#tell people they can't use that????? no???? cool then shut the absolute fuck up actually.
rjalker ยท 2 years
"trans men and nonbinary people aren't allowed to have words to describe the specific oppression they face, because trans women don't oppress them!!!"
well I hate to fucking break it to you but the term "transmisogyny" literally does not fucking mean "trans men and nonbinary people oppress trans women" it's literally fucking talking about how **cis people of all genders** react to and treat trans women in particular, punishing them for not being feminine enough, but then acting like when they are feminine, that it's all fake and performative.
The book it's from is also literally exorsexist as fucking hell and racist, (She fucking insists that the white western gender binary is only so prevalant **because it's right** and not because of the fucking systemic genocide and colonization white people have inflicted on other cultues!!! no, no, it's definitely because Everyone is either inherently male or female because their brain is gendered and nonbinary people are just actually binary trans people who are in denial about it so they can be cooler than trans women) and insists one moment that trans men are priveledged because they're seen as women, and then the next starts insisting that they never have trouble passing as cis men and despite the author's claims that she's only talking about her personal experiences, she also literally just pretends her experiences are fucking universal.
But okay. Sure. You can just say you don't give a shit about other trans people and think the oppression we face doesn't exist. You don't need to hide behind protecting trans women as your excuse. It doesn't fucking work. Transmisogyny literally does not fucking mean "trans men and nonbinary people oppress trans women"
Life is not a fucking game where literally all the negative status effects get pointed at trans women and everyone else gets the positive effects. That is literally not how this works and NOT EVEN what fucking Julia Serranno was saying when she coined the fucking term transmisogyny.
And even if that was what she was saying, it wouldn't fucking matter, because she literally does nothing but downplay and ignore all the oppression trans men and nonbinary people face, and fucking says nonbinary people only identify that way so they can feel superior to trans women specifically, oh and also they aren't actually nonbinary at all, they just don't want to admit they're binary trans, because then they wouldn't look cool enough -.-
so like, let me get this straight:
trans men get harassed en masse because they want to create a term to talk about the specific forms of oppression they face. According to some trans women, trans men talking about the oppression they face means they're speaking over trans women, despite trans women not having anything at all to do with trans men being oppressed by cis people.
nonbinary people talk about the ways we are oppressed that binary trans people don't face, and again, specific kinds of trans women leap to accuse us of speaking over trans women, acting like us saying "binary trans people have priveledges we don't" means that we're saying trans women oppress nonbinary people, even though trans women have nothing to do with nonbinary people being oppressed by cis people.
Literally just the other day I saw a post that said "afabs need to stop pretending they're uniquely oppressed for having a pussy".
so maybe, just maybe, the problem here is not trans men and nonbinary people speaking over trans women, on issues that have literally nothing to do with trans women.
Maybe the problem is people think being trans makes it perfectly fine for them to be misogynists, and certain trans women think that the forms of oppression they face (even when they're white, and able-bodied, neurotypical, and perisex, and well off financialy) are the most severe forms of oppression in existance, and that means they can do and say whatever horrible, bigoted shit they want, and it's okay, because they're oppressed, so they can't do anything wrong.
And these certain trans women, who think being oppressed in one way means they're allowed to be a bigot in every other way, now have a vested interest in making sure no one can "out compete" them in being oppressed, because they think other people treat their oppression as a shield to be a bigot the way they do. So any time other people talk about the ways in which they are oppressed, that are different from the way this person is oppressed, then that must, of course, be an attack on them, because if other people say they're oppressed by the same systems, just in different ways, then suddenly they can't use that oppression as an excuse to be a horrible bigoted person -.-
If you see trans men and nonbinary people talking about the specific ways that cis people and our cis-rewarding society oppress them, and you insist that they be silent and "listen to trans women", instead of talking about their own problems, you are literally just a bigot.
And if you say shit like "afabs think they're oppressed for having pussys" you are a fucking misogynist.
No, trans men and nonbinary people do not need to listen to trans women on topics that only affect trans men and nonbinary people. Trans women are not telepathic. Trans women do not get to remember all their past fucking lives. Trans women's experiences with misogyny and transphobia are not fucking universal. That's kinda the entire fucking point of having the term "transmisogyny" - specifically that the things it describes do not apply to everyone.
But certain trans women think that it means they're now part of an exclusive club of "the only people really impacted by transphobia and misogyny in any way worth discussing or calling out", and if anyone else dares to talk about the ways they're oppressed by transphobic and misogynistic cis people, then they take that as a personal attack on their victimhood, which they use as a shield for all their heinous behavior.
If you think the statement "afabs aren't oppressed for having pussys" is perfectly normal and fine and sound and totally a rational argument, then I don't think you have any concept of what misogyny is.
If you, like a person with morals, think that statement is fucking evil and misogynistic as fucking hell, then you do in fact have a responsability to call people out when they say shit like that, and support nonbinary people and trans men when they talk about the ways in which our society oppresses them.
How is trans women using the way they're oppressed as a shield to be a bigot any better than cis white queer people using their queerness as a shield to be a bigot? Or autistic people using their autism as a shield to be a bigot?? I'll give you a hint: it's not.
TLDfuckingR: Julia Serrano is exorsexist and lies about what trans men and nonbinary people experience. Nonbinary people and trans men deserve to have words to describe the specific intersections of misogyny and transphobia they face, and other trans people talking about the ways in which they're oppressed does not oppress trans women or demonize them, because cis people are the ones who systemically oppress trans people, not other trans people, and it's only a small but vocal number of trans women who are misogynists, and they need to be called out for their bigotry.
21 notes ยท View notes
lovings4turn ยท 4 months
เชœโ€โžดย  ๐Š๐ˆ๐’๐’ ๐‡๐„๐‘ ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐…๐Ž๐Ž๐‹ย  . . .ย  (๐†. ๐‘.)
โ€” two things are definite: you like george, and george likes you. unfortunately, you two seem to be the only ones who don't see it.
+ part of my 'be my valentine' mixtape series ! love this song and i was so excited to use it for a george fic, so i hope you enjoy <3
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โ€œoh mate, youโ€™re joking.โ€
โ€œshut up!โ€ george huffed, running the palm of his hand down his face in exasperation. โ€œit was not that bad.โ€
he could defend himself all he liked, because in spite of that, george knew it really was.
this was possibly the third time this month that george had fumbled his chance to ask you out, and alex was beginning to grow tired of his friendโ€™s constant pining and lingering stares.ย 
โ€œhereโ€™s what youโ€™re gonna do,โ€ alex said, his voice growing more serious as he looked george dead in the eyes. โ€œyouโ€™re gonna ring y/n, and youโ€™re gonna tell her you forgot something at her place. a shirt, socks, anything.โ€
"but i haven't?"
"not the point," alex groaned. "you're gonna tell her that, so you have an excuse to turn up there. this is your chance. don't be a stupid. tell her you think she's cool, that you like her, something to charm her."
george still wasn't convinced. his brows were pinched together as he ran over alex's plan in his mind, able to find a thousand different ways it could go wrong for him.
"right. and what happens when she realises that i haven't actually left anything there, and i just look like a massive twat for showing up?"
alex wasn't sure that he could take any more.
"mate, you can't just sit around and wait for some sort of fairy tale ending to come out of nowhere for you. at some point, you're just going to have to confess to her."
though he was being assertive, alex was still trying to be supportive, laying a hand on george's shoulder and delivering a friendly pat of encouragement.
"i can promise you she's probably thinking the exact same thing right now, anyways."
george scoffed, his answer hanging in the air unspoken. as if.
unbeknownst to george, alex was a lot closer to the truth than even he may have realised.
the events of the afternoon were playing on a loop in your mind as you tried to dissect every last piece of your interaction with george, from how he'd greeted you - a brief side hug and a smile - to how he'd said goodbye - a weak effort to get you to stay and a silly, yet endearing, wave.
was this your life now? driving yourself mad over even the smallest little details, all because of some stupid feelings?
when you'd first started developing somewhat of a crush on the mercedes driver, you made a promise to yourself that it would never become a thing. and you had kept that promise for roughly four months, until you made a huge error: revealing your feelings to someone else.
ever since you had let it slip to a friend that you actually quite liked george in ways that far surpassed the platonic label, you'd been - for lack of a better phrase - absolutely fucked.
now you had people to fuel your delusions, try to convince you that george had to feel the same way, and no, of course he wasn't just being polite when he offered you his jacket, you fool. outside interference and reassurance should have made you more confident in your feelings, maybe even push you to confess, but instead they'd had the opposite effect.
the weight of the word 'hopeless' in hopeless romantic had really started to resonate with you. though you weren't allowed to dwell on your misfortunes for too long.
some may have chalked it up to fate, some may have attributed it to a divine power wanting to laugh at a poor mortal, but whatever the reason, your phone rang with an incoming call from george.
the stupid candid photo youโ€™d taken as a contact picture flashed up on your screen, and the automatic smile that painted your lips made you want to yell in frustration.
