#that i *might* not be someone they want to assume a gender to set me up with
teaboot · 2 months
Okay yeah on one hand, my gender and sexuality and mental health has nothing to do with doing my job, so I get how announcing my identity and who I am / am not attracted to could be considered as "Inappropriate for the workplace".
That said, everyone who sees me (gestures to cis-passing, straight-passing, masking neuroatypical self in gender-conforming work clothing) and assumes, in the back of their head by default, that I'm a straight cis allo neurotypical person, so the topic has already kinda been brought up in a way. My saying "actually, no" isn't so much an abrupt announcement as it is correction of an assumption.
And correcting those assumptions is important, especially for persons like me who occupy positions of authority, who appear in court and in community conferences, with business owners and CEOs and at-risk members of the public, 'cause when I say, "these are my pronouns, I'm this" then people like me can feel safer, and people who aren't like me get to see that one of us exists in the real world and isn't some scary hypothetical phantom.
And in the future, when someone says "you can always tell who's trans" or "autistics can't hold down real jobs" or "bisexuals are flirty and promiscuous by nature" or "asexuals aren't real, they're just basement-dwelling terminally-online tweens", they can remember that one time they met me in a professional setting where I was who I was and the world didn't end.
So when they see someone who, by chance, does match the image of their stereotype, they'll know that's just normal human variation and not a universal role.
So, it's not so much that I want to "insert my deviance into the workplace"- it's just me saying, "look at me. I'm here. We're all here, and for every one of us you see, there's a hundred others that you don't. Because you don't know what we look like, and wouldn't know unless we told you."
The status quo, the closeted life, is, "becareful who you come out to, because you could be surrounded by enemies, and you wouldn't know until it's too late".
When I wear a pin, when I out myself in a small, subtle way, I say back: "be careful who you lash out at, because they could be surrounded by defenders, and you won't know until it's too late."
It says, "if you couldn't recognize me without this flag, then how many more of us might be out here with me?"
And the statement "you cannot attack me, we're safe here" should not be banned in the workplace
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selineram3421 · 6 months
Courting Pursuit
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Deer Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ gender neutral (gn) reader, mule deer reader, assuming Alastor is a marsh deer, Spanish translated, stalking-Vox, cussing, implied/suggestive, italics=thoughts, ha..watch out for the end ⚠
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You continued to act affectionate towards him.
Even the others noticed and most of them would often ask you to do their work if it was related to him.
Niffty doesn't care and does her work as usual.
The thing is, you don't mind one bit and take up the work.
"Hola Alastor.", you'd greet him every time.
Today you were helping someone else, Husk to be exact, putting away some bottles in storage.
And then he heard that obnoxious voice of the sad excuse of an entertainment performer through his radio next to the television shop, Vox.
"Top of the hour! Today I have a special little treat for you, though the image is sadly glitched out, you can still see what is going on in the photo.", he says. "It's the Radio Demon, receiving an affectionate peck on the forehead from another deer!"
What a creeper. Alastor rolled his eyes and waited for the perfect moment to jump in and make the flat headed piece of tech look like a complete fool.
"From the looks of things, Alastor has a fuck buddy.", the TV demon grinned. "Wouldn't be surprised if he was taking it from behind.", he laughed and continued to rant on about innuendos like an idiot.
Turning a few knobs and flipping some switches, the Radio Demon was live.
"Salutations!", he greeted his listeners. "What an interesting start to the day! An overly cocky man acting like a news anchor when he doesn't have all the facts!", his smile widens. "For a demon asking his viewers to trust him, it's quite bold that he so blatantly lies to their faces."
"That's bullshit! I only provide the best-"
"Vox is so insecure and craving for attention from a powerful Overlord like myself, it's obvious that he's jealous.", Alastor laughed.
"Am fucking not you old timey prick-!"
"Why would he make such an announcement if not for that? Its clear to me that he wants someone to focus on him all the time.", he chuckles. "No wonder he always something new on his screens. But they lack so much that he has to resort to childish news broadcasts to seem important."
"As for the demon in the photo, that is a hotel guest and they do not understand English that much. There was a misunderstanding in translation and well..I'm not allowed to kill hotel guests.", then his voice switches. "This does not mean that I will let such an action pass, I will do something mμc# ₩θrs€ than death."
"You lying piece of shit! Tell me them the truth!"
"I should announce that the Hazbin Hotel has its doors open for all sinners who want a shot at redemption! Try to climb your way out of this fiery inferno, some might try to drag you back down, or you'll have trouble all on your own trying to redeem yourself! Anything is possible!", he put in his two bits for advertising the hotel. "And with that my wonderful listeners, I shall bid you all adieu~"
He switched on some jazz, not wanting to hear anymore of Vox's whining.
Something still irked him however..
Perhaps I should pay Rosie another visit. He thought. This time without them knowing.
As soon as he walked through the door of the emporium, his friend waved him over and pointed to her office, letting him know that she'd be there soon.
Once entering the office, he sighed and sat on the couch, already tired of what else would happen later in the day. He didn't want any other unnecessary conversations.
Rosie entered the office not too long after, setting her hat aside as she closed the door.
"You won't believe the gossip I've stumbled across today. Betty, the one with the pooch, not the one with the scar. She-", the woman started but then took notice of his mood. "What's wrong? You look worn out already."
"I don't know what to do with them. Vox, that piece of shit tech, has already made comments but I already put him in his place.", he sighed and ran a hand down his face.
"I heard.", Rosie let out a short laugh.
"The deer is still doing things, not as bold as the first time but I don't want them near me. It's-", he growled and made a choking motion with his hands.
"If it's bothering you that much, you know you can tell them to stop.", she says.
He looks up at her with a wide eyed stare.
She dead pans.
"Alastor. You know you can tell them to stop. Right?"
"The thought hadn't crossed my mind.", he simply says.
"Oh for crying out loud-!", she tosses a pillow at him. "You are unbelievable! Go and speak your mind! You've never had a problem with it before!"
She was right. Why had he been so bothered about something like this?
He should have spoken up about it from the start.
It was late when he returned to the hotel. The lobby was empty and he could only assume that everyone had long been asleep. Walking to the dining room, he spots the kitchen light on.
Angel is probably making an abomination of a hangover cure- He thought and opened the door, only to find the mule deer leaning against the counter half asleep.
You perk up when noticing him.
"Bienvenido. Hice la cena y te guardé un plato.", you wave and smile. (Welcome back. I made dinner and saved you a plate.)
"What are you doing up at this hour? Granted, it is Hell and there are barely any rules around here, sleep is still important.", he says as you pick up a plate covered with tin foil.
Taking off the foil, you give him a plate of food.
Your fingers brush against his, making him flinch back and drop the plate, causing it to shatter on the floor with a loud crash.
Instead of focusing on the mess, you looked at him with worry.
"¿Estás bien? No estás herido, ¿verdad-?", you reach out to him but he smacks your hand away. (Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you-?)
"Don't touch me.", he hisses out. "I am not comfortable with your advances, so I advise you to stop NOW before I tear you apart and make you into tomorrow's dinner."
With that you took a step back.
"No quería incomodarte. Me detendré. Perdóname por no tener en cuenta tus sentimientos.", you muttered and looked away. (I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I will stop. Forgive me for not taking your feelings into account.)
Alastor didn't bother trying to translate your response in his head, just walking around you and to the door.
"Lo siento.." (I'm sorry..)
He heard you whisper as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving you alone.
With a sigh, you kneeled down and began to clean the mess.
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Sad times means cookies.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @sleep-7372 @wat4r @lustylita @xdolls-crownx @lonelysimp18 @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @dap11 @al1fers-haven @futureittomainn @random-3455 @+?
ML II Alastor🎙 | CP ChL🦌
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pomefioredove · 2 months
ace with, "I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours." 😚🤌
HELP ME he's so cringe he'd 100% say something like this
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summary: "I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours" type of post: short fic characters: ace additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, secondhand embarrassment warning, random halloween(??) party for plot reasons, not proofread
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Heartslabyul has never turned a guest away from a party.
Ace had become accustomed to it. There's always someone out of place at the table- the purple of a Pomefiore uniform or the green of a Diasomnia, pointed ears or catlike ones, tall, short, students Ace hadn't even seen passing in the halls.
And having a costume unbirthday didn't make recognizing anyone any easier. Why did they agree on this, again?
"What's this one?" he asks, accepting a tart dish from Trey.
The stressed upperclassmen adjusts his glasses. "Raspberry, I think- no, strawberry. I'm losing track,"
"Yeesh," Ace mutters, looking out the window to the grounds. There's more than three times the dorm out there.
"Mondays, amirite?"
Trey just sighs.
Ace carries the dish to one of the many tables set about the gardens.
This one is empty. He looks over his shoulder; Riddle is busy berating another first year for chewing with his mouth open. No one has noticed the fresh tart yet.
He might as well sneak a slice while he still can...
Sevens. Ace flinches and the slice of tart slips right out of his grip.
Now he's going to have to clean that up, and without anyone noticing, too. Sigh.
"I know it's Halloween, but you shouldn't scare people like that," he says, turning to the source of the noise. "You-"
As soon as he sees you, his thoughts are cut short.
You're just some rando in a corny masquerade getup, but, damn, you're cute.
No way he's never seen you before- no, you've gotta be from another class. He'll have to pester Jack about it later...
"Oh, sorry," you say. The mask you're wearing makes it hard to read your expression, but he assumes you noticed the tart.
Your voice is vaguely familiar, but it's hard to hear with all the background noise, anyway.
Ace puts on his worst best smile. "Nah, it's fine. The vice housewarden is on full-time catering duty. No one will notice. So, you come here often?"
You snort. "Yeah, I guess I do. What's up with you?"
He got a laugh out of you. That's a good sign, right?
Now, time to go in for the kill.
Ace huffs, trying to act nonchalant. "What's up with me? Nothing much, just thinking about how I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours,"
A long, terrible silence follows.
And then you laugh. And laugh, and laugh. Ace grimaces. It's hard to tell if it's a good laugh or a bad one from your voice alone.
"Hey, what're you two 'doin?" a much smaller voice asks.
Grim is standing between the two of you now, paws on his hips, mouth half-full of cookies from the other table.
"Buzz off, Grim. Can't you see I'm busy?" Ace murmurs.
Then, much to his horror, the mystery student across from him takes off their mask and scoops Grim up like a baby.
He could die right then and there.
"Me," you say.
Grim doesn't seem particularly interested in the context, though he is smirking at the dumb look on Ace's face.
"But you- you're-" he stammers, his face almost as red as his hair. "I didn't even- recognize you! How-"
It's hard to get such a reaction out of him, the "lady killer" he is, and he swears he can see a little smugness in your expression.
Ace groans. "You can be a real jerk sometimes, you know,"
You wipe your eyes, sighing merrily. "No, no, don't stop! I want to hear another! Do you want me to put the mask back on?"
"A real jerk!" he repeats, fleeing the scene before he can say something even dumber.
At least Trey will be happy to have another set of hands in the kitchen...
So much for romance. He huffs and takes a tart out of the oven.
Note to self: pick a better line to ask you out with.
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bloodywings · 2 years
night remedy
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CW/TW!!!: self-doubt, feeling undeserving, I think this counts as anxiety, reader has a breakdown, hurt/comfort, deprecating thoughts. kiribaku x reader, bakugou doesn't talk too much, low-key semi-deaf bakugou, takes place in the future
2.7k words
Gender Neutral, plus size and POC friendly!!
I think that's all! please let me know if i missed anything!!
a/n: I started this in September while I was having a breakdown lmao
anyway, thanks for clicking! enjoy!
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“2:25” the red numbers of the alarm clock in front of you read. It was becoming too late to sleep by the second. But sleeping was the last thing you could do.
The room was almost silent. The definition of white noise was blaring throughout the room you were in. The soft blow of a fan that was practically always on. The rustling of a plastic bag, barely blowing in the soft wind the fan let off. And two soft sets of breathing. Your lovers lay next to you, Eijirou on the opposite side of you, and Katsuki in the middle.
