#sorry if people get butthurt about this
dostarsfallatall · 5 months
“My Bisexual phase was so embarrassing” I came out to someone who I thought was my friend who then proceeded to out me too half our class including telling them the girl I had a crush on long before we were even friends that “friend” was also a lesbian..
Side note: I no longer go to that school and I’m now homeschool for different reasons
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
The amount of (nearly always white) folks I've seen using their neurodivergency as an excuse for ignorance is so infuriating. Like, weaponized incompetence aside, I'm just gonna pretend yall actually need help and direction.
So. Fellow sun-sensitives. The point of posts by creators of color about white leftists needing our hands held is (usually) NOT to say you must find all the information on your own in the Library of Congress (although, that could do you some good too). The point is to say you should not be turning to every POC you see and expecting them to spoonfeed you information. Go find creators focused on education (Unpoetic Justice, JJ, literally like half of tiktok, etc). There are people who are willing to speak, you just need to be willing to listen.
And for the love of Mother Nature, do some activism in private. Everyone knows when you're doing it for brownie points. If you really gotta show up with the biggest banner and the loudest voice, at least know when to shut the fuck up and nod. If what you're adding is just equivalent to "yeah I agree" then you really have no reason to say it. A simple silent reblog will say the same thing. And if you actually have something to add, make sure it's not derailing the damn conversation. And if what you're saying isn't super tied to the post, make your own. Try to educate other mela-non people. Talk with your friends. Stop trying to make peace with pigs. If you can't physically go to a protest, join it virtually. Post about it. Say you stand with them. Reblog stuff. Learn and celebrate black history. (Link to my post on BH and punk/queer history) And take some damn risks why don't you.
And this one should be obvious (they all should, frankly, but special emphasis here) but don't go wallowing in your guilt. You fucked up. We've all done it. When someone points that out, resist that urge to go "nuh uh" or "omg I'm sososososo sorry" just acknowledge you'll do better and then actually do so.
Feel free to add on or correct me btw, corrections and extra info are always appreciated
Basically, don't be this Dropout parody character.
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boy-above · 1 year
ppl acting like any traveler ship could become canon in genshin are insane
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2023 reads // twitter thread    
City of Nightmares
1920s insp fantasy city where people can turn into their worst nightmares if they don’t take dream-preventing medication
a girl with anxiety & pstd from her sister turning, living in a maybe-cult, ends up in the centre of a criminal conspiracy
you can pry a platonic reading of the main relationship out of my cold dead hands
#City of Nightmares#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#i really enjoyed this!!!#maybe theres some eh thigns about it but i have decided to love it. thanks#it definitely kept going in directions i wasn’t expecting#i think i enjoyed the first half more in terms of plot direction tho?#a lot of times i had to just stop what i was doing and make a face jdghkjfs#girl u sleep curled up in the closet……#also sy bestie you are so kovit-coded. he just has daddy issues instead of mommy issues#i respect an author with an agenda#also#alloromantics are so fragile. theres so many reviews like ‘this character went on a SEVEN PAGE RANT about how TERRIBLE relationships and mon#monogamy are’ ‘the author’s SHOVING her views about HATING ROMANCE into her book AGAIN’#bro…..literally there’s just some musings on being sad when your friend abandons you for a relationship and personally not getting it#and how romanticisation of abuse is bad……….it is not that blatant and also all perfectly reasonable….#and then there’s people butthurt about the ending of MoM. like wow so sorry a series ended in friendship instead of a romance.#sucks there’s no other books in the world that do end in romance. i can’t imagine what it would be like to not be able to find books like th#at.#no romance#***probably i guess we'll see how book 2 goes#at the very end her other friend teases her for ''liking'' him and shes like yeah hes my friend.#which is of course One Of Those Tropes#but idk.....i think i trust the author...#also wait i said sy but is it cy. i listened to the audiobook
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thesnacken · 1 year
I really feel like people don't take my sensory limitations and sensitivities seriously.
I'm not just being picky, actually! Strong scents cause my respiratory system to flare up!
I actually CAN'T tune out stimuli. Its just A Thing. I've never been able to do it in my whole life because my brain Just Isn't Wired Like That
So when I say "Can you not smoke here?" or "Please only get unscented trash bags" or "I really need you to be using headphones, please" I am expressing a Very Real Need and if you're just going to ignore that I have to resign myself to the fact that I just can't trust you.
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eddiecranes · 1 year
Fucking sick of people finding out I'm vegetarian and then going "Oh I was vegetarian for a few years and then I had bacon so I stopped :)" Cool I mean you should literally shut up but whatever
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jimkirkachu · 2 years
and now for the latest installment in the "jtkchu is a conceited asshole" series:
my aunt died early this morning and all I can think about tonight is,
wow, [parent] got really frustrated when I mentioned that cute trans-Marty-McFly headcanon I saw and liked on tumblr and made them sigh and mutter "not again" under their breath while I speed-talked my way through the first thing I liked about it because I hadn't expected them to react with such utter disgust or irritation so I awkwardly deflected to a comment about one of the cats and have been desperately hoping since that moment that they just dismissed or forgot about it altogether
a.k.a. yes, I really am that self-absorbed. ~Literal death in the family~ is outweighed by ~boo hoo I said something stupid and got my feelings hurt~ 🤦 libra/balance my ass.
(...what a riot that my therapist has been attempting to boost my confidence enough to ask my parents to start using they/them pronouns for me, now that it's been over a year since I came out to them. I'm feeling now more than ever that I should just discretely squeeze myself back into the closet, and that I probably would have been better off never to have peeked out of it in the first place. 🤦)
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wittlesissyb4by · 5 months
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Alphabet Soup
She really could steep so low when she was angry. He wasn’t suggesting she was dumb. He was just saying he’s smarter than her. Logically, there’s gotta be one above the other in a relationship, doesn’t there??
Ryan always prided himself on his intelligence. Constantly correcting people’s grammar, inserting a fun fact, discussing philosophy at length, and the only reason people spaced out when he started relaying the Socratic method of question and answer was because they couldn’t possibly match his intellect. But, most importantly, he always had to let Wren know when she was wrong, he couldn’t have her going around embarrassing him with inaccuracies. Just the other day she said there’s “got to be a million mosquitos out tonight”, and obviously there couldn’t possibly be that much. As smart he was, he couldn’t understand why she would get so butthurt about him correcting her in front of all of their friends. 