"y/n, hi!"
pathetic was the perfect word to describe you, thanks to how utterly gone you were for george, as the mere sound of your name leaving his lips was enough to make your heart jump.
"sorry, know i only saw you a few hours ago, but i just remembered that i think i left one of my mercedes shirts at yours when i was there the other day."
you didn't even think twice about it, why would you? george had left countless items at your place in the past, and he would leave more in the future.
"no problem. y'can always come by and get it, i'll try and grab it for you."
george's chest ached at how ready to help you were.
"yeah? you're a lifesaver, y/n, really. i'll set off now, should be there in about fifteen minutes."
brief 'see you later's were exchanged, and the moment you set your phone down onto the coffee table, your hunt began.
you didn't recall seeing one of george's shirts anywhere around, but previous mishaps had enlightened you to the fact that things could turn up anywhere. you'd thought that the shoes buried right underneath your bed were odd, until a sock turned up in your bread bin a few weeks later.
nothing was off limits anymore.
yet, somehow, no matter where you looked, you couldn't find the fucking shirt. frustration slowly nibbled at your mind, the sound of a knock being the only thing to break you from your frantic search.
an annoyingly attractive george russell greeted you when you swung open the front door.
in all of the years he'd known you, george thought this was the most adorable you'd looked.
your hair was in disarray, the strands unkempt as though you'd been running your hands through it over and over again. your face shone a little, and you were clearly a little out of breath, if the small, panting gasps you took were anything to go by.
your apartment was a mess, and george quickly realised that you'd turned your entire place practically upside down to try and find a shirt that wasn't even there in the first place.
guilt began to bubble up in his throat, and george hoped that, after today, it would all be worth it. he only had one chance, and he wasn't going to fuck it up.
before he could allow doubt to creep into his mind and sow seeds of regret, george lifted a hand to cup your jaw. the feeling of your soft skin against his palm elicited a gasp to slip from his mouth. the parting of his lips provided you with the perfect opportunity to meld your lips together in a chaste, sweet kiss.
feelings went unspoken, for now. time would grant you the chance to properly word every last affection you harboured for one another at a later date.
besides, george was a firm believer that actions spoke louder than words, and this kiss was living proof.
george forced himself to pull back, his forehead resting against your own, and he believed that to die like this would be a blessed fate. because you were definitely going to kill him when you found out the truth.
"i lied, by the way. there was no shirt," he mumbled, blue eyes meeting yours with a wince.
"you fucking dick."
234 notes ยท View notes
agentjazzy ยท 7 months
The Evil Dead Dashboard Simulator
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๐Ÿงโ€โ™‚๏ธ groovyhousewares Follow
YES I got my girlfriend a pretty pretty necklace from a gumball machine and when she sees it she's going to give me so so many kisses :)
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๐ŸŸ fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
#i hope the bridge collapses i hope they all DIE #vent
(4,079 Notes)
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๐ŸŽฒ kingofstupidbitches Follow
unethical life pro tip: if you overhear your professor talking about their family cabin that they have, and they have open office hours posted, it's your RIGHT to go check that shit out
they're not gonna be there!! they have papers to grade and other shit to deal with!!! free cabin!!!
๐ŸŒ‹ thehillsalsohaveanniceass ๐Ÿ“› Follow
op what are you going to do when you roll up and they're just sitting there
๐ŸŽฒ kingofstupidbitches Follow
lmao his ass is NOT going to be in that cabin ๐Ÿ˜‚ he just got back from a vacation with his family or something (dipshit couldn't wait until break) he's supposed to be at his office and he does NOT have the vacation days to be leaving so soon
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๐ŸŒน pressedflowerpetals Follow
fml my older brother asked if I wanted to tag along on a trip to a cabin and I said sure bc it beats staying at home w/ dad
#if i knew i would've said no ๐Ÿ˜ญ #he didn't even invite his Actual best friend #which SUCKS bc then we could've fooled around when no one was paying attention #huh who said that ๐Ÿ˜ณ #cheryl posting
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๐Ÿ“œ anthroapologist ๐Ÿฆ€ Follow
haters will hear you scurrying underneath the bowels of your home and freak out like HELLO where else am I supposed to scurry????
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๐Ÿ”ฎ shessellingseashells Follow
you ever feel like people Immediately forget your name upon meeting you :(
#i might be too high but i don't think any of these people know my full name #i mean I'm Definitely high #and tried moonshine for the first time #but like. really feeling like an outsider rn
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๐ŸŽฒ kingofstupidbitches Follow
it's so hard being the only chad amongst nerds, like, I GET IT, you're too much of a pussy to investigate the creepy fucking cellar, the LEAST you can do is let me listen to the tapes I found down there, they're cool as fuck
๐ŸŽฒ kingofstupidbitches Follow
okay and now they're all yelling at me bc a stupid tree broke a window right when the tape got good ๐Ÿ˜‘
๐ŸŽฒ kingofstupidbitches Follow
fuck it, here's a recording of the tape, I hope none of you guys are cowards like all my friends apparently are, have fun bc I can't
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๐Ÿ’€ theevilacrosstheland Follow
when someone plays your song you can feel that shit in your SOUL catch me coming towards you at 15mph awoken from my eternal slumber if I hear that first note fr
(6,282 Notes)
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๐Ÿ” peachycraftsection Follow
my boyfriend spent $14 in quarters attempting to get a magnifying glass necklace from one of those gumball machine toy capsules at work bc he knows I LOVE mysteries and detective stories and I need to [redacted] him in the [redacted] right NOW ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
(432 Notes)
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๐ŸŒน pressedflowerpetals Follow
everyone's making out rn which is REAL inconvenient bc there is Absolutely Something Outside
๐ŸŒน pressedflowerpetals Follow
should I check it out
๐ŸŒน pressedflowerpetals Follow
there's no one online to tell me no so.....
๐Ÿ“ charcoalfingertips Follow
op you haven't posted in an hour are you okay???
๐ŸŒน pressedflowerpetals Follow
I'm Irrevocably Changed Now ๐Ÿ‘
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๐ŸŒน deadite420 Follow
I'm just a silly goofy guy if I happened to have killed and maimed and bite and stab that's just who I am and how I show love ^_^
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๐Ÿ”ฎ deadite68 Follow
coyotes are SO right, if youre trapped somewhere or someone grabs ya, just bite your limb off, no hesitation, show superiority, it's not like THEY'RE gonna do it
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๐Ÿงโ€โ™‚๏ธ groovyhousewares Follow
whhy is there so muchh blood everywhere........
#help #i accidentally kept my mouthh open and blood got in it :((((( #my head hurts sso bad bookcases kept falling on me
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๐Ÿ”ฉ deadite883 Follow
heehee i love crawling through pipes and electrical outlets
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๐ŸŽถ 8tracksarebetterthancassettes Follow
I logged onto Tumblr and wtf why am I following so many people with deadite in their username? is it a reference? did I miss a meme? are we mishapocolypse-ing again?
๐ŸŒฟ dirtissoyummy Follow
I think it might be a virus transmitted by bots but idk I'm too scared to interact
๐Ÿคก thespareshemp Follow
okay I investigated to see if it was a bot swarm or people having fun SO
for the first cluster of blogs, all their IPs are logging from the same location, which usually means a lazy bot swarm BUT I went through all their archives and most of them, before changing urls, interacted with one another naturally and stuff, @-ing one another and junk, and they seem to know each other irl
so it's just friends having fun!! and then people joining in on the fun!! feel free to reblog without fear!
