#take him to the dumpster! XD
leviathans-watching · 10 months
Something I find funny that I've noticed
When you set Belphegor as your homepage demon, when you interact w/ him like a surprise guest he says "you're free, right? I know you are. Come shopping with me" before you can interact with him.
Belphegor likes shopping apparently? Honestly thought he'd ask the player to nap with him or something.
So now it's going me thinking
What if whenever all three of them are free, Belphegor, Asmo, and the player go shopping together?
I think that'd be funny/fun lol.
shopping with asmo & belphie
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includes: asmo, belphie x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .4k | rated t | m.list
a/n: hehe this was so cute!! thanks for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback, so come say hi!!
reblog this pls XD
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“no! asmo, put that down! i’m sick of trying on clothes,” you insist, giving him a glare. you’re exhausted and sweaty, and the thought of trying even one more thing on sends rage through your body.
asmo pouts, but seems to recognize how close you are to losing your shit and puts the shirt back. belphie, next to him, chuckles.
“don’t you start,” you warn waspishly. you need like, a gallon of water. “i’m only here because you dragged me, so i don’t even understand why you guys are trying to get me to buy stuff. i thought this was about getting belphie new clothes.”
“we just want you to look and feel cute,” asmo simpers, and you roll your eyes.
“i can do that perfectly fine in the clothes i already own. now, belphie, if you don’t get me to a food court in the next fifteen minutes, i’m going to lose it.”
“you sound like beel,” belphie mutters, and you eye a lady who rudely shoves past you, not even bothering to say ‘excuse me’ and with you could tear out her soul and devour it.
“oh, you have no idea.”
this sends them both into another round of chuckles, and you put your face in your hands, slowly counting to ten.
“hey, i think we broke mc,” asmo stage-whispers after a long moment, and belphie snickers.
“belphie,” you say from between your fingers, not looking up lest you fly into a blind rage and attempt to rip that smirk off of his face, “take that armful of clothes and go into a fitting room. only come out on three of them for me to look at. got it?”
belphie sighs. “you’re no fun.”
“i’m hangry!”
“fine, fine,” he says, and you stand, following him toward the fitting room.
“make sure to take lots of pictures!” asmo calls at his back, and you pinch him.
“what?” he yelps.
“do not make him take any longer than nessescary.”
he grins, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “awww, mc, you’re so cute when you’re mad.”
“you won’t think i’m so cute when i kill you and make belphie help me leave you in the dumpster,” you respond.
“i’d be down with that!” belphie calls from the stall, and asmo gasps. “after that, mc, we can get sushi.”
“sounds like a plan,” you say, some of your irritation dissipating. you lean into asmo, just slightly, and wait for belphie to exit the fitting room.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Xiaoatian in Century Egg takes the cake for the most dramatic entry into the world for the kids. Not much can beat going into labor in the middle of the Jade Emperor's throne room, while being wet nursed by the Queen Mother herself, and almost the Monkey King almost dying in childbirth. Like Yubei is very close with her eating LBD but it took several days for her to come out afterwards, Xiaoation literally had a span of a few hours
It comes with the title of "Harbringer of Chaos" XD
Each "MK" variant in the Wukongverse has to make their presence known to the world. So far I have these guys planned out;
Xiaotian/MK (LMK TMKATI au): Arrival causes a magtic hurricane to form outside.
Xiaotian/MK (LMK Canon): [REDACTED until S5] Nuwa was involved.
Xiaotian/MK (LMK Century Egg Au): Birth interupts the trial of Sun Wukong vs the entirety of Heaven and Hell over the soul of Macaque. Queen Mother of the West and Guanyin has to step in to midwife.
Xiaoyun (Monkey King Hero is Back au): Extremely tense hatching/birth after almost being killed by a deer spirit.
Xiao Qi (Monkey King Reborn): Artsy rebirth after having given up their life for their new friends + to defeat Yuandi. Vastly understimated how little they'd be.
Xiaoshi (Monkey King Netflix au): Little man busted out feet-first and tried running off Happy Feet-style. Paretns had to chase him down.
Xiaozhen (New Gods au): "Hey there's a free baby in this dumpster."
Ketu & Rahu (Meihouwang au): Born within microseconds of eachother despite one being a Stone egg, and the other a regular unborn baby. Chaos ensued cus no one could tell who came out of where.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Thank you! And welcome back!! :DD Though what a poor time to come back around to the dumpster fire that is Tumblr--
If you haven't heard the news, we got a bunch of A.I. crap goin on. You'd best go into all your blogs settings individually to "opt out of 3rd party something something". Gotta protect your artwork and reblogs from being A.I. data scraped!
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Thank you!! :DD
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That, and also I think they would get more brittle as they age.. :(
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Oh yeah for sure! :D Though Seafoam's beard/hair is made of actual seafoam. So its not that tasty- <XDD
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That sounds deliciously dangerous! XDD 😋
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I do know that Jam is their blood at least! :0 ..at least I think so-
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XDD I give you an E for effort!
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@astaherussy (Referencing this post)
XDD I can almost see him doing that as a social experiment of sorts. Just to see that everyone else would say.
Its all fun and games until everyone starts responding with "Oh absolutely" "Everyday matey.." "Oh yeah, all the time!" Peso would be shocked- XDD
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He does not handle the separation well <XD
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Well "ship" usually refers to head-cannoning/wanting two characters to be romantically involved. Even if they are not in canon. Blue and Seafoam aren't a ship, they just are.. well, together. Its written into the canon that they are together. So its not a ship and its feels a lot different than a ship would..
As for Peach and Mario, a quick google search says they are canonically mutually romantically interested in each other. Same with Luigi and Daisy. I only tagged my posts as "Mario x Peach" and "Luigi x Daisy".. because that's what people search for when they wanted to see romantic content of those characters-
And even if google straight up lied/is wrong and it turns out not to be confirmed? Those two pairings are so strongly suggested/implied in canon, that I don't get any of negative feelings I associate with ships.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I just don't like ships. It really isn't my thing for a lot of reasons. There's a loooot of not great feelings associated with them. None of my own characters make me feel that way becuase I created them. And their relationships are written into the story..
And the Mario pairings are canon. Or at the very least, they are soooo strongly implied, that I don't get any of the negative feelings associate with ships even if they weren't canonically a thing.. I hope that made sense..?
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Huh, the more you know! :0
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(Link in question)
XDD Oh yeah absolutely
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She will flatten that cake in under 5 minutes. And suffer absolutely no consequences what so ever. Lucky gal <XD
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THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD! :DD Rainbow cobbler sounds like it would fit the best considering the ships colors.. But I want the name to relate to coral in some way.. hmm..
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Uhg.. yeah, I'm aware.. its a good thing I don't plan to post Octonauts content much anymore-
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I don't like to think of my OCs as drinkers.. but if anyone did drink, it would be Louis. He's a jolly character that just likes to have a good time with his crew. :)
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I do intend for them to raid other ships. :0 But they usually go for ships that can defend themselves to some extent and have loot. You're not gonna see them raid a ship full of orphans and steal their biscuits and pennies-
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Sorry, I don't take requests!.. Also considering how tough my DK is, and the fact that he's the alpha- I don't think he would ever get bloody and bruised-
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If I remember correctly, the cookie run version of cake creatures are dogs..?
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XDD wait doesn't mild dissolve cookies though?-
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Hmm.. I'm not sure. I know that there are other cookies in the game that work with metal and stuff. So an electronic toy wouldn't be impossible. If it was small they'd probably assume it was a toy. If it was huge..? Mayyybe they'd think its some kind of malicious machine..? <:0
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I think Spidercrab is the smart cookie and Louis is the tough cookie XDD
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Going off of the games.. I thiiiink an "oven" would be like a birthplace..?
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anadorablekiwi · 2 months
I, a human with mild arachnophobia, saved a lil guy at work today!
Spotted a lil black spider on one of the carts, and upon coworker doing a quick google to confirm it was just a jumping spider, I waited til he was on a box and brought him to some bushes by the dumpster out back!
(By *waited* i mean we were discussing it and suddenly i was like. Wait. Where did he go??? And conveniently he was exploring an empty oranges box XD)
I obviously did not take pictures, but here’s some google images of the type he was (i think. I didnt get a close look, and held the box at arms length 😅)
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Alcina’s trying to give up smoking
18+ Minors DNI
Alcina: *Rummaging through her desk, throwing cigarette cartons away*
Y/N: *Walks in, tilts their head* What are you doing, babe?
Alcina: *Looking quite proud of herself* I’m going to quit smoking, draga.
Y/N: *Eyes widen in shock* Wow! Really?! That’s awesome! *Goes up and hugs her legs* I’m sure you’ll feel a lot better once you stop. *Whispering to themself* And I won’t have to make out with a walking pack of menthols anymore…
Alcina: *Didn’t hear that last part* What was that, draga?
Y/N: Oh, uh, nothing! Just happy for you, Alci!
Alcina: *Smiles, kisses Y/N* Thank you, my darling. It will be a challenge to quit so suddenly, but I think I’ll manage.
