#talk to allos xD
starrytalking · 1 year
OH MY GOD I’ve just texted with an allo friend of mine and we agreed to have a talk about allo- and asexuality soon when we meet in person so that we can understand each other better and I’m finally getting answers y’all😭😭✨
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Okay I know we like to joke about Vaggie and Charlie having really kinky sex but..
* Charlie for years thought that her girl friend was normal Sinner and wanted to get her into Heaven.
* Charlie has "pre marital sex" on the list of things to avoid.
* There is no way she would bar her girlfriend from redemption for her own needs.
So that's a lot of evidence against them having that sort of carnal relationship pre-reveal. However, we can then add-
* Charlie was shocked by the sex scene in the first episode.
* She was highly uncomfortable in the BDSM club.
* She almost threw up watching Angel Dust's porno. Like legit, she looked like she was going to hurl, and Vaggie helped block her view and comforted her.
* She is extremely uncomfortable even discussing Abgel's job, actually.
So what am I getting at? Charlie may be bi-romantic, but when push comes to shove, she acts very much like a sex-repulsed asexual. So it's possible that their relationship is purely romantic and not sexual. Which fits into their whole paradigm of having a really non-standard relationship by Hell's standards.
Either that or any "fun times" they have is so vanilla that it turns the ice cream coffee flavored in comparison. Because Charlie is clearly not comfortable with anything more exotic.
ach well, tbh as an ace i'm much more comfortable talking about and being around sex stuff in social / public / business situations than TWO out of my three Very Sexual Sisters are, even tho im pretty repulsed by it personally. like I'll skip past it in movies and such while they happily tuck in and enjoy. So.... lots of ways to be ace and allo, i guess
it's all just headcanons to me. who the fuck even knows XD
charlie maybe or maybe not getting jiggy with with Her Girlfriend wouldn't mean she'd ALSO be up for watching or being around while OTHER people are doing it ^w^ i can feel that too
anyway, my comment to this post is basically me falling in the love with the OTHER headcanon that poor charlie didn't wanna risk damning her gf's soul by having the pre-marital sexy times-
and is Very Fucking Frustrated / Horrified to realize that was never even a thing with vagige anyway. Also, the gayness. like. already a sin
OwO; oops?
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pretzel-box · 5 days
I like to think with how much chaos there is .allo would get fed up that he started talking in his mother tongue to confuse the other entities and Sebastian XD. Like it's a
Oh you want to be crazy ? Fine I'll play your game dad move
The time has come. The world was going down because of all the chaos that the people spread here at the Hadal Blackside. On the left side is the Streamer AU drama, a blond pick me girl was crying in her red dress as she lost to a rich nerd and his funny assistant. On the right side, we have the house of entities that are starting to go wild, drowing an innocent wall dweller.
And in the middle? In the middle sat Allo on a chair, holding up newspaper that covered his face. The chaos continued till...Allo lowered the newspaper. Everyone went still, Allison stopped crying, the entities stopped spreading chaos and the wall dweller? The wall dweller was still drowning.
And they knew, the unleashed the evil by pissing off Allo.
