#teen mysterious story
billycorn · 3 months
Empathy - Part 2
A continuation of this fic about a PMD Riolu (now Lucario) Hero who couldn't turn off their aura-sensing. Fic under the cut!
Soaring through the skies and basking in the sun's beating rays, Charizard released a contented sigh, grinning smugly as the fluffy weight on her back shifted. She rolled her eyes and waited for it.
"Sarah, I'm not sure this is a good idea."
There it is! He's nothing if not consistent.
Glancing over her shoulder, she smirked at the Lucario sitting astride her back. "You worry too much."
Blue crossed his arms, wincing as he acidentally stabbed his arms on the steel spike jutting from his chest. He glanced at his chest and rubbed his arms, a betrayed expression on his face. Sarah couldn't help but laugh, the beautiful sound racing away on the wind, but it wasn't lost to his ears.
"It's not funny!"
"Agree to disagree," she answered, her eyes lighting on their destination, a small village tucked in the valley, cradled in the mountains' strong embrace.
"Blue, it'll be fine."
He sighed and leaned back. "You really think so?"
"Hey," she snapped, glancing back at him. "You've got this."
He didn't respond, his was head in the clouds, figuratively speaking, but Sarah could fix that. Grinning, she suddenly beat her powerful wings, rising higher until Blue's upper half disappeared amidst the white of the clouds. When she dropped lower again, he re-emerged, eyes wide and coat dripping wet.
"Thank you," he drawled.
Sarah laughed, but her amusement quickly turned to horror as she watched him move to shake out his pelt.
"Wait, no, don't!"
Blue shook violently, throwing the water from his coat, and throwing himself from Sarah's back. He screamed for a brief moment, the sound torn away by the wind. In an instant, Sarah was banking and closing her wings, dropping like a stone until she was falling alongside Blue. The Lucario's arms and legs were crossed and he glared.
"Next time, we're walking!"
Scoffing, Sarah poked him in the chest, sending him into a spinning freefall. "If you had a single braincell this wouldn't have happened!"
Blue looked affronted. "You're one to talk! Your blast seed curry idea, how did that work out for you?"
At that, Sarah crossed her arms and raised her brows, glancing at the rapidly approaching earth.
Reminded of his plummeting situation, Blue sighed in resignation. "Please, save me."
Sarah picked at her claws. "Nah, not feeling it."
"Oh, great! One of the few humans in this world, dead, because you didn't feel like saving him!"
Tilting her head, Sarah gave the most condescending look she could muster and through gritted teeth, Blue said, "I'm sorry, beautiful. This was entirely my fault."
"And your curry was delicious, even though it exploded and the house stank for a week."
"Oh, well I'll make it again sometime."
"What? No-"
Sarah pulled him close and spread her wings, quickly levelling out and transforming his rebuttal into a muffled yelp. She banked almost lazily, drifting downwards in a wide circle until she landed on a busy street near the town centre.
Blue dropped to the ground, caressing the soft grass and promising to never leave it again. At Sarah's nagging, he got up and they hurried down the street, quickly arriving at a large building, doors of varying sizes set into it's face.
Blue paused at the door, nodding, jumping on the spot and whispering to himself. After a moment, he smiled. "Alright, you ready?"
"Pff! I'm not coming."
Blue's face fell. "Wait, wha-"
"Good luck, I'll pick you up at 4!" Sarah yelled, shoving him through the doors before flying away.
Inside, the building was so colourful it nearly hurt Blue's eyes. Forest scenery filled with different Pokemon covered the walls, while an ocean painting covered the floor. There were several chairs and cubbies of various sizes lining the walls. Against the far wall sat a large desk, with two corridors either side. A Lopunny sat behind the desk, looking up as Blue stumbled in.
Smiling kindly, Lopunny waved him over. "Hello, can I help you?"
"Uh, yes," Blue said, smoothing his fur down as he glanced about, slack-jawed. "I'm Blue, I'm here to help with-"
Lopunny clapped her hands together. "Oh, of course, April said you were starting today! Just go down the left hall and it's the third door on your left."
"Oh, um, thank you."
As Blue's tail disappeared round the corner, Lopunny sighed and shook her head. "They're gonna destroy him."
Wandering the corridor, Blue passed the rooms, glancing inside, but they were empty apart from a staff member here and there. Reaching the third door on the left, he knocked and stepped inside.
It was a classroom, filled with (mostly) tiny chairs and desks, cubbies lining the wall and scribbled drawings taped upon the walls. A row of windows was set in the far wall and the morning sun streamed in, lighting upon a hulking figure, humming to itself and flicking through papers at a table tucked in the corner.
Blue cleared his throat and the figure's head snapped up, gaze narrowing at the blurry figure standing in the doorway. Sighing, the figure's twin tails flicked and it reached for a pair of glasses, a smile lighting upon it's face as Blue's figure became clear.
"Blue! You're late, I was worried you weren't coming."
Blue rubbed sheepishly at his arm. "Yeah, sorry about that, April. I had some... trouble, with my commute."
April merely shrugged and waved him closer. Blue obliged, his gaze passing over her. April was an Electivire, huge, with bulging muscles, but her tone was soft and elderly, and her glasses framed her face cutely. Her strong hands sifted gently through a stack of papers.
"I'm so glad you offered to help, I've really got my hands full these days!"
Blue murmured a response, his mind flicking back to when Sarah eagerly volunteered him to help at the local Kindergarten. The look on her face had been a mix of cunning and sheer delight.
"So," said April, "today will be rather straightforward. Class will start, I'll introduce you and then you can just hover, see if the kids need help with anything. I'll likely ask you to handle a problem or two, but I won't be throwing you in the deep end."
"Good, I can't swim."
April laughed, shaking her head and leaning back in her chair. "Neither could I when I started, and I still can't!"
April gave Blue a quick tour of the school, introduced some of the other staff, and before long, the children began to arrive. Like a flood they poured through the doors, shouting goodbyes to fleeing parents, they raced to greet their friends.