“You treat me like I’m stupid, Ryan! All the fucking time. I’m a doctor for crying out loud! I may not know everything, but I’m not an idiot!” She was white hot, taking sharp breaths to keep her blood from overheating. “And you know what? Not that it matters or I would ever fucking care, but do you ever think maybe, just maybe, I could know a little bit more than you about certain subjects? Like, everyone has their strengths Ryan…”
She looked at him expectantly, glaring into his soul, could he just admit he was wrong about something for once? Ryan could have kept himself from smiling–if he was just a smidge less smug. “I’m sorry, but in the years we’ve been dating, I just haven’t found something you’re smarter than me at. And if you really believe in hypnosis, you may be dumber than I thought…”
Steam erupted from Wren’s ears.
“Jesus, you are the most arrogant asshole I have ever met!”
“What??” Ryan scoffed exaggeratedly, throwing up his hands as Wren stormed off, “I’m just saying that that hypno bullshit is a bunch of crap! I don’t care how many so called ‘studies’ you try to show me! There’s no way you could possibly think that works!!”
Wren stopped in her tracks, clenching her fists. She wanted to just go into the room, slam the door, and make him sleep on the fucking couch, but she just couldn’t let him win this one. She couldn’t let him even think he had her beat, even if it was just in his own fucked up head. 
Letting out a hefty sigh to maintain her composure, she pivoted on her heels. “How about this…” She said through gritted teeth, “you think you’re sooo smart? Well we’ll see. I’ll bet you that in one month, I can drop your IQ down to less than 20.”
Ryan had no choice but to absolutely guffaw at the proposition. “Are you kidding? Twenty?! Wren, my IQ is at least 140, no way you could actually lower it. Much less by that much! I mean, Twenty?! That’s like, the average IQ of a todd–”
“Do we have a deal or not?!” Wren interrupted with rolling eyes.
“Well you haven’t set the stakes, young lass.” He said with a swaggering smirk, “What do I get if I win?” Ryan replied, crossing his arms.
It was Wren’s turn to scoff. “Pshh, I really don’t care…cause you’re not going to win. Name your prize.”
“Blowjob.” Ryan said almost without a thought, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d even gotten one. He had no idea why.
“Fine.” Wren said without even blinking.
“Every day.”
“Sweetie,” she said, softening her tone as she brushed a hand to his cheek, bringing her face so close that he could feel her breath on his lips, then let out a whisper, “If you can maintain an IQ above 50, I’ll give you three of them! Every day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
Ryan laughed, unable to find this preposterous notion any more amusing. “You’re really that confident?”
“If you agree to my methods without putting up a fuss? Yes. I absolutely am. I bet I can make you so stupid in just a month that you won’t even remember the fucking alphabet by the time I’m done with you!””
Ryan grinned from ear to ear. This was going to be the easiest bet of his life. His balls would never be full. 
“You’re on.”
Ryan scoffed at the patronizing nature of it. Was she really going to make him use his left hand?
“You have to color while you listen to the tape.” Wren told him when she placed a crayon in his hand. She sat him down ‘criss-cross applesauce’ in front of a little table with a coloring book on it. Wren flipped it open to the first page, which had a big letter ‘A’ on it. 
“Now Ry-Ry, can you tell me what letter this is?” She asked in a sardonic tone. 
“It’s an A.” Ryan grumbled, rolling his eyes. 
“And can you tell me what ‘A’ stands for?”
“Apple, asparagus, aardvark, apostesism…”
“Very good, Ry-Ry!!” She clapped mockingly, pulling out a large set of headphones. “Now you just sit here and color your wittle pages while you listen to this lovely music! I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours…”
“Hours??” Ryan repeated incredulously. Was she really going to make him sit and do a fucking coloring book for that long? There were much better things he could be doing with his time. But he had to play her game. A bet was a bet, and he planned to prove her wrong. 
She tapped something on her phone and the music kicked on shortly after. Much to Ryan’s chagrin, it wasn’t even good mysic like Bach or Tchaikovsky or even Tame Impala, it was some nursery lullaby bullshit, but with a weird reverb effect added to it. He could also hear faint little voices in the background, but they were too drowned out by the other noises for him to discern what they were saying. He could only pick out certain words like ‘baybee’ and ‘diapers’ and ‘poo poo’s”, which made sense, because it was nursery rhymes. 
He found himself zoning out, but that was just from the sheer boredom of it all. He was better than this. He’d submitted dissertations on complex epigenetic interactions of the human genome, and now he was just coloring the letter A a hundred times over. 
How was she going to make hom forget the alphabet if she was ‘teaching’ them to him? Maybe she was just exaggerating, it’s literally impossible to forget something that’s been embedded in his brain since before school even started. 
After what felt like an eternity, she finally came over and tapped him on the shoulder, removing the headphones. His mind was a little hazy, but again, it was probably just from the lack of any complex thought for the first time in his life. She shooed him and allowed him to resume his more age-appropriate activities. 
The next day went much like the first, except instead of ‘A’, he was doing the letter ‘B’. 
“Boredom, beneath, balderdash.” Ryan sighed, listing off words to convey how ridiculous this whole thing was. 
“And…” Wren said, placing something down on the table next to the Crayons. “ Bottle.”
Ryan chuckled heartily. It was an actual bottle. A baby bottle, with a little nipple and everything. 
“You can’t be serious.”
“Do you give up?”
“No.” Ryan said quickly, “but i’m not drinking…whatever that is. Especially not out of that!”
Wren just shrugged. “You don’t have to, but it’s there if you get hungry.”
She put the headphones over his ears once more, clicked them on, and left the room. 
Ryan was already over this whole thing, but he wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction of quitting. He swirled the blue crayon through the loops of the big B’s while the music played. The little voices seemed to be louder this time, but it still wasn’t worth paying attention to. 