This all was followed by a 30 minute rant of allo himself where he complained loudly in a language that no one spoke. Despite the language barrier, everyone still understood the message.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
I've been struggling with this for some time now and I figured I could maybe get some advice by sharing it here, not like i know where else to put this either way, so thank you for creating this space. I'm a sex repulse ace who still gets random libido spikes sometimes because having a period sucks and I hate everything about it. I don't want me, my body nor my life to have anything to do with sex, but sometimes it feels like even my brain is against me, giving me intrusive thoughts of touching myself to make me even more aware of the libido no matter how much I hate it and want to stop this. All of this just makes me feel bad. I've tried to stop masturbating for some times now but it is something i've been doing for years now without thinking too much about it so every time im ovulating i fail again to keep my mind out of it, and because of it i do it and it becomes more and more recurring in my thoughts, which also makes me anxious and feel like I am in no control of my body or mind. I cant really talk about this with anyone because my therapist is a family member and could tell anyone in my family about me being ace and struggling with this, and also my friends are allo and they just said im weird and shouldn't feel bad. I of course support them, but I just don't want this for me and I wish they understood that. I feel like what would be the most comfortable existence for me is just a childish wish for them. If only I could have an asexual body, no sexual organs and all... that would help me get to the happiest version of myself in this matter. I've seriously been trying to deal with this by myself somehow so if anyone has any advice of their own experience, books that could help of whatever, I'm open to hear about it, I honestly need it
also im a 20 yo so if there is an age where this starts to get better and more coherent please tell me xd
Submitted June 19, 2023
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brezelzeit · 16 days
Y’all… me and my friend have a postwar ‘Allo ‘Allo AU that fixes all the things I didn’t like about Series 9 and/or the ending! It’s from mostly Herr Flick and Helga’s perspective
I feel that any of these characters, even if they didn't get along during the war entirely may have eventually, after some time, resolved stuff or talked things through and maybe put the past behind and turned new leaves xD cause me and the friend who is working on this AU with me discussed that they got a vibe not many people hold grudges on this show
Helga and Herr Flick (who still looks like Richard Gibson because that other thing doesn’t happen in my version of the canon) are married and have lots of kids (in place of Helga marrying Gruber and I made it so just like them they have six children). Still working out what their careers would look like postwar though, but I would imagine Herr Flick is a record keeper/data collector type person. Probably plays his violin on the side tho, maybe in a band. Not sure about Helga tho, but possibly also a secretary in some capacity too but we'll see
Gruber- fun gay uncle type figure to Flick and Helga’s kids, looks after them when they’re away, spoils them with gifts; is also still best friends with Helga and spends a lot of time with her for social outings.
He has a blooming artistic career and often sends Flick and Helga little doodles or paintings or other creations of his in the mail. He has definitely made a fortune off of the Fallen Madonna- but is it real or is it a forgery? Who knows, but he’s at least happy- and has donated some of the money he’s earned from it to his close friends and most notably Flick and Helga. Much like in Return of Allo Allo- he might be Mimi’s chauffeur on occasion? but is willing to take Helga for a spin with him in his car too! So chauffeur for them both if you will. Gruber has a boyfriend who is my friend’s OC, but he still misses René and crushes on him to this day.
von Smallhausen is a sort of grandpa figure to Flick and Helga’s kids. This obviously means, that he and Flick are on better terms and somehow, Flick changed his ways and attitude/treatment towards him, however that was, and started to be nicer to him. Seeing as he is much older than Flick, he doesn’t have a whole lot of time there but he is the fun grandpa for as long as it lasts. He tells dad jokes, does magic tricks, juggles items, lends the kids parts of his old disguises for little make believe things, and in general, plays games with them and builds little forts with them etc…. Flick will be very sad- even if stoically so- when he passes.
Hans Geering: still gotta develop this more but I feel like he would also be friends with all of these characters and visit them often! He would come see them on vacation on occasion, as he is fully committed to his thing going on with British Intelligence. I’m sure this extends way past the war lol
Imagine Helga, Herr Flick and von Smallhausen- and to some extent the other characters- are always telling stories to the kids of the incredibly silly wartime memories they have... and they even have favorite stories of theirs they like them telling over and over again! For example:
"Vati tell me all about the time you and grandpa Engelbert met a scary butler, an old witch, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Bride of Frankenstein, and a four armed footman in an abandoned chateau!"
"Hahahahaa that's so silly Vati, you got blown up because of a putty nose?"
"Uncle Hubert, you're telling me you saw the ghost of the cafe owner pop up out of his grave to forgive you?"
"How did you fit into that knight costume Vati? And walk in it even though you walk funny like that?"
"Mutti, did Vati really give you a dead fish instead of a rose?"
"Grandpa Engelbert is safe from large bells now, right?"
XD have a bunch of faceswaps I did as reference for when I eventually draw Flick and Helga’s kids
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If you’re still doing prompt, I’d love to see some asexual harrow. I’m also far to asexual and honestly started headcanoning her as ace because I absolutely could not (and honestly still kinda can not?) pick up on any sexual tension in book lol
Fun fact about me and sexual tension: I legitimately keep forgetting it’s a thing that exists. It seems fake to me. I can’t see it. I don’t really understand it, either. Even when reading books where characters actively sleep together on page I’m reading these sexual tension scenes and being like ??? That’s a real thing?
