#thank you so much for indulging me on this
astralnymphh · 21 hours
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jackson!ellie falling for the girl with spectacular music taste. what does she think when passing by your open window? shit, is that the sick habit? rad. but it has trickled into a myriad of genres, now having an eclectic accumulation of records thanks to you, and your midday music sessions. on patrol, she thinks about you. in those abandoned record stores, she thinks—and dedicates time to you, fitting a couple inside her backpack she had graciously made room for. either to listen to them while daydreaming in psychedelic hues, or to give them to dina so she can deliver them to you. darkening your doorstep unannounced feels a bit invasive, and besides, you know dina way better than ellie knows you. confrontations are daunting; what would she even say?
she had no time to figure, since dina—in all her matchmaking glory—thought getting ellie out of her garage for something besides patrol duties for a change, and into your place, would ease her up to you. the path that leads there is precipiced, crowded with nerves. her cheeks are lovingly dimpled when you nudge her in the shoulder. “you never told me you play guitar!” ellie never expected you to be the epitome of romance poetry: all smiles, warming up in no time, so punctual in the eyes, she wonders what details you like about her. “u-uh, yeah. not too serious about it though,” she humbles herself. hand concealed behind her head.
yet, of course, dina never lets ellie be so soft-spoken. “come on! nobody, who isn't serious about music, writes their own songs. play something for us!” nudging with her voice from across the room.
ellie so badly wanted to punch her friend in the shoulder then. god, she shuddered at the encouragement. but, she couldn't deny you; when it was you, handing her the guitar long forgotten about from your closet, she had to indulge with a soft smile. thereon, when ellie was consumingly focused on tuning that hollow body of wood, she missed all your subtle stares of her face, or her freckled hands, whatever intrigued you to contemplate. after she played one of your favorites—receiving compliments from you for even knowing that song—you had to tell her all about your introspects. fortuitously, dina left by then.
“you're really good at it,” you said, gentler than the music of wind, with your head in her criss-crossed lap, and satin-shine eyes locking hers. anyone could tell she has been waiting for something as transient and calming as this. “you should write me a song, hm?” laying her palms on your face so delicately, afraid this moment could shatter. “would love t—i mean, yeah. sure.” still doesn't even know what to say!
the moment lives forever in the song she wrote that following night. it had to be captured; you need to know how much she fucking cherishes it.
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this was meant to just be a little something something but i turned it into something i'd cry to. #kms.
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neptuneiris · 3 days
Cruel Summer (03/10)
Against the Tide
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader
summary: at Crown's family tensions rise and you keep running into a person you shouldn't talk to. but both he and you can't help testing the waters.
words: 9.3k
thank you to @peachysunrize for being my beta reader, she also helped me in the previous chapter and I forgot to mention her, but finally here she is. love you bestie!❤
previous part • series masterlist
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I am so excited for you to read this chapter! from the next chapters onwards, what we have been waiting for begins (forbidden love)🤭 and I want to thank you once again for all the support you are giving to the story, you guys are amazing and you don't know how much I appreciate it🙏🏻 now enjoy!
warnings: half smut, language.
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Sunset's Pier stretches along the boardwalk, a vibrant and lively place, especially on summer evenings.
In the distance, waves break gently against the pier and shore pillars, while palm trees sway in the cool ocean breeze.
Wooden planks creak under the feet of visitors, while the smell of the sea and freshly made food fills the air. 
The stores lining the pier are clearly divided, some full of luxury, with glittering windows displaying designer dresses and accessories. And there are other more modest stores, where prices are more affordable.
Or as it would be technically said among the locals of Sunset's: stores for the rich and stores for the poor.
After an exhausting afternoon trying to surf with the boys, Alysanne drags you into the stores, excited to find something nice for tonight's party.
The two of you walk between shop windows, exploring the options, especially in the stores where you can both afford to shop. But Alysanne stops in front of one of the more expensive stores. 
You watch as she gawks at a blue bikini on display on the mannequin, the color as deep as the ocean at sunset.
"Look at this!" she exclaims excitedly, almost pressing her face against the glass, "It would be perfect for tonight's party. If only I had the money to buy it," she murmurs between excited and disappointed.
You smile, understanding the desire. The bikini is really beautiful but it is obvious that the price must be very high.
"Don't you have any savings?" you ask her.
"No," she laments, "I used it to fix my phone, did you forget? I can't afford to buy a new one so I have to fix the one I already have."
"Well, I guess I—
A high-pitched laugh interrupts the conversation and when you both turn around, you instantly recognize the people.
Perfectly coiffed black hair and shiny red hair. All those impeccably dressed girls, with expensive handbags, gold accessories and designer sunglasses; Baratheon and Lannister.
But you distinguish precisely Floris Baratheon, Aemond's girlfriend.
All of them in a group watch you both with a mocking face for two things; for being in front of a store like this and for being longing for the beautiful blue bikini.
And even though they don't know you, it doesn't matter that they bother you for the radar of recognizing poor people, because the difference between you and Alysanne is too big compared to them, who can afford to shop here.
Especially since the top you are wearing at the moment is torn on one side. You don't see much but they've already seen it, as well as inspecting your dirty, old tennis shoes.
"Do you really think you can buy anything here?" speaks precisely Floris with a venomous tone, with a sneer as he looks at the bikini and then at both of you, "It's a shame you can only look. Not everyone has the privilege of affording something so nice."
"Yeah, maybe someday you can get it... in the next millennium sales."
They laugh among themselves, clearly enjoying the moment of superiority. And you clench your jaw, annoyed, especially as you watch Alysanne lower her gaze in humiliation.
"Excuse me, do we know you?" you inquire.
You obviously know them, but you won't indulge them.
"Oh dear, everyone here knows us, especially me," Floris says superiorly, adjusting her sunglasses.
"Even your kind know who we are," Cerelle also speaks with clear contempt.
Alysanne regains her composure and you instantly notice.
"Yes, we know you are such a bunch of idiotic, shallow people for thinking that the price of clothing defines someone."
"Some of us have more important things in life than spending money on something so insignificant," you too stand up for yourself and your people.
They all let out a laugh, where Floris takes a step toward you.
“Yeah, sure. The poor always find an excuse to justify their misery. How pathetic and sad," she feigns an exaggerated pout.
"I'd rather be poor than be as empty as you," Alysanne next to you snaps at her.
She arches an eyebrow at her, amused and clearly entertained, as she folds her arms in her arrogant attitude.
"Empty, huh? Well, it's better to be empty than desperate, like you two. Keep dreaming of things you can never have. But don't worry, being poor and living on the filthy side of town, dreaming is free."
"And who do you think you are huh?" Alysanne lunges at her, "You think because you are rich I can't break your face or what?"
You quickly stop her holding her by the arm, worried and of course, Floris recoils back with a frightened face and her friends don't take long to instantly surround her, shielding her as if they were her wall of protection.
"Not so talkative and brave now huh!?"
"Hey, Aly," you hold her back, "Stop it. It's not worth it."
Floris and all of them look at you both with despise.
"See? They're all savages," she says without again getting too close.
"Oh yes, very savage, just because we're defending ourselves from you making fun of us and making us less," Alysanne tells her firmly and in a defiant tone, "But you can't even defend yourself. So I advise you to talk less or I'll break that pretty rich girl face of yours."
It is clear that Floris wants to say more mean words, but she stops when she notices someone else walking towards the group, completely oblivious to the situation and you also recognize this person; Helaena Targaryen.
She with her usual calm, appears near you, but stops just in front of another nearby store, casually observing a clothing through the glass without noticing the tensions.
And you curiously notice how Floris, upon seeing her, remains silent for a moment. Then you guess that she doesn't want to show her true colors in front of her sister-in-law.
"Let's go," she orders in a lower and less confident tone than before.
Her friends obey without another word and begin to walk away, but not before giving your cousin a last contemptuous and disdainful glance at your side.
And you too, of course.
Helaena also leaves with them as they approach her, her silver hair shining in the sunlight and moving with impeccable grace.
Alysanne lets out a frustrated sigh next to you, still angry. 
"I can't believe those idiots think they have the right to treat us like this. And all because of what? For not being rich like them?" she inquires in disbelief, "Do you realize how stupid that is?"
"Let them stay in their bubble," you mutter, feeling just as irritated, "We're not rich but we're better people than they are."
Alysanne takes a deep breath, shaking off the adrenaline of the moment, then you both go your own way, trying not to let this thing that happened ruin your day.
Especially since you have another party tonight, unfortunately with those girls, but it's not like you're going to be with them.
And just as ten o'clock at night falls, Cregan's car and the excited shouts of the guys rushing you to get into the car can be heard practically all over the street.
Alysanne again shushes them, as your uncle and aunt are asleep, as well as most likely the neighbors, and you both quickly get into the car amidst laughter and scolding of the guys.
Then Cregan's car speeds up and soon all of you are walking into the Crown's side.
The party is as always; on the beach. And it's everything you'd expect being among the rich. The DJ can't miss, the clean beach, the pier, the yachts and the smell of alcohol mixed with the sea breeze, among other substances.
Tonight you decide not to focus on the people around you and together with the guys, sit on the white sand, while Cregan and Sam go for as many beers and bottles of champagne as possible.
Alysanne is also not in the mood to be inspecting and lusting after Pandora accessories on all the rich girls that are here. So the two of you relax.
Chase lights the bonfire in the center and pretty soon everyone is drinking, talking and laughing, enjoying the party and nothing else.
Every now and then some guys come up to greet Cregan, who greets them back without much enthusiasm and returns to the group, where you notice how attentive he is especially to Alysanne.
You don't say anything and just continue drinking, laughing at the guys' jokes and burning a few marshmallows, when then... you feel it.
A piercing look on your face.
You don't doubt it's a girl inspecting you, so you don't think anything of it at first. But then... it's as if that look burns you and wants to see through you, sending shivers through your whole body.
You look around, just out of curiosity, but when you raise your gaze absentmindedly towards the direction of the yachts, to the part of the deck specifically, your eyes meet piercing blue eyes.
Then you see him.
Aemond Targaryen.
Time seems to stand still and you feel more of the weight of his gaze, that same weight you felt last night on the pier, when he caught you.
You also feel a surge of nerves course through your body, with your heart racing as you remember the night before. It's not fear, but it's something close to it. 
Because now he's caught you here too, at a party of his people, at Crown's.
And the weird thing is that you didn't expect it and you feel so silly about the fact. How could you not think that he would be here and that the two of you would probably see each other after last night?
Even though it's no longer a probability, he's seeing you right now and sees what you're doing; pretending to be one of them.
You watch as his gaze briefly sweeps over the guys you're with and honestly... you don't know how to feel about it. Technically, you're not doing anything wrong here either, are you?
‘Then why do you feel so embarrassed?’
His piercing eye again focuses on you and you, for some strange reason, don't look away and neither does he. It's as if the two of you are caught in a game you can't avoid. 
No one seems to notice the silent exchange between the two of you, except you and him. But you know that talking to him, getting close to him in public, is impossible.
You know it and you know he knows it too. It's like a law in Sunset's among its locals but more specifically among those your age; the rich and the poor can't be friends.
You bite the inside of your cheek, even without both of you looking away, where both of you are too far away to say anything to each other, but the looks say it all.
Then, it is he who looks away when Floris holds his face and kisses him softly on the lips, claiming his attention. You feel a sting of something pinch your stomach and you force yourself to stop focusing on him as well.
You try to refocus on what the guys around you are saying, but you can't, not now that he's here too.
You didn't tell anyone about what happened last night with him on his pier, because nothing really bad happened, except the fact that you almost got caught.
It was just a conversation with the son of the richest man in the whole country and heir to his fortune, nothing more. 
Although the memory has followed you ever since.
Unable to help yourself, you look at him again, where you see him surrounded by his friends and also distinguish his brother, Aegon. And of course, Floris, sitting on his lap.
He is no longer watching you but you wonder what he might be thinking now that he has seen you here too.
'Probably nothing.'
You think, since for him, what happened on the pier was just a conversation, a small slip in which you both sought some solace and nothing more, an insignificant moment.
What else could he think of having shared his time with a Black Waves girl? 
You let out a long breath and your eyes roam his features, as the same thoughts from last night return to your mind when you were also slyly admiring him.
'He is so handsome.'
You think as you also admire his short silver hair and see a silver chain peeking out from between the collar part of his shirt, with that simple accessory making him look so ridiculously good.
But you cannot pass Floris Baratheon unnoticed, on his lap, talking to him and leaving from time to time some kisses on his lips or on his cheek.
You shake your head, clearly being impossible, since he belongs to a world that is not yours, to a social class that would see you as an intruder if you even tried to approach.
So you can only think that what happened on the pier was just a one-time thing, a quirk and a moment that you must now bury in oblivion.
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Aemond Targaryen, as a child, does not remember a single moment when his family did not attract attention.
He does not remember a single moment where his mother did not ask him, as well as his siblings, to accompany her and his father to an event in the town for work and simply to see them all together as a perfect and powerful family.
He has forgotten the countless times where his father, Viserys, introduces him and his siblings to his associates and all those important people more as trophies than as what they really are; his children.
With Aegon the introduction is brief, for after all, no one expected his first eldest son not to follow in his same footsteps as his older first daughter did, Rhaenyra.
But Aemond knows that Aegon is... uncontrollable. 
As a teenager he began to show signs that he didn't want to go into business or anything like it or anything relatively formal. 
As much as his mother, Alicent, and even his own father and grandfather Otto tried to scold, persuade and convince him, it only caused Aegon to back away from the idea and start doing whatever he pleased.
For him only desire has always been to simply live life and find out what he really wants.
Then there is Helaena, who followed the same path as Aegon but in a more controlled way and with different aspirations to life though just as flattering, which is to study marine biology.
And finally there is him, Aemond Targaryen.
He saw the whole process of his older brothers in deciding not to devote himself to the business or rather empire that his father has built. With Aegon it all turned out to be a disaster but Helaena was more persuasive.
So someone had to do it, follow in his father's footsteps as Rhaenyra did, but this time a man, a son and that had to be him.
Daeron still lacked time to decide and grow up some more. So he watched as his father began to despair and have fights with his mother and everyone at home for not being able to choose the aspirations and decisions of his children.
So it was he who calmed the storm at home when he announced that he would apply to college to study business management to carry on the Targaryen legacy, just like Rhaenyra.
His father was overjoyed, as was his mother and for the first time, in that small moment, Aemond felt that he was finally receiving that recognition and appreciation from him.
But then he realized that it was never worth it.
After searching for so long for a way for his father to finally see him for what he is, his son, when that moment came it wasn't worth it and it didn't make him feel any better.
Because Aemond knows deep down that only his father was happy for him out of convenience, to mold him to how he wants and because that way, he is just another piece on his board.
And it became quite clear to him the moment his father expressed his idea about the Baratheon's.
Viserys, even with all he has and having an advisor at his side like his grandfather Otto, wants more.
And Borros Baratheon is that more by being the owner of the most important commercial fleet operating along the entire Pacific coast of all. Viserys needs to transport freight for its big company, which is what Borros does.
Viserys needs freight for his great enterprise, which is what Borros is all about. But Borros Baratheon is a difficult and greedy man who also wants more, even to Viserys Targaryen himself.
So he and his entire team focus on an easier target that will get him to the finish line; his daughter, Floris.
Any of his daughters would have sufficed, but considering Floris is about the same age as Aemond and his father had already seen her get her hopes up for him at events, it was the perfect idea.
At first Aemond refused. For the moment he had no intention with any girl, especially any of the Baratheon sister’s. But his father insisted.
Viserys explained to him how much he needed such a partnership and asked him to start asking her out to eventually formalize and make the deal with his father easier.
Aemond tried to help him find other alternatives, tried to make him understand that he didn't want nor could he play with Floris' feelings in that way to achieve a partnership.
But none of that helped.
His mother sided with his father, with the difference that she was more sensible on the subject and asked him to try and take the time to get to know her, that maybe he might really like her.
So he had to give in and before long, he was in a formal relationship with Floris Baratheon.
And now this is his life.
Not that much has changed, but there are these fights at home between her mother and father because there's really no love between them. 
There's also fighting between his father and his siblings over the choice of what they really want to do with their lives while they're all attending events to pretend to be this perfect family that they are.
And he's in a relationship with a person he doesn't really want to be with and as soon as the summer is over, he's going off to college to study with pressure and expectations on his shoulders for a degree he doesn't really want to study.
But as anyone in Sunset's would think, both Crown's and Black Waves; the Targaryens are perfect.
A voice pulls him out of his thoughts and he looks up as he sees Aegon approaching him, shorts on, sandals, a white t-shirt, sunglasses and phone in hand.
"I was looking all over for you. What are you doing?"
He lets out a long breath and closes his book to place it back on the shelf.
"What do you want?"
"Get dressed. We have a party tonight," he lets him know, then starts typing on his phone.
"Another one?" he asks with a serious look on his face.
"What?" he becomes indignant, shrugging, "Come on, it's summer. And everyone will be there. Cassandra told me Floris is going."
"I don't want to go."
He looks at him with a frown.
"What are you talking about?" he asks him blankly, "You're going to stay here reading these stupid books all summer? You're going to college for another two months!"
"Helaena and Daeron will go with you, I don't understand why you want me to go too," he tells him grumpily, choosing another of the many books in the library.
"Helaena is sick and Daeron promised to stay with her to watch movies," he tells him as if were the gravest sins in the world, "Come on, man. Come with me. And I won't ask you for anything again, this will be the last time, I promise."
"That's what you always say, like I don't know you," he says as he picks up a book and sets it on the table, "You're just so fucking annoying."
Aegon lets out a frustrated groan.
"Come on, don't be like that. You'll have more time to read and be doing these boring things you like to do," he tries to convince him, pointing to the books.
But Aemond says nothing to him and, of course, Aegon starts to throw his tantrum.
"Aemond," he complains, "Come on, please."
And the sound of his voice is already starting to annoy him, especially being in the library.
"Come on," he interrupts him, insistent, "I really don't want to stay here and listen to dad yelling and fighting with mom all night, man." 
Aemond lets out a long breath again and with nonchalant movements watches his brother over his shoulder, looking serious and now slowly becoming resigned.
And soon enough, they are both already in his car, driving towards the Lannister house.
Normally he wouldn't have agreed to come, but he recognizes that Aegon is right and the truth is that he doesn't want to stay at home listening to his parents' quarrels either.
Even though his house is huge, the shouting echoes through the halls, and then his father in all his anger goes against Aegon as well, where Helaena intervenes, then Daeron and finally him to try to calm the waters.
And he's tired of it.
