#sorry for the wait !
jujucomet · 3 days
For the sketch/doodle suggestion:
Prompt 55 or 54 with Nidhiki and Krekka?
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Mondays, am I right?
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The Bai Zhan Peak War God saves the day!!
(He was running fashionably late)
(First) Prev - Next
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zhukzucraft · 3 months
=> Martyn: Go forward
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You dip your oars into the dark waters and bravely propel your little boat forward. You hope you'll find salvation in another player's base sooner rather than later.
And while you're rowing, you decide, your companion could use a distraction. And you could use a listener.
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Martyn: So about the whole double thing.
Jimmy: Wha?..
Martyn: Double life the second.
Jimmy: I thought it was squared.
Martyn: Double life season two Electric Boogaloo!
Jimmy: Heh
Jimmy: Bit too many twos innit?
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Martyn: True, but not the point.
Martyn: What do you think the catch is this time?
Jimmy: Uhh the same as last time? Some poor soul is attached to us and if we die they die?
Martyn: Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy
Martyn: It can't be that simple, can it?
Martyn: Why would a concept just get repeated like that? I reckon there's something more to it. Something lurking under the surface.
Jimmy: Oooooh
Jimmy: You think it's got to do with all the doubles?
Jimmy: What if... we have double the lives?
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Martyn: You don't really think we'd be that lucky, do you?
Jimmy: Oh let a man dream.
Martyn: It's more likely that we have an evil double somewhere out there that we'll have to fight to the death.
Jimmy: I hope evil me is hotter than evil you then.
Jimmy: wait
Jimmy: dude!
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Jimmy: Martyn stop the boat!!
Jimmy: I see it!
Martyn: ??
Start Over -- Go Back
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 8: Duke)
<<Part 7: Damian    |    Part 9: Barbara >>
Duke: My turn!
Bruce: Finally I can count on something normal.
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Bruce: [migraine noises]
Dick: I feel like this information and Damian is a bad combination.
Damian: Grayson, I am offended you assume I need lessons from Duke on how to lead troops
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Tim: You should bring the beard back Bruce.
Steph: Yeah your amnesia era was kind of a slay
Barbara: My dad’s Batman era was not a slay
Jason: Well maybe slay in a different sense-
Duke: That’s all behind us we’re moving on!
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Bruce: I don’t think-
Jason: Bruce sit down and don’t pretend like this isn’t exactly what you did to form your child gang
Bruce: I don’t-
Steph: Look into our eyes, Bruce, and tell us, your crimefighting children, that you did not start a child gang
Bruce: Hn.
Tim: That’s what I thought.
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Steph, Barbara, Cass: [hysterical laughter]
[talking over each other]
Dick: That is not what I looked like!
Jason: I looked so much cooler as Robin than that!
Tim: I looked cooler because I had pants, I can’t speak for you two.
Damian: My costume has been improved vastly since that iteration.
Steph: Alright, traffic cones.
Duke: Okay really not the point
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Barbara: Seems like this step should’ve come before the outfits?
Duke: It was my first time starting a gang let me live
Jason: Shouldn’t “training” have been part of-
Duke: This is not open for criticism thank you
Steph: Yeah only Bruce can critique Duke’s child-gang leader skills as a fellow child-gang leader
Bruce: [noises of general regret]
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Bruce: Why does something absurd always happen with you guys when I’m gone
Tim: Maybe because nobody in this house knows how to cope with loss or something I don’t know
Dick: Also it gets so much worse Bruce
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Dick: I mean that wasn’t exactly your fault
Jason: Cop Batman didn’t seem to agree
Barbara: [sighs]
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[talking over each other]
Jason: Woah woah woah
Tim: Hired??? You did not hire-
Damian: I did not say that?
Jason: Also I don’t remember being asked nicely I remember saving your a-
Dick: ‘Specialist’ sounds pretty cool and professional thank you Duke :)
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Steph: Is that Damian in a Court of O-
Damian: The situation was resolved I am fine now
Tim: “Beat up some bird guys”
Jason: I mean besides the imprisonment and attack on a school and Dick leaving us in the dust for a hot second there that’s basically what happened
Dick: I did not-
Bruce: Excuse me?
Duke: Don’t worry about it :)
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Tim: That’s n-
Cass: [signing] The Court of Owls is still-
Damian: That is libel
Steph: What a cute picture
Jason: Weren’t there casualti-
Duke: I have no idea what you’re talking about everything was fine in the end and everything is good!
