#that's basically all of them everything else after that mostly just repeats
numetaljackdog · 1 year
lol. if i'm completely honest with everyone here i could easily just put the entire song i fucking love the lyrics to this one. ah why not
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sterredem · 5 months
Logan sargeant x Piastri!reader
This was a request
Face claim no one
Summary after the Australian Grand Prix Logan begins to doubt himself and lashes out in Y/n
Word count -
Warning angst, break up, not proofread, spelling mistakes
A/N I don’t know the names of Oscar’s sisters so I made it up; we have Olivia, Julie and Amelia. Sorry if that is your name, you can just imagine an other name.
Hate the ending. It was also a bit rushed, so the spelling will NOT be good.
Please repost, comment or give feedback! It helps a lot!❤️
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Oscar, Logan and Y/n. Those names were said together a lot. Sometimes various combinations of those three but mostly the three names together with each other. And mostly when it was said it mentioned something good, or funny. But the last few months the combination ‘Logan and Y/n’ is heard a lot more. In the media but also said by other drivers or fans. That is because after years of dating thru finally hard launched. And the word loved it how could they not? They were every good book trope
Childhood best friends, brothers best friend, childhood sweethearts, secret relationships. And the people loved it. But with every relationship came problems, and that was no different with them.
And after the monstrosity that is called the Australian Grand Prix 2024, let’s just say a few things changed.
The Australian Grand Prix, Oscars home race and Logan Sal most home race (or at least it felt like it). The whole Piastri family came to support the two boys. And with the family was, of course, Y/n. Oscars youngest sister (ado his favourite) and Logan’s girlfriend from 10 years (the first few years not being overly serious with that a 13 year old being in a relationship).
But despite the good atmosphere at the beginning of the race weekend that didn’t last the whole weekend. All because of the stupid decision’s of Williams and because of Alex’s crash.
So when the news came out that Logan wouldn’t race and would give Alex his car, it was understandable that Y/n was confused. So when she walked out of the McLaren garage and into the Williams garage for an explanation from Logan. So she walked to his drivers room and knocked on the door before slowly opening it. When she walked in she saw Logan laying down on the massage table. So she slowly walked up to him and touched his shoulder to let him know she was there.
“Hey lo, hoe are you doing? I heard what happens.” She said quietly while he sat up straighter and looked at her.
He mumbled something that she didn’t hear so she asked him to repeat it.
“We need to talk.” Logan said while slowly looking away from his girlfriend.
“Okay…” she said a bit confused while looking at Logan. “What is going on love?” She asked. “Is it something with the race? Do you need something? Do I need to fight someone?” She asked the last bit joking of course (but she would if he asked her to).
“I think we need to break up.” He said getting straight to the point wanting it to be over. He didn’t look at her but instead chose to look around the room.
“What?” She asked confused with his sudden statement. “No, we don’t. Why would you think we would need to break up?” She asked getting more and more confused by the second.
Logan was silent for a second before speaking again. “Let me rephrase; I want to break up with you.” He said more firm while finally looking in her eyes. She looked worst then ever.
“Why? Is it something I did?” She asked straying to stand up.
“No, no. It is all me. You did nothing wrong.” He said while also standing up.
“Then why are you breaking up with me? We have been together through basically everything! Why break up now?” She asked while starting to pace the room, she slowly came to a stop before him. “Don’t you love me anymore? Have you found someone else?” She asks tears beginning to form on her eyes.
“No of course not. I still love you, I just can’t be in a relationship with you. Can’t you just accept that and not be such a bitch about it?!” Logan siad silently whisper screaming the last part to not disturb the other people that could be around them.
“Oh I’m sorry that I want to know why my boyfriend is suddenly breaking up with me on my brothers home race!” She said now almost fully crying. “You know what I don’t even want to know anymore. Goodbye Logan.” She said while walking out of the door and closing it.
She walked out of the Williams garage back to the McLaren one, and as soon as she was there she saw her siblings. She asked towards them with her head low trying to hide her tears. When she did finally reach them they started to ask questions but she just shrugged them off. She asked her sister for the car keys not wanting to be there anymore.
She told them to tell Oscar where she was and that she was sorry for leaving so early. They tried to talk to her but that didn’t really work. So she just left the paddock and drove home. When she was finally there she got up to her room and cried… a lot.
While that all happens Logan was shocked at what he did. Of course he broke up with her but he didn’t think she would just leave. And he was also weeping worst with calling her a bitch.
The whole thing was bad for him; him not being able to race, him breaking up with his girlfriend and everyone staring at him with those damn stupid sympathy looks. This was the start of the worst few weeks- no even months for Logan Sargeant.
When the remaining Piastri family returned home the where curious with what happens to the youngest member. So when Nicole decided to check up on her daughter she didn’t expect to see the door locked and hear sobbing.
“Y/n, sweetie are you alright?” Her mother asked while knocking on the door. “Can you open the door please?” She asked.
Y/n slowly stood up from her bed and walked to the door to unlock it. As soon as she was done she laid down again. “It’s open.” She said a bit muffled because of the pillow she laid her head on.
Her mother walked into the room and saw her daughter upset. She slowly walked to words her and rubbed her back comforting her. Y/n slowly sad up against the headboard and looked at her mom. Her mom saw her teary eyes and brought her in a hug. They didn’t need to speak to know what happened. It was pretty oblivious to Nicole that something happened between her and Logan; she did come back from him crying after all.
“Hey sweetheart, what happened?” Her mother asked wanting to confirm her suspicions about what happened. But before the her daughter could answer there was another knock at the door.
Y/n looked up to see who it was, and it was Oscar. “Hey you alright y/n/n? I heard you left early, I was getting worried.” He said while also waking towards her. “What happened?” He asked wanting to know what happens with his (favourite) sister.
“It’s just… Logan…” she said quietly her voice breaking a bit
“What did he do?” Oscar asked wanting to know what his best friend did to hurt his sister.
“He broke up with me.” She said shocking Oscar and confirming Nicole’s suspicions.
“What? Why?” Oscar asked looked really shocked.
“I don’t know. He just said he wanted to break up. And when I asked why he said i need to ‘stop being a bitch about it’” she said crying more.
“He said that?!” Oscar asked getting more and more shocked with all that she says.
Y/n hummed and layer back down in her bad and put her face in the pillow. “Can you please just leave me alone?” She asked while trying to stop herself from making a sound.
“Oscar can you please leave sweetheart. I will talk with Y/n for a bit. Can you please hale your sisters and dad with setting the table? And can you get Olivia to come upstairs?” Nicole asked her son.
“Yeah, sure.” He said while standing up. He looked at his sister one last time before going downstairs to help the rest of his family and get Hadie to go help cheer his sister up.
After a few minutes Hadie came in Y/n’s room and saw her youngest sister and mum hugging while Y/n was crying.
“Hey y/n/n, Oscar told me what happened. You okay?” Hadie asked while walking in the room and closing the door for some privacy.
“I will be fine. Can we just not talk about it? This weekend is suppose to be about Oscar and the race, not me.” She said while looking at her oldest sister.
“Hey don’t talk like that. Of course it is a special weekend for Oscar, but you are important too. And I know for a fact that he doesn’t care that we give you a little more attention now because Logan is an asshole.” Hadie said. Receiving a look from Nicole at the last part, but they both chose to ignore it.
“I know, but still. Can we just not talk about it now? Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. I just want to enjoy watching our brother race.” Y/n said while wiping her tears away. Nicole and Hadie nodded at that and they walked downstairs.
After Chris, Mea and Edie gave Y/n a hug they all ate and did not speak about Logan. After they were done eating Y/n went to her room to figure out what to do with her life while the rest stoot up a little longer to just talk before going to sleep.
After the Australian Grand Prix, and Y/n avoiding Logan at all cost, they didn’t see each other for a while. That was because while some people may have free time, Y/n still had school and while she normally would would do it online to see Logan and Oscar race, now after the break up she devoted that it was smarter to just attend school in real life and have social contact with more people her age.
So the next time that they where close to each other again was the China Grand Prix, either her being there for Oscar’s birthday.
And while they where both exited with her being there looking back at it it maybe wasn’t the best idea. Because while Y/n was still in a heartbreak after the break up, Logan seemed to be fine, and moving on.
Because when Y/n was in the McLaren garage with Oscar and Lilly Oscar walked in the paddock with a girl… yeah, it seemed that he moved on.
After the pure torture that was watching Logan and the girl for the whole weekend Y/n chose to see what was going on. She knows that they broke up but she could get answers, right?
So after the race and the whole after ritual she de devoted to go back to the hotel, where Logan was also staying. She had asked Alex and Lilly (Alex’s girlfriend) what his room number was and they happily said it (not enjoying the whining that Logan did all the time).
So she walked to the room and knocked on the door.
Logan opens it.
They looked at each other.
And she slapped him.
He looked shocked.
But honestly, he deserved it.
“Come inside?” Logan asked hesitantly, not knowing what to do after she had slapped him.
“Is there anyone else?” She asked wanting to know if the girl was with him.
“Nope. All alone.” He said opening the door wider to let her in.
They both walked in the room and Logan walked to the kitchen and stood against the island. And Y/n begin talking.
“You know, I am not sorry for the slap. You are such an asshole to me. You break up, call me a bitch, don’t give me an explanation for either of them and then you show up with some other girl?! What the fuck Logan? You can’t do that to me! And i know that I will just forgive you cause I love you!… and that is the first I have said it and we are broken up and you have someone else and… ugh! It is all unfair. All I wanted to do is just comfort my boyfriend and than all this happened and now my life is shirk! And I miss you, and I just want you back, but I can’t have you back because you have already moved on. But I still love you and it’s not fair and-“ before she could continue her rambling she felt something in her lips.
Logan was kissing her.
He still liked her.
He is kissing her!
And it felt better then ever.
And of course she kissed back.
“Please shut up” Logan said after parting away from her lips. “I can explain just please, shut up.” He said with a smile on his face while looking at her.
“Okay so explain.” Y/n said still in a bit of a daze at the kiss.
“Okay so; the girl is just a friend, she really loves F1 so I gave her one off my paddock passes so she could have the full experience. There is nothing going on between us. And yes I did diserve the slap, I really was an ass to you, but I promise I have an explanation.
After what happened at Australia I begin to doubt myself and then I realised that you deserve better, so I broke up with you. Is was an impulsive and stupid decision I know that, and I’m sorry. And I am also so so sorry for that I called you a bitch, it was just that I was really stressed and angry at, well everything and I just lachend out at you. And again I am so sorry for everything. Can you please forgive me? I want you back again. And I love you too.” Logan rambled.
Y/n looked at him for a second before responding. “I also really want you back, but we can’t jump right back at where we where. I need some time. And I want to be with you and I can’t bear to be without you for any longer. So how about this; we get back together, but slowly. We will be a couple and all but we won’t move at an incredible fast pace, I still need to fully trust that you won’t just break up with me after an other thing happens. And the next time something big is going on, either ether of us; we talk.” She explained while grabbing his hand.