A few days later
Y/N: *Running happily into Alcina’s room* I could go for some pussy! Wanna get railed, Alci?!
Alcina: *Sitting and reading a book, glares at Y/N* As usual, you sweep me off my feet with your elegant foreplay, Y/N. *Rolls her eyes*
Y/N: *Cringes at the look Alcina’s giving them* Um, I meant to say… Pretty, pretty please can I rail you?! *Gives her puppy dog eyes*
Alcina: *Sighs and rubs Y/N’s head, thinks they look adorable* Well, I must say that was an improvement at least… Alright, draga.
Y/N: Yeah! *Eagerly begins undressing Alcina, places kisses along her neck*
Alcina: *Moans lustfully*
Y/N: You’re perfect, babe. You’re gorgeous. I love your soft skin and your- *Stops abruptly once they pull Alcina’s dress off of her* What the fuck?
Alcina: *Whines as Y/N stops kissing her* D-Draga, why did you-?
Y/N: What the hell are all of these things?! *Points at Alcina’s body*
Alcina: What are you talking about, Y/N? *Looks down at herself, gasps, bites her lip in embarrassment* Damn, I forgot to take these off.
Y/N: What’s going on, Alci?
Alcina: *Clears her throat nervously* Um, well… I’ve got… Nicotine patches on. They’re supposed to help me with my cigarette cravings. *Goes over to grab a box of the patches* See? *Hands it to Y/N*
Y/N: *Looks at the box* It says you should only use one a day… *Chuckles* Hehe, cheater.
Alcina: *Cheeks flaming* I am not cheating! I’ve smoked for more than a century, Y/N. Old habits die hard. And besides, I think we can both agree I’m a little different than most people! (A/N: Pick me girl Alci XD)
Y/N: Well, is using all of these patches at once bad for you? Do you feel weird or anything?
Alcina: No, draga. I feel perfectly fine. *Pondering for a moment* Well, there was something odd that happened a bit earlier…
Y/N: *Worried* What was it?!
Alcina: *Crosses her arms, looks away, suddenly bashful* Err… I don’t want to say…
Y/N: Babe, what happened?! You’re freaking me out!
Alcina: *Knows that Y/N isn’t going to drop this, groans, hides her face in her hands* Ugh, fine! When I peed this morning, the whole bathroom started to smell like an ashtray! Happy now?!
Y/N: Hahahaha! What?! *Tears streaming down their cheeks* Yes! Very happy! That’s hilarious!
Alcina: *Pouting* It’s not funny, Y/N!
Y/N: But it is, babe! It’s like you can make your own perfume. Picture it. Eau de Alcina: The scent of nicotine and eternal life! *Laughs wildly* What do you think? I can already see it on a shelf at Macy’s or some shit.
Alcina: You’re so weird, Y/N! No one would want to smell like that, draga. That sounds horrible.
Y/N: Well, I have an uncle who always smells like piss and cigarettes. Maybe he’d like it!
Alcina: *Mortified* Nasty! Why does he smell so badly?!
Y/N: Huh, I don’t know, actually. I’d ask him, but I heard he just got arrested again.
Alcina: *Eyes widen* Arrested? Why?
Y/N: *Shrugs* Trespassing and dumpster diving for used panties behind a strip club.
Alcina: >:0 WHAT?!
Y/N: Don’t worry, that’s normal for him. In fact, he- Oh… Wait… Yeah, I bet that’s why he always reeks. *Puts a hand to their chin in thought* Honestly, it’s a wonder he doesn’t smell worse…
Alcina: I should have known you’re descended from actual degenerates.
Note: Yeah… That part about Y/N’s uncle… Might have taken inspiration from my own life. Blech. Everybody’s got that one damn uncle, I swear.
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sourcreamuwu · 5 days
I have a bunch of headcanons about kid Scarecrow and the Mentor! (though I was thinking if it's just better to be an au but for now I stick with it) (Followed by a bunch of wonky doodles, of course!)
In his preteens Scarecrow had very little of his parents' attention, almost none for whatever reason(whether they were busy on their work or just didn't care) So most of the time he spent on his own somewhere in streets. He was a kid who climbed every tree, knew every dumpster and visited every abandoned building in his neighborhood. Had tons of bruises and wounds on his knees from falling and regularly got splinters.
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He was an outcast. Other kids' parents found him weird and a bad influence. Always walking on his own, going to dangerous places. So they told their children to not hang out with him. Not like they wanted to. Because "Ew, Scarecrow! Why are you showing us a dead rat?" or "Aaahhh! Put it away! Put it away!"(Holds a jar full of beetles). All in all, he was well known in the area for his antics.
One day he found an old acoustic guitar on a dumpster (this can happen. Trust me XD) Of course such thing got his attention. He took it and tried to pull the strings and spin the qbbsbdhsshs(THE TUNING KEYS!!!). He could give up on the instrument after an hour or take it apart if a lonely old man, musician in the past, wasn't passing by(👈👈read the Mentor). He sat on the bench near Scarecrow and just chatted to him. That type of kind old people who may start chatting with random neighbours or passing by people about the weather, the books... He showed Scarecrow how to play a few chords, told some interesting facts about guitars, shared a few stories from his life. The man definitely found a way to the strange kid's heart. Scarecrow literally fell in love with the instrument and the old man wasn't lonely anymore. (Y'know , elderly very often remain alone as their family has their own lifes and it's pretty tragic and he treated Scarecrow as he would treat his own grandchild/child) Scarecrow became a frequent guest in the Mentor's flat and it became his second home. The old man let him to see his collection of vinyls, taught him to play the guitar and taught him music in general. That's when Scarecrow decided that he wanted to dedicate his life to music and go further. I think later he applied to some music conservatory and finished it well.
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And Scarecrow's guitar could be his present on the graduation day :D
Now to the songs! In Shelter from the Rain Scarecrow visits the Mentor once again and tells him about his crush and gots an inspiration to write his own song for her. The main message is the love being the biggest source of creation and being a light (shelter) in trying times. And in Wastelands they argue badly because the Mentor doesn't support Scarecrow's way and tries to convince him to not go that destructive path but he refuses and believes that the old man is jealous of him having glory the Mentor didn't have in his years.
(The post is provided to you by @codenamejudas ' ask :) )
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scottishoctopus · 4 months
(To the mun) I'm not quite sure what we could find in the next POTC movie, but the point is it's very hard to believe that Davy Jones will return to us just like that. I mean...Since Sparrow killed Jones taking off his own heart and made Will Turner the future boss of the Flying Dutchman getting his own heart and gaven to Elisabeth Swann...How could Jones be able to return to us? Just curiosity and confusion with the cannon of all POTC movies, just all.
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Well talking about the next POTC movie is reaaally frustrating if we're talking about it being in the works. Disney is being an absolute dumpster fire at the minute and they're considering doing a reboot which doesn't have Johnny Depp in it. And whether people like it or not, he is the face of the franchise. People are always going to watch POTC because of Captain Jack Sparrow! If Disney does make that reboot which might be likely, then it's certainly not going to do well at the box office.
There is no pirates without Johnny Depp!
Now I know that wasn't entirely the focus of your question and I'll get back to it since it's Davy centric XD.
Dead Men Tell No Tales was a pretty bad pirates movie, with plot holes and all sorts of canon breaking such as Jack receiving the compass not from Tia Dalma/Calypso as she says in Dead Man's Chest, but from a dying Captain which still rightfully pisses me off!
But the movie did give us the Trident of Poseidon that held all curses of the sea but then was later broken by Henry Turner which released Will from his duty as Captain of the Flying Dutchman, and Henry got his dad back and he, Carina and Will reunited with Elizabeth.
(Course this raises a whole load of questions because Will no longer has a heart so I don't understand how he's still standing and plus this yet again pissed me off because Davy could have done that all along and he could have been freed? I DON'T KNOW DAMN YE DISNEY)
But at the end of the credits, just like the previous movies there is post-credit scene which reveals Davy entering Will and Elizabeth's home and dramatically limping towards their bed as if to strike them with his claw. Will wakes up with a start, figures it was a nightmare and falls back asleep. BUT! The camera pans down and reveals a puddle of water with a bunch of barnacles in them, so that must mean Davy was actually there but he disappeared for whatever reason.
My theory goes, Calypso resurrected him like she did with Captain Barbossa (POOR HECTOR HE DIED AGAIN GOD DAMN YOU DISNEY) for a purpose. She's the only character in the franchise that has actually brought back someone from the grave, and so she's a likely candidate for bringing back Jonesy. And also, they were in love so maybe she's in some way forgiven him for what he did.
Since all the curses were broken, maybe a certain curse holding back a gigantic monster even bigger than the kraken from the deep, released said monster and Davy needs to grudgingly team with Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Henry and Carina to take it down. Or heck, maybe Beckett's and Mercer's ghost comes back and starts stirring trouble on the seas, and a ghost Norrington helps the heroes because we also need James in there too.
I don't know, lots of theories are in my head but Disney is most likely not going to make another POTC movie that has Johnny and the iconic main cast again by the way things look at the moment. But it's nice to stay hopeful!
