#supermans daughter imagines
spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 11 months
Superman x Daughter!Reader funny hcs/mini drabble
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✯ D!Reader doesn’t know her dad is Superman and sees her mom’s interviews with him.
✯ D!Reader sees her mom being all friendly with Superman and she recognizes all the sweet looks of love that she sees between her parents all the time
✯ D!Reader thinks that her mom is cheating on her dad with Superman
✯ D!Reader gets super protective of her dad and snappy and short with her mom
✯ Clark and Lois sit D!Reader down and ask her what’s going on when she just bursts out with it
✯ D!Reader accuses her mom of cheating with Superman and it’s all they could do just to not burst out laughing
✯ Finally when she’s done, they sit her back down and give her The Talk™️
✯ She just feels so incredibly embarrassed that she just accused her mom of cheating on her dad… with her dad
✯ D!Reader is just too embarrassed that she can’t even process how cool it is that her Dad is Superman
✯ The next morning when she wakes up it finally hits her that her Dad is freaking Superman
✯ She runs downstairs and bombards them with a million and one questions and asks if/when she’ll get powers of her own
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Sneak Out - Clark Lent / Superman
Clark Kent x daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 686
Summary: Can you do a Superman/ Clark Kent x daughter reader, where we (the readers) sneak out of the house to go on a date with our boyfriend and when we try to sneak back in we get caught and we get grounded. And the next day after school our boyfriend sneaks in our room, and Clark comes in looks at our boyfriend, our boyfriend says "I'm in your daughters room?" Clark replies "Yeah." and chases him out the window? If not, that's okay. :) - @Anon
Authors Note: Thank You for requesting! Hope you enjoy!
DC Masterlist
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“Goodnigth sweetheart.” Clark smiled at his teenage daughter before shutting the door and leaving her room. He wanted to say goodnight and check on her since she had been hold up in her doing homework.
“Night dad.” Y/n smiled waiting for him to shut the door and once he did she listened to hear when he was in his room with the door shut.
Once she heard the click of his door shutting that was all she needed before sneaking out her window. As she made it out of the house and down the driveway off the family farm she met up with her boyfriend Dean in his car.
“Hey. Did he notice?” Dean smiled asking after pecking her cheek with a kiss.
“Not a clue.” Y/n shook her head smiling back at the dirty blonde boy.
And with that the teenage couple was off to the date they had planned days prior.
Once it was over Dean had reluctantly dropped her back off at the end of the driveway. Y/n got out and as she climbed back through her window, she thought that it was surprisingly easy. But she spoke to soon.
“Where have you been?” Her father sat there in her room in her lounge chair at one corner.
“Uhhh, outside?” She played dumb, even thought it’s obvious shes lieing.
“Is that a question or an answer?” Clark asked his daughter unimpressed with her antics and actions.
“Both?” Y/n squints.
“You're grounded.” He states, as he waits for a reply but Y/n stays silent Clark asks. “Not gonna disagree?”
Y/n shakes her head. “Nope. It wouldn’t change your mind right?”
“No.” Clark states sternly.
“Then I’m good.” She nodded giving him a thumbs up.
“Go to sleep.” He says before leaving to go back to bed.
Y/n sighed before getting up and changing, getting ready for bed.  
^     ^     ^
“So he grounded you?” Dean asked at lunch the next day at school.
“Well he caught me re-entering the house. So yeah.” Y/n confirmed. Her father literally caught her coming back through her window, of course she got grounded.
“That sucks.” Dean let out a sympathic sigh, before wrapping her arm around her shoulders. “So I’ll see you tonight?” He smirked, mischievously.
“How? I’m grounded.” Y/n raised an eyebrow to her boyfriend in question.
“Sneak in.” Dean shrugs without a care in the world of how bad of an idea this could be.
“I don’t know.” Y/n was very unsure of his idea.
“It’ll be fine.” He says waving off her concern as they both continue to eat their lunch.
^     ^     ^
Later that night Y/m couldn’t help laughing as quietly as she could, as she watched her boyfriend struggle to climb through her window.
“Your crazy.” She stated still laughing quietly so her father hopefully wouldn’t hear them.
“For you, yeah.” Dean smiled dopely up at her as he fell to her floor with a loud thud.
“Cheesy.” Y/n smiled with red blushing cheeks.
But only seconds later they both turn their heads having heard someone clear their throat in the doorway. As they looked over and there stood Clark kent, and y/n’s father looked anything but pleased.
“Oh. I’m in Y/n’s room huh?” Dean chose to play dumb like Y/n did the night before, looking around as if he’d never seen the room before.
“Yeah.” Clark answered not impressed, although slightly amused on the inside.
Dean turns around and leave’s back through the window where he came from.
“Soooooo…” Y/n stretched out not knowing what to say.
“You know I have super hearing. Right?” Clark questioned looking at her with a mixture of confusion and amusement. With the way her eyes widened he guessed not.
“So you heard - damn why do I always forget about her hearing!” Y/n shook her head and feel back onto her mattress.
“Your still grounded.” he stated although amused by her reaction he smiled shaking his head.
“Figured.” she nodded solemnly. Not like she helped her case anyway letting a boy sneak into her room.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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6rookie-writer0110 · 10 months
The sun is out
Clark Kent x Female Reader/ daughter
Request - Could you do a Clark Kent X daughter reader were they he is lecturing her on how dangerous it was not to tell him she had powers and she tells him she kept it to herself after overhearing him talk about how it would be either Jonathan or Jordan that got powers not her.
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You go to the kitchen and you see your dad and Jordan outside. Lois is drinking her coffee and Jon is getting ready.
“What are they doing?” You asked.
“Jordan, just discovered he got powers. Now, your dad is teaching him how to control his powers” Lois said.
“That’s so cool, he has powers,” You said.
“It is cool, but he has to be careful around people and not tell everyone,” Lois said.
“Does Jonathan has powers?” You asked.
“Not sure, Y/n,” Lois said.
You use your super hearing, Jordan isn't happy about having powers because he is worried about hurting someone. And you haven't told anyone that you have powers. You watch your dad hug Jordan and try to comfort him.
“Y/n, you heard that Jordan has powers now,” Jonathan said.
“Yeah. What about you?” You asked.
“I don't have powers. But I think it will be cool to have super strength” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, that will be cool” You smiled.
Later, Clark called you and your brothers to a family meeting.
“Jordan has powers now but I will train him to control it. But we cannot tell anyone about this” Clark said.
“He serious. Not everyone will have good intentions about this. There are people who hate and want to cause harm to those who have special abilities” Lois said.
“I won't tell anyone,” You said.
“Good. Boys?” Clark said.
“We won't tell anyone,” Jonathan said.
“Me too,” Jordan said.
Later, Clark starts to train the boys to find out if Jonathan has powers. You wanted to train with them but you start to remember what they said...
It's the middle of the night, you hear your parents talking in the kitchen.
“Do you think, Jonathan has powers or will get them?” Lois asked.
“Not sure. Jordan has a long way to learn about his powers” Clark said.
“I don't think Y/n, has powers. She isn't showing signs, I think it's good right now that she doesn't have powers” Lois said.
“I don't think she has powers. I need to focus on Jordan because I'm worried he might hurt someone if his emotions got the best of him” Clark said.
You didn't bother to keep hearing what they had to say, you went back to your bedroom.
You wanted to spend time with your dad, but it didn't happen. He was spending time with you but something came up.
“Dad, I thought we would finish the show. It's almost done” You said.
“Y/n, we can finish it another time,” Clark said.
“We haven't watched it in a month,” You said.
“Your brother needs my help. I don't want him to get hurt when he is flying” Clark said.
