#supergirl cast x reader
kj-1130 · 1 year
HELLO my sir or ma'am or captain or whoever you are?
I am here to request of story pretty please of you. Can you please write a story about Supergirl Cast - Melissa Benoist x Teen reader - The Kid is playing the adopted kid of Kara Danvers on the tv show and off the screen they make the two actresses bond by doing things and what not. And so r and Melissa become kinda like mother/daughter on set and everyone notices but Melissa is like oblivious when people point it out and i don't know where this was going
Thank you for your time. I find your writing fantastic and phenomenal ⚡️👾💞😎😁
mel x teen!reader hc’s
melissa benoist x teen!reader
warnings: none
a/n: sorry this took so long! i made these into headcanons…hope you enjoy! and sorry it’s kinda short lol
supergirl cast masterlist || main masterlist
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you played Kara’s mentee/‘adopted’ sister/daughter/protégé 
Your character wasn’t exactly a Kryptonian or even someone with powers…just a teen Kara saw in trouble one day and decided to take you in
when you first got your callback you were nervous. it had been an indicator that you had done well but you weren’t sure if you could pull it off again. 
When you got there, you realized it was practically a surprise chemistry read 
they told you that you would be acting out one of the more emotional scenes with Melissa herself since you’d be acting with her the most (if you got the part). 
Needless to say, the crew was shocked at how well the two of you got on. You read each other's emotions perfectly and although you had different acting styles, you were able to mesh them together to make a scene that had a nice flow
A week or so later, you got the call that you had indeed gotten the part and that you would begin coming to location to shoot the following week.
Right after hanging up that call, you received a text from an unknown number. You hesitantly opened it, only to see that it was Melissa congratulating you and inviting you out to lunch with the rest of the cast, so “your first day wouldn’t be so awkward”--her words
That day at lunch had solidified your relationship and from then on, the two of you were attached at the hip. 
Once you began to break out of your shell more, everyone else could see how connected the two of you were. Melissa would bring you water and snacks throughout the day and you would go to her for advice or comfort. 
And of course, everyone took it as a chance to crack jokes, referring to you as the mother/daughter duo and making fun of Melissa for being so motherly towards you. 
Fans could see how deeply you guys’ chemistry ran and it was the second largest talking point of the show (supercorp being first obviously)
It was brought up, mainly jokingly, in interviews. They would reference the bond and Mel always responded something along the lines of “yes, this is my child.” 
It’s definitely safe to say that Melissa was a mother figure to you on and outside of the show and you couldn’t be more happy about it
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untoldreader · 4 months
Sparks of Destiny
Kara Danvers x reader
Their bond deepens as they spend more time together, discovering shared interests and values. However, unforeseen obstacles arise, testing their connection and forcing them to confront challenges they never anticipated
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@tigerlillyruiz @alexawynters
In the days that followed their fateful encounter, the bond between the reader and Kara Danvers deepened with every passing moment. They found solace in each other's presence, discovering shared interests and values that seemed to align perfectly.
As they spent more time together, their connection blossomed into something extraordinary. They laughed, they shared their dreams and fears, and they supported each other through both triumphs and tribulations. It was a love that transcended the ordinary, a bond built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support.
But as their love grew stronger, unforeseen challenges loomed on the horizon, threatening to test the depth of their connection. Kara's responsibilities as Supergirl became more demanding, and the reader found themselves caught in the crossfire of danger. The weight of their respective roles began to take its toll, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once-bright relationship.
Days turned into nights where Kara would vanish, leaving the reader longing for her presence. In those moments of solitude, doubts began to creep into the reader's mind. They questioned whether their love was strong enough to withstand the trials that fate had thrown their way.
Yet, even in the face of doubt, their bond remained resilient. The reader's heart yearned for Kara's return, and when she did, their reunion was filled with an intensity that defied words. Their shared moments became more cherished, their time together more precious than ever before.
They realized that their love was not immune to the challenges that life presented, but it was in overcoming those hurdles that their connection grew even stronger. Through open and honest communication, they navigated the complexities of their intertwined lives, finding a delicate balance between their love and their individual callings.
Together, they learned the importance of trust and compromise, embracing the reality that love was not always a smooth path. They reveled in the moments of joy and celebrated their victories, cherishing each other's presence in the midst of chaos.
The reader's life took an unexpected turn, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. It was a trial that would require unwavering support and unyielding love.
As the chapter drew to a close, a new challenge emerged on the horizon, one that would test their bond like never before.
But the reader and Kara stood strong, united by an unbreakable bond. They faced the approaching challenge with determination, knowing that their love would guide them through the storm. For it was in the face of adversity that their connection shone brightest, a beacon of hope that would light their path toward an epic love destined to conquer all.
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froottalks · 10 months
Unveiling Hearts - Kara Danvers x fem!reader
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[summary: kara and reader getting ready for their date and going out and having fun, and they talk and share things about each other, kara tells reader about her life on krypton before it was destroyed and how coming to midvale was a huge change and about her life with eliza and alex. Later some soft cheesy romantic fluff scene and kara and reader share a kiss.]
{Part 1} {Part 2}
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Kara found herself standing in front of her bedroom mirror, nervously fiddling with the necklace she had chosen for the evening. Tonight was the night she had been waiting for—a chance to spend time with Dr. (Y/n) (L/n) outside the walls of the DEO.
She had opted for a simple yet elegant outfit, a reflection of her true self rather than her Supergirl persona. The soft blue dress she wore matched her eyes, and she couldn't help but smile at her reflection, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
Meanwhile, across town, (Y/n) stood before her own mirror, contemplating her outfit choice.
In the days that had followed, Kara's revelation felt like a whirlwind for (Y/n). Her interactions with Supergirl—now known as Kara Danvers—had taken on a new layer of meaning. The walls between them had crumbled, revealing the vulnerability that lay beneath the heroic facade.
Her heart raced with a different kind of anticipation. Kara, or rather Supergirl, had asked her out—a fact that still felt like a delightful dream. Eventually, she settled on a casual yet stylish outfit—a reflection of her personality. With a confident smile, she adjusted her attire and added a touch of lip gloss.
The sun began to set, and the city was bathed in hues of gold and amber. Kara stood outside (Y/n)'s apartment building, her heart racing with anticipation. She had taken the time to prepare a bouquet of daisies—a symbol of new beginnings—and held them tightly in her hand.
Kara raised her hand and tapped the door lightly thrice, trying hard not to break the door using her super strength in her excitement.
The knock on her door startled (Y/n), and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heart before opening it. There stood Kara, looking even more stunning in person, her eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves.
"Wow, you look amazing," Kara said, her blue eyes sparkling at the sight before her as (Y/n) opened the door, her smile lighting up the corridor. She looked stunning, her outfit exuding confidence and warmth.
(Y/n)'s cheeks flushed, her heart fluttering at the compliment. "Thank you, you look gorgeous too Kara."
Kara held out the flowers in her hand, her cheeks slightly pink as she offered (Y/n) the bouquet. "These are for you."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise, her smile growing as she accepted the flowers. "Thank you, Kara. They're beautiful."
Kara's smile matched the warmth of the sunset outside. "You're welcome (Y/n). Shall we?"
Kara extended her arm, and (Y/n) took it with a smile. They walked down the dimly lit streets, the evening air was cool and crisp, a perfect backdrop for their date. They strolled through the city streets, their steps easy and comfortable, their conversation flowing effortlessly, ranging from light-hearted banter to the things the liked and enjoyed, as they discussed their favorite books, movies, and shared interests. Kara's infectious laughter filled the air, and (Y/n) found herself captivated by the woman beside her.
As they settled into a cozy coffee shop, the atmosphere became more intimate. They delved into deeper conversations, sharing stories from their pasts. Kara opened up about her life on Krypton before its destruction— painting a vivid picture of a world filled with wonder, rich culture, and advanced technology, and the sense of belonging she had felt.
She spoke of her family, of the joy and love that had defined her early years. The sadness in her eyes was palpable when she mentioned the loss of her planet, the weight of that history evident in her voice.
"Coming to Earth was a huge change," Kara admitted with a wistful smile. "But being with Eliza and Alex made it feel like home again."
(Y/n) listened attentively, hanging on to every word. She felt a connection to Kara, a kinship with a shared sense of longing, understanding of what it meant to yearn for a place to belong.
"And you, (Y/n)?" Kara asked, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "What brought you to the DEO?"
(Y/n) chuckled, her gaze thoughtful. "I've always wanted to make a difference, to help those in need. The DEO offered a chance to do that, and well, here I am."
Kara smiled, her hand reaching across the table to cover (Y/n)'s briefly—a gesture of comfort and understanding.
Their conversation continued, going from one topic to another. The evening air was filled with the soft hum of the coffee shop, the world outside fading away as they became immersed in each other's stories.
As the night grew darker, the two found themselves walking along the city streets once more, the air crisp and refreshing. They walked side by side, their fingers brushing against each other's ever so often.
The sight of a park bench bathed in moonlight caught Kara's attention, and she gently guided (Y/n) toward it. They sat down, the world around them still and peaceful.
"This has been an amazing night," Kara said softly, her voice filled with warmth.
(Y/n) nodded in agreement, a contented smile on her lips. "It really has."