Bruce: I am... so worried about all of you
Barbara: Well anyway let’s keep that streak going, it’s my turn. >:)
<<Part 7: Damian    |    Part 9: Barbara >>
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
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life, it never die women are my favorite guy sex, I'm wanting more tell the world, stop the war
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rin-rin-comics · 22 days
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Ok so like I’m sorry this took so long I just kinda didn’t feel like it for a week or 2. also I improved a bit within the last couple weeks! Faces still look wonky sometimes but whateves
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siblingtournament · 2 years
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 7 months
Ngl, you were one of the first tumblr blogs that awakened the monsterfucker in me, did not ever expect I would be here, uhh I love your work especially the alien pet one!! Anyways uhhhh can I request an NSFW cannibalistic giant x human reader, can be any gender, idk if this classifies as monster or not idk??
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Sorry this took so long!
(Requests still closed, old request)
*NSFW* Yandere!Cannibalistic Giant x GN!Reader
Short drabble CW: death, abduction, animal death, no lemon just lime, non con touching, NSFW, hands-free orgasm
"Stop ignoring me."
Numb and silent, the abducted human sat as motionless as a living corpse. They had fought back for the first few weeks, crying and begging for their life, attempting escapes whenever they thought they had an opening, but now (Reader) understood that they truly had no hope of ever leaving the giant's side alive, and it killed them before he had a chance to.
When the campsite was attacked, they watched as their friends were torn apart, limbs easily ripped off of their bodies and devoured right in front of them. In the roulette of fight, flight, or freeze, (Reader) threw themselves at the monsters mindlessly, despite being barely thigh height in comparison. They stabbed one of the giants with a barbeque poker, but it barely pierced his thick flesh. He didn't even let out a sound of pain; it was like (Reader) had thrown a pillow at him and not attempted to spear him.
The fiery haired giant (Reader) had attacked picked them up by the back of their shirt like a cat, examining them long enough for their adrenaline to dissipate.
Shockingly, he did not eat them like he did their friends.
Instead the bloody giant hoisted (Reader) over his shoulder and left his brethren to continue the carnage.
For weeks the traumatized human sat by the giant's side, inescapable. He never hurt them, but threatened them nearly every day.
"If you try to run again, I'll bite your legs off."
"Such a pretty little human; I'm sure you taste just as good as you look."
"When I finally scalp you, your hair will make a fine necklace."
It became monotonous, the threats of harm and death, so when the young adult finally cracked, the words didn't startle them into reacting, even when he escalated his taunts.
"I told you to stop ignoring me." He warned, grabbing his victim under the arms like a child and raising them up to eye level. (Reader) felt as though they couldn't will themselves to care. Their life was already over: there was no hope.
He opened his mouth as wide as he possibly could, and slowly placed his captive's head inside. When he couldn't feel them squirm he slid them in deeper until his teeth scraped their collar bone and upper shoulder blades. His teeth gently dug into their skin. It was supposed to be intimidating, a reminder that at any moment he could and would eat them, but when he still couldn't feel them move he pulled them back out, his eyebrows knitted together in what was either concern or disappointment.
A loud chuckle rumbled like thunder from another giant who had been watching with amusement from across the way. "Uh oh, Pinyon! Looks like you broke your new toy!"
The abductor harrumphed before carrying (Reader) somewhere private, grumbling out a venomous sounding "They aren't my toy.."
In the seclusion of his tent, he suddenly had a change of attitude, acting in a way he had never done before. He pressed his face against their stomach while holding their back in a fashion that felt like a caress. Tears formed out of confusion at the seemingly tender action. They had already accepted their death, so why was he hugging them?
"Interesting little one.." the giant's voice vibrated across their abdomen. "Please do not ignore me.."
When he was a child, Pinyon found a squirrel that had fallen out of a tree. He didn't know what was wrong with the animal, but it seemed injured, and it sounded like it was struggling to breathe. Meat was meat. It didn't matter what the meat was, everything the tribe found was food for them, whether it was animal or human. However, this wasn't a conquest, it wasn't a fight. It was his first struggle. The poor thing was struggling.
Pinyon picked up the little creature, unsure of why his chest felt so heavy. The thing bit him. It didn't hurt, and it didn't anger him. It made him happy. To see it fight back. The action showed Pinyon that the squirrel was still alive, and that it was going to be fine. He cared for the squirrel as tenderly as a human cared for a pet dog; bringing it food and gently trying to nurse it.
Then, the squirrel died.
That was it. He went to feed it, and it was limp. There was no sound, no blood, it just stopped.
When you're raised to eat whatever is given to you, when you're told that "meat is meat", it's easy to forget that the creatures screaming for mercy are alive.
