#take a second to breath. take in the environment around you. the crisp air. the bugs crawling about on the ground
comvi · 8 months
i keep hearing people talk about discourse and stuff like that going on on Regretevator tiktok and its given me a reminder for why i don’t use it anymore.
everyone on there just HAS to have a problem with everything & the majority of people who use it are really young/not mature in the least. i just don’t bother with it anymore.
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angelickisscs · 1 month
poolside autographs ~ jude bellingham series (ongoing)
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‧₊˚ ୨ ୧ ˚₊ masterlist ~ forgotten paradise (part 1)
summary: Two hearts once intertwined find one another during a family holiday but will the ever-growing distance that they set continue to grow or will one arise to the challenge that is keeping them together?
authors note ~ this is way too long to proofread ngl so i am very sorry if there are any mistakes 😭😭
THE GOLDEN SUN shone brightly in the crisp summer sky as it casted its warmth across your bare shoulders in a gentle, comforting breath. A cerulean blue washed against the vast canvas above, puffs of clouds slowly disappearing inwards.
“And we can take a nice, deep breath.” Your dad announced as though it were an achievement to even make it to the resort, his body rising and falling rhythmically.
 You stood and watched him as the bag you had packed earlier that morning weighed down your arm. It reprimanded you harshly, allowing you no breaks between the minutes that you had already been holding it.
“Dad, can we just go inside?” Your brother asked, his voice the living embodiment of boring. In response, your dad could only laugh. He beckoned you all forward, leading the way towards the vast glass doors that stood only a mere two feet away.
They opened hastily, letting out a small ring as you all entered through them. The cooling air-con that sat strategically placed above the door hit you in the face, sliding down throughout the rest of your body.
The lobby was mostly empty despite the number of plants that were growing throughout. It was a battle to lead your uncooperative suitcase past them. Somehow, it always managed to end up gripped to a vase or pot that held the greenery, refusing to let go as though the two objects had managed to befriend one another in a matter of seconds.
Your family allowed you to struggle, each wandering up to the desk in front so they could gather the room cards. A brief conversation with the receptionist about how ‘wonderfully beautiful’ the resort was, allowed you to catch up to them in time to politely take yours from the unfortunate woman.
She had managed to strike up the more talkative side of your father. The conversation ranged from the beginning sentence to surrounding activities to undoable work hours. Your mother seemed to have enough as she excused him from the conversation, slowly but surely dragging him away by his closest shoulder.
“How many ‘friends’ do you think he’s going to make on this trip?” Your brother, Oliver, asked with a cheeky grin coating his lips. “I’ll bet you a fiver it’ll be four.”
“Four? I’ll go with seven.” You responded as you stepped into the lift, sneakily shaking one another’s hands in an abrupt agreement to the bet you had just made.
Your mum leaned back from where she was standing so her head could land up in between the pair of you.
“Too high. Bound to only be two.”
Her voice could hardly consider itself as a whisper, its noise level exceeding the limit as to how loud it could be. Though your dad’s humming to the music that surrounded the death-trap of a mechanism seemed to be able to drown it out enough.
You scoffed in response. She had a history of underestimating her own husband in these kinds of circumstances and you could only hope that this would be another instance to add to the failure of a streak.
With a ping, you were all ushered out of the lift. There was a very brief conversation on where you all would next meet, Oliver’s hurry to get into his room being the main reason for that. Your dad did not want you roaming around an unfamiliar environment by yourself, no matter how peaceful it was, so you instead opted to meet back outside the lift.
It was a stronger relief than you had expected when you had finally pushed the keycard against the slot in the door, pushing the door open with your free shoulder. You abandoned your carry on and suitcase in an instance, banishing them to the corner of the room. The comfiness of the bed was loudly calling your name and you weren’t one to ignore someone nor something so in need of your approval.
You allowed yourself few moments of rest to gather whatever energy you had left over. There was not a multitude of it, but it would have to do. Kicking your legs into the air, you threw yourself upwards into a standing position so you could approach your suitcase, making the silly decision to unpack later when you came upstairs to get ready for dinner.
A bikini lead folded neatly atop of multiple towels, its burgundy colouring having to do for now. You quickly removed the clothes you had worn during the flight, replacing them with said bikini and a coverup just in time to answer the sound of a fist pounding against the unfortunate slab of wood that was your door.
“Hurry up then!” Said Oliver when you had made it to your door, his impatient eyes following you as you scrambled to collect everything you may need for those hours around the pool.
Your parents were both ready, dressed in a matching colour of swimwear, the same pair of sunglasses resting atop of their heads. They had managed to time the arrival of the lift perfectly, leaving no more waiting for your brother and you than necessary.
Everyone stayed slightly throughout the short ride. There was no reason for any form of conversation, each saving that for later in the day when the need placed itself in front of you.
Unsurprisingly, the lift had not lengthened its short arrival on the ground floor. You were the first to exit, a game of follow the leader ensuing so you could arrive at the poolside in one piece.
The foreign sun was soon to introduce itself to your skin, the heat that radiated off it being unlike any that you had previously felt. It snaked through your coverup, surpassing any defence that your sunscreen had placed, with ease. You all chose a row of five with your mother on the farthest end so she could be next to you.
Your dad was the one who lost the coin-toss, swiftly forced to collect you each a drink. Though, Oliver opted out of having one instead b-lining straight towards the pool just like he did when he was only eight years younger.
A certain peace encapsulated all of you, the sound of laughter carrying from the families around as the wind passed through all of them, dancing within the palm trees that sat firmly in their allocated areas.
“Well, that’s number one.” Your mum commented, turning her head just in time to catch your confused eyes so she could point to what she was referring too.
You laughed lightly at the sight that met you, your social dad already managing to abandon his prior mission and instead talking to a man he had sat next to at the open bar.
“Only one more to go for you then.” You reminded her before shuffling around slightly to get more comfortable.
She sighed lightly at what you said, “Is it too late to change my bet?”
You didn’t bother to use your words but rather to just slowly nod. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could make out her lightly hitting her leg in a makeshift punishment.
Whispering to herself, your mother lead back down on the sun lounger, feigning a disinterest at what was happening around her. She had pushed her sunglasses up over her eyes, the black coating making it so you could not see where she was looking, no matter how close you were to her.
There was an interest as to what she had managed to notice now so you began your own investigation. Dragging your eyes across the pool area to look for the suspect that had caught her attention, you questioning did not linger for a long time. A familiar set of brunette hair emerged out of the pool, his previously worn cap in hand.
He approached you with swift and sure movements, “I need you to protect this with your life.”
Your mother, who had become attuned to his antics, took the cap from his hands, placing it at her side. Oliver threw her a thumbs up before he went back to whatever he was doing beforehand.
The time passed by quickly, your body succumbing to exhaustion not soon after your brothers confusing request. Your mum had not fully given up when she woke you up, trying to ask you once again what she had prior to catch you out but it wasn’t anything she hadn’t tried before.
She had collected each of you one by one, your dad being the first victim and you the last. Both the men in your small group had become surprisingly hungry during the activities they had decided to do. It left you to realise you had never received that diet coke you had requested, leaving a slight resentment in your dry mouth.
“Have fun with your friend?” Your mum asked her husband, leaving a suggestion for him to add his name into the last slot of the sentence.
“Mark.” Your dad corrected, placing an arm over her shoulder. “And yes, he is genuinely nice. He has two kids as well, same age and everything.”
The doors once again opened with a loud ping, allowing everyone to leave with slow and light steps, the heat draining whatever you all had left.
You each excused yourselves to your rooms, a time limit still managing to be set at how long you had to get ready. Shaking your head as you unlocked your door, gathering your shower supplies from your suitcases before heading straight for the bathroom. You stripped off out of your bikini, making sure to throw your freshly washed hair into a bun as you turned the water onto cold, allowing it to fall over your body and wake you up slightly.
It was only a brief shower, doing all the necessary hygiene routines before reaching out to turn off the shower and grab a towel.
Having made the silly decision not to unpack earlier on, a mess slowly gathered in your room as you attempted to neatly sift through to find an acceptable outfit. It conveniently led at the very bottom of the suitcase; a strategy you had previously used that had ended up not going in your favour despite your efforts for it too. You had a longer than average history of being a bad packer that overestimated the amount of energy you would have upon arriving at your location. An unideal duo.
You sat at your desk chair with your outfit on, a small beauty blender in hand as you applied the concealer in the necessary places. There wasn’t a need to do makeup at once due to the one easy activity that you were doing so you chose to keep it light and easy.
For once, you seemed to get your time keeping in check. No one had come banging on your door by the time you were ready, leaving you to dawdle as you went through your bag to check you needed anything.
Your brother leant against the wall beside your room when you exited, phone in hand.
“This holiday is awesome. I met my idol today.” He whispered to you when he noticed your presence.
“Oh yeah? Did you fangirl?” You asked with a mischievous tone that was meant to mock him, but he was too much of a way through cloud nine to have the ability to notice that.
Oliver moved his head from side to side, deciding on his answer. “Slightly. Didn’t recognise him at first but when I did, I built up the courage to talk to him and it was great. Played a bit of water-polo with them and everything.”
“Is that the Alexander guy?”
His face dropped at your words, not one attempt to hide the strong snarl on his face succeeding, “Alexander guy? Seriously?”
“I don’t know football.” You defended with a shoulder raise leaving him to roll his eyes.
“No. It was someone else you wouldn’t know.” Oliver corrected. “We can count mum out of the bet, right?”
He fiddled around with putting his phone away in his pocket as he spoke, lowering his tone at the small chance that you dad had decided on hiding out to scare the pair of you.
“Of course.” You responded with an ‘obviously’ look which this time he had managed to notice though you did lay it on thicker than what you would usually prefer to do.
Oliver was about to give you a rude response when your parents called the both of you over, blissfully ignorant as to whatever was going on. They pressed the button to wait for the lift, striking up a conversation as to what might be best to do tomorrow.
The restaurant was a larger walk away than you all had anticipated when you had finally gotten downstairs. You walked what felt like all the hotel’s property before you finally arrived at the desired location. The sound of multiple conversations happening at one echoing throughout your ears. Though it was beginning to step back from its leading position, the sun’s heat lingered throughout the air, latching to your bare flesh as you walked through it in attempt to find a free table. The artificial light waved towards you, reflecting off every window that you passed, its brightness making you feel as though you would need sunglasses to get through this dinner.
A table of six was clear in front of you, allowing you to get off your feet, the pain beginning to get worse the more you walked. Despite being busy, the restaurant was yet to be full to its capacity, though the way people scattered themselves all over the place gave the image that it was.
Taking your seats, everyone picked up their own menu, decisively dragging their eyes across the busy piece of laminated paper. Discussions ensued about if anyone would be willing to share anything, everyone taking turns to list out their options. Your mum and you decided upon getting a sharing platter, neither of you particularly hungry.
The waiter soon made his rounds to your table, politely introducing himself being writing down your orders in his black, tarnished notepad.
Steady conversation ensued for the rest of the night, someone always having an opinion to share or a new topic to branch of off.
It was dark by the time you left on full stomachs; the majority of the restaurant’s guests having emptied out as well. The walkway lit with more soothing lighting, the yellow tone inciting tranquillity as birds sung their final song of the day.
Heels moved in harmony with one another, whispered conversations shared between one another as you all walked.
“Mark invited us to join him for a couple drinks at the pool, who feels like coming?” Your dad offered up, a chorus of agreement coming from the rest of your family. It wasn’t ideal for you to be doing this but since everyone else had already decided upon going, you left yourself with no choice but to go.
You allowed him to show you the way around once everyone had got going again. Your strides were steady, passing people with a friendly smile as you began to approach the pool once again. It was completely empty, towels still lead on sun loungers, most simply thrown on top and others folded.
The moon shone brightly, the almost full appearance it boasted being far too beautiful to not take a second to appreciate. A gentle wind still blew past your shoulders, forcing the heat that claimed its position in the air, into your already boiling body.
Flowers surrounded the edge of the resort in unity, insignificant amounts beginning to bloom and other having reached their time but all managing to stay equally as beautiful. Healthy grass filled every gap needed, helping to make the walkway look fuller.
Each one of you expressed your confusion as to where this supposed planned meet up was taking place though a short walk soon answered your silent questioning.
Music spilled out from speakers that positioned themselves perfectly around the bar to cause the least disturbance. Table came in few though most came empty. Instead, people gathered around the barrels that had barstools pushed up against them. Most opted not to use the provided branded coasters, their cold pints of beer placed rebelliously against the wooden top.
“There you are!” The man that was supposedly Mark walked up to your dad, a fist-bump taking place between the pair. “Thought you might have opted out of coming.”
“Never mate. I don’t turn down an enjoyable time.” Your dad laughed along with him. “This is the family.”
He introduced you all one by one, pointing to make it certain as to who he was talking about. You waved when it was your turn to, a small smile formed of regret making its way onto your face.
“Nice to meet you all.” Mark said, turning his body over to where his wife and sons sat. Or at least that’s what he said, your vision unable to do its only job due to your mum standing directly in front of you.
Not that you minded, the quicker you could get out of there the better.
There was no other chance given, however. Your mothers firm grip that enclosed your wrist always keeping you right by her side. She had dragged you over to the table before you could count to ten to complete the first deep breath you were having to take.
Your brother and his newly made friend recognised one another in an instance, taking themselves elsewhere to your and his mum’s displeasure. They called out a demand of ‘staying close’ though it was to no usage, the effort to do that wasting itself within a matter of seconds.
That seemed to make you mum far more hyperaware of your presence, her hand that held your wrist dragging you down into the seat next to her as everyone got acquainted.
“Sweetheart, do you want anything to drink?” Your dad asked you, taking a break from his walking away. Mark was steps ahead, not realising your fathers lack of presence.
You shook your head, “I’m not going to stay long so no thank you.”
Feeling your mums’ eyes linger on you in question, you turned to look at Denise. Her and your mum were partway through a conversation, your parent’s ability to be social being a skill you had not inherited nor developed.
“My Jude was just the same but if you look at him now, you would never be able to tell.” Denise stated, her hands moving around everywhere to emphasise her unknown point.
The singular usage of his name was enough for you heart to begin working harder, oxygen catching itself inside of your throat. It was a conditioned response that you had picked up many months ago, but it was hard not to feel silly at the mere coincidence that managed to weasel itself to directly in your eyeline.
“Sorry, forgive me. Is that your oldest?” Your mum questioned, familiarising herself with the bloodline of this new family.
Denise cracked a smile, “Yes. He should be here any minute now, he just had to take a call.”
Words seemed to blur around the edge of your consciousness for the minutes that passed, none of your interest managing to fixate onto the new topic the conversation had taken on.
Yet again, your father was yet to make a return. Though when you heard a loud roar travel through the crowd, it seemed to follow with hours before in the fact that it was no surprise. He had managed to find a television with the latest rugby match on and there was no method of drawing him away from it that any of your family had learned.
“Sorry about that. Oh.”
That voice. That same voice that was so deeply connected to the name.
No choices other than paralysing any movement your body could make could be handed to you, your eyes not daring to look up from their decided position whilst your arms seized with every muscle grabbing a hold of their closest friend.
It was an indescribable feeling that injected itself into your icy veins. One that you had never been subjected to. Your body seemed to become unfamiliar with the very organs that had been inside of you your whole life, disconnecting your brain from everything it could.
“Ah, Jude! There you are.” Denice began, the sound of wood creaking crawling throughout the bones that sat in your body. “This is Debbie and her daughter y/n.”
There wasn’t anything to shock you more that the fact that months of demanding work to just move on from him and his featherlight touch could undo itself with such little effort. A quick release knot that hadn’t even been pulled on before it began unravelling.
A short jab to the flesh that sat on the arm to your right brought you out of the tsunami wreaking havoc onto your mind.
“Nice to meet you.” He had a small voice crack, clearing it with a short cough of his throat. “Both.”
Looking up through the hoods of your eyelids, the skin around your nail falling victim to your painful habit, you mustered a miniature lifting of the sides of your lips to seem polite enough.
His eyes firmly watched you, for once not a care in the world as to who could possibly see.
The final word he spoke encouraged itself to hold the power of erasing your history, at least to your families. The same ones that both of you had sworn to meet countless times. Though, unfortunately for Jude, nothing nor no one, not even him, could ever deal with the weight of magically pushing away the indifference that lingered heavily between the pair of you.
Re-finding your words, you pushed yourself up from the chair that you sat him, your eyeline cutting out the man that stood on the side of the table.
“I’m going to head up.”
A panic set through Jude. That very same emotion bearing the power of his next actions. He could offer to walk you up to your room, he wanted to offer that. The words failed at exiting out of his throat, claiming a form of stage fright had developed.
He watched helplessly as everyone but him bid you a goodnight. His skin that concealed him so heavily began to heat up, his eyes being the only part of him that claimed its freedom.
They continued to trail you as you walked down towards the resort though his legs refused to cooperate.
“Are you sitting down?” Denise looked at her son suspiciously, her lips forming a strict straight line.
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.”
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seungkw1 · 11 months
halloween night — ksy
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⛧ pairing: kwon soonyoung x fem!reader ⛧ theme: strangers to lovers, nonidol!au ⛧ word count: ~2.5k ⛧ warnings: smut, swearing, praise kink, oral (m. & f. receiving), softdom!hoshi, petnames (f. receiving - baby, pretty girl, etc.), unprotected penetration (stay safe kids), tiny bit of fluff at the end
your halloween night is going pretty lousy — that is, until you meet a handsome, tiger-print-wearing stranger at a party
♡ moodboard by @myhimbomingi ♡
“You look fine. Stop worrying, you’re gonna have a good time tonight!”
You stop fiddling with your skirt and look up at your best friend with a sigh. ”I can’t believe you talked me into wearing this stupid thing.”
Halloween is, in your humble opinion, the greatest holiday ever invented. You always love putting together your costume, something unique and creative each year – which is why you feel like a fucking idiot standing here dressed in a cliché sexy nurse costume. But, you needed to get your shitty ex off your mind – it had been two weeks since you found out he was cheating on you – and what better distraction than alcohol. Hell, you might even find someone to make out with if you drink enough. Not your usual M.O., but fuck it.
Now that you’re here though, you’re starting to have second thoughts. Your best friend Mina is bubbly and sociable, so she thrives naturally in a party environment – you, not so much. To make matters worse she’s the only person you’ll know here, so you’re now realizing how awkward this whole thing is going to be. Wishing now that you had worn something more comfortable, you slap on a fake smile as you step inside. Here goes nothing, I guess.