“Yeah, I’m okay with that. Everything to be with you again. And now Oscar can finally shut up with looking at me like I killed his cat or something.” Logan said relieved that he and his best friend could also make up after Oscar ignoring him and shooting him dirty glances all the time.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that. I said he should stop it but he didn’t listen.” y/n laughed.
“So… you want to go out to eat something now that we are together again?” Logan asked grabbing his girlfriends hand.
“Yeah for sure.” Yang/n smiled at him.
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chuusheartattck · 2 months
Chapter 26- Nobody knows ☕️
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Exhaustion was the only thing on your mind. You’ve been sitting in your studio for an hour staring at your notebook. You were trying to come up with new songs for your album but you hit a road block. You had no inspiration and the only thing that was plaguing your mind was Scaramouche.
What a joke. How dumb you were. He’s still stuck on your mind even after you “cut him off.” Scaramouche must be doing this on purpose.
Maybe you could use this opportunity to vent out the feelings you had towards him?
Ew as if.
The thought quickly went away when you realized you had to write a full length song about him. You sighed in frustration and closed your notebook. Writers block was the worse thing that has ever happened to you.
Well, one of the worse things.
As you were exiting the studio, you opened the door as someone was about to knock. The door accidentally hits them in the face.
“Holy shit I’m so sorry,” You began to say. It was only then you tried looking at the person, and met eye to eye with the man you were just thinking about.
You were more of a psychic than Mona with how much you think about someone and they appear right in front of you.
You slammed the door shut on his face. What the fuck was he doing here? How did he know where to find you?
Thoughts raced through your mind as the door opened again.
Scaramouche has entered the studio.
Your eyes locked and there was a long moment of silence. Neither of you knew what to say. His indigo eyes piercing into yours. He kept hesitating on what to say. His mind was going blank.
“Get out,” You spoke first. It was the only thing you could say at the moment. You might’ve missed his face, his voice, the way he would look at you in moments like these. However, it wasn’t enough to get you to be less upset with him.
“You’re going to hear me out.”
“Hear you out? Seriously? What more do you have to say to me?”
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started yelling at him again.
“Honestly, do you think I’m not upset with you? You repeat the same things over and over again. I’m not going to keep putting up with this you know.”
Something inside of him snapped and he raised his voice at you. He’s scolded you before on tiny things but this one was different. He seemed genuinely mad this time.
“Are you kidding me? Don’t put all the blame on me when you flirt with everyone you meet! Don’t act like you don’t do it on purpose! You rub it in my face and wonder why I get disinterested!”
You laughed at this. You don’t know why. Was it because you basically threw everything down the drain? Was it because you knew that what you’re going to say next will most likely change the way he viewed you? You didn’t care anymore. You felt as though this was past the point of no return.
“Did you ever wonder why I did those things to you? Did you ever look back at the context of my actions? It was whenever you acted like you barely knew me. After falling asleep on facetime, the next day you barely even looked at me in the halls whenever you were with your fatui friends.”
You looked down out of embarrassment. You thought it was embarrassing to admit you were like this. You hadn’t realize how deep your feelings were for Scaramouche.
“I fully understand why you did that now. How different you acted around our friends and switched up with those people. I would be friendly with other people to get your attention. It sounds stupid and corny saying it out loud but it was frustrating to deal with. Imagine spending so much time talking to a person and hanging out with them on some occasions with friends. Only to have them pretend you don’t mean anything to them because their other group of friends are assholes.”
It fell silent between you two. Scaramouche didn’t have anything to say. It was mostly out of complete shock at your sudden confession. You didn’t know what else to say because you felt annoying for even bringing this up to him. You didn’t want to seem like a clingy person for telling him all this.
You simply just chalked it up as a final confession before never seeing him again.
Is that really want you want?
You spoke up again, “It’s all in the past now so I’m no longer bothered by it. I guess my excuse now is how do I know you’re into me at all? Things aren’t the same as it was back then. There were some moments where I thought you might’ve felt something for me but it wasn’t enough confirmation. I’m being honest here when I say I had no intentions of ever ending up with Xiao. After the awards show I felt bad that you probably thought we had something going on. I was going to text you but news came out that you were spotted with someone.”
After those last words it became silent again. Another wave of embarrassment fell over you. Why were you telling him all this? You felt stupid for admitting this to him when you don’t even know what you are with him. It was like you were a crazy ex, only you two never actually dated.
Scaramouche took a step towards you. You didn’t step back. You just froze and continued looking at the ground.
“I’m not going to sit here and say you could’ve told me how you felt. It would be hypocritical of me because I know I’m not good at conveying my feelings either,” You heard him mutter.
You looked up at him.
“I guess I’m a bit sorry on how we turned out.”
“You guess? Either you’re sorry or you’re not,” You retorted. “Actually, don’t answer that.”
Your heart rate was increasing. Having a conversation like this with him made you anxious. You don’t know why.
Was it because he can be unpredictable?
“Go out with me.”
You gave him a perplexed look. What was he saying? Why now out of all times?
You were so confused. You didn’t think he was being serious.
“If you think like that then go on a date with me.”
Oh, so he’s not being serious. He’s just pitying you.
“I don’t need your pity.”
He took a step closer to you.
“I’m not pitying you. I wanted to forget everything about you after high school,” Scaramouche crosses his arms. “It wasn’t easy. I started dating rumors so I wouldn’t feel bad about the rumors with you and Xiao. It was a shitty thing to do on both our ends.”
He wasn’t wrong. You knew how the media would be with whoever you hung out with. You didn’t care to deny the rumors either.
“I’m only telling you this now because I ended things with Haypasia.”
You raised an eyebrow. What is he blabbering about now?
“Don’t you think you’re being too hasty? It’s not going to look good to anyone if you stopped seeing her and then start going out with me right after. Your fans will defend you to the core but what about me? I’m going to get chewed up and labeled as a home wrecker. I also don’t know if I could do something like this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, this is hard to deal with and I don’t want the press to make this even harder,” You sighed in exhaustion. “It’ll look better if I gave Xiao a chance don’t you think?”
“Stop bullshitting.”
You hesitated for a moment, “I’m being serious.”
You weren’t being completely honest. You frankly didn’t care how the media would perceive you because you knew your company would take care of it and it would die down in a few weeks. You were just scared. Scared of your feelings towards him and how he’ll deal with them. You didn’t know if he was going to crush you with them.
“Cut the crap. You hesitated before responding. You know you don’t want this. Stop lying to yourself for once.”
You didn’t respond. You only kept staring at his eyes.
His jaw clenched, “Do you think you can erase me like that?”
It sounded painful coming from him.
“I will. You’ve hurt me so much that it won’t take long to forget you. I’ve also hurt you so you should probably move on as well.”
You wanted to throw up after hearing those words come from your mouth. It isn’t what you want. It’s quite the opposite. You knew deep down this isn’t right.
The room was tense, the air thick with unresolved anger. Scaramouche’s eyes softened for a moment, but he quickly masked it with anger. “I don’t want to move on.”
You stood there, both your faces flushed with anger. Suddenly, the air shifted. His eyes flickered to your lips, and before you knew it, you were pulled towards him. Your lips crashed together in a heated kiss, all the pent-up frustration and emotion pouring out.
His hands gripped your waist tightly as he deepened the kiss. It was filled with all the anger, frustration, and unspoken words between the two of you. It was rough and demanding, a collision of emotions that had been held back for too long. Yet underneath it all, there was a desperate need, a plea for understanding and connection.
Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, becoming a dance for passion and fear.
When you two finally broke apart, you both were breathless. Only the heavy panting could be heard.
After realizing what had just transpired, you quickly took a step back. This felt wrong. You two ate each other’s faces after you told him you didn’t want to go out with him.
Scaramouche didn’t look at you, he turned his attention to the floor. Only muttering a simple “sorry” before turning around and leaving.
The door closed and you crouched down on the floor. You have no idea what just happened. You were left only confused. A flurry of emotions were deep inside you but you didn’t know how to react.
How were you supposed to react? Do you tell someone? What does this mean?
It gave you the biggest headache ever thinking about it.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Chapter 26!! I told you it was going to have an absurd moment. Tbh this was my first time writing a kissing scene so sorry if it’s lowk corny 😭😭
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @skyvella @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy @scaradooche @theyluvkatt @meigalaxy @noirechomps @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully @vxcmx @ariesloves @cayl33n @animeobsessed56 @heartsforni-ki @feikyuu @ichcocat @strayharmony943 @chscklvr @kunikissr @jiminscarmex @sp1ng @bananasquash @aceakariii @thegalaxyisunfolding @ariilies @hisfuture @automaticpatroltragedy @sartrst @cheriswag @kokomiskiss
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ricegobbler · 7 months
ok ngl I did this bc I’m bored. I might open requests, but idk yet bc I’m always busy. So I’m NOT opening any requests atm but I may soon!! I also didn’t do all the cons in this bc I’m so tired. So I’ll do the rest of them maybe tmrw.
Ok anyways this might be a lil bad since it’s my first time :( but enjoy either way!
Also I’m using ‘Y/N’ bc idk what else to use even tho I think I’m supposed to use it.
Warnings‼️: Mention of fighting(s), injuries, drugs (calling Megatron the druglord basically) slightly suggestive (mainly for Megatron and kinda for Knockout?)
(Megatron, Starscream, and Knockout)
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-Ah yes, our favorite drug lord☺️
-When he first saw you he thought of you as any other Decepticon on the Nemesis, a weakling basically.
-Every time he’d see you he wouldn’t really think much or care honestly, like I said, you were treated and thought of like any other Decepticon by the warlord. So the two of you wouldn’t rlly interact.
-But then, the first time you fought the Autobots in front of Megatron really changed his perspective of you. Yes, you still weren’t that special out of everyone else, but you did cause something special in his spark.
-After the battle, slamming Bulkhead into the ground, Megatron actually said something to you. Praising you for your strength and courage.
“I’m quite impressed, Y/N..” Megatron praised you, arms behind his back as he circled around you. “A fem with that much strength and power is quite…alluring~”
Your optics widened, feeling a bit of a shiver run up (or go down) your back. “A-alluring?…” You repeat, “Yes…very alluring..” he responded back, he then stood behind you and placed a servo on your shoulder, gripping it a little tightly.
“I’m quite glad to have you on our side~ you’ll be very useful….” He whispered into your audial.
-After that day he started treating you differently. Definitely favorite treatment. He wouldn’t get mad at you for your fails and would just brush it off, leaving the others (Starscream and Knockout) jaw dropped.
-Sometimes Megatron would com you to see him, privately. Whenever this happens the only thing that ever happens is some little conversation. Sometimes they’d be about the war, but mostly about each other and stories of both of your lives before the war. Sometimes he’d just praise you too tho, not that you minded though, praises from him were just 🙏
-I feel like he’d fall for some strong fem. Of course, he’d still be stronger. But he would love your strength, courage, wisdom and seriousness, and sometimes he’d get a little…riled up at the height difference between the two of you.
