#sweet awkward baby seven <3
girlleon · 1 month
uncle!leon kennedy x fem!reader
warnings: uncle-niece incest, 18+. content below the cut, vomit (non-sexual capacity), age gap (early-mid 30s to late teens-early 20s). fingering, oral (f! receiving, piv, creampie… Leon’s kind of a simp and lame tbh. ddlg undertones, just a little. heaps of praise :3
i got inspired by uncle from nicole dollanganger tbh.
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“I want to marry my Uncle Leon!” you said when you were seven, smiling up at him with two front teeth missing, chubby baby arms wrapped around his thigh.
Half-uncle, really, but that’s semantics. It’s like someone saying the sky is blue and another person saying it’s turquoise. They’re both right, one’s just really fucking annoying about it.
He also thought you’d say you wanted to marry your dad, because that’s pretty common with kids. Most girl’s dads or brothers are their first loves, so he was pleasantly surprised at the honor of being your chosen husband.
Unfortunately, you’re also seven, and that’s very illegal.
Your dad chuckles and doesn’t bother to try and peel you off. He tried that once and you went back to sticking to him like sweat, so he didn’t bother after that.
“Do you have a wife, Uncle Leon?” You ask him, smiling up at him so sweetly. You got those dimples from your mom, and he’ll never admit it, but they melt his heart just a little.
“No, sweetheart.” He reaches down and ruffles your hair. “I’m all yours for the taking.”
You beam up at him, even as he messes up your hair. “Good! ‘Cause you’re all mine!”
Your dad snorts, promptly looking innocent when Leon glares at him halfheartedly.
“That’s right.” Leon lugs you up into his arms, kissing your temple and giving you the faintest smile. “I’m all yours.”
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He sees you a little less and less as the years wear on. He’s busy and you’re busy and grow from a sweet kid to a petulant preteen to an awkward teenager.
He’s still the first one you call, though, when you’re sixteen and drunk at a house party you shouldn’t be at. You’re swaying a little as he pulls up to the curb.
Leon leans over and opens the door for you—you toddle over and slam his door shut with a soft apology. “I didn’t wanna be there anymore.” You say, looking more than a little uncomfortable. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad, sweetheart.” He reaches over and rubs your shoulder. “I’m glad that you called me instead of your dad.”
“Thanks.” You’re a little tacky with sweat and smell like a brewery and some sickly sweet floral perfume when you lean over to put your head on his shoulder. Baby’s first grown-up perfume instead of the body spray they sell at bath and body works. “I didn’t know who else to call.”
“I’m still glad it was me.” Leon reiterates, kissing the top of your head. “C’mon, sweet girl, let’s get you home. Seatbelt on.”
You pull away reluctantly, buckling in your seatbelt with clumsy hands. “I know, I know. I got the riot act from my doctor when I got the physical done for the permit. Seatbelts yes, swerving no.” You grumble, pushing a sparkly hand through your hair.
He snorts, starting the car and pulling away from the curb. “Is that everything?”
“She said she’d pull my license if she caught me.” You reply, propping a temple on your fist. “‘Cause she’s a doctor and a mandatory performer—reporter. Mandatory reporter.”
Leon can’t help a quiet chuckle, even when you swat at him. “You got there in the end.”
The quiet roll of the car rocks you right to sleep, and he sneaks glances at you as he moves around pot holes and takes speed bumps slowly to avoid jostling you awake and fucking up his suspension. Cute, your nose still twitches like a bunny’s when you sleep. He thinks you got that from your mom too.
He gently wakes you up when he’s stopped in front of your house, reaching over and unbuckling your seatbelt before petting your head. “Gotta wake up, sweetheart, come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
You groan behind a closed mouth, face scrunching up. “No…”
He almost laughs. “Come on, I’ll help you up and out.” He unbuckles his seatbelt and jogs over to your side when he’s out of the car, opening the door and bodily carrying you out of the car.
The movement’s a little much and you gag, sweat breaking out on your skin.
Leon aims you away from himself just in time, rubbing your back as you puke loudly in your yard. He reaches over and holds your hair back with a grimace. “You’re alright. You’re okay. Just get it out.” He murmurs, rubbing your back once you stop retching.
When you straighten up, he wipes your mouth and his hand on his jeans. “You’ll feel a bit better in the morning.” Leon tells you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leading you to the front door. You fumble a little for your house keys, but get inside after he kisses your temple and wishes you a goodnight. “‘Night, Leon.”
“Night.” He repeats, gently shutting the door behind you. He goes back to his car and drives home, that sickly perfume smell lingering on the seats like you personally cropdusted them.
Vanilla, white florals, he thinks he smells coffee before it lapses into a sort of acrid smell. Otherwise, perfectly inoffensive on you, perfectly inoffensive to anyone with a working nose, to be honest.
He wishes you’d wear something a little more offensive, strong, something definitively you. Florals tend to be powdery and come off as something an old lady would wear, and that’s not very sexy at all, is it?
Cherry, he thinks would fit you perfectly well. Strawberries. Maybe they make apple perfumes.
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When Christmas rolls around, he does exactly that, after skulking around Ulta and eventually asking for perfume recommendations from an associate.
Leon comes back with something strawberry, something jasmine and red berries. He splurged a little bit on a gingerbread perfume, but he doesn’t mind, might as well have something festive to give you.
When it comes time to get the gang together, he tosses it all in a pretty, sparkly bag with blue tissue paper and a tag with your name on it because he’s shit at wrapping gifts.
You cling to him a little tighter with the greeting hug he gives you. Maybe you’re still grateful he didn’t snitch about the party.
Either way, Leon returns the tight hug and gives you a pointed smile as he asks, “How’ve you been?”
You, to your credit, barely flinch, though he can see in your eyes you know exactly what he’s talking about. “Been good, glad to be out of school for the next two weeks. Merry Christmas.”
He clicks his tongue, then disengages and steers you over to the living room and sits right next to you after depositing his gift for you under the Christmas tree. “Merry Christmas. Yeah, I bet. No more waking up at six in the morning for the bus at six-forty. Been staying out of trouble?” He gives you a sly look, head cocking just to the side.
Your eyes narrow at him playfully as you smile back despite yourself. “Yeah. I’ve been too busy with work to really get up to something bad.”
“Ah, that’s the way to keep it.” He slings an arm over the back of the couch, getting up after a moment to get himself a bit of eggnog, your mom’s recipe. “How much do you get?” He asks when he’s sitting down again, arm back over the couch.
And so it goes from there. You get the most of the spread of presents, being the kid and all.
Your mom and dad each got one another something and him some comfy clothes, he sorely needs them.
Whilst he was shopping for you, he ducked into some department store and got your parents some simple stuff. Soap, pajama sets and the like.
You look extremely surprised—and pleased? Leon’s heart might not take it if you hate the gifts—when you pull the perfumes out of the bag. “Whoa. How much did you spend?” You ask him immediately.
Leon scoffs, taking a sip of eggnog to hide a nervous shift. “It wasn’t much, they’re all samples.” The strawberries and cream one was like thirty-five bucks, so was the jasmine and red fruits one; he spent about fifty on the gingerbread one because he couldn’t find a smaller size than just an ounce. “Besides, I make the big bucks.”
Your mom sneaks a glance at Leon, then stealthily looks up the prices of the perfumes she can see, eyes going comically wide before she gives him a disapproving look. “Leon!”
“Yes?” He asks innocently, plastering on the most charming smile he has. Before she can start, Leon shakes his head, giving her a ‘don’t worry’ wave of his hand. “Come on, I make a hundred and twenty in a day.” More, actually, but still.
Your mom looks like she’s going to argue before your dad lays a hand on her shoulder and shakes his head with an amused look. “I’m putting a budget cap on the presents next time.” She decides after a moment.
Leon smirks, shooting you a wink. “Duly noted.” Then, he nods at you, manspreading because you’re on the floor. “What do you think?”
You pull off the caps of the perfumes and sniff them without spraying them, making faces with each sniff test. “Whoa.”
“Good?” God, he’s hoping you like them.
You nod, smelling the gingerbread one again. “Yeah. These are so cool.” Slowly, a smile spreads across your face. “Thanks, I love them.”
Relief loosens his chest a little. Leon gives you a smile. “I was hoping so.”
He stays over for dinner and maybe a little afterward, just catching up with the rest of you guys.
All too soon, it comes time to say goodbye, they hope he comes again soon to terrorize everyone with his extravagant presents.
He spends the most time hugging you goodbye.
You graduate in the spring and he makes sure to actually dress up for this occasion. Someone only ever graduates five times in their life—kindergarten, fifth grade, eighth grade, high school, college.
Leon’s wearing a suit that had a little dust on it when he dug it out of the back of his closet, the collar and tie is a little tight around his neck and he keeps fidgeting until nudged by your dad because you’re walking across that stage.
God, it’s so weird to see you all grown up.
He was one of the few to hold you after you were born before you started fussing for your mom. He babysat you a few times so your parents could go have a date night. He was over at your fucking house almost every other day because your dad wanted to hang with his half-brother.
He’s getting really old. He’s starting to reminisce the way their dad did about high school friends and the like. For fuck’s sake, he’s thirty-five, not sixty-five.
You get a picture from the photographer, grinning from ear to ear. It’s well deserved, you fucking hated high school, he remembers the complaints. Then you go sit back in your spot and wait to flip your tassel.
Finally, all the fucking pomp and circumstance is over with. Here endeth the high school.
He and your parents find you a bit afterward, all of them drag you into giant hugs before they go to the car and treat you to dinner before you get all your graduation cash with a side of birthday treats.
He got you another perfume, a sultry cherry scent.
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Jesus. Jesus fucking Christ in the manger in the fucking Inn. Mary and Joseph above him. Leon might as well just go caving if he’s going to hell, getting trapped underground would be so much easier.
Leon has to put on sunglasses when he sees you in that American flag bikini the summer after you graduate, flapping his blanket out on the sand and posting his flip flops on opposite corners.
It’s a little on the nose for the holiday, but he’s more than willing to stand for the flag. He’s much more partial to kneeling, but standing works too.
He strips off his shirt and begins slathering himself in sunscreen because he’s gonna turn into a lobster in less than fifteen minutes, he’s calling it.
Your dad bets ten. Your mom bets five.
Lucky you, you got the tanning without burning genes, also from your mom. You go right in without worrying about sunscreen.
He sits there after taking off his sunglasses and spending an extraordinary amount of time trying to reach his back. Like he wants to be peeling the next time he has to go fight some BOWs.
At some point, you resurface from the water after he resigns himself to a burned back, picking up your towel and laying it around your shoulders to cushion your wet hair. “Need some help? You’re cooking.” You point vaguely at his semi-red back.
Leon stares for a second before wordlessly handing you his sunscreen and shifting so his back is to you. This is a sure fire way to avoid tempting himself.
He hears you snort when the bottle makes a funny noise, then the weird sound of your wet hands rubbing together as you warm up the sunscreen before applying it in broad sweeps around his back.
“You and dad burn so easily.” You mutter, still rubbing in the sunscreen. Your long nails graze his skin on occasion and he fights the urge to stiffen up.
“You’re lucky,” Leon says after swallowing quietly, “you got the tanning from your mom. Certainly didn’t get it from your dad.” His hands bunch up his trunks.
You snort again, rubbing away the last of the white streaks across his back before leaning back on your hands. “Or you.”
Well, he only shares about twenty-five percent of your DNA, that’s why. He learned that after an alcohol-fueled dive—and no less than five orgasms—in the incognito tab. In some places, if both parties are over the age of consent, incest is totally legal. Some can even get married.
He shifts so he’s laying down on his blanket, a soft and amused snort catching your attention. “True.” He crosses his arms behind his head, soaking up the sun now that he’s in danger of not burning to a crisp and missing the way your eyes linger just a little too long.
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Turning twenty-one is a big occasion. You can get scratch offs, buy your own drinks, smoke if you damn well want to.
You, lucky girl, get two parties. One with family, one with your friends who can also drink.
Leon comes for the former that takes place the day afterward. Your parents and him didn’t wanna cramp your hot, early twenties style.
You guys go out to your choice of restaurant, then come back and have some celebratory drinks as you open your presents. Some cash, shirts, a new backpack, and some perfume, courtesy of Leon.
He went digging for the really niche ones and came back with one that smells like cat fur, cake, a bit of florals because female perfumes can never fucking escape florals. It was named for the ballet step, pas de chat. Step of the cat. He thought he’d try something out of the box.
You seem to like it, the way your face breaks into a smile. “Thanks. This is nice.” You spritz a little on your wrist and smell it, lighting up just a little bit.
Leon smiles back too, a tad softer than his usual sly smile he wears. He’s been told he has a bit of a smug face. “Yeah, you’re welcome.” He nods, raising his glass to you briefly.
He’s invited to stay over as long as he likes, or even stay in the guest bedroom if he wanted to, he’s informed by your parents as they go upstairs to bed.
Which is why he’s ruminating as he stares a hole through his glass, pondering the beer and the bubbles in it.
Leaving him defenseless to you slipping into his lap.
It takes him a second, but he gets there, eyes wide as he looks up at you.
Your perfume floats over once you sling an arm around the back of his neck, something sweet and warm that makes him want to tuck his face into your neck, your eyes remarkably clear despite the three margaritas you had. “What are you doing?” He asks after a second of just staring at you.
You give him a sly look, head cocking to the side. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Getting into trouble.” Leon’s empty hand lands on your lower back as he leans forward, setting his glass of beer on the side table, his once occupied hand landing on your thigh where your shorts rode up.
That feline smile remains on your face. “I’m rather good at that.”
He snorts, slowly rubbing your thigh. “I noticed. You’re welcome for not snitching to your parents that one time.”
You snort too, bringing him closer with the arm around his neck. “Yeah, I owe you my life.”
Leon nudges your nose with his, starting to smile slightly too. “You joke, but your mother would’ve killed you.”
“I think she knew.” You admit, shifting a little closer on his lap.
Leon’s hand slowly travels up your inner thigh, your legs parting for him just a little. He pauses, eyes flicking back up to you. “Are you sure?”
You nod, swallowing nervously. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
That’s that, then. He unbuttons your jean shorts one-handed, tugging down the zip gently, his grin widening when he sees the bit of lace visible on your waistband. “Planned this, did you?”
His eyes flick up to yours as he gently slides his hand between your underwear and shorts, gently cupping you through it, gratified when he sees you inhale sharply.
“Hoped, actually.” You admit near shamelessly, thighs spreading a little more.
“Well,” Leon can’t help feeling a little smug, slowly grinding the heel of his palm against your clit, “I hope you can be quiet.”
He dips his head down, nosing at your neck, down your collarbone and to your chest as his hand keeps slowly moving. He won’t be satisfied until there’s a wet spot.
