#sorry new job is already making me sloppy
httpknjoon · 4 months
the crown | jjk
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plot | While staying in Blaire's beach house, your friends cannot help but notice your new tattoos. The ones you got with your secret boyfriend.
words | 2.7k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | we're back at the beach house!! things are about to get sloppy lol I love love LOVE this one so much, I had fun writing it. i hope you'll enjoy reading it too!
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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Jungkook was still deep in his slumber when he sensed a rustling sound near him. At first, he didn’t mind it. Maybe you were just shifting on the bed. But then, he figured there wasn’t any movement in the foam mattress you two were sleeping on. That’s when he hears your voice.
“Oh, you’re coming? Do you want to go with me, baby?” your voice was hushed, trying not to disrupt your boyfriend’s sleep.
But with Bam jumping up and down excitedly while you walked around the room, Jungkook slowly opened his eyes. His vision was a little blurry but he could see your figure standing in front of the mirror. Rubbing his eyes, he stretched his limbs under the sheets. He sees you clearly under the dimmed light, wearing your plain black sports bra and shorts.
“Where you going?” he asked with his voice still deep and groggy.
You turned around, “Oh, you’re awake? Did I wake you?”
Still comfortable on the bed, Jungkook lazily nodded his head. You frowned before walking up to him.
“I’m sorry, babe.” you leaned in, kissing the tip of his nose. “Me and Blaire will go on an early jog. We’ll try to catch the sunrise too.”
You’re taking Bam with you?” he looked up and you smiled at his doe eyes.
“Yeah, he seems excited already.” you chuckled. “You can join us if you wanna.”
Jungkook grunted, “It’s Saturday.”
Saturdays are synonymous with rest days to him and you are very much aware of it. Jungkook already has a workout schedule and routine for six days a week. He saves up Saturday as his cheat day. He gets to do everything he wants for the whole day without any schedule. It’s a routine he picked up sometime when he got his first job. It took a whole lot of discipline for him to get used to it.
“Well, okay. It’s just me and Bam.” 
You hooked the leash to Bam’s collar. Jungkook watched you tie your hair up with the classic bun in front of the mirror, exposing one of the tattoos you got on your forearm. His lips stretched into a small smile whenever he remembered he drew that tiger lily himself. Then, he smiled even wider when he spotted the small crown inked on your left ribs, slightly covered by your top. You turned around, instantly scrunching your eyebrows in confusion why is he smiling like a fool.
“You’re so pretty. How are you even mine, princess?” he grinned. He sat up on the bed, exposing his bare top while the sheets pooled around his hips.
“I don’t know, babe. Maybe you just tricked me into all of this,” you utter.
Leaning in once again, you aimed for his lips. One of Jungkook’s hands reached for your cheek. It began as a slow and gentle kiss. Until you had to sit down on the mattress while still kissing him. You placed a hand on his chest as the kiss deepened. Jungkook’s hands moved from your cheek down to your waist, pulling you closer to him until there was no space left. Like a rhythm, your lips move together.
“Ah,” you moaned when he bit your lower lip, making his tongue gain access easily.
Lost in what’s happening, you just cannot keep your hands to yourself. From his chest, shoulders, and arms, to his hair. Jungkook shivers at your touch. He was so ready to carry you on top of him when you tugged on his hair, pulling him away. 
“I gotta go, Blaire’s already waiting outside,” you whispered, breathlessly. 
Your chests were both heaving with your lips swollen and red from this unexpected intense session. You were about to stand up but his hold on your waist stopped you. His eyes pleaded for you to stay, but you shook your head. You laughed when he began peppering kisses on your neck, tickling you at some spot.
“Twenty minutes?” he asked, in between kisses.
“Ten?” he continued bargaining for your time while planting his lips from the skin on your neck to your shoulder.
And when you shook your head again, he stopped and looked at you. You can feel his thumb tracing circled on the skin where you got your dainty crown tattoo.
“Five? I can be quick, princess.” He smirked.
You laughed, pushing his face away as you stood up, “I doubt that. Me and Bam are just gonna go..”
He frowned when he saw you pick up your phone and Bam’s leash. Jungkook slides down the bed again, wrapping himself with the blanket. Before you walked out the door, you turned around.
“Don’t forget to go back to your room, okay? Sleep well, babe.”
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“Good morning,” Blaire nodded when she noticed you and cooed when she saw your big baby, who was also happy to see your friend.
Blaire was already waiting outside the beach house, stretching her arms, when you and Bam saw her. You looked around the beach. The crescent moon was still visible in the purplish-blue sky. The waves were calmer as they met the ends of the sand. You took in the fresh breath of air, calming you down.
“You can release Bam from this. He doesn’t really have anywhere to run to here.” Blaire suggested.
She was right. Considering that the whole area is private property, white wooden fences are placed on the spots where your dog might want to go. You agreed, unhooking the leash. Almost instantly, Bam ran near the ocean where he could watch the waves. You didn’t really worry as you can still see him from a distance. You began stretching next to Blaire.
“I was knocking on Dara’s door to ask her to join us but she wasn’t answering.” She shared.
You snickered, “We know her, she’s a deep sleeper.”
“Yeah, I wish I could sleep everywhere that great all the time.” She quipped, making you two laugh. “How about Jenny?”
“She said, she’ll try to show up. But won’t promise to. I think she had a long day yesterday in the restaurant.” You replied.
“Ah, yes. She talked about her suppliers stressing her out.” Blaire recalled. “She was ranting the whole time we were on our way here.”
As usual, everyone was in buddy-buddy mode on their way here to Blaire’s beach house last night. You, Jungkook, and Bam were all in his Jeep Wrangler. Blaire came with Jenny. While Dara picked up Wooshik at his house. now that Blaire is aware of you and Jungkook the last time you were here, she put you and your boyfriend in rooms next to each other. The house was massive, thanks to her wealthy aunt. So it would be weird to make you share a room. This time, Blaire warned you and Jungkook about doing anything everywhere if you don’t want to be caught unexpectedly, referencing that early morning she saw you all tired in the kitchen. The warning didn’t stop him from sneaking into your room at midnight.
As soon as you two began jogging beside the sea, Blaire pointed out something.
“I never noticed you had tattoos.”
“Oh, these? It’s all new. I and Kook got it last Valentine’s. He drew it himself.” You replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
As part of your Valentine's surprise for him, you two got matching tattoos of crowns, your favorite flowers, and a clock pointing to twelve o'clock. You got the crown on your left rib, near where he likes to hold you every single time, out of habit. On the other hand, he got the crown on his knuckles with his other tattoos from before. It was the same size as yours, placed in the center. He already had tiger lilies inked on his arm before while you placed your in your right forearm that is only visible when you raise your arm. The last tattoo is on your right wrist. It was all dainty and small so it can be unnoticeable at times.
“That’s cute.” She mumbled before turning her head to you. “I’m so happy for you guys. You two seemed really happy with each other.”
“I love him so much.” You giggled, feeling your blood rushing to your cheeks. It felt like you’re in elementary all over again, having a childish crush on someone.
“I just cannot understand why you kept it a secret from us.” She spoke. “And for two years? That’s fucking impressive. Hats off to you two.”
You laughed at the recognition, “Thank you. We try our best.”
You two jogged and walked and jogged again for almost thirty minutes straight, back and forth on the sand, along with Bam. The sun was already peeking in when Jenny came down with a coffee mug to see you both. She was still in her pajamas.
“I’ll prepare everyone breakfast. How do y’all like your eggs?” she asked when you passed by where she was standing.
“Scrambled!” Both you and Blaire answered in unison.
“Orange juice or coffee?” she asked once more.
“Coffee!” You two replied together again.
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If it wasn’t for the random 6:30 AM alarm in his phone, Jungkook would have not woken up from his peaceful and satisfying slumber.  He would have slept until noon with how comfortable the whole room was. He groaned as he stretched his arms and legs. For a few more minutes, Jungkook buried his face on the soft pillow he was hugging. After five more minutes, he sat up on the corner of the mattress.
That’s when he realized where he was.
He’s still in your room and he promised to come back in his before everyone wakes up. But he can already hear pop music playing downstairs, indicating that someone or maybe everyone is already up. He put on his slippers, scratching his head. He makes his way to the door and as soon as he steps outside, another door on the floor opens.
“Morning, JK.” Wooshik greeted him.
And it didn’t take Wooshik to notice something unusual. Jungkook watched him look at him to the door then at him again. His best friend squinted at him.
Wooshik raised an eyebrow, “What were you doing in YN’s room?”
Jungkook’s heart stopped for a second. His hold on your door knob tightened as the gear in his brain works quicker than it usually does in the morning. Once he thought of something, he pushed it close.
“I was… looking for Bam. I thought I could take him with me outside.” He reasoned out, that even he is not buying it totally.
“But you look like you just woke up.” Wooshik’s tone is too curious like that Sheldon kid from that show.
“Yeah, I went as soon as I woke up.” Jungkook crossed his arm over his chest. He looked directly at his best friend. That is when he noticed something too. “And what were you doing in Dara’s room?”
They exchanged glares from one another. Jungkook nods his chin in a sassy way while Wooshik squinted his eyes to him. It’s a way to say something like I know that you did something I just cannot prove it.
“I borrowed her charger. I left mine at home.” Wooshik showed the charger he was holding. “Everyone is already downstairs. Dara’s helping Jenny with breakfast.”
He didn’t wait for Jungkook to answer and strolled down the stairs. Jungkook didn’t say anything and followed. The appetizing smell of bacon immediately enters his nostrils as he makes his way to the dining area. That’s when he sees Dara carefully pouring coffee on every empty mug on the table while Jenny fries some bacon. There’s already toast and eggs on the table so Jungkook reached for a slice. Wooshik, who plugged his phone into the living room, entered and sat on the chair opposite his.
“Bam’s already outside, by the way.” He told him.
“Is he?” Jungkook asked, acting naïve.
“Yeah, Blaire and YN are jogging outside.”
“Oh, they are?” Jungkook asked again.
It’s obvious Wooshik is suspicious and teasing him so he teases him back. His best friend glared at him, Jungkook scrunched his nose, taking a bite from his toast. The tension was only broken when Dara asked Wooshik,
“Milk? Sugar?”
“Sugar, please.” He replied, smiling at her. Then, frowning back to Jungkook.
Jungkook mocked, “Shugar, pleash.”
The backdoor to the beach opens, letting the sunshine enter. Bam was the first to come in, wagging his tail as he made his way to Jungkook. Blaire enters, greeting everyone. You followed behind like a ray of sunshine in your boyfriend’s eyes. Your hair bun is now a little loose while your skin glistens through your sweat.
“Now, everyone here. Let’s all have our breakfast.” Dara said, sitting next to Blaire and Wooshik.
You sat next to Jungkook, while on your other side was Blaire. He handed you the plate of scrambled eggs. He also placed two slices of toast on your plate, one with spread butter on top. Everyone began talking about what do they wanted to the whole weekend since you all our staying in the beach house the entire time.
“Can we do bonfire later?”  Dara suggested.
Blaire nods, “Yeah! We can barbecue too and those marshmallows stuff.”
“Then, we should go out later to buy groceries,” Jenny said.
You just listened, enjoying your food and coffee. Many other suggestions were made since everyone is taking their rest days before returning to their lives next week.
“YN, can you pass me the bacon?” Blaire asked.
You did, unaware that your top slightly raised when you moved.
“Is that a tattoo?!” Dara pointed out to the crown on your skin. 
Then, Jenny saw the other one, “Wait, you have two?”
“Three actually.” you smiled, showing off the clock on your wrist.
You seemed proud as they complimented the color of the lilies or the design of the clock. Jungkook hides the growing smile on his lips while sipping in his mug. Also, on the other side of the table, Wooshik was the first one to ask.
“Are there meanings behind them?”
You nodded, “Yes, of course.”
“Well, the tiger lily here represents confidence and good fortune. I like that,” you explained.
“Wait. Jungkook, you have those too right?” Dara asked him.
Jungkook nods and shows off his forearm. “Yeah, right here. YN is just a copycat.”
You rolled your eyes, “For the record, I am not. Someone suggested it to me.”
“Who?” they asked collectively, including Blaire as if she was unaware of who.
Instead of answering the question, you just smiled eating your toast. They groaned. During your Galentines with the girls, you already told them about meeting someone special. And you assume that the news already reached Wooshik.
“It’s her secret boyfriend!” Wooshik exclaimed like he solved a murder mystery.
Again, you didn’t say anything. But your ex[ression is enough to show that you and your love life are currently in a happy state.