He is going to take Jordan to The Fortress of Solitude.
“Just forget it,” You said and walked away.
You went to your bedroom and lay on your bed. Your dad is still busy with Jordan and Jon.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Lois asked.
“I’m fine,” You said.
“It seems like something is bothering you,” Lois said.
“How can you tell?” You asked.
“A mother knows. When you want to talk about it, I will listen” Lois said.
You didn't want to talk about it for right now, your mom gave you space. Clark is still training the boys and when they came back home, they start to talk about what they have been doing. You are feeling jealous and you don't tell them you have powers.
“Y/n, dinner is ready,” Lois said.
“I will eat later,” You said.
“Y/n, you should have seen Jordan, he almost flew more than ten seconds,” Jon said.
“Whatever,” You said.
“Y/n-” Clark said.
You didn't bother to stay and hear what your dad had to say. You just went to your bedroom. Your brothers went to check up on you, but you didn't want to talk with them.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Your parents took you and your brothers to National City, and your aunt Alex did a surprise birthday party for Kara. Everyone is having fun and you are kinda having fun. You hear your dad talking about Jordan having powers and how proud he is.
“Y/n, do you think Jordan will have the suit color like dad?” Jonathan said.
“I don't know, probably. Everyone seems happy that he has powers” You mumbled.
“Don’t tell anyone, but Jordan told Sarah about having powers” Jonathan said.
“How did you find out?” You asked.
“I heard him them talk. But she promised not to tell anyone and I believe her” Jonathan said.
“Everyone thinks, you would have powers but I won't,” You said.
“It would be cool to have speed and the football team can win a trophy” Jonathan smiled.
You hugged your aunt Kara and gave her a birthday card. But suddenly the moment got ruined because Toy Master arrived. Some toys started to explode and other toys attacked everyone else. Jordan still struggles to use his powers but Red Tornado arrived and he starts to fight with Clark and Kara.
Alex is using her gun to attack, Your mom is taking the others to safety. A toy was about to attack your mom
“Mom!” You yelled.
You used heat vision to destroy the toy. Everyone is in shock and speechless, you used your heat vision again.
“Since did you get powers!?” Lois yelled.
“I-I... A few months?...” You stuttered.
“Y/n... Why, you didn't tell us?” Clark asked.
The red tornado was going to punch you, but you grabbed his fist. You are stronger than you punched him to the ground.
“Woah! Where did you learn that!?” Jordan asked
“Training,” You said.
After a while of stopping them, your dad started to yell at you.
“Y/n, you were reckless for not telling us that you have powers!” Clark yelled.
“You and Mom were happier that Jordan had powers. You and Mom spent more time with him!” You yelled.
“You two need to stop yelling. Talk and really listen to each other” Lois said.
“Where did you learn your training?” Clark asked.
“On YouTube... From HeroManager. He has powers and he posts videos of what he can do. His name is Shazam. I have been training alone when everyone is asleep or you are with Jordan, which is all the time” You said.
“Y/n, you are not off the hook. You could have got hurt or hurt someone else. You are grounded” Clark said.
“For what!? You and Mom only cared about Jordan and his powers. When something came up for me, you and Mom would leave and go be with Jordan. I'm out of here” You said.
“Y/n, you are not going -” Lois said.
You didn't care and you used speed to leave.
“I will go look for her. I will be back” Clark said.
Clark left and he starts to search the city. You are sitting on the roof on the edge, and you sighed. You are looking down and you sighed again.
He found you and he sits next to you.
“I’m not going to yell,” Clark said.
“Sorry, I left,” You said.
“I’m sorry. We should have asked you if you had powers. Having powers for the first time can be hard for anyone, it was hard for me when I first came to Earth. I know have been spending more time with Jordan. But I was impressed by how you did on your own, Y/n” Clark said.
“Dad, it wasn't easy. I really did want to tell you and Mom but I heard you two talk and I changed my mind” You said.
“I do want to train you if you let me. What do you know so far” Clark said.
“Yeah, it will be okay if you train me. I have, heat vision, speed, flight, and super strength... So far” You said.
He put his arm around you and he smiled at you. You and your dad stood there for a while and just talked.
Later, you and Clark go home. You show your family the youtube channel of Shazam, then you explained how you learned to control your powers.
You have been training with Jordan. Clark makes sure to spend time with you and your brothers besides just training. Lois always starts to worry when you and Jordan want to fight bad guys.
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when you find a song that could also be about a parent child relationship instead of a romantic relationship
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topguncortez · 2 months
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Slap Shot || Chapter 1
A Jake Seresin Hockey AU
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synopsis: You arrive at your new job in North Island, and are hit with memories that you'd much rather leave behind. Jake faces the repercussions of his fight on the ice with his teammate
word count: 2.9k
warnings: grief, mentions of sexism, injuries, losing a parent, locker room talk, hockey inaccuracies, mentions of cheating, workplace harassment, mentions of sex
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When you were about five years old, your kindergarten teacher asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up. Most of your classmates gave answers such as “teacher” or “doctor” or “superman”. You, on the other hand, stood in front of the packed gym on the night of your kindergarten graduation, your head held high as you gave your answer. 
“A Stanley Cup Winner.” 
Of course at the time, you didn’t understand that women could not win the Stanley Cup (you figured that out at age 8 and it caused the meltdown of all epic meltdowns). The closest thing women could get to the Stanley Cup was a gold medal at the Olympics. You worked your ass off from the time you could successfully skate without falling, to your senior year of highschool. Every waking moment you had was spent at the rink, running drills from sunup to sun down. You lived and breathed hockey, and as the daughter of the late great Michael L/N, you had big shoes to fill. 
You just never imagined the moment it would all come crashing down. 
It was a dumb idea, in hindsight. It was a really dumb idea. Weeks from the US Olympic team tryouts, you agreed to joining your friends at the lake. A place you liked to avoid like the plague. It wasn’t that your parents and coach kept you away from having any fun in your life, you simply chose to ignore the dangerous stunts your friends like to partake in. But for some reason, you decided to take a chance and take a break from the grueling training schedule your coach had created. It was a hot summer day in the middle of July, and a day out on the boat sounded like heaven. 
You should’ve said no to trying to wakeboard. You should’ve just stayed on the boat, watching the epic wipeouts by your friends. It would’ve been the smart choice to make. . . but you never were that smart. One bad landing into the wake created by the boat, had you breaking the surface with a horrible scream. Your friends reacted quickly, jumping into the water to help you stay afloat as you screamed in pain, your collar bone protruding awkwardly under your skin. They got you to the hospital quickly where you were told you had broken your collarbone and torn your ACL in your knee. The physical pain wasn’t even as bad as the emotional pain that came a few weeks later. 
“I’m sorry, but you will never play hockey at the level you are playing it now. I suggest. . . quitting altogether if you want to avoid having a shoulder replacement before you’re 30.” 
A bullet to the chest would’ve hurt less. 
At first, you laughed at the doctor’s suggestion, all but telling him to fuck off and asking to see his credentials. Your parents had tried to talk some sense into you, telling you that maybe heeding the doctor’s advice could be beneficial. Your dad knew guys from the league who had shoulder or knee injuries, and it never ended up in their favor. Years of pain and suffering, turning to questionable methods of dealing with the pain, missing out on crucial time with their families or significant others. But you were stubborn, and didn’t want to quit playing when you were about to try-out for the biggest moment of your life. 