#they're all still posting original content so that's kinda a giveaway #even though it's all 'deadite'fied and all #i wonder if theyre doing an arg thing
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๐Ÿ” deadite81 Follow
when men are SOAKED with blood ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜
(20,983 Notes)
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๐Ÿคก deadite6091 Follow
๐Ÿ› honkshoomimi Follow
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๐Ÿคก deadite6091 Follow
You Will Be Dead By Dawn
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๐ŸŸ fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
๐Ÿฅ evilpillsburydoughboy Follow
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hey you live near the state line right? can you check the news real quick
๐ŸŸ fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
๐ŸŸ fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
๐ŸŸ fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
fml if any of you need me i'm going to lay down in the cold and let the forest take me
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๐Ÿ› deadite7390 Follow
if you were to break me down to my pure essence you would be left with pure, unfiltered evil
also grits
mmmmmm grits
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๐ŸŽฅ deadite3023 Follow
falling down the stairs is the most efficient way to go down them :)
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๐ŸŽฒ deadite69 Follow
y'all ever open the window and AUGH OUGH UGH UGH UGH AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA THE AGONIES and then you adjust to the sunlight and you're fine
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๐Ÿงโ€โ™‚๏ธ groovyhousewares Follow
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213 notes ยท View notes
aqours ยท 8 months
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ok i REAAAAAALLY need to make a dedicated sideblog for this shit now i realize bc this game is gonna fucking fully get me dragged into this discourse so i'm gonna make an active effort to stop putting these on main, but i can't see myself saying more beyond this in general but ANYWAAAAYS
so i recently made this post about the cognitive dissonance regarding this game and people using fucking CALL OF DUTY a game that is more or less a recruitment drive to make the US military look cool and try to get kids to join up and that GTA's wanted system is actually NOT rewarding you or something to try to play a dick measuring contest with coffin but this interaction really interested me and i wanna talk about it bc i just blocked them after they refused to answer the last question but this is a very specific kind of gaslighting tactic i'm very familiar with from my own days as an anti
i think p much all of us who are used to engaging with this discourse are used to like y'know, being called awful horrible disgusting things. this is not the first time some fucking weird random person came onto my content asking me if i was a kid didler or wanted to fuck my brother. ain't gonna be anywhere near the last time either folks, but i and Lord God knows that's not the case so i don't care what a rando on the internet says but here's the thing: you can't "win" this, but they want to win it. no matter what you say you are the absolute worst kind of dreg of society that should be shot behind a barn and no amount of anything would work. if i actually pulled a list of sourced all that would have happened was they would've doubled down on calling me an inc*s*ious p*d* that I would be willing to use articles probably written by "people like me." because YOU don't care about "winning" this argument, you just wanna get the facts out on your end. it's a catch-22 folks, nothing you say will get you out of it!
i started by calling them a karen, they immediately escalated the living FUCK out of it and tried to trap me in this catch-22 to keep feeling morally superior to me. me saying i don't have such desires and never will isn't enough because i like this game. nothing but me renouncing it will change it.
but here's the thing about antis- they fucking HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE it when you turn it on them. look at the difference. look at the difference between they were the one throwing the catch-22 at me vs. the other way around. what about you? you just came onto my post to harass me, so i'll say it back. how about you? are you just accusing me of these horrible things because you are projecting your thoughts on me? you told me to get a therapist: so maybe you're the one that needs help if so!
violent video games must encourage violence, riiiiight? and you support it because it's violent. Game of Thrones had in*e*t in it so everyone who likes it also is the same. and Demon Slayer, where the pfp is from is violent, so you support it. the main protag's little sister also gets a superpowered form where she gets physically older and a tits out kinda look. so clearly YOU want to see your sister in the same way, right?
and it went as expected. you can see the tone going from smug jerking off with a shit-eating grin to just annoyed while smelling their own farts like it's a rose. and the moment i started doing the same uh i got NO fucking answers and they stormed off. i waited half an hour for a response before blocking them
so why am i typing up this walltext? because i used to be an anti. i fucking guarantee you i would've called everyone who liked this game [insert horrible things] like 7-9 years ago. so let me tell you, you know what pisses off antis more than anything? more than ANYTHING? turning this catch-22 bullshit on them. this is the only way you can end this miserable conversation without blocking them.
it's all one-sided bullshit and the moment you turn it on an anti it IMMEDIATLY shuts it down. this fucker KNEW the answer and you know it. so i wanted to share that, if you ever struggle with this shit: well the best thing you can do is block them and to give a fuck about winning their imaginary argument, but this is the only way to make the headache end otherwise. just throw the catch-22 right back and that's the end. thanks for reading!
106 notes ยท View notes
angel-gone-south ยท 9 months
If you haven't done it before could you please write Jimmy Valmer x trans ftm reader and Clyde Donavan x trans ftm reader who likes makeup and more "fem" things but gets picked on for it (separate) I found ur blog today and I love it you write so well! So sorry if this is a odd prompt I've just never seen this done and it personally would be relatable for me
๐Ÿ–Œ(I haven't requested before but I want to so yeah)
Stan's Gang, Butters, Craig's Gang, Scott, Damien, Pip, Gregory and The Mole x FTM!Reader who's pretty feminine! (High School)
I'll do better than that.... (THIS IS SO MUCH.)
cw: slurs, minor transphobia, emeto, cig
Stan Marsh
ssssoo... who cares
legit he doesn't get why you get picked on
huh??? you look pretty, what?
or handsome. whatever you like
i feel like his bisexual ass would have a crisis over you actually
would probably get nauseated at the thought of you but
we all know what that means with stan
would love if you sat on his lap and did his hair, nails, and makeup like you do yours
just 'cause he thinks it would be cool if you matched.
Kyle Broflovski
calls you "they" at first because he doesn't like to assume
pc principal drilled that shit in his head fr
screams at cartman when he gets your pronouns wrong
does his research
gives you his hoodies for dysphoric days
because let's be honest he's so much taller than you are
his mom loves you actually
she takes the two of you to the mall
he would probably ask you out eventually
Kenny McCormick
people make fun of you?
but you're SOOOO HOT?!
constant. flirting.
"heyyyy.... you look great.... but you'd look better in my arms ;]"
he's so fucking dumb
you invite him over though and do little fashion shows for him
karen LOVES you, he brings her around a lot
touchy too... "can i have a hug, princey, please??" and he's all pouty if you say no...
Eric Cartman
so what are you
calls you a little faggot 'cause he thinks you're cis.
flustered if you flirt with him
very sexually confused at this point
bullies you but not a lot
it's more friendly than anything
will REFUSE if accused though
"with HIM?! no. absolutely not" and then kyle...
"you used his proper pronouns, cartman, good job!" "SHUT UP KAHL"
Leopold "Butters" Stotch/Marjorine Stotch
oh my goodness, you're so cute
makes puppy love eyes at you
is startled when you come up to them
blushes so hard at the thought of you
if transfem, you can bet marj is asking you ALL the questions
fashion advice, makeup, everything
loves when you give her little makeovers
loves to do the same to you
you guys snuggle a lot. bullied kid solidarity
Craig Tucker
woah. cool
the asian girls think you're a male magical girl protag
they love to draw you with the two yaoi icons
one of them tripped you and you landed on craig
it was their fuel for weeks
craig blushes every time he reads a fanfic they write
he's kinda annoyed at it
you bond over that though
spend hours giggling together at the stupid shit
Tweek Tweak
oh god he's ripping his hair out over here
absolutely head over heels i'll bet
screams when you talk to him
eventually though you guys sit in a kinda comfortable silence
lets you leave lipstick marks all over his face
doesn't wash them off until he gets a picture
it turns out shaky sooo...
"d-do it a-again!... p-please."
you take the picture that time
Clyde Donovan
cartoonish eye bulge, jaw drop, heart popping out, train whistle. the works
screams to the school that he's bi
immediately asks you out
"please please pleaaaaseeee"
you say yes just to get him off your back
but you end up having a great time
he takes you to a cozy drive in and tells you you don't have to dress nice
he likes you anyway
now THAT flustered you.
Jimmy Valmer
"m-m-my my, y-y-you m-m-must be f-from my pantry, 'c-cause you a-are a snack."
god he tells you how gorgeous you are every day
like. he hangs around you so much
he roasts the shit out of transphobes too
"eric, a-at least th-they look p-p-pretty. y-y-you can't even m-manage that."
and then you high five
you guys watch cartoons together
he's actually a great cuddler.
especially when you're dysphoric or on your period. his oversized tees >>>>
Tolkien Black
"okay? i don't see you as any less of a man."
genuinely supportive
adores spending time with you!
you guys watch a lot of old sitcoms
and pick them apart by microagressions
it's fun for you but it annoys anyone you're with
not that he cares.
if you're picked on in front of him he sics wendy on whoever
'cause i KNOW she hangs with y'all too
Scott Malkinson
"huh??" he doesn't really understand, he just thinks you're so pretty
you guys hang out
but also you do old people things
going to the country kitchen buffet and watching the news
boring shit
but it's so fun for him because you're there
loves how femme you present
still genders you correctly because, quote "it's not that hard?"
his mom squeals over the two of you i can feel it
Phillip "Pip" Pirrup
you're both pretty outcast
so you hang around quite a bit
he always compliments you
consistently reminding others of your pronouns (not that anyone pays attention to him :[)
but he totally goes shopping with you
he loves when you try outfits on for him
or pick out clothes for him
just loves you.
please please tell him he means something to you
Damien Thorn
glares. but less so at you and more at the people who pick on you
tells them to mind their fucking business or get got
and he follows through, you know he would
fire and demons and all
you'd have to calm him down
he would be really warm so you snuggle with him on period days
personal heating pad
lets you do his makeup and complains (secretly very pleased. he's even shown his father)
his father ADORES you by the way. he has claimed your soul for hell when you die.