-When he finally confessed feelings for you (he wrote a poem and recited it to you💔🥹) you were treated WAYYY differently. Being called “my queen” or “my dear,” and he would fucking force the others to call you their queen.
-how he kisses?? Passionate. He’s so rough and touchy while kissing too omfg. PDA?? Hell yeah. He don’t gaf abt who’s around, he’d grab your waist in front of everyone and whisper the most…innocent..things to you!☺️
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-Our favorite high heel cunt!😝
-Just like Megatron, I feel like he wouldn’t really care about your presence, BUT, he would definitely talk to you about how everything goes in the Nemesis. While doing so I feel like he’d trail off and start talkin abt overthrowing Megatron💀
“-And then I get to overthrow that scrap of a warlord! YES! I will offline him soon and..” He paused and slowly turned his head to look at you, you just blinked confusingly and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Are you alright..?” You ask, “I’m fine. Moving on!..” he responded.
-Yeah. Anyways.
-When he first saw your skills against Autobots, he was surprised. He’s never seen a fem do that much damage. Of course, he doesn’t say anything about it. He’s pretty quick to brush it off anyways.
-Sometimes he’d just fucking burst in your berthroom and tell you orders. Why? Bc he’s SIC ig😒
Starscream bursting into your berthroom, “Y/N!” You quickly turn your helm to look at him. “Huh”
“As your second in command I order you to do [whatever idk]!” He yelled, hands on his waist and everything.🤦🏻‍♀️
-But the more you two interact the more he realizes he doesn’t mind you being around. He seems more comfortable with you. How would you know? He’d rant to you about how he’d make you his SIC once he overthrows Megatron😭
-Then he finally falls for you. I honestly see him being hella nervous around you but tried showing off to you. One time he tried showing off he could take on Megatron, next thing you know you brought him to the Medbay-
-the way he’d confessed would be so sweet but funny too istg.
“Y/N…I..I’ve fallen for you.” He said, “you what?..” you asked, he quickly stood up, transforming into his alt and flew through the halls of the Nemesis while yelling back “I LOVE YOUUUU..!”
-After that little fail you found him in his berth in the corner like he was in time out and you just giggled. You gently rubbed his back and smiled. You also told him you fell for him and his wings fluttered.
-He’s quite silly, and you loved that. Secretly in his berthroom you’d praise him and cuddle with him (he rlly needs it🙁) he’d call you names like “my spark” or “love.” PDA?? Yes, but not in public. Sure, he’ll hold your hand sometimes in public, but in the Berth is the best place. How he kisses? Amazing. Not as suggestive as Megatron, but they’re so sweet. Soft kisses<33
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-The best flirtatious man ever😍
-He heard about your arrival from the rumors around the Nemesis, at first he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know what you looked like and what your personality was.
-Everyday he’d wait for you to come to the Medbay if you had any injuries. Of course, you didn’t. So what a shame 😢
-But he’d hear any new thing about you from either Starscream or the rumors around.
-But when the day of you fighting the Autobots for the first time he was finally able to see you in the Medbay to treat some wounds you had gotten.
You, covered in wounds, entering the Medbay for the first time and meeting optics with Knockout. “My my my….you’re the new fem, hm? Nice to meet you Y/N, the names Knockout~”
-curse his flirtatious side.
-when he finally treated your wounds and scratches he just smirked at you.
“Thank you,” You said to him, “No problem, doll~ it was wonderful to meet you..” he responded.
-After that, the more missions you went on and the more you’d get hurt you’d stop by to get treated. Even the smallest wounds you’d get, you’d still visit him! You mainly liked his personality though.
-The more you came by the more he got comfortable with you, he’d start ranting to you about random things. Once, he ranted to you about his paint being scratched by Arcee and Bumblebee.
-Sometimes when Knockout had no one to treat you’d come by and talk to him. You loved his sassiness, it was so funny😭 you’d also praise him too, saying how you loved him paint and how shiny it was that day. In return, he’d praise you too.
-whenever you two hung out you would just sit on the medbays bed and swing your legs back n forth since you didn’t reach the ground. Knockout found it quite amusing, he’d definitely tease you for it.
-When the two of you got close, you started falling for him first. Mostly because of his flirtation…yeah…like I said, curse his flirtatious side😢
-Of course he’d still flirt with you, making you flushed everytime you’d leave the Medbay after your daily conversations.
-When you finally confessed he just started saying how he knew something like this would happen. He also felt the same, so yay! Then he started teasing you hella again.
-He’d obviously call you things like “doll” or “dollface,” like omg.😍 How he kisses?? Also passionate, not rlly touchy tho..he just holds you by the waist n that’s it. Praises EVERYDAY. Only if you praise him tho. PDA?? Same like Starscream, not in public.
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one-flower-one-sword · 8 months
"Gege, don't panic just yet. I'll repeat those words to you. Give them a listen."
"...Alright," Xie Lian said.
Hua Cheng's memory was exceptional, and he clearly and precisely repeated the words as soon as they left the area where the corpse-eating rats had gathered. Xie Lian stared intently at his lips as he pronounced a series of moderately paced and somewhat bizarre-sounding phrases. The words had a strange, ancient rhythm to them. Hearing them spoken with such steady control through Hua Cheng's lips made the notes deep, beautiful, and pleasing to the ears.
TGCF Volume 5, page 343
Mu Qing rolled all the silk veils into a ball and tossed them to the side, his veins popping slightly. "How would I know? Because all your clothes, accessories, and daily living needs were my responsibility back then. I washed for you, I mended for you - and every item in your wardrobe was unique. These statues are too detailed - everything is there, exactly the same, completely! When I saw those clothes, of course I knew which face they would have!"
TGCF Volume 6, page 50
For he had remembered something else: the tale of the red-clad ghost who set hundreds of civil and martial temples ablaze. Hua Cheng became famous overnight when he defeated thirty-three heavenly officials and obliterated every single one of their temples and shrines across the entirety of the Mortal Realm.
Xie Lian had long forgotten how many heavenly officials had fought him over that blessed land; their titles, their faces, and even the words they said were lost to him. He could only vaguely recall that there were about thirty of them.
TGCF Volume 8, page 24
Was thinking about Hua Cheng's memory while rereading these scenes and how he appears to basically have perfect recall. Yes, we know he can "record" things with his butterflies, but he only seems to be doing so during strategic moments. If he had recorded what the corpse-eating rats were saying, there would have been no need for him to repeat their words himself, but he does. And they were words in a language he could read but not understand when spoken, and he only heard them spoken once and when there was no reason for him to memorize them. And yet he can recall them perfectly.
Xie Lian wonders if the extreme accuracy of the statues' details is because the sculptor's mind was so filled with images of him and only him, and while that's not wrong, I do think it's remarkable that Hua Cheng was able to remember all those intricate details. After all, they're from a time where he mostly was only able to watch over Xie Lian from afar, and even when they were close for once, it was usually during very stressful circumstances. Yet years later, he can still recreate it all perfectly, to a point that, according to Xie Lian, not even Xianle's most renowned sculptors were able to.
Same with the thirty-three heavenly officials - Hua Cheng was a ghost fire during that time and again it were very stressful circumstances where he was actively trying to defend Xie Lian with what little power he had. And yet, even years later, even after he was almost dispersed as Wu Ming and out of his mind, he can apparently recall every single one of their faces and knows exactly who was there. It's a stark contrast to how Xie Lian has no idea anymore even how many there were, much less their names and faces.
Of course, at this point it's been several hundred years, so that's not surprising. Still, there are many moments like these where Xie Lian is confused and taken aback by Hua Cheng's strong reaction to things he himself can barely remember and often doesn't even really think about anymore. That's a multi-layered issue of course - for one thing, trauma messes with memory, and Xie Lian himself has stated things like that he'd rather remember the delicious meat bun he ate the day before than how he'd been trampled to death years ago. For another, Hua Cheng has reason to cling to those memories Xie Lian would rather forget because of his immense anger on Xie Lian's behalf.
This doesn't explain moments like with the corpse-eating rats though, since like previously stated there was no reason for Hua Cheng to actively try and memorize what they were saying. It can thus be extrapolated from these examples that he always remembers everything this precisely, whether he wants to or not, even if he only heard or saw it once, and no matter how much time has passed since then.
On the one hand, this would evidently serve him very well in cases like his worship of Xie Lian or his goals in aiding and protecting him. On the other, this would mean that every moment of suffering he went through - or that Xie Lian went through, which to Hua Cheng is the worst kind of suffering - will forever be present in his mind in perfect detail. To him, it will always be as if it happened just yesterday. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't forget, because there's no "off setting" to his perfect memory, it's always "on" and can't be overwritten.
I think this might also be a small but not insignificant part of what makes up Hua Cheng's palpable intensity and sharpness, and also contributes to the strong emotions he surpresses beneath his controlled exterior.
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woahiwrite · 11 months
Hi there! So if your uncomfortable with doing this request, it’s no worry at all. But if you aren’t, I was wondering if you could do a reader with ADHD x Bi-Han? Especially one that is very forgetful and struggles with that part of themself? Maybe first impressions? Look forward to seeing more of your work!
Bi-Han with an S/O who has ADHD
Warnings: Spoilers for Bi-Han's Tower Ending! Otherwise it is just fluff, I do not have ADHD so I "consulted with the Elder Gods" (my friend), so these are mostly based off of her! Gender neutral reader
Shoutout to my bestie for helping me write this(she basically wrote the whole thing I just edited it and added more onto it) she's a real one🤞🏾. Thank you for enjoying my writings!
• So Bi-Han at first will probably get easily irritated
• We all know how Bi-Han is
• You cut him off while he's talking?
• He's giving you a glare
• You forget something simple or move on with a task before it is complete?
• He let's out the most annoyed sigh, but he will redirect you to what was supposed to be done
• That is in the beginning though
• Explain to him why these things happen, how you are trying your best and aren't ignoring him or just slacking off
• It will take him a while, but, he will begin to understand
• Now if you are with him in important Lin Kuei meetings, and you wish to say something while he is speaking, all you need to do is tap his arm
• He'll understand
• Though he may still let out a small sigh
• Your input is always important to him, your insight a valued one, much like Cyrax and Sektor
• Which leads to another point
• If you are doing a task on your own, sometimes you might leave before it is complete, moving on to something else that catches your attention
• Bi-Han often watches you as you work for this reason, not hovering, but, keeping a watchful eye
• Think of the scene where he is watching Sektor work on the Cyber Lin Kuei in his tower ending
• He'll guide you back in the right direction, reminding you to finish fully before moving on to something else
▪︎"Not yet."
▪︎"What's wrong?"
▪︎"It is not finished, do not move on."
• He's a little rough, but he's got the spirit
• Whenever you successfully complete a task by yourself, and nobody is nearby, you are graced with a kiss on the head and met with a proud gleam in his eyes
• (Bi-Han may bring you up as a role model to Lin Kuei initiates, if you feel comfortable with it)
▪︎ "They are among the best of the Lin Kuei, it will do you well to be like them."
