#tboi writing
sirwow · 10 months
I’m brainrotting atm about Judeth so thought I’d explain some more on their past:
Judas and Bethany originally didn’t meet untill Judas was about 9 and Bethany was 10. Judas lived aways from limbo but after kicking Jesus in the balls for bullying him (this isn’t a joke, that’s actually why), he ended up expelled from his rich kid private school and put into public school in limbo.
Judas is a nervous wreck and even more so when he was a kid. His first day at school he ended up having a sensory overload during recess and hiding under a outside table. While trying his best to keep his composure under said table he got jumpscared by Bethany jumping on the table and peaking over to say hi to him.
Bethany when she was lil didn’t have many friends (other then Sarah) due to how energetic and pushy she could be. Not helped by being the kid that probably ate dirt when they were 7. Bethany was always watching out for anyone new she could try and befriend because of this. Though Judas was quiet n nervous she asked him to come inside and play connect 4 with her witch he eventually obliged to since she said it be indoors.
(Past this point CW for abuse and gore description(?) ((also there’s like 8 more paragraphs past this, beware the curse of your tl being flooded))
This ended up with the two spending the entire school day together and being the start to their friendship together. Beth and Judas shortly after became friends with Maggie and a year later in middle school, Eve and Samson. The 5 started a friend group together but Bethany n Judas remained best friends. Judas started crushing on Bethany by 13 but she was already dating Maggie so he never said anything.
Unfortunately after Beth’s 11th birthday she very slowly came to less and less events, and by 13 missing entire school days at her tutoring. Not only this but her demeanor changed, from outgoing and aggressively friendly to secretive and passively cold. Most the friend group chalked it up to her just going through a phase of some sort but Judas got worried.
In Bethany’s own life, things have taken a turn for the worst. After her older sister Martha ran away when Beth was 10, her father Uriel decided to give her a magical tutoring teacher. Said teacher being Lucifer. Lucifer in the start was only cold and calculated but with time he seemed to get an idea from Bethany and wanted her to study 24/7 no matter the cost.
When Bethany pushed back to being trained so hard she suffered through verbal and eventually physical abuse from Lucifer. With no mom and an absent father she has only Lucifer to turn to as her adult figure in life, slowly letting his words seep into her mind and distancing herself from others. Her distancing really got worse at 14 and Judas had to beg her constantly just to come to his 14th birthday. She did despite missing training and gave Judas his fez for his birthday.
This tardiness by an hour though would not go unnoticed by Lucifer. As soon as she arrives Lucifer grabs her and demands answers to where she was. Bethany admits to being at Judas’s party but before she could try to explain, Lucifer cut her off with one demand.
To break off all connections to/with Judas immediately, no matter what.
Bethany immediately said no and Lucifer’s anger got worse but she still refused. It wasn’t until grabbing his other student, Abel, and threatening Bethany he would give her punishment to him if she didn’t. Bethany cracked under the threat and agreed trying not to cry.
The next day Judas and Maggie were already waiting in the park with a surprise for Bethany and Maggie recording with her tape recorder. When Bethany showed up though and Judas ran up to her, the happiness quickly disappeared. Bethany simply told Judas they couldn’t be friends anymore before turning around n walking off. Judas began to panic and ran after Bethany but she refused to listen. Out of desperation, Judas grabbed her wrist trying to stop her but only triggered her.
In distress and panic, Bethany pulled her book on Judas, blasting him with a magic fire bolt to the back. Judas fell back with his wings and back burning to a crisp and putting him into shock. Bethany stood for a moment until it dawned over her what she just did and rushed over to Judas. Judas, scared and dizzy thought Bethany was coming to hit him again and fired back with a flurry of shadow slashes. Her own wings were torn apart and cut up leaving her shaking on the ground.
Both Judas and Bethany were taken to the hospital with their wings amputated and causing drama between their families. Maggie broke up with Bethany for her actions and the friend group fell apart as Judas became a complete shut in and Bethany disappearing almost entirely. Judas fell into using antidepressants that killed all his emotions to stop panic attacks.