“Seriously, when are we gonna meet this guy? You seemed like floating on cloud 9 just thinking of him right now.” Jenny said.
You heard Jungkook chuckle beside you. You secretly pat his lap under the table, stopping him from getting too prideful from what he’s hearing.
“Soon. We’re already talking about planning something so you guys can meet him,” you told them. “Anyway, moving on…”
With you talking about your secret boyfriend, one person at the table cannot help but recall the same statement he heard from Jungkook when he found out about Princess. Wooshik eyes you while pointing to the tattoo on your wrist and Jungkook, who’s just watching everything, specifically you. For the first time, Wooshik noticed how different his best friend looked at you. Jungkook has his head resting on his hand, looking at you like you are the most precious gem in the world. There was this adoration and fondness in his best friend’s eyes as he looked at you. Jungkook’s quiet glance at you speaks so loud that Wooshik feels so dumb that this is the first time he has seen this.
“And what about the crown?” Jenny asked.
You showed off the said tattoo, “Oh, I’ve been feeling lucky and loved lately. You know, like a princess.”
Like a princess.
And that was the confirmation Wooshik got.
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy1985 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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refiwrites · 1 year
Happy Father’s Day
Pairing: ID! Leon S. Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Warning/s: 18+ SMUT MDNI, p in v, unprotected sex, BREEDING, rough sex, creampie, mating press, praising, cockwarming, lmk if i missed anything
Note: It’s father’s day and Leon is the only daddy I know 🤪 sorry this is probably unhinged I just had to write this out rq sorry if its short- and i just HAD TO USE THIS GIF BECAUSE DADDY– also my breeding kink going brrrrr
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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You and Leon were once again entangled on the bed. His muscles tensed under your every touch, breathing becoming uneven and the grunts falling from his lips and yours- along with the hot sloppy kisses you shared.
“Are you really this needy?” He jokes, a little breathless as he sat up on his knees while you were all splayed out in front of him, the sight making him want to bury his throbbing cock inside of you already.
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you stared him as he knelt before you, light sweat drenching both of your bodies but the glow of the afternoon sun hitting him–
It made him look like a fucking god.
But you had something else in store.
The moment Leon’s cock finally sinks in your drenched cunt, both of you moan out in pleasure as Leon supported himself to hover above you, your legs simply locking around his waist as he fucks you in missionary.
“So needy… squeezing me so tight already..” He chuckled, those blue eyes of his never leaving your face as he studied you with every slow thrust he gave.
You bit your lip and laugh with a slight heat to your cheeks.
“I just missed you..” You whisper against him as he moved his hips at a gentle pace. It was killing you. You wanted him to hold you down and fuck you till next week but no– this time you’d take your time, especially with what you had in store.
Leon probably didn’t have a clue what day it is, nor did he even care to as he was buried deep in you, but you knew.
Father’s Day.
Of course the two of you had talked about kids before but with your busy jobs, especially his, it was hard to find time to actually try for one. The two of you had been married for about three years now, settled into your new home and whatnot.
But you’ve seen the way Leon would watch as you two simply walked down the street and he’d spot some parents in the park- or anywhere really- playing with their children, picking them up, witnessing them with the brightest look on their faces.
While Leon looked like he longed for something like that, now with you on the picture. He wanted to have a family, with none other than you. His wife. But his job was a pain in the ass.
You wrap your arms around Leon’s neck, grazing your lip against his skin as you left hot open mouthed kisses, making him groan and put his chest flush against you as his movements slowly began to increase, making you moan out his name, hands tugging on his hair as your eyes rolled back.
The feel of him throbbing and dragging in and out of your soaked walls only made you want it more. Your hands now snaked over his back, pushing his hips down further against you.
Leon felt you clench around him and he chuckled lowly. “God- you- fuck..” He couldn’t even finish his sentence because your cunt was pulling his cock in so deep.
“Shit..” He breathed out as he stared at you with a light furrow to his brows before his eyes closed shut momentarily. “I’m not gonna last long with you doing that- ah..”
That was the plan.
You moaned as his pace finally increased as he sat upright back on his knees, holding your legs apart as he snapped his hips against yours making your body jolt and his hand instantly reaching for your tits, cupping it with his hand and squeezing.
“So fucking beautiful.” He uttured underneath his breath as he went back to grab at your hips to steady himself as he pounds into you. Him lifting your hips up, making him hit a new angle that had you seeing stars and grasping at the sheets.
“Leon- oh fuck yes just like that.” You whine.
The way you were reacting to him as he fucks you never gets old. It was like the first time all over again and he grunted in response, working harder and pressing you against the mattress. His finger slipped in between your legs to rub against your clit.
“O-oh fuck..” You whine out, arching your back as Leon worked for both of your orgasm.
You almost get sidetracked as you could feel him already twitching inside you.
“I’m close sweetheart, need you to cum for me, yeah? I just need to feel you cum for me..” He whispered, leaning back down to lazily kiss you, tongues meeting sloppily as you moaned against the kiss.
You were close, he was too.
Your mind was already buzzing, eager to experience that high but you still had to act. “L-Leon- Leon..” You call out for him in between pants as you held onto his strong arms.
“Y-yeah sweetheart? Fuck I’m so close..” You hear him say but your next words stunned him.
“C-cum inside me..”
Leon’s hips stuttered as he stared at you wide, pupils dilated as he gripped a little too tight on your thighs. “H-huh what..?”
“P-please Leon..” You begged. “F-fill me up.. w-wanna have kids with you..” You were starting to get lost in the pleasure as you rambled on about having kids with him and you wanting him to stuff you full of his cum.
Leon’s brain buzzed and it felt like a switch had been turned on that had his nerves setting aflame as he let out almost a growl.
“Fuck, sweetheart..” He was still holding back from folding you and fucking you until you were dripping of him as he tried to gather himself. “Y-you want this? You want me to cum inside you? Fuck a baby into you? Holy- fuck- shit..” His mind was racing.
You couldn’t respond further but you tried as you nodded desperately. “Yes- Yes Leon!”
“Fuck- thank you sweetheart- gonna cum inside you-“ Leon couldn’t believe it- the tiredness was washed out of his body, replaced by the need to shoot his load in you, his eyes glued to your belly, his mind already engaged in scenarios of your baby bump growing and he lets out a loud grunt of exertion.
His newfound energy being put to good use as he suddenly lifted your legs up, folding you, his arms grasping at the back of your knees as he held you in place as you continued to clench around him.
“Thank you baby- fuck I’ve wanted this for so long..” he managed to groan out as he fucks even deeper inside you. “I’m gonna make you a fucking mommy- you’re gonna be so good…”
All you could do was moan out your replies as he talked to you that way, the coil in your stomach bound to snap. “Leon- I’m so close- p-please..”
“Hold on, sweetheart… wanna do it together..” he breathily says as he leaned down and captured your lips, you kissing back without thought.
“A-alright come on- let go for me sweetheart- fuck! I’m- ah fuck cumming!” He moaned in your ear as his whole body stilled, his thighs shaking a little as he finally came inside you, the feeling making him dizzy a little.
When it did, you cried out in pleasure as your body spasms against his. “Yes- oh yes..” You chant out along with his name as you held him close, rolling your eyes back as he twitched inside you, spilling the last of his hot ropes in your walls.
It took a while as Leon grunted in your ear, breathing out and leaving a kiss on your neck as he shuddered at the sudden sensitivity of his cock.
“That- thank you sweetheart..” He whispers, chuckling as he carefully tried to pull away but you shook your head and held him in place as you bought your legs down.
“O-oh? You want me to stay inside you..?” Leon asked, you really never failed to take his breath away.
With your mind clouded with pleasure, you nod and he shakes his head with a smile, brushing stray hairs away from your face as he was careful to lay beside you whilst keeping himself sheathed inside you as he lets you hike your leg around him. Both of you catching your breath and Leon still couldn’t believe what happened.
“Did you really mean that..?” He asks once his breathing calmed down as he looked at you intently. You blinked up at him and nod, leaning in and kissing his jaw as you snuggled against him, the feeling of being so full of him making you sigh in content. “Yes, I did..”
Leon broke out into a wide grin, sending a kiss to your forehead as he pulled you closer. It seemed like every worry slipped away from him in that moment at the thought of finally getting to have this with you. “You’re amazing..” was all he managed to say as he let his lips linger against your head.
Tiredness was seeping into you as your eyelids droop close, not without you saying one last thing to Leon.
“Happy father’s day, honey.”
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veritasangel · 3 months
Picture This
ft. Gojo Satoru
⋆ ˚。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: nsfw content {mdni}
↣ fingering, oral (receiving), provocative photos, brief mention of recording. non curse au
wc: 969
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Photographer! Gojo is such a flirt, he can’t help it. He's a bit of an arrogant sleaze but you can't help but love him, ego and all.
And when you, his sweet and beloved friend ask him for some photos, of course he agrees.
“So what are we doing? Headshots for your new job or something?” He asks casually.
“Um, actually I was thinking of a boudoir shoot.”
His surprise is evident by the sputtering of his drink, almost choking on his coffee. His head lifts as he looks at you in disbelief. “Sorry- What did you just say?”
“...Boudoir shoot.”
“Okay- So I’m not imagining those words coming out of your mouth then, yeah?” He quips, clearing his throat as he raises his eyebrows slightly, “...Who are they for?”
“That’s not important.”
“Right.” He places the coffee mug down on his kitchen counter, “Out of photographer mode then. Friend to friend, who are these for?”
“Just myself.” You mumble, silently regretting asking him now.
“For yourself? Since when did you want photos like that?” He asks, incredulously.
“I don’t know, I just thought it might be a confidence boost.”
He pretends to consider your request but he already knows he’s gonna agree, especially when he can feel himself harden at just the thought.
Pushing his crude thoughts aside, he truly is a great photographer and takes his craft seriously.
You change into a few risqué pieces and he makes sure everything is perfect from lighting and angles to placements and positioning. He takes quite a few photos, showing you some every now and then and sharing his genuine thoughts.
But he could only stay professional for so long, especially when he’d pictured you like this more times than he's proud of, with only his hand to satiate him.
“Maybe you could pull your strap down a little.” He bites his lip in concentration, “Like this-” he leans in to gently tug your bra strap down so it’s off your shoulder.
He changes your position until he’s pleased with it and turns his focus back to the camera, looking at you through the lens, “You’ll have to let me keep some of these for my personal collection…You know, just so I can admire my work.” He teases and you roll your eyes at his unashamed forwardness.
“Stop being a perv.” You laugh as the two of you continue the shoot and as time goes on, the pictures become more and more provocative. He swears it’s all appropriate, whatever makes the photos shine, he claims.
And it's definitely still professional when he tugs your panties to the side, index finger slipping through your folds ever so slightly. His free hand still adjusting the camera that’s on the bed.
“I’m giving you a free photoshoot here, might as well get as much out of it as you can. I’m not a cheap hire.” He teases as you hear the shutter of the camera, the vulnerability causing a light shiver to cross your skin. You know damn well he’s lying through his teeth, but you can’t bring yourself to complain when he leans closer, stubble tickling your skin as he begins to suck on your clit.
“Toru- I, fuck-”
He grins, as he licks along your slit, two fingers pushing inside you as he goes down on you. It’s messy, sloppy, like he’s been craving the taste of you for years and you’d laugh at the desperation if his tongue and fingers weren’t causing your brain to almost short circuit.
He pulls back momentarily as he tugs at your panties, waiting for you to lift your hips so he can pull them off you completely. Tossing them to the side before his hand resumes its position, with him hovering above you to pull you in for a kiss.
“Bein’ nice enough to give you a free shoot, it’s only fair that I get something out of it, no?” he drawls as he bites your lip hard enough to draw blood, causing you to moan softly, a sound that he swallows as he kisses you, tongue meeting yours.
Much to your despair, he pulls back, trailing kisses along your jaw and down your neck as he continues, “You know, I’ve always found that photos can be misleading." he nibbles on your neck, before his tongue smooths it over, Sometimes it takes a video to truly capture the raw emotion.”
You tilt your head back, allowing him more access, “In your dreams.” you manage to whisper breathlessly.
He smirks, fingers pumping faster inside you and revelling in the noises it causes you to make. “It was worth a shot, no pun intended.” he jokes.
The camera, forgotten for the moment, lay discarded on the bed as Satoru focused on pleasing you, his cherished muse, feeling the warm slick of your arousal coating his fingers as your hips bucked up into his hand, wanting to be as close to him as possible. 