This became a regular thing within a few months of the start of your relationship with them. A small disagreement ensued. Bakugou had been upset because he rarely got to sleep in the middle. You and Kirishima had both assumed that he wouldn’t have wanted to be. His quirk made him hot very easily, so two sets of body heat didn’t seem comfortable. That’s what the two of you thought anyway.
Turns out the blonde doesn’t like when decisions are made for him.
He had begun thinking that the two of you loved each other more than him. And he snapped one day. Only to be extremely flustered when he realized the truth of the situation.
You and Eijirou still tease him about it every once in a while.
Usually, the memory made you smile. But the weight in your heart made it practically impossible to do so.
A soft stirring from your blonde lover snapped you out of your trance. His arm is placed in a different place around your torso, attempting to get comfortable and stay sleeping. His stirring caused the red-head attached to him to stir a bit as well. but still, both remained sleeping.
The blonde’s breathing was the most prominent of the two. Blowing directly in your ear. But Kirishima might as well have been next to you anyway. His soft snores filled the room, usually, it was like music to your ears.
Usually? Yes, those soft snores have lulled you to sleep on many occasions. Now? You couldn’t focus on the soft breathing of your boyfriend if you wanted to. The dark thoughts were the thing keeping you awake. You took another glance at the clock, “2:41” the red numbers blared at you.
At that moment, you wished that the red hue would swallow you whole. Practically begging for it to take you somewhere where your head was empty, not a single thought. And the only thing surrounding you was the love of the two boys laying in your bed.
“y’know, one day they’re going to get rid of you?” the voice in your head whispered. The same one that had been torturing you for the past few hours. “one day they’re going to realize that you are of no use to them, and then they’ll leave you.” “Shut up” you inwardly groaned. “you’re only saying that because I’m right, they’re going to go off and be happy, without you”
Logically, you knew they loved you. They wouldn’t be with you if they didn’t. But your brain couldn’t help but scream about how worthless you were. How they would be better off with just themselves. Or maybe even a different third person.
Someone that's not you.
You could feel tears well up in your eyes at the thought. But crying was not a good idea right now. The heaving of your chest might wake up your explosive lover lying peacefully beside you.
So you pulled the blonde’s arm from around you slowly, so as to not wake him. You succeeded, walking slowly to the door. Just trying to go to the living room of your shared apartment to cry, and then come back up as if nothing happened.
But just as you opened the door a groggy voice called out to you. “Where you goin’?” the grouchy blonde questioned. He’d probably woken up from the lack of body heat at his right side. “See, you ruin everything for them, they can’t even get a peaceful night of sleep ‘cause you're a crybaby” the voice taunted.
“I’m just gonna go and get some water,” you responded softly, turning around. whispering as not to wake your other boyfriend sleeping peacefully. “Sorry to wake you,” you mumbled. Katsuki sat up a bit, only to lay back down when the red-head let out a whine. His red eyes were piercing you, they almost made you want to break down.
“m’kay, don’t take too long,” he grumbled, snuggling himself back into the chest of his boyfriend. Which the red-head gladly accepted, wrapping his arms snugly around the blonde.
With that, you made your way to the living room. A place where amazing memories were made, it should have made you happy, but you couldn’t help but feel downhearted.
As you glanced around the room, the standard flatscreen tv caught your eye. It was one of the two that the three of you had to buy.
Memories flooded from when you got the first one. Katsuki had tried to mount the first one himself. Insisting, “You think those extras could do better than me?” And he did it, the TV even held well. He’d even boasted about it, claiming “you idiots should stop doubting me.”
Bakugou ended up eating his words two days later
You had all arrived home at around the same time. Just happy for the day to be over, the gruesome hero work had taken a toll on the three of you.
Only to walk in and see the TV laying on the ground, face first. The screen completely shattered. Your explosive lover expected you and Eijirou to be angry at him. But the two of you were too busy laughing your asses off to scold him for it.
you looked around at the rest of your living room. There were a total of two couches in your living room. One three-seater, and a loveseat. Polaroids strung on the wall brought more tears to your eyes. The pictures varied from the first date you had to the most recent. Each one was dated with Eijirou’s sloppy handwriting.
The very first one was when Kirishima had finally broken down during your second year and spilled his feelings for you two. And you and Katsuki both accepted.
The three of you went on a date to the fair. And Eijirou was so excited, he hadn’t been to one since he was a kid. He was practically bouncing on the train ride there. And he dragged Katsuki and you all around the fairground. Winning prizes for the two of you left and right. From stuffed animals to keychains to a fish that he had won for you.
He wanted to win another for Katsuki, but the blonde claimed “I don’t want some stupid fish that’s gonna die in three days” He scrunched his nose up in annoyance and disgust while declining the red-head's offer. Instead, Eijirou won his boyfriend a large fish plushie, as a replacement for the fish he had won earlier for you.
While your explosive lover claimed to hate it, the stuffed fish sits up at the top of your shared closet.
The most recent one was for your 7th anniversary, it was Katsuki’s turn to plan a date. And he chose to cook and take the two of you to a cliff. Fairy lights were strung on the trees, and a large tent to fit the three of you. Simple, but so thought out. He had brought you two there with just enough time to see the sunset. And then you spent the night in the forest, escaping the city life for just a night.
Those memories are what broke you, they had made you feel so loved and yet you felt as if you didn’t appreciate it. “Do you see what I mean? you don’t even have any faith that they do love you” the voice returned, mocking the thoughts it had implanted into your head.
You found yourself sitting on the three-seater, leaning over, and softly crying into your own hands. Your thoughts running a million miles a minute. You could hardly make them out.
Over and over.
But they all seemed to agree on one thing.
That you were worthless
Every piece of sadness came down on you in waves, from feeling undeserving of their love, to now feeling guilty because they’ve done so much for you, and you still don’t have anything faith in them.
But, nonetheless, you didn’t break down, just small, silent tears, with even softer sniffles.
Though you knew it was unlikely, you didn’t want any chance of either of your lovers catching you in such a vulnerable state.
But little did you know Katsuki had woken back up, realizing you weren't back from the kitchen, and had gotten up to check on you. And much like Katsuki, the lack of body heat had woken up the sleeping giant that lay next to him.
The blonde told his boyfriend to go back to sleep, but his boyfriend refused, mumbling something along the lines of “it's too cold without you.” Or at least that's what Katsuki thought he heard. Ejirou had a habit of speaking the intelligible language when he was half asleep.
The two tired men made their way through the house, with the red-headed giant stumbling the whole way there.
Out on a mission, you lovers made their way down the stairs, passed the front door, through the kitchen, and out to where you sat, with your face in your hands
“Sweetheart?” a tired voice slurred out. You lifted your head from your hands, and through your blurry vision, you see both Eijirou and Katsuki standing in the doorway. Both of them still rubbing the sleep from their vision. The red-head was the one that called out to you.
“What are you doing out here?” Katsuki asked, making his way to you with the sleepy giant not too far behind him. As you looked up at them, Katsuki noticed your cheeks glistening in the soft moonlight that came in through the window.
“Were you crying?” Katsuki questioned. His question caused the red-head's eyes to widen slightly, fully awake and alert after hearing the word ‘crying’’. Eijirou looked at your face, noticing your wet face in the same fashion your blonde lover did.
“Why are you sitting down here, crying to yourself?” Katsuki interrogated, and while you knew that there was no malice behind his question. But you couldn’t help but flinch at his rough tone, you knew he wasn’t actually agitated with you, but his tone of voice was not helping the thoughts screaming in your head right now.
Eijirou nudged the blonde, silently telling him to shut up.
“What Katsuki means is, what's the matter sweets?” the red-haired male queried. kneeling down in front of you. And at that moment, everything came crashing down on you. Your poisonous thoughts, the lack of sleep, the guilt, all of it came crashing on you.
And before you could blink, a racking sob emitted from your chest, which caused both boys to immediately panic. More and more sobs flowed from you like a messy symphony, and to the ears of your lovers, it was like listening to nails on a chalkboard. Just the sound alone was enough for adrenaline to pump through their veins in panic.
“Hey, hey look at me, ____.” Eijirou pleaded. His heart was hammering in his chest. He’d comforted people before, but this was different, he was afraid you weren’t breathing enough with how hard you were crying. But you couldn’t obey his command, you were way too embarrassed to even think of showing your face. After realizing this, your red-headed lover asked “Is it okay if I hold you?” The small nod you gave was enough for Eijirou to pull you into his arms quickly, whispering soft “its okay”-s and “we’ve got you”-s over and over.
You could feel how hard his heart was beating and it only made you feel worse.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was no better, he sat silently, a hand rubbing circles on your back. He didn’t want to say anything that could possibly make the situation worse. He knew his attitude was harsh, and he knew he had a reputation for saying the wrong thing in situations like these. If anyone had walked in on the scene, they would think he doesn’t care. But lord knows he cares a lot, maybe even more than Eijirou, his palms were sweating, and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest, almost as if it was trying to jump out of his rib cage.
It felt like forever until your sobs slowed down to small coughs and shaky breathing. Now that you were done crying, the situation began to dawn on you. You had woken up your partners in the middle of the night because you were doubting yourself. Sadness began to fade over into embarrassment. You hoped they could just drop this, and you’d go to bed.
But unfortunately, Kirishima was the first to break the silence. “baby? you okay?” he questioned with a strong amount of hesitation. He didn’t want to cause you to break down again. “yeah, ‘m fine” you sniffled softly, snuggling further into the chest of your red-headed lover, attempting to hide from everything that had happened.
Kirishima only hummed as an acknowledgment, trying to find the words to help you. But before the words could make their way into his chest, he heard a soft mumble from you. A very muffled and almost unintelligible, “M’sorry” fell from your lips. It was so soft that Katsuki hadn’t even heard it, which was good for you, he probably would have had your head on a pike for apologizing for something like this.
“There's nothing to be sorry for baby, nothing at all,” Ejirou whispered, one of his hands coming up from your waist to rest on the back of your neck. Rubbing small, comforting, shapes into your skin with his thumb. “like I said, we’ve got you.” your boyfriend reassured, with all of the love he could muster.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Katsuki mumbled into the crease of your neck, where his head had been sitting for a while. A small, “not really” fell from your lips before you could really think about the question.
All you knew was that the thought of speaking about your feelings was enough to make that small knot come to the back of your throat. making it borderline impossible to hold the small tears that welled in your eyes. you blinked, attempting to make them go away, but instead the small droplets were soaked up by Eijriou’s shirt.
After a small amount of silence, your red-headed partner suggested you all go back to bed. As the three of you walked back to your bedroom, well more like your two lovers, Kirishima refused to let you walk, he carried you through the kitchen, into the front doorway, and up the stairs, with Bakugou following not too far behind.
As you entered your shared bedroom, which had grown cold due to the fan being on high speed, you began to feel sleepy. you were fighting your closing eyelids when your lover placed you in the middle of your soft mattress. both men coming to lay on either side of you.
And when their arms wrapped around you, smothering you in between them, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. almost as if the love they had was wrapping itself around you, but not in a suffocating way, it had just enough pressure to let you know how much they care for you.
While the love of your boyfriends couldn’t make all your problems go away, it could get you through the night. and that alone made the future seem a little brighter.
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A/n: Hii, so how was it? Please let me know in the comments! If you have any ways I can improve as a writer please let me know! (remember there is a difference between constructive criticism and being rude)
Notes and reblogs are appreciated
I hope you're having a good day! And if not, I hope tomorrow is better! bye darlings <3
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galaxiasgreen · 8 days
Fluffy Ominis x MC!Reader drabble [G-rated, 800 words]
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"Fitting, isn't it?" he murmurs, so quiet his voice blends with the song's deeper notes. "The verse speaks of how we wear masks to pretend all is well, but only in moonlight do our true feelings arise." "Shall we promise, then, to leave the masks behind tonight?" "I’ll promise that," he says, offering a hand, “if you'll honour me with a dance.”
In search of distraction from Ranrok's rebellion, you dance with Ominis in the Undercroft.