Quickly the flood relented as the children drifted to their classes, bundling around desks and talking eagerly. Before long, a full class of kids of all different species were gathered, and April was standing by a chalkboard, clapping her hands. Almost instantly, the kids fell quiet.
"Good morning, everyone! Today, we have a special guest joining us." April waved Blue over, placing him front and centre. "This is Mr. Blue, he'll be helping us today."
Immediately, a hand shot into the air, a Machop sitting in the front row was grinning manically.
Blue pointed cautiously at the kid. "Uh, yes, you."
"Mr. Blue, are you strong?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm pretty strong."
"Bet you're not stronger than my Dad!"
Blue's brows furrowed, his frown deepening as he noted the expectant faces, waiting eagerly for his response. "Well, you're Dad must be pretty strong then because-"
"He is!" Yelled the Machop, leaning so far forwards he was nearly toppling the desk. "He left when I was little. Mum says he's on a training journey. He'll be back someday!"
"He went to get the milk?"
Machop's head tilted, his smile faltering ever so slightly. "What's that mean?"
His ears pinning back, Blue looked desparately at April and she thankfully swooped in, quelling the discussion and beginning the class. She taught for sometime, a basic reading lesson, before handing each student two sheets of paper, large text printed on them in footprint runes.
Blue wandered slowly past the desks, offering the occasional correction or encouragement. It was almost nostalgic, whisking him off into memories of a cranky Charmander, frustrated that he couldn't figure this out. Shaking his head clear, Blue tried and failed hide his trepidation, and it only got worse when there came a tugging at his leg.
Looking down, Blue found an Espurr gazing up at him, thousand yard stare boring straight through his skull.
Clearing his throat, Blue dropped to a knee and looked over the Espurr's paper. "Do you need help?"
Espurr tapped the paper slowly. "The end is nigh."
"N-no, it says, the uh-"
Espurr tapped the paper again. "Time is a cruel mistress, driving us closer to the inevitable, that great unknown we all fear. It awaits us all, Pokemon... and human."
His lips pursed tight, Blue nodded slowly. "You're doing great."
Hurrying away, he moved to stand beside a Voltorb who was rocking back and forth, a deep frown on it's face.
Taking a deep breath, Blue smiled and took a knee once more. "Hey, buddy, you alright?"
Voltorb's eyes didn't leave the paper. "It doesn't make sense!"
"Well, how about we take another look?"
"No, it doesn't make sense! It's too hard."
Blue glanced at the paper, his head tilting. "It's the same as everyone elses."
"Then mine's broken!" The Voltorb began trembling, a quiet buzz building from within it.
In an instant, April was there, shooting Blue a soft smile before shooing him away. She knelt beside the Voltorb, her tail hanging just above it's head and catching the stray sparks that it had begun unconsciously firing.
"It's okay, Ethan. Here, why don't you show me where it's broken?"
The class drifted by and before long, April was releasing the kids into the school grounds to play and devour some lunch. She complimented Blue on his efforts so far before asking him to patrol the playground, handling any problems that arose, and arise they did.
The playground was mostly a large open field, with some toys, play equipment and a sandbox off to one side. Closer to the classrooms, kids zipped between tall pine trees, chasing after one another, laughing all the while.
Early into the break, a Snover waddled over, layered in cardigans and scarves, its face mostly obscured beneath the fabrics. "Help, please. I'm stuck and it's really hot."
"Okay, uh, raise your arms."
The Snover stretched it's arms out, but couldn't raise them past its shoulders. Blue nodded to himself and carefully pulled the scarves off, and then the cardigans, counting fourteen items of clothing in total. Once free, the Snover cheered happily.
"Thank you!"
Blue threw his arms wide. "Why'd you put so many clothes on?"
Snover seemed to think for a second before shrugging. "I dunno."
It waddled away, immediately replaced by a Ralts and a tiny Absol, more fluffball than actually Pokemon.
The Ralts giggled, pointing at Blue. "You're in love!"
His face warm, Blue took a half-step back. "Wha, uh, how'd you know?"
Absol headbutted Blue's leg and looked at him with pity. "A red beauty will make your life miserable. Get out while you can."
Blue stuttered for a moment, then sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Thanks for the warning, but pretty sure I'm stuck with her."
Absol shrugged and trotted away, Ralts hurrying after her.
Thankfully, no more kids approached, but that just meant Blue had to race over when a fight nearly broke out between the Machop from earlier and a Magby from a different class. The two were mostly playfighting, but he felt woefully unprepared as he separated the pair, disappointing the onlooking students.
Continuing to surveil the playground, Blue eventually spotted a small Pokemon sitting alone under a tree, far from everyone else. Slowly, he walked over, smiling and waving as he neared, and the Pokemon shuffled away at his approach. It was tiny, pink and blue, with no eyes that Blue could see; a Hatenna.
"Are you alright?"
The Hatenna didn't answer.
"You don't want to play with everyone?"
Again, no response.
Gesturing at the grassy patch beside Hatenna, Blue asked, "Can I sit?"
Hatenna glanced up for half a second, and nodded. So, Blue sat, leaning back against the tree, arms propped up on his legs. He watched as the kids played, yelling and laughing and running; it made him feel so very tired.
"They're noisy," Hatenna said, her voice barely a whisper.
Blue's eyes widened and he glanced at the Hatenna. "Yeah, they are." His head tilting, Blue drummed his fingers along his arm and an idea pricked at him. "Do you want to play with them?"
Hatenna didn't answer.
Sighing inwardly, Blue closed his eyes and reached out with his aura. The effect was instant, the emotions of all the children rushed into him, forcing the air from his gut. A bead of sweat running down his cheek, he tuned out the flurry of emotions, focusing on just the Hatenna beside him. Her emotions were barely more than a trickle, but there were so many feelings intertwined; fear, longing, loneliness.
Pulling himself back to present, Blue smiled at Hatenna. "Can I introduce you to two of my friends? They're quiet."
Hatenna's jaw dropped and after a brief pause it nodded. Blue quickly disappeared amongst the throng of kids, returning a moment later with Ralts and the tiny Absol.