The scent of your perfume grows a little stronger and his eyes flutter shut, his not busy hand pushing up your shirt at the back so he can rest his palm on your back.
He increases the pressure and you twitch a little, stiffening just a little. “Take this off.” Leon mumbles without lifting his head.
You tug off your shirt and he groans lowly, hiding his face back in your tits as he sucks and licks at the skin. He shifts his hand, gently dragging his fingers up before gently tapping your clit, then tucking his hand into your underwear, grinning fiendishly when there’s a puddle slicking you all the way up.
“Messy girl…” he can’t help taunting, biting down over your heart.
You whine just a little and he can literally feel all his blood rush south. It’s a surprise he didn’t faint, to be honest.
Gently, he pushes a finger in, cooing with a soft click of his tongue when you whimper. “Shh, shh, it’s ok.” He murmurs, pushing in all the way and waiting a little for you to get used to it as he messes with your clit so you stop clenching, chest heaving just a little. “You’re doing so good, sweet girl.”
Slowly, he begins pumping, making sure to graze your clit with his palm, getting himself all sticky. Maybe he’ll shake your dad’s hand with this one.
When you’re fucking yourself back, hips moving of their own accord, pretty mouth open, he adds another, curling them just until he feels that spongy spot and hitting it with precision. “There we go… that’s my girl.” Leon grins up at you, kissing your jaw as he fingers you open.
His hand is cramping just a little, but he’ll push through it for his girl.
“You’re doing so well.” He murmurs as he lays you on the couch, dragging down your bottoms as one hand slows down just a little. You whine and he clicks his tongue, pouting at you just a little before he kisses it off.
Once you’re naked, save for the bra—Leon likes the way tits look when they’re pushed out of the bra by a vigorous fucking—Leon whistles quietly, planting a kiss above your bellybutton piercing as he lays down between your open thighs. “So pretty, baby. So, so pretty.”
You have to slam a palm over your mouth when his own seals across your clit as his fingers keep moving inside you, speeding up just a little. He laughs, more vibration than sound, at least the way you feel it.
Watching you come for the first time will be seared into his mind forever. It started with the little things. Your chest was heaving, your thighs were starting to try and close around his head, your pussy starting to spasm.
Then, it happens. Your upper half snaps up, your eyes scrunching shut as you muffle what could’ve been a very incriminating noise if your hand wasn’t covering your mouth.
You sag back against the couch, chest heaving as Leon pumps his fingers and sucks you through it, leaning away and gently pulling his fingers from you when you start twitching.
“My poor baby.” He breathes, sucking his fingers clean before leaning up, hands bracketing the side of your head. “Good?”
You nod after a second. “Good.”
He gives you a soft smile, pushing some hair behind your ear. “That’s my girl.”
“I’m your girl?” You open your eyes, a little dopey smile across your face.
“‘Course, you’re my girl.” He leans down and kisses your forehead. “Always have been.”
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Leon lives in fear of your parents finding out for at least a couple months. That’s what wakes him up in the night, not just memories from Raccoon City, Spain, Tall Oaks, et cetera.
God, he’d be hung by his toenails and skinned alive. Like when Warren killed Tara on Buffy, but a lot more drawn out because your dad would be in on it too.
You guys are at a vacation house the night you two first have sex.
It starts the same way him fingering you on the couch did. You slide into his lap long after everyone’s gone to sleep, he gets his fingers wet when you guys are in his room.
His room is a little further from your parents room than yours, hence the choice.
He lays you down and gets you off another time to hopefully make this painless, tangling a hand with yours. Only when you push at his head does he stop, grinning like a fat cat.
Leon doesn’t smile when he pushes in, watching you carefully for when he needs to stop and let you breathe.
Slowly, he’s seated balls deep inside you, hands on either side of your head. “Good, baby? Are you okay?” He pushes some of your hair back, relieved when you turn your head and kiss his palm.
“Good.” You reach a hand down and feel around, smiling slightly when he winces.
“Jesus, give me a moment. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Leon mutters, shifting a little so he can spread your legs a little more, hands dimpling the fat of your thigh.
You gasp quietly at the shift and nod, one hand over your tit, the same one he marked when he fingered you on the couch. “Leon…” you breathe, moving your legs to wrap around his waist.
“I know, baby, I know.” He whispers, gently shifting before drawing back and thrusting in.
Your eyes scrunch shut as you let out a soft yelp. Quickly, Leon settles his palm over your mouth, shifting so his weight is on his opposite elbow. “Hush, sweetheart. Don’t want your parents busting in, huh?”
You shake your head, face settling into a blissful expression as he starts moving, little sounds punched from you from each firm roll of his hips.
“That’s my girl.” He smiles down at you, leaning down and licking up the sweat from your neck all the way up to your earlobe, kissing it and hiding his face in your neck. “My pretty baby girl.”
Leon lifts his head up, his face hovering by the side of yours as he grins. “I got you. I got my girl.”
Ah, the praise gets to you, just a little bit. He can tell because you get a little tighter and he has to fight so this doesn’t end too early.
He’s a gentleman, he refuses to come before you.
“Can you be quiet, baby? Wanna play the quiet game?” He chuckles when you nod, removing his hand so he can play with your clit and get you just that extra bit closer.
This close, he gets to watch you pause before your upper half snaps up again, your arms wrapping around Leon as you gasp into his shoulder.
It’s your orgasm that undoes him, his hips stuttering before he fills you up, collapsing on top of you as he gasps, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead as his body to yours.
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To mom and dad:
I’m really sorry if I worry you both. Leon and I know you wouldn’t approve, which, for obvious reasons, makes sense.
Trust me when I say we love each other. I’ll still be studying, it’s not like he wants me to drop out.
I love you guys so much. Please don’t be mad.
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ebonyslasher · 4 months
Hello! May I request a black noir x supe!reader where the reader is secretly apart of The Boys. Also maybe where the reader manages to get black noir to safely before Homelander can come and kill him? Maybe the reader finds out from hugie (pretty sure he was there when solder boy told Homelander he was his dad?? Don’t really remeber though) that Homelander found out that solder boy is his dad and probably going after black noir? Please and thanks!
Hey! I made up the supe powers for this specific situation since you didn't specify.
Span is from a couple of months before season four to after.
The Almost Last Moment
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After years of trying and IVF treatments, you future mother finally got pregnant. During early first trimester, your parents selfishly allowed doctors to inject compound V in fetus that formed into you. You were born their literal miracle baby. However, the only power that was apparent was your slight super strength when you were a toddler. Hoping for much more, they were disappointed.
As you grew, your true powers developed. The most exciting power that your parents were actually proud of was your portal making. Admittedly, it was fun jumping to and from anywhere in the world. Especially when you got some birthday money. What 10 year old wouldn't transport themselves to the candy store?
Another ability that you had was tying your aura to another. How they felt, what they felt, and why they felt would flow into the channel that you picked at. You could form the channel with anyone, but it was strongest with emotional attachment. However, if someone felt emotions strong enough, you didn't need a connection to feel them. Your parents didn't care too much about that one, but you thought it was useful.
The idea of being a supe was entertained for about 3 months out of your entire life. Your parents, although not sincerely encouraging, wanted the taste of fame and auditioned you for...well you didn't really know. All you did know what that your powers weren't "popular" aka not profitable enough to be on the forefront. Forget about being a part of The Seven. They offered some ads since you were pretty, but you declined. It didn't feel right, the commercialization of heroes.
Your parents were disappointed in your decision. Their standoffish behavior after pissed you off. If being a hero was just brand deals and politics, then they could do it themselves, since they wanted it so badly. Distancing yourself from them as an adult, you decide to stay low, attempting to live a normal life. The disappointment you had in other "heroes" furthered after observing the way they treated non-supes. So, it was no surprise that you joined The Boys after seeing a supe kill someone just to heighten their coke high.
The little rag-tag group had some interesting characters. What was very interesting was the allies they had within The Seven: Starlight and Mauve. The latter you had briefly met, along with A-Train, at your audition years ago.
Although The Boys represented powerful and much needed justice for non-supes, the work and aura was quite overwhelming. Needing an escape, you began volunteering at animal shelters in your free time. It made you feel good and wholesome, and gave you some much needed space.
This is where you, surprisingly, caught Black Noir's attention. He would go to the shelters to volunteer himself. It looked good for his image and he got to see cute animals. Black Noir noticed you coming in frequently and he became enthralled with your beauty and compassion. Every time you were there, he was there watching from afar. He came up to you one day and stared you down before lightly petting the bunny in your hand. It was...quite awkward to say the least. Him silently doing this and then abruptly leaving.
A nearby worker made an off hand comment that he comes in every week to spend time with the animals, sometimes showing them to children. How sweet. The next time you saw him, you approached, butterflies forming in your stomach. A beautiful relationship blossomed from there.
Although The Boys and The Seven's relationships was in hell, your relationship with Black Noir was heaven. God, he was perfect. Black Noir was such a gentleman. So polite, sweet, and dorky. His awkward habits were downright adorable. It pained you to keep your tie to The Boys a secret. It was apparent how loyal Black Noir was to Vought. You wished he wasn't so loyal to them. It'd make your job a whole lot easier with taking Homelander down.
As the relationship grew deeper, you couldn't help but blend your aura with his. This man is so damn stable. He would flicker through many emotions, like all humans did, but dealt with them head on. He was never afraid to feel things through. You were a bit jealous, but pleased he was emotionally healthy.
His stability was pretty consistent until you felt a sharp pang of paranoia, fear, and dulled pain one day. It shocked you into worry, immediately calling him. He never picked up. You continuously call and to no avail. This feeling of your own panic swept your legs to look for him, but...you couldn't find him. You tried your best to tap into the aura to locate him but the anxiety and paranoia severely dented your focus.
Not long later, Hughie and Butcher continued their escapades with Soldier Boy in hopes of finding his old teammates. You jumped up at the opportunity to join, stating that you'd be useful with your portal ability. Thankfully, they allowed it. It was during the fight with Windstorm when you felt a stronger pulse from the connection. You silently wandered off, using a portal to his location.
You find him, coming out of an abandoned building. Before you could call out, he leaves with quick determination. You try to catch up, deciding to silently follow him. Some time later, he walked right into Vought. Damn. You couldn't just walk right in. And you needed to get back to Butcher.
Your portal led your way back to the team just in time. You used your powers to help Soldier Boy kill his old teammate. Hughie turns to you with a questioning look but you trudge forward so he wouldn't ask anything.
It's an hour or so later when you decide to break into Vought using a portal. You stepped through, tapping into the connection to see how Black Noir felt. He was hopeful, happy, and focused with an underlying thrum of worry. Your shoulders relaxed as you finished stepping through the portal, into the hallway near a conference room. You see some movement and decide to peer around the corner. It was Black Noir and Homelander.
Homelander was speaking to him, going on about how he was able to see through the mask Black Noir had. How he knew what emotions Black Noir was feeling and what he looked like. As he started to speak about him having a father, you could feel some odd emotion welling up in the atmosphere. It wasn't coming from Noir, as you quickly tapped to check. It was coming from Homelander. The feeling was strong, with the air of slight sadness and animosity building quickly as he approached Black Noir. Homelander grabs onto Black Noirs' neck gently and asks,
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He makes this weird grimace and those intense emotions move onto new heights. You knew something bad was going to happen. You start to move when you see Homelanders' free arm move back. Quickly, you create a small portal. Homelander's hand goes through to portal instead of Black Noir.
Black Noir quickly looks at you and you book it towards him. With all the strength you could muster, you kick Homelander back. Putting yourself between the two, you create a portal behind Black Noir. You propel yourself back, bringing Noir with you as you both fell into the portal. You quickly close it as soon as Homelander almost flies through.
You're a mess of pants before you turn to Black Noir. He looked to be in a state on disbelief. You grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly. Breathlessly you said, "Just in time...Earving."
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bowieandqueen11 · 11 months
Dylan Lenivy With A Protective S/O Would Include...
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Request: Dylan from the quarry with an s/o who’s like really strong. Like wrestle bears strong (or in the quarry case wrestle werewolves strong) and is very protective. Like i mean picking Dylan up and running or taking hits for him.
I genuinely love Dylan so much time to work through my writer's block for him bby!! :)
Warning: Strong language, mentions of blood/ injury, mentions of guns and werewolf attacks!
(I do not own the Quarry or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @moafleco.)
Dylan Lenivy: darling boy, absolute light of my life!! I full on expected to come into this game and have Max be my favourite because I loved Skyler Gisondo in Booksmart and Night at the Museum 3 but Dylan really side swept my ass here and stole my heart I've got to be honest.
You can bet your ass during the whole Werewolf Attack night at Hackett's Quarry, Dylan will use whatever battery is left on his phone sending you cheesy texts just to check in and make sure you're okay. Be ready for your phone to ding about a thousand times a minute, until Kaitlyn finally cracks and shoves it, still vibrating, into one of the cubbies in the nurse's office.
'Hey sweet... baby-heart! Wait that sounds weird let me start again. Hellooo there sweetheart!❤️🥰 just wanted to make sure ❓that you’re still alive! 💘😖 and not ripped apart! 🤞❌ anyway love you please don’t get eaten by a swarm of bears!! 🐻😘'
Ryan had the joy of reading that one over his shoulder in the radio shack, and the groan he emitted was so loud they both ended up having to pitch over each other and duck under the table because it drew Caleb back up onto the roof.
The poor guy keeps peering out between the slats of the radio shack window like a scared meerkat popping up from behind towering rocks, thinking he can see you float past in a mist of lucent white, weaving through the treeline. He keeps pacing back and forth, back and forth sweating buckets because he's so terrified, and so ashamed that he's cowering in here while you may be in danger out there. Even Ryan's awkward offer to let Dylan borrow his earphones for a while: to sit with his knees drawn up to his chest in the corner and just breathe for a minute while Ryan kept watch, was met with an uncharacteristic sharp intake of breath and manic shake of the head.
So when you come bursting through the rickety door: drenched from head to toe in Nick's metallic reeking blood and propping Chris Hackett's shotgun in your arms, neither of the two men know what to do. But when a crash of lightning makes the full moon glowing behind your head shudder, making the pulsating umbra shrouding your head seem all the more monstrous, Dylan suddenly does.
The man starts screaming in a key that only dogs had a chance of hearing.
When he finally realises that it's you and not - you know - the 'Hag of Hackett's Quarry', and he's spent enough time bent over with his hands resting on his knees trying to catch his breath, the nervous butterflies in the pit of his stomach suddenly turn into somersaults. You came back for him. You came to save him. You care for him that much: love him that much, that you were willing to risk your own life just to try and save his.