• If you ever have emotional outbursts, Bi-Han is there to listen
• He may grow visibly agitated, but he will not open his mouth, he does not want things to escalate
• Bi-Han never wants to fight with you, after all
• Instead, he'll swallow down his comebacks, and instead open his arms for you
• His embrace is sure, steadfast, you know he is always there for you to rely on
• Once you've spoken on everything you'd felt the need to, he does not make a big show of things
• Instead, he kind of acts like nothing happened
▪︎ "Alright, you can let go now."
▪︎ "So, Sektor has made some advancements in his work."
▪︎ "Huh?"
▪︎ "Walk with me to take a look."
▪︎ "O-okay."
• He used to get irritated when he had to repeat the same things to you over and over again
• Though, he doesn't get irritated anymore
• Instead, he gives you reminders
• His most used one is leaving you a letter, he usually gets up and out of bed a while before you do
• A mix of Grandmaster activities and also because Bi-Han likes to "always be prepared"
• Though he also gives reminders before bed
• When you both are comfortable, his arms snug around your waist, he will remind you of the activities of the day to come
• With a small kiss on your head to close the message
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
This is something I experienced as a child, that I don't fully understand yet, but it contributed greatly to me feeling like my parents are right and I must be stupid. I want to know if this happened to everyone else.
So there would be times when I would be under immense pressure from the abusers, and they would try to force me to understand a concept, but mostly by shaming me and yelling at me for not getting it and repeating some kind of, very general and non-explanatory claim that apparently should have been enough for me to get it. But I could not, in my brain, make a connection, I'm not sure if it was because at the moment I was terrified, pressured, ashamed and threatened, or if I was too young to figure it out. Sometimes my mind would go completely blank and I would not be able to take in new information at all, even though I desperately wanted to understand.
However, years later, I would remember that same thing, but now I had more context about it, more knowledge that surrounds it, more ideas on how things work, and even without thinking about it more, I would suddenly understand what they were talking about. I don't know if it's the additional knowledge of the world that would help me put it together, or if it was brain development, or something else.
I had a similar problem at school, where sometimes things would be explained generally, and I just didn't understand it, I couldn't see the process of how the thing worked, and it was being said like it was something easy to understand, that I should have figured out instantly, and other kids seemed to get it. It left me permanently confused and worried that I must be somehow stupider than anyone else.
But, again years later, when I ran away from the abusers, I looked at the same concept and it made perfect sense instantly, and I didn't know how I couldn't make sense of it earlier.
Nobody had ever bothered to sit down and explain anything to me, even in school I was expected to have basic knowledge and build up on it. But growing up abused meant the most simple concepts were not explained; instead parents would say whatever suited them most was the truth, or tell me to stop being annoying with my questions, and I was left in the dark over the inner function of, pretty much anything. Sometimes, even when I did learn something at school and came home with the new knowledge, they would decide that it was trivial, wrong, unnecessary, and simply false. Which also made learning harder because I had to question everything, at all times.
Not being able to understand what others could instantly made me believe that I was in fact, stupid, and it made it more difficult to believe my own senses, my own conclusions, it made it difficult for me to know that my own thoughts, opinions and conclusions had any value at all. I often ignored my own instincts and senses and took for granted what others told me, which later often proved to be false, and just manipulative misinformation.
After escaping abuse, my mind cleared up and I don't know if I can attribute it to my brain finishing its development, but things are now extremely easy to understand, and any concept I struggled with before, comes naturally to me. I think at least a part of it had to be about me being in fight-or-flight mode and whatever brainpower I had fully focused on staying alive. I could not figure out some concept that made no sense to me in such a state. I also think it's possible that I just lacked so much general knowledge, I lacked references to put those ideas into context, I could not connect the knowledge to anything I've seen or experienced before, because I had no experienced that many things, but other kids have, so they could make the connection.
I'm also suspecting that maybe, general and vague descriptions of things were something I rejected because I needed to understand something in depth in order to feel like I am familiar with it, if I only had the wide general idea, I still counted it as 'not knowing', until I had some intimate experiences with inner workings of it. And with more life lived, I had more experiences, and became familiar in a way that made me confident about understanding it.
Did anyone else have a similar experience, and do you maybe understand why it happens this way?
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 months
3zun data analysis part 2 electric boogaloo
So in my first post on 3zun data analysis I said I manually excluded all non-3zun ships in the 3zun tag to figure out how many of them were actually centered around 3zun.
So that's... actually not how i first went about that. Instead, I decided to, one after the other, include each 2-out-of-3zun ship, and then manually exclude every relationship not contained in 3zun. (leaving te other 2-out-of-3zun ships alone) Then, I'd figure out how many of these fics were exclusively tagged the ship I included, how many included only one of the other 2 ships, and how many included all 3, which would allow me to calculate how many 3zun fics in total had 2-out-of-3zun ships included but no other side pairings, which, upon being added to the otp:true fics, should give me the total number of 3zun fics exclusively focused on 3zun.
"Wow! That seems really inefficient" yes! But it did give me more information for this post. Because with these numbers, I can somewhat crudely estimate what 2-out-of-3zun pairing tends to get more narrative focus within 3zun fics.
Here are the results, data collected on march 18th 2024:
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There are 196 3zun fics tagged with xiyao and no non-3zun relationships. Of these, 151 are also tagged nieyao, and 137 are tagged nielan.
Coincidentally, nieyao has the same number, also 196, 151 of wich are also tagged xiyao, but only 117 are tagged nielan.
Then there are 159 3zun fics tagged nielan with no non-3zun pairings, with 137 of them also being tagged xiyao and 117 nieyao. (I hope you've all noticed those numbers matching up!)
by the way, here are the raw stats in just the plain vanilla 3zun tag, no filters, for how many fics are tagged with the different ot2s.
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Also, this has nothing to do with anything, but for nielan and xiyao i mostly had to filter out relatively normal side pairings, a few crossovers with mxtx's other works or different danmei, nothing too weird. But the nieyao tag had THIS
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JESUS/JUDAS??? IN MY NIEYAO?? It's more likely than you think!!
Anyway, to the complicated numbers! Selecting for all 3 after excluding everything else gives you 112 fics.
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With these numbers you can now calculate some really fun stuff. Taking the fics tagged with both xiyao and nieyao (151) and subtracting the fics tagging all 3 (112) you get the number of 3zun fics that are only tagged as xiyao and nieyao, excluding nielan. In this case: 39
"Couldn't you just exclude nielan on ao3" you have to understand I like doing things the hard way.
Doing this gives:
Fics tagged nieyao and xiyao but not nielan: 39
Fics tagged xiyao and nielan but not nieyao: 25
Fics tagged nieyao and nielan but not xiyao: 5
Generally tagging 2 ot2 pairings in an ot3 signals that either the relationship is a V and the excluded ship are not together, or that- even if they're a triad- the excluded ship doesn't feature in the narrative much. As you can see, xiyao is by far the least likely to be excluded here.
Now doing some more math (or, if you're normal, clicking a few extra times on ao3) will give you the fics exclusively tagged with one ot2 pairing besides 3zun. Generally that means that this relationship is the narrative focus, even if all of 3zun are together.
And these results actually surprised me.
Fics exclusively tagged xiyao: 196 - 112 - 39 - 25 = 20
Fics exclusively tagged nielan: 159 - 112- 25 - 5 = 17
Fics exclusively tagged nieyao: 196 - 112 - 39 - 5 = 40
I checked the answers by actually filtering on ao3 (making all my work redundant) and uh. Yeah. I had expected that, with xiyao being the least likely to be excluded, the most commonly tagged ship in 3zun overall, and simply the most popular ship, they'd be first here too.
And yet, not only does nieyao have more fics, it has more than nielan and xiyao combined. Despite having less fics in total than either of the other 2!
Out of interest, I repeated the experiment without manually excluding all the unrelated ships.
Basically, for each 2-out-of-3zun ship, I only filtered out the two other ships. This data will give us the same insight into narrative focus, just without excluding all other non 3zun rleated side pairings.
This time I just included one ship, and excluded the other 2-out-of-3zun ships. (the hard math comes later)
Doing this gives:
3zun fics only tagged xiyao: 45
3zun fics only tagged nielan: 33
3zun fics only tagged nieyao: 59
It's a less drastic difference, but nieyao still come out on top!!
What this means, I think, is that people with nieyao as their absolute favorite side of the triangle are a lot more likely to write 3zun fics than those for whom the same is true for nielan or xiyao.
That is to say: Someone who likes all 3zun pairings equally is more likely to write 3zun where the pairings all share narrative balance. And if you really really really love xiyao, and think nieyao and nielan are pretty ok but you don't go crazy over them, you're a lot more likely to just write a solo xiyao fic than you are a xiyao-focused 3zun fic. Idem ditto for nielan. But if nieyao is your absolute fave, you wanna put those guys in a throuple anyway.
What I'm saying is I think nieyaoists are the subfandom of triangular desire. Which... *looks at my own mutuals*... is the least surprising thing i've ever said.
Anyway! I didn't stop there! I wanted to see which pairings were more likely to get tagged together again. I also decided to make things even harder for myself!
Instead of filtering one ship at a time and seeing how many of each of the others were tagged alongside it, like i did last time, I only gave myself a few figures to calculate it manually: The overall number of tags each had in the 3zun tag (348, 328, and 284, as pictured above) the afformentioned data about exclusively tagged fics, and the number of fics tagged with all three 2-out-of-3zun ships (175)
Rather than a simple subtraction, I had to... Well i'm just gonna let y'all look at my notes app. I wanna stress that i could have looked all of this up in minutes and in fact did later to check my answers! No time was saved! A lot was wasted!
But I like number so 👉👈
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Fics tagged xiyao and nieyao but not nielan: 73
Fics tagged xiyao and nielan but not nieyao: 55
Fics tagged nieyao and nielan but not xiyao: 21
Once again, similar but slightly less drastic results.
With this I can only come to one conclusion: the fandom likes to joke about 3zun being a love triangle with xichen in the middle. But looking at these numbers? The real center is jiggy. Everything revolves around a-yao, baby!.
