#teddy lupin fanfiction
starlitsilvereyes · 11 months
I love it when other characters refer to James Sirius Potter as ‘Jamie’. Like his name is great and all and literally a ship name for your bi dad and gay godfather, Harry 🙄 but Jamie gives James Sirius an identity outside of being named after Harry’s parental figures; outside of the shadow of the saviour's son and his quidditch captain mum.
James Sirius has his father’s eyes and hair but has his mother’s freckles. Jamie has dyed his hair blue highlights and got an eyebrow piercing from a muggle piercing shop. Jamie likes art and music more than he likes quidditch. Jamie wants to be a musician but not like Celestina Warbeck, more like Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones. Jamie prefers e-cigarettes rather than traditional ones, despite Teddy telling him it woud rarely make a difference when you’re burning your lungs away.
James Sirius gave Teddy handpicked flowers from Molly’s garden when they were small children. But Jamie gives Teddy a handmade onyx ring set on platinum.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Jamie says. “I’m not proposing yet.”
Teddy laughs, hair turning fuchsia to match the flush on his cheeks. “Love you too, Jamie.”
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Day 18 of @remadoramicrofics - Night of the Aging Werewolf
Teddy crept down the steps, careful to avoid the second-to-last, since it had started squeaking. His father insisted he would fix it, but Teddy sometimes wondered if his parents used it as a trap. He moved silently across the living room floor, a skill acquired through years of monthly missions, until he reached the kitchen. He hovered in the doorway and listened for a moment; sometimes, his mother would forget something and come up the stairs in a flurry.
When Teddy had first started doing this, his father had been so strict and his mother so vigilant that it had taken significant effort to avoid detection as he snuck to the cellar door. As the years passed, though, his father had remained steadfast, but his mother had relaxed, sometimes forgetting to take her wand or deciding to come up to fetch a drink or something else. In a week’s time, he’d be at Hogwarts and he intended to spend this full moon with his parents – consequences be darned. He pulled his blanket tight around his shoulders and set his pillow down from where it had been tucked under his arm as he settled in front of the door.
He leaned forward and peered through the small keyhole into their cellar. Usually, it was dark and chill, just an old root cellar, but on full moons, his parents charmed it to stay warm and dimly lit. Tonight, his mum sat twirling her wand in her fingers while his dad was curled on the other end.
She was talking to him quietly, so quietly that Teddy couldn’t hear. Suddenly, she popped up from the sofa and headed towards the stairs. Teddy scrambled backwards, but the blanket and pillow coupled with his shock did him no favors and he instead sprawled out on the floor. He had just righted himself when the cellar door creaked open.
Teddy stared at his feet, ready for a dressing down. His mother cleared her throat and he looked up at her. To his surprise, there was no cross look, but a small, knowing smile on her face. “Well, come on, would you like to tell your father goodnight?”
“Are you scared, Edward?” she asked a bit louder than necessary.
Teddy shook his head. “No, but Dad always said –”
“If you want to come down and tell him goodnight, you’re welcome to, and then you can head off to bed.”
Teddy nodded. “I want to tell him,” he said as he squared his shoulders.
“Leave the blanket,” his mother instructed, “Your father will never let me hear the end of it if you get hurt coming down to see him. Even if it’s just because you took a tumble down the stairs.”
Teddy giggled as he followed her down the steps. His father was still on the sofa, though he seemed to be a bit nervous, but had draped a paw over his snout. “Wotcher, Da.” Teddy said as he sat next to him on the sofa. Tonks squeezed in next to him.
“I told you, he has your curiosity, Remus, and your courage,” his mum said smugly. She looked at him. “I told him he should have known you’d come sneaking around.”
Teddy’s jaw fell open. “How long have you known?” he asked them.
His mum laughed. “Your father knew as soon as you came off the last step that very first night, Teddy.”
“I was so quiet. And fast!”
His mum shrugged. “Your father’s impressive.”
Teddy looked his dad over; the way he had tucked himself as small as possible and kept his paw firmly over his snout. “Are you mad?”
His dad thumped his tail twice.
“Means no,” his mum said, “three is a yes.”
“So can I stay down here, too?”
Remus, again, tapped his tail twice. Teddy deflated as his mum slung an arm around his shoulder. “I don’t even get to stay all night, kiddo.”
“Can I…touch you?” Teddy asked.
Remus looked Teddy over before slowly tapping his tail off the sofa three times.
“Mind the teeth,” his mum said as he reached out and ran his hand over Remus’s head.
His mum stood up. “Alright, up to bed you go.”
Teddy pouted. “Right now?”
“Yes, Teddy.”
“Mum –”
“No arguing.” 
Teddy groaned and turned back to his father. “Goodnight, Da. See you in the morning?” Three taps.
“Let’s go mister,” she said as she pulled him up and steered him to the steps. When they reached the top, she kissed his cheek before handing him his pillow and pointing him towards the steps. “He loves you, Teddy, it’s why he doesn’t want you down there,” she told him gently. “It took ages before he even let me get a peek of him, it’s just how he is.”
Teddy nodded. He knew all of this, of course. She added, “I think it’s the age – it’s softening him.”
They smiled at each other. “He’ll be okay; we’ll make him breakfast,” he said as he started for the steps.
“We will,” his mom agreed as she watched him.
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i need to write a fic where albus and scorpius start dating but albus hasn’t told his family yet and they end up spending some of summer together and james proposes a scheme to do together because he feels guilty about not being a better brother to albus.
and james, being slightly oblivious, thinks albus sees scorpius as a brother and out of guilt and his desire to prove that he really does care about his little brother he keeps pushing to spend more time with him but it just comes across like he doesn’t like scorpius.
and albus, thinking that james hates scorpius, is super nervous to tell his family about them dating because he thinks james will be mad.
rose and lily know exactly what’s going on on both sides but neither with intervene because; rose doesn’t think it’s right to meddle in their relationships and thinks they should sort it out and; lily sees this as an opportunity to cause chaos.
hugo’s vaguely aware of what’s going on but is mostly interested in helping lily cause problems.
teddy is the only one who knows about albus and scorpius dating and james’ fears from the people themselves and is the person they defer to for advice. unfortunately for them, teddy has decided to play the role of “older sibling that encourages your worse impulses”
harry: the children are getting along really well actually :)
teddy, staring out the window at the children recreating lord of the flies in real time: yeah they’re getting along so well :)
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breadcat-xx · 5 months
17.01.2024 - dream - 403 words
Sometimes, James is afraid all of this might be a dream.