Kara's heart raced as she looked into (Y/n)'s eyes, the connection between them undeniable. She reached out, gently cupping (Y/n)'s cheek. (Y/n) leaned into it, Kara's touch felt soft and tender.
"(Y/n)," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves. "There's something I've been wanting to do all night."
(Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat as she felt Kara's gaze intensify. Her heart pounded, anticipation mingling with nerves.
Without another word, Kara leaned in, her lips meeting (Y/n)'s in a gentle, lingering kiss. The world seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them, their connection deepening with every stolen breath.
When they finally pulled away, their eyes met—a shared understanding and a promise of something more. The moonlight painted their faces with a soft glow, the universe itself seemingly aligning in their favor.
As they walked back towards (Y/n)'s apartment, their fingers intertwined, they couldn't help but feel that the stars themselves had conspired to bring them together. The night was young, and their journey had only just begun.
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
Headcanons for being the actress casted as baby!danvers on supergirl
Tried something a little different! Let me know what you think 🥰🤍
It was your first big acting gig you landed and you were beyond excited 
You were also terrified because it meant moving to Vancouver and living on your own for the first time 
Being the youngest of the cast, even younger than Nicole, everyone seemed to take you under their wing as soon as they met you. 
Melissa and Chyler knew you were the one as soon as they met you for a chemistry read and ever since, they became like your big sisters in real life too. 
Chyler liked to mother you – reminding you to eat and making sure you got home safely, especially after you had a bit of a breakdown about being alone and scared. 
The rest of the cast adored you too, you spent nights with katie, nicole, andrea and azie, joining in on their true crime podcast obsession. Though you were left out of the wine aspect, nicole always snuck you a small glass. 
Katie knew how much you loved reading and it seemed that every week you’d go into your trailer and there’d be a new one sitting there with a little note atop of it saying how she thought you’d enjoy it. 
Nicole and you often had meme wars – that you won, but she’d never admit it. 
You hated filming really emotional scenes because you hated being so vulnerable and you were scared you weren’t good enough, but whoever was in the scene with you, be it melissa, chyler, katie or whoever, always comforted you afterwards. 
Sometimes they’d take you back to their trailer. One particularly bad day, when you were already struggling, chyler had to sit and hold you for quite a while before you felt somewhat okay again. 
Cast dinners were always fun and extremely chaotic, the banter never ending. You teased the boys like they were your big brothers. 
In the end it sucked having to move away from your family for a while, but you found a new one. 
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Pay Attention To Me
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Warnings: Fluff… so much fluff, a bit of a smutty theme but I skipped over it… language..?
Word Count: 323
A/N: Thank you for the request :) I hope this is alright. I’ve got some angst coming… ahaha… Yeah. But also some Lena stuff :) I think it’s safe to say I struggled.. I’m sorry haha.
~~~~~~~~~~~ℒ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Today has been one of those boring, lazy days. You’ve read about half of a book you’ve been meaning to get through. You didn’t intend to read that far, but you did. Eventually, you got too tired to stare at the page anymore and decided to turn the TV on. After deciding there was nothing good on, you turned to Katie. 
“Baaaabe..” You mumble. 
She doesn’t answer. She’s engrossed in a book called “A Little Life”. 
“Darling.” You try again. 
No answer. 
You groan. 
“Pay attention to me, love…” You plead. 
No answer. 
You huff and pull the book out of her hands, grabbing her bookmark and placing it inside before closing it. 
“Are you deaf?” You tease. 
“It was getting good!” She whines. 
You narrow your eyes at her and she chuckles. “What’s up?” 
“I just want attention.” You smirk. 
“What kind of attention…” She smirks back. 
You roll your eyes. “Noo. Not that.” 
She quirks an eyebrow. 
“Yet..” You blush. 
You open your arms as a signal for her to come here and she complies, leaning her head against your chest. She sits there for a few minutes listening to the sound of your heartbeat. You tilt her head up with your index finger and softly kiss her. You both smile into the kiss. It started out as really soft and innocent kisses, but then things got heated. You lightly brushed your hand over her breast. You quickly stand up, guiding her to the bedroom. You lay her down, leaning down over her and kissing her until she’s breathless. 
“I love you..” She gasps as you kiss down her neck. 
“I love you too, little dove.” You smirk against her skin, pulling her shirt off. 
“Show me..” She practically moans. 
~~~~~~~~~~~ℒ ~~~~~~~~~~~
You’re both laying side by side, breathless and sweating under the thin sheet. 
“I love you.” She sighs against your chest. 
“I love you too.” You kiss her forehead.
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anonymous said: A Katie x female reader imagine where reader is a student and Katie is her professor and they’re having a secret affair??
Here’s a little drabble because I was feelin’ writing for once. I hope you all like this one :) - Admin Cam
You knock on the familiar wooden door to professor McGrath’s office.
“Come in,” the older woman’s voice calls, and somehow the woman is already causing you to shiver with those two simple words. 
You enter the office, shutting the door behind you and locking it like you normally do. The other woman sets down the book she ways reading and gets up from behind her desk to greet you with a small smirk on her face.
“When does your next class start, darling?” The brunette asks.
“2:30,” you reply trying not to get distracted by her close proximity to you and how good she looks in her perfectly tailored pants and button-down shirt.
Katie looks over at the clock on the wall before turning back to you, “That’s plenty of time.”
Within seconds her lips are on yours and your hands are making quick work of getting her out of that shirt you love so much.
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vii-v-mmi · 4 years
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Photos of Katie’s video today on homecon!!!!!
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idocrososvers · 4 years
Not sure how many people are going to see this, buuuuut I made a video and I posted it on Tik Tok
Link here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
There are 3 other parts to complete the whole video. You guys won’t be disappointed if you love the #arrowverse #dceu #marvel #avengers #mcu it’s a #crossover.
I have other videos and I’ll be making more so, follow my tik tok and If you have any request don’t be shy, comment them.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Brownies (Nat x Pregnant!Reader - Feat: Yelena Belova)
Main Masterlist
OneShot Masterlist
Anon asked: Can u do a story where the reader is pregnant & has been put on bed rest and Natasha goes out for a bit and comes back to the tower to see y/n making brownies. you can decide the ending. Sorry it's so long x
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“Remember, you have to rest,” Natasha kneels down in front of (Y/n) on the couch. “I can make brownies when I get home. Is that okay?” Natasha asks. (Y/n) pouts, and the redhead softens. “If you’re feeling better, you can help,” Natasha promises. She locks her pinky with (Y/n)’s. “I won't be long, honey,” Natasha tells her. “I love you,” she leans forward to press a soft kiss to (Y/n)’s cheek and (Y/n)’s eyes soften.
“I love you, too,” (Y/n) murmurs, pulling Natasha towards her again, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “Be careful,” she says.
“I’m just going to the grocery store with Steve,” Natasha replies, her gaze bright with affection and amusement.
“Just be safe,” (Y/n) says, her eyes bright with worry.
“I’ll be alright,” Natasha replies, her eyes gentle. “I’ll send Lena up to come sit with you.”
. . .
(Y/n) fixes her gaze on the brownie ingredients sitting on the counter.
“Lena?” (Y/n) asks, turning to her future sister-in-law.
Yelena looks up from her phone, humming in reply.
“Do you want to make brownies?” (Y/n) asks.
Yelena’s eyes brighten with excitement. “Would you show me how?” she asks. “I’ve never -” she falters and (Y/n) casts her gaze on her friend.
“Of course I’ll help,” (Y/n) says kindly, her hand resting on her belly.
“Let me just go to the bathroom. Meet you in the kitchen?” Yelena asks, her eyes still bright with excitement.
(Y/n) nods, smiling warmly at the younger woman.
Yelena beams, getting up from the couch and scampering over to the bathroom, her dog, Fanny, following her owner.
(Y/n) and Natasha’s puppy Lion yips excitedly and Fanny skids to a halt, turning back to nuzzle the small dog. Lion shakes his fur, his little blue Hawaiian t-shirt shaking a little on his small frame.
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Looking tentatively around for any intruding Avengers from her place on the couch, she gets up, leaving the TV on so she could still watch Supergirl while she made the brownies with Yelena. I’ll have to hide them, Nat’ll know, (Y/n) thinks, her eyes gleaming with amusement.
“You like brownies, huh?” (Y/n) asks aloud, her and Natasha’s daughter gently kicking her hand in response. “I knew it,” (Y/n) declares, taking another glance around the room for her fiance, (Y/n) moves to the kitchen.
Lion and Fanny wrestle playfully in the living room area while (Y/n) and Yelena make the brownies, (Y/n) gently correcting Yelena whenever the younger blonde was about to add too much, or not enough of an ingredient.
. . .
The smell of brownies wafting through the elevator doors is what tips Natasha off, not that it would have made a difference, because when the doors open, the redhead, laden with groceries, finds her sister and her fiance sitting on the couch, eating brownies, (Y/n)’s plate set on top of her baby bump.
(Y/n) panics inside when she hears the elevator doors ding, but she remains in her seat on the couch, setting her plate on the side table beside her, Lion jumping up onto the couch and lying his small head on (Y/n)’s belly.
