#star trek romance
kinkyliterotica · 2 years
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(Image above does not belong to me and I do not claim ownership of it)
Part 1
Ensign Vorik x OC Pon Farr Smut
Summary: Ensign Elisha is a security officer on the USS Voyager. She and Vorik have a casual friendship, but when B’Elanna rejects his advances, it is up to Elisha to satisfy his Pon Farr.
Warnings: Smut, Pon Farr, Interspecies Sex, Rough Sex, Sexual Tension, Creampie, Slight Breeding Kink
Vorik spoke quickly and hurriedly, not at all like a Vulcan or like himself, “B’Elanna, you may wish to reconsider. Your choices for a mate are currently limited to 73 male crew members, some of which are already unavailable.”
What was going on? Elisha stayed back in case she needed to duck out quickly. Maybe this was a bad time.
B’Elanna was becoming more incredulous. “I’ll worry about my choices myself, thank you.”
Vorik jogged up the stairs behind her, dead set on being face to face with her while he spoke.
“I should also remind you, that many humanoid species are unable to withstand Klingon mating practices--”
B’Elanna got up in his face, getting absolutely livid now with his insubordination.
“--Okay, that’s enough--”
Vorik continued despite B’Elanna’s warning.
“Whereas my superior Vulcan strength would make me a very suitable partner.”
On the last word he grabbed her face with his hands and held on tightly as she struggled. B’Elanna was no weakling, the fact that he had a grip on her at all was alarming.
Shit. Elisha dropped her coffee on the step and ascended quickly to intervene. She didn’t know what was happening, but it wasn’t consensual.
Before she could reach the two of them, B’Elanna escaped Vorik’s grasp and slammed her heel into his jaw. She heard the distinct pop of a bone out of place and a massive thud as Vorik’s body hit the floor. By some miracle he was still conscious, rubbing his jawbone looking entirely disoriented.
“Lieutenant!” Elisha called out, “Do you need my assistance?”
B’Elanna was out of breath, looking between Vorik and Elisha confused and terribly riled up.
“Yes, get him the hell out of here and down to sickbay. I’ll...I’ll be right behind you.” She quickly straightened her uniform and let out a heavy breath. She looked around as the entire engineering department had turned their heads to see what all the fuss was about. She moved around Vorik a little fearfully and addressed the crowd downstairs.
“I’ll be dismissing myself to sickbay, continue working on the assignments you were given. Ensign Vorik will be joining me as well.”
Elisha approached Vorik unsure of how to proceed. She had come here to do pretty much exactly the opposite of what she was doing now.
She bend down and held out a hand.
“Are you disoriented? Can you stand?”
Vorik looked up at Elisha completely dazed.
Elisha sighed. “Yes, Vorik. I’m...I’m here to escort you to sickbay. You...need to be examined.”
Vorik looked around as if he was seeing somewhat clearly again. An ounce of composure was present on his face. He nodded.
“Yes, yes of course.”
He grabbed Elisha’s arm and allowed her to pull him to an upright position. He stumbled a little and Elisha grabbed the back of his arm to steady him. He wasn’t stumbling like a drunk, but he wasn’t sober either.
B’Elanna went ahead to sickbay on her own, which wasn’t entirely a surprise. However, that did leave Vorik and Elisha alone on an incredibly awkward journey to sickbay. As she walked him to the holodeck she felt strange waves coming off of him.
He was totally out of whack. Not consistent or stable in any sense of the word. It’s almost like he was hanging onto his sanity by a thread. There was a chaotic mix of anger, sadness, shame, guilt, confusion, and hunger. A deep well of hunger that was left woefully unfulfilled.
He was breathing heavily as the holodeck moved swiftly down. He faltered slightly and Elisha moved to grab him, her breasts accidentally rubbing against the back of his arm and shoulder blades.
Vorik made the smallest noise. It could have been a grunt or a heavy breath, but he definitely reacted.
Vorik’s voice came out low and vaguely threatening.
“Be cautious of how you touch me Ensign. I am not right.”
Elisha’s heart leapt in her chest. It took more courage than she thought it would take to speak.
“Vorik, what’s happened to you?”
“You should not be here, you’re not safe.”
Elisha felt a little stab of wounded pride. She gripped Vorik’s arm tighter.
“I do not fear you Vorik, you remember that well.”
Vorik let out a sigh before he straightened himself. He quietly and ashamedly said, “I can stand, Ensign.”