Judas’s panic attacks and emotional episodes can cause his shadow curse the trigger from the extreme emotions. Said curse causing him to vomit a black tar like substance made of his blood and magic before enveloping him entirely into a violent shadow monster. Knowing he can turn into something like that he’s shut everyone out, even his little brother Azazel. Bethany and Judas didn't speak for awhile after but when they did, Bethany had turned nasty towards him. Using his past and things he told her as a friend against him at times in private n Judas simply became cold and avoidant of her. Despite this family drama, 4 years later Azazel and Lazarus became best friends with each other. They decided to keep their friendship a total secret from their siblings out of fear of their reactions but after finding tapes made by Maggie in the old friend group's tree house, they wanted answers from their siblings about why they weren't friends anymore. Both Az and Laz had no idea how to confront them about it but they wouldn't have to wait long before they were forced to. While hanging out in the park together, Az and Laz both got caught by Bethany and Judas hanging out due to skipping out on church. They split off to argue to with their respective siblings, Azazel being able to convince Judas to let him and Laz be friends, but Lazarus not moving Bethany in the slightest. Bethany tried to grab Laz and drag him off but Laz's own pent up anger from Bethany's lies was enough to snap at her in an angry rant ending with calling her a terrible sister. Bethany ended up running away crying from his words and Judas n Az sat down Laz to calm him down. Laz headed home shortly after with Bethany crying but he wasn't ready for that conversation yet. His stress and questions only built up by the next night so at midnight Laz started to vent to Bethany's bedroom door. He began to breakdown from his exhaustion but Bethany ended up actually opening her door and telling him to come in so she could explain things. Bethany explains her and Judas's past to Laz and why she did what she did to him but Laz cuts her off asking why is she just now coming out with all of this. Beth tells Laz when she ran off from him yelling at her she went to the only adult she had, Lucifer and told him what happened. Lucifer of course scolded her for letting her brother over power her so easily and proceeded on a rant at her. Beth sat and took it for awhile until one thing he says catches her attention. "How am I supposed to get anywhere in the court with such a useless pupil." Bethany from this and Laz's rant escapes her nightmare of a delusion and realizes Lucifer has been using her for years just to get higher in his court ranking. She cut him off and pointed this out, Lucifer tried to gaslight and back off but she is so sick of her life, Beth has finally made some sense and shes not backing down. After that is when she headed home and broke down again with regret. After this explanation Laz and Beth were able to make up a bit and ended up passing out together at 2 after talking more. Only about 3 days later Azazel and Lazarus dragged both their siblings to the park so they could talk things out together n to make sure nothing went wrong watched from the roofs. Judas and Bethany were able to talk some things through and she massively apologized for everything she had done to him. Though they weren't going to hang out instantly after they both (esp bethany) felt reviled to finally make up. woh. that was alot. im normal about them i sweaaaar. Regardless i might write some more about them later and im currently plotting a colored comic abt them thats currently being sketched out tehe.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
it kills me how much people love to speculate on the trans male experience. transphobes and even other trans people will conjure up ideas of what it must be like for us to live, how hormones affect us, and especially what society treats us like. they love to tell us how we live our lives; strawman after strawman about fictional trans men who started hormones and became "evil and ugly", completely fabricated stories about about how every trans man they know suddenly "gained male privilege" and never deal with misogyny or transandrophobia.
people who tell you how your transmasculine experience will go have no idea what they are talking about. even if they sound confident, they are not correct- each and every transmasculine person has a different experience in life- we do not automatically gain the societal privilege of cishet white men once we decide to socially transition. they cannot see what your future holds. you don't deserve to have someone telling you how you will experience your own life, it is yours, you are allowed to live your truth, pave your own way and prove that we have varied lives that transcend what transphobes think the trans male experience is.