Even though he's known you since you were seven years old: even though the two of you had met all those years ago during your first week at this very same camp, catching each other's eyes and waving as he bundled up to Chris' office with a brand new tape player he had restored in his arms, and you helped one of the younger girls pull her luggage out from the back of her parent's van, the true extent of how much he could fucking love someone hits him like air freshener to the face.
Even though the two of you used to sneak out of your bunks and meet up at midnight in the Shady Glade, bumping down beside each other on the dewy grass, constantly craving each other’s company. You made him blush one night, when you suddenly grabbed his hand and intertwined his growing fingers over your smaller ones, pointing up at the moon, and the glowing stars, not realising the little side eye, euphoric look he would give you. 
Even though his heart had flipped over there and then: greedily gorging and festering in his chest, even though he had spent years stifling the feeling until he learnt that he was lucky enough to have it returned, it still shocked him to realise you didn't see him as a waste of space. As a spent joke.
And then his hand gets bit, and everything changes. It must have looked at least a little bit funny when it happened, considering there was not a chance in hell you were about to let any mystical creature drag off your poor boyfriend. As soon as Dylan got swung up to the roof: screaming and begging for you and Ryan to get him down, you jumped onto the desk and latched yourself on Dylan's back like koala bear. Your legs are quick to wrap around his waist until your heels kick up onto the slats, your arms wrapping around his waist until you manage to reach past and grab onto thick handfuls of warm... oozing fur.
With a swift punch to the snout, the two of you fall unceremoniously to the floor in a resounding crash. You managed to cover most of Dylan's moans during your fall by cradling him into your stomach, taking most of the brunt of the force. The poor guy for a moment just curls up on top of you in a state of wide-eyed shock, the side of his cheek heavy as he smooshed it against the side of your jaw. It's almost domestic: almost sweet, as he tugs his legs up between your knees and hides his eyes by turning his head into the curve of your neck. It's the same manner in which he wakes up every morning, hiding himself by nestling himself into you every time the sunrise comes falling through the dusty cracks of the Quarry's alpine blinds and makes him jolt awake.
This time, though. This time is far worse. Because then he starts laughing: a hoarse, shaking, unnerving noise that seems to seep through your throat and make you choke on your tongue. You do your best to grab onto his biceps as he starts shaking, his hands beginning to ball into your shirt as the reality of what's just happened to him settles in.
This man has seen enough horror movies in his life. If he's going to die, he wants to do it lying here in your arms.
Before he knew what was happening, he's being lifted up into your arms bridle style and rushed out towards the pool house. The whole way there, despite the agonising pain he's in, he keeps pressing his lips into your collar bone and giggling like a school boy caught head over heels by his crush. Even when your hands finally slip off from underneath his knees and you gently perch him on the edge of a sink, he's still cradling the side of his head on his neck and looking down at you as if you hung every star in that unbridled sky. It doesn't matter if you're trying to use a cloth to clear some of the blood from underneath his eyebags, or using some bandage Abi found in one of the pool lockers, this man is too busy trying to spend every second he has left as him enraptured by you. That means you have to work with him biting his bottom lip and smiling wonkily as he dodges the cloth and instead grabs onto your fingers, pulling them to his lips so he can kiss your knuckles one by one languidly. He looks so soft - so goddamn soft as he nudges his cheek against your intertwined hands, letting them rest against the side of his face.
He gets really fidgety, and it's then that you suddenly understand he's asking for a reassurance kiss: for the knowledge that you're not going to leave him. He’ll never say it outright, because deep down he’s too embarrassed and touch starved to admit it, but you can always tell. He has so many give away signs: he starts looking down at the floor, taps his feet against the tiles and fidgets his hips back against the porcelain, plays with his fingers by threading them through each other until you lean up to kiss the tip of his nose, and then he just beams with pure, unbridled happiness.
'You're so beautiful, you know that?' Even with the tendrils beginning to twist up his forearm, even half delirious with the stress of what had been happening that night, even thinking he's about to die he's still thinking of you. Worried about you. Desperate for you to know, that it's always been you. That it's all you.
'Dylan... I love you too, but if you keep putting yourself in danger to save everyone else I'm going to kick you into Lake Septimus ass first, okay?'
'Look, I've never met the guy, and although I'm sure he's lovely you're the only person I want to fall ass first onto', he replies, trying his best to hide how his eyes were starting to burn: how his eyes were beginning to crinkle with the effort of stopping his face contorting in pain by cupping your cheeks with his large palms and pressing a lingering, needy kiss against the side of your mouth.
'Ew. Gross, guys.' You turn your head to raise an amused eyebrow at Kaitlyn, but she only shakes her head and turns her attention back to the knitting gash on Nick's leg.
He seems to spend half of the time hiding behind your back! Like, you can just feel the slight tremble as his slender fingers touch your shoulder, and then the growing shadow against the lodge chimney as he jolts behind you. He's trying his best, bless his heart, even though the way he tucks the jut of his chin into your shoulder blade and grabs onto your biceps restricts you from shooting off Caleb when he comes clambering up the stairs towards the two of you.
But also even though he knows you're super bad ass he is 100% ready to launch himself, full-body starfish jump, in harm's way at the first sign of danger. Such as when Emma comes jumping out of the minivan, and Dylan straight away launches you away from him and nearly bearhugs her to the stony ground. Thankfully, you manage to tear off a branch from one of the encircling pine trees and strike the werewolf off Dylan; a near home run hit had her scrambling off into the woodland again as fast as her four legs could carry her. For a moment, your boyfriend just lounges against the dirt, shaky breath only interrupted by the sound of his wincing as he begins to flick pebbles off the deep scratches lining his elbow. Then, before you can even blink, he comes scrambling on his hands and knees towards you like a prowling predator, before melting into you. His arms are quick to lock behind your hamstrings; Dylan doesn't even bother to get up off his knees, he just shoves his head into your bellybutton and refuses to move until he can feel your fingers card through his scalp.
'Oh my god!', he finally starts, once you begin to unlatch his rusted fingers from around his legs by pulling at them one by one. 'I can't believe you never told me!'
'Told you what?'
'That you're secretly the sports coach! I knew Jacob was too much of a butthead - I just knew he was too busy playing hookup to look after the kids. That's the real tea from this summer.'
For real though - it doesn't matter where you are: turn around and Dylan's on your heels like your own personal walking, talking, screeching shadow. You have a bet with Kaitlin on whether he's managed to build a teleporting machine during his free time in the radio shack, because you could be down scouting the kitchen and he could be up looking at the weird family pictures in the lodge's attic, but at the first sound of any kind of howl he's there. You barely have time to duck down behind the counter before your boyfriend has made you jump out of your skin; he's standing right by the freezer (how tf did he manage to get all the way there without you hearing him??), completely out of breath and holding a cast iron skillet in his hands like a baseball bat.
'What?', he shrugs down at you with a tired smirk, putting his free hand on his hip and wiggling them a little. 'My mom always told me that it's better to be prepared than to catch anything unexpected. And I'm not letting you get bit too.'
'I'm... not quite sure that's what she meant. But thanks, sweetie.'
The nickname has his face burning a deep-set roseate for the next thirty minutes.
And then the two of you meet Laura, and this man's world just turns upside down. You turn down her offer to join her in trying to find Chris Hackett and end all of this for good, but from where Dylan was sitting on the bench next to the rattling window, he missed out on your reasoning why. He missed out on how you'd admitted that your sole focus: your one care now was to make sure that Dylan was safe. That you cared about him more than anything, and Mr. H could go to hell as far as you're concerned. You had to make sure Dylan survived the night.
Dylan's eyebrows crumpled when you came, cross armed, to unsteadily take a seat next to him again. He was too nervous to ask what the two of you had agreed, so he just fiddled with his thumbs and let the idea that he was holding you back darken his thoughts.
That he was a hinderance. That he was an annoyance.
He doesn't know what else to do, so as the two of you head out to the Hackett scrapyard in search of a new rotor arm, he takes up every silent moment by cracking wise. It starts to worry you - the way he can barely touch you. How he holds his hands in near claws against the meat of his biceps: how he barely lets his leg brush against yours before he jolts away again as if electrified. He even seems anxious when you reach out and grip onto his hand, his hold limp and loose as he lets it sway uneasily in the growing gap between your bodies.
He's just so afraid that if he lets go now, you'll be letting go of him forever. So he doesn't want to hold on at all. He feels it will be easier this way: kinder to you, to feel as if he's just drifting off with the breeze, a fond memory of long summers spent at some strange, long forgotten Quarry.
But you know him far too well not to register the full-blown panic behind his eyes as he dares to take a glance over at you. So please, shove this guy up against the nearest trunk of a tree, hold him up by shoving your knee in-between the seams of his thighs, and kiss him silly until all he can do is saunter off with a dopey smile and a brain so far up in the clouds all he can do is laugh rather than string together a sentence!!!
Literally I feel like this would heal him. Give this poor bby the love he's so desperately craving.
Straight up hefting him over your shoulder and carrying him away from Caleb in the scrapyard. The confused look on Kaitlyn's face as her head slowly turns to follow the set of you sprinting past with a screaming Dylan folded over your back like a snapped ruler is mfcking hilarious I'm not going to lie.
You refuse to leave him in the crane. Not even when he's gouging into the balls of your shoulders, crying and yelling and begging you to leave. To run. To get the hell away from him while you still can. Between his tormented yelps, you do your best to grab onto his face despite how forcefully his body's contorting. Despite how his fingernails are starting to cut into your skin and send blood blooming out in wispy tendrils across your shirt. You just place your thumbs up against the darkness obscuring the sides of his eyes and try to keep Dylan looking at you. To try and make him understand, to try and make sure the last thing he saw before he turned was you not leaving him. Not Ever.
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dellalyra · 1 year
i get to shy to ask bUTT idk if this is weird but maybe for family formation series reader is in danger OR the fam welcoming baby gojo and reader into the family ?? idk either would be a fun idea
A/N: PLEASE don't be shy to ask getting requests makes me so unbelievably happy you've no idea and I know you said or but... I'm gonna do both of these requests bc I love them both sm :):) i hope u enjoy this one and I’ll post the other one later in the week!!! Thank u sm for these <3 I like doing this series bc it feels like a nice escape from the trauma the manga provides :):)
Summary: The newest addition to the patchwork family arrives, and is welcomed with open arms.
CW: childbirth, pregnancy, fluff, just adorable found family stuff, mild swearing, mentions of Tsumiki being cursed, lots and lots of love.
Recommended Listening:
Can’t Take My Eyes off You - Frankie Valli (Everyone meets Akio/general vibe)
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry (Megumi meets Akio, from Satoru’s POV)
A Kiss to Build A Dream On - Louis Armstrong (the ending)
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Family Formation Part Seven
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13 hours of labour later, a 56cm, 8lb 5oz, white-haired, sparkling blue-eyed bundle of love was laid in your arms. Exhausted, sore, and sweaty but so full of endorphins it all seems trivial. Satoru had been by your side for the full 13 hours, refusing to eat because you couldn’t, laying behind you supporting your back and giving endless encouragement and finally catching your long-awaited baby boy. You had made a list of names throughout your pregnancy and the second you both laid eyes on your son, there was no other name needing consideration, Akio was perfect.
Satoru had cried (a lot) when his baby boy was put into his arms for the first time as Shoko stitched him up and cleaned him. You had point-blank refused to have anyone except Shoko deliver your baby, which was a smart choice given that this child was the amalgamation of the strongest sorcerer and a sorceress wielding one of the most powerful innate cursed techniques- plus, she was your best friend.
After his first bath and being wrapped in the blanket your great-grandmother had made, Akio was settled into your arms as Satoru went to announce the arrival of his darling boy to the people in the waiting room.
He came in and asked if you were ready for visitors and as tired as you were, you couldn’t wait another moment for Akio to meet his family. Your mom was out of the country and rushing home as you were in labour, dropping all sorcery diplomacy and running to her daughters’ side.
‘Let them in one at a time ‘toru.’ You say as he opens the door and calls in the person who you wanted him to meet first.
A spiky head of raven hair appears in the doorway. You smile and tilt the bundle in your arms to face him. “Gumi, I’d like you to meet your baby brother, Akio Ryu Tadashi Gojo.”
Somehow despite the 9 months’ notice, Megumi seems completely shocked.
“Holy shit, he’s real.” He looks between you and Gojo, who laughs a little at the reaction.
“Yeah kiddo, he’s very real. The bruises on my hand from your mom’s squeezing are the painful proof!” He says, waving his slightly blue wrist.
“Shut up, mom did all the real work. Are you okay? Is he okay? Do you need anything?”
“We’re both fine sweet boy, I’m sore but I did just push out a human so I’m sore. Come closer, honey. He wants to see you.”
Megumi grimaces at the thought of your pain, and also with the awkward teenage boy reaction to childbirth. He slowly moves closer, as if him moving to fast will cause the baby to shatter like glass.
“He looks like you, mom.” He says.
“You think? He’s got your dad’s colourings.”
“Nah, he’s too pretty to look anything like dad.”
You let out a huff of laughter as your husband acts out a wound in his chest on your other side.
“Do you want to hold him?”
“Uh… okay.”
The nerves have spiked in him so you scoot over to make room for him to sit on the bed beside you.
“Okay so put your arms like this, and make sure you hold his pretty little head.” Satoru says as he lifts Akio from you and places him into Megumi’s stiff arms. You smile at how cautious your husband is, you’ve been raised surrounded by children and babies so this all feels like second nature to you.
“Hey ‘lil man. I’m Megumi. I’m your brother I guess. I’m gonna show you some really cool stuff when you grow up, and make sure your dad doesn’t turn you into a clone of himself.” Megumi says to the blinking eyes of the baby he holds. You can tell he doesn’t know what to say, so you wrap you arm around your two sons.
“Megumi is gonna be the best big brother, he can show you his shikigami and show you all the cool music and read you the best books. He’s gonna keep you real safe too.” You say.
There’s silence for a minute as Megumi just looks at the baby.
“Tsumiki would have been so excited about you. She was – is, my big sister. So I guess yours too. I hope she meets you someday.” The slight hitch in his voice shows that holding his baby brother is making him realise how Tsumiki must have felt.
“You will meet her, Akio, and she’s gonna love you so much. Just how she loves Megumi.” You kiss the side of his head, and Gojo squeezes his arm around the boys broad shoulders, for once Megumi leans into him and doesn’t push him away.
“Eh, Nobara told me that you give gifts to the baby when they’re born. So I made something. It’s in my bag on the ground if you wanna grab it.”
Satoru leans down and opens it and freezes. He turns to you and pulls out a book. He sits on your other side and lays the book on your lap for you both to see.