About halfway through his 4 hour session though, Ryan’s mouth felt a bit dry. Something at the back of his throat was pulsing. His cheeks felt empty.  For whatever reason, he needed to have something in there. 
At first he bit his nails. That was nice, for a little. But that soon turned to his finger tip, and eventually his whole thumb. 
After another hour of suckling his fingers, he looked to the bottle. He was hungry, and Wren refused to give him cheerios and goldfish like she did yesterday. 
He picked up the bottle, pressing the rubber nipple to his lips. Jesus that felt good! He gave a little suckle, then another, then gagged. The liquid wasn’t milk, it was…something else. It tasted awful. But he couldn’t stop drinking. The nipple felt too good in his mouth, it was worth putting up with the disgusting flavor. 
He finished every last drop. 
Wren had to practically pry the bottle from his hands when it was time to remove his headphones. Ryan couldn’t explain why he was so attached to it all of a sudden. Why was he getting so angry and flustered over such a silly thing?
Thankfully, Wren had an alternative ready, another ‘B’ word:
Ryan sucked on it the whole night. His cheeks ached in the morning, but luckily a fresh bottle helped to ease the pain. 
His brain felt fuzzy, but it was probably because he didn’t sleep that well. He was too busy worrying about the binky possibly falling out of his mouth while he slept. 
The lack of sleep was also why he couldn’t think of complicated ‘C’ words. He could only come up with ‘Car’, Cat, and whatever the word is for the thing you put water and juice in. 
Luckily, after his hypno session, Wren had the perfect thing to help him sleep better: a Crib. 
Something happened that night. Maybe his bottle leaked, or maybe it was the ceiling. But when he rolled over from his cramped position in the undersized crib, the sheets were warm and wet. 
Wren assured him that this happens all the time but, just in case, she had something for him to wear. 
Ryan threw an absolute fit when he saw what it was. She was holding up a big giant diaper. 
He tried to tell her off, but his mind was too foggy to form a coherent argument. He really wasn’t sleeping well. 
Still, he tried to fight her when she took his hands and laid him down, but his arms and legs didn’t seem to want to cooperate. It felt like he was moving through molasses. 
She had him on his back. He stared at the clouds on the ceiling. Were those always there? Or was that just his vision? No, they had to be new. His whole room was starting to look different. Another large cloud floated into view. But it wasn’t a cloud, it was a diaper. 
His mind was back. She wanted him to wear a diaper. Absolutely not! This was perposter— prepos—perslweterous. 
“D’awww!! Don’t be scared!!” Wren cooed, it sounded like angels singing. “It’s just a wittle diapurr!! You’ll get used to them!”
Ryan felt something screaming inside him. Something deep down. But then Wren said “look! It has the ABC’s printed on it!” And that made him feel better. He recognized those letters, even though he couldn’t think of much else. 
But the padding felt weird when she slid it underneath him. Not bad. Just…weird. Different. Like something wasn’t right. 
He started squirming on the floor, flailing as much as he could, but even in his foggy vision he could see that his arms were only making minor twitches. 
So he did the only thing he knew he could do: he started crying. C-c-Crying. That starts with a C! He knew that for sure. He was so smart. 
He felt the tears slide down his face, one after another. He could hear his wails, could hear how ridiculous it sounded, but he didn’t want to stop. That is, until something rubbery entered his mouth. Then he immediately stopped crying, and felt instantly better. 
He suckled the binky while Wren made a cloud of powder between his legs. He watched as she pulled the diaper up and taped it on. It was hard for him to explain—especially now—but he felt this amazing sense of comfort once it was on. He really liked it. Which may be why something warm and sticky formed inside the diaper almost immediately. 
He spent the rest of the day coloring in ‘D’s’ while wearing his diaper. 
A few times he had to get up to use the restroom, but Wren insisted the headphones needed to stay on, even if his diaper was down. A very agitating song played the entire time he was on the toilet, and the words that the voices used were not very nice. It made him feel bad, very bad, almost guilty for doing something so silly as using the potty. 
Ryan didn’t get a bottle that night, just some chicken nuggets that Wren had taken the liberty of cutting into tiny pieces for him. 
When he was done, she took him by the hand to his new room. He didn’t know why, he didn’t need her help, but without her he probably would have gotten lost. Not because he was dumb, but because he just wasn’t used to sleeping in the guest room. 
Wren stopped in front of his new crib, making a show of checking his diaper. Another absurd display, just because he was playing her little game and wearing this stupid garment didn’t mean he would actually use it. So when she was finally satisfied that every square centimeter was not wet or ‘messy’, he climbed into the crib. 
When he laid back on the plastic mattress, he noticed there was a new mobile hanging above him. It had little geometric shapes and symbols that he didn’t feel like naming right now because he was tired, he could definitely do it if he wanted to though!
She placed his binky in his mouth and he gratefully accepted it, he was terrified of having to spend the night without something in his mouth.
Wren clicked a little button and the dangling shapes on the mobile started to spin. It was mesmerizing, even more so because it played a happy little tune from the speakers. The very same tune that played through his headphones earlier that day.
Ryan’s diaper was plump and swollen the next morning. His mind wasn’t as fuzzy, so he must have finally gotten a good night's sleep. 
Wait, his brain said, finally catching on to what was happening. He was in a diaper, and he’d wet it. Several times by the feel of it. 
Wren was smiling when she came through the door, even though Ryan was spewing vitriol. The words were coming easier to him again, but so was the gravity of his situation. Had she really been making him wear diapers and drink from bottles??
Wren continued to smile like a mother letting her little one get his tantrum out. Ryan hung over the bars of the crib, he was too scared to climb out himself, but he wasn’t scared to call Wren all sorts of names. 
After almost a minute of Ryan’s blabbering, Wren had had enough. She clicked a button on her phone which made the little mobile over Ryan’s bed start whirring again. Playing that tune that Ryan was really starting to grow attached to. 
Suddenly, Ryan didn’t even feel like calling Wren a bitch any more. He wasn’t even sure what that meant. Instead, he let out a hefty sigh, and brought his thumb to his mouth. He couldn’t find his pacifier. 
“How’s your diaper, little one? Did somewon have an uh oh’s last night?”