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lovelivingmydreams · 1 year
Raven Poetry
This is a collaboration between me and @skeletinmoss . Hope you guys enjoy it! Also this one is going too be a bit more mature than my usual stuff. So no minors. Fair warning given let's go
Chapter 1 moving day
Roman hummed a song under his breath as he walked down the street. He just got all his registrations in order and he now knew where his stuff was delivered.
Apparently a little incident with some hacker villain early this morning had messed a bit with some registrations and changed around dorm rooms. They had offered to rectify the mishap but Roman and Remus both agreed to see it as a sign and make the best of it. Sure they wouldn’t be rooming together, but they might make new friends. It was an adventure.
He pondered going to the Hill bakery and say hi to Patton before heading off to meet his new roommate and unpacking his things.
From the corner of his eye he saw a cute guy walking on the opposite side of the street. Cast in shadow as the sun was on that side of the road. Even so, Roman thought he looked pretty cute.
He was also listening to music and Roman knew his non verbal cues well enough that that was a clear I-don’t-want-to-talk-to-strangers signal.
Too bad. But maybe they’d run into one another someplace other timee. He looked like he might be a student so it wasn’t impossible.
He considered following the cute guy’s example and listen to the latest RavenKnight video as he walked but thought better of it. Raven’s story times weren’t the kind he wanted to get distracted from by sudden noises. Not to mention, he rather keep a close eye and ear on his surroundings. And Raven had a talent for keeping his attention.
No sooner had he finished that though or cute boy stopped in his tracks. As if he’d heard a sound other than his music and looked around. Roman followed his example, already looking for a place to hide. Just when he spotted an alley with a big dumpster he could hide behind he heard the security alarm of one of the stores tear through the street. People screamed and dove for cover. So did Roman. But he dug in his backpack and retrieved a mask and a red vest with white frilly sleeves and a white cravat sewn onto it. With the practiced moves he gained by quick changing many times during theater in high school he put it on over his Newsies t-shirt and put on the elegant mask that completed the look. It wasn’t the most comfortable costume. But it both hid his identity and made him instantly recognizable.
He took a look at the situation and saw to his shock that a villain had some kind of gizmo aimed at the cute guy’s face.
Adrenaline now racing Roman wracked his brain for a plan.
“This day did not go as planned, I wish I had the upper hand, I still wanted to do so many things, but my shoes would need to have wings!” he whispered urgently under his breath.
It wasn’t his best work but he was under pressure. He could feel his words take effect though. Like an imaginary muscle his power settled around his hands moving to his exact thoughts. Telekinesis. It wasn’t especially strong. But if he used it right. He could get that weapon and the hostage away so the police that was arriving on the scene could focus on the villain shouting out demands.
Roman wasn’t really listening. His priority right now was the civilian. Not entertaining a low level villain. The civilian was the only obstacle for the police.
He used the power he’d just granted himself to propel himself forward faster than he could’ve run while the villain’s attention was on the officer who was taking point in negotiations.
Again the civilian seemed to react to some kind of sound or something Roman hadn’t heard.
It didn’t matter though. Before the boy fully registered that he was heading towards him he had ripped the gun out of the villains hand and flown it into the nearest trashcan for the police to retrieve safely later, and scooped up the civilian floating himself up and away from the line of fire, in the direction the former hostage had been walking earlier.
“There you are. Everything alright?” he asked.
The civilian blinked a few times and looked around as if to orient himself. Understandable he’d gone through quite a lot the past minute or so.
His eyes focused on him, and he was definitely cuter up close.
After a moment Roman could pretty much see it click for him what had happened and the young man settled a bit more comfortably in the princess carry.
“Much better up here than down there. Which is saying something,” he quipped. Oh he had jokes! And he was kinda funny while he was at it.
“So. You’re that new Prince guy?” the stranger observed as Roman floated them a bit further down the street away from all the chaos and a bit lower so they wouldn’t crash should his boost run out.
“Indeed!” he nodded, always a little happy when he didn’t need to introduce himself. Which happened increasingly less. “I’m actually not that new anymore! I have quite a few fans!” As evidenced by his lessening need to introduce himself, the fact that there was a subredit dedicated to sightings of him and the first pieces of fanart even.
“Whatever makes you sleep better,” the civilian in his arms shrugged, though it didn’t seem malicious in intent.
Roman chuckled. “Oh you’re a feisty one,” he pointed out. Returning the playful tone.
Suddenly there was a mischievous glint in the boy’s eyes. “You like?” he wondered, his voice maybe half an octave deeper than his normal speaking voice.
Roman blinked a bit taken aback. “Oh wow,” he breathed, a bit impressed.
Clearly the former gent in distress took this as an invitation to push it further and go down to a full octave beneath his normal voice. “Watch it princey,” he muttered in a warning tone before dipping somehow even lower. “This kitty loves to bite,” he purred with a chuckle as he ran a finger from Roman’s collarbone up to his chin. The poor aspiring hero/journalist was completely flabbergasted.
And then as sudden as the very… Intense, theatrics had started, then disappeared.
“Oh look my stop!” The young man called out as he noticed the ground was close enough for him to jump down, which he did with ease. “See you later pretty boy,” he announced with a salute before walking off.
Roman let his feet touch the ground and tried to process what just happened.
Did he just… But he was wearing a mask so how could he know if he was pretty? Still. He was definitely flirting with him right?!
Deciding to put the gay panic aside for now he turned around and did a quick wrap up chat with the police, stated to the press that he had only taken the hostage out of the equation, snuck away to get his things, put away his hero get up and headed to his dorm room trying not to think of the charming, angel (or demon) voiced heathen he’d saved today. Damn that voice… It sounded vaguely familiar honestly. Where had he heard it before?
When he got to the dorm he heard the local radio host announce the next song and someone inside moving around.
His roommate was here already. And he would not be distracted by a stranger with a voice capable of… Whatever that was.
He took a breath. He could do this. New friend. Let’s go.
He knocked first, not wanting to startle his roommate. He could swear the movement stopped right before his fist hit the wood though. Probably a coincidence.
Fairly sure he had announced his presence properly he used the key he was given to let himself in.
“Hi, Virgil Grimm?” He read from the form he’d been given. “I’m Roman Reston. I’m your roommate,” he said as he stepped inside and looked up only to freeze. It was him. The guy from the robbery/hostage situation of earlier.
Virgil-with-a-voice-that-is-driving-him-nuts-Grimm, looked at him, giving him a once over and offered him a smirk.
“Hi there Reston. Your stuff is over there,” he nodded to the boxes that had ‘Ro’ on them in red letters. Luckily he was using his normal voice.
Roman managed to nod and give him a tight smile, which of course got him a weird look.
He decided to focus on unpacking and working through gay panic 2 electric boogaloo in silence.
Virgil asked him if pizza for dinner was alright for tonight. He agreed and put down some cash to pay his part. “Anything except fish is fine,” he stated as he picked up the last box to take to his room.
“Kay,” Virgil nodded as he checked the money and started calling in.
Turns out Virgil had good taste in Pizza too. He got half pepperoni half quatro fromage and he remembered the garlic knots.
He tipped the delivery guy and gave Roman back his fair share of change.
They sat down and ate pizza together.
“So… What do you study?” Virgil asked.
Roman swallowed away the cheesy bite he’d just taken.
“Journalism. I freelance a bit already actually,” he tells him, a little worried Virgil will recognize his voice. Why doesn’t he throw his voice when he does hero work. That’s going to change.
For now it doesn’t seem to click for Virgil so that’s a relief.
“Cool. I do computer science,” he replied.
Roman couldn’t help a chuckle. “You don’t look like a computer nerd,” he notes before he can stop himself.
Virgil chuckles, which doesn’t bring back memories that have Roman fight down a blush.
“I don’t,” he agrees. “But it’s actually pretty interesting. I took a few courses over the summer to get the basics down and it changed the way I saw literally everything. Even the app we used to order that pizza. It’s pretty dope,” he explains.
Roman nodded in agreement. Taking a next slide. If Virgil noticed the way he couldn’t quite stop staring at him in discomfort then he didn’t mention it.
They finished their dinner and went to their respective rooms.
Roman decided to try not to think of his roommate and that enchanting strangely familiar voice and instead listen to that video of RavenKnight he’d been sporadically thinking about all day.
He got settled on his bed with his laptop and navigated his way to the video.
“Alrgiht, Raven. Distract me from my hot roommate,” he muttered under his breath.
He clicked play. “Good day or possibly good night everyone. Welcome to my Murder,” the deep voice hummed into his ears making Roman stop the video.
He just realized where he knew that voice from.
His Roommate was one of his favorite youtubers.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 10 months
Hcs of dating chris raab and being a part of cky? Or if you don't do headcannons maybe something short about Halloween with the cky guys!
Be Afraid!
Y/N is (un)lucky enough to spend their Halloween with the Cky guys.