In Megumi’s beautiful tidy cursive, on the cover, is written ‘Your Family’ and ask you open it you see photos he must have taken of you, Satoru, himself, Tsumiki, your parents, Yuuji and Nobara, Shoko and Nanami, Yaga and in one photo, in the corner you notice Geto, smiling with his arm around Gojoy, you had both discussed that you would raise your kid to know about his Uncle Geto as the man he was in high school, before the world became too much for him. Yaga makes an appearance too, along with Utahime and the second years. There’s wedding photos from you and Satoru’s big day, ones you remember Shoko taking in high school, photo’s you’ve never seen before from your pregnancy, ones of you and Satoru on missions. You realise that there’s an ‘introduction’ to each family member on each page and you begin to sob reading them.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know you’d cry.” Megumi says, panicking he’d upset you.
“Oh no sweetheart, it’s happy tears. I love it so much, it’s so beautiful. I can’t believe you did this, he can keep it forever now. Thank you, darling boy.” There’s tears in Gojo’s eyes too, behind his small sunglasses as he sweeps you 3 into a hug in his long arms.
“Um, it’s okay, I’m glad you like it. Figured he’d need a roadmap to navigate this mess.” He smirks. “Are you gonna let the others in?”
“Should we FaceTime Yuuta?” Satoru asks.
“No it will be 3am for him, we’ll ring him later. Akio’s not going anywhere.” You say, making sure your newest stray child gets his sleep is important.
“Satoru, godfather next.” You say and Satoru opens the door and waves his hand.
In walks Nanami, suit jacket draped over his arm and glasses tucked into his pocket.
“Akio! This is your Uncle Nanamin!” Satoru joyful waves between the two of them, and the tick in Kento’s jaw makes you laugh, he walks over to you on the bed, Akio now back in your arms and Megumi on the armchair beside you, Satoru standing just staring at his son.
“Congratulations, Y/N, Satoru. You did wonderfully. Was he a healthy size?” Nanami asks, practical as ever.
“8lbs 5oz and 56cm, he got his father’s height.” You say, looking at your towering man.
“And his hair and eyes, but he definitely looks like you, Y/N. He’s too cute to look like Gojo.” He says.
“Is everyone going to say that? I – am offended.” Satoru says pointing at Nanami. You laugh and you hear Megumi snort.
“Kento, we were hoping to ask you a question now you’re here.” You say, looking to Satoru, wanting him to ask.
“We were hoping that you wouldn’t just be Uncle Nanamin, but maybe you would be godfather Nanamin?” He says making a theatrical gesture towards the baby.
For once, the smile on Nanami’s face isn’t hidden.
“I would be honoured, Akio. But please, call me Uncle Kento. I presume Shoko is the godmother.”
“Godmother and doctor who delivered him.” You nod.
Nanami lifts a box from behind him.
“A gift for my godson.” He hands it to Satoru who wastes no time in opening the gift and goes “Wow! That’s so cool!” before he shows it to you, it’s a beautiful wooden box with ‘keepsakes’ engraved on the front.
“Oh Nanami, it’s wonderful, thank you so much! I love it.”
“Of course, shall I let the next guests in?”
He turns and calls in Yuuji and Nobara, who push past each other to get through the door first and you can hear the bickering.
The both gasp when they enter the room.
“Sensei! Y/N! That’s a baby!” Yuuji exclaims and Nobara’s mouth hangs open.
“Great observation Itadori.” Megumi smirks.
“No it’s just like – wow, you made a whole person! Well like a small one but still a person! It’s crazy!” He almost jumps toward you and stares through big brown eyes as Nobara skips toward you.
“Oh my god Sensei he’s so cute!!! His tiny hands!! And feet!! And nose!! What’s his name?? You’re so amazing Y/N!” She says. These two are definitely a different speed from the other two visitors in the room.
“His name is Akio.” You smile.
“Are you okay Y/N? Did it hurt really bad? Is there a way we can help?”
“I’m okay, Yuuji, and the pain was worth it.”
A mouth appears on Yuuji’s face.
“Hmph, the Gojo spawn has arrived I see. You’re stronger than I expected, woman.”
A chorus of ‘shut up Sukuna’ echoes across the room. But you look directly at his cheek and say,
“Thank you, Ryomen.” He sneered and retreated.
“I got you these Y/N!” Yuuji’s smile takes over his whole face as he hands you a huge bouquet of peony roses.
“I remember Gojo was talking about how they’re your favourites but the flower lady laughed when I asked for penises, and Nobara really died laughing so she told me they’re called Peonies.” You and Satoru burst into hysterical laughter at the thought of Itadori asking a florist for penises.
“They are my favourite, thank you honey, they’re so beautiful. Nanami, would you mind putting them in some water for me?” You say and he takes the flowers from Yuuji and you give him a kiss on the cheek.
Nobara whisks out a huge gift bag and says,
“I went shopping and bought some cute baby clothes! Look at these dungarees, they have tiny lions on them!” She shoves the bag at Satoru who nearly tumbles at its size, proving she went way overboard.
“You two are both so sweet, thank you guys. You’re both gonna make great babysitters.”
They both squeal and move to sit on the arms of the chair beside Megumi.
The next people to come in were the second years, Inumaki saying ‘Tsuna!’ As soon as he saw the baby and giving you a thumbs up and pat on the head. Panda began crying because the baby was so cute and small, and Maki immediately asked how you were, telling you she is amazed by your strength and how great you are for delivering a whole child. Toge and Panda had pitched together to buy Akio a stuffed panda and a jellycat riceball. And Maki, in very Maki fashion, brought diapers and wipes. Shoko came to the door next, returning from a rest after delivering your son.
“Mei Mei’s crows just dropped these off, they’re from Utahime and her.” You smiled taking the bags from her. Utahime was on a mission at the moment and couldn’t make it down to see you, but had sent you a beautiful card congratulations you and saying she was happy Satoru could do something right, and a beautiful box of postpartum beauty supplies, stretch mark cream and cooling eye patches included. Mei Mei also sent a card, with a set of the most expensive looking matching satin pyjamas for you and Akio.
Yaga also dropped by, clapping Satoru on the shoulder and whispering, “Well done, my boy.” To him, you knew this meant a lot to Satoru.
Your family had already given you your gift for your son, a cutting from a tree from your family home that your great great great great grandmother planted when her first child was born, using your families innate inherited technique. The tree bloomed soft blue flowers year round, no matter the weather and always seemed to faintly glow at night.
The Gojo clan, they had sent the Gojo heirloom silver rattle which Satoru had once owned as a child. Your mother was due to arrive the following day, and you knew she would be spoiling her 3rd grandchild rotten and you too when she arrived. She loved Satoru, and he loved her, so she was going to stay with you both for a week to help you both ease into the life of new parents, and Satoru couldn’t have squeezed and hugged her tighter when she offered.
After another half an hour, Satoru notices you yawning, with Akio asleep in his arms.
“Okay momma is tired everyone it is time to leave now! You can all come back and fawn over how cute my mini me is some other time.”
After everyone wishes you goodbye and a final kiss on the head for Megumi, who you send back to his dorm with a quiet thank you again for the book, you, Satoru and Akio are left in the peaceful room surrounded by keepsakes and your peonies now on the table beside the bed.
You scoot over to let Satoru into the bed beside you, and he places Akio in the crib beside you both. He squirms under the blanket, careful to be very gentle with you, knowing you’re still tender and aching. He wraps an arm gingerly across your stomach and presses soft kisses into your hairline, you tilt your head up and kiss his soft perfect lips.
“He’s really here, our little boy.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You’re so incredible, I’m in awe of you, I never thought I could love anything as much as I love you and the kids.. Thank you for giving me a family.” He says, pointing to the handmade book beside you both.
“Thank you for making it possible, you deserve the world, ‘Toru.”
And with that, you both curl up, drifting off in each others arms listening to the soft breaths of the baby beside you.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
Comment to be added!
Requests open! <3
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janahanooo · 1 year
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So the baby's nam is Aurelia! What a beautiful name. Now lets see what do the boys think about the name of their your child
This became longer than I expected, sorry for typos, not proof-read
First years
Ace: wow, not gonna lie I thought it would be something lame
Mom!yuu: ace
Ace: right sorry, still the little one is adorable
Deuce: Aurelia... hmm, I think it's a perfect match
Mom!yuu: how come?
Deuce: I have a feeling they will brightly shine in the future
Mom!yuu: aww deucie! That is so sweet! I'm sure she'll love you the most as her big bro<3
Jack: it means golden one, right?
Mom!yuu: yep
Jack: it's a pretty name for a pretty girl like her, but I hope you get enough rest and don't pull allnighetrs 'cause of her okay?
Epel: I still think Negie would have been a funny name for her
Mom!yuu: epel, you do know Negie is a boy while Aurelia is a girl. And I don't want Vil nagging me all the time
Epel: fine, I will still make them a troublemaker tho
Ortho: oh my sevens! Prefect the baby is very cute! Mind if I take some pictures of her for big brother?
Mom!yuu: not at all, go a head
Ortho: done! Can I come visit more often?
Mom!yuu: wait, just how many account did you make just to get this name in first place?
Sebek: that is not relevant, all I did was to ask Lilia-sama to help me vote a name that is perfect as the next heir to the trone with Waka-sama as the father
Mom!yuu: wha-?
Second years
Riddle: she looks very much like you, but would you tell me, why they have steak of golden hair?
Mom!yuu: oh. Oh, it's gonna be so awkward, you see, her dad had that hair color and that little steak is shoving that we still have something that remaines from him..
Riddle: I see, thank you for aswering my question
Ruggie: gold 'cause the hair? Or gold 'cus Leona-san gave you that golden crib the other day?
Mom!yuu: really? It was Leona?
Ruggie: yep, he was so weird the whole day until the baby had been born, so take the opportunity and tease him about it later
Azul: do you have enough baby food for her? I might as well like to tell you that we have a special menu just for the little pearl
Mom!yuu: thanks but I thinks she likes milk for now, so maybe when she grew up
Jade: yes it would be better, we don't want the little one to be hurt
Floyd: yeah shrimpy! So come visit us sometimes alright~?
Kalim: she's adorable!! She looks like my siblings when they were little! Oh oh! I bought these toys for her, and this blanket too and don't forget about these sweet jumpers too!
Mom!yuu: thank you Kalim darling, but I think tha's enough baby product for now, I'm sure she'll like them
Jamil: "golden one"... like the sun?
Mom!yuu: yeah, shining bright and guiding us to the better
Jamil: so she'll be Kalim 2.0... I actually wouldn't mind that..
Silver: she's adorble and her chubby cheeks are sweet too. The name is perfect.
Mom!yuu: yeah... actually, what do you know about Sebek and Lilia making multiple accounts to vote for the na-
Silver: zzzz...
Third years
Trey: I'm guessing the voting went well then, and Aurelia is a cute name
Mom!yuu: thank you I think she likes it too. Huh? Ari? What's wrong? Oh! I left her bottle in the kitchen! Could you hold her for me until then?
Trey: gladly. *takes Ari from Mom!yuu* you will cause so much trouble for us in the future... heh, can't wait
Cater: first! Selfie time!!! I need to post this undying lovelyness of Ari! #cutebaby #omgmybabyiscute !!
Mom!yuu: you really like her I assume
Cater: of course I love her! She's your baby! Who wouldn't?
Leona: all I ask is to NEVER bring her here when that Cheka is here. I don't need two cubs to look after
Vil: she's little
Mom!yuu: well, yeah. She has just been born, what did you expect?
Vil: *whispering* still, cute
Rook: oh Trickster! Mon bebe is just too cute for this cruel world! Oh! Little Aurelia is just too perfect!
Mom!yuu: thanks Rook. Oh look! She's waking up! Hii Ari! Say hi to Rook to Ari!
Ari: *some blabbering*
Rook: oui oui! This is truly a blessing!
Idia: do- do I really have to?
Mom!yuu: don't force yourself, it's okay. She'll grow up around you guys so you will have time together. Don't worry too much
Idia: right... and h-here is your um bottle that you ordered the other day..
Malleus: hmm, she truly is magnificent. Humans are so mysterious, right Lilia? Lilia?
Lilia: baby, must hold baby...
Malleus: !! Oh sevens, no Lilia! Don't you dare kidnap Child of mans child!
Lilia: but Mal!! She's just adorable!
Malleus: you must ressist.
Lilia: you're right.
Lilia: you look so much luke her... and even the name, heh. See you old friend...
Aaand everyones favouret weasel cat! Grim!
Grim: she's small. Very small. Is it okay to be this small? Is she really healty?
Mom!yuu: yes she is, but she's easily get's tired. So take care of her okay?
Grim: I will be the best caretaker ever! Don't you ever boupt me on that! Nyahahaha!
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Because of both royal guard au and Dadstaticradio au, I suddenly had a weird concept mixing both elements for an au: Broken ties au.
Vox and Alastor died/exist earlier, form a relationship during the early years. One day, Alastor did some deals with Lilith and to Vox's surprise, came home with a baby in his arms.
Apparently Luci went missing/or is in a coma, Lilith had to run Hell by herself. To keep Charlie safe, she opt to have Charlie be adopted by Alastor and his partner.
Cue in the first years were awkward then sweet, then brief happiness...then one day...
Young Charlie hears her papa and daddy arguing, she is hiding behind a door.
Alastor accuse Vox in being a sellput to join the vees, Vox argues about power.
The argument culminates to one night Alastor secretly fled with little Charlie...
For seven years Vox tried to search for his (ex) spouse and daughter yet to no vain. Then one day..
He sees a young woman in one of his station, wearing a red pinstripe formal attire and a familiar blue hat.
I love Charlie's outfit but this is absolutely heartbreaking </3
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
A/N: Izuku is basically Shigaraki but, with more connections and power
You love your husband to death you really do but, sometimes you wonder how did you end up being the wife of the most dangerous criminal in all of Asia? It was unheard of especially with your personality. You were the complete opposite of Izuku or his codename 'Deku". While he was cold, ruthless, murdered with no hesitation, and committed robbery, kidnappings, torture, and domestic violence you were docile and always brought the sweet side that no one except you knew existed. He used to keep you hidden and you used to believe it was because he was ashamed that he's the epitome of a villain and he ended up with such a soft-spoken, awkward, stuttering docile woman such as yourself. Well, you thought it wasn't going to last and he was going to kill you within the first week but, here you were seven years later with a ring on your finger watching your four-year-old twins and no stuttering problem. Yes. You gave Izuku children and he adored them just as much as he adored you. 
