#spider samurai
fantasyqueen502 · 1 year
Spider Samurai
Author's note: Just a spider woman idea I had to get out. I do not know Japanese so please feel free to correct me.
Summary: Y/N aka Spider Samurai coming across a villain from another dimension and a certain leader of a spider society. Story idea that most likely has grammatical errors. Let me know. Feel free to comment, like, and enjoy.
Rated: PG-13
Angst, talks of suicide (Seppuku), murder, fighting, and serious injury.
Quick drawing of Spider Samurai done by myself in procreate.
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(New York)
"This world is mine to rule, and mine alone!"
The Avenger clan fights valiantly to adjust their greatest nemesis, Doctor Doom, whose silver Yoroi is dull from battle. America Sensei (Captain America), Tetsujin (Ironman), Kuro-Kumo (Black Widow), and Kumo onna-musha (Spider Samurai).
"We need to drain him." Kuro-Kumo breathes red streaks on her black armor coming from her shoulder.
"What do you think we’re doing?" Tetsujin scoffs at his armored suit, sparking the thrusters in his feet to turn off.
"Tony, can your suit siphon his energy?"
"Yes, but the bastard took out my thrusters. I’m grounded." 
"We can draw his attacks and lure his lightning bolts." Kumo onna-musha plans aloud.
"They're lightning bolts," the redhead says, pointing out the group bracing for a current strike right beside them.
"We need a constant current." America Sensei says, changing out her web canisters and staring at her wrists.
"Like the time Electro fried my web shooters. I web Doom and Gloom and shoot a web to Tony. Constant current." She brainstorms. 
"With a squishy human as a buffer."
"Out of the question!"
"I don’t hear any other ideas."
"This isn’t like electro! He was a newbie, Doom..." his breath hitched. "...he will kill you."
"It’s the only option we have," she swallows. A moment of silence. All is quiet. "Love you guys," she says, zipping into the trees and making her way to Doctor Doom, leapfrogging over his shoulder. He grumbles angrily, shooting lightning bolts from his metal fingers.
"Damn you!" he bellows. "Just die." extending his arm to her, she stands still. The tingle in the air fighting against her spider sense to move out of the way.
"I thought we had something Doomy." She cocks her head. Waiting for the right moment. Blue light blinds the clearing. Shooting her web onto his hand, the electricity crawled up her web. Shooting a web at Tony’s chest plate. Her body went stiff, and her teeth clenched as her body shook from thousands upon thousands of volts. Traveling from Doom through her body to the Tetsujin suit. The flickering light suddenly shines brighter. Doom lets out a pained exclamation, his body crumbling from his powers leaving him. A scream leaves her throat, the heat of her suit, her yoroi burning. 
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"Unfortunately, we are not able to have visitors today." America Sensei bows with a sad smile to the small group of citizens. The entire steps of the Avenger castle were covered in flowers, well wishes, thanks, and prayers for Kumo onna-musha.
"We just wanted to assure Kumo onna-musha good health." The woman meekly looked at the old man beside her.
"My daughter and I lived in Nyūyōku for eight generations, and thanks to you, we have plenty more," he smiles. Holding up a sack. "It fell from the sky, and where it landed, the food has been bountiful; mixed with tea, it heals any sickness; applied, it heals all wounds, even wounds that are reversible."
"My father was blind until we added the miracle to his tea."
"We had the best doctors, but I thank you for the thought."
"Please take it at least." He takes his hands and places the sack in his hands. "You’ve protected us this long; let us protect you."
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"It's nothing of this world." Tony says, inspecting a piece of meteorite with black goo leaking from it.
"Is it safe?"
"It's not of this world, so I don't know."
"So it could help her or kill her."
"She's already suffering, Steve."
"I want more tests."
"On what? We don't have months to test this on rats and guinea pigs."
"So we're gonna treat Y/N, our sister, as a guinea pig."
"Shut up, you two!" Natasha growls. With an arm full of bloody gauze. 
"How is she?"
"She's been complaining of not being able to breathe." She blinks the tears away. "The physician had to split the burned skin and muscle in her neck and chest, constricting her."
"Let's ask her." Tony says. "Lay out everything and let her decide." He shrugs. 