Blue knelt, gesturing between the Pokemon. "Ralts, Absol, this is, oh, sorry, what's your name?"
"Sarah," squeaked Hatenna.
His head tilting, Blue laughed slightly and shook his head. "Sarah, this is Ralts and Absol."
The horn on Ralt's head glowed briefly for a moment, and then he smiled. "You're really nice! Wanna be friends?"
"Oh, okay."
Ralts gave a quiet cheer and quickly launched into muted conversation, with Absol offering the occasional comment. Hatenna's face lit up as it began talking to its new friends.
Nearby, a Starly squawked as it crashed headlong into a tree during a game of tag. Blue slipped away from the trio, hurrying to Starly's side. The little bird was crying loudly, but after a quick check, Blue realised it was fine.
Carefully, he reached out once more, tuned out the excess, focused on Starly, and, reaching out, Blue pushed forth quiet bursts of peace, like ripples on a large lake. The Starly's crying stopped and upon realising it was fine, the bird Pokemon simply got up and flew away, right back into the game.
So, the day passed, Blue solving problems as they arose, his aura skills getting quite the workout. By the time all the kids had gone home he was practically asleep on his feet.
April couldn't help but laugh knowingly. "Blue, what makes children such a delight, and such a pain, is that they're unpredictable. They'll always find ways to cause mischief, its what they do, but they also say, and do, the most heartwarming things without warning. You don't have control, and that's where the fun comes in."
Control, huh? He certainly felt like he didn't have any, but he'd managed to give it to a few kids today, and it made their days a little bit better. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, not that he'd admit it to Sarah.
There was a knock at the door and a Charizard appeared in the entryway. Sarah smiled apologetically at April. "Hi! Sorry I'm late, I'm here to pick up my boyfriend, I believe he's in your class?"
"Har har," drawled Blue, stumbling towards the door. "Please, can we go home?"
Sarah threw her head back at laughed, nodding goodbye to April. "Sure, you big baby. How was your day?"
"An Absol told me to break up with you."
"I'm coming back tomorrow."
Sarah snorted, her tail lashing. "Well, they're just kids so-"
"Absol can sense disasters before they happen."
Her gaze narrowing, Sarah glared at him. "What are you trying to say?"
"Your curry is awful." Blue smiled and kissed her cheek. "But I love you anways."
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aerixwri · 19 days
The Razon Family: Be smart or be su*cidal
I'm bored as fuck.
So, let's break down my main character's family trauma :D tw ofc for su*cide, family trauma, yada yada
So, Kathleen is a fifteen, soon-to-be sixteen, tenth grader who's academically burnt out and cannot for the life of her interact with her fellow tenth graders in a socially acceptable manner. But how, pray tell, do we end up with such a specimen of introvertedness and mental unwellness? FAMILY! Kathleen is from a small family made up of her mother, father, and brother, Ezra. She's from a self-proclaimed middle class family whose house is in a nice subdivisoion but the family themselves live in a shitty block. The only reason the Razon family is able to keep food on their tables, a roof on their heads, and clothes on their back is because Kathleen's father works abroad as a nurse somewhere in the middle east.
Her mother is well-meaning but puts a lot of emphasis on her children's education. She's short-tempered, stubborn and is always one incident away from shouting and venting all her frustrations on Kathleen and her brother, Ezra. Kathleen's father, while much more mild-mannered is very strict on money which often ends up as a subject of argument between him and his wife. He overworks himself and never has time for either of his children and is very detached from their lives. Kathleen pretty much grew up accustomed to hearing her parents go back and forth about finances, and if it was bad enough sometimes they'd end up throwing things at each other or throwing tantrums around the house. In short, Kathleen grew up in an explosive household where she had to be quiet or be shouted at, be smart or be shouted at, and be cheap or be shouted at. Because of this she's become a perfectionist and panics at every little mistake yet is unable to seek help from others. And although she doesn't like to admit it, Kathleen has her mother's short temper (but doesn't show it in the very direct way that Mrs. Razon does) and her father's way-too ambitous spirit. Kathleen's brother, Ezra is the only nice one in the family. He's chill, smily and unlike Kathleen, makes friends easily (though he does attach to them quickly and strongly, an example would be with his best friend Crisanto, but that's another character for another day).
However, Kathleen still finds a way to be irritated of him. Ezra has a weak heart, a result of him having heart surgery when he was a baby. Because of this, he's often sick and in the hospital which contributes to his mother's stress and Kathleen's increased responsibility. It's not Ezra's fault that he gets sick easily, and Kathleen knows this which is why she gets mad at herself when she ends up mad at Ezra. She tries her best to protect him in her own special way. The only question is if she'll be able to protect him still, even as she pushes her loved ones away to solve Gabi's su*cide. (Idk, probably not)
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detectivereads · 3 months
Hobtown Mystery Stories The Case of The Missing Men by Kris Bertin & Alexander Forbes
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This post is for fan entertainment, I’m not being paid.
Hi Everyone,
I was looking on a comic shop website and this cover stood out to me. It reminded me of the old antique mystery books (Nancy Drew, Biff Brewster, The Hardy Boys, Judy Bolton, etc.)
So, when I finally got my hands on a copy of The Case of the Missing Men, I was not expecting it be so thick. But that is what I liked about it. This vol covers one mystery and it finishes it (sort of).
The Case of the Missing Men, I will say this now it comes with a map of the town Hobtown which already I took an immediate like to this book. The overall story is that men are going missing, and the people of the town don’t really seem to care all that much (the people that should care like the police and town hall).
This book follows a group of teenagers; first it was 4 teenagers that started the Jr. Detective Club, but a new boy comes in and join and he is tied to the current mystery that are investigating. The new boy, Sam, had moved here with dad for the season (Like snowbirds), but his dad is now missing, and things are not adding up.
Sam joins the club to keep teachers and police and his foster family off his back. The other members of the club are two brothers Brennan & Denny, and I kid you not they give off Frank and Joe Hardy vibes when I was reading this book. Both are part of sports but they like solving mysteries with the club.