Yelena wipes the melted chocolate from the corner of her mouth as (Y/n) scratches behind Lion’s ears.
Despite the mid-afternoon sun, (Y/n)’s eyes flutter closed, her head landing tiredly on Yelena’s shoulder. There are a few moments of silence before (Y/n) falls into a sleep, breathing softly through her nose, her hand resting on Lion’s back.
Yelena and Natasha exchange quiet words and after a moment, Natasha gently lifts her fiance from Yelena’s shoulder, carrying (Y/n) to their bedroom, Lion following, his nails clicking softly on the hardwood floor.
Natasha makes sure that (Y/n) is lying on her side; Lion lets out a soft whimper as he tries to jump up onto the bed beside (Y/n), but he can't due to his small legs.
Natasha lifts the small Golden Retriever up onto the bed, and Lion affectionately licks Natasha’s fingers before he turns, nuzzling (Y/n)’s belly with his tiny nose. He lies down, his little body warm against (Y/n)’s back.
. . .
Natasha scolds her sister, though she wasn’t really mad. And once she’d taken a bite of the brownies (Y/n) and Yelena had made, she had completely forgiven the two.
Yelena had given her sister a big hug before departing, taking a few brownies with her, and Natasha didn’t blame her.
Once Yelena had left, Natasha pulls the other batch out of the oven before she turns it off. Taking a brownie from the first pan, letting out an inappropriate moan as she stuffs another brownie in her mouth.
After drinking a glass of milk, Natasha moves into the bedroom, lying beside (Y/n), Lion gets to his paws, and pads lightly over, lying between (Y/n) and Natasha.
Word Count: 843 words
Natasha Romanoff Taglist:
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austarus · 3 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader Ballistic Confrontations (1/3)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif belongs to me!
Yes, I’m alive.
*TW: mentions of suicide, drowning, and cutting. Along with Eobard being a dramatic bitch*
Word Count: 3184
Part 2   Part 3
Felicity deadpanned with Harry beside her on one of the Cortex monitors. She had glanced to all her friends. “The bottom line is that we have to catch these parallel-earth goose-steppers.” Everyone was well aware of her dislike towards Nazi’s. The things they had done on this earth to her ancestors and to people like her. Utterly Disgusting.  
“This might help,” Barry stepped in, holding up a blood-stained arrow.
“Is that a kryptonite arrow?” Kara’s sister, Alex, unfurled her arms as she gently took the lethal arrow away from him.
“Yup,” Barry responded with a sigh, hands at his hips while the others rounded together. He felt exhausted from chasing around Eobard while Kara and Oliver dealt with their doppelgangers. Years later and he still wasn’t fast enough to stop the yellow speedster.
“I know I shouldn't have to ask this question, but I have to ask this question.” Felicity interjected with quick words; worry seeded in her chest. “Oliver didn't shoot Kara, did he?”
“Sort of,” Barry replied, further clarifying with a face. The days just keep getting worse and worse with these parallel-dimension-hoppers. “The other Archer and flying woman are Oliver and Kara of Earth-X.”
“When you said that Earth-X was horrible,” Caitlin glanced back at Harry, who had raised a hand in mock defeat, “you might have undersold it.”
“Wait a minute. How- how could there be another Kara?” Alex was thoroughly confused; she was still new to the concept of parallel earths doppelgangers.
“Well, there are 53 Karas, just like there's 53 Kryptons and 53 Earths.” Harry explained simply.
“And the Thawne from our earth is working with them.” Barry gave a look, clearly annoyed at the fact that Thawne was back. Again. Thawne coming back due to time travel and the Speedforce were already giving him a headache just thinking about it all over again.
Caitlin just gave Barry an incredulous look. “He's an idiot.” Harry plainly stated.
Felicity already was thinking up of ways to track them down. “Ok, if that arrow has not-so-Supergirl's blood on it, we c—"
“We could track it using quantum analysis.” Harry cut her off, but she just nodded at his words.
“We could.”
“Harry, Cait, Iris,” Barry unfurled his arms and gestured to them with his head for a sidebar. The others were busy with Alex in isolating the city for Kara-X’s radioactive blood signatures. Felicity’s specialty. After all, she was able to track a deranged killer with just his face cream. “Whatever happens, (Y/N) can’t know Thawne’s here.” Both scientists gave odd looks to each other at the speedster’s words.
“Barry she’s going to find out one way or another, she’s part of this team too,” Iris voiced, side-glancing the door as if you’d step in at any moment.
“If he’s working with them, she has the right to know.” Caitlin added. “She should know what to expect.”
“Allen, unless you decide to lock her up in the pipeline until this is all over, she’ll find out.” Harry said. “You can’t possibly hide this from her forever.” The genius scientist hinted at the fact that when Barry had run back in time last year, Thawne had been the one to ‘fix’ things when really, he had altered the timeline. A timeline created to suits him and his plans. Even going as far to tell Barry that this was how the timeline was supposed to be before Thawne had caused the alteration when he had time-traveled back to kill Nora and escalated into what is now Team Flash. Three different timelines had been created, but this one, according to Thawne, is how the original one should have been. Just with a few… absences… Like Eddie and Ronnie. Barry had never mentioned any of this to you or the fact that Thawne had ended up escaping him that night. The scarlet speedster did not want you looking for the man in the yellow suit. But it seems that fate’s not on Barry’s side this time.
“Harry, I can’t have her chasing after him. Not with all this going on,” Barry protested. “One maniacal problem at a time.”
“Whether she does or doesn’t is up to her, Allen. You’re not a god.” Harry pursed his lips before heading to the side lab.
Barry ran his tongue over his lips tightly, frowning deeply at the echoed words. He didn’t need this right now. Those words stung the speedster, mainly with the aftermath of his time remnant – Savitar - claiming god-hood, wanting to alter everything and anything in his way to stay alive. Even to kill the love of his life. Jay Garrick told him that when he ran back to this timeline a year ago. ‘We’re not gods, Barry.’
How did Wells know about that? Maybe he didn’t. But it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that time-traveling powers shouldn’t be abused like that. Yet… Thawne always gets away with it. He gets away with barely a scratch. I can be one step ahead, but he’ll be 15 steps further.
Caitlin gave her friend a sympathetic look, exchanging one with Iris. Alex and Felicity were still present in the room, but too preocuppied with their blood sample. Barry’s intentions made sense, but it was your decision whether to chase after Thawne or not. It’s your choice on whether you’d even side with him for this battle.
You had stood right outside the Cortex in the corridor, your feet stopped when you heard Barry announce that “Thawne is working with them”. Your heart got caught in your chest. Eobard was here. He was back. But why in the hell would he ever work with Nazis? Nazis? Seriously Eo??? What the absolute fuck? You knew Eobard never had a tolerance for people like that. People like Eiling or Stagg, who would “poke fun” at those with disabilities, even if he had feigned his inability to walk in the end. People who would intentionally use their status to torture others. It just goes to show how people with that kind of caliber would think. So why this sudden change? Not ‘why now’. No, why at all?? How could he have stooped so low? That idiot. Unacceptable.
But what ached the most was Barry’s words. He doesn’t trust me… Even after all these years. Your heart shook and eyes narrowed as your eyes peered at the light being cast from the Cortex. You took in a breath. Taking a quiet step back, your feet carried you to one of the higher levels of STAR Labs- one of the tower levels. Your quiet place of refuge when this had gotten too much, whether it was because the shadows kept you safe from judgment or not, you didn’t know. If he wants to act like that, then two can play this game, Bartholomew Henry Allen. You looked out onto the city, subconscious scanning every light – every street. Lights winked in and out, the night progressing as the city remained unaware of the new monsters it currently hid. But what am I going to do?
Iris rubbed her eyes before taking a step closer to her almost-husband. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“I can’t have (Y/N) fighting with us. Not now. Not in this battle.” Not when he’s lurking around.
“You know why? Thawne’s out there. Running, scheming.”
“So, you don’t trust her.” It was more of a statement rather than a question.
“Iris, she knew what he did to my mom. Lied to us about it for months back then and still chose Thawne when we locked him up. What makes this time different?”
“Barry, while all those sound like good points, first and foremost she’s our friend.” The speedster just shook his head, Iris huffed, “Look, it’s been -what?- 3? 4 years? Since she’d last been with him? Things have changed. You think after everything we’ve been through; she’ll throw that all away?”
“Yes! Old feelings come back; they always do and she’s going to get her revenge.”
“How do you know that? How do you know that she wants revenge?”
“Thawne will coax it out of her. He’s good at manipulating a person’s feelings.”
“And what would she get in the end?”
Barry didn’t answer her, instead he wrung his hands together.
“Barr, if she had wanted revenge, she would have done so already after the incident. But she didn’t. (Y/N) was depressed after Thawne was erased. Vulnerable. The love of her life was gone, just like that. Don’t you remember? How she wanted to end it all, but we stopped her.” Barry’s eyes flickered to the ground, remember the sight he had seen. Drowning. You were purposefully drowning yourself in your tub. The way your looked back at him- lifeless- when he had gotten you back to your senses. The blood the dripped, your cold skin. The monitor beeping every so often in the Cortex. Iris’ own mind shifted to when she had seen the scars littered on your arms when Caitlin had fully examined you. Your dull hair and gaunt face, nothing like the brilliant fire that rang through you months prior to Eobard’s erasure. “We helped her work through it when we found out. Caitlin and I looked after (Y/N) every second of the day until she was ready to get back on her two feet. And then Zoom happened and he was breaking you. Breaking your bones and your spirit- when you broke your back, she was all-hands-on-deck to step in and help in your place while still dealing with her own issues.”