[read on AO3]
A/N: I originally wrote this for @yoshitsuno's #Hogtober challenge last year, but I've since made some edits. Very short and sweet, no use of Y/N (just you/yours) and MC is gender neutral. Enjoy. <3
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The music lilts up the lift shaft, reaching your ears long before it clunks to a juddering stop. When the grille slides up, you tiptoe into the Undercroft. It’s a classical tune you don’t recognise, a poignant operatic with a melody that evokes a sense of sadness and beauty – and you know immediately which Slytherin will be enjoying it.
Eyes shut, Ominis is reclined against the furthest pillar. He’s dressed down today, in an unbuttoned waistcoat and loosely knotted tie. You could almost believe he was asleep if not for his wand, gently mimicking a conductor’s baton against his thigh, tapping perfectly in time with each beat.
“It’s a lovely song.”
He doesn’t stop. “From Gabriel Fauré's Clair de lune. I particularly like its message, comparing the human experience to rays of the moon.”
He gets to his feet as you drift closer. The voice swells dramatically; he flicks his wand, and the gramophone quietens.
“No, no, don’t turn it down on my account,” you say; Ominis’ hand hangs in air. “I don’t want to interrupt.”
“Why did you come?”
“To find something to do. To… distract myself. All this business with Ranrok…”
You don’t need to say anything more. He knows.
The corners of his mouth tug upwards. “There’s always homework. I believe we have eight inches to write for Defence Against the Dark Arts.”
“Already finished it.”
“Naturally. Don’t tell Sebastian though, he might want to copy.”
“If he doesn’t I’ll assume someone hexed him.”
Ominis smiles more warmly and takes a tentative step closer; in the light of the braziers, shadows writhe and bend against him, sharply cleaving his features, and it makes him look like he could set fire to the world.
"Fitting, isn't it?" he murmurs, so quiet his voice blends with the song's deeper notes. "The verse speaks of how we wear masks to pretend all is well, but only in moonlight do our true feelings arise."
"Shall we promise, then, to leave the masks behind tonight?"
"I’ll promise that," he says, offering a hand, “if you'll honour me with a dance.”
“You can dance?”
“A little. And you?”
“No,” you admit, yet you breach his space, close enough to smell his cologne, “but it might be nice to learn.”
“It’s simple.” He guides your hand to his shoulder, and clasps the other gently in his own. “If a blind man can do it, you are more than capable.”
“Don’t put yourself down like that.”
“I’m only trying to make you feel comfortable.” His tone is lighter, laced with teasing. “Follow my lead.”
His free hand goes to your waist, and the touch dizzies you as he coaxes you back, to the left, forwards again and around. Ominis commands you so well you wouldn't believe he wasn’t born to play the role of the dutiful heir of Slytherin, born to lead his pure-blood family to its inherent greatness. Were it not for his virtuous beliefs, his unwavering loyalty and kind heart, perhaps it would be true. It was that compassion that drew you to him in the first place, so long ago – and it's the small ways he continues to prove his compassion that keeps you there, a stalwart presence at his side.
With him, leaving the mask behind is easier.
“Let the music show you the way,” he says, when you curse after a misstep. “Feet position doesn’t matter so much as the reason we're dancing.”
You step in again, basking in his scent. “What are we dancing for?”
“That depends on you.”
“To peace, then.” You smile at him though he cannot see. “We dance to carve out a moment of peace.”
“I like that.”
He leads, you follow. The Undercroft becomes your stage, Ominis the prince that sweeps you away. There is no rebellion, no school, no expectation of society, responsibility, or real life. All you see is him, all you feel is his compassion, the shadows that yield to him giving you room to breathe. He may have darkness at his beck and call, and you the tumult of an incoming storm, but together you make something brilliant and beautiful. Together you make the lone ray of the moon that lights the way through the everlasting night.
“You see?” he says, with that inexplicably captivating softness. “You're a natural.”
You squeeze his hand.
“I have a good teacher.”
A loud cough jerks Ominis back, out of your grip.
The grille closes, and Sebastian strolls inside, robe thrown over his shoulder, looking terribly smug.
“Interrupt something, did I?”
“No,” Ominis barks at once, that softness replaced by calloused edges and walls. He steps a polite distance away, but doesn’t turn his back. “You presume too much.”
“Or I don’t presume enough?”
You sweep down your robe, fixing Sebastian a glare. He only wiggles his brow at you. Ingrate.
“Either way, stop that racket. I need absolute silence to copy your Defence Against the Dark Arts essays.”
Moment dashed, masks on, Ominis makes a weary grunt and goes to turn the gramophone off… but you don’t miss the smile that lingers on his face.
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Please like and reblog if you enjoyed <3
[read on AO3] [Gabriel Fauré's Clair de lune on YouTube] [Divider credit]
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kayrrhin · 2 years
i saw your commissions were opened after a fic i read, idk if you write for multiple characters but i’d like to request for robin, law, cora, yamato, and ace, with no peculiar pronouns for the reader, it can be fluff or nsfw, as you feel more comfortable with!
feel free to add more or not write for some ofc, no pressure it’s totally understandable, don’t overdo yourself, please and thanks!
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I'm going to be honest, you made a commission which literally features all of my all time favorite babies so let's goooo, i also assumed it was all separated since there were no specification, good reading!
3am baking
characters: Robin, Law, Corazon, Yamato, Ace
fluff, use of pet names, ft. teenager law in Cora's part
Reader's gender is not referred so it can be any gender
Warnings: use of swear words, a bit suggestive at Law's part, french
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"wow, so far it looks good!"
You looked at the cupcakes you and your girlfriend were making, so far there was only the dough but wow it looked good.
"I'm amazed that we're able to make such good cupcakes at this time of day, at least so far the dough is good!"
You grin at the archeologist and wipe some of the flour off her nose.
"Thanks, love."
You smiled and began to put the dough into the moulds, putting them in the oven.
"Now all we have to do is wait!"
Robin put her arms around you from behind and kissed your temple,
"I just hope Sanji doesn't take this the wrong way"
You chuckled a little
"The only thing Sanji might do is cry because we made it ourselves and he didn't cook it for us, or be amazed because it's going to be super good!"
You kissed her cheek and smiled proudly.
"haha, I guess you're right, I have to say though, what a strange urge to want to cook at such an hour, darling"
"Yes, I know, but at least we'll have snacks to read"
She smiles sweetly and kisses you, her soft lips resting on yours.
"Actually, I just hope they're still good tomorrow"
You looked up in a thinking manner for a bit,
"aaah you're right...it's probably going to be a little drier depending on how it goes..."
Your lover chuckled and kissed you.
"Don't worry too much, with a bit of tea it's going to be great, love"
After a little while you finished the cupcakes and boy were they good, as was the sleep you got afterwards.
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"You're messing up your sleep schedule right now."
Your boyfriend said, watching you make cookie dough,
"Oh, you're one to talk! At least it's not to overwork myself but to make cookies!"
You smile and continue to work on your work of art, but you feel someone approaching you.
"Let me help you at least, it might be fun... I guess."
He seemed a little embarrassed but helped you with the cookies anyway,
"Aaaw, thanks, love!"
You smiled at him and continued to bake, when the dough was separated, the surgeon put them in the oven, setting the temperature correctly.
"Can you put a timer on please?"
"Yep, I got it!"
You set the timer and start waiting, Law lifts you up to sit on the counter and kisses you on the forehead.
"I'll never understand how you can cook for ten people in the middle of the night"
He then kisses your jaw and puts his hands on your waist,
"I'll say it's my will to eat that gives me this strength, or a mental breakdown"
He chuckled and kissed your lips, slowly moving down to your neck, kissing it and leaving a few marks here and there, he started to get a little more impatient only for the timer to remind you both that the cookies were still in the oven,
"Yes! My cookies!"
You got off the counter, took out the cookies and turned off the oven.
"wooow, these look dashing!"
"Yes. They are."
You laugh, seeing your boyfriend a little frustrated by the sudden stop,
"Come on, sweetheart, we can continue where we left off for a few minutes, the cookies still need to cool."
"I don't know if I love you or hate you, [Name]-ya"
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"I'm surprised we made it this far without burning the kitchen down!"
You've finished putting your mixture on the plate to put what will soon be brownies in the oven,
"Me too, you've really taken the easiest thing to do"
Your lover wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his giant body.
"Yeah, I figured at 3am, burning the house down wasn't the best way to make something"
You laugh, nuzzling your face into his chest, him, resting his head on top of yours.
"You're right, I'm not sure Law would like us to set the house on fire."
He pulled his face closer to yours and kissed the tip of your nose, then your temple, and lips.
"He'd probably kick our asses if we did, I wonder who the real adults are"
You both laughed and stayed like that for a little while, to be fair the reason he hadn't set the kitchen on fire was because you were making sure he wasn't near anything that could catch fire, mainly his coat which was left in the living room for that specific reason.
"I think the brownies are good, let me turn off the stove"
You did so and smelled the brownies,
"wow, that smells really good, mi vida, we did a great job!"
He kissed you on the cheek and stumbled, causing you to lose your balance.
You looked at the brownies that were about to fall out, but they were replaced by a pillow.
"Can you be careful??? First I wake up because you can't keep it down, when I get up you're immediately about to injure yourself, and you're the adults here?"
"Right! Sorry we woke you up..."
"and thanks for saving us from a third degree burn!"
The teenager looked at you both and sighed.
" It's okay, plus it smells good, it would be sad to let it go to waste"
You look at your partner and both laughed
"Well, I guess it couldn't have gone without at least one little mistake"
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"Woooh! [Name], look, it's growing!"
You giggled at your golden retriever boyfriend who was looking at the gateau au yaourt in the stove.
"Yeah, that's the baking powder, baby"
Your boyfriend looked at you in awe, it was the first time in a long time he'd cooked in a real kitchen, so when you said you wanted to make a cake at 2:56am, he looked at you and instantly got up, already jumping towards the kitchen.
"This is so cool! And it smells so good too! My love, you are so good at baking! You are a god/goddess!"
Your boyfriend lifted you up in his arms, you laughed at his gesture.
" Pretty boy, I think you're over-reacting, I only have basic cooking skill"
He laughed and peppered your face with kisses, which made you giggle.
"Love, can you put me down? I need to turn off the oven"
"Oh yes, sorry!"
He puts you down and lets you reach the oven, you turn it off and take out the chocolate cake, the smell of the cake reaches your nostrils, but you smell something else, like vanilla.
"Wow, that smells good, you know why it smells like va...ni...la?", Finishing your sentence, you turn your head to notice the empty bottle of vanilla extract on the counter.
"Um... it smelled good, and like vanilla so..."
"Please tell me the bottle wasn't full."
You prayed for a second, imagining that the strong taste of vanilla was too much for your taste buds and mentally cried, but your boyfriend assured you that the bottle was almost empty when he did so.
"Ok, time to try it then, I really hope you're not lying because it smells like vanilla hell right now".
You took a bite and ate it, it was indeed very good and the vanilla taste wasn't overwhelming, which reassured your taste buds, you kissed your lover and took the cake to bring it in your room.
"Ah! I told you I didn't put it all in!"
Your boyfriend exclaimed, proud that he had not made a dumb mistake (for once).
"Yes, you did! I think it's time to eat it while reading about Oden, don't you think, big guy?"
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"oui, oui, baguette ! Quoisan !"
Your boyfriend laughed as he helped you prepare the croissants.
"Ace, shut the fuck up, it's 3am if Tatch hears us, we're dead"
The last time Tatch caught you, you were punished by cleaning the bathroom for 3 months, but you both had a sudden urge to cook after a long make out session.
"Come on, this time we're doing a good job and the ingredients were paid by us, this time if he catches us he won't have anything to blame us for"
He smiles as he rolls the dough into a croissant shape.
"You're right but still, I'm not sure having two dumbasses in your kitchen at 3am is the best way to wake up, even if you just want a glass of water."
the freckled boy finished making the shape and placed a napkin on the plate to let it sit and walked over to you and threw his arms around your waist.
"But I like to cook at night with my dumbass and my dumber self"
He chuckled and kissed your cheek.
"Pff, you're so cheesy, what's happening to you so suddenly, love? A second ago you were speaking broken French if I remember correctly."