Just last night another one of those fights happened, his mother was almost in tears and Helaena too, while Aegon and his father were shouting all the worst things possible at each other.
And that's why he decided to go to the pier after he failed to fall asleep.
As he drives, his gaze softens as he remembers you. 
He still doesn't understand how a girl like you, from Black Waves, for a whole year was going to his family's pier at midnight without being discovered. 
He doesn't understand how you did it either and he's not sure he wants to know. He was about to call security, of that he has no doubt, especially considering the robberies some of his neighbors suffered. 
Because that's what he first thought, that you were a thief and he was trying to do something with his yacht.
However, it was something in your fear and pleading, perhaps also that you didn't have something suspicious on hand to try to do harm and the sincerity in your gaze after silently evaluate you that he saw to finally understand that you weren't doing anything wrong.
It was bad to cross over private property but other than that, he saw you earlier, before he approached from a distance, sitting on the edge of the pier looking out over the horizon.
But he still had to make sure and it all turned out very interesting.
That you were on his pier, risking that you could be caught, simply because that place gives you peace and quiet, caught his attention.
It seemed... unusual. Something out of the ordinary. Maybe because you're a Black Waves girl.
But still, it's something he's not used to hearing from others in appreciating something so simple and plain but so meaningful to that person.
And being there with you... everything in his mind disappeared.
All his excessive thoughts, frustrations, pressures, expectations and stress disappeared for a moment, which is very difficult for him to do in the midst of all the storm in his mind.
And strangely, because he shouldn't have, he spent a nice time with you, an unknown Black Waves girl, even if he didn't show it much at the time.
He doubts that was a good idea, to let you stay and still tell you that you can keep going to thepier. But technically... nothing bad happened.
And doubt that I'll ever see you again, last night was just a coincidence, besides that shouldn't happen, right?
In the town where you both live, a poor girl and a rich man can't even be friends. And much less he can afford something like that because of his family name.
Again his thoughts are interrupted as they enter the area where the Lannisters live and Aegon immediately chatter excitedly about how amazing the party looks.
And soon enough the two find themselves walking onto the beach and onto the Lannister dock.
It's the same as always, there's really nothing new, just decorations, DJ, open bar with bottles of vodka, wine and champagne as well as beer, cocktails and the smell of cigarettes and weed in the salty air.
All the people are dancing and getting drunk, as well as there are other people having mini bonfires, drinking and burning marshmallows.
When a group of people catches Aegon's eye on one of the yachts, he takes no time at all to drag him along with him.
And just like that he meets Floris, who greets him very happily with a hug and a kiss on his lips, which he tries to reciprocate as genuinely as possible.
Aegon goes off to find a girl to stick his tongue down her throat and he stays on the yacht with Floris and his friends. 
Quickly some of his friends offer him drinks to cheer him up and he declines as he has to drive, so he only chooses to light a cigarette, wanting the night to pass quickly.
And so the hours pass, with nothing really interesting going on around him and Floris sitting on his lap, trying to keep up with her to also try to be a good boyfriend.
But all he wants to do is go home.
"Are you okay?"
Floris' voice brings him out of his thoughts and he turns his head towards her, where she watches him with a small smile on her lips and with one of her hands starting to stroke his short silver hair.
"Yeah," he tells her in a low murmur, then takes another sip from the only bottle of beer he'll be drinking tonight.
"Are you sure? I didn't even know you were coming. I texted you and you didn't respond," she says making a pout.
And he avoids looking instantly annoyed.
It's not that Floris is a bad girl, she really tries because she really loves him. But he doesn't feel the same and doubts he ever will, though he tries.
"Yeah, you're right, sorry, I was busy in the library," he explains briefly.
"At the library?" she repeats confused, "Why?"
"I'm getting a head start on reading books for college," he again explains as briefly as possible.
Luckily she doesn't say anything more on the subject but continues to sit on his lap and try to get him to talk, even though he's not really having any of that right now but he doesn't want to be rude to her either.
So when she starts talking to one of her friends, he looks in all directions, scanning the party without again finding anything interesting.
But then in the midst of analysis he sees it.
Or rather he sees you.
A few meters below him on the sand, confused, he immediately recognizes you, sitting among a group of guys and a girl with a bottle of beer in hand, laughing and talking to all of them.
And again he wonders; what are you doing here?
And you can't blame him, he really doesn't get it, it was surprising enough seeing you on his pier, in the most exclusive and private area of all Crown's as to also see you here, on the Lannister's pier, a Black Waves girl mixed up as if you were one of them.
He sweeps his gaze over all the guys you're with and is more surprised to see you talking and laughing with Cregan Stark.
Then he gets it all.
He's the one who gives you access, as well as your friends and that girl you're with, who he assumes must be your cousin from what you told him last night, all except Cregan belonging to Black Waves.
And there you are, again not hurting anybody, but pretending to belong to Crown's.
All the guys you're with are certainly having a great time and so are you, while he again focuses on Cregan, from whom he honestly expected it.
He doesn't include himself much with the guys from his part of town, sometimes he talks to him or Helaena, but nothing more. Now he knows why.
And somehow he can't take his eye off you.
He watches you curiously, analyzing you, seeing that you have guts, just like your cousin and your friends, to take risks like this.
At any moment anyone could expose you if they watch you too much, but you don't seem to care about that, nor do the others.
And then, his gaze meets yours.
He sees you freeze for a moment, as if you are once again trapped by him, which actually you are and he, for some reason, doesn't look away and neither do you.
Memories of last night invade him again and he can guess how you must be thinking about it too.
But he can also guess how you again feel exposed and how terribly nervous you must feel. As if you are afraid that he, now that he has seen you here too, will expose you once and for all.
But it is as if it were a game of stares, as neither of them look away from each other. It's not as if they can talk, the distance is too much, also considering that he is on top of a yacht. 
But what if this were not the case? Would the two of you talk?
Aemond knows perfectly well that they wouldn't.
"Hey, did you hear what I said, babe?"
Floris makes him turn his gaze away from you to focus on her as he feels her turn from his cheek with her hand towards her to plant a soft kiss on his lips, wanting his full attention.
And he awkwardly reciprocates as his attention is still on you.
But he forces himself to take that attention away from you, especially as he still has Floris sitting on his lap with both arms around his neck, glued to him.
And it's here that he assumes, as you do, though he doesn't know it, that what happened last night was just a one-time thing, two people seeking refuge from the world on the pier one night.
But that's all.
The two of you must not know each other, you can't talk or be seen together, mostly because of different social classes, which leads to pretending that the two of you don't know each other and haven't spoken to each other even once.
And what happened that night, on the pier, didn't happen.
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A pile of dishes are placed in front of him on the table in the huge back garden of his house which is basically on the shore of the beach, having a spectacular view of the ocean, the beach, the pier, the cliffs around and also the huge houses of his neighbors.
His mother thanks the cooks, who retire and leave his mother, father and him alone.
Aegon must still be asleep, Daeron too because he probably stayed up watching movies with Helaena all nigth who is still very ill. So he is the only one who joins the breakfast.
He looks carefully at a message from Rhaenyra, which is accompanied by two PDF books.
'These books helped me a lot when I first started studying, you can read them if you want to before you go to uni so you have an idea of everything you will learn.'
Aemond reviews both books, both over 400 pages, being very dense material and being exactly what awaits him at college, but he also knows it's important.
He runs a hand down his neck and responds to her text.
'Thank you, Rhae.'
Ever since his older sister knew he would be going into business as well, she's been supporting him. 
It's not like from the beginning the two of them had a good relationship, especially since she's the daughter of their father's first wife and there was no first-rate bond, neither with him nor with her other siblings.
But now that she has a family and he has matured enough, at least more than Aegon, that relationship has slowly begun to be forged and maintained.
Besides he is grateful to receive genuine support. Especially from her, already an expert on the subject and with whom he will probably lead the Targaryen empire in the future.
"Are you going to have breakfast, son?"
His mother's soft voice causes him to look away from his phone screen and set it aside, having no interest in responding to messages from Floris or a few of his friends who were with him last night at the party.
"Yeah, sorry."
He tries to catch up with their pace, making himself his cup of coffee the way he likes it.
"Rhaenyra tells me you're planning to take a management course in the middle of summer, son," his father says, catching his attention, "Is that true?"
And he doesn't ask it in a bad way, on the contrary, it surprises Aemond to see how he has pride in his eyes. 
"Yeah, well... I think they'll do me good before I go to college."
"Yes, very good idea," Alicent says, watching him proudly as she notices all his dedication to his study, as it has always been.
"Oh yes, of course," Viserys agrees, without hesitation, "Have you found the right course yet?"
"I'm still working on it."
"But..." he frowns slightly, watching him not entirely convinced, "How are things going with that girl... uh... Floris?"
He immediately feels an uncomfortable sensation in his lower abdomen, stirring in his chair as he runs a hand over the back of his neck, biting the inside of his cheek and trying to maintain a normal appearance.
"Good," he replies briefly, without looking at him, "Everything's fine."
"Yeah?" he asks seeing his reaction, "You've been hanging out with her?"
"We were together last night," he says without wanting to go into details, wanting to get that topic over with.
And Alicent also sees how his son is starting to react.
"Floris usually comes in often during the day," she tells her husband in a soft tone with a cup of coffee in her hands, "You don't see her because you're at work."
"Well, that's good to know," he says pleased, though not entirely satisfied, turning his focus back to him, "I fully support the idea of the course, it will definitely do you good but... you can't neglect that girl. Your relationship with her is very advantageous to the company and very soon her father and I will start having meetings."
He brings a hand to the back of his neck again, staring at a fixed point on the table as he presses his lips together, controlling his emotions and what he really wants to say to him.
His mother stares at him, alert, not wanting him and his father to have fights too. But it is clear that he too is already reaching his limit.
However, Aemond knows that he has more self-control, besides he's already into all of this, so he has no choice but to accept, again, what his father tells him. 
"Is that what you want me to do?" he asks him in a low tone, honestly feeling tired.
"Of course," his father states sternly, as if it were obvious, "We must have all the most suitable people possible in the company. And the Baratheon's are crucial to our expansion."
Aemond looks up, but says nothing, because he already knows the speech. The Baratheon's, power, family and company.
"Yes but that really isn't the most important thing," his mother interjects again, "After all, Floris is a very nice and pretty girl. I can tell she really cares about you, son."
He can't help but purse his lips at that comment. He knows Floris isn't a bad girl but she's not exactly nice either. And that doesn't change the fact that he's not interested in her. 
"Yes and for that very reason you must not ruin things with her," his father insists, "We have to partner with her father and you can't let her slip through your fingers."
"Viserys," his mother calls out to him with mild reproach.
"You know how important this is, Alicent," he begins to say with reproach in his tone, "I have already lost hope in Aegon. It seems he will never change and will be a good-for-nothing for the rest of his life, taking nothing seriously."
"Don't talk about your son like that," his mother scolds him.
"I'm not going to live forever and someone has to take over the company and support this family. But that doesn't matter to him in the least," he continues, "Daeron is still young and I'm thankful that at least Aemond has taken the same direction as Rhaenyra and me."
Aemond says nothing as his mother continues to reproach, annoyed to hear how Viserys refers to her children, especially Aegon. 
And he remains silent, fed up with these discussions, family pressures, expectations and being the only one of his children whom his father seems to trust.
And the worst thing is that he can't say anything, because he knows very well that his father considers him as his last resort and in a way... he doesn't want to fail him and he doesn't want everything in his family to explode.
Even if it means he has to sacrifice his own life for the good of the family, he has to do this and it's not worth arguing with his father because it's no use and he's not going to change his mind.
His father starts to raise his voice, his mother too and he ends up going to his room with his morning already ruined, annoyed, tired and grumpy.
And when he tries to distract himself, to occupy himself with his own personal matters so as not to think too much, just at that moment Floris comes to visit.
Just now he doesn't have the capacity to want to be around her, or anyone in general, he just wants peace and quiet, but considering the conversation he had with his father, he is not able to ask her as nicely as possible to come another day.
"I was with Cerelle at my house but I got too bored, even though I told her to meet me tonight at the beach."
She begins to talk as she starts pacing all around his room he just sits there with his desk in front of him and a few books open.
"I also talked to Royce, he said he would be coming for a visit soon. My dad is still mad at him for leaving but I'm sure he'll get over it. I also heard that Jeyne wants to have a party the next week and..."
And so he listens to her voice continuously, talking about everything she did and didn't do in her day, while he puts a hand to his forehead and lets out a long breath, trying not to sound irritated.
"Oh and I went to the mall with Cerelle. I bought a beautiful bag and clothes for our trip to Hawaii," she says excitedly, "My dad has already arranged everything and my family is so excited for you to come with us. I'm also..."
Her voice slowly fades slowly, becoming a distant murmur, as he sinks deeper into his seat and stares at a spot in his room.
His brow furrows and his mind drifts further away from the conversation.
He can't find a way to tell her to stop talking without looking rude and frustrated, but the last thing he wants to do is listen to her right now and the last thing he wanted was for her to show up at his house this day.
He has enough going on in his family lately, especially with his father and he's not in the mood to be dealing with people right now. 
He's fed up with everything and all he wants is to be alone while a wave of mental exhaustion washes over him. He wants to get away from everyone for a moment, to have no one bother him so he can have peace and quiet. 
The hand on his shoulder and the voice so close to him brings him back to reality. He blinks and raises his gaze to Floris, who watches him in confusion.
"Are you listening to me?"
"Yes," he says awkwardly and clears his throat, "Sorry," he says, turning his gaze to the front and stirring in his chair.
But she raises her hand towards him, placing it gently on his cheek and Aemond tenses immediately, as she forces him to look at her again gently but firmly enough.
"Are you sure? Are you okay?" she asks him genuinely concerned, "You didn't seem to be listening to me."
"Yes I was and I'm fine, don't worry," he tells her trying to sound convincing.
But Floris is having none of it.
"Is it because of your father or college?"
The silence that follows is palpable as he averts his gaze and removes his hand from her face with a nonchalant gesture. He says nothing but it's clear she's hit the nail on the head.
And Floris lets out a long, resigned sigh, already expecting that. For it is so typical of him not to confide his thoughts and feelings to her.
She's tired of her own boyfriend raising this constant wall between the two of them, where he doesn't want to open up to her. It hasn't been long since the two started dating but still, despite being a couple, there is no trust.
"Aemond," she murmurs his name softly and unexpectedly takes a seat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Floris," he calls her name awkwardly as well, trying to shake her off, "Wait, I don't—
"You know you can talk to me about anything," she interrupts him, her tone insistent but with a gentleness that she hopes will soften the situation, "I mean...I'm your girlfriend and I'm here for you whenever you need something, talk or anything."
He lets out a long sigh, feeling the weight of her insistence and the firmness with which she remains sitting on him.
The feeling of oppression invades him, both physically and emotionally.
"It's not... I don't..." he tries to speak, "Look, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but..." he gets frustrated, not finding the words or even the will to talk to her, "It's a lot of things."
"You can tell me," she insists, "Come on, babe. I just want to help you," she says as she begins to stroke his hair.
He close his eye for a moment, his patience quickly wearing thin.
"I don't want to talk," he makes it clear to her in a cold, resigned, tired tone.
She shrugs.
"Then we won't," she says simply, accepting that, "But I want you to understand that I'm here for you."
"Yes, I know," he says without even looking at her, running a hand through his hair.
"We can always do other things," she mentions with a certain tone that Aemond understands instantly.
And before he can do anything, she is already kissing him.
The kiss starts slow and soft, while he has difficulties to reciprocate at first, but Floris doesn't stop and pulls the back of his neck towards her, deepening the kiss. 
And he with all the mental chaos he has, tries to reciprocate as best he can, trying to forget at least for a moment.
Floris' hands begin to move down, sliding her fingers slowly over his chest while her other hand gently stroke his hair. Aemond tries to lose himself in the sensation, in the moment and let himself go, so he places both hands on her waist. 
She begins to move slightly on top of him, her breathing becoming more agitated and her tongue making its way between his lips, wanting more.
He tries to keep up with her and when Floris begins to rub her center against him, his body responds automatically, letting out a slight grunt without stopping the kiss. 
Floris' need is evident and when she brings one of her hands to the edge of his shirt and pulls away from his lips, she watches him with full intent and desire in her gaze, her lips red and swollen.
"I want you now," she murmurs against his lips.
He doesn't say anything, just watches her, truly not so sure. But then he thinks: fuck it.
He's tired and exhausted from carrying the weight of everything around him. He just wants to forget, if only for a few moments. So when Floris starts to take off his shirt, he allows it.
She kisses him again with more intensity and he responds with more fervor than before. 
Her hands begin to roam all over his naked torso and he stands up, both hands on her thighs, leading her towards his bed.
Soon Floris is on top of him again and feels a spark of electricity run through his skin as her hands touch the edge of his shorts, but before that happens, she slowly pulls down the straps of her dress.
Aemond watches her wordlessly, with his dark eye and indecipherable expression, as Floris complacently takes her time, enjoying every second, wanting him to desire her.
The straps fall and the top of her summer dress slides off, revealing her breasts. Aemond swallows hard, a mixture of desire and bewilderment passing through his body.
She leans into him again to kiss him, as she takes one of his hands and places it on her breast, prompting him to caress her. 
He does so, almost mechanically, trying to let himself go and lose himself in the moment, as she rubs herself against him again, making him more aware of how he begins to get hard, his breathing hitching.
But when Floris' hand descends and slips under his shorts, touching him, it is as if his mind wakes up and sends an alert throughout his body. 
Suddenly, he stops kissing her and takes her hand roughly, stopping her. Floris watches him confused and half-naked on top of him, still shaken and not understanding anything.
He closes his eye tightly and lets out a deep sigh, shaking his head and bringing a hand to his forehead, clenching his jaw.
"Fuck," he mutters.
"What's wrong?" Floris asks him without understanding what has changed so suddenly.
But he doesn't answer, just shakes his head again and pulls her hand away, to also gently brush her off of him.
"I'm sorry," he says softly.
Floris watches him from his bed, still with confusion on her face and quickly adjusts her dress, covering her naked body.
Her breathing is still rapid, but not so much from desire, but from the feeling of rejection that is infiltrating her. And again, for an instant, she thought this would never happen again.
But here they are, him pulling her away and her heart broken again by the humiliation.
"It's been a while," she murmurs, lowering her gaze, “Y-you don't..." her lips tremble, "You don't touch me."
He doesn't look at her, he can't. 
"I know. I'm sorry," he says in a low tone, the apology falling with a tone of resignation.
He picks up his T-shirt that's on the floor and puts it on, bringing a hand to his hair, ruffling it in frustration. And Floris watches him still completely confused.