He’s always lived a pretty happy life. He grew up in a warm, loving home with parents who were well-off. He had the best of friends back at Hogwarts and keeps in touch with many of them even now. He likes his job, married the love of his life and they moved into the cosiest of homes a few years ago.
He truly hadn’t believed he could become any happier. And then Harry was born.
James can’t put into words how overwhelmed he feels with love and affection as he watches Regulus feed their boy spoonfuls of the baby food he prepared earlier.
Harry’s chubby cheeks are covered in the green sludge, and his husband has seemingly given up on cleaning them in between bites. James can’t blame him. It’s a rather useless undertaking.
Regulus hums interestedly as Harry babbles nonsensically, and all James can do is watch him in silence. His lover is tired, he can tell, but being the amazing father he is, he puts in unshakable effort when it comes to caring for their son.
It’s inspiring. James finds himself falling in love all over again as he watches him flourish in his role as a parent.
Once the bowl of food has been emptied, Regulus wipes a satisfied Harry’s cheeks one last time and then lifts him out of his seat.
“Let’s go pick out an outfit for Teddy’s birthday party, huh?” He says, smiling at their son as he leans against his chest. “Oh, Jamie, let’s put him in those little overalls we got him, Sirius is going to lose his mi— Are you crying?”
James blinks rapidly in an attempt to get rid of the tears that have started to form in the corners of his eyes. He knows it’s silly, but it’s almost like becoming a dad has made him so much more emotional.
Regulus walks up to him, and when he comes to a stop next to his chair, James wraps an arm around him and allows Harry to reach for his glasses.
“I’m just really happy…” He whispers.
Regulus huffs and looks rather amused by his explanation. “You’re a huge sap, Potter.” He says, but he does lean in to press a comforting kiss to his forehead.
This time around, James is one hundred percent certain; this is what peak happiness feels like.
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phantomgrimalkin · 8 months
Sirius Black's 64th Birthday is coming up
Here are the ages of a bunch of characters on that day for anyone else who wants to do a Beatles 'When I'm 64' homage for him -
Sirius - 64 Remus, James, Lily, Peter, etc - 63 Tonks -  50 Hermione - 44 Harry, Draco, Ron, etc - 43 Luna, Ginny, etc - 42 Teddy - 25 James Sirius - 19 Albus & Scorpius - 17 Lily Luna - 15
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writer-of-sorts · 1 year
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: scallywag
“Drat the scallywag!” Harry cried, the black tie wrapped around his head swinging in front his eye as he brandished his toy wand like a sword, “Send him to the plank!”
“No!” Sirius gasped, falling to his knees on the L-shaped sofa. “Not the plank!”
“You heard the captain,” Remus growled, using his wand to prod his husband across the bend of the sofa.
Resigned to his fate, Sirius hopped onto the arm of the sofa, swallowing heavily when he reached the edge.
Running across the floor of the living room with his hands clasped over his head like a fin, was Teddy. His hair alternatively flashed from white to blue, and his teeth looked unnaturally pointed.
Sirius turned to Remus, eyes shining with silent imploration. Please don’t do this to me.
Remus grinned. Oh honey. He pushed his husband, thrashing and wailing, off the side of the ship and into the shark-infested waters below.
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@hinnymicrofic May Day 18: Retirement
“Jamie, shhhh.” Teddy hissed.
“Al’s sitting on my hand! Don’t tell me to shush!” Jamie complained.
“Sorry!” Al got up hurriedly.
“Al! Get down! They’ll see us!” Teddy reprimanded. “Merlin, why can’t you two be like Lily? She isn’t murdering any chance of finding out what your parents are keeping secret.”
The scowling three boys and very smug little girl turned to the scene they were trying – very badly – to spy on.
Harry and Ginny Potter were talking to each other very intently, heads bent together. All four children burned to know what the conversation was about.
“I think Mummy’s saying something about flying carpets,” Al said, eyebrows scrunched together.
“Pooh!” James scorned. “Why would they talk about flying carpets just because you like them silly-billy-Ally?”
Al went red. Teddy said something sharply to James, who grudgingly muttered an apology. The next moment, groans and exclamations of disgust erupted.
“They’re kissing!” Teddy sighed.
“Do we have to watch this?” Jamie whined.  
“I think it’s sweet,” Lily said serenely. At further expressions of incredulity and displeasure, she gave them such a withering look that all three of her brothers shut up. “One day, I want a love like that.”
“We’ve been here ages and we still haven’t heard anything,” James began to complain after only a few seconds, because he was the very antithesis of silence.
“Well, we’re not wasting all the effort we put into making this—” Teddy waved a hand at the candle-lit table, “Date thing happen. We need to know what they’re hiding from us.”
“Just because they’re always whispering doesn’t mean it’s a secret,” Al said logically, in an effort to get back in the house where it was much more comfortable. “They’ll tell us soon. Probably.”
“I’m not taking ‘probably’,” James said, apparently on the other side now. “We have to know. We have a right to know!”
“Seems like your right to know has to be unavoidably delayed,” Lily’s high voice came, stumbling over a few words. “Cause mum and dad are going inside now.”
“WHAT?” Came the shriek of the distracted boys and they looked to see that, indeed, their parents were heading back to the house, hand-in-hand and laughing.
“Noooooo!” James collapsed to the ground in a very dramatic display.
Al howled. “Jamie! You’re on my legs! Get OFF!”
“I give up,” Teddy said, mournfully looking to the heavens. “I give up on everything.”  
Inside the house, Harry commented “I think they’ve given up,” to his wife.
Ginny laughed. “About time. I thought the boys at least would riot and leave when we started kissing.”
“As much as their attempts at espionage are entertaining,” Harry said, turning away from the window to smile softly at the sight of Ginny fidgeting with the flower crown he’d just made her. “We should tell them soon. Too much fuss for a little retirement, don’t you think?”
“A little retirement,” Ginny raised an eyebrow. “You’re not the one leaving your career of thirteen years, Potter.”
“Point taken,” Harry laughed.
“Besides, didn’t you enjoy their efforts at setting up a date for us so they could try to eavesdrop? And fail miserably, may I add.”
“Yeah, I feel sorry for them. Hermione said they came to her and Ron begging for all those candles and the dinner and the flowers. So much effort just to fail.” He shook his head, though he couldn’t stop smiling.