1.6k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, crude language, urine, fear
An: Aaaa I had so much fun with this ask!! I always loved Halloween, especially haunted houses, and I think you can definitely tell from this! XD
“Wow…” Bam leaned up against the snack table, eyes on the tv, the orange plastic tablecloth wrinkling under his hand, “That is just re-goddamn-diculous.” He smirked and furrowed his brow unbelievingly, turning to you, the vampire fangs he stuck in glinting in the light from the chandelier. “I mean, who even comes up with this shit?” Popping one of those Pillsbury pumpkin cookies into your mouth, you shrugged, “I dunno. Final Destination’s just like that! They’re makin’ a new one this year too...” The sugar cookie was still warm and gooey in your mouth, the fake vanilla scent filling your nostrils, ”Mmmm. God, tell April she did a great job with these- they’re spectacular.”
“Aaaahh!!” Your head whipped around as you heard a shriek from the kitchen. “Bam!” April called out- you could tell she really was upset at him with how she split his name up into two syllables. He snickered, not assuaging your nerves in the slightest as you created into the kitchen to go see whatever trouble he caused.
There, on the clear plastic middle shelf of the fridge, was the fakest looking severed head you had ever seen. It had to have been stolen from some cosmetology school dumpster and dunked in ketchup, but you could bet April fell for it- you did too for a second before you caught the blank look in its eyes. You couldn't help from snickering as you heard Bam in the other room, cracking up as his mom gave him a few smacks on the arm. What a start to the night.
You made your way over to the kitchen table, laden with solo cups of beer, standing near Ryan and Novak’s team. Novak bounced one of the ping pong balls that Dico Sharpied to look like eyeballs on the dark table, turning to glance at you, “Hey, Y/N! Wanna join? It’s me and Dunn against the mad scientist and the ballerina over there.” He gestured over to Rake and Raab on the other side of the table. Raab sighed, "C'mon, man! Ballerinas are cool!”
“Yeah, and what isn’t is that dick print you’re sportin under that tutu.” Ryan scoffed, receiving an eye roll from across the table. Novak sneakily handed you a ball and you palmed it. Rake came back at him while you were taking aim, glancing over his goofy costume glasses and firing back, “Yeah? And what’re you two, Crest Boy and Pube Face?” Squinting with determination, you gauged the trajectory as you listened to their comical bickering with a smile. “Well, Generic Mad Scientist, I am Evel Kinevil- and a damn sexy one, I may add-” Ryan put his hand on Novak’s shoulder while he bent down close to you, watching your ball bounce off the table, “And he is the Wolf Man.”
You sunk your ball into a plastic cup, beer splashing onto the mahogany. “Yes!!” You leapt up in celebration, giving Novak a hairy palmed high-five straight out of an ‘80s movie. “Don’t worry, Y/N- none of these pubic hairs are mine.” All the guys roared in laughter as you gaged, shaking your hand out in disgust.
Breaking the comotion, you heard a noise from the front door. The door being flung open, hurried steps, followed by the most blood curdling scream you had ever heard. Nobody moved. A moment later, the source of the scream flew into where you were all standing, throwing himself on the floor with a thud- it took a good few moments of his writhing for any of you to recognize it as Dico, clutching a bloody stump.
He almost had you for a second there, as his hysterical screaming morphing into giggles as he pulled his actual hand out of his gold embroidered pirate jacket sleeve. You sighed, leaning with your hands on your knees as the anxiety still remained in your stomach. “Dico!! You asshole!” He still was giggling as you delivered a few smacks to his shoulder as he stumbled up, adjusting his costume. “Hey, that was a good one- you believed it!” The guys giggled at your reaction, “Yeah! Y’damn near gave me a heart attack!”
“Alright, alright! Enough’a the chit chat…” Bam strutted over to the door with bravado, “We have somewhere to be!” Your head turned, looking around at the other guys, who seemed to be as confused as you were. You sighed at his usual dramatic TV star bullshit, “What are you talking about?” Instead of answering your question, he flamboyantly tossed his velvet cape with a flourish, strutting out the door.
“Are you serious?” Dunn pressed the phone to his ear with his shoulder as Bam gave him directions over the line- through it would’ve been just as easy to get them from Mapquest. After about half an hour of driving, night had fallen in the dense Scranton woods you had driven into. The heat in Ryan’s beater car didn’t work too well, so you were both chilled by the cool Pennsylvanian night air as you traversed deeper into the thickets on dusty filled dirt roads that shone in the one working headlight.
Eventually, after you thought you got lost a couple times, you arrived at your destination. Peering past a crowd of people out front, you got a look at your destination, which was some kind of haunted house. The building really looked the part- a decrepit Victorian mansion that’d definitely seen better days. The white portico porch was draped in cheap fake spiderwebs and large sheets of ripped, gauzy erosion cloth, and each one of the cathedral windows were entirely blacked out with what you could only assume were trash bags.
“Dude. I am not going in there.” Rake peered into the door as it periodically opened to let people in, the screams from inside flowing out before being quickly silenced with a slam. “Cmon, Rake. Don’t be such a sissy.” Novak hit him on the back playfully as Bam and Ryan snickered. Shaking his head, Rake retorted, “No! You know what? I’m-“ His panicked eyes flicked around, landing on one side of the house, trying to sound calm, “I’m just gonna hang with that hot Elvira by the cider stand, okay?” Dico laughed as he shuffled past you in line, earning a few jeers and chicken squawks. “Yeah, like you’re ever gonna get with her!”
Of course, everyone’s all brave until it’s their turn to go into the scary house. The whole lot of you got real quiet as you stood next in line at the door, every trace of bravery draining from your faces. You went cold, and you could feel yourself sweating bullets as the door creaked open and you were shuffled inside.
It was Bam, Ryan, and you to go in first. The strobe lights made it difficult to see what was bumping against you as you shuffled through, but you soon came to realize that it was a maze of bodies hanging from meat hooks. You could barely make out anything over the loud noises around you- chainsaws, screaming, and various squishy noises that drowned out any thoughts you might have besides fear.
“Aaaah!!!” However, you could pick up one sound- Bam’s high pitched scream as he practically tackled you. He sounded like a little girl, his eyes wide and terrified at whatever must’ve startled him, clinging to your side. After a second, his fight or flight instincts kicked in as he booked it down the hallway like a scared animal. Also having heard his shriek was Ryan, who seemed to switch on a dime from his cool demeanor, pushing past you, “Fuuuuuck this.” He disappeared down the dark hallway. So before you could say anything, you were left alone. Obviously, you reacted the way any normal person would.
“You chickenshits!!” Giving chase, your mind was entirely off of whatever was happening around you and now on getting those two idiots. Whatever the getting may entail, you hadn’t decided. “You ‘fuckin babies- get back here!!”
After what felt like an eternity, you caught up with them at the exit, the two playing it totally cool like they weren't just running for their lives a few seconds before. Exhausted, you unsteadily put your hands on your knees, panting, “You assholes…fuck…” Bam turned to Ryan, giving him a shrug and pretending not to know what you were talking about. Assholes.
Shortly after you came Raab, Novak, and Dico, passing around high fives and whooping about the experience. “Oh dude!! That was crazy- what about you?” Dico grinned, giddy like a little kid on Christmas- he really seemed to thrive in these kinds of insane, batshit environments. Raab, not so much, “Yeah! It was, uh- it was pretty cool!” He seemed a little shy at first, but he still seemed to have enjoyed the house. Novak craned his neck, snickering, “Dude…did you piss yourself?” He got a little defensive, explaining, “No, these’re ombré.” He gestured to his baby pink tights. “Yeah, then why’s the ombré dripping down your leg?” Bam piped up with a grin, still leaning against the siding with Ryan. Raab blushed, embarrassed, “It’s- it's just the light!!”
“Hey, Rake. How’d that date with Elvira go?” You cheekily grinned from your place in line for Cider, speaking up over the heavy metal music that they always blast outside of these kinds of haunted houses. He rolled his eyes, “Oh, fuck off.” Taking the foam takeaway coffee cup into your cold palm, the warm liquid made your skin tingle. Pulling it to your lips, the warm steam cut the chill that froze your nose. You grinned against the rim as you took a sip, the hot liquid and spice burning your tongue deliciously.
Another breeze blew through the trees as you all stood around and sipped your warm drinks, laughing and joking around with each other under the inky night.
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r0achezz · 9 months
r0achezz safespace of doodles and authoring galore >:3
Hello! welcome to my blog! Hope you enjoy my silly little writing, art, rambles and more! You're just in time for the dumpster fire XD
Name: call me either Malekai or roach, whatever you prefer.
pronouns you can use for me!: he/him/himself, they/them/themself, it/its/itself
I like: Legend of Zelda stuff! such as linked universe, linked maze, and every other thing in between! I also enjoy seafood a lot and think that you are also pretty cool :]
I don't like: being called she, or mentioned in a feminine way. giraffes, despise those things (im serious please don't @ me in pictures of giraffes just because you think its funny. its fine ig once in awhile, but if you do it repetively it gets annoying :/ it's kind of a phobia more than just a 'ew they look weird' kind of way)
tags i will use:
#r0achezz asks <- asks ofc!
#roachy reblobs <- reblogs
#r0ach doodles &lt;;- art
#r0achezz wonders/r0achezz <-Everything else
Ao3 is Burning_roaches (The reason i called it that is because of a silly meme my friend sent me heh)
instagram is 0tt3r_pop where I’ll post a lot of things more oc and scenecore related!
