#deity dionysus
helpolnix · 2 months
Only you know your relationship with your god. Don’t second guess it.
It saddens me to see posts on here and on other sites about how having a causal relationship with your god is disrespectful and you shouldn’t give them nicknames. That just makes me so upset every time I see it.
Because one of the things I know for a fact is if a god felt disrespected by your behavior towards them, you’d know.
If xyz didn’t want you to treat them like a sibling, best friend, mentor, parent, (or even a lover. Not my place to judge.), you’d know. Just because you have that type of relationship with them doesn’t mean you don’t respect them or don’t work with and/or worship them.
They’re gods, yes. But they also love you and want to help you. You felt how they appeared to you, I bet you knew very quickly what type of relationship you’d have with them. What type of role in your life they would fill. Or maybe you didn’t and it happened a lot more slowly. All of that is okay. What’s also okay is if you have a very strict relationship with them, that’s also fine.
But my goodness don’t try to police or judge how gods are with other people.
99.9% of the time it’s the gods setting that type of dynamic in the first place so please be respectful to other dynamics.
You’re not better than other worshipers because you don’t joke around or call a god your bestie.
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nixthepolytheist · 4 months
Our noisy, boisterous Dionysus. Whom I love to share the joy of music with, and the euphoria it gives me to feel it vibrating through my body.
Our mad, tearer of the soul Dionysus. When my mind is racing, won’t stop yelling, screaming, saying things that aren’t true, I call to him, and he graciously calms my mind.
Our sweet-voiced, gentle Dionysus. Softening blows I inflict upon myself. He who fills me with warmth, placing soft hands on my shoulders, relaxing me.
My tender-hearted, ivy-crowned, loving god Dionysus. For whom I owe my gratitude to, for seeing that I needed him before I could even realize it.
I thank you and love you.
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peachcraft-authorized · 4 months
Theseus, Ariadne, & The Minotaur Part 2
I guess he ditched her for some Amazonian booty???🤨
Then proceeding to marry her sister is crazy... the vibes on this are very bad
It's okay, guys! Dionysus came ☺️and they're living happily ever after with all five million of their children! Good for Ariadne!
if Miss Phaedra could stop throwing herself at her virginal step-son that would be absolutely fantastic😬😬😬
Part 1 if you wanna follow my reading journey lol
I think I’m gonna post my reactions to all the stories I read. It’s very fun and it keeps me engaged 😌 what story should I read next if you’re even invested enough to answer lol
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the-purvashadha · 7 months
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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applefoam · 3 months
praise be lord dionysus androgynos, god of homosexuality and effeminacy, may he protect his queer children and adults alike! I am forever grateful, raise a glass to him and his wonder!
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Bronze sculpture of Dionysus. Materials: bronze, silvering, gilding. Base made of marble. The product contains natural amethysts.
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dionysianivy · 23 days
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 🌬🌿
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E A R T H 🜃
When we connect with the Earth's energy, we tap into a powerful source of vitality and strength that flows through nature. By grounding and centering ourselves, we draw on the Earth's stability to find balance and calm within. Simple practices like standing barefoot on the ground or imagining roots extending from our feet into the soil help us feel deeply connected to the Earth's energy. In tuning into this natural rhythm, we can find comfort and support, especially during times of uncertainty.
Earth Symbols: acorns, trees, stones, leafs.
A I R 🜁
When we connect with the Air element, we tap into the limitless potential of our mind and spirit. Practices like meditation, visualization, and breathwork help us tune into the subtle flow of Air, expanding our awareness and opening up new possibilities. Meditation, in particular, quiets the mind's chatter, allowing us to focus on our breath and find inner peace and clarity. By paying attention to the gentle rise and fall of our breath, we ground ourselves in the present moment and nurture a deep sense of mindfulness.
