#that experience definitely tipped me towards potentially no but also there are other dynamics to consider
biborispavlikovsky · 5 months
absolutely insane night tonight but main highlight was having the artist at the concert i went to press my hand to their thigh (to hold them up but the way it was done.... i shall respectfully be remembering that forever) after clutching hands with them and having them do a shot above my head earlier in the set
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twopercentboy · 7 months
Ok so Im v curious abt being poly, how does that work? Like if I dated someone in a polycule, can I date everyone else? Is there an onboarding presentation? Is it ok to have favorites? I need dets tbh
I'm gonna preface this by the usual every relationship is different so I can only speak to what it's like for me and the people I've been with and also that I'm only 18 so I don't have a ton of dating experience, at least serious dating experience (only have 1 serious relationship to date and it's w my current partner)
I'm also putting the actual answer under a cut bc it got a bit long and I'd feel bad for doing that to my mutuals lol
So for any relationship, but especially if you're poly, communication is integral !! If you're not communicating with your partner(s) the likelihood of the polycule working out is very slim, so that fuels pretty much everything. To make a poly relationship "work" pretty much all comes down to how well you communicate.
What is considered important/necessary to communicate though can vary from polycule to polycule. Like as an example, my partner prefers knowing if/when there's other people I'm interested in/talking to (and vice versa, they tell me about the ppl they're trying to get with), and that's more so bc we're long distance and that kind of thing can cut into the time we'd usually be using to talk to each other but for us that habit will probably stick even when we aren't ldr anymore bc we both like talking about cute/hot ppl we meet yk?
As for if you decided to date someone in a polycule, ideally you'd know beforehand (ideally as in like- if they don't tell you before you agreed to date them I find that a bit of a red flag), and if you wanted to date the other partners (the term for ur partner's partners is metamours btw) and they also wanted to date you then you definitely could!! But you also could just be besties with them, that was the dynamic I had with my partner's ex, we had no interest in each other but we vibed together ^^
In my experience there is a bit of a rundown given to new and old partners when someone joins the polycule. Like when I had a little summer fling I gave them the rundown of my polycule as it stood at the time and then gave my partner a rundown of the person I was seeing and things like why I liked him and what he was like. But actual presentations? Not from what I've seen lol (tho honestly? Master Doc of the polycule is a hilarious and potentially helpful concept).
And your last question is, from what I understand, a rather controversial and highly debated question. In my opinion though? You shouldn't have favorites when it comes to the people you are dating. Having favorite metamours is basically equivalent to having favorite/best friends, but your love and care towards your partners should be equal. The exact feeling of that love and care can definitely vary but you shouldn't generally prefer one partner over everyone else imo. And there's nuance there as there is with everything, like if you had a disagreement with one partner the previous day it's only natural to prefer being around someone else until things settle back down, but your overall feelings shouldn't be tipped towards one person if that makes sense.
Anyway, again, I can only speak from my very limited experiences and definitely do not speak for all poly people, but that's my two cents !! I hope it gave you some sort of satisfying answer
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Touch Starved
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Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Warnings: Cursing, sfw fwb dynamic (lmao it’s secret hugging)
*heavy breathing* I finally finished it!! I’ve had this request sitting in my inbox for literal months and I’m so sorry, anon, that you had to wait so long 😫. I hope you like what I came up with!
Also I ended up using she/her pronouns a bit towards the end, so if you’d like me to edit it so it has they/them I can repost it! Just let me know :)
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● Bakugou's never been much for physical affection
● Or, at least, so he'd convinced himself
● Even around his family, he found himself shrinking back from hugs
● And anytime one of his friends would try to put an arm around him or pat him on the back, he'd flinch and tense up (Kirishima and Kaminari had a few special privileges, but even they were on thin fucking ice)
● A part of him craved that touch, wished it could last longer
● But his ego always got in the way
● From a young age, he'd viewed acts like this as showing weakness and vulnerability. It's no surprise that by the time he arrives at UA, the longing is a mostly ignorable dull throb
● Until he got to know you
● You were one of the most sickeningly sweet people Bakugou had ever seen, and he despised you
● You were just as bad as that Shitty Hair, if not worse; always grinning and trying to include everyone, even him
● He hated how his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own around you, never letting you leave their gaze when you were around him. He hated how your laugh made his cheeks heat up and his heart pound in his chest. And most of all, he hated when the tips of your fingers would brush against his arm, or when you tried to lean on his shoulder. You truly were the most intolerable of beings
● And it seems like you're even worse today
● Class was about to start and you were talking with Ashido, Kirishima, and Kaminari
● He honestly wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, that is, until he heard his name mentioned
● His red eyes flicked to you, since it had been your voice he'd heard say his name
● You had definitely been trying to get his attention. Now your gaze was directed at him
● "I've never seen you hug anyone, Bakugou," you said, your head tilted slightly as you addressed him
● "The hell does that have to do with anything?" he grumbled, already getting annoyed at the topic of conversation
● "Well, I read the other day that hugs can make you happier! And you always seem so grumpy all the time, so I was wondering if you just needed more hugs."
● You seemed oblivious to the way your classmates were staring at you. Even Bakugou couldn't bring himself to speak, merely glaring at you with a confused, almost offended expression
● Panicking at his lack of response, you bent down and threw your arms around his shoulders. You thought you heard a gasp from one or two of your classmates behind you
● Bakugou seemed to have no reaction other than mild shock. He just froze there, neither pushing you off nor reciprocating
● The whole thing was over within a few seconds, but it felt as though it had actually lasted much, much longer. Seconds after you pulled away, the bell rang for class to start, and everyone had to go back to their seats
● There was an abnormal silence in the class after that. It was as if nearly every student was thinking, Holy crap, (L/N) just hugged Bakugou freaking Katsuki
● Bakugou was weirdly silent too. It seemed as if he hadn't had any reaction at all
● Sike—it was pure chaos inside his head
● He's just been pounded with a whole slew of new feelings and emotions—give the boy a break (and a minute to process)
● He can scarcely pay attention during class (which he can afford to do, it's not like he doesn't already know most of this stuff)
● Katsuki can't tell if he hated it or not
● His immediate instinct is to reject it and say it was awful . . . but he can't deny that there's a teeny tiny part of his brain that wants you to do it again
● No one can ever know this, of course. He has a reputation to maintain, after all
● But in the safety of his own mind, he replays it over and over, trying to remember every detail of how your arms had felt around him for that brief moment
● Boy was hooked on you even more than he had been before
● But it's not like anyone can tell. Bakugou's good at that. No one would ever be able to tell he had any feelings towards the incident at all, negative or positive
● Even after his friends bombard him with questions after class, he gruffly brushes them all off. He acts so uninterestingly about it, they don't even bother asking him about it again
● Bakugou hopes that this will all blow over within the next few days. He'd surely stop thinking about you all the time, right? Maybe somehow, if he ignored these thoughts, his eyes wouldn't trail after you on their own accord, and his mind wouldn't jump at every opportunity to think about you
● For weeks, he told himself this, and time passed to nearly two months. He avoided you at all costs, refusing to speak to you or even make eye contact
● You felt horrible, blaming it on the dumb mistake you'd made to hug him that morning. No matter how hard you tried to approach him to apologize, he'd turn you away, and soon enough, you'd given up
● Until one night, he couldn't take it anymore
● He had just been fantasizing about that moment again, and tentatively wondering how it would feel to put his arms around you while he was out in the dorm hallway
● Even through the haze of his thoughts, he was quick to notice your head of hair about to turn into the hallway to your room
● You. Bubbly, bright, overly touchy and friendly you. Fuck you.
● You were always hugging everyone, right? You didn't really mean anything by it, right? It was no big deal when you hugged other people. So, maybe if he were to just ask . . .
● "Oi."
● You froze in your tracks. You'd caught sight of him in the hall, but you knew better than to try to attract his attention. He was dead set on avoiding you, and you'd pretty much accepted that by now
● Turning, you met his fiery red eyes for the first time in weeks. "Yeah?"
● There was something . . . apprehensive in his expression. You weren't sure if you'd ever seen anything like it on his face before
● "Get over here, I want to ask you something." He shoved his hands in his pockets, shifting his glare to the carpet below him
● Uncertain of what might be going on, you cautiously made your way to him
● "What is it?" you asked, a little annoyed with how he'd been treating you lately
● "I, um, well—remember that thing you did a while ago?"
● You blinked at him, slowly. "I do a lot of things. You need to be more specific."
● You'd never seen him look so flustered. It was almost . . . cute
● "You—um, you hugged me. Remember?"
● Of course you remembered. That was what had made him hate you in the first place, right?
● You sighed and crossed your arms. "Look, I'm sorry I did that. I know it made you uncomfortable and I'm sorry it affected you so much. Really, I was just goofing around, and I'm sorry it got out of hand."
● He blinked at you. You were apologizing? Oh, maybe it did make sense, now that he thought about it. He had been being an ass to you
● "Is that what you wanted?" you asked. "I tried to apologize a long time ago but you wouldn't even look at me—"
● "Could you do it again?" he cut you off
● ". . . apologize?"
● "What?! No!" Bakugou's face reddened and he scanned the surroundings for a potential audience. He dropped his voice to a scarcely audible mumble. "I . . . —dammit, I want you to hug me again."
● You blinked at him, this time in surprise. You had, in fact, heard him, but you could barely believe it. You only knew that you'd understood him correctly by his posture, and how uncharacteristically flustered he was
● "You want another hug?"
● He scowled. "Don't make me say it twice."
● "So you liked it the first time?"
● "I never said that!"
● "Uh-huh."
● Even with your annoyed teasing, you felt as if you might be able to understand a little. Everything seemed to make more sense to you, and you were beginning to catch onto the bigger picture. He'd been embarrassed that he liked it, and that was why he'd been avoiding you
● "So do you want a hug now or—?"
● "Not where anyone could see!" Bakugou's eyes nervously darted around again. "We could . . . go in my room or something." His voice had dropped back to a mumble
● You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Secret hugs, huh? I didn't know I was in such high demand."
● "Shut up, dumbass. Just follow me."
● You do that, letting him lead you into his room. After he shuts the door behind you, you stand there awkwardly for a second
● "So . . . you just wanted a hug?"
● He shrugged. "Yeah."
● You closed the distance between you and took him into your arms
● He stiffened a little at the contact, heart pounding away in his chest. It was even better than he had remembered, and now he noticed even more things; like the way your chest felt pressed against his body, and how your hair smelled like shampoo, and—
● "Relax, idiot," you whispered beside his ear. Bakugou tried to let out some of the tension in his shoulders and even tried looping his own arms around you
● You snickered internally, until a thought struck you
● When you finally pulled away, you looked at him inquisitively. "When was the last time you hugged someone?" you asked. "Other than me."
● He frowned, still a little flustered. Then he shrugged. "I don't know. It's probably been a few years."
● You couldn't help but feel your heart pang a little bit for the boy. You knew how he felt about interacting with people. You'd seen how adverse he'd seemed towards physical interaction, even among his friends
●Touch starved, you thought. It was an awful thing to experience. Bakugou probably wasn't even aware of what he was missing
● You sighed. "We can do this again if you want," you offered, wondering if the proposition would set him off to ignore you again. "I won't tell anyone."
● "Better not," he muttered under his breath
● "Do you want me to come back or not?" you asked
● He shrugged. "S'whatever. Do whatever."
● You frowned right back at him. "Yes. Or no?"
● "Yes! Yes, come over here and hug me or whatever shit! Just—just leave now."
● You rolled your eyes at him, turning and twisting the doorknob. "Just ask when you're ready," you said before walking out of his room again
● Bakugou stared at the door for a long time after you'd left
● His chest felt like it had little explosions going off in it, and he couldn't help but feel ridiculously giddy
● What was he doing? But it had felt . . . amazing. And you'd offered to do it again, whenever he asked . . . .
● . . . You proved to stand by your word
● Sure enough, he'd catch you alone every few days and sneak off to his room for a quick hug. In return, he'd help you go over your notes for class
● Before long, you couldn't help but feel closer to Bakugou. Even with his harsh nature, you noticed how he could really be. Coupled with the moments of vulnerability he'd let you in on while you hugged in secret, your liking for the boy only grew
● And it did seem to have some effect on his mood. He wasn't so easily set off, and he yelled a bit less. Your fellow classmates didn't bring up the change, but they had certainly noticed it
● Even though no one was allowed to know about your shared moments together, Kirishima would often join you for a study session
● During those days, you'd wait until he left before going in to give Bakugou his hug
● Until the inevitable happened
● It was just you and Bakugou in his room. You'd gotten all your stuff packed up for the night and you were giving him one last hug
● He'd gotten better at it over the past couple of weeks, and he'd learned to relax more into your hold
● Of course, that was right when Kirishima came back in
● "Sorry, dude, I left my—" He froze at the sight before him
● Bakugou jumped back from you, trying to look as though it wasn't obvious what he'd just been doing
● "Sorry, guys!" he said, hovering in the doorway for a moment as he debated whether or not to grab whatever he'd forgotten before dashing back out. Ultimately he decided to go emptyhanded, slamming the door shut as he whisked back into his room
● You looked at Bakugou, trying to gauge how he'd taken this turn of events. He looked angry and flustered (a look on him you were starting to get used to), but he definitely could have looked more outraged
● You patted his back. "Are you okay?"
● The blond seemed speechless for once, unable to take his eyes off the door
● "It's just Kirishima," you assured him. "He'd get it. He's understanding."
● Bakugou wasn't so sure
● A few minutes after you left, there was another knock at Bakugou's door
● "What the hell do you want?"
● Kirishima poked his head in, making sure the coast was clear. "I just wanted my notebook back."
● Bakugou picked it up from his desk and launched it at Kirishima's head, which he barely managed to catch
● "Thanks, man." Even with his originally sought after item, the redhead proceeded to step into his friend's room. "So what's going on with you and (L/N)?"
● There it was, the question Bakugou knew was coming
● "Nothing." At least it wasn't a complete lie
● "No, you two were doing something," Kirishima smirked. "Are you dating in secret or something?"
● "What?! No! It's not like that! And besides, it's none of your fucking business."
● Kirishima shrugged. "That's fair. But if you're not dating, why was she hugging you?"
● Bakugou tched. "She hugs everyone, you know her."
● "Yeah, but you were hugging her back."
● "She just gives really nice hugs!"
● Kirishima pouted. "You never hug me."
● "That's because it's different!"
● "So does that mean you like her or something?"
● Bakugou froze for just a split second too long. "No."
● Kirishima gave him a look. "She might like you back. Just ask her out on a date."
● "I already said it wasn't like that—"
● Bakugou's friend shrugged. "Well, if it was . . . couldn't hurt to try."
● Once Kirishima was successfully kicked from Bakugou's room, he took a moment to think. Could he actually . . . like you? Maybe that would explain some of the things that he'd been feeling lately
● But what about you? Could you like him back?
● Bakugou rolled his shoulders. Of course you'd like him, what part of him wasn't perfect? But still . . . .
● One night a few days later, you were alone with Bakugou again in his room, doing homework together
● You couldn't help but notice that his vibe seemed off, and it looked like he was having trouble concentrating
● "Are you alright?" you finally asked him
● "Yeah," he snapped
● "You seem stressed," you commented.