“They are getting more desperate,” Ginny conceded. “I’m surprised Lily and Al haven’t been able to convince their brothers to be more reasonable.”
“Getting overruled, I think,” Harry replied. “The other two are a lot older.”
“Fine, we should tell them. I just don’t know how they’re going to take that I’m no longer going to be the star chaser for the Harpies. They love following the team and getting seats to matches.” She sighed worriedly. “Hopefully they’ll buy the ‘reached peak athlete age’ excuse.”
“Hopefully. We don’t want to explain quidditch politics and what it did to you to them,” he agreed.
Ginny sighed again, looking out the window to their children who seemed to be still throwing their little tantrum. “Is it wrong that I’m a little relieved? I love quidditch, but I hated the League politics and the need to win.”
Harry pressed a kiss to her head. “Of course it isn’t wrong. You can find a more peaceful career, relax a bit before that. Especially after how you left.”
“Says the auror,” she teased. “So. Tell the kids tomorrow? They don’t seem to be coming inside any time soon.”
Harry kissed her, and found a matching grin to his. “Tomorrow. Till then. . .” He scooped her up in his arms and she laughed. “I have a few ideas of what we can do. Use this little date they so nicely set up for us, maybe.”
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emmie-tt · 1 year
hello writer,
hope you're having a good day, can I request you a Harry Potter X reader post war where they both are raising ted together as friends but then Harry falls for the reader and reader doesn't know it.
Just Friends...
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Description: Raising a child with your best friend is all fun and games until feelings start forming
WARNINGS: death, yelling
This was not supposed to be happening..I look down at the people I called my parents for the past year as they lay dead on the ground. I look at Harry, my best friends, as his arms wrap around me. I hug him back as we cry together.
After a few minutes I remember something- more like someone. I pull back and look at Harry with wide eyes. "harry...teddy.."
His eyes widen as he stares back at me, after a minute of what looks to be a staring contest he grabs my hand and takes off running out of the great hall straight to where Ted was staying with one of Tonks friends house.
As we arrived I look at him and take a deep breath "what- who's gonna care for him? I mean- they didn't have any family did they?"
Harry shakes his head then looks at me "no...but they had us, they cared for us so the least we could do is care for their son."
My eyes widen at what he was saying. He noticed and sighed before continuing "y-you dont have to...I didn't mean to throw that on you.."
I shake my head "no- no I want to help...just didn't expect you to say that"
He chuckles softly and grabs my hand "we've got this...let's go get him.."
I nod and start walking into the house, we explain the situation then pick up baby Teddy...
Tears fill my eyes as I stare down at the small baby in my arms..the baby that didn't even get a chance to know his parents, the baby that was born into a world full of hate...
Harry gently wrapped his arms around me and Teddy attempting to comfort me
My body leans back against him as I attempt to keep my tears from falling, Teddy slowly stirs in my arms and looks up at me. A small smile takes over my face and Harry slowly leads me outside after grabbing Teddy's bags.
After a few hours we make it to the burrow. When we walk in all eyes land on us, Molly makes her way over to us and wraps her arms around us in a warm hug.
After a minute she pulls back and Ginny walks over and gently takes Teddy from my arms, after she walks away to take him to bed I turn around to face Harry as my arms wrap around his body.
We stand in the burrow kitchen hugging, crying and comforting each other for the next few hours before we finally head to bed deciding to sleep together since neither of us wanted to be alone.
-6 months later-
It's been a long 6 months, Teddy has officially started crawling. Me and Harry made the decision to buy a small house together so we weren't staying at the burrow anymore.
Since living with Harry I've slowly started falling for him...how could I not? Watching him with Teddy makes my heart explode with happiness.
A few weeks ago Teddy started calling Harry Dada..We knew it would happen but it still surprised us to say the least. It made me realize that we aren't just Teddy's older siblings that have to care for him...were his parents...at least the closest thing to them now...
As I stand at the kitchen in the window lost in thought I feel a small hand touch my leg causing me to jump, then I hear a laugh coming from the kitchen doorway.
I look down and see Teddy sitting next to my leg staring up at me with his adorable smile..I pick him up and hold him close, my smile grows as he nuzzles his face into my neck
I wake up to a small cry, I reach over and grab my glasses and put them on before turning to see if y/n was still asleep, I had came into her room last night after another nightmare.
I frown slightly when I see the bed is empty. My gaze snaps over to the crib in the corner of the room that has a whining baby in it. I get up and walk over to him and pick him up.
As we make our way out of the room and downstairs to make him his morning bottle I see y/n in the kitchen zoned out. I stand and admire her for a moment before snapping out of it.
I smile and set Teddy down when he starts squirming, he crawls his way over to her and grabs onto her leg causing her to jump. A laugh escapes my lips as she looks down at him before picking him up. I continue watching them as Teddy snuggles closer to her, watching her with Teddy is my favorite thing...She's so gorgou- wait. no she's my best friend...
A small sigh leaves my lips as I shake my head to try and get rid of the thoughts
I turn around to face Harry only to find him leaning against the doorway with only his sleep pants on..
I look away from him to hide my blush, he makes his way towards us and kisses my forehead softly whispering a "good morning..."
I nod and say a small good morning back before busying myself with making Teddy his morning bottle, after it's made I take him into the living room and lay him down in his bouncer seat (were gonna say they have those things-) and give him his bottle before heading back to the kitchen
When I get there the kitchen is empty so I start with the dishes from last night before making some breakfast. As I flip the pancakes I feel arms wrap around my waist causing a gasp to fall from my lips.
I turn around and look at Harry who has a smirk on his lips, I gently smack his chest "you scared me!"
He laughs "your very jumpy this morning, everything okay?"
I nod and turn back around "just...another nightmare last night is all" I finish the food and set it onto plates before moving myself out of his arms and handing him his plate
He nods and rests his head on my back before huffing in annoyance when I move away. He takes the plate while looking at me with a playful glare. A giggle erupts from me as I kiss his cheek and walk off to the living room, I sit on the couch and start eating.
After y/n took Teddy to the living room to give him his bottle I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I finish with that I walk back to the kitchen to find her finishing up the dishes, a smile forms on my face.
I know I shouldn't be feeling like this, she probably doesn't feel the same way but...the heart wants what the heart wants right?
After a few minutes of just admiring her I walk over as finishes up breakfast and wrap my arms around her waist, she jumps again causing me to laugh softly.
She turns around in my arms and I stare down at her pretty face laughing harder when she gently smacks my chest and says "you scared me!"