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chrliekclly · 2 months
if you ever want to talk about your thoughts on joyce .. Peeks over the corner of your blog. i love talking and hearing ppls thoughts on joyce sooo much even if they're different from my own!! and your analysis and stuff is always so well thought out
i hope u dont mind if i answer this publicly to take advantage of th request nd get my ideas out ther (also tyvm im happy u like my insane takes on these idiots, iv ben thinking abt them for almost 10 years)
i said a lot here so gnna 'read more' it
iv ben building trans charlie n my head fr, like i said, nearly 10 years. i used to view him as cis bcuz i always try to take as much frm th source material as i can wen i craft my HCs nd i had v personal (stupid) hangups insofar as him explicitly referring to his junk multiple times nd bottom surgery simply not being on my radar as a naive littl trans idiot deep in th sauce tht transmen oftn fall into w phallo being viewed so so poorly
evn still i leaned towards transmasc charlie nd always lovd moments tht let me imagine, for a moment, it being true, like his discomfort w taking off his shirt [hundred dollar baby, charlie kelly: king of the rats, the gang exploits the mortgage crisis, young charlie and mac deleted scenes, etc etc etc], or bonnie yelling abt ppl stealing her "charlie-girl" [the waitress is getting married] which i lovd to see as her accidentally misgendering him while drunk off her ass.
having grown out of my phallo issues (nd if ur reading this and u still view phallo super poorly, please do some research and grow too), ive in recent years fully subscribed to transmasc/nb charlie, and view his timeline something like this:
baby -> elementary: charlie refers to himself as a boy, doesnt "come out," simply has no idea he's afab. bonnie lets him dress however he wants and refers to him as asked. when charlie gets confused about his genitals, bonnie says his dick will grow in later lol, makes charlie wear a dress in public restrooms and tells him its just a game
middle: puberty hits and charlie gets confused and scared. bonnie puts him on blockers w.o explaining them ("my mom used to vaccinate me like every month" [the gang gets quarantined]) charlie goes on content and oblivious. STP acquired because hes "a late bloomer" and his dicks still not growing in?? weird. confides this in mac once, but he doesn't understand.
high: charlie finally registers that he's trans after forgetting theres a health class 1 day and not being able to skip it. throws him for a loop a bit but he becomes actively invested in his goals. he gets to start T and wants to have surgeries. "what guy hasnt done some extensive research on his own genitalia?" [mac is a serial killer]
college (aged): able to surgically transition (ty medicare) and continues on with life as we kno him now
joyce, imo, fits neatly into these views.
as a transmasc nb who came out young nd prefers to be seen as just A Guy by strangers, i grew up v vehemently against anything girly that might get me misgendered, but th more i began to 'pass,' th more @ home n my body i felt, th more and more comfortable i am w femininity, th more i wdnt mind putting on a dress, as long as th general public wd see me as "a man in women's clothes." n my mind, i prescribe something not exactly th same but v similar to charlie.
i see charlie "i dont really identify" kelly as afab and nb. i see joyce as a "character" he originally created to distance himself from the dysphoria of putting on a dress as a young trans boy, but that became part of him as the hard lines he drew in the sand as a child became blurry with age and self acceptance. charlie's comfort with himself allows joyce to evolve into a more solid persona, one he enjoys embodying and allowing to become a permanent facet of who he is. he's ok with being referred to as either. they're both him.
so maybe joyce comes out a bit more outside of the bathroom now.
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Hank with an Eldritch Horror Reader
Here's another thing I wrote two years back! It was an interesting concept which I really liked, so I actually really enjoyed writing this request!
Hank J Wimbleton was a grunt of many things, but not one to be scared unless he had a good reason to be. There were many things in this world he did not understand, you were one of them. Upon meeting you, his first instinct would have been to either fight or run away - who could blame him, it was all he knew. No matter how many times you reassured him that the very last thing you wanted to do was to harm him, he’d draw his weapon, uncertain of whether or not he should believe your words.
Once you show no resistance towards him whatsoever and simply restrain him using your powers or other methods, that’s when, thrashing around as much as he could, he would start listening. You may or may not have seen a grunt up close, but this was your chance to finally examine one. As you scrutinise him from every possible angle Hank realises that you were simply curious about his being and finally lowers weapon.
Your voice would likely hurt his head and freeze the blood in his veins, so you might have to resort to telepathy or speak through a marionette, if you can find one. Though, once Hank’s interest in you has been piqued, he’d be more than happy to find you one. A lot of people in Nevada seem to be redundant in the first place. Regarding telepathy: You will be able to have a two-way conversation with Hank like that, but, for the most part, he doesn’t think in words. Still, he can do so, if needed.