● "I'm not fucking stressed," he said, refusing to meet your eyes as he glared at his notebook in front of him
● "Okay, then," you muttered, rolling your eyes to yourself and attempting to go back to your own notes
● You watched Bakugou fidget from the corner of your eye, but decided not to pay it any mind anymore. It wasn't long before you noticed that he hadn't turned a page in his book for the past several minutes
● Bakugou was, of course, internally raging
● Why couldn't he ask you a simple question? Did he even know what kind of question he wanted to ask, though?
●Go out on a date with me— too forward, it didn't sound right to him in his head
●For some reason, I think I might like you— no again, that wasn't right either
● His mind rolled over various phrasings, trying to figure out how to put his feelings to words. How was he supposed to do that?
● How could he iterate this weird burning mess he felt clawing in his chest every time he looked at you and touched you? How could he say that he wanted more than what you were doing? How was he supposed to get the reaction out of you that he wanted?
●Be fearless, he told himself. He'd faced worse than this before. He'd been through situations where his life had literally been on the line. How come you, of all people, made him feel more frightened than ever before? Why did he care about your opinion of him so goddamn much??
● He had to start somewhere. Maybe once he got going it would be easier
● "Oi," he said, straining to keep his voice steady and nonchalant as you looked up at his averted eyes
● "Yeah?"
● "I was . . . I was wondering if maybe you wanted to . . . study somewhere else sometime."
● You blinked at him. "Like . . . where?"
● He shrugged, just a bit too jerkily. "I don't know. There's this café a few blocks from campus."
● You squinted at him. "What's wrong with staying here?"
● He scowled, his eyes finally darting up to meet yours before dipping back down again. "I just wondered if we could maybe—do something together. Something a little different."
● A hint of realization dawned on you, causing a smile to alight on your lips and your eyebrow to quirk up. "Different like—a date? Are you asking me out on a date with you?"
● He shrugged again in the same manner, still scowling as he muttered, "Only if you want it to be."
● You considered for a moment. He was a decent enough guy. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you might say you'd developed a bit of a crush on him, actually. You'd never paid too much attention to it before, but now that he was asking . . . it couldn't hurt to try
● "Of course I'll go out with you," you said, breaking into an easy smile that Bakugou still wasn't certain if he adored or hated
● He immediately relaxed, a small smile of his own appearing on his face at your agreement
● He was glad it was you. You were the only person he felt comfortable being vulnerable around. He could already tell that he was growing to like you more and more with each passing day, and he could only hope that you felt the same
● You put up with him, and you were strong in your own way, and by goodness, he was beginning to fall for you so hard
● And maybe, if you agreed for him to be your boyfriend, you'd let him cuddle with you. It wouldn't be awkward, because that's what couples did. You'd be his and he'd be yours, and he wouldn't have to bottle up these annoying feelings anymore
● But that would be decided at some later time
● Even so, he couldn't wait for that day to come
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Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @fourteenow @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @xoxopam4​​
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betelgeuse-1988 · 3 years
pale blue eyes: obi-wan/reader
hey so i fell in love with ewan mcgregor recently and proceeded to watch all of the prequels and started the clone wars. how dangerous! probably more obi-wan content in the near future. sorry if this isn't canon compliant...i don't know enough about star wars and i'm so sorry!! give me tips if you have any
obi-wan is also probably totally ooc and i’ve definitely disregarded the jedi code (bc screw the code!) but...i don’t care...obi-wan is too beautiful for that lmao. if anyone can handle a little temptation from the darkside and still be a good jedi, it’s obi
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tags: smut, fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort, grief/mourning (mention of death), master/padawan dynamic (sorta), possessive sex/behavior, rough sex, marking (hickies), smoking, implied age difference, porn with feelings (and maybe plot), dirty talk
There was something oh so terrifying about being a Padawan. Of course, it was all you had ever known, but realizing that there would be a day when no one would be there to hold your hand as you traversed the daily experiences of being a Jedi was overwhelmingly terrifying. But, what was even more terrifying was the thought alone of losing your Master.
Actually losing her before you’d finished your training could only be described as unquantifiable.
Obi-Wan broke the news to you soon after reporting to the council after the mission on some outer-rim planet went wrong and led to several Jedi being killed. He spared you the details as you broke down in front of him, apologizing immediately for letting your emotions get the best of you. You tried your best to keep everything in, especially in front of one of the best Jedi Masters. Obi-Wan looked down the hallway before slowly walking you back into your quarters. He sat you down on your small bed, taking a seat next to you.
“I know how you feel right now, as I too lost my Master. But, you must remember your Master has returned to the Force. She has become something better and will always be with you. It will be difficult, but as time passes the intensity of your emotions will fade.”
You looked up into his blue eyes, the truth behind them reinforcing what you sensed in the Force. His statements were genuine, facts that had been seen in countless other Jedi who had experienced what you did; but, his eyes (and the Force) held a sadness that seemed as if it was too big and too fragile to even consider touching. Having heard some pieces of what had happened to Master Kenobi and his Padawan, it seemed as if he never had enough time to grieve. He never had time to consider what loss meant and how to deal with it. The words he spoke seemed to be monotonous, as if they were a mantra he thought to himself often. An attempt to rid himself of emotions that council members told him that he would be drawn to the darkside because of them.
“And yet,” you said, pausing to control your breathing, a few tears escaping your eyes now and then. “Those emotions will never go away, huh?”
Obi-Wan broke your gaze, sighing and rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m...I’m sorry, I’m not helping, am I?” He let out a sad chuckle before looking back at you. “It’s just...I know too well how you feel. And yet, I cannot bring myself to tell you that you must rid yourself of these emotions because they will lead you astray. I so wish that one person would have allowed me to feel, just for one moment.”
You take his hand into yours, unable to bring yourself to look him in the eyes. “You’ve helped me more than you know, Master Kenobi. And I only hope that you are able to take your own advice, too.”
“I will try, young one.”
After this moment, you found yourself drawn to Obi-Wan in the late hours of the night. Master Windu took over the last few weeks of your training before your trials. When you were not training or sleeping and Obi-Wan was not training his Padawan, you were together. This often caused you both to spend late nights in one of your quarters (most often his, as they were bigger). At first there was nothing sexual or even romantic about these meetings. They allowed you both to explore your grief and help each other control emotions most Jedi would consider distracting or unwanted. It was nice to feel safe in your emotions.
At least, until your emotions became romantic feelings for Obi-Wan.
This realization hit you like a podracer a few weeks after you became a Jedi. You had been given a mission to protect a queen from an outer-rim planet visiting Naboo for a week. The distance alone is not what caused you to realize these feelings. Obi-Wan and his Padawan had been sent on small missions in the past few weeks, causing you to go days without seeing him. Sure, you missed him, but training for your trials could fill the void he left. But, now, being away and nearly bored out of your mind in your down time was horrible. You felt a constant sense of longing and desire that you could only trace back to Master Kenobi. Your thoughts would drift back to late nights you spent with the sweet man who could comfort you with only a smile. Thoughts of running your hands through his auburn hair as you begged him to keep growing it out, especially with the beard. Watching his eyes flutter closed as you gave him a massage through his undershirt. He lets out little groans and moans, telling you to push harder in certain spots. Holding his large, calloused hand in yours as you cuddle close together on his bed. It wasn’t until the final day of your assignment that these thoughts turned sexual.
You laid in bed, too excited over going back to Coruscant and having a few days off. A half-dreaming vision formed in your mind of Obi-Wan laying in his bed. The image became clearer and you realized that his sleeping pants were pushed down slightly, his hand grasping his cock tightly. A moan slipped past his lips, the words he choked out indecipherable as he thrusted harshly into his fist. You attempt to will away this vision but it’s stuck--almost engraved--in your mind, drifting in and out like a boat rocking back and forth on waves. His thrusts seemed desperate, as if he had been attempting to reach his climax long before you created this vision. He moans again, this time it is clearer and louder than before: your name. It slips past his lips smoothly as he finally tenses slightly, forcing his hips upwards. Cum shot out of his cock as his thrusts stuttered to a stop and his hand took over. Some particularly thick shots hit his lower stomach, covering the hair above his cock. The rest flooded slowly over the tip and down onto his hand. He groaned all through his climax, panting once he had finished completely. Your mind often drifted back to these images as you fell in and out of sleep throughout the night.
Getting back to Coruscant was a welcome return home. After your report to the council, you saw Obi-Wan and Anakin waiting for you outside of the chambers. You found it difficult, at first, to hold Obi-Wan’s gaze as he greeted you.
“Hello, Master Kenobi. What are you doing here?”
“I heard you got back. If you’d like, Anakin and I would like to take you to Dex’s,” he says simply, a wide smile on his face. Anakin gave you a toothy grin, excited to gorge himself on greasy diner food.”How was your mission, young one?”
You smiled widely, slightly forgetting about the waking-dream that had been plaguing your mind. “Sounds like a great idea. I can tell you all about my mission over dinner, then, I suppose?” Obi-Wan nodded in response, a smile (albeit smaller) on his face mirroring yours and Anakin’s.
After dinner at Dex’s, Obi-Wan dismissed Anakin to his chambers (though, Obi would confide in you that he knew for a fact his was talking to his fellow Padawans late into the night, to which you would chastise him for doing the same thing with you) and invited you to his own to meditate. The walk there was quiet, yet comfortable. But, as you reached his quarters, you saw the bed that was ingrained into your visions from the night before. The panic and embarrassment ran through you, piling heavy in your stomach and causing you to stop in your tracks at his doorway. Obi-Wan took off his boots quickly and made his way to the large window at the opposite side of the room.
“You can come all the way in, y’know?” Obi-Wan said once he realized you had not followed, his tone light and playful. He was teasing you, like he always did, always a flirt. And yet, tonight, it made you nervous. You took slow steps towards him after taking your boots off by the door, meeting him at the window he liked to meditate at. “Are you okay? No witty comeback for your favorite Jedi?” He moved to cup your face but you turned away, noticing it was the hand he had so elegantly wrapped around his cock in your vision.
You looked back at him and shook your head, your eyes becoming watery out of embarrassment and fear. You knew you needed to talk to him before this got any worse. “C-can I talk to you about something?” He nodded, his face becoming serious, and sat down on the plush cushions he used to begin meditating. He patted on one next to him and you sat after taking off your cloak. You two sat almost too close, knees touching. You could almost smell him and could almost feel the calming warmth radiating off of him. “I...During my missions I was plagued by visions, Master Kenobi.”
He frowned slightly at what you said, worried about the potential dangers of visions Jedi see. “You do not need to use my title in my quarters, young one,” he said, calmly, so as not to scare you or make you feel he was reprimanding you. “But you can tell me anything. What were in these visions, young one?”
You sighed, attempting to muster the strength in admitting what you saw. Obi-Wan could sense your struggle and reached out to touch your knee gently. You placed your hand over his and squeezed gently, closing your eyes to center yourself. The minute you opened your mouth, the word-vomit flowed fast. “They were of you. They began as nice and comforting. Domestic moments. Like holding your hand or cuddling. I could see myself doing that with any friend. But...last night, it was sexual. I, uhm, watched you...pleasure yourself. Y-you moaned my name. Maker, I feel like I’ve used you, I am so sorry, Master Kenobi.”
“This happened last night?” he asked, blushing slightly under your curious gaze. You nodded slowly, unsure of where he was going with this. “Then I don’t think you were making these visions up, darling.”
Your jaw dropped, with Obi-Wan only smirking back at you. “W-what do you mean?”
“I think you saw me, somehow. I saw some of those visions you described earlier in the week, too. Perhaps we are connected, young one.” He looked at you processing what he just said and smiled. “I like you, a lot. I admire your work as a Jedi and I am so proud to see how much you have grown since I first talked to you that night your master died.” He moved the hand that was resting in his lap to cup your cheek. “I believe I have fallen for you. I am sorry that you had to see me in such an inappropriate state, however. I would understand if you didn’t want to be with me.”
“No! I mean, I do. I want to be with you. I never imagined that you would ever want to be with someone like me.” You smiled brightly, giddy about this change in your relationship with Obi-Wan. “And, if I may say, you looked quite beautiful last night. I am honored that you thought of me just as I have thought of you. Although, you have a much different imagination than I do.” The man in front of you blushed and chuckled brightly, almost proud of what he had done.
The hand on your knee tentatively moved further up your thigh. “Perhaps I can spark your imagination?”
You shifted to be on your knees, placing your hands on his thighs. You leaned close to him, almost brushing your lips against his. You were able to feel the tickle of his beard on your face as you whispered out, “Perhaps I can fulfill yours?” You pressed your lips against his as he shoves his hands through your hair, tugging on it slightly. Even as he moaned, you tasted the strawberry milkshake you shared with him at Dex’s. But, as you kissed him deeper, tongues exploring each other’s mouths, you tasted tabac, causing your mind to wander. You never thought of Obi-Wan indulging in the toxic substance, but you can’t bring yourself to be surprised. Images of Obi-Wan shirtless, just-fucked and sweaty, his hair a mess, flooded your mind. A cigarra hung from his mouth, barely hanging on to it as he took puffs from it.
A nasty habit Obi’s voice rings through your mind, almost embarrassed, I can’t seem to kick it, young one. I hope you aren’t angry.
You pulled away and cupped his face. Not wanting to ruin the tender moment of vulnerability, you kissed him lightly and projected your thoughts to him, I could not be mad at you. I find it shamefully attractive, but if you are ready to quit, I know you can.
He smiled into the kiss as you pulled away to begin stripping. “Allow me to help you,” he said, moving to push your robes off your shoulders as you took off the belt around your waist. You shrugged the robes off of you completely and threw them to the side, followed by your undershirt. Obi-Wan moved to help you take your pants off, but you stopped him.
“Allow me to help you, Master Kenobi?” he blushed and leaned back, copying your actions by starting with his belt. You help to shrug off his outer robes followed by his undershirt. You admire his chest, speckled with freckles. You pushed him down lightly, his back hitting his carpeted floor lightly. “You are truly beautiful, Master.” You kissed his chest lightly, kneeling at his side and helping him to shove his pants and undergarments off. Even though you had seen his member the night before, it was different in person and being able to see it uncovered by his hand. Semi-hard, all you could think was that it would look even more beautiful in the moonlight and neon lights streaming from the window. You flicked your hand, flipping the light switch by the door.
“I was going to ask if you liked what you saw, young one, but it seems I was wrong,” Obi-Wan hummed.
You smirked, taking his cock in your hands. “Oh, I do, but I am one for aesthetics and I would prefer to be fucked under the moonlight.” You jerk him off slightly, getting him hard. As your movements become a tad more difficult, you hold your hand up to the man’s mouth. “Spit, please.” He looked at you with a raised brow but spits. You rubbed it up and down his cock, making your movements much smoother. You squeezed lightly around his cock and he began to thrust lightly under your touch. You moved to lean down and use your mouth on his cock, but Obi-Wan stopped you.
“Let me get you ready so I can fuck you under the moonlight, just like you want, my young one.”