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tragedry · 6 months
This doesn’t really fall under any of the prompts (maybe 29 I guess), but how do you think an Ashler confession would go. (Or when they realized their feeling for each other)
okay, so i may have gotten a bit too wordy with this response, but this ask was the perfect excuse for me to talk about a particular hc i have for ashler (also, i will not be stopped when it comes to yapping about this ship, i'm afraid)
anyway, i see ashler as the type to act like they're already dating before they even realize that they have feelings for each other. the type where everyone can tell there's something clearly going on between them, but the two people in question are either oblivious to it or have just never considered it to be anything but a deep closeness cause they're just so used to the dynamic they've created together
another hc that i have is that ty fell first while ash fell harder-- where ty's resigned to the fact that he's got feelings for ashlyn and that it will not go away, not matter how much he tried to avoid it. so as they get closer, the more he represses his feelings (mostly out of fear that he'll end up ruining the friendship that he has with her)
but his feelings are obviously still there, so what does he do? he just does his best to be there for her. to showcase his love without hoping for anything back, because while he's made it a rule not to make his feelings for her known, that doesn't mean that he can't show her how much he cares. and he cares a lot.
in ashlyn's case, her feelings would come like a sudden crashing wave, where all of her thoughts and emotions regarding tyler would rise into a crescendo of intensity until she feel like she's drowning in her love.
the confession would honestly be a complete accident. they're doing something relatively mundane together, taking in the comfort that the other's presence provides them, and as their walls begin to lower, ashlyn makes a passing comment about her feelings for ty, and everything. just. stops.
ashlyn is wide eyed from her slip up while tyler is uncharacteristically silent, his posture rigid as his gaze bores into ashlyn's.
he'd ask her to repeat what she just said, but ashlyn (out of embarrassment) would try to stir the topic into something else.
tyler doesn't let her, and he basically forces her hand. and it all comes down to a simple, heart-stopping, 'i said, i might be in love with you'
everything after that is just the two of them crashing into each other in a fit of euphoria none of them has ever felt before, but will continue to feel for as long as the other let them.
(thanks for asking me about my pookies anon, i love talking about them sfhaslkfhaslfasf)
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icequeenlila · 1 year
Neteyam was wronged
This whole post is my point of view on things. Just an opinion. If you get offended you are a child.
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Look at him. Look at the suppressed anger in his eyes.
Just a few more years. A few more years for him to grow up, to become his own person, to gain more confidence and he wouldn't take this shit anymore. He wouldn't just duck his head when his parents ask "Where have you been?". Wouldn't apologize after hearing "You are his older brother. You are supposed to look after him.". Bc it's not his fucking fault that his parents lack in taking care of their children.
It's not his fault that Jake is unable to keep Lo'ak in check. That man is so emotionally cut off to his youngest son, that he can't even understand why he is behaving the way he is. He get's so frustrated with Lo'ak, bc he can't understand his motivations, his feelings. Bc, he doesn't put in the effort to just talk! To ask! To try to understand!
Is he entitled to tell Lo'ak off after he screwed up? Yes, of course he is. But that's just not how it works. There are two sides. Discipline, yes. Jake is good at that. But you also have to give your kids confidence, you have to reassure them, make them feel save. So, they will have the trust and confidence to talk to you, to reach out to you when they feel they need help or just love. Bc they are kids. Kids want their parents' love. No matter their age.
Just fucking talk to your children or the result will be this. You'll have a misbehaving child, you just can't figure out, bc basically you don't know them.
I'm getting a bit off the tracks but hear me out, pls.
Jake is trying. I know he does. And it's okay to make mistakes, bc it's just impossible to do everything right. Especially in parenting. But what's not okay, is to blame your mistakes onto someone else. Onto your oldest child. Bc Neteyam is their fucking child. Their child!
I'm repeating myself, bc Jake and Neytiri just seem to have forgotten that Neteyam is not responsible for his younger siblings. At least not to the extend his parents are expecting of him. He is the oldest but he is a child nevertheless. Their child. And he deserves to be treated as such. He deserves to get parented and not to be the parent.
May I remind you that Neteyam was the only person, who even noticed that Lo'ak was missing? I mean HELLO! The boy was missing for almost a day. It's literally night and neither Jake nor Neytiri think it suspicious their son isn't home yet. And still Neteyam get's scolded for not looking after his brother, despite him being the only one to notice bis absence?
What. The. Fuck.
They are at war, yes. They have all kinds of problems and things to take care of and like I said, everyone makes mistakes. But Jake and Neytiri decided to have kids, they decided to bring them into this world, to adopt Kiri. So, they are stuck with being their fucking parents. Not Neteyam! He didn't have a word in this and still he gets pushed into the parental role.
War. Yes. But as a parent you are always responsible for your children. You. Nobody else. Especially not your oldest child. Bc they are a child.
Neteyam is a child. Mostly grown up but still their child. Child! Child!
I just want to scream that into Jake and Neytiri's face. There were cute moments in the movie, yes. But most of their interactions just made me mad.
Just a few more years and Neteyam would've been able to step up for himself. Bc at some point you just realize how wrong the family dynamics are. But for that you need experience, you need time.
Neteyam didn't have time.
I'll probably make a part 2 on Lo'ak.
And a part for the whole "Who's fault is it" thing, bc that shit is fucked up.
Like I said, comment if you have something to say, but be kind. I will be kind in return.
Have a nice day and bye✨💙
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avirael · 16 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 08 - Intervention (Free Day)
Some days Rael began to understand why A’viloh thought himself cursed.
Their luck in the last months had certainly been miserable and the worst of it was that usually the next gut punch always came just when you thought things were finally going better again.
Their stay at Camp Cloudtop hadn’t been without issues but it had over all been a nice trip. The place had been marvellous even despite having to take care of Emmanellain. Of course he had gotten himself in trouble but with Lord Haurchefant’s help they had managed to save him.
Rael had enjoyed finally having some nature around again and A’viloh had seemed so fascinated and happy with everything. In the end both of them had a nice time at Camp Cloudtop were most of their worries had seemed far away for a short while.
The whole flight back A’vi and Haurchefant had happily chattered but strangely this time Rael had not minded it at all.
But then they had returned to Fortemp manor and bad luck had caught up to them again - in form of a messenger that had brought grave tidings.
Tataru and Alphinaud had been arrested. Someone had raised accusations about them, the gravest there were here in Ishgard. Heresy.
Whatever that is supposed to mean, Rael wondered, but it didn’t matter since clearly everybody else was taking this seriously and the two of them were soon to face trial.
And a trial regarding heresy was almost never decided in favour of the accused. So their only way of survival was said to be trial by combat.
If it hadn’t been so horrible Rael would have laughed about the absurdity of it all. Alphinaud, still more a boy than a man, and Tataru, the sweetest and most unthreatening Lalafell you could imagine, not only accused of plotting against Ishgard but also expected to fight for their lives. Alphinaud at least possessed basic fighting skills in form of his magic but the two of them against two veteran knights of the Heavens‘ Ward certainly didn’t seem like a fair fight.
The worst of it all was that no one seemed to care about it because they believed that if the two were truly innocent the goddes Halones would certainly intervene and save them herself. As Rael had sharply asked about how often such a thing had actually occurred, everybody got suspiciously silent though. It was absolutely ludicrous. And it made Rael unspeakably angry.
A’viloh however only seemed to be shocked and deeply shaken by the news, almost as if the trial was already lost and together with it their friends lifes.
“Please don’t worry, A‘viloh… I am sure there is something we can still do!”, Haurchefant tried to reassure him.
“Indeed there is something…”, Ser Aymeric, who fortunately was on their side, added thoughtfully. “Under Ishgardian law someone unfit to fit has the right to name a champion to fight in their stead. Master Alphinaud‘s magical talents will not have gone unnoticed, but Mistress Tataru on the other hand…”
He didn’t need to finish that sentence, Rael had already picked up on where this was going. “Let me fight in her stead. I will make these cowards regret they ever opened their lying mouths! They will never dare to -”
“No!”, A‘viloh interrupted. “I will fight.”
Everybody stared at him. He still looked miserable but there was something in his eyes except fear.
“I want to fight.”, he repeated a little more clearly. “Let me help for once! And after all Alphinaud already fights with magic. The knights however mostly fight with swords or lances right? Both of you would get issues with casting any spells at all if no one keeps them off of your backs….”
Rael wanted to argue. They theoretically knew that A‘viloh could do this, after all he wasn’t as weak as he sometimes thought he was and he had prevailed under stressful situations before.
But there was so much that could go wrong, although Rael had to admit that his reasoning made sense. Nonetheless they opened their mouth to protest -
“Please!”, the Miqo’te insisted before Rael could even speak. “Let me do this. I can’t bear seeing all of you in danger and just stand by doing nothing once again.”
Rael knew this never had been the case but for A‘viloh it had seemed that way, more often than once maybe. Of course he still blamed himself for not being able to do anything for their friends in Ul’dah.
Rael just hoped his nerves were strong enough to do this. “Are you sure? This is our only chance, A‘vi…”
He nodded and Haurchefant as well as Aymeric also seemed to believe in him. Maybe Rael would just have to believe in him too…
“Fine.”, they said but bit their tongue to say more. They didn’t want to make him think they doubted him but even if he failed Rael didn’t plan to sit by idly. They didn’t care about Halone or the church or some holy law. If anyone wanted to hurt their friends they would burn it all down.
“Thank you.”, A’viloh replied smiling weakly and Aymeric immediately focused on explaining the details of the trial.
The whole way to the tribunal Haurchefant explained what A‘viloh had to except of his enemies and together the three of them made a plan. It was a good one and still Rael worried.
In front of the building they stopped. Haurchefant patted the Miqo’te on the back and exclaimed, “Oh! And if you should begin to lose heart, look to me in the stands, and I shall cheer so loud, you will wonder how you could ever have contrived to doubt yourself!“
A’viloh smiled amused and then turned to Rael. It was good that he seemed determined to do this and still Rael couldn’t force themself to smile back at him. Instead they hugged him tightly and whispered, “Stay careful, A‘vi.”
For a moment he returned the Viera’s hug. Then he nodded determined, “I will! Don’t worry!”
He could do this, Rael decided. No, not just could, he would. He had faced more terrible foes than this already.
If the Ishgardians wanted to see this trial decided by divine intervention, they would get that. However no goddess would deliver this judgment but a small, brave Miqo’te with the heart of a lion.
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coffee-at-annies · 5 months
fic prompt: jars/ned 24 :)
24. really needed a hug sort of hug
Hi thank you for the prompt. Happy pens game day. Did you want sadness with dash of self loathing with your soft hug? No? Well too bad. Jars is having a bad time in this one. Ned is probably not much better but we're not in his POV. Set pretty immediately after the game on Saturday, though very heavily fictionalized.
Tristan and Ned haven’t talked to each other since the game ended. Tristan knows himself. Knows he can be mean after games like this. He’s not mad at anyone specifically. (Well maybe he’s a little mad at the skaters. He’s not mad at Ned at least). Mostly, he's mad at himself. He should have played better. What was the point of all this rest and practice if he couldn’t go in and save the game? What was the point of pulling Ned if he couldn’t fix it for him? For the team? What good is he if he can’t make the saves when they need him to? Every point counts in the standings and they didn’t get any tonight.
Everyone is frustrated and stewing in their own ways. The guys doing media are doing their best to hide it, to focus on the next game, but the atmosphere in the locker room is not good. Tristan knows he’s not helping. There’s a reason Ned is taking media and not him.
The minute the coaches let them go, he is gone. He should maybe see a trainer about his aching hip or start his post-game cooldown but he knows if he talks to another teammate right now he’s going to regret it so he does what he always does after bad games and goes to drown himself in the shower. At least nobody will try to talk to him there. Nobody will ask him about giving up yet another short handed goal, one that basically cost them the game. He’s so furious that he could scream but he’s bottling that up for when he’s home and won’t worry anyone but his dogs by doing it.