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"Hey kid." Steve smiles, training his face not to wince at the sight of the pink tendons and muscles on display around her throat.
"I'm (Your age)… old man." She grumbles, making the group chuckle.
"We got something to tell you."
"I'm so tired." Her eyelids droop.
"I know, and I'll make it quick."
"There's this alien goo from a meteorite that can help you."
"But it could make things worse; we don't know."
"If I don't take it," She whimpered as she swallowed painfully. "Will I get better?" She asks. Steven looks more toward Tony than Natasha, who steadies her expression.
"The physician says you'll have an extremely long road to recovery."
"And if I take the alien goo," She starts. "Could I die?"
"Yes." Steve nods, biting his lips to stop the sobs.
"It's your decision."
"I'll take the goo." She lets the tears fall.
They all support the decision. Boiling the meteorite in water, drawing out the black goo, and pouring it for tea. Helping her sip a fullcup,p they wait. The first night since the battle with Doom, she slept without pain.
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She awakes covered in blood. She looked at a clawed arm around America Sensei's throat, his eyes cloudy as his body hung limply. She gasps, letting him go, looking at her hand clawed and sharp. Looking at all the bodies of her friends. Her family. 
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Leaving. She walks until she can't go any more. Taking off her armor and placing her helmet on the ground, she took out her sword and looked at the reflection. A long, faint scar divided her face.
"I must." She swallows the reflection flickering to a monster with many teeth. "I have to." She steadyed her breath, gripping her sword, extending her arms above her head, and aiming her blade at her gut. A portal opens, then everything goes black.
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Waking up on a cot, she hissed, her lips pulling in distaste.
"Easy." A male voice cooed as she sat up, her head drooping. She looks around, eyes scawled, wondering if this was a dream. 
"The voice." She whispers, her eyes landing on a man standing in the doorway of the room.
"The symbiote, venom its name is, wasn't from your dimension."
She looks at him, having no idea what he is talking about.
"Sym---" she tries to repeat.
"The voice." He simplifies. "The goo that healed your wounds."
She nods in understanding now. "Why--" 
"Sounds weaken it to be able to capture and contain."
"--did you stop me?" She growls, her eyes filled with fury.
"I am a disgrace. I murdered my friends, my family I----" the flashes of their bodies, her monstrous reflection in the pools of blood. Crawling for the edge of the cot, she fell onto the floor. The pain that shot through her shoulder from her injured arm never had the time to heal on its own. The walls closed in on her hands, holding the sides of her head as she wailed. "I killed them, I killed them, why would I kill my family? I should be dead; why did you stop me?" she slurs one line are broken by heaving breaths and sobs. Lunging for a fork on a tray of old food. Going for her throat, the prongs go no further. A large fist gripping her arm the other pinning her body to a hard body. 
"No." The man grunts, tightening his clawed thumb and pinching a nerve in her wrist, and drops the utensil. "Lyla!" He barks.
"Way ahead of ya'."
A patch on her arm blinks blue, and her body goes limp the form cluttering to the floor. With a sigh, lifting her legs, her head hanging over his arm.
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She stares at a diploma framed on the wall. Dr. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, PHD, having read the name a couple of times.
Eyes darting at the reflection in the glass of Dr. Friendly lowering from the ceiling upside down, slowly flipping his body into his seat. 
"I'm Dr. Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman." He nods. 
"Y/N, Kumo onna-musha, Spider Samurai." She introduces it with a slight bow.
"Make yourself comfortable."
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"You must be, Y/N?" A pregnant woman eyes her.
"Seems like everyone knows me." She chuckles humorlessly.
"Heard about the Seppuku." The man next to her with a funny accent.
"Hobie!" She scolds. 
"Samurai live and die by their individual moral code. That's sick, bruv. Mad respect." He holds out a fist, which she flinches at.
Staring at it, he waits. "You hit it?' 
"Hit what?" 
"My fist. It's a code for awesomely cool blokes and misses like us. Now hit it." He explains. She slaps the top of it with furrowed brows.
"Against the norm, I like you." He nods, leaning back with respect.
"Ignore him. Hopefully he'll get bored and go away." She scolds. "That's Hobie, aka Spider Punk."
"Wassup." He up nods.