"I just don't get it," she insists, "We're a couple. We should... be okay, I don't know," she says confused, "And I don't understand you. You don't talk to me, Aemond."
Aemond rubs his forehead, the pressure behind his eyes growing. He doesn't know how to explain, doesn't know how to put into words all the thoughts that suffocate him.
And he can't tell her that he doesn't really want to be with her either.
"I need to go," he says flatly.
"What?" she moves quickly, catching his arm, "No, please don't go," she tells him, her tone full of pleading, "I think we should talk."
"I can't, Floris. Not now."
Without trying to be abrupt, he releases his grip and Floris, unmoving, watches him as he takes his phone and car keys without another word. 
And he walks away, leaving her alone in his room.
He has no doubt that he will be in trouble for this later, maybe she will mention what happened to her sisters, eventually it will reach her father's ears about her having problems with their relationship and then it will reach his father's ears, demanding explanations from him.
He's not supposed to let her get out of his hands, as his father says, but now he really doesn't care about that.
He doesn't want to be with her and he shouldn't have let that happen. He should have stopped everything the moment she started kissing him.
Sex has been off the table for a while now. He has only slept with her once, when they both started dating for the first time. 
He barely remembers it. It was after they both went to a party. He drank a little more than he normally does and assumes that's why what happened at her house happened. 
And mostly it hasn't happened again because he doesn't have the interest. He doesn't feel the need with her. And just when he thinks it will finally happen when he lets himself go, in the moment he can't do it because it's feels wrong and pushes her away, leaving the action half done. 
And it's not her fault, it's his doing. But he knows that if he explained it to her, she wouldn't understand.
But just like that, another new frustration joins the storm in his mind.
Now he walks towards the pier, the only place where he feels he can breathe. The sound of the waves gently breaking against the wooden pillars, which is the only thing that accompanies him as he sinks into his thoughts.
He doesn't expect anyone to follow him or look for him there. In fact, the last thing he needs is someone else demanding something from him. 
For now, he doesn't want to be the perfect son, the boyfriend who should be attentive or the future heir to the family business. What he desperately wants is to escape the expectations that stifle him day after day.
He leans against the wooden stand and stares out into the deep, dark ocean, letting his mind wander, as he feels all the frustration wash over him and in an instant, he pulls out his pack of cigarettes and lights one.
He inhales deeply, letting the smoke invade his lungs, seeking in that sensation a temporary relief from the pressure he constantly feels. 
He enjoys his solitude, he has been used to it since he was a child. In many ways, he prefers it and finds it easier.
It is only now that he feels he is getting closer to his family or at least his siblings since his father has put more pressure on everyone. But he has not approached in the way he had hoped.
Aegon is not serious enough to broach the subject and evades his family in clouds of alcohol, parties and girls. Halaena is more independent and wrapped up in her own world, with her way of coping without getting swept away. 
Daeron doesn't yet understand the gravity of the expectations that will one day fall on him. And Rhaenyra... she's away with her own family.
And friends... he has no friends. At least, not genuine ones. They are not people he can trust without their own interests involved. 
And if he were to talk to any of them, it would be the same as with Floris; an empty conversation, full of awkward silences and expectations.
That's why at times like these, he strangely wishes he had someone to talk to. Someone who doesn't look at him with judgment or see him only as the heir who has to do his duty.
He needs someone who sees him for who he is, without expectations, without judgment. He just wants to be himself, wants to be just Aemond, without the unbearable weight of expectations.
'What would that be like?'
He wonders with genuine interest and even a certain... longing. But he knows he'll probably never know. Not with the life he has. 
He inhales deeply once more, the smoke mingling with the salty wind, enjoying the fleeting respite this place affords him. Then in the midst of his peace and quiet, the wood creaks softly under the footsteps that are not his.
He frowns and looks toward the entrance to the pier, thinking maybe it must be some of the security men, but then... he sees you.
He frowns more and attentively, he watches you walk, back straight and with cautious steps, as if trying not to make noise as you walk away, unaware of the creaking wood betraying you.
Then he wonders what you are doing here and why you are leaving. 
He remembers that he told you you could come back but doesn't understand why you're leaving. And before he can stop to think about what he is doing, he calls out you'r name.
You stop immediately, your body tensing as if you've been caught doing something you shouldn't, again. 
You bite your lips nervously and slowly turn to look at him, some sorrow on your face as he continues to stare at you in confusion.
And well... he's already caught you, again, first here two nights ago, yesterday at the party and now here again, so what's the point?
"I'm sorry," you say, "I-I... I didn't see you on my way over here," you explain, "And well... I thought you might want to be alone."
Your gaze focuses on his, and for a second, the whole world seems to shrink down to just the two of you, as if you were the only ones on the beach, under the dim lights of the pier.
And he doesn't say anything to you, he just watches you intently. And you take that as a sign to leave.
"I'll leave you alone," you assure him in a soft tone, starting to turn away.
And again, Aemond without thinking, decides to stop you.
"Wait," he says finally, in a soft voice, "You don't have to go."
You watch him carefully and curiously as you tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, a little unsure.
"Are you sure?"
He says nothing, just gives you a slight nod and you, hesitantly, finally take a step towards him and then another, beginning to close the distance to join him at the end of the pier.
An anticipation and excitement begins to grow within you, with the sea breeze and the sound of the waves enveloping you. 
You feel a slight tension begin to grow between the two of you. It's not uncomfortable but it's not easy to ignore either. And both Aemond and you know that you are both walking on uncertain ground.
But neither of you can help it.
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series taglist:
@zenka69 @strangersunghoon @deliaseastar @thefireblaze @kythefangirl25 @p45510n4f4shi0n @saturnssrings @bellaisasleep @primroseluna @tinykryptonitewerewolf @barnes70stark @tssf-imagines
167 notes · View notes
nekomamiiz · 14 hours
third time's a charm
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kuroo x fem!reader
wc: 4k
warnings: 18+, post time-skip!kuroo, husband!kuroo, various pet names in place of y/n, domestic vibes, mentions of ovulation and pregnancy, masturbation (f), some spit, oral (f receiving), lots of teasing, soft dom kuroo, some nipple play, heavy breeding, impreg, multiple orgasms/creampies... it gets really wet, hot and messy, cockwarming, my extremely poor writing skills!
a/n: weeeee i'm out of hiatus.. sort of... this is just a lil something i was messing with before my break. finally after 2 years i finished it lol. anyway,, this is pure smut like barely any plot besides kuroo putting a baby in you and extremly self-indulgent but i hope yall enjoy it!! big thank you to @retrofang for beta reading some of this bad boy and the entire server for putting up with me heheh! likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. thank you for reading <3 kiss kiss
banner and dividers by @/cafekitsune
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After months of carefully calculating, tracking, and monitoring your cycle, the time has finally arrived.
Ovulation week.
You quickly text your husband when you receive the notification on your app. The little chime went off before you left the house for work. It must really be perfect timing, and he immediately replied. 
Tetsurou <3 — I’m on my way back home. Don’t leave yet and call out for today.
— Actually, go ahead and put in your vacation request now. I’ll be there soon. 
Your reply was a simple heart emoji. You’d get yourself relaxed and ready while you wait for him. 
There wasn’t much to do. You had already showered this morning and made the bed before ‘leaving’ for work. As soon as Kuroo sent that text, you put your comfortable house clothes on and lit a few candles around the bedroom. The only thing left to do now is prepare yourself. 
So, that’s what you did. 
About half an hour later, Tetsurou walks through the front door of your home. He slips his shoes off, then his coat and that’s when he hears it—a soft and needy whimper of his name. 
As he pushes through your bedroom door, his eyes find your body already glowing with a sheen of sweat and so beautifully spread out on the edge of the bed. He licks his lips at the sound of your cute little moans and the slight squelch of your pussy. 
It all sounds so wet. 
You have two fingers inside yourself, stretching and stroking the walls of your perfect cunt, offering Kuroo the perfect view. His breath hitches at the sound of your moans becoming louder now that your eyes are solely on him, and his mere presence is enough to make your body shiver with desperation.
“Tetsurou,” you whine his name as your fingers pick up their pace in stimulating your sensitive pussy. Now leaking with a desire to have him buried inside you. 
Kuroo’s eyes trail down your body. He watches closely at how your chest heaves, how you twist your wrist so your fingers can reach the right spot inside, and how you whimper when you can barely get there. You’re putting on a show just for him, and he eats up every second of it. 
“Fuck, baby. Look at you,” he quietly groans at the lewd sight presented to him. 
He’s already palming himself through his slacks, using his other hand to remove the buttons of his shirt. He’s not in any rush, simply relishing the sight of you building yourself up to release, but you both know it’s not enough. The way you writhe and squirm on your shared bed has his body temperature rising, and he can see your want for him dripping out and onto the sheets below you, making such a pretty mess that he can’t wait to clean up. 
“You’re so fucking wet, baby girl,” he says as he steps out and away from his pants, kicking his boxers to the side. “Were you getting yourself ready for me?” he asks with a slight pout on his lips. 
You nod your head as one of your hands quickly finds its way to your breasts, kneading at the sensitive skin and pinching your nipples between your fingers. Another whine escapes you at the added stimulation; add the sight of Kuroo fully undressed in front of you, spitting into his hand and stroking his cock—your mind quickly spirals. 
Kuroo settles on his knees at the foot of the bed, licking his lips as he stares down at all the slick collected between your thighs. He wastes no time leaning down in front of your aching pussy, and he smirks at the way you continue to desperately fuck yourself with your tiny little fingers. 
“Gonna let me taste,” he asks softly, looking up at you through the valley of your breasts. 
Your face is sweaty, and that faraway look in your pretty eyes is making itself more noticeable. Kuroo knows you're about to cum, and it's a face he loves to see. 
With another simple nod of your head and a quiet ‘yes,’ Tetsurou gets to work. 
He spreads your legs further apart and tosses them over his shoulders, tugging softly on your hips so you can be closer to him. His actions rip an excited squeal from your mouth, followed by your sweet giggles. 
You continue playing with your pussy, only tracing soft circles on your clit. Kuroo smiles at all the wetness collected on your fingers and takes hold of your wrist to remove your hand. He licks his lips before popping your glistening fingers in his mouth, sucking down all of your sweet juices and humming at the taste of you.
“Taste so fucking sweet for me, baby,” he coos while kissing your wet fingertips. 
He’s looking at you with eyes so full of love as he continues worshiping your body, kissing your hips and inner thighs. He groans when he sees more slick dripping out of you, biting down on your thigh and devouring the sight of your perfect cunt clenching around nothing. 
He needs to be inside you right now, but he also can’t help teasing you with his tongue for a bit longer. He licks a long, heavy stripe up your sensitive folds, groaning at the taste of you and how your entire body shudders beneath him. In this position, you’re at his mercy, his hands only holding your hips in place while you scratch and squeeze at his forearms from the intense pleasure he’s giving you with his mouth.
Kuroo chuckles against you, finding it so cute how you buck your hips in search of him. He’s already nibbling on your clit the way you like. What more could you possibly want? 
“What’s wrong pretty girl?” he asks, placing a soft, wet kiss on your clit. “Not enough for you?”
You whine at his question. He knows the answer, but he wants to hear you say it and the need in your voice. 
“Want you inside me, Tetsu,” your words come out as a needy whisper, mewling in ecstasy as his fingers trace little circles on your thighs. 
Tetsurou hums in satisfaction before he dives back into your aching center. He teases your entrance with his tongue, poking the wet muscle in and out while he presses down on your clit with his thumb. He can feel the way you shake under him, your thighs quivering when he adds more pressure to your bundle of nerves. So close. 
His gaze trails upwards, admiring every dip and curve of your body until he lands on your beautiful face. He finds your eyes already focused on his every movement, your brows pinched in an expression of pure pleasure, and your mouth parted in a silent moan. 
You trap his head between your thighs, back arching off of the bed as your body vibrates from your first release. He greedily slurps down whatever you have to offer, moaning and growling into your sensitive pussy, allowing your orgasm to rip through your body in soothing waves. 
The look in your eyes is slightly distant—Kuroo thinks—and he still hasn’t bred you the way he wants. He’s not unfamiliar with your increased sensitivity during this time, but it’s far too early for you to be this stimulated.
“I’m not even finished with you yet, beautiful, and you’re already lookin’ so fucked out,” he teases, voice sweet yet equally rough. 
He crawls up the bed, pressing kiss after hot kiss on your skin as he makes his way face to face with you, large arms cradling either side of your head. His cock is ready and burning hot as it bobs against your lower lips, causing you to hiss at the slight overstimulation. You feel a few beads of precum fall and drip onto you as he captures your lips in a near-violent kiss. His intent seeps into your mouth, and he silently declares what he’s always promised. 
“You’re going to look so fucking beautiful when you have my babies growing inside you,” he says, low and slightly out of breath. 
The statement shocks you somewhat at his use of plurals, and you return to reality instantly. “One baby at a time,” you pout playfully, kissing him again. 
He pulls away and smiles so wide that it shows in his eyes, “I know. You know what I mean, I just want a big family with you.” He leans back down, placing soft kisses on the side of your neck, laughing through his nose as you smack his bottom. 
Your shared laughter fills the bedroom, the world outside these four walls completely nonexistent as you share sloppy kisses for what feels like hours. However, Tetsurou plans to claim you as if it were the first time all over again, and he wastes no time doing so. 
A warm hand snakes its way down the side of your body, tracing your curves with such care that he almost can’t handle the thought of being too rough with you. He is going to worship you today and ensure every ounce of his love shows in every move he makes and every kiss he leaves on your skin. He reaches between you—using two thick fingers to swipe through your folds—gathering enough slick to lube up his already weeping cock. 
He pumps his fist once and then twice before pressing the tip of his dick onto your clit, causing you to moan in pleasure at such little contact. Using his hand to gently rub his cockhead in figure eights around your pussy, he continues to tease your folds until finally deciding he’s gathered enough of your wetness to press into you—something he has been waiting all day to do. 
With as much time as he spent between your thighs, he is surprised at how tight you always are for him, and you can’t help but whine at the intrusion. His cock is so warm and feels so heavy; you might come undone from this alone. 
Kuroo starts to pump only a third of his length in and out of your quivering hole. Trying so hard to hold back all of his primal urges and working on building you back up again slowly, moaning in your ear as he relishes in the warmth the two of you share. Finally bottoming out inside you, he feels you convulse beneath him. Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers tangled in his mess of hair as you tug slightly at the roots. 
“My fucking god, you feel amazing,” he says, clenching his jaw as if he hasn’t made love to you countless times, as if he hasn’t felt the heaven that resides between your thighs for years before this moment. Testsurou raises his head, looking at you, swiping a thumb across your cheek. “Tell me what you want, my love,” he demands, kissing you and resting his forehead against yours. 
He thrusts, slow and soft, and you spread your legs wider, thinking it would invite him to go faster, but he denies you. 
“I want all your cum inside, Tetsurou. Need you to put a baby inside of me,” you mumble breathlessly against his lips, grinding your hips to try and pick up the pace of his teasingly slow thrusts. “Please, baby,” you beg. 
“Is that all, pretty girl?” he asks, pulling out of you almost entirely and thrusting back in—quick and rough. You moan his name as the lewdest sound of skin against skin echoes throughout the room. One. Two. Three sharp thrusts followed by your sweet cries of ‘yes, yes, yes,’ and it’s then that he begins to fuck you with absolute purpose. 
Your hands have a mind of their own as they travel the expanse of his back, through his hair and back down again, nails leaving red trails on his skin while your thighs slide up and down the side of his body from the rhythm of his thrusts. 
His chest brushes against yours just right, stimulating your nipples and causing you to moan his name. He knows you so well and responds by leaning down, capturing your breast in his mouth as he opens wide and sucks hard, his teeth teasing your peaked nipple as he pulls away. He lingers momentarily, alternating between swirling his tongue and using his teeth to stimulate you. 
With a wet kiss, he pulls away, wrapping his arms around you and leaning back on his haunches as he holds you close. Your chests heave, and your skin slightly sticks together, the slickest part being where the two of you are connected, and he shudders at how quick you are to wrap your legs around his waist. 
“I can’t wait to make you a father,” you say, your eyes locking on his as you mewl from how he fills you in this position. The tip of his cock is surely hitting your cervix, and the familiar throb you feel while he pokes and prods inside has you grinding in circles against him, desperate to meet his thrusts. “You’re going to be an amazing father to our children, Tetsurou,” you whimper as your eyes meet his. 
He groans at your admission, his brows knitting together as he bites his lip in response. Both of his hands find their way to either side of your hips, gripping your skin and lifting you to speed up the pace. Your lips meet in a messy clash, your teeth scrape his tongue teasingly and he begins to unravel just in time with you. 
“I love you so much, angel, and I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” he declares, moaning breathlessly and going up in pitch with each word. “So fucking beautiful,” he rasps out, his lips meeting yours again while his hands dig and squeeze into your skin. 
A few more thrusts and lifts of your hips, and you can feel how close he is. His arms are beginning to tire, but he still hasn’t had enough of you. 
“I can feel you about to cum, Tetsurou. Please give it to me,” you sigh against his lips, locking eyes as you feel him begin to spill his hot load inside. 
“Fuck! You feel so good, baby,” he says as he lays you back down. “I’m still not finished with you yet, my love.” 
This time, he grabs one of the many pillows at the head of the bed, and you instantly know what he has in mind. You instinctively lift your hips, and he gives your ass a soft squeeze before you back settle down, perfectly propped for him to reach deep inside and plant his seed. 
Once you’re both comfortable with the position, he gets back to work, grabbing you by the meat of your thighs and spreading you open. He shivers when he sees a dribble of cum slipping out and down the crack of your ass—this is unacceptable. 
Golden eyes find yours as his fingers swipe up the mess he made. “Can’t waste a single drop,” he says, sucking his lip between his teeth, fucking his cum slowly back into you with his fingers. 
Wet squelches ring through your ears as you focus on his hand pumping in and out of you—the other gripped tight around the base of his cock, edging himself. The rough callouses on his fingers stimulate your gummy walls so well, and he knows what he’s doing to you. 
“Enough with your teasing, Tetsurou,” you huff out in short breaths, reaching down to take hold of his wrist. “Because I’m not finished with you either, my love,” your smirk mirrors his own. Guiding his hand out and up towards your lips, you suck on his wet fingers, moaning at the taste of your combined juices—a little salty but so fucking sweet. 
Laughter once again fills the large room as he moves to hover over you, licking your lips and having a taste for himself. 
“Always so eager,” he chuckles, moving to kiss your neck, sucking softly. 