Elisha didn’t want to let go of Vorik. She could feel his shame radiating out of him. There had to be some explanation for this.
“You’re...not well Vorik. Let me help you.”
“No Ensign, you shouldn’t help me. It was not my intention to do this in front of anyone, especially someone whose respect I wish to keep.”
Elisha considered how to respond.
“You’re not acting like yourself, I won’t judge you as yourself.”
Vorik said, “A logical statement, but also a kind one. One I don’t deserve.”
They rode in silence the rest of the way to sickbay. The Doctor and B’Elanna insisted I stand guard outside the door in case Vorik began acting irrationally again.
Not long after Lieutenant Tuvok approached her, with long urgent strides. They nodded at one another, clearly the both of them knew what was going on inside.
Tuvok addressed Elisha, “Ensign.”
Tuvok looked around unsure what to say.
“I am obligated to ask, were you a witness to the exchange between Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Vorik?”
Elisha straightened up, “Yes Sir.”
“Please describe to me what exactly it was that you saw.”
“Honestly Sir, it was strange. I didn’t see how it started, but I saw how it ended. They were having an argument, and he grabbed the Lieutenant’s face with his hands, tightly enough that she had to break free. She managed to dislodge him and strike him in the face.”
Tuvok nods, “What was the nature of their discussion?”
Elisha looks down at her feet, this was such an uncomfortable conversation, “I can’t make any assumptions, but it sounded like they were talking about the Lieutenant’s mating preferences.”
Tuvok’s eyes belay a hint of apprehension. His lips pull tighter together.
“He was nearly screaming. I’ve never heard a Vulcan sound like that.”
Tuvok’s energy was a mixture of shame and fear. Not nearly as potent as Vorik’s. Tuvok’s emotional control was far superior, developed over decades of careful practice. When he finally spoke he spoke seriously.
“Ensign, I would advise you at this point to return to your duties and put this incident out of your mind.”
He was hiding something. Something about Vorik. She was compelled to dig deeper.
“Sir...what’s going to happen to him?”
“That is not of your concern Ensign, I have given you my suggestion. If you will not respect that then I will make them orders.”
Elisha’s stomach shrunk in her belly. She was much more worried about Vorik than she initially realized. She cared about him, she wanted to make sure he was going to be okay.
Tuvok, as a fellow telepath, could sense how disturbed Elisha was by this order. She cared for him, more than she let on. Perhaps, during this time, this was exactly what Vorik needed.
“Ensign, are you invested in Ensign Vorik’s well being?”
Elisha unsuredly said, “Yes Sir.”
“In this scenario, if Ensign Vorik’s life was in danger, would you do everything in your power to assure that he was kept alive?”
A little more confidently she said, “Of course, Sir.”
Tuvok hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much he should or could reveal to an outsider. Vorik’s options were limited right now, he had little other choice than to resolve his Pon Farr with a member of the crew itself. Elisha was young, consistent, and self-disciplined. She cared for Vorik, and she had the physical and mental fortitude enough to withstand, in his opinion, a potentially dangerous trial for a human body to take on. It was only logical.
“I am not at liberty to discuss something of such a highly personal nature with one of his fellow crew members. However…” He briefly hesitated, “I am quite sure that if you insist with him your readiness to help, he will be receptive.”
Elisha was surprised with Tuvok. He was advocating for his fellow Vulcan, she’s not sure about what. What he said would not have been strange coming from a human, but from a Vulcan this was practically begging her to talk to Vorik and convince him to let her help him. This was serious.
“Thank you, Sir.” She said in disbelief.
“However, you heard nothing of the sort from me.”
“Not a word, Sir.”
The both nodded in understanding. Soon after B’Elanna was escorted out of the sickbay as well as Kae. Lieutenant Tuvok and Torres stepped aside to talk privately while Elisha waited. A few minutes after that, Vorik came through the door as well.
Vorik looked taken aback by Elisha’s presence but composed himself.
“I can escort myself back to my quarters sufficiently.” He ground out.
Elisha shook her head.
“Those aren’t my orders.”
Vorik closes his eyes and tenses his shoulders.
“Very well, lead the way. Though I do insist that you keep your distance.”
“Can I trust you?” Elisha asks sincerely.
“I am not an animal, Elisha” He seemed to be saying that to himself as much ash her, “I am perfectly capable of returning to my quarters without the need for you to get heavy handed.”