"your very jumpy this morning, everything okay?'
She nods and turns back around which allows me to rest my head on her back and hold her close, a frown overtakes my face when she says "just...another nightmare last night is all"
An annoyed huff leaves my lips when she moves out of my arms. When she hands me my plate I playfully glare at her causing adorable giggles to leave her pretty lips.
I watch as she walks out of the kitchen and into the living room, she takes a seat on the couch so I walk in and sit down next to her and start eating.
As I finish getting Teddy ready for dinner, just into some comfier clothes. I sigh and head back to the kitchen somewhat glad when I find it empty.
Harry has been extremely touchy all day..It's driving me crazy. Also making it very hard to ignore my feelings for him. I set Teddy in his highchair and start getting stuff out for dinner when Harry comes inside.
He walks into the kitchen and over to Teddy kissing his forehead and nodding along to the small babbled that Teddy says. I watch them for a minute but quickly look away when he looks over at me.
As I finish dinner I make me and Harry's plates before giving Teddy things he can eat.
We sit down at the table and start eating. A very thick tension settles over us only letting up when we focus on the small boy who is making a mess..again
After we finish dinner Harry takes Teddy to give him a bath, I stay downstairs and clean up everything from dinner. Just as i'm about to finish up cleaning I hear someone clear their throat.
My head turns and I see Harry standing the doorway. He makes his way over to me and leans against the counter "you okay?"
I nod and go back to washing the dishes only to have my arm grabbed, my head snapped up to look at him "your not- what's wrong? did i do something?"
I sigh and set the plate down that I was washing "nothing is wrong. i'm fine."
He scoffs and pulls me close to him "right. you done lying to me yet?"
I groan and and push myself away from him. "this! this is what's wrong!"
He stares at me confused "what are you talking about?"
I sigh and motion back and forth between us "this. you. you and your touchiness! i-it's driving me insane! i'm trying so hard to not fall for you- well to ignore the feelings I have for you but you make it so hard! with the constant touching and helping and being an amazing dad! a-and the no shirts, and the sleeping in my bed! i'm in love with you but i'm trying to not be but your making it so damn har-"
He cuts me off with a kiss, a very passionate yet sloppy kiss. I gasp softly and kiss back while wrapping my arms around his neck as I deepen it slightly only to be interrupted by a small voice "Dada! Dada!"
We pull back and look over at Teddy who's crawling his way over to us with a smile. Harry smiles and leans down and picks him up before looking at me with a smile "you are supposed to be in bed little man"
I smile and kiss his cheek when Teddy laughs " awe did Dada try and put you to bed hm?" I take him from Harry's arms and hold him closely.
Harry smiles and kisses my forehead and chuckles "let's get you both to bed hm?"
I nod and start walking towards my room with Harry behind me following us. I set Teddy down in his crib and give him his pacifier.
We both stand and watch over Teddy as he falls asleep. Once he falls asleep I turn and look at Harry who's already looking at me. I smile as he leans in and kisses me softly.
We make our way to my bed and lay down facing each other. As we stare at each other I finally speak up "what does this mean..?"
He smiles and cups my face gently "I'm hoping you'll be my girl.."
I smile and nod kissing him again. He kisses back and pulls me close to him. After awhile we finally settle down and rest my head against his chest and relax.
He holds me close while rubbing my back gently. "goodnight my love.."
I smile cuddling close to him "goodnight..."
I love this so much!! I'm so sorry it took so dang long o write but I hop you like it!!
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thelighthousestale · 2 months
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Works in Progress
Snuffles & Son - Sirius raises Harry and opens a shop that specializes in repairing cursed artifacts and places protection wards on family heirlooms. One day, an Unspeakable from the Department of Mysteries walks in with a cursed artifact from his cousin's confiscated Gringotts vault, requesting Sirius's assistance.
Rage Against The Dying Of The Light - In a universe where James and Lily Potter survive Voldemort's attack on Halloween night. Most of wizarding society is enjoying newfound peace after a decade of war, except the young heroes who fought the war learn you can never really go back to the way things were before
Be Not Afraid Of Greatness - A collection of Frank Longbottom stories
Padfoot in Privet Drive - Sirius Black follows Harry to Privet Drive after the Triwizard Tournament.
HP Instagram AU - Instagram feeds from various Harry Potter characters. Feel free to request a character or couple.
completed fics and one-shots under the cut
Marauder's Era/Jily
Unresolved Questions Of Wizard Cosmology - Ten-year-old Sirius and his father take a trip to the British Magical Observatory.
Interesting House Guests - (Or The time Sirius invited the lads to spend the week at Grimmauld Place)
Those Whom The Gods Love Die Young - Once upon a time, four boys entered an ancient magical forest in Scotland. They loved life, the forest, and each other very much. Together, they become beasts of the woods and grow to understand the forest more than anyone else who had entered the magical realm before them.
Tree Cutting - Every Gryffindor in the tower heard Walburga's howler calling Sirius a filthy traitor. Lily knows what it feels like when someone you love calls you nasty names.
Tipping The Scales - James helps Lily get back something that is hers from the Slytherin dorms.
Career Advice with James F. Potter - Lily Evans is stressed about her career advice meeting but luckily James Potter is willing to share his expert advice on the matter.
A Decent Bloke - In the Hogwarts library, James Potter eats an apple while Lily Evans works on a History of Magic essay.
Perspective - Lily asks James about the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Lily also learns how soft James Potter's hands are.
Light Is The Most Glorious - James takes Lily on a journey around Hogwarts the night before the Christmas holidays.
Does Permanent Mean Forever? - It is James Potter's seventeenth birthday, and to commemorate the occasion, he proposes to the gang that they go out and get tattooed.
Your Friend, James - It is the summer before their 7th year, and Lily and James spend the entire holiday writing letters to each other as their relationship slowly changes from friends to something more.
Rumor Has It  - Severus doesn't believe the rumors that Lily finally agreed to go out with James Potter.
A Happy Thought - The 7th-year Defense Against the Dark Arts Class learns the Patronus Charm. James is shocked to learn what Lily's Patronus is.
A Promise - James sees no problem that they are only seventeen and have yet to meet each other's parents.
Hold On To The Memories, They Will Hold On To You - Lily Evans is ready to spend New Year's Eve alone in her bedroom until James Potter flies in and offers her a midnight ride.
A Miraculous Christmas Moment - A married Lily and James Potter wander around a London Christmas Market. James misses celebrating Christmas in Godric's Hollow.