Like good for you guys but i just really do not get it XD
I tend to headcanon Harrow as acespec anyway (usually demisexual) because that just feels right to me, but fully ace Harrow is good too 😌
CW for some internalized aphobia (which is caused less by asexuality as an experience and more by societal expectations sucking and Harrow struggling with her self-worth in general).
I also wanted to lean a lot into a thing I commonly see with allo people writing ace characters, which is them assuming that either 1) ace characters can’t date allo characters or 2) that the allo character must be missing something and seeking sex elsewhere for the relationship to function, and work against both of these depressively common assumptions.
I did admittedly start working on this concept a while ago because of takes like that but this ask kicked my ass about finally finishing it :)
Sorry about this being kind of angsty, anon (though I promise it ends happily), if that’s not what you wanted I can write something else for you!
Majority under the cut again because this got long, I seem to be really bad at writing short things for these prompts, I will have to work on that, lol
Harrow had known she was a lesbian since she’d been a child with an unfortunate crush on the monster woman from a horror movie she should never have watched in the first place.
She wanted to hold her hand. She wanted to stroke her hair. She wanted to kiss her. She was maybe ten at the time, and had never held any particular interest in guys, friendship or otherwise. Girls were objectively pretty.
Where Harrow’s crushes stayed the same, those of her classmates became different as they grew older. They started talking about others having a ‘nice ass’ or ‘great hips’.
They were nonsense words to Harrow. Some people were objectively pretty, but which qualities did an ass have to possess to be ‘nice’? What made hips ‘great’?
The google search Harrow attempted in utmost confusion was inconclusive.
The good researcher that she was, she tried looking at pictures find a reliable measurement for it, try to scale it for herself, but it was useless. People’s hips and butts remained just that, the utterly uninteresting body parts of strangers.
That was when she came across the term ‘asexual’ for the first time.
It was confusing, at first, because Harrow knew she was a lesbian, so how could she not be attracted to anyone?
The good researcher that she was, Harrow did not let this initial confusion deter her from investigating further.
It took a few attempts, but putting the terms ‘asexual’ and ‘lesbian’ together gave her the answer she was looking for.
There it was, written in black letters on white background, logical and easy. There were different types of attraction. Harrow felt romantic attraction, but not sexual attraction. This was not weird, and it was not childish. It was just who she was.
Harrow found the same relief in knowledge that she always did. She was asexual. She was also a lesbian. She was perfectly content with that.
The first real issue with her sexuality came when Harrow fell in love.
Her second, arguably even more unfortunate infatuation was with one ginger idiot with perfect golden eyes.
Harrow had known Gideon since she’d been three years old, but it took until all the way to adulthood before they actually started getting along. And when they did, well… Gideon was kind, and she was brave, and she was handsome, and Harrow fell helplessly in love with her.
Harrow chided herself for even considering this, but from the way Gideon acted, she… almost thought the feelings were reciprocated. Harrow didn’t know what to do with that. She had never been wanted before. Not in any way that mattered. But it couldn’t last. Harrow knew Gideon wasn’t asexual. The fact was, despite Harrow not understanding it beyond procreational purposes, sex was an integral part of most relationships. Even if her feelings were reciprocated, and even if Harrow hadn’t been broken beyond repair in other areas, Gideon would have to give up on something she wanted if she decided to be with Harrow. She wouldn’t be able to fulfill societal expectations on how relationships worked. Worse, perhaps, Harrow wouldn’t be able to make Gideon happy.
So she tried to pull back on Gideon, before their situation inevitably had to end in mutual heartbreak.
…except, Gideon wasn’t the kind of person one could easily remove from their life. When Harrow wrote into the group chat that she wasn’t showing for board game night, Gideon immediately sent her several worried private messages asking if she was feeling okay and if she needed anything.