If you’re on the rather small side, he will make an effort to pick you up, or hold you, and bring you back to base. Depending on whether you can float or not, this might be rather difficult, but he’ll try. If you’re large, however, then he will simply “tell” you to follow him. As an eldritch being you could likely either change your form or scare away anyone in your path in the first place, so he doesn’t particularly worry about anyone being stupid enough to attack you.
Spend time with him, he’ll get used to you more and more and, eventually, grow a bond with you. Proud, he’ll show you to Doc so he can figure out what you are, but do not be fooled. Hank wants to know what you are to some degree too. Once comfortable with you and certain you won’t harm him, he’ll start observing you, touching you to some degree. See how you react, how you feel, how you are.
Despite your conversations being, for the most part, one-sided, Hank will ask you directly what you are and if you’re some form of eldritch deity. Since you’re an amicable creature he can’t exactly wrap his head around, it’s worth a try.
Although he would like to do so to some degree, he won’t take you with him on missions. It’s his way of saying “I care a great deal about you, I don’t want you to die or worse even if you are capable of defending yourself.” If you really insist on aiding him, he will let you, begrudgingly. But beware that he will have your back. In fact, having you around will give him a greater reason to fight and improve his overall performance. Though, it will also be a major stress factor to him if something were to happen to you, so choose wisely.
#madness combat#madness combat x reader#hank j wimbleton#hank j wimbleton x reader#I've been into eldritch horrors and stuff ever since I was a teenager#although I don't condone his beliefs in the slightest I really like Lovecraft's writing style#at one point it influenced how I wrote as well since he was rather descriptive in a pleasant to read way#I have an anthology at home that I might wanna reread again at some point#celephais was always my favorite story and I think it may be one of my favorite stories of all time#I know it interests no one but my favorite book is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai#and yes I did get into classic literature because of a certain anime I don't wanna tag in this post#but another book I really enjoyed reading was Clockwork Orange I read it with someone I used to be close to and it was a really good read#it gave me nightmares but I really enjoyed it! gave me something to talk about with my father as well#Hier kommt Alex by Die Toten Hosen is also a really good song! as is 1000 Gründe by the same band!#those songs are based on Clockwork Orange actually!#I never watched the movie and I don't think I ever will because eye gore disturbs me but the book was good! I read it bc of tboi!#I have quite a few classic at home! but I think I wanna finish reading Paradise Lost! That's also a really interesting story so far!#reading and writing are some of my favorite hobbies!#I'd also love to finishe the price of salt at some point as well! Because I have to all things considered!#I just wish I could juggle all of my hobbies a bit better! I wish I had a bit more time for everything! but oh well it be like that!
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miscellaneoussmp · 7 months
Am I going to have a write a list about what sins the cube people have committed in order for them to be sent to purgatory so they can cleanse their mortal souls or???
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autoandro-meda · 3 months
You can feel him moving inside you—never did you think you would find yourself in this position, but here you are. Your boyfriend, who is a bit more advanced than you, has been looking for a way to have sex with you in a comforting manner. The issue has been that normal penetration reminds you too much of the state of your own body, and being engaged in missionary-style intercourse is so embarrassing to you. All it does is remind you that you are not at the place you want to be; that you are dysphoric and that dysphoria can spread through your life like a toxin.
He cares too much about you to see you wrestle with this uncertainty alone. It made him feel bad; he has already undergone his surgeries, and he wishes he could provide the same ease for you. Trying to figure out a way through your issue, he came up with a different method for you two to have sex that he hoped you would prefer.
It started at night after work; you got back to your place, and after venting your frustrations, you began to get frisky on the couch. Nothing too much; you reached behind his collar and began to make out with him to pass the time, enjoying the prickles of his thin beard as you laid kisses into him. Right as you were starting to have fun, he pushed back off of you.
"I have something I want to try," he started; you immediately became curious. "I think I've come up with something you would like." He grins at you; his smile is always so goofy and playful-looking, his eyes full of light. How could you not trust that face? You ask him, "and that is?" with an interested gaze.
He leans back into the couch cushion and pats his thigh on the side of him you aren't attending to at the moment. "Come here, real close now," he whispers; you climb a bit more onto him and make direct eye contact.