Gregory (of the Yardale Variety)
calls you a fair maiden at first but switches up so easy
"oh, my apologies, my handsome sire~"
always staring at you and musing
"ah. you remind me of something"
and then quotes a cheesey love poem
or like "i have crossed oceans of time to find you. braham stoker"
puts that shit in his social bios and everyone rolls their fucking eyes
basically proposes when asking you on a date with a huge bouquet
you're immensely flustered and he's all on his knees. "please, my prince"
Christophe "Ze Mole" DeLorne
he does NOT perceive gender actually
but tell him your pronouns 'cause he will just refer to you as 'it'
eventually warms up to you. compliments your outfits
you try to give him a bath and he hisses like a cat
his mother hates you
she thinks you're trying to "turn her son gay"
he hates her though so out of spite he gets really close with you
eventually beats the shit out of your bullies with a shovel. smokes his cigarettes after and goes "what?" covered in blood
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mikuni14 ยท 4 months
Dead Friend Forever - Ep 10
The tenth episode of the technically BL series which I rate 10/10. What a time to be alive ๐Ÿ’–
While watching this episode I was very angry at Phee for not shutting up and then at Jin when he was yelling and being rude to my sweet little creature Tan, but I decided not to judge them (and not to theorize about other stuff) because:
the behavior of all the characters in this episode was strange, off and very sus, so who knows what they are really doing and thinking
I'm drinking an alcoholic beverage as I write this, so I'm very chill ๐Ÿ˜„
Could Phee actually tell Jin the whole truth and Jin accept it and not make it a big deal? Yes. This is, in my opinion, believable behavior from both of them. Phee is not a cute lil freak like Tan, he doesn't have as much to lose as Tan, he has something to come back to, unlike Tan, he has a home, a parent. Tan has nothing. Jin could be just tired. Tired of what happened in the past, of his guilt, of being hunted now, of not getting enough sleep, of not eating or having a moment to rest and think, of being constantly on fear-inducing hallucinogenic drugs. Phee confessing the truth because he didn't sign up for murder and Jin forgiving him quite easily are both believable. But as with White, Tee, Fluke, there was something strange, something off, in their scenes. Like their facial expressions at certain moments. Weird words. As for Phee - an ax lying coveniently there? A bottle of poisoned water that only Jin drinks? (I can't believe Phee didn't feel like drinking either, they're sweaty, it's night, it's hot, they haven't had anything to drink for a long time) Then all the marks on the trees were different, so I don't know if it was supposed to be the same tree all along? Phee left the ax outside? And it's strange that Phee knew exactly what Tan had done without even seeing it, like removing those cameras' views, or pulling the wire - how did he know it was Tan? I don't know. It was all so strange ๐Ÿค” As ifโ€ฆ several things were happening at once, several independent revenges? Multiple agendas? Unexpected alliances? Hm. Whatever! No thinking, only vibing ๐Ÿฅณ
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Por and Top were wounded in the same place ๐Ÿ™‚
I don't know if it's a fuck up of the people responsible for the costumes, or it's someone else, but the masked killer attacking Tee and Tan had different clothes underneath than Top.
Of course, I can't help but write how much I love Tan, how much I can't get enough of him, how Mio plays him, shows his facial expression, I'm absolutely crazy about him. Look at him sitting on a throne of lies, manipulation and the corpses of his family's enemies. Look at my son and despair ๐Ÿ˜! I thought Por's death wasn't in the plan, and it turns out I was wrong. And you know what, I'm cool with being wrong hehe. There are so few characters like this that I clung to him like a child to its mother's skirt. He reminds me of Charn from Laws of Attraction, Kang Yo Han from The Devil Judge, or MLs from Beyond Evil, I love all of them, so Tan also has my heart and devotion.
Watching DFF is an amazing experience. I'm just having total, pure fun, I feel giddy, the show keeps me on the edge of my seat and on my toes. Not a second is wasted, each character is used to its full potential (even Top lol). I was recently talking to a friend about TV series and he told me that lately, every series he watches, he watches and scrolls on his phone at the same time. Well, what can I say, rel. DFF is a series that has my 100% attention ๐Ÿ˜ค
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lady-byleth ยท 8 months
*shows up 20 years late with Starbucks*
So I feel like Neji gets way too much shit for his fight with Hinata during the Chunin exams
Was he a dick? Absolutely. Was he also not nearly as bad as people made it out? Also yes.
Allow me to explain
For one, yeah his verbal abuse of her is out of line and cruel. But it also serves a purpose, namely to try and scare her into giving up the fight early. He tells her multiple times to forfeit, before and even during the fight. He plays on her insecurities to pressure her into it because she has absolutely no chance against him
He also never strikes first. He waits for Hinata to make the first move several times, stays on the defensive constantly. So much so the others actually thinks she's got him on the back foot for a while. He counters her and blocks her tenketsu while he's at it.
He doesn't actually go for damage until that one strike that should have by rights taken her out of commission right then and there. But when she doesn't stop and gets back up, he actually looks horrified because she's injured, can't channel chakra, she's clearly defeated
...and then Neji too stops using chakra all together.
The whole fight it's made clear to us when chakra is involved in attacks, because the Gentle Fist relies on it, but after he blocks Hinata's tenketsu this stops completely. He doesn't go for her chest again until the very end, which is also the first time he uses chakra after stopping hers. He's losing his cool and he's trying to get her to stay down so the blow is stronger than it needs to be, but Hinata isn't exactly aiming for anything less lethal either. He matches her blow for blow, goes along with her movements, aims for the same places she does. He's just better than her so he actually does do damage.
And he could've taken her down fast and brutal if he'd wanted to. Kakashi is, pun intended, thunderstruck by Neji's level of skill. He acknowledges point blank that Sasuke wouldn't have a chance against Neji. Gaara is stimulated by that fight.
Hell, the kid makes Jonin at 15 and he has already reverse engineered some of the most advanced Hyuuga jutsu by 13 without anyone actually training him in them
He could end this fight in seconds, if he actually wanted to hurt Hinata. He doesn't. He wants her to walk away.
Hayate also tells the kids straight up that he will intervene when he thinks a fight is over cuz he doesn't want more corpses than necessary...but he let's it go on. It's not until Neji loses his cool completely that anyone actually steps in and then they have multiple Jonin rushing in to stop him cuz of how fucking dangerous Neji actually is
Also Hinata, despite her clear fear of facing him as an opponent, is still fond enough of him to call him brother. So despite the grudge Neji has against the main house and, by extension, Hinata, their relationship is still cordial enough
My conclusion is simple: Neji doesn't actually want to hurt her but he knows he can't guarantee that he won't so he wants her to quit before he does. And she just...doesn't back down and then turns the mind games back on him the whole fight. Unintentionally but the effect is the same. But her pointing out that he's hurting more than her...For a traumatized 13 year old always 2 seconds away from snapping, that's a tough pill to swallow. So he loses it and goes for her to shut her up...despite actually urging her to stop so she doesn't die just seconds before
He's definitely taking some shit out on her before that but he's not going into this fight to physically hurt her beyond reason. But his superior chakra control and frankly ridiculously good Byakugan give him an edge she can't overcome.
And Hinata had already lost by the time he got that first real blow in on her. A big part of why she ended up as badly as she did was because she refused to stop when she should have known she couldn't go on, Hayate and the Jonin stopped the fight too late and her tenacity slowly ate away at Neji's restraint
What I'm saying is basically that this is a shit situation from start to finish and no one deserves a warm handshake over anything that happens there. But Neji isn't nearly as bad as he's made out to be. Even provoking Naruto and Kurenai later on is cuz he's still riled up himself...but he does watch her being carried away the whole time too...
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buttbiscuit ยท 2 years
HoH Steve Harrington headcanons because I love him (ft a lot of Steddie)
He slowly developed hearing issues in his teens and early adolescence but didn't notice at first. He learnt how to lip read by accident because he just realised it was easier to understand people when he was doing it. He didn't know it was an actual thing.