Mina spent about 15 minutes introducing you to everybody as you did your best to engage in polite small talk, but she eventually got absorbed in chatting with some old friends while you inadvertently joined a very boring conversation with some cryptocurrency bros where some guy named Chad or something was going on about bitcoin. You pretended to be interested in whatever Brad was saying, but you kept zoning out. Stifling a sigh, you went to make your escape. 
“I’m gonna use the restroom, I'll be right…”
Nobody even looked at you. Brent had moved on talking about stocks or some shit. You rolled your eyes as you walked away. Assholes.
The other room was too crowded for your liking, and so was the kitchen. Spotting the back door, you quickly made your way outside before anyone else could talk to you. 
The cool October breeze hits you as you practically burst through the door and out onto the patio. You know you’ll probably get chilled before too long, especially in this dumb miniskirt, but the crisp air feels delightful. The relative quietness is a relief too. Taking a few moments to breathe, you start to relax, but soon enough your mind drifts back to your ex against your will. It’s not like you miss him – you’re definitely over that jerk – but you’re still extremely pissed off about the whole thing. You feel tears starting to form as the anger wells up inside you – you hate that you cry when you get mad, which only makes you even more upset. 
“God fucking dammit,” you mutter under your breath as you go to wipe your tears away before you start full-on crying. You know bottling up your emotions isn’t ideal, but neither is having a breakdown at some stranger’s house.
You can have your breakdown later, you tell yourself firmly. Just not right now. Don’t make a fool of yourself, just hold on out for a couple more hours and then-
“Are you okay?”
You nearly jump out of your skin at the voice coming from behind you. Quickly turning around, you find yourself face-to-face with a ridiculously handsome stranger. The man is so striking it takes you a few seconds to process the horribly tacky, bright orange tiger-print shirt he’s wearing.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me,” you say as you collect yourself.
“I- sorry, I didn’t mean to…” he says, his sentence trailing off.
You both stand there for a moment in silence. You find yourself trying not to blush at how good-looking he is, but you notice him noticing your low-cut top but trying to act like he didn’t notice it. Yeah, that is not helping…
The man clears his throat. “You just seemed like you were crying or something and uh… sorry, I guess that’s not really any of my business…” he apologizes, turning red. “Sorry,” he repeats, “I’ll leave you be…”
“No no it’s okay!!” you blurt out, perhaps a bit too fast. “I mean, you can stay, I don't mind.”
“Are you sure? If you want to be alon-”
“No, I don’t,” you interrupt before he goes to turn away again. “I mean, I did originally, but uh…”
What are you doing?? You literally don’t even know this man.
You ignore the voice inside your head. Fuck it, didn’t I say I wanted to find a hot stranger to make out with tonight? Here’s one right in front of me.
You introduce yourself and stick out your hand. His face turns into a soft smile as he takes your hand in his – he shakes it firmly, and you try not to think about how strong he feels. He locks eyes with you and holds on to your hand for a few moments too long. Your heart seems to skip a beat. 
“Soonyoung,” he replies. Letting out an even bigger grin, he finally lets go of your hand. “Nice to meet you.”
You don’t even know how long you two have been sitting on the patio couch talking. All you know is that not only is Soonyoung incredibly handsome, he’s also funny, charming, and easy to talk to – and, he’s clearly very attracted to you. Usually it takes a number of drinks before you get flirty, but the tension between you two is too strong to resist. It’s taking all of your willpower not to drop everything and kiss him – and the way he keeps stealing quick glances of your lips tells you the feeling is reciprocated. 
Despite how flustered you are, it is pretty chilly out, and eventually you start to shiver. Soonyoung notices and gives you a concerned look.
“Oh shit, we should probably get you inside.”
You glance back toward the chatter of the house party regretfully, not wanting to go back in and be amongst everybody else once again. But you are getting cold.
You look back to Soonyoung and you both sit there in silence for a few seconds. A sly smile creeps back onto his face, and he hesitates for a moment before suggesting, “Or… we could get out of here.”
You can’t help but grin back at him.
And so you find yourself on Soonyoung’s couch, straddling his lap, making out with him – the cheesy horror movie you had put on in the background long forgotten. Time seems to be at a standstill as you press your lips into his – softly at first, but more intensely with each kiss. His muscular arms tighten around your waist, pulling your body even closer to his, and a small moan escapes you as he pushes his hips into your core. 
Soonyoung stops kissing you momentarily so he can look at you. “You’re so fucking pretty, you know that?”
His low and raspy voice sends a jolt through your stomach. Your skirt has risen up over your hips, leaving your underwear as the only barrier between your pussy and the growing bulge in his jeans – you push yourself into him even further and this time he lets out a moan as you feel his cock twitch against your aching cunt.
Grabbing onto your waist he pushes you over onto the couch and rolls over on top of you. He kisses you again, his hand cradling your face, his body weight pressing down on you as you feel the blood rushing through your veins. He kisses you for a few moments more before he jumps up, pulling you along as he leads you into his bedroom. 
He stops right before the bed and pauses to look at you, his hand delicately tracing your neckline. “You know, I really like this costume, but I think I’d like it more off of you.”
You let out a laugh as you roll your eyes at him. You begin to unbutton his shirt as you reply, “Well I don’t really like it at all, so you can definitely help me get rid of it.”
He grins back at you. “You look incredible, but I will happily oblige.”
Grabbing the hem of your top, Soonyoung pulls it up over your head and tosses it behind him. He pulls his shirt off too, disregarding the rest of the buttons, and you have to keep your jaw from hitting the floor – to say he was toned would’ve been an understatement. 
He grabs you by the arms to pull you in for another kiss, and you place your hands on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin. You slowly run one hand down the defined curvatures of his abs until you reach the waist of his pants. Your lips still pressed against his, you begin to undo his belt and unbutton his pants.
Getting down as you undo the zipper, you pull down the band of his underwear and his cock springs free. You run your tongue up his length, your mouth stopping to take just the tip in between your lips as you taste his juices before taking him in your mouth. Soonyoung lets out a groan, and you begin to slide his cock down your throat – slowly at first, but as you begin to pick up the pace he places his hand on the back of your head, making sure you take his entire length with each motion.
“Look at me,” he commands.
You look up at him, his cock halfway in your mouth still, your lips red and your eyes teary from choking on him.
“That’s my pretty girl,” he murmurs, his voice gruff and low.
He thrusts into your mouth a few more times before he pulls your head back up, his cock glistening with your spit. 
“Stand up for me.”
You quickly stand up – it’s impossible to ignore how wet you are at this point.
Soonyoung takes you by the hips and gently pushes you down onto the bed. “Get comfy baby.”
You rest your head against the pillows as he situates himself between your legs. He lifts your skirt up just enough to reveal your visibly soaked underwear. 
“Fuck, you’re already this wet for me huh?” he says he starts kissing your inner thighs, close enough to your entrance to make your clit throb but just far away enough to drive you crazy.
He teases you with one finger tracing over your clothed cunt, sending a shiver down your spine. Not giving what you want just yet, he reaches his hand behind your back and unclasps your bra, taking it off of you. 
“God, you’re so hot,” he says as he begins to kiss your breasts. You let out a small whimper as his hand makes its way back down to your clit, his thumb circling over the fabric gently.
Finally, he reaches his hands under your skirt and slides your panties off, his face resuming its position right in front of your cunt. You let out a hiss as his tongue makes a stripe over your folds, slowly taking in your wetness – you cry out suddenly as he begins to suck on your clit. 
Soonyoung goes down on you for what feels like an eternity, only stopping here and there to shower you in admiration.
“You taste so good, baby.”
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
“Pussy so pretty for me.”
Just as you feel the heat welling up inside your body, he slides his fingers inside of you. The vibrations of his mouth moaning on your clit combined with the pressure against your g-spot nearly sends you over the edge.
“Fuck, Soonyoung – I’m gonna cum…” you cry.
“Cum for me, baby.”
Your orgasm rushes over you as you grab him by the hair, cumming hard on his mouth. Out of breath and seeing stars, you start to come down and your body relaxes into the bed – you run your hand through his hair as he delicately kisses your soaked pussy, his mouth and chin covered in your juices.
Soonyoung comes up to give you a few soft kisses on the lips. Wrapping your arms around his back, you pull his warm body into yours. His erection presses up against your still-throbbing core – you try to position your entrance right on top of his cock but he teasingly pulls away and starts kissing your neck instead. 
“Please Soonyoung,” you beg.
“Please what baby? I wanna hear you say it.”
“Want you to fuck me.”
He kisses you on the neck once more before slipping his cock inside you, making you gasp at the sudden sensation.
“Mmm I made you so wet baby, you’re so perfect for me.”
He slowly starts sliding his length in and out of you, but before long you find yourself trying to ride his cock, trying to make him go faster – which only makes him slow down even more. He smirks, locking eyes with you – undeniably addicted to how much you need him.
“Such a little slut, you want me to fuck you harder?”
You nod, looking up at him – desperation in your eyes.
“Use your words baby.”
“Harder,” you plead.
“That’s my good girl.”
Soonyoung thrusts into you, picking up the pace this time, until he’s fucking you senseless. Your cries fill the room from the overwhelming pleasure, and much to his enjoyment you start to whimper out his name. 
“That’s right – say my name babygirl.”
You repeat his name as every inch of him continues to pulse into you, stronger with each stroke. 
“You’re taking me so well. My cock so good to you baby?”
You cry out something, presumably some form of yes, but you don’t even know at this point. You feel yourself start to climax once more. 
“Fuck, Soonyoung – I’m gonna cum again.”
“Cum with me, pretty girl.”
Electricity rushes over your entire body as your walls tighten around him, and you feel his cock pulsating as his cum fills you up inside. You both lay there for a few moments, his strong arms wrapping around you as you breathe heavily together. He slowly removes himself from you and rolls over to pull you into an embrace – him as the big spoon. You giggle as he holds you tightly and gives you little kisses on your cheek. 
“You know,” you admit, “I didn’t even want to go to that stupid party.”
Soonyoung laughs. “Well, I’m sure glad you did.”
“I am too,” you say as you begin to yawn. You are completely worn out in the best way possible.
He nuzzles into your neck, clearly also getting sleepy. He pauses a moment before he asks.
“Stay here with me?”
You can’t help but smile. “Okay,” you reply softly. 
You drift off to sleep in Soonyoung’s arms – blissful and content.
you can also find me on ao3 ♡
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satorisoup · 9 months
ohmygosh the christmas prompts r so cute. could i request daichi + ice skating? (@motorcycle-boyy for tag)
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satorisoup christmas event! ⛄️
˚✧₊ A/N : ahhh thank you! i literally never write for daichi so i hope this is alright.
˚✧₊ WARNINGS : f!reader. petnames (sweetheart). cursing.
˚✧₊ TAGS : @motorcycle-boyy
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you sit on the benches of the ice rink lacing your skates up as daichi sits beside you. its a nice winter day and the air is crisp. as you finish tying your skates, you both make your way into the rink.
you wobble on both of your feet upon entering, the ice slippery against the blades. daichi follows behind you, on hand on the railing. as you begin to move faster, your blade desides to give out on you and cause you to trip.
“woah, careful sweetheart.” daichi says, holding a hand on the small of your back.
the rink is filled with little children and couples figuring out the ice, laughter and smiles thrown into the air and it creates an atmosphere of complete adoration. you and daichi begin to find your way around the rink, eventually letting go of the railing and skating together.
“shit! oh my god im gonna fall!” you say, feeling yourself wobble again.
“you’re not gonna fall! im right here.” daichi replies, laughing as he takes hold of your hand.
“you know, i think i probably would’ve fallen on my face already if you weren’t.” you laugh.
“like i would ever let that happen.” he chuckles.
you continue in a circle holding hands with daichi, and of course, the inevitable happens.
“oh wai- damn!”
you’re laughing hard holding your stomach when daichi falls straight down, losing your balance before you’re falling too.
your giggles add to the environment that you were admiring before as you both kneel on the icy ground, breath coming out in clouds.
“alright, maybe i take it back…”
“yeah, we kinda suck at this, dai!”
yes, the atmosphere was practically second to none, almost perfect in every way.
but looking at you, smiling and cheerful glee escaping in fits of laughter,
you were definitely the most admirable thing here.
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Day 3 — Autumn Leaves
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 800
Contents & Warnings || Fluff — no warnings.
Authors Note || I posted this last year, but it flopped, so I’ve rewritten it, and I’m reposting it for this year.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Flufftober Masterlist
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You looked out the living room window with a joyous expression that Autumn was finally here. It’s always been your favourite season of them all.
While in deep concentration on the Autumn world outside, you feel a pair of naked and muscular arms wrap around your waist. A warm chest pressed into your back, and you leaned your head against it—the presence behind you no other than your boyfriend, Bucky.
His vibranium arm burned cold into your skin for a few seconds before it started to warm up against you. Your arms placed on top of his to keep him close. His lips brushed against your ear as he squeezed enough to make you feel secure and loved in his grasp.
“What’s going through that pretty head of yours, doll?”
His voice was laced with sleep. The low and rough tone had shivers run down your spine, and your lips parted to let out a shaky exhale.
“I’m just admiring the beauty of Autumn. You know it’s my favourite season.”
He turned you around, and once you were face to face, you took a moment to admire him. Bucky always looked so beautiful in the morning. His hair was a bit messy, and the sculpt of his body looked more defined. It took your breath away.
He wrapped his arms around your middle again, pulling you close to him once more. Your lips brushed together as you gazed deep into each other. A smirk curved on his lips.
“Let’s have a hot shower together and then go for a walk in the park. What do you say, doll?”
“That sounds like a wonderful plan, babe.” You smiled.
After your shower together, which turned steamy, of course, you both got dressed in your warm and cosy Autumn clothes.
You remembered to grab your camera with you to take pictures of your adventure.
As you stepped out into the chilly weather, his large hand embraced your smaller one. He gave it a light squeeze before his thumb brushed the back of it repeatedly. You took in a big breath of the crisp morning air before you set out on your walk.
You watched with adoration as you took in the thick trees coated with Autumn colours—blood red, burnt orange, dark yellow and brown as far as the eye could see. The path you were walking on was decorated with fallen leaves.
Families and couples were out as well, enjoying the pleasant weather and atmosphere. You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched kids running around and playing in the pile of leaves.
You fantasised about yours and Bucky’s hopeful future where your kids would one day play and laugh as well in this magical season. It had you smiling from ear to ear at the thought.
The sound of your camera clicked away as you took a few pictures of the scenes around you.
“It’s so beautiful,” you mumbled while taking the pictures, managing to sneak in a few of your boyfriend as well.
“It sure is.”
Bucky’s eyes studied the environment around him before they landed on you. The most breathtaking sight he’s ever laid eyes on in his entire existence.
He stopped in his tracks and pulled your arm. Before you had the chance to say anything, he spun you around to face him. His hands grabbed your hips to pull you flush against his frame. Your arms locked around his neck as you stood on your toes.
His lips brushed yours softly and delicately for a brief moment to breathe you in and feel the warmth radiating off you before he closed the gap between you and laid a sweet kiss on your lips.
It felt like it was only you and Bucky in the universe when you kissed; nothing else mattered. The falling leaves around you created a picture-perfect scene that looked like something from a fairy tale.
When he pulled his lips from yours, you let out a soft whine, wanting more. If you could, you would never separate from them. You could get lost in them forever, not caring where you were and who was watching.
He rested his forehead on yours as you both closed your eyes to feel the electric and warm energy soaring between the two of you. His flesh hand cradled your face, brushing your cheek with his thumb.
“I love you, my pretty doll. You’re the best thing that’s ever come into my life.”
“I’m yours forever, Bucky. I love you so much.”
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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eat-limes-bitches · 2 years
*Part of the Stages of a Storm collection*
PAIRING: Female Avenger! Reader x  Bucky Barnes (its barely there, more of it in the following parts)
WARNINGS: Angst, Injury, Blood, Explosion, Broken bones.
A sound no one really talks about is silence. How when the world around has been so incredibly loud and deafening that when the noise stops, you wish it would come back…
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The pain that ripped through her body was almost unbearable… almost, but not as much as the fear that gripped onto her soul like a vice. “This is it”, she thought, “this is where I die.” The explosion happened earlier than expected, she hadn’t made it out before everything collapsed around her in flames. She could hear the voices of her teammates in her comms, everyone celebrating that they all made it out alive. Everyone but her. She tried to push herself up onto her knees but, they wouldn’t support her weight and she fell back onto her stomach. Her strength was flowing out of her, like the crimson trail she left as she drug her crumpled form out of the debris. She didn’t remember making it out of the rubble, she didn’t remember passing out, she just remembers how loud everything was.
Some distance away, the team was cheering. They knew this was going to be a hard mission and it was even harder once they landed, but everyone had made it out alive, the files had been recovered and the base destroyed. Their celebrations were cut short by that one fateful question that left Sam’s lips, “Where’s Y/N?” Everyone froze, and Steve started to do a head count: Tony, Sam, Wanda, Nat, Clint, Bucky, but no sign of Y/N. “Shit, “Agent Morgan, do you copy!” Steve yelled into his comms and everyone held their breath as they scanned the static for any form of response. “Y/N Do you copy!” Steve yelled once again and when there was still no response, everyone felt the dread settle in like an unwelcome chill on a sunny day. “Damn it, everyone, split up. We do NOT leave here without her!” 
It was Bucky who found her, bleeding out from an abdominal wound and her right leg twisted inward at the hip. “I found Y/N! And it doesn't look good!” Bucky called into his comms, relieved when Tony showed up just a few seconds later. “FRIDAY, Vitals!” Tony shouted as Bucky tried to stop the bleeding, “Critical sir, multiple sources of internal bleeding. Signs of a comminuted pelvic and femoral fractures. SHIELD Medical has been informed and is awaiting your arrival.” Tony let out a sigh and Bucky clenched his jaw, looking away from the mangled woman in front of him. “Barnes, pick her up and get her back to the jet, I’ll inform the others. Doing as instructed, Bucky lifted her from the ground and ran back to the jet, trying his best not to jostle her to avoid causing her any more pain. He reached the others and passed Y/N off to Steve and Clint as Nat and Tony got the jet into the air. Bucky sat down roughly on one of the benches, watching as his teammates tried to stabilize her condition while reporting to base medical on the situation. Never had a ride home been so loud.
