whatever I got him. He’s already suspicious. I usually tell him everything. I exhaled, and now I've kept him in the dark. I hope I'm not hurting him.
I snapped out of it, seeing Drake aiming at my pocket as my phone rang for Wicks. It was the empty knight home screen song since that was the only game he played and liked.
I frantically got it from my pocket. Speak of the devil.
I let the others walk further ahead. Alexander kept a steady eye on me regardless. 
“H-hey!” I answered.
“The hotel room you sent me looks nice and huge.” Wicks said. 
I had to stand up on a chair when I took a picture of our room, and left Alexander’s side out of my pictures. His bed was far too big. 
“It is nice,” I said. I tried to push off the subject. “And-uh-how are things going for you? Have you been keeping busy?”
Wicks grumbled, “yeah. A lot of my other coworkers are at a larger job right now so I’m picking up some of their slack with these smaller ones.” He then popped with worry, “I’m sorry if you were working, Lentils!”
“No, no, I’m not too busy.” 
“Great…” Wicks trailed off again.
“What’s been on your mind, you've been acting really funny with me.”
My anxious heart tugged as his end was quiet for a good minute or two. His voice rose from the silence.
“Charletta’s getting married in a month, can you believe that?”
He said, I smiled out of nervousness, “I know, it’s surreal isn’t it?” I chuckled with a light release, “I was thinking about you both today when my coworkers bullied me upon seeing my sick fashion sense.”
Wick’s cheerful voice entered, “OH SHOOT! LENTILS!” He sounded like he strangled the receiver as his volume went back and forth for a minute. “I sh-OU-ld HA-ve PA-ck-ED foR You!!”
A pure laugh sprang out, “I look good.”
“Send your outfit in the family group chat then, see what mom and Charletta say!”
I pinched at the front of my shirt, “no, no, that’s fine.”
Wicks hollered, “I’ll put them both in this call right now.”
“NO! I’ll-I’ll hang up!”
“On me?” He made a fake crying noise. 
“You’re a punk!! Stop!” 
He continued to snicker, giving a sigh that clearly held his beam. “Let's watch some stupid movies on Saturday night, and into Sunday morning, sound cool?” 
“YES please!” I demanded it. “I’m gonna need it after this festival.”
“Is it that bad?”
“No, it’s just-” I exhaled, “a lot of people.” 
I heard a bang on his end. "Are you okay?"
Wick’s voice sputtered out, more panicked. “Well, have fun with it, Lentils, and keep sending me pictures!” He sounded like he was moving. “I love you too, Lentils!” 
“I love-" he hung up before I finished. I tried to call him back but it went to voicemail. Was he in trouble?
My phone pinged with a text.
Wicks: Sorry, boss walked in. Talk later, love you, be safe, and if there is an emergency, call my number. ❤️❤️❤️ 5:45p.m.
My shoulders dropped. I put my phone away after sending him a message back. I looked up seeing them all walking ahead of me. They were broken up into groups, most of the night crew were in the back while the morning crew were up toward the front.
Now time to get back to these weirdo's. I joked in my head, making my way back to Alexander, Drake, and now Lev.
Drake *While Lynnette was on the call.*
“She’s such a pain in the ass.” Alexander grumbled.
Drake chortled, “what’s the complaint this time?”
Air left his lungs in a puff, Alexander waved his hand around, “you’re not the one around her constantly.”
It’s a good thing I’m not.
“It is your job, you brought her here.”
Alexander pinched the bridge of his nose, “yeah yeah.” He brought out his slightly annoyed grin, “what would you do in my position then?”
“Eat her,” Lev said, slowing down to walk with them. “Which, I’ve been meaning to ask, Alexander. You’ve never brought a human to the pizzeria before…” He stuck his tongue out, “so why did you decide to invite Lynette? Couldn’t you have just eaten her in the store and been done with it?”
He lifted up his hand and pointed at Lev, “well-” He brought his hand back up to his head. He almost forgot. I can't believe I never asked him that. Drake thought.
“The party." He adjusted his glasses, "I didn’t want to eat before it. Especially when I just got Sasha, and I still had so much to set up.” He ran his hands under his eyes, “but you're right, I should have just-”
“What did I miss?” Lynette’s voice popped by Drake. 
He listened to her fluttery beats. 