You look at him, amused by his sudden display of affection.
"Hey, it's not my fault that my heart races when I see you."
"Oh, you're in your flirty state again, finish the croissant, idiot, and kiss me afterwards."
You both chuckled and he put his lips to yours, he was so goofy, my Lord.
"You two again???"
"Fuck, Tatch, wait, we can explain!"
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transmascissues · 1 year
i just got back from my first ever gynecological exam and somehow, despite the doctor being really nice and way more knowledgeable about trans bodies than i was expecting, it still ended up being incredibly upsetting and honestly probably mildly traumatizing. i’m sure it’s no secret to anyone following me that going to the gynecologist is a uniquely shitty experience for a lot of trans guys and i knew that but i really was not prepared for that.
first of all, everything you read says that the pelvic exam and pap smear shouldn’t hurt even if they’re super uncomfortable, but let me tell you, that shit fucking hurt. like, i have a pretty high pain tolerance and usually even when something does hurt i don’t show it very much, but that was maybe the most painful thing i’ve ever had a doctor do to me and it showed. to be fair, i’ve never had good luck with things like that — i couldn’t even use tampons back when i had a period because the one time i did, taking it out was really painful — and i’m on t now so i’m sure that makes things even harder and i was prepared for it to hurt, but i really wasn’t ready for just bad it was. it’s been an hour since the exam finished and there’s still some pain so, yeah, so much for “it’s just uncomfortable, not painful”.
(and a side note: when it did hurt, the doctor told me to relax my muscles because the tension makes it hurt more. what they didn’t seem to realize is that if your brain and body are collectively rejecting the presence of something inside you, making those muscles relax is a fucking herculean task and i for one was not in any way capable of it so it just…kept getting more painful.)
i also was never informed ahead of time of what a pelvic exam actually entails; i had assumed it was a more general external checkup, and that the pap smear was the only really invasive part. as it turns out, i was very wrong, and “pelvic exam” actually means the doctor sticks their finger up you to feel around. she asked me if i was comfortable getting the exam because it was so obvious that the pap smear didn’t go well, but i had no clue what i was saying yes to and it was a total surprise for me when there was something inside me again. and she knew it was my first time, so she had no reason to assume i knew that the exam would be like. by the time i realized i absolutely should not have said yes to it, i was too late and it was already happening. it really feels like common sense that if you’re going to be giving someone what basically amounts to a professional fingering, you should probably make it clear that that’s what’s about to happen, but i guess that doctor would disagree.
and of course, the whole time i was also being misgendered. the doctor used the right name for me, but the other staff didn’t and everything about it was so excessively gendered (i’m pretty sure the appointment i had was literally called a “women’s wellness visit” on the same sheet that had trans man and nonbinary as gender options). not to mention, when i told them i’m getting top surgery and have the exact date set, the nurse made a comment to like“well aren’t you one of the lucky ones,” which really felt like it had “i think trans guys have a super easy time getting surgeries that cis women have to fight for” energy.
and the irony of all this definitely isn’t lost on me — i just did a project this past semester about how trans guys are fucked over by reproductive healthcare practices so a lot of us just never go, and now i got some firsthand experience in exactly why so many of us just say “no fucking way”.
i just want to put this out there for anyone who hasn’t done it before because i think this would have been a lot less awful for me if someone had just told me “yeah, it might hurt way more than you think, and also that thing they call a pelvic exam is actually an internal exam.” i thought i was prepared and i totally wasn’t, so hopefully this will reach someone else who will be better off knowing all of this.
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marengogo · 2 months
UGH!-7: … Time To Pack It All Up, Y’all!
Be Mine (English Version) - by Jimin  [Be Mine (English Version)]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
⚠️TW⚠️: I’m usually vulgar, but in this post, I might have outdone myself .
My dearest Gurls, Bois and Enbys, 
How’s everyone been doing? Are you enjoying Muse? Are you looking forward to RUN JIN? Are you ready for Are You Sure?!? Oh, let 👏🏾 me 👏🏾 tell 👏🏾 you 👏🏾, the excitement is way too real and I can’t even that's literally all the words I can fathom for now, I’m terribly sorry! That being said my Darlings, I’m afraid today’s blog will have to address a point I’m now realising that I must address, and I quite frankly assumed I wouldn’t have to, given that I am part of The Community and all. You see, there seems to be many Gladiators that wander into my neck of the woods completely misguided.  
They seem to think that my blog exist just so I can be present if one day JM and JK have sex on national TV, so that I can gloat in the faces of the Capulet enemy as I slay them with my mighty, and metaphorical, sword and bathe in their “blood” while I celebrating with fellow Montagues. Well, it is with a heavy heart, and great sadness, that I must inform you that frankly my dear, I don’t give a fuck, about none o’dat. Statements such as “Clearly JM has been single” like this Gladiator over here →  [LINK] or “JK has been fucking pussy every hour, every minute, every second” as the rest of Twitter ARMY believes or “They’ve been living together and have 100% been a couple since 2015, if you'd believe they are definitely real, why are you here...” like others on this app can really miss me, cause;
I 👏🏾 DON’T 👏🏾 GIVE 👏🏾 A 👏🏾 FLYING 👏🏾 FUCK 👏🏾.
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The reason why I built this little nest in these treacherous woods is because, upon a sudden realisation, while looking at JK & JM, after careful observation and educated guessing, it started to feel like “Oh, hold on a minute … There might be something there …”. The idea that within this band that I adore there might be someone who is part of the community, like me, literally had my head implode, and not only that. It would appear that two particular members who seem to bring out the best in each other, as well as within those whom they interact with, might in fact be in this possible queer relationship, would make it even better, since we all love a stunning and powerful couple.
So yes, I am indeed here for the representation of it all. I’m not sure how many can relate, but as a minority in so many aspects of life, race, gender, sexual orientation etc, the feeling of having a fellow minority out in society who has the means and the will to live there life openly because coming out isn’t a must, we have the right also to not come out if we don’t want to as a minority is very positive and encouraging for all the rest of us, regardless of whether or not we decide to eventually come out or not. 
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Though there’s obviously been many others who’d come out before Matt Bomer, he is the one coming out I will never forget. I loved White Collar like borderline obsessed. I watched it when it came out and it was my favourite guilty pleasure show before Suits. What I loved the most was watching him and Tim DeKay interact behind the scenes or during bloopers with the rest of the cast too, goofy as hell! And then in 2012 (three years in) Matt finally came out and took me by a storm, the fact that he had been able to keep his husband and three children hidden for all that time was also 🤯🤯🤯.
Once again, many others had come out before him Ricky Martin, for example, in 2010 but because White Collar was such a big part of my life, I was so ecstatic, it felt like a friend came out. It was also so great to see how much everyone on set, and the fans, were supportive and how much freer and happier he’s been since then. When Mew and Tul confirmed their relationship last month just a couple of months after Thailand legalised gay marriage y’all should have seen my face, I couldn’t stop grinning. All the speculations, the pictures, the public trips, etc etc etc. Anyways, they’ve both gone through quite some drama in the previous years, Mew in particular, so I am indeed quite happy for them.
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So if JM and JK are not dating, or there isn’t a single queer person in the whole of bangtan and all have girlfriends and wives, or there are queer tannies and they are dating other queer people, or whichever other possible combinations, as long as they are happy, so will I, because I am first and foremost an OT7 ARMY and all I will always want is their happiness. I am thus afraid that you will not see me shed any tears, nor hear any miserable barking, in this neck of the woods; so~rry.
Guess I’m not packing up after all next time I’m bringing out my luggage best be for my trip to Japan …! So, in conclusion, and just as a reminder for anyone passing by as well, this has been, still is, and will always be a Possibly Queer until proven Definitely Straight safe space, as well as a space where amongst plenty other things obviously all things queer can and will be gracoiusly discussed and analysed to my discretion; You di~g?
Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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nexility-sims · 4 months
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i need to fill in leonor's 1990s dating history for story reasons, so i am soliciting sims from you wonderful, talented, generous people. if you'd like to donate someone, check out THIS FORM ♥️
for guidelines, see below, & let me know if you have questions !
i want to fill in leonor's dating history for the period from roughly 1993 to 1998. i'd like to have these exes attend her big, giant, extravagant wedding in 2001; i will be doing some Yet To Be Planned media coverage of said dating history (something like this stuff). as a treat, because i love to take pictures of other people's sims, i'll probably do some random photoshoots like these as well :^) [you can have leonor's files for your own purposes, if you so desire.]
i have no idea how many sims y'all're gonna donate or if they'll all be the same level of compatible, so: i'll try to incorporate as many as i can but, realistically, would have to choose if there are more than 5-6 options. this isn't a bachelorette challenge, so it would theoretically be based on which characters make sense for leonor and the timeline.
not all of the form's questions are required, but more detail is welcome ! entirely up to you how much fleshing out you'd like to do beyond the basics. i provided vague prompts, some which are optional, so ... go wild or don't ! if you want to discuss any of it before you submit the form (or after), then please don't hesitate to reach out.
your sims can be from uspana or somewhere else, btw. if they're not from uspana, they might be from the fictional country your story is set in, generic Simerica™, literally anywhere else ... if you don't state it, i'll just make something up that feels convenient sdjhfs they can be existing characters or new ones you create for this purpose; it's all up to you !
i am assuming you're familiar with the spinoff story OR leonor as a character, in some way or shape or form. you may know the story better than i do or have scrolled her tag on my blog earlier today for the very first time or somewhere in between. either way ... a little familiarity would help, i imagine !
leonor's existing love interests include: arturo, a very sweet and thoughtful son-of-a-politician (circa 1986-1990); renzo, a very famous actor who loves music and cutoff shorts and doing drugs (1991-1992); andre, a very happily married and painfully shy father of three who also happens to currently be his country's king (1992, 2016–); dan, a very chill tech founder who enjoys, like, space travel and wearing fanny packs and letting his wife do affairs and stuff, whom she marries in 2001 (circa 1998–).
leonor doesn't have a type, and there are no gender restrictions. she likes people who are interesting—peculiar, even. she's a wealthy princess and a government employee by 1993-1994, so that may affect either your sim's occupation and / or the necessity of a "how'd they meet" backstory. her birth year is 1970, and she’s more likely to go for agemates or older rather than younger people (at least while in her twenties, anyway). she could theoretically reconnect with anyone post-2001 but pre-2016 on account of the open marriage, although that feels unlikely / case-by-case.
okay, that's all i got for now ... thanks for reading this far !
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night-raven-tattler · 9 months
Hello Mx Tattly! I really enjoyed your ideal types post involving Heartslabyul characters. I like the idea of Riddle liking his significant other being someone earning his respect. So in this request, if they are open, of Riddle having a Yuu!Female reader s/o that is naturally gifted prodigy in fencing & swordsmanship, making her a bold, fiercely talented swordswoman who usually wields double swords (but is just as well with one). Both mostly got closer after his overblot since she was involved in defending him (somehow).
Just headcanons of Riddle having a s/o that is physically stronger than him (and affectionate when just the two of them since she also isn’t much of a pda person)
Extra: After getting to know a bit more of Diasomnia, she also manages to go under Lilia’s training after finding out he trains Sebek and Silver because she wants to continue sharpening her skills and seeing any form of improvement.
(She’s originally an OC of mine but idk if you take OC requests and didn’t wanna assume, so 😭)
Anyway thank you! I’m sorry if I wrote a lot.. 😭
Hello anon! Mx Tattly appreciates your kind words! Currently they don't do OC requests, however she might consider answering such requests in the future. He is sorry if the writing is not what you envisioned, especially since she didn't include Riddle being "protected" per se by the reader character, as they considered their narrative choice is one Riddle would appreciate more. He is also grateful for the brainrot you caused, as they are an enjoyer of sword weilding characters themselves. Hopefully you can still enjoy!
A knight fit for a queen
Characters: Riddle × F/GN!Reader* (romantic, pre-established relationship)
*the reader character has no gender defining charactersitics mentioned
Warnings: swords, book 1 spoilers, violence, mentions of hospital-like settings
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Ace laughed in your face when you told him, Deuce and Grim to wait in front of Ramshackle for you to get something, and you came out of the dorm with a pair of swords dangling from your waist, supporting your dominant hand
“Why are you bringing a sword with you? Where did you even find that thing?!”