Y/N's eyes snapped open, everything that happened so incredibly vivid, the fight or flight response pumping her bloodstream full of adrenalin, ready to fight for her life again but as she paused to take in her surroundings, that's when she noticed it. The sound, or the lack thereof. The room was bright, the floors a light gray with light blue walls and crisp white linen sheets reflecting all of the light coming in from the window, engulfing her in this soft and silent environment. It was so quiet, the kind of quiet where you hear static in your ears, the kind of silence that in its own way is the loudest thing that you've ever heard. Wanting to get up, she pushed herself up onto her elbows and what she saw froze her in her spot, her right leg from the top of her knee all the way to her pelvis was wrapped in white linen bandages, suspended by a counter weighted sling. It was like all the air was sucked out of her lungs, she tried to move but her leg was so heavy that it wouldn’t budge. Just as she was getting ready to try moving it again, the door opened and in walked Tony, Bucky, and Sam. 
They all looked at her with different expressions but they each read the same way. The silence she had awoken to was replaced with a thick loaded one that made her squirm. Sam sat on the edge of the bed and Bucky took post at the chair next to it while Tony stood at the doorway. Unable to stand the silence any longer, Y/N broke the silence first, “Tony, what have I told you about standing in doorways. It makes you look creepy as hell.” This caused the three men to chuckle lightly before their expressions turned somber again. “I’m sorry, kid,” Tony started with a sigh shaking his head, “I didn’t want to have to do this, but it’s not permanent,” Y/N scoffed slightly, “Tony, please, I’m 25 years old. I can handle things like an adult. Just spit it out.” Tony shared a look with the other two men before speaking, “You’ve been taken off field work until further notice.” Her world froze, she expected to not go on missions until she was healed but to be removed completely until the higher ups deemed fit? That was unthinkable. She was in so much shock that she didn’t realize that Tony said something to her before he left. She didn’t register the pat on the shoulder Sam gave her before leaving, and she didn’t notice the unusually soft gaze Bucky scanned her over with before he placed a kiss to her head and left as well, leaving her alone in the silence once again.
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callsign-owl · 27 days
Unseen and Unheard
Hereford, United Kingdom - February 2019
The winter air was crisp, biting at the exposed skin on Owl’s face. Ghost stood beside him, his expression unreadable beneath the skull-patterned balaclava. Today was all about testing Owl’s stealth skills, a core component of Task Force 141’s operations and something Ghost excelled in. This particular part of the training grounds consisted of a complex maze of urban style obstacles and various mock buildings. It was designed to test even the most seasoned operators and today it came complete with cameras, traps, patrols and sentry posts.
“This isn’t just about sneaking around, *redacted*,” Ghost began. “It’s about blending in with your environment, moving without a sound, and thinking two steps ahead of your enemy. You need to become a ghost yourself—unseen, unheard, but always watching.”
Owl nodded, his expression serious. He knew the importance of stealth in the operations Task Force 141 conducted. It was often the difference between life and death, success and failure.
“Today, we’re going to run through several scenarios,” Ghost continued. “You’ll need to move through the course without being detected, complete various objectives, and avoid any traps or alarms we’ve set up. The goal is to see how you handle yourself in the shadows. Ready?”
Owl nodded again, feeling a mix of anticipation and focus settle over him. He had always been good at thinking on his feet, analyzing situations, and making quick decisions. Stealth was a skill Owl had unintentionally honed even before his time in the military. Being able to move through the world as quietly and unnoticed as possible had certainly been a handy skill growing up in a household with someone like his father. Now, it was time to put those skills to the test.
“Alright then,” Ghost said, stepping back to give Owl space. “Your first objective is simple: infiltrate that building over there”—he pointed to a mock structure on the far side of the area—“and retrieve the intel from inside without anyone being able to raise an alarm. Use your environment, keep low, and and don't get caught.”
"Got it." Owl replied and without another word, he moved forward and entered the training area. The first thing he did was take stock of his surroundings—observing the patrol patterns, the placement of cameras, and the layout of the area. He took note of potential hiding spots and obscured paths he could use to hide his movements. Then staying low, Owl began his approach. His movements were smooth and controlled, his footfalls silent against the frosty ground. He paused as a patrol passed by, holding his breath as he pressed himself against the cold cold ground hidden behind some foliage. The guard moved on, unaware of Owl’s presence, and Owl resumed his advance.
As he neared the target building, Owl spotted a camera mounted above the entrance, its lens sweeping back and forth in a slow, deliberate arc. Timing his movement perfectly, he darted forward, pressing himself flat against the wall just as the camera panned away. He knew he had only seconds before it would swing back in his direction.
Owl noticed a narrow window just above him—almost too high to reach, but just low enough that he might be able to pull himself up. He took a moment to steady his breathing before jumping up, gripping the ledge with both hands, and pulling himself up in one fluid motion. The rigorous physical training of the past weeks obviously was paying off. Not long ago there would have been no way Owl would have been able to do this. He slipped through the window and landed silently inside the building, immediately dropping into a crouch to survey his surroundings.
The room was dimly lit, filled with stacks of crates and equipment. Owl knew the intel he was after would be hidden somewhere within. Moving carefully, he searched the room, his senses heightened as he listened for any sign of movement or approaching footsteps. After a few tense minutes, he found what he was looking for—a USB stick, tucked away behind a loose wall panel. He retrieved it quickly, tucked it into his vest before moving back toward the window.
Getting out was trickier. The guards outside were more alert now, their patrols tightening as the exercise progressed. Owl waited patiently, watching their movements, and then slipped out of the building the same way he had entered—swiftly, silently, and without detection. He retraced his steps, avoiding the cameras and guards until he was clear of the building and back out of the training area. Ghost was waiting for him, his arms crossed over his chest and Owl handed over the USB stick.
Ghost took the USB stick, examining it briefly before looking back at Owl. “Not bad, *redacted*,” he said, a hint of approval in his voice.
Owl allowed himself a small, satisfied smile as Ghost's demeanor turned serious again. “We’re not done yet. This was just the warm-up.”
Owl quickly realized the real test was just beginning. Ghost gave a few commands to the soldiers that had been posted in the training area as guards and patrols, and they changed around their positions and patterns to create a more challenging situation for Owl. The next scenario was designed to push Owl to his limits, testing not only his stealth but his ability to think critically and adapt to changing situations.
As the exercises progressed, Ghost couldn’t help but be a little impressed by Owl’s performance. Owl moved with an almost predatory grace, his instincts sharp and his decision-making quick. He adapted to the new challenge with ease, finding ways to outmaneuver and outsmart the opposition without being seen. At least for the most part. The two times Owl was spotted, he swiftly neutralized the guards before they could raise an alarm.
When Owl finally returned to where Ghost was waiting, there was a look of quiet satisfaction on his face. Ghost gave a nod of approval. “Well done, *redacted*,” he said, his tone sincere. “Stealth isn’t just about moving quietly—it’s about blending into your surroundings, thinking ahead, adapting and knowing when to strike. You’ve shown you can do all of that.”
Owl nodded, feeling a sense of pride. “Thanks."
"Don’t let it go to your head, though," Ghost said, his tone firm but not unkind. "There’s always room for improvement. You did well today, but in the field, things won’t be as controlled. One mistake, and it’s not just you who pays the price."
Owl’s momentary pride was quickly tempered by Ghost’s words, though the rare acknowledgment still lingered in his mind. He wasn’t used to receiving praise—especially not from someone like Ghost, who demanded nothing short of excellence. He had always been more accustomed to criticism, to being told he wasn’t good enough, that he was a failure and a disappointment. This change was strange and Owl found himself unsure how to respond, so he opted for silence.
Ghost studied Owl for a moment, as if weighing something in his mind. Then, in his usual straightforward manner, he added, "You’ve got potential, *redacted*. But potential means nothing without the drive to keep pushing, to get better. Today was a step forward. Just make sure you keep taking those steps."
Owl met Ghost’s gaze, nodding again. “I will try.”
“Good,” Ghost replied. Then, with a final glance at the training ground, he turned and began walking back toward the barracks. “Come on, let’s get back. You’ve earned a bit of a break before we hit the next round of training.”
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docluna · 11 months
Ch. 1: The Invitation
Luna Wenhouse disembarked the train into Saffron City with a sigh. Just half a year ago, she would’ve just thrown the weird letter away, gone back to her life, given no more thought to the address it contained or its offer of employment. That was before she’d had doors literally slammed in her face for her theories, following a bitter and prolonged thesis defense. She’d graduated, earned her title as a doctor of Pokemon genetics, and what she had to show for it were burned bridges and mounting debt. Three days after her last rejection, which had at least been polite enough to tell her she wasn’t required instead of something more stern, she received the letter.
“Dear Dr. Wenhouse,” it said, “My boss your thesis work to be fascinating. Such a radical theory on the similarities between Pokemon and Human DNA, and their implications, is ideal for a project he wishes to invest in. While we both understand that the bedfellows of science and business have sometimes left a sordid history, it is his belief that you are reasonable enough to see how you both may benefit from a partnership. He also believes that the nature of this project, however, is such that any further discussion should take place in person. I am inclined to agree.
Therefore, please accept this invitation to Saffron City, Kanto. The enclosed train ticket is good for two trips from the Goldenrod Interregional Terminal. Please also find information attached regarding a reservation in your name at the station hotel, and ten thousand dollars for travel expenses. Know that you are under no obligation to accept. Should you wish to ignore our offer, you are welcome to dispose of this letter, keep the money, and never give it a second thought. Even should you choose to appear, this is an interview offer, not a contract.
When you arrive, and are settled, please proceed to the address listed on the back of this letter. Knock at the door under the green light, and ask for Michael. I will show you to the boss’s office from there, and the two of you may discuss things in a more suitable environment.
Hoping to see you soon, Michael Rheo”
Luna’s hand clenched around the letter in her jacket pocket as though she could squeeze answers out of it. It was the kind of suspicious that got people disappeared, especially in a city as large as Saffron. She was no stranger to cities, having lived in a dorm room just outside Goldenrod and commuted in to the university there for the last several years of her life, but Saffron was busier and denser than her home. On top of that, the rumors persisted that the criminal groups which haunted both Kanto and Johto funneled much of their money through the city, and all it took to wind up on their bad side was to be in the wrong alleyway at the wrong time.
Still, she reasoned, she had no real choice at the moment. Even her professors had abandoned her, and the goodwill of her landlord and her parents could only carry her so far. She inhaled the crisp late-fall air, then breathed it out through her nose and slung her bag’s strap over her shoulder. With the stinging chill in her sinuses to distract her from her thoughts, she started for the hotel doors on the other side of the station.
It took only thirty minutes for her to get checked in, leave her bag in the room, and return to the street. The hotel was clean, the room a decent queen-size suite. She didn’t register the color of the carpet, or the view from the window. It didn’t matter. What mattered lay deep in the heart of the city, and as she gave her taxi driver the address and settled in for the ride, her mind returned to its racing. The number of people outside of the scientific community who would’ve even heard of her thesis work, much less would’ve read and understood it, was laughably small. A businessman, at that. The intersection of human and Pokemon genetics, to her, had vanishingly few applications in the business world. Still, she could imagine this being some kind of medical opportunity that was being kept quiet. She knew better than anyone that people had strong opinions about things that blurred the line between human and Pokemon. Hopefully he wasn’t one of those people who wanted Skitty ears and a tail on demand. She couldn’t take the idea of explaining to one more of them why her research had nothing to do with that right now, not that she judged. Maybe he- Luna found herself snapping back to the moment for the second time that day when the cabbie rapped his knuckles on the divider between them. She brushed her card against the reader, keying in a generous enough tip to make sure he wouldn’t turn into a headache, then clambered out and took stock of the area. The hair on the back of her neck raised with the realization that this was, in fact, a dingy alleyway that started between a smaller Silph Co. sub-office and an old, red-brick library. The library wall had graffiti on it, gang tags of some kind she didn’t know or care enough to recognize, and the office building’s stark walling had been recently painted over. She wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing that no windows on either faced into the alleyway, though they at least had light fixtures for later in the day.
Past the office’s walls, she could see the dim green light she’d been promised over a plain metal door with no handle. Two Meowth poked at a half-eaten pizza just beyond it, and on the trash can behind the office building a Zigzagoon watched her warily. A nervous glance around the corner revealed that her destination was built into the back of a clothing store, whose admittedly cheery and colorful sign featured a Persian in a tuxedo posing proudly.
Her train of thought sputtered and derailed. There was no conceivable reason that any of this should have her meeting someone at a clothing store. None. She stood on the corner staring at that sign for two whole minutes, struggling to predict what kind of businessman would be involved in clothing and have any interest whatsoever in human-Pokemon genetics.
Nothing. No ideas whatsoever.
Get it together, Luna, she thought to herself. To emphasize the point, she drew in another breath of that cold air. She could do this. This was surely just someone who had misunderstood her work, or some kind of eccentric billionaire, or something. There was no reason to be so nervous. Before she had a chance to start overthinking things again, she walked straight past the pedestrian traffic and down the alleyway. The Zigzagoon fled, and in its panic startled the two Meowth into running as well.
She lifted her hand, and knocked sharply, twice. For a precious minute, she wondered if nobody was going to answer- if this was some kind of prank, played by someone with more money than sense. She had thought the investment ruled that out, but in that minute, she felt awfully self-aware standing in the alley with her hand raised to the metal.
Then it opened with a quiet hiss, some hidden hydraulic activating. There was a man standing in the doorway, backed by cool lighting and a stark, unpainted room. He was a wide six feet, with shoulders that crowded the doorframe and a build that suggested he’d been some kind of athlete in a past life. His head was topped in silver hair, combed neatly and kept cut short, and his brow furrowed over his piercing blue eyes. He looked Luna up and down before he spoke, crossing his arms.
“Yes? May I help you?” He asked, finally. To her surprise, the man was soft-spoken, with an implacable accent and a demeanor that put her in mind of a butler from a movie scene. It was odd enough, here in this alleyway, that she had to remind herself not to stare.
“Ah, uh-” She managed, before swallowing the nerves. She’d come this far. No backing down now, not without finding out what in the world was going on. “I’m Doctor Luna Wenhouse. I was told to ask for Michael? About the job?”
“Ah, good.” The man replied. His expression softened, and he stepped aside to wave her past. “I am Michael. It’s good to see you made it to our door without incident, or, indeed, at all.”
The doctor braced herself, then stepped across the threshold into the sterile-looking room. There was a desk and a fairly normal office chair, a computer terminal that looked like it had been brought straight out of twenty years ago, and another featureless metal door across from the one she’d just passed through. She turned back to face him as he closed the door, managing an awkward smile.
“It’s certainly a more unique recruiting method and location than I’m used to.” She said, and her tension eased when he smiled back.
“All too aware.” He said, before warmly chuckling and shaking his head. “I told the boss that if you showed, it would be a miracle. Nevertheless, he was convinced you’d be here, and he was right, as he often is. May I take your coat?” “Oh, uh, thanks.” Luna said, shrugging the coat off and offering it to him. He folded it neatly (certainly neater than she ever had) and placed it atop the desk, then leaned across it and tapped a sequence of keys at the computer with practiced speed.
“There we are.” Michael smiled, standing back up. “Once the boss is ready for you, the door will open and we will proceed. I admit, he was quite excited to have found you. Marching around his office reading me the intro to your thesis like it was part of a famous oration. Ah- don’t tell him I mentioned that.”
“I’ll keep it between us.” Luna said, and tried to match his smile. She fidgeted with her hands for a moment before opting to stuff them into her pockets, her smile faltering. “I, ah. I gotta say, Michael, I don’t really know what to expect here.”
“As much as I would like to prepare you, I’m under strict orders not to tell you anything yet.” He said, and his expression turned sympathetic. “Believe me, I do understand your apprehension. All I am at liberty to say is that I truly believe in the endeavor we wish to recruit you for, and I hope you keep an open mind.”
She stewed over this in her head, looking past him at the blank wall. It was hard to imagine what could possibly demand such secrecy. Part of her held that this sort of thing only happened in the movies. Yet here she was, in what may as well have been an interrogation cell, with a stranger whose apparent warmth had completely disarmed her. She was trying to think of what to say when the door gave a soft ding, then slid open to reveal an almost comically nondescript elevator car. “Ah, excellent.” Michael said, gesturing for her to enter. “Giovanni will see you now.”
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wool-f · 2 years
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Wellness: Through & Through | Part Two: Pilates
If you subscribe to me, you’d know I posted a video on my channel not very long ago about my experience trying pilates for two months. It’s now been four months, and I can fully say that I am a member of the pilates cult that seems to be taking girl social media by storm.
I remember the first time I really began to see the rise in popularity of reformer, and it was just after an article where Lori Harvey said she loved pilates. After that, pilates was everywhere, and I really mean everywhere.
On TikTok, Instagram, Facebook even, my colleagues in the office were talking about how they were thinking of trying it, and my friends were signing up to expensive studios around Melbourne to get into the newest fad of fitness.
I say fad very loosely, because once I began classes at my local studio, I realised this trend was very quickly going to become a habit for me.
I’ll be honest, I was doubtful about whether pilates would do anything crazy to my body, and boy was I surprised! I had heard one of my friends talk about it previously but didn’t really think anything of it, until suddenly every second girl and their mother were achieving insane results from five 45 minute workouts a week.
I was flawed. I wish I’d listened to my friend sooner (take this as a lesson well learnt from me). So my friend and I decided to join a studio, and we got a pretty good starter deal. Pilates is quite expensive, it’s definitely not an affordable fitness method if you’re wanting to go to an actual studio, I will say that much.
Four months down the track, I can genuinely say I’ve never stuck to any fitness regime the way I have stuck to pilates, and I have never felt better. In the first two months of going to pilates consistently, I dropped FOUR KILOGRAMS without trying.
A disclaimer to this is that I never started this wellness adventure to lose weight - I don’t hate my body or myself, and I always wanted the focus to remain on how I feel about myself and my mental wellbeing, and what ways my physical health could assist with improving those aspects of my life. That being said, I can’t ignore the obvious difference in my body since beginning pilates.
Outside that, and now that I am well into my pilates obsession, I have a few notes on the difference it has made on my body.