"Jessica Drew, Spider Woman."
"You're pregnant." 
"What?" She asks with furrowed brows.
Y/N freezes, eyes wide. "I'm so, so sorry. I just thought—I mean, I mean, I assumed—I, I." She stops at the woman's cackling.
"I'm just messing with you." She wipes a tear from her eye.
"Brutal." Hobie comments. "Good one, Jess."
"You think I'm bad; get used to it when you meet the others. Quip and joke central. C'mon, we're here to give you the grand tour."
"To be apart of something greater. To not be alone. Everything you've been through, we all have in some capacity."
"This is gonna be fun." Hobie chuckles now, casually walking on the ceiling. Slamming his fist onto a button on the wall. Giant door opening, shielding her eyes from the blinding light. Adjusting to the sight of people walking in all directions, she looked left, right, above, and below at everyone with a spider symbol that matched her own.
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It's been quiet in the dorms, cafeteria, and training room. Those who have introduced themselves to her were warm and kind.
Jessica and Hobie.
Everyone else keeps their distance once word gets around. Whispers and mutters as if she's a rabid animal that could get agitated at any moment. Waiting in line, picking up the metal tray, trying to ignore the side eyes and the not-so-subtle moving away from her.
"You must be new. Haven't seen you here before." The lunch spider lady smiles.
"Yeah, been here for almost—" she trails off, seeing another spider lunch person leaning over. It didn't take long for the friendly smile to fade into fear.
"What do you want?" She says rather coldly.
"What would you recommend?"
"Just pick something."
She blinks a couple of times at the hushed muttering. Looking to see a pair of spider people whispering and pointing at Y/N. 
"Yes, hi. Just to get everyone on the same page, I, Y/N, killed the Avengers in my dimension. The people called me Jorōgumo. So tell the kiddies to check their closets and under their beds." She cackles. 
"Is this funny to you?"
"She eyes him up and down."
"No, of course not." She shakes her head. "It's historical." She laughs. "And they didn't even put up a fight as I snapped the—" she finds herself on the floor. A throbbing in her cheek and the room spinning. "That's all you got?" She wheezes. Struggling to her knees than to her feet. She got slapped by one and punched in the gut, sending her to the ground.
"That's enough!" A voice barks as the crowd of spiders disperses. A shadow looms over her, watching a pair of blue feet than hands take her arms. "Get your hands off me!" She screams out of his grip, unfortunately falling back onto the ground. Groaning, she stifles her cries, getting to her feet with the squeak of sneakers as she leaves the cafeteria.
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"She was instigating confrontation. What the hell was she thinking?"
"It's a punishment." Jess sighs. "Y/N was in the middle of her seppuku after the death of her family."
"It wasn't her; how many times do we have to tell her?"
"Put yourself in her shoes. You wouldn't forgive yourself for having any hand in killing your family." She refers to suddenly realizing, "Sorry." She quickly apologizes.
"No, no." He shakes his head. "Where is she?"
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Y/N opens the door with bandages on her brow and a split cheek. Miguel stands there as Y/N looks around, not knowing what to do or say.
"Hi," she says.
"You wanna come in and arrest me?" she scoffs.
"What makes you say that?" He steps inside, closing the door behind him.
"You're not very good at this."
"No." He agrees. "Being a leader that people depend on, I try my best."
"What are you doing now?"
"My best." He answers by placing a block on her table: an orange hologram display of a little league girls soccer game.
Blue vs. Yellow
The shouts from the crowd. The feed zooms in on a girl on the blue team as a goalie. Six or seven years old with a look of determination. Upon catching the ball, the crowd erupts in cheers. She looks more at the video then at 2099, who shows no emotions. The video cuts to the girl happily holding up a trophy, panning out to her sitting on the shoulders of Miguel. Smile as bright and wide as it looked odd, never seeing it in person.
"In my original dimension, I had a wife and a daughter, Gabriela." He starts with a distant look in his eyes. "I lost them. In a moment of weakness, I searched for another dimension where their Miguel died, and I took his place."
Videos of dinner, soccer games, first days of school, and birthdays. She couldn't help, but smile along with the past Miguel.
"You look..." she trails off, not knowing if she should say it or not.
"Happy." He answers for her.