Drake kept his sight off her, staring at the small stores they passed instead, “another conversation you’d dislike.”
Alexander groaned audibly and Lev laughed at him. He could hear the soft jests of Lev at Alexander. 
“Ah,” defeat deflated her tone. 
Then he felt her eyes cast over him. “And are you okay? You’ve been quiet lately.” She continued, “I mean, I’ve never really seen you all interact outside of work, but you’re usually a lot more talkative”
Stay calm. He reminded himself. Her body leaned near him, innocently. “I’m fine, really…” His lips quivered and he turned to her but before he could do anything, Alexander grabbed her arm. Did I reveal too much? He asked himself, seeing Alexander’s slight gaze before he turned back to Lynette. He threw his hood over his head and pulled at the strings until he only had a small hole to look through.
“HEY, shortie.” Alexander walked backward tugging her along, “who’s turn is it going to be after this festival, mine right?”
I disagreed. “It’s my turn, you went Sunday, Lev went Monday, and Dra-Claudia went Thursday.”
Lev and Alexander looked disappointed.
I have to look at my list later, I haven’t even thought of a game. Besides the one with Claudia right now. I internally rolled my eyes. 
He let me go when he hit his back against Viola. 
“Hi, Alexander.”
“Hey,” He gave a nod of acknowledgement, “sorry.”
She stopped along with the others, because we were standing outside the food tent.
Now that we were standing next to it, I noticed the strong, crisp, delicious pizza smell. My stomach grumbled very softly. I had what, a bagel for breakfast and a coffee? I asked myself. Great, here comes the pizza mood.
Everyone looked to be working in their human form, then again so did a lot of individuals in the food zone from what I saw. Or maybe other humans work with monsters like me? Though, none of them really had the black sweatband on their arm like me.
Others in that "terror" tent did. I said to myself. I still can’t believe some people offer themselves up to be eaten. I kept my eyes from going to Alexander.
It’s not my fault I judge their grotty diet harshly. My mind went over the logistics again. I still don’t understand how they can sustain themselves off other people's energy? There like leeches without the blood…I smiled thinking of going to one of the open umbrella tables to sit.
If they took blood like him it wouldn’t be that bad, right? Actually, I don't think all vampires would take the blood out of someone and put it in a blood bag. I held my head, why am I having these thoughts now. I wouldn’t be under heavy fire today, and I did feel a lot more at ease with a lot of space between the others and me. At the pizzeria if I was cashiering I would be trapped in a corner, or in the break room. Most monsters at the event looked at me funny, and that's pretty much it. 
A floating pizza grabbed my eye. SO wait, do they use magic on them? I had never witnessed the whole project. And I swore the day before I was hired I saw one floating too. Then again there were a lot of times in my life where I swore something off. Then I freaked out. That means when I was little and told the Paytons I saw a monster, I WAS RIGHT!
I muffled a shout with my hands. They called me crazy!
I was about to text Wicks then stopped, holding my phone out. Lynette, you can't do that, he can't know about monsters. I grumbled seeing the time, is it really almost six o’clock? I looked back up at the others in the tent, squinting, and once Claudia moved toward the side of the counter I was, our bet entered my head again.
“I need to get the last few forms off my list.”
Claudia turned to me curiously, “hmm?”
“The monster-”
“OHHH! I was kidding earlier,” she chuckled and continued before I could stop her, “but since we’re taking it seriously, you gotta tell me exactly what they are too, you can’t name off something similar.”
“No way, you looked serious earlier, Claudia!” I exclaimed. “If it was a joke, tell me after you had your fun!”
Alexander’s growl butt in, “what are you two talking about?”
Claudia smiled, “Lynette wanted to engage in a bet with me-”
“You didn't give me a choice!” I stammered.
“Clearly you wanted to play because you reminded me of it again.” She tapped her own head, “I would have forgotten if you didn’t remind me.”
I screamed more into my hands to catch my own idiocy.  
“Why,” Alexander exhaled, “WHY do you keep putting yourself in stupid situations.”
“BECAUSE I AM A BIG DUMMY!” I pointed to myself then at him, “BUT I BARELY UNDERSTAND HOW ALL OF THIS WORKS, LET ALONE WHEN ANY OF YOU ARE KIDDING, SERIOUS, OR-” I threw my hands up, “URGH, you know what, Xander, you’re not one to talk.” I was so engrossed in the embarrassment that I snapped back, “you always act so bothered by me but you put me here, so you’re just as d-dumb, we're both idiots!” I stumbled over the last sentence in a poor attempt to defend myself.
