#suicide attempt mention
lifblogs · 4 months
WIP Game
Tagged by: @kybercrystals94 (thank you so much!)
RULES: make a new post of the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Y’all have WIP folders? Zero folders for me save for one big project.
I don’t think I have too many, and my titles are rather self-explanatory, but here we go!
Warning for mentioned suicide attempt!
Emerie Story
The World Goes Cold: Chapter 6
Bad Batch Finale Rewrite
Hunter Tries to Kill Himself With His Scarf Fic
Chapter 1
Deleted/Altered Scene (yes, I’m counting this)
Tagging: @evilwriter37 (of course), @cascigarette, @clownery-and-fuckery, @squad-724, @moss-tombstone, and anyone I may have forgotten (my brain is so foggy)
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just-antithings · 1 year
Oh dear god.
When you've contributed to bullying someone into suicide the correct response is not 'lol not my problem' (or later on 'I'm proud')
When it's suggested that this is not a healthy attitude and that you might benefit from therapy, the correct response is absolutely not 'a proshipper gaining their wings is therapy enough for me'.
I lose faith in humanity by the hour.
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in italy headlines are being made by the case of a 25-year-old italian guy who's attending university in miami, who got arrested for flimsy reasons outside of a nightclub, hogtied (which is not illegal in florida), almost choked in the same way as george floyd, and tortured to the point he's suffering physical damage in addition to severe ptsd. his mother, who reached him in the usa, says he's attempted suicide four times. the videos of his treatment by the police have reached his lawyer and apparently prove the statements made by the police completely wrong (to the surprise of exactly no one).
reason number seven million i'm never setting foot in the united states ever!! especially not florida!! de santis just signed a law that protects police even more!! the fuck!!
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ghostonly · 1 year
On Sunday afternoon, I went to the public pool with my partner. He convinced me to jump off the diving board where dozens of people could see me because the whole pool was packed at 33 degrees Celsius. We did somersaults in the water. He swam laps and I marked how far he could dive in distance challenges.
When he got too cold, we sat on our towels under an umbrella and ate french fries and straciatella ice cream on a stick - something he used to do at this same pool when he was a child.
And he said,
"I'm glad I'm alive. I never believed I would be this happy,"
because when he was a teenager and he was living with abusers and struggling with his gender and sexuality and being autistic, he didn't feel the same and he tried to kill himself.
Even if things are the worst they've ever been, that doesn't mean things won't get better. It doesn't mean you won't achieve a whole lifetime of happiness to make up for the misery you're feeling. Look for a way through. If things can't get worse, they can only get better.
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<cw suicide attempt mention>
I understand that the way I write causes folks to get hit in the emotions quite hard, but I also want more stories that do that with those realization moments. I want
A teenage schoolgirl realizing that her being a lesbian never meant that something was wrong with her or that she was alone and, in that moment, grieving so many lost opportunities to feel human.
An accountant who felt so much pressure to be a man in a certain way that his wearing a skirt for the first time becomes a cathartic action that allows him a chance to express himself freely and feel more calm around his wife and children.
A young woman who, previously lacking the vocabulary for what she was going through, always thought she was just a failure of a man who had to play the understudy for the role, only to learn she was wrongly cast for the part of "male".
A boy who wrestles with having to deal with menstruation and his female classmates trying to have that define him until he can finally get medication to stop the blood from flowing out from him.
An office worker who struggles with finding where they belong when their world of marketing punishes those who aren't hypermasculine or hyperfeminine, and especially those who refuse to participate.
A college student who attempts suicide because he fears his family will never understand why he feels both like a girl and a boy and finds the courage to have that conversation in the hospital while he is recovering.
I want queer and trans characters who mourn what could have been. I want wrath. I want unbridled joy. I want the brutality that comes with the queer experience. I want the escalation and reduction of tension to be ugly. I want the visceral reaction to a traumatic event. I want the story to be messy. I want a human story that tells it with equal parts ferocity and kindness.
I want queer joy. I want queer pain. I want queer life.
I want queer characters who realize that there is life beyond the pain of struggling with who you are, that they are allowed to process what they went through, what they learned.
Is that too much to ask?
