#stay happy and healthy and safe baby boy!
sinsandsweetness · 7 months
hi my love <3
do you think you could do a rick grimes fluff where it’s an established relationship where he’s got a short fuse for everyone else but her and he’s super soft and gentle to her
or rick with a sleepy reader who he just lets fall asleep on his lap as he strokes her hair when he’s in the middle of discussing something important with someone else
ok I'm currently painting my toenails baby pink and got me thinking about rickyl with hyperfeminine!reader. (I know u said rick but this is what my brain said so...enjoy?)
It’s way too late but you can’t really help that you’re a night owl. And besides, the boys are still up, lights on in the living room, the two of them talking strategy for some hoard the group has been tracking for a few weeks. The conversation seems really important so you don’t want to interrupt but you also can’t see all that well since your glasses broke on that run last week and you’ve yet to find any new ones… so you were really hoping someone would help you out.
With your bottle of nail polish in hand, you stand in the doorway, fighting an internal battle of if you should go in or not. So in doubt, you hover, putting a few dishes away in the kitchen. Grabbing some water. Checking the fridge. All while the glass bottle of pink polish becomes warm in your hand. Bare feet padding against the cool hardwood as you finally decide to just go back to bed. The safety of the community is undoubtably more important than your damn toes.
“You alright, angel?” Ricks voice is soft as it travels to your spot on the stairs, swiveling around to see both men eyeing you down. Gaze travveling up your bare legs to your tiny little boy shorts and the oversized sweater with a stretched out collar and way too many holes in it.
“Mhm.” You quip, flashing a candy sweet smile.
“You’re pacin’. What’s up?” Daryl isn’t convinced as he looks you in the eyes, elbows leaned onto his knees. Still in his work clothes. Jacket, vest and jeans. Even his boots are still laced up.
“I just-" you look down at your bare toes. All prepped for paint, cut and filed and screaming at you to give them some colour. “Can one of you help me paint my toes?”
The way both of their faces soften at your answer gives you butterflies. They’re always way too worried. Too on edge. Especially when it comes to you. Wanting to protect you. Keep you safe and healthy and happy. So that’s why when they notice you pacing in the kitchen at half past midnight, they jump to their own little conclusions about what might be wrong. About what could possibly be going on in that beautiful mind of yours.
“C’mhere.” Rick pats a hand on the couch cushion next to him which you happily take. Practically skipping over and plopping down, ass on the cushion and feet in his lap.
He takes the bottle and gives it a little shake before continuing his conversation with Daryl, who doesn’t seem to be listening as attentively as he was before. With you laying on the couch, long legs sprawled out and a sleepy smile on your pretty face, you’ve become quite the distraction.
Ricks hands are warm as he holds your feet, carefully painting each nail, all while he stays talking. You hear snippets like, “- well if we do that, then they’ll just be headed for Oceanside. We need to find a route that makes sense for everyone, even if it means-” but you aren’t really listening. You’re more focused on making heart eyes with Daryl and playing with a loose string on the hem of your sweater. Eyes growing heavy with each coat of paint. The intoxicating, chemical smell that you've weirdly enough grown to love, fills the room and your feet tickle when rick blows cool air on them. Closing the bottle and popping it back into your hand while he leans back and asks Daryl something off topic about a run with Aaron. thumb running over your foot, hand traveling up your calf and gently massaging the muscle there. You sink even further into the couch, all warm and tired and cozier then ever. The combination of Ricks touch sending tingles up your spine, and the drawl of both their voices, act in accordance to lull you right to sleep.
You know that even if you do fall asleep here on the couch, it's no big deal. They'd carry you to bed in a heartbeat. They have before. So you let your eyes flutter shut under the comforting fact that you’re sure to wake up in clean, warm covers with a man on either side of you and two big arms wrapped around your waist.
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Hi inês, hope you are well, could a request a blurb where the reader struggles with her mental health and the driver of you choice helps her through that, if you want you can include their children, thank you kisses
Note: I hope you're well, too!
Cw: mental health struggles related to parenting, immunity concerns regarding premature babies
"We're okay, baby boy, we're okay", you cooed as you bounced Fraser, walking along the nursery to hopefully soothe him to sleep. It had been like that for the past two weeks and it was getting to you. Matilda caught some bug in school and the minute it entered your home, Fraser was the second victim and he was struggling with it too, barely being able to sleep for long before he coughed and needed his nose unblocked.
Because he was a premature baby, you had to be even more careful with these things, and even though you knew they happened and it was all part of life, you weren't sure you could go another day without telling this to someone. Lando had been incredible at making sure you were all taken care of, and Matilda was dropped off and picked up from school so you could stay home for your maternity leave.
"Love, are you on the nursery?", Lando called as he climbed up the stairs, following the small noise from your footsteps and Fraser's whimpers, "there you are, hey gorgeous", he smiled, kissing your cheek before rubbing Fraser's cheek as he laid on your chest, "look at you so comfy, little man, mummy's chest us the best spot for a nap, isn't it? Mummy is the best", he nipped a few kissed on the top of his head until he heard your sniffles.
"Love, lovie, hey", he cooed back at you, cupping your face in his hands, "what's the matter? Hey - breathe with me", he encouraged, taking a few long, deep breaths with you, "it's okay, everything is okay", he checked over.
"He's so little, Lando, and he needs to be kept safe and sound, but it's not like we can get Tilly out of school just for that, and he's bound to have to build an immune system, might as well be now that my boobs gave the good antibodies stuff but still", you babbled.
Lando took Fraser away from your arms with your consent, setting him on his cot for a little bit when the little boy was settled, "now tell me all of that without being so worried, okay?", he encouraged again.
"I can't stop worrying about him, thinking he has a deficient immune system to begin with and I can't seem to keep him healthy and happy enough - it all goes through my head so many times a day and I can't think about anything else. It's the same thing, all the time", you admitted.
"How long have you been feeling like this? You could've told me, darling", he soothed softly, "you're doing such a good job with him, I'm in awe of you every day, Y/N. Sure, he's been a bit cough-y and his nose his stuffy, but you're doing your best - we're doing our best! He's got a sister who adores him so much and plays with him - she's even helping with his immune system", Lando tried to bring a smile to your face, achieving it, "He's got me, who will physically shove you into bed no matter how many times you say that you'll get him from now on, and he's got a wonderful, superwoman like mummy who needs some rest and reassurance, and that's okay", he kissed your lips softly, "we're in this together, darling", he confided.
"I feel alone and like I'm a failure, but then he's such a happy little one, look at that!", you pointed to the smiling boy, happily biting in his stuffed koala toy as he looked at both of you, "it's such a rush of things and I'm already thinking of what I need to do in case he does come down with something else - fever, tummy bug, stuffy nose - anything really", you rubbed your forehead, letting your husband pull you to his embrace.
"How about we have a cosy night in just the four of us? Movie night with Tilly, and I can e the one keeping an eye on that little dude and you can just relax - I don't like seeing you this worried, beautiful", he brushed some hairs behind your ear, "sounds nice".
After dinner, Matilda sat with you on the sofa and as per Lando's request, she kept showering you with "extra love", meaning she was more attentive than usual, "you also always make me my favourite breakfast everytime I ask for it", she said as she kissed your cheek again.
"Thank you, Tilly", you smiled, "I'm not done yet, mummy! I love you because you always take care of me, because you let me stay up late to watch daddy's races when they're at night or wake up really early to see him race when it's very far away, how you always let me know you love me, daddy and Fraser", she continued as you felt happy tears brimming your eyes from all the love she was showering you with.
"Little man is down, was absolutely milk drunk and went out like a light", Lando said as he walked inside the living room with Fraser on his arms, showing you his pout and chubby cheeks before he put him in the small basket you had in the living room, still able to keep an eye on him.
"Did you tell her to tell me all the things she loved about me?", you whispered on Lando's ear once Tilly was focusing on the movie cuddled up to your side, "I have no idea what you're talking about", Lando shrugged his shoulders even though the smile was on his lips.
"Sure, you have no idea what I'm talking about", you kissed his jaw, "thank you for this".
"We're in this together, no one gets left behind and no one feels like a failure in this house, ever!", he whispered back, his hand happily playing with your fingers while Matilda giggled sweetly as she watched the squirrel trying to get the acorn.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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mydearesthrry · 11 months
the end - h.s.
a/n: and just like that, harry styles love on tour is over. thank you for the memories. hoping and praying h stays happy and safe and healthy always. enjoy nearly 600 words of me being emo also none of this makes sense and it’s so so shit but I had to post something im so sorry
🎀 warnings/cw: angst. fluff. harry crying
🐇 pairing: fem!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: 583
summary: following the final show of love on tour, you reassure harry that it’s time for him to rest now.
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“C’mere Bunny,” she whispers in the muffled quiet of the dressing room. Harry was sat on the opposite side of her on the couch, and she knew to give him space at this moment in time. Harry was fully soaking everything in. Every ounce of love, support, every atom of appreciation he felt, he was allowing it to happen in the safe of his dressing room, no prying eyes there to watch one of the most vulnerable states he’s been in besides his love.
He looked up from where his head was in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Her heart broke when she saw his face. Watery eyes, splotchy redness covering his cheeks, and pink pillowy lips damp from him flattening them into his mouth. He crawled over to her without a second thought, resting his body from his waist up on hers, twisting to bury his head into her neck, the tears falling at an even more rapid pace.
“Bunny, ‘s the matter?” YN asked, her lips pressed to his sweaty mop of curls, pecking soft kisses to his head.
“‘M jus- I dunno, I jus- I feel so loved, and I feel selfish that ‘M leaving them when they’ve given me everythin’ I have… I jus- It doesn’t feel… right?” He let his insecurities float around in the stale air of the room, wincing at the quietness that seemed to amplify now that he let his thoughts roam free, thoughts that he knew would now spill into his girlfriends.
“You— Harry, you saying that is more selfish than you leaving. Baby, do you know how long we’ve been on tour? Truthfully, do you?” She asked, a look of confusion blatant on her face as she pulled his head from the crook of her neck.
“I- no, time doesn’t really… ‘M not good at that stuff, Lovie.” He hung his head in shame and sadness.
“H, we got Peach in May of last year when she was a kitten, a few months before we left, and guess what, H? She’s stayed with Mum and has had babies, and my sister had her baby in June, a week before the tour started, and he’s turning two this year. So many things have happened, Baby, you’ve just been so caught up in this tour that you aren’t allowing yourself to see them happen,” She whispered, knowing he needed a little ounce of tough love in this moment. “You have to let yourself rest.”
“‘M so tired, YN.” His voice cracked, and she felt the tears begin to whir behind her eyelids.
“I know, I know baby, I’m so tired too, but you can rest now, my sweet love. It’s time for us now. You can— we can rest, and we can go anywhere y’want. We can go home, if you want, or we can stay at the villa, even. It’s just— it’s time for you to rest.” She allowed herself to get emotional, wanting Harry to know that he wasn’t in this alone.
“Thank you,” Harry whispered. “I don’t… I don’t deserve you, at all.”
“Bunny, you deserve more than me. You deserve everything that’s good in this world, sweet boy, and I kick myself every day that I can’t give that to you. I love you more than I can even explain, Harry. You’ve changed my life and have saved me, time and time again.”
Harry shook his head. “There’s no one above you. You’re it for me, I swear on it.”
“I know, H,” She smiled down at him. “I feel the same way. I always have and always will.”
“Can we go home?” Harry asked sweetly.
“Of course we can, Baby. Wherever you want. I love you.”
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silantryoo · 6 months
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — the last great american dynasty, pt 1.
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jang wonyoung, throughout the years.
WARNINGS ; misogyny, toxic household, infidelity, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, absent parents, mentions of affair families, hints of eating disorders, overworking, health issues, fatphobia, implied depression, implied teenage pregnancy (5.5k)
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jang wonyoung was born on august 31, 2004.
the newborn was nine pounds and twenty-one inches. with a head of dark, thick hair, the baby's cries rang throughout the hospital room as a tired jang jiyoung could feel the tears welting in her eyes. her baby was alive, and healthy by the sound of it. it was music to her ears.
her baby. her beautiful baby.
she could already imagine it. her beautiful baby boy, inheriting the jang name, passing it on. he'd run for office, just like his father, upholding its integrity, its strength. jiyoung would introduce him to one of her costar's friends, and they'd get married. he'd take care of her, as jiyoung would help his pregnant wife get settled into the family.
she loved her baby boy. her perfect little wonyoung.
"what would you like to name her?"
jiyoung's heart dropped.
"i'm sorry?"
she must've heard wrong. it was just the post-labor haze that had been talking. not only would wonseok reprimand her for not producing an heir to the jang name, but she wouldn't have anyone to take care of her once she grew old.
at least, not someone capable.
the baby's cries continued, almost as if the baby was begging for a glimpse of its mom. with tiny little hands outstretched in the direction of jiyoung, tears poured down its chubby cheeks.
her baby. her baby girl.
"wonyoung." she said half-heartedly. "i'll name her jang wonyoung."
jang wonyoung was imperfect from the start.