He spends a long time in the showers and finishes on autopilot, scream still bubbling in the back of his throat and rattling the hollow of his chest. Out of the corners of his eyes he can see the team tiptoeing around him just as much as they are each other. Tanger has that look in his eye like he wants to say something to him but knows better. They’ve got a good working relationship but if they talk now, it doesn't matter what they say, their words will eventually draw blood and they can’t afford to tear into each other like that with the promise of playoffs so close. Tanger always wants to be helpful but Tristan can’t stand the thought of being helped. Not tonight. Geno is thankfully keeping Sid distracted. As bad as Tanger can get, Sid is always, always worse. Plus snapping at his captain feels like kicking a puppy, and Tristan likes dogs too much.
Tristan should apologize to Karl. It was his night and Tristan couldn’t win it for him. Tomorrow. He’ll apologize tomorrow. He can’t. He can’t push the words out now. The scream is still there, blocking out everything he could say and filling his ears with ringing. He’s been answering people with grunts and nods in an effort to keep it contained. Andy isn’t happy about it - he’s got that look on his face like he wants to ask him to talk to the sports psychologist they keep on staff again - but he’s not said anything yet. Tristan just has to get home and then he can deal with all of that tomorrow. New day. New practice. New game.
He keeps his head down and gets himself through his post-game routine as quickly as he can. Its not actually quick, routines and meals and everything else slows things down to a crawl when he just wants to run - wants to flee until he can’t feel the weight on his shoulders and the echoing failure that’s been playing on repeat in his head. He's thought about the treadmills in the gym but he knows it won’t make him feel better even if it will tire him out. There's nothing in the gym that will fix the itching under his skin. He's tried before to no avail.
Nobody has talked to him since the game ended. He hasn’t seen Ned since he left the locker room while the other goalie was still doing media. He wishes he had the words to make it better but if he couldn’t apologize to Karl how can he say the right things to Ned? All his words feel caustic and bitter, tinged with the scream still trapped in his throat. He doesn’t. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He feels like he’s swallowing razors keeping everything contained but at least he’s the only one getting hurt.
Player parking is silent when he finally makes it out of the arena. The walk to his car isn’t long but it is empty. It’s the quietest place he’s been since he heard the final buzzer and the disappointed roar of the crowd echoing to him from his place on the bench watching the empty net. He’s still alone when he makes it to his truck. Maybe that’s why he notices that the two trucks parked next to each other aren’t as empty as they should be. There’s no light on in the cabin but Tristan can make out Ned’s silhouette leaning against the driver’s side door of his truck.
For a moment Tristan considers it. He considers just climbing into his truck and heading home. The scream, the ringing, the razor blades are all still there. He really doesn’t want to be around his teammates right now. There’s nothing nice left under the self loathing he’s been choking on for what feels like hours now. It’s Ned though. He’s been playing out of his mind for them and Tristan let him down tonight. Whatever he wants - whatever harm he inflicts - Tristan can take. It’s what he deserves.
Tristan heads to the passenger side of his truck and the space between the two vehicles. His footsteps aren’t particularly quiet in the garage but Ned doesn’t move. As he gets closer Tristan can see Ned has his face pressed against the driver’s door. The car doesn’t look locked so that's not why he's still here. He probably just doesn't want to go home. Tristan can understand the urge to just want to breathe for a minute in the silence before facing the rest of the world.
He walks up slowly, trying his best not to startle the other goalie. Ned still doesn’t move as he gets closer. When he gets within a couple feet, Tristan reaches out to tap Ned’s arm. There’s no way he doesn’t know he’s there, but it’s up to Ned to continue ignoring him or tell him to fuck off.
Ned doesn’t do either. Instead he takes a big shuddering breath and turns towards Tristan. Ned hasn’t been crying, Tristan knows what that looks like on Ned now, but his face isn’t that far off. The line of his mouth is twisted and upset, and his eyes don’t want to look any higher than their shoes. Tristan doesn’t know how to make it better. The thing in his chest feels like he’s been swallowing blood or bile or some other poisonous substance. Tristan works his jaw like he’s trying to figure out what to say but nothing comes out. The best he can do is step closer to Ned, as if his very presence isn’t something toxic that would best be avoided.
Ned takes another audible breath and bridges the gap between them until they’re pressed up against each other. His face finds its way into Tristan’s shoulder and he just continues to breathe heavily into Tristan’s suit. Tristan feels his arms instinctively come up around Ned to hold him close. He doesn’t know what his hands are doing but they’re somewhere around Ned’s back, hovering. At the motion, Ned pushes deeper into Tristan’s arms, his own arms coming up to complete the hug, his hands grabbing ahold of the back of Tristan’s suit jacket and fisting into the material there.
Tristan feels awkward and wrong just standing there before the moment catches up with him and he lets out his own deep breath. His hands land more firmly on Ned’s back, rubbing slightly up and down and he lets his head tip forward until his forehead is pressed against Ned’s hat, not dissimilar from how Ned was resting against his car when Tristan walked up.
They stay like that, wrapped up in each other, for a while; Ned’s fists an anchor in Tristan’s suit, and Tristan’s hands a soothing motion on Ned’s back. A lifetime of breathing exercises has their breaths syncing up almost immediately. Slowly, oh so slowly, Tristan can feel his spine soften. He can feel the ringing in his ears get replaced by the sound of Ned breathing into his shoulder and the footsteps of other players heading to their cars. The scream rattling around in his ribcage gets quieter, enough that he feels like he can breathe around it for the first time tonight. Tristan doesn’t know what Ned is getting out of this. He hopes it’s something he needed. Tristan did. Need it. The hug. He can admit it to himself even if the thought of words still tastes like ashes on his tongue.
Tristan has no idea how long they’ve stood there in the protective cradle of their trucks but eventually Ned lets his suit go and starts to pull away. Tristan has half an impulse to pull him back into the hug but he smothers it. They really can’t stay here even if it feels nice. Ned’s eyes are shiny, but not wet when he finally meets Tristan’s eyes.
“Sorry,” Ned says, an edge to his voice that sounds like self deprecation. “I just. Really needed a hug.”
Tristan should say something to reassure him. ‘It was no problem.’ Tell him enjoyed it. Say ‘thank you,’ but all he can get out is a smile that feels a little like a grimace. This isn’t the first time Ned’s seen him nonverbal but Tristan still hates being seen like this. The only person who gets it is Rusty and neither of them have the words to talk about it.
Ned looks like he’s going to apologize again so Tristan pulls him into another hug. If he can’t reassure him verbally, well physically seems to work. It’s a quick one, nowhere near as long as the one before it, but the apologetic slant to Ned’s mouth is gone when they break away.
“I. Thanks. It’s a new day tomorrow,” Ned says, turning back to his own car. “See you at practice?” He asks before climbing in.
Tristan nods his head before circling around to get in his own driver’s seat. Ned pulls out of the parking spot before him and Tristan follows behind in his car to the exit, both of them intent on heading home.
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diamondstripe1 · 3 months
How To Make A Dreamcore Story
(if you recognize this- yes, this is copy-pasted from my tiktok. same username on both platforms!! <3)
So i’ve been hyperfixating on dreamcore lately, BUT i noticed some of the stories are a bit clunky, so i wanted to provide tips based on both my experience with writing, and my experience with dreamcore as an aesthetic!! <3
DISCLAIMER!! Please do not harass any dreamcore story creators, even if the writing’s iffy- after all, they’re most likely young, and this may be their first time working on a project of that size. This is not to shame those creators, but to help steer them in the right direction!! :D 
Common tropes i’ve noticed
The school format
I noticed most dreamcore stories have the same format. The viewer heads to school, random student approaches, speedruns their introduction, then warns the viewer of an entity/other student. This isn’t exactly bad- there’s quite a lot of room to work with!- but after literal years of being repeated over and over again, if you don’t do anything with it, it can get pretty stale.
2. The playroom format
This format is a little less common, but it’s still present- possibly owed to that one tiktok sound. Basically, a character’s at an indoor playground/some other kid-friendly place, but then they somehow get stuck for years on end. Again, not bad (a lot more creative than the school format, i’ll admit), but again-again, it’s been repeated and repeated with no sense of subversion or general flavor. Keeping that up, it’ll get bland.
3. The mother-centric format
Speaks in the name- more popular than the playroom format, but less popular than the school format. The viewer unexplainably encounters a character proclaiming to be the viewer’s mother, and keeps them in her house. Other characters say to beware of mother, mother goes apeshit, yada yada somebody dies, the end. This format has a lot of potential (I find myself more invested than, say, the playroom or school format), but you have to be careful, because if you don’t use that potential, it’ll simply be lost in a barren of so many other mother-centric stories.
4. Object head characters
Moving away from story formats, since those are THE most prevalent. Now okay, object head characters aren’t exactly bad- i love those guys! But there are a *lot*- from my experience, it’s mostly eyes and tv heads. Of course, eye heads and tv heads aren’t bad! They’re just extremely common, and thus, many people will get tired of it.
5. Just a human world with distorted people
This one’s more of a personal pet peeve of mine than an actual trope, but since it’s very common, I figured I'd mention it. Now, if you don’t know where to start in terms of worldbuilding, that’s okay! We’ll get to that in a bit. But like- this is meant to be otherworldly, is it not? So why is everything so *human*? Now, you do have a writing opportunity with that- maybe it’s meant to look normal early on, and the non-human aspects creep through as the story progresses. But a lot of the time, it’s laziness. And it’s okay to be lazy, but there are plenty of ways to spice up the world your setting is in!
6. Cookie-cutter personalities
Again, more of poor writing than an actual trope, but it’s still common, so it’s worth talking about. There’s usually three character archetypes within dreamcore stories- ‘vaguely benevolent’, a generically nice character that’s usually just an introduction/worldbuilding crutch and not much else, ‘one-note bully’, a character with little personality beyond harassing people (that is very commonly seen in the school format), and ‘homicidal creature’, the entity/other student that the vaguely benevolent character warns about, sometimes going hand-in-hand with the one note bully. None of these are inherently bad, and they’re great as a starting point, but they are bland, if you can’t expand upon them.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s move onto our points- writing tips, character tips, and story tips. While the first two are good for any sort of story, the last one is more dreamcore-centric, in my opinion.
 Let’s start with a few writing tips!
Take your time. I know it’s tempting to jump into the meat of your story, but if you do without buildup, it’s gonna give your viewers whiplash- basically, avoid speedrunning. Here’s an example on what to do- if you’re going with the school format, have the viewer meet the character, have the character say their name/pronouns/whatever, have them find out yall are in the same first class, then walk to class together. Have the two get to know each other, through hobbies and quirks and whatnot, then once you reach the class, THEN you can share about the entity/other student. Nothing oscar-worthy, but at least you’ll be easing the viewer into the story, rather than infodumping all at once. 