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beerecordings · 10 months
Hello Bee!! Question, what is the fic or Au you are currently working on the most? I miss your writing dude
recently I was writing a snippet of Favored Puppet au, do you want to see? I also wrote a little Graceling AU and part of an MBC short fic from Quin's perspective.
if you do want to know, I have been busy lately as I work on applications for grad school, and dealing with understaffing at work. but also I am just a little lacking in inspiration lately! what would you most like to see more of?
anyway, here's some Favored Puppet, post Chase shooting Jackie:
He was a kid in the Midwest. Grew up in a town smaller even then this, 3000 people, outnumbered by cows. It would have been okay, he thinks, if not for his parents. Yeah. He liked the summers with the lightning bugs in the bushes outside his window, liked the little Boy Scout troop in the basement of the church where he carved soap and felt so proud in his sharp outfit. He had some good teachers who told him how smart he was when he worked at it, played some soccer when the school had the scholarship available, vandalized the shed out behind the post office with the help of the same girl who took his virginity. Katie, that was her name, or maybe she spelled it differently. Her mom made them lasagna before the school dance they went to, and he could still taste marinara when he kissed her, but it made him dizzy anyway.
Yeah, it wasn't all bad. He fled as soon as he fucking could, that's for damn sure, but that wasn't because of Nebraska. He didn't mind it.
He minds being here now, though.
“Chase,” says Anti, from the doorway. He doesn't know when his monster came to check on him, but it doesn't matter. “Come inside.”
“Are we in Nebraska?” he asks. “Or just the Midwest?”
“Why do you need to know?” Anti replies coldly.
Chase turns to look at him. He's standing inside, mirroring his appearance down to the raggedy coat Chase is wearing, his bare feet set on the scratchy brown doormat.
Anti's not going to tell him shit. He never used to tell him anything in California either, and now... things have only gotten worse. And there had been so many months there where things between them were so good.
“Fuck,” Chase whispers to himself.
No, he's not the Chase Brody who grew up in Nebraska anymore, not the Chase Brody who married Stacy, not the Chase Brody who launched a Youtube channel, loved skateboarding, or tried to kill himself twice in his apartment in Ireland. He's not Chase Brody at all anymore, he doesn't think. Sure as fuck aren't any documents left saying so. You'd have to get his dental records to prove it. He's just Chase, or maybe – what does Anti call him in front of the other fae? – Conchobhar, of course.
He's the Chase that belongs to a monster and the Chase that is a monster. He's the Chase who killed somebody trying to help him. Not his cousin, because he's not the Chase who was cousins with Jackie, but somebody who didn't mean him any harm, at least.
“Chase,” Anti repeats, sharper. “You're freezing.”
“We shouldn't be here,” he says. “We should keep moving.”
“It's safe here. It made sure.”
Chase used to correct him when he called himself it.
“I don't like it,” he says instead. “I don't want to be here. We should leave the whole country.”
“Come inside before it makes you come inside,” Anti says.
He's the Chase who can't stand up to the Snake Fang Fae, and isn't sure he wants to. He tilts his head back and drains the rest of his Wild Turkey in one breath, and then he follows his monster inside.
“You're pregnant?”
He remembers the exact track the first tear took down her face, a creek across the curve of her cheek and chin and throat. She swallowed hard and tried to smile, without much success, holding the test in her hands.
“Wow,” he'd said, leaning back against the counter of his dorm kitchen. “We... we were careful, I thought, I – I'm sorry – ”
“Yeah, I thought so too,” she'd whispered to him. “I'm sorry.”
“Why are you – I'm sorry, I'm – ”
“No, I'm sorry, I don't know, I just – ”
They both ran out of words. Another pair of tears fell out of her eyes with a glitter, and she tucked the pregnancy test close to her stomach like she was trying to hide it from him. Matt knocked on the door and Chase jumped, hurrying to shout that he'd be down in a few minutes, sure, they could go up to the girl's dorm to see his girlfriend, yeah, Stacy would probably be up there too.
But she was there in front of him, more real than anything, more real than she had been before, he was pretty sure. Certainly she wasn't so solid, so made of flesh, just yesterday, before he knew she had a baby the size of his fingernail buried somewhere inside the walls of her body. Hadn't he touched her just last week, run his hands all over her, joined their bodies into one moving part? Still, he had never noticed that she was only a figment of his imagination at the time, and only then was she standing in front of him as a fully-formed person he needed to take care of.