Even though Ryan was calm, he still felt this combative stirring rising from his chest. Something was wrong. He knew he wasn’t supposed to wear diapers. He knew he was too old for them. And he definitely knew he wasn’t supposed to pee in them. He shook his head ‘no’ in an exaggerated fashion. 
“No? You didn’t have an accident?” Wren tisked, squeezing the saturated padding, “what is this then?”
Ryan could feel shame welling up inside him. He was a grown man and he’d pissed inside a pair of pampers. He couldn’t even remember doing it. It was all while he was asleep, while those stupid songs were playing. He would do better. This would never happen again. She might have had an upper hand on him, getting him to agree to the diapers and cutesy shit, but he was not about to—wait. Was that a bottle??
He made grabby hands at the little container of off-white liquid, practically spilling some when he snatched it away from her. 
She let the bars of the crib down, allowing him to clamber out, rubber nipple not leaving his mouth. He would have walked, but he felt it was easier to scooch around on his knees.
About halfway through the liquid, Ryan felt something stirring in his tummy. 
“What is it, dear?” Wren asked sweetly, placing her hands on her knees while she smiled down at him. 
“I have to go potty.” Ryan said, unsure why he said it like that. 
“Oh?” Wren asked, looking overly surprised, “is it #1 or #2?”
Ryan couldn’t understand why she was talking about numbers right now. Wren giggled at what must have been a perplexed look. 
“Do you have to go pee pee or poo poo?” She clarified. 
“Poo poo.” Ryan said, feeling his face flush. Something told him this was a weird conversation with a little too much information, but he brushed that away. 
“D’aww! You need to make poopies?!” Wren exclaimed exaggeratedly, “well you don’t wanna have to go all the way to the bathroom do you? It’s a pretty long way…”
She was right. It was a long way, and his legs did feel tired…
“Hmmm…mayybee…” she said, deep in thought, tapping her chin, “maybe you could just use your diaper?”
The very thought was revolting. She wanted him to make a stinky poo’s all over himself? “Na uh! No way!” 
She dangled the binky in front of his face, “I'll give you a little present if you make a present for Mommy!”
Ryan immediately agreed, and he got to suck on his binky the entire time he was crouching down, pushing a warm load of mush into his pampers. 
Wren was so proud of him. She clapped and cheered and giggled uncontrollably, even while she pinched her nose and teased him about the smell. 
But with the warmth came a deep sense of displeasure. Disgust. A part of Ryan’s brain was ridiculing him for what he just did. The words were coming back to him now. 
“You’re doing something to me!” Ryan shouted. He knew it was wrong. Something was happening to him, he couldn’t figure out what, but he knew that the normal him wouldn’t like it! “Stop all this right now! Whatever it is you’re doing isn’t fair! You’ve got me shitting myself! I’m not doing this anymore! I’m not gonna—“
“Shhh…” Wren smiled, placing a hand to his droopy diaper. “Don’t be sad!” She whispered softly. Her voice was like honey, l angelic, the greatest sound in the whole world. “I’m your Mommy, remember? I’m right here.”
Ryan could feel his anger and shame evaporating from his body. 
“Do you want me to stop all of this?” She asked, rubbing her palm against the bulge of his diaper. “Do you want me to take your binky away?”
Ryan’s eyes immediately went wide. Why would she even say such a thing? Why would she need to take his binky??
“Nooo you don’t want that do you?”
Ryan heard himself whimpering, felt his head shaking. 
“And what about your diapers? Do you not like your diapers?”
No. He didn’t like them at all. They were sweaty and itchy, but they were also sooo soft…
“Do you think you should stop wearing them?”
His head moved up and down. 
“But what if you have another accident? What if you wet the bed again? That would be really embarrassing, wouldn’t it?”
It would. She was right. It would be embarrassing. 
“But if you wear a diaper you don’t have to worry about that do you? All your messes go in there! You don’t even have to walk all the way to the potty! You can use them any time, anywhere!”
She was making such good points. She always made good points. She really was so smart. 
Still, some weird logical part of his brain was firing again. 
“But I’m a big boy!” Ryan whined around his binky. 
“Oh?” Wren asked, shaken. “Do…big boys have accidents?”
Another great point. 
“And big boys surely wouldn’t use diapers, even on purpose!” Wren said, turning into a very scary tone. “But what did you just do, Ry-Ry?”
Ryan’s face flushed. “I pooped them.”
“You did what?”
“I made poo-poo’s…” he could feel the tears welling up again. He wasn’t even sure why. All of this was so confusing. 
“Awww! Don’t be sad!” Wren cooed, switching to that heavenly tone once more, “good baybees use their diapurrs all the time! Like you just did!!”
Ryan smiled, a flood of warmth seeped through his chest, and maybe also into his diaper as well. 
“And baybees that are good get to make a different type of mess, too!”
Ryan wasn’t sure what that meant, but Wren started rubbing the front of his diaper, squeezing it, massaging it, and that felt really good. 
“Tell me you’re a good baybee!” She said, rubbing faster. 
“I’m a good baybee!” Ryan squeaked. 
“Tell me what you did in your diaper.”
“I made pee pee’s and poo poo’s”
“Do you like making messies in your diapurrs?”
“Yes Mommy.” She corrected.
“Yes Mommy!”
“Which do you like to use better? The pampers? Or the potty?”
“The potty.”
She stopped rubbing. 
Panic coursed through Ryan’s veins. He was so close!
“Pampers!!” He corrected, “I prefer peeing and pooping pampers!!”
The rubbing started again. 
“Every time you poop your pampers, Mommy will give you a reward!” She said. 
Ryan nodded, moaning and groaning while Wren rubbed his defiled diaper. It felt so wrong, so disgusting, but he couldn’t stop her. He couldn’t tell her no, because it also felt so good!
It felt even better when he started spasming, and another warm load leaked into the padding. 
Wren patted his padded butt. “Such a good baybee!”
Even with her kind words, a huge rush of shame hit Ryan in the face. His horniness was gone, the haze was lifting, his complex thoughts were coming back, and so was his attention to this disgusting diaper! 