I feel stronger in all ways, and I’m sleeping way better. I have gotten myself into the routine of getting up early to go to the studio and take a class before my work day begins and I notice that I have so much more mental clarity and motivation throughout my day. If I don’t get up and exercise before beginning my workday I often feel lethargic and foggy in my mind. I love the feeling of finishing a class and coming out of the heated room into the fresh air - my cheeks flushed and lungs breathing in the crisp smells of the early morning, and the satisfaction I feel when I finish a really tough class. I have increased my weight usage from 2kgs being my difficult weight to 4kg. I’m just happier as a person, obviously because any exercise creates endorphins.
If you’ve been looking for a sign to try out pilates, let it be this - it is honestly the best investment I’ve ever made in my health and fitness, and it’s an inclusive environment. It’s not necessarily price effective if you want to go to a studio, but there are so many free videos on YouTube you can use too - please try it if you’re even thinking about it.
If you are joining me on this group science experiment, investigating what wellness truly means and how I am achieving it, both physically and mentally, welcome! Comment below any suggestions or trends you are seeing to do with wellness that you’re too afraid to try yourself - I will try them. Also let me know if you tried pilates because of this post or my video! I’d love to hear your feedback :)
If you want to follow along with this experiment with me on a daily basis, please follow my Instagram and TikTok accounts, I am much more active on there and will have little updates throughout the weeks that I am posting the videos.
Leave any comments down below or in my questions box, and we can chat!
Until next week, all my love,
G xx
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cruelprincae · 10 months
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@krvla sent from MEAN WITH A HINT OF COMEDY
"How humanity has survived this long is a mystery to me..."
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As the pair walks down the concrete pavement of Portland's street, Cardan hums his delight despite the crisp, chilly winter air that breezes past the orange-tinted leaves of trees and bites into the sides of his face or any other exposed part of his body. One of the most significant ― and admittedly the hardest to adapt yet ― differences between the mortal land and Elfhame is that the latter, due to High King Eldred's magic, remains impervious to change, and therefore, does not experience a change of weather, least of all what mortals refer to as a season; Surely, there are parts amongst the Isles where the Lower Courts lay which forever remain in certain climates, ― as per the snow-covered grounds and lifeless surroundings of the Court of Teeth, the warmth and the green blooming grounds of the Seelie Folk and the bright, warm sun that surrounds the area where the Undersea lays ― but its majority stays in forever blooming crops, vivid greenery and golden rays of sunshine that aid the Folk into prosperity.
The mortal land is the exact opposite, with weather that changes as frequently as a chameleon's skin and storms in its body of water that can sometimes match the most ferocious of Queen Orlagh's waves. In a way, it is as though the earth is trying to rid herself of the mortal intruders that have done nothing but pollute and cover her surface with iron and other metal-like inventions ― such as grand skyscrapers and cars that breathe out exhaustion fumes ― which cut the breath short from the Prince's lungs the second he steps foot in mortal territory. But alas, stealing a glance at Nicasia who is ever so capriciously walking alongside him, breathing superiority just like mortals breathe air, Cardan can tell it is neither the weather nor their surroundings that have triggered her peevish disposition.
Following her coral gaze, he traces it down to a group of teenage children, not much older than they are, gathered around a glass display and fighting over who would get to buy the exhibited tiny radio first; then to a couple of homeless people, sitting in what appears to be two cardboard boxes and wrapped in their overcoats while arguing with a mortal of authority who wishes to banish them of their chosen place to rest; and then, to two obnoxiously loud and vulgar mortals, screaming at each other whilst in the middle of the street before their crashed vehicles as cars behind them honk and scream at them to get their business sorted somewhere else. Though the Prince's attention is currently lying upon the spectacle before him, he catches notice of Nicasia's furrowing brows, the scrunch of her nose in disdain, and the scowl in which her lips curl, as though the mortals are nothing but irksome flies, threatening to spoil her delicacy of a food.
It makes him wonder why she would suggest coming to the mortal land in the first place if she abhors even in the sight of mortals going about their lives.
❛ Mortals are very cunning and sharp-witted creatures, ❜ Cardan says as he takes a sip from the plastic cup of a milky tea concoction referred to as bubbling tea that he glamoured himself from a parlor shop a tad further back. It is a lavender drink, in the colour of flowers and just as fragrant as a real, blooming lavender which has sparked both his amazement and the desire to taste more of it. Black eyes rimmed in gold rise to meet Nicasia's sea-coloured blue ones before he offers a small shrug of his shoulders. ❛ You would be surprised as to how easily adaptable they become to their environment in order to survive. However, if you deem that the mortal land is not to your liking, then by all means, the steeds are tied in the beach a small distance back. You are free to return to Elfhame. ❜
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councilingmychaos · 1 year
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Scene One
Bright flickers of lightning danced across the sky as faint roars of thunder echoed. I stepped off the bus and took a deep breath of fresh, crisp October air. It was almost 9am, when Orientation was to start, and the sky was still dark due to the storm blowing in. Being the oblivious young lady I am, I did not look at the weather forecast before getting dressed. There I stood in my black dress that hung just over my knees, black tights, and just a white long sleeve turtleneck underneath. At least I wore my combat boots instead of sneakers.
I looked around briefly before heading towards the large metal gate that read “Redwood University” on it. There were not as many people around as I expected, but then again all I had to go on for information, was movies I had watched. Despite the lack of people that were around campus, once I got to the building, there was a group of people whom I assumed were part of the orientation I’d be attending shortly.
I hung quietly to the back of the group while they mingled with whom I assumed were their parents or family members. I bit my lower lip and awkwardly looked around seeing as I had nobody accompanying me. I somehow convinced Angie and Arthur that this was an experience I needed to have on my own, with no help. Do I regret convincing them of that? Kind of, but I am still convinced that if I do this myself, it will help me feel comfortable with the whole idea of NOT having my family with me 24/7.
Before college, I had been homeschooled. When I was adopted at the age of 7, Angie and Arthur were told I’d have a difficult time socializing due to my past, so they deemed it best that I be homeschooled with my older brother Abel, whom they adopted just a couple years prior to my adoption. This will be not only my first time in a school environment, but my first time being completely on my own. I was nervous, but more so excited.
Cool rain began to drizzle down from the grumbling sky as bolts of lightning grew closer. I loved a good thunderstorm, though thunder ironically terrified me. I looked around, wondering why we were all still standing outside. Were we waiting to be welcomed in? Or was I simply in the wrong group of people? Either way, I was ready to be inside before the rain completely drenched me. I’m a small girl, with a lot of hair. The second I get soaked, the weight will pile up.
Two large doors opened and the crowd began to slowly file in. I, being in the very back, felt myself becoming very impatient as the once drizzling rain turned into a pouring rain. I placed a hand over my head, as if it was going to stop the water from getting my hair wet. But as I was about to take my first step onto the concrete stairs leading into the building, I froze. Everything hit me at once, and I started to feel anxious.
A bright flash of light startled me out of my daze as a loud crack of thunder shook the ground around me. I shrieked loudly, jumping backwards. I embraced the impact, but never hit the ground. Instead I bumped into something before I could fall. I turned around quickly to see a man standing behind me. I shrieked again, but this time from being startled. I tried to take a step back but tripped over what I could only assume was my own foot, and began to descend backwards. Before I could hit the ground, the man, who was now in front of me, reached down and grabbed me, pulling me back up to my feet.
I awkwardly stared into his eyes, they were the brightest green color I had ever seen, feeling an overwhelming sensation creep over my body. I gulped, looking down at the ground.
“I’m SO sorry” I said, feeling the urge to apologize a million times over. His feet adjusted some as he cleared his throat.
“Don’t apologize, I was not paying attention to my surroundings.” He said, his deep voice sending shivers up my spine.
“Thank you” I said, bowing some, as if he was royalty. I then felt embarrassment wash over me. I had never talked to anybody other than my parents, Abel, and Lolli. Sometimes I would occasionally talk to the Librarian, but that didn’t happen a lot. I looked up quickly, flashed him a weak smile and darted into the building.
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in which you and harry meet again after six months.
a/n: hiiii! this is for @theharriediaries fic challenge! the photo used is the one on the left of the banner, and the dialogue i chose was ‘Is this seat taken?’ ‘By you, I hope.’ & ‘I’m sorry it took us this long.’ thank you for creating this challenge, soph!
thank you @sunflowers-styles for beta reading this for me, mwah! <3
WORD COUNT: 12k of dad!harry with slight angst and fluff (pls appreciate the dilfrry dialogues in this lmao)
pls rb to share! <3
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The gold bell chimed quite loudly, informing the baristas that someone had entered their shop. The aroma of fresh ground coffee beans immediately filled your senses once you pushed open the sage green door as the smell feeling of nostalgia and comforted you. 
Everything looked the same in the coffee shop. The oak wood floor never changed with coffee stains in certain areas that didn’t quite seem to come off all the way, no matter how hard the employees scrubbed—but it gave the shop character, in your opinion. Different colored potted plants filled the shop in every corner and on the clean white windowsill, making the place look lively. Crisp oxygen mixed with Columbian coffee beans flowed around the shop, making customers want to come back to a comfortable environment. Black and white bistro tables sat within the café, with silver metal bases, holding the circular table tops up as they alternated with colors along the built-in brown bench against the light-gray colored wall; with matching black and white metal chairs that practically screeched against the oak wood floors when someone was trying to scoot in or out of the table. 
The entire shop was the exact same from what you remembered it to be six months ago. The only difference was that when you sat on the wooden bench, specifically at the black table in the corner that was right next to the window, the person who was supposed to be in front of you wouldn’t be there; and for that, your heart dropped a little. 
Trying not to think too much about your change of mood, you ordered your usual—an iced mocha latte with a pump of sweet vanilla syrup—before you paid and turned around to see which tables were available. The usual corner table was staring right at you, practically mocking you, and you wished that the table was occupied, but then you would’ve felt wrong sitting at a different table when yours was clearly open. 
You took your seat on the bench, and almost immediately, you started shaking your leg underneath the table. Your seat felt hot, as if the wood was catching fire underneath you, burning your legs and making you antsy. 
Luckily, the shop wasn’t crowded so it took the baristas less than six minutes to make your drink and to call out your name from behind the counter. Quickly, standing up from the burning hot seat, you made your way to the counter, thanking Mel for the drink. Since coming here, you had become quite a constant in the cute Portland coffee shop. Mel was one of the employees that had worked at the shop the longest, so she made everyone’s drinks because she knew the menu the best. So, you caught up with her a bit, and inevitably, she asked where you had been. 
“You didn’t find a better coffee shop did you?” She teased, making you chuckle. 
“No, I’ve just been, uh, too busy to come around. But I promise, your drinks and shop are still the best,” you said truthfully, to which she beamed. To this day, you hadn’t found a superior coffee shop than ‘Coava’ because the others just didn’t compare—they didn’t make you feel the same way you did with this one. “But thanks for the coffee.” You gave her one last smile before you turned around to make your way back to your table. 
And then the bell chimed. 
It was as if the sun was peeking out through the clouds; the sun beams strongly pointed down onto the wet pavement after a night of rain, leaving the air with its pleasant smell of petrichor. He was the light that seeped through the curtains, and you knew it was going to be a lovely day. 
“Harry…” you stopped in your tracks, careful not to spill the contents of your coffee cup. Your heart skipped several beats once he flashed you his gorgeous smile that you were still hopelessly in love with. 
“Hi, Y/N.” Harry mindlessly played with the buttons of his coat as he mentally tried to situate the nerves in his head and stomach. His breath felt like it was stuck in his throat, making his voice slightly trail off with a crack to the tone. 
It felt like the two of you were the only ones in the coffee shop—minus the locals who were sitting at the tables, minding their own business, or wondering what the fuck they were doing standing in the middle of the shop—completely and fully captured by the other’s stare and presence. 
The loud screeching noise of steam took you out of your dazy trance as you cleared your throat. Harry looked down at his feet before looking up at you through his lashes, shyly intertwining his hands behind his back. 
“Uh, would you like to join me?” 
Harry raised his brows at your proposal, pursing his lips to contain his giddy excitement. “S-Sure.” You took a deep breath before you started to walk towards the table in the corner—one he was also very familiar with. “This seat...Is this seat taken?” He asked politely but, almost instantly, mentally cursed himself because you wouldn’t have invited him if you were with someone. 
You didn’t catch his slip up, instead, you smiled as your face grew warm. “By you, I hope.” Harry blushed, taking a seat on the black metal chair across from you. 
“So, how’ve you been? It’s been a while since I last saw you,” you mentioned. 
It’d been six months since the last time you saw and sat in front of Harry—a very long six months. The conversation six months ago wasn’t the most happiest of memories because that  conversation brought in the heartache and heartbreak; the chat had included the mutual separation of your relationship that involved tears, chest pain, and as always, the smell of Colombian coffee that surrounded your afflictive conversation, hoping it would calm the tension between you two. 
“Yeah, it has been a while, but I’m doing okay. How are you?” 
“I’m good.” There was a bit of awkwardness swirling in the air, and you absolutely despised it—you wanted it to leave the shop and never return. You had always imagined what it would be like bumping into Harry again, more importantly, what you would say to him. And despite all those moments daydreaming of finding the right words, you were completely stuck, and you fully blamed it on the awkward tension. “Can we not be…y’know, awkward? That’s not us,” you simply said. 
Harry let out a sigh of relief, adding a breathy laugh. “Yes, yes, of course. You’re right, that isn’t us at all.” Mel brought him an iced black coffee since it was his usual, and she saw that he didn’t get the chance to order because he was immediately occupied by the sight of you. He softly thanked her with a smile, only taking his attention off of you for a split second before his eyes were right back on you; he didn’t know what this conversation would lead to, nor did he want to get his hopes up, so that meant spending every moment with his complete attention and eyes averted to you. “I miss you…” he said. 
There was a sense of relief as you exhaled deeply, glad that he wasn’t the only one who was missing the other. His words had brought a flutter of butterflies to your stomach, soaring as they pleased while your face felt warm. 
You and Harry had been together for a year and a half before calling it quits. For most of the relationship, it was happiness and bliss—occasional fights, but they weren’t frequent—towards the last few months however, things were getting a bit stressful. You remembered the days like it was yesterday as the vivid memory crept inside of your head...
It was nearing nine in the evening and the house was quiet. The silence was louder than the ongoing noise inside your head that was constantly yelling at you, making your head ache from the incessant thoughts. It was safe to say that you weren’t happy, and that even Harry wasn’t happy either. But you had only gotten a glimpse of him during the evening, so you were simply assuming that he wasn’t content—but it was a very logical assumption since every time he looked at you, it seemed like he was becoming more stressed out by the minute; as if he didn’t already have a lot on his plate during the day, and by night, he would still have to deal with whatever argument and fight either of you would pick for no apparent reason. 
It started with petty little arguments, getting annoyed and frustrated at the other because of burnt toast or something as small as running out of detergent for the laundry. But fighting over nothing had turned into completely confessing that you weren’t happy anymore, and that the exhaustion had gotten to you. 
“I-I don’t know if I can do this anymore, Harry,” you said in between your sobs that you tried to contain. “All we’re doing is hurting each other—we’re not even happy together anymore!” 
It felt like his heart was exploding, but it was the truth. “Darling…” 
“You can’t lie and tell me that we’re happy together because it’s obvious that we’re not.” You wiped the tears from your face, leaving your skin damp from the moisture. 
Harry sighed deeply, knowing he couldn’t argue anymore. He felt defeated and upset with himself; it was like he was doing well in everything else or at least trying, and he couldn’t even do his part in being a good boyfriend to you. He knew part of the reason why both of you weren’t happy was because of the neglectance, and both of you were too exhausted to even communicate that feeling. You two were both independent entrepreneurs—always knowing when to close business and how to make a well deserved investment or sale with others who were trying to buy whatever stock or product. But when it came down to each other, to Y/N and Harry, it seemed like the individuals that were trying to please and charm others had dissipated, leaving no room or patience for each other. 
“We’re both busy, Harry, I get that. And maybe it’s best if we call it quits until everything settles down—until we both know what we want—”
“I want you,” he interrupted. 
You softly huffed, looking down at your lap as you slightly nodded before you looked up at him again. He had tears streaming down his face and more forming in his eyes; you loved that he wasn’t embarrassed or afraid to show his true emotions—he was being vulnerable every time he let his guard down, and for that, you would appreciate him forever. 
Muffled, static cracks followed by quiet little groans were heard from the baby monitor on the coffee table. Harry glanced at it before looking back at you, knowing he had to take care of his number one priority, and who were you to stop him? So, you nodded, tilting your head towards the room, and he sadly smiled before heading towards the nursery. 
You walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote ‘Meet me at Coava tomorrow. Usual time.’ before you placed it on the coffee table beside the monitor. As you were leaving, you heard soft humming coming from the baby monitor, and your heart squeezed, frowning as this was most likely going to be the last time you were going to be in this house. Taking one look around, you took in all of the memories that you made in the building that made you feel safe and warm before you stepped out, immediately welcomed by the cool temperatures of the evening. 
The next afternoon when you walked into Coava, Harry was already sitting at the usual table you two sat at. His head was down, mindlessly wiping down the condensation that formed outside of his glass. You took a seat in front of him without saying a word, making him look up. He had dark circles around eyes as he hadn’t gotten much sleep. 
“Hi,” you whispered. There was your usual cup of iced coffee placed in front of you. “Thank you for the coffee.” 
He nodded and smiled softly, despite his current mood. “Hello.” 
You took a deep breath. “So…where do we go from here?” 
Harry sadly looked at you with desperation in his eyes that spoke, no, begged you to tell him to stay, to tell him that you two could and would work this out. But it seemed like you hadn’t received that specific message from his green and sorrowful eyes. 
“You were right…We haven’t been able to make time for one another. So, we’ll just…take some time apart.” His heart and voice cracked at the end of his sentence, finding it hard to even form a sentence that didn’t absolutely break him. You nodded, agreeing, but it didn’t hurt any less; you knew this would be best for the two of you because both of you had to focus on yourselves, especially when Harry had his priorities, such as his family, which you weren’t going to make him change whatsoever. “Okay…so, we’re over.” He hadn’t said it as a question but rather a way to see that realization. 
You reached across the table, placing your hand on his, and you were lucky that he didn’t pull away. “Harry, this doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. I…will always love you.” 
“And I’ll always love you too,” he said honestly. 
Behind the civil and mature conversation that occurred, there was sadness and heartbreak. There were no more smiles or laughs, no more love and affection, or anymore meet-ups during lunch or coffee dates during breaks. The painful look on Harry’s face had only pained you even more, but you both knew this split-up and time apart was for the best. 