"Mama." You turned to look at your girl Izumi who was born first. She was the spitting image of her father from the wild dark green hair to the red eyes and freckles however, she had your personality and was very docile. Her brother Kusan looked like you except he also had red eyes and he was a mix of both you and his father. He was quiet but was not hesitant in punching someone in the face if any of his daycare stories were anything to go by. Honestly, your children were almost polar opposites but, they complimented each other so well and they were both your husband and your own light
"Come here, baby." With zero hesitation she got up and climbed into your lap snuggling into your chest. She was your hugger and you were more than happy to indulge her. Kusan wasn't exactly a fan of hugs but never complained per se whenever you did initiate a hug or asked for one. He was going to grow up and be just like his dad. You felt your daughter snuggle into your chest more which meant she had something on her mind "What's the matter 'zumi?" She hugged tighter before sighing and pulling away a bit to look up at you 
"Why is daddy always so busy?" You gave her a closed-off smile running your hand through her hair trying to tame her untameable curls. How were you supposed to go into depth to your four-year-old that her daddy was the strongest villain in Asia and he had a lot of shit to do to keep his family safe?
"Well a lot of people don't like daddy and in turn don't like us. He disappears a lot to protect us from those people who want to hurt us." You hoped to put her at ease and it seemed to work until Kusan spoke up
"What would happen if one of them got past him?" You looked at him not bothered by the question at all. He was only four and it was okay to be worried about daddy and those you love as well
"Well we always got your aunts and uncles but, if push comes to shove I'll protect the both of you with my life." You gave them both a very open grin and when you got an armful of your second child you weren't complaining. They knew you weren't lying. They remember somewhat of a man who was trying to kidnap them when they were two and before Izuku can activate one of his quirks you were on both of them their throats slashed in a blink of an eye and your babies in your arm the next second. Safe to say you almost had baby #3 and he asked to marry you again. You smiled softly at the memory and as you looked down at their relaxed and peaceful faces you knew you'll kill a million people if it meant keeping them safe.
"I see that they're asleep." If you weren't so used to your husband popping up out of nowhere you would have jumped out of your skin. However, he was Izuku the man you've known for 10 years and married to for 7 so there wasn't much that he could scare you with.
"Yeah, Izumi was asking me why you're always so busy and I told them that you're just making sure we are safe. I made a promise too that if there comes a time you don't make it I'll protect them for life." He simply stared before giving you that private smile that he only lets you see. It wasn't the malicious grin or smirk, the angry scowl, grimace, frown, or gritted teeth. No this was a genuine smile that can full anyone into believing he was one of the good guys. It was fine though with you. Let them be fooled it was kind of funny when they thought he was some sort of bad boy but, he turns out to be more than they bargained for. 
"That's something that doesn't need to be worried about. I'll always be there even when I'm not." He made his way over to you giving his twins a kiss before planting a soft one on your lips. It was always so nice when he was like this. It was moments like this that made you forget that every hero on the continent was looking for him, that other villains wanted his head served on a silver platter, and that Deku wasn't used as scary stories to straighten out unruly kids. No. He was simply Izuku a man who got the short end of the stick time and time again when he was a kid and the death of his mother is what finally made him snap. You pulled away from the kiss giving him a genuine smile which earned you a pat on the cheek "Put them in the playpen and follow me." You did as told getting up carefully and placing your sleeping children into the playpen watching in amusement as they rolled over and clung to each other.
"They're going to be a force to be reckoned with one day." You heard Izuku grunt in agreement behind you feeling his hand slip into yours and pull you toward wherever the two of you were going. You had time to mull over a lot of things but, one thing always stayed the same. There was no place you would rather be.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
loving this morning routine so far. we rarely get to see into characters lives outside the belcher family (obviously i mean. its their show) but this morning routine feels both painfully awkward and Very real in a way that we don't see with the belcher family in the same way?? their house is always so chaotic and LOUD with so many people and siblings but this is just rudy and his dad. its not exactly missing the love and warmth but its very intentionally different vibes
god rudy's dad is trying so hard :( compared to the natural and fun interactions of the belcher family this is just.... a very stark contrast with rudy's dad trying and failing to relate to rudy on his level
assuming that this Fancy dinner is rudy and his parents getting together every weekend (with tonights dinner being with his mom's new boyfriend) and CLEARLY does not enjoy it and finds it awkward its kinda funny that they keep doing them. like his parents probably don't like each other very much AND rudy hates the dinners and its awkward and uncomfortable like do we really need to keep doing this. is it worth it. are they trying to stay connected like a normal family while also very clearly disliking each other?? who knows im excited to find out
like "you've always been a trooper" IF THE DINNER ISNT FOR RUDY THEN WHO IS IT FOR LMAO???
and we all love you so much 😭😭
love seeing the belcher family in a non-focused setting like you can tell this episode is about rudy so it makes seeing the belcher family feel almost like?? like WE ARE rudy seeing a friend at the mall rather than them being the main characters. very interesting creative choice
gene is such a sweetie in this scene <3 him walking on the fountain edge
gene got a B- special dinner..... god im sorry his family loves and supports him so much its so sweet :( like gene NEVER questions that he's adored by his family and they think he's amazing. they celebrate all his accomplishments no matter how small uhfghh i need a minute
its his day dad. tina is such a good big sister 10/10 love their relationship
"rudy you should come over for dinner!!! i think its gonna be one of the WORST foods we've ever tried" the belchers are so funny and sweet in this episode bcuz the conflict isn't really about Them and its very enjoyable. like they're just hanging out & having fun
our monthly We're Still A Family dinner with your mom. like SURELY there is a better way
ohhh rudy's dad passing his own insecurities onto rudy :( this is so fucked bcuz he doesn't MEAN to do this but he ends up passing on his anxiety and neurotic tendencies onto his son and he doesn't build up his confidence like he should vs the belcher family where they hype each other up to an almost dangerous degree and they're all so happy and confident..... the parallels they are paralleling And it makes me upset. painfully real dysfunctional family relationship
you're the guest of honor....... :( BUT NOT A GUEST BECAUSE YOURE OUR CHILD :(
how on EARTH does this boy end up at the belcher's house for dinner 😭😭
I WAS BORN IN 2002 okay this confirms that louise was definitely not a 2002 baby unlike when the show started because that is a Grown woman and louise is nine. we have figured out some kind of timeline here and for this season louise was canonically born in uhh 2014 OH GOD DHES SO LITTLE. what the fuck gene was a 2012 baby
you know who would liven this party right up?? Louise belcher
BABBBYYY RUDY COMPILATION WITH HIS PARENTS WAHH i dont care that its awkward because he is so small. from this compilation i would guess his parents got divorced when he was around six or seven
rudy using his magic tricks to help the awkwardness of the dinners when that was never his responsibility as their kid... wahh
OHH NO RUDY 😭 this poor boy is having a panic attack somebody needs to save him. but honestly he's the sweetest kid im sure nobody is angry at a nine year old
RUDY IS GOING TO THE BATHROOM AND FULLY RUNS AWAY TO THE BELCHER HOUSEHOLD LMAO ZERO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY no plan just vibes. louise is his safe space which is not something i want to think about right now because its too much for my tiny heart. god
(fanfic where rudy has a panic attack and louise helps him through it will be incoming shortly)
rudy crying is going to make ME cry 😭😭
okay gene kissing the ketchup bottles goodnight is very funny that got me to laugh. what is bro DOING
rudy's parents about to file a missing person's report and he is FULLY commiting to the disgusting terrible lasanga dinner good for him!!!! BECAUSE ITS WITH A HAPPY FAMILY THAT FEELS SO COMFY AND SAFE GIVE ME A SECOND.... JUST GIVE ME A SECOND
gene saying he loves rudy. great moment
"rudy are you sure your parents know where you are" is the CORRECT reaction thank you linda lol This boy is very clearly not somewhere that his parents know about and she's being a responsible adult. obviously she would but its just nice that they're treating this situation somewhat seriously. good mama <3
rudy in this episode is gonna make me CRY he's so anxious and sensitive and they all love him so much god. like linda and bob are such good parents in this episode and louise is a great friend too. he's so so loved by everybody around him not just his family. and of course he is crying again
LOUISE AND RUDY ARE THE SWEETEST SHES SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SHE CARES ABOUT HIM SOO MUCH her staying for dinner so he feels less awkward and uncomfortable because he always feels safe with her :( what the hell
rudy and louise dinner date!!!!
SWEET GIRL WE GOT THERE SHE IS SOMETIMES ISNT SHE louise is literally the best i dont care if people think she's overrated or too many episodes focus on her. she's amazing and so incredibly sweet and she loves rudy more than anything
ngl when louise smiles and nodded i did think she and rudy were going to hold hands for some reason. roudise week got to me
LARRY MURPHY AS PAUL i knew they would find a way to squeeze him into the episode because he has one of the main credits he has to be in every episode. which is kinda funny tbh Legally contracted to make an appearance as at least one character per episode doesn't need to be teddy
OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS ON THE EPISODE I DIDNT EXPECT THIS TO BE SO LONG this episode was adorable and very stylistically different in a good way?? i loved having a small peak into rudy's home life and his relationship with his parents. loved seeing rudy's mom she seems really sweet and supportive of him :) louise was the BEST in this episode and gene was hilarious as always. bob and linda are great parents and brian huskey did great considering he was voicing about 80% of this episode completely by himself. GREAT episode and a strong start to the season along with episode one!
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sylvies-chen · 6 months
tagged by my favourite ladies in the whole world @sisterofficerlucychen and @ameliagiovanna0 thank you guys 🥹
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
38 and counting
2. What is your total ao3 word count?
543,895 (holy fuck?? that’s a lot)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently the fandoms I will write for are all listed in my pinned post <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hopelessly Devoted To You
I’ll Think of You Before I Fall Asleep…
Where the Mind Wanders
handle me (I’m a liability)
5. Do you respond to comments?
If it’s a quick “this was so cute!!” or something really small then no but I always always always try to respond to the ones where I can tell some thought has been put into it or which are especially nice. All comments mean the WORLD to me!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh that’s a hard one because I hate angsty endings and I rarely write them, but glimpses of us, Watashiato, a blood brother’s promise are all pretty angsty I think??
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean probably Hopelessly Devoted To You, it’s just the most joyful sappy gushy mushy lovey dovey cutesy fanfic ending I could come up with.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never. I keep my haters muzzled and silent 🤭
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don’t think I’ve ever written pwp or smut for smut’s sake but I’ve incorporated some smut into my fanfic before for sureeee I’ve got to feed the people and they want what they want
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve never written a crossover but I really want to, I’d just need someone with a very specific idea in mind to bring to life
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No one would ever dream of stealen the insanities that I have written
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but wow that would be an honour! Any takers?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but again, that would be an honour! I’m so scared that I would end up being insufferable to work with (I mean I’m really not but why risk it)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Please never ask me to make this choice again even thinking about picking a favourite is extremely upsetting and disturbing to me and my peace 😔
15. What’s a WIP you you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Definitely never going to finish SUNLIGHT which is a shame because I have the entire thing planned out somewhere and it was the brettsey proposal fics of my dreams. In my head it’s finished already because I planned so much of it out lol.
And then of course I’m starting to have doubts that I’ll ever finish Of Sun And Stone because I love it so much and I’m writing for it right now but there is literally YEARS of plot that I want to put my little chenford babies through in this AU and it’s like… the most massive undertaking of a fic I’ve ever had.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I make the words pretty✨
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don’t write enough anymore to have writing weaknesses lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Would love to incorporate some French dialogue somewhere because I’m bilingual, or conversational Spanish idk. But I’m always wary of simply translating dialogue into other languages because I can never rely on my syntax or the translation to be correct. Totally support it though!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Anne with an E!! my most beloved first fandom ever!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I think The Möbius Strip has to be one of my favs because it’s so short but so sweet. I love Lokius and what little good parts of the MCU are left so this felt like an underrated gem of mine lol
AHHHH HELP IDK WHO TO TAG FOR THIS OK @crockettmarcel @kim-ruzek @theflyindutchwoman @awkward-fallen-angel or anyone else who wants to do this??
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spookyserenades · 1 year
ngl it do make me a lil worried when i see a story where all 7 are doms- i guess as an enjoyer of shy, awkward types i can't help but cringe when all 7 are portrayed as the spit in your mouth, toss you around the room type kdjsanf. but i'm not worried when it comes to trouvaille! your characterization is superb, i look forward to seeing the differences in the hybrids when it comes to the smut <3 i hope at least one is a soft dom, we need more soft sweet doms in bts fanfics!!
Ahhhh babe I don't want to worry you!! Truthfully, I don't have any experience writing male submissive characters, and I wouldn't want to put out writing that isn't informed and researched; I wouldn't do it justice and it wouldn't be fair to the readers. I can, however, promise you that there are plenty of soft doms in Trouvaille! There are seven of them, and there are many types of dominant one can be; not all of them are hard, punishing doms-- there are soft doms/caretaker types, brat tamers, riggers (ropes), service tops, etc. I've worked hard to make each hybrid's personality unique, and as a bit of a hint, their personalities will reflect in the bedroom too <3
Also, I've considered their species as hybrids! They're all apex predators apart from Jeongguk, and even Jeongguk (elk) is a very powerful animal that tends to intimidate other wildlife in nature. Because of this, I knew when outlining this story that they'd all dominate MC. I feel you, anon- I love a good shy and awkward type! The Trouvaille guys are just a bit rough around the edges, but consider Taehyung, Seokjin and Jimin in this-- the sweetest boys around! Don't worry, I promise all of them are unique when it comes to the smut, and there are a handful of them that are tender doms <3
I want to thank you for paying me such kind compliments, honey; it means so much that you are enjoying the characterization of the boys in Trouvaille, they're my dear babies :') I will take good care of them and make you proud in the future when it comes to the romance scenes!
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rubyexperiment · 1 year
I'm kinda working on my own Sims 4 Legacy Challenge...
Generation One: The Baker
Major sweet tooth lover with a passion for baking…
Aspiration(s): Big Happy Family ✔️
Traits: Foodie, Clumsy, and Family-Orientated ✔️
Own a bakery
Sell baked goods
Own a cupcake machine
Own a nectar maker and shelves
Own a Juice Fizzer
Make money by selling baked goods and drinks
Generation Two: The Farmer
Growing up with a parent who loves sweet, they really want to know where everything comes from…
Aspiration(s): Country Caretaker/Championship Rider/Expert Nectar Maker ✔️
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Rancher, Animal Enthusiast, or Horse Lover ✔️
Live on a Simple Living Lot in Henford-on-Bagley or Chestnut Ridge
Take care of cows, chickens, llamas, baby sheep, baby goats, and horses successfully.
Optional: To make it extra challenging get a cat and dog or either or too.
Hire a ranch hand.
Generation Three: The Actress
Hating the simple life of her parent, they want to be in the spotlight…
Aspiration(s): Master Actor/Master Actress ✔️
Traits: Vegetarian, Self-Absorbed, and High Maintenance, or Hot-Headed ✔️
Career: Actress/Actor
Master the acting career and aspiration.