“Wren what the fuck are you doing to—“
But he couldn’t hear himself say the rest, because the headphones were back on his ears, and that lovely tune was playing again. His mind melted away, but before it did he could see her place the book in front of him again, a giant letter ‘E’ emblazoned across the page. 
“You just stay right here and finish your coloring” Wren said, even though he probably couldn’t hear her. He was laying down flat on his tummy, swishing back and forth in his pissy, poopy pamper, smiling and humming the little tune to himself.  “I’ll be back in a few hours to change your diaper.” She continued, patting him on the bottom, “Then we’re going to learn a new ‘E’ word: Enema!”
21 Letters to go! What else could be in store for little Ry-Ry? This is one of my favorite stories I've ever done, so if you would like to read the rest, head on over to SubStar! It's available for all tiers! Credit goes to @dj-kinkster for his help and ideas on making this story a reality!
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pinejayy · 1 year
╰┈➤ Buggy the Clown that has a S/O with a higher Bounty
summary: headcanons of buggy reacting to their lover having a higher bounty on them.
warnings: this is just buggy being a jealous clown, curse words, buggy threatening you, maybe some angst, fighting, buggy slaps you, crying.
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Your bounty was 25,000,000…
“What makes you so special? Why do you have a higher bounty than me?!” He said, hissing at you. And you just shrug not seeing the problem and this would piss him even more.
He would most likely avoid you, and you don’t understand why he’s so butthurt over some dumb bounty.
Buggy hates the fact that your more dangerous than him, he should be the dangerous one in the relationship! Not you!
Heck even his crew mates mock him for it. “Oh no here comes the Boss! Oh wait since Y/N has a higher bounty should we make them our new boss?” They mocked and laughed at him.
They would laugh at him. And he would flip out. Lashing out on them.
When Buggy is around you he’s pissed off, and you still don’t understand why he’s taking this whole bounty thing to heart.
Who cares right? Both of you were wanted people. Who cares if someone had the higher Bounty. “Buggy Sweetheart, come on. I don’t understand why you’re so worked up over some dumb bounty.”
And he would snap his head towards you, walking towards you. His body towering over you. “It’s not that! You don’t understand!” He hissed at you.
You rolled your eyes. “All I can see is that your being a huge cry baby!” You spat out, and all of the sudden he slapped you across the face. And you were shocked.
Before you could react he grabbed your face roughly and forced your face closer to his, you could feel his breath against you. “Shut the fuck up! I could literally kill you and collect that bounty myself!” He said. You whimper out and began to tear up.
You’ve never seen Buggy this upset, and he’s never laid his hands on you. All this for some dumb bounty. Letting out a small sob you push him away and run out of the room. Leaving him there alone. He was thinking about what he did, clenching his fist. He took a deep breath. God he felt like an asshole right now.
All of the sudden he pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of his pants. He opened it up and it was your wanted poster. And he sighed, frowning.
Sitting down by a near by chair, he stares at your picture. You were always so beautiful! Why did you ruin everything by getting a high bounty number!
He was jealous yes, but in reality Buggy was worried about you, what if someone goes after you?! What if you get killed! He didn’t want the only person he cares and loves being taking away from him. And he couldn’t bring himself to tell you why he was so upset he didn’t want to seem weak.
You had a huge target on your back. And bounty hunters are constantly going after you.
Buggy would stare at your wanted picture and he sighed. A few tears fell onto the paper. Wait! What was this! Buggy wasn’t familiar this kind of feeling. Was he crying.
Oh he definitely was crying. Tears fell onto the paper. As he cried softly, he bit down on his tongue so no one could hear him cry.
He definitely ruins his make up with all his crying.
After awhile he crumpled the paper and threw it across the room. He wipes his tears off, he had to apologize to you. He had too…he felt like a dickhead for snapping at you. And he felt even worse about slapping you…
Buggy fixes his makeup, and he walks out looking for you. And hopefully you could accept his apology. He was just afraid to lose someone he loves.
“God I’m so sorry Y/N….I hope you can forgive me.” He mumbled to himself.
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satorubrain · 1 year
Hey I heard you are taking requests what if “Gojo gets jealous cause reader getting hit on by someone TALLER than him” <333
Pairings: Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader.
Tags: Fluff, jealousy.
Synopsis: Stupid baby is late to your date and then he gets jealous.
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It was the hydrangea season, which was also one of your favorite flowers. Making it an excellent idea to ask you out on a date.
Wanting to stun him with your looks you decided to wear a bluish-lavender flowy dress, adorned with bows and laces around your waist and neckline, shoulder straps made of pearls exposing your shoulders, and a choker of the same pattern that came with the dress. Oh, how ethereal you looked right now.
Though you dolled up for your lovely boyfriend who has been half an hour late, people couldn't help but turn their heads to take a glance at you. Some were even brave enough to come up to you and ask for your number. You immediately rejected everyone's advances while waiting for Gojo, standing in the heat of the sun- until a man, a tall one at that decided to tower over you, blocking the sun's rays. You couldn't be more thankful to him, letting out a relieved sigh.
"What's a pretty lady doing here all alone? No way should someone dare to stand you? That too in such heat, that's quite cruel" He sighed. "But are you feeling better now?" He inquired, smiling gently.
Oh, he was quite a gentleman, nice and well-spoken. His tone would charm any person, easing their worries. And that's what it did to you. The heat had already cooked your brain with Satoru nowhere to be found, no texts received from him nor were you able to reach him. But you were thankful to the stranger for accompanying you- which stopped people from asking about you.
You were lost in your thoughts when you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Are you alright?" The stranger questioned, worried.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine! Thank you." You answered politely, not willing to further the conversation any longer which might lead to misunderstandings between you and your boyfriend but that didn't stop the stranger from talking to you.
As another half an hour passed by you were laughing with the stranger about some random things, him suggesting places to visit- creating a perfect picture of a couple having their cute little conversation.
This was bad, as Satoru overheard people talking about a couple while heading toward you. Fastening his steps to rush toward the entrance he sees you along with some random man. He was visibly annoyed. Not at you but at the man, he saw you maintain the distance but also saw how he made you laugh, how he stared at you fondly and realized how badly that random guy wants to steal his ethereal oblivious woman from him. Gojo wanted to stay calm but right now his heart was being twisted, the pang in his chest worsening every moment thinking how he was already so late for a date he planned.