“Can you at least tell me what you're thinking?” she'd asked, and he hadn't known how to tell her he was just thinking of how very pretty she was with so much color rising in her pale face.
“I'm just... I... I need to know what you're thinking first, I think,” he said, pulling his bangs back from his face with a long breath. “We're just twenty.”
She'd said something he can't completely recall, something so practical and careful he knew none of it was true. He saw it in her face long before she admitted it, saw it in the way her hands curled around her stomach: she would keep the baby. He never objected. It helped that when he whispered to her that he thought he would be a shit dad, she frowned at him in a disconcerted way, as though the same thought had never once occurred to her, and she turned onto her side to share her heat with him and let him put his hands on her belly. Beneath his fingers, his little son.
Chase lies awake, staring at the ceiling. He can tell Anti is pretending to sleep from the slow, deep breaths beside him, but Anti never falls asleep before he does. Never. He's not human enough to need it.
“Hunter, Hunter, Hunter,” Chase mouths to himself, silent in the darkness of the house, and nothing answers him. There was a perfect baby who smiled at him with his teeth coming in through the hot gums on the bottom of his mouth, and then there wasn't. There was a warm little person who fell asleep in his arms and pressed his tiny chin into his shoulder, and then there was a stiff cold corpse. Plastic, that's what Chase thought when he first touched it. Somebody took my baby and replaced it with fleshy plastic. Unyielding as a doll. There was a baby who called him Papa and then there wasn't.
Anti didn't kill Hunter, but sometimes, Chase wishes he had. Then he would never have reached this point. He would never have forgotten, even for a moment, that Anti was a monster. He would never have let himself become one too.
Then again, not being a monster wouldn't have made him a person again. The father died with the baby. The man died with the woman. He did not exist, before Anti, as anything other than his own despair.
Anti turns into him on the bed, setting his head against Chase's back. He has no heat of his own. His fingers dig into Chase's stomach.
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Iwa Gai Au
The biggest thing after Gai finds out that Kakashi tried to take his life, is that Gai partially blames himself. He wants so badly to just say screw it and drag Kakashi away from it all even if it means being labelled a missing non because this is all clearly taking a huge toll on Kakashi
And honestly, Gai gets it. He doesn’t think he’d ever go that route but he knows it’s tiring. He feels that exhaustion everytime he wakes up and realizes that nothing has changed. That he still can’t wake up at Kakashi’s side or see him with everyone around knowing what he’s doing
He hates it too and he wants to make it easier. To just change everything so they can be together without issue
But he can’t, and he can’t be there for Kakashi and he hates it.
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croagunkguy · 2 years
What’s your favorite bonding activity to take part in with your pokémon? How did you meet/obtain your partner pokémon?
19. What’s your favorite bonding activity to take part in with your pokémon?
Man lwokey we are not super active people. Me n' the little man like to vibe in Various Locations and Eat Delectable Snackage. Like I said in that last psot, by a body of woter is best so u can soak or do laps for somma that exercise shizz if u really gotta, but just vibing together rocks. I like to graden n grow epic berries, but the Gunk Master Supreme doesn't really dig it. He is the main Berry Eater of the household tho. We all got our individual skills baby.
20. How did you meet/obtain your partner pokémon?
The way we met is like, lowkey a dark story ngl, so a lil warning ahead of time fer the more sensative bloggers out there, u can skip this paragraph if u need to bb no shame<3 . I was not always the chill guy I am today, hmoie. I had some major league issues growin' up, and to make a long, sad story as short as possible, I kinna went into this swamp in Sinnoh to take a Fat Dirt Nap if you catch my drift. Gunkie saw me floatin' face down in the water and had to put an end to that shiz. Gave me a whole new lease on life ngl. The Gunk Boi really taught me a lot about like, how to chill out and not be such a dick head all the time. We became super besties after that, an' now I am the Vibingest Guy.
I kinna try to spread that love that the Gunkster showed me, ya know? Hell I'd be smackin' ass in the afterlive with Arceus or some shit if it was not for him. U gotta pay that forward wherever u can, man. So now I take care of the world, take care of ppl who r down on their luck. Just Giving a Fuck about others can really change the game for someone, you feel me?? Get ON that shit fr.
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theniftycat · 1 year
So, the thing about Fantabulosa! is that while it is a beautiful, breathtaking film, I can't recommend it with a clear consciousness.