Comfort and Joy - Baby Harry helps James decorate the Christmas Tree.
Querencia - The time Lily, James, and Harry spent as a family in their little house in the West Country was far too brief, but it was overfilled with love, laughter, and, above all, life.
Jily Challenge Fics
Three Lemons and a Dragon - Once upon a time there lived a Prince named James who had to save his father's Kingdom by getting married. One day an older woman gifts him three lemons that will lead him to his true love.
Erasmus Lovegoods’s Guide to Brewing Love Potions -At the start of every school year, the Ministry of Magic distributed leaflets to all students taking potions classes regarding the regulations and legality of highly controlled potions.
I'll Meet You After Dark - An Alternate Universe where the Statute of Secrecy hasn't been enacted yet. Tensions between the magical and non-magical communities are high.
My dog said I can't go out with you - Lily had been waiting patiently for James to ask her out for the first Hogsmeade weekend of the term. Sirius insists she turn James down so Sirius can hang out with her instead. (it's all part of Sirius' greater matchmaking plan)
Tranquil Solitude (Until You Came Along) - All Lily wanted to do was take a nice, quiet swim on a hot day. And then James Potter showed up. And Lily had already removed her clothes for the private swim.
Lighting Era
Goodbyes and Surprise Greetings - Ginny's brothers have abandoned her at the Burrow while they go to school or leave the country. But then she gets a surprise visitor.
The Past is a Bucket of Ash - Over burnt photographs, Harry had a late-night chat with Sirius about his family history.
The Parting Glass - The last full moon, Moony and Padfoot spend together.
Next Gen
We're Going On A Hippogriff Hunt -Two young boys go on a hippogriff hunt in the woods behind their house. Teddy hopes James doesn't figure out he knows nothing about hippogriffs.
Tethered - Teddy and Vic discover the isolated and deserted Hogwarts boathouse to be the perfect place to be alone together.
Am I To Suffer This Constant Stream of Interruption? - Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley go on their first official date. James Sirius Potter is now a third-year at Hogwarts and is able to visit the village.
A Wonderful Idea - Vic planned a very grown-up date for her and Teddy. Too bad Teddy can't ice skate.
It's All About The Timing - James Sirius Potter has wanted to ask Ellie Longbottom out since he was twelve years old. Unfortunately, he can never get the timing right.
Know Your Roots - Albus Potter is unsure if helping Uncle Neville repot moonwort plants is part of detention or a lame attempt at godfather and godson bonding. It might be both.
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jakeway11 · 1 year
Sometimes I think about Teddy's time at Hogwarts. Being around a lot of the Professors his mother and father had been around, not even realizing that he was the spitting image of Remus.
I imagine him walking up the stairs to the Great Hall for the first time with all of the other first years and getting the famous speech about the sorting hat from a rather scary-looking woman that he'll soon know to be Professor McGonagall.
I imagine her taking one look at him and stopping mid-sentence, staring in a moment of shock as she looks upon the face of a blue-haired Remus without a single scar on his face.
Teddy obviously would've been instantly worried that his hair color was getting him in trouble. Barely even the first day and he's already on bad terms with the Headmistress.
Instead, she gives him an almost invisible smile, one that doesn't quite reach her eyes, and carries on as if it never happened in the first place.
From then on, whenever they pass each other in the corridors, Minerva gets that same smile on her face now that she gets the chance to say "good afternoon, Mr. Lupin" once more.
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wylanlupin · 2 months
parents!wolfstar mini story 1k fluff fem!sirius
Remus loves to run his fingers through it.
It's curly, some days extremely curly and others just wavy. The way Sirius styles it.
She has always tried to grow her hair long and has avoided hairdressers since she moved in with the Potters at 16.
Remus loves to braid Sirius' hair and create the most beautiful hairstyles.
Teddy also loves to style his curls. They have the same stubborn curls as Remus. Teddy likes to experiment with colours, but they never wanted it longer than their chin.
So Sirius was all the more pleased that Stella, their daughter, loves growing her black hair just as much as her mum.
Stella has the same black hair as Sirius.
For some years now, Sirius has favoured expressing her femininity through her hair. They are incredibly important to her and she only allows the most expensive and best hairdressers to work on it and only ever to cut the ends.
Mary set up her own hairdressing business two years ago and even in her apprenticeship, everyone had to put up with it, everyone except Sirius.
Lily only let Mary cut it, but everyone else had to suffer.
Teddy and Mary love to play with their curls together and try out new things.
Peter, James and Remus have had to put up with everything from the weirdest hairstyles to the most hideous colours.
For a (very short) time, Remus had the sides cut short and his locks dyed pink. Mary wanted to give it a try. What his students found particularly funny.
James had to grow his hair long so that Mary could practise better with his hair texture.
Peter, with his blonde hair, was the colour experiment.
Lily had to have her long red hair cut into a bob, she also had fringes and extreme layers.
Dorcas had the best time, Mary was good with her afro and practised, but the worst thing was three months of purple hair.
Emmeline wouldn’t allow her hair for a long time. She wouldn't give up her long black hair for anything in the world. But in the end, she couldn't resist her fiancée either.
Emmy ended up with slight bangs and layers, as well as purple streaks, later green and currently blue.
Marlene was her favourite to practise. From the time Mary started her apprenticeship to the present day, Marlene really has had it all. Any colour, any hairstyle.
Long, short, bangs, layers, buzz cuts, blonde, brown, black, white, purple, colourful, blue, green and everything in between.
But Sirius never let her touch her hair. In all those years, she wasn't even allowed to cut their tips.
Remus knows that Sirius isn't quite so worried about Stella's hair and that's why Mary is coming to cut it today.
But all he knew was that Mary wanted to cut Stella's hair a little shorter. That was all he knew.
Remus was all the more surprised when he came home this Thursday.
He opens the front door and immediately hears ABBA and smells cinnamon and chocolate.
"Daddy!" little mini-Sirius shouts and comes running towards him with his arms outstretched. He immediately wraps his arms around his daughter.
Her previously long black hair now curls around her head, around her ears and stops before her shoulders.
A pink hair clip holds back her curls so that they don't fall into her eyes.
"Look!", the little toddler jumps up and down excitedly and points to her hair. "Mary did this! Now I look like Teddy!"
Giggling, she runs back into the living room, from where Mary and Sirius' voices can be heard.