Generation Four: The Fashion Photographer
Their parent lost many people throughout their life and so the kid had to step up and fufill the role to keep their parent’s legacy going…
Aspiration(s): Fabulously Wealthy ✔️
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, and Art Lover ✔️
Drama Club all throughout childhood and teenage years
Join the Freelance, Fashion Photographer career once they become a young adult
Master Photography and Painting skills
Generation Five: The Bartender
Their grandparent encouraged them to pursue mixology enable to get free drinks and to look super wealthy for the public eye so they did, but do they love it?...
Aspiration(s): Master Mixologist ✔️
Traits: Neat, Lactose Intolerant, and Party Animal ✔️
Career: Culinary/Mixology Branch
Master mixology skill, career, and aspiration - top notch!
Generation Six: The Writer
Out of love for the stories from their parent who works at a bar, they wanna create their own…
Aspiration(s): Bestselling Author ✔️
Traits: Creative, Loyal, and Socially Awkward ✔️
Career: Author Branch/Writer
Master the aspiration and career.
Generation Seven: The Astronaut
After falling in love with sci-fi so much, they dreamed of becoming friends with an alien…
Aspiration(s): Nerd Brain ✔️
Traits: Genius, Romantic, and Geek ✔️
Career: Astronaut
Build a rocket
Go to Sixam and meet an alien
Optional: Get pregnant from the alien.
Optional: Have 2 kids. One for either branch of next gen
Master career.
Generation Eight: The Tech Guru
Their family was always so insane so much so that they hardly left their bedroom just to hide from it all…
Aspiration(s): Computer Whiz ✔️
Traits: Loner, Freegan, and Glutton or Slob ✔️
Career: Tech Guru/Either Branch
Get the “Indoorsy” Lifestyle
Master the career and eventually go outside to find a soulmte to have a kid or a couple of kids with…
Optional: Have 3 kids one for each next generation’s careers.
Generation Nine: The Criminal
Their life of always staying inside and never leaving home ever lead them to go insane…
Aspiration(s): First Public Enemy then Chief of Mischief ✔️
Traits: Erratic, Kleptomaniac, and Noncommittal ✔️
Criminal/Either Branch or Secret Agent/Villain Branch
Complete both aspirations and the career
Generation Ten: The Zen Guru
They need to calm down, stop, and breathe so they focus purely on yoga, meditation, and spas…
Aspiration(s): Zen Guru ✔️
Traits: Cheerful, Proper, and Active ✔️
part-time Simfluencer
Master the Wellness skill
Get the media production set-up from Get Famous
Generation Eleven: The Veternarian
Their life of always being around people made them desire the company of animals just a little bit more…
Aspiration(s): Friend of the Animals ✔️
Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover, and Horse Lover ✔️
Own a veterinarian clinic
Master Pet Training and Veterinarian skills
Generation Twelve: TBA
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marcyhub · 2 years
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( ayca aysin turan, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that HALE EMEL ÖZDEMIR is a TWENTY-EIGHT year old ONLY FANS CONTENT CREATOR & NANNY that’s been in Chicago for TWENTY YEARS. According to the file, they’re a mutant on LEVEL 3 with the power of SUCCUBUS PHYSIOLOGY. That must be why they’re CHARASMATIC and STUBBORN. If you ask me, they remind me of the sweet scent of fruity perfume, icy blue eyes piercing through you, a pile of torn out & bloody hearts. They are affiliated with NOBODY. 
FULL NAME: hale emel özdemir NICKNAMES: cherry (her name on onlyfans) GENDER: female BIRTHDATE: october 31st SPECIES: mutant AFFILIATION: neutral
ALIGNMENT: true neutral ZODIAC: scorpio MBTI: enfp POSITIVE TRAITS: intelligent, charismatic, adventurous, charming NEGATIVE TRAITS: secretive, dominating, stubborn, unforgiving
hale was born in hell (literally, not metaphorically.) she is the daughter of lilith, the empress of hell. she slept with a turkish man while doing business in the mortal realm, resulting in a screaming half demon, half human baby. 
when hale was was a child, she was behind all the other demon children. one of her wings is smaller than the other, meaning she couldn’t fly properly and always ended up crash landing and face planting the floor. 
due to being half human, she had empathy and felt things much more strongly than the other creatures down in hell. this displeased lilith. she’d had high hopes for hale, and it was becoming clear that she was never going to meet her mother’s expectations.
when hale was seven years old, lilith took her to the mortal realm and dumped her on her father. he had no idea he had a child, let alone a half succubus one. he didn’t know what to do with her, and she didn’t know who he was. the relationship was awkward and strained.
it didn’t take long for him to sell hale to someone seeking out powerful mutants. they sensed hale’s power, and her father had no problem with giving her up to someone who wanted her and knew how to raise a mutant. 
she was taken and raised to be a weapon. she went through endless, torturous experiments. her wings were removed, along with her tail. her horns were filed and cut to be smaller. her fangs were extracted and replaced with human looking teeth. she was injected with unknown serums, turning her skin from pale blue to the colour of human skin. 
when she was 13, she’d finally finished the training, the brainwashing, and undergone all their tests. when she asked why they were changing her, she was told it was to appear more appealing to the human eye. sure, she was a succubus, but she looked terrifying before the changes. they even took her memories of who she was before she came to their clinic. she doesn’t remember her mother, her father, or that she came from hell.
she was sent out to kill, torture, and lure humans to their deaths. sometimes she was made to kill mutants, too. she didn’t know why. they never revealed anything to her, and she knew better than to ask. 
hale grew tired, losing count of all the lives she’d taken over the years. she liked humans. they were funny and their mannerisms were strange. she began to mimic their behaviours, finding that they naturally to her. she didn’t have to force herself to act more human at all.
by the age of 18, she’d had enough. she didn’t want to kill anymore. she’d managed to break away from the hold they had on her mentally. physically? it wasn’t so easy. her only option was to kill them all. otherwise, they’d never let her go. so, she did just that. she murdered the scientist who’d bought her from her father, and the small group of doctors and scientists that aided him. 
after leaving the clinic, hale looked for easy work. someone mentioned a sex club to her, and she knew it’d be the easiest job for her. she loved sex, people loved having sex with her... what was there to lose?
she met a guy there. his name was samson and he took her under his wing. he protected her, taught her how to be kinder and less sharp around the edges. he softened her and is a brother to her. she loves him more than she can put into words.
she made a lot of money, got herself a nice apartment, and spent all of her time working and sucking the life force out of her clients. she always left them with just enough to stay alive, though. she wasn’t a killer anymore, unless they deserved it.
when she heard about onlyfans, hale set up an account and ended up with more subscribers than she’d expected. a lot more, actually. she’d doubled her money and was able to move into a luxury, three bedroom apartment. 
she bought a goat and named him vincent van goat. he’s her pride and joy to this day. he likes long walks, jumping on her stomach in the mornings, and parkouring off all her furniture. he’s the perfect house goat.
a few months ago, hale met her girlfriend, tiffany. she is the absolute love of her life, and it didn’t take long for her to ask her to move in. she has more than enough room, and she doesn’t like being away from her.
after meeting tiff, hale cut down drastically on her sex work. she put more effort into her onlyfans, instead. it doesn’t feed her, but she hates sleeping with people who aren’t her girlfriend. still, her succubus side needs to eat. when she starts looking sickly and her skin turns grey, tiff sternly tells her to go fuck someone so she doesn’t wither away and die. 
during a fight with an alien down in the subway a couple of months ago, hale’s power peaked. her wings sprung out from beneath her skin, and so did her tail. her human, canine teeth were pushed out by longish, sharp fangs which now replace them. whatever had been done to her wasn’t enough to subdue her true power.
hale is happier than she’s ever been. she thankfully doesn’t remember her childhood, and everything from the clinic has become a hazy, distant blur. sometimes she has nightmares, but that’s all they are. she has tiff, sam, and her goat. what more does she need? 
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gureishi · 4 years
One more DM-ed request! I’ll open up requests ~for real~ tonight or tomorrow, hooray~
A lovely friend who wants to stay anonymous requested a fic about Saeyoung buying condoms before the famous “evidence that I existed scene” in his AE. And honestly I am OBSESSED with the idea and I cackled more than once while writing this. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, dear! ♡
SaeyoungXReader, T...? (no sex actually occurs in this but you know what the prompt is so do with that what you will). Words: 1874
“Um…Saeyoung? Are we stopping?”
You’re curled into the passenger seat of Saeyoung’s car, his phone in your hand as you keep an eye on the incredibly complex GPS map he’s designed. You’ve been starting to fall into a reverie, lulled into a sense of near-comfort by the constant speed of the car and the sight of his hands on the steering wheel and the soothing, salty-sweet smell of him that clings to the sweater draped over your shoulders and the leather upholstery of the seat.
But when the car, which has been cruising along at a frankly alarming speed, starts to slow, you’re startled out of your half-slumber.
You push yourself up in the seat, gazing at him curiously. You’re surprised to find a light flush coloring his cheeks.
“Saeyoung?" you repeat, made more curious by his strange expression. His hand twitches, as if he meant to reach over and rest it on your thigh—as he’s done periodically throughout the day—but then thought better of it.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, starting pointedly straight ahead at the dirt road he’s turned onto.
You notice him self-consciously take his left hand from the wheel and run it through his tousled hair. It’s a nervous habit of his—even after living with him for just a short time, you’ve found yourself particularly well-attuned to all his quirks.
“Is something wrong?” you ask. You sit up straight now, peering through the windshield. The sun is starting to set, but it’s too early to stop for the night.
“Huh? No, that’s not—no.” Finally, he does touch you, letting one hand drift over to brush against your waist. It sends tingles up and down your spine.
You remember the way he kissed you that morning, before starting to drive for the day—his lips soft and earnest, his clumsy kisses growing more desperate as he pressed his body flush against yours. He always touches you this way—hesitant at first, always afraid it will be too much for you, too much for him—then more forcefully, as if he’s battling with his restraint and losing.
You remember the way he looked at you this afternoon when he thought you were sleeping in the passenger seat, the little moan that escaped his throat when you leaned over and nipped at his earlobe…
“We’re just making a, uhh—quick stop,” he stutters, tugging you back to reality.
You bite your lip, willing away the heat that’s begun to build within you.
Right. Get it together.
We’re on a rescue mission, not a sex vacation.
Your own cheeks color at the thought.
Not that we’ve—not that he’d want to—
Saeyoung turns the car abruptly and pulls into a parking lot you hadn’t even seen coming.
“That came out of nowhere!” you say, startled by the sudden intrusion of civilization. It has just been the two of you for so many hours—so many days—that you’ve almost forgotten about the world that has other people in it.
He taps the side of his head, grinning impishly. “A spaceman always knows where to find fuel,” he says. When you roll your eyes, he adds, “Plus, it was on the GPS.”
You laugh, and are relieved to find you can. Somehow, even knowing where you’re going, and what awaits you there—it’s easy to laugh, with Saeyoung beside you.
“Stretch your legs for a bit,” he says, putting the car in park. His red sports car is definitely conspicuous in the empty parking lot, in front of what seems to be a run-down convenience store. “I’ll be right back. He hops out of the car, moving with surprising ease for someone who’s been sitting and driving for hours. But you’re used to it by now—the stark contrast between the hacker who can sit still for days at a time and the agent who can spring into action at a millisecond’s notice. That’s just Saeyoung, you think, not without a touch of pride.
You open your own door, thinking to take him up on his suggestion to stretch and get some fresh air. Luxury car it may be, but it’s still not designed for an entire day of sitting—and you’re not one for sitting still to begin with. You lift your arms above your head, enjoying the way the cool evening air tickles your sides. Saeyoung is already off—you watch his distinctive red head bobbing off in the direction of the convenience store.
A convenience store…
Your curiosity returns. The two of you have enough food packed for several more days, including plenty of snacks. The schedule you’ve been keeping in order to catch up to Saeran and Vanderwood doesn’t generally allow for lots of mid-day breaks. You can’t think of any supplies you need that you don’t already have.
You ponder his blush, his awkwardness. Secrets are right up Saeyoung’s alley, but now—he’s been so honest with you recently, so upfront. He doesn’t have anything left to hide. So why…?
Curiosity getting the better of you, you stride toward the store, keeping your footsteps light. Secret agent he may be, but if anyone can sneak up on him, it’s definitely you—all the times you managed to startle him back at the apartment were proof enough of that.
The convenience store isn’t much to look at: the windows are dirty and adorned with half-peeled posters advertising out-of-date discounts. You press yourself against one of these, peering through the smudged class. You can just make out his messy red hair moving through the aisles, pausing in one. You watch him deliberate, pacing back and forth.
For a moment, you consider following him into the store—but he’d surely hear you then, and it’d be just like him to abandon whatever quest he’s on out of embarrassment. No: snooping from outside is certainly the best way.
After what feels like several minutes of hesitation, he suddenly grabs something from a shelf and makes his way to the register. Your curiosity intensifies. What could he possibly feel so uncomfortable buying…? 
Your face flushes bright red. It couldn’t be. And yet… Your toes tingle.
You’re so carried away by your own thoughts that you’re taken totally aback when something warm presses against you from behind, long fingers curling around your waist. 
“Eep!” you squeal, startling and nearly hitting your head on the glass window. His other hand instantly slides to your forehead, protecting you. “S-Saeyoung?”
He spins you around and suddenly you’re nose to nose, your back against the convenience store window, your body feeling feverish in his arms.
There’s a pause in which the expression in his golden eyes is so intense you find yourself speechless. Then he grins.
“Spying, are we?” he teases, lifting a finger to gently tap your nose.
“You were being suspicious!” you counter, glaring into his molten eyes. It’s his turn to flush.
“I’m a hacker. Being suspicious is kind of my whole thing,” he says, and winks. You notice he hasn’t moved a muscle—his arms are still around your waist, one hand on the small of your back, almost grazing your butt. You find yourself frantically wishing he’d lower it, wishing he’d squeeze your butt and then press you harder into the glass, biting your neck and—
“Gimme that bag!” you cry, taking even yourself by surprise. You disentangle yourself from him abruptly, reaching for his back pocket where you know he’s stuffed the bag from the store. Once again, a few days of living together has given you enough clues—you know where he puts things so you won’t take them. But you’re bolder now.
“Noooo!” he yelps, taking off across the parking lot. You laugh, sprinting after him.
“Saeyoung Choi! Give me that bag!” You’re pretty fast, but he’s much faster. He darts into the tall grass that surrounds the parking lot. You know you can’t catch him—but you do have a secret weapon. It may not be fair—but all’s fair in love and war, you think stubbornly.
“Ow!” you yell, plopping down on the concrete.
He’s on you in an instant, all pretense of the chase forgotten, on his knees before you can even register what’s happened. His eyes are dark as he scans your body frantically for any sign that you are hurt. You almost feel guilty. Almost.
“What’s wrong?”