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her cheeks were too chubby.
any normal four-year-old would have been praised. chubby cheeks were a sign of health, a sign that your baby was eating well.
wonyoung knew it from the way her mom would stare at her, sometimes even pinching her cheeks harshly, almost as if she was trying to pull off the fat on them.
she tried to ignore it, always opting to color peacefully and blink the tears away.
she always drew four people.
her mom, hair flowing to her shoulders, her eyes the same doe-eyed ones as wonyoung. wonyoung always drew her with an angry expression. it was only on tv that wonyoung saw her smile. the youngest jang always stayed up to see her mom smile.
one day, she wanted to see it in person.
her dad was there too, who she rarely saw, but always held a frown whenever he came home. she noticed that he always smelt different, sometimes like the dark, but other times, like flowers. her dad was always serious, even when he was with her mom.
there was also her nanny, a middle-aged woman named hannah, drawn with a smile that made wonyoung feel warm and safe. from what she told wonyoung, she had been working for jiyoung back when she was lee.
wonyoung wondered if her mom smiled back then.
lastly, in the middle, the four-year-old stood. she'd draw herself out in blue crayon, holding her parents' hands with a happy smile. she wished they had a photo like that, instead of the rigid ones that they kept above the fireplace.
hopefully, she'd get a younger sibling soon, so she could love more people.
"enough drawing, wonyoung." her mom snatched her masterpiece away, eyebrows furrowed like the pictures. "your dad is coming home soon."
"he is?" she hoped that he smelt like flowers again.
"he is." jiyoung's face hardened. "you have to go to your room now."
"but i want to see him." she hadn't seen her dad in two months. her mom always said he was at the office, helping the next candidate for the upcoming election (whatever that meant). wonyoung didn't care though. all she wanted was to see her dad again.
jiyoung let out a long sigh, and wonyoung could feel the guilt starting to build up in her chest.
did she make her mom mad again?
"he's in a bad mood, wonyoung." her lips were in a tight line, and wonyoung could see her jaw clenching.
she just wanted her mom to smile at her for once. she wanted to stop making her angry, and her dad happy.
the young girl's eyes brightened, her cheeks turning a light red.
"i can cheer him up!" her dad always laughed at her jokes. if she could get him to smile, wonyoung was sure she could make him feel better. "my friend, sarang, taught me a magic trick. if i can just show dadd-"
"i said," her mom's voice was strict and firm, not the smooth melody she heard on tv. "go to your room, wonyoung."
"but-" wonyoung could cheer him up! she knew she could.
jiyoung sighed. of course, wonyoung would disobey her. she shouldn't have expected anything else from the younger girl.
"do you want him to be mad at you?" the older woman scolded her, jiyoung's finger pointing at the four-year-old in front of her. "do you want him to know that you're a stupid little girl who doesn't listen to her mom?"
wonyoung hadn't heard that word before, not until now. her mom had always called her other things; annoying, loud, irritating, but she had never heard stupid before.
she didn't know why it made her feel bad.
"what?" wonyoung could feel herself shrinking into her seat, gripping onto the blue crayon in her hand. "what's stupid?"
"you." jiyoung's eyes were numb, void of all emotions. wonyoung hated it when her mom looked at her like that. "you're being an annoying, stupid little girl right now."
stupid? was she stupid?
wonyoung could feel herself crying.
she didn't want to be stupid. she just wanted to make her dad happy. she just wanted to spend time with him, even when he smelt weird, like the cabinet her mom would open frequently.
"i just wanna see daddy..." wonyoung hiccuped. her lip quivered as her mom glared at her, huffing.
her mom was mad. it was wonyoung's fault, again.
maybe wonyoung was a stupid little girl.
she didn't want to be stupid.
"he doesn't wanna see you." jiyoung whispered, her voice piercing the young jang.
wonyoung hung her head low.
she knew it deep down. she knew that her dad's laughs were to shoo her away. wonyoung could see it by the way he looked at her, and no matter how hard she tried, no matter how funny her jokes were, wonseok wouldn't look her way. even when she showed him her drawings, all he would do was nod.
wonyoung was a stupid girl.
"go to your room, wonyoung."
wonyoung nodded, her bottom lip quivering as she packed up her crayons. she cradled the box against her body, rushing upstairs as jiyoung poured herself a glass of wine.
the four-year-old swung the door open, jumping into her already-made bed. the box of crayons squished against the pale blue covers, various pinks, and reds staining them. it was warm in her room, blindingly bright for a night at 9pm. if wonyoung wasn't crying so much, she'd ask hannah to turn down the lamp and turn on her rabbit night light.
she loved rabbits. they looked like her mom.
"wonyoung." hannah laughed at the little girl, sitting beside her faced-down head. "your crayons."
wonyoung stayed quiet, letting her bed soak up the tears pouring down her face. she tried her best to be quiet, to not disturb anyone, just like her mom taught her.
hannah could still hear her sniffling, though.
the older woman rubbed the back of wonyoung's shirt, feeling the young heiress gasping for air. "what's wrong?"
wonyoung lifted her head up, squinting as she tried to adjust to the room's brightness. she could see the han river from where she was, the water glistening into the jang household.
the four-year-old looked at her caretaker, the kind woman smiling at her.
"mama told me to go up here." her voice was as tiny as she was. "she said daddy was coming, and that he was upset."
wonyoung was upset too, but she was okay with being upset if it meant wonseok would look her way.
"why are you crying then?"
she was crying because she was stupid. she was crying because she never got to spend time with her dad, and her mom only looked her way when wonyoung listened to her.
she was crying because she was jang wonyoung, and her parents didn't want jang wonyoung.
"mama said i can't see him." she hummed as the nanny stroked her hair, comfort washing throughout her body. "he'd get mad at a stupid girl like me."
hannah frowned.
she was worried that jiyoung would turn out like this, bitter and cruel to the younger girl. jiyoung had always resembled her mother, even back when the eldest lee was a baby. hannah had always hoped that she wouldn't hold the same parenting style as her.
"wonyoung." hannah bit back the quiver of her voice. no girl, especially someone as sweet as the young heiress, should ever think of themselves in such a way. "don't call yourself stupid. you're a very smart girl."
wonyoung shook her head. every word her parents had said was a sense of truth to the young child. every glare, every sigh made her feel sad. it made her hurt.
it made her feel worthless.
(but the four year-old didn't know that word yet, and it wouldn't be a couple years until she did. but it didn't matter, because she knew it felt the same when she was four as it did when she was twenty.)
"mama said i was." her voice was as little as she was.
jiyoung was her mother in every sense, just like she always wanted to be. hannah hoped wonyoung wouldn't meet the same fate.
"she's just stressed out right now." she felt guilty lying to the young girl, even though it was partial. "don't listen to her."
wonyoung wanted to believe hannah, so she nodded, sitting up and allowing herself to accept the excuse.
hannah smiled, her grin sending a warmth through wonyoung's body that made her feel loved. she wished that her mom would smile at her that way, but she didn't mind that it was hannah.
the woman looked at wonyoung's bed sheets, stained with the young girl's tears and her crayons.
"do you wanna help me clean this up?" hannah asked, watching as the four year-old's eyes lit up.
wonyoung always wanted to help her.
it made her miss her daughter.
"can i show you a magic trick first?" the young jang smiled, her chubby cheeks protruding from her face.
"a magic trick?" hannah asked gleefully. she pinched wonyoung's cheek lightly, trying her best to control her giddiness. she didn't understand how anyone could hate her this child. "our baby knows a magic trick?"
"can i?" wonyoung grabbed a crayon from the box, waiting for hannah's answer.
"of course, wonyoung."
wonyoung felt perfect.
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wonyoung was stupid.
she didn't understand how she could get a 78% in english. perhaps she had been too enamored by their english teacher, the young woman from overseas who had cat-like eyes and a soft, comforting voice that felt like a blanket.
still, she should be doing better. she had gone to an english speaking preschool. most of her friends spoke english as well. she even had cousins across the planet that lived in english speaking countries.
the young heiress felt herself tense as she heard her father sigh beside her. her teacher, pretty and proper, sat in front of them, alongside the principal. only a dark mahogany desk separated the two parties, but wonyoung wished it was more.
"a tutor?" jang wonseok voice was sharp, yet deep and demanding. "why would she need a tutor?"
she needed a tutor because she was stupid. wonyoung was a stupid girl.
she held her tongue back, the knot in her throat increasing as she felt her father radiate anger.
"wonyoung is struggling in english." the eight year-old could hear the worry in her teacher's voice, but she didn't know if it was directed at her or at her father. "it's normal for kids her age too, but she has a hard time with the structure."
the young heiress wanted to go home. she wanted to sit in her dark room, in her closet behind the mahogany doors, the one that had twelve knots, an imperfection that was smooth to the touch.
it was the only imperfection she could bear because jang's can't come with imperfections.
wonyoung wished she wasn't a jang, or at the very least, she wasn't wonyoung.
"if it's normal then why does my daughter need it?" the young jang didn't need to turn to know that her father was scowling at the pretty girl in front of them. she could already hear it in his voice.
"well, since you did sign her up for the advanced placement in our school, it'll be hard for her to keep up with the class." her teacher was calm. wonyoung liked calm. "a tutor would help her and-"
"my daughter doesn't need a tutor."
she did. wonyoung knew she did.
but her father rarely acknowledged her, much less as his daughter. part of her had wondered if he did it purposefully, but it didn't matter. not right now, at least.
"right, wonyoung?"
wonyoung couldn't continue to be a disappointment.
"get up." her father smirked. he stood up, dusting his tailored dress pants. "we're leaving."
"yes, dad."
obedience was perfection, just like status was worth.
wonyoung just wished that it didn't have to break a part of her every time she did it.
jang wonseok stormed out, and wonyoung could feel the embarrassment fluttering across her chest. her eyes met her principal's, his face scowled in disdain.
jang's had pride, but wonyoung knew better than to leave as such.
the eight-year-old bowed. she bowed as an apology for her and her father and as a sign of respect for the two school staff who took time out of their way out of concern for her.
"jang wonyoung!"
her eyes widened, and wonyoung found herself bolting out of the room, her school bag clutched against her chest.
jang wonseok was scary.
the two made their way into wonseok's mercedes, wonyoung hopping inside, as her father started the car.
the two drove in silence, wonyoung knowing better than to speak once spoken to. she didn't want to anger her father any further, otherwise it would fall onto her mother, which would fall onto her.
she didn't have time for that. she needed to study.
her stomach grumbled lowly, the sudden sound making her head jolt up.
oh, she needed to eat too. she had forgotten about that along the way, too anxious about the parent-teacher meeting that happened to eat lunch earlier that day.
she needed to eat and then study. if she studied as soon as she got home, she would have time to draw or watch cartoons without sacrificing her grades.
was she even allowed to watch cartoons now? her mother had always called them nonsense but wonyoung liked to turn off her brain once in a while. maybe that's why she was stupid. maybe that's why she was like this.
or maybe she was just like this because she was wonyoung.
"your teacher pisses me off." wonseok turned the corner. "is she always like that?"
did she always care about wonyoung? yes, more than her father did.
but she wasn't going to tell him that.
"hm." wonseok hummed, the car coming to a halt as the traffic light turned red. he glanced at his daughter, gaze cold and stern. "you shouldn't be struggling, wonyoung. that's not how i raised you."
the young heiress wasn't raised by her father or her mother. at eight, she already knew that, and it angered her to think that they kept trying to take credit for her actions, whether it be good or bad.
hannah raised her. not jang wonseok.
but she still held his last name, like how his blood flowed through her veins, and how his title affected her daily life.
"you're a jang." the car started to move again. "jang's don't need help. you think my father helped me? you think he made me how i am?"
part of her wondered if her grandfather had treated her father like this, or if her father was just mean to be mean.
"do you understand what i'm saying?"
wonyoung nodded, obedient as ever. "yes."
"when you get home, i expect you to be studying." wonyoung frowned. her father would most likely be in his study, one that had a clear view of the kitchen. "hannah will keep an eye on you."
"hannah's sick." she was in no shape to take care of the young jang. in fact, wonyoung had been taking care of her. "she should stay in her room. i can just ask my friends-"
"how much do you know, wonyoung?" wonseok asked, practically waving her shortcomings in front of her face. the young girl stayed silent. "exactly. and your friends know as much as you do. hannah will be making sure you stay on track."
wonyoung knew better than to argue, so she listened like she always did.
"yes, dad."
wonyoung wished she could stop listening, just this once.
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there were twelve knots on the inside of her mahogany-boarded closet. four were broken in half, caught in between doors while the rest scattered.
there were fifty slits on said doors, one hundred in total. she liked the way the light peaked in, and how warm she felt when it hit her face.
there were three pillows that scattered the ground in said closet. one was bunny-shaped, pastel blue with beady eyes that wonyoung had gotten for her ninth birthday. the other two were throw pillows, white in color, ones that her mother had given her this year, on her tenth.
the hard, cold ground was covered with a blanket, navy blue and fluffy, one that hadn't been washed in over two months. wonyoung's initials were stitched onto the side, but it was only a reminder that she and this closet, her escape, were owned by her father.
it was her father who owned this house, who owned her existence, just like he owned a second child.
her father was a cheater. wonyoung had heard it in between slits of the one hundred panels that made up the majority of her closet's entrance.
"cheater!" she heard.
"liar!" she heard.
crying, she heard.
she wished she could stop hearing it in her head, how her mother's sharp cries echoed in her skull, and how jiyoung blamed everything on the ten-year-old jang wonyoung.
it's my fault.
it always was.
a shadow passed through the holes of her closet, blocking the sunlight as it reached her eyes. wonyoung wondered how long she had been inside, the fighting reaching its climax at around four that morning.
she only wanted to study.
the shadow stayed still as if it was contemplating leaving. the young jang hoped that it was her mother, coming to apologize for the careless words that she had yelled an hour ago.
but jang jiyoung never apologized, just like she never cried.
the shadow spoke.
the young jang stood up, opening the opposite door in a hurry.
the ten-year-old grabbed her arm, bracing it gently as the older woman smiled. she could see hannah holding a cup of water, waves rippling with each shake of her hand.