Air Symbols: feathers, birds, wings, sword
W A T E R 🜄
When we connect with the Water element, we dive deep into the flow of our emotions and intuition, letting ourselves be gently guided by the currents of our subconscious mind. To deepen this connection, spending time near water can be incredibly powerful. Whether you're sitting by a river, taking a bath, or simply drinking a glass of water with intention, you can feel the influence of Water. When we immerse ourselves in water or let its flow wash over us, we allow our emotions to flow freely and surrender to the natural rhythm of life. This opens us to the transformative energy of Water, helping us embrace our inner mysteries and move gracefully through life's changes.
Water Symbols: sea shells, water waves, dolphin, pearl
F I R E 🜂
When we connect with the Fire element, we tap into the fiery depths of our soul, awakening our deepest desires and aspirations. Practices like ritualized burning, candle magic, and sun gazing help us align with Fire's transformative energy, igniting the flame of our true purpose. Ritualized burning is a powerful way to work with Fire's energy. It allows us to release what no longer serves us, creating space for new growth and transformation. By writing down our fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs on paper and then burning it in a sacred fire, we symbolically free ourselves from their grip, clearing the path for fresh starts and new beginnings.
Fire symbols: fire, torchs, dragons, garnet
tip jar♡
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okayyeros · 6 months
Apollo feels like being smeared in charcoal and paint, taking a deep breath and smelling the oil paint and solvent lingering in the air.
Hestia feels like the end of a college party, when everyone is lying together, slowly sobering up and talking about their hometowns.
Aphrodite feels like taking off your makeup after a long day and staring in the bathroom mirror, truly seeing yourself for the first time in a while.
Hermes feels like people watching on the bus, overhearing all the stories of people you will never meet.
Eros feels like loving something so fiercely, with so much passion, that you don't think you can live without it.
Hypnos feels like waking up from a dream that changed your view of the world, for the better.
Artemis feels like the girls you meet at parties who make sure you have a safe ride home.
Hephestus feels like spending hours meticulously building, with a clear vision in mind, but no proper measurements.
Hades feels like the hot embers burning bright on a fire that is slowly dwindling.
Dionysus feels like teaching young actors the ritualistic traditions of a theatre.
Ares feels like protesters fighting for change with unwavering strength.
Poseidon feels like learning about challengers deep for the first time and feeling yourself get entranced by the duality of the ocean.
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fabledfoxglove · 26 days
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ꕥ ᴅɪᴏɴʏsᴜs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴡɪɴᴇ, ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ғᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ, ғᴇsᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ, ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴍᴀᴅɴᴇss, ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏᴜs ᴇᴄsᴛᴀsʏ, ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ꕥ
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helpolnix · 2 months
The intimacy of worship.
There’s something about walking through isles of a store and finding something that reminds you of your god. Or sitting down to write pages full of words detailing your love for them, giving them praises, talking about how they’ve helped you or how they’ve impacted your life. As a god, a friend, lover, sibling, or parental figure. Creating things in honor of them, dedicating pieces of art, finding silly things you just *know* they’d find hilarious, or helping others find their way to them just like you did.
Or finding them in everything you do.
I think about Hermes every time I’m writing, I think about Aphrodite every time I look in the mirror and bring myself to admire what I see, or how I think deeply about the type of love and devotion I’d want, my mind strays to Eros and Psyche. When I see and feel how much I hate certain emotions of mine, I think about how they can be expressed in healthy ways, and how I can lean on Dionysus and Ares without fear or judgement. When I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, I think about our sun gods, and when the moon takes her rightful place in the sky, I think about our lovely moon goddesses. When a thunderstorm happens, I know I can say a bright hello to Zeus. When I’m doing house work with a frown, I know I can think of Hestia to make it a little less tiresome. When I’m clawing my eyes out because I can’t sleep, I know Hypnos will be by my side to make sure I can get a few restful hours.
They’re in everything. Every part of life that you wish to see them in, and I think that’s beautiful.
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satoshy12 · 1 month
Phantom Festival
Once a year, Amity Park is the scene of a massive ghostly festival, and Danny and the others enjoy it and have fun. Like if not Amity Park, all other places would be in hell or totally destroyed.