Feel free to DM if you need advice, need to vent, or just to get to know me more!! I don't bite ^^ (just don't be weird (in a gross, bad meaning way) and/or send in hate :P)
*note: while i've been doing art for awhile now ive only just started to try out writing in august! so please be kind, critism is absolutely lovely!
Btw writing requests and art requests are open! Though art might take a bit longer ^^
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
*pfp credit goes to AKchimp75!! Thank you for the lovely art ^^
header from this post!
HEYYY! Shadow link here, uhmmmm, Roach keeps on putting off our sys tags so I’m putting them here now! >:)- *NOTE: expect Me or host posting most of the time
Shadow Link-🕷️
Azmin- 🌟
LU sky- 🪶
Dazai Osamu- 🔪
minish cap link- 🍀
Lucy- 👁️
Vaati- 🦇
nimbit- 🐾
(sys tags will be <EMOJI> speaks!)
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chrismerle · 5 months
Hello! Just stopping by with a question about writing XD Do you have any characters who's role grew bigger than you expected? Any surprising changes your characters went through during the writing process?
I suppose Shai probably counts
originally, Shai was my first Fallen London character, but at this point there are two very similar but nevertheless distinct versions of Shai. because they are still a Fallen London character and I still write FL fanfic with them and my friends' FL characters, but I'm also (very ... very ... slowly) writing an original story in which they're a key character (and borrowing my friends' characters because I genuinely can't conceive of what Shai would be like without Daniel or Ari in their life). that on its own probably counts as their role growing bigger, but even within the original story itself, their role has grown.
initially, Shai was supposed to be ... I guess sort of an Easter egg? in Threshold. the group of hapless normies was going to stick together, and Ivan would be the one shepherding them back to safety and back to their world (Ivan has also changed a lot, considering he started as a sort of generic grizzly Manly Manpain Sad Man medieval fantasy roleplay character I occasionally used on Gaia Online). Shai would just be one of the contacts Ivan used to help facilitate that, mostly there for my friends to point at and go 'I know that dumpster fire!' and it was ... hard to write? I knew I wanted to include Shai, but Shai refused to be a footnote. one of the most entertaining things about writing Shai is that they suck up all of the oxygen in any space they enter because no one can ask if they're okay if there's no air left to do so but that also makes writing them a bit of a bitch sometimes. they refused to stay contained by the relatively small role I'd designated for them.
so next I tried swapping Shai's and Ivan's positions, making Shai the shepherd of hapless ducklings and Ivan the contact who helped them out at one point, but that also didn't feel right. Shai's not heartless generally speaking, and they can be incredibly (sometimes detrimentally) loyal and generous ... to people who they've decided have earned it. outside of that group of people, they're generally a ruthlessly pragmatic shit stick who looks at life the way a child might look at an easily shakeable ant farm. they are not the sort of character who would just volunteer to help the normies out, regardless of how curious the situation was; helping would distract from satisfying their own curiosity. plus, Ivan is generally a Good Person, and would have simply volunteered to take over Shai's shepherd duties.
which is when the solution occurred to me: split the party.
as Threshold now stands, Shai first finds the party of hapless normies, and they deliver the group to Ivan to actually help them, so they can then prance off to investigate the circumstances of the normies even being there. but then shit happens and one member of the Normie Brigade gets left behind very early in the story (it's literally how the first chapter ends). Shai is loyal to Ivan, is aware that Ivan will beat himself up if he can't get Jayne back to the group, and is also aware that Ivan will have an enormously difficult time getting the rest of the group to safety, tracking Jayne down, and getting him back to the group. on top of that, they'd already given their word to the group that they would be safe in Ivan's custody, but suddenly Jayne was no longer in that safe custody, and Shai takes keeping their word very seriously at least if they meant it when they gave it. so Shai winds up babysitting Jayne throughout the story. Threshold's current format is that the POV switches each chapter, with one chapter being the larger group from Mercy's perspective and the next chapter being Jayne, Shai, and Shai's rotating cast of friends from Jayne's perspective.
and that probably answers the question! I don't think you actually asked for most of that info, but Shai is my tragic Mary Sue trashfire and I like talking about them.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Beh, I'm bored. Che ne dici di [ SCAR ] for the prompt game? (Lmao now I'm mixing both languages, il cervello è davvero stanco XD)
LOL chiedimi se avevo capito fossi/parlassi italiano. Because I DIDN’T. Ma buonasera! xD And don’t worry for the mix, it’s perfectly fine, pidgins are the best. u_u
Sorry for being late, I didn’t forgot! Again, this took me a while to mull over and think about it… But after much much musing, I decided to delve back into DadWolf AU, interpret it metaphorically and well. It’s angst.
Angst with a bog unicorn. Enjoy, here’s a glass of iced tea.
Somewhere Only We Know. (🎶)
[ SCAR ]:          noticing a scar on the receiver’s skin, the sender tentatively stops them from covering it up, and rests a gentle, soft kiss over it.
When they got back from Minrathous, bringing down a friend who was in need of help, they all knew they would have needed time to cope and digest what happened. And after all it was only natural that they couldn’t have taken it well: they had to abruptly cut off their research, take what they could and jump on the first plane, leave everything they worked for in the last years behind and start from scratch. Felix didn’t know anyone in Ferelden beside the two siblings, had a dime to his name, name he couldn’t use without them all being discovered and followed by mages that weren’t as amiable and good natured as he was, and was also, incidentally, terminally ill.
Knowing their different ways to cope with emotions and grief, nothing was exactly a surprise.
It was no surprise noticing how Aisling retreated back in herself academically, refused to do anything substantial and veered her career towards something she liked, but was very inconsequential to a better good. She faced everything on stubbornly and took too much responsibilities, was in the Hospital as much as she could and worked in the weekends to pay for her own rent, refusing to just go back to the family house if not to visit. She looked fine, but some times she just showed up uncalled for, curled on the couch between Solas and Varric and let them both comfort her, saying nothing and, sometimes, crying. That done, she was good to start back, and never backed up. As per her usual.
Dorian, tho, was a whole other matter. He didn’t give in academically and looked for a field of research that was close to what they were doing North. On his own, and with a different team, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t convince Aisling to jump back in, and Felix soon was in no condition to work continuously. Dorian went on nonetheless. Personally, tho, it was clear he was just swiping every negative emotion under a carpet, refusing to even admit there was something wrong. He went to visit Felix once, when it was clear his time was at its limit, and just held onto Aisling, offering her a shoulder to cry on, during the funeral. A small function, just them, the family that helped and some friends there for the siblings. Dorian didn’t cry, he just glowered at the coffin as if it was blaming it for everything. As per his usual.
They all knew that if Aisling appeared weak, the one they should look up more for was Dorian. They all knew he would have broken down, sooner or later. He always did, accumulating stress and bursting. It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when.
The when, it turned out, was a week after the funeral, in the form of a horse-transport van that let out a terrible stench, and parked in front of Varric and Solas’ house one Sunday morning.
“What’s the matter? Did you steal the content of a dumpster?”
Varric asked, stepping on the front porch and looking at his daughter, jumping off of the driver’s seat. It was Dorian, tho, to answer him, in a cheerful tone that was way too enthusiastic to be sincere, as he gingerly turned around the front of the track.
“We’re doing an experiment! Just for fun, like the old times… We need the back garden I think, can we? Of course we can, it’s not like you two are really going to build the swimming pool today, are you.”
He laughed, crossing past his sister and starting to unlock the doors of the back, humming between himself. Weird. Very, very weird. The dwarf exchanged a look with Aisling, still propped against the driver’s door, a silent question passing between them. She just shook her head, a sorrowful bent of her mouth telling him everything the dwarf needed to know before she walked back and started to help her brother.
“Did the garbage truck broke again?” Asked Solas, walking out of the door too, a mug of cocoa in his hand.
“Sparkler’s at his limit.”
“It was about time… Still doesn’t explain the stench.”
“I know as much as you do.”
They stood there, looking at the situation unfurling, ready to help at need. From the back of the truck jumped out a Qunari, panting grossly and loudly complaining that it was the most disgusting thing he ever did. Dorian just swatted every complaint, lamenting that for such a big creature he was surprisingly delicate, and urging them all to just get to work and stop losing precious time, tying a scarf around his nose and mouth and going on chatting about how science demanded strong arms and how it wasn’t a job for the weak of hearts.
The job not for the weak of hearts, was, apparently, dragging down the truck what looked like to be, in fact, the corpse of a black horse, lying on his side, flies buzzing all around and legs rigid that Aisling hat to gently bend to maneuver the hoofs out of the door, huffing loudly, a scarf on her nose and mouth as well, but not saying anything at all.
The horse -a poor, big beast who somehow met his destiny with a dagger crossing his head- got transported with difficulty by the trio, via a plastic cover the corpse was resting over, to the side of the house and in the back garden. Dorian kept on chatting with a glee that was very much unlike anything that was going on, the Qunari -Bull, he got called - replying with sarcasm to everything, and Aisling just silently working, casting glances at Dorian from time to time.