“I know, it’s just- something just tells me otherwise with Thawne here.”
“-She’s going to choose him, Iris. Nothing will change that. To her, everything we’ve been through until this point won’t mean anything. Not when Thawne’s at the end of the tunnel waiting for her. She’s going to choose him and help him.”
“But what if she doesn’t? What then, Barr?”
Barry just shrugged. “I-I don’t know, but I can’t take any chances. Not this time.” I can’t hesitate with Thawne here. One misstep and that’ll be all he needs to make his move.
Iris reached out to her fiancé, gently caressing his cheek. She knew that he won’t change his mind, no matter the reasons she could come up with. Barry thought in absolutes when it comes to Thawne. And your past emotional ties with the evil speedster only further drove his current mistrust. “Come on, we have to help the others.”
You threw the ball against the concrete wall opposite to you, all your strength forced into it. The stress ball ricocheted back to where you sat. You caught it with ease, giving it a firm squeeze as your eyes shut.
“How could you betray us? We were your friends, your family!-”
“You are-”
“We stood by you!”
“I just-”
“-Just what!? He took everything from me!”
You cringed at the voice from years past. Breathe in, breathe out.
“You’re just as guilty as him. No wonder, like calls to like.”
“I don’t want your excuses.”
Breathe in, breathe out.
“I hope you rot with him.”
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Swallowing harshly, you did your breathing exercises to push Barry’s cold voice away. You had stolen the malleable ball from Harry- or rather, he had allowed you to take it from him. It was an unused gift from the others for Harry to deal with his anger issues. Instead of throwing beakers and graduated cylinders off desks, the Earth-2 scientist can simply channel his anger into this stress ball… Which had been a hard pass for him. Rather he preferred his method of anger outbursts, even if he did end up hurting himself in the process. So you put it to use instead; a tool for simple meditation, as well as the redirecting your certain senses. It’s made of rubber polymer so your electrokinesis didn’t harm your new toy in any way.
Your eyes lingered back onto the city, your arm hanging over your bent leg while your other remained outstretched. No good in hiding up here forever, it’ll make things more suspicious. Not like Barry isn’t suspecting anything anyway. But you had needed time to think, to collect your thoughts and assess what actions you would take. You touched the necklace Eobard had made for you in rich gold- a Columba. It’s a constellation signifying the dove in astrology as he always called you his little birdy. But also, because gave him a sense of peace which the dove has generally symbolized fore. A finger ran over the one of the six diamonds that twinkled for the constellation, connected to each by a trail of gold. Eobard. Licking your lips, you got up, you pocketed your ball and brushed any dust particle from your leggings.
Upon entering the Cortex, a group of heroes left: Oliver, Kara, Barry, Sara, and so on. Barry had shoved past you, your eyes meeting briefly as you raised an eyebrow. His expression was guarded, but you said nothing.
“I’m guessing they’re going on a little midnight excursion?” You turned to Felicity and Iris with a thumb pointing in their direction. Mick was nowhere to be found so you can assume he’s already raided the lounge fridge. Caitlin had already prepped the med bay for incoming injuries, which isn’t an uncommon expectation, but wasn’t in the Cortex.
“Ding ding ding, you’re correct,” Felicity piped up, typing away at her computer screen. She was already hacking into cameras around the warehouse as the inside had ones out of commission. “The remaining Legends are to be on standby, should something happen during the warehouse fight. Per Sara’s orders.” At least Felicity isn’t treating you any differently, especially with how close she is to Barry. He probably told her to.
“And we’re going to be…?” You raised an eyebrow, a bit offended no one decided to volunteer you for the fight. You wanted to kick some Nazi ass too. Fry those fuckers. Guess Barry told them all to not trust me. Great, thanks Barr. Bitterness welled up inside but didn’t show it. Felicity and Iris aren’t the ones to be at odds with. Maybe it’s a good thing if Eo’s there. Barry would have his eyes all over your interaction with him.
“Just doing some monitoring and staying on comms. The usual Overwatch stuff,” Felicity smiled up at you then quickly turned to her tech. You could tell that her mind was wondering. About what? You had no clue and decided it’d be best to not involve yourself should things go sour if you did and Barry would find a reason to blame you.
No, this reunion needed to be on the downlow. One away from prying eyes. Your eyes drifted to Iris’ back in a subtle manner before pulling out your phone to check the time.
“Where’s Harry?” You asked, if anything he was one of the people who hadn’t seen you for just your past. Didn’t care for it as Zoom terror and Jesse’s rescue were more pressing matters. And you had seen him for more than a doppelganger to Eobard, even if their tendencies and bristliness seemed similar. Harry was Harry and Eobard was Eobard. Both were their own men, it wasn’t that hard to see and understand. He had done his own share of horrors and dark deeds for Jesse that Harry was dealing with his own darkness, while your demons haunted you. In an odd way, you both understood one another. Begrudgingly at first, though. Plus, you needed to return the stress ball back to him, thinking he’d need it now with Thawne around. If anything, you found it funny how Harry got mad when people would call Thawne a Wells. The Wells doppelganger would spectacularly blow up, which was always a site to see. Though you were hoping the two would never meet. You chewed on the inside of your cheek on how that interaction could possibly go. Would you-
“He’s probably back in his lab,” Iris spoke up from the other side of the Cortex, padding up to you. You nodded at her, mind drifting once more as you strolling to the Cortex exit. Harry could hold his own, but up against Eo, with all his speed… You’d choose-
“Hey,” Iris stopped you, snapping you out of your thoughts and placing a hand on your arm. You blinked. A small smile was woven on her face, one of those comforting smiles that said that you can come to her for anything… But could you?
“Hey,” you returned it, feigning any indication that you had overheard what Barry had said earlier. Schooling your features, you calmed your nerves. I’ve done this before. Pretended not to know. I can do it again. I can’t trust no one, and it seems like no one can trust me. I’ll be the actress again in this drama, spun by Barry this time.
“Can I talk to you for a moment?”
Iris was perceptive, she didn’t miss the slight strain in your voice. The guarded look that the young journalist had become accustomed to receiving when approaching you. There were times where she’d realize you were walking on eggshells with her. Because of Barry. Because of the serrated words he had thrown at you like knives all those times ago. But there were times where all was well with the world, the past forgotten and the strength of your friendship with the team more prominent than ever.  Then again, having Nazi’s return and who are hell bent on ruling this Earth by eradicating its heroes then move on to the next Earth in the multiverse does tend to throw tension into the air. Iris bit her lip. Especially if she doesn’t know about Thawne.
“(Y/N), look there’s… there’s something I need to tell you.”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Iris, is something wrong? Are you ok?”
She noted sincerity on your face. “Thawne’s here.”
You pursed your lips, internally confused. “Iris-”
“And he’s fighting with the Earth-Xers.”
“I… what?!” Your rage was not false. Sure you knew about it earlier, but now it was necessary to unleash it. It’d make your surprise all the more legit.
“I needed you to know,” Iris swallowed.
“When Barry, Oliver, and Kara intercepted their heist.”
“…” It was your turn to be silent. You knew, but you had to play a little longer until you could leave.
“I trust you, ok?”
“But” You knew there was a ‘but’. There always is one. Iris blinked, opening her mouth a few times then looking away before meeting your gaze once more.
“But I need to know you’re with us on this.”
Your eyes never left hers, your hand was held in both of hers. Before you could even respond an alarm had gone off. Both your necks snapped to Felicity, who snapped up from her sitting position.
“That was the corridor alarm.” Fear crippled its way in the air. “This is a setup.”
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kj-1130 · 3 years
supergirl cast masterlist
mother and daughter
melissa benoist x teen!reader hc’s
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supercorpkid · 3 years
The sun can fuck right off
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 2795.
You are bored. Extremely, painfully bored. Kara and Lena are at work, Jamie is busy with Rao knows what, and Maya can’t come to your house, because her mom is the worst. So, you are bored with no idea what to do.
You also have been feeling like you need some adventures. It’s not like you got the taste for it, but every time you look at your picture with Wanda in another dimension, you just think about how great you felt protecting the world, and you just want that feeling again.
You’re not praying for trouble to come around, but when you hear a yell somewhere in the city, you also don’t complain about it. In fact, you suit up in a flash and you’re out of the house before any person can blink.
In retrospect, going out to fight bad guys without not even a heads up to your momma, or aunt Alex was a bad idea. You weren’t expecting a real villain, to be honest. Maybe some punks messing up with the city, or maybe even a fire, but definitely not a full grown-up man in a high-tech suit of armor, hitting the town with shockwaves.
You try flying closed-fist towards him at full speed, but are met with a strong shockwave before you get to him. You fall on the floor feeling a little dizzy, but you’re strong enough to get up. At least you called his attention, and he stopped terrorizing the city for a moment, to focus on you. You try flying again. You fall again. You try using your super speed, no use. Can’t get close to him without feeling an electric wave running through your veins.