The next member is Pauline Larmier, who is quirky, free spirited and loves to help her friends. However, when I was reading her first, I really didn’t know what to make of her, but reading further on I really liked her. At some point during the investigation, she almost seems to have ESP. 
Now my favorite character of the book is Dana Nance, which now stepping back and looking at her now, I can’t help but think it’s a pun for Nancy Drew and the Dana girls. This girl is the leader of the club. At some parts of the mystery Dana showed more realistic behavior while if you have read any Nancy Drew book it seems that Nancy can solve a mystery with out much problem.
Dana with this mystery is very smart but she shows a weakness at some points of the mystery, where she when she can’t figure out the problem at hand the other 4 picks up the thread.
Now I will say this book set for a mature audience, there is death and dead bodies and violence. Aside from that the book is a really good read and I highly recommend the series to any mystery lover.
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orion-mp5 · 8 days
Okay, so-
I'm working on a project for fun, and it has something to do with the art I posted recently....
I'M WRITING A STORY! I decided I wanna share my process with Tumblr for fun and to possibly hold myself accountable to finish it. I've only ever written short stories before, and don't entirely know what I'm doing, but if 50 Shades of Gray and Twilight can become a phenomenon, I'm sure I can at least get a few likes. Anyway- Here's a snippet!
I groan as I rest my head in my hands, the eye strain from reading for so long finally catching up to me. I’ve been rereading articles, emails, and letters for hours trying to figure out what to do for my next case. I could do a robbery case, there are quite a few missing heirlooms and break-ins, but there are also missing family members, and there are even some requests to have me investigate their bosses. I take a deep breath, slowly breathing out as I count to ten. I hear the door to my office open and sigh in relief.
I open my eyes and look up at my partner Angel. Angel looks terrifying, a black mass with a jaw full of teeth, eyes covering the side of their face, and a scar going through the biggest one. Their hooves tap on the wooden floor as they walk up to my desk, a cup of coffee in their large hands.
I take the mug from their hands, taking a sip of the coffee with a soft hum. I look back up at Angel, signing ‘thank you’ as I relax in my chair. Angel’s tail flicks in satisfaction before raising their hands to continue the conversation.
“You’re remembering to take breaks, right?” I nod as I take another sip of coffee. “Just was. My eyes were starting to hurt.”
Angel huffs, their tail flicking in annoyance. “If your eyes are being strained, you’re not taking enough breaks.” Angel crosses their arms as they glare at me. I sigh, shaking my head.
“C’mon Angle. You know I need to find more work for us to do to keep food on the table. If I wait too long, it’s gonna cause us more trouble than it’s worth.” I rest my chin on my knuckles as I look up at them, the constant furrow of my brow deepening.
Angel sighs, their eyes looking at me worriedly as they step closer, wrapping their tail around my bicep as they uncross their arms. “Alex, please. You’re always overworking yourself. It’s making me worried. We have enough money, we can take a break and splurge a bit. How about we go on a trip? You can pick what we do.” I want to argue, but I know they're right. Working this much is bad for my health, and they’d kick my ass if I kept this up. I look back at my computer, drumming my fingers onto my desk before typing into the search engine. Multiple things pop up, but what immediately catches my eye is an ad for a concert. But not just any concert-
“Tahllulah Byrne is having a concert nearby.” Angel is instantly leaning over me, trilling in excitement. The two of us have been obsessed with her music since before she became popular, so the chance to go to one of her concerts is exciting for both of us. 
I click on the link, and in a few short minutes, we have two tickets for her show in three weeks from now, seated in the middle section near the front.
“Looks like We're going to Foxwoods.”
Angel purrs as their hold on me tightens. I relax back into them, letting the tension in my shoulders subside. 
Angel and I have known each other for years, having first met at a festival. I perfectly remember how they scared a group of people by shifting into a tiger, and how they laughed in such pure delight. After that, Angel and I have been inseparable. I smile at the memory, before yawning, tears pricking my eyes.
Angel pulls away, dragging my arm with them, silently egging me to rest with them. I sigh, pressing my hands on my knees as I stand up. Angel heads upstairs ahead of me, and I stay behind to clean up my desk. I tuck the articles and letters into separate folders, organizing them by date and category before locking up the filing cabinet. 
I scan the room, looking for anything that needs to be tidied. I adjust the position of my chair before grabbing my mug and leaving the office, locking the door behind me. I take a swig of coffee before heading towards the stairwell, slowly ascending to the apartment with a wince, my body sore and creaky from sitting for so long.
I head into the living room, where Angel is already lying on the couch reading a book. I chug the rest of my coffee before placing it on the table. I sit at Angel's hooves, leaning forward to pull up the leg of my flared pants to undo the laces of my boots before kicking them off. I lay down on Angel's chest, wrapping my muscular arms around their middle. I hear Angel humming softly as I start to drift off into sleep, grateful I have them in my life.
And that was the first chapter of The Music of Murder, I hope you enjoyed!
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lunasaysmoneyisbest · 2 months
Based around the name Magnus Archives
Multifandom fanfic idea
The world is filled with many strange things
From Regular Humans To Wizards
To Cursed Sorcerors
To Heroes and Villains
To demons and thier hunters
To vampires To gods
To other worlds and its creatures
And many more
Yet the worlds barely intertwine keeping peace by keeping secret
Yet Problems will always arise
Who will Keep Balance?
Who Will keep everyone in line
Who will uphold justice
Who will be able to know all
The Archives!