That was six months ago. 
Now, as you sat across Harry, you felt an overwhelming rush of relief and joy; he just looked happier and you saw a familiar glint in his eyes as he looked at you. It may not be the same sparkle of love as it once was, which you were afraid it wasn’t, but there was still some kind of sparkle—the kind someone would give when they reunite with an old friend. 
“The kids miss you—they miss you a lot.” 
Your eyes look at him fondly at the mention of his children. “Really?” 
“Yeah, they do. They said, and I quote, they miss their ‘pretty fairy second mom,’” Harry said quite proudly. 
Harry had three kids that you absolutely adored. There was Mira and Estelle, seven-year-old twins that looked like their father. Mira was very energetic and talkative—that little girl could talk for hours on end without missing a beat; Estelle was more quiet and reserved, but once you started hanging around, she opened up and was quite fun to have a laugh with. Then there was the sweet little two-year-old boy, Rory, who resembled his mother. He was always babbling and giggling, so happy and free. 
If Harry was being honest, Rory was a complete accident. Him and his ex had separated and broken up when the twins were four, but they were still seeing each other. Those occasional hangouts led to another child, which they both thought would help them bond, but six months into the pregnancy, they both knew it wasn’t right anymore—not like before. So, they stuck to coparenting and, if they were speaking the truth, it was much better than being together. 
When Rory was six months old, that was when Harry met you. On an unexpected literal run in the park when you and Harry were on your daily runs, the trail was only narrow and small enough for one person to run. So, when you and Harry were running towards each other, you braced yourself for the awkwardness you were about to face with the man. Harry politely smiled, moving to his left, only for you to move to your right, which made you both giggle. The two of you then moved to the opposite side, only to clash again. The thought was quite hilarious to the two of you, so you both started laughing, clutching your stomachs. Once you two calmed down, Harry then said that he was going to his left, so you moved to your left, running the opposite directions from each other. 
At the end of the trail and on your way to the parking lot, you saw Harry finish the same trail but exit from the other side. And if it said anything more, you parked right next to his car as well. Harry smiled, dimples flashing and asked you how your run was, which then led to a bit of small talk. In the six minutes you two were talking, Harry made the impulsive decision to ask you if you would like some coffee. He wouldn’t have asked if it were anyone else, and until that moment he didn’t even know  if he was ready to date again. But he took the chance and decided to ask you, and luckily, you said yes. 
The rest was history. 
“I miss them so much too.” You smiled softly, thinking about the kids that you had thought of as your own. 
“I, uh, I know it’s too much to ask, but I figured I should ask either way…Would you like to see them? Mira would never live it down if I told them that I saw you and didn’t ask if you wanted to see them.” He added a chuckle at the end, nerves creeping up his skin. 
Your eyes lit up. “Really? You’d let me see them?” 
Harry raised his brows. “Yeah, of course! You could see them anytime you want, if you’d like. Just because we’re not, y’know, together doesn’t mean that you can’t see them. I know how much you love them and how much they love you too,” he reassured. 
“Would Laurie be okay with that?” You asked about his ex and the mother of said children. 
He nodded. “Yeah, she would. I mean, she also knows how much they love you.” Harry was lucky that the mother of his children and his ex was so kind and chill with having someone that Harry loved be ‘another mother’ to her children; all Laurie really asked of you was to not try and replace her role as their mom and to always keep them safe when she wasn’t around, and who were you to disrespect her wishes? 
“Harry, I would love to, thank you. I really do miss them.” You felt yourself getting a bit emotional because of how much you missed the kids, and it’d felt like an eternity since you last saw them. 
“Great! Tomorrow is the weekend, so are you free to go to the park and maybe get some ice cream after?” 
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan.” You smiled, not too widely as you tried to contain your excitement. 
Harry smiled back at you before quickly looking at his phone to check the time. “I gotta get back. But I’ll see you tomorrow and will text you the details tonight.” 
“Okay, see you soon.” You stood up to hug him, and his arm immediately wrapped around your waist, hugging you to his chest. His stomach was doing flips as he felt your breath against the crook of his neck. He didn’t want the moment to end, and it was the most physical contact that you two had in six months. 
Pulling away, he offered you a smile before bidding you goodbye, and you finally let out the breath you had been holding the moment the bell chimed and the man you still loved walked in. 
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A soft blush was planted on Harry’s cheeks for the entire day. He was driving from work to Laurie’s house to pick up his beloved children as he thought about how his day turned out to be. 
In all honesty, he hadn’t expected to see you in the coffee shop that you two had gone to throughout the entirety of your relationship. He had just gotten out of a meeting and was debating on going to Coava because he hadn’t been there since the day you two called it quits, but he figured it was time and thought that maybe reminiscing on the memories you two had with each other wasn’t a bad thing. So, he walked into that shop thinking he was just going to get a coffee to-go, but he had gone in there and left with something so much better. 
The moment his eyes landed on yours his mind had screamed and reassured him that he wasn’t just dreaming that you were standing right in front of him, he felt his stomach drop in the best way. The heat had rushed to his cheeks, tugging on the corners of his lips, urging his mouth to smile, and he did not hold back his joy when he saw you. You were beautiful, just like he remembered, but he had no doubt that there wasn’t a day that went by where you weren’t not absolutely stunning. 
And the giddy feeling he felt when he asked you if you’d like to see the kids made his heart tumble inside of his chest as he couldn’t wait for you and the kids to finally see each other again. 
Harry pulled into Laurie’s driveway, and he quickly got out and knocked on the door, waiting for Laurie to answer. He chuckled as he could practically hear the twins screaming from across the house to make sure they had everything they needed. When the door opened, he was met by his ex that he once loved, and still had some platonic love for her, naturally, as the mother of his children. 
“Hey, Harry! They’re just getting their stuff ready,” she greeted with a smile, opening the door wider as she walked away from the entrance and let him in. She grabbed Rory from the couch, who was mindlessly playing with a giant puzzle piece, and gave him many kisses to his cheeks before saying goodbye to her son and handing him off to Harry. 
Rory’s eyes lightened up at the sight of his father. “Dada!”
“Hi, my sweet boy. I’ve missed you.” He placed soft kisses to his chubby and squeezable cheeks. 
“Girls, dad’s waiting!” Laurie called out from the bottom of the stairway before turning back towards Harry. “Why do you look like that?” She gave him a knowing look. 
“Like what?” Harry asked, acting like he didn’t know what she was talking about. The blush really gave him away, he thought. 
“You’re just…extra happy today.” 
“Can’t I be happy, Laurie? To see my kids?” He teased, smirking as he hugged Rory to his chest. 
“I mean, sure, but…did something happen today?” 
His smile widened, and it was like he couldn’t contain the exciting feeling anymore and he just had to tell someone. “I saw Y/N today.” 
Her brows raised. “Really? How is she?” 
“She’s doing well, yeah. We talked for a little bit.” Was all that he told her. 
“And I’m assuming it went well.” He nodded, not wanting to tell her more. “Well, that’s great, Harry. She was, is, a lovely woman and she took care of the kids, so that’s all that matters to me,” Laurie said genuinely; she wasn’t jealous, if she was being honest. All that mattered to her was that her kids were in good hands. 
Suddenly more footsteps were coming down the stairs. “Dad!” The twins yelled at the same time. He put Rory down for a moment before he bent down to hug his two girls. 
“Hi, my loves. How are you?” He kissed both of their cheeks, making their small arms hug him tighter. 
“Dad, I scored one hundred percent on all my spelling tests, so I’m qualified for the spelling bee!” Mira explained excitedly once she let go of Harry. 
“Really?! That’s amazing, bug. This week, I’ll help you study for it.” Mira beamed at that before walking over to her mom to say bye. 
“How are you, my sunshine?” He directly asked Estelle, knowing that she was specifically waiting for Harry to have his attention on only her. Even though she’d never told him that, he could tell that sometimes Estelle lets Mira have her moment and wanted to speak with Harry when no one else was paying attention. 
“I’m good. My teacher told me I could become a math…mathmat—daddy, what are they called?” She looked at Harry for help. 
“Look at you, sunshine! I’m so proud of you my little mathematician.” Estelle’s eyes widened. “Is that you meant mathematician, sweetheart?” He smiled. 
“Yes, that! I did good on my math test and even baked cookies for you!” Before Harry could say anything, Estelle ran off to the kitchen to grab the plate of cookies she baked last night. 
“Alright, babies, let’s go. Say bye to mommy.” The kids said their goodbyes before Harry safely buckled them into their car seats and drove home for a week at their father’s. 
When all four of them reached the front door, Harry told the twins to put their belongings away and wash up for dinner. He set Rory down in his high chair before cutting up some bananas in halves, and placing them on the plastic table in front of him for his pre-dinner snack. Knowing that his kids liked home cooked meals better than takeout, fortunately, he set out the ingredients to make some fried rice, which was quick and easy. 
The twins rushed down the stairs once Harry put the leftover rice into the pan filled with sautéed veggies, and they settled onto the couch in front of the TV, waiting for dinner.
“Loves, set the table for me, please!” He called out from the kitchen as he transferred the rice from the pan to a large bowl, topping it with green onions. The girls each had a task for setting the table; Mira was in charge of forks and spoons, and Estelle handled the plates since she was less clums. He rolled Rory’s high chair over to the table, which he was so lucky to have gotten a high chair with wheels because it was so much easier to move him without carrying him and the chair; and he gave everyone an equal scoop, depending on how much they ate, and if they wanted seconds, he would be glad to serve them more. 
As they ate, Harry was occasionally helping Rory eat the rice, just picking up the contents that didn’t make it into his mouth, as Estelle and Mira both took turns talking. Harry loved family dinner, he tried his very best to give all three of his children the attention that they deserved, but dinner was the one time they bonded the most because no one felt competitive or had the urge to start an argument when there was food in front of them. 
“Daddy, how was your day?” Estelle asked curiously, and Harry smiled at his sunshine, as if she was the sun itself, heart swooning. 
“It was great, thanks for asking, my love.” He placed his spoon on his plate. “I actually wanted to talk to you all about something.” The twins didn’t respond, just stared at him, encouraging him to continue. “Do you remember Y/N?” Just at the sound of your name, the crowd went absolutely wild. 
“Y/N, yes!” Screamed Estelle, which was rare for her to raise her voice. 
“Pretty, fairy second mom, of course we remember her, dad!” Mira exclaimed obviously. 
“Fairy!” Rory had repeated the only word he could make out from Mira’s mouth as he fussed because of the volume that had increased from his sisters. 
Harry laughed. “Alright, okay, settle down. Well, I saw her today.” The twins gasped, making him chuckle. It genuinely felt like he was on a talk show with a live audience. “And I wanted to ask you all if you wanted to see her tomorrow? Figured we could go to the park and get some ice cream together?” He asked hesitantly, even though he knew they’d say yes, and he’d get another chance to see you again. 
“Yes!” The girls both answered. 
Harry beamed, turning to Rory. “Bubba, remember Y/N? Your slide friend? Remember you used to go on the slide with Y/N?” Rory giggled, a sound that was Harry’s weakness, and nodded. “Do you wanna see her tomorrow?” 
“Slide with fairy?” Rory asked, and Harry laughed. 
“Yes, slide with fairy,” he confirmed, and Rory nodded his head eagerly. 
Harry smiled, glad his kids were with the plans tomorrow. The rest of the dinner was filled with the twins talking about you; they talked about what you all could do together at the park and what they wanted to show you, and Harry would be lucky if they slept through the entire night without continuously waking up because of their excitement for the upcoming afternoon. 
Once everything was cleaned up and put away, the twins washed and cleaned, Harry give Rory a bath, and everyone was ready for bed, Harry said good night to his babies, spending about five minutes cuddling and talking them to sleep until they fluttered their eyes closed and off to slumber. 
Sighing, Harry closed his door, leaving the baby monitor from Rory’s room on his bedside table before he was able to unwind for the day. He always spent an extra amount of time on his skin care routine, figuring that he sometimes didn’t have time for himself and the only time he had was during nights. 
When he was ready for bed, he felt a huge amount of relief to be getting into bed after a long but grateful day, and he picked up his phone and clicked on your message thread. The last time you two texted was a few weeks after the breakup, asking if you were doing okay, and he could practically feel the awkward tension through the texts as he reread them. But he was glad that this time would be a much lighter and better conversation. 
Hi, Y/N. Hope this is the right number still. But if it is, kids are on board for tomorrow. Does 12:30 work for you? We could meet at the usual park. If it’s not Y/N, please don’t meet at the usual park because the kids are not on board. 
You chuckled at the end of his text, happy to see that Harry is always trying to make jokes and be the comedian. 
Hi, Harry! Don’t worry, this is Y/N. Probably would have hunted the person with my number down to get tomorrow’s plans. But that sounds perfect! I can't wait to see the kids tomorrow. See you then! 
Harry softly smiled at his phone, not feeling the need to respond and figured he would talk to you a lot more tomorrow while the kids are playing. He stared at the message for quite some time, completely blank as he couldn’t believe the chances that he happened to see you at the shop six months after the breakup, and now he’s making plans with you tomorrow; his jaw was aching from smiling so much. 
A few minutes later, he put his phone away to change before he comfortably situated himself under the blanket, feeling the heaviness of his eyes. But once he felt himself starting to drift away into dreamland, his phone buzzed on his nightstand, and he tried his best to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of him, so he picked up his phone and opened the new message. 
And I can’t wait to see you tomorrow too.  
And just like that, Harry was wide awake, struggling to sleep, but a smile permanently etched on his face for the night. 
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The day that everyone in the Styles’ household had been waiting for had finally arrived. Luckily, the kids had gotten their needed hours of sleep; Harry had only gotten a few hours of sleep, but when the sun seeped through his curtains, he didn’t dread getting up for the day. Instead, he felt a rush of eagerness, instantly remembering what the day held for him and his kids, and he jumped right out of bed. 
Once the four of them were out of the house, Harry had successfully fed, cleaned, and changed his children with no complaints. The house and car ride was filled with conversations about how excited they were to see you again, asking how many more hours there was until they got to see you and if they were almost at the park. 
Screams bounced off the roof of the car once Harry parked on the side of the curb; the twins had already taken their seatbelts off, getting antsy as they waited for their dad to open the car from the outside. Harry unbuckled Rory, carrying him until he rounded on the other side of the car to open the door for the twins. They quickly jumped out, clearly excited, but Harry did not forget to remind them that this was still a public area and anything could happen. 
“Girls, slow down, please.” Estelle was holding Harry’s hand as Mira was holding her sister’s; Harry was still carrying Rory in his arms because his sister’s were practically lugging Harry with all their might, trying to get to their usual spot, so he didn’t want Rory to get hurt. “Loves, you know Y/N would tell you the exact same thing. Please, just slow down for me.” He pulled the Y/N card on them, knowing that they were better listeners with you than they are with him. 
Once they were all close enough, they spotted a thick beige blanket under the tree with a picnic basket, and you sitting on top of it, setting everything up. 
“Y/N!” The girls both screamed, Estelle letting go of Harry’s hand as they both ran towards you. 
You looked up at the sound of your name, eyes brightening at the little girls running. “My Princesses! Hi, my loves!” You opened your arms widely, inviting the twins into your arms— they practically collided into your arms, making you fall onto your back since you didn’t get the chance to stand up—and embracing them with a big hug. Laughs came out of all of your mouths as wide smiles permanently stayed on your faces. “Oh, I missed you two so much!” You kissed both of their cheeks, making them giggle. You stood up, helping the girls up and brushed their clothes off with your hand from the grass. Harry and Rory were in sight, and Harry put the little boy down, making Rory run towards you. “My sweetheart, oh, you’ve gotten so big.” You hugged Rory to your chest, placing your hand behind his head as your other arm wrapped around his small body. 
You were glad that Rory still had some memory of you, and didn’t shy away behind his father’s leg. You placed soft kisses on his cheeks, taking in his baby scent that you always loved. 
After Rory was starting to fuss in your arms, most likely due to feeling overwhelmed from the lack of space, you let go of him before standing up. 
“Hi, Y/N,” Harry greeted, offering a hug, which you gladly took. 
You rubbed his back. “Hi, Harry. I’m so glad I’m here with you all.” You pulled away, smiling at him. Harry’s heart pounded against his chest at the sight of you smiling up at him. His heart did a backflip at the sight of your gorgeous smile, trickling all the way down to his stomach where it triggered the butterflies to release from the net. 
“Please, we were all really excited to see you. So, thank you for agreeing.” His hand innocently ran down your arm, sending shivers down your spine. 
You turned around to look at the kids who were making themselves comfortable on the blanket. You and Harry joined them as you sat in between Estelle and Rory, and Harry sat in between Mira and Rory. 
“Okay, so I made some sandwiches. You all still like grilled cheese, right?” You hoped, and the twins nodded; you turned towards Rory. “What about you, sweet pea? Grilled cheese?” At the sound of cheese, Rory nodded his head and clapped his hands, making you smile. 
Harry was so lost in his mind and heart that he was simply so distracted in helping you out as you unwrapped the sandwiches from the foil, putting them on a paper plate. He was just so fond of watching you interact with his children so naturally, like there was no time that was wasted when you and Harry were apart. And he was especially happy that the kids still loved you just as much as they did when you two were together; and how they still kept talking about you despite the breakup. 
Aside from you and Harry, the kids had taken the breakup the hardest. From the knowledge they had based on what Harry and Laurie told them, they understood that their mommy and daddy couldn’t be together anymore due to adult reasons; it took them a while to adjust to that, but they eventually managed and figured it was better and more fun. But when Harry had to break the news on why they wouldn’t be seeing their ‘Pretty Fairy Second Mom’ anymore, they took it harder than expected. They simply looked at it as you didn’t want to see them anymore, which wasn’t the case at all, Harry explained. 
“Sometimes adults need to take some time apart, loves. That does not mean that Y/N doesn’t love you anymore because she does very much, I can tell you that. But it's good to have some time to yourself, especially in a relationship.” 
“But daddy, I thought you were gonna be together forever with Y/N,” Estelle spoke up, tears in her eyes. He was lucky that his kids loved you so much, and he never doubted that they weren’t going to. But his fear had come true when you two called it quits and he had to tell them the truth. 
“And maybe we will, but as for right now, it’s best to be apart. Sometimes being apart saves the relationship rather than letting it burn,” he told them honestly, which was the best as he could explain it. 