It was an older pair of swords you found abandoned in one of the Ramshackle rooms, mere days before Ace and Deuce decided to challenge Riddle for his housewarden spot
Something about them told you they would be useful in the situation at hand
But even after hearing your reasoning, Ace still laughed in your face
Boy, was he proven wrong not too long after...
Riddle was just punched by Ace and, before your brain was able to catch up to what was happening, Riddle spiraled out of control
Everyone was trying to reason with him, yet it seemed as if he completely shut out everyone around him
Everyone turned from disobedient students into living targets of his fury
The gravity of the situation finally sunk in when Riddle summoned the rose trees all around the maze and ordered them to attack Ace
Yet, before thinking in through, you jumped in front of Ace and sliced away the threatening branches
They detached from the trunk, turning into cut pieces of cards as they flew past you and your friend
If you wouldn't have stepped in, Trey’s signature spell would’ve kicked in too late
The sky darkened as Riddle’s inner world started to collapse, bringing chaos and destruction to the outside world as well as he overblotted
“In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest! The only response I will accept from you is ‘Yes, Housewarden Riddle’! All who defy me will lose their heads!”
And, while your Heartslabyul friends and Grim decided to face Riddle head-on, you decided to stay back and protect any incoming danger towards the students the Headmage was evacuating
The crowd of students around the magic mirror diminished, so you returned to the main place of action
Which turned out to be a good call, as a lot of flying debris caused by rogue spells kept flying towards the students
And you managed to redirect any incoming danger with your mysterious swords
Just in time to see Riddle collapse to the ground
You stayed close to Riddle when he woke up and was taken to the nurse's office, and visited him as often as you could
While you felt a personal duty to help out Ace and Deuce repair their destroyed labyrinth, you also wanted to keep Riddle company, mostly to assure him there were no hard feelings between the two of you after what happened
…But your intention were not as clear as you intended initially
Riddle was mostly silent and cautious, and so were you, which made things kind of awkward
Compared to his wary nature, you were trying to be at least a little bit comforting
And he finally realised your intentions when you brought him some tea in a thermos
He was truly astonished by your gesture, even touched by your small kindness
It was some milk tea with herbs he didn’t quite recognise, sweetened with a bit of honey
Bits and pieces of a memory of his crying about milk tea with honey flooded his mind, piecing together the puzzle of your intentions
Not only did you remember such a small thing, but you also went out of your way to cater to him while he was still atoning to his mistakes
Shortly after, Heartslabyul started getting back to its orderly peace as the unbirthday party put together was fast approaching
And you were very satisfied with the peace and quiet
What you didn’t expect, however, was Riddle’s sudden summon to his room directed to you and you alone
You entered Riddle’s room, and he turned around in his chair towards you, leaving the paperwork he was looking over unattended
He was back to working as diligently as ever, something you weren’t sure was appropriate so early in his recovery
But Riddle’s face looked serene and at peace despite his serious eyes, and you decided not to comment
“I believe it is time for the two of us to have a proper conversation about what happened. I know your visits while I was bedridden were… not the most conversation-filled, but I would rather not leave any rocks unturned.”
As gentlemanly as ever, Riddle guided you to an empty seat in his room, and he sat down only after you sat down yourself
“I want to apologise to you for what you witnessed.”
You wanted to interject, but Riddle stopped you with a gesture of his hand
“As a housewarden, my duty is not only to maintain order within the group of students under my guidance, but also to ensure their safety during a moment of crisis. As I was the, um… ‘crisis’ in this case, I was unable to do so. I apologise for falling short on my duty, and for having you make up for my mistakes.”
You were taken aback by the apology, but Riddle was not done yet
“I would also like… to thank you.”
You listened as Riddle poured his heart out to you
“I have heard you were a main participant in ensuring the safety of the student body. It might be hard to believe, but…”
Something in Riddle’s eyes softened, before his gray eyes regained their composed coldness
“I am not cold hearted. I may be harsh, but I care about my card soldiers.”
And you were aware of that
While you helped the Heartslabyul students put themselves together, you’ve heard the grateful stories of a relieved group of students who praised Riddle for his dedication and meticulous nature
They told many stories about Riddle taking time off his schedule to tutor struggling students, who always did his best to offer guidance and who never raised his voice while explaining to students how to tend to the Heartslabyul animals
“I may have fallen short, but you have proven yourself to have a good head on your shoulder in times of need. I thank you for ensuring the safety of my card soldiers.”
You took a few seconds to process his words before formulating your response
“I was just… fulfilling my duty.”
“I mean, I am the ‘prefect’, right? I also have a duty to the students. I just did my best to act according to my role.”
Riddle’s eyes widened slightly, and something sparkled in his eyes as a proud smile blossomed on his face
And your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, being witness of the first time you gave Riddle a reason to smile
“That’s a very elegant answer. You sure are an interesting person, Prefect.”
As time went on, you and Riddle became good friends
Your friendship mainly consisted of you finding your way to Riddle and striking conversations as you followed him around
You didn’t have a particularly threatening aura, but the swords you used during the Heartslabyul event became a permanent part of your uniform
Initially the teachers were not too on board with a permanently armed student, especially since the student body was filled with rambunctious individuals
Yet, Riddle vouched that you knew when it was appropriate to use the swords, putting the professor’s minds somewhat at ease
Lines started blurring little by little as your attachment to Riddle became more obvious, and Rook’s teasing towards Trey about him “losing his spot as Riddle’s knight” started reaching your ears
But you didn’t quite mind
And neither did Riddle
He was, if anything, in awe at your abilities
Riddle was amazed at how natural swords looked in your hands, how your sways and slashes were always forceful yet elegant, wide yet precise
And the sweaty sight of you after a training session did, admittedly, leave Riddle with a racing heart and mind
But, above all, he admired your dedication to improve despite having no guidance
And, with a little push from Ace and Deuce, he put together a plan to help you in that regard
You just entered your dorm when the most unusual gathering of people was seated in your living room
While Ace and Deuce were around often enough to become honorary Ramshackle members slash dorm decoration, Riddle, Sebek and Silver were not part of your usual guest list
You were surprised to hear the invitation extended by a sleepy Silver and a very reluctant Sebek for you to join their training sessions
And it was revealed how Riddle used his connection to the two guards as fellow equestrian club members to ask them for a favor
After you all settled some details with the guards, they took their leave, and exited the dorm as Sebek kept yelling about not allowing you to fall short
And being the teasing pieces of work that Ace, Deuce and Grim were, they left you and Riddle alone as they winked at you
“Is this your way of making sure I keep ‘fulfilling my duty’ as the resident day saver and Hearstlabyul knight?”
Your teasing made Riddle throw you an unimpressed glance that was quickly replaced by a smile
“I am quite sure this will do nothing to diminish the use of your newly acquired moniker, but my priority is to ensure you keep honing the craft you are so obviously proud of.”
Riddle’s words were truly touching, and it was so like him to go out of his way to help the people he cared about…
“Besides, I don’t really mind the moniker. It must mean the students are starting to recognise your skill and dedication.”
That statement really made your heart skip a beat
You hesitated before you took Riddle’s hand into your own
“Well… If you don’t mind the nickname, then I don’t mind it either.”
And you brought Riddle’s hand to your lips, leaving a kiss so soft Riddle almost though he only imagined the soft press of your lips to his knuckles
He took his leave soon after your biggest show of affection yet, but you didn’t mind
Despite Riddle’s reddening face usually being considered a bad omen, you quite enjoyed the brilliant glow of red on his cheeks as he left your dorm
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sing-you-fools · 1 year
pronouns and gender aren't the same thing
a fictional character not having a gender due to not being human or experiencing that in the way humans do does not mean that character uses they/them or another pronoun set
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Janet uses she/her pronouns even if she's not a girl and if one more person "corrects me" by telling me to use they/them I'm gonna scream
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and it feels less egregious to me (maybe because people are using pronouns this way but not *correcting* me) but I'm seeing a lot of chaotic pronoun use for Crowley and Aziraphale when we only see them use he/him except when specifically fem presenting (in Crowley's case, and I'm assuming Aziraphale's too if we'd gotten that 1960s scene but who knows maybe we couldn’ve gotten a he/him butch angel)
if you do this it's not like Horrifically Problematic or anything and honestly I don't imagine any of these characters would CARE one way or another but I invite you to question why you feel like you should
and I do very much worry how this might translate to real-world human beings who are openly nonbinary but use binary pronouns, because I absolutely have seen people using they/them when someone says "I use he/him or she/her" and that's very not okay
respecting people's identity is important. respecting how they want to be addressed is part of that.
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simping-overload · 5 months
ꜱᴏᴍᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ
notes: I revive myself with a Frederick fic. I've been itching to put out. Might be ooc blame it on the drugs. I'm messing around with my writing style, so pardon any inconsistencies <3
This work is part of a series of mine based on the "Being Alive" song in the musical company. The 2006 one specifically with Raúl Esparza!!
tags: post s2, ansgt, frederick cries, cuddles, not in an official relationship, but they act like they are. Gn reader no pronouns or gender mentioned.
synopsis: You haven't been able to see Frederick for weeks—not after Miriam Las pointed the finger to him being the Chesapeake Riper. Which was bull. When the tension died down, you finally managed to slip past and pay the shrink and visit.
Ao3 link // 1,846 words
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
The last few weeks have been the most boring moments of your life, being drowned in paperwork and not having your lovely shrink friend to pick on and bother.
When you finally managed to get caught up on your paperwork, you took the rest of the day off, claiming you were feeling under the weather.
You were actually picking up some things for Frederick, an expensive box of chocolate truffles, a few books filled with boring psychology studies, and a change of clothes. You remember the last time he was in the hospital, he whined constantly about how the gown ichtes his skin.
When you walked into the hospital, it was quiet, not another soul to be seen aside from the staff. Which was great since you won't have to worry about anyone snitching on you.
You approach the desk, setting your bags on the floor to let your arms relax.
"Hi, I'm here to see Frederick Chilton. I'm a friend of his." You tell the receptionist who eyes you up in down before typing away at their keyboard.
"Sorry, but he's not accepting any visitors."
This makes you frown. How badly did the feds interrogate him to make him close off his visitation.
"Can you just call and tell him that (Y/N) is here? He'll want to see me." You lean against your fist, giving them a pleading look.
They relent, dialing the number to Fredericks room. A few momments later and exchanging a few words, they hang up the phone.
"Well, you're all set. He's in room 3V, all the way down the hall and make two rights he'll be on the left."
You smile, grabbing your bags and leaving with a thank you
You knock on the door thrice, opening it once you hear a muffled 'come in'.
Frederick lays on his side, facing sway from the door and clutching a pillow to his chest.
You shut the door with a soft click, setting the bags on the most uncomfortable looking chairs you've seen before walking over to the side of his bed.
"Hey Freds." You say softly, crouching down to his level so he wouldn't have to move. You lean against the bed with your hands folded.
He looks like shit, but better than you'd thought he'd be, giving you a slight relief. You know the injuries could've turned out much worse.
His hair is grown out, more than he'd usually allow himself. You brush the hair back and out of his face.
Frederick sighs at your familiar and comfortable touch. "What are you doing here? I figured Jack forbade you from visiting."
You chuckle, gently dragging your nails across his scalp, "Oh he did. Even had someone tail me for the first few weeks to make sure I didn't see you. Then he proceeded to drown me in paperwork as if that'd stop me." Jack always did underestimate your determination.
Frederick smirks, proud at your defiance. "Then I assume Hannibal didn't manage to manipulate you into thinking I'm the riper, hm?"
"Obviously. How the hell would someone on a low meat and sodium diet be cannibal. Plus, you're already crippled—" Frederick face twitches when you called him crippled. "—with the cane. It just doesn't make sense." You huff, no one in the FBI has critical thinking skills anymore.