"you should be resting." she furrowed her eyebrows.
hannah merely stared, not budging as the young heiress felt herself getting more desperate.
wonyoung begged. "hannah, please."
"i'm not leaving until we talk." the older woman shook her head, standing her ground.
hannah was like her, stubborn in every sense. she cared too much to let wonyoung wallow in her sorrows. the young jang knew she would be lost without her guidance.
"can you at least sit?" wonyoung tried to reason, ushering hannah to her bed.
she nodded, allowing wonyoung to lead her. she sat down, handing wonyoung the glass, who took it carefully as if hannah was the one that was fragile.
the two sat in silence, and all hannah could remember was wonyoung at four years old, crying about her mother.
it was no different this time.
"it's not your fault." the older woman started. "your mom is just angry."
jiyoung was an angry person, like wonseok.
but wonseok wanted calm, and jiyoung hadn't been the person to provide that.
"do you think she would be happier if i was never born?" wonyoung asked, her thoughts echoing the shouting of her mother.
hannah couldn't fathom anyone saying such words about their child.
"if i could, i would." the ten-year-old wonyoung meant it truthfully. "i don't like seeing mom upset. i keep trying to fix it but i'm just too..."
wonyoung knew the word. she had felt it at four years old. she had felt it at eight. wonyoung was sure she wasn't going to stop feeling it until she died.
she knew the word because it's what she was.
the word that summed her up in all parts hung in the air as hannah stared at her in shock.
"i am though!" wonyoung never raised her voice, but wonyoung wasn't perfect. she never was and never would be. "if i wasn't like this, mom would love me. dad would pay attention to me. he wouldn't have cheated if i was better."
wonyoung wondered how someone could be so imperfect. she wondered if she was doomed to be alone, to be unwanted, and to ruin every good thing on this planet.
"it's my fault."
"it's not, wonyoung." wonyoung wanted to believe hannah, but she couldn't this time. "your mom and your dad have a very complicated relationship."
wonyoung shook her head. she was the reason it was complicated.
"i wish dad would stop yelling at mom." wonyoung placed the still full glass on her counter. "i wish mom would stop yelling at me."
wonyoung didn't remember a time when her mother didn't yell at her. whether it was a bad grade or to wash the dishes, it was always a yell.
"i'm at the top of my class. i'm friends with all the people dad told me to be friends with. i even skipped a grade. everyone keeps telling them that they want a daughter like me, but mom and dad don't even want me." wonyoung just wanted someone to want her. "i don't know what to do anymore."
if she could, wonyoung would disappear.
"you're ten, wonyoung." this wasn't right, not for anyone and especially not for a ten-year-old. "you don't have to do anything."
wonyoung really wanted to believe her.
"i just want them to love me."
the young heiress had wished the unconditional love that everyone had talked about applied to her when it came to her parents. she had heard that it was supposed to happen as soon as she was born.
perhaps she missed out this time, in this life, because in this life, she was worthless.
but not to hannah. never to hannah.
"i love you."
wonyoung had never felt love from her mother, but she had always felt love from hannah.
"you do?"
"i do." hannah smiled sadly. it hurt to know that wonyoung had felt this way (and how there was a chance that her baby felt the same, wherever she was). "i know how complicated families can be..."
wonyoung had never heard hannah speak about her family, but she knew that the older woman would be a good, if not amazing one.
part of her was jealous that someone out there had a mom like hannah, when she had a mom like jiyoung.
"do you have family, hannah?"
the woman, hands shakey, grasped them together tightly. her lips were pursed, and a mournful expression seemed to overtake the comforting one from before.
"i have a daughter back home." her baby was nine pounds and twenty-one inches with a head full of hair. when hannah closed her eyes, she could hear her baby crying for her mother. "i had her really young."
her baby. her beautiful baby girl.
"do you miss her?" wonyoung asked.
"i miss her a lot." missing her was an understatement. "i haven't heard from her in years."
she could think of a million reasons why, all of which she held to herself, in grief and in sorrow.
hannah was a bad mother for abandoning her child, and a bad daughter for being so reckless.
"i grew up really poor." hannah couldn't even begin to compare the jang's house to the one she had back home. "i couldn't find a job, so i moved overseas. i left my baby with my mom."
but her child lived, and her child was loved, even from afar.
"do you love her?"
"i do." hannah couldn't think about not loving her. "i love her so much."
"but you left her."
"i left because i loved her." wonyoung's eyes glistened at the word. she couldn't imagine leaving someone out of love. perhaps disappearing, but leaving was unfathomable. "i'd rather have her grow up hating me than die starving. i just wish i can go back. i just wanna my baby one more time."
this was the unconditional love that everyone had praised. it was the homemade bento boxes, and the tight hugs that wonyoung would see from her friends and their moms. it was the tearful goodbyes from her best friend's grandparents, and the thoughtful notes that her seatmate would find in her bag.
to love someone is to do what's best for them, to do the right thing.
was wonyoung the best for her parents? were her parents the best for wonyoung?
did they even love her?
"you're a good mom, hannah." wonyoung hugged her tightly. "i wish you were my mom."
wonyoung couldn't imagine it, having someone risk everything just for her to be happy. she couldn't imagine loving someone so much, but one day, whether it be a child or someone else, she would love to.
wonyoung wanted to love someone right.
she looked at the tearful hannah, the older woman smiling down at her.
"i promise that when i'm older, i'll make sure you can go back and see your family again."
it was a promise that wonyoung intended to keep.
"thank you, wonyoung."
hannah didn't doubt her. not for one second.
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the jang's were never good at keeping promises.
jang wonseok was a politician. keeping promises and breaking them was part of the territory. every campaign he held at least a couple empty pledges, just like he did back home. the twelve-year-old jang wonyoung knew that.
plus, there was no way she'd actually believe what her father said. not after he betrayed her mother.
jang jiyoung was no better. being a news anchor, she had always run a tight schedule. for days, wonyoung wouldn't see her despite each promise that the woman would make, and although she didn't mind, sometimes the young jang did want someone to eat dinner with, even if it was just a cup of instant noodles they could share.
wonyoung thought she was different. that she was hannah's daughter and not a jang.
but it ran in her blood.
"hannah knew me before i knew her."
the microphone echoed, the twelve-year-old's shakey hands grasping tightly onto the paper in front of her, her fingerprints making light marks against the blank white.
"she went with my mom to get an ultrasound when she was pregnant with me." her parents were nowhere to be seen, her father at a meeting and her mother at work. "they said i was a big baby, but hannah said i was a special baby."
to love someone is to do the right thing. letting go was the right thing.
"i don't think i'm special. i think i'm just wonyoung." the crowd laughed. hannah would've laughed too. "hannah was the special one. she knew how to make me feel better. she knew when i was sick before i got sick. she even knew the weather before it happened."
wonyoung didn't want to let go, but she would, for hannah.
"hannah told me that she hadn't seen her baby in a while." she hoped hannah's baby knew how loved she was, and she hoped that her words could reach her, even if it was far away. "i promised her that when i was older, i would make sure she saw them."
the jang's were known to break promises.
"i thought she was gonna live forever. i wanted her to live forever, or just long enough so i can keep my promise. for once, i just wanted to make her feel better. hannah always made me feel better." wonyoung didn't know when the page got so blurry, or why water was pouring out of her eyes. "i thought if i loved her enough, i could fix it. i could do it."
she didn't know how she managed to fail the one person who believed in her.
"i want to apologize to her today. i should've tried harder." she had everything. why couldn't she try harder to give hannah this one? she might've been a twelve-year-old, but still. "i'm sorry, hannah. i'm really really sorry."
to love someone is to do the right thing, but wonyoung realized it was also to mourn, and to be angry at herself for not being better. her failures stared her in the face, the casket mocking her as if she was nothing.
she didn't want to think about it anymore. she had failed, and wonyoung wanted nothing more than for this pain to be gone.
sighing, she stepped down from the lectern.
hannah was her own. her mother.
and like a shadow, she was gone.
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death seemed to round the corners of the jang household.
she could see boxes upon boxes piling up in front of their penthouse, her mother glaring into the distance half-heartedly, conflicted with her pain.
jang jiyoung was a lee once. she was the younger sister of lee jihuyn, and the aunt of the ten-year-old lee hyunseo.
lee jihyun always smelt like flowers whenever she was around. it was no wonder why jang wonseok was so fond of her.
"this is hyunseo." her father said, patting the heiress on her shoulder. it pained wonyoung to see him so happy to have his affair child around, especially after- no. wonyoung didn't deserve to think about her again. "she'll be staying with us."
wonyoung nodded bowing as the younger girl stared at her in wonder.
"hello, hyunseo."
wonseok smiled at the young girl in a way wonyoung never got when she was hyunseo's age. "wonyoung will show you your room."
wonyoung's face twitched in disdain before switching into a soft smile.
she led hyunseo up to hann a room, unoccupied yet cleared of any existence that came before it.
hyunseo didn't deserve this room.
wonyoung turned to the younger girl. "this is your ro-"
"can i call you unnie?" the lee couldn't help but gleam at her, her eyes bright as the han river glared back into her new room. "i never had an unnie before. it was just me, mom and dad all the time."
wonyoung bit back a scowl.
her dad. hyunseo was lucky she had a dad.
"i'll ask the butlers to bring your stuff up." wonyoung couldn't help but be cold. "i have a school tour to go to."
"oh..." she watched as the younger girl deflated, and wonyoung couldn't help but feel guilty. hyunseo bounced back, though, her expression brighter than before.
wonyoung didn't understand how she could be so happy.
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wonyoung had never been to a public school.
her father and mother had always opted to have her in a private one, yet the presence of a public school with such a reputation around their area had the jang's interested.
wonyoung had to agree that the high school was fairly nice. it had its own swimming pool, and it was clearly popular among international students, wonyoung seeing a few as she passed by.
everything else was pretty much the same as every other school, though. nothing stood out, at least nothing of interest.
the heiress found herself walking back to the entrance, scrolling through her phone to get her butler to pick her up. as she dialed, screams and cheers could be heard from the gym.
she should've known better than to enter, but wonyoung's facade was wearing her down. the newly impulsive jang crept inside, more and more yelling filling her skull. it wasn't angry yelling, but a cheerful one.
she didn't understand what could be so interesting.
the heiress felt herself getting swept away, a sudden crowd forming around one of the players as the final whistle blew.
her eyes trained onto the figure, two adults, seemingly the girl's parents, hugging her tightly as the girl cried.
the girl was perfect in every sense, from her face to the way she smiled. she didn't doubt that the older girl probably had perfect grades, and a perfect family, with a set of perfect friends.
the crowd around her roared, and wonyoung realized that the girl in front of her was so loved, so respected, all because she was perfect.
to love someone is to do the right thing.
one day, she'd be perfect enough to have her parents love her. one day, she'll feel like she wasn't a mistake, that she wasn't worthless.
and one day, someday, wonyoung would be perfect enough to mention her name once more.
she'll do the right thing this time.
wonyoung was going to be perfect.
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
the little things
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synopsis. the one where haechan surprises you when you’re not feeling too good.
pairings. haechan x reader (f)
genre. comfort, fluff, established relationship
warnings. indications of oc struggling w mental health and is just having a bad day :(
note. happy vday to all my single ladies and gays ! stay safe and healthy <3 i hope u guys enjoy this one as much as i did.
“close your eyes for me real quick, baby.” he tells you.
you raise your eyebrows in suspicion. “why?”
haechan cocks his head to the side, scoffing. “just do it.” with a small sigh you do as he says.
both of you are sitting in his car, he had pulled up to your place texting you telling you you had left something at his dorm a couple nights ago and he’s coming to drop it off. you don’t recall leaving anything at his place, you would have realized if you had. yet, the last few days have been draining and your memory has been shit so you don’t think anything of it.
when you got into haechan’s car, greeting him with a short kiss. this is the first you’ve seen him since last month. him being busy with the comeback and promotions, you’ve only seen his face on face time and through the selfies he sends you occasionally.
as you sit across from him in the passenger seat, your body turned so you’re facing him. haechan quickly reaches in the back seat grabbing a bouquet of flowers that’s wrapped aesthetically in brown paper.
he holds them carefully in his hands and holding them out in front of you.
“for you.”
you slowly open your eyes, your sight adjusting to a bouquet of red roses in front of you.
“what-“ you managed to stammer out, mouth slightly agape from the sudden surprise in front of you and the boy with a nervous smile and reddened cheeks behind it.
he clears his throat. “you were having a bad day and i wanted to make you feel better.” he explains shyly.
you didn’t even realize you were beginning to cry until your vision got blurry, and that’s when you leaned over the center console to engulf his upper half into a hug as you sob into his shoulder.
“i got you, baby. i got you, it’s okay.” he softly mumbles into your hair, he places the roses down by your feet to fully wrap you in his embrace. whispering reassuring and loving words into your ears.
you knew a cry is what you needed to ease your physical and emotional pain, yet when you were alone in your apartment, it was hard to even let out a tear.
but being engulfed in haechan’s love and warmth had woken you up. this man could simply smile at you while you’re having a bad day and you won’t even realize what was dragging you down.
when he takes notice of your sniffles calming down he slowly unwraps your arms around him to cup your face.
he pouts, “aigoo, i was gonna say you’re an ugly cryer but i’d be lying.” he tries to lift up your mood, playfully teasing you.
you scoff, shoving him away as you wipe your face with the end of your sleeves from your sweater you had thrown on in a hurry when haechan said he was in front of your place.