He secretly loves that Dustin calls him a cool cyborg for having hearing aids
Going to Eddie's gigs and not giving a shit about not knowing any of the lyrics to any of the songs because he can't understand them anyway. He loves the way he can feel the loud music through his entire body.
"I can't see what you're saying!" When Eddie gets distracted and covers his mouth or turns away from Steve while they're talking.
Early mornings when he doesn't have his hearing aids in and Eddie tells him to stop stomping around so much but Steve doesn't even realise he's doing it and so Eddie calls him a dinosaur and Steve tackles him whenever he makes little t-rex arms
Absolute fucking bliss of taking his hearing aids out at night and letting the noise of the world disappear.
He can't hear those annoying cicadas everyone complains about during summer nights.
Eddie buys him an ASL book but he gives up after learning literally 3 words in ASL. He learnt enough just so he can communicate with Eddie across a noisy bar (The words are "drunk," "bathroom," and "let's go") and he never uses it anywhere else.
He loves when people see his hearing aids and assume he obviously knows sign language because he always replies with "of course" and flips them off ๐Ÿ–•
Saying "I can't hear you ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ sorry" or "hearing aids broke this morning" when he can very clearly hear the kids but he doesn't want to listen to them
Family Video having the biggest stock of subtitled movies because Robin keeps secretly ordering them for Steve
After he gets his hearing aids he realises he really likes movies more now that he can understand the characters and follow dialogue and pick up on the musical cues
Calling out Eddie for gossiping about him across a room because even though they're not within earshot, he can clearly lipread that Eddie said his name.
Having the radio absolutely cranked in his car and it startles Robin every single time which makes Steve laugh. She'll learn to turn the volume down before turning it on eventually.
"Oh my god where are my ears" when he can't find his hearing aids in the morning and Eddie says "on the sides of your head" to which Steve shouts "Shut up!" its such a frequent occurrence that Eddie doesn't even have to say it anymore but Steve still tells him to shut up
Wayne got a bit annoyed at the boys having the TV up so loud but after Eddie explains he has to because Steve can't hear so well, he never complained about it again.
He absolutely loves that Robin and Eddie talk with their entire bodies and are so expressive and have good annunciation (which they probably picked up from doing drama in school) because he can understand them really well.
Dustin constantly trying to sneak up behind Steve to scare him but because he's so used to being extra aware of his visual surroundings it never works.
Robin learning to perfectly imitate the way he says "Huh?" every time he can't hear her from across the store
Eddie knowing immediately when Steve didn't understand what someone said because he always does the same "Yeah, totally!" nod and smile.
Steve constantly bugging Eddie to wear hearing protection at gigs and go for a hearing test.
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zvtara-was-never-canon ยท 6 months
He should tell her to go back to the kit-I mean, be more "supportive and empathetic" like the absolute doormat of a person they make Katara out to be in their fanfics.
Elaborate. Examples. I'm intrigued.
I mean it's pretty simple. For all their talk of "Zutara is the best because Zuko embraces Katara's 'dark' side and righteous fury", Zutarians cannot handle it when Katara is mad or even slightly annoyed at Zuko. They need to make her a doormat or pretend it's "only her trying to repress her feelings." And it's not even just in the fanfics either.
She's mad that he's using her mother's necklace to blackmail her, and then threatening to destroy it? Nah, she's turned on that he tied her to tree against her will and is "proposing" to her since the necklaces work as engagement rings (nevermind that even Katara herself doesn't know about that).
She left him to die in the North Pole? Whaaaaat? No, that can't be right. She was totally always kind and merciful to him, and not only willing to hear him out, but also just trusting that he had good reason to do what he did! It's all right there in the alternative version of the show that I watched!
She's lashing out at him for daring to expect her to cool with him like everyone else was, even though he stabbed her in the back in Ba Sing Se, leading to the death of her best friend, and then after she healed said best friend Zuko then sent an assassin after them? Nah, she's not angry at HIM, it's misplaced anger that she actually feels towards her mother's killer and is projecting onto poor Zuzu just 'cause he's from the Fire Nation (fuck the writers for that terrible narrative choice). In fact, she's only "mad" because he LEFT her, and she's confused because he's "like an ex she still has feelings for" (actual words I had to read with my own eyes).
And of course, as Fire Lady, she'd be sooooo much more easy going than that demaning bitch of a girlfriend Mai was. She'd never "force" Zuko to *checks notes* ask the servants for dessert. She'd also never be unreasonable enough to *checks notes again* get mad at him if he doesn't trust her and assume she's gonna cheat on him with a guy she explicitly told him she's fully indifferent towards.
No, no, instead, "Katara", would be always siding with him, even against the interest of her own family and tribe. She'd ditch her traditions and stop wearing blue. She'd be Zuko's gilfriend AND therapist - and she'll be a girlboss while at it, because she'll be Fire Lady and thus have power over people she feels no connection to.
All of that in gratitude to Zuko - after all, he saved her from her role as the Gaang's cinderella! She used to do everything by herself (which is why we ignore how TOPH was the first one to disrepect the rule of EVERYONE HAS TO CONTRIBUITE).
So yeah, Zutarians cannot handle Katara's character at all. They just want her to shut up and look pretty next to Zuko.
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myherobirdbros ยท 8 months
Kaminari: What do we do! What do we do!"
Bakugou: I don't know pikachu, just shut the fuck up and let me think!
Kirishima: Hey, not cool man. Denki is just scared we all are.
Bakugou: Well the dunce can be scared elsewhere while the rest of us are trying to figure this shit out. And whose bright idea was it anyways to send fucking Deku to do a hostage negotiation!
Yaomomo: Guys I really think we need to tell Aizawa, this has gotten out of hand.
Todoroki: I agree with Momo. I'm all for believing in Izuku but maybe it isn't such a bad idea to loop in an adult just in case.
Bakugou: Icyhot do you have any clue what he'll do to us if he found out we lost traffic light?! Absolutely not. We're telling no one. We can handle this.
Uraraka: Can we?! Because right now we have no idea what's happening to Iida. And Izuku has a briefcase full of nothing in there and we're all just sitting behind these bushes hoping it won't blow up in our faces!"
Kirishima: It's okay Uraraka. It's okay. Bakubro is just trying to keep a cool head yeah. We all know how serious this situation is.
Uraraka: Do we?!
Kirishima [with no confidence at all in his voice]: Sure.
Uraraka: Oh my God.
Kaminari: Let's just tell an adult?!Why can't we do that!
Bakugou: Because we'll never be trusted again to go grocery shopping that's why moron, so shut up and follow the fucking plan!"
Tokoyami: Guys, please everyone just calm down.
Uraraka: Momo they're all crazy, you agree with me right? Shoto?
Yaomomo: We do.
Todoroki: Yeah. I think we should tell an adult then go after Izuku ourselves.
Tokoyami: You know, the adult doesn't necessarily have to be Aizawa-sensei.
Kirishima: What do you mean man?
Tokoyami: We can just tell Hawks. He's not that much older than us and he owes me one. I'm sure he won't tell on us if things are resolved quickly.
Bakugou: Do it.
*minutes later*
Hawks: What the actual hell kids! And whose idea was it to send Midoriya of all people?! That honest face is going to get him killed!"
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mr-ribbit ยท 25 days
"um I've experienced misogyny too so actually I'm NOT out of line for telling you to shut your stupid bitch mouth and stop whining about your problems"
people who experience misogyny can absolutely perpetuate and perform misogyny
people who experience misogyny can absolutely be unaware of what forms misogyny takes for others
people who experience misogyny can absolutely have ulterior motives and biases that make them feel justified about subjecting other people to more misogyny
fucked up: using your status as someone who is a woman, seen as a woman, treated as a woman, or otherwise affected by misogyny as an excuse to be completely immune to criticism about your misogynistic behavior
cool: using your status as someone affected by misogyny to show solidarity to others also affected by it, take misogyny seriously when you see it, and try your best to unlearn misogynistic behaviors youre capable of wielding against others
as a tme person that does experience misogyny on a regular basis, I fucking hate misogyny. why would I ever want to wield that against another person for any reason, no matter what I thought about them? it's not okay. it's not solidarity. it's objectively hypocrisy and it fucking sucks to be willing to do that to someone else.
why the fuck do I legitimately see people on this website claiming that they can't be misogynistic (usually just bc they're afab) while saying shit like "stop complaining about men so much it hurts their feelings" "Not All Men are oppressors" "omg calm down stop over reacting" "ugh I'm so sick of hearing them talk about this" "they just won't shut their mouths!" "stop arguing and let's have sex" "you should really be nicer if you want people to listen to you"
like literally all of these are examples I've seen TODAY, not to mention hundreds of other times every week
so are you all gonna keep being radicalized by literal misogynists or are you gonna suck it up and show some fucking compassion when discussing issues you don't understand or disagree with? are you gonna join the oppressors you claim you aren't a part of, or are you going to actually read that trans woman's post next time before dismissing her as crazy and uninformed? are you even going to try to think about her point or are you going to tell her to get back in the kitchen on anon? are you going to pretend you're an expert on all forms of sexism or are you going to genuinely try to listen, share, and make a nicer world?