Harrow left her on read, but only briefly, because it made Gideon feel awful and made her ask if she’d done something wrong, which wasn’t what Harrow had wanted. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just have a terrible headache, so I’m going to bed early.”
Thirty minutes later, someone threw a package of Advil and a bar of her favorite chocolate through her letter slot, a little sticky note attached saying “Wasn’t sure if you were still awake, otherwise I’d have rung the bell. Feel better soon :)”
Harrow avoided Gideon for two more weeks before Palamedes informed her that Gideon was sick and kept asking for her and Harrow finally admitted to herself that she couldn’t fucking do this.
She spent the rest of the week bothering Gideon with tea and soup and the occasional antifebrile, and on Sunday Gideon asked her to stay for a movie and fell asleep on her shoulder.
It would have been perfect, had Harrow at all known what to do with loving and being loved in return.
The following weekend, Gideon invited her over for dinner. This was something they did frequently, so Harrow thought nothing of it. Except, when she got there, she realized that they weren’t going to order out like they usually did—Gideon had cooked for her.
Dry rice with barely flavored sauce and steamed vegetables. There was something so terrifying and so beautiful about being known almost wholly that Harrow very nearly cried.
The whole meal they spent chatting and laughing and, occasionally, Gideon would make her a compliment, and Harrow would reciprocate, and it all felt so terribly easy.
Harrow tried to ignore the looming feeling that this felt more and more like a date—a date that she wanted to be on, except she hadn’t found the right moment to talk to Gideon about her asexuality yet, and so it would just hurt them both.
She ignored it right until the moment when Gideon walked her back to her apartment and asked if she could kiss her. Fuck.
“There’s something you should know before this goes any further,” she said, turning away from Gideon to inspect the hallway’s hardwood floor.
“Sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” Gideon said sheepishly. “If I completely misread the situation that’s totally embarrassing, but it’s not on you, and if I didn’t misread it but you’re just not ready to kiss me yet, or don’t want to for any other reason, that’s totally cool, too. It’s not… I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to.”
“I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” Harrow admitted, feeling terribly ashamed for leading Gideon on. “I am asexual. Sex-repulsed, specifically. This isn’t something I can compromise on. I understand if that means you no longer wish to kiss me.”
“Oh, is that it?” Gideon sounded weirdly relieved. “Cool. I totally still want to kiss you.”
Harrow blinked, completely taken aback. That was not how she’d imagined this conversation would go. “You don’t have to say that because you don’t want to upset me. I understand perfectly if this is a dealbreaker for you. I know it is for some people. I found myself unable to deny the romantic attraction I harbor for you, but I don’t want you to date me when I’m clearly not enough for you.”
“You are, though. Just you spending time with me is more than enough.” Gideon gently put a hand on Harrow’s jaw. “I know you’re the queen of overthinking things, but trust me when I say that I still want to go out with you just as much. My ideal relationship is someone who holds me when I’m sad and buys me comfort food to cheer me up, even though it’s bad for me, and who falls asleep on my shoulder, and who maybe sets my head straight when I’m being an idiot. You do all of those things. Why would this feel like a loss to me when I have all the rest of you to gain?”
Harrow only almost cried. “I really did make this so much more complicated than it needed to be, didn’t I?”
“You totally did,” Gideon said gently, and kissed her.
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Ironically, I think aces have a better concept of what sexual attraction IS (not how it feels, but its definition) than some allosexuals. I think this is because aspecs often differentiate between the different kinds of attraction and allos often don’t (but some might, like allo aros). So they’ve never had to distinguish sexual attraction from aesthetic attraction or romantic attraction.
I feel like the allos I’ve talked to conflate aesthetic and sexual attraction and can’t seem to describe sexual attraction in a way that sets it apart from aesthetic attraction. So, no wonder aces find sexual attraction confusing when some allos seem to, too. XD
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piracytheorist · 1 year
as an asexual, does sexual stuff freak you out sometimes?
Mmmm I wouldn't say freak out, more like weird out. I'm not representative of asexuals, everyone feels different about that, but I'm sure a lot of other aces feel similarly. So it's a bit like "Ugh not for me thanks".