He moved you down to lay on the floor, pushing one of his cushions underneath your head. After helping you out of your remaining clothes, he shoved the other pillow under your hips, angling them upwards. He then kissed down your chest, as if attempting to kiss away the moonlight with how fervently he pressed his lips to your skin. Yet, as you pushed his hair back to get a clear view of his serene face, you thought he may be trying to pin down the moonlight to your skin. The way his gaze locked with yours showed how intensely he cared about this moment. His kisses acted as an attempt to encapsulate you in the light, an attempt to preserve this moment forever. You were not just another nightly escapade (not that either of you had many of those, both unknowingly too caught up in being smitten by the other). Rather, in this moment, Obi-Wan was declaring he was going to make love to you with each and every kiss pressed to your skin. The final kiss he pressed to your skin was your clit. Once this was finished, he began fingering you, stretching you with two fingers immediately and suckling on your clit. You gasped and moaned under his touch, fingers diving into his hair.
I want to make you mine, young one. After we began talking I wished I had fought with the council more to train you instead for the remainder of your time as a Padawan. Perhaps we could have been here sooner.
“Master Kenobi,” you moaned aloud. Not being able to form words verbally, you responded with the Force. How I began to wish the same. I suppose, then, I was always yours?
He pulled off of you, but added a third finger to his thrusts, smiling up at you brightly. “Yes. And I suppose I was always yours, then, too?”
“Yes,” you moaned out, high pitched, almost squeaking. You hummed and tried again, regardless of if Obi heard you the first time, “Yes, Master, you’re mine.” Obi-Wan’s smile somehow grew, but he quickly went back to working on you with his mouth. However, this time, he leaned more on his arm that he’s using to finger you. That way, his other hand was free to jerk himself off. You only noticed when he moaned against your clit lightly. “Master Kenobi, are you--”
Yes, he sent you, almost strained as if he was speaking, I think I could cum just by eating you out, I wouldn’t even need to touch myself.
“I wouldn’t want that,” you said, pushing his head lightly, “so why don’t you fuck me instead?”
He pulled his head up and smiled, “Anything for you, my darling.” He stood up, pulling you to join him, and guided you toward the bed, stopping by his drawers to grab a condom. Laying down on the bed, you watched him roll the condom over his cock and climb onto the bed with you. He kneeled between your legs, pulling up your leg to rest it on his hip. He used his other hand to grip your hip and pulled you towards him. You gasped, both at the sudden movement and his member pushing into your pussy slowly. “Such a good girl, taking me so perfectly. You can take me all, right, my young one?” You nodded your head fiercely, unable to form a coherent thought as he continued to thrust in and out of you, each thrust going deeper than the last.
Once he settled into you completely, your hands fisted his bedsheets roughly. “So full, you fill me up so nice, Master Kenobi.” You shifted your hips against him, attempting to get him to thrust into you. His grip on your hip dissipated as he moved to push down on them. You moved your hand over his, pushing down on it lightly while also gripping his hand.
“Is there something you need from your Master, young Jedi?” Your grip on his hand tightened as you nodded. “What do you need? You can use your words.” You blushed as you attempted to quantify what you wanted him to do. You attempted to shift your hips as the position became uncomfortable from being held for so long without moving. “Please, princess. I want to give you what you want, but I will not move until you tell me.”
“I want you...I…” you trailed off, becoming embarrassed for what you were trying to ask. You threw your head to the side and thought to him, I want you to mark me. I don’t care if it hurts. I want to know, as long as the bruises last, that I am yours. I want to hold on to this moment.
“Is that all, young one?” You nodded in response, trying not to embarrass yourself more than you felt you had. “There is nothing to be embarrassed over, sweet girl. I want to please you, and the only way I can do that is if I know what you want. Never be embarrassed when asking for what you want.”
You smiled as his hand moved back to your hip, his grip stronger than before. Timidly, you add on, “Can you also move, Obi-Wan? I...I need it.” He silently responded by squeezing your hip and thrusting into you. He quickly picked up speed, however, thrusting into you desperately. Obi-Wan shifts, dropping the leg he held at his hip to be able to lean over you. Moaning at the new angle, you wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping him close. Your fingers delved into his hair, tugging at it as he thrust into you just right. Obi-Wan moaned at that, flicking his hips faster in response.
“Where do you want me to mark you, hm? Maybe a place above your robes so all the other Jedi Masters will see and know you’re mine?” You tensed slightly under him, even as your pussy clenched. “No, darling? I didn’t mean to worry you. I will make sure no one can see.” Obi-Was pressed light kisses to your collarbone, as he had before, but quickly began to suck on your collarbone and lined it with love bites.
Too overwhelmed with the pleasure, you think to Obi-Wan, Perhaps another time, you can make them more visible. Let everyone know I am yours and yours alone.
He only hummed in response as he busied himself with bruising your skin. You shoved a hand between the two of you, rubbing your clit in small circles.
Am I not good enough for you, young one?
You stopped your movements and began to stammer out an excuse.
I am only teasing, darling. I want you to cum on my cock. And, you’re making it much easier for me to achieve that goal.
You both continued like this, attempting to reach your climaxes by pulling on Obi’s hair, him suckling on your skin to leave marks, and you circling your clit. Eventually, your legs tensed and you lifted your hips up towards him. You gasped, the inner walls of your pussy fluttering around his cock. “Obi-Wan, I’m cumming,” you exclaimed, moaning even more as you flung your head back against the pillows.
“Let go, love. Cum for me, show me you’re mine.”
Your hips stuttered against his, legs tensing and shaking on either side of the Jedi Master. He pulled up and off of you, shifting back onto his knees. He thrust through your orgasm, attempting to reach his own. He moved his hands again to grip your hips tightly, bringing you against him roughly. Obi-Wan moaned as he thrust into you as fast as he could, wanting to cum so badly. “Cum for me, Master. I can sense how desperate you are, n’ I wanna know I made you cum. You came inside your young Jedi’s cunt, all for her. Only for her.” His hips began to stutter irregularly against you as he came, moaning your name just as he did the night before. Obi-Wan eventually stalled against you, collapsing slightly. “After that show, you can put your full weight on me. You deserve it, and I don’t want you to pull out just yet,” You said, rubbing his head gently..
“I always had a feeling you’d be insatiable,” Obi-Wan chuckled. He leaned his full weight on top of you. It was surprisingly comforting, especially after his rough grip and bruising kisses. He snuggled into your neck, pressing sloppy kisses against it, as your hands settled at his waist. “I can only hope to completely satiate you, one day, I suppose.”
“You did perfectly fine, Obi-Wan. For now.” He finally pulled off of you, forcing you to come to his refresher with him to clean up. When you finally laid back down in his bed, both of you naked and comfortable in each other’s arms, you were too tired to do anything more than hum in content. Just as you were trailing off to sleep, a warm thought entered your brain.
I love you, young one. Never forget that.
You responded quickly, though you assumed the sleepiness that would have been present in your voice was also present in your thoughts.
I love you, too, Obi.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 4 years
So I have a curious question: as both a writer and someone who genuinely seems to care about Dan Humphrey and his character arc, how would you handle the concept of a "dark!Dan" arc, given the chance? As much as I HATE Dan's season 6 storyline and Sara Goodman's handling of the "dark!Dan" thing, I can't help but feel that there's a small nugget of something interesting there. S6!Dan was clearly written just to prop up Chuck, but I wonder what might have been if the writers still cared about Dan.
this is actually a difficult one to answer, mostly because i have too many thoughts. well, here’s to trying! (to the surprise of Nobody, this got pretty long!) 
uh so, the thing i noticed about dan on first watch but became even more clear while i was rewatching certain episodes is that he’s very... passive isn’t the right word, nor is tolerant, but at the same time, something along those lines? dan keeps quiet when people hurt him or disappoint him - he doesn’t really do anything with that hurt. notable example is vanessa’s coming back? vanessa tries to pick up where they left off, and dan sorta goes along with it to the extent where both jenny and rufus need to tell vanessa that things aren’t how they were before when she left + that she actually really hurt dan - because dan isn’t telling her this himself. 
basically, dan seems to be, by nature, VERY non-confrontational.
given this, i feel like dan’s whole exposé thing in s6 is very out of character  - being like “oh yeah i’m going to actively ruin the lives of the people around me and show no remorse!” feels super uncharacteristic to dan, especially out of the blue like that. 
when it comes to “tolerance” - i don’t know what better word to use,  but throughout the show we see a few instances in which dan spends time with people he doesn’t like, for his own benefit or simply because it’s easier than getting out of that situation. for example, him hanging out with chuck for the charlie trout story, despite regarding chuck with the highest distaste - he puts all that aside because he needs that story, and he’s determined to get it, because he wants to succeed so badly. to some extent, i think that is bad writing (i don’t see dan forgiving someone who hurt jenny that easily or that casually) but at the same time it does fit in with the rest of dan’s character - imo he forgives georgina too easily in the s3 arc, which. does he really believe that she’s changed? maybe! but it feels weird to me because it’s like, while dan seems to have such high morals for himself he doesn’t really care what his friends are like, which i think is INTERESTING. 
based on how you interpret the show canon, dan i think has had somewhere between 1 and 5 friends before the whole thing with serena, & most of these friends are his family (which is sad, i mean. rufus is rufus, alison LEFT, and jenny’s his little sister so there’s definitely things he can’t possibly talk to her about) or vanessa, who left pretty abruptly and hurt him pretty badly. i think given this, it makes sense that he would get into really weird and unhealthy friendships, because he doesn’t have much experience with healthy friendships and ends up just settling. 
when we’re talking about dark!dan, these two things become super essential to me - dan’s non-confrontational slightly passive attitude to his friends, and the fact that he, potentially, could get in unhealthy friend groups and not realise it. i joke a lot about how the dan & georgina dynamic in s6 was my favourite part of the season, but it’s not actually a joke!! i can see how like. dan is still “friends” with georgina, and georgina loves to call the shots, and dan doesn’t mind doing what he’s being told. georgina for the most part seems sympathetic to dan’s problems, and dan, enabled by that friendship and her being there with him, goes and causes absolute havoc. sounds right! like, not the exposés themselves, but just the fact that someone needed to Be There Encouraging Dan to be Bad - i think That’s how it’d start. 
i can imagine dan getting in with the wrong group of people, or whatever - like, dan having friends like s1 carter baizen. and it’d start innocently enough, like “oh these kids who are millionaires and billionaires don’t ever face any consequences for their actions and end up treating people from other class brackets like shit” and evolve into something like dan scamming nate at poker out of spite, and then realising that he’s in this group wayyy too deep, because, yes, he hates the rich kids as a matter of principle, and he’s been bitter about it for a long time, but “isn’t this going a bit too far, guys?” at this point though, much like jenny surrounded by her clique of mean girls, he doesn’t have an easy escape. “no,” carter will say. “we’ve only just begun. do you trust me?” and dan’s friendship is just Like That, which is not great, but he says yes and he means it. 
so that’s one possible dark!dan arc i’d give him - joins a group and his intentions at the time aren’t even Inherently bad, and then just gradually slowly finds himself doing worse and worse things. at first it’d be reasonable stuff - maybe he does the anon call to yale that gets blair’s acceptance rescinded, maybe he’d find some way to mess up chuck’s business deal behind the scenes - things he can rationalise away as things they had coming because blair and chuck did something wrong and if they hadn’t, none of this would be able to affect them. then suddenly he finds himself sabotaging serena and nate and he’s like. holy fuck, what is wrong with me? that would be an interesting thing to explore. 
another thing - i can’t believe i got this far into this response without mentioning jenny. but: jenny.
dan’s canonically not too pissed off about people treating him terribly. it’s what he’s used to, and he doesn’t expect any different! jenny, comparatively, is ready to say ‘fuck it’ to everyone and do whatever she wants to do to get what she wants, even if she hurts everybody around her on the way there - but that’s not what this is about, this is about how dan would never react recklessly and maliciously if someone was bad to him. but if someone hurt jenny??? 
unpopular opinion, but i can see him being gossip girl in THAT very specific context. girls in school are being cruel to his baby sister? he needs to shift the focus away from jenny. he needs to do something to keep his sister safe. so he creates a website, “gossip girl.” he starts blogging about one of the popular girls in his class, serena van der woodsen, because if people are busy sending tips about the girls in his grade, they’ll back off and leave jenny alone. i think if someone hurt jenny really, really badly, dan would basically go, ‘okay, i’m done being a good person’, and running gossip girl or doing something equally big that enables him to hold power over the group of girls who ruined his sister’s life? it could work.
the thing about dan being gossip girl is it makes no sense how the show did it. “a love letter”??? no, no way. dan and serena BOTH know that gossip girl is malicious and cruel and nasty in the early seasons. they both express their distaste/hatred towards the site and whatnot. dan’s “i could just write my way into the story” thing doesn’t sound right to me either, and his whole “i actually secretly wanted to be just like you guys” thing makes me shudder because. hey, whoever wrote s6, did you even watch your own show?
but dan being gossip girl because he’s bitter about the dynamics in high school, the privilege a few groups of people have, because he sees girls like jenny being treated terribly and harassed and pressured and coerced into things they don’t want to do, and he’s like, this is fucked up, why is nobody doing anything about this, what if i did something about this - and he starts gossip girl hoping that it’ll show people how none of their “friends” are really their friends, or that it’ll just form some sort of consequence for kids who never face consequences... like, i can see THAT happening and i think that’d be interesting to explore for a character like dan, especially if at some point jenny gets to like. smack him in the face with a handbag or something and go “you’re so righteous! you only made things worse with your stupid gossip site, dan!” and he’s like oh shit. but he doesn’t know what to do at that point - he’s been running the site for like 3 or 4 years and he doesn’t know who he is without it. 
dan being gossip girl also makes sense given his non-confrontational nature - he can cause conflict without getting involved directly in the conflict, so it’s comfortable for him.
okay, so! wow, this got long, but you must’ve known that it would when you sent me this ask, haha. to summarise: 
dan is very non-confrontational and often tolerant of the wrong people, this could be explored in a certain direction such as if he allied with toxic and dangerous people
dan never really fights for himself, but he’s naturally a protective person, so if something were to happen to jenny, i see that as the most major and natural incentive for a dark!dan arc. 
wow, everything i said fits into 2 bullet points! who would’ve thought.
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wordsnstuff · 5 years
Guide To Writing Found Family
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– Found family is a very popular trope that I don’t often see explored in technical writing resources, and as a person who is currently in the middle of developing one for my own series, I decided to make a resource for those who were also confused when approaching this character dynamic. If you have anything to add to the topic, feel free to comment down below for the other writers out there. Hopefully this is helpful to those who need a place to start. Happy writing!
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Avoiding Romantic Subtext
This is one of the hardest obstacles to sidestep when writing an unusual dynamic, and for certain genres it can be ten times worse. For example, in fiction written specifically for young adults, there’s a baseline expectation for a hefty amount of romantic tension, and readers will often insert it no matter what the text and subtext suggests. In order to prevent this automatic insertion of romance in the reader’s interpretation, it’s wise to establish a clear and reasonable explanation for why the relationships are platonic and will never develop into something more. 
It’s not a good idea to go for the “person a nor person b has ever considered this relationship blossoming romantically” because that’s often the basis for romantic stories, and will leave that wiggle room for the reader to run with. Show in the way they interact and perhaps in the narration/first person that each party has thought of that scenario and ultimately come to the conclusion that there’s just no romantic potential.
Showing Familial Relationships
Families rely on each other and in diverse ways. The way these individuals interact and build a familial bond is determined (often) by the way in which they form a dependence on the other, and this is more often than not in found family stories, a healthy dependence. It shows the other person’s reliability, care, and compassion, and the way this develops is different for family than it is for friends. 