“thank you, for the flowers, for making me happy, for letting me cry into your shoulder.” your voice wavered towards the end, the emotional tears coming back up but haechan stops them.
he holds your face in the palm of his soft hands, lightly squeezing your cheeks together to make your lips pout.
“no need to thank me, bubs.” he kisses you on your pouted lips.
“i,” kiss.
“love,” kiss.
“making,” kiss.
“you,” kiss.
“happy.” he finishes with his last kiss making a big smooch sound.
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scar-lie · 7 months
Omega Pt. 8 [Natasha]
Summary : Natasha's world turns upside down when she learns the truth about breaking the bond
Pairing : Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Omega!Reader , Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Alpha!Clitn Barton
Warning : Mention of death and crying
Word Count : 1,105
{OMEGA PT. 7} {OMEGA PT. 8} {OEMGA T. 9}
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it let me know.
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The steady heartbeat of Y/N can be heard all over the room, and the slow and shallow heartbeat
They decided to keep the two healthy babies, Y/N and her third baby, in one room; it's big enough for the four of them and to have enough space when the team decided to stay over night. Well, for Tony, it's still smaller, and he wants to expand the space.
But this breaks their hearts, especially Natasha. Seeing one of her pups in critical condition broke her.
"Hello there, little cutie; you look so beautiful like you, Mommies," Wanda whispers to the one who's separate from the two babies while she gently and carefully caresses her right check with the back of her pointer finger that wraps around the gloves.
"Look at your sister; that's your baby sister over there. Say hi," Yelena said while she held the one and Maria the other, waving their little hand that's wrapped around their finger to their sister.
"Why don't you come and see them?" Clint whispers, standing besides Natasha, who's outside your room window.
Afraid to come inside and look at or hold her pups in her arms, even though all she ever wants is to hold them, the thought of her hurting them or crashing them into her arm makes her fear her whole being.
"I'm good here; I-I think it's better if I stay here, outside," Natasha mumbles, wanting to at least get a glimpse of her pups but unable to do so because her two boys in Yelena and Maria's arms are wrapped around a baby blue blanket, and she can't see her daughter because she needs to stay in an incubator, so the only thing she can see is her tiny, cute foot.
"That's nonsense, Natasha. Come on, let's go inside. Don't you want to see them?" Natasha's eyes then converted to Y/N, who's sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her face is peaceful, making Natasha feel at ease, knowing she's safe.
"Natasha?" Clint gives her a light tug on her shoulder, then opens the door.
"Come on, let's see them." Natasha is hesitant, but when she looks back inside, Maria and Wanda motion for her to come inside, and seeing the look on her sister's face with pure happiness convinces her to come inside and join them.
"You wanna hold them?" Maria offers the sleeping pup in her arm to Natasha for her to hold, but the redhead contemplates her decision. They are tiny and precious, and she's afraid that she will crash them, so the best next option is to step forward and look at her pup, slowly and carefully caressing his cute, soft, chubby cheeks with the back of her pointer finger.
"He's so precious," Natasha whispers, smiling and melting her heart when he reaches for her finger and holds it in his palm, then yawns, nustles her finger in his chest, and sleeps with a smile on his face.
"He likes you," Maria whispered, watching the interaction between the two. Again, she tried to make Natasha hold him, but the redhead shook her head.
"No.....he-he looks comfortable in your arms," she says, giving Maria a smile. Then, when the baby loosens his grip, Natasha proceeds to Yelena, who's busy talking to the sleeping baby in her arms.
"Can I look at him?" Natasha asked, looking at Yelena, who's glaring at her. Yelena doesn't want her near the babies, but by the warning, look at the other three. She nodded and let Natasha come sit beside her, caressing the baby's head carefully.
The three look at the redhead with a smile, happy to see her so soft and extra careful around the babies, happy that at least Natasha tried to approach them, but the quiet and happy moment quickly stopped when an erratic sound of the monitor blaring around the room made the four of them panic, looking at you while Clint quickly ran out to call for help.
Natasha quickly ran out to the room, breathing heavily while tears were rolling down her face, and looked out the window, making sure her pups were okay and convincing herself that Y/N was okay while the doctors were frantically moving around the room, trying to revive you.
It took a few minutes to make your vital signs stable, and when Dr. Cho got out of the room, Natasha quickly stepped in front of her.
"She will be okay, right?" Natasha asked, worried, and Clint stood beside her.
"Honestly, I don't know. But the level of weakness of her body and how it's reacting, I-Ms. Romanoff, did you mate with her?" Natasha looked down and nodded, emberassed that she couldn't be the Alpha to her Omega.
"I'm going to be honest with you; I don't know if you know this or not, but once a mated couple tries to break a bond, there's a big consequence: either one of you will die or survive; some couples make it through survival, but..." Dr. Cho sighs, reading Natasha's body language. She's tense, frozen in her spot, trying to be strong, but deep inside of her, she knows that she's breaking.
"Say it," Natasha whispers, holding Clint's hand so tightly that her chuckles turn white.
"Well, in history, mostly Omega's are the ones who suffer from breaking the bond more than Alpha's, which means, mostly 98% of these cases are... Omega's are mostly the ones who died by breaking the bond and only 2% of their survival rate," Natasha gasps. She can't keep her tears at bay, but rather, they are running down her checks.
"I don't want to give you high hopes, but we're trying everything to prevent it from happening; we're using all of our sources to survive her." Natasha turned around and sobbed while Clint smiled at Dr. Cho, saying thank you and rubbing Natasha's back.
Her knees are getting weaker, so she has to lean on the wall beside her and slowly slide down until she's sitting down, resting her elbow in her knees, and her head is low between her arms, crying.
Clint stayed beside her, sitting down too, trying not to show his sadness, knowing Natasha needs him, but he just sat there, not saying anything because he knows that whatever he says will never change the fact that you could die in any minute now, but instead he just let his presence be there to at least make Natasha feel that she's not alone.
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Taglist : @alwaysgoodnight @natashaswife4125
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A DC X DP IDEA #8 A Pair
Imagine dis…
 It is always Damian having a secret twin, a presumed dead twin, or even a lost twin. But what about Tim Drake having a twin?
 Tim Drake always asked himself why would his parents willingly avoid and neglect him by taking trips around the globe and being left alone frequently. When Jack Drake woke up briefly from his coma, Tim asked the man who would have been his father why would they neglect him, is it he is a mistake? Or it is something else.
 Jack Drake looked at the painful eyes of his son and knowing that he doesn’t have much time, told him the truth. 
 The Drake family used to be between being rich and being in the middle class in Gotham. Both he and Janet were excited about the baby seeing that they were told that it would be twins. They got married early and when they went to the doctor to ask some questions about their planned pregnancy the doctor quickly shut down the idea as Janet’s tests revealed that she has severe infertility issues that make her chances of having kids near to zero. But that didn’t stop the two, after years of trying for a child, their prayers and efforts were answered a much more surprising is that they were having twins. They were excited about being careful and protective of them just when they were inside Janet’s womb, then the day of their birth came. They were happy and content as well feeling relief that both babies and mother survived the labor, two healthy boys greeted them loud and healthy. What they didn’t know there was someone lurking and waiting from the shadows. A longtime rival of the couple heard about their struggles in bearing children as well as the new addition, and as an act of revenge, he hired someone to take their child. What he didn’t know was that Ms. Drake gave birth to twins not a single child so when the hired kidnapper saw the last name of his target in the nursery, he didn’t even bother to look at the neighboring crib that contains the other child. Quickly snatching up the child and smuggling the newborn out of the hospital to be abandoned later in the middle somewhere in between the wildlife around him, to be left to die due to starvation or by wild animals.
 Both of the new parents were devastated at the loss of their youngest, they tracked and put the man behind bars of the one who was responsible but when the Gotham police tried to interrogate him on what he had done to the newborn he just laughed manically and answered no question. They can’t even track down the supposed hired kidnapper. Seeing that they cannot stay any longer as they have another child to take care of. In the early years of Tim’s life, he was loved and cared for but the moment he started growing to an age where he can remember things both parents acted cold. As to one maybe if those around them saw how they acted maybe they would not even think or do a thing into harming him seeing that the company is growing by the time more rivals and enemies that might befall them but the fact that their remaining son will be safe they will do anything. Everyone in Gotham is corrupt in some way and they could not trust any hired security for him as rogues are running rampant and might not be enough for Tim.
 It might be an F-ed up way, Jack confessed. But at the time they could not think straight as they didn’t have time to mourn for their other child and the fact that the remaining child they have was in constant danger just by having a growing company’s name as his last name.
 Tim was shocked, he had prepared himself for any hurtful words to be thrown at him but the fact that he has a brother that was snatched away just hours after they were born was.
 As Tim continue his silence Jack looked around at the hospital room he was in and immediately located his clothes and belonging that was folded up neatly in a corner, Jack forced himself to walk towards the pile of belongings to look for something.
 Tim tried to help Jack but he turned around holding a tin that was meant to hold cigars, a tin that Tim noticed that his father Jack always carried with him. Jack opened the tin and inside lays a single picture of the twins. In the picture, both parents who are both tired and exhausted look at the camera with warm smiles that Tim barely remembers, are holding a single child each around their arms, with only blankets of ocean blue and sky blue separating the two babies. Tim remembered the ocean blue blanket tucked safely in the Drake mansion’s attic. 
 It has been a few years since Timothy Drake learned about his twin, He began keeping an eye out, from one state to another country for any sign or lead to his twin for him to have a proper burial. 
 No one in the Bat-family knew his conversation with Jack that day nor that he now has the tin that contains the single photo of the Drake family all in all looking happy. At first, he just made an initial background of the investigation that had taken place but seeing the happy faces of the Wayne family made him envious of the bond they have including Damian.
 Now that learning of his supposed twin, he kept looking at his reflection. Would his supposed twin have the same interest as him? If he was here would they be polar opposites? Would they have clashing personalities or would they get along? These are the questions that kept swimming in his head ever since he noticed the Waynes.
 Don’t get him wrong he was grateful to Bruce, as he made Tim realize his parents Jack and Janet are supposed to neglect him, looking at the present he just transferred from one form of neglect to another.
 What he had done in his past life he may never know as all he ever wanted in life is to be loved and appreciated. To be acknowledged through his hard work, not chalking it up to him being a genius, it seems they have forgotten that hard work has always beaten a genius.
 He may now have a family but Tim doesn’t know if they are better or worse than where he was before.
 An instance Jason had tried to kill him multiple times not once he received an apology. He gets it. Being replaced by the man you once call father is painful but he tried multiple times to explain that he literally blackmailed Bruce for him to be Robin as Batman is getting more violent each passing day after his death and sooner or later he would have killed someone, and that is something Bruce would carry around like a boulder due to his guilt. He admired Robin; he was under the impression that he could never live the expectations of being Robin. He was just merely filling up the space when Batman found an official Robin. He could never replace Jason, at least Jason was picked and wanted by Bruce while Batman has no choice when it comes to Tim.
 Dick tried to treat him like brothers would, but Tim always saw through his façade, Tim saw how Dick kept him at arm’s length. He gets it he was replacing his brother whom he knew and grow up with, but the fact he kept getting hurt by the fact, he lies to himself every night.
 The way he gathers information they all assumed that to his insomnia, as well the way they come to him not to say hello or a hi but they needed something from him that needed his area of expertise. 
 Just like his biological father and mother who has the F-cked up way to cope and mourn their loss, it seems he has also inherited that particular bad habit to cope. Knowing that they go to him if they need information he began researching and investigating each crime, each suspicion as well as each piece of information, so that they go to him, just HIM for help. 
 If it weren’t for Alfred, he would have succumbed to hunger due to his research.
 When Damian entered his life, he was more than happy to have a brother to care for. 
 Much to his horror, his new brother despise his very being and tried to kill him multiple times.
 When Bruce was lost in the time stream nobody in their family knew how to manage a multi-billionaire company aside from Alfred, but due to his age as well he was left with no choice. 
 Dick was left to fill in the shoes of Batman and offered Damian as Robin.
 Which hurt.
 He has grown to his role as Robin, he created his own legacy on the title.
 Dick started to be a partner to Batman as well creating a legacy. Known for his acrobatics as well as being the first one.
 Jason became the second Robin, a Robin who was known for his recklessness, strength, and brashness.
 Tim earned the acknowledgment of Ra Al Ghul aka the Demon’s Head, who is the greatest detective second to none other than Batman himself. Who had been trained by Lady Shiva herself? Who mastered a variety of weapons to a certain degree as well as being able to use them to their full potential?
 The role of Robin was ripped away from him without a second thought from Dick.
 Still, he made it through, creating another vigilante persona as well as managing the company so that they have a continuous supply of funds.
 When he managed to get evidence that their father figure lived, he was ignored and forgotten. When he only, managed to save Bruce from the Time stream, not a single Thank you had come out of their mouths nor did an apology for ignoring him.
 He continued this lifestyle, the continuous attempt of his life at those he likes to see as brothers to his life. Every time he defended himself, HE was the one scolded by either Bruce or Dick, they kept telling him to be the bigger man to be better. The amount of verbal abuse, calling him Inferior by Damián and Replacement by Jason added to the fact that Dick or Bruce never seemed to see no wrong with the two.
 Unappreciated and unloved is he, he still considers them as his family someone he can call to have his back but after a night it all went downhill.
 Another night another dinner, at the table he was being made fun of by both Jason and Damian, Bruce kept saying nothing as well as Dick. Other people namely Stephanie, Barbara, Cass, and Duke kept sending him worried glances as Alfred is glaring slightly at Bruce. An off-handed comment from Damian, as well as Jason about his birth father, made him snap.