Frederick sighs in relief. He knew you were smart, but with how much of a master manipulator Hannibal is, he was worried he'd get you to turn on him, too.
"Good…" He trails off, eyes drifting to the bags. His face lits up seeing a very familiar chocolate company logo, Lindt Lindor.
His eyes snap back up to you, "Give me those truffles." He demands.
You chuckle, "Nuh uh, I got to make sure with your doctor that you can eat them. How about we get you changed instead?" You pat Fredericks good cheek, enjoying how cute he looks when he pouts. Stepping away, you go to grab the clothing.
"You have some audacity to tempt me. I swear once I'm recovered, I'm going to skin you alive."
"We both know you wouldn't cause you wouldn't have anyone else to get you your limited edition truffles."
You take the clothing out of the bag. It was a pair of silk PJs, the only kinds he'd wear, a few pairs of boxers and socks.
You place the clothes on the edge of the hospital bed, "I know how much you hate hospital gowns, so I got you stuff to change into. I can help you change into these, or can you do it yourself."
"I'm a grown man. I change myself. I'll call you back once I'm done, now shoo." He waves you off, using the nearby remote to move the bed into a sitting position. He painfully groans when he pushes himself off the bed, even though he is only shot in the face, the pain manged to spread, reaching his entire body.
He doesn't change until you step outside. He moves his legs to hang over the side of the bed, shimming the hospital issued gown and boxers off.
He grabs the pair of boxers, slipping them off before doing the same with the socks. He doesn't trust himself to try to stand on his own since he was bedridden for the last week.
He tugged the pants on, enjoying the way the silk felt against his skin. He ties the strings into a nice bow before grabbing the shirt.
He slips it on, minding the wires attached to his arm. He looks down to button it. He sees the scar on his abdomen. He lets out a shakey breath when his fingers graze over it. The memories of that night come rushing back like a tidial wave.
He quickly pushes the thoughts from his mind and finshes buttoning that shirt. He folds his old clothing and leaves it neatly placed at the edge of the bed.
"You can come in now."
When you enter, you aren't alone. His assigned doctor and her protogee follow in suit. he glances at the clock - 12:00 P.M. - the time for his midday check-up.
"Dr. Prescott, Dr. Harring. Hello." He gives them a tight-lipped smile. He wasn't in the mood for seeing anyone other than you at the moment.
"Mr. Chilton, we're just here for your routine checkup. Since you seem to have company, we'll make sure to be quick. Now, Dr. Harring." She pushes the younger doctor forward, letting him take the lead on the check-up as she rights down notes.
It was quick, simple, and uncomfortable. Whenever Dr. Harring touches his face he cringes in pain, and slight disgust at his oily hands.
After a bit, the doctor finally pulls away from him, "Looks like everything is good! You're recovering quite well, Mr. Chilton. You'll be outta here in no time!"
Frederick fakes a smile. He knows he's stuck here. He won't be let out until the trial or until the charges are dropped.
Dr. Prescott ushers the other out of the room, and before she leaves, she looks back at Frederick, "And yes, you can eat those truffles but only 3. I don't want to risk it getting stuck in there." She says before stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind her.
Frederick gives you a knowing look when he glances between the back and you. You head over to the bag, digging through to find his favorites. Dark Chocolate Raspberry. He loves these concerning amount, even has a jar filled with them in his office. No one is allowed to touch, not even you.
He takes (snatches) them out of your hand, moaning in delight as he pops one in his mouth, enjoying the flavor on his tongue.
His thoughts begin to drift off as he thinks about his situation. He doesn't know what he's going to do with himself. Prison will be hell on earth for him, especially since he's crippled.
His reputation itself will be destroyed. He'd lose all his assets, his so-called friends, and whatever family he has left that actually still cares about him. By the time he gets out, he will have nothing. He won't have you.
The one person who sticks around him not just for his money or to raise their status. You're someone who actually likes him, sticking with him even with his asshole snob behavior that would have most people leaving without a second thought.
You actually listened to him, talked to him, and respected him. Even when he tried to push you away, you always came back. He doesn't want to lose you.
You notice Frederick drifting off, getting lost in his thoughts. His eyes downcasted with a far-off look. Bringing your hand to his chin, you lift his head back
"Hey… Are you okay?" You rub your finger on the underside of his chin, trying to get him to focus on you.
He owlishly blinks at you, coming back to reality he pulls away from your hand, leaning back against the bed.
"I'm fine." He huffs, popping another chocolate in his mouth.
You squint at him. You've known him for long enough to tell when he's lying.
"No, you're not. Scoot over." You slip your shoes off before slipping under the covers next to him.
You reach over, grabbing the bed remote to make the bed lay flat.
"What are you doing." He questions, scooting over reluctantly.
"We are going to cuddle and talk about our feelings. You know I hate when you hide things that bother you." You wrap your arms around him, pulling him to lay comfortably on your chest as you run your hands through his hair.
He huffs against you but doesn't say anything. Silently enjoying the way your hands feel, melting into your touch.
"I'm serious, Frederick. Tell me what's wrong."
This makes Frederick sigh. He doesn't ever like talking about his issues.
"If I get convicted, I'm done for. I lose everything I have." I'll lose you, he wants to say, but those words die in his throat. He buries his face into your shirt and sucks in a breath. He can feel tears stinging his one good eye. He hated crying.
"Not everything. I'm still here. I will always be here." You reassure him, and his body shakes as he begins to sob.
You rub his back, trying to soothe him, "C'mere baby." Pulling him up more, you take his scared face into your hand, wiping his tears away.
"I'll stick with you through everything. I'll get you a lawyer and a P.I., I'm not going to let them convict you." It's a promise that you're willing to take to the grave.
He doesn't respond and just cries harder. You rest his head into the crook of your neck, pressing soothing kisses to his temple as he cries himself to sleep.
You press a kiss to his temple, none of this was fair and you were going to be damn sure he gets the justice he deserves.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 9 months
Hello!!! I love sm your hc/scenarios, they are SO GOOD!!!!
If it's not too much trouble, you could do an Obey Me scenario with the 7 brothers (separately obviously) with a fem (or gender neutral, if you prefer!) s/o who is pretty buff and what do they think about it?
I'm still kind of new to this game, so I don't really know about events or storyline😭😭 so do as you wish or which one would best fit in this situation!!
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COMMENTS: Hi! Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them so much 😊
I found your request interesting. I decided to write with a Fem Reader because a muscular body is seen differently if it is a man or a woman. As I don't have that type of body, it's difficult for me to think of a scenario, that's why I ended up doing headcanons.
I hope you and all enjoy it 💪
P.S.: You said you're new to the game. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay. 😈
CHARACTERS: Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor)
TAGS: Fluff; Fem Reader; Comfort; Bullet Points
WORD COUNT: An average of 250 words per character.
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CONTEXT: From the conversations in the game I assume that Beelzebub works out at home, so I also wrote thinking that MC would also work out at home and not in a gym.
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Lucifer is very proud of you, BUT he still has his own pride as the man in the relationship.
Even with his brothers he likes to be the strongest, out of pride and to protect those he loves most. Things wouldn't be any different with you.
He doesn't want you to be weaker, he just wants to be stronger than you. He wants you to depend on Him and not vice versa, especially in matters of strength and power.
He will be happy to join you in your workout. In addition to spending more time with you, he also takes the opportunity to see how your workout is and set an even harder for himself without you knowing.
You'll never know how hard he works to remain the strongest in the family (which includes you). From him, you will only hear how proud he is of you, perhaps a similar pride to what he feels for Beel in a way.
That and provocative phrases to compete in some way to see that he is still the strong-... I mean to see who would win.
If anyone even has the audacity to insinuate that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will step in and use all his intimidation skills to humiliate the demon to the point of them being ashamed of open their mouths ever again.
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Mammon's feelings are conflicted. He loves you and is proud of you, BUT if you are as strong or stronger than him it will be a huge blow to his pride.
He knows he's not that smart, so he only had his strength to brag about. If he doesn't even have that, then what can he contribute to the relationship?
At first he will need you to reassure him, telling him why you love him and that it's not because he's strong... I mean, not just because of that...
After that he will become more confident and maybe join you in some workouts.
One day, he might even consider the idea of helping you open a gym so you can both earn a lot of money. But then he will think of you as a personal trainer for some other demon and his jealousy will win and he will discard this idea completely.
If he becomes too comfortable with the idea of you being so strong, he will try to convince you to be his bodyguard. Mainly for the times when someone is after him to get their money back.
If someone insinuates that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will step in and incite a fight with the person who said it. And because it was about you he will use all his strength if necessary to shut up anyone who wants to try and say something like that again. He will make sure he wins all these fights. And if you help him, honestly, so much the better.
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Levi never cared about being strong. But in your case, that's just another quality of yours for him to worship- I mean love. You are the knight in shining armor that he so admires.
Whenever you need it, he will tell you how wonderful you are and how incredible your body is. In a respectful way of course. The downside is that now he'll have something else to self-deprecate about.
He won't join you in the workout, sorry. But if you turn your workout into a game, maybe he'll consider it. But not in a PvP game, okay? He knows he can't win against you and even if he could he doesn't want to fight you.
He will ask you, without any shame, to open something that requires strength. And tell you how incredible you are right after.
If there is a couple that you both would like to cosplay and the man is the strong one, Levi will have absolutely no problem, and he may even be the one to suggest that you cosplay the characters but swapped. Or even change the genders of the characters. He will love doing couple cosplay with you no matter what.
If someone insinuates that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will step in like the simp- I mean stan he is, and start with that speech of an emotional fan defending the character he loves most without any hesitation. The demon who dared to say that will have to deal with his burning passion to the point of being like "O-okay, I’m sorry! Chill man...”
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Satan always gave more importance to intelligence than strength. But if you have both, so much the better.
Your muscles don't bother him, at best they impress him. How could he not be impressed by your hard work? As long as you still have time to enjoy a book with him, he's just proud of you.
In general, he wouldn't treat you any differently. He would treat you the same no matter what you look like because what he loves is your inside, what you look like on the outside is just a beautiful cover of an amazing book, no matter the edition.
He wouldn't join you in the workout, sorry. Unless it's some kind of race after a cat or a competition with Lucifer to wipe the smug off his face, he'd rather sit and read a book.
However, there is a good chance that he will read books related to physical exercise to help you improve your workout. Or food books to recommend new recipes for dishes or drinks if this also helps you.
If anyone even has the audacity to insinuate that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will step in, probably in his demon form because he will be furious. No one talks bad about you in front of him! Whoever said that will be reminded why they should be afraid of the Avatar of Wrath.
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Asmo will keep telling you how beautiful you are, like he always does and always will.
There are so many styles of clothes he can try on you that would look so good on your body type! You'll love it, you'll see!
He is already Princess Asmo and you will now be his knight in shining armor. This would probably describe your relationship pretty well.
He wouldn't join you in the workout, sorry. Your exercises are probably too hard and heavy for the type of body he prefers to have. Oh, but he LOVES watching you train. It's so hot!
He will definitely join you to eat. And if you start a diet or improve the one you already have, he will join you. If it's not a specific one for those who work out a lot.
He will also love taking photos with you and suggest that you take photos of you working out. They tend to be very trendy on Devilgram. And those photos from you? Everyone would love you even more! And Asmo would probably create some kind of album to feast his eyes on.
But he also has another, more protective side. From time to time he will ask if your exercises are not too demanding. You know, you shouldn't be so demanding on yourself, you can get hurt if you don't take it easy sometimes.
If someone insinuates that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will step in, with an aura that is both rare and intimidating. He will react to someone saying you are less than gorgeous the same way he reacts when someone insinuates the same about himself.
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Beel and you are two beans in a pod, and that is awesome! One of the people he loves most can work out with him! What's there not to love about it?
There's a good chance you two will ask Lucifer to turn some spare room into an exercise room. And the same good chances of Lucifer authorizing it. This will become your special place and you would probably decorate it as such. Needless to say, Beel's brothers will start to get jealous.
Matching gym equipment and clothes!
Your walks in the park are jogs together. And there's a good chance this jog will end in a picnic in the park.