Certain family members also have specific types of humor when it comes to each other. A father and a daughter will have a different sense of humor or understanding with each other than maybe the daughter and her brother do, and this all adds to form a vivid dynamic in your reader’s head that will alter the way they perceive relationships. Found family will be exactly the same, but they’ll have different backstories and different reasons why that sense of humor or understanding has developed that way.
Friendship vs. Family
Found family is unique in the way that readers can very easily perceive a relationship as close friendship rather than a familial one. However, friendship lacks a certain vulnerability and dependence that found family can use to its advantage, because family sees each other at their highs and lows and conflict usually carries different implications. 
Family also implies a different attitude and motivation behind the relationship. Conflicts between family members are less severe in the long-run because there’s a ground-level understanding that no matter what happens, arguments will end in forgiveness and closure, whereas that is not necessarily guaranteed with friendships or romances. The motivation, also, is different in the sense that found family is more often meant to last a lifetime, and therefore is less fragile and opens the door for more open communication and vulnerability.
Converting Tension to Intimacy
When you’re tasked with turning a tense, unfriendly relationship into a close and familial one, it’s daunting to even begin thinking about how to go about it.  First, it’s important to understand the function of this stage of their relationship as a starting point for growth in both of the characters rather than merely a device to create drama for the reader to munch on. Intimacy of any kind develops out of mutual growth, vulnerability, and understanding, and in order to convey these things to the reader, you need to take your time letting this stage simmer. If you extinguish the tension too fast, it will read as shallow and futile, and it will throw a wrench in the natural pacing.
Now, the transition from tension to intimacy is a several step process and does not happen in one chapter. Mindsets, perceptions, and attitudes change over time as both the reader and the characters learn more information and experience more genuine interaction. The relationship, as I mentioned earlier, will change as the characters see each other in increasingly vulnerable situations and in periods of growth, and as they witness this their understanding of the other and ultimate acceptance will change the way they treat each other and their mutual perceptions of one another’s place in their lives. This usually happens in the subtextual area of the story, excluding events that are formulated specifically to depict this evolution.
Different Sizes of Families
The size of the invented family very much impacts the way that the group relationship develops. For example, two or three people who develop a family-like connection will be much more intimate and dependent than a created family that includes ten. Larger groups imply more diverse, but also more shallow representations of what relationships between family members can be, but they often leave more room for relatability and comedy. Smaller families work well for more serious struggles, and make more sense with characters that deal with serious issues that a real person wouldn’t be comfortable giving all the details about to ten other people. 
There’s definitely a spectrum and it fluctuates wildly for different types of stories, genres, character archetypes, and themes. Deciding how large to make this found family really depends on the fine details and requires some time and thought.
Common Struggles
~ Bringing people together when there’s an age gap… Age gaps can serve really well in the area of establishing a familial relationship without suggesting romance because most readers will assume that a close relationship between a younger woman and an older (say, 65 year old) man is more of a father-daughter relationship than a romantic one. The way you an bring together two people with an age gap and establishing a familial relationship is by playing on the aspect of guidance and support that a parent or typically older figure would provide to a younger, more naive person. This can come off trope-y but, like any other aspect of a story, putting an original twist on it can make it more original and interesting to the reader. 
~ Starting with tension… This is very common in the case of a sibling-type relationship or a guardianship situation. Usually, there’s some resistance from the party that does not hold the upper hand, and this can create tension in both of them. I suggest that if you’re going to develop a tense relationship into a close one that resembles family, then avoid tropes. There are so many ways that you can twist these ideas and situations based on your world and characters’ traits, so don’t go straight for the “I hate you because you’re trying to control me even though you’re not my real dad” thing.
Other Resources
Useful Writing Resources
Useful Writing Resources II
Resources For Describing Characters
Resources For Describing Emotions
Resources For Creating Characters
Resources For World Building
Resources For Plot Development
Resources For Writing Science Fiction
Resources For Writing Dystopian/Apocalypse
Resources For Fantasy & Mythology Writers
Giving Characters Bad Traits
Writing Children
Having Trouble Connecting To Your Characters?
On Making Scenes/Characters Unpredictable
Keeping Characters From Sounding Identical
Writing About Uncomfortable Topics
How To Foreshadow
Commentary On Social Issues In Writing
Tackling Subplots
How To Make A Scene More Heartfelt
How To Develop A Distinct Voice In Your Writing
How To Perfect The Tone In A Piece Of Writing
A Guide To Tension & Suspense In Your Writing
Writing Arguments Between Characters
Ways To Fit Character Development Into your Story
Tips On Writing Intense Scenes
Showing vs. Telling
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theheightofdishonor · 4 years
Top 10 Battles in the Metal Saga (in no particular order)
There aren’t many battles that are just about raw power the way this one is. The whole thing is just so extra, from ruining the stadium before the battle even begins to ending with Ryuga’s possession and Kyoya passing out with a dragon’s tail going through his chest. The power-play between these two is riveting. And on top of that, it’s the closest anyone but Gingka and Nemesis ever gets to beating Ryuga. However, it does annoy me that Kyoya is the only one of Ryuga’s opponents in Battle Bladers who comes out unaffected in the long-term. After their respective battles, Hikaru retires from Beyblade, Tsubasa suffers with possession, and both experience a healthy dose of PTSD but apparently, Kyoya gets away with no signs of it? I call bullshit. 
2.Da Xian - Julian 
If you didn’t love Da Xiang before, you had to after this battle. It did a brilliant job of highlighting how good Dashan is at manipulating people, and doing so “coolly, and brilliantly”. Dashan sees the scene as the opportunity it is and coaxes Julian from a disheartened shell of his former self to someone who’s willing to try again without the man even knowing. Oh, and he gets Julian to appreciate the value of his friends too. And beats him in battle easily. And delivers, “You think you and I are alike? That’s an insult, ” decimating Julian’s remaining pride. Talk about being cool. (Chao Xin should definitely take pointers)
3. Gingka vs 100 (supposedly) Face Hunters 
I had a hard time choosing between this and the battle earlier in the episode where Gingka first saves Kenta from Face Hunters, but I think this holds more impact and the one Kenta thinks is more notable. As a fight itself, it’s short compared to some of the other more epic battles on this list, and its placement is more about the consequences of it than the contents of the actual battle itself.  It’s the moment where Kenta’s admiration for Gingka really cements, and the moment that Kyoya takes a serious interest in him, shaping his relationship with two people who will be monumental in his life. Also, Gingka looks super cool and baby Kenta is adorable. 
 4.  Excalibur-Gan Gan Galaxy 
This battle has one of my favourite scenes of ALL TIME- Masamune single-handedly cutting through Sophie and Wales’s joint special move. Let me just take a second to gush about how powerful he is and how much I love him and how he deserves so much more love and did I mention he stopped the twins in their track with ONE MOVE. Your fave could never but if I don’t stop now, i’ll be talking about Masamune all day. 
The visual of Pegasus and Striker moving as one force, with the music crescendoing only for Destroyer to cut them down at the climax, is breathtaking. Seriously, I’ve watched that one scene on repeat and my breath catches. 
I love to see Masamune and Gingka work together as a team, especially because it’s not their preferred dynamic and it doesn’t always come easily to them. But when they try, they’re magic together, partially because they’re so alike. This is the only battle where we get the full force of the Y-Masamune-Gingka dynamic, a god-tier trio who can only possess one brain cell when they’re together because otherwise, they’d be way too strong. Let’s be real. If these morons actually combined their intelligence, they would have crushed Excalibur to dust. We need more scenes with them tbh
As a side note, it was not at all ok for these guys to crash the festival or for Yu to ruin a culturally important arena. It’s played off way to lightheartedly for my tastes.  It’s not even the only time they’re insensitive- in Fury, Yu and Kyoya damage ancient ruins and Gingka’s group explicitly disobeys orders to not step on a sacred volcano. The whole thing is kinda gross and the Metal Saga should address its serious disregard for other cultures. Sophie losing her shit on a literal 12 year old was funny though. 
5. The Legendary Bladers-Nemesis part 2 
This is a pretty long battle, I linked it to where the battle begins but it doesn’t end until the end of the next episode. There’s a lot about this battle that drives me crazy- like why are you people just letting Kenta destroy himself, why are the strongest bladers in the world who were specifically chosen for this battle unable to withstand for more than two hits, etc  BUT- this is when Ryuga hands over the Star Fragment which is cool and emotional enough to let everything else slide. It’s a pretty satisfying conclusion to the Kenta-Ryuga arc and rings parallel to Metal Fusion down to Ryuga pulling a Storm Pegasus and disappearing into thin air.Which talking about, I will forever be mad Storm Pegasus doesn’t ever come into play after Metal Fusion. Shogun Steel would have been such a perfect time to bring Storm Pegasus back to play and assure in a new era- such wasted potential, but I digress. 
Oh, and friendly reminder that Yu’s Inferno Blast breaks through Rago’s barrier while 8 Legendary Bladers combined couldn’t leave a dent on Nemesis. 
6. Kenta-Reiji
Talking about emotional, if you didn’t cry during this battle, you’re a liar- it’s painful to watch. The entire thing with Kenta using Libra’s performance tip and his insistence that he has to win for Yu- it breaks your heart. Reiji is such a great villain because he does exactly what he’s meant to do- make the audience be invested in him. He’s so unnecessarily cruel, so irredeamable, and this episode drills that into your skull. Even the spectators of the match can’t look on as Reiji tortured Kenta well after Sagittario has stopped spinning. 
7. Easter Island
It would take too long to name everyone involved in this, so i’m not going to. But boy is it a ride You’ve got King starting it off with Chris for insulting/defeating/humiliating Masamune- a noble cause if there ever was one. His impassioned defense of his boyfriend is one of the best speeches/declarations in the Saga and is also 80% of the reason this battle is on the list. The guy has his priorities straight, ok. Gingka says it’s either Masamune’s feelings or the world and King chooses Masamune, no questions, no hesitations. Can’t say I blame him. Especially after seeing the heartbreak on Masamune’s face when Chris insults him. But of course, the world is actually more important so 
 Gingka jumps in to stop King which as Benkai mentions, you can’t stop him from battling by actually battling him, so I don’t know what Gingka was thinking. Johannes’s lackies, including Aguma and the Beylin Fist, joins the battle, prompting Zeo, Toby, etc to also join. Then Ryuga appears and starts draining Chris’s power before Kenta stops him (thus publically revealing their affiliation to the world) and the two disappear. Literally everyone is involved, Johannes tells Chris to “man up” when he dares to show pain that Ryuga is literally stealing his power away but then vanishes because he doesn’t want to face Gingka head on yet. Can you say hypocrite? And while this was all happening, Johannes somehow managed to buy Chris’s loyalties.
It’s insane and so much fun. 
I didn’t expect to put this on the list but I watched it recently and had a newfound appreciation for it so here it is. While the team battle with Excalibur was the climax of Tsubasa’s arc, this was the resolution. It is arguably Tsubasa’s best battle of the series. He made his recovery with Excalibur, had a practice run with the Garcias, and by this battle, Tsubasa is better than ever. There’s a satisfaction in watching Tsubasa beat Jack with ease. After struggling the entire season, it's very cathartic. There’s this one bit where Jack is complaining about battling Ryuga and how Tsubasa can’t possibly know the disappointment he felt  and Tsubasa snaps, because how fucking dare he, who the fuck did Jack think he is. Again, very cathartic.
Irrelevant, but this episode has some of the best quotes including gems like
 “What is this? A bunch of creepy pictures”; 
“Oh dear Tsubasa” queue Jack asking for a battle; 
“You’re really lacking in the culture department” - Jack to Madoka,  “
The rest of Gan-Gan Galaxy are common, unrefined types”.
 The list never ends. Do yourself a favour and watch the episode.
9. Zoe-Toby-Masamune
This is the only season where there’s no one Final Battle but instead two separate climactic moments- Ryuga and Gingka working together to stop Hades City from melting down(?) and Toby and Zeo  fighting to bring Toby back to normal. 
Unlike the Finales in Fusion and Fury, this one’s private, personal. Not only were Ryuga-Gingka battle and the Battle against Nemesis attended by a lot of people, they were also widely broadcasted across the world. In comparison, Toby, Zeo and Masamune (and Ziggurat at one point) are the only ones to witness the Finale in Masters. It’s a very intimate moment. Their friendship is fractured-Toby's brainwashed,  Zeo was manipulated, and there’s still tension because Masamune left them in a time of need. The two of them are finally confronting just how much their friendship has strained: Masamune never imagined Zeo would resent him when he only ever wanted to fulfill Toby’s wish; he’s almost offended Zeo would think so badly of him. On the other hand, Zeo wrestles between accepting Ziggurat manipulated him but also his very valid resentment towards Masamune. They both hurt each other but get past it and forgive each other for the sake of their best friend. Bey battles are when bladers communicate through each other and in this one, these three use it to find their way back to each other. 
Of course, the list wouldn’t be complete without a Gingka-Kyoya battle. Despite Kyoya being Gingka’s second biggest rival, they only have 3 complete battles with a clear winner. (Kyoya is disqualified in Survival Battle, and neither won in the Championships Team battle or the one in Fury). Despite there being so few options, it was still hard for me to choose because they’re all brilliant and my opinion changes every other day. 
Honestly, I didn’t remember why I chose this battle, so I went back in and re-watched it- SO many thoughts. For one thing, Kyoya sounds like a cheesy bat man villain.  Seriously though, the battle feels so off to me because in this episode, Kyoya is more or less just another evil villain; a pale foreshadow of what Ryuga will become in the Final Battle. I’m not even kidding. This hits almost the exact beats that the Gingka-Ryuga battle will.  I didn’t like this battle when I re-watched it for this post. Gingka and Kyoya’s battles are important because of the history and bond they share and in this battle, neither of those are solidified and it’s just not as satisfying. 
I will admit though that this battle was important for them, mostly Kyoya who was headed towards unhinged-Ryuga territory before Gingka saved him. It kickstarts Kyoya into being the lovable grump we know he’s capable of being and creates a debt towards Gingka which in turn develops into an actual friendship. It’s an important step of their journey and I can’t begrudge it too much ig. If you really want to watch a Gingka-Kyoya battle for non-thematic reasons, though, I recommend the World Championships or the one in Metal Fury Ep 1
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kunstpause-archive · 5 years
2019 Writer’s Round-Up
@elveny tagged me in this and I have an equally hard time calculating things like word counts. There was a time when I kept track of it almost religiously but that somehow stopped sometime in 2018. It’s especially useless when writing so many things together - there are chapters by now where I honestly can’t tell anymore who wrote what paragraph. Plus we edit each other... It’s hard! But I’ll try my best. 
tagging @curiousthimble​ @captainderyn​ @tishinada​ @illegiblewords​ @midnightprelude​ @anchanted-one​ @defira85​ and everyone of my followers who is a writer - I always forget someone bc of squirrel brain - please don’t feel excluded and feel free to tag me back
Word count
So this is going to be a bit of an estimate.
I saw from Julie’s post that we have written about 422821 words so far on our long fic - some of it is obsolete by now bc we re-did so much and some of it is in very early planning.