And suddenly Gojo was beside you, pulling you into his chest by your waist standing in between the guy and you.
"Hello, my stunning lady, I'm sorry you had to wait for me" he complimented you before trying to kiss you, which you swatted away.
"Why. Are. You. So. Late." You glared at him before turning to the guy who visibly hovered over Satoru as well. Which quite surprised you. 'tall' you thought to yourself before collecting your thoughts together. "Thank you for accompanying me today, it was nice meeting you." you slightly bowed as a sign of respect and wishing him a goodbye.
"Yeah thanks but you can lea-" Before Satoru could finish his cold sentence, he was cut off and ignored.
"It was nice meeting you too, how about we meet later for a coffee? We can be good friends I think" the man suggested. This took you and Satoru both by surprise. You were amazed by the guy whereas Satoru was aggravated by his arrogance.
"Did your brain stop working and perhaps made you blind as well? Did you just ask my girlfriend for a date in front of me? Do you perhaps have a death wish?" Gojo's tone was sharp. He was barely holding himself back and to make it all worse he had to tilt his head higher than he would've normally had to. Satoru loved how he hovered over the most but this time his pride took a huge blow when this random guy flirted with his woman while ignoring him and towering over him.
"Well, then you clearly aren't doing a good job at being a boyfriend. Making your pretty girlfriend wait for at least an hour then you start being rude to people who help her? Seems a little...." He retorts.
It's almost as if Gojo is stabbed in the heart and if anything, he'd look like he's making excuses for his mistreatment toward you.
"Alright, that's enough. I'm thankful to you for tagging along with me but please I'd rather you not be disrespectful to my boyfriend" You cut them off, not wanting to escalate the issue any further and drag Gojo inside the park finally starting your awaited date. It doesn't help how he also entered the park with you guys before you soon went on different paths.
Satoru soon reverts to his old self, cracking up jokes, telling you the random fun facts you love while grinning proudly with you at his side and showering you with endless compliments. But you also notice how he's a lil extra close and how he is even more talkative today, almost as if he's overcompensating. You know him all too well and know how he's feeling quite awful. You know behind that overly confident person is your Satoru who, like any other human has ordinary feelings.
You are both seated on a bench enjoying your ice cream, speaking seriously once you both finish eating "Uhm, I'm sorry for being late. It is solely my fault and then they also called me up for an emergency- so yeah, but I promise I'll make it up" He looks at you with eyes pleading for forgiveness, slightly overthinking the entire ordeal.
"Satoru, it's fine, I realized that the moment I saw you, okay?" You comfort him by pulling him into a hug "But next time inform me alright? I'll be there to help you out!!"
You feel his shoulders relax a bit as he pulls away before gently cupping your cheek and kissing you softly with his other arm wrapped around your waist.
"You know that I love you the most, right?" He confesses sincerely, pure words from the bottom of his heart.
"Mn. And I love you too Satoru" You replied earnestly. "By the way, Satoru. Y'know you should've just started levitating while doing a T-post to assert your dominance over that guy" You joke around, giggling "Imagine. How that would've scared him" you continue successfully eliciting a genuine laugh from Gojo, a pleasant sound to your ears.
Gojo inhales sharply through his teeth. "Tsk. I really should've done that. Even better! maybe I'll pick you up and kiss you in front of everyone" he giggled. His worries are now long forgotten.
Except whenever he sees the man- around a stall or walking by, much to your embarrassment. Gojo does lift you in his arms in front of everyone before kissing you. The gesture announces to everyone that you both belong to each other.
"You're annoying" You giggle wrapping arms around his neck.
"Is that so? I fail to see that you're annoyed" He retorts as he shushes you before you say anything, with his lips.
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catgirl-catboy · 10 months
I'm not into the coffin of andy and leyley and probably won't be because of how much fandom drama I've seen for it, but my heart goes out to the creator in these trying times.
Getting doxxed is so terrifying, and I find it so sad they (I think I've seen people using they/them, but if someone in the fandom tells me otherwise I'll change it.) now have to worry about their friends and loved ones potentially getting hurt over a writing project. This real person is probably enduring real life repercussions over people being butthurt over kids seeing fictional incest when Greek Mythology is being taught in schools everywhere.
It isn't a fair standard to hold small creators to, when big budget shit can write whatever they want with minimal backlash.
I hope they are doing well, and that the "fans" that did this feel incredibly fucking sorry right now.
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tarabyte3 · 4 months
In response to your Caesar post: he's a chimp?Maybe people don't want to see or think about bestiality while they're scrolling through tumblr. Maybe you should tag your posts correctly and people wouldn't have to unfollow you. Just saying.
Also most importantly
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But for real, have you *actually* seen the movies ooooorrrr are you just looking for something to get butthurt over? Because "he's so human" and "he's not just an ape" is half the plot 😂 Also don't go into the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes tag then because people want Noa and Mae to fuck nasty style. And they're right and they should say it.
Also sorry I awakened something in you. I have some fanfiction recommendations if you want some. 😘
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puhpandas · 10 months
I honestly don't get the hatred on Gregory. He's literally a child, an unfortunate one at that.
He's basically just a more mature and sassy version of the Crying Child (who people really like, mind you), heck, basically ANY of the canon kids of FNAF.
People are SO butthurt over him supposedly "killing" Cassie and beating up robots who tried to. MURDER. HIM. Friendly reminder that Cassie getting betrayed was ONE of THREE endings. Not to mention the Mimic literally personifying itself as Gregory, so who's to say the elevator voice wasn't that monster? The books explain that the Mimic can mess with electrical equipment using only its CLAW.
If we're talking about people getting mad over Gregory being a heartless murderer in GGY, he LITERALLY was under Glitchtrap's influence, EXACTLY the reason Vanny was. Blame the virus, not him.
I honestly think the reason why people are so mad at Gregory is because he was against the most simpable and most well-written characters. If that was the genuine reason, I would not be surprised. This fandom is nuts.