Show, don’t tell. Pretty similar to the first point, but equally as important! Rather than spoon feeding all the worldly info to the viewer, have them discover it themself! For example, don’t just say “hey there’s acid rain and eyes that watch your every move and teeth as money”- have an event where the viewer steps outside, and is baffled to learn there’s acid rain. Have an event where they see eyes on the wall staring into their soul, and bail from the area. Have an event where they head to a store, and is disgusted when they find out the cashier only accepts teeth. This way, the viewer will feel more immersed into your world, and it’s a good opportunity to explore different places!
Please, god, learn grammar. Of course, you may be young, or maybe english isn’t your first language- and that’s okay! This isn’t meant to be a dig against you. But poor grammar can easily pull the viewer from the story, and if you want viewers, you gotta keep them hooked! Stiffness of the wording isn’t (usually) the problem here, it’s often punctuation, spelling, and capitalization- see the difference between these two sentences; “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t have come here.” “what ru doing here, u shouldnt have come hear”
Be subtle! Pretty much just an add-on to the ‘show, don’t tell’ bit. For example, if you’re making a twist villain, you don’t want them to be screaming in the viewer’s face and chopping people right in front of them, because then nobody will be surprised. Instead, maybe they say something about how ‘everyone always leaves them’, or they have something negative to say about literally every other character. There’s still a glimmer of mistrust, but it’s not too obvious, so you’re able to take the viewer by surprise.
I think that’s it? My other points fall into other categories- speaking of which… Character tips!!
Get creative! I know, it’s tempting to go the standard “eyeball/tv head face” route, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you explore beyond that realm, it’ll make you stand out, even if just a little bit! If you’re going the object head route, then I recommend putting some meaning behind the objects you choose, since that can add to your storytelling. For example, if your character is a husk of the person they once were, then maybe you could use a broken vase, or an animal skull. It can also work as foreshadowing! If your character is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ type, you can make them a literal sheep, or some other 'helpless' prey animal. Hell, you can look to symbolism specifically found in dreams- for a hopeless romantic character, you could use a red tulip, since in dreams, they represent intense passion and love. Of course, I recommend exploring outside the object people- are there shadow people? Dolls? What are the limits for you? Don’t be afraid to explore what you can do with your characters, because whatever you decide, it’ll make your story flourish.
Naming! I noticed people either name their dreamcore characters human-y names, or they’re named after the thing they are. Neither of this is bad, but you can explore a bit! Going back to the object heads, since that’s a lot of people’s comfort zones- let’s say you got a tooth head character. Rather than naming them Tooth or John, you can explore teeth-related name options- Canine, Veneer, Cavity, Fang, whatever. Nothing groundbreaking, but still, a bit of flavor’s appreciated. It can hint into your character’s personality, too! With Veneer, a veneer’s a custom shell that fits over the surface of a tooth, meant to improve their appearance. Maybe *your* Veneer’s a superficial bootlicker that boosts up and covers for the main antagonist of the story. As for another example, with Canine… Well, ‘canine poetry’ is all I'm gonna say.
Give their personalities flavor! Not everyone can be the three ‘vaguely benevolent’, ‘one-note bully’, or ‘homicidal creature’ archetypes. What are their hobbies? Little quirks and mannerisms? What is their trauma, if they have any? What is the reason to feel a certain way about a character? If you don’t know these things right away, that’s okay! Take some time to get to know your characters. What are your characters’ fatal flaws? Do your malevolent characters have any sort of redeeming qualities? How do your characters grow or regress throughout the story? Don’t be afraid to make your characters morally gray- it’ll only make them more engaging! (With careful writing, of course.)
Making the actual character. Now, picsart is a very popular tool, and it’s great for building a concept for how you want your character to look- and it’s perfectly fine to use that as your final, lots of people do! But my advice? I think you should try your hand at art. I know this sounds scary, but think about it! Not only will your story have a more personal touch, but it will also be a lot more expressive! If you don’t wanna draw them yourself, that’s okay- you can commission someone to draw the characters for you, or if someone’s willing to do it for free, take that chance!
Now, onto the meat of this guide- STORY TIPS!
Research dreamcore as an aesthetic. To put into simple terms- dreamcore is an aesthetic based heavily on dreams, nightmares, and nostalgia for something that never happened, or existed. Many people like to interpret this as pastel or bright imagery, mushrooms, eyes, vague text, trauma, comfort, etc etc. Of course, how you see dreamcore will influence how you create your dreamcore story, as there’s a lot of freedom in an individual’s dreams. This means you can stick to the common “mushrooms with eyes” formula (nothing wrong with that!), or you can go all out based on what you personally see in a dream, or nightmare.
Plot it out. It’s easy to just make stuff up as you go along- and while you can do that, you’re a lot more likely to create occasional plot holes, and general inconsistency. Take a moment to figure out what you want, even if it’s just a vague idea- beginning, middle, and end plot points may seem basic, but trust me, they’re essential to a coherent storyline. Your idea doesn’t have to be finalized, but you still need an *idea*, you know?
WORLDBUILDING. I can not stress this enough- please build on your world, make it your own. If you can’t think of any way to expand on it, let me ask some questions! Where is your main setting? What is the currency? How does time work- is it incoherent, like in actual dreams? What do living things outside of your ‘people’ look like, such as animals and plants? Are there common superstitions? Gods? What do the ‘people’ eat? What are the unspoken and spoken rules of this world? Build up as you go- you don’t have to figure everything out at once.
Get inspiration from dreams. The next few tips are gonna be “get inspiration”-esque, so buckle up. What are particular dreams of yours, or someone else's? What can you build around them? Maybe if there’s multiple, you can combine them in some way. On this topic, you can build on the inherent ‘quirks’ of dreams- for example, in dreams, time and wording are incoherent. Maybe upon exploring their world, the viewer may happen to find a clock whose hands spin at the speed of light. Or maybe while trying to uncover some sort of secret, they open some old book, only to find that the words change every second. Other dream quirks are ai-worthy hands, your reflection in mirrors never matching the actual you, flight, etc.
Get inspiration from various media. Personally, I recommend looking at analog horror for ideas- while analog horror and dreamcore are not the same thing, they do often have similar elements, which could be fun if properly utilized. Don’t copy/paste, obviously, but look towards it if you need an extra push. Another option can be looking at songs- spotify’s full of dreamcore playlists, if you don’t know where to start, though be warned, it can get a bit repetitive. Look at specific lyrics, or just the tone of the song- see how that makes you feel, and center your story around those lyrics or feelings. Yet another one is combining with another aesthetic- you can look at lovecore, cottagecore, gothic, etc. for ideas, since involving hints of other aesthetics can help build up the feel of the story that you’re trying to convey.
Get inspiration from your fears. While your dreamcore story doesn’t have to be horror (see; @/little.lizard.kisses on tiktok), dreamcore often has aspects of nightmares, which can be influenced by the things you fear. Fear of the dark? Maybe the viewer’s in a small neighborhood surrounded by an untouched, avoided forest, and the viewer goes out at night to explore it. Fear of being alone? Maybe the viewer’s in a liminal world where they’re the only person within it, and they’re desperately trying to search for someone else in this dreamscape. There’s many other fears, of course, but I encourage you to come up with your own ideas (though I’d still be happy to help!).
Music. Okay, done with the inspiration tips. Music is a good way to build up mood throughout your story, especially one like this. Though, many of the classic dreamcore songs (Hey Kids, School Rooftop, any Undertale song, etc) have been overplayed to hell and back, so it doesn’t hurt to introduce something new- here’s a few good playlists!
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8. Voices. Now, of course, you could go with the computer-generated voices on free websites- classic, and less of a hassle. But unless you tinker around with it, there’s less room for expression, and of course, after years of use it gets old. So what’s the solution? Voice acting! Either do all the voices yourself, get some friends to help, or do a casting call. It’s definitely a lot harder to put together, but it leaves the story feeling authentic! Of course, you’re free to do the computer generated voices if that’s what you wish- this is just something I barely see in dreamcore content, if at all. (And besides, having voice acting isn't a fix-all, just a fun, unique thing for if you're doing a video format!!)
I think that’s it!! If you have any questions, or need any help (story ideas, constructive criticism, etc), please let me know in the notes, or just message me on discord (same as my username- diamondstripe1)!! <3
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YOU RESPONDED!!!!‼️!!!!‼️ yourespondedyourespondedyourespondedyourespondedyourespondedyouresponded!!!!!
Thank you so much for responding! And as the official new -🍄 anon, I wanted to share another tidbit of thought that has been itching my brain for the kaiju au.😄
So! We already know that, like in the monster au, humans are very good at mimicking sounds and some can even use false vocal cords, change range, inflection, etc. at will! Now, given this information, I was thinking about how Yuu could use this to be an Absolute Menace!😂 Could you imagine, once Yuu figures out some sounds that the others freak out once they hear i.e. distressed sounds, the call for danger approaching, sound of a hatchling whining/crying, etc. and I am LIVING for the mental image of Crowley constantly running around like a chicken without a head becAUSE HIS FREAKING CHILD WON’T STOP TELLING HIM THAT THEY’RE DYING FROM A FRUIT STUCK IN THEIR LEG!!!!!! Idk, I’m also kinda imagining that even though Yuu is good at mimicking most of the sounds, they still don’t know how to string them together correctly to make a sentence that makes sense. Thus, a lot of very weird warning calls take place!😂 Do with this thought what you will! I have been laughing heartily at the scenarios I keep imagining!😂
Drink water, and stay healthy please!! P.S. you are my most checked blog.🥰💙
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This has got to be the most enthusiastic response I’ve gotten to a response I made! 😂 I’m glad I made your day as much as you made mine, 🍄 anon! :D And aww, most checked blog? I’m honored! QvQ
Oooh, yes yes yes! I absolutely adore mimicking menace Yuu!
The first week or so that Yuu would be spending living with these kaiju, you can bet that they’d be trying to teach Yuu how to communicate with them. In fact, that’s literally what Crowley was trying to do on the first day after unceremoniously adopting the tiny hooman!
Oh how chaotic it will get once Yuu overhears one of the other kaiju (*cough*Leona*cough*) grumble what essentially translates to “fuck you Crowley” and repeats the sounds to Nevermore. Poor Yuu has never seen any creature alive react so dramatically as though someone fired an arrow point blank into his heart after their attempt, let alone how Pridefang seemed to be laughing up a storm shortly afterwards! Imagine how confused Yuu was as they tried to figure out what they’d said…though it apparently wasn’t good if the look Crewelfang was giving them was any indication, let alone how pitifully Nevermore was squawking.
Here's a perfect rendition of how this happened and a slight spoiler behind our favorite lil’ monster~!
Crowley: “My child hates me!”
Crewel: “Calm down. They were only copying what they heard and didn’t even know what they were saying.”
Crowley: “After all the care and attention I gave them…I did everything right, and still they hate me!”
Crewel: “They’re human, Crowley—they understand us no better than we understand the squeaks and chitters they make.”
Crowley: “Ooh, the tragedy!”