Shit. Ok. Time to get serious. You shoot him with your heat vision. He is taken aback, but it doesn’t cause much damage to him, because he stomps his foot causing a mini earthquake. Not enough to destroy anything, but enough to be felt. You fly around cleaning the area for anyone who just might happen to be passing by. It wasn’t a big earthquake, but it was enough to get the DEO’s attention, and you hear when aunt Alex yells directions at the tactic team. You just have to hold him back, there is a team coming your way to help now.
Apparently, the only thing that can hold him back is your heat vision, so you try that again. Stronger. Totally focused on this one thing. You can feel heat running through your veins, like you’ve never felt before. You’ve never held your heat vision for so long and so strongly. But you know his armor is taking a big damage, so you power through. You can’t stop, not now, not when you’re so close to defeating him.
But you feel weak. You feel your legs giving in. And your body feels dry-up from energy. You hope his armor breaks before this breaks you.
When you hear DEO cars arriving at the scene, you give one final push, and hear a crack on his armor. That’s enough to make him fall on the ground and the tactic team runs to cuff him.
He isn’t the only one on the ground, though. You also feel weak, like you overused your powers. You can hear Alex’s voice somewhere close, so you know you’re safe and she’s got you. But you made the mistake of not calling Supergirl once and you’re not doing it again. Before you pass out, you press the emergency button on your watch. Just then you can let go.
You wake up, well-aware of where you are. How many times have you been in the DEO infirmary bed, under yellow sun lamps? It’s starting to look like a real thing in your life now.
“National City’ savior, everybody!” You hear your aunt's voice when you open your eyes. She comes closer with a smile on her face. “Why and how, and most importantly, Wow, kiddo.”
“Super hearing.” It’s your only response, and you look around, looking for your moms. “How badly hurt am I?”
“Not at all.” She holds your arm, and you sit on the bed, with her help. “What happened is that you got solar flared.”
“You are aware your cells accumulate solar energy.” Alex says and you agree with a nod. “Well, let’s say they can soak up an absurd amount of energy, and every time you use your powers you use a little of that. It’s very hard to use ALL of that in one fight, but you just did.”
“Ok. Makes sense. So I have to soak up as much sunlight as I can?” You ask, aware that you probably need to stay out in the sun making ‘photosynthesis’ like you do, every time you get hurt.
“Yeah. That should work.” She pats your shoulder lightly, but you still feel the weight of her hands on your body. “Until then, you’re pretty much a human being. So be careful.”
“I pressed the watch.” You’re trying not to be too obvious about how upset you are that Kara didn’t show up, but Alex seems to read you easily.
“Oh, she brought you in, and went to pick Lena up, they should be arriving at any time now.” Alex says and you breathe in relief. What a superhero you are. Save the city, but still want your moms to pick you up from a fight.
“Is she ok?” Lena rushes in, talking to Alex, but then she turns to you and sees you sitting on the bed. “You’re ok.” She hugs you, and her hand goes to your hair. “You’re ok, baby. You’re ok.”
It feels so good to feel the weight of her arms around you, so you hug her back, hiding your face on her collarbone, and Lena’s hands just pull you in closer to her.
“Does anything hurt?” She asks, putting her chin on the top of your head, and you smile at the scene, at the feeling, and at the amazingness of the moment. You let go of her, and deny with your head. Kara comes to you, putting her hand on your shoulder.
“You called.” She says that with the biggest smile on her face, like you just did the most awesome thing in your life. “You stopped Shockwave all by yourself, and then you called me to go get you.”
“I did.” You smile back. “And I got solar flared, and I’m human now.”
“Oh, I once got solar flared too!” Kara raises her hand at you, and you guys high-five. “Being without your powers is not fun, but I’m so proud of you, little one! You have no idea!” It’s her time to hug you, and she does it a little too strong. You don’t complain though, is amazing that you can even feel it.
“Well, she is free to go.” Aunt Alex says, and you jump from the bed. It feels so weird. You’re feeling heavy, like Earth gravity finally caught up to you, and you feel like you weigh 200 pounds.
Sure you were once without your powers, but you couldn’t really enjoy this feeling of being human. Back then, you couldn’t really walk, because your leg was hurt, and when you did, you had a cast on. So this now, feels like being human for the first time since you were a little kid without powers.
You look at Kara with a smile on your face. “Race ya to the way out.”
And running you go, at a normal speed, and when you get there, you’re sweating and out of breath and feeling light-headed from the effort. You bend down, putting your hands on your thighs for support. Kara holds your arm, looking very worried.
“That was awesome!” You manage to say, while still trying to breathe and she laughs at you.
“You are aware that everyone in the DEO just saw you running like a freak on the corridors, right?” Kara asks, with a playful smile on her lips, and you open a big one to her.
“I know. But they all know I can take them down if I want to, so I don’t think they’ll say anything about it.” You finally stand up again, and open your arms to her. “I would like a ride home, please.”
“Sure thing, my little human.” Kara holds you, and fly home with you holding her tight. Feeling a little scared that you could fall and not be able to protect yourself. You feel a light rain starting to fall, and you look up with a smile. How great is this day?
Kara lands in the backyard, and you open your arms feeling the rain on your skin. She smiles, looking at you like you’re an alien who just now landed on Earth, and it’s experiencing things for the first time.
“Ok, go inside and get dry, and I’m going to pick up your mom before it starts raining harder.”
Kara leaves, but you don’t go inside. You’re so static that you were actually able to stop that villain -without help this time, may you add-, that the rain feels like a payment for it.
“Get inside, come on. Come on.” You hear Lena’s voice and you look behind you to see her with her suit jacket over her head. She comes to you, shielding you from the rain -like you’re not already completely soaked-, and walks with you inside from the backyard door. “Go take a shower and get out of those wet clothes before you come up with a cold.”
“A cold!” You say, like it’s the most exciting thing in the world. “Have I ever had a cold before? What is it like?”
“It’s no fun.” Lena looks at your excited face, and Rao, how well this woman can read you. It’s impressive. “Absolutely not! You are not getting a cold to feel how it is. Go take a hot shower now, and get yourself into warm clothes.” You pout at her. “I will throw you under the shower if I have to.”
“Fine.” The pouting is over at the sound of that. “I’m not getting a cold!”
But it seems that the universe has other plans for you.
“Come on, babygirl. School. Let’s go.” Lena opens the door in the morning. You try to open your eyes, but it feels incredibly hard to do so. You didn’t even wake up yet, and you can feel the most horrible headache.
“Mom. Don’t freak out.” Your voice comes out small and hoarse, and that’s all it takes for Lena to understand what’s going on.
“Please don’t tell me-” She comes closer, and you feel her hand on your forehead. “My God, you’re burning up.”
“I am?” You ask, pushing the blankets up your body. “Then why am I so cold?”
“Because you have a fever, babygirl.” Lena lets out a sigh, and you just wait until she says ‘I told you so’. But that never comes. “KARAAAA! GET THE TERMOMETER!”
It’s five seconds later when you see Kara showing up at your bedroom door. She gives it to Lena, who quickly takes your temperature and sighs at the number on the screen.
“You’ve got a high fever. What else are you feeling?” Lena asks, and you feel the mattress dipping next to you, and Kara coming closer.
“Headache. And for some reason my legs and arms hurt. Like-” You look at Kara, with wide eyes. “They actually hurt, you know?”
“Well, my love, that’s one of the symptoms.” Kara smiles fondly at you. She looks amazed at the fact that her daughter came up with a cold in the first place. “So, she’s not going to school today.”
“Absolutely not.” Lena says, picking up her cell phone from her pocket. “I’ll call the principal and let her know.” She looks back at you with a flat smile. “At least now we’ll prove to them that you’re an actual human being.”
“Yay!” You cough after such effort. “Silver lining.”
“I’ll go get something for you to eat.” She leaves the room and you look at Kara.
“I’m not hungry.” You think about it for a second and your eyes widen. “Momma! I’m not hungry! Am I dying?”
“Don’t even joke about it.” Kara throws her arms around you and gets comfortable next to you.
“Don’t you have work to attend to?” You ask, trying to do an eyebrow raise, but it hurts so badly you give up midway.
“Work?” She laughs like it’s the most absurd question you’ve ever asked her. You know it can’t be, because you once asked her how fast you had to run for your skin to warm up, like a spacecraft heats up when reentering the atmosphere and catches on fire -to which she replied a solid ‘huh?’-. “I can’t possibly go to work with you sick like this.”
“I’m not that sick. I have a common cold.”
“Shhh. They don’t need to know that.” Kara smiles, and takes her phone out of her pocket. She is typing and saying her message out loud, you know, like old peps do. “Can’t go in today. My daughter has come up with something and I have to stay in and watch her.”
You want to call her a liar, but you also want to thank her for staying with you. So instead, you settle for a smile, and for holding her hand. Lena walks in a while later with food in a tray for you.
“Ok, so I called your school and explained your absence, and I also called my assistant to let her know I’m not coming in today and-” She looks at Kara, already under the covers with you, and furrows her brows. “Don’t you have to go to work?”
Kara gives her a sheepish smile. “Guess we had the same idea.”