Both Varric and Solas follow them, half curious about what exactly he planned to do with a dead horse, half worried because if there was a shade of weirdness that felt like a scream for help, that was it.
But whatever the experiment was, it was for the siblings alone: when the horse finally was in a position that Dorian deemed optimal, he and Aisling started to chat, in a weird mix of Common and Tevene for the most practical things, circling the animal and discussing. The Qunari, without anything to add to the conversation and looking worried as well, stepped away and approached the pair of spectators.
He introduced himself to the pair as the Iron Bull, the mechanic working on Aisling’s car and owner of the garage on the ground floor of Aisling’s flat building. He was very pleased to finally meet the parents. He accepted something to drink –“Is that hot cocoa?”- and was good company, warming up a quite sceptical Solas too for a hour, before he had to get back to work and excused himself.
He patted Dorian’s shoulder, barely noticed if not physically, and earned a dismissive goodbye by a too concentrated mage. Aisling, tho, jumped up and hugged him tight, with a thank you, before getting back to work.
Qunari gone, the experiment went on as if the two siblings were on their own, with none the wiser and absolutely no neighbour peeking through the windows with big eyes. They all got unused to the experiments, in the years.
Solas, worried, went to offer his help when Dorian started evoking spirits, but Dorian harshly shooed away with the assurance that everything was perfectly under control and he didn’t need to worry, this was way past his comfort zone with spirits. Aisling, today’s silent interpreter and service sister, shook her head when Dorian wasn’t looking, preventing the older elf to reply and start a discussion. Again, damage prevented, the parents got the message that there was nothing they could do save going on with their life and waiting for the situation to unfold.
There was no talking him out for a pause or to stop to have lunch all together. He was in the zone, and not intentioned of stopping any time soon, hands working quickly and brain even faster, tension evident in the way he slouched forward and in the way his shoulders were contracted up to his ears. He hadn’t even insisted to have some sort of blanket, sitting on the grass without minding his clothes or his allergies. Which he never did. Varric brought them some sandwiches and a jug full of iced tea nevertheless - Aisling ate, Dorian didn’t. The afternoon went on like that, a frenzy foreshadowing a big, harsh fall.
When the sun was setting, finally, a neigh rose up from the backyard, loud and clear.
Solas and Varric exchanged one look and rushed back in the kitchen and out of the back door right into the garden.
The horse stood on its hooves, stomping confused and shaking his head -the sword was still planted in it. There were runes and glyphs on its flanks, most Nevarran but with some Tevinter and a couple of Elvhen in it, painted in red chalk. Aisling was standing in front of the animal -zombie?-, cooing soothingly and trying to calm the poor beast down. She managed, caressing his nose and patting his neck until it finally stopped neighing and stomping his hooves and breathing too quickly, with the soft voice she always used for horses, and a tired smile on her face.
“I know.”
“The horse was dead.”
“I know.”
As Varric was totally creeped out, there was pride in Solas’ voice, the usual pride that hadn’t been there ever since the children moved out and moved their crazy experiments in a laboratory, out of the house. It was disconcerning, but the horse looked, indeed, alive enough to, slowly, take trust and start nuzzling Aisling’s hand as a normal horse would. Well, there were some issues for him in opening his mouth, but the animal clearly did his best.
“What- Is that… Normal? Possible?”
“Very difficult. But yes. I didn’t know he studied Necromancy of all things…”
“Necr- Oh, shit. Did he-?”
“No. There’s a Spirit inhabiting the horse. Not the original soul. Still, the body can move.”
The Necromancer, tho, in spite of the success, was still sitting on the grass on his butt, legs folded in front of him and back slouched forward and down, not looking at the horse but at his hands in his lap, totally frozen on the spot. A minute later, Aisling reached him, leaving the horse to explore the new surroundings and its new life as she sat beside him.
Their hands were dirty and the foul stench of dead horse soaked their very clothes. Dorian, tho, had lost every willingness to complain.
“He’s fine, I think. What about Ugo? Ugo the Unicorn.” Aisling proposed, scooting close so they were side by side on the grass, shoulders and hips touching.
“Whatever, I don’t care. It’s yours if you want him, I… I just needed to know that-”
He snorted, shaking his head harshly as he grimaced, not concluding the sentence.
“I know, Dor.”
“I could have saved him.”
“You couldn’t have, Dor. That’s not the horse. There was nothing to do.”
“There’s always something to do… If I… If we-”
His voice broke, and her heart as well, all over again.
“We helped him as we could, Dor. We got him out, we were with him until the end. He knew, he never blamed you, he wouldn’t blame you now.”
“I’ve been a coward. I left him alone, and-”
That’s when Dorian started to cry, breath strangled as he unfolded and bends forward, curling on himself and sobbing loudly. Aisling was there to catch him - she had waited that moment ever since he had showed up to her flat, entering with his key and had explained the experiment to her, she was surprised it took so long. She hugged him tight, dragging his bust against hers and holding him as tight as she could. She started to cry too, for company.
“It’s ok. It’s ok. He knew. It’s ok. You did your best, and it was enough. He wasn’t alone.”
He unfurled and hugged his sister back, bawling in her shoulder, months of pressure and regrets and fear finally catching up with him, all together. There was no undoing what happened: the work they had done for the wrong people, in good faith, the escape, running back in the night like thieves, a luggage full of notes and papers prioritized over clothes and personal belongings. A PhD totally lost and to be gained again from scratch, and bringing Felix with them knowing they had no money and his days were counted. Starting from zero and separating in work for the first time. It all had left a scar, in both of them: they just had different ways to manifest it, different ways to cope, and different ways to help the other with it, of metaphorically healing the hurt with a kiss.
And for the first time in years since they left, dragged inside by Solas and Varric who were there too to catch him, coax him to have some dinner and take a shower and coze up all together on the couch, with a movie and blankets. For the first time in years they weren’t alone.
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
[Silly au idea]
Hmm... I'm most intrigued by The Split Soul Route - partly from the oddball and what sort of Nature Vs Nurture can occur here - but I also think the Found Baby in the Dumpster AKA The Bao Route is cute too. Because that's how Pigsy got MK and by the time the group could/does realize who Bao is, they've already gotten too attached to do anything to her.
[In the Shadowpeach route of my "Reincarnated LBD" au idea;]
But I do love me an immortal killing daughter of the Great Sage. Hard choice. Maybe a poll is needed.
[basically Macaque ends up "holding on to" the wild un-reincarnated soul of LBD]
Considering the shit she did, I doubt that he's just 'holding on to', that monkey probably put the soul in a jar and is shaking it like a madman several times a day - like Tom from the Chuck Jones era of Tom and Jerry in the invisible Jerry episode. But more maniacal laughter.
[Will it attach itself to the recently-reconcilled Sun Wukong and Macaque, becoming Yuebei Xing like in the au? Shadowpeach screaming ensues.]
What if they didn't know? Certainly, a ton of adrenaline petering off and a near end of the world could make everyone a little less observant of a stray soul going for a new host?
Don't know what she could even do in that form, but stay tucked away and wait for the chance to get a new body - like, unless she can manage to make Mac horny enough to go to SWK for relief and that's how they make the kid (sort of exes-with-benefits and maybe figuring-it-out-hate-sex), BUT!
By the time Macadoodle figures out he's got a bun in the oven - that's when the Brotherhood thing is happening. He was gonna tell SWK that day, but it all got derailed like the trains in Persona 5, so he kept it to himself until it got resolved.
Then he tells SWK, maybe after the beach party? Just, putting the other's hands over the still-small-bump and him putting it together.
TMKATI-Mac got lucky he didn't indulge too much in his first pregnancy...Yuebei Route-Mac did not get so lucky. Maybe as a sort-of final 'Fuck you' from LBD? XD
They'd figure it out later, but, like in the Bao Route, they're too attached.
And asking Pigsy for help/advice a lot. Pig-daddy raised a good kid, so they're taking notes.
current posts on the "Reincarnated!LBD au"; here (og post + very cool idea for the Ironbull side), here (shadow twins got made on accident), and here (Shadowpeach done goofed).
I'm leaning towards the "Split Soul" route cus I like writing around the chaos of the gang realising that there isn't just *one whole* super-ancient demon soul floating around. Almost mirrors the situation with the Rings of Samadhi.
Basically in her death; LBD attempted to "Piccolo Junior" (ty @dorothygale123) herself into a fresh new body - only for her soul to splinter into pieces. Two were able to be caught in the direct aftermath and stored away for the meantime - but Reincarnation has a 49 day deadline, and if those days pass without a solution the Underworld will repossess the soul fragments themselves.
So whats easier than for the Fragments to become New Souls instead of potientially reforming into LBD? ¯(ツ)/¯
[What if they didn't know? Certainly, a ton of adrenaline petering off and a near end of the world could make everyone a little less observant of a stray soul going for a new host?]
Lets just say the adrenaline of fighting your possessed former-mate, making him remember what he's fighting for, and showing your parental side, is a Big turn on for a certain pair of monkeys.