His thumb dexterously circled your clit, finding that sweet spot that sent jolts of pleasure through your body. His other fingers remained deep inside you, curling right against your g-spot as he quickened his movements.
You felt the familiar tightening in your core, your body convulsing as you reached your climax, the pleasure radiating out from your core as you cried out his name.
Satoru continued to pleasure you until the shudders subsided. He leaned in to gently kiss your forehead as he pulled his fingers out of your core, pressing them to your lips as he waited for you to open. A low groan escaping him as you took his fingers into your mouth, your eyes remaining on his. 
He chuckled at the shakiness of your legs as he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, gently caressing your thigh with them, “I suppose my photographic memory will have to suffice.”
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↣ this was supposed to be a proper piece but I got lazy...
↣ this was also originally written for jean kirstein so if it's ooc... :/
༄ jjk m.list
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chapter one: the bolter
pairing: Bucky barnes x plus-sized!reader
summary: Six months ago, you were appointed to be Head Nurse to the Avengers by Tony Stark. Every day, you count your lucky stars, knowing the horrible past you quickly ditched back in England. It holds you back, restrains you, from getting close to anyone when on your new job.
That's until you met and fell in love with Bucky Barnes. The supposed assassin with a heart of gold, who seems to be eager to get to know you. To peel back your layers piece by piece, but could you trust him once you're laid before him raw and vulnerable?
warnings: language, self deprecation, mentions of school bullying(?)
word count: 1.6k
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! I used to write fan fiction a few years back as a weird, lonely teenager, and this is me making a comeback! I have a few original works I like to write, but that's about it. I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for a while, but I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please feel free to comment any plot theories or thoughts! :)
Pathetic fallacy is a fucking bitch. Steve’s been away for a day or two, off to Wakanda, and everyone’s here, faces sour over grey clouds and heavy downpour, busy making preparations for the big day. He says that his best friend is coming home, finally, where he belongs.
Everyone’s heard of this best friend in question — James Buchanan Barnes. Your friends are a bit skeptical, afraid he’ll come with his eyes painted as dark as the night sky and his hair long in some lab rat’s defiance. You can’t help but fear the same.
When you were hired to work as a nurse in the Tower’s infirmary, you’d kept to yourself. It’s a wonder anyone’s wanting to give you a job after the way you were fired from your last one, let alone Tony fucking Stark, taking pity and picking you off the streets of a foreign country. You’re currently perched on a wobbly stepladder, trying your best to not fall headfirst as you stand vulnerable, trying to push the damn pin into the sign that reads Welcome Home, Bucky! In sloppy, maroon handwriting made entirely by you, ever since you heard it was his favourite colour.
You wonder if it could’ve been a poor choice considering the striking resemblance to blood — the same colour as your shirt, white coat long forgotten over the back of the couch in the main communal living area. 
“Here, let me help you with that,” comes a gruff voice from beside you. 
“Oh no, I’m fine, honestly. Can you go check to see if the quinjet’s landed?” You glance down, and directly into deep blue, entranced by the hypnotic hue. No dark paint, hair cropped messy over the crown of his head. Dressed in a sweater the same colour as yours, and you could’ve sworn it’s like fate. 
“Bucky,” you breathed. Bucky? What is he already doing here? He’s not supposed to be for another hour or two? These are just some of your racing thoughts as you examine his face, looking as bright as fucking sunshine. And then you stumble, the ladder giving out from under you and you yelp, expecting to come plummeting to the cold, hard ground. And instead, warm arms envelop you instead, holding you firm to his chest as you struggle to find the words.
“Sorry! Sorry, I don’t usually fall like this I promise.” He looks directly at you, and you register he hasn’t set you down yet, still holding on tightly. He laughs, the vibrations igniting something inside your chest, the flame spreading itself all over your cheeks.
“Don’t worry about it. What’s your name, beautiful?” He gently helps you place your feet on the floor, and you find yourself desperate to cling to his warmth once again but letting him go, blushing at his compliment. As if it couldn’t get any worse, he’s probably a smooth charmer, fuck. You stumble a little bit over your words as you give him your name and he runs it over his tongue.
Has your name always sounded this pretty? Especially spoken in that gruff, heavenly voice of his?
“I, I thought you weren’t supposed to be here for another hour, we’re still setting—.” You look around, only to find the room completely empty and every decoration in its perfect place, save the ladder now laying on its side in one corner.  When had everyone finished, and why have they all just left?
“They’re all talking to Steve.” He attaches your name at the end of it like a newly discovered drug he’s desperate for another hit of. You tilt your head, a million questions on the tip of your tongue.
“It was really loud in there. Steve takes all the attention anyway, so I used that moment to sneak out.” Your heart breaks for him. This was supposed to be his party, but you offer him some reassurance instead.
“Well, I know we just met but when they all come piling in here to give you a big hug and bring all the noise with them, you can come to me. I know what it’s like, but for now…welcome home!” You awkwardly gesture to the sign behind you, giving him jazz hands. He chuckles and nods his head in thanks, making you smile. 
“Now what’s your favourite baked treat? I heard you like just basic brownies?” His grin only widens. “Yeah, I do love basic brownies.” You gasp in joy, glad to get it right, practically skipping to wrap one and hand it to him. 
He tentatively takes it from your hands, ensuring they brush and one more spark flies into the raw distance between you and him, and you don’t miss the way his beautiful ocean eyes flutter at the contact. You clasp your suddenly sweaty palms around each other, patiently waiting for him to take a bite, and the second his pearly teeth dig into the sweet treat in a way that makes your heart run hot, the noise arrives. 
A cacophony of shouts and cheers make the both of you flinch as Steve walks up to his best friend, attacking him in a hug. “So happy you’re back Bucky!” And takes a bite out of the brownie in his hand as he turns to me, moaning.
“Did you make this? It tastes amazing, dear.” You beam at his praise, nodding along when your eyes fall back on the ladder, long forgotten in the now crowded room. You wouldn’t say you’re lonely, after all, Natasha and Wanda are some of your best friends in your current situation, but they’re almost always off on missions and all the nurses love to talk about is the Star Spangled Man they’d just die to get in their beds. When you first arrived, you were almost always found silently chuckling in the corner, always wanting what you can’t have. Now, your days are always busy, being jetted off on missions once Tony finished the extensive background check on you and letting you figure out who you work the best with. But still, all the days staying silent and to yourself have left you quite…left out. Even as the masses party around you, you feel oddly still. Stagnant, almost.
“Sorry guys, I’ll be right back, I need to go put the ladder away.” You point, and both super soldiers follow your finger, when Bucky interrupts.
“It looks really heavy, let me carry it for you,” he all but begs, a pleading look in his eyes to be taken away from all this din. You glance at Steve who doesn’t argue, letting his gorgeous friend do whatever the fuck he wants. The look on his face is smug and omniscient, as if privy to a secret you’re on the outside of when he glances between you and Bucky. 
You decide to take mercy on his poor soul. “That would be lovely thank you.” You smile politely, moving off in the direction of the bright yellow ladder, trying your best to not stare at Bucky’s bulging muscles rippling beneath his sweater with your mouth so wide open. And to ignore the heat in the pit of your belly at the ease with which he does so, as if the hunk of metal you struggled with for an hour is only a feather to him. 
You lead him to the storage room in silence, thinking it best to not overwhelm him with questions in a saccharine tone. “Thank you, I know it’s really heavy.” You stand in the doorway as he walks up to meet you, and you push yourself as hard as you can against the doorframe so he can pass, but he hovers. Inches away from you. You stare up into his beautiful eyes, taking a quiet moment to admire his pulchritude. Full lips more pink than a spring flower, stubble just enough to catch on your hand if you were to touch him. Cheekbones carved by the careful hands of the Gods themselves, so well-versed in human attraction. How is anyone not to fall in love with him when he can haunt you so stunningly? 
You’re so lost in him you don’t register the lean of his body closer to you, intent on studying your face right back, hellbent on memorising the constellations of your moles and spots. You swallow dryly, unsure of what to do. Is the tension so palpable that he feels it too? Surely not.
Being the way you are, you’re no stranger to rejection. Or to have nobody feel anything for you in the desolate wasteland of your youth, all the nights you’ve screamed at the sky to feel just one genuine connection and all the days you’ve tried to accept it and move on. It’s not the people around you, they are the understanding ones, and apart from one man, someone is yet to treat you like you fear they would.
But someone is yet to truly love you. To truly want you. 
And you highly doubt it’s going to be Bucky Barnes, man whose house can be found in the highest echelons of heaven. Stick to safer things, you try to remind yourself but when your eyes fall back into his, that flies straight out the window. You find yourself not caring, wanting to try anyway. You—
“You’re really pretty, you know that?” The words fly past his lips before he can stop them, and your cheeks turn crimson. Maybe he’s the cruel sort — trying to hook you onto him just so he can laugh when you beg for a fix. At your desperation, at the naive hope you’d hold onto with your dear life that he could feel the same high as you on even the tiniest morsel. 
The taunts of children on playgrounds still echo in your ears, all these eons later. 
So you do the only thing that feels familiar and right.
You run away, and in your haste miss the longing, confused stare he gives the path you take.
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luveline · 2 years
Jade! For AU’s could I request a Roan and Eddie b where reader has to go away for a couple days for work and when she comes back home Roan cries happy tears and Eddie is all :0
thank you for your request! eddie and roan ♥︎ fem!reader 2k words
You absolutely do not want to go away for work. You love your life and you hate your job, and it actually feels like a nightmare situation. If it weren't paid you'd probably quit rather than go. But it is paid, and you need the money for the wedding.
Or rather, the honeymoon, the familymoon, to somewhere fancy. White sands, a waterpark. You'd already bought Roan the cutest swimsuit with pink skirts and a bow, and a towel with a hood that makes her look like a dolphin, and those jelly shoes that change colour in the sun. Basically, she's ready for a vacation, except you haven't gotten around to buying the actual vacation yet. 
And so. Work conference. Paid handsomely. 
Leaving Eddie and Roan behind for a full five days. 
It's been a very, very long time since you spent that many days apart. 
Eddie is supportive. "Don't get me wrong, sweetheart, I'm gonna miss you like crazy, but you'll be okay. There are phones in Phoenix." 
"I won't be okay, Eddie," you say swiftly, "I will not be okay. I will miss you so much, I'll probably die." 
He laughs at your conviction. "I'll miss you too, but you won't die. You'll be making the big bucks, bringing home the bacon." 
Roan sleeps in the backseat. Your flight is a late one and she'd insisted she wanted to see you off. She hadn't been able to fight the lulling rumble of the car. You're glad that she's sleeping — you'll descend into tears if you have to say goodbye to her. 
"This sucks," you mumble, sinking down into the passenger seat. 
Eddie reaches over the console to grab a rough handful of your thigh. "This sucks," he echoes. He gives you a squeeze. "Are those new jeans?" 
"You were with me when I bought them. I tried them on for you."  
He gives you another squeeze. "You sure?" 
"Yeah, you said if I didn't get them you'd break up with me." 
His smile turns sheepish. "Who, me? I wouldn't say that." 
You cover his hand. The airport comes into view, a hulking, towering building that blocks the sun. The irony isn't lost on you. 
"Slow down so I can kiss you," you say. 
"Why do I havta slow down?" 
"You'll crash the car." 
"What kind of kiss are we talking?" 
You laugh and unbuckle your belt to climb on knees. It is an entirely unsafe manoeuvre that you wouldn't normally do but you're sick with missing him already and Roan isn't awake to see it. You slide your hand into his hair and tilt his head. 
"Keep your eyes on the road, okay?" you murmur.
You're delighted to hear his breathless reply, "Okay." 
You kiss his cheek, his jaw, all the way down to his chin. He turns his face toward you and you refuse to let him in case you end up in a bender, trying for lovely and ending up sloppy. "Sorry, I think I just slobbered on you," you say into his cheek, punctuating with a last firm peck. You sit back properly and tuck his hair behind his ears. "I love you." 
"I love you, too, weirdo," he says, eyes flitting between you and the road, creased soft with his smile. 
He pulls up to the curb. He can't park here, so you rush around to the trunk, grab your suitcase and wizz to the driver's side to kiss him again through the window.
"I love you," you say quickly, "I love you. Tell Ro I'm sorry, and I miss her, and I'll be home so fast and we are going to Hawaii." 
"We are not going to Hawaii." 
"Pick somewhere while I'm away and that's where we'll go. Tell Roan."  
He reaches for your hand through the window and kisses your fingers. "I love you, sweetheart. Have a safe flight. We'll be right here when you get back, okay? Chill out." 