Like, if you're talking about sex being mentioned in real life, I'm more likely to cringe and grunt in disgust than feel flustered or something. If you're talking about sex in media, I have "liked" the intimacy shown in certain sex scenes (but not enjoyed them in the way a lot of allos do, if you know what I mean) but most of the time the moment the scene goes a little too long or the kissing goes just a little too deep or the amount of nudity crosses my personal limits I become the personification of the "I am looking away" meme. Like, fully respectfully, some people like it and that's cool, but I will be looking away lol.
But yeah in general, most of the time my feelings when encountering anything sexual in nature tend to be of the "no thanks" variety, and the more intense that stuff is, the more intense my refusal XD There are exceptions but they're that, exceptions.
Again, some asexuals feel that way (and each reacts differently, not every sex-repulsed ace needs to react just like I do XD), some asexuals are less intense about it, and some asexuals straight up enjoy stuff like that (with a wide variety on what that "stuff" includes or is limited to), my case is pretty deep on the "sex-repulsed" side.
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Can I ask the aromantic questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 19 please? :)
Thanks!!! I love talking about aro stuff and myself xD
3. Do you consider yourself lgbtq+?
YES, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
4. Are you out as aro?
Yes, very much, but most people don't get it. I kinda told my parents but without naming the label. I guess they think it's a phase, but at least they aren't asking me shit like when I get a boyfriend etc
5. How did you figure out you are aro?
Oh gods. That was a long journey.
Ahem. So in my teenage years (omg I feel so old, I'm gonna cry) I very much wanted to have a boyfriend. Or a gf (that came later). Then at some point I just realized I don't want that anymore, I really felt like I don't want to ever fall in love again. Yes, I was "falling in love", but it was more like experiencing all these sensations like butterflies in the stomach etc. I could literally go "ok, imagine I was in love with that boy" and I would feel all these things that weren't related to that boy at all. Let's say, I liked the feeling itself, but there was no attraction to someone real, I just needed a reason to feel these sensations, so I invented one. That was pretty funny. So yeah, and eventually I realized all that and thought that maybe this label could fit me, but I was very unsure. But look where we are now xD
6. What is your favourite part about being aromantic?
Oh, there are so many. I would say this power to fall in love without needing an object for it is quite nice. But also general understanding of romance. I believe we get so much more than allos cause we can look at things objectively. Basically we are cooler than them
7. What is your least favourite part about being aromantic?
The fact that my autocorrect still doesn't understand that word after years. Also the amount of amatonormativity literally everywhere and the fact that almost none of allos take it seriously or even think about it for more than a second
19. Is there a song that is very aromantic to you?
Yesssssss a couple of them. I Am The Fire by Halestorm is my personal aro anthem. I mean they literally say And I am the one I've been waiting for. Hard to go more aro than that.
Also there is an amazing Italian song by Nadàr Solo that's called Le case senza le porte. It's so so so so so aro. Very direct. I doubt they know it, but I know for sure.
Can't name anything particular by Rancore, but he's my aroace icon and I will stand by that.
There is probably something else that I forgot, maybe I'll add it later
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depressedtransguy · 2 years
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so juniper (she/they lesbian) is in college, they're majoring in library sciences (getting her doctorate) she works at the central library (their favorite thing is reading to the kids)
amethyst (she/her sapphic) is a twitch streamer, she works at a bar to make a solid income. she didnt go to college, she lives with her qpp and her qpp's boyfriend.
dee (full name delphina) is in college as well, getting her ba in biotech and agriculture. when shes not doing work or studying, shes helping her parents at their flower shop (flores florals) shes trans (mtf, she/her, lesbian) and got the scar on her nose from fucking around with scissors
the plot of the book these fourteen are in is called project minotuar, it's an experiment that is run by a person who calls themself minos. the point of the experiment is to test people's emotional stability if put in an unknown situation with unknown people and giving one of them a prize if they succeed. (i dont know if i want to have there be underlying hints of betrayal, like some of them know things that others dont or telling every person that one of them might be the person running the experiment etc etc)
juniper amethyst and dee stick together and eventually get into a relationship (i love them sm poly lesbians for the win) because theyre some of the first people within the experiment to have actual healthy communication
(this whole book is me yelling at alloromantics to have conversations and just talk to each other /j)
everyone else crumbles, theyre distrustful and on edge and struggling
and yeah thats my story idea pls enjoy
I fucking ADORE them that’s amazing!!!!!