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barenecessiteas ยท 1 year
I've done it, I gave in. Here's your NSFW Alphabet for Luis Sera under the cut.
Let the record state that, again, I'm not a writer so I'm well aware this post sucks. Just fucking around and having a little fun ๐Ÿ™ƒ
Also I'm tagging a few people who replied in the last post about about wanting this written. I hope you guys don't mind and that you get a kick out of this!
@jessy-the-martian-girl @angi-writes-filth @ravenrune @margexoxo
A = Aftercare (What theyโ€™re like after sex)
I feel like, at first, he wouldn't go above and beyond afterwards. He'd definitely help you clean up a little, make sure you're alright. You would have to specifically tell him about anything you'd want to do after, he just doesn't think of it on his own.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partnerโ€™s)
On himself, he likes his hands. Cuz he knows how to use them ๐Ÿ‘€
On his partner - tits. We all saw this coming. He's a ballistics man. He loves being able to fondle, kiss, lick, nuzzle, etc your chest. While he'd have a lot of fun with someone who part of the big titty committee, he doesn't care whether they're big or small. He just likes being able give your chest lots of attention.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basicallyโ€ฆ Iโ€™m a disgusting person)
He's not used to using protection all that much. They def didn't have any in the village so he didn't really know what his options were until he went off to college. Overall he prefers being able to cum in you, he's more than happy to use protection if you're uncomfortable with that!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This one was really hard to come up with because I don't Luis has any sort of filter with this stuff.
After realizing he likes you (after a very long time of trying to convince himself it's just physical attraction), it just makes him want you even more. So he ends up finding one of your shirts/hoodies and steals it for a bit so he can jack off and pretend he's holding you instead. But he will never admit that out loud. He's got a reputation as Mr. Cool to uphold, he's taking this shit to the grave
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what theyโ€™re doing?)
He knows what he's doing. He's been around, he's a ho and a half. Majority of it was from flings/one-night stands, but there were a few short-term relationships in there. So yeah, Luis is definitely experienced.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
While he loves anything that gives him the freedom to have his hands all over you, he particularly likes spooning, having you ride him, or just missionary. As long as Luis is free to smother you with affection, he's in heaven.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This man doesn't know how to shut up (and I love him for it), so yes he's gonna be making a sarcastic/teasing comments here and there. Luis does know when to be serious, so he wouldn't say anything if it didn't fit the mood.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He doesn't really care. He'll maybe trim every now and then, but it's not something he worries about. And this extends to you too, he literally does not care whether you shave or not.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspectโ€ฆ)
He's a true romantic at heart, so intimacy is very important. Even with flings he's had in the past, Luis values at least making sure both you and him have a good time. And like I said before, he can't keep his hands to himself, so he'll be constantly pulling you close, stroking your cheeks, running his hands through your hair, and kissing you throughout it all.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
To be honest I don't see him as the type to masturbate that much, only because his first inclination would be to hook up with someone. Has he done it before? Absolutely. But he doesn't do it often since it's not quite as enjoyable as actual sex
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling. Please please please run your fingers through his hair and tug on it. He loves that shit. Not to the point where you like rip strands out but he adores the feeling of it. Plus, to him, it's a sign that you're thoroughly enjoying yourself lol
Luis loves marking too. Nothing too severe, just love bites and hickeys around your body, especially on your neck. He thinks you look so pretty like that, he can't help himself.
And idk what this would be called specifically, but nothing gets him going like seeing how fucked out you get. Partly because he loves you and wants you to enjoy yourself, and partly because he's got a huge ego and out goes right to his head when he thinks "Yeah I'M the one that's doing that to you" especially with overstimulation and/or edging.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Overall, Luis prefers being at home so that he can take his time with his partner. The most important thing to him is you and your comfort, so he'd never do anything in places where you didn't feel comfortable doing anything. He just wants you to feel comfortable and safe ๐Ÿฅบ
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When I tell you it is so easy to turn this man on.... He's got self control, don't get me wrong, but Luis is constantly ready to go. Long make out sessions, seeing you get dressed or wearing more revealing clothes, just lounging around with you for a long time, he adores you so it's super easy to get him motivated.
N = NO (Something they wouldnโ€™t do, turn offs)
I don't see him being into any BDSM, bondage, hitting, anything that would hurt you in anyway. Like I said, he's romantic at heart, and it just isn't his style. Spanking is fine with him, but he doesn't think to do it much.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Luis can't decide which one he likes better, he just can't decide. On one hand he loves looking into your eyes and playing with your hair while you suck him off. On the other hand, knowing he can drive you crazy with just his tongue goes straight to his ego.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
In general he goes with whatever you like, but he prefers to go slower and draw everything out. He doesn't want the fun to end too soon. Although, it's not unheard of for Luis to change it up through the act just to tease you ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Luis will never say "no" to a quickie but they aren't his first thought either. Like I said before, he enjoys taking his time with you. You'd probably have to be the one to initiate it, he just doesn't really think of it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I touched on this a bit before but physical risk or harm is a huge no for him. Since Luis is so focused on just being with you in the moment and making sure you both feel good, he won't really do much in terms of doing anything in public. Tho this plays into quickies, he's more than fine with going somewhere modestly private but technically in public, like an empty room or a closet or whatever. The slight chance/idea of getting caught is excited, but he never wants to actually be caught for real.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they lastโ€ฆ)
I see him lasting 1 round because of his tendency to go at it for a while. Trust me, this man while last a long time. He will take his sweet time with you until neither of you can stand it anymore.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Luis is pretty indifferent. As I keep saying, he's cocky af (shocking I know), so he prefers being able to make you feel good all by himself. He's certainly not opposed to you using them, especially if he's not around, but he really doesn't use any on himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh my fucking God this man is โœจE V I Lโœจ.
He loves edging you and overstimulating you. When I tell you he will do that until both of you absolutely can't stand it, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest. How can he resist when you look so cute begging him for more?
However, I don't see him being able to restrain you, at least not very much. Maybe he'll hold your hands over your head for a little bit to mess with you, but he's so touchy that he won't be able to do it for very long. Luis would definitely never last if you tried to restrain him in anyway either. He'll try to play it off but really he's just dying to hold you even closer.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
So he's not loud but he's definitely vocal. Most of it is praising you, telling you how much he loves you, generally any dirty talk. Luis loves whispering sweet nothings into your ear. But you'll definitely hear some groans and sighs throughout it all too.
He wants you to be vocal, too. Not necessarily loud (though he's definitely not complaining if you are). He just wants some form of noise out of you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When he gets really close or just really into what he's doing, he'll unintentionally start talking in Spanish (assuming it's not your first language). Sure, he'll whisper little phrases and words to you in Spanish every now and then, but when he's completely blissed out, it's all you're gonna hear.
X = X-Ray (Letโ€™s see whatโ€™s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I can't believe I'm actually writing this oh my god.
Slightly on the thinner side, little on the longer side but not to the point where it's scary. That is all, you guys can let your imagination flow from here ๐Ÿ˜‰
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Moderate, I'd say. He's not so horny that he'll constantly get turned on in public at every little thing you do. But when you're both alone together it's a lot easier for him to get desperate for you.
Z = ZZZ (โ€ฆ how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
When I tell you this man passes tf out afterwards... Sometimes he likes to have a cigarette after (yeah he's one of those guys) but he feels so relaxed and content after that he just immediately wants to pass out with you in his arms. That's the biggest reason I see him not doing a ton of aftercare is just because he goes unconscious lmao
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stars-n-spice ยท 2 months
Thoughts on s3 ep14!
Woke up at like 12:10 something,, didn't get my usual "waste 2-3 hours to mentally prepare myself" so I jumped right into it once I made my coffee (bad idea)
Once again recorded my reaction so actual screaming will be under the cut!
Incoherent screaming and spoilers under the cut!
Why the fuck are they going into this with like no backup and like,, they're just fucking jumping into it. Like I understand because Omega but like CMON guys. This happened before!!