Eddie's lying in bed missing you so much it's driving him crazy when Roan climbs up onto the bed and flops on top of him. 
"Dad, you have a case of the frownies," Roan informs helpfully, draping herself over his lap with her handheld fan sputtering away. 
"I'm fine." 
She turns the fan toward his face, a pleasant break from the stuffy humidity today. She has a case of the frownies too. 
"When's she coming back?" Roan asks for the millionth time. 
Eddie checks his watch. "Uh, sixteen hours." 
He sighs morosely. "Tomorrow, babe." 
"Did you find a new country?" 
He hooks his hands under her armpits and forces her into a hug she didn't ask for but melts against anyways. Her hair is soft under his mouth, and he lays kisses across the top of her head until he feels like he's gonna sneeze. "I give up. If she wants to go on vacation, she has to choose." 
"Dad, that's lazy." 
"I'm allowed to be lazy. You're lazy all the time." Then, because he's trying hard to be a good dad all the time, "You're not lazy, baby, I'm sorry. I'm just cranky." 
"You miss Y/N." 
He pats her back. "Yep." 
He seems to be missing you a lot more than Roan is. While she'd cried when she woke up and realised you'd already left, she's been okay since then. Eddie supposes it's not too different from the life they'd lived before you met. 
Still, he'd expected more. He remembers when Roan was a little younger and she'd cry every time you went home. Funny how the home you'd go to is now their home too.  
"Do you want burgers tonight?" he asks. 
Roan cheers. "Yes!" 
He swings her over his shoulder and carries her squealing down stairs to the kitchen. Her handheld fan gets lost somewhere on the landing. 
He sits her on the countertop and gives her a plastic knife, instructing that she chop the lettuce as he cuts the onions. The frying pan warms, and soon the kitchen is fragrant with the smell of hot oil, caramelised onions and melty cheese. 
They eat standing up. It reminds him of the old days and the nostalgia is nice, but he can't lie to himself. He misses you. He wishes you were here. 
"Babe-" He says, laughing through a mouthful. Roan's got cheese in a huge, impossible stripe over her left cheek. He peels it off using his index knuckle. Roan ignores him, munching through crispy lettuce and tomato with a huge smile on her face. 
"Good?" he asks. 
"So good! You make the best burgers." 
He gives her a slightly greasy kiss on the cheek. "Why, thank you. You chop the best lettuce." 
"And the tomatoes!" 
"And the tomatoes." 
He drops his burger onto the chopping board they're using as a plate and wipes his hand before grabbing her legs to pin her in place. Sure she won't topple forward or sideways into the hot stove top, he reaches around her to toggle on the radio. It's already on a rock station, not necessarily his taste but listenable, and after a few more bites of burger and a glass of juice Roan is bobbing her head happily. 
He doesn't expect her to eat it all and she doesn't, picking out the rest of her vegetables and eating what's left of the cheese. He heats her up another slice and lets her eat it with a spoon. 
Before he starts on the dishes, he picks her up and helps her wash her slimy hands in the sink. He turns the faucet up too high and they both laugh as they're sprayed in cold water, shirts wet, faces damp.
Roan literally screams. Eddie slaps off the faucet and whips her around, and there you are in the doorway with your suitcase and the world's biggest smile. 
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" you ask, peeling off your jacket and throwing it across the bannister. "I thought I said no fun while I was away?" 
Roan drops like a stone out of his arms and hurtles toward you, leaving a trail of water drops on the floor as she goes. You gasp happily and drag her up the length of you, your shirt tucked between your bodies. He's missed you, that little slip of tummy on display, the way you wrap your arms around Roan like she's made of marshmallow, the way your laugh lights up the room. 
"Roanie," you coo, dropping a kiss into her cheek, "my girl, I've missed you so much." 
And that's when Roan bursts into tears. 
Eddie gawps, horrified, and sidles up to you to help. He tucks your shirt back down over your tummy and covers the bump of it with his hand, the other sliding perfect between your shoulders. "Roan?" he asks softly. 
Roan is inconsolable. It's startling, the ferocity and thickness of her tears, fat teardrops rolling down her cheeks as she sobs and fists her hands in the neckline of your t-shirt. You look up to Eddie and frown in question. He has no answers for you. 
"Sh, sh, princess," you whisper, hand behind her head. You start to sway slowly, the smallest movements from left to right. "It's okay, baby." 
"I missed you," Roan sobs out, arms sliding around your neck. She clings to you hard.
"I missed you too!" you rush to say. "I missed you so much, Roan, I'm so sorry. I wanted to come home every single day, I promise."
"I missed you," she says again.
Eddie knows the difference between Roan's crying. There's angry tears during a tantrum, and sick tears when she's not feeling well. There's crocodiles when she doesn't get her way, and the quiet, quick tears after a sad movie. 
There are happy tears, like when you went to her mother's day class performance, and there are sad tears, like when she realised you'd left for phoenix. Eddie thinks these tears might be a mixture of the two, plus a smidge of good old fashioned overwhelmedness. Big feelings in a little body. 
You drop your lips to her head and kiss her between gentle reassurances. Eddie would help, but he honestly thinks you have it covered. 
"Please don't go away soon," Roan says. 
You smile. "I'm not going anywhere." 
Eddie smashes his cheek to your temple and tries to hug you and Roan both at the same time. 
A little later, when Roan is wiped but insistent on sitting in your lap anyways, dozing face pressed to your chest, you start a conversation in whispers. "Eddie, you said she was okay!" 
He turns from the frying pan in front of him where your burger is browning, helpless. "Sweetheart, I genuinely thought she was!" 
"Don't sweetheart me," you say, a little less incensed. Your anger isn't real, anyhow. Your exasperation, however. 
"Sweetheart," he says again, because he can, because you're home, "she was doing okay. Guess she missed you more than she was willing to show." 
You look down at Roan, pretty much lovesick. Your shoulders deflate with relief. "I missed her. I missed you both. That was…" You scratch your nails through Roan's hair, lost in thought. 
He turns back to your burger. "We missed you too." 
He serves up your food with a kiss, and then another when he remembers how long it's been since the last. 
"Did you at least pick where we're going for the honeymoon?" 
Eddie sits down heavily in the seat beside you and beams. "No, not even slightly." 
Your answering groan makes him laugh, and the pit framed from your absence in his chest steadily refills. 
"Hey!" he defends himself. "You came home early."
more eddie and roan
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slamminslamminmcgill · 8 months
Hear me out, Joel quite but rough fucking you while you’re hiding out in a new place (I keep thinking about him with a piss kink but I don’t think I can come up with a scenario where he’d have one, I think he might be an exception🥲)
i wrote a little bit about that first idea here. it’s short but just a couple thoughts abt it
and not to worry brother i got some ideas for joel piss >:3
warning: piss, degradation/humiliation, spit, face slapping, a little bit of intox (alcohol), squirting mention, daddy kink (i feel like that’s just synonymous with me posting joel at all tbh)
anatomical terms: pussy/cunt
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there’s 2 main reasons he likes it
1.) messiness - he’s already a fan of sloppy sex, whether it be him spitting on you, blowing a few loads on/in you, or just your makeup running while you’re squirting your fucking brains out, he loves seeing how disheveled he can get you. covering you with piss is another way to do that
2.) degradation - having you so addicted to his cock that you’d do whatever he says no matter how humiliating. and you BET he’s gonna rub it in
“dirty fuckin’ whore. you’ll just let me do anything to you, won’t ya?” SMACK “bet i could piss all over this pretty face, and you’d like it. prolly beg me for more, even.”
he says that in jest, but when you’re receptive to it, he’s pleasantly surprised.
“oh shit, for real? goddamn. knew you were a freaky bitch.”
he is NOT properly hydrated sorry. his piss is yellow and strong welcome to flavortown. he likes making you drink it if you can. but if you can’t he’ll be nice and just give you a hot golden shower 💛 how sweet of him
orrrr he’ll just stick his cock down your throat and piss like that. you won’t have to taste it if it completely bypasses your tongue hehe
if you ARE able to handle the taste, he’ll give you a mouthful and hold your jaw open so he can spit into it. then he’ll say
“flush it down, slut.”
loves praising you after, but ofc it’s backhanded compliments. he knows you need positive reinforcement, but he can’t have you getting too full of yourself.
“good boy. such a good little pisspig for your daddy, aren’t’cha, boy? nasty little cunt, drinkin’ all his daddy’s piss like that. ‘m proud of ya.”
he wants to try going a full day where every time he has to piss, he does it in your mouth. daddy needs to keep his baby hydrated 🥰
OOOOO WHAT IF WHAT IF what if y’all are both shitfaced drunk and you’re fucking in the shower. he’s got you bent over, his cock buried to the hilt in your pussy, and he just. goes still.
you look back over your shoulder at him, “joel? what’re you-?”
“shhh,” he grabs you by the hair and smushes your face into the wet tile wall, “don’t fuckin’ move.”
he doesn’t say any more than that. you’re left wondering what the he’ll he means by that, until you feel heat swelling inside you, filling you up and putting pressure on your cunt from the inside out.
you gasp and shake when you realize what he’s doing, “a-ah! joel! joel, that’s-“
he just squeezes your hips tighter against him, “told you not to fuckin’ move.” he lets out a deep sigh as he empties his bladder inside you. “s’okay, babe. daddy’s almost done…”
by the time he finishes, you feel like you’re about to burst, you’re so full. then he slowly withdraws his hips, and all that heat comes rushing out of you. it’s such a sweet relief, it has you drooling down the shower wall. and it makes your cunt so slick and slippery when he fucks the rest out of you
ofc he’ll wash you off after. lots of hugs and kisses and REAL praise to thank you for indulging him 🥹
“good job, sweetheart. did so good for me. let’s get you cleaned up now, alright?”
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coastbycoast101 · 8 months
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Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer
No, I wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure
Cw:Officer nanami, Pet names like "princess, good girl, baby" sloppy blowjob. Nanami cupping her breasts. A very creamy creampie ;)!!.Reader getting her back blowed 🫣🤭Nanami being so coquette 🎀🎀 FEM reader
tried out something new :33
Authors note 📝: I would recommend listening to Playing Dangerous — Lana Del Rey while reading to this <3
Word count: 864
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Nanami loves his job.
Suddenly your car got pulled over, the time was 10:46 PM.
As you waited, you heard a knock on your window. You rolled it down looking up seeing a 6 foot tall man. Damn he was fine.
Her eyes lingered over to his slender veiny hands. She noticed he has a ring on his finger, and that he had a notepad in front of him signaling he was writing her a ticket!
"Hello ma'am, you were going 50 over the speed limit, did you notice that by any chance?"
"No, m' sorry officer I didn't notice.. is there anything I can do? I don't want a ticket..
"Well, I can't just let you go without a ticket but there might be something we can negotiate," he said with a smirk. He leaned in closer to her window.
she kneeled down, her knees rubbing against the concrete highway road. She wrapped her hands around his cock, hesitating.. she then gave a kitten lick to his slit making him let out a deep groan.
"Just like that..," he groaned. "Take it all the way in, use your tongue too... Fuck"
she opened wide and took his entire length into her warm mouth, gagging slightly but not stopping. Her tongue swirled around his head, massaging it gently before moving downwards towards his base. She heard him moan softly in pleasure, feeling confident by the way he sounded.
"Good girl, suck harder," he panted.
She gagged as she deep throated his cock, taking him all in like she promised as he leaned over her. She reached one of her hands to her wet panties, rubbing her clit through the fabric.
"That's a good girl," he praised, thrusting his hips forward into her mouth making her whimper. he moved his left hand to cup her right breast, squeezing it firmly while massaging her nipple between his thumb and index finger.
She arched her back slightly, moaning as her orgasm built up in anticipation as she fingered herself. Watching her pleasure herself, he could feel himself getting closer to cumming already.
He knew this was wrong, but the thrill of being caught made blood go to his cock.
"Do you like being my little whore? Do you want more?" he asked harshly yet there was a hint of desire in his voice.
she nodded her head quickly, eager too see what he would do to her. She thought of awfully lewd stuff making her clit throb.
"Good girl," he praised, his voice thick with desire. "Now, take off your top and show me those tits of yours."
Reluctantly, she complied, unfastening her bra and throwing it aside as she stood up.
"That's better," he praised, reaching over to cup one of her breasts in his hand. He squeezed it roughly, eliciting a gasp from her before moving onto the other breast.
"Turn around now, face away from me." He ordered her in a deep sulky voice that sure made lots of women besides her panties drop.
she turned her face away from him as she leaned on the car. His hand stroked his cock before rubbing his tip up and down her folds making squelching noises. She reached her hand down to discard her lacy panties making it easier for him to slide in.