But you never made it that far. In fact, you never finished your senior season. From the first puck drop, everything was shit. You weren’t as strong as you had been, having lost muscle in both your arms and legs. You felt off balance, and were cautious of every move you made on the ice. You knew the statistics, you were at a higher risk of tearing another ligament in your knee after tearing the first one. Your collar bone, even though it had healed without having to have surgery, clicked and popped anytime you tried to make a slapshot. You were making mistakes you hadn’t made since peewee hockey. Your teammates were growing increasingly annoyed, your coaches were becoming exasperated, and your dreams of making it on the US Olympic team had slowly drifted away. It was a hard choice, but in the middle of your senior year, you decided to hang up your skates for the last time. 
Even though you weren’t actively playing, your love for the sport didn’t die along with your Olympic dream. In fact, you found a new way to get involved with the sport, deciding that you were going to major in public relations and team management. Your goal had shifted, and now you wanted to be the first female Hockey manager. 
But like most goals, that was easier said than done. 
It was 2024, and even with the establishment of the Profession Women’s Hockey League and the US Women’s Hockey team winning numerous gold medals on the world stage, women in the league still weren’t taken seriously. You were told all through college, as you sat in your team management class to choose a different sport like swimming or volleyball or gymnastics. More “women friendly sports”. You weren’t going to throw in the towel and give up on your dream, no matter how many teams had denied you. 
When you were hired by the North Island Daggers, you weren’t sure what to expect. They were known as the joke team of the NHL. Always finishing last every season, being most teams shoe-in win when they played against one another. Having gone from working as a PR rep for the Dallas Stars, you felt as though this was a demotion, a punishment for a freelance article you had written about how women were being treated in the NHL. You knew the article was going to be risky when you sat down and wrote it. You just didn’t expect to get a call an hour after the article was published telling you that you were being sent to work with the Daggers. 
“We’re happy to have you here,” Beau Simpson, spoke as your heels clicked down the long hallway behind him, “As you can see, we need a little PR help.” 
“Yeah, I saw that fight between Holloway and Seresin the other night.” The whole NHL fan base saw the fight, but you weren’t about to tell Simpson something he was probably painfully aware of, “Interesting decision to bench him before going against Endmonton though. He’s your strongest player.” 
“Can’t let him get away with bad behavior,” Simpson shrugged, stopping outside a large conference room with glass walls and a large oval table in the middle, “Hey, I’m sorry about your dad. I got the honor of playing against him my rookie year. Hell of a player. Terrible thing, cancer is.” 
“Yeah, thanks,” It had been months since your dad died from cancer, shocking the world of hockey. You thought by now you would have been used to hearing condolences from strangers, but they still made your ears burn and your face flush. 
Simpson nodded courtly, opening the door to the conference room where two sharply dressed men and a woman sat. 
“Gentlemen, this is Y/N L/N, the new PR rep for the North Island Daggers,” Simpson introduced you as the two men stood up, and you immediately knew who they were. 
“Pete Mitchell and Tom Kazansky, co-owners of the North Island Daggers,” You answered, shaking both of their hands, “An honor to meet you, both.” 
“The honor is all ours, Miss Hamilton,” Pete smiled at you as he sat down. 
You wanted to correct him, but decided not to. Sometimes, it was easier to let people call you by your father’s last name, than try and explain why you dropped it and took up your mother’s maiden name. The world of sports was a game of who you know and who you belong to. If your last name was that of a hall of famer, you were almost guaranteed anything and everything you wanted, and you hated that. When you were vying for the spot on Team USA, you wanted it because you were skilled, not because of who your dad was. The same stood now, as you were trying to work your way up in the hockey world. You wanted this job because you were good at it, not because your dad was hockey royalty. 
“I’m Mrs. Wright, the executive public relations and human resource officer,” The woman, who’s blonde hair was slicked back in an impressive bun, held her hand out to you. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Wright,” You smiled at her, trying hard to not gawk at the huge diamond ring that sat on her finger. 
“We’re glad you could join us on such short notice,” Tom spoke, “We know that you just got let go from the Stars for a shit reason if you ask me.”
“Thanks,” You muttered, clasping your hands on the conference table in front of you, “I am happy to be picked up by the Daggers though. My dad really enjoyed his time here as a rookie.” 
“Damn, we missed him when he left,” Pete shook his head, as if he were remembering the “good ol’ days” as your father referred to him during his rookie season. 
“The reason we hired you, Miss Hamilton,” Mrs. Wright spoke up, breaking up the reminiscing, “Is because we are in the middle of a PR storm. We have a player who has caused quite the controversy lately and is in danger of losing his sponsors. From our research, we know that you do fantastic work with building player profiles, turning rookies into known players, making the bad guys look like the good boys. We need you to do that.” 
“Okay,” You nodded, “So am I taking over the social media accounts like I did in Dallas, or-” 
Mrs. Wright looked apprehensively at Pete and Tom, who sat up a bit in their seats. 
“Not necessarily,” Pete cleared his throat, “You will be paired one on one with one of our problematic players.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed, before realization struck you, “Wait. . .” You held your finger up, “You hired me to be a glorified babysitter?” 
— — — 
“I don’t need a babysitter.” 
Jake grunted as he set the barbell back on the rack above him. His gray workout t-shirt was drenched in sweat as he sat up, looking both his agent and trainer in the eye, “I’m fine on my own.” 
“You got in a fight,” His agent, Steven, deadpanned. 
“Everyone gets in fights, its hockey,” Jake shrugged as Javy handed him his water bottle. 
“With your own teammate.” 
Jake glanced over to the other side of the workout room, where Wren Holloway was working out with Bradley Bradshaw, still supporting a black eye from the fight that broke out a couple of days ago on the ice. The fight, which was being dubbed “The Dagger Civil War,” was definitely not a highlight Jake liked to have hanging over him. But in the game of hockey, sometimes the tension runs high, and in that particular game, Jake had gone out looking for a fight from the moment the puck first dropped. It was just unfortunate that his opponent was his teammate. 
“Look,” Steven shifted on his feet, crossing his arms across his chest, “The fight is the least of our issues right now. We have sponsorships ready to pull out on you because you’ve been labeled the “hot head” and the “problematic child”. And what is this that I hear about an affair with the coach’s wife?” 
Jake groaned, standing up from the workout bench, and taking the sweat towel from Javy’s hand. Both of them followed Jake through the weight room. The Daggers might’ve been the worst team in the NHL, having a history of one play-off appearance in the 70 years since they’ve been a team, they sure did have one of the nicest facilities Jake had ever been in. State of the art work-out and physical therapy rooms. Rehabilitation pools, and an indoor track. In-house chefs that served breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus tons of snack shops throughout the building. And the best part, two full sized practice rinks. 
Jake walked over to the smoothie shack, where a bright-eyed hopeful girl sat down his regular smoothie order, his name with a heart around it. 
“Here you go, Jake,” She batted her eyes as Jake took the smoothie, making a clear display of taking off the sticky note with her number on it and setting it back on the counter.  
“Not interested, but thanks,” He nodded, turning back to Javy and Steven, who glared at him, “What?” 
“You sleep with her too?” Steven asked and Javy snickered. Jake was going to shake his head no, but had to double check who it was behind the counter, before shaking his head. Steven rolled his eyes as Jake walked towards one of the rehab rooms. 
The moment Jake laid down on the exam table, Javy got right to work. Javy and Jake were like a well oiled machine, they knew one another since they were kids, growing up next door to one another. They played on the same youth hockey team, until it became too expensive for Javy’s family to afford. It broke the young boy’s heart to have to give up the sport he loved, and Jake had begged his parents to help Javy be able to play. Even though the Seresins insisted on paying for Javy’s fees and equipment, the boy didn’t have the same passion for the sport as Jake did, and he thought it would be a waste. Instead, Javy found another way to be on the bench next to Jake, working as the team equipment manager, to athletic training assistant, to athletic trainer for the Daggers. 