He didn't know why, it wasn't the first time someone had fought back, and it wasn't his first human kill..
But the look on the little human's face as they leapt out at him with a pitiful excuse for a weapon reminded him of that squirrel.
"It doesn't matter if you hate me, or if you're scared of me. Even if it's to scream at me, don't ignore me."
The brief kindness was over in a second, the confusion and hope leaving (Reader's) body as quickly as it came. Just as the tears began to form and the weight lifted off their shoulders the giant squeezed them closer to his face and breathed in deeply. Wearing only their tattered undergarments, his breath felt hot against their bare stomach. It was an intimate gesture that gave birth to a new kind of fear, one that (Reader) hadn't previously considered.
His wet tongue left his mouth and poked their gut.
It wasn't the first time he had tasted them, but there were no promises of pain and consumption this time; instead there was a half lidded expression on his face that made (Reader) instinctively clamp their thighs shut.
Their hands flew to his face as they pathetically attempted to push him away with all of their strength. But the struggle seemed to excite him more, as he began licking their stomach more intensely, planting kisses along the tops of their pelvis as he traveled lower down their body.
"STOP!" (Reader) cried out as they bruised their fists on his forehead. Their body was quivering involuntarily as his drool began to mix with their sweat, dripping down towards their underwear. Pinyon's lips were too close to their last shred of apparel, and they felt shame as his breath tickling their body felt physically pleasurable.
"Is this what I need to do now-" his words agitated their sensitive body, making them arch their back in an attempt to put distance between is mouth and their crotch, "-so you'll stop ignoring me?"
(Reader) loudly sobbed, knowing that he could see how wet their clothing had become. It wasn't because he was attractive, or because they wanted him. The way he was holding them, the warm words hitting their lower half, it stained their underwear with arousal. The abductee wanted to beg him to look away, to explain that it wasn't him, that they weren't turned on. But only sobs came out as his sharp teeth slid into the underpants' belt line and tore their last line of defense down to their ankles.
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ninelheta · 3 months
Milo Murphy with Ice Powers and a Deer familiar pls!!
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Milo and ice powers.. What can go wrong?
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neonriver1 · 3 months
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spookybokchoy · 10 months
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Adding Trans Yue to my ATLA Pride series!
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A year and a half since I updated my MadaSaku doujinshi! I’ve had these pages for a while but there were other drawings that got my attention and I wanted these (especially the 2nd one) to be perfect! I can feel myself falling into an artist block atm so I thought “now’s the perfect chance to go back and work on these!” I’m also redrawing the older pages as well as thinking of where the stories going. For now, sorry for the long wait but enjoy some MadaSaku and kitty Obito
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zhukzucraft · 2 months
you bartered,
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you were proven right,
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you prepared provisions,
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you were abandoned...
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its fine, you already know Bdubs isn't linked with you. The sun is going down, you need to get moving to find your soulmate.
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It looks like others are already finding theirs, and you really don't want to follow suit on what the two who wear them did.
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you decide to travel by boat, the obviously superior mode of transport compared to a horse - just because you are petty and nothing else.
But which direction should you head? It really doesn’t matter as long as you run into new people, might as well just choose at random.
Because, surely, this decision will be void of serious consequences. Right?
=> Joel: Go Forwards
Start Over -- Go Back
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
hi!! i was rewatching the sngy fight and it made me remember the tanjirou-sanemi restraining order thing they now have 😭
imagine if tanjirou uses that as an excuse to make sanemi get away from giyuu, and sanemi having to go and request for it to be annulated only to be told he has to "prove" that he gets along with tanjirou
it would be super cool if you could write smt about that, but if no then its totally okay, just wanted to share the thought since i think is fit right with ur sanegiyuu and overprotective kamados fics!
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OHMYGOSH HELP I LOVE THAT this is great askkfkd lets give it the same concept as the overprotective kamados/sngy but make it happen differently (and I'm sorry for taking a while)
The crows stared at Sanemi, trying to figure him out.
"You're saying...?" one of the crows asked, its voice pitchy and almost annoying.
Sanemi rolled his eyes. He was crouched in front of them, impatience bubbling in him. "I'm saying I want the restraint to be lifted," he repeated, trying to fight the rising anger.
"But last time you two were near each other it was all fists and kicks, there's no way the Master will approve of this," the other crow squawked.
"Well tell him that I promise not to do anything!" Sanemi snapped, a breath away from pummeling the stupid birds. "Kamado keeps clinging onto Tomioka like a fuckin' koala and I can't go near Tomioka if Kamado and his sister are there 24/7. Can you just ask???"