Gregory's been shown to be kind and compassionate, forming a bond with a crying girl when no one showed up to her birthday, as well as saving a woman who reluctantly tried to kill him. He gave them BOTH a second chance at being happy. The thing with Freddy just speaks for itself. Dad and son found family.
As for the "gremlin" behavior? He's 12. Enough said. Kids are kids. If you hate that, FNAF is not for you.
(Sorry for the long post. Just needed to put my thoughts out there. :D)
amen 🙏🙏
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hidingoutbackstage · 10 months
Resident Evil Tumblr Simulator
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☸️ biohazheard Follow
Friendly reminder that Tricell was found guilty of dealing with bio organic weapons so if you buy from them you’re a piece of shit
💊 raccooncitywasfaked Follow
oh sure it’s all “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and people who are poorer might sometimes buy from unethical companies in order to stay alive” but the line is drawn when it comes to companies that sell medical supplies i just can’t with this hellsite today
📷 terrasavedd Follow
there are multiple posts going around this site of alternatives to tricell for buying medical supplies but all you wanna do is bitch on other people’s posts i see how it is
📷 terrasavedd Follow
Update: apparently @raccooncitywasfaked is literally a former Tricell employee lmaooo no wonder you’re so butthurt
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👩‍🦰 sarahjp Follow
Girl help why the fuck am I seeing blacklisted posts with the tags “#sex and the city spoilers” AND “#umbrella pharmaceuticals” in the same posts hello???
🍒 carryingbradshaw Follow
The Sex and the City finale aired tonight, and like five minutes later the official ruling of the Umbrella Trials was closed with a guilty conviction
💕 regenblue Follow
only on tumblr would we be finding out about world events like this
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💖 biowesbian Follow
the media is so fake sometimes i swear there’ll be a whole live debate on “should we call them z*mbies or ‘infected individuals’?” bro people are dying this is not the time for semantics
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🐻 don-kinxoite Follow
every time i think “the kinning community isn’t THAT toxic” i get hit over the head by some new out of this world discourse. today it’s people trying to kin actual real world fucking viruses
🐶 stolenface Follow
i’m sorry…REAL VIRUSES??? like ignoring the irl implications of that aside how would you even fucking do that?
🐻 don-kinxiote Follow
yeah real viruses. someone tried to claim they were the t virus and said to someone who tried kinning t veronica that they were copying them. what has this community come to
🌡️ engineered-kinning Follow
y'all are JUST now seeing this discourse? damn. i was mutuals w/ someone who claimed they kinned a (made up) virus that gave them all of the symptoms of alphas in the omegaverse
🐻 don-kinxiote Follow
horrible information, thank you
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💙 grahamscracker Follow
Look ik we're all "fuck the government and the dogs that work for em" but like come onnn look at Ashley Graham's new bodyguard he is fineeee
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🧬 bowliving Follow
important confession
i lied about my BOW status and all aspects of my identity (marital status, science experiment past, family, etc.) on this blog and i truly apologize
☎️ brbabow Follow
a) why is this tagged breaking bad
b) what the fuck is going on
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
Hi! Sorry if i'm bothering you but i needed someone to talk. About what happened recently with Destiel and Misha and the fans that believed in the things he said. I am new to Supernatural fandom, but i loved the story in an instant, thanks to Sam and Dean and their unique relationship. Then i became interested in Jared and Jensen too and i think that if Sam and and Dean are the heart of Supernatural then Jared and Jensen are the soul of the show because to me no other actor could have played Sam and Dean like they did. Now, returning to what i wanted to say i am really TIRED about Destiel, some Destiel shippers and especially Misha. I know he said some stupid thing about how CW is homophobic and how Destiel would be canon if they weren't homophobic. I don't ship Destiel because sincerely i don't see romantic love between Dean and Castiel, but this doesn't make me an homophobic person. His words are said with malicious intent. He also said some thing about how Jensen is attracted to him. I find this disgusting because he says this things only for his Destiel fan, knowing that his words are lies. Also Jensen not being there can't reply to his lies. Like i sad i'm new to Supernatural but some Destiel are making the experience in the fandom a constant war. They say that if you don't ship Destiel you are homophobic , that if you don't ship Destiel you are not a true Supernatural fan and the most stupid one... They say that Supernatural is about Dean and Castiel and their love. This make me really angry because Supernatural is about Sam And Dean, how they care for each other,how they save the world again and again and how they hunt monster and ghost and other things. But to me Supernatural is the unique love story of two brother and how they did everything to protect each other. I ship Wincest, but When i say love story i mean that Sam and Dean are Platonic Soulmates in Supernatural and even the show always remind us of that. I don't understant how Misha can say this thing without facing consequences because his words feed some Destiel fan that became hateful like him and whose mission is hating people who don't think think like them. Sorry for the long post and for the horrible english but it's not my first language. Sorry if i bothered you but i needed someone to talk to because sometimes i feel like leaving the fandom because Destiel hate and their war against everyone. I hope you will always have love and kindness in your life.
You really don't need to apologize for anything.❤️ You aren't bothering me and your English is fine - maybe not perfect, but hell, neither is mine some days! Thank you for the lovely sentiment, and I wish you the same - and that you do what is best for you in regards to this sometimes dumpster fire of a fandom.
If it helps, you're absolutely not alone. I've been in this fandom for years now, and some days it's sheer stubbornness against hellers obvious attempts to browbeat and drive everyone else out that keeps me here. They didn't get to take over the show through being loud and obnoxious and they don't get to monopolize the fandom by doing the same - and they can be butthurt forever over it.
I actually didn't mind Dean and Castiel as a ship at first. I'm always interested in what people take from a canon and then create entirely outside of it, and I read quite a lot of fanfic. Even then I was baffled by shippers insisting it was a thing in the canon, though. There was a brief period where I wondered if I'd somehow missed it, because I'm not generally really looking for romance stories and there were so many posts that were so insistent? So I actually did a rewatch focused just on Dean and Castiel's interactions - and came away with the impression they weren't actually even as good of friends as I'd originally thought, let alone anything like interested in each other romantically. The more I thought about it and the more meta I ran across and actually considered the details of? The more obviously baseless it was. I mean, some of it really is just genuinely so stupid it's hilarious. Cake. Bacon. Negative space. Widower arc. Bisexual lighting and/or plaid. But even the theorizing which wasn't absurd on its face? Always looked silly in comparison to how much more obviously and easily it had meaning in relation to the main story that plainly actually existed instead.