But yeah, no one paid attention to how many Soul Fragments got formed in the aftermath.
[-that monkey probably put the soul in a jar and is shaking it like a madman several times a day-]
The thought of Macaque's storage solution for part of LBD's soul being a jar is hilarious. MK probably yells that he's "just making her angry!" when he catches him doing it.
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Of course this form of torment is the reason Maccadoodle realises that the soul fragment is suddenly missing after he and Wukong make up...
Downside; Macaque does spend S4 el pregante and not telling anyone. First person to realise whats up is Nezha, who found out completely on accident. ("I turned my back for ONE SECOND, and you and Sun Wukong have two infants, with one on the way?!").
Also at least one member of the Brotherhood smelled that something was Off with Mac and mentioned it to the rest of them. Azure had a blue-screen error moment when he tried doing the math. Mac still kicks asses when he decides to fight, even with Peng taking a moment to mock his "egg-burdened" appearance. Peng gets shadow-slapped into the horizon.
[Then he tells SWK, maybe after the beach party? Just, putting the other's hands over the still-small-bump and him putting it together.]
Omg thats the perfect scenario for how Mac tells Wukong about the baby. They're sharing the shade, in addition to a pair of sleepy shadow monkeys, and Mac just takes Wukong's hand when he's offered the peach popsicle and brings it to his middle.
Wukong's eyes blink gold for a second before he starts sobbing with joy. Lots of loud, gross, sappy kissing ensues.
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Bonus+: In theory each of the four New Souls represents an aspect of LBD that was too great for one little kid to inherit.
Yuebei (aka the Shadowpeach baby): Is much like how she is in the TMKATI au. Is a big, kinda-ugly, baby who's started cooking around the time of S4. Messy black fur, pale skull-shaped face marking, six ears and a shocking amount of strength for a newborn. Represents LBD's wrath.
Bao (Freenoodles): Dumpster piglet. Found in the trash during the post-battle clean-up of the noodle shop. Looks like the chubbiest little piglet with wispy white fur & black spots. Was assumed to just be a street urchin orphaned/abandoned in the chaos of LBD's destruction. By the time they realise Bao is even a Fragment of LBD, she's already Freenoodles pride and joy + MK's beloved baby sister. Represents LBD's hunger for power.
Guǐhuǒ (Ironbull baby, name suggested by @aokolpvxs): PIF and DBK planned to have a big big family together long before the complications with Red arose. So when Red Son explained to them about this little unreincarnated soul needing a "home"... who are they to turn down the chance at having a second born after so long? Red didn't even suggest it to them, they insisted. And you *know* that little half-bull princess is gonna have DBK wrapped around her little finger before she even arrives. Represents LBD's pride/decorum.
Shísuàn (Spider gang baby): Part of LBD's soul that got trapped in spider silk, and by-proxy became a spider (specifically a Diving bell) demon egg. Egg is lime green and about the size of a basketball. Despite initial reservations, the whole gang are soon fighting over who gets to name/take care of the spiderling inside. At least until the ginger-haired spiderling hatches and starts screaming with colic. Huntsman finally ends up asking Sandy and the Monkie Kid gang for help once the late nights get too much for him. Turns out the baby spider was just gassy. Has specific "favorites" among the gang, which includes new friend the Scorpion Queen. Represents LBD's mischief/discourse.
The Mayor is hanging around too. Got to keep an eye on where His Lady is after all. Gets beaten up by the gang the second he shows up anywhere. Later even gets beaten up by "His Lady" in the form of baby Yuebei deciding he failed the vibe check.
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
I got’s 25 asks, with FNAF lore? 👀
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An important detail that I realize I left out was how Gregory got hurt. In one of the first drafts to this comic, Freddy was going to ask how he got hurt. And Gregory was going to truthfully clarify that he got these injuries by just being on the streets. Tripping in the dark, getting his hands caught in dumpsters doors.. etc.
And then he was going to reach his arm over his shoulder and comment that the bleeding wound on his shoulder was from scraping it on the top of the vent entrance when he broke into the Pizzaplex. This would then lead to Freddy feeling really bad and apologizing for asking him to leave and yadda yadda yadda.
While re-writing the draft I sorta.. accidentally left this part out. Which was my bad, this was something that Gregory should have clarified with Freddy. Buuuut I accidentally wrote it out of the story XD
As for if Gregory was hurt at “home”? Well.. he wasn’t this time, but who’s to say? Maybe that’s why he ran away to the Pizzaplex in the first place? 👀
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In my AU, Sunny and Moony are the same person. No split personalities or anything. Just one animatronic, one personality, 2 nicknames. 
And since Foxy and Bonnie have met “Sunny”. they have also met “Moony”, they just didn’t get to see his other form.
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In all honesty, this is the one thing in my AU that makes no sense what so ever. Realistically the animatronics wouldn’t be able to cry, that just makes no sense.
But I gave them the ability to cry so that I could draw them more expressively, and because tears are fun to draw--
I guess I could try and make it work. Maybe when they get “emotional” or overwhelmed their wires and circuits get hot. And mayyyybe their optics get brighter and hot, and they need water to cool them down..??
Idk, realistically there is no reason for them to cry and it makes no sense. But.. the emotion,✨ the expression,👌 I gots ta have it. XD
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I am not fully sure why I feel this way, but the reason is that when other artists get fanart,, they seem to like it! And they’re all like “Oh my gosh thank you!! This is so sweet! I feel so awesome!!”
But then when I get fanart I get an anxiety spike and I just think “Wow.. so uhm.. you just stole my characters and drew them without asking huh?--” Even if someone asks me first my brain just goes, “ehh.. but they’re my characters.. I don’t want you to take em and use em..”
I dunno why its like that. And I’m trying to get better about it. But for now all fanarts just physically feel bad, like its theft or something.
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Yes the purple eyes were intentional XD. All the animatronics had purple eyes related to the “bug”. Although Monty wasn’t the first to get it and he didn’t spread it to the others, his eyes were originally red. :0
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In this story, no, Gregory is definitely not the first victim. And he probably wont be the last.. 
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Sunny actually did intentionally isolate his “murdery” side, but of course he didn’t know that it was actually a “murdery” thing he was dealing with--
Here’s the thing, from Sunny’s perspective.. He started developing a problem with his Moon mode. When ever he went into it, he would forget everything he said and did by the time he went back to his Sunny mode. At first he didn’t really think it was that big of a deal...
But then kids started getting scared of him. And he realized he was going into his moon mode for longer and longer.. without remembering anything. So he tried going to an engineer and asking for help. They gave him a check up but couldn’t find anything wrong. “Okay” he thought, “I must be fine then..”
So that night he left the daycare to go visit DJ.. But then next thing you know, he’s waking up on the brightly lit dance floor, and DJ does not look happy.
DJ wouldn’t tell him, but he knew that he must’ve done something wrong. Something that unsettled the DJ. He knew right then that he had to get this fixed.
So he goes to an employee again, telling them something is wrong with his moon form. But again.. they tell him nothing is wrong and to go back to work.
This time though, Sunny doesn’t go back to work. He doesn't know what’s wrong with him. But after the kids started getting scared, and he upset the DJ, he decided that he’s just.. going to never use his moon mode until he knows its safe to.
..Its been a few months now, and Sunny has still not left the Daycare. DJ is getting really worried about his friend, But Sunny is doing the right thing, he’s protecting innocent children by locking himself away, and he doesn’t even really know it. He thinks he’s just preventing himself from scaring people and acting super weird. When it reality he’s saving lives.
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In the past the animatronics were their true, organic selves on stage. And the employees kind’a thought it was a little creepy. How.. alive they seemed. Especially Foxy,,
But now a days the animatronics act a little less “sentient” during the day. Seeming to be a lot more normal and robot like.
I mean, they still seem crazy sentient compared to the STAFF bots, but they still feel kind’a robotic because they cant look sad or unexcited on the floor, They always gotta be happy! And fun! So they kind’a fall hard into their core programing and just follow the script.
Its at night though where their true sentience can be seen. Sunny/Moony always leaving the daycare and spending time with DJ in the Arcade. Even through they weren’t programmed to be friends.. or even know each other..
Chica always going into Freddy’s room to hang out, even though she is scheduled to stay in her room. The animatronics talking to each other, moving around more organically. Showing emotions and behaviors that they aren’t programmed to express. Anger, sadness, fear..
At this time of night though, none of the employees see them like this. In present times, the only ones who have witnessed their true selves, whether in person or on camera, is Gregory.. and Vanessa.
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@definitelynot7ratsinabeecostume XD I would argue except for DJ. The only thing with him is that he’s worried about the Daycare attendant, and he gets kind’a lonely in the Arcade all by himself.. :’(
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@randox-talore I haven’t actually fully thought out what playthrough Gregory did. And whether or not he took the others upgrades. But if he did, then yeah the employees would just remove the upgrades and reset Freddy again, thinking that it must have been the “Bug”..
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@burningmusicfunnygiant Gregory has no intentions to at the moment, he’s still scared of them.. 😅
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It depends on what new content is in the DLC. If the DLC content fills in some holes and helps my AU have a stronger structure then I will, if not? I’ll probably just pretend it doesn’t exist XD
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@shadowscrossing Awe, little Bibi bow!