Elisha was unconvinced, “All right.”
She walks him to the holodeck in silence. He’s slightly more composed than when she saw him last, and more volatile. His fingers are gripped so tightly that the knuckles are turning pale. She tries to remember that he is sick instead of being incredulous at his rudeness towards her.
He wasn’t giving her an opening, it’s not likely he’s going to share with her what happened in Engineering. She would have to chip away bit by bit before he gave her anything.
“Were you injured when Lieutenant Torres struck you?”
Vorik held his tongue for a moment before speaking, “I suffered from a dislocated jaw, B’Elanna is quite powerful.”
“...Why did you grab her like that?”
“You would not understand.”
“Because I’m not Vulcan? This is a Vulcan thing right?”
“A deeply personal Vulcan matter. One which I do not wish to discuss any further. I would ask that you please respect my wishes and allow me to go back to my quarters to resolve this myself.” He spat.
Elisha knows that it’s now or never as they’re quickly approaching his quarters.
“Is there anything I can do to help, please?”
Vorik turns to look at her, his brows drawn together in conflict. Should he stop her here, or bring her back to his quarters? He knows that once the woman steps through the threshold of his door, all self-control will be gone. Just thinking of Elisha in his arms, in his bed, was driving him mad.
“I know that it’s somewhat illogical,” Elisha continued, “we haven’t known each other for long. But I...need to make sure that I’ve done everything I can.”
She was practically begging for him to take her. Vorik thinks about all the ways that she could help him, on the wall, on the floor, on his bed, in his shower…
Vorik’s arm suddenly shot out and grabbed Elisha by her wrist. His grip was like steel, she couldn’t shake him loose if she wanted to. It wasn’t painful but it was firm.
“Everything? How far are you willing to go Ensign?”
Elisha's eyes opened wide in shock. The sexuality dripping in his voice struck her. She felt herself grow wet. The energy buzzing between them, the desperation of his grip. It thrilled her to her core.
“What do you need, Vorik? Before I agree, I need you to say it.”
Vorik tenses up and releases his hand like her wrist had burned him.
Quietly and reservedly he said, “Leave me.”
“Just tell me!”
“Leave me!”
Elisha grabs his arm and shoves him into his quarters. Being a security officer she was quite strong, manhandling was part of her job description. She hovers her hand over the button that closes it. He stood on the side of darkness, only candles behind him to illuminate him. She stood on the side of the light, the door creating a barrier between them. Whether she would cross it was up to him.
“If you need me, when you need me, call me. I’m not as weak as you think I am.”
Before Vorik can respond she says, “You’re confined to quarters until further notice.”
She presses the button and the door seal shut with a whoosh. She runs her hand through her hair and sighs. She needs to go to the gym to burn off some of this excess energy. As soon as she updates Security of Vorik’s status.
Vorik had spent hours in his quarters diving deep into his mind. He was the beach, and a storm was battering his shore.
His body was alive with electricity. His skin is sensitive to the touch of the air and the fibers in his clothes. He hadn’t eaten or slept in 3 days, he suspected that he did not have more than 4 days before he would no longer be able to maintain his standard bodily functions.
He knew that this was coming, he had felt the first pull of his logic weeks ago. Early signs of discomfort and discontent within him. He became more aware of his female crew members, B’Elanna especially. He knew that Tom Paris shared affection for her as well, being that she had rejected him he had hoped that she would see his own suitability as a mate. He hadn’t planned on proposing such an arrangement to her for some time, but the time came, and he could not control himself.
He had hoped that it would not be this. Of all times for his first Pon Farr to come, it had to be now, while he was trapped, lightyears away from his home, away from his kind. He was already breaking tradition just by initiating a Vulcan practice with an outsider. He did not have strong opinions about the subject of interplanetary relations, when your options are limited you’re forced to overcome potential obstacles.
He noticed that as often as B’Elanna was in his mind, Elisha was there also. He had not spent nearly the amount of time with Elisha as he had with his Lieutenant, but all the same it was true they had a connection. It was subtle but all the same sincere. He...enjoyed the time they spent together on the holodeck. The reality of being a starship crewman prevented them from developing that bond, but he had recalled it quite often. The potential of a connection that could be deeper.
With the use of his logic, he would respect and appreciate Elisha’s concern for his well being. Now that he was without it, his feelings towards her were purely carnal. He wanted her. He wanted every inch of her. On his body, in his mind, all of her swallowed up the great storm that he had become.