He brushes his hand up your leg, searching for an injury that isn’t there.
“Ha!” In one motion, you reach behind him, grazing his butt as you pull the plastic bag from his pocket. “Hahaha!” you sing again as you turn the bag upside down, spilling out the contents before he has a chance to snatch it back.
“Whaaaaat? You—” Saeyoung gasps. His hand shoots out and you tackle him, knowing he won’t resist you as you tumble onto his chest. He wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your hair. You twist sideways and can just make out the box on the ground beside you.
Abruptly, Saeyoung sits up and gently lifts you off him—all while trying to sneakily sweep his purchase into the safety of his hoodie.
But it’s too late.
You’re a little embarrassed, a little guilty for tricking him—but most of all, there’s a distinct feeling of satisfaction that settles in your heart.
“Saeyoung, you bought…?”
He turns to you, and his cheeks are as red as you imagine your own to be.
“Did you see?” he mutters, eyes downcast. You nod. “I-it’s not…!” He meets your eyes, and he’s so earnest, so awkward, so delightfully scared, that you can’t help but take pity on him. “I-it’s not that I was assuming anything, o-or even hoping, I mean, I wouldn’t even think to…!”
You have to stop him then, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. You feel the heat radiating off him, and all his muscles are tense with anxiety. You cup his cheek with one hand and deepen the kiss; he melts into you.
When you pull away, your breath is coming quickly, and you can feel his heart pounding through his hoodie.
“It’s okay if you were assuming,” you say softly.
He splutters for a moment, cheeks hot, pupils blown. 
His hand tightly clutches the box of condoms concealed in his jacket.
“I-I really wasn’t… I didn’t mean to…” He catches his breath. “Just in case,” he whispers.
You feel the grin spreading across your face. You put a hand on his chest, right over his rapidly beating heart. His fingers ghost over your shoulder and neck, tentatively, questioningly. You press another firm kiss to his lips.
“Just in case,” you repeat. 
You know you’ve got to get back in the car, got to drive till after the sun has set, got to watch the little dot on his makeshift tracking devise until your eyes get tired. But eventually, you’ll stop. Eventually, you’ll rest. You’ll spend the night together. And when you do—
“I wanted us to be ready for anything,” he whispers against your lips, more confidently than before.
“Yeah,” you say. “And we are.”
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beekindacool · 3 years
dewey riley x reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: some language, murder, some jealousy, gale hate (only for the story ☹️ i actually love her), and maybe ooc?
a/n: this takes place during scream (1996) so NO SPOILERS FOR SCREAM (2022). the ending was kinda rushed, i’m sorry </3
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you stared up at the night sky, stars littered the dark blue — almost black canvas. you took a handful of slightly damp grass into your hands and let out a breathy sigh. this was the best part of leaving the city. you were finally able to see the stars clearly like you had always wanted to do. and to top it all off, you were with some doofus that you absolutely adored.
during your freshman year of high school your mom had decided to move to woodsboro to be closer to family. it was hard for you to leave everything you had ever known behind. there was a lot of angsty remarks and typical teenage criticism against the move but in the end it didn’t turn out so bad. on your first day at your new school, a short and kinda dorky kid was assigned to help you out for the first few weeks since your cousins were either way too young to be in high school or already they were already graduated
“i’m dwight riley. it’s nice to meet you, y/n.” dwight held his hand out for you to shake with a smile on his baby-ish face. you felt a little bad for judging him because he still looked like he was 10 but still, you shook his sweaty and weirdly soft hand.
the next few days were sorta easy despite the constant whispering and stares from people. you couldn’t blame them, woodsboro was a small town and not much happened around here. despite this, dwight still walked next to you and actually tried to be friends with you, mostly because he probably didn’t have a lot of other ones. or maybe you were being a little mean for thinking that.
a few days turned into a few months and then a year. during that time a few of your assumptions about dwight turned out to be false. i guess the saying about making assumptions makes an ass out of you and i is true.
anyways, he’d invite you over to his house for dinners when your mom couldn’t make it home that night because of work, you knew his whole family and considered them an extension of your own. it was then when you had found out that his family would call dwight “dewey”. his seven year old sister, tatum, was secretly your favorite. she always greeted you excitedly and would stick by your side whenever she was able to. when you weren’t in dewey’s room, you were helping out with tatum, usually painting her nails and giving her a pg version of the latest gossip at school. she’d also drag dewey into doing little fashion shows or make him play barbies with the two of you.
after that year, you and dewey were pretty much best friends — and pretty much in love with each other. what you thought was normal, the lingering touches and longing gazes into each other’s eyes, actually wasn’t to your surprise. and despite this being brought to your knowledge after an awkward conversation with tatum after watching sixteen candles, you were always together no matter what and honestly, you were happier than ever. you got to hang out with a pretty awesome guy and eventually see him graduate from the woodsboro police academy and become deputy dewey.
you remember asking him why he decided to become a police officer the night his mom threw a congratulatory party for him.
”i wanted to be an officer pretty much since tatum was born. i… i want to protect her and my mom.“ dewey responded honestly as he leaned against the cold kitchen counter, a cold beer was in his hand. his face flushed a light pink, seeming to be a little embarrassed of his answer.
”that’s real sweet, dews. i’m just a little offended you don’t wanna protect me, though…!” you attempted to sound serious but failed, a few giggles escaped your lips. dewey gently pushed your shoulder, shaking his head and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“you know i would do anything to keep you safe, y/n. i don‘t gotta say it for you to know that…”
you felt your heartstrings beings tugged violently in your chest and the butterflies in your stomach begin fluttering at a violent speed. jesus christ. the way he said it made your knees just absolutely weak. it was then you realized that he wasn’t dewey, the baby-ish looking dork from freshman year anymore. he was more mature, a little sexy even despite him still being awkward.
”dwight…” you breathed out, taking a step forward towards him. you wrapped your arms around his taller frame and pressed a kiss on his slightly chapped lips. it took him a moment but dewey kissed you back and you were able to taste the beer and alcohol that laced his lips and saliva. he set the beer bottle he was holding onto the counter and moved his hands to rest on your waist. slowly, his hands began to move lower before you were interrupted.
“y/n? dew- oh my god i’m so sorry.” sidney closed her eyes and put a hand over them for safe measure. the poor girl’s face was flushed a dark red as she spoke again, “dewey, your mom just wanted me to tell you that we’re gonna cut your cake but… if right now isn’t a good time to-“
”no! we can go right now. the three of us. lets go!” you quickly said before rushing out the kitchen, making a beeline to the dining table where dewey’s little congratulatory cake sat. behind you, you could hear dewey and sidney exchanging a few words in a hushed manner. you tried convincing yourself that you didn’t really care about what they said but really? who the hell were you kidding? you stood next to your mom and she mumbled something about your lipstick being smeared.
you rolled onto your side and looked at dewey, who was already staring at you. he had gotten off his shift at the station a few hours ago and was in his pajamas. you had dragged him out the house to come hang out with you despite his constant protests.
“why were you so adamant on not coming out?” you asked him, letting go of the grass and you were now playing with the ends of his sleeves. he let out a long sigh and his eyebrows furrowed for a moment.
”casey becker… her and her boyfriend got murdered earlier. it was scary, y/n. scarier than what happened to sid’s mom… they were gutted.“ dewey explained, with each word you felt your stomach churn more and more. you guessed that by the look on your face, dewey already knew you were probably gonna piss your pants at the news so he gently took your hands in his and scooted closer to you.
“i won’t let anything happen to you though. we’re gonna catch that asshole, alright?” he squeezed your hands, trying to calm you. it wasn’t so much that you worried about YOU getting murdered, it was more so about dewey getting hurt.
“and you? you need to protect yourself, not just other people. that’s how you end up seriously hurt!” you sat up, taking your hands away from his.
“i’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry over me. i’m the best deputy in this town, y/n. trust me.“ dewey sat up and grinned as he lifted his arm to show off the slight muscle tone on his arms. you felt yourself blush just like how you did when you two were at his celebration party. you smiled back at him and let out a small sigh.
”i do. it’s just… scary. nobody in this shit town has handsome boyish looks like you! there’s no one but you to admire around here!” you squeezed dewey’s cheek before he shooed your hand away as he scrunched up his nose in fake annoyance.
after that, he walked you home. on your way there, you held onto his arm and made sure your steps were in-sync. whenever you‘d turn around to check your surroundings because you were paranoid due to the event dewey had told you about, he’d tug you closer to him or tell you something funny that happened at work that day in an attempt to ease your nerves.
at your front door, dewey pulled you into a tight hug. his head rested on top of yours as you pressed the side of your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. it was fast.
“y/n. i need you to keep a weapon close to you tonight, please. and call me if you need anything.” he gave you one more squeeze and you leaned in closer to his embrace. it was moments like these that you wish would never ever end – but this was reality, sadly. after agreeing, the two of you said your good nights and he headed back home.
the next morning you’re at work and all everyone is talking about is the gruesome murder of casey becker and her boyfriend. the whole situation has your stomach churning. couldn’t these people let the poor girl and her boyfriend rest in peace? oh! and to top it all off, gale weathers is back in town. the same woman that not only profited on pretty much calling sidney a liar after her mother’s murder but also the woman who dewey drooled over whenever he watched her show.
“y/n!“ a familiar voice called out from across the room. tatum came walking over to the counter with her weirdo boyfriend stu and sid.
“oh my god tatum! hey! and hey sid, stu! what can i get you guys?”
the three of them ordered and you began to make their coffees. while doing so, tatum sat on the counter while sid and stu took some seats.
“you hear about gale?” tatum asked from behind. you could practically hear the eye roll she did just through her voice.
“yeah, she’s back to cover the murders. but what about her?”
”oh nothing besides the fact that mr. deputy dewey is fan-boying over her. he literally can’t keep it in his pants! jeez, i swear sometimes he acts like he’s still sixteen.” you turned around at her words, shaking your head. tatum’s words about dewey hurt you a little. you handed her the three coffees with a frown on your face.
“he was never really the subtle type if we’re being honest.” you laughed dryly and tatum looked at you with a sympathetic expression.
“sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have said anything, i know you’re into him for whatever reason.” she leaned over to you after setting the coffees down and pulled you into a tight hug. she mumbled something about him being an asshole into your shoulder that makes you laugh.
“it’s alright, he’s my asshole.” you pulled away from her. you thought tatum would be like “aww” but instead she gave you a weird look. it took you a minute to finally realize what she was weirded out about.
“wait… that came out wrong. he’s not my asshole in like the literal sense! he’s my asshole in a figur-“ you tried explaining before getting cut off by sid.
”sorry to cut your guys’ definitely normal conversation but we gotta get to school. thanks for the coffee y/n, you’re the best.” sid smiled warmly at you, just as she always did. whenever you two would talk, you wondered how she always stood so kind even after everything that’s happened to her. she was younger than you and yet she was so much better — and you admired that.
later that day, dewey stopped in with a starstruck look on his face. he excitedly ran up to the counter and held onto the edge, just barely leaning closer to you. you quirked an eyebrow up and waited a few seconds for him to tell you what happened but you were met with silence from him.
“are you gonna tell me what the hell is up or are you gonna stare at me all day?” you rolled your eyes at the taller man and crossed your arms over your chest. when you finished your sentence, dewey’s face lit up as if you reminded him of what he was (possibly) trying to convey telepathically with you.
“gale weathers is into me! …i think!” was all he said, unnecessarily loud. you were relieved the shop was pretty empty today because… if anyone heard what dewey just said… oh my god would that be embarrassing.
“gale? gale weathers?“
”yeah! she was flirting with me back at the school cus’ i was over there helping with interrogations. she was there and y’know…” dewey grinned ear to ear remembering the scene playing out between him and gale all over again.
”oh my god, dews. you’re so fucking whipped for her! tatum was right, keep it in your pants!” you made a disgusted look on your face and dewey just rolled his eyes, barely paying any mind to what you were saying.
“you know what y/n? you’re just jealous that there’s no sexy news anchors coming around the shop to hit on you!“ dewey pointed an accusatory finger at you in which made you gasp.
“for the record, dwight, my type isn’t shitty news anchors!“
“then what is your type?” dewey asked.
”you’re my type, bozo.” you tried to say as non-chalantly as possible but you couldn’t help your voice from cracking in the middle of your sentence. smooth much? dewey stood quiet as his face reddened for a few seconds and you could swear the air around you thickened.
“don’t say things you don’t mean, y/n.” dewey laughed, almost sounding disappointed.
“dews i-“ he cut you off and asked for his usual before placing his total on the counter and stepping away. you mentally facepalmed yourself, why the hell was this so hard?
you quickly made his drink — an iced coffee that was mostly french vanilla cream and sugar rather than actual coffee — and handed it to him. he mumbled a quick “bye” to you before rushing to get back into his shift.
the rest of your day is pretty tame. after she had gotten out of school, tatum and her mother stopped by the shop and had offered you to stay the next few nights with them, worrying for your safety as you now lived alone. your mother moved back to the city when you were nineteen so besides them and your estranged extended family, they didn’t exactly feel good about you being anywhere else. so after some convincing, you decided “why not?”
after dropping some of your things off at the riley’s place, you and tatum had swung by the video store to grab “all the right moves” with tom cruise because, according to tatum, “if you pause it just right, you can see his penis.” while there, you two saw randy and he silently judged your picks.
when you were done, tatum drove you two to pick up sid but as you drove up, there were blue and red flashing lights and an ambulance. she stopped the car abruptly and the two of you ran out the car to where sidney sat with dewey, some medics, and another officer. at first, dewey tried kicking both you and tatum out because it was a crime scene but with sidney‘a permission, you could stick around.
“her dad’s out of town, alright? she’s staying with us tonight. y/n too.” tatum rolled her eyes at dewey and he glanced at you.
“does mom know?” dewey asked his little sister as she turned away from him.
”yes doofus…” tatum gave dewey another dirty look and this was one of those moments you were thankful you didn’t have actual siblings. you patted dewey’s shoulder while tatum helped sid out the ambulance.
you looked up at him and as always, he was already looking at you. dewey wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him into a side hug.
“what happened?”
“sid got attacked. that asshole broke in after calling her and chased her around in a ghost mask. she scared him off but then her boyfriend, billy, shows up and he has a phone on him!“ dewey explained just loud enough for only you to hear. you felt the familiar pit in your stomach form and you leaned closer to him.
“that poor girl. is he a suspect then?” dewey nodded in response and your eyes widened. you couldn’t imagine what she was going through.
“i probably shouldn’t be talking about this too much though… but… you’re staying over tonight?“
“yeah. your mom and tate came over the shop before my shift ended and asked. you know i can’t say no to them…” you smiled at him and dewey let out a chuckle. “when’re you getting off?” you asked.