Crewel: “Are you even listening to me?!”
Yuu: [“What the heck are they saying?”]
Grim: “Trust me, you’re better off not hearing this drama. It’s embarrassing!”
Yuu: [“Then again, it’s not like they even understand what I’m saying either, right?”]
Grim: “What am I, chopped liver?!”
Yuu: [“…if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you could understand me.”]
Grim: “What was your first clue? I’ve been talkin’ to ya the whole time, yer just not hearin’ what I’m sayin’!”
Crewel and Crowley: *stares*
Grim: “…what?”
Crewel: “…have you been able to understand what they’ve been saying this whole time?”
Grim: “Duh! Of course I have! Can’t you?”
Everyone else: “EH?!?”
And thus, Grimfang became Yuu’s impromptu tutor on “Kaiju Language 101”! It was slow going as it took Yuu a bit to realize that he was trying to get them to copy him, but eventually they were able to mimic the sounds he made. It started off mostly basic given he wasn’t taking this as seriously…at first. But he eventually realized that this meant he was the “teacher” and—of course—got a little mischievous with some of the phrases he was teaching the newest member of the pack.
Crewel: “How is the teaching coming along?”
Grim: “Great! Why don’t you show him, lil’ hench-human?”
Yuu: *pausing for a moment before yowling* “HALP!! Keep safe! Fruit mean!” [“…okay, I think…I said ‘let me go, I need to find home’…right?”]
Grim: “See? Aren’t I a genius?”
Crewel: “…I’m going to have to monitor these lessons of yours from now on.”
Now of course, you’d think that with Crewel guiding the lessons that things would go more smoothly…right? Well, it would be, but when the first year/youngest kaiju start coming into the picture, Yuu starts getting mixed messages in trying to mimic the new sounds they’re hearing. Yuu has their work cut out for them just trying to survive, now they’re having to try and keep the monsters happy by copying what they’re saying?!
And then, of course, we also wind up with misunderstandings on the other end as well. What’s a human to do when they’re tiny and their voice is small compared to the earth-rumbling growls and chirps of the kaiju? Why, scream, of course! Even if we wind up sounding like a broken squeaky toy, what better way to get the point across?
Yuu: *thinks the kaiju can’t hear them properly and is trying to ask for help getting somewhere* “Help! Help! Help!”
Jack: “Why is the tiny human screaming? There’s no danger around here.”
Leona: “Someone get this little tick away from me. I’m tryin’ to sleep.”
Yuu: *looking frustrated* “Help help help! Big meanie jerk! Leave nest!” *thinking they’re asking Leona to go back to the nest and not realizing that they called Leona by Grim’s nickname for him and just told him to leave his territory*
Jack: “!!! Yuu, no!”
Leona: “Why you lil’-!"
Ruggie: *wheezing laughter* “Okay, I think someone’s a lil’ cranky. Come’er, kitten.”
Yuu: *climbs on top of Ruggie’s snout and yips again* “Nest! Home! Help home nest!”
Ruggie: “Hm…? Oh. Oh! You’re asking to go back to the nest where Crowley and Crewel are, aren’t you?”
Yuu: “Nest home! Leave for nest!”
Ruggie: “Ah, now I see! Shishishishi~! You need to work on your pronunciation there, squirt. You might just make the wrong lion grumpy!”
Leona: “Tell the teach to give the lil’ runt better lessons before someone squishes them. I’m goin’ back to sleep…”
These are just some of the silly things that came to mind, though I’d honestly be tickled pink to hear more silly shenanigans like this that come to mind from you guys! XDD And don’t worry, I’ll be drinking plenty of water and making sure I stay healthy, so please do the same, 🍄 anon! UvU Looking forward to seeing more from you and everyone else that wants to share silly ideas or scenarios!
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I'm curious and can't remember if you've talked about/been asked about this before, sorry if I'm asking you to repeat yourself, but what are your thoughts on the entire 'Catwalker' situation that happened in Kuro Neko? And how would you handle that plot yourself?
So I did go into Catwalker a little bit here, and that was mostly on the subject of Adrien's feelings and the fact that it's understandable that he'd do that. He didn't put anyone in danger because he returned the Miraculous, but it was what he thought was better for his mental health which is a good choice!
As for my criticisms and how I'd change it......
I think I'd just delete the 'Catwalker' part of the episode entirely. Like, hear me out for a second.
Adrien was tired and fed up with how Ladybug kept leaving him out and treating him like a replaceable tool.
Coming back as a new identity would put him in exactly the same position. Like /maybe/ he would assume that the problem was 'Chat' and not that LB is just.... very much not down for sharing. But what does 'Catwalker' do for helping Adrien get past this issue?
So just skip that.
Another Akuma happens, and Marinette is forced to give the Black Cat to someone else because she can't figure out a permanent solution or how to get Chat back(since she can't talk this out.)
Maybe we get Alya as Alley Chat. Maybe we get Zoé as Kitty Noire. Maybe we get the Nino as Black Magic to counterpart Alya's Scarabella like we fucking deserve!!
Anyway! Who she picks really doesn't matter. But she has to get someone, because she needs a Black Cat. The fight goes off completely fine! It's great! No disasters! A little bumpy because the new Cat is inexperienced and LB's used to Chat, but perfectly fine and it could work even better with time!
And at first, this hurts Adrien. It proves his fears and insecurities right. He is replaceable. Anyone could use the Black Cat and save the day.
But something happens to cause.... basically the Ladrien version of Glaciator 2's Marichat. Maybe an Akuma is targeting Adrien so Ladybug and Alley/Kitty/Magic are playing bodyguard while waiting for the Akuma to show up.
During this, Ladybug opens up to Adrien. She doesn't spill /everything/ because 'he's a random civilian'. But she admits that she fucked up. That she was so scared of what would happen if she shared everything with Chat. That the idea that she has to keep everything secret and take on every burden is just so ingrained in her, especially after some incidents, that it fucked up everything. She loved Chat(platonically ofc) and she trusted him, but she didn't trust herself.
Adrien is, of course, shocked by this news. And to see her so distruaght. He asks about Alley/Kitty/Magic. Aren't they a suitable replcement?
Yes, they 'work'. But Ladybug doesn't care. She wants Chat back.
Adrien gives his honest advice on the situation: figure out a way to talk to Chat Noir. Tell him all those things she wanted to tell him. Resolve to work on those issues instead of shutting them down, but work on them together.
The rest of the Akuma stuff happens. Adrien gets to be helpful as himself yadda yadda.
Later, Marinette tells Plagg to go back to whoever Chat Noir is. Ask him to show up for just one last conversation with her. If he still wants to call it quits after that, at least let her say goodbye properly.
Ofc Chat does show up. And he's not sure what to expect on if LB took the advice or not. But she does. She explains as much as she can in one go. How scared she was. How she's the type to just deal with things all on her own and stubbornly refuse to ask for help or even let people help. She even tells him about Chat Blanc, how she doesn't know exactly what lead to that so even when she /did/ break and ask for help, she was too scared to choose him to tell because 'what if this leads to that'?
And despite all of this, she would rather risk that. Because she can't imagine a world without him by her side.
Chat's a bit thrown by the info dump, especially the Chat Blanc thing. But he's glad she told him. He's glad to hear how much he genuinely means to her(yes even as just a friend).
They resolve to work on this, and work on it together.
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thefanboyhub · 5 months
I said I could make an essay about why Cleaning/Organizing is one of my strongest coping skills so I am going to because I can.
(Writing and explaining myself are my other coping skills 😔)
Uhhhh TW: Trauma ✨(?)
For starters one of the things I've been forced to do since a young age— mostly due to the whole gender standards but also because of lazy fucking adults in my life— is clean. I would clean anything and everything, all they had to do was ask and I had to follow. It wasn't really that bad until after foster care. One of my mom's boyfriends at the time was a lazy piece of shit, claimed to be disabled but he wasn't, he was just extremely lazy and obese (not fat shaming but he was very clearly the unhealthy kind of fat, y'know the kind that actually does kill you) plus he didn't want to work. He'd have me and my brother do the laundry, have me clean just about everything (all at 8 years old by the way) except vacuuming because I wasn't tall enough to do it right.
That's wasn't the bad though I honestly didn't mind it unless it was a massive mess and made me wanna kill myself with how gross it was. The part that really traumatized me is a two parter and involves my oh so lovely Gran (she can fucking die and I'd be leaping with joy).
First part is the fact that if I didn't do a chore (which of course as the only "girl" and because girls "do things better than boys" I had to do the dusting, cleaning the table, vacuuming, and the bathroom I shared with my brothers, plus mopping once a month, my laundry and help my Gran do everyone else's laundry, AND CLEAN NY ENTIRE ROOM.) right or her way, I would have to redo it. I would have to redo it until I did it right. If it looked like I didn't vacuum, I was forced to revaccum the entire house again. If I didn't clean the baseboards right she would make me move everything off the walls and clean it entirely. When we had stairs, if I didn't clean them right I would have to redo them again. On top of repeating these chores over and over again I also got basically all my privileges taken: Phone, TV, Art supplies, my books a few times, going outside, and other stuff I can't remember.
Which led to the second part of this. I would clean and organize my room for fun when I had stuff taken from me. What else was I gonna do? I couldn't just sit there and daydream or sleep, I would be yelled and and grounded longer for that. So I daydreamed while I cleaned and organized my room. Sometimes I'd reorganize our kitchen and stuff, anything to be busy and not get yelled at or get brownie points so I can have something back.
This slowly became a habit for me. Grounded? Time to rearrange my stuff. Stressed? Clean the bathroom. Trying not to cry because she's right there yelling at you for attitude again for the tenth time this morning? Time to deep clean my room. Anything negative would trigger my response to clean and organize. Even if it's already clean I would clean it. It even got to the point where I clean myself too. I developed germaphobia. I was almost diagnosed by this one therapist I was forced to see at one point with OCD because of the cleaning habits. Fun times.
But some other stuff that contributed to the whole cleaning coping skills would be that it gives me control, a blank start, and physical activity. Moving furniture around, cleaning the walls (oh yeah she made me clean a wall with a toothbrush once. Halfway up the wall she let me switch to a rag so eh.) on my hands a knees scrubbing the tile floor of the kitchen. It helps me get the aggression that my mom and I worked so hard to keep under a tight hold out of my system. It makes me feel as if I have a new start when I'm in a clean space, specifically if I cleaned it. On top of that I also feel on control. The act of cleaning is controlling the environment. I have control over what I clean and how.
Anyways. This was all started because of today. I lost a friend (they aren't dead they just don't want to be friends with me anymore). I struggle with social situations and for 7 years I only had one friend and she left about a year ago. I was 15 when I finally started to have more than one friend. I've basically lost everyone at this point minus one maybe two but even then they get along better so yeah. I suck at making friends, socializing, and all that stuff. Which also means when I lose a friend it causes me great distress and makes me freak the fuck out. I started cleaning my room at 9 pm and I only got done with it at 10:23 pm so yeah. Coping skills yuh.
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