"Now, spread those legs apart for me princess," he commanded.
With shaking hands, she complied, giving him a clear view of her wet and swollen pussy. He positioned himself at her entrance before slowly pushing inside her tight hole, groaning as he felt how hot and ready she was.
"Oh fuck, you're so tight," he praised, his hips starting to roll faster. Each powerful thrust brought moans of pleasure from both of them. In response, she reached in front of her and grabbed onto the car door handle tightly, arching her back into his rhythm.
"feels so good nami"she whimpered as her ass clapped against his pelvis. A red tint displayed across his face as he eyes the way his cock slid into her pussy.
"Tell me you want it," he growled, pounding into her mercilessly. "I... I need it," she panted, her voice trembling with desire. "Please, don't stop."
He picked up the pace even faster, his balls slapping against her ass in sync as he felt them tighten with each thrust. Sweat trickled down their bodies, mixing together as they lost themselves in their animalistic lust.
"Cum for me, baby," he groaned, his orgasm building rapidly. "Cum hard fer' me"
"nami... m' cummin, oh my god" she whimpered as her cunt made more squelching noises. Her pussy clenched around him as a creamy substance began to form at the base of his cock.
"That's it, cum for me," he groaned, feeling her walls tightening around his cock. With one final thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, holding her there as he emptied himself into her.
"Ahhh— fuck yessss," he moaned, his hips bucking wildly. "So fuckin good.."
After several long moments of their shared ecstasy, they finally came down from their high. Breathing heavily, he pulled out of her, leaving a trail of their combined juices on her thighs.
"Now then, I think we can forget about that ticket today," he said, zipping up his pants and re-fastening his belt. 
She nodded her head as they both dressed themselves back appropriately. She opened her car door sitting down. Nanami then wrote on the notepad his number.
"thank you officer" she said in a innocent voice. She looked up at him before driving off.
Nanami knew you weren't speeding in the first place.
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Nanami as a police officer is so hot like :3
Currently taking requests!!!
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lieforyou · 10 months
Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai, x fem!Reader // somewhat smut or lime
About: reader makes out/eats cake out of the characters mouth
( sorry if this is badly written:p) mentions of abuse relationships!
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Osamu you’re beloved boyfriend
Honestly you’re relationship was somewhat stable in a way( couldn’t say it was the healthiest but it was near ok
Only thing tho was his ex drive was crazy
He’s a tease ,loves keeping people on there toes
Doesn’t 10x more on you
Can never win him over it’s something about him that’s so unpredictable about his charm
He was always done to sometimes try new “things” when you guys would have sexual tension forms sometimes
So why not try something new? He wouldn’t mind right?
Dazai was a bit busy with paperwork, he wasn’t always a lazy man he took his job seriously as-well.
Everyone was on their lunch break but some would stay to eat or talk to their coworkers.
You saw Dazai working on his computer and files he didn’t seem that stress but he doesn’t have enough time for you,usually tends to spend more time at home with you more occasionally .
Couldn’t think tho about a couple of days ago where he was teasing you’re body parts like some type of toy nearly almost fingering you.
He teased you but he didn’t actually do it.
You made up a plan it was lunch time and everyone was surprisingly gone to go out to eat or take a break from work.
You decide to leave and buy a cake a strawberry cake it was medium length with tiny strawberries on top within butter cream frosting
Looked so yummy!
You walked towards the agency
You saw dazai sigh as he shut of his computer ready to live to either find you or meet up with atsushi or just go to grab a coffee or something
“Dazai~” you said as you grinned with the cake in youre hands
“Hm? Ah Donna! I’ve been looking everywhere for you where we’re you… also what’s with the cake? “
Dazai said coming towards you with a slight smile but along with a raised eyebrow
“ I wanna feed you!” As you said grinning with a childish attitude
“feed me don’t you think that’s a bit childish? I mean I take the offer Donna but really?” Dazai raised an eyebrow looking a bit questioned on what you meant
Soon he realized when you meant “feed” didn’t mean actually feeding you more like making out saliva cake gulping his tongue down with cake feeding
He moans as you sucked his tongue with cake all over his face including yours
He’s hard super hard he stained his pants already with pre cum type hard it made gif leak through his light brownish colored pants
You been doing this for the past 1 hour in half
“Mmm a…ah baby~ please I need it right now please fuck…” he groaned from you making out with him with saliva,smashed cake,tongue,everything as sloppy as ever!
“Mmm I told you where not done until I finish the Cake fully Osamu..”. You moan in his mouth as you can feel strawberry flavor tongued
Quite the event out going time on that day
Chuuya was such a sweetheart but he wasn’t the best boyfriend to be fair he had some issues that he couldn’t really handle
But he tried his best
his sex drive was somewhat high somewhat low
He never had time to touch you sense he was a big part of the port mafia
He tried spending time with you at least
Port mafias anniversary was tomorrow and you where so proud of you’re boyfriend rather less then the organization itself,why not reward him?.
Chuuyas tie had completely be undone his expensive “suit” was covered in red velvet cake and saliva along with spit
His hair was a mess
room was aired with lust and love including moans and kissing sounds
You where on his lap sucking his tongue as you’re face was covered in cake to further to his
The cake dripped down to his neck as you licked it and gave him hickies making him grunt aswell as low moans came from him
“Fuck d-…..doll…Ngh~ …Ah~mmmmph” he was cut of by mouth kissing by you as his mouth tasted like red velvet cake and wine he been drinking earlier
He was hard to hard he wanted to fuck you so bad
You’re panties where wet really wet like a river
Lucky his pants where black you couldn’t see much as his length had already leaked out of his boxers.
How did you get him to this?
No idea
I guess he can’t say no to his pretty girl
Even tho he thought you where gonna share whine with cake and cuddle
He thought wrong
Not until you stuff cake like a pig in youre mouth sitting on him like you where about to ride him smashing you’re lips into his as you full on made out with him like a momma bird feeding her baby birds
Ah Demon Fyodor
How lovely
Ok so
Yeah so like
Fyodor is just Fyodor
Ok but all that aside you’re Relationship was not healthy
It’s the truth
He didn’t really try to change for you maybe he would consider it maybe he did time to actually put in the effort
But over all it was always the toxic situation over you and him
Love is love no matter what form right?(wrong)
Fyodor was always in his own world he didn’t really have time for you
First place why get in a relationship with him again?
 you saw that it was his birthday soon
You missed you’re dear fedya so much you needed him so bad
He always hated the ideal of sex tho it wouldn’t benefit him he would hate the idea of it being sinful of such acts
But to be fair he’s done worse coming from a terroist like him
He had the day off so you decide to take you’re own good points and buy him a strawberry milk cake
You hear Fyodor opening the door to you’re apartment
“I’m home” the Russian man speakd his accent was always clearer when he yelled a bit
He walked putting his coat down on the coat hanger in the hallway
You look to see a pale skinny man with purple ish eyes with short black hair looking at you
“FEDYAA!” You say coming to his chest
“Hm hello любовь” he said rubbing his hands through you’re hair he rather seemed calm
“ it’s almost youre birthday feyda!”
You said walking towards the chair in the kitchen as he followed
“I’m well aware now what do you have in mind of celebrating?” He said raising an eyebrow as he saw the cake
Now he hates the idea of sex
Found it shameful for a man like him
But seeing his dear like this feeding him cake
Maybe that’s an expectation
You put you’re fingers into fyodors mouth as cake and fingers rolled around in his mouth as he sucked them off clean from the cake
“Frankly I would be the one feeding you dear but it seems like you’re enjoying yourself more then I am?” As you stuff you’re fingers more as he moans a bit and gags
You could feel you’re self getting wet
He dared to touch you tho
Or maybe he was in a good mood only within his fingers for you’re cunt
Ok what
Nikolai you’re beautiful jester boyfriend
not a healthy relationship at all
Hopefully you could catch up to his “I’m perfectly sane” mindset when in reality he wasn’t he was beyond from it
He doesn’t even hide it
Why again? Why are you in a relationship with a insane clown
Quite the abuse relationship
If you can handle it tho like a champ then it be impressing
But can you handle his sex drive
His sex drive is as high as ever
Even tho he’s naturally clingy no matter if he’s honry
I like to think he wouldn’t really be honry it just fakes it to tease you
He’s up to anything
Now the roles are switched
He loves feeding food into youre mouth
He loves making you gag on his cock
He loves anything you gag on as long as it brings you tears he’s all up for it
He had just came back from a mission that the DOA of had
After that he bought a nice little fruit cake with mangos,strawberries, blueberries, peaches .
But then you where gaging on his fingers moaning and begging for him stop as you can feel his fingers tease you’re throat to shove fruit down and his fingers
He would suck you’re tongue to
He but you’re tongue sometimes aswell
Would spit in your mouth a lot
He sucked on you’re tongue so much you’re tongue was so numb
He kinda got bored so you gave him head after words
“Ah~ suck it beautiful such a good girl is my dick a-…….Ah…~ fuck,fuck f-uck..”
“Is it as sweet as the cake?” He moaned out in somewhat a pitched moan as he shivers from youre mouth
His dick tasted like cake sometimes sense the remains of cake taste in youre mouth
Hope you enjoyed:3!
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kimi-twstheadcanons · 2 years
Falling Asleep in their Class
(Featuring Sam)
Pronouns: They/them
Note: Platonic friendships here! I’m tired from all nighters for assignments and I got new classes a while ago so I thought I’d write this for fun. I literally got called out in math by my teacher for dozing off. She wasn’t mean about it tho. :)
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He’s offended. Are his classes simply too boring for you? Or do you just not care about these very important lessons? Either way, he finds it very insulting that you had the audacity to show up in his classroom just to sleep and not pay attention
He’s aware that his classes are more active compared to most other classes run by Mr. Trein, so others tend to stay awake
But you? You’re usually more up and focused compared to the others. He had assumed it’s because your learning things that you wouldn’t have learned in your world. Now that you’re falling asleep, are his lessons not as exciting for you anymore?
“Hold it right there, Pup. I need to have a word with you. Ace, Deuce, Grim, you three are excused.” He’d stop you before you walk out the door
Welp, you’re dead
“Pup, you’ve been falling sleep recently. You’re notes have been sloppy and you’ve been participating less than usual.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Crewel, but the Headmaster has me running around and doing jobs for him across campus. Then Grim broke something in the Octavinelle again so I had to work to fix it because I can’t afford to pay for it and-“
“Stop!” He cuts you off. You were expecting a scolding and held your head low
“The Octavinelle incident; I can understand. But you’re telling me that Crowley has been sending you out to do his jobs? That’s ridiculous! I can’t believe he’d have you do that while you’re doing so much already!” He raged
“Oh, you simply must get more sleep, pup. If you keep doing this late night routine you’ll ruin that pretty face of yours. On top of that, it’s not good for your health. Alright, here’s what we’re going to do,” He said sympathetically
You were surprised. You thought he’d be mad at you for making excuses. But instead he immediately believed you and took your side
He ended up letting you take your time to catch up on assignments and offered to help you with anything you need that may keep you up at night. He, of course, knows you have to magic. You have him as your homeroom teacher after all
He sees how hard you work and he just wants to help as much as he can since you have so much on your shoulders already
You got your sleep schedule back and now you’re doing better in class. You’re back to your normal self and that’s all he ever wanted. From now on you ask for his help more often if you know it affects you and he puts up no fuss
He won’t tell you, but he’s only doing so more than he needs to because you’re his favorite pup- erm…student
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He’s actually pretty surprised. He hadn’t expected you of all people to fall asleep to his history lessons. You had seemed so invested when you got to NRC, he thought you’d at least last until next year
But then he started to realize that you dozing off wasn’t patterned like the others. While others tended to stay awake during interesting or new topics, you fell asleep all throughout and even for your favorite topics
That’s when he realized that you would even walk into the room tired and you had eye bags under your eyes. He wondered what could possibly keep you up so long or what would stress out your mind enough to keep you up
“Halt, (L/n). I’d like to have a word with you.”
You thought for sure you were dead
“Don’t think I haven’t taken notice of you dozing off. Care to explain your reasoning as to why?”
“I’m so sorry I’ve been sleeping through class this week, Mr. Trein! Headmaster Crowley gave me jobs and errands to run. He gave me time limits with those as well. Then something happened with Grim so I had to help with that. Then I had a late study session with Kalim and Jamil. But I was working late at the Mostro Lounge for some extra cash and-“
“Enough! Enough, I’ve heard enough.”