 He yelled at them.
 His feelings, his anger, his resentment, his sadness, his stress.
 How could this family sit idly at his treatment?
 After yelling and having a breakdown in front of the table he quickly rushed towards his room and prepared to run.
 Gathering his things as well erasing his very identity in the Bat computer as well erasing his tracks, he escaped at the night.
 Using a car that he had stashed away he began to leave Gotham as he thinks it is time for him to start a new one.
 As Tim was crossing the border, he was ambushed by the same man who had kidnapped his brother. He had escaped and once he was released, he was left with nothing, his wife and child gone from his former home. He decided to blame the late Drake for his misfortunes but the moment he learned about their demise his revenge went to the remaining Drake.
 Tim knew he was better than this, crashing a car due to someone having spooked him was nothing but a rookie mistake. But the moment he laid eyes on the same man who took away his brother now inching to him with a knife in his hand his thoughts were not about Bruce and the others looking and finding him in a car crash but thoughts about his brother finally meeting him.
 Lady Gotham heard his final moments before he was stabbed and had his throat slit. She wailed and mourned at her favorite knight, who used his inheritance for the betterment of the Gotham citizens who uses his skills to protect whom she favored by wrapping her shadows around him to give him a sense of comfort and to better hide him at the dangers of the night. Seeing that he never crossed the border she dared to summon her king to aid her knight.
 Danny is enjoying his life he was accepted by his parents as Phantom, he had adopted Ellie as his daughter, and his sister is now able to go to college without the fear of him being rejected by their parents. His friends are going strong by each day, the ghost is now much more cooperative with the Amity citizens to fulfill their obsessions. Fruit loop had also changed into a new leaf and now tries to be a better godfather and father to Jazz, Danny, and Ellie. Dan had earned his parole and was now able to roam free as long there is someone to look at him.
 But life is not all full of rainbows and unicorns.
 GIW is now snatching up the locals' Amity Parkers as they are considered part of the Anti-Ecto entities as they have been contaminated in some way or another.
 He is now King of the Infinite Realms as he had defeated the previous one in combat.
 Seeing the aggressiveness of the GIW he transported the entire Amity Park to the Realms to protect ad create their own little island as part of the Realm. It didn’t take long for the locals to be used to their new appearance and abilities as they also have been noticing the way they act ever since the spike in ghost activity. 
 They are told to not leave for the mortal realm as they are still compromised. Removing Amity in both the map and record had been easy with the help of Technus and Tucker they manage to remove themselves and every database in the world.
 Without any work to be presented the GIW was seen as a scam in the government branch and thus being removed from any form of funding as well as being dismissed and dissolved in the government.
 It was one eventful day when he was summoned by one of his advisers. He was just merely signing paperwork when he felt someone summoning his rather sensing it was urgent he let himself be summoned to where he was.
 There he saw Lady Gotham cradling a bloodied teen, the moment Danny laid his eyes on the teen his core lurched at the amount of protectiveness. As he kept pumping out his own ectoplasm to heal or even revive the said teen, he began to look at the teen’s details.
 In his mind, he was wondering why would his core react such in a way but the moment he saw the teen's face his mind turn to a halt.
 He saw his own face reflecting on the teen which would be impossible unless one of the previous clones that Vlad had made had escaped and got out of his mind control.
 But he idly wonders how could this supposed clone of his have blood in him.
 After the initial confusion and panic, both brothers were able to get the whole story. 
 The Fenton couple were surprised that they have forgotten to tell Danny that he is adopted and had saved him from starving in the middle of the forest.
 Danny as well as the rest of the Fenton family wanted nothing more than to march toward where these Waynes were and rip them apart.
 Tim on the other hand was both saddened at the fact this brother had died and hopeful that maybe just maybe he could have the family he ever dreamed of.
 Turns out Tim was right, due to Danny trying to keep him alive by pumping pure ectoplasm aka the pits had turned him into a halfa whose core is equivalent to shadows due to Lady Gotham favoring him more.
 The family dinners where he faced running and fighting food maybe work out for him but the number of memories, he stored from Danny trying to beat the hotdogs to submission to broccolis, peas, and carrots starting a civil war on his plate on who is the best vegetable there is.
 He gained parents who are a bit of a screw loose but hey who says normal is sane.
 He gained 2 older siblings and a younger sister which made his jaw drop.
 Dan who is supposedly his twin in an alternate time where instead of being saved by Danny, Tim died and due to his grief and anger turned evil. Jazz whose mother hens Tim every second of the day and Dani/ Ellie who is twin brother’s clone turned daughter, who creates chaos in every sense.
 He became Lady Gotham’s heir and champion that one day she may move on but she will pass down her brooch as it is the symbol of her authority as well her seat as one of the advisers of the King. It may be a few centuries or so before that fateful day so Tim has all the time to be a child once again as well as training to become the heir worthy of Lady Gotham.
 When Tim asked who the King of the Infinite Realms all eyes turned to Danny as he nervously stated that he may have forgotten to tell Tim that particular detail.
 Overall, Tim is safe and happy in this new life in his, with a new family that cares and loves him for just being him as well as being with his brother while he had missed, he never thought would miss in his entire life and afterlife.
 It has been years since Tim had disappeared from the lives of the Wayne family and everything had gone downhill. Conner along with Cassie had flown from Metropolis and yelled at them for not being a good family to Tim. Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Damian are all silent and take the yells of anger silently as guilt in them keeps whispering to them about how they should have done better.
 They held a funeral, an empty casket, filled with minuscule things of Tim had loved like his old hobby of photography that also held the pictures that he had taken. They held his old uniform as both Robin and Red Robin in the cave protected by the bullet, fire, water, and explosion-proof glass.
 Bruce told himself that Tim was and never had been a replacement for Jason.
 Dick regrated on not knowing Tim enough, and that he failed another brother of his.
 Jason who too late saw Tim as a little brother who indulged his hobbies f reading works of literature that no one in his family found interesting enough to sit down and listen to.
 Damian saw Tim another older brother who was there to relate to him during his time in the League. Share his stories about when he trained under Lady Shiva, as well as being his predecessor.
 It is Tim’s 6th year anniversary of death when the boys had planned on going to a café that Tim frequently with. Their guilt did not disappear but grew with each passing day, the Batman as well the rest of his partners became more aggressive in handling crimes to the point even the rogues had been scared of facing them and would rather stay in Arkham, their last victim aka the Joker was beaten to near death by the Batman who had preached in not ending the Joker even though he had stuck out for the man when Red Hood had his hands on the Joker.
 It was bright as Gotham could get and they could feel that the sun is mocking them about their brother’s death.
 As they were sitting in one of the café’s booths as they saw a young man looking exactly like Tim. All eyes widened but looking at the stranger with more attention they saw a few details that Tim didn’t have. 
 Like faint freckles that were across the man’s face as well as the way, the young man’s hair is styled.
 Carrying a large tray that holds two large coffees and a plate of assorted treats and pastries the stranger went to both a bit far yet they can still stay visual on the man.
  What greeted them was not what they were expecting, on the supposed booth they saw a tall and healthy Tim on his phone, dressed in the simplest yet warm clothing they ever saw their brother in, the moment Tim saw his supposed look alike, helped him to take the large coffees off the tray and proceeded to chat as if they were old friends. 
 At that moment they didn’t care if the stranger look alike or the look in Tim’s eyes that screams fondness and joy towards this stranger, they only have one thing on their mind and that is their brother.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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malfoyfarms · 1 year
She Loved You (extended)
JJ Maybank x Routledge!Reader
Word Count: 721
A/n: part two you’ve all been waiting for; side note @softboystarkey i saw ur user on the list and fangirled, ily
The moment John B had seen the familiar scrawl on the outside of a large manilla envelope, he called everyone over to read it. So here the group sat, sitting on the deck as JB pulled the papers out. 
“JJ this one’s specifically for you.” He started to hand it to the boy, but he was cut off.
“No, read it aloud. I won’t be able to get through it.”
So that’s what John B did. He started to narrate his best friend’s words. 
I really truly hope this letter gets to you. I didn’t want to put a return address on the envelope because I still can’t come home. I do, though, have something very important to tell you. 
For starters, I am safe. I have a roof over my head, a job, and maybe just one friend. I hope you and our gang of bandits are doing alright. I hope JB has forgiven me, because I fucking miss my older brother. It’s taking me longer to detach from you than I thought it would, mostly because you were my whole world. But also because I couldn’t stay away from the ocean. You and the sea are slowly becoming two separate entities, even if I see your eyes every time I look out my bedroom window. 
I hope you found happiness. I hope you are with Kie, giving her all the smiles, hugs and affection that only you could muster. If not her, I hope someone is receiving all the love you have to give. In our time growing up, the two of us have seen many marriages fail (I mean we were both raised by single fathers), and many survive. Miserably survive. That was also why I left. I didn’t want us to end up like either. 
The day you told me how you felt about Kiara had been one of the worst days of my life, and hearing you tell me you wanted another girl wasn’t even the worst thing. About two hours before I met you at the bluffs I took a test. And it was positive. Your pull out game fucking sucks. But so does my ability to take birth control apparently. 
John B stopped reading, as Sarah uttered a “shut the fuck up,” and JJ was paling by the second.
I was terrified, then over the moon, then shattered. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to stay with me because I was pregnant, we’ve seen how that plays out time and time again. I thought about getting rid of it completely, then maybe adoption. Once I heard your confession later that day I knew I had to keep it, so I could have a little bit of you no matter what happened. 
What I’m trying to say is you have a daughter. She was born on October 17th, healthy and happy. Her name is Quincie, Quincie Jay. She’s so beautiful, JJ. She has your blonde hair, my dark eyes, and loves to test the limits. Quincie loves the water. And the beach. Especially the sand. 
I’m coming home soon. I never want to keep her from you, I just wanted to let your universe work itself out before she made an entrance (and boy was it grand). She needs her dad, her two uncles, her two aunts and she needs to learn how to be a cockroach like the rest of us. I want you in her life, she needs to experience love from a Maybank boy. I added a picture to the bottom of the envelope so you could see her. 
All my love, 
Y/n (& QJ)
John B shook the package and a 4x6 photo of both Y/n and Quincie fell out. Y/n had eyes so full of love for her daughter, they were shining so bright the group barely noticed her now darker hair, free of charms, thread and braids, or the lack of her freckles. Quincie Jay on the other hand, she was laughing, her mouth was open, and Y/n was right. She looked like JJ with her mother’s eyes. His girls looked so lovely. 
The group was frantic trying to take a peek at the baby girl in the photo. But all JJ could think about was that his girls were coming home. 
@eddiemunsonhero___ @lilacreader7 @gengen64 @123anonymous123456 @solargazes @Taintedxkisses @shamelessatoru @folkorelover888 @taurusvic @nadinenoa02 @softboystarkey @VOIDRANBOO @Tvdnmf @blueray222 @simp4holland @onehellofabisexual @idli-dosa @byycassie @bokutosmeatythigh
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808airsoftbros · 1 month
Vampire Kiss of Life's Reaction to you Getting Hurt
Julie Han (Alpha)
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Big. Big. Big Mistake
Attacking an Alpha's husband especially if it's mating season is the equivalent of signing one's death wish and Miss Julie Han is no exception and is very unforgiving
Julie wouldn't love anything more than to rip the fool into shreds but first, she'd want to send them a final message before they die and feel nothing but dread and fear
But the most important part is that you are safe and ensure you are healthy and all wounds are treated if you sustained any
Would you be traumatized witnessing Julie rip apart the perp? Nope, Julie isn't a monster to let you see that and would likely tell you to stay in a safe hiding spot
"Mama? What happened?" Your innocent-self asked
"Oh, don't worry sweetie, that bad man won't hurt you any longer and I won't allow anyone to do so again, now come along sweetie~,"
Natty (อานัชญา สุพุทธิพงศ์) (Enforcer)
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Oh boy... If anyone dares to hurt you in any way, Natty wouldn't hesitate to confront the perp and would ensure something like this wouldn't happen again
If they're are lucky enough that Natty is in a good mood, she might spare their life but not without several broken bones
Natty's super vampire strength can easily snap a human in half like a twig and lucky them that Natty is wise to know her own strength
But after she was done with them, Natty would constantly keep you close to her at all times and demands you to check up with her every now and then if she isn't around
"Come to mommy darling and I'll keep you safe and I promise nobody will be able to bother or hurt you when I'm around~,"
Belle (Shim Hyewon) (Blood Sister)
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Belle is completely obsessed and possessive when it comes to you and you are the only thing that comes to her mind so you can imagine how she'll feel when someone lays their dirty fingers on you
She'd be livid and angry beyond the levels she never imagined in her life, Belle would nearly lose control of her emotions because she would feel at fault because she wasn't strong enough to prevent this
Belle would blame herself for failing you and worst of all, her sisters would be greatly disappointed but that was just overthinking thankfully and will handle the situation with pure elegance with a hint of blood
But what's more important to her is that you're safe and breathing, wounds will heal with proper treatment and Belle would go as far as make an example out of them
"Come near my precious baby and you all suffer the same fate as him..."
Won Haneul (Youngest Blood)
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Oh boy, Haneul... How should I put this? Haneul is one of the most dangerous and powerful maknae Vampires in the sisterhood and she certainly won't take shit from anyone
Haneul takes her duty of being your wife and mother seriously just like her older sisters and has sworn to protect you from any dangers
She loves you to death and will do anything to ensure you're comfort and happiness so to see someone laying their hands on you is something that will surely make her infuriated with fiery rage
Haneul would chase them down if she has to letting one of her older sisters look after you while she was gone and will deliver a painful death to the person
"This is what you deserve for hurting my little angel and Hell has a special place for you..."