“D-Does Y/N still love you?” Mira asked softly. It wasn’t like Mira to be so soft spoken, which meant that the breakup had affected her deeply. 
Harry sighed, grabbing both of their small hands. “She does,” he replied for the sake of more tears coming out of their eyes—plus, he was taking your word for it back at the cafe. “And she also loves you all so much too,” he reminded them again. What he really wanted to say was that maybe one day you two will get back together, but he really didn’t want to get their hopes up. 
Looking back on his conversation from half a year ago, he was glad that he told them the truth on why you two broke up. He didn’t want to confuse his children even further, making them completely oblivious to the situation—he just wanted to be honest with them because he hoped you two would meet again and get back together at some point. 
“Harry, would you like one?” You asked, bringing Harry back out of his thoughts. He smiled, nodding, not trusting his voice to speak; and you gladly handed him a plate with a sandwich, pouring some chips onto the side—his favorite chips, you still remembered. 
“Thank you.” He smiled softly. The corners of your lips turned up as you bashfully looked at the picnic basket in front of you. You placed Rory’s plate in front of him as he seemed to have crawled to sit closer to you, and you cut out his sandwich into small pieces, along with cutting his grapes in half. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” He stopped you from what you were doing, ready to take Rory from your side as he didn’t want you to feel obligated to take care of him.
“Oh, if you don’t want me to, that’s fine. But I wouldn’t mind feeding him a bit.” 
“If you want to.” 
You gave him the sweetest grin, and Harry was lucky to be sitting down because his knees would give out on him if he were standing. “I want to.” He only nodded, a crimson color laid on his cheeks. 
Harry comfortably watched as you made conversation with the twins as you fed Rory. You always gave them your undivided attention; your expression always lit up everytime they talked about something they were passionate about or interested in, and it just made Harry fall even more with how you were always so supportive in what his kids loved. You were always uplifting them, never dragging their hopes and dreams down. 
After everyone was finished with their meals and had time to digest their food, the twins asked if they could go on the swings and Harry said yes. The tree that they were under was only a few feet away, so Harry had a clear view of his girls. 
“You’re, like, a magician.” Harry suddenly said, breaking the silence once the girls were safely on the swing. 
You chuckled. “How’s that?” 
“It’s like hiring a magician at a party—everyone is so excited to see what they do and see them in general—you’re like that; the girls and Rory were so excited to see you.” 
You playfully gasped, holding Rory to your chest. “You were excited to see me? Well, I was excited to see you!” You booped his nose, making Rory giggle. 
“Fairy!” He exclaimed, and you and Harry laughed. Rory was a quiet two-year-old, but he picked up on keywords that he repeatedly said. 
“So, are you seeing anyone?” You cut to the chase, skipping the small talk.
Harry chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “Nope. Not entirely sure if anyone wants to date a thirty-four-year-old with three kids.” 
You raised your brows in shock, and he knew that look you’re giving him very well—prepared to tease him; even though you weren’t that much younger than him either. “What? Do you think no one wants to date a hot dad? Harry, you’re peak-dilf, everyone wants to date you.” 
“And what about you? Do you wanna date me? A dilf?” He teased; a smirk that you knew all too well appeared on his face, making you want to kiss it off, which was what you used to do. 
Pursing your lips and cheeks heating up, you gave him an obvious look before you said, “Think you know the answer to that one, baby.” In all honesty, the pet name had slipped, and for a brief moment your eyes widened at the realization, but you brushed it off and continued with your confident and teasing attitude; and it worked quite well on Harry because he definitely heard what you used to call him loud and clear. It made his heart flutter as he missed you calling him that; he never wanted to hear that name come out of anyone else’s mouth because only yours would do it justice. 
Harry was left to ponder about your response before you changed the subject, talking to Rory. “Sweets, do you wanna go on the slide?” The little boy jumped up and down, pulling your arm as he had a big smile on his face. You looked at Harry, and he gave you a nod, telling you that he would stay put and watch your belongings. 
You and Rory walked hand in hand, or more like hand and finger, to the slide. It was an open purple slide with two sides, and it lasted about two seconds if you slid correctly and if the slide was slippery enough. You helped Rory step onto the playground as the dull metal steps were quite high for him to reach on his own before you guided him towards the slide. 
Sitting down at the top and on the edge of the slide, you carried Rory into your lap, hyping him up for what he had been waiting for. “Ready, sweets? Are you ready?” Your tone was pure excitement as you squeezed and tickled his belly. 
“Go, Y/N, go!” Directed Rory, and you scooted forward and held onto the sweet boy in your arms tightly as you two slid down the slide. Mouthfuls of squealing screams and giggles came from Rory’s mouth as he clapped his hands towards the end of the slide, causing you to cheer as well. 
And the proper dad that he was, Harry clicked the red button on the screen to stop recording you and Rory from the slide. He zoomed in, capturing the bright smiles placed on his sweet boy’s and the love of his life’s face, screenshotting the perfect frame. He didn’t think the day could have gone any better than this; it was quite the perfect day, he thought. 
When it was rounding two in the afternoon, Rory’s eyes were starting to droop, exhaustion taking over him from running around for almost an hour that his little body couldn’t keep up, so a nap was in his favor. He lazily looked up at you, reaching his arms up for you to carry him, which you happily held him. He settled his head on your shoulder, and it only took a few kisses and back rubs for him to be out like a light while the sun still shined in his face. 
You walked over to the blanket, figuring it was time to call it a day at the park; Harry and the twins were running around nearby on the bedded grass area playing tag. They retreated to the blanket once they saw you with Rory in your arms, breaths heavy from their run. 
“Oh, my sweet, sweet boy.” Harry sighed when he got to spot under the tree; you handed Rory to him, admiring the two boys cuddling as Harry pressed quiet and soft kisses to his son’s head. Since your lap was available, Estelle and Mira took the chance to finally be able to properly cuddle you since Rory was taking most of your attention. The girls took one leg each, and you wrapped your arms around their waist, kissing their shoulder. 
The five of you stayed put for a while, calming down under the breezy weather that had started to pick up until it got even colder was when Harry decided it was time to leave. Luckily the girls were still awake to help with cleaning up, and were rather helpful because Harry was trying his best with Rory situated on one side of his body. 
Once all of you were next to your cars, Harry placed Rory in his car seat as you were hugging the girls goodbye. You and Harry agreed that everyone was too tired to go out for some ice cream since all the twins wanted to do was lie down. Harry knew he didn’t want the day to end, even though it was still quite early, but the older he got, the tougher it was to keep up with his little children who just loved running around; a relaxing and peaceful night was calling him. 
“Hey.” Harry closed the passenger door before he rounded the car to meet you on the grass. “I know we talked about going for ice cream today, but it seemed like we’re all too tired, but I was wondering…” he paused for a moment, a bit of hesitancy in his voice. “Would you like to come over? Maybe…for dinner, or to have a glass or w-water?” He scratched the back of his neck, nerves getting the best of him. 
You smiled, thinking he was the absolute cutest when he was flustered. “Harry, I’d love to. Feels like I haven’t drank any water so I’m parched,” you teased. 
He breathed out a laugh. “Okay, uh, I’ll see you home.” He gave you another smile before walking away and inside of his car, completely unaware of his choice of words. 
Home. More specifically, Harry’s home. It was a place that made you feel safe, and if you’re being honest, it’s been too long since you’d had complete solace. 
Your mental pep-talk throughout the drive toward Harry’s had helped in some way. Keeping it simple without driving your mind into overthinking every single thought, you laid it all down as if you were planning and preparing a business proposal. 
You didn’t want to dive deep into what Harry’s invitation could entail—more like you didn’t want to get your hopes up on if you two were to get back together because the potential rejection you could face would absolutely crush you. Harry’s a kind and sweet guy, he’s simply inviting a friend over for a drink and dinner, if you could even call yourself that. Plus, it was still early to fully call it a day, and he planned for ice cream after the park, so he was fulfilling that promise of sweet dessert. 
Without realizing, you’d been sitting in your car for a solid five minutes, staring over your steering wheel as you were parked on the curb in front of Harry’s house. Harry’s car was already in the driveway, so they were just waiting on you. 
You walked towards the front door, and it swung open before you even got the chance to knock. 
“Hey, thought you’d change your mind when you weren’t getting out of the car,” Harry joked, although that thought really crossed his mind when he peeked out through the window and saw you still in your car. 
You chuckled nervously. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t.” You stepped inside his house, and a wave of nostalgia rushed through you as if you were at the beach and the harsh current knocked you over as you were trying to walk against the sandy wind. 
Everything still looked the same—the same since the night you left without another word to the kids, just a note to Harry telling you to meet at the shop. A pinch of guilt appeared in your face as you frowned, and Harry immediately took notice, but you waved it off as you slightly smiled, telling him that you two would talk later. He didn’t press any further, waiting until later or when you were ready. Instead, he asked if you wanted anything to drink, to which he already knew you’d go for a class of Cabernet, and luckily, he had some in stock—more like, he still had the untouched bottle for when you stayed over. 
The two of you leaned against the cold granite counter as music softly played on the speaker that was connected through Bluetooth on his phone. Conversations were light, but it wasn’t awkward in any sense. As a matter of fact, it felt just like old times when you would stay over his house, talking about each other’s day and simply enjoying the presence of one another. That’s what you think this was, you thought—enjoying the fact that Harry was in front of you after so many months and you were cherishing it until the next set of months went by. 
After a few conversations and sips of wine later, the time had gone by fairly fast, which always happened when you were with him, and it was nearing five. The kids had woken up from their nap at four and quietly settled in the living room—the twins on the couch in front of the television and Rory was on the padded mat playing with his toys, occasionally talking to his sisters. Harry asked if you would be okay watching them so he could make dinner, and you were close to reminding him that he didn’t need to ask to watch his kids, but then again, you had to remind yourself that things were a bit different now. So, you said that you didn’t mind and walked over to the sofa chair next to the couch and watched TV with the girls as well as play with Rory. 
Twenty-five minutes had gone by and Harry called everyone, announcing that dinner was ready. You all walked into the dining room, taking your seats. Your assigned seat was next to Rory’s chair, which was in between you and Harry; the girls were sitting across from you. Once everyone took several bites of Harry’s dinner--a quick fettuccine alfredo--the chatter was back. You enthusiastically listened to the girls and Rory talk; it made Harry smile, loving how natural everything felt. 
Estelle tapped Harry’s shoulder, making him turn towards her with a smile on his face. “What is it, sunshine?” She got off her chair, leaning over to whisper something into his ear and he smiled, turning back to his family who was curious as to what Estelle had said. “Go ahead and ask her, love.” 
You put down your fork and placed your arms on the table. “What’s up, Princess?” 
“Uh, c-can we go to that place?” 
“What place is that?” You asked curiously. 
“That place where you told Daddy you loved him,” she responded quite bashfully. Your mouth was slightly open, not expecting her to say what she did. Looking over at Harry, he simply had a soft smile on his face with his brows raised, shrugging his shoulders.
Did you want to go back there? The answer was a simple yes. There wasn’t any excuse that you could possibly make up on the spot as to why you couldn’t go there, and it wasn’t necessarily a bad place whenever you thought about it. In fact, you really missed going over there and you would be lying if you said that you didn’t think about that place often. 
Your head turned towards Estelle. “Sure, why not. How about we go tomorrow?” You asked everyone, and they all had smiles on their faces. You looked at Harry, directly asking him for permission. “Is that okay?” His elbow was resting against the arm of the brown chair, fingers placed under his lips as he slightly puckered his soft and pink lips; without looking under the table, you knew his legs were crossed. Harry smiled, nodding his head, and everyone cheered. 
The rest of the time everyone was sitting at the dinner table, you all talked about plans for tomorrow, and everyone was really excited. Once it was almost eight, Harry realized that it was almost their bedtime, so he hurried them up the stairs to get ready for bed before saying goodnight to you, getting in as many hugs and kisses as they could get. 
Harry was upstairs, changing Rory and putting him to bed before he walked down and found you in the kitchen washing dishes. He slipped past you, placing his hand along your lower back briefly before he grabbed the dish rag. The action sent a chill down your spine and you immediately missed his hands on you. 
“The kids seem really excited about tomorrow.” Harry broke the silence, glancing over at you as you continued to wash the dishes. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m really excited too.” 
Harry noticed the slight shortness, and he thought it may be because you were tired. “Hey, are you okay?” 
You turned off the water and faced him, crossing your arms as he did the same. 
“Do the kids hate me?” The corner of his lips turned up before he started laughing, clutching his stomach. If it were any other time, you would obsess over his laugh; it was music to your ears, the highlight of your day, and the sun when it’s bright out. You softly slapped his arm. “Harry! I’m being serious!” 
“Darling, you’re joking, right?” Your heart briefly fluttered at his nickname for you. “Those kids love you!�� He noticed your change of attitude and that you’d been thinking about this for a while and beating yourself up over it. 
“It’s just…I don’t want them to think that we broke up and I forgot about them. I mean I understand if they see it that way because I left without saying another word for six months--didn’t even get to say goodbye to them and have a proper talk. I just don’t want them to hate me.” You looked down at your feet as you played with the thin silver band on your middle finger.  
Harry’s seen you in work mode, and it reeks confidence and power. You don’t need much reassurance during work unless it’s when your employees tell you that progress is moving along. But this was completely different; you needed all the reassurance that you could get to get it through your head that the kids that you’d come to love--from the moment you met them--don’t hate you. And Harry didn’t mind telling you over and over again. 
“They were just that we split up, that’s all. But they quickly understood why.” 
“What’d you tell them?” You asked curiously. 
“The truth--that sometimes it’s better to be apart for a while rather than drive ourselves crazy. Told them that when the time is right, then maybe we’ll get back together.” The look in his eyes was so comforting that you immediately fell into them. Harry was always the best with giving you that extra reassurance that you and his kids need. 
You felt the extra beat in your chest that pumped so harshly against your chest, but it was surrounded by butterflies, making it flutter throughout your body. As you looked so deeply into Harry’s beautiful green eyes, you realized one of two things; the first thing was that you never wanted to look so deeply into another person’s eyes unless it was Harry’s; and the second thing was that you were incredibly and overwhelmingly still in love with this man and his three children, and there hadn’t been a day that gone by where you weren’t. 
Taking a deep breath, itches were crawling up your skin, begging you to say something. “D-Do you think it’s time?” Your voice asked shyly. 
Harry was taken back by your question as he raised his brows. He couldn’t deny the nerves that he felt whenever he was around you, but your question seemed to have increased his nervousness. 
“We’ve been separated for what feels like a long time now.” He paused, taking a deep breath as he recouped his thoughts to say the right words. “I think-”
“Daddy?” Yours and Harry’s head whipped towards the staircase, finding Estelle at the bottom of it with groggy eyes. 
Harry walked towards his sunshine. “What is it, my love?” He kneeled down onto the bottom step, matching her height. Estelle told him that she couldn’t sleep, and that she’s been tossing and turning for a while, so Harry told her that he would lay with her until she fell asleep and carried her to her bedroom. He looked back at you as he was walking up the steps, and you gave him a soft smile, letting him know that it was completely okay. 
You finished tidying up the kitchen, wiping down the counters and cleaning the dining table until you realized that you needed to get ready for tomorrow’s adventure. 
Once Harry came down the stairs, he found you sitting on the edge of the armchair with your purse on your shoulder; you looked up as he walked up to you. 
“I’m gonna head out.” 
Harry’s slightly frowned. “Oh, you can stay the night if you want to.” 
“No, it’s okay, thanks.” You really did want to stay the night, but you didn’t have a change of clothes for tomorrow. “I’ll be here tomorrow morning.” He nodded, walking you to the door, opening it for you. 
You stepped out on his doorstep, turning around as you wrapped your arm around his waist, tiptoeing to plant a kiss to his cheek. The slightest bit of touch from your lips sent Harry’s skin on fire, warming up to the affection. The touch was sent away too quickly as you let go of him completely, giving him one last smile before walking to your car and waving at him as you drove away. 
Harry closed the door, the palm of his hand cupped the cheek that you kissed and he sighed as if he was shot with Cupid’s love-arrow, and he wouldn’t mind it if it meant he would feel your affection every single day. 
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You arrived at the Styles household at ten in the morning with a tote-full of snacks and water, knowing the kids would get hungry from all the walking. You got there forty-five minutes earlier than planned, knowing that the Styles family wouldn’t be out the door right on time because Harry has three kids, two of them who bicker and complain from time to time—especially when they’re sleepy—and a two-year-old who was starting to run away from everything. So, you figured Harry would appreciate your help. 
When Harry saw you standing on his doorstep, he let out a sigh of relief. He was still in his striped pajamas pants and a white t-shirt, holding a small pair of olive green pants. You walked in and saw Rory running around half naked, despite it being early in the morning. You told Harry that he could shower and get ready for the day, and to leave it to you because you’ll handle it—plus, you both knew that the kids often listened to you more than their own dad. He smiled appreciatively, kissing your head briefly before walking up the stairs and getting ready. 
Once Rory saw you, he stopped running around the house and instead, ran towards you and into your arms. You carried him up the stairs and to his room to get some clothes on him, and luckily, Harry was able to bathe him before you showed up. You gave him his favorite toy to fumble with before you walked into Mira's room, setting Rory on her twin bed before helping her get ready. You left Rory in Mira’s room and went to Estelle’s bedroom, doing the same. 
By the time Harry walked downstairs, you and the three kids were sitting on the couch, eating a banana. He smiled, slowing his steps as he was amazed at the quietness and stillness in the house, but then again, he wasn’t that amazed because he knew you’d come in and get things in order. 
Harry’s home was a two minute walk to the train station, and everyone decided to take the train since it was what you and Harry did when you two were dating, and the kids really wanted to walk through the entire path of their father’s love story. 
Luckily, there weren’t that many people on the train—it was practically empty—so they didn’t have to rush to get a spot for the kids. Rory sat in the middle of his sisters as they all smiled brightly towards Harry’s phone that was capturing the adorable children for a sweet memory sake. You and Harry were standing, making sure neither of the kids fell over if the train made a halting stop. You held onto the metal bar above you, Harry held the bar that was mounted into the floor, and you both watched the kids interact with one another—counting on their fingers, booping one another’s noses, and laughing; it was every parent’s dream. 