Click here to hear my actual live reaction to the episode
Fuck, this armor is kinda growing on me
seriously what the fuck are they going to do with rampart?? he's literally dead weight
He makes for really good comedic relief though and he had me fucking dying this entire episode
Also the fact that they KNOW they're coming. fucking HELL the odds are stacked up against them
THE KIDS :(( Omega having to tell them what "cover me" means and them doing their absolute best to do so
Echo in the stormtrooper armor I'm
He has a hand now - "Thanks for the hand" - my comedic genius
I miss Batcher :( Where is she? Is she safe? Is she alive?
Crosshair shoving Rampart around <3
Rampart acting like he knows Crosshair, fucking no you don't, just because you disrupted his meals like twice a day to call him to the principal's office doesn't mean SHIT
I love Echo so much, he's so cool
I need to kick Rampart so badly, please, please let me kick him
"we can't use blasters i'll give away our position!" - AND MAKING ALL THAT NOISE WONT?!?!
HELLO?? Rampart getting his fucking ass found. What are they going to do with him now? What can he tell them that they don't already know??? I guess Echo but like-
To anyone who is starting to like Rampart STOP. Because watch him be the Saw Gerrera of this season
Cannot wait to see the kids break out and release the zillo beast <3
Emerie :( "I was doing my job" EMERIE MY LOVE THERE'S MORE THAN THAT
This episode was just fucking,,, stakes stakes stakes
Did not get a rest
holy shit
Emerie and Echo are fucking MOTHERS love them
Craziest fucking thing to come out of this season - Echo having ears
a lot happened
i'm so scared for next week
this whole episode was fucking action, action, action
More thoughts are in the audio because I go on like a 13 minute rant but
FUCK <- my final thoughts
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theopteryx ยท 6 months
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
answering this first because it'll come up in all of these (and is not a surprise to anyone who knows me because I haven't shut up about it since I got back!) but I got to go to japan for two weeks earlier this year and I still think about it all the time. a few specific memories: the fushimi inari shrines in kyoto - we visited very early in the morning, before it was too crowded, and we hiked what felt like a thousand steps up that mountain but it was beautiful. my friend lost his mother earlier in the year and specifically wanted to go as part of mourning her, and it was really moving to get to be there with him. i also think about the weird airbnb we stayed in in osaka with a decibel meter in it that would sound an alarm if we talked too loud, the little park by our place in shinjuku, the little dive bar where the bartender heard me tell someone i was from new orleans and put new orleans jazz on for the whole bar, the night we went clubbing and my friend got so out of his mind drunk we couldn't put him in a cab and the trains weren't running so my other friend and i looped our arms through his and army marched him like two miles back through tokyo to our place as the sun rose, singing songs to keep him moving, and feeling so happy. a million places. i can't wait to go back one day.
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
so the reason the japan trip was able to happen at all was because one of my best friends won a bunch of money and wanted to help pay for part of the trip and invited me along; I knew a lot of the people going on the trip but not everybody, and I knew there was the possibility (as there always is in situations like this) of personalities rubbing the wrong way. traveling with people is weird! especially people you don't know. there was someone on the trip i hadn't known before, but i know that anyone who my friend likes enough to invite on a trip like this is a good egg. but even knowing that, we did NOT start out on the best foot - i got a bad first impression of her, and there were a few situations where i ended up VERY frustrated, we did NOT mesh, and at some point i snapped at her in front of everyone harsher than i meant to. long story short, a few days in we ended up split off from the group at one point in a big museum and we had this moment where realized that a lot of her behavior was because her anxiety was just absolutely out of control, and that she really just needed a buddy, and i had to step back and reengage with her in a different way, and after that we were a team. we became each other's travel buddy and there were several little adventures that she and i ended up having together that were some of my favorites of the whole trip, and wouldn't have happened if we hadn't figured out how to mesh, and i'm so grateful!
18. A memorable meal this year?
so PART of my friend paying for part of this trip was that he made all the decisions about where we were gonna stay, which we were happy to let him do especially because he'd been to japan before. he really wanted us to go to a ryokan in a hot springs town (something he'd done before), but none of us had ever been before or really knew anything about it, so when he kept telling us that there was this DINNER that was happening we all just were like, sounds great! well we fucked up because we're idiots and read the train schedule wrong, and we realized that we were actually going to get into the mountain town about four hours later than we were supposed to, which meant we were going to get into the ryokan not just after our arrival window, but way after dinner time. and my friend kept being like. THE DINNER....BUT THE DINNER. and all of us were like, it's ok!! we'll just get something when we get there! trying to be cool but he was so sad. like the ONE thing he had his heart set on. the amount of times he'd say 'and they have this DINNER...' and trail off. so we're going to be late, and as soon as we realized he called them to apologize profusely and the staff was VERY disappointed on the phone and were like, well, you might just have to eat noodles in the cafe because it will be so late, and we of course have no expectations AND felt terrible about being late so we're like, that's fine!!!!!! we're happy to!!!!!!! we're so sorry!!!!!!!! anyway - cut to us finally getting into this town. it's late. it's beautiful. it's cold. the place is lit up. we have to take cabs up the hill winding up this road through the trees and you can see the lights near the river below us. it's this sprawling property woven into the trees. stunning. and we're all exhausted and we're expecting to get a keycard and eat train snacks from our bag for dinner and pass out. but we get to the ryokan and a bunch of the staff had waited up for us which - mortifying!! so kind!! but they were so, so, so lovely, and helped us pick out our yukata to take to our rooms and we thought that was it, but the attendant was like - no, we have your dinner! we kept it warm for you. get dressed! and we were like ?? okay ?? and hurriedly got dressed in our yukatas and followed her back down the hallway (it was late, so it was so quiet, we felt like we were sneaking around after hours) and she took us through this winding historical building with all these VIEWS and then suddenly into a beautiful room with a table just absolutely laid out in a feast, carefully covered with paper until we got there. and my friend was like. I. TOLD. Y'ALL. THERE. WAS. A. DINNER. which does not even begin to cover what a kaiseki meal is, with multiple courses and beautiful dishware and fresh sashimi and your own little grill, and and and. it's not just dinner!! we thought it was just - dinner!! but it was one of the best meals of my entire life - we were so tired we were loopy, the plum wine was amazing, the staff were so kind, every dish was beautiful. i kept the printed japanese menu they gave us and brought it home and pressed it into a scrapbook like a nerd. you have to be!! more!! clear!!!!!!!!!! about what 'dinner' means!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but also, WHAT a memory, what a surprise, what a meal.
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opalescentdreamscape ยท 2 days
Big fucking rant incoming, and yes it's about what happened with codslut recently. Some of this might be poorly worded or unclear on what I mean so if anyone needs or wants clarification I encourage you to ask for it, I don't mind explaining myself further. I just need to get this off my chest. No proofreading, just me being angry.
Edit: ONE proofreading bc i realized i was misgendering Myka (used they/them instead of she/her)
Everyone saying it isn't cool to harass each other but also making post after fucking post about each other with names included so people can still go harass the creators that OP is disagreeing with, and you fuckers that keep going into people's asks and posts to harass them fucking disgust me. I don't care whose side you're on, IT IS NOT FUCKING OKAY TO GO SENDING PEOPLE DEATH THREATS AND HARASS THEM OVER ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY NOT PETTY SHIT LIKE THIS. Because that's exactly what drives people to fucking kill themselves! And no one should be getting told to fucking kill themselves over any of this petty bullshit! "B-b-but racism! Gaz erasure!" I looked down THREE POSTS onto codslut's blog and found a reblog about Gaz and his pretty face, and found another similar post just under that one. Myka was not erasing Gaz or being racist, she was making a post that wasn't even fuckin labeled '141 men' or anything like that specifically, which is USUALLY what the racist posts excluding Gaz are doing. On that fucking note, making tags about "gaz erasure my ass" is also a dick fucking move because that is absolutely a thing that happens bc the CoD fandom is full of fucking racists, just like every other fucking fandom is. Y'all don't fucking hear yourselves when you're making these posts because even if you don't condone your followers harassing people, THEY WILL STILL HARASS THOSE PEOPLE AND YOU WILL HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING ABOUT IT. You are not fucking stopping the hateful bastards in your following from harassing people just by telling them not to because you have no way to monitor them and actually fucking stop that shit from happening!