“Shoulder still bothering you?” Javy asked, grabbing Jake’s arm and moving it in a variety of ways. 
“Yeah,” Jake grimaced, “Still has that whole clicking thing going on. Guess that hit from Svec was harder than I thought.” 
Javy snickered, remembering the hit Jake suffered a few weeks ago, “He laid you out flat, man.” 
“Shut up,” Jake grumbled. 
“Mhm,” Steven cleared his throat, directing Jake’s attention back to him, “We weren’t done talking yet.” Jake rolled his eyes, which only seemed to infuriate his manager, “This is serious, Jake,” Steven sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Simpson wants you out, wants you so far gone from the Daggers, hell, probably even the National Hockey League.” 
Jake scoffed, “I’m the best on the team."
“You haven’t been for weeks.” 
Jake huffed again, knowing that Steven was right. He has been off his game for the past couple of weeks. Missing key plays and open teammates. Almost all his shots were deflected or totally missing the net. Not to mention, he felt like his skating had modeled that of a newborn calf, shaky and off balance. The hit from Svec several weeks ago, was just the tip of the iceberg of the list of injuries Jake seemed to have racked up in the past couple of weeks. 
“Look, your spot is in danger.” 
That got Jake’s attention, making him sit up from his laid back position, “What are you talking about?” 
“There’s a kid down on the juniors that is amazing. He’s either been breaking or matching all your records. They are calling him the next you.” 
Jake’s eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t really pay attention to any other league but the one he was currently in. Of course, he kept his eye out for any information about the national team. It had been his dream since he got to the NHL to play for Team USA and make it to the olympics. Playing on the junior team had been one of his greatest memories, and when he felt for the first time, he could actually make it in this sport. 
How could he have ignored that there was someone breaking all his records? 
“Who is this kid?” Jake asked. 
“Drake Silvia. He’s signed to UMich, but also a projected first round draft pick,” Steven clenched his jaw, “They want him. And they will have him. . . at your expense.” 
Jake felt like his heart dropped to his ass. He had never felt the feeling of fear for his spot on a team before. He’s always been the best. Always been the hot commodity that every team wants, that every coach would roll out the red carpet to get him to visit their team. Before he decided to go straight to the drafts, he had nearly every single college in the country and some in Canada, begging for an ounce of his attention. 
“However,” Steven looked around the empty rehab room before leaning in close, “Henderson signed his retirement forms this morning.” 
“What?!” Jake spat out, “He’s retiring?” 
“No announcement will be made until the season is over,” Steven nodded, “But Henderson is done after this year. . . and the captain spot will be open. It could be yours.” 
Besides making Team USA, being named captain has also been on the list of dreams for Jake. All the hockey greats have been captains. Gretzky, Crosby, Hamilton. Jake’s childhood bedroom had their jerseys hanging up in frames. To Jake, no one remembered you unless you were the captain, or won a Stanley Cup. And Jake wanted both. He wanted both as badly as he needed oxygen to live. 
Jake sighed, knowing what the answer to his question was going to be, “So what do I have to do?”
A smirk arose on Steven’s cheeks, “If you want to stay on this team, and make captain, you need to abide by the rules. And that means having a babysit-” He shook his head correcting himself, “A personal PR rep.” 
“Fine, I’ll take the babysitter.”
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taglist: @dempy @marchingicenotes7 @abaker74 @aworldwideapart @atarmychick007 @hookslove1592 @whatislovevavy @lynnevanss @djs8891 @jessicab1991 @senawashere @bethbunnyy @bradshawbaby @coconut152 @jazminlahey20 @averyhotchner @misconceptionmistress @drxgxnslxyer @atinytinaa @hangmansgbaby @buckysteveloki-me @himbos-on-ice @krispybearbouquet @fandom-princess-forevermore @seitmai @ateliersss @kmc1989 @bradshawsvinyl @my-name-is-baby @ashloveshockey
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morganacorp · 2 months
Lena knew that kryptonite hurt Supergirl in ways she couldn't imagine. She had heard her say once that it felt like molten lava running through her veins, broken glass against her skin, piercing her until she was weak and vulnerable.
Lena saw the way Supergirl's skin started glowing green the moment her mother stepped closer to her and pulled out a gun loaded with kryptonite, shooting her with a short green beam of light from the rock making her fall to her knees in agonizing pain. She saw her mother's satisfaction when she took a step back and Supergirl stayed down on her knees, trying to catch her breath while she tried to fight the pain.
"Something as simple as a green rock can bring the most powerful woman down to her knees and make her soft." She smirked, nodding so one of her goons would step in closer and punch Supergirl.
The hero was obviously affected by the kryptonite, struggling to defend herself. Lena watched in horror how one of the goon's punches landed on her jaw and followed with another one in her eye.
"She bleeds!" Lillian said with delight.
"Stop hurting her!" Lena screamed, trying to free herself from the man that was holding her still.
"That's nothing compared to what we're going to do to her." Lillian smirked at her daughter. "Her family destroyed your brother's life, and it's her time to pay."
"Lex went insane because he's a psychopath, but Supergirl is innocent!" Lena said loudly, hoping to distract her mother while Supergirl caught her breath. "She has done nothing to you or Lex-"
"She's a dirty alien, Lena! She's Superman's cousin." The woman scoffed, stepping closer to Lena. "He took your brother's sanity away, and I'll take the last living member of his family." She said with disgust.
"she's innocent!" Lena insisted, pleading at her mother with her eyes, watching how Supergirl stood up with difficulty, the open wound on her lip bleeding profusely.
"She's from Krypton!" Lillian yelled and nodded at her goons so they forced Supergirl back down to her knees again, punching her hard. "Besides, my dear Lena... My sweet, oblivious daughter." She said mockingly. "Would you be defending her this fiercely if you knew the truth?" She smirked, her bitter voice making Lena's heart race.
"Lillian." Supergirl managed to say. "Your problem is with me. Leave Lena out of this." She said and one of the men kicked her side so she fell and curled into a ball, feeling how her body struggled with the pain.
"Isn't that sweet." Lillian mocked her. "Little alien hypocrite."
"Let her go, mother." Lena pleaded.
"It's funny, now that I think of it." Lillian said, approaching Lena. "You defend her and you don't even know who she really is." She smiled, that cruel grin Lena knew all too well. "The truth has been in front of you the whole time, and you have never realized it... I'll be honest and say I thought you were pretty close to a genius, but it has been disappointing watching you be fooled by a pair of glasses and a sweater." She scoffed.
"Shut up, alien!" She yelled and shot her with a green beam of kryptonite that made her writhe in pain.
"Mother, please! Let her go." Lena pleaded.
"You hate lies, don't you, Lena?" She asked with a sarcastic tone. "You hate being lied to and you hate when people hide things for you."
"Whatever you're trying to do, just stop it." Lena replied bitterly. "This woman hasn't done anything wrong, all she's done is help people!"
"Did you know she has a job? And an apartment, and friends." Lillian continued, ignoring Lena. "She lives the life of a mere mortal, with the powers of a goddess." She said and stepped closer to Supergirl, making her skin turn even greener as the gun was pointed at her. "She will hate you, she will enjoy watching you die." She whispered in Supergirl's ear, a satisfied smirk on her lips before she used her gun to hit her on the head, opening a wound that started bleeding profusely.
"Stop, mother!" Lena pleaded, struggling against the man holding her. "Please, mother. I'll do anything you want but please let her go." She implored and Lillian laughed.
"Oh, Lena. You're a fool."