More jealousy from his brothers. Which will probably make all of them, except Lucifer and Belphie (Belphie is never jealous of Beel), suddenly have a huge desire to start working out too and join you. Beel will be extremely happy about this but they won't last much longer than a day. However, Beel will be happy that at least for one day he worked out with his family. And the others will be happy that he was happy. So, everyone ends up happy in the end and the jealousy ends up disappearing.
You will cook and make smoothies for both you and him. Otherwise he ends up eating everything before it's ready.
If someone says that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will step with that extremely rare angry aura, like when he's been hungry for too long and is capable of going on a rampage. In an imposing pose in front of the demon that insulted you to the point that they were covered by Beel's shadow.
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It is undeniable to say that his twin brother is the brother that Belphie loves most. And now you have even more things in common with him! He absolutely loves you!
Needless to say, he won't be joining you for a workout. But he will support you in whatever way he can like he does with Beel.
He will be the person who tries to convince you the most to go down the wrong path. Not because he wants you to stop working out, but because he likes being lazy with you. He already does this normally but as you take time out of your day to work out, you can feel him being more pampered.
That or try to convince you to do something for him. Or instead of him. You are so much stronger and more athletic than him. It's so much easier for you to do household chores. Are you sure you can't do that little favor for him this time?
If someone insinuates that women are not beautiful with muscles, he will "nicely" give the demon an opportunity to apologize. If not, he'll just be one more nasty comment away from taking on his demon form and strangling the demon who dared to insult you.
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
not sure if this one has been done before but i'd like to request a set of headcanons for the dateables who assumed mc (male or gender neutral, up to you!) had feelings for someone else, and had already given up, right up until they confessed that they were in love with them.
also, can solomon's be set during nightbringer? i don't mind when the others are set!
thank you! i love your writing!!
Hi there, anon!
This may have been done, but it hasn't been done by me, so you're good lol! Oh man this one was fun. They all start out angsty and then end with the confession and I love it. I have to write angst more often, apparently I enjoy making characters feel pain. Which is weird considering I made myself sad writing these. I kind of feel like this might just be the universal writer experience, though.
Also I feel I should mention that Diavolo believes MC is in love with Lucifer because I honestly feel like that's the only scenario in which he would completely give up lol. Everybody else's is vague, but they all think it's one of the brothers.
Thank you for the request!
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the dateables think GN!MC is in love with someone else and give up on them, but then MC confesses
Warnings: angst as all the characters believe that MC is in love with someone else, but ends with fluff
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He can tell that there's someone you care about. It's in the way you sometimes get a private sort of look, like you're thinking about something very specific, and then you smile softly. Seeing that smile makes his heart ache. He's so happy that there's someone who makes you feel that way, someone who makes you smile like that, but he's fairly certain it isn't him. The pain of knowing that you'll never be his is deep. It keeps him up at night, but he tries to act like there's nothing wrong.
He thinks you're in love with Lucifer. He can't deny that there's something special between the two of you. And he's convinced that Lucifer is the only one that you could be in love with. Lucifer is protective, competent, and always looking out for you. You rely on him, but he relies on you, too, more than he would admit. And Diavolo simply doesn't have that closeness with you.
He thinks he's being very realistic about the situation. There's no point in pursuing you when your heart clearly belongs to someone else. Convinces himself that he's happy enough just to be near you, to be in your presence. Sometimes lets himself feel jealousy over it, but works hard to suppress that feeling. Actively tries to move on because he has responsibilities he needs to focus on.
So when you confess to him, he's in shock. Actually speechless for several minutes. And then he grabs your hands. MC, are you sure? Are you sure you're in love… with him? You won't have to reassure him more than once. As soon as you tell him you're sure, he's accepted what you've told him. Gets teary eyed about it because the feeling in his chest is so overwhelming. He never thought this could happen, but here you are, telling him that you're in love with him. All he wants to do now is kiss you. You've made him so happy he can't think straight.
He knows right away that you've fallen for someone. He's observant, so it isn't hard for him to pick up on it. It's obvious in the way you get a little preoccupied sometimes. You become a little forgetful and scatterbrained, like your mind is somewhere else. But you also seem a little happier, quicker to smile and laugh. What an odd feeling for him. Seeing you like this fills him with a special contentment. And yet…
Barbatos doesn't necessarily know who it is you have feelings for. At least, there's nobody he suspects is your special person. He just knows it isn't him. He's convinced that he would be able to tell if it was. Sometimes thinks about who it might be and has certain others that he thinks would be a good fit for you, but he doesn't dwell on this too much. Busies himself with his work so he doesn't have to think about that little sting he feels whenever he thinks about it.
A master at compartmentalizing his mind and feelings so that he doesn't have to deal with them. Simply tucks all that away into a corner of his soul where he can ignore it entirely. Let it stay there and fester for a bit. He has more important things to deal with than his own silly feelings. And so nobody would be able to tell - not you, not Diavolo, no one. He has a lot of practice at keeping secrets, after all.
But all of that is going to come bursting out of its restraint when you tell him how you feel. Blushes instantly. Overcome, overwhelmed, flooded with the emotions he'd been keeping locked up tight. You can see the chaos in his eyes. But he takes control of all of this pretty quickly. Pulls you close to him, wraps you in his arms. Truly you may never know the extent of his happiness, MC. Please always stay by his side.
It isn't so much that he doesn't notice as he just assumes he's wrong. There's definitely something different about you lately, but he's not going to guess at what it is. Probably asks you directly if there's anything on your mind. Considering you're likely not ready to tell him how you feel, you can pretty much say anything about what's going on in your life and he'll accept it. Moves on without too much questioning, but keeps an eye on you.
Eventually, he won't be able to deny it. He's going to have a specific demon brother in mind, too. He watches you with that brother, whichever one you're closest to, and thinks he's figured it out. Even though you didn't tell him you were in love when he asked and he knows it's not a good thing to assume, he still can't help but notice it. The way you smile when that brother speaks to you. The way you seem to drift near him whenever you can.
And if Simeon takes the time to consider this for very long at all, he'll realize that the feeling that bubbles up in him first is jealousy. He's not happy about that. He doesn't like the way it makes him feel. And just underneath it, he senses a deep pain that he doesn't want to explore. So he attempts to shut it all down. He's very good at maintaining his composure when he's with you. But when he's alone, he lets himself feel everything. Might even let himself cry if he's certain no one will hear him.
Definitely cries when you tell him how you really feel. Just lets that relief wash over him and his love for you is something he can't contain. Please hold him, MC. He just wants to be near you forever. Never let him go. He might ramble for a little bit about how he thought you were in love with someone else. He might even tell you all about how it made him feel and how he wasn't dealing with it very well. But in the end, he's going to smile at you through his tears. Really make his heart burst by kissing them away.
He's always known that you belong to the seven demon brothers. He knows him having a chance with you is just wishful thinking. It doesn't matter that you live with him now. That he's the only one who knows that you're really from the future. It doesn't matter how fast his heart beats whenever he sees your smile. That when he's with you all he can think about is putting his arms around you. Solomon knows you aren't his. You will always choose the brothers.
He's aware right away that you've got feelings for someone. He has his guesses. Perhaps two or three different demon brothers come to his mind. Starts paying attention to how you act around them to see if he can figure it out. He will question the brothers he suspects, just to see how they feel about you. If they give him less than satisfactory answers, he might try to steer you away from them. Not because he thinks that makes you more likely to choose him, but because he doesn't want to see you get hurt.
Ignores the way your softened expression makes his gut twinge. Sometimes stares at you for too long because he's trying so hard not to say something to you about it. He doesn't ask you because he knows he can't handle the answer. Starts throwing himself into his work. Forcing himself to think about anything else. But how can he think of anything other than you?
Your confession nearly takes him out. He's so surprised, so overcome with emotions, he falls to his knees at your feet. Grasps your hands like he's drowning and you're the only thing that will save him. He was holding so much tension inside and he didn't even realize it. Now it's all draining away. You can either pull him to his feet or join him on the floor. Either way, he needs you to hold him. MC, please tell him he isn't dreaming. Please tell him this is real. Reassure him with a kiss and he'll pull you into a fierce embrace, like he's scared you'll vanish if he doesn't hold you tight enough.
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starfall-spirit · 2 months
Precious Collateral
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Read on Ao3 // Fic Masterlist // SJM Omegaverse Masterlist // Dark Feysand Masterlist
Summary: When Rhys set out to collect his dues from the head of the Archeron house, he knew the man would be begging for more time. What he didn’t expect was to be offered the youngest daughter as collateral.
After spending only a day in the temperamental woman’s company, he found himself utterly enthralled with his new guest—and with no intention of letting her father scrape together the funds that would grant her her freedom.
CW: None
Chapter III
She’d be fine. She’d been fine before now. Feyre had presented nearly three years ago and while she had never gone into a true heat or mingled with alphas of either gender, her omega traits were still very much present. So why after three years of being without a proper nest was she so eager to create one now.
Everyone claimed an omega could only be comfortable enough to nest in a place they considered safe. Here she was, trapped and terrified—though she’d never admit her fear—and on the verge of tearing apart her bed and closet just to have something resembling nesting fabrics.
So what the hell was wrong with her?
There was a soft knock on the door, making her pause her pacing.
It swung open to reveal a blonde bombshell with a quick smile. “My, you do have an attitude, don’t you? Good. Rhys needs someone to give him a hard time for once.”
“I’m Mor by the way. His cousin.”
She eyed the female for a moment, noting she too was an alpha. Not exactly rare, but not something you see every day either. Feyre wondered if the woman had as much control here as Rhys and his goons seemed to. “I’m Feyre. Why are you here?”
Mor waved off the rude tone, her smile only seeming to widen. “I know if my life was flipped upside down in a matter of a few hours I’d want a girlfriend to help me through it. I might not be able to change Rhys’ mind about this, but I’d like to make it easier. If you’ll have me as your friend?”
A friend. More likely someone to babysit and spy on Feyre while her cousin was off killing people. Or whatever it was he did for entertainment. But maybe Feyre could manage to turn things in her favor. Put the woman at ease and learn the weaknesses of this place—more importantly, of its master.
“I’d like that,” she said, turning away as her nervous energy returned.
“I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well at the moment.”
“Well, of course you're not. You haven’t done anything to settle in yet. Are the things the boys brought you for your nest in the closet? I can help you if you’d like. Or not. I know some omegas can be rather particular. What did you bring from your room at home? We can work around that.” Feyre blinked, watching Mor march over to the walk-in closet Feyre had spent an embarrassingly large chunk of the morning sifting through. “I swear those boys don’t have half a brain cell between them,” she said, seeming genuinely angry on Feyre’s behalf. “Hold on, hon. I’ll handle this.”
Breezing out of the room, Mor left her alone, the door cracked open enough that a shrill, “Rhysand, you idiot!” rang back up from the ground floor. Was the woman that careless, or was it a trap?
Whatever the case may be, it would likely be her only chance of escape. Picking up her sandals from the night before, Feyre eased the door open, thankful for the well-oiled hinges. From her place on the landing she could see the entirety of the impressive foyer. The only sound throughout the house at the time was from a room somewhere beyond it—Rhysand and Mor’s verbal volleying over what Feyre assumed was the bedding situation. Unless the woman had been putting on an act, after all.
She had to gather her courage and run before they were done with their discussion. Loosing one last nervous breath, she descended the steps. ~~~~~ Cassian
“What a ballsy little thing.” Mor paused her rant at the comment, eyes sliding his direction. “I thought she’d at least wait a few days before trying to run.”
After the fit she’d pitched last night, the whole house had been convinced she’d be on her best behavior. Rhys had never been shy about handling defiance in the ranks of those he employed, and while the girl was in a very different role here, she had earned it from what Rhys relayed after putting her down for the night. Maybe the fact any of that was necessary to begin with should have told them the lesson wouldn’t stick.
“You put a camera in her room, Rhys? Seriously?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Morrigan,” his brother scoffed, holding out a hand so Cassian would return his phone. “I showed her to a room that already had a surveillance system installed. Months ago.”