"Dad!" Teddy appears in front of him out of nowhere. Teddy's previously turquoise hair is now a little shorter and a different colour.
"I've got the Bi Flag on my head!" they announce just as proudly as their little sister. Laughing, they run their fingers through their curls. "Looks cool." As he passes, Remus gives his child a kiss on the head.
Nobody could have prepared him for what awaits him in the living room.
Mary is clearing away her scissors and his wife turns to Remus.
Sirius has had her hair cut.
Remus stands still, frozen. He just blinks for a few seconds.
Sirius has a bob. A bob and bangs. She's had light bangs before, but now she has a full on mom-bob.
"Hi, babe," she greets him, coming up to Remus. "Your hair“, that's all he can get out. It's been over twenty years since he's seen Sirius with hair this short.
"You look like a mom."
Giggling, Sirius presses her lips to Remus' and without thinking about it, he returns the kiss. "That could be because I am one."
Mary proudly crosses her arms and stands next to Sirius. She shakes her head slightly and runs her fingers through her now short hair.
"Do you like it?"
Let's be honest, Sirius could be bold and be the most beautiful person in the world, so Remus really doesn't care about hair.
"Yes," Remus breathes out, swallowing hard. His children are here, God damn it! Get a grip, he tells himself.
The length emphasises Sirius' face shape and makes her look really grown up, but also cheeky. And Remus loves his children, more than anything else in this world. But right now, he'd rather they were anywhere but home.
Sirius has never looked so hot. She always looks hot, but just now Remus has fallen in love with her all over again.
Grinning, she turns to Mary and winks at her.
"Good!" Mary announces loudly, "then finally the father of the family."
Quicker than Remus can say "hair", he's sitting in the chair and Mary has her scissors in her hands again. "And do you like the way I've done your family's hair?"
His family.
Remus' heart beats faster every time he thinks about the fact that these three wonderful people are his family. "Yes."
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infinitewolfstarr · 4 months
About me & links:
Name: that’s a secret xoxo gossip girl
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her
Hogwarts house: Slytherin 💚
Fave ship: Wolfstar
Fave colour: Sage green
Fave animal: Cats & Highland cows
Important mention: I am a diehard swiftie. that is all.
AO3 links:
Completed fics:
I didn't sign up for this :
(Chapters: 24 Word count: 103,272)
Sirius Black is single and loving his life, he is adamant he does not want children- it’s the whole reason he split with his soulmate, Remus Lupin. However, one day a terrified four-year-old named Leo Black is dropped off on his doorstep and changes his life forever.
Wolfstar endgame
Parent Trap:
When Sirius Black and Remus Lupin divorced, they decided to cut all ties and made a bad decision. They chose to separate their identical twins and take full custody of a baby each. Years later a chance encounter at summer camp leads to twins Teddy Lupin and Leo Black trading places. The twins are both as sneaky as the marauders once were and work together to find out why their parents split up, how they met and trick them into falling in love again. Most importantly, they get to meet their other parent for the first time and spend time with them. However, it’s not as straightforward as they thought it would be and soon everything starts to fall apart as family secrets are unveiled and feelings get hurt.
Is it over now?:
Barty Crouch jr is an Italian tattoo artist based in LA, he’s used to being around celebrities due to his famous clients. He’s a player, a menace to society and he has commitment issues to go with his daddy issues(let’s not mention the sprinkle of mental health problems and hidden insecurity). He’s normally fine around the famous lot, couldn’t give less of a shit about them but when his celebrity crush,singer Evan Rosier,starts coming in regularly to get tatted- Barty starts falling hopelessly in love and he hates it.
On hold:
All fics on Infinitewolfstar are on hold because my sister found my account and I’m scared but I will update eventually😭
His silent world is on hold because Parent Trap is occupying my brain 24/7 atm but it will get finished eventually- sorry!
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Day 07 of @remadoramicrofics - 100 Words
Edward “Teddy” Remus Lupin was born at 10:07pm and Remus had spent every second since staring at him. Currently, he was asleep on his mother’s chest. The nurse had said something about skin-to-skin contact and bonding, but Remus had been so preoccupied by the wailing boy, he had forgotten to pay attention. 
Dora slid over, beckoning him onto the bed. “Your turn,” she said as she lifted little Teddy and handed him to Remus. He was surprised at how warm he was as he held him. “He’s perfect,” she whispered as she leaned on his shoulder. And he was.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 2 months
The Heist pt. 5
You can Read the series from the start here.
The Museum
“So, you’re kind of like my cousin.” The young, blue haired wizard said to Draco as they both gazed up at the building across the street.
The corner of Draco’s mouth pulled tight as he jiggled the box of malted chocolate balls he had picked up from the corner store on his way over. He estimated he had about 10 left in the box.
“It would appear so.” He lifted the box to his mouth.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Teddy Lupin asked and Draco merely slid a glance sidelong to the kid before refocusing his gaze on the museum entrance. He was waiting for Granger to arrive next. Theo and Potter arrived first, followed by Seamus. Teddy was set to enter with Draco, so that he was specifically instructed on what to look for. What to swipe.
Teddy continued, “My grandmother told me about the anonymous person who sends her a monthly check. It’s quite generous, of course, but the donor had written to her with the first check that it was meant to be spent on me and my school supplies, clothes...things like that.”
Draco shifted uncomfortably as the young man continued to look at him. “Your hair is blue.” He threw a chocolate ball into his mouth and said around his bite, “You’re going to draw attention.”
From Draco’s peripheral, he briefly caught the shift of bright, cobalt blue morph into an inconspicuous mousy brown.
“So, why didn’t you ever just come and visit me and grams?”
“Grams?” Draco frowned and shook his head just as a disguised Granger emerged, from a crowd of college students. She was dressed in a posh little black dress with the same big round sunglasses but instead of her usual glossy brown waves floating behind her, she had transfigured her hair to a sleek, straight black. While she drew attention from the male students she passed, Draco found he much preferred the brilliant brown that was almost golden in the light of the sun.
“Time to go.” Draco pushed off the wall, tossed the remainder of the chocolates into his mouth before crushing the box and tossing it into the trash bin nearby.
Teddy followed behind, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat. While summer had finally approached the city, it had not yet reached the peek of heat, or else Draco was certain the young man would have looked utterly out of place.
Draco pushed the openings of his black coat back as he slid his hands casually into his pants pockets. Having refused to transfigure his hair for casing, he opted to throw a baseball cap over his blond hair and shadow his very distinct grey eyes.