Every Archivist will gather information and solve mysterious and keep the balance
Its Like Ghost Busters but deadlier(:
They deal with gods
They seal portals up
They heal
They kil
l They do it all
These Overworked workerz shall never fail Includes
Multiple fandoms
My favorite characters of those fandoms as archivists
Cale being the leader we all know and love
Also I got Archives idea from Magnus Archives But just the Archive name thing
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conspiring-limabean · 8 months
There needs to be a subreddit geared specifically towards helping people find books or movies they remember consuming once but have forgotten the title of
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mejomonster · 9 months
I started reading Billy Bat manga by Urasawa Naoki (u may know him as the guy who did Monster) and jesus christ its wild. Absolute experience. Judas and Jesus are in it, so are ninjas, so is lee harvey oswald (technically at least 3), theres a bat thats satire about how evil mickey mouse and disney are, there's lying cartoons galore, there's the civil rights movement, the oppressivr terror of the ku klux klan and the structural damage of segregation and fucked up laws, and the pervasiveness of advertising and the coca cola company ("golden cola") there's real events sprinkled with gratuitious fictional shit about manipulative God Billy Bat (or perhaps "administrator/guide to the human race"), a scroll that could control the world, Fake walt disney has hired killers, the looming brutality of imperialism and corporations buying out poorer areas, killing in other countries and breaking laws and whatever else is needed to acquire what they want, there's a cartoon dog kennedy assasination, a baby kevin inherits the powers of an older kevin, there's ninjas and priests, there's a small town out west full of cowboy larpers who are this comic artists biggest fan club, a secret agent Smith with a heart of gold (one hopes), a teenager named jackie whos seeing visions, there's a good and evil fake "mickey mouse" bat but frankly theyre probqbly both evil cause either way they lie and manipulate to get people to do what they want, judas cameos not only in his jesus arc but as a little kiddo, and like. Im not even halfway done. Einstein JUST showed up.
#rant#billy bat#its. an experience ill say that. its wild and im kind of floored it got published#it makes a lot of good points but its also ultimately a long winding Batshit Wild Bat Cartoon-as-God MYSTERY thriller#so its like. oh you learn about the pains of cowardice. the cruelties of corporations.#the way society doesnt value a whores life as you cry for her because she was wondetful. the way being just is hard#its hard to be brave and dangerous but it uas to be done. the vile dangers of advertizing and capitalism and profit over human life.#but then also. theres a fucking bat talking to a girl in her college class lol#its an interesting perspective in a way also cause like...#1 a lot of comic artists just full on would not touch these elements in their plots at all. and while ive seen these topics in stories#before. tjis is the most Pointed Disney/governments/corporations critique ive seen in comics. since like. its literally fake disney#ajd real ass historical figures and govts getting critiqued.#then 2 in japanese manga i havent seen foreign events covered much. and its interesting to see the perspective of#world events and america from this author. and his choice to make the protagonists who he did: a japanese american whos born american#and was in the allies as a translator. part of the US occupation when he initially visits japan.#the japanese mangaka whos older than ww2. the white upper class (truly upper class) coca cola#dynasty equivalent inheritor. a lower class black woman factory worker from florida whos outspoken and a leader and#braver than her husband. their kiddo kevin whos the most important person in the world worth saving. jackie the japanese american teen girl#eho grew up Loving fake disney and is in college. her dad the taxi driver who through other people#eventhally got the courage to go reunite with his wife and daughter jackie who left him.#(oh also a european priest and JUDAS and a ninja)#its just like. the author worked hard to put what feels like a japanese and american perspective and the Many ways those overlap and Dont#into this. as well as a variety of upper class and lower class characters. the rich fake walt disney and the poor bat town mayor and elder#who get killed for standing in the way of a corporations dreams.#jackie kennedy and the sweet girl who saved cartoonist Kevin and worked the street.#the rich dynasty inheritor of golden cola and his working class wife. how it all falls away in the deep soutj with pther lines#society draws. the poor student jackie versus the other protagonists witj a job#how kevin yamagata has not much connection to japan except a fondness for his parents. while jackie is even more#culturally removed (having never even visited japan) but her family still has their heritage of stories and places they miss and#want to visit and traditions her dad still regulalry discusses.
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Teen Wolf Randomly Generated Murder Mystery
Who’s the victim?
Derek Hale.
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Who found the body?
Liam Dunbar
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Who’s the lead investigator?
Deputy Jordan Parrish
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The police are on the case.
#1 Suspect
Erica Reyes
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#2 Suspect
Victoria Argent
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#3 Suspect
Derek Hale
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Plot twist.
#1′s Alibi
Danny Mahealani
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Who’s charged for murder?
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Ah, the jilted ex lover angle.
Who did it?
Derek Hale.
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It was probably the most uneventful accidental death, like he fell in a hole or something.
(The wheel really wanted Derek arrested for the murder. His name came up five times in a row. And Victoria Argent was second and third suspect.)
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badgerwrites · 10 months
Chapter I
The window was cold on Rowan's cheek as the train snaked its way through the countryside, the soothing rumble of it gentle and coaxing against her closed eyelids.
Dreams and memories mingled in her mind's eye. She caught a glimpse of her guardian's sweet face twist in uneasy concern; an image of her mother's bloodshot eyes; at some point she even heard her therapist's disembodied, hushed voice speaking from beyond a shut door.  Her consciousness recoiled at the jagged, torbid feeling of these brief flashes. It retreated within itself, sinking in a empty but nonetheless comforting nothingness.
The speaker crackled to life. One distorted voice of a train operator announced the name of Rowan's station before fizzling out into the dull roar of the engine. Reluctantly, the young girl opened her eyes.
Sunny, intensely green grassfields ruffled and writhed in the wind like the hair of an immense beast, a few lazy silvery canals zipping past the wagon in a blurry haze. She shielded her eyes from the light. Further out, its majesty encroaching more and more on the horizon, was the sea: it was incomprehensibly vast and blue, playful ribbons of foam danced across its surface, and gleamed like the deepest night sky. I hugged the lush shore in a triumph of cobalt and green and golden light.  Yet when she looked inward, she found that the beauty of it all had left her rather cold; more a hollow intellectual appreciation than a glowing warmth around the edges of her soul. This was expected, but the pang of sadness that knowledge brought her still stung.
The shrill sound of the brakes jolted her out of contemplation. She pawed for her sketchbook and shrugged on her small duffel bag before lumbering off the steps and into the small station where her aunt and uncle were waiting for her.
A big clock placed squarely above her head  informed her that the time was 12.43, a full hour earlier than she was supposed to arrive.  The pretty brick station was empty, as the few other passengers had scuttled away. No middle-aged couple to be seen. Her uncles had not yet come to the station. All the better, she thought.