"I am a lot of things, so take it all out on me. Let Supergirl go." She said angrily.
"Supergirl... What a curious way to call your best friend." She said and Lena froze, her green eyes fixed on her. "Should we tell her the truth, Kara?" Lillian asked, and watched how her daughter's eyes filled with tears.
"What?" Her weak voice causing more pain to Kara than the kryptonite.
"That's right, Lena. This woman, this hero you have idealized and defended over your own family, has been lying to your face for years." Lillian said and pointed the gun at Kara, who was using all her strength to look up at Lena.
"It can't be." Lena shook her head.
"Lena." Kara whispered and then a green beam was shot from Lillian's gun, making her fall back and whimper in pain again, the blood from her head wound making her blond hair stick to her forehead.
"Not so eager to defend her now, are you?" Lillian smirked, stepping closer to Lena while they watched Kara gasp for air. The two men that had been next to her moved back to continue carrying the loaded boxes of guns Lillian had been trying to smuggle out of Lex's vault, leaving only the man holding Lena back.
"Kara..." she asked, a quivering lip and tear stained cheeks.
"Lena..." Kara sighed, trying to get back on her knees, but feeling the pain of broken ribs weighing her down.
"I'm gonna kill her." Lillian told Lena, making her snap back into reality.
She was mad, furious and hurt, but she couldn't let Lillian hurt Supergirl. Sure, she had lied to her, but her point that she had done nothing but help people still standing.
She wanted to see her suffer and make her pay for her lie, but torturing her with kryptonite was not what Lena wanted. She saw Lillian shot at her again, this time making Kara -Supergirl- slide back a few yards from where she lay.
Supergirl moaned in pain, her bruised and broken body hurting so much she could barely focus on anything. She tried to get back up again, but when she looked up she found Lena's pained and conflicted expression.
"Lena- I just-"
"Save it, alien." Lillian told her, shooting her again.
Lena was hurting and struggling to reconcile her thoughts and her heart: she saw Supergirl, a hero who had saved her life and had protected the city and the world countless times, and then she saw her best friend Kara, who lied and betrayed her. She couldn't stand the sight of Supergirl suffering, but thinking that Kara was there in front of her, whimpering in agony and helpless, made Lena's heart break.
She was mad, but her heart was soft and bleeding for Kara. That one person who always had her back, saved and protected her in her own way.
The same Kara that always knew how to cheer her up, or when to sit by her without words. The same Kara she looked forward to seeing, the same Kara that always greeted her with a warm hug that made Lena's heart race.
"Does your people have some kind of prayer for when you're about to die? I'm feeling generous." Lillian said with poison, watching how Supergirl struggled but managed to get on her feet, wobbling and almost falling down twice before she found her footing.
Lena looked at her and noticed everything she had refused to see before, all the clear signs that Kara and Supergirl were one and the same. She stared at her, noticing the bruises on Supergirl's face, the blood on her suit that was still dripping from her open wounds, and then she caught a glimpse of the blue eyes she knew all too well.
She noticed that now that she was slightly further away from Lillian the kryptonite didn't have the same effect on her, allowing her to recover enough to stand on her own. She was obviously very weak, but Lena knew that she still had enough in her tank to escape if given the chance.
"Lillian, let Lena go." She said with effort, her voice breaking.
"Don't say my daughter's name with your filthy mouth, hypocrite." Lillian scoffed bitterly.
"She's innocent and she-"
"Stop trying to defend me." Lena said firmly, tears streaming down her cheeks in earnest. "Don't you dare to say my name." She said angrily and looked back at the man holding her back until he let her go, sure that she wouldn't try to run.
"I think my daughter was pretty clear." Lillian said and lifted the gun, pointing it at her. "You have betrayed a Luthor, alien, and now you'll pay for it." She said and Lena waited until she was surely about to pull the trigger, knowing that she only had one chance to do it.
She knew kryptonite wouldn't kill her, that it doesn't hurt her body in the way it hurts Supergirl. She knew it was a gamble, but she had always liked tempting fate.
She ran towards Kara, stepping in front of the green beam that would've ended her life and protecting her with her own. She felt the force of the green light hitting her square on the chest, pushing her back until those strong arms wrapped around her.
Kryptonite wouldn't kill her, no, but the force on that beam was enough to disorient her and take her breath away. She could hear her mother cursing and Kara's voice- Supergirl's voice-yelling at her, but she couldn't make up what they said.
She closed her eyes, feeling Kara's arms holding her against her body, and then everything went black.
"She's waking up." A familiar voice said softly when Lena opened her eyes, trying to focus while she loked around. "Lena, it's okay. You're safe." The same voice said softly, and her eyes finally found her face.
"Alex." She whispered.
"You have a concussion, and you were out of it for a few hours. You're safe." She explained, looking into her eyes with a concerned frown. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I was hit by a truck." She said honestly.
"You have bruised ribs too... What you did was stupid." She said, grabbing her hand. "But incredibly brave." She said giving it a squeeze. "Thank you."
"That should be me thanking her." Kara's soft voice caught Lena's attention, and it was until then that she noticed her sitting on a chair next to her, the warmth of her hand resting on top of hers.
She was dressed as Kara, even though the bruises and dried blood reminded Lena of the truth.
"Alex, can you-"
"I'll be back in a moment. Call me if she gets dizzy." She nodded, knowing the two of them needed to talk. She walked out of the med bay area and informed Nia and Brainy that Lena was awake.
"Thank you for saving me." Kara whispered, looking down in shame. "I'm sorry."
"You should be under the sun lamps." Lena responded, slowly removing her hand from Kara's.
"I will heal, eventually." She shook her head, removing her glasses and looking up to try and contain the tears that inevitably made their way down her cheeks. "I was going to tell you... I just-"
"You lied, and that's something I can't forgive." Lena whispered, her own tears making an appearance.
"Let me explain." Kara whispered, pleading blue eyes behind bruises. "Lena, I just... I was scared."
"You should get under the sun lamps, Supergirl." Lena said softly, her voice breaking. She turned her face away from Kara and felt a horrible headache making her brain throb, something that wasn't helped in the least when she tried her best to contain a loud sob.
Kara sat there in silence for a moment and then moved to her bed, feeling the warm from the sun lamps engulfing her like a healing blanket. She rested her head on the soft pillow and cried quietly, trying her best to not hear Lena's quiet sobs a few steps away.
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celaenaeiln · 2 years
What if Dick could cycle through identities.
Dick Grayson has more identities than there are colors in the rainbow.
There’s Dickie Grayson - school favorite, basketball star, and mathlete. Best friend of the Titans and beloved love of many. Also a wonderful brother, devoted son, and dear grandson.
There’s Richie Grayson - darling of high society. Women swoon over him, men appreciate him (ie Roy’s “pretty bird”), and as a gothamite aptly put it, “who wouldn’t recognize Gotham’s very own Paris Hilton”.
There’s Ric Grayson - cold, night thrill seeking civilian with more trust issues than money in a trust fund.
There’s Nightwing - according to Supes, “your words are worth their weight in gold”. According to Bruce, “sometimes I feel he’s the only thing I did right”. According to Hawkman, “the one person the entire superhero community trusts after Superman”. And so much more. Strong enough to defeat Ra’s Al Ghul in a sword fight and be given the name “Detective”. Beloved hero and the pride and joy of the superhero community
There’s Agent 37 - An international, multilingual super spy who broke his partner’s hardened interior while rigorously maintaining his morals in the face of adversity. So handsome that while a psychotic murderer was chasing him and his partner, he reached up, switched off the spiral, and was so beautiful that the stunned woman went, “woof”, lost control of her bike and crashed.