"I'm tired, baby," he coos at you. "I can't put in the work tonight, and I know you don't want me to either." It flusters you a bit to hear this; you have brushed off in the past that traditional sex does not do it for you, but never told him outright. You were too scared of hurting him; the fact that he knew somehow comforted and alarmed you at the same time. He smiles a bit again, "it's okay, I caught on after the first few times, I won't have you do that again," he pats the side of your cheek as he talks.
"When I was a bit younger," he trailed off, "I had my own difficulties with sex too. Being topped all the time made me feel... inferior." Wriggling, he spread his legs out over the couch, and you climbed into his lap at the motion. He continued, "I felt like a victim to my own body; I couldn't do anything to please anyone else, and all anyone wanted to do was play with my pussy."
"So I'm gonna do for you what a punk in the back of a gay bar did for me," he launched into it without prompting. Not shifting much from his lax sprawl, he undid the zipper of his jeans and pulled them to his knees. He looked at you for affirmation, "I am not going to move below my waist; I'm just gonna put it inside of you," your eyes trailed to the slight, tantalizing and cute bulge in his boxers. "You," he placed a gentle hand against your chest, "you get to have the fun of riding me all night long, however you would like."
The words buzzed in your brain like a siren. Could you even do that? You had never topped anyone before, much less ridden someone like that. He had a point because deep in the back of your mind, you also wrote the idea off as something you just couldn't do. The mockery felt potent in that instant, like you were telling yourself, of course, you can't do this, you're too sensitive and weak for that. It was this vigor, this spite for your past experiences of feeling pathetic in bed that you readied yourself to straddle him like a golden carousel pony.
Then there you were, him anywhere from 4 to 5 inches in you ("just to start," he teased you as he slid himself in). Admittedly, it was very intimidating at first; you sat there cockwarming his dick motionless for a moment. If you were a deer, you'd be exploded on the I-95 by now with how long you sat there in marvel of the situation.
"Have you ever watched someone thrust before?"
Your boyfriend's question shook you from your trance. Of course, you had; you nodded so he would stop being silly right now. He coaxed you with a hand on your shoulder, "make like you're thrusting, but on top of me."
His guidance was a bit more vague than intended, but you began to shift your pelvis up and down on top of his penis, letting it soak in and out of you. From this angle, however, it was quite a lot harder to see that happening than the times you were the one lying on your back. "Good boy," his hand ran up the side of your neck now. He palmed your face again, turned it to meet his eyes, "focus on me baby, just focus on me," he assured you.
Looking at him did help; it made a big difference to see him blissed out as you humped him nice and slow. He really liked it, and he wanted you to like it just as much, so here he was giving up his position to let you rock his waist up and down until he cums. You had more control than ever, and maybe it's what you needed.
Maybe so because you were actually enjoying the feeling. You adjusted your speed and effort as you felt yourself close up on top of him. Inside your body, pleasure danced itself up through you to the point you could fight it, beginning to moan softly and deeply as you could feel the tip of his member press into an especially sensitive spot. You couldn't think of what to say; your brain was off as you fucked him. The most you could sputter out was a vague "I really like this," your shaky but excited voice wobbling as you went.
His hands were in your hair. "I thought so love," he took to your neck and began to suckle and speckle red marks about you. The intensity was so much there were a few times you stopped moving again, only to go back to riding when he reached around and gave you a light patting against your butt. "You can do it," he assured you, "you can do all of it."
He kept on, "And one day we will do it like this again, this same way. The difference will be that you'll be my size, my figure, more yourself."
"More of a man."
His words were starting to sound more like panting, "And instead of me being inside you, you'll be holding both our dicks in your hand."
This thought was so much, it began to click. You were on top to train you, to make you prepared to have a cock or a strap and to be happy using it. It was hard for you to hide the trembling of anticipation in your fingertips. You started going faster, so he was talking faster.
"And you could rub us nice and slow," he had to stop to pace his breath, "all night long while I suck on your neck." He tossed his head back at the thought, "Oh god," he whimpered. You were so lost in trying to overpower his sex drive; it surprised you to feel him cum and all the fluid burst on the inside of you. You stuttered and gasped at the sensation, and as you removed yourself, you saw how you were both covered in the stuff. This might be the most wet you have ever been in your life; it certainly was the most you had ever seen your boyfriend cum before.