“after i take sid to the station to get questioned i’ll be done for the night. are you gonna tag along?”
“oh no. i don’t wanna intrude. i love sid and all but i don’t think it’s my place to go with her right now.”
”i’ll ask one of the guys to drive you back to the house then, alright? i can’t let you go back alone.” dewey then let you go to walk over to another officer before motioning you to come over.
you rummaged through dewey’s shirt drawers and decided on changing into one of his white t-shirts that was a little too big on you. you and dewey used to switch clothes back when he was shorter than you and tatum still did her fashion shows. nowadays, it was more of you borrowing his clothes and his closet getting smaller and smaller.
you walked out of dewey’s room after changing and heard chatter coming from downstairs, it was something about someone punching someone else? you waited for them to come up before asking about it.
“god! y/n you totally missed it! gale was pissing off sid talking about her book all like ‘i’ll send you a copy’ and sid punches her! like bam! bitch went down!” tatum grins almost from ear to ear, you could tell she was just bursting with pride because of her best friend being a badass.
“holy shit! good job, you have some big balls!” you and sid high-fived before dewey nudged you in the side and mumbled something about you two having to be ”role models”. sid excused herself and tatum to go change and they disappeared into tatum’s room, leaving you and dewey in the hall.
“we should probably get her some ice…” you suggested to dewey who hadn’t gotten the chance to get changed yet.
“yeah we sho- are you wearing my shirt?“ dewey narrowed his eyes at the oversized shirt on you, analyzing it.
“maaayyybe…” you looked up innocently at him and noticed that his face was flushing a dark red again.
“it looks better on you than on me. you should keep it, y/n.” you smiled at his words and nodded. quickly after that, the two of you fetched the ice for sid’s hand and went to his room.
“don’t look at me while i’m changing. i’m shy.” dewey half-joked as you pressed your face against his pillow while he changed into his pajamas. as soon as he was done, he smacked the top of your head with another pillow to signal that you could look at him again. you sat up and quickly evaluated his choice in pajamas: a white t-shirt identical to the one you wore and dark gray sweats.
“dews… can i tell you something?”
”you can tell me anything.”
”i know it’s probably a weird time to tell you but what i said at the shop, it was true.” you admitted, your face heated up almost immediately. you looked at the wall next to dewey, scared to see his reaction to what you said. as usual, he didn’t say anything. he just leaned in, practically pushing you down onto the bed, so that he could press his lips against yours. you wrapped your arms around his neck and dewey‘s hands were holding himself up from crushing you underneath him. you felt his mustache tickle your top lip and the top of your nose and let out a giggle. eventually he pulled away from your lips to breathe.
“i… was that okay?“ dewey asked from above you, his face was now full of worry as he looked down at your shocked expression.
“yes… yes. that was more than okay. do it again if you want!“ with your permission, dewey didn’t waste his time going back to kissing you. you could tell that he was relishing this moment with the way his whole demeanor was screaming confidence now. he flipped the two of you over so that his back was against the bed and you were straddling him. his hands were resting at the curve of your waist but you moved them lower and let out a soft gasp when he squeezed.
but then his mother knocked on the door, causing the both of you to jump to opposite sides of the bed.
“dewey? dewey!” her panicked voice yelled through the door. after listening closer for a second, he heard sid yelling at someone over the phone and quickly grabbed his gun before running out. you furrowed your eyebrows and thought wondered why the hell did you guys always get interrupted when something good happened between you?
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9tzuyu · 3 years
exquisite (rewrite)
[old version]
summary: uhhh idk artist!reader gets f*cked by nat
warnings: 18+, smut, choking (verrrrryyy briefly), mommy kink
also its been awhile since i’ve written smut so if this is awful do not perceive me >:(.
thank you moli for proofreading, i love u <3
dt: @nermalina hey bff heres that smut i promised you. consider it a very late birthday gift <3
🏷: @natasha-danvers @kermy48 @yelenabelovasgf @blackxwidowsxwife @slut-for-nat
natasha had been a model for dozens of people, dozens of times. it never crossed your mind that she would model specifically for you. the redhead was aggressively known for rejecting people's pleas for her to let them paint, sketch, or mold her from clay.
so it came as a surprise when you came across an email requesting a one-on-one session with you. had natasha's name not caught your eye, you would've deleted the email and completely missed such a huge opportunity.
you just didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.
the all too known model would be at your apartment in half an hour. you had already set up your supplies the night before out of pure nervousness of her arrival.
you stood in the middle of your kitchen, a cup of orange juice in hand as you thought about the different styles you could draw her in. however, your train of thought was unexpectedly interrupted by the sound of a knock at your door.
natasha was twenty minutes early. and god did it feed into your anxiety.
after unlocking the deadbolt, you were greeted with a friendly pair of green eyes. you didn't say anything, only moving out of the way so she could walk in.
she took in her surroundings, and you suddenly felt a little embarrassed about your apartment. it was cheap, invaluable compared to the rich houses you knew natasha had been invited to.
"sorry it's not much," you mumbled.
"no, it's fine. it's different... in a good way i mean." she reassured quickly, "it doesn't scream how much you want to impress me."
you gave an awkward nod and led her into the living room, motioning to her that you wanted her on the couch.
"okay, you can get into any form you want as long as-" seeing natasha with her clothes half off and still going caught your breath. "-you're comfortable."
she saw your panic from the corner of her eye and smirked. natasha tended to have that effect on people, but this was the first time she allowed someone to draw her fully nude. seeing the look in your eyes as they roamed her body gave her the confidence boost she needed.
you bit your lip as you watched natasha position herself. her right arm rest against the armrest, legs situated atop each other while her left arm fell against her hip.
and just when you thought she had finalized her position, she bent her left knee up and spread her legs. you had to bite your tongue to keep yourself from moaning out loud.
"how's this?"
you nodded, "perfect."
normally natasha could keep herself busy with small talk, but you seemed to be much more quiet than the other artists she'd modeled for. she liked that though, because she already knew it would be easy to make you squirm.
her eyes steadied themselves on your face. you were very focused on your work, she could tell by the involuntary frown on your face. when you looked up from your canvas you were met with a pair of green eyes staring directly at you. nervously, you tried to glance at a different part of her body, but that would betray you because the first thing your eyes landed on was her cunt.
you tried to cover up your action, but the sound of natasha's laugh indicated that she saw the whole thing happen.
"do you want a closer look?" her voice was raspy, causing you to freeze. "really, i don't mind. the second i saw your picture online i knew i wanted to fuck you."
you felt the air in your lungs leave your body. she stood up from her position and strutted her way into your personal space. natasha towered over you while you sat on your stool. she thrusted her hips lightly against your back so you knew she was in charge. it wasn’t long before her lips began to attack your neck. sloppy kisses littered the edge of your jawline, a generous specialty of hers.
"but the drawing, i haven't fin-"
"i don't care. now do you want me to fuck you in here or in your bedroom? i'd prefer the bed, but i could make eating you out on the couch doable."
your reply was stuck in the back of your throat, but you wanted her more than anything.
she traced the outline of your face before grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at her. "i don't have much patience and if you make me wait any longer, i'm going to punish you." natasha's eyes grew dark, completely different from the woman who initially walked through the door.
"bedroom," you squeaked, but before you could go to move natasha picked you up bridal style and carried you herself.
you almost regretted underestimating how strong she was by her petite frame. almost.
she placed you flat on your back and in an instant natasha had your clothes ripped from your body. "sweet girl, you won't know your own name by the time i'm done with you."
she tugged you closer to her so that she could prop both legs on her shoulders, keeping you wide and open just as she wanted.
natasha kissed the inside of your thighs as she worked her way up. your eyes screwed shut, and you found yourself fighting back the urge to moan.
the redhead wouldn't allow that though. she wanted to hear every noise you made slip from your mouth, and she would do anything to get what she wanted.
"open your eyes, let mommy hear those pretty little moans of yours."
she kitten licked the outside of your walls while massaging both of your breasts with her hands, occasionally twisting your nipples for extra stimulation. she dipped the tip of her tongue further into your pussy before retracting and going back to kissing your thighs.
"mommy," you whined.
you could feel natasha smile against your skin. "there you go, my love." you tried to grind your hips further onto her mouth by pushing upwards, but natasha's mouth quickly moved out of reach.
"ah ah ah, be patient. only good girls get what they want." you rolled your eyes and huffed, earning a loud slap to the side of your thigh. "do that again and your ass will be bent over my knee seven shades of red."
her glare went away as soon as she buried her face back between your legs. she was downright greedy, almost possessive over the gift between your legs.
natasha's role of being easy on you was put to an end. she shoved her tongue into your pussy, graciously accepting every inch you had to offer. seeing your back arch, hands balled into fists as they gripped the sheets, gave the redhead a sense of euphoria she'd never felt before.
"mommy please-"
"you're so beautiful when you fall to pieces." natasha purred. "aren't you glad mommy's taking care of you?"
your only response was a loud whine as her tongue flicked over your clit. "c'mon sweet girl, i know you can use your words."
"yes!" your voice was strained, a series of incoherent grunts and moans filling the room. natasha’s mouth covered the entirety of your pussy and her lapping only grew stronger the more you cried.
you clenched tightly around her tongue. your legs automatically reflexed to close, but that didn’t do anything for you except grant natasha deeper access into your cunt.
“m-mommy!” the feeling of natasha’s nails scraping the sides of your thighs was enough to let you know you could come. “mmm, that’s right baby. there you go.”
when she pulled away, you were greeted with the sight of natasha’s sticky, grinning face as she moved to sit on your stomach. she figured she could give you a small break before really fucking you senseless.
but that didn’t mean she would stop completely.
her hands found their way to your breasts, squeezing and pinching them again for extra stimulation. “you like that, don’t you baby?”
“yes, please, i want more!”
natasha giggled, mocking your pathetic pleas for her.
“not yet. don’t be the dirty little whore i know you are. now you’re going to lay here while mommy grinds on your stomach until she gets tired of it.” her hand offered a gentle squeeze around your throat.
“you’re going to have to draw me with my fingers shoved in your cunt before i let you cum again.” she taunted, slowly edging herself on your body. it wasn’t long before you began to feel her heat against your skin.
and truthfully, you’d draw whatever the hell she wanted you to just as long as she kept coming back.
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nostxlgia18 · 3 years
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Series Masterlist
Request by @winterchild3000 ..... here you go, I hope you like it :)
<Y/b/f- Your best friend>
3. Bucky Barnes a.k.a Winter Soldier
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"Where is Y/n?" Tony enquired.
"Umm..she was here only, where'd she go?" Bruce looked around to see if he could find you. "Ooooo, we can't find Y/b/f either!" Sam chuckled.
"Hey guys, what's going on" you walk in with a soda. "Where did Y/b/f go?" Sam smirked.
"I think he is in the loo" you reply after taking a sip from the can.
"Now it's your turn to play Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Natasha spoke out. "Yeah, we were thinking about letting you in with Y/b/f but he's a no go!" Tony said before you could deny it.
Steve suggested, "Buck, why don't you go in with Y/n," and you almost choked on your drink. You've had a crush on Bucky for a long time, and your best friend would always tell you that Bucky liked you back according to some angry glances he has gotten whenever you were together, but you didn't believe him because you always suspected he was bluffing.
"Yes! Bucky and Y/n off you go to the closet" Vision ordered. Bucky was the first to go, storming to the guest bedroom without even looking at you, which was strange because he always smiled and acknowledged you as a true gentleman. You followed him in and shut the closet door confused. 
"Ahh, why does Tony prefer to play these games? We could've easily played a mafia game like we did last Thanksgiving, remember how much fun it was?" you begin to break the ice and the awkward silence. Bucky, on the other hand, didn't respond or even glance at you this time, instead just stood by the wall opposite the mirror.
'What the hell, this isn't the Bucky you used to know. Was he upset about something?' You wonder whether you did something wrong to irritate him.
"What's the matter, Bucky?" You approach him and take a position in front of him, demanding answers. He still doesn't answer, which irritates you.
"I'll let you ignore me for as long as you want. I couldn't care less. Well, there's no need to be here in the first place; Y/b/f would've been more entertaining." you were going to walk away after whispering the last part when he pulled you back to him, both of you facing the mirror. His one hand was over your neck, and the other was around your waist.
He hissed, "What did you say?" "You're not allowed to speak to me like this doll!" You attempted to free yourself from his hands but were unable to do so due to his powerful grip; nonetheless, you were unaware that your ass was giggling on his crotch beginning to get him hard. "Stay still, or you will be punished," Bucky growled right in your ear.
"What exactly is your issue? Why are you so upset? I don't get it, I—" As he began to prepare light kisses on your exposed neck, he cut you short. When he nibbled your sweet spot hard, you let out an embarrassing moan.
While he was marking your neck and jawline, the other hand slid down beneath your jeans and panties, and you gasped as he got to your core. "I want you to look in the mirror while I wreck you with only my fingertips, baby!" Bucky commanded while gazing into your eyes in the mirror. With his fingers moving in a circular pattern, he worked wonders on your clit. You made every effort to keep your moans hidden so that no one could hear them.
"Don't bite that lip, sweetheart; I want to hear you, hmm, I want everyone out there to know who you belong to."He grumbled as he looked at your shaken state.
As you felt yourself approaching an orgasm, you threw your head back on his shoulders, wailing, "don't stop! please don't stop!" making  Bucky chuckle, "Not planning on it." Your groans filled the little closet, "Ahhh, I'm cu— cumming mmm." He quickened his movement as soon as he realised you were close. You were soon undone, having one of the finest orgasms you've ever had. Bucky licked his fingers clean like it was some kind of candy while you attempted to regain your breath. Bucky turned you around to face him and kissed you on the lips passionately saying, "I want you to break up with your stupid ass best friend because you're MINE....only MINE." You looked at him frowning, " You think I am in a relationship with y/b/f?" He nodded his head while caressing your cheek. You pecked him on his lips and assured "I'm not dating anyone Bucky, 've liked you a lot for a long time actually. I wanted to tell you before but I didn't know if you liked me back"
"Baby, I like you too. Seeing you with him would always piss me off" He cleared out. "Let's get out of here, I'm taking you to my house!" he grinned.
"Wait, you can't leave like this" you pointed out his boner. "Ahh relax, We will leave from the back door, I'll text Steve and Sam. And then you can take care of the situation downtown" he said and pecked your lips again and again, having you to laugh through it.
Main Masterlist
Taglist: @shyconversationalbookworm @justreadingthatsit @witchy-whore
Reblogs are appreciated 🤍
A/n: hey everyone, I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas and I wish you all a very happy new year ⚡. Sorry for being inactive here, I have lots and lots of assignments...ughhh. But here I am now so I will try my bet keep posting as and when I get time. Thank you so much for being patient. Love you'll ❣
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