The crows discussed (loudly) between each other before agreeing that they could ask Kagaya.
"Took you long enough," Sanemi muttered as they flew back into the sky towards the Master's house. A day later, he got a response.
"He said the order will be removed if you can prove that you and Tanjiro Kamado can get along—in other words, stay in the same room and not kill each other," the crows informed him.
Sanemi glared at it with disdain. "Fuck, fine! Fine!" he grumbled, turning and stalking in the vague direction Giyuu's house sat.
"Hey! You can't go to Tanjiro, the restraint order is still up!" one of the crows called after him.
Sanemi turned towards it, glowering. "Then how the fuck do I prove we can get along?!"
The crow faltered. "Oh... I don't know."
"Exactly!" He continued towards the house, the crows following from the sky. When he got there, both the Kamados were clinging onto Giyuu as if he was their life source—not for the first time—and all three looked up as Sanemi started down the path in clear view.
"Shinazugawa?" Giyuu said, surprised that Sanemi might be willingly visiting him.
Tanjiro, on the other hand, all but hissed at him, eyes narrowed. "We can't be near each other," he said. It sounded as if he was barely resisting the urge to yell. Apparently, he was still very stingy about their last interaction.
Sanemi jerked a thumb in the general direction of the crows. "Said I could make amends," he said stiffly, suddenly unsure what to do. He wasn't really known to be good with children anymore and Tanjiro all but hated him. Besides, what he did know how to do was deal with the smaller children—toddlers, babies, literally anything under, say, thirteen. But teens? Oh, he was fucked
"What do you mean?" Giyuu asked, frowning. As if just now remembering about the restraining order, he wrapped his arms protectively around Tanjiro, tugging Nezuko closer simultaneously.
Sanemi let out a breath. "Master said that I could try getting along with Kamado, then we don't have to avoid each other," he said, trying to keep down the bite in his voice.
"Why are you seeking out Tanjiro...?" Giyuu said, a dubious look crossing over his face. Honestly, Sanemi couldn't blame him.
"I'm not. But he's always around you like a vulture circling a dead body and the order had to be taken down for me to be near you too, at this point," Sanemi said, giving Tanjiro a disdainful look.
"You want to see me?" Giyuu asked quietly, a crease in his brow. Was this really Sanemi? Although, he supposed it was, what with the comparison to a vulture. Was he calling Giyuu a dead body-?
"Er... yeah," Sanemi said awkwardly, averting his eyes only to meet Tanjiro's angry glare. He glared back.
One of the crows overhead squawked. "You're supposed to be getting along!" it said, much too loudly.
Sanemi turned his gaze to glare up at the crows before he forced himself to calm down, leveling his rising annoyance. "Shit, okay. Listen, Kamado, I promise to not fight you or whatever and I'm sorry for earlier," he muttered, hoping he sounded more genuine than he felt.
Tanjiro looked away, unwilling to give in. "You have to apologize to Genya. Otherwise, I can't accept the apology," he said, hugging Giyuu.
Giyuu, confused, hugged back. Sanemi ground some of the rocks under his foot, wishing they'd turn to dust.
"It's not about Genya," he said through clenched teeth.
"It is!" Tanjiro insisted, peeking over his shoulder to look at him. "You were being horrible to Genya which is why I stepped in, so unless you apologize to him, I'm going to keep going by the Master's orders!"
Sanemi stared at him, debating if he'd rather screw off Tanjiro's head or throw him in a shredder because—what the fuck?! Why was he being so goddamn petty?!
"Look, if you don't want this then go somewhere else and let me talk to Tomioka!" Sanemi all but shouted, running low on patience. Really, he had been tipping over the edge the whole time. "I don't even want to talk to you, but you keep being in the fucking way!"
Nezuko hid behind Giyuu as Sanemi's voice raised. Tanjiro let go of Giyuu to hug her instead, turning back to Sanemi as he held her, glaring daggers at the Hashira.
"Stop shouting! And I'm not leaving Giyuu-san. For all we know, you're gonna be mean to him!" Tanjiro snapped, nudging Giyuu gently with his shoulder. "I don't want you to be mean!"
Sanemi let out a prolonged sigh, hands closing into fists, his fingernails digging into his palm. "I'm not going to be 'mean,' okay? I just want to talk," he said slowly. He knew damn well that Tanjiro knew that. He could probably smell that he had no bad intentions towards Giyuu. Unless every thought Sanemi was having about Tanjiro right now overpowered that. Fuck did he want to kill that boy.
"Nuh uh!" Tanjiro said, seemingly out of arguments.