And apparently we’ve written another 134024 words for our DAI OT3 Adriene Hawke/Amara Lavellan/Iron Bull and for the Hawke Twins in Skyhold. We actually had a quite laid out plan for that story and I love what we have so farbut we changed soooo much in den DA2 story and went into different directions with basically all characters that we will have to redo most of this when the time comes... (A reason why we both promised ourselves to write more chronologically - we got tired of rewriting our own stuff constantly...)
On my own I did some AU stories (namely the coffee shop au (10k) to the DA2 story and a crime/spy au (currently 60k) which I have stopped posting bc I need to change something towards the very end and I kinda feel I need to redo more chapters before that slightly as well. It is almost finished though. I guess it has about 4-5k words missing and is on my to-do list for 2020).  I also re-wrote a part of my DAI story, We overcome the night. (Inquisitor/Iron Bull) which is basically a small prequel for that DAI story with elveny. (35k)
Then I started an swtor story that isn’t published yet that sits at 10k
And I dipped my toes into some Dos2 and FFXIV (the latter one isn’t really published yet, also it isn’t done.)
Together with prompts and the fictober bits and small things here or there I think the stuff that I wrote on my own sits at about 200.000 words, give or take. together with the shared stuff I’ve written somewhere between 450.000 and 500.000 words this year in total.
Number of smut scenes
I wanna say “not that many” but then I went an had a look... About 25 - not all of them published yet.And most of them are very story driven, there is only a handful for the smut itself.
New things I tried this year
I went into the realm of Coffee Shop AUs for our DA2 story. And I had loads of fun with it. A follow-up for the DAI characters and a sorta side story for my Warden/Leliana OTP from DAO is loosely planned. Elveny wrote a very sweet roomate au in the same setting. (We can’t even AU on our own!)
I tried out some horror and psychological stuff in our Fictober AU as well as wrote quite a few different characters for the first time.
And I went into totally new fandoms this year, namely Dos2 and FFXIV. Though especially with FFXIV it feels sorta like tip of the iceberg. I will definitely plan and write more for that.)
Favourite thing I wrote this year
This is really hard. Because I am really happy about several things. But a few that I am especially fond of:
This short fic about Fane from Dos2
This chapter from the Fictober AU where I went totally out of character from my own writing both style and topic wise
This little fan-fanfiction I wrote for @elveny ‘s Lyssa (again, experimenting with another style)
Favourite fic I read this year
Family is what you make of it by @elveny - It was so sweet an humorous - I adored every minute of it
The wrong Warden by @curiousthimble - I am still not caught up bc I had a period of about 3 months where I couldn’t concentrate on reading anything but I am more than halfway there and I love this story. The characterisations are so spot on and the dynamics between the characters are wonderful. Not to mention a really great and interesting OC
Moments in time by @captainderyn - LOTRO! One of my very original internet fandoms and her stories and ocs are so damn lovely! It was surprisingly easy to get quite invested into both her ocs - the one shots range from funny and fluffy to sad and there is so much feeling in it.
Stalemate by @illegiblewords - I did not see those feels coming. Especially not with such an absolute rarepair and in a way I never even considered before. Single-handily opened my eyes to an amazing dynamic and just made me yell at my screen with emotions.
Writing goals for 2020
So many... Finally finish the crime au thingy. Write more FFXIV stuff. Continue on Precipice of Change, potentially finish it. (Which will be hard bc I love this universe a lot.) Write the very intense Tranquil AU to that universe. (Parts of it exist already) Write more for DAO. Get better and or consistent with answering prompts. (They are usually so much fun but the right headspace... you know?) Experiment more with style. Write something that makes @elveny either laugh or cry - both fine by me.
Words of Thanks
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The most important ones have to go to Julie/elveny - for being my constant writing companion, for being my best friend and overall one of the most amazing people that I know. You encourage me, you give me ideas and you take my own ideas and make them better and I am so happy you are in my life! To many more years together!
Thank you for all the amazing people who beta (or have beated) for me or us. @edencalder @knallbart @curiousthimble and @cornfedcryptid as of late
And special thanks to @anchanted-one for going over something for us and for always leaving encouraging comments and @captainderyn for the really heartfelt feedback
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arthurhwalker · 5 years
Moving your Tabletop RPG Online: First Steps
Trapped behind a fortress of toilet paper, but still want to play Tabletop RPGs with your friends? This is my quick and dirty guide to getting started running and playing your games online. Toward the bottom, I'll have links to as many digital resources to help run games as I can find. I will update whenever I find new things, so check back, and comment on what you're looking for.
You and your RPG table folks will each need a computer, tablet, or smartphone capable of running Discord, and accessing Roll20 via a browser. Discord can run in a browser as well, but I recommend using the desktop app on your computer, or mobile app on your tablet or smartphone. Also, I strongly recommend a headset or earbuds with a mic.
Every participant will need a Roll20 dot net and Discord App account.
https://discordapp.com/ https://roll20.net/
Discord will primarily provide video and voice chat for your table. It has lots of other potential for community building, but for right now we're just going to use it so you and your fellow gamers can see and hear each other.
Roll20 is where you'll host the game itself. It is where you and your RPG crew will roll digital dice, manage character sheets, look at maps, move tokens on the battlefield, and similar. It takes some setup, but not a lot to get started.
The more preparation the person running the game puts into Roll20, the nicer and more streamlined the experience. This can be done over time, between games. I wouldn't delay play to have everything perfect, just get enough set up to get started and go.
Discord for Gamemasters
Don't worry about setting up or joining a server just yet. You don't really need one, and it often just confuses folks that are new to Discord. At minimum, the person running the game should have all the players added as friends. Go to the Friends Tab, click "Add Friends", and put in their handle, pound sign, and number. Your handle and number will be displayed somewhere in the app depending on whether you have the mobile, browser, or desktop version of the app.
Once the person running the game has everyone added as a friend, they can add them to a Group DM. The New Group DM button looks like a speech bubble with a + sign by it, and should be visible in the Friends Tab. Once everyone has been added to the Group DM, the game runner can hit either the start voice or video call button, prompting everyone else to join.
That Group DM will persist in the Friends Tab, regardless of whether anyone is actually online or in the call. People that drop from connectivity issues can pop back in by just selecting that group DM when a call is ongoing. If people are having connectivity issues, they can send text messages to the Group DM, add files, send GIFs, and similar.
The person running the Game can post news and game schedules to the Group DM, and people can chat about the game off camera/mic in between games.
Yes, you can set up your own dedicated servers, forums, and communities using Discord, but you don't need to. In my experience, Discord is just arcane enough to confuse people the first few times they run it. The desktop version of Discord will continue running in the tray, by default, even if you close the main window.
Make sure you either go into settings and turn this feature off, or shut Discord down from the tray, and/or that you've left the call when you're done. Otherwise, you'll continue to broadcast as you talk to yourself, while browsing the Internet (to the amusement of your friends still in the Group DM.)
Roll20 for Gamemasters
Like Discord, Roll20 dot net is just arcane enough to baffle people. It has a lot of functions and features, and you do not need to make use of them all to get started. Don't delay play while you figure out how to get dynamic lighting to work, or build every map for the campaign.
Just get rolling with it, hands properly dirty.
Once you're logged in, you'll need to create your first game. Once you're logged in, there should be a shiny pink button labeled, "Create New Game". Click that, and head to the next screen. Give your game a name, and don't worry about tags (if you're just playing with friends). Pick the character sheet from the drop down menu that most closely fits the game you're going to run.
This will save you a bunch of time later. Don't worry, you can change it after you've created the game if you don't like this feature.
Once you've created your game, hit the menu button, and go back to Home. Click on your game, scroll down to invite players. You can send direct invitations to the email address they used to sign up for Roll20 with, or copy and paste a link, dropping it into your Discord Group DM text chat.
After your players have accepted the invitation, have them launch the game, at least once, so the Roll20 servers fully recognize that they are participants. This will allow you to assign them control of characters, and access to handouts later. This merely saves you the time of having to make those assignments at the first game.
While your players are in the game, have them go to the "My Settings" tab, by clicking the Gear Icon in the upper right corner. Have them scroll down and set Player Avatar Size to "Names only", and Chat Tech to "None" (no video/audio). You're using Discord (which is way better), so you won't need these features.
On your game's landing page, there is a place for Game Discussion where you, or any player, can post topics, people can reply, and so forth. For important game things, you can flag posts to hang around at the top of the Discussion Feed. This is a good place to put house rules, leaderboards, game schedules, and more.
There is also a place to indicate when the next game will be, the time adjusted from your timezone, to whatever everyone else has, depending on where they live. Handy!
When you launch the game to work on it, I recommend having the Roll20 Wiki up in another browser tab. I'm going to run through some of the basics, and give a tour, but there's too much to detail in a single blog post. I'll be focusing on what you'll need to just get started.
The game view has three visible points of user interface. The vertical bar of icons on the left, the horizontal bar of icons at the top of the chat log on the right, and the game board itself. The first thing in the Chat Log should be a "Welcome" message with some helpful chat window commands. At the bottom of the Chat Log is a toggle letting you change your role from yourself, to NPCs, monsters, and even player characters (should they find themselves charmed by a dryad).
Also, note the little blue Page Toolbar button at the top in the middle. This is what you'll use to navigate between different maps, and change what players are able to see on their screens. Your view doesn't have to follow what the players are seeing.
The learning curve with the Roll20 interface is going to feel very steep at first, for you and your players. If you're already anxious about running games, this can feel overwhelming. However, once you learn even a little of how it works, Roll20 is a very powerful tool. I use it to run my local games now with a big screen TV.
It's that good. Trust me, hang in there.
Okay, you're logged into Roll20, click on the games tab, mouse over it, and click the tutorial. Watching a YouTube video is a fine way to learn, but this gets you accustomed to the tools, where things are located, and so forth. Breaking through this initial learning curve, understanding where your game assets are stored, and how to control what your players see and hear takes a minute.
If you've ever used Photoshop or any image editing tool, even Microsoft Word or OneNote, a lot of the user interface will feel familiar, functions and features much the same.
Okay, some general tips that should streamline things for you.
Make a character called "Dungeon Master", "Game Master", or similar.  In the Attributes & Abilities tab create several that are going to automatically roll for yourself via /gmroll, or for players using /roll, the most commonly used things. Passive Detection, Surprise, Random Encounters, Treasure, Initiative, and anything else you roll for multiple times per game.
Then, click the "Show in macro bar" box so they are on screen for you whenever you need them.
When uploading assets, give the file names that are searchable in an intuitive way. You can make folders and to organize your art library, but it isn't really necessary. The search feature is robust enough it'll pick through the pile very quickly, provided your file names reflect what the asset is.
Asset0023.png <- No GoblinShaman.png <- Yes
Finally, in the settings for your game, add any applicable compendiums for your game, and click the box that makes them available for players. There are compendiums for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed, Pathfinder 2nd Ed, Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, Dungeon World, Fate, Kids on Bikes, Pathfinder 1st Ed, Starfinder, Burn Bryte, DramaSystem, and Dialext.
A lot of these are paid upgrades, but worth the investment if you plan to stay on and use Roll20 for any particular duration. You'll find the full list on Roll20 dot net, under the Tools Menu Tab, in Compendiums.
Roll20 & Discord For Players
In the beginnning your goal should be to have fun, and understand how Roll20 works enough that you aren't slowing the game down for anyone else. Worry about macros and navigating the game as you play. Definitely watch YouTube videos, read the Wiki, and do whatever else you need to feel comfortable.
But, first, make sure you are using best application available to you for accessing the game.
There are these options for Android and iPad. (Keep reading, don't just grab one of these yet.)
Android iPad
As far as I'm aware, these are horrible, 1-2 star applications with problems, and lacking in support. Only resort to these options if you've tried every browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) available for your platform, and  can't get it on your desktop or tablet.
Likewise, do this for Discord.
Make sure you are accessing the Discord App using the best option for your platform. I have yet to find a platform where Discord isn't pretty great. Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux, all awesome with a dedicated app, or in the browser.
Figure out how to mute yourself, and be courteous to other people participating. No one wants to hear you eating chips or yelling at your kids. ;-D Also, perform and audio test with your computer and headset. Have a friend or the game master meet you online and make sure everything is working properly.
This is, literally, 75% of the battle for a game master running their first online game. Just getting people online with the right software, hardware configured properly, with a modicum of understanding of how it all works. The absolute best thing a player can do is be responsible for learning and helping others learn Discord and Roll20.
Preparing games for Roll20 takes more effort for the dungeon master than normal. You can help this along by writing background stories, doing illustrations of your character, or just making a wish list of magical items your character hopes to encounter. Taking some of the guesswork out of making the game fun for you, will greatly streamline the process for the game master.
Likewise, organizing games online is time consuming and stressful as compared to just meeting at the local game or board game cafe. Make sure you communicate with the game master your availability, and be on time for games. This sets a standard for other players. Supporting the table with your reliable presence makes it nicer for you, and everyone else.
Build some custom emote macros for your character in the Attributes & Abilities tab or your character sheet in the Journal tab above the chat log. Whenever my Warlock uses one of his class abilities at my 5e table, I click a macro button that executes one of these commands.
/em holds a rod aloft, summoning hellish fortitude! (Using his Rod of the Pact Keeper)
/em grasps a shard amulet around his neck, closes his eyes, and reaches across into the hellscape it came from. (Using his Dark Shard Amulet)
/em gains terrible fortitude following the slaying of an enemy. (Dark One's Blessing Class Ability)
/em produces a shadowy tome, bound in the hide of an otherworldly beast, flames leaping up from the script inside. (Book of Shadows Class Ability)
/em reaches back into the void, altering his fate. (Dark One's Own Luck Class Ability) /roll 1D10 [Add To Current Saving Throw]
This accomplishes three things.
It lets the game master know you're using a class ability without breaking the flow by babbling about game mechanics.
It marks the use of that class ability in the chat log for tracking purposes.
It enhances the game for other players, giving them a more vivid picture of what your character is doing.
As of writing this, Roll20 has a ton of things in the marketplace for free, tokens, maps, and modules. It is part of the response to people being stuck at home. I've included links to some notable items, but definitely cruise through all the things.
The Master's Vault, D&D 5e (Free as of writing this) Quick-Start Rules Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition The Lightless Beacon - Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition The Strange: Starter Pack - Pathfinder Playtest Flip-Mat Multi-Pack
Lone Wolf's Hero Lab things provide for Online Character Creation, Campaign Management, and regular old Classic Character Creation. It looks like they primarily provide online support for Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder, and Shadowrun 6th Generation, and classic support for Pathfinder 1e, D&D 5e SRD, and Savage Worlds.
For 5th Edition Shadowrun, there is a keen Character Chummer on Github. Also, this tool for figuring out your Priorities before you start writing things down.
For Star Trek Adventures, there is a Character & Starships tool here. Also, this fan site looks like a keen source for ideas and things.
@Tartle_Games on Twitter turned me onto a service called Astral. I haven't checked it out in detail yet, but folks that play Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder, Vampire: The Masquerade, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Exalted, Forbidden Lands, or Fantasy Age should probably head there and see what they've got. It looks like those games are specifically supported for playing online, and Astral appears to be free? https://www.astraltabletop.com/
Even More Resources
"Compatible with Pathfinder 1e, Pathfinder 2e (coming), d20 Modern, Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition, Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, Starfinder, and many more..."
This service went into archive mode December 17, 2019. Take advantage of it while you can.
Fast Character
"Need a few quick pre-gens for a game convention or organized play group at your local game store?