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(In reference to this post)
XD I tried to make it look that way. I was inspired by the way characters from Sky: Children of the Light, look.
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@mister-jedblack If the other animatronics meet Gregory, it will be on accident most likely. Gregory has no intentions of meeting the animatronics, and Freddy has no intention of letting them find him.
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Recently I’ve been thinking about getting into Amphibia, maybe there’s stuff I could “factualize” there? XD. Or maybe not. I can see myself just making the characters more biologically closer to frogs, but I think the show already does that--
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@danman22ful (The link in ask leads to Steel Wool twitter)
XD Yeah I did, always like to see good ol’ Monty!
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@chromchill <XD Don’t worry I’m fine. Well, I’m not doing great on eating or taking breaks very often, But! But! I can say that I have been getting plenty of water. So there’s that. :}
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(In response to this)
Eh, he’ll be fine XD
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@minnesotamedic186 After searching those two on YouTube, Yes! Yes it would be XD. Just add an Engineer peeking around the corners every now and again and boom there’s my AU.
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generalfoxy21 · 1 year
rabbids theory 2
okay this is part 2 of my theory about the entire rabbids franchise above I leave part 1 of the theory for whoever is interested lol
As I said in this part I am going to explain a possible connection between the raving rabbids saga and go home (and maybe the other games) ok saying that let's get started…
well go home the first game in which the rabbids would separate from rayman right?
well first we should talk about go home and raving rabbids 2 they wonder why? Well since the connection is between these two…
well as we know in rayman raving rabbids 2 the rabbids come to our world to be a rampage and rayman has to stop them or something like that xd
and one thing about go home is that if it also resumes the rabbids thing in our world making a mess lol
And well, here many would say that all the other games take place in our world and also that the rabbids would separate from Rayman and that is why they are in our world.
and well it is true xd but one thing to take into account is the canon or what happens in the games and saying that it is always strange to see that in tv party and raving rabbids 2 too many references are made to our world and literally the second game occurs in our world too so why can't go home be related taking that into account? (if you already saw the previous part of the theory, I proposed that rayman or the clearing would have banished the rabbids and they somehow or other came to our world and probably by submarines xd)
and it is likely that after rayman defeated the rabbids (or so I suppose xd) just like before, the rabbids would be banished and forced to live away from humans
let's remember that in go home the rabbids lived in a dump
So I suggest that after rayman defeated the rabbids the humans would take care of the rest themselves taking care of destroying what was left of their technology (I suppose with the help of Mr. Rayman xd) and after that the humans would banish or force rabbids to live in dumpsters as seen on go home
One thing I want to say so that the theory is better is to explain how Rayman traveled from his world to ours and how he returned since it is something that is never explained
What would seem more logical to me would be that after the events of the first game, Rayman would monitor the rabbids and seeing that they were up to something strange, he would decide to follow them and infiltrate their ships and to this end he would arrive in our world assuming that after the banishment the rabbids Thanks to their technology and intelligence they would discover our world and they would go there and Rayman would be trapped in our world and after a while of hiding and having learned about our world Rayman through TV would realize the rampage of the rabbids and Rayman looking to defeat them and return home (that happens to him as a nosy xd) he would go after them
and that after the events of the second game the humans in gratitude would help rayman to return to his house or rayman would steal one of the rabbids' ships to return
or well I would like to think if it was lol also it makes me funny that rayman for wanting to defeat or save the baby globox got into an odyssey that he did not ask for xd to follow and infiltrate their ships lol
returning to the connection of raving rabbids 2 and go home
Another thing that always made me curious are humans since they treat rabbids with much more hatred or even fear than in other games, that is, they even consider them a plague to the point that there are humans who dedicate themselves to stopping them for whatever they want. do or watch them expecting the worst from them keeping in mind that if truly raving rabbids 2 and go home are connected it would make much more sense since WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU NOT ACT LIKE THIS IF THESE RABBITS TRIED AND MANAGED TO DOMINATE YOUR WORLD XD
and it is true that others would say that it is because the rabbids are very annoying and that is also true but in other games it could be said that humans are calmer with the issue of rabbids and although it is seen that for humans they are still annoying It is not seen as much as in go home that I would even say that it is more of a fear of rabbids and not an annoyance due to its way of being, also this is the only game where there is literally a group of rabbid exterminators
of course there is also raving rabbids alive kicking although I would say that he is a normal person escaping from the rabbids and he is not an exterminator as such but rather a person escaping from the rabbid apocalypse lol
In addition, these games are another proof that shows that the other rabbids games are in agreement with the raving rabbids because they guessed Professor Barranco 3 appears (although with a redesign but that it appears is indicative lol)
but again going back to, go home
I think that to finish being able to connect everything, it would be necessary to talk about the motivation of the rabbids to go to the moon
I think that the rabbids wanted to go to the moon because they couldn't bear the contempt of humans towards them anymore and because as before they would be forced to leave until they saw the moon and decided that this would be their new home although well they had to figure it out since they didn't they had their technology xd
If Professor Barranco 3 does not appear, it is because he was somewhere else planning his revenge
also because they are not all rabbids they are a group of rabbids tired of living in the garbage and wanting a home for themselves
If I say group, why should we also remember that the rabbids are spread all over the world in raving rabbids 2, so that after these events there would be rabbids all over the world, having groups of rabbids
So it is summarized in that after the rabbids are defeated by Rayman and the humans will be forced to live in the garbage but they will get tired of this and decide to go to the moon or at least a group of rabbids
What if after the events of go home the events of alive kicking would occur and after travel time what I think makes sense xd
I'll leave this again lol now I just need to talk about alive kicking and travel time in more detail and kingdom battle and sparks of hope what?
I know I'm not good at making theories xd but I do my best thanks xd
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anemxvisions · 7 months
//ok my monster thoughts about the AQ
Ok first off Paimon read the freaking room omfg like please! Do you not see the state of Possion?! Like she just lost the two closest people in her life. On top of that I was crying laughing when Neuvillette showed up and clearly saw her going through it but he legit perked up and was so happy to hear how Sigewinne is doing like bruh XD
That out of the way lets get to the most talked about parts of the AQ
First the imfamous Childe throw by Skirk…honestly it’s actually what I expect from her. Listen Hoyo loves teasing us so they’re not going to show all dynamics with her. If anything this is a clear sign of her character especially as she referred to an all consuming whale as a pet. Her chucking Childe goes to show she’s not super entuned with human nature, given how long she’s been in the abyss makes sense. Bottomline I didn’t take away from the scene as comedic, yeah it got a little chuckle but after I heard how Skirk talked about him makes sense, Childe is the stray cat she found in the dumpster, stinky baby.
Moving onto the Focalor and Furina, yeah Furina needs a god damn hug and I’m taking her away from Focalor! My jaw dropped when I saw the hundreds of tally marks as she had to go through basically the same day for over five hundred years with the only thing keeping her going is Focalor’s message. God my poor bubble like she probably wanted to tell Neuvillette so many times but couldn’t I’m sobbing.
I do feel they could have hinted more at Focalor being separated, it would have made her sacrifice feel more impactful like Rukka’s but I digress she needed to be completely hidden in order to defy the heavenly principles which good for you girl. I just don’t like how Furina’s ‘reward’ for all of this is to live as a human like…five hundred years to get maybe at most sixty years? It does not seem fair or just, her suffering worth so little.
Neuvillette honestly was going through it but I’m so happy he wasn’t ‘betrayed’ by Furina like how a lot of us were predicting. I do however wished he had the like big emotional moment with her and not Focalor.
A thing I really liked is how the Fatui for once are not blamed for what happened and instead actually helped the nation out. The Knave said it best that organizations with abundances of resources should lend a hand no matter sides. She came to Fontaine first to save her home get the gnosis second. I am sensing the building blocks of her being friendly towards us for when she eventually becomes playable and yeah wincing and mourning the loss of her being the mean queen but who knows we still need Fontaine’s second world boss.
Nobody else said it but I am so mad at the lack of more Remurina lore! Like how can you heavily talk about it last quest and barely any mention of it?! I hear maybe in the future we will be getting more but I’m all huffy
So glad to see the arc was used, a small part of me felt like the arc in the fortress was never going to be used as a plot point so very glad I wasn’t disappointed.
Now onto the extra info at the end…the gnosis being the remains of the third descender is def giving JJK Sukuna fingers vibes lol like what the Tsarista gonna collect them all consume them and get the power of a descender hehehehehe…..
Anyways! Natlan crumbs and it’s the nation of war and dragons like hello!
Overall I don’t typically play Archon Quests expecting anything, I always set my expectations low so I don’t get unintentionally mad some bit I was hoping for isn’t add. I don’t really expect hoyo to really get into the nitty gritty details especially with archon quests and with a track record of many of the final acts falling short I was expecting this a fifth time.
I give this AQ as a whole a 6.9/10
The build up was great the cutscenes amazing urgency all the way until the end. There are ofc some parts where it fell flat but I still greatly enjoyed this quest.
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