As for him, he laid astray on the couch, winded to the point where you could have guessed he was hit by a steel chair. Yet, through his exhaustion, he found a touch of stamina left as his dick began to settle itself back down.
"When we get more budget money, baby," he was struggling to catch his breath, "we should get you a strap."
You think that you would like that.
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jotarosexhusband · 8 months
Shirogane Naoto (Persona 4) VS Ling Yao (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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starslacking · 5 months
some tboi OMORI au I have been working on for two months , I NEVER actually got around to drawing anything for it but now I have
these r highkey messy so don't mind that
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here are the lisr of the characters who are who if ur interested
Sunny, OMORI - Lazarus
Basil - Jacob
Kel and Hero - Esau
Mari - Bethany
Aubrey - im still not sure , maybe eden ?
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sirwow · 1 year
Time for the 1st part of the 2nd story of TBOI: Forgotten Keys, Clouded Mind
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(CW Warning! This story will eventually contain drug use, abuse descriptions, suicide, and self harm)
This story starts with Cain and Keeper in the principal’s office being reprimanded for their bullying of Lazarus and Azazel. After sitting quietly though being yelled at, the principal sits back giving both one week of suspension from school and a final warning that if they get caught again they’ll be expelled. Cain tries to object but keeper shoulders him to shut him up before both leave.
Cain and Keeper once out of school walk to town while Cain curses under his breath. Both slink into a alleyway back in the slums, Keeper lighting up a cigarette and handing Cain a watered down vape to suck on. This is their usual hang out spot after class. Cain after blowing through his vape asks if he could try one of keeper’s cigarettes but keeper gives a blunt no, explaining he only gives him a watered down vape once a week for his anxiety anyways. Cain is annoyed but eventually just heads off to a run down slums store to get some food and eat before going back to the orphanage as the 7:00 cerfew draws close.
Cain slips in the orphanage quietly and goes up the old creaking stairs of the orphanage, avoiding cob webs and molded walls. Once in his room though Eve immediately walks up to him peeved off. Eve demands reason for why she got news of him being suspended for an entire week. Cain tries to play it off and claim the kid was asking for it but this only angers Eve more. When she pushes for an answer this time she grabs his wrist and it makes him panic, kicking her in the knee before running out of the room and hiding in the basement.
Eve follows cursing as the other orphanage kids watch in suspense from their doors. Once in the basement, Eve cuts her hand and holds her blood against the dead bird in her bag. It comes to life and searches the crowded basement, finding Cain behind the boiler and calling Eve over. Cain tries to scramble out but Eve grabs him first and holds him against the boiler, burning his coat. Cain tired to wiggle out of her grasp but began getting hit by her as she sneered insults at him. A few minutes later Eve drops him grunting and walking off as he covers his bloody nose. Cain hobbles to a corner to rest and curse, and once midnight strikes he slinks back to their room to sleep without waking up Eve.
Alright that’s all for part 1 because my cold is murdering me, as always questions r open weee
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pmpwbrrs · 8 days