Rolling his hips back and forth, he slides his length between your folds, tip catching at your entrance two or three times. He still gives you nothing—not yet—because telling him not to tease you only makes him want to do it more. 
As if sensing your annoyance, he gives in, guiding his cock to your entrance once again; he settles back on his knees, pressing inside of you inch by inch. Those skilled hands of his begin sliding up and down your thighs, deciding on gripping your ankles and resting them comfortably on his shoulders. 
The meat of your thighs lay flush against his chest; you can feel the heat radiating off of him along with the sweat that coats his defined abdomen. His large arms wrap around your legs, pulling you flush against him, and you revel in the feeling of his cock finally reaching that deep place inside. 
Kuroo stays there for a moment—perfectly still—kissing your calves, taking a bite here and there. You stare at him in complete awe as he begins to thrust in and out, tip prodding at your cervix each time. His eyes pinch shut, cheek resting against your calf as he loses himself in the feel of your warm walls squeezing him tight.
“Feels good,” you whisper, offering him a sweet smile before biting your lip and tossing your head back onto the plush mattress. You reach out to him, silently asking to hold his hand, and he doesn’t hesitate to intertwine his fingers with yours.
Using your hands as leverage, he speeds up his thrusts, setting a brutal pace as he pulls you in closer and closer, mumbling words of praise through pleasured groans. His cock throbs inside of you, nearing another release, and his balls feel heavy as they slap against your ass with every sharp thrust. 
“Gonna cum again,” he grits out, hips faltering in their rhythm just as he spills his load inside of you for the second time. He chants your name while mumbling ‘fuck’ and ‘yes’ a few times, grinding into you to ensure his cum stays buried just as deep as he is.  
Releasing your hands, he runs his over the skin of your thighs, rubbing and scratching in soft circles. He takes your legs and folds you in half, your ass lifting off the pillow just slightly as he leans into you. His kisses are sloppy and wet, and he grips your thighs like a lifeline as he begins to jackhammer his cock into you. 
Wet squelching becomes the only sound you can register, drowning out his mumbled words of praise. You admire how beautiful he looks, lost in pleasure, eyes raking up and down your body, both of you glistening with sweat. 
He slowly builds you up to another orgasm, your body shaking the closer you get, and your pussy clenches around his cock in a vice grip. You can’t get enough of him, from the way his hands grip your skin so gently, the wild strands of black hair sticking to his forehead, down to the teasing words he showers you with throughout. 
You cum, your body trembling as Kuroo tries to keep you still, his nails surely leaving crescent marks on your thighs. He rises—no longer crowding over you—chest heaving and dripping in sweat. His amber eyes appear darker than ever as he continues to pound into you, overstimulating your pussy beyond what you can handle. 
“Don’t stop, Tetsurou,” you beg, wrapping your hands around your legs, spreading yourself so he can focus on his current task. His hands move to your hips, pulling you closer to meet every sharp thrust. 
“Third time’s a charm, right baby,” he teases, unable to help himself. “Squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight,” he chokes out, face contorting because he knows you did that on purpose, but he laughs anyway. 
His cock throbs inside of you, eyes zeroed in on that thick creamy ring coating the base of him, and the sight makes him groan—sucking in his bottom lip. There’s so much cum dripping out of you with every thrust in and out, and he fucking loves it. 
“Keep going, baby,” you encourage him, nodding your head when you feel his hips falter in their movement. “Give me everything. I want it all, Tetsurou,” your words come out in broken cries, relishing the sight of him coming undone. 
A few more thrusts and his cum fills you— so warm and thick—thicker than the previous ones. There’s no doubt in either of your minds that this will take; he just has to stay inside a little longer. 
Releasing your grip on your legs, you finally relax, setting your feet back comfortably on the mattress. Kuroo continues to rock his hips slowly, pushing his cum further inside of you, his mind elsewhere as he flits his gaze between your face and your pussy. 
“You look so pretty with my cum inside you, princess,” he nearly giggles, satisfied with his work and the euphoric look in your eyes. “Think we can keep this up for the rest of the week?” he asks, breathless, offering you that same sideways grin you fell in love with years ago. 
This makes you toss your head back, mirroring his laughter and clenching around him with every exhale. You reach your arms out, and he leans back over you, placing several kisses on your chest and neck—his nose brushes against your cheek, waiting for your response. 
“Let’s get some rest first. You look like you’re about to pass out from dehydration,” you say, amused at his shift in demeanor. 
His arms wrap around your frame, rolling you over so you now lay on top of him, fingers tracing invisible words on your back. He is still inside you, keeping his seed nice and warm, not allowing a single drop to escape.
“I made sure to have plenty of water today, and you know I can go for hours when the moment calls for it,” he delivers his statement with one shallow thrust, just enough to rub against that spongy spot inside. 
Too overstimulated to try for another round, you place your palms on his chest, resting your chin on the back of your hands as you admire his features. He plants a few pecks on your forehead before he moves a hand to caress the side of your face, thumb swiping gently on your cheek. His eyes bore into yours as you lay there for a minute or two, taking each other in. 
“You think that was enough?” you ask, nuzzling your cheek deeper into his palm to place a kiss on his wrist.
“If that wasn’t enough,” he looks down, gesturing at the mess of cum between you. “I’ll make sure it will be by the end of the week,” he says reassuringly, leaning in to claim your lips in a kiss. 
After today and the amount of cum dripping out onto the mattress, you do not doubt his ability to put a baby in you. 
The rest of the week continues the very same, and if you thought you’d already made love on every surface of your home before, then you’re wrong. Kuroo finds new places to take you that you never thought imaginable, and his stamina has become endless in his mission to get you pregnant. 
About a month and a half later, you find yourselves hovering over the bathroom sink, waiting for the plastic sticks you arranged in a row to reveal their results. It’s only been a few days since your period was supposed to arrive, but you can’t help being excited at the possibility. 
Minutes pass, and the first stick displays two pink lines, the second and the third following right behind with the same result—you both lean in closer. Tetsurou’s eyes quickly shift between the instructions, the test, and your face. He takes in your expression—shock and absolute joy— and pulls you into a tight hug, lifting you slightly off the ground as happy tears fall from your eyes. 
He kisses your face, setting you back down to leave another on your lips. You hum against him in complete bliss, satisfied with the results of your love. 
Tetsurou pulls away, sporting the cheekiest grin that nearly stretches from ear to ear.
 “Told you I’d make sure it was enough.”
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lo1k-diamonds · 1 day
Stellar Behavior 💜 Part 2
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“I may consider an alternative with less social catastrophe... If I’m adequately compensated. I was left wanting last time…”
PAIRING: Officer!Yoongi x Mafia (f)reader
SUMMARY: The time has come for you to collect your favor, but Yoongi is not going to make it easy.
GENRE: Gangster AU, Law AU, enemies to lovers, smut
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: corruption, power dynamics, slight degradation, sexual favors, hate sex, switching, semi-public sex, unprotected sex
A.N. If this part had a title, it would be hate sex. Very hot, explicit hate sex 🔥Let me know if you agree 😏 Again, infinite thank yous to @moonleeai and @downbad4yoongi for working through my crazy and being incredible! Enjoy 🔥🔥
Masterlist | Masterpost | AO3 | Wattpad | < Previous Chapter | Next Chapter >
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Yoongi pulled on the collar of his shirt as the car took a particularly sharp turn. The sirens were on and the officer driving the car was a bit on edge, so he couldn’t help his scowl. He never liked parades, much less a row of police cars racing to interfere with a petty theft at a charity gala. But the Mayor had insisted the newly appointed Senior Superintendent should look into the matter immediately, so there he was.
He looked outside, the streetlights passing in a blur under his inattentive eyes. He actually didn’t think he’d be able to save Officer Jimin a couple of months back, let alone get a promotion as a result, but here he was. And the night that changed everything still burned in the back of his mind.
He was furious when he left the Aether that night. He remembered storming out with a mix of emotions bubbling like lava inside his chest and slamming the door of his car closed. Despite himself, he drove home in a flash, recklessly letting the heat get to his head. 
It was all your fault that he couldn't get on top of whatever it was that he was feeling. Why was his head filled with images of you? Why he couldn't look at the road? Why he could barely hear another car honking in annoyance when he almost crashed as he turned onto his street?
All he could see was you, with your shiny hair falling over your shoulders, framing a cunning smile trying to hide behind a drink. Your pink cheeks heated him up, and no amount of deep breaths calmed him. He stormed inside his house with your long legs filling his mind as they wrapped around him, and all the way to his bedroom, you haunted him. He pulled his clothes off in a hurry, needing to get the lewd wet sounds of his mouth on your core off his mind, but it was difficult. No matter how fast he rushed, he could still hear himself sucking on your delicious cunt which muffled his own grunts beneath your obscene moans. He was so hard it hurt.
He just needed you out of his system, but as he raised his hand to turn on the shower, he froze. He took a deep breath, and another, then groaned. His eyelids closed before he could stop himself from licking his lips and fingers, letting your faint scent pull a low, deep groan from his throat. He could still feel your hand in his hair, and he needed to live it out. You had kicked him out of the Aether, saying you were done, but this was his house.
He got on the bed and grabbed his hard dick in his hand, closing his fingers around the head before letting himself melt into the soft sheets. Just your scent and taste were enough, and he fisted himself greedily. Fast; he needed you out of his system, so he raced for the peak. It was pathetic how quickly he was spurting white ropes of cum across his chest with nothing but the memory of his face buried in your cunt.
He thought that was what he needed, but ten minutes later he was not calmer or softer. In fact, he wondered if he made it worse by indulging in his dark fantasies, but soon he decided that no one needed to know.
I heard the missus left cause you couldn’t get it up, but won’t you look at that— I guess she just didn’t know how to play. Or maybe you like this. Like not having a choice, to be in danger, to be forced to do something reprehensible.
I have a choice.
Then choose.
His nostrils flared, but he didn't stop jerking off to the thought of you. What you said annoyed him, and he still had no clue why he was rock hard despite it, but there was no point in stopping. He was fucking ready to explode, lick and fuck every inch and hole of yours, and yet here he fucking was, alone on his bed.
He edged himself to the thought of you, reveling in the control he had over his pleasure and yours. It didn't matter to him that his ex complained; he had figured he just didn't want to have sex. Why would he when all she did was complain? He worked too much, he was never home, blah blah blah. Why would he want to be home when all she did was nag and whine? When she left and they divorced, he didn't feel any compulsion to search for sex, so he assumed that it was just what it was.
Months after meeting you, he still didn't know what it was about you. Why was he so inexplicably hard and turned on and ready to fuck your brains out, and so fucking pissed when you dismissed him and left him high and dry? To the point he had to jerk off to the thought of you, only to be disgusted with himself for feeling that way about someone so morally bankrupt. For not getting himself under control.
It occurred to him later that he was mad about not knowing if he'd be able to save Officer Jimin, but those doubts didn't last long. He woke up in the morning after meeting you to the sound of the doorbell, naked on his sheets with dried cum everywhere. Because whoever it was kept persistently pressing the bell, he grabbed a robe and made his way down, only to find no one. Yet, on his front door mat was a big envelope, and in it, something that immediately jolted him to hurry and get dressed.
It was a dashcam from a car that was parked near the incident and caught everything perfectly: another man had shot Officer Junghee, then shoved the gun into Jimin's hands, who ignored him to try and help his partner. The camera's serial number was valid; the car was also filmed parking there earlier that day, so in a matter of hours, Officer Jimin was exonerated of all charges, just like promised.
Yoongi was ecstatic, as was his team, yet as they celebrated, his mind kept reminding him who he should thank. He knew there would be a price, but in his memory, you were a sweet tease, ready to drive him crazy and fuck him in every way his mind came up with. The disgust that haunted him with every fantasy angered him, but did little to cool him. 
To curb the insanity of his thoughts, he looked up your record and found nothing. Distance and discipline worked wonders to remind himself, eventually, that it didn't matter how attracted he was to you or how many times he fucked you in his mind. You were the worst kind of criminal — the one that led others to commit the crimes for you. You were a despicable person, and you'd ask for something equally so in exchange for saving an innocent. He needed to stay sharp.
He was pulled out of his reverie when the car stopped before the charmingly decorated venue where most of the city’s echelon had gathered to attend a charity ball. A police agent at the scene waved him over to enter the building, and he didn’t waste any time. It frustrated him that he was there just to show face when he had better things to do, but even that evaporated quickly in the face of who was expecting him.
He scoffed and chuckled bitterly when he entered a backroom to meet the complainant, only to be met with you. You were the embodiment of an angel, with bloodshot eyes releasing tears that didn't make a dent on your perfect makeup. Your long blue dress was elegant, covering your generous figure chastely while you cried about being a victim.
“I can't believe this happened at a charity event!”
Yoongi didn't react, the show wasn't for him; it was for the event organizer, who was trying to avoid a scandal, “I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding!” She suddenly noticed him and the officer beside him, and her face lit up like a Christmas tree, “The Senior Superintendent is here, as promised!”
Your eyes finally turned to him, and the corners of your mouth twitched. You had noticed him entering the backroom, but now you could officially address him.
Between the organizer trying to flaunt the idea of the force protecting the good people of Seoul and you offering resistance to the idea that your purse wasn't long gone, he didn't know what drained his patience more. Finally, he decided it was you because surely this was all a ruse and you either wanted to make him look like a fool or to finally name your price.
“I'm sure the Senior Superintendent brought enough Officers to sweep the place from top to bottom—”
“Maybe we should retrace my steps,” you interrupted crudely, getting up from the long velvet chaise to fix your eyes on him.
He instantly understood what you wanted, and despite not agreeing with all the bullshit, he wanted to get it over with.
“I shall accompany you,” he agreed before following after you when you briskly walked away.
He managed to wave to the nearby officers to stay there and work the ground while your heels tapped across the marble floor. The hallway in front of you was decorated with astonishing sculptures, the likes that Yoongi had never seen, but he didn’t have time to wonder about the magnanimous hotel the gala was taking place in.
You were walking like you owned the place, and it made him grind his teeth as he followed you. How could anyone believe your made-up story? To them, you were a tycoon, owning many restaurants, clubs, and other businesses, so how come your security had let your purse be taken?
He knew better, of course; you were a criminal who led one of the most powerful organizations in the city. No one would be stupid enough to come close, and so he scoffed. This situation was ridiculous.
“Just a bit further,” you voiced.
“Shouldn't we be going to the entrance?”
His monotone voice made no impression as you reached the end of another corridor, where two men were standing. You extended your arm, receiving your purse promptly from one of them before the other opened the door for you. Yoongi simply followed you into the foyer, decorated like an elegant waiting room. Yet you still didn't stop and made your way to another door.
He followed you into what was the most luxurious bathroom he had ever seen. Everything was marble, the chandeliers were antiques, and there was even a corner where people could sit down and use the many toiletries and cosmetics available.
“My, following a lady into the bathroom?”
Your mocking tone made his eyebrow twitch, “I'll wait outside.”
“Nonsense,” you simply said before turning to the mirror to make sure your makeup was perfect. 
You twisted your nose at some invisible detail while he waited. He absolutely detested the perfect curve of your back and ass as you leaned forward, and even more the way your hair fell gracefully around you. You were beautiful and wasting everyone's time.
“Now,” you voiced, turning to him. “I'm glad you could take a moment from your busy schedule to help me with my little problem.”
“You clearly have no problem,” he said, relaxing his shoulders. “So lets get to business.”
“My, Chief,” you brought your hand to your chest as though you were hurt. “Did the promotion get to your head?” He raised an eyebrow, and you chuckled and stepped toward him, “Didn't think you'd be that affected by power.”
“I'm not,” he bit between his teeth, eying you attentively while you circled him and reached for the items on the counter behind him.
“Good, good,” you said dismissively, then circled back towards the mirror. “Then you're still the man who isn't afraid to beg and keeps his word.”
Your tone was a bit colder as you leaned toward the mirror to apply a dark red shade of lipstick, and he frowned. It was hard to follow your thoughts, but it didn't matter. He needed to know what you wanted so he could try to finally lock you up for being a criminal mastermind.
“I am, so what is it that you want?”
“I heard your office was looking into the Klysa conglomerate for suspected fraud,” you started, batting your eyelashes as if you had just remembered it. “I need them out of the game.”
“So?” He asked dryly, sharp eyes unfazed by the request.
“So, I have a little something to help you nail them for good,” you reached inside your purse, then pulled his hand to you and placed the flash drive in his palm. “Just put the contents of this drive in any of their computers during your search and—”
“That’s illegal,” he interrupted, leaving his open palm with the USB stick on it.
“So?” Your tone was mocking as you raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not going to do that.”
You hummed and tapped your chin pensively. “Hmmm, but you are. You owe me, and you don’t want to be on my naughty list, right?” You grinned, raising a finger to touch his chin, but he dodged it with gritted teeth. He hated that you had something on him, and the heat climbing up his spine only aggravated him further. “Besides, they are committing crimes. It’s high time they got caught, don’t you think?”
“If there’s an ongoing investigation, then you can wait for—”
“Can’t wait,” you dismissed sharply, your eyes becoming narrow. “They have too many fingers in too many pies, and all it takes is one scandal for it all to come crashing down.”
“All,” you repeated with a smirk.
“I can’t do that.” Your features hardened, and he hurried to say, “It’s a big conglomerate; thousands will lose their job. Families depend on these jobs, it would cause a social catastrophe.”
“Are you getting sentimental, Chief?”
“These things need to be done carefully,” he continued, ignoring your quip. “My department is investigating them, so with time—”
You huffed a deep breath and rolled your eyes, clearly displeased, and he held his tongue. Part of him was revolting at the hypocrisy of using the justice system to get rid of competition for crimes you probably indulged in as well, but he decided to stay quiet. Maybe that would be the easiest way to catch you — to see what kind of things you had on others and how you acted.
“I may consider an alternative with less social catastrophe,” you grimaced. “If I’m adequately compensated.” He raised an eyebrow as you grabbed the flash drive still in his hand and reached to put it inside his pants pocket. “I was left wanting last time…”
The way his spine tensed and his Adam's apple bobbed was difficult to hide, “You mean…”
You hummed, your hand playing with the edge of his pocket, “I’d hate to be left wanting this time.”
Your low, wanton voice gave him goosebumps, but he cleared his throat, “What’s the alternative?”
“That depends,” you smirked, sneaking your hand into his pocket. “Do we have a deal?”
“What is the alternative?”
His tone was dry, yet you chuckled as your fingers brushed his thigh through the fabric, “Are you going to leave me hanging?”
“I asked you a question.”
“So did I,” you said slowly, looking down. You licked your lips slowly at the view, then grinned and faced him again, “A tent is not an answer, Chief.”