Mechanically she sharpened a pencil with neat, practiced swipes of her boxcutter, sat down on a bench and folded open her drawing pad. Relieved by the lack of curious or worried passerbies Rowan bent down and begun skimming the lead down the page, losing herself in the familiar, repetitive motions of sketching. Next chapter:
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duckduck06 · 1 year
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(via A new hope has just begun)
Andrew pulls William and Elizabeth behind his back. He didn't know who could've been approaching. But after a while, he realized these weren't human footsteps. Instead, he heard claws scratching along the dirt as whatever was making those noises approached closer.
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snakesnifter · 1 year
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im unsure how i feel about toa as a series so far but by god does riordans writing amuse me
#trials of apollo#i dont like toa as much as i did hoo because it feels like a slight downgrade#because hoo was such a GRAND STORY that it would be hard to top like they literally schismed the gods. went to rome and greece#to HELL AND BACK#found A MYSTERY OF THE WORLD#and had to defeat the EARTH ITSELF#so toa is like a massive downgrade in scale like apollo is human and he has to overthrow capitalism TT like ok#and i dont find the characters as endearing im mainly talking about meg#shes growing on me but shes not really a character i care so much about#and also the way that hoo was written from multiple perspectives i think riordan really shined#i dont like riordans first person povs as much as i like his third persons#also i feel like the target audience age went down again so that may also be why#the books are a lot shorter and apollo just isnt as endearing as percy jackson yet#who was down to earth and funny despite some of his main graspable personality in the first couple being like haha one liner#i domt like apollo as much esp in his introduction but im sure it was the point#its just that its hard to like a character when you go from like 7 really endearing teens with interesting struggles to like#Literally a Stuck up god who cannot help self flagellating like every 3 words in the first chapter#hopefully i like it better by the end of this one (2nd book) cause i wasnt really into hoo until the end of son of neptune#and mark of athena and house of hades my beloved 🥺#AT LEAST LEOS IN THIS BOOK !!!!
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Florence Pennyworth, I’m thinking that it would be interesting to see her with Leanna ‘Leah’ Elfman. I don’t have much for her, but I think it would take a little while for the two of them to get along. Leah might sometimes worry Dick is replacing their friendship when he moves into Wayne Manor - not that he’d do it on purpose, but part of her would wonder about it. That being said, I think when Leah can get passed that - they probably have a conversation which makes her realise she was overreacting a little - they’d be OK. Maybe not the closest, but Leah would know something was up when Florence goes missing. She’s out of Gotham by then, but they’d probably text or send silly things to each other, and it’s not like Florence to miss that; so, when she does, Leah does what she can to try helping her friend.
Leonie Murphy and Mackenzie ‘Kenzie’ Merritt would be a reporting team not to be trifled with. Honestly, these two would go at every story they could, determined to quell their insatiable curiosity. Initially, both of them would try to keep things from the other - after all, Vic being Cyborg is a secret Kenzie is determined to keep for him - but eventually they’d be a team to rival even Lois Lane. Also, can we talk about them helping each other with things? Training montage and suit making for Leonie, and her being there for Kenzie when Jason dies and Vic can’t be around?
Tessie Vannelli, the Coles and Tae all grew up in Haly’s Circus with Dick. Viola spent a lot of time with the Vannelli’s after she and Kit arrived - and their lives were turned upside down with the death of their parents getting there - for the pure fact she’s a fire breather; though, she starts as a juggler and progresses there. Tae loves making costumes for her - she’s one of his favourites - and they’re pretty close because of it. All three of them are devastated when her life is turned upside down, and though they’re willing to be there for her, when she goes missing they’re desperate to find her. When it becomes clear it might be more than they can handle, the boys have to get Viola to stop. Even when Haly’s disbands, Viola refuses to give up; and when she hears rumours about Joker? She’s terrified, especially for her friend. So, when Dick returns with their old friend, and the truth of the rumours is revealed? Cue heartbreak but also the three of them trying to help her; Kit is the one who finds it all the hardest, just because that’s the sort of person he is, and Tae is honestly a little afraid of her. Overall though, Circus kids stick together, and they’ll do what they can to make things easier for their childhood friend. Also, I have a feeling Tessie would be shipping Kit and Tae alongside Viola.
Brandy Hayes with Elodie Klecko (a multiverse OC of mine); they’re both part of the Statesmen. I feel the two of them would be pretty good friends, and they’d try to look out for each other whenever possible - be it on missions or just in general life. I can imagine the mayhem they’d cause together, but also banding together when things are happening within the Statesmen.
Callie Raeken with Camila and Ryan McCall (Scott’s cousins). They wouldn’t really have known her before, and I can see Camila taring her with the same scepticism she shows everyone; Ryan would be far more sympathetic towards her, and constantly be trying to make sure she was OK; he’d do the same for Theo as well, but I have a feeling Callie might need that support a little more than her brother. I could totally see him having a crush on her at some point - if it’s reciprocated or not, I don’t know - but he’d always be telling her random facts to try helping. Eventually, Camila would probably realise that Callie wasn’t so bad, it would take a while for them to get there, but when they do she’s one of the most loyal friends a person can have.
Elvira Levitsky and Irisa Kuznetsov. Both of them are Healers - though Elvira’s Tailor skills as well would be something Ris would love to learn more about. Depending on how Elvira left the Little Palace would shift their relationship I think. Irisa left the Little Palace because she hated it there; she ran away, and if they were there together that might make things rocky for the two of them; on the other hand, it might also actually make them closer. Irisa needs someone who can help her figure out what she wants, because this is really the first time she’s done something for herself. The Crows would be a massive help, but if she had someone who understood her a little? That would help her immensely.
