#stupid fucking english fuck
mushed-kid · 5 months
okay as a big voltron fan, i’m gonna come clean about something. i didn’t get “patience yields focus.” i didn’t get it!
i don’t know what yield means.
i’ve been thinking in my head that i can understand it in the context but i’m finally admitting that i have no fucking clue.
i’ve googled it several times but that’s a made up fucking word, that cannot exist because what is the meaning? i don’t know! it’s driving me crazy because what does it mean to yield??
fucking idiot fucking language fuck
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things about being an educator is that you hear what parents want their kids to be able to do a lot. they want their kid to be an astronaut or a ballerina or a politician. they want them to get off that damn phone. be better about socializing. stop spending so much time indoors. learn to control their own temper. to just "fucking listen", which means to be obedient.
one of the things i learned in my pedagogy classes is that it's almost always easier to roleplay how you want someone to act. it's almost always easier to explain why a rule exists, rather than simply setting the rule and demanding adherence.
i want my kids to be kind. i want them to ask me what book they should read next, and i want to read that book with them so we can discuss it. i want my kid to be able to tell me hey that hurt my feelings without worrying i'll punish them. i want my kid to be proud of small things and come running up to me to tell me about them. i want them to say "nah, i get why this rule exists, but i get to hate it" and know that i don't need them to be grateful-for-the-roof-overhead while washing the dishes. i want them to teach me things. i want them to say - this isn't safe. i'm calling my mom and getting out of this. i want them to hear me apologize when i do fuck up; and i want them to want to come home.
the other day a parent was telling me she didn't understand why her kid "just got so angry." this woman had flown off the handle at me.
my dad - traditional catholic that he is - resents my sentiment of "gentle parenting". he says they'll grow up spoiled, horrible, pretentious. granola, he spits.
i am going to be kind to them. i am going to set the example, i think. and whatever they choose become in the meantime - i'm going to love them for it.
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slavhew · 2 months
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gritting teeth yeah man whatever jake english whatever whatever what ever
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bidokja · 5 months
do you ever think about how we absorb little bits and pieces of everyone we have ever been close to? how it echoes. how heavy and wonderful that is? how we still remember inside jokes with people we no longer talk to, and the favorite wild tale of an ex-lover, and how we say that word a specific way because a friend did that and...and, anyways, totally irrelevant, but ever think about how kim dokja just happened to take in the story fragments of a swordmaster and a dragon.
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transmechanicus · 19 days
Everyone scandalized about Chilchuck being thirsted over, a character who is objectively 29, which is 40+ in human years, who has 3 grown daughters and a divorce, just because of how he's drawn, you have my biggest congratulations. I truly did not think the complex physiological system of a human body could be managed by a creature with not one singular brain cell. How you managed to stagger over to the computer and bash your skull against the keyboard with enough accuracy to post remains a further mystery. I am going to put you in a maze filled with buzzsaw goblins and will use the results to write a second PhD thesis.
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fulgurbugs · 2 years
after making my roommate rewatch jjba with me now in retaliation she’s making me watch one piece with her (SHES DOWN TO REWATCH THE WHOLE THING, CERTIFIED INSANE WOMAN) and let me tell you. i legit cannot watch long series without watching with someone else because it’s just way more fun to watch with someone. i need to constantly commentate on the stupid bullshit happening i guess
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micamicster · 1 month
One of my biggest pet peeves in media about teenagers is they never understand that the kids in euphoria and the kids in heartstopper go to the same school and sit next to each other in algebra class and bully their teachers together. and they’re friends
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
another tumblrstuck
ectoBiologist: i’m starting to think my childhood trauma may actually have an effect on how i act… uh oh! 
tipsyGnostalgic: we all need 2 have the craziest and freakiest transgender sex RIGHT NOW!!!!
turntechGodhead: [picture of a sopping wet beast] god hes just like me fr
gutsyGumshoe: I have GOT to fuck that white man!!
tentacleTherapist: [Most beautiful and decadent piece of art you have ever witnessed.] Got bored and drew this, lol.
golgothasTerror: Does anyone ever think about minecraft?
gardenGnostic: hey guys in case tumblr goes down join my minecraft anarchy server. theres a singular sign at the world border with my email!! contact me there hehe :3c
timaeusTestified: I’m gonna kill myself.
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nearapologist · 2 years
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homestuck memes for today (i need psychiatric help)
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Still the greatest loss in the official translation
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pyrotechnicallyabee · 1 month
dr ratio's name being Veritas made me lose my shit when i learnt it. his name is literally a concept. its the fucking ancient roman value of honesty. his full fucking name (if translated into english) is basically 'True Reckoning/Calculation'.
Edit: Revised possible translation: 'Truthful Reckoning'. I initially played more into the calculation side rather than the judgemental side due to his academic accolades but he's also very judgemental in canon.
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utenixx · 5 days
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Something silly while I draw draw a comic and some other things
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philzokman · 8 months
natsume soseki did not say "don't say 'i love you', instead say 'the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it'" FOR NONE OF YOUS TO WRITE IT INTO UR FICS!!!!!!!!
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jadedharleys · 3 months
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nerdpoe · 1 year
straight up batman au where everything is the same EXCEPT
Damian is missing his two front teeth when he meets Tim.
Dick never got rid of the mullet
Alfred is Australian for some reason
and Bruce wears that dumb fuckin rainbow batman costume whenever Jason acts up
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talking w international friends of another language be like
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