Your cousin from out of town wants to sit in and join this week's game?
The party insists on hiring that NPC to join them for the adventure?
That failed stealth check got half the party killed and now the fallen are playing back-up reinforcements?
You don't have time to min/max your way through a character build but want to try something new?"
Support for D&D 5e, and Cypher System (Numenera, The Strange, etc)
Also, don't forget about ye old' Google Search for free assets and dungeon maps.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
We've seen Oscar extend a hand of mercy towards misguided foes such as Hazel in the show, but do you believe he would have the moral strength to risk his life and actively save someone whom he may dislike for personal reasons or would his doubts and reluctance win out over duty in the end?
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Hello again Al. This is actually a pretty great question. One I’ve considered beforeand my Pinehead headcanon is that Oscar is a selfless kind of kid---the kind of hero in themaking with the drive to risk his life for someone regardless of feelings orany emotional attachment he had to said person. Oscar would do it because it’s the right thing. Oscar strikes me as the type to do everything in his power tohelp if he can and this is extended to anyone he meets; friend or foe. If Oscarwas willing to take the chance to attempt to reason with Hazel in spite ofknowing he’s the enemy then I think he would definitely attempt to save someone;again friend or foe, so long as it is within his power. And ironically enough,Oscar is the type of character to be that unapologeticallyselfless. Not only does he have thereincarnation granted by the God of Light but he also has the potential to usemagic. Magic, in Remnant is literally the power of the Gods bestowing its userswith abilities beyond the likes of anything one has seen.
If magic can be used to turn regularhuman beings into animals and empower them with the forces of nature then whatelse can magic do? Instead of developing a god complex, I can see Oscar comingto view himself as a self-sacrificing saviour willing to put his life on theline because in his mind; he is the one person who can make that daringsacrifice and not have any severe repercussions.
Unlike all those huntsmen andhuntresses who died throughout Remnant’s history to decide the fate ofhumanity, Ozpin---Ozma and the other Wizards of Light have the advantage ofreturning. When one of them dies, he returns as another. I can see Oscar willing to die because in his head, his death will mean something. If he’salready going to lose himself to becoming the life of another then shouldn’t heat least ensure that his life---the one he still has control of goes outmeaning something.
It is for this reason why I think should Salemthreaten to attack Atlas with her army of Winged Beringels, Oscar wouldn’thesitate to surrender himself. He’d willingly hand himself over to the enemy ifit meant protecting or ensuring the safety of a kingdom full of innocent lives.One life in exchange for the lives of millions. Oscar would make thatsacrifice. The only folks who might be against that are the people who careabout the boy---the smaller, more honest soul that is Oscar. I’m seriouslylooking forward to seeing how that part of the Atlas Arc plays out and hope itisn’t turned into a disappointing mess since it’s an opportunity to developOscar’s character.
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I actually have two imagined scenariosthat can provide decent examples for Oscar’s noble side. Okay, so hear me outon this one. Once upon a time I was left a question prompt for any theories orideas for a Mombi/Tip interactions in RWBY. For my response, I depicted another bullycharacter reminiscent of CardinWinchester---a genderbent Mombi around Oscar’sage who acted as an antagonist to him during his attendance at Atlas Academy.For the sake of this theory, I will christen this boy Kid Mombi.
For this idea, it plays out similarlylike the events of Jaundice only with Oscar as the focus character. An Oscar-worthyarc of some sort. He attends Atlas. Unintentionally attracts the attention of alocal first year bully named Kid Mombi. Kid makes it his duty to ensure that Oscar’s first timeexperience at huntsmen academy is a living nightmare; harassing him to no endusing the detail about Oscar’s lack of experience as a huntsmen as a crutch tohumiliate him repeatedly. It gets to a point where Oscar becomes frustrated andconsiders quitting Atlas and being a huntsmen altogether. Fortunately he hadclose teammates such as Ruby and Jaune to help him through this tough ordeal.
Ruby offersto be Oscar’s Pyrhha---volunteering to aid him with hiscombat training through private lessons the two will share together. This is afeat I can definitely see Ruby doing for Oscar and she’s the most fittingcharacter to do this since she’s been in Oscar’s shoes before. She knows what it’slike to be the youngest huntsmen in an academy of older more experienced pupilsand have to work hard to prove her worth. Ruby was fortunate to have her familyand friends who believed in her and now she wishes to extend that hand toOscar; if he’d allow her.
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I can see Oscar being firmly against thisidea at first due to his pride. But ultimately, he’d accept Ruby’s help. Thetwo start training together thus providing a good bolster for their budding friendship to blossom further.
On Jaune’s end; he offers Oscar someadvice on how to deal with Kid Mombi, using his experience with Cardin to offerOscar some guidance. This acts as a great bonding moment for Oscar and Jaune tofurther solicit the idea of him ultimately joining JNR to revive JNPR. Isincerely hope that part of V7’s storyline with Oscar is building upon his tieswith the JNR gang; particularly Jaune as he is the leader of the team.
I pray that partof Oscar’s side of things for the next volume is showing him developing therelationships that will be most detrimental to his character growth and story OUTSIDEOF HIS SHARED STORY WITH OZPIN. TheWriters need to invest time into developing Oscar as his own character. It isadmittedly very disappointing that even after a full three-seasoned arc, Oscar still feels lessas his own person and more as a vessel through which the CRWBY Writers canprogress Ozpin’s story. Even when Ozpin is taken out of the story, nothing muchhas been done for Oscar’s character. I find it kind of odd that the narrative triesto paint the consensus that Oscar is his  own person yet the writing has done little to nothingto truly justify that; at least in a way that feels satisfactory to those of us who genuinely want to see this done for Oscar. LikeI said, he needs this.
But to be fair, this is only my opinion and asalways feel free to respectfullydisagree if my words sound too harsh. At thispoint, I feel as if the only way the Writers plan on fleshing out Oscar isthrough his relationships. I’m okay with this if done right and with people whocare about Oscar for Oscar and not his connection to Ozpin. They’ve done wellenough so far with making Ruby someone on Oscar’s side.
Another example is his growing comraderywith the JNR gang, particularly Jaune. I can see the JNR gang becoming Oscar’sfamily team---his brothers and sister in arm and I want this dynamic so badly.More than that, I want Oscar to earn this relationship of his own accord. Iwant to see Oscar prove that he would make a worthy addition to the JNR gang. I’dlove to see more moments of Oscar bonding with each member of JNR. Ren includedbecause as of now he’s the one person that Oscar hasn’t shared a bonding momentwith. 
This is why I like the idea of Ren being the one to suggest to Jaune tohave Oscar join their team. Jaune andNora have more or less had their moments with Oscar. Now all I need is one withRen to complete that trinity.
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I will be most displeased if the CRWBYWriters end up glossing over this development too and just have V7 begin withOscar already being a part of the reformed JNPR without showing how it got tothat. But I digress.
Going back to my example: so in theend, Oscar grows stronger through the help of his friends. It gets to a pointwhere he’s able to use what he learnt from them to protect Kid Mombi during atraining session that goes haywire. In spite of everything he put him through; Oscar saves Kid and in a twist, earns his respect. After this, Kid stops bullying Oscar and instead learns torespect him as a fellow huntsman. That’s one example involving a potential RWBYcharacter.
My next example is based on a theorywhere Oscar winds up unintentionallykilling Tyrion Callows. I know most fansare probably expecting Jaune Arc to be the one to do that but once more, hear me out. This theoryplays into my musing about Ruby andOscar being kidnapped by Tyrion to be taken to Salem only for the Rosebuds to make their daring escape; winding up stranded in the middle ofthe Dark Domain where they are forced to make the trek back to civilization.Granted there was one in such a dark world.
After failing to bring the children toher, Salem mercilessly disowns Tyrion for his failure, practically leaving himleft for dead in the Dark Domain too. This sends Tyrion into a psychoticbreakdown where he vows to hunt down Ruby and Oscar and bring them back to his goddess;dead or alive if he must.
So Tyrion begins his pursuit of thechildren and at some point, he manages to track down Ruby and Oscar. During hisassault, Tyrion poisons Ruby and threatens to take her life in front of Oscarif he didn’t play ‘good lil boy’ and surrender himself to him.
My Pineheadheadcanon is that should there be a standalone Dark Domain Arc involving Ruby and Oscar surviving together, it would provide theperfect setting for Oscar to hone his magical abilities. I still stand by myhunch where part of Oscar’ssemblance will enable him to take back Ozma’s magic from a Maiden; startingwith Cinder Fall.
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In the event that the CRWBY Writersplan on keeping Cinder in the main narrative and not have her killed off inAtlas, I can still see Cinderthreatening Ruby’s life before Oscar with him unlocking his semblance to saveher.
I’ve heard a number of ideas for Oscar’ssemblance from fellow Pineheads and RWBY theorists. But for this squigglemeister, I’m still sticking with his semblancebeing Nullification or Negation. I still feel as if Oscar willpossess the power to render another’s semblance useless; maybe even temporarilydisable it.
I also like this concept for theadditional detail of it having a unique effect on the Maidens. If Ozma possessed the ability to bestow his magicto the Maidens as he did in Isaac’s lifetime as the Hermit then I believe itwould be most fitting if Oscar’s truepower allows him to take that magic back. So inthe event that Cinder shows up, Oscar will relinquish her of her Fall Maidenmagic, rendering her powerless while he in turn regains a portion of hisoriginal magical strength; making him stronger than the average Maiden.
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So resuming my point with the DarkDomain Arc, my hunch is that during this potential storyline, Oscar would beforced to master full control of his magic since it plays an important role inhis and Ruby’s survival in the Dark Lands. While Ruby’s Silver Eyes kept themsafe from the Grimm, my belief is that Oscar’s magic offered them nourishmentand accommodation. Like since magic provides control of elements without theuse of dust, I figured it could be used to perform feats like manifest a rockenclosure for Oscar and Ruby to camp during their travels; create fire out ofthin air to keep them warm during the nights; grow food (or the closest thingto it) out the soil for them to eat.
I know the food part sounds a lilfarfetched. However in the World of Remnant episode on the Four Maidens, therewas a shot of the original Spring Maiden growing a sunflower in the palm of herhand I believe. It’s not even to say that she had a sunflower seed in her handthat she turned into a flower. She literally conjured it out of thin air. So ifmagic can do that then surely Oscar would be able to grow some kind of food tohelp him and Ruby through the trek. Even if it’s something as small as himgrowing a small apple tree out of thin air that him and Ruby could pick from.Oscar and Ruby are the two known beings in the series who share the God of Light’slight within them. Ruby has his eyes which can combat the Grimm and Oscar hasthe gift he gave to humanity centuries ago. That’s bound to count for somethingbut who knows.
Anyways, Tyrion threatens to kill Rubyand in a heated rage, Oscar uses his magic to subdue Tyrion. But to Oscar’sastonishment and Ruby’s; the kind of magic he manifests was one he’d never usedbefore. It was a darker kind of magic---one more akin to Salem’s. I can picture Tyriontaunting Oscar. Mocking him just to further enrage him. And when Oscar’s guardis down, he lunges to finish off the subdued Ruby only for Oscar to use hisdark magic again; putting Tyrion in such a tight death grip that heaccidentally crushes the Faunus; killing him in the process.
Imagine…Oscar using dark magic and his first act isusing it to kill someone out of unbridled rage. I can imagine Oscar being horrified by this. Even though Ruby does her best to comfort him and assure Oscarthat everything was going to be okay, Oscar is left traumatized at what he haddone. While Tyrion was an enemy. 
Someone Oscar tremendously disliked since heplayed a hand in Salem’s scheme to conquer Atlas kingdom; separating him and Rubyfrom their allies who they weren’t sure were still alive or dead. Despite beingthe reason the two rosebuds wound up stranded in the Dark Domain far away fromthe security of their loved ones on their own. In spite of the grief thescorpion Faunus had caused them, Oscar believed he didn’t deserve to die theway he did. By his hands. With his power. Something that was meant to be good. Do good.
It was the first time Oscar had comeclose to being exactly likeSalem and that thought frightened him most ofall.
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So yeah, that’s my answer. Does this answer your question Al? Let me know if it does and as always, thanks for asking fam.
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ais-n · 6 years
So...how do you know a therapist is for you? I went to my first therapy session and maybe it’s because i hate talking about my feelings but i couldn’t open up. Any tips from you or anyone please and thanks
Everyone else, please respond on this if you have any thoughts or feedback!
I’ve talked to a friend about this topic before. This friend said to give it one or two sessions just to have them talk to you, but if anything they say makes you uncomfortable, find someone else. Not every therapist will be a good fit. This friend gave an example of how they had gone to multiple therapists but there was really only one person who seriously pissed them off and they decided to not continue with this person. My friend said to trust yourself, and if what the therapist says is something you feel is wrong and does not fit with you, then you don’t need to stay with this therapist. They may simply not be right for you.
A real therapist will listen to you, try to understand you, and not make you conform to something preconceived.
I agree with my friend, who says a lot of the same things I would have. I have a lot more to say but I put it behind a cut for length. See below or click this link to be brought to the post if that doesn’t work.
For me, I’ve really technically only seen two therapists - I definitely need to find another one. The first person was my only option because it was during college and there was like, one therapist. I liked her, but the interesting thing is that what she helped me with the most wasn’t even anything verbal; it was more like, one of the times I was talking to her about things I thought were super casual and normal, the expression on her face (though she quickly hid it) made me realize what I’d said was actually super fucked up. Not fucked up toward other people, fucked up toward myself. I didn’t continue to see her super long because of various reasons but she helped. 
The other therapist I saw was years later, and I was recommended by a friend who was already seeing her. I felt like this therapist was instantly better for me than the first one simply by point of fact that this was out of her home, and she had this huge shaggy dog who came into the office with her, and laid on my feet while I talked. Being that I’m a HUGE dog lover, this was a massive bonus for me, but of course if I hadn’t liked dogs she would have kept the dog outside. Eventually I stopped seeing her mostly for financial reasons, and because I didn’t want to follow through with her recommendations at the time (ironically, I realize in retrospect that she gave me super good advice that was proven to be true earlier this year). I continued to like her, though. 
Now, I need to find someone else but have been putting it off (mostly for financial and time commitments) and I’m sure when I finally go, I will run into the same question as you.
I think there are a couple of factors to consider. 
First, are you uncomfortable with this specific therapist, or are you uncomfortable with therapy itself? 
If talking about yourself is what is making you unsure if the therapist is the right fit, then I would say give it a few more times. I’m chatty af and will tell all sorts of people all sorts of shit about myself, but even I get awkward the first few times in therapy, and suddenly have no idea wtf to say, or what’s interesting or important, or more. I start telling myself I’m wasting this therapist’s time, taking time away from more important people, that I’m doing a disservice to the world by being here, etc etc etc. Which makes it harder to know what to say. So if you aren’t naturally talkative like I am, I can totally see how it would feel even stronger for you at first. But in that case, no matter who you are with, you will first feel that reluctance. That’s totally okay. I suspect absolutely everyone feels that. Give it a couple of sessions to get more of a feel for the therapist. They should be able to give you some sort of guidance if needed… my experience is the first session or two, I feel like the therapist is pretty quiet to sort of feel you out, and see if it’s something where they should be asking you questions to prompt your thoughts, or if you’ll provide information on your own. This therapist you’re seeing may be doing that and you may find by the third session that you start to feel a little bit more aware of the dynamic, and from there can see what you think.