He feared himself, he feared that he would scare her, that he would harm her, that he would break her. He wanted her, but he needed B’Elanna. It was only logical. She was half-Klingon. She could safely take on the physically rigorous burden that was ahead of him. That is if he was able to secure a mate at all.
Sweat dripped onto his hands as he meditated. The fever was beginning, he would soon lose his reason completely. He needed to act now while he still could.
He was disrupted from his meditation by the ringing of someone at his door. He had no assumptions of who it was, all he felt was anger at being interrupted.
“Go away.”
The door whoosed open behind him. Great anger rose in him and he spun around to shout with complete rage, “I said...go away!”
When he opened his eyes to see that it was Lieutenant Tuvok standing before him. The backlight behind him hurt Vorik’s eyes.
He felt a wave of nauseating shame, “I’m sorry Sir…”
“No, I must apologize for the intrusion, particularly at this time.” His voice was heavy with implication.
“So you know.”
“The resolution must be that we become mates. It is only logical!”
B’Elanna needed him, and he needed her.
Tuvok gently reminds him, “Lieutenant Torres has never been a great follower of logic.”
Vorik grits his teeth, “You think she’ll reject me again?” He could not suffer a second humiliation at her expense, particularly now.
Tuvok spoke slowly, “It might be wise, to continue your meditative efforts.”
Vorik let out a long heavy breath. Despite their mutual need, he doubted that given the circumstances, he would be able to win back B’Elanna’s affection after his last slight. Despite their bond she was strong willed, and not easily persuaded.
Defeated and tired, he said, “I’ll do my best, Sir.”
Tuvok did not make any indication that he was leaving.
“Was there something else Sir?” He grit out. If meditation was all that he could do he wanted to be left to it.
“It is not my place to involve myself in your personal matters. I too, have been through this exact trial you are faced with, at this point, many times over.”
Tuvok relaxed his posture.
“However, I have observed Ensign Elisha’s concern for you myself. In my personal opinion she is an exemplary crew member aboard this ship, and a trustworthy individual. Given her apparent affection towards you, and her respect for secrecy, I believe that she would make a superior choice to Lieutenant Torres.”
Vorik’s frustration cannot contain itself.
“She is a human Sir. The complications of relations between our races are not lost on me. Though Ensign Elisha is strong willed she lacks the physical strength to withstand--”
“Ensign Elisha is more than capable where her physical strength is concerned.”
“--regardless we do not share a bond, as B’Elanna and I do. She would be the logical choice.”
Tuvok looked towards Vorik paternally.
“I would advise that with your options being as limited as they are, choosing someone willing as opposed to someone who is not, would be the more logical endeavor.”
Tuvok turns to make his leave.
“I will speak no more of this, Ensign. Choose how you will. You do not have much time.”
As Tuvok left, Vorik’s rage took on a new face. He roared and hurled his sofa off of the floor onto its back. He took a decorative statue that held no sentimental value and smashed it into the far wall. He tore his tunic off and placed his head in his hands as he wept.
How had he been so foolish? Why had he forced a bond with B’Elanna? He ruined everything. He would be lucky if he was ever allowed to speak to her again, much less gain her affection.
Elisha...he hadn’t known her long. He knew she was intelligent, clever, capable, but not much else. She was a telepath, like him. They shared common interests. Common friends even.
She had expressed interest in helping him. Despite her naivete, he had capitalized on it quickly. As soon as she submitted herself to him in the smallest way, he needed to touch her. He needed her to know his power, his drive, his fear. He wanted to bond with her.
However she didn’t really know what she was offering. She didn’t know what would be required of her. The sacrifice, the great trial she would have to overcome. There would be blood. It would last for days without end. Things would never be the same again, once that bond is made in body and mind there is no going back.
If she rejected him as well, he didn’t know if he could cope. These women had the power to unknowingly subject him to death. How could he not fear their rejection?
Regardless of that fear, it was logical to pursue all available options until he had none left. A rejection would mean little if he was dead in less than a week. He had to try.
He pulled himself off of the floor and walked towards the comms unit by the door.
“Ensign Vorik for...Ensign Elisha.”
30 seconds passed before she responded, she sounded out of breath.
“Yes Vorik?”
Hearing her voice twisted his stomach. His need for her was a physical pain in his lok.