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thiccpersonality · 2 months
Do you, mayhaps, mean Ramadan?
It was a beautiful morning in Gotham, surprising every individual of the usually smoggy and dull city. Today the weather decided to treat all Gothamites kindly with a very spring feeling day! The sun was out, the weather was warm enough to feel comfortable and not too hot while the breeze blew just enough to feel a pleasant kind of cool, and the Wayne family has decided to take advantage of such gorgeous weather.
Bruce and his cousin Kate Kane sit under a large umbrella, the woman sipping on her ice cold lemonade while she gets Stephanie to slather some sunscreen on her.
Bruce himself sipping on his strawberry lemonade while watching his children have fun, his youngest child curled up next to his chair while sitting on his pool towel and finishing up homework so he can-in his own words-"demolish his siblings in pool games."
Bruce sighs in contentment while situating his sunglasses on his nose and reaching a hand down to gently pat Damian's head, the boy unconsciously leaning up into his hand while writing down more stuff into his workbook. Bruce is just glad that his youngest was able to enjoy himself today, the young boy was disappointed at not being able to go to boxing classes today, his two teachers couldn't make it today.
The small, peaceful moment is interrupted by Damian gasping softly as if he's remembered something. The boy sending a quick glare Jason and Richard's way when they start splashing water the youngest boy's way. Bruce quickly lowers his glasses so he can look at his baby son properly and look at him curiously, "What's wrong? Is everything alright?"
Damian finishes up the last of his homework and looks up at his dad while nodding. "Oh, yes father. Everything is just fine. I just realized the reason my two boxing teachers couldn't teach me today."
Kate sips at her drink and waves her hand at Stephanie, signaling to the girl that she can finally leave to play in the pool, the redhead ignoring Bruce's small glare at her for using his kids as personal servants. The woman focuses her eyes on Damian and smiles, "Oh, yeah? And what reason is that?"
Damian looks up in intense thought, "It's because they are celebrating Muhammad-uh...Muhammadan? Muhammad Ali day!"
A loud burst of laughter comes from the edge of the pool, the three turning to look at Tim-who has leaned over the edge of the pool-curiously. "Damian, do you mean Ramadan?"
Damian blushes and looks down embarrassed while his siblings bust out laughing at his cute mistake. Bruce holding in his laughter long enough to wait for his baby son to dive into the pool and out of hearing range with the threats of drowning his siblings for daring to mock him.
(I totally head cannon that Kate Kane uses Bruce's many children to help her as personal servants 😂. Not in a mean way, but she takes advantage of the free help since he has so many, she gets annoyed at how he keeps such good track on them though...it makes it more difficult to steal them away lol.
And this was based off of something me and my twin's baby brother said. He was trying to think of and say Ramadan, but he said "Muhammadan" and "Muhammad Ali Day" instead. We had a good laugh at that one.
You darlings please stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always and I hope all and any were able to enjoy this short and simple mini-fic thing? 💛)
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt x gn!reader
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Tags: fluff | puffskein abuse! :(
2k words
A/n: Art by @lil-grem-draws 🖤 a sort-of sequel to Sanctuary. Gregory the puffskein.
The icy grass beneath your feet crunched as you strode towards the long-abandoned camp—usually you wouldn't trouble yourself poking around empty poacher dwellings but something had caught your eye. Most valuable possessions had been cleared out, but their departure had clearly been hasty, with food and supplies strewn about and a single cage stood near a tent. You initially thought it empty, but you picked up your pace as a small brown lump came into view at the bottom of the cage, praying that it was a crumpled bag or sack of potatoes.
Your heart raced as you took in the tiny form, running the final distance and dropping to your knees. The lump was a tiny little puffskein, no more than a baby, and thankfully still alive as it shivered on the wooden floor. Your hand shook as you pulled out your wand and broke open the lock, scooping up the furry ball to inspect it. Apart from being cold, it seemed drowsy but very happy to see you—the lids of its big eyes drooping as it flicked out its long tongue to lick your face.
"It's okay, I've got you now," you whispered, bundling the puffskein in your arms and heading back to the castle as quickly as you could.
You used the nearest floo to take you directly to the Room of Requirement, the first place you could think of that was warm and had a healthy stock of beast care supplies and potions for the poorly creature. You'd deduced it was a boy, and was malnourished and running a fever, it's brown and white splodged fur rustling with the shuddering of its body.
You'd only walked a few paces before realising you weren't alone in the room—the door to the central vivarium was wide open. Grabbing a Wiggenweld potion from your store, you wound your way around the potting tables and walked through the arched doorway of the vivarium, scanning the meadow for the occupant. You found Ominis sitting in his usual spot amongst the wildflowers with Puck on his lap and a lazy smile on his face.
"You're back early."
"I am, and I need some help," you said.
Your serious tone wiped the smile from his face as he gently nudged Puck from his legs and found his way to your side.
"I have another puffskein, he's very sick. Can you hold him whilst I give him some potion?"
"Of course…perhaps we should find Professor Howin?" Ominis suggested.
"I'll go to her after lessons. But he'll be safe here, I think he just needs rest."
He nodded as you dropped the bundle into his waiting arms, bringing them closer together as he felt the weight of the puffskein.
"He's tiny," Ominis said, a small flicker of a smile crossing his lips.
"Only a baby. He'd been left behind. The camp was abandoned," you said, shaking your head.
Ominis frowned and you smiled up at his indignation. He'd grown very fond of your beasts, though he liked to pretend that his interest was academic. You poured the potion onto your finger and used it to gently push into the puffskein's mouth, dispensing the liquid onto his tongue. After a few drops, he seemed to stop shaking as the Wiggenweld took effect and he settled into Ominis' arms to sleep.
"I think you're stuck with him now, Ominis," you said with a grin.
"Hm. Well he can stay with me until I leave," he replied, gently settling back into the grass and placing the puffskein into the space on his lap that Puck had previously occupied.
Puck rolled over to see the new puffskein, and a few of your other beasts seemed to be interested as well, particularly the mooncalf herd who surveyed the new arrival inquisitively with their huge saucer-like eyes. 
"Do you want to name him?" you asked, watching Ominis gently stroke the ball of fur.
"Me? I wouldn't know what to call him."
"Whatever you like. I always struggle naming them."
"Perhaps we should wait until he's better and can guage his personality—then we can name him appropriately."
You snorted gently and smiled, placing a soft kiss on Ominis' cheek, running a hand down the back of his neck and the other settling to cup the thus far unnamed creature on his legs.
You consulted with Professor Howin as soon as you could that day, inviting her to see your new friend. Luckily she agreed that the puffskein likely just needed rest and good nutrition—something you were happy to provide. You spent the night in the Room of Requirement watching over the little creature before leaving for your morning lessons reluctantly, though soothed by the fact that Ominis had offered to watch over him during his free period. 
It was hard to concentrate fully on your potion brewing when your mind kept wandering back to your vivarium and its new occupant, especially the thought of him curled up in Ominis' lap. Ominis had become enamoured with your puffskeins—particularly Puck, the exuberant little creature who enjoyed nothing more than cuddling and licking whoever happened to be holding him. You'd never seen Ominis quite so relaxed as when he was in your vivarium, and you'd spent many days and sometimes nights laying in the grass with him.
After nearly burning your concoction due to distraction, you managed to scrape together a passable potion and poured it into a bottle to hand in to Professor Sharp before fleeing the classroom. You decided to head back to the Room of Requirement to check in with Ominis and walk with him to lunch. As you walked past your bubbling potions station and skimmed the dittany leaves with your fingers, you noted curiously that the viviarium door was shut.
Pushing it open, you squinted into the sunshine, searching the landscape before concluding that Ominis had left, presumably for the great hall. The fact didn't worry you, but your pulse raced as you searched the meadow for your new puffskein, combing through the tall grass carefully so as to not step on him. You even cast charms in an attempt to reveal him and enlisted the help of your other beasts, but eventually you concluded he was gone.
"Where is he?" you asked Puck, who simply rolled onto his back awaiting scratches.
You searched every inch of your vivarium and asked a worried Deek if he'd seen your puffskein, but turned up no results. Admitting defeat, you retired to the common room in the hopes of finding Ominis, but only finding Sebastian sitting on a sofa, absorbed in a book.
"Sebastian, have you seen Ominis?"
"Hm? Oh, no. He wasn't at lunch, probably gone for a nap," he said with an amused huff.
You sighed and walked quickly to the stairs, skipping over several steps in your haste towards the boys' dormitories. You gave the door in front of you a quiet knock but there was no reply, so you twisted the handle and peeked inside, glancing towards Ominis' bed. Sebastian had been right, and Ominis lay curled up on top of his bed sheets. It had always amused you how he was able to fall asleep in the strangest places at any given time—fully clothed in his own bed in the middle of the day was entirely normal by comparison. You were so distracted by his peaceful appearance that you entirely missed the tiny ball of fluff next to his left hand.
"There you are," you whispered, tiptoeing towards the bed.
The puffskein watched your approach with interest and you sat yourself on the edge of the mattress, holding out your hand. He blinked curiously and slowly shot out his long tongue, flicking it over your palm, and you grinned and suppressed a giggle at the ticklish feeling. You watched as he turned his attention back to Ominis, retracting his tongue and waving it in the air, before plunging it into the sleeping boy's nostril.
"Ah!" Ominis cried, jolting awake at the intrusion.
You burst into laughter as the puffskein continued to lap at his face and Ominis did his best to recoil, slightly dazed and dishevelled. 
“I was worried about you,” you said, scooping the little ball into your arms. “And you, don’t take him without telling me.”
“Well, Gregory had settled to sleep in my pocket by the time I left and I didn’t want to disturb him,” Ominis said with a yawn.
“Gregory? You’ve chosen Gregory?”
Ominis frowned and shook his head at your response, as if it was a perfectly acceptable name for a baby puffskein.
“He’s a refined gentleman,” he replied with a smirk.
“I see,” you laughed. “Well, he’s certainly very attached to you.”
Gregory was burrowing back into Ominis’ robe pocket, happily chirruping whilst looking up at you with his orb-like eyes. He appeared to be full of energy, after being hydrated, fed and a quick nap he looked like a brand new puffskein. His mottled brown and white fur had been brushed, and you glanced at the soft bristled brush laying on Ominis’ nightstand with a smile.
“Shall we go to Hogsmeade and get him some treats?” you asked.
Ominis nodded and carefully stood up, making sure not to jostle the comfortable puffskein too much. Apparently Gregory would be joining you on the excursion, as Ominis made no attempt to dislodge him from his pocket—in fact, he seemed perfectly content where he was, lapsing back into sleep as you started walking towards the village, relaxed by the gentle swaying of Ominis’ robes.
You grasped Ominis’ arm as you walked into the chill, wrapped in your scarves and heavy cloaks, making a beeline straight for Brood & Peck. The shop itself was just as chilly, with the low sun piercing through the opening at the back of the room. A friendly Diricawl brushed past you as you made your way to the counter, where Ellie Peck was busy scribbling notes on a piece of parchment.
“Hello, what are you after today?” she said, lifting her head.
“Do you have any puffskein treats, please?” Ominis asked.
“Yep, what flavour?”
“Ah, I’m not sure,” he said, idly patting the little lump in his pocket.
“Come this way,” Ellie said, and you guided Ominis to the corner of the room where a shelf full of hessian sacks were stacked, packed with small pellets. “We’ve all kinds here. Marmalade, peanut butter, chocolate drops, liquorice…”
Her listing was interrupted by a scuffle and quiet chirrup as Gregory poked his head out of Ominis’ robes to survey the treats, clearly picking up on their scent.
“Oh!” Ellie gasped in surprise, as Gregory’s tongue extended, delving into the bag of treats to his left.
“I er…think we’ll be buying that whole bag, then,” you said apologetically, watching the puffskein scoop the pellets into his mouth.
“Yes, I think you’d better. Likes the peanut butter ones, then,” she agreed.
Ominis chuckled and patted Gregory’s head as he munched on his treats as you wrapped up the sack and shrunk it down to fit in your pocket. The whole thing cost you dearly, but after contaminating the whole stock, you weren’t in much of a position to refuse—and Gregory’s mischievous face was hard to deny, too. You thanked Ellie and left, lacing your fingers through Ominis’ as he led you back out into the cold street.
“Are you planning on bringing Gregory back to my vivarium?” you asked, squeezing his hand.
“That entirely depends on what Gregory would like. I rather think he enjoys my company for now.”
“Puck will be jealous,” you smirked.
“Are you?” he asked teasingly, pulling his cloak tighter around himself to shield his robes from the biting wind.
“A little. Am I going to have to share our bed with him?”
“Ah, well there might lie an exception—I’d rather have you all to myself in bed,” he replied, with a kiss on your cheek and pat on his pocket.
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fanficwriterlover · 1 year
Safe With A Ghost
18+ Readers Only
Chapter 5 : Home is Wherever You Go
Summary: Jumping a year ahead in time, things have definitely changed since finding out you're pregnant and now welcoming a little bundle of joy into the world...but will you and Simon "Ghost" Riley be a happy family for long ?
What to Expect: Just find out yourself ~
Pet-Names: Pigeon & Little Lamb
Word Count: 2k
════ ⋆Safe With A Ghost MasterList⋆ ════
═════════ ⋆Chapter 5½⋆ ════════
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A Little Over a Year...