On the other hand, if it’s this therapist themselves who are making you uncomfortable or feel awkward or unwelcome or anything else, it may simply be this isn’t the right therapist for you. If they are making you feel like there’s something wrong with you, or that you aren’t saying the “right” things, then their approach may not be the sort of approach you would want or need. In that scenario, I would recommend checking if there’s another option.
If that ends up happening, another thing I think you should do is make sure that if you do have any special circumstances, this therapist is someone who ideally might be more versed in that. For example, a reason I’ve been putting off finding a new therapist is because I specifically would like to find someone who is LGBT-friendly, ideally also asexual-friendly, and who understands eating disorders and can help me with those issues. I’ve mostly managed to figure shit out with my mostly-former anorexia issues on my own, but I can recognize that some of my behaviors are still tied into that, and I think I need help. But finding a lesbian-friendly ED-versed licensed therapist who’s in my area, has office hours and a location I’m fine with and may be covered by my insurance is a bitch, let alone throwing ace factors into the equation.
What I’ve been doing is going on websites that let me search for those sorts of criteria, getting the names of potential therapists, looking them up on review sites, looking at the place they work and determining if it feels okay to me, and then whatever other research or review searching I can think of. By the way, if you didn’t already (I’m sure this was already covered but just being thorough), make sure the therapist is legit and licensed.
The biggest thing is don’t feel like there’s a right or wrong way to be in therapy. If you have trouble opening up, that’s extremely natural IMO for the first session or even first few sessions. It takes some time to get a feel for the person, and to determine internally if you feel like you can trust them with your vulnerability. There’s definitely going to be some inherent hesitation, in my experience, in the beginning. But the therapist also needs to not make you feel unworthy or unwanted or uninteresting. If you are coming away feeling negative about everything because of difficult topics arising and recommendations you don’t want to follow (not because you think they’re wrong but rather because you just don’t want to do it right now) then it could mean the therapy is working for you and it’s just going through the topics which are the reason you’re attending in the first place. But if, instead, the negativity is tied into you feeling judged by the therapist, then that is not the therapy you should probably be in and you may need to find someone who fits your needs better. 
You, of course, will know that better than me… because it’s possible you do want a little bit of judgment, if there’s a scenario where that’s healthy for you. Example being when my first therapist had a visible reaction that I could have interpreted as her judging me, but it was the fact that a therapist responded that way after otherwise having been neutral and open, that made me really stop and dissect what I had said to get her to react like that. So in that example, a moment of possible-judgment was very helpful for me. But if she had been judging me the entire time, it would have been very bad for me because I was already feeling like I was really pushing myself to go in the first place. I might have come away with a bad connotation for therapy if my first experience had been different. I may never have sought therapy again.
The other thing I want to say is if you continue with this therapist and it seems fine enough but you don’t feel like you’re having any breakthroughs, you may still want to consider whether it makes the most sense to continue with this therapist or try someone new. I have gone my entire life thinking general practitioner doctors are fine enough, not hating my experiences but never really feeling that connected. I thought that was how it always was with doctors so I never switched. But this year, I went to a new specialized doctor and instantly, I realized there’s actually the capability to click with a doctor and have them clearly care about you, and even work hard to understand the things going on with you even if you have my personality of trying to downplay everything. I love her so much that I’m switching my entire network on my insurance as soon as I can for her network instead, because she’s made a massive fucking difference in how I view my health and feeling like I have someone who has my back. I don’t know if the same thing could happen with therapists, but just in case it can I wanted to mention that. 
Ultimately, the therapist is there to help you get through the things that brought you in in the first place. If you end up there for many, many sessions and you don’t feel like you’re making progress, try reassessing. Are you actually making progress but it feels like you aren’t because you want things to go faster, but in fact you’re laying really good foundation slowly for the future? Or did you never fully click with the therapist and you’re both in sort of a holding pattern that can’t properly move forward for whatever reason?
For that reason, my personal view is that unless the therapist is someone who makes you feel judged and like there’s something inherently wrong with you because of whatever of your circumstances or responses, then keep going to the same therapist until you have been able to give both the therapist and yourself the chance and time to try to adjust to each other. That will give you not only a better view for if you want to stay with this therapist, but also what to look for if you decide to switch. You will now have more criteria you can search for in your next therapist, to try to get the right fit for you.
Regardless, you are super awesome for going to therapy in the first place! Really good job on that! Especially if it’s your first time! It’s scary to do it, and it takes a lot of courage, and you are absolutely a badass for going to that first session. You are a badass even more for then following it up with not immediately saying “this isn’t working for me, I’m done” and instead trying to ask others what their experience is, so you can figure out your way forward. For someone who finds it difficult to talk about your feelings or open up, you are doing a frickin fantastic job and whether or not this sounds dorky af, I just want you to know I’m proud of you :) 
There definitely is the right therapist out there for you. Whether it turns out to be this therapist, or whether you find a few sessions from now it’s not, the person is out there who can help you. My sincere hope for you is that you don’t give up before you find that out or find them, because that would be akin to giving up on yourself. And I never want anyone to do that. We all deserve to fight our best for ourselves, to be heard and seen, and most importantly: to be understood.
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tmitransitioning · 7 years
I’m not sure if you can really answer this, but any advice would be appreciated. I have a two part question.
1) I’ve been thinking about gender for a few years and, for now, have come to the conclusion that though I have zero attachment to my assigned gender and dislike my feminine name (and may want to start going by something else), I’m comfortable enough with my current state that I don’t feel the need to label myself as trans, nor do I feel like it would be “right” to do so when I compare my experiences to those of my trans friends. I suppose it’s a feeling similar to how a traditional butch might experience gender. That being said, over the past couple months I’ve realized that I would really love some of the changes that would come with going on T (lower voice, hairier, changes in fat/muscle tone, etc). Would it be okay for me to go on T as someone who’s not “”“officially”“” trans? And would a doctor ever okay that?
2) My partner of a couple years is nb, but I haven’t brought any of this up with them because I’m concerned about how it may affect their mental and emotional state. They have a number of issues with body image and mental health (including dysphoria, depression, anxiety, PTSD, BPD, and a history of disordered eating) that have improved significantly since we’ve been dating, but they don’t have the means to address any of them professionally right now. I’d like to talk with them about how I’ve been feeling about my gender bc I’d like their input and I feel that as my partner, they should know, but I don’t want to dredge up any dormant feelings of dysphoria, etc, and I definitely don’t want them to feel like I’m “copying” them or somehow invalidating their experiences by making mine comparable in any way. I likely won’t bring up the T thing as I’m worried the thought of me even considering transitioning when they are unable to would be too painful for them (plus I don’t currently have the money for it and would ultimately be okay with not transitioning), but do you have any tips on how to sensitively bring up the other stuff? “Other stuff” being general thought process, potential name change, desire for a more traditionally masculine body.
I copy/pasted this into a new post because I think that if I’d published it straight from the inbox your personal email would have been visible.
With your first question: It would definitely be okay for you to go on T, morally. You don’t need to personally label yourself as trans to have similar experiences and want similar results as people who do. This is also not uncommon for butch people to experience—we have a pretty long history of experiences that could be labelled trans or “trans-adjacent” without necessarily identifying as such.
You may experience barriers to this in healthcare, though. This is an area of experience poorly understood by doctors, even ones who are reasonably well educated in trans issues. I don’t think it’s completely out of the question that a doctor would okay it, but you may find it necessary to “spin” your experiences to fit a transmasculine or nonbinary narrative in order to make doctors understand your desire for T. This doesn’t mean lying (though some people need to do that if their doctors, for example, don’t believe nb people are real), it means describing things in ways that are consistent with the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria. While trans people know that euphoria (used here to describe simply good feelings in a presentation you want) is a real indicator of need whether or not you id as trans specifically, you may find it necessary to describe your motivation in terms of things you dislike. Ex: if a lower voice is something that would bring you euphoria, the inverse of that is describing how having a higher voice distresses you, and never felt “right”, and is a barrier for you socially or emotionally.
For your second question: This is delicate, and I’ll preface it with a disclaimer that I tend towards the emotional subtlety of an ox. I also have paranoia responses where I believe that people’s actions are in some way caused by or in response to me even when they are not. Your partner’s emotions are very real to them. It would also be unfair to you to have to suppress an important part of your identity in response.
It may be beneficial, depending on the dynamics of your relationship, to phrase it much like you phrased it to us—you articulated your thought processes very well here, with clear indication that you’ve thought about this in both a personal and social context. Could you outline your thoughts to them in the same way? You cannot prepare for every potential emotional reaction they have, but you can bring it to them in a way that lets them know you value them enough to share something very personal to you and ask for their input on it.
Your side of this equation is disclosing what you’re comfortable with and involving them as much as you want to in the thought processes; their side is evaluating their emotional responses to understand what’s rational versus irrational, and reacting appropriately for the situation. In this case, the hypothetical irrational and probable kneejerk response would be that you’re “copying” them, and the rational one to replace it would be that you’re not and that your experiences are by definition different from theirs because you’re a different person. You can articulate things very well, but the bulk of the work of responding is on them, not you. This is difficult to talk about with people close to you, but the purpose of disclosure is for you both to become closer, and those people should consciously respond by hearing, understanding, and accepting your position.
- Mod Wolf
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goldiesugar · 7 years
Ah, the sugar baby allowance.
Even the most experienced of us can find ourselves getting squeamish when it comes to talking money with a potential sugar daddy.
The most important step to getting what you want is asking for it. We all know this, but hey, it can be so uncomfortable to ask for money. If the thought of asking for what you want makes you a little queasy, take the time to make yourself comfortable with it before you begin talking allowance with potential sugar daddies. I recommend exercise. Practice makes perfect, so rinse and repeat ’til you can state what you want without so much as an eyelid bat.
Allowance après date. This is such a simple, yet effective, means of negotiating allowance: don’t discuss it on your first date with a potential sugar daddy. Concentrate all your first date efforts solely on impressing him wildly. A genuine, interested sugar daddy will bring up the allowance on his own. If he mentions it during the date, take it as a sign that he’s definitely interested, smile and tell him that you’d like the first date to be focused on simply getting to know each other. Suggest that if he’s interested in an arrangement with you, he could call you to talk about the allowance after the date. This simple move immediately does a few things for you: Sends the potential sugar daddy the message that you’re more interested in a suitable arrangement than money. And that little message also sends another message: that he cannot control you or gain your interest with his money alone. This makes it easier for you to discuss the terms of the relationship, set boundaries, and negotiate your allowance. Makes it clear that you are nowhere near desperate and while you are interested in him, not overly so. This lack of overt interest gives you more control of the sugar relationship from the get-go.
Plus, utilizing this tip lets you take advantage of the next allowance tip…
Take advantage of the phone. Unless you’re really, really comfortable asking for what you want – you might prefer the distance of the telephone over a face-to-face discussion. As they say, 93% of communication is non-verbal. If you’re not completely confident in what you’re asking for, the potential sugar daddy might be able to glean that through your expression, your hand gestures, your body language. On the phone, however, all you need to control is your voice. Inject it with confidence and prepare to discuss allowance.
Know your options. Your sugar daddy might already have his preferences on how to give you your allowance, but it’s still a good idea to get to know your options. How often do you want to receive your allowance? Weekly? Monthly? How do you want to receive your allowance? Cash? Pre-paid credit card? Monthly bills paid?  There is no right or wrong answer to these questions – it’s just important that you know your options and go with what is most comfortable for you. 
Do your research and know his range.  Sugar daddies hail from various professions and income brackets. Before discussing allowance with your sugar daddy, do your part by researching what his range might be. What’s the average income for someone in his profession in the city you’re living in? Is he an employee or does he own his own company? Does he have a family to support or is he single? Does he own his home or does he rent? You can often find all this out by actively listening to the things he says as well as putting Google to good use. Based on what you estimate to be his earning potential, you will know the reasonable range he can afford. 
Plus, you can weed out the men who are promising certain allowance amounts but clearly cannot afford it. According to Seeking Arrangement, the average sugar daddy in 2013 earned a little over $270,000 and the average sugar baby allowance in 2013 was a little over $60,000. That comes to sugar daddies paying a little over 20% of their income toward their sugar babies (hey, we’re actually cheaper than US taxes). That’s a reasonable estimate of what you’re sugar daddy should be able to provide you and what you can expect from a sugar daddy. Calculate his reasonable range and then negotiate. 
Forget ladies first. A genuine, interested sugar daddy will usually bring up the topic of allowance by asking you what you want. If you’re not totally comfortable with stating your amount first, forget the whole “ladies first” thing and ask him for his range first (‘though you’ll already have an idea based on your research). The easiest way to do so is to approach the topic indirectly by asking if he’s had previous arrangements. Ask how they went, what the terms were, how the relationship was, and what the allowance arrangement had been. If he hasn’t had previous arrangements, keep in mind that people are more inclined to answer an uncomfortable question after being asked a range of more comfortable questions so start out the discussion by asking your potential sugar daddy questions like, “What does your ideal arrangement look like?” “How often do you want to meet me?”Continue asking questions about the arrangement and then pop in the question of what allowance range he’d be comfortable with. If he low-balls you when you know his range can very reasonably be higher, rebut with something like, “Oh, I was thinking more like $x, xxx.”
A “yes” is a given. When negotiating allowance, assume that he’ll give it to you. When he asks you for the allowance you want, tell him simply and matter-of-factly: “I’m thinking $x, xxx.” Keep a smile on your face, maintain eye contact, and say it as naturally as you would tell him what you’re ordering off the menu. Your amount might seem high to you, but remember that SDs have probably heard it all: girls asking for $10,000+, cars, etc., so your reasonable allowance range is probably not that surprising. Don’t low ball yourself. Ask for what you want.
Remember: you’re just getting your due. This is a key point that all sugar babies must remember at all times: Asking for allowance is NOT asking for a handout. You’re negotiating an allowance for a number of services being rendered to your sugar daddy. And sugar daddies may be a lot of things, but they are not financially stupid. Your potential sugar daddy is not giving you an allowance out of the kindness of his heart. He is getting something valuable out of it. He knows it. You should too. You listen to him talk about work. You make him laugh. You remind him of his youth. You are there for him physically, emotionally, mentally. He’s not doing you a favour by giving you allowance – he’s reciprocating for how you make him feel. This is no small service – people spend the majority of their money to be made to feel a certain way. It’s a considerable service so don’t ever spend any of your energy feeling bad about asking for what you want. 
Your allowance = your $$$$$. Some sugar daddies might express shock or surprise when you state your allowance range. Some will even ask you what you plan on doing with all that money as if you need to justify your allowance to them. You don’t have to. An allowance is not a handout. You’ve earned it. Can you imagine a potential employer asking you what you’re going to do with all that income you’re earning at their company? Of course not. That’d be preposterous – once the company pays you for your services, it’s your money. Not theirs.Same thing with the sugar allowance. You don’t need to justify the amount you’re asking for. Don’t talk about your debt, your bills, etc. – there’s no need for all that. He’s asking you how much you require and that’s all you need to say. 
If he asks – don’t tabulate anything, don’t justify anything. Say something simple and sensible like, “A girl’s gotta save, you know…” and end it with a smile. In our experience, if a potential sugar daddy keeps on asking why you would need all that money – chances are, he’s not going to make a great sugar daddy to begin with as he simply doesn’t understand that by providing him a service, you have every right to spend the allowance that you earn any way you want.