“Guess we did. Come on baby, let's get something inside you.” She helps you up, and you sit on your bed. You eat what she brought, and when you’re done, they help you lay back in bed. “Make space for me?”
Kara pulls you closer, and Lena lays on the other side of the bed, dropping her shoes on the floor with loud thuds.
“Rao, that hurts so much.” You wince at the sound, closing your eyes. “Can we all be very, very quiet?” You ask, and add a little later. “Oh, and in the dark?”
“Oh, my love, do you have a migraine too?” Lena whispers, kissing your forehead. “Kara, go get her a cloth, please.”
You barely feel the bed moving and Kara’s already laying down again. She blows a little of her freeze breath in it, and places it on your forehead. You also notice they had turned off the lights, and you doze back to sleep sandwiched between your moms.
You wake up much later. Kara is snoring next to you, arm over your body, making it impossible for you to move, and Lena is sitting on your desk, silently working in the dark. You smile at the scene.
“Mom.” You call her, and she stops what she is doing to go to you.
“Hey, babygirl. Listen, you have to drink lots of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.” Lena hands you a bottle of water. “How’s the migraine?”
“A little better?” You say, truthfully. She nods, putting her hand on your head to check for your fever.
“You’re sweaty. I think your fever is down. You should go take a shower.” Lena says and you just point at Kara’s arms and she knows exactly what you mean. “I always get trapped under her arms too. Let me just-” She scratches the back of Kara’s neck, and instantly her arms move and you’re free to go. “Here.” Lena gives you a hand and you sit on the bed with her help.
“I have to tell you something.” You whisper, still holding her hand. “I don’t really like the cold. You can say I told you so.”
Lena kisses your head, and lets out a chuckle. “I didn’t think you would, but I guess you had to see it for yourself. I’m glad you didn’t like it though; you’ll probably never catch it again.”
“I hope not.”
Despite absolutely hating the feeling of being sick, you look around and things are still pretty good in your life. When Kara wakes up, she wraps you up in blankets like a ‘sick burrito’, and moves you to the couch to watch your favorite movie with them. Sure, you’re surrounded with tissue papers, water bottles, and cold medicine. But you’re also surrounded with love. And that is the best thing you can wish for on a Wednesday afternoon.
So it seems a lot of you wanted a sick fic. For this one I have to thank @beepbop122 for the solar flared idea for Superkid to get sick. Then @asiangmrchk13 asked for Supercorp taking care of her and a little bit of Alex in the middle. Also @youngjusticeimaginesus asked me for Superkid get a migraine and I think the basic idea was being cared by Kara and Lena, so I hope this works. And I threw in a fight scene for myself. I hope you all enjoy it, thank you so much!
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superavengernat · 3 years
Nicole Maines x Reader
Summary: You just got casted to be a new superhero in supergirl and your over the moon you meet someone who literally makes your heart melt your 22
Y/S/N(means your superhero name)
Y/C/N (Means your character name)
No ones POV: today was a special day your currently waiting staring at your phone wanting to get a call form your agent telling you that you got the job to be in supergirl your going to be a new superhero called Y/s/n and your going to be the new love interest for Nia Nal if you get it though your phone rings as it's your agent
Agent/ Y/N
Y/n: yeah?
Y/n: OMGGGG thank you so much
Agent: haha ofc
*You smile and hang up really excited tomorrow you'll be going to met everyone and stuff in the morning you get up getting changed having breakfast and leave ones you get to the set you can feel
your heart pounding your nervous as you get out your car going to where the Director is*
Director: oh hello you must be y/n plz come in
*You smile walking in Everyone stops reading the scrips and looks at you you feel your heart pounding*
Melissa: hey you must be y/n it's lovely to meet you im melissa that's chyler, Katie, Azie, Thats Jesse
*Melissa continues telling you everyone's name*
(kk not gonna write everyone's name😂)
Chyler: Hi nice to meet you there is one more Nicole's running late
*You smile as Nicole runs in panting*
Nicole: ok i'm here i'm here
Melissa: Nicole! this is y/n
*Nicole looks at you and smiles*
Nicole: hey i'm nicole
Y/n: hi
*You smile sitting down a few hours pass you filmed your first scene and it was a lot of fun your first scene was with Nicole And Melissa as the director shows you your trailer as you walk in sitting down looking around and smile as it's lunch time
your hungry but you don't really know your way around you hear a knock and you open quickly*
Nicole: hey me melissa and Chyler are gonna go get lunch you wanna come
Y/n: yeah sure
*you smile as yous go for lunch*
     9 months later
you've been apart the supergirl cast for 9
months now and it's been amazing today your doing a sense where you and Nicole kiss you've been doing your best to hide your feelings for her you know your going to like this kiss maybe a bit to much
the scene
Nia walks into the balcony as you turn and look at her and look down Nia walks to you
Nia: you did real good today
Y/c/n: i nearly died Nia
Nia: but you didn't your just learning to be a superhero and hey i'm still learning it's not easy Kara always told me when i was struggling cause i didn't know how to control my powers to always believe in yourself ok your an amazing superhero Ok
*you smile and look at Nia*
Y/C/N: thanks Nia
Nia: ofc, the erm the sky's beautiful tonight
Y/C/N: yea i it is*You look at Nia as she stares at you she slowly gets closer and puts her hand on your cheek you smile and stare at her until you feel her lips on yours as you kiss back still you hear*
director: that was great y/n nicole
Chyler: jezz that kiss was hottttt
*Nicole laughs as you smile a little if felt so right your lips on hers it felt right and it was amazing you smile as Azie comes over to you pulling you aside*
Y/n: what's wrong
Azie: you need to tell her you like her
Y/n: how Azie i can't just walk up to my best friend and say "hey Nicole i really like you" can i
Azie: yes, yes you can go to her ok you got this
*you sigh and nod going to Nicole who's sitting scrolling tho her phone*
y/n: Nicole?
Nicole: yeah?
*You sit next to her*
Y/n: i erm i need to tell you something
*Nicole sits her phone down*
Nicole: hey what's wrong
y/n: ok erm i don't know how to say this and i don't wanna lose you cause your my best friend
Nicole: y/n take your time what's wrong you can tell me anything!
*You sniffs looking at her*
Y/n: i ok, the day i met you was one of the best days of my life and after a while i started having feelings for you then i just i like you Nicole i really do
Nicole3 oh erm y/n: i don't feel the same
*your heart drops and you start to panic*
Y/n: oh erm ok ha erm that's fine erm ok
*Nicole laughs* Nicole: i'm joking i'm joking y/n i like you a lot to i just never knew how to tell you
*you smile at Her*
Nicole: hey maybe you can come to mine for dinner and watch a movie ?
Y/n: yeah!
3 years later
(now we are going to pretend that season 6 isn't the last season kk😂)
No ones POV: supergirl is in there 9th season you'll still apart of the cast well everyone is there's some new people you and Nicole are still together and have been for 3 years now your planning on asking Nicole to marry you tonight after filming yous go for dinner and go for a walk your hands are shaking as your make your the ring
is in your pocket you let go of Nicole's hand as you take the ring out
Y/n: Nicole i i love you so much your beautiful in every way possible i couldn't imagine my life without you and that's why im asking would you Marry me?
*Nicole tears up staring at you*
Nicole: i i... YES
*You take a deep breath putting the ring on her finger kissing her on the lips as nicole is crying*
Nicole: i i love you so much y/n
Y/n: i love you so much too
*Nicole smiles as yous go home as Nicole posts a picture so do you*
-picture of the ring on her hand-
caption: it was always gonna be a yes baby
@ Y/n ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Melissa:🥲couldn't be happier for yous to
Chyler: i left them alone for 1 minute now there Engaged🥺❤️
Azie: my heart🥺❤️
Fan: Omg there getting married
SupergirlCW: congratulations
Y/n: love you baby❤️
(Y/A/N: your account name)
Y/A/N post
-Picture if you and Nicole ring on her finger-
caption: i'll always love you❤️
NicoleMaines: love you❤️‍🔥
Melissa: Love this❤️‍🔥
Chyler: omg this Picture makes my heart melt really happy for yous both
Azie: cuteeee🥺
you and nicole smile at each other laying down watching a movie as yous fall asleep in the morning yous head to set as everyone congratulations yous both*
(going to skip to the wedding😊)
No ones POV: today was the day you marry your soulmate you and nicole where both nervous you hate wearing dresses so you went and go yourself a woman suit you asked nicole if that was okay and ofc she said it was fine whatever your comfortable in she really is amazing but yous got dressed you take a deep breath and smile as you see Nicole*
(skip all the boring stuff they say)
Person: ok Nicole, do you take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Nicole: I do
person: and y/n do you take Nicole to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Y/n: i do
Person : and you may kiss
*Nicole and you smile as yous lean in and kiss and that's it you and Nicole are now wife's as yous post picture ofc*
Y/A/N post
-Picture of you and Nicole ofc in your wedding stuff-
Caption: My wifey❤️
Melissa: i love yous both so much
Chyler: Another married couple🥲
Azie: can't believe the 2 youngest of the cast are getting married
Nicole: i'm gonna love you for the rest of my life❤️‍🔥
Nicole Maines Post
-3 different pictures and all 3 are cute af-
Caption: my soulmate
Melissa: I can't yous are so cute
Azie: so happy for yous both
Y/A/N: love you forever❤️
*yous never wanted that night to end after your honeymoon yous go to set as yous are filming scenes you've never been so happy in your life you met a girl who loves you for who you are and your married now, you meet your soulmate*
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kassies-take · 3 years
Angels to Devils
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Summary: A possible assassination attempt success.