Meanwhile, I kept seeing more and more of those posts you mention insisting anyone who didn't ship it was a homophobe and they really pissed me off. Even if Dean and Castiel were a canon couple who spent half of each episode doing couple things and saying I love you back and forth instead of the entire show revolving around Sam and Dean's crazy tangled up lives with Castiel occasionally wandering in and out of the background with some angel nonsense or whatever? Not shipping it would not make someone a homophobe. Shipping is very subjective and any individual pairing can not appeal to any particular fan for a million and one reasons that have sweet fuckall to do with how they generally feel about LGBT+ relationships. Attempting to bully people into supporting a single very specific fictional relationship by trying to make them afraid of being branded a bigot if they don't is ridiculous as hell, regardless of how canon or not it is. How absolutely fucking disrespectful to all the people who have to deal with actual homophobia versus just being butthurt they can't force two particular fictional characters to kiss. It's so goddamn juvenile I can't even.
The longer I was in fandom, the more brain dead and divorced from the show the meta claiming Dean and Castiel were going to hook up any minute got. The more annoyed I became at all the absurd stereotypes about masculinity and sexuality they would parrot as gospel truth if it could "prove" Dean was into dudes and eventually the angel. The more obviously transparent their every cry of ~*homophobia*~ was when they tried to turn every real life LGBT+ issue and every canon LGBT+ character primarily into proof and/or justification regarding D/C. They're a bunch of entitled shitheads who not only feel like they should get to dictate what SPN is despite hating basically everything it actually was, but who are perfectly fine with co-opting serious real world issues to try and do it. I have no beef with normal D/C shippers who aren't assholes to everyone and mad at the show for not bringing their fanfic to life, but I can't stand the pairing at all even in a fandom sense anymore.
The evolution of my feelings on Misha followed a similar path. I liked Castiel well enough as a supporting character and I didn't actively dislike Misha, though after I'd seen a couple of panels where his answers were flippantly irreverent or unnecessarily raunchy, I wasn't really much interested in him. Then, over time, at the same time Castiel's character was more and more blatantly just eating up screen time to give J2 time off, he started getting worse and worse about ship-baiting. He'd act like everyone behind the scenes was talking about D/C - but then they (Jensen and Bob Singer most notably) would say that was untrue. He'd slyly hint about upcoming scenes in a vague way to imply D/C and then it would be something else entirely. He'd tell shippers about things that had been pointedly removed because they could seem leading and that was not the authorial intent, but without pointing out that was exactly why they were excised. His stories would change when he got a bad reaction - he went from saying he shipped wincest to pretending he'd never heard of it, he went from claiming Jimmy was going to appear in the original Roadhouse finale to it being Castiel, etc. Then there was framing horsing around with Jared as if he was a victim and not a participant and the incredibly inappropriate objectifying sexual comments about Jensen and Dean. All of which caused the fans falling for it to loudly and angrily attack everyone but him while they kept buying his ops/books/cameos/whatever. No matter how blatantly he queerbaits them and how upset they get over it and take it out on everyone else, he does not stop. He's an ungrateful creepy narcissist who will throw literally anyone or anything under the bus if he can get a buck out of it. Who also will proclaim he doesn't want to co-opt LGBT+ causes when he's desperately trying to keep his career on life support doing exactly that in the most skeevy, backstabby way possible.
Jared and Jensen put their hearts and years of their lives into this show bringing Sam and Dean to life, episode after episode, week after week, season after season. Telling an important story about platonic and familial love that you really won't find anywhere else.
Misha and the hellers have spent years trying to co-opt that to their own ends out of gross entitlement. They deserve each other, but the show and its actual fans don't deserve to have to put up with either of them. Unfortunately, we have the fandom we have, not the one we deserve.
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I think.....I might have sort of pushed my asshole coworker into giving his two weeks notice???
Rant under the cut
During a time where he was pissed off at the management but refusing to leave because he "completes something once he started it" I kept telling him how since he was "so much more qualified & experienced than me he had more options, he wasn't stuck here like me, he didn't have to take this shit and wait here" (insert *sweet voice & fluttering eyelashes*) and anyway about a week ago he suddenly handed in his resignation
The biggest reason is that obviously he's pissed off at the big man in charge.....but for my own peace of mind I like to think I played a small part in it
Anyway I pissed him off so badly today he's giving me (& everyone else) the silent treatment. For a man who has no problem insulting every single thing about what you say, do, look like AND your family members he gets awfully sulky when you tell him you'll "never take advice from him".
Sorry I don't want to take advice from someone whose personality & values I genuinely dislike and who spends a majority of his time shit talking his wife - like you are clearly miserable AND I have 0 respect for you, why would I want your advice?? If anything I want my life to be nothing like yours. I don't want to grow to be this bitter & rotten. I don't want the people around me to text each other behind my back consoling each other because I'm that much of a shithead
He'll say something very personal and insulting about you and laugh his ass off, then he'll look at you to see if you're laughing. If you're not he'll slam his hand onto the desk next to you and ask why you have no personality/are boring (genuinely think he takes delight in how much the slamming has an effect on you - if you're more likely to flinch he'll do it more often)
But the SECOND you return that treatment he gets butthurt girl what happend to you
I've never met anyone so obviously insecure? so obviously trying hard to fit in with the younger office crowd around him, but the only way he knows to do that is by being loud & crass & mean? So much of a hypocrite but so oblivious to the fact?
Anyway congrats to this fucker who in the 2 and a half weeks I have known him has managed to be, in no particular order, : racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, ableist, violently angry, fatphobic, a braggart, a big fan of corporal punishment, thinks he's funnier than he actually is and gets angry when you disagree, thinks he's smarter and more capable than every single person to ever exist, spent minutes talking about how stupid our 21 year old coworker (who refuses to talk to him) is, a HUGE fucking hypocrite AND SOMEHOW MORE
I feel like I'm making up a cartoon villain😭
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