And whether or not Myka actually killed herself can be up for debate, sure. People have lied about worse shit before and they'll continue fuckin doing it long after tumblr stops existing. Fine, whatever, I doubt anyone will be able to post concrete enough evidence for even myself to not doubt a little if she actually did it and didn't just log out permanently or st. But being so blatantly uncaring about it and continuing to make callout posts about each other isn't doing anything except causing more fucking drama and harassment. And even if Myka didn't actually kill herself, she's still offline. That's still a creator and a whole ass person that was at the very least bullied off of her own safe space bc people couldn't be fucking bothered to just shut the fuck up and move on. Ooooh they did something potentially racist, SO BLOCK THEM AND MOVE THE FUCK ON. Ooooh, this person doesn't agree with my Holier Than Thou opinion and therefore I need to Teach Them by... shaming and guilting them?? Causing them stress and making them feel bad for not knowing 'better' even though they clearly weren't a troll and hadn't meant to hurt anyone? Gee, that certainly showed them that you're right and not just an asshole! Like come the fuck on.
Maybe I won't delete in the end, but I doubt I'll continue interacting with the CoD fanbase on here after this shit. Might just stop using tumblr altogether, not that I expect that to bother anyone (not a self-pitying statement btw, I'm just noting that I don't have much interaction on this account due to it being new and me not posting much). But just... why can't people just be fucking normal about shit. If you don't like what a creator is doing, it's on you to learn to not let it fuckin bother you so much. Any time I'm truly bothered by someone, I type the message out and delete it, that way the thoughts still get out of my head, but they'll never know about it and I won't be harassing someone I don't even fucking know for something I'll forget about in a day or two. Everyone gets to walk away. It's that fucking simple to not be a fucking douchebag. Plus, y'know, doing some fucking research before making what can be a completely baseless accusation always does wonders for me. Like how y'all didn't fucking give Myka the courtesy of doing before you chased her off the website and potentially into an early fucking grave.
I just fuckin can't with some of y'all. Rant over.
(PS: while I am absolutely mad at some people rn, that doesn't mean I think anyone deserves harassment. This post should make that clear enough. Hence no names except the one that is absolutely necessary for some context.)
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still-a-morosexual-help ยท 1 year
@๐ŸŒนanon asked about my ocs sometime back and as I was answering it rn I accidentally deleted the entire thing๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I'm gonna try and write whatever I remember againโœŒ๏ธ:
Yes I did it again (shut up);
I'm such a fucking idiot, I found the "deleted ask" hidden deep in my drafts - apparently it went there when I lost my internet connection but instead of getting saved at the top of my drafts it got saved on the day anon first sent me the ask so somewhere in the middle between other drafts??? Anyway:
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!!!You asked for it!!
They were all created for some game or another (characters I'll be able to toss away once I'm done playing the games) But I ended up falling in love with all of them๐Ÿคก
I can't draw people for shit & I don't wanna describe appearances so I'm gonna use picrews (with links added for anyone who wants to use 'em too)
Starting from first created to last & answering it like I'm making them character profiles for a dating sim (but leaving out the three from Choices 'cause I don't know if they can be considered proper ocs rather than just characters the game handed us? Also leaving out the others from fictif because they're not as well developed)
1. "Lex" Alexandra Lane
(Lex after Lex Luthor and Lane after Lois Lane because I think I'm funny)
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[1] , [2]
Origin: Love Island the Game S2
25 at beginning now 26 years (Birthday: November 16th)
Professional Cellist
English/British because the game didn't give me a choice
Married at 26 (because the game gives you no option), will definitely have a couple kids at some point
No gross out factor - probably ate bugs as a kid. Probably will still eat a bug off the ground if dared to. Biggest point of pride is that she can do a backflip in heels. Loves fashion/beautiful clothes that are usually stupidly expensive. Biting her lip and making bedroom eyes at every single person but really just wants to fall in love and settle down. Hates confrontation/any sort of fight but also really wants to know everything about everyone's business. Good at being the mediator. Always the big spoon. Actually pretty buff - can absolutely bench you.
2. Eliza Ramskin
(Eliza after the official name of the porcelain apple doll sitting in a box on my cupboard but then I decided I didn't want it to stand for Elizabeth so now it stands for "A Lizard" after the rubber gecko pasted on my bedroom wall. Ramskin: a bad pun because of the game)
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[1] , [2] (yes the little frog is supposed to be me)
Origin: Obey Me!
23 at beginning now 26 years (Birthday: April 21st)
Wildlife Photographer
Has chronic pain
Has a scar over one eyebrow - will smugly tell you a cool story for it. In reality dropped a jar of peanut butter on their face. + top surgery scars
-> Essentially just om! gen MC with a background and name. Have you read my post about gen MC's canon facts? Have you read any of my gen MC theory posts, where I take individual canon facts & connect them to see what happens? Have you read any of my obey me! fics? Can you remember what general MC was like in them? Then you know exactly what Eliza is like. But still, here are some of my favourite parts:
Ambiguously human. Would fight God at 2am in a Denny's parking lot and WIN. They're very lowkey an asshole but underneath that they're kinda nice but underneath that they're a bigger asshole but underneath that they're even nicer and so on and so forth. Surprisingly down for murder. 0 self preservation + 0 shame + 0 fear + max drive & determination + max stubborness + max can do attitude + unconsciously charming + actually pretty strong + danger kink + horny = the world's greatest monster fucker.
3. Len
(Len's short for Lenora which she no longer goes by but irl named after my Lenova laptop, No surname.)
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[1] , [2]
Origin: The Arcana
31 years (Birthday: June 7th)
Same occupation as the game's MC
The only one who has a defined body shape in my mind and that body shape is plank of wood
Pitch black eyes that reflects no light. Vague cryptid energy. Stoic, cold yet thin polite smile that seems very surface level. Posture's so good just looking at her makes your back hurt. Warms up once you get to know her; is caring and gentle and understanding and soothing but also stuborn and tough/harsh/strict. Responsible but also has no problem breaking the law if needed. Dreams of travelling the world. Gives off black cat energy but is a dog person. Sadistic in both the sexy and unsexy way. Bad puns. So much untapped potential to be a super villain. I think I accidentally just created a female version of om!'s Lucifer...
4. Vale Knight
(Vale after welcome to night vale which I hadn't watched at the time, Knight from the same place but it's also a pun because of what happens to them in the game)
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[1] , [2]
Origin: Last Legacy
28 years (July 10th)
Queer Polyamorous
Same occupation as the game's MC
Not only are they a weeb they're an ASSHOLE. The kind of person to get stabbed because their first instinct was to mock the mugger. Decided to dye their hair for cosplay once and then went "wait a minute -" A shameless flirt until someone flirts back and then they're a flustered annoyed mess. Had a lot of jobs over the years, currently a barista - doesn't want to be a barista forever but doesn't know what they want to do (other than gaming, watching movies/shows/anime, reading books/comics/manga) until they accidentally discover a passion for medicine and go to nursing school
5. River Bouwmeester
(River after Lake from Infinity Train which I've never watched, Bouwmeester because it's a Dutch surname meaning "master builder" because they work as a home renovater)
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Origin: Monster Manor
27 years
Same occupation as the game's MC
American (because the game gave me no choice) with probably Dutch origins from their father's side
Couple of big scars here and there
BIG "I can fix him energy". Moves around a lot = not much possibility for a long term stable relationship = oblivious and shy when it comes to romantic attraction. Strong, patient, practical. Very little can rattle them. Came from a long family line of home renovaters/builders (of the magic, strange & weird) but no close living family. Unironically loves bob the builder. Trying very hard to forget about the fact that they're extremely lonely by keeping up a very positive optimistic attitude. Their truck is their pride & joy. Absolutely loves their job even though it's what causes them to move about so much and so makes it hard to form close connections. Very friendly from the first moment but isn't tolerant of anyone's bullshit.
6. Roo Kidd
(Roo after the baby kangaroo from Winnie the Pooh, Kidd because the baby kangaroo was a kid. Surprisingly the actual meanings behind both names fit with their character/circumstances)
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[1] , [2]
Origin: Twisted Wonderland
16 years (Birthday January 10th)
Gay Demiromantic Asexual
Wears reading glasses
Lots of small scars from scrapes and scratches all along body
Always cold + loves cute clothes = wearing summer dresses and instantly regretting it. Head in the clouds 7 outta 10 times. Has never felt romantic attraction before - believed they never would and was 100% okay with that - so the one time they did start feeling it went "wow I'm really into this friendship" and stayed oblivious for an annoyingly long time. Also similarly oblivious to romantic attraction directed at them. Kinda klutzy. Big wet eyes. Big bright smile. A ball of sunshine but also really snarky. "This might as well happen" energy. Fast with quick reflexes and a sharp eye for detail. A cunning edge that comes out only during emergencies. Strength of a wet noodle though. Gets a shitty impromptu/accidental haircut that leads to him buzzing it all off and having to grow it back.
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