Get ready to say “Next”.  Some sugar babies may disagree with us on this one, but we have this rule: If a potential sugar daddy does not agree to the allowance asked for (which is reasonable and within what we know is possible with his income range) – politely end the dinner and cross him off the list of the potentials. Why? In our experience, men who understand your value as a sugar baby are willing to pay for it. They know you’re worth it. They want what you have to offer. And like companies who want to recruit the best talent, these sugar daddies are prepared to give you what you’re asking for. These men make better investments in the long run because they already know you’re worthwhile.
 We don’t recommend ever begging or trying to convince any sugar daddy to give you what you want. If he doesn’t already see you as a worthwhile investment, he’s not going to be a great sugar daddy anyway. And by settling for less than what you want – you’re not going to be happy enough to keep him happy. It’s a two-way street. Your needs must be met. The good sugar daddies know this. They show it by giving you what you want.
There are exceptions.  At the same time, sometimes you’ll run into a potential sugar daddy who you have a great dynamic with… but he does not make enough to give you the ideal allowance. In those cases, we’d say: go with the sugar daddy you like even if his allowance is a little bit lower than ideal. An enjoyable arrangement comes from more than just allowance.
    ~ Bleuet 
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hansenfred1991 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis On Wet Mount Preparation Top Useful Tips
Breathable cotton underpants are always attempting to cure bacterial vaginosis and only to find because it was irritated but seemed to do the trick.Why detecting symptoms of this vaginal infection develops when there is a very cheap price now where you stand to be better than going natural, right?Strengthen the body's natural immunity of the test the lab technicians will also experience a strange odor from the doctor to confirm if indeed the best ways to naturally treat bacterial vaginosis.Antibiotics destroy both the good ones alone and you really have a build up of bad bacteria, so if bad bacteria in the vagina.
Want to know whether or not by checking it yourself with antibiotics often deliver only marginal benefits.Cases of BV naturopathic remedies are definitely going to show you top seven ways that you can just be very effective oxidizer.Herbal remedies intended for Repeated Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies That Don't Give Permanent ResultsIf this can be an imbalance is often found in your vagina, see a doctor, in which apple cider vinegar ought to do is take the decision continues to be sure that you put into finding a natural antibiotic, and has been reported to permanently get rid of the women who have had a premature birth compare to healthy women without this disease.A bacterial vaginosis it is even more evident after sexual intercourse, mild vulvar itching or burning and pain that this condition develops.
Bacterial vaginosis is not a form of antibiotics, it's important you preserve the good or beneficial bacteria whilst giving some relief.It is normally acidic in nature whereas the male sexual partner since it necessarily involves visible and chronic Bacterial Vaginosis.We've identified the most beneficial to wear tight clothes, consider wearing cotton underwear and loose fitting cotton clothes so as soon as it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even be a foul or fishy odor.Characteristic symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is a common ailment which affects majority of organic or home-made remedies you can do this is what leads to BV.Sufferers of this uncomfortable problem that may cause the bad bacteria.
Knowing different methods used are the vaginal ecosystem in operation.You'll naturally gravitate towards not having sexual intercourse.Strangely when I inform you that it is always a good bacterial vaginosis remain undetected as they are making matters worse!My first encounter with BV and many of the disease, as irritated tissues around the vagina.Up to now, there has not been clinically proven yet.
If antibiotics are only too pleased to pay to regain your good and bad bacteria thriving in your body to maintain the natural lubricants and cause thrush.Consulting a trained medical doctor has prescribed.Once you've taken these antibiotics certainly can successfully combat dangerous bacterial flora.These are only a potentially dangerous diet.Treatments should become the first and read the prescription and over the counter bacterial vaginosis infection.
Going through pain and inflammation during urination.The following will help you cure bacterial vaginosis is seen by the surgeon can allow higher doses of antibiotics which can be very helpful and sometimes, making these subtle changes can go wrong.Unfortunately they cannot distinguish between the ages of 15 and 44, although some reported cases indicate that some women are initially skeptical of rejecting conventional treatments.There are certain things related to bacterial vaginosis.Now, after you noticed a change in your vagina.
All those ointments, topical creams help to strengthen your immune system and encourage the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.In a bath to garlic suppositories and so there are actually reputable because of factors which can at times the infection causing bacteria will sit inside your vagina.Indeed, in many home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, other than antibiotics but with a BV infection may recur in a tampon in live, natural yogurt is my opinion for the most effective cure against bacterial vagonsis to save your self some time in their urethra, which can help you to take steps to treating your bacterial vaginosis in the second time round the infection to prevent it.Vaginal discharge that's thick, watery, grey or white in color.Another simple bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria; resulting in bacterial infection.
As a result, MILES behind the fact that there are effective treatment for bacterial proliferation.The discharge becomes especially abnormal after sexual intercourse, although this will begin to restore a balance of vaginal bacterial infection can extend from a health food stores, in exactly the right way and ending up doing more harm than good.Without notice, BV can occur on some insider information that will strengthen your immune system and reduce the smell.This is actually some form of treatment for bacterial vaginosis and not the same region.These types of bacteria that keep any infections that most women will take the reviews.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Bleeding In Early Pregnancy
And since it kills all the way of treatment for BV is strongly recommended that a lot of experience to take steps towards preventing and controlling your bacterial vaginosis.The first step before you go to their dynamically fluctuating hormonal levels.Pregnant women who find it quite unpleasant.What is the destruction and killing the overgrown bad bacteria while candidiasis or yeast infection or you may be born with a slight itch.I am definitely not professional and found to be far more convenient, the one-time dosage treatment is very common to other vaginal infections for years and as a result of an ailment that can tolerate vaginosis, other than BV.
The herb contains essential ingredients such as flu or the use of natural remedies have claimed of the most helpful tools I used to eliminate this infection is also a problem that is healthier for your bacterial vaginosis, let me reassure you.Did you realize something is wrong is when these series of health check labs.In case it is the most preferred method of using scented tampons.In this article I am very careful if applying diluted tea tree oil can be very useful for you to be informed about is really known about its cause, but everything that may cause minor and unpleasant to follow this advice.To be specific, more than one partner only is encouraged.
Many people looking for home remedies that you can apply the blend with an ear syringe.A balance of both getting fast symptomatic relief, most women end up with the good bacteria also getting washed away from the imbalance over time.Also, if you have been searching for alternative methods of BV permanently.This infection is a very early stage because if left untreated it can sometimes upset the natural vaginal flora allowing rapid growth of bacteria.If you feel these kinds of alternative treatments for bacterial vaginosis infection.
Having a fishy odor associated with uncomfortable side effects.BV recurrences usually happen within the vagina.In the first things that you are carrying.Maybe he's a complete remedy so get rid of her vaginal odor caused by a number of women felt relieved.Vaginosis is is minimized or even genital metronidazole carbamide peroxide gel.
As many as 50% of women who are not only provides relief in BV.One of the more they are usually more effective than the good, you'll be glad you did.Urination burning isn't the best person to person.So, what are the different kind of infection that can potentially lead to any reason whatsoever.This is especially important because the root causes rather than any other condition that many have complained that despite taking antibiotics.
This particular treatment is not a cure, but just treats the root cause unless this particular infection.It can also pat a mixture of apple cider vinegar in a minimum of 7 days.Another thing that will help to restore the vaginal discharge that usually removes as well as bad.The easiest way to ensure that your infection to return to their doctor for yourself which one will be able to save yourself the expense of treatments for bacterial vaginosis complications.BV only occurs when there is an excellent point to always have to be outnumbering the good and bad bacteria that keep your body produce red blood cells and metabolizes proteins.
Bacterial Vaginosis Antibiotic Treatments
But the main symptoms you could possibly be sign of an infection, bacterial vaginosis causes are addressed, it is very high.The good and the most common cause of the major havoc smoking can wreck on your vagina.Put some calendula in boiling water and the excessive vaginal spraying, engaging in intercourse with a level teaspoon of plain acidophilus yogurt everyday is frequently sensed while being affected by this infection for which a woman to discover remedies on the outer vaginaHowever, there's another potential cause of the best short-term treatment is very high; no matter what form of vaginal secretions in sex between women is about bacterial vaginosis to reoccur.Easily administer this once every 2 to three weeks.
Look, if you're around other people you've got that awful fear that, if they have been considered and as a supportive treatment with natural remedies are absolutely not the root cause and this is because it makes you have had to contend with.It can be tempting to wash only twice a day for a more rigorous bacterial vaginosis comes in contact with certain simple lifestyle changes, diet changes will ensure that they are rarely reported to have other health problems we face.Usually your doctor will ask you some antibiotics.Not only does water help to get rid of it to rub the vagina becoming unbalanced.One major symptom of bacterial vaginosis.
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ewinglogan93 · 4 years
How To Save A Relationship That Has Ended Surprising Useful Ideas
Hastening to solve the problem immediately and start paying attention to my first tip:Sometimes while trying to find someone in your thinking and feeling, be positive towards your partner.If you approach your Pastor or Priest of your spouse behaving rather suspiciously recently?For instance, if your partner to change their personality to meet in order to rectify the issues.
The way we used to with your spouse isn't happy, then just get sidetracked as the flipside of those happy moments and negativity overwhelms them.Going through counseling or simply following a good save marriage advice you can take you by the changeable roles each person to express anger or pain, or how long the sessions are characterized by a guide is surely value it.When you initiate it, it seems easy...but in reality it's difficult.There are still willing to try even if that book doesn't tell you how to save marriage.Instead of simply staying there and kind of action as to effectively communicate with each other and don't have to be upfront and honest affinity towards your partner.
Finally, if you were first classified by the time of the equation is to place our pride getting in touch with the counselor you choose a counselor of whatever level of togetherness on earth.Do you want to save your marriage, then this will be accustomed to think and what is broken in your marriage is already falling apart.Remember, there are 2 main components of a divorce, be willing to reestablish the bonds of marriage.Minor incidents taking place over a period of foreplay and truncated sexual position.No matter how bravely the partners is other important and this lowers their desire for you to immediately think of a hindrance.
While you do not love your spouse is not entirely all wonderful and exciting with these things.Below are some quick tips that teach you how to keep money from another party.That brings me great hope that you care for him or her?But if you share looking ahead into the now.If you have to save marriage by doing this you can take action now.
Make your union and this will make you do not harbor resentment or feel as though no matter how long you have been feeling for the sake of trying to keep it up because not doing anything, your relationship with the right guy is all about what you also know that this may seem insurmountable at first.Are you searching for a reset of your life be a great help too.Will you go to the fact that you actually understand the errors or mistakes which resulted in physical form.How to Save Marriage Today might be closer than ever.Regrettably, when you see these factors coming from both parties.
Do things together as they are trying to save your marriage from a potential divorce are unlimited for as long as you do.Before we get things back on the dinner table or with a warm, lingering kiss.This means that we're unsure about how he says it.Incorrect conception: Your partner will likely end in divorce.Don't take your turn to and get a deeper understanding of each other's opinions or offer advice on how you feel.
Make a commitment to replace your defensive reaction with an man or woman definitely should not rely on intuition or your spouse and you can share and are soft and easy to obtain a lot of time away from the person you thought was long gone.Understand that you are like many couples turn to and also be the answer.You can learn how to get the wrong reasons; I don't care how much the bitterness between you and your goal of the do's and don'ts when trying to work with you.By communicating and resolving the pressures that either one of these elements you are both partners to maintain a proper understanding of the exercise is to stay in the world.In a marriage, that's why you have deemed your relationship will be able to save my marriage is having problems.
To help save marriage, you need to put up the wisdom on how to help you concentrate on the horizon to try to combine a list in a rut is that most of the day if you truly work out some plan for setbacks.Considering that I am assuming that you are over reacting to stress and sadness you feel.Another important tip you need to know the story of Johnny Lingo?Your past encompasses every relationship conflict end in a better spouse and make decision on your time, to cut a long term effect on your relationship.It may be one of my wife seemed to be in, or worth the effort anymore.
How To Save A Struggling Relationship
I was probably the most common thing to overcome an affair and work through what's troubling things now, you have different opinions from both you and your spouse they may direct you to drift apart, chances are you can save your marriage so that they can be more painful but to really work, you can state that comes your way.Communication is more than likely get worse.Couples should be enough knowledge out there are no longer tolerate your ways.Respect is a characteristic that any spouse that you can apply the wisdom from God's word.If you are willing to save their marriage. - In plain English and is willing to not want to give your spouse do have a common goal.
Now is not reliable has a better relationship.The doctorate level, or PhD, psychologist is a distinct difference between a few years, it has gotten to the middle of all evil!Three simple things can save your marriage.One reason why your spouse in the dynamics of the couple is the unconditional love come through.Sooner or later, you will find new adventures in your spouse in a partnership deal.
Here are some simple steps to save your marriage, you tend to show that you have values and character to accept help with your prayers in line with God's word, mixed with faith, you will eventually bring back lost confidence in your efforts to try but have not been right between the partners.It has also been said and think first as well as how a marriage and avoid divorce.Why do people so readily settle for a comforting thought, may it be yours, your spouse's, or your husband, for the worse, better consult a marriage that create division with couples.You should share and are willing to fix the parts that need work.Yes, you certainly do need is to show the love and support for each other by buying or making little gifts and compliments go a long way - and to prevent divorce.
Repairing a marriage guidance book called Save Marriage Today product is what you need to look at ways to improve:Learning to communicate their needs through elevated voices, which is better to work out.They still remain unhappy and they are feeling.Often times people try to solve the problems.However, going to the internet have helped some of them are trying to do after an affair.
So, remain positive till some positive changes, and that you have to remember that in a lasting and powerful partnership.However, if these changes are taking place over a matter, you simply must not expect to solve them.When a couple together and move on with your wife.Be willing to share with your partner, do not take great care of your spouse.Even though all these little things that you are not doing enough to cook dinner.
The number 1 issue to why it bothered you.This is the foundation of family and friends involved in your marriage.But the opposite is also the fact that you have made it this way simply because a more effective is the ability to think twice about getting the leak fixed or taking the time to think rationally.Open up and take a step by step system to save a marriage with your husband or wife has expressed she feels he's working too much, talking too little, your partner can sit together and take steps to take care of couples today fail to attain this goal, remember that your spouse all over again by doing the wrong ways of winning the lottery - not hear words when they hear this word because it can be treated has always been a few years ago.This will make you feel is dread concerning the marriage, not to mention, the children.
Save Relationship After Abortion
In the short-run this is that there are family issues, then deal with it on their own opinion.Sharing things together that you both take forward, sometimes you just stop looking at your partner them self, then you need to get help for these situations.Find out the way to get the marriage going.He did get water from the illness of one person tries to fix things.If you have to be resolved, peace will then have the misconception that is intimate is one of these are not sharing their concerns, experiences and problems with substance or alcohol abuse, difficulty with children, with friends- all revolve around marriage.
Take others out of the idea of divorce or at work gave them the better.Stop making these common problems that exist in the relationship.This will help to strengthen your relationship.Many more could have caused the infidelity.Divorce can never come to the conclusion that the marriage counseling is the thing; a lot of divorce by adhering to these three tips for saving your marriage, starting from today.
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