Oh, you are definitely sure you are dead
“I cannot believe the Headmaster would put so much on your shoulders! How irresponsible of him to not take into account that you aren’t like the other students and require much more time and attention?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything. Including the extra cash. I don’t want you hanging around those Octavinelle students more than you already do. From now on if there is any issue that will halt your ability to learn please come to me. Understood?”
…well that was an unexpected response. But you nod and quietly agree nonetheless. You didn’t have the energy to retaliate so you just agreed. He excused you for the rest of the day saying he will tell explain you situation to the other classes. He also gave you more time to finish assignments for you to get more rest
He then proceeded to send Crowley a very detailed message complaining that he should stop putting so many responsibilities on you since you’ve already got so much on your plate. He also told Crowley that is he’s going to have you run around and least pay you a decent amount of money to live off of instead of having you work for at the Mostro Lounge for extra cash. He was livid to say the least
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He’s mad! But slightly impressed? Out of all the rookies he teaches, your one of the ones he actually admires. You don’t have any magic, you’re not even from that world, and you have never even seen a flying broom in person your first day there so your achievements in his class were very astonishing
Even on days we’re you were least active, you never actually fell sleep, however. That was new to him
He didn’t notice anything was wrong because he was keeping his eyes on another student. He found out you had fallen asleep when your broom had drifted off and slowly bumped into him…with you sleeping on it!
Again, he’s impressed. But so mad that you thought it was appropriate for you to be slacking off!
He was prepared to yell at you to wake you up, but a closer look on your face showed that you weren’t just sleeping from boredom; you were exhausted. Like you had dark eye bags type of exhausted
That’s when he decided to shake your shoulder to wake you up. Not hard but just enough for you to feel it. If you fell asleep mid air and began drifting off, he wasn’t sure how much you could sleep through at this point. He wouldn’t be surprised if you had slept through the whole class adrift on your broom
Luckily him shaking your shoulder did the trick. You blinked and looked around, only to jump up and fall off your broom when you realized you where in front of your teacher
“(L/N)! What’s going on with you? You know how I feel about slackers!”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Vargas. I didn’t get enough sleep the past few days because I’ve been catching up on assignments for other classes.”
“So you spend you time sleeping in my class instead?”
“NO NO! I don’t mean to, I promise. I’ve just been running around for the headmaster and doing side jobs for extra cash. That’s why I’ve been working late for assignments! I’ve been trying to catch up.” You explain as best you can.
Vargas pauses and thinks for a moment. You, in your mind, come to the conclusion that you are in big trouble
“Go to the nurses office. Take a nap, go to your next class after the bell, and email me when/if you have to make up your missing work outs.”
…what now?
You take a moment to process what he just said. That was nowhere near the reaction you thought you’d get. Nevertheless you follow it anyway
Unlike the others Vargas isn’t on Crowley’s butt about it but he does have some complaints. He’d appreciate if Crowley wouldn’t drive his students to exhaustion before their PE classes, that’s all
(You may or may not also secretly be his favorite but he doesn’t really think about it much)
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He literally caught you taking a nap outside his shop. You weren’t working for him today or anything. He just needed to make a trip to the main building and saw that you had fallen asleep in front of his shop. He’s impressed at how you’re so comfortable around his Mystery Shop
He approaches you carefully and gently wakes you up by shaking your shoulder. It took a minute but he eventually got you to open your eyes
You jolt awake after realizing where you were and what you were doing. You felt embarrassed but also concerned as how you thought that was a good idea
Sam wasn’t stressing over it. In fact, he just giggled and helped you up from the ground. He couldn’t help but wonder why you fell asleep in such an odd area
“Hey there, Little Imp! How’d you end up sleeping out here? You must have been pretty exhausted for you to doze off under my tree here.”
“Sorry, Sam, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I guess I just dozed off thinking this was a good spot. …now I see it wasn’t.”
Sam just smiles and gently laughs it all off to show you’re not in any sort of trouble
“It’s alright, Little Imp. What made you so tired in the first place, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’ve just been running around doing a lot recently. Working at the Mostro Lounge to get extra change, helping Ace and Deuce study late, cleaning up the whole dorm, not to mention I’ve been running errands for the Headmaster for a whole week.”
Sam paused at that last bit. Everything else made sense but that last part got him thinking
“You’ve been running around for the headmaster? He doesn’t pay you?”
“He does! …just not enough to keep food on the table for more than 3 days a week. I use what he gives me to buy Grim his tuna.”
“And that’s why you’ve been working at the Mostro Lounge? Wow, that’s dedication. Let me guess; you fell asleep while waiting for me to get back so you can continue those errands he gave you?”
You nod
“Well, come with me then. I’ll get you what you need. And I’ll give you some food for you and Grim too. On the house.”
“Oh no, Sam! I can pay don’t worry about it!”
“No no, I insist. I’ll also get my friends on the other side to talk to Crowley for you. Now come on in, before it gets cold!”
Then ever since that chat Sam has been leaving small baskets of food on your door step every time you needed it. You’re not sure how he knows each time but you’re thankful nonetheless. And if you insist he allows you to work at the shop too.
You’re not sure how he did it but whatever he did got Crowley to pay you more. You’re grateful for him being such a good friend. He also allows you to fall asleep under the tree in front of his Mystery Shop any time you want
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alrxiin · 9 months
"I can't do this anymore."
Sam x Darlin' (Gender neutral) | angst
TW's : Character d3ath, su!cid3, self-degradation, Quinn, just sad.
I haven't written oneshot's in a while, so this might be bad, but how else can I warm up than write something? :P
I just thought of how awful Darlin' must have felt with the whole Quinn situation when they caught him, and decided to make something of it.
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It was a few months after Quinn has been caught and executed, everything was going well. A day like all the other, that's all it was. Sam, working on his usual job – now that William has put him back on it – and Darlin'...
Sam's phone vibrated in his pocket, finishing up on something, he let it ring for a second before looking at the screen, noticing his mate's name showing.
The Vampire quickly picked up, pressing the phone against his ear just to hear shuffling along with a muffled wince.
- Darlin'? — He spoke softly, trying to pick up on any other noise, before the voice of his lover answers him.
- Sam, you picked up. — Their voice was quiet, strained almost.
- 'Course I picked up, why– scratch that. Darlin' is everything okay? — It felt like the stupidest question he could've asked, hearing as the shifters voice was softer than usual, and the strain on it.
- Sam I... — They hesitated for a moment. Questioning if this call was even the right choice, if this won't ruin what they had planned.
But finally figured, they did have to say a proper goodbye to their mate. The one who took care of them in their darkest moments, and the one they had planned a future that will not come to life anymore.
- I can't do this anymore, my love. — Was all they could've mustered. The petname that should have eased up the situation, bringing it up to a new state of worry for the man on the other side of the phone.
- What...what do you mean by that? Darlin', answer me, are you alright? — It stung their heart to hear his panicked voice, but they had to do it. Didn't they?
- It hurts, Sam. It hurts so much. — A cry escaped them, sending the Vampire running to the closest worker he could find to let himself off work.
- Dammit Darlin', please, be more specific. I need to know what happened. Please. —
- I can't take it anymore Sam. It's like he's everywhere, I can't escape him.
All I see is his features everywhere, and his voice, it's– it's taunting me, and I hate it so much... everything he said was right... I'm just a weak, disgusting thrall. His sloppy seconds. — The words were flowing out of their mouth like a faucet, words that should have never came out of such a precious, and innocent person.
- Darlin' don't say that, don't you dare say that!.. Are you at home? Tell me. — He didn't stutter, using his speed to get there as quick as he can.
- I'm home, please, don't come Sam. I just want him to go away finally. —
Sam didn't listen, talking to Darlin' as he sped to their home, that is before they went silent.
And that silence shot through him. Cry, that's what he wanted to do, sob out pleas for his lover to say something. But he just stayed silent.
The house was so quiet too, so cold, untouched. The Vamp quickly ran through the rooms, only to enter their shared bathroom.
And there they were, his sweet lover, propped up at the side of the bathtub, phone still in hand, and a bottle of pills that were supposed to help them...spilled on the ground next to them.
- Darlin'!... — He whisper-yelled, already by his lovers side, using his healing to fix whatever damage he could.
- No... p-please.. — Voice weaker than ever, they pleaded, eyes barely able to open. - I'm sorry S-Sam. — They finally spoke.
That's when he felt it.
Their body slowly going limp in his arms.
The spark in their eyes fading
And that last breath escaping their slightly parted lips.
- No. No no no no... — Frantic, he begged and finally sobbed, holding his lover close to him, trying to convince himself it was all a dream. Such a bad dream.
But it wasn't, the love of his undead life had just left him, and he was alone again.
He had their pack, yes, but it would never be enough to fill that void losing Darlin' made.
Even years later, he still has a small, hand built toy of a tank on his bedside table. Just another small thing to remind him of you, his Tank, as the others also called you.
On that toy sat a ring. One he could never give to you anymore, but he would always have with him, for it was supposed to be yours.
He knew, that his Darlin' would've loved it, with all their scarred heart, they would've said "yes".
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
behind the church
pairing(s); priest!wolfwood x (GN AFAB)reader summary; you're caught smoking by wolfwood, leading to a new form of repentance warning; smut, 18 + !NSFW MINORS DNI!, blow jobs, face fucking, a bit of degradation, its a bit rough, oral m!receiving wordcount; 1.9k notes; i...have no explanation for this one. sorry i didn't get this out in time for ww wednesday !
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You sigh and lean back against the brick wall, behind the church. You take a breath in, inhaling the smoke from your cigarette before exhaling it into a small cloud of smoke. Usually nobody comes  back here, making it the perfect place to take a little smoke break.
“What do we have here?” a voice asks. You immediately whip around, cigarette still placed between your fingers. Your eyes widen when you see Wolfwood looking over at you with his arms crossed. When he sees your terrified expression, an amused smile stretches across his face. 
“Never thought you’d be the type to smoke…” he says walking closer to you. He leans against the wall next to you, eyes focused on the sunset in the distance. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down, then shrug. He doesn’t seem appalled. Then again, Wolfwood has always been a lot more chill than the other Priests. You’ve slipped up a few times and swore in front of him, without that man even flinching. 
“It’s…a guilty pleasure.” you tell him nonchalantly. 
“It’s not very Christian of you.” 
You pause. What should you say? Is the man trying to preach to you? He leans back and loosens his tie. He seems to read your mind, because the next thing he says is “Not that I can judge you.” You relax a little. “Yeah well, I’m not very good at that.” You answer. 
“So then why do you attend church?”
“Are you looking for a confession? Don’t we usually need a big box for that?” “It’s not exactly that kind of church.” He mumbles, grabbing the cigarette from between your fingers. He brings it up to his own lips, and takes a deep breath in. “I’m just looking for a conversation with my favorite church goer.”
You feel your cheeks light up at his words. His favorite? You watch as he smokes your cigarette, almost unsure of what to do or say. Finally you look away. “Well, I used to come to church out of habit…” you admit with a shrug. 
“Used to?” he asks, tilting his head. 
“I…well I have another reason to attend now.” You try not to let your blush show as you admit to this, hoping that your boldness pays off. He lets out a deep chuckle and turns to you. “And what’s the reason?” he asks, despite obviously knowing already. 
“Well, there’s this new Priest that started a couple of months ago. And I find myself…kind of drawn to him.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just lets the cigarette fall to the ground and smashes it with his shoe. He turns to you, looking down at you with an intense look in his eye. “Oh really?” he asks, voice deep. There’s something different in his eye now. He takes a step forward, head tilted down so he can keep your gaze.
“Well, it just so happens that this new priest has had trouble keeping his eyes off of you too.” he admits, reaching out. You find yourself unable to breath as he puts his hand on your cheek, swiping your lips with his thumb. 
You’re not sure who leans forward first, but suddenly your lips are against each other. The kiss is desperate and sloppy. You move your lips against his in a steady rhythm, gasp as his other arms wrap around you to pull you tight. He uses your gasp to shove his tongue into your mouth. You moan as your tongues twirl around each other. 
When you pull away to breath, you can hardly believe that it just happened. You look around to make sure nobody walked in on you. Wolfwood laughs and strokes your hair gently. “Relax. Everyone is distracted right now. It’s just you and me out here…” 
You let out a sigh in relief.. “I’ve always wanted to do that…” you tell him through bated breath.
“And what else have you been wanting to do with me…?” he asks, a hungry look in his eye. 
If only he knew of the fantasies that whirl through your mind every time you see him. Things no person should think of holy man. You’ve thought of him in every position. But what do you want to do to him the most? You look around at the secret little spot you two have as an idea pops into your brain. You know exactly what you can do to him here. 