“Would you kindly meet me at my quarters?” He grit out, his jaw tense.
She was silent for a long moment.
“Tell me what’s going to happen when I get there, Vorik. I deserve that much.”
He shut his eyes tight and hung his head. All of his pride was gone and all that was left was to beg for relief from this pain.
He leaned in close to the comms until his forehead touched the wall. He closed his eyes as he let his guard down enough to be honest. If there was a time for honesty, it was now.
“I need you.” He quietly begged.
“My body or my mind?” She inquired.
He gnashed his teeth as he admitted, “Both.”
He heard her sigh over the comms.
“How soon? For how long?”
“Soon, and possibly, for several days.”
Vorik waited anxiously for her to make her decision. The sweat was reaching his brow but he did not open his eyes or wipe it away. She held his life in her hands.
“This is not something to be taken lightly, Ensign. This much I will warn you. However, I will not force you.”
Still she was silent.
“Give me...an hour to get my affairs in order. I’ll meet you there.”
Vorik’s eyes opened wide in shock. She hadn’t rejected him. His heart beat out of his chest and a relief washed over him. He would have his woman, she would soon be his.
“Thank you, Elisha.” His voice trembled but he didn’t care.
His whole body was shaking. He couldn’t believe she had answered his call. She knew no reason and only risk and she agreed anyway.
He would have to prepare. He had one hour. He looked at the disarray he had created in his quarters. He quickly and recklessly righted his furniture. He picked up the broken pieces of his shattered vase and threw them in the receptacle. He moved the furniture against the wall. He wanted to minimize damage to his living space as much as possible.
This was his first Pon Farr but based on how he was feeling now, he knew that his body was capable of great destruction. It was an instinct, he held no hesitation or nervousness about how they would mate. His body knew that it needed it, and soon she would too. She would become a vessel for his need.
His lok ached inside of his trousers. He moaned and grabbed his throbbing member through them and took a deep breath. He wanted to run through these halls, tear down her door, and have her right there on the floor. Like an animal, stalking his prey to its hiding place and taking what he needed from her sopping wet cunt…
He was drenched in sweat. She couldn’t see him like this.
He removed his clothes and put them in the laundry receptacle before stepping into the sonic shower. He cleaned himself roughly and thoroughly. His skin was on fire. He tended to his personal hygiene and changed into a simple but traditional Vulcan piece of clothing. The robe covered his bare feet and would be easy to remove when he needed to.
When he was finished he sat by his meditation shrine and focused for what felt like ages on belaying his need until Elisha arrived. Only then was he struck with the fear that she would change her mind, that she would leave once his waters had just begun to be cooled. How could he reassure her?
The door chimed and he whipped his head around to face it. He got to his feet quickly and composed himself enough to say,
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maybeamultiverse · 1 year
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New Romulan OC x human OC fic out-- first chapter available here.
"The year is 2022. Yhea, a Romulan geologist tasked with a covert survey of a planet known as 'Terrha' for potential colonization and mining activities, experiences a suspicious engine malfunction, finding himself stranded on this alien world while his ship undergoes automized repairs. Sophia, a recent college dropout, likes arts and crafts, having lunch with her parents, and spending time alone in her room. When their paths cross after she hits the scientist with her family's SUV, he decides that no one is better suited to be his guide in this alien landscape."
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 years
When the Tie-In Novels Pop Up
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I went ham into the Star Wars EU (now legends continuity), but oddly enough, I did not find my way anywhere near as deep into the Star Trek novels. That's not to say I didn't dabble, though, and the omnibus Imzadi Forever--which contains two companion novels, it's basically a duology--was my first mission into the Star Trek novelverse.
I admit, I also found the audiobook narrated by Jonathan Frakes, but that was suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a disappointment because it was so abridged as to take a solidly OK Troi/Riker ship fic and make it actually bad. There is an unabridged audiobook with a different narrator, but I literally could not...I've watched too much TNG. Let's talk Imzadi Forever.
This omnibus includes the full text of Imzadi and Imzadi II: Triangle.
Imzadi explores a what-if time travel scenario that really hammers through Riker's thick skull that his life is quite simply incomplete without Deanna Troi in it. It's very "young, dumb love" contrasted with the potential for more mature, developed emotion--as long as the time travel thing works properly. I'm absolutely not here to day that this is the best Star Trek romance book ever, but it's solidly fun and frankly, I don't mind authors torturing characters a bit, and Riker full-on goes through the ringer in this one.