Simon was holding your 3 months old baby, while you were sleeping peacefully in your shared bedroom. He heard the baby waking up from their sleep and decided to hold them and nurture them so they don't wake you. Both of you discussed that it would be best if you didn't work, instead you are a stay at home mom, at least until Simon felt comfortable and knew where he felt was safer for you. Moving you out into the country side, on an acre property. It was something you both always wanted. A place far from bustling streets and war. Just the serene peacefulness of nature around you along with a couple horses that you begged Simon to allow you to have since it was a dream of yours since little. He rocked your toddler in his arms in their nursery, it was cozy, you both kept the color neutral deciding on a subtle green because you both didn't know the gender, wanting it to be a a surprise. To both your surprises you had a healthy boy. You named him Colton Riley.
Despite Simon's original doubts and fears of having a child, especially a duplicate of himself. Seeing the little bundle after the birth and hearing him cry out was a whole other level of adoration. If you thought loving you was impressive his love for your son was far more. He would kill anyone that hurt your little boy, and he'd be damn to let anyone bully your son. Your son was safe for sure. No doubt. Simon patted the back of your toddler "Ease bugger, don't wanna wake you mum. She's been working hard looking out for you." He speaks low and gruffly. After his mission several months ago, he told Price he'd be focusing more on his family unless they truly needed him, and he meant that seriously. As promise Price hasn't needed Simon so far it was peaceful just being home at your side and your son. But he knew it wouldn't last. After his last mission of General Shepherd betrayal, the Shadow company and then finding out about Makarov. He knew that nothing was going to last, especially when Laswell gets her hands more on Makarov movements. As of now, he has been extra cautious and General Shepherd has gone off grid. The CIA has been scrambling to do coverups and also reinstate a new general in command. For now Laswell has been leading the reins which made things a little flexible. After 141, Los Vaqueros, and Ghost team, Simon enjoyed just being Simon with you and their son. He felt himself more, a deep part of him kept Ghost under lock and key until he was needed again. But having the little bundle in his arms really made him not dwell so much on those matters, as you would tell him to focus on right now before their son in a blink of an eye be all grown up. He chuckles patting the baby, adjusting him onto his shoulder as he stood walking around the room encouraging the toddler to fall asleep after feeding him.
You woke up seeing Simon in the nursery, as he was holding your 3 month over his broad shoulders. The toddler looked so tiny in his grasps as Colton had his head nestled into his black top. You speak softly "Already getting him ready for his nap I see" you smile softly. Simon turns to look at you give a soft gaze with his face mask on, showing his tustled dirty blonde cropped hair. He glances at your son's sleeping figure on his shoulder before speaking lowly "Buggers easy to knock out." You walk over rubbing your son's back, Simon's eyes watching you intently as you touch the baby rubbing around in circular motion. Looking up at his eyes seeing his soft brown eyes bore into you, you lean up pulling down his mask to kiss him. He obliges until the feeling of his phone ring. The two of you froze. It felt so soon. You give him a sympathetic look as Colton began squirming waking up from the ringtone. You gently pry your son off his father's shoulder looking at Simon "You should answer it..." Simon knew he should as he looked at you almost wanting to let it go through voicemail but he answered walking out of the nursery,
Saying in a low grumble, he was very mad, he for once was enjoying the peace of his family and it all came crashing down in a minute. Price continued on the other end-
Ghost. I know I made a promise to you and y/n that I would only reach out if it was the upmost importance-
Almost sounding like a beg, with a stern voice, he was clenching the phone as he spoke through gritted teeth-
Simon could hear Price take a deep breath, it almost seem like he was dreading having to even say this-
I need you back Ghost. This mission is crucial and I need the best.
Simon was leaning against the stair railing gripping it tightly as he says in his low British gruff voice
What are your orders Captain.
He knew Price could tell from his tone that Simon was not happy to hear from him. He felt he barely had time with their newborn and leave y/n alone while he's gone made him feel worse. The fear and anxiety from the moment he found out you were pregnant settling into his stomach. He could hear Price let out another sigh
Lieutenant Ghost, your orders are to meet at base to be debriefed by Laswell. A plane will pick you up tomorrow at exactly 09:00.
Those words and orders made Simon stiffen up. He knew this was serious as he gave a loud enough response.
Sir, yes sir.
There was a pause, Simon was clenching his teeth and the railing as Price spoke again-
And Simon....
The Captain leaving his formalities as Simon stayed silent on the line until Price spoke again.
Give Little Lamb and that kiddo my regards...
With that, Price hung up and Simon was standing in the living room staring down at the phone, felt like deja vu. The last time he got a call from Price to do a mission you were kidnapped. That day still haunts him, except now you two have a son, and he'd be leaving you with their newborn. The idea again leaving you, all alone, despite how safe you are and off the books. The pit of his stomach didn't make him feel better. He didn't know how long he was standing staring daggers at his phone until, you came behind him wrapping your arms around him touching him gently. It snapped him out of his trance reaching to touch your hand as you spoke into his back "I take Price called about a mission ?" Your voice so soft and angelic, he never wanted to hear the sound of you asking that question. He speaks lowly "Price's orders." You process this as you press a gentle kiss onto his back, feeling him almost tense from the touch, you could tell this angered him that he was being called away. So you walked around him to face him touching his arms running your hands over his tattoo sleeve arm "Simon...this is your home always will be but 141 is your family, they need you too." You gave him a gentle smile and squeezing his biceps gently "We'll be fine here. I promise." His eyes searched yours for the longest time as he sighs pressing his forehead onto yours scrunching his brows "You call me-" you giggle nuzzling your nose onto his giving off the best British accent you could muster "-when you need me and I'll drop everything in a fuckin blind eye" he raises a brow at you "I don't fuckin sound even close to that" you laugh softly "Kinda..." He wraps his arms around you pulling you closer "Not even Pigeon." But he was grinning under his mask and you knew this as he sighs "But yeah...I'll fuckin ditch everything to get back here" you smile softly "I know. I know" you two spent a couple minutes holding each other. You two spent even most of the day embracing in each others arms along with Colton until tomorrow came too quickly.
It was early in the morning. You were holding Colton on your hip as he gnawed his gummy teeth on your necklace chain it was something Simon got for you, it was a heart shape with his initials on it. Simon, had his duffle bag stuffed, now wearing his attire for this mission, in his big black coat, jeans, skeleton gloves, and full balaclava. He even put his black paint on, which really brought out the blonde in his lashes. Colton definitely got that from his dad. Colton had his lashes but your eye color, Simon's crooked nose, and dimple cheeks, with your skin complexion. Even with the balaclava on, Colton knew Simon Ghost was still his father as he reached for his masked face. Simon leaned in for his son to touch and inspect his balaclava.
You were doing your best not to cry as you watch the interaction. You knew deep down Simon would always come back yet, it was different now. Having your son and actually becoming closer since the ordeal has made you love him more and more. Him honestly opening up to you was a big help too, after you met Price, Soap, Gaz, & Laswell you knew he'd always be looked after. Not that he needed to be looked after, but you felt comforted to know he has people to watch his back when things got hard. Once again you didn't realize your tears coming down as you felt his padded glove wipe your cheek, gently tilting your head up. His eyes were soft looking at you, you didn't even realize he lifted his balaclava enough to reveal his lips, that had scars slitted at the corner of his mouth as he leans down kissing you gently, than looking at you. Once again it felt like what happened a year ago...
"Guess, you better get going or you'll miss your flight" you sniffle letting out a little laugh, you suck in a breath looking at Colton in your arms. Ghost's looks at his son giving a soft kiss on the head and rubbing his head mumbling softly "Be good for your mum" it took every bodily power not to break down as you look from your son to Ghost.
"I love you Simon Ghost Riley" you readjust Colton in your arms looking at him as he looked at you and his son in your arms
"Love you too y/n..." He knew better to leave a promise that he couldn't keep, he couldn't guarantee he'd be safe and live to see you again, but he did etch you holding their son in your arms giving a brave smile as he carried his bag leaving his comfortable home. Walking to his truck tossing his duffle bag in, he took one last look at the home seeing you walk out onto the porch watching him as you lift Colton's hand to wave bye, subconsciously waving back as he got in driving off. Your words ringing in his ear as he drove. "Simon...this is your home always will be but 141 is your family, they need you too." He huffs knowing you're right, but he wished he wasn't neck deep sometimes wish he was a simple man you could love and never worry about your life on the line or your son's or partner. Sometimes he wondered if you would be better off. But than, selfishly deep down, you kept him grounded, because with you and Colton- Home truly is always with me..he thought to himself as he made his way to the airport to do this unexpected mission.
Thanks for Reading !
If you think this is the end it's not...brace yourself this is going to be an emotional rollercoaster...and I will not apologize for keeping you glued. (Also, I made some edits on this chapter to flow better with the next chapter)
ꨄ︎Taglist: @jadama20 @lunamoons-posts @babygirl-panda19 @kat-nee @marshallowy @bi-witch-bxtch @unit-1021 @wwe1rdc0re @crazy-phan-girl13
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shewhopats · 9 months
Overwatch characters watching your kid
I've been thinking about writing some silly short stories about OW characters getting stuck watching someone's kid, but I figured I would make this guide for my headcannon for the kind of babysitter each of them would be.
Brigitte and Reinhardt would make you the most nervous with their methods. Lots of rough-housing, throwing them around and into the air, giving your kid sugar, letting them climb things, and overall just encouraging mayhem and rule-breaking. "You mom/dad doesn't let you do this at home? Well, they're not here, are they?" Your kid will come home thoroughly exhausted, but bitter about you not being as fun as they are.
Orisa would make the same mistakes as Brigitte and Reinhardt, but more out of ignorance and inexperience. Like letting your kid stay up too late, because she doesn't understand why going to bed at a decent time is important, or feeding them something that makes them sick because that's what they said they wanted to eat. Unintentionally lets your kid walk all over her, but once you teach her how it's done, she'll be your go-to option when you need a break.
Zenyatta would be so intrigued by the natural imagination and curiosity of children. He'd provide lots of different toys, art supplies, and time for unrestricted and uninstructed play. A one-man enrichment program. Just don't try to tell him there are boy toys and girls toys. Your kid will be allowed to play with whatever they want. He would also unironically have a blast playing pretend with dolls or action figures. I'm talking a 25-part narrative with backstories, lore, worldbuilding, and an Endgame-style final conflict.
Genji, Kiriko, Tracer, and B.O.B would be the kings and queens of "don't tell your parents." Extra screen-time, taking them out for ice cream, staying up a little later then their normal bedtime, etc. What I would call "a healthy amount of rule-breaking." They have everyone else convinced they are Responsible™ but you can't help noticing that your kid is always excited to hangout with them.
Ana and Torbjorn could be depended on the same way you can trust grandma and grandpa. They've had kids, so they know all the tips, tricks, and games to keep your kid clean, fed, safe, and happy. Just don't tell them some dumb shit like "organic, non-gmo fruits only." Your kid will be eating bananas from the supermarket like everyone else. But for more sensible rules, even the ones they don't agree with, they will follow them.
Echo will make you fill out a 200-question survey and write an essay on how you want your kid cared for. She will follow every instruction down to the letter, and send you updates every 30 minutes. If your kid sneezes, she will call you to ask about it. The downside is your kid will probably hate her for being such a rules monger.
Baptiste, Illari, Lucio, and Sojourn would try so hard to be responsible and follow your instructions, but puppy-eyes work on them 80% of the time. Your home will look like a warzone when you get back, but they'll help you clean up.
Lifeweaver, Pharah, Mei, and Zarya would get a whiff of that specific smell babies have that makes your DNA scream at you to make one yourself. They would be the sweetest, most gentle caretakers on this list. They'll spend most of the time snuggling on the couch, watching T.V. and drinking hot coco. Would let your kid give them a makeover, paint their nails, and play with their hair. Would read to and rock them to sleep, tuck them in really snug. They'd probably look forward to seeing your kid again, and every time you happen upon one of them, they'll only ask what's going on with the kiddo.
Sombra, Symmetra, and Widowmaker would rather be water-boarded then spend five minutes with those sticky-fingered cunt goblins you call kids.
Ashe, Hanzo, and Winston would happily agree to babysit for you, thinking they will be serviceable at it. How hard could it be? Then an hour later they call you, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and beg you to come back, because your kid is crying or throwing a tantrum. They definitely have the potential to be great caretakers, but they would need someone to walk them through it at first.
Bastion and Sigma definitely WANT to give babysitting a try, but they understand why that's probably not a safe idea. They would question your intelligence if you asked them.
Cassidy and D.va would take your kid to McDonalds or somewhere else with else with a play-place, and let them go wild while they sit on a bench nearby. They will do the bare minimum amount of work to keep your kid alive, because they have better things to do. Would only babysit as a favor for you if no one else is available.
Mercy is married to her work, and Ramattra is dedicated to his mission. If you somehow convince them to watch your kid for even a single hour, they'll set-up a playpen with whatever toys they like, toss in a sippy cup and snack every now and then, and ignore their existence while they do their usual business.
Doomfist, Moira, Reaper, and Soldier: 76 would tape your kid to a chair the first time it annoys them. I know there's the fandom joke of S76 being the dad of the team, but he's always come off as grumpy and impatient to me.
Your kid would love the junkers (Junker Queen, Junkrat, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball) for all the wrong reasons. They would teach your kid how to make a grenade launcher out of plastic bottles and rubber bands, 37 new swear words, and how to punch people in the throat. Unless you want to get a call from the school about your kid blowing up the chemistry room, I would choose literally anyone else to babysit.