He moved so fast you barely saw it as you blinked; in a split second, your wrist was in his hand, yanked out of his pocket. “I’m waiting.”
“So am I,” you grinned, facing him unabashedly. “I want to hear those pretty lips saying you’ll sit down on that couch and pull your hard cock out for me to use in exchange for the livelihood of all those tiny, insignificant people.” You had a sly smile as you spoke, nearing to nuzzle him, and the way he despised you flashed across his face. His grip tightened to keep you away, and you chuckled, “Thinking of using those handcuffs of yours?”
“You don’t know me,” he grumbled, low in his chest, and you smiled widely.
“I know you’re hard,” you shrugged as though you had already won. You licked your lips, “Is it the thrill again? Don’t tell me you’ve been thinking about—”
He pulled you closer to growl something, but something thin and sharp pressed to his belly, and his breath was caught. 
He looked down as you smirked widely, “No knife this time, this is all you, Chief. At attention,” you dragged your acrylic nail up his stomach slowly, and his eyes followed it, holding your other wrist tightly still. “Must be difficult denying how hard and horny you get from dealing with someone like me, but we don’t have time to waste,” you sighed, biting your lip as you raised your hand to his hair, but stopped before you touched him. 
He tilted his head to get the tension off his neck, subtly looking away to catch a breather. You were putting him in a tight spot again, and this time it was even worse; he should know better.
You straightened up to look him in the eyes, “So the deal. Instead of raiding the whole conglomerate, I’ll give you the address of a hidden gambling house run by a higher-up. That, plus the flash drive, should be enough to dismantle those bastards slowly. Gotta give people the time to come and work for me instead, right?” 
You grinned slyly, unable to read what he was thinking because he didn’t know it himself. You had a good alternative that meant not ruining thousands of lives instantly, and that was all he needed to hear. Right?
Your smile suddenly vanished, and you pulled your wrist close to your chest, forcing him to fall into you a little bit as he held onto you, “But only if I get what I want.”
He eyed you, and you stood at a standstill. He should hate this, explode at you for trying to coerce him, for being a horrible person who didn’t think of the consequences of your petty requests, or how they’d affect the livelihoods of so many people. Yet, instead, he was starting to burn. Something hot was licking at the back of his neck as he strained it, trying to soothe the tension again. His muscles were tightening, ready to jump at a moment's notice; meanwhile, his mind struggled. No, he didn’t want this. You were using him for sex and to handle competition; it was nasty business. It was a way to subdue him and corrupt what he represented. You were vile, and—
“I don’t have all day,” you reminded him, and he blinked. 
You were infuriating, petulant, narcissistic, and he hated that he was even considering it. 
You pulled your wrist out of his hand and gave him a cold look, “Never mind—”
He was on his way to the couch before he realized it. He sat on it, facing you, and you stood still, waiting. Looking at you, he had a moment of lucidity, and his shoulders relaxed. He unzipped his pants as he weighed the consequences of going against you — the head of a powerful criminal organization that would work against him, framing his personnel or himself. His career would surely not reach far, and you’d get what you wanted, one way or another. 
His eyes were still fixed on yours as he pulled his hard dick out, not bothering to even stroke it. He was as hard as can be, so he presented it to you just like you wanted, and just like he wanted. His chest burned as you stepped slowly towards him, and he admitted that of all the ways you had to get what you wanted, he much preferred you used him to get there.
You stopped in front of him, threw your purse on the couch, then kneeled on the floor with so much grace he held his breath. The way you had ensnared him without even touching him should scare him, but he was totally in it.
“Say it,” you demanded, only looking down once before facing him again.
“Use me,” his gruff voice revealed his darkest desire before he could stop himself, but he recognized then that he wouldn’t.
As you got up to your feet and pushed him back so you could straddle him, he acknowledged that he wanted everything. He shouldn’t, but he had no morals at that moment. He didn't care about anyone’s record, crimes, lives, or careers; he cared about nothing. You were on his lap, grasping the hair at the back of his head, forcing him to reveal his neck to you so you could bite, and the groan that came out said it all. He dared to frame your waist above him, and you sighed on his neck, pressing yourself to him. Already, there wasn’t much that could get him to stop, but now he guessed there was nothing. Even if someone dared to interrupt, officer or otherwise, he’d never stop, not before he was inside you, and surely not when he was.
No, he hummed, palming your curves freely as you nibbled on his neck and found your way under his shirt. He’d get his dick inside you and show you all the ways he’d been dreaming of fucking you ever since you last met. Only then, when you had been fucked so thoroughly you’d walk funny, would he bite the head off of whoever dared to interrupt you two.
For now, he didn’t have to worry because no one was about to interfere with what you both wanted. Your nails had scratched him to the point he had to grip your flesh in retaliation, or maybe as an incentive. You moved on to bite his ear and the skin right under it, and the way your hips swayed over him drove him insane. No amount of grinding should make him feel this good, and he refused to blow without turning you into a mess first.
His hands on your hips helped you grind your covered cunt harder against his bare dick, and he could tell you liked it because you started moaning quietly. It was a low, dragged sound, almost as if you wanted to hide it, and it riled him up. He wanted you to fall apart, and you wouldn’t be able to stop it.
You surely noticed how keen he was, but your hips kept moving faster. The friction of your underwear on his shaft was burning, but he didn’t care. You were grabbing onto him so tight, your nails were sinking into his scalp and shoulders. You wanted to use him, and he’d show you just how easily you crumbled instead.
But he didn’t expect you to suddenly straighten up and reach between your bodies. He looked at your expression, knitted eyebrows and peeping tongue while you focused, and then he felt it. You rolled your hips a bit, and your eyelashes fluttered at the same time he swallowed a groan and sank his nails into the skin of your hips.
You were holding his dick to your slit, coating him in your slick with every hump of your hips, and he could feel everything. How wet you were, sliding eagerly, especially around your entrance. He tried pushing up to get in, but you didn’t let him, licking your lips spread with a mischievous smile. You were playing with him, and your teasing made him snap his hips, trying to bypass you, but you moved with him, chuckling sensually. His mind was fried then; there was nothing that could ever come close to how delicious you were. How deviant, teasing, wrong, and yet the obsession he didn’t know he could have. 
Was that what it was?
You interrupted his thoughts when you aligned him with you and sank down on him. Your desperate whimper as you did washed his brain clean; all he could do was stare at you with a slack jaw as you indulged in a push and pull, letting his girth stretch you again and again. It was torture, but he enjoyed seeing all your little reactions. The way you bit your lip, panting a little harder with the effort of getting him deeper inside you, fighting your eyes from closing so you could see it happening. He glanced too, but the image of his cock disappearing between your folds, hugged so tightly between your walls, was too risky. He preferred to look at you, pick up on the tells of your pleasure. He particularly liked it when you settled down fully, biting your lip as he poked you inside, tucked to the hilt.
You were hesitant to move, still throbbing around him, so he took your hips and moved them gently. Your reaction was instantaneous, throwing your head back and letting him direct your pleasure as he pleased. It burned inside his chest to see you so vulnerable on his cock, knowing he could do to you whatever he wanted, but he didn’t want to rush things. He absorbed the way you breathed, and your lips twitched with every roll as he guided you. His hands trailed your ass and hips, eager to feel and brand every inch of your flesh, when he noticed the garter in the same place as last time with a knife tucked in it.
He touched the handle, and you chuckled, opening your eyes to look at him, “Scared?”
“No,” he rasped, focused entirely on you, even as his fingers trailed the garter. “You?”
You smiled and leaned into him, “Fuck no.”
He closed his eyes because he thought you’d kiss him, but you only held him tighter and glued your cheeks together. You started rolling your hips faster and panting and moaning into his ear, and he kept his eyes closed. You were using him to get off, and you sounded and felt so fucking divine doing it. He had to fight not to burst too early. Fuck, were you having fun, grinding your clit on him every time the tip of his cock hit that special spot inside you that had you keening. 
He was so focused that he noticed every detail, from the subtle change in the angle of your hips, to the way you pressed your cheek to the side of his face the more you lost control. Eventually, one of your hands moved from his shoulder to the straps of your dress, and then you straightened back up. You were flushed and breathing in quiet moans, showing such a sensual and vulnerable side of you, he was devastated. Still, when you pulled down the dress and revealed your chest, his legs became weak under your swaying hips.
Fuck, how was it that you were so beautiful? Perfectly round breasts trembling gently with every move of yours on his length, searching for pleasure, and he knew he couldn’t remember his own name even if you asked.
Your hand grabbed onto his hair and brought him close, and his mouth instantly latched onto a nipple. You jolted, groaning through clenched teeth, and he fought the urge to press down on your hips harder. He wanted to fuck you so hard, to let go, but at least he had a consolation prize. He licked and teased your perky nipples, brushing the one free from his mouth in tandem, and your reaction was priceless. Hearing you and feeling your nails, he knew he could have pumped you full of cum then, but it was a delight to wait. To notice how urgent your ride became, not just grinding on him but letting your weight fall on him to help his cock reach deep, all while desperately urging him to torture your nipples and tits between his teeth.
He wasn’t surprised when you started shaking despite pressing your legs and arms even harder around him, but he had to think of something else not to come. You moaned and cried while your pleasure came crashing down on you, and on him as well, rhythmically squeezing him inside your tight walls, and it was a lot. It was perfect, fulfilling even though he didn’t even finish, but he stayed resolute while he helped you fuck yourself on him and draw your orgasm out. You said you wanted to use him, and he hoped that included more than just that ride.
You stilled, and he stayed with his face buried in your chest. He kept massaging your ass and hips over him, careful not to force you to move while he licked and nibbled on your sensitive flesh. Just your chest heaving to his face while he inhaled your scent could have thrown his control off, but he waited. Patiently, without ever stopping his touches and kisses.
Eventually, you recovered and pulled on his hair so he’d let go of your abused nipple. You nuzzled his warm forehead before getting back on your feet and walking away from him. He kept his eyes trained on you, and you seemed to wobble a little on your legs, raking your fingers through your long hair until you stopped in front of a mirror. He looked down, noticing how you had left his cock not only glistening, but creamed with your cum, and he shook his head. In that short silence, he thought first that he fucking loved it and wanted you on his dick again, and then he couldn’t take it. This time, he’d grab himself and finish it, regardless of—
“Come here,” you rasped quietly, eyeing him through the mirror. His ears perked up as he looked at you, but he wasn’t sure of what you said. You placed your hands on the edges of the sink, “Come fuck me, Yoongi.”
For a second, he thought he ignited. Like a match to gasoline, your voice sparked and combusted his very blood to the point his synapses stopped working. Then, he got up and approached you slowly. Now that you had asked, there was no rush. It felt inevitable the way he was about to touch you and feel you, like the crash of a wave to the shore, and taming the urge was part of the torture.
He could see the same feeling in your eyes, trained on him through the mirror as he made his way to you, glistening. You were unnaturally still, as if you knew not to move to keep that tension going, and it felt powerful. You weren’t running your mouth, grabbing him, or rushing him. No, you were quite literally still in the position you wanted him to fuck you in and patiently waiting for the treat you knew was coming.
He stopped behind you, looking down at the curve of your body as you arched your back slightly before raising his eyes to the mirror. Not only did your expression give away your desire, with flushed cheeks and your lip tucked gently between your teeth, but your position was vulnerable. You swayed on your legs as though to lure him to come closer, and he did, gluing his crotch to your ass.
Your eyelids dropped as you groaned, rubbing your ass on his erection, and only the sense of control flooding his veins kept him in check. It felt like a reward to see you eager to have his cock inside you again, and he needed it. It was too sweet, he had to observe and take in every little detail of your surrender now that you couldn’t hide. How you squirmed for more of his touch when he palmed your hips, leaning down to help him grab and pull your long dress to the side so he could reach your bare hips. You stopped breathing when he did, leaning even more as though to offer yourself, then gasped a moan when his hand struck your ass.
Your eyes were closed as he held you to him, sliding his glistening dick between your legs as he pulled you to his chest. You fell back into him, melting as he groped your tits harshly, all while snapping his hips. He observed your reactions, hungrily taking everything you gave him with every brush, pinch, or bite. Especially when you tried to tilt your hips so you could feel him better near your core, and he fought you, pressing you firmly, preventing you from getting his cock. He tortured you in other ways, biting and licking up your neck to your ear while he squeezed and rolled your nipples between his deft fingers, and your desperate moans as you squirmed were priceless.
You reached your breaking point and snapped your eyes open, facing him through the mirror with a frustrated harshness that made him smile while he nuzzled your ear. You were about to revert to demanding what you wanted out of sheer sexual frustration, and he loved it. Still, he thought he had given you enough time to recover, so he reached for the elastic of your underwear and slid it down slowly.
It was enough for you to wiggle it down your legs, which forced his arms to press you back into him, pining you in place, and you gushed. He found out he was handling your frenzy marvelously when he reached to feel you and your slick dripped from your heat. He instantly brought his wet fingers to his mouth, and you watched his reflection suck and lick your arousal and cum as if it was a delicacy, and it made you snap.
You squirmed, “Please.”
He finally matched your urgency; he let go of his fingers with a grunt, then grabbed his dick to align himself with you. He had to push you to arch your back so your cunt was easily in front of him, but then he pressed your hips flush to his and you both groaned. Your toes curled, and your face scrunched as you tried moving on his cock, but his hands were claws on your hips, keeping you still. You felt so fucking amazing around him that he twitched inside you, and you whimpered. It was that little sound that broke the dam and let it all overflow.
He snaked an arm up your chest to grab your neck while the other kept you in place to take every snap of his hips into your ass. He nibbled and licked your neck whenever you’d move close enough, and every moan out of your lips only made him want to coax another one. Harder, faster, you drove him fucking insane. He wanted you to fall apart on his cock, cry with how good he was giving it to you, and it was as if you could read his mind. The more you wiggled, the harder his arms pressed you closer. The louder you whimpered, the more he bit you and obsessed over more cries and curses. The more you moved to meet his thrusts, the harder he fucked you, bruising your skin with his fingers and teeth purely out of sheer desire.
“Fuck,” you cried out. “Who knew… you could… fuck like this?”
Something like a growl came from deep in his throat, and he wrapped your hair around his hand, pressing your stomach to the sink in front of you. His hips slowed while you faced him in the mirror, pinned so still you couldn’t see what his other hand was doing until you felt his fingers on your clit.
You jolted against him, and you could almost see the spark in his eyes. “You’re going to come for me.”
You grinned, “Am I—?”
Your voice derailed with him rubbing you softly, contrasting so much with how hard you needed to feel him, it gave you whiplash.
But you couldn’t be quiet; you bit your lip and gazed at him again through the mirror, “Want me to milk your cock, huh?”
You were almost hiccuping, trying to tease him while he played your clit masterfully; meanwhile, his dark eyes on you didn’t give much away. Were you riling him up? Did he want to fuck you senseless now? You wanted him to lose that upright posture and just fuck you like the animal you knew was lurking under all the fucking decorum, but his stupid long fingers keeping the perfect speed on your clit weren’t giving you any chances. You squirmed, but his grip was steel, and it just made you gush around his perfect cock even more. Fuck, you loved the way he grabbed you, handled you, and imposed a high on you despite your best efforts to go against him.
He was so focused, looking at you while he lulled you in the perfect sway of his hips, stretch of his cock, and rub of his fingers. So you smiled at him, “If I come… Will you let go?” His eyebrow twitched. “Will you go fucking wild and use me instead?”
He moved to nuzzle your neck and didn’t answer you. A part of him thought that was not what he was doing, but another knew exactly what that was. You wanted to use him and subdue him, and he’d show you just how easily the tables turned. Would he let go? Would he fuck you senseless? The answer was yes, and he didn’t consider any of it as using you. If you begged to be fucked and creamed his cock while at it, he’d consider it quite simply a lesson you’d never forget. That you’d hopefully want to repeat.
But he never answered you, only increased the reach of his cock inside you while his fingers rubbed you in a stable rhythm. He swayed his hips to drag his shaft across your walls, and saw how you whimpered and tried writhing, unable to deal with the pleasure being enforced on you. But he had been paying attention, so he never had to answer you. Because you wouldn’t have a choice.
You mewled and moaned, feeling a familiar burn in your core and lower stomach that had you tensing unbelievably. As he kept moving, your legs started trembling, and your fingers gripped the cold porcelain sink. He had you in place, and you were so tucked in tight with nowhere to go. You were safe, though, trying to wiggle the intensity both away and closer, until you opened your eyes. There was something about the way he breathed down your neck, looking at you moaning and panting while your tits shook with each breath that got you on a train, and suddenly, you couldn't move back. The tracks were in front of you, yet so was the cliff, and there was no stopping. You tried regaining control, but it slipped away from you, and before you could voice anything at all, you crashed.
You let your head fall back as your loud moans echoed through the walls, giving him goosebumps while he felt your pleasure deeply. Your nails scratched the sink as you swayed your hips to feel him in a particular way, and he closed his eyes, smelling the intimacy in your hair while you disintegrated. But he only gave himself a moment before chasing his own climax because soon you’d be too sensitive and there was no way in hell he wasn’t going to fuck you like you both craved.
He tried to keep his fingers on your clit to help you, but fucking you faster meant losing sight of that. You didn't mind it because you gripped his forearm and whimpered the overstimulation right before you closed your eyes. Your jaw hung open as he picked up the pace and dug his fingers into your hips to keep you in position, and you saw stars. Every time he shoved his cock in, you held your breath, only for a moan to be pushed out of you right before he pulled out. The same push and pull, again and again, all while his fingers tried to tease your clit. 
You couldn’t come so fast again and you wanted to see his crash, so you pulled his hand to the sink for support and arched your back even more, giving him everything you could to help.
The first hint was the quiet groans, then shaking of his head as if he wanted to shake it off and make it last. But you were squeezing his thick cock, meeting his thrusts, and through your brainless moans, eager and hungrily waiting for the moment he’d pop.
And it was divine. Why did a cop look so fucking good busting his nut inside you? Like you were the only cunt in fucking existence worth sticking his cock into? You knew you were, but still, it gave you such a fucking high, you could barely believe it.
His face scrunched as he grunted and pumped himself empty inside you, and you bit your lip, adoring every second. It was twisted but felt and looked so good you could only think it was a shame there was a party you needed to attend a few rooms away.
He opened his eyes to find you looking at him like he was a snack, and it jolted him awake a little. He looked down at your ass pressed to his crotch and sighed to himself. 
Fuck it. 