Giyuu, torn in two, looked apologetically to Sanemi. "We can talk later... The Kasugai look mad, too," he noted, glancing up at the crows who were indeed mad.
Sanemi pursed his lips. "Fuck. Fine. Send a crow when you're alone—and don't use your own, that bird'll die at my doorstep," he said irritably before turning and stalking away.
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oops,, sanemi gonna play a little game of gay chicken when it comes to actually confessing tho tbh
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orange-cheetah · 3 months
Makochi Townspeople Profiles
The People Who Give Makochi Town Its Colours!
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Yama-jii (山じい)
An elderly man Sakura met at Café Pothos. He was grateful when Sakura let him know he'd forgotten something behind. Kotoha calls him "Yama-jii".
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Satou-baachan (さとうのばあちゃん)
Sakura gave her a piggyback ride since her hips were hurting so much she couldn't stand. Jumped off Sakura's back and landed like someone from the Av*ngers.
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Liquor store (酒店) - Butcher's (精肉店) - Fruit and vegetable store (青果店)
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Bakery (ベーカリー)
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Taiyaki place (たい焼き店)
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Monjayaki place (もんじゃ焼き店)
The People of Tonpu Shopping Street (東風商店街の人々)
The people running shops on Tonpu Shopping Street. They give Bofurin gifts from their shops like bread and fruit for protecting the town. There are also people like the owner of the liquor store, who challenges underage Sakura to a drinking match…
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Granny of the first aid kit (救急箱のおばあさん)
A kind old woman who brought a first aid kit over to tend to Sakura, who had been stabbed in the leg. This became an opportunity for Sakura to start building relationships with others again.
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The girl Nirei helped (楡井が助けた女性)
The girl who asked Sakura for help as Nirei was getting beaten one-sidedly by some delinquents. The reason Nirei got involved with the delinquents was to protect her from them.
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Sasaki (笹城)
The junior high school student who found himself caught up with Shishitoren while chasing a shoplifter on the shopping street. Sakura and the others saved him while he was being attacked by Shishitoren.
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The female student Kiryu helped (桐生が助けた女子生徒)
The girl Kiryu brought to Muscle Power. She was being harassed by some delinquents but received help from Kiryu.
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Granny (おばあちゃん)
Asked Kaji and the others for help when her pet cat Risa-chan went missing. This doesn't seem to be the first time Risa-chan has run away.
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Risa-chan (リサちゃん)
A cat with a pink ribbon as its defining trait. Perhaps because it was being chased by Sakura, its momentum caused it to jump into the river, but was saved by Kaji.
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土屋 (Tsuchiya)
A childhood friend of Anzai who used to play with him at the park since they were little. Even now that Anzai has entered Furin High, it seems they still meet at the park of their memories.
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長門 (Nagato)
Anzai's childhood friend. Mature and kind, he always went along with Anzai and Tsuchiya's recklessness. After that, the three of them went to different high schools and became separated.
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caducus-kt · 10 months
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Fazbear Entertainment presents: Sun and Moon, the new and improved Daycare Attendants!
From theatre bots to childcare workers, these celestial jesters are the reworked faces of the Superstar Daycare, a place devoted to being the most wonderful experience for your kids (ages 10 and under) to both play and rest, while you're off doing more important things.
Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any symptoms of hyperactivity, tremors, insomnia or night terrors after pickup.
(more info + alt designs under the cut)
oh my god i'm finally done with these. sorry for not posting for so long that's my bad LMAOOO anyway here they are! my sun and moon redesigns which i put way too much effort into. this is like my 4th draft lol
while it'd probably make more sense for them to be split designs, i made these under the assumption that sun and moon are 2 separate ai in one body, but transform in their rooms/out of sight to keep the kids thinking they're different bots- as to how they change all the clothes so fast… well, they used to be theatre workers, i'm sure they know how to do a quickchange also i couldnt find anywhere to include this on the sheet but they're exactly 8'0 (sun being a bit taller cause of the rays + shoes)
there's a LOT of little design quirks n changes that i can't explain here, but if you have any questions about them, please ask i REALLY wanna talk about my design process
anyway here's some extras from the designs i couldn't include above:
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refs of their bodies without clothes, because i realized i wouldn't be able to show their arm patterns and double star buttons without one
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and an alternate variation where sun has a jester's hat (kinda?) behind their rays, and moon's has green stars instead of yellow! (which was actually the original plan for the main design, but i decided against it because it didn't really look like him anymore unfortunately)
anyway peace and love and all that. i don't know how to end posts. ask me about my design process please
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