You lean in close and whisper softly. “This.” before you fall to the ground in front of him. 
You sink to your knees swiftly, eyes focused up on the man standing above you. “You-” his voice breaks the moment you reach your hands forward caressing his legs. A smile breaks out onto your lips. “I?” you ask, your hand moving up. Just before it can reach its intended destination, you stop and let it drop down again. You repeat this motion a couple times, watching his needy face turn red everytime you graze his bulge. 
“You are such a tease…” he whispers, biting his bottom lip. He’s fully leaning against the brick wall behind him, using it to keep him standing straight as your fingers brush against him. 'I'm just confessing my sins, isn’t that what you wanted?’ you ask, leaning forward. Your eyes never leave his. 
“You need to do more than confess at this point.” he whispers eagerly, reaching down to grab your hair in his fist. You let out a light moan as his fingers curl around your hair. He punishes your head forward so it smashes against his bulge. You take a deep breath in as your face presses against the fabric of his dress pants.
“How will I ever repent, father?” You mumble against him, making his groan. “You can start by using that goddamn mouth of yours for something good.”
“Such bad language from a priest?”
He lowers his other hand, grabbing your head to press you as tight against himself as he can. “Shut it.” he hisses through his teeth as his hips rock forward. You let out a gasp, but make no effort to pull away. You’ve got him right where you’ve always wanted him. 
He lets go of your head so you can back away for a minute, your fingers working his pants open immediately. You unclasp his belt, and pull open the front of his pants. He works with you, pulling down his pants so his cock springs free. 
It’s long and thick. Your mouth almost waters from the sigh of it, especially as you watch the priest slowly wrap his hand around himself. He pumps himself a few times, his gaze hyper focused on your parted lips and red cheeks. “You just gonna stare?” He asks, pressing the tip against your lips gently. Already the salty taste of his precum floods your senses. Your body moves before you can even think, hands lifting to grasp the shaft. He lets you take over, dropping his hands to his sides. Slowly, you move your head forward, opening your mouth.
You wrap your lips around the head of his cock, holding your breath as you slide your lips down. He lets out a choked moan, his legs shaking as he tries to hold back from thrusting his hips forward. You can tell how bad he wants it, but you want this moment to last.
You’ve been dreaming of getting on your knees, and you are planning to enjoy every minute now that you are finally here.
You slowly slide your tongue over the length of his cock, bobbing your head back and forth. You pull back for a second, before pushing down as far as you can go. Letting out a choked sob, you deepthroat him. He whispers what sounds like a prayer, as he forces himself further down your throat. You gasp and choke, pulling back. 
He looks down at you as you wipe the spit from your lips, his eyebrow arching. “Are you okay?” he asks, a little softer than before. You nod, taking a deep breath. “Better than okay.” you whisper back. 
As soon as he knows you’re okay, he gets back into it. He grabs your head again, pressing you close to his dick. “If you want me to stop, tap my leg three times, okay?” he coos. You nod, and he presses your mouth down on his cock again. Clutching onto you so you can’t pull back. He thrusts into your mouth, enjoying every choked noise you make. He can’t get enough of how your throat closes around his cock when he presses it in a little too far.
Your knees are starting to ache. So is your jaw, but the pain is nothing compared to the bliss. Hsi cock stuffs your mouth. He moves it back and forth with force, bringing tears to your eyes. You’re left a moaning mess, completely at his disposal. 
He mumbles as he fucks your face. His hands dig into your skull, pulling your head forward and back as he pleases. “Such a dirty little sinner.” he groans out. “You look so good like this.” He grips onto your head as he presses himself as far back as he can go. “You take me so well.” His voice is hoarse now, it seems like he’s barely hanging on.
He pulls back, and slams back into your mouth again. Then again, and again. Your eyes roll back as tears start to fall down your face. “You look so good like this.” he grumbles as he pounds into your mouth. 
Suddenly, his hot seed is spilling down your throat. You gag and choke as you swallow the bitter tasting cum. “Just like that. Swallow it all.” he lets go of your head, hands now caressing your tear soaked face. “So good.” 
He pulls his dick out of your mouth, wiping away the tears from your face. His touch is soft now, almost like he’s afraid he’ll break you. He doesn’t know that he already has, and you loved every second of it. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, Hm?”
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crazy-loca-blog · 4 months
Hey! Been sick in bed for two weeks already and even though I'm feeling MUCH better (I'm getting up tomorrow! Yay!), I'm still struggling with some cough. Flu has become a major issue in this side of the world, especially for kids, so please get vaccinated!!
Of course, I've been making the most of this time and I've been catching up on a lot of books that were in my pendings (leaving them under the cut to avoid spoilers for non-VIP players), so I need to vent about them even though no one asked for it (The Ghost Of Us is pending because I’m still in chapter 3, and I want to make a special post about Open Hearts On Fire):
Hot Shot: Overall, I liked this story because I enjoyed the relationship between the MC and the LI. Even though the LI was a jerk at first, I think it's been ages since the last time we saw a straightforward LI (admitting they were falling for the MC in the middle of the book and not waiting until the last chapter? loved it!), who knows what they want, but who doesn't feel pushy or invasive. I also loved the respect and understanding the LI seemed to have for the MC when she tried to keep a hidden relationship because of the conflict it could have caused with her job. I mean, really, kudos to the writers for that. However, there were also things that ruined the book for me. First, this is one of those stories where we could have had more than one LI (I'm looking at you, Kels). The relationship with Adesh? Poorly written. And I'm not saying it because of his betrayal (I would never have talked to him again after that!), but because the writers tried so hard to make them besties and I'm sorry, but I had a hard time picturing them even as colleagues that get along. And then the ending... I mean, wtf was that?!?! What a terrible final chapter! From the writers pushing a "perfect" 30 diamond scene even though the LI was injured (seriously, I can't believe there was no mention of it during the scene), to the fact that we didn't see the LI’s dad in the final game after all that arc the writers gave us with him, and some details such as the MC "remembering" her life playing hockey (girl, you barely played ONCE in the whole story and there wasn't even a mention of your "career" in hockey), everything felt rushed and sloppy. Not a fan of it. And not a fan of the sequel either. This book should have remained a standalone.
The Deadliest Game: At first, I struggled with this story. The Deadliest Gambit was such a slow prequel that I had a hard time trying to connect with the book. But after I moved to The Deadliest Game and since the plot began to develop, I’ve been enjoying it a lot, to the point that it’s becoming one of my favorite new releases in 2024. Our gang is pretty smart (the weakest character is probably our nepobaby, Dante), and I like how the writers have portrayed Nick so far (he was a good person, but he was far from being perfect). Having to go back to the starting point right after we had discarded most people in the house as “the killer” felt like a nice change of pace, but to be very honest, now I feel completely lost about whom the killer could be. As per the romance, I’m not sure about romancing anyone yet. I gave Dante a chance because at first I thought he and the MC had a lot in common, but I don’t know. The relationship doesn’t seem to flow naturally after that first kiss, and now after a few chapters, Farah is becoming my favorite LI. However, I feel my MC is actually more worried about solving the case than dating anyone, so I might restart the book and remain single. PS: kudos to the writers for naming my country and the miners’ story lol
Filthy Rich: There isn’t much to say so far. Basically, the boy who broke our heart 10 years ago is back, he’s “filthy rich” and wants to date us. Also, the man happens to be a TV producer (just like the MC!) and he has the MC and her brother in mind to produce a new reality show that SCREAMS “The Kardashians”. Not a fan of the book so far; however, it’s only been 4 chapters, so I can’t really tell whether I like it or not. I like the fact that the MC can give the LI a piece of her mind, though. She hasn’t forgotten him, but she clearly won’t make things easy for him.
Along Came Treble: ohmigod what a headache! There are so many things I dislike about this book! First, I'm close to sending the MC to horny jail because she's just too much! Second, the LI. He is actually a cool guy, but the writers made him so similar to Raleigh Carrera (the boy band past, the tattoos, the rebel side) that it’s impossible not to compare them both (and if you love Platinum as much as I do, you’ll agree that Cai is not Raleigh). Third, the inconsistencies. At one point in the story, all of our belongings are stolen, including our laptop, but then, shortly after, we’re working with it? Fourth, our MC and the LI are way too different. Our MC is an intern trying to become a manager who cares about fame and recognition, and the LI only cares about his music. I’m not sure whether I see the romance between them having any future (but PB will definitely push for them to have their happily ever after). And finally, they’re trying to push the BD*SM narrative just like they did in Open Heart, by just adding a random scene that doesn’t make any sense, but this time, with a couple that barely know each other. What’s the point? Showing the LI is a “bad boy”? No sense! Funny thing, I think we’ve seen worse in this app.
Immortal Desires 2: I knew this book wouldn’t disappoint me. In fact, I binge read it in two days. The plot is very on point. I like how the writers reused the hunters vs. vampires’ conflict, but with new characters and a little twist that makes it look different and fresh. Also, the poly route is so *chef kiss* that I don’t regret choosing both Cas and Gabriel in the first book. Discovering both LIs past has been so nice, but discovering Cas’ new powers has been incredibly cool, I love them. However, there are many things I still don’t understand. The book constantly gives me the idea that Cas and Gabriel were turned forever ago and that they've been vampires for a really long time. Then why do their human pasts look so “modern”? I’m also confused about our MC’s abilities; I don’t think we’ve been given an explanation on why we get them (and I don’t know if we will). Is she some kind of special/gifted vampire? Is it because she doesn’t have a coven yet? I won’t deny they’ve been super useful, but not knowing why she’s been chosen to get the abilities just feels weird. Anyway, I can totally see a Book 3 coming (and PB has already been giving some hints), there is most definitely room for new plots.
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sublieu · 2 years
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𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮
✖ -Hi its me! I'm here to both Send all my love To you (Hope my gf doesn't see this-) and ask for an Redson smut, it can be what ever you like bc youre good as hell at this shit! And sorry if i did some miss spelling- my first language isn't english - @zmzsnakes
wc - 900 words
cw - dubcon/noncon, hypnotism, interspecies [bull+snake], Fellatio [aka blowjob], little asphyxiation.
ref - ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
music - so high/Doja cat
copyright - "All quotes, wording and editing belong to ©sublieu 2022; do not attempt to claim, steal or copy this post as your own"
Redson was good with his hands; He created most if not every single tech that his parents owned. And he made good profit doing so by using his work to fix complicated machinery.
And today he would be visiting a new client of his, fixing the generator used to create items that he himself buys; Cogs, nails and the occasional helper bot or two, he's seen the work you've made and he couldn't be all the more impressed.
As he slows into your garage, he notices that you weren't there to greet him. A bit odd for sure but he ignores this as he wanted to hurry to his next appointment. Entering your living room through the door and going to the attic, where you worked.
Redson looks around in awe as he walks into the room, the room didn't smell of metal and rust. It smelt sweet, like baked cookies and toasted bread. Another red flag, he thought and hurries to look for your generator.
He struggles to find your generator through the dimly lit attic, unaware that you were right behind him, your tail making a slow rattling noise to mess with him whilst he peers around the room before flicking his finger to make a small light; Bouncing into your frame and falling on his back before sitting up.
"Mind telling me why the place is so dark?" He gruffs and stands up to brush off his clothes, staring right into your eyes as you hummed a rhythmic tune; Lulling him into a trance as you wrapped your tail around his waist, cooing him like a siren and leading him into your nest.
His mind was nowhere in sight, giggling like a child from a recent sugar rush as he rests on your chest. Making motions to kiss you by kissy face motions, which you eagerly obliged to. Gifting him sloppy kisses all the way to his collarbone and chest, most of them shaped into hearts by your [f/c] lipstick. Redson already getting a hard on from the constricted feeling of your tail wrapping around him.
He was so desperate for another taste, whining like a lonely pup as you coo and lie him down on your nest of pillows. Laying beside him and pulling down his pants and touching his boner as you litter his face with more kisses, your tail loosening to make him more comfortable.
His sweet whimpers rung as you stroke his cock, the slick sound of pre the only sound in the room alongside his moans. His shakey fingers clinging to your t-shirt to hide away from his pleasure, which you were not having; Slithering down to his pants and kissing the tip and wrapping your tongue around the base of his cock, causing his toes clenching in on themselves from the sensitivity.
Your mouth was so warm, drool seeping at the corners of your mouth as you sucked him down, squeezing and slightly biting to tease him even further as his hands tangled in your hair and tears running down his face the more he tries to resist and wake up.