He didn’t let any thoughts interrupt the high he was in right now, and only when you moved did he move also so he could help you. He let your hips go gently so you could stand comfortably without pressing into the sink, then reached for paper towels to clean you, but staggered. What was he doing? You were still winded, slowly recovering as his cum trickled down your thighs. His cum. From fucking you—
He put the paper towels in front of you and walked back, grabbing more so he could clean himself up, too. He needed distance; he must have been out of his damned mind to do that.  
The hairs at the back of his neck were standing as the disgust made its way up his neck. He shuddered and threw the scrunched paper vaguely in the direction of a trash can, and only then faced you. You were on the couch with a cigarette in your mouth, smoking placidly. He couldn’t help but bite his lower lip at the sight, and then chastised himself. He should have brought some nicotine gum with him.
“Get me something to write,” you said quietly, before taking a long drag. 
You had caught him by surprise, yet you sighed the smoke out with exasperation, “To write the address.”
He frowned at first, what the hell were you on about? But your dry, unbothered look was enough to tell him that you'd soon get up, fix your dress, and go back to your distasteful self. He preferred to have the address. 
Fortunately, he remembered the items behind you on the counter and quickly grabbed something that resembled a pencil. 
You tucked the cigarette between your lips before pulling the eyeliner from his hand. Then, you grabbed his wrist and forcibly pulled his sleeve back. He grunted in annoyance, but you ignored him and scribbled something on his wrist.
Then you let him go and threw the pencil on another couch before leaning back and heaving a seemingly endless drag of smoke in his direction. He raised his eyebrow, unimpressed, and your eyebrows twitched, “Don't go rubbing your wrist too hard, now. Can't risk all those poor souls.”
Your sneer made him roll his eyes, and he didn't answer or acknowledge you. He simply pulled his sleeve to cover your marks carefully and walked out the door.
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lovintohatred · 2 days
— close to you
warnings: none pairing: billie eilish x fem!reader a/n: this is my first fic and is super self indulgent so sorry if it's shit 😚 only using sabrina as a fc bc it's easiest for social media but her appearance won't be referenced so imagine y/n however u'd like ☺️ also the user stillcantfindtheavacados is billie's finsta!! lmk if u guys want a pt 2 💞
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liked by gracieabrams, finneas, taylorswift and others
yourusername what a way to finish out this tour... london u were a dream 💞 thank u for all the memories we've made together on this tour, i love u all sosososo much!!! emails i can't send tour forever 💌💋
view all 7,935 comments
user2 ur tour fits are always stunning omg
taylorswift pop princess ☺️🫶🏻
yourusername SHUT UP WHAT TAYLOR I LOVE U SM THANK U 😭😭😭😭😭💓💓💓💓💓
stillcantfindtheavacados prettiest girl ever what the fuck
gracieabrams it was the best getting to see u in london ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
yourusername i love u sm ☹️☹️ so glad u could make it 💘
finneas is this who you're always talking about?? @/billieeilish
this comment has been deleted
finneas such an incredible tour!!
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finny ‼️ - finneas
bils 🤓 - billie
this is so embarrassing i hate u
it's fine though i deleted the comment!!
finny ‼️ oh
bils 🤓 she probably thinks i'm such a weirdo ughhh
this is all ur fault
finny ‼️ 😐
at least now u have an opportunity to dm her 😁
bils 🤓 shut up
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liv 😚 - olivia rodrigo
y/n 😋 - y/n
help him deleting the first comment and commenting again is so funny 😭
y/n 😋 FR
liv 😚 u guys are so alike ur both obsessed with each other!
match made in heaven fr 😍
y/n 😋 ...olivia rodrigo pls be serious for a second bc rhis is CRAZY
like BILLIE EILISH knows who i am
oh fuck wait
what if she knows i'm obsessed with her???????
do u think she knows??? is it obvious???
it is isn't it 😭😭😭😭 she def knows doesn't she
i'm gonna die omg
liv 😚 Y/N STOP
it's not obvious don't worry she doesn't know so u can relax and stop stressing
y/n 😋 okay ur right sorry i panicked and went a bit insane for a sec
liv 😚 a bit?
y/n 😋 ...okay a lot 😣
liv 😚 yeah ❤️
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caitchercatlady · 21 hours
He'll Have to Go Through Me
-Heartslabyul Version
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is busy planning the next Unbirthday Party when he gets tired of seeing Ace and Deuce moping around the dorm. When he gets the "What's wrong with the both of you?" answer out of them, he's both confused and concerned about you refusing to visit the dorm as originally planned. This is indeed unusual.
He stops you out in the hall the next school day, hoping for answers. Riddle mentions how depressed your friends have been, praying that'll get you to say something. You finally reveal that. you can't go back to Heartslabyul because a second year student had been scaring you and stalking you when Ace and Deuce aren't looking. Riddle is not one to let an accusation like this go unchecked.
"Give me a day, and I will make Heartslabyul safe for you once more. Never fear, for I shall handle this the proper, Queen of Hearts manner."
The next day, as you are arriving to class, Ace and Deuce catch up to you in a better mood than they have been. Their snickering has you curious of what's going on. They tell you that Riddle would like you to come see him at Heartslabyul dorm after classes are over, for he has something important to discuss over tea. You're afraid, but you can't refuse Riddle's invitation unless you had a "valid" excuse.
After class, the boys take you to the dorm, and what washes over you is a strange sense of relaxing quiet. As you walk past the rose gardens, you see from the corner of your eye your bully with the recognizable heart-shaped collar around his neck, being watched over by a group of third years to paint every rose in the garden by hand, a painful chore experience. Once in front of Riddle, you notice he's giddier than usual. That's when everything clicks for you. Riddle tells you not to worry as the two week's worth of chores punishment should set your stalker bully on the straight and narrow. You can't thank Riddle enough for doing so.
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Trey Clover
The Vice Housewarden knows a bully when he sees one, and with Riddle as Housewarden, he has been taught the tools on how to stop a bullying situation in its tracks. Trey notices that you're been less passionate about baking for the upcoming Unbirthday Party, and he presses why. You start to question if baking was really a fun activity or if it's just for "girls," and he pushes on where you got this idea from. You confess that a Diasomnia freshman saw you with the muffins that the two of you baked the other day and mocked you for it. You felt so bad that you were contemplating on quitting the hobby all together.
Trey tries to tell you not to give up hope. He'll see to it that there is worth in what you love to do after all. The next school day, you are in the cafeteria, studying and eating the leftover sweets you made at the same time. However, as you are about to indulge, trouble comes back a-knocking. The bully from Diasomnia crushes your sweets and starts bad mouthing until a certain Vice Housewarden comes from behind to stop the whole thing. Trey demands the bully to pay up for destroying the snacks they worked so hard to make. The bully snorts and guess that they cost like what...five thaumarks?
"Well, considering how much flour, milk, eggs, and sugar costs, our batch was worth 150. If we only account for the Prefect's batch, that'll be twenty. Considering how we get reimbursed by the dorm's treasury, either you drop the twenty thaumarks or you'll have to speak to Housewarden Riddle about repaying your debut. Which one is it?"
The bully quakes in his boot as he coughs up the twenty thaumarks from his wallet and leaves, swearing to leave you alone. You look at Trey and try to say that the cookies you guys made would never be so expensive. Trey smirks and tells you that you can buy whatever you want with your new twenty thaumarks instead. What a day, indeed!
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Cater Diamond
MagiCam has not been an issue for you before since that's hwer eyou post all of your fun photos and projects for the Photography Club. However, for the past week, your posts have been receiving some not-so-friendly comments. You do your best to ignore them at first, but this troll has been nothing but persistent. You do the next best thing: Block them, but that doesn't stop them from making backup accounts to continue the torment.
This stress has caused you to take a massive social media break, which is only disappointing in regards to your favorite hobby. While alone in the library, Cater comes along, wondering why your MagiCam art has been absent from blessing Night Raven College. You show Cater the evidence of your stress, and nothing angered Cater more than a petty troll.
"You sit back and worry about you, Prefect. Cay Cay is on the case."
You're not sure what Cater meant by that, but surely you can trust him to get this troll off your back, right? At least that's what his clever grin is telling you. The next day, you walk from Ramshackle to the main campus only to see everyone gossiping about something. It's not until you get to Ace, Deuce, and Epel when you find out what happened. Apparently, your troll had been exposed an an Octavinelle student who had been axed from the school's art club. When Azul found out about it, the dorm's Housewarden wasn't pleased to hear about his freshman's trolling activities and chewed him out. Epel shows you what they mean, and. you can't help but smirk along with them.
You text Cater a thank you, and he replies that he doesn't know what you're talking about with a cheeky winking emoji at the end of his message.
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Ace Trappola
When it comes to who's allowed to tease you out in public or private, it's always been Ace, and you've always been comfortable to let him know if a joke is too far, and criticism is always applied on his end. One day, you're out to meet up with your friends when Ace calls out to you with one of his many new nicknames he'd come up with to make you laugh. However, the moment you hear him call you "Maggy," you know it's a joke, but still, something in you snapped. Ace gets it out of you that someone has been taunting you in between classes for being magicless, and when he hears that it's been going on for the past two weeks, Ace won't stand by it.
Later in the day, you and Ace are in the cafeteria when your bully decides to act bold. The moment "Maggy" comes out of their mouth, Ace slips into the counter attack with how jealous the bully must be because a layperson knows more about magical education than he does. Ace and the bully go for a verbal smack down, and with each turn, Ace outdoes his opponent and himself.
"Even if my own Housewarden doesn't like me, at least I have family and friends to tell me never to try that hideous haircut."
The bully gets laughed out of the cafeteria and Ace is celebrated for the win, proving that even if Ace is a bum sometimes, his respect for you is no joke.
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is always doing his best to be honor student material and leave his delinquent past behind. Still, deep down in his soul, he has to keep that part of him in case of "emergencies." One day, he catches up with you after class. You couldn't hear him calling you twice, so Deuce taps you on the shoulder. That causes you to have a spasm in a way Deuce had never seen you freak before. He demands to know who hurt you, and Deuce is not going to stand out you lying to him. You know Deuce is angry, but you don't want him to make your situation worse. You confess who this bully is to Deuce, but you make him swear to pretend that you didn't say anything. Deuce can't promise because this delinquent needs to be taught what for, and only HE can set things straight.
Dragging you along, Deuce stomped into the garden, where the bully and his cohorts were loafing around. Deuce challenges this coward to a fight if he was going to be so bold to lay his hands on the Prefect. The fight commences only for Deuce to overpower his opponent.
"If you wanna put your hands on me, do it all you like, but you will never EVER put your hands on them AGAIN!"
As you watch the coward and his friends make a run back for the main building, you are best assured that with Deuce proving a point, no one is going to mess with you again.
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allykatsart · 2 days
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Spades Clubs(Here) Hearts Diamonds
Onto my favorites of the entire thing, these are the clubs! I had a lot of fun contrasting the dark and monotone colors with the bright drippy neon colors! And, you know, the colors for the ace flag are in there for Reasons LMAO
Hehehe Commission me!
Daniel ~ King of Clubs
Daniel is the whole reason any of this started! I made a character who had ADHD, was immortal, and wore an Asexual themed hoodie! I couldn't fit him in anything so I ended up making a whole world for him! XD despite these beginnings, however, he's gone through a lot of changes!
Nowadays, instead of being depressed and rich, Daniel is a punk graffiti artist! He doesn't give a damn about money and is much happier for it! He still has a terribly angsty backstory, but he got over being emo and is ready to fight the bourgeoisie.
Yet, he's still a bit young when it comes to Immortals. He's 400 years old, and only learned about other immortals in the last 150 years or so. Still, he's used to masking and hiding his supernatural aspects to seem normal. He doesn't want his friends to think of him differently. He's very loyal to his friends, they mean the world to him, and he's terrified that he'll lose them if they knew.
Ashe ~ Queen of Clubs
Ashe is.... Definitely different than most of his kind. Most Reapers are personifications of neutral concepts. Intangible things like Time or Gravity. They don't have much personality or zest. Ashe is the personification of Humanity, so they're allowed more wiggle room! They can be pretty chatty when they're guiding souls to the other side.
Ashe is pretty familiar with Daniel! He's always stoked to see him, as it breaks up the monotony of their job. Plus, Daniel always seems to bring some color to the drab world! Not to mention Ashe has saved Daniel in the past. For mortals, addiction is a lifelong disease, but for immortals it never ends, and some things will prey on that addiction...
Addiction ~ Jack of Spades
Again, no name for this one, but for a very different reason. This mushroom lady is actually the Demon of Addiction. Or rather... The tentacles are. The upper body is an unfortunate immortal soul, and is slowly being fed upon by the demon. As you can see, Addiction is quite literally eating away at them.
Demons feed off of souls, and immortal souls are like almost unlimited batteries. Reapers and Angels can scare them off, but... Addiction has a way of luring in its victims and enticing them to stay. Escape, indulgence, community, all reasons souls keep coming back to it. And it doesn't forget its victims either, it will call out for you, again and again, trying to tempt you back.
Daniel has a nicotine habit. He's gotten better, thanks to Ashe, but Addiction is patience. It can wait for him to have a slip, for the stresses of life to be too much, and it can offer him escape again. And maybe it'll be able to replace its withering form.
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engeorged · 1 day
Harry's Stag Part Two
Part One here
I must have dozed off for a while. The exhaustion from the day’s indulgences, combined with the weight of my bloated belly, had finally caught up with me. I was jolted awake by the sound of laughter and the shuffling of footsteps. As I blinked groggily, I saw the guys bustling around the room, clearly preparing for the evening.
Jim was the first to notice me stirring. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty! Time to wake up and get ready for round two.”
I groaned and attempted to sit up, but my stomach protested, feeling heavier than ever. I fumbled for my jeans, which had somehow managed to fit earlier in the day but now seemed like a nearly impossible task. I struggled with the waistband, but no matter how hard I tugged, the button wouldn’t meet its counterpart.
Banning, always the one with a knack for planning, seemed to have anticipated this. He held up a pair of jeans that looked just a tad larger than mine, with a grin that could only be described as mischievous. “Look what I’ve got here! Thought you might need a little extra room tonight.”
The guys burst into laughter as I took the jeans from Banning, still chuckling at the foresight. I shook my head, a smile creeping onto my face despite the discomfort. “You guys are unbelievable. Thanks for thinking ahead, I guess.”
I changed into the slightly larger jeans, which were much more comfortable now that my belly was so full. It was amazing how just a little extra room made a difference, and I felt some relief as the jeans fit over my swollen gut without the same kind of strain as before. The guys continued to laugh and joke, clearly enjoying the playful banter.
As I finished adjusting my clothes, Jim popped open a couple of cans of beer and handed one to me. “Here, mate. You need to chug a few of these to help numb that belly of yours. Trust me, it’ll help.”
I eyed the can warily but took it from him, already feeling the slight buzz from earlier in the day. As I took a long gulp, the cool liquid slid down my throat, and I could feel the effects of the alcohol starting to kick in. The guys cheered me on, making exaggerated gestures and shouting playful encouragement.
“Noel, you’ve got to see this,” Jim said, gesturing toward my bloated belly. “Harry’s got himself a full-on beach ball in there.”
Noel laughed, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, and I think he’s about to make it even bigger.”
I took another swig of beer, trying to ignore the increasing pressure in my stomach. The alcohol was having the desired effect, dulling the edge of the fullness and making the discomfort slightly more bearable. The guys continued to poke fun and tease me, but their playful attitude made it easier to endure the tightness of my gut.
Once I’d managed to down a couple of beers, we gathered our things and prepared to head out. The evening was still young, and the guys were determined to make the most of it. As we left the hotel and headed toward the night’s next adventure, I couldn’t help but laugh along with them, despite the persistent ache in my belly. The day had been a whirlwind of eating and drinking, and while I was still reeling from the effects. We finally made our way out of the hotel and onto the bustling streets of Amsterdam, laughter and excitement bubbling among us. The plan was to hit a club and see where the night took us, but as we walked, a familiar golden arches sign caught Jim’s eye.
“Look at that,” Jim exclaimed, pointing across the street. “McDonald’s! We should check it out. I bet there are some unique Dutch menu items we’ve never seen before.”
Before I could protest, the guys had already made up their minds. “Come on, Harry,” Banning said, grinning. “It’ll be fun to see what’s different.”
I hesitated, feeling a mix of dread and resignation. My belly was still stretched tight from the massive amount of food I’d eaten earlier, and the thought of eating more was almost unbearable. But the guys were so enthusiastic that I couldn’t bring myself to refuse. We headed into the McDonald’s, the smell of fries and burgers only amplifying my discomfort.
Inside, we quickly ordered a mix of Dutch specials and regular fare. The food started arriving, and as I picked at the offerings, it quickly became clear that eating more was going to be a challenge. My stomach was protesting with every bite, the fullness now a heavy, persistent ache. Despite my efforts, I struggled to keep up with the pace the guys were setting, who were practically shoving fries and burgers into my hands.
As I tried to push through, I noticed that the guys were exchanging cryptic glances and whispered conversations. Their behaviour was becoming increasingly conspicuous, and I began to feel uneasy. “What’s going on?” I asked, my voice tinged with frustration. “Are you guys up to something?”
Jim merely gave me a noncommittal smile, and Banning’s expression was unreadable as he continued to shove food in my direction. “You’re doing great, Harry. Just a little more, and then we’ll head out.”
As I struggled with the last few bites, feeling like I might burst from the effort, Noel suddenly stood up. “Alright, that’s enough McDonald’s for now. Let’s get going. We’ve got another place to hit.”
I was relieved to leave the burger place, but my relief was short-lived. The guys led me through the streets again, this time toward a place I hadn’t expected—a marijuana café. I eyed the entrance with a mix of suspicion and resignation.
“Seriously? You guys know weed just makes me dopey. I don’t think this is a good idea,” I protested, trying to muster some energy despite my discomfort.
Banning and Jim exchanged one of their knowing looks, a smile tugging at their lips. “Oh, come on, Harry,” Banning said with a grin. “You know it actually works. You always get the munchies.”
Jim nodded, his eyes twinkling. “Exactly. It’ll help with that full feeling and make the experience a bit more fun.”
Before I could argue further, they had already ushered me inside and handed me a massive brownie. It was so large it could have been mistaken for a cake slice, thick and dense with chunks of chocolate. I eyed it warily, feeling the weight of the day’s indulgences pressing heavily on my already stuffed stomach.
“Go on,” Noel encouraged. “Give it a try. It’s supposed to be amazing here.”
With a resigned sigh, I took a bite. The rich, fudgy brownie was delicious, and I hate to say that I ate it pretty quickly. It took a good half hour to kick in but as the brownie worked its way through my system, I could feel myself beginning to sink into that familiar, hazy state. My discomfort was still there, but the marijuana started to blur the edges, making it feel a little more manageable.