That said, I'm not here to say that this is the peak of literary writing--it's not. There is an exquisitely terrible poem that gets brought up objectively way too often. But it is a lot of fun, and when you really need a Troi/Riker fix, this is definitely a good story to reach for. It's fluffy and has a happy ending.
Imzadi II is an extremely different tone, and really kind of highlights everything that was toxic about Troi's relationships with Worf, Riker, and Thomas Riker. There are Romulans. There is torture to make the boys crack. There is an actual fistight between Will Riker and Worf over Troi and Alexander (yeah, both. It's complicated). This is a VERY different mood of a novel, and while both books are good, they're not the type of duology I would normally binge together.
All that said though, this is a fun Star Trek omnibus that is very fun when you want just a little more Troi and Riker.
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thegeminisage · 11 months
i'm just going to go ahead and make this its own post. when kirk teases spock he is SO GENTLE. "why mister spock are you feeling emotion?" and he lets spock do the vulcan equivalent of giggling and kicking his feet and going "haha nooo silly i'm a VULCAN i don't do that!!" and kirk's like "oh my apologies mister spock of COURSE not" and then they make consensual loving eyecontact with one another while smiling. when BONES senses blood in the water (spock having an emotion) he will grab spock by the scruff of his fucking neck and shake until dead. like a dog with a squirrel.
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leqnardmccoy · 5 months
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STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE (1979) dir. Robert Wise
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Which best describes the ship you're currently most obsessed with?
it doesn't have to accurately describe the ship, just the descriptor you think is the most fitting. all gendered language is there to preserve the meme and should be read as gender neutral. please reblog for a greater sample size. if you are equally obsessed with multiple ships or currently not obsessed with any, just pick a ship you enjoy (if you don't like any ships, the dynamic you think sounds the most entertaining)
edit: if multiple fit perfectly, chose the aspect you like best about the ship
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ech-e-sketch · 3 months
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Chaos trio, they’re so ridiculous
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
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I could imagine an episode where they bring the tribbles here
@kiwim7 various Teletubbies situations
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tumbleofdorks · 4 days
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When the trio is actually, in fact, a fully functional Troll quad.
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galacticturnip-art · 8 months
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Exploring the final frontier of love and friendship with Kirk and Spock 💫🖖 and in every glance, a bond that transcends galaxies ✨❤️
Linktr.ee | 11x17 Print will be available for purchase starting April 26th! 🖖
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eruptedinlight · 6 months
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hello hi the romance punched me so hard in the throat i almost snapped my laptop in half
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forecast0ctopus · 4 months
just wanted to tell you I really enjoy seeing your star trek art with all three of the boys together. I always see a lot of spirk, but there's significantly less of them being poly the three of them (or otherwise platonic shenanigans). being a poly person myself, it's just really cool and nice. No need to answer this or anything if you don't want to, I just wanted to let you know how happy it makes me
thanks!! the dynamic between the three of them is my favorite part :] just spock and kirk, or kirk and bones, or bones and spock all have compelling interactions but when one of them isnt there it kind of feels like somethings missing……
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^second star trek sketch i ever did.. did not know how to draw them but they all Had to be present….. important
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little-birdie-told-me · 6 months
there is no heterosexual explanation for this. these boyfriends wanna role play their favorite gay fictional couple so bad.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
I love how Tuvok, Janeway, and Chakotay all at some point say things that are anti crewmen having sex or pursuing romance. Chakotay at one point seems to suggest completely banning romance between crewmen and Tuvok spends half an episode walking Harry through how not to fall in love. There's an entire episode where Janeway invokes a heretofore never mentioned (or followed) rule in which Starfleet officers can't have sex with aliens. Janeway and Tuvok also both seem to consider holodeck sex/romance to be cheating - Tuvok explicitly refuses to partake in it and Janeway's hallucination of Mark accuses her of being unfaithful because of it. The prude crew ♥
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lodessa · 2 months
Dal really had one (1) pep talk from Chakotay, was like “ love means happiness is her in the captain’s chair and you serving under her”, and decided that was going to be his new personal prime directive. Now he’s flourishing: unbothered, moisturized, staying in his own lane.
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pinazee · 1 year
Bless the writers for giving Kirk his inherent romanticism and not the f*ckboy reputation that developed over time
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