They slipped, seamlessly into a crowd of people entering the museum, as part of a tour.
“Count the guards and find the most vulnerable one.”
Teddy nodded Draco had to admit, he was impressed by the relaxed nature of the young man as he browsed the museum. While Teddy kept tabs on security, Draco spent his time murmuring a spell as the tip of his wand poked from the arm of his coat.
This bit of magic was one he had developed after going to great lengths to find the blueprints of every place he robbed. It gave him the ability to scan the room and later display it in a three dimensional image that could then be burned onto parchment, giving them the most detailed and accurate blueprint to work off of.
Theo and Potter were posing as a couple that enjoyed day trips to the museum and Seamus was looking for the main security room, in order to better access the camera’s footage.
Granger’s job was to work out the kind of wards the museum had in place and how many before figuring out the wards individually placed around the exhibit with The Wand, itself.
Which is where he found her when he finally made it into the room with the Tuniit exhibit.
When they found themselves standing beside one another in front of the ivory Wand, Granger took a break from her murmuring to toss a look at him.
“This is full of advanced wards.”
Draco hummed in ascent. “What are we looking at?”
“Most of it, I can do in under five minutes.”
“But there’s this one in particular,” She sighed and crossed her arms, her wand sliding into the arm of her coat. “It’s blood magic.” She hissed as Draco continued to murmur his spell and his wand continued to subtly flick around the room.
Draco’s wand nearly loosened in his grip.
“Are you sure?” He asked through tight lips.
“Yes.” She whispered back, pressing closer as she leaned over the plaque, pretending to read the script. “We need to find out whose blood set this ward.”
Draco smelled tangerine and honey as she pulled away, casting a small gust of air into his nostrils. Temporarily thankful that transfiguration had no power of scents, Draco frowned down at The Wand.
“We can figure it out.” He assured her, though despite the conviction in his voice, his mind raced with who all of the possible wizards might have been involved with the placement of this piece within the museum.
She chanced a glance up into his shadowed eyes and swallowed. “I hope so.” She whispered as she passed him.
Draco angled his body so that he could watch her go. The sway of her hips as she moved at a leisurely pace, the way the coat hugged against her body, tied and buttoned in the front. Draco found himself enthralled in the way she moved, the lingering scent of her hair causing his mouth to water.
He’d decided that he was in the mood for a fruit salad as he moved into the next room, where Teddy Lupin had just left with a simple nod of his head as they passed. Confirmation that his job was done or was indeed going smoothly.
Just as Draco finished the blueprinting of the next and final room of the museum, a soft voice carried over the exhibits and dug into his ears.
It was a voice he knew well. Ducking behind a large totem pole on display in the middle of the museum, Draco peeked around to find Astoria Greengrass was walking through the museum, dressed in feminine, muggle business attire. Her raven hair was pinned into a bun atop, and her pale face was pinched in thought as she discussed something with the museum curator. The curator, Draco had researched, was an gentlemen by the name of Warren Locksley. His salt and pepper hair was wiry and thin, a contrast to the heavy beard around his mouth.
Astoria passed the Totem Pole and Draco quickly sank back against the exhibit as he listened to their murmured talk fade away.
“Who are you hiding from?” Harry Potter startled Draco, causing him to frown deeply at the man before pushing away from the exhibit.
“Who did you see?” Harry’s eyebrow lifted when Draco shook his head and glanced around the museum, careful not to run into any other possible member of the Greengrass family.
It was during this moment, however, that Draco recalled something about The Greengrass’. His frown drifted into a smirk as he tilted his head to take in the Famous Harry Potter.
“What do you know of the Greengrass family, Potter?”
Harry’s hands stuffed themselves into his pockets as he shrugged. “Not much. They made a rather generous donation towards the rebuilding of Hogwarts after the war. I also remember the youngest one sending me a letter once, thanking me for my bravery and...wait a minute.” He stopped and eyed Draco, suddenly recalling some vital information. “Weren’t you engaged to one of them after the war?”
Draco’s smirk fell. “That’s not the point,” He nodded his head towards the exit and started walking.
Harry fell into stop just behind Draco, careful to keep enough distance.
“Astoria Greengrass took over the family image and convinced her family to bridge the gap between Muggles and Wizards. She may be the sole purpose of things evolving the way they have been. But her father found that the bridge between our world and theirs was really quite lucrative.”
The men stepped into a courtyard and Harry immediately pulled out a mobile phone and began to swipe his thumb over the screen.
“What does that have to do with any of this?” He paused and looked up at Draco, squinting through the glare of the sun. “Wait, is that who you were hiding from? Astoria Greengrass?”
Draco nodded and glanced around the courtyard. “When we were together, she pushed me to get in touch with you over and over.”
Harry chuckled.
“Point is,” Draco narrowed his eyes on a group of people passing by. “I think it’s time you and she arranged a meeting.”
“I’m thinking you should set up a couple of meetings. We’ll have to get in there fast. And we’ll have to ensure you’ve set one up for, lets say...” Draco eyed a bench that had just been emptied of its occupants. “Four days from now?”
“But that’s the day of —” Harry paused, catching on, as he looked up from his mobile. “Oh.” The device in his hand buzzed and Harry grimaced as he looked down at the screen. “I have to stop by the house. Ginny won’t stop texting me. Meet you back at your place.” Harry slipped the mobile into his pocket as the men parted ways.
Draco settled himself on to the bench, and absorbed the warmth of the sun. He tilted his head back and inhaled slowly as he basked.
“Where’s Potter?” Theo’s voice whispered.
Draco’s eyes adjusted to the light unshielded against his closed lids and found Theo sitting on the opposite end of the bench.
“Had to go see the misses. What do you think?”
Theo scoffed and crossed his ankles as he leaned back to enjoy some of the summer sun on his skin. “Piece of cake. Where’s Granger?”
Draco shrugged, despite the fact that Theo’s eyes were closed as he sunbathed. “I last saw her checking the wards on The Wand.”
“Hmm.” Theo hummed in response. “Didn’t I tell you she was a whizz?”
Draco stared at his best friend. “You did. She’s quite lovely.”
Theo turned his head and peered through his squinting eyes. “Easy there, Draco.”
Trying his best to look affronted, Draco shrugged. “Is she not lovely? What’s the matter with calling her lovely? I’d call you lovely if asked to describe you.”
Theo grunted and closed his eyes.