great story idea and fantastic characters
we love yelling at alloromantics *kicks my allo identity to the side* we doooo XD (I do really like that but I just think it’s funny that I am friends with /so many/ aroace people)
also just good for you for managing to create your own characters I cannot do that shit they all gotta be based somewhere
love you and all your ideas babe :DDDD
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
483 of 2023
Okay so I've been doing this in two days and that's why some answers are inconsistent lol.
At the moment
How are you?
Fine, thanks. Just went to pick up my medication in the pharmacy and preparing myself to go to the work doctor.
Are you with anyone?
My husband's son is upstairs, my younger cat too, just my older cat is next to me.
Are you doing anything besides this survey?
Not at the moment, this survey is "in between".
What are you listening to?
There's TVin the background.
Are you talking to anyone?
No, I'm not. Just occasionally to my kitty.
What are you wearing?
Black wide leg pants and black Vildhjarta t-shirt.
Are you eating or drinking anything?
Not at the moment, I had breakfast already.
Is there anything going on in the room you’re in?
Yeah, my cat is purring.
How is the weather outside?
Cold and rainy. October, welcome.
What time is it?
Who is the last person you talked to?
My husband, at the very morning.
What is the last food you ate?
Chocolate/cinnamon flavoured oatmeal.
What is the last text asleep?
Wut? I don't even understand what this question is about lol.
Where is the person you last hugged?
My husband, unless the cat counts. Then the cat.
When is the last time you cried?
Long time ago, in April lol.
What did you do for your last birthday?
Existed and got one year older.
Where is the last person you kissed?
He's at work. Maybe I'm gonna meet him there. Perks of working in the same company as your partner XD
Besides anything computer related, what is the last thing you touched?
My older cat's fur. That's why she's purring now.
When is the last time you changed clothes?
Just put on fresh ones today morning.
What was the last TV show you watched?
Allo Allo. Never fails to make me laugh.
What’s/Who’s your favorite:
Black and green.
TV show?
Allo Allo, Keeping Up Appearances, Mr Bean, That 70s Show, The Big Bang Theory, and this documentary Inside the World's Toughest Prisons.
Gentse waterzooi, nothing beats it.
Summer because long days.
I don't watch movies.
Item of clothing?
All my hoodies and all my wide leg pants.
HRFTR, Katatonia, Vildhjarta, Tesseract, eriphery, and dome hip hop artists like Sadistik, Eminem, and the Dutch ones.
Place to be kissed?
Wherever. Does anyone actually care about it?
My husband, Marc, Johan and Kenny. Also Jeanmarie and his wife Jasmine, and then Caroline.
My sister. By default because I don't have any other siblings XD
List five green things in the room you’re in.
box of Pringles
ACV pen
inhalation stick for when you catch cold
notebook calendar for the next year
List four best friends.
my husband
List seven things you’ve done today.
went to work for the doctor's appointment.
went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication.
travelled to Sint-Niklaas.
did some groceries in their Polish shop.
went to the sea.
travelled by train.
travelled by bus.
List one place you’d like to visit.
List three holidays you like.
and nothing else.
List two favorite stores.
List one reason you and your ex broke up.
Long distance, he's been absent for months due to his job.
List four things you like about your appearance.
Can't think of any lol. Maybe that I'm tall.
List eight things you like about your best friend.
he's honest.
he's funny.
he's genuine.
he's generally a great person.
he's a very happy dad of two cute girls. :D
he's loyal.
he says what he thinks and he's not afraid of the consequences.
he's smart and helpful.
List two favorite colors.
Black and green.
Random questions
Would you care if a friend was friends with an enemy of yours?
I mean, hang out with whoever you want, but not when we're all together. The thing is, I don't have enemies.
What was the last book you read?
That book about a girl who runs away from her house to meet the family from her biological father's side, but ends up being disappointed.