But the next day, the Blob-ghosts and others fix everything as they wake up. (Think of the party as What IF Thor's party).
And other people Danny meets during his time travel. From the wizard Mamaragan, Morrigan, Mordred, Vandal, Nabu, Hippolyta or Ra's. It's vacation week for them.
It was a huge party, and when the day and night were over, most of them left or went on holiday to Amity Park.
Toga-wearing Billy really wasn't sure how he felt about it. As he spent time with the other kids, he had many questions to ask his hero friends about the party they were having here when the wizard took him with him.
+ Dionysus is perfectly fine with people thinking he and Phantom are the same. The boy knows how to throw a good party and he has a whole new Cult Town.
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peachcraft-authorized · 4 months
Theseus, Ariadne, and The Minotaur!!!
I’m gonna be real with you guys I read the majority of Greek myths several years ago. I’m doing a bunch or rereads.
Every single time there is a betrayal I am shocked. I literally don’t know what’s going to happen and now I’m pissy.
What the fuck Theseus. Why did you ditch miss girl on Naxos?
I haven’t finished… will keep you updated (I know you all already know what happens… I just like to have fun and make little posts on my little blog)
(I’m reading the feminist retelling. I gotta go back and read the regular version and compare)
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Advice for beginner Hellenists
This isn't necessarily a post where I include a list of Gods, epithets, resources, and offerings for said Gods, but rather, hopefully soothing the worries of those of us who are starting the journey into the religion. As someone who was once in a religion that made other religions sound like something absolutely terrifying, my journey into Hellenism was once which was also... pretty terrifying, and this fear was mostly just from my own mind.
Anyways, my list of Advice:
You can literally just start praying. If you want to get more formal, you can absolutely get more formal, but you very much don't have to. I've definitely had my first prayers to some Gods be "hello, [God or Goddess's name], I want to worship You! Please lead me in my journey. Thanks!" I can promise you, the Gods are much kinder and more understanding than any of us fully know.
You can also just start worshiping in general. I feel like I've seen on occasion people worried about the Gods not "calling" to them. This is definitely not something that needs to happen pre-worship. If you find them interesting enough to pray to, then that in and of itself is enough.
In a similar vein, I wouldn't be too concerned about the idea of "signs". I feel like there's a tendency for folks to be incredibly worried about everything when first starting out - the behavior of a candle, the sighting of an animal, a strange dream, all can suddenly seem to take on jarring significance. But I can promise you, the Gods don't constantly give out signs, and frequently, these strange occurrences can be attributed to the mundane. When something comes from the Gods, you will know, trust me!
You don't have to worry too much about the idea of cleanliness, be it spiritual or physical. Khernips are cool, and I'd definitely recommend integrating them into your practice sooner or later. Hygiene is cool too! But if I'm being honest, we in the modern day are far more physically clean, and a lot less likely to regularly encounter the type of pollution that would have been encountered in ancient Greece.
The Gods will be at varying distances over the course of your worship. Sometimes, They will feel close, joyfully, burningly so. And sometimes, They will feel far, and prayers may even feel a bit futile. Both of those are perfectly okay, and neither of those will be permanent.
And, once again in a similar vein, you will likely not find yourself having constant, close mystical experiences with the Gods (i.e., conversations, visions, etc.). These experiences are rare and far between, and I would advise that you not make them a central part of your worship. They will come when the Gods deem you're ready for them, and you definitely won't be expecting it. Focus on the little things!
My final thing (for now) is that you also shouldn't put undue pressure on yourself to be doing some sort of big offering to the Gods. If that's what you can afford, that's great! But if not, fresh water, a small wildflower that you came across and picked*, or a small bit of a meal also count as a good offering!
And with that, my (much longer than I was previously planning on) list of things for beginners to keep in mind! A lot of this list is made up of things which I picked up along the way, and a lot of it is also made from my own personal hindsight being 20/20. I hope this is helpful to someone, and that it maybe soothes some of the (incredibly common) worries which so often accompany those who are venturing into the world of Hellenic polytheism!