There’s Renegade - Deathstroke’s apprentice who was carefully trained by him until he tricked the man and freed himself. Taught Deathstroke’s daughter Rose to be a hero and was punished by his nemesis through the Chemo bombing of Bludhaven. Yet Deathstroke still hugs him and says “Nice to see you again, kid. You look well” and leaves messages on his fogged bathroom mirror, “message received”, and waits in Dick’s bedroom while he’s dressing to let him know why he’s in the city.
There’s Crutches - mob enforcer for Black Mask and took down his crime syndicate from the inside out.
There’s Talon - His grandfather’s legacy of being an undead assassin for the court. The Gray Son of Gotham.
Finally there’s Robin - the 8-18yr old who went on joy rides with Superman, said “Holy ___ Batman!”, the one who was astounded when He asked if he would join the Justice league and Batman said, “no, you’ll be leading them”. The one who was driving batmobiles at 8 and singing songs to comfort victims that still remember him and his warmth 20 years later. The acrobatic prodigy that left the country in wonder. The first sidekick and role model for many young heroes that came after him.
He has many more identities I couldn’t name but - imagine if Dick could change these personalities in a heartbeat. One second he’s peppy and overjoyed Robin and the next he’s flippant and dismissive Ric Grayson. Oh the possibilities
I don’t remember where this quote’s from but: the man has a temper that could start wars. And a smile that could end them.
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dumbkiri · 4 months
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ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ!
Here you will find the fandoms I write a great deal for.
Of course, you can always request an imagine with a character!
I don’t have a set schedule, so these works will come out sporadically!
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ᴏʜ, ᴍʏ ʙᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ [F] Gojo Satoru plans to make [L.Name] [Name] his beloved wife to save her from the life she was forced in after the massacre of her family. Just like he does anything for his students, he will do everything for her to be his. Even challenging the King of Curses. 1......
ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ [F] You carry a strong and powerful cursed spirit that will set the whole world on fire for you. It attached itself to you and it is yours to command. When a bounty is put on your head along with your sister's, do you have the power to save her and give her the life she wants? 1, 2, 3....
ꜱᴏᴜʟ ʙɪɴᴅɪɴɢ [F] Born as the Lady of the Inumaki Clan in the Heian Period, you take Sukuna as your devoted husband. But you did not prepare for the devastation that would run you over. Now you live in the modern era trying to restore your clan and protect your new family. Fate is cruel to you because your supposedly lost husband comes back and he won't let you out of his sight this time. 1, 2....
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ꜰᴀᴛᴇ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇꜱ [F] Gotham is plunged into darkness and [Name] is tasked with saving Barbara from Batman's newest villain; the Arkham Knight. Their love story wasn't written in the stars, not in this universe. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [FINISHED]
ʜʏᴘɴᴏᴛɪᴄ ʏᴏᴜ [F] Being Wonder Woman's and Superman's daughter comes with a heavy price. They kept an important secret from you and tried to hone your fighting skills by having Batman and his boys teach you the ropes. But a new friend knows your secret and plans to unleash your godly power. Everything you learned wasn't enough to warn you about her. 1....
ᴍʏ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ [F] Damian doesn't believe that he can be tied to someone because of a soulmate bond. Unluckily for him, the daughter of his most reckless brother captures his attention. It is weird that he can see the whole universe in her eyes? [HoH! Reader] 1, 2, 3......
ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ꜱɪʙʟɪɴɢꜱ [F] A ghost in the Al Ghul family, you trained all your life to kill and kill your enemies. One night, your brother pressed his communicative bracelet to contact you when he sees the league in Gotham. You show up and things get dreadful. You will never be accepted as a Wayne. 1....
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ʙɪᴄᴋᴇʀɪɴɢ ꜰᴏᴏʟꜱ [F] Kageyama and Oikawa can never ever get along with each other. No one can shut them up unless it is the younger sister of Oikawa who is also the girlfriend of Kageyama.
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ᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴ [M] Reiner tries to force Annie to take Marco's gear off and [Name] is not having any of it. He shows everyone how crazy and scary he can get when it comes to his girlfriend.
ᴛᴇʟʟ ʜɪᴍ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ [M] Before the ceremony, Annie confronts [Name] and tells him that she is the female titan. In his worry for her, he tries to help her get on the right path.
ꜱʜᴇ ᴅɪᴇᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ [F] [Name] is killed during the expedition to capture the female titan, but before her death, she tells the truth she found out that can save them all..
ᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴀʀ [F] [Name] is a titan shifter, the wielder of the War Hammer titan. She's a true soldier and the best warrior anybody could ask for. Yet all she wants to do is protect the people in the walls. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....
ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʀᴍꜱ [F] You die in Armin's arms surrounded by everyone you love., listening to the wonders of the world.
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ʙᴏᴀꜱᴛꜰᴜʟ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ [M] Nothing is wrong with having a crazy and wild boyfriend. Take Iida as an example. Though [Name] may be reckless, Iida will have it no other way!
🇼​​🇴​​🇷​​🇩​​🇸​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇵​​🇦​​🇸​​🇹​ [F] Omen hears a voice of an important woman from his past and he wants to know more about her. Luckily for him, the mission he goes on will itch the back of his head with forgotten memories.
I will get to the requests and submissions as fast as I can! Some have requested for different fandoms and I'm very excited to start developing something for it!
Thank you all for your amazing support throughout the years!
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lothirielswandc · 1 year
Superman & Batman
Bruce Wayne: You're really asking us that question?
Clark Kent: I think it’d be nice to have Raven as a daughter in-law. 
Bruce Wayne: You can't have her, Kent. She’s too cool. And she fits our aesthetic better.
Clark Kent: You’re Batman: you literally adopt everybody. You tried to adopt Barry once. And you already have Kory, you can't take Raven, too!
Bruce Wayne: She’s already hitting it off with our villains.
Clark Kent: Raven and Luthor could get along; they both meditate and share a genuine disgust towards people.
Bruce Wayne: I can already hear the future screams ringing out from that scenario. 
Nightwing & Starfire
Dick Grayson: Yeah, Damian’s just a more decent human being around Rachel, so...you know. 
Koriand'r: You know, if I married you, and Raven married Damian, we could both have a double wedding AND we’d be sister in-laws. *gasps* We could take one of those family photos on the beach together, where we’re all in the white shirts and denim and we’re jumping! Wouldn't that be so amazing? 
Raven & Superboy
Rachel Roth: Um…
Conner Kent: You're really being put on the spot here.
Rachel Roth: I am. 
Conner Kent: I can make a suggestion, if you like, milady.
Rachel Roth: Thanks...milord. *shakes head and bites back a smile*
Poison Ivy & Zatanna
Poison Ivy: Ugh, it's such a hard decision! Raven and Robin have so much in common—and if Raven started dating him, she could stay in Gotham more. But Superboy has a much sweeter personality.
Zatanna Zatara: I know! And they’re both so good-looking.
Poison Ivy: Oh yeah, they’re heart throbs.
Zatanna Zatara: If I were a teenage girl, I would probably be obsessed with them.
Poison Ivy: Creepy, but relatable. Who would you choose, then?
Zatanna Zatara: Oh boy. Um...I think I would go with Damian. He’s so dark and mysterious. And Raven told me that he lets her cut bagels with his samurai swords.
Poison Ivy: He's a keeper.
Zatanna Zatara: Yep. Plus Conner’s advanced hearing would make me feel so uncomfortable. What if he hears me crunching on potato chips a room over or something? 
Poison Ivy: I don't think I could date someone who could hear everything. 