Are you looking forward to going back to school?
I'm 33. Too old for school eh?
Was this one of your favorite summers? Why?
Nah, but it was one of the good ones. We visited our family and spent a nice week there.
Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do?
Yeah, visiting Finland.
Where is the person that means most to you right now?
Next to me in the living room, putting things online to sell.
How many best friends do you have?
Quite a few.
Do you have any cuts or bruises on your body right now?
Yeah, a lot. I always end up having bruises in random places because my veins are weak and break easily.
Are you holding back doing or saying anything?
Not anymore. Maybe going to France by train.
What time will you go to sleep tonight?
Early because I have to get up early. Strike in Brussels, you know.
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doubly not me, floundering my aroace ass through the Romantic Backstory of some supporting characters lolsob
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dirt-grub · 4 years
Hm I’ve been like excluding my aceness from a lot of my mlm centered writing but I’m realizing that’s probably an important narrative to share actually
#like I have new followers so idk who knows I don’t mention it a lot but I’m Demi#I think? possibly greyace some of the definitions overlap#point is my attraction is none attraction left male lmfao#like sometimes it’s there but I have a very specific way I navigate dating and my gayness in general and maybe I should talk about it#I mean it kinda sucks pretending it’s NOT there#like maybe actually there are other mlems who would want to hear it!#most of the demand on what kind of mlms are depicted and how aren’t from actual mlms so... maybe I should stop worrying about them#like. I’m gay. the audience is me. I make the rules#connor talks#idk I get scared sometimes bc people like to go hard with ace discourse on here for very reason... I don’t want to be involved#I just would like to sit comfortably in my identity and have words to describe it#and I’m in a weird place bc most of my friends fit comfortably into allo or ace not in between like me#I have an aroace friend who’s really more like family and she’s guided me a lot and told me I’m valid but I don’t feel ace enough#like again. that it doesn’t matter. but it kinda does to me?#it doesn’t really come up in public often but when it does I sorta get misunderstood and mocked so maybe it’s valuable to talk about#like this also overlaps with being mlm because in hs and stuff I was mostly around allo wlw and most of them were wonderful#don’t get me wrong I’m not generalizing#but there would be discussions about crushes and attraction and there came that attitude of like EW gross boys XD but like.#I’m gonna talk about boys I only like boys sorry :(#I want to be a part of this and share experiences and get to know each other but in order to do that I need to be honest#and like. even when they wanted to know what I find attractive in guys I don’t have a good answer#and they’d be like how do you now know you’ve had a bf#I usually just end up describing him as though he fit into a *type* that I’m into but I don’t have one. it was just him. I liked him.#attraction comes after and like it DOES come but it’s invasive to do bro talk like that about a single person#it’s no longer oh I think it’s hot when guys are this or do that it’s about a real specific person and yknow it doesn’t work in that context#this might be trivial but yeah I’ve felt alienated in some queer spaces as a result of this so idk it might not be the biggest issue but#idk I’m just like a little closed up about it#especially bc some people conflate the lack of attraction with sex repulsion which I do experience sometimes#but it’s a clear separate trauma thing#and then people want to pick my brain to be *sure* my aceness is valid and not because of trauma which. who cares. leave me alone
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coryfirelion · 2 years
Demi thoughts
Just thinking how being “demi” changes the world as I -demi romantic- see. And hear me out because here it comes my very sloppy description of how I see the world. Yes, “I”, me, myself; I can’t talk about other people’s experiences, so I’m writing MINE, okay? Okay, Good.
I never knew I was demi until it hit me like a train in my face. Confusion and soooo much questioning around helped to finally get to the “Oh shit, THIS IS IT! I’m demi!” And oh boy... my brain and heart were a mess.
(Some) Allos can go around and feeling butterflies just by looking pretty people in a bus ride and then, they never see them again and they can be fine with that. For me, it was like a long ass process of being nothing, to mutuals to friends to OH SHIT!