Hope Wood would adopt Phoenix Dumbledore on sight. I can totally see Hope sticking up for the girl, especially if she’s sorted into Hufflepuff because Hope misses Cedric. She’d totally be up for taking Phoenix under her wing if she needed the help, and would prank anyone who even tried getting on her nerves (think the twins protecting Harry during second year, and you’ve got how I could see it going). That being said - and I haven’t actually posted anything about them because they became a side characters in Hope’s story - but I have a couple of Beauxbatons OCs. I can’t remember names - they’re in a folder somewhere for old fanfiction planning - but one was a prankster girl who was constantly in trouble, and her best friend who was always trying to get her out of it. I can see him having a soft spot for Phoenix - at least one parent is a teacher - but his friend doesn’t really get along with her due to the connection with Fleur. However, both of them are willing to try helping the girl smile when she needs it, and I feel like at least one of them would occasionally ask Fleur about her when they go back to school.
If I’m sticking with the Nico universe, seeing Teagan O’Neal with A.J. and Teddy Kane would be a lot of fun, I think. I can see A.J. being protective of Nico with everything; especially because of how Teagan and Dick appear to be sometimes as well. I think Teddy would be a little intimidated by her, but would totally be up for helping her integrating a little more with the Titans. I have a whole heap of DC OCs that could also be interesting to explore, but I need to develop them a little more. But I love the idea Teagan and A.J. not exactly seeing eye-to-eye, but if Nico was ever in danger you can bet everything that they’d work together to protect him. No matter what.
Booker’s sibling. I have a really rough idea for another friend of the group, possibly a cheerleader but who doesn’t take things too seriously. They’d probably have issues with Terri in a way, but when things start getting real I can see them helping each other out, and finding a friendship there that they never saw coming (one day I’ll introduce these guys properly, but I hope this is okay for a rough idea at the moment).
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aerixwri · 26 days
Main Character: Kathleen Razon
I have the ultimate love-hate relationships when it comes to building characters. Because on one hand, anything is possible with them and on the other hand just because anything is possible doesn't mean that ANYTHING is possible. Their backstories have to make sense and their actions need to make sense with their personalities. Things. Need. To. Make. Sense. These kinds of things play in HEAVILY when you're molding the main character of a story. For the main star of the show, we have Kathleen Razon. My absolute baby who's going to go through absolute hell. (all photo credits go to pinterest <33)
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============================================== Misbelief: The truth isn't worth sharing, but it's worth knowing for yourself ============================================== BASICS - Firstly we have all the basic information that we have for my main character. Her name, appearance, and everything that's meant to be taken at face value. Character's Name: Kathleen Ive L. Razon (yes I am a sucker for full named characters) Role in Story: Detective Stereotype: Burnt-Out Gifted Kid Age: 16 Physical Description: - Medium length layered hair that's in its awkward phase - Prominent jawline - Taller than the average teenage girl - Small tired eyes with DEEP bags - Morena (rich almond tan) Kathleen is the average disheveled teen and as an intense academic achiever she doesn't care particularly about her appearance and her morning/skin-care routine stops at basic hygiene. MBTI Personality Type: INTP-T ============================================== EXTERNAL - In the easiest of words, if you're a sucker for character customization THIS is the fun stuff. The anything is possible stuff. Typical Outfit: - white t-shirts, buttoned up blouses, or polo shirts - neckties - faux leather jacket that is way too warm for the weather - baggy jeans - thrifted boots What is her favorite book, movie, or band? Book: works by Agatha Christie, Crime and Punishment Movie: Horror, Thriller, and Slasher Films, Scream Band: Arctic Monkeys, and other indie bands What nickname/names have they been called throughout the years? - Kat-Kat - Kit - Kathleen What is her method of manipulation? - Silent Treatment - Self Abasement Their go-to cure for a bad day? - Writing (ranting on paper) - Reading ==============================================
So far this is it for Kathleen.
I'm no expert in making characters, I just happen to watch youtube videos a lot and drool over character profiles and the ideas just materialize and I end up trying to tie stuff together with red string. Most of the fairly important stuff about her character (fears, values, and beliefs) are in my physical notebooks that I am too lazy to type out right now. I might put it on here sometimes in the future because I have a habit of forgetting which notebook has what information. So look out for that stuff.
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Themes Tag
Thank you @autumnalwalker for tagging me!
I think I'm going to do this for my Steph's Crew series… lots of themes there. Plus, it is the main series I do on here lol.
Here are the rules for this game: Bold the themes that appear in your WIP (& italicize those that are loosely covered) then tag 10 people.
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
There we go.
(I feel like this kind of gives away future plotlines in the series lol)
Here are the 10 people I'm tagging to try this out next:
@rubywrite, @thelavenderwriter, @jesswellmanwrites, @gummybugg, @winterandwords, @yourlocalcryptidinthewoods, @falesiacatwrites, @jojomills, @blind-the-winds, @author-a-holmes
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larryy223 · 2 years
The Never-Ending Tunnel
There’s a trail that runs through my town called the Trail of Discovery. You may not recognize the name, but if you live in my town, you've probably walked through parts of it.
I live in a relatively suburban neighbourhood that the Trail of Discovery runs through. My parents were never really weary of the trail; in fact, we walked our dog on that trail almost daily.
My siblings and I were allowed to walk wherever we wanted, except for the northern part of the trail. My parents were and still are not superstitious in the slightest, but the legend that originated from that area north of the trail always seemed to scare them a bit.
You could almost always find at least one person on the trail, but as you got further north, there were never any people. There’s a road people often bike down to get to the other neighbourhoods around my area. To travel to that road, you either have to bike up a steep hill or you can go through the tunnel, otherwise known as the Graffiti Tunnel. The tunnel is part of the trail and is filled with graffiti.
This is where the legend originated. According to the legend, the tunnel is like a portal. It is only a portal during the early hours of the morning. It’s said that if you enter this portal, what awaits you is death, for there’s a monster that is said to live there and doesn’t like visitors. If you encounter said monster, you won’t come out the same.
I was like my parents; I didn’t believe in that stuff. However, there have always been some strange characteristics of the tunnel. In the daytime, it took no less than what seemed like minutes to walk through.