When I first watched it in 2007, it made me suicidal and triggered an attempt on my life.
I'm okay now and I'm glad to say that watching this film was like visiting an old version of me, a confused and hopeless one. I'm not that person anymore.
Back then, my dad walked into the kitchen, something he hardly did at night, I watched films there every night. It stopped me from going through with it.
Right now, my dad is on his way to Thailand, to help me move back home.
I've gone full circle in these 16,5 years. Exactly half of my life has passed. And now I can rewatch this film and then go back to my life as a content adult. I can look at Michael Sheen as Aziraphale, a happy character who will find his way in the world no matter what the odds.
Somehow, this entire month has been like an immersive therapy via going back in time and seeing that there was a future for me, after all. And there still is.
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masculinepeacock · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley & May Grant Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, May Grant (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Mentions of Suicide Attempt, talking about mental health, Sibling Relationship, theyre siblings your honor!!!, i wrote this in. half an hour. they mean so so much to me Summary:
May and Buck talk about That Day in season one together. title from Lost in my Mind by The Head in the Heart
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lifblogs · 2 months
For some reason fandom seems to be stressing me out. I’m not sure why. I’m anxious to check my notifications every morning, I’m anxious to check my email, I see the number of notifications on some apps rising and rising, and I don’t know what to do about it. I’m worried I’m going to be told I’m awful or wrong on every single fandom post I make. I feel like I’m letting everyone down by not fully participating in fandom events. I feel like I’m letting my newer writing mutuals down. I can’t get myself to read fanfic even though I had gotten back into reading it and actually enjoyed it. I feel like I’m doing fandom wrong or something and will be told I’m awful and I feel like I’m letting everyone down. I’m thinking of taking a fandom break, but even that idea slightly stresses me out, especially since I love to talk about the things I love! And I love coming on tumblr for cat pics and art too. Where did my enjoyment go? Where did this stress come from? I feel like everything’s piling on top of me, and I don’t know what to do.
Talk of suicide under the cut.
It seemed to have started after I almost killed myself a month ago, but I can’t really make a connection there. I didn’t almost kill myself over fandom.
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just-antithings · 1 year
if someone tells me to kms i’m considering letting them know i’ve actually attempted. makes them look like an asshole (which they are) no matter how they react
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(past abortion, past suicide attempt, references to bigotry)
"It wasn't...alive. Scientifically." Dana curls a hand over her stomach, tracing circles around her belly button. "I know that. But--" She lefts out the faintest puff of air, turning her head slightly, sweat in her dark hair glistening as it mixes with cats. "I don't know. I think about it, sometimes."
"My old church would say it was alive." Kate clasps her wrists--a cross on one, a violet on the other. A careful balance she's spent years cultivating, tenuous as feet balanced upon a rooftop once upon a time. "They'd also say I'm going to hell for...a lot of reasons."
She lets her head slide down, clasp Dana's hand, and carefully pull it back to her lips. She kisses Dana's wrists, the fine, breathing veins there.
"The pain's real," she says, letting Dana's skin warm her face. "But so are we. We're alive, Dana. That's always been the most important thing."
Dana doesn't reply, but she curls her fingers, squeezing tight. Their pulses hums in sync.
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fallofcamelot · 5 months
realizing that my bf and i actually became Friends in my mind (as opposed to acquaintances that i considered us before) like. two or three weeks after my suicide attempt in 2022. and feeling like maybe the world does have reason to it and that i’m alive for a reason. i just didn’t know it back then.
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faustian-bargain · 9 months
Sometimes I remember how I was telling my friend about how my Faust's suicide attempt failed because water actually doesn't make you bleed more and how he was disappointed he lived, and how they said "Well maybe he shouldn't have been emo about it"
and it makes me smile every time because of how they said it
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vinilsoup · 10 months
Nobody talks about the scars of being a suicidal person.
I fucked my stomach with all my kms tries. I never thought I'd live far enough to actually see the consequences of so many od attempts.
Today I ate a food that was a little too oily and threw up. I never threw up by food before.
It may have to do with my meds that also hurts the stomach, but I know what I did to my body and now it responds different.
And all the years I lost because I did not want to live them. I never allowed myself happiness, and sometimes I feel the only way I can make up to this body I thought as worthless is to care for it like I'd care for something else. It's a hurt body, with a mind that is starting to heal. I hope I can make up for it.
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