“I like this person! This person is my best friend! I can trust so much to them! They support me and help me be better! ....... Wait a second... why do I feel weird yet not uncomfortable talking to them? My heart is doing a weird shit, should I go to the doctor?? *Does research and comments about it to some friends* ***GASPS IN SPANISH***”
Many people say that Demi is just a normal person, that’s being loyal to your partner and yada yada yada. It’s not. I can assure you. What allos have with anyone that they might find attractive, we only it have with this (or these, because yes, demis can be poly too!) person! And it makes us feel so deep.
For me, it was finally understanding romantic song, finding the meaning in the expression “belonging to someone”, to want a person, to want to make them happy and to make their happiness one of your objectives in life. Yes, it all sounds common and trivial, but man, when it happens to a demi, it’s not common, it’s not trivial. It’s precious and treasured, because we don’t feel like that with just anyone, only with that person (people) that has our trust and confidence and makes our world better. And for me, it has brought to where I am, literally on the other side of the world, sharing an apartment with my girlfriend. And I swear I’ve never been so happy in my life.
Yes, this has turned out into a long ass ramble of many thoughts in one place >:v well, that’s how my brain goes, bear it with me xD
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brezelzeit · 13 days
This song makes me think of Herr Flick
Tbh I only associate it with him because when I first discovered this song back in 2014 I was also looking up stuff about him, before I had even watched the show xD
Look at the lyrics:
The kind I wish I saw before my feelings were like no
You took me by the hand and then showed me the door
I misinterpreted the way you talked and the looks you
Gave me
Remember what you said? It went something like this:
The tiny little spark I see when you're going to break
I look into your eyes and there's nothing there so
Tell me
was everything it seemed or was the light hiding what I
could see
Remember what you said? It went something like this:
Why can't you recall in your history
Shades of umber
I'm caught under
inky thunder
Your intent to me is a mystery
Just a semblance
of true vengeance
Heed my entrance”
In retrospect, they do fit his personality
Kinda fits his emotionless ness and love for Helga while also maybe being suspicious of her playing both sides
And not knowing what he’s feeling relationship wise
If you’re wondering what this song is it’s obscure furry EDM 😂 I’m probably one of the only people who can claim to listen to that kind of music AND be an ‘Allo ‘Allo fan. Plus idk, the melody even feels like him lmao
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demigirljoycebyers · 2 years
Then again he was on drugs I'm cackling very true guess we'll have to wait and see what it all leads to but frankly after season 3 and how they wrote my favorite characters and now these spoilers I am going to be very cautious about my expectations. That's the problem with getting so invested in these characters and relationships. We come to love them and know them and care for them and understand them sometimes even better than their own creators do because we latch onto specific characters and spend so much time creating for them and thinking about and talking about them whereas the writers are concerned with like 20 characters and plotlines so it's heartbreaking when you see things happening to them that will hurt them or the writing doesn't feel like authentically them.
personally, I do kin will so if they did something weird with his character i would feel a bit off about it. Like the idea of making him allo/het would have thrown me off so badly. So even if they dont do much with him, frankly im relieved to know that they actually committed and made him gay :)
I am invested in these characters, but frankly at this point im used to disappointment so more than anything, i guess im more calm about these kinds of things simply because ive made my peace with it. i would be over the moon if byler became canon, but if they didnt, it wouldnt change much for me. I would still continue to write and read my gay little fics and live happily in my gay little section of tumblr askdksd
it can be hard juggling so many characters so i really hope they do them all justice! as you can see by my pfp i deeply love joyce so if they did something weird with her it would throw me off too askdksd shes kind of like a comfort character for me, i think.
i have faith that they wont do any of the characters an injustice though! that said, sometimes stuff is happening below the surface that we dont properly pick up on first! Like, when I first watched s3 i hated it because i was like wtf is wrong with everyone XD but upon rewatch i have a better understanding of what was happening everyone and now i actually really love that season... like i think even more than s2 which is everyone favourite, i think asdkskd
so yeah! even if they do something like season three again, I'm sure theyll explain the character motivations in due time so we can properly understand what has propelled those characters to act in that way. People can change and grow, after all, so doing something we wouldnt expect of them doesn't necessarily mean how they are represented isnt authentic - except when it does (im looking at you and your repressed ass mike)
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