The initial dopey haze quickly shifted as my stomach, already stretched to its limit, suddenly craved more. The munchies hit me with a surprising intensity. I found myself eyeing the café’s menu with an almost ravenous interest, craving everything in sight.
“See? I told you,” Banning said, smirking as he noticed the shift in my appetite. “What did I tell you?”
Jim clapped me on the back with a laugh. “Looks like you’ve got room for a bit more after all.”
Before I could fully grasp the change, they were already ushering me out of the café and down to the canal. We found ourselves at a charming canal-side restaurant, its outdoor seating lined with twinkling lights and the gentle lapping of water nearby. The menu was full of tempting dishes, and the guys wasted no time in ordering a variety of appetisers and main courses, eager to keep the food coming.
It started with appetisers—bread baskets, bowls of soup, platters of charcuterie. The moment the first plate hit the table, I was on it, stuffing my face like I hadn’t eaten in days. The food tasted incredible, and I couldn’t get enough. I tore into the bread, dipped it into olive oil, and devoured slices of prosciutto and cheese. Every bite was a burst of flavour that seemed to intensify the more I ate.
Then came the main courses—steaks, pasta, grilled vegetables, roasted chicken. They just kept coming. Plate after plate, the food piled up in front of me, and I didn’t hesitate to dig in. My belly, already stretched and swollen from the beer, started to grow even more. With every bite, it felt like my stomach expanded, pushing against my shirt until it rode up, exposing the taut skin underneath.
The guys were having a blast, cheering me on as I ate. They kept passing me more food, laughing and making jokes, and I was too stoned to care about how much I was consuming. Every time I thought I was done, they’d order another dish, and somehow, I found room for it. The sensation of my belly swelling larger and larger was surreal. It was like I could feel it expanding with each bite, my skin tightening as it stretched to accommodate the growing mass inside.
I glanced down at one point, and it hit me how massive my stomach had become. It was no longer just bloated—it was huge, a round, firm dome that jutted out far beyond what I thought was possible. I looked like I had swallowed a basketball. But instead of freaking out, I found it hilarious. The sight of my enormous belly, paired with the way it kept growing, had me and the guys in stitches.
By the time dessert rolled around—massive slices of cake, ice cream, and pastries—I was barely able to move. My stomach was so tight and full that every breath felt like a stretch, but I couldn’t stop. I kept eating, laughing through the discomfort, enjoying every ridiculous moment of it. The guys were relentless, making sure I had something in front of me at all times, and I was too far gone to resist.
When we finally left the restaurant, my belly was so swollen that I had to lean back slightly as I walked, the weight of it throwing off my balance. I could barely think straight, the mix of food, beer, and weed making everything a hazy, hilarious blur. The guys were still cracking jokes, poking fun at how enormous my stomach had gotten, and I couldn’t stop laughing along with them. I was laughing along with the guys, but deep down, I was starting to feel the pressure of everything I’d consumed.
About halfway back to the hotel, I realised I desperately needed to take a piss. I could feel the pressure building, and there was no way I was going to make it all the way back without stopping. I told the guys, and they pointed me toward a nearby alley, joking about how I might flood the place.
I stumbled over to a corner, barely able to keep my balance with the massive, bloated dome of my stomach jutting out in front of me. When I unzipped my pants, I quickly realised just how much my belly had grown—so much that I couldn’t even see my own junk anymore. My gut was so round and distended that it completely blocked my view. I had to fumble around by touch alone, feeling a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.
Finally, I managed to get a grip, and when I let loose, it was like a dam had burst. The stream was powerful and seemed to go on forever, the relief almost as overwhelming as the pressure had been. I leaned against the wall for support, my head spinning slightly from the combination of the weed, alcohol, and sheer absurdity of the situation.
As the last of it trickled out, I zipped up, chuckling to myself. My belly was still a massive, heavy sphere, pushing against my waistband and making it hard to move, but at least I wasn’t about to burst anymore. The guys were still waiting, and as I waddled back over to them, they couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous I looked, and neither could I.
By the time we made it back to the hotel, I was feeling a little less pressured after that massive piss, but my stomach was still ridiculously bloated, swollen into a tight, heavy sphere that felt like it was carrying half of Amsterdam inside it. I could barely walk straight, and the guys kept cracking jokes about how I looked ready to pop.
I thought we were done for the night, but Noel had other plans. As we passed by a pizza place on the way to the hotel, he suggested we grab some food "for later." I wasn’t really hungry—hell, I was stuffed beyond belief—but I was still stoned and buzzed enough to shrug and go along with it. So, we ended up ordering a ridiculous amount of pizzas—more than any of us could possibly eat on a normal night, let alone after the feast we’d just had.
Back at the hotel, we piled into the room, the boxes of pizza filling the air with a mouthwatering aroma. I collapsed onto the bed, my bloated belly making it hard to find a comfortable position. I was about to tell the guys that I couldn’t eat another bite, but they had other ideas. Jim tossed a pizza box onto the bed next to me and opened it, revealing a perfectly cooked, cheesy, greasy pie.
“C’mon, Harry,” Jim said with a grin, his tone both teasing and encouraging. “You’re not going to let a little food beat you, are you?”
“Yeah, you’ve still got some room in there,” Banning chimed in, patting the side of my swollen belly. “We’re just getting started.”
I tried to laugh it off, but before I could protest, Noel grabbed a slice and shoved it toward my mouth. “Open wide, mate,” he said, still laughing, but there was a glint in his eye that made it clear they weren’t messing around.
Still dazed from the weed and alcohol, I opened my mouth, and Noel pushed the slice in. I chewed automatically, the taste of melted cheese and tangy tomato sauce filling my mouth. It was good—really good, actually—and I found myself swallowing it down before I even realised what I was doing.
Before I could say anything, another slice was ready and waiting. This time, Jim was the one holding it, and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He shoved the slice into my mouth, and I started eating again, feeling the food settle heavily on top of everything else in my gut.
They kept going, passing slices between them, each one urging me to eat more, faster. It quickly escalated from playful encouragement to full-on shovelling. They’d grab slices two at a time, practically stuffing them into my mouth before I even had a chance to swallow the last bite. I was too stoned to resist, too drunk to care, and too far gone to do anything but laugh along with them, even as my stomach started to protest.
With every bite, I could feel my belly expanding even more. It was already tight, but now it was becoming painfully taut, the skin stretching impossibly further to accommodate the endless stream of pizza. I was bloated beyond anything I’d ever experienced, my stomach distended to the point where it felt like I could burst at any moment. But the guys didn’t stop—they kept pushing more food into me, and I kept eating, my laughter mixed with groans as I struggled to keep up.
The more I ate, the more ridiculous the whole situation became. My stomach was so swollen that it looked almost comical, a massive, rounded dome that dominated my torso, making me look like I was ready to give birth to a food baby the size of a beach ball. And the guys were loving it, laughing and cheering as they watched my belly swell even further with each slice.
I lost track of time as they fed me slice after slice, my senses dulled by the haze of intoxication. All I knew was that my stomach was now beyond full—beyond bloated—it was an enormous, heavy, rock-hard ball that had taken over my entire body. I was so stuffed that I could barely breathe, the tightness in my gut making every movement an effort. But despite the discomfort, the absurdity of it all was too funny to ignore. I could barely stop laughing, even as they shoved the last few slices down my throat.
As the last few slices of pizza disappeared into my mouth, I finally collapsed back onto the bed, completely overwhelmed. My belly was a colossal, swollen sphere, so distended that it looked almost alien on my frame. The weight of it pressed down on me, making it hard to breathe, and I could feel every bite, every gulp, churning inside me like a storm. I lay there, panting, trying to process what had just happened.
My mind was a foggy mess, dulled by the weed and alcohol, but as I lay there, something started to gnaw at the edges of my thoughts. I began to piece together the events of the day—the massive breakfast, the endless beers, the feast at the restaurant, and now, this late-night pizza binge. It all added up to an insane amount of food, far more than I would normally eat in an entire week, let alone a single day.
A thought flickered in my mind, barely noticeable at first, but then growing stronger: something was up. This wasn't just a casual lads' weekend or a fun, spontaneous night out. The way the guys had been egging me on, pushing more and more food into me, it all felt a bit too...planned. I tried to sit up, the massive weight of my belly making it difficult, but before I could say anything, Jim, Noel, and Banning exchanged a quick look, and suddenly, they were on top of me.
Before I could react, they had pinned me down, each of them grabbing an arm or a leg. I was too stuffed and too sluggish to fight back, and honestly, too out of it to want to. I tried to laugh it off, but there was a flicker of panic in my voice as I asked, "What the hell are you guys doing?"
Jim, with that mischievous grin of his, pulled out something from behind his back—a massive beer bong. My eyes widened in shock and confusion as the realisation of what was about to happen hit me. 
"Oh, come on, guys," I groaned, but it was too late. They were all laughing, enjoying the moment way too much to stop now.
They propped me up slightly, my bloated belly wobbling as I shifted. Jim positioned the tube over my mouth, and before I could protest further, he pushed it down my throat and started pouring a big tub of melted ice cream into it. The cold, creamy liquid rushed down my throat, and I had no choice but to swallow as quickly as I could, the pressure in my already overstuffed belly intensifying with every gulp.
I could feel my stomach stretching even further, the already taut skin straining to contain the deluge. My belly, which had seemed impossibly huge before, swelled even more as the ice cream filled every last bit of space inside me. As the ice cream finished, they began pouring beers in there as well. The mixture of the ice cream and the frothy beer was intense.The sensation was overwhelming—my gut felt like it was going to explode, the tightness almost unbearable, yet I was too drunk, too stoned, and too out of it to do anything but go along with it.
The guys were in hysterics, cheering me on, shouting encouragement as they poured more and more down the funnel. My mind was spinning, the absurdity of the situation mixed with the physical reality of my massively distended belly. I could barely think straight, the combination of everything I'd eaten and drunk creating a pressure cooker inside me.
I glanced down at my stomach, and what I saw almost didn't seem real. My belly was huge, tight and shiny, jutting out far beyond what I thought was physically possible. It was so large now that I couldn't even see my legs, just this massive, swollen ball that had taken over my entire body.
The guys finally stopped, pulling the funnel away as I gasped for breath, my chest heaving against the immovable bulk of my belly. I was stuffed beyond comprehension, my stomach a grotesque, comically large sphere that defied belief. Yet, despite the discomfort, I couldn't help but laugh along with them, the sheer ridiculousness of it all hitting me like a wave.
They let me go, stepping back to admire their handiwork, and I collapsed back onto the bed, my enormous belly towering over me like a mountain. The pressure was intense, but as I lay there, I couldn’t deny the strange sense of satisfaction that came with it. Even though I knew something was up, I was too far gone to care.
I tried to shift slightly, but any motion only seemed to exacerbate the pressure. I could feel the beer churning in my bloated stomach, and the sensation of it bubbling up made me uneasy. Then, out of nowhere, a massive burp escaped me, loud and forceful. The sound reverberated around the room, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all.
The guys erupted into cheers and laughter, their eyes lighting up with delight. “That’s it, Harry!” Noel whooped, clapping me on the shoulder, which made my already tight stomach feel even more cramped. “That’s what we wanted to hear!”
Another burp came, even more thunderous than the first, and the guys’ excitement only grew. Jim slapped me on the back, his grin wide. “You’ve outdone yourself, mate. This is legendary!”
Each belch seemed to amplify their enjoyment, and despite my discomfort, I found myself laughing along. The room was filled with the sounds of my beery burps and their cheering, creating a bizarre but oddly joyous atmosphere. As I lay there, my belly pressing heavily against the bed, it was hard not to feel a bit of pride mixed with the discomfort. The guys were clearly thrilled with the result, and their enthusiasm made it all seem worthwhile, even if my stomach felt like it might burst.
I lay there, my massively swollen belly rising like a dome over me, panting from the effort of swallowing down all that ice cream and beer. My gut was so tight it felt like it might split open at any moment, the pressure inside almost unbearable. I tried to catch my breath, my mind still reeling from the absurdity of it all.
As I struggled to process what had just happened, the guys started to calm down, their laughter fading into chuckles. Jim was the first to speak, leaning against the bedpost with a mischievous grin still plastered on his face.
"Alright, Harry," he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "I guess it's time we come clean."
I looked up at him, confused and still half in a daze. "Come clean about what?" I asked, my voice slightly strained from the sheer fullness in my gut.
Banning exchanged a glance with Noel, who shrugged and smirked. "Well," Banning began, "this whole weekend...it wasn’t just about showing you a good time before the wedding. We’ve been, uh, keeping a bit of a game going on the side."
"A game?" I echoed, the realisation slowly dawning on me.
Noel chimed in, grinning wider. "Yeah, mate. We’ve been taking bets on who could get you to eat the most food."
I blinked in disbelief, my overstuffed belly suddenly making a lot more sense. "You’ve been betting on me? On how much you could stuff me?"
"Pretty much," Jim admitted, not looking the least bit guilty. "Ever since college, you’ve been the champ at eating challenges. We thought, what better way to celebrate your last weekend of freedom than to push you to your absolute limit?"
I stared at them, trying to wrap my head around it. My mind flashed back to all the meals today—the endless breakfast, the brewery tour, the ridiculous feast at the restaurant, the pizzas—and realised they’d been orchestrating the whole thing. It wasn’t just a coincidence that I’d ended up eating so much.
"Are you serious?" I asked, half-shocked, half-amused.
Banning nodded, looking at my distended stomach with a grin. "Dead serious. And I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been pretty successful."
I couldn’t help but laugh, even as my belly groaned under the pressure. "You guys are insane," I said, shaking my head. "I can’t believe you did this."
"But you’re not mad, right?" Noel asked, a bit of teasing in his tone. "You gotta admit, it’s been one hell of a weekend."
I looked down at my massively bloated stomach, then back at them. Despite the discomfort, I found myself grinning. They were right—it had been a ridiculous, over-the-top, and unforgettable experience. And honestly, the absurdity of it all was kind of hilarious.
"Nah, I’m not mad," I said, still chuckling. "I mean, how could I be? You guys planned this whole thing just to see how much I could eat. It’s kind of flattering in a weird way."
Jim laughed, patting my bloated belly. "We knew you’d see it that way. You’re always up for a challenge."
I shook my head, still in disbelief. "Well, congratulations, guys. I think you’ve officially turned me into a human food balloon."
As the laughter and cheers subsided, I lay there, utterly spent and still feeling the aftereffects of the beer funnel incident. My belly was so distended it felt like a drum, and every slight movement or shift was a reminder of just how much I’d been stuffed.
“Alright, alright,” I said, attempting to catch my breath amid the ongoing burps. “Who actually won this little competition? I need to know who managed to outfeed me.”
The guys exchanged glances, clearly enjoying the moment. Banning picked up his phone and started scrolling through a series of photos they’d taken earlier in the day, probably to document the ‘progress.’ Jim, sitting back with a satisfied grin, was the only one not actively engaged in the discussion.
“Well,” Banning said, after a moment of scrutiny, “it looks like Jim here has the lead. We kept track of how much each of us managed to shove in you, and Jim’s the one who really went for it.”
Jim beamed, clearly pleased with the result. “I had a feeling I was in the running. Must say, I’m pretty proud of my efforts.”
Noel chuckled, nudging Jim playfully. “You were relentless, mate. I think we all knew you had the edge.”
I let out a contented sigh, the pressure in my belly making me wince slightly. “Well, fair play to you, Jim. You’ve earned it. And I have to admit, this has been one hell of a stag do.”
The guys gathered around, still buzzing with energy from the day’s events. Despite the discomfort, I couldn’t help but smile at the camaraderie and fun we’d had. It was clear that Jim had taken the crown, but in the end, it was the shared laughter and the ridiculousness of the whole experience that made it memorable.
As I lay back on the bed, my stomach had reached a point that was almost hard to believe. It was now an enormous, round, and tightly stretched sphere, jutting out from my torso like a massive, inflated beach ball. My once-flat belly had expanded to such a degree that it almost seemed to defy the laws of nature. The skin was stretched so tight that it looked shiny and smooth, with veins faintly visible beneath the surface. Every movement was a struggle, and the sheer weight of it made me feel like I was carrying a heavy burden.
The guys stood around me, clearly thrilled by what they had managed to achieve. Their laughter filled the room as they took in the sight of my overly stuffed, swollen gut. Jim couldn’t resist and gave my belly a playful, yet firm slap. The impact made me let out a loud belch, the sound echoing through the room.
Noel joined in, giving my belly a gentle pat, then a light poke, which caused me to belch again. “Seriously, mate, that gut is fucking insane”
I managed a tired chuckle, my hand resting on the massive dome of my belly. It felt like the pressure inside me was never-ending, every breath a struggle against the tightness of my gut.
As the excitement over Jim’s victory settled down, the guys began to show off their own swollen bellies, each one proudly displaying the effects of the day’s indulgences. Jim, with his winning grin, lifted his shirt to reveal his round, hairy belly. His thick, dark hair was matted down, spreading out over his expanded midsection. It was noticeably full but still had a firmness to it. He patted his belly with a laugh, clearly enjoying the moment. “No way I’m the only one feeling the aftermath,” Jim said. “I’ve been eating like mad just to keep the charade up.”
Banning followed suit, lifting his shirt to reveal a slightly flabbier stomach. His belly was rounded and covered in a light layer of fuzz, giving him a softer appearance. He rubbed it with a playful grimace. “I didn’t realise it would get this intense,” he admitted. “Keeping up with the feeding has been a challenge.”
Noel, stocky and also hairy, was sporting a noticeable bulge. His shorter frame made his stomach look even more pronounced, with a sprinkling of light hair across his rounded belly. “Mate, I thought I’d burst a few times today,” he complained, though his tone was more amused than anything else. “Keeping you stuffed was no small feat.”
I glanced at their bellies, each one testament to the sheer volume of food and drink we’d consumed. Jim’s hairy expanse, Banning’s soft, flabby midsection, and Noel’s round, fuzzy belly were all proof of the day’s overindulgence. Despite their complaints, the camaraderie was evident. They each took turns joking about the day’s events, comparing how their stomachs had swelled and the discomfort that came with it.
“Guess we all played our part,” I said, chuckling as I looked at their bellies. “But I’ve got to hand it to you guys, you really went all out.”
Jim took a step back, wiping tears from his eyes as he looked at the scene before him. “Alright, champ, you’ve outdone yourself. But don’t think you’re off the hook just yet.”
I glanced at him, confused and exhausted. “What do you mean?”
“Tomorrow,” Jim said with a grin, “we’re going to find out who can make you eat the most. We’ve still got a whole day left, and we’re planning to push you even further.”