A/n: My headcanon Supercorp family. With the twins Lucas and Liam, and you the oc Lauren. Sorry in advance
Warning: Blood, Heavy Injuries, ANGST
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader
Word Count: 2136
Lena usually loved waking up to mornings, Kara by her side and the world so still and quiet that nothing can ruin it. The past few days have been rough. It was another reminder that Lena had something someone else couldn’t have. Another day.
Lena’s eyes filled with tears, her stream of tears flowed into her ear and soaked the pillow. Kara wasn’t awake but Lena held onto her like she was a lifeline. Kara stirred and was immediately awoken to hug her wife.
The casts she wore restricted her movements. Kara was careful to not hurt Lena.
“It’s today isn’t it.” Lena nodded as Kara fought her tears.
You didn’t have a normal childhood, anyone with a Luthor and a Super as parents wasn’t normal. Although it wasn’t normal you knew you were loved.
You were every bit like Lena whereas Liam and Lucas were every bit like Kara. It never really bothered you that you didn’t have powers because without their powers you can easily defeat them in hand-to-hand combat.
To say Lena was proud is an understatement, she was on the sidelines raising her fists, and screaming “Go get Em’ baby!” While Lucas, Liam and Kara flushed red.
It was midsummer before your first quarter at M.I.T , you were partaking in Lena’s work days. Paperwork, meetings and your favorite lab times.
“Ren, I need you to raise the levels to 80%.” Lena watched with a tablet in her hands.
“It is actually on full power already.” You smiled.
Lena faced you before moving her head towards her tablet. “Normally I would lecture you on testing protocols but it works!” Lena placed her tablet down and squeezed you in a hug. “We have successfully made a new renewable and efficient energy source.”
“We also very much stole technology from Argo,” you laughed.
“Don’t ruin the moment.” Lena chuckled, moved back and held your head in between her hands. “My little scientist, you will do great things in the future.” Lena kissed your forehead.
“I think I’d have to start with preventing grey hair without dyes.” You joked.
Lena glared. “Okay smarty pants. You can write the report.”
You groaned as Lena smirked. “Do I have to?”
“This is only practice for the future sweetheart. Plus I have to make sure all the Pauls don’t pull out of any mergers.”
“Ugh those skeezebag lawyers, sometimes I wish I had heat vision.” Your hand shook as if you were preventing yourself from choking someone.
“Careful there,” Lena raised an eyebrow “you sound like a Luthor.”
You grabbed the tablet out of your mother’s hands and pulled the stool in front of the computers. “I hate to burst your bubble but I’m a Luthor and a Super, if you have a problem with that the door is behind you.” You replayed with a teasing tone.
“Okay I really have to go deal with Paul now, behave.” Lena sighed.
“C’mon mama I’m not Lucas.” You began to type several results into the computer.
“Good thing your brother didn’t hear that.” Lena hugged you before heading towards the door. “I’ll see you later. Love you.”
“Love you too mama, more than I love Jeju.” Lena’s heart melted. That was something she was going to brag to Kara about.
Lena sat in the conference room, calm and collected when she really wanted to rip her hair out. She could tell that the other females in the room were feeling the same. The CEO was glad that Sam spoke up about wasting time and had ended the meeting with the final merge successful. 
Sam and Lena walked out of the conference room towards the elevator. When the door dinged opened they were met with a smile and an armful of Lena’s things.
“Hi baby, did you finish the report?” Lena hugged you and grabbed her purse. 
“I got bored,” You shrugged “And Aunt Sam said you were close to ripping out hair that wasn’t grey.” 
“So you texted my daughter?” Lena raised her eyebrows at Sam. 
“For someone who is a genius you’re missing out on the fact that your daughter just said I contacted her.” 
“She texted the Spoiled group chat.” Lena gave a questioning glance at the group name. 
“The group chat with Aunt Sam and the rest of the Superfriend’s Legacies.” 
“I’m the cool Aunt,” Sam smirked. “But now go have fun with the rest of your day off, promise you’ll tell great stories?” Sam hugged you. “And keep your mom away from work, this was really meant to be her day off.” 
“Of course! Bye Aunt Sam!” You waved as she left the elevator. “Do I get to drive home?” 
“Absolutely not!”
“So I get to help in the lab, but I can’t drive home.” You reasoned as you both walked to the underground garage. “I get to pick the music then?” 
You raced towards the passenger seat. You closed the door behind you and locked it immediately. Lena pulled on the door handle and pressed on the keys to unlock the car. You once again locked the car which earned the famous Luthor eyebrow raise.
Lena entered the car as you laughed at her. You knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the silent treatment for much longer.
“I’m sorry, it’s fun to mess with you and Jeju. I’ll make it up to you by playing your old music.” You said as you placed your phone on a magnetic Bluetooth connector and played an *NSYNC song.
“*NSYNC is not old!” Lena drove out of the underground packing.
“Mama, you’re 51. NSYNC is 49 years old. Half a century! It’s old.”
“I’m gonna pretend like you didn’t say that!” Lena said as she raised the volume and belted out the lyrics.
It doesn't matter,
'bout the car I drive or the ice around my neck
All that matters,
Is that you recognize that it’s just about respect (oh)
“It’s all about respect mama,” you teased.
“It better be, I’m a Luthor.” You both laughed.
The car came to a stop at the intersection on Main Street and Cordova. Lena drummed on the steering wheel and sung the chorus. You grabbed a water bottle and held it as a mic.
“Do you ever wonder why, this music gets you high?” The two sang.
The car jolted forward with a loud crash. You groaned at the burn at your neck. A sharp hiss rendered quiet with screeching tires and a horn.
A huge blow hit the car. Suddenly the car tilted towards the ground. An immense weight thrown onto you, with glass sprinkling down. Yours and Lena’s heads whipped side to side as the car flipped several times.
Shallow breaths threatened the immense silence that floated through the street.
~Lena’s POV~
A warm liquid bounced off my cheek. The cold cement acted as my bed. I didn’t have to look to know my left leg and left arm broke. I looked around trying to register what had happened.
My heart threatened to jump out of my chest, as I witnessed my daughter’s soft hand stained red and dangled limply above me. She was suspended above me, a bone or two protruded out of her side. The only thing that stopped her from falling was the seatbelt.
“Lauren baby,” My own voice unrecognizable and unsteady.
I turned to the watch on my left arm, there it sat shattered. I reached towards Lauren’s bloody hand that had her super watch. I flipped open the watch, relieved when her pulse thumped faintly.
A soft thud landed in front of the windshield. I knew it was Kara and J’onn.
“Lena! Lauren!” I heard my wife call.
The car lifted and more of Lauren’s blood flowed onto the seat, compartment and my clothes.
“Wait no no no! The car is applying pressure to one of Lauren’s wounds.”
“I can phase in, apply pressure and get her out. Where are her injuries?”
There was a moment of silence before Kara answered. “Two of her ribs are broken, her right forearm fractured, lower back spinal injury, her other arm is dislocated, broken ankle, t-the seatbelt cut her stomach.”
“I’ll get her to the D.E.O.”
J’onn glowed red and flew through the car. The Martian lifted my daughter like a feather and vanished through the top.
The car flipped up right and I could only groan in response.
“I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Kara carried me delicately.
~3rd POV~
Supercorp landed on the D.E.O balcony. Kara guided Lena into the MedBay. However they were met with teary eyed Superfriends. Alex had tears pooled in her eyes, Nia sobbed, as J’onn stared into space. Brainy was left to share the bad news.
“You may want to sit down for this.” Brainy waited for Kara and Lena. “Lauren’s injures were very...severe, she also had internal injuries. She didn’t make it.”
Lena froze, she pushed off the bed. “No, no she can’t, she can’t be dead! Where is she?” She stepped with her broken leg and collapsed into Kara’s arm.
“Mrs. Luthor-Danvers we need to tend to your wound.” Dr. Hamilton said from the door.
“You will not! Not until I see my daughter!”
“Bring her a wheelchair,” Alex ordered.
In the D.E.O morgue, a few morticians cleaned Lauren’s body. Two stitched up her body as one cleaned the blood off the youngest Luthor-Danvers’ skin.
“Give Lena and Supergirl space.” The three morticians stepped out of the room.
Lena was wheeled onto one side and Kara stood on the other. Lauren was still warm. Kara held onto her daughter’s hand. She didn’t realize how deafening it was to not hear your heart.
The two parents sobbed. Lena caressed her daughter’s cheek. “I am, I am so sorry baby. You... you had so much more to look forward to. Jeju and I will always love you. Always.” Lena whispered and kissed your forehead. “Always.” Tears rolled down Lena’s cheeks.
Dr. Hamilton rolled Lena into the operating room.
“Little one,” Kara sobbed. She remained there until Lucas and Liam walked through the doors.