She nods. 
"I was," he adds. "Then the incursion happened. The complete and utter collapse of that world, erasing everyone and everything." 
She watches in horror at the screaming citizens and 2099 running away from the dissolving world with Gabriela in his arms. "Daddy." She calls weakly. "I don't feel so good." She whimpers, dissolving into his arms. "Because of me." He ends the video.
"I know the guilt and anguish of being responsible for the deaths of loved ones."
"I know it must have been…difficult telling that to a stranger. My family didn't know. I was hurt pretty bad, they found this goo. It helped. Than the voices started. I used to think it was another being or someone else speaking to me, but…it was myself. The more bold I became, the more violent I became. It took me until recently to release the voice that was me. Venom just became something to blame. My family they saw and they knew and tried to save me, but I didn't want venom to go." taking a breath. "Because I knew without it, I would be left with myself, and I couldn’t accept how ratchet, evil, and disgusting I really am." She cries, steadying her breath and standing tall. "Not once did my clan call me any ill names. They believed I could still be saved." 
"Don’t let their memory of you die in vain." his words whispered kindly. "There’s a place for you if you want it." He holds out a wrist watch, a more reliable and permanent dimension jumper than the flimsy wrist band she had been given.
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Training with a bunch of spider people using her sword and new yoroi. Webbing between enemies legs sliding and taking down the band of training spider people. A for effort, she praises giving everyone a pat on the shoulder.
"Gold star for everyone!" Peter B. Parker announced, with a sticker book. "Courtesy of Mayday." He adds. "Even Y/N." He smiles, placing a star on her chest. Mayday squeals, her chubby hands and face covered in gold stickies. "Loud and clear, Ms. Y/N gets all the stars." Peter nods in agreement. "Thank you, Mayday." She nuzzles her nose with the babe as she sticks a star on her forehead and cheeks.
"You headed to the cafeteria?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'm starving."
"You're gonna love the new menu item." He chuckles to himself.
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At the cafeteria, she browsed the board of items. She giggles at the "NEW LIMITED TIME!!!" Burger. She orders two of the new menu items: two fries and two chocolate shakes, and she thwips off.
The west side of the headquarters is the housing complex where spiders rest or even live, not having a dimension of their own to go to. Finding the right door using a key, she zips inside. Turning around, wrinkling her nose at the musky smell and filthy apartment. Dropping the food on the table, cleaning up the apartment, opening up the windows, and letting in some light and fresh air.
 Shaking a can of Febreze, spraying almost the entire can. Flipping from the ceiling to the floor. Resting the bag and drinks on the table, mumbling to herself when the drinks had split in the bag. After saving the shakes and food, she goes to wash their hands.
The sound of shuffling from the bedroom sounds, looking up to see the boss man himself.
"Morning." Migaul yawns, showing off his fangs and stretching his arms over his head. Y/N made sure to sneak a glance at his V-line from his low-hanging sweatpants. "I swear I'm gonna take those rags and burn them."
"I'll burn them when you stop stealing my new ones." He answers coyly, giving her butt a pinch. She slapped his hand.
"I can't help it if they look better on me." She reasons. "It's afternoon, actually." She corrected drying her hands.
Checking his watch with furrowed brows. "How did I sleep in?"
"Maybe you set your alarms for the pm instead of the am," she shrugs, setting the plates nonchalantly. "Common mistake." She gives a smile. He glares at her, taking a seat and scooting up the chair. "You've been running on fumes and need a recharge and refuel," she lists, innocently batting their lashes. "C'mon." She kicks the leg of the chair across from them.
"I hate fast food," he grumbles.
"Tough, I don't know what to cook with protein powder," she quips, sipping their milkshake.
He raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Been sitting on that comeback for how long?" he chuckles.
"Like..." Y/N trails off "...a week." The crackling perks his ears as she unwraps a burger. "You wanna know something, boss man?"
"No, but my spidey sense tells me you're going to tell me anyway."
"You're very tasty."
He furrows his brow, believing he has heard you wrong. He fully turns his head and unconsciously exhales a breathy chuckle. Seeing them hold up a burger with a blue bun and red peppers from his mask markings "Look at the fins!" Plucking one of the four red peppers sticking out of the burger. "They got your arm fins," she said, inspecting the pepper before popping it into her mouth.