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couldnt find a template i like so i made my own . also rushed
#i dislike rag mega so much i hate how it silently makes these stupid purple beams i HATE how it's INVINCIBLE WHEN IT SHOWES YOU YOUR BACK AN#D DOES THIS SHIT WITH ITS RAGS . WHY does it makes you invincible huh? it's not only ANNOYING as FUCK but you also do it for no reason.#you're doing this to PISS ME OFF personally arent you? you know how to play on strings of my soul to fucking piss me off in minor ways.#and how it spawns it's fucking INVINCIBLE balls and not just 1 THREE YOU SPAWN THREE BALLS#AND THEN HEAL YOURSELF AND THEN YOU PLAY WITH YOUR RAGS WHILE TURNING YOUR BACK TO MY FACE AGAIN#WHAT IS SO INTERESTING ABOUT YOUR DIRTY ASS RAGS AND WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MAKE YOU INVINCIBLE i hate you#и почемууу он так выглядит я не могу . Я НЕ МОГУ ЕБУЧИЙ ШАР Я НЕНАВИЖУ ТЕБЯ!!!! Я НЕНАВИЖУ ТЕБЯ!!!!! Я НАДЕЮСЬ ЧТО РЭГМЭН ПОМЕНЬШЕ РОДСТВЕН#О С ТОБОЙ СВЯЗАН И ЕМУ СТЫДНО ЗА ТЕБЯ И ЗА ТВОЙ ЧМОШНЫЙ ВИД ТВОИ ОБОССААНЫЕ АТАКИ ТВОЮ ХИЛ АЬИЛИТИ И ТВОЕ ЕБАНОЕ!!!!!!#ПЕРЕОДЕВАНИЕ С БИНТАМИ!!!!!#ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ БЛЯТЬ МЫ ПО СЕРЕДИНЕ БИТВЫ И ТЫ СУКА ПОВОРАЧИВАЕШЬ СПИНУ НА МЕНЯ БЛЯТЬ И ДЕЛАЕШЬ НЕПОНЯТНУЮ ХЕРНЮ С ТВОИМ UGLY ASS ХЛЕБ#ЛОМ!!!!!!!!! НИКТО ИЗ БОССОВ ТАК НЕ ДЕЛАЕТ БЛЯТЬ ОДИН ТЫ!!!! ТЫ ЕБУЧИЙ КОЛОБОК!!! ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ#ЕСЛИ БЫ МЫ СРАЖАЛАСЬ ИРЛ И ОН БЫ СДЕЛАЛ ЭТУ ХУЙНЮ Я БЫ БЛЯТЬ ВПАЛА БЫ В ЕБУЧИЙ БЕРСЕРК ПОТОМУ ЧТО В ЭТОМ НЕТ НИКАКОГО СМЫСЛА ПОЧЕМУ ТЕБЕ Д#Т ЭТО УЯЗВИМОСТЬ ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ ПОЧЕМУ ТЫ В ТИШИНЕ ПУСКАШЬ ЭТИ ЕБУЧИЕ ФИОЛЕТОВЫЕ СВЕТЫ ПОЧЕМУ ТВОИ 3 ШАРА ДОЛЖНЫ ПРЕСЛЕДОВАТЬ МЕНЯ ПОКА#ЛЕВИТИРУЕШЬ И БЛЯТЬ ДЕЛАЕШЬ ЭТУ ХЕРНЮ С БИНТАМИ И ТЫ ПОКА ДЕЛДАЕШЬ ИХ ТЫ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! СУКА!!!!!!!! НЕУЯЗВИМЫЙ!!!!!!!!!!!#ОЧЕРЕДНОЙ УРОДЛИВЫЙ ГОВНОЕДСКИЙ СКУЧНЫЙ БОСС ИЗ AFTERBIRTH+ СРАВНИТЕ ЕГО С ХИМЕРОЙ У КОТОРОЙ АКШУАЛИ БЫЛА ВЛОЖЕНА МЫСЛЬ И ДУША И ЛЮБО#ВЬ!!! В РАГ МЕГУ БЫЛО ВЛОЖЕНО ПРОКЛЯТЬЕ ЧТО ВЫЗЫВАЕТ У 1 ЕДИНСТВЕННОГО ЧЕЛОВЕКА НА СВЕТЕ ВЗРЫВАНИЕ ПУКАН#ЕСТЕСТВЕННО ОН БУДЕТ РОДОМ ИЗ САМОГО ЛЕНИВОГО ДЛС ссаааааааааааааааааааа#ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ#и знатее что самое тупое? что мне есть столько сказать об этом говнаре#Мне нет столько сказать о финальном боссе который объективно куда более нечестен и плох и от которого зависит акшуали прхождение ибо#на нём висит 34 анлока где-то нежели чем никому не сдавшийся рагмега который байтит меня на ярость пхлеще чем смерть от тлпорта в хитбокс#есть ли в этом мире хоть одна душа которая ненавидит мега рэгмэна из хит инди рогалика The binding of Isaac также как я? Здесь так хол#одно и темно#кто-нибудьㅤㅤㅤㅤ#blood#tboi#i cant put any more tags. ill write my nickname+arttag here. pmpwbrrs
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genderqueerdykes · 11 days
embarrassment is temporary. living a life of repression and shame for fear of embarrassment is staying rooted in brief moments that will be over before you know it and forgotten by most. you will not carry every single moment of embarrassment to you with the grave. the possibility of embarrassment isn't worth pretending to be someone you're not. express, not repress. our lives are too short to be worried about something potentially embarrassing. give that compliment. wear that outfit. try out that hair style. tell your friends how you identify. come out to the people who you trust and are safe people for you. see if that new label or those new pronouns or that new name fits you. join that community. sing that song. wear those furry ears and tails. learn that new hobby. stim in public. everyone does embarrassing things all the time. it's not worth missing out on life over.