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thrashkink-coven · 2 months
Dionysus devotees, how does it feel to still be angering the Christians 1000 years later? We love it.
I just KNOW he’s getting such a kick out of this. Did everyone forget why the Olympics are called… the Olympics???
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the-fire-within0 · 2 months
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Dionysus represents much more than the God of Madness and Frenzy; he embodies the essence of mental health. Dedicating time and effort to healing your mind can be seen as an act of devotion to Dionysus. This is why advocating for, discussing, and learning about mental illness and your experiences can be so beneficial.
He is more than just the God of Wine; he also embodies sobriety and restraint. He teaches us moderation, guiding us not to overindulge in what our bodies cannot handle. Choosing to abstain from alcohol or maintaining sobriety can be a profound act of devotion as well.
Excessive consumption, whether it's alcohol, negative thoughts, or anything else, can be harmful. Dionysus serves as a reminder that healing from such excesses is possible.
While he embodies the spirit of fun, enjoyment, and hedonism, I don't believe he would want you to indulge for the wrong reasons. Whenever I felt too serious or caught in a downward spiral, he would remind me that it's okay to let loose, but also to stay attuned to my feelings. I don't think he would shun you if you're not having too much fun. If you're not feeling okay, then you're not feeling okay. There's nothing wrong with that.
If anything, Dionysus seems like the ultimate god of self-care. Taking your medication, staying hydrated or drinking other beverages (I personally find that hot chocolate boosts my mood), spending time with friends, or even enjoying a solitary walk in nature—all these activities can feel like acts of devotion. He is love and full of love. A god of duality and balance.
He can embody the warmth of summer and the freshness of spring, just as he can evoke the chill of winter. He's complex and multifaceted. He is a god of rebirth, death and immortality. He to me, resembles a phoenix. He means so much to me and my practice. My heart has so much room for him. He has shown me that regardless what I've experience, it is possible to change and heal. His own love feels poetic.
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evilios · 27 days
I keep thinking of potential for "good dad Zeus" stories but for Olympians when they're younger/coming into power and they're making me very, very sentimental.
You're young Artemis and you're your father's daughter. You come to him first when you're upset or hurt because, intimidating as he is to many, he always holds you close, laughs fondly, and makes your distress easier to bear. You know that whoever hurt you will not sleep at night and your wounds will heal.
You're young Apollo and you're your mother's child but your father's favorite son. You and him share understanding looks that no one else comprehends. When you wake up from your first prophecy, you are terrified and confused, but you feel a steady, big, warm hand under yours and it's alright. He teaches you the art of fate. You know his mind like no other.
You're young Athena and you're your father's delight. He always finds newer and newer ways to engage your rapidly thinking mind, and he chuckles fondly at your theories. "You would be a mighty king, my child," he tells you and you know it is the highest praise though you don't delight in calls of power. You watch competitions and games standing by his side. You are, still, his greatest pride.
You're young Hermes and you always make your father laugh. He tells you stories of your mother, all scented with strawberry tree fruits and wild flowers, and you wonder how big a man's heart is to store so many loves. He chides you a little for your constant pranks but you can tell that he loves you from the little glint in his eyes. He always sits you close during banquets and listens to your stories even if they're made up.
You're young Dionysus and your father finds you perplexing. He might not understand you as well as his other children, but you watch him from afar and get him, somewhat. The grab for power and the need to keep it, the desire to make others bow to your might: you've felt it since you were much younger. Always a demanding son, always a ruthless little leopard. He'd pick you up and look at you in wonder, "you are so much like me".
You're young Ares and your father does not understand you as well because you're your mother's child. You are not as close to him as others are but that's how you are with most of your family. Deep down, he relates to you - he was much like you when he was young: taking what he's owed. As you grow older, you realize you've become the same great father he is, following in his steps.
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