Mauga would use your kids to get dates. He'll take your daughter to a dance class and talk to any single parents about how much of a family man he is and how difficult being a single dad. He'll take your son to play catch in a park so he has an excuse to take his shirt off and flex his muscles. He'll coach your kid to walk up to someone and say, "my uncle thinks your pretty, so maybe you can play with us."
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bbbuckaroo · 22 days
you are rights bobs are getting louder because they can feel the interest in their ship dwindling. But you know what?? They brought this on themselves.
I loved buddie and when Tommy came along I was one of the people who thought “yeah he’s cute. I do hope they date for a while” but I held onto the buddie endgame. But I try to “curate my space” like they always say whenever someone complains about how toxic the fandom has become and curating for me means try to avoid negativity. And I used to follow only buddie shippers but I told myself “I’m only gonna unfollow the one who badmouths bucktommy because I don’t wanna see that kind of energy”. And I ended up unfollowing 90% of them. So the reason I became uninterested in buddie is because I don’t see many posts about them and the reason I don’t see many posts about them is because most buddie shippers can’t love their ship without hating on bucktommy or Tommy or even Lou (fucking psychos). Sorry for the rant. I can’t believe how much those people behavior made me fall out of love with a couple i’ve been cheering on for 6 years.
sincerely, a former buddie shipper
Welcome to BuckTommy Nation, we’re all quite lovely and happy to have new residents! We spend our days basking in the sunshine these two boys bring ☀️ And I promise, we’re not anti-Buddie, we’re anti-bullshit. First of all I want to sincerely apologize that you weren’t able to enjoy your ship. In no finer terms, that sucks. Everyone should be able to ship any couple they’d like and enjoy doing it.
I honestly started with 9-1-1 LS, fell in love with Tarlos and heard there was another non-canon couple on 9-1-1 who could develop into that. Within the first few episodes of S2 I loved Buck and Eddie but not for the reasons many did or I expected. I loved how positive and healthy their friendship was as two “manly” men. There was no silly caveman antics or refusal to share feelings. From the beginning they could be two male friends without toxic masculinity and that was (and is) so needed.
I too scrolled through the Buddie posts that showed up on my dash following Buck (I’m a Buck baby) and thought hey, let the shippers have their fun. I’m not going to rag on them and that was back when it was just that, FUN! And as time went on it has become necessary to block all Buddie content because it’s so hard to weed out the positive posts, they’re drowned out by the radicalism and that is so sad. It should have never become that way.
Lou was a total surprise for me and regardless of if he and Buck stayed together, as a character with such growth and stability I adored him and then promptly fell in love with Lou. So the fact that both he and his character were literally attacked from that first kiss was appalling. You’re right, it injected so much negativity into the entire show by one small group and here we are trying to fix it. It’s practically years worth of nastiness. And the part that just blows my mind is that EDDIE was the driving factor in Buck and Tommy getting together and he and Buck’s conversation about coming out was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful and so many people could relate and felt so much hope seeing both someone come out at an “older” age and have his best friend wholeheartedly support him. I legit cried during that scene.
So even as a non-Buddie shipper who never had any issue with the ship EVER, I can understand and see how unfair it is for you and honestly, I am sorry. I wish there were some way for Buddie shippers to enjoy their ship or even be separated from the pack. Because Buddie has become a nasty word with such a negative connotation and you don’t/didn’t deserve that.
I hope y’all know that BuckTommy Nation IS a safe space for Buddie shippers who respect our ship as much as we do theirs because I believe we all want Buck, Eddie, and now Tommy happy and in healthy relationships, whomever they may be with. So please don’t feel like you can’t celebrate both and I promise that myself and other members will try our hardest to not immediately associate Buddie with the BoB’s.
Please feel free to rant as much as you need to, you have a reason too! And clearly I’m a huge advocate for positivity and ignoring the BoB’s so when they are talked about or responded to I immediately shut it down and block. Your rant isn’t negative towards Buck or Tommy or any of them and in no way is giving the BoB’s the attention they’re preying off of. Instead you’re giving an honest and raw testimony of one of the worst things that’s happened because of this insanity. And that’s fans being unable to enjoy themselves and do so with like-minded people. These shows are made to be enjoyed and now people feel like they can’t and you know who that hurts? The people who make and star in the show would we wouldn’t have any of this without!
So thank you so much for sharing your experience and giving us insight into how true Buddie fans are feeling. We need to hear that so we can continue to spread positivity regardless of which characters/actors it is. Because if nasty people are going to make their own fellow-shippers feel like they can’t, we can at least make it a positive place again for everyone. Buck and Tommy have brought so much of that to the show and shown people what a healthy relationship looks like when after years of failed and toxic relationships. Many people desperately need to see that who are in those, regardless of who makes up the couple.
Thank you for sharing all of this and sorry my response turned into a book! We’re so happy you’re here enjoying the ship and the positivity it brings, that’s all we want ❤️
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Another Life
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Pairing(s): implied/referenced Rhaegar Targaryen x Stark!Reader, Ned Stark x Catelyn Tully, Robert Baratheon x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: canonical character death, illegitimacy, cat actually loves jon in this story, drabble, short, robert and cersei actually like eachother
Words: 1269
Lyanna watches Jon from atop of the courtyard's parapet, her eyes crinkling with pride as she watches Jon best Theon Greyjoy at the dance of swords. Every victory Jon made resulted in him outgrowing the label of bastard. He was so much more than a bastard of Winterfell. Not even Catelyn saw him as such. Many were so shocked when the news came that Ned had brought back his bastard one day. In fact Cat had shown up at Winterfell by his side as he held the infant in his arms, for she was one of three that knew the truth about Jon Snow.
Heartache nibbles at her heart when she recalls fifteen years prior. She remembers her sister (y/n). The fever of her cheeks as she held her newborn son in her arms. But she wasn't faring well. Birth rendered her near lifeless, allowing her to slip slowly away into the Stranger's arms. It was only a matter of time. She refused to leave the Tower of Joy, understood her fate as well as her siblings and sister-in-law did. (y/n) had just been content with the fact that she'd birthed a healthy baby boy.
"Jon." Her watery eyes turn up to Lyanna. "His name is Jon."
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After Rhaegar's closest friend. Jon Connington was the one to deliver the note to Winterfell, ensuring it fell into the safe hands of the young Warden of the North himself. He'd been instructed by his revered lady, Princess (y/n) Targaryen.
The name was a slap to the face. A year prior to the birth of her son, (y/n) had supposedly been kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen who was supposed to marry Elia Martell the following day. Both up and vanished without a trace. Lord Rickard Stark was beside himself with grief and agony that they stormed to the capital to demand answers from King Aerys himself. Lord Rickard and his heir Brandon accused the king of hiding the location of Rhaegar and (y/n), said that she was to be returned immediately and the prince punished. But Aerys didn't take kindly to the slander they were slewing against the crown. He had them executed.
Ensuing blood shed consumed the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaegar appeared only on the battlefield with his own men. They fought against not just the king, but Ned and his own allies which included Storm's End. No sign of (y/n) nearby.
After Robert Baratheon killed Rhaegar and the regicide of the Mad King by the young lion Jaime Lannister, there was still no clue as to where (y/n) could be.
Robert, though it was Jaime who slew the king, secured the Iron Throne for himself. That meant Lyanna would be queen as she was engaged to Robert. She refused.
When Ned implored her to marry Robert, she gave him the tongue lashing of the century but it did the job in shutting him up. He couldn't force Lyanna to do something she didn't want to. That lesson was learned in childhood. If she desired to stay in the North then she would stay. Slighted at first, it didn't take him long to choose another bride. Cersei Lannister. A beautiful couple. Lyanna was happy that Robert even seemed to be truly smitten with the golden haired girl. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other.
Or so she was told. She couldn't attend their lavish wedding, not when her sister was still out there somewhere.
Day and night she worked in searching for (y/n). Northmen scattered across the vast land took part in looking for her.
They'd nearly given up.
And then Jon Connington delivered a letter in (y/n)'s handwriting.
She and Rhaegar had eloped. Rhaegar couldn't marry Elia Martell, he didn't love her but there was absolutely no way that Aerys would let him marry (y/n) Stark. Even (y/n) had kept her love for him a secret from everyone in her family.
Getting married as soon as they could. They had a short honeymoon for the war started shortly after. Jon Connington was entrusted with (y/n)'s safety, and though he wanted to be with Rhaegar on the battlefield, he held (y/n) in high regard. He agreed without much hesitation.
Soon she discovered she was pregnant. The pregnancy wasn't going well for her. She was constantly sick and weak. She didn't have long.
In her note, (y/n) specifically wanted Lyanna, Ned and his new bride to come. Only them. They were not to tell anyone else. Cat was loathe to leave her own baby Robb but knew how important this was for Ned and his family so of course she agreed to go. Leaving Robb pained her.
Jon was but a week old by the time they arrived to the Tower of Joy. The Sword of the Morning himself stood guard at the tower's entrance.
The babe was healthy. The same couldn't be said of his mother.
She was gaunt, so gray. This wasn't the sister Ned and Lyanna grew up with. Her smile was still the same though, even if it was a little strained. To each of them she spoke to, having the other two wait.
All of them, including Jon Connington and Arthur Dayne were to take this secret to their graves.
(y/n) died two days later.
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"I know that look."
Lyanna jolts at Ned's voice, ripped from her melancholic memories. She presses her lips together. Ned grew into a fine lord. A horde of children filled the halls of the castle. Among them was the boy they thought their bastard brother. "Sometimes I can't help but think about her when I see him. He has her big, sweet eyes."
Ned nods. "He does." He rests his forearms on the wooden rail and looks down into the courtyard where Jon swung his sword in the way that Arthur Dayne had shown him that morning. Off to the distance was Jon Connington watching with a close eye. Theon and Robb are trying it out as well.
Jon was thriving. No one caught on to the truth of him. Never even breaching the surface. Many asked who the mother was since Ned agreed to claim fathership over him.
Bittersweet for the siblings watching their nephew grow up without his real mother and father. It was better this way. (y/n) wanted her son to grow up in the north opposed to the death and discrimination he might receive from being raised in the capital. Not just that, but Robert Baratheon was now entirely against the entire Targaryen line. He was already trying to locate the missing Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys with plans to execute them if they're ever found. Children. It was insane that his queen was supporting the king's search for them. His claim to the throne was in danger as long as there was even one Targaryen left alive. And unfortunately Jon was included.
That day his sister died, Ned swore to her that he would protect Jon with his life; even if that meant protecting him against his own friend he thought of as a brother. Lyanna, Ned and Cat had spent sleepless nights speaking about the possibility of Robert finding out about Jon. Their voices hushed, only the quiet flame in the fireplace bore witness to the secrets being discussed.
They would never allow the secret of Jon's parents to become public knowledge. (y/n) entrusted Jon's life to them and they would not disappoint her. They would defend the boy with their life and take his secret to the afterlife.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
June 2023
Em had been on too many of these tables in the last few weeks. Lying back and told the gel was going to be cold, staring at a screen. But this was the important scan. This was the one that meant more than she could say. Dan was holding her hand as they stared at the screen.
“And here’s your baby. They’re measuring perfectly, everything’s good to go.” The technician said and Em let out a long breath. It was ok. They were ok. Their baby was there and safe and things were going to be ok.”
“They’re healthy? It looks good?” She asked, trying to bite back tears.
“From what we can see everything is fine. You’re officially out of your first trimester Mrs Ricciardo. Congratulations.”
“Can you keep it on for a minute? We haven’t told my parents yet.” She nodded and Dan pulled his phone out, opening up FaceTime. Grace answered quickly and Em put her free hand over her mouth to stop herself from blurting anything out.
“Danny? Is everything ok? I thought you were calling later?” She asked and Dan couldn’t help letting out a grin.
“We’re good Mum, we’re really good. Em and I thought you’d like to meet your next grandchild.”
“What? JOE! Joe you need to see this! Michelle get over here!” Dan turned the camera to Em who waved at her in-laws, tears fully pouring now as she grinned. They’d been there for the worst moments, supporting them both last year when they were devastated and grieving the possibilities. Keeping this from them had felt impossible but now it was so good to get to show them something happy at last.
“Meet your next grandchild. I’m thirteen weeks, everything’s good. We’re good.” The joy on the faces was clear even from the tiny screen. Dan turned it so they could see the scan and got their look at the baby. It was still so small but there. The technician flicked on the Doppler so they could hear a heartbeat and Em’s tears began to flow again. This was real.
They left with a pile of photos and a promise to be back in Perth in a couple of weeks once Dan had finished some work in England. It was holding hands as they drove back to Scotty and Chloe’s where they’d been holed up for the last week. They needed this so badly and she still couldn’t fully believe it.
Blake met them at the door, nerves clear on her big brother’s face. Em grinned as soon as she saw him.
“Thirteen weeks, one healthy baby, heartbeat strong and we have photos. It’s happening, Blakey. It’s happening.” He grabbed them both into a tight hug and Em let herself be pulled into it. Her boys were there and she was so happy she could cry again. But there was two more people to tell before she could really relax.
That night at dinner Chloe started pouring wine for everyone. Em put her hand over her glass like she had been and her best friend just shook her head.
“I should have expected that from you, you’ve been off drinking for a while. Had too much at the wedding and still staying off?” Em couldn’t stop giggling, watching as Scotty looked at her too. “What?”
“I didn’t actually drink at your wedding at all. I haven’t had a drink since my wedding. Everything got confirmed today so I can say it. I’m thirteen weeks pregnant.”
“Em? Seriously? You’re having a baby?!” Chloe pulled her into a hug as Em heard the commotion in the background.
“You absolute cunt knocking Em up! I better be an uncle!”
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