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doublestarsystems · 11 months
next time someone cis asks me about my identity (in a kind or not kind way) I’m not gonna hold back and I’m just gonna say yes, I’m a trans-fag, transsexual, non-binary boy-fag that wants to kiss boys and woo women. I desire nothing more than to be a middle-aged man wearing short shorts and kissing my husband. One day you’re gonna look at me, and where you once saw a lesbian, you will see the most Twinkiest Twink on planet earth.. nay- in the universe. The tattoos on my top surgery scars will be sigils that speak of my survival. Sometimes I’ll wear dress pants, a shirt and tie. Other days, I will wear things so insane you will just KNOW I’m a wizard. The cis-hets and cis-fags will watch me age into an old transsexual, and I will laugh in their face when they tell me that my bones will be dug up, and everyone will think I was a woman. Do you think that in death I will care what names they call me? I will be hurtling towards a heat death with the universe, I will be indistinguishable from every bit of matter in this place. My gender in death will be fucking radiation. My gender in life will not have been meaningless, no, it will simply be a loving memory. so much more interesting than saying I’m transgender and gay 
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cinemacrypt · 1 month
I have an audition tonight so I have to put on my "normal sunny theater major normal guy man" shtick and dance around and be a newsboy for like 3 hours I am excited but nervous and looking forward to getting it over with
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fat-fem-and-asian · 10 months
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Shivlina Noir AU -
After an attempted assassination of their patriarch, PI Karolina Novotney is hired to track down the missing heiress to the Roy empire -- what she finds, or rather, who, places her in the middle of a bloody and dangerous game with the most powerful family in New York
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dragon-stage-battle · 8 months
Lazarus: Oh what another beautiful morning to attend the Cathedral’s garden. I hope no one tries to kill me while I water these flowers.
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impofthegasstation · 10 months
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evgf, mostly trying to figure out how to draw the edgy whore of babylon form
uh. im gonna put more stuff under the cut i guess? iunno, au/headcanon stuffff
ok so, eve. eve is my favourite character in tboi so she's probably one of the most developed in my au, maybe even the most. lol
some basic info, her pronouns are she/her. she's a trans girl, she's around 16 years old and she's goth. emo? i imagine that she's an emo but it's the time where that term wasn't really popular so she calls herself goth. like ebony from my immortal, y'know? she's not as. girlboss though. she's very chill, calm. she's not easily annoyed at all, she's very patient infact! she's one of the older kids in the basement, so it's kinda needed she feels. she doesn't talk to others much, mostly keeps to herself. she can talk to others if needed though.
the reason why she doesn't really talk to others is just because she doesn't really want people knowing about her demon form cuz she's worried it'll freak people out and also because the WoB is very well known for being incredibly violent! fun. her WoB design is inspired by tentacled snakes, not too sure how well i did that tho…. here's a pic of one tho. they're silly little guys
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the reason why i chose this creature to base my WoB design off is because 1) they're very silly and i like them and 2) in my au, eve spent most of her childhood in downpour! rainmaker is basically her father figure. she only left downpour recently, to try and figure out more about the other places. there's some important backstory stuff there but i don't really wanna say that rn
dead bird is a literal dead bird. he does move and talk somehow tho. he doesn't really have preferred pronouns because he's a bird but he mostly gets called he, so i guess use those! he is the only thing that eve stays around, mostly just because he won't fucking leave. she only met him recently, after leaving downpour. first thing that happened is that he flew into her face and now they're friends, yay! he's also aware of the fact that she is the WoB but. he doesn't care (fun fact dead bird was actually killed by her a long ass time ago but neither of them remember). his design will probably change? iunno, birds are super difficult for me to draw for some reason… i owned birds for ages but for some reason i do not understand the bird anatomy :(
that's all i have to say for now, hopefully this was fun to read? or something? i'm sorry if anything was difficult to understand, i am bad at wording
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