"I’m glad you find this amusing. I have dozens of spider people to send out for the anomalies that could be causing havoc as we speak."
"All taken care of," she says through her mouthful. "You leave notes and dates for everything. Jess and I took care of it." Finishing the burger, licking the trails of ketchup and mayonnaise from her hands. Now it was his turn to steal a glance. Her little kitten licks of white condiment. He had to shake his head to free his mind of the erotic images.
He steals a fry from her wrapper plate. She makes a sound of annoyance. "You have your own!"
"But yours tastes so much better."
He swipes another, scampering onto the table to his surprise, reaching for the fry he held over his head and out of her reach, causing the chair to fall and the two of them to fall flat.
"You’re so annoying!"
"Thank you. For taking care of stuff."
"We only have one of you, ninedy-nine," she smirked. He leans up to capture her lips, but they quickly push off of him. Forcing the air from his chest. "You stink; go shower, brush your teeth, and eat your lunch before it gets cold," she commands
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distroyer0g · 10 months
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Drawing Spider-man until beyond the spider-verse. Day 179.
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solidsmax · 4 months
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Marvel 97'
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ben-talks-art · 6 months
Animated shows with some "Hot Damn!" action scenes
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These ten shows might actually be peak action scenes if we're not counting anime.
(Feel free to prove me wrong though...)
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our-happygirl500-fan · 9 months
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I've talked about similarities between these three before but I think it's funny that Leo, Yuichi & MK all had to deal with at least one spider themed villain.
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Leo had to deal with Big Mama, Yuichi had to deal with Tsuchigumo & MK had to deal with Spider Queen, all three of them had to deal with spiders at least once.
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estobrotvpodcast · 1 year
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jacketpotatoo · 5 months
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some bookmarks I made for myself
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the-lazy-eldritch · 1 year
Everyone today is the last day to sign the patition for kosa please it’s can be really bad I’m begging all of you who can sign it please do do whatever you can to stop the bill from passing the president was sponsoring this shit it’s gonna pass the first amendment and we’ll need iD to get access to the internet just becouse some people don’t like a little lgbt content please sign if your in the US
Sorry for putting this in fandom tags but this might be a little bit more effective then just kosa tags I’m trying really hard to get this out their
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hippano · 1 year
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wake the fuck up spider-man, we have a multiverse to burn
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browsethestacks · 19 days
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The Comic Art Of Matt Lesniewski
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rhinocio · 8 months
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we got family drama (negative), we got family drama (positive), we got family drama (related to missing american action movie star Lou Jitsu)!!! rise rabbit multiverse has got it all!!!
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nalian0vna · 5 months
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Spider-Man and Silver Samurai in X-Men '97 episode 8
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distroyer0g · 1 year
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he needs more than his 3 seconds on screen. Drawing spiderman until beyond the spiderversere. Day 44.
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solidsmax · 5 months
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X-MEN 97' - 1.08 | Tolerance is Extinction Part 1
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Oh wow you guys were not exaggerating about Kabru. Flashing back to something Laios said thirty seconds before but with the happy white fuzz filter, immediately going "either I was wrong and they didnt rob us or they dont remember, either way its fine ❤️" to his party, blushing and going "this is so much worse than I imagined" while Shuro is actively trying to kill Laios, not even flinching over the "why were you eating a brick" thing? this little dude is a freak
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anabetel35 · 3 months
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Heard someone say the words 'Harumi becomes the new Sam X post-merge because Pixal is missing' and then my hand slipped :(
Closeups and text under cut! :)
Text transcription:
Samurai X 3.0 (aka Sarumi X)
Her mech is far lighter and quieter than Pixal's or Nya's
Frequently uses nets during combat
prefers hand to hand combat
Mr. F helped her build her mechs
Very aware of all the ways that she resembles the Overlord, takes things that remind her of him and emphasizes them out of spite.
The Overlord technically 'healed' most of her injuries when he reanimated her but he didn't plan for her to survive for very long. Her legs (crushed by the debris) give out beneath her sometimes. The 'X' over her chest is a mech that lets her fight even in those instances. Also it looks cool.
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(eyes are crossed out)
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