But he didn't want to, if anything he wanted more. He wanted to be suffocated in pleasure but he had a job to do, but he just couldn't say no. Only broken moans and heavy gasps escaped his lips.
Your claws groped and handled his balls whilst your tongue worked in motion to give off the feeling he's thrusting and giggling when he starts begging for you to stop, only to run behind closed ears as your moans vibrated against his dick.
And he tries so hard not to cum, to not give you the pleasure and ego boost you wanted. But how can he not when your tongue worked magic on him. His hands having a mind of their own and holding down your head to limit your movements. Only slowing down just to ease his tension before overworking himself again.
Poor Redson, his cock throbbing and sore from denying his orgasm. His face red with blush and his eyelids heavy as he finally relaxed, letting his body ease up so he can cum; His hands still entangled in your hair however as he needs something to hold onto for balance.
Until he snaps, forcing his cock down your throat and almost choking you on his cum as his legs bucked and fidgeted. His whole body curling up around your face as you swallowed down *most* of his cum, some seeping through your mouth and onto his stomach before letting go with a pleasurable pop. Kissing the tip of his cock and slithering off for a washcloth and some water, giving him just enough time to run away and jump through your attic window; Checking his phone to see nearly 28 missed calls and 300 texts, most of them from Mk and Mei.
"They're not gonna believe me after this" He groans and starts his car before driving off. He may have to come over sometime.... Probably every other day.
©sublieu 2022; All rights Reserved
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*part 2?*
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sonofoceanus · 5 months
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The Baptism.
Joseph Seed (Far cry 5)
warnings: self-homophobia (if you squint), religious stuff, slight blood and wound description, throwing up, panic attack (kinda?), kinda gay, m4m, one-sided (or is it?).
category: I honestly don't know.
note: this is actually part of a bigger project I wanted to make (a literal fic), but uni has me on a leash. So, here's this.
I'm not entirely happy with how it turned out, but I'll probably rewrite it at some point. It's a bit rushed near the end, so sorry for that.
(My brain stopped braining mid-way through this)
Also. Goddamm, is that pic saucy. This man is too fruity for his own good.
(Feedback is appreciated)
word count: 756
The doctor stared at his blurring reflection. Blood stained the mirror as his fist collided with the glass, sending the pieces to scatter around the room, leaving a bloodied gap where the impact was made. His knuckles, now mauled by the crystal, had small pieces embedded themselves into his skin.
Thoughts flew haywire, seeming to numb the pain. Nothing could be worse than what he had been already feeling, not after the realization of what he could be hung around his neck like a noose, tightening every second his thoughts spiraled down the hole he had dug himself into. The raw thought of his new found unnaturality was a repulsive truth he'd had to, forcefully, swallow. 
The doctor felt feverish, the want to throw up now stronger than ever as it dawned on him, further tightening the knot inside his stomach. The father would arrive soon. He couldn't let the man see the mess he'd become. It would be humiliating. Utterly disgusting. 
An effigy of the crucified man nailed to the door behind him reflected on the broken crystal, mocking his inner turmoil even further.
He couldn't believe he'd agreed to this. After countless times of denying a proper baptism, —honestly, who'd want to be baptized by John of all people— he finally agreed after the father's constant insistence was beginning to wear him out.
Both men were now inside the space. To the doctor, the suffocating nature of the now cramped bathroom was alienating. He'd haphazardly thrown a towel over the broken mirror after his adrenaline struck panic over the father's arrival. Not only that, but he knew the man had noticed his sloppy job at covering it. 
The father hadn't questioned him about it, but the thought lingered within his head after seeing his bandaged hand. Connecting the dots with much ease. Even so, he concentrated on the task at hand. 
Water began running, starting to fill the tub as the doctor witnessed it all. The father, with Bible in hand, preached the Lord's word. 
Barely focusing on the Lord's word as the father preached, his (e/c) eyes unfocused as they stared at the flowing water. Hesitantly, the doctor stepped into the bathtub, still clothed, the water ate away at his pants, making them stick to his ankles. 
(y/n) sank into the bottom of the bathtub as Joseph kneeled next to him.The water overflowed slightly as the faucet called for a stop. 
“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you will be cleaned from all your uncleanness…” The father scoped some of the water with his palm. “Joseph-” The doctor interrupted the action, gripping onto Joseph’s wrist.
(e/c) blurry eyes met the ones hiding behind yellow tinted glass. He didn't want to drown. Not again.
The other man’s free hand rose up to the back of (y/n)’s neck, bringing their foreheads together as Joseph closed his eyes and murmured in reassurance.
The doctor gulped harshly as they separated, his grip on Joseph's hand loosening as an inaudible agreement.
“...A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you:” The man's hand rose up again, water within his palm as he let it fall on top of the doctor's head.
“...And I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.” One of Joseph’s hands cradled the back of the doctor's head, the other laying above the man's chest. Right where his heart would be. 
And like so, (y/n)’s body was swallowed by the water. His knuckles turned white as they held onto the bathtub edge with desperation. His body rose up in a rush before the time was due, splashing water everywhere and on Joseph as he held onto him. His nails unconsciously digging themselves into the father's naked shoulders.
His chest heaved. His head suddenly felt too heavy on his shoulders. A shaky hand rose up to his mouth, trying to hold everything in.  
He couldn't take it anymore. The doctor suddenly launched himself out of the tub, almost colliding with his Joseph, as he lifted the lid of the toilet, regurgitating his insides.
“And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgements, and do them.” Joseph finished his lines. Consoling his dear friend by rubbing his back. For what else could he do when he knew the doctor's burdens all too well.
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multicolorlou · 11 months
Nails (Game AU self insert)
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Summary: Matthew Lillard!William notices your shoddily done nails and offers to pay for you to get them done professionally.
Author's Note: This includes some dirty conversation, some self deprecation (not in a kinky way), and mentions of not having a lot of money
@truecobblepot this was a headcanon I had I wanted to tell you but since you were asleep I just wrote a whole fic ❤️
It was another normal day at work, Kellen tapped away at her keyboard. As manager, it was part of her job to write up the company newsletter for her particular location. It was especially important considering it was the headquarters of Fazbear Entertainment. She was working right under Afton and Emily themselves.
This month she was going over some of the new performance tapes that were going to be distributed and the troubleshooting that may need to happen if issues arose. They didn't very often, but occasionally those two geniuses would miss something small.
As she worked away, the door to her small office opened, and in stepped the boss-man himself… well, one of them.
"Good morning, Mr. Afton."
She said jokingly, they were already beyond a romantic relationship at this point, but the formalities amused them.
"I brought you coffee." He placed it down on the table as he kissed the top of her head.
"Ah, disgusting, black coffee." Kellen joked, smiling up at him, "I'm joking, thank you, Will."
He leaned against her desk, "What were you up to last night? Usually I get a call from you."
She lifted her hand, showing off her freshly painted red nails. "I was doing my nails!" The paint work was somewhat sloppy and there wasn't anything special about them, but she seemed proud enough, so he smiled.
"I thought girls usually went and got them done." He pondered.
"Well, girls with money do, I can't be spending that kind of money, especially with how indecisive I am." She chuckled, "I haven't had my nails done since prom."
He smirked, she seemed so young to be reminiscing like that. "So, what, two years ago?" He teased her, earning a playful flick.
"Hey, now, I'm not that young." She laughed, turning in her swivel chair to face him. "Man I even got my toenails done, usually I'd think that was a waste of money."
He chuckled, seeming deep in thought. "Is that just not your thing or?"
"Oh, no, I love going and doing it…. As you can tell I'm kind of awful at doing it myself… I just… you know…" She seemed to be getting embarrassed that she couldnt afford a luxury most girls had. "Sorry you gotta see these awful things, but it gives me the illusion of classiness." She gestured with her hand, quickly burying her nails in her lap, now self conscious.
"Oh, hon, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, they look great."
"No, no, I know they're not the best, I just figure most people won't look past the color anyways." She feigned a chuckle and started typing again, her mood more melancholy.
William hesitated for a moment, but then spoke up. "Say, what if I paid for you to go get your nails done?"
She blushed a little, looking down at her lap. "You don't need to do that-"
He shrugged, "Just think of it as a bonus, you work so hard after all."
She shook her head, giggling a little, "Don't spoil me!"
"All I ask is you get them done purple, just so you remember who paid for them." He smirked, running a hand through her hair, he gently tilted her head up. Her face went completely red now.
"Ah- yes- sir."
He seemed pretty proud of himself, "Good girl." He let go of her head and rubbed her shoulder a little. "I can't wait to see those nails next time they're wrapped around my-"
"William!" She butted in, stopping him, she was absolutely mortified- not to say she wasn't enjoying the idea.
"Sorry, sorry…" He was definitely not sorry, not by the way he swaggered out of her office, smug and confident with what he had done. "Just stop by and grab my card before you go get them done… and make sure to stop and… show me." He winked, closing the door.
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isawken · 10 months
haha heyyyyy jesties
this year has been rough stuff. and the problem is nothing life shattering has happened so i don’t even get to have a spectacular mental breakdown. it’s just been a lot of grind and disappointment and struggle to keep up or have any energy to do anything other than the bare minimum. to everyone who reached out to me with love or kindness or memes and waited weeks or more for a response i love you. and i’m so sorry for my total absence of personhood. i’ve never gotten a dm even if it’s just a silly post and an “i thought of you” that i didn’t like. and your patience with me is appreciated more than you know.
i have some stuff i want to work on. some hobbies i want to pick up again. some friendships i want to recultivate. some pieces of my life i want to try to rekindle. i used to have so much creative energy and impulse. did you know i used to make zines? i fuckin loved making zines. the tactile experience of cutting up thick paper and punching holes and using thread to bind em and filling it with vague thoughts and little collages and splashes of acrylic paint. that shit ruled. about a month ago i tried making one for the first time in years. i cut up some old paper and dusted off the ol' hole punch. this time instead of my usual embroidery thread i used necklace chain to bind it. i was proud of that idea. when it came time to put stuff in it i choked. i had no creative thought. i forced myself to cover the first page with orange and yellow crayola markers. but that was it. i had nothing other than that. just hasty sloppy color thoughtlessly and restlessly thrown down. a dull background promised to a more interesting foreground that never came.
that shit did not rule.
in 1883 in pecos texas the first recorded rodeo takes place. in 2001 rob smets attends the PBR world finals in jeans and a sports jersey bearing sponsor logos. in 1780 joseph grimaldi makes his stage debut at 2 years old at london’s famed drury lane. in the many, many years before any white person ever laid eyes on it, a man in what you’d now call northern arizona paints his body in black and white stripes and puts corn husks in his hair. in 1557 ivan the terrible acts as pallbearer to a man who walked naked in the streets of moscow, even in the dead of winter. 1568 the gelosi acting company coalesces in italy to perform the hot new style of live improv entertainment. in 2017 the ringling bro’s circus performs its last show, 146 years after the titular brothers first formed it. all of these moments (and more!) live in my head rolling around like marbles and one day i’ll tell you all why.
i’ve been on mood stabilizers for so long it’s hard for me to tell if this has just been a really long depressive swing or if this is just how i am now. if this is just what getting older is like. i don’t really think it is. i am like 90% sure this will not last. but the two questions that follow are always 1. how do i get out of it, and 2. what if it is tho xD?
i recently went down to southeastern ohio to visit my family. went up the mountain at 1 am saturday night to help my gramma grab the 8 year old boy she’s been helping to take care of from his strung out mother. the next day i saw my various other relations, aunts and cousins however many times removed. i hung out with my second cousin. same age as me, with two twin girls, 4 years old. she’s a great mom. and enjoys it, too. got a decent husband with a good job. obviously i don’t know her struggles. not like we talk often. but she seemed overall pleased when she spoke about her life. i told her about my work from home job and my loving partner of 8 years and my plans for the future. she told me i was living the dream. and like. i kind of am. so why do i wake up every morning in various states of hangover (it's the mental illness)
i live in one of the cloudiest cities in these united states. my house is about 500 square feet. it’s dark at 5pm now. i already miss the sun. i want to get sunburned again. i want to be sweaty. i want to put talcum powder in my skort. i want to get through this winter without having to rub snow on my face to stave off more serious impulses. i want to check the 5 items off my to do list.
all of my want is like a song stuck in my head.
i miss that stickbug meme
i should dress up like a clown again
maybe tomorrow i’ll just lay under my weighted blanket for 5 hours
or maybe i’ll actually do something i like to do and feel good and real and human about it. who knows. only time will tell. and in the meantime. thanks if you read this <3
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