Harley Quinn & John Constantine
John Constantine: Superboy. He'll be easier to kill if he breaks my kid’s heart.
Harley Quinn: Aww. Dad goals. 
John Constantine: And he’s nice and all...also it would really piss off Clarky to have a closer relationship with me. 
Harley Quinn: So, basically, Team Superboy for revenge and spite. I LOVE it! 
Cyborg & Shazam
Billy Batson: Team Jacob :D
Victor Stone: Dude. No. 
Beast Boy & Blue Beetle
Garfield Logan: You know, I actually used to have a HUGE crush on Raven.
Jaime Reyes: Seriously? Wow, it's hard to imagine the two of you together. Is this the hidden ship? It would be super weird if, after all of this, she ended up with you.
Garfield Logan: HAHAHAHAHAHA......yeah.
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Oh my god you don’t know this but your hellhound hybrid idea is so similar to my dumb self indulgent Batfam self insert who was born Damian’s twin, ran away, was caught and created in a lab using parts from a fox to be a killing machine, transforms into a fox werewolf every new moon or whenever they’re deprived of natural light, runs away to Gotham and is taken in by red hood. It’s so lame but I’m so excited we’re both on the same page eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
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Great minds think alike as they say🥰. But that really is funny though. I like the sound of yours. It fits a lot with the whole Damian’s twin saga. Especially if Talia basically sold twin!Reader to be experimented on. Oh, the absolute resentment the Reader would have towards their mother more than normal. Not only that but Ra’s Al Ghul’s reaction to finding out that Talia did such a thing to his beloved grandchild would be utterly terrifying and he’d be very inclined to put his own daughter through the exact same grueling treatment his grandchild went through so she can truly feel what she forced upon her own child. Also, Foxtrot sounds really good and honestly so cute. Like, it puts the Reader’s foes in a false sense of security thinking cute little Foxtrot is coming their way only for them to be met with a literal feral killing machine.
For the Hellhound one, I really like the thought of a Superboy kind of situation happening where Lex Luthor used both his and Superman’s DNA to make Superboy but instead a lab uses Sabertooth and Wolverine’s DNA spliced together to make a perfect and ruthless killing machine. Maybe even going as far as having Sabertooth actually train the Reader and basically take on a mentor/paternal role for the Reader. I can imagine the Reader being made up with the mutations of some other X-men/marvel characters. Maybe even being able to copy powers/abilities of whoever or at the very least being able to build up an immunity to whatever is used against them making them pretty much indestructible.
I also have a kind of wholesome thought of Sabertooth and Wolverine working together to save their Hellhound bby. Even if the wholesomeness doesn’t last long at least they were willing to somewhat work together to get to the Reader. I mean it’s the thought that counts right? Even if the execution isn’t perfect.
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If I were to imagine South as a dad, I’d think of Choo Sunghoon the mma fighter when he was with his daughter Sarang from the early days of Return of Superman. All those moments were so precious in his progress to become a better dad for his kid. And then you later learn that Sarang really is like her dad personality wise
Ok ngl I'm not totally sure what these people's relationships are like but as for South I think he'd be a good dad. It would definitely be a learning process for him and he wouldn't automatically be perfect but I think he'd care deeply for any child he had and do his best to be a good dad for them.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Can we have more Clark Kent x Wayne! Sister reader?
Bruce’s reaction when he finds out? How does he find out?
It's not quite what you asked for, but here's how Alfred found out because somehow that's funnier in my head.
Alfred shouldered the door to your apartment open, bags of groceries in his hands- you may have moved out. You may be perfectly capable of fending for yourself but- Alfred enjoyed doing it for you. He slept better at night if he knew your fridge was stocked and you had things easily accessible for when you'd been awake too long or were simply too tired after a long day in the lab to do much more than shamble about.
What he didn't expect to find was the woman he loved like a daughter, very much naked and very much asleep on her lover's chest on the couch.
And though he didn't want to get closer and find out, he was certain your current paramour was Superman. "Oh dear," he said, setting bags down carefully.
It was unclear if the Kryptonian had already been about to wake up or if Alfred's arrival had awoken him, but when a pair of startlingly blue eyes regarded him, looking sheepish Alfred chuckled as he fumbled to throw a blanket over you even as he turned his back.
"I won't tell if you don't, Mr. Kent," he murmured.
"Alfred you should have called," you tell him, sitting up carefully and pulling your dressing gown on, face burning.
"Apologies," he said sincerely, not turning until you'd gotten yourself covered and Clark had slunk into your bedroom- as much as one can slink using superspeed. "I did not think I'd find you- entertaining this early. Master Bruce was under the impression you were working."
"I was," you answer, face still burning. "Until I wasn't. Clark came and dragged me out of the lab-"
"You were exhausted," Clark said, frowning slightly, "Genius or not you still need sleep-" He emerged from the bedroom and squeezed your shoulders gently as he bent to kiss the top of your head.
"Ah," Alfred said, "So this isn't a 'new' arrangement?" It made sense. You'd been a little less focused as of late. And not home as often... Alfred thought you were just working on something big- Bruce had thought you were cracking under the pressure.
"Alfred-" you start, flustering.
"Please," Alfred snorted, "The number of women I've caught your brother with- At least this was my own fault. I'd just like to know how you intend to keep this-"
"I've managed it from him for like 3 months so far," you snort. "Four more weeks and I win-"
Alfred shook his head, "You won't make it more than two. He's bound to get-"
"You're not going to tell him, are you?" you pout.
"God no," Alfred said shuddering. "Can you imagine the sulking?"
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cure-typhoon · 28 days
I don't think Karkat would give his daughter the, Vriska treatment, when teaching her how to fly, so I like to imagine he picks her up and just
Swims her around while she is doing the Superman pose and moving her wings and it looks really stupid
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mjmagics · 4 months
I did some work- on the batfamily mythology au and I have some ideas but first—
Imagine the Justice League as the big 6 gods of Greek Mythology. It wouldn’t work- it just would not work. There is not enough boys and the only person who fits Hades is Batman and Batman has too many adopted kids in my opinion and Batman is the main character so-
Batman would be Zeus. It’s so obvious.
Poseidon would be Aqua Man, it’s also obvious in my opinion.
Hera and Wonder Woman. I’d actually probably keep Diana how she is, and she just is working with the gods on Hera’s behalf.
Hestia would be Black Canary. I know it doesn’t feel right, especially depending on what version of her you work with. Being the goddess of hearth and home as well as being a ‘virgin’ in myths may seem off putting, but I have seen Black Canary as a loving woman who lost her way. Imagine this pure goddess having lost herself due to trauma and fighting and protecting her stupid fellow gods. I think that is Black Canary.
Hades would be someone who isn’t apart of the main Justice League. My knowledge at the moment is that he is apart of Justice league dark, John Constantine. I love this man.
Constantine is replacing the Flash.
You’ve gotten this far and you’re like: Mara, where is Superman? You ran out of men???
Uh yeah, he is Demeter. I don’t care- and no, his daughter ain’t gonna marry John, but I believe Demeter fits Clark. Farm boy, from the farm. Humbler beginning and what not. I think it fits and it’s kinda cute.
Yeah this is fun- I have placements for the bat kids, super kids, and even my OCs from Kittens and Titus.
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speedforce-zoomies · 5 months
Y’all know what I think would make an interesting AU?