Without noticing, Harry moved closer to you, placing his hand directly next to yours; the side of your hand touched his, and you looked at him with wide eyes while your heart fluttered. You were hip to hip, and you saw the smirk he had on his face while occasionally glancing over at you. You couldn’t help the heat that rose onto your cheeks because it felt like old times when you two used to ride the train together and it would get too packed to where you had to stand up; he would always face you as your hands touched—sometimes he would even intertwine your fingers together while you two held the bar as you were one—and he would hover over you, giving you plentiful kisses like the true romantic that he was. 
The train ride took about 30 minutes and it was a two minute walk to the place that gave you so many happy memories and nostalgia—International Rose Test Garden was where the memories of you and Harry were stored. 
You had the girls on either side of you, holding their hands; and Harry carried Rory since he was likely to run around and Harry didn’t want to risk his safety. 
The sun was bright—beautiful for a day in the garden as the roses and flowers bloomed ever so widely. All of you walked the rows and rows of flowers, occasionally taking pictures in front of the rose bushes.
Remembering all the times you and Harry were hand in hand, laughing until your stomachs were sore, like you did an intense ab workout, and there were tears resting in the outer corner of your eyes. All the memories that were swirling around in your head made you come to the conclusion to one thing: you never want to be without Harry and his kids ever again. 
You don’t know how it took you so long to realize this, maybe it was seeing them for the first time in six months that you realized that you had it great—a small family that accepted you and loved you for who you were, and you loved them just the same. 
Harry walked beside you, the kids skipping and playing around in the grass in front of you two. Confidently, you slipped your hand into Harry’s ringed hand, immediately intertwining your fingers together as if your hand knew what it was missing. Harry briefly looked down before looking at you. He smiled, and turned his head back towards the kids, not making a big deal of it as his warm hand accepted the coldness of yours. 
You gently tugged against his arm, pulling him back as he came face to face with you; a quiet gasp came out of his mouth when doing so. You looked up at him with bright eyes, and Harry was taken back to a year and a half ago where you, coincidentally, were in this same spot on the very green patch of grass. 
“Harry…” you breathed out, looking down at your feet nervously. He made the bold move to step closer to you, chests almost touching. Harry lifted your chin up with his fingers, locking eyes with you so intently that you practically lost your breath. 
“What is it?” He whispered. 
Taking a deep breath, you said, “I-I realized something.” 
“Yeah? What’s that?” 
Glancing over at the kids, they were giving you big smiles and thumbs up for reassurance, and your heart swooned at their support and love they provided you to finally get back together with their father, even if you weren’t their biological mother. 
You looked back at Harry, who was waiting patiently. “I love you. I still do and never stopped.” Harry felt like he stopped breathing at that moment. “You make me so happy—you and the kids, and I don’t want to be without you all anymore. I-I don’t like how it’s only taken me this much time to tell you this, but it felt like the perfect time since this was the place where I first told you I loved you.” 
Harry smiled, taking your hands into his. His thumbs smoothed your skin on the back of your hand before he brought them up to his lips and kissed them so delicately. The action made you smile softly before your mind had switched it to thinking that it was affection before the rejection. 
But then he opened his mouth to speak such beautiful words that you had been aching to hear during the breakup. 
“You’re my everything. I truly don’t know what I’d do without you because you. You’re part of my source of happiness, and life didn’t feel the same without you—the kids could agree with me on that.” He chuckled, looking at them to find them holding hands and jumping around in circles. “But I know that we separated for the better only for us to come back stronger than ever, and I’m never gonna let go of you again, okay?” 
Tears pricked your eyes before they streamed down your cheeks. Your heart felt like it was pounding harder than ever, but it was filled with so much love from and for this man in front of you. 
Harry wiped away your tears, leaning in to kiss your forehead, down to your eyelids as he kissed your tears away. He pulled away and you opened your eyes, giving each other a relieved and happy smile. 
“I love you,” he said, and he swore he saw the brightest smile he’s ever seen—brighter than the sun. “Always have and always will.” 
“And I love you. C-Can you kiss me, please?” 
Harry grinned. “It would be an honor.” 
Placing his palms on the side of your face, he leaned his forehead against yours. Your hands were wrapped around his wrists, rubbing his skin softly. With a smile, he kissed you with such softness and passion that the flowers bloomed largely and the sun shined ever so brightly. The kids cheered and clapped, making bystanders think that you’d just gotten engaged, but you both knew that would be the next step. Your stomach was in knots, butterflies surrounding your body as he captured your lips with his. Hugging Harry’s waist, you pulled him closer and wrapped your arms around him, and he kissed you harder, effortlessly moving his lips in sync with yours as if he was a pro on kissing you, which he was. 
Harry pulled away first, giving you several pecks before opening his eyes. “God, I missed doing that. Missed you so much, darling.” 
“I missed you too, baby.” You were high on happiness, high on love. “I’m sorry it took us this long.” A slight frown appeared on your face, but Harry kissed it away. 
“Hey, hey. None of that. I would’ve loved you until the end of time. I don’t care how long it took, you’re my forever,” he vowed, not planning to break that promise. 
Missing his lips on yours, you leaned up to kiss him again while your arms were wrapped around his neck and his were around your waist, holding you tightly as if he was afraid you’d run off. 
Suddenly, you started giggling into the kiss, making Harry smile before he pulled away. 
“What’s so funny?” He asked. You started thinking about the conversation from the park when you asked him if he was seeing someone. 
You curled in your lips before you said, “You’re a literal dilf, and I’m so in love with you.” 
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please tell me all of your thoughts, feelings, favorite moments and scenes! thank you for reading <3
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mysteriousteaposts · 2 years
Posting my second write-up! This is absolutely different from what I usually write. Just tried to write something different for a change. Feel free to leave suggestions/comments or anything you think I need to improve.
The Manuscript
Looking at the distant silvery cliffs, Jenna felt relief wash over her entire being. Before her was a vast array of mountains, green canopy and distant snow capped peaks. It was peaceful and calming, it was all that she wanted. The view and the overall environment was reposeful. It calmed a threatening storm inside her, everytime she laid her eyes on the entirety of the picturesque alps and the verdant valleys.
She breathed in the crisp mountain air before settling down to work. It has been a year since she moved in. What was once her place for a weekend getaway was now her home. She took a job of proofreading in the local publishing company and was doing well on her own. The piece she held in her hands was lying with other mails this morning. It wasn't titled. This piece, particularly, was a manuscript unlike the others which were printed ones. She was deeply intrigued, with the way it was handwritten, black ink on a brown paper. She put her reading glasses on and began reading intently.
Jenna realised that it was a story, beginning just like how a normal story begins, a woman named Anne, lives with her parents,happy and content with life. Mildly surprised seeing her middle name given to the supposed main character in the story, she continued reading. The first few pages contain her happy memories, with her family, her colleagues. She read all the while having a smile on her face, she could somehow relate to Anne. Soon Anne, in the story, meets a man. In the story, Anne senses something wrong in the man and immediately rejects his advances. The man, not satisfied with how things turned out, decides to sway her decision.
Her breath hitches as she continues reading. Her mind constantly reminding her of the insane similarity of the character with her life. The man in the story first starts following Anne,on her socials, to her workplace, even to her home, which later develops into an act of stalking. He asks people about how she's doing, keeps tabs on every action of hers, sends threats to her male colleagues. So much until Anne leaves her job. She stays at home most of the day and discards social involvement. Finally, one day, Anne decides to leave the town for a few weeks. For the closing paragraph the author wrote that over the few weeks of her staying out of town Anne realises the good intentions of the man and comes back to him. Soon they meet up, Anne apologizes and gives herself over to him.
Jenna lets out a sigh, placing the manuscript on her table while pressing the bridge of her nose. Apart from being eerily similar to her life, this story had views dedicated to the man's perspective, in different events. It was almost as if the author wanted to explain why he stalked her, everywhere. The author wrote that he was insecure, that he swore he would be her guardian knight. He would keep trying to make her his. He would remain devoted to her even if she never returns his feelings. That he would always take good care of her from afar. The author vividly mentioned the fear the man felt when she was around her male colleagues. It haunted him like a nightmare.
Jenna exhaled jaggedly. She could feel she was terribly anxious. She didn't know whether it was because of the uncanny similarity of the story with her life or something else. Jenna too had come here, in the hillside to get away from a man. Who is the very reason she breaks into cold sweats every time she thinks of going out. The very reason she took a job where she can stay at home and work. Slowly, upon pondering more about this unnatural ending, she realised that the book's protagonist is not Anne as she had thought earlier. The protagonist is the man, the stalker. The book, although, seems as if it tells the story of Anne is actually about him, all along. How the man had made Anne his everything, how even when he was telling his part of the story, he portrayed Anne as the main character, depicting she was his everything.
The doorbell suddenly rang, which broke her trance. Jenna noticed the clock which was pointing at 1:25pm. She slowly trudged towards the door, still thinking about the story. She peeked at the eye hole and froze.
"Jenna… open the door" A muffled voice of a man outside said. Jenna could feel her hands and feet turning cold, her heart rate speeding up, hearing the voice.
"Jenna…?" The voice drawled.
"I know you're in there, open up sweetie, let me see you, it's been so…long"
Jenna could feel her entire body shaking. A thousand questions ran in her mind. An unknown fear engulfed her in a tight embrace. She whimpered.
"What's wrong Jenna? Are you crying?" The voice sounded concerned at once.
This again scared Jenna, that he could somehow hear her. She tried not to whimper and clasped her hands over her mouth, shivering in fear.
"Jenna!! What's wrong! Speak up!" The man was now violently banging the door and turning the knob simultaneously. The door rattled with the impact.
"G-go aw-away" Jenna spoke, breaking down into a full blown sob.
"You know I can't sweetie, I would come back to you…" He said, his tone suddenly coming back to normal.
"Always…" He whispered through the small opening of the mail slot.
Jenna shakily held the flap in place. Almost crying out of fear.
"Your little vacation's over Jenna, you..should..come home..now..I'll be waiting.." He said in a sing-song voice.
"You know that I do, right?" He said, his voice threateningly deep. "You know that I wait for you every day, every night right Jenna?" His voice immediately sounded sorrowful.
"Right, Jenna!!?" He spoke loudly, eliciting a scared and weak yes from Jenna.
"You know sweetie? The day I saw you I felt you and I were destined to be and I know that we are" He said, sure of it.
"I know we are meant to be Jenna.." His voice sounded close to the letter slot.
"You…are…mine" He said, tapping the door after every word
Soon Jenna heard footsteps getting away from the door. She was still shivering vehemently and broke down again. Few minutes later her phone chimed with a notification. She slowly got to the table and took her phone, her eyes widening with pure horror seeing the notification which read,
We do need a good ending don't we, Anne?
Just like my story…
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cafeacademia · 4 years
Beyond Words
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Draco creates himself something to chase a feeling he can’t explain and it’s only when he shows you, his best friend, that he understands what that beautiful feeling in his heart is.
Warnings: None, it’s just fluff and soft Draco, some kissing, friends to lovers (I think that’s a given with me now 😅)
Word count: Approx 2500
A/N: Hi loves!! This is my fic for my darling @fuckingdraco​​‘s 1K writing challenge! My prompt was “Take my hand. Just trust me.”, it’s highlighted in bold in the fic! As well as that, this fic was heavily inspired by my favourite song by Fleurie - Explosions of Grandeur, I tried to emulate the feeling this song gives me into this piece! Anyway, enjoy!! 💕💕
The taglist is open, please send me an ask if you’d like to be added!
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Draco would never admit it, not to his peers or to his family, but he had always had a love for books. It wasn’t just a story that he craved, it was the feeling of escape he found between the pages, that whenever he opened a book and smelled the aged parchment and ran his fingers over the printed words, he found himself transported somewhere else.
It was magic in itself, the way it made him feel, the way it allowed him to find himself in a rich world, filled with things that brought him happiness and love and anguish and fear, all in the best ways. Because the best part about a good book was that when he was finished reading it, Draco felt the most wonderful feeling, like he had been on the adventure of a lifetime while sitting curled up in a squishy old armchair in front of the fire.
But now, as he gently closed the book in his hands, it was not a regular storybook. It was not the work of a seasoned author or some kind of documentation of something discovered in the wizarding world, nor was it a diary or a journal. It was something far more special than all of those things combined.
Draco had searched for a way to create his own magical feeling, one he wanted to find whenever he was immersed in a book. And soon, he had found his answer in the restricted section of the library one rainy, blustery Thursday night while Filch was too busy corralling some first years back to their common rooms during the mid evening.
It was everything he had hoped for when he skimmed over the words on the page. Ideas immediately coming to him as he read deeper and deeper into the wonderful discovery he had made. And he thought at the time, that there was not a single person in this world that he would ever feel he could share this with.
But he had not accounted for you, who somehow, through your persistent kindness and sweet nature, had managed to soften him and become someone who stood at his side near constantly. And it was not long before he decided that you were definitely the person he wanted to share his hand crafted secret with. You had melted his heart, warmed him with every smile you gave him and made his eyes gleam with love whenever he cast his gaze on you. It was impossible for him not to love you when you were someone so sweet and kind and genuine. He felt he could be himself, that around you he could be real and for the first time in his life, he felt a little bit of that magical feeling he got when he opened a book whenever he was around you.
And slowly, as he spent hours each night writing on the blank pages of his book, he began to realise what that feeling was that he craved and without even realising, he was capturing it between the pages of his book.
“You’ll come with me this evening, won’t you?” Draco asked after class as he plucked your books right out of your hands to carry them himself as he walked with you towards your next class together. “Of course I will, I’d never miss a night with you.” You said with a sweet smile and Draco almost melted on the spot. How was it that his best friend was so sweet and so endearing? And how was it that Draco was struggling to find the right words to explain that he loved you? It was not as if he was not well learned and well read. He was often poetic with his words when he was alone, but he was not used to speaking those words out loud to someone he cared for.
“Good, I have something to show you.” Draco glanced over at you, watching your reaction. “Ooh and what would that be?” You asked. “Wouldn’t you like to know, princess?” He said teasingly with a smirk. “It’s a surprise, I promise,” He paused as you both approached the classroom door, the Slytherin leaning in close to you. “It’ll be worth the wait.” He spoke quietly, something about the lower octave of his voice, the way he looked at you and winked made you feel something. Merlin, if only he knew what he did to you.
And that evening, after you had finished your meal in the Great Hall, Draco was quick to nearly sweep you off your feet, the way he gently took your hand in his with such a mysterious, yet endearing smile on his lips as he led you along to his prefect dormitory.
It was common for you both to spend most Friday and Saturday nights in each other’s company for a few hours. Sometimes you’d do homework together, other times you’d spend hours chatting, playing wizard chess and thinking up plans for your lives after Hogwarts together, side by side. It never occurred to you, despite the love you both held for one another, that perhaps you were meant to be together. That perhaps your plans to be at the other’s side for as long as you could, would not just be as friends, but something more. And as you spent more of your time with Draco, you began to realise that kind of connection with him was something you craved.
“So what’s this thing you want to show me?” You asked as you dropped onto his bed, the soft dark green sheets creasing beneath you. Draco looked away from you towards his desk hesitantly. He knew you would not judge him, but he feared it nonetheless. “It’s this.” Draco replied, gripping a book in his hands and lifting it up so you could take a look. “A book?” You asked, meeting his eyes with an inquisitive look. “It’s not an ordinary book.” Draco said, holding his index finger up as he pushed his chair away from the desk before he laid the book out on the ebony wooden surface.
“What is it, then?” You asked, slowly standing up and peering over at it. “Come, I’ll show you.” Draco waved you over. As you stepped across his bedroom floor to stand at his side, Draco reached over and opened the cover of the book to reveal the first page. Property of D.M. was written in beautiful cursive. You had only ever seen him use handwriting like that when he wrote something with great care and meaning. You had a few letters you cherished dearly that you had received from Draco throughout your holidays in that beautiful cursive.
“Darling, take my hand.” Draco spoke softly, holding out his hand for you to take, the name he used for you giving you butterflies. You looked at him with an air of curiosity, but the unknown of what he was showing you seemed to make you feel on edge. “Just trust me, love, I promise you’ll love it.” The sincerity of his voice was already enough to comfort and convince you, but the way he looked at you with such a kind, sweet look in his eyes told you it was okay.
“Alright.” You nodded, gently placing your hand in his, the ashen haired boy giving you a soft smile before he turned his attention back to his book, raising his wand and pressing it against the pages. “In libro.” He muttered it so softly you almost didn’t catch it because as soon as the words left his lips, you felt the most wonderful sensation. You were sucked in, feeling weightless and in less than a second, what had been Draco’s bedroom was a flurry of soft pages, yellowed and stained and old, the gentle flutter of parchments coupled with the musty smell of old books and antique wood polish made you feel like you really were inside of a book.
And it all passed in a matter of seconds, because as fast as you had recognised the smells filling your senses, a world had begun to materialise around you. Soft, dark scribbles in Draco’s perfect cursive handwriting formed the outlines of things as if they were being written before you, the words blurring into fully formed lines, colour filling the environment around you, texture and depth filling in each detail as a soft breeze brushed through your hair, lifting the edges of your clothing, sweeping over your fingers entwined with Draco’s.
It was so real, everything around you was intricately detailed and wonderfully formed as if you had been taken to a location in the real world, when really, you knew you were between the pages of a book. It felt new but at the same time it felt as if you had known it all along and as you looked over at Draco with a look of amazement about you, you realised it was the familiarity you had when you met someone you felt like you had known for years, much like you had with Draco when you had first met him.
Taking in a deep breath, it was something ethereal, something otherworldly yet so real, the air feeling as crisp and as full bodied as the fresh air you breathed in each morning through the open windows in your dormitory. The grass beneath your feet was just as soft and springy as the grass in the grounds and the stonework of the beautiful house ahead of you looked as real as any stone house. Looking up, the sky was a mixture of colours, enriched with the misty smell of rain and hazy afternoon sun, soft clouds tinted with gentle tones of purples and greys passing overhead and the hint of stars in the far distance made the world Draco had brought you to feel even more wonderful and alive.
The feeling it brought you was something of nostalgia, of comfort and warmth and every good thing in between. It was something more than words on a page, or the description of how something was meant to be, it was not imaginary or dreamt up. It was real, handcrafted with words, but it was beyond what words could encapsulate. It was neither a dream nor a reality, it was something in between, something truly ethereal, unreal yet so astoundingly real, evidenced by the way it felt when you knelt down to run your fingers across the soft blades of grass, and when you reached over to trail your fingers through the soft trickle of the crystal clear stream that ran around the edge of the garden.