In the evening, however, people would walk in at, say, 7:00 pm and come out hours later for no reason at all. Other people wouldn't come out at all and would either be missing or found dead in the tunnel. The police have always chalked it up to being homeless people since anyone can access that tunnel, but the survivor says differently.
"Survivor" Singular. His name is Bailey Kaplow, and his story is quite similar to the urban legend that has chilled my parents. This is his story.
It was around one in the morning when he approached the tunnel; he was playing on his phone and listening to music, with little to no sense of his surroundings. There seemed to be nothing odd about the atmosphere around him, as all he could hear were the sounds of the forest through the one headphone-less ear.
He started walking through the tunnel, not looking up from his phone once. After around 5 minutes, he realised he could still hear the echo of his footsteps as he walked through the tunnel. When he looked up, all he could see were the walls around him that were faintly lit from his phone screen. As he stood there looking around in confusion, his phone screen faded before turning off completely, leaving Bailey in complete darkness.
It was completely silent now, and he couldn’t hear anything. The crickets were gone, and his music had faded out with his phone screen. He closed his eyes in the hope that he would adjust to the darkness.
When he opened his eyes, he could see a bit better but not very well. He turned his phone’s flashlight on to see better, but no light was emitted from his screen. It was like the darkness absorbed the light. He decided to continue walking in the hopes that the street lamps would appear soon. He walked for what felt like hours, but there was no light, just darkness.
That’s when he heard it. a low growl coming from what sounded like a few feet away. He stood there, frozen. He hoped it was just a raccoon and that it would walk away, but then he heard it again. It was louder and closer this time. He stood there again, hoping it would go away. He was completely consumed by fear.
After a few seconds, he slowly started backing away, and soon he was turned around and running down the tunnel.
He could hear heavy footsteps following closely, the sound of growling never ceasing. He came upon a turn, and he turned down the tunnel and kept running.
He reached the end of the tunnel and realised the "thing" chasing him had stopped running, as had the growling. It was just staring at him.
Whatever it was, it didn’t look human but more like a monster with humanoid characteristics. Its eyes were a mix of red and black. His mouth was slightly hanging open. It was hunched over, making its arms hang by its knees. Its hands were the worst part. It only had four fingers on each hand, which were all covered with a dark substance that was stained onto its skin.
Bailey wanted to look away, but he couldn’t; it was so terrifying he couldn’t move. He finally looked away and saw a crawl space, which he quickly tried to crawl into, but that "thing" was too quick. He was halfway into the crawl space when it grabbed his legs. He let out a blood-curdling scream when it dragged him out and started dragging him through the tunnel.
He was clawing at the floor, looking for something, anything, to grab onto, but it was just flat concrete, nothing else. He was still screaming, but now hot tears started rolling down his face as the monster dragged him further and further down the tunnel. Its claws dug deeper into Bailey’s legs, breaking the skin.
As he was dragged down the tunnel, a million questions were going through his head, the most prominent one being, "What is it going to do to me?" He had been being dragged for what felt like forever; he’d given up trying to find something to grab onto and wiped the tears from his eyes.
When he opened them, he could see a dim light starting to shine from behind him. As the light shined brighter, the smell hit him like a brick.
It was the most putrid thing he’d ever smelled. Then he realised what it was. Rotting flesh. Even though the monster’s claws were completely dug into his skin, he started attempting to kick it. The monster never wavered; it kept pulling Bailey deeper and deeper into the tunnel.
The farther he got through the tunnel, the worse the smell got. It got so bad that he started gauging.
The growling came back, but this time it was different. It sounded angry; it was a sound Bailey had never heard before. Then the monster stopped, and as Bailey got a better listen, he realised it wasn’t angry. It was hungry.
Now that it was brighter, he could see the monster more clearly. It looked the same, but now he could see its teeth. They were rotten and covered in blood. The dark substance that was coated on its hand was blood, and it was splattered all over its body. Its breath was horrible, and it had a sick smile on its face. It was almost like it was playing hide and seek with Bailey, and it, the seeker, had won its game.
Bailey wanted to look anywhere but at the monster, and when he did, he only saw one thing. Bodies. There are hundreds of them strewn about. Some skeletons, some decaying as if taken only a few weeks ago, The smell made sense now, and it was just as putrid as ever.
Bailey began screaming again, but the monster didn’t do anything; he just stared at him. That sick grin never left, but then the "thing" started laughing. A high-pitched giggle that sounded as if it were a kid in a candy store. The monster was enjoying this.
The giggle went away as quickly as it had started. That’s when Bailey really got scared. He was squirming, trying anything he could to get out of the monster’s grasp. Nothing worked; Bailey knew he was going to die.
The growling came back. Bailey didn’t know if the monster was going to do anything, but then it did. It bit down on his abdomen and quickly ripped away his skin. Bailey let out a shriek. The monster started tearing and ripping at Bailey’s skin, making sure not to leave any part unscathed. Blood was everywhere, and Bailey was almost passed out due to the immense pain he was experiencing. The monster still had that grin on its face. It was a sadistic grin, even though it was so wide that there was no emotion in it.
The monster kept going until only Bailey’s face was left untouched. Bailey thought the monster had stopped. He was in an unbearable amount of pain, and he wondered how the other victims felt when they met their untimely demise. Then the monster bit into his stomach, tearing it out. Bailey let out a scream, a sound so loud that it made his throat burn.
For Bailey, that’s when everything went black. When he woke up, he was in the tunnel, but it was different. This time, it was the day. The sun’s bright light blinded him. Bailey looked down and realised he was ok. There wasn’t a scratch on him, as far as he could see.
When he found his phone and turned it on, he realised how long it had been. His phone had hundreds of notifications from friends and family.
It had been three days. He got up and went home, trying not to think about the incident.
When he went to change his clothes, he saw the mark. There were four claw marks going down his abdomen, still red as if he’d only been scratched recently.
Bailey tried to tell people what had happened, but no one believed him. They just kept saying he got drunk and passed out.
Only one person believed him, and that was me. There’s only one reason I believe him. That’s because I am Bailey.
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gopuckurself · 2 years
2 am and I’m thinking of the teen detective au.
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