Frowning, Draco leaned into the bench and closed his eyes. The warmth of the sun tended to lull him into a state of stasis if left out too long. The allure of sleep was quickly hurtling toward him when he caught the scent of sweet citrus.
“Boys,” She crooned and Draco felt her hips brush against his.
He opened his eyes and found Theo smiling down at her.
“Reminds me of Amsterdam,” Theo said and Draco grinned at the sudden rush of blood that filled her cheeks.
“Why do you keep brining up Amsterdam. This is nothing like Amsterdam.” She hissed and adjusted her ass against the bench, apparently nestled in between the two men.
“We’re at a museum, are we not?”
“You can’t keep bringing it up. We agreed to never bring up Amsterdam again and you brought it up twice in one day.”
She was staring at the open brochure, pretending to read the material, when in fact she was hiding the scowl on her face as he hissed at Theo.
Theo grinned broadly behind a hand that rubbed at his jaw.
Draco was chuckling and that was enough for her to direct her ire at him. Her head whipped to look at him, her sleep black strands whipping Theo in the face.
“What are you laughing at? You don’t even know what happened in Amsterdam.” She paused then narrowed her eyes. An act he could just barely make out behind the large, bug-like lenses on her face. “Do you?”
“He doesn’t.” Theo answered for her.
Draco just tilted his head and grinned at Granger, welcoming an explanation.
“Well, why don’t we tell him.” Granger shrugged. “Why not? Let’s tell Malfoy how you ended up in a pair of knickers and—”
A hand came around her shoulder and clamped itself over her mouth. “You’re right.” Theo chuckled nervously. “Let’s not speak on it again. Amsterdam never happened. As a matter of fact, let’s obliviate it from our minds now. And this. Let’s obliviate this entire conversation. That includes you, Draco.”
Draco was openly chuckling but Granger pouted when she removed Theo’s hand from her mouth. “I’d never! How could I obliviate the thing that led us here?” She slid her hand into the inside of Draco’s elbow and Theo rested his hand on her shoulder.
“You’re right, Granger.” Theo patted the rounded curve of the witches shoulder. “Right here is good. I like here.”
She pushed her left hip into Theo and rested her head on Draco’s shoulder. “Me, too.”
Draco shook his head in amusement but couldn’t shake the pulse of energy between his arm and the feel of her little hand holding on. It was the same arm that was left branded at a young age.
She touched him without fear, without an ounce of hesitation. And he realized then that being near Hermione Granger was easy. Befriending her was natural, as she seemed to have accepted him into her life with open arms as well.
“Here is good.” Draco murmured and patted her hand affectionately.
A sudden explosion jolted the three of them out of their moment of peace. It wasn’t the kind of explosion that led with a bang! but the kind that elicited cries of fear and alarm.
Granger pulled away from the wizards at her side and stood.
Theo sat up straight and let out an exasperated sigh.
For what had caused such an alarm, was the sudden eruption of flames at a corner of the courtyard.
And in the corner, Draco realized with a frown, was a camera aimed directly at the spot they sat in.
Seamus approached them with a lifted brow but stood a distance far enough away to disallow anyone to believe they were together. “You’re causing a scene. I had to take proactive measures.”
Draco grinned as Granger sighed obscenely.
Theo lifted an impressed brow at Seamus as they all watched her march away from them and out of the courtyard.
Teddy passed her on his way into the courtyard and grinned broadly at the three men.
Draco took that as a job well done and mentally began to prepare himself for what was surely be the most difficult task of this particular job.
Which was, unfortunately and impossibly, to obtain a bit of blood from Astoria Greengrass.
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hxlda-hxlda · 5 months
uh oh: excerpt
(for the wip tags, an excerpt from my doc entitled 'uh oh'):
Remus looked up from the paper he was marking. His six year old was stood at the entrance to the little nook Remus had claimed as his office years ago. Teddy wore a steadfast look, severe in its solemn intensity. Remus had long ago learned that such solemnity could entail a conversation from ‘hey Dad, where did mum go?’ to ‘hey Dad, why are leaves green?’ to ‘hey dad, can we watch Bluey?’ 
The kid had range. As most kids tended to have.  
“Yes, Teds?” Remus glanced down quickly, finishing his scrawling in red ink over the essay he was marking. He crossed his final ‘t’. He looked up again. 
“I want a braid tomorrow.” The boy, still utterly somber, reached up a little hand and tugged it through his bronze hair, lingering at the faded blue tips. Down, as it was now, the locks hovered at shoulder length.  
Remus refrained from a heavy sigh. Braids were hard, time consuming. Remus had to be at the university for an early class tomorrow. Braiding would make a tight time frame even tighter. 
He considered his options. Those being: say no and deal with the look of utter devastation, or fucking figure it out before tomorrow morning. 
“I think a braid would be lovely, pup.” 
Teddy nodded once, letting his hand fall away from his hair. “I think so too,” he said, maintaining his somber expression. “I’m going to go outside now, Lily said she found a new lizard this morning, and I wanna see it.” 
“Not past her house though, remember?” 
Teddy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I remember. I’m just gonna look at the bug, don’t worry, Dad.” 
“Tell them we’ll be over for dinner tonight.” 
Remus turned back to the paper, already heavily marked in red scribbles that were legible, thank you very much, you just had to squint sometimes. He pushed it to the side, setting his laptop in its place. 
And into in the Youtube search bar, Remus typed: 
Hair braiding for beginners...
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aacciorriptide-writes · 11 months
dating Teddy Lupin would include...
summary: a few ideas on how i think Teddy would act as a boyfriend a/n: i'm rewriting a bunch of old headcanon lists from my wattpad - find the full list here content warnings: n/a next gen masterlist
Neck/jaw kisses
Nose kisses
Stealing A L L of his jumpers.
Him calling you love/my love/baby ajadarfxreafgezvb
Neck/jaw kisses.
Him making a complete fool of himself whenever you're around.
Always sitting at the hufflepuff table
Cheering on hufflepuff in quidditch matches even tho you're not a hufflepuff.
Neck kisses.
Him always having his hair your favourite colour.
He always blushes.
When kissing. Touching hands. Just being around other people in general.
Him making lots of jokes.
Teddy being the only one able to cheer you up.
Neck kisses
Him freaking out over the littlest things.
Harry and Ginny love you.
Always getting teased by his siblings (JAMES, ALBUS AND LILY ARE HIS SIBLINGS, FIGHT ME)
Just - Teddy being sweet and adorable and perfect
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