“It’s incredible.” You gasped softly, finally able to find your voice after being captivated by everything around you. “I hoped you’d feel that way too.” Draco nodded, smiling as he proudly looked around his little secret garden, nestled between pages, wrapped in a feeling of safety, of unending comfort, a deep sense of love overcoming you both as you slowly explored the work of Draco’s words. “I needed something more than words. Something deeper.” He explained as he approached a patch of wildflowers, the Slytherin leaning over to gently lift the head of a flower and admire it for a moment. It was as soft as silk in his fingers, as delicate and as real as the flowers you already knew.
You were in awe as you stood near the middle, eyes cast up into the dreamy sky, Draco approaching you, his hands resting in his trouser pockets. “Has anyone else seen this place?” You asked as you cast your gaze on him. “Only you, darling. You’re the only person I want to share this with.” Draco told you, pulling his hands free from his pockets as he stepped in front of you, gently taking both of your hands in his.
“You’re the only one I ever want to share things with,” He paused, his eyes softening as he looked at you, love surfacing in his deep grey eyes. “You’re the only one I want to share myself with.” The feeling that blossomed in your heart at his words was like no other, making you feel weightless, spreading warmth through you like sweet honey.
“Draco,” Your voice was gentle, his name sweet on your lips, the ashen haired boy melting at the sight of your features, bathed in the ethereal light above you, the way your eyes had softened at his words and your smile curved gently, but it was genuine, reaching your eyes, making you look as if you glowed with the emotions that swam just beneath the surface. He leaned in, gently tugging you towards him, your hands coming up to rest on his chest as you drew yourself closer to him. The closeness between you was welcomed, as if the unspoken feelings you both felt had finally found their truths. You did not need to say them out loud to know that they were real, to know that your feelings for Draco were deep in your heart and shared by the same boy you loved dearly.
With his hands resting at the curve of your back, Draco pulled you in, his lips pressing against yours in a soft, gentle kiss, encapsulating you in a wondrous feeling of love. He kissed you slowly, lips moving gently against yours as your fingers trailed over his chest until they met at the back of his neck. Draco gently rested his hand at the nape of your neck, cradling you as he kissed you into pure bliss, his touch ever present as his firm, yet gentle grip on your waist tightened slightly.
Draco kissed you until you were both breathless, a warm haze overcoming you both as your lips parted, eyes fluttering open to sink into his soft grey hues. “I love you.” Draco spoke softly, with such gentle conviction that there was not a single lingering shadow of doubt in his words.
“I love you too, Draco.” Your voice, while dreamy, was sincere and Draco felt his heart flutter.
He had created a world to describe a feeling that was beyond what he could explain. Draco had accumulated all of those details and small moments that lingered in his mind, not just from snapshots inside of books, but feelings he felt when he spent time with his best friend. When he spent summer nights stargazing with you and autumnal Sunday afternoons taking a walk with you in the soft drizzle while the sun poked through the thin clouds casting a gentle haze over you both. It was everything you shared together in one place, collected together in one, wondrous, dreamy moment in time, captured between the pages of his book, printed into words to describe something beyond what they could.
It was love.
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Taglist (OPEN):
@kitkatd7​ @paintballkid711​ @thesewaywardskies​ @coldlilheart​ @victorialynn7​ @pandaxnienke​ @megantje123​ @loving-life-my-way​ @chaotic-fae-queen​ @theweasleyslut​ @daltonacademia​ @amourtentiaa​ @sincerelymalfoy​
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Autumn Leaves 🍂
Captain America and The Winter Soldier
Pairing; Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; Since Autumn is your favourite season of the year, Bucky decides to take you to the park to bask in all it’s glory.
Word Count; 894
Warnings; tiny hint of smut but other than that it’s just fluff!
Authors Note; I was really in the zone when I wrote this and I LOVE how it turned out! Let me know what you think :)
Main Masterlist || Bucky Barnes Autumn Masterlist
Story Moodboard
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You look outside the living room window with a joyous expression on your face that Autumn is finally here. The leaves were tumbling down from the branches of the high trees like confetti. Autumn has always been your favourite season of them all. The season between summer and winter brings out the warm clothes and even warmer hugs, gorgeous colours in the world around you, wonderful adventures and late evenings with a tasty and warm drink as you read a book while you snuggle up to the one you love the most.
As you are deep in thoughts about your love for Autumn, you feel a pair of naked and muscular arms wrap themselves around your middle. A warm chest pressed into your back, and you couldn’t help but lean your head against it. The presence behind you was no other than your boyfriend, Bucky. His vibranium arm burned cold against your naked skin for a few seconds before it started to warm up against you. Your arms rested above his to keep him to you. His breath was brushing against your ear as he squeezed perfectly enough to make you feel secure in his grasp.
“What’s going through that pretty head of yours, doll?”
His voice was laced with sleep as he whispered just behind your ear. The low tone had shivers run down your spine, and your lips parted to let out a deep exhale. It took a few seconds to gather yourself so you could answer him.
“I’m just admiring the beauty of Autumn. You know it’s my favourite season.”
His hold on you disappeared for a second before he put his hands on your shoulders to turn you around to face him. You took a quick moment to admire him. Bucky always looks so beautiful and eternal in the morning. His hair was a bit messy, and the sculpt of his body looked more defined. It took your breath away every single day. He wraps his arms around you again to keep you tight to him once more. Your lips were brushing against one another.
“Let’s have a hot shower together and then go for a walk in the park, just you and me. What do you say?”
There was a naughty smirk on his face as he mentioned the shower, and your legs began to feel wobbly, and your heart started racing.
“That sounds like a wonderful plan, Bucky.”
After your shower together, which turned steamy, of course, you both got dressed in your warm and cosy Autumn clothes.
You remembered to bring your camera with you to take pictures of the cute and little adventure you were going on together.
As you stepped out into the chilly weather, his large hand embraced your smaller one. He gave it a light squeeze before his thumb brushed the back of it repeatedly. You took in a big breath of the crisp morning air before you set out on your walk.
Your eyes were wide open as you took in the sight of the thick trees coated with Autumn colours. Blood red, burnt orange, dark yellow and brown as far as the eyes could see. The path you were walking on was decorated with fallen leaves.
A few families were occupying the park as well. You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself as you watched the kids running around and playing with the pile of leaves that had fallen to the ground. Your mind drifted to the future when one day yours and Bucky's kids would be out playing in the Autumn weather. It had you smiling at the thought.
The sound of your camera was clicking away as you took pictures of the scenes all around you.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“It sure is.”
Bucky's eyes scanned the environment around him before they landed on you, the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his entire existence.
He stopped in his tracks, and you felt a pull on your hand. Before you got the chance to ask what was wrong, he spun you around so that you were facing him. His hands put a rugged grip on your hips to pull you flush against his frame.
In contrast, his lips brushed softly, delicately against yours for a brief moment to breathe you in, feel the warmth radiating off you before he closed the gap and laid a kiss on your lips to taste you.
It felt like it was only you and Bucky in the whole world when he had his lips on you; nothing else mattered. The falling leaves around you created a picture-perfect scene that looked like it had come out straight from a fairy tale.
The second he pulled his lips from yours, you let out a soft whine. If you could, you would never separate from them. You could get lost in them forever, not caring where you were or who was watching.
His forehead came in contact with yours, and you both closed your eyes to feel the energy soaring between the two of you. His human hand came up to cradle the side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek in a back and forth motion.
“I love you, my pretty girl. You’re the best thing that has ever come into my life.”
“I’m yours forever, Bucky. I love you so much.”
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whatanoof · 4 years
I have a few corruption ideas in mind for cal and I'm just. Okay so like-- reader grinding on/teasing him, maybe while they're hiding in a cave or an empty room in an inquisitor base-- purposefully to the point where he can't hold himself back and he just cums right then and there 👀
Or-- reader accidentally projecting some very, very dirty thoughts towards Cal (bonus points if it's virgin!/inexperienced!Cal), and his reaction to said thoughts ;3c
Don't feel obligated to turn these into full fics or anything tho!! I just like to share my thoughts w ppl and see what they think abt it 🥰💛
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Oh babe, this isn’t an obligation. This is my PLEASURE. Don’t mind me with my slightly force sensitive reader learning how to weaponize her inexperience against her very innocent boyfriend.
A/N: These turned out a lot more fluffy than I had in mind at first, and probably more so than you had in mind, anon. I'll to expand a little more on these, but I wanted to give you what I have now. More to come!
You were two weeks into your relationship the first time it happened. It’s early morning on Bogano, the rare off-day where Cal doesn’t have to take a quest anywhere. The grass glistens in the early morning light, dew droplets sending sparkles of light through the air. You sit in the field, watching the sunrise with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and a steaming mug of caf clenched tightly in your hands, gracing your morning with its fragrant smell. Happy chirps and beeps echo through the stillness of the morning as BD-1 scampers around the field, chasing a butterfly that’s been disturbed from its early morning food quest. It’s so domestic that it almost hurts. It reminds you of life before the Purge, when everything was better. Except, now you have Cal.
Not beside you of course, he’s actually the reason that you’re even awake to see the dawn. He stands stock-still in the grass several meters in front of you. He’s relaxed, breathing in the crisp dawn air, eyes closed against the rays of light beginning to conquer the horizon line.
Cere stalks back and forth in front of him, “Focus, Cal.” She hefts a round fruit in her hands about as big as her head. “Sense the life around you. What do you feel?”
Cal pivots slowly on the spot until he’s facing you. “I feel you. And her.” His brow is creased in that one spot between his eyebrows. You want to kiss it. 
“Not us, Cal. The life all around us. There’s a reason I chose Bogano for this lesson.” Cere’s disapproving tone is a common staple around here. The crew has learned to accept it as a sign of affection.
“A bogling. On the ship. It’s looking for food.” Cal says.
You smile. The newest addition to the crew has been nothing but a joy to you and a pain in the ass to Greez. It’s always stealing his favorite snacks and making a mess of his ship, if you count it’s tiny nest in the corner of the kitchen to be ‘a mess’. 
“Better. Expand, Cal.”
Then you feel something at the edge of consciousness, something familiar and strange all at the same time. It wasn’t so much a thing, but a feeling. A presence. If you had to describe it in words, you couldn’t. But if you had to try, it would be in swaths of color and emotions that blend and swirl in the invisible eye of your mind. It’s warm, reds and oranges and yellows fluttering against each other, tinged around the edges by blue, the same blue as Cal’s saber. Cal. The presence is undeniably Cal, the warm colors echoing back to his fiery spunk and stubborn affection. 
Your eyes open. When had they closed? Cal is right there, his hand stretched out in your direction. Cere watches cautiously, eyes flicking between you and him. You see her reluctance to interrupt the moment. 
As if called back to the ground by your distraction, Cal opens his eyes with a soft gasp. The presence retreats, fading from your short grasp as you try to chase it. Your gaze bores into Cal, trying to focus your mind on reaching back out to him. But you can’t.
Cere speaks, “That’s enough Force training for today.” She tosses the previously forgotten fruit directly at Cal’s head. “Think fast. Form V today.”
His lightsaber materializes into his hand, cleanly slicing the offending object out of the air in a single smooth motion. But Cal doesn’t hesitate for a single moment, flowing through different saber forms without difficulty. Cere calls a variety of commands, and each gives way to another attack by Cal. The saber moves like it is an extension of his body, like a deadly serpent that flickers in and out of the air.
This continues for a long time, long enough that you have time to finish off your caf. The drink warms your insides. Watching Cal working so hard to strengthen his connection to the Force warms your heart. Examining the definition of his shoulders and his muscular torso warms other places. Your eyes drift to his ass, emboldened by the illusion of ignorance. You allow your mind to drift. 
You and Cal started dating two weeks ago. There was an irresistible pull between the two of you, to the point where the crew forced you two to acknowledge it. Cal had been cautious, but permission from Greez and a blessing from Cere was all the encouragement he needed, because as he had said so eloquently, “Like you. I like you. A lot.”
And you like Cal. A lot. Nothing physical had happened beyond a single makeout session and more cuddle sessions than you could count. You know that he’s unsure about sex, and because of that you’re more than willing to wait for him to be ready. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look and daydream. 
Your gaze drags over his body, imagining for a moment how it would feel. What it would be like, to be allowed close to him to make him feel good. What his skin would taste like, how your fingers would feel threaded through his bright hair. The sounds that he would make as you go down on him. 
A gasp from the field snaps you out of the daydream. Cal’s facedown on the ground; all you can make out of him from here is the fringe of his poncho and his shock of red hair contrasting against the green environment of Bogano. You stand, hurrying over as Cere helps him up.
“Cal?” She's concerned, you can see it in her eyes even if she won’t verbalize it. You’re worried too. In all of your time aboard the Mantis, you’d seen clumsy Cal maybe once before, and that was because he was goofing off in an attempt to make Greez laugh.
He doesn’t respond to Cere. His gaze snaps up to you, and he says your name urgently. Your brow creases, “What?”
His face is flushed red, and he’s panting as he shakily kneels in the grass. “I think you’re Force-sensitive.”
“Come on, it’ll be easy!” He looks so earnest, like a kicked puppy dog. You avert your eyes. Looking too long means that you will fall prey to the terrible innocent eyes.
“I said no. What’s so hard to understand about that?” You cross your arms tighter over your chest. You know that arguing is futile. Cal is the most stubborn person you know, even more so than Greez and you have witnessed the intense food aggression.
“Babe, it’s one rock. You’re not going to get hurt.”
“I might when it’s going to be flying at my face!” Cere had insisted that you learn to control your Force sensitivity, at the very least so that you could learn how to guard your mind from others. But, she placed Cal in charge of your training. Merrin’s Force abilities were nothing close to what you could hope to accomplish, and you believe Cere’s exact words were, “It will be good for Cal to learn just how irritating training a Padawan can be.”
And so your Jedi boyfriend became your Jedi Master. It was quickly determined that your Force sensitivity was nothing close to the level of Jedi. Your talents extended to thought projection, minor thought detection abilities, and, as Cal had been so excited to learn, basic telekinesis. 
That had been an accidental discovery, actually, brought out of a session wrestling with the Mantis’s control board wiring. You’d lost concentration for a split second, and in a flash of light and electricity, you were nursing a burnt finger. Merrin was attracted to your area by the flash of light and pained cry, and was incredibly surprised to find you with various medical supplies hovering in front of your face while you soaked and bandaged your finger. And she’d snitched on you.
So now you’re on a no name forest planet, facing down your boyfriend who’s threatening to throw a rock at your head in order to force out your hidden telekinesis, because as soon as Merrin witnessed the feat, you’d lost all voluntary control over it.
“Cal, this is a bad idea.”
“Do you have a better one?”
“Yes. Leave me alone. I can shield my thoughts now, that’s all I wanted to do.”
“Oh come on. It doesn’t excite you even a little?”
It does, but not enough that you’d be willing to have a rock thrown at your face. You roll your eyes and throw your hands up, “I’m going back to the ship.”
But as soon as you turn, something sparks on the edge of your conscious mind, and you whirl with an outstretched hand. The rock sails past your fingers and bonks you on the forehead. You clap a hand over your head as pain throbs at the point of contact. “Ow!”
You whip your head up and glare at Cal, who’s standing there, mouth agape and eyes so wide that you can see the whites from here. When he meets your eyes, he shrinks back and turns to run.
“Cal Kestis you are going to pay for that!” You lunge after him, nearly tripping over a root as you scramble after your soon-to-be dead boyfriend. 
He disappears around the corner of the clearing with you hot on his heels. Trees tower over your head in every direction. The only thing interrupting the perfect vision of nature is the dorsal fin of the Mantis spearing up into the sky, guiding you to safety.
And Cal’s running away from it, leading you further into the forest. Branches whip at your face, but you can’t pay attention to them when you’re focusing harder on not losing Cal as he ducks and weaves through the foliage with all of the ease of a jungle cat. Then you round a corner, and he’s gone. 
You’re gasping for breath as you stumble to a stop in the midst of the forest. Damn it Cal. You want to rest, but you’ll be damned if you’re going to allow Cal to get away with this. He knows that if he gets away now, you’re probably going to be cooled down by the time he gets back to the Mantis, and you can’t have that. You tamp down your anger. Gather yourself. Feel the world around you. Now hold it at arms’ length. You bring your mental shields up slowly, guarding yourself and calming your racing heart through a few deep breaths. Then, you let the barriers down, allowing the world to rush back into your mind. You exhale slowly, combing through the sensations like Cal had taught you, searching for the presence that had become so familiar over the past few months. There!
A flash of warm colors in the midst of the muted Force signatures of plants.
You whirl, scanning the tree branches above you in time to see Cal make a break for it. He’s overhead, about ten feet off of the ground and running along a tree branch so gracefully that it seems like he’s skimming across the air. He’s heading for a vine. ‘Sneaky little--’
‘Sneaky little what?’
You gasp as he teases back through the Force. Your brow sets in determination, and you narrow your gaze on the vine that he’s reaching out for. You settle on it, and reach out. Your consciousness brushes the vine, pulling it just out of Cal’s reach. His outstretched fingers close just short of the vine, and he loses his balance.
He hits the ground with an oof and you plant a foot on his chest. “Sneaky little laserbrain.”
“Babe you did it!” He grins up at you, unrepentant and ruffled from the mad dash through the forest, “Don’t you love your amazing boyfriend who just helped you to learn another Force trick?”
You smile, “I do. But--” you press harder on his chest with your boot, “--you’re still going to pay for that.”
He groans, “I just paid by falling out of a tree. How else would I make it up to you?”
Without your bidding, ideas leap to your mind. “Oh, I have some.” Cal, between your legs and making you cum with only his mouth. You, on your knees for Cal against one of these trees. Riding Cal back on the Mantis, topless and gasping his name as he brushes up against that one spot inside of you that makes you sing. You don’t project them, but you’re aware that your shields aren’t up, and Cal’s Force presence is hovering on the edge of yours.
Cal’s face reddens as he gapes up at you. All of this time, and he still gets worked up at the bare idea of you naked. It’s a little cute. He springs to his feet, “Let’s go back to the ship.”
You hum, looking at him thoughtfully, ‘We don’t need to go back to the ship for a couple of those.’
He chokes, and you smile as you grab the front of his poncho and back him against a large tree. This is going to be fun.
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