His brother chuckled, turning to face the wall that shielded their escapee from view. “Want a turn, Cass?” He blinked. “Mor here let her out and after least night’s… lesson, we may need to try a new approach. Az won’t be back for a bit.”
“I’ll leave the discipline to you, Rhys.”
He shook his head. “Another punishment will only make her more mulish right now.”
“So what, I go out there and haul her back inside to show here we’re all on your side in this?”
“Aren’t you?”
Rhys raised a brow as they heard the front door briefly open and click shut. “Unbelievable.”
Pushing to his feet, he headed for the foyer, taking his time about it. It wasn’t like she’d truly get anywhere with the border guard active twenty-four hours a day. The first thing he heard was a yelp. Feyre had foolishly rushed down to the gravel drive before fully putting her shoes on, scraping up the bottoms of her feet if the colorful language to follow was anything to go on.
“Couldn’t even wait until someone told you we’d left the house?”
He only let her make it a few more steps before throwing her over his shoulder and stalking back into the house, chuckling at the little fists she beat against his back. “Put me down, you oaf!”
“Sorry, sweetheart. Not gonna happen. I’ve got to admit, I was sure that last night would have knocked some sense into you.”
Feyre froze. “Last—You know what happened last night?” she whispered, sounding horrified.
He chuckled. “Feyre, everyone knows what happened last night. You didn’t exactly take it with grace. So what happened to all of those pretty promises about being good, hm?”
She made a pitiful sound, going limp over his shoulder, apparently resigned to her fate. That is until she realized they weren’t heading back to her room. “Please, I don’t want to see him.”
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little bad about it. Regardless of what trouble the brat had been stirring the past two days, Cass had always been a sucker for a pouty omega. But if the girl was going to be staying here he couldn’t afford to let her put that together.
Trudging back into the main living room, he hunched over enough to drop Feyre on the cushion beside Rhys. Mor rolled her eyes. “Get the shit I told you to,” she muttered, before making the sort of dramatic exit only the Sterling cousins seemed capable of.
“Feyre darling.” She refused to look at either of them. “Petulance won’t do you any good here.” Locking a hand around her ankle, Rhys yanked her down the couch until she was close enough for him to lean over. She wasn’t stupid enough to lash out at Rhys from her position. Then again it could just be her sore backside ensuring that much cooperation at the moment. “Let’s get these cleaned,” Rhys murmured, reaching for a first aid kit someone had brought in the time it took for Cassian to retrieve their guest.
“You’ve cut your feet, darling. Perhaps you thought not wearing your shoes helped you keep quiet, but it did you no real favors today, did it?”
“Mor was testing me.”
He stayed silent, apparently unwilling to incriminate his cousin in the girl's eyes. Cassian took a seat at the other end of the sofa, lifting Feyre’s head enough to wedge a pillow beneath it as Rhys started tending to the minor cuts she’d earned. She looked up at him, clearly confused by his attention beyond bringing her back to the house, not that he had a good explanation to give her. Or himself for that matter. She was distracted soon enough anyways, whimpering when Rhys took an alcohol swab to the worst of the cuts. He tried not to think about why the sound unsettled something in him. Why he wanted to distract the sweet thing beside him from the small hurt. She’d certainly earned it, bolting without any solid plan.
She wasn’t going to be here forever. Eventually Rhys would get bored or Archeron would make another shady deal to scrape together the money he owed them. And the omega would leave.
He couldn’t get attached.
He wouldn’t get attached.
Taglist: @whatishowedyouinthedark // @ninthcircleofprythian // @sajirah // @acourtofladydeath // @lulling-night-sky // @edgyellie // @shallyne // @the-lonelybarricade // @darling-archeron // @goddess-aelin // @the-lost-changeling // @faeriequeensuriel // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @elentiya-whitethorn // @acotar-fanns // @jealousveronya // @acourtofwips // @reverie-tales // @gwynkyrie // @corcracrow // @thelovelymadone // @rosanna-writer // @toporecall //@popjunkie42-blog
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ladylooch · 8 months
20 Weeks- Miles Wood
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A/N: Today, we are checking in on Miles and Kailey after an angsty request for this AU from 👢 anon.
Word Count: 1.6k
Shot in the Dark series page is here.
Hey, are you on your way home? We have to leave in 15.
Babe? Can you please answer?
Okay, I’m just going to assume you’re meeting me there? I’m heading to the clinic.
Miles, I’m checking in at the clinic. Please tell me you are coming.
Kailey stares at the blue bubbles of her iMessages to her husband. The cursor blinks in the text box almost mocking her about sending him another text. She can clearly see the purple half moon that says his iPhone is on Do Not Disturb. He does this for practice- all the boys do, so their phones aren’t going off during coaching meetings or video sessions. Professionally hockey is a business after all. 
But she thought Miles had updated his settings so her notifications got through. At least he told her he had after she became pregnant and they moved to a new state where they only had each other. 
Clearly that wasn’t the case.
Kailey clicks her phone closed, stuffing it into the pocket of her thick, winter jacket. She folds her fingers together between her knees, legs bouncing as she looks towards the clinic door to the left. She scans the windows looking out at the parking lot too, not seeing his car turning in. 
I guess she will be doing their 20 week scan alone. 
A dense lump forms in her throat as she takes in the other women in the waiting room with her. They are all in various stages of pregnancy, most with partners except for her and one other woman who is waiting for a different patient to finish. The realization of everyone having someone here except for her makes it all worse.
“Kailey?” A nurse calls. Kailey hikes up her purse, glancing over her shoulder one more time to see if she can see him coming. But Miles still isn't there.
“No dad today?” The nurse asks immediately, grabbing the labels Kailey was giving at check in. Miles had been at the other two appointments.
“Uh, no.”
“Out of town?”
“Um…” Kailey trails off, pursing her lips. “He got caught up at work.” 
“No problem! I’ll let the front desk know he might be coming, so they can show him back to where we are.” Kailey nods, taking the medical cup the nurse extends for her standard sample. She waddles into the bathroom, doing what needs to be done before rejoining the nurse in the hall. After taking her weight, blood pressure and pulse, Kailey is taken to the lab to pull blood work too. Finally, she is settled into the crinkly sheet covered table with the ultrasound technician.
“Okay! Before we start, do you want to know the gender?”
“Yes, but can you write it down? We want to do it privately.”
“Of course! I’ll let you know when I’m going over that area and I’ll have you close your eyes.”
“Okay.” Kailey nods, bringing her sweater up to just below her breasts, exposing her growing bump. “I feel so much bigger than 20 weeks.” Kailey jokes as the gel is squeezed onto her stomach. Her pulse quickens, feeling anxious and excited all at the same time.
“Yeah, the care team want us to check in on the size of the baby.”
“I should not of had sex with a literal giant.” She chuckles.
“We love who we love.” 
How true that is, even when he is missing one of the biggest milestones of her pregnancy. 
The ultrasound is long and detailed. The technician clicks buttons every few seconds, taking a large amount of snapshots of the baby. Once she is done with an area, she begins to explain.
“Heart looks fabulous. No worries there.”
“The baby is measuring pretty big for your anticipated due date.”
“Spine and neck look great. No weird curves or under development happening.” 
A knock sounds on the door. The technician stands, opening and peeking out.
“Hi, dad is here!” The nurse from earlier says.
“Oh great!” She exclaims, stepping to the side.
Miles walks in, looking incredible out of breath, with wind whipped cheeks and an extremely apologetic look on his face.
“I’m so sorry. So sorry, babe.” He runs around to the opposite side of the table. He quickly shrugs his jacket off, tossing it onto the back of his chair. The metal scrapes against the tiled floor as he settles in next to her. He eagerly reaches for her hand, but Kailey doesn’t hold his hand back. Her fingers stay limp in his grasp.
“So, as I was telling mom, spine, neck, and heart look good so far.” The technician repeats. Miles squeezes Kailey’s hand as she watches the screen, avoiding his gaze. 
“That is great. We should double check the brain. They’re half me.” Miles jokes. 
The technician laughs. Kailey doesn’t. Miles chews harder on his gum, then brings her hand up to his mouth to kiss. He drops kisses here every few moments as the rest of the scan is completed. The last item is the gender, which Kailey and Miles both close their eyes for. The technician writes the word on a piece of paper, then tucks it into an envelope for safe keeping until it is time. The envelope gets tucked into Kailey’s purse by Miles. 
“Any questions? Everything looks great. The baby is measuring a little large, so we will have to keep an eye on that as you get farther along. But nothing of concern at this point.”
“I don’t have questions.” Kailey responds. 
“I’m good.” Miles confirms.
“Great! I will let you get cleaned up. You are free to go once you’re ready.” The room is quiet until the door shuts behind her.
“Baby, I am so sorry. I completely forgot the appointment was today.” Miles says as Kailey uses the paper towel to wipe off the gel.
“I’m really upset.” She states matter of factly.
“It was not intentional. I thought it was tomorrow.”
“No, it is not tomorrow because have a game. My appointment would have bled over into your pre-game routine, so being the loving wife that I am, I made the appointment purposefully on an off-day for your convenience.”
“I know. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. I’m sure I worried you too. I dropped the ball. I’ll make it up to you.” Kailey laughs, blinking in disbelief. 
“Good luck.” Miles faces drops deadly serious.
“Babe, I am trying. This is still a whirlwind to me.”
“Are you?” She snorts. “Wow, I feel so bad for how hard my pregnancy is for you. If this is you trying, we have bigger problems than I thought.” A whirlwind to him? Like his body is the one changing every second of every day. Like he is the one who has to grapple so hard with this reality of never being the same again? He has months left to prepare. She didn’t get that choice.
Kailey swings her legs off to the side and jumps down, passing on Miles’ offer to help. She shoves her sweater back down, then walks to put her jacket back on. She tries to get the buttons closed, but it refused because of her belly. She leaves it open then grabs her belt bag, tossing it over her head. She rips open the door to the room, then turns to the right to head back to the lobby. Miles’ sneakered feet scrape the carpet which is her only indication that he is following.
“What were you even doing after practice? What was so important that you couldn’t check your phone?” She suddenly whirls around at him when they enter the parking lot.
“I… stayed on the ice longer working with Ross on a few things.” Nothing would have made it better to Kailey, but imagining her worrying about him while he was messing around on the ice with his teammate infuriates her further.
“Great! Good for you. So glad you and your buddy had fun this afternoon while I worried you were dead in a ditch.” She snaps, then rips the driver’s side door open of her car. She slides in. “I’ll see you later.”
“Are you going home?” Miles asks through the window. 
“I don’t know. I guess you’ll find out when you get there.” Then she throws the car in reverse, leaving Miles standing in the parking lot, watching her leave.
- - -
Nothing made Kailey feel better during her hours out of their apartment. Not the Passion Fruit Lemonade from Starbucks. Or the Shake Shack cheeseburger. Or the new shoes she found at DSW. She was still upset when she came home to Miles cooking dinner for them as the sun was setting behind the mountains.
“Hey.” He calls to her as she walks in. Kailey mumbles a greeting. She tosses her new shoes into their entryway closet, then shrugs off her too small jacket. “I heard you today.” Miles says as he grabs the jacket from her. He puts is on the hanger. He looks annoyingly handsome in his professional kitchen apron with pockets and nice leather straps. “I will be better than this. It’s what you two deserve.” Kailey looks at him, studying his apologetic stature. She heard him too, but she can’t help how angry she feels looking at him right now. 
“I wish you had cared enough about this appointment to show up on time.” 
“Kails, I did care.”
“How do you expect me to believe that? Especially when your actions said everything else. You literally showed up twenty minutes after it started! I was mostly done. Did you go home first and were like huh, wonder why she isn’t here? Instead of checking your phone the moment you could!? What if something happened to me, Miles?” The intense lines of his face get deeper as he frowns harder. He shakes his head slightly, having no answer for her.
“You’re gonna be someone’s dad in 4 months. But more importantly than that, right now you’re someone’s husband. I depend on you to show up when you say you will. Don’t make me learn how to do this without you because I fucking will.”
Kailey walks down the hall to their bedroom. She opens and shuts the door, then bursts into silent sobs. 
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