If everyone in the 90’s Young Justice was a clone or a “clone”
Canonically we’ve already got two out of the main ten
Conner Kent/Superboy being a “clone” of Superman & Lex Luthor
& Slobo being a clone of Lobo
Two things to note 1) I think it’s kinda boring if all of them have the same backstory so I’ll still try to give them all a reason that they’ve left Cadmus early in life
And 2) If we’re looking at all the various DC works 1 to 1 clones usually have some major issues
For example the other attempts at cloning Superman didn’t work, the DNA was too unstable
And in the DCAU, the Supergirl 1 on 1 clone had the side effect of being mentally connected to Supergirl which made her mentally unstable and Waller purposely avoided going the 1 to 1 route with Terry implying that it was still not a smart route to go down decades later
Therefore every “clone” will still have two “parents”
Let’s start with the other members of the core four
Tim - obviously a clone of Bruce, could add in Selena’s DNA if the scientists want some extra kick or he could still be the son of Janet so that he’s raised in a similar manner (rich kid upbringing) to Bruce
Janet and Jack could be having fertility issues and are given an opportunity to have a child through Cadmus and they just ignore all the weird stuff like rich people tend to do. Maybe they know Tim is Bruce’s clone, maybe they don’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cassie - Diana Prince & Steve Trevor - not only would this give them access to the Amazons/Themyscira but also to a member of military personnel who knows a lot of stuff he probably shouldn’t
If this pairing Helena Sandsmark could be chosen to adopt her specifically so that she has a higher chance of interacting with the Greek gods which activates her powers (I mean Helena is already canonically interacting with them - might not be hard for Cadmus to realize that)
Could also do Diana & Helena Sandsmark, she could be in the same boat as Janet in the earlier scenario and just rolls with all the weird stuff.
Bart - Barry and Iris. Could still have the aging problem and still raised in Virtual Reality just some centuries behind the usual route. Imagine him thinking up the twins names himself - I mean Dawn and Don as twin names SOUND like they came from a kid raised in VR lol. When Barry and Iris later have the twins, they just roll with the names because Bart said them so matter of fact and Cadmus acts like they aren’t surprised that Bart got it right about Iris’s pregnancy.
Maybe they send him to go find Wally through suggestions from the VR so that he can better learn his powers/can become the next Flash and then Wally sends him to Max like in canon.
Now for the others…
Cissie - super easy Bonnie & Ollie. Bonnie as an Olympic-level archer wants her daughter to be the best archer and a hero and so she seeks out Cadmus and asks just straight up asks them for a clone.
Greta - I’m sorry to say is a mystery. She was a failed clone but no one seems to know who her original DNA came from.
Anita - could be a clone of her mother Oshi if Agua killed Oshi before she had Anita. Cadmus could reach out and be like hey Donald Fite it’s not the same as having your wife back but um, we could clone her? Give you a kid? Maybe Agua pushes for it idk
La'gaan - I couldn’t find much about his history prior to him becoming an Atlantis citizen so I imagine Cadmus might have captured his “parents” or maybe it’s someone who works with Orm and wants to send in a spy and though a child would be easier to get in than an adult. When Aquaman makes him a citizen he decides not to betray his confidence.
Ray - cloned from the original Ray and his wife or another golden age hero. Again pretty simple. Cadmus just thought he was neat. They are obsessed with Sun based superheroes after all. Ray is one I could see being locked up in Cadmus until the formation of the team since he was already locked away from the Sun in his origin story.
So at some point I imagine Tim would probably start to unravel things which would lead to similar events to canon (regarding the formation of the team I mean) but I just think it would be interesting since cloning is so prevalent in the DC universe to have an entire team of clones or “clones”
Maybe after distributing the other clones Luthor gets the idea to actually raise Conner himself which is always a fun AU
Plus with all this cloning going on they could potentially have the tools to prevent Slobo’s body from degrading which is a nice bonus
What do y’all think?
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hedgiwithapen · 9 months
My Adventures With Superman: Sam Lane, and an eight year old Clark Kent.
General Lane holstered the newest prototype he’d been given for the mission, surveying the debris.  The ship had been less armed than anticipated. He’d overprepared, but that was always better than underpreparing. The field around him, the farmhouse, the dark ship that had haunted his nightmares, lay in ruins. “Well?” Mandy asked over the com in his ear. “Did you locate the last ship?” “I did,” he said. “This one was smaller. Mostly intact. It must have slipped past the sensors during Zero Day.” “I’ll send backup. How many robots?” “There was one. It’s taken care of.” “Any tech salvageable?” “Some,” he reported, looking back at the …creature…at his feet. “Something else, too. Sleeper agent.” “Pickup’s a minute out. We’ll find out what it knows.”
The new headquarters was nice, a far cry from the tents pitched around cornfields of seven years ago.  It was secure, with rooms for gear, for recreation, for combat practice. And rooms for prisoners. Finally, after years, they had one. General Lane stood at perfect attention, his spine rigid, his arms locked, his eyes still, concealing the racing in his brain. It looked human.  When he’d followed his scanner leading to one of the Invader ships, he’d expected more of the robots, killing machines made of non-earth-metal, sleek and calculating.  What he’d found instead looked like a human, like a child. Seven or eight, the part of his brain that was unhelpfully pointing out how much the invader’s dark hair looked like Lucy’s, how the way it had tucked both arms around its knees looked like Lois, sitting up in bed after a night terror.  He told that part of his brain to shut off, stand down, stop. He wasn’t sure it was better than remembering the sight of the battlefield, the fire-furrowed cropland, the scorched bodies. It was easy to keep his voice hard. “When is the invasion?” “I don’t know,” a tiny voice replied. It yelped when the collar sparked red, answering Mandy’s remote.  “Who are your people? What are their plans for Earth?” Amanda Waller stepped in. General Lane bit back the advice that one question at a time would be better. It wasn’t only his call. And this wasn’t a human child.  He’d follow Mandy’s lead. “I don’t know,” the invader whispered again, his bright blue eyes shining. It was a clever trick. “I want to go home.” “Where is home?” General Lane asked, sharp. “How many of you are there?” It shook its head again. “I don’t know, just me, I--I was home, you took me.” “That wasn’t your home. You came from that ship. Why?” “I don’t know,” it repeated, hugging its knees closer.  General Lane forced down the twinge of sympathy. It was probably calculated for just such a reaction, but knowing that didn’t make it easier. It was all too easy to imagine this…thing sitting at a school lunch table with his daughter.  “I swear,” the voice crept higher. Waller waggled the remote. The invader stared up at her, cringing backwards as far as chains would allow. “Your people sent you here. When are they coming back?” “I told you, I don’t know. Please, you can ask M--” it cut off, tears flowing again. “I don’t know anything.  I don’t remember anything.” “Hm.” Waller looked at the General. “Maybe it’ll feel more cooperative in the morning.” she turned on her heel, trusting him to have her back. Trusting the tech in this cell to prevent any need for him to. General Lane followed. “So, what do you think, Sam?” she asked him as they fell into step down the hall. He sighed, a little heavier. “It can’t be old enough to have been part of the invasion force.  Sleeper agent, maybe a decoy. But I don’t… I think it was telling the truth about not knowing.” “You’re probably right,” Mandy sighed right back at him. “But at least we’re not back to square one.  When Nemesis Omega comes back, we’ll have a weapon to use against them. Or a hostage. Either works. I’m sending you back out. We need to be sure there’s no more of them waiting.” “Right.” Sam said, swallowing his doubts. “Mandy. You don’t need me to tell you, but… if we want it to be our weapon…” “You’re right. I don’t need you to tell me. This is my side of things, Sam. Let me handle it. Go home. See your girls.” she paused midstep, a rarity, and her voice softened, ever so slightly. “I am sorry. I know civilian casualties are hard for you. But it’ll save so many lives. I hope you can see that.” Sam nodded, though he couldn’t. All he could see was himself, in the farmers’ faces.
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