The twins were off on a college baseball retreat, and wore their red sun braclets. They received a call from Alex and had to realistically take a 2 hour plane ride back.
“Jeju,” The two boys whispered and hugged Kara. “Is mom okay?”
“She’s okay.”
“Kara, Lena is in recovery.” Alex said from the door. Kara nodded and headed back towards the MedBay.
“Lauren,” Liam whispered. “How I wish you were just sleeping.”
“I love you, Ren. Thank you for pushing me to the best I could be. Wouldn’t have been able to be Lucas Luthor-Danvers without you.” Lucas cried.
“Don’t worry about us okay, we will be okay.” Liam wiped his tears away.
Everyone of Kara’s friends and family sat on top of a hill that looked over National City. The Legends, Team Flash, Team Arrow, The Bat Family, Lucy Lane, Kal-El’s family, Sam and Ruby, Superfriends and your cousins were there.
Eliza flew in from Midvale a couple of days ago, Alura landed on Earth an hour ago and even Lillian was there in honor of her granddaughter.
Lillian was furious that your death was cause by an assassination attempt on Lena. She had pulled up security cameras and tracked the man who purposefully hit Lena’s car.
Lauren laid in a red pod and floated next to her designated tree. Everyone was given a chance to say something about you.
Kara talked about hearing your first heartbeat, Lena on helping her in the labs. Liam about how you were able to keep him and Lucas out of trouble. Lucas focused on the last midnight talk the two of you shared. Alex shared how you were a fighter.
J’onn shared your last thoughts, he shifted into your form. “I’m scared to leave this world not because I am afraid of death but because I’m scared of leaving everyone I love behind. I don’t regret anything because of everyone I had in my life.” Other cute moments were shared before Kara started The Prayer for the Dead.
She moved her hand over the pod. The House of El symbol glowed and the glass of the pod became transparent. Kara took a deep and shaky breath.
“You have been the sun of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your journey home.” Kara released another shaky breath and looked towards the horizon. “We will remember you in every dawn and await the night we join you in the sky.” Kara’s eye glistened. “Rao’s will be done.” She finished in Kryptonian.
Alura pushed the pod and it slowly flew higher and further into the horizon. Lena pinned a sign on a tree that read:
Lauren Luthor-Danvers
2027 - 2044
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6rookie-writer0110 · 3 years
Love is written in your eyes - Part; 2
Melissa Benoist x Male Reader
Request - how about a sequel to love is written in your eyes where Melissa and male reader are married and have a kid and it’s the final season of supergirl.
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Since you first appeared on Supergirl, you became a series regular. Melissa got excited about it. You and Melissa invited the cast to the wedding and everyone came. You and Melissa did post pictures on Instagram and everyone loved it. Melissa sent you a text you and you smiled, she sent you a picture of her and your son. Your son Leo and he is only four months old. You finished filming on the show Supernatural now you are going home.
”I’m home babe!!” You yelled.
You walked towards the living room and she smiled at you. She hugged you and she starts to kiss your face.
”I missed you,” Melissa said.
”I missed you too and got you chocolate,” You said.
You kissed and smiled. You gave her the chocolate and you picked up your son.
”Hey buddy, I missed you so much. Now, I will stay home be with you” You said.
Your son smiled and you kissed his head.
”The show will end after season six,” Melissa said.
”Yeah, I saw the news online. How do you feel about it?” You said.
”It’s bittersweet. Everyone became like my second family and I will miss them so much” Melissa said.
”I will miss them too,” You said.
You and Melissa talked about the show for a little bit. You changed clothes then you lie in bed and play with your son, he tries to grab the toy from you.
”What I should cook for dinner?” Melissa asked.
”I will help you cook dinner. We can make tacos” You said.
”Sounds good,” Melissa said.
You and Melissa go to the kitchen, you put your son in the high chair. Melissa gave you the baby food and you start to feed him. After feeding him, you help Melissa make tacos.
Much Later, You fell asleep on the couch with your son sleeping on your chest. Melissa took a picture and she smiled
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
You and Melissa go to the Christmas tree farm with Leo. You have on a baby carrier to hold Leo and Melissa took a selfie with you. While walking around and Leo holding your finger, Melissa found the perfect tree.
”Babe, this is the perfect tree! Just look it's not too big or too small, we have to get it” Melissa said
You looked at the tree.
”Leo, what do you think?” You asked him.
Melissa laughed and he just looks at you then at Melissa.
”Well?” Melissa asked.
”We love it!” You said and she laughed.
Back at the house, you set up the tree, and Melissa is feeding Leo. She watches you set up the tree then bring out the decorations and snacks. After feeding him, you changed his diaper, and Melissa starts to put ornaments on the tree. Later, you start to help her. After decorating the tree, now you decorate most of the house, she would tell you where to put it. The same process goes for when decorating the outside of the house.
”Maybe we should wear matching pajamas for Christmas...” Melissa said.
”I’m guessing you saw a cute set and you bought it?” You smiled.
She smiled back.
”Yeah, I did and I coolant resist,” Melissa said.
”Usually, I wouldn't do it but for you, I don't mind. Plus I already got my ugly Christmas sweater” You said.
Melissa giggled.
”What did you get?” Melissa said.
”It’s Santa riding a unicorn” You said and smiled big.
”Can’t wait to see it” Melissa said.
Later, you and Melissa go to the kitchen to bake Christmas cookies. Leap tried to grab the cookie dough but Melissa didn't let him get it. You start to make hot chocolate later you start to feed your son with the bottle. While sets up the movie in the living room, she loves to watch Christmas movies or shows during December.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
It's the final season of Supergirl, Melissa has been filming long hours. You have been at home with your son, you will appear in some episodes but not every episode with Melissa. Your nanny couldn't watch Leo, her family doesn't live close. You take your son to the studio.
”What happened, Y/N,” Melissa said.
She is in her supergirl suit.
”The nanny had a family emergency. So, Leo is with us today. Don't worry, I brought many diapers, food, and extra diapers and clothes” You said.
Leo tries to talk then the cast saw baby Leo. It's the first time they see him, the cast surrounding you and Leo.
”Oh my God, he is so cute,” Chyler said.
”I know I'm cute, thanks,” You said.
Everyone laughed and Chyler rolled her eyes at you.
”I meant the baby,” Chyler said.
”I’m still cute, right?” You joked.
”Shut up” Chyler laughed.
Chyler did hold Leo, then it was Nicole, Katie, Jesse, and David.
Katie and Nicole are watching Leo, while you are in your trailer putting on your new suit. You took a selfie then send it to Melissa, later you went to see her.
”Hey handsome” Melissa said.
She gave you a peck on the lips.
”Happ anniversary, babe,” You said.
You kissed her. It's been two years since you and Melissa got married.
”I thought, maybe we do something simple eat dinner and my mom watches Leo. Maybe we can go out and do something” Melissa said.
”Sounds good to me. If we work late, then we can order something and we can do whatever you want” You said.
Melissa smiled and you smiled back.
You and Melissa did have to work late. You and Melissa would take turns changing and feeding Leo. Your co-workers did help taking care of Leo while you and Melissa had to film together.
Later, while Nicole is holding Leo, you had to film with Melissa, David, and Katie. During the scene, you are running with them and you fell and they laughed. You posed and winked
”Lena, use your gadget gizmo,” You said.
”That’s not your line” Katie laughed.
David and Melissa helped you get up from the ground. Everyone had to the scene again, this time you and Katie said each other lines and she playfully smacked your arm. Melissa and David did mess up their lines and started to dance. Later, you took a group picture with the cast.
Much later, you and Melissa had to do a small interview with a host of E! And answered a few questions.
Melissa put her arm around and you smiled.
”Tired?” You asked.
”Little bit. Andrea finally made Leo go to sleep. I'm in the mood for seafood” Melissa said.
”I’m in the mood for wings and something else,” You said.
Later, you shoot your final scene with everyone. You hugged everyone and you will miss them. Much later, you and Melissa finally go home with Leo.
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@panicatthewhoz said: Can I request a katie mcgrath imagine where the (male) reader are working together on supergirl but fans shipping katie with her costar Melissa (supercorp) more then him and Katie he gets insecure and doesn't think he's good enough for her
This is going to be neutral so you can read it either way. I hope that's ok! - Admin Cam
You're scrolling through Twitter and frown when you see another tweet mentioning how Melissa is better for Katie. Then after that, there's another one saying how they're perfect for each other.
The thing that makes this even worse is that you can see it too. When you all are filming together you see their connection. They would be perfect together and you’re just in the way.
You’re so caught up in your head that you don’t even notice that Katie had come into you and hers hotel room and sat down on the couch right beside you.
You jump slightly in surprise when you feel her place her hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.”
"(Y/N), I can tell something is wrong. Please talk to me," Katie insists.
You sigh and look up at her, "I'm not good enough for you."
"What do you mean?" Katie asks, clearly confused.
"I'm not good enough. You should be with Melissa. Everyone loves the two of you together. It'd make everyone happy."
Katie hold your hands and hers, "Love, it wouldn't make me happy. I want to be with you and I don't care what anyone else thinks. You're good enough for me."
She kisses the back of you hand, "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too."
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