I stared at him, the realisation hitting me that the challenge was far from over. Despite the discomfort and the overwhelming fullness, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and dread at the thought of more eating ahead.
“Better get some sleep,” Banning said, clapping me on the shoulder. “We’ve got big plans for tomorrow.”
The guys finally let me be, their laughter and playful banter continuing as they prepared to settle in for the night. I lay there, my massive belly rising and falling with each heavy breath, feeling a strange mix of pride and disbelief at what I had just accomplished. 
As I closed my eyes, the sensation of my distended stomach pressing against me was both painful and oddly satisfying. The thought of what the next day might bring lingered in my mind, and despite my exhaustion, I found myself eager to see just how far they would take the challenge. For now, though, I had to focus on trying to get some rest before whatever came next.
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thebookworm0001 · 17 hours
wip Wednesday
hi felt like sharing have some solavellan
“It appears your mind is elsewhere, ma vhenan,” he said, voice as level as if he were commenting on Skyhold’s continued frosty weather. Casually, he lifted his left hand from where it supported the open cover of the manuscript, and the whole of her attention focused on the soft skin of the inside of her knee as he curled his fingers around it, as it slipped just a hair lower to caress the inside of her thigh. “What has captured it, I wonder?”
“I’m perfectly focused, thank you very much.” The words came out higher than she’d intended. Not a squeak, thank the creators, but certainly not the low, settled confidence that would have been at least half-convincing. And though Solas’s expression remained cool and unchanged, his eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Is that so?” She made a small noise of affirmation, and his thumb began smoothing over her skin in a wholly distracting back and forth motion. Suddenly, she was sharply aware of all the places her body met his – every inch of her thighs and calves that rested atop his, the thin sleep trousers which separated their bare skin – and how much more effort it took to make her chest rise and fall in a calm, collected rhythm. Two pictures warred in her head, one where she retrieved her legs, tucked them beneath her and smoothed her slip back down over her thighs, and one where she indulged the urge to surge forward, slide her fingers around the near-translucent collar of his shirt, and leave the book to fall to the side for the night.
And he could see her struggle, plain as if she’d spoken her thoughts aloud. And even if she could not see it in the twitch of his ear and the tension in his cheeks to keep them from betraying his smugness, it radiated off him, coloring the magic that always clung to him with a deep amusement – it danced across the surface of the veil, making her scalp tingle and the memory of sparks tease at her lips. It was bait – every bit as much the flower set inside the snare.
Apparently, she was keen to play the deer. But it wasn’t as if Halla had no horns of their own.
Ignoring the voice that wisely cautioned against rash actions, Ellana sat up, drawing a leg beneath her even as she swung the other across Solas’ lap so that she was perched firmly over his thighs – and settled her ass on the perch of his knees. She drew the book from his hand, the cloth binding snapping shut between her fingers, and made a show of leaning over to set it in the seat she had just evacuated – leaning over farther than she needed to so that her hair fell in in waves behind her back and the loose straps of her nightdress flirted with the cliffs of her shoulders. When she righted herself, Solas’s gaze snapped from her gaping silk neckline back to her eyes, an eyebrow quirked expectantly.
“Ask me anything you want.” Warm hands slid over her thighs, calluses formed by holding brushes and staves rough against soft skin protected by muscles, pillowy flesh, and chainmail. She did not bite her lips, as her nerves would normally bid her do, instead she wrapped her arms around Solas’ neck, casually crossing her wrists, momentary, foolish boldness overtaking the rapid beat of her heart. “I presume you remember the bulk of the passage?”
no pressure to play, but tagging: @dreadfutures @ell-vellan @shift-shaping @plisuu @rosella-writes @kcwriter-blog and anybody else who needs or wants an excuse to share their writing
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Younger pony, and he still does but tried to act like he doesn't, ADMIRES Darry bro, like So much. Everykittle thing, like if a strand of Darrys hair was out, you better believe pony was making sure the same strand of hair was out on him.
This was even bad things like smoking but mostly good things, he would sneak into Darrys room to watch him play with his friends.
You better believe Darrys Soc friends treated pony like shit though, the only one nice to him was Paul.
Low-key Darry for so pissed, noboyd hurts his bb.
You're so real for this. I feel like people sometimes forget there's SIX years between Darry and Ponyboy. So when Darry was fourteen Ponyboy was EIGHT, you'd best believe he thought Darry was the coolest person on earth at that point in time, of course he'd try to be exactly like him. I think too, that people forget that Darry was a lot more relaxed/indulgent before their parents died, so he was probably even more of a hero to Ponyboy because he would play with him, talk with him, etc.
SO I think their bond was pretty strong back then, so even when Darry was trying to be cool he'd let Pony hang around and Ponyboy would feel on top of the world. And Darry's the older brother. As an older sibling myself, ANYONE who fucks with my brothers is gonna have their life ruined, friend or otherwise, and we know from CANON that both Darry and Soda are protective over Pony this way. So yeah, if any of Darry's friend ever said or did anything mean to Pony OR Soda I know Darry would lose it. My brother once cussed out one of his friends when his friend made fun of me on the bus, and I bet Darry would be just the same, just no holds barred, that's my little sibling, you fuck with them you fuck with me.
(also to the bitchass kid who tried to get my baby brother kicked off the basketball team I am coming for your THROAT, you better count your days)
Thanks for the ask xx
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ochrearia · 19 hours
8 BFs In a Room
Hell on Ochre technique is making myself balance 8 characters in one drabble because I feel guilty about leaving anyone's BFs out when they're on my list. Have fun shenanigans with a gut punch of angst at the end (sorry) <3
BFs in this drabble: PoPr!BF (Biff, mine), cs!BF (Beefer, mine), fc!BF (Boyf, Keyy's), wyd!BF (Beef, Karl's), sfa!BF (Peacock, Shed's), S2!BF (Bee, Isaac's), Candy!BF? (Blue, Slushgut's, unsure of a prefix for now), Yourself (YS)
“Why did I ever agree to this?” YS grumbled, rubbing a hand across his throat. “Fucking hell, I’m going to have such a sore throat tomorrow morning because I decided to indulge you shitters.”
“Well no one said you had to do them all one right after another, that was you, dumbass.”
YS glared at Boyf. “Oh and how else was I supposed to comprehend the request? Not a single one of you looked willing to wait your turn. No concept of patience in this room.”
“How am I supposed to have patience when you have such a cool song?! I got excited and so did everyone else!” Blue complained, contrasting the grin on his face.
“At least it was only six times and not seven. I had my turn months ago.” Biff was grinning as well. “Though I also had the thought in the back of my head that you wanted to kill me, potentially, so it was nervous fun.”
“I wasn’t gonna-” YS huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, fair enough, I literally smacked you across the room. Sorry. Have I ever actually said I was sorry for that? I’m such an idiot.”
“You were forgiven a long time ago, I don’t care.” Softer tone from Biff now. “Though I think you should have recreated the experience for everyone else. Or at least Beef.”
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Beef hollered, making angry faces at Biff. “Fuck you in particular!”
“Fuck you also!”
“I’m not smacking everyone across the room.” YS said bluntly. “I’m not going to be physically hurting any of you on purpose, thank you.”
“Aaah, big guy cares about us.” Peacock teased.
“Okay you’re making me consider going back on what I just said.”
“Can you reconsider that for Beefer specifically I kinda wanna see who’d win between you two.”
“He’s a literal dinosaur?? Who the hell do you think is gonna win?” YS asked incredulously.
“I haven’t figured out how to go into battle mode yet and I’m too nervous about how my situation’s playing out to ask yet.” Beefer shrugged. “If that makes you feel better. I can’t do much other than bite and scratch without it.”
“Can you hurry up and figure it out a little faster though? I’m not the only one who’s curious about all of that you know. I want to see what a dinosaur me would look like!” Insisted Bee, practically stars in his eyes.
“Hey I thought the specimen here was YS, not me!”
“You guys aren’t actually fucking calling me a specimen right. I wasn’t even awake for that shit you can’t just decide that’s one of my nicknames.” YS complained.
“Biff was the one who said it, and also laughed about it.” Peacock pointed.
“Holy fuck, you’re all toddlers. All seven of you, I swear to god. Why am I in charge of any of you? Isn’t that what your Picos and GFs are for, I should not be responsible for this.”
“What’s wrong with putting you in charge? You have the best ideas out of all of us.” Blue insisted. “I haven’t been here for too long but you’re pretty cool! The rest of you are too!”
“Him? Cool? Nah, just wait until he’s scared of upsetting you and he starts getting all subdued and nervous.” Boyf snarked with his phone.
“Wait until you find out that he’s-”
“Beef you better not finish that fucking sentence or the dumb corner will PERSONALLY have your name on it.” YS threatened.
“Blame Biff for talking his shit man, that wasn’t my fault.” Beef grinned with a shrug.
“Can you guys stop keeping all these secrets? I want to know the YS lore too. Sharing is caring!” Peacock asked. “How come Biff and Beef get to know but the rest of us don’t?”
“Because Biff’s an asshole and figured it out on his own because he has the same issue.” YS huffed, crossing his arms. “And he decided it would be a wonderful idea to tell Beef, who doesn’t have that issue, and who would sooner exploit it instead of being a kind person.”
“We were doing it to cheer you up, shut up man, you ruin my life with the same problem and I’m at a disadvantage because your tall, lanky ass can pick me up like I weigh nothing!” Biff countered, anger playful.
“Anyone else feel like they’re missing a couple seasons here?” Beefer asked to the rest.
“Sounds like we need to interrogate those two for some info.”
“Beef, we’re buddies… you can tell me!” Bee tried to tempt him. “We played Nun Massacre together that one time, come onnnn, tell me!”
“You tell anyone about that and I’m actually going to go back on what I said earlier. I don’t need anyone else knowing that there’s a way to incapacitate me and you two knowing is already bad enough.”  YS hissed.
“Why would you say that though?” Peacock laughed. “Now we know there’s a way to incapacitate you. Yeah, you’re definitely one of us if you can’t think that far ahead to realize saying that’s only going to make us more curious.”
“Fucking- Shut up. Forget I said that.”
“I’m still stuck on the mental image of him picking Biff up like a toothpick.” Laughed Blue. “Can you do that with all of us? Oh, oh, how many of us do you think you could pick up at once?”
“I am not doing that.”
“Oh my god, this guy is so fucking grumpy and boring. Would you just live a little?” Biff sighed, standing up from his place on the floor. “Think fast chucklenuts, you better catch me or we’re both going to the floor!”
Biff ran at YS, jumping halfway there and practically slamming into the taller’s chest. He stumbled, frantically trying to keep himself steady and also make sure the small asshole didn’t crash to the ground between his hands.
“Jesus fucking- Why. Why are you like this. Don’t do that again or I will just drop you on purpose.”
“Nah, you wouldn’t do that, you care too much about your little brother to let him get hurt.” Biff teased snidely.
“Just saying, YS, if you wanted to reconsider him being your first little brother, you still can.”
Biff glowered at Boyf like he’d just tried to commit murder. YS snorted out a laugh, shaking his head at how ridiculous things got when all of them were in the same room.
“So wait, Biff’s not the only one who can have little brother status?” Bee asked. “Wait, where can I sign up?”
“Is there a form we have to sign, or…?” Peacock questioned with a hint of mischief.
“Wait, I want a big brother too!” Blue butted in.
YS wanted to be swallowed into the ground in sheer embarrassment over how happy this was making him. The bloom of warmth in his chest was still so unfamiliar, but incredibly addicting for the times he actually had felt it. Starting right in his heart and aching in the best way, spreading across his chest and successfully chasing away his cold body temperature for a time.
“I’d say me too, but I don’t think he can handle hearing one more of those with how his face is starting to turn red.” Beefer snorted. “You’re so bad at hiding the joy on your face, man. But I think it looks like it belongs on you, to be honest.”
YS couldn’t stifle the groan when his arms were still occupied by Biff, who was an annoying little asshole for jumping at him, causing this to happen all at once, and expose him for how happy he could get over the sentiment of having them all as little brothers. Of course it would be the littlest brother that could cause so much damn chaos in a matter of seconds.
“Shut up…” He protested feebly, but what was he supposed to do when Biff moved closer to give him a proper hug now? Fuck this guy, knowing how to derail everything. He wasn’t used to feeling so loved, hadn’t felt anything like it in a good while.
“I didn’t know this guy even had the capacity to blush. See, these are the things we should be telling each other, every little bit of information is going to help if we have any chance of helping him out like he does with us.” Peacock seemed like he was going to make a list of things at this point.
“True! Even the little things help paint a better picture. Makes it feel like the puzzle we’re solving is an actual person instead of some stranger.” Bee added in agreement.
“You’re all so-” What could he really say? All of them seemed so determined, like they’d all already had this conversation to agree to care. Maybe they had and YS just hadn’t noticed. He didn’t always read every message they sent in the group chat, especially since they could get rather loud in there. The sentiment all directed at him made him lose his words entirely.
“He’s thankful.” Biff answered for him with a softer smile. “Emotionally constipated idiot. I told you, man. Told you everyone was going to come to the same conclusion. You made a point to reach out to everyone in this room and the first thing you said to them was how you wanted to help them. First impressions aside, did you really think we were just going to take your help without wanting to give it back?”
“Man, you really are dumb if you thought that.” Boyf teased. “It’s okay, you’re still the smartest one. Probably. Blame yourself for getting us so addicted to your hugs. As if we weren’t going to start caring about you when you were so insistent to give out such affection.”
“Dude thought giving hugs to the group of idiots who are suckers for physical touch wasn’t going to make us care about him too.” Beefer snorted. “Are we sure we can call this guy the smartest?”
God I hate all of these idiots… no I don’t. YS thought, almost cringing at how fast he went back on his own thought. “Well it wasn’t originally part of my plan to make you guys care about me, I was making the support network for everyone else. So that you’d care about each other.”
“So you’re extra dumb then, because that was not fucking happening.” Stubbornness, the universal attribute. Peacock was a victim to it as much as the rest were.
So… did he have seven little brothers now? What a chaotic family. YS supposed one of them could have been joking and he just wouldn’t know. If they were serious about it, he was too scared to ask still. They’d have to talk to him about it like Boyf and Beef had. He felt a little guilty for forcing them to be the first to bring it up when realistically he wanted to be able to treat them all the same like that. Talk about being addicted, he was addicted to the idea of being  family. Addicted to being kind to them, addicted to the idea he’d get so much more affection turned his way if he could just be honest and ask about the brother stuff.
They were all looking at him with soft looks, expressions also teasing for some of them.
They’re so determined and happy to do this. YS thought, a twinge of guilt stabbing through his chest. I can’t tell them what I’d planned for the support network when I connected enough of them… They care too much about me now, I can’t tell them I was supposed to be… gone… by now.
They didn’t need to know. That plan had gone out the window weeks ago anyway. YS knew he cared too much, as selfish as it was. But now, knowing how much they cared about him too? He couldn’t. And it was fine. They didn’t need to know the extent of it. It was fine.
YS was sure they could tell how much he cared about them all by now anyways. Apparently he was terrible at hiding the joy from his face.
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bigtreefest · 20 hours
Ransom looks around the store before turning to you, "I really don't get what we're doing here, Essie."
"Well, Ransom, I've had a horrible day. Week, really, so we're here to help me relax."
"But it's a men's clothing store."
"Yes," you nod. "We're going to pick out the softest, cuddliest sweater for you to hold me in all night. Also a hoodie that you're going to wear all day tomorrow so I can wear it the day after."
Ransom stops at that. "My scent helps you relax?"
You nod, "and your touch, especially when paired with a soft sweater. Now let's get shopping!"
Ransom will be reluctant to admit it, but the fact that you want to cuddle up to him melts his heart a little.
Ohhhh, Zombie. 🥺🥺 this is perfect. Especially with it being on the heels of my mom telling me I’m “going to have the most well-dressed husband one day” due to my likes of men’s clothing she never lets me purchase😔 I’m biiiiiggggg on hoodies and sweaters. And every time one catches my eye that isn’t in the women’s section, I get a curt “no”
But shopping with Ransom??? A dream. I just know I’m gonna wanna buy everything bc he looks so good, but this is about being cozy!!🥺 we’re most definitely going for something super duper soft with a quality knit. I want it to last forever so the two of us can do this routine forever. And then look back upon the nostalgic pieces of clothing. It says something that he’s indulged me this far without question.
I’m absolutely loving his surprise at how much I love his presence, too. I just know he smells soooo good. And me? Melting his cold heart? 🥹🤭 I wanna hold him and never let him go. But I guess that’s what I’ll be getting tonight😌↕️
Thank you so much for this @thezombieprostitute it truly is just exactly what I need. So sweet of you to send. I lub ya 💗😘
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foureyes802 · 2 years
For da ask game: devin townsend 😔
Favorite Song: hmmm right now it's Moonpeople. but it changes like once every week i swear 2 god. Deadhead is also very good. and Kingdom. i could go on
Least Favorite: of the ones from albums i listen to regularly... the Strapping Young Lad cover of Room 429 simply does not hit it is a skip every time. i just listened to the original version and it was better so that's pretty much on Devin. i also used to dislike Ih-Ah but it grew on me oops
Favorite Album: from albums as a whole i think it's a tie between Ziltoid The Omniscient and Ocean Machine. those fuck severely. Deconstruction and Alien are tied for a close second
Least Favorite: ehh, i can't get into his ambient stuff in general and DevLab is like the ultimate combo of that plus the most ear-bleeding noises of SYL. and then he did the same concept but way better and with lyrics in Deconstruction so i really have no reason to listen to it again. this feels very scathing i'm just super passionate </3
Song That Got Me Into Them: if we're going WAY back, then it was Solar Winds, which got me exclusively into the first Ziltoid album and i didn't listen to anything else of his for like 3 and a half years. flash forward to 2021, and i watched the Kingdom EMG video. but i didn't start fully exploring the catalogue until i also heard Love? last year and it was off to the races from there
Seen Live? THAT'S THE HOPE !! he's on tour in Europe right now and fingers are crossed he does a North American leg soon or for ziltoid 3 or something, but he doesn't like touring at all so a part of me thinks he is not going to do that. i HAVE tuned in for a livestream that was KIND OF a concert but seeing him in person would be so fucking dope i think i'd die.
Rating: is it possible to give an 11 for these
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canisalbus · 9 months
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✦ 2023 summary of art ✦
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caelanglang · 1 year
Shhhh…. They’re busy recharging and being in love
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glasspunkart · 2 months
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Cursed statue deity Tarn...
My piece for @tf-bigbang !! In collaboration with @shepardlives , fic link here!!
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