And once I had a second more to mull over what I said, my relieved grin fell and I cowered back seeing his approach. “I’m sor-gahh” 
I was yanked and held close to their chest. I glanced up, relieved it was Viola.
She faced Drake, still holding me with an arm over my neck, lightly. 
“Is this what you have to deal with everyday?”
Drake gave a sigh. 
Alexander gestured to me, “SHE STARTS IT, I’M JUSTIFIED.”
He pointed at Viola. “Let her go.”
“No, Mr. Problem child,” Viola directed me with her. “I’m not going to see you get in trouble for breaking the rules.”
“I-” He stopped his argument and met Viola’s eyes. He took a big inhale then exhaled with defeat, “are you just going to ignore what she said to me?”
“Of course not,” Viola said, “but unlike you, she was ready to apologize.”
Alexander rolled his eyes, “yeah, because she knew I’d get her back.”
“Good point,” Viola said. “I guess I have to figure out a way to punish you too.”
I flinched in her grasp. Alexander dropped it at least. What is she going to do? She doesn't eat girls right...right?! No, she can't eat me anyway. Then what is she going to do?
She let me go and I turned to face her. Why do they always look so much bigger when they threaten me? I looked over her form and she twirled me around. Then she pulled my arms back, "hold this position."
"For-for how long?" I muttered.
"Give me a moment." Viola tweeted, her voice sounds so sweet yet when I look at her, she looks like she'd snap me like a twig. Unlike the others, they looked and sounded scary. Well, except Claudia, she seems so harmless. And Drake doesn't threaten me. I sighed, so it's the big thr- "O-o-ow!" I exclaimed as she was putting something up my arms.
"Sorry, your arms were in the wrong position." She said, moving them before putting something on my shoulders.
When she let go I fell back into her, losing my balance entirely. "What-ah-is this your bag?!"
“Yep, and you're going to have to carry it until we get back to the hotel."
I squeaked out, fighting to stay upright. "What's in here!"
“A few of my gifts to my partner, Elise, my friend Henry, my younger brother, five other sisters, your gifts for your family, your clothes, spare clothes for anyone who needs them, a few treats, and...no I think I took out the dumbbells.”
“All that in here?”
“It has a slight seal on it, I’m not that great at encryption magic, so you can still feel a lot of the weight.” She then flexed, “look at it this way it’ll help build your muscles.”
I don’t think even if I could bulk up that I'd be able to lift people around as easy as any of you do. I thought in my head. I struggled to maintain balance once she helped me plant my feet. “You're not being serious about carrying it the whole time are you?”
“I am,” Viola gave a hefty pat to the backpack, almost making me fall again. “Now don't drop it.”
“Hey, hey,” The grayish haired male said, tapping at the top of my head as if it were bongos. I was too comfortable and tired from holding up the backpack for twenty minutes to stop him. I was sweating, so I rested under one of the umbrella tables. “Your head plays a very nice tune.”
“Thanks…” I said.
He sat next to me on my left, while on my right was Zilla, avoiding him. Her eyes are definitely sharper than his, he looks like he's just here for a good time. 
None of the few sitting at the table with me were in their monster forms. Tila was kicking her feet back and forth, while June was eating some pizza of his own. He pressed it into his body at his neck and it slid inside him.
That’s so weird. I said in my head as Claudia slapped a plate down in front of me. She ate a slice too.
“You eat normal food?” I asked.
I never saw anyone on the night crew eat lunch, besides Drake with his blood packs.  
She happily munched and hummed, “I eat all kinds of foods.”
Good to know. I looked down at the two triple meat pizza slices. I’ve never even eaten our pizza before, have I? I always wanted to bring some home, but given the time I got out and sometimes how I had to leave, I didn't have the chance.
I lifted up the slice, went to take a bite, and felt Zane lean closer to me. “Hey, do you mind if I have the first bite?”
I looked at my slice then gestured to my plate, “you can have the other-”
I jumped with a yelp, seeing Tila underneath the table eating the slice in front of my legs. “When did you get there…” I trailed off, thinking it wasn’t worth it. I got ready to rip my slice. “We can split it in-”
He took a bite before I could finish, “mhm, this is pretty good, thanks.” 
Zilla squinted at him and pulled my arm to her, “it’s not that good.” She took a bite of it too, and grumbled. “It is really good.”
“Right!” He tugged my arm to him and I squeaked out.
“Please-” I whimpered. “I only ate a bagel today.”
Zane stood up, “what?! How could you go a whole day eating just that?!” He snatched the rest of the slice from my hand and stuffed it in his mouth. “Lefs geff yoo amopher von.” (Let’s get you another one).
I held the straps of the backpack, hoisting myself up with a grumble. Ate my pizza right in front of me. I went up to the tent with him, stumbling about, and we begged for another pizza. The only ones left cooking were Sandra and Edgar. I didn’t see Tristan around. And Edgar looked more than happy to make us another.
Zane leaned back on the counter with the coverage of the tent, he was looking over at Zilla, waving. She turned around quickly and he sighed, smiling. 
I worked up the courage to speak, “are you guys…both the same monster wise too?”
I felt a sudden shiver, almost like I asked the wrong question. But, his smile looked enduring. “You’ve seen Zilla in action? Cool! Yeah! We're the same in our monster forms too.”
“I, uh-are you a certain type? I saw another naga earlier fighting Alexander and they didn’t have the-” I did a hand mouth gesture. "at their tail."
Zane chuckled, “oh no, we’re hybrids, mixed with a mimic.” He then tapped on my head again, “how about you answer one of my questions too.”
“Yeah?” I leaned my body down to allow the backpack to rest on the counter.
“Why did you end up staying here?” 
I stiffened up, “oh-uh- the money. It’s way too much for me to give up without trying.”
Zane smiled and fully faced me. I didn’t know if it was because he was taller than me, or because I knew what he was, but there was a very subtle fear worming its way through my body.
“I love the dedication.” He pushed at me lightly, I almost fell over given the backpack and had to catch myself. 
I smiled. His violet eyes had a different look too, it definitely wasn't that hunger I saw in their eyes. An indescribable thickness.
"Here's your pizza you two!" Edgar said. "I made it extra, extra large so you could share it around!"
Zane chuckled and took the giant box, "you're not going to be hungry anymore, huh, Lynette?"
I nodded along, "I bet I can finish it all." I tried to lighten myself up. He's probably as conniving as his sister, that's all.
Thank you for reading! :D Have a gouda day! (Nonnegotiable, if you're lactose intolerant, you're about to be in a lot of pain, sorry, not sorry. Lol).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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I've never pushed a Sim to gain rebel influence before, so I've never had a Sim throw a rowdy protest before.
Weirdly enough, Velma is actually a level-10 rebel, with an offer to join the Art Appraiser track and everything. Figures, right? It just happened over time, and a long time at that, but it's like how she's a witch: I don't do anything with it, so it has no bearing on the gameplay. It's merely an extraneous detail about her.
All of this is to say that today I learned that apparently, the hallmark of a rowdy protest is the protestors all getting into fights with each other. (Though, I like to think of it as the protestors beating up infiltrators.) But like, fights break out. Continually.
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I chose Stylists for them to protest this time because I am unhappy with the blue-green tinted brown hair mine gave me at my last visit (also the three hours of my life I spent in the chair and the $350 I'm out). She was trying to cover up a vivid blurple color, but I've since learned that the only for-sure way to do that is to bleach it again--not to dump four different demi-permanent blends onto it and hope you know your color wheel well enough for it to work. Blue-green brown hair AND hot roots. 😡 It looks like sewage!
Sorry. Sore subject.
Before long Bennie Dean, one of the Grandpas household, wanted to fight David. That's when I also learned that if another Sim wants to fight your Sim, you don't get a vote on whether it happens or not. It's going down regardless.
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Even though Bennie's a geezer, David's victory here was by no means certain. He has zero Athletic skill. I would have felt worse about his beating up an elder if Bennie hadn't been the one to start it. Don't want none, don't start none, Bennie.
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Around sunset, the sun came out from the clouds and the protest wound down, having been declared a success.
I'll think twice before throwing a rowdy one again; I don't want David getting his ass handed to him by a grandpa